#i hope you like it even though it's pretty short
avatar-anna · 2 days
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i saw this post on and got inspired. enjoy!
"It was nice running into you."
"Yeah, yeah, you too. It was—I'm glad we could catch up."
You held your bag in both of your hands and leaned back on your heels, waiting for the sudden tension to cease. Harry scratched his neck awkwardly while you looked down at the cobbled streets beneath your shoes. When a minute passed and neither of you said anything, when two couples excised themselves to walk past you, you finally decided to break the silence.
"I'm headed this way."
"Me too. We can walk together?"
Harry extended his arm out, a clear message for you to go first, so you did. For a split second, his hand grazed your lower back in that protective gesture he always used to use when you walked anywhere. But that had been when you were together, and now you weren't, and even though his hand merely hovered awkwardly behind you, you swore you could still feel it.
"Your hair looks nice. I don't think I've ever seen it so short before," you said, needing to break the silence all over again before it consumed you.
"Thanks, I, uh, I shaved it a few months back. It's finally starting to grow in."
It must've been soon after your break up, you realized, quickly doing the math in your head. A change, a fresh start after the end of a long relationship. You understood that, knew neither of you needed to comment on it, or the fact that you no longer wore the necklace Harry bought you for your first anniversary, though you'd seen him glance down at the missing piece of jewelry multiple times since you ran into each other.
"It's cute," you said, resisting the intrusive urge to reach up and touch his hair, instead clasping your hands behind your back.
"Are you across the bridge?" Harry asked, gesturing to one of the many bridges that stretched across the Tiber.
"Yeah. How'd you know?"
Harry shrugged, the canvas bag on his shoulder slipping a fraction. "You always liked Trastevere."
You smiled, charmed by how Harry still seemed to know you so intrinsically. "And you? Are you staying in Prati?"
Harry shook his head before waving to a fan who had spotted him. He didn't stop, though, and kept walking beside you, asking about your family, specifically your grandmother, who was his Scrabble partner nearly the entirety of your relationship.
"Good. I play Scrabble with her on the weekends now. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm not a good enough opponent, but she'll never say it to my face."
"Graceful as always, your nan," Harry nodded in agreement. "Probably wouldn't say the same thing about chess, though."
"No, probably not. Do you still play?" you asked, tilting your head up to look at him.
He was so close, close enough that the sleeve of his green shirt grazed your bare arm. Close enough that if you really wanted it to the back of your hand could graze his. Instead you shifted your hand away.
"When I can," Harry said, his mouth twitching as if recalling a memory. "I've been focusing on writing most days, but I play whenever I'm stuck."
"How's that going?"
"How's work?"
"Sorry, go ahead," you said, blushing a little. Would it always be this awkward around him? You hoped not. Harry had been a friend first, and even though you knew you shouldn't,y you missed his companionship some nights. Lots of nights. Most nights.
"No, you go. Catch me up on all the latest drama at work."
So you did, falling back into familiar, neutral territory as you brought Harry up to speed on your co-workers.
Before long, you'd made it to the apartment you were renting, your palms suddenly warm as you searched your purse for your keys. You were stalling, you both knew it, but Harry didn't comment, nor did he leave, didn't offer any reason to finally say goodbye.
You knew this was where it was supposed to end. That a chance encounter with your ex in a foreign country really shouldn't have gone on this long. You knew that, and yet...
"Do you want to come in?" you asked, scrambling for any logical reason as to why Harry should follow you into your apartment. "I—I, uh, I could make us coffee and—"
"Please. I mean—Sure. That would be...that would be fine."
Relief flooded through you, though that was quickly replaced by a guilty sort of anticipation as you unlocked the door to the main building of the apartment, as Harry followed you up a couple flights of stairs, as he waited once again for you to unlock a door. When you were inside, when you set your things down on the small dining table, you turned to face your ex.
Harry's gaze was once again lowered to your collarbones, to the place where the necklace he gave you used to sit. Then he met your eyes, the expression in them clear. It was the first time you'd seen them since running into him today. He'd kept his sunglasses on the whole time, perhaps to hide his expressions more, because now that you properly met his gaze, you saw it all. Those green eyes you still loved so much betrayed his every thought, and you knew yours probably did as well.
It was hard to say who moved first. If you grabbed the front of Harry's shirt before he wrapped an arm around your waist and fisted your hair in his other hand. But none of it mattered when your mouth met his, when your hands traveled up to cup the sides of his face, your thumbs tracing the familiar planes of his face.
A graze of his teeth against your bottom lip had you gasping, had him smiling as if that was the exact reaction he'd been hoping for. You responded in kind by dragging your nails down his scalp, satisfied by the groan that vibrated against your mouth as his tongue caressed yours.
"This isn't—It's not—" you tried to say, losing focus as Harry left a trail of kisses from your jaw to the base of your neck and back up again. "This doesn't mean—"
"I know," Harry breathed, his forehead pressed against yours as he toyed with the bow that held the front of your blouse together. Your breath hitched as his knuckle grazed your exposed stomach. "This doesn't change anything. Now take this off."
You almost made him do it just because he ordered you to, but you knew why he wanted you to be the one to untie the knot of your blouse. It meant you were saying yes to this moment, it meant you were saying yes to doing whatever it was you were about to do.
So you pulled at the blouse until it came undone, leaving it open so it revealed a strip of bare skin going right up the middle of your body. The rest you would leave up to him.
Harry shrugged out of his own sweater and t-shirt before reaching out to push back the shoulders of your shirt until it was off completely, falling into a puddle of fabric at your feet beside his. His gaze alone was too much and not enough, more explicit than it had any right to be. He stood there and drank you in for a full minute as if in a daze, taking in every mark and imperfect like he was reacquainting himself.
It was hard to get the words out, but you managed. "Still broken up?"
"Yeah," Harry said, his eyes still roving over every inch of your body that he could see. Then he blinked as if remembering the situation for what it was. "Yeah, still broken up."
There wasn't much left to say after that, really.
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readychilledwine · 2 days
✨️ACOTAR Booty Headcanons✨️
💕Peep the thigh headcanons here💕
Warnings - Butts. Fanart of butts. Nakey butts. Bubble butts. Lady butts. Man butts.
Up next? ✨️ Hands ✨️
✨️Body Headcanons Masterlist✨️ Master Masterlist ✨️
Edited to add - short plus size Elain sneak peak
A/N - for @lady-of-tearshed, I hope this meets all your dreams, my love.
A message from Mother - You, my sweet dear reader, are gorgeous as you are. You are real, touchable, and made with imperfections that enhance your beauty and uniqueness. You are a treasure. Do not compare yourself to a single body on this list.
I like to start off strong..
Rhysand has a very bite-able booty.
He is slightly leaner than Azriel and Cassian, but he still has a firm butt.
Rhysand loves to wear tight slacks, just to watch your pretty little brain go blank when you see his ass.
He sleeps naked and it's hard for you not to just.. touch the booty.
To be fair, he loves to keep his hand (and hand print) on your butt, too.
Art by Amai actually just posted Rhysand butt fanart. Enjoy it below
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John Cena has been described as having a military grade ass with an inhuman body.
Cassian also has an inhuman body, so it makes sense that my guy has a military grade ass.
Cassian has butt muscles in places you didn't even know you could have butt muscles.
It is intimidating. Very intimidating.
But you LOVE watching this man walk. Especially when he's walking to the bathroom to grab towels for aftercare.
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Azriel's ass surprised you in the best way.
Azriel is lean compared to Cassian, so his bubble butt shocked you.
Much firm. Still jiggle.
You were ready for this jelly.
Azriel gets super shy when you tell him how good his butt looks, but he's like that one friend who secretly loves it and makes sure to wear the same pants/skirt/shorts the next time they see you so you are in love with their deliciousness again.
Sometimes, you just sneak up on Azriel and accidentally squeeze. In front of his family. But don't worry. He squeezes yours back.
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I'm disappointed I can't find this gif when I need it.
We can all hate on Tamlin as much as we want, but SJM herself says the man is muscular.
I imagine Tamlin was worried about his arms and chest being thicker than his legs, so he started hitting legs and glutes hard.
Then, the next thing he knows, he has a damn shelf.
He hates when you touch his butt though. He'd prefer you touch him other places.
But you bet your ass he is touching yours
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I stand by Lucien having Chris Hemsworth's body type.
Lucien had the perfect, truly bite-able ass.
You constantly have your hand in his back pocket.
You constantly are giving it a little smack so it jiggles.
You always walk behind him.
Lucien loves the way you worship his body. He's insecure about his scars, so you loving every inch of him helps.
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Daddy 🫠🫠
Eris has the captain America Dorito proportions build, and I hope all of you know *exactly* what I am talking about.
I imagine Eris as slim muscular, and when I decided to do these, I needed him to have Chris Evans's ass
I mean look at it
Imagine that ass in Eris's finely tailored clothing.
Imagine that ass getting off a horse.
You're touching him. Constantly. And he loves it.
He loves that you seem to think he's some sort of God.
And he really loves it when you touch his butt because you begged him to treat you as his equal, meaning that ass of yours is in his hands quickly.
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You know when a guys thighs are so thick they become one with his dump truck? Helion.
He actually requires a CDL for his ass.
You can't really tell until he's naked and turns around due to the thickness of his thighs, but this male has ass for days.
And his ass is FIRM. There is not an ounce of fat on him.
He considers his ass a trophy of sorts, so touching it is only for those privileged to.
Luckily you have that privilege.
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Oh, look.. I included the Archeron sisters
Don't accuse me of doing our girl dirty, but I picture Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit when I think of Feyre's body.
The reason you can't accuse me of doing her dirty is because the things I'd do if Halle Berry told me to do them are extreme.
I picture Feyre as very lean, very cut, and she had the cutest baby bubble butt.
She's definitely the friend who thinks she has no booty until you help her find the right outfit for the booty.
She also blushes whenever you touch it.
She wishes it was bigger sometimes, but a few spanks in, and she's telling you she's perfect as she is.
I wish I could find a better picture of this 🫠
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Nesta I also picture as tight and lean.
For some reason when I read her, I picture Adriana Lima, but with blonde hair.
Maybe it's because I think Nesta has sultry vibes?
Nesta tries to keep herself small. It's ingrained deeply into her head because of her mother and grandmother that she has to be small.
She's also constantly training, so it keeps her tight.
She may not have the biggest ass, but that thing is the best apple you've bit
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If you don't know by now, you're about to: elain at minimum is slim thick.
I personally see truly happy glowing elain as mid to plus size, and I'm hoping for mid to plus size elain once this stupid shipwar is over.
Right now, though, elain is slimthick.
She's still recovering from her spicy sadness days, and her recovery has her doing squats in the garden
Ass. For. Days.
It's why she actually doesn't wear pants. She tried once and every almost had a collective mass failure heart attack.
So now, her booty is reserved for you and you alone.
You love it when she wears cheeky things in the bedroom.
I imagine elain is super into impact play because she loves the way you compliment her recoil.
I think she's secretly proud of her booty. She just doesn't want anyone else to know. So sssshhhh.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp
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raineandsky · 2 days
Hiiiii, love ur writing!!! May I request a story about the strong and undefeatable villain getting some head injury (maybe concussion) during the battle with some third party, and after that peacefully resting on a bench in alley, but then hero finds him and decides to help, even though these two don't like each other. Pretty please 🐹☘️💗
your please was so pretty i couldnt not write this! i really enjoyed this one, i hope you do too :D
Part of the hero’s job is helping those in need. Stopping when they cross someone lying on a park bench, in the dingiest, darkest part of the park, just feels normal to them in the moment.
That is until they notice who it is.
“[Villain]?” The hero can’t think of anything else to say. Their hands are already halfway to the cuffs in their pocket. “What’re you doing out here?”
This is the part where the villain leaps up with a laugh about how the hero’s fallen into a trap, leaping into a monologue before the inevitable battle.
But instead the villain opens his eyes to glance at them, his gaze not fully focusing on them, and simply says “‘m tired.”
The hero crouches down to his level. It’s clear he has no intention of getting up. They open their mouth to say something curt, distrusting, but they stop themself short.
They’ve noticed the blood painting the other side of the villain's face, dried into his hair and on his skin. Panic flutters in the hero’s gut. How bad is it? What happened? Their training only covered the basics of first aid. This wasn’t part of it.
He looks so small like this. The hero had always thought of the villain as indestructible, perfect in every evil way. But this—he’s defeatable, he’s normal, he’s human. Just like the rest of them.
They carefully push the villain over, earning a disgruntled “eugh” that they ignore to brush his hair away and take in the damage.
“Are yo’ shoes clean?” he says shortly as the hero grapples with a tissue from their pocket. “I think… I’m gonna throw up.”
“Please don’t.” They carefully take their tissue to the villain’s head, which he tries to cringe away from. “Can you tell me what happened?”
“What happened to you, [Villain]?”
The villain’s eyes train on the hero's idly, unseeingly. “There’s stars on your face.”
“Okay. Okay.” Blood has turned the tissue into a crime scene, but it’s making little difference to the state of the villain. “We need to get you some help.”
It barely even occurs to the hero to do otherwise. A hero isn’t a hero without the soul to do the hardest parts of kindness, they know. To show mercy to those who might not deserve it. To help those who likely don’t want it. To show the villain compassion they know they’ll never get back.
The hero pulls the villain upright, with absolutely no help from the villain. They get him sitting up and he almost keels straight back over the moment they let go.
They settle on the bench next to him, careful to hold him up. “How’re you feeling, [Villain]?”
“I hav’ the… worst headache.” It comes out disjointed, like he’s piecing the sentence together as he says it. The hero pulls his arm over their shoulder. “Wha’s going on?”
“We’re going to the hospital.” The villain barely reacts to this, when before the hero probably would’ve had to drag him there kicking and screaming before. “We’re going to stand up, okay?”
The villain sways on his feet as the hero pulls him up, a slight stagger almost taking them both down. “Oup,” he says with a short breath of a laugh.
“Okay,” the hero says again, more to themself than to the villain. “Let’s get you fixed.”
The hero walks the villain all the way to the hospital, the journey slow and full of close encounters with the pavement, and makes themself at home in his hospital room.
The villain would never do the same for the hero. They’re a villain. Obviously. That’s why the hero is the good guy. They'd expect nothing less.
But when the villain wakes up properly, coherent and all-there, the first thing out of their mouth is an absolutely seething, entirely genuine “thank you.”
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ughgoaway · 2 days
hi ace!!
"you can pretend all you want, i can see the fucking mess you’re making of yourself.“ with teacher!au would be sooo hot😋
hi, my love!! thanks for requesting this, I had fun trying to work out what to do for this one. hope you enjoy!! 18+ only please, mdni!!
content warnings; arguing (with Jamie lol), fingering, joint fingering swearing, use of a mirror, and light spit play.
word count; 2.4k ish!
p.s, I'm quite rusty with writing, so I'm really sorry if this sucks!!! this has been proofread, but I'm so bad at seeing errors so sorry if there's loads lol <3
“Oh fuck off Jamie, that’s not what we agreed and you know it.” Matty huffs down the phone. you hear Jamie raise his voice on the other side even from across the room, so you know something really fucked him off, and he clearly blames Matty.
Matty seems just as pissed off with him, rolling his eyes and pacing at the end of the bed as he speaks, “Don't talk to me like I'm a child. Jesus Christ. Just- okay- I'm hanging up now. No, I don't care, Jamie! It's not my fucking fault you cant organise shit!” every word exchanged between them is getting gradually louder, and Matty’s hands start moving wildly as red hot words erupt from him.
You sit against the headboard and watch Matty get more and more irate with every second, and you can't deny it's making you feel something. Maybe it's because he's generally a calm huy, despite what people may think. Or, calm at home anyway. Not so calm when he's screaming about fascist governments on stage. The boys always joked that fatherhood mellowed him out, and from the stories you heard, that sounds about right.
But seeing him growing angrier by the second makes your skin tingle, that same electricity you feel when he’s on top of you whispering filthy demands into your ear. Suddenly, the fabric of your pyjamas feels scratchy against your skin, begging to be slid off and thrown onto the bed beside you. Without thinking, your hand slides under your top, rubbing against the overheated skin of your stomach as your pinky finger dips below the hem of your shorts gradually.
“What a twat,” Matty starts to rant as he marches over to you, staring down at his phone with a frown on his face. “He’s annoyed at ME just because he can't organise anything! I told him I couldn't do next weekend and still-” Matty stops dead in his tracks when he finally reaches you, his eyes tracing over your face and studying you suspiciously. 
“You alright love? Your cheeks are all red,” he says worriedly, his hand coming up to feel your forehead. You can't help but lean into his touch. The feeling of his skin on your was charged with something, making the flush covering your skin darken immediately.
It's then that Matty realises why your cheeks are a pretty shade of ruby woo and why your once calm eyes are black with an emotion he didn't immediately recognise. You want him. Something about seeing him shouting down the phone made you horny. He couldn't help but smirk at the realisation, already forming a plan in his head as he slid into bed next to you.
Instinctively, you move towards him, trying to feel the warmth of his body against yours. But before you can throw your leg over his, Matty guides you between his legs, facing you towards the end of the bed and pressing his chest against your back. His hands immediately start moving over your body, massaging your arms and shoulders before moving further down slowly.
He pulls up the hem of your shirt slightly, only showing a few inches of skin, but it's enough to make you gasp, leaning into his touch and sighing blissfully. Closing your eyes as his fingers trace the soft skin of your abdomen. One of his fingers dips below the hem of your shorts ever-so-slightly, so quickly and delicately you would've missed it if you weren't so turned on you wanted to scream.
His fingers stay there, though, just teasing and dipping below the elastic until you open your eyes again and see his staring into yours in the mirrored wardrobe doors that sit at the end of your bed. He nods slowly, almost questioningly. He wants to know if he can take your shorts off if he can see you. 
You move so slightly that no one else would see it, but your soft nod combined with your whispered, “yes.” is all Matty needs to slide the fabric over your hips as you lift them, smiling softly as you feel the fabric move down your legs and off your skin.
Your thighs part without you thinking, staring at Matty as you spread your legs. His eyes hold yours for a few seconds, but he can't keep them there for any more time than that. Instead, they drop to between your legs. Suddenly, the whole mess with Jamie melted away from his mind and you feel him stifle a groan at the sight of your wet core, his hands instinctively moving to your thighs as soon as he sees you. The intense need to touch you overpowering any thoughts he could have, every once replaced with your name on a loop.
“What got you this wet, baby? Tell me.” Matty whispers in your ear, his soft voice cascading down your neck, goosebumps rising in its wake. Every brush of his digits over your skin was torturous, fingertips dipping between your legs and hovering above where you needed him most. Instead, they move to the soft skin of your inner thighs, leaving featherlight touches that make you whine.
You throw your head back against his shoulder, begging him to touch you properly with soft cries as you buck your hips, desperately needing to feel his fingers inside you. You swear the air around his fingers is thick, and every time he edges closer to your clit, your skin heats up in anticipation. But that same cold feeling overtakes you when he slides his hand away from your core again. You know he wants to hear you, he always does. Forcing words out feels impossible but when his hand teases your tender skin again, you manage to mumble needily.
“S’nothing. not important, please, Matty.” You whimper, closing your thighs around his hand to keep it trapped. 
“you can pretend all you want, I can see the fucking mess you’re making of yourself,” Matty smirks as he slides his free hand over your arms, watching cockily as he sees goosebumps rise in the path of his touch. 
“Fuck- s’just because of you. You look so good when you're angry. Please make me feel good.” The words pour out of you within seconds, not being able to think about anything other than Matty’s fingers inside of you.
“Good girl, so good telling me what got you this wet. You like seeing me like that, hmm?” Matty waits until you start nodding furiously, wanting to make you wait just a few more seconds, letting his ego swell even more. 
“Don't worry baby, I'll make you feel good,” Matty smirks as he speaks, forcing apart your thighs by hooking his feet around your own, pulling them open and watching as your slick glows on your skin, covering your inner thighs. You think he’ll tease you again, but whatever god there might be finally has mercy on you, and his hands start moving to where you really need them.
Heat rushed to your head the second his fingers finally sunk inside you, feeling them crook and hit that spot that made your hips jump, chasing more of him. His other hand grips your jaw, fingertips digging into the soft skin of your cheeks and forcing your head forward, making you stare at your reflection in the mirror. 
Rosy red cheeks and lust-filled eyes meet yours in the reflection, looking fucked out already. You stare at the mottled red flush creeping up your chest and neck, obscuring the freckles that cover your skin, your desperation clear from the vision in front of you. 
Your pulse quickened as you looked back at Matty’s reflection, watching his tongue dart out and wet his lips. His eyes don't meet yours, instead staying focused on the image of his fingers inside your cunt, watching in awe as they skink into you, seeing your wetness spread further and further down his digits. 
Focused eyes watch as his thumb meets your clit, and just for a second, they flick up to your face in the reflection, just to watch the way your jaw shakes and the whites of your eyes become the only thing visible, uncontrollably rolling into the back of your head.
His pace was slow and deliberate, playing you like one of his guitars, moving his fingers with the same precision he uses on stage. The haze in your head was making it impossible to focus, pleasure already pooling at the base of your spine from each purposeful curl of his fingers. 
Calloused skin brushes over your bud, sending shocks of electricity up your spine, licking every nerve as it shoots inside you. You can't help but gasp at the feeling, sucking in air desperately. Butterflies hammer against your ribs as you look at Matty again, seeing the deep pools of his eyes filled with pure black, trained on your body, studying every move you make.
Matty twists his head, reluctantly pulling his eyes away from your core to press a kiss to your temple and whisper in your ear, stopping his movements and moving his thumb away from your bud as the words drip from his lips like honey, “Explain what I'm doing to you baby, tell me how I make you feel, hmm?”
You shake your head, wanting Matty to just keep on moving, but the seconds without him inside you drag on, and you lose the fight in your head. “You're- fuck. You’re torturing me.” You pout, wriggling your hips and trying to get Matty to move again, pleading to feel that same push and pull of his fingers.
“Oh s’that bad, is it? Why don't you show me what to do then baby, teach me a lesson, yeah?” Matty laughs teasingly as he removes his fingers from inside you, the wet noise of the loss permeating the room along with your pained whimper.
You nod needily, moving your hand down to meet Matty’s between your legs and puppet it, pushing his fingers deep inside you, one of your own sliding in with them, guiding his digits. You suck in a breath as you stretch to accommodate your finger along with his, joining Matty’s as they press further inside you before pulling out slowly, watching your arousal string between them.
“Faster” you whisper, keeping your eyes laser-focused between your legs, watching your nearly manicured nails gripping the skin of Matty’s hand and speeding up his movements. He listens immediately, and soon, that slow torturous pace is replaced by quick frantic pumping, your slick dripping down his wrist with each rock of his fingers. “Fuck, yeah. Just like that.” you pant, bucking your hips in time with each thrust of his hand.
“Rub your clit” Matty demands, clearly deciding your teaching moment was over, and he was back in charge. His pulse was racing under his skin as he stared in the mirror. Anticipation filled his body, his mind hazy as he forgets to breathe whilst watching your reflection. He studies the way your nipples harden under the flimsy fabric of your vest, watching your chest heave with every desperate breath. You slide your finger out from inside you, holding eye contact with Matty as you slide it up to your clit.
But your finger doesn't stop as he expected, instead, he watches with a dropped jaw as you bring it up your lips, tapping your fingertip on your bottom lip before pushing it inside your mouth, moaning wantonly as the taste of yourself fills your mouth. Matty mouths “fuck” in the mirror as he watches, keeping his eyes trained on you. He watches wonder as you swirl your tongue around your digit, studying the way your saliva strings from it as you pull your finger from your mouth, smirking at Matty with each move you make.
Just as your spit-soaked finger touches your clit, Matty's other hand grips your jaw and forces your face to meet his, pressing his mouth against yours and forcing his tongue in your mouth, chasing the taste of your release on your tongue. The feeling of his lips on yours as his fingers move with abandon inside you, and your finger rubbing your clit was too much for you, and within seconds you're cumming with a shout against Matty’s lips. Your whole body shakes as overwhelming pleasure rocks your body, waves of bliss radiating under your skin.
“Fuck!” you cry out, letting the intoxicating feeling of pleasure crash over you, your eyes glazing over as the seconds drag on, time melting with each rock of your hips. Your hand clutches Matty’s, your nails leaving crescent moon-shaped marks in his skin, trying to ground yourself with the feeling of his fingers still inside you.
Matty watches intently, a flushed look covering his face as his skin glistens from the thin layer of sweat that covers him. Seeing you fall apart because of him will never get boring, seeing everything leave your brain and be replaced with all-encompassing bliss was a sight he couldn't compare, nothing made ego fizzle up his spine like watching you completely at his mercy.
Once the waves subsided, your grip loosened, and Matty pulled his fingers from inside you. You whimper at the loss, but Matty gently shushes you, forcing you to open your eyes and make you watch him place his fingers inside his mouth, smirking around them as he sucks them clean, groaning at the taste of you. Weakly, you slap his arm with a giggle at his exaggerated moans before turning around to face him, matching his smirk and opening your mouth slowly.
Wordlessly, you and Matty have a conversation, his raised eyebrows asking if you're sure and your slow nod telling him you've never been more sure about anything. His eyes stare into yours as his mouth moves over you, guiding his hand to your jaw and cupping as he spits into your mouth, using his grip to force it closed and watch you swallow. His eyes follow your every move, studying the way your throat bobs and smirking when you open your mouth proudly, showing him your clean tongue.
“Dirty girl” he whispers, smiling at you with crinkled eyes, letting them trace your every feature as you grin back at him, giving him a peck on the lips and settling into his arms contently.
“Mmm, your dirty girl, though,” you respond quietly, smiling happily when you feel Matty press a kiss to your head, both of your bodies sinking into the bed below you and letting the warmth pull you under.
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hypnoneghoul · 1 day
Hyp. Your awesome. Your writing is awesome. Could be kinda awesome if you wrote some good ol' RainDrop in a bit of an enemies to lovers or a classic hate fuck situation? Only awesome if ur feeling it, obviously. If not that's cool. Just thought I'd ask to see if your awesome brain came up with anything 🤭
heheh thank you! i had some lore kinda thoughts and it turned into whatever this is. they're not fucking (yet) here, but the enemies to lover vibe is strong. I hope it's okay :3
(and look at my new divider by the amazing @ghuleh-recs!!!)
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“What on earth are you doing with that bass?”
Rain jumps at the harsh voice of the other ghoul. He thought he was alone in the practice room—and maybe he was, but obviously not anymore.
“Playing,” he replies, trying his best to sound sure of himself and confident, but it comes out more as a question.
“Making an even bigger idiot out of yourself than you already are is what you’re doing,” Dewdrop scoffs. Rain tries to ignore that pang of hurt in his chest at his words, but it’s hard when every single day for the last weeks all that the fire ghoul’s been doing is showering him in hate. He thinks he may just about have had enough.
Still, he lacks the courage to do anything about it, anyway. When it comes to flight or fight, Rain chooses the former over and over again.
“I’m just gonna go if you need the room,” he says quietly and turns to put his bass away.
“Sure, go abuse that thing somewhere else.” The water ghoul has no idea what Dewdrop is on about. Maybe he is doing something wrong, but how would he know? He doesn’t have a mentor to teach him like all the other ghouls that were summoned to their pack with him.
Rain sighs, packs the bass and turns to leave with his head hung low.
Before he can actually leave, though, Dewdrop stops him. He stands in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest and he’s glaring up at Rain as if he has expected him to do something else.
“Who told you to pick like that?” he asks. Rain’s eyes are dragged to a wrinkle between his eyebrows. It seems permanent, always there with his frown, but the water ghoul thinks he could actually be really pretty if he just…got rid of that everlasting anger etched in his features.
“No one,” Rain tells him the truth. “I’ve been trying to figure stuff out on my own.”
“Why?” Dewdrop asks, seeming completely oblivious. Rain gets a little confused now, too. He knows the fire ghoul’s history, he knows it should be him teaching him his instrument. Did Dewdrop himself forget?
Suddenly Rain gets bolder.
“Well, I don’t exactly have a teacher,” he says louder, straightening up. “I’m doing my best, unlike someone.”
“The fuck’s that supposed to mean?” Dewdrop growls and takes a step forward. He’s small—way smaller than Rain—but the pure fire in his eyes can intimidate. Still, the water ghoul doesn’t move.
“You know what! You can’t call me an idiot for not being great at something I have zero idea about just because the person who was supposed to teach me decided to…I don’t know, hate me for no reason!”
Dewdrop’s eyebrows shoot up.
He looks like Rain’s words…got to him and the water ghoul doesn’t know how to feel about it. Is it just a calm moment before the storm, is he about to be burned to the ground with Dewdrop’s anger? His anxious brain manages to come up with a multitude of doomsday scenarios in those short moments.
But what happens is so very different from all of those scenarios.
Dewdrop looks down and scoffs as if he’s regretting what he’s about to do, before he swiftly reaches out and grabs Rain’s arms to keep him close when he stands on his tiptoes and presses his burning lips against the water ghoul’s cold ones.
Rain huffs into the kiss in surprise, but quickly finds it…nice. He relaxes and kisses back and it’s getting more and more heated with every second.
A few moments later it’s Rain who begins to peel the other’s clothes off piece by piece. Neither of them knows what happens, it’s like they black out and in the next moment they’re tumbling on the floor naked.
“Fuck me, Rain,” Dewdrop pants and the water ghoul likes the way his own name falls from his lips. His voice is pretty. “Fuck the hate out of me.”
Well, Rain can’t exactly waste a solution to fixing his own problem?
Can he?
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spence-whore · 2 days
Movie Night
Spencer Agnew x Reader
Request: what request are you the most excited to write? also what would spencer be like during a movie night? I’m just curious
A/N a couple of things before we get to this imagine! One, I’m not sure if you wanted this as an imagine but I thought this would be cute as one, so I’m writing it. Secondly, I’ve been really excited to write all of these tbh. I feel like the ones I have been really excited about though are the ones being inspired by certain songs. I have gotten a few requests for song based ones and it’s just been exciting because it’s been music I love and even some I have never heard of before. So, it’s been a challenge trying to think of my own way to interpret it to Spencer and an imagine! Last thing, this is pretty short but i hope it’s still good.
You and Spencer have known each other since you were in middle school. You were childhood best friends, which eventually turned into high school sweethearts. You moved with Spencer to California, which led to you getting a job with mythical and him working for Smosh. It was like the best of both worlds. The two of you don’t get a lot of time together compared to what you used to get. So, the two of you do movie nights every Wednesday night. You cook some type of food and get a bunch of snacks and sweets. You pile it all together on the living room table. While you’re doing this, Spencer makes a pillow fort on the couch and gets everything set up. Sometimes he will come into the kitchen to attempt to annoy you but he just gets roped into helping you fix something.
Tonight was movie night and the two of you decided on the classic, Napoleon Dynamite, for tonight.
“Spencahhhh” You shout in a fake Italian accent from the kitchen, “Can you come here for a second, my love?”
“If you’re just gonna pull me in here to make me help you make some sticky dessert again, I will actually cry.” Spencer says walking into the kitchen and laughing. “Listen, you remember what happened last time. I had to shower before we got to even start the movie.”
“Oh, whine about it why don’t you.” You say sarcastically, shooting Spencer a glare. “It wasn’t my fault anyways. I was literally just icing cupcakes and you thought it would be funny to smear icing on my face. So, I simply got you back. It was your fault. I just got lonely and didn’t want to be in here alone.”
“Y/N, I was literally like a few steps from you.” Spencer says laughing really loudly. “But hi, I’m sorry I left you all alone. I will stay in here. I’m finished up in there anyways.”
“I’m just putting these cookies on this sheet. Once the pizza is out, I’m going to stick them in there.” You explained, nodding your head towards the oven. “We can just start the movie and eat the pizza til the cookies are done then I’ll grab them.”
The two of you seriously like to go all out with unhealthy foods this night since you try to eat decently healthy every other day of the week. As you finished putting the last of the cookie dough on the sheet, the oven went off and Spencer stood up to grab it for you.
“Please remember to grab the oven mitt this time. We really don’t need a rerun of you burning the shit out of your hand then having to cancel movie night.” You quickly said with a smile on your face.
“Good lord, you’re never going to let that down, are you?” Spencer muttered while sliding on an oven mitt to grab the two small pizzas. “Are you sure you’re always up to doing all of this cooking and baking? I feel like today is really the only free day we get together. We could just always order food from somewheres and go pick up snacks and desserts from the store.” He rambles while walking over to the table to place the pizzas on it.
You shrug your shoulders, keeping your back to Spencer while you walk over to the oven and pop the cookies in. “I always just feel better knowing that everything is home made. I ate fast food so much as a young adult in college.” You turned around to face him. “I made a promise to myself that whenever I got out of college, no matter what, I would make the time to cook something to eat for myself; even if it is something small. Plus, I always like incorporating things you like or haven’t tried yet in the mix. I always like surprising you. You always praise it, so it gives me that drive to want to do it more.”
Spencer just stared at you with a love struck look on his face then walked up to you and yanked you into a hug. “I wasn’t complaining about it and I hope you know that. I mean god, I’m beyond thankful for a partner that loves to cook like this. If we’re being honest? I would probably live off of fast food all throughout the week if it wasn’t for you.” He whispered into your hair then kissed the top of your head.
You just laughed really loudly into his chest, “I’m going to be honest with you, that’s another one of the reasons I do it. Fast food makes anyone feel icky and weak. I like knowing that you can get a good meal and actually feel good throughout the day. I guess it’s like my love language.”
Spencer pulled back from the hug and placed his hands on both sides of your face for a minute just looking at you. “I love you so much and I hope you never forget that.” He gave you a quick peck then nodded towards the kitchen table. “I’ll grab the plates if you cut the pizzas?”
You nodded then grab his face really quickly before he could walk away to give him another kiss. “I love you too goofy ass.”
You walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a pizza cutter while Spencer grabbed two plates and walked over to place them on the table while you were cutting the pizzas.
“Oh wait,” You said just remembering. “You’re gonna love me even more. I went and bought more Mountain Dew Kickstarts because I realized you were almost out. I also bought two single ones, one of you and one for me, tonight.” You say with a soft smile on your face.
Spencer aggressively kissed you on the cheek then walked over to the fridge to grab the drinks. “You ready to watch the absolute masterpiece that is Napoleon Dynamite?”
“Spencer, this is like the seventh time we have watched this movie this year and it is May. You would think at this point, I would be tired of it. I’m so excited to watch it.”
Spencer chuckled at you and shook his head, “You’re a dork. I’m taking these drinks into the living room now. Do you need help carrying anything?” He asked turning to look at you.
“Nope, I got it all here bub. Just grab my phone because I set on a timer on it for the cookies.”
You carried the two plates into the living room and could’ve just cried walking in there. Spencer always goes all out with the pillow forts. It looked so big and so comfortable. He always had laid out so many different candies and popcorn in two huge bowls on the living room table. You placed the two plates of pizza on the table and realized he had also went and bought you new flowers to put in your vase, to replace the ones that were starting to wilt.
Spencer looks at you with the most serious look on his face then in Napoleon’s voice says, “Gosh, can we start the movie already?”
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ilovejeongintoo · 3 days
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𝔽𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕎𝕒𝕪
!WARNING NSFW Content ahead! !MDNI!
Genre: Fantasy, Kitsune Mingi x Reader, Smut Wordcount: 3544 words Not proofread
I literally got this idea after making a bunch of Moodboards for Ateez and became kind of obsessed with creating more and more.
Summary: You get lost in the woods, trying to find a way out, you stumble upon somthing that you only believed existed in legends.
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Almost tripping again, you adjusted your backpack for what felt like the nth time. You only wanted to go explore the woods near your grandparents’ lodge, being as it was the middle of summer, nothing bad could happen.
What you didn't account for was, how unfamiliar the terrain would be. You've been here countless of times before, summer vacation, festivities, get-togethers. But none of these dirt trails branched to the house.
It was only after listening through half a playlist and the sun shining even more brightly than when you first left, you noticed. You've tried basically everything, going back the way you think that you came from, marking trees and just straight up yelling for anyone that would be close.
Finally getting enough of all this walking and almost tearing a muscle in your ankle, you sat down on a big root coming up from an even bigger tree.
The sun was thankfully not shining directly onto your skin and frying you, but that didn't help all that much, considering that you were still covered in a thin sheen of your sweat.
Getting your water bottle out to try and calm your heart that wasn't just racing from the exhaustion of climbing a few hills, but also from finally realizing that you might be in actual trouble if you dont find a way back.
Leaning back against the tree with your head and closing your eyes, right hand still holding the open water bottle, you managed to relax a little.You opened them again when you heard a rustle in some bushes right next to you, looking into that direction, nothing was there, absolutely nothing.
Though the leaves rustled again, this time your eyes stayed on the foliage. Then it happened again and again. Curiosity was making your legs itch to go take a look as to whats making all that noise. You stood up, slipping off your backpack and closing that bottle. You slowly stepped up to side, reaching out for the plants planning to look what would be there, when something jumped out.
It startled you so badly, that it caused you to let out a loud shriek and tumble onto the floor. In a very ungraceful manner, great now your shorts were covered in dirt and sweat, just fantastic. You turned your head trying to catch a glimpse of what almost gave you a heart attack, and there it stood. A pure white fox, snow-white fur on display, not a speck of dirt. Which is weid considering it should be a wild animal. It stared right back when your eyes didn't move from its fluffly looking form, deep and dark eyes almost hypnotizing you.
Slowly you came to a sit on your haunches, your knees still touching the natural floor, as to not startle the little thing. "Hey, it's okay, I'm sorry for startling you." You called out softly, as if it would somehow understand what you're saying. It continued to stare for a few beats before it turned with a quick whip of its head, running off.
You don't know what possessed you to do it but you immediately got you things not even putting it into your bag, holding it in your hand and going after the little pale fluffball. You were hoping that it didn’t run too far off, and you were right, just in the distance you saw it jumping and climbing a few rocks.
You put your whole body into following, trying not to lose sight of it. Though when it took an unexpected turn into more bushes you scrambled into the same ones a bit later. Instantly you stopped though, faced with a pretty shrine that looked in pretty good shape considering that it was in the middle of nowhere.
There was a long pathway made out of rock pads reaching just up to a flight of indigo-colored stairs. It looked like a traditional Japanese shrine, the ones you saw at historical attractions. From the curved roof to the straw looking walls, it felt so peaceful situated so deeply in the forest. The natural lighting of the sun gave it an almost mystical feel.
You went along the path, looking around your surroundings, taking in everything. Even the air here felt different. The stairs didn't even creek when you put your feet one after another up them. The sliding door in front of you looked very tempting, you paused your hand just before it. Hesitating if it was really such a good idea to go exploring a building like this, abandoned, even if it didn't look like it. Though you quickly shook that thought out of your head when you saw the sun now a deeper orange color gave you an answer.
You opened it, being greeted with the smell of tea, and… the white fox. It rested in a small ball of its own fur, curled into itself, seemingly asleep.
You put your bag down with one hand after quietly sliding the door shut. The inside was just what you expected of the room, traditional looking paintings hung on the wall, some compact plants. There was a round, maroon table situated just on the left of the foxling, it was clearly meant for sitting down at it and enjoying a cup of tea, since there were small utensils to drink and some sweets on a plate on top of it.
They were clearly used a moment before. You decided to wait here, hoping the person that got those snacks would shortly make their way back. Though after a few minutes or so, you grew bored quickly and tried to reach for the fur of the fluffiness next to you now. Though just before your fingertips could brush that same fur the door behind you opened with a loud noise. With it followed a loud scream, which made you yank your head in that direction.
You were greeted by the sight of a tall man, very tall as you dragged your eyes over him. That wasn't what surprised you the most, it was the black ears on top of his head that perfectly matched his hair that left you speechless. A coplayer? A pretty immersed cosplay as he was wearing a traditional Yukata. His outfit was well coordinated, as a whole, dark but it seemed to have lots of layers, or maybe he must have a lot of muscle.
"What the hell is a human doing here" His eyebrows furrowed as he took you in. Okay, now he was even playing up the speech. This was getting weird, no matter how good looking he was. You stood up, noticing the fox left and stayed at the man’s side.
"Hey look, I'm not here to cause any trouble. I got lost in the woods and that little dude over there-" You pointed to the fox, "led me here." "You can continue your little cosplay session, I just wanna ask where the nearest city is? Or if I could use the phone here, if there is one?" You looked around a little. Training your eyes back on him after not getting an answer from him after a while. He was still stood there… now just staring at you.
"I don't know what you're playing at, but I'm not gonna fall for the "I'm lost" scheme, I know people like you."
Like you? What the hell was he going on about? Before you could respond he continued: "You people come here, trying to steal offerings, disrespecting a sacred place." He had his arms crossed now, just radiating an energy that told me to leave. So, you got your backpack, not willing to deal with a weirdo that's cosplaying in the woods and that thought he was some kind of god of this place.
"If you don't want to help, just say so. But I really need to get back to my family, so either you make this fast so I can be out of your hair faster orrrr, you can make this more difficult so I can stay longer." You were starting to get irritated with this guys’ attitude yourself. He gave you another scrutinizing look, trying to figure out if you were lying, before sighing and opening the door. One foot was out the door when he turned his head, jawline on display he asked, "Are you coming, or do you actually want me carry you back to civilization?"
You got the cue to pick up your backpack and followed him out. He even walked like he was straight out of a comic, hands behind his back, weirdly resembling an old grandpa.
Now that you were just keeping up with him, his legs making a big distance with each step, you got the chance to really look at him. Mostly straight only slightly arched dark eyebrows, that were complimented by small but feline looking eyes. And a sharp nose that led to a set of very plump pink lips, angular jaw and smooth skin. He looked more unreal by the second. You snapped out of your thoughts when you remembered, this was a full-grown man, and you were alone here with him. Besides his poor attitude to you kind of trespassing on his property, if it even belonged to him, he didn't seem all that bad. You could slowly start to recognize some flowers that you definitely remembered from your previous stays here, so he must be leading you in the right direction somewhat.
The silence was starting to kill you, kind of starting to feel bad for not trying to deescalate the situation before, now it was becoming awkward.
You pursed your lips before speaking "Look, I'm sorry that I interrupted you with whatever you were doing, clearly it was something important. I've been tracking these paths for hours and I just wanna get back to my house and have shower and get some food."
Your legs ached from the amount of walking you had been doing the whole day, now even more because you had to stay right next to him, to be able to make conversation.
"I'm sure you just wanna get back to taking your cosplay pictures or whatever roleplay you were doing before I showed up, you must get my frustration." You flailed your arms and breathed heavily. At that he fully stopped making you halt a few steps in front of him now.
"Cosplay? You think this is a costume I am wearing?" He let out a laugh and put both of his hands at his waist, which was tiny looking in the outfit and had you distracted for a moment.
"Okay look, enough with the weird behavior, it's one thing that you're wearing something straight out of a historical drama. The way you talk is as if you're fully convinced of being some sort of… I don’t know a fox spirit or anything like that." You shook your head.
He stepped towards you until he was just a step in front of you. He leaned towards you, staring right into your soul. You could smell him, he was that close, pine and straw. A strictly traditional scent. "Why don’t you convince yourself of how real I am dear? if you think I'm so crazy."
Okay he must have actually lost it, your eyes widened. He turned his head to give you better access to his "ears", further encouraging you to touch him.
If it would satisfy him, you'd do it. You reached one hand up, the other gripping your bag for dear life out of nervousness.
You grasped the one ear into your hand, caressing it after feeling how soft it felt. It felt like actual fur, even the inside had the feeling of it resembling skin, even from the looks of it, you couldn’t see a hairband or any clips that would fixate them on his head. You rubbed them until the base, making sure that they were real. You pull your hand back as if it had gotten burned. Stepping away from him backwards, your back hit a tree.
He wasn’t lying about it, He was not lying about it. "Convinced now?" He spoke up ripping you from your thoughts. "I'm the real deal, darling. Everything about me is real. And I make sure little humans like you don't disturb that sacred place I live in." He pointed at you when he said "humans" and then pointed back with his thumb the way that led to the shrine.
He took slow strides towards you, effectively trapping you against the tree. It made you catch your breath, looking up into his eyes from this close proximity, made it more intimidating. You felt something warm stir in your stomach., a tingling sensation.
Your face started heating up, your face for sure a soft pink now. "Now that you know this secret of mine and I should be leading you to your relatives, that deserves some kind of reward on my part, doesn't it?"
He said leaning into your neck breathily whispering. You could feel his lips brush against your skin from time to time. As the words came out of his mouth.
Your heartbeat was quickening by the second out of excitement and pure arousal. Your pupils were filling out and your mouth fell open a little, relaxed.
"I don't typically involve myself with humans but you're so small like a bunny, that it makes me want to devour you." "Makes me want to bury myself into you and see how much you can take"
He kissed your neck after sounding out the last word taking a soft hold of your nape and pulling himself from you a tiny amount, he met your orbs.
"Would you like that pretty? Hmm?" He was gazing down at you, the sheer difference in stature had you in a chokehold. You nodded not trusting your voice to make any non-embarrassing sounds.
"Mingi, that’s my name, remember it well" He said before this time leaning towards your face and kissing you. It was so soft, just how his lips looked. His other hand snuck up to your waist to have a firm grip on it, as he pulled your body more into his. You could feel the hard muscle underneath and you quickly put your hands on his shoulders, arms his neck.
It turned heavy immediately and you could feel Mingi nip on your bottom lip once in a while, when you were catching your breath. He pressed you more into the tree and that's when you felt something hard against your stomach. A shockwave went through your core, and it pulsed. Slicking you up, anticipating what was about to happen.
His big, veiny hand on your nape made its way down your body, to side, to your hip and then went along the waistband of your jean shorts. He popped the button open and slipped into you pants and panties in one swift move, caressing what was inside.
You felt yourself jolt a bit at the first contact, his hand a little cold but quickly warming up as he continued to massage your clit and labia. He moved his lips down to you neck again, kissing and sucking there. His hand never stopping and finally slipping a finger inside after getting a loud frustrated whine from you.
"Patience we have all the time in the world, why the rush?"
He quickly added a second one after pumping the first for quite a bit. You could feel the stretch a little and you were sweating a little from all the closeness combined with the hot weather. It went fast after that quickly adding a fourth finger and making you leak down the inside of your legs. You were so wet, so ready, you needed him inside you. His fingers could fill you up heavenly but his dick seemed to be even bigger hidden by the yukata, was an obvious bulge.
You reached for the tie around his robe, pulling on it and letting it fall open. Than going straight for the draw string as best as you could while Mingi was fingering you pussy to death. It fell down his legs and you couldn't help but admire his length a little, pretty that’s all you could describe it as. And long, it looked like it would just about to reach the perfect place.
If you weren't so intent on having him in your pussy right this second you would have gladly given him the greatest blow job on the dirty forest floor, but you were really just too desperately for that itch in you to get filled up.
You reached for his veiny shaft and planned to align him with you hold yourself. Shrugging your shorts further off of you tried to take him into your hand, just to be get your wrist grabbed by the man himself.
You whined, his fingers stopping their thrusting motion when he grabbed you with his other hand. "Not even going to ask? Pretty rude to me don't you think? Do you believe you deserve this after giving me such a hard time?" "Ask for it"
Your core clenched around his fingers. You were so out of breath from all the kissing and all your emotions were heightened. "Please Mingi, please"
"There you go~~" He smiled, eyes making little crescents and teeth poking out. You didn't even notice how he had aligned himself with your entrance and pushed in, until you felt that familiar stretch not just more. His fingers may have prepped you, but it’s still burned a tiny bit, adding to the pleasure of finally being filled.
He started thrusting in a stable rhythm hitting that spongy spot on your walls, he groaned every now and then. Gripping your waist with both hands he slid them down to your ass, pulling you in, mid thrust. Mingi then picked you up, hands on grasping the back of your knees, pushing you against the tree.
You moaned out loudly at the action, gripping his hair and pushing it back from his forehead, which was sweaty from exertion. Now you were looking down at him, as he thrusted his hips up into you and letting gravity pull you down onto him. Your high was approaching incredibly fast you kept chanting out little omgds and pleads. He changed his pace, making his thrusts harder and faster. He reached down as he noticed your moans picking up in volume, rubbing your clit to get you over that blissful edge.
You felt it build up for so long and then it snapped, you felt yourself tighten up and your toes curled, as your cunt pulsed over and over again. He kept moving throughout your orgasm making it last longer than it ever has before. When you clenched down on him you also felt something warm leak into you, filling you up further than you thought was even possible.
And his hips stuttered a little, groaning and panting against your ear. It took a few moments, but he didn’t directly put you down, he first looked at your face again and closed the distance again. A kiss much softer than the ones shared throughout this whole time.
And then he slipped himself out, you winced still sensitive from your orgasm. And you clung to his shoulders when he started to put your feet down on the grown, wobbly, and barely stable.
You felt his cum trickle out of you and down your thigh, slightly disgusted now. He made quick work of your clothes putting them on without words but a few kisses here and there.
You were still in a slight daze after the whole thing and Mingi woke you up with a gentle hand taking yours and leading you somewhere, which you didn't quite register.
"From here this little path goes straight to your house" You took in his words; this was indeed one of the pathways that would take you back. Now you didn't want to leave that badly anymore though. Grasping his hand, a little tighter in yours. And looking at the ground. "Hey, you'll see me again pretty. Anytime you’re here and ger lost, I’ll be sure to find you and get you safely back"
He pushed your chin up to look at him, his eyes looking a lot softer. "How do I- I mean how do I find you when I want to meet you and not get lost?" A little smirk pulled at his lips, and he said in a hushed tone: "I'll get to you, I'll know." In the distance you could hear your family yelling out to you, probably noticing that you've been missing for a while.
His words made you feel better, and you let go of his hand after stealing a quick kiss from his lips and running off into that direction. "I'll get back Mingi, I'll find my way to you!" You yelled with a big smile turning to him quickly and then back around to go run down the path to the house.
He kept smiling until he couldn't catch sight of you anymore and made his way back to his shrine. He muttered to himself:
"Oh, I know you will."
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kp-alice · 1 day
Romantic greed (the best kind). | sub!Yeosang smut
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Word count: 1 191
Warnings: pegging, sub!yeosang x condescending!dom!reader (they're both into it, it's okay), the slightest bit of what could be considered a corruption kink (nothing creepy, though, obv), begging, slightly fluffy during some parts.
A/N: So, uh... this fic was not planned at all, lol. I'm currently working on a few longer fics which aren't anywhere near finished, but today I had the displeasure of listening to two insanely racist, homophobic and just generally ignorant people talking loudly on the train for two hours straight, and somehow my annoyance turned into this. Don't ask me how, the frustration just made me want to fuck a man, okay,?? Yeah, that's pretty much it. Hope you enjoy!!
A/N 2: Btw, this is part of a small event I did on both this blog and my other, more sfw one, @seohwang! Go check it out if you're interested in some Jongho fluff ♥
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The bed rocked back and forth with your powerful thrusts, the bed frame grazing against the wall every now and then. Accompanying the squeaking of the cheap wood were Yeosang's breathy moans, sounding like absolute heaven to your ears. He was clutching the pillow in front of him as tightly as he could, occasionally burying his face into it to muffle any wanton whimpers. His back was arched just the way you liked it, showcasing his beautiful broad back with muscle rippling all over. You would have taken a picture if you could, the scene was so pretty. Oh well. For now, all you could do was burn the image in front of you into your memory and grip his hips even tighter.
Yeosang keened as you leaned over his back to whisper into his ear, the change in angle hitting all the right spots in him.
"Roll over for me, handsome."
He bit his lip at your words, feeling the blush already tinting his cheeks get even deeper. He'd never admit it, but he loved it when you treated him like eye candy. Just a little boy toy for you to indulge in. Not that you needed him to admit anything, his reactions to the pet names you'd throw his way were more than enough.
Feeling you pull out of him, Yeosang shuddered, forcing his limbs to cooperate. With weak arms and legs, he flipped over, instinctively spreading his legs for you to slot your body between them. And when you did so, he couldn't help but let out a calm, content sigh. The sight of you like this, leaned over his sluggish yet excited body with your equally as tired but aroused one, buzzing with love and eagerness to make the both of you feel as good as possible, was nothing short of breath-taking. He didn't care about what society deemed the right, conventional way of lovemaking. Because in this moment, and even afterwards as he'd likely be recalling this over and over in his head, everything just felt so right. He was yours and you were his, inside and out.
His hazy thoughts of adoration were halted, however, as he felt something prod at him again. His excitement quickly turned to confusion, though, as he realized it wasn't your strap this time. Though initially similar in shape, he noticed it was much thinner yet warmer. Looking down, he caught a glimpse of your two fingers just as they began slipping inside of him.
Yeosang let out a teary, malcontent whine, feeling the slowly building orgasm in him stagnate. "Wait, no! I want- I need your cock in me, please!" he begged, grinding down on your hand to chase after the dwindling pleasure. "I was getting so close, please please please, I need more than this!"
Your core ached hearing him beg, and his thrusts against your palm certainly weren't helping. Despite his hole already being prepped and fucked loose, you could still feel every clench of him around your fingers, only adding to your unending arousal. Leaning over him even more, you looked down at him in faux remorse, contrasting the way your hand started pushing even harder into him. "But I want to feel you some more, hun," you explained with a fake, patronizing pout, "the strap is fun and all, but I can't feel you squeezing me with it nearly as much as I can like this. I need to know I'm making my boy feel good, right?"
Yeosang whimpered at your explanation, knowing you weren't going to budge until he'd give in to your game. With one hand clutching the pillow under his head again, he brought the other down to his twitching, neglected cock. He tentatively wrapped his fingers around it, looking up to gauge your reaction. When you didn't say anything, he slowly began stroking himself, huffing a strained breath from finally getting at least a fraction of the pleasure he so craved.
But even then, his hand and your fingers curling inside of him just weren't enough.
"Y/N, please," he began again, suppressing all shame churning his stomach as he conceded at last. "Please, I really- fuck! I need it! Please fuck me again, I promise you can use your fingers on me later but I-" a suppressed cry slipped past his lips and his hips bucked up as you hit his prostate dead-on, "I really need to cum right now."
The moment he saw your smirk, he knew he was done for.
"Aww, you need to cum?" You asked condescendingly, to which he nodded abashedly. "And my fingers just aren't doing it anymore, are they? You need something more, huh," you adjusted your hand, fingers reaching just a little deeper now, "something bigger," scissoring the two digits, you felt Yeosang shiver again, "my cock."
Closing his eyes and clenching his jaw, he nodded vehemently, already getting excited again just at the thought of it. You chuckled at his response, unable to hide your genuine, giddy smile. Luckily, Yeosang couldn't see your facade breaking, too busy willing the blazing hot blush off his face and chest.
"I've really spoiled you, haven't I?" You asked rhetorically, curling your fingers inside of him a few more times before finally sliding out. "You used to get all sensitive and shy whenever you'd ask me to finger you, and look at you now."
Yeosang let out a small sniffle at your words, which quickly turned to a gasp as he finally felt the blunt tip of your strap press up against his clenching hole again.
"Now you're begging me to fuck you with my bigger strap because not even the other one can satisfy you anymore."
Yeosang whimpered as you finally slid back home, hands flying up and around your neck to hold on for dear life as you quickly returned to your original, rough pace.
Noticing he was too distracted by you inside of him to keep stroking himself, you decided to help him out with your free hand, the other holding tightly onto his hip.
Yeosang cried out weakly at the added stimulation, brain starting to fog over from the onslaught of pleasure. His nails dug into your back as you jostled him up on the bed with your thrusts, leaving pretty marks he knew you both would be marveling at in the mirror later.
"...but guess what, Sangie," you suddenly spoke up again, bringing your boyfriend out of his thoughts just as his mind was starting to get a little too hazy.
Taking a few shallow breaths, he dared his voice to answer, "w-what?"
Yeosang squealed the moment you fully leaned over him, resting your chest against his as you drove your strap right into his g-spot. His eyes squeezed shut at the electrifying feeling and he buried his face into your neck to breathe you in while his legs wrapped around your torso. His hands were still clutching onto you tightly, the tremble in them worsening the closer he got to his long-awaited orgasm of the night.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
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Thank you so much for reading! And remember, feedback is always appreciated!! <3
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quibbs126 · 2 days
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And now I have made a part 3 of the human Cookies, this time featuring the Legendaries
You know I’m noticing that recently I’ve been drawing a lot more. I mean I’ve drawn 3 pieces in the last two days and I drew stuff last week. Seems my medication is at least helping something, even if it’s not me doing actual work to get my life together like my parents hoped. But hey, it personally makes me happy I’m drawing more, so it’s at least somewhat of a win
I think I was spurred on to do this one because I was playing around with the Mii maker on my 3DS, and I was making Cookies and started making the Legendaries
I will say, the Legendaries are probably some of the more difficult characters to translate into normal humans, since their designs are more fantastical. Almost all of their hair is made of something not normal, like fire, grass or water, so I have to try and make it at least semi-cohesive. It also means a lot of hair dye
I admit, while Wind Archer doesn’t look terrible, he does look very boring, like a generic guy. But frankly I just don’t see him using hair dye, or getting a lot of piercings. He doesn’t feel like someone who would to me, and so he looks boring
On the subject of designs I’m not satisfied with, I think Sugar Swan came out the worst. I just legit didn’t know what to do with her design. I’m a proponent of short haired Sugar Swan, so I gave her that, but I don’t think it turned out the best. I also wasn’t sure how to incorporate all the wings and swan thing on her head. I got that but it’s not that great
Originally in Sugar Swan’s spot was Millennial Tree, but he wasn’t turning out great so I tried doing Sugar Swan in his spot. Maybe that spot was just cursed or something
I think my personal favorite of the bunch is Sea Fairy, I think she turned out fun. Honestly I can see her going either way with the hair dye, so might as well just give her the blue. The buzz cut thing was actually something I got from another Sea Fairy design that I really like. I was debating between her having black or dirty blonde hair, but I eventually settled on the blonde
Moonlight and Stardust were pretty fun. With Stardust, I wasn’t sure whether I should have him dye his whole hair blue or have him bleach the front of his hair. I asked on Discord and they said the latter, so that’s what I did. But also note, I realized that if I were to try and give him bleached front and also potentially blue tips, he would have had Yugi Moto anime hair, but just flattened down instead of all spiky. Like I’ve seen people draw Yugi with hair similar to it
I wasn’t really feeling it after Sugar Swan’s failed design, but Fire Spirit got my mojo back, I think he turned out good. And with that I was able to make a Millennial Tree design I liked a lot more (while also looking at someone else’s interpretation of his design and deciding to use locs as well). Maybe not the best but not as bad as it was before
I kind of threw in Frost Queen because last spot and also she is an elemental Legendary. With her, instead of her hair being dyed, it’s supposed to be that her hair has actually turned white from either stress or age, with a tiny bit of her blonde still there at the ends. Don’t know why I picked blonde other than light color though
In my head while I was drawing, I was trying to come up with human things for them to do, but I really only got as far as the Dessert guys and the Wizard guys
Moonlight is the heiress of the “Wizard’s” estate, and she lives there and is the self proclaimed custodian. I’m not really sure what Blueberry Pie and Sugar Glass are doing there, but they’re probably also here. I also don’t know what the estate really is, I just have the idea that it’s a big place that the “Wizards” used as a research place, until they just stopped using it or disbanded or died or something. Stardust meanwhile is either Moonlight’s half brother she didn’t know about, or they’re full siblings who were orphaned and then separated at a young age via the foster care system. Stardust’s journey there would be him learning of his sister and her location and then I suppose hitchhiking his way there until he arrived
Meanwhile, Sugar Swan owns this wildlife preserve, which is the Dessert Paradise (probably goes by another name but I can see “Paradise” still being in the name), meanwhile the Dessert guardians, including Wind Archer, are the other caretakers that manage and guard the preserve. Are they also Sugar Swan’s kids? Maybe, I don’t know. Wind Archer probably is though, and maybe Millie’s his dad, I’m not sure
Frost Queen I think is just an accomplished doctor who lives in a more remote area and takes care of patients with a rare condition that she specializes in the treatment of (and also contracted herself when she was younger). She also just kind of dresses like that I guess
Genuinely I don’t know what Fire Spirit does, he might just be like, Pitaya’s adopted son or works under Pitaya, I don’t know. I can’t see him with much of a job
I imagine Sea Fairy has some sort of job (that she might neglect), but I have no clue what that job would be, since it presumably impacts both Black Pearl and Abyss Monarch in some big way, so like, running an aquarium might be too low stakes. Her crush on Moonlight might be something like she met this cute astronomer one time at some sort of astronomy conference or something, but she doesn’t know where she lives and so doesn’t know how to meet her again. Moonlight also thought she was cute, but again, doesn’t know where she lives
And yeah, I think that’s about it. I hope you enjoy these designs
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zuppizup · 2 days
Work in Progress Wednesday - A Dark Alternative
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He started upon hearing Claudia’s voice, very much not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. She hurried across the grounds, clearly excited to see him. “Hey Claudia,” he didn’t try to even disguise his mood, hoping she’d pick up on it and leave him alone.
“Hey!” She beamed at him. “How was your trip? Ez said you went out rock hunting or something.”
“It was good.” Callum continued in the direction of his room. “Long though, I’m pretty tired, actually.”
Claudia walked quickly with him, seeming intent on continuing the conversation. “What’s on your head?” She snorted, reaching forward.
Callum frowned, assuming he’d got leaves or cobwebs caught up there and immediately flushing with embarrassment when Claudia pulled the flower crown from his hair. “Oh, eh-”
“Cute!” Claudia examined the chain. “Where did you get this?”
“Em, a friend.” Callum didn’t really want to elaborate, thoughts of Rayla making his heart ache right now. He reached for the flower crown, frowning when Claudia seemed reluctant to give it up, though she eventually relented.
“Who’s your friend?” Claudia sounded a little suspicious, which probably made sense. They pretty much knew everyone in each other’s social circles.
“Someone I know from before I moved to Katolis.” He kept his responses short and to the point, not wanting to engage Claudia any more than he absolutely had to. The whole… plan to maybe rekindle their thing had sort of fizzled out when he started spending more time with Rayla. He probably should have said something to her really. He’d sort of forgotten about Claudia and the whole thing though. Which just went to show how much of a crush he had on Rayla. She was pretty much all her thought about now.
The thought of discussing her with Claudia made him uncomfortable for multiple reasons though. He could already feel himself blushing about the flower crown and he didn’t want Claudia noticing and teasing him about it, maybe figuring out he had a crush on Rayla. Ugh, what if she told her father? After that weird conversation with Viren, the last thing Callum wanted was him knowing he spent a day alone with an elf. An elf who’d made him a flower crown. Viren would read way more into that than was there. There was no way he’d accept he and Rayla were just friends. Or maybe he wouldn’t care either way and would try and manipulate the information to try and make Callum look stupid or something?
“Ooooh, yes, the elf.” Claudia continued along with him, appearing oblivious to his attempt to exit the conversation. “What sort of elf was it again?”
Callum frowned, not sure what it was that Claudia could be interested in and not knowing how to avoid telling. “Moonshadow.”
Her eyes went wide as they dart to the flower crown clutched delicately in his hand. “Reeeeallly.” She grinned widely. “What does that mean then?”
“Mean?” Callum stopped, frowning at her. “Why would it mean something?”
“Well, Moonshadows are all into cryptic messages and that, aren’t they? Always weaving illusions.” She shrugged, looking excited. “That’s got to mean something.”
“I… no, I don’t think so.” Callum glanced at the little string of flowers in his hand. “Rayla’s not really like that.” He bit his lip, mind a mess. “She’s not really into the whole Moonshadow thing.”
“An elf who’s not into being an elf?” Claudia waved her hand dismissively. “How’s that work?”
Callum took a breath, feeling more awkward now. He didn’t want to explain anything about Rayla and her situation to Claudia. In fact, he didn’t want to discuss Rayla with Claudia at all. Especially not after everything Viren implied about him and his apparent “tastes”. “Elves are just people, Claudia.” He turned back in the direction of his room. “They all different, you know. Someone of them just aren’t into the philosophy or cultural stuff, you know?”
As I approach the last chapter of Fuel the Pyre, the tail end of Purgatory and slowly chip away on the final chapter of Zoom-mates, I’m cleaning up the first ~20 chapters of my dark magic AU, A Dark Alternative.
Set in a world where humans and elves lives a lot more closely, Callum and Rayla, childhood friends rekindle that friendship in the midst of political and personal turmoil.
Ticking the childhood friends to strangers to lovers tropes, copious pining, idiots in love, along with map making, world building and pastry pondering.
Projecting ~60 chapters (lets not discuss my track record), 40 of which are in a decent state of finished. Hoping to start posting mid-June/July.
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galaxywhump · 16 days
i would love to see daniel making what he feels like is a mistake with wren (similar to how he fucked up with wren getting attacked by the local wildlife in the beginning of the story). like he pushes wren too far without realizing it, or hurts him in a way he didn't intend to (like rope failure during suspension bondage). love to see wren suffering and i also love to see daniel feeling guilty so like. best of both worlds lol
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[SV-240 masterlist]
contents: slavery whump, forced relationship, creepy/intimate whumper, defiant whumpee, suspension, dislocation.
“Uh, could you… check the ropes again? Something’s weird about the balance.”
“I know what I’m doing, sweetheart.”
“Just trust me. Besides, just a few more pictures and we’ll be done, okay?”
Daniel snaps a picture. One of the knots in the elaborate ropework keeping Wren suspended snaps too.
It happens in a blink of an eye. Wren becomes certain that something is wrong with Daniel’s handiwork, that it wasn’t just his imagination, and in the next moment his body jolts downwards. If that was the end of it, it wouldn’t be bad - he’d just be a bit startled, he’d get to savor Daniel being proven wrong, but, unfortunately, he mostly did know what he was doing.
Wren’s right arm was still secured with rope, and when he shifted, it stayed in exactly the same position.
He sees stars. His scream of agony comes out as a strained gasp. His shoulder is on fire.
Daniel curses, sets his camera aside and rushes to start painstakingly undoing the knots while Wren hyperventilates, eyes wide, forehead lined with cold sweat.
"I told you!" he chokes out, close to sobbing. "I fucking told you and you didn't- Why the fuck didn't you believe me?!"
Daniel doesn't answer, focused on untying the ropes; Wren's shaky breathing is the only sound. When he's finally freed, the pain only gets worse when his shoulder shifts, and he can't stop tears from falling from his eyes. It hurts so much, a completely new pain. Daniel cradles him in his arms, petting his hair, and the look of remorse on his face is nowhere near as satisfying as it would be if Wren could think more clearly.
"I'm sorry," Daniel says, carefully laying his hand on Wren's injured shoulder, making him tense up and gasp. "Next time I'll make sure the ropes are secure."
"Next time?!" Wren cries. “My shoulder is-”
"I know, I know. And… I need to set it, so be still. Just trust me."
"Again?! You just fucking showed me why-"
Once again, he doesn't get to finish his sentence - with practiced confidence Daniel grabs his arm, lifts it up, and pulls, and Wren howls in agony feeling it pop back into place.
“Okay, okay, it’s okay now,” Daniel whispers, holding Wren close as he struggles to breathe. “You can rest.” He sighs, then the corners of his mouth rise in a playful smirk. “First that animal, now this. I guess I’ll just ask Berkeley to bring me some new rope next time so there’s no more accidents, hm? I really am sorry, though. I’ve learned my lesson.”
“You didn’t learn shit,” Wren rasps, somehow mustering enough strength and clarity to glare at Daniel, who, much to his fury, laughs.
“See how quickly you bounce back? You’re stronger than you realize, sweetheart.”
Wren presses his lips tightly together and shakes his head. He’s not strong enough to fight back in a way that matters, not strong enough to escape. At the moment his strength seems completely meaningless to him, and he’s so tired of staying strong this way when Daniel only seems to find delight in it.
taglist: @faewhump @inky-whump @whole-and-apart-and-between @whatwasmyprevioususername @procrastinatingsab
@funky-little-glitter-bomb @goneuntil @redstainedsocks @luminouswhump @lonesome--hunter
@as-a-matter-of-whump @renkocchi @whump-only @muddy-swamp-bitch @girlwithacoolcat
@watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @sophierose002 @whump-headspace @to-whump-or-not-to-whump-blog @kixngiggles
@ohwhumpydays @whumpsical @wibbly-wobbly-whump @stab-the-son-of-a @his-unspoken-words
@pumpkin-spice-whump @onlyhappywhenitpains @suspicious-whumping-egg @morning-star-whump @burtlederp
@there-will-always-be-blood @springwhump
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yardsards · 21 days
i needed to express a sentiment in the creative stylings of @dunmeshiminimumwage
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#eliot posts#dunme#delicious in dungeon#dungeon meshi#sorry to put toshiro in the roll of shitty job interviewer lmao#but he was the best fit for ''guy that wants me to read their mind''#laios being my internal monologue here#i was on my THIRD interview of the day i was Dying#tho since the prev two interviews i had were for similar positions and told me their salaries outright at least i could use that number#(though tbh my work persona is more of a kabru. my customer service voice is unparalleled)#(at my first job even my coworkers thought i was sooo cheerful til i got too comfy and casually made a joke abt wanting to asphyxiate on a#plastic shopping bag like a sea turtle. in front of my sweet elderly coworker. oops!)#(also this job was during quarantine and after weeks of working together i took my mask off in front of one coworker for the first time#and she called like half the department over from their registers to look at how pretty i was??? prettyboy powers unmatched ig)#(also my first interview today went SO well i charmed that interviewer so good despite my lack of qualifications)#(she even complimented my social skills and said i seemed like the type who could get along well and make good conversation with anyone!)#(which is important bc i was interviewing for an elder care position. also old people especially tend to think i am a Delightful Young Lad)#(unless i accidentally make a morbid joke around them ig lmaooo. or. well. some of them like those too. but not that one coworker lol)#(if only that skill transferred over to actually making friends irl. my autistic ass has so few close irl connections)#(i hope my exceedingly short list of character references does not prevent me from getting hired)#AND ALSO my first job asked the same wage question and i said twelve dollars#and they were like all our new employees start at 7.75#the union insists that we pay all new employees a whopping 50 cents above min wage. (we'd pay less if we could)#like dawg why did you ask that then??? if my answer did not matter at all???
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finally finished all of one character's entire quests/optional dialogue/questions/etc.... 100,000 words... .... aughhh
#Given some of it IS lines of code and stuff but like.. minus all that it's still probably at least 85 - 95k words hhhhhh#AND I have to do this for another 3 characters. Then a few partial quests for 3 others. THEN the other random misc stuff in the game#(like there are public areas in the city like a park and a forest that you can go and do a few things at. and chat with a few random#townsfolk that aren't actually full characters or anything. And there's a community board where you can#browse some of the random job advertisments or silly things that happen to be posted around#and also pick up a few odd jobs of your own to help earn coin to buy gifts for the npcs. etc. etc.)#Originally I was thinking like 'ah I'll make a short little game just to try it out! :3 It'll take maybe a few months!''#haha........................hee hee........................................hoho#Also evil that it would have been done already if I didn't totally drop itand stop working on it for like 5 years randomly#i could have made 5 years of steady slow progress gradually. instead of like 'one initial idea dump + about a month of art and writing'#...... 5 year break..... 'sudden mad dash to try to get probably 400.000 words written in a year or less' lol#I just really want to be done and have something out there already so it can lead to doing other things in my world..!!!!!! T o T#Like this can be an introduction and then maybe from that I can make other games. or short story anthologies. or other such things#But there needs to be some initially not very complex easy to interact with starting point first I guess... if that makes sense#That's part of why I stopped posting worldbuilding lore dump stuff as often because its' like.. massive walls of novella length#text are much more inacessible to engage with than like.. ooh a game! and there's characters! so its more approachable! and theres#visuals! oo! and the text is broken up in small bits line by line with other things in betwen! oo! etc. etc. lol#Not that THIS is even very accessible. I think dialogue heavy interactive fiction/visual novel type stuff is pretty niche and considered#boring or tedious compared to something with more ''gamplay'' like where you can actually move around in a world#and shoot things or whatever lol. But its an inbetween point. something SLIGHTLY#more accesible for now. Since i just dont have the budget or means or ability to make some skyrim type thing obviously LOL#Though maybe if theres any interest in the visual novel that could lead to making other things too. or at least I hope. I have a VERY cool#idea for a more ''gamey'' type of game that is a super fun concept and etc. but I would need to hire at least 2 people to make it.. ough..#I could do all the writing and probably half of the art. But I think I'd inevitably need a 3d artist and someone who can Code For Real hbjh#the system for ren'py (the thing I'm making a visual novel in) is not that complicated if you stick to just simple dialogue and stuff.#Making a whole moderately sized 3d game with minigames in it and a bunch of quest features and etc. would be out of my simplistic scope#''just learn it yourself!!' ... i barely manage to eat and sleep reliably every day lol... i do not function well enough to spend months#learning that many new skills. I already have a lot of of things I'm good at (not in a braggy way but just factually like.. i already have#a wide variety of different things under my belt).. at some point I have to just be happy with what i CAN already do and focus on that#and admit I need to get outside help sometimes ghjbh... NO more new skills/hobbies!!! ... ANYWAY
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toastingpencils37 · 6 months
Bro, the heaters at my school are fucked up.
Yesterday, apparently at the beginning of the day in one of the buildings, the AC on one side was 60 degrees, whereas the other side was at 80 degrees. (I don't have classes in that building during that part of the day)
So they turned off the AC on the hot side. But then around the time 5th period started (my class period in that building), the AC on the other side went up to 80 degrees, so my teacher had to turn it off. And the principle even came to talk to my teacher about it briefly during class.
The AC in that class was apparently still at 80 degrees some point today as well.
And then in my brother's math class yesterday, the AC was really cold. But then today it was really warm.
So yeah. AC's fucked up.
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mirmidones · 11 months
the urge to do something you don't care about nor necessarily like JUST to prove someone wrong. whenever someone tells me "that's not possible" i start biting and drooling and snarling and snap snap snapping my teeth to show that it is, in fact, possible
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
So one of my friends considers herself to be a skeptical and distrustful person but is going to see a medium tonight. Every day God picks new and interesting ways to test me
#the urge to say ‘it’s a fucking SCAM there is no way that a legitimate medium is operating in our small; low income; white trash;#conservative yorkshire town when they could be LITERALLY ANYWHERE ELSE’ was so strong#i only didn’t say it because her sister-in-law passed away.. sunday i think. so that’s an extremely short space of time#the wound is raw and the last thing she probably needs is me saying ‘hey the person who you think is going to talk to your sister in law#is scamming you’ but also like…… the last thing she needs is to be scammed!!!!!!#the best i could do was hint. like ‘that sounds interesting; i’ve thought about going to a medium as well [my dad died] but the fact there’s#no way to know they’re legit put me off. have a good time though 💛’#like i can’t really do more than that#i mean ideally i’d find out the contact details of whatever medium she’s going to and threaten them into cancelling the session#like ‘if you take even one singular penny from my grieving friend i will personally make sure you join her dead loved ones. and i hope they#beat you up even worse than i did’#but she’d never give me the contact details because she knows i’d do that#the whole thing is fucking terrible. it’s fucking terrible that her sister in law died of stage 4 stomach cancer (which would have been#diagnosable and preventable if doctors had just BELIEVED HER when she went to them with her symptoms)#and it’s awful that there are people out there who look at grieving families and see gold#anyway i wish all fake mediums a very die. fake psychics who don’t claim to contact the dead you are on thin ice#i read cards too but i don’t do it for money (in fact i barely do it for other people at all honestly) and i am VERY transparent#about the fact that i don’t claim to be contacting dead people or deities and i don’t know how this works#i know my predictions are usually pretty accurate but i don’t know how#and i’m not saying there are no real mediums out there but they are certainly few and far between#and i HIGHLY doubt they’d be here in my shitty little town. thank you for your time#personal
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