#i just look at the homesteading tag on my blog to find them
balkanradfem · 8 months
Do you have a link to your big post that references all the gardening/eco friendly/herbalism posts? I’ve been looking for it but I can’t find it
Sure here you go! Link
Here's also the gardening/homesteading one: Link
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chilihere · 2 years
Since I was a child I always loved the idea of living in a little cabin in the woods. Birds greet you in the morning, you boil water over the fire, smell the moss, maybe you catch a glimpse of what you think could have maybe been a faerie?! But as I grew older I was taught that magic isn’t real, that cabin in the woods isn’t reality and that there isn’t that much green in my world.
I started working the jobs I was given and grinding, trying to climb those ladders. I’ve gone from the “garbage girl” to “manager” and something was always lacking. That’s when I decided to take a journey into the past. I decided to start my own homesteading expedition, in the city. I may not get my cabin in the woods but I am going to ensure I have my little patch of green. Here is what I have found helpful to start out with so far:
It seems overwhelming at first but don’t fret! No investment type purchases necessary yet. Figure out what you want to cut down on financially, transitioning to homesteading is smoothest when you don’t have huge bills to cover. I suggest starting with streaming services, cable, phone bills, internet usage and any other monthly plans.
 While you’re doing your planning, you’ll still need to shop and feed yourself. Start looking for reusable items to replace things you consistently go to the store for. Parchment paper, baking sheets, paper plates etc. Finish using and replace as many single use items as possible. Bonus if they don’t use electricity (ex: hand grinder for coffee, non electric kettle etc). If you have a local market or farm stands nearby, get to know them and their prices. You may be shocked to discover a ton of savings and good info about the growing climate.
This one sounds odd but I feel like it is a big step in moving from a very hands off technology based lifestyle to one that is more self sufficient – take time to reflect “spiritually” (whatever that is for you) and address any addictions or negative traits that revolve around your industrial upbringing. For me the biggest are: overworking myself, mindlessly scrolling the phone, caffeine and refined sugar. This is the hardest part of the entire journey because it involves creating a habit that goes against societal norms/what is exceptionally easy to access and relies on setting boundaries for myself. Addiction isn’t easy that is for sure!
Gather information about the things you are most interested in. For me, that is growing my own veggies and alternative herbal remedies. The city I live in does not allow livestock or chickens, but there are tons of cities in Canada that do! Shelter building, water purification, fire starting and tying knots are always interesting research topics. Pinterest is also fairly handy for this stuff, funny enough! Search “survival tips” and you’ll find quite a bit on there, as well as the “homesteading” tag. The library is a great resource for herbal remedies, medicinal, all sorts of books about psychology etc. Spend some time researching things you believe will help, and stuff that gets you excited, too!
Set some realistic goals and work towards those projects. For example, I had very low funds so I started growing herbs in the window. Chives, green onion, parsley and mint all grow fairly quickly and can be kept through winter if properly maintained. Pick something you use a lot or do a lot – let’s say cleaning; and slowly swap all of your products to home made solutions.
Lastly, because these are just starter tips, find some people with similar interests. If you aren’t able to connect locally (check your cities Reddit board for keywords like garden or the cities website for local greenhouses) there are a number of groups online that promote this kind of lifestyle. I’m sure if you’ve found this post though, you are well aware. But if not there are tons of blogs under “homesteading” or “natural solutions”.
Although I am nowhere close to the “end goal” I imagined and haven’t become completely self sustainable; I can definitely say I am a lot happier, feeling more positive about the future and have no fear as compared to where I started. I think if this journey is all for “nothing”, at least I have some peace.
Do you have any tips? Tricks? Disagree entirely? I’d love to hear from you!
✨Thanks for existing👋✨
Chili Here
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fatfemmearoorc · 4 years
this shit is what people mean by "cottagecore is used by terfs to advertise their ideology to vulnerable queers looking to escape while also neo-colonizing real life modern places that people just Live in" and "terfs/radfem your aesthetics with their dog whistles to shimmy their way into your spaces and no amount of no true scotsmanning will magic them away" (with a healthy dollop of cult bullshit).
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most everything here Looks fairly innocuous, or at least could pass as neutral if you're not good at seeing terf and radfem dog whistle ("womyn" aside lol).
what's Especially notable, however, and for various reasons, are "pagan homestead", "seperatism", "priestess of avalon", and perhaps most sinister the psuedo-comforting calls to message the op if youre in need of "healing and wisdom."
lets get into the fairly simple things first. the cottagecore-esque "pagan homestead," especially some sort of alaskan isolated terf/radfem compound who knows where and attained who knows how. probably with no mind towards whos land its on, re: the actual native people who still actually fucking Live there to this day. many of us have Heard the issues with and discussions about cottagecore in general, and im not even native, so im just going to link a few articles and sources at the bottom of this post from people with more experience on the subject than me, and put my faith in your ability to make your opinions and critical thoughts.
next, the paganism thing. heres the thing. some of these people will fake your aesthetic to advertise their ideology, using convenient paint to find vulnerable queers and women.
but more dangerously some of them just genuine believe. something we forget is that terfs and radfems arent cartoon villians, theyre very real people. and i dont say this to, like, give them Room or some sort of appeal to emotion, but because when we stop thinking of them as people, then we stop understanding their actions as the actions a person makes. we stop understanding their motives, we stop recognizing that their actions are decisions, human error, human malice. we start thinking of them as Those Things Over There that occasionally say Really Weird Shit thats Super Funny in its absurdity. UNTIL you take more than a five second look and you realize they often arent saying a word salad, but a vile cocktail of transmisogyny and self isolating group specific slang designed to make Her feel like shes in the In Group and you feel like the Out Group (which is a red flag for cult bullshit)
its important to recognize that people with Your passions, Your favorite songs, Your opinions on your favorite show, are terfs. they are people. they eat the same food you do, they like the same sodas. we arent not a different species. the difference between a terf and you is simply a Whole lot of respectibility politics aimed at the most vulnerable population they can muster sustainable hate for. they Are in your communities and they Will leverage your shared passions hide their hate behind you. they'll feel perfectly justified about it, too.
finally, what i find most personally alarming perhaps, is that homestead tag and "intentional community" and "seperationist community" in conjunction witht those very first tags. "if you feel called to hold space for healing and wisdom, reach out to us and lets talk."
listen. ladies. any radfems or terfs out there reading this just because its reached yall's circles or because some of you happen to have incognito blogs or just anyone who the post in the screenshot even Slightly appeals to. i cannot stress how MONUMENTALLY horrible a bad idea it would be to take this person up on their offer. this is primo classic cmpound cult bullshit red Flags. no matter how unlikely it seems the op will actually get the money or whatever to actually do what shes talking about, i really cannot stress how Bad and Awful an idea it is to connect with people like this, emotionally or physically. i know that people like this (ideology aside) seem nice and compassionate, and maybe they even are, on certain levels. but people who want to isolate you spiritually, socially, and physically. this person wants to take you and your money to some isolated compound in the wilderness of alaska, and in the meantime just has an Open call to spiritual counseling on their blog based on that goal. these are huge red flags.
these people are Not mean when you meet them. they are not Rude, they will Not abuse you in their Cult Bullshit Pitch. theyre not going to have the Cult robes on and they probably wont ask you to fuck the devil or anything. they will use your passions, your fears, your needs. they will seem accepting, they will seem like theyve known you your whole life, and they will seem like the only ones who understand you.
anyway long story short, this person is an embryonic cult member/leader, this is how people use your interests to get to You, and this is specifically how terfs and radfems use cottagecore and modern colonialist farm fantasies.
- https://www.hercampus.com/school/vcu/cottagecore-aesthetic-racist
- https://www.bitchmedia.org/article/black-women-cottagecore-whiteness
- https://witchwithme.com/2020/08/28/cottagecore-a-gateway-to-romanticizing-settler-colonialism/
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trendy-gay-enby · 5 years
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Hi, I’ve had this blog for a while now actually, but I’ve recently decided to turn it into a Trendercore blog instead of just a MOGAI blog! I’m very bad at intros so bare with me...
Hi, I’m Jean!
✨ I’m nonbinary and that’s usually what I tell people (I’m not fully out with my gender though) and my pronouns are they/them. But my full gender title is avarumiogenderfluidflux which is four different things mashed into one! You can find my whole gender list + definitions right here! My dysphoria fluctuates, I have gender euphoria more, and I consider myself semi-dysphoric.
✨ I’m technically amab but I’m also intersex, so I have a “feminine” figure. I want to bind!
✨ If you couldn’t tell from the gender list, I’m the host of a system! Our main blog can be found here. I’m also an adult just to let any minors know
✨ Also, if you’ve noticed from my blog theme and from my pictures up there, I’m much more into pastel trendercore! I love Trendercore a lot but sometimes the bright colors hurt my eyes a bit and plus I love pastels, so I’m part of the pastel trendercore movement.
✨ Like another Trendercore blog I’ve recently followed, I’m also French and English is my second language! Only problem is I barely remember any of my first language now so I mainly speak English due to severe trauma, being in America for many years, and just bad memory and dissociation.
✨ Uhhhhh just some things that I enjoy are: Baking, cooking, witchcraft (witch blog is here), pastels, finding new gender terms that fit me, making stimboards (stim blog is here), age regressing (that blog is here), reading and writing, and playing Minecraft (mineblr is here).
✨ My dream is to someday move out of the town and state I’m currently in to be open about my gender (I’m already out about my sexuality and it’s difficult), have an ultimate trender outfit, and to raise goats and chickens on a homesteading little farm.
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Also, Transmeds do not interact with this blog and do not attempt to “reclaim” my “trendersona” up there! That is literally me and is what I look like. That’s me. Don’t try to claim I’m some character. So don’t touch this post, go to my discourse blog instead if you’re really that rude!
Tagging some people for promo, let me know if you don’t want to be tagged! @mogaicore @trenderjade @hydrangeaflux @twendercore @artisticly-lost-in-space @edgy-trender @pastel-trendercore @pastel---trender @pastel-trender @trender-sylveon
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
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The world’s biggest shoutout to @contes-de-rheio for acknowledging me in their own recognition award! Thank you for the recommendation, my friend - it did my heart good. I apologize it’s taken me so long to nominate people myself!
Rules: - Thank the blogger who tagged you, and provide a link to their blog! - Write a post on your own blog to showcase your special award! - Describe the story of why you started your blog - Give two pieces of advice for new bloggers - Nominate up to fifteen other blogs who deserve recognition?
I began this blog only a little over one year ago, with nothing but half-hearted hope and humble aspirations. I’ve written stories since I was but a wee lad, but I had never shared my stories with others because I never felt as though my writing was worth sharing. However, as I fell back in love with literature, with writing, with creations of every kind, I acknowledged this innate desire to find others who shared my passions. So, as a New Year’s Resolution, I decided to share my writing with the world for one year. If, at the end of that year, I felt the venture was worthless, I’d give it up. Clearly, you all have made this a constant joy in my life.
I’m going to tell you to do the two things that are, believe it or not, the hardest for me: take the risk to reach out and establish relationships with other writers, and maintain a consistent schedule to establish a healthy expectation from your friends, fans and followers.
This entire experience would have been worthless without the people that I have connected with here on Tumblr. I have met such beautiful human beings, inside and out, with some of the most unique ideas I have ever heard of. The writeblr community welcomed me with open arms, and I’ve found such encouragement and kindness in every corner of it. Trust me when I say that, even as an insecure introvert, every risk I took reaching out to someone I had never met before was worth the reward of learning to know and love them despite my initial awkwardness.
And be consistent with your work. Consistency can look like anything, not just every day uploads. If you let people know you’ll be releasing an excerpt once a week, that can be as effective as uploading snippets every day! Do what works for your schedule, but consistency allows people to build trust in you - and that trust will help them give their heart to you and your projects without fear or hesitation.
Tagging: @lady-redshield-writes, @paladin-andric, @incandescent-creativity, @cogesque, @ratracechronicler, @ardawyn, @merigreenleaf, @aschenink, @kclenhartnovels, @katekarl, @worldbuildingwren, @tourneyofashvara, @writings-of-a-narwhal, @lynnafred, @charvaughn-writes
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Get to Know Me Better
Tagged by @slightlyhopeful
I’m just gonna preface this by saying that I don’t normally do these and I don’t really have a reason not to, I want you guys to know me better, but if you’ve ever tagged me in something like this and I never did it I swear it’s nothing personal, I love all of you. Anyway, without further ado:
Name: Scotti or Hope (there’s a long chain of nicknames and words that goes into that second nickname)
Birthday: July 12
Zodiac: Cancer ♋️ Which I think is quite fitting bc crab is probably one of my favorite seafoods, tbh
Hobbies: Reading, writing, knitting, design/hand lettering
Favorite color: Blue. Specifically either slate or basically anything in the turquoise/teal/Tiffany family but I really just love blue
Height: Hm, short? I think something like 5’3”, which I can’t convert to meters in my head so I apologize to you metric system folks
Favorite book: I don’t really have one? Although I love and will temporarily obsess over anything that involves the trope of teenagers suddenly receiving/discovering they have powers.
Last song I listened to: You’re gonna make me actually go into my Spotify and try to find it? Looks like it was Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls.
Last movie I watched: if movies I only partially watched count, then Megamind (although the recording of my sister in Wizard of Oz was on the screen for about half a minute when I walked in tonight). If not, I genuinely do not remember.
Inspiration or muse: Um? I never really thought about it. In my oboe, probably Alex Klein. In being a music teacher, my high school BD and my current instructor. In everything else, it’s one of three things: whatever I’m hyper fixated on (is that the right phrase? Still learning) at the time, compassion and empathy, or just the fact that the thing is calm and I don’t want to be around Loud.
Dream job: Mother, honestly. Like, my goal right now in school is to become a high school band director, and I want that desperately. It is A dream of mine, and it’s a huge dream of mine. But my real Dream Job is to be a stay-at-home mom, hopefully on a homestead where we can have chickens and goats and a vegetable garden and I can just be myself and raise my children and love them and teach them to be good people. And I know that my vision of that future is idealistic at best and completely out-of-reach and impossible at worst, but the question was “dream job” and that’s my dream.
Meaning of URL: Okay you know how in the US judicial system we’re “innocent until proven guilty”? Yeah it’s just a play on that. It doesn’t really mean anything, and in fact if you delve too much into it you’d probably find it means the opposite of who I believe I am as a person. But I made my tumblr account on a whim late at night as a geeky teenager who was originally planning on this being a fandom-themed blog (lol that didn’t happen but it was a cute attempt) and that was what came out of my brain.
Eight people to tag: um yikes that’s a lot of people. Uh, @baloobird @trans-siberian-marching-band @moonlandingwasfaked @kaelvas @javelin-woman @bunnies-scream-exterminate I think 3/4 is close enough, y’all don’t have to do this if you don’t want to but you’re the people I see the most in my dash or notes so you seemed like the kind of people who I’d want to know more about or would want to know more about me so... yeah I hope that made sense, have a good night kids
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Tagged by @darklordtomarry and @fleetofshippyships (technically??) ahaha
Rules: List the first lines of your last 10 stories (or however many you have altogether). See if there are any patterns. Then, tag your favourite authors.
Tagging: @fleetofshippyships @dreamydrarry @sappypotter @drarryruinedme  @moonshoespotterr and anyone else that would like to do this!!  
Twist of Fate:
Harry had been at home for a week and was already bored out of his mind. The Hogwarts Express had dutifully dropped them off at the end of their sixth year and Harry, unsurprised to see that his relatives were nowhere to be found, had prepared himself to catch a taxi. Arthur Weasley, although excited at the prospect of muggle travel, had decided to Apparate them both instead, knowing it was safer. Ever since, the Dursleys had been in a right snit over the appearance of their nephew on the doorstep, angry at the use of magic so close to their homestead. Harry didn’t have the inner strength to point out that if they had been there to pick him up in the first place, there would have been no need to use magic.
A Dragon in Snake Clothing:
The music was loud.
“Alright there, mate?!”
Sweat dripped down slick skin.
“Do you want another drink?”
There were so many thrumming bodies surging around them it was hard to see where one male ended and another began.
“I said do you want another drink!”
And, much to Harry Potter’s displeasure, his friends had dragged him out with one specific goal in mind.
“What about that guy, Harry?”
To find him a date for Valentine’s Day.
 Don’t Give Up On Me:
Emerald eyes filled with tears as a deep wrenching pain twisted itself into his heart. He blinked uncontrollably, willing the tears not to fall. He swallowed and breathed out shakily.
“You’re leaving me?” he whimpered.
Cool grey eyes masked the swirling inner emotions that threatened to break through. He braced himself for the next words that left his mouth.
“I can’t stay hidden forever, Harry. You’ve had your chance and yet still no one knows about us. I am not a dirty little secret," he murmured.
 Blood, Fangs, and Annoying Blonds:
“What do you mean Malfoy isn’t on the Slytherin team anymore?”
Harry shrugged, glancing at his best friend from across the Gryffindor table. “I had a look over the names of each house team. Malfoy’s wasn’t there.”
“Probably didn’t want Quidditch to interfere with his work,” Hermione offered from behind the Daily Prophet. “This is, after all, our N.E.W.T year.”
Ron snorted. “As if that ever stopped the ponce from trying to one-up us on the field.”
“I’m just saying,” Hermione replied with a shrug, placing the newspaper aside. “What other logical reason could there be?”
“Maybe he’s developed a fear of heights.” Ron grinned nastily. “Or maybe he got hexed with something nasty down there…”
 Decus et Brutum:
“Welcome home, my darling!”
Draco’s mother’s greeting was as warm as he remembered, her arms embracing him tightly as soon as he’d stepped over the threshold of the manor.
“Hello, mother,” he greeted with a gentle smile, hugging her back. “Where’s father?”
“Downstairs, tinkering away with yet another artefact,” Narcissa replied, her warm smile falling slightly. “The Dark Lord has become rather… impatient.”
Ah yes. The Dark Lord. Draco had heard his parents mention this wizard’s name multiple times throughout his life, and always with the same hushed, frightened awe. On purpose or not, Draco’s parents had yet to introduce him to this so called Dark Lord. He had spent most of the past ten years living in France after his parents had made the decision to send him to Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts.
Good thing too…Draco thought musingly, considering what happened to the Scottish school…
 A Blog Worth Following:
“I have an announcement,” Dumbledore began over the noise of the students.
It was the first evening back at Hogwarts and Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all seated at the Gryffindor table as seventh years. With the sorting having been completed, the three of them, boys especially, were waiting impatiently for the feast to begin.
“Ron, shh!” Hermione hissed, nudging the boy beside her as he groaned. She turned expectant brown eyes to the headmaster as he began his speech.
“For all of those who are muggle-born or may be knowledgeable with the muggle lifestyle, Hogwarts is now introducing a brand new system that you will no doubt be experienced with. For those who have had no interaction with muggles what-so-ever, this new system will not be entirely difficult to learn and even I can express my pleasure in how much fun it can be.” Dumbledore chuckled humorously, oblivious to the many whispers that had broken out across the students. Many of the teachers were looking excited, if not nervous, at the idea of the new system. They of course had been informed of such a change over the holidays. Professor Snape on the other hand, looked downright miserable.
 Give Him Your Number:
Today your barista is:
Hella     fucking gay.
Desperately     single.
For your drink today I recommend:
You give him your number.
Harry choked back a laugh as his gaze shot from the blazing sign to the quaint little coffee shop. It was a pretty little store, one he’d walked passed multiple times but had never frequented. The sign itself was enough incentive to provoke his growing curiosity, even if all he did was catch a gander at the supposed hella fucking gay barista.
“Well,” a laughing voice remarked to his right, “that’s one way to get attention.” The bushy-brunette coughed, her eyebrows lifting in amusement as a small smile appeared on her lips.
Ron snorted. “Seems a little desperate if you ask me,” he muttered from beside her. “Who honestly can’t just walk up to someone and ask them out?”
“This is coming from the same bloke who danced around his fiancée for years.”
“Shut up, Harry.”
 Hmm, well as far as patterns go, I suppose I enjoy beginning a story with speech hahaha, love myself a bit of banter. Other than that I can’t really see any other patterns, although I guess it’s because I am so used to my writing now that it’s probably hard for me to see similarities.
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inquiringquilter · 4 years
Wednesday Wait Loss 179
Welcome to Wednesday Wait Loss, where you can share photos of quilts you’re working on and get encouragement to finish them from our Wednesday Wait Loss group!
First let me tell you what I've been up to
On Saturday I worked on blocks for an upcoming quilt along by my Partners in Design. I hope you’ll join us!
You can read more about the quilt along here.
On Sunday, I made my Quilt Block Mania block into a mini quilt. What’s Quilt Block Mania? It’s a group of quilt designers offering a free pattern for one month only. Read more about it here.
On Sunday, I filmed a video on a machine binding technique.
On Tuesday, I blogged about the Quilt Block Mania and the new QAL by the Sea. I also did my first Facebook Live via Zoom, in which I played my new machine binding video. To say it’s been a busy week is an understatement I think. <grin>
Oh! I forgot. On Saturday I hosted my sixteenth Saturday Sew-in. Come join this fun group and share what your working on while getting to quilters from around the world.
Join us this Saturday for Saturday Sew-in #17 - from 8 AM to 6 PM EST.
That was my week. Whew!
Now let’s see who made this week’s feature
This week had a lot of lovelies to look at!
First up is Kathleen @ Kathleen McMusing who shared her Portland Head Lighthouse mini. Love the quilting on this. I need to remember this wave pattern.
Next is Pamela @ Pamela Quilts who shared her June Island Batik challenge quilts—three mini quilts with the most wonderful itty bitty blocks!
Anorina @ Samelia’s Mum shared her progress on the most exquisite quilt. Her quilting choices are perfection. In short, it’s simply gorgeous and it’s not even done yet!
Heather @ Happiest Camper Homestead shared her bowtie tutorial for the cutest dog ever. If you have a doggie, you should check this out. It looks simple and fast.
I think I have a thing for orange right now because a lot of those quilts caught my eye, including these beautiful runners by Turid @ Den Syende Himmel.
Anja @ Anja Quilts shared her Temperature quilt. Looking hot!
Alice shared her lovely pear blocks.
Finally, Alycia @ Alycia Quilts joined us to share her Happy Half Square project. Welcome back Alycia!
Congratulations quilters!
Here's an I Was Featured badge for your blogs or to simply print out and wear with pride! Thank you for supporting my blog!
Time to link up!
It’s time to link up your projects - whether finished or just begun, we want to see them!
By linking up, you give me permission to grab a photo or two to share here on Wednesday Wait Loss.
This linky is all about encouragement, so BE SURE TO LEAVE COMMENTS!
If you’re uploading a photo from your phone/computer,don’t forget to leave a comment below that explains your project. And for the rest of us, please reply to a few of these comments leaving words of encouragement for a quick finish.
Please link back to my post somewhere in your blog/Facebook/Instagram post. Use @inquiringquilter and #wedwaitloss to tag me.
I’m not sure how to link up!
Need help?
Here’s how to upload a photo from your phone or computer: Click the blue Add Link button. Click the blue Enter without link button. Type the name of your project and your name in the Caption box. Type an email address in the Email box. The Upload tab is highlighted on the left. If you’re on a computer, you can drag a photo into the area on the right. On your phone, click the Drop your image or click here link. Find your photo and select it, then click Open. Select the I agree to the InLinkz Terms of Service & Privacy Policy checkbox. Click Save.
Here’s how to upload a photo from your blog, Instagram, Flickr, or Facebook: First, if you’re using Facebook, upload the photo to your news stream. Make sure it’s Public. then click the photo so it’s enlarged. Copy the URL for the photo (if you’re on Facebook) or the URL for your post (for a blog, Instagram, or Flickr) and paste it into the Link box. Type the name of your project and your name in the Caption box. Type an email address in the Email box. The Blog tab is highlighted on the left and your image(s) appear on the right. Select one if needed. Select the I agree to the InLinkz Terms of Service & Privacy Policy checkbox. Click Save.
After you link up with a photo, you’ll be asked if you want to Follow me so you’ll know whenever I have a linky party! Since that’s the way I typically arrange my giveaways you might want to click Follow to be alerted.
You’ll also be asked if you want to share your photo and my linky party. I’d love for you to do that! Be sure to include the hashtag #wedwaitloss and #inquiringquilter.
Don’t be frustrated! If you can’t get linked up even after reading the instructions above simply send me your images via email and I’ll add them manually.
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter
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Tell me..what have you been Working on this week?
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ntrending · 6 years
12 tips for organizing your work space
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/12-tips-for-organizing-your-work-space/
12 tips for organizing your work space
The following is an excerpt adapted from Tips and Tales from the Workshop: A Handy Reference for Makers by Gareth Branwyn.
Some studies suggest that organization leads to clearer, more productive thinking and creating, while others claim the opposite. You likely already have your own work and organizational style, and not much is going to change that. I’m basically a mildly messy person with periodic bursts of organizational energy. For years, I beat myself up over my chaotic ways, but then I decided that this was my basic organizational style and that I have still been able to be productive and successful.
One thing I’ve found that helps motivate me to be organized is really clever, thoughtful, and time-saving ideas. Reading a great organizational tip or about some cool organizational technology can inspire a burst of reorganizational energy. Here are a few of my favorite ideas.
1. Organize for first-order retrievability
This tip can help reduce the time it takes to find and grab your tools and materials. Arrange your workspace so that the more commonly used the tool or material is, the closer it is to you. Conversely, put more occasional tools farther away. This way, the shop is designed so that you can easily find what you need as you need it. Via Adam Savage
2. Arrange cords with binder clips
Use a row of binder clips on the edge of your desk as a cable organizer.
3. Take advantage of equipment dead space
Jay Bates shared this useful shop-organizing tip in one of his YouTube videos. For most of us, space is always at a premium. When setting up a shop, you want to carefully think of the workflow around the machines and how you can optimize operational efficiency and tool and material retrievability. Jay suggests that you plan to use the dead space of each machine (the side that you never interact with) to your advantage by grouping these edges together.
4. Keep track of small parts
Use double-sided tape to hold small parts in place while you disassemble or reassemble something. Affix the tape to a piece of paper and write where each part goes.
5. Apply stretch wrap to organize straps
If you have toe straps and ratchet straps in your shop or in your truck, you can quickly bundle them using stretch wrap. Just use a few loops of wrap and your rolled straps are good to go. You can even reuse the wrap for multiple strap-wrappings. Via Jay Bates
6. Mark your tools
From Caleb Kraft: “My grandfather was handy with tools (weren’t they all?). He had a small woodshop and a collection of miscellany that had been acquired through years of working on various machines. At some point he worked on trains; at another, he repaired vacuums.
“When you’re working in shops with other people, it is always smart to mark your tools so that you know someone else won’t end up with them. My grandpa’s mark was five little notches or slashes.
“I inherited many of grandad’s tools when he passed away. They’ve outlived many of the cheap, modern versions I’ve acquired during my workshop explorations. Those five marks have become something of a sign of quality in my mind.
“Maybe I should begin marking my favorite tools. How would a CNC mill look with five notches on the side?”
7. Label cables with bread tags
Here’s a tried and true method of cable labeling that I have used for years: plastic bread-bag tags.
8. Make your own pocket notebooks
I’ve been using Moleskine Cahiers pocket notebooks every day since 2006. I have dozens of volumes of them filled with article ideas, design sketches, notes on my day, and various other scribblings. They’re fun to go back through to see where my mind has been over the years. I often find buried gems I can use today. As much as I love Cahiers, they aren’t cheap. And while I customize mine with cover art, stamps, and stickers, it’s just not the same as if I’d made them myself.
Bob Clagett of I Like to Make Stuff makes his own (see his Pocket Notebooks how-to on YouTube). When you make them yourself, you have something that’s infinitely customizable using your preference of cover paper stock and design, internal paper (or combination of paper types), pockets, size, and so on. I’ve made a few of my own over the years and they definitely hold a special “inspired object” status in my collection.
9. Give your notebook a keyword index
I was so thrilled when I ran across this notebook hack, allegedly from Japan, on Instagram. I fill up lots of notebooks and frequently use a single journal for work ideas, personal projects, and domestic planning (trips, meals, shopping, and so on). Finding things in makers’ notebooks across volumes, and within volumes, can be a real chore. The only real way of fixing this access problem is taking the considerable time to index everything.
The following simple approach allows you to fairly quickly build a back-of-book index of significant content as you go (you could build it in the front of the book, too).
Here’s how it works:
First you start off with your content. In this example, Adam, who runs the blog High Five, is making a recipe book. Here’s his first recipe.
He creates a listing of recipe types on the final page of his recipe notebook.
Based on his index of recipe types, he puts the appropriate marking on the outside edge of the page for this Chinese recipe.
Next, you can see that by placing corresponding marks on the edges of the pages that map to the recipe index in the back, Adam has organized his recipes for much easier access.
I’m definitely going to start doing this in all of my notebooks. Via Adam at High Five Blog
10. Order cables with toilet paper tubes
Use empty toilet paper rolls to hold bundled personal electronics cables and other cords together.
11. Hold cables with zip ties
This trick is from Donald Bell of Maker Project Lab: “This is an easy, useful way to stand-off cables across a length of conduit using zip ties and cheap vinyl tubing. It’s a way to tidy up electrical wiring, fuel lines, data cables, pneumatic tubes, and bicycle brake lines.”
Cut off a ¾-inch section of clear vinyl tubing. You can get this stuff cheap as aquarium air pump tubing.
Run your zip tie through the small section of tube, leaving it sitting midway down the zip tie like a ring.
Take the pointy end of the zip tie and wrap the smooth side around whatever you’re trying to wrangle.
Shoot the pointy end back through the ring of vinyl tubing. You should now have a looped cable on one side of the tube. On the other side, you should have the two ends of your zip tie with the smooth sides facing each other.
Cinch up the loop by adjusting the vinyl tubing ring toward the cable, creating enough length for the ends of your zip tie to be secured around whatever you’re fastening it to.
Zip it up, trim off the extra, and repeat as needed.
Also from Donald Bell: “I came across this tip as a way to harness spark plug cables in your engine. It’s a great way to gather up any group of thick cables, while simultaneously keeping them separate from one another.”
Lay your cables down parallel to one another and count them. The number of zip ties you’ll need is equal to the number of cables.
Loosely attach one zip tie across the entire bunch of cables like a collar, leaving plenty of slack.
Tie loose, perpendicular rings completely around the first zip tie between each cable, parallel to the cables.
Tighten the first zip tie, and then move on to the small rings. Now, trim the excess.
12. Manage your cords
On his YouTube channel, homesteader Dirt Farmer Jay offers a tip for a superior, less kinky way to store your heavy-duty power cords.
The basic steps are:
Plug the male end into the female end.
Grab the doubled cord below the loop that marks the halfway point and flip it over so the loop is facing down.
Push the doubled cord through the loop and grab it with your other hand.
Repeat to form a chain.
Gareth Branwyn is a well-known writer and editor, and a pioneer of both online culture and the maker movement. He is the former editorial director of Make: Magazine, was a contributing editor to Wired for twelve years, and a senior editor of Boing Boing (in print). Gareth is the author and editor of over a dozen books, and is currently a regular contributor to Make, Boing Boing, and other online and offline publications.
This excerpt was adapted from Tips and Tales from the Workshop: A Handy Reference for Makers by Gareth Branwyn, June 2018 Maker Media. Published with permission.
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Written By Gareth Branwyn
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