#i just have no one to talk to about dumb internet drama okay
ventblogtobedeleted · 9 months
im in this weird place where like, hm. i honestly do believe that James Somerton is in genuine pain and means what he says in his apology video?
but i also think that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. he downplays, he doesn't directly say the word plagiarism, he opens it with a deeply painful play towards sympathy that doesn't address anything. even if it's true, even if he believes what he's saying, it's not enough. it wasn't a good attempt at taking accountability. maybe it's harsh to ask someone to be professional while having a breakdown, but, he turned this into a profession, so??
i think people are right to call it manipulative, but i also don't think he's intending to be manipulative. manipulative people don't have a detached grand master plan, they just tend to know what works for them and fall back on it when panicking. maybe the fact that he took the video down so fast meant some part of him realized it wasnt a good public statement. now, why do i find myself hoping this acephobic misogynistic grifter is bettering himself? fuck man i don't know. his victims deserve more sympathy than he does. if he's anything, he's a victim of his own choices.
but also. idk. i wish the discussion of this would center on the fact that this is a systemic issue with how creatives are treated in a content-heavy information era. his crime is that he was really good at succeeding in a shit system. it makes sense for him to "not realize how many people he hurt"- he was just playing the capitalism game really well! surely, if this is just how it works, it can't be too bad! besides, be gay do crimes! ;P ;P ;P sometimes us queers have to break rules to get ahead!
(if you can't hear the sarcasm in all that this is me forcing you to hear it. sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm)
anyway. there's going to be more James Somertons. he's a symptom of a problem, not where the problem ends. bashing the hell out of the latest internet villain and making memes is fun and all (and probably a valid way to cope/contribute to the conversation) but i really hope people don't mistake tearing Somerton down with making a better world for artists.
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box-off · 12 days
Hey guys, as much as I HATE internet drama and personally have a lot of stuff to worry about in real life instead of wasting my time here, discussing WHATEVER. I have to come here and talk about this.
First of all, I personally LOVE postal. All of the games, I own merch of it, I own the games, I even own the movie. I drew and will draw a lot of stuff about the game. I enjoy playing it, I enjoy creating for it, I just like it. And when I came around here I was pretty excited, there were a lot of people who share my interests and there still are BUT there's a bit of a problem.
I haven't been posting much stuff related to the games, mostly because I just didn't have time and I do other stuff that is not always related. And while I was away I kinda started noticing a bit of a shift in the fandom, maybe it's just me watching it from the perspective of someone who doesn't interact with it that much by now, but damn it does feel strange.
I'm going to dedicate this post to my dear @mayonnara, and if you want to see their point of view on this, please go check their recent posts.
True crime. True crime is interesting, if you think about it well enough, all human history is true crime but there's a bit difference between "Wow, this story is interesting, I wonder how that happened" and "Wow, those guys are hot and thanks to that we'll dismiss what they did, which is, killing people". You guys??? Are dumb. Sorry to say it, but don't put people who are genuinely interested in just crimes that happened and idiots who worship killers. I don't like when people worship real life people in general, but come on, those people specifically?? Why not go for Hitler straight away? He killed more people! Go to a fucking cult if you need to worship weird people so bad.
On other hand, you're not welcomed in the Postal community. When you enter any of the games the first thing you see is.... drum roll... A DISCLAIMER. That says what? "No violence in real life", "violence should stay in video games", and hey, did we all forget what is one of the reasons postal redux doesn't end the same way postal 1997 ends? Guys... sorry to tell you this... The devs DO NOT like people like you.
Reminds me a lot of how some smart-ass decided to make an edgy joke about a worker from RWS who had a really serious health problem. The game might be edgy, the RWS made it that way, yes. But I doesn't mean they enjoy you dumb fucking idiots who think that what is normal in a fictional world is okay in real life. Sick and twisted all you want, but have some dignity, keep your bullshit to yourself
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Time for another Milgram shitpost! It’s my apology for never finishing my Milgram analyses in my drafts and that one anon ask. Woo!
I have had this idea for a while now, of just the Milgram prisoners trying to pass the time, and while the words have changed many times over, the general idea of some of them having something like a DnD campaign because there’s no TV, internet, or even a radio to pass the time, so why not?
Yuno: “Seriously? I thought you, of all people, would be into this sort of thing.”
Fuuta: “You want us to play pretend.”
Yuno: “How is this any different from your little computer games?”
Fuuta: “This is very different from MMORPGs, and you know it. This… is lame!”
Muu: muttering “You would know.”
Yuno: “Oh, please. Your eyes lit up when I mentioned it.”
Fuuta: “They did not!”
Yuno: “Did so.”
Fuuta: “Did not!”
Mikoto: “They kind of did, dude.”
Fuuta: “No one asked you! And they did not!”
Mikoto: “I mean, I’ll play, if you want Yun-chan. It’s a good idea. I really don’t want to do another ice breaker.”
Shidou: “They’re good for getting to know others.”
Yuno: “Thank you. Who else wants to play?”
Kazui: “Oh ho, ho, I don’t know. It’s been ages since I’ve played a game like this. I wouldn’t know how to play.”
Yuno: “Alright, we got Kazui. Who else? Amane?”
Amane: “I am studying.”
Fuuta: “See? Even the grade schooler doesn’t want to play. I mean, you guys don’t even have any dice or anything to play.”
Yuno: “We don’t need dice to play. It’s just to pass the time. Who else? Kotoko?”
Kotoko: “No.”
Fuuta: “You need dice to play! How else are you gonna decide stats? Just by classes? That’s lame.”
Mikoto: big bro mode activated “You’re lame.”
Yuno: “Oh my God. Fuuta, I’m gonna make you be the first villain boss guy we face.”
Fuuta: “It’s just boss, and why do I have to be the villain?”
Yuno: “Why do you need to fight me on everything I say? Shidou’s gonna send you to your room if you don’t play nice.”
Fuuta: “Oh my God, fine. I’ll play your dumb game.”
Mikoto: “Wait, shouldn’t Es be the one sending us to our rooms?”
Haruka: nods
Yuno: “Haruka, do you wanna play? There’s no rules to this?”
Fuuta: “You can’t have a game without rules!”
Yuno: “Shut it, or you’re going to be the team goblin. Haruka?”
Haruka: “C-can I?”
Mahiru: “Can I play too? What are we playing?”
Kotoko: “Fake DnD.”
Yuno: “Oh? Did you change your mind then?”
Kotoko: “No.”
More nonsense:
They finally got Amane to play because Shidou wouldn’t stop bugging her about it.
Yuno: “You can be a priest if you want.”
Fuuta: “They’re called clerics and they heal-”
Amane: “I want to be a crusader.”
Fuuta: “A what?”
Yuno: “Bet. Want any special powers?”
Amane: “I want lightning to smite my enemies with.”
Shidou: whispers to Fuuta and Mikoto who canonically have sisters and probably know firsthand how unhinged play time drama can be “Is that normal?”
Mikoto: “Yes.”
Fuuta: “You’ve clearly never played crime Barbie. Coward.”
Mikoto: “Oh, word? My little sister used to love overthrowing evil queens with her My Little Pony dolls. That and evil orphanages.”
Fuuta: “Evil orphanages… Good shit.”
When faced with The Villain ™️
Mahiru: “Is he… is he hot?”
Yuno: “You can’t fix him.”
Mahiru: “I can try!”
Yuno: “You can’t. That’s how Kotoko died.”
Kotoko: “I wouldn’t try to fix him!”
Yuno: “You were trying to fix him like a dog.”
Kotoko: “Okay, now that… that I can accept.”
Kazui: sweating “I think we played enough for tonight.”
Later on, after Kotoko attacked.
Fuuta: “Hey… Yuno?”
Yuno: “Yeah?”
Fuuta: “I can’t stop thinking about-about it. Can you-can you talk about the game?”
Yuno: “The game?”
Fuuta: “Please. Everythung hurts and I need something else to focus on.”
Yuno: “…”
Fuuta: “Yuno?”
Yuno: “… okay, so Mahiru accidentally set off one of the traps in the villain’s old hideout. You and me, the brave knight and the baddest witch in the west, we were sent ahead to find the old Warlock, Shidou of the path, to figure out how to get Mahiru out of the ancient scroll she’s now trapped in…”
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deviantartdramahub · 4 months
Goddamn does this loser think they're cool by repeatedly saying the R-slur to offend all people with mental disabilities/disorders?? Nah dumbass you're just proving me right lmao! https://web.archive.org/web/20240524072337/https://www.deviantart.com/liesoft/status-update/The-retard-tangent-continues-As-1055575468 Why must you make creepy comments when people stand up for each other and shit? You defended Evie in the past, so does that mean you simp for her?? XD
And because I stand up for Tri and Club, do I apparently simp for them by your standards?? Despite the fact I'm a minor?? Oops looks like the real predator's been exposed. And if you don't want me saying these things about you, maybe you shouldn't have made that stupid argument. :)
Anyways just one more, we can get through this friendos https://web.archive.org/web/20240524175756/https://www.deviantart.com/liesoft/status-update/More-retarded-shit-presented-by-1055638063 Anyways once again saying I'm not allowed to defend myself for being a minor, which def gives off groomer vibes.
And idk if you want me to call you out for something new, ig go commit horrific war crimes or smth.../j
But that little comment just proves you only do this for entertainment, and you think being a terrible person is fun, I suppose. Sooo...what makes you think anyone with functioning brain cells would trust and believe you? Not gonna happen dear. I would tell you to have fun building an army of morons, butttt no one ever likes or replies to your post except for Evie one time...likeee you two losers are the only ones who care about supporting your idiotic slander/libel anymore, just go do something productive with your lives...but I guess you ruined that chance when you chose to spam slurs on social media :P
Also I don't give two fucks if you're reported, you could have all internet access permanently removed and I wouldn't give a damn. In fact I'd laugh my ass off. What I DO care about is that saying those things is morally wrong, and also I'm making fun of you for proving my point right. >w<
And ohh, ig because many other people do it, it's okay? Nah honey that's not how it works, do you think murder is slightly more okay to do every time someone does it? I'm using an extreme here to hopefully make you realize how fucking dumb your point is. Ohh nooo saying ableist things and harassing disabled people for existing is ableist? Noooo :c
You poor little thing, you're just a victim, aren't you?/s
And this drama absolutely involves me, tf you talking about. I was first dragged in to this drama for defending my friend. And I have plenty of examples of you and your allies spewing shit about me. All Ninja did to me was DEFEND me! Why are you trying to manipulate me into not trusting them when all they did was stand up for me? So pathetic. Ninja's been nothing but helpful and supportive towards me whenever we interacted. And then you...? Straight up ableist to me, yeah I sureee wonderrr who I'm trusting in this situation! Oh dear, guess I'll have to use my critical thinking skills which you lack! -n-
We got through another one troopers, let's see what bullshit we'll deal with tomorrow evening! But anyways I'm gonna go spend my time on something that actually brings me joy until I'm once again forced to defend myself :>
One can only hope the answer to the first question isn't yes.
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andivmg · 1 year
(big paragraph rant ahead thanks to madison beer’s memoir)
okay so i finished reading The Half of It today and i have a lot of thoughts. but i’m gonna post just the pages that spoke to me the most in regard to online stuff and rant
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i remember 2021 as being literally one of the worst years of my life this far because of twitter (obviously a bunch of personal stuff too but yk). to this day i’m mildly afraid of the internet which is very silly but very real. because of the part of the internet i was “famous” in i was forced to see every single thing people wrote about me and at first it was super fun super cool but it very quickly shifted into people picking me apart for everything i did or said. then i started associating myself with my ex and his circle of people and it only got worse. their audience was welcoming at first but after a week i would see people call me annoying and a pick me on a daily basis. and this was before i got “called out” for some stuff i don’t wanna get into now because i feel like it has been discussed enough but iykyk. so when that happened people latched onto that and to this day i still get the one off rude message about it. and when people tried to stick up for me i was reduced to sex. which was so demeaning in so many different ways. like the only reason i would ever be worth defending was because of my “pussy”. like that was the only thing about me that mattered. and as a woman on TWITCH of all places i was already hearing that enough. it was even more infuriating knowing that my male counterparts had done so much worse than me and faced maybe half the backlash. and even then had their mistakes and behaviors excused to the point of them not having to own up to them at all. as a woman of color i was held to a much higher standard than a lot of my peers. i was expected to know everything and to never make a mistake. so yeah, i wish i had been kinder to myself at the time. because no matter how mean the internet was to me, i was meaner. at the time it literally felt like my life was over. i would go online and only read bad things about myself. it was such a small group of people though, but i was so chronically online that it felt like the whole world was against me. and it sounds dumb and self centered but it’s how it felt as a teenage girl whose whole life was centered around twitter, tiktok, and twitch. once a big group of us went to universal and i tried to stay out of as many pictures as possible. whenever a fan would approach us as a group i would always offer to take the picture for them because i didn’t want to be in any of them. my friends told me i was being dramatic but i was trying to avoid what ended up happening anyway. people quote tweeting the pictures and making comments about me. i expected every fan that came up to either not know who i was (ideally), or worse, to know and hate me.
madison also talked a lot about being paranoid about her personal life being leaked online and talked about and i felt that deeply as well. once on stream i accidentally showed my lock screen (a picture of me and my ex) for like half a second. then immediately after, i ended stream and deleted the vod along with most of the clips but people had already had seen it and a week later my ex called me up mad as hell because people were posting screenshots of it on twitter and he was not happy about it. people were speculating on our relationship and making fun etc. and i just felt so powerless. like nothing i could do or say would change their mind. now i realize it literally does not matter what people say.
anyway yeah clearly madison’s book brought back a lot of memories for me. it was honestly oddly comforting to read. i know so many people that have gone through similar things and it’s never handled well by anyone involved. i feel a lot more comfortable talking about it now and especially here because i know it won’t become a huge thing since i’m irrelevant now and this is old drama. it’s just nice to write to the void sometimes (you guys aren’t a void i promise but yk what i mean). but yeah i’m over most of the stuff that happened that year. my therapist is amazing and helped me through it all. and now i can talk about it without feeling any type of way. it is something that happened. and i am okay now.
in conclusion, i love madison beer
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sleekervae · 2 years
Okay, this might be long...
hi guys. so... obviously a lot has gone down in the past 48 hours. I didn't want to make opinions/assumptions at first because I wanted to see what more information would come up. As sad and disappointing as this whole drama with palaye is, let's please, please, please remember to be respectful of one another on the internet. Let's not bully one another about opinions and let's also not get too sucked into things that may or may not be our business.
I as a writer portray my subjects the way that I interpret them and their personalities to the best of my abilities, but I don't know any of the members of palaye or what they're like irl. From the people I've talked with who have met them, they've had really positive experiences so this does go both ways. I'll just reiterate again: let's not be mean to each other, please? I'm also not saying let's sweep this under the rug bc some of the behaviour being exposed is def not okay from a group that some people look up to. They're also human, and humans can be shitty. The point, however, is (hopefully) we learn from that behaviour and (again, hopefully) not repeat it. And in some cases, in order to not repeat it, people need to be called out.
As for Emerson, needless to say I'm disappointed and I'm also really sad for Shy. I'm of the belief (currently) that Emerson isn't a groomer; I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. What there's no doubt about is that cheating is cheating no matter how you slice it. We watched it happen publicly about three or four times this past year.
That being said -- and this is just me taking the high road -- but please don't share the nudes around on the internet. Just don't do it, it's gross. It certainly wasn't okay when it happened to Percy White, and it's still not okay. And yes, I know there's a difference between what's happening with Emerson and what happened with Percy, but still; there's a fine line to walk here.
The internet has a really interesting effect of pouring more and more gasoline on the fire, no matter whether the context is positive or negative. I don't agree with how the guys handled it at first with twitter (but I'm also of the opinion that twitter is just an on-fire garbage can that needs to be taken out) and they should've handled this privately. But again, let's be respectful to one another. Whether some of us like it or not, palaye are going to forge ahead. For the fan drama, I hope the guys get a wake up call to smarten up. As for Emerson's drama, it's shitty I know but cheating doesn't necessarily constitute getting thrown out of a band. It happened with the Arctic Monkeys and they're still forging ahead, too.
I'm going to be taking a little break from The Neighbour (I know it sounds dumb coming from me 'cause I take month long breaks in between chapters), but I'm not going away forever. Palaye Royale has still played a major part in my life the past four years and has gotten me through a lot of trauma. I'll still be posting other content, and if anyone every wants to reach out and chat you're more than welcome to!
If you made it through this whole thing, than you deserve a cookie! I'm not going to promise that everything is going to be okay, but please remember to be kind to yourselves and one another. :)
Also to add; I've read a lot of people complaining about Palaye's merch being delayed, not delivered, no replies to emails, etc. I've experienced trouble with it too and I don't think that Austin guy they put in charge is very organized. Maybe he's great at setting up merch tables but running an online store and business is another can of worms. Either he gets his shit together or they should put somebody else in charge of the online stuff.
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
🌊🌸 Welcome! 🌸🌊
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Commissions • Carrd • Neocities • Twitter
Hihii! My name is Jay / Neon, I'm 26 and I'm a Non-Binary and Aromantic Digital Artist from Portugal, though I also have a lot of other creative hobbies such as writing, sewing and coding! :)
My passion is Character Design and I love writing stories and characters that can connect with people 💗
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🌊🌸 Some notes! 🌸🌊
You CAN use my art as profile pictures, banners, etc, provided that credit is given to my account.
You CAN tag my art as "kin", "me", etc. I really don't mind. The one exception is art of my sona (The blue and pink raccoon), because like… That's just weird lol
You CAN tag my art as ships. Say I draw two characters together even if they're not a ship, you're allowed to tag it as such! (DO NOT DO THIS FOR UNDERAGE, INCEST OR ANY KIND OF PROSHIP GARBAGE UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET AN INSTANT BLOCK. HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE PLEASE)
Spam liking/reblogs is OKAY and welcome! So is liking without reblogging 💙 I appreciate you visiting at all!
I read all the tags I get, so like… Keep that in mind if you're going to be weird on them lol
🌊🌸 Tags I use 🌸🌊
#My Art - Self-Explanatory, all art that I make goes here
#Jay Talks - Posts where I just talk about whatever stuff comes to mind.
#Jay Asks - Where I respond to people's questions. I will also tag the person's username, or #anonymous if it was an anon
#For Me - Gift Art and things like that! I love looking at what people create, please always feel free to share!!
🌊🌸 Deltarune OC Tags 🌸🌊
#Mike - 🎙️🌸 - Tiny microphone darkner in a duo with Host
#Host - 📺🙌 - Mute TV darkner in a duo with Mike
#Tenna - 📺💫 - TV Darkner from the Flower Shop, Mike and Host's kid
#Speckle - 🖤🤍 - Swatchton son (Non-canon to my AU)
#Omega Host - 👁️📺👁️ - Host's secret boss form
#Klieg - 🎞️💡 - Pretentious spotlight darkner and Film director
#Clippa - 🎨💜 - Swatchton daughter, Clip Art Swatchling/Addison hybrid
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My current biggest interest and fixation is Deltarune, primarily the characters Swatch and Spamton, as well as my OCs Mike and Host from my fanmade Chapter 3 take! You'll likely see me post and reblog a lot of stuff surrounding them.
I also tend to reblog posts about aromanticism and aromantic positivity because it's something that's very important to me. I take a lot of pride in being aromantic and always love to share people's takes on it and try to educate others on how varied the aspec community is!
There's also the occasional unrelated fandom post, and I try my best to tag everything I come across, with the names of the characters and the associated fandom, so not only are they easier to find in my blog, but also easier to filter for anyone uninterested! :)
I'm very awkward when it comes to making friends and talking to people, but you're always welcome to reach out and chat!
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I keep most of my info and DNI junk in my Carrd, which you can read here. But the TL;DR is:
NO transphobes, terfs, exclusionists, proshippers are welcome here. Go away. If I do reblog from someone like that, please let me know!
No ace and arophobia. Seriously, like??? *Gestures vaguely* Don't??
No discourse. Seriously I'm 26, basically a senior citizen. I don't want to know about dumb drama and just want to chill out on the internet and share my art with people.
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jyndor · 2 years
you guys know why i often say i don’t take anons at face value or just trust what they’re saying? because anyone can be anonymous and have any sort of agenda behind what they’re sending to me. i leave my anonymous on because i know many people are uncomfortable having their username stamped on what they’re saying, but know what when you go anon, you’re forfeiting your identity to some extent, and let’s keep it real we’re all fairly anonymous on here. we’re not using full names. a lot of us aren’t using real names. because a lot of us grew up in the 90s, the wild west of the internet, so we know better.
i’m gonna let yall in on a little secret. in real life i don’t go by cait - or at least i don’t spell it like this. why? well because honestly a clerical error lol but the truth is i have a business and a life and i am fairly transparent on here, it wouldn’t be too difficult for someone to find out where i work, like the location. it wouldn’t be difficult to find out my business’s name, find out where i live. you have to take me at my word that any of that is true (it is but you really should take EVERYTHING you see on the internet with a grain of salt). a lot of us take this stuff for granted - like we just assume we actually know our mutuals if we’ve talked and all that, let alone just people we follow. in my entire *looks at notes* TWENTY YEARS in fandom eww lol and online I’ve met one person from the internet lol. i know that one person is real for sure. hi emily lol
anyway my point is that anyone could be anyone on the internet. it is very easy to manipulate, to lie, to misinform, etc. when i was younger i didn’t know that people would act in bad faith over fandom drama, and so i would get anxious and conciliatory just as that last post said. but people are petty and stupid and also sometimes in good faith are misinformed LOL like it happens. so that’s why my approach to anons is like okay i’d rather you say dumb shit here than harass my friends but trust and believe that i do not trust or believe you by default.
if you answer anonymous asks, remember that you are giving literally anyone a platform. and you don’t know who they are, you don’t know what they’re trying to say or if the information they’re giving you is true or bullshit. also if you’re uncomfortable with the risks associated with having your anons on, please turn them off. if someone wants to talk with you so badly but is anxious about being public, they will come off anon and ask you to answer privately.
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hxpelessnurse · 2 years
If you didn't want to answer my ask that's fair, but don't vague me and treat me like an antagonist for asking a question.
This is probably the reason people don't send you many ask like you said in your "vent post" you're a rude, egotistical ass.
Alright. I have had enough of this bullshit.
I know EXACTLY who sent this. I know why you sent it. Because You've sent me similar messages to this and another one of my blogs in the last two days. I was going to reply to the IM you sent me on Froppy but you blocked me before I could. And I REALLY hate putting drama out in the open like this but since you're a coward and hiding behind anon, here it is for everyone to see:
From the moment you started following me, you did nothing but treat me and my muses like objects. You posted on my selfies thirsting in the guise of compliments, you kept messaging me asking to ship and when I said no you'd act like that was okay then ask again later on. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I tried to change the subjects, or just stop the conversation altogether when I got uncomfortable. But then you basically said you weren't going to interact with me at all if our muses weren't shipping and so I thought, well damn ok. And I soft-blocked you. And you followed me again. So I hard-blocked this time. But then you decided to start this little harassment campaign because god forbid someone doesn't want to RP with you anymore.
You wanna talk rude and egotistical? You're sending anon hate because I said I wasn't interested in making my muses dick-ride your OC and now you're fucking butthurt about it. Real fucking mature for a 30+-year-old man, huh?
As for the vent I posted - no, I was not vague blogging about you. But you have proved my point that people don't fucking respect other people's blog rules. Here you are sending multiple hate messages over multiple days now because you can't just cut your losses and move on with your life. Grow the fuck up.
This is a fucking hobby on the internet. It means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.
I did not owe you this explanation. No one owes anyone an explanation as to why they unfollow/block someone. But it's people like you who send hate and harass others when they take things way too personally that puts a sour taste in people's mouths when they think of the RPC.
Please leave me the fuck alone.
And to those on the dashboard scrolling through and having to see this amongst your wonderful writing, edits, memes, and other content. I apologize. I am so sorry that I had to bring this out into the open and post this dumb drama. But I'm putting my foot down now before this gets even worse.
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toothlespoggers · 2 years
do you have any idea how fucking dumb you sound?
"i always knew it wasnt true" no you didn't. no one knew. because that's not how that works you fucking idiot. quit trying to sound better than everyone else. what happened to kwite could've happened to literally anyone else and you'd be none the fucking wiser.
and that's not even getting into your blatant transphobia, saying kwite wouldn't do that because he's gay, when orion is a trans man. orion is a terrible person but you can't just misgender someone like that. it's never okay.
shut the fuck up and never engage in any sort of online discussion ever again. fuck you
bro chill I didn’t look into the whole situation too far because this shit happens like every other day, I just assumed it was a chick saying it because that’s what’s happened literally every other time.
I’m sorry I upset u or came off wrong, I wasn’t trying to sound better than anyone else?? I was just saying that it’s kinda stupid because this kinda drama happens like. Literally so frequently now I’m just desensitised to it, so I usually just don’t believe anything that’s thrown at someone or look into it too much because why would I sit on the internet looking at drama just to ruin my day?
sorry I didn’t look into it further, but I do think you could’ve handled ur upset with me differently you could’ve messaged me in dms or something instead of hiding behind the anon, jumping into my asks to make people angry at me for something that could’ve been handled privately.
I just feel like ujumped to conclusions when not everyone is chronically online enough to read into every single drama that comes out. I understand my statement came off as inappropriate with this context, but i was just doing it as a thing to just agree with what I saw dismissing it in a simple way.
if u would like to educate me more or talk peacefully u can dm me. Ok? But this is a really childish way to go about it
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FAQ - Read First
Why did you create this blog?
I like roleplaying, among other creative outlets. I also like socializing and this probably counts.
Why is this blog 18+?
Because I am an adult and some of my interests are 18+ in nature. Plus I like the freedom to just kinda do whatever. Having your actual age on the Internet is a privacy issue but I ask that there's an indication of being an adult somewhere before interacting with this blog.
That being said, I'll be shocked if even half of this blog treads that territory.
What can I expect on here?
Terra discovers the joys of video games + the going ons in his life that I made the fuck up because that's how this works. Plus any roleplays I may partake in with others.
How do I interact with you?
Send an ask if you want to talk to Terra.
Reblog a post to talk to Terra with your own RP blog. Or your main blog I don't care, I envy how you put anything on main.
DM me if you want to do a more elaborate roleplay so we can hash out the details beforehand or if you just want to ask me something privately.
Put OOC: before an ask/post to direct a question at the person behind the blog.
These aren't rules persay, just guidelines. They're here to ease anyone's anxieties about interacting. I won't get mad at you if you "break" them I promise.
When it comes to roleplaying, just have fun man. There might be more specific rules if you want to do anything super involved but I'm not gonna yell at you for reblogging a post with something "low effort".
But I will say one thing. Do not bring me into any drama. Real drama, made up drama for the purpose of roleplay is funny.
How closely do you try to follow canon?
I try to stay true to Terra's personality but there's only so much I can do when the Terra becomes a Gamer game isn't real.
As for others, I don't really care. Let's just have an enjoyable time together.
How seriously do you take this?
Not that seriously? My goal is just to have fun to be honest.
Are you okay with ___?
I do not care what you ship and I like exploring almost any dynamic so why the hell not. If you try to ascribe any moral value onto that then please block me and save both of us the trouble.
I am okay with most kinks, you might want to ask me to make sure beforehand. Nothing personal, some things are just really, really not my thing.
Anything else I can't think of right now is fine I just like typing dumb shit tbh.
You annoy me
The block button is free. This isn't meant to be a snappy answer it's serious if this is genuinely not your thing to see then please curate your experience. I'm not out here to try and bother anyone. This is done out of fun, not me rubbing my EVIL hands together EVILY going hehe who can I annoy the fuck out of today?
Who are you?
You will not be getting any information about my identity. And please don't try to guess either, that's invasive. If by chance you need to use pronouns for me, not the character, use they/them, as an indicator of not knowing anything.
This Terra uses he/him most of the time. His identity is malleable based on the roleplay I want to do.
0 notes
thepaininurneck · 3 years
Okay, wow, never in my life did I think a music video involving giving Satan a lap dance would delve into a conversation about gay rights ( and how gay men are portrayed in media ), but Lil Nas X broke the world with MONTERO, so here I am. We’ve got three things here that I think are important - Internet culture, religion, sexuality. These are the things that I think people are getting too uptight over/not upset enough over, and I wanna rant for a bit, so bear with me on this one.
First, I LOVED MONTERO. I’m a whore for religious imagery/theming/etc. being used in media, and as a former Christian and an openly gay woman, it makes me very happy to see it used in a spiteful manner. MONTERO was gorgeous - sexual, unapologetic, and so clearly pulling straight from Biblical stories. The religion used commonly against us ( here in the US, at least, because I know other religions can be just as oppressive, if not worse, and Christianity isn’t the dominant religion everywhere ) being used in a way that’s expressive of our lives is beautiful. The very clear message of “Oh, I’m going to hell? That’s okay,” is perfect - for so many LGBT people in this country, we’ve been told that we’re condemned to eternal punishment because of something we can’t help. LNX took that in stride and made it art, with MONTERO and the video. I am in full support of it and will be throwing it on my horny playlist.
But here’s why I think this is so important - MONTERO’s release has exposed, in my opinion, where the real issues lie in Western culture. WAP did this too, a little - both of these songs, and their accompanying videos, were criticized using children. “Children watch you”, “how could you expose kids to this”, etc. were complaints hurled at Cardi B and LNX over their music. And in LNX’s case, people used his previous success with Old Town Road - I saw one tweet saying Old Town Road is “every kid’s anthem”, and that their children love Old Town Road. Which is problematic - how can you complain about MONTERO, but allow your child to listen to a song with lyrics such as “Lean all in my bladder”, “Cheated on my baby, you can go and ask her”, “Bull riding and boobies” - Old Town Road is not a child-friendly song by any means, but LNX didn’t include naked breasts, or ( as far as I’m aware ) market the song in a way that showcased those lyrics. So parents let their children enjoy their funny horse song, never looking into the words their kids were hearing daily. But with MONTERO, because they saw at a glance that it was an issue, they assumed this meant the previously “child-friendly” artist LNX, the man behind the funny horse song, was suddenly trying to indoctrinate their children. When in reality, LNX has never catered to kids. He’s always been open about his music and himself, and it’s entirely the parents’ faults for not better monitoring what media their children take in. It is never the responsibility of the creator to change their content for an audience they didn’t want. MONTERO, and WAP, both exposed just how internet culture has allowed parents an excuse to be lazy, hands-off pieces of shit, and demonize creators further.
MONTERO also exposed how homophobia continues to follow us, in how many comments there were calling LNX predatory, claiming he was indoctrinating children and pushing agendas - and, with Kaitlin Bennet’s actual racist comments, now he’s being slandered. ( if you didn’t see that beef, TLDR: Kaitlin asked “do you still see your dad?” w/ blatant intent to hurt, LNX replied with “yeah and I’ll fuck yours”, to which Kaitlin accused him of threatening to rape her father and several small, conservative ‘journalists’ ran with it ). I don’t like throwing around the word homophobia, but this isn’t new - gay men have been called predatory for a long time and demonized for even small gestures like holding hands. And now, an openly gay man made a video celebrating his sexuality ( which isn’t a new topic: look at any music video from the early 2000s for more examples of people expressing sexuality ) and given fuel to these idiots to continue pushing their narrative of “gay man predator, gay man bad”. Fortunately, it’s a lot less than it would’ve been thirty years ago. But the fact that it still happens on this scale, enough that journalists pick it up as a story, and governors, Candace Owens and other prominent homophobic conservative figures jump on the bandwagon....it’s sad. A man celebrating his sexuality shouldn’t be demonized the way it is, and MONTERO is doing an amazing job at spitting in people’s faces.
Cutting myself short here, I think MONTERO was a gift. It’s a work of art in many ways, but the social response it generated is also a blessing in that it shows what we need to prioritize - which is self responsibility. No one is forcing you to watch the gay man give Satan a lap dance, nor are they forcing you to buy his shoes. No one will ever force you into that - you, a consenting adult/teenager, willingly watched it. You’re reading this now of your own choice. If your child is watching MONTERO, you should blame yourself if you’re mad - why didn’t you monitor them better? Teach them to avoid things they don’t recognize online? You failed as a parent to protect your child from what you deem harmful. That isn’t anyone’s fault except your own as their active guardian.
Sex, talking about sex, grinding, lap dances....those aren’t new to music videos. They’ve been happening for decades, actually - early 90’s and 2000’s videos had a lot, and I think some 80’s had them. MONTERO didn’t invent NSFW music videos, the only difference is it’s gay and dared to use religious imagery ( which also isn’t new, but that’s another rant I don’t want to get into ). For once, I actually agree with the masses - this outrage was mostly fueled by homophobia and dumb Christians. And to any Christians reading this ( that didn’t get offended, because if you got genuinely upset by this drama, fuck you ); you’re cool.
Anyways, yeah. I think MONTERO was awesome, LNX killed it as always, and I hate conservatives. Goodnight.
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lunarblazes · 2 years
He wasn’t ‘crying’ because he lost tho… he was upset about the restart of the game. And not in a ‘screaming, raging’ kinda way, just like… annoyance? He didn’t make any comments against Nox crew either. He praised MCC and the Nox crew members and only said he didn’t like that they had to restart. There’s a bunch of other things needed for context but watching that part of the vod would be helpful (unless you already have then I dunno what to say in that regard)
I doubt he meant for this to happen. This drama thing is dumb. why can’t we all just watch mcc and be happy and then go to bed.
hi anon! i’ve actually already been to bed, and i’ve already tried to just watch mcc and be happy. in fact, i’ve been doing that for two or so years now. mcc 24’s burst of outrage from me was caused particularly by dream’s comment of “20 is a majority” (which, it isn’t, but okay) towards the admins in in-game chat, as well as his in-game chat comment at the beginning of hole in the wall, “if you’re playing badly just unplug your internet,” but it has been steadily building for a while now, and it seems people across tumblr do agree with me. as a person who has moderated big events and big servers nowhere near on the scale of mcc, if a participant in one of my events had the audacity to openly challenge my team’s decision in front of everyone, they would be the subject of a stern talking-to after the event. if you are invited somewhere by a team of devs and moderators, you are polite. he could have criticized the decision later in private, offered a solution that was more fair and immediately usable for the event. pikaclicks, a mod for similar events to mcc, commented on twitter about how noxcrew’s choice was the fairest and quickest solution he could think of while watching and they did not receive enough credit for the choice. the fact that dream challenged them to wait for a supposed majority and then had the audacity to make snarky jokes about the decision in the beginning of the next game is absolute bullshit. that is the behavior of a child. a simple “no hate to the noxcrew” before shitting completely on their event and choices as a moderation team in chat is not enough and will never be enough to solve the problem of his consistently terrible behavior in mcc. i doubt he wants his fans to attack people on twitter, too, i agree with you on that, but i know that he definitely should have figured out how to stop that by now after two straight years of cutthroat responses to his trash talking. it’s unbelievable that he either hasn’t made the connection in his behavior or he doesn’t care enough to change.
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part 1 of the andreil coming out thing here
ok, so andrew and neil aren't the most openly affectionate
there's no hints to the public that they could possibly be together, considering their little... rivalry
however, with andrew out now, a few people like to believe that andrew and neil could have an "enemies-to-lovers" situation
some people even think that they're already together
nevertheless, this is a very small population in the grand scheme of exy, and most of this is indulging in fantasies anyways — few people really believe in these theories
and as months pass after andrew's coming out, people stop pestering him every 0.2 seconds about who his boyfriend is
andrew and neil think they're finally free of all the annoying paparazzi and slightly overbearing fans
and it's under this false sense of security that shit hits the roof
it's a random september night when it happens, nothing terribly significant
but the whole week, andrew had been craving a closeness with neil, the kind that comes with not seeing your person for weeks
so he booked a flight to where neil was, realizing that had this occurred a few years back, andrew probably wouldn't have even acknowledged that he missed neil, let alone made steps to actually see him again
on a flight.
(he thinks bee would be proud)
anyway, he reached neil's apartment with minimal damage and proceeded to be drowned in kisses
it's a good few days.
and then, on that fateful september night, andrew is hit with the urge to take neil out
(not like murder. more like... a date?)
they don't usually go out on those, but it's not like they've never done so before
so andrew books a dinner reservation at a fancy restaurant, fully intending to take his man out on a nice. fancy. relaxing. drama-free. date.
of course, the universe has other plans
andrew and neil arrive at the restaurant (a little late but neil's lips were a good distraction for a few hours, okay? (they may have left the kitchen in disarray from lunch, but that's irrelevant))
their table is a secluded corner where they're pretty much hidden from view, save for one or two tables, and the seemingly solid privacy relaxes andrew and neil
their dinner goes by relatively uneventfully
(excluding when andrew gave a small smile to one of neil's dumb jokes, who proceeded to dump marinara sauce into his water instead of next to his garlic bread while staring dreamily at andrew, and then nearly choked when he took his next sip from the glass)
(also excluding when neil gave a not-so-innocent suck on his fork and andrew, frustrated over laws about public indecency, stabbed his brussel sprouts aggressively, causing one to fly up and hit and burn his eye)
(also also excluding— )
ok, so maybe it was more of a mess than andrew was ready to admit
but andrew dug into his panna cotta feeling lighter than he had in weeks as neil teased him about his sugar addiction and held his hand under the table
it was as andrew leaned over and kissed some cream off the side of neil's lips that he got the feeling of being watched
he whirled around, hair nearly hitting neil's face, as his gaze landed on a cell phone camera pointed at them
he caught the eye of a very guilty looking man, made even more errant when said man proceeded to leap out of his chair and run out of the restaurant
andrew was half-out of his chair to follow him when neil tugged on his shirt sleeve, an instigative glint in his eye
"neil. do you want to see this on every gossip magazine in the next few hours?"
"well no, but that fuckwad is always going to have those pictures. we, however, can make sure he doesn't get the headline he wants"
"... i'm listening"
about 40 minutes later, back at neil's apartment, neil posts a picture of his extremely messy kitchen on twitter
@neil_josten_official: well fuck me 🥴
@03andrewminyard: if you insist
~ 30 minutes later ~
@neil_josten_official: *image attached: andrew is laying his head in the crook of neil's neck as neil kisses him on the top of his head, andrew's fingers running through neil's hair. they both appear to be shirtless*
@neil_josten_official: BREAKING NEWS: just had sex with my (very hot) boyfriend to get revenge on unfulfilled gossip "journalists." life really couldn't be better :)
@neil_josten_official: ok but really, stop trying to out closeted celebrities (and people in general). it's not cool. it's not trendy. our lives aren't a scandal to report on. you're all just assholes and fuck you
@neil_josten_official: but not literally. a metaphorical fuck, if you will
@exykevinday.official: I'm proud of you for coming out and finally ending your ridiculous rivalry @neil_josten_official and @03andrewminyard, but was there really no other way you could have done so without informing me about your sex life?
@03andrewminyard: haha. no.
needless to say, the internet erupts in shock at neil's tweets
theories emerge left and right about how, when, why andrew and neil got together
the two of them get requests for so many interviews, talk shows, panels, magazines, all of which they turn down
of course, there's the occasional question in a post-game or team interview that's hard to avoid, and for the most part, these rare moments provide the only things the public knows about what they affectionately call "andreil"
but apparently when you're in a very public relationship, there are certain expectations fans have about how much of it you disclose
and while andrew doesn't necessarily want to divulge their private life to millions of people, he also can't help but be reminded of how seeing nicky and erik's comfortable relationship in his late teenage years solidified to him that him liking guys wasn't a bad thing
and it's with that in mind that he posts a picture on his instagram from earlier in june of him and neil curled up on the sofa, a massive rainbow flag draped around them with neil kissing his cheek
it's one of the few pictures he posts of the two of them (photos are more of neil's thing (when the hell did he take such model-esque photos of andrew?))
but andrew constantly @'s neil on twitter for literally anything
@03andrewminyard: don't forget the cat food the spoiled idiots take the most expensive stuff @neil_josten_official
@03andrewminyard: hey @neil_josten_official get me the mega stuff oreos from the store ok bye
@03andrewminyard: i- @neil_josten_official. why. is. there. neon. orange. paint. all. over. my. socks.
needless to say, neil's retaliation of posting gorgeous photos of andrew always flusters andrew
and if andrew needs to press soft kisses to his lips to stop neil's gleeful laughter and his own flightful smile, well, that's no one's business
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a-jynx · 3 years
:0 uh more Dream smp stuff?? cause y’all liked the other one??? (Georgenotfound edition & kinda long)
being Dream’s sister was rough already so imagine how tough life gets when you start dating one of his besties???
you met george through dream - obviously - and well.. putting it kindly, you hated each other. I mean, HATED each other! It always became a rivalry between you two, shooting down one another’s video ideas and never compromising until Sap or Dream stepped in.
“why do you hate him?” dream groaned as he watched you dislike ANOTHER Georgenotfound video. you glanced up at your freakishly tall brother before scoffing
“because he’s a spoilt brat and.. and he shouldn’t expect everyone to grovel like you do.” you scoffed, as Dream groaned, scrubbing his hands over his face.
“nope, nuh-uh you green tellatubby i’m not befriending him.”
“you’ve been hanging out with techno and tommy on discord too much.. Anyway, just.. please TRY and get along with him? at least pretend for a little bit - the fans get all protective and will baby him before they defend you..” dream’s voice trailed as he sat next to you, making you huff.
“ofc they’d baby him.. and it’ll be fine - I’ll be fine, Clay! I’m a big kid, some trolls on the internet won’t upset me.” you grinned, wrapping an arm around your little brother’s shoulders. he rolled his eyes before poking his index into your ribs, causing you to yelp.
“okay, but i warned you and i’ll try and help if stuff gets too much, okay? remember you’re my sister.. i still worry about you.”
“okay, don’t get sappy you waking tree! we have a stream to start,”
which lead to now.. A Geoguesser and Jack Box stream with the Dream Team ft. y/nwasnttaken - it started out awesome! The chat was having a blast having their boys stream, the guys were happy to be streaming, and you were having a great time.. until George came after you for guessing the wrong country..
“seriously, y/n?? you were, like, a million miles away!” george snorted as sap and dream joined in the laughter, you sighed before faking a short laugh.
“please, you usually suck at this game and it was one bad guess while you’ve been guessing wrong foe the past five minutes.” you couldn’t hold back the slight venom in your voice as the discord grew an awkward silence as chat began to grumble about the sudden change in atmosphere.
“chill, y/n/n, i don’t think George had an real issue, right Gogy?” sap nervously chuckled, he knew just as well as dream that for some reason you and george were always at one another’s throat.
“yeah, i had to ill intent, it’s called playful banter, y/n lighten up, honey,”
“is this just go after y/n day or what? i don’t mean to be an asshole but you’ve been after me the entire stream! and maybe the fans and you guys don’t care, but it’s hard to act like im not affected by you constantly bashing me and then laughing when dream or sap - or even yourself - get it wrong!” you grew quiet once your piece was out in the air, your heart was pounding against your ribs and you felt like you were going to be sick. “i..”
“no! no, it’s… im just going to go, you guys have a good stream.” you quickly exited the discord call, closing out of all your tabs and leaving yourself to stare at your shrunk form.. oh shit..
you grabbed your phone and opened Twitter, a mistake honestly, it was already trending.. clips, screenshots, and the #nightmareofasibling in the US. you gawked at the screen - tapping the hashtag, you should’ve listened to Dream..
‘i knew they were lousy but my god it’s a game..’
‘they always act like they’re better when they aren’t, poor gogy 💔😔’
‘i feel bad for dream and sapnap - they have to live with that 😳’
‘@y/nwasnttaken you disgust me and i can’t believe they even tolerate you. rot’
each @, each tweet was one wishing for your demise or saying that the dream team deserves better. maybe they’re right but you had a right to stand up for yourself! sure.. it was a over a geoguesser game but dealing with that for an hour in a half, anyone would be tired of it.
tears were already starting to drip as you hastily wiped at your cheeks, attempting to keep the water works at bay. it got harder when a ping went off from your phone, indicting another tweet was made at you. even with your blurred vision you frowned as @GeorgeNotFound popped up.
‘Regarding the stream, I do not hate y/n. Nor do I want hate sent to them. I will not tolerate any of my fans hating on one of my friends, it was partly my fault for antagonize them.
I care for them deeply and I hope they know how sorry I actually feel and the guilt rushing through me while I write this. I hope you can forgive me, sweets.. @y/nwasnttaken’
you hiccuped a laugh, a small smile breaking across your lips. you liked the tweet before heading to discord to find your messages had been blown up - Niki, Wilbur, and George had sent you multiple messages asking how you were. Selecting George’s messages, you grinned..
‘y/n?? hey come back to the stream’
‘i was kidding, come on, this is how we work..’
‘okay, i’m starting to get freaked out cause you’re not answering and twitter is spamming- shit i need to fix’
the messages had stopped for a few minute before a small video was sent, showing george in his recording room.
“y/n i’m honestly really sorry, it was dumb of me to keep poking at you when you looked and sounded like you didn’t like it - it’s just.. that’s how we’ve always been! i just.. please message me when you can? i know dream’s already pissed at me, and sap won’t stop threatening me to fix this now - even though they laughed too - BESIDES the point… just message me soon?” he sheepishly sent the camera a small smile, his cheeks and nose a slight red. you couldn’t help but roll your eyes before quickly typing him.
‘y’know i have half a mind to be pissed at you, but.. i’m sorry too. i should’ve have blown up at you or the others, especially on stream.. can - can we hop on call and sort this out?’
Gogster is typing… Popped up instantly, making a smile flash across your face. Suddenly a call chimed in, making you jump slightly before clearing your throat and answering the video call.
“Y/N!! Oh my god, you answered- ah, i’m so sorry I just, teasing each other and acting like we hate each other was always our act and I know i pushed it too far on stream,” George continued to ramble as you shook your head.
“George, Gogy you’re rambling..” you mumbled as he looked back at the camera, clearing his throat with a sheep smile on his face.
“uh, sorry.. look, can we just.. try again?” he muttered as you broke into a dazzling smile.
“we can, but I still get to call you Gogster..”
George broke into a loud laugh, you joining in with his contagious giggle. He nodded, clearing his throat again as he sighed gently.
“That’s all i ask, y/n.. but can i tell you something? dream and sap have been nagging me for the last couple of months to mention this..” His voice trailed as you nodded, rolling your shoulders and sinking further into your chair.
“i may not get along with you, British brat.. but you can always talk to me,” you smirk as George coughs out a laugh, shaking his head as you broke into a grin.
“you’re jealous that I have a hot accent, but seriously.. i.. Y/N I’ve liked you for a while and I’d like for us to try,” his voice trailed out as you blinked, staring at the dark brunette before giggling.
“i.. i actually have a trip coming up, to come see Niki and Wilbur.. I wouldn’t mind adding another person.” You trailed, sheepishly glancing at George as a large smile broke across his face, making you giggle as he quickly nods and laughs.
“Wait, really?! But- But we always- We.. Oh my gosh!” safe to say.. George was at a lost for words and you couldn’t help but be excited for these next two weeks to fly by..
and ofc dream and drista and sap made bets - dream bet you guys would date because of drama, drista just bet that you’d go on a date but would want to kill each other, and sapnap bet you guys would want to instantly date - some were more right than others, but in the end,.. Y/nistaken & Georgewasfound became trending and knocked the harmful trends down
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0aurelion-sol0 · 3 years
What's your opinion on the Will Byers DID theory? If you like it, which version do you like better? Both interpretations seem cool to me, though I personally like strangertheory's version better ^.^
That's a very interesting question. I want to start by saying that I am a singlet, so I don't have DiD or OSDD. My knowledge of this condition is primarly known through medias I consume or some more "advanced" psychiatric documents or researches.
DiD is a condition that hasn't been always best represented or accurately represented since this condition varies from people who have it and so while there are similarities, the experience of it is very much unique and personal. It is also something that in a fictional setting with different genres, themes and tones is very hard to pull off or represent unless you go for the very realistic take on it.
It is bound to be, like many other things in fiction, dramatized. And speaking from a singlet perspective, who also had particular problems represented in fiction, I think it's okay as long as it's done right, in the setting, tone and genre it is in.
For example, we have today a lot more LGBTQ+ representation and like everything, unless you go for the fully realistic route, it's going to be simplified and dramatized. There's so many gender identities and sexual orientations today, you have to simplify it. And that goes for many other things that people care about in media, it has to be done right, but the writers still have a story to tell and unless that subject is the focus of the story, they're not gonna always spend their time talking about that. There is a story to tell.
Secondly, if it is the main focus of the story, that is where people have to do their research and really represent what they are talking about. Not some half-baked representation with dull arguments and points that come from a capitalist and conservative worldview. (Looking at you Disney.)
Now what you are referencing are @strangertheory 's and @kaypeace21 's theories which are about the show being about a DiD system where we see different alters evolving in said story with the host being Will Byers.
There is a lot of evidence pointing towards it, I'm gonna let you go see their posts and read it.
But their theories are very different in the way that they see the show portraying DiD, I have actually find quite a great way to describe the two takes.
@kaypeace21 's take is that elements of the DiD system have been externalised through science-"fictional" or supernatural means. Similar to Legion from the Marvel universe.
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(David is a powerful mutant with DiD where each alters, if I remember correctly, has a different power or powers. (Which to this day is still one of the most BADASS thing I have ever come across though it must be quite terrifying for David.))
@strangertheory is an internalised POV on the DiD system existing in the show. She believes that what we are seeing right now is what is exclusively happening INSIDE the DiD system and that what we are experiencing is not our standard definition of the "real world". As in the physical world we all know. This would be in very vulgar terms happening inside Will's self, head, mind or brain. In a sense, it would be a more accurate representation of what DiD is about. A Shyamalan twist if you prefer.
(Though right now I don't have any word for word examples of such take, there is a show called MR.ROBOT that fits a bit of this description since there are moments in the show that we are seeing are only happening in the DiD system itself.
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I recommend this show A LOT. It still is a bit dramatized but from what I know the DiD representation is quite accurate and pleased a lot of people with DiD. Also some people on the Stranger Things crew worked on that show.)
Now do I love the DiD theory ?
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Heck yeah, I fucking love it! And with a big L! (Am I right "The First I love you?").
And I Love both of the takes and I think each one works at explaining the mysteries of this story. I even think that in some ways both could work well together.
I believe that DiD can be, without the meaning of being used, like many things a powerful storytelling "device" since it is connected to so many themes and other writing tools and is linked literally to the psyche, emotions and personalities of the characters.
I can understand why some people like both or one or respectfully and logically dislike both or one of the takes. But it is close to my belief about what the show is about or were even before I came into this fandom or on the internet, not as complex and thought out as the theory itself but pretty close in the overall themes and aspects of it.
(Though it bewilders me how much people lack imagination or are scared of such twist when I have seen so many of those types before whether it's done well or not, accurate or not.)
Now both @strangertheory and @kaypeace21 are intelligent people with very nuanced takes. And they had their fair share of completely unjust controversies coming from either rabbid ignorant shippers, far too sensible people or downright ignorant stupid people, most of the time 16 year olds. I am not saying that they are perfect, no one is, but the hate they have received is completely unjust.
And I am gonna lay it down right here, they are begging for an accurate representation here, they are not doing this because it just sounds cool and is edgy, they are actually wanting that The Duffers pull this off well. They would be very mad if they use all the imagery just to make it look cooler or scarier.
They are not bringer of truths, they are just like us. They are theorists, they believe in something that they think can explain the story they love and are experiencing. And so far, they have a pretty damn good track record.
They are analysing, dissecting the show because it's what they want to do and they believe in it and they believe the Duffers wants them to do that (I mean how come no one believes it when watching a show like that set in the 80's with so many references ?).
It is also supposed to be fun. Have fun for God's Sake! You can disagree with it but calling names and being disrespectful because somehow they don't agree with very basic, lazy and cliché theories (and no it's not being hypocrite, a lot of people barely do the work.) or are not on board with your creepy projection over the characters IS not okay.
And no, they aren't supporting p*d*philia as some people have claimed. How can you read these theories and come up to that conclusion ?
Most people haven't even read the DiD theory or have gone all the way through with it because they are lazy, easily bored people who don't have the time to just relax, process and think.
Stranger Things is not a kids show, some dumb teenage romance drama show with cool monsters! It's a very mature show, with real problems that are treated, out of which is trauma and mental health. Kids are killing people and even dying on this show. There is sexism, racism, abuse both physical and psychological.
It is a very mature and dark show. And you are being disrespectful to the Duffers when you say they are not that smart or that isn't that important. They are putting a lot of thoughts into this and the fact that no one really recognises this annoys me.
Or people only think it's important when it is only about the things they enjoy in the show. (Which is more hypocrite to me.) OR people are very stupid if they truly think that or are just jealous, bitter that two women have more imagination together and individualy than all of them or that person alone.
Color and costume choices, subtext, context, camera angles, directing, VFX, music, editing, sets, props, script, acting and editing are very important. All must be carefully done or you get very bad or generic stuff if you don't. If you love and you are passionate about the work, you put all the details you can into it.
And the Duffers and all the people working with them have already referenced those sort of things AND the practice of what we do on the internet. They are aware, they know because they have been in the same place too. They grew up with stories too, they made theories too whether it's on the internet or not.
At the end of the day, it is just a theory. An explanation of what is unfolding, may unfold or may have unfolded. I believe in it, I think it is reasonable, it has logic and it makes sense. It also has a lots of elements backing it up.
And the Duffers don't even have to go with DiD or mention it. Will creating some of the characters and supernatural events from his trauma is also similar and more accessible to the masses. But a Shyamalan twist can also work if it is done well.
And I am also open to other possibilities and theories, if they make sense and have enough elements IN THE SHOW and everything connected to it backing it up.
If the Duffers write something completely different but it is as good and also explains even better than this theory than I'll be okay. I love being wrong, it makes me learn new things and enhances the way I approach stories in the future.
If the Duffers only used this as some very inaccurate and disrespectful scary/abstract subtext without commiting to it. That is where I will have a problem.
Or write something completely incoherent with the rest of the show with a bad plot twist catering to the main public masses to sell the story even more and just make money so that they are safe with a fallacy of a work of fiction. Because they are cowards who didn't know how to manage themselves and baited entire audiences or listened to some crappy executive who didn't understand shit about the story. (wink wink, looking at a certain something...)
So yeah, I do love the DiD theory and both of it's takes and if it happens and is done right, with of course my perspective on the thing and PRIMARLY the perspective of people who have DiD or know a lot about it, I'll be pleased with it and I think it could be something very important for stories, people, the world and "art" in general.
Thank you for the question it was really fun! I hope I described the theory and the condition in the right way @kaypeace21 and @strangertheory and also the people who are concerned or know about it if I didn't let me know. Also, if you disagree with what I said, the way I said it or the subject itself let me also know IF it's respectful of course.
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