#i keep getting distracted by more important things /hj
1am-yan · 7 months
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Average day in the life of pony Sera and Kylar X)
I was hanging out in PT with @macabrecravings a few days ago and we both interrupted our conversation to point out the sudden Jeff the Killer jumpscare... same braincell for real. (And I drew it just bc I've been wanting to draw ponies again ehehe)
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luxxtuxx · 1 year
you’re comfortable writing it, you could have reader have adhd and that means she forgets things a lot, lots of things being necessary things like eating and putting on her glasses/ contacts, you could have her forget to eat one day and since hobie is busy he can’t check her vitals until he pays her an impromptu visit and sees that she’s super tired and sluggish and he realizes she hasn’t been eating (you could totally take this any route you want I just think it would be cute if he sets himself an alarm to check her vitals just incase)
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Her Condition After Week-Long Mission
Im changing up the plot a little because I can /hj
CW: Hobie being sappy, ACCURATE Potrail of ADHD (I have ADHD, so these are sorta based on real events).
Little quip: does anyone else go to use words, but they are so often used in a sexual manner that you gotta rephrase so you don't sound nasty?
Hobie knew of Y/N's Neurodivergentcy habits and made a pact with himself to not step in unless absolutely necessary. So the longer they were together, he always knew what needed to be stocked in the house at all times, and more ways to help during sensory overload.
This punk constantly checked on them, if he had the day off and they were hyper-focused on something, he'd keep all 3 different drinks at their respective temperatures and make sure they at least snack on something throughout working.
Then Miguel called him and told him he'd be gone on a mission for a week. Hobie knew it was important, so he tried to make sure they had everything in the apartment to be okay... with a kiss he left.
Day 1: Everything was normal, they woke up early, took a quick shower, started work, and worked all night, only breaking to go to the bathroom. They were so focused on work they had forgotten to eat something, and the light tinge from not eating they wrote off as 'Just missing Hobie"
Day 2: They felt a bit more drowsy than normal, but they made some eggs, ate half, and got distracted by the mountain of dishes, the dishes reminded them of the laundry, and doing the laundry reminded them to shower. And so by the time they remembered to sit down and work it was about....11:54pm Day 3: They had slept at their desk on accident so now, they were tired, in pain, and stressed because the boss moved the project date sooner. they only moved to go to the coffee pot and bathroom all day.
Day 4: They were knocked out in bed exhausted, they knew they had to keep working but they get so stressed out thinking about it. So at 8:30pm they grabbed hobies hoodie and sat on the floor curled up having mental paralysis because of the stress,
Day 5: The burnout started the fading hope of actually getting the work done. it came to the realization that for the past 2 days, they hadn't really eaten much.... sure they had snacked on some loose snacks and had a bunch of coffee, but no real full meals. They tried to shower to help calm the cricks in their back and how ill they were feeling
Day 6: They were back at work again pushing through, ignoring the stomach pain, and the headache. They had woken up and just felt like they were on the verge of a breakdown. Everything was too much right now, they just wanted their comfort human, comfort blanket, and comfort food all in the same place. They were so overloaded sensory wise, they couldn't speak on the company Zoom calls, they were using the chat, and even that felt like too much
Day 7: It was the day hobie came home... it was the day they had off from work. They drifted around like a zombie. They managed to eat a bowl of cereal in between waking up and taking a nap. After that nap, they just sat on the bed completely zoned out... after what felt like maybe 5 minutes, the clouds were gray and hobie was stepping through his portal.
When hobie saw they zoned out, all the coffee mugs towering on the desk and how pale they were. he knew immediately what happened. He quickly got out of all his spider gear, and he made sure to be careful as he moved them to lie down. He kissed their forehead... "Oh, my angel of music... it's okay, just rest. Tomorrow and Tuesday call in sick and I won't take any mission and we can just spend the next two days getting back into our routine, does that sound good?"
They meekly nod as they finally put themselves under the covers of the bed. "Im sorry, it was so much, the boss moved the project date up sooner. I really tried hobie. I mean it I really tried" they sniffle. hobie hugged them tightly and nods "I know angel, and I'm proud you tried, now rest."
BONUS: The next day in the evening
"Hobie..... thank you for everything," Y/N said cuddled into his chest, wrapped in their favorite blanket, eating their comfort food, watching their comfort movie. Hobie just hums "So explain to me again why you like this movie so much??"
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so y’all remember this post i made about skk
well i’m gonna expand on it a lil bit because i swear i learn new things every day and one of those things is that Chuuya really deserves a fucking break (…/hj)
okay but seriously, the more i think about all the other skk moments where Dazai makes these big brain plans that ensure that, while it’s most definitely still dangerous, both him and Chuuya will win the fight and walk away from it alive at the very least. but in chapter 101… Dazai made and executed a plan that he thought had a good likelihood of defeating the enemy. but, it also put Chuuya in a situation where he actually could have died. and now Dazai’s in a perilous situation with, as far as we know, no one to help him. and i just wanna explore some new context and expand on a lil theory i came up with as to why this arc is important for skk (plus bonus theory! Dazai really fucked up this time and now he has to find a way to not actually die. i have a few ideas)
🔺spoiler warning for chapters 95, 98, 101, 105.5, 106 and 106.5 and the end of Beast🔻
god this is so long im sorry **i added a tldr under the cut for those of you who just want my rambling ass to get straight to the point 😭
TLDR because this thing is so FREAKING LONG OH MY GAWD
So while Dazai was in the prison, based on his reaction to Chuuya’s arrival being more anger than shock and his instigation of ‘one of them dying’ (talking to Fyodor), there’s reason to believe that Dazai and Ango had set up a plan involving Chuuya somehow breaking Dazai out of the prison on the same day Nikolai arrived. On top of this, Dazai’s character development is finally coming to the forefront in trying to save Sigma and keep him alive, as well as the remorse for trapping Chuuya with Fyodor in the water in order to buy himself time to escape ahead of Fyodor (instead of killing him there, since he knew that wouldn’t be enough to kill Chuuya as Dazai would never do that even if it meant sabotaging his own plans). And at the very end of chapt 106.5, his fall to his death could be prevented by a number of things including Chuuya coming out of vampirism and saving him, but it would also be interesting to see how skk’s relationship changes now that Dazai has to save himself and has so clearly changed from the time when he worked with Chuuya and relied on him to save him from danger (see: Lovecraft fight, Dead Apple & DA prologue). It’s also possible that Sigma will be used as a distraction for Fyodor and Nikolai while skk work their stuff and Dazai 100% still has the potential to win even in the bottom of the elevator shaft so long as he can get the antidote to the poison.
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Starting in chapter 95, Dazai was the one who initially mentioned escaping (or dying). It was as if he knew something was going to happen soon that would lead to their eventual conflict to escape or at least some kind of confrontation that would end with one of their deaths. However, he is still caught off guard when Fyodor disappears from his cell first, and then was also surprised when the floor was literally opened up below him by Nikolai. Considering Fyodor didn’t seem to be planning an escape at the same time Dazai had mentioned it, if his reaction to Dazai is anything to go off of anyway, it’s clear that he had not planned for Nikolai to be there to bail him out of jail early. Therefore, it’s more likely that Dazai knew someone was on their way to break them out, and was planting the seed of the idea that one of them was going to die in the process.
It's also further proof that neither Dazai nor Fyodor had planned on Nikolai being there when they take a minute to assess the situation before Nikolai explains his 'Gogol Game', meaning they had to deduce what was happening in the moment instead of relying on a plan they already had laid out. Nikolai pretty much set into motion that one of them will, in fact, be dying at the end of this game if the poison is real and there truly is only one antidote. It doesn't matter who outsmarts who, because even Dazai could win at the bottom of the elevator so long as he can get his hands on the antidote (through Sigma or Chuuya, perhaps?).
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Then we have his confession that he listens to the voices in his head him telling Sigma that there’s an “angel” talking to him in chapter 98. We already know that the “angel” is actually Ango, and the reason why I’m bringing it up is because of the context of the situation here.
Sigma and Dazai both hear loud noises coming from the prison floors above them. Dazai deduces that it’s not being caused by Nikolai, and not a result of Nikolai and Sigma breaking in, but before he even makes this analysis he says “It’s an intruder”. I find it odd that he would say this, considering there’s no way for them to know if there is a new intruder or if it’s the prison itself going into some kind of lockdown, or if it is in fact Nikolai causing chaos. Sigma calls this into question as well, asking how Dazai knows this, and the funny man says “an angel told him”. Without knowing Ango is communicating with him from the outside, this could have been taken as a typical Dazai one-off response deflecting the fact that he’s just stupidly smart, but it’s not. It’s referencing Ango giving him information. However, when did Ango communicate the situation to him then if it’s unfolding that very moment?
I think we can tell when if we look at this specific page here:
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Right before they hear the loud noise, Dazai is being his usual goofy and mildly insane self, much to Sigma’s dismay, and then he suddenly just stops and turns around. Even for Dazai this behavior is odd, and what’s more, he randomly wants to now go to the employee service room when he literally had no concrete goal in mind just a few seconds ago when he was dancing around with Sigma and saying he wanted to go sightseeing (in hell). There’s even a panel of him looking like he just found something out or realized something, but it barely lasts more than a moment and Sigma doesn’t call attention to it. I believe that one panel signifies Dazai reacting to Ango sending him some last minute information on the situation at the prison, like he does every day, but this time it’s that there is an intruder in the prison. Or perhaps telling him that Chuuya arrived?
Considering they already know Nikolai and Sigma are there, this explains why Dazai would deduce that the commotion is caused by someone other than Nikolai getting bored waiting for the two stupid smart people to start drowning each other. He also says there’s only one possible answer to who that intruder is, which I’ll get to later so just hold on to that thought for now…
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Chapter 101 is where it’s revealed that Dazai doesn’t have escape as his top priority right now, it’s actually to kill Fyodor while they’re still in the prison. He also explains how Ango is communicating to him with the time-stopping ability user. So with that information, and the fact that it seems like Dazai can request time to be stopped as well given he uses his advantage of being a walking anti-ability entity to waltz into the central command room and knock out all the guards while time is stopped for them, there’s good reason to believe that he had been planning something already with Ango to get him out of the prison prior to Nikolai's appearance.
Of course, Dazai is confident that they can beat Fyodor even though he has Chuuya under his ‘control’ (which is questionable at best at this point), because he’s been coming up with ways to kill Chuuya for seven years blah blah typical skk stuff… But it’s also interesting that Dazai would say this now, when in just a few minutes when he thinks he’s trapped Chuuya and Fyodor in a room to drown, he acts like he hates what he did. I also think this is why he’s being so overly goofy with Sigma, because it’s his default method of masking how he’s actually feeling. Whenever we see him not goofing off, his expression is usually partially hidden from view, and/or much more serious. Another thing of note is that while, yes he was probably apologizing for 'trapping' Chuuya like this, he was also apologizing because Dazai knew that if he failed to kill Fyodor here, he was going to be the one in a perilous situation. This is what is currently going on in chapter 106.5, as Fyodor sabotaged the elevator to fall and Dazai prioritized saving Sigma over himself not once, but twice in the span of a few pages.
And what is the other consistency we usually see with skk? Chuuya is there to bail Dazai out of these situations. This is what happened during their fight versus Lovecraft, where Dazai got hurt because nullification wouldn't work, and Chuuya had to get them out. This is also what happened in Dead Apple where Dazai was literally dead until Chuuya showed up and risked dying to save him, and even in Dead Apple’s prologue when he had to save Dazai from an enemy organization.
But now, Chuuya isn't there. He isn't there and Dazai is falling to his probable death.
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The elevator trap was set up by Fyodor himself, which is why the water set itself on fire in 106... But besides that, it's clear that Dazai tampering with the electronics in the elevator was probably him locating the mechanisms to open the doors, therefore making it so that there are 'no traps', and would explain how he knew where to shoot in chapt 106.5 when he shot the mechanism keeping the door shut.
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Fyodor's comment on skk having a shallow bond feels almost out of place for him. He's not usually one to brag, much less about how he can wield someone's boyfriend better than them. I also think his little monologue here was partially payback for Dazai's guy speech back in chapt 101. However, I think Fyodor is wrong to try and say Dazai didn't foresee Chuuya getting out of the situation, because he absolutely would have. I think trapping them in the room like that was less of a play to kill Fyodor and Chuuya together, but to buy time in order to reach the exit. There’s no way Dazai would be willing to actually kill Chuuya just to get rid of Fyodor if he can help it, meaning he’s probably buying time and waiting for the poison to kick in since Chuuya wouldn’t be effected by it. At the end of the day, the one who is going to win will be the one with the antidote from Nikolai, and that could still be Dazai.
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This is probably the most serious we’ve ever seen Dazai for a prolonged period of time. And it’s not even because he’s focused on saving his own life in order to escape the prison.
It’s because he’s focused on saving Sigma.
I believe his plan here is to allow Sigma to be reunited with Fyodor and/or Nikolai, but now with the knowledge that they will most likely be planning to kill Sigma by the end of it so no one knows what happened to Dazai. However, the fact of the matter is that the two of them believe Sigma would not try to kill them first, and I don't think he's going to do something like that either. I think Dazai is most likely using Sigma as some kind of distraction for Fyodor and Nikolai while Chuuya comes out of his vampirism. If Chuuya was conscious enough to understand Dazai’s speech in chapt 101, there’s no way he’d sit by while Dazai falls to his death. A lot of people have been pointing out this box in this official art:
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Saying that the box looks a lot like the elevator:
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Which is a vital component of the prison that Dazai or Fyodor would have to use in order to reach the exit, and the marking on it looks similar to the markings that appear on Chuuya during Corruption. This could be hinting towards Chuuya slowing or stopping the elevator somehow with Dazai inside of it, but I’m not sure how since Dazai would have to not be touching the elevator for that to work, but if the elevator stops while he’s floating in it, it would be no different than him hitting the ground… So I guess we’ll see what happens.
Moving on from the chapters, here’s my thoughts on Dazai’s reaction to Chuuya being at the prison: he’s not shocked, he’s angry. Why? Because he and Ango had probably been planning on how to get him out of the prison for a little while now in order to stop the vampires, and potentially nullify the effects of the page before Fukuchi can write on it a second time. Similar to Dead Apple, Ango probably called on Chuuya in order to do this since he’d be able to get to Meursault the fastest and would have the best chance at protecting himself from the vampires along the way. So then, how did he get infected? Well, we already know how loyal he is to the Mafia, so he could have been protecting Mori from the vampiric Mafia members and eventually got overwhelmed. As far as we know, there isn’t a single human member anymore (besides maybe Mori), meaning Chuuya would have had to fend off potentially hundreds upon hundreds of vampires dead set on biting Mori in order to cripple the Mafia entirely and remove the threat of Mori’s ability and intelligence coming to the aid of the ADA. Meaning instead of going to Meursault of his own will in order to nab Dazai and leave, he was forced to break in and aid Fyodor under the influence of the vampire virus. Another option was he was simply not working and had no idea the Mafia was infected, as he's not wearing his typical executive attire, he's in something similar to his 15 outfit, making me think he was either going to one of the Mafia's bunkers (Verlaine's, perhaps?) on Mori's orders because he is an executive, or he just was on his day off and suddenly found himself surrounded by familiar vampire faces.
This would explain why Dazai said there’s only one option in there being an intruder in the prison, because he was already waiting for Chuuya to arrive that day to initiate his escape. That is why he told Fyodor it’s about time to figure out which one of them is going to die, because it should have been Fyodor, meaning Fyodor would have been taken out of the ‘game’ while Dazai continued playing, but now alongside everyone else back in Japan. But this didn’t happen, and now Dazai has to change his entire plan on the fly just like Fyodor is doing, taking away any upper hand he would have had with Chuuya.
106.5 also isn’t the first time we’ve seen the words ‘I leave the rest to you’. We saw it in Dead Apple, for what it’s worth, coming from Ango when he sent Chuuya to his potential death to save Dazai. The second time we see it is in Beast, just before Dazai replicates the season 1 opening scene, those are his final words to Atsushi and Akutagawa, before he falls to his death. Does this foreshadow Dazai dying or being fatally injured? I don’t know, but I don’t think so. Killing such a major character in this situation would be somewhat out of left field if it’s Dazai, since he seems to be getting some character development with Sigma in the prison. However, he has pretty limited options here:
Chuuya, if he is no longer under the vampire’s influence, could slow the elevator’s fall like a lot have been predicting because of the official art hint, and the trend of Chuuya bailing Dazai out of situations like this. Dazai might also be able to jump out of the elevator if the doors are still open enough and land on a floor like he pushed Sigma on to, or grab the rungs on the wall of the elevator shaft that some have pointed out. Another option, in my opinion, is to stay in the elevator, because as we saw set up at the beginning of the Gogol Game, the elevators only go between two levels, meaning he would only be falling down one level instead of four. Depending on how much space is between levels, he might be able to survive inside the elevator with minor injuries if he braces himself against the floor of the elevator and prays it doesn’t collapse in on him when it hits the bottom of the elevator shaft. I also toyed with the idea that he could shove the elevator using his body weight and tilt it in order to scrape against either side of the shaft and slow the fall, but given he pushes off the wall to save Sigma and it does nothing to the elevator itself, I’m going to assume the elevator is too heavy for him to tilt like that. However, Chuuya could accomplish a similar feat by hitting the outside of the elevator with the help of a little gravity manipulation, so it’s still possible he could save Dazai. However, what I’m more interested in seeing is how the relationship between Dazai and Chuuya changes after these events… With Dazai now really showing how much he’s changed and developed as a character, and what effect those developments will have on skk going forward.
Anyway, those are all of my current thoughts on the matter! Holy crap this post took forever to finish for some reason BUT it’s done now and until we get a new chapter (in like a week) I don’t have to make my brain hurt mulling over how elevator physics works :’)
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
ᴘᴜɴɪꜱʜᴍᴇɴᴛ (ᴛᴇᴀꜱᴇʀ)
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Full Version: here
Boyfriend! Hongjoong x Afab! Reader 
Genre: smut, idol! au
Summary: What happens when you distract Hongjoong from his work? He loses his temper, obviously. Good thing that’s exactly what you were hoping for 🖤
Warnings: established relationship, dom! Hongjoong, sub! reader, Hongjoong is ruthless, filthy dialogue (when i say filthy i mean FILTHY), frequent use of the word “Daddy”, it’s givinggg ddlg, brat taming, name calling, degradation, hair pulling, slapping, spit play, pussy slapping, sex toy usage, orgasm denial, squirting, fingering, spanking, sorta passionate sorta rough (unprotected) sex, very brief cockwarming 
Author's Note: I just wanted to say thank you for getting me to 300 followers, like I honestly can’t even believe it. Thank you so, so much 🥹🖤  Also, I s(c)reamed when I found this picture of HJ on pinterest because he’s literally in the room where he works on his music and he has that judgemental look on his face likeee I AM ON MY KNEES SIR 🧎🏻‍♀️I’ll be releasing this very soon so keep an eye out! 🖤 
You sat beside your boyfriend in his recording studio, chewing on your lip and aimlessly looking around to quell your boredom. Hongjoong had been working on a demo for the last thirty minutes, completely engulfed in his own world. 
He had promised to spend some time with you earlier that week. Instead, here you were all dolled up for him and he hadn’t even spared you a single glance.You’d be lying if you said you weren’t upset, so you figured you might as well make an attempt to steal back his attention.
This, however, was a pretty risky move. You already knew that Hongjoong hated being interrupted when his creative juices were flowing; in fact, the last time you had done that, your ass was so bruised that you couldn’t sit down for a week, without wanting to cry.
 You usually preferred when Hongjoong was his normal, exceptionally sweet self, but the masochist inside you had an affinity for the cruel version of himself that he sometimes revealed to you. Perhaps it was time for him to pay you a visit. 
“Daddyyyy….” you whined into his pierced ear, grabbing onto the sleeve of his hoodie and tugging at it. “I’m literally going to die if you don’t give me attention right now…”
Hongjoong stopped moving his computer mouse around, giving you a side eye. You knew better than to start acting like this while he was working, so that alone already began to piss him off. 
“Sweetie,” he started, his voice devoid of any warmth. “I told you that I would need an hour to get this done. It’s very important. I know we were supposed to do something together tonight, so I’ll make it up to you, okay?”
You pouted, crossing your arms across your chest and leaning back into the computer chair you were sitting in. “Whatever,” you muttered, rolling your eyes. 
Hongjoong’s jaw clenched in response to your bratty behavior, eyes scanning you for a minute to see if you were going to pull another stunt. When he saw that you were just sitting there quietly, his attention turned back onto the track he was working on. 
Only a few minutes had passed, before you were ready for phase two of Operation: Mean Hongjoong. It was a very simple plan, but it was fool-proof. You could feel more and more butterflies accumulating in your stomach the longer you waited to act on your carnal desires. 
Taking in a deep breath, you stood up suddenly and swung one of your legs over Hongjoong’s lower half, before sitting down on his lap. Without another word, you grabbed the computer mouse from his hand and tossed it across the desk where he couldn’t reach it. 
“I can’t wait, Daddy. I want your attention now!” you whined, grabbing his shoulders tightly and shaking him a bit.
The almost glazed-over look in Hongjoong’s eyes would’ve scared you if it hadn’t turned you on first. Every time he got like this, it was like you were dealing with an entirely different person. Your precious Joongie was nowhere to be found; in this state, he might as well have been a demon disguised as a human. And this version of himself wanted nothing more than to see you crying and begging for his mercy. 
“Daddy, did you hear me? I said I w-” 
Your words were quickly cut short when he abruptly grabbed a fistful of your hair, his fingers keeping a tight grip near the base of your scalp. It burned and you loved it. You really were nothing but a slut for the pain he occasionally provided you, but who could blame you? It’s not your fault you had daddy issues.
 The rough, yet very precise slap that Hongjoong brought to your cheek pulled you out of your current headspace.
 “Ow!” you reacted, looking at him with wide eyes and a pout, feigning innocence.“What was that for, Daddy? You’re so mean…” you murmured, rubbing your cheek, as a way to ease the pain. 
Without hesitation, Hongjoong gave you another smack, this time on your other cheek, leaving both sides of your face warm and stinging. 
“Don’t play games, brat. You know the rules. It’s time for your punishment.” 
Release Date: Sep 28
 Tags: @dazzlinglight @thefinerthingz3 @cloudysannie @aryraaaa @za-con @cosmiczen @choerryge @aikyubi @arusio @gueritaybonita @iheartkila123 @i-l0v3hands @ethicalz @jinsonaz @kitty4hwa @jexidamulti @mingisgf @as-she-pleases @just-a-simp @vlrity @purplechannie @lilactiny @eclecticranchzonkcookie @jazzymoore @kodzukein @asjkdk @Icyhyunie @cherryxsang @namsloverr @chanst1ddies @woo-stars @createyour0wnworld @roarmingi @ilovehyunjinsm @simeonswhore @k0rean-big-mini0n
Apply for the taglists here ⇢ ♡
© toxicccred, 2022.
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svgarpills · 2 years
Hey so I really like your work and I was wondering if you could do some fluff hcs for Marcy x reader from Amphibia?if not it’s completely ok✨
ofc! I've been meaning to attempt some stuff like this so i hope i do ok for u anon AJSDFH
Marcy HCS (fluff/gn!reader)
Also included some calamity trio friendship stuff. Probably best read as pre/non-amphibia au
*She plays video games with you! She's okay with any type as long as you're having fun. If you want to try something new she helps you learn the controls and find hidden secrets and easter eggs.
*If you like the same shows/animes as her, she's going to give you her entire list of personal headcanons and her favorite AUs and fanfiction tropes. She also likes analyzing characters that she relates to and finding ones that remind her of you. (probably has a kinlist /hj)
*I think she'd be nervous & flustered, but also very sweet. She rambles a lot and somehow becomes even more clumsy when she's around you. One time she tried to flirt with you and fell down an entire flight of stairs.
*You should probably carry bandages. Like...a lot. She likes the ones with cartoon characters on them.
*She rambles about you to Sasha and Anne, and talks about Sasha and Anne when she's with you. Its sort of weird when you meet for the first time and they already know so much about you, but all of you become decent friends (much to Marcy's relief. You're all very important to her)
*She's a bit awkward at first when it comes to physical contact, but she quickly warms up to the idea and gives you really good hugs. She also likes leaning against you when you're watching shows or playing games together.
*She has a hard time talking about things that are bothering her and tends to try to distract herself or go to extremes to fix the problem instead (like she did w/ the music box). It takes a while for her to fully be able to open up to you about her issues.
*She's good at remembering your favorite things as well. If you mention what your favorite flavor of something is, or say that you have something like a favorite band or Pokemon, then she tends to keep that in mind when she's buying something for you.
*She can be a bit forgetful otherwise, though. She tends to get distracted and not answer her phone, especially if she's playing a new game. Don't be too offended if she leads your messages unread, it's usually not on purpose.
*Her parents are somewhat distant, so she likes hanging out with you at other places. She often invites you to the park, or a boba place down the street, or a new ice cream shop that opened up. If you have good parents she also enjoys spending time at your house with them.
*Your dates are relaxed and usually casual, but she does try her best if it's a big event or she wants to do something special for you. She usually gets Sasha's help.
*If you're around when they have their band together, then she gets really excited if you stay to listen to them perform. She asks you how it was at least 10 times once they finish.
*She likes shirts with stupid puns on them. Don't be suprised if she ends up buying two shirts with nerdy jokes on them so you can both match.
Ok! I hope all of the research (put very loosely) i've been doing has resulted in halfway decent headcanons for u.
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karmautistic · 3 years
9 and 10 for both Varigo and Cassunzel?
9. Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?
Varigo - My favorite aspect of varigo is probably the how I think they'd act during the pining stage and also post relationship. I like the idea of during the mutual pining stage, they really do have some closer and more real binding moments. The bickering goes from them both arguing angrily to them insulting each other jokingly while smiling. They start to pick up on one another's cues which means they subtly begin to notice when the other is upset. There's lots of nights staying up later with comfort or even just laughing and telling random stories to distract from late night sadness.
Now if we're talking post relationship, I like it because it's soft, but it can be messy. Communication is huge from them. They both came from very fucked up backgrounds, so it's really important they can provide reassurance and patience to one another. Obviously, they keep their playful banter, Hugo's still a bit overzealous and Varian's still a bit ambitious, but for the most part they've dialed it back a bit. Even so, I think they'd have problems arise in their relationship occasionally.
I think Hugo tends to get a bit defensive of Varian whenever anyone is rude to him which is fine, but he tends to take it too far which upsets Varian. Varian has to tell him that while he appreciates the thought and that he wants to defend him, he can take care of himself and in reality, causing a huge scene and arguing with people like that only makes things worse and gives him major anxiety. He doesn't need the approval of all the townsfolk, he has Rapunzel, and Eugene, and all his other friends and more importantly he has Hugo. And he's okay with just that.
On Varian’s end, I think he tends to be a bit more wreckless? He stays up at late hours, he rare cares for his own physical needs and he, in Hugo's words, does "That stupid self-sacrificing hero bullshit that almost gives me a goddamn heart attack!" In short, Hugo is fine with Varian’s ambitious nature, but the way he runs headfirst into things without thinking really scares Hugo because, when working Donella, he's seen first hand how badly those things can end so it sets off his paranoia to no end. I think at some point (the point where he's on the verhe of just screaming and/or sobbing because Varian almost died) he'd have to tell him that it scares him when he does that. He doesn't need some hero to save him or some kind of protector, he needs Varian alive and well. Thats all that matters.
Cassunzel - this one won't be as well thought-out as varigo considering varigo is basically my bread and butter, but I still love them dearly so I will try my best !
So for cassunzel I'd have to say my favorite aspect of their dynamic was more seen in season one? I think Cassandra is still dealing with lots of feelings of jealousy and being overshadowed and it kind of manifests itself in ways that she doesn't even realize are a bjt spiteful until its too late. I think the part I like about this is Rapunzel trying to be a bit more patient as a response...
Cass can be in the wrong sometimes, but she's really not trying to be. She's mostly trying to figure out her emotions of her own trauma and why she feels that way and I think it comes out in the form of jealousy with unhelpful coping mechanisms.
If you don't know, I have BPD, so I struggle a lot with feelings of jealousy, and the way Rapunzel approaches more from the patient side really made me happy. (Not that my jealousy has actually made me do extremely spiteful things, I've found helpful coping skills, but still, sometimes it helps to have that extra help of reassurance.) I like how she acknowledges how Cass' emotions are valid and real and they deserve respect, but she also needs to watch how her emotions can manifest into actions and affect others around her. It's just a very valuable moment for Cass.
On Rapunzel's end, I like the idea that she's always been a bit too... toxicly positive? Like she tends to fall more on the optimistic side which can be helpful at times, but other times it can be a bit worse. I like the way Raps and Cass bounce off each other, because it's almost like she's there to ground her back into reality sometimes. They just kind of perfectly balance each other out to come to more realistic answers.
10. Least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcannon)
Varigo - good God, if I see one more person portrat Varian as soft pushover who's only enraptured by Hugo being a pretty boy and just lays down and takes his constant bantering and then they make Hugo a smug asshole who constantly pushes boundaries and is only interested in getting in peoples pants I will actually lose it.
I love thinking of characters as EXTREMELY complex things. I study psychology on the side, and let me tell you human beings are extremely complicated and interesting. I like to think of characters the same. Imagine it as a rubiks cube. Every time you switch one of the sides, its another aspect and depth to their character and it takes forever to solve and ultimately, I dont think it can be "solved."
The character dynamics and interpretations of Hugo and Varian are just... so deep and different and interesting to explore, so it really bums me out when people sand them down into one-dimensional characters, especially stereotypes no less.
Casunzel - Season 3. That's all. /hj
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bagels-and-seagulls · 5 years
would u ever write HJ david and BB matteo dealing w matteo's less than savory dad?? feels like that could be an interesting thing for them to try and deal with !!!
bad boy matteo + hot jock david
“Hey,” David greets with a smile as Hans lets him in. 
And Hans doesn’t say anything back which makes David look back at him as he’s unwinding his scarf from around his neck and dropping his shoes by the door. “Okay?” He asks, and Hans sighs as he looks at him like that was the million dollar question everyone should be asking.
“Butterfly is upset,” he says after a moment, and David tilts his head. 
“What about?” 
And Hans shrugs, his robe slipping down his shoulder as he goes to adjust it. “No idea,” he responds. “His dad called, which is reason enough when it comes to Matteo. Just- don’t take it personal if he’s a little-” he holds his fingers up to lips, imitating something that David knew well enough, something that meant a couple of different things at this point, high, cranky, quiet, mean. 
“Right,” he says raises his eyebrows in a knowing gesture. “I’ll make sure he’s alright.” 
David walks gingerly into Matteo’s room, not wanting to startle him but not wanting to show that he doesn’t want to startle him either, reminding himself that Matteo only gets a little more coarse the nicer David tries to treat him when he’s already on a war path. “Na,” he greets as he looks around the room carefully to see a couple of books and papers on the floor that he guessed weren’t there before Matteo wiped everything clean off his desk. His phone was near the wall, resting on the screen that David was sure was cracked in at least a few places. 
Matteo was lying on his back on his loveseat, his head hanging upside down over the edge in a way that David has only seen a couple of other times. He doesn’t say anything back, just blows the smoke out of his mouth slowly and takes another hit. 
“Teo?” David asks, standing in the doorway with his hand hanging off of the doorknob. 
“What?” Matteo asks in return, his voice coming out a little sharp, a little metallic in a way that makes David bite his lip. 
“Do you want me to come back?” And Matteo makes a vague hand gesture that doesn’t really mean anything at all, open to interpretation in a way that makes David hope he doesn’t pick the wrong answer. “Are you okay?” David asks. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Matteo snaps back, and David clicks his tongue and closes the door behind him quietly. 
“Well,” David says and walks over to stand beside the couch to look down at him even though Matteo shows no effort to return the effort. “At least tell me if it was something I did or not.” 
Matteo takes a hit, looking at something on the wall. “I’m fine,” he insists. 
“So is your phone,” David points out and looks over to where it’s still on the floor before looking back at Matteo.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Matteo says, holding the joint between his lips. 
“I didn’t say you needed to,” David argues. “Just want to make sure you’re okay.” 
Matteo purses his lips up, like he was looking for the setup somewhere, the trick, as he keeps his eyes trained on the wall, and David picks up his legs to settle underneath them as Matteo decides if he wants to talk or not. He runs his palms up his shins in a way that he hopes is at least slightly comforting, and Matteo sighs and stubs out his joint into a plate on the floor in a lazy sort of way. “I talked to my dad earlier,” he says. 
“Oh?” David hums, digging his fingers into Matteo’s calves. “You don’t talk about him much.” 
“Cause he’s a fucking asshole,” Matteo spits out, getting a little bit louder than he probably intended to. “Wish he never called me at all, fucking prick.” 
“What happened?” David asks, thinking about how if you were going to start a fire, you might want to have a way to put it out in case it gets a little bit too big, a little too out of control. 
“Nothing, nothing,” Matteo says and runs his hands over his face and groans into them. David doesn’t say anything, just waits, waits to see if Matteo is going to elaborate or if he should try and distract him with something else to do, but then Matteo’s hands shoot up in front of him as he riles himself up. “He just spews the same bullshit every single time he calls, and like- what’s the point? He asks how mom is doing even though he doesn’t care about the answer. He asks how school is going but has no idea what i’m studying. He asks about money and tells me he’ll send some, but he never fucking does. And like, leave me alone! Stop wasting my time!” 
“Is that what you talked about today?” David asks, keeping his tone light and inquisitive and his fingers rough enough to soothe the muscles of Matteo’s legs as his body starts to shake. 
“He told me that the cousins were asking about me,” Matteo says in between his grated teeth. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “They saw a picture of us and wanted to know if I was a fucking-” He stops himself, his hands hanging out in front of him in mid-air before they drop onto his chest and David watches as he closes his eyes. “He said I shouldn’t tell Mama. It’ll stress her out,” he says quieter than before and then leans up enough to get the joint again and re-lights it between his lips. “Said I shouldn’t flaunt it.” 
“Oh,” David says and his palms stop on Matteo’s knees. He shakes his head and runs them back town his shins again. “I’ve already met Mama though.” 
“Yeah, and she loves you, so fuck him,” Matteo bites out around the joint. “Fuck him. I don’t need his fucking homophobic ass telling me what I can and can’t do. He’s not fucking around. He left. Left years ago, so fuck him.” 
David takes the joint from Matteo as it was getting smaller and smaller as the time went on, and they were sitting there in silence, no one really knowing what to say after that, an outburst that Matteo always tries to keep contained, or at least hidden away, tucked on the back shelf in a box that was small and rusted around the corners, caked with a layer of dust. “That...that sucks, baby. I’m sorry,” David says after a while because he feels like he should at least say something, though there was nothing really that could make anything better. 
Matteo scoffs. “Not your fault.” 
“Still,” David says. “Still.” 
“That feels nice,” Matteo mutters, and David looks down to where he’s drawing swirls into the sides of his leg. 
“What can I do?” David asks then because he wants to help, wants to make Matteo feel better, feel loved and important and like he’s everyone’s favorite, and Matteo runs his hands down his face again, dropping them above his head so that they dangle with him, stretching himself across the couch. 
“Can we just sit here a while? I don’t want to talk anymore.”
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