#i just want them to kiss
scaryspoons · 3 months
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bit-odd-innit · 1 year
Okay I love Steddie who make out without realizing it, Steddie who are so comfortable with each other they don’t acknowledge how close they are, Steddie who kiss because it’s the natural conclusion of the conversation they’ve been having for hours, Steddie who don’t examine it until the next day.
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arliedraws · 5 months
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Auror Potter receives an anonymous tip that the slippery Sirius Black is hiding a weapon in his house and decides to check out the situation himself.
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steddiecameraroll · 10 months
Eddie: wanna practice kissing?
Steve: uh, I know how to kiss, dude
Eddie: wanna teach me how to kiss?
Steve: don’t you know how to kiss?
Steve: what is your problem?
Eddie: this is why robin calls you dingus, huh?
Eddie: I want you to kiss me
Steve: oh
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pastel-spider-webs · 4 months
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When your otp is the only slow burn
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wikitpowers · 4 months
headcanon that when kit and ty kiss for the first time, kit doesn't want to make ty uncomfortable with all the new sensations so he just stands there and lets ty kiss him (inside he's freaking tf out) but then ty whispers something like "kiss me back, kit" AND MY BOY FUCKING LOSES IT
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flowery-laser-blasts · 6 months
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This is all you need to know about me.
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icedlava1 · 11 months
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DanteLeon doodles
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drmedrick · 1 year
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teaabun · 9 months
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,,,this is totally 100% self indulgent
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demonrubberduck · 27 days
Saw you were looking for dracula fic prompts? I <3 all of your suitor squad jack/arthur/quincey fics so much, so something with them? Anything but angst-no-comfort.
The final one! Finally! Sorry it took so long, anon.
Boys Will Be
(Summary: Back in their college years, Arthur recruits his two best friends to help him steal a rival team's mascot. Jack cares nothing about sports, but still finds himself along for the ride.)
Jack knelt in the darkened doorway of the back entrance of a clubhouse, picking the lock by the light of Arthur’s torch, which the other man held over Jack’s shoulder. From around the corner, they could hear Quincey’s voice rise and fall, punctuated by the laughter and gasps of disbelief of the underclassmen the Alpha club had left guarding the place.
This was all Arthur’s fault, of course. Such adventures of theirs were always Arthur’s fault. He had romantic notions, a bottomless pocketbook, and soulful blue eyes that could whittle a young man’s resistance down until he agreed to go along with his latest scheme.
So here Jack found himself, trespassing on a rival college’s campus far after curfew, illegally breaking into a building to steal the rowing team’s grotesque mascot due to some bizarre sporting tradition. 
Whoever held the otter would supposedly win the… race, or meet, or whatever it was they called their blasted rowing competitions. So far in Jack’s time in school, no one had managed to lift the thing from Alpha club, and the Alphas had taken the trophy year after year. 
But this year, Arthur was determined. He was captain of the team, and more importantly, when his father had been captain, he’d managed to steal the taxidermied monstrosity. So Arthur had to as well. He adored his father, practically idolized the man. If his father had done it, he had to as well. It was legacy, he insisted. 
Jack thought it was a load of bollocks, but Arthur had asked him to help, with those shining blue eyes trained on Jack, and suddenly Jack had found his nonexistent school spirit aroused. 
His tool caught on the final pin in the tumbler, and when he gave it a twist, it opened. A warm hand came down on his shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze.
“Well done, old chap! I knew you were the right man for the job,” Arthur whispered. He offered Jack a hand up, which Jack took. He tried to look suitably stoic– he really cared nothing about sports, and he didn’t want Arthur getting ideas that they should pull this sort of stunt before every match he had for his inexhaustible list of clubs and sports teams– but a little of his excitement must have shone through, because Arthur just grinned at him and opened the door with a bow.
Arthur had cut off the torch once they got inside. There was only faint light from the windows, but Arthur’s reconnaissance had given them a general idea of where the mascot was being displayed. 
Along the way, Jack counted the windows, and when they reached the one they’d settled on in advance, he unlocked and opened it. They waited, and after a tense moment, there was a rustling of bushes and the soft thump of shoes hitting the tiled floor, and then there Quincey was, caught up to them.
“They bought it?” Jack asked. Quincey nodded. 
“‘Course they did. I told you, the foreign exchange student sent on a wild goose chase to prove his affection for the local beauty is a classic. They bought it, hook, line, and sinker. Even offered to buy me a pint in commiseration.”
Arthur chuckled. “Well done, mate. You were the perfect distraction.”
In the shadowy darkness, Quincey made an over exaggerated gesture of tipping his hat. Then he shut and locked the window. None of them wanted the janitorial staff to be blamed for the theft. If everything went to plan, the Alphas would awaken tomorrow and have no indication of how their precious stuffed animal had been spirited away.
Arthur had planned every detail meticulously. Every other attempt, this year and for the past 3 years at least, had failed, but none of them had been led by Arthur Holmwood. 
They’d chosen tonight, the night before the race, because Arthur had known all the upperclassmen would be resting, leaving the more naive and easily distracted freshmen to serve as night watchmen. He’d bribed one of the janitors for a sketched map of the clubhouse layout, and a detailed description of the display case in which the otter was held. 
Arthur had kept his crew small. Other boys’ attempts had failed because they'd brought too many people along and had been detected. Quincey and Jack were not on the team, but they were the friends Arthur trusted the most with this all-important mission.
Jack had been recruited first, and he’d walked on clouds the whole day, knowing that Arthur Holmwood was relying on him. He was the Lockbreaker, and Quincey the Face, and Arthur the Mastermind. They were clever, efficient, and they trusted one another, and this, Arthur had insisted, would see them to victory where so many others had failed.
Arthur led the way down the hall, through a doorway and up a set of stairs. Another turn found them in the Alpha’s trophy room. Case after case of trophies, medals, and photographs of posh, smiling boys littered the walls, a shrine to their illustrious history. And of course, high up on the back wall was the case that held their prized mascot.
It was a horrific looking thing. Perhaps it has once been a display of taxidermied skill, but time, repeated thefts, and the ritual of the team members rubbing the fur for luck had left the animal looking ragged and worn. Jack sighed. They were risking bodily harm or even expulsion for this?
And then he hazarded a look back at Arthur and Quincey, who were grinning up at the creature with twin expressions of delight, and he revised his thoughts. Jack was risking it for them, and that, he could accept. 
Arthur drew the curtains on the window and hazarded the torch once more. Jack drew his tools out of his pocket, and Quincey knelt down and wrapped his arms around Jack’s knees.
“Keep straight, and try not to drop your picks on my head,” he warned as he hoisted Jack up so he could reach the keyhole on the display case.
“That was one time,” Jack groused. 
This lock was simpler than the one on the door, and Jack made quick work of it. These were the types of simple locks he’d practiced on as a boy, when first his mind had fixated on gears and locks. His father, relieved at having something that distracted his son from his endless questions or rambling recitations of the latest book he’d devoured, had encouraged the hobby and even bought him a set of locksmith’s tools in exchange for some quiet evenings in which Jack was entirely absorbed in figuring his way into a lockbox or through a padlock.
Jack and Quincey had been delighted to discover Jack’s little hobby, and had exploited it on several adventures already. So long as they didn’t do any lasting damage or steal anything they didn’t intend to return, Jack figured it was probably fine.
The case opened with a slight creak, and Jack wrinkled his nose as he reached in and took hold of the stand that the otter was affixed to. He hadn’t considered that this part of the plan involved him touching the thing. 
It wasn’t that Jack was squeamish; he touched cadavers and all manner of bodily fluids in his medical classes. It was just so…raggedy a creature. Someone really ought to take it outside and burn the thing to put it out of its misery. 
Quincey lowered him back down, and Arthur took the otter with a reverence that bordered on worship. Quincey produced a folded up sack from one pocket, and the two of them carefully placed the creature inside to conceal it from view. Thank God.
The three looked at each other then. Everything had gone perfectly thus far, but it would all be for naught if they got caught on the way out. They needed to make a clean escape, return to campus, and present the otter to Arthur’s team before the race began.
Arthur took a look at his pocket watch, nodded, and once again switched off the light. As they waited for their eyes to adjust to the darkness, he confirmed.
“Right on time, boys. The campus security should be by in three minutes, which will clear the Alphas out. In eight minutes, they’ll be called away to the other side of campus, and we’ll be able to make our way out at our leisure.”
Doubtless, his preparations had involved at least a small bribe to the guards to be where he needed them and to whatever inside man he had redirecting them shortly after. The way Arthur and Quincey spent money made Jack feel a bit depressed about his own modest finances, so he preferred not to think about it too long or too hard. As far as he was concerned, the important part was that Arthur could generally rely on people being where he’d asked them to be at the times which he specified. 
That gave them eight minutes to get back to the door they’d entered through so they could be ready to run the moment the guards cleared out.
Quincey slung an arm over Arthur and Jack’s shoulders, drawing them into a sort of half-hug. Neither Arthur nor Jack knew how to be particularly demonstrative with their affections, other than the occasional pat on the shoulder or a hand shake, but that never deterred Quincey. He simply swept them up when he took the mood, and they followed his lead.
“We did it, fellows. Art, you’re gonna be a legend. Your pa coudn’t’ve done it any better.”
Arthur smiled, and he reached over to grip Jack’s elbow with his free hand.
“It’s thanks to the two of you. I’d never have managed it on my own.”
The darkness covered Jack’s blush, thank goodness. He gave the others a quick squeeze, then slipped out from under Quincey’s arm. One of them had to be practical.
“Save that for when we’re back in our dorms, both of you. You can be as sappy as you’d like once we’re home.”
Quincey snorted and caught Jack once more in his arms. He gave his hair a quick ruffle. “It’ll only take us a minute to get back down to the door, so by Art’s calculations, we got seven minutes to be sappy right now.” And with that proclamation delivered, he leaned in and gave Jack’s cheek a kiss with an exaggerated smack.
“And Jack,” Art purred, stepping in as well to crowd Jack’s personal space. “We will be holding you to what you just said. ‘As sappy as we like once we get home.’ ” He kissed Jack’s other cheek, with less dramatic flourish but still radiating mischief. “The Holmwoods pride themselves on generously rewarding exemplary service.”
Jack considered lifting one of the medals from the trophy cases to award himself as, after a couple more minutes of only-half-teasing cuddling, he extracted himself from the other boys’ grasps and herded them all to the back door of the clubhouse before they missed their window for escape. 
‘All of this for some damned rowing-team tradition’, he grumbled to himself, because if it let himself think of the real reason he was doing this, for two handsome young men who inexplicably cared for him, they wouldn’t make it back to campus with the damned otter before sunrise.
(AN: There's a non-zero chance I'll write a follow-up with porn. IDK, that's how I tend to roll with this ship.)
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thehazbinlezbain · 2 years
Imagine after s4 when July rolls around and the 4th of July funfair is back in town. Nancy and Robin go together "as friends" ofc. They go around all of the game stalls and they get to the ring toss when Nancy notices the cutest plush Rabbit which reminds her of the one she donated during the aftermath of s4. Robin notices how much her eyes light up with joy just looking at the toy and before she can already stop herself (bc these games are a scam) she has 3 rings in her hand and is tossing them with a look of complete concentration olastered over her face. Her tongue poking out the side slightly and her brows furrowed and Nancy has decided this is far cuter than any rabbit plush she will win. After several tries and 5 tickets later, Robin finally lands a ring and is jumping up and down with more excitement than most of the children around her have. She points to the rabbit and once its handed to her she looks at Nancy with a huge, bright grin on her face and hands her the rabbit, "for you mademoiselle" accompanied with a wink and she reaches for one of her hands and places a chaste kiss to the back of it while taking a small bow ( because when does Robin do things in halves 😂). Following this they continue walking around and grab some food then head over to the ferris wheel. They are the only ones in the line with Nancy in the lead so she didnt notice when Robin asked to operator to keep them up at the top for the firework show happening in a few minutes. They are on the ride and do 2 full rotations before the wheel comes to a halt when they are above the tree line looking down over the whole town enjoying the celebration. Nancy glances over at Robin and notices her figeting with her Rings, bouncing her leg and not meeting her eyes. She's nervous. So Nancy places her hand on Robins thigh and sends a sincere, calming smile her way and this helps relax the taller girl. And it was at this moment the fireworks began. Nancy looked up at them, marveling in the many colours lighting up the sky and when she looks at Robin again, she was already looking at her. At the same time they both lean across, closing the distance between them and lock lips with one another. It isnt rushed or hasty. But the amount of love there is immense. They keep kissing, not pulling away for a breath until the wheel starts to move again and only then they notice the fireworks have stopped. They were kissing for what felt like seconds but infact lasted over 10 minutes. But Nancy has decided at this moment that no firework display will ever holdup to the fireworks which are set alight inside her any time she kisses Robin Buckley.
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netherzon · 12 days
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District 39 is the only one to react audibly, Feliciano wheezing loudly when the conditions of District 1’s card are read out to them.
Kiku’s face remains impassive. Ludwig himself is speechless; the blush lingers on his cheeks, now a combination of pride and indignation.
Alfred watches them all for their reactions, seeming to focus especially on Ludwig. He’s willing to take any praise offered to him, but now that he’s complimented Ludwig directly, he expects the favor to be returned in kind.
Ludwig does find merit in it. Secretly.
“It’s quite gaudy, don’t you think?” Ludwig sits up straighter. Appearances are important.
Alfred settles back into his chair, leaning comfortably even as his smile slips a tick at the question, “If I can do everything well, why not do it all well at once? I don’t see what the problem is.”
Ludwig looks Alfred directly in the eyes as he says, “How can you tell if everything is done well if it’s done all at once? You can’t distinguish between the layers like that. One might think you’re trying to cover up the flaws instead.”
Alfred smile slips fully for a moment. He quickly returns to the polite upward turn he keeps on almost unconsciously, but Ludwig can tell he’s angry, “That’s so lame. I’m a maximalist, personally. Agree to disagree, pal.”
“Minimalism is the only way to tell if something actually IS done right,” Ludwig keeps pushing, “it’s the only design principle that leaves nowhere to hide.”
“Nothing to hide except how boring you are!” Alfred leans forward in his chair, a complete 180. Now he crowds Ludwig’s space. His enraged face fills Ludwig’s vision, “Minimalism is a design philosophy born of fear. Fear of risks, fear of putting yourself on the line, fear of the world and its judgement. You want simple colors and lines and nothing to challenge you! Nothing to force you to look it in the eyes and ask yourself what you really want!”
Alfred’s coat glitters in the dim light. His forehead hits the brim of Ludwig’s hat. Ludwig swallows. Alfred’s eyes follow the movement. It’s hard to breathe.
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viioletgarden · 2 years
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once you start drawing them you cant stop ong
kisses <3
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vampire-scones · 2 years
Man, all I want is for max to have the boyfriend and girlfriend she deserves. I was Lucas pushing her around in a wheel chair and El being there for her when her nightmares get too much. I want Lucas trying to make her laugh and El rolling her eyes at the two but then giving Max a surprise kiss on the cheek. I want them holding her as they all cuddle together and I want Max and El to have fun brain meetings. I just want my girl to have the best life. ):
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dearreader · 2 years
i’m thinking of royai very hard today
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