#i just know that i need to sleep for 1348 years
frenchublog · 1 year
I'm sorry for not being creative enough lately. Too much work, too much going on. I try my best, I love to draw after all but it's been difficult to stay motivated and focused. I'm taking a small break to give me room to breathe. 'wish I could do more 🥲 but life gets in the way. I kinda feel like I'm letting people down. Social media is consuming my mental and physical energy. I'm so sorry 🫠 (a lot is happening and it is linked to why I still can't take commissions to this day for instance)
Thank you for understanding ily all, take care!!🌻
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ingeniousmindoftune · 3 years
Revise - Prologue
Words: 1348
Slow updates.
Description: After the sudden illness  cosuming his wife, Tommy, is left being a single father. He finds comfort in an unlikely love, his wife’s doctor.
Warning(s): This story is an interracial story, and as a writer I always focus on REALISTIC activities and what’s transpiring in the world. There will be some racial slurs, there will be some attacks that are racially motivated and so much more. This will contain mature content, as in vulgar language, some hardcore sex scenes (possible), some matters that go undiscussed. If you have any ideas, I won’t knock your feedback.
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𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐄 • // to make a new, amended, improved, or up-to-date version of.
Charlie Hunnam x Black Woman!
For updates follow my Instagram @author.tunietunee 💕
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After years of watching his wife battle her untimely battle with Cancer on and off, Tommy has needed a shoulder to cry on. For years, he found that comfort in an unlikely source. But, sometimes not everyone will agree. Tommy comes from a long line of wealth, his family were high-end mobsters with a certain code. A code he has to uphold.
“Tommy.” His wife calls out holding her hand out for him to hold as he laid by her bedside.
He took her hand in his and smiled softly. “Hi, babe.” He was happy to see that she had finally woken up. She had been sleeping alot after her last chemo session, doctors said the cancer was moving rapidly and they didn’t know how long it would be before she kicked the bucket. Of course they didn’t say that exact terminology but that’s what it was. He got tired of waiting around and watching his wife suffer like this. Deep down, he wanted to take her out himself to spare her this pain, a slow agonizing death.
“I missed you,” She smiles.
He leaned up planting a kiss on her forehead, her lips were becoming chapped again, many days she would never let him see her without her ‘face’ as you call it and here he was, seeing his wife for the first time without caked up make-up. Lily was always little miss perfect, she wanted everything perfect. Together they shared one child, a son, his name is Ricky. He always hated that name but it  was what his wife wanted so he never fought it. That’s his thing, he always agreed to whatever with the women in his life, so much so to the point he took her word for it when she said she was okay. It took her passing out, for him to find out the truth. He felt like less of a husband, “I missed you too.” He smiled, planting a kiss on her knuckles.
“God, I hate having you see me like this.”
He glanced up at her, a warm smile leaving his face. “I don’t care about all of that and you know this, all I care about is you.” She smiled softly. “Hey, if I don’t fight this thing, Don’t be afraid to remarry just choose wisely okay? Maybe someone is as good as me?” Her quiet southern accent drawled. He chuckled and pecked her hands a couple times. Sure he and his wife had problems but they had been through the ringer together, there wasn’t another woman in sight who could touch her. He loved her so much. They were high school sweethearts, and continued dating after he took over his inheritance at eighteen. From there, they married and have been together ever since, they were supposed to grow old together so in this sense, it hurt like hell. His only love was dying, and this was one thing he could not control. Their son laid rested on the hospital couch, unsure about what was really going on. He wasn’t prepared to tell him that mama may not be coming home.
Christmas was right around the corner, around this time she would be all jolly and merry. She was a Christmas Junkie. And to see her like this, all down and out crushed his soul.
“Now, you know I could never love another woman.” He smiled at his wife, pulling the scarf that was on her now bald head, most men would’ve left when time got hard, but he wasn’t most men. He was a little rough around the edges but he was different whenever it came to women, he was more understanding, nurturing and loving. Sure, he has a temper tantrum that rolls out sometimes without him trying but he was never abusive. He always walks away if he feels he can't control himself.
She smiled weakly. “Let’s be realistic, Tommy.” She moved her head slightly so he had her undivided attention. “I love you, I don’t want to see you with another woman but, let’s face it. I want you to be happy. And, I don’t want you growing old and alone. I know we promised it would be us but it’s not and no matter how hard you will try,” She coughs. “You will find a love that’s worth fighting for.” There was a knock at the door, He glanced over at his wife before yelling come in. In came one of the second most beautiful women he had laid eyes on, but he was far too focused on his wife to actually see that. “Hi, how are you feeling today, Mrs. Hannam?” His wife smiled. “Just fine and dandy, how are you?”
Little did he know his wife had already picked out the perfect woman for him. And her name was Devanity Roe. Her doctor. Devanity was top at every single thing she’s ever done. Being Latina and Black, she had a lot of obstacles she had to bulldoze through.
That combination alone, a lot of people didn’t care for. She was thirty years old, she had a four year old daughter with her ex-husband who was actually another highly respected doctor on this floor. She had been single and dating for the last two years. Although their divorce has been silent, since it was still pending… She felt ashamed, out of all the things she accomplished. She couldn’t keep her marriage together. Of course she waited til she was at the top of her class and the top surgeon before she even thought twice about going public with her husband.
She made sure the world knew that SHE was the reason for her own damn career. But then again, she never cared what the world thought of her. Because at the end of the day, she wasn’t there to please them.
She was smart and heavily educated. She had all of her doctorate degrees, masters, bachelor and phd. She was not your typical woman either and that’s what Lily liked about her. She was the perfect woman for him, no matter what his family had to say about it. And she was doing whatever to prolong her life. She had Lily’s respect and that was hard to get.
But of course she would never get around the chance to tell her husband about her little choice.
“I am doing good, Mrs. Hunnam,” She smiled at Lily, grabbing her chart, “How are you Mr. Hunnam?” Tommy looked away from his wife and for the first time, he actually saw the beauty his wife would go on and on about. “I’m good, thanks for asking, Could I possibly trouble you for some ice for her lips?” Devanity nods her head. “Of course.” Walking over to her side, she checked her IV and morphine drip. “Are you still in pain, Lily?” Lily was but she was done with all of these pain killers, she just wanted her last few moments to be pure, she didn’t want to sleep away. She wanted memories to take with her. “No, I’m fine. Thank you.” Devanity placed her clipboard to her chest, “Okay well if you are in pain, I need you to let me know. These last few moments are highly crucial and I just want to make you as comfortable as I possibly can.” There was another knock, the door slightly opened revealing Devanity’s husband, pending husband we should say, “Devanity, when you have a sec, I would like for you to be my second on this operation.” Devanity nods at him, turning her attention to her patient. “I will send one of my nurses in with your ice. Just please, let her know if you are feeling uncomfortable.”
Lily nods her head at the stunningly beautiful woman, her mocha toned skin glistened under the hospital lights. Her fro was up in a slick ponytail today and she wore light makeup with a simple toned lipstick with a glossing coat. She was too beautiful for words.
In fact you could say Lily was a little envious of the woman’s unmatched beauty.
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tomoewantsdolls · 5 years
The game is on (and you won't see it coming)
Writen for Drarropoly 2.0
Prompt: A prank a day keeps Potter at bay. Until one morning, the tables have turned. Choose either 1) Hogwarts -OR- 2) Roommates -OR- 3) at the Ministry. Minimum: 348 words - Maximum: 834 words.
House level: Make this an ensemble story by using the book friends of both Harry and Draco in the story. Minimum: 1348 words - Maximum: 1834 words.
Word count: 1833 😅
Rated: T
Summary: Enough was enough. Actually, Harry was surprised he had waited so long to react.
Tags: Hogwarts eighth year, prank wars
Read on AO3
Enough was enough. Actually, Harry was surprised he had waited so long to react.
He has been saying to himself that he shouldn't answer to Malfoy's provocations for the sake of reconciliation. But the git has been a prat since they started their so called eighth year and Harry was fed up beyond reason.
The first day, Harry thought it wasn't intentional. During Potions, he approached the table where Parkinson and Malfoy were working, to ask for a pair of snake fangs. He should have suspected when Parkinson sniggered and Malfoy, very politely, said: "Help yourself."
Harry stared at him a little longer and convinced himself that he was beyond the phase of suspecting Malfoy's every intention. Then he reached for the jar and the moment he touched it, a stuffed snake pounced at his face, making him nearly jump out of his skin. He feared his heart would bounce out of his mouth.
Parkinson burst out laughing and Malfoy, the git, busied himself with their cauldron while failing to suppress a smirk. Harry glared daggers at them but bit his tongue and left, ignoring Ron's and Hermione's questions when he sat at their bench.
The second time was a silly thing, actually. They both were arguing about who had which responsibilities in a group assignment, while Zabini and Seamus stared at them over the breakfast table, looking from one to another like in a tennis match. Not that they know what tennis is, but not the point.
"That's not fair and you know it," Malfoy had said.
"We agreed before sorting the parts," Harry had answered, vehement, while serving himself some toast. He was fucking right.
"If you consider the amount of…"
"You agreed," Harry insisted, looking the prat in the eye. He grabbed a mug of coffee, an eighth year's privilege, and looked around for the sugar bowl. Malfoy pushed it forward and Harry reached for it to put two spoonfuls in his mug. "If you don't like it you can change it with anyone but me."
"Oh, how gracious of you," Malfoy deadpanned.
Harry flashed him a tight smile and took a mouthful of his coffee. Merlin he needed it if he had to put up with the insufferable git.
It was ghastly.
Harry couldn't help but splutter the disgusting liquid.
"What the hell!" he croaked between coughs. He eyed the coffee, then the sugar bowl. He glared at Malfoy. “Did you transfigured the sugar into salt?”
“Did I?” the idiot asked fooling no one.
“Is this how it’s going to be?”
Malfoy shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Harry inhaled deeply, trying to get his anger under control. He turned to talk to their other partners and ignored Malfoy for the rest of the morning. Well, he tried to, but the prat was nearly impossible to ignore.
The third day in a row that the sodding moron tried to prank him - and succeeded - Harry thought that, really, after their argument the day before he should have seen it coming. It was Saturday and they had agreed on meeting to work on the group project after breakfast, in the eighth year’s common room.
Harry had lingered at the table, not wanting to go back with the others. Well, not with Malfoy specifically, but still.
Even Ron finished his breakfast before he felt he was ready to leave.
When he rose from the table, a paper crane landed on his plate. He picked it up, knowing full well who it was from. He read the note inside with a bit of annoyance.
Idiot, change of plans. There’s too much noise in the common room. We are moving to the empty classroom on the second floor, third corridor to the left. Don’t be late.
~ Draco M.
Harry sighed. It was going to be a long morning.
He went to the classroom, mentally preparing himself to endure the company of the pointy git. What he didn't expect when he opened the door was a bunch of screaming teenagers, well… kids - really, was he so small at their ages? - that lost their shit when they saw him.
After a bit of fuss and manhandling, Harry found himself seated in the middle of the gathering of Harry Potter's Best and Merriest Fanclub, mortified and silently fuming and plotting how to kill a certain blond.
On Sunday he went to the quidditch pitch to fly before the sun rose. That wasn't an extraordinary event, he did it as often as he could; it was just the hour what was exceptional. He'd been awake for most of the night, at times trying to convince himself that he wouldn't rise to the bait and hit Malfoy with a bat bogey hex; at times he pondered just smothering the idiot; he even considered asking George for ideas for his long due revenge. So he reached a point when it was evident that sleep wouldn't come and he thought he better be doing something productive. Or at least enjoyable. Hence the flying.
It was as exhilarating as the first time. It was perfect.
Until the bane of his existence appeared in one of the Slytherin stands, that is. He ignored him for a good half an hour until his fingers were cold and his ass numb. And after that, he went directly to floor level; if Malfoy wanted to apologize, Harry wasn't going to make it easy for him.
"Potter!" Malfoy yelled behind him a moment later.
Harry turned and waited until he stood in front of him. "What do you want?"
"I wanted to… Merlin, you're sweaty."
"Ever so charming," Harry muttered. If Malfoy heard him he surely chose to ignore him. "What do you want, Malfoy?"
"I came to tell you we have a group meeting in fifteen minutes. We need to discuss what are we going to tell McGonagall tomorrow. She wants to discuss our progress, apparently."
"What? That's…!"
"It would have been in about 50 minutes if some idiot wouldn't have ignored me."
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"You didn't show up yesterday."
"And whose fault is that?"
Malfoy raised an eyebrow. The prick.
"Why didn't Seamus tell me?" Harry asked, more to himself than anything, but the insufferable git answered all the same.
"Apparently you were in a bad mood and ignored everyone and no one could see you this morning."
Harry narrowed his eyes. "And you knew where to find me?"
The moron averted his eyes and turned his mouth down in distaste, an incongruous pink coloured his cheeks. "I drew the shortest straw. This seemed the most likely place for you to mope."
Harry snorted. "I'm not moping."
"Whatever. Ten minutes, Potter," the idiot said. And with that, he left.
Harry glared at his back for a good couple of minutes before rushing to the showers. Totally worth it.
He didn't bother with regulating the taps and the water was scalding; when he faced the mirror he was red all over. He tried to domesticate his hair for nearly 30 seconds, but even if he had the time he wouldn't achieved more than a "recently shagged" look (Ron's words, not his) so why bother, really. He had 4 minutes to get dressed and meet the others. He'll be on time just to piss the prat off.
He struggled with his underwear, struggled with his shirt and when he struggled with his trousers he paused and narrowed his eyes. Did he grabbed the wrong set of clothing? He shook his head. Who's else's clothes would be?
He put his trousers on and wondered if he had put on some weight as he slid the button on place with difficulty. They were his trousers, the telltale marks here and there said so, but… they were like… two sizes too small.
Then it dawned on him: Malfoy! The stupid git, the pompous coward… He tried with finitem incantatem , with engorgio , with every other spell he could think of… His clothes didn't return to their normal size.
"What the fucking fuck?" Harry muttered. He wondered what the moron had done to his clothes. "Stupid prick and his stupid, arrogant… face." Harry forced himself into the rest of his clothes, determined to be on time.
At least his boots were their normal size. Thank Merlin for small mercies.
He walked all the way back to the castle cursing under his breath and pausing every other step to accommodate himself in his too tight trousers.
He would retaliate. He would think of a way to pay the idiot back. Enough was enough.
He arrived at the common room just in time, a bit breathless, but in time. He spotted Seamus and Zabini already hunched over a couple of books. The supreme idiot was preparing himself a cup of coffee on the kitchenette - another privilege of the eighth year's students -, with his back to the door.
Harry reached their table in few strides.
"Harry, what happened to…?" He raised his finger to his mouth to silence Hermione, who was seated in an armchair by the fire, a book on her lap, just next to their table; but Malfoy heard her anyway, and turned to face Harry with a smirk, spoon clinking delicately in his cup.
"How generous of you…" Malfoy raised one eyebrow, probably noticing his hair's state of disarray, "...to grace us…" The other eyebrow joined the first as Malfoy's eyes traveled down from Harry's flushed cheeks to the strained buttons of his shirt, "...with your presence…" Harry shifted on the spot as he watched Malfoy's eyes roam all over his tight trousers, "...Potter." That one last word was a whisper.
Harry blinked, did Malfoy...? Did he just…?
Malfoy turned towards the kitchenette and left his mug on the counter, then he picked it up again and left the spoon on its place. He looked a bit lost before moving to seat beside Zabini, not looking to Harry again.
If Harry didn't know better he would think that Malfoy was flustered… By him. He turned his head, looking for confirmation, and made eye contact with Hermione, who had raised her eyes from her book again and looked from him to Malfoy with narrowed eyes.
It seemed unlikely, but… Harry smiled slowly. This could be interesting.
He made himself sure that the next two hours were torture for the pointy git. He sat next to him and leaned close until he could count the freckles on his nose.
He saw him squirm, shift in his seat and sweat. He even saw him blush.
He only stopped his teasing when Parkinson entered the common room and shouted: "Sweet Salazar, Potter! Where did you hide those muscles?"
It was then his turn to blush.
He thought that now he’d had his little revenge, Malfoy would leave him alone from now on, which strangely saddened him. But when he stared at the mirror the next morning, he gaped at his Gryffindor red hair.
"Sneaky bastard…" Harry couldn't help but smile.
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dabard · 5 years
Immortality Is Wasted On Oneself
It was 1348 and London was in shambles. I had not been here since the time of the Romans and I had sought it out hoping for a final resting place, for a way to die here where the great Republic began to fall. People were sitting in the streets, either dying or already dead, nobles hurried by clutching perfumed cloths to their noses in an attempt to mask the scent and stop the spread of the disease. I was dressed modestly, but people still glanced at me nervously as I walked among the bodies of those that were not long for the grave without a care. My leg caught on something and to my surprise it was not an errant stick or wayward bramble. It was a child. “Water.” The girl croaked, her neck was swollen with the tell-tale lumps of the Black Death yet her grip held firm on my ankle. “Please, water.” For a moment I considered simply walking away, she would die anyway, if not today then in a few years when she took a wrong turn down a dark alley, or sometime after that when age got her. These people can’t help but perish. And yet I didn’t. There was a well nearby and although I was unfit from the apathy of my last few centuries, I hauled a bucket from the local smithy to the waterhole and filled it to the brim. No doubt I looked a fool as I struggled to drag that laden container from one side of the square to the other, but when I reached the girl she surprised me with a genuine, heartfelt smile. “Thank you m’lord.” She coughed, before almost plunging her head into the water and gulping down great amounts. “Woah, wait a moment.” I admonished, much to my own surprise. I pulled her back from the water and gently leaned her against a wall so that she was upright. “You need to drink it slowly, or you’ll just be sick and throw it up everywhere.” “I’m already sick sir.” The girl said, her wry laugh dissolving into another fit of coughs. “Then there’s no sense in making it worse.” Came my stern reproach, cupping some water in my hands and offering it to her. “Drink it slowly this time.” Her name was Emily, and underneath the grime of her days on the street she was a fetching young woman. I helped her first out of pity, but as hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks, I found myself worrying over her eating eating habits, her sleep schedule, whether she was being treated kindly by the other teenagers. When my ministrations brought her from sickness to health I thought my part in things was over, but a realization took that thought from my plans. “Where are your parents Em?” I had asked not long after “Borrowing” a blanket from a royal’s house down the street for her. “Dead.” She had replied simply, avoiding my gaze. “Rats got them. Where are yours?” “Dead.” I replied, already standing as the next half century or so of my life suddenly had a purpose. “Sumerians got them. Why don’t we find somewhere better for you to sleep? There’s plenty of empty houses around, there’s no sense in letting them rot with no one inside.” She was a curious creature, wry and laconic with a good sense of when to leave certain topics alone. We squatted in a house near the Thames for a time, I began working as a doctor to bring in some money so that she wouldn’t starve. Weeks became months and she finally broke the golden rule. “Why don’t you eat?” Emily had asked at the breakfast table, toast and oatmeal in front of her while I read a book on herbs rumored to be cures for the plague. “Can’t afford to feed two people.” I said with a shrug. “But you don’t eat at all.” She pushed, curiosity burning behind her eyes. That wit I admired so much in her now pointed directly at me. “That isn’t normal.” “I suppose it isn’t.” I admitted, resolving to give her at least a partial truth. “I don’t need to eat, I can if I want, but it isn’t necessary. That’s just how I am.” She accepted that with a nod, biting into her toast with a thoughtful expression. “Are you the devil?” I snorted, turning a page in my book. “Even if I was, what makes you think I wouldn’t just lie about it?” Months became years, and Emily grew nervous around me, at first I believed she still suspected me of being the devil, or a demon in some capacity, but that suspicion was dashed when she finally broke her peace while we sat in the living room. “When are you going to do it?” She had blurted, slightly fearful. “Do what?” I had asked gently, afraid of startling her. Tears welled in her eyes and I panicked slightly, worried that somehow I had upset her with some action or lack thereof during our time together. “You know what!” She had accused. “Girls don’t just get given dresses and a house and food and love. Not without something in return.” Realization dawned on me, along with a horror at the implication my new ward was making. “Emily. I’m not going to… To force you to do anything. You aren’t some prisoner or servant here, you aren’t some investment I’ve made. You’re my friend.” Those tears finally broke over her cheeks, relief and guilt mixing in her eyes and spilling down her face. “I am?” I stood, but made no move towards her, simply opening my arms and waiting. She lurched forwards and hugged me tightly, her face buried in my shirt for the longest of moments.
Months became years, and a new person joined our home. Her name was Christine, and her father was a drunkard named Thomas that I had no patience for. When Thomas’s wife had died of consumption the poor girl found out why her mother never went a day without “Falling down”. Emily and Christine were fast friends and often spent the night in Emily’s room gossiping and playing checkers, or so my young friend would have me believe. I hadn’t realized Christine had spent almost a week living in our house until Thomas came to my door. He was a foul tempered brute and the swill he had been drinking didn’t help that fact at all. “Give her ‘ere doctor!” He had yelled, red faced with anger and balled fists at his side. “She ain’t been doing her chores and I’ve had enough of it!” “Tom, you’re making a scene.” I said calmly, glancing up the stairs to find the girls watching. Christine was all but cowering with fear, while Emily gave me a simple, single shake of her head. “I don’t give a fuck what you think of what I’m making!” The drunk bellowed, trying to force his way past me. “CHRISTINE, GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE NOW!” I put my hand on Thomas’s chest and my leg swept behind him as I gave a slight push. The other man went tumbling into the street as I descended my front steps and rolled up my sleeves. “I think she’s perfectly fine where she is thank you Thomas.” “You’re gonna fight me doc?” Slurred the slovenly brute with a laugh before he brought up his fists. “Man like you probably never seen a real fight in your life.” I could describe for you what happened next, but if you had never seen the Visigoths lay siege to Rome, or the Persian invasions of Greece then you’d have no context for how my experiences played a part in the struggle. Needless to say however, that it was not my first or last fight. With Thomas squared away Christine moved into the house permanently, the girls would have liked me to believe they were living in separate rooms but I had visited the Isle of Lesbos and spoken with Sappho herself. They eventually came to realize that I understood their relationship and after years became decades we moved from London to the country, where Christine became my “Wife” and Emily became my “Widowed Sister” so that the girls could get by with relatively little problem. My appearance soon raised further questions with Emily, but at that point she accepted my vague answers with a small smile and a wry joke. It was when we had to move the third time, where Christine became my spinster aunt, and I became Emily’s son that I finally sat down with them and revealed what I was. It went over fairly well, but at that stage they had already accepted my divergence from mainstream humanity. “You’re my friend.” Emily had repeated, over four decades separating my words from hers. “Nothing changes that.” It was 1598 and I had just cleaned Emily and Christine’s grave stones. They seemed at peace beside one another in the churchyard, a fact I found solace in before returning to the task I had set myself. The Irish were trying to throw off the yolk of English oppression and there on the battlefield I put to work the skills I had honed in caring for my two friends throughout their life. I sewed the wounds of an English pikeman that had fallen victim to the claymore of a scottish mercenary. I treated the broken arm of an Irishman that had been separated from his kinsmen and run through with a spear. I shepherded villagers out from their town before the army of Robert Devereux could trample them into the mud. It was 1701 and I was headed for the New World with a ship full of others escaping the Spanish Inquisition, who had began a renewed hunt for those bearing the devil’s touch. Again I tend to the sick, because it has become a habit for me. If only the poor could afford the medicines of rich men. It was 1850 and I was running. We just needed to reach the border, where my Comanche friends would take over, but on our heels was a US Marshal that didn’t take kindly to people who freed slaves. I fired behind with my revolver, missing the Marshal by mere inches and forcing him to pull his horse to the side so that trees would give him cover. We were approaching the site and I could taste the freedom my friends deserved. I stopped in my tracks and waved them on, hoping to keep the Marshall busy while they escaped with the Natives and made their way to Canada. A few bullets weren’t enough to take me down, and it would be worth the reward. It was 1999 and Lana was talking to one of the boom operators. “I don’t know how to do it, I’m just not earning enough to put Casey through school and with my wife’s scoliosis acting up our medical bills are just…” Jack sighed. “It’s all just a little much right now.” “We’ll sort something out.” Lana promised, patting his shoulder. It was 1999 and I was in Lana and Lilly’s office. “You want us to do what?” Lilly asks with a gobsmacked expression. “Donate it all to the crew.” I repeated. “I’ve made enough right now, I can go without another ten million, especially if it means they earn what they’re worth.” “This is just… You don’t really see this happen in Hollywood.” Lana said, shaking her head. “Especially not from someone so young.” “Oh, it’s nothing.” I said, waving it off. “People my age should know better by now.” It was 1999 and a letter had been left in my trailer. Work on the movie had closed down for the last time and I was just going to fetch my laptop. Curiously I opened the letter, the writer had left out their name, but I had a feeling I knew who had left this two word note for me to find. The cursive letters were in an almost completely different language, but they reminded me of a study in London, where I taught a young girl to write. Now, thousands of years and miles apart, I found the same satisfaction in how I ended up spending my immortal life. “Thanks, Keanu.” Read the note.
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
What’s your favourite type of bird? toucans.
How many friends do you have on Facebook? just under 300. i need to do another clean out.
What was on the last sandwich you ate? hmm... i don’t remember actually.
What sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school? everything. rnb, rap, pop, emo music, edm. just everything. i’ve changed now though.
Do you prefer gold or silver jewellery? white gold!
Have you ever gotten back together with an ex? nope.
How far away is the closest store to your house and what is it? about a two minute drive. the supermarket and a couple other stores and restaurants.
What is your favourite Thai dish? pad see ew.
How many contacts do you have in your phone? i have no idea.
When was the last time you made out with somebody? it’s been awhile! sometime last week.
What month of the year was your mother born? june.
Do you have any friends that seem to know all the hot gossip? haha there’s a few.
Are there any candles in your bedroom, and what scent are they? yes. i have about 6-8 candles in my room. my favourite one is watermelon scented.
What tv show(s) have you been watching currently? superstore, fresh off the boat, you (already finished), god friended me, manifest etc.
When was the last time you went to a birthday party? yesterday.
How many apps do you have on your phone? too many. i need to do a clean out too.
What pet names do you use with your significant other? love.
Do you have to wear a name badge where you work? yes.
Do you have a dress code or have to wear a uniform where you work? uniform.
What brand is your toaster, if you have one? i have no idea actually. we’ve had it for so many years too.
Have you ever dated a smoker? If not, would you? yes. if they had the intention of quitting i would.
Are there any movies you’ve seen so many times? yes.
What was the last thing you purchased with cash? train tickets.
Can you hear anything right now? yes, watching a star is born while doing this.
Is there anybody else in the room you’re currently in? nope.
What’s the name of the store you usually get your groceries? coles.
Would you rather travel to Japan or Scotland? japan.
Does your house have a porch/balcony? porch.
What’s your usual order when you go to a coffee shop? frappe or iced coffee.
Have you ever seen a theatre show? yes.
What was the last movie you saw and who did you watch it with? currently watching a star is born. alone. lol.
What is your mother’s first name? rather not say.
Do you like to dance? i would if i could! i do it anyway.
How would you describe your sense of humour? sarcastic.
What’s your favourite type of bread? brioche.
Do you receive catalogues and brochures in your mailbox? yes.
What colour is the sky right now? black.
Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? nope.
Have there ever been any bushfires/wildfires in your area? forever ago.
Have you ever taken a ride in an ambulance? yes. not coz any of us were sick though. we got stranded after tomorrowland and hustled the paramedics at a nearby hospital to drive us back to our hotel.
How would you label your sexual orientation? straight.
When was the last time you took a nap during the day? yesterday.
What did you have to eat for dinner last night? pizza.
Have you ever been a member in a band? nope.
Are you double-jointed? no.
What was the last thing you had to drink? water.
Do you currently have any bruises on your body? i don’t think so.
Who was the last message you received from and what did they say? ahmad. ‘ey guys’.
What colour are your eyes? brown.
Can you cry on command? If so, have you ever used it to your advantage? not at all. 
Do you consider your goals easily achievable or are they pretty grand? achievable if i was in the right mindset.
What’s your favourite kind of accent? i feel like i don’t have a favourite. i like the sound of the spanish accent though.
What time does the sun go down where you live at this time of the year? 7-7:30pm.
Do you prefer beer, wine or spirits? spirits.
When was the last time you ate Mexican food? i don’t remember omg.
Have you ever watched yourself on video? yes.
What time did you wake up today? about 9am.
What time will you go to sleep tonight? soonish.
Do you have separate emails for personal and business? no.
Are you the eldest, youngest or a middle child? eldest.
What’s your favourite vegetable? potatoes.
What colours are you wearing today? i had a black orange dress today with a denim jacket.
Do you have a subscription to any streaming services like Netflix? yes.
Would you rather eat Italian or Indian food? i’ve been in the mood for both.
Are you sitting, standing or lying down right now? lying down.
Have you ever missed a flight? haha yes once. never again.
Are you someone who always needs a coffee before you can function? nope. i hardly drink it even though i love the taste of it.
Do your neighbours have any pets? Have you ever met them? yes. only one of them.
When was the last time you washed your hair? two nights ago.
What colour is your bedroom door? white, grey and turquoise.
Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? nope.
Do you know your significant other’s passwords? i know a couple of them but it’s not like i’ll remember.
What was the last thing you said aloud? bye.
Do you know anyone who writes huge essays when they message you? yes haha.
What’s your favourite type of salad? anything with raspberry vinaigrette. yum.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
A Look at Davos Through the Years
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The first meeting of the World Economic Forum, then called the European Management Symposium, convened in Davos, Switzerland, organized by Klaus Schwab, in collaboration with Hilde Stoll. (They married shortly afterward.)
Aureilo Peccei, an Italian industrialist, delivered a speech calling for balancing economic goals with environmental concerns.
Political leaders were invited for the first time, and the European Energy Commissioner asked the United States to cut fuel consumption by 5 to 10 percent.
In an effort to engage with society at large, the conference began inviting a wider slate of speakers, including Ralph Nader, the consumer rights advocate.
Henry A. Kissinger, a former secretary of state, warned that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan posed a fundamental challenge to the United States.The Economist wrote: “Europe’s industrialists are never happier than arguing with such folk what is wrong and what is right with free enterprise. After all, any economic system that gives you a tax-deductible week in Davos at the height of the ski season must have something to recommend it, mustn’t it?”
In a harbinger of the Iran-contra affair, the Austrian chancellor warned that the United States’ support of dictatorships in Latin America could harm its relations with European powers.Lt. Col. Oliver North before a hearing on the Iran-contra affair in the House Foreign Affairs Committee in 1986.Credit...Chris Wilkins/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
A Saudi prince, Saud ibn Faisal, said the United States and Europe should address the wrongs done to the Arab world, including brokering the establishment of a Palestinian homeland.
China announced a $1 billion plan to import Western technology. The New York Times reported, “Diplomats at the meeting here said China’s growing demands for modern Western technology raised strategic problems for the Western countries.”
“The key word you hear at the Davos sessions is disintervention,” The Financial Post reported. “What that means is downsizing government, selling off public-sector companies, reducing government regulations, lowering tax burdens, and encouraging success rather than subsidizing failure.”
The Greek prime minister, Andreas Papandreou, and Prime Minister Turgut Ozal of Turkey averted war with a face-to-face meeting.
Hans-Dietrich Genscher, the foreign minister of West Germany, urged the West to be receptive to the perestroika and glasnost initiatives begun by Mikhail S. Gorbachev in the Soviet Union.
Asher Edelman, the managing general partner of Plaza Securities Co., gave a blistering speech, decrying business leaders “who are not only unethical but immoral,” and was met with loud booing.
Carlo Rubbia, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1984, said the consumption of fossil fuels was a significant threat to life on earth and urged investing in nuclear fusion reactors to counteract the greenhouse effect.
The East German prime minister, Hans Modrow, and Chancellor Helmut Kohl of West Germany met just two months after the fall of the Berlin Wall.The Guardian reported: “A spiritual breakfast with Mother Teresa, a contact lunch with Ted Heath, dinner with the Prince of Darkness, Richard Perle, and a fiesta mexicana paid for by one of the most indebted countries, were among the delights available here yesterday as some of the most important people in the world (some might say self-important) assembled for an annual bout of networking.”
Nelson Mandela, the head of the African National Congress, and South Africa’s president, F.W. de Klerk, shook hands, in their first meeting outside their country.
Shimon Peres, the Israeli foreign minister, and Yasir Arafat, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, reached a tentative agreement on settlements in the Gaza Strip and Jericho.
Russia assured world leaders that it was committed to a market economy after the fall of the Soviet Union. “The course of reform won’t turn back,” said the first deputy prime minister Anatoly Chubais.
Bill Gates addressed Microsoft’s competitive landscape, saying: “There’s still a chance for Apple. It’s tough, though. It will take a great leader to stop the downward spiral.”
The Swiss president, Arnold Koller, expressed regret for his country’s role in the Holocaust to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. “We’re serious when we say we want the full truth also about the troubling time of our history,” Mr. Koller said.
The gathering that later became known as the Group of 20 was assembled for the first time at Davos.
In the wake of protests in Seattle the previous fall, Mike Moore, director general of the World Trade Organization, said as he went to Davos, “For the first few months of this year, the W.T.O. will adopt the posture of the swan serene on top of the water and paddling furiously under the water.”
In a show of solidarity after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the World Economic Forum was held in New York, at the Waldorf Astoria, the first time outside Davos.
As the United States laid the groundwork for war in Iraq, world leaders were harshly critical at Davos, saying the case for war had not been fully made.” I think the evidence is there, and I think the evidence is clear,” Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said.
The economist Samuel Huntington coined the term “Davos Man.”
Bono, Angelina Jolie and Sharon Stone were among the celebrity attendees.During a panel discussion on the relative success of the Iraq war, Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism analyst leading the Washington office of the RAND Corporation, said: “In terms of perception, we’ve already lost the war. I believe that a cult of the insurgent has emerged from Iraq.”The British prime minister, Tony Blair, voiced support for the Kyoto Protocol, which the United States had declined to sign on to. “There are differences that need to be reconciled,” he said. “And if they could be reconciled or at least moved forward, it would make a huge difference to the prospects of international unity, as well as to people’s lives and our future survival.”
A report on avian flu published at Davos stated that the disease’s “impact on society might be as profound as that which followed the Black Death in Europe in 1348. That plague caused a fundamental transformation of socio-economic relations in Europe.”
Nouriel Roubini, chairman of Roubini Global Economics, warned at a panel of the increased use of derivatives as financial instruments. “The amount of leverage in the system is growing at rates that are scary,” he said. “We don’t know if derivatives are diffusing risk or concentrating it. The risk of something systemic happening is rising.”Thomas Russo, chief legal officer of Lehman Brothers, disagreed, saying, “Risk is spread out in the financial services industry now much greater than ever before.”
George Soros said that systemic failure might already be upon us, and that the current state was “not a normal crisis but the end of an era.” Fred Bergsten, the director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, nevertheless said a global recession was “inconceivable.”
After the global credit-market meltdown and the failure of several major banks in the United States, the mood at Davos was described in news reports as “subdued,” “shaken,” “resigned” and “a little humbled.”During a debate over fighting in Gaza with the Israeli president Shimon Peres, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey, stormed off the stage and vowed never to return to Davos.
The director James Cameron said in a speech: “I always used to turn down invitations to Davos, since I know plenty about making movies, but nothing about economics. This year, I changed my mind — after all, we’ve seen from the last year that it turns out no one here knew anything about economics either.”The Google chief executive, Eric Schmidt, said the company would stop censoring its search results in China. “We love what China is doing as a country and its growth,” he said. “We just don’t like the censorship. We hope to apply some negotiation or pressure to make things better for the Chinese people.”
The Greek prime minister, George Papandreou, said inequality could lead to long-term social unrest. “Politically, I believe we are at a turning point,” he said. “There are signs in Europe of more nationalism, more racism, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitism, fundamentalisms of all types.”
In a speech, Klaus Schwab said that capitalists “have sinned” and that “people feel it’s a difficult time. They are irritated.”Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, was the event’s only female co-chair.
The World Economic Forum offered a free extra spot to any company bringing a female delegate, but as one veteran female attendee told The Observer, “Lots of firms just don’t have a woman senior enough to send.”Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said that pay for executives and bankers must be cut to avoid another crash. “Excessive inequality is corrosive to growth; it is corrosive to society,” she said. “I believe that the economics profession and the policy community have downplayed inequality for too long.”
Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, promised not to evacuate the West Bank settlements.Delegates participated in a “Refugee Run,” meant to simulate the conditions of being a displaced person. Orders like “Get down on the ground, heads down!” “Get up, into the tent, go to sleep!” were yelled at them.
More than 100 attendees observed 10 minutes of silence in a conference room, as part of a presentation on mindfulness. “Even Goldman Sachs is doing it,” Bill George, a member of that company’s board, said of meditation. He added, “Here we are in this beautiful country, and has anyone bothered to look up at the mountains?”
Leonardo DiCaprio accepted the World Economic Forum’s Crystal Award for his environmentalism, saying in his acceptance speech: “We simply cannot afford to allow the corporate greed of the coal, oil and gas industries to determine the future of humanity. Those entities with a financial interest in preserving this destructive system have denied, and even covered up, the evidence of our changing climate.”Leonardo DiCaprio at Davos in 2016.Credit...Remy Steinegger/World Economic Forum
The Chinese president, Xi Jinping, said “no country would emerge the winner from a trade war.”
President Trump delivered a speech, declaring the United States “open for business.” He said: “The world is witnessing the resurgence of a strong and prosperous America. I’m here to deliver a simple message. There has never been a better time to hire, to build, to invest and to grow in the United States.”
Greta Thunberg, the teenage Swedish environmental activist, delivered a speech beginning: “Our house is on fire. I am here to say, our house is on fire.” She added: “At places like Davos, people like to tell success stories. But their financial success has come with an unthinkable price tag. And on climate change, we have to acknowledge we have failed.” Read the full article
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themurphyzone · 7 years
All Time Travelers Go to Heaven Ch 6
Okay, okay, I know y’all are screaming for a certain someone but after several plot heavy chapters I gotta slow down a bit. Well this really isn’t filler but at the same time there’s less exposition. 
Ch 6- Road to Madness
Balthazar didn’t sleep well last night. He’d spent it tossing and turning, throwing off the thin blanket he and Vinnie shared, only to roll back under it in a few minutes. It was the watch. It had to be. It ticked loudly, overpowering the sound of the leaky kitchen faucet and Vinnie’s snores. 
It hadn’t been this loud when he was in the limo. Unless the voice inside counted....
That was ridiculous. Clocks don’t talk. It was a figment of his imagination. Yes, just a product of a paranoid mind. 
He was losing it. Vinnie stared at his partner in disbelief. “But you don’t even like coffee.”
“Now’s not the time to question me, Dakota. There are...extraordinary circumstances,” Balthazar said, stabbing a grape so harshly with a fork that it skidded across the table onto Vinnie’s plate. 
“I’ll say. There’s still plenty of jasmine tea packets if you change your mind.” Vinnie poured two cups of steaming hot coffee, setting them on the table. Balthazar immediately tried to take a drink, flinching when the scalding liquid spread bitterly across his tongue.
Balthazar glared at his mug, which mocked him with a child’s doodle of a sun and rainbow. “This mug is entirely too cheery,” Balthazar muttered, dumping the contents down the kitchen sink. 
“We can’t all be sourpusses,” Vinnie shrugged, still polishing off his scrambled eggs. “And I coulda drunk that for you if you didn’t want it.”
“The caffeine isn’t good for either of us,” Balthazar growled, opening the Jinx’s folder to a random page.
The Jinx is dangerous. His ancestors have caused many of history’s greatest calamities: the Great Fire of London, the Great Molasses Flood of 1919, and the Hindenburg Disaster to name a few. I theorize that if we track down the members of the Murphy family throughout the timestream and remove them, we can avert these tragedies. 
Balthazar flipped to a different page. That theory wouldn’t get off the ground. He doubted the Bureau had the resources to track down every person with the surname ‘Murphy’ throughout the time-space continuum. 
Experiment #65: Gauging Reactions to Disaster
For this experiment, we have selected the 14th century, specifically the year 1348. It is important to note that everybody from the Bureau of Time Travel involved, including the Jinx, have been vaccinated against the bubonic plague as a precaution. In addition, we are all wearing special full bodysuits that bacteria cannot penetrate. These will appear to be peasant clothing to outsiders in order to deflect attention.
We will be monitoring the Jinx’s reactions to the scene around him as the Black Death haunts a small Italian town. 
Hour 1: A plague doctor has dropped several flowers after making a house call. The Jinx wants to gather them, but we remind him that nothing is to be touched. He’s disappointed that the doctor doesn’t have his flowers. A gust of wind has blown the flowers out of his hand. A goat has scarfed them down in the middle of the street. A horse and his rider have passed by, and the goat spooks the horse, making the equine rear up and throw his rider to the ground. The man has a broken arm now.
Hour 2: We pass a woman in the beginning stages of the disease, clutching the corpse of a young child whose skin is blackened and blotched. She screams incoherently at the man who is trying to persuade her to add the child to a carriage full of many other corpses, and the Jinx is visibly uncomfortable. 
Hour 3: It appears that Murphy’s Law flares up when the Jinx experiences certain emotions. Further testing needed to determine if new theory is true. We will leave the time period shortly and return to HQ. 
Balthazar didn’t bother reading the conclusion of it. The experiment was complete rubbish anyway. By the standards of the 21st century, it was unethical to deliberately expose a test subject to distressing material. 
He closed the folder and set it in the middle of the table, moving to the pile of dirty dishes in the sink that had built up over the past few days. 
Perhaps busying himself with chores for the next two hours before they left would help keep him awake and occupy his mind. 
Turned out that even dusting the counter, doing laundry, and cleaning the shower wasn’t enough to stop the intrusive thoughts. He worried about the watch. He fretted about the mission. He wondered if Vinnie continued to blame himself. 
“Balthy! I’m ready to go!” Vinnie yelled. “I just-ow, my elbow, gotta get this shoe on. I’m shooing it on. Get it? Cause it’s a shoe, and I need to put it on and-” 
Balthazar sighed. Was Vinnie at least trying with his awful puns these days? He’d heard better jokes from amateur stand-up comedians at a cheap pub. 
“I’m coming!” he called. He was back in his regular outfit, freshly washed that morning. Though he would likely have to change his style later to avoid recognition from any agents that might be searching for him. 
He fingered the watch, debating if he should leave it in the room. A small voice in the back of his head warned him not to lose the watch. Not to let it leave his sight. The consequences would be dire. 
He left the watch on.
Vinnie had been waiting for him by the couch. He adjusted his collar and bow tie, frowning. Balthazar had explained to him that his tracksuit would draw attention from the locals of that time period, and they could possibly be tailed by the Bureau if they saw something out of place. 
“So explain how men in the early 20th century dealt with the heat in these things,” Vinnie complained. “Cause I haven’t worn something this fancy since my great-grandfather’s funeral.” 
Balthazar placed the derby hat over Vinnie’s head and smoothed out the wrinkles of the suit. “Why don’t you ask them?” he suggested, inputting the coordinates in the Transporter. 
A portal materialized, a long street lined with houses on the other side. They stepped through quickly, checking their surroundings to make sure nobody saw them. There were several young boys having a play fight with long sticks, but they were too engrossed in their game to pay attention to Balthazar and Vinnie. 
“Of course it wouldn’t drop us off directly in front of the building they’re at,” Balthazar muttered. “They’re conducting the experiment in this town’s abandoned asylum. Be prepared to ask the locals for directions, Dakota. We are not wandering around this place like a pair of hoodlums.” 
“Or we could just use that,” Vinnie pointed to a comically oversized billboard behind a row of houses. 
Balthazar gave him an unimpressed look. “An entirely too saccharine and sugarcoated advertisement for the American Dream. Really?” 
“No, below that! Directions to the asylum are below that ad,” Vinnie said. “As well as directions to a diner. Maybe we could go there before we return to the 21st century.”
“Head three miles straight down Cambridge, turn right on Windbrook and go straight one and a half miles, and the asylum will be at the top of Jules’ Hill,” Balthazar copied the directions onto a sheet of paper, folding it neatly and stuffing it in a lapel. “Seeing that we cannot walk that far and make it in time, we shall have to steal a car.”
Just as he was wondering how they could pull that off, a black buggy turned from the main road into the neighborhood, then parked on the left side of the street. Balthazar straightened his tie and walked up to the car as the driver’s door opened, a man in a business suit stepping out. Upon seeing Balthazar and Vinnie, he frowned. 
“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you around before,” the man said. “Who are you?” 
“Ah yes, we are representatives from a car manufacturing plant,” Balthazar lied, tipping his hat and shaking the man’s hand, though he still didn’t look convinced. Balthazar coughed to get Vinnie to pick up the elaborate fabrication.
“Oh, oh, gotcha,” Vinnie winked. “That’s a nice car ya got, but we’re gonna have to do an inspection to make sure everything’s running smoothly. You know how corporates are. Don’t wanna lose money over a recall.”
“I just bought this car two weeks ago, it doesn’t need an inspection-”
Balthazar caught the driver’s door to peer inside before the man slammed it shut. The tank was full. Good. They wouldn’t have to waste time with the upkeep of the car. 
Vinnie walked around the buggy to the passenger’s side. “Nicest bumper I’ve ever seen. The workers did a good job with this one.”
“Get away from my buggy now!” the man demanded, shoving his face close to Balthazar’s. “Who the hell are you people?”
Balthazar grabbed his shoulders and twisted the man around, shoving one arm across his neck and pressing down against his throat. He could tell this man had likely never been in a fight in his entire life. In his surprise, he could only flail his legs helplessly as he was overpowered. “I shall let you go in a bit, but business first,” Balthazar whispered. 
The man gurgled pathetically, nodding. 
“Your keys.”
He offered no resistance, a trembling hand reaching inside his pocket and drawing out the keys. Balthazar grabbed it and released his hold. The man dropped to his knees, gasping for air. 
“Thank you for your time, sir,” Balthazar said pleasantly, hopping into the driver’s seat. He plugged the keys into the ignition and started the buggy, leaving the poor man eating dust within seconds.
“That’s strange,” Vinnie commented. “Usually the corporate cover story works.”
Balthazar pulled the directions and the Transporter out and tossed them into Vinnie’s lap. “Focus, Dakota,” he said. “Which direction is Windbrook in?”
“Three miles down Cambridge,” Vinnie replied. 
“I know it’s three miles down Cambridge,” Balthazar snapped. “Am I supposed to turn right or left on Cambridge? That blasted sign didn’t mention that part.”
Vinnie shrugged. “Just pick a direction. You got a fifty-fifty shot at picking the correct one.” 
“We will be wasting precious time if I pick the wrong one!” Balthazar complained. “And we need to get there as quickly as possible, because I don’t want to be tailed by any cops. I knew I should’ve knocked that gentleman unconscious. Isn’t there a GPS function on the Transporters?”
“Okay, okay, calm down. FYI, that feature doesn’t work,” Vinnie said, holding up the Transporter, which displayed an error screen. “Satellites haven’t been invented yet. And neither have cake pops, which I’ve been craving lately. It’s both a cake and a lollipop in one. Seriously, whoever invented those was a genius.” 
“Fortunately for you, we haven’t gone back far enough to avoid the American staple of hamburgers and fries,” Balthazar muttered. “Approaching Cambridge. I’m going right.” 
“Personally I would’ve used the maze approach and stuck to the left wall,” Vinnie said. “But, hey. Whatever floats your boat. Or car in this case.” 
“I’m sticking to the right lane,” Balthazar said. “Keep an eye out for Windbrook and the police.”
Vinnie nodded and rolled down the window, letting his arm hang out. Five minutes later, he tapped on Balthazar’s arm. “There’s a cop. But his light isn’t on.”
Balthazar checked the side mirror, and sure enough, there was a cop behind them. “Okay, so there’s a cop,” Balthazar nervously adjusted his collar. “No big deal. He’s probably just out on patrol. Not gonna arrest us for carjacking or anything.” 
He sped up slightly, though he was still within the speed limit. His foot was itching to push down on the pedal and try to lose the cop, but he had enough restraint. It wouldn’t last long. 
He was not going to be arrested again on a mission.
A car zoomed by on the left lane, startling Balthazar out of his thoughts. They were driving well over the speed limit. 
The police car’s lights flashed, a loud alarm piercing the air. 
“Uh, maybe you should hit the gas,” Vinnie suggested. “Getting kinda hot in here....”
Then the police car pulled into the left lane in pursuit of the speeding driver, leaving Balthazar and Vinnie behind. 
They breathed a sigh of relief. 
“So I’ve never seen such a huge cop out before,” Vinnie said, grinning. 
Balthazar groaned. “No bad puns when I’m driving, Dakota. I always feel the urge to let you walk to our destination afterwards.” 
Vinnie smirked, unapologetic for his pun. “Oh, we made it to Windbrook after all! Turn right here and it will be another-uh, let me check the paper real quick-one and a half miles to Jules’ Hill.”
Balthazar turned right. The road contained more dirt and gravel than the previous did, so the ride was more bumpy. The buggy held up rather well. Then again, they’d lucked out and managed to steal a car in brand new condition. 
“There’s Jules’ Hill!” Vinnie exclaimed. “And I can see the abandoned asylum from here. Oh wow. I can see all the broken building materials too.”
“They don’t call it abandoned without a good reason,” Balthazar said, his mind wandering to the horrible treatment of patients in asylums he’d read about. Where people like the Jinx were just another statistic. A relic of the past. 
Or perhaps, the technology had evolved. The methods had not. 
Balthazar parked the car next to the rusted, iron gate. They climbed out of the car, standing back to survey the massive, broken down building. A metal sign had been torn off the top, lying in a massive pile of dead leaves. 
Vinnie reached out to touch the gate, and the doors fell apart with a loud crash, now a broken heap. 
“The Charles Jules Asylum,” Balthazar murmured. “We’re here.”
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
5 Reasons You Can’t Quit Sugar
Let me guess. You’ve been on keto for 5-6 months and enthusiastically thinking this is how you’ll finally wrangle your sugar cravings into submission! You’re loading up on healthy fats, avoiding grains, and ditching highly processed, high-carb foods. Yet there’s that incessant nagging. You know, the one that tells you that life is too short not to indulge in that giant Costco muffin or the more paleo-friendly version, another square (or three) of dark chocolate.
For a lot of people, including my own clients, moving toward a fat- or protein-dominant diet does the trick. You may have seen this article that Mark wrote earlier this year where he says “it takes two to three days of very-low-carb eating for the liver to start pumping out ketones” and that cravings will “decrease noticeably within three to ten days.” Research backs it up too, concluding that cravings are significantly reduced almost immediately as people get into ketosis.1
Things like sleep deprivation, chronic stress, and gut dysbiosis are also shown to cause cravings for a variety of physiological reasons. But let’s say you’re getting a solid 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep, your stress levels are under control, your gut microbiome is balanced — and you’re still struggling with cravings. Then what?
Why Can’t I Quit Sugar?
Cravings are often more psychological than they are physiological. Maybe you’ve noticed that too. Maybe you’ve noticed that you start to have cravings any time you have a stressful day or feel anxious or deprived or smell something that reminds you of your favorite snickerdoodle cookie from childhood. In my experience, these are the top 5 emotionally driven reasons you might still be struggling with sugar cravings:
1. Your Diet is Too Restrictive
Eliminating certain foods and food-like items like grains, sugar, and refined carbohydrates is a good thing in general. But being too restrictive — or perceiving how you’re eating as a diet can end up backfiring. In fact, this study shows a direct correlation between food restriction and cravings.2 Researchers looked at food cravings records of 52 women dieting to lose weight and 37 non-dieters and found that the dieters experienced significantly more food cravings, especially for sugary foods like chocolate.
2. Emotional Association
Cravings are tied to the brain’s memory center. From celebrating birthdays and holidays with sugary desserts to being rewarded with a treat for good grades, sugar has always been along for the ride. So, it’s no surprise that when you go to a party or achieve a goal, or even feel down, your sugar cravings might feel irresistible. Not to mention the fact that your hippocampus, caudate, and insula (areas of the brain activated by cravings) 3 are also in charge of housing your memories and experiences.
3. State of Mental Health
Australian researchers conducted a study on pandemic-related depression, stress, anxiety, and well-being and found that 79% of the participants were struggling with mental health issues due to COVID-19.4 If you’ve been dealing with a new routine, financial uncertainty, isolation, or fear, you might be feeling like your cravings are out of control and you’re turning to sugar to cope. As I’m sure you know, sugar consumption (temporarily) increases serotonin, 5 the neurotransmitter that regulates your mood. When you eat sugar, you feel happier, more connected, and less stressed out — at least until the sugar crash hits.
4. Current Rituals
Frozen junior mints at the movies. A slice of pie at summer barbeques. Checking out the dessert menu after dinner even though you’re stuffed. Your rituals and your environment  influence your behaviours (i.e. trigger you to search for something sweet).6 And if you have the ritual of consciously or unconsciously seeking out a specific food in a specific situation, you’ll begin to form the expectation that it will occur every single time you’re in that situation.
5. Past Trauma
The Mark’s Daily Apple article I referenced above struck a chord with a lot of readers, with many bravely sharing that they felt their cravings were due to a lack of love and emotional bonding early in life, and therefore a lack of the hormone, oxytocin. Because of this, they began to turn to other things to make themselves feel good, including sugar. Studies not only validate our readers’ experiences, they show the impact of oxytocin on everything from metabolism to chronic illness.7
Why It’s So Hard to Stop Eating Sugar
We’re taught early on that sugar equals love and that feeling “better” is as easy as snuggling a pint of Ben & Jerry’s on the couch. Sure, diving into the emotional side of good health can be uncomfortable, but it’s also extremely necessary if you want to get your cravings under control.
The more readily you can express and deal with your emotions, the healthier your mind and your body will be. In my 10+ years as a health coach, I’ve helped hundreds of men and women peel back the layers of their sugar cravings. And you can too. With the following strategies, you’ll learn that your sugar cravings aren’t something that need wrangling — they’re something that you can use to learn more about what you’re really craving.
How to Cut Your Sugar Habit: 5 Strategies to Stop Cravings
1. Add More Variety
A steady diet of grass-fed beef and local, organic veggies looks great on paper in respect to quality, but as mentioned above, might also feel too limiting for where you’re at right now. If you’re constantly dreaming of sugar-laden treats, take this opportunity to diversify your plate. By adding a variety of colors, textures, and flavors, you’re giving your brain and your body the signal that you’re having more, not less. And don’t forget to change it up now and then. Typically opt for ribeye? Try a salmon fillet. Love salads? Try grilled asparagus. Always snack on almonds? Buy some salted macadamia nuts. You get the picture.
2. Keep a Journal
You don’t have to write down all of your deepest, darkest thoughts, but I do recommend keeping a journal of when your food cravings hit — and this is the important part: what you’re feeling when they come on. Do this exercise without self-editing or judgement. Within a week, my guess is that you’ll start to see a connection between your triggers (which could be memories, celebrations, emotions, people, and places) and your sugar cravings. Research shows that having a practice of mindfulness can help you better manage the uncomfortable feelings that fuel your cravings.8 If you haven’t had the pleasure of tapping into your own awareness, this will be a game changer for you.
3. Ask Yourself What You Need
When you’re feeling stressed, anxious, fearful, or bored, ask yourself what you really need. A few bites of the donut in your kitchen or a quick drive through the Dairy Queen will work, but in reality, you’re just avoiding those uncomfortable feelings by numbing them with food. Be open and honest with yourself about what you need on an emotional level. It could be the comfort of reading a good book, the excitement of getting outside for some exercise, or just holding space to accept where you are in the moment.
4. Create New Rituals
Your past rituals influence your current behaviors, so why not spend some time creating new, healthier rituals? If the sound of dinner dishes being put away sends you running for dessert, think about other post-dinner rituals you could do. Maybe it’s a family walk around the neighborhood or taking a long, relaxing bath. By interrupting your patterns (when dinner ends I look for dessert) you’re able to develop new patterns that work toward your goals, instead of against them.
3. Do More Feel-Good Activities
If you lacked a sense of joy and connection growing up, it’s possible to increase oxytocin9 levels naturally (and reduce the desire to reach for sugar to feel good) through hugging, laughing, playing, and practicing gratitude. Other things like looking at photos of loved ones, singing, physical exercise, and support from family, friends, and our community here on Mark’s Daily Apple are also great ways to boost oxytocin levels. Emotional trauma of any kind can impact your habits and behaviors as an adult. And while a health coach can help you overcome certain obstacles, it’s crucial to work with a licensed professional trained to navigate these challenges 10 and help you move forward safely.
Do any of these reasons or strategies ring true for you? Anything you’d add? Tell me about your experience with emotions and overcoming sugar cravings in the comments.
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The post 5 Reasons You Can’t Quit Sugar appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
5 Reasons You Can’t Quit Sugar published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
5 Reasons You Can’t Quit Sugar
Let me guess. You’ve been on keto for 5-6 months and enthusiastically thinking this is how you’ll finally wrangle your sugar cravings into submission! You’re loading up on healthy fats, avoiding grains, and ditching highly processed, high-carb foods. Yet there’s that incessant nagging. You know, the one that tells you that life is too short not to indulge in that giant Costco muffin or the more paleo-friendly version, another square (or three) of dark chocolate.
For a lot of people, including my own clients, moving toward a fat- or protein-dominant diet does the trick. You may have seen this article that Mark wrote earlier this year where he says “it takes two to three days of very-low-carb eating for the liver to start pumping out ketones” and that cravings will “decrease noticeably within three to ten days.” Research backs it up too, concluding that cravings are significantly reduced almost immediately as people get into ketosis.1
Things like sleep deprivation, chronic stress, and gut dysbiosis are also shown to cause cravings for a variety of physiological reasons. But let’s say you’re getting a solid 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep, your stress levels are under control, your gut microbiome is balanced — and you’re still struggling with cravings. Then what?
Why Can’t I Quit Sugar?
Cravings are often more psychological than they are physiological. Maybe you’ve noticed that too. Maybe you’ve noticed that you start to have cravings any time you have a stressful day or feel anxious or deprived or smell something that reminds you of your favorite snickerdoodle cookie from childhood. In my experience, these are the top 5 emotionally driven reasons you might still be struggling with sugar cravings:
1. Your Diet is Too Restrictive
Eliminating certain foods and food-like items like grains, sugar, and refined carbohydrates is a good thing in general. But being too restrictive — or perceiving how you’re eating as a diet can end up backfiring. In fact, this study shows a direct correlation between food restriction and cravings.2 Researchers looked at food cravings records of 52 women dieting to lose weight and 37 non-dieters and found that the dieters experienced significantly more food cravings, especially for sugary foods like chocolate.
2. Emotional Association
Cravings are tied to the brain’s memory center. From celebrating birthdays and holidays with sugary desserts to being rewarded with a treat for good grades, sugar has always been along for the ride. So, it’s no surprise that when you go to a party or achieve a goal, or even feel down, your sugar cravings might feel irresistible. Not to mention the fact that your hippocampus, caudate, and insula (areas of the brain activated by cravings) 3 are also in charge of housing your memories and experiences.
3. State of Mental Health
Australian researchers conducted a study on pandemic-related depression, stress, anxiety, and well-being and found that 79% of the participants were struggling with mental health issues due to COVID-19.4 If you’ve been dealing with a new routine, financial uncertainty, isolation, or fear, you might be feeling like your cravings are out of control and you’re turning to sugar to cope. As I’m sure you know, sugar consumption (temporarily) increases serotonin, 5 the neurotransmitter that regulates your mood. When you eat sugar, you feel happier, more connected, and less stressed out — at least until the sugar crash hits.
4. Current Rituals
Frozen junior mints at the movies. A slice of pie at summer barbeques. Checking out the dessert menu after dinner even though you’re stuffed. Your rituals and your environment  influence your behaviours (i.e. trigger you to search for something sweet).6 And if you have the ritual of consciously or unconsciously seeking out a specific food in a specific situation, you’ll begin to form the expectation that it will occur every single time you’re in that situation.
5. Past Trauma
The Mark’s Daily Apple article I referenced above struck a chord with a lot of readers, with many bravely sharing that they felt their cravings were due to a lack of love and emotional bonding early in life, and therefore a lack of the hormone, oxytocin. Because of this, they began to turn to other things to make themselves feel good, including sugar. Studies not only validate our readers’ experiences, they show the impact of oxytocin on everything from metabolism to chronic illness.7
Why It’s So Hard to Stop Eating Sugar
We’re taught early on that sugar equals love and that feeling “better” is as easy as snuggling a pint of Ben & Jerry’s on the couch. Sure, diving into the emotional side of good health can be uncomfortable, but it’s also extremely necessary if you want to get your cravings under control.
The more readily you can express and deal with your emotions, the healthier your mind and your body will be. In my 10+ years as a health coach, I’ve helped hundreds of men and women peel back the layers of their sugar cravings. And you can too. With the following strategies, you’ll learn that your sugar cravings aren’t something that need wrangling — they’re something that you can use to learn more about what you’re really craving.
How to Cut Your Sugar Habit: 5 Strategies to Stop Cravings
1. Add More Variety
A steady diet of grass-fed beef and local, organic veggies looks great on paper in respect to quality, but as mentioned above, might also feel too limiting for where you’re at right now. If you’re constantly dreaming of sugar-laden treats, take this opportunity to diversify your plate. By adding a variety of colors, textures, and flavors, you’re giving your brain and your body the signal that you’re having more, not less. And don’t forget to change it up now and then. Typically opt for ribeye? Try a salmon fillet. Love salads? Try grilled asparagus. Always snack on almonds? Buy some salted macadamia nuts. You get the picture.
2. Keep a Journal
You don’t have to write down all of your deepest, darkest thoughts, but I do recommend keeping a journal of when your food cravings hit — and this is the important part: what you’re feeling when they come on. Do this exercise without self-editing or judgement. Within a week, my guess is that you’ll start to see a connection between your triggers (which could be memories, celebrations, emotions, people, and places) and your sugar cravings. Research shows that having a practice of mindfulness can help you better manage the uncomfortable feelings that fuel your cravings.8 If you haven’t had the pleasure of tapping into your own awareness, this will be a game changer for you.
3. Ask Yourself What You Need
When you’re feeling stressed, anxious, fearful, or bored, ask yourself what you really need. A few bites of the donut in your kitchen or a quick drive through the Dairy Queen will work, but in reality, you’re just avoiding those uncomfortable feelings by numbing them with food. Be open and honest with yourself about what you need on an emotional level. It could be the comfort of reading a good book, the excitement of getting outside for some exercise, or just holding space to accept where you are in the moment.
4. Create New Rituals
Your past rituals influence your current behaviors, so why not spend some time creating new, healthier rituals? If the sound of dinner dishes being put away sends you running for dessert, think about other post-dinner rituals you could do. Maybe it’s a family walk around the neighborhood or taking a long, relaxing bath. By interrupting your patterns (when dinner ends I look for dessert) you’re able to develop new patterns that work toward your goals, instead of against them.
3. Do More Feel-Good Activities
If you lacked a sense of joy and connection growing up, it’s possible to increase oxytocin9 levels naturally (and reduce the desire to reach for sugar to feel good) through hugging, laughing, playing, and practicing gratitude. Other things like looking at photos of loved ones, singing, physical exercise, and support from family, friends, and our community here on Mark’s Daily Apple are also great ways to boost oxytocin levels. Emotional trauma of any kind can impact your habits and behaviors as an adult. And while a health coach can help you overcome certain obstacles, it’s crucial to work with a licensed professional trained to navigate these challenges 10 and help you move forward safely.
Do any of these reasons or strategies ring true for you? Anything you’d add? Tell me about your experience with emotions and overcoming sugar cravings in the comments.
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The post 5 Reasons You Can’t Quit Sugar appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
5 Reasons You Can’t Quit Sugar published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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mastcomm · 5 years
A Look at Davos Through the Years
The first meeting of the World Economic Forum, then called the European Management Symposium, convened in Davos, Switzerland, organized by Klaus Schwab, in collaboration with Hilde Stoll. (They married shortly afterward.)
Aureilo Peccei, an Italian industrialist, delivered a speech calling for balancing economic goals with environmental concerns.
Political leaders were invited for the first time, and the European Energy Commissioner asked the United States to cut fuel consumption by 5 to 10 percent.
In an effort to engage with society at large, the conference began inviting a wider slate of speakers, including Ralph Nader, the consumer rights advocate.
Henry A. Kissinger, a former secretary of state, warned that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan posed a fundamental challenge to the United States.
The Economist wrote: “Europe’s industrialists are never happier than arguing with such folk what is wrong and what is right with free enterprise. After all, any economic system that gives you a tax-deductible week in Davos at the height of the ski season must have something to recommend it, mustn’t it?”
In a harbinger of the Iran-contra affair, the Austrian chancellor warned that the United States’ support of dictatorships in Latin America could harm its relations with European powers.
Lt. Col. Oliver North before a hearing on the Iran-contra affair in the House Foreign Affairs Committee in 1986.Credit…Chris Wilkins/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
A Saudi prince, Saud ibn Faisal, said the United States and Europe should address the wrongs done to the Arab world, including brokering the establishment of a Palestinian homeland.
China announced a $1 billion plan to import Western technology. The New York Times reported, “Diplomats at the meeting here said China’s growing demands for modern Western technology raised strategic problems for the Western countries.”
“The key word you hear at the Davos sessions is disintervention,” The Financial Post reported. “What that means is downsizing government, selling off public-sector companies, reducing government regulations, lowering tax burdens, and encouraging success rather than subsidizing failure.”
The Greek prime minister, Andreas Papandreou, and Prime Minister Turgut Ozal of Turkey averted war with a face-to-face meeting.
Hans-Dietrich Genscher, the foreign minister of West Germany, urged the West to be receptive to the perestroika and glasnost initiatives begun by Mikhail S. Gorbachev in the Soviet Union.
Asher Edelman, the managing general partner of Plaza Securities Co., gave a blistering speech, decrying business leaders “who are not only unethical but immoral,” and was met with loud booing.
Carlo Rubbia, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1984, said the consumption of fossil fuels was a significant threat to life on earth and urged investing in nuclear fusion reactors to counteract the greenhouse effect.
The East German prime minister, Hans Modrow, and Chancellor Helmut Kohl of West Germany met just two months after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The Guardian reported: “A spiritual breakfast with Mother Teresa, a contact lunch with Ted Heath, dinner with the Prince of Darkness, Richard Perle, and a fiesta mexicana paid for by one of the most indebted countries, were among the delights available here yesterday as some of the most important people in the world (some might say self-important) assembled for an annual bout of networking.”
Nelson Mandela, the head of the African National Congress, and South Africa’s president, F.W. de Klerk, shook hands, in their first meeting outside their country.
Shimon Peres, the Israeli foreign minister, and Yasir Arafat, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, reached a tentative agreement on settlements in the Gaza Strip and Jericho.
Russia assured world leaders that it was committed to a market economy after the fall of the Soviet Union. “The course of reform won’t turn back,” said the first deputy prime minister Anatoly Chubais.
Bill Gates addressed Microsoft’s competitive landscape, saying: “There’s still a chance for Apple. It’s tough, though. It will take a great leader to stop the downward spiral.”
The Swiss president, Arnold Koller, expressed regret for his country’s role in the Holocaust to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. “We’re serious when we say we want the full truth also about the troubling time of our history,” Mr. Koller said.
The gathering that later became known as the Group of 20 was assembled for the first time at Davos.
In the wake of protests in Seattle the previous fall, Mike Moore, director general of the World Trade Organization, said as he went to Davos, “For the first few months of this year, the W.T.O. will adopt the posture of the swan serene on top of the water and paddling furiously under the water.”
In a show of solidarity after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the World Economic Forum was held in New York, at the Waldorf Astoria, the first time outside Davos.
As the United States laid the groundwork for war in Iraq, world leaders were harshly critical at Davos, saying the case for war had not been fully made.” I think the evidence is there, and I think the evidence is clear,” Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said.
The economist Samuel Huntington coined the term “Davos Man.”
Bono, Angelina Jolie and Sharon Stone were among the celebrity attendees.
During a panel discussion on the relative success of the Iraq war, Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism analyst leading the Washington office of the RAND Corporation, said: “In terms of perception, we’ve already lost the war. I believe that a cult of the insurgent has emerged from Iraq.”
The British prime minister, Tony Blair, voiced support for the Kyoto Protocol, which the United States had declined to sign on to. “There are differences that need to be reconciled,” he said. “And if they could be reconciled or at least moved forward, it would make a huge difference to the prospects of international unity, as well as to people’s lives and our future survival.”
A report on avian flu published at Davos stated that the disease’s “impact on society might be as profound as that which followed the Black Death in Europe in 1348. That plague caused a fundamental transformation of socio-economic relations in Europe.”
Nouriel Roubini, chairman of Roubini Global Economics, warned at a panel of the increased use of derivatives as financial instruments. “The amount of leverage in the system is growing at rates that are scary,” he said. “We don’t know if derivatives are diffusing risk or concentrating it. The risk of something systemic happening is rising.”
Thomas Russo, chief legal officer of Lehman Brothers, disagreed, saying, “Risk is spread out in the financial services industry now much greater than ever before.”
George Soros said that systemic failure might already be upon us, and that the current state was “not a normal crisis but the end of an era.” Fred Bergsten, the director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, nevertheless said a global recession was “inconceivable.”
After the global credit-market meltdown and the failure of several major banks in the United States, the mood at Davos was described in news reports as “subdued,” “shaken,” “resigned” and “a little humbled.”
During a debate over fighting in Gaza with the Israeli president Shimon Peres, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey, stormed off the stage and vowed never to return to Davos.
The director James Cameron said in a speech: “I always used to turn down invitations to Davos, since I know plenty about making movies, but nothing about economics. This year, I changed my mind — after all, we’ve seen from the last year that it turns out no one here knew anything about economics either.”
The Google chief executive, Eric Schmidt, said the company would stop censoring its search results in China. “We love what China is doing as a country and its growth,” he said. “We just don’t like the censorship. We hope to apply some negotiation or pressure to make things better for the Chinese people.”
The Greek prime minister, George Papandreou, said inequality could lead to long-term social unrest. “Politically, I believe we are at a turning point,” he said. “There are signs in Europe of more nationalism, more racism, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitism, fundamentalisms of all types.”
In a speech, Klaus Schwab said that capitalists “have sinned” and that “people feel it’s a difficult time. They are irritated.”
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, was the event’s only female co-chair.
The World Economic Forum offered a free extra spot to any company bringing a female delegate, but as one veteran female attendee told The Observer, “Lots of firms just don’t have a woman senior enough to send.”
Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said that pay for executives and bankers must be cut to avoid another crash. “Excessive inequality is corrosive to growth; it is corrosive to society,” she said. “I believe that the economics profession and the policy community have downplayed inequality for too long.”
Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, promised not to evacuate the West Bank settlements.
Delegates participated in a “Refugee Run,” meant to simulate the conditions of being a displaced person. Orders like “Get down on the ground, heads down!” “Get up, into the tent, go to sleep!” were yelled at them.
More than 100 attendees observed 10 minutes of silence in a conference room, as part of a presentation on mindfulness. “Even Goldman Sachs is doing it,” Bill George, a member of that company’s board, said of meditation. He added, “Here we are in this beautiful country, and has anyone bothered to look up at the mountains?”
Leonardo DiCaprio accepted the World Economic Forum’s Crystal Award for his environmentalism, saying in his acceptance speech: “We simply cannot afford to allow the corporate greed of the coal, oil and gas industries to determine the future of humanity. Those entities with a financial interest in preserving this destructive system have denied, and even covered up, the evidence of our changing climate.”
Leonardo DiCaprio at Davos in 2016.Credit…Remy Steinegger/World Economic Forum
The Chinese president, Xi Jinping, said “no country would emerge the winner from a trade war.”
President Trump delivered a speech, declaring the United States “open for business.” He said: “The world is witnessing the resurgence of a strong and prosperous America. I’m here to deliver a simple message. There has never been a better time to hire, to build, to invest and to grow in the United States.”
Greta Thunberg, the teenage Swedish environmental activist, delivered a speech beginning: “Our house is on fire. I am here to say, our house is on fire.” She added: “At places like Davos, people like to tell success stories. But their financial success has come with an unthinkable price tag. And on climate change, we have to acknowledge we have failed.”
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/business/a-look-at-davos-through-the-years/
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 14
1301. Can “what you don’t know” actually hurt you? i mean, no. 1302. Are you pondering what I’m pondering? probably not 1303. What people or objects would you describe as “pure”? babies, uhh... idk what else 1304. Are you into bookcrossing (If you aren’t sure, check out www.bookcrossing.com)? no idea what that is 1305. Have you ever had a pen pal? yep! i think i have one now except we just talk online instead of sending letters
1306. Have you ever had a package pal (same as a pen pal but you send each other surprise gifts instead of letters)? that’d be so cool but no 1307. Is there a particular word or phrase that annoys you? i hate when people say “i haven’t seen you in a minute” that shit is SO annoying to me 1308. Is there an online game you like to play? i like to play tons of online games 1309. What group of people is the most discriminated against in your opinion or experience? recently it’s been black people, at least in the area that i live in. 1310. What do you like best about bras and underwear? the designs or fabrics 1311. Are you afraid of living in oblivion? kind of 1312. Before you were born you got to pick your life from one of these. Which do you pick? You are successful from the start, a musical genius, good looking, wealthy. You become a rock tar, get super famous, make your mark on the world and die at 27. You are caring and compassionate. You love animals and adopt more and more as you grow older. You foster and nurture and care for them all of your life. <—- this one because I LOVE ANIMALS AND WANT TO DO THIS IN MY LIFE CURRENTLY ANYWAYS You sit home playing video games for 70 years. 1313. What is broken in your: Car? the check engine light is always on but i think it’s a messed up sensor or something (not my car tho just the one i drive from time to time) School? the vending machine gets my food stuck in it alll the time and i have to put extra money in House? our upstairs shower is caulked correctly so it leaks into the shelving and it sucks Life? my motivation. Soul? my lack of ambition??? idk Brain? i just have anxiety if that counts 1314. Which one will you fix first? the shower would be nice 1315. Tell me all your thoughts on god: i do not believe that there is a god.  i think religion is very interesting to learn about but i do not believe there is some magical man in the sky who controls the world and watches over everything.  that seems a little farfetched to me 1316. What is the strangest note you’ve ever received? uhhh i don’t know.  i used to send notes to my friend in pig latin when we were in middle school 1317. Of the following how many can be used to get in touch with you? Phone Beeper Voice mail Email Cell phone Snail mail all but the beeper. 1318. Are you always available/easy to reach, or do you give people a chance to miss you? i’m usually pretty easy to get ahold of 1319. If you got pregnant or impregnated the person you are with now (hypothetical if there is no one in your life just now) would you lean more towards keeping, adopting out, or aborting the baby? i have so many problems with this question because i feel like i wouldn’t know unless i was in the situation.  i do not ever want kids.  i want to say that if i got pregnant right now that i would put it up for adoption but i feel like i would probably have to abort it... 1320. If your partner in the pregnancy did not agree with how you felt and pressured you to change your mind or just went ahead with what he or she wanted to do against your wishes, would that affect your ability to continue your relationship with this person? he knows how i feel, and he agrees.  we’ve talked about it several times 1321. Who should have the final say in the decision to have a baby, the woman or the man? the woman 1322. If your boyfriend or girlfriend cheats on you for the first time, do you forgive him or her and take him or her back? i want to say that i’d leave him, but i know it would be hard 1323. What if it is your husband or wife that cheats on you? i’d get divorced because i would never be able to trust them again 1324. Who is more responsible for educating children, parents or schools? i feel like it should be a little of both.  there are tons of things that aren’t taught at schools and should be the responsibility of the parents to then teach at home 1325. Are you into new age things? yes. 1326. Are you very: Nervous? all the time Anxious? yeah High strung? on occasion Organized? most of the time Tense? sometimes. Rigid? i don’t think so Skeptical? nah. 1327. Do you perceive reality differently from others? How? i don’t know 1328. If you asked someone, “Do you masturbate?” and he or she says, “No,” would you assume he or she was lying? probably, tbh 1329. What do you blame things on? depends on the situation 1330. Do you want to be naked and famous? no???? 1331. Ice Cube or LL Cool J? ice cube 1332. What are your feelings about rap music? i'm okay with some of it 1333. Cypress Hill or Roxy Music? don;t know wither of these BSB or N'sync or NKOTB? bsb. Debbie Gibson or Paula Abdul? paula abdul Eminem or Kid Rock? eminem. Weezer or the Get Up Kids? weezer 1334. If you could solve just one of the world’s problems what would you choose to solve? cure for cancer. 1335. Would you make a good: Counselor? probably not, tbh. i give good advice but like sometimes i just don’t know what to say Visual artist? this would be cool but idk if it’s for me Teacher? no bc i hate kids Pilot? i’m afraid of heights lol Secretary? i feel like it would be too boring Cashier? i do a good job at that now Waiter or waitress? yeah Veterinary assistant? that’s what i’m going to school for !!!!!! so i hope so Office manager? yeah Stage manager? probably Actor or actress? i think i am a terrible actress plus i get so nervous in front of crowss Sales girl or guy? yes. Pizza delivery girl or guy? i wouldn’t mind it Film director? maybe Business man or woman? no CEO? no Surgeon? not for humans Fire man or woman? nope Cop? nooo. 1336. Do you check condoms to see if they are expired before using them? nope but i probably should 1337. Imagine you are in school and a person of the opposite sex you barely know asks you really nicely for a ride home from class (yes, you have a car). It’s out of your way. Do you say yes? not if i barely know them Let’s say you said yes. S/he hugs you. What is your reaction? since i barely know this person i would think this is really odd As you drop him or her off s/he hugs you again and thanks you for being such a nice person. What do you make of all this? i would think the hug is odd but i’d just say you’re welcome and drive off 1338. Are you interested in post-apocalyptic (post-nuclear war) movies? yeah 1339. What is the saddest movie you ever saw? romeo and juliet is pretty sad 1340. What is the saddest thought you can think of? watching someone you love die 1341. Who is the most horrible driver you know? me lol 1342. Are you a sexist in any way? nah 1343. How often do you check your email? as often as i can 1344. How often do you check your diary for notes? everyday 1345. If you had to read a biography about someone, who would you pick? morgan freeman 1346. Which of your friends and relatives has the most interesting life story? my grandparents 1347. What’s the matter with kids today? they’re not disciplined 1348. How do you feel about censorship? i don’t think we need censorship honestly 1349. What was on the last CD you burned? a bunch of 90s rap 1350. What movie should be released on DVD but hasn’t been released yet? i don’t really get dvds anymore 1351. Have you ever wished for wings that work? no 1352. Have you ever imagined that you are not really of this world? yeah sometimes 1353. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? two, actually.  one named stacey who always flew on a magic carpet.  and dawalls which were literally the walls.  my siblings and i talked to the walls when we were younger 1354. Do you still have imaginary friends? no. 1355. Do you enjoy reading children’s books? sometimes i guess 1356. Are you decadent? idk 1357. What would make you happy that money cannot buy? love. 1358. What would make you happy that money can buy? a new car 1359. Where do you hang out on your spare time? my house or jack’s 1360. Do you delight in minor euphoria? idk what that is. 1361. It’s (what time is it?) ______. 12:13 am Do you know where your: Mom is? at stef’s Dad is? at work First boyfriend or girlfriend is? i have no idea honestly Boy or girlfriend is? in the same room as me Best friend is? in the same room as me Soul mate is? in the same room as me Wallet is? in the same room as me, in my purse 1362. Who do you feel sorry for? no one right now 1363. What will you never say in front of your parents? there’s not much that i wouldn’t say in front of my parents 1364. Do you change your personality and behavior depending on who you are with? no 1365. Are you waiting for marriage to lose your virginity? lol no 1366. What year were you born? 1996 1367. What is your sign? aries 1368. What year did you/will you graduate from high school? 2014 1369. Do you use moisturizer? just recently started to 1370. On what parts of your body? my face and neck 1371. Are the 70’s back in style? lol not that i know of 1372. Do you read any magazines? no. 1373. Do you read before going to sleep at night? sometimes. 1374. Are you a music maker? nah 1375. Are you a dreamer of the dreams? i guess??? 1376. How do you feel about large corporations? whatever. 1377. How do you feel about people who are, “just doing their job”? ^ 1378. Which would you watch of these choices: Pitch black The mummy This Pretty woman 1380. About what percent of the time do you feel good about yourself? 80% 1381. Do you feel comfortable with other people (in social situations)? for the most part 1382. Do you have good friends/family relationships? yes. 1383. How do you control your tension and anxiety? i don’t lol 1384. Are you able to meet the demands of life and function in society? kind of 1385. Do you curb your feelings of hatred and guilt? sometimes 1386. Do you maintain a positive outlook? yes. 1387. Does knowing you enrich the lives of others? i couldn’t say 1388. What things do you cherish? the people i love, a roof over my head, food on my table, a job, school 1389. To what extent do you value diversity? very much so. 1390. What fascinates you? the world around me and what’s happening in it 1391. Do you appreciate nature? yeah 1392. If you could be someone else for a day who would you be? morgan freeman 1393. Would you ever consider ‘psychic surgery’ if you were ill? idek what that is How about voodoo? probably not Herbal remedies? maybe 1394. How effective do you feel meditation is? i’ve done it before, i mean it’s kind of relaxing 1395. How effective do you feel prayer is? not at all tbh 1396. How do you think that you (or anyone, for that matter) could pray without ceasing? idk 1397. Is religion a live option for you (that is, a possibility, something you are drawn to even if you have no belief)? i guess it could be 1398. What part of your body do you lavish the least attention and love on? tummy 1399. How many clocks are in your house? at least 10 1400. What topics would you like to see more of on this survey? different varieties
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
5 Reasons You Can’t Quit Sugar
Let me guess. You’ve been on keto for 5-6 months and enthusiastically thinking this is how you’ll finally wrangle your sugar cravings into submission! You’re loading up on healthy fats, avoiding grains, and ditching highly processed, high-carb foods. Yet there’s that incessant nagging. You know, the one that tells you that life is too short not to indulge in that giant Costco muffin or the more paleo-friendly version, another square (or three) of dark chocolate.
For a lot of people, including my own clients, moving toward a fat- or protein-dominant diet does the trick. You may have seen this article that Mark wrote earlier this year where he says “it takes two to three days of very-low-carb eating for the liver to start pumping out ketones” and that cravings will “decrease noticeably within three to ten days.” Research backs it up too, concluding that cravings are significantly reduced almost immediately as people get into ketosis.1
Things like sleep deprivation, chronic stress, and gut dysbiosis are also shown to cause cravings for a variety of physiological reasons. But let’s say you’re getting a solid 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep, your stress levels are under control, your gut microbiome is balanced — and you’re still struggling with cravings. Then what?
Why Can’t I Quit Sugar?
Cravings are often more psychological than they are physiological. Maybe you’ve noticed that too. Maybe you’ve noticed that you start to have cravings any time you have a stressful day or feel anxious or deprived or smell something that reminds you of your favorite snickerdoodle cookie from childhood. In my experience, these are the top 5 emotionally driven reasons you might still be struggling with sugar cravings:
1. Your Diet is Too Restrictive
Eliminating certain foods and food-like items like grains, sugar, and refined carbohydrates is a good thing in general. But being too restrictive — or perceiving how you’re eating as a diet can end up backfiring. In fact, this study shows a direct correlation between food restriction and cravings.2 Researchers looked at food cravings records of 52 women dieting to lose weight and 37 non-dieters and found that the dieters experienced significantly more food cravings, especially for sugary foods like chocolate.
2. Emotional Association
Cravings are tied to the brain’s memory center. From celebrating birthdays and holidays with sugary desserts to being rewarded with a treat for good grades, sugar has always been along for the ride. So, it’s no surprise that when you go to a party or achieve a goal, or even feel down, your sugar cravings might feel irresistible. Not to mention the fact that your hippocampus, caudate, and insula (areas of the brain activated by cravings) 3 are also in charge of housing your memories and experiences.
3. State of Mental Health
Australian researchers conducted a study on pandemic-related depression, stress, anxiety, and well-being and found that 79% of the participants were struggling with mental health issues due to COVID-19.4 If you’ve been dealing with a new routine, financial uncertainty, isolation, or fear, you might be feeling like your cravings are out of control and you’re turning to sugar to cope. As I’m sure you know, sugar consumption (temporarily) increases serotonin, 5 the neurotransmitter that regulates your mood. When you eat sugar, you feel happier, more connected, and less stressed out — at least until the sugar crash hits.
4. Current Rituals
Frozen junior mints at the movies. A slice of pie at summer barbeques. Checking out the dessert menu after dinner even though you’re stuffed. Your rituals and your environment  influence your behaviours (i.e. trigger you to search for something sweet).6 And if you have the ritual of consciously or unconsciously seeking out a specific food in a specific situation, you’ll begin to form the expectation that it will occur every single time you’re in that situation.
5. Past Trauma
The Mark’s Daily Apple article I referenced above struck a chord with a lot of readers, with many bravely sharing that they felt their cravings were due to a lack of love and emotional bonding early in life, and therefore a lack of the hormone, oxytocin. Because of this, they began to turn to other things to make themselves feel good, including sugar. Studies not only validate our readers’ experiences, they show the impact of oxytocin on everything from metabolism to chronic illness.7
Why It’s So Hard to Stop Eating Sugar
We’re taught early on that sugar equals love and that feeling “better” is as easy as snuggling a pint of Ben & Jerry’s on the couch. Sure, diving into the emotional side of good health can be uncomfortable, but it’s also extremely necessary if you want to get your cravings under control.
The more readily you can express and deal with your emotions, the healthier your mind and your body will be. In my 10+ years as a health coach, I’ve helped hundreds of men and women peel back the layers of their sugar cravings. And you can too. With the following strategies, you’ll learn that your sugar cravings aren’t something that need wrangling — they’re something that you can use to learn more about what you’re really craving.
How to Cut Your Sugar Habit: 5 Strategies to Stop Cravings
1. Add More Variety
A steady diet of grass-fed beef and local, organic veggies looks great on paper in respect to quality, but as mentioned above, might also feel too limiting for where you’re at right now. If you’re constantly dreaming of sugar-laden treats, take this opportunity to diversify your plate. By adding a variety of colors, textures, and flavors, you’re giving your brain and your body the signal that you’re having more, not less. And don’t forget to change it up now and then. Typically opt for ribeye? Try a salmon fillet. Love salads? Try grilled asparagus. Always snack on almonds? Buy some salted macadamia nuts. You get the picture.
2. Keep a Journal
You don’t have to write down all of your deepest, darkest thoughts, but I do recommend keeping a journal of when your food cravings hit — and this is the important part: what you’re feeling when they come on. Do this exercise without self-editing or judgement. Within a week, my guess is that you’ll start to see a connection between your triggers (which could be memories, celebrations, emotions, people, and places) and your sugar cravings. Research shows that having a practice of mindfulness can help you better manage the uncomfortable feelings that fuel your cravings.8 If you haven’t had the pleasure of tapping into your own awareness, this will be a game changer for you.
3. Ask Yourself What You Need
When you’re feeling stressed, anxious, fearful, or bored, ask yourself what you really need. A few bites of the donut in your kitchen or a quick drive through the Dairy Queen will work, but in reality, you’re just avoiding those uncomfortable feelings by numbing them with food. Be open and honest with yourself about what you need on an emotional level. It could be the comfort of reading a good book, the excitement of getting outside for some exercise, or just holding space to accept where you are in the moment.
4. Create New Rituals
Your past rituals influence your current behaviors, so why not spend some time creating new, healthier rituals? If the sound of dinner dishes being put away sends you running for dessert, think about other post-dinner rituals you could do. Maybe it’s a family walk around the neighborhood or taking a long, relaxing bath. By interrupting your patterns (when dinner ends I look for dessert) you’re able to develop new patterns that work toward your goals, instead of against them.
3. Do More Feel-Good Activities
If you lacked a sense of joy and connection growing up, it’s possible to increase oxytocin9 levels naturally (and reduce the desire to reach for sugar to feel good) through hugging, laughing, playing, and practicing gratitude. Other things like looking at photos of loved ones, singing, physical exercise, and support from family, friends, and our community here on Mark’s Daily Apple are also great ways to boost oxytocin levels. Emotional trauma of any kind can impact your habits and behaviors as an adult. And while a health coach can help you overcome certain obstacles, it’s crucial to work with a licensed professional trained to navigate these challenges 10 and help you move forward safely.
Do any of these reasons or strategies ring true for you? Anything you’d add? Tell me about your experience with emotions and overcoming sugar cravings in the comments.
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The post 5 Reasons You Can’t Quit Sugar appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
5 Reasons You Can’t Quit Sugar published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 14
1301. Can “what you don't know” actually hurt you? i’m sorta leaning towards no that this stage. i’m trying to think of how it can but i’m blanking. 1302. Are you pondering what I'm pondering? nope. 1303. What people or objects would you describe as “pure”? babies, fresh water, raw minerals. 1304. Are you into bookcrossing (If you aren’t sure, check out www.bookcrossing.com)? nope. 1305. Have you ever had a pen pal? i have.
1306. Have you ever had a package pal (same as a pen pal but you send each other surprise gifts instead of letters)? haha no. how do i get one!? 1307. Is there a particular word or phrase that annoys you? i really hate it when people around me say ‘tings’. we’re not from toronto or jamaica guys lol. 1308. Is there an online game you like to play? nah. 1309. What group of people is the most discriminated against in your opinion or experience? in sydney, anyone who isn’t white tbh. i see this shit a looooot. 1310. What do you like best about bras and underwear? cute designs i guess. 1311. Are you afraid of living in oblivion? no, i’m hoping it’s not possible. 1312. Before you were born you got to pick your life from one of these. Which do you pick? You are successful from the start, a musical genius, good looking, wealthy. You become a rock tar, get super famous, make your mark on the world and die at 27. You are caring and compassionate. You love animals and adopt more and more as you grow older. You foster and nurture and care for them all of your life. <---- this even though i don’t loooove all animals. You sit home playing video games for 70 years. 1313. What is broken in your: Car? tbh the engine sounds funny but it’s just been serviced so idk. School? no more school. House? my curling iron ugh. Life? my motivation. Soul? my will to learn. Brain? nothing it seems. 1314. Which one will you fix first? life. 1315. Tell me all your thoughts on god: i believe there’s a higher power out there, but tbh i haven’t been in touch with my spiritual side in years. 1316. What is the strangest note you've ever received? idk. 1317. Of the following how many can be used to get in touch with you? Phone Beeper Voice mail Email Cell phone Snail mail all but the beeper. 1318. Are you always available/easy to reach, or do you give people a chance to miss you? i’m generally easy to reach. 1319. If you got pregnant or impregnated the person you are with now (hypothetical if there is no one in your life just now) would you lean more towards keeping, adopting out, or aborting the baby? keeping it. 1320. If your partner in the pregnancy did not agree with how you felt and pressured you to change your mind or just went ahead with what he or she wanted to do against your wishes, would that affect your ability to continue your relationship with this person? of course. 1321. Who should have the final say in the decision to have a baby, the woman or the man? the woman, she’s the one carrying the baby. 1322. If your boyfriend or girlfriend cheats on you for the first time, do you forgive him or her and take him or her back? depends exactly on the situation. i definitely would not take him back if he slept with another person. 1323. What if it is your husband or wife that cheats on you? i’d be done tbh. no need for that negativity in my life. 1324. Who is more responsible for educating children, parents or schools? parents are more responsible for the early learning stages. then school obviously would play a huge role. 1325. Are you into new age things? yes. 1326. Are you very: Nervous? yes. Anxious? yes. High strung? sometimes. Organized? sometimes. Tense? sometimes. Rigid? no. Skeptical? nah. 1327. Do you perceive reality differently from others? How? not that i know of? 1328. If you asked someone, “Do you masturbate?” and he or she says, “No,” would you assume he or she was lying? it depends who i asked. 1329. What do you blame things on? i’d assess the situation in a logical manner and decide from there. 1330. Do you want to be naked and famous? no. 1331. Ice Cube or LL Cool J? ll cool j. 1332. What are your feelings about rap music? i like some of it. 1333. Cypress Hill or Roxy Music? cypress. BSB or N'sync or NKOTB? bsb. Debbie Gibson or Paula Abdul? paula abdul coz idk the other one. Eminem or Kid Rock? eminem. Weezer or the Get Up Kids? neither. 1334. If you could solve just one of the world's problems what would you choose to solve? cure for cancer. 1335. Would you make a good: Counselor? i’m very emotional so maybe not. i’ll cry whenever i see someone else cry. Visual artist? i’d love to be this. Teacher? not sure, i get irritated easily. Pilot? possibly. Secretary? yes. Cashier? yes. Waiter or waitress? yes. Veterinary assistant? no, i have allergies to some animals. Office manager? maybe. Stage manager? i guess. Actor or actress? if i could act, yeah. Sales girl or guy? yes. Pizza delivery girl or guy? no, i hate driving. Film director? possibly. Business man or woman? yes. CEO? not sure. Surgeon? no. Fire man or woman? no. Cop? nooo. 1336. Do you check condoms to see if they are expired before using them? i don’t use condoms. i’m on birth control, my boyfriend and i have both had std tests and we’re clean. 1337. Imagine you are in school and a person of the opposite sex you barely know asks you really nicely for a ride home from class (yes, you have a car). It's out of your way. Do you say yes? nope. Let's say you said yes. S/he hugs you. What is your reaction? honestly depends on what i thought of their demeanour. if they’re usually friendly i wouldn’t think anything of it. As you drop him or her off s/he hugs you again and thanks you for being such a nice person. What do you make of all this? if it’s just a hug and they got out of my car i wouldn’t think anything of it. 1338. Are you interested in post-apocalyptic (post-nuclear war) movies? no. 1339. What is the saddest movie you ever saw? idk. 1340. What is the saddest thought you can think of? losing your entire family in a car accident. ugh. 1341. Who is the most horrible driver you know? my boyfriend’s brother. is literally on his phone while driving all the time, it’s so bad. 1342. Are you a sexist in any way? i wouldn’t say so but i’m very supportive of women’s rights. 1343. How often do you check your email? daily. 1344. How often do you check your diary for notes? weekly. 1345. If you had to read a biography about someone, who would you pick? rihanna. only if she wrote it herself. 1346. Which of your friends and relatives has the most interesting life story? hmmm my parents. 1347. What's the matter with kids today? theyre growing up too fast. 1348. How do you feel about censorship? as in movies, shows and stuff? fair enough i guess. 1349. What was on the last CD you burned? omg haha i have no idea. 1350. What movie should be released on DVD but hasn’t been released yet? idk, i watch everything on netflix these days. 1351. Have you ever wished for wings that work? no. 1352. Have you ever imagined that you are not really of this world? yeah, it happens when i think too much lmao. 1353. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? nope. 1354. Do you still have imaginary friends? no. 1355. Do you enjoy reading children’s books? not anymore. 1356. Are you decadent? err, no. 1357. What would make you happy that money cannot buy? love. 1358. What would make you happy that money can buy? plentyyyy of things. 1359. Where do you hang out on your spare time? at home. 1360. Do you delight in minor euphoria? idk what that is. 1361. It's (what time is it?) ______. 12:16am. Do you know where your: Mom is? sleeping. Dad is? sleeping. First boyfriend or girlfriend is? out with friends. Boy or girlfriend is? ^ same Best friend is? sleeping. Soul mate is? out with friends. Wallet is? in my handbag. 1362. Who do you feel sorry for? myself haha. 1363. What will you never say in front of your parents? swears. or anything about my sex life. 1364. Do you change your personality and behavior depending on who you are with? no. i guess i put on a more professional manner when i’m dealing with patrons. 1365. Are you waiting for marriage to lose your virginity? nope. 1366. What year were you born? 1990. 1367. What is your sign? sagittarius. 1368. What year did you/will you graduate from high school? 2008 omg forever ago. 1369. Do you use moisturizer? yes. 1370. On what parts of your body? everywhere. 1371. Are the 70's back in style? no. 1372. Do you read any magazines? no. 1373. Do you read before going to sleep at night? sometimes. 1374. Are you a music maker? no. 1375. Are you a dreamer of the dreams? no. 1376. How do you feel about large corporations? whatever. 1377. How do you feel about people who are, “just doing their job”? fine. i’ve never lost my cool at a worker. the only times i have is when they’ve been rude to me first. 1378. Which would you watch of these choices: Pitch black The mummy Pretty woman <---- this 1380. About what percent of the time do you feel good about yourself? 40%. 1381. Do you feel comfortable with other people (in social situations)? if i know majority of the people then yeah. 1382. Do you have good friends/family relationships? yes. 1383. How do you control your tension and anxiety? just face it. 1384. Are you able to meet the demands of life and function in society? not really. 1385. Do you curb your feelings of hatred and guilt? i don’t usually come across those feelings. 1386. Do you maintain a positive outlook? yes. 1387. Does knowing you enrich the lives of others? ummm idk. 1388. What things do you cherish? family, boyfriend, friends. the life my parents have given me. 1389. To what extent do you value diversity? very much so. 1390. What fascinates you? different cultures. 1391. Do you appreciate nature? not really. 1392. If you could be someone else for a day who would you be? rihanna. 1393. Would you ever consider 'psychic surgery' if you were ill? only if i were on my death bed. How about voodoo? no. Herbal remedies? yes. 1394. How effective do you feel meditation is? idk, i never meditate. 1395. How effective do you feel prayer is? hmm idk. 1396. How do you think that you (or anyone, for that matter) could pray without ceasing? not sure? 1397. Is religion a live option for you (that is, a possibility, something you are drawn to even if you have no belief)? sure. 1398. What part of your body do you lavish the least attention and love on? stomach. 1399. How many clocks are in your house? man, heaps since they’re on random shit like the microwave, computers etc. 1400. What topics would you like to see more of on this survey? idk.
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