#and beyond just looking at how much skills and knowledge you gained
pinkyjulien · 6 months
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━ I've heard stories 'bout the boy I used to be ━━ But I don't remember me before You
Valentin Da Silva | 178/??
Wish I had the words to describe how emotional it made me to see these two sets next to one another holyshit
Left one is from September 2021 It was a shitty time IRL and an hard time fandom-wise too, the escapism that was the community was slowly fading and becoming an hell on its own. Made a lot of mistakes cause I didn't know any better back then, dramas were escalating and I believe end of 2021 - early 2022 is when the fandom shattered in multiple pieces
Tho I was still motivated and modding, was really happy with his custom appearance, baby wearing his iconic Bitch crop top and his customized racing bolero
Right is from February this year (2024) and woah, he looks... more mature? Older somehow, considering I never made drastic change to his character- Definitely at peace
Both sets were outfit showcases, and despite both being shot in the badlands, during the golden hours, they have suuuch different moods overall
Friendo described it perfectly; Younger Val looks pensive, nervous about the night to come, staring at the setting sun in anticipation. While older Val looks at peace, calmly welcoming the dark that slowly crawl in between the desert's cracks
And we had a talk about how much of a mirror an OC can be? Reflecting our own thoughts, our own mood, without even realizing it until years later in moment like this, when comparing pictures
These past years has been rough, mentally and physically (talking about IRL here) and looking back, it definitely shows through Valentin
And looking at him now, even if I have some bad days here and there, even if I'm still in a transitional time, everything changing around me, I know that It's ok, that I'll be fine- That we will be fine
Alright I'm done hHHGHFH
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kleopatra45 · 1 month
Jupiter in the Houses [Solar Return]
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1st House
This year, your sense of self expands, boosting your confidence and personal magnetism. You may feel more adventurous and willing to take risks, attracting opportunities for personal growth, travel, and new experiences. People are drawn to your positive energy, making it a great time for networking and forming beneficial relationships.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to turn inward to reassess your beliefs and values. This introspection could lead to significant personal revelations, helping you realign with your true purpose. It’s a time to focus on personal growth from within, rather than seeking external validation.
2nd House
Financial abundance and material growth are highlighted this year. You may experience an increase in income or acquire valuable possessions, leading to greater financial security. This is an excellent time to invest or expand your resources.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reevaluate your approach to money and possessions. Are you placing too much importance on material wealth? This period encourages a shift in perspective, focusing more on what truly brings you security and fulfillment, beyond just financial gain.
3rd House
This year enhances your communication skills, making it a great time for learning, teaching, writing, or speaking. You’ll feel more curious and eager to expand your knowledge, so take advantage of new learning opportunities. Short trips, networking, and connections with siblings or neighbors are emphasized, bringing growth through your immediate environment.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to revisit past conversations, ideas, or learning experiences. This is a time for deep reflection on how you communicate and connect with others. Are there outdated beliefs or communication patterns that need to be revised? Retrograde Jupiter invites you to refine your thoughts and how you express them.
4th House
Home and family life take center stage this year, with a focus on expanding your living situation or enhancing your sense of security. You may consider moving to a larger home, renovating, or deepening your family bonds. Emotional growth is also a key theme, encouraging you to nurture yourself and your loved ones.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to revisit your roots or past family dynamics. This period can bring up old issues that require healing and resolution. It’s a time for introspection about your home life, asking whether your current environment truly supports your growth. Retrograde Jupiter encourages you to create a deeper emotional foundation.
5th House
Creativity, romance, and self-expression are emphasized this year. You may feel more playful and eager to explore new hobbies, artistic endeavors, or romantic relationships. This is a time for enjoying life’s pleasures and taking risks in matters of the heart.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might find yourself rethinking your creative projects or romantic relationships. This period encourages you to delve deeper into what brings you joy and how you express yourself. Are you truly following your passions, or are there aspects of your life that need to be realigned with your authentic desires? Retrograde Jupiter in the 5th house calls for an introspective look at what makes you happy and fulfilled.
6th House
This year, there is a strong focus on health, daily routines, and work. You may find new opportunities for growth in your job, possibly leading to an increased workload but also greater rewards. This is an excellent time to improve your health through better habits and to find joy in your daily tasks. Helping others or working in service-oriented roles can bring fulfillment.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to reassess your approach to work and health. Are your daily routines truly serving your well-being, or are they leading to burnout? This period encourages you to reflect on how you can create a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle. Retrograde Jupiter may also bring up unresolved issues related to your job or health, prompting you to make necessary adjustments.
7th House
Relationships and partnerships are a key theme this year. You may experience growth and expansion in your personal or business relationships, leading to new commitments or collaborations. This is a favorable time for forming beneficial alliances and enhancing your connection with others. There is a focus on mutual support, understanding, and shared goals.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to revisit past relationships or unresolved issues within current partnerships. This period encourages deep reflection on how you relate to others. Are your relationships based on genuine connection and growth, or are there imbalances that need to be addressed? Retrograde Jupiter in the 7th house invites you to refine your approach to partnerships, ensuring they align with your higher values.
8th House
Transformation, shared resources, and deep psychological growth are emphasized this year. You may experience significant changes related to finances, such as investments, inheritances, or joint ventures. This is also a time for profound inner growth, exploring the deeper aspects of your psyche and undergoing personal transformation.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to revisit issues related to shared resources or personal transformation. This period can bring up unresolved fears, insecurities, or power dynamics that require healing. Retrograde Jupiter in the 8th house encourages you to delve deep into your subconscious, releasing old patterns and embracing a more empowered and authentic self.
9th House
This year, your horizons are broadened through travel, higher education, or spiritual pursuits. You may feel a strong desire to explore new cultures, philosophies, or belief systems. This is an excellent time for academic or spiritual growth, as well as expanding your worldview. Opportunities for long-distance travel or learning new languages may arise.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reassess your beliefs, philosophies, or long-term goals. This period encourages you to reflect on your spiritual or educational journey. Are you truly aligned with your higher purpose, or are there outdated beliefs holding you back? Retrograde Jupiter in the 9th house invites you to deepen your understanding and realign with your true values.
10th House
Career advancement and public recognition are key themes this year. You may find opportunities for growth in your professional life, leading to promotions, awards, or a higher social status. This is a time to focus on your long-term goals and to take steps toward achieving them. Your reputation and public image are likely to improve, attracting positive attention and support.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reevaluate your career goals or public image. This period encourages introspection about your professional path. Are you truly fulfilled by your current career, or is it time for a change? Retrograde Jupiter in the 10th house asks you to consider whether your ambitions align with your deeper values and long-term vision.
11th House
Social connections, friendships, and group activities are highlighted this year. You may find yourself expanding your network, joining new groups, or becoming more involved in community activities. This is an excellent time for collaboration and working toward shared goals. Your hopes and dreams for the future are likely to be supported by others.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reassess your social connections or involvement in group activities. This period encourages you to reflect on whether your current social circle and collaborations are truly supportive of your goals. Retrograde Jupiter in the 11th house invites you to refine your vision for the future and ensure that your friendships and alliances align with your higher purpose.
12th House
This year, there is a focus on spiritual growth, introspection, and healing. You may feel drawn to retreat from the outer world, seeking solitude and inner peace. This is a time for deep self-reflection, meditation, and exploring the subconscious mind. Spiritual practices and charitable work can bring fulfillment and a sense of purpose.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to confront unresolved issues from the past or hidden fears that have been holding you back. This period encourages deep inner work and healing, helping you release old patterns and embrace a more spiritual and compassionate approach to life. Retrograde Jupiter in the 12th house invites you to reconnect with your inner self, finding wisdom and guidance from within.
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Is it anywhere confirmed that the tweels are part of a mafia?
I read somewhere that in one of the birthday vignettes one of them said that their parents are part of the eldritch sea mafia or smth
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That would be incorrect! The twins never formally state that their family is a mafia. For that matter, no character does. Both Jade and Floyd do have various birthday vignettes (most notably Birthday Boys and Platinum Jackets) where they talk about their parents and drop dialogue which would imply the line of work their father is in is shady. For example, the twins were taught suspiciously specific self-defense skills such as lock-picking and how to escape from ropes. The Leech parents are also constantly worrying for the safety of their sons... but why, hmm? Some concern is expected, but in what situation would a kid need to know how to lock-pick and escape from binds???
On numerous instances, Jade and Floyd mention that their dad has many "connections" and "business associates" who try to gain his trust by giving his sons gifts, so he makes them sign contracts which state that they won't be looking for favors in return. Again, not normal people behavior. There's the insinuation that the family is well-off, and that the Leech dad is concerned about how one dresses (this is where Floyd gets his love of shoes from), which could relate to how the mafia has very strict codes about presentation and behavior. Floyd has also said that he has been to many formal, stuffy parties (presumably for family business) and he didn't enjoy them very much.
The twins themselves are just as evasive when the subject of what specific work their dad does comes up. It is mostly Jade who does not elaborate on the family details beyond a certain point, whereas Floyd tends to terrorize others with the knowledge of it. One instance of the latter is during the Wish Upon a Star event, in which Floyd asks Idia if he really wants to know what their family does for a living. The idea seems to frighten Idia, even though he is not provided the answer. When Jade is asked what their parents do in his Birthday Boy vignettes, he replies with insisting, “They simply run an independent business that dabbles in a bit of everything. Nothing out of the ordinary, I assure you.” This coming from Jade… We cannot entirely trust it. All of this together comes off as sort of suspicious, and it has led to the popular (and widely accepted) fan theory that the Leeches are a mafia family. We won't know for sure until TWST outright confirms it, maybe in a Coral Sea hometown event or something.
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cluelessteam · 8 days
Whispers Through Time: {~A New Arrival~}
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Summary: After being mysteriously transported into the world of House of the Dragon, a modern-day woman poses as a seer to gain entry into the Targaryen court. Armed with knowledge of the future, she secretly warns Rhaenyra and Daemon of looming dangers while hiding her true identity. As she grows closer to both, romantic tension builds, but so do the risks of her deception. With Daemon's suspicions rising and Rhaenyra’s trust deepening, the reader must navigate her lies while trying to alter their tragic fate—before everything unravels.
Characters: Rhaenyra & Daemon
Pairing: Rhaenyra x Fem!Reader x Daemon
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1293
Chapter 1 --- Chapter 2
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The biting chill of the wind gnawed at your skin as you stumbled through an unfamiliar landscape, its vastness stretching out before you. It was hard to pinpoint exactly when the world around you had shifted, but the change was undeniable. Your memory still clung to the familiar buzz of the modern world—the sound of car engines, the hum of streetlights, and the constant tap of your shoes on concrete. But now, all that was gone, replaced by a stark silence that only heightened your disorientation. The horizon before you seemed endless, filled with tall hills covered in thick mist, and in the distance, a looming structure—a castle—stood proudly, its towers piercing the dreary sky.
This couldn’t be real. It felt too surreal, like a dream pulled from the pages of some historical fantasy novel. You had always been fascinated by the medieval period and Westeros in particular, but that fascination never prepared you for this. And yet, everything felt too vivid to be a dream—the sharpness of the cold, the heavy scent of damp earth, the distant call of gulls swooping down from the cliffs nearby.
Your breath caught in your throat, and a familiar panic began to rise. You could almost feel your heart pounding, each beat growing louder in your ears. Logic screamed that this couldn’t be happening. You were walking home after a long day, when—there! That light. The blinding flash that enveloped you and carried you here. You clenched your hands into fists, grounding yourself, and let the question form properly: Where am I?
Slowly, as you took in your surroundings, the faintest flicker of recognition sparked. That castle, those towers—it looked eerily familiar. The realization hit you hard, and your knees weakened. This was not just any castle, but one you had seen countless times in books, on screens. Westeros. You had somehow, impossibly, been transported to the world of the Targaryens, Velaryons, and the Seven Kingdoms.
"Gods…" you whispered, though you weren’t sure if you were calling to them or cursing them. How could this be possible?
Panic began to bubble up in your chest, but you bit it down. Now wasn’t the time to lose your head. Whatever force had brought you here, it clearly didn’t care about your confusion. You were stranded in a world you had no right to be in, with no clear path home. But you were nothing if not resourceful, and survival instinct kicked in fast. First things first: you needed a cover story.
You looked down at your clothing—your jacket, jeans, and shoes entirely inappropriate for this world. You’d stick out like a sore thumb if you didn’t do something, and quickly. And then, as if fate wanted to test you immediately, you noticed a figure making their way toward you—a villager, maybe, wrapped in furs, their weathered face twisted in confusion at the sight of you.
Without hesitation, you pulled the hood of your jacket up, hiding as much of your appearance as possible, and let an idea form. You needed to be someone important, someone with a skill that would grant you entry into the castle ahead. You thought of the people in this world—superstitious, often lacking in medical knowledge, and prone to reverence for those who claimed to possess sight beyond the ordinary.
A midwife. A seer.
That was the way in. You straightened up, quickly rehearsing a story in your head. You could remember enough of the history of this time—enough about the impending conflicts and players involved—to convince someone of your abilities. And if you could do that, you might just survive.
The villager had reached you by now, his eyes flicking over your strange attire, suspicion evident in his gaze.
"You… you lost, stranger?" His accent was thick, the words harsh against the wind. He looked you up and down, frowning deeper as he noticed your modern shoes.
Clearing your throat, you adopted the air of someone who belonged here, someone important. "I’ve come from far away," you began, your voice steady, "I am a midwife, and a gifted seer. I’ve been summoned—by fate itself—to serve the realm."
His eyes narrowed. "A seer, eh? And who exactly called ye?"
You squared your shoulders. "Not who. What." You let the pause linger, allowing the weight of your words to sink in. "There are things at play in this world that go beyond your understanding. I see them—glimpses of what’s to come. And I’ve come to ensure the safety of those in power, to warn them of the dangers that await if they do not heed my counsel."
The villager hesitated, doubt still clouding his expression, but he seemed unsure now, weighing your words. Superstition held great power in this world, and the idea of turning away someone who claimed to have foresight was a dangerous gamble. Finally, with a curt nod, he motioned to the road leading toward the castle. "You’ll want to speak to the men at the gates, then. They'll decide if yer needed."
You gave a small nod in return, keeping your expression controlled, though relief washed over you. You began to walk, your thoughts racing. You had taken the first step, but getting into the castle was just the beginning. Once there, you would need to convince people far more powerful and skeptical than a simple villager. Rhaenyra, Daemon, the Velaryons… the very people who would shape the future of Westeros.
As you approached the castle’s towering gates, the sheer size of the fortress became overwhelming. The walls stretched upward, casting long shadows over the ground. Your breath quickened as the guards came into view—men clad in armor, their hands resting on swords as they watched you approach. You took a deep breath, steeling yourself.
One of the guards stepped forward, his face stern beneath his helmet. "State your business," he demanded, his voice rough and authoritative.
"I am a midwife," you repeated, keeping your voice steady. "A seer. I have been sent here to serve the realm, to offer counsel to those in power." You met his gaze directly, hoping to convey confidence. "I see things—glimpses of what’s to come. And I know that there are dangers on the horizon. I must speak with those who rule, for their own safety."
The guard raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "A seer, eh? You’ll forgive me if I don’t take your word at face value. We get all kinds at these gates."
You expected resistance, and you had your response ready. "I understand your doubt, but let me offer you this—" You leaned in slightly, lowering your voice. "There will be an attempt on the life of someone in power here soon. It will come from within, not without. If I am wrong, you may throw me to the wolves. But if I am right, you will have failed in your duty to protect this castle."
The guard’s expression faltered for just a moment, a flicker of uncertainty passing across his features. He glanced at his fellow guards, then back at you. Finally, with a curt nod, he stepped aside. "I’ll let the master-at-arms know. If you’re lucky, you’ll get your audience."
You stepped through the gates, your pulse quickening. Inside, the castle was a maze of stone corridors, each more imposing than the last. Servants moved quickly through the halls, and you kept your head down, trying to appear as if you belonged.
Your mind raced with the enormity of what lay ahead. You needed to get close to the right people—people who would believe your story. And the first name that came to mind was Rhaenyra Targaryen. The heir to the Iron Throne, a woman of strength and ambition. If you could win her trust, you’d have a chance.
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lullabyalikpoptarot · 29 days
Ateez Healing messages
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Another impromptu reading, but this was a request and thought it would be cool to this for this group. I like this type of reading. I find it comforting, so here we go.
Hongjoong: He got the Chameleon spirit. I just hear he is a jack of all trades, he can do it all. The card says Act as If. He might try to work on not caring too much about certain things or what certain people think of him. He may feel a bit sensitive at the moment, but this can also come from the energy of others. He may need to work on understanding the difference between his emotions and what others are. To not feed into the drama around him. A need for space to work through his emotions may be needed.
Seonghwa: We got the skunk spirit, the card says, know your worth. If you look at a skunk many people feel disgust, but don't recognize there is worth and value to them. I wouldn't say he feels disgust, but that he may feel undervalued, or he doesn't recognize his value and what he can offer. He's got to look at himself from a better light. There might be some inner work he may need to do to build that confidence, hopefully it wasn't imprinted in him through training that he wasn't good enough. Although, many can say he is worthy and loved. It all starts with oneself to value and appreciate oneself.
Yunho: He got the nightingale spirit with love is all around. He might need to recognize he is loved from the people around him. That he has support if he needs it. He may not feel the love as much. This card also tells him to recognize the love of the world and see the light, rather than focusing on the darkness. Things may look shadowy to him, but has he tried to see the brighter side is the question? Yes, there is darkness and despair, but there is also light and joy. Being aware both exist would be beneficial to him.
Yeosang: He's got the Cat spirit. This is a time for him to claim his freedom and independence, maybe do some solo work, to step outside the group, is there something he may be thinking of doing outside the group? Now if they allow it, he should go for it. Stand on his own and claim his own power would be beneficial to him. He should try to work on his confidence and believe he has the skills to stand on his own right. this card urges him to try something new, even if he fails there is always something to gain from trying, then never doing anything and never knowing. It also urges him to be less codependent on others as well.
San: He's got the owl spirit. this boy may be wise beyond his years. He could be in a place of great awareness and clarity. It seems he may be in a place of seeing things more clearly. His experiences have helped him grow and become a much wiser person. There is a lot of knowledge he has obtained, and he might want to try to utilize that wisdom to benefit. What has he learned and how can he benefit from it. Using that wisdom to good use. This card urges him to tune into his intuitive sense and to hone this skill. To learn not to block this gift he has and to do activities that allow him to center himself and gain clarity.
Mingi: He's got the armadillo spirit, it is about learning to set healthy boundaries, whatever that may mean to him, is it addiction to something, is it a person, learning to say no more, or does he have the tendency to push himself to hard, whatever it may be, boundaries are important to him. He's got to work on saying no to certain things, to things that just don't align with him. Maybe he does things out of alignment and feel regret for doing so, this card urges him to move more into alignment. Not sure if he has people-pleasing tendencies, but he might want to try to let go of that. I just keep hearing, learn to say no, or say no, he might need to keep repeating say no, instead of saying yes, all the time. This card urges to think about what he really wants, rather than what others want. Interesting message here, okay.
Wooyoung: He got Butterfly spirit, this is a card of transformation. If I remember correctly in his energy reading I did, he got the death card, and I said it was about him letting go of old remnants of himself. The fact that this came up, because I barely remember my readings, or the cards I pull, means that is significant for him. It is a time for change and a renewed spirit for him. To blossom into a more beautiful creature. To allow himself to flourish and shine. Did he hold himself back in the past? This may be time to allow himself to be free and spread his wings. To allow his beauty to shine, whatever that beauty may mean to him, doesn't have to be about looks, it could be his talent, skill, whatever.
Jungho: He got Canary spirit. The keywords, sing your own song. It may be a time for him to release something solo. He may be thinking about it. A song that may align with his music style. It could be a cover or an original. Has he released something solo? I love this boy's voice, he should! This card encourages him to step into his own. To learn to be more authentic and freely express himself in the way he may want to. To be original and sing to his own tune. There is a message in this deck that stood out to me. "...Are you suppressing your true voice, trying to sing the song you think people want to hear instead of your own?" Not sure how much freedom of creative expression he really has as an idol, but he may want to sing songs differently than what he does with the group. I sense there is a quirkiness to him, I feel most won't get and he may hide that nature. Isn't he an Aquarius, kind of makes sense, they quirky af. Love it though.
Okay, very cool messages here. I felt I got a lot here. Ther spirit team got lots to say lol I actually really liked these messages. It kind of makes me want to get into them more. I really love this deck and this type of reading. I am being pulled to this for TXT and BTS, and other groups as well. That will be next week. I am done with readings for the week. I hope you enjoyed this. Glad this was requested.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Bells Hells, Level 9
Disclaimers as per usual: If I said something incorrect or left out something significant, corrections are welcome and encouraged. If I simply did not expound upon every single possible choice open to a character; if my opinions on mechanics differ from yours; or if you have wild speculation, please make your own post.
Blood hunter info is taken from the D&D Beyond content, which is subject to change, so don’t @ me if it does.
Everyone's proficiency bonus is now +4, which affects skill checks, proficient saves, and attacks. Non-multiclassed full spellcasters (FCG and Imogen, assuming neither multiclass) get fifth level spells.
In general, ninth level is an important but not terribly exciting one, in that 5th level spells are a big leap up and it's a proficiency bonus increase level, but it's fairly quiet in terms of class or subclass features. The multiclassers are the most interesting part here.
Also: now that level ups are done as separate little bits rather than teasers at the end of episodes, I'm introducing a "Looking forward" note at the end to speculate on L10 and beyond, since, for example, the version of this post in my drafts had my recommended ASIs for Chet and Fearne but no one got to see them until after the fact.
Chetney: By taking a level in blood hunter - his 8th in that class - he gets an ASI, which Travis took as stat bonuses to INT and STR. This is honestly what I would have recommended; he's now got a +3 to intelligence, easily the smartest in the group; and a respectable +4 to strength, his main attack stat. Looking forward: Honestly, who knows what the story will bring narratively...but blood hunter is a really good class and higher level rogue abilities just don't do a ton for Chet. Anyway, Blood Hunter 9 gives you one of my favorite abilities ever, Grim Psychometry, in which you have advantage on knowledge checks (and possibly even cool visions) for places and objects with tragic or dark pasts.
Laudna: Laudna took a level in sorcerer, which means she gets a Hound of Ill Omen, a dire wolf-like beast of darkness she can summon to attack a particular person. She also learns 2 more spells and gains another sorcery point. I would strongly advise she take Counterspell, given that she tends to lean more towards low-level utility than Imogen's attacks (and, let's face it, eldritch blast is better than most sorcerer damage spells). Looking forward: Personally, from a purely mechanics perspective, I think leveling in warlock would be more interesting from here on out. Sorcerers just...don't get much outside of spells from levels 7-14, and Laudna's feats and existing metamagic and the fact that there's another sorcerer in the party mean some variety would be fun and welcome (and warlock levels 4-6 are really good), but I get the appeal of Hound of Ill Omen for sure.
FCG: FCG gains access to 5th level spells and can prepare one more spell! Greater Restoration and Raise Dead are now available to them, which is pretty game-changing, and I'd love to see Sam try out Commune to get some actual answers from the Changebringer. He also gets two domain spells, which are unknown since it's a homebrew class. Looking forward: Cleric's just a really solid class! I'm interested to see how divine intervention works on a cleric who is still finding their god, and please get that WIS score up to a +4 at L12.
Fearne: Fearne leveled in druid, which means she also gets an ASI and has maxed out her casting stat of wisdom - this in turn means she can prepare two more spells than before (one from the higher druid level and one from the higher casting stat). She also gets the ability to wildshape into flying creatures, up to challenge rating 1. Looking forward: I would really not pursue rogue any further; Wildfire druid is just such a great class. Things to look forward to: at L9 druid (L10 overall) she'll get 5th level spells including Mass Cure Wounds as a circle spell; at L10 druid she'll get a cool bonus to damage or healing as a class feature; and at L11? Pick a tree.
Imogen: Imogen learns one new spell, which can be up to 5th level, and gains a 5th level spell slot and a sorcery point. She gets Telekinesis and Rary's Telepathic Bond as subclass features. As for her new spells: given the loss of the skyship, teleportation circle would be a good one to have on hand. Greater Invisibility would also be a strong choice. Looking forward: As noted with Laudna, there's not a ton going on until L14, but she does get a new metamagic ability next level (subtle spell feels very thematically appropriate), and I would in fact enjoy seeing Imogen cast Chain Lightning very much when she gets 6th level spells at L11.
Orym: Orym gets Indomitable, which allows him to reroll a failed saving throw and use the new number. Looking forward: 9's a quiet level for him but the next few are big ones. He gets two more battle master moves and his superiority dice go up to d10s from their current d8s; 3rd attack is at L11; and he gets another feat at L12, and I would love to see Mage Slayer.
Ashton: Ashton gains brutal critical, meaning that they can roll an additional weapon damage die when they crit. Looking forward: level 10 is a subclass level, so who knows, but I'm excited to find out!
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littlewitchygreen · 1 year
Intermediate Witchcraft: Next Steps
So, you've done your homework on the basics, and you've practiced the early skills. What's next? Where do you go from there? How do you learn more? Well, there are several factors that go into intermediate witchcraft along with several routes to take, and I'll explain a bit of that here.
Part of the issue with moving into more advanced magic is that most available books cater to beginners. That is because of a few reasons that I'll get into further in the post, but that does leave the issue of how to find more advanced information still. This is where deep-diving into specific topics will serve you well.
There are going to be few if any 'Witchcraft 201' books out there, because more advanced knowledge is not going to be that generalized the way introductory knowledge can be. However, if you look into specific topics, there are a lot more books. You don't have to specialize in one area either - you could look at books from as many fields as you'd like: deep-diving into astrology, herbalism, tarot, curses, whatever you'd like. Growing your knowledge in a specific area will make you more advanced overall as you expand your knowledge base.
Many of the more advanced texts are also going to be much drier than the popular books for witches just starting to learn skills - historical texts, academic papers, etc. So, look beyond what you can find on the shelves of the most popular bookstore in town as well. I'd recommend looking into databases like JStor, Google Scholar, and even university databases to see what you can find there. As always, consider who is publishing the information, what biases might they have, and what may be inaccurate or culturally appropriative when taking in new information to stay accurate, safe, and get the most out of the information you find.
Another route some people take is finding a more advanced mentor when they are struggling to progress on their own. This is one of the reasons why some of the more advanced information is not widely published as well, as it is not always appropriate for the information shared through mentorships to be widely spread. In some cases, this is because it is part of a closed practice that you have to be initiated into or taught directly, and in other cases it's because the information is personal to the mentor.
Still, there are pros and cons to going this route and it's all based on who your mentor is.
Some pros: you have someone experienced in witchcraft who can guide you more personally than a widely available book and who knows your personal practice very well - and who can share information, experience, etc accordingly.
Some cons: your mentor has only one perspective out of a vast array, they have biases that are in their practice as a result of their practice being their own, and they have intimate access to you and your spiritual life because of their role.
My personal suggestion to anyone considering this route is this: do your research on who you are accepting as your mentor, remember that what they teach is their practice not the practice, and even consider having multiple mentors over time to diversify information and beliefs that you learn. Your safety and wellbeing are paramount, so never accept someone as a mentor lightly, as having that kind of role in your life is a heavy responsibility and some may abuse that kind of access to you.
UPG stands for Unverified Personal Gnosis - or unofficial information gained through personal experience. This is in my opinion the primary reason there aren't more widespread 'Witchcraft 201' books available, as a lot of the information those books would contain is obtained through personal experience rather than from official sources. This is also why many witches begin to talk less and less about the more advanced aspects of their practice, as UPG generally comes from experiences that become more and more personal to the witch in question.
Along that line, your practice will primarily continue to grow through personal experience of your own and continued practice. Books and teachers will only take you so far before you have to gain knowledge yourself and get better at the skills on your own. So, at a certain point, significant portions of your own practice will become UPG as well.
Many witches are fine sharing some of the less personal aspects of their UPG with others, which is how new information and ways of doing things still spread. Offline, I've had multiple witches share with me parts of their own practices, for example, which have influenced the way I practice - and vice versa. However, each of our practices were still different from each other, due to the UPG each of us has and our different approaches to practicing.
Understandably, it can be frustrating trying to figure out where to go once the guidebooks most of us start out with are no longer applicable or available. So, one of the most valuable pieces of advice on how to continue to progress that I ever learned is this: never stop asking 'why'. Why does this mean that? Why do we do that? Why is this done that way? Why is this a common thing but not that?
I hope this helps someone, and best wishes!
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eldritch-araneae · 10 months
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I finished this mini-project! I wanted to redraw and redesign all my Sonic OCs I had 18 years ago, just to see how they would look like with my current skills and it's was absolute blast!
My teen self would never believe they will grow that much, my inner child is happy now!
I don't remember the story for these characters, so I quickly made up new one to tie them all together, which you find under the cut, along with stand alone pictures.
Blade the Hedgehog (?).
An immortal weird-looking hedgehog who been around for 3000 years. They've seen and been through a lot, but despite anything, they keep a positive, yet grounded view of life. Blade has incredible charisma which lets them to get along almost with anyone, but they rarely open up. People often assume they're naive and too trusting, but in reality, Blade has very few things to worry about - their life is not one of them.
Blade is dedicated to record history and preserve their findings in the huge archive, hidden in Rusty Ruins. After all, time erodes everything, and if it can't take one's body - it will take their memory instead.
Abilities are unknown.
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Tulip the Echidrel.
The long-living echidrels are small community of squirrel-echidna hybrids, carrying knowledge and customs of their ascendants since ancient times. They're natural explorers, charting places where many wouldn't dare to go. Tulip is no exception and that's the main reason why she quickly became friends with Blade.
Excellent problem solver, but also very stubborn that sometime leads her into "must find the way to complete a task today or else" trap.
She's a guardian of Rusty Ruins Archives and will introduce her spiky mace to the intruder's face if necessary.
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Glint the Tenrec.
A lone sorceress living on the remote island in her mansion she inherited from her parents. She appears to be shy amd innocent, but make no mistake - she will not hesitate to fight using whatever means necessary.
Collecting varios magical artifacts, she wants to uncover the secret behind planet origins and it's dimensions, especially the places known as "Beyond". The simple curiosity drives Glint forward, sometime even dealing with shady people to obtain knowledge.
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Umbra the ???
A mysterious entity from the "Beyond". Made of darkness, she can hide herself in shadows and between dimensions. Long ago Umra made a mistake and accidentally broke the biggest taboo of her people. As punishment, she was banished from Beyond for all eternity.
Entities like her cannot exist long in different dimensions, unless they bind themselves to someone native to it. Lucky for Umbra, she crossed her paths with Glint and made a pact - survival for helping the sorceress to gain knowledge she wants.
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Fierce the Chimera.
An escaped experiment, who recently broke free and now roaming in Rusty Ruins. Always angry and never seem to be in a good mood, she already had few fights with local immortal hedgehog. Blade has no idea where Fierce came from and what's her deal, but they her and her pet snake Ping stay regardless.
Meanwhile, Fierce just wants to be left alone, haunted by images of her forgotten past and headsplitting migraines.
She's strong, sometimes can go berserk of pushed too much. Ping has a potent venom and will strike lighting fast if it's feels Fierce being in danger.
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Dr. Prion.
A kangaroo how deem himself superior above the rest. The world is unjust place, plagues with lies, overlords, and "heroes" who believe what they do is best for everyone. It's up to him to fix it, diving deep into genetics and brain functions. Fascinated by long lifespan of echidrels, he seek to achieve the same result by making hybrids.
One time Glint supported his aspirations, funding his projects. But as time passed, the more she saw his terrifying egoistical side despite the fruitful reserch. She backed away, and to this day Prion dreams of revenge.
But first, he wants to fix the world, and soon everyone will become like him - rational.
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Flow the Aquabird.
One of successful hybridisation experiments Dr. Prion even made. Strengths of both species turned Flow into a beautiful and dangerous weapon, who combine ballet dancing with hydrokinesis.
Not only she's powerful, but 100% loyal to Prion no matter what. His worldview is current and it's the only way to save the world and turn it into paradise. Of course, she wasn't like this when they first met, Prion wiped her memory entirely, erasing the person she once was.
Now she's eternally grateful to the doctor for saving her from the cruel world, and will anything in her power to archive his dreams. Trusts no one expect Prion and Mecha Raptor - her bodyguard.
If you hear Swan Lake instead of regular drowning theme - you know that Flow is nearby.
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Mecha Raptor.
Dr. Prion, while being sure that his work on Flow won't come undone, still wants to put a failsafe. Someone to protect his perfect weapon from forming different opinion on the world. Through some shady and illegal shenanigans, he got his hands on a stolen schematic crated by an engineer genius Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik. It took Prion some time to figure out, but eventually he created Mecha Raptor.
It has no personality and it's only priority is to ensure Flow's happiness and protection.
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iridescent-moo-n · 9 months
Revisiting the world of Kalopsia
It’s been quite a few years since I came up with the idea for Kalopsia, and I have grown since then, and naturally, things have changed in the status quo! So let’s dive in!
1. The powers:
In Kalopsia initially, you develop powers based on your first romantic love that you got involved with. When I made this concept I had a base level knowledge of aro-ace, and worked that into the system. However, I know a lot more now, so, what about the aro people?! Aro people’s powers develop based around their first platonic love beyond age 14. But sometimes develop around the location of their birth, their own self love or their family structure instead. Similarly, alloromantic powers develop from the first impactful romantic love of their life, but occasionally will develop from a platonic love, family structure or their own self love.
Why do the powers have so many situations they can develop? Because all powers must manifest by age 16, and even for the most Alloromantic people, not everyone experiences meaningful romantic relationships by 16 (in fact I would say realistically most people don’t). Also, the idea of there being random and unpredictable discrepancies in the way these powers are developed is just more true to how human beings work in general. Even the most cut and dry aspects of human existence don’t go as planned always.
2. What the powers look like:
Powers are pretty much what you would expect for a story that includes supernatural powers. The twist with Kalopsia is that powers will have consequences or “issues” that are linked to emotion. Our main character, Jay, has cool fire powers, think fire bending, but the catch is they need to work to be in control of these abilities or the fire turns inward and eats away at them. Another power I’m a big fan of that I came up with making this story is healing abilities that act like a power-up for the healer, but if used too much can alter the body permanently (which isn’t always inherently negative as Jay’s power is). The healer heals someone, and then gains a boost to a physical aspect of themselves, e.g. strength, but if they heal in that way too much, their strength may be permanently boosted. This here is a positive, but can become a negative.
3. World-building:
Jay’s story takes place in a slightly dystopian period for this world. (I think the term dystopian isn’t the best description but it’s what we have). Essentially, the government of this world is democratic, but asks for an ‘aptitude test’ before anyone is allowed to work in association with the government. This ‘aptitude test’ asses job skills, but also an individual’s power stability. If a power is deemed to be damaging to the person or others, they are barred from government for a period of time. All sounds kinda reasonable right? Well, in Jay’s time, the government overreach has lead to this “period” becoming a permanent bar from government, and the ‘aptitude test’ for government applicants is now part of the graduation assessment from high school. There’s some pretty glaringly obvious issues there. This means that corruption to skew tests is pretty common, and that the pool of people eligible for government is quite small, thus, governments “groom” people for future rolls, and to perpetuate corrupt goals. Other important details are: people in this world have slightly more malleable bodies, aka, brittle injuries like broken bones are ever so slightly less common, and height has a slightly wider range.
Additional info: Kalopsia takes place on a continent that is geographically isolated from the rest of the continents in this world. They have similar major developmental history to our world, but have far fewer world wars, often fighting in civil wars more frequently, and developed tools more quickly than our society. Most animals are very similar to animals we have, and the biomes that exist are also akin to our own. There are other races, but race is determined by the super humanity based improvement to themselves - aka Jay’s continent is less likely to break bones/tear skin. Another race is lighter, like their bones are less dense, another race is physically smaller but have more muscle density. Etc. These powers have always been a thing for this world.
4. Characters:
The core cast has changed around quite a lot. I don’t think I ever spoke about the original core cast on here, but I will speak about the core cast now!!
Jay is still our lead! Jay looks largely the same, and has the same original power. The main changes come to personality and character traits:
Jay is a 5’10 individual with a high undercut and mid-length hair on the top, which is nearly always pulled back. They start the story at 17. They are non-binary and use they/them. They are attracted to women mostly. They have fire abilities that are often self destructive.
Aries is our main villain (initially) still! Aries has shifted around in a lot of ways, but her core character motivations and traits are the same:
Aries is 5’5, she starts the story at 18. She has long hair, that’s often styled. She is a woman and uses she/her. She is attracted to most genders. She has poisoning abilities, these abilities allow her to poison anyone she makes eye contact with, and the poisons themselves can be tweaked to her desire, slow or fast acting, they can poison to kill or poison to destroy a specific function. These powers were developed out of a very toxic relationship earlier in her life, and the downside of them is that while poisoning someone, any external/physical harm they take is mirrored onto Aries.
OG name Wren, now Kale.
Wren now Kale has gone through some of the biggest change of the cast. I knew this character would be our healer and initial mentor, but their personality, their appearance and general characteristics have changed vastly.
Kale is 21 when the story begins. He’s 6’0 and has the gayest mullet you’ve ever seen(/pos). They’re a masc individual who uses He/They pronouns! Kale is aro-ace and his powers are healing (as mentioned above) they developed after Kale had to take on a caretaker role for his younger siblings. In order to heal, Kale has to draw energy from photosynthesis. He can photosynthesise himself, or steal energy from plants that photosynthesise.
OG name Ryder, now Connor.
Ryder now Connor was our caretaker figure or found family dad, but in my years since creating this story, I don’t feel that’s a role that I want or need in the early stages of the story. Instead, I want to give Jay a healthy friendship, someone that doesn’t have a power dynamic over them.
Connor is 5’11, and 17 when the story begins. Connor is non-binary and uses any pronouns. He is attracted to men, and has a very ordinary hairstyle. Metallurgy where he needs to absorb materials to manipulate them. Connor had a stable first relationship, and family has always been supportive of them, thus her abilities are straightforward, they can manipulate earthen materials and reshape them, but cannot create or destroy material.
OG name Jax, now Yara.
Jax now Yara was originally the background friend character, but instead I think the dynamic needs another older character, and a character that doesn’t pander to Jay specifically.
Yara is 22 when the story begins. She is a woman and uses she/her. Yara is demisexual and bi. Yara is 6’1, and often has part of her hair up and the rest down. Yara’s first relationship was very stable in and of itself, but ended prematurely/was disrupted by the forced removal of her partner at the time. Thus, Yara is able to teleport short distances and her reaction time is enhanced. However, too much teleportation in a short span can cause her body to shut down.
Emery is Jay’s new love interest. Emery is 17 when the story begins, and stands at 5’10. Emery has a rediculously practical haircut for the situations they find themselves within. Emery is non-binary/Demi girl. And uses they/them but also is ok with she/her (much less preffered).
Emery is a bit of a mystery to me, I never quite know what to do with them as a character, because who knows what kind of love is good for them until it happens right? Anyhow, Emery's first relationship was in all ways rather ordinary. An ordinary date with an ordinary amount of trauma to pass on. Thus, Emery has the ability to dreamwalk when in contact with someone. This extends to a degree of emotions, they can sense someone's emotional experience while touching them.
5. Basic Plot:
Jay gets their powers and has a huge outburst, running into the woods behind their home as they do. They wake up lost in the forest, until they run into a band of kids/young people in the forest. Lost and afraid, the kids offer food and shelter and take Jay in. While jay is at their place, they get talking and find out these kids have all hidden here after outbursts of their powers or being abandoned by the training program for the highly selective police force, and have taken to training together to avoid the grasps of a government trying to force them into prison for their "crimes". The story follows Jay's journey of self discovery and identity formation, as well as their conflict with the person who ignited their abilities, Aries, a new addition to the police academy.
and that's what I have on Kalopsia!
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colorisbyshe · 9 months
hello, I recently saw a post by yiu talking about Palestine and I wanted to ask, what sources do you consider trustworthy in thus matter?
I'm sorry if it comes out as weird that I'm asking you but I just don't know where else to ask
Hind, Plestia, Motaz, and Bisan are the most consistent and "real" people to follow in that they very regularly update, are speaking quite bluntly and on a personal level, and try to show current events on multiple levels--not just recording the violence, the death, but also the daily lives. Think of reporting "Oh, there's finally aid trucks in the area" which states what things are TECHNICALLY happening vs Bisan just saying "Yeah, the aid trucks are here and no one is getting fed."
There's also Mohammed El Kurd who really shines a blunt light on the reality of what's happening.
Al Jazeera is good. There are issues with Al Jazeera being funded by Qatar but their reporting when it comes to Palestine is pretty good.
I think Adam Johnson is pretty great in terms of responding to American/Western actions and contextualizing/pushing back against American Political Speak.
Euro-Med Monitor probably has the most accurate death counts for what is happening in Palestine, as they also include bodies under the rubble which are presumed dead.
Also, Muhammad Smiry sometimes runs live streams so you can see what's happening on the ground and just answers questions. I only just now remembered him.
But I need to be honest and clear here: in many ways, I am a bad source to give you good sources. I am a lay person. A white citizen in America. Even when I try to get as much of this directly from Palestinians or groups on the ground (like doctors without borders who have issues but have been reporting very openly about the reality on the ground), I do not have the most in depth knowledge. I was not following this closely before October 7th.
I am far from immune from bad information.
So, more than just hitting subscribe or follow on anyone listed. I recommend you devise your own set of tools to find good peopel to follow on twitter and instagram. Ask yourself questions like:
Who is this person? Who do they work for? Who owns what they work for?
Where are they from? What is their connection to Palestine?
Is what they're saying racist against Arabs/Palestinians?
Is what they're saying antisemitic? (And people are SLACKING on this front.)
If they are not on the ground themselves, where are they getting their information from?
Are they known conservatives?
Pause--does it seem like they are using this tragedy for personal gain somehow?
Are they posting primarily information or commentary? If they aren't Palestinian or in any way connected to this, what perspective is tehir commentary coming from? What is its value?
(To be clear, not all commentary is bad. Again, I like Adam Johnson because he is providing commentary aimed primarily at his lane--media bias in the US, political dishonesty, and similar bullshit. He runs an entire, fairly well sourced podcast on the subject in general and is just applying those skills... to current events.)
I'm definitely missing some people/groups worth following. I'm also perhaps over-emphasizing how much you should be following Bisan and company. Definitely follow them, don't let them be your only source of information. Diversify. Do you own historical research--don't just look to people to post current events, look into the past to better understand context. Fall down a rabbit hole or two.
Umm.... I guess beyond all that just DONT follow fucking Shaun King. Known grifter. And everyone pleaseeee stop cheerleading clips from Piers Morgan. It's mostly stopped now but in the beginning some of y'all were stressing me out.
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nahalism · 10 months
i was wondering, how did you get to develop your art? im currently in a process where i am trying to experiment and go beyond the need to create art that is realistic (as in "objectively like reality as it is", like I was being told by both school and family). i feel like I struggle a lot to follow my inspiration because of this, and I am also trying to learn how to draw scenes from my own ordinary life, but unfortunately I am quite impatient and frustrated with my inability to create what I wish to create + perfectionism in general makes me scared of using colour as well 😭 I really admire your art so much, both your sketches and finished pieces, and I have always wondered your own learning process throughout the years. please feel free to not reply if you feel uncomfortable cause I know it is a very personal process as well, and above all I hope you are doing well and I am sending you endless love <333
🥺🥺 this is so lovely to receive because if im completely honest there are multiple moments where i feel exactly as you've just described and despite pushing through it, a message like this is very validating that ive progressed in some way
i dont mind sharing at all. i started drawing/painting when i was 21/22 which is relatively late and i was so fearful because despite having a vision for what i wanted to create i lacked any skill that could help me bring what was in my minds eye to fruition. i was also insanely depressed and in the middle of getting my degree at uni (so felt like i had no time to pursue art, at least not to the extent i wanted to). — my plan to get better consisted of multiple things. id draw everyday. i had/have two styles i'd practice, one realism, and the other 'freestyle'? basically draw only from my head and from the rhythms that came naturally to my hand, no references. by doing that, or drawing the human figure/portraits/cars/buildings from my imagination, not only was i reinforcing what id actually learned from my study of the fundamentals, but i was learning to incorporate my own creativity into the rigid structure that sometimes comes from only drawing from reference. by doing that and drawing studies every day i began to build a library in my head of images/poses/character archetypes i could pull from which made drawing from my imagination easier, but also had the structural knowledge of forms/perspective/anatomy to make them look credible. id do this whenever i had free time, and once i left uni began practicing anywhere from 6-9 hours daily. a bit extreme but i felt like i had time to make up for since i started drawing relatively late in life. only tip there is to balance practice with making finished pieces. finished pieces will show you which fundamentals you still need to work on & how much progress you've made. they also show the completion of a thought whereas practice only gives you the tools to bring that thought to reality
just so u know, ur practice of the fundaments is not in vain. you just need to revive your own capacity to draw from your imagination/subconscious. the main thing is knowing your going to find your work horrible for a long time before it gets better. the joy has to come from the process of creating rather than the end product. by the time it gets better, your eye will also have improved, so you still wont be satisfied. thats where growth comes in. being your biggest critic is what will make you great, as long as you remember where you came from (date and keep your work so you can look back on it) and the role criticism plays. separate your skill from your self worth.
something helpful i was once told is along the lines of 'perfectionism is a lie we tell ourselves to justify our procrastination. no one is ever perfect, so the only way to gain skill is to practice. you cant grow if you dont begin. so if your really a perfectionist, your only solution is to start'
i would love to see your work someday and hope i will. wishing you luck and sending you all the courage to begin and be great. you got this <3
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freyjas-musings · 4 months
Elriels making a fuss about people using their degree is such hypocrisy when they have had psychologists and medical students giving unsolicited advice on fictional characters. There is nothing wrong if someone wants to use their degree, you have been in this fandom long what are your thoughts on it?
Hello Anon,
I hope this is a genuine question and not a bait.
Irrespective of how long I have been in this fandom my OPINION on the matter is this -
1. It's ridiculous for psychologists to provide their expertise based off of human psychology for a SA survivor who is Fae and fictional. Unless there is a university that's offering courses specialising in Fae and they graduated from there their expertise on the matter is unsolicited and null and void. Even if they said yes I specialise in Fae who are immortal, then the question of what sort of Fae comes through.... just within SJMs universe the Fae are anatomically different between TOG ACOTAR and CC.... so you see that clown 🤡 shouldn't be taken seriously. Same goes for medical advices .... The above two are not the same as someone wanting to use their Lit degree to analyse ACOTAR which does come under literature.
2. People can use any test subject to use their skill and knowledge. If someone is saying I want to use my degree to analyse ACOTAR books then that's their choice. There is nothing wrong with it.
Comprehension and Analysis are two different things .Comprehension is basically interpretation and conclusions you draw based on that .
Analysis goes deeper, you identify patterns based on X number of test subject anomalies and then come to set of conclusions.
So, if someone wants to deep dive and perform an analysis using the tools and knowledge they gained from their hard earned degree its fine I just don't see what's the need for people to spoil their fun. It's also anti intellectualism and prejudice to say because someone else doesn't have the means to go to a university no one should use their degree or speak of it. We can all empathise with the fact that not everyone can afford University educations, but disregarding or disrespecting those who have worked their asses off and trying to guilt them for having a degree is not necessary and fucking disgusting.
Does a Lit degree give a person an edge in comprehending and understanding ACOTAR which is written best at 10th grade English level.... The answer is No ... it doesn't. Before someone says I don't respect Lit degree holders I will have you know my mum has a Bachelors and Masters in literature ... she also has a degree in science but decided to pursue Literature because she was passionate. In our house we respect people with Lit degrees.
You don't need a Lit degree to understand SJM books or comprehend those books. I wouldn't tell you all I am an Electrical engineer so I simply have better understanding of how a coal powered generation plant works .... that i am simply better than most of you ( The working principal is 9th grade science )... its embarrassing for me to use my degree as a flex there ..... but ..... I do have a more in depth knowledge of how the plant works beyond the basics , I will be able to tell you exactly how much power will be generated based on the turbine speed and the surface area of the turbine blade , what sort of efficiency are we looking at , what sort of loses , protection curves and so forth. Is it something everyone should know? No.
So Analysis using a Lit degree does allow them to gain a visibility of the authors patterns and writing techniques better. But you don't need it to see she is going for Gwynriel or Elucien or Elriel.... it is definitely not a flex.
3. Elriels trying to shame people who have a degree is akin to the bitter old generationsal women who compensate their insecurity by degrading women today who both work and manage families by disregarding their effort or by finding faults.
As long as someone doesn't come to you and say what I say goes because I have degree .... there is no reason to get your panties in a twist.
These are fictional books most of us read to escape our shit lives just let us have fun.
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lilac-cat-draws · 1 year
anyone fun facts you have to share about your ocs 👉👈
Oooohh, you don't know how much I've been waiting for someone to finally ask this, I want a reason to ramble about my OCs cuz I love them so goddamn much.
I'll try to talk about a small few cuz I have like written almost 50 OCs so I'll stick to the ones on the previous post I made moments ago
This might be a long one so brace yourself for all the stuff I might ramble about
Also please, feel free to ask more about this stuff. There is so much I'd love to share about these characters I put so much love and care into writing about
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Leader of a band of thieves called "Iron Claw" named after his main weapon
At night he's a thief leader but at day he's a bureaucrat
His main goal is to climb to the top of power and gaining as much wealth as possible
Has a fondness for roses as that was his late wife's favourite flower so he has a dedicated rose garden for her
His only family left is his son Trevor
Used to live in a poverty stricken area with his father, until one night where he suddenly vanished from his life forcing him to survive on his own
Neil despises what his father has done
Was taken in my Andreas due to his skill in stealing and combat
On his first day with the group he was partnered up with Elliot as they were both recruited in the same day
Andreas gave him a special dagger that can change the form of it's blade depending on what the current wielder wants
He was informed that he is now the new master of the blade as the previous has died of suspicious causes
Neil has issues with his relationships, he had one unsuccessful one in the past but was lucky enough to at least end it on decent terms
They grew up into a cult that worships a long forgotten god and their goal was to revive them into a new form
Elliot was born from unnatural methods
Their mother who was a member volunteered to bare the the child with the help of dark magic, she later died after the birth
They were confined in the same space for years, raised to be a vessel for this god
Elliot's birth resulted in gaining the curse of bearing the old god's powers
Years later they escaped the cult once their powers were fully in form
They can only maintain some control on a small percent of their ability, anything beyond that is considered dangerous to both them and to the others around them
They greatly dislike the smell alcohol as the place where the cult kept them in was under an old tavern which reeked of alcohol
Prefers to not talk a lot so they prefer conversing with people only they are acquainted to
They saw themselves as non binary after being with the group for a while as they were able to have some self reflection
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Neil and Elliot became close friends after months of working together
They would have each others backs in the most dire of situations
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Vinny is a shape shifting demon and the eldest of the whole group
He joined the group as a form of repayment for Andreas after he saved him from being killed
He is Andreas' right hand man who would provide him with any "confidential" matters that he looks into
His reason for why his main form is a young boy is to look less suspicious in the public eye and that it also matches with his mischievous personality
Vinny only does what benefits him but can feel empathetic on some occasions
He is close acquainted to a woman named Edith
Vinny enjoys messing with Neil with little pranks just to amuse himself
I don't have recent drawing of her as she was a very old OC I did and I was planning on redesigning her whole design, know that she is a crow hybrid that wears a plague doctor dress
She runs a pharmacy that used to belong to her late husband
She developed a fear of germs due to an incident where everyone in her family died of an illness
Edith wears a specially tailored outfit to help her comfortably walk outside again
She has knowledge on plants, hunting, and medicine
Hunting is a favourite pass time in her family to the point where it's considered a tradition to her
Edith wore the outfit so much that the towns people who know her forgot what her face looks like
She met Vinny by chance and Vinny's curiosity decided to converse with her and it became a routine for them to regularly meet and talk over some tea
She never questioned Vinny's origins, she's just glad to have some sort of company in her life
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The medic of Iron Claw, she's skilled in her work
Was blacklisted from working in any medical field due to her origins as a snake hybrid and a poisoning incident that she was falsely accused of
She dreamed of working in the medical job for years as she grew up in a community who can't have this sort of treatment, relying on more ineffective methods
After encountering Andreas she joined the group when he offered her the thing she desired
Ophelia was able to mingle with the other members of Iron Claw as she is the most reliable person to go to for medical assistance
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alchemicaldesignquery · 6 months
Competitive Play is a Mythos
Part of design is understanding a game's purpose. Who, what, where, why, when, how-
-and, most often, 'the fuck?'
Competitive modes tend to have a lot of those questions answered from the moment it is decided there's going to be one. Rules, laws, guidelines, are all set in place to make the mode as fair and just as possible so that player frustration is kept to a minimum.
That doesn't mean you won't get frustrated, mind you, just that the playing field is even enough that it should be easier to determine when a player is better than you.
(note the emphasis in that sentence)
Competitive play is based around level playing fields, encompassing rulesets, and a definitive goal for all players participating. Added/extra variables within the game have to be handled with care, or else the inevitable economics that rule competitive will warp any integrity or consistency you are aiming for:
Of course, I am referring to "Min-maxing".
Every little percentile, every tiny integer; split seconds, shaved seconds, movement efficiencies, 'techs', sightlines, high-ground, focus fire, call outs, short-hand comms, breakpoints-
-there's a list. Broad and wide and many. These are the variables used in a competitive setting, to establish both skill and allowance within the game, pushing beyond the standard (often simple) rules that govern the playing field and into a reservoir of external knowledge the likes of which could fill up a library.
The sort of reservoir that demands coaches of varying tiers, targeted workouts, military-grade/hyper-specialized reflex training, supplements and enhancements, textbooks of raw data, and the analysts to explain it in maximized efficacy.
Competitive play, the higher in the ranks and placements you go, draws increasingly from this reservoir of external knowledge. To the point that, at the highest levels, you might as well be a scholar taking classes only available in particular formats and under certain certifications.
All that to say: High Skill Play has little-to-nothing to do with playing the actual game.
Playing a game, any game really, can go back and forth on the field without this external reservoir of knowledge, but the moment that knowledge begins to get applied, the results are almost immediately noticeable.
A player who knows that High Ground is advantageous, will gain an edge and attempt to secure it more and more often. That edge is magnified, when said player understands why high ground is important.
The same goes for Focus Fire. When players can help coordinate their teammates to concentrate multiple streams of effort against a singular target, regardless of how the game is played, the answering effort can't compete just through sheer numerical comparison.
5 sources of damage focusing on 1 source of health, will always go in favour of the damage.
But learning about these concepts is part of that external reservoir of knowledge that makes up High Skill Play. One has to seek out that information (or, more rarely, stumble on it while playing the game) and, whereas it can often be the case that other players will pass that information on, only those capable of implementing it in their own gameplay will see those benefits.
And if a game, at it's baseline/foundation, does not have any education systems (UI, tutorials, pings, colour-coding, etc.) built into it's core, then much of the external reservoir of knowledge will either be impossible to discover or impossible to implement (probably both).
Which can, in turn, give the competitive side of that game a 'Glass Skill Ceiling'; you can watch High Skill Players achieving results with their gameplay, but attempting to implement it without the knowledge and frameworks those players access regularly (reflexively, even) will breed further frustration.
It might even convince a lot of players that would otherwise enjoy your game, to go looking for an easier one to play. Maybe not even easier, just one that has less of an External Reservoir of Knowledge.
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Eldritch Researcher (Pathfinder Second Edition Archetype)
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(art by Henning Ludvigsen on Artstation, featured in Arkham Horror by Fantasy Flight Games)
 Two weeks ago we looked at the elder mythos scholar archetype, and now we find a spiritual successor of sorts in an archetype in second edition.
While not expressly dealing with elder mythos creatures, the eldritch researcher has a fascination for aberrations, oozes, and the poorly understood secrets of occult magic and how it intersects with arcane magic, which are exactly the sort of vibes we expect from a character that deals with horrors from beyond the stars and other dimensions.
In any case, eldritch researchers, regardless of their background, scoff at the idea of any knowledge being something mortals were not meant to know, risking their minds and bodies delving into secrets so that these terrifying unknowns can become knowns, and therefore less terrifying. Whether they succeed or their discoveries prove even more horrifying upon being revealed is another story.
Looking for an archetype that promises understanding of the occult and otherworldly with a smattering of magical defenses and abilities, this may be for you.
This archetype is also associated with the Abomination Vaults AP, but like all archetypes, it can easily be adapted to any campaign where cosmic horror and research into the unknown comes up.
 For their dedication feat, these researchers learn a minor arcane or occult cantrips as well as the basics for wielding that sort of magic, as well as expertise in the arcane or occult, particularly when it comes to identifying magic or investigation.
Though they do not possess divine magic, these researchers possess a fervor that they can bring to bear, fueling powers reminiscent to those possessed by the knowledge, secrecy, or truth domains, manifesting a personal eldritch sign if necessary. Whether these powers truly come from belief or are just occult secrets that bridge upon the divine is unknown.
They can also learn to tug on mystic threads of understanding, translating a touched body of writing for them, though they still have to decipher codes or hidden meanings. They can only do this once a day, though.
Their familiarity with aberrations and oozes gives them insight into how such beings attack, allowing them to reflexively move and dodge to mitigate harm.
Eldritch rituals are also a common focus of study for them, and many master the art of performing these rituals, making them much easier for them.
Oftentime, rare lore and artifacts are lost to time (until they are rediscovered and kick off a whole adventure, of course!), but many of these researchers are not content to let such lore be lost. As such, they learn divination magic that helps them locate objects to better recover such things for their research, though obviously this has limits.
More learned individuals have so much information at their beck and call that they often have a more comprehensive picture when they recall information.
Many also learn to expand their mastery of their pseudo-domain, gaining the greater magics assocated with them.
As their mastery of the occult grows, they learn the secrets of laying various curses on foes, most particularly those that affect the mind and behavior to make focusing on certain types of tasks harder.
Some of the most powerful learn how to conjure otherworldly aberrations to serve them, either to fight, or potentially ask questions of, though the answers they give are especially cryptic due to their alien mindsets (and possibly penchant for mischief).
Powerful researchers also often learn to recall vast amounts of information in an instant, which can be a boon when there are many mysteries on the table but also dangers abound.
While this archetype is available to all classes, it does require some familiarity with arcane and especially occult skills, not to mention intelligence for use with the various magical abilities granted by the archetype. This lends it best to classes like wizard, investigator, bard, and inventor, though nothing’s stopping you from building a high-intelligence fighter that also researchers the occult on the side. Indeed, the special abilities granted by this archetype are mostly utilitarian in nature, making it a useful way to provide knowledge utility to a party.
 With the lore of this archetype being what it is, it is likely that your character might be frustrating in-character for the rest of the party, what with their interest into poking their noses into the unknown and other things many would consider best left alone. Then again, they also likely appreciate your expertise as well. Remember though that this archetype represents someone of a decidedly scientific persuasion. Even when they are foolhardy, these characters should probably know at least a little about what they are doing.
  Living creatures, but at the same time formed from the very stuff of entropy and unlife, sceaduinar are considered by some researchers to be one of the great mysteries, and thanks to their recent reclassification as extraplanar aberrations, those who seek the eldritch have even more reason to understand them and their mysteries. However, the opinion these crystalline creatures have of natural life has not changed, and they still attack on sight unless bound by magic.
 For years, Leksha sought a way to cure her transformation into a fleshwarp, but it became increasingly clear that both in body and mind, this was her true form now. She has not given up hope, but in the meantime her studies have made her an incredible resource into occult knowledge, albeit a reclusive one that is rarely welcomed in most centers of learning.
 It is easy to assume that the eldritch entities that exist out there are all malign and hostile, having dark intentions. However, like any society, these entities have a variety of cultures and outlooks. Eager to document them is Dr. Pevara, who styles herself something of an elder mythos anthropologist, and she’s looking to organize an expedition to the various gug settlements of the inner world.
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veil-over-miitopia · 1 year
I know that you mean so well-
But I am not a vessel for your good intents.
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(As usual, Picrew link is in the ID)
More details (and trigger warnings) under the cut!
(TW: Death of a parent, mishandling of grief, implication of child abuse)
The crowned prince of Thulmisa (Neksdor); Dakarai "The Merciful"/Al-Rahim comes off as a rather...cold individual. Harsh and direct with his words, his people skills are as lacking as his free time; he finds no time with frivolous matters such as "breaks" or, Gods forbid, visiting the neighboring kingdom. To him, maintaining the country's stability and its survival is of top priority- and his ONLY priority.
That is not to say that the concept of 'love' is unfamiliar to him; he loves his people, he loves his kingdom, and, most of all, he loves his mother - the late queen of Thulmisa -. He wasn't given that title of "The Merciful" out of thin-air, after all. He's just...sort of...pretty much a stuck-up dick tbh.
It was a mystery how Echidna gave birth to him; she was not married, nor was she spotted to have had relationships beyond platonic affection- yet, lo and behold, she comes out of her palace with a small baby in her hands. Theories ran rampant throughout the streets of Thulmisa ever since the day of the little prince's "birth", but nothing was ever confirmed.
Dakarai was a shy child back in his youth; he was almost never seen without hiding behind his mom, especially when around new people. Those who have gained his trust back in the day, however, claimed he was a bright kid with extensive knowledge of the human body- a trait that would carry on to his adult years as his profession leaned more into that of medical territories.
A fire burned inside him; a fire that, day by day, grew dimmer. From his encounter with the nobles of Greenhorne and him meeting with their soon-to-be Besmirched son, to that fateful day in the neighboring realm. Incident after incident etched themselves unto Dakarai's mind even when he was chosen to take up his mother's mantle so suddenly at the age of 7.
The weight of an entire kingdom was heavy on his shoulders; even at a young age, he wasn't even able to cry over what had befallen the late queen. All Dakarai was able to do was focus; do his best to look past his own noblemen's attempts at manipulating the youth for their own gain.
His own reign throughout the years was...bumpy, completely unlike that of Echidna's, so it wasn't uncommon for comparisons between the monarchs to be made. Thus, a mission was set in stone in his mind; not only was he supposed to keep his people alive, but he must also preserve her legacy. Even when the world turned dark and people fell into corruption, he didn't let go of his promise to his kingdom, and to her...
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