#i just remember that it was inspired from when I was cleaning in a backpacker
antiquarianfics · 7 months
A Slip of the Tongue
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a/n: how would y’all like an un-proofread one shot i wrote? ‘twas inspired by someone else’s story with a similar concept, but i lost it. :( anyhoo. i made you some content.
warnings: brief mention of death, otherwise none.
“Me and Nina played on the swings today!” Your daughter, Ellie, tells you as you strap her into her car seat.
“Yeah? That so?” You ask. This is one of your favorite parts of your day; that is, listening to Ellie tell you about her day at school.
“Yeah! Nina is new. Her daddy got a new job and had to move them here. She speaks 2 languages!”
“Wow! That’s really cool, baby. What other language does she speak?”
“I think she said… Um. Something that started with an R.” Ellie scrunches her face up in consideration.
“Russian?” You ask, finishing buckling her in. You close the door and move around the car, getting in yourself.
“Yeah, I think,” Ellie replies.
“Did you know Bucky speaks Russian?” You ask her, sharing the tidbit about your boyfriend with your daughter.
Ellie loves Bucky, and he her. When Ellie’s father passed away, you truly never thought you would move on, and it killed you Ellie would grow up without a father. Then, you met Bucky, and he was wonderful. It was a complete meet-cute. You ran into him—literally—in a coffee shop 5 minutes away from Ellie’s school. You were in a rush, trying to get your coffee, your belongings, and your bearings to go pick up Ellie, and in your frantic fumbling, you crashed into a stranger who, rather than getting upset by being hit and drenched in a late, simply steadied you by the arms and asked if you were alright.
Bucky insisted on buying you a new coffee because “It’s my fault for being on your way, Doll. Besides, my ma’d kill me if she knew I passed up an opportunity to ask a pretty woman on a date.”
The admission took you by surprise, and Bucky later revealed it took him by surprise, too. Something about you, he said, brought out his old 40s confidence. He didn’t worry about scaring you like he would anyone else. In fact, he said, in that moment, he wasn’t the Winter Soldier, and he never was. He was just Bucky.
That day, though, you’d declined, telling him you had to pick your daughter up from school, but you quickly amended your statement to let him know you were at that very coffee shop everyday for an hour before you picked up Ellie. “So,” you had said, “if my being a single mom doesn’t scare you, you can buy me that make-up latte another time.” And, by god, Bucky Barnes was at that coffee shop then next day, waiting with your latte.
Fast forward to today, and Bucky practically lives with you and Ellie. He still has his apartment, but he spends 6 out of 7 days at your house. It’s so natural, though, you wish he’d just ditch the apartment and make it official. After all, he is an excellent roommate. He does the dishes, cleans up after himself, doesn’t hog the blankets, and—most importantly—he is fantastic with Ellie. He plays with her, he reads her bedtime stories, he cuts her food for her, and so much more. He is everything to you and Ellie.
So, when you tell Ellie that Bucky also speaks more than one language, you can’t help but grin when she rambles the rest of the car ride home about how she is going to ask him about that language he speaks—what language does Bucky speak again, Mama?—and then she is going to learn it too so she can show Nina.
Ellie’s rambling lasts all the way home, into the house, and into the living room where she drops her backpack on the ground and runs to Bucky, jumping in his lap with no warning. Bucky grunts at the impact, but he smiles fondly at the young girl.
“Hey, El,” he greets. “How was school?”
“Bucky, I made a new friend! She’s so cool. Did you know she speaks 2 languages! That’s really cool. I can only speak 1 language. Her daddy got a new job, so they came here. She’s my new best friend. I don’t remember what language she speaks, though.”
Ellie speaks a million miles a minute as she tries to fill Bucky in on her day. Bucky makes eye contact with you over her head and you merely smile and shrug, making Bucky grin.
“Russian,” you offer, as you move to sink down onto the couch next to your boyfriend and your daughter.
“Russian!” Ellie exclaims, nodding her head excitedly. “Mama said you speak Russian, Bucky. Do you speak Russian?”
“I do,” Bucky confirms, laughing at the amazed look that crosses Ellie’s face.
“Say something! Say something!” She begs.
“Yeah, Bucky, say something in Russian!” You join in on Ellie’s begging with a laugh.
“Вы двое знали, что я люблю вас? Мои красивые, глупые девочки,” Bucky says, chuckling to himself as he watches Ellie’s amazed face.
“Wow,” she says, eyes transfixed on Bucky.
You laugh. “Yeah, wow,” you confirm, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to Bucky’s cheek before standing to go to the kitchen.
You make it just across the room when you stop dead in your tracks, turning to make eye contact with Bucky and attempt to gauge his reaction to Ellie’s words.
“I can’t wait to tell Nina tomorrow that my daddy speaks Russian, too,” Ellie says, lying her head on Bucky’s chest.
You and Bucky make eye contact across the room, and you hold a silent conversation.
Bucky’s eyes are widened in shock, but he raises an eyebrow at you as if to ask, “Did she just call me her daddy?”
You shrug, mouth slightly agape. Ellie has never called Bucky her daddy before, but it doesn’t surprise you. Bucky is always around, and he acts like a father figure regardless of your relationship with him. So, you say nothing, just shrug your shoulders and hope Bucky gets the message:
“I don’t know, but I’ll tell her not to if it makes you uncomfortable.”
Bucky shakes his head to let you know he doesn’t mind. Really likes it even.
Finally he speaks, “Yeah, tell her your daddy speaks Russian. I’ll even teach you some if you want.”
Ellie shoots up in Bucky’s lap, grabbing his face between her hands, and seriously begging him to follow through with his promise immediately.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” She exclaims. “What did you say a minute ago?” She asks, assigning her first Russian lesson.
“Вы двое знали, что я люблю вас? Мои красивые, глупые девочки. It means, “Did you two know I love you? My beautiful, silly girls.”
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helloalycia · 5 months
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summary: when Jackie surprises you with a kiss, you're excited at the possibility of what it could mean, only to discover she's got back together with her boyfriend the next day.
warning/s: implied internalised homophobia i suppose?
author's note: and here’s the third and final part - i hope you liked this one, loved writing for jackie 🥰 i have amother jackie one done and another in the works bc apparently i was super inspired recently lol, and i’ve also got some other stuff in progress. But the next thing I post is gonna be an alycia debnam carey imagine (gotta stick to my roots haha)
one / two / masterlist / wattpad
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I groaned inwardly as I looked all around the darkroom, my locker and my school bag for my lens cap, but I just couldn't seem to find it. That's when I wondered if it could be in the bleachers on the soccer pitch – maybe it fell out of my pocket when I was shooting recently.
Like the lazy girl I was, I went outside with tunnel vision, immediately searching the bleachers for my lens cap, but I still couldn't find it. As I paused, looking up for a moment to think, I realised someone was on the pitch, and upon closer inspection at the waving figure, I realised it was Jackie. Huh.
When I climbed down from the bleachers, she jogged over to me with a confused expression, but smiling nonetheless.
"What are you doing here?" she asked breathlessly, a little sweaty from practice, and it was annoying because she still managed to look good.
"I lost my lens cap for my camera," I said with a sigh. "The last place I remember having it is here."
Her fingers played with her bottom lip as she glanced around. "Oh. That's annoying. Erm..."
"It's fine," I said, not wanting her to worry herself over it when it was my problem. "I'm just having a look around, but I don't think it's here. Might pick up a new one from the camera store. Anyway, what are you doing out here? Where's the team?"
At this, she rested her hands on her hips. "No practice on today, but I wanted to have some me time. Thought I'd put in some extra practice. I've finished now anyway."
I quirked a brow. "Isn't Shauna usually your lift? How you getting home?"
"Shauna is helping her parents with something," she said, before flashing me her signature smirk. "I was planning to flirt with some sophomores and get a ride."
I laughed, shaking my head. "Of course you were."
She winked playfully and, though I didn't doubt she could find some desperate sophomore to give her a ride, I couldn't just let her do that. Besides, it seemed she was getting lifts off me a lot lately, so what was one more to add to the list?
"I'm done in the dark room if you need a ride," I offered.
"Oh, I wasn't hinting at anything," she said, giving me a genuine smile, but I shook my head.
"I know, but still. I don't mind."
Appreciative, she nodded. "Thanks. Do I have time to shower?"
"You have all the time in world, darling," I said as I looked around. "I am still yet to find my lens cap."
She stifled a chuckle. "Good luck with that. I'll go clean up. Meet you at your car?"
I hummed in agreement, already mentally retracing my steps with my camera, and she left me to it. After spending half an hour more searching all around for my lens cap, I finally gave up and went to sulk in my car. It wasn't actually a big deal, especially because I could just buy a new one after dropping Jackie off, but it was the inconvenience of it all.
Not long after I got in my car, Jackie joined me, tossing her backpack in the backseat before sliding into the passenger's seat. Looking refreshed, she shot me a smile.
"So, where to?" she asked, pulling her seatbelt on.
"Your house?" I replied, thinking it was obvious.
"But I thought you wanted to get your lens cap from the store," she said with confusion. "Oh, wait, did you find it?"
As I started the car, I said, "I didn't, but it's fine. I can drop you off home."
"I don't mind going," she said, leaning her elbow on the door. "It's on the way anyway."
"You sure?"
She hummed in agreement, so I drove us straight to the camera store, knowing I wouldn't be long. Luckily, it was still open for the day, and when we headed inside, she immediately began to wander around the small store, intrigued by the cameras on display.
I began to talk to the shopkeeper about my lens size and what camera I had, hoping he had a replacement cap I could buy, and then he left to have a look in the back.
"Y/N, there's a photo booth!" Jackie suddenly called as I was waiting for the shopkeeper to return.
"Yep," I acknowledged, having seen it a million times so not sure what the hype was.
"We have to use it, c'mon!" she pleaded, already grabbing my hand.
I rolled my eyes, having gotten used to Jackie so much that I knew to just go with the flow at this point. She was grinning as she looked at the button and money slot.
"It's fifty cents," she realised, before elbowing me in the gut as she rushed to find some coins in her pocket. Eventually she pulled out a quarter and looked at me. "You got another quarter?"
"I guess? I don't–"
"Look!" she encouraged, and I grumbled to myself as I dug around in my own pocket, managing to pull out a quarter. Before I could even offer it her, she grabbed it from my hand and put both of them in the machine.
After fiddling around, a manual timer ticked to signal the first photo was going to be taken, so Jackie moved closer to me to fit in the lens.
"Smile!" she said, and I had no choice but to listen.
The photo was taken and, just as quickly, the next timer was going off.
"Funny face!" she instructed immediately, before pulling one of her own.
I rushed to stick out my tongue, managing to do bunny ears behind her head without realising, and then the final timer was ticking.
"Okay, a kiss on the cheek for the grand finale," she said with amusement, and because we'd been so rushed up until now, I didn't really think to question who was kissing who.
As the last tick went off before the photo, I turned to kiss her cheek, but she must have done the same, because for a brief moment, our lips touched and then the photo was taken. Embarrassed, I quickly pulled away, as did she.
"Sorry," we both blurted at the same time, and suddenly this photo booth felt too small.
"Y/N?" the shopkeeper called, and I was grateful for the interruption as I stepped out the photo booth and saw he was back at the counter. "Got your lens cap. This should fit like a glove."
I swallowed thickly as I approached the counter, acutely aware of Jackie stood behind me, looking as awkward as I felt. After paying the shopkeeper, the two of us left and returned to the car.
"Er, did you want the photos or–" Jackie started to ask when we got in the car, holding the strip that the machine gave her.
"It's okay, you really wanted them," I said quickly, before distracting myself with starting the car.
To say the car ride home was awkward was an understatement, even with the radio filling the silence. I wasn't sure why, since we both knew the poor attempt of a kiss was an accident, but my fear was that I'd made her feel uncomfortable. It was the last thing I'd wanted, but I couldn't bring myself to speak, and neither could she.
I barely got chance to put my parking brake on when she got out the car and avoided my eyes.
"Thanks for the ride," she muttered, before walking up the long path to her mansion of a home.
I would have left it there, but it felt wrong to, and then I noticed she'd left her backpack in the backseat, so I called her from the open window and grabbed the bag. Jumping out the car, I jogged to meet her halfway, glad she'd stopped.
"You forgot your bag," I said, holding it out to her, and she accepted it, expressionless but staring holes into my face.
Knowing I couldn't leave it like this, I started, "Jackie, what's–"
But she cut me off instantly – and to my surprise – with a kiss. I stumbled back as she grabbed my face, kissing me with such intensity that it took me a second to realise that Jackie fucking Taylor was kissing me. And she was really good at it.
I closed my eyes, reciprocating the kiss, breathing in every part of her floral perfume, tasting every bit of her strawberry lipgloss. There was a second where we paused to take in a breath, but she closed it just as quickly, desperate and sudden and surprising.
Finally she pulled back, and then as if realising what she'd done, her hands let go of my face and she avoided eye contact like I'd make her go blind.
"Thanks," she said awkwardly, before spinning around and speed walking to her front door.
"Wait, Jackie–!"
But she fumbled for her keys and was already at her front door, not bothering to turn around. I swallowed hard, my lips still tingling from the sensation of hers, and went back to my car. Did that really just happen?
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All night I was thinking about it, replaying the afternoon in my mind. She'd made me question a lot about my feelings for her in the past, and at one point, I was certain I was just projecting onto her – maybe that flirting was just who she was? But no, it had to be real, because she'd just made out with me on her own accord, and I liked it. I'd liked her, sure, but she'd always been unattainable to me for obvious reasons.
Well, until now.
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The next day at school, I was hoping I could talk to Jackie about everything properly, maybe get some clarification on what she was thinking. So, you can imagine my surprise when I walked past her in the hall and saw her standing with Jeff, her supposed-to-be ex-boyfriend, leaning on his shoulder as he had an arm wrapped around her.
As soon as I saw them together, my heart dropped, the surprise easily replaced by humiliation. God, how could I have ever thought Jackie Taylor and I could be a thing? Was I stupid?
Turning to walk a different way, I fought back the urge to cry, feeling used and stupid and like an absolute fool for thinking yesterday was anything special.
"Hey, Y/N, wait," Jackie suddenly called, and then she stopped before me with apologetic eyes. "I didn't–"
"So you're back with Jeff, huh?" I got straight to the point, glaring at her.
She avoided my eyes and nodded weakly.
I scoffed, feeling much better hiding behind my anger than my sadness. "Why did you even do it, Jackie? Why d'you kiss me?"
She frowned. "I don't know."
The longer she avoided my stare, the more upset I became. How dare she do all of this, make me fall for her, force herself into my life, only to throw it back in my face.
"Just wanted to test it out?" I muttered bitterly. "Kissing a girl?"
She winced. "No, it wasn't like that."
"Then what?" I asked, searching her expression for a clue, but she refused to answer, either not having the words or not wanting to upset me anymore. Too late for that. "You should figure your shit out," I said harshly. "And don't speak to me again."
Finally, she looked up, but I was already leaving, ignoring when she called my name. I should've known she'd go back to him, she always did.
Fuck Jackie Taylor.
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It was impossible to avoid her and Jeff over the next few days, since they were in a lot of my classes and always on the way to my locker, but I tried my darn best to.
Unfortunately for me, I was out grocery shopping with my mum when I spotted a familiar blonde head of hair further down the aisle from us, standing with her best friend. I was hoping if we stayed put long enough, they'd just keep going and we wouldn't bump into them, but my mum, who was oblivious to our falling out, spotted Jackie instantly.
"Oh, Y/N, your friend is here," she pointed out, and before I could tell her to keep it down, she started to call out Jackie's name, earning her attention.
"Mum, no!" I whisper-shouted, but it was too late because Jackie and Shauna were already approaching us.
I considered walking away, finding somewhere else to busy myself, but my mum would have just found a reason to make it a big deal, so I stayed put and kept quiet.
"Hey, Y/M/N," Jackie greeted my mum in her usual chirpy voice, before I felt her looking at me. "Hey, Y/N."
I ignored her, suddenly interested by the handlebar of the trolley.
"Jackie, it's so great to see you again," my mum said, genuinely happy to chat with her, since the soccer player had made quite the impression on her. "And your friend, it's Shauna, right?"
"It is, it's great to meet you," Shauna greeted her kindly before shooting me a smile. "Hey, Y/N."
"Hey," I mumbled, giving her a quick smile before looking at the bananas on display.
"You know, it's a good thing I bumped into you," my mum said to them, particularly Jackie. "I wanted to thank you again for your help at the fundraiser! We raised over five thousand dollars!"
"That's amazing," Jackie said with disbelief. "I didn't know."
At this, my mum glanced at me questioningly. "Didn't you tell her, hon?"
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Must've forgotten."
"Oh, Y/N," my mum scolded lightheartedly as Jackie looked away uncomfortably.
She continued to talk the girls' ears off before finally realising she was holding everyone up and saying her goodbyes. Taking the trolley from me, she began to push it forward and I was about to follow, but Jackie suddenly grabbed my arm.
I pulled my arm from her grasp, not bothering to meet her gaze. "Don't you have a soccer game to practice for or something?"
She didn't reply, and I rejoined my mum's side, remaining quiet for the rest of the trip. Why couldn't Jackie just leave me alone?
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I was making notes in my English workbook as the teacher continued to explain the variations and development of children's language AKA the topic of our next assignment.
"...and I think that, just like children, students like Jackie Taylor can't seem to focus when they're supposed to be," Mr. Collins suddenly said, pulling me from my focus. "Miss Taylor, is there something particularly fascinating about the back of Miss Y/L/N's head?"
A few students giggled to themselves as I flushed with embarrassment, too afraid to turn around to see what he was talking about, though it was pretty self explanatory.
Jackie cleared her throat, embarrassed. "Of course not, sir. Sorry. Continue."
"Thank you," he said sarcastically, before continuing to read through his presentation, but my face was still flaming and I was unable to focus for the rest of class now, aware of the hazel eyes staring a hole in my back.
God, she was seriously not helping with this whole getting over her thing.
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About a week after the whole Jackie thing, I unfortunately couldn't seem to avoid her forever as I had to take photos at the Yellowjackets' away game. I told myself I'd just do my job and be gone to avoid any awkwardness, but of course, that couldn't happen.
The game happened to be at East Rutherford High which wasn't a big deal, but as I was setting up my camera on the side of the pitch before the game, Olivia found me.
"Y/N, hey!" she called, and I turned around before remembering she went here.
"Liv, hey," I said with a smile, before hugging her. "I totally forgot you go here. Big soccer fan?"
She chuckled. "Not really. But my friends are so I said I'd come watch. Don't know why we bother though, the Yellowjackets always kick our arses."
I tried not to laugh because it was true. "Way to support your team."
"As a school, we've kind of accepted our defeat," she joked, before nodding to my camera. "You're taking photos for the paper, right?"
I nodded, letting my camera hang from my neck. "That's right."
"Your photos are always so good," she complimented, and I was surprised she'd seen them, so she clarified, "Sometimes our school paper look at examples of nearby schools and whenever they show us yours, I always see your photographs."
I smiled with embarrassment, though touched that she'd noticed. "Thanks, Liv, that means a lot."
She shrugged. "Just stating the truth." She paused, glancing out at the pitch as the players started to file out. "Surprised your friend, Jackie, isn't here. Didn't think she'd like me talking to you."
At this, I grew embarrassed for a different reason. "Yeah, look, I'm sorry if she was standoffish with you last time. I didn't–"
"I'm teasing," she assured me, trying not to laugh. "But it's all good. I should go find my seat anyway."
I sighed, nodding, and she smiled sweetly at me before leaving. Rubbing my face, I tried to push any thoughts of the soccer captain out of my head, hating that she was still being mentioned even when she wasn't here.
Instead, I focused my efforts on photographing the game, actually quite enjoying that it was an evening match so the lowlight gave me something to practice with. During half time, Olivia stopped by again and I welcomed it, enjoying getting to know her a little more. She was actually really chill to hang out with, but Jackie's words were still in my head about her 'textbook flirting'. Either way, Olivia was fun.
It was a given that the Yellowjackets would win, and after the game ended and I snapped some celebratory pictures, I moved to the side of the pitch to pack up my things. Olivia approached me again and I smiled.
"Great game, huh?" she said with amusement.
"Always is when the Yellowjackets play," I said playfully, and she raised her brows with mock disbelief.
"Wow, you're already starting the soccer war? That's low, Y/N," she said, making me laugh.
"Gotta support the home team," I said with a shrug. "Especially when they're that good."
She rolled her eyes, suppressing her smile. "Yeah, yeah..." As I shouldered my camera bag, she asked, "You heading off now?"
"That's the plan," I said with a tired sigh. "Why? Aren't you?"
She locked eyes with me, smiling softly. "I was going to ask if you're free to hang right now. Could grab some food or something?"
"Oh," I said, realising she was asking me out. "I– erm–"
It sounded fun, and why couldn't I enjoy a dinner with a cute girl? Smile forming on my lips, I was about to agree, but then the devil's spawn herself decided to appear.
"There you are," Jackie said, looking to me, either oblivious to my annoyance or choosing to ignore it.
"Didn't take long," Olivia mumbled to herself, but I heard it. Clearing her throat, she said to me, "I'm gonna guess you're busy tonight?"
"Oh, there's an after game party," Jackie answered for me, making me clench my jaw. "Kind of a tradition."
Olivia forced a smile. "Right."
"I never go anyway," I said quickly, earning her attention, and receiving a glare from Jackie who I so desperately wished would leave. "I can–"
"The others are asking if you'll go tonight actually," Jackie interrupted, flashing a sickly sweet smile at me.
If looks could kill, she'd be toast right now. Who the hell did she think she was to step in right now? She'd shown me how she felt – she didn't have a right to do this.
"Never mind," Olivia said, already backing up. "Enjoy."
Losing my glare, I looked to Olivia, ready to apologise, but she'd already walked off to join her friends and I knew I'd only make it worse.
"Huh, I was right," Jackie mumbled to herself, which reminded me she was still standing there and very much the reason Olivia hated me now.
"What the hell d'you do that for?!" I shouted at her.
She raised her brows, feigning confusion. "Do what?"
I clenched my fists with frustration. "No! You don't just get to do that!"
She shook her head. "What?"
I scowled, looking between her eyes with annoyance. "Care. You led me on. Used me as– I don't even know what! Some sort of rebound? An experiment? Either way, it was horrible, and now you don't get to just come in and stop me from accepting dates. You're nothing to me, Jackie."
As I spoke, she began to frown, only serving to piss me off further. How could she act like the victim right now? I was the one who'd been played!
"I didn't use you," she said weakly, but I could only step back and fix her with a glare.
"Leave me alone," I warned her once more, not bothering to stay behind to see what she'd say.
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The weekend passed and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking of Jackie the whole time. I wished I'd never found her crying after her breakup with Jeff because then I wouldn't have felt the need to check on her and she wouldn't have felt the need to be my friend. My life was a whole lot easier when she wasn't in it, and yet I still couldn't stop thinking of her. She was bad for me, so why did I still care about her?
I hadn't seen her since the game on Friday night, and despite the fact that she'd literally humiliated me, I still felt guilty for shouting at her. I wasn't someone who got angry easily, but truthfully, it wasn't anger. My heart hurt and who else to take it out on than the girl who broke it?
It was foolish of me to even feel that way, since we weren't anything. She'd never said she cared about me as more than a friend, she hadn't really done anything out of the ordinary except kiss me, which had clearly been a mistake. Her flirtatious behaviour was just typical Jackie. I knew what I was getting myself into. I guess this whole thing was my fault in a way.
Trying to take my mind off it, I stayed back after school to start putting my end of year portfolio together for photography class. I was grateful that nobody else was here, needing the quiet to simply get lost in my school work and nothing else.
I was considering some photographs on the desk when the sound of the door opening startled me. Nobody was supposed to be here, but when I turned around, my surprise faded into irritation at the sight of Jackie.
"Okay, seriously, do you need me to sing it you?" I asked with disbelief. "Write it down? Get a fucking sky writer?! Leave me alone, Jackie!"
"Wait," she said quickly, closing the door behind her and letting herself in, making me groan. "Please, I just– I have something to say."
I rolled my eyes, looking back to my photos with hopes she'd get the hint. "What? You finally figure your shit out?"
It was sarcastic, so I definitely didn't expect her to say, "Yeah. I broke up with Jeff."
My brows knitted together with confusion when I looked to her again. "You what?"
She licked her lips, grateful for the relief in tension. "After the game on Friday. I ended it."
I was certainly shocked to hear that she'd done that, but I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction. Crossing my arms, I tried to appear indifferent. "So what?"
She exhaled softly, steadily approaching me until she was stood right in front of me. Her hazel eyes, looking brown as they met mine, held my gaze with determination.
"You weren't an experiment," she said guiltily. "You weren't a rebound either. I never meant to hurt you, Y/N."
I frowned, eyes flickering between hers. Both my frustration and distress were building up because she seemed to be telling the truth, and it wasn't fair. She still did it. She broke my heart.
"Then what?" I asked, hands trembling. "How else can it seem when you–" I paused, glancing at the classroom door which was closed. Still, I lowered my voice for her sake. "When you kissed me – which, by the way, you initiated – then, before I can even discuss it with you, you get back together with your boyfriend? How?!"
She frowned, shaking her head as she looked down to her hands. "It was horrible, I know. You have to know how much I regret it."
"Gee, thanks," I said bitterly, and she was quick to look up again, worried.
"Wait, no, that's not what I meant," she explained. "I regret getting back together with Jeff, not kissing you. I– I liked that a lot." She was unusually nervous, swallowing visibly. "I like you."
My heart was confused as I studied her expression, seeing nothing but honesty.
"I should've said something," she admitted. "I didn't know that I'd fall for you, Y/N. I've never even liked a girl. Especially not one who's so sure of herself."
I scoffed, meeting her confused look with a knowing one. "Seriously? You're Jackie fucking Taylor, the most confident girl in school."
"Not always," she said with a wince. "Clearly."
I watched her, struggling to accept what she was saying.
"I understand if you hate me," she said, straightening up and meeting my gaze with a solemn one. "And I'll truly leave you alone, as you wish. Just say the word."
I pressed my lips together, seeing the serious expression on her face. I couldn't just say the word, because no matter how hard I'd tried to hate her, I just couldn't. All I'd really wanted was for her to like me, too.
She stood patiently, probably would have stood there for the rest of the day, waiting for me to speak. And I hated it because she'd hurt me deeply, but now I understood why. And even after everything, I still wanted her.
For once, I stopped overthinking and just kissed her, eyes closing when my lips met hers. She breathed out and lifted her hand to rest on my neck, pulling me closer and sending shivers down my spine at the contact. It was desperate, I was aware, but I couldn't get enough of her taste, her floral scent reminding me of last time, the adrenaline rush.
Without meaning to, her back hit her the desk behind her, but other than a brief readjustment, we continued to make out, my head spinning with thoughts of how good she felt so close to me. Stupid pretty girls and their stupid pretty faces.
We pulled apart for air, but I didn't let go of her just yet. My heart was thumping in my chest as I caught my breath, lips tingling as they craved for hers yet again.
"I really like you too," I said without thinking, eyes flickering to hers. "That's why it stung when you did what you did. Why I was so angry."
She nodded slowly in understanding. "I'm sorry."
I sighed, closing my eyes as I tried to collect my thoughts, but it was pretty damn difficult when she was still invading every sense of mine and I welcomed it.
"I don't know how I can trust you," I admitted, opening my eyes and being met with her determined expression.
"You can," she promised.
"What if you decide you don't want this anymore?" I asked, not wanting to doubt her feelings, but not prepared to start something that could end in heartbreak. "What if you think you've made a mistake? Start to miss Jeff? Then what, Jackie?"
"That won't happen," she said with certainty, thumb stroking my cheek.
"But it could."
She frowned, eyes boring into mine as if trying to make me understand. Finally, she said, "I'll spend forever proving you wrong."
I got lost in her eyes, so full of conviction that I had no choice but to believe her. Maybe some things were worth the risk. She certainly was.
"I'd love to see that," I said after a moment, an attempt at a joke.
She paused, trying to digest my words, and then she cracked a small smile.
"I forgive you," I told her. "I know how hard it can be to admit your feelings to yourself, especially for the first time."
She was hopeful, and I was suddenly overcome with an excitement because Jackie Taylor was stood in my arms, telling me she liked me, and I wasn't dreaming.
"Can I kiss you?" she asked, making me smile.
A simple nod and then she captured my bottom lip between hers, making the butterflies in my stomach flutter a storm. Unlike before, this kiss was slower than the others, more considerate, and I knew then and there that I'd never get sick of her lips.
She pulled away after leaving me breathless, her eyes half lidded when they looked from my lips to my eyes. "How was that for proving you wrong?"
I let out a breathy chuckle, admittedly a little flustered. "It's a start."
A smug smile appeared on her lips and then she was kissing me again, laughing as she did.
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Lil bonus scene:
This was the least peppiest pep rally I'd ever been to, producing the worst photos I could take because everybody looked bored. As the principal made a speech about how 'good' the baseball team were doing this year, I snapped a few photos but ultimately sat bored in the front row. Everybody was much more excited for the star of the show – the Yellowjackets.
And after what felt like forever, the school band began to play their instruments and the soccer team began making their way in. Like a switch had been flipped, all the students in the bleachers stood up, cheering and applauding and celebrating their favourite sports team.
A much better subject, I began to photograph the crowd, all dressed in the bright yellow and blue school colours, waving signs and beaming with painted faces. And then my focus shifted to the team themselves, who were lining up before the crowd, grins on their faces. Despite the principal trying to calm everyone down so he could make his speech about how great they were doing, nobody would listen, still cheering on the team.
As I was snapping photos of them all, Jackie caught my eye and a playful smirk was on her lips when she winked at me. Even after the month we'd been together so far, she still left me nervous sometimes, thought I'd accepted that was what came with dating someone as self-assured as Jackie Taylor. We hadn't broadcasted our relationship by any means, but students at school weren't stupid and they were beginning to put it together. I didn't mind though, and I hoped she didn't either.
Finally, the principal managed to quieten everyone down long enough to make a speech worth listening to, expressing his pride in the Yellowjackets and wishing them luck as they prepared for the game tomorrow which would determine whether they'd make it to nationals.
After he finished, the band played them out, along with the audience's cheering, and then everybody began to leave. I was one of the last few to go, making my way out of the sports hall, only to be pulled to the side suddenly, realising Jackie had been waiting for me.
"Someone took their time," she said impatiently, crossing her arms, now wearing her varsity jacket over her soccer uniform.
"Someone was doing their job," I reminded her with a smile, wiggling my camera in the air.
At this, she quirked a brow. "You got my good side, right?"
I laughed. "Jackie Taylor doesn't have a bad side. She knows it too."
She began to smile, flicking her hair in agreement, and I rolled my eyes playfully.
"You look cute with your face paint on," I told her, referring to the little yellow jacket painted on her cheek.
"It's called school pride," she said, before giving me a disapproving look. "You didn't dress up."
"Again, I was busy photographing everything," I said, raising my camera for emphasis.
"Well, we can't have that," she said, tutting, and then she pulled off her varsity jacket and attempted to wrap it around me, but I stopped her.
"Wait," I said, realising what she was doing.
I stared at her knowingly. "It's your jacket."
"Yeah," I agreed in a matter-of-fact tone, "but–"
"I'm giving it to you," she said simply, confused when I wouldn't put my arms in it as she held it open.
"You can't," I said, wondering if she was playing dumb or what.
She furrowed her brows. "What? Why?"
I amended my comment, "I mean, yeah, you can, but you know that people will put two and two together, right? You give me that and it'll be, like, an actual confirmation to everyone that we're dating."
Still, she wasn't following as she stared with raised brows. "Okay? And...?"
Now it was my turn to be confused. "You don't mind?"
Finally catching on to why I was questioning her, she relaxed and lowered the jacket momentarily. "That's sweet of you to ask, but no, I don't mind." She paused, before glancing at me worriedly. "Wait, do you?"
I sighed, before an amused smile formed on my lips. "No, I don't. I just didn't want you to feel like you had to."
Her expression softened, smile appearing on her lips and matching the sparkle in her eyes. "I want to. Now, come here."
This time, I let her help me into her jacket, immediately engulfed in her scent and warmth and not minding in the slightest. She stepped back, admiring her handiwork, eyes looking me up and down for several seconds too long and leaving me with a warm face.
"I should've given you this sooner," she said, impressed, and I rolled my eyes at her pride.
She chuckled before pulling me in for a quick kiss, and then we walked hand in hand down the hallway.
"You know that this means you have to be my number one fan now, right?" she asked, giving me a sideways glance.
I tried not to laugh as I said, "But I already supported the team–"
"No, not the team's fan," she cut me off nonchalantly, "mine. Me. Player number nine."
At her dead serious expression, I began to chuckle quietly. "Nine. My new favourite number, darling."
A smile crept on her lips. "Good."
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randomshyperson · 9 months
Wanda Maximoff x Reader - Pure Heroine Series Part Three - Buzzcut Season
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Summary: You and Wanda have been friends for years, but now, you're grown up. Nothing stays as it was. | Album Inspired series "Pure Heroine" by Lorde.
Warnings: Mutual Pining, friends to lovers, fluff, some typical trope angst, high school to college, making out, drinking, substance abuse, fighting, implied compulsory heterosexuality | Words: 1.024k
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad | Pure Heroine Collection |
The road was silent. Not the comfortable kind like the hundreds of road trips before it, when you and Wanda were kids and fell asleep in the back seat after playing on the beach all day. No, it was the kind of tense silence, almost enough to make Wanda want to get out of the car and walk all the way across the state.
You sighed softly in the seat, and Wanda gripped the steering wheel, expecting an argument to break out. Instead, more silence came. She risked a quick glance in the rearview mirror and felt her shoulders relax as she realized that you had fallen asleep.
Nobody stays angry after a good nap, her mother used to say. 
So Wanda remained quiet, the whole way back to campus she spent rehashing everything that had gone wrong the previous morning, and her guilt about the whole thing didn't let up. It was she who gradually turned all the excitement of a weekend at the beach with her best friend into anger and frustration after a whole semester of not being able to breathe properly outside of assignments and exams. 
She was the one who started acting strange from the moment you mentioned the girl who asked for your number in calculus class, who left you alone with the drinks when the bar attendant flirted with you, and who disappeared for a long moment after girls in bikinis tried to get your Instagram back at the sand. 
Wanda couldn't explain her peaks of jealousy without exposing her true feelings, and Saturday ended like your patience without an explanation.
Now you were distant and hurt, and she was considering getting out of the car.
When you woke up, the university was already in sight. Wanda didn't blame you for staying quiet when you parked, or for not trying to start any conversation on the way to the dorm, backpacks slung over your shoulders.
Wanda needed a long shower, to relax her muscles and clean the sand properly. But you threw yourself on the bed when the backpack hit the floor, and the figure with a face sunk into the mattress made her close the door to the dormitory you two had shared for the last six months and counting.
"Can we talk?" Wanda risked and waited until the silence turned into a sad laugh.
You turned your face on the bed but didn't adjust your body towards her, remaining lying down. "Are we going to talk, or are you going to shout at me again?"
“I didn't shout…”
It makes you sit up with indignation. "Yes, you did." You interrupted her, your expression serious and hurt. Wanda almost shuddered, she didn't know how to handle this look on you. When did you two ever have a serious fight in all those years of friendship? She honestly couldn't remember. "Not just today, by the way. Last week, with Darcy and Monica, you practically insulted me out of the game. I thought you were being a sore loser, and I let it slide, but now... damn it, this has been going on for a long time, Wanda." You snap. "I don't know what's going on with you. You don't seem to want to be around me anymore. I don't..." You sigh, and Wanda swallows dryly, taking a step forward.
"It's not like that." She mutters, not meeting your gaze, and you sniffle slightly, standing up.
"This is about the dorm, isn't it?" You ask, not giving her time to understand what you mean. "It happened to Steve too, when he and Bucky started sharing a room. It's just, a lot. It's different when you live with your friend, with all the other person's quirks and differences... I understand if you're tired of me. I could ask for a switch."
Wanda immediately shakes her head, confusion turning to indignation. "What the fuck are you talking about? I don't want you to move out."
But you chuckle sadly, wiping a hand across your face. "I honestly don't know what you want any more, Wanda." You retort, upset. "You're distant and mean. You can't seem to stand being around me most of the time, only to climb into my bed at night wanting to cuddle. Then you ignore me the next day. I just... It's exhausting. If you want to tell me to fuck off, give you more space, just do it. Stop this rollercoaster. It hurts me."
Wanda considers your words, unable to detach herself from the truth behind them. The way she has been treating you, and hurting you almost on purpose. That's how selfish she could be - the lack of reciprocity hurt her, and if Wanda couldn't make you feel the same, at least she could hurt you too.
And acknowledging that to herself made her sick.
You sighed at her silence and approached only to go around her and open the door. With your hand still on the doorknob, you looked at her from the shoulder.
"Tell me what you want when you're ready, Wanda." You asked gently. "We're not like Bucky and Steve. We'll make it work. We always do."
Wanda turned around, but you had already left the room.
She'd like to say that she ran after you. Or at least called. That she found you the next day, apologized and you talked for hours in your favorite place.
But she did the opposite of all that.
Wanda called people, but people who didn't get along with you. She got new clothes, new friends, new drugs. She learned how to really party, the kind that puts out anything she wants with alcohol, for as many hours as her body can take.
And every time you tried to reach her, she pushed you away until you got tired of trying.
Her father called her, wanting to find out why she was missing family lunches. He also asked about you.
Wanda lied that everything was fine and stopped answering her phone.
And every time her brain insisted on thinking about you, she found someone to drag the memory away. 
Soon, you also stopped viewing her posts.
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jayden-killer · 11 months
what would happen if your favourite fictional character appeared in your bed..?
Part 2
A/N: finally came back! Exams period is almost done, so I can mainly focus on writing fan fics and replying to your comments. Thanks to everyone who never stopped giving me support during these months.~ For this story I was heavily inspired by the "Reality" song by Richard Sanderson. Last night I watched "La Boum" and something clicked in my mind the moment the movie titles came by. I highly recommend that movie (and its main song!).
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Fantastic. Another day gone bad. Not only I lost my notes taken at university with great effort (who knows where they flew thanks to the wind...), but it had rained until the end of the afternoon and a careless car passed by at great speed, soiling me with rain and migo mixed together.
«Ugh! You fucker!» My feet stomped hard on the dirt, realizing that what had just happened was just the beginning of a long evening. I'll just open the front door, walk into the kitchen, and throw my comfort on the sofa that I look forward to.
It seemed like an eternity would pass on the way back, and my body barely even managed to walk, almost like a dead weight. Don't walk on the ground. That would have been the last straw.
«Shit,» I thought aloud, the moment my eyes saw my house from afar, «Finally home». Taking the keys out of the backpack was also, a real pain in the ass: a real tangle of wires and metal had formed there since my headphones had not been folded properly. A sigh escaped from my lips the moment I walked through the front door, searching with difficulty for the light switch. I didn't waste any more time removing the ruined clothes (and placing them in a water bath) and letting a hot shower melt my nerves. It was just what I needed.
I knew I had a smile as I lathered my body thoroughly. Now the scent of lavender was something calming.
``I should make some tea too``.
«Oh, now that's what I am talking about! ». My smile didn't leave my face, as I excitedly opened the book I had left hanging a few days ago, due to my exam period. Being under stress didn't help me find the concertation and desire to identify myself with the main character of the book. ``That's enough``. This thought flooded my mind. ``Now you can rest, because you deserve it, so enjoy your reading``.
``Thanks, other me, maybe you're right`` I replied to the little inner voice that I assumed had a satisfied grin on her face.
Yet my eyes fell on the mega poster that took up most of my bedroom wall: Miguel O'Hara. This man was going to be the death of me one of these days. I remembered the day when my heart wanted him only for me: in the new Spiderman, starring Miles Morales, many would have said that he was the perfect villain, even if I kept countering, claiming the opposite. Of course, his anger issues didn't help get people on his side. He was perfect in every aspect: tall, muscular, intelligent, thoughtful. My god, where do I have to sign to have him next to me?
«Too good to be true». I sighed aloud again as I pulled my attention away from the poster and back into my book. I think it wasn't long after I started reading and my eyes started to get heavy. I might have let go of the book, and fallen asleep with it on my chest. It had been a bad day in every way. Perhaps that is the reason I imagined hugging Miguel more than once. Maybe that's why I also felt my mattress getting heavier under my back.
I was awakened by the sun's rays penetrating through the curtains of my room. I loudly grunted at the thought of getting up early to do my daily cleaning chores around the house. But what harm would it have been to stay in my warm bed for at least an hour longer? Turning over, I had the feeling that my bed had gotten much heavier. Or was I still dreaming of hugging Miguel?
Slowly my eyes opened and focused on an unfamiliar figure lying next to me. I had a moment of confusion. Why...was there a person in my bed?
Only when I fully focused on who was in front of me I almost fainted on the spot.
"AAAAHH!" I grabbed the first pillow nearby, slapping the stranger hard several times, and leapt out of bed, the pillow still in my hands. The man, taken aback, tripped on the ground, and a great thud resounded in the bedroom. I hugged the pillow tightly to my chest. Oh, holy god. What was happening at that moment? I was so confused I could have sworn my face was as just as confused.
The man grunted aloud and scrambled to his feet, throwing his hands in surrender.
«What the fuck did I do?!» he yelled, in sheer confusion too. Maybe at that moment, I could have passed out, I swear to whoever you want! Because whoever I had in front of me was a real dream.
«Holy shit...»
I swallowed hard. «You are Miguel O'Hara. Miguel O'Hara was in my room, in my bed!»
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sindirimba · 19 days
hii i have another prompt ficlet. many many thank yous to @saturrain for sending me this one 🖤
From the 101 romantic/mildly spicy prompts for brief fic snippets, I can specify between #13 or #92, but can u do something for BoN inspired of what he said in the video https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMr1QQ3ja/
you should watch that video because it's cute as hell and definitely inspired the vibe of this. as did those numbered prompts!:
13 Kiss After Kiss After Kiss 92 Kisses All Over
Finally, finally, the plane door opened and people began filing out, and he patted the phone in his shirt pocket by instinct and started walking to meet her midway across the field. The moment he saw her, wearing an orange coat and hauling her backpack over her shoulder and reminding him of spring’s very first blooms peeking out to face the sun, he hurried a little more.
When they were a few meters apart she broke into a grin, and then moments later she leapt into his arms and hugged him with all her might, making him laugh helplessly, stumbling only slightly from the impact. She really had a knack for embodying her entire self in all that she did, he thought.
“Hey!” she dropped back down to her feet, beaming at him, letting him take the pack off her back. “You didn’t have to wait outside for me, Book.”
“I don’t mind,” he said, smiling as they turned to head back toward the tiny airport she’d flown into. “Good flight?”
“Yeah, alright.” She leaned into his side, knocking him a little off balance again. He liked it. “Glad to be back on solid ground. Glad to start our vacaa-aation,” she sing-songed her words, making him feel warm all over. The chill in the air had disappeared the moment he’d seen her step off the plane, honestly. “You ready to build so many snowmen?”
“I think so,” he said with a slight laugh. “More interested in the fireplace, but...”
“Yeah,” she laughed too.
The ride from the airport to their little cabin in the mountains was long enough for her to tell him about her trip, to talk about being excited to learn how to snowboard, to just talk to him and fill his recently fairly solitary existence with life and joy.
Nile’d said he was in his hermit era, a phrasing he’d been incredibly amused by and had thought about often as he’d settled temporarily into an exceedingly mundane life the past few months. Just to remember what it was like, he supposed. To try to get a grip on himself and his complicated and complicating feelings. But Nile, she wasn’t content to let him be a hermit forever, and he’d barely go a few days before hearing from her, by phone usually and by postcard, occasionally. And now, she’d convinced him to take a break from sunny hot Alpes-de-Haute-Provence to go freeze up on a mountain with her.
He’d definitely frozen to death in worse circumstances.
Once they got to the cabin, they cleaned a little, got comfortable, settled in. They’d stopped on the way to get provisions, and so after the settling into the kitchen he went to work on dinner.
He was washing up in the sink when he heard her footsteps behind him, and he glanced over to see her smile as she came over to join him. “Ah, I thought you’d take a nap,” he said, drying his hands, then nodding toward the oven now cooking their night’s meal. “It’ll be a while before food’s ready.”
“Yeah, I tried,” she said, turning toward him, leaning her hip against the counter. “Couldn’t settle down really, I was thinking too much.”
“Oh?” He turned toward her, too, wondering about the expression on her face, the softness in her eyes. “Nothing bad?”
“Nothing bad,” she said with a smile. “Smells good in here.” He ducked his head in thanks, and started to move around her to the fridge for drinks. But she paused him with a hand on his arm, and he met her eyes again. “Y’know I... I really did miss you, Book.”
His concern dampened, and he felt himself smile. “Missed you too.” He paused, words catching on his tongue. What more could he even say? She deserved his honesty but he struggled with it. “I missed you.”
She curled her fingers around the sleeve of his shirt, holding instead of simply pausing now. The kitchen was warm from the oven, even warmer there between them. He thought of their first meeting so long ago, the way he could barely seem to fathom her existence. He still felt like that now, a little.
“And, uh, I’m glad you agreed to come up here with me,” she continued, and he nodded once. As if he could have or wanted to say no to her. “Because it makes everything a lot easier. You know?”
He didn’t. “Easier?”
“Yeah,” she said, half-grinning, and she tugged on his arm, easily pulling him closer. His throat felt suddenly dry. “If the next time we met up was with the others, I was gonna have to make a scene and I really don’t want to do that.”
He couldn’t even begin to start questioning what she meant by that. It didn’t matter. She leaned in, eyes so warm and dark and soft, and then she kissed him. He let out a harsh breath, surprised. Electrified. He brought his hands up, framing her face between his palms, returning her kiss with all the urgency and hunger he could while still standing on his own two feet. She wrapped her arms around him, lips curving into a beautiful smile as the kiss continued on and on and on. He’d imagined this so often, craved it and feared it, and now it was no real shock that the reality of it left him frankly rather brainless.
He broke from her lips, kissed the corners of her mouth, her cheek, beside her eye, her temple, back down to her mouth, and she laughed, buried her fingers in his hair, walking him backwards until his back hit the wall. He grinned, pulling back only far enough that he could see her whole face again, her big eyes, her smile. The mole by her mouth, the little curls of hair next to her ears. “Nile.”
“Was hoping you’d react like that,” she said softly, teasing him, delighting him. He kissed her. She laughed. “See? This would have been way worse with everyone else around.” He laughed too, and then had to kiss her, again and again and again.
“You’re right,” he told her, stroking his thumb over her cheek, her brow, feeling marvelled. She cupped the back of his neck, leaned forward again to brush her lips over his, and he pulled her ever closer. Another kiss and another one, and in between each kiss, she laughed. Music to his ears, and she had him laughing with her, just from sheer overwhelming joy. Sheer hypnotism, or maybe some kind of magic that he hadn’t felt in so very long. What a feeling, he thought, and kissed her again.
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jackharlou · 2 years
Concept: your daughter finds the letters you and jack sent each other years ago, the ones you thought you had lost.
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"how was school today, lele?" - jack asked leah, your eight year old daughter. she wasn't his. you two got together when she was just three years old, but since day one he likes to say she is his daughter, and right from the second she understood jack wasn't her dad, she decided that blood didn't matter and that he was in fact her dad, and according to her, the best in the world.
"it was good. i got the highest grade on an essay ms. carrie made us write" - she said after placing her backpack on the couch and following her dad to the kitchen, where you were finishing lunch while bouncing your five months old daughter, emma - "hi, mommy" - she hugged your waist and then grabbed her baby sister's little foot and smelled it - "hi, little stinky"
"what was the essay about?" - jack asked her, following the conversation they were having, after standing next to you to kiss your lips and your baby's head.
"she asked us about what we wanna be and do when we grow up and then made us read it for the class"
"and what did you write about? was it about you wanting to be an astronaut?" - you asked.
"nah, i don't wanna be an astronaut anymore. i realized it'd be too lonely and i don't think i can bring you guys with me. i want to be a poet, just like you guys"
you and jack shared a look, then looked at her confused - "poets? honey, i'm a dentist and your dad writes stuffs, yes, but it isn't poetry"
"i found some letters from each other in the basement and i thought they were that" - now everyone was confused.
"well, you can read that essay for us after we eat lunch, now help me set the table" - jack and leah went to did as you told them.
an hour later, when you all finished cleaning the table and the kitchen, you went to the living room to rest.
"do you mind reading your essay to us, baby?" - you asked her, curious about what she wrote.
she quickly got up and went to grab her notepad from her backpack. she sat across from you and started reading.
"a little over a month ago mommy asked me to go down to the basement to look for something, don't ask me what it was since i don't remember, but while looking for that forgotten thing i found a box full of letters and little notes. i grabbed the box and took it to my room and then went back to mommy. later that night, after mommy and daddy kissed me goodnight, i stayed up for a little longer reading some of the letters. they were from when mommy started dating daddy. i wish i could read them all to you, but for now you'll have to believe me when i say that all those little papers are the most beautiful forms of love you can see and read, at least to me they are. they told each other about how much they liked each other, then with time they said "i love you" for the first time, then some things happened and they were having some sort of issues but they made it through and kept going. i know it doesn't make much sense since you can't read them, but I've decided since I've read them that i want to be a poet. i want to make people feel things through my words. i want to have a love so pure that it inspires me to write the most beautiful things. i want to be loved like my dad loves my mom. i want to have a family of my own like the one my mommy gave me when she decided to love my dad. i want to be loved and happy enough to write it down like my mom and dad did..."
when she finished reading, you looked jack in the eyes and saw you weren't the only one tearing up.
"honey, you still have those?" - jack asked you.
"apparently i do. i thought i lost them when we moved"
"they were buried inside a huge box filled with books" - she said before running upstairs and coming back a few seconds later with the box between her hands.
"can i read you my favorite ones?" - she asked happily. you two only nodded.
she grabbed a piece of paper that looked like it had been to war and back.
"... remember how you jokingly said you would make me miss you while being on the road? i hate you for it, but i do; i do miss you. the only times i don't miss you are when leah needs me and i have to focus on her. i would say that i don't miss you when i'm asleep but that would be a lie because i even see you in my dreams and i hate it because i don't want to fall for you. i hate to admit it but i'm scared. i'm scared of you making us love you and then leaving and not coming back. i'm scared of leah growing attached to you because you're young, i don't think you're ready to be a dad, specially of a girl who isn't your blood but god, i can't stop looking and smiling when she sees you and runs to you. i can't stop smiling and tearing up at the thousands of photos and videos i have of you two playing or just sleeping together.
i'm scared, jackman. i'm scared at how much i'm missing you"
"I tracked the dates and found dad's response letter" - leah said putting down the letter and grabbed a paper that looked much better than the previous one.
"i wasn't joking. i was making fun of you just to hide that i was going to miss you too and oh baby, i thought it was going to be hard, yes, but i didn't imagine it would be this heavy on me. i have never missed anyone like this. i think it is because i left my parents home at a young age. i became independent very quickly and harshly. i was on the road all the time so I didn't have a home, just places where i was living in, but now i do. i have a home in you. is it too fast? yes? no? maybe? who cares? i don't want to be with anyone else. i want to come back home and hold you, rock lele to sleep. you two are my home. i'm scared too, because my work life isn't easy and i don't want that affecting you or lele, but i have to work hard so i'm able to provide for you two. you deserve the best things and i'm working in every way to give you that. to be that.
i don't know if lele is attached to me, but i sure know i'm attached to her. i don't want a life without that girl. she makes everything better, brighter and when i think about coming back to you, i think about coming back to her too.
don't ever stop missing me because i won't ever stop missing you.
missing something or someone is a good thing, and it means a lot.
and you two mean a lot to me, baby."
you looked at jack with teary eyes and with a smile on your face - "i went to visit him for the weekend while you stayed with your grandma and i left him that note on his bed" - you added a background story for her.
"yeah, i dropped her at the airport and when i came back i found it. i read it a couple of times a day, that's why it looks so ugly. then when I arrived to the next city, the first thing i did was sending her a response"
"oh, i love this one too" - leah carefully folded the previous pieces of paper she had in her hands and grabbed another one.
"... last night i was putting leah to sleep and she started crying for you. she wanted you to sing for her, i tried but apparently i'm not good enough of a singer for my baby, but i guess that's what happens when you date a professional singer. she's getting used to you and so is her mommy, because i had a hard time sleeping too"
she folded the paper after reading it and grabbed his response to it.
"i'm sorry to break it down for you, mama, but you aren't that good of a singer, but it's ok, you can't be a good mom, a good student and a good singer. that would embarrass the rest of us.
i need to come up with some lullabies because my songs aren't made for kids. i'll start working on that, lele, i promise.
pd; so, are you dating a professional singer? good for you, girl. is he good looking?"
"you know that song he sings to emmy?" - you asked her, making her nod - "dad wrote that for you after he sent that letter. you could only fall asleep to it, so i had to play it for you every single night"
"your mom was jealous" - jack said, laughing with your daughter.
"i sort of was. it was so hard putting you to sleep and he made it seem so easy every time"
"out of them all, this one is my favorite" - leah said before starting a new one.
"i'm literally writing this right next to you. you two look so beautiful and at peace while sleeping so i'm sitting on the floor while writing this. we're at the beach, lele's first time at the beach, and i can't express how happy i feel right now.
the way she gets so happy while watching the sand fall through her little fingers. how much fun she has while running away from the water so the waves can't catch her. her attempts to build a sand castle...
it makes me think about the future. i want to be there for her first times her entire life.
i want to be there when she starts school. i want to be first concert she attends to. i want to be at her graduation. i want to see her become a woman, a professional. i want to see her fall in love, get excited over dates, but for that i want to give her the example of how a woman should be treated.
i want her to think of you and think that her mom is truly loved. i want her to see our relationship, get inspired and aim for something like it.
i want to take care of you. i want to be here for you. i want to be here for you two.
what i'm trying to say is; if you give me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me, i would make sure you two are happy, loved, taken care of.
So, would you marry me?"
"that's the last one i found, so i don't know how that went" - she said a little upset.
"i woke up, confused because he wasn't there. i got up and kissed your forehead, when i did i noticed the piece of paper besides you. i took it and read it. as soon as i finished reading it you wake up, so I had to get you ready first. i was excited and tearing up. i literally ran with you in my arms. i got to the front desk of the hotel and asked for a pen and a piece of paper. he had texted me saying he was waiting for us at the restaurant to have dinner. i went there and saw him sitting at a table on his own, while using his phone. i asked a waitress to bring him the little paper and when he got it, he stood and started looking for us. i walked towards him, he snatched you from my arms and held me so tight"
"and i have never let go since then" - jack murmured while grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it, close to where your rings have been for years now. he stood and made you follow him to his studio - "look at that" - he told leah.
she looked up at the little frame hanging on the wall, and there it was. the little note with the name and logo of the hotel and a messy "i do" written on it.
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
God of what? - L. Tucker
Tumblr media
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Very bantery and wordy, pnv!sex, Baby daddy!Lance, chubby Lance, we love dad bods, both are self absorbed as hell, Maggie is still an Angel, teasing, switching, humiliation, creampie, afab!reader
Taglist: @borikenlove @lovelykhaleesiii ;)
Lance Tucker. Gold medalist. Major dickface. Baby daddy. You were one of the team coordinators for USA gymnastics and had to check in on his gym and girls. Which you had no clue how the bastard wasn’t banned for knocking up the Townsend girl but she said it was consensual and they were very much in love.
But Lance did get knocked down a peg. His gym was relocated to Northern California. What you would call Sasquatch weed farm land. An educated guess would be this is where the prick was from. He never married Maggie Townsend but they ‘co-parented’ from what you could see on social media. You wished you were sent to Hope Ann’s gym, atleast she was entertaining.
You got out of the uber and glanced at the gym. It looked nice, very eco-friendly in appearance. Of course his name was plastered in big ass letters on the sign. You remembered him at the Olympics, but he was on his way out and you were sixteen. You won gold on bars and floor that year. Then gold on bars and floor the next Olympics. He wouldn’t back you into a damn corner.
You entered through the doors, silently dipping to the side, hoping to not garner any attention. You leaned against a half-wall and surveyed the scene. Maggie was working with girls on the vault, smiley and vapid as usual. Lance hollered at two older gymnasts on floor exercises. You raised a brow at the state of the former team coordinator.
The motherfucker had on his usual tracksuit, but equipped with a baby backpack, the child just shaking around with Lance’s annoyed arm movements. You snickered quietly, holding a hand over your mouth. Parenting had taken its toll on the former Olympian, Tucker was definitely sporting a ‘dad bod’. His thick waist and what you guessed was a belly had that zip-up straining. Still clean shaven but you could spot the pouch under his chin, the softening of a jawline.
Hm. How the mighty have fallen. You couldn’t say he didn’t look cute with the baby daddy fluff but once he opened his mouth all attraction flew to Antarctica. Blue eyes flickered over your way, once, twice, and his mouth clamped shut.
You could hear him from afar, “Go get some water and your heads outta your ass, coordinator’s here.”
He stalked over, baby bouncing and laughing eagerly. You eyed the team USA patch and the embroidery on the backpack. Future Olympian - Tucker Jr. Did his arrogance know no bounds? Apparently not. Lance approached and asked, “Why did they send you here? My two girls are fine.”
You shrugged, “Had to make sure you weren’t impregnating more up and comers, Tuck. Just a routine check, loosen up that tracksuit huh?”
His full cheeks flushed with anger and embarrassment. Lance grumbled, “Yeah fuck you, come and watch then.” Maggie had bounded over, gushing over you adorably. Poor thing had no brain cells but was cute as a button. She cooed, “Oh my god! I can’t believe it’s you! You were my hero growing up, I modeled my first floor routine after you!”
You grinned and gave her a hug, warmly replying, “Thank you, that’s an honor I could inspire you.”
She looked at Lance and pointed toward you, “Can you believe it? It’s like one of the best USA gymnasts ever!” He frowned deeply. “Yes Margaret. I won my gold when she was still in juniors.” Maggie babbled on, “But she has four golds.” Lance gritted his jaw, you watching his eye twitch from even multiple feet away.
“Yep. Great. Please go back to the girls.”
Maggie waved at you again with a bright smile, Lance face palming dramatically. You eyed his reddened face with a smirk. The brunette cursed, “She’s a fucking idiot.” You asked, “What’s that make you Lance? Don’t fuck stupid then.” He waved you off with a snarl, gathering his protégés up to run through their routines.
You watched with crossed arms as they warmed up. Lance had unbuckled his baby and handed the pack over to Maggie with a kiss to the child’s head. That was cute. No. You eyed him stride back over, still holding that confident swagger. He grinned at you and said, “My girls will definitely be qualifying.” You shrugged and replied, “We’ll see, yeah?”
“You’re a bitch.”
“I know. Suck in.”
Lance blushed and straightened up, embarrassed and now curling in under his arms. He scrabbled for his phone to press play for the first girl’s floor routine. She was good, you watching silently. Quietly you said, “Needs to make sure she’s not landing with her head forward like that.”
“Yes sir!,” she yelped while doing a split.
This would be a long day.
Later on while watching bars you noted Tucker being uncharacteristically quiet. Towards you of course. He was barking at the gymnasts every other swing. You offered, “How’s the dad life going for you?” Affronted blue eyes jerked towards you. His jaw clicked open and shut. Lance replied smoothly, “Good. It’s not hard once you get routines down.”
“You changing diapers?,” you snickered.
He made a disgusted face and replied, “Maggie does that. I can do everything else just fine. Waiting for him to start walking so we can start training.” You raised a brow, holding back a guffaw. He snapped, “What? He’s got good gymnast blood!” You held your hands up and apologized, “Yeah, yeah, gotta keep the Tucker name alive.”
The conversation ended. He gave some more advice to the two girls. You hummed, “Want to get dinner after this?” Lance straightened up, eyeing you suspiciously, “Sure. I’ll drive, Coach.” You poked him in his fluffy side, “I bet you’re hungry huh?”
“Fuck you!”
“Sorry, soft spot I see.”
Lance gritted his jaw, holding back another tirade. His temper was still hot but not blazing like it used to be. You cooed, enjoying the poking of ‘papa bear’, “No need to be so tetchy Tucker, you look good rocking the dad bod! Probably hard to stay in shape with Junior!”
His hands flew up as your fellow coach snarked, “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up! Tucker got fucking fat, ha ha! Go eat a cock.” Lance’s eyes rolled aggressively as he walked over to the girls for the final talk of the day. You waited by the door as they closed up the gym, checking your phone.
Lance strode past you and called, “Let’s go.”
You rolled your eyes. “Such a gentleman!”
Following the surly coach to his Beamer you almost broke out into laughter again. You couldn’t take him very seriously, not a bit, it was endearing. Climbing into the passenger side you looked back at the car seat and smiled. Lance muttered, “I’m on a diet, y’know.”
You replied, “I’m just fucking with you, calm down Tuck.”
He backed the car up while grumbling, “The amount of pussy I get is down to zero now. Shit fucking blows.”
You raised a brow, kicking your legs up on the dash, earning a sharp glare. Looking out the window you stated, “Hate to be the bitch again but you don’t have the best reputation, especially now buddy.”
“Not your fuckin’ buddy,” he pouted, “Maggie goes on dates all the damn time.”
“Maggie’s not an asshole.”
You really wanted Tucker to blow his top. See that famous temper in action. Out of curiosity of course, not some desire to tame him. Yes. Totally.
But he gritted his jaw and jerked down a road to a little downtown area and parking in front of a row of shops and restaurants. He sighed and unbuckled his seatbelt, glaring at his tummy like it might disappear. You did the same, inquiring, “Where are we eating? Since you’re on a diet and all.” Lance snapped, “Vegan joint.”
You smirked and patted his cheek, “How healthy.”
Lance gave you a snarky grin, anger radiating off his entire being. Good. You poked him in the side again for good measure, hopping out the BMW before receiving an earful of angry dad. The elder gymnast cornered you quicker than you could step on the sidewalk, big arms crossed. He jerked his jaw. “What’s your fucking deal? I barely know you. We trained together once.”
Now it was your turn to be bashful. You didn’t really know why you were fucking with him. Originally it was out of spite but now? You weren’t sure. He jeered, “I’m waiting? Not so mouthy now huh?” Mouth agape you stood in front of his bigger frame, stuck. You pushed past him and entered the restaurant, the other laughing haughtily.
Several drinks later.
Lance offered to walk you back to your hotel down the street, considering dinner went okay. There was that stagnant energy looming over you both. But you distracted the idiot by letting him brag the entire dinner. He needed it anyways, you’d been riding his ass all day. Guys like him needed their little ego boost.
He walked beside you inside the lobby, not stopping even as you pressed the elevator button. You stared blatantly. “You think you’re getting lucky or something?” Lance closed into your space again, hand on the wall as he grinned, minty breath hitting your face. He crooned, “Obviously. I got you figured out now.”
Ding. The elevator doors opened. He followed you in. You pushed him roughly against the wall, hand blindly pressing the button to your floor. You growled, “Shut the fuck up,” and kissed him. Big hands groped your ass while you fought against Lance’s mouth— teeth and tongue intertwined. His nose brushed against yours, you pressed into his soft body harder. The pair of you looked like some horny damn teens.
He lifted you up easily, you wrapping your legs around his hips. Lance hotly murmured against your lips, “So you had the hots for me? That’s what’s got your panties in a twist, huh?” You slapped him across the cheek lightly, swearing, “I wanted to fuck you when you won pommel horse gold that first time you stupid prick.” His eyes rolled back, a grin splitting across pink lips.
You kissed Lance again, both hands cradled in his soft hair. He pulled away groaning, “Where- the room- fuck!” More smacking of lips filled the hallway. You panted, “Last- oh Goddammit- one on the right.” In an awkward flurry of limbs Tucker had managed to grapple your keycard and open the door.
He nipped at your swelling upper lip, laughing, “You were a fucking twig then, I mean Hope Ann had more ass.” You narrowed your eyes at him, hopping down and shoving Lance across your bed. He propped up on an elbow with a smirk. Climbing onto thick thighs you replied, “You were skinnier then too— if I remember correctly.” Grabbing a handful of his soft belly emphasized the point.
Watching his brows furrow and lips pout up was priceless. Lance retorted petulantly, “Bring it up again and I’m gonna start thinking you like it.” You shrugged and started pulling at his tight red pullover, the brunette grunting at the sudden stretch. “Easy!,” Lance yelped. The undershirt didn’t last long either, you were goddamn going nuts.
He pawed at your jacket, unzipping the white fabric, shrugging you out of it. He sucked in a breath when you unhooked your bra in a swift motion, hands groping your tits, mouth finding it’s way between. Yanking his hair you hissed, “That’s it, use your mouth for something other than talking about yourself, fuck, Tucker.”
He lapped around a nipple, moaning softly. You rutted down into his lap, grinding against his cock with an aborted mewl. You got plenty of dick. So how you were rolling around with Lance Tucker, gone to seed God of Gymnastics, was purely lust motivated. He lazily moved to your other tit, suddenly going too slow for your liking.
“Hurry your fat ass up- hah- what is this? Soft core hour?”
He nipped rudely, causing you to squeak and yank dark hair again. Lance pulled off your tit, lips obscenely swollen. His pupils were blown wide, eyes lidded seductively. He cocked his head and hummed, “Someone’s needy.”
“Fuck you!”
“Trying to, spitfire.” Good one. Your old nickname.
You hobbled off of his thighs to yank down your leggings and underwear, glaring. Lance copied your actions, albeit he struggled a bit more. You zeroed in on his pretty cock but then the tattoo registered. Lance’s smug face fell when you started laughing. He yanked the lamp off.
You giggled, pawing at him in the dark. “Oh my god, you can’t be serious right now, turn the damn lamp back on!” He protested, “No! It doesn’t look right in this state!” You fell against his soft chest, guffawing now, “Oh my god you aren’t even embarrassed about the tattoo itself?”
You flicked the lamp back on with a sharp grin, the light illuminating his unimpressed face. Nipping at his soft chin you ran hands down soft flesh, wrapping around Lance’s heated cock. He gasped softly, arching ever so into you. Cooing gently against hard and fast strokes, “I’m just playing with you again Tuck. S’that feel good?”
He exhaled out a shaky moan, eyes fluttering shut. You kissed downwards, making a wet line to that beautiful cock of his, heavy and curved. Lance babbled when you wrapped your lips around the thick tip, “Oh fucking Christ- you’re a little freak you know that? Hopping your way around the coaches this year? ” You squeezed his balls in warning, Lance moaning again with a grin.
You bobbed your head a couple of times, drooling heavily on the flushed member. Pulling off you rasped, “No, just the ones who are stupid, self-absorbed, and named Lance.” His inevitable retort turned into a whine when you flicked your tongue across his weeping slit. One of his hands fisted into your hair, pulling you forcefully up and off his cock with a lewd noise.
Lance rumbled, “Enough of this shit.” You moaned in surprise feeling him manhandle you under his bulk, trapped efficiently. The brunette was settled between your thighs, cock readied at your entrance. He purred into your ear, “Pussy’s just wet for me then? Fuckin’ hell spitfire.”
“Yeah, yeah, c’mon and fuck me, you’re right Lance, no more shit!”
“I’m always fucking right,” he grunted while sliding into your pussy. The pair of you cried out in unison, panting into each other’s mouth while adjusting. Your legs wrapped back up around Lance’s softened waist, whimpering at the stretch. He fared no better, lips barely touching your own as he groaned out, “Baby- baby, sh-shit!”
There were a couple of tentative thrusts before Lance eased into a rhythm. His arms were still strong as ever. One was braced next to your head and the other held your waist as he fucked into you. You felt up whatever muscle or softness you could grab on the Olympian, moaning his name in a desperate litany. Lance was back to nonsensically talking, switching between praising your body to extolling his virtues.
You wanted him to talk about you more.
Squeezing your inner walls down on Lance made the man stutter on his thrust, moaning sluttily. You used the pause to flip him onto his back with an ‘oof’. Smirking down at him you bounced up and down roughly, hands pulling at your nipples. “You’re soo lucky Tuck, guess Mags doesn’t, ah, put out for you anymore?”
Lance gripped at your hips rough enough to leave a bruise, smacking his hips into your own. It sounded like a serious porno in the room with all the wet noises, whining, and smacking. He gritted out, “Guess you weren’t getting much either huh? Sure there’s plenty of fish in the sea that can deal with your attitude.” He got a slap again, making those pretty blues roll up.
You shoved your lips against his, Lance sitting upright to wrap around you, one of those calloused hands snaking it’s way around. His belly was soft against your own, making you moan into his mouth. He jerked up into your pussy, you meeting him shamefully with rough bounces. His cock was rubbing against your sweet spot, pushing ‘ah ah ahs’ out of your mouth.
Your were beginning to shake down to your thighs, scratching at his muscular back. Lance growled against your lips, “Taking my cock so good yeah? Sucking me down like a good slut! Fuck, yes!” You threw your head back and shouted eagerly. In a guttural rasp you replied, “Yeah yeah- fucking hell- you’re a good lay I’ll give you that, daddy.”
Lance’s eyes blew black and he slapped your ass, choking on a groan. The pair of you bickered and panted, writhing into eachother. The noises reached a fever pitch, you whining in pleasure, Lance babbling nonsensically. Your pussy tightened and twitched.
“F-fuck, Tucker, gonna cum, harder!”
He swore, “Fucking slut, god!” He pushed you onto your back, hands holding your hips as he jackhammered into your pulsing cunt. You cried and squirmed, going rigid and cumming hard, eyes rolling up. Lance choked your name out, whimpering softly, growing sloppy with his thrusts. He rasped brokenly, “God fucking damn baby, oh god!”
“Fill me up, fill me up,” you chanted.
Lance dug deep a final time, mouthing into your neck as he spilled into you, grunting and moaning. He collapsed flat on top of you with broken little noises, face smushed into your neck still. You sighed in content, lazily rubbing his back in content. His cock began to soften, seed dribbling out between your thighs.
“Hmm, see you again in Paris, Tucker?”
“Uh-huh, maybe some more before that,” he looked up to stare at you, “I need some…hm, help?”
“You? Asking for help?,” you laughed.
He rolled his eyes and laid his head back down, groaning in annoyance.
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zyrafowe-sny · 3 months
For the writer snippet ask game, could I request 5, 8, and 25?
From this ask game
5 — with description I'm proud of
Description my beloathed! (Not actually actually beloathed, but it's definitely not a strength. Except when writing drabbles.)
Here's a preview from the next chapter of phantom limb pain:
His arm came off with a soft click, and he shuddered before carefully securing it. Ballister tried to focus on pleasant sensations — the forceful water beating down, the heat easing the pain in his ribs, clean skin emerging from the grime as he scrubbed (one-handedly), the texture of the penny tiles under his feet, the (achingly) familiar scent of lavender — but an undercurrent of anxiety motivated him to keep the shower short. The soft towels still felt like heaven, and as soon as he was sufficiently dry, he popped his arm back in. The relief was instantaneous. (It was mostly relief. His current prosthetic arm was a little lighter than his very first prototype, but there was still room for improvement. He’d optimized for dexterity, strength, and sensitivity — not physical comfort.)
8 — that hurt my own feelings to write
Hrm. While some of my fics seem objectively more angsty, I think it hurt more when I tried getting in Ballister's head between the Antlered Serpent and confronting Nimona in is the cop or am I the one that's really dangerous:
He knows she couldn't possibly have orchestrated the assassination. She would have needed a second shapeshifter to pretend to be the Director to fake that confession — or split herself in two somehow — and either option seems both unlikely and altogether a far too complicated plan for little miss "something something we win". Unless that was all a ruse to throw him off and she's actually a tactical genius. He thinks of her delight in chaos and destruction. He thinks of how many knights she's injured (killed? modern armor is strong but not invulnerable). He thinks of all the innocent bystanders she put in harm's way. And that girl in the monster in the scroll looks uncannily like the girl he grabbed from atop a stolen motorhorse. Could Nimona really be Gloreth's monster? Could she have destroyed their city when it was in its infancy? Did she want to burn it to the ground again? Is she capable of sowing (false) distrust to make the Kingdom harder to defend when she makes her big move? Did she identify him as the weak link in the Institute that would bring it all down? (Maybe he's questioning everything now, but her loneliness seems real. He can believe she wants an ally, someone to talk to, someone to fight with, even if she always just planned on using him.)
25 — that I consider a favorite
I'm fond of the opening of Intervention, a The Owl House fic that just had its ficaversary:
Luz reaches up to touch the sun. It's a familiar ritual — she's done it for years and years. Luz remembers being excited when she and her dad attached the glowing stars to the bottom of the top bunk. The dangling ones seemed like the coolest things ever. She must have been six. Maybe seven? It wasn’t too long after they moved to Gravesfield. Her new room seemed so scary in the dark and she kept having nightmares, so Papá wanted to make sure she’d always have a little light. “Luz para mi Luz,” he used to joke. (And it never failed to inspire a smile and/or a good-natured groan. Until he wasn't there to say it.) Dad loved the night sky so much. He’d take a telescope along every time they went camping and would point out distant planets and constellations. They were supposed to go backpacking somewhere far away from light pollution where they could see even more stars, but first she was too young and then he was too sick. After he was gone, it was nice to have a comforting reminder of him as she drifted off to sleep. But now? Now the centerpiece — a crescent moon overlapping the sun — reminds her of all the terrible things she set in motion by helping Philip meet the Collector. Who started breaking apart the Boiling Isles almost as soon as he was freed. (She refuses to remove the sun — it might be more of an accusation now than a sentimental memory, but her dad still put it there and she won't undo his work.)
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jubilantscribbler · 1 year
Waves back!! Hello my dearest!!
Can I PLEAse get
On my mermaid bullshit again!! VILLAIN AU ROD ORIGINS "My friends need to be punished"????!!!
Here are a few snippets and explanations for your good good choices :)
On my mermaid bullshit again
A little fic centered around Rod and my friends' OCs starring Rod's bitey baby cousin who's basically his adopted daughter (Haila) and an unsuspecting love interest who cuts an intimidating silhouette with a tongue to match (Phobos). I think it was inspired by artwork that I'll have to find again but ;) it takes place in a fantasy setting and involves bootleg heist hijinks. This ficlet is a bit outdated tho, since some things changed about Phobos since the last time I worked on this. Ah well!
And of course the shady aquarium just happened to have a weird little girl lingering around the super rare exhibit with the fish seemingly following after her.  And of course this entire scene was setting off too many red flags that screamed, "Leave now or your life will change forever."
But did Phobos listen to the valid little voice in the back of his head?  No, no, of course not.  Of course the weird little girl would see him and make a beeline towards Phobos despite the intimidating figure he cut, mask and all.  Of course the little girl grabbed onto his cloak and tugged with such determination that he couldn't look away.
And of course Phobos looked down and acknowledged her with an annoyed puff of a sigh instead of ignoring her, like he should have done.
"Ex-scooooooooz me!"  She said, and he gave her a glare that she completely ignored.  "But you look like a really strong wizard!  And I need to save a princess!"
He really should have said, "Tough luck, kid", and walked away.  After all, she did say "princess", and he is tremendously gay.
...But at the same time, she said, princess, and princesses have lots of money, don't they?  His plan was to just help the kid, get the cash from the princess, and turn down any marriage proposals she may have had to offer.  So instead, he asked: "Where's your princess?"
And she lit up like he'd just given her the best present ever and maybe it warmed his heart just a bit .
Villain AU Rod Origins
A LONG fic where I elaborate on what happened to my boy Rod that turns him into a "villain" in this au. Greatly influenced by that song, "Hell's Coming with Me". Haila is also a major player here.
"Get out, clean your damn self up." His uncle points towards the hallway as the rest of the family parts. "And maybe once you remember your manners, we'll consider lettin' you have some supper."
Sure. Rod marches out the room and makes a beeline for Haila's room. He ignores how the voices quickly become lively again as they laugh at his expense and gently sets her down on her bed. Haila sniffles and wipes her eyes roughly. Another whines escapes her when her tears don't stop, so he shushes her gently and kneels down. "Hey now," he coos softly, "it's alright."
"Sorry," she says again, hands twisting up in the hem of her shirt, "they got mad because of me, and they- they-"
"Sweetheart, don't pay them no mind." He ruffles her hair, noting how she doesn't look at him. No doubt, he's a sight for sore eyes. Sighing, he takes his bandanna and dabs at his face. It does nothing to stop the bleeding, but at least his vision clears. "Haila," he says, looking around her room and finding her backpack, "can you be a dear and start packin'?"
She flinches and curls into herself. "Are you getting rid of me...?"
"No, sweetpea, don't even let that thought take root." He grabs her backpack and hands it to her. "We're leavin'. Both of us."
"...Just us?"
"Just us."
She finally looks up at him, before looking away with shame. "Sorry," she says again. He sighs through his nose and pulls her into a hug. Haila curls up in his arms and sniffles again.
"What'd I tell ya? It ain't your fault. None of this is. But I ain't standin' for you gettin' hurt. Especially not by them. So no apologies. They hurt you first. You did nothin' wrong. Okay?"
"Thatta girl." He pulls away and offers her a smile, even though she doesn't look up to see it. "Now pack your things and wear your warmest clothes."
"What if I can't fit everything?"
"Then you take all your important things first. I'll probably have space in my bag, but grab your favorite things, then put in as many clothes as you can. Okay?"
"Okay..." She puts on her most determined face and hops off her bed. "I'll do it."
"Good girl." He pats her head. "I'll only be a sec. Need to grab my things too."
Haila rocks on her heels before looking back up at him. "Come back soon?"
"Faster than you can blink." He winks, and he can feel the way the cuts tug and stretch with the action. Still, Haila gives him a shy smile, and that's all he needs before he quickly steps out and heads to his room.
"My Friends Need to be Punished"
An OOOOOLD WIP that I made because one of friends said some CURSED SHIT with a couple of others that involved my boy, so I was like, "IM GONNA KILL HIM AS PUNISHMENT". It takes place in the Pokemon: Legends Arceus universe and involves Ingo, My Boy, the clan leaders, and Kamado. I got carried away and started writing A Lot about in-universe politics so I had to step back LMAO.
From what Rod had told him, Akari had been attacked by a school of Tentacool being lead by an alpha Tentacruel. The fisherman had been in the area when he saw her fall from Lord Basculegion's back and fail to resurface. He had been quick to rescue her, but the jellyfish pokemon refused to leave the fisherman unscathed. Rod had only just recently removed the bandages from his arms and legs, revealing the new additions to his collection of Tentacool sting scars. Ingo reaches out and gently grasps Rod's arm, feeling over the new healing scars as Rod answers without pause.
"She's doing better. She can tread water now at least. Getting less skittish even when she doesn't have Lord Basculegion around to hold onto."
"Mmmm." The newer scarring wraps around Rod's arm like a grip. He wishes he'd been there to help. Maybe the fisherman would have less scars if Ingo had been there. Maybe-
"Hey." A hand reaches forward to cup Ingo's cheek, his thumb gently brushing underneath his eye. "You're not gettin' all twisted up over these scars again, are you?"
Ingo meets Rod's gaze long enough to see the fondness that's settled in his brown eyes before looking away. "It... bothers me. How many scars you have."
"I hate to break it to ya this way, but the ocean is just as dangerous as those cliffs you like to clamber over so much."
"I would like to believe that I could have prevented some of these." His thumb runs over one of the more prominent scars, tissue running a dark pink line against sunkissed skin. If only he could kiss it away. "Perhaps it's a show of my ego, but I do like to believe that I can at least protect you from some of the dangers that lurk in Hisui's lands."
"Oh, sweetheart," Rod breathes out, "you do more than you realize, I hope you know."
"I feel as though I could be doing more."
"We're both alive, aren't we?" A soft chuckle draws from Rod as Ingo releases his arm. "We're both alive, and that's all that matters right now."
"Hmm." He clings to the hand cupping his cheek and leans into Rod's touch. It'll have to do, he supposes. But still. "Let me protect you, one of these days."
"Maybe, when I'm not the one protecting you," Rod teases lightly, earning an amused huff from Ingo. "Ah, there we go! One of your special li'l smiles." He lifts his gaze up to meet Rod's as the fisherman's familiar bright smile chases away the lingering dread in his chest. "It'll always be a good day if I get to see you smile."
"You're being ridiculous."
"Ridiculous is a strong word. I think I'm being a modest amount of silly, thank you kindly."
Ingo can't help the snort that escapes him as he presses a small kiss to Rod's palm. As the fisherman sputters, Ingo muffles a laugh against his palm despite blushing from his own action.
"Ah," a voice calls out from behind them, "the love of two young, old men!"
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yasminsqueendom · 10 months
5. Inspiration
Word Count: 5682
CW/TW : None really. Light smut at very end
Micky rolled over and checked the time on her phone. 8:45am. Her heart leaped into her throat. She was 15 minutes late already, and she only just woke up. “Fuck!” She looked around her apartment trying to remember why her futon cushion was on the floor. The sight of a hulking brown skinned divine masculine creature quietly snoring beside her was all the reminder she needed. “Fuck.” She had to say it again to make it real. 
Erik frowned in his sleep from all her sudden movements. “You good, ma?” He yawned and stretched, taking up the majority of what was left of the futon. “Sleep good?” 
Micky wanted to hit him for looking so damn good laying there, but she didn’t have time. No one had called her from her job, which was a bad sign. She dialed in, and listened to her pulse raise in her ears as the phone rang. 
“Minxie’s, this is Stacy. How can I help you?” 
“Hi, Stacy. It’s Micky.” There was a pause on the other end of the line.
“Oh. Hi Micky.” She sounded royally pissed.
“Hi, I’m really sorry. I oversl-” 
“Don’t bother, Micky. Don’t worry about coming in. Ever.” Oh fuck.
“Stacy, I-”
“All your things will be left at the cashier’s station by the door. Goodbye.” She paused again. “And good luck.” Stacy hung up.
Micky felt devastated. She’d never been fired from a job, even one she hated. And now, here she was. Assed out, and jobless. She sat there for a minute, trying to understand what she’d done to have such a fucked up week, and it was only just beginning.
A warm hand caressed her back. “What happened?” Erik’s voice sounded concerned, but she knew he probably guessed what happened. 
“They let me go. Told me to get my shit at the cashier station.” Her voice sounded empty in her ears.”
“Aiight. Let’s go get it.” 
“What?” Surely, he didn’t mean to go right this instant. She watched his face carefully, but there was no hint of a joke. 
“I don’t have any clean clothes here. We gotta go to my place first. Bring some stuff with you. It’s gonna be a few days until I can replace your futon.” She froze at that. 
“You want me to stay at your place? For a few days?” She needed to confirm what he said. 
“You got somewhere else to be?”
“Well, no.”
“Then, bring yo ass. We got shit to do before I go to the office.”
Erik wanted to laugh at the way Micky looked with her backpack in her lap and her hair tucked into a small puff at the top of her head. It had taken a little more convincing, but some well placed kisses helped move things along. She would be staying with him for a few days. He knew she loved having her own space, so he would make sure to replace her broken futon. 
He pulled into the garage underneath the building where his condo was located. His mind momentarily wondered if Shuri was watching as both their phones arrived at his place. Of course she is, bad ass. Erik didn’t mind that too much. As he parked and grabbed up Micky’s bag, he thought about all the ways it would be beneficial to have a way to track Micky in case of emergency. It may actually be good to have someone else looking out for her. Shuri would love having someone else to talk to, or harass. This could work in his favor. 
“You know what?” Erik let Micky walk into the elevator ahead of him. “Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if you and Shuri got to know each other.”
She glanced over at him. “I thought it didn’t matter.”
“It didn’t before when I ain’t know if you would tell me to leave you alone forever.”
“I still might.” Erik couldn’t tell if she was serious or not. She threw him a look with a little smirk on her face. “You did break my damn futon, after all.” Both of them chuckled at that. He felt relieved that she wasn’t still mad at him. It would take time for everything to be right again for her, but he wasn’t going to be a source of stress for her anymore. 
“Alright, goofball. I’ma hop in the shower and change. We’ll go get your stuff after, okay?” He passed her in the hall to unlock his door. 
“Yup. I will behave until it’s time to go.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him. “Promise.”
“I will spank that ass if you cut up.” He left her in the main room flipping through his streaming accounts for something to watch. He deposited her bag just inside his bedroom door, and proceeded to the bathroom.
Micky must have dozed off while Erik showered. He startled her so bad when he tapped her on the leg that she nearly kicked him. His sharp reflexes kept him out of harm’s way, but he still teased her a little bit. Micky didn’t mind it, though. He looked so good standing there in front of her in that cream colored polo, and patterned slacks. Her eyes traveled up and down his body, stirring up memories of their night together. 
“Damn, you look thirsty as fuck right now.” He looked more smug than ever. Micky didn’t care. She liked how good he looked and wanted to take all his clothes off ASAP. And then the smell of his cologne hit her. She knew it must have taken her too long to respond by the way his eyebrow twitched up. She still didn’t care. She was going to enjoy this sight like it was the last time she would ever see it. 
He cleared his throat. “You ready?” 
“Yeah, I’m ready. Let me just run to the bathroom right quick.” 
Back in the car, Micky watched Erik as he drove to her former job. She still wasn’t sure why he insisted on taking her back there. She didn’t really have anything valuable there. Just an old pair of sneakers, and a hoodie that she left for those days when the AC was blasting.
“Why you keep staring at me?” Of course he would notice.
“I just don’t know why you wanna take me back there right now. It’s the last place I wanna be.” Well, the second to last. “And, you have no right to look so much better than me. I’m offended.”
Erik laughed at that. “Well, I can’t do anything about the second problem. I’m just built like that.” His expression got more serious. “As far as taking you back there, I just figured you wouldn’t want to go it alone. That shit can be mad awkward, and I don’t want you feeling weird. Shit, I might even buy something since them bitches need to pinch they pockets so bad.”
“Oh.” Micky didn’t really have an answer. She really didn’t want to be there by herself, and she appreciated Erik for being supportive. 
When they finally arrived, he smiled his award worthy smile at her and tweaked her nose. "Let's go." He sounded more confident than Micky felt, but she wasn't going to back down now. They were already walking toward the front door.
Since the store had only just opened at 9, there were no customers yet. Micky was grateful for that. Her hands shook as she walked in before Erik. She stopped short in the door as her anxiety began to overwhelm her. Erik pressed in behind her, placing his hands on her arms. She felt his well-groomed beard against her earlobe as he spoke quietly in her ear. "Let Daddy handle it. I got it."
He moved around to her side and grabbed her hand. "Okay, Daddy." It felt nice to shrug off the responsibility. Erik would take care of her, if only for the moment. 
He walked them to the register where Kelly, a part-timer with an attitude, was counting her till. Micky swallowed to moisten her throat. Kelly had a mean streak as wide as her forehead was long. She never washed her uniform, which currently had stains from yesterday’s lunch on it. There was always an odor that hovered around her, forcing Micky to find something to do in the store to avoid having to stand behind the counter with her. Kelly’s hair was greasy and unwashed as usual, pushed up into a ponytail without being smoothed down. All the knots and tangles were visible. Her skin was the color of fried chicken with how much bronzer and tanning spray she used. Rumor had it she was trying her best to get pregnant by her Black boyfriend, poking holes in condoms and whatnot, but it wasn’t working in her favor. His pullout game must have been immaculate. Micky was suddenly relieved she hadn’t made it in to work today. 
Erik walked right up to the gum popping, unkempt cashier, with Micky at his side. "Excuse me…" Erik read her name tag. "...Kelly. I'm here to pick up Micky's things. She was told they would be left up front."
Kelly never looked up from her counting. She was always rude to customers and her coworkers. Micky never liked her. 
"Kelly…" Micky began to speak until she felt Erik squeeze her hand lightly. He clearly wasn't finished. 
"Hey uh, Kelly? You might wanna pay attention to what's going on in your store." Erik never liked being ignored. He wasn't going to keep being nice.
Kelly still wouldn't look up from her counting. Micky was starting to feel nervous again, as she watched the warmth melt off of Erik's demeanor. Things were about to get bad for Kelly. 
Erik glanced around the store, clearly checking for anyone watching. "The only ones that work are pointed at the door." Micky spoke quietly, but Erik got the message. He nodded to himself as if making a silent decision. He began doing something with the hand that wasn't holding hers, but Micky couldn't see around him.
"Go get your stuff. I'll be right here." He spoke firmly.
"But, I don't work here anymore. I'm not allowed." 
He squeezed her hand again. "Now, babygirl."
Kelly finally finished counting, loudly slamming the till back into place. "She's not allowed back here." She glared at Micky for a solid five seconds before she looked over at Erik. Her mouth popped open at the glorious sight before her. 220 pounds of muscle packed in a 6 foot and 1 whole inch frame glared down his nose at her. Honestly, Micky could relate to the feeling. 
"Then go get her shit for her. She's a customer now. And you work in customer service….so get to serving….Kelly." Poison dripped from Erik's lips. A visible chill rocked Kelly as she backed away from that murderous glare. She hurried to do what Erik told her, damn near hurling a Minxie's shopping bag filled with Micky's things across the counter at them. Her face was twisted with irritation. How dare they come and make her do her job?
Micky reached for her things, but Erik put out a hand to stop her. "Nah. Pick that shit up, Kelly. You don't throw my girl's shit." He sounded like he was holding something back. The hand he held in front of her shook with poorly suppressed rage. 
Kelly looked like she was about to refuse, but she paused for a second. She threw another dirty look at Micky as if she was to blame for everything. Erik shifted his weight slightly, forcing Kelly to look back at him. Micky felt like she was watching a tamer break a particularly willful beast. This was fascinating. She wished she could look at people and make them jump like he did. 
Kelly eventually picked up the bag and held it out. Erik still hadn’t moved his hand, so Micky didn’t reach for it. After a moment, Kelly started looking confused. She glanced up at Erik. He just watched her hold the bag. Kelly opened her mouth to speak, but Erik cut her off.
“Now, apologize to her for being a rude colonizing bitch.” 
“What?” Kelly gaped at him. She still held the bag, though. Micky was stunned.
“You heard what the hell I said. Repeat after me, ‘I apologize for being a rude bitch to you, ma’am.’ Say that shit.”
“What?” Micky almost laughed at the frustrated glare on Kelly’s face. Erik had a petty streak like no other. This was only a taste of it. You have no clue how bad he can get, bitch. 
“Awww, Micks. You ain’t tell me your coworker was dumb as hell, too.” Erik glanced at her sidelong.
Micky played her part. “I’m sorry, E. I never mentioned it because she isn’t important enough. Look at her. She still holding that bag like a good dog.” This was a weird feeling. It felt wrong in a general sense, but this specific situation called for it. Micky would never dream of mistreating another service worker, but this one was a terrible person. This one deserved a little needling. 
“Damn. You got a good point there, babygirl.” Micky knew she’d done a good job by the way he smiled at her. Kelly, on the other hand, looked offended. “Apologize like a good dog, and hand my girl her bag.” 
Kelly looked more deflated than Micky had ever seen her. She looked back and forth between Micky and Erik a few times before she finally opened her mouth to speak. “I’m sorry. Here’s your stuff.” Micky reached for it, but Erik told her to stop again.
“I gave her the line and she still fucked it up. You see that shit, ma?” His face was the perfect image of sadness. This man deserves a fucking oscar. By this point, Micky was starting to get what was happening. Erik was showing off, yes, but he was also teaching her how to command respect. He was leading by example. Micky would have been long gone by now, and probably cried in her car the whole way home. Erik would never tolerate anything that didn’t satisfy him. Especially, when it was coming from a raggedy bitch like Kelly. “I’ma say this shit one more time for you, Kelly. Say, ‘I apologize for being a rude bitch to you, ma’am.’ It’s simple. Now, you try.”
Kelly looked utterly defeated now. Her hand must be tired. I know mine would be. Micky observed as the last bit of fight left the other woman’s body. “I apologize for being a rude bitch to you.” She hesitated on the last word. Erik lifted an eyebrow threateningly. “Ma’am,” Kelly squeaked out. 
Erik moved his arm so that Micky could grab her things. Kelly dropped her hand like it weighed a ton. “Let’s go.” Erik moved toward the door, pulling open as a woman with a young child entered the store. Micky scrambled to follow him, throwing a last glance back at Kelly, who looked like she wanted to scream. 
“Oh, I forgot the key!” Micky pulled the store key out of her pocket and went back to the counter. She dropped it there without saying another word. Kelly wouldn’t even look at her. 
On the way out the door, Micky heard the other customer speak. “Hi, are you guys hiring?” She considered telling the other woman not to apply, but she realized it wasn’t her problem to solve. Professor Erik was getting it through her skull at last. She didn’t have to be super-bitch. 
During the drive back to his place, they didn’t speak much. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was a little weird. Erik almost never went an entire car ride without saying something silly. Micky wasn’t going to ruin it, though. She had plenty of her own thoughts to chew through. He pulled into the garage, and parked by the elevator.
“Hey, babygirl.” She turned back as she stepped out of the car. “I got homework for you, okay?”
“Okay…” What did he have in mind now?
“Write up a review of that place. Get real detailed about all the bad practices and shady shit that goes down there. Then, send it to me. Can you do that?”
“Yeah.” That wasn’t hard at all.
“Don’t forget to write up that bitch’s stank ass attitude today, too.” He put his car back in drive, a clear signal for her to close his door. “You got free run of the place. Don’t break my shit.” He handed her his home key with a wink. “Call me if you need anything.” And just like that, he pulled off, leaving Micky with a lot to think about. 
Erik had plans. He had a lot of plans. First, he was gonna tank that fucking store, or at the very least get all the people that worked there fired. Second, he was gonna find new work for Micky. He remembered that she loved to write. Surely, there was someone he could put her in touch with to get her going in the right direction. Oh, and I have to replace that damn futon. If her place wasn’t so small, I’d buy her a whole bed set. I’d let her keep staying at my place if I thought she would want to. At least, someone would be using it when he was gone for long periods of time. Micky was always good at accepting his gifts, but she liked having her own space, and he wouldn’t step on her toes. She enjoyed the independence, and he enjoyed anything that made her happy.
The day dragged on, work as usual. There were a few meetings, a luncheon, and multiple phone calls. He responded to multiple emails, confirming dates and times for private events that needed discreet security. Hours and hours of busy work was giving Erik a headache. He checked his phone. 6:30pm. Eight hours had gone by since he left Micky at his place. They had left the food at her place the night before, and he was hungry as fuck. Do I go home, and take her back to her place? Or do I just go and get the food? He decided to call her.
“Hello?” She always answered like that. Like she was asking permission for something. 
“Yo. I’m hungry. You tryna go somewhere?” He knew it was going to take forever for her to decide, but he asked anyway. 
“Ummmm. I’m not really hungry. I ordered a few hours ago, so I’m good.” 
“Damn, you ain’t get me nothing?” He faked hurt. It was mean, but sometimes he liked to tease her. He would make it up to her later. “That’s fucked up, ma.”
“I got a meat lover’s pizza. There’s some left.” Oh, she on point today. 
“Oh, aiight. I was gonna get the food from your place, but I guess we good tonight.” He loved when things came together. 
“Actually…” Aw shit. “I was wondering if you could take me home.”
“But, you don’t have nowhere to sleep. I still owe you, remember?” He tried to hide the disappointment in his voice.
“Yeah. I don’t mean for you to leave me there. I just wanna be able to drive. And there’s Rufus.”
He’d forgotten about that. “Yeah, I’m leaving now. Be there in 10 mins.”
Micky spent the entire day writing. It had only taken about ten minutes to write up the review for Erik. He’d sent a ‘Thanks’. But, that wasn’t the only thing that had her mind racing. Inspiration had hit her like a freight train on the way home from Minxie’s. It seemed so perfect in her head, but it wasn’t coming out exactly right on her laptop screen. Reading through the ten pages she had typed, it felt like something was missing. Her eyes roved over the screen, searching for what piece was missing. 
So far, her main character was a secret agent, with a mysterious past. Her name was Erin. She saved a man from being killed, and was in the process of figuring out what was so special about him that someone would want to kill him. There was obviously a connection between the two of them, but Erin wasn’t giving in yet. Micky still couldn’t decide if she wanted to go the way of romance, or let them just have a mutually beneficial relationship: she keeps him alive, and he keeps her from feeling too lonely.
There were a few things that still eluded her, though. She hadn’t settled on a name for the male character, for one. A few possibilities bounced around in her head for that. She’d nearly peed her pants laughing when ‘Erik’ crossed her mind. No, he’d be so mad. Then, there was the issue of why someone was trying to kill him in the first place. She couldn’t really think of a reason for him being a target. Unless it’s a case of mistaken identity. But then, what would be the point? Maybe I should make him another agent? Or better yet, he could be the son of some wealthy person. I like that. He could have a hefty inheritance that a jealous relative is trying to keep him from claiming.
Then, there was the issue of Erin’s background. Who was she before she got involved in the spy business? It was only just starting to come together in Micky’s mind. She could see little Erin growing up in a wealthy home, receiving all kinds of training, learning all kinds of languages. Her story wouldn’t be motivated by her own suffering. Nah. I’m not writing that for her. Erin would be empowered by her loving and supportive family. She would be enraged by the injustices she witnessed in the world. She would resolve to do something about it. That made sense in Micky’s mind.   
Micky thoughts were interrupted by her phone buzzing. Erik must be outside. She was surprised to see an unknown number pop up on her screen. “Hello?” 
“Hello, this is Shuri. Erik’s best cousin! You remember me? We spoke just last night. Is Erik there with you?” She has a lot of energy. “I see you are at his place now. But his phone says he is at work. What are you doing there? Do you live there now?” The barrage of questions threatened to overwhelm Micky’s brain. How does this girl get anything done if she is this all over the place?
“Well, ummm. My bed is….” How does one say this without traumatizing a kid? “...I need a new one. The old one fell apart because it was cheap.”
“It just fell apart like that? That is very unfortunate.” Shuri paused on the phone. “I realize that I have been rude to you. What is your name?”
“Mikaela. All my friends call me Micky.”
“I would like to be your friend, Mikaela. You seem really nice. I believe that I know of you from before. Erik talked about a nice woman he knew in the States who he broke up with. He was sad about it for a long time. He seems happier now.” Really? Because he seems mad every time he talks to you.
“Well that’s good to know, Shuri. May I ask you a question?”
“Where does the nickname come from? Why does he call you that?” Micky just had to know. There was a long pause on the phone. Micky checked to make sure that Shuri hadn’t hung up. The timer was still counting up on the screen, so the younger woman was still there.
“When I was a little girl, it was my older brother’s birthday party.” She spoke so quickly that Micky struggled to follow Shuri’s accent. “There was cake, as such events tend to go. They were waiting to present it to him in the main room, but when they came I had already taken a large chunk out of it. I was covered in icing. It made me so sick, all that sugar. I couldn’t have been older than three years old at the time.”
Micky barely managed to mute her phone before she hollered laughing at the absurdity of the story. This genius child, with an unstoppable mouth and brain, managed to do something so adorably ordinary. She may be smart as hell, but she’s still just a kid. Suddenly, several things made sense to Micky. Shuri clung to Erik because he treated her like what she was: a kid. He had no expectations of her except to be healthy, happy and free. Yeah, he found her annoying, but little cousins were supposed to be that. It just made her cuter, and him sexier.
“Mikaela? Are you still there?” Shuri sounded a little irritated by the prolonged silence. “You better not be laughing at me.”
“I would never even think of laughing at you, Shuri!” Micky unmuted the line, and lied through her teeth. Shuri had her pride to maintain after all. While Micky pacified Shuri over the phone, the door buzzed and Erik walked in.
“Who you talking to like that?” So fucking rude.
“Shuri of course. I can’t talk to my family so I’m talking to yours.”
Erik responded “What?” just as Shuri asked “Why?” Micky almost had another laughing fit.
“I can’t answer you both at the same time.”
“Put her on speaker.” Micky obeyed.
“Hey, Shuri I’ma put you on speaker, okay?” 
“Wassup, little girl? You still up to no good, I see.” Erik teased his little cousin. It seemed to be the normal form of communication between them.
“Just the everyday things, cousin. I was getting to know Mikaela.”
“Oh word? And why would you wanna do that?”
“You spent a month poking out your bottom lip because you thought she hated you. But now, you two are together again?” Shuri sounded genuinely curious. Micky felt slightly embarrassed to be having this conversation with her ex’s little cousin.
Erik looked furious. “Why are you putting all my business out here? You just reminded me, I need to tell your mom you minding grown folks business again.”
“But Erik, I just wanted to know. You were really sad before. I hated to see you that way.”
Now, Micky felt like an outsider. This conversation was between family, and she didn’t feel like she qualified to be involved. She put her phone on the coffee table, and got up to go to the bathroom. I should give them some privacy. 
Micky hadn’t showered all day, so she took this opportunity to do a little maintenance. One of her favorite features of Erik’s condo was the bathroom. The countertops were granite, the tub was deep and had jets in it that could massage all your pain away. Then, the best feature of all, the walk in shower. It was so spacious, with a little stainless steel bench set just outside the water stream. Oh the water stream. Water could come from three different directions: overhead, and both sides. If you stepped out of that shower with a speck of dirt on you, you were trifling. And there was a switch by the bathroom door to warm the tiles on the floor so that you wouldn’t have cold feet. If Erik ever sold this place, this room alone would fetch a high price. 
Micky turned on the tile warmer and got ready for her shower. No sooner than she was about to step in, did Erik knock lightly on her door. 
“Hey, Micks. Shuri wanted to say bye to you.” Awww how sweet. I love this girl already, and I don’t even know what she looks like.
She wrapped a towel around herself and opened the door, grabbing the phone from Erik. “Hey, Shuri. I was about to hop in the shower. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Okay, Mikaela! Don’t let Erik get into any trouble. He’s a good person, but he just gets really angry sometimes.” Tell me about it.
She glanced up at Erik, who was looking particularly mischievous. “Yeah, I’ll keep him safe for you.” She almost laughed at the way he frowned at that. “You behave, alright?”
“I will try. Bye, Mikaela.”
“It’s Micky. Bye, Shuri.” She hung up the phone. “Hey, E. I just wanted to freshen up a little. I’ll be out in a sec.” She moved to close the door, but he pushed it back open again.
“This trip back to your place, is it an emergency?” He was looking just over her shoulder at the shower.
“What do you mean?” 
“You need to go like right away? Or can it wait an hour, maybe two?” He brought his gaze back to hers. His pupils were dilated, and he wasn’t blinking. She felt like she was in the crosshairs of a sniper rifle, or a very hungry predator. Oh my.
“It’s not an emergency, I just wanted my car for errands tomorrow. I have laundry, and Rufus…..” Her voice trailed off as he smiled down at her. Those dimples were deep and those gold slugs were damn near glowing in her face. “Uhhhh.”
“What’s wrong, babygirl?” He still wasn’t blinking, and it made her slightly uncomfortable. 
“Look at yourself in the mirror.” She moved away from the door to let him pass. He looked at his reflection with open curiosity. She didn’t think he’d ever realized how he looked sometimes. The way his eyes made him look almost inhuman. The intensity of his gaze could peel paint.
“Damn.” Micky waited for him to elaborate. “I look like a demon.” He smiled at himself. “Huh.”
“You never seen yourself look like that before, huh?” Micky asked quietly. It was fascinating to watch him engage with himself in this new way. Almost like watching those cute videos of animals squaring up with their reflections, but a lot more dangerous.
After a moment, Erik turned back toward her. He still looked wild, but at least he didn’t look like a threat anymore. “Sorry, babygirl. You was looking so good in that towel, I wanted to eat you up.” He really looked apologetic, too. He also looked like he wanted to devour her whole. “My offer stands, though. I know you love it when Daddy washes that ass.” He moved toward her, tugging the towel off her body. “That sound good to you?”
Now that she wasn’t terrified, Micky was horny as hell. She wanted to put that bench in the shower to good use. She turned her face up for kisses, earning a moan from somewhere deep in Erik’s chest. 
“I asked you a question.” His hands gripped her ass hard, as he deepened the kiss. “You want Daddy to eat you up? You know you my favorite snack.” He gripped her chin, making her turn her head while he kissed down her jawline. 
Speaking was difficult with how he squeezed her face. “Mhm.” His hand moved from her face to the back of her head as he kissed the hollow at the base of her neck. She had to wrap her arms around his waist to keep from falling. “Yes.” She finally managed to organize her thoughts to form words. “Yes, please.” 
“Please what?” He left a trail of kisses from her throat to her shoulder. Micky lost focus again.
“Uhhh.” He had to know that it was impossible for her to think when he worked her like this.
“Speak, babygirl.” The iron in his voice sent a shiver through her entire body. His fingers twined through her hair. “I need you to say it.” His lips pressed to her neck made her skin tingle. It’s not fair.
“Can I do something for you first, Daddy?” She finally got it out.
He pulled away a little, gazing deep in her eyes. “What you wanna do for Daddy?” His voice poured like honey over her ears. 
“I want you deep in my throat. Let me taste that dick, Daddy. Please.” The desperation in her voice didn’t bother her at all. She meant every word she said and had no qualms about asking for what she wanted.
“Damn, you feeling bold today. Sit in the shower, and wait.” She obediently walked over to the bench and waited. 
She watched him meticulously remove his clothes, torturing her by moving slowly. He smirked at her when she poked her bottom lip out. “Don’t be like that. I’ll put all this shit back on and walk the fuck out.” That made her fix her face real quick. Once he was completely undressed, he stood there watching her react to him.
Micky took the opportunity to drink in all the details of his body. His little baby dreads were neat and oiled on his head. His beard perfectly framed his chin, making his lips pop. They looked so full and juicy, slightly parted to give her a small peak at his pearly whites. His shoulders were broad and muscular, looking like they could carry the weight of the world. They probably do. His hands weren’t large but the fingers were thick from all the work he did with them. His chest was smooth, but his forearms were dotted with keloids. When she first met him, the rows were only two inches wide. They’d spread up his arm slowly each time they’d hook up again. She noticed a fresh one this time. 
“Can I ask you something?” Hopefully, he wouldn’t be mad at the change in subject.
“What?” He started walking toward her. His hardness bounced in her face as he came to a stop in front of her. He tilted her chin up with his hand, making his dick jump on her lips. “I ain’t hear you.” With the bathroom light behind him, his eyes looked completely black. Almost more terrifying than before.
She figured there were two options here. Get to sucking, or try to ask her question while his dick sat on her face. “It can wait.” With that settled, Micky went to work.
Next Chapter
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conciteque · 5 years
Pollution on a boat
Or “Some Old Good Omens drabble I wrote some 5 years ago on a piece of paper and forgot”
Pollution was used to work in the shadows, working low-grade jobs as they waited for their chance to strike; the perfect opportunity to do something just right and start a terrible environmental disaster.
For now, they were working on an oil tanker. They still had a few weeks to wait before they could “accidentally” spill the dark liquid right in the waiting sea, destroying the coastal ecosystem. In the meantime, they had to keep themselves busy.
Hence, that morning, they were listening to their boss’ instructions with a polite smile.
“It’s easy. First, you clean the bathrooms. Showers, toilets, sinks. Then, you mop the floors and spray some air freshener before you leave. After that, you join the rest of the team in the kitchen, and we’ll be done. Got it?”
Pollution nodded. They wouldn’t forget a thing. They wouldn’t leave a single product unused.
It was maybe surprising to imagine the white rider working as part of the cleaning staff. After all, the symbol of filth turning into a hero of perfect aseptic cleanliness seemed quite counterproductive. However, grime never disappears, it is just removed. And to remove it, you need a wide variety of chemical products, all equally fascinating in Pollution’s eyes. Cleaning powder, bleach, window cleaner, antibacterial product…
All were equally poisonous. All were polluting all the same. A real pleasure to work with, really. And all those bright colors turned their work into quite a piece of art, too!
Pollution whistled as they cleaned the toilets, squeezing half the bottle of cleaning product in each bowl. Directly into the sea… The mere thought sent a pleasant shiver down their spine.
All these dying organisms, all these pretty chemical colors soiling the ocean… This was what bliss looked like.
As they flushed one last time, carelessly throwing the empty bottle through a window, they looked at their work with a satisfied nod.
The big oil spill they’d been planning could wait. Sometime, you just had to focus on the smaller things, and Pollution was more than happy to clean up, for once.
Note : j’ai voulu garder le français aussi proche de ce que j’avais écrit à l’époque. Forcément, je m’étais basée sur le livre où Pollution avait des pronoms masculins. Et où il était l’incarnation de la joie enfantine...
Étrangement, quand je lis le français, je vois le Pollution du livre que j’imaginais à l’époque, alors que l’anglais m’inspire plutôt Pollution de la série... Mais passons.
Il avait toujours été discret, occupait des postes mineurs en attendant paisiblement son heure, le bon moment pour intervenir et déclencher LA catastrophe écologique.
Écologique… quel concept détestable. Pollution n'appréciait cet adjectif que s'il était utilisé dans un contexte de désastre.
Actuellement, il se trouvait sur un bateau, un classique pétrolier. Il avait encore quelques semaines devant lui avant de pouvoir déverser le liquide noir qui détruirait l'écosystème des côtes, et en attendant, il avait besoin de s'occuper.
Par conséquent, ce matin-là, il écoutait avec un sourire poli le programme de la journée.
“C'est simple. D'abord tu t'occupes des salles de bain. Douches, toilettes, lavabos, ensuite tu passes la serpillière et t'oublies pas de mettre du désodorisant en partant. Après, tu rejoins le reste de l’équipe pour nettoyer les cuisines, et ça sera bon. Compris ?”
Pollution se contenta d'acquiescer d’un air enjoué. Il n'oublierait rien ; ne laisserait pas un produit inutilisé.
Il était peut-être surprenant d’imaginer le cavalier blanc en homme de ménage. Après tout, pour l'incarnation de la crasse, se changer en défenseur de la propreté étincelante revenait à se tirer une balle dans le pied, se dira le lecteur non averti. Seulement voilà, la saleté ne disparaît jamais vraiment, elle se déplace juste. Et au milieu, il y a toute une gamme de produits chimiques aussi diverse que fascinante aux yeux de Pollution. Produit à récurer, javelle, nettoyant pour les vitres, antibactérien…
Tous aussi toxiques, tous aussi polluants. Un vrai plaisir. Et le tout avec des couleurs tellement vives et variées que ça en devenait presque artistique !
Pollution sifflotait gaiement en récurant des toilettes, déversant la moitié d'une bouteille de produit à chaque fois. Directement dans la mer. Rien que l'idée lui arracha un frisson de plaisir…
Tous ces organismes mourants, toutes ces belles couleurs chimiques dans l'eau… Un pur bonheur.
Alors qu'il tirait la chasse, jetant négligemment la bouteille désormais vide par un hublot, il admira son œuvre et hocha la tête d'un air satisfait.
La grande marée noire qu'il avait prévue pourrait attendre. Parfois, il était important de se concentrer sur les petites choses, et Pollution se trouvait très bien à faire le ménage.
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Midnight - JJ Maybank
Request: Hello, I would love to read something when reader gets shot and JJ is worried sick about her. Thank you!
A/N: Thank you for this insanely inspiring request...hopefully I did it justice.
Outer Banks Masterlist
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The smoke from the bonfire dissipated as it rose, like clouds blending into the darkness of the night. You kept your eyes shut, so tight you could see colors behind your lids as you listened to the sound of Rafe and Barry tearing through the Chateau. If you looked to your right, you knew Sarah would be there, just as scared as you were. On your left side, a branch over, was JJ. He would probably be trying to save face, to look unafraid even though this all felt a little too real for any of you. Just moments earlier, minutes, really, you’d been sitting at the bonfire with JJ, his sweatshirt keeping you warm in the chill of the early autumn night, everyone shouting after Pope and Kiara as they took the HMS out.  
Having John B and Sarah back felt surreal. Like you could do anything you wanted to do. And somehow, even scrambling up the big tree in front of the Chateau while John B threw a bucket of water over the fire, you still truly thought that everything would be okay.  
You hadn’t even felt it at first, as Barry grabbed Rafe and he fired up into tree, you dropped flush against the limb, bark digging into your body. You saw a bullet hit the tree near JJ and all you could remember thinking was how relieved you were that he hadn’t been hit. You waited until you heard Barry and Rafe leave, speeding away from the Chateau, before you tried to move. And then you felt it, a burning in your shoulder worse than the time you’d broken your arm skateboarding. You tired to push yourself back up but your right arm gave out and you fell into the tree, cursing as you lost your balance and slipped, landing on the grass. 
Flat on your back, staring up at the leaves in the tree obscuring the stars and the blurry vision of JJ jumping out of the tree. Sarah reached you first, falling onto her knees beside you and pushing the old sweatshirt out of the way to try and see where the blood that was coating the fabric was coming from.  
“Holy shit!” Sarah shouted, “oh my god…oh my god! John B, she’s bleeding! I think she was shot!”
John B pulled Sarah away from you, covering her mouth with his hand, “be quiet. The last thing we need is for them to turn back around.” Trying to shut her up was in vain, all you could hear was the pounding of JJ’s boots on the ground and John B cursing when he was pushed out of the way as JJ crowded in to see you, “lemme see!” JJ said, dropping to his knees next to you. 
Having him there, so close to you, felt like it reignited something in you and you turned your head to the sound of his voice, obscured stars fading until all you saw in the dark was JJ kneeling over you. “JJ,” you reached your hand across your body to feel your shoulder and he pushed you away, shaking his head. 
“Don’t, I got it…it’s gonna be okay.” He promised, pressing his hand into the blood-soaked sweatshirt. “John B man, we gotta get her to a hospital.”  
“What is it?” You asked, words slurring, they felt heavy on your tongue...like you’d forgotten them. “What happened?”
“No, it’s okay,” JJ repeated. He wiped one of his hands on the front of his shirt before reaching your free hand and squeezing it, “it’s okay, we’re gonna get help.”
“We need to get outta here, if they heard us they might circle back.” John B urged, his train of thought still on Rafe and Barry. He tried to grab Sarah’s arm as she scrambled for the front door of the Chateau, “Sarah!”
“I’m getting the keys to her car, John B! JJ’s right, we need to take her to the hospital!” She called, tearing through the picked over living room. Rafe and Barry had done a number on the inside of the small house but she managed to spot your keys, the Kildare County High School lanyard sticking out amongst couch cushions. 
While she dug through the house, JJ stayed by your side, hand pressed over your shoulder, trying to apply pressure to the wound and stop the bleeding, staining red. John B opened up the back door of your jeep, pushing your backpack off the seat and grabbing a towel from the trunk to throw down. “JJ,” he turned back to his friend to find JJ practically shaking as he sat there, over you, “JJ, we need to get her in the back seat.” 
JJ nodded his head vigorously as he tried to stand up, stumbling back the first time and catching himself on the ground, bloodied hands sticking to grass and dirt. His whole body was shaking and you were lying there, half-conscious but too out of it to respond to anything, eyes flickering shut as JJ and John B lifted you. The movement jostled you and you screamed at the shock of it.  
“Shit! Careful John B!” JJ cursed, unable to do much else for you.
“I’m doing the best I can!” John B snapped.  
Everything felt like it was moving in autopilot for JJ, all his focus was on you and he was completely positive that if he stopped for even a second, he would collapse. Since his feet hit the ground beneath the tree every thought in his mind had been you.  
They were careful of your shoulder as they loaded you in, JJ climbing into the backseat of your jeep and guiding you to lay over his lap. You groaned again as he grabbed your arm, keeping you on your back when you tried to roll over. He leaned down, kissing your forehead and promising, quietly, that everything was going to be okay.  
“I got the keys!” Sarah shouted, holding them up as she ran to the car. “I got the keys!” 
The drive to the hospital felt like a blur. You weren’t even entirely sure that Sarah stopped at any of the stop signs that you knew you were on the road. JJ kept his hand on your shoulder the entire time, though somewhere along the way you stopped feeling it.  
You couldn’t remember it, and when you were finally lucid enough to remember anything at all no one mentioned it, but the minute you were pushed behind the doors, away from the waiting room, JJ lost it. He’d spent the whole ride shaking like a leaf and as they wheeled you away it was everything John B could do to keep his best friend in the waiting room. He had his arms around JJ’s shoulders and he almost lifted him off the ground trying to keep him away.  
“JJ! She’s gonna be okay.” Sarah said, grabbing at his arm as he pulled out of John B’s hold. As he broke away, JJ punched the wall by the door, shouting ‘fuck’ at the top of his lungs and alerting the desk nurse to the three of them. No one told you, later on, that JJ had punched the wall though you noticed his bandaged hand, and no one told you that two security guards had to escort him outside until he could cool down.  
John B stayed in the waiting room while Sarah followed JJ outside. The security guards left him at a bench and Sarah knelt down in front of him, putting a hand on his knee to try and calm him down, or ground him as much as possible. “Hey, the doctors are doing everything they can JJ and it’s going to be okay. They said that the bullet didn’t hit anything major.”  
“I can’t...” he breathed out, covering his face with his hands, “I don’t...what do I do if she isn’t?”
“She will be, Jay.” Sarah replied, “I think though...I think we should call Shoupe and tell him what happened.”
“Fucking Rafe man...it doesn’t even matter. Shoupe didn’t do shit about Gavin and he’s not doing anything about Peterkin...he’s not gonna give a fuck about this either.”  
“You don’t know that.”  
By the time you did wake up, Kiara and Pope had come back from the HMS, huddled in the corner of the waiting room with John B and Sarah, whispering with each other about what had happened and checking every few seconds that JJ, who was pacing back and forth, wearing out a rug near the nurses’ station. He was the first one back to see you when the nurse finally came out to tell them that you were awake. JJ was shaking worse than he had in the car. Kiara had found a clean shirt of his in the back of her SUV, the old one tossed in a trash can in the men’s bathroom when Pope suggested changing so he didn’t totally freak you out.  
And you, JJ felt like his heart was pounding up into his throat when he walked into the hospital room and saw you laying there in bed, hooked up to IVs and only half lucid because of the morphine that they were giving you. But you gave him that sleepy smile you did in the mornings when you slept over at John B’s with him and the shaking in his hands started to subside as he dragged a chair over and sat down next to you.  
“Hey,” you whispered, voice hoarse from being intubated during surgery.  
All the promises that he’d whispered in the car, that Sarah had supplied him with as they sat up and waited all night, they were true. You were awake and you’d be okay and he was gonna nail Rafe to the wall for this...but maybe for now he’d just sit with you and remember how to breath.  
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quiltedgold · 3 years
study buddies - leorio p.
pairing: leorio paladiknight x f!reader
wc: 1.9k
genre: smut. 18+ pretty please
contains: smut, unprotected sex, switch!leorio, switch!reader, college-age, handjob, yada yada
notes: this has not been proofread so forgive any mistakes. my friend saw a tiktok art this concept and inspired me to write this. also the empty leorio smut tag made me sad, so. enjoy :p
As you approached the door of your apartment, you dug in your bag for your keys, and… Nothing. No metal against your fingertips or jangling sounds from the depths of the backpack.
Damn it. No way you forgot them in Leorio’s apartment. You two had been studying for so long, and you were positive you had gathered up all your things from the table before heading out…
After one last sweep of your backpack, you were positive. No keys.
Sighing, you turned to make the trek back across campus to Leorio’s place. It wasn’t too far, a fifteen minute walk, ten if you hurried. Hopefully he was still up.
Before long, you were back at the entrance to his apartment complex. Grabbing your phone, you dialed him up and waited as it rang, then went to voicemail. Ah, maybe he was in the shower? No matter, you had a spare key to his place in case of emergencies, and he for yours. He wouldn’t mind if you used it to grab what you needed and got out of there. Fishing it out of your bag, you unlocked the door and headed up to his floor.
Rapping twice on the door, you called out- “Hey, Leorio? It’s me, I forgot something…”
No reply.
Frowning, you slotted the key into the lock and eased the door open, hoping he wasn’t asleep.
Before you saw him, you heard him. Quick, ragged breaths, and the wet, unmistakable sound of… Oh, god.
He was splayed on the couch, his legs spread and his sweatpants loose around his thighs. His head was thrown back against the cushions, facing towards the door, and you. His face was twisted in pleasure, his teeth digging into his lower lip. His sunglasses were nowhere to be seen.
The sounds you heard were coming from his hand wrapped around his dick, rapidly fisting it into his palm. As you watched, his hips stuttered upwards once, and he threw his head back even further, letting out a whine, adam’s apple bobbing up his throat. He looked absolutely debauched.
Your brain battled with your desires, respect for your friend warring with the thoughts raging through your head.
Just when you thought you could work up the courage to leave, Leorio moaned your name in the most breathless, needy tone you’d ever heard from him, followed by a whiny, “Fuck, y/n, please-”
Your feet were immediately frozen to the floor, heart leaping into your throat. Your common sense told you to scram, to shut the door quietly and let him have his privacy and forget this ever happened, for both of your sakes’.
But the other part of you was louder. The part who knew that you’d been lusting after your friend for months, the part who’s encouraged the urge to crawl into his lap and kiss him breathless and more each time you hung out to study, but always been stifled… until now. That part of you made your brain kick into gear again.
You stepped quietly inside, shutting the door behind you, kicking off your shoes and placing your bag on the ground.
You padded over to the couch, face heating up with anticipation as you got closer.
“Leorio…” you whispered, and his eyes flew open, letting out a choked gasp. The hand around his dick halted its ministrations, and he scrambled to pull his sweatpants back up.
“Oh my god, y/n, I’m so sorry, I, I thought you had left-”
“If you were so pent up, you could have asked for my help,” you hummed, gently pushing his hand away from his sweatpants. “What else is a study buddy for?”
Leorio gulped, desperately searching your eyes for confirmation that his actions weren’t wrong, that you meant what you were saying. His pupils were still blown with pleasure, sweat beaded across his forehead.
You trailed your fingers up his thigh, ghosting the base of his dick.
“Need some help?” you asked, holding his gaze for affirmation.
“Yes, please, god, yes. I- I need you so bad, please,” he moaned, bucking his hips up into your featherlight touch.
Smiling, you retracted your hand and fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt instead. “I want you to show me how you were doing it,” you requested.
Gasping, he grabbed his cock again and began pumping it, screwing his eyes shut with pleasure and perhaps shame.
“Tell me what you think about when you do it,” you said, sliding a hand beneath his shirt.
“You, always you,” he moaned without hesitation. “Kissing you, eating you out, f-fucking you, nngh-” He cut himself off as your fingers circled his nipple.
“Keep going,” you teased.
“Oh, god. You, sucking my- my cock, under the table or in the shower, or- fuck!” He jolted as you gave his nipple a pinch. “Please, I want you to… I want-”
“Want me to jerk you off?” You offered.
“Yes,” he answered, gasping.
With a devilish grin, you slid onto the couch next to him and tucked yourself into his side, placing your hand atop his on his cock, entangling your fingers and leading the pace, purposefully slowing it down. You moved with long, slow strokes, squeezing lightly at the base and tracing your thumb against the tip. He was painfully hard, beads of precum oozing from the angry red tip, and his hips bucked up with every especially hard squeeze.
“Fuck,” he garbled. “Fuck, y/n, it’s so good, please, I need to… I need to c-come, please-”
“Go ahead, Leorio,” you purred. “Come for me.”
With a strangled moan, his hips jutted upwards one last time and cum spurted from his tip, painting both of your knuckles’ white. Each pulse of liquid sent a jolt up his cock, and you squeezed it lightly as he rode out the bulk of his orgasm.
As he wound down, panting, you lifted your hand from his dick and brought it to your mouth, making sure he watched as you lapped up his salty substance from each finger. His eyes, already lidded, darkened with desire.
Flitting your gaze down again to his length, you saw that, unbelievably, it was still hard.
“Y/n,” he rasped. “Let me fuck you. Please.”
It was all you could do to nod before he flipped you over, back pressed into the cushions and head against the arm of the couch. In the blink of an eye, he had your shirt and skirt off, leaving you in simply the matching set of lingerie you’d worn in the event that this was an outcome of tonight’s study session.
Leaning back on his heels, he raked his eyes across your figure, admiring each inch, squeezing the base of his cock again with the sight of you.
Struck with a wave of self-consciousness, you pressed your thighs together and turned your head into the armrest, face burning.
Leorio tsked, “Don’t get shy now, not after you just jerked me off on my own couch,” he growled, slotting his knee in between your thighs to force them apart. Running a finger along your covered slit, he stopped when he reached your heat, pressing lightly then bringing his finger up to examine.
“Oh, my god, you’re soaking,” he groaned, sucking his finger into his mouth to lap your juices clean. He leaned down to capture you in a kiss, hungrily sucking at your lower lip and dipping his tongue into your mouth. You could taste yourself on his tongue, and something that normally would have disgusted you only served to turn you on further as your tongues pressed against each other. You kissed hungrily for several moments, until the heat burning down below became too much to bear.
“Please, fuck me,” you moaned into his ear, looping your arms around his neck. “I can’t wait any longer, please.”
Nodding, Leorio wasted no time, shoving your panties to the side and lining his cock up with your entrance. Even the touch of his tip against your hole had both of you groaning, and he met your gaze and held it as he pushed his length all the way in. You wailed, wrapping your legs around his trim waist and trying everything to pull him closer, deeper.
His cock stretched your walls deliciously, filling you perfectly and making you wonder how you could have ever lived without this.
After his pelvis pressed flush against yours, his length as deep as humanly possible, he paused to give you time to adjust. Time held still, your breathing synched, his head dropped against your shoulder and pressing openmouthed kisses against your collarbone, light sideburns scratching gently against your jawline.
Then the moment was over, and he pulled out entirely, just the tip remaining. You almost cried at the loss, but he thrusted back into your heat before you could procure the sound.
The pace he set was breakneck, cock slamming into your tight hole, his moans echoing in your ear. What should have been too much only fanned the flames of your lust, throwing your head back with each thrust and crying his name and an assortment of obscenities.
“Fuck, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this,” Leorio groaned, breathless. “Ever since you came to my place in that short-ass skirt and kept uncrossing your legs in front of me, god-”
His hands gripped your waist for dear life as he fucked into you, the size of them deliciously large compared to your frame, his thumbs practically touching. Leorio’s fingers pressed shadows into the soft of your stomach, undoubtedly leaving marks by the end of the night; which you couldn’t find it in yourself to be unhappy about.
“Remember that?” He asked, rolling his hips in a way that made you squeal. “I was convinced you were doing it to- nngh- to tease me. By the end of the night I was this close to bending you over the table and taking you right there, shit.”
Catching his breath, he leaned down to hiss in your ear. “But I guess that’s what you wanted, wasn’t it? Little slut.”
Fuck. You wailed at that, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. Your fingers scrabbled for purchase against his back, likely leaving scratches against its tan expanse.
He groaned, speeding up the pace of his thrusts, cock insatiably hot and thick inside you. “Y/n, I’m close- want you to come with me, c’mon-”
Thankfully, the incessant slapping of his balls against your ass, pelvis rubbing against your clit, and his length reaching impossible centers within your cunt was sending you dangerously close to the edge.
“Please, Leorio, I need it, I need you, please-”
“Fuck, baby, I’m c-coming, where d’you- where do you want it-”
“Inside, inside-” you gasped without thinking, and he buried his cock inside you one last time, groaning as thick spurts of white painted your walls. The feeling of his cum inside you sent you over the edge, arching your back and sending your eyes rolling back into your skull as your orgasm racked your body, fireworks of pleasure radiating through each appendage. You gripped his damp hair for purchase as you rode out your climax, and he huffed against your throat, arm muscles rippling as their strength faded.
Both of you panted as you came down from your respective highs. Rolling off you, Leorio collapsed at your side, hands trailing over your heaving chest.
With a puff of laughter, you turned your head to meet his eyes, now droopy and satisfied as they gazed into yours.
You grinned softly. “I should forget my keys over here more often.”
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
In My Room
HS Ben Solo x Demon Reader... Happy Halloween sloots.
be aware this is a Halloween fic, there will be blood/gore/violence/and full-on delusions. Read at your own risk.
TW/CW: NSFW, bullying (Poe is Bens bully & I'm sorry to Oscar lovers but whoops), monster f*cking, Female reader, violence, blood kink, knife kink, breaking and entering, disassociation, voices in your head, depictions of murder, manipulation, overall this is a ride, mention of underage drinking/drugs, I might have a finger sucking kink if we are being honest, sort of slow burn, this is just a mess but I love it.
Inspired by: In My Room by Insane Clown Posse
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Ben blinked lazily to the left, eyelids heavy from another night of restless slumber. He wasn't able to fall asleep, nothing felt right, the covers weren't warm enough, too scratchy against his aching skin. Sweating all night but somehow freezing, he was too scared to sleep with his leg dangling off the edge after Rey played a trick on him.
But he needed some fucking sleep before-
"Heads up, fucking asshole!"
A basketball came flying at Ben's face, colliding with his cheek before bouncing off his comically large nose. Groaning out for everyone to hear before he clutched his cheeks, "Fuck-fuck-fuck," he gritted through his teeth.
Ben could not cry again, not in gym class. Everyone already picks on him for being so big and still fucking sucking at sports. But that ball hurt and now his nose is bleeding, he could feel it running between his fingers as they clutched his pale skin.
Breathing shallowly through his mouth, the sound of the gym teacher, Mr. Maul, in his ear. But it felt like ocean waves crashing against him.
Stiffening when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder, Ben's eyes darted over to the culprit.
"Are you okay?"
Some girl, Kaydel, hangs out with his little sister, was touching him. Looking at him with her big eyes, swimming with concern. But it wasn't for him, it was so the class could think she was a good person because she coddled the freak.
Ben swallowed harshly, trying to make his voice sound as big as he was instead of small and weak. Nervously rolling his tongue over his bleeding gums to taste the coppery substance that probably dripped down to the collar of his white t-shirt.
Mom was going to be so pissed when she did laundry.
"I'm fine."
"Boo-Solo! I told you a head's up!" Poe called from the opposite end of the gym, in a group with all his other tormentors. While Maul looked at him disappointed, another Solo accident to clean up.
"Fucking dude can't catch shit," one of his friends chuckled.
"Even with those huge hands, he fumbles like he's a toddler."
"Or a newborn deer."
"To the nurse, Solo. Miss Kaydel won't need to help you get there, I'm sure you remember the way," Maul rolls his eyes before calling the class back together.
Completely ignoring Ben as he slinks off through the creaky double doors to the empty school hallways.
"What happened to your face?"
Rey sat in the front seat of Ben's car, picking at her backpack pins that decorated the zippers. He had waited for her, watching Poe shamelessly flirting with her in the parking lot.
While Ben iced his nose, no use trying to convince her Poe was bad news when no one believed that someone would pick on him. With his stature, everyone assumes that Ben picked fights with the smaller kids and no one says anything when he tries to explain himself.
Ignoring him and his problems.
He shrugged, moving his left hand to hold the pack to his face while he pulled out. Trying to stay quiet, his sister didn't give a shit, she had her own life to salvage. Separating herself from being 'Ben Solo's sister'.
They arrived at home in silence, the radio playing some random boy band Rey was in love with. All while sirens went off in Ben's head, imagining how nice it would feel to push back when Poe pushed him.
Every time it happens, he thinks how it would be different.
How easy it would be for Ben to punch him in his handsome face, but it would end badly.
Going home bloody and bruised, blamed for the carnage. Probably suspended, or worse, expelled from school.
That would really make mom proud of him when she barely speaks to him anymore. She's too busy with her prodigy, Rey, in all her AP classes when Ben struggles to focus on basic math.
He can't help it, he told her about the voices in his head. How he couldn't relax and doesn't have the span to pay attention and take notes, but she brushed him off as lazy.
Sometimes he just wants to scream at everyone.
Without realizing it, Ben was in his room.
Slamming the door shut in a huff before being enveloped in the quiet of his safe space. Bed messy and unmade, magazines scattered underneath, some of them crinkled and sticky in places.
He kicked a few of them back under in case someone decided to inspect his stash.
In the corner was his desk, computer chair pulled out where he left it when he was sitting there last night. Talking on his Discord, people who felt like him, all too far away to be Ben's real friends.
A suspicious bottle of lotion next to it, stolen from his sisters' stash, not for gross purposes. It just is smoother than his and she has so much of it, Ben wouldn't be caught dead buying that frilly brand at the store.
Not when Poe's minions work there, seeing him with ladies lotion?
Might as well ask to be punched in the gut.
He slumped down in the chair, creaking under his weight as he leaned back.
Next to his bed, conveniently along the wall because he likes to sleep with his back against it. Makes him feel safe, glancing out the two-story window.
There was a group of kids running around the street, giggling and laughing with one another as they played with a blue ball. Jumping into piles of leaves Ben raked for their parents the other weekend for some quick cash. Probably talking about the upcoming holiday and what they would do for it.
Ben would be doing nothing, hiding in his room.
Last year he was foolish enough to accept an invite to a party and ended up getting something slipped into his drink and was posted all over the schools' social media half-naked with sharpie penises on his body.
Lesson fuckin' learned.
After checking the lock on his window and the door, he pulled up his private browser.
Typing in his shameful desires with one hand while he unclipped his belt. Careful to not let it fall too loudly, Rey's room was next door and she didn't need to know he was a disgusting pervert.
He scrolled for a few minutes, trying to find his favorite video. The one he could probably see when he closed his eyes, knowing every time the actress on screen would moan or squirt.
Eyes crossed while her co-star shoved their cock in her cunt. Or her ass at the timestamp 12:53, if anyone was counting...
Ben grabbed his still soft length, smoothing from base to tip with a low grunt. He got hard today in Spanish 2 when Rose went up to talk to the class about making a banana split, he almost came when she peeled that fucking fruit.
Why his teacher okay'd that project, he had no idea but he was fucking grateful for the image to be added to his spank bank.
Sensitive from a day pressed against the seam of his boxers, Ben smeared on some lotion before pressing play. At the lowest setting, he watched with eager eyes as the camera panned in on her.
Sitting on the couch, playing with herself in some black and red panties. Biting her plush lips that Ben mirrored as she cooed to the camera about what a bad girl she was today.
"Yeah, you're a bad girl," Ben spoke under his breath.
His cock grew to full mast, watching in awe as she pulled off her panties. Greeting the viewers with her glistening cunt, hot little clit twitching from being ignored. What a bad-bad girl she was, touching everywhere but her hot little button.
Ben wished he was there to flick it with his fat thumb. Let it slide back and forth while he played with the plug nestled in her tight asshole. All stretched out, but nothing fucking it.
He tightened his fist around the head of his cock, spreading pre-come down the length before dipping a little lower. Sometimes he tugged on his balls while masturbating, only saving it for days he really needed release.
Well, that's today.
The actor came on screen, smacking her on the face a few times, smearing her spit along her cheeks. While she moaned dramatically, choking while he throttled her throat. Ben loved this part, where she stared at him like he was in control.
The only thing in the world she cared about, and he had it.
Ben could feel his orgasm coming, lightheaded from the tips of his toes all the way up to his sore face. Breathing heavily while he watched the actors fuck in so many positions.
Zooming in on her cunt as it gripped his length, Ben was a little bigger. She would love his cock, scream out for him to go harder, rubbing her clit faster, choke her more.
Maybe bite her shoulder for her to shut the fuck up, her master needed to use her and she needed to be his quiet little cumbucket.
Drinking all his cum, drain his sore fucking balls.
"Oh-shit! Fuck," Ben came at the thought, painting the hem of his shirt that he stupidly forgot to lift up in the process. "Shit-shit-shit."
Ben rushed to clean himself off, grabbing at a box of tissues he had thrown at the floor during last night's performance. Knocking the bottle of lotion over in a loud boom, panicked that his sister would hear he shot off his seat.
Pants falling to his ankles, softening cock flopping around while he tried to turn off the video. Hissing out fuck when he smeared cum on his keyboard. That thing wasn't cheap and now his 'm' key might be broken.
A loud banging on the wall made him yelp, "Can you shut that shit off? It's super gross!"
"Yup," Ben's voice cracked, red in the face as he scrambled to pull his pants back up. Giving up on cleaning himself in the process, he would just have to change.
He glanced at the clock, 5:30.
Not too early for a shower.
Dinner was full of non-sense conversation.
Why is your nose so crooked?
Is it always like that?
You have a black eye, what does the other guy look like?
Did you retake your math test? Your teacher emailed me and said you were failing again.
Rey said you were on your computer until late last night. If that keeps happening we will have to take it away, it's distracting to her when she's trying to sleep.
Any word on colleges? It's weird that the neighbor boy got his already while yours are lacking, maybe you weren't accepted.
Ben just tried to blink through it all, he was old enough to not let the sentiments sink in. When sometimes it felt like a knife was plunged into his side, or Rey's fork, or his own that he was slowly stabbing into the meat of his thigh.
All he wanted to do was slink back upstairs and see the faces of random women get fucked, maybe play some APEX with his friends.
He would probably have to cut back on it since his last grounding lost him his headphones. Even though he bought them himself, mom still stole the things he earned with his own money.
My house my rules, young man!
He went back upstairs in a flurry, trying to shut the door in a more respectful manner when all he wanted to do was rip it off its hinges. Ben would just have to settle with screaming in his pillows, he sighed.
Rubbing his hands along his sore face, wincing a little over the bruising. If he pressed and it hurt, that meant he was still here and this wasn't a fever dream.
He had to be quiet for his sister, he had to think of her health instead of his own. She was more important, that's how they put it. Every day, all day, even on days when Ben does something good.
Got his driver's license? Great, you can take Rey to soccer!
Got an A in English lit? You need to tutor Rey, she is failing and can't figure it out. You might have to write her papers for her while she's away at the tournament this weekend.
Got your first job? Well, you'll have to pitch in for the family, you can't just spend it on things you want when we have to pay for all of these bills. Your sister needs to have a new uniform for school, and she's too young for a job.
You're a senior! That means you can help Rey find colleges, she has offers already and needs her big brother's help in finding the right one.
Ben trudged to his bed, sitting down on the edge in a slow exhale of strangled breath. Elbows on his knees while he ran his fingers through his hair, tugging on the ends hard enough to let a few tears drop from his sunken eyes.
He couldn't get on his computer tonight, it would be better to lay down and try to get some sleep. Ben couldn't zone out in class again, especially gym class when Poe was looking for any way to topple him.
His face couldn't handle another 'accidental beating'.
Ben rolled onto his back, the top of his head skimming the wall on the far end. Too tall to fit any way he tried, meanwhile Rey had a queen bed, he still suffered from back pain with his creaky full-size mattress.
He glanced up at the window seal, "What the?"
The latch was undone.
Unlocked and pulled open just a little over an inch. Letting the cool fall air flood his room, a gush of wind pulling it wider and bathing his dark cave in a cold deep freeze.
Ben's brow furrowed, Rey wasn't in here, was she? Between his shower and going to dinner he was 99% sure she was in her room. It was unlikely she came in here after his performance earlier, she wasn't that stupid.
Dad came home after he got out, he remembered his hollering for Ben to come down and help him with the car. Which he ignored, he didn't want to spend his evening holding a flashlight over a hot engine while he yelled at him for not knowing how to fix hubcaps.
Mom brought home pizza, she was always home late and never made dinner anymore.
Ben sat up, tugging the piece back into place. Groaning in frustration when it wouldn't budge.
"What the fuck," he swore, tugging harder. He didn't usually use his strength, but right now it was fucking cold and he needed this to get fixed. He couldn't handle another night tossing and turning-
"Dude-can you be quiet! I need to study!"
There's a fucking crow.
Staring at him, on the roof of his house.
Ben blinked rapidly, trying to see if it was real or a hallucination from his fucked up day. But no, there it was, cawing back at him when he tried to move to close the window.
Growing louder and louder, all while Ben tried to shoo it away. Afraid that he was going to be punished for making crow noises while Rey was trying to study, he could hear it now.
Make bird calls somewhere else Ben! We are trying to sleep!
"Please leave," Ben whispered.
To his surprise, the crow seemed to nod slightly at him. Maybe it was his imagination at that, but it flew off to perch on a nearby oak tree branch. Still staring at him while Ben tried to pull the window shut, successful, except for the latch not clicking shut.
He shrugged it off, burrowing down into his cold sheets and trying to fall into the deep sleep his body craved.
"Wake up sleepy head."
"Come on Benji, don't you want to let me in?"
He shot out of bed with a scream bursting from his aching lungs, panting rapidly into the dark of his room. Ben blinked rapidly to see the landscape, illuminated by the full moon through his window.
There's his bag, hanging by his door, still locked and shut. Dresser, half opened with clothes sticking out of it, closet door broken on the floor and leaning against the closet from a rage last month.
Wiggling his toes under his black sheets, sticking out just a little from the edges. Ben watched as his toes shined in the moonlight, only to be eclipsed by something.
A shadow of gloom plunged his bright room into complete darkness.
Not the normal, average, everyday darkness.
An abyss of color.
He stayed stock still, trying to blink away the fear that shivered through him. Hair on the back of his neck, arms, legs, fuck even his nipples were standing at attention. While this darkness bathed his psyche, like a bath in onyx soap.
Engulfing him and everything he held dear.
"Are you going to let me in?"
Dead panning to the left, there in his window. The darkness spoke to him, holy shit.
He took a shaky breath, met with a cold fog from his parted lips from the cold rushing through his cracked open window.
"Hello, Ben."
"Holy shit."
There, in the window, was someone.
Blinking at him, and it wasn't his reflection. Big eyes lit up like the moon in a clear blue sky, constellations dancing across the edges as they bounced back and forth on Ben's face.
Leaned against the seal of his window was a woman, hair silken as it fell from the top of her head. Cascaded down to frame her face, she was...
Ben's heart was at a standstill, watching her huff in annoyance at his antics. Still staring at her like she was an illusion, maybe she was? If he could touch her-
"Can I come in?" She pouted, pushing her bottom lip out and almost whimpering. Ben watched as one of her fingers traced the sill, long nails scraping the wood like it was butter.
How would those feel against his skin?
Ben shivered, unable to speak. His arms shot out to push his window open further, she smiled at him. Showcasing rows of shiny teeth almost pointed for the brief minute she flashed them before crawling into his room.
On his bed.
Across his bed...
"I'm so glad you're awake," she cooed, climbing across Ben's lap like a cat before settling down. Her thighs on either side of his own and slinging her arms around his neck like they were a couple. Ben stayed frozen, eyes wide watching her wiggle around to get comfortable like she had done this a dozen times before.
Ben hadn't had someone in his lap in a few years, and in a sexual sense? Only once when he lost his virginity to that senior girl when he was a sophomore.
Pitful and definitely on a dare because she looked at him like he was nothing while popping his cherry and ignored him after, but she wasn't as delicious as this woman.
Ben resisted the urge to reach out and lick her, she probably tasted wonderful. Phasma didn't let him do that, she pushed his face away when he tried.
"Oh-you want a taste?" She smiled at him, leaning forward enough for her breath to hit his face. Oddly cold for her body thrumming with warmth against him, "You can, later."
"I-I-I'm sorry? Do I know you?"
"Oh, so cute," a whine before she rocked on his lap, knocking the apex of her thighs against his pajama bottoms that were becoming uncomfortably tight. She moaned out at the feeling, "I've been waiting for this for so long, I'm so fucking glad you're awake, baby."
Ben nodded along, he wasn't really listening. All his blood was rushed to his crotch as she ground more. Ignoring the window being wide open, probably floating their collective sighs for the entire neighborhood to hear.
Her hands fell to his shoulders, digging into the tender skin with her nails. Ben hissed at the feeling, brow scrunched in pleasure that coursed through him. Just a little more of that and he would ruin these pants, she leaned forward more.
Shivering when her tongue flicked out and touched his throat. Shit, immediately it was cold, but it was wonderful. Lapping over the edges of his Adam's apple, seeking out his jugular vein in the process.
He could feel his heartbeat against her muscle, gasping for air as her mouth closed around him. A few gentle sucks before her teeth grazed the edge, Ben's hands shot out. Latching to her cold waist to try and gain some semblance of reality.
This couldn't be real, this bombshell of a woman was not kissing a hickey on his neck like she was trying to suck the soul out of his body.
Just a dream-just a wonderfully real dream that he could touch and squish and squeeze against his aching cock until he came.
He was so right earlier, he needed to go to sleep.
If this was his dream, then he never wanted to wake up.
"You're so eager, baby," She released his neck with a slick pop. Smiling down at him with her plush lips closed, he whimpered when her hand came to cradle the back of his head. Closing in a fist of his dark hair, Ben let a moan slip through his parted lips.
Staring at her as her face lit up with pleasure, Ben wanted to give her whatever she wanted. Just so she would keep touching him, it had been so long since he was caressed. The tips of her nails scratched the surface of his scalp while the pair fell backward to his mattress.
Ben felt like he was floating, listening to her purr while she roamed his body. Humming out as she inspected him, Ben let her do what she wanted. Rewarded with a kiss when she was pleased, he shivered while she traced every prominent up and down his forearms.
He gasped as she took his hand in hers, so small and dainty against his own.
"You know I've been watching you?" She peered through her lashes, holding Ben's fingertips so close to her lips. Her tongue flicked out for a moment to wet herself.
A harsh swallow, "Y-you have?"
"Mhm," Ben couldn't hold back the groan that rumbled from his chest when she closed her lips around his middle finger.
Feeling her tongue cup the pad, before moving down to the first, no second, "Fuck..."
Her eyes flashed to his for a moment, lips pulling into a sly smile while she took another in her mouth. Ben's fingers were slipping up and down the length of her tongue, tickling just the back of her throat.
He watched with eyes as wide as saucers while her saliva pooled at the base of his fingers. A sharp gasp when a droplet fell to his bare torso, her free hand dropped to the mess.
Rubbing the cooling spittle into his skin, soft and slow circles while she traced her way towards Ben's left nipple.
She sighed, "Do you want to know a secret?"
"Yes," he nodded, a small whine leaving his lips as she placed his wet hand down on the bed. Ben desperately wanted to know what she was going to tell him.
Her form crawled over his own, clutching the crinkling sheets beside his head. Ben whimpered again as she straddled his torso, the warmth from her core almost sizzling against his freezing skin.
Ben's lips parted as she leaned towards his face, mouths only centimeters away from connecting. It's all he wanted, just one kiss and then he could go to sleep. Something to think about all day at school, this dream would be everything, she was everything.
His world exploded, their lips smashing together. Ben couldn't hold in the moan when it happened, teeth clashing against his. He threw an arm around her, desperate to touch and hold her.
The moment he touched her, she froze.
Wiping back with his bottom lip between her teeth, almost shaking it like a pet with a chew toy. Ben pushed on her, but she wouldn't move, sinking her fangs into his flesh harder until he tasted copper.
Tears began to pool in his eyes, watching through the blurry mess as her eyes almost turned black before she ripped away from him.
Almost levitating by the window sill where he found her, folding her limbs into the small opening. She hadn't blinked, Ben's blood painting her chin before speaking.
"You belong to me now, Ben Solo."
All-day Ben's been fighting a pounded headache, the worst one he's ever felt.
He could see his veins throbbing along his temples when he was in the bathroom before lunch, staring at his reflection.
Last night wasn't real, whenever he thought about it the pain grew worse. From a dull wailing to a full-blown siren, cars crashing against his skull. Over and over, and he had already taken the maximum amount of ibuprofen that the nurse would allow. She said it would pass and that he just needed to drink more water.
Well, he had been pissing all day, and still, it was there.
When he looked in the mirror, he was two things that made his skin crawl.
First, the bruising from his homemade nose job was completely gone, which was not normal. Usually, on day two the injuries would worsen and the pain would be unbearable. But no, Ben checked in every mirror and they were for sure gone.
Second, his lip was split open, right where her teeth had sliced through. Maybe he bit himself in his sleep from the dream-nightmare-and that's why it's there.
But it was swelling, almost like it was alive.
Poe made fun of him, saying that he had herpes because of how red and engorged it was at the beginning of the day. Ben felt a rage flicker through his body at the thought, where he pointed and laughed while their Physics teacher shrugged it off as boys being boys.
When he thought about Poe, his lip hurt more. Almost like it was egging him on to doing something he would regret. Instead, he dug his fingernails into his palms until the pain went away.
And the relief! Instantaneous, he would let everyone laugh at him if he could feel this over and over. And when he imagined taking out that anger on someone besides himself? Well, it was like the sore shrunk!
It was a weird day, he needed to just get home and go to bed. Maybe beg mom to take him to a doctor, theses new nightmares were new and if they were going to continue he was slightly worried for himself.
But, if he went to a doctor, then there's a chance that she wouldn't come back...
"Ugh," Ben groaned, his chest hurt now. Maybe he was having a heart attack, thinking about her and how her attitude changed when he touched her.
It was his dream dammit! He should be able to touch the mysterious woman who crawled through his window!
But no, he fucked it up like everything else.
Ben slinked out of the bathroom, trying to blend into the crowds of students rushing the hallways. Kind of impossible being one of the tallest kids in school, he hunched his shoulders, trying to appear small so he could go to his car.
He wouldn't dare go to the lunchroom, Poe would be there and Ben didn't want rotten food shoved down the back of his hoodie again. Mom wouldn't let him come home, because having dirty clothes was his fault for not doing the laundry enough.
Parked in the very back of the school, he locked himself away.
Backpack in the passenger seat and phone in hand. He scrolled through social media for a little, with the brief friends that he had, none of which lived near him, unfortunately. Replying to Discord, trying to just relax before he had to go in for P.E.
Ben scrolled for a while, getting lost in some girl's Twitter feed. She was on only fans, and he had been debating buying her page because he was disgusting and desperate for human interaction.
He clicked the link, prompting him to his Safari app. The website wasn't loading fast enough, "I have service," he gritted to no one.
"Come on-come on," all he wanted was to see some fucking tits, that was it. It didn't have to be this hard-
I thought I told you that you belonged to me now?
"How'd you get that sore, Solo? Kissing someone's ass in your spare time?"
Ben grit his teeth, standing once again on the court of the gym. In his still bloodied shirt because he didn't want to give mom something else to bitch about. Poe was across him, about to tip-off, he was always chosen because he was tall.
Even though he fumbled with the ball every fucking time.
Poe grinned at him, nodding once again towards his face, "I can't imagine anyone would want to be that close to you. Even from here, I feel like fainting from how ugly you are."
"Shut up."
Both of them stilled, Ben had never spoken back to Poe when he taunted him. Opting to roll on his belly like big dogs at the park, trying to show that he wasn't a threat. In his head, he would swear and punch and scream all he could but in every scenario Ben never vocalized it.
But it just fell out and judging by the frown on Poe's face, he couldn't take it back.
The whistle blew, the ball in the air and Ben panicked. Trying to touch the fucking ball that had given him so many bruises before him. Barely grazing it and tipping it towards his team with a sigh of relief.
Poe was off towards another player, yelling at the other kids to get the ball, "Don't just fucking stand there! Get it, did you forget how to play?"
"Dameron! Stop swearing all the time," Maul whistled, moving his attention to Ben who was still standing there dumbfounded that he even touched the ball.
"Come on," he motioned to the crowd of kids at the other end, trying to get the ball back and shooting too far away like they were in the NBA, "You're supposed to put it in the net, Solo."
Well, he guessed this was happening.
Moving down the court, trying his best to dodge the others who were ramming into alongside one another. It was like they were feral, the scales tipping the balanced hold on the group's dynamic.
All because he touched the basketball?
Ben stared at Poe, snarling at his friends to pass the ball before they locked eyes. His lip suddenly felt like it was pumping in time with his heart, aching while they stared off.
"What are you staring at you freak?" Poe barked.
"Fuck you."
"You can't talk to me like that," suddenly Poe was on him, clutching the stained collar of his shirt and yanking him down. Back hunched over while he snarled in his face, eyes wide and furious. Ben watched as his fist cocked behind his head.
Waiting for the inevitable blow, time felt like it was moving in slow motion. Hoping to god Poe didn't knock any of his teeth out today since he was mouthing off, and then it happened.
"Do it, Ben. Don't you want to show me how big and strong you are?"
And suddenly, Poe was on the floor.
Now Ben was over him, his hand wrapped around his small throat like he always dreamed and squeezing. He could feel his pulse thrumming underneath his chestnut skin, Ben's other fist collided with Poes jaw.
Bones crunching, a scream filling the echoing gymnasium while Ben pounded his fucking face. Ignoring the gasps, the whistle from Maul drowning out from the absolute euphoria Ben felt from his head to his toes.
Like he was walking into the ocean, letting the waves crash over his sore and battered body while it welcomed him with open arms.
Arms, yes it was like when she had wrapped her arms around his neck last night. Like he was important and that she would hold him like he craved.
Every time his fist crashed down on Poe's stupid fucking face, Ben felt her constricting around him. Like the hand around his throat, he tightened the grip, feeling his fingernails dig down until something felt like it was full to burst.
And then it all went dark.
Han had to pick him up from school, stunned how he ended up in the principles office when the last thing he remembered was almost strangling his bully to death.
And now he was driving home. Looking down at his hands, they were shaking, but they always were. His right hand had some dried blood under the tips of his blunt nails, he didn't wash it.
Honestly, he didn't want to.
Seeing it made the headache go away, Ben hadn't felt it since the moment he told Poe to shut up. Placated, for the time being, Han's throat-clearing pulled him from his daze.
"So," Ben watched his dads' eyes dart to his lap before the road, "Are you gonna tell me what happened, kid?"
Ben shrugged, what would he say? There was nowhere to run, he did what was right and he felt good about it. "The voice told me to."
Han sighed, "Not this again, look kid. There are no voices in your head, you did this when you were younger for attention but now you're eighteen, and that Dameron boy could press charges on you."
"I'm not lying."
"We will see what mom says, but until then you aren't allowed in school for a week."
And the headache was back.
Ben laid in bed, staring at his ceiling while his parents yelled at each other from down the hallway.
Scratching his chest while he listened to them blame the other for Ben's behavior, how he was unstable and now everyone was going to think they had a psycho for a son. How would the neighborhood react? When big-Ben beat the wonderful Dameron boy?
He scoffed at that, if they only listened to him they would know why Ben snapped. It was very simple! He wanted to show that he wasn't weak or stupid or all the things that he was called, and he didn't feel one drop of remorse for it.
Which was strange, usually Ben would lay awake for hours agonizing when he made a mistake.
Getting sick to the stomach at the very thought of failing or making his parents upset, but it was gone now.
Everything he did was wrong already, and that felt good so it clearly was okay.
Rey had avoided him when she came home from school, just sticking her nose up when he said hello from the kitchen island. Eating a bowl of cereal, he wasn't doing anything to hurt her.
She didn't need to be fucking rude.
"Thats because she hates you, baby."
Ben jumped at the voice, sitting up on his bed to see the creature perched on his window sill. He could've sworn he locked it, but there it was, completely open to the darkening neighborhood lights.
He glanced to his bedroom door, which was still locked tight, a relief given his visitor was known to bite.
"Your lip looks like it hurts," She slinked closer, making herself at home next to him. Hands clasped in her lap, Ben was able to see more of her with the dim light.
Legs tucked under her bottom, she smoothed out the skirt of her outfit. A black and red sheer thing, it looked like the outfits from the videos Ben watched. It wasn't very warm given the cold temperatures when she came in, maybe that was why her body wasn't emanating warmth as she cozied to him.
Ben leaned away from her a little, slightly afraid. Racing back to his phone bricking itself after the strange messages, fogged of her secret she told him last night. How he belonged to her, which couldn't be real, no one wanted him.
But this was all a hallucination. Clearly, the event from today had broken him and now he was along for the fuckin' ride.
She smiled, leaning towards him to inspect his face. Pouting her bottom lip, "Can I kiss it better?"
"Uh-um," he stuttered, eyes flitting from her hooded lids as she moved even closer. "Yes, please. It hurts."
The last part he whispered, her tongue flicking out to lap at the wound. Another wave of relief like earlier, the pain was being sucked away with every lick of her cool tongue. Ben whimpered as their lips locked.
Tender, much softer than before. Slotted together like two pieces of a puzzle that he had spent so long trying to force to completion. Both sighing, Ben peppered soft kisses against her lips. Basking in the small sighs she exhaled each time.
He raised a tentative hand to stroke her shoulder, hovering as he remembered what happened before.
"Can I," he placed another kiss, "Can I touch you?"
She pulled away for a moment, glancing towards the offending limb before she popped her lips. "Is that the one you choked him with?"
"Is that the hand that almost killed him?"
He looked towards it, flexing his fingers into a fist a few times. Popping knuckles in the process, "Yeah."
She cocked a brow.
Ben felt this urge to tell her more, seeing how it piqued her interest in a peculiar way.
"I still have his blood on it," he turned his palm over, showing her his bloodied nail beds. To his shock she gasped, grasping him before bringing it to her face.
Moaning before her tongue slipped out and licked at them. Ben was entranced, softly nudging his fingers into her small mouth. He wanted to shove them in, but she would probably bite them off.
Deepthroating two of his fingers, the scene made Ben painfully hard. He hadn't jerked off today, losing his computer after his fight, but this was enough. Watching her slob all along his hand, desperate to taste the blood of some random man she didn't know.
"I want you to tell me exactly what happened, " She pounced on Ben, flat on his back before she tugged him to be on top. Legs wrapped around his hips, Ben groaned at the sweet friction.
Her muscles twitched as he gave a small grind. Ben hissed as her fingers dug into his cheeks, drawing his attention back to what she asked for.
"I-um-first I told him to fuck off..."
"Yeah," she moaned out, pacing a firm kiss on his lips, "Wrap your fucking hand around my throat, do exactly what you did to him. I want to feel it, baby."
With a harsh swallow, Ben placed his shaking palm against her throat. Afraid to hurt her, but he didn't want her to leave, "I-I held him down to the floor, and I squeezed."
"Do it," she whispered, her eyes were rolling back in her skull. Ben carefully applied pressure, careful to not touch her artery in the process.
But he was having a hard time finding her pulse, but that could be because he was nervous...
A dark laugh made him stop, glancing back up at her and feeling frozen by her eyes. They were black again, like yesterday, grinning at him with rows of sharp teeth before she hissed.
"You imbecile, you won't find one because I'm already dead."
Rage coursed through him, how dare she call him that?
After everything she knew?
Without thinking, Ben closed his hand in a fist as best he could. Listening to her throat spasm under his flesh, choking, gagging, and laughing as he strangled her.
He watched as her eyes fluttered shut, nails grasped at his wrist, dragging long red lips that were deep enough to drip blood. Ben felt...
Raw power.
Like he imagined while on the computer, those poor girls wouldn't be able to handle how rough he wanted to be.
You imbecile.
You imbecile.
Ben looked down, her entire body going limp in his hold.
"Oh my god," he dropped her, quickly leaping off the bed to stare at her corpse. Splayed out on his mattress, blood seeping from the crooked indent where his hand once was.
Soaking his sheets in her remains, Ben's right hand was wet too, dripping on his carpet.
"Oh-fuck," Ben ran his left through his hair, tugging hard on the ends like he usually did. Paced from left to right, he walked to his bedroom door, careful to not drip on the white wood. If his parents found blood in here they would flip out. He would be sent away, probably to the military or someplace worse...
Maybe even Uncle Lukes 'natural preserve' in the middle of fucking nowhere.
There was no movement on the other side of his door or the shared wall he had with Rey. Now, all he had to do was hide her body before anyone came looking for her. He could slip out with her in the morning after everyone left. Unless they were planning on babysitting him tomorrow, he couldn't walk out with a limp black body bag in his arms and not have any interrogation.
He had to get rid of it now.
Ben spun on his heel, only to see that no longer was she a corpse. But sitting upright on his bed, batting her eyelashes like she was the sweetest little girl anyone had ever met. Licking away at the blood that she collected on her fingers.
"Ready to play some more?"
Okay so, there's a dead woman who visits me at night...
Ben groaned into his hands, seated at the dining room table. Surrounded by his school work for the week, since he was officially not allowed back on school grounds. The SRO was considering putting him on a 'hold' which was weird for an officer to suggest to a school.
Ben was 99% sure only doctors could do that, but mom won't take him to a doctor.
Last night escalated in a way he didn't imagine, she was dead. Completely, he had crushed her throat with his bare hands, felt her spinal cord snap. That was a sound he couldn't forget, even if it was drowned out by the buzzing of white-hot rage from her taunting.
She shouldn't have pushed him, he was being so good for her and she knew that he didn't like being called names. But she did, and she fucking liked it?
Maybe he liked it too.
He shook his head, no. No, he did not like hurting people, this was all just a misunderstanding, he would apologize to her and to Poe forever trying to fight back.
Maybe grovel at Dameron's feet so they wouldn't take him to jail for pulverizing their son. Apparently, Ben did severe damage, the fight even made it on the local news this morning. Some reporters outside of the city building where his mom worked to ask her to comment on her deranged son.
Obviously, she had no comment.
She had told Ben to stay in the house today. He wasn't allowed to open the front door for anyone, go in the garage, or even open the curtains. Serial killer rules, something she used to say when he was little and had to be left alone.
Well, now the rules weren't to protect him.
It was others she was worried about.
Ben slid off his chair, leaving his pre-calculus homework to fret over another day. The symbols didn't make any sense anyway, so he was better off not doing it since he would receive a shit grade no matter what.
Trudging up the stairs to his bedroom, but he halted. Looking down the hall at his parents' double doors. If he was careful, he could probably snatch some of his stolen property. That way he could watch something other than daytime television in the living room.
They would be so pissed if he went in there though...
"What? You're afraid of your parents, now?"
Ben's head snapped behind him, half expecting to see her at the landing of the stairs. But there was nothing there, except for a dark shadow from a palm plant in the corner.
Looking a little darker than usual.
Ben squinted, swearing for a moment it moved. Shrugging it off as nothing, he was probably just tried. He looked back down the hall, swallowing slowly, "No, I'm not afraid of them..."
"It sure looks like it, too afraid of Mommy and Daddy to get what you want."
"What belongs to you."
Yes, it does belong to him.
Ben's feet carried him down, swinging the doors open in a flurry before he zeroed in on the chest at the base of his parents' bed. When he was little, he would rummage through there for things they took from him. Because he was bad or needed to be punished. Taking away everything he loved, even them.
Quickly, he threw open the crate. Greeted with some folded blankets, Ben huffed in annoyance. Casually throwing them on the floor, he probably should be more careful. He wasn't great at folding but judging by the sight of them, his mom didn't use them often.
Underneath was a box, a lock on it with a code. Black and sleek in its shape, Ben hesitated on it, thinking what could be inside. Most likely documents that his dad would lose in the office if he was allowed to have them, or something expensive that Rey and he weren't allowed to see.
He pushed it to the side, whatever was inside clinked like loose change in someone's pocket. Ben frowned, pushing it a little more to decipher the noise, but he couldn't figure it out. Plus there was a lock, and he wasn't good with cracking codes.
After pushing and yanking items out, he found his laptop. Along with his computer tower which was nestled in a blanket. It was dark blue and frayed, little stars all over it, some spots were almost weathered away from rubbing against something.
He brought it to his face for a moment, touching his cheek. Instantly feeling a sense of relief, "So soft..."
Ben bundled up everything as best he could, cringing at his shitty folding job. But he could close it so out of sight out of mind, the small blanket slung over his shoulder. Against the skin of his neck, he really connected with it, for some reason.
Items under his arms, he waddled down the hallway, his tower was fucking heavy. Shocked that his mom carried it without incident, Ben shuffled the items in his arms, holding out a shaking hand to open his door.
He tried again, the knob unrelenting against his now sweating palm. Did he lock it before going downstairs? He's never done that before, it's his only safe space... Ben can't be locked out?
He can't, that's where he feels okay, no-no-no...
"Why don't you come downstairs and play?"
Down went Ben's laptop, hissing as it hit the hardwood on its edge. "Fuck-fuck, please don't be broken," he chanted, setting down his tower before wrenching it open. Letting out a small breath when there was no crack on the screen.
Ben glanced up towards the voice, seeing the shadow from earlier was nearly invisible. Like there was no longer someone standing there, he gulped.
Walking down the creaking stairs as slowly as he could. Blanket and laptop clutched to his chest while he shook.
Over the edge of the couch, Ben could see her. The back of her head barely cleared the cushion. But it was unmistakable, even though he had only seen her in the dark, no one else would be here.
A melodic hum came from the other side, "Are you going to sit with me, baby?"
A tremor shivered through Ben's entire body like the temperature dropped in his house. Had it gotten darker? he wasn't allowed to open the curtains, maybe there were clouds?
He rounded the couch slowly, breath hitching at the sight of her. All normal, fucking gorgeous, it made his chest hurt. Smiling up at him with her glistening lips, there were flecks of gloss on them today. He smacked his own, maybe they were flavored, what he would give to taste.
"What were you going to watch on your computer," she nodded slightly towards his arms.
"Uh," he cleared his throat, he wasn't sure what to say. Ben was going to bring it to his room and stroke his cock until he passed out from dehydration, but that wasn't something girls wanted to hear. Right?
"Are you afraid to show me? After you snapped my neck last night?"
"That was an accident," he blurted, suddenly feeling defensive.
She spread her arms out over the cushions, looking down at her lap coyly before she whispered, "I thought a big man like you wouldn't be afraid to show his desires, to take whatever he wants... but..."
Ben shoved his things onto the nearby chair, rushing her in a flurry of emotions. Hurt, lust, anger, fucking rage, pushing her with a hand around her throat once more flat on her back.
Not even thinking for permission, bringing his lips close to her ear. Practically growling while she struggled under his massive form, legs pinned between his thighs. His own voice was foreign on his ears as he rasped.
"You know I can take whatever I want."
The two locked eyes, Ben watched as she panted for breath. If though he knows she was killed just last night, something was so fucked up about it all. But she as letting him, her hands fell to his shoulders. Tugging him closer, whispering against his lips, "Do it."
That same voice.
"Do it, Ben."
He didn't know what came over him, his body on autopilot. Tearing his fingers through the slim threads of her clothing. Greeted by the sight of her breasts, bouncing in his face. Ben moaned at the sight, so soft, delicate, pert nipples rubbing against his chest.
Sitting upon his knees, Ben released her throat. Fixated now on this new flesh, she opened her mouth to speak but couldn't get it out. Ben smacked his palms down on her tits, hard. A howl of pain left her lips, eyes squeezed shut tight.
He repeated it, loving how the flesh rippled while he landed more and more. Ben remembered seeing this in a video, loving how the actress reacted, but hers was so much better.
Watching how the skin irritated, bruised. He switched his tactics, moving to strike just her nipples, tugging hard on the stiff buds until she cried in pain. Arching her chest into his hands, whispering out his name like a song.
"Please-please Ben, more!"
"You want more," he echoed, leaning over her open mouth. He wasn't sure what made him do it, but a trail of spit left his lips before he could think. Feeding it into her mouth, "Swallow."
Her eyes opened, full contact while she gulped down his spit. A shiver ran through his body down to his throbbing cock, ripping his hands away from her to fumble with his belt.
Her lips needed to be around his cock, even at the chance she would bite his dick off.
She purred at his movement, "You want me to taste you? Suck your cock?"
"I don't care if you want to," he gritted, "You're going to like a good girl."
Her mouth formed a pretty 'o', flashing down as he pulled out his rigid length. Ben scooted forward on her chest, her shoulders scrunching by her ears so he could fit. He should probably reposition, but he couldn't find it in him to move.
Not when he was able to rub the tip of his swollen cock along her lips, feeling her cold tongue flick out and taste him. Ben moaned, canting his hips forward, nudging inside the small opening and filling her mouth with the head.
She sucked a few times, eyes falling shut in a sleepy haze. Ben felt sleepy too, all the sounds in his head were gone when she swirled her tongue, cupping the underside of his tip cradled by it.
He thrust forward, pushing a few inches in her without warning. The sheer girth gagged her immediately, but Ben didn't care. Like a man possessed, his words didn't sound like his own.
"I'm so excited to hear the sloppy, wet sounds your little throat is going to make when I choke you."
She popped off, an awkward angle of her wrist gripped the base of his cock. Squeezing until he felt dizzy, Ben steadied himself with a hand on her forehead. Digging his nails through her hair, staring up at him wickedly.
"Please," a broken whine followed her words, and who was he to deny her?
Ben shot off the couch, standing beside her for a moment before he collected her hair. Plunging his cock inside her mouth, both of them moaning in unison.
Looking down at her face, brows pulled up in pure bliss. Eyes closed, and mouth open like she belonged there. And she did, sucking his cock from base to tip, foamy spit collecting around the edges of her stretched hole.
Fucking her throat a few more times, he thought about what he wanted. He wanted to cum, which was growing closer as she sputtered along his length, but he wanted to cum somewhere else.
With a palm on her forehead, he pushed her back. Back arching over the edge of the couch. Whining pathetically, "What, no-no-Ben!"
He stepped to the sit, pointing down at the carpeted floor between the couch and the coffee table.
"Hands and knees, ass up. Now."
She melted to the floor, eyes growing darker as she glared before obeying. But she was too slow for his taste, swiftly kicking her down to her face. He heard her snarl into the fibers, but still displaying herself for him.
Ben's hearing was going fuzzy anyway, if she did say something he wouldn't hear it. Right now, he was looking directly at her pussy, wet and clenching through the now sheer fabric of her panties. Hugging her sex until it was see-through, Ben gripped thong.
Yanking hard enough to lift her backside off the floor in a yelp, ripping it apart at the seams.
Ben collapsed to his knees, sweaty palms on her cheeks to spread her open. He had never seated someone out before, but he couldn't resist. Sticking his tongue in her waiting hole, licking a long stripe along her slit while she wailed.
Rocking her hips back in his face, Ben slurped away her juices, coming out of her like a broken faucet. Bringing two fingers up to her entrance before jamming them in, "Mother of Fuck!"
Ben chuckled at her yelping, funny how this was the same creature that begged him to choke her out last night. Now at his mercy in a much more delicious way, twisting his wrist until her pussy could take another finger. He wasn't stopping until he was balls deep inside her.
Ripping his fingers out, fumbling with his pants around his hips. Pushing them down to his thighs so he was a little less clothed. She shook her hips, impatient with him.
"I'll give you attention, " he mused, "Good girls have to wait for what they want."
She shot a look over her shoulder, making Ben's ice turn cold. Her face was pulled in a snarl, eyes now completely devoid of color.
"Just fucking do it!"
Ben didn't hesitate, pushing his cock inside her twitching walls. Already resisting something so large, Ben let out a scream from the clenching massaging his length. Her pussy splitting for him, Ben looked at her face once again.
Her skin was changing color, to an almost ashen gray. With her veins turning a dark blue on her cheeks. Spreading from her eyes and streaking down like tear tracks. For a second, Ben felt like stopping to see if she was okay.
But her words took that thought and threw it in the trash.
"You little shit, just get on with it before I fuck you myself."
And he was done.
Throwing his hands forward to hook fingers on both sides of her face. Scrambling to reach her shitty fucking mouth, antagonizing him all the fucking time. He slipped his middle finger to catch her lips, prying them apart in a gnarly snarl that was anything but human.
Yanking her back with a fervor he had never felt, all the blood rushing to his cock as she sucked him in even further. All he could do was fuck, ignoring how his vision was blacking out. All the lights in the room dimmed, almost spiraling around the one thing that mattered.
Her, being inside her.
He would do anything to feel this power again, whatever she wanted.
All she had to do was ask, and he would follow blindly. Just to feel her velvet pussy around his aching cock, filling her under he was sure he had broken something.
His strength pulled another sickening snap of her neck, but this time she didn't go limp. Instead, she chanted, yes-yes-yes-more-more!
A crunch focused his vision down to their bodies, connected by his cock. Pain now radiating from his hands, like a fire blazing up his arms until it reached his chest. She whipped her head from his grasp, revealing how the tips of his fingers were gnawed on. Somehow flipping herself over in the process.
Ben was on his back, her hand threatening around his throat as the pain grew. Only dulling when she sunk back down his cock, clenching at the base as she moaned out for all of the neighborhood to hear.
"You wonderfully, silly silly boy," her voice was tight, face still crumbling like it was stone. Her fist tightened around him, delirious from being choked in two ways.
"You'll do whatever I want for me?"
Ben whimpered, nodding pathetically. He was so close to cumming, it's all he could think about.
She grinned, "Whatever I ask? Anything in the world, just so you can feel me?"
"Yes, please, I'll do any-anything..."
She slammed down his length again, groaning as his balls tightened towards his body. He was about to cum, right in her hot fucking pussy, she just needed to do that one more time.
"Ben," she sang.
He opened his eyes, panting through his open mouth. Seeing her complexion return to normal, so pretty, so beautiful, he strained forward. Wanting to kiss her supple lips.
"You won't question what I ask of you?"
"No matter what?"
He almost cried, she was just circling her hips now. Absolute torture he could care less what she asked for, if she would keep touching him it would all be worth it.
"No matter what," he parroted.
And he was a goner, cumming with such intensity that he felt like he passed out. Pumping her pussy full of cum while she moaned. Pushing her chest into the air, hands landing on his knees. He looked down at their bodies, spying a small bulge from where he was nestled.
Spurting out more cum at the sight, he wished he had his phone to take a picture.
She stood from him with a slick pop, some of his spend sliding down her inner thighs before she stepped over him. Grinning down with her teeth on full display, Ben caught his breath. Thinking about what just happened, his brain wasn't fogging like it normally did.
Instead, it was just her.
She leaned down, pressing a kiss to his sweaty forehead.
"You're such a good boy."
"Leia," called dad from upstairs.
Ben was sitting at the table, surrounded by his homework and his confiscated laptop. Mom had scoffed when she found him on the floor of the living room, thankfully his pants were pulled back up. That would've been embarrassing, to be found like that.
Eyeing his loot that he wasn't supposed to have. Mom told him to sit at the table while she made dinner, so he did. Fitting off a swimming headache again.
Nausea flooding his very movements, the image of your ashen face bouncing around his skull. Terrified of what he had agreed to, but when he thought about disobeying your demands he felt like something was plunging into his heart.
"What's wrong, Han?"
Dad's footsteps came down the stairs, stopping a few feet from where Ben stared at him. Fear, yes his dad looked at him in fear. That was definitely new, looking back at mom before he spoke.
"I was just wondering if you moved the safe..." his eyes darted back to Ben, mouthing out something that he could understand.
Mom scoffed, "No, I didn't touch your gun safe. You probably put it in the garage."
Gun safe?
Ben looked over his shoulder, startled to see mom staring directly at him. He clutched the navy blanket closer to his lap, catching her attention for a brief moment.
"Well, we better find it, Leia. Before it gets in the wrong hands."
"He means you, baby. They think you stole from them."
"I didn't take it," Ben blurted without thinking, looking down at his homework before his parents moved in on him. But all he heard was awkward shuffling, stiffening at someone touching the top of his head.
Ben looked up, mom wasn't looking at him. "I know, Ben."
"Lying to mommy, what a bad boy?"
"What?" Ben blurted once more, whipping his head to the side to try and find her. The voice was there in his head, but where the fuck was she? She had called him a good boy earlier, he didn't do anything wrong...
He started to sweat, breathing shallow while his mom rubbed the top of his head like she did when he was younger. But it felt like nails on a chalkboard, quickly scrambling out of the chair and past his parents.
Blanket tucked to his chest.
And that's how he slept, that night, and the following four nights.
Waking up with a fuzzy static in his ears, his window always angled open. Each morning he found sores along his body, yesterday he had trails of red along his legs.
Like something was trying to drag him out of bed.
He hadn't heard her voice since that day.
And he missed her, terribly.
Unsure if he could handle going back to school without her guidance, she was there to tell him everything he did was okay. He didn't want to make a mistake while in class, what if he gets picked on even worse and he doesn't retaliate?
Does she not want him anymore?
Because he's weak?
He whimpered in bed, curled onto his side, and stared at the door of his room.
Everyone was getting ready to leave for the day, not paying attention to him. He was truly alone, all over again.
That made him mad, so fucking mad.
Whipping out of bed, dressed in just his boxers and a t-shirt he burst from his room and down the hall. Listening for any signs of life downstairs, glancing by the plant by the stairs. The shadow was darker today, maybe it was a good sign.
His heartbeat a little at the thought, maybe if I look for her, she will come?
Or if he shows her how devoted he was to her.
Ben thought about his interactions, all of them centering around him doing whatever she wanted. The last time being a violent fucking, his cock stirred at the memory, and that was triggered by him getting in trouble.
Behind him, a door creaked open.
He slowly deadpanned around, gulping when the hall closet door was inching open. Darkness pouring out of it, like all its contents were stained with the gloomy black of her soul. Ben heard the garage door closing, the house falling silent except for his heavy breathing.
Ben held his blanket closer, rubbing at the frayed edges. Mom told him that this was his childhood blanket. She never asked where he found it, just looking at him suspiciously when he held it around the house. He didn't like putting it down, it felt like the last good part of him.
A box fell from the closet onto the floor, staring straight at him like it was looking through him.
Dad's safe.
"Do it."
Ben jumped, almost crying at the small voice. "Where are you?" He whispered, desperate for her guidance.
"Take it, you know the combination my sweet boy."
He crouched on the floor, hands shaking and sweaty as he fumbled with the lock. Four digits, he thought for a moment and put in a code, gasping when it worked. The click of the latch opening was deafening over the still air.
Ben carefully took out the weapon, spying ammo around before he looked behind him. Zeroing in on the shadow, "What do I do now?"
"What feels right."
Ben was sitting on his bed, the gun in his lap. Wrapped in the blanket as he stared out the window. Watching the neighbors walking around, kids laughing and playing like they were every fucking day.
Only Ben was focusing on someone specific, the Dameron family. Three houses down, Poe was back from the hospital. He had watched him enter the house a few hours ago, bandages around his neck where Ben's hand was imprinted.
He chuckled at the thought, knowing that Poe was scarred from him made him feel good.
His fingers twitched around the barrel, remembering how many rounds were left in it. He had taken it to the woods yesterday, practicing, for tonight.
He would do anything for her.
The lights dimmed outside, street lamps barely illuminating the sidewalks. Ben looked down, seeing a shadow standing at the end of the Dameron driveway.
Ben would know that shadow anywhere, she raised a hand. Waving at him before her voice echoed in his ears, "Show me how much you love me, Ben."
With his backpack on, he walked out of the house. Completely dark outside, the air was chilly but he wasn't cold. Focused on one thing and one thing only.
His love.
Ben kicked in the front door, not caring about the noise, none of them would survive anyway. A light beeping filled the house before he kicked the door shut with a heavy boot. He stalked down the hallway, seeing how the house was decorated so differently than his own, family photos all around. Poes cleats on the floor, along with a bag.
He pushed it with his foot, only stopping when he heard a thud from upstairs. Ben smiled, hearing a muffled voice, "Did you hear something?"
Yes, yes you did Poe.
He walked to the base of the stairs, standing like the same shadow he was trying to impress. Ben grabbed the weapon from his bag, checking that the safety was off before storming up the stairs.
The closer he came, the more the voices panicked, and then a door swung open and Ben didn't hesitate.
The gunshot rang in his ears, followed by the loudest scream he'd ever witnessed, but he didn't care.
The simmering rage that Poe brought him was mixing with the bliss of finally taking it out was intoxicating.
He kicked in every door of the house, growing angrier the longer it took to find the others. Stepping into the large room at the end, over Mr. Damerons blown-out skull.
Ben's boot crunched on the floor, slicked with his blood, and purred at the sight.
In the corner, was Poe and his mother.
Clutching one another.
"Holy shit, Solo!" Poe rasped, shaking terribly at the vision of black before him.
His mothers' voice was wavering like a leaf, "B-b-b-ben, what ar-are you doing?"
"I'm here to kill you and your son."
They both gasped, and Ben pounced, opting to use his bare hands to take them on. He didn't remember finishing off Shara, but he remembered chasing Poe down the halls.
All the way to the kitchen, Ben let his bag fall to the ground. Reaching in for the last item, wanting to make the last blow count, that there was no more Ben for Poe to hurt.
Pushing him down to the floor, repeatedly beating him. Spit flying as he called Poe every fucking thing Ben was called. Making sure he knew that he did this to himself, that he deserved it after all the years he made Ben's life a living hell.
Lips blue as Poe rasped out his final words.
"Fucking psychopath..."
And the last thing he remembered before the police flooded the house, was wrapping his childhood blanket around Poes bruised fucking neck until it snapped.
Cackling while they tore him away, leaving it soaked in his tormentors' blood.
Ben watched from the backseat of the police car as his mom and dad stood on the sidewalk. Rey standing in front of them, face streaked in tears and wailing. Ben mocked her bottom lip, laughter bubbling up as he felt better than ever.
Thanking whatever gods there were, for the creature that visited him.
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads​​​ @onlykyloscenes​​​ @candycanes19​​​ @historyandfandoms50​​​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​​​ @ghoulian13​​​ @mrs-kylo-ren​​​ @millenialcatlady​​​​ @relationshipwithmybed​​ @dancingmicrobes​​​ @wayward-rose​​​ @contesa-lui-alucard​​​ @daydreamsofren​​​ @insufferablelust​​​ @ohdamnadamm​​​ @mariesackler​​​ @caillea​​ @safarigirlsp @jalexunderthestars​​​ @shesakillerkween​​​ @glassythoughts​​ @zimmermansbrat​​ @not-the-teen-witch​​ @jynzandtonic​ @roanniom​ @celestiasin @glassbxttles @cornmousequeen @driversmutbucket @fathersonandhouseofgucci @reyloaddict55 @emeritusemeritus @livi-s @eagerforhoney @xxgarden
Happy Halloween, here is the link to my Ben Solo masterlist and my Mega Masterlist. Be safe and don't murder your neighbors!
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whereisten · 3 years
Stupid Cupid
A Taeyong fic that’s a part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: Cupid, also known as Taeyong, has never experienced real love. But when he meets you, he may finally have a chance.
Pairing: Cupid! Taeyong x female reader
Genre: romance, angst, fluff, smut, fantasy
Word Count: 13k
Warnings: oral (male receiving), penetration, breast fondling, cursing, alcohol use
(A/N: thank you guys so much for being so sweet and understanding and patient. I’ve always believed Halloween should be a celebration for multiple months out of the year and since the Halloween series is ongoing, it works 💀. Anyways, I’m so excited to share this with y’all. ❤️ One of my favorite songs is “Give Me Love” by Ed Sheeran. And the music video features Cupid so I was inspired. 👍🏼 I hope you guys enjoy it! I also was inspired by “The Consequences of Cursing Cupid” by @by-moonflower). I loved it!)
Cupid was one of God’s most prized pupils. He was also one of His most beautiful creations. His hair had the shades of pink you’d see at sunset and warm brown eyes that could claim the heart of almost anyone. His tan skin glowed, bringing a piece of heaven’s glow down to earth with him. His body was slender, elegant, and muscular. His true appearance was known to few mortals but overtime, historians were able to conclude that Cupid was as beautiful as any of the archangels.
God entrusted his son to bring love and hope to the world one couple at a time. With his bow and arrow, he was able to give people love every day. As the years have passed, though, the population of the world expanded and Cupid only had so much time in the day to bring couples together. God and Cupid carefully handpicked Cupid fledglings throughout the years. Cupid wasn’t alone in his work anymore and he could afford some downtime every few centuries. It was 2020 and it was time for Cupid, or, as he was known by his earthly name, Lee Taeyong, to take a vacation.
Taeyong arrived in the sunny coastal town of Isla one Sunday morning. He would stay here for a few months. Taeyong would’ve kept working if he hadn't been forced by his coworkers to take a leave of absence. He’d always been a huge workaholic and quite the perfectionist. He was the type of guy who liked to get things done by himself. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his team. He just had a fixation with doing things his own way, which caused many clashes over the years.
This time, God had to intervene and force Taeyong to step down so that newly realized Cupids like Haechan and Yangyang could step up in his absence. Taeyong moved into a beach house right by the beach. A whole mansion to himself, he grimaced. What the hell was he supposed to do in such an expansive and luxurious place all by himself? Well, he had some ideas.
As much of a workaholic Taeyong was....when he let loose, he really let loose. It was like there was an on/off switch in his brain when it came to his rebellion and since he was out of work for the foreseeable future, it was time to turn the switch on. All work and no play for so many years made him act out in rebellion, which was why God sent Cupids Sicheng and Kun to watch out for Taeyong this time around.
Taeyong heard a knock on the door of his beach house. He frowned in confusion.  
“Knock knock,” Kun said as he brought in suitcases and carried a backpack over his shoulder. Sicheng followed him in with his own bags as well.
Taeyong frowned. “What are you guys doing here?”
Sicheng beamed. “We’re here to make sure you don’t start up another orgy and anger many significant others…”
Kun nodded. “You’ll barely know we’re here.”
Taeyong brought out his angelic smile. “Is that so?”
Even with Kun and Sicheng on his tail, Taeyong was able to throw a massive party at the beach house the next night. A pretty face like Taeyong’s and a few likes on Instagram could attract many followers. And with followers, there was a great party. Celebrities even caught wind of the festivities. Taeyong was able to hire caterers and event planners to make the beach house a Hawaiian paradise. Tiki torches were lit all around the house. People lounged in the lagoon-shaped pool. There were party games in every room in the mansion.
Your friends convinced you to come with them to the hot new bachelor’s party. You could use a night out after working another six day work week at the local Isla Humane Animal Shelter. You wanted to let loose and dance with your friends. If only for a little while. Hopefully, you didn’t think about him now that you were able to relax.
Taeyong was having the time of his immortal life, dancing with one girl...one boy...after another. He was already hooking up with people on the dance floor in the backyard that overlooked the beach. He would grind behind one girl while another boy grinded against him from behind. Taeyong was in nothing but red swim trunks. His abs glistened with sweat and-
Your friend Jisoo said, “y/n, ask him to dance.”
You’d spent the last few minutes staring at the dancefloor. You couldn’t help but watch the pretty boy who stood at the center. You quickly gulped down your drink and shook your head. “Pass.”
Jisoo sucked her teeth. “Y/n, you’ve been staring at him for five minutes now.”
You rolled your eyes. “I like to observe my surroundings...It’s nothing.”
“You should ask the pretty boy to dance. It won’t hurt.”
“Nope. I’m fine right here, drinking my free pina colada...Not a care in the world.”
Jisoo replied, “Y/n, it’s been five months...”
You met Jisoo’s eyes. “Yeah, and I’m doing a lot better. You know this. My family knows it. All of the people who should be sorry to follow me on any social media know this.”
Jaehyun joined you two. “She's talking about how she’s over...him?”
Jisoo nodded. “And she clearly wants to dance with The Bachelor over there.”
Jaehyun watched him, also. “Well, for starters, he’s way cuter than that bastard but she should stay away from him. He’s trouble.”
Jisoo scoffed. “Who are you? Her father?”
Relieved that Jaehyun was on your side, you said, “Thank you, Jay! Now don’t worry about me, Jisoo...I’m great! I’m out of the house. I’m cutting a rug.”
Jisoo eyed you. “Okay…”
Now you had to admit that you thought about throwing caution to the wind and dancing close to the man, making ‘come hither’ eyes at him, kissing him in a closet, and calling it a night. The idea made you wet just thinking about it. But you knew yourself. You were the type to fall hard. And you fell hard once and it left you broken to this day.
Anyway, Pretty Boy seemed kind of busy so you turned the other way to join a game of poker in the living room.
Every human that spent an intimate moment with dear old Cupid was guaranteed the best orgasm of their lives. In Taeyong’s hands, his lover would feel treasured and adored and spoiled. Taeyong, a bringer of love, could bring paradise to anyone.
Now in his human form, Taeyong still had some of those divine powers. However, in a human body, he had limitations.
Like his alcohol tolerance, which, unfortunately for him, had never been good.
Before he could take anyone to paradise like he’d longed to do since he came to the Earthly plane, he was outside in his front lawn, vomiting all of the alcohol he downed in the past two hours.
Taeyong felt woozy. He wasn’t all there the moment when you first approached him. He looked awful. Pale and sweaty from puking so much.
Your concern outweighed your fear of talking to him so you approached him. You handed him a bottle of room temperature water and a wet towel from his kitchen so he could clean himself up.
Taeyong uncapped the water bottle and drank. He managed to say, “Thank you.”
You sighed, relieved to see that he was responsive. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I am...Thanks…What’s your-”
“Y/n! Time to go,” Jaehyun started. Jaehyun promised to take you home. You were supposed to go into the shelter tomorrow to finalize an adoption.
You shouted back, “Coming!” You turned to your friend. Taeyong couldn’t see your face now. You did smell heavenly, though. Like fresh berries and daisies.
You turned back to Taeyong and smiled. Even if he was a wreck, he was still the most gorgeous male you’d ever seen. “Great party. Take care of yourself.”
Taeyong was still trying to sober up but he was able to meet your eyes, the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen on this planet. In any realm, actually. “You, too…”
You left him there, curious about you. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to ponder further as he threw up again. Maybe these parties were getting old. He always found himself like this whenever he visited good ol’ planet Earth...
[One Month Later]
Taeyong continued to indulge in his debauchery, throwing parties every night. Part of him hoped you would return so he could properly thank you for your kindness.
Your eyes were sultry and your scent was intoxicating. He wished he could remember you.
Every night that he spent time with a different partner, he thought of you.
Without any hidden agenda to get in bed with him, you absolutely fascinated him. His clouded judgment that night only made him remember your eyes. That was all he had to go on. He couldn’t explain the need to see you again.
The need grew stronger and stronger.
He certainly couldn’t ask his coworkers or the big man upstairs for help. Surely, they’d misinterpret his actions. He simply wanted to see you again.
In the process, Taeyong slowly began to reevaluate his time on Earth. Like Gatsby before him, he threw even more parties in hopes of you showing up. But he had no idea about your hectic work schedule. The parties continued and Taeyong quickly grew bored. Maybe he needed to get out and explore the city if he ever hoped to see you again.
In the daytime, Taeyong found himself waking up earlier and sending his partners on their merry way. He took up a couple of hobbies at home, as well. Baking and playing games on his Nintendo Switch. For his outings, he’d go to the mall, the grocery store, the amusement park, and more. Everywhere he could think of. But you weren’t there. He had the ability to feel your presence but you were never within his radar and it frustrated him.
Taeyong finished swimming a couple of laps in the pool and went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Kun was making dinner and Sicheng was setting the table.
“Penny for your thoughts, boss?” Sicheng inquired.
Taeyong sighed. “I’m just wondering when you two will finally leave me be.”
Kun turned off the stove and let the stir fry cool. “When your sexual appetite ceases.”
Taeyong frowned. “Have you no shame to comment on my activities?”
Sicheng and Kun looked at each other and looked back at Taeyong. “No.”
Taeyong sighed. “If you must know, the parties will cease tonight. I have given up.”
“Given up on what?” Sicheng asked.
They couldn’t know about Taeyong’s true motive with his parties. “Parties, of course.”
“Really?” Kun asked as he washed his hands.
Taeyong sighed. “Yes. Now let’s eat.”
A few hours later, Taeyong went to the beach to get some sun. A few girls asked for his number and he simply pretended not to know English. He spoke Japanese and spoke broken English to throw them off. He was in no mood to frolick. He was frustrated.
It was because of you. He couldn’t explain it but he desperately wanted to see you. Wanted to know you. Wanted to feel you come alive under him as he pleased you. And he had no leads.
Maybe he should just throw in the towel. It was dangerous for him to entertain the idea of seeing someone as more than just a fling. Knowing his one night stand’s name was more information than he needed.
Perhaps you weren’t real. Oh, heavens. He knew you were real but maybe he should convince himself of the contrary so he could give up on you.
Meanwhile, you’d been busy non-stop. You couldn’t go out and unwind because of your extremely-packed schedule, which was just how you liked it. Whatever free time you had was spent at home curled up in bed before bedtime. It was how you preferred it, though. It helped you get over your ex much more quickly. Or so you thought, anyway.
One of your co-workers at the shelter was an adoption counselor who had a family event she needed to attend. So she asked you for a favor. You came in for the afternoon shift to help pair up families with pets.
You loved working at the shelter, helping animals find their forever homes. It broke your heart to see so many of them, neglected and homeless. You always knew you wanted to work with animals, though. In high school, you started at the shelter as a volunteer. Now, you were one of the managers. You helped with fundraisers and outreach events to get the shelter animals’ faces out there.
You went to check on the dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, and other residents of the shelter, like you always did. Then, you finished adopting out an Australian Shepherd. His new family already adored him. The shelter’s adoption process was strict so if a family really wanted to commit to a pet, they had to commit to the process to prove it. So you had high hopes that this adoption would be permanent.
On the off chance it wouldn’t, these animals always had a home here. You wouldn’t cease until you did everything you could to get a home for each animal that walked through the shelter’s front doors.
You took a picture of the happy family to post on the shelter’s social media. You sent them off. You felt like you were being watched so you turned to the front window where you recognized Jaehyun and the pink-haired man from the Hawaiian paradise party. They were talking like they knew each other.
You frowned and walked outside to greet them. “Jaehyun?”
The men faced you. Jaehyun beamed, “Y/n! I was passing through and I ran into Taeyong here who is looking to volunteer at the shelter.” Taeyong was about to cut in when Jaehyun continued. “Is there a volunteer orientation today?”
You shook your head. “It’s tomorrow, Jay.”
Taeyong just looked at you, not saying a word.
You tilted your head in confusion. “But...If you’re free, Taeyong, we’d love to have you.”
Jaehyun answered for him. “Of course he is. There’s no other place he’d rather be!”
Taeyong shot Jaehyun a look but his face softened as he looked at you. “Yeah...He’s right about that.”
Still confused, you smiled. “Okay, tomorrow it is.”
Taeyong headed home after his confrontation with the meddlesome Jaehyun. Just who was he to you, he wondered. How dare he cross a god?
Sure, Jaehyun was a beautiful specimen but he was not at his level, Taeyong thought to himself.
[A Few Hours Ago]
After his time at the beach, Taeyong took another stroll through the town, exploring small businesses and stumbling upon an animal shelter.
Through the front window, he saw a family with their Australian Shepherd. And that’s when his radar switched on. His heart squeezed and his breathing faltered. You were here. You greeted the family inside. They posed for a family photo together with their dog. They held a sign that read “Furrever Home” on it. The family thanked you and you sent them off.
You were exquisite. Your smile. The glimmer of hope in your eyes. Your laugh. You were out of breath from running around so much and from the excitement, he could tell. Even though you were stressed and tired, you were happy at that moment. You turned toward his direction and he read your name on your name tag: y/n.
Taeyong wanted to rush in and call for your name but his feet were planted to the ground.
“Hey, I remember you,” someone called out to him.
Taeyong snapped out of his daze and turned to find a handsome young man with black hair frowning at him. Taeyong started. “I’m sorry. I don’t-“
“You’re Taeyong. You throw parties at that beach house and you’re the city’s most eligible bachelor. It’s all over social media.”
“Yes, and?”
The stranger glared as he nodded at you through the window. “You’ve been watching her, haven't you?”
Taeyong smirked. “And what about it?”
The man looked down at Taeyong’s pants where his member betrayed him. Jaehyun lifted his eyebrows.
Taeyong shrugged. “It’s rude to stare at a stranger’s crotch.”
He laughed. “You’re pretty easy to read, Taeyong. But I gotta warn you: don’t waste her time if you’re not fully committed.”
Taeyong laughed. “And who are you to tell me this?”
“Someone who refuses to see his friend’s heart broken again.”
Again, Taeyong wondered. “Well, I have no plans to let it get that far.”
He rolled his eyes. “Right.”
“Jaehyun?” You started.
Then, the conniving Jaehyun set Taeyong up to be a volunteer at the animal shelter without his consent. Well, Taeyong could’ve said no at any time but he didn’t want to disappoint you. Besides, this would be an opportunity to get to know you. Jaehyun may not be so bad, after all, Taeyong mused.
Jaehyun left Taeyong with these parting words. He grinned, showing his dimples. “If you hurt her, I will run you out of this town.”
Taeyong smiled. “I’d like to see you try.”
To anyone else, it would’ve seemed like two friends were parting ways but in reality, it was more like a declaration of war.
Your friend Jaehyun was very protective of you, Taeyong realized. He wondered if Jaehyun was enamored with you. And your nickname of “Jay” for him made Taeyong’s stomach turn.
Who was he to you? And why was he butting in on Taeyong’s pursuit of you? And what did Jaehyun mean by you getting your heart broken again? Who broke your heart? And why was he still breathing, unless Jaehyun failed to mention your ex’s funeral?
Taeyong wasn’t going to break your heart. He wasn’t that stupid. He spent enough time on this planet to set boundaries and never fall in too deep with a human.
It didn’t matter if you made him feel different than any other human has after twenty seconds of an interaction.
[The Next Day]
Taeyong wasn’t sure how he would feel about working with animals because he’s never interacted with them before. He envied any family who had a pet, though.
It was a kind of love he didn’t get to see frequently. His job was primarily focused on romantic love so it always fascinated him to see familial love, love between friends, and now love between man and man’s best friend.
You led the volunteer orientation. It was a relatively full house. You gave the new recruits the rundown on maintenance, walking the dogs, socializing with the animals, feeding, laundry, and safety. Taeyong was so impressed by how skilled and informative you were at work. You were a no-nonsense girl when you needed to be.
When the orientation ended, Taeyong lingered behind in the staff meeting room. You had to admit that seeing Taeyong again made your heart do weird things. You’d dreamed of him for a few nights and part of you wished you could’ve gone to another one of his parties. Your friends told you he’d thrown so many this past month that they lost count. So you were shocked to see this wealthy party boy at an animal shelter of all places. You did notice as you gave your talk that his eyes never strayed from yours.
After the orientation, you began, “Hey, Taeyong. How did you like the orientation?”
He smiled. “You were brilliant.”
Your face heated up. “Thanks.”
He asked, “I was wondering if you were free tonight to-“
A volunteer popped in. “Y/n, code leash with Ruby!” Code leash meant a dog was loose in the shelter without a leash on.
You started. “Oh, God. Sorry, Taeyong, I have to help catch one of our dogs.”
You looked distressed so Taeyong decided to help. He didn’t know where this altruism came from but it was there. “I can help.”
“Thank you. I have to warn you, though. She’s not friendly with most people. So be careful.”
You and Taeyong teamed up to catch Ruby while some of the other volunteers also teamed up elsewhere. Ruby had hidden under one of the benches near the cat corner of the shelter.
Ruby was a Papillon, also known as a Continental Toy Spaniel. She was a reserved dog. She was adopted as a puppy but when she was a year old, her owners gave her up for adoption when they were expecting a baby. With the betrayal she’d experienced, she closed herself off from most people and most animals. It took a few weeks for her to warm up to you.
Ruby had cute ears that resembled a butterfly’s, which explained the name of her breed, the Papillon.
With her leash in your hands, you crouched down to greet her. “Hi, Ruby…”
She surprised you by running over to Taeyong, who froze in his tracks. Ruby jumped against his legs and cried. She wanted his attention.
You looked at them in shock. Ruby had never taken so quickly to someone before. You were impressed.
Taeyong’s eyes doubled in size as he slowly backed up. Ruby continued to jump against his legs, regardless. “What’s happening? Is she trying to kill me?”
You fought back a laugh. “No...She wants you to hold her.”
He looked mystified. “Uh...I’ve never…”
“You’ve never…?”
For the first time, he looked shy. “I’ve never held a dog before…”
You approached them and called Ruby again. “Ruby, I’ll help you.”
You picked Ruby up and guided Taeyong. “Just raise your arms and cradle her. It’s okay.”
You handed Ruby to Taeyong and he was shocked at this new feeling he felt in his chest. It was this overwhelming joy and worry and affection he’d never felt. He would die for this dog.
Well, if he could die, he would.
So this is what familial love must be like.
Ruby licked him all over his face and he giggled like a little boy.
You were overjoyed to see Ruby with another person. This was promising. “She really likes you. It took me weeks to get her to warm up to me.”
Taeyong stared at you. “Really? I can’t imagine that…”
“You saved the day, Taeyong. Not bad for your first day as a volunteer.” You laughed.
You led him and Ruby back into her room. You stepped into her small room where she resided alone. She had a big fluffy bed and toys to play with. Even so, it could definitely get cramped in there after a few hours. You would take her for a walk later.
Taeyong asked, concerned. “She lives by herself? She must be so lonely.”
You told Taeyong her story and he understood her circumstances. He was furious at Ruby’s previous owners and he finally understood why places like this shelter existed.
You said, “She needs someone who will remain faithful to her all of their life. I hope she finds them soon.”
Taeyong rubbed Ruby’s belly. “So do I.”
“I have to get back to work. You’re not on the schedule until tomorrow but you are more than welcome to spend some time with the dogs…”
Taeyong was in his own bubble with Ruby.
You giggled. “Or maybe just Ruby.”
You left them be and got back to work.
Taeyong spent the next hour playing with Ruby, taking her for a walk, taking pictures of her, and cradling her to sleep. He hoped to catch up with you later but he couldn’t let go of his attachment to this dog now.
There was something about this town that made him attached to others. First, it was you. Then, it was Ruby.
It was unusual.
Ruby fell asleep and Taeyong checked his phone. He received a text over half an hour ago.
Where are you? Kun says you’re not home :( -Yooa
Crap, he’d forgotten all about Yooa. His “date”.
Taeyong realized he’d be getting earful from Kun later. He texted Yooa he was on his way.
[2 Weeks Later]
The first few days were rough for Taeyong because he’d never done manual labor in his life. He was willing to try and with your and other volunteers’ guidance, he was able to pick up on everything quickly. Everyone thought Taeyong was as strange as he was beautiful. They thought he was a sheltered rich boy who was learning how to care for someone else for the first time. Well, they weren’t far off from the truth.
Taeyong volunteered almost everyday at the shelter. He did everything he could possibly do as a volunteer and still had the energy to take the dogs on more walks than required. He was a god, after all. His energy on Earth was higher than that of any normal human’s. He hoped to impress you, too. He tried to ask you out or even for your phone number but you were always busy with shelter tasks. It was very hard to tell if there was a connection between you two.
At the end of each shift, Taeyong always left Ruby for last because she was his favorite shelter animal. “Alright Ruby, today is the day I finally ask y/n out.”
Ruby snoozed in response. Taeyong sighed. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
You were the last person to leave the shelter and lock up. Everyone had already left an hour ago but you were finishing up some emails. You found Taeyong waiting outside the door. “Taeyong!”
He waved and smiled, not looking disheveled at all after a full-day shift.
You, on the other hand, could use a shower. “Everything okay?”
Taeyong asked, “Are you free?”
“I was wondering if you…”
Your eyes as you watched him left Taeyong in nearly almost a trance. The way your hair fell over your eyes when you adjusted your work bag. The breeze caused your perfume to creep into his nose and he had to catch his breath. Even your little yawn after a long day was cute. Damn it.
You started, “Taeyong?”
Taeyong tried to say something but his throat went dry. Why wasn’t he able to say words? He was prepared to say. Come away with me tonight. I’ll take us to dinner and then...Well, it’s your call, y/n.
And here he was, his palms sweaty. His cheeks were red. He was so close to trembling from the new anxiety that crept up on him.
You asked, “Are you okay?”
Taeyong shook his head to shove his fears away. “Are you free?”
He invited you over to his house for dinner as a thank you for showing him the ropes around the shelter. You felt bad for assuming that he was asking you out. It appeared that he wanted to keep this platonic and you were relieved.
You’re a chicken, Taeyong thought to himself. The ball was in his court and he missed his shot to take things further with you. Even so, you’d said yes so all in all, you two were headed somewhere.
You followed Taeyong in your car over to his place. You entered the extravagant beach house, which was surprisingly neat and homey. The furniture looked comfortable, like you could easily fall asleep on it. The lighting was at a low, almost romantic setting. The house was tranquil and all you could hear was the crash of waves in the distance.
Taeyong said, “Please take a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Can I offer you some wine?”
“Yes, please. Thank you.”
Taeyong smiled warmly at you before he departed for the kitchen.
Another young man appeared as he came down the stairs, calling out. “Sicheng and I will be back in a few days. Our Lord needs us in Beijing for an emergency match-up.” He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and merely stared at you. “Seriously, another ‘appointment’?”
Taeyong darted out of the kitchen. “Kun.”
You got up and waved. “Uh, hi. I’m Taeyong’s friend, y/n. From the animal shelter?”
Sicheng joined the group. “Friend?”
Kun’s eyebrows furrowed. “You’re just friends with him?”
You looked at everyone around the living room. “Yes…”
Although you had to wonder what Kun meant by “appointment”. If you had to guess, you weren’t the first girl Taeyong brought home. This week.
You knew Taeyong was a player from the first night you met him. But you were attracted to him so the possibility of a one night stand with him didn’t repel you. You weren’t about to ask for it, though. You were already going out of your comfort zone, coming over to his house for dinner.
And then...Taeyong’s personality surprised you these past few weeks. He was warm and hard-working and kind. You had to admit you had a little crush on him. You wouldn’t let that truth see the light of day, though. A player was a player, no matter what.
Sicheng smiled as he greeted you, “Y/n, welcome to our home. I’m Sicheng. Our rude friend right here is Kun. We are Taeyong’s coworkers and roommates.”
“It’s nice to meet you. What is it that you guys do? You mentioned a match-up?”
Taeyong eyed his friends. “They...”
Kun continued, “We...are dating gurus!”
You replied, “I see. So you’re headed to Beijing? That’s exciting!”
The boys told you they worked for a dating website for high-profile people and traveled to countries like China and South Korea to counsel them on dating. It was unheard of and unusual. At least for you, anyway. But it was kind of fascinating. Kun and Sicheng told you that Taeyong had been working nonstop for years now as a dating guru so now he was taking some time off. They excused themselves and headed off to the airport.
You accompanied Taeyong to the kitchen as he cooked some New York strips for the two of you. He refused your help and wanted you to sit down and relax. “I didn’t know you were a dating guru.”
He chuckled nervously. “I don’t really like to talk about it.”
“Oh, well, we don’t have to…We could always talk about something else. Like where you’re from?”
Taeyong chopped some vegetables as he mulled over his answer, avoiding your eyes. How was he going to say he came from Heaven? First of all, it would be ludicrous to you. And second, it sounded like a pickup line that would only stroke his ego. There was no way to win by telling the truth. “Abroad.”
You sipped your glass of wine. He was so vague. “Abroad? Where?”
“My Lor-...father traveled all the time when I was growing up so we always moved. And once I got to work with the dating website, the traveling continued.” Nice save, he thought to himself.
“Oh? Wow, that’s sad, isn’t it?”
Taeyong looked at you. “Sad?”
“I mean, maybe it wasn’t...What I meant was that it must have been difficult getting uprooted all the time. Having to get accustomed to a new place...Only to have to start over somewhere else.”
You had no idea, Taeyong thought. You read him like a book so he had to ask. “How did you know?”
You understood his situation very well. “My dad is a lieutenant general. We’ve moved around a lot until I was eighteen. Come to think of it...Are your parents in the military?”
Taeyong knew he had to come up with something. Quick, he told himself, think of something believable. The first thought that came into his mind was Jurassic Park after he watched it last night. “No...He’s a...paleontologist.”
That was an uncommon job but you were impressed. After all, Jurassic Park was one of your favorite movies. You asked him about the places his dad took him, what dinosaur bones his dad uncovered, and more. Taeyong had to get creative and being dumb about the subject didn’t hinder his case. He claimed that remembering the names of species was impossible for him. You were riveted, regardless. You spent most of the time talking about Jurassic Park, anyway. You told him about Universal Studios’ Islands of Adventure and a Jurassic Park feature located at the park. You suggested you two could go together sometime and Taeyong’s eyes lit up, then. His doe eyes caught you off-guard.
You continued talking about your interests and your pasts. Well, you did. Taeyong had to get a little creative when topics such as his “childhood” and “family” came into conversation. But other than that, he enjoyed having you in his home. You were full of warmth and generosity. You laughed at his jokes and asked him about how he was doing. It left him speechless. He wasn’t sure what you were really thinking or if you were even interested. You were equally unsure and found yourself considering what you’d been fighting since the moment you first laid eyes on him.
Taeyong served dinner. His cooking was incredible. The steak and baked potato were paradise on your taste buds. “Taeyong, oh my God, this is incredible. You should be a five-star chef and open a restaurant.”
Taeyong chuckled. “Thank you, y/n but I’m more of a pastry chef than anything else.”
“What’s your price for a batch of chocolate cupcakes?” You teased.
He smiled. “Free of charge.”
“Well, if you were free to watch Jurassic Park 2 with me this week, then I would consider it.”
“I’ll take it.”
Taeyong was excited that you two would see each other outside of work again. Taeyong served you cookie dough ice cream with fudge.
You ate your ice cream. “Thank you so much for inviting me over. I haven’t been able to hang out with friends in a while so this means a lot.”
Friends. Taeyong was a little hurt at your label of him. He thought there was something between you. Maybe this wasn’t the right time to make a move so he forced a smile. “I’m glad we’re friends, too.”
[2 months later]
Taeyong continued to volunteer at the shelter. His ego took a nice, deserving blow after you told him you were just friends. He was still happy that he got to spend time with you. You became so close that you spent most of your time with him outside of work. You played video games and watched movies. You also fostered some animals together on the weekends.
Taeyong hadn’t thrown a party or gone to one since he started spending time with you. His phone started lighting up a lot less as the weeks passed. The truth was Taeyong had stopped hooking up with anyone else. He was focused on you. Getting to know you.  
You even told him about your ex Jaemin. You and Jaemin were going strong for 11 months. The biggest player at your university, Jaemin worked hard to get you to say yes to dating him. The romance started off beautifully and ended abruptly when Jaemin said he didn’t want to be unfair to you. The day after the breakup you saw him out with another girl like it was nothing. And a month later, they were engaged to be married. Now, they were married and expecting a child together. It seemed that he genuinely loved his wife. The way he looked at her with such affection the day after he broke up with you. It broke you because that was how you used to look at him. You thought he was the one and up to a certain point, he told you you were the one for him. You wondered how he moved on so quickly to this day.
Since then, you didn’t want to date anyone, much less a playboy. Hook-ups were something you would’ve considered but you were still hurting. Taeyong had been the first boy you looked at in five months but you still weren’t ready. However, now that you two were getting to know each other...Maybe, just maybe…
Taeyong wanted to track down Jaemin and destroy him, break up his family, and kill him. Well, maybe not to that extreme. But he wanted to avenge you for how Jaemin could’ve been so swift in hurting you and moving on like nothing. He had to wonder…
If maybe one of his coworkers had something to do with it. He’d never had a hand in pairing up a Na Jaemin with anyone. If that were the case, he would’ve never forgiven himself for pursuing you.
He finally understood that you were guarding your heart and he didn’t want to push you. He would wait for as long as it takes to…Well, he wasn’t sure...Kiss you? Take you out on a date? He wasn’t sure how romance or courting worked.
It took some convincing but Taeyong finally decided to foster Ruby for the week. He didn’t refuse before because he didn’t want Ruby. He was scared of being ill-prepared for taking care of her or that his house had some hazards for the little dog.
You drove Taeyong and Ruby back to his house. The three of you stood outside his front door. He had Ruby on a leash.
Taeyong started. “Are you sure, y/n? What if Ruby falls in the pool when I go take a shower? What if she chews at my phone charger and gets electrocuted?”
You laughed. “Taeyong, how is she going to get in the backyard? Are her paws going to magically turn into hands so that she can turn the doorknob to the back door?”
“So long as you keep her active and give her toys and activities, she will have no reason to chew at your charger or go on an online shopping spree while you’re asleep.”
Taeyong frowned, knowing that you were mocking him now. “Fine. But if anything happens, I’m taking you down with me.”
Your eyes danced. “Fine with me.”
You three went to the beach and Ruby was having fun playing on the shoreline. Taeyong giggled like a little boy as he played fetch with her. You watched them and smiled. It was beyond you why Taeyong wouldn’t adopt Ruby. They clearly loved each other very much. Maybe today you could finally convince him.
You returned to the beach house as you ate ice cream cones from the boardwalk ice cream shop. Ruby ran back inside to drink from her water bowl. You and Taeyong lingered on the outside deck by the pool and watched the sunset. Taeyong’s chocolate ice cream cone was melting at the sides and you regretted not buying chocolate so without thinking, you licked his melting ice cream. Taeyong was caught by surprise and you looked up at him before getting back to your ice cream cone.
The innocent but teasing glint in your eye made him shocked and aroused. He paid a little too much attention to your tongue. As quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. And he longed for it to worship his body.
You winked. “Sorry. You’re a slow eater and it was melting…” You handed him your vanilla ice cream cone. “You can have some of mine.”
He snapped out of it and licked the cone as suggestively as he could to try and get a reaction out of you. And that he did. His big brown eyes had a mischievous glint to them. He smirked. You avoided his eyes completely. “Y/n.”
You bent down and pretended to tie your shoe and realized you weren’t wearing sneakers but sandals. You got back up, embarrassed and still looking away from him. “Yeah?”
“I like you.”
You looked back up at him. “Taeyong-”
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I just wanted to say it. At least once.” He liked you for a long time now. The more time he spent with you and went out of his way to be with you every moment he could made him realize that maybe what he longed for with you wasn’t simply one night of pleasure.
He wanted more. He didn’t know exactly what that meant. But he just liked to be with you. Your kindness, your wit, your sense of humor, everything about you made Taeyong feel that heaven could be found in another person.
He didn’t want to push you, not at all. He did wonder about what things would be like if you gave into each other. But he would still wait for as long as it took for you to consider him.
You admitted, “Taeyong, I like you, too.”
He sighed in relief. “Oh, thank heavens. Let’s go out on Friday.” Hundreds of plans were running through his mind of how he wanted to spoil you for your first date. He’d been doing research on where he could take you in the city and debated whether or not a road trip to Universal Studios would be too much.
You smiled in spite of yourself. “That’s so sweet…”
“I don’t know if I’m ready...Or if I can trust you...You’re very…experienced.”
Taeyong looked at you in confusion as he finished his ice cream cone. “What do you mean? I’ve never dated.”
“I mean...Sexually…” You muttered the last word. Your face was hot and Taeyong only looked at you like you’d said the sky was blue.
“Taeyong, before we met, you were partying every night and sleeping with multiple people. Are you going to tell me that you’re not that person anymore? Because you know what happened with Jaemin...I don’t want that again. If we are going to take this any further, you have to be honest with me. When you want to end it, show me your heart. Don’t leave me wondering what I did wrong...” He could see your eyes get bigger and redder. They were welling up. Your voice broke and it broke him to hear it.
He hated seeing you unhappy. You didn’t deserve to be burned the way you had. He wrapped his arms around you, then. For the first time. “I would never do that to you. I would never-”
You hugged him back. “Please don’t make promises you can’t keep. Let’s just take this slow...Okay?”
He never felt as close and vulnerable with someone. Then you came along and he was ready to do what he could to be with you. To at least try. “Okay.”
He caressed your face and pulled you in for a kiss. He lifted you off the ground and sat you on a ledge as he leaned down to kiss you deeper. His tongue intertwined with yours. You both tasted like ice cream and it made you both crazy with longing. You were the first to stop the kiss and reminded him, “Slow.”
He kissed your forehead. “Slow.”
[4 Months Later]
You and Taeyong took your new relationship slow. It drove you both crazy that you put off sleeping together for so long. You wanted to get to know Taeyong better. So did he. Even if this was the longest dry spell Taeyong had undergone, it was worth it.
“What’s got you so happy, boss?” Sicheng asked, visiting from New York. Sicheng and Kun moved out months ago when they saw that Taeyong wasn’t causing any trouble. Sicheng held Ruby in his lap. Taeyong adopted Ruby not too long after you two agreed to date.
Taeyong was worried, though. Just how far could he take things with you before he was summoned back by God? It could be five years or fifty years before He called him back to Heaven. Taeyong had to tell someone what was eating at him and Sicheng was one of his closest friends. “I need to tell you something.”
After Taeyong told Sicheng about you and what transpired all this time, Sicheng sighed, “Taeyong, this is trouble. We are not supposed to get involved with humans.”
“Sex is okay but dating and marriage are out of the question? How does that make sense?”
Sicheng frowned, reminding Taeyong of Kun at that moment. “Sex was never okay. In moderation and with zero strings attached? Sure...But you’ve crossed several lines...You’re playing with fire by pursuing y/n.”
Taeyong sighed in frustration. “I know but Sicheng, I’m falling…”
Sicheng watched Taeyong that night and witnessed how he changed after he met you. He put a hand on Taeyong’s shoulder. “I know. You’ve fallen since that first night. Five seconds.”
It took Taeyong five seconds to fall in love with you.
Taeyong continued, “I want to make this work. Let our Lord find out from me.”
“But-” Sicheng started.
“I appreciate you for not ratting me out to our Father, Sicheng. You’re a good friend.”
Later that night, Taeyong picked you up from your apartment and wanted to surprise you. He blindfolded you as you sat in the passenger seat of his car. Taeyong whispered into your ear. “Can you hear me?”
You laughed and bit your lip. “Taeyong, it’s a blindfold. Not ear plugs. Why are you whispering?”
He whispered even lower and the warmth of his breath made you fidget and press your thighs harder together. “It’s fun. That’s all.”
He could tell you were aroused. He could see your nipples through your black dress and he had to control his cock from making an early appearance. It was a good thing he blindfolded you.
Taeyong drove you two in silence and his giggles made you laugh. You held hands. It didn’t take too long to reach your destination. He escorted you out of the car and removed your blindfold.
You were at the Isla Central Marina and you stood before the entrance of a yacht named Cupid’s Bow. The boat was decorated with white Christmas lights.
“Taeyong, what is all this…”
He smiled as he led you onto the boat. “It’s where we’re having dinner tonight.”
You sat down at the table set at the center of the yacht. It was decorated with white daisies. Taeyong chose white daisies because their scent reminded him of you. And for their significance.
He sat you down at your seat and squeezed your shoulders.
You looked around in wonder. The night sky was clear as the full moon shone down on you both. “This is amazing. I can’t believe you did this for me.”
Taeyong sat across from you and smiled brightly. “I want to give you the world, y/n. If you let me, I will.”
Your face felt flushed and you stared down at your lap. “You’re so corny.”
He asked for your hand and you gave it to him. He kissed it and looked at you with what could be described as bedroom eyes. He tried to seduce you a couple of times now because he loved to tease you. You’d tease him back and pretend to consider sleeping with him. Fair’s fair.
But tonight? The teasing would stop.
Someone else cleared their throat. “Welcome to Cupid’s Bow. Thank you for dining with us tonight. I will be your server, Kun.”
You gasped and laughed. “Kun, what are you doing here?”
Dressed as a waiter, Kun said, “Taeyong needed a hand for tonight. And our friend Sicheng will be maneuvering this vessel.”
You turned to Sicheng as he waved from the steering wheel. He was wearing a captain’s outfit. You fought back a laugh. They were a cheesy group of guys.
Kun started you guys off with drinks as the boat departed the marina. You sailed around the bay that connected to the ocean. The bay led into downtown Isla where the city lights shone brightly. It was a beautiful modern-day fairytale.
Taeyong started up a playlist from his Bluetooth speakers and asked you to dance. “Give Me Love” by Ed Sheeran played.
Taeyong was a great dancer. He must have been classically trained for years. He spun you in circles and dipped you, pretending he was about to drop you to tease you. He pulled you close and hummed along to the lyrics. You laughed and held him tightly.
The songs continued as you and Taeyong watched the view. He held you from behind. The night was perfect.
“Y/n,” he said into your ear softly.
“I love you.”
You turned back to him and smiled. “I love you, too.” You kissed him.
You liked Taeyong ever since that night you met. But you started falling in love after you saw how he was with Ruby. He carried a lot of love and loyalty in his heart that it left you in awe every time you were with him. There was more to him than the wealthy bachelor persona he emitted. That wasn’t who he was. He was a man who loved fiercely. He was your best friend. And now you wanted him to be your lover.
You sat down together and ate Italian cuisine. Kun was an incredible chef. You and Taeyong share lasagna and chicken Alfredo. It was delicious. For dessert, you two fed each other gelato.
When Cupid’s Bow returned to the dock, you and Taeyong sat in the car, awkward.
Taeyong waited for you to tell him to take you home but it never came. You wanted him to suffer for a few more seconds.
You started. “Thank you for tonight.”
He cleared his throat. “I had the best time.”
“Can I stay the night?” You asked softly.
Taeyong was hearing things. “I’m sorry?”
“Let’s spend the night together.”
Taeyong was about to jump out of the driver’s seat and scream. He played it cool and his face was unreadable as he said, “Okay.”
You giggled. Taeyong was an enigma but you could see the blush creeping onto his cheeks.
You returned to the beach house and darted to the pool. Taeyong ran after you. You removed your dress and turned to him, biting your lip because you knew he loved it.
You were down to your black and red lingerie and Taeyong was so close to salivating. He longed to worship your body. He stood there, unable to move. He watched you slowly descend the steps into the pool and wait for him.
He walked slowly over to you, like a tiger about to pounce on his prey. He wanted you. You could see the desire in his gaze. He unbuttoned his shirt and you could see his abs glisten against the reflection of the pool. He smirked again, knowing it drove you crazy when he did that. He slowly unbuckled his belt and you could see his bulge better as he pulled down his pants.
“Wow,” you said.
Taeyong was down to his briefs. He pulled them down and chucked them away. His physique was like that of a statue of a Greek god. He was rock solid. You swam into the deep end, waiting for him to follow you in.
Taeyong got into the pool and dove down. You couldn’t see him now.
You were waiting for him to surprise you but time passed and you wondered if something was wrong.
“Yong?” You started. “Yong!”
He crept up behind you then, pulling your panties down in the process. “Boo.”
You smacked him. “Jerk. I thought you were dying.”
Taeyong chuckled. “I wasn’t down there for that long.”
“You’re kidding, right? I counted. It was at least a minute.”
Maybe he crossed the line with his immortal abilities, then. He sighed. “What can I say? I have incredible lung capacity.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why don’t we put that to the test?” You put your arms around him and kissed him deeply.
Taeyong’s heart skipped a beat. Your soaked body got him harder. You got onto his lap and he kissed your cleavage. His kisses were everything. You had been thinking about your first night with him for a long time now.
Taeyong lowered the strap of your bra and kissed your shoulder, silently asking if he could unclasp your bra. You nodded. He adored your breasts, biting and sucking at them.
You lowered your hand to his pelvic region and felt his large cock. He grunted as you clasped it. You kissed his neck and nipped at his ears.
You both loved teasing each other so now that you were spending the night together, neither of you was going down without a fight.
After a few minutes, Taeyong carried you out of the pool. You looked up at him, admiring his flawless profile. He dried you off and he took your hand and led you upstairs to his shower.
He started up the shower and you looked up at him. He took your face into his hands and gave you a peck on the lips. He smiled.
He started washing you with his body wash. It was Jo Malone Lime Basil & Mandarin. It smelled just like Taeyong and you wished you could smell like this all the time. He carefully navigated your body like you were a fragile vase and kissed you all over. He saved your chest for the end and could feel your heartbeat against his palm. He looked up at you through hooded eyes and you kissed his nose.
You washed him and teased him as you washed around his crotch, lightly tracing it with your fingers. His skin was soft while his body was muscular. He was the most beautiful contradiction in the world.
Taeyong pulled you in for another kiss and you wrapped your arms around each other. He turned the shower off. You both dried off.
He scooped you up, making you giggle. He laid you down gently. You stretched your body against the mattress and Taeyong admired all of your angles.
“I’m going to fuck you until the sunrise, y/n,” Taeyong said as he looked down at your body. Your eyes lock on him. They were no longer doe-like.
“I bet you are,” you said, feeling a little nervous now.
He straddled you and kissed you. His cock teased its entrance into your folds. “My stars, you are the most gorgeous creature,” he said as his face was mere centimeters from yours.
You pulled him closer and you kissed again, running your hands over his back. He traced his fingers around your folds, teasing your entrance. You whimpered as you held him tightly.
You pushed him off of you and laid him back as you gripped his cock and pumped. “You think you’re the only who’s been dying for this moment?”
Taeyong gaped at you. You were the first partner to take charge. His other lovers usually let him take the lead. He didn’t mind it much but to see you cater to his needs made him dizzy.
You took his cock into your mouth and your throat burned from the contact. You couldn’t take all of him in so you had to love the rest of him with your hand. You started bobbing your head back and forth, licking the veins of his throbbing member. Taeyong grunted. “Fuck, y/n.”
You looked up at him and his heart nearly stopped again. He gripped your hair. He came into your mouth and you swallowed his seed.
“You taste better than I imagined,” you said as you wiped your mouth.
You were generous in all aspects of life but in the bedroom? Taeyong was floored. “Allow me to pamper you.”
He laid you against his bed frame and brought out handcuffs.
“Well, you came prepared. Are those new?” You hoped they were.
“Yes. They came in yesterday…Good timing, wouldn’t you say?”
You nodded as he unlocked the cuffs. “Lift your arms up, y/n.”
You obeyed and he cuffed you. Your breasts were raised beautifully and Taeyong sighed. “Breathtaking.”
You averted your gaze and Taeyong shook his head. He took your chin and turned your face to him. “No, no...Don’t get shy on me now...Not when you fucked me with that pretty little mouth of yours.”
You loved how low his voice became and you felt your pussy tremble underneath him. He fondled your breasts, squeezing your nipples and biting them. He kissed around your folds. He traced his tongue at your entrance and breathed against it, making you whimper. He started whispering sweet nothings in multiple languages. He spoke in almost ten languages and you wondered who this man really was. You came once he spoke dirty French into your ear.
You were already soaked and Taeyong wanted to indulge in torturing you for a few minutes before he entered you. He started by slipping one finger into your entrance and carefully avoided your G-spot to rile you up.
“Taeyong, please,” you cried.
He stopped and kissed your forehead. “We have all night, y/n.”
You pouted. “You’re too good at torturing me.”
He smiled. “Am I torturing you? I didn’t think so.”
You wrapped your legs harder around his abdomen. “Get inside me. Now.”
He sighed. “You seem to forget that I’m calling the shots, y/n.”
You licked your lips. “Are you?”
He frowned and slipped his fingers out of your folds. “Do you not like it?”
You shook your head. “I do. I do. I do.”
He smirked. “Then, let me work.”
He continued to fingerfuck you until you cried. “Yong, please…”
“I love when you call me Yong. It destroys me,” he said as he finally entered you.
You cried out loud as his cock entered and hit you in the right places. You could feel him go deeper and could feel his cock twitching in your belly. You climaxed quickly and Taeyong quickly pulled out and came right after.
Taeyong cleaned you both up, not removing you from the cuffs just yet.
“Uh, Taeyong?”
“Yes, darling?”
“You forgot something?” You looked up at the cuffs.
“Oh, you’re right. I did forget something.” He kissed your forehead. “I love you.”
He walked out of the room.
Your arms started to hurt from having been raised for so long. “You are so funny!”
He returned with a tray that had two glasses of water and a bowl of strawberries and whipped cream.
“Are you hungry?” Taeyong asked, acting oblivious.
“Taeyong, I think it’s your turn to try on the cuffs…”
He beamed. “Exactly what I was thinking, y/n.”
“Okay, great. Now if you can get these off of me, the chances of me choking you to death will be lower.”
He laughed. “You’re so funny.”
He sat next to you in bed. And fed you a strawberry with whipped cream on top, popping it into your mouth. He carefully slipped his finger out and licked his finger. “Mmm.”
He took the whipped cream and drew out shapes onto your body, tracing his tongue over the shapes and eating the whipped cream. It drove you crazy.
“Now that I’ve had my dessert. It’s only fair that you enjoy yours.” He uncuffed you.
You cuffed him and had your way with him. You even took it a step further and pulled out another set of handcuffs from the drawer. “I see you got an extra pair.”
He smiled. “Can never be too prepared.”
You returned his smile. “Let’s kick it up a notch. Shall we?”
You cuffed his ankles, as well. He laid in bed and waited for you to get to work on him but you decided to get the bowl of strawberries and whipped cream and eat a couple slowly. You even fed a couple to Taeyong.
You started, “This is nice.”
Taeyong grumbled in Korean.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. I’m just waiting here. Patient.”
“Like the good boy that you are,” you cooed.
Your voice made him harder. You took the whipped cream and traced it over your collar bone. “Lick,” you commanded.
He licked across your collarbone. Then, you drew shapes onto his body, drawing a heart around his pelvic region. You saved it for last and slowly licked around it. You kissed his tip. He groaned. You straddled him and kissed him passionately.
You teased each other like that all night and made love for hours. You fell asleep in each other’s arms, holding each other tightly. The sun had risen a few hours ago. You woke up first and found Taeyong holding you tightly to his chest. He felt your movement in his sleep and he held you tighter. The sun lit up his features. He looked like an angel.
You kissed his cheek and his eyes opened slowly. “Good morning.”
You smiled. “Hi.”
He stretched and held you again. “I need to check on Ruby.”
You shook your head. “I’ll take care of her. You sleep.”
He whined. “It’s okay. You rest.”
You giggled. “It’s okay.”
You and Taeyong got cleaned up. You borrowed some of Taeyong’s clothes. You took Ruby for a walk around the neighborhood. You spent a quiet day together, living in utter bliss.
[1 Week Later]
Taeyong was on cloud nine. Having you in his life made him complete. He can’t imagine it getting better than this. You were at work and Taeyong was preparing dinner for you as you were sleeping over later. He was going to ask you to move in.
He finished his homemade pepperoni pizza and put it in the oven. He heard the doorbell ring. Ruby barked and he joined her to see who was at the door. It couldn’t be you. It was too early. He opened the door to find Mark at the door.
“Mark!” Taeyong smiled and hugged him. Mark was another one of his coworkers and close friends. Taeyong regarded him as a little brother.
“Taeyong, it’s great to see you…Wow, you are glowing.” Mark eyed him carefully.
He smiled, thinking about you. “Yeah...I guess I am. Come in!”
After they sat down and caught up with each other, Mark said, “I’ll cut to the chase...I’m here in Isla for my next pairing session.”
“Is that so?”
He nodded. The usually lighthearted boy looked serious. “I know about y/n.”
Taeyong’s smile faded. Ruby snuggled tighter to Taeyong as she rested on his lap. “Who-“
He shook his head. “I found out myself. Y/n is my next assignment.”
Taeyong felt his world crashing down onto him. “No…”
Mark sighed. “I expected one of the fledglings to get into this mess but you? Our mentor? It’s absurd.”
“Father doesn’t know…Imagine his disappointment when he finds out. He doesn’t have to. If you end it now.”
Taeyong’s chest was on fire. Tears were threatening to fall. “No.”
Mark frowned. “What?”
“You heard me, Mark. I’m not leaving her.”
Mark sighed. “Once I strike the arrows at her and her partner, it’ll be over.”
Taeyong shook his head. “Mark, please.”
Mark hurt for his friend but his duty as a Cupid came first. “I’m sorry, Taeyong. This is how our world works. You’re the one who told me so.”
Taeyong hated this. He hated the world he knew before you. How could he go  back to a world of bringing love to others and have no love himself? He couldn’t. Not after meeting you. You’d been burned before. No doubt by one of the Cupids interfering. He wasn’t about to let that happen again.
“Taeyong, if you interfere with y/n’s pairing...There’s no telling what the consequences will be.”
“I’ll be the one to deal with that, Mark. But I won’t let you come between us.”
After their exchange, Mark left. Taeyong retired to the kitchen to check on the pizza. It was ready.
“What is he saying, Taeyong?” You started.
“Y/n?!” Taeyong jumped as he found you waiting for him at the kitchen island. 
You’d snuck in earlier to surprise him with sweet potatoes you bought from the farmer’s market. You wanted to scare him because it was a bit of yours. You snuck through the back door with your own set of keys he gave you.
You were about to duck your head into the living room when you heard Taeyong say he wouldn’t leave you. Your heart sank.
He wanted to hold you. “Y/n…”
You crossed your arms. “What is going on? Who is Mark? And who exactly is your father? What exactly is your job, Taeyong? Because I’m beginning to suspect you’re not a dating guru.”
Taeyong sighed. “You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”
“Try me.”
Taeyong checked the schedules of the fledglings at work in Isla. The best way for him to prove his identity to you was to show you how Cupids worked. “Come with me.”
He drove you to an amusement park. You turned to him. “You are not taking me on a date right now.”
He shook his head. “I’m not. Just follow me.”
He led you into the park and you sat down on a bench by the haunted house.
Taeyong started. “See that guy in the leather jacket? That’s my coworker Shotaro.”
“I don’t see him…” There was no one by that description where Taeyong was pointing.
“Y/n, hold my hand.”
“Taeyong, now’s not the time.”
“Please. Just do it.”
You gave in and held his hand and suddenly, a young man in a leather jacket appeared. Shotaro was carrying a bow and a bag of arrows. He prepared his arrow to shoot at someone leaving the haunted house.
“Taeyong, what is he doing?!” You yelled.
Taeyong shushed. “Y/n, just watch.”
You put a hand over your mouth and you were about to run over and stop this madness. Taeyong held you back.
Shotaro released the arrow and hit the young woman first. She looked at her best friend and kissed her cheek. Shotaro then shot another arrow at the best friend. She kissed the first young woman on the lips, then. The arrows vanished just as quickly as they pierced both women. It was as if they were never struck. Shotaro noticed Taeyong and waved before he faded away.
You rubbed your eyes. “Taeyong?”
“What the hell was that?”
“More like what the heaven was that…”
Taeyong explained everything to you. How he was Cupid. How there were Cupids all over the world bringing people together. Taeyong was the original Cupid and he was on vacation. You took it all in and a lot of things started to make sense. Why he never spoke about his family or his job. How a lot of things were so new to him. It wasn’t because he was a sheltered rich boy. He wasn’t even human. He was a god.
This also meant that your concept of love was completely wrong. Cupids had their hand in romance all over the world. Which made you realize...
“So…When Jaemin broke up with me, it was because of you guys?”
Frustrated that you brought up Jaemin, Taeyong managed to say, “Yes…”
Tears fell from your eyes. “And you were never going to tell me?”
“It wasn’t my place to-“
“Oh, hell, if it’s not...How long were you going to play me like this? You were going to leave, anyway. What was the plan? Lead me on and then dump me like Jaemin did?”
Stabbed by your words, he begged, “Stop saying his name.”
“Well? How long were you planning to lead me on for? I’m sure you have a carefully crafted schedule for your next victim ready.”
Taeyong shook his head. “You don’t mean that.”
Tears fell onto your lap. “Taeyong, I loved you. Did you ever love me?”
The past tense killed him to hear. “Y/n, I love you. I’ve never loved anyone in all my years. You’re the only one for me.”
“Taeyong, you’re going to leave me.” You sobbed.
He shook his head. “I won’t leave you. I’ll fight for us.”
You hugged him tightly and he shushed you. He bought you a funnel cake with a large cup of lemonade to share. You both ate in silence for a few minutes.
You broke the silence.“When Mark said I had a pairing session, that means that I’m being matched with someone. Someone that isn’t you…”
“Taeyong, I don’t want to be matched with someone else. What are we going to do?”
“I have a plan.”
You sighed. “I’m being selfish.” “What? No...Why would you think that?”
You took a sip of the lemonade. “The consequences of you disobeying...God, I still can’t believe it....I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Taeyong replied, “Let me deal with that, y/n. I will fight for us. It’ll take some convincing but after all of my years with Father, he has to listen to me.”
[The Next Day]
Tonight was the animal shelter’s fundraising gala in downtown Isla. It was held at the lavish Sun and Moon Hotel’s ballroom. Your potential partner would be in attendance tonight but you didn’t care. All you cared about was Taeyong and what he had up his sleeve. Mark was mingling with the other guests. He didn’t know that you were in on his plans with you. He met your eyes and smiled, playing the part of the oblivious but charming young man.
As far as Mark knew, you and Taeyong broke up last night so you had to look miserable. And frankly, you felt miserable not knowing what was about to happen with Taeyong. There was a chance you could lose him forever tonight. But you held onto the chance of remaining with him.
You forced a smile and continued to mingle with the guests. Meanwhile, Taeyong disguised himself and kept an eye on Mark. Mark may have been a well-established Cupid by now but he was not at Taeyong’s level. He was off by a few centuries.
The shelter had received a lot of donations from many local businesses and celebrities. You gave a thank you speech to all the attendees for their generosity and raised your glass to them. The uncertainty was killing you underneath it all.
Taeyong watched Mark prepare his arrow, then. Mark was no longer seen by humans. You realized Mark and Taeyong were missing, which meant it was time. Taeyong prepared his arrows. He stabbed himself with his own arrow as he watched you. Right before Mark shot his arrow, Taeyong shot at you. You turned to him, then, finally able to see him. Mark realized too late what he had done.
Mark yelled. “What have you-”
Taeyong and Mark vanished.
[5 Years Later]
The year you spent with Taeyong had vanished from your memory. The night of the gala after Taeyong and Mark disappeared, you continued on with your life. Living with an inexplicable hole in your heart. You thought it was because you were being dramatic. Seeing a lot of your friends get married and have kids didn’t help your case either. Meanwhile, you were alone. Working hard and thriving, sure. But emotionally, you weren’t all there.
None of your friends or family remembered Taeyong either. It was as if he never existed to any of you. One day, Jisoo introduced you to one of her friends from her gym. You two hooked up not too long afterwards. The night was fun. It was a one-time thing.
However, that one-time thing ended up in your pregnancy. The father wanted nothing to do with your child so he skipped town. You didn’t hold it against him. The child was unplanned and you decided to carry on with the pregnancy on your own. Your friends and family were very supportive. You gave birth to a baby girl named Daisy.
The emptiness in your heart was filled by your love for Daisy. She was your world. She was your partner in crime. You wanted to give her everything good the world had to offer. Maybe someday you could give her a father.
After dropping her off at pre-school, you stopped by the post office to send out a letter to your pen pal. Isla recently started up a pen pal program for its citizens to send each other letters and gifts. You were paired up with someone who shared a lot of the same interests as you: favorite movies, foods, and animals.
You were paired up with a man named Lee Taeyong.
Dear Taeyong,
I’m sending you a copy of my favorite movie of all time, Jurassic Park. Please let me know if you like it. If you do, there’s a bunch of stickers in it for you. I hope you have safe travels to Munich and Budapest.
Taeyong had faced serious consequences for interfering with your pairing session. The work that had to be put in to pair up y/n’s original partner, Nakamoto Yuta, with someone else put everyone into a frenzy. Thankfully, the damage was repaired.
However, the Lord was pissed. Taeyong disobeyed him. Even though God adored him, he knew he had to be punished. For every second it took for Taeyong to fall in love with you, it would take a year for you two to reunite.
God relieved Taeyong of his Cupid duties and wished him a wonderful life as a human. He looked forward to Taeyong returning to him again one day.
Taeyong returned to Isla with an established job as a pilot. Ruby remained with him. His friends Sicheng and Kun would look after her while Taeyong was away now and then. He loved traveling the world but he loved coming home to Ruby most of all. He tried dating a couple of times but it never clicked with anyone. And hook-ups were a thing of the past. He wanted something serious. He hoped to find someone to call his person someday.
He recently sent his pen pal a letter before departing for his flight to Paris.
Dear y/n,
I loved Jurassic Park. I can’t believe I wasted so many years of my life not knowing this movie. Don’t hold back on the stickers. I’m sending you a copy of one of my favorite movies. It’s called Train to Busan. Try not to swoon too hard over Gong Yoo or I might get a little jealous.
You two exchanged letters frequently and after a few more months, you decided to meet up at the cafe right next to the shelter. Taeyong walked past the shelter, arriving early for your meet-up. He was thrilled to meet you and finally put a face to your name. He looked at the windows where adoptions were currently underway.
That was when he saw you.
And just like that everything flooded back to him. How you two already knew each other once. How you became friends and grew together. How you fell in love.
He ran into the shelter and called your name. “Y/n!”
You were answering a volunteer’s question when you heard someone call your name. When you turned to the person who called you, it all came rushing back to you. All of the memories. All of the love for him that you carried in your heart. 
“Taeyong…” Your eyes welled up.
You ran towards each other. You jumped into his arms, then. You laughed and cried together. You took a ten minute break to sit outside with Taeyong.
“I can’t believe it’s you…” He cried.
“Me neither...It’s been five years…”
“Five years...A year for every second it took for me to fall in love with you…” Geez, he thought, God was so unfair and so corny at the same time.
Five years without each other was too much for either of you to bear. You caught up on each other’s lives. Taeyong was shocked to find out you have a daughter. You were shocked that Taeyong was a human now.
But now this meant that you two could grow old together. Daisy could finally have a father. And you couldn’t wait to hold Ruby again.
[1 Year Later]
After a year of dating and getting to know each other again, you and Taeyong got married. Daisy and Taeyong adored each other. Ruby was happy to see you again and more than happy to welcome Daisy into her life. It was a beautiful union.
All of your friends were in attendance. Jisoo was weeping so hard. Jaehyun and his boyfriend Johnny were in attendance. Taeyong was shocked that it hadn’t been Jaehyun who claimed your heart after all this time. It turned out that Jaehyun was just a concerned friend. They became good friends.
You got married at the beach. You wore a stunning mermaid white gown. You walked down the aisle with a train decorated with white daisies. The white daisies translated to: “I love you truly.” Sicheng, a violinist, played his rendition of “All My Life” by K-Ci & JoJo. It was yours and Taeyong’s song.
Taeyong donned a black tuxedo. A daisy decorated his lapel. He nearly broke down in tears at how lovely you looked. You couldn’t help the huge smile on your face.
You recite your vows to each other. You started, “Taeyong, from the moment we first met...My life became tinted in shades of pinks and oranges again. I could see that the world could be beautiful. You helped me find happiness again. A happiness I didn’t know I needed until I met you. I adore you and will adore you even into the afterlife. Whatever happens, I will always be here for you. You have my heart. My everything. I cannot wait to spend our lives together with Daisy, Ruby, and our future children. I love you.”
Taeyong replied, “Y/n, you are my world. I found love in you. You are the light of my life. You made me a better person and you made me want to live and enjoy life. The world is beautiful because of you. I love you with all of my heart. I promise you that we will always be together. No matter what life...and the after life...will throw at us. I am yours. I will always be with you. My love. My darling y/n...I love our family. Daisy and Ruby, we love you so much. I cannot wait to raise our family together, y/n. I love you.”
Officiant Kun continued, “By the power vested in me by the State of Sweetwater, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Taeyong scooped you up and kissed you, earning applause from your friends and family.
A magical day of many. You two lived happily ever after.
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flareish · 3 years
kuroo x reader
summary: With so many deadlines coming up the reader is overwhelm and buried in work and can’t help but to lash out. However, Kuroo is always there to pull her back
genre: college AU, fluff, pinch of angst
word count: 1.5k
warnings: none I think
a/n: I have been trying to make all of my requests gender neutral but sometimes I slip up and throw in she/her pronouns so tell me if you notice any that I didn’t catch. Enjoy!
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The teachers were out to get you, you were sure of it. You push yourself every day to be the best, to be ahead of everything, all the assignments, all of your classmates just so you could possibly enjoy college as well as have good grades. But what did that get you? Impossibly high expectations. Suddenly everyone around you expected you to ace every test you did and just pull perfect essays out of nowhere. Which is exactly what just happened. You had been working on an essay all night. It hadn’t been your best work but your brain just couldn’t make anything better. That was all you had. You were almost at your limit with no end in sight. Then, despite all your hard work, your teacher handed it back to you saying that “this wasn’t the best I could do and that I shouldn’t start slacking off now”. She thought she was being helpful but right now you wanted to do was strangle her. Sure you could do better. If you didn’t have eight more assignments to do after this. Each one more mentally taxing than the next. But it’s fine, let me just rewrite this essay.
Why couldn’t you just be the kind of person who didn’t care? Or rather had given up caring. They probably learned their lesson that when you try you don’t get the reward you get more work. Why couldn’t you just not care too?
Deciding to jump back into your workload, you sit down at your desk in your dorm and begin to type. Words were kind of flowing. They weren’t exactly coherent thoughts but at least it was something to work with. As if your day couldn’t get any worse, your roommate comes barging in with three of their friends. 
“Oh oops didn’t realize you were studying in here Y/N.” Your roommate said, not actually making an effort to be any quieter though. Shooting back a quick tight smile, not wanting to be rude but also just wanting them to leave. You were hoping they were just grabbing something and then would leave but they went and sat on the bed and turned the TV on. 
You made a show of checking the time before loudly announcing that you were suppose to meet someone at the library. As much as you wanted to be petty and make them feel guilty for interrupting your study time, it was just easier to just leave. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen them do anything except study. Talk about too school for cool.” You heard one of them joke as you left.
“Ugh tell me about it. You wouldn’t believe what time they goes to bed.” Your roommate adds. You roll your eyes and trying to ignore the comments. Is it really that crazy that you’re actually trying to learn at a place where you pay crazy amounts to be taught? You were just so done.
Luckily the library was fairly quiet since it had gotten quite late. You settled into your favorite spot and got to working. Although no matter how hard you tried nothing came to you. There was one sad paragraph on your screen, you must have reread it a million times hoping to spark some kind of inspiration from it. Nothing. Your brain kept drifting off on you and you would end up staring across the library without a single thought in your head. The time just kept slipping by. The more that went the more panicky you got. This was a time that you should be working but you just couldn’t. And of course the more desperate you got for inspiration, the more it avoided you. 
You just let your head drop and hit the table. You were so done. You just wanted to scream. There was no one you could talk to either. Recently anyone that talked to you got snapped at. They were just all so calm and relaxed despite all of the work that has been coming in lately. Here you were, drowning in it, and they were happily swimming. Just the other day you and Kuroo had an argument over homework. He’s taking one of the hardest chemistry classes and he was there telling you it was going to be okay?! It just felt insulting. You knew he didn’t mean it like that but couldn’t he at least pretend to struggle? Damn you boyfriend for being so smart.
You really wanted Kuroo right now. 
As if summoned by your thoughts, you felt hands slide onto your shoulders. You tense up kinda freaked out at who is touching you until you see that it’s him. Kuroo. For a moment you wanted to just throw yourself at him and forget about your homework. But then you remember your argument and how you’ve been a monster lately and resist. He’s having none of that though and keeps his hands on you.
“How long have you been here.” He asks gently. You glance at your computer and notice that it’s almost 3 am.
“What are you doing here?! It’s 3 am.” You say startled at the fact it had gotten that late and that he was also up that late. Usually, he is asleep by ten.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He replies as he straightens and starts packing up your things.
“Uh- Hey! Wait no- give me that! I’m not done yet.” You try and snatch back your stuff but he gives you a stern look and you sink back into your seat. You suddenly realize how tired you are and surrender. He’s finished putting everything away and throws the strap of your back over his shoulder. Prepared to carry your bag for you. Now you feel drained. Your limbs all feel heavy that it’s exhausting to even think about getting up.
“Come on let’s get you back to your dorm.” He mumbles pulling you up by your hand. You let him, flying up from your seat and onto your feet. You land right in his chest and you don’t want to go anywhere but here. For the first time in weeks, you feel calm and secure.
“Can I just stay here for a minute,” Your voice cracks as tears slip down your face. He didn’t say anything, he just wrapped his arms around you and hugged you close to his body. In this moment you felt nothing but love. The relief and comfort you felt was enough to make you cry harder. You don’t know how long you were stood there but no matter how long it was Kuroo never once rushed you. He just let you let it out. Once he saw that you had calmed down he gently pull back, bringing a hand to your cheek to wipe away any stray tears.
“You ready to head back now?” He asked again, planning on walking you back to your dorm.
“I don’t wanna,” You pout, “There’s a ton of people in there and I don’t wanna see any of them.” You are still salty at your roommate and their rude friends.
“Do you want to come to my dorm?” He asks, “Kenma was passed out when I left so it should be quiet.” You nod. You feel him put your backpack on you and you’re confused. You were kind of hoping he would take your backpack for you. You know be a gentleman and all. Then he squats down in front of you. 
“Hop on.” This was pretty normal for the two of you so despite your sleepiness you bounce up onto his back. He adjusts you higher on his back before leaving the library. Waving to library worker on the late shift who giggled at the two of you. 
You snuggled your face into his neck and loosely wrapped your arms around his neck. His footsteps seemed to lull you like a lullaby. You fell into a weird state as your body sleeping but your mind was awake. Hearing everything clear as day but the thought of opening your eyes or moving a muscle seeming impossible. 
You start waking up more when you realize that you have made it to his dorm, letting him toss you down on the bed. You throw your backpack off to the side and head straight for under the covers.
“Ah ah! You’re in dirty clothes,” he gently complains, no real bite behind it. You grumble but let him pull you over to the edge of the bed. You had been so close to sleep. He slides your shirt over your head and replaces it with one of his hoodies. Only then once you’re in his clean clothes does he let you snuggle back into his bed. This time with him in there as well. 
“Goodnight my love.” You finally slip into a peaceful state. You still had a lot of work to do but at least for tonight you will rest without worry. Tomorrow you know you need to make up with Kuroo but you know he could never stay mad at you. Come the morning you know Kuroo will help you with everything. He’s finished giving you space, now you’re stuck with him.
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