#i just want to see them in situations together.. i think theyre funniest ever
old-stoneface · 1 year
i was like man i should read some different discworld books for new ideas and stories and then i saw a single image of vetinari and vimes and i was like. fuuuuck . i just wanna write more vetvimes fic and draw more vetvimes images
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
ur davejade posting has me Remembering and goddddd. theyre so good. thank u
i want to make a davejade analysis masterpost but the funniest thing with these asks is that theyre the ones that really prompt me to put my thoughts together in some direction and i ALWAYS find a new implication or connection to talk about. like while i’m writing the connections will just make themselves known. if i made a masterpost i’d have to update it every time i think of something new which defeats the purpose of a masterpost because it’d never be finished. so i just like to spitball into separate posts and just shove them in my davejade tag. i was NOT expecting to get back into homestuck with davejade at the forefront but i can see things now i didnt then
im gonna go off again because it’s so obvious to me on this jumpy scrambled “reread” that dave has a fat fucking heart-on / affection erection for jade. hes tryin soo hard to be cool but hes like this with jade actually behind the screen and she knows it
words and deeds of a court jester dude who totally has a crush on his childhood internet friend and doesnt acknowledge it (btw this is woefully incomplete for the sake of brevity but i could elaborate in another post. i actually have a draft (edit: posted) with a shit ton of more analysis stuff in it on why he acts differently with her than other characters):
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the next day (chronologically) when jade messages him:
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hussie commentary: “Dave's one-pixel-smile there means that there are literally more than ten thousand drawings on the internet of Dave and Jade kissing. That pixel literally made that happen.”
i mean … it sure is easy to assume how he feels about jade based on the way he talks to her and when his sprite only ever smiles one other time in the entire fucking comic and the reality of that other one was arguable since it was during [S] Karkat: Mental breakdown and its likely karkat was hallucinating it based on the content and context of the flash
nah this one was real. and it was from the first conversation we saw between dave and jade in the comic and thus set the standard for their dynamic. and remember old school 2009 dave was kind of a menace so it says a lot
this girl was special enough to him to warrant that pixel
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jade calling dave a “huge baby” for him getting nervous about a piss while she’s his server player. he makes such a big deal about it while shes like oh my god just go:
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and the absurdity of the situation being one of his favorite memories
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i know pesterquest isn’t “canon” canon but it passes my character essence check and still contributes something of substance to my argument. like i can say this is not at all out of place if these characters were plopped into these scenarios. remember this takes place on the same day as the above, 4/13/2009. theyre the same age as above and have the same relationship as they did above, just in a different scenario that wasn’t possible in canon wherein they didn’t play sburb
Jade wanders away from that window and toward another one, whose view is exclusively centered on the rolling blue. She presses a hand against the misty pane and sighs. JADE: you know, dave talks a lot about coming to visit me here. i mean, all of my friends do but dave especially JADE: in his usual davey way of course, which means making lots of jokes and not sounding very serious about it JADE: "yeah im itching to put on my safari hat and come traipsing down to doomdeath archipelago to get my ass murdered by infinidog the eldritch retriever," stuff like that JADE: i know he really means it though! he wants to see me, just like i want to see him JADE: but its just wishful thinking
anyway daves reaction to seeing his isolated online friend for the first time irl cry because she has guests. its even better with the character sprites
JADE: we can play with all my toys and jam out to some music and stay up all night chatting with each other and oh my god oh my god youre here youre all here this is really happening!!!!! Jade's next laugh verges on hysterical and she's got tears streaked down her cheeks. Dave looks a little perturbed. DAVE: wow holy shit uh DAVE: its cool jade no need to get so DAVE: like this DAVE: kind of fucks me up seeing you cry DAVE: not that im trying to make this all about me DAVE: i mean uh
and so after mspa reader’s intervention, who do we see with jade the next time we see her?
dave. and hes goofing with her squiddles while grinning
DAVE: okay so lets see what we got here Jade's room is bright and cheery, fresh flowers in the hanging pots, curtains pulled open wide to let in the afternoon sunlight. Jade sits on her bed while Dave paces in front of a line of squiddle toys, carefully assembled in neat ranks. DAVE: this blue one is clearly in charge look at his dominant posture DAVE: also hes the only motherfucker not tentacle deep in his homie DAVE: hes an untangled buddy that is some shit really cuts to the core of like DAVE: DAVE: emotions JADE: its actually because the magnets in him are messed up, and always have been!! DAVE: harley you are ruining the magic come on
basically what im putting together is that dave was REALLY fixin to spend some time with jade. extending into her sphere of interests that he doesnt express much with anyone else; you can tell he really wanted to engage with her in a less irony poisoned way. he’s softer with her than his other friends and god forbid the trolls, he is much less skeptical about things when talking to her (he even questions why he just seems to go along with her eccentric precognitive statements but he doesnt change his attitude about it), he showers her with his music and raps to the point where jade is expectant of getting poetry from him. rap IS poetry. please realize that dave is sending her his poetry, regardless of how goofy it may be. this is the level on which im viewing this at and once you realize this theres no going back. there comes a time in every homestuck’s life where they have to see how dave interacted jade and conclude that he had a cute little puppy crush on her unbeknownst to either of them. and it was adorable. and now, in the year 2023, it’s your time to realize this too. no going back.
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and btw it all came back around…………………nimblest son of a bitch who had the gumption to glue a nasty pair of latex cat lips to his face
for a reason that wasnt a joke anymore
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don’t think ive seen anyone talk about this parallel at the end to one of their first conversations in the comic. maybe somebody did back in the day but i never saw it
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terraliensvent · 2 months
Civ and Coy have left the species altogether as of today due to disagreements with the current staff. They didn’t want to cut back on making adopts so they removed all the pet info and split apparently.
What’s your opinion mod? Need screenshots?
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gonna talk about this whole sitch in one go since i got a bunch of asks all together about it (asks above isnt all of them, just what i thought was notable)
first of all, imgur gallery of relevant screens in chronological order for you all. i am nothing if not a diligent journalist: https://imgur.com/a/8JlrfUs i recommend reading through that all because i dont feel like adding transcripts atm
now me personally, this is how i feel about the announcement
it astounds me how far coy will go to show their own ass in these situations (being impulsive, breaking in to the site to delete shit, shit talking the community THEY CULTIVATED??) and the funniest fucking part is that all this started because they were asked to maybe not profit off the species more than the people who are actually working hard on it (which, genuinely i think the new team has done more to further the species than anything ever under civ and coy. we have actual tangible evidence of work being done in the staff wip channel and FINALLY FUCKING TRAIT GUIDES, but anyways)
coy is a modern day furry icarus; all you had to do was shut your stupid mouth and you could have continued to rake in cash from the species you essentially left to die. i mean hell, cal (tycho) was being incredibly generous in saying you would be allowed 1 adopt per month as opposed to every two months like every other damn member of staff has to follow. you flew too close to the sun and now youve lost your easiest source of cash flow you dumbass
AND ON TOP OF THAT, to go on your instagram story to bitch and whine about it and show even more your lack of empathy for the people trying to piece together the mess you made, its just such disgusting behavior honestly. like terra staff is asking so little of you and yet you feel the need to shit your diaper over it because "well i created this initially so i should get to profit more than the staff team who are actually doing shit" youre acting like some CEO of a company who gets to rake in cash just because they slapped their name on a project being run by other people. its corny as hell and insanely childish that you cant be an adult (coy is 19 now guys!) and either abide by the fucking MINISCULE request they made of you, or be a civil human being and wash your hands of it instead of continuing again and again to try and wreck shit for other people who dont even want to gaf about you anymore. again, you had the easiest option in front of your face that would allow you to keep making money from your "brand" while doing essentially nothing, but you just could not be an adult and put away your impulsivities for a goddamn minute. that really exemplifies every single drama this species has ever been in, shit fits rising up because you and your staff (not current staff) couldnt grow the fuck up for five minutes and think before you type
and then to act like theyre not in the wrong about it really is the cherry on top of the shit sundae. coy has such an echo chamber around them that any bad decision is never critiqued and they just continue on this self-righteousness. maybe stop misconstruing the situation like "wah wah they keep changing things and pulling the rug out from under me" (which, funny enough you would know what was going on if you actually faced your consequences for once and tried to be a part of your bastard childs life) because you know thats not what happened. i hope their fans see how shitty their behavior is, because if i was someone with this sordid of a history especially relating to cs, i doubt anyone would want to work with me.
oh and civ left too lol. honestly i find their lack of response a million leagues better than whatever the fuck coys got going on. new terra staff keeps raking in the dubs i guess, i mean getting coy and civ to stop money grubbing over the species is awesome and now it can probably flourish even better than before. im sure the new pets will be cool too, seeing as the old ones were not really anything to lose your mind over. barely anyone wanted them as part of the species, and now that theyre gone theyre probably gonna be tossed into the void. at least now it might be cool to see what new staff team comes up with in the way of pets
mega rant over now but feel free to keep talking in my inbox about it, terravent fans rejoice because we finally have something to talk about
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jungshookz · 1 year
hey cee I think I’m aLso in my smitten!yn era
there’s this guy I met last year and he’s the sweetest dorkiest funniest darling ever and I think we get along really well. he lives quite far away so we’ve been facetiming a lot and (since we both play violin) sometimes we’ll call each other while we’re practicing and give each other feedback, or sometimes just listen to music and vibe and it’s the best thing ever. we also have a lot of inside jokes and we even have matching zebra plushies!! I just really really like him.
but he just told me like last week when we were calling that he was gonna go to his one friend’s graduation that’s happening on the 13th (and I think he’s traveling early to see her).
I have a feeling that he really likes her bc he always talks about how her siblings are like his own brothers and they just get along so nicely. this girl is also like the sweetest prettiest smartest person and she’s so nice and I also know her fairly well, so I could never wish ill on her bc she’s just,,,so so wonderful.
he’s also mentioned briefly that they had some sort of argument or falling out last fall (he didn’t seem to want to tell me so I didn’t push it) and that was when he kind of just shut off and didn’t answer to my texts or anyone else’s. so he plans to go to her house and surprise her and he seemed really excited about it (she had just texted him telling him they needed to ‘talk’—im assuming theyre gonna work out whatever’s been going on).
so I’m just kind of conflicted and sad bc for one I kind of feel like I’m living in someone else’s romcom—they really do have the perfect setup and deep down I know they’d be great together. I do feel like a second lead or whatever lmao. also he’s four years older than me and we just might be on different paths in life.
I’m just choosing to be happy for him and hope that he and the girl work out their disagreement or whatever happened between them, and that he has a lot of fun surprising her for the graduation. I know I’m probably just a friend to him and whatever I think is just in my head.
sorry to whoever is gonna read this, and if you made it this far thanks for listening <3 I’m not asking for any solution, just wanted to tell someone what I’ve been burying for a while. love you cee :)
okay people we really need to focus on our own traits and what we bring to the table and what we love about ourselves because yes other people may be sweet and kind and smart but WE ourselves are also sweet and kind and smart!!! i don't know if what i'm going to say is going to useful or even relevant to your situation but i have been getting a concerning number of 'cee i'm also in my smitten era' messages and I MUST SAY THIS
ever since my breakup i've been operating with the 'the universe will always lead me to where i need to be' mindset and just trusting the process and i think that if ur in ur smitten era you should also trust this mindset -- if you are not meant to be with this person, it just means that there's someone else out there who you haven't met yet that will think YOU are the sweetest kindest smartest person they've ever had the pleasure of knowing. we do not chase after people who don't want us and as hard as it was for me to understand this point (and tbh i'm still working on this) our self-worth and value is dependant on ourselves and nobody else. just because the person you like potentially may not like you back does not mean that you are not good enough or pretty enough or smart enough, i always chalk it up to a compatibility issue! and why the heck would you want to be with someone you aren't compatible with romantically!!! gosh darn it!!!! everyone needs to STAND UP i want everyone in this room to tell me what they love about themselves nAAoOWW
but also yes depending on how old you are a four year age difference is significant because like 18 and 22 or 19 and 23 for example are both SUCH different foundational ages (recently found out my ex just started dating a 19 year old and it skeeved me out a little so maybe i'm just biased) so you can be sad about this for as long as you need to but just know that perhaps this is for the best and you will find someone more compatible
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actualbird · 3 years
my friend brought up the idea of vyn x artem (and is too much of a coward to send an ask himself), thoughts?
think of the,, comedic value,, You Cannot Hide Your Feelings From The Psychiatrist
oHOHOHOOOO!!! oh anon (and anon's friend hehe), thank you so much this ask!!!! see, ive thought a lot about vynluke and vynmarius but not much about vynartem yet tho so this ask excited me a LOT
okay i wanna go into characterization stuffs bout this pairing first. vyn and artem together are very interesting to me because since theyre in the late twenties gang, theyre both similar in the sense that theyre not as obvious about the emotions (in comparison to the early twenties gang), they both repress themselves or their emotions or desires one way or another. if these two caught feelings for each other, yes, it would be hilarious for the reason u said, artem would immediately try to hide his feelings. but like VYN WOULD TOO, LOLLLL. like yes, i know that vyn in canon is forward about his affections in a subtle elegant kind of way, but at the same time, vyn does sooooo much emotional hiding of his own. if artem hides his feelings, vyn hides himself.
i think that for peak hilarity vibes, vyn would catch feelings first. and the moment this happens hes like "well. this isnt good." and then since hes so hugely perceptive he knows that artem doesnt reciprocate (wrong, artem just hasnt realized his feelings yet, in this situation, so theres no feelings to notice from him yet because ARTEM DOESNT KNOW, ARTEM IS SO BAD AT FEELINGS, HE'S DEFINITELY GOT LAG TIME in terms of figuring things out, fight me) and then vyn is like "understood. i will be repressing these feelings forever now." and then when artem DOES realize his feelings and vyn notices this vyn is like "BUT I ALREADY WENT THROUGH ALL THE EFFORT OF HIDING MY HEART AND MYSELF IN A CONVOLUTED MAZE OF DEFLECTION CONTROL...." and we know artem has HUGE TROUBLE doing anything emotionally forward so like....
the funniest vynartem situation, for me, would be like
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vyn richter who is so resigned to the world the people in it being cruel growing past the need to throw shots at artem (never gonna forget "after all, i have two doctorate degrees, whereas artem only has one" iconic) and realizing that artem is...much too kind for his own good. realizing that artem isnt worried about the world being bad, hes worried about himself failing that world. as vyn falls in love with artem, he'd wonder that artem is too good for this world. maybe, artem is too good for vyn as well, vyn would think. some nights, vyn thinks about being forward with his feelings, but he stops himself so many times because he wonders just what a good person like artem wing would do if he saw who vyn really is, all those things from his past he hides, all those insecurities he keeps under lock and key.
artem wing who is so scared of not being perfect growing past the need to be defensive against vyn who seems to be the picture of perfection, completely in control of everything about himself in a way artem envies, and realizing that...vyn is doing this because hes hiding, because hes scared. artem believes vyn is good as well, but so much of that good is smothered with smokescreens by vyn himself, as if if he lets his goodness shine clear, something will come out and strike him at his weakpoints. as artem falls in love with vyn, he'd wonder that somebody like vyn shouldnt have to be scared. artem wants to reach out, shed the his own shields and be sincere, and artem doesnt care that he knows he'll be clumsy about his sincerity, because....because some nights, artem's heart yearns to be the one to make vyn never have to be scared ever again.
vynartem, to me, is a love story between two men who are so absolutely used to hiding parts of themselves they think are undesirable but then like...deciding to be brave, eventually. deciding to be sincere no matter how hard it is, because they both believe in the other so much.
BUT ALSO WATCHING THIS LOVE STORY WOULD BE FUCKING EXCRUCIATING. early twenties nxx gang tryna set them up be like
mc and marius holding a cup to the door of the room vyn and artem are in alone
mc: marius, youve been hogging the cup for forever! what are they saying!!!
marius: thats the thing, they arent saying anything!!! are they just....sitting in silence together??
luke: they are, oh my god, they are
mc and marius, looking to luke who has his smartglasses on, projecting surveillance footage of the room
marius: fuck morals, gimme the glasses, i wanna SEE
vyn and artem inside the room, playing online chess, hearing muffled noises of struggle outside the door.
artem in the chess chat: do you think we should tell them we know theyre out there? and that we already got together last week?
vyn: no, i think we should let them suffer for all the matchmaking they did. also, check.
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bmpmp3 · 4 years
Ok so we talk about cliches that we like but you know a cliche I hate? Love triangles. Rarely do I ever see them done well and they're usually just shoehorned in for some artificial drama instead of actually being creative. Like who's the mc gonna pick? The person they've spent all this time growing close with and developing a bond of mutual character growth or this dude who just showed up like an hour ago?
god love triangles are such a mess of a trope because like I FEEL....IT CAN BE USED FOR GOOD like one of my favourite anime when i was younger was School Rumble so the comedy potential of love triangles (and other polygons) is there but then you have late ninties early 2000s drama shoujo manga love triangles where its just like damn.............please god you each have two hands just date eachother together
also the specific example you mentioned, it is truly the worst.... i dont see it often outside of young adult paranormal romance novels i read in middle school (this is probably because 98% of what i read is shoujo manga from 10-20 years ago hjfdgfdshdfsm) but I hated it so bad....brown hair white girl already was in love with white boy #1 WHO is this white boy #2 and WHY should i care......i cant tell them apart theyre both BLONDE and have names like JOSH or JASON or whatever..........that last bit might be why i struggled a little with young adult books as a kid fjdsnbvdsskds
I do think theres a lot of potential with stuff like love triangles and like multiple people in love with the same person, that sorta situation, a while ago I listened to the Film Reroll podcast where they played a dnd game with the movie Aladdin and I genuinely think that the roll-to-not-fall-in-love mechanic they had going on created one of the most interesting love polygon I’ve seen in the past 5 years and i KNOW how I sound right now im so sorry its just its about the intricacies!!! the web of unrequited love............ anyway I think theres a lot of fun and potential with love triangle situations but I think a big problem with media with love triangles is they focus so aggressively on the dilemma of “oooh who will the main character choooose” (especially in things where it’s obvious who the main character will choose) when it could be so much more interesting exploring the emotions of the characters involved like characters moving on or falling in and out of love between eachother....amicable breakups and rejections.....ones that are specifically NOT amicable....i think there is INTEREST and CREATIVITY to be had narratively qwq even the melodrama can be fun sometimes.................. alas tho so many love triangles are like you said, shoehorned in with little exploration
going off of that tho, with certain things like otome games and really any video game with romance elements, because of the inherent personal-ness of the medium, like even if you dont self insert you still feel like You Are Doing The Game, like even if you dont identify or see yourself in Link, when you play a zelda game you tend to say “I cleared that dungeon” rather than “Link cleared that dungeon”, yknow? So like with video games specifically because of it’s inherent encouragement of self-insertion I do think love triangles, even well written ones, may need to be handled a little more delicately
like I really like the love rival formula in Ikemen Sengoku, how every boy has another boy in his route who’s varying degrees of in love with the main character (with varying degrees of success at being well written too, Mitsuhide as a love rival is famously pretty good, I love Sasuke and Mitsunari, Yoshimoto was good but I personally felt Ranmaru would have been more thematically satisfying, Nobunaga was a drive-by love rival and its the funniest thing in the world to me), but I also know that the love rival story beat makes a lot of people feel real bad and thats not neccessarily what everyone wants in their fun viddy game, I know thats a thing in other otome games and other games with romance in general, people feeling like theyre cheating on the other love interests or they feel like they’re breaking another love interest’s heart, that kinda thing
oh man and recently I found out that the original version of Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town had a mechanic where after a while, characters who you could marry would get married to other people if they werent married to you, and like some people like it cause it makes it feel like the world’s more alive, it actually made me interested in playing the original because I love the concept of a game mechanic where I Steal Yo Girl for comedic reasons BUT also lots of people didnt care for the mechanic, from what i can tell it made some folks feel super bad like they’re stealing someones gf and like, thats completely understandable honestly, video games have such a unique relationship with “action” and “who” is doing said “action” between the player and the player character, they’ve got this connection emotionally we can’t really sever easily so video games I definitely think should be especially cautious about how love triangles and love rivalry is handled
im sorry i wrote an essay with a bajillion sidetracks.......I just have lots of thoughts all the time and I think its fun to discuss these things and ur ask was good,,,,... its lots of fun to talk about tropes, ones you like, ones you hate, ones you want to see done better njgkfddjgfksafdsa gomennnnn
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cerealmonster15 · 5 years
How about Leo for that character thing?
ffffuck yes i have to put this one in a readmore bc i got carried away listing like 800 leo quotes 
How I feel about this characterhes one of my favorite royal sibs!!!!! probs tied with elise and takumi? or possibly my most fave?????? i was sad the whole time birthright bc i missed him and elise the whole time,,,, now that im playing conquest im sad bc i miss takumi lol. i love my tomato brother ;w; but he (and xander) is like the funniest fuckin character, oh my god. i love him so much. he makes me cry with laughter half the time he opens his mouth. hes this snarky little snob and he can’t dress himself for shit bc his clothes are always inside out or backwards (me too actually. every time i realize my shirt’s on wrong im instantly like Wow Leo Vibes). i love how in birthiright near the end theres this important emotional scene and hes gotten rid of iago and corrins like “hhhhey leo,,,? ur shirts inside out” and he just goes “DAMN IT.” his shop voice lines sound like a really sarcastic customer service voice. “Welcome. Goodbye~!”. so do xander’s??? i fucking die every time one of them is manning a shop oh my god i love themhis alts in feh make me s c r e a m hes so damn funny and dramatic.summer leo:“[grumbly voice] TANLINES… what, torture.”“If you are disappointed by these results then give me clothes”“Hot… beaches?hHHRRNNNNNN[aHEM], hate them.”“Tropical islands? Forget it! And this swimsuit? [snobby laughing tone] DONT even get me STARTED!”“Hey, if you like tropical islands, that’s fine. Maybe it’s not as bad as[randomly starts laughing???] I say.” like is he trying to be chill about it but just cant hold it together because the very idea of  a tropical idea is so absurd to him ?? hes so fuckign weird i love himGOD my ultimate favorite leo quote ever of all time tho is: “I actually like walking a beach at night. But… swim? In the ocean? [laughter, maybe nervous laughter i cant fucking tell] With my body?!?!???” WITH MY BODY?? i love him what the helland then he does that thing in the lvl40 five star convo where hes like “id be as red as a tomato if i got a sunburn???? fuck, how could i hate the sun if thats the case??? maybe ill go right now-” god hes so weird. i love that line regular leo does thats like “you’d never guess what vegetable really catches MY fancy! ………tomatoes…….”and then picnic leo omg. i probably screamed when i saw he was a free unit this spring i was SO HAPPY [as much as i love summer leo i dont actually have him and i cry that his banner hasnt returned this summer yet ;c]he grumbles when u poke him. he goes MMMMMM when you pick him up to take his turn. he complains about the sun, AGAIN.“i’m not used to this much sunlight! it’s…. nnggggg,,, blINDing..”“[offended voice] why are you being so SNEAKY? THIS is a PICNIC!” HhhhhhHHHHHH god lmao“[very proud voice] How does it taste? It must delicious, given I made it mySELF!” “What about this? I had my retainers prepare it for us.“ ik a lot of people say this contradicts his first line and one of them is a fucking lie, but i like to think this just means he made lunch with odin and niles and they did different parts and it’s soooooooooooooooooo cute to think about him cooking with his boys ;w; also he sounds so proud here too. hes so proud of his retainers and hes like “heh, mine are the best, they made this great food arent they wonderful i love them so much”“You want…to try some of my cooking? [gasp sigh huffy noise??] If you insist…” hes so excited someone wants to eat his cooking but he cant let anyone Know he has emotions lollies down… maybe leo really is my top fave LOL i just love his lines so much. i want to high five his voice actor for the delivery on these lines. that’s not even going into some of his supports in warriors that ive watcheed on youtube [plz everyone needs to see the one with frederick and leo. it always has me in tears. theyre SO FUNNY together ldjsfgbgf]chapter leo of birthright is probs one of my favorite chapters in fates. it was HARD AND ANNOYING but the dialogue made me weepy 
All the people I ship romantically with this characterodin and niles are fave….. they make a cute ot3!! i love how much he appreciates and cares for them and theyre all so good for each other… mr uptight leo and his chaos incarnate retainers to bring out his very secret dorky side… my BOYS!!!  i could go on and on about them for many paragraphs but this is already way too long lmfao oopsi also like leo and takumi of course lol. i havent played revelations yet but ive seen bits of their supports and also i just love the bickering enemies to lovers trope lol. this is my favorite panel from the 4koma comics
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My non-romantic OTP for this characteri love the familial bonds between all the nohrian siblings but so far leo and elise is my fave sibling duo,,, but im biased bc so far ive only gotten theirs and camilla/xander’s lol. but even in hoshido i like the younger sibs plus older sibs duos. the idea of closeness in age forming a special bond is cute to me. i also like corrin and leo as having a close sib bond since they seem close in age! i know theres [remembers graveyard chapter of birthright again and starts sobbing] some underlying angst of him envying all the doting on corrin his siblings do and he feels ALONE AND I CRY, but he also was very fond of corrin, and i remember the end of birthright where camilla totally calls him out saying how he was saying how nice it was to get to see corrin again ;w; i’d like to think they were close!and of course i like leo and camilla’s relationship…. thinks about end of birthright and sobs… at least they have each other ;o;i need to get more leo supports actually… i want to see every support convo but theres only so much time CRIES 
My unpopular opinion about this characterIDK if this counts bc i feel like it’s half and half but i am not a fan of shipping corrin specifically with him or any of the other nohrian/hoshidan royals. like i totes get wanting to marry him as a character, buuuuuuut like i personally was not about to do that when our protagonist was his adopted sibling??????????? no thank you?!?!?!?!????? my friends and i read through the s-support convos for all of them on the wiki once and just…died the whole time bc theyre SO AWKWARD AND WEIRD “i was hiding my FORBIDDEN FEELINGS for you, PERSON I THOUGHT WAS MY SIBLING, my WHOLE LIFE, but now that ur NOT MY BLOOD RELATED FAMILY we can GET MARRIED, even tho weve still been calling you sister/brother casually this whole game” i CRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY IT’S WEIRDDDDDDDand like i dont think thats really an unpopular opinion but i see enough corrin/royals art to think it’s unpopular enough i guesstho i imagine there are some people that chose to marry the royal sibs and also think it’s weird but they just love the character and sat there like “ew stop dont talk about  that” loltho some people are like “it’s not technically inc/est-” like,,,, it kinda still is tho HHHH GROSSANYWAY
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.I mean with all video games i wish bein gay was more legal. i want to s-support all the royals to their counterparts. let leo hold takumi’s hand, which would probs turn into a competition of who can squeeze the hardest until they break each other’s bones bc theyre stupid, but plz. i want this. let hoshido and nohr form ultimate peace bc all their royal fams married.also i dont know the full situation with forrest bc i havent unlocked him but from what ive heard i wish leo was nicer about CERTAIN THINGS in their…. i guess recruitment chapter ? supports? i hear in some of japan’s dlc or a drama cd or something he comes around and is more accepting but still, if that’s not the case in US game i wish it WAS!!!ALSO i wish the sibs could have support convos with each others kids. like even if it was just the main royals kids getting to talk to their aunts and uncles i think that’d be CUTE !!!!!WAIT ALSO on the wiki, leo, niles, and odin all have unused quotes from the endgame. it seems like theyre in the part of the game where you got knocked the fuck out and hung out in the afterlife for a bit with ur dead friends and family and then everyone in the real world is shouting at u to get up off ur ass and come finish the fight. im wondering if that means leo and his retainers were originally supposed to join you in your final battle, even tho you were siding with hoshido? i wouldve loved that and cried twice as hard..... 
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cauldronoflove · 7 years
i'm really frustrated and exhausted with my life right now, can you do some sweet and soft el internado headcanons to help me feel better? thank you 💓
i’m so sorry this took so long, anon. i had some Stuff going on when you sent this, and i’m just now where i can really create. i hope youre doing okay 💕
- i made some hcs on what a disney movie marathon would be like with the gang and it really made me latch onto the hc tht in a slight au, after they all make it out of school, to make sure they stay together and stay in touch, they do a movie+meal once a month, with rotation on where it’s gonna be, who’s gonna cook, who chooses the movie
- everyone loves going to julia and vicky’s, so their month to host is like The Favorite bc their apartment is so cozy! it feels like home tbh vicky’s plants are inhabiting every nook and cranny that isnt occupied by their combined weird taste in books and bobbles (theyre the couple that collects weird coffee mugs im calling it now) their furniture is incredibly comfy and they have the best blankets and it’s just The Best
- the best cook is, surprisingly, iván. he grew up watching countless personal chefs cook a globe’s worth of cuisine and he actually has an amazing retention for stuff like that so he knows his stuff tbh
- he cooks to soothe both himself and his friends and he cooks to cope and he cooks because it makes him happy and he’s considering making s career of it and marcos supports him 100% as long as he gets to be the taste tester and iván loves that deal more than anything bc he loves marcos and wants to share this other passion with him
- anyway! the best movie chooser is without a doubt carol. she stays up to date on all of that so she always knows whats new and whats good and when to or not to listen to reviews. she also always (somehow) picks movies no one’s seen yet, they’ll all enjoy, and that fit the month’s mood just right. if movie night lands close to someone’s brithday she’ll call their SO to get the scoop on what movies theyve been wanting to see (and inevitably, something she was already thinking of is in the list,, shes insanely good at her job)
- nobody’s really The Worst at hosting or cooking, like carol’s apartment is chill but she doesnt have enough furniture for everyone and caye and roque’s apartment is nice but they have weird neighbors and marcos’s apartment is cool but his roommate hates them and iván’s apartment is also cool but maybe haunted? (marcos kinda wants them to consolidate their households to his apartment bc he doesnt want his bf to get ghost murdered but they also mutually agreed not to live together for a while after they got out of school so it’s a What Can You Do situation)
- and as for cooking the rest of them have certain dishes theyre Real Good at but they all agreed a long time ago that no one is as good as iván (though carol’s fabada is a Very Close Second esp if she handmakes the bread to go with it which she usually does because she loves to treat her friends)
- Everyone has their own unofficially official assigned seat at each home and it’s the funniest thing ever because of anyone tries to switch it up theres like a stare down from across the room with heated glares and dramatic huffs because no one wants to say “thats MY spot” bc what if thats weird but also. It’s Their Spot
- also? theyre all horrible gossips. they invest in each other’s lives like a soap opera and it’s hilarious like they know all the names of everyone’s coworkers/classmates/what have you and remember everything each person has done so when theres a “did i tell you what x did” theres 6 cries of “what has x done NOW” with the receipts to back it up
- when it’s time for everyone to go (bc they Have to go this time work/class/etc starts early in the morning) everyone drags their feet and takes 20 minutes to put on a scarf or another 10 to tie their shoe bc yes they all talk p much every day and theirs like 12 group chats so theres no shortage of communication but with the smell of good food still lingering in the air and laughter with it and theyre all back together it just feels so Warm and Happy and they hate to break that spell
- so they all usually end up on couches and floors and curled in half in chairs with threadbare pillows and thrift shop blankets but it’s the happiest and safest theyve ever felt so really Who Cares
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actualbird · 6 years
i cant believe i never really thought that much about how lydia is doing post s1. farah adopting lydia sounds like the funniest thing ever because im 100% sure it was lydia who suggested it because “come on, farah, im 16 and technically an orphan and a child of state but im gonna be out of the states so if i wanna live independently does that mean i still have to get emancipated? from both my already dead parents?? anyway, just adopt me, it’ll be fun” meanwhile farah indulges in a brief daydream where she decided to go into jobs that didnt involve near constant danger and a teenager sending her rapid fire texts that say “COME ONNNN. I PROMISE I WONT CALL U MOM. FARAH. FARAH PLLLEEEEAAASSEEE”
so farah is lydia’s legal guardian. idk how adoption works so dont quote me on anything here, but it’s mostly just for the paperwork. lydia still lives in brazil and farah still is in the states with the boys. they text and skype regularly like normal, except that farah is technically the guardian to a child who happens to also be paying her. it’s a very confusing arrangement farah tries not to think about too much. todd and dirk can never find out.
todd and dirk totally find out.
im thinking post s2, the agency is up and running. lydia freaked for a good 2 months when farah, yknow, her legal guardian, was on the FBI’s most wanted list. so once farah is in the clear, lydia insists that she visit wherever she and her new weirdo friends are hanging at. since theres an actual detective agency now, lydia uses excuses like work experience. like an intern. an intern who is working under farah because farah funds the agency but lydia funds farah and—nope. dont think about it too much, farah. deep breaths. there we go.
so lydia arrives and totally nonchalantly brings up that she’s farah’s adopted child. it’s all very funny, and theres some confused questions and good natured ribbing, but lydia finds she doesnt care too much about that. she finds that shes kind of interested in what the hell is going on between todd and dirk….
because lydia doesnt know anything about todd and dirk aside from the fact that back when she was a dog, dirk told todd to throw her off a bridge, and todd actually threw her off a bridge. but then, dirk also took an arrow to the back for her and todd also helped solidify the time loop and save her life. she figures those latter bits cancel out the former, and now that she sees them outside of a case, she notices all the heartfelt smiles between the two. the lingering touches. the loving gazes across the office when one thinks the other isnt looking. lydia notices that…well…
“so,” lydia says. “they aren’t together?”
“no,” farah says slowly with the kind of understated apprehension she only saves for hostage situations and when talking to the force of nature known as lydia spring. “why?”
“hm,” lydia says. it’s the kind of hm that reminds farah that lydia is kinda fearless. lydia went to a random dude’s house alone in search for answers. lydia survived days of being a literal dog. lydia grew up watching farah clean various guns. it’s also the kind of hm that reminds farah that lydia is sixteen and mischievous and really loves pride and prejudice. “they should be.”
cue a wacky montage of lydia spring playing matchmaker and failing so bad because 1) todd and dirk are just so completely oblivious 2) the universe keeps thwarting her 3) farah keeps thwarting her because farah believes that todd and dirk are adults who can work things out on their own, lydia, dont make me ground you. when todd and dirk do finally figure out their Big Damn Feelings, it’ll be totally unrelated to any of lydia’s schemes and lydia cant help but feel a lil miffed at that. but whatever. love prevails, and all that.
why isnt this a fic yet. i want it
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