#i just heard the name ‘ryan’ and Immediately thought of Michael
MAG 163 - I’m splitting up my liveblog this week so here’s my first part: non-Entity-related things:
- “The journey will be the journey, regardless of how we choose to make it.” OOF
- “You’re being ominous again.” : me @ my own mind when I start getting too existential
- Ignore WHO?? IGNORE WHO, JON???!!!!
- “There’s just so much.”
*me, looking around at the irl state of the world*: SAME Jon, SAME.
- GOOD FOR MARTIN for standing up for himself
- RYAN??!! By any chance is this MICHAEL’s RYAN??? Ik it’s probably not but that’s the only other time the name has been used so far in this podcast so....mayyyybe?
- the phrase “arbitrary ruin” OOF
- Whyyyy did a new tape recorder pop up??? Oh no I’m very worried about Martin now what’s gonna happen???
- “It’s all this now, or worse, or different.”
*Melanie King voice*: “New traumas, but they hurt just like the old ones.”
- Did...Martin just...make the phone stop? It just stopped because he told it he wouldn’t answer it? How????
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weheistin · 4 years
hunger like a storm
finally. a short little fake ah crew snapshot, inspired by this art from @bara-kick . crossposted to ao3.
the fake ah crew didn’t necessarily deal in undercover ops and theft by stealth. their track record spoke for itself: big, loud, intense, and dramatic. that was their modus operandi, and it wasn’t about to change.
but sometimes, for the big scores, you needed to do a little recon while undercover. and geoff had found what could potentially be their biggest score yet.
the asshole in question lived out on the coast in pacific bluffs, right off the freeway, in some fuck-off fancy house that was all square and modern and ugly as hell. (money couldn’t buy taste, he figured, but still. it was a shame.) from what they’d gathered from the blueprints and security measures (matt had told him it was laughably easy to hack into securoserv’s databases, which was a problem. he’d immediately had him set up a new system so he could wipe them out of theirs. just to be safe.) this guy had a big ass safe in the basement level of his home. the protection of the safe in the house itself was minimal - they’d be able to hack in, no problem - but it was the rest of the place that proved tricky.
well, it proved tricky until fiona let him know that the rich asshole (and geoff should have remembered his name, but he didn’t) was throwing some charity ball or something, and that she’d gotten a pair of tickets for them.
(fiona was a blessing and he was so glad she was working with them and not anyone else.)
geoff had assumed that he and jack would take the tickets - that’s how it always used to be; they made a damn good team and played off of each other brilliantly in undercover situations. but when the time came, the ground team didn’t include him: michael and jack would be attending the gala, with ryan providing support and intel from a boat just far enough away to not be seen with the naked eye.
“you’re way too recognizable, dude,” michael told him as he straightened his tie in the mirror; lindsay had helped pick out outfits for them both earlier that week, and he’d only seen them now. it was weird, seeing michael without his wolf jacket. “me ‘n’ jack, though? we should be fine. it’s ‘cause we’re not the figureheads.”
he didn’t want to admit it out loud, but michael had a point; he was about to try and argue that anyway, just to be a bastard, when the door to jack’s room opened and she stepped out and his heart caught in his throat and then stopped.
she wore high black heels - they probably added a good six inches to her height and brought her up to average - and a floor length red dress that seemed to get darker and almost sparkle the closer you got to the hem. the straps or sleeves or whatever they were were meant to be off the shoulder, and for the first time in their years of friendship, he noticed all the freckles that covered her skin - probably from growing up in texas. her hair was in the same style it normally was, but the curls seemed a little more tame, and her lipstick matched the red of her dress.
but the real killer was the slit in the fabric, which went up and up and up to the top of her thigh, teasing the smooth, pale skin of her leg the whole way.
jack laughed a little and that’s when geoff realized he’d been caught staring. he blinked a few times and let his gaze travel back up to her face, and her smile was almost radiant - it would have been if he couldn’t see the hint of teasing she’d hidden in it. she twirled once, quickly, and held out her arms. “how do i look?”
“jack, you look so good,” fiona said from where she was curled up on the couch with her phone. “seriously.”
michael nodded. “i never thought i’d say you look hot, but you do, man. holy shit. you clean up nice.”
she flipped him off with a smile and reached for her pistol where ryan had set it out for her. he’d called it plan b, and geoff was hopeful there wouldn’t need to be a plan b. the goal was get in, fuck with the security system a bit, get out, and send in a crew for the actual heisting later. no gunfire necessary. still, he’d rather her go in prepared than not. and no one would question a pistol at a party in los santos.
“what about you, geoff?” jack asked, looking at him pointedly as she made sure the safety was on. “what do you think?”
geoff cleared his throat and rubbed at the back of his neck with the hand that wasn’t in his pocket. “you look good. knock ‘em dead tonight.”
“you know i will.” with a wink, she hiked up the skirt of her dress - that alone was enough to give him a minor heart attack - and revealed the black holster on her right thigh. she slid the pistol into it, gunmetal against soft, warm skin, and shivered a little as she did; geoff had to turn away and focus on ryan and his sniper rifle to calm himself down, because the thought of that, let alone the image, was a lot to wrap his head around. she had to know what she was doing, right? how much of a tease she was being?
“okay. we’ll be back as soon as we can. we’ll keep in touch with matt on comms.” ryan tapped his ear, and geoff heard matt’s ayo! from across the penthouse. “i hope whatever’s making you weird is gone by the time we get back. michael, you got the flash drive?”
“alright, let’s go. you’ll be fashionably late by the time we get there.”
“be safe!” fiona called after them as they left, and as the door shut behind them, he fell on the couch next to her with a groan. she just laughed and patted his shoulder a few times in sympathy.
“does it make it better or worse if i tell you i think that was intentional on her part?” she asked, and geoff’s distraught noise made her laugh even louder. “that’s what i thought.”
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writerofshit · 4 years
Secret Santa:X
(This is half headcanon, half fic, all fun times and emotions)
(Shoutout to the Penthouse discord server for help on some of the gifts, would have been lost without you)
The last Christmas they have in the penthouse, Ryan brings up Secret Santa again. It’s partly a joke, partly a nod to the nostalgia that’s been eating at all of them the last few months. He brings it up when they’re all gathered in the living room, watching Gavin try and prove his stealth abilities in Hitman.
(“Just because you can be stealthy in a video game doesn’t mean I’m letting you come with me.” Jack had said at the beginning of it all.
“If I get silent assassin you have to take me!”
“This is your fourth run through!”)
Anyhow, Ryan brings it up, all nonchalant. “Remember that year we did Secret Santa?”
“No?” Jeremy says honestly.
“Before your time.” Michael says with a smile, patting him on the head.
“It was fun. We should do it again.”
(”Goddamnit!” On screen, Gavin dies again.)
The next day they have a meeting of all the ‘movers and shakers’, as Geoff has taken to calling them. He announces that Secret Santa is yet again a thing, and no, Matt, you can’t get out of it. There’s no budget, because they all have access to more money than they know what to do with.
They throw eleven names in a hat and go from there. Geoff calls first pick because he’s an asshole like that, and his choice picks next, so on and so forth.
 “Just get your shit done by Christmas, and we’ll do it then.”
Geoff pulls Gavin, and only panics a little.
The kid has everything he could ever want, what’s he really supposed to do? He considers what he might need, ends up crossing ‘bulletproof vest and a helmet’ off the list because it feels a little impersonal. He could do liquor of some sort, but he suspects there will be enough of that floating around on Christmas day.
He considers a camera, knows Gavin is into that kind of shit, but he’s lost a lot of knowledge in that department over the years. The only person who knows enough is Gavin himself, and that kind of defeats the point.
He ends up going for a new pair of gold shades, because the old ones are pretty worn out after six-plus years, and he’s almost positive Gavin has lost them. (Probably in Ryan’s room, but that’s neither here nor there) He gets a pair that have diamonds along the arms, and even though they’re ridiculously expensive he thinks it’s worth it.
Gavin adores them, has them on within 30 seconds of unwrapping them. He pokes himself in the eye, and that feels like a bonus to Geoff.
Gavin pulls Trevor, and while he plays it off at first “Oh, this will be easy, I got this person for sure!” he absolutely has no idea what to do.
 There’s a weird bit of time where he tries to get to know Trevor better. He learns absolutely nothing new, despite following the guy for almost a week.
There’s a night he lays in bed with Ryan, bitching about this whole thing. “What the hell do I do? This was terrible for me last time, why would you suggest this?”
He ends up calling Barbara from the Roosters to try and figure out something, who promptly makes fun of him for not knowing anything about the guy he’s worked with for years. She does give one bit of new information, so he goes with it.
He gives Trevor tickets to the next Motocross event, because it’s apparently something he’s into. He throws in a NASA t-shirt as a joke, a nod to the world Trevor left behind.
Both items go over well, Trevor immediately pulling the shirt on over what he’s already wearing. He won’t shut up about Motocross for the rest of the day, either.
Trevor pulls Ryan, which he’s immediately terrified of.
 He knows Ryan well enough to know that there won’t be any serious repercussions if he fucks it up, he won’t get gutted over a poor gift choice. But he also knows he’ll get that weird stare Ryan does when he’s pretending to consider whether or not to hurt someone. Plus he won’t live it down from the rest of the crew.
At first he goes to Gavin for help, because apparently nobody is taking the ‘secret’ part seriously. Gavin absolutely refuses to help him, mostly for the laughs. He knows Gavin’s getting a kick out of watching him squirm over this, which is so unfair. Then he asks Jack for help, who just shrugs. 
“You’re a smart guy, Trevor, you’ll figure something out.”
He does, sort of. He gives Ryan a 24 pack of diet coke (because what else?) and an actually beautiful rainbow knife. It seems pretty heavy duty, and he knows its right up his alley. He also throws in some earplugs as a joke.
 “So you can tune out Gav’s idiocy whenever you need.”
“Come on, Trevor. I’ve had years of practice at that. The knife is gorgeous though.”
Ryan pulls Alfredo, and he’s not too worried about it.
Alfredo’s their go-to sniper these days, and a new sniper rifle seems pretty obvious. Maybe a gift card to Ammunation or something? It does feel a little lackluster, even to him, so he brings it up to Gavin one night, while Gav is still debating t-shirts from Amazon.
“That’s a bit boring, isn’t it?”
“You’re buying a NASA shirt for an ex-aerospace engineer. I’m gonna need you to rethink your stance on this one.”
“Nah. You gotta do something better for Fredo, he deserves it.”
Which. alright, then what the fuck is he supposed to do? He gets his answer the next week when he sees Alfredo on a motorcycle for the first time.
“I’m going to teach you how to actually ride that thing.” Which is good, a chance to catch up and hang out. Bad, because Ryan’s method of teaching is ‘learn by doing’ and does in fact result in shouting.
Ryan still gives him the sniper rifle, which he is far more excited about.
Alfredo pulls Fiona, and it’s the first time he marginally regrets joining the crew.
He’s got no fucking idea what she’d like, what gift she’d appreciate and not hit him over. He tries to be casual about asking around, hoping someone might have better insight. The rest of the crew catches on immediately, and they flood him with false information.
“She loves chocolate. Favorite Halloween candy, in fact!” Michael tells him, but the grin he has says otherwise.
“She mentioned something about wanting to learn a new language.” Jack says seriously.
“Get her an English to French dictionary, she’ll love it.” Gavin tacks on.
“French, yep. She definitely wants to learn that one.”
Lindsay is the only one who actually helps him. “She’s been known to enjoy a drink or two.”
By sheer luck he happens to walk into one of the thousand arguments Fiona has with Michael over the whole ‘Halloween candy’ debacle, and he knows immediately that's a bad route to go down.
He ends up making a gift basket full of liquor mini’s and various candies. He makes sure not to include any chocolates, and throws some extra blowpops in, just to be safe.
Thankfully, she does appreciate the thought he put in, and she says she’ll only share with Alfredo since everyone else is an asshole.
Fiona pulls Lindsay, and it’s not hard to figure out what she’ll like.
 She considers something chaotic, the two of them wreaking havoc on the city together. It makes sense. She also thinks about organizing a ‘girls day’, getting all the ladies of the crew together to go out and fuck some shit up. There’s a lot of logistics involved in that one, including convincing some of them to be out in the field like that.
It crosses her mind to bring Lindsay to a shelter to play with cats, because if there’s one thing Lindsay likes more than chaos, it’s cats. That’s also a bit of a logistical nightmare, not to mention the strength it would take to pry her away.
In the end she goes with cat merch. It’s a basket full of goodies, including a mug with a cat holding a bi-pride flag, a dress with various cartoon cats on it, and a cat necklace that has her birthstone as the body.
It’s beautiful, and Lindsay just about cries. She too, immediately changes into her new clothing, and she drinks everything out of the mug for at least a month.
Lindsay pulls Matt, and at first she panics.
She knows him fairly well, but like... He’s a real weirdo, what’s she supposed to do with that? She wonders what games he could use, if there’s anything he hasn’t bought himself.
Her confusion lasts until she mentions it to Michael. (Only after he let it slip who he’d picked.)
“Are you fucking kidding me? Matt’s the easiest goddamn one!”
“Bullshit! Name one thing you know about M.att B.ragg!”
“He eats like shit! Give him a box of donuts and he’ll lose his fuckin mind.”
Her response of  “Oh my god.” is barely heard.
She spends a week trying out different recipes, much to Ryan’s delight. He’s happy to play taste-tester while she finds the perfect flavor combination.
She winds up going with a double chocolate espresso concoction. Matt is, of course, super stoked about his cupcakes, and damn near has to fight Ryan off to protect them.
Matt pulls Jeremy, which is pretty much a slam dunk.
Whiskey is the obvious choice, one he’ll absolutely go with, thank you very much. Who said taking the easy way out never got you anywhere?
And it would have, if it weren’t for Geoff.
There’s a debate that happens about a week before Christmas, something about the necessity of going to the liquor store. Michael and Jeremy are firmly pro-trip, and Geoff just wants them to “stay home and do some goddamn work. Besides, it’s not like half of you guys aren’t buying each other liquor anyway. In a week I’m sure we’ll be fully stocked.”
Which, alright. Fuck Matt then, huh? He’d genuinely thought it was a good idea, a mix of thoughtful and practical.
He decides to pair the whiskey with- well, it’s kind of a joke gift, but at least he won’t be accused of only buying liquor.
He commissions a customized cowboy hat. Half purple half orange, split right down the middle. There’s a neon yellow buckle on it, and it’s the ugliest thing Matt has ever seen in his life.
Jeremy loves it though, thinks it’s goddamn perfect. He wears it for the rest of the day, and for the next heist.
(Michael is less enthused.)
Jeremy pulls Michael, and that-
That’s harder than it should be.
He and Michael have been doing this... Whatever the fuck it is for over six months now, and they haven’t goddamn talked about. Not really. They’ve had moments,sure, here and there when they’re both drunk and thinking far too much about it. Reminding each other that they’re happy, that this is a good time, wouldn’t change it for the world-
But there’s still nights they sleep alone and they don’t talk about why. They still don’t really mention it to anyone else, even if they all know. Jeremy still doesn’t know how to answer when someone asks what the deal is with him and Michael.
So it’s hard, right, to come up with a relationship- appropriate gift. Too jokey and he’ll feel bad. Too serious isn’t their style at all. Plus like… how’s he supposed to do that in front of everybody? Just because they know there’s something there doesn’t mean they need to put on a show.
He settles on the obvious, nice bottle of tequila and a couple of shot glasses. It’s not exactly personal, but it’s good enough to show the room.
Later, in a quiet moment they can steal away, Jeremy offers to take him out the next night.
“We’ll do the bar thing, just you and me. My treat.”
“Oh yeah? You’re buying my drinks all night?” Michael asks him with a sly grin.
“I uh- I’ll get your drinks for as long as you’ll have me.” and it doesn’t come out exactly right, but they both know what he means by it.
Earns him a smile and a sweet kiss, and that alone is worth it.
Michael pulls Jack, and he runs through a few options.
He considers buying her furniture, because he knows she'll need it when they all finally do move out. But Jack has a good head on her shoulders and probably already has that shit on lock.
He looks into custom shelving, for all the knick knacks she's collected over the years. He could get it designed in colors she'd like and shell out extra for lighting and all that shit. But she doesn't have a new place yet, as far as he knows, so that's kind of a bust.
He could give her what amounts to a gift certificate, an offer to pay for whatever she wants made, but that seems kind of… Empty?
There's the age old alcohol gift, but that's been done before, and is probably being done by almost everyone else.
He mentions to Lindsay how weirdly difficult it is to buy something for Jack, get’s zero advice but somehow helps her figure out the whole Matt mystery.
In the end he decides to help her out and piss her off, a little bit of a win-win kinda thing. He buys her a couple of new shirts, bold and flowery and almost as bad as Jeremy’s Rimmy Tim shtick. He hates them but he knows she loves them, so it’s worth it.
He tells her it’s because her old shirts gotta be falling out of fashion, an opinion she is not happy about.
But it’s fine, because he also gets her tickets to fucking Disney World, of all places. He even offers to go with her, which she absolutely takes him up on.
It’s more fun than he expects, and it’s a really good chance to actually spend some time with her. He hadn’t realized it had been so long.
Jack pulls Geoff, which.
It’s no secret that Geoff is a sentimental bastard when it comes to the crew. It’s exactly why he’d spent months talking to her about the possibility of selling the penthouse, trying to figure out exactly how everyone would react, trying to figure out how he would react to not having them all so close anymore. She spent countless nights listening to him wonder what it meant that he wanted his own space.
Objectively, he was probably a bad person but his love and fierce loyalty to the crew made up for that, in some ways, right? So how can he kick them out, how can he do this to them, he’s being selfish-
And she had just explained to him that he had to do what was right for him. That it was understandable. That he was right, they could all use the opportunity to be a little more independent. She was looking forward to having her own space, and in time the rest of them would too.
So when she pulls Geoff’s name, she knows she’s gotta lean into that a bit. She could get him some books, some puzzles maybe. He’d mentioned off-hand that he missed having the space for them, because the kitchen table was always covered in some sort of crew shenanigans.
She does get him those, because she knows they’ll get some use.
But the big thing is the collage.
She’s had pictures of the crew on her phone for years, dating all the way back to her and Geoff in a shitty apartment. She’s got some of Ray, curled up on the couch with a DS in his hand. Gavin and Michael wrestling one drunken night. Ryan, nodded off on the couch after a heist, face paint still on and a complete mess. Jeremy trying to teach Matt something resembling self-defense. Lindsay cuddling a stray cat she had taken in. Trevor and Alfredo in matching clothes, playing up the ‘twin’ joke that had been going around. Fiona in that bright yellow suit, modeling for her Instagram.
There’s one she gets at the last minute, gets somebody from the support team to take right before their latest heist. It’s all eleven of them, full heist get-up, masks and obnoxious fashion choices and guns tucked here and there. They’re in the boardroom, running through it one more time before they take off, and in retrospect, it’s probably the last time they’ll do that in that room.
She sets that one in the middle, surrounded by all of these moments from the last 12 years.
“For your new place, when you find it.” Jack says.
It’s beautiful, and it makes Geoff cry. It brings some sniffles from a lot of them, even if they all deny it.
Leaving the penthouse isn’t the easiest thing for any of them, but it’s the right move. After all, they’re still a family.
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theofficeimagines · 4 years
My Commitment Issues Are Worse
Disclaimer: I do not own any of The Office characters or direct quotes from the show. 
Ryan x OC 
Part 2
  After the unpleasant interactions had concluded, I made my way to my desk that was located towards the back wall behind an older looking man. "Hello" he turned around and asked "So new in town huh?" "Yeah" I put my stuff down trying to keep the small talk at a minimum. "Watch out for that guy." He said pointing at Jim. I looked at him and wondered if he was either senile or if there was something in the water in this place that made everyone bat shit crazy.   Noon rolled around and I decided to take my break and grab a snack from the vending mechine. When I opened the door I saw Jim and Pam look my direction and suddenly get quiet. I could almost physically feel the tension and wondered what that was about. "Sorry to interrupt. I…" "Nope. You’re not interrupting anything. Nope. I’m… " he said looking rather nervous. "All right" I said interupting him. I made my way towards the vending machine with the tense quiet still in the air. "I should get back to work." Jim said to Pam "Yeah. I know, me too." They both walked out leaving me wondering if I should mention this to Karen, since they had just begun to date, but I decided to just mind my own business. It was probably nothing. I scanned the vending machine with my eyes then suddenly, I heard someone come in. "Can't decide huh?". I turned to see who the voice came from. It was the cute guy from earlier standing at the doorway with his hands in his pockets. "Yeah lots of options" I said gritting my teeth at the corny statement. He smiled and held out his hand. " I'm Ryan by the way I haven't gotten to introduce myself yet, uh, Beth right not Elizabeth." I replied with a smile meeting his hand with mine for the handshake. I looked into his striking blue eyes and felt my stomach jump a little. It had been a while since I felt this feeling and I forgot how good it felt. "Yeah, nice to meet you Ryan." I was glad to finally get his name instead of referring to him as the cute guy. "Well since your having a tough time choosing and if you're on break I just took mine too. Maybe I could take you out to lunch? I could show you one of those super exciting Scranton hot spots. You could cash in one of those coupons in your gift bag." he joked. Was he asking me out on a lunch date? I knew for sure I wasn't ready to start dating right now. To be commiting to anything right now other than getting my life together. I was living in a hotel goodness sakes. I didn't want anything to hold me back from my goals. My brain was telling me 'NO NO NO' over and over again concidering the fact that he was also my co-worker but if I was being completely honest with myself, my body was telling me yes. A little fun wouldn't hurt.                                  "Mm.. sure okay maybe we coul--"                      "Oh my god Ryan! There you are I was looking everywhere for you." A girl said running into the breakroom wrapping her arms around his waist. Ryan groaned and rolled his eyes. "Oh hi.." she said in a rather catty tone not even having the courtesy of introducing herself. "Kelly do you really have to know where I'm at all times?"    "You know what, I'm actually not that hungry um.. I'm just going to go back to my desk." I said inserting some coins and choosing a granola bar from the machine. All during which Kelly was blabbering on about some celebrity gossip to Ryan. Does this girl stop to talking to breath? Honestly, it's almost impressive how much she can say in a short amount of time. The granola bar finally fell to the bottom. I grabbed it and made my way out the break room as fast as could.                                                                        The rest of the day consisted of watching a very  interesting orientation video staring Michael and Dwight, way too many meetings one of which resulting in Tony qutting, and ending in the air being let out of all the cars in the parking lot. The day felt as if it lasted forever. Karen, Phyllis, Stanley, Martin, Ryan and myself ended up gathering in a circle to talk. Stanley, Phyllis, and Ryan explained to us how this day was pretty tame compared to other days. "Trust me. It only gets worse." Stanley says. "Is he always like this?" Martin asked."Sometimes he brings more costumes." Ryan answered. I reflected on the day again and realized I had hardly gotten any work done.                                                  "When do people work?" I asked the group.     "Oh, we find little times during the day." Phyllis said answering my question.                           "How are we going to get home?" "Bob Vance has an air pump. He said he’d fill all our tires up."  "Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration" Karen said.  Phyllis smiled at her and we all continued to chat for a little while hearing Stanley, Phyllis and Ryan tell us more Michael Scott stories. 
  Finally, 5 o'clock. Bob Vance had all the cars tires filled and everyone headed toward the door out of the office. "Hey are you ready?" Karen asked me stopping at my desk. "Yeah you go ahead, I still have to put these in here" I said as I put some folders into my desk drawer. "Alright meet you down there, do you want to grab a drink. I could sure use one after today." "Yes. Please that is exactly what I was thinking." We both laughed and she walked out the door. "Beth, you haven't left yet." Ryan said sounding relieved. "Could I talk to you?" I shrugged and nodded waiting for him to continue. "Listen...about earlier.." "Oh you don't owe me an explanation. Really I'm not really um.. looking to see anybody right now.." "Oh..right maybe as like friends or something we could hangout.. or.." "Maybe, I have to get going. Karen's waiting for me. I'll see you tomorrow Ryan." I said a pretty coldly. I was a little vexed that he was still seeming to try to get me to go out with him even though something was clearly between him and Kelly. "Okay.. see you tomorrow" he replied sounding disappointed? I don't know. And whatever was going on between him and Kelly I knew I wanted no part in being in the middle of that.   Karen and I arrived back at the hotel which  conveniently had a bar next door. Jim met us there and we had a few drinks and shared a few laughs refeclting on our day at work. Jim and Karen finished their last drink while I was still babysitting my half finished one. "Do you want us to wait for you?" "No! No you guys go ahead I'm done being third wheel tonight " I joked being half serious. I liked hanging out with them but I wanted to give them their space. We said our goodbyes and Jim and Karen made their way out of the bar.   "A scotch neat please." I hear someone say at one bar stool down from me. I turned and saw an extremely good looking man there. He was older than me. Maybe 15-20 years older but he was incredibly handsome. Black hair, brown eyes, some stubble and I noticed he was very tall before he sat down easily 6 foot. He turned to me noticing that I was looking at him.  "Hi there." He said smirking at me.  "Hi.." I said feeling my face get a little hot. "Can I buy you another drink?" He asked. "Oh no thanks I have to work tomorrow." He nodded and held out his hand "Elijah" "Beth" I answered simply mirroring his introduction. I shook his hand. This kind of attention was so foreign to me. Having been married up until about a month and some days ago, I never even really experienced dating. Elijah and I ended up talking for a little while. He was born here in Scranton and lived in Phili but was visiting his parents. We continued to talk and somehow ended up revealing we were both divorced. Something we had in common that I knew for a fact not many people my age understood. He was so put together and sure of himself. It was so sexy and refreshing. The conversation kept going and the flirting was getting a little heavy. I looked at the bar's clock realizing it was getting pretty late. "I should get going I have work in the morning, well in a few hours." I said. "Yeah I should get going too. I leave tomorrow evening. Here's my business card with my work number and my cell number. Give me a call sometime if you want. I come to Scranton pretty frequently. If you're ever in Phili too." We both got up off the bar stools and I grabbed my purse and put it over my shoulder. "Yeah definitely. I had fun thanks for a great conversation I had a pretty rough day." "Well I'm glad to hear I turned it around. I'll walk you next door." When we got to the front entrance, I looked up at him and he smiled down at me.  "Goodnight, Beth." he said to me leaning down to kiss my cheek. "Goodnight, Elijah" I replied with a smile and entered the lobby of the hotel.                                    I lay in bed and stared at the ceiling and thought for a little while about this evening. I had fun Elijah but the thought of that lunch date with Ryan kept creeping into my mind. How would it have gone? What would he have been like? What would we have talked about? How would it have...ended. I closed my eyes and began to trace my finger down my exposed belly and slipped it under the elastic of my panties. I bit my lip and let out a gentle sigh. Without warning I pictured the ending of the lunch date.. in the back of his car. I snapped myself out of that thought immediately. Honestly what the actual hell was wrong with me. My only priority right now had to be to work and get into law school. Nothing more. Nothing was going to stop me.  
Hi reader! I'm planning on making this a bit of a slow burn so I hope you bear with me! Don't worry some smutty stuff is coming soon 🤭
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Coming In 2020
Hey guys. I hope you guys enjoyed ringing in the new year. I hope the first couple of days have been going well for you. I am super excited for the coming year. 
I thought it would be nice to put together a “coming up” post where I give you guys a sneak peek at what I hope is coming in 2020.😄
I have gone back and forth with wanting to share summaries like this, but I guess I am taking a leap with humans in 2020 and crossing my fingers for good outcomes. LOL. Also, fair warning, this is a Chris Evans heavy list, I’m sorry.😬
Now, this is just to give you guys an idea where my madness has been taking me for the last year and I guess put out some feelers. All of these have been plotted/mapped {heavily} and written up to an extent. These are just a few of them, in total there are about eight ideas that I’ve been debating. I know, eight new ideas are very ambitious, but I am vowing 2020 to be a hyper-productive year for me.
So, let me know what you guys think, what you’re looking forward to, what has your strong vote to be pushed to number one. Whatever you like.
As always, thank you for following me, commenting on my work, and your support since I began this insane journey. ❤❤
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Title: Teach Me {Mini-Series?}
Chris Evans x Famous OFC Delilah “Lilah” Lake
Series Warning: Cursing, Angst, Fluff, Smut, NSFW, Older Man/Slightly Younger Woman, Violence, Slow Burn, Erotica
Summary: Everyone knows Chris Evans. He’s the world-famous actor, heartthrob and the man ninety-nine percent of the female population would trade anything for one night with. While Chris is a famous star he has a very unknown secret and beyond his better judgment, you’ve got his eye. You’re relatively new in Hollywood especially when you look at the careers of the veterans. You have two movies under your belt and now you’re cast with Chris Evans in what is being labeled as “The most anticipated Rom/Com of the year”. You’ve heard many things about his kindness, and you’re relieved to know they are all true when he sees just how much of a virgin you are both professionally and personally.
**Inspired by a request from @evemej **
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Title: Detail 
Special Agent Chris Evans AU x OFC Jolie Merrick
Warning: Violence, Angst, Plot, Slow Burn, Mild to High Levels NSFW, Cursing, Smut
Summary: You’re independent, smart, down to earth and love to have fun. As an only child, you have always been the apple of your father’s eye and you’d do almost anything to make him happy. Though you’ve lived your life under a microscope you’ve always found a way to make it work. You see you’re the daughter of the president with the code name Bluebird. You can imagine this job is more dangerous than ever thanks to the drastic increase in world chaos.
When a new disturbing threat has been discovered against none other than the president himself and his daughter–you, your father steps in and gets the best to protect his last living immediate family. Special Agent Chris Evans is the best, after two tours in the Marines to then do it again as a Seal he’s finally home after committing ten years to the military. Now an agent his next mission is lead of the Bluebird detail. It should be easy after the career he’s had but she has different kinds of weapons of mass destruction. 
**Inspired by my new obsession with Jack Ryan and the concept of secret agents**
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Title: Two Different Worlds: Freshman Year
College AU Chris Evans X OFC Qira “KeKe” O’Day
Warning: Cursing, Angst, Violence, Fluff, NSFW, Smut, Plot,
Summary: Everyone says college is supposed to be the time of your life. They say it’s the time you figure life and yourself out. That is exactly what you plan on doing. You are a freshman at UCLA, one of the top universities in the country with a Biophysics major. Problem #1, it wasn’t your top pick. In order to get to your top pick, you have to get through the year then transfer into your number one; University of Boston. Nothing is going to get in your way, not your AP course load, or your party-hearty friends, or the numerous temptations of being a college female on the West coast and definitely not him–the star quarterback, the most wanted human on campus; Chris Evans. No distractions mean no distractions, especially from a guy. It doesn’t matter how hot, talented, charming, rich, and likable he is. When it comes down to it, the two of you are from two different worlds.
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Title: Later Rather Than Sooner
Chris Evans x Best Friend Reader Mikayla “Mik” Xavier
Series Warning: Angst, Cursing, Fluff, Slow Burn, Slight to Mild NSFW, Mild Violence
Summary: Thirty-seven years, that’s how long you and Chis have been friends. Thirty-Seven years. He’s seen you at your worst because of Tyler Johnson who gave you your first kiss underneath the bleachers in middle school at lunch, then two periods later caught him kissing Tamara Hodge. You saw him at his worst when Alana Michaels his “girl next door” broke his heart at tenth-grade prom. You saw his first big break, then the next and the next. He’s been there for every huge moment in his life just the same as you’ve always been there. Everyone sort of expected the two of you to end up together sooner or later.
So there you have it guys, potentially coming in 2020. It was so hard to narrow this down and I didn’t do a very good job here. LOL. 🤣
What do you guys think? Any you’d a “hell yeah” to? I love them all so much, you have no idea.😁 I know this is a lot, not as much as the eight, but still. I may or may not get to them all and I may just throw a curveball and put one that isn’t on this list out but, I wanted to compile this for my sanity and for you guys. 
Yes, I will be continuing my other Works In Progress and a few one-shots and HCs I have planned as well as the requests still in my inbox (I haven’t forgotten) so bear with me and my madness and let’s see what happens.
102 notes · View notes
natashacoco · 5 years
Creed II Costume Design Assistant
Florian Munteanu x Reader
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Warnings: NONE
Prompt: Reader is working on the set of Creed II in the costume department and ends up being the one who helps Florian with his fittings leading up to the film.
You were nervous, this was your first day working on an actual movie and you were trying everything in your power to calm your nerves and so far, it wasn’t working. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, repeating the steps over in your mind.
It wasn't helping and you could feel the pressure as reality began to sink in. Calm down, calm down. Don’t fall, don’t make a fool out of yourself on your first day.You say to yourself, hoping that by repeating the mantra it would actually work and everything would go smoothly.
You reach the security checkpoint and once you show your ID and sign in, the security guard instructs you to where you will be working and whom you will be reporting to. As you headed off in the direction that you were told to, you hear people behind you shout your name. You turn and are greeted by two of the girls whom you recognized from the general meeting held a few days prior.
“Can you believe that we are actually working on a movie? Not one of those student films, but an actual feature film?!?” the woman named Hannah squeals, obviously excited compared to your nerves. Although principle shooting wouldn’t be happening for a few more months, this was the first day that the wardrobe department was needed for the first fittings since a majority of the costumes had been completed.
“Well I’m looking forward to meeting THE Michael B. Jordan. He’s so handsome and that smile” the other woman, Marie exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear and fanning herself at the thought of meeting the actor. “And not to mention, I hear that the other lead isn’t so bad looking either” she said, giggling.
“I’m looking forward to working. Not many people get the chance to work on a movie like this, especially a Creed/Rocky film, and with this amazing cast right out the go” you reply. It was true, you had just graduated from college with a BA in Costume Design and was fortunate enough to get a job as a wardrobe assistant on the film. You wanted to work hard and hopefully this would allow more doors in the future to open up.
As the three of you rounded the corner, you noticed that a few people were standing outside huddled around a woman talking with two men, one of which you immediately recognized as Sylvester Stallone and the other, an African-American man you had never seen before. You could tell that they were laughing and joking the closer that you got at the large trailer that you would be working out of.
As you all neared the group, you caught the last bit of Stallone’s words before he turned around and headed off in another direction, the other man staying behind. The woman that he was talking to turned and saw that the tree of you had joined the group.
“Hannah, Marie and Y/N” she exclaimed, shaking hands as she said each of your names, “It’s so nice to see you again. This here is the director, Steven Caple Jr. who is taking over for Ryan Coogler.”
With a smile, Steven shakes all of your hands in greeting and excuses himself to speak with his assistant. More people begin to show up and eventually Lizz and Steven get everybody’s attention.
“Hello everybody, I’m Steven Caple Jr. and I’m the director for Creed II. This is a really exciting opportunity, not only for myself but for everybody involved. Some of you have been around the block and then there are some of you who are new to this, but I just want to say that we all have high expeditions and want to give our all for this project. A lot of us have grown up with the Rocky franchise, and although Creed isn’t a Rocky film, it’s still part of that family. I’m really looking forward to working with each of you and seeing where we can take the film” he says.
A round of applause rings out at Steve’s rallying speech which has helped to calm your nerves. After instructing where each department is to meet up, he bids farewell and good luck on everybody’s first day.
The Costume Design Department is told to meet at a large studio on the lot, everybody showing a different form of excitement as you make your way there. Lizz introduces each of the other members of the group, a majority of them were costume designers whom she had worked with from her other projects and some were tasked with making the actual costumes while the others were assistants to various other key members to the staff working on the film and would work as interim go-to’s. Once introductions were made, Lizz led you all into the large studio that would be your work space for the day.
“Okay, so I was just talking with Steven and he let me know what the plan is for today. We’ll have some of the principal actors in shortly to start their first fittings, which are Michael B. Jordan, Tessa Thompson, Mr. Dolph Lundgren and Florian Munteanu. Everybody got that?” Lizz asked the crowd, heads shaking. You take a quick glance over at Marie and notice her larger than life smile at the thought of getting to meet Mike.
As you entered the trailer, the first thing you noticed were racks and racks of clothes in what seemed like every inch of the entire space with names of the actors as well as the characters names whom they were portraying. Lizz began moving around the trailer, giving instructions and handing out binders to people on what their jobs would be for the day as she herself was weaving through the racks. Finally Lizz approached you, Marie and Hannah.
“Marie, you’ll help with Group A who has Mike, Hannah, Group B for Mr. Lundgren and Y/N will be working with Florian in Group D. In these binders, you’ll find pieces of paper where you’ll need to date each fitting as well as measurements so we can keep track or reference it. Once each actor is in their outfits, you’ll need to take Polaroid’s, front and side views, as well as the date, measurements, what scene and place them in the empty slots. When we get down to the final fittings or if something doesn’t work out, we can have visuals of previous fittings for each outfit, as well as for what scene, like a blueprint. I’d like for you three to begin with the outfits from each actors’ first scene and go from there. If you need any help, please ask anybody from your group, or ask my assistant Nadia or myself.”
Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door when Mike, Dolph and Tessa all walking in. Lizz walks over and greets the trio, leading them into the studio, directing each actor to their group whom would be working with them.
You noticed that Florian had not come in yet, or you don’t think he is considering that you have no idea what he looks like. Speaking with one of your group members, you briefly find out that Florian is a European boxer who had been discovered by Sylvester Stallone and this would be his first major US film debut.
Lizz comes over to your group and informs you that Florian is running late but will be there shortly. She tells you to familiarize yourself with the binder, points to the Polaroid and film and to look through the rack of clothes for Florin as you wait until he arrives.
As you headed to the rack of costumes and began sifting through them while referencing the binder you were given, you realize that although you hadn’t seen him yet, he was a big guy, a giant compared to your short stature. According to his binder, he was 6’4 and around 240-245 lbs but would be dropping weight for the film. You didn’t notice that another person had joined the rest of the group until you heard a loud boisterous sound coming from Michael’s group. You turn your head towards the noise when you catch a glimpse of a very attractive, tall man not much older than you are. He walks over towards Mike and they greet one another like they have known one another for years, your eyes never leaving him. The man looks over in your direction, causing you to blush and turn your eyes to what is set in front of you.
A few moments later you feel a slight tap on your shoulder and a deep accented voice asks, “Excuse me, but are you Y/N?”
You turn around and crane your neck up to look into some of the most gorgeous green eyes you’ve ever seen, and are greeted by the man whom you assume to be Florian. You nod and take in what he’s wearing, grey sweatpants, white Adidas, white t-shirt and a red Snap Back turned backwards and a simple gold chain. You nod as he extends out his right hand introducing himself and you give him yours. Shaking hands, his eyes never leaving yours, you try to regain some sort of control, but it’s useless when he’s standing so close to you and still shaking your hand.
“S-So we’re um, going to start with the first look, take measurements and pictures and then go on to the second and so on. If something doesn’t fit right, just let anybody from the group know and we’ll make a note of it” You stammer, finally letting go of his hand as you turn around to grab the first outfit. Suddenly you hear one plonk after another and the sound of fabric rustling when you turn around and see that Florian is undressing in the middle of the trailer and is in nothing but his sweatpants, shoes and shirt thrown to the side.
You will your jaw not to drop, clenching it tightly and praying to a higher power that this man really was out here looking like that. He had an eight pack, an actual eight pack, you counted, TWICE and were on your way to counting it a third time before you looked away to give him some kind of privacy.
Sneaking a quick side eyed glance in his direction, you take in his half naked appearance. He was gorgeous, absolutely no doubt in your mind. You had no idea that somebody’s chest could be that big and broad. You bring your gaze lower and notice that he had that “V” shape that you had only seen in the movies and never in real life, but there it was.
“Wouldn’t you like to go someplace private and change so you’re not in front of everybody?” You question, cheeks undoubtedly getting redder than they already were.
“Nah, I don’t mind at all. Besides, we’ll be working together for a while, and it’s not like it’s a big deal” he replies, giving you a wink as he slides off his sweats. Cheeky little shit.
If you could, you would’ve pinched yourself right then and there to make sure that this was indeed real and not some dream your subconscious was making up. When he wasn’t looking, you gave yourself a small pinch and realized that this indeed was happening and that Florian was in nothing but his socks and gorgeous red boxers in front of you.
You reference the binder as you work quickly handing Florian his costumes, helping him when he needs it, which is more than is necessary but you don’t mind at all. You take note making sure that everything fits the way it’s supposed to. Speaking with another member of your team, you both agree that one of his outfits would need to wait until final fittings due to his expected weight loss. Hours pass as you and your team help Florian and you loved every moment of it, the two of you bonding over the fact that both of you were both newbies on the film.
When Florian is changing into his last outfit, the white, red and gold Drago boxing shorts and red robe outfit that he’d be wearing for the final fight scene between Viktor and Adonis Creed, you do everything in your power not to stare. The colors of the boxing shorts seemed to emphasize his physique. The shorts were helping you to see Viktor Drago come to life. The only complaint you had about them was they hid part of his eight pack, but otherwise they fit like a glove.
Changing out of his last outfit, Lizz comes by to check how things went.
“Everything go okay?” she asks, looking over the notes that you made.You both nod as she continues, “You know Y/N, Florian is going to be Hollywood’s Next Big Star once this movie comes out. He has such a bright future ahead of himself.”
“Stop Liz, I’m in my underwear and you’re making an even bigger embarrassing moment that much more embarrassing for Y/N” Florian teased, blushing and trying not to awkwardly laugh but not succeeding at all, sneaking a peek at you and shaking his head.
“It’s the truth Flo, I’ve been in the business a long time and have worked with Sly on a few projects. He helped to discover you, and he has an eye for talent. And to think this is your first breakout role too. He’s going to go far” she added, closing the binder and helping hang up the previous scene clothes that somebody hadn’t gotten to yet.
“We’re all done, you can get dressed now and we’ll see you at the next fitting in a few weeks time” You say, hating that it’s all over and you wouldn’t see him for a while.
Florian begins taking off his shorts and the robe, handing each of the items he had been wearing as you put them on its hanger. After putting back on his own clothes and hat, Florian gives a quick squeeze to Lizz and wishing her goodbye, leaves.
Everybody had left long before you were done, and once you have made sure that everything's in its right place, you take the binder and hand it to Liz’s assistant Nadia.
You and your group head towards the door when Lizz’s voice said, “Thank you so much for your help everybody and great first day. We’ll email you when the next fitting is!”
You nod and exit the studio, heading back towards security when for the second time that day, you hear somebody behind you yell your name. It’s Hannah and Marie and then excitedly tell you about their day and how much fun it had been, Hannah practically slipping in her own pool of drool from how thirsty Mike made her. Laughing, you tell them of your own experience with Florian.
           A FEW WEEKS LATER 🥊🎬
You’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t say you weren’t excited to finally see Florian again. It felt like forever but finally the day had arrived.
As you entered the studio, your group was informed that Florian would be requiring a different outfit for one of the scenes and that those would need to be done first.
Entering the studio, Florian’s dressed similar in fashion to the last time you saw him. He greets Lizz and then makes his way over to your group. As he’s told of the new change, you pull out the binder and begin to reference Polaroid 1 and the notes, giving other members materials to help move the process along as well.
Stepping up to Florian with the Polaroid, you snap a picture and wait for the picture to show up on the film before proceeding.
“So Y/N, what made you want to go into costume design?” He asks as you scribble down the important info needed for the reference binder.
“Movies, I love them, growing up we use to live down by one of those nickel theaters, so my parents would take me to go see them on the weekends. I fell in love with the movies, and the styling always inspired me. But for me personally, it was ‘The Wiz’. My mom is a HUGE fan of Diana Ross and I almost broke our VHS tape from how often I played it growing up, I loved how the clothes helped to bring the characters to life. And I love the 1920’s, it was a huge game changer for pushing the evolution of fashion” you added, images of The Jazz Age and The Harlem Renaissance going through your mind.
“That’s really cool, it’s nice that you’re following your passion” he says, turning to the side so you can take another picture.
“It must be the same for you, you’re a boxer who is portraying a boxer in a movie. How does the saying go, ‘art imitating life’ or something like that?” You ask, snapping the picture.
“I started boxing because of my Tata (father), he use to help me train when I was little and he’s part of the reason why I’m doing this movie” he answers. 
“What’s the other part?” You ask, not even thinking of how personal that sounded. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry” you counter quickly.
“It’s okay. The other part is my Mama and friends, my brothers. I try and work hard and push myself so that way I can make them proud of who I am and who I’m trying to be” he explains, a look of pride crossing his face.
As you get further into the fittings, you ask about his life back home and start to laugh uncontrollable when he tells you the story of how he got his nickname when he was a kid. You tell him more of your favorite films that inspired you to go into your profession, and what directors you’d love to work with in the future.
You eventually get to the last look, the red Drago shorts and robe now becoming your favorite look on him. You’d never tell him this, but you think he had an idea. Due to his weight loss, you had to take his measurements, getting close to him with a tape measure to do so. After taking the new measurements and pictures, you tell him he’s all good to go.
As the weeks progress, you find that you’re learning more than you possibly could under the guidance of Lizz, and of course one of the main highlights besides working with her is getting to see Florian.
At the final fitting, it runs faster than the previous weeks. When Florian is officially done with his fitting, he thanks everybody and gives Lizz a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
“Y/N, can I speak with you a moment before you head out?” Lizz asks, looking up from a piece of paper that her assistant was showing her.
“Sure thing Lizz” you croak, stepping to the side as a heavy weight in your chest at what she could possibly want to speak to you about. Everybody gives you a momentary glance as they gather their things and head out the door.
After what feels like hours, Lizz finally walks up to you.
At the look on your face, Lizz informs you that it’s nothing bad. “I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re doing a great job, you’ve got a great eye for detail and you make really great suggestions for improvement. You work really well with Florian, and that’s why I want you to be his number one costume assistant during filming. You’ll help him on set and make any adjustments if need be, that sound okay to you?”
You nod your head vigorously, no actual words able to form in your mouth.
“I take that as a ‘yes’ then?” She asks.
“It’s more than a yes! It’s, it’s, a really great opportunity and I couldn’t be happier. Thank you!” You practically squeal as you shake her hand.
You grab your things and head out, practically skipping at the news. You hear your name yelled behind you and this time when you turn around, you’re not greeted by Marie or Hannah, but by Florian himself walking straight towards you.
When he finally reaches you, he gives you a sly grin, and you can guess what it’s from.
“I thought I missed you. Lizz told me that she was going to have you be my assistant on set while we’re filming. I was wondering if you’re not busy at all, maybe you’d want to go and get something to drink with me to celebrate?” He asked, his expression hopeful and questioning.
“Not busy as in right now, and go with you, as with you physically in person to get a drink?” You ask, making sure that you were processing exactly what was being said.
“Pretty much yeah. If you’re busy I understand, it’s short notice and I bet that you’re busy and all. You know what, forget it, it was stupid of me to ask” Florian blurts out, his cheeks turning slightly pink before turning on his heels and starts walking off, obviously kicking himself for even asking.
You let him walk a few meters before you yourself yell out “I’M NOT BUSY” and run after him. Due to his long legs, you’re practically power walking when you catch up to him, you repeat what you yelled. He gives you that sly grin again as approval with you smiling and the both of you head off together.
Filming for the movie was everything you’d hope for and more. After the movie wrapped, Lizz invited you to work as one of her assistants on her next project, all of which you were excited to do. Everything was falling into place and you were excited to see what laid before you.
Tags: @sparklemichele @melinda-january @honeychicana @michelleteriney @blackandnoir @dc41896 @carefreebarnes @lady-olive-oil @crushed-pink-petals @mistress-to-the-moon @themyscxiras
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years
Sunrise over Darkness (1/1)
Summary: It’s strange enough venturing back into the Cosmodrome with everything that’s happened since Bauble found him, but going back with Ryan is just -
“Oh, there’s another cluster,” Ryan says, and Gavin twists around to see him harvesting spinmetal leaves. “Just a few more and I’ll have enough.”
It’s very, very odd.
Notes: Prompt fill for @demoncowedgar who wanted something in a Destiny AU. :D?
Follows No Place for the Living.
(Read on AO3)
It’s strange enough venturing back into the Cosmodrome with everything that’s happened since Bauble found him, but going back with Ryan is just -
“Oh, there’s another cluster,” Ryan says, and Gavin twists around to see him harvesting spinmetal leaves. “Just a few more and I’ll have enough.”
It’s very, very odd.
The Cosmodrome is as eerie as it’s ever been, cries from distant Fallen patrols echoing oddly off the high metal walls and rock walls. Lingering echoes of the SIVA crisis that has Gavin watching where he sets his feet far more closely than he normally would.
Commander Zavala hasn’t officially lifted the quarantine on the Cosmodrome, but he also hasn’t said anything about Guardians slipping in here on Banshee’s latest quest either. (For Banshee’s sake or the link to Cayde-6, it’s anyone’s guess.)
The change of heart may be for Banshee’s sake and the link to Cayde-6, or perhaps there are other more urgent matters weighing on his mind with recent events. Things that make disciplining errant Guardians breaking quarantine pale in comparison. (Commander Zavala isn’t pleased about Guardians running around the Cosmodrome again recklessly as ever, but he hasn’t spoken out on it either.)
Gavin sighs as he finds a comfortable spot on a rocky outcropping that gives him good line of sight as Ryan searches for more spinmetal. Something to do with one of Rasputin's WARSATs clipping his jumpship on a mission to Mars a week back.
There’s a glimmer of light by his shoulder and he smiles as he sees Bauble hover into view.
“It’s odd, isn’t it,” she says, voice pitched low. “You’d think a Titan would be a bit more...reticent to set foot here with the quarantine.”
Gavin hums, sniper rifle leaning against his shoulder. It’s natural for respective classes to look to their Vanguard mentors for leadership first with the way things are organized in the City rather than with the Vanguard as a whole, but few of them are blindly loyal anymore.
Too much upheaval in such a short time, things that weren’t quite secrets as just...not spoken of coming to light time and time again. More than enough to have Guardians question whether or not the Vanguard is infallible, especially with Cayde’s death.
(Funny how it’s the Hunter Vanguard mentorship that changes hands so often, while the Titans and Warlocks stand solid and steady. Maybe there is some truth to the jokes and friendly jabs every Guardian’s heard at least once.)
“You’d think,” Gavin murmurs, smiling as Ryan has an argument – no sorry, as he’s been informed the two of them engage in <i>debates</i>, not arguments – with Reggie.
Flailing hands and wide gestures and Reggie’s shell flaring out with little spins and flourishes either mocking him or unconsciously mimicking him, difficult to tell.
“Looks like arguing to me,” Bauble grumbles, and Gavin doesn’t laugh at the way he can feel her watching him, no.
No reason to get into a debate themselves, after all.
Movement behind Ryan and Reggie and Gavin’s reaching for his sniper rifle, easy as anything as Bauble flickers out of sight.
Ryan and Reggie give no sign of having noticed they’re not alone as their debate continues, and Gavin huffs a laugh echoed by Bauble’s through the speakers of his helmet as he scans the area.
A Marauder, two, creeping up on the shiny pair of idiots in the shadow of an old building. Cloaking tech glitching on them every now and then and Gavin almost feels bad about it as he takes aim.
And then Reggie blinks out of view as Ryan snaps around, hand cannon pointed unerringly at the Marauder Gavin’s not aiming for.
“Wait,” Ryan says, and Gavin holds his fire as requested.
There’s a standoff as the Marauders drop their cloak, no need for it now they’ve been seen. Guardians versus Fallen and even a year ago it would have ended predictably, but now?
Ryan cocks his head, just so and the Marauders share a look, chittering to each other before they lower their weapons and take a step back.
Look back to him and gesture at the harvested spinmetal growth, hunched low to the ground and ready to run.
Ryan lowers his hand cannon, tilts his head the other way and gestures towards the Mothyards. More spinmetal to be found there and the Guardians roaming the Cosmodrome at the moment seen content to explore The Divide rather than venture this far out.
The Marauder closest to him stands a little straighter and says something to Ryan he must be able to understand because he holsters his hand cannon. The Marauder regards him for a long moment before it taps the second Marauder on its pauldron and they set off towards the Mothyards, reactivating their cloaking technology when they’re nearly out of sight.
“Hmm,” Bauble says, reappearing in another glimmer of light over Gavin’s shoulder. “Interesting.”
Things are changing out here, and Gavin hopes it’s for the better.
Ryan turns to look up at Gavin and Bauble and tips the two of them a jaunty little salute and offers a cheeky, “Thanks!”
Gavin snorts as he settles back into a comfortable slouch as Reggie reappears and launches into a lecture about Ryan being a reckless fool of a Titan, although it sounds less stern than fondly exasperated.
Ryan nods along in the right places, makes these little noises like yes, yes, and you’re absolutely right and ooh, more spinmetal! as Reggie floats along behind still lecturing for all he’s worth.
Gavin leaves Ryan to negotiate terms with Amanda in the hangar and heads to the Tower courtyard which is bustling with activity as always. Guardians bartering materials for goods and showing off new bits of armor or weapons.
Ghosts flitting about catching up on gossip and trading bits of information on enemy patrols that haven’t been updated on the Vanguard networks yet.
Bauble gets sidetracked in conversation with a Warlock’s Ghost near Master Rahool’s booth, and he shakes his head as he visits Tess at the Eververse counter to see what the handful of engrams he picked up in the Cosmodrome hold for him. (An armor ornament or two, pretty new Sparrow for a race somewhere and other items he trades in for Bright Dust.)
It’s a lovely day, warm and sunny with birds calling to each other as they flock about the banners and whatnot about the Tower.
He should stop by Geoff and Jack’s quarters later, spend some time catching up with them as it’s been a while since he’s been back to the Tower for more than a pit stop. Spend some glimmer around the Tower vendors for more than the essentials, take some time to enjoy the chance to let his guard down.
A voice calling his name has Gavin look over to see a pair of Titans approaching. Battle-scarred armor and a look in their eyes that means trouble in Gavin’s immediate future.
He gives serious thought to bolting for it, given the last time he ran into these two. The impromptu race through the Glacial Drift on Mars that ended with the Titans going over a cliff – which by the way, wasn't his fault. (Heavy Titan armor and improperly calibrated engines and honestly, honestly, any Sparrow racer worth their salt would know better.)
“Well, well, well,” Michael says, hand landing heavily on Gavin’s shoulder. “Lookit who we got here, Jeremy.”
Jeremy grins, and like the menace he is, cracks his knuckles.
“Aw, now,” Gavin says, cheerful grin and laughter building up as he spots Ryan and Reggie headed towards them. “No need to be like that, Lads.”
They’re ridiculous is what they are. Playing the big, scary heavies like Gavin owes them glimmer or caught them up in a bad deal over parts or something similar. Armor adding to the image because Titans and those pauldrons of theirs that seem to get bigger every time Gavin turns around.
Michael snorts. “Aw, no need to be like that, Lads,” he says, doing a terrible job of mimicking Gavin’s accent. “You owe us a rematch, asshole.”
Jeremy nods, smacking his fist in his hand like that’s any kind of threat from him.
“What he said,” he says in the least threatening way possible because Gavin can hear him trying not to laugh, break character and ruin this little farce of theirs.
Big, bad Titans picking on the poor little Hunter and really.
“Is there a problem?” Ryan asks, nice and mild and taking his cue from Gavin instead of cracking Michael and Jeremy’s heads together the way he looked like he wanted to when he first spotted the three of them.
Michael blinks, sharing a look with Jeremy before they two of the leave off bullying Gavin and turn to face him.
Another little standoff, only this time it’s a trio of Titans and Gavin rolls his eyes as Bauble floats over and makes that quiet little humming noise she does when she’s studying Guardians in their natural habitat.
Still puzzling out their eccentricities and other such things as though she expects to wholly understand them one day.
“Fascinating,” she murmurs as the three idiots before them forget they were sizing each other up in case a brawl broke out and start discussing their armor, because of course they do.
“Titans,” Gavin sighs, and decides he might as well grab a bowl of ramen in the bazaar while they’re having a chat for old time’s sake.
“Interesting friends you have,” Ryan says, plonking himself down on a stool beside Gavin. “I think they challenged me to a race on Mars?”
Gavin chokes on his drink, winces as Ryan chooses to be helpful by pounding him on the back and forgetting he’s still in armor.
“Oh?” he says, and wonders if he’ll get grief from the others if he warns Ryan to calibrate his Sparrow  if he takes them up on it. Glances over to see Ryan with this adorably confused smile on his face and decides the poor bastard will need the advantage. “Might want to mention it to Amanda before you go.”
She’ll know what to do.
“Hmm,” Ryan says, casting Gavin a look, like he knows there’s something Gavin’s not saying. “It has been a while since I’ve brought it in.”
Gavin’s sure Reggie does his best to keep Ryan’s Sparrow up to spec, but there’s only so much a Ghost can do when it comes to these things.
That, and Amanda’s a genius when it comes to Sparrows and jumpships, knows how to pull the best possibly performance from them without sacrificing efficiency. All these little tips and tricks she’s picked up over the years no one, not even the most skilled Ghost can hope to emulate.
“Any recommendations?” Ryan asks, skimming through the menu. “I don’t think I’ve been here before.”
Gavin shrugs. He’s not a connoisseur, but this little ramen shop is one of the most popular ones around. There’s a framed picture of Cayde in a spot of honor, and Gavin’s got an expired coupon stashed away in his vault because Guardians carry an odd sort of sentimentality with them, don’t they.
Claim they have no time for it, but small things catch them up time and again. Little rituals they’re not aware of, habits they form without realizing.
“Can’t go wrong with the spicy ramen,” he says, and laughs at the look Ryan gives him, leaning in to explain the joke that isn’t a joke, because Hunters.
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AU Supernatural (story rewrite) 
Warning: Dark Gabe one-shot. Smut. Dub con. Trigger warning 
Words: 2,236
Summary: You are tired of Gabriel ignoring you. After sneaking out when being told not, you quickly learn that pissing Gabriel off can be a good or a bad thing. 
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
“Gabriel, please. I need you.”
You sighed. It was just another prayer. Another prayer that was wasted. Just a GIANT fucking waste of your time! You sat down on the hotel bed with an exasperated sigh.
It had been months since you had seen Gabriel. After being with someone for two years then absolutely nothing as far as contact was miserable!  He didn’t mind to keep her up in a fancy hotel but heaven forbid if he made contact.
After Gabriel returned from the empty, he was different. He was cold and dark. You were convinced that after AU Michael stabbed him, any bit of good was drained from your favorite archangel. You had to get used to a whole new lover! 
You were used to Gabriel staying away for long periods of time. He had started helping Cas with a pending war with Michael. You understood that but what you didn’t get was why he couldn’t give you any sign that he was okay. You were not asking him to walk away from the conflict or give up just a hey I am okay. I’ll see you soon.
The last time that you had seen Gabriel something was off. He wasn’t 100% there. He seems almost on autopilot and was rougher than he had ever been when it came to making love. In fact, he had threatened you when she mentioned going back home to your mother’s.
“You’re mine. You aren’t going anywhere.  When I come back, you better be right here waiting for me.”
You only nodded, not sure what to say to your lover as he turned and disappeared without another word.
Now here you sat on that same bed staring at the wall like a caged bird.
“Gabriel, if you can hear me you better get down here! You have a lot of explaining to do.”
Again nothing
“That’s it! I’m going out.”
You said, coldly. When no archangel appeared in the room you stood. You were tired of being the dutiful lover. If Gabriel didn’t have the time for you then you didn’t have the time to sit here and let your life waste away. So what if he was keeping you young and healthy? If he didn’t come at the threat of you walking out then he would probably have no clue that you went to do something outside of the hotel room.
Walking into the nearest most sleazy bar possible, you took a satisfied breath. In your mind, you were mentally shooting your boyfriend the bird as you walked inside. You didn’t care that your black dress was too short or if when you bent over the whole world would see your lady bits. Right now alcohol, lots of alcohol, was on your mind.
Sitting down on the first stool, you smiled as the bartender walked over.
“Time for some fun.”
You thought. The bartender handed you a small menu.
“What can I get you, sweetheart?”
You smiled.
“Jack and coke.”
The bartender nodded before going to prepare your drink.
“I like a girl that can handle whiskey.”
You turned to face a man with dark eyes and neatly styled brown hair. He looked taller than Gabriel but would stand no match when it came to the archangel. No man in this bar would! 
“Yeah? Well, I can handle it pretty well.”
You said with an innocent smile. Normally you would be ashamed of your behavior. Tonight, however, not a fuck was to be given.
“I think that is amazing. My name is Ryan.”
You eagerly shook his hand.
It didn’t take long and very many shots of Jack before you were forgetting all about your pain over Gabriel. In fact, you hadn’t thought his name in a while. Ryan and his funny stories were almost too perfect. He was making you laugh about the smallest things.
“Hey wanna go outside? I need a smoke.”
Ryan asked with a funny grin. You quickly picked up the small handbag that you had brought before following Ryan outside. You didn't notice that Gabriel's name was lighting up on your cell phone until you reached the door. With a drunken shrug, you pushed ignore and walked out.
Ryan quickly lit a cigarette before looking to you.
“I've had a good time tonight. You're really pretty. Do you got a man?”
You shrugged.
“When he wants to be. Haven't heard from him in a while.”
Ryan nodded.
“Works out of town.”
You laughed coldly.
“You could say that.”
Ryan took a drag on his cigarette before looking a little more intense.
“Why don't you come home with me? You look like you haven't been fucked enough.”
Before you could respond blood shot out of Ryan's mouth and a bloody gash appeared on stomach immediately soaking through his white shirt. Your eyes widened as the man hit the ground. Your eyes rolled up to see Gabriel standing behind the now-dead Ryan looking like he was ready to raise hell.
You managed to squeak. Gabriel's honey eyes looked cold and here was something sinister about them as he looked at you.
“Having fun, honeybunch?”
You blinked as Gabriel stepped over Ryan like he was a piece of garbage in the road. Before you could respond, Gabriel's hand was around your throat.
“I asked if you had fun? I suggest you answer me.”
You swallowed as Gabriel increased the pressure.
“Well, I was. What are you doing here?”
Gabriel seemed to ignore your answer as he looked at your scantily clad appearance.
“Are you a fucking idiot?! I could hear everything you were doing! It was all over the damn angel radio! Where the hell are your clothes? I know you have them. What did you expect to get out of all of this? Some mortal to take you back to their place and fuck you silly. I have news for you sweetheart that isn't going to happen.
You pushed Gabriel off and yanked the shoulder strap of your dress up.
“What the fuck does it matter to you?! You don't ever show the fuck up anymore! So what if I want to go out and have a little fun. Not like you give a good god damn. Oh look at that I said god! Naughty me!”
The look on Gabriel's face showed nothing but fury and rage!
'That's it! I have had it with you! You have gone way over the line! I tell you to stay in the hotel room and here you are like a damn streetwalker.”
Gabriel reached out grabbing your hand. The next thing you knew the two of you were standing in the hotel room. After the room stopped spinning, you looked back to Gabriel who was still beyond livid. He walked over pulling you to him for a rough kiss. You cried out the moment his teeth latched onto your bottom lip and his hand roughly squeezed your left butt cheek.
You moaned his name as his kiss eased up into a gentle and almost romantic kiss. Gabriel quickly pushed you away and onto the bed. Your eyes rolled up as he towered over her.
“Time for a little lesson on how our relationship works. You do what I tell you and you won't get punished like you are about to now. I am done being sweet to you. You're mine and that's it. I'll kill any worthless person that gets in my way. You were about to put out for another man so I am going to fuck you like the whore that you are.”
He reached down quickly ripping the black dress from your body leaving you naked below him.
“Gabriel, what is wrong with you? This isn't you.”
You cried out as he yanked his own shirt over his head in a blind rage. Gabriel looked down at her with a cold smirk.
“This war has changed me, peach. You get what you fucking get!”
You were scared! Scared and slightly turned on....however, you were afraid to admit the last part. Maybe you could pray to Cas for help. He would show up if she needed something.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.”
Gabriel sneered coldly as he reached down slamming a finger into your wet core.
“Ah, you're wet...just like I expected. You really are a slut. You know the safe word.”
He growled as he curled his finger letting his thumb stroke over your clit. You threw your head back into the pillow as Gabriel continued his assault. Maybe you were going to enjoy this after all. 
“Gabriel, please. I love you.”
“Ha....yeah right and I was born yesterday. Let me tell you a thing precious...”
Gabriel took his hand away as he began to undress. You couldn't help wondering why he wasn't just using his grace to undress like normal.
“You are all mine. Mine to pleasure. Mine to taste and most importantly mine to love.”
Gabriel elongated the word “love” before his grace slammed into your body at full force. You cried out as the pressure inside of your body intensified. It felt just like Gabriel fucking you, yet this was different. There was something that made this even more intense. It went on until you were unable to cry his name instead you were praying. Gabriel chuckled.
“That's right sweetheart. Pray to me. Look at us. Me using my god-given powers to fuck you into next week while you moan like a dirty harlot. We would both be fucking crucified in heaven for this. It's worth it though...seeing you spread open like this just waiting for me to touch you. I could look at it all day.”
You cried out again. This time you were finally able to get some verbal words out.
“Gabriel, please. I'm sorry. I was so angry. I was worried about you. It has been too long since I saw you and I needed....”
“Shut up.”
The archangel said coldly before making his grace stop. You gasped, as your chest heaved. You were thankful that he had given you a few seconds break. It wasn't long until his cock was slamming into you.
“You just thought that you were going to get away without this huh? Did you think that I wouldn't claim what was mine? Well, you're wrong.”
Gabriel's hand found its way back to your throat as he forced you to look into his eyes.
“Don't you dare shut those eyes. If you do it will be the last thing you ever do. Do you hear me?”
You squealed as Gabriel's increased the pace of his thrusts each time his cock feeling bigger than it was the moment before.
“You leave this hotel room again...”
You shook your head, however, deep down you were wondering if you left again would it get you this rough sex a second time? Whether you wanted to admit it or not you were enjoying this..
“I won't....not without you! I've learned my lesson.”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow.
“I don't believe you. Sugar snap, I have seen hell and I know what liars look like. You are just saying shit to make me happy. Best thing you can do is hush. Ah, what the hell. You don't need that voice. I took John's voice away in the bible not to mention that overgrown Dean Winchester and his brother. What does yours matter for a little bit?”
Gabriel snapped and you no longer had the ability to speak. He grinned looking like a mirthful child at Christmas.
“Much better.”
Gabriel said softly as he went back to pummeling your body harder with his. Focusing his honey eyes on your clit, Gabriel focused his grace on the tender tissue. Your eyes were open wide as you raised your hips to meet his thrusts.
“That's a good girl. I love you Y/n. I love everything about you. You are the only human that I have never been able to get enough of. Mhm, I love the way you take my cock. Come for me sugar.”
Gabriel growled as his cock made contact with your cervix. Between repeated hits to your cervix and his grace on your clit You were spiraling out of control. The moment your orgasm started to wash over you,  Gabriel immediately gave your voice back. You were shrieking his name as Gabriel closed his eyes coming hard inside of you.
Neither moved for a moment. Gabriel sighed happily.
“I'm going to be coming back home more often.”
You looked up at him with timid eyes.
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
Gabriel's eyes darkened taking on that sinister expression as he smiled coldly.
“That's up to you and your pussy to decide. Time for you to be doing your duties to me. My suggestion to you, princess, is to remember what I can give to you. What I can do to you and most importantly no one will ever be able to make you come like I can. Also, it wouldn't hurt remember the hell I can bring you. Got that cupcake?”
“Yes sir...”
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allsassnoclass · 4 years
The maine once said "if you're emo that shit stays with you forever" and they were right it does i hear sugar we're goin down&i have to sing along on the radio its the rules. I will say, while SLSP feels me with panic it is a fun bop. so are voodoo doll and try hard. Yeah i gotta say after like vices and vitures i sorta, fell off the PATD love. I truly thing there was something about ryan ross that added to the band and when he left it lost. something
My dad loves tatoos and wants to go with me/help me plan it, my mom has just accepted that im getting a tattoo and she's just like as long as you can cover it and it looks nice whatever. she does not like the song lycris ones though. i kinda wanna get one after everything calms down but if i go withtout my dad he'll be like wow thought this was a bonding moment for us so
Also the energy on that 5sos pic? Feels very like scooby doo mystery vibes from the way Michael, Ashton and cal are posing but then Luke’s over in the corner jsut doing his own thing
I once heard the literal first second of sugar we’re goin down from across the campus and immediately knew what it was from the first drum hit it’s engrained in my very being at this point.
I have. a lot of feelings about Ryan Ross and not to speculate on band drama but the fact that Brendon and Spencer were able to keep the band name and Brendon has continued to profit from it when Ryan really is the one who built the band and he and Jon didn’t even know the other two were going to continue using the name for a while.... wack.
my parents both don’t like tattoos I'm just not going to tell them about it.  I’m hoping that the fact that my first one has religious meaning will soften the blow
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sunsetstudiesx · 5 years
Film Recommendations!
I thought I’d recommend some of my absolute favourite movies, because I love sharing my love of movies and just things in general with people. So, in no particular order, here is my list of recommendations:
1. Tombstone (1993)
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So I just watched this movie a couple days ago and absolutely loved it. Yes, it is a western. Do you need to like westerns to watch it? Nope. That’s why it’s great. And, it’s based on real people/real events. I sobbed hysterically at the end, but I’m also a huge sap. Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday is perfection. I love love love him.
Here’s the plot summary: Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell) and his brothers, Morgan (Bill Paxton) and Virgil (Sam Elliott), have left their gunslinger ways behind them to settle down and start a business in the town of Tombstone, Ariz. While they aren't looking to find trouble, trouble soon finds them when they become targets of the ruthless Cowboy gang. Now, together with Wyatt's best friend, Doc Holliday (Val Kilmer), the brothers pick up their guns once more to restore order to a lawless land.
“I’m your huckleberry.”
“Why, Johnny Ringo, you look like somebody just walked over your grave.”
“You gonna do somethin’ or just stand there and bleed?”
2. Fight Club (1999)
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Okay. Okay. I just watched this one, too, and let me tell you. If you haven’t seen it/haven’t been spoiled for it, you have no idea what it’s really about. Honestly. It’s so fuckin’ weird and it blew my mind which is something I thought only M. Night Shyamalan could do. Wow, just. . . wow. Watch it, I implore you. I think everyone essentially knows the basic plot, but here it is if you want it, straight from google:
A depressed man (Edward Norton) suffering from insomnia meets a strange soap salesman named Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) and soon finds himself living in his squalid house after his perfect apartment is destroyed. The two bored men form an underground club with strict rules and fight other men who are fed up with their mundane lives. Their perfect partnership frays when Marla (Helena Bonham Carter), a fellow support group crasher, attracts Tyler's attention.
“You met me at a very strange time in my life.”
“The things you own end up owning you.”
“It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.”
3. Unbreakable (2000)
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Speaking of M. Night Shyamalan. While every one of his movies I’ve seen (Split, Glass, Lady in the Water, The Visit) have all been fantastic and mind-blowing, Unbreakable still has my favourite premise and my favourite Shyamalan twist ending. I love this one, even though I don’t really care for Bruce Willis.
Plot summary: A security guard, having been the sole survivor of a high-fatality train crash, finds himself at the centre of a mysterious theory that explains his consistent physical good fortune. When news of his survival is made public, a man whose own body is excessively weak tracks him down in an attempt to explain his unique unbreakable nature.
“Do you know what the scariest thing is? To not know your place in this world. To not know why you’re here.”
4. This is the End (2013)
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Seth Rogen. Jay Baruchel. James Franco. Jonah Hill. Danny McBride. Craig Robinson. Playing themselves. The apocalypse. Hilarity ensues. Cameos from Emma Watson, Kevin Hart, Michael Cera, Rihanna, Paul Rudd, Channing Tatum, Aziz Ansari, Jason Segel, Mindy Kaling, and the Backstreet Boys. It’s so funny, I absolutely love it.
Plot summary: In Hollywood, actor James Franco is throwing a party with a slew of celebrity pals. Among those in attendance are his buddies Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride and Craig Robinson. Suddenly, an apocalypse of biblical proportions erupts, causing untold carnage among Tinseltown's elite and trapping Franco's party in his home. As the world they knew disintegrates outside, cabin fever and dwindling supplies threaten to tear the six friends apart.
“I don’t want to die at James Franco’s house.”
“Oh, no, no, no. I’m drinking and smoking weed. I’m on a cleanse, I’m not psychotic.”
“Take it easy, Dumbledore.”
5. You’ve Got Mail (1998)
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Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. This might be my favourite romantic comedy, and I watch a lot. They’re adorable, and Meg Ryan is everything. This one made me cry twice. Once from sadness, once from happiness. Also it has Dave Chappelle in it, who I absolutely love.
Plot summary: Struggling boutique bookseller Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) hates Joe Fox (Tom Hanks), the owner of a corporate Foxbooks chain store that just moved in across the street. When they meet online, however, they begin an intense and anonymous Internet romance, oblivious of each other's true identity. Eventually Joe learns that the enchanting woman he's involved with is actually his business rival. He must now struggle to reconcile his real-life dislike for her with the cyber love he's come to feel.
“There’s the dream of someone else.”
“But I just wanted to say that all this nothing has meant more to me than so many somethings.”
“I love daisies. They’re so friendly. Don’t you think daisies are the friendliest flower?”
6. A Hard Day’s Night (1964)
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For anyone who loves The Beatles. Here they play themselves, and show what their lives are like. It’s ridiculous and hilarious and god, if I didn’t love them before I loved them dearly after watching. It’s such a fun, easy watch and I adore it.
Plot summary: Over two "typical" days in the life of The Beatles, the boys struggle to keep themselves and Sir Paul McCartney's mischievous grandfather in check while preparing for a live television performance.
“How did you find America?” “Turned left at Greenland.”
“Hey mister can we have our ball back!”
“You’re a swine.”
7. Dazed and Confused (1993)
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My favourite movie to watch at the beginning and end of the school year, and let’s be honest, every month in between. I’ve seen this movie more times than I can say. I love the ‘70’s setting, the actors, the plot. Another wonderful, easy watch that just makes me happy. Killer soundtrack, too.
Plot summary: The adventures of high school and junior high students on the last day of school in May 1976.
“You just gotta keep livin’, man. L-i-v-i-n.”
“It’d be a lot cooler if you did.”
“I just wanna look back and say that I did it the best that I could while I was stuck in this place.”
“I’d like to quit thinking of the present, like right now, is some minor, insignificant preamble to somethin’ else.”
8. Dirty Dancing (1987)
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Anything with Patrick Swayze is wonderful, and this is no exception. Johnny and Baby are perfect. This movie also has the best soundtrack of any movie I’ve ever watched. Fantastic love story, fantastic movie. Watch it.
Plot summary: Baby (Jennifer Grey) is one listless summer away from the Peace Corps. Hoping to enjoy her youth while it lasts, she's disappointed when her summer plans deposit her at a sleepy resort in the Catskills with her parents. Her luck turns around, however, when the resort's dance instructor, Johnny (Patrick Swayze), enlists Baby as his new partner, and the two fall in love. Baby's father forbids her from seeing Johnny, but she's determined to help him perform the last big dance of the summer.
“Nobody puts Baby in a corner.”
“Fight harder, huh? I don’t see you fighting so hard, Baby. I don’t see you running up to daddy telling him I’m your guy.”
“You’re right, Johnny. You can’t win no matter what you do.”
“Go back to your playpen, Baby.”
9. The Sound of Music (1965)
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This is such a beautiful movie, and I love it so much. My mom and I try to watch it every Christmas as our little tradition. Julie Andrews as Maria is so wonderful, and all of the songs are so, so good. I love all of the children dearly, and oh, do I love Captain VonTrapp.
Plot summary: A tuneful, heartwarming story, it is based on the real life story of the Von Trapp Family singers, one of the world's best-known concert groups in the era immediately preceding World War II. Julie Andrews plays the role of Maria, the tomboyish postulant at an Austrian abbey who becomes a governess in the home of a widowed naval captain with seven children, and brings a new love of life and music into the home.
“You cry a little, and then you wait for the sun to come out. It always does.”
“God bless Louisa, Brigitta, Marta, and little Gretl. Oh, I forgot the other boy. What’s his name? Well, god bless what’s-his-name.”
“I want you to stay. I ask you to stay.”
10. Gladiator (2000)
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“Are you not entertained?” I think everyone has heard that line, from this amazing movie. One of the many that has made me cry, it’s such a beautiful story. Also, gladiators. That immediately sells it for me. All of the performances by the actors are top notch as well.
Plot summary: Set in Roman times, the story of a once-powerful general forced to become a common gladiator. The emperor's son is enraged when he is passed over as heir in favour of his father's favourite general. He kills his father and arranges the murder of the general's family, and the general is sold into slavery to be trained as a gladiator - but his subsequent popularity in the arena threatens the throne.
“My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, and loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance. In this life or the next.”
“What we do in life echoes in eternity.”
“Falling down is how we grow. Staying down is how we die.”
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atravellerstale-meg · 5 years
I binged YDYD Season 2 all in one night and just had to write something for it. Especially considering all the spooky water stuff early on, and my own fear of drowning. Spoilers up to Episode 3.
Being dead was an awful lot like drowning.
When Gavin came to, the world was dark. So dark that for a moment he thought he was somewhere else entirely. But then he twisted in the air, and that was a weird feeling in and of itself, and he saw the familiar little house on the island below. Saw his friends, his family, milling about as though the sun was high in the sky. He twisted again to look up and saw something that looked similar to the sun, but nowhere near bright enough. Almost as though it was seen from the bottom of the ocean.
He moved, bringing his legs beneath him, and now he focused on that weird feeling. On the viscosity of the air. Or... viscosity wasn't quite the right word. It supported him, kept him afloat, but it parted when he pushed against it. He tried to move forwards and fell easily, the sensation not quite swimming but also not how he'd imagined flying.
He pushed through the air in search of his fallen friends. He found them, their figures shimmering and warping, and tried to call out for them. But he couldn't.
Everyone he knew had come close to drowning at some point, slipping beneath the waves and managing to rise again just barely in time, and he was no exception. And this feeling was similar to the water rushing into his lungs, choking him, keeping him from crying out. It was a uniquely terrifying experience, to be perpetually drowning. To have no air to breathe in.
His panic rose, crashing over his head, before something pulled him from his thoughts. He felt rather than heard Michael’s voice, calling for him, and looked up. Michael reached out to him, their hands brushing. He wasn’t quite solid, feeling more like seaweed against his fingers, cold and dead and just barely there. But it was Michael.
He tried to relax, though he couldn’t take a breath, and was reminded of feeling Michael’s ghost and how its words seemed to manifest in his mind if he focused rather than travelling through the air to his ears. Keeping that feeling in mind he managed to ‘speak’, looking up to see the others smiling at him. After that it was easier to communicate, even with the living. Though they only sometimes noticed his words, if they were paying attention.
And that became his life. Or... afterlife, he supposed. He floated around, watching the others. They built a graveyard and discussed resurrection and, for a moment, he was hopeful. But only Alfredo seemed to want him back. And he knew the others never listened to Alfredo. His stomach twisted and he made himself pull back, instead just watching as Matt made every effort to help and as Michael faded in and out of existence.
That was one of the scariest parts. He knew this wasn't the actual afterlife, could feel something pulling at him, and he didn't know if it was the Nether he was familiar with or somewhere deeper and darker with pressure that would crush any semblance of Gavin out of him. Michael always seemed out of it when he returned. And sure, he always returned, and so did Matt, but Gavin was too scared to ask what it was like and even more scared to find out for himself. So he just lingered around the island.
Not that the island was all he had to focus on. When his mind drifted he found memories that weren’t quite his alongside his own, though they were difficult to focus on. They seemed to waver in his mind, as though seen through the surface of the water. But from what little he could make out, they seemed to be about another life with faces oh-so familiar.
The feeling of arrows piercing his body and knocking him loose, the air rushing past him so different to the way it cradled his body now, was also familiar. But the face of the archer that loosed the arrow was different. One of his friends instead of a monster. It shook him, and he found himself watching Ryan a bit closer after that. Even though he was sure the other had no memories of this other life. Relatively sure.
The events after his death were different, too. He still lingered in the overworld as long as possible, but instead of Alfredo stood by his grave it was Michael out in the jungle screaming his name. And then anger gave way to sorrow and he’d fallen beneath the waves to be with Gavin again. He’d lived thanks to Jeremy, who fought so hard to save him that he’d almost entombed him instead. Who didn’t fight anywhere near as hard to save himself and dragged Ryan and Trevor down with him.
And with Michael leaving their little home behind, there had been nothing to do but to move on to the burning heat of the Nether, so different from this cold, dark limbo.
He knew in his heart that the other place wasn’t the Nether. He didn’t know what was different this time around. Wondered briefly if whatever they’d done to pull themselves out of Hell in the first place and wipe their memories of this previous life was somehow responsible. Had banished them from Hell in the same way this supposed resurrection would ban them from life forever if they fell again. He wondered if it was worth it, to meddle in these forces.
And then Geoff died and sank almost instantly into that other place. Gavin felt sadness for the first time since his death. Not just sadness at Geoff’s death, but at the distance that still separated them. More distance than there’d been with Geoff alive, in a way. He hoped that Geoff would return soon.
So distracted was he by his mourning that he barely noticed them moving into the final stages of resurrection. But he did notice the Tower. It called to him, bright and shining. Before he could do anything more than turn towards it that feeling cut off, and almost instantly he felt currents swirl around him as though water was rushing to fill an empty space. And he knew that Michael was gone.
The others made their way over to the sheep pen and he followed them, watching curiously as Michael emerged. Or, something that looked similar to Michael. There was corruption eating away at it, green skin and red eyes and something wrong in its very nature. But then it smiled and spoke and he was able to push those worries aside. He gathered himself and focused on a simple message, congratulating his boi on his resurrection. But no one noticed.
He tried again, this time making sure he could feel the words manifest, but the others seemed too wrapped up in Michael’s return to sense them. And Michael… felt cut off. No longer seaweed brushing against him, so faint he could barely tell it was there, now he was a star a million miles away, no hope of contact and knowing it would never even know you were there.
He’d heard the others talk about the consequences of resurrection, how it was a one-time only deal, but there was a world of difference between hearing the words and feeling the reality. Michael was gone. He would never again find his way to this state between life and death. If he died…
He shook himself. He just needed to wait for his own resurrection. Then he’d be able to talk with Michael again. And surely it wouldn’t take too long, they would be able to get the obsidian no problem and just needed to focus on finding gold. And he could help with that! As soon as the others were willing to listen.
Then the worries slunk in about what would happen if- when he came back. What kind of abomination he’d be. He was already part Creeper, and the thought of becoming any less human was worrying. It was entirely possible that this corruption was from the other place and he’d be safe from it. Or it might have crept in between here and the world of the living.
He made his way over to where the others were getting back to work, not wanting to dwell any longer on what-might-be’s, only to find that they were turning their resources towards building a Nether portal instead of the next resurrection ritual. Again he tried to speak to them, to plead with them, but again they didn't hear him.
He flew about the island, looking for the one person he was sure would listen to him, but Alfredo was nowhere to be found. He knew Alfredo couldn't be dead, he would have noticed a new soul passing through, so instead he must have gone exploring again. The open ocean seemed to call to Alfredo. Gavin knew it would get him killed one of these days. But he was bound to the island and could do nothing to help.
And then Ryan died. For a moment Gavin felt sickening elation. Finally, he’d be able to talk to someone! But Ryan immediately went to Jeremy's side and focused on steering him towards more gold for another ritual, managing to get the words across without any apparent difficulty. He ignored Gavin, too distracted by his quest for life, and the others still wouldn’t listen and Michael was galaxies away and Matt and Geoff were in the other place and dear, sweet Alfredo, who had fought so hard in his favour, was bewitched by the very thing that had spelled doom for so many.
He drifted away, not quite knowing what he could do. He couldn’t bear to be around the house any longer, but he couldn’t leave the island and the other place still instilled a bone-deep terror in him, despite the fact that he didn’t have any bones. Eventually, he sank beneath the earth.
It was dark down here, but no darker than it was anywhere else. He sank down and down, feeling the pressure grow, until he came across bedrock. He was startled to find that it was solid to the touch, and that was such a strange feeling. It almost made him feel alive again.
He lay down to gather his thoughts, but found them swirling and impossible to focus on. The Void beneath him wasn’t helping matters, creating a strange lethargy even though he couldn’t sleep. He could feel it pulling at him, too. Promising to unmake him, to wipe this world of his presence. He wondered if he’d already fallen in and just not realised yet.
Above there was a flash of light and a swirl of darkness and he knew Ryan was already gone. He didn’t know what projects they’d turn to next, if they’d try to bring back one of the others or travel across to the new land where the ghosts couldn’t follow. If they did resurrect someone again, he entertained the idea of using the Tower for himself, slipping in before the other soul. He didn’t know if he’d wake up in another body or if there’d be some other, more dire consequence, but he found that he didn’t really care. Though, to be fair, he wasn’t feeling much of anything at the moment.
His thoughts returned to those vague half-memories, which seemed clearer down here. How much Michael had missed him, the anger Jeremy felt at his death, the uproar it sparked as the others fell like dominoes in a cycle of revenge. He knew it was wrong, but he found himself wishing for even a fraction of that chaos again. Some kind of splashing to alert the others to his slow sinking.
Being dead was an awful lot like drowning. People rarely noticed you needed a life preserver.
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kimnamjooonz · 6 years
Blank Space - Episode 5
Don’t Hurt Yourself
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Introducing In This Episode: 
This little shit you may or may not know:
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(I heard his name’s Chris Evans, I’m not so sure)
Joe Alwyn, you may know him as the king of Taylor Swift’s heart: 
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General awesome human being Emily Blunt:
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Magneto aka Michael Fassbender:
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Todrick Hall as Lucas Williams:
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And Chace Crawford aka Nate from GG:
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Songs that inspired this episode:
Don’t hurt yourself - Beyonce 
''When you hurt me, you hurt yourself. Don't hurt yourself. When you diss me, you diss yourself. Don't hurt yourself.''
Finally, the big day had come. She was finally meeting her cast-mates and she couldn't wait. The mystery will finally be over. ''Are you ready?'' Taylor asked and Morgan nodded. ''Okay, be nice, don't be arrogant but also don't be intimidated by them. Just be normal. Remember that when you get back you'll have to chose an assistant.'' Taylor had sort of improvised a 'casting' to be Morgan's new assistant and the call had got hundreds of applicants. Taylor had chosen only twenty to be interviewed by Morgan herself. ''I'll be here around two. The read through starts at eleven. I doubt they kept us there for more than two hours. We're busy people with tight agendas.'' ''If you're late I'll entertain them, okay?'' Morgan just nodded and left. Twenty minutes later she was arriving at the studio. After getting the indications from the security guard outside she knew exactly where to find Damien and the rest of the cast. When she got to the room she just saw one more person: a tall blond guy that Morgan recognised as Joe Alwyn, of Billy Lynn's fame and known by the locals as the inspiration for many songs in Taylor Swift's latest album, something that Morgan was never in a million years going to mention in front of him. But she was confused. As long as she knew Joe wasn't shortlisted to be her co-star. Or maybe he had got another role. ''Hi!'' he greeted her with a big smile. ''You're Morgan Llewellyn, for two weeks I was looking forward meeting you.'' he shook her hand. ''I had no idea I was meeting you but I'm glad I'm doing it. You were brilliant in Billy Lynn's.'' ''And you in Macbeth.'' Morgan looked at him with a questioning look. ''Yes, I saw the play two years ago. I had no idea you were Lady Macbeth until I saw it in your IMDB profile and then I remembered that I had seen you before.'' ''I'm glad you liked it. I enjoyed being in there, that's for sure.'' she stopped talking and looked at him. ''Do you know the rest of the cast?'' He shook his head. ''I just knew that you were in it. By the way, I'm not your love interest, I'm your brother.'' She found that awesome. Snogging Taylor bloody Swift's boyfriend in front of the camera for everyone to see wasn't something she was looking forward. ''So, you're Simon Hathaway.'' she grabbed the iPad from her bag and skimmed some of the script. She had read it all, that was why she knew she had a fair share of kissing scenes with whoever that was her co-star. ''Indeed. I auditioned for the lead role but apparently Timothee Chalamet was better.'' Morgan's interest sparkled even more if that was possible. ''So is it finally Timothee?'' ''That's what everyone's saying. But you never know. Expect the unexpected. At the end of the day even Ryan Gosling can show up.'' ''Bloody hell'' she squealed. ''Or Reynolds'' ''I met Ryan Reynolds once and I stared at him for half an hour...'' he laughed. They were giggling for a whole minute until the door opened again and both of them almost broke their necks because of turning so fast towards the door. Morgan almost had an stroke when she saw Michael Fassbender walking in. But she dissimulated her reaction under a face of simply curiosity. Joe mumbled 'Magneto'. Luckily Michael didn't hear that. He simply smiled at them both. ''So, Joe Alwyn and Morgan Llewellyn, this is getting interesting. I knew that Damien was not going to disappoint me.'' He shook their hands. Morgan was in cloud nine, she couldn't believe she was shaking hands with THE Michael Fassbender. ''Nice to meet you'' Morgan and Joe said at the same time, laughing about it then. ''So...'' he looked at Joe. ''Are you Morgan's mysterious co-star?'' ''No. I'm just her brother.'' ''So you aren't either'' said Morgan looking at Michael. ''No. I'm your mentor. Phillip Monaghan, at your service.'' Morgan was even more curious about her co-star. Who the hell was he? Joe told her to expect the unexpected. Well, maybe she was getting Tom Hiddleston or Chris Evans. Morgan stopped thinking before she hyperventilated. ''So, we still have to find who is Elena Fitzgerald, the good girl that everyone is going to hate and Alexander, my co-star. Do you know who may that be?'' she asked Michael. ''No idea. I heard that Spiderman was playing Alexander. He looks fifteen, I don't see him as your love interest. I was betting all my money for Stan but then I heard that he was filming in Greece.'' That took Morgan by surprise. She hadn't heard about Sebastian in weeks, since that drama night. And then she had landed the lead role in a movie so she had started to see him in a different way: as a potential co-star not as a celebrity crush. But she had no idea that he had been filming in Greece, like the Greek God he was. ''He finished with that'' said Joe out of nowhere. ''A couple of days ago, I saw it on his Instagram.'' Now Morgan was more confused than ever. Could someone tell her once and for all who the hell was the guy she'll have to snog several times during the next two months? Suddenly the door opened again. ''Am I late?'' a woman asked. Morgan looked at the door only to find Emily Freaking Blunt right there. It was hard for her not to fangirl. ''No. You're one minute early'' said Morgan with a big smile. ''Hi, I'm Morgan Llewellyn.'' ''I'm Emily Blunt. I really wanted to meet you. Apparently everyone is talking about you these days.'' Morgan did her best to look humble and not proud of herself. ''I'm still not used to'' she shrugged her shoulders in a very convincing way. At exactly eleven o'clock Damien Chazelle turned up. Everyone was very attentive. ''I think I have...'' he looked at the room. ''...almost everyone. Where the hell is my Alexander?'' ''Late.'' said Morgan rolling her eyes. ''But maybe for a couple of minutes.'' Damien seemed to agree with her and relaxed. They remained in silence for the longest ten minutes of Morgan's life. No one dared to say a thing. Damien looked ready to snap. ''I'm going to call this idiot'' he stood up and left. ''Do you think something happened to him?'' asked a worried Emily. ''Whoever we're talking about.'' All of them shrugged their shoulders. Joe was scrolling through Instagram to see if it was any sort of information about anything. And he found it. ''Guys... we can discard Timothee. He just posted a picture of himself relaxing at Central Park with his dog. No one would be this calm if he's running late to a read through.'' Everyone agreed with Joe. ''I know Tom.'' said Emily. ''He may look silly but he's really serious and responsible. It's been twenty minutes already.'' After a while Damien was back, looking tense. ''He's not answering or reading his texts. I'm starting to worry.'' ''It's been just half an hour.'' said Joe. ''Maybe he's stuck in a traffic jam. You know, we're in New York. This kind of stuff happens.'' ''Or he's stuck inside an elevator'' Morgan was using all the logic she had. ''It's also possible.'' ''Or locked inside the bathroom at Starbucks'' Michael said. ''Or maybe he's not back from Greece yet'' said Emily, clearly believing that Sebastian Stan was their cast mate. Apparently everyone but Morgan knew about Sebastian filming in Greece. Which was weird because she was the only person in that room who had been his avid fan. ''Maybe he got lost into the Minotaur's Labyrinth'' Joe was clearly joking with that one, mentioning mythology and everything. ''That's in Crete not in Athens'' Morgan thought out loud. ''Maybe he tried to climb Mount Olympus and Zeus stroke him down with a lightning.'' Emily and Michael glanced at each other. There was no way that Morgan and Joe were being serious. After all, they were just kids. God forbid that Tom Holland had got the lead role because the immaturity was not going to be contained. And Sebastian Stan was no better. He may be 36 but he didn't act his age and was as silly as Joe and Morgan, if not more. When Damien got back in the room Morgan and Joe immediately stopped giggling. ''Okay, he left me on read, can you believe it?'' he looked really pissed. ''So, he ghosted you!'' yelled Morgan, very spontaneously. ''Exactly!'' he looked at the four of them as if they were the only people with common sense left in this world. He left again, muttering some bitter thoughts. Morgan completely understood him. She may have been joking with Joe for the last ten minutes but she was starting to get really pissed. Who was this disrespectful piece of trash that apparently didn't care at all about his co-stars and their timetables? And ghosting the director was just stupid at its best. What the hell was wrong with him? ''At least we know he's not dead.'' said Morgan. ''He had enough energy to leave Damien on read. A person who's lying dead at the side of a desert road can't do that.'' Everyone agreed with her. But also all of them wanted to kill him and leave his body on an empty road. ''It's been an hour'' said Emily, getting impatient. ''This is not proper either from Tom or Sebastian. I don't know Sebastian personally but both Margot Robbie and Alison Janney told me that he was just the most professional and nicest guy you could ever meet. Trustworthy to the core.'' That was what Morgan knew. She had been a fan of his not only for his looks but because he seemed to be a genuinely nice person, always attentive with his fans, giving good advice and being a sunshine. He was a really special celebrity, one that cherished every single good thing that happened to him an never took anything for granted. It was unlike him to make his colleagues wait for more than an hour and ignore the director. ''Maybe he's going through a rough time for some reason'' Michael guessed. ''Or maybe it's not Sebastian'' said a thoughtful Morgan. ''We're probably getting his name into this and he probably has no idea.'' It seemed a reasonable explanation and everyone seemed to agree with it. ''Do someone has any kind of embarrassing anecdote to tell so we can pass the time?'' asked Michael after a pause of ten minutes. It was clear that the question was directed at Morgan and Joe, who were the younger ones, and the chances of them going through embarrassing stuff was high. ''I auditioned for Spiderman'' blurted out Joe. ''What?!'' Morgan was really surprised. She had heard of many people that had auditioned for that movie, even some famous and insufferable Youtubers. But she had never heard about Joe Alwyn. ''I don't need to say that I didn't get the role. Anyway, Tom Holland's flawless in it. 'I don't wanna go Mr. Stark...' ugh, it got me in my feelings.'' Morgan didn't say anything but she agreed with him. She had cried with that goddamned scene in Infinity War. ''That was not embarrassing but  it counts'' said Michael, who was apparently the judge. ''And you Morgan?'' As if running a Sebastian Stan thirst account wasn't embarrassing enough, thought Morgan. And it was even worse to spend a whole night listening to Beyonce songs and planning revenge after learning that he had a girlfriend. No, that wasn't embarrassing. That was absolutely pathetic. And there was no way in hell that Joe Alwyn, Michael Fassbender and Emily Blunt were going to know about it. ''Well... I auditioned for Game of Thrones.'' she follow on Joe's example and shared an story about a failed audition. ''Really?'' three different voices asked. ''Yeah. I auditioned for Arya and Sansa. I was sixteen when I auditioned and even though they liked my acting I got rejected because I didn't look like the characters. I was too tall to be Arya and they needed someone more naive looking to be Sansa. I was told that I was too 'husky'. ''Husky?'' asked Emily, a bit lost. ''Yeah, I was compared to a dog. But they were right The expression I had on my eyes was really violent. After that I spent more than a month walking around my house with a mask trying different expressions only with the eyes. I drove my mum crazy but I mastered the technique.'' And it was true. Everyone in the media was mentioning Morgan Llewellyn's big, dark blue and expressive eyes. ''Woah, it's true that if someone look at your eyes at a certain angle and with the right lights, they look kinda purplish.'' said Michael. They were five minutes examining Morgan's eyes from different perspectives. And the asshole of their co-star was still missing. When they were waiting for an hour and twenty minutes they were starting to freak out. Michael was the only one who was trying to control de situation. ''We are actors. We know everything about techniques to relax.'' And they genuinely tried. At least for five minutes. ''To hell with this.'' said Joe, standing up. ''I can't relax. I'm going to Starbucks and drown with caffeine. Someone wants anything from there?'' ''No. But I'll go with you.'' Morgan really wanted some fresh air to cool down her head and not thinking about killing her co-star in cold blood. ''This idiot ruined everything'' complained Joe when they were on the way to Starbucks. ''I had my day planned. I had promised my girlfriend to spend the day with her. She's never at home as she is in a World Tour. We had one free day to be together but... this unnamed idiot ruined it.'' Morgan nodded after Joe's little rant. ''And I had to choose a personal assistant and now I'll certainly be late. I swear, that if he appears, he's getting a piece of my mind.'' Of that Morgan was sure. She was going to give a reality check to her co-star, no matter if he was Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland or anyone else. ''I'm not confrontational...'' Joe admitted. ''...but I'll stand by you, nodding. Is that okay?'' ''Yeah, I can take that''. They didn't waste my time choosing beverages. Michael and Emily had asked them to bring just capuccinos. Joe left with a pink frapuccino. And Morgan with three cups. ''Why do you need so much coffee?'' Joe asked her, a bit impressed and wondering if she was not going to blow up between the caffeine and the anger she had. ''I'm drinking only this two'' she pointed at two simple lattes. ''This is for out co-star.'' Joe grabbed the drink from Morgan's hands. ''Pumpkin Spiced Latte with two pumps of caramel...Gosh, you want to kill him, this is disgusting.'' ''Well, some people drink this thing for real.'' When they got back to the room Emily and Michael were still there, looking grim. Of course there was no sign of that idiot. An hour and a half late. He should be fired from the production. ''Nothing?'' asked Joe, giving Emily and Michael the capuccinos. ''Only Damien looking like crazy. And I don't blame him, poor thing. It's not his fault.'' said Emily. Michael was glancing at Morgan's extra drink. ''Llewellyn, if you bought that disgusting thing for our co-star, let me tell you that you are brilliant.'' Morgan didn't say anything and just smiled. And time went on and on. They had all finish their drinks (Morgan the two of cups) and the idiot was still missing. They were starting to wonder if he was going to show up at all. ''I just, cannot take it anymore.'' Morgan stood up from the chair and started pacing the room. The caffeine was making its effect and she was ready to blow up. ''I cannot believe it. An hour and forty five minutes. I'm talking to Damien right now and he's telling me the name of that disgraceful piece of shit. And I swear that if I have to run through the whole of New York searching for him, I'll do it and then I'll bring him by the hair if I have to.'' Morgan was in the middle of her rant when the door opened again. She had always thought that her first encounter with Sebastian Stan would be something straight out of a fairytale or a romance movie. But in real life things worked quite different than in her wild fantasies. When she saw Sebastian Stan walking through that door she just wanted to punch him in the face for making them wait for an hour and forty five minutes. They looked at each other's eyes for five seconds before Sebastian looked somewhere else. Looking at Morgan Llewellyn's dark blue eyes had the same effect as looking at a Basilisk. He just wanted to run as far from this woman as possible. In ten seconds she had scared the hell out of him. ''Where the hell were you?'' she hissed. Sebastian looked at his cast mates. All of them had hostile expressions but not as angry as Morgan. Morgan was trying to calm down a bit. Maybe he had had a problem and couldn't make it on time. He was human, those things happened. But if that was the case he'd had told Damien about it instead of ignoring him. Damn, her fangirl feelings were getting the best of her and she was trying to justify Sebastian when he probably had no justification. She was wishing for everyone's sakes that he had some decent excuse. Sebastian knew it was his fault but Morgan Llewellyn's demanding tone wasn't making things easier. He wondered if she was that irritating on a daily basis or if it was just because she was pissed. ''Sorry, sorry'' he lifted his hands on the air. ''I just couldn't make it on time. I'm so sorry.'' he looked at all his cast mates. By the way they were looking at him, they were demanding an explanation. ''I was on a date an I ran late'' he lied and immediately regretted it. But the damage was done. Emily's face was stony, Michael looked ready to snap, Joe had a really brooding expression but it was Morgan the one that looked absolutely livid. So, there was the explanation. And it made Morgan the angriest she had felt in weeks, maybe since that drama night and now she had the chance of set the record straight. ''That was the excuse of the century'' she said with sarcasm, without a hint of intimidation. ''So, your date was more important than being respectful to four people, without counting Damien, who you ignored. But, of course, your date was more important and we had to just suck it and wait. Emily has kids, Joe has a girlfriend who's in town only for a day, Michael and I have pretty tight agendas.'' Sebastian wanted to say something but she didn't let him. ''We've been nice enough to get you coffee! It's still there but it's probably cold.'' she hissed the last words and then she calmly sat down again. Joe had been nodding the whole time, Emily was looking at Morgan with admiration and Michael seemed to be a bit entertained. ''Pumpkin Spice Latte?'' even though Sebastian wanted to send Morgan Llewellyn to Pluto at that moment, he had to admire her wicked sense of humour. Everyone knew that only basic people liked that drink. ''Are you allergic?'' she asked with no emotion in her voice. ''No.'' he didn't know what to say. Morgan had left him completely numb. In their battle of power Morgan was not only winning but she was toying with him. ''So you drink it'' she hissed. Sebastian could notice a venomous spark in her eyes. Michael couldn't keep it together anymore. So, Morgan had made sure that Sebastian was not going to die with the beverage and then had made him drink it. A million of thoughts were running through his head, all of them concerning his co-star. He had no absolute idea how he was going to do to work with her for the next three months. He had to act as her freaking love interest, pretending to be in love with her. He'll need his best acting abilities to make that believable and for what he could see, Morgan too. Someone give them an Oscar already. ''Finally, you're here'' Damien looked at Sebastian with a hard expression, but he shook it off in a moment. ''At least you're alive. And I have my Alexander and my Meredith. You look perfect together, you'll set the screen on fire.'' It was undeniable that Sebastian and Morgan were incredibly attractive people. But by their faces, 'Alexander' and 'Meredith' were whatever but couple goals. Sebastian could swear that he could feel the negative vibes towards him that she was producing. The other three had apparently stopped being hostile towards him because they were having so much fun with his and Morgan's silent show. This next months were going to be a war. It was the most awkward read-through any of them had ever had. Everyone was exhausted and irritable, especially Morgan and Sebastian. In Morgan's opinion, he had absolutely nothing to complain. This situation had been his fault. Damien insisted for more than an hour before giving up and letting them go. ''Before we start shooting, there's a couple of scenes I want to rehearse. We're doing this tomorrow. And if you...'' he pointed at Sebastian. ''...do something like what you did today one more time, you're out and I'm bringing Ryan Gosling. Understood?'' ''Yes.'' Morgan didn't say anything but Sebastian could see a contented look in her eyes. Before he could even notice, Morgan had said goodbye to everybody (except him, of course) and was running towards the exit. He wondered how could someone run that fast with heels that high. Emily and Joe said goodbye to him in a cold tone before leaving. Only Michael seemed to have enough pity for him. ''Why did she react like this?'' Sebastian asked him. They both knew who he was talking about. Honestly, Michael had no idea. But he knew that Morgan liked drama and exaggerating stories. ''She had an audition'' he blatantly lied. ''I think she missed it. That's why she was so upset, you can't blame her.'' Sebastian felt a bit guilty. Only his wounded pride didn't let him feel as sad for her as he would normally feel. After saying goodbye to Michael he texted his friend Chace to meet. After the hellish day he was having he needed to talk to someone.
Morgan got back to her apartment half an hour later with a somber mood. Taylor didn't ask what had happened and why she was late because they had other things to worry about: there were twenty people there waiting to be interviewed by her and become her new personal assistant. She wanted to get over it really quickly so she tried to keep the interviews short because her patience was running really low. She blamed Sebastian Stan for this. After 19 applicants, none of them convinced her. She had dismissed them all with a nice smile and an 'We'll call you back if there's any news'. ''You only have one more to go. If you don't like him, I'll call new applicants tomorrow.'' Taylor softly said, knowing that Morgan's mood wasn't the best. Taylor called the latest applicant, a young man, who looked really shy. He reminded her of Todrick Hall, that amazing Broadway performer Morgan loved.   ''Hi!'' she greeted him with a smile. She didn't know why but he had improved her mood a little. At least she had smiled for the first time in hours. ''Hello, Miss Llewellyn, I'm Lucas.'' he said, nervously. He felt as if he was doing an audition for America's Got Talent. But Morgan seemed nicer than Simon Cowell. ''So... Lucas...'' she followed the process she had had with the other 19 applicants. ''Tell me a little bit about yourself. Where are you from... How old are you... anything you want to tell me.'' He was more nervous than ever. He had never had job interviews to be the personal assistant of a celebrity. ''I'm Lucas  I'm 21, from Harlem. I want to be a filmmaker, I got in the NYU and I work at McDonalds and Taco Bell so I can pay it. And... that's my story.'' Interesting. So, he was someone with big dreams an ambitions, the kind of people Morgan valued. ''So, you'll be a filmmaker. That's great.'' ''I wish I can dedicate myself totally to this, because I love it. But... I'll just need more hours in the day'' he shyly smiled. He knew that it by some miracle he got the job with Morgan he'd be as busy as before but much better paid and he'll have a better boss than those exploiters from the food chains. ''I understand. Before landing this role I was more or less in your situation, without actually getting into a drama school yet''. It was weird for her to talk about this. All those experiences were like a past life for her. ''You really want this job, don't you? Morgan wasn't asking, she was making an statement. ''I think it's a much better option than McDonalds or Taco Bell. To be honest, Miss Llewellyn, I have nothing to lose and a lot to win. I don't have experience at being an assistant but I learn fast and for sure, I'll give my all to this job.'' Morgan didn't need much persuasion. She knew perfectly well that it was Lucas the one she wanted as her assistant as she had connected with him. More than an assistant she wanted someone she could be friends with. ''Okay,'' when Morgan started speaking Lucas was sure that she was going to dismiss him and he'll never hear from her again. ''...what you'll have to do as soon as possible is send McDonalds and Taco Bell to hell. You're probably underpaid and miserable there and you deserve better. You start tomorrow at eight as we'll have to be at the studio at nine.'' Lucas couldn't believe his own ears. He thought he was just confused or he had misunderstood Morgan's words. ''I'm sorry, Miss Llewellyn, but I don't understand.'' ''Oh, sorry. I wanted to say this all day... Lucas Williams, you're hired.'' He wanted to do a celebratory dance. Never in a million years he could have imagined getting this job. It was a dream. He was going to work with Morgan Llewellyn, the newcomer that everyone was talking about and for sure she was quickly becoming an A-List celebrity. If she wasn't already. He couldn't wait for getting home and telling his parents and siblings about this. ''Thank you so much, Miss Llewellyn. This means a lot to me. I'm not going to disappoint you, I swear. I'll give my everything.'' ''First of all, call me Morgan. Apart from that, I won't be your boss. We'll work together, as a team. I have a feeling that it'd be great. You have to promise me that in the in the future you'd cast me in your films.'' ''That's be a honour'' Lucas still couldn't believe that this was happening to him. ''Lucas, if you need help with any NYU project, just ask me. You know that I work with Damien Chazelle, Michael Fassbender, Joe Alwyn and Emily Blunt...'' she purposely eliminated Sebastian from the list. ''...and I'm sure that if you need advice of any kind, they'll be helpful.'' Lucas was in shock. The fact that he was going to meet an Oscar winner director was about to make him cry. ''I... Morgan, I'm really thankful for this opportunity.'' he had the brightest smile on his face. ''By the way, what are your favourite types of coffee?'' ''Cold Brew when it's hot...'' Lucas was typing all of this in his phone. ''...and Latte when it's cold. A simple one. Under no circumstances Pumpkin Spice.''
''So, Damien Chazelle called you out?'' was the first thing Chace asked Sebastian once had finished with the tale of his long day. He had avoided to mention Morgan Llewellyn. He refused to do that. He had had enough of that irritable woman only with the hour they had spent together and he didn't want to think in the three months with her company that lay ahead of him. And he knew that it was a matter of time before Chace mentioned her. ''And it wasn't the worst part of the day.'' They were both sitting in table near a window in a random Starbucks. It was a miracle that any of them had been recognized by eager fans yet. Although, it'd be a relief for Sebastian to meet one of his fans after his experience with Morgan. ''Yeah, your cast mates probably wanted to exterminate you.'' by some reason Chace was finding this situation funny. ''Honestly, man, I don't know why you lied. If you'd told them that you were going through a mental breakdown, they would have understood and no one would have called you out, not even Damien. Talking about cast mates, did you finally meet Morgan Llewellyn?'' And there was the question Sebastian didn't want to answer. ''I did and she's... a nightmare. She shouted at me for quite a while and I'm pretty sure she hates me now.'' This time Chace laughed in front of his face. ''I can't imagine why'' he said with sarcasm. As much as he loved his friend, Chace was of the opinion that Sebastian had got into this mess by himself. ''But she probably doesn't hate you, she was just mad at you for being an irresponsible liar. And yesterday she wasn't a nightmare when you were drooling over her Instagram pictures and you said you couldn't wait to work with her. And you have a girlfriend, that's wild.'' ''That was before meeting her in person'' Sebastian cheeks were a bit red. ''She's drawn all of my energy.'' Chase looked at him with a side smile. Yeah, maybe Sebastian's pride was a bit wounded but there was another reason why she had drawn his energy and probably Morgan was unaware of it. ''Tell me one thing and be honest. Is she as pretty as in the pictures?'' ''Pictures don't do her justice. She's absolutely stunning, even when she was shouting at me. She's a real daydream but her personality is just... explosive.'' ''A nightmare dressed like a daydream'' Chace mumbled with dreamy tone. ''Are you quoting Taylor Swift now? Please, Chase shut up.'' but it was Sebastian turn to talk. And once he started with the Morgan topic he was not going to stop. ''But, who is she? She showed up out of nowhere. Two weeks ago no one knew who she was and now she's everywhere. How did she do it?'' ''Have you checked her IMBD profile?'' Sebastian just shook his head. ''Let me do it...'' Chace just spent a couple of seconds typing something on his laptop. ''Here we have her. Name: Morgan Llewellyn. Birth Name: Not Specified... well, that's weird. She goes by her stage name but we can't know her real name.'' Sebastian was starting to imagine that Morgan was some alien sent from Saturn on the body of a beautiful woman. Or maybe everyone in Saturn were as beautiful as Morgan. ''Date of birth: 13 of December, 1992...Born in Caernarfon, Wales...  blah, blah, blah... she's mostly an stage actress. Shakespearean. Worked with Ian McKellen, member of the Royal Shakespeare Society, started studying drama at age 12 at the Royal Cardiff College of Music and Drama, starred in many plays at the Globe Theatre since she was 16. That's pretty much her.'' ''I went to the Globe Theatre too.'' he mumbled. ''Yeah, when you were at college'' Chace corrected him. ''Morgan was there at sixteen, when she was probably still in high school.'' ''I have more than forty acting credits.'' he defended himself, as if this was some sort of competition between him and Morgan. ''Yeah, but Morgan is ten years younger than you and she has booked her first lead role in an important production. When she eventually reaches your age, she'll double your credits.'' ''Whose side are you on?'' Sebastian angrily asked. Apparently Chace was the latest one to jump on the Morgan Llewellyn Support Group. ''I'm just stating facts. By the way, what were you doing at her age? The Covenant?'' ''We were doing The Covenant. Both of us. It wasn't just me who was into that mess.'' no matter how many years passed he was always going to be reminded of doing that movie. He wished that Morgan never learned about that. ''Okay, you won this round. But it's fun to roast you.'' He didn't say anything because he was too busy Googling Caernarfon in Wales. The place Morgan was born. Or created. Maybe she was a scientific experiment created to make his life miserable. Or she was brought out of a cauldron by some witches. She had, for sure, a witch name. ''What a pretty place'' he was looking at the pictures of the town. A cute coastal village with a mediaeval castle. ''I can't believe that this fairytale town produced the spawn of the devil.'' Chace knew why Sebastian was bothered by this situation and it wasn't Morgan's fault at all. He knew Sebastian too well not to notice that he fancied her. And Morgan had called him out and shouted at him. And he had a girlfriend. No wonder he had had a mental breakdown that very same morning. And that was before meeting her in person and realising she wasn't the nice and gentle woman he was expecting but a hard headed explosive nightmare. And he still had more than three months in her company. Poor Sebastian. ''Don't look at me like that, Chase.'' Sebastian was a bit bothered of Chase's judging expression. ''You know that my relationship history is basically trash. And you don't have to worry, I don't fancy Morgan anymore. Happy?'' Of course that Chase didn't believe him. ''I thought that finally you had met a nice girl, who's not an actress, and you were pretty excited of getting to know her better. But now, apparently, you want to go back to your old habits but this time not with a B-list actress from a TV show but with Morgan Llewellyn, who's everywhere, has a brilliant career ahead of her, she'll be covering Vogue in the next months and she'll be the Taylor Swift of the acting industry. You're dead.'' Sebastian thought that Chase was just overreacting. Yes, he had thought that Morgan was attractive but nothing else apart from that. Now, he didn't know if he even liked her. ''I'm not dead.'' he confessed. ''I'm pretty much alive. Believe me when I tell you that I want nothing to do with Morgan apart from acting with her.'' Chase knew this wasn't his business but he just hoped that he meant what he had just said. ''Are her eyes really purple?'' he asked, a couple of minutes later when he was reading a Vogue article he had just found that talked about Morgan Llewellyn's 'impressive purple eyes.' ''No. They're just really dark blue.'' he remembered the sensation of looking at those eyes. It was like looking at Medusa, who turned you to stone when you looked at her eyes. ''But it'd make sense if she had purple eyes. That'd confirm my theory that she's the reincarnation of Thanos.'' Both of them laughed with that.
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halcyonnhood · 6 years
Crash Into Me //Luke Hemmings // (Ch. One)
pls leave me feedback, i’m desperate lolz
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Chapter One
“Amelia, rounds are in eight minutes”
Amelia Callahan isn’t too pleased to find herself sleeping in an on-call room for the fourth night in a row. No one mentioned that part of “the grind” would include never going home and everlasting exhaustion. She just wants to sleep in her own bed and to eat something other than dreary cafeteria food. Shes only further annoyed by Benjamin Cox poking her cheek until she blinks lazily at him.
“C'mon, you gotta get dressed” Benjamin tells the sleepy girl.
“I’m already in scrubs” Amelia swats his hand away.
“Clean scrubs?”
“I said I’m in scrubs” She sends him a quick, pointed glare.
Apparently showing up to rounds first still wont win you brownie points from Stephan Barnes. The interns are buzzing with excitement, it’s finally time to change rotations and Amelia is ready for the change. She is tired of Cardiology and its horrid residents. All of the residents were too focused on making her life hell rather than teaching her anything useful. Nowdays she just swerves anyone from cardio.
“Callahan, Cox and Watson you’re in the Emergency Department.” Dr.Barnes nods at them over his clipboard.
“You'v-” Emily begins to argue, but is quickly cut off.
“No whining unless you want a months worth of doing nothing but notes and discharges” Dr.Barnes sighs. “Sanders, you’re in Pediatrics.”
Amelia wants to do nothing but scream and rant about the rotations. She has worked her ass off trying to get the service she wanted, but Molly Sanders gets Pediatrics instead? Unfair and biased. While Amelia sleeps, eats, and breathes the hospital, Molly probably sucked off the attending to get her preferred service. It makes her want to rip her own hair out, if sucking a forty year olds dick is what it takes to get favoritism, shes tempted. Instead, she just huffs towards Emily and Benjamin and tries to remember that at least she has class and sophistication. Sophistication with day old scrubs and messy hair, but it still counts.
“What are you waiting for? Find your residents!” Dr. Barnes shoos the interns away.
Amelia and Emily are unhappy about the Emergency Room service, but Benjamin is absolutely ecstatic, he LOVES emergency medicine. So, while hes practically jumping out of his scrubs in excitement, the two girls take the long way to the nurses station. By the time they reach their destination, the resident is waiting patiently. She decides that he looks kind enough, maybe they’ll get off easy with him and after shes done she can nap. One could only have such high hopes.
“I get THREE of you!? What a good surprise!” The resident grins. “I’m Dr. Ryan Thompson”
“Emily Watson, Amelia Callahan, and Ben Cox.” Emily gestures to all of them.
“Nice to meet you! So, listen, usually I’d start you on papers and scut work…But we’re really backed up, so I’ve sorted some easy cases for you. Page me if needed” Dr. Thompson hands them the folders before rushing away.
“Fucking jackpot” Emily grins at her two best friends. “First ER day and we get our own cases!?”
“We’ve been blessed” Benjamin laughs loudly and agrees.
Amelias first case was an old woman with COPD, it was a simple in and out after listening to her wheezy, rattling lungs. All she needed was some albuterol and a heavy dose of steroids and then the nurses discharged her. The second case was just as routine, a child with strep. So she orders the screaming child some antibotic syrup and cough syrup then sent them on their way. So far, she was bored out of her mind. That is until Thompson drops by the nurses stations and plops another folder on her stack. She glances over the admission and nurses notes and it immediately peaks her interest. A twenty two year old with what appears to be a Traumatic Brain Injury with a persistent headache. It’s her own jackpot, something that isn’t dull and usual.
When Amelia rounds the corner to room 20a, she hears nothing but shouting and crashing from within the room. She knocks on the door once and with no response, she cracks the door open to find four boys shouting at each other. On the floor lays one of the side tables and one of the boys. The first one to notice her standing there is a tall, tan boy who just watches her with wide eyes and an “oh, shit” expression. When the other boys notice, the boy on the ground just starts laughing a high pitched giggle and turns back towards the tan boy.
“God damn it, Calum. I told you the nurses would notice” The boy huffs in between giggles.
“Sorry about the mess, I’ll clean it up!” The boy, now named Calum says quickly.
“I don’t care about the mess” Amelia sighs narrowing her eyes at the giggly boy. “But I’m not a nurse”
The boy turns slightly, face twisting in surprise as he glances at her tag. “Oh, man. I’m sorry”
“It’s cool, I get it a lot.” Amelia just shrugs. “Dr. Amelia Callahan.”
“Ashton” The boy greets. “Also, Calum, Michael, and sick boy Luke”
“Nice to know he brought support…Very loud support.” She just shakes her head. “So, Luke update me on what happened.”
“We were playing soccor and Calum accidently kicked me in the head when I tripped..Which caused me to hit my head off the pavement.”
Amelia focuses on the boy sitting crosslegged on the hospital bed, his honey brown curls falling into his face and his face blushed a soft pink as he explains the accident. His blue eyes dart from her and then to Calum, she can see that he’s nervous. She can also see the dark blue and purple mark forming across his pale forehead.
“Can I ask you a few things while I check you out?” Amelia questions.
“Uh, yeah.” Luke shrugs.
“When did this happen?” She asks while she flashes her penlight into both of his eyes. She finds one pupil is dilated while the other is not.
“About two hours ago, I’ve had a headache since” Luke squints at the bright light.
“Any other symptoms?” She observes the contusion up close, purple and blue spreading around the sight of impact. “Confusion, dizziness, nausea?”
“I’m nauseous and dizzy, but I thought that was from the headache” Luke mumbles quietly realizing it wasn't the headache at all.
“So, I believe you have a grade two concussion, which earns you some nice CT scans and a couple hours chilling here with me.” Amelia smiles at the blonde boy. “You have a contusion and anisocoria, which is the main indicator of a concussion. I’ll get you some pain meds and something for the nausea. You’ll feel brand new!”
When Amelia exits the room to go make the notes and place Luke’s orders, she isn’t expecting Benjamin waiting for her by the door. The babyfaced, brunette boy is trying to peak through the door when she notices HER charts tucked in his hands. She can feel her face blushing with anger at the sight, but he just grins at her innocently.
“What do ya need, Ben?” Amelia questions. She tries to steady her tone and not lose her temper.
“Trade me cases.” Benjamin says bluntly. His smile is devilish and mischievous.
“Uh” She shakes her head. “No”
“Why not?”
“It’s my case, Ben. You have your own” She snatches the folder back away from him.
“But it’s Luke Hemmings” Benjamin whines loudly.
“And? Stop reading my chart.” She glares at him.
"I didn't read the chart" He bats his eyelashes in an attempt to distract her.
"Then you wouldn't know his name!"
“He’s in a band, Amyyyy” Benjamin pouts at her “I wanna meet him”
“Don’t exploit my patients, Ben. I’ll report your ass”
“No you won’t” He challenges.
“Stay out of my charts and leave Luke alone” Amelia ushers him away from the room. “I’ll kick your ass myself”
To say shes confused is an understatement. Benjamin, one of her dearest friends is fangirling over a patient. A patient that is supposedly in a band and she has no clue what band it is, has she heard of them? Will other people find out? Will she actually have to kick Bens ass to keep his fangirl ways at bay? So many questions and potential issues pop up within a matter of ten minutes. Apparently Amelia has a lot to catch up on while Luke is getting his scans done.
Tags: I'm just gonna tag @beysenpai cause I told them about this idea first ages ago.
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ryanmeft · 5 years
Dumbo Movie Review
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If there’s one thing Tim Burton reliably does, it’s go big; going home isn’t even on his list of options. His movies are visual spectaculars, and if they sometimes lack genuine heart, they never lack things to look at. Disney’s Dumbo remake is no exception. Every moment of the movie is jam-packed with creativity, some of which is lifted from the original and some which is new to this version. Amid the splendor, the mute title character is instantly and unfailingly engaging, giving the movie the very spark many Burton movies need.
The plot you probably know, though the original Dumbo is no longer as widely seen as some other Disney animated movies. Dumbo is born with huge ears that allow him to fly, but when his mother attacks a cruel animal tamer for abusing him, she is declared mad. The original was just over an hour long, and this one has been expanded. Timothy Q. Mouse has been replaced by two children (Nico Parker and FInley Hobbins), who discover Dumbo’s talent when a feather makes him sneeze himself right into the air. They are of course not immediately believed by their father (Colin Farrell), who lost an arm in World War I and his wife to influenza and is determined to raise his children to be practical survivors. The owner of the circus (Danny DeVito) is a decent man at heart whose obsession with the bottom line is due to needing to keep himself and his crew fed. To this end, the movie adds an entire second half in which he makes a deal with a wealthy amusement park magnate (Michael Keaton) to feature Dumbo as his star attraction; also involved is the magnate’s arm candy, a glamorous French trapeze artist played by Eva Green. Alan Arkin has a small, welcome role as a banker the magnate is interested in wooing.
Dumbo is mute. To give him a voice would have surely been possible, and would not only have broken the fragile spell he cast in the original but the idea that he is, ultimately, an animal. That is accomplished here through CGi that is indistinguishable from the real thing. When Dumbo is sad, it doesn’t feel like a cartoon character moping, and when his mother goes on a protective rampage, it almost makes you want to back up in your seat. What matters more than realism, though, is emotion. Burton, screenwriter Ehren Kruger and their army of computer wizards manage to make Dumbo a believably deep character with real feelings. Classic scenes are recreated, including Dumbo’s embarrassing stint as a clown and a brief snippet of the still-glorious Pink Elephants scene. In the former, Dumbo’s sadness at his situation is palpable, and in the latter he is given a childlike wonder that could make a grown man’s eyes instantly turn into hearts. When he is imperiled, I held my breath just a little, and when he escapes by soaring free, I found I forgot for a moment that I am a critic and expected to be a cynical bastard.
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That there was going to be a villain in this remake was inevitable, and going in I steeled myself at the thought; I didn’t feel the story required one. That’s still true, but what the filmmakers and Keaton have come up with is not lazy. I can sum it up in three words: Evil Walt Disney. The character, wonderfully named V.A. Vandevere, comes to Dumbo’s circus promising the impresario he will show him the future. This is 1919, and Vandevere’s future is a massive amusement park called Dreamworld complete with animatronics, flashing lights everywhere, a parade down Main Street, and even plush Dumbo dolls on sale that look like they could have been shipped over directly from the endless shops littering the real-life park. The parallels are so incredibly obvious I’m amazed the company, famously over-protective of Disney’s image, let the movie get away with it. Vandevere’s speeches about the future sound eerily like those Disney himself made on his television appearances; the fact he is cash-poor seems a low-key nod at the way Disney would go into debt in pursuit of a movie; and his ruthlessness at getting what he wants no matter who gets hurt is of course very similar to the criticisms leveled against the modern, post-Walt company. Burton and company did everything short of pinning a Mouse Ear hat to his head. The fact that Dumbo and his friends win in the end is the only aspect that doesn’t feel parallel to reality.
The 1940’s were a much more permissive time in the movies. Dumbo no longer becomes accidentally drunk, and the chorus line of crows has been removed, likely because of racial connotations. Instead, the human characters have been emphasized, whereas they were entirely unimportant before. I’ve heard criticisms that they are more important than Dumbo, but I didn’t find that to be the case; Dumbo is present and has an independent personality in nearly every scene, and is never a prop. The human characters succeed or fail on their own, and it is a mix of both. Farrell’s disabled war veteran is an inspired inclusion that roots the film firmly in its 1919 setting, as opposed to the general “anytime” of the original. DeVito’s impresario is the kind of genial loudmouth he’s so good at playing, and underneath all the bluster he genuinely cares for his performers. Green’s cynical acrobat isn’t a role that really uses her talents, but it’s always good to see her in anything. The child actors, sadly, are given rather wooden characters compared to the rascally and mischievous mouse, and bringing in all the carnival performers for the big finale is unnecessary and feels tacked on, since they’re never developed. Fortunately, Dumbo and his mom are always center stage, so these are minor issues.
Before my showing of Dumbo, I saw a trailer for the completely unnecessary remake of Aladdin, and it sucked the life right out of me. Dumbo handed it right back, and though it may not be the most inspired act in Disney’s remake circus, there’s a joy and a heart here, and that’s enough for me.
Verdict: Recommended
Note: I don’t use stars, but here are my possible verdicts.
Highly Recommended
Not Recommended
Avoid like the Plague
 You can follow Ryan's reviews on Facebook here:
 Or his tweets here:
 All images are property of the people what own the movie.
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team-fahc · 6 years
Fake AH Crew family AU
Gavin is still apprehensive of Ryan for trying to steal his Michael, but all that changes in practically one night.
Gavin is prone to nightmares, and usually he whines enough in his sleep that Michael, who he shares a room with, wakes up from it to comfort him. But this time, Gavin woke up alone; he must not have whimpered to wake Michael up. He thought about waking him up, but decided against it immediately because he wants his boy to get some rest.
Instead, he gets up and drags one of the smaller, softer blankets on his bed out of the room with him and stops in the hallway when he sees a light in Ryan's room is on. Still wanting comfort, he pokes his head in the doorway at the same time Ryan looks up from one of the books he borrowed from Geoff.
"Gavin? What's going on?"
"Nightmare," was his only response as he walked into Ryan's room. Ryan glanced over to the darker side of the room where Jeremy was sleeping in his own bed before he sat up more in his own and patted the spot next to him.
"C'mere, you can sit with me til you feel better if you want."
For some reason, despite his distrust for him, he still needed reassurance that he was safe. So Gavin just went and crawled in next to Ryan, wrapping the blanket he brought with him around himself as he did. The older boy let Gavin have the pillow, and reached up to turn off his bedside lamp when Gavin grabbed his arm.
"Please don't... I-I don't like the dark."
Ryan just nodded and left the lamp on as he got up and got something from Jeremy's side of the room.
"Here, let's plug this in and use it tonight. Geoff was convinced Jeremy would have trouble sleeping in the dark, but it wasn't much of an issue; kid could sleep anywhere, I swear." Ryan plugged in a tiny lamp shaped like a monster truck that emitted a soft blue glow and set it on the desk at the end of his bed. Gavin then let him turn off the lamp on the bedside table, and Ryan climbed back into his bed. "Better?"
Gavin only nodded before finding himself already curling into Ryan's side and dozing back off.
The next morning, Ryan was woken up by Michael calling out Gavin's name in a panic as he ran down the hall. His neck hurt and he realized he never laid back down fully after Gavin fell asleep against him. Gavin had already sat up when he heard Michael call for him, and then scrambled to get out of bed.
"I'm here, Micoo!" Gavin was practically tackled through the door as Michael barged in and made sure he was in one piece.
"I had a nightmare and you didn't wake up, and I didn't wanna wake you up, so I looked for someone who was already awake. Ryan makes a good pillow."
Ryan just smiled at the two of them as he rubbed his neck to try and ease the kink in it.
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kinkingbird-blog · 6 years
“Desperate for You” Tuggwood
NAME: “Desperate for You”
FANDOM: Ragehappy
PAIRINGS: Tuggwood (Ryan/Lindsay), background Michael/Lindsay
SUMMARY: When Lindsay invites Ryan to reignite their old friends with benefits relationship with roleplaying a first meeting at a hotel bar, he immediately agrees - but the likelihood of him keeping it casual when he's missed her so desperately is slim to none.
WARNINGS: Polyamory, roleplaying, semi-public sex
AO3 Cross Post: [x]
Commissions are open!!
Buy Me A Coffee, if you’d like~
”Do you ever miss it?”
”Miss what?”
”When it was simpler. When we had more time.”
The conversation played freely in Ryan’s mind as he climbed out of his car and adjusted the sports coat he wore. He had little reason to dress nicely anymore, given the status of his job, and a suit had been out of the question...but he liked to believe he was a gentleman. He liked to believe that he knew when he should look just a little nicer than he usually might in the office.
Besides. He’d missed this. Missed her.
”I see you every day, Ryan.”
”I know, but it’s...it’s not really the same, is it? Or am I just being overdramatic?"
”No, I know what you mean. And I miss it too. I miss getting to sit next to you.”
Things had changed. They’d gotten busy, that was all. It had been years since they got to see each other every morning, sharing a desk and bantering. Years since getting to see her smile had been the second biggest thing to bring him to work during the hard days – money being first. He’d never really been able to make her the first thing. Not when she had been married.
Things had changed, of course. Lindsay was irrepressible like that. Subtle glances turned to outright flirting, and he always told himself not to respond, but...but he had. What kind of man would he be if he hadn’t? Even the ever present threat of Michael’s fury hadn’t been enough to stop him – not even when he’d situate himself on the couch in that tiny office to record and would lock eyes with him and wonder why Michael was giving him that knowing smile.
Lindsay had eventually said that she was interested. That she and Michael were open. That she’d been trying to feel Ryan out for months, to see if a guy like him might ever be interested in a girl like her.
He hadn’t liked how she said that – like he was still a model and she was just some girl in the background. Like she wasn’t the sun itself.
He’d answered with a kiss.
It had never been serious – they were both too busy, and Lindsay had a whole husband to give her attention too – but it had been nice all the same. Ryan was happy with exactly what they had, just friends with benefits who cared deeply but didn’t have time for titles.
He’d been happy with it until it tapered off.
Life happened. People drifted. It wasn’t that the chemistry had died or that they’d decided to stop touching, it just...happened. One day Ryan looked up and realized he hadn’t stolen a kiss from Lindsay in a month. Then two months. Then three.
”Do you ever just wanna go back and remember what it was like when we’d kiss in the supply closet or come up with dumb excuses about why you were riding home with me from work that day?”
”It was nice, wasn’t it?”
”More than nice.”
”Then why don’t we do it?”
”Let’s go back, Ryan. Back to the first time we ever met.”
Lindsay had been beaming when she said it. As seemed to happen every day, she and Michael had arrived in the parking lot at the exact same time that Ryan did, and, as just as often, Michael had walked on ahead and Lindsay had lingered to wait for Ryan to get out of the car.
He’d never really realized that she was waiting for him because she missed him too, but...now it made sense.
”When? Tonight?”
”Tomorrow, Ryan, please. A lady has to plan.”
”Okay, uh...where?”
”I’ll text you.”
And she had. An hour before he’d left, she’d sent him the address of a lovely hotel in Austin that Ryan knew absolutely nothing about. She’d asked him to meet her in the bar, and he had dressed himself a little anxiously, going to his rarely used button-downs and the jeans that fit him tighter than the rest. A decent pair of shoes that didn’t look like he worked in a restaurant. He’d even fiddled extra long with his hair – and now he worried he’d look like a chump. Maybe she was just in pants and a t-shirt.
He entered the lobby, and the young woman behind the desk smiled at him as he approached and spoke. “Excuse me, I’m looking for the bar?”
She looked him up and down with a grin. “Meeting someone?”
Ryan almost agreed, if only to head her flirting off at the pass – but then he paused. This was their first time meeting all over again, after all, and he didn’t want to spoil the spirit. “Nah, just looking for a drink before I check in.”
“Of course.” She inclined her head and gestured toward an adjacent restaurant, quiet and beautifully decorated. “Right through there, sir. I hope you enjoy.”
“I will.” He smiled back at her in thanks before he departed.
Ryan was a grown man, and there was absolutely no reason that just walking toward the dining area should make him as nervous as he did. Tingles exploded right under his skin. Goosebumps rose on a chill from the first hints of an anxious sweat. He chewed on his bottom lip, then forced himself to stop with a snort. He was acting like a teenager going to prom for the first time without a date.
Lindsay always made him nervous. Just something about her smile and the way her eyes sparkled with mischief turned Ryan into a little boy with a crush on a beautiful older woman.
Can you just try to be cool for five seconds, Haywood?
That was totally possible. Easy, even. He was an actor. He put on a role every time cameras started rolling in the offices. Every livestream, every panel, every video – it was simple. He was the innocently bumbling master of chaos. He just had to put on that persona here as well.
He was confident up until he saw the woman in the red dress at the bar.
Holy shit. Ryan stopped in his tracks, tracing the luscious curves that filled out the knee-length silky gown to utter perfection. Her hair was gathered up at the nape of her neck, pinned high with sparkly clips that caught the low lighting of the restaurant impeccably. Her milky skin contrasted beautifully against the shade of her dress.
Ryan became the awkward teenager again – and that was before he even saw her face.
He forced himself to keep walking in shoes that felt clunky and thick as he tilted his head to the side, leaning forward an inch to catch her profile. Sleek lipstick matched the color of her gown, and smoky eyes complemented her long lashes.
She looked at him. She smiled, and his heart pounded out of his chest.
“Evening.” But the voice was the same. Though she looked like a classy starlet, the familiarity of her tone dragged Ryan back down to earth before he could kiss the stars, keeping him grounded in a way he was thankful for.
“Hey.” He grinned back as he stopped at the stool beside her. “Is this seat taken?”
“Not yet.” She picked up her drink – a dark shade, perhaps a whiskey mix – and sipped it through the thin cocktail straw. “Are you interested in a little company?”
“I might be.” Ryan sat down, and the second his weight was off his feet he was grateful. With the way she looked at him, he thought he might pass out at any moment from the blood rushing to his cheeks so suddenly. “If it’s not gonna bother you.”
“Nah. I’d like it. The bar’s quiet tonight.”
Ryan looked at the bartender, giving a little wave to get their attention, then looked back at her while he waited. “You come here often?”
Silence. She smirked, eyelashes fluttering. “Well, I haven’t heard that line in about ten years.”
“Listen.” Ryan laughed, and the high, reedy sound of it betrayed his nerves all the more easily. “I didn’t even mean to use a line, but-”
“But you’re nervous. I hear it.” Her teeth glistened in the light; she was incorrigible. “Lucky for you, I like it. Lindsay, by the way.”
“Ryan.” He offered a hand. “Nice to meet you.”
When Lindsay took his hand, he lifted it to his mouth, pressing a warm kiss to her knuckles, and the confidence she wore melted slightly in the face of stunned pleasure. She chuckled as he thumbed over the back of her hand, but made no move to pull away. “Pleasure’s mine.”
There it was. The bloom in his gut. The ever present warmth that being around Lindsay stoked – that had been stoked for years, actually. He’d been a bachelor for what felt like an eternity. He’d played games with people in college – on and off again relationships, pushing at boundaries to see how long they would stand up before they came crashing down. He’d never imagined someone would catch his eye and hold it for so long.
For the first time, Ryan felt the utter regret that he’d never pursued something serious with Lindsay – but why would he even ask? Where the hell could they even go?
She still wore her wedding ring, that beautiful jewel that his lips had moved over when he kissed her skin. It was a reminder that, even tonight, this could only be casual. Just a one time experience before they dropped into busy lives again that only featured each other for a few hours at work.
It would be better that way, he tried to tell himself, even as he finally let her hand go and turned to the bartender to order a Diet Coke. Some things just weren’t meant to be serious.
“So what do you do, Ryan?”
He paused. How far were they taking the little charade tonight? He looked at her, and when she only grinned at him he figured he might as well stretch the truth. “I’m an actor, actually. Just passing through town for a few days on a shoot.”
“Oh, really?” Her eyes lit up in amusement. “How many more days are you here?”
“This is the last night, actually.” He heaved a sigh. “It’s a beautiful city you’ve got here. I’ll have to come back sometime for a longer visit. What about you, Lindsay? What do you do?”
“Modeling, mostly.”
That was interesting. “Oh?”
“Mm-hmm! Typically lingerie. I do a little work at conventions as well.”
The equally incorrigible smile of Meg burst in front of Ryan’s mind’s eye, and he couldn’t help but laugh again, looking down and trying to collect himself.
Lindsay lightly kicked his shin. “What’s that for? Are you gonna say you don’t believe me?”
“What? No!” He looked up again quickly. “No, someone as stunning as you? I wouldn’t question it. I just didn’t realize how nice it would feel to meet someone else in the business.”
Her smirk hadn’t vanished, not even slightly. She tilted her head to the side, a few stray strands of hair falling around her cheeks. “Yeah? Why’s that?”
“I don’t know, just...sometimes you have to wear a mask around people, if they’re not in the entertainment business like you are. They never really understand the kind of life you lead. Does that make sense?”
Lindsay’s gaze softened. “...perfect sense.” She sipped her drink again, her other arm resting on the bar just close enough to his own that his cells lit up, hypersensitive, aching to feel the brush of her skin. “It’s nice to meet someone who just...gets it. Someone you don’t have to try that hard around.”
Suddenly Ryan realized they weren’t fully in character here. Lindsay was right. She was someone he’d never had to try to hide himself around, whether they were on camera or off. It was half the reason he’d never messed around with dating these past few years – he was never sure who was going to recognize him and what they were going to expect from him. He hadn’t wanted to commit himself to something if it was going to get himself hurt when they found out they didn’t like the real him – just the person he portrayed on camera.
There were similarities. Of course there were. But there were differences too. On camera, Ryan had to be constantly on the ball and entertaining. He never had a bad moment. He never rested or relaxed. He was always funny and pleasant and appealing.
Real life wasn’t like that. Real life got messy sometimes. There were fights and misunderstandings and the knowledge that eventually the ease would run out.
He didn’t have to worry about that with Lindsay. She got it, just like he did. And that was a relief.
“But sometimes it’s nice not to have to think that hard, isn’t it?” Lindsay asked, pulling him from his thoughts. “Like…just being able to be casual with someone because they already kind of know who you are from your persona.”
“Maybe. But it’s like work.” As Ryan’s drink was dropped off, he picked it up, watching the bubbles pop one after the other on the surface. “Always worrying about where it’s going to go, what’s going to happen, what they’re going to say-”
“Do you always think this hard?”
Ryan chuckled. “Maybe.” He sipped his drink as he glanced back at her.
Lindsay beamed, taking a drink of her own, and when she put the glass back down she shifted. Her arm brushed his, and his body lit up, exploding with firecrackers. “Do you want me to make it easy so you stop thinking too much?”
“God, would you?” He grinned and turned to face her a little more, turning his hand over on instinct – waiting for her to put hers in his.
She didn’t. But she did quirk a brow, that beautiful spark of mischief coming into her gaze. “I’m looking for company. Someone to make me think a little less and feel a little more.”
Fire roared in his veins, licking him up until he burned ferociously. Lindsay played coy games. She let Ryan take the lead. She never really took it for herself.
“So, if you want...you don’t have to think at all tonight, huh? What do you say?”
Ryan opened his mouth, then closed it again. He’d never be this brazen with an actual stranger, but here they were both playing a role – she was the woman making a move, and he was the man just trying to keep up. “I don’t know if mindless sex is the most exciting kind,” he murmured.
Lindsay laughed. “It will be once I suck your brain out through your dick.”
So this was happening. Things had gone from zero to one hundred extremely quickly, and, believe it or not, he was completely on board. Fuck acting. If he couldn’t kiss her, he was going to be miserable. He pulled out his card and held it up to the bartender, lifting his brows as he drained the rest of his soda. As he signed the receipt with an impressive tip, Lindsay slid off her seat and touched the small of his back.
His pen jolted, leaving the messiest signature he’d ever managed behind.
“I have a room upstairs.” She leaned close to say those words, her breath tickling over his neck, and Ryan sucked in a shaky gasp as he stood up, fumbling to put his card back in his wallet. “Hey. Relax, big shot, we’re not in a hurry here.”
“Not a chance.” He met her eyes, blue on blue, and her lips twitched as she tried to hold back her smile. “Have you even seen yourself? You’re stunning. I can’t wait to get my hands on you.”
Lindsay laughed. As she moved around him, her fingers just grazed the curve of his ass through his pants, and Ryan jumped before he moved after her.
Lindsay moved a little awkwardly in her heels, but it was enough reason for Ryan to stare at her rear as he walked just behind her for a few steps until he caught up. He took her arm, lacing it with his to give her more stability, and she smiled up at him.
Her eyes sparked when the edge of his knuckles brushed lightly over her breast with each step they took.
As they stepped into the elevator – alone, thank God – Ryan leaned to kiss her, but Lindsay simply turned away, lining her back with his chest as she pressed the number of her floor. Twelve. Quite a ways to go. He settled in for a long thirty seconds without kissing, but the second her ass brushed over his crotch his heart took off, hammering.
Her hands gently cupped his. “Excited already?” she teased, swaying her hips from side to side. It was a horrendous tease – just the edge of his erection getting stimulation, and nothing substantial – and Ryan rested his head on the wall behind him with a quiet groan. And then her hands...guided his. The shape of her breasts filled his palms, and he choked, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Floor four, Ryan,” Lindsay sang out, and his fingers immediately moved until they found the peak of her nipples through the silky fabric. “Yeah...”
He fixated on her quiet sighs of pleasure, tunnel vision zeroing in on the feel of her in his hands. Was she not wearing a bra? Had she planned all of this? What a little shit. The thought made his lips quirk as he let his thumbs quest for the edge of the fabric, where the silk met soft, warm skin.
“Mm?” He came to a stop, thumb loosely linked around the fabric, waiting for dissent, permission, anything.
After a moment of silence, where the elevator dinged to the eighth floor – four more to go – Lindsay let his hands go, and he peeled back the fabric, letting her breasts fall into his hands.
This was ridiculous – he didn’t have time for this at all – but Ryan was so calculated and honed with a schedule planned down to the second every damn day that there was a sense of excitement burning through him at knowing he had only a precious few seconds to tweak her nipples between his fingers while he nipped at the back of her neck. She grabbed his hip with one hand for stability, the other slamming into the wall next to them.
In a blissful moment, her sighs turned to moans, filling the air and making Ryan so hard that he ached.
The elevator dinged, coming to a stop, and Ryan whipped around, putting his back to the door to block view of her as he seamlessly slid Lindsay’s dress back into place. As the door opened, he caught her gaze – her flushed cheeks and her wide pupils – before he backed away, turning.
Someone boarded the elevator with a smile, completely unaware, and Ryan grabbed Lindsay’s hand and guided her along, his heart pounding.
“Which room?” he asked. Suddenly he’d taken the lead, with Lindsay being fuzzy-headed behind him.
“1217.” The number came out like a whisper, and when he looked over his shoulder he saw how she was slowly coming back into focus. Her glossy lips, still untouched, tempted him beyond belief – he couldn’t wait to smear the color and kiss her until her mouth was swollen.
When he stopped in front of the door to her room, Lindsay fumbled for her key card, and he watched as she took a deep breath, rested her forehead on the cool wood, then took a step back to look at him when she’d collected herself. “So you’re adventurous.”
The little tease on her voice – that sweet taste of Lindsay that always made him stare at her as she moved around a room while filming, her attitude – made him chuckle. “Are you disappointed?”
“Not remotely.” She finally opened the door and snagged him by his belt loop, pulling him in dick first. He laughed harder.
The second the door shut, Lindsay kissed him, and he melted against her, so intoxicated by how easy it was to fall into the rhythm of kissing even after so long of not doing it. He let her take the lead, tilting his head to match hers, his tongue staying tucked in his own mouth when she seemed focused on only the ebb and flow of their lips together – he knew better than to try and take control in the beginning.
She’d let him know what she wanted him to do later.
Her hands coaxed his shirt out of his waistband, and he helped her, fingers flying down his buttons at a breakneck pace.
“How adventurous, exactly?” Lindsay breathed as she pulled his shirt open and ripped it and his coat both down his arms.
Shit. Ryan licked his lips, tasting her gloss. “Uh...depends on what you have in mind.”
She smirked up at him as she worked at his undershirt next, whipping it over his head and throwing it over her shoulder. “We’ve got a balcony.”
“A balcony with a nice little reclining chair for sunbathing, like on a beach.”
Ryan’s gaze flicked to the balcony just beyond. Count on Lindsay to completely ignore the fully functional bed for something even more tantalizing.
“It’s late. I bet almost everyone else is in bed. If we kept the balcony light off, no one would see us.”
“Oh, fuck,” Ryan closed his eyes for only a second. Anything to keep his cock from twitching again.
“Think you could keep quiet for me, actor boy?” Small fingers brushed through the trail of hair leading beneath his belt, stirring and teasing, and he shivered.
“For you?” He held her gaze. “Anything.”
Something shifted in her gaze – surprise, followed by warmth. She read into his tone. She understood. And, though he knew he should want to, Ryan didn’t even try to take it back.
Okay. So he was besotted. So he ached for her and wished he could have her in his bed some nights. Whatever. He already knew that, and nothing had changed. When she cupped his cheek, he felt the band of her wedding ring on his skin.
But she wasn’t looking away. Even in the midst of him tripping over his words like that. And he wasn’t really sure what that meant.
“Okay.” Her voice was soft and tentative, but not...put off. Just present. Aware and in the moment. She took his hand again, but this time she interlaced their fingers, walking backward through the room with a certain amount of grace until her heels wobbled and the moment broke. She chuckled and kicked them away. “Grab a condom, would you?”
The box on the dresser was unopened – their favorite brand to use together. Apparently she and Michael used something different. It was a tiny thing, but it lit another flame in Ryan’s chest, knowing that this was something that she and Ryan were sharing privately. Silly, but...it made him happy. He ripped the box open gracelessly, making her laugh behind him as condoms showered onto the bed, and then he picked one up and waggled his eyebrows at her as he toed his own shoes off.
Lindsay touched him, then, her hands warm on his chest. The switch had flipped from focused intensity to slow, deliberate contact, and Ryan dropped his hands to his side, letting out quiet sounds as he watched her painted nails move over his skin – ticklishly soft, then leaving red marks as she dragged by.
How was it possible to want someone this much without just...combusting?
“I’m gonna ride you on the balcony,” she said softly, her voice thick with need. “Under the stars. You’re probably gonna get a mosquito bite on your dick.”
Ryan laughed. “Sexy.”
“You know it.” She led him there, only in his pants and socks, and opened the sliding door, gesturing to the lounge chair. He sank down onto it and looked up at her, the warm glow of the lights inside illuminating her in her dress, the curves of her gorgeous body so fully on display that his fingers itched to touch her in turn.
After she shut the door, she straddled his thighs, then lifted the hem of her dress slowly – coyly – so that his eyes were glued to her for aching seconds until, little by little, she revealed the soft thatch of hair between her legs, no panties to be seen.
“Minx,” he whispered, and she beamed at him, obviously far too proud of herself. The peek vanished as she dropped her dress, and he whined, starting to sit up and reach before she thudded him back down with two small hands on his bare chest.
“Not yet.” She winked, then went for his belt.
It was madness, laying here feeling like if she even slightly grazed his hardness, he might come. He dug his teeth into his bottom lip, running through statistics about every computer in their office as she worked his pants open, then tugged them and his briefs down little by little until he sprang free.
“Mmm...big boy.”
He choked on a laugh. “Lindsay.”
“What?” She chuckled too as she plucked the condom from his hand and opened it. “Looks like you’ve been hard all night, Ryan. Were you planning this?” They were back to the act, then, where he was the flustered actor and she was the dynamite model who set out to seduce him. “Or does it just get you hard to tease a girl up in the elevator?”
He moaned, arching his hips, inviting her to touch him. “I would’ve fucked you in there, if you wanted.”
“Yeah?” She couldn’t quite hide her gasp. “Maybe next time, huh?”
As she slid the condom over his shaft, pinching the tip to keep it closed, his heart pounded in his ears, desperate and eager for anything she’d give him. Her skirt tickled his legs as she slid forward, and then he felt the slickness of her folds as she cupped him, dragging him through her wetness like she had all the time in the world.
“What, Ryan?” She tilted her head to the side, guiding him to her entrance – and then away again, running the tip of his cock over her clit with a quiet sigh.
“Lindsay, please,” he whispered.
“Mmm...” She grinned. “You sound so sweet when you beg.”
A slow, aching tease wasn’t what Ryan expected when he came here tonight. He gritted his teeth and gripped the edge of the chair as he held his hips down, feeling how she took him in a centimeter – and then moved off again. Down a little further each time. The chair squeaked quietly under their weight, not completely steady, but he had the distinct feeling that if he grabbed her hips or thighs at all until she was ready that she’d end the game completely and laugh as he whined.
She took him in just deep enough to clench around the head of his cock, and he whimpered, completely lost to her.
“Quiet, Ryan.” Her whisper came through the darkness, tickling his ears, and he held his breath, every muscle in his neck going tight.
Behind his closed eyes, he heard the way she breathed raggedly as she rocked back and forth. Felt the incomprehensible pleasure in his veins. Smelled the faint perfume she wore. Tasted her even still on his lips.
I missed this so bad.
Finally, her hips met his, her slickness dripping on his skin, and he opened his eyes and looked up at her through the faint light. He caught her off guard. Her smile was fond, and her eyes were glossy, and her skin was flushed, and she looked every little bit like she looked when she stared at Michael across the room when he was doing something sweet.
It took him by surprise too, so much so that he lifted a hand and thumbed over her cheek, caught in a sense of wonder.
Lindsay turned her head and kissed his palm, her eyelashes fluttering, and then she began to ride him in earnest.
“Fuck, Lindsay,” he whispered, hands finally sliding to her hips and squeezing. Her stunning body shook with each impact she made on his hips, making him want to run his fingers over ever part of her, and the tightness of her thighs squeezing around his waist whispered of how strong she was becoming. Every time she reached a new goal in her workouts she sent him a silly flexing sweaty selfie, and he’d saved all of them, so enamored with her.
He was so much farther gone than he’d thought.
“I missed this.”
It took a moment for her shaky words to reach his ears. He met her eyes, stunned. “What?”
“This. You.” She pressed her hands into his chest, holding him down, and he grunted and bit his bottom lip to try and hold it back. “I miss you every goddamn day, Ryan.”
No, he couldn’t handle this – this was fucking torture. Hearing what he’d so craved while joined with her but knowing it couldn’t happen was just… “Lindsay...”
“I mean it.” She grabbed one of his arms and slid it beneath her skirt, and he immediately rose to attention, finding her clit and rubbing it just the way she liked as she gasped and squeezed his cock inside of her. “I...I want...I want this more.”
“You wanted to be casual.” It was a petty thing, having such a minor disagreement in the middle of making love on a goddamn balcony in Austin, but Ryan was too flayed open and vulnerable – he couldn’t hold his frustration back if he tried.
Lindsay breathed a chuckle. “Fuck casual, Ryan.”
She dug her nails into the faint hairs spreading across his chest, making his abs clench. “Michael says if he sees me give you...fucking heart eyes one more time...without just kissing the shit out of you...he’s gonna fucking kiss you himself.”
His eyes flew open, an aching hope spreading through his veins. It was impossible. Michael? Wanting that for her?
Lindsay leaned down just a little closer, shifting the position of how she rode, and Ryan had the perfect view of her cocky smirk wavering for just a moment as she found the sweet spot inside of her. “Oh, fuck...”
He bucked into her, meeting her in the middle and watching how she squeezed her eyes shut in utter focus and ecstasy. “I want it,” he rasped. “I want this. I want you. I want all of you.”
She nodded quickly, hair falling out of its updo, messy and striking and gorgeous, all down her shoulders and in her face. “Don’t stop,” she pleaded.
“Not gonna.” He wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her still, his fingers rubbing at her and his hips pistoning until the slapping of their skin together couldn’t be muffled. “I’ll take anything you wanna give me, Lindsay, I-I can’t stop this again.”
She opened her eyes, her lips falling open and her lids languid, and her words came out shakily, like she could barely speak. “My heart?”
His chest cracked open, his heart reaching out toward hers. It felt impossible to feel so aching and yet so fulfilled. “Please.”
Serene joy crossed her face, lighting her up from the inside out. For one sweet moment that felt like eternity, she opened herself up to him, beaming – eyes sparkling like diamonds – and he saw for the first time every single bit of love she had for him painted right there.
And he was able to watch how it shifted subtly into her being overcome, pleasure dripping off her, her hands curling slowly into fists on his skin. “Ryan?”
“Come for me, Lindsay,” he growled, and she did, letting out a sharp cry that echoed off their balcony and dragged him right over the edge with her.
Cuddling there wasn’t easy. For once, Lindsay’s famous mouth stayed shut, and one of Ryan’s arms dangled off the edge of the chair as he pet up and down her back slowly. He kept her close – their chests pressed together – as they tried to come back to reality.
It was impossible. They were floating among the stars.
“How does this work?” Ryan’s voice was spent, rough and ragged, and it made his lips quirk into a smile. “Like, if I ask you to be my girlfriend, how the hell does that work when you have a husband?”
“Hell if I know.” She painted patterns on his chest as she nuzzled his neck. “Michael printed me out a pamphlet, so I guess I’ll read that.”
A pause. “A pamphlet.”
“Mm-hmm. About nonmonogamy.”
Ryan could vividly picture Michael’s deadpan expression as he slapped a stack of papers on Lindsay’s desk with no warning just to watch her jump. He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “You? Read anything Michael gives you?”
“I know, right? Weird.” The smile was audible in her voice.
It was impossible that Ryan could be able to be this happy. Absolutely incomprehensible. But here they were, dancing through the clouds together.
With her in his arms, he didn’t think he’d ever come down.
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