#i mean he has a pretty voice overall but his singing voice is so good i love him
pomegranatecountry · 6 months
i think i need to jerk off before i go to the easter vigil mass so i can survive through it without going insane
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randomgurl2326 · 6 months
Silver Springs
Luke Castellan x Hecate!reader
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Summary: Luke cheats on Y/N and she finds out before their band’s biggest gig ever. Y/N looks back on all the obvious signs
Warnings: mean!Luke, toxic!luke, gaslighting, cheating, mentions of cheating, overall shitty writing
A/N: This was originally going to be very different. I liked the concept but I think i did a very shitty job on this. Definitely not my best. Anyway, thank you for reading and feedback is ALWAYS ALWAYS appreciated. Love you guys
You could be my silver spring
Blue-green colors flashin'
I would be your only dream
Your shinin' autumn ocean crashin'
This summer was the worst yet. Sure, your mother had claimed you. Sure, your siblings were nice. Sure, you had the most recognized band in Long Island Sound. Sure, you had the best—
Oh, wait, not anymore. You no longer had the “best” “most caring” boyfriend. What a load of shit. The Hermes boy had cheated on you for almost three whole months without you knowing. In all honesty, it was so fucking obvious. The one time you chose to believe the good instead of letting your head telling you the “lies” he always said it fed you.
Again, what a load of shit.
Don't say that she's pretty
And did you say that she loved you?
Baby, I don't want to know
You were in the dressing room waiting for Clarissa right before your band—Half Of Us—played the biggest gig of your minuscule lives.
Clarissa comes barreling in through the door as you hum and bite your nails, “I need you to forget everything that has happened this summer and sing your heart out like you never have before because there are about a thousand people out there.”
You grab the girl’s shoulders, “hey, hey, calm down. Nothing’s happened and nothing is going to happen, okay? I need you to sit and calm down.” You lead her to the couch in the corner of the dressing room and hand her a water bottle to drink.
Clarissa thanks you and takes a sip but still pants a little as she speaks, “Okay, okay. I may have gotten a little ahead of myself there. I’m good… Yeah, I’m good now.” She lets your words sink into her and she frowns. “Wow, I totally would’ve thought you would’ve freaked out once he told you. I mean, what Luke did to you-“
Your eyebrows cinch as you think, “wait. What did Luke do to me?”
“Wait, wait, he hasn’t told you? He told me-“ Clarisse curses. “That bastard! He told me he told you!”
You yell out confused and angry, “CLARISSE! What did Luke do?”
Her face drops as she looks into your eyes and tells you. “Sweetie- I don’t know-“
You like her straight into her eyes, “tell me.”
She sighs holds onto your arms. “Luke’s been cheating on you,” her words come out rushed, “with Shane.”
That fucking Aphrodite bitch.
So I'll begin not to love you
Turn around, see me runnin'
I'll say I loved you years ago
Tell myself you never loved me, no
Don't say that she's pretty
And did you say that she loved you?
Baby, I don't want to know
Oh no
And can you tell me was it worth it?
Baby, I don't want to know
As you sit there with Clarisse and taking it in Luke and the boys come in howling and laughing. Once the three of them look at you and your heartbroken face they quickly quiet down.
Chris is the first to speak and try to break the silence, “woah, what’s with the bum fest—“
Before he can finish you get up and rush into Luke and push him up against the wall, “what the fuck is wrong with you, huh!?!? I loved you with everything I had! Everything! And you ruin it all for some fucking bimbo who bats her eyelashes at you!?!? Answer me!”
The boys are all quiet as you hold Luke by his shirt against the wall and Clarisse who’s looking proud.
When he doesn’t answer you tell again. “Answer me, Luke Castellan!”
“Yes, okay! I cheated on you! Is that what you wanted to hear?” He practically roars at you as you yell. You let go of shirt and push him.
Your eyes sting as tears pool at your waterline. You have to push them back and will your voice not to break as you speak, “I bet she was real pretty, huh? Let me guess, she told you she loved you after the first time you fucked her and you let her believed you did. Was it fucking worth it, Castellan? Breaking my heart just to hurt hers next? You know what, I don’t even want to know!”
“Listen, Y/N, it meant nothing,” he tried to speak but you shut him up with a glare and point right in his face. “Two months means nothing? Oh well, loving you must’ve meant nothing, Castellan. Based on that logic, you never even knew me!”
You choke down a sob as you let your hand rip and look up, eventually looking straight into his dark eyes, “other than anything band related, I never want speak to you. I never want to see you. I never want you hear from you. I don’t even want to smell you! Is that understood?”
You back up from the boy and grab a bottle of day-old Jack Daniel’s and chug as you see the two other boys looking at you wide-eyed, “don’t even get me started on you two.”
You walk out the door as your guys’ manager was coming in to tell you to get on stage.
Oh no
And can you tell me was it worth it?
Baby, I don't want to know
Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me
I know I could have loved you
But you would not let me
Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me
I know I could've loved you, but you would not let me
All five of you walk out onto the meticulously set stage and wave out to the crowd. Clarisse goes to stand behind her keyboard, Beckendorf sits on his drum stool, Chris stands on the lady picking up his bass, Luke—in his downtrodden glory at being caught—slides his guitar strap on, and you in your almost drunk state goes to the mic stand.
Your flowy cream-white sleeves drape around your arms as you take ahold of the mic stand and speak into the mic, addressing the roaring crowd, “how’s everybody tonight?” Your words don’t even slur and the fans roar even louder. “Alright, alright. Not so bad, you laugh a little, “y’know, tonight is a very special night. Yes, a very special night indeed… But, before i get into that, i have a question for you all: have any of you ever been cheated on?” The crowd roars on in agreement. “So, a few of you? You guys know how that feels like right? Your heart starts beat in’ fast and you feel like the whole relationship was a lie?” You look to Luke who’s already staring at you, “well, this new song is all about how that feeling feels. Everybody, this is Silver Springs…”
The crowd roars at the sound of a new song and Clarisse plays the opening chord on her keyboard as you look at Luke.
I'll follow you down 'til the sound of my voice will haunt you
Give me just a chance
You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you
Flashback One
“Luke, can’t you just understand how I feel for a second? I mean, seeing my boyfriend, that I love flirting with another girl-“
Luke takes your shoulders and his soft eyes make you melt as he looks at you with such tenderness, “sweetheart, nothing is going on with Shane and I, okay? She just needed help with some stuff in the Aphrodite cabin. Selena was there, okay? You know I love only you. C’mere.”
He leads you into his arms in a tight embrace and your insecurities melt as you close your eyes and sigh, “I know, I know. I’m just being silly, Luke. I love you.”
He rubs your back and kisses your forehead, “I love you, too, sweet girl.”
What a fucking lier.
Flashback Two
You and Clarisse are sitting by the lake sharpening daggers as she speaks up, “we got a new Aprhodite camper today. Did you see?”
You smile, “yeah, Shane I think? She seems nice.”
Clarisse laughs, “yeah, other than her totally looking up Luke today when he was showing her around. She seemed so nice when she was trying to pull the moves on your boyfriend.”
Clarisse and you laugh a little at her joke, “Luke wouldn’t do anything with her. I mean, he loves me. He wouldn’t do that. Even if she is really pretty.”
The Ares girl gets serious and nudges your shoulder, “hey, you’re really pretty, too. I mean, come on. It’s Luke we’re talking about here. That boy follows you around like a little puppy.” She puts her hands up and looks up at you mocking the way Luke looks at you, “‘oh please, master Y/N. What do you need me to do next?’ That boy is down bad.”
You laugh and shove her, “he does not! Chris is worse than him.” You copy the girl’s earlier actions, “‘Saint Clarisse, I will win all of your affections. Tell me what I must do!’ He’s a hound, Clarisse.”
“I know, we just attract pathetic men.”
“That’s for damn certain.”
Oh, how right you were.
Flashback 3
You were sitting on your bed in the Hecate cabin waiting for Luke to come and pick you up for your three month anniversary date. He scrambles in thirty minutes late looking disheveled.
“Pretty girl, I am so, so sorry. I got a little sidetracked but I got everything ready, and I got cleaned up-“ you cut off his ramblings with a short kiss and pull back as you taste tangerine gum—he hates tangerine.
You decide to put that thought away and calms his soul-called nerves and smile. “Hey, you’re hear now. That’s all that matters. It’s our anniversary. I can’t wait to see what you planned.”
Luke leads you out of the cabin, “you’ll love it pretty girl. I love your dress…”
Tangerine, huh?
Flashback Four
Luke is grabbing onto his head as he talks, “y’know, sometimes I feel like you jealousy and insecurity are too much. We were having a nice time until you decided to bring up Shane-“
“You mean the girl you’ve been hangin out with more than your own girlfriend? Yeah, my jealousy is totally the thing coming between us right now, Luke.” You cross your arms and clench your jaw as you look at Luke with a piercing glare.
He sighs and groans, “she was trying to help me figure out the best gift to give you for your birthday! She isn’t here all year, so I had to ask her before the summer ended! Gods, you had to ruin the surprise, didn’t you?”
You look down and feel a pang in your chest as you leer into your boyfriend’s chocolate eyes with un-needed guilt, “I-I’m sorry, Luke. I didn’t know… Gods, I’m the worst. She was trying to help you get a present for me. Luke, I’m sor-“
Before you can finish he takes you into his big, warm arms, “it’s okay, I forgive you. Next time don’t make such a big deal, okay? She was helping me. I love you, and only you.” He kisses your forehead.
You nod, “I’m sorry. I love you.”
Help? Yeah, she helped him.
As all those memories flood back, so do the feelings from each one of those memories. You close your eyes as you clench the mic; pouring your soul out for each and every one of these people to hear. Eventually, you open yours again and look to Luke who’s no longer looking at you, but to the front row.
You look to who or what he’s looking at as see-
Of-fucking-course it was Shane.
Was I such a fool?
I'll follow you down til' the sound of my voice will haunt you
Give me just a chance
As the song goes on you walk about the stage and jam out with Chris, Charlie, and Clarisse. You go back-to-back with Chris as he fires off a deep riff on his bass, you hang with Charlie as he beats away on his drums, and you sit down with Clarisse as she slowly plays her keys.
And as you finally get to Luke you sway with him and smile at him and he smiles back, believing that you “came to your senses” and forgave him. You lean in to his lips and swerve at the last second; whispering, “we’re fucking over you manwhore. Get over your fucking self.”
You walk away from him—almost strutting—putting the mic back on the stand just in time to look back at him—smiling—and sing the final lyrics that would haunt him for years to come, resonating throughout the arena as her voice wrapped around his heart. Squeezing like a vice.
“I know I could've loved you, but you would not let me… You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loved you”
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iamumbra195 · 3 months
If the Graveyard kids were demigods, which Greek god would they be the child of? (Riodanverse AU)
For Ashlyn, I believe she would just be another of Apollo's kids, keeping to herself most of the time. Nobody really paid her any mind because out of the dozens of Apollo kids, there wasn't anything particularly remarkable about her. She wasn't the Head Counsellor or anything. She liked it that way. Ashlyn discovered she was a demigod when she was young and spent two full years at the camp to fully prepare for living as a demigod in the mortal world before becoming a summer-only kid. Her sensitivity to sound is one of the strange abilities she inherited but isn't fully able to control, which is why she wears enchanted earplugs that keep sounds at a more tolerable level. Beyond that, she was a pretty average Apollo kid. She was good at the basics like Archery and Music but not beyond that of a normal Apollo kid. The only thing that really stood out was her dancing. It was her special interest, incorporating it into her daily life as a demi-god as often as she could. Her fighting style was based on ballet in canon and she preferred fighting with her legs over her hands--even going as far as putting a weapon in her shoes so she could still use her legs to attack. So she is an average demigod overall. Until one day she discovers that she was one of the few to inherit Apollo's nosokinesis, the ability to create and control diseases (like her ability to open rifts and trap people in them in canon). There's also the fact that her name literally means 'dream' or 'vision', so considering the fact that Apollo is literally the god of prophecy, I think being a child of Apollo fits her very well.
For Logan, I feel that for a long time, he would just be another unclaimed kid. He didn't know anything about his real parents and his grandparents were always super cagey about it until he was older and got attacked by a monster and they finally took him to the camp. He still doesn't know who his biological mother was. Then one day after being pushed too far by bullies, he snapped just like in canon, and was claimed by Ares, the god of war. Much to his and Barron's (another child of Ares) dismay because what the fuck do you mean this dickhead is my half-brother?! He had initially believed that his parent was related to his love for space and astronomy or maybe even his intelligence and love for math but Ares?!
For Aiden, I think being a child of Hermes suits him best. I've done some tests and got answers like Ares or the Big Three, which I don't think those really fit him. But for some reason, I like the idea that he has the favour of/is a legacy of Hades or Hecate from his dad's side while being completely unaware of it until much later (the unexplained connection his dad has to Maverick). Children of Hermes tend to be more hyperactive than other demigods and are often referred to as a jack of all trades and I think those things really suit Aiden. When he was younger, his parents sent him to camp year round in hopes that it would help him and he came back with dyed blond hair, red eye contacts and a reckless streak a mile wide.
For Ben, I believe that this kid is and always will be a child of Apollo. His deep love and talent for singing and music, his rage and hurt at having this taken away from him. His knack for medicine despite only having experience through taking care of Aiden. He only discovered he was a demigod after his voice was destroyed so he never learned that he could heal people with his voice/singing until one of the others, maybe Taylor, were fatally injured and he had no supplies to save them so as one last attempt to comfort them, he breaks his years of silence and sings for them. To his complete astonishment, they started healing and were able to stay alive long enough to get the medical help they needed. He felt pressued to sing and use his voice after that because it could heal people but Aiden or one of the others nipped that in the bud and told him he didn't have to do anything he didn't want to. The idea of him also having premonitions when something bad is going to happen is cool, especially if it's the reason why he ends up catching little details the others fail to notice (a little nod to Canvas Ben for being so goddamn observant). His relationship with Aiden is also cute because children of Apollo and children of Hermes tend to get along, although not all of them do (Aiden and Ashlyn lol).
For Taylor and Tyler, I believe the twins would be children of Hephaestus. In some cultures, identical twins are treated as one entity/soul that was separated into two people and the same could be said about the Hernandez twins in this AU. Although they are different people with different interests and goals, that is how they are perceived as mortals. On the divine side of things, however, they are seen as a single soul split into two. That's why their connection goes far beyond that of regular mortal twins. Their abilities also reflect this. Taylor is a brilliant craftswoman and has a way with technology that separates her from the rest. She's also extremely fire-resistant, which proves to be useful considering her brother has the ability to manipulate fire. Tyler, on the other hand, has the basic skills needed to be a mechanic due to growing up with Taylor but it isn't instinctive in the same it is for Taylor. He is one of the few children of Hephaestus to have pyrokinesis, something he had to learn to master on his own because there wasn't anyone to teach him. They complete each other.
Although Aiden and Ashlyn spent a year or two in the camp, their paths never crossed and they were just another faceless person in the crowd of campers until they officially met when Ben and Aiden began to go to her high school in her sophomore year. Aiden clocked her as a demigod as soon as they met at the bus and was excited to meet another one of them outside of camp. He was also curious to know if she figured out what she was yet and if not, he could protect her from monsters and lead her to camp! Ashlyn recognized both Aiden and Ben as demigods but preferred to avoid mixing her mortal life with her mythological one so she avoided Aiden's needling to the best of her ability. When Ben finally told Aiden that she was another child of Apollo at camp, Aiden doubled down on the pestering which irritated Ashlyn beyond belief. Unfortunately for her, this wasn't the last she was going to see of him.
Mid-way through the first semester, Ashlyn received a prophecy from the Oracle stating that she and five others were to go on a quest. It was a shock to her and everyone in the camp because she was pretty unremarkable yet she was the one that had to go on the quest? It was ridiculously vague beyond the fact that she specifically had to go to Savannah with a group of five others. So she had to pick five other members for her team.
Nearly everyone tried to volunteer and because Ashlyn didn't particularly care who went along, names were drawn out of a bowl. With her luck, Aiden and Ben's names were both drawn out of the bowl, along with the Hernandez twins and Logan. She wasn't particularly happy with those chosen but she supposed it could be worse. Especially when she considered the fact she could've been going with him.
Barron was throwing a fit about how an unclaimed coward like Logan couldn't have possibly been picked but Tyler told him that no one would even want to go on a quest with him considering the only thing he cared about was glory and honour for himself.
And so, the six of them packed their things and started their journey to Savannah, Georgia where it all went to hell.
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factual-fantasy · 11 months
YOOO 26 ASKS?? :000
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I'd like to think the fight still happens but its different. Maybe Seam tried to intervene but quickly collapsed of exhaustion? Or maybe he was conked out from the start and never saw it happen? Its all possible..
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Its very possible to find other lost Grillby's and Goner Kids,, etc.. but for simplicity's sake I'll say that they haven't found them <XD
As for how they see each other, Jevil cares a lot about the others. Goner kid is kind'a low-key like his adopted daughter?? A little?? <XD Seam is his best friend of course- His relationship with Grillby is rough.. but he feels very sympathetic towards Grillby and doesn't think poorly of him. Spamton is also meant to be his good friend, second to Seam. His view of Asgore is laced with a liiiiitle bit of unease becuase of his whole royalty vibe. But Asgore has proven that he is 100% trustworthy so they pals :}} I haven't thought much about his relationship with River person.. I kind'a keep forgetting that she exists <XDD --
Seam is on good terms with basically everyone. Jevil is his best friend. Him and Grillby are a little rocky.. but just like Jevil, Seam is very sympathetic towards Grillby and has no hard feelings. Spamton is a good friend of Seams and so is River person I think. Asgore's royal vibe is off putting but overall he's a great guy and they have a good friendship. Goner kid is basically Seams niece XD
Grillby kind'a feels off about everyone- his feelings towards Jevil are pretty messed up at the moment.. and by extension he doesn't get along great with Seam.. Spamton is nice, but is endlessly supportive and grateful towards Jevil so any potential friendship between them is already strained.. Goner kid reminds him too much of his late daughter so he tends to avoid her.. Now River Person and Asgore? They're wonderful. He's very close with both of them and they are the only things keeping him sane right now- River Person is incredibly gentle and soft spoken. She's really sweet and relates to Grillby's pain. They usually have quiet chats away from the group and it really helps Grillby feel better. Same for Asgore. It started with that 1 hug. Having Asgore's support has really changed the game for Grillby. River Person and Asgore are true friends of his and he doesn't know where he'd be without them <:}}
Spamton is mostly chill with everyone. His close friends would be Jevil and Seam. And Goner kid would be fun to play/mess around with. She's a good little kid. He would also consider Asgore and River Person to be his friends, although he isn't as close with them as he is with Jevil. Grillby is a tough person to approach <XD --
Goner Kid is most connected to Jevil and Seam, with Asgore being a close 3rd. Jevil is kind'a taking the role of dad in a way. Having been the one that saved her and gave her a new name. Seam is the soft uncle and Asgore is dad #2 XDD Spamton is like a fun big brother and River Person kiiind'a has mom vibes?? She's really nice. She's not really sure about Grillby..
Asgore is like the groups body guard/emotional support goat. His personality is so soft and caring that everyone gravitated to him in some way. He built genuine relationships with everyone in the group and is a good friend. He's just the best I guess XDD
I haven't planned out that much for River person.. other than her being close with Grillby and Asgore I haven't planned too much. Maybe she gets along well with Seam? Someone with a gentle sing songy voice must be relaxing for Seam to listen to.
As for the empty AU's due to bad sans'? Personally? I really don't like all those crazy sans AU's. So they don't exist in mine. If there's an empty AU its not because of a sans-
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<XD Poor Seam-
And yeah no- no romantic implications- I still see what you mean. Jevil caring for Seam so much and doing everything in his power to protect and provide for him. It very well could remind Grillby of his wife. When he had a rough day at the bar he would come home to a meal on the table and a caring wife to listen to him groan about his day.
And say Seam did collapse and Jevil was worried sick. Showing how much he cares about Seam. It might just make Grillby mad. He lost everyone that ever cared about him. And its all Jevil's "fault".. That thought would be enough to set anyone off-
Also thank you so much!! :DDD
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I haven't thought much about exactly how King removed Seams eye. But he very well could have restrained him with the chains. Maybe then he gouged out his eye with the weird spade tongue stomach- thing?? That he has??
Awww can you imagine? The trauma that is associated with those chains. Seeing them and being reminded of that experience every single day.. and he cant get away from those memories, because no one can remove them.. 🥺🥺
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Poor guy cant even scream without causing immense pain..
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He has tried to help Seam. He's tried to break the chains, but for some reason he cant even scratch them. He's tried to heal Seam to bring his strength back.. But he cant. Seam's soul just straight up rejects/cant absorb his healing magic.
The best he can really do for Seam is protect him. Seam is basically defenseless because he cant use his magic without wiping out his energy..
And he feels horrible for Seam. And Jevil.. Hearing about how they were abused by a wicked King. It makes him sick. A king is meant to protect his people, not hurt them. He vows to protect and care for his new friends, and to hopefully find someone who can break these chains..
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Ah Transformers: Prime. The show that I stopped watching when I was less than 10 episodes away from the finale <XD
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I hate to break it to ya, but I kiiind'a low-key despise Paani. :x I don't think I'll be drawing him anytime soon-
As for Tracker, He'd probably look just like Barnacles but less muscle, more fluff <XD
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My Spamton looked just like any other addison. But with glasses, and his hair could have been black by default perhaps.? I might have to draw him sometime :0
As for main character interactions. I've thought about the group witnessing Kris and the gang in a battle. In which they see Ralsei heal the others.. They promptly ambush the group and beg Ralsei to heal Seam and Spamton. Ralsei, being the absolute sweet heart that he is, agrees to help. But it doesn't really work out the way they'd hoped..
I also thought about Seam being collapsed in the snow somewhere while Jevil goes to search for food. While he's gone. Either a Frisk or the soul of kindness finds him.. 👀👀
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In the Partial swap, I'm thinking that the only characters that switched places was Freddy with Bonnie, and Chica with Foxy. I'm going back on my idea to have Roxy switch places with Monty..
In the TRUE swap. Its Freddy - Bonnie, Chica - Foxy, Monty - Roxy, DJMM - DA, and Gregory - Vanessa.
Also thank you! :}}
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Yes! :0
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Absolute. utter. chaos. XDD No one would be sane-
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In the Partial swap, with Gregory as the kid.. its Foxy. Although much like the classic AU, the band is kind'a split..
Bonnie is a grumpy recluse and so is Roxy. Monty and Foxy are pals though. They're also friends with DA and DJMM and keep regular contact. Foxy is the main one that always tries to keep the spirits up and keep the group together. But there's not much he can really do..
In the true swap, with Vanessa as the kid.. It would probably still be Foxy <XD
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Its possible..? But I never really planned for him to meet anyone like that-
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I've never heard of it actually, Google says its a game? :0
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I'm not sure what you mean.. You mean like, what do all their attacks look like?
If so, most of Jevils attacks are like the ones he has in the base game. Although my Jevil might prefer to use his scythe most of the time.
As for Seam I imagined a lot of sewing related attacks. Sewing needles with thread attached that connects to his soul being 1.
There's actually a comic here on Tumblr called "Paper Trail" that shows a Seam battle sequence! It was made by lynxgriffin and that battle scene might give you a good idea of what my Seams attacks could look like! I highly recommend the comic :00
If you mean how powerful? I don't really have a good measurement or character to compare them to.. But I do know that Jevil and Seam are equally matched. If they both fought each other at their strongest, neither would win. They would just exhaust themselves and collapse <XD
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Nopenopenopenope sorry nuh uh nope nopenope-
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I think they share a pod because they're the highest authority on the ship. Captain and Lieutenant. Makes sense why'd they bunk in the same pod.
I can also see that. :0 Maybe after a rough mission or just a long day.. I can see Kwazii popping in to check and make sure the Captains alright 🥺
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I don't think the skelebros have any special immunity because Grillby is made of magical/monster fire. Maybe regular fire the bros bodies react differently to.? But If they were in Jevil's place, Grillbys hand would've chopped away at their health just as badly and as fast as it did Jevil's..
For different monsters having different depletion speeds? Its possible. It could be that most monsters are all effected the same except for a select few cases. I think it also depends on the monsters strength. Like-
If Grillby tried to burn an Asgore. It might not effect him as badly due to him having his own kind of fire magic. Plus he's really strong. Or if Grillby tried to burn another fire person, I imagine he can still hurt them.. but not as badly as he could if they were a different species. It's not just Grillby burning you with fire- it's Grillby using his soul/magic to try and hurt you on purpose.
If Grillby tried to burn Undyne or Papyrus? Well that would just be a slam dunk. They don't have any fire related powers or any physical attributes that could help them. So they just get burned. I hope this made sense-
Also thank you!! :DDD
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He does, but its not much bigger than Freddy or Monty's.
I imagined that although Bonnie is bigger than the others, his torso is full of a lot more electronic components and parts. Which would make his actual stomach hatch space kind'a cramped.. If not smaller than Freddy's and Monty's.
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He cant fly no. Nor was his speed really increased much I imagine. But he very well could be more flexible and move more freely than before :0
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@milk-powrit (Post in question)
They're pretty stinkin tough. But Waluigi standing with an arrow through his ankle doesn't mean he's superman. Just means that he's probably high on adrenaline and more focused on helping the weird tiny green man then on the pain in his leg.
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And honestly thats exactly how I feel. I'm so tired of the constant shipping everywhere that I just banned it from all my AUs and fanart <XD
And wow, I'm surprised by the number of people that have told me that XDD You guys just happen to be into all the stuff I'M into I'd say XD
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Personally I remember not liking it.. but watching Markiplier play it was fun :}
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I've actually played a bit of hat in time! I even have three posts about it that I can recall! :00
Post one, two and three! :}
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lithuanianking · 7 months
Controversial opinion:
Christian borle was not a good orin and arguably the worse "recorded" one" let me explain
I'm not really a big fan of Christian borle in the first place,he cheated on SUTTON FOSTER and is allegedly kind of a asshole but people just let him get away with that. But I'm not hear to talk about him as a person and not even him as a actor just him in this role.
Now why did I say recorded? I based this off of cast recordings and YouTube videos,so maybe borle was good live. Maybe.
Ok it starts off and immediately he sounds bored throughout and it sounds like he's trying to do a voice but he's not really doing a good job of it. Also he like puts emphasis on "bash in its head" which is good I like that but when he says "you'll be a dentist" there's no emphasis?? Like that's supposed to be this big reveal and ita just "yeah I'm a dentist you all knew that" and I mean we did but still.
The next time he emphasis something is the word pain but it's like he was told to speak up because he was being to quiet. Him intrupting the urchins Is also bland. I could go on but he's overall just not campy or really stand out.
Being different is like really important with the dentists like they are all different from eachotther but they still have the same elements.
Douglas sills does this thing were he holds the note and it sounds kinda oprea-ish(idk how to describe it),franc luz does his whole little den-e-tist thing,Taran killam acte like he's on nitrous oxide,Russell Nielsen has like a higher voice and is more flamboyant,Peter McNally is pretty simmaler to Steve Martin's but he's still really unique,and speaking of Steve martin loom how amazing Steve is! He had no Steve martin to base his performance on!.
In conclusion,don't think Christian should have been casted as orin. His singing is obviously not bad but to be orin you gotta act you can't just be good at singing.
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Now please allow me to sing this movie's praises.
First, I love a sequel that knows its a sequel. It didn't try to outdo Enchanted at all. I think that "That's How You Know" is THE song from Enchanted and Robert and Giselle dancing at the ball is THE scene. None of the songs tried to be That's How You Know, or be better. They never tried to do a better dance scene. There was the adorable little slow dance at the very end but it was more in honor of the original. Everything was in honor of the original. They respected it and added onto the story in a way that made sense and was good. It was so good.
All of the old disney easter eggs got me they really did!!! We love easter eggs.
The plot as a whole was just!!!!! So good!!!!!! I love that Giselle's life wasn't bad, she just had struggles that she never would have had in Andalasia. And I also love that even though Morgan's teenager-ness was the catalyst for the conflict, she wasn't villainized for it. Giselle didn't resent her for it, she just wanted to understand and help. She wasn't "fixed" at the end. She was still a teenager, still a little snippy, she's still gonna be embarrassed by Giselle sometimes, but that's ok. And Giselle understands her better now. Her whole relationship with Morgan was beautiful. The way she was just so desperate to help, how Morgan was declared a true Andalasian daughter because she's Giselle's daughter. Morgan calling Giselle "mom" really got to me. The fact that her saying "she's my stepmother" has the power to make Giselle that upset just shows how good of a mom she is!!!! That entire dynamic was just. More than I could have asked for.
Speaking of dynamics!! Giselle and Nancy girlbossing together. Amazing. Edward trying to help Robert. Adorable. I love how Giselle and Nancy basically switching roles made them able to understand each other so well. The fact that Nancy is the one dealing with hobgoblins on a daily basis now but she can still give Giselle teenager advice. I love it. Nancy and Edward on their own were amazing as well!!!!! Big fan of them not having kids. Big fan of Edward being the largest himbo to exist even after all these years. Big fan of him sword fighting with the kids at the end. Big fan of him saying "that's all it [the wishing plate] does, we're fairly certain?" Big fan of Nancy's wardrobe. Big fan of them being Sofia's godparents. Big fan of the implication that they visit pretty often. Big fan of them <3
The Giselle and Robert content, while perhaps a bit more sparce than I may have hoped for, was just UGSFJHSDBHGBVOUBGABVSDAU. Perfect. The way he looks at her??? Kill me. I love how he loves her singing now. When he was watching her dance around the house in the beginning and when he was smiling when she started singing again that night OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM I LOVE THEM. The kiss at the end. Actually. Every kiss. They kiss and I cry it's very simple. The glimpse of the wedding oh my god??? When you can hear Robert's voice say "I do" and "You'll always be a princess to me" when Giselle's getting the memories back I DIED. And I choose to believe the princess line was a part of his vows. Yeah.
The soundtrack was great. Badder is my favorite at the moment lol. Speaking of, Amy Adams' range???? I mean I knew she had it but Giselle slowly becoming a villain was so satisfying to watch. I loved when she was talking to herself sdfbsdjf she's so funny. The humor all around was great too!
That's all I got for now. I'm sure more will come to me. Overall i really loved the movie and im really happy with how they handled it and seeing Giselle and Robert again in the year 2022 was desperately needed for my mental health. thank you.
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crazyringo · 3 months
Okay. Since I've started playing HSR, I hardly surfed Tumblr for any theories. Mostly started doing so 2.0 onwards, and most of them are pretty interesting reads. However, one theory for 2.3 has me lukewarm since it first started... And that's Sunday potentially becoming a Stellaron Hunter.
While interesting in theory, I honestly don't really see it happening. Yes, Elio is indeed striving towards the Script that displays a better future for everyone. And yeah, okay, Sunday wanted to ensure everyone's happiness within the dreamscape and with this line of thinking we can assume he'd want to ensure the best possible future for everyone being a Stellaron Hunter. And while we can all agree that he's a misguided good boy with good intentions, I still don't see him joining the group.
Here's why (my opinion): He'd be leaving Robin behind.
His beloved sister who, despite his betrayal (and by that I mean being the cause for Robin's singing voice), still hugged and forgive him for his mistakes. Despite the fact that he had failed to achieve his goal, he was still loved by the one person he cared for most. I honestly don't see him leaving her behind...
And if he did join the Stellaron Hunters, who by the way are considered to be dangerous criminals/terrorists among other things by the IPC and the rest of the cosmos, it'd be damning for Robin's career as a renowned songstress since she's related to Sunday, who's a family head and most likely a well-known authoritative figure outside of Penacony. I wouldn't be surprised if Robin had mentioned his name every so often whenever she did her thank you speeches in interviews on radio and/or TV
Moreover, before his boss fight, he did say that he wanted a fair fight with the Trailblazer. He wanted to see whose ideal was stronger. Clearly, it was the Trailblazer's. Personally, I see Sunday being a man of his word. He's confident, righteous, and very clever for his age. I don't see him being a sore loser. And since Robin forgave him, I'd like to think that he would no longer push himself as hard as he did before. For me, Robin's hug tells Sunday he's no longer alone. That no matter what happens next with the Family they will still have each other to rely on. I really adore/admire their bond as siblings and the theory of Sunday potentially becoming a Stellaron Hunter kind of saddens me if they're going to be apart
Now, if Hoyoverse DOES go through with this theory... Fine. I will accept it for what it is, but they better do a damn good job of it narrative wise. And if he doesn't, that will be great for me because the Halovian siblings will be together.
Not to mention, story wise, Firefly has mentioned more than once that the reason why she's in Penacony is to guide the Astral Express to the truth of what's going on. There was no mention of potential recruitment concerning her Script. Who knows? That might possibly change in 2.3, but with everything else going on story wise with Sparkle, the IPC, and the Family I highly doubt it's going to happen.
Don't get me wrong. I love Sunday's character, and I'm sure that he'd be a great asset to the Stellaron Hunters if he becomes one. I just don't see it. If anything, I'd rather have him be a new member in the Astral Express. Robin could be calm and pretty much be free of worries if her brother is surrounded by people she can trust. And they could communicate on the phone and write letters to each other when they have the time/arrive at a new planet. She'd be worried sick if Sunday was with the Stellaron Hunters, and of course if that were to happen there's hardly going to be any communication between them. I'd like our chicken wing siblings to be in a safe environment, thank you! 😤
Overall, the Penacony storyline has been awesome. Though, admittedly, I was kind of disappointed on the lack of Silver Wolf. Was hoping to see more screen time with her since she's paired up with Firefly for this assignment but~ nope! Our Wolfie, yet again, works from the sidelines. Other than that minor complaint, it's definitely been an emotional rollercoaster for me as I played through the story. And while I am excited for 2.3, I am also apprehensive about it...
Something deep down in my gut tells me that we're going to lose someone in the finale. And if not our precious Firefly, then it's going to be our good boy Sunday.
I really don't have much thoughts for Firefly aside from I obviously don't want her to die, so I can't speak much there. For Sunday, on the other hand, I can. I am scared for this boy. Fear has gripped my heart the moment I heard his voice line on that clue we find on the Grand Theater.
Sunday. Is. Scared.
Since the moment he's been introduced, he's been nothing but cool, calm, and collected. Now, this poor boy is scared. Considering he had failed miserably on what the Family had been planning for years, I would not be surprised if they throw the poor boy to the wolves. The wolves being the IPC. Since Jade is now in Penacony... I predict that this will not end well.
Aside from attempting to reclaim Penacony for the IPC, I wouldn't be surprised if Jade mentions about Aventurine's mistreatment during his stay with one of the Family heads to get a word in edge wise. To which, they would simply say, "We know. He's no longer one of us. Do as you see fit." Giving Sunday over to the IPC in exchange for Penacony's independence in the name of "Harmony" so that said "Harmony" would be restored on both sides. If that line of thought more or less happens on 2.3, I sincerely hope that the Astral Express will be able to save him before it's too late. That, or maybe the Family will use Sunday as collateral and force Robin to cooperate with their plan B to ensure Sunday's safety (I really hope not)
Something also tells me that we as the Trailblazer are going to be forced to make a very, very difficult choice for 2.3... As in, one or the other kind of scenario. And, of course, there's only ONE right answer in said choice and I really hate those...! *Glares at Black Swan, who forces you to hear out Aventurine's truth, despite me not trusting him (still don't tbh. I'd rather trust Sampo, and that's also bad lol)*
But yeah, those are my current thoughts as of now. Might be wrong on some things, but I at the very least wanted to put my thoughts out there before 2.3 arrives. I'm looking forward to the next update, and I definitely can't wait to bring my darling Firefly home! I'll finally have a full Stellaron Hunter team~! Jade, too. Me love evil gorgeous lady! 💕
Good luck on your pulls everyone~!
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saelterlude · 8 months
Link Click Musical clips list pt.2. (pt.1, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7 here)
guess who finally learned to navigate bilibili? me. which means i can finally start tracking down moments/clips i (vaguely) remember but has since lost. yeay :D
starting with this beloved trilogy (yes, these are three consecutive Wang Minhui-Cai Qi performances):
23. 09/12/2023, Where Wang Minhui pushes Cai Qi off the table,
24. 10/12/2023, Cai Qi retaliates,
25. 20/12/2023, and finally they both try to push the other off the table only to fail, mess up the rock paper scissors, and can't stop laughing.
And others like,
26. 02/12/2023, bonus to the trilogy above where Cai Qi fell off on his own for no reason.
27. 29/01/2024, Cao Muzhi's birthday, which has so many good moments from him breakdancing(?) to fighting over the mic until both Zhu Hanbin and Xian Dongyue fell from the table, and Cao Muzhi sang the wrong lyrics and confuses Zhu Hanbin (for more context, check out shimmeringweeds reply! thank you!).
28. 29/01/2024 bonus, Cao Muzhi try to math how to cut cake 16 ways. Zhi Bowen suggested cutting 8 slices then cutting it horizontally lol.
29. 31/01/2024, Zhu Hanbin gets his revenge(5) and slaps Ding Xingchen's ass, tbh in general he was pretty aggressive/energetic this performance
30. 08/01/2024, a pretty chaotic and fun one of Bai Zhuoming, Wu Yihan, and Qian Anqi. Voice cracks, giggles, missed lyric, false steps, we gottem all. Even Zhu Jiayan and Zhang Jiahao were cracking. Highly recommend.
31. 10/12/2023 night, thank you shimmeringweeds for finding this clip. Du Guangyi poisoning someone (Teng Chunpeng) for the first time. Bonus for Deng Xianling sitting up in concern and offering Du Guangyi something to drink too. (Also, double failed hearts and singing the last line of guiding light together!)
32. 05/01/2024, Smol Rongbo!!! And Wang Minhui (for there to be smol there gotta also be big) some other stuff also happens like Xian Dongyue aggresively pushing Shu Rongbo's legs off hers.
33. Wang Minhui's 5 minutes vlog, we got glimpses of other scenes, the cast messing around, a tour(?) of the set, and snippets of other songs.
34. 07/01/2024 day, short one of sulky Wang Minhui, very cute 8:)
35. 23/11/2023, Overall, pretty tamed performance but the curtain call? Really chaotic. Wang Minhui messed up Director Li Haolin's name, which I realized is even funnier bcs right before that he messed up Guo Zhenyan's name and Cai Qi gotta intervene. Man cannot focus lol.
yea I waited until we got a clip of this livestream to post this pt.2
36. Faith of Friendship, <- Official, here's a subbed ver. Cai Qi and Wang Minhui did a good job, singing about their first meeting and basketball. The choreo is also really cool and the song too. Got sad when you remember Wang Minhui once said his Lu Guang has witnessed Cheng Xiaoshi's death.
37. Words Can't Convey My Love, this!!! Shu Rongbo as Chen Xiao being absolutely flustered, (trying) and failing to confess to his crush is so cutee with Wu Yihan trying to wingman in the background. The ending is so funny too lol, with Shu Rongbo running away and Wu Yihan shouting at him. The song is good, the choreo is good, Shu Rongbo's voice is also really good.
Nothing related to Link Click but I went on a Wu Yihan binge so have this bonus clip of him being cute in the Love Musical
Enjoy and byee. pt.3 in end of march? mid march? whenever I got a long list of clips I like. Definitely gonna put a 10/03/2024 clip in pt.3 bcs Shu Rongbo and Wu Yihan bday, and also 11/03/2024 bcs Teng Chunpeng bday.
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How was your Helluva Boss watch?
It was pretty neat! Thanks for asking!
Here's a list of the stuff I liked:
Moxxie and Millie's marriage is cute! I'm a sucker for fictional married couples who are sickeningly adorable and genuinely care for each other rather than arguing all the time.
I think I might have an autistic headcanon for Moxxie? It was the bit where he started infodumping to Millie's parents that did it for me.
There were plenty of lines of dialogue that made me splutter because I wasn't expecting them to be so hilarious.
The part of the interrogation scene where Moxxie intelligently explains why torture is a bad interrogation tactic and Blitzo adds that the demons might enjoy the torture too much and then the agents would have a whole other set of problems on their hands lives in my head rent-free for some reason.
While I'm not sure I want Stolitz to become canon, I will admit that their complicated relationship is interesting to watch. The childhood flashback episode had some cute moments. And I'm fascinated by the changes that Stolas has undergone over the course of the series. I'm glad he's not as creepy as he was at the start.
(I prefer Owling at the Moon over Stolitz, which is probably why I don't want Stolitz to become canon. Imagine if Loona and Octavia started dating and Blitzo and Stolas became the awkward in-laws. I'd like watching that play out!)
Fizzmodeus intrigues me. I wasn't sure about that ship at first, but they do seem to have a cute thing going on. Watching Asmodeus trying to help Fizzarolli after his panic attack was unexpected. I've not really seen stuff like that in the fiction I've encountered.
I came across a Hellaverse crossover fanfic where Angel Dust meets Asmodeus and I thought it was well-written. (You can read it here if you're interested. But given the two main characters are the King of Lust and a porn star, it's very much NSFW, so don't look if you're a minor.)
And here's a list of the stuff I wasn't keen on:
The show was supposed to be about a team of demonic assassins taking out targets on Earth, but it seems to have abandoned that premise rather quickly to focus on exploring side characters and fleshing out the worldbuilding in Hell. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the worldbuilding (certainly more than I would have enjoyed the gory killings) - it just bothers me that the show starts with a premise and then forgets it. At least in Hazbin Hotel, the themes of redemption and second chances are almost always present, even if the Hotel itself isn't getting much focus. By contrast, what does Fizzarolli's clown career have to do with assassinating humans?
The sound mixing on the songs bothered me. Most of the time, the dialogue is loud and clear, but when a song starts, the voices go really quiet for some reason and the instrumentation drowns them out and I can't hear what they're singing. It's as if the show keeps coming down with a bad case of Sonic Adventure 2 sound mixing.
I wish Loona was treated better by the narrative. She seems very underdeveloped to me, and I'd love to see an episode or two focusing on her and giving her time to shine. (And more of her hanging out with Octavia. That'd be neat.)
They got Barrett Wilbert Weed to voice Octavia and they haven't let her sing a song yet?! I've heard her Heathers and Mean Girls stuff! She's a good singer! Don't let her go to waste!
So, as you can see, I do have some quibbles with the series, but overall, I had fun!
I am now finally watching Hazbin Hotel properly (hooray!), and I prefer that show over Helluva Boss. The characters resonate with me more, and the songs stand out to me more. But I still enjoyed checking out Helluva Boss!
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starrydaycare · 1 month
can we have CG Dark Sun???????????? pls an thank u?
Yep! Sure can! I'm assuming you mean headcanons, but if you wanted a moodboard then I can change it.
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☀️CG!Dark Sun
(Note: Apologies if I get anything wrong during the disability section!)
🌌Dark Sun, as we all know, is very different from our Sun. He's cold, calm and very intelligent, unlike our Sun. Sun was built for taking care of children, and Dark Sun is a Sun model. He was also made for childcare, meaning despite his calm and cold exterior he's still pretty good with kids of all ages.
☀️He's a very busy animatronic, always working on something or other. Some of the things he does are very dangerous, far too dangerous for a kid. So, he'll leave you with Nexus. But when he can have you with him while he works? He'll carry you around, calmly showing you it all if you show any interest. You might not understand all of it, but his voice is pretty calming to listen to.
🌌He'll give you all of the affection you wish for, holding and hugging you as he gives you forehead kisses, telling you how you're so good, how you're just so precious and adorable. He's like a doting parent meeting their baby for the first time.
☀️You're so spoiled, he'll give you the world if you ask for it. A new toy? Wrapped up in pretty wrapping paper on your bed. Cuddles? You're in his arms already. Your own dimension? Yours <3
🌌He's not the best with playing pretend, doesn't really find the appeal, doesn't enjoy it. He's pretty okay with toys, though! If you're younger, think 0-3, and play with baby and toddler sensory toys, then you're in luck! He's good at playing with sensory toys with babies and toddlers.
☀️Bedtime with him is amazing. His voice is calming and soothes you, and every night he reads you a bedtime story of your choice. He'll dim the lights, turning on your nightlight if you need/have one, and giving you your stuffies, blankets, pacifier and so on. He has an entire bookshelf in your room filled with all of your favorite books. He also got you a CD player, alongside a bunch of CDs of kids songs. Think like the Sing-along song CD albums.
🌌He can try to change your diaper, but good lord that animatronic wouldn't be able to do so if his life depended on it. Same with feeding you baby food and stuff. If it's messy, he can't do it. Dark Sun has the same cleaning protocols in his systems as Sun does, leading to his home being perfectly cleaned and messes being a no-no. He won't punish you for making a mess, he understands that kids are usually pretty messy. It's not your fault, it's not worth punishment.
☀️He's great with kiddos that have disabilities and stuff. Always making sure everything is fitting to your needs. If you have chronic pain, then he'll have a heated blanket, your stuffies and a heating pad ready. You're a wheelchair user? He'll make sure every area is wheelchair accessible. You're prone to fainting? He'll help you with whatever you need, making sure to catch you if you do pass out.
🌌And of course he always has plenty of water, juice and snacks on hand. So if your blood sugar's low and you need something sugary? He's got something for you. You have POTS syndrome, or anything else that salt can help a bit? He's got something for you. You get the point by now.
☀️Great with kiddos that have autism, adhd, ect, too! If you're easily overstimulated in big crowds, then he'll either help you avoid them, or if they're unavoidable he'll make sure you have anything you might need and he'll be with you as much as he can. You struggle with doing everyday tasks? He'll help in any way he can. Once again, you get the point by now.
🌌Overall, he makes for a great caregiver!
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rosenlied · 5 months
A ranking of every vocalist/Vocaloid tuning in Sekai!
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Starting out with the voices:
Disclaimer: I am not attacking any of the vas here. All of them are just doing their job and singing in character, which is very different from how a lot of them usually sing. For example: Ruby is easily my least favorite vocalist in Aqours but Airi is pretty high on this list despite them having the same va. It just depends on the character and how the va is told to sing for them. Any issues I have with how a character sings isn’t the vas fault but rather the fault of the directors and Sega. 
Ichika Hoshino: I wish I could put Ichika higher but out of the entire cast I feel like she suffers the most from being put in songs way out of her range. Dramaturgy, Roku Chonen, Night Sky Patrol and Lost One’s Weeping are great examples of this, she really struggles and sounds awful in all of them. She has her great moments like in Meteor Pulse, Regulus, Attract Light and Tengaku but sadly her misses keep me from ranking her any higher. I think part of my issue is that most of the time (minus Tengaku) her voice is just too soft for rock music. Compare her to Bandori vocalists that also sing hardcore rock (Ran, Yukina, Layer, Tomori and Uika) and you’ll see what I mean she sounds so much worse than all of them. She’s easily at her best with quieter softer songs than intense ones and I wish she got to sing more of that than having the team try and force her out of her range, which they sadly seem to be doing with TTB. That cover is going to suck but at least Rondo and Roselia exist.
Best alt vocal: Meteor Pulse
Minori Hanasato: Her voice is cute but nothing special. Sadly she’s never really stood out for me much in songs and sometimes her voice is just downright unfitting for them (Kigamure Mercy, The Snow White Princess Is,Flos and Near) and that problem is only getting worse with time for me. Because Sega is refusing to give MMJ any duets she’s put in every song they get and sometimes she doesn’t fit them at all.
Favorite alt vocal: Setsuna Trip
Emu Otori: I like Emu’s voice, it’s just way too childish for my liking and can grate pretty quickly. I know it’s her character but I wish they’d let her va show more range outside of that one baby voice they have her do. And unfortunately they don’t always put her in the right songs, as seen with Love Ka even if she has it a lot better then both Ichika and Minori in that regard.
Favorite alt vocal: Hoshizora Orchestra
Honami Mochizuki: This one hurts. I love Honami but she really hasn’t gotten many chances to shine outside of Flyway and Regulus. Part of that is sadly because the other Leo/Need members usually overpower her in songs outside of the two commission songs she has that are meant to show off her voice. She’s also put in a lot of songs that really don’t fit her voice (Amanojaku, Peaky Peaky, Stella), and while most of these are alt vocals I sadly cannot rank her higher. The same thing I said for Ichika (that being that she doesn’t fit hard rock all that well) is also very much true for Honami, if not even more so than it was for Ichika. Still I hope we can get more stuff like Regulus and Flyaway + she gets some more good duets that aren’t ruined by a sucky sounding Miku (Heartrate and Morning Glories). 
Best alt vocal: Flyway
Saki Tenma: Her voice is really upbeat and peppy! Sadly she hasn’t really gotten many moments to shine but when she shines she really shines. She does kinda have the problem of being put in songs that don’t suit her voice though (Amanojaku and Peaky Peaky being the biggest examples) and what I said about Ichika and Honami absolutely applies to her but overall her voice is really nice. Hopefully she gets to sing more or her own songs soon (looking at you Stella and Teratera)
Best alt vocal: Teratera
Akito Shinonome: I am going to get so much hate for this. Akito is a hit or miss vocalist for me. Sometimes he makes a song with his vocals (YY, Yobanashi Deceive, Crazy, Kashika, Tokio Funka) other times he just doesn’t fit at all and really drags the song down (Meltdown and Realize). I still think he’s good don’t get me wrong, but he’s rather hit or miss for me.
Best alt vocal: Yobanashi Deceive
Tsukasa Tenma: Another hit or miss vocalist for me. Tsukasa is so good in all of his commissions and the anniversary songs but elsewhere he can sound a bit too goofy for my taste. I know it’s his character but in songs like Showtime Ruler it’s just a bit too much. Still he has his moments in stuff like Filament Fever, Cyberpunk Dead Boy and Mr. Showtime. 
Best alt vocal: Neo
An Shiraishi: And we have the final member of the hit or miss trilogy. I like An’s voice but for whatever reason it rarely works with her group mates and she doesn’t really have a lot of harmony with them. And I know this is a direction issue because her va does not have this problem at all in Kamen Rider Girls or Abyssmare so I’m not sure what they’re doing. Regardless she has her good moments (Genkujo, Machi, Awake Now) and her bad (Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder, Shanti and GimmexGimme). 
Best alt vocal: Genkujo
Mafuyu Asahina: I feel like Mafuyu has an amazing real voice if that makes sense? When she’s singing in her good girl voice I don’t really care for how she sings but when she lets loose she’s incredible. This is best seen with stuff like Ussesawa, Slow Downer, Bug and Phony in which she’s incredible. Again the problem is that she mostly sings in her fake voice which isn’t nearly as powerful, I get it it’s her character but still.
Best alt vocal: Ussesawa
Kohane Azusawa: Her voice has improved so much it’s insane. There’s just something about it that feels really pleasant to listen to, especially in Neo and Beat Eater. I’m not going to pretend that she has her flops (mainly Shanti and Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder) but overall her voice is just stunning. 
Best alt vocal: Beat Eater
Shiho Hinomori: Her voice is really unique among the other L/N members due to how deep it is which really helps set it apart. It’s also the most fitting for hard rock songs out of anyone in the unit causing her to own songs like Kagero Daze, Tengaku and Voices. I won’t pretend that she hasn’t flopped (Lost One’s Weeping wasn’t her best) but she definitely hits a lot more than she misses. 
Best alt vocal: Kagerou Daze
Kanade Yoisaki: Kanade easily has the most emotional sounding voice in the game. I love how it sounds like she’s crying in nearly every song she sings, it adds to much emotion to Niigo’s commissions and covers. I do wish they’d like Tomoriru use her Tamao voice for her though since she said she coughs a lot after singing in Kanade’s voice which makes me feel bad. 
Best alt vocal: MKDR
Rui Kamishiro: There’s something about his voice that’s so pleasant to me. I really like how he can go loud without being to over the top yet mysterious and spooky when the song demands it. He can sound heavenly as well, he can just do it all.
Best alt vocal:Dance Orchestra
Airi Moimoi: I really love how peppy and upbeat her voice is! There’s just something about it that has this nice spunky quality that’s really pleasant to listen to and she’s the powerhouse of MMJ. That’s not to say she doesn’t have her more melancholic side either which is also lovely to hear.
Best alt vocal: Kigamure Mercy
Toya Aoyagi: There’s just something about Toya’s voice that’s so versatile to me. He can be gentle, he can be strong and he can be harsh and he owns all of it wonderfully. I think his only miss is Shu-Ran (though to be fair everyone sounded really bored there) but outside of that he eats up nearly every song he’s given. I just wish that he got to sing more soft somber songs once in a while because he really fits them. 
Best alt vocal: Ghost City Tokyo
Ena Shinonome: It’s hard to explain but her voice scratches my brain just right, I love it. She can sing powerfully, do emotional ballads or sing more silent yet creepy songs and she nails all of them. I also love how she sounds with literally any Niigo member and the emotion she brings to their covers, especially Non Breath Oblige, Irony and Gehenna. Then you have her commissions which oh my god. She’s incredible in all of them, I love how emotional she sounds in Infinitely Gray, Nomad and Watashi Wa Ame. Just a great vocalist overall. 
Best alt vocal:Infinitely Gray
Haruka Kiritani: I love how dynamic and emotional Haruka’s voice is. She does cutesy songs perfectly but then you get to stuff like Shoujo Rei and the Earth’s Final Confession and it gives you chills. She can really tackle any genre and sound, what a queen. What I said for Toya does apply to her as well, give her more somber soft songs Colorful Palette! Another thing id like to mention is that as far as female vocals in the game go she easily has the most powerful voice by a landslide. If you want proof just look at Devil’s Manner, I dislike the mixing on that cover but the fact that she managed to sing so well and not be overpowered alongside Akito, Rui and Kaito is just…wow. It really sucks that she won’t ever be able to sing like that again due to the nature of MMJ as a unit but oh well.
Best alt vocal: Shoujo Rei
Nene Kusanagi: Nene is the songstress of WxS for a reason, she owns most of their songs. Her voice has a really nice vibe to it that fits musical theatre esque songs perfectly which is perfect for WxS. Then you have the moments like her ahhhhhs in Glory Steady Go and the entirety of Coral where she just owns the song. 
Best alt vocal: Coral
Shizuku Hinomori: I love how gorgeous her voice is, she adds so much to every MMJ song. She sounds like a goddess and brings so much emotion to so many songs, especially Hug and Shoujo Rei. Then you have her ad lib during Memato Reborn, that makes me ascend every time. Not sure what else to say she just sounds angelic and give her a new duet it’s been two years since her last one!
Best alt vocal: Yoru ni Kakeru
Mizuki Akiyama: I may be biased because it’s Mizuki and I loved their seiyuu before Sekai but their just a phenomenal vocalist. I love their voice so much in nearly every song, it sounds so powerful but it can also be soft when the song demands. Shout out to Kitty, Lower, Gehenna and IDSmile especially, they carry those songs hard. And that’s not even getting into Give Me Your Night, Venom and Villain, god it should be illegal for them to be this good. (Ps if you like their voice please check out Revue Starlight their va voice one of the main girls there and said girl sings a lot).
Best alt vocal: Gehenna
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Now for Vocaloid tuning: 
Disclaimer: I am going after Sega for how they tune and treat the vocaloids. For a game that’s dedicated to celebrating Vocaloid and its history it’s pathetic how dirty they continue to do the vocaloids in this game. They really need to get more people that know what they’re actually doing on board because it’s genuinely embarrassing that a majority of fanmade videos I find on YouTube are better then the actual in game Vocaloid alt vocals. 
Miku: JFC what does this game do to you? This is especially true with L/N covers, her tuning in Heartrate, Ray, Roki, Dramaturgy, Ghost Rule, Teratera and When the Morning Glories Fall all make me die inside. Then you have stuff like God-ish (disclaimer I don’t think she’s as bad as others say there), Pheles and PAIII Sensation all of which aren’t the best either, like stop please. That being said I do love her in Dokuzu, Lost and Found and What Kind of Ending are You Wishing For so that’s points to her I guess. 
Meiko: I’m going to be honest; the only thing keeping Meiko from being at the bottom is Kirapipi Kirapika and to some extent Filament Fever and Blender. They do not know how to tune her well, it’s just embarrassing. For whatever reason they’ve decided she’s perfect for cutesy songs like Kyu Kurarin and Kuninaru which is just….no? The point of Meiko is for her voice to be mature and she completely guts both songs. Then we have this new bizarre trend where they try and force her to be other Vocaloids that aren’t in the game for some reason which is just? In Lagtrain they tried to force her to be Kaai Yuuki, in Kibou no Tsuki they tried to force her to be Yukari and in Yoidoreshirazu they tried to force her to be Gumi. And that’s not even getting into Love Ka where they tried to overlay her vocals with Flower and thought no one would notice which is so funny I can’t even be mad about it. She’s so rough sounding in Phony, Egoist, Shu Ran and Pheles as well it’s just terrible. It genuinely kinda ruins her as a Vocaloid for me until I go and listen to Jitterbug, On the Rocks, Fraulein Biblioteka, My Love is Hellfire, The Snow White Princess Is and Nostalogic and remember “oh she can sound REALLY good”. Bottom line is: Sega get someone who can tune her because what’s going on right now isn’t working and I’m tired of her ruining my favorite songs. 
Len: Len isn’t as poorly treated as Meiko and Miku but he’s not great either. Don’t get me wrong he has his stand outs like Bug but on the other hand you have Kokoronashi and Beat Eater. I don’t think he meshes very well with a lot of the vocalists either, someone on YouTube made a mix of Kitty without him and it’s impressive how much better the song sounded. 
Luka: Look at how they massacred my girl. Listening to Marshall Maximizer, Dreamin Chuchu and Hello Worker makes me want to cry, especially when they had a perfect basis for the last two. Why do they make her voice so high, it doesn’t sound as unnatural as it does with Meiko but it doesn’t sound great either. At least she has Cute Na Kanojo, Living Millennium and Order Made.
Kaito: As much as I hate to say this Kaito being so high is because he rarely gets to do anything so there’s not as much of a chance for him to be messed up. Yes Dr Funk Beat and Shanti aren’t great but at least he has amazing stuff like Passion at 25, Samsa and Kiss the Villain. Everything else is fine I guess? Idk. Hopefully he doesn’t get the Meiko treatment soon (please don’t fuck up Heart Adnormal)
Rin: Despite being first Rin isn’t tuned amazingly. Still she gets out of Sekai the least scathed, I think her worst was Positive Dance time but everything else is fine to even pretty good. I really like her in Boo!, Voices and Infinitely Gray but even that doesn’t hold a candle to how good she sounds outside of Sekai. So congrats to Rin for not being totally butchered. 
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kingofthewebxxx · 5 months
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MUSE:  James ‘Jim’ Moriarty
What does your muse smell like?
Rich cologne, very rarely leaves the house without some kind of perfume, a soapy smell if he has gotten a little bloody. If he is pretending to be someone else then his will smell will fit whatever he believes best fits the role and serves his purposes.
What do your muse’s hands feel like?
Some harder skin around the knuckles yet overall his skin is usually soft, he keeps his physical appearance well-maintained, and hand cream has been known to be used on a few occasions. Yet again, for certain roles or disguises, this may change
What does your muse usually eat in a day?
James doesn't eat as regularly as he should, he becomes absorbed in his thoughts very easily as well as any interesting schemes he may have ESPECIALLY if they involve a certain consulting detective. When he does eat he prefers to stick to foods high in all the good stuff including vitamins and protein to ensure his brain can continue functioning. Although he does eat unhealthy food as well as long as it is well cooked he will not refuse, he likes his steak medium rare.
Does your muse have a good singing voice?
I doubt we are ever going to know, although he may possibly be able to hold a tune fairly well….
Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous tics?   
Does his general behaviour and impulsiveness count as a bad habit? He has high expectations of people even of those he knows cannot meet them, relatively uncaring other than for a few and that may not come across as caring in the general regard. He loves making other people uncomfortable, at times getting very close to them or simply staring at them until they look away
What does your muse usually look like/wear?
Other than the finest suits, jackets, and formal menswear? Designer clothing and I mean the hard-to-get stuff since it's so rare, not what you can get if you keep your eye out. Common colours are black, grey, dark blue, and some burgundy
Is your muse affectionate? How much? How so?
Normally no, yet with certain individuals he can be very affectionate if he wants to be. Whilst cuddling is usually a no, a form of embrace is possible if it serves a purpose as well as the rest of affection, he feels on a different level but to him, what he is doing is serving a purpose, for example, making a lover trust him for example. Everything else is pretty much on the table, if he is manipulating someone he is very good and acting convincingly, he had been known to hug Molly Hooper.
What position does your muse sleep in?  
He can sleep on his side as well as on his back. When on his own he sleeps mainly on his back, hand always near a handgun under the pillow just in case someone manages to get past security. Small fact his eyes don't always close when asleep. With anyone else, he usually sleeps on his side so he can wrap an arm around them to keep them close
Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
If he wants you to hear him then good luck trying to ignore him, he is either so loud that you know you are in trouble or as silent as a cat stalking a mouse that you should know to be equally as concerned
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Tagged by: @dontcxckitup thank you!
Tagging: @thecockysniper, @stillsolo, @wolfbrawn, @wastheheart, @guarrds, @defectivexfragmented (Bucky), @infamouscabal (Johannes), @theirmadness (Irene), @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins (Evie) and you!
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bojackandherb · 4 months
Oh yeah this was from when I told people to ask about my opinions on bjhm characters, right?
Anyway, I liked her :)
The way her dream of singing/theater fell apart made me so sad. But also kinda frustrates me, like, girl, you had one bad audition. The problem I think is she kind of gave up on her dreams too quickly. I think she like. Had always longed to be in theater but didn’t think she could do it. So she went into a different type of acting but like. Sure she sang for fun but I don’t think she ever got voice lessons or anything. So like.
She wasn’t a terrible singer, she has potential, she just could have benefited from more vocal training and such. But the fact she never truly believed she could do it to begin with means she didn’t actually truly work towards it, and when she finally did get an actual opportunity due to Bojack she just. Gave up right away when things didn’t go well on her first try. So it’s very sad but also very frustrating because it’s like nooooo girl it doesn’t have to be this way! Honestly maybe she’s benefit from learning about the growth mindset…
But also like, her giving up so quickly makes sense because like. She had such bad luck in Hollywood for so long that she decided that like. Not caring about stuff and giving up up things quickly and having zero expectations was the way to go to avoid getting hurt. But while those mindsets potentially protected her, they’re also just like, not great mindsets to have overall.
Tbh her and Bojack like, never really seemed like much of a couple to me, it kinda seemed they were both lonely and mainly just needed a friend, and honestly they seemed more just like friends to me for most of their relationship. I like them way better as friends than as a couple, but they did have a few genuinely sweet moments together. Which just makes what happens at the end up of Showstopper all the nore heart wrenching.
Under her cynicism she has a sweet and dorky side that Bojack is surprisingly able to bring out… well, him and the success of the show.
Tbh they never really made sense as a couple to me. Like there’s not really any spark between them, and. The only time they act like an actual couple is the beginning of the showstopper, and like. A lot of the development for their relationship going from “casual friends who tease each other and also bang (but the banging is pretty much just because they’re both lonely and don’t have anything better to do)” to “actual couple” happens offscreen. Like, he accidentally gives Gina the idea that he really does want to date her when he and hollyhock sneak into her house to try to find drugs. And then after he crashes his car she apparently visits him a lot in the hospital and then their relationship actually blossoms into an actual romance I guess. Apparently. But we don’t really see any of it, there’s the time skip and then it’s like “oh they’ve been dating for months now.” Anyway idk how much the show actually wanted us to ship them anyways.
In the end Gina and Bojack’s relationship was just a plot point the writers used to get Bojack to a low enough point that he had no choice but to get help and go to rehab. Now that I think about it the way the show used her might’ve been kinda crappy. But idk
However it was pretty neat how the show explored “people who don’t want to come forward about the abuse/trauma they dealt with in Hollywood and how for some coming forward about it might actually do harm than good” through her.
Her season 6 scenes made me sad… glad she was able to get a part in Kelsey’s movie, though! (Based off of posters we see in the background)
There’s more I could talk about but asjkndkandkwnsman idk how to articulate my thoughts and I’ve already rambled a lot haha
Anyway. Gina is a sweetheart who deserved better
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
what would class b's voice types be (if they all were in a musical, everyone does sing here)
Not proofread we die like men
Yes everyone sings but that doesnt mean they sing well :)
Awase - he somehow manages to sound like a dieing pig, and a acream at the same time but somehow his voice can be really good in certain situations
Sen - his voice is okay but he cant hold a note to save his life
Kamakiri - he doesnt really sing as much as he screams...
Kuroiro - he tries to make the lyrics all dark and edgy but he just ends up sounding like the black crayon from the crayon song. If ykyk
Kendo - shes above average in singing skill and shes a bit more confident than most. She has more range with higher notes though.
Kodai - she has a softer voice than most and is overall a kinda shy singer but its really good.
Komori - shes always up beat and energetic when she sings. She always puts her whole heart into every note and does her best no matter what.
Shiozaki - acapella or whatever that really slow church type of singing is called lol
Shishida - he definitely has a more 'old school' singing style but he sounds a lot better than people would think. Though its hard for him to hold a note for most newer songs
Shoda - hes very quiet and shy when he sings alone and hes kinda bland but when hes singing with someone (like background vocals) he can really bring out their voice.
Pony - shes always happy and upbeat when she sings. Its a bit harder for her to sing slower songs because of that but shes definitely above average voice wise.
Tsubaraba - he has a good voice but he only sings meme songs... he will sing 'the actual cannibal shia leabouf' with his whole heart in such a serious tone (idk if thats how you spell his name but whatever lmao)
Tetsutetsu - he puts his entire soul into the song just to sound like a dieing cow... but he does have passion
Tokage - she pours so much emotion to every song she sings. Shes definitely best for those songs that are supposed to bring tears to the audiences eyes.
Manga - hes way too dramatic for his own good. During any song he sings hes throwing himself around and putting his soul in every note... its kinda funny to watch tho. His voice itself is kinda average though
Honenuki - hes calm and has a good voice but is overall, kinda akward when he sings. Hes too focused on hitting the right notes to be overly dramatic.
Bondo - he has a deeper voice and is better at being the background vocals for some of the more high pitched students. Hes overall better at being a bass than anything else (music kinda bass not the fish)
Monoma - hes the token theater kid. He sings well and he puts his entire soul into every single note.
Reiko - shes good at singing higher notes but the lower she goes the harder it is for her to hold a note (or even make a sound)
Rin - hes pretty average when it comes to singing but he can easily switch languages in the middle of a verse to make it sound a bit cooler. That also makes it to where some songs only he (pony and honenuki) can preform
My first thought was to say songs that reminds me of them singing but I only listen to about 3 different artists so....
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cherrylng · 3 months
Memories of Muse Live Edition [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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Memories of Muse Live Edition 'When you see Muse, it's always the No.1 show of the year' (Abe) 'Everything is so two-matched, so wasteful, so great!' (Horita) Dialogue ◎Yoshika Horita and Kaoru Abe
Abe: Muse's live shows are pretty much set in stone. The confetti is a promise, and so are the giant balloons. I think they did the balloons for the first time at the Brixton Academy in 2001. That was also a Flaming Lips classic (laughs).
Horita: And that little loudspeaker. They always keep to their promise or the point, but with the guitars, I feel like [Matthew] plays pretty freely. Especially after Morgan (Nicholls) came in on keyboards, I feel like they have more freedom. Until 'Absolution' Matthew was playing guitar, keyboard and singing all by himself, so it was a bit hectic.
Abe: Also, they don't used to do encores, although they do now. It was perfect without it. Anyway, with Muse, they never miss a beat at a show.
Horita: Matthew never once lost his voice, or we could tell that he wasn't in good shape, was he? It doesn't matter when you see him. It's amazing that he always has that falsetto. They almost never miss a beat. Muse are so tight on bass and drums. Chris and Dom are really supporting each other in terms of performance. That's why Matthew can hold his own even when he plays crazy guitar solos.
Abe: There's no bad guitar sound, no quiet sound, no bad overall balance.
Horita: Yes, but that doesn't mean they rehearse hard. Maybe the staff work really hard.
Abe: They're always good, so it's hard to choose which show is the best. It's always the No.1 show of the year when I see it.
Horita: But Fuji Rock 2002 was really intense.
Abe: It completely eclipsed Prodigy. They also played "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" at that time.
Horita: That kind of thing is unfair, isn't it? It was like, "Dom, Dom, that's it, it's a festival" (laughs).
Abe: Also, the 2004 SHIBUYA-AX S-performance was intense. You see the strange spaceship-like cover on the keyboard? That was pretty funny.
Horita: Nowadays the sets are even bigger and bigger. Muse's shows are all two-match and wasteful (laughs). But that's why it's great!
Muse's appeal as a live band, as told by the veteran and new editor of Crossbeat
I've seen Muse in Japan every time they've played, including festivals, since the second time they came to Japan. Matthew once said something like, "When I write a song, something is pulled out of me", and the great thing about Muse is that the audience at the show can experience that same kind of emotion being pulled out of them. I've seen so many artists live in the course of this job that I can't help but get a bit carried away, but I always find myself getting emotional at a Muse show.
At the Budokan show in January, I was deeply moved by the fact that they had come so far. With that many people there, I don't think all of them were dedicated fans, but the fact that everyone seemed to be enjoying the show was because of that spirit of service. Because Muse shows are fun as shows! As a live band, I think they are very consistent. They play so well, I feel like there should be more fans like Guitar Guy. For me, along with U2, Radiohead, Manic Street Preachers, Green Day and Underworld, they're one of the bands I'd like to see live anytime. -Hidefumi Harima (Interview)
I first saw Muse at Summer Sonic 2006. I went to the arena and was surprised that there seemed to be more fans waiting for Linkin Park than Muse fans. So when the show started, at first they didn't really react… But gradually they started to go 'oh wow' and I realised that they were really excited. If you see them live, even people who are not their fans will understand how great they are. You'll be overwhelmed by how much the three of them can do! They're overwhelming. I think Matthew was feeling a bit away from home in the stadium at that time, and he was really on fire. He was waving his guitar around more than usual (laughs). They are the type of band that burns brightly under adversity, as was the case on stage at Fuji Rock in 2007, where they had a hard time because their equipment arrived late. At their shows, every single set-up is interesting, like the guitar rack with a car that comes out over the radio, or the shiny piano. I like their sense of style, including their costumes, because it's funny.
Personally, I think Muse are one of the "best live acts" along with Radiohead, Depeche Mode, Flaming Lips and Mutemath, but would I want to see them every day? But if you ask me, it would be like asking me if I want to eat tonkatsu (pork cutlet) or steak every day (laughs). -Yuri NAKAJIMA (interview)
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rems-writing · 6 months
Ateez as Bryson Tiller songs
Listed below are the Bryson Tiller songs I associate with Ateez. This includes his albums and any singles he has released
Hongjoong: Inhale
I had a hard time choosing something for the captain I'm not gonna lie. I compared a lot of songs, both released and unreleased, and tried to see which one fit his vibe the best. After much deliberation, I finally settled on this one. Like Crazy Form, Inhale is not overwhelming with the noise genre that Ateez is used to. I can see Joong chopping up and playing around with the instrumental on this song and maybe add a bit more layering and depth to this song. Knowing Hongjoong, he'd use that brain of his to produce something immaculate yet stay true to the original.
Seonghwa: Overtime
My brainwaves naturally associated this song with Seonghwa ever since I came across an edit that used this song in the background and the edit contained clips of this fuckface show off his grills in the behind-the-scenes video of Matz.
Yunho: Losing Focus
Heavy 808s, thumping bass, and an overall danceable beat? I immediately thought of Yunho for this one. I'm also taking into account the way he acts. I picture his face contorted into one that is actually losing focus or already has lost focus. I can picture him looking troubled as he rides the beat of this song. That's pretty much all I got for him lol
Yeosang: Canceled
We all know that Yeosang is the most savage member of the group. So of course I had to pair him with this song. He hates the fried chicken he got (which is a lie since he loves everything lol)? Cancelled. Wooyoung being Wooyoung? CANCELLED. Any bitches that wanna hate on these eight literal fucking angels? CANCELLED!!! Anyways
San: Exchange
Good. Fucking. God. I have been manifesting this cover of this song ever since I got into Ateez. I even fucking put this song in my Valentine's series! You cannot tell me that San's voice would be perfect for this song. The airiness in his tones brings a different timbre to this otherwise aggressive song and it almost gives the song a bit more seduction rather than reminiscence. With the way San's stage presence is, you'd most likely be lured in since he is a siren and you are his prey.
Mingi: Let Me Explain
Mingi is my ult. And this song is my all time favorite out of all the songs that Bryson has released. So naturally, I paired these two together. Ever since I heard Mingi's solo song, I cannot get his raspiness out of my head. It's forever glued to my brain cells. Now imagine the raspiness making an appearance again in this song. How he's begging for you to come back and hear him out before pleading for you to stay. You don't have to forgive him. As long as he explains his truth, he'll be content.
Wooyoung: Just Another Interlude
The more I listen to this bonus track off of Trapsoul, the more I realize that Wooyoung actually represents this song. As the lyrics go, Woo can be a freak and a friend too. He's someone you'd see yourself leaning on yet get a good fuck out of him. However, this doesn't mean he's fitted for friends-with-benefits. Good God no. He's way too good for that. This just means that when you get into a relationship with him, he can either be a friend, a fuckbuddy, a lover, or all three.
Jongho: Next to You
The maknae. The 'hyung' maknae. The maknae with strong hands and even stronger vocals. We all know he loves to scream out his high notes. As it says in a guide I watched, Jongho's voice is so powerful that when you hear his harmonies, you'd think it was another instrument. I jokingly posted a Jongho pic on Instagram with this song in the background, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that he does have the potential to sing mainly in his lower register. It would be a nice contrast to everything else.
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