#i just can't believe it dc would do this 😭
(okay, head's up because i'm kinda new to dc lore and i've only read and watched little of the comics and tv shows but-)
godammit man, my disappointment's immeasurable ...
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
Tomdaya checkpoint🛂
💔who broke it off? what was the reason?
❤️who reached out first the second time?
💍engaged/ secretly married?
📸fav pic?
💎fav piece of tomdaya jewellery?
💊do you believe in the plan b tea?
🧢thoughts on Zendaya’s haaat story and the live?
💭what was tom thinking about when he talked about the most important experience in your life that has shaped you into the person you are today, if you could say one?
🍞did Z manage to taste granny Tess’s bread by now?
❌unpopular opinion
LOL is this a Q&A thing anon, or something you want me to make a poll out of? I can't tell lol 😅
Anyway...I'll just answer to the best of my ability....
💔who broke it off? what was the reason? - I have no clue, but if I had to guess, I would say Tom did. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Could have been for a number of reasons. Maybe they were also busy and not able to see each other as much? Could be the H/L/D/DC was getting a bit tiresome? Maybe they were just young and needed time to grow, maybe date other people as well?
❤️who reached out first the second time? - I would say Tom did. Especially since he was the one (I suspect) broke things off with her. Plus, we all suspect he reached out for her when she got her Emmy nod.
💍engaged/ secretly married? - Oof...that's a tough one. I'll say... engarried. LOL 😅
📸fav pic? - Oooof! This is another tough one anon! Gosh! Are you trying to kill me?? Anyway, as crazy as this sounds, this is actually one of my favorite Tomdaya pics. They just look so peaceful together, you can literally sense the love and friendship btwn them just through a silhouette, they look like they will be like this when they're old in their 80s together lol...aaaannnd lastly, it's just a GREAT photography piece! 😊(I do photography)
💎fav piece of tomdaya jewellery? - The piaget necklace... For many reasons lol 😅
💊do you believe in the plan b tea? - Yea.... I do lol 😅
🧢thoughts on Zendaya’s haaat story and the live? - I think I posted my thoughts about this already? 🤔
💭what was tom thinking about when he talked about the most important experience in your life that has shaped you into the person you are today, if you could say one? - No clue Anon lol! You might have to ask Tom that lol. But it obviously involved Z cuz he said so. 🥰
🍞did Z manage to taste granny Tess’s bread by now? - Let's hope!! 😅
❌unpopular opinion - I think fans need to chill about Tomdaya and just let life happen the way it's meant to happen. 👀 I think the constant concern, anxiety, tracking of whereabouts, and FBI detective work is a bit overkill these days in 2024. 😭 We know they're together, we know they're madly in love w/each other, and we can't control the past, present, or future, so let's just enjoy the ride with them....regardless of if they stay together, or break up one day. 😊
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g1rlr0b1n · 7 months
DC would never but having Jon and Damian realize as they grow older they don’t wanna have the pressure of taking up their dad’s mantels(give that to Conner, any other bat kid (maybe Tim or Step or Cass) and Yara as the Next Gen Trio)
Jon and Dami go off and be their own heroes together and/or separately but still team up and then when getting into adulthood the duo decide they want a simple life and grow old together like…I’d eat that shit up!!! 😭
how did I miss this ask?! This is from December! I swear my inbox is doing some crazy shit. Anyway, yes I would love that for them. Especially since they were born expecting to take the mantles, it would just make more sense for them to want it even less. Honestly, I flip flop depending on the weather though. Did you happen to read my fic Memories and Mantles? I wouldn't recommend it, it's super sad lol. But I do kind of address the whole, "my life was chosen for me" thing because it is something I think about with them often.
spoilers 👇
In Memories and Mantles Bruce dies and Dick takes up the mantle from him so that his younger brothers would not have to carry that burden. After Dick dies, Damian takes up the mantle but he doesn't want to. He wanted to go to medical school but now he can't because he believes it's his job to pick up where they left off.
It was a short one shot for Super Sons Week but I'm considering adding more chapters to further explore it. Who knows, maybe he'll go to medical school after all.
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jeonstudios · 8 days
ima get to the point straight; jungkook fucked up a big time I want him to grovel at his feet, I want him to scream, cry, throw up not even for a chance but for oc to know how pretty she is 😭
The guilt is not guilting rn. See jungkook is a smart man I refuse to believe he wasn't aware what impact his insults would have on a women. The way he says that he didn't have an idea to what degree he was causing hurt to oc, it makes me feel like "he is just a man afterall" like he is inconsiderate just like a man who didn't care to think his actions does have an impact. I can't say to what extent he feels the guilt, the regret. But I want him to be so fuckin desperate I want him to feel like his world would end without oc 😭😭😭
Also, your writing is really beautiful and dc is really beautiful 🫠🤧
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don't worry about it, i didn't find it rude! just passionate 😅 and i'm glad you have strong feelings about it/him lmao 🤩 i get what you're saying even if i don't necessarily feel the exact same way. to me, jk is forgivable because i do believe he wasn't aware of the damage he was causing with his words and the things he's done afterward (and not only to get brownie points from reader) weigh up for it. but i also understand that it can be hard to be around someone who actually said so cruel words. hard to forgive and to forget when it made you hurt so much. and yeah, it was very "manly" of him to let himself be swept away by his friends and the hatred for her. and thank you!!! these are literally the best compliments, they really warm my heart ♥️
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f0point5 · 8 months
Doing this completely anon cause I'm genuinely scared of the backlash that may occur - This is controversial and also contradictory so im willing to be shat on for this hot take.
Charles cannot seriously be hoping to win races and be a world champion. I've got no proof just my own absurd theories but I seriously cannot see him becoming a wc. Lando is the same. They both are so alike. One bad race or bad moment and they shit on themselves and lose control and take a week to bounce back from it. I as much as I have love for them and am starting to think they genuinely believe they will win a dc. Oscar and Carlos are the only ones who could on either team as it currently stands. Unlike merc where George could in the team even tho he is lewis' teamate he actually could. But Charles and lando can't unless they change their mindset and team. And tbh to some extent I see both Charles and lando not nearly serious enough about f1 at the moment. And I know 'social media is fake and only shows so much blah blah blah we dont know them personally' but if they gave a fuck they'd risk the money and try and get into redbull. They'd risk thier paychecks and get the money invested into the team. And again I know I don't know what is happening behind the scenes and I'm whatever for saying this but Charles won't win a dc and neither will lando. Max is by far the most authentic, marketable, talented and most relatable driver and I'm a lewis girl (well more lance than lewis but just showing my bias that typically happens with lewis fans).
- Charles isn't dedicated (I believe)
- lando isn't either
- neither will win a wdc
- this celebrity branding thats going on is fucking ridiculous, lewis and max (although he's not nearly as willing to want the title) are the only ones who truly deserve it
- Daniel while yes is charismatic isn't all that talented anymore and would do better in another series. (I included Daniel cause I thought of the celeb status and him)
- and also drivers can only be so relatable and likeable as long as they stay grounded and don't seem so big for their boots and tbh again as a lewis fan (initally) I'm just not really caring for him and the va va voom of him anymore (that was wierd admitting) and when Charles is getting more 'celeb-like' he becomes more unlikable same with lando...
This was long and I apologise 😭🫶🏻
WOAH. Okay we about to get trashed for this but ya know what, idc, I partially agree with you.
I don’t think Charles, or Lando, will ever win a WDC. I think of the two of them Charles is the one with the real shot, because I think he has a much stronger mentality than Lando. I don’t think the pressure gets to him for pressure’s sake the way it does with Lando. I think where Charles knows he doesn’t have the equipment he gets desperate, and mistakes happen. Whereas Lando just can’t seem to hold it together over a weekend, and I think a lot of what affects Lando happens outside the car, which is why he would crumble in a title fight. That said, I think time will run out for Charles, George, Carlos, Lando, etc. Those teams won’t catch up to Red Bull before ‘26 and by then Oscar, and whoever else has come in from the next generation will be younger and hungrier, and the next cycle will start. For me, they will miss their window. I won’t say for sure but that’s my feeling, and if by the end of next season the Ferrari team is not operating like Red Bull (meaning they have a clear #1 driver, and their strategy and pit stops are where they need to be) it will be clear that not even Fred can change the tide and they are an unserious team where Charles will waste his talent.
I disagree that it would be a smart idea to get into Red Bull. Tbh I don’t think Red Bull would want Charles, but that’s another issue. That team is Max’s and it will be until he leaves (or suddenly can’t drive a car anymore but that won’t happen). As a driver, you have to think you’re the best driver, but I don’t think either Charles or Lando is delulu enough to think that they could beat Max in Max’s Red Bull (and this is not me saying they build the car for Max, I’m saying that when Newey hands you a car and Max is saying “make it faster” and everything you do to the car to make it driveable only makes it slower…you are fighting a losing battle). Red Bull would not only be a waste of time for them, but yes, probably a big financial loss, because they both benefit from marketing themselves as #1 drivers at the moment.
I have to say, I agree that it doesn’t seem to me that Charles is as committed to being WDC as he could be. Disclaimer - this is purely based off vibes, I don’t know the guy. I’m not saying he’s not doing his job, he absolutely is, but the self promotion levels, at a time when the results are not resulting…signals to me he’s branching out. I talked a lot last season about how I think he’s transitioning out of the “Il Predestinato” image, and how I felt part of that is because it is becoming less likely that he will win a WDC. I think it’s clever of him to think about doing other things though, because so much of what it takes to get a dc is out of his control, and he doesn’t even have the bare bones of a team or a car that will let him challenge for a title. There is no point in him waiting around for Ferrari to get it together, if they get it together he can revisit but right now…I think it’s in his best interest to get his bag.
I don’t think there’s many similarities between Charles and Lando’s path here, Lando is a wholeeee other essay 😂
But I disagree that the branding is ridiculous, I think it’s a logical thing to do. Yes these guys make good money from their teams but that won’t last forever, they have pretty short careers. It’s good for them to use their platform to build income streams for themselves that will go beyond their F1 career. Charles previously hadn’t been able to do that and now he is, which is definitely a positive. I will give Max and his team props here because I think he’s sneakily got the best alternative income streams of anyone. Verstappen.com must absolutely be raking it in with those grandstand deals, the merch is consistent, his brand deals are minimal but they’re big and they stick with him. My point is, drivers do need alternative income streams, especially when their brand can’t just be “I win”.
Lewis a master at this, I will admit, I just don’t like his brand. But it is consistent and he has managed to transcend F1 as his own brand which will keep him comfortable for the rest of his life, so good for him. I don’t buy into the brand but the brand is branding, I have to recognise.
I don’t really get Charles’s brand identity yet lol so I can’t tell if how likeable it will be. I mean, currently he is very liked, it’s possible it will stay that way. I really couldn’t say. I think Lando is about to have an unlikeable season but I also think his “babygirl brat” thing is pretty amusing and won’t ultimately alienate his fan base.
It was long but it was fun. The villagers will come for us with pitchforks for this opinion though.
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chainsawcorazon · 9 months
#deadass forreal forreal#one thing i hate about ppl who sensationalize chris but then turn around and shit on jon is this right here#like cousin be real#chris ALSO got shafted by the narrative and they did it to pitch some ultra epic romance and keep clark form raising him#age-ups are common for a reason#i am deadass terrified they're gonna age up otho and split her from osul so clark won't have to raise her either#truly terrified#clark's children suffer on account of being his kids#it's sad and i hate it and neither chris nor jon are at fault for being editorial's playthings 😭😭😭#real talk#dc comics
OP I am vigorously shaking your hand, THANK YOU.
I have been screaming about how Jon got the literal SAME treatment as Chris for AGES but people can't seem to get over the fact DC decided for the UMPTEENTH time that you know what couples need? Biological kids over adopted ones we have always been screwing over anyway! Chris isn't the first adopted kid to get fucked over by DC! Stop concentrating your anger on the fictional characters and start getting angry at the writers and editors! I want THEIR asses on a platter, not Jon's!
Oh, let's not forget the fact Chris was always going back to the Phantom Zone at the end of his debut run— but because Last Son's artist had to take a nearly year-long break due to health issues, the other writers took that as an opportunity to develop Chris and his relations with the Superfamily.
Superkids are disposable for Clark angst, whether one accepts it or not. Chris isn't the first to get the shaft (that would be Cir-El, who was even retconned as not being RELATED to Clois because people hated her guts as a Supergirl-replacement so much) and as you can see, he certainly isn't and won't be the last (see: Jon). I'm sure those twins won't last long either.
(I have beef with Kennedy so I tend to ignore the twins' existence unless someone forces me to acknowledge them. He is on my shit list though— at least Jon wasn't created as a (blatant) replacement for Chris, unlike those two! I can't believe he even admitted that! In an interview!
You could have found a way to deage Jon and solidify yourself as a legend regardless of how the rest of your run goes, but noooo, you had to cram in your own OCs instead! You don't even get to own their IP, idiot!
Oh, and I read somewhere (or was it in the same interview?) that the girl was gonna die at the end of the Warworld saga too! As if the boy twin wasn't enough of an obvious replacement (who I might add even has some similarities with Chris too)! And you had to screw over the New Gods for them too! They are barely recovering from King's Mister Miracle, dude!)
see anon, one thing i've realized about BOTH dc fandumb and dc editorial after being off dc comics for nearly ten years is that......... they not reading 😂😂😂 that's literally it, and im tired of pretending like that's not a problem on BOTH sides. it's so funny bc yeah, chris was never meant to last, but he DID have an impact, but you would think that after the nuking of the universe, the failure that was the new 52, and then the rebirth initiative to bamboozle hoes back into buying overpriced singles.............. they would, like, make a genuine effort not to be stupid with their own heritage properties, but the clowns keep clowning!!!
as for the children of clark kent.... i mean, yeah. they're destined to suffer. i don't know kennedy johnson that well but i enjoyed warworld, and tbh, i love ALL of superman's kids. call me clown too, it's ok. i know there's no hope for any of them to lead any kind of meaningful life on account of being his children, adopted or not, but i do love how their characters fit into the broader narrative. unfortunately, i did not know he was using otho and osul to substitute for what would have been OG chris, but tbh, that does not surprise me.
just like it doesn't surprise me how a lot of fandumb is quick to blame pink capitalism as to why jon was revealed as bisexual and not, like, the fact that bendis didn't DO anything with jon after aging him up. homie was just floating in the 31st century macking on a telepath and looking like tom welling circa 2005 😂😂😂 listen, the gays are being fed for the time being. tomorrow they might decide we're not worth the hassle, but for now, we get to see cute pride specials with superman and his pinkette since no one's bold enough to write a series of elgibbityqueue elseworlds where clark gets to mack on john henry irons and jimmy olsen.
but i digress! i love those superkids! i love chris and jon! i hope bendis comes back and destroys the rest of this continuity so we can finally force editorial to commit to character bibles, and hire editors who aren't writing books that might be easy to adapt into shitty tv shows and movies. i also hope the next wave of dc blockbusters flop. plus i want kon el to kiss bart allen. i am a woman of multitudes.
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yunick · 5 months
i've told myself that i didn't like you anymore. honestly i feel like im lying to myself. ever since i told u my age everything has been dead between us. we were doing so fine and i fucked up, technically it was the right thing to do because i can't imagine lying to you abt that for a long time. i have had many crushes after you but i acc search for you in them. p (my crush rn) the first time i saw him i thought "hey he could be my crush, he kinda looks like m too" that was the first reason that came into my mind to like him. bc he was like you, totally like you. i have never thought of missing you again but here i am currently crying and rereading our old chats. honestly ang weird ng mga chats natin dati but like at least i was happy, i've changed drastically. i've gotten more quiet, i absolutely hate dc now bc it reminds me of you and if i do use it i backread our chats. i can't move on from you. idk why. i think i said this before but u had a big impact in my life even if i was -- when you met me, no one has gave me mixed signals like you, no one has made me risk my life getting a beating stealing my laptop while being grounded just to talk to them, always log in on dc every other time of the day to check if they chatted, no one has made me buy a ---- and think of them everytime i see one. i acc feel so lonely and boring now. especially nung december? i got no merry christmas or happy new year from my friends. i'm trying my best to not think of you thst much anymore but tonight i couldnt help it. when i saw a girl on ur pfp i was js AHHH ganon i honestly dont want to get back tgt, i wanna become friends again. we're acquaintances rn and i hate it. udk how happy i was when u replied to me when i said i was going batangas OMG my keyboard memorised it😭😭 anyway imy :> shld i send this? im feeling risky:>>
i sent this to him april 23, 2024, 1:45 am.
i nvr thought he would see it so i said told myself na isesend ko tas idedelete agad agad. but i was wrong he saw it. when he asked me what i sent my heart was beating so fast. i couldn't believe what just happened
i couldn't believe that he saw it and read a few sentences. he told me that he wasn't done reading and that i was rude for deleting it. so i asked if i should send it again, he said yes. after he read everything he asked me, "why me eunice?" i was stunned, i didn't know what to say or do. and he told me that he gave so many reasons for me to stop chasing him? idk wtv i was doing ig. i acc don't regret sending the paragraph bc i wanted him to know how i felt. wtv i had for him was all in my notes and since i was feeling risky idk i sent it.
if u ever see this, i'm so grateful for you to be a part of my life, for being my first ever crush, mu, kalandian. it's all stupid but i will forever cherish it. malay mo mag meet tayo one day? eh delulu. anyway thank you is all that i can say, m.
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I don't know how I didn't stop to think that being anonymous actually makes me very mysterious - you just avoided my villain era. Oh yeah, there should be a complaints box, so we could inform and complain about this total mutual discomfort we are going through.
who knew my messy essay would save my neck, thank you for your mercy. I think it could be a result of the second star, the power has gone to my head, I'm going to try to change that😔
now you kind of have to tell this joke or I won't be able to sleep peacefully.
yeah! they actually did a titans show and it looks like it was something like 8 or 80, I didn't watch it either but the reviews are always someone either liking it or hating it, never in between. buying all the comics is my princess dream- but okay, since you're talking about game universes, I agree with you, but tell me I'm not crazy when I say that nightwing completely eat in the Lego games.
that's exactly why I started watching Legends of Tomorrow lmao, they're so silly and chaotic and I love it, not to mention it's the kind of humor that makes me laugh genuinely when I least expect it. OH NO- WAIT In that case I would happily get started for you with an honorable mention to the kiss after their first date and the phrase “I can't be normal” and right after the “I don't want you to be normal” HJSJWKSNDEKK time passes but I'm still stuck in this moment.
they... they canceled the show? haha what? 😀
“slightly traumatized” LMFAO- this shouldn’t be so funny but yeah, I totally get it. I know there's this supercorp thing (I think that's the name) and they are literally the golden retriever gf and the black cat gf 😭 do you still have this blog? asking for scientific research
– 🌟
you're welcome, i'll be here all night [ignore the timezone difference] to remind you how cool and mysterious you are. i would joke and say my inbox is technically a complaints box too but i feel like we'd make one joke about it and somehow add another conversation to our list 👀
i'm not saying i told you so but i did warn you that the second star would be too much. keep that in mind if you ever want to ask for a third one.
honestly, the joke was just going to be the blood-sucker thing which is a direct reference to vampire [both the song and the fic] but then you made the blood-sucker comment for me so my reference is kind of irrelevant by now 😶
i would poke fun at the show for that but i think all my comfort shows have those types of reviews too. i'm pretty sure hawkeye didn't do that well with the general public so i can't hold it against titans. i cannot believe you're bringing up the Lego games because, this is embarrassing to admit but, i was OBSESSED with the Lego Batman 2 game and that's exactly what led me to fall down the DC rabbit hole and eventually the Nightwing rabbit hole. after Lego Batman came Injustice and then the Batman Arkham series which is still my favorite videogame series to this day. even though i never finished origins.
i'm serious do NOT encourage me to talk about this show, i can go on for ages, it's so silly but so important to me and it honestly has the best queer representation of all the Arrowverse shows. [with the exception of Batwoman which was taken from us too soon. and yes that is another rant.] ajksdfhjaghjhdagjh that episode will live in my mind rent free until the day i die! i remember watching it when it aired and i lost my damn mind at the "i don't want you to be normal!" outburst. i love them with all my heart.
whoops, i didn't realize you didn't know. i don't know what season you stopped at but basically, without spoiling anything, Season 7 ended in a cliffhanger and then the news came out that both Legends of Tomorrow and Batwoman were cancelled AKA the two shows with the most queer representation. meanwhile, the flash [aka the show with like literally zero rep unless you count subtext] got to do its last [awful, btw] season. as you can tell, i'm still pissed about it.
i have a love-hate relationship with supercorp because i adore them but [to no one's surprise] the CW ruined them and just used their relationship as queerbait since the show was obviously going downhill. the blog is actually still up but i am far too embarrassed to leak it because...yikes.
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bubblegumvolcano · 1 year
Hi! I have never actually done anything on tumblr besides read before - but I want to try this, so I am so sorry if I do this wrong😭.
If you want, could I please also get 🌷and 🧁? I'm a straight female and my pronouns are she/they.
I am a fan of Stranger Things, Bullet Train, and Marvel (and DC, but I can't remember if that was on your list).
Physical: I'm 5'1 and I have hazel eyes with dirty blonde curly hair. Think like 80s metal head hair - that is my natural look without any product. I have dimples, and freckles across my nose as well as a small scar on the corner of my mouth. I wear glasses / contacts and cannot see without them. My nails are usually painted black or white, and I range from wearing vibrant colors to complete black clothing. I never wear dresses though, only pants and shorts.
Personality: I am very social and outgoing, super quick to make friends and find it easy to keep them. I do have a social battery though - but have trouble telling people I meed space because I am afraid of it coming off wrong. I have deep rooted trust issues though, which results in me finding it hard to connect on a deeper level with most people. I have ADHD - which is a real pain in the backside because of how much stuff comes with it. I have to be moving constantly, and have a hard time focusing (I forget things a lot and zone out when people talk). I have little to no sense of embarrassment, and will start dancing and singing if I hear a song I like. I also love to talk and to listen to people who are passionate (it is such a turn on when people are excited about something). I don't really know what my love languages are, but I think it aligns with Quality time, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch - but I do love reassurance I'm not bothering people because I was told I was too loud all my life whenever I got excited.
Hobbies: I love drawing / painting and listening to music! I mainly draw people and have a lot of stories based on fantasy. I will listen to any music except country, but 80s music is my preference as seen by my 292 songs in that single playlist. I ADORE children - if they weren't so expensive I would have had one by now. I am going into speech pathology to work with kids, and right now I am a counselor at a summer camp and love (most of) the kids. I also love gaming, and writing stories - especially the world building. I'm a sucker for details....
I'm rambling too much, sorry about that.
Thank you so much for doing this if you can! 🩷🩷🩷
hi! u did this perfectly btw, dw :)
(🌷) Your assigned character/celebrity is...
Jennifer Lawrence! ( I literally can't even explain this it just makes sense.)
(🧁) I ship you with...
Steve Harrington! You're both good with kids and want some of your own! I just know he'd adore the fact that your career goal(s) center around children. Also the height difference??? Yup. Also I truly believe you'd put Steve on to good music. (Not that his music taste is bad, but you'd def enhance it.) He's very much giving the kind of person to steal your glasses and hold up some fingers like, "HoW mAnY fInGeRs Am I hOlDiNg Up?" even deep into the relationship. And i can hear that mf begging u to draw him or let him play games with you. 😭 But in general, honestly, I feel like that man would do anything and everything to make you happy and I think that's everything.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Shit bestie, I'm back I lowkey thought I replied to you again, but it was just in my head 😐
Did you do anything for Halloween? I went to another kpop party, made a friend who yelled the lyrics to Fireworks so loudly I respect that! And I saw Terrifier 2, they were handing out puke bags sfjffhdguldfkfjdfd I didn't use them, but we took them home lol
Bald Kai do not say that I do not wanna see
It was Kkoongie's birthday two days ago, when are we gonna get more of them, pls this whole acc is so cute!
Seriously I would be so into Holland, Hyuna, Hyojong (btw Mr Dawn's bald era soon too.... sad) collab, it would be so iconic
Alright so about the fake eggs thing, there are some liquid egg-y mixtures, I use them for omlettes and whatnot. You can add kala namak to make it taste extra egg-like. I feel like some meat replacements are more for non-plant based people unless you like meat, cause the flavour is a bit too intense sometimes. 🤚🏻 Like I tasted new faux tuna recently and why did it smelled and tasted SO FISHY. WE'RE FISHY FISHY LIKE
What a mooood (btw I still haven't re-read Mr-I'll-Guard-Your-Body, but I have to)...how is the cursed fic going bestie <3?
Two members of Pixy left due to personal/health issues and they added a new member, she seems sweet and will be another rapper since the other one is gone :/ the venue was soooo tiny, the stage was very limiting, but it was fun! I'm seeing DC soon btw. Girlies have our Europeans back, Sunmi, Loona, Pixy, Dreamcatcher 😘
The Itaewon tragedy is so horrible, I still can't believe it. I know Itaewon is crowded, but god.. I was worried about my friends, especially one who's staying in Itaewon. She sold her Ateez day 2 ticket, cause she just couldn't go... I know Ateez, DC and Oneus couldn't cancel their events because of contracts, but it was probably hard for them too :(
Congrats for predicting Dazzling Light! The set list is questionable, but oh well...
Me with Inception, The Leaders too, but Inception, DV... watch the person be Hongjoong or something, well idc square up little guy!
Why is he giving barbie girl core kinda, I can't explain it, but he does
This I- so pretty, so cute and so sexily rude
Omg do you remember my friend who dreamt of long-haired Hwa three nights in a row? She's getting wrecked by him SO HARD, even bought an overpriced ticket because I quote "that hot milf won't leave me alone!" she was already impressed with him after seeing Ateez in concert for the first time 👀 Park Seonghwa continues to steal everyone's attention. I'm satisfied. - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
Shit bestie, I'm back I lowkey thought I replied to you again, but it was just in my head 😐
LMFAOOOO thats completely fine! <3
Did you do anything for Halloween? I went to another kpop party, made a friend who yelled the lyrics to Fireworks so loudly I respect that! And I saw Terrifier 2, they were handing out puke bags sfjffhdguldfkfjdfd I didn't use them, but we took them home lol
i had an essay on meat eating to write on halloween 😭😭😭 so unfortunately i did not do anything except see kids dressed in the weirdest costumes through my window + the firecracker’s 😭😭 FKABDSK AS UR FRIEND SHOULD!!! SCREAM SO LOUD THAT UR VOICES CEASE TO EXIST!!!! omg??? is that a scary movie? i heard it’s got some gore content in it and all— PUKE BAGS AND ALL??? DAMNNNN OKAY OKAY
Bald Kai do not say that I do not wanna see It was Kkoongie's birthday two days ago, when are we gonna get more of them, pls this whole acc is so cute!
LMFAOOOO bald kai in a gucci shoot would deteriorate my life <33 the way i let out a cry over the animation wHAT THE FUCK THATS SO CUTE 😭😭😭🤚🏼 ?????? stalked this whole acc in one sitting mf kkongie so cute in cartoon form too
Seriously I would be so into Holland, Hyuna, Hyojong (btw Mr Dawn's bald era soon too.... sad) collab, it would be so iconic
YO LITERALLY THEYD FIT THE SAME CONCEPT AS TRIPLE H but my guy hui 😭🤚🏼 stop is he also going with kai???? omg,,, military industry really about to take all the good ones in one go 😭😭
Alright so about the fake eggs thing, there are some liquid egg-y mixtures, I use them for omlettes and whatnot. You can add kala namak to make it taste extra egg-like. I feel like some meat replacements are more for non-plant based people unless you like meat, cause the flavour is a bit too intense sometimes. 🤚🏻 Like I tasted new faux tuna recently and why did it smelled and tasted SO FISHY. WE'RE FISHY FISHY LIKE
hUHHHH AND DO THEY TASTE LEGIT? oh ur making me want to try all of these fbdbd get the fuck out the way i had to double take at the kala namak bc i was like wHOS SAYING THIS,,, FAUX TUNA???? FBWMDBWM THE REAL ONES NOT GOOD EITHER BUT THE FAUX ONE ON TOP OF THAT,, bestie do u think they be adding fish oil and stuff in it u never know 👁🤚🏼👁
What a mooood (btw I still haven't re-read Mr-I'll-Guard-Your-Body, but I have to)...how is the cursed fic going bestie <3?
cursed fic is getting somewhere???? its reaching climax and everything!! is a big slow burn & i think it’ll reach 40k 😭😭😭
Two members of Pixy left due to personal/health issues and they added a new member, she seems sweet and will be another rapper since the other one is gone :/ the venue was soooo tiny, the stage was very limiting, but it was fun! I'm seeing DC soon btw. Girlies have our Europeans back, Sunmi, Loona, Pixy, Dreamcatcher 😘
OHHHHHHH I hope they do well where ever they decide to go! OHHHHHH that’s a new thing in the new gen to do, switch members and debut new ones,,,, OHO PLS PLS PLS SCREAM FOR DAMI IF THEY SING BOCA ESPECIALLY
The Itaewon tragedy is so horrible, I still can't believe it. I know Itaewon is crowded, but god.. I was worried about my friends, especially one who's staying in Itaewon. She sold her Ateez day 2 ticket, cause she just couldn't go... I know Ateez, DC and Oneus couldn't cancel their events because of contracts, but it was probably hard for them too :(
no it seems do unbelievable that it happened and the way it could’ve been avoided of only the deployed police officers there! that shitass president of theres 🔫🔫 omg are ur friends okay??? no yeah cancelling contracts and on the day of the show would be crazy considering the money too 😭😭 must’ve been disheartening to perform after the incident
Congrats for predicting Dazzling Light! The set list is questionable, but oh well...
THE SET LIST IS AS IF ITS THEIR LAST SUPPER THEY PULLED OUT ALLL THE TOUGH SONGS i just hope they don’t get exhausted immensely and no broken mic’s 😭😭
Me with Inception, The Leaders too, but Inception, DV... watch the person be Hongjoong or something, well idc square up little guy!
Why is he giving barbie girl core kinda, I can't explain it, but he does /// This I- so pretty, so cute and so sexily rude /// SICKNESS!!!!!!!!
why. is. he. so. pretty. THE OUTFITS ???? SICK THIS MANS SICK SICK SICK,,, but this fit?? 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
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Omg do you remember my friend who dreamt of long-haired Hwa three nights in a row? She's getting wrecked by him SO HARD, even bought an overpriced ticket because I quote "that hot milf won't leave me alone!" she was already impressed with him after seeing Ateez in concert for the first time 👀 Park Seonghwa continues to steal everyone's attention. I'm satisfied. - DV 💖
YES I DO HAS SHE HAD ANOTHER DREAM??? omg AS SHE MF SHOULD!!!! HRKWDJWHDKW HE GOT HER BY THE NECK PLEASE AND BUYING AN OVERPRICED TICKET??? BESTIES IN TOO DEEP,,, seonghwa continues to steal everyone id like to say my mother went 👁👁 at his concert videos <3
…. pt.1
… pt2.
bestie,,, this photo is truly one of the scary photos of this man and its the BLUE EYES
how did ur friend survive this man
honorary saying that today its been 4 years to tempo’s insane bridge, FOUR YEARS, FOUR 😀😀😀
got a quiz!
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bciwasinlove · 3 years
Why do some think it's so unrealistic for two people to be in a long term committed relationship for years and think they HAD to have broken up ??
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Some people really can't fathom the idea of two people being with only one person for 10+ years. My grandparents have been together over 50 years, my parents almost 30 and my siblings over 10 years with their partners and no break ups. 😭😭
Obviously they had fights any normal relationship will especially in the situation they were put in being a closeted gay couple bc of the homophobic industry they work for but you get through it by COMMUNICATING and working out differences you may have. You don't just break up every time it gets a little hard. Sorry but almost everyone who thinks they broke up turn L&H into a hella toxic relationship which none on our side of things would ever support. "They broke up constantly getting with other people and then getting back together" this isn't fuckin friends people.
It's not unrealistic we believe they didn't break up bc HELLO did you just ignore WE MADE IT with the lyrics "cause we made it, underestimated and always underrated [...] don't know why THEY put this all on us when we're so young. Done a pretty good job, dealing with it all when you're here."
Plus the DC MV for WMI being the ones in charge of Lou tried to control him but he didn't let them and in the end he ran off into the sunset with his lover. Never once did Lou show he had issues with his lover the issues were always with the ones trying to pull them down and break them apart. They proved them wrong tho.
And let's not forget H covering YOU'RE STILL THE ONE with the lyrics "after all this time your still the one I love." They have both done many things over the years to show they have always only loved each other and it will only ever be each other. "We've come so far from princess park" is a big one. Their songs are always about reminising on the past and how what they went through was hard but showing they never let it stop them and they are now stronger then ever proving THEM wrong.
Maybe you should listen and pay attention to what they say and do. "I've been commited since I was 16."
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eileenbr · 3 years
So I'm watching Supergirl 6x18 and I'll be writing the reactions I'm having.
Umm nothing really good or bad yet. Although William was right to get mad at Andrea, I don't blame him this time.
Nooo leave my Brainy bby alone😭
Ughh, the cgi hurts my eyes 😫
Alex telling Kara not to tell her how to raise her child??? The child she just adopted?? The child who's suffering the same things Kara did?? Girl, she didn't have bad intentions when she told you that, why would you get that mad?... Also, with that conversation it seems they gonna make Kara live as Kara Zor-El and not Danvers, It seems obvious now and I'm not sure how to feel about it.
Oh yes, the greatest love story Nyxly and Lex, pfff, glad the bad guys can find love but the main character doesn't 🙄
Aww Lena giving Andrea advice, growth!
Bad cgi again, really bad.
So no totems for Nyxly, okay.
Gooood, Alex apologized, they are in good terms, that's nice. Again the part of not hiding anything about their identity, seems they are setting Kara to be full Kara Zor-El on earth (which probably makes sense with the corage gauntlet).
Ugh, again Nyxly and Lex, too much. They are already in love, both, in just 2 episodes.
Bachelorette partyyy, how fancyyy haha. Nooo Brainy, don't cryyy... Wow Lena's dance, in love... Hahaha Kara's dance, goofy as always 😂... Whyyy, why can't brainia be happy together, why do they have to suffer :(
Oh no, Lex entered the tower, please don't do anything to Esme.... Okay so W chose to record a video instead of calling a superfriend?? Maybe a videocall to them?? Damn... Oh no, Nyxly found Esme... Okay Nyxly sexy voice, of course I would believe her as well... Sooo this is the way William will die:s
Nooo their Bachelorette party being ruined, damn these people can't be happy for a second.
Oh no, I have to say it kind of made me sad watching William die, I mean, I've never liked his character and many times he was just there doing nothing but hinder, and yes he should've called a superfriend now they are also his friends instead of recording a video, but killing him makes no sense, and he was kind of tender this episode with Esme (I appreciate it), and it's gonna be another trauma for them, specially my girl Kara who always blames herself for the bad things that happens in that city or the world.
Oh God, what was this episode?! This season?! I can't take this anymore, I've never been happier this show is ending as much as I am rn.
I'm gonna be really objective here. I really hope they find a way to make Brainy stay in this time, I would love if Kara finds her perfect partner and no, I don't think that should be Mon bc I don't think they could ever have a healthy relationship, I know Mon has wroth (if Crisis didn't change that bc we really don't know yet), however he did it in the future and that's his place, he has a mission there as well as Kara has its own in the present, and her family that means everything to her, and tbh I don't think they are that compatible, it wouldn't make any sense now after everything Kara's been through and her personal growth, but do I think the writers would care about it? NO, at this point I feel they are capable of doing anything, (not in the good way).
Talking about Supercorp, I think any possibility is already dead. Let's be honest, for much that I want it to happen, the writers/show runners have shown 0 interest in it, so I have no faith (hope they prove me wrong but I don't think so).
Andrea Rojas aka Acrata aka a waste of a powerful character. I know it's not a big dc character but that doesn't mean she isn't powerful.
And Dansen, probably the only good thing lately. I hope there won't be any trouble or interruptions during their wedding, that'd be incredibly unfair.
After all, I really don't wanna to watch the finale, I'll wait to see ppl reactions and look for Dansen wedding, Idk, I guess I will see how I feel next week but ugh. I wouldn't be surprised if the make Lena and James a thing again bc as I said, I expect nothing good for this finale.
Thank you for reading this, I'm mad haha.
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jeonstudios · 2 months
i really don't know how to feel😭 i'm definitely 100% with OC on this one and i understand her action and feelings, in fact i'm very proud that she was able to say all that (i myself have had experiences of not relating to someone because i think they're too much for me but man when the person themselves IS THE ONE WHO PUT THAT SHIT INTO YOUR HEAD--- that was deep)
jungkook was definitely a horrible fucking asshole in this, but on the one hand, i genuinely believe that the feelings he seems to be showing currently are true, you know? the kisses, holding hands, protection, in addition to him literally almost dying for her. idk, i don't see him doing all this for some kind of greater revenge
like i don't think he's a horrible heartless monster (ba dum tss🥁) manipulative to do this
just a VERY very very stupid idiot dumbass guy who definitely has to face the consequences of his VERY very very stupid idiot dumbass actions
and actually a fun fact, i read DC and i've been following you for a while now, but i never got around to follow up (i definitely don't know if this word is correct, in portuguese its "acompanhar" ) your profile, basically at some point an update would appear on my home screen and i'd be like "oh, new chapter", i'd read it and follow the life
so in the last few chapters that i was reading i genuinely believed that we were already close to the final stretch and everything would be fine, until i went on your profile and saw the asks about chapter 14 being a stormy "twist" with angst and being like " oh……fuck"
now I'm here lol
sorry if this seems a bit confusing or i can't express myself well😭 i'm using google translate
yeah, she couldn't pretend like everything was fine anymore when they were starting to get closer and k i s s and stuff 😔 and he did seem genuine before but then the question is why he's almost pretending he didn't make her believe he thinks she's ugly as fuck? like, why wouldn't he tell her that she's pretty if he thinks that? he's had a million opportunities. 🧐 so maybe he's just not that interested in a relationship with her but feels like he should give her a chance because he feels guilty? 🤷🏻‍♀️ but he's definitely a stupid man, that's for sure 😩 and don't worry, i understand exactly what you mean! ❤️
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