#i keep going 'she would not fucking act like that'
daycourtofficial · 2 days
Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor - part 14.1
Pairing: Azriel x reader | WC: 3.5k | previous part | masterlist
Summary: Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door.
Author’s note: okay babes I’m desperate to get this out bc this part is going to be so fucking long I had to break it up into parts
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“Rhys, stop!”
Feyre’s shriek of annoyance draws your attention to the front, your eyes watching Feyre chastise Rhysand for driving almost 30 miles per hour over the speed limit. You and Azriel were in the backseat of Rhys’s car (“It’s a Tesla,” Rhys would correct), Feyre in the front seat making several comments about the way Rhys drives as if he is attempting to murder all of you.
Mor and Cassian drove separately in Cassian’s truck - you and Azriel snickered at their less than covert attempts to be alone in the apartment. The six of you had been about to hit the road when Cassian had ‘forgotten his driving sunglasses’ and Mor had immediately offered to help. Rhys had rolled his eyes, telling Cassian the four of you were going to head off instead of waiting for them.
Rhys’s lake house was about an hour and a half away, so you and Azriel had spent that time in the back mindlessly chatting, showing each other silly videos of mostly cats. Feyre sat in the passenger seat, deeming herself in charge of the music, the three of you not caring what she put on.
Whenever Rhys and Feyre were too preoccupied in their own conversation to notice the two of you, you would slip your hand into one of Azriel’s, playing with his fingers or just squeezing lightly before pulling away.
“When do we think Cassian will show up?” You ask, making eye contact with Rhys in the rearview mirror. He scoffs, turning his eyes back to the road, “no telling. He’ll get hungry eventually, so he’ll probably show up around dinner.”
The six of you met up around two, you and Azriel almost arriving late because of your lunch date taking too long. Neither of you wanted to pretend there wasn’t something between you two, but both of you wanted to wait a bit before telling everyone, causing the two of you to linger in the parking lot for far too long, neither of you wanting to keep up the charade.
The impending deadline didn’t stop him from kissing you as if he were going off to war in the parking lot of the cafe you two went to, though. You could still taste the coffee he had on your tongue.
Feyre sighed, looking out the window, “maybe I shouldn’t have put my bag in his truck.”
You laughed, partly at her melodramatics, partly at how foolish she was to leave her bag in Cassian’s truck, “I don’t think you’re seeing that bag for a while, Fey.”
She turns her head to look at you, a scowl on her face, “you make it sound like this is my fault.”
“Well, we did put Cassian and Mor in a car together, so maybe the group is at fault. Just be thankful they didn’t pull over and have sex on top of your bag.”
Her scowl deepened, a look of disgust on her features, “my poor bag would never be the same. I would never be the same.”
“You’d have Cassian butt sweat on it.”
“Ewww, stop.”
“Or worse, his butt hair.”
You laugh as Feyre whips her head to scowl at Rhys, “and how do you know about his hairy butt?”
“Cassian spent our teenage years with a new approach to life - he was determined to be naked at any and every opportunity.” You giggle at Azriel’s words, his ears reddening a bit at the attention you were giving him.
“My mother considered kicking him out because he kept walking around naked and standing in the windows.”
You and Feyre giggled at the image, but Rhys continued. “Our neighbors kept calling and complaining. I’m actually not sure how she got him to stop.”
“She probably bribed him. It’s the only way with him.” You quirk an eyebrow at Azriel before he continues, “nothing ever got to him as a kid - yelling, getting in trouble, praising him. But bribery always worked on him.”
You turn to Azriel, pointing your head in the direction of the front seat, “what was Rhys like as a kid.”
Az huffs, “same as now. Spoiled and annoying.”
Rhys glares at him through the rearview mirror, but Az continues. “He was a bit pompous, always talking about how rich his family was.”
You watch Az try to keep from smiling as Feyre laughs, before reaching a hand out to pinch Rhys’s cheek. The movement pings something in your mind, telling you to ask about it later.
“I did not.”
“You once came to school in a helicopter.”
Rhys sinks a bit in his seat, but you file this whole conversation away in a folder of your brain titled ‘ask again later’. You had a vague sense of things you had picked up over time - Rhys’ parents were technically married, but his dad would travel a lot. Rhys’ mother and sister died at some point. Somehow Azriel and Cassian came into the picture.
It was a bit fuzzy, and you never found out why Cassian lived on his own away from Rhys and Az. You had little pieces, but you needed some way to connect the. You filed it away, just allowing yourself to enjoy the car ride.
The ride eventually reached a lull where the two of you sat in the backseat texting each other while Feyre and Rhys talked mindlessly about goats, maybe. You really weren’t sure what was going on up there.
Azriel: did you know all the guys in this town are riddled with disease
Azriel: so you shouldn’t get anywhere near them
Azriel: just to be safe
You: I like disease-riddled men
Azriel: is now a good time to tell you I had chicken pox as a kid
You: oh really?
You: Mmm itchy men
Azriel: I regret this
You: do you have any scars from it?
Azriel: that’s classified
You: I’ll just have to go around searching for them from other men
Azriel: wait no
Azriel: no no no no no
Azriel: this is a joke right
His eyes snap up to you after you refuse to respond to him, and you have to stifle a giggle at the way he’s looking at you.
You: I’m a changed woman. I prefer disease free men now
Azriel: thank god you’ll stay away from Cassian now
You look up at him with wide eyes before you type back furiously.
You: Azriel we share an apartment what do you mean
You: I let him drink my coffee the other day
You: Azzy please tell me you’re joking
You huff as each of your texts is met back with the three dots indicating he was typing. You looked over at him to find him typing random letters before backspacing to allow the dots to stay up.
You: meanie head
Azriel: you’re the one who said you preferred disease riddled men
You: they wouldn’t treat me like this
You: I would be a queen to them
You: me and my disease riddled king
Azriel: that implies you are their diseased queen
The two of you continue trying to stifle giggles as Rhys drives, Az’s hand moving to squeeze your thigh. You’re so distracted by texting him and his hand on your thigh you don’t notice where you are until the car is pulling into a neighborhood of massive houses that could likely fit multiple families with room to spare. You sit up straighter, looking out the window at these multi-dollar houses and wonder if this was a vacation home, what did Rhys’ house look like growing up?
You knew Rhys’s dad’s lake house was going to be a ridiculously large house. You knew that before, you knew that as the car drove through the neighborhood, but pulling up into the driveway it was as if you had completely forgotten. The house was massive - it had to be at least three floors above ground, and the property it was on was large too.
Rhys’ car slows across the long driveway, no other cars around. You have to strain your neck to look at the house in its entirety - it was beautiful - three or four floors, large windows showing off spacious areas on the second and third floors. It was a mix of the classic lakehouse look, but with slightly modern twists to it. All you could think about while looking at it was how long it would take to clean it. Most of your squabbles with Cassian were over whose turn it was to do dishes, and you knew this place would really test your friendship with him if you lived here.
Or maybe he’d just be able to better hide his messes in this house.
“How long would this take to clean?”
Your voice comes out a bit squeaky before you clear your throat, looking over at Az.
“You think Rhys’s dad does his own cleaning?”
Rhys parks his car in the garage, the four of you getting out. Rhys opens the trunk, and you reach out to grab your bags but Azriel beats you to it, slinging your duffle bag over his shoulder. He crinkles his nose at your pout, sticking his tongue out as he walks into the house. You follow after him, taking in how nice his back looked through his shirt.
Azriel heads to the stairs, taking Feyre to her room, but you fall back to take in the living room. You could host a house party in this living room and fit a hundred people easily. You siddle next to Rhys, watching him play with the lid of his coffee in one hand, his phone lit up in the other.
“Are you worried at all about your dad showing up?”
Rhys sips his coffee before answering, “I’d be more shocked than anyone if he showed up here. Az, Cass, and I once spent an entire summer camped out here. Didn’t even catch a glimpse of him.” He shrugs, his face looking indifferent as his phone screen displays the ‘find my friends’ app, and he looks quizzically at the screen, trying to figure out where Cassian was, you presume.
He blows out a breath, “I’m gonna call him.”
You walk away, opting to look at the photos that decorated the walls. The living room is covered in them, all shapes and sizes of frames littered the yellow wall. You see photos of younger versions of Azriel, Cassian, and Rhys, photos from when they were about ten or so until pretty recently, if you had to guess. You can watch them grow, the three of them looking so unsure of themselves at various stages.
The young photos of Azriel are littered with an air of sadness to them, his eyes not quite as bright as they are now, bandages still lingering on his hands for a long time. Azriel’s the smallest in what you think is the first photo, not much more than skin and bones, his now tan skin had a sickly pale hue to it. A woman and a young girl are in the photos with them, the five of them all looking remarkably similar - it’d be very easy to convince others that the two boys were Rhys’s brothers. The photos are all tan skin, dark curls limp in some photos from the ocean water. They are scattered across the wall, no chronological order to them, but if you lined them up you could watch the three of them grow.
The photos made you feel a well of emotion - how someone could be so cruel to someone so small, so defenseless. But as the photos continued and Azriel blended in more with this family, it made you feel so proud of him for opening himself up like that, when all he knew was pain.
He hadn’t told you the extent of his childhood - just that his family was awful, he hadn't seen or spoken to them in a decade, and his step brothers burned his hands. But the pictures of this small, helpless boy looking so lost at the lake spoke volumes for him.
Rhys put the phone down from his ear as he hung up. “They’ll meet us at the restaurant for dinner. He muttered something about a pit stop before hanging up on me.”
He gazes at the photos as he stands next to you, his eyes landing on the one you’ve been staring at. It involved a very young Azriel, fresh bandages adorning his hands. The striking woman was holding him so delicately, as if her arms squeezed him too hard he’d burst in her hold.
“That’s my mom.”
His voice catches you off guard, not expecting much of anything from him. He points at the photo, his finger tapping slightly on the glass.
“She’s beautiful.”
He hums in agreement, “she loved Az. She fought so hard for him. First person to fight for him, really. Spent a shit ton of money getting custody of him.”
That surprises you, but you leave it there for now, keeping your eyes on her smiling face. His gaze lingers on her soft smile, “she loved all of us, but boy did she love Az.”
You watch his mind go somewhere, not wanting to intrude, about to step away when he speaks up again. “That’s my sister. Kaylah.”
His finger moves to a photo nearby, landing on the young girl that Cassian had hoisted on his shoulders.
“She’s cute.”
“She loved bothering Cassian. The two of them butted heads more than any of us combined.” His voice was full of love and nostalgia. “She once got so mad at him she pulled her shoe off and threw it at his head. He was so chuffed he didn’t notice her throw the other, both of them hitting his eyes. He had a black eye for weeks.”
You laugh, “oh my gods, what happened?”
“What happened?” He turned to you, a wide grin on his face, “we got kicked out of the restaurant we were in, and she had the audacity to ask for her shoes back because they landed at another table.” He laughs, a twinkle in his eye you had never seen before. “Oh, Kaylah was something. She always made us laugh.”
“What happened to her?”
Rhys looks down, the twinkle immediately leaving his eye, “she and my mom were hit by a drunk driver when we started school. We- it was a hard time.”
You look over at him, tentatively moving your arms around his waist and hugging him to you.
“I’m sorry.”
He squeezes you back, his citrusy scent filling your nose. “Me too.”
The two of you gaze at the photos, at a time long gone, standing in silence as if an embrace could change the ending for the subjects of the photos.
The moment’s broken by Feyre’s voice, “what’s going on here?”
You turn your face to look at her, head still against Rhys’s chest, “I’m sorry you had to find out this way. We’re in love. He’s having my baby.”
She gasps overdramatically, clutching her chest as she puts on a ridiculous voice, “oh my stars! The scandal!”
You giggle as Rhys unwraps himself from you, “we were going to tell everyone while we were here, but it’s true. We’re naming the baby Cassian Junior.”
Feyre breaks her resolve, giggling, “how is it Cassian Junior?”
“Cassian’s adopting him, of course.”
Feyre giggles before coming to the wall of photos, looking too. “Wow, you guys were so little!”
You laugh, “yeah now we have proof Cassian wasn’t born with a six pack.”
“A six pack of beer, maybe.”
Azriel’s voice startled you. How a man so large was so adept at sneaking up on you unaware was impressive. He stopped behind you, but you could feel his warmth through your back.
“That would explain a lot,” Rhys mutters, turning away from the photos and sitting onto the couch. He stretched out his long legs, propping them on the ottoman before him. “That drive took a lot out of me.”
“It was two hours,” you scoff, sitting on a nearby chair. Azriel followed you, sitting in the chair next to you.
“Two hours is a long time.”
“Maybe for a baby,” Feyre coos, sitting next to Rhysand, pinching his cheeks. His hands swat at hers, pushing her away with very little effort. The four of you mindlessly chatter away, Feyre telling you all about something one of her sisters recently did, until Rhys’s phone buzzed again, Mor texting him that they were half an hour away.
The four of you jump back into Rhys’ Tesla, and he rolls down the windows as he drives you all to some restaurant called ‘Mama’s’.
“But ‘Mama’s’ what?” You had asked, to which Rhys and Az shrugged.
“Just ‘Mama’s’.”
You had huffed, accepting the nonanswer for the time being. The windows give you a glimpse of the tax brackets you drove through - starting the journey in multi-million dollar homes occupied during the warm months, the landscape quickly changes to lower and middle class homes for the people who live here year round.
Rhys pulls the car into a small restaurant, fitted with outdoor lighting and seating. It was so homey - a dozen or so people stood around outside, playing some variety of games like checkers and cornhole. A couple dozen more sat at tables, eating what smelled to be the most enticing food ever created. Your stomach rumbles at the smell, and Feyre laughs at you before you poke her in the stomach with an elbow.
You spot Cassian leaning against his car, Mor standing next to him on her phone. He stretches his arms out, huffing, “finally, we’ve been waiting for you!”
Rhys promptly pushes him as he walks past, and Mor giggles as he falters a bit and she falls in line with you and Feyre and you gag at her. “You smell like sex.”
She gasps, “no I do not,” before discreetly smelling her shirt.
“No, you don’t. Made you sniff.”
She rolls her eyes, copying your words in an exaggerated voice.
The six of you find a table, and you’re seated in the middle of the booth with Feyre and Rhys next to you. Azriel sits on the end of the other booth, and you make brief eye contact across the table, sending him a soft smile.
The waitress comes up to your table, her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, her black clothes making her eyes pop, her name tag reading ‘Steph’. She looked at all of you, but her eyes stopped on Azriel, her smile growing wider at the sight of him.
“Hi everybody, what can I get you all to drink?”
She takes your drinks orders, rubbing Azriel’s shoulder as she walks away. Cassian laughs at Azriel’s grimace, “I think she likes you, Azzy.”
“Shut up, Cass.”
Azriel looked to you as your friends kept talking, and you offered him a smile back. His face was hard to read, but his eyes looked so sad. You cock your head to the side, trying to figure out what the problem was, but he turned his head away.
Dinner goes by in a blur, the food was delicious, the six of you spent the evening joking around, except for Azriel, who spent most of the meal quiet. The waitress came by to check on you all several times, and her blatant efforts at flirting would have been amusing if it wasn’t completely obvious how uncomfortable it made Azriel. Each time she returned to your table, you would watch him tense up as she approached, her hands always finding their way to his shoulders. On her third stop at your table, she began calling him Muffin.
Rhys paid the check, handing over the receipt to Azriel.
“For you, Muffin.”
Azriel takes it, and from next to him you can see the phone number written beneath the total. His hands crumple it, discarding it before you all made it to the parking lot. He opens your door before heading to the other side of the car after you slide into your seat. You immediately pull out your phone, your texts with Azriel lighting up the backseat.
You: hi Muffin
Azriel: I’m so sorry
You: why? Did you do something?
Azriel: for the waitress?
You: did you do something with the waitress?
You: I did go to the bathroom, maybe you slipped out and made out with her?
You can hear Azriel furiously typing on his phone.
Azriel: no no no no
Azriel: I didn’t do that, I wouldn’t do that. I’m sorry she was hitting on me.
Azriel: I didn’t know what to do because I didn’t want to tell her I had a girlfriend
You: you have a girlfriend?
You: and you’ve been making out with me?
You: you dog
You peak over at him and his face is a deep red. You want to laugh but you feel a little bad about your teasing once you see his fingers shaking, having to backspace several times over misspelled words.
Azriel: I think so
Azriel: I didn’t mean to imply anything
You: so, you don’t have a girlfriend?
Azriel: I don’t know
Azriel: maybe?
You: do you want one?
You: a girlfriend, that is
Azriel: god yes
Azriel: but it has to be a specific girl
You: anyone in mind?
Azriel: I have my eye on someone
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Series taglist: @anotherbook-obsessedhoe @impossibelle @hayrunnwr @just-a-social-casualty-1 @thisisew @brieflyclassymortal @glitterypirateduck @marshmummy @bookishbroadwaybish @azsteris @doriansgf @footyandformula @od-anon @judig92 @luvmoo @marina468 @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @acotarobsessed @maryssong23 @acourtofbatboydreams @herondale-lightworm @azrielover @carnelshephard
Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke @prythianpages @itsswritten @acotarxreader
Azriel taglist: @brieflyclassymortal @thisiskaylin
Thanks for reading ❣️
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sanaexus · 3 days
social's as shidou's girlfriend
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-liked by itoshi_sae, isaichii and 145.7k others
yourusername: i feel bad for rin this mf don't even go easy on his on girl
tagged: shiidoryu
shiidoryu: they say all is fair in war and love ↳itoshi_sae: it's love and war fucking idiot ↳shiidoryu: you love me 🥺👉👈 ↳yourusername: mate IN MY FUCKING COMMENTS? ↳shiidoryu: you're saving as if i don't eat that pussy every night ↳yourusername: blocked. reported. I FUCKING HATE YOU??? ↳chigi.who: woah guys maybe like don't do that here??
nikkoki: why the last image. ↳yourusername: why not 🙁 ↳megubachi: for gits and shiggles 🥰 ↳rin.itoshi: that's not the fucking quote?? ↳megubachi: and you're not the best striker so stafu ↳rin.itoshi: TAJTS SO UNNNESCARY?? ↳isaichii: look at rin finally genz-ing w the spelling errors and capital letters ↳hiyori: feels like yesterday he was js a little baby ↳megubachi: they grow up too fast ↳rin.itoshi: you guys are my 13th reason.
shiidoryu: si 💔you💔won't💔mention💔the💔part💔where💔i💔 bought💔you💔icecream💔and 💔then💔talked💔sjit💔ab 💔your💔ex💔 ↳yourusername: and you're not gonna mention the part where we had the bet who could swing the fastest and i won bc you fell on your butt and felt like you were ab to throw up so you HAD to get me icecream? ↳shiidoryu: #donttakltomeiamdespressed #betryaedbymyowngf #emo ↳karasu_tabito: HE FELL ON HIS ASS? DO YOU HAVE THE RECORDING I'LL PAY FOR IT ↳yourusername: bet how much we talking? ↳karasu_tabito: enough to buy another shidou prolly ↳yourusername: check your dms ↳eita.otoya: are we buying people from the black market ↳kenyu.yukimiya: no we are not the fuck?
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-liked by kuniisuke, megubachi and 159.4k others
shiidoryu: i actually do love my girl and i don't always act gay
tagged: yourusername
julian.loki: "i actually do love my girl" proceeds to try to throw her into a garbage can ↳mikka.kaiser: fucking dustbin you mean? ↳hiyori: OH MY GOD U REMIND ME AB LINDASY FROM MY 4TH GRADE CLASS WHO USED TO NITPICK ON EVERYONE FOR THERE ENGLISH ↳mikka.kaiser: their* ↳isaichii: stfu it's called a trashcan ↳kuniisuke: i think we're straying off topic BC THAT'S A WHOLE AHH HUMAN THAT'S GOING TO BE PUT ON A FUCKING DUSTBIN ↳mikka.kaiser: in* ↳oliver.aikyu: i swear to fucking god i will ↳alexis.ness: nuh uh ↳yourusername: MAN KUNIGAMI AND OLIVER THE ONLY REAL ONES FR ↳oliver.aiku: we gotchu girl ↳kuniisuke: second that except in a less gay manner ↳julian.loki: SHE'S BEING PUT IN TRASH. ↳rin.itoshi: she's fine. shidou has that trash tan all the time ↳megubachi: i think she's okay considering how ego roams around with that garbage ahh haircut ↳isaichii: that trash can't be worse than igaguri's football skills, she's fine ↳mikka.kaiser: YOU SAID FOOTBALL THANK FUCKING YOU ↳shiidoryu: you're fucking him?
user1: ignoring the second picture the one is actually so cute like 🌷🧚‍♀️💅🎀💕✨‼💯 ↳yourusername: lyt cutie ↳shiidoryu: YOU NEVER EVEN CALL ME CUTE? ↳yourusername: go stare at sae's ass or something ↳itoshi_sae: no don't do that don't stare at my ass ↳yourusername: jokes aside he was actually nice to me in that picture (he didn't try throwing me off) ↳user2: something in that sentence makes me think she got thrown off a swing far too many times ↳shiidoryu: in my defense she keeps putting tomatoes in my sandwhich ↳yourusername: you look like one don't blame me
karasu_tabito: did he fall on his butt this time? ↳yourusername: he was careful bc i was sitting on his lap ↳eita.otoya: shidou in his softie green flag era? ↳yourusername: what if he's actually doing this to gain my trust and like gives me off to some kidnapper ↳nikkoki: bffr rn he would probably BE the kidnapper ↳shiidoryu: yeah what if I AM the kidnapper
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-liked by chigi.who, hiyori and 198.5k others
yourusername: he isn't always an asshole <3
tagged: shiidoryu
chigi.who: the last picture?? ↳yourusername: my life goals right there ↳yourusername: shidou that better be us when we grow up ↳shiidoryu: that already IS us ↳yourusername: are you called me a 73.8 year old grandma? ↳shiidoryu: IN MY DEFENSE IM CALLING MY SELF A GRANDPA TOO
aryu.jubei: your hair is very ✨glam✨drop the hair care routine (did he try to yank your hair?) ↳yourusername: check dms ↳yourusername: SURPRISNGLY NO?? HE WAS ACTUALLY REALLY NICE TODAY?? ↳shiidoryu: i'm always nice baby ↳yourusername: yeah to your side chicks ↳shiidoryu: YOU are the side chick, sae is ml ↳yourusername: oh fuck you what does that man have other than thick thighs, a thick ass and an ass attitude ↳itoshi_sae: what do i not have ↳yourusername: proper relationship with your family ↳itoshi_sae: fuck off
shiidoryu: you look pretty ↳yourusername: ily im gonna go cry ↳shiidoryu: DON'T CRY WHY ARE YOU CRYING NOW I COMPLIMENTED YOU ↳yourusername: THAT'S THE THING YOI COMPLIMENTED ME ↳shiidoryu: wajt
user3: she looks so pretty and happy in the second pic. shidou you better watch out, i'm in your walls ↳shiidoryu: my walls are nasty, what if my dead hamsters are there ↳yourusername: MY TEIGO. I BOUGHT IT TO YOUR HOUSE AND IT JS DESPAWNED ↳shiidoryu: I'M SORRY
user4: when a zesty ass loving thigh loving (man loving) tomato looking demon who kicks balls around and pick fight w emo boys can pull ↳yourusername: my dms are open for u ↳shiidoryu: no they're not ↳oliver.aiku: how much we betting that he's gonna go make 15 accounts to spam y/n dms ↳isaichii: betting a whole ahh bachira ↳megubachi: WHY ARE U BETTING ME OFF??? ↳chigi.who: betting my other acl ↳kuniisuke: HELP WHAT?? ↳kenyu.yukimiya: betting my already shit vision ↳nagi.seishiro: my gaming console ↳reo.miikage: my entire networth ↳itoshi_sae: my abibas sponsorship ↳user5: ABIBAS 🔥🔥💯💯🔛🔝🗣🗣 ↳rin.itoshi: betting off my brother ↳itoshi_sae: what
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welllll that took a lot longer than it should have buttt here you go shidou simps i had fun writing this ig sorta maybe kinda idk
281 notes · View notes
saerins · 24 hours
ᯓ ᝰ RIGHT HERE .ᐟ — touya todoroki
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touya x female reader. content tags modern au, childhood sweetheart!touya, both are working adults, making out, mentions of infidelity/murder, he’s a tease. word count 1.7k
ᯓ notes .ᐟ haha can you tell i love touya too much rn ? just getting back into writing so have some of my touya :) thanks to any of you who read this <3
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“touya, you’re gonna make me late for work tomorrow,” you whine, pouting as he wins you in yet another round of super smash bros. (and hence you’d have to stay up and continue playing at his behest.)
beside you, touya smirks, rows of pearly white visible while he clearly enjoys tormenting you. “weren’t you the one who said you needed a distraction?”
you grumble as you take the couch pillow and hold it over your face, groaning in frustration. touya’s right; you’d called him right after dinner, practically forced him to come after you figured out that you’re actually not as strong you thought and you’re actually still really upset that your ex cheated on you.
it’s only pathetic because it’s already been a couple of months and you’re still wallowing over it somehow.
“you know, i bet all that frustration will go away if you just let me kill that fucker,” touya tells you, flicking your forehead as leans forward, yanking the cushion off your face.
unamused, you deadpan at him. “yeah? then what am i gonna do when you’re in jail, huh?”
touya snickers, “aww, what? can’t handle being without me?”
in a strange way, your honest answer is definitely not. you’ve known touya forever. ever since you were five and your families connected at a preschool event. ever since your friend fuyumi introduced you to her brother. ever since touya confided in you how much he hated his father.
fast forward more than a decade later and you’re both sitting in your apartment, in a different state than either of your families, still as close as you were when you were kids.
you glare at touya, rolling your eyes before scrunching your nose and smirking at him. “actually, go ahead, i’ll go find myself a better guy while you rot in the cell.”
your best friend scoffs, cocking a brow and looking like he’s offended. “i off someone for you and you don’t marry me immediately? the fuck is wrong with you?”
the shit-eating grin that dawns on his face immediately after makes your heart skip a beat. yeah, you’ve always found him attractive, maybe even had a crush on him back in high school, but he’d always had girls after girls, and somewhere along the way you learned to stuff those flimsy emotions back down.
until you remember that he’s been single for a while now, and the fact that you’re both working adults with all the freedom in the world.
fuck, you really shouldn’t go back there.
“haha, funny,” you try to wave it off sarcastically. “says the one who told his ex that he just sees me as a little sister.”
he laughs, leaning back against the couch, a hand behind his head, abs sticking out from the edge of his shirt. it takes you a second to rein yourself in, not wanting to get teased relentlessly by him if you get caught staring.
“hey, she was getting jealous of me spending so much time with you! what was i supposed to say?”
yes, you’re aware. most of them were. most of the time you never told touya about any of that; of how his girlfriends were coming up to you, all insecure about your friendship and asking if you could back off. that was the most common thing among all his relationships: the girls’ pleas for you to keep a distance.
you did… the first few times.
and after his fifth relationship, you realised that touya would always pull you back close. would always end up breaking up with them if your friendship is causing them too much worry.
“you didn’t have to say anything, maybe you should’ve just kept your distance, you know? since most of them seemed to have a problem with it,” you comment, trying to act as nonchalant as possible, though even you don’t believe yourself.
a life without touya is unimaginable for you. even if you can’t really say the same for him.
touya sighs, shifting in his position before ultimately putting an arm around you, pulling you close. he smells like your soap and his hair against your face tickles.
he’s always like this; always touchy, always close. recently he’s been more than usual, coming over and sleeping the night (you never did anything physical!), chasing other guys away at the club because they’re not good enough for you.
and when he’s like that, you think maybe there’s no harm in letting those long-lost feelings flow back.
it’s dangerous.
he’s always like this. always way too much for you to handle. and yet you can’t live without him.
and then he does something he’s never done before.
you feel his lips on your temple, and you hear the chuckle reverberating from his throat. his left arm around you holds you tight, not that you’re running anywhere—you’re pretty sure you’re frozen stiff from the shock.
did that really happen?
“how can i do that when you’re the only one i want?”
you’re sure that’s his voice. it can’t be anyone else’s. but you’re not sure if you believe him. is he really saying what you think he’s saying?
slowly, you turn to face him, expecting him to wear that smug grin and tease you for being so gullible but it never comes. instead, you’re greeted with his half-lidded eyes, blue pupils staring at your lips like he’s hypnotised, his thumb caressing your lower lip from left to right like he’s trying to memorise all the grooves.
it’s so soft that you barely recognise your own voice when it comes, “touya, kiss me.”
and maybe he’s always wanted to, because he doesn’t miss a beat. the second you open your mouth, he’s giving you what you asked for, his tongue prying your lips open and he tastes just like the warm in winter mornings, like the comfort people always dream about.
mint. you can taste the sweet from when he ate it right before he beat you in the game. you can feel the cold on the tip of your nose from when you brush against the piercings on his nostrils. you can feel him carry you onto his lap, feel his hands wrapping around your waist. you can feel his heartbeat under his chest, under your palm, almost as erratic as your own.
were you really just upset over someone else?
every relationship you’d been sad over suddenly didn’t seem to make sense anymore. not when touya’s right here, lips locked with yours and telling you more with his kiss than you’ve ever heard from his words.
by the time you pull away, both of you are breathless, his hand on your cheek, lips softly brushing over your own like he can’t bear to be away even for just a second. you can’t bring yourself to open your eyes, half overwhelmed and half confused.
“fuck, did we really just—”
“shh,” you hush him, putting a finger on his lips, suddenly embarrassed. your foreheads are still pressed together, and you can’t see it but he’s admiring your face, holding himself back from just kissing you even more.
touya moves your finger away. he whispers your name in the most gentle tone you’ve ever heard, “does that mean you feel the same?”
you swallow the lump in your throat, tongue-tied and still straddling your best friend on the couch. you’re just a single impulsive action away from going all the way.
pulling back even further, you’re about to make a break for your bedroom when touya pulls you back, making sure you face him.
“no running this time,” he tells you, voice raspy and his eyes flicking from your eyes to your nose and your lips but mostly your lips. “i want you,” he whispers, and the minute you lock gazes, the answer has never been more clear to you.
“i want you too, touya,” you answer, both excited and afraid but he never lets you harp on things too much because he’s already kissing you silly, barely letting you breathe—you don’t have to guess with him; he wants you so desperately you can feel it in his actions.
“touya, we should stop,” you whine, knowing that this might be going way too quick yet you want it all the same.
touya shakes his head, big hands slipping under your shirt and squeezing your waist. “no, don’t wanna stop,” he whispers into your mouth.
he’s about to pull your shirt over your head when the loud shrill of his phone interrupts. he would’ve tossed it to the side if you hadn’t taken it and insisted he should take it. it’s from shoto, after all. (he doesn’t call often, it’s a complicated relationship.)
grumbling, touya leans back, keeping your thighs in place so you can’t move away. he’s smirking at you as he answers, “shoto, what is it?”
you can’t hear his brother over the phone. you can only guess snippets of the conversation from touya’s end.
“what for?”
“you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“yeah, yeah, whatever.”
when he finally puts it down, he pulls you close by the chin, a glint of mischief in his grin. “get ready, doll.”
“huh? for what?”
touya gives you a peck on the lips. “family’s visiting, a surprise or whatever. they’re already in the city.”
you blink, praying he’s not being serious and wishing it’s not what you’re thinking. “okay, have fun!”
“and where do you think you’re going?” touya laughs, pulling you back down after you barely got back up.
“go spend some time with them, it’ll be fun.”
“oh i’m sure it’ll be fun,” he smirks, typing something into his phone and sending the message before you can sneak a peek.
you’re almost too scared to ask. but you do. “and why’s that?”
touya chuckles, thinking you’re way too stubborn, playing dumb even if it’ll kill you. but he guesses it’s fine if he has to spell it out for you. “because i wanna re-introduce you.”
“wait, what do you mean?”
with a gentle smile and a poke on your forehead, he looks you in the eyes. “i’m gonna introduce them to my future wife.”
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lucysarah-c · 2 days
Question my lovely Levi fanfic writer
First off: thank you for always feeding me, it’s glorious
Now onto my question: how do you think Levi would react to his S/O giving birth? I know for the time period they were kind of placed it, it could seem odd for men to be in the waiting room, what kind of person do you think Levi would be in the delivery
It’s giving acting like he knows what’s going on to keep his partner confident but definitely mentally freaking the fuck out
Hi! Hi! How are you?
Aww, no, thank you! Thank you for reading and stopping by my inbox to leave some love. <3 I truly appreciate it. <3
Oh, this scenario is one I think about often. I really love the show "Call the Midwife," and it gives a realistic portrayal of what giving birth was like in the past. Indeed, men were rarely allowed inside the delivery room. Typically, if they were brought in, it was because something had gone wrong, and they needed to make a heartbreaking decision between saving the mother or the baby—a terrible practice.
If Levi were forced to wait outside the delivery room, I can just picture him wearing away the marble floors with his pacing. He’d be thinking, "I should be in there," torn apart inside because he could hear her screams but also desperately hoping to hear the healthy cry of his baby and know his wife is safe. Levi isn’t religious, but he might find himself praying that night for a few hours. I imagine him muttering, "I should be doing something," and perhaps a member of the medical staff or Hange, there for moral support, might quip, "Your only job in this whole process was done the night you got her pregnant, shorty."
BUT! Let’s consider another scenario. Levi might take his wife to the hospital or perhaps choose to have the birth at home, as was common back then. When the midwives try to close the door on him, he’d insist, "I’m staying with her."
"Men aren’t allowed."
"And who’s going to stop me?" he’d reply, with that deadpan voice and deathly glare Zeke knows too well. Good luck opposing humanity’s strongest soldier. If he’s allowed in, Levi would stay with her the entire time, especially if she’s scared. He doesn’t want to miss seeing his child born, but his priority is being there for her.
He’d let her crush his hand and curse his name as much as she needs to. What’s the point of his strength if he can’t support his wife? I agree, Levi would pretend everything is "alright" and that he’s "calm," thanks to those Ackerman genes.
But the moment the baby is placed on her chest and starts crying with full lungs, and she seems alright—crying out of confusion and happiness too, probably—Levi would kiss her head, thanking her and praising her hard work. He’d feel his legs shaking, mostly because the situation was completely out of his control. There’s nothing he could do except tell her, "You’re amazing."
He might even feel his hands shaking as he holds the baby in his arms, sitting beside her as she rests. Levi would gently rock the baby, unable to stop marveling, saying, "He’s so tiny… but his hands are perfectly formed. He’s truly a tiny human… and you did all this."
She would hum in agreement, and for once, Levi would be the one saying, "Oi, try to be a bit more enthusiastic. Look how handsome he is… he looks like you."
She might joke, "Because we both look swollen, red, and a disaster?"
"Tch, no. I was going to say he has your nose."
I adore this one! I hope you like it too! Thank you for reading! <3
Stay safe!
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @galactict3a @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-12345 Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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amorgansgal · 1 day
Doing Something Unholy
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So, as inspired by a post @waterdeepwhiskey and with encouragement from @waterdeep-weavemoss I have written some glorious smutty filth, involving Gale and a Female Reader/Tav fucking in front of Mystra's statue. Hope you all enjoy some nice, vindictative fucking!
Gale x Female Reader/Tav
CW: Sexual content, oral sex, sex in public
It seemed like no one in camp wanted to tell you where Gale had gone off to. Granted, you both weren’t possessive of each other or needed to know where one another was at all times. But everyone was acting very oddly. You’d narrowed your chosen targets for interrogation to Halsin and Karlach. Most would likely keep the matter a secret, but you felt like an appeal of the heart might win Karlach over and a plea of just wanting honesty would work with Halsin.
You headed over to Karlach’s tent, tucked away between two buildings and she immediately began to fuss with her belongings, as though she had changed her mind on where everything should go. ‘Karlach,’ you began warningly.
‘Hey soldier!’ she said brightly. ‘I… um… I have to… Wyll wants me to help with dinner, so…’
‘You burnt dinner last time you helped with it,’ you pointed out.
‘I know, that’s why I’m on chopping duty. He thinks I can manage that, so I ought to get going, those carrots won’t-!’
‘Karlach, please, where’s Gale?’
She sighed and looked over to the others. You glanced behind you and saw Shadowheart watching you both, a troubled frown on her face and by the looks of things having just shook her head. You snapped your head back around to look at Karlach.
‘Don’t lie to me, where is he?’ For a horrible minute you wondered if he was at Sharess Caress, it seemed so unlike him, even the way the Drow twins had spoken to you had made him deeply uncomfortable. He had said so. But where the hell could he be if he wasn’t there? And why hadn’t he told you where he had gone or what he was up to?
‘He… you remember we visited Stormshore Tabernacle where there was the statue of Mystra?’ Karlach said, evidently deciding it was better to tell you and risk Shadowheart’s annoyance. 
‘The statue of Mystra?’ you repeated, almost dumbly.
‘Yeah, he said he wanted to… uh… go and look at it.’
‘Why does looking at a statue take the better part of an hour?’ you asked, Karlach gave a bemused shrug.
‘I don’t know, but I’m sure he’ll be back soon.’
‘And he wanted to keep this a secret from me?’
‘Well, I don’t know about a secret…’
You scowled formidably, snatched up your cloak from a pile of clean laundry and began to head back out to the city. You evidently needed a good talk with your lover, if that was what he was up to. Karlach called out to you to wait, but you decided to forgo travelling with the group and shouted over your shoulder, ‘We’ll be back in a minute or two!’ Thankfully no one followed you after that.
Stormshore Tabernacle was quiet after dark, the door was still open, but the priest was gone for the evening. Flickering candles illuminated the now subdued hall, casting shadow and golden light over the faces of the stone gods. You snuck in through the door, closing it behind you and immediately spotted Gale, who hadn’t even noticed your presence. His gaze was transfixed on the carved visage of Mystra and if you hadn’t known better you would have assumed he was hexed or frozen to the spot by a spell. 
‘Gale,’ you murmured, and he jumped, quickly turning around to look at you.
‘Gods, I thought you were-’ he coughed and looked sheepish. ‘Well, I hardly know, an enemy of some sort. Spend half our days fighting that I’m starting to look for them when they aren’t even there.’
You carefully approached the statue and looked up at Mystra. The same electrifying jolt that you had felt when you first visited sent a shiver down your skin, the weave was stronger here with just her depiction alone. It both warmed and cooled you at the same time, made you feel a little dizzy and jubilant with the sweet promise of power. 
‘Not so much an enemy,’ you said, looking at Mystra’s face. Even you wouldn’t admit to being an enemy of a god, that was far too risky and undeniably tempting for a god to put you in your place. ‘But something of a rival I suppose.’
‘Ah,’ he replied. ‘Look you have no reason to fear-’
‘Do I not? Most people would not take kindly to their supposed lover spending the better part of an evening staring at a depiction of their ex-lover.’
‘No, and I understand why you would fear my loyalty, but you need not doubt me. I came here to work out a few things in my head.’
‘A few things you couldn’t talk about with me?’
‘I didn’t want to talk to you about them because I fear I talk about Mystra too much and I didn’t want you to feel like that’s what I always do. But perhaps I should’ve,’ he admitted quietly. 
‘Yes, or at least told me that’s what you had planned to do! And not made everyone in camp keep it a silly little secret.’
He hummed in agreement and nodded. ‘I’m sorry, it does feel silly now. I just… I look at her and I don’t feel how I felt a long time ago. My feelings towards her are complicated, but love doesn’t feel part of it, I don’t feel I can love her anymore. I don’t feel I want to love her anymore.’ He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close to him, you were caught between the altar for Mystra and Gale’s firm chest under the warm softness of the velvet cloak he wore. ‘I love you, entirely, completely. You have my heart in the palm of your hand and I can do nothing but beg you to keep it.’
You couldn’t help smiling at his declaration and he seized the opportunity, cupping your face and kissing you. It had been a sweet, gentle kiss at first, but as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and his hands found your waist, he pressed you up against the altar. He nipped your lower lip, a silent plea to allow him access to your mouth, and you conceded, letting him slip his tongue between your teeth. His hands drifted further down to your thighs and butt and he lifted you up till you were sat on the altar.
Perhaps you should have questioned whether this was a good idea, perhaps you would have advised it not be worth risking the anger of a goddess for momentary pleasure, but the part of your brain the quite frankly couldn’t stand the goddess and what she had done to Gale won out. Let her deal with you fucking her ex-lover, let her deal with the fact that you had stopped Gale from detonating the orb, that he wanted to give you the whole world and his loyalty to her as a worshipper was shaky at best! 
You had already made light work of the laces on his breeches and slipped your hand inside, stroking his already hard cock, pre-cum already slick on your fingers, you ran it down the length and smiled as Gale groaned against your mouth. He pressed hot, needy kisses down your neck. ‘Gods, we shouldn’t do this,’ he muttered, though he didn’t sound very convinced by the suggestion.
‘Do you really want to stop?’ you murmured enticingly and stroked him again, he let out a delightful, tremulous breath he let out as you did. You would’ve stopped if he said no, but instead he scrabbled with the material of the dress you wore, tugging up the skirt till it was around your hips. His fingers easily found your slit and he bit back a groan finding you wet and wanting. Gale trailed them up to your clit and you let out a quiet moan in the temple at the heady rush of pleasure you felt. Perhaps it was all the more delicious and delightful to be doing something so wicked and sinful in a temple of the gods.
He pulled you forwards, closer to the edge of the altar and then went to his knees. You bit back a smile and his eyes gleamed in the half-light. ‘I’ve heard tell that love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling. Consider me a humble worshipper,’ he said and began to kiss up your thigh. 
He reached the apex and kept a tight hold on your legs, pressed his mouth against your slit and began to lap, kissing and sucking on your clit and making you gasp and moan and squirm on the stone table. Your hand knocked off a necklace that someone had left as an offering as you desperately tried to find purchase, even as your head dropped back from the pleasure Gale’s clever, well practised tongue was easily drawing from your body. You would’ve happily let him continue, but you didn’t want to risk being interrupted and your body felt like a taut bow string. 
‘Gale,’ you panted. ‘We can’t… we need to be quick…’
He let out a groan of frustration and drew back a little. His face was flushed and his lips and chin were covered with your slick, even that sent a shiver of desire running through you. 
‘I like taking my time,’ he pouted.
‘And I like not having my pleasure interrupted by a priest who might overhear us and come looking!’
Gale got up and wrapped a tight arm around your waist, kissing you frantically, his fingers dug into the meat of your thighs and he groaned as his cock brushed against your sopping wet clit. You shifted your hips just a little and he easily slipped inside you. Gale let out a quiet moan, his face buried into your shoulder and he bit down, trying to quieten himself as you whimpered at the feel of him. 
‘Fuck,’ he breathed against your neck. ‘You feel so good.’
‘Better than all the heavens and anything Mystra could offer?’ 
He raised his head, a wicked smile on his lips. ‘Far better.’ He fucked you hard and fast, hips slamming into yours, his fingers fumbled against your clit, working quickly to bring about your pleasure and it was all you could do to keep one hand gripping the stone altar to stop you from falling back and another hand fisted into the material of Gale’s shirt. The quiet temple was filled with the sound of skin on skin, the soft pants and moans from you both as you rushed to find your pleasure. Until finally Gale let out a rather loud groan as he buried himself to the hilt within you and you felt his release, you shuddered around him as he easily brought you to your own bliss. Your head fell backwards and you saw the cold, stony face of Mystra.
‘Fuck you, you fucking bitch, look at how well he fucks me on your precious little altar,’  you thought in your head, though even after all that you had done you dared not say it aloud. It was petty of you, but truth be told it made you feel good. You both got your breath back and once Gale had tidied himself away, he offered a hand to help you down from the altar.
‘Ah,’ he said, and on turning, you saw you had left a rather sizable wet patch on the stone. Gale lifted his hand, presumably to cast prestidigitation to remove it, but you caught hold of his arm. 
‘Leave it, consider it our offering to her,’ you insisted.
‘Tav,’ he warned. ‘She will not be pleased.’
‘Is she ever? Besides, it’s a little too late for that, and what’s she going to do, stick another orb in you?’
He chuckled and shook his head. Gale gazed at the wet patch for a moment longer, then placed his arm around your waist. You thought he would insist on cleaning it up, but instead he guided you from the temple and you both made your way down the steps and back to camp.
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sevikasupremacy · 2 days
Hey! Can you please do fem reader x Sevika, where they are enemies and they get in the fight where Sevika obviously dominates and kicks y/n's ass (but y/n also gives her back couple bad bruises), and when Sevika tells her not to stand up and to keep lying on the ground, y/n gets up bcuz she doesn't want to give up easily and it goes on and on for a couple of times, in the end Sevika gets impressed of it but however she stabs y/n and from that the y/n just passes. Y/n laying on the cold ground bleeding out, Sevika keeps standing right near her body and decides to take her and patch up.
Maybe a part two where y/n wakes up in panic & pain (like a couple of broken ribs, bunch of bruises and cuts on her face from Sevika's metal arm) and realizes that she is in Sevika's bedroom and Sevika is sitting near the bed. So y/n tries to act strong and okay, but once Sevika (who is also bruised up) stands up without saying anything and leans towards y/n, y/n can't keep hiding her true emotions and finally shows weakness and. vulnerability, especially when Sevika lifts the blanket. However she does that to change y/n's bandage from the wound when Sevika stabbed her.
And of course if you don't mind, perhaps after changing the bandage they finally have a talk, and even there both of them try to be dominating with each other. Everything finishes with y/n provokes Sevika that she could beat her if not Sevika's metal arm and Sevika decides to shut her down by kissing y/n. However, Sevika was shocked by y/n's reaction that she pulled her even closer right to top her injured body. Y/n feels weirdly safely by Sevika's body topping hers...
Oooo~ How did you know that I love writing enemies to lovers trope 🫢 Honestly I can definitely write this in one part so no need to wait for a part 2 ;)
(I also decided to take inspiration from Vi’s and Sevika’s fight scene, so there are similarities in this one shot.)
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Rivalry to Romance - Sevika x Fem!Reader
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: Mentions of blood
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Summary: A violent confrontation with Silco’s right hand woman unexpectedly turns into an intimate moment between the two of you.
Living in Zaun was never an easy task. It’s common to find yourself in near-death situations.
And you were a feisty one, picking fights whenever you could. You got used to coming home with cuts and bruises all over your body.
But ever since Silco took over the Last Drop, your life in the Undercity became much more…violent.
Not everyone accepted Zaun’s new leader but who would dare to go against Silco and his goons? Let’s just say that you knew plenty of people who were against Silco’s enterprise – and you were one of them.
What you hated the most was his right hand woman.
Arrogant, cruel, selfish – You had countless reasons to despise this woman.
And you couldn’t help but provoke her every time you had the chance. You weren’t afraid of the consequences.
“Fuck you.” You hissed, eyes filled with anger as you struggled to escape from your enemy’s grasp but there was no hope. Sevika snickered, tightening her grip causing you to wince in pain.
You cussed under your breath, lifting your knee to strike her in the groin.
“YOU-” Sevika growled, stumbling back as her shimmer-infused mechanical arm began to recharge. You wiped the blood from your nose, raising your iron staff in defense.
“Just give up already, Sweetheart.” The older woman smirked, still ready to attack you at any moment.
“I’m not your fucking Sweetheart.” You snapped, immediately charging toward your opponent, swinging your weapon toward her head.
Just before your iron staff could even come in contact with Sevika’s skull, her metal claws had already clutched it, bending it with a single motion.
Of course the shimmer gave her quick reflexes.
You clung to your broken weapon as Sevika swung you around but due to her strength, your grip faltered, causing your body to slam into a nearby brick wall.
You swore you heard your bones cracked.
“Shit…” You spat out blood, your legs struggling to move as you sat there exhaustingly. You took a few deep breaths before reaching your arms out, pressing your palms against the dusty brick wall to support your weight.
“I wouldn’t even try if I were you.” Sevika rolled her shoulder, her gray eyes subtly glowed in the dark as they prey on you.
“Fuck. You.” You growled, your trembling legs finally held you up, your back still leaning against the wall.
“How about less talking and more fighting hm?”
“You’re such a bitch.” You shouted before darting toward your bent iron staff, successfully retrieving it. It should suffice for now.
Sevika didn’t let you waste another second as she chased you, swinging her mechanical arm toward you. But you were prepared this time.
You dodged and blocked her attacks with your weapon, gradually getting used to her fighting tactics. You took your chance and glided behind her, striking the back of her head.
Sevika let out a low groan as she stumbled forward, shaking her head as she tried to regain focus.
You struck her again, hitting her head and calves, forcing her to kneel down.
Finally you were getting an advantage.
You kicked her back, earning another groan from your enemy as she fell forward, face-planting the cement ground.
“You really are something.” Sevika hissed as she rolled onto her back, her eyes still locked on you.
You smirked, tossing your iron staff to the side as you confidently sat on top of her, noticing Sevika’s smile turning into a frown.
“Finally giving up now huh?” You sneered, your thighs pinning her hips down as you wrapped your hands around her throat. You chuckled, convinced that you had won the battle against Silco’s number two and you couldn't be any happier. You couldn’t wait to boast to others about this achievement. Even better, you looked forward to mocking Sevika for her defeat.
“That’s what you get for underestimating m–”
But all those exciting thoughts were interrupted by a sharp, searing pain deep within your abdomen. You choked, eyes widening as you stared at your opponent, a devilish smile forming on her face.
Well fuck.
At least Sevika was nice enough to grant you a quick moment of victory before plunging her claws into you.
You tried to hold yourself up as long as you could but your strength was fading. The world seemed to spin around you as your unresponsive body swayed to the side, collapsing to the ground.
You laid there, unable to say another word as your eyes frantically tracked Sevika’s movement as she began to stand up.
Guess this might be your last moment on earth.
You let out a final breath and closed your eyes, your consciousness finally slipping away.
Your eyes fluttered open, only to be met with pitch black darkness.
You blinked a couple of times, contemplating whether you have been transported to the afterlife after the incident. You’re not surprised if you were already dead honestly. After all, the last thing you saw was Sevika’s foot as you laid in your own pool of blood.
You entire body was numb and you can’t even fully process where the fuck you were. So you’re now fully convinced that maybe you were dead — not after a good minute you realized you were laying on something super soft. Everything just felt so surreal.
“What the…” You groaned as you tried to sit up, completely forgetting about the deep stab wound on your abdomen.
“Don’t move.” A loud, booming voice echoed through the air, causing you to freeze.
Nevermind. You’re definitely not dead…yet.
You heard a soft click and before you knew it, the darkness instantly began to peel away, replaced with a warm, golden light.
You squinted your eyes, trying hard to adjust to the brightness. As you started getting familiar with the new lighting, your eyes landed on a figure sitting near you.
‘WHAT THE –” You jolted in shock, your head accidentally hitting the hard material behind your head, adding more pressure into your injuries.
“Now what did I just tell you?!” Sevika growled as she grabbed your shoulders, holding you down.
Sevika’s hand clamped over your mouth, cutting you off mid-sentence. Your eyes widened as you tried your best to mumble a response but the words came out all muffled and incomprehensible.
“Oh for fuck sake STOP MOVING!” Sevika raised her voice in frustration, “Do you ever know when to fucking shut up?!”
You furrowed your eyebrows in anger, not showing any signs of stopping. You clawed at her hand, trying to pull it away from your mouth.
Sevika took a deep breath as she tried to calm down but failed as you continued to fuel her anger.
“Shut the fuck up will you?” Sevika finally let go of you as she glared.
“Well I have a mouth so I can do whatever I want with it.” You barked back, biting the inside of your cheek as you tried to endure the pain.
Sevika rolled her eyes, closing them as she tried her best not to beat the shit out of you again.
“You’re a pain in the ass.” The older woman groaned as she stretched her sore arms, trying hard not to pull a muscle.
“Did all this and didn’t even receive a proper thank you.”
“What?” You raised an eyebrow, confused about what she was referring to. That’s when you slowly lifted the blanket to see that your wound had been cleaned and bandaged.
“Oh.” You muttered, awkwardly biting your bottom lip.
She eyed you up and down before shifting her body closer to you.
“Woah woah–” You straightened your back and slid backwards until your back hits the bedpost, “What do you think you’re doing?”
You gasped as you saw Sevika’s claws move closer toward you. Your whole body tensed up, your eyes fixated on your reflection on her metal claws. Her expression was blank somehow – you couldn’t really process what was in her mind at the moment. But it’s probably murder. Murdering you in fact.
Your breath hitched as you shut your eyes, finally succumbing to your fate.
Imagine dying in your enemy’s bed.
“The fuck is wrong with you?” The cold hair nipped your skin as Sevika lifted the blanket to examine the stab wound, “Stop being on edge.”
“How could I not be on edge? I’m literally in your bed. You could stab me again if you want.” You snapped back, your eyes fluttered open.
“If you don’t want to see death yourself then shut it,” Sevika shook her head in irritation, her eyes still fixed on the stab wound as she reached down to pull open the cabinet beside the bed which was designated for a nightstand, “Just relax.”
Sevika whipped out a bandage roll before looking back at your bewildered expression.
She rolled her eyes, trying to ignore your uncomfortable stare as she got to work, gently using her human hand to unwrap the soiled bandages around your waist.
You held your breath as Sevika examined your injured abdomen before throwing the dirty bandages in a nearby bin. Your body tensed up as you felt her touch once again. The older woman cautiously wrapped the clean bandages around your waist, making sure that they were secured. She stared at it for a second before looking back up at you.
“The fuck are you staring at?” Sevika grunted, somehow still glaring at you.
“I’m keeping an eye on you in case you have second thoughts.”
“Second thoughts on what?”
“I don’t know, maybe you’ll have the sudden urge to rip these bandages off and stab me again.” You cautiously pulled the blanket back to cover your wound.
“Oh for fuck sake.” Sevika scoffed, her hand finding its way to her temples, massaging them.
“If it wasn’t for your stupid robot arm I would’ve won.” You grumbled in annoyance as you crossed your arms, hearing a scoff coming from the older woman.
“Does anyone ever tell you how annoying you were?” Sevika interrupted you, hoping it would finally make you shut up but it didn’t work.
“If you want me to shut up then just kill me now. What are you waiting fo–”
Just as you were rambling on, you felt a pair of warm lips against yours. Your eyes widened in shock as you felt Sevika tilt her head to the side, deepening the kiss.
You were about to punch her in the face right then and tell her to get off of you but somehow you felt…relaxed.
Was it because you’d never kissed anyone before in your entire life? Or was it that you were starting to like the feeling of Sevika’s soft pair of lips –
Sevika stole your first kiss.
Your enemy stole your first kiss.
And you were kissing her back for fuck sake.
You hummed in satisfaction as you closed your eyes and slightly parted your lips, drowning in the rush of emotions that were dancing inside your chest.
Your hands found their way to Sevika’s collar, your fingers teasingly playing with the fabric.
“You’re really driving me crazy.” Sevika pulled away, whispering against your lips, her arms wrapping around your waist.
“Shut up.” You yanked her by the collar for another kiss.
Sevika hummed, her chest gently pressed against yours, causing you to lie back down. The older woman hovered on top of you, mischievously nibbling your bottom lip causing you to whimper.
You couldn’t help but take in the scent of the older woman as you wrapped your arms around her, relishing the warmth of her body.
You knew that this was wrong.
But you definitely weren't regretting this… You somehow wanted more.
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Author’s note: Ok I’m having too much fun writing this—
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drurrito · 2 days
Move Along
AN: literally just wrote this bc i refuse to journal!! I'm also off a melatonin gummy so all mistakes are mine
Warnings: it's angsty, a little suggestive, probably cursing
Wanda rides out her high while you watch from below. She falls over with a dreamy sigh, her arm falling across your chest and her fingers curl against your neck. You pull her in closer with a kiss atop her head. You let her mindlessly play with the hairs on the nape of your neck for a few moments until you catch the vacant look on her face.
"S'wrong?" you mumble, not really expecting anything to come of it. Wanda doesn't say anything for a few beats, and that makes you turn towards her, lifting her chin with the softest grip, her eyes choosing to look at the lamp on your nightstand.
"Vis asked me to come see him in Hamburg," she's still not looking at you.
"Oh? Like a weekend trip?"
"More than a weekend trip," she shrugs, "for the summer, said I'm too far away for his liking."
"You guys talk like every night, don't you?" you tilt your head, cocking a brow.
"That's not the point," she lightly flicks your ear. You both have had this flirtationship/friends with benefits thing long before Vision ever came into the picture. You weren't used to competing for someone when he came around, you still aren't. Wanda used to think it was cute how you always acted like you were at the top of her roster--because you were--at least until Vision proved to be a top contender. You never hit the gas, but you never hit the brakes either. You've just been cruising like always, and Wanda absolutely factored that in when she was making her decision about Vision.
"Y/n," Wanda eyes finally land on yours, her hand moves down to cup your cheek, her thumb grazing against your skin.
"It's getting serious, between me and him."
"Okay," you knew this is what she was getting at the whole time, she's always been too nice to just come out and say things like this.
"What am I supposed to do about it?" You gently grasp her hand and prop yourself up on your elbow, "he's sweeping you off your feet from miles and miles away, and I'm just, here I guess."
"There's nothing else you want to say to me?" Wanda sits up too, she wraps the sheets around herself while you sit there at the crossroads you hoped to never reach.
It was always going to end this way.
Maybe, deep down, you hoped that by the time this day would come that you would have figured out the right way to go about things.
But you haven't and that's on you, so you have to take this on the chin and keep it moving like you used to do.
"When do you leave?" You turn to face Wanda in time to watch her shoulders droop.
"Thursday," her reply is curt. You wince, it's Tuesday.
"So this is it then?"
"You're not even going to try to keep in touch?" Wanda frowns while you chew on your lip.
"And talk about what, Wanda? How amazing it is to live with the guy that has way too much money to shower you with gifts for so many lifetimes?"
"It's not about the money y/n-"
"It's the effort, I get it. But I've been here, Wanda--more than Vis has, even."
Wanda opens her mouth like she's going to say something, but she just sighs instead. You're right, you've been here, but not in the way she needed, wanted you, and you both know that. You never bothered to evolve beyond a fuck and a flirt, and Wanda realized she had to give up on waiting for you at some point.
She just didn't expect for it to happen so soon.
Wanda reaches for your hand, taking it in hers when you don't pull away.
"I'll always remember this, us," she lifts your hand to her lips and releases it with a kiss. Your jaw twitches with an emotion you thought was long-lost. Wanda moves to get up from the bed, but you still her with a hand on her own.
"Stay? Just for tonight?" You curse yourself with how much that resembles begging, and you barely have the courage to look Wanda in the eyes while you wait for her answer. After tonight, nothing will be the same, so the least you can do is just savor what's left of it now.
Wanda's eyes soften, you'll always be special to her. She wordlessly nods and climbs back into bed with you, pulling you close to her chest. Wanda pretends that she can't feel your tears on her skin. You finally relax and fall asleep after a few minutes of her whispering sweet nothings into your ear while drawing patterns across your shoulders and back.
As much as Wanda wishes things were different between you, she knows that life will leave her behind if she keeps waiting around for something more to happen.
You wake up, the other side of the bed is the coldest it's ever been.
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joelslastofus · 12 hours
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[SUMMARY: Joel deals with his jealousy as Tommy and you get more serious.]
PART TWO to my last reblog!!
Smut, drama, infidelity, angst
“Did he make you cum?” His sudden question catching you off guard. His eyes darkened as he waited for your response.
Sarah’s mother showed up the next morning to take Sarah to school since Joel had to leave early with Tommy. When she arrived she noticed Joel acting stranger than usual, he was quiet not making eye contact with anyone, he seemed like he was in a bad mood.
“Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?” She whispered leaning toward him making him look up.
“Just gettin’ ready for work”
Tommy showed up and poured himself coffee yawning as he greeted Sarah’s mother.
“Well you missed the show last night, these two gettin’ locked in the basement”
“My brother and my girl” Tommy raised his brows as her mother quickly turned to Joel who kept himself with his back to both of them drinking his coffee.
“Oh really?” She raised a brow.
“Mhm, but it wasn’t for long” he continued.
“You ready to go or ya gonna keep yappin’” Joel uttered before taking another sip from his mug.
“I’m ready, let’s go” Tommy grabbed his bag as Joel walked out yelling out to his daughter that he would see her that night and not saying a word to her mother.
“I wanted my dad to take me to school” Sarah came out the room as she grabbed her backpack.
“Well we all can’t get what we want, can we?” her mother snapped at her before walking to the bathroom and slamming the door shut. Sarah didn’t understand why her mother had returned if she acted like she couldn’t stand being a mother.
As usual, Tommy would see you in the morning on the porch while Joel got the truck ready. Packing his stuff in the back he watched Tommy greet you with a kiss. He failed miserably at trying to keep his eyes off you, his eyes blazing with envy as he watched your lips touch his once more before Tommy walked back to the truck. Joel looked away before he could notice, walking to the front of the truck he looked up and locked eyes with you for just a moment before you quickly turned and walked inside.
Joel drove in silence, his expression rather serious as he kept his eyes on the road.
“You got back in late” he suddenly spoke, thinking about how his brother left with you and didn’t return till nearly three in the morning.
“What are you monitoring me now, dad?” Tommy chuckled but Joel quickly became lost in his thoughts thinking about what you two were doing so late together. Thinking about what you had said the night before in the basement.
His brother fucking you.
The thought making him breathless with anger before realizing Tommy was calling his name.
“Joel! You listening?!”
“What?” He snapped looking over at him, the look in his eyes weirding out Tommy. It was rare when he saw his brother angry to this extent, yet he didn’t understand what was triggering it.
“Nothin’” Tommy uttered before turning back to the road as Joel pressed his foot on the gas and continued driving.
Little did he know, you and Tommy hadn’t slept with each other that night. Instead you cuddled watching a movie and ended up falling asleep in his arms. The guilt still eating at you as you continued to think over and over what Joel admitted to you the night before.
After all this time.
After all this fucking time.
Now when you were giving his brother a chance, now when you were getting to know the sweet charming man his brother was, Joel admitted something to you that you would’ve killed to know earlier.
It didn’t matter, it didn’t change anything. Joel forgot about any history the two of you had when Sarah’s mother showed up. He forgot how much the two of you had in common, how twice for Sarah’s birthday you baked her a cake when Joel called that he would be running late from work. Hell, how you baked him a cake and helped Sarah surprise him with a gift. He forgot about it all…
“It’s Friday night brother, how about a double date with your lady and mine at the bar?” Tommy hesitantly approached his brother at work hoping he’d be in a better mood.
“No, uh, I don’t want Sarah alone and-“
“I’ll call the sitter and set it all up, come on, it’ll be fun. Cheer up a bit” Joel remained silent giving in to the plan.
That night you wore a brown milkmaid dress with a pair of heels you forgot you even owned. You were excited to spend time with Tommy while also secretly excited to get a rise out of Joel. Maybe you were being immature but the more you thought of how he treated you that very day he cut ties, it all made sense to you.
Meeting them at the front of their house you walked out of your door looking out to see if they were there. Joel being the first one to look up spotted you walking in their direction, his eyes drifting down to your body, noticing just how well the dress complimented you.
“Jesus-“ he whispered to himself before quickly looking away. How the fuck was he suppose to ignore you all night?
“Tommy” you poked a finger at his back making him quickly turn and immediately get taken back by how you looked.
“Look at you, you look gorgeous, baby” you smiled before all four of you got in the truck.
Sitting in the back with Tommy, Joel was given the perfect view of you through his rear view mirror. You could feel his eyes on you while Tommy looked out the window, Sarah’s mother complaining about things she had to do for her daughter, Joel was over it ignoring her. Tommy unexpectedly turned around and kissed you making you smile, Joel bit the inside of his cheek and looked away.
Once getting to the bar, Tommy was quick to order more drinks which you were more than excited to try to relieve the bit of anxiety you felt. The night continued and you found yourself drinking more than you had planned yet you felt just right.
“You wanna take another shot?” Tommy leaned over to you with the drink in his hand.
“Sure” you laughed before the two of you took the shot together.
“Oh that one was strong” you made a sour face as Joel watched with furrowed brows. Joel had never seen you drink that much before. Apart of him wondering if you were doing it on purpose just to get under his skin. Whatever you were doing, it was working.
“We should dance” you excitedly turned to Tommy who bit his lip with excitement and got up with you to the dance floor.
“What the hell are we even doing here?”
Sarah’s mother complained while Joels eyes subtly followed you.
“I came to have a drink” He responded without turning to her.
“And you have to figure out something with your daughter cause I’m not gonna be taking her to school everyday” Joel raised a brow as she sucked her teeth. She wanted nothing to do with being a mother. All he heard her do was complain about any little thing she had to do for Sarah.
“Did you hear me, Joel?”
“You can leave if you want, what the hell was the point of you comin’ back?” he responded bluntly before chugging his drink not caring the way Sarah’s mother felt.
He had enough. He knew she wasn’t for him, he knew too late in time that she wasn’t right for Sarah. Angrily she got up and grabbed her bag leaving the bar. Joel watched as you danced with Tommy, your arms wrapped around him, his hands running down your waist. Joel brushed his hand over his lips and looked away, the sight was too much to bare. After a few minutes he could hear the sound of your laughter coming closer before he looked up.
“That was fun” you sighed as you slid into the booth.
“Hey where’s your lady?” Tommy asked as he sat beside you. Joel simply shrugged and took another sip of his drink.
“That’s done” his words making you look up at him. For some reason hearing he was no longer with Sarah’s mother bought you some kind of happiness.
“Well forget her, I never liked her for you anyway” Tommy responded before he took a shot. Just as he did you and Joel looked at each other for a moment before you quickly looked away.
“Im gonna go get us some more drinks, I’ll be right back” Tommy leaned in towards you, before you could say anything he left you and Joel alone together. Uncomfortably you swallowed looking away as Joel stared you down, the jealousy in him rising the more he thought about what his brother had told him earlier. You staying the night with him the night before, Joel hated the thought of it.
“We should get going soon” you spoke casually trying to find something to speak of.
“Wouldn’t wanna keep you from another night with Tommy” he responded with sarcasm.
“What was that?” You raised a brow as he leaned forward.
“You and Tommy…ya know I ain’t surprised you already slept with him, that’s just what girls like you do. I guess Sarah’s mother was right about you after all” Joel letting his anger and drinking take over, allowing himself to insult you in a way he never had.
“Excuse me? Girls like me?” Was he calling you a whore? Before you could respond Tommy showed up beside you making you quickly look away.
“One more drink before we go” Tommy smiled looking down at you.
“Yes…but I need to use the restroom” you quickly stood up almost stumbling as Tommy caught you by your waist.
“You alright?”
Joel almost stood up for a split second to help you before catching himself. Even through the anger he couldn’t help his immediate response.
“Yes….I’ll be right back” you quickly made your way to the bathroom as Joel glanced at you with the corner of his eye watching as you hid your face.
“I hope she invites me back to her place again tonight” Tommy grinned.
“Im sure you’ll get lucky again, don’t worry” Joel uttered low.
“I didn’t get lucky last night,-“ Joel quickly looked up not expecting what he was told.
“She doesn’t move like that, it ain’t what I’m used to but I like it. It’ll happen when it’s suppose to”
A part of him relieved to know nothing had ever happened while the other half of him feeling like a dick for what he said to you. He knew he fucked up, his jealousy getting the best of him, he regretted what he had said. You stepped out of the restroom looking at Joel from where you were. You couldn’t believe the audacity he had to speak to you in such a way, you knew you didn’t deserve it.
“We should get going” you showed up to the table making both men look up.
“What’s a matter, don’t want your drink first?” Tommy pushed the shot towards you.
“No…I’ve had enough” Tommy shrugged and took the shot before he stood up and walked out with you with Joel right behind. Joel’s eyes following Tommy’s hand move lower and lower down your back.
He couldn’t fucking stand it.
The three of you too intoxicated to drive you took a cab as Tommy assured his brother he’d pick up the truck in the morning.
Sitting in the back of the cab next to Tommy you looked out the window thinking about what Joel had said to you until Tommy’s voice distracted you.
“You wanna stay with me tonight?” Tommy’s question making his brother look up into the rear view mirror from the passenger seat. The thought of seeing any more of Joel in that moment only irritated you but you knew him seeing you with Tommy would bother him more and so you agreed to stay over.
Once you all walked inside you quietly sat on the couch with Tommy and watched some tv. Joel ate in the kitchen attempting to sober himself up and slowly he did. Silently watching you two as you both were distracted with the tv when the phone rang making you look up.
“I gotta pick up Sarah!” Joel called out as he hung up the phone.
“Ain’t she sleepin’ over her friends?” Tommy asked.
“That’s what I thought- I’ll be right back” you watched as he walked out and slammed the door as you stood quietly until Tommy turned to you.
“You feel ok?” He asked caressing the side of your face. You nodded just as he grabbed your face and began to kiss you. Yet, somehow you still managed to think of what Joel had said to you. It didn’t sound like him at all. The anger towards him driving you to wrap your arms around Tommy eagerly . His hands touching every part of you he could grab as he kissed your neck and began to undress you.
Joel drove tensely not liking that he left you two alone, not liking that he hadn’t apologized for what he said. His mind racing when Sarah once again called him and told him she didn’t need to be picked up. With a sigh he turned back around and headed home.
By the time Joel returned he noticed the lights were out and no one was in the living room. He walked towards the kitchen when the sound of your sudden moan made him stop in his tracks. Joel froze in place as another moan echoed from down the hall. It wasn’t the first time he overheard his brother sleeping with a woman but this time it wasn’t just any woman…it was you. Angrily he grabbed the bottle of whiskey off the counter and began to drink it. A rage he never felt before settling within him when there was a sudden silence.
Tommy gave you a pair of shorts and a t shirt of his as you stood aside watching him put on a shirt. You couldn’t believe you just had sex with him, having sex with him out of pure anger against Joel. It didn’t feel right.
“I’m gonna go use the restroom” you spoke low as he finished cleaning up before you quietly walked out.
Just as you closed the door behind you, you looked up to find Joel standing by the kitchen. You gasped in shock as he took a step forward, you noticed a half empty bottle of whiskey in his hand.
“I…I didn’t know you were here” you whispered as he looked down at you. The sight of you wearing his brothers t shirt, your bare legs in his view. He didn’t say a word but the silence was very loud. Pure pain in his eyes he took another chug of his drink, the sounds of your moans still echoing in his mind before he abruptly walked away and slammed the door loudly making you jump. Anxiously, you ran to the bathroom with tears in your eyes. You didn’t understand why you felt this way, you were suppose to be angry with him, he was the one who did wrong, not you.
“I’m so fucking stupid” you whispered to yourself just as you heard Tommy come out of the room. Trying to compose yourself you washed your face and freshened yourself up before walking back out. Not wanting to run into him again you quickly went back to the room and lay in bed.
The next morning you dreaded leaving the room, afraid to find Joel in the living room. Tommy nudged you playfully as you got dressed before kissing your cheek.
“What’s wrong?” He asked pulling you against him.
“Nothing, just tired”
“Yeah, we got in pretty late. Come on, let’s go” he took you by the hand as you took a deep breath and followed him out.
There was Joel sitting at the head of the table having breakfast when he looked up at you both, adjusting himself in his seat.
“Where’s Sarah?” Tommy asked.
“Gonna pick her up in the evening” Joel uttered low without looking at his brother. He couldn’t bare to look him in the eye, not yet.
“Ain’t you late for work” Joel took a sip from his cup as Tommy raised a brow.
“It’s Sunday- oh shit!” Tommy went running through the living room grabbing his bag.
“I forgot I told those two guys I’d meet with them today, and I gotta get the truck- fuck!” You watched as he paced around the house before grabbing his keys and going for the door.
“Tommy?” You screamed out confused.
“I’m sorry baby, it’s a big contract, have some breakfast I’ll call you as soon as I’m done”
“But Tommy-“ the door slammed leaving you and Joel alone together. Awkwardly you stood as he looked down at his paper, his broad shoulders rose high with each deep breath. He looked pissed, you didn’t know what to say.
His knee jumping under the table the more he thought about it before you finally decided to say something.
“You know, it’s not fair for you to act this way” you hesitantly spoke as he suddenly stood up grabbing his plate without looking your way and walked to the kitchen.
The loud sound of his the dishes hitting the sink making you jump before he turned to you.
“It’s not fair?” He spoke low as he walked towards you making you step back.
“I had to hear my brother fucking you last night in my own house, your moans so god damn loud I heard it the second I walked through the door” he continued walking towards you until he backed you against the wall.
“Well-“ you took a deep breath not expecting him to have been so blunt.
“You did say it was easily expected of me…you know girls like me?” Joel regretted saying that to you knowing damn well he didn’t feel that way about you.
“I know he never slept with you before last night, he told me”
“Oh great, so now that he did I guess he will report that to you and brag about it-“
“Did he make you cum?” His sudden question catching you off guard. His eyes darkened as he waited for your response.
“Did he? Did he give you what you were lookin’ for?” You were speechless, your lips parting yet you couldn’t make a sound. Joel didnt take his eyes off you, his heart pounding hard in his chest.
“I’m not having this conversation with you-“
“Tell me, or are you afraid-“
“What the hell would I be afraid of?!” You yelled back just as he roughly pulled you against him and kissed you muffling your shocked whimper. His hand brushing up the back of your head grabbing a hand full of hair, pulling at it as you smacked his chest before he pulled his lips away. Still, he held you close forcing you to look up at him as he tugged at your hair. As much as you looked like you were trying to stop him, you wanted him to do anything but stop.
“What are you doing?” You whispered as he looked down at you. Joel knew right there he needed to have you, he needed to feel you with whatever time he had alone with you. Carrying you on top of the closest thing near by, he sat you on the edge of his desk and quickly began unbuttoning his pants with one hand. You didn’t stop him, wanting it just as much as him you pulled your dress up above your thighs watching as he pulled out his hard member.
He was ready for you, panting you quickly pulled down your underwear and let it fall to the floor. Joel placed himself between your legs and spit in his hand, his eyes looking into yours as you felt his fingers touch you and make sure you were ready for him. Placing his cock at your entrance he slid himself in you as you both breathed into each other’s lips. He wasted no time in moving at a steady pace pushing himself as deep as you’d take him. Grabbing onto him you kissed him passionately, moaning against his lips wanting to feel every part of him. Throwing your head back you moaned as a wave of pleasure burst within you. He kissed your neck moving his mouth slowly up against your ear.
“This is mine, you hear me?” He spoke breathlessly as he continued to fuck you. His cock filling you up more than his brothers had, stretching you with each thrust. Unexpectedly he carried you off the table, taking you to the couch. He sat down with his hands on your hips as you took over and began to ride him.
“Oh shit baby…just like that” he squeezed your ass as you moaned bouncing on him when you suddenly heard the truck pull up in the driveway.
“Oh my God Joel-“ you froze.
“No don’t stop” he slouched down on the couch and began thrusting upward.
“Joel- he’s there-“ you panted but Joel wouldn’t stop. His eyes squeezing shut as he bounced you on his cock and came inside you. Joel cried out deeply, holding you in place as his pelvis jerked beneath you.
“Oh my god” you whispered looking down at Joel, your hands on his chest balancing yourself when you heard the car door open.
“He’s coming!” Quickly jumping off Joel you ran to the bathroom as he struggled to get up catching his breath.
“Tell him I left!” You screamed from the bathroom hoping Tommy would leave fast. Joel quickly dressed himself wiping himself wit paper towels noticing how drenched in sweat he was.
“Shit” he whispered before noticing your underwear still on the floor. Quickly Joel picked it up and put it in his pocket just as the door unlocked and Tommy walked in.
“I forgot the damn paperwork” he rushed inside not even taking a look at Joel. Rushing past him, Tommy grabbed the folders off the very desk he had just finished fucking you on.
Tommy so distracted with being late to the meeting it slipped his mind to ask about where you were and he simply left. Joel waited for the truck to pull out and called for you.
“He’s gone!”
Hesitantly you came out of the bathroom still in shock with what had just happened.
“I have to go” you awkwardly tried to walk past him until he caught you by your arm slowly pulling you to him.
“Ya don’t have to-“
“No” you pushed him away.
“Why the hell did we just do that?! Tommy doesn’t deserve that”
Joel looked down at you not knowing what to say as he knew you were right.
“I guess you were right after all” you chuckled sarcastically.
“About what?” He looked down at you confused.
“Girls like me right, now I really am a whore-“
“Don’t say that” he pulled you against him hard.
“You know damn well I ain’t mean it when I said that” he whispered.
“Doesn’t matter, cause it’s true. And…and-“
“I have to get a morning after pill now”
“I’ll get it for ya”
“No! Just leave it. Look I gotta go” you pulled your arm back and quickly ran out to your home next door.
Your thoughts running a mile a minute you rushed inside and locked your door. Heading straight for the shower you let your dress fall to the floor as you began to cry in guilt…in confusion. Never had you felt like such a shitty human being.
That same day you ran some errands and noticed Tommy had left you a couple messages. Of course, talking about the night before, telling you how he wanted you even more. His messages making you sick to your stomach you didn’t respond.
Out at the pharmacy you picked up a plan B rushing home hoping you wouldn’t run into Tommy or Joel. With your luck, just as you pulled up Tommy was right outside.
“Hey babe,” he walked up to you as you got out of the car.
“You alright? I called you a few times”
“Yeah sorry I just-“ you dropped your bag on the floor making the after pill come out of the bag. Tommy furrowed his brows as he picked it up from the ground and suddenly chuckled.
“Baby, we were careful. We used a condom, I don’t think you need to take this” your skin hot from anxiety you awkwardly took back the pill.
“Yeah…I just…I’m sometimes paranoid and I-“
“Alright, it’s ok. I understand” Tommy smiled making you feel ever shittier. Why would he expect you were taking the pill because his brother had just came in you. You smiled and began to walk to your door as he followed.
“Why don’t you come join us for dinner-“
“I don’t think I can” you responded anxiously trying to unlock your door as fast as you could.
“Please baby, I really enjoy spending time with you” he left you speechless. What the hell else could you possibly say?
“Sure” you whispered. Tommy happily leaned in and kissed you before walking back to his house.
Tommy walked in to his brother fixing something beneath the sink for the third time that week.
“I tell ya, I’ve grown tired of fixing this damn thing” Joel lay on the floor as Tommy laughed.
“Well maybe you’re not even fixing it, that’s why it’s always broken” Tommy teased.
“Haha. Hey do me a favor, the laundry’s been sitting in the washer for twenty minutes now, mind puttin’ em in the dryer for me?”
“Yeah sure” Tommy went on to walk to the laundry room as he informed his brother that you would be coming for dinner.
“You ok with y/n comin’ for dinner again right?” Joel froze and cleared his throat.
“She’s comin’?” He asked surprised that you didn’t find an excuse to not show up.
“Yeah,” Tommy began moving the wet clothes into the dryer when he noticed something sticking out of his brother’s pocket.
“Well, alright but I ain’t cookin’” Joel responded as Tommy grabbed Joel’s pants and pulled out the black material that was sticking out only to see it was the same underwear you had on the night before.
Tommy didn’t move, in disbelief he stared down at the underwear not knowing what to even think.
It couldn’t have been…at least he hoped not.
But what other explanation would there be for this?
“Tommy you hear me?” He suddenly realized his brother was still talking in the background and quickly put the underwear away in his pocket.
“Yeah, yeah I hear you” he called back out to him. Tommy had no idea how he was going to deal with the situation but he decided to first move in silence and see how the evening was going to go with you around Joel…you had no idea what was in store….
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zerokurokawa · 2 days
Can I request rindou with a introverted reader who hates rindou? Like a enemies to lovers? Thank you!!
Unwritten | Rindou x Introverted!Reader <3
You were constantly being dragged to Tenjiku meetings due to your best friend dating Shion Madarame. She was forced to go, therefore, you were too. 
"You have to suffer with me," Your best friend would say, "If I have to go to these unbearable meetings, you do too." She smirked as she got out off the back of Shion's bike. You had rode by yourself, meaning you could just leave at any point. But instead, you stayed because you didn't want to make your best friend mad. You didn't even mind the meetings so much, you just minded having to be around him. 
Rindou Haitani was always bothering you in some sort of way. Whether it be teasing you about having your nose stuck in your phone, or just plain out talking to you about nonsense, he annoyed you. He would also pick fights with you, constantly belittling you and how you act. 
As soon as you stepped out of your car, he gave you a glare as if he didn't expect you to be there in the first place. You ignored this, barging through the warehouse doors and finding a comfortable spot to sit while the meeting began. It wasn't until after the meeting that he had began to walk over to you, arms crossed with a sly smile on his face. 
"You again, huh?" He asked, kicking your shoe with his boot, trying to get your attention. You ignored him, scrolling through your phone. 
"You not gonna answer me?" He nudged you again. 
"Rindou, just fuck off already." You said, not looking up from your phone. You had a feeling about Rindou and his ulterior motives when it came to you. You had a feeling that he either hated your guts and wanted you gone completely, or he liked you and this was his way of flirting. 
"Fuck off? Nah, I'd rather sit here and keep bugging you." He smirked, sitting down next to you. 
"What do you even want from me?" You asked, looking up from your phone. 
"I just wanna know why you always come to these meetings, yet, you have nothing to do with Tenjiku. I don't like it." 
"I come because my best friend is with Shion, one of the big four. She doesn't wanna sit here alone so I come with her." You looked over at him to see him with a slight smile on his face. It was devious smile, one that would cause shivers to go down anybody's spine. 
"So you're telling me you just sit here and ignore everybody while she goes around and talks? You could at least be more involved." He began to get up. God, you hated his guts. Hoping he would leave you alone, he did the exact opposite. He nudged your foot again and held out his hand. Cautiously, you took it and he helped you stand up from the corner you were sitting in. 
"I just come to come, I guess." You said, standing up. You noted the height difference between you two as you stood next to him. You for sure wasn't scared of him and you know he fought dirty, however, you didn't think anything of it when it came to you. 
"Well, maybe instead of being stuck up, you could congregate with someone." He said in a snarky tone. 
"I'm not stuck up, I'm just a little shy. That's all." You snapped back at him. 
"Oh..." He said, a little taken back by your sudden explanation and response. 
You didn't say anything else before walking off, leaving him behind. He began to follow you outside though, wanting to finish the conversation you two were having. 
"Hey!" You heard him call before opening your car door, "I'm sorry for assuming you were a stuck up bitch. I didn't know you were just shy." 
"It's fine, honestly..." You trailed off. 
"It's not, and I'm sorry. I'd like to get to know you and introduce you to more people so that way you won't feel so alone." He smiled sweetly. In that moment, you actually thought to yourself about how Rindou Haitani could possibly be bearable to be around. 
"Okay... then we can start by you not being a total asshole to me anymore." You replied. He nodded his head in response and pulled out his phone. 
"Here, lemme get your number and we can start from there." He said, rather confidently. Rindou had the good looks, charisma, and was smooth with his words. You ended up giving in and letting him have your number. 
"I guess just text me whenever." You gave him a small smile. He nodded and smiled back. 
Before you knew it, you were on your way home when your phone buzzed from a text. It was Rindou just saying "hey". You two began to talk and stayed up all night, getting to know each other. 
The rest was unwritten. 
(A/N: Wrote this really late at night, I have to get some sleep because i'm sleep deprived. I hope you enjoy!)
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fanfiction4sooya · 3 days
Request: Reader waking up Tiffany on her birthday by going down on her. Thanks🙏
It took me ages, but I am slowly getting back to my old reqs. Thank you for waiting, baby! 💖💖 hope ya'll like it
cw: somnophilia, oral sex, cursing, humping, stablished relantionship, not really proof read, no mommy kink this time for once;
You were planning this little surprise for a few weeks now. You took Tifanny for a little weekend trip for her birthday, only the two of you in a cabin in the woods away from people, her fans, away from job duties, anything that would exhaust her more on such special occasion.
The night before you had a great time; you ate nice food and drank two bottles of wine. It was perfect.
Actually, almost perfect, since you two got so drunk your attempt to have sex went south because you two literally fell asleep naked in each others arms without even begining the act itself.
You woke up first, looking around, your head throbbed a bit but iit was manageable; your eyes scanned the room and there she was. Her ever so perfect hair a bit messy on her face, her eyes closed in a deep slumber, her lips slightly apart. You heart skipped a beat. You smiled, trying to recall the last time you saw her so disheveled.
Slowly you sat down, pulling the covers on the way, smiling again as you remembered the last night failed sex. You two were completely naked. You shivered. The thought of taking her like that went through your mind like a lightning, quickly arousing you.
"Would it be a good present?" You talked to yourself, you little mischievous thought only growing as your neediness grew as well.
Your gaze traveled around her naked form; her perky tits and slightly muscled abdomen, her milky thighs and the little bush of hair on her pretty pussy. Your mouth wattered. The need of drinking her sweet juices while she was in such state of vulnerability made yourself throb.
Slowly you crawled by her knees, lightly pushing her legs apart so she wouldn't notice you just yet; laying on your stomach you bit your lip when you faced her pussy. It looked so pretty from this close you always got a bit shocked.
Positioning yourself closer, you inhaled her scent, whimpering; you put your tongue out, licking just the tip of her hooded clit, that action eliciting goosebumps on your skin and in hers too. You hugged her legs in a lighter way to better angle your face and did it again, this time not only licking but attatching yourself on it to suck.
You watched her stir just a bit, thankfully she was a heavy sleeper and the wine also had a part on the job of keeping her knocked out.
You felt her slit drip a bit of her arousal onto your chin and her nipples get slightly hard, your pussy throbbed in response as you humped the mattress, feeling your own arousal slick through your folds.
Gathering her slick on your tongue you hummed against her core upon tasting that divine flavour, unconsciously closing your eyes in approval. You were so lost in her that you didn't even aknowledged her eyes open and her gaze fixated on your face.
Tiffany bit her lip trying to suppress a moan in order not to startle you. Her body jolted forward when you gave her a particularly hard lick and her hand instinctively found your hair.
"Fuck baby" Her voice sounded hoarse from sleep and you smiled against her sensitive clit, still attached to it as if your life depended on it. "Such a good girl" She caressed your hair, tossing her head back a bit.
She held your head a bit closer, moaning just a little higher; you felt how she was getting wetter by the second, your chin coated in her juices. You closed your eyes, rubbing your tongue on her pussy up and down, not stopping for anything except her command. But she wouldn't stop too, she wouldn't dare to lose that contact. Not when her pretty girl made her feel so good, so satisfied.
"Don't stop b-baby, I'm almost there" Tiff said in a shaky breath, her legs slitghly trembling. "You do me so good, darling" You rolled your eyes upon hearing her say that in that lustful tone.
You lost count of how many minutes you spent sucking her off with your whole might, humping the matress as if you were her little pet in heat.
"I am gonna cum all over your face baby" She held your head in place, forcing your mouth against her core. Cursing, moaning, in the wildest of ways. Her juices gushed in your face and you made sure to collect all of it, your own orgasm hitting you blindly hard.
It took you a while to stop sucking her off, your own dizzy state taking over your body as she praised you again and again, caressing your head.
When you finally stopped what you were doing, she was shaking harder than you ever saw her do it, pulling you for a deep passionate kiss.
"Happy birthday, Tiff" You said a bit out of breath.
"Happy birthday to me, my darling" She answered against your lips, kissing them again.
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peachyfnaf · 2 days
haven't exactly watched the show in over a month but hearing what's going on. It's like everyone in it wants to ignore moon's health, plus fans just acting like he should die because of this.
he needs help first and foremost. not like a second death
FOR REAL- THAT'S PRETTY MUCH WHAT'S HAPPENING. EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG AND NOT IN A FUN WAY, NOT ANYMORE. Not to mention that ever since his hallucination of Solar, Moon has been acting so incredibly out of character it's legit frustrating me. Hell, everyone's been out of character. He would not fucking say that. She would not fucking say that. None of them would fucking say that.
Imma use this ask as an excuse to rant about things that are making me Peeved now lmao.
First off, HERE'S THE THING, some people want this version of Moon to die rn? That, I get. I understand. Because this Moon fucking sucks. This Moon is so out of character compared to the one from like a month ago. He's acting like a villain about to twirl his damn oily mustache all like "I need to kill Ruin and Bloodmoon muahaha!1!". WHICH I COULD JUSTIFY IF HE WAS DOING IT FOR THE SAKE OF HIS FAMILY/DUE TO SHITTY MENTAL HEALTH. BUT NO. HE'S DOING IT OUT OF PRIDE AND THE SELFISH WANT FOR DEATH. HE'S NOT EVEN DOING IT FOR SOLAR ANYMORE.
And that just makes NO FUCKING SENSE because not only was New Moon's whole thing that he was going to be better, literally THE ONLY THING OLD MOON WANTED HIM TO DO WAS TO KEEP THE FAMILY SAFE AND HAPPY. AND NEW MOON IS DOING THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF THAT. I'm so upset rn jdkfhdsf
And then not to mention the way the other's are treating him- Sun is off my shitlist as of today due to the crisis he's having because, for some reason, the choice to whether or not we're killing New Moon is solely in his hands??? Wack. But. Earth and Lunar. Earth and Lunar. I'm not favorable to them right now at all. Earth, according to her, is supposed to be good at reading/understanding people, if not a "therapist". She should understand that Moon said what he said out of a place of fear, anger, ect. Not from his heart. She has every right for it to have hurt her, but for her to basically disown him? Also wack. The only thing I like about her rn is how she seemingly crushed Bm like a bug lmao. And Lunar? God, Lunar was just so unnecessarily bitchy to Moon in that one ""heart to heart"" episode. That "Fuck him!" pissed me off so very much. Dude, that is your brother who is going into a mental spiral over the death of someone he loved. That is your brother. Wack as hell.
AND not to MENTION everything going on w/ Monty- I literally love them 90% of the time but them deciding to NOT LISTEN TO PUPPET when she told them to NOT RESCUE EARTH ALONE literally made me sigh in frustration/disappointment. That is the one thing, the ONE THING she told them not to do. And Monty did it anyways. And Puppet is a MULTIDIMENSIONAL BEING WITH POWERS/ABILITIES/MAGIC FAR BEYOND ANYTHING MONTY COULD UNDERSTAND, AND THE ONLY THING SHE ASKED FOR MONTY TO DO, WAS FOR MONTY TO TRUST HER. And they Didn't. They didn't trust her, and they went alone, and now they're paying the price. Sighs.
No one is talking to each other. There's too much happening at once, aka the story is so bloated. This arc simultaneously feels too rushed and too slow. I'm so fucking salty. And now I'm gonna go eat food and draw sdkfjhds
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dimension20quotes · 2 days
Fantasy High: Junior Year Episode 18 Quotes
Back to all Fantasy High: Junior Year quotes
"Ain't no party like a Seacaster party cause a Seacaster party blows up."
"And that's all for this episode of Dimension 20 Fantasy High: Junior Year. Blimey."
"Eugenia. Bard to rogue. It's all a fucking lie. I love to fucking lie."
"How did you think she got pregnant?"
"I have 13 hit points and no Dex. Why was I up here? Why?"
"I knew this bitch was old money. I could smell it on him."
"I stepped out of the Dome for two seconds and we just determined that the person I said would, on a success, dissolve is pregnant.
"If it is a zero, one, two, three, or four, so there's a 50% chance that the act of divine mystery that saves the world is British Kristen saying 'blimey'."
"If this is how this works, I don't know that this show will ever recover."
"I'm going to do a short matcha ceremony. It always makes the meth go down smooth."
"I'm not concentrating, just trying to be alive."
"It looks like he truly thinks Porter is a great name for a god."
"I've never had a battle episode have Adventuring Party energy in it before."
"Now if this is a zero or a one, I could see a world where I quit."
"So...picture the ocean. You can do whatever you want cause it's maritime law."
"That's my life motto, gas and ram."
"There's too many dragons. We gotta keep just shooting grandma and gassing it."
"This guy was a fun World War II pilot in Episode 1, and in Episode 19 or 18, he is a meth head."
"We're allowed to drink because it's airitime law."
"What do you not get? Everyone at this party has to have some bad baby milk, you have to drive the house that is a boat through the sky to the gym."
"Wow, damn. Would never worship."
"You had your chance, and what you did was say 'blimey'."
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bldhrry · 3 days
A Court of Passion and Daydream
Chapter Eight | Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? Azriel x OC!Reader Masterlist
word count: 8.7k
warnings: cursing, blood, violence, attempted sa
author's note: kind of a filler chapter that explores Celestia's background, but it does shed Some light on the situation between her and Azriel. sorry if anyone finds it boring; i like to make sure my writing has sustenance and it's not just action all the time if that makes sense. i promise the rest will be more focused on moving the plot along. thanks so much for the likes, reblogs, and comments! lmk what you think :)
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The next morning, Cassian, Celestia, Azriel, and Rhysand met Devlon and his seconds at the House of Wind.  Celestia and Azriel kept their distance from not only Devlon and the other Illyrians but also from each other.  Cassian and Rhysand greeted the Camp Commander with tense hand shakes as they led them to the balcony to watch the trials.
Cassian, Celestia, Azriel, and Rhysand made their way to the ring, walking down the spiral stone steps.  Cassian and Rhysand acted as a buffer between the other two and let Celestia lead the way and Azriel and his shadows trailing behind them.  He wished he was in the front.  Every second they spent in the tiny, dark staircase was agonizing.  He kept watching as she stepped down, her hand on the railing letting it drag and feel the cool stone’s ridges and cuts.  Her scent was overwhelming and he wanted nothing more than to lay at her feet and confess his feelings and the truth of the bond and beg her to come back to him.  He did none of that though.  Instead he just took what he could: memorizing her backside, scent, and the way that she walked.
The trio made it to the ring to see Nesta, Emorie, and Gwyn already stretching.  Cassian made his way to the group, instructing them on how the trial would go and what exactly it was for and what it would mean if they won.
“The most important thing to know when trying to beat this is that you have to work together,” he emphasized.  The trio of females nodded.
Azriel and Celestia and Rhysand watched from the outskirts of the ring letting the General handle it; they all figured it would be best given the company they had upstairs.
“I don’t think they will take us that seriously if the Lieutenant General, who is a female, is leading the trial and not the General; we need to show force and keep to the ranks.”  Rhysand had said hours prior.  Celestia just rolled her eyes.
The trials began and Nesta, Emorie, and Gwyn breezed through the first quarter and then began to struggle.  Celestia glanced up at Devlon and he had a smirked spread across his lips and she growled.  Fucking asshole.
The females recovered, seeming to remember Cassian’s one and only advice.  It took them an hour and a half, but they completed the trial with a whoop and a group hug.  Now it was Celestia who smirked and Devlon who growled.  As she watched the Commander, he leaned towards his seconds and they began to whisper and nod their heads.  They were too far for Celestia to hear what they were saying, so she broke her one moral code: she entered Devlon’s mind and listened in to the conversation.
“They completed the trials which means they’re qualified for the Blood Rite.”  Devlon said.
“They’re not Illyrians,” said the short, stocky soldier.
“Who gives a shit?  Someone needs to show Rhysand he can’t fuck with our lifestyle.  We put these females in and they die, which they will, he’ll stop with the whole ‘females need to train’ bullshit.”  Now it was the leaner, fair haired soldier who spoke.
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“They’re going to put them in the Blood Rite!”  Celestia screamed.  Nobody was listening to her and she was growing more frustrated as the minutes passed.
“No, they are not,” Cassian growled.  “I told you; this was just to piss them off.”
“I saw it.  I heard him say it.  They are going to do it.”
“What do you mean you saw it?”  Rhysand crossed his arms.
“I looked.”  Celestia raised her head with pride.  “You don’t get to show these bastards that females are as capable as them and for them to not want to ruin that and show how much stronger they are.  I’m sorry you three are blind to the true nature of males, but I am not.”  All three males flinched.
“They are going to throw them in there like they did me and who knows what they’ll do to them.”  She let out a deep breath and looked at the ceiling.
She turned and looked at Cassian.  “They fear Nesta and they’ll crush her by any means necessary.  Trust me, I know.”  
Cassian had a troubled look in his eyes and he sat on Rhysand’s desk, gripping the edge until his knuckles turned white.  “We can’t do anything if they put them in the Rite.”
Everyone nodded their heads.
“They’ll kill us all if we try to stop them.”
Everyone nodded their heads again.
“So, what do we do?”  Rhysand asked.
“We prepare them.  Train more and make it more aggressive.”  Celestia had her arms crossed and started to pace the room.  She hadn’t noticed how close she had gotten to Azriel until she was in front of him and his presence wrapped around her.  She stopped and her wings twitched and flexed, spreading out just an inch.  She rolled her head and kept walking.
“If I did it and won by myself, then they can do it with the three of them together.  We need to show them my Blood Rite.”  She looked up at everyone, a determined look set in her violet eyes.
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They had been able to coax Gwyn to leave the library and come to the Manor with the promise that nobody but Celestia, Azriel, Cassian, Rhysand, Feyre, Nesta, and Emorie were there.  It also helped that Nesta promised to have another sleepover.
Celestia didn’t like Gwyn for obvious reasons.  Her need to be around Azriel made her have to continuously roll and crack her neck to relieve the tension building in her neck and shoulders.  But she wasn’t about to let her die.
“How are we going to see her Blood Rite?”  Emorie asked, accepting a cup of tea.
“We’re all going to hold hands and I’ll send it to your minds,” Celestia explained through a mouthful of cheese; it was the only thing that she found would stay down when she was around Azriel.
Azriel stood at the back of the room, next to the doorway with his hands in his pockets.  He surveyed the room but never let Celestia out of his sight.  She wore an oversized sweater and leggings with her house shoes and she sat crisscrossed on an armchair, a plate of cheese in her lap.  She looked relaxed and comfortable to the naked eye, but he noticed her rigid posture and the way her hands trembled slightly.
“You’re a daemati, right?”  Gwyn spoke up and a flash of annoyance crossed Celestia’s face but it quickly went away and she nodded.
She plopped another cube of cheese in her mouth and smirked.  “Don’t piss me off and I won’t peek in that head of your’s.”
Gwyn’s face paled and Rhysand sucked at his teeth.  “Celestia,” he warned.
“I’m kidding!”  She raised her hands in self defense.  “I don’t do that…” she trailed off, “sometimes.”
“But that’s how you figured out Devlon’s plan.”  Nesta now spoke, a glass of cider in her hands and Cassian behind her, his hands secured on her shoulders.
“Yes.  It’s invasive so I try not to, but I knew he was planning something.  He’s a fucking dick and the last thing that needed to happen is you guys going in there unprepared.  I grew up Illyrian so I had an idea of what I was facing but you guys, minus Emorie,” she gestured to the females, “don’t.”
Everyone nodded and Azriel crossed his arms.  The movement made Celestia look up at him and he froze.  Her gaze gingerly looked him over and he felt exposed under her violet stare.  Her eyes were lighter than Rhysand’s, but he hadn’t seen their shine since the day he left her.  Guilt forced his eyes to break away from her’s.
She felt defeated as he looked at the floor, moving the threads of the rug around with his shoe.  She sighed and cleared her throat.  “Alright,” she clapped her hands, “shall we begin?”
Everyone pulled up their chairs and linked hands.  With a nod to everyone in the circle, Celestia let out a breath and slumped into the chair, her mind branching out to everyone, allowing them access to the memory of the Blood Rite.
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Her mother had gone to Velaris to visit her mate, Rhysand’s father.  The four were sound asleep in their respective rooms; Celestia in the room she shared with her mother, Rhysand in his own room, and Cassian and Azriel in their shared room.  She had completed the Blood Rite trials months prior, but was informed because she was a female, she would not be allowed to participate.
“You’re lucky we even let you do this in the first place, girl.”  The Camp Commander at the time sneered.  She felt defeated, but Rhysand had said it was for the best; she would remain safe and she had the knowledge that she was just as good, maybe even a better fighter, than her Illyrian counterparts.
The night before the Rite, she was dead asleep in her bed when the sound of a thud woke her up.  She groggily opened her eyes and looked around her dark room.  As she looked to her right, she saw a dark figure in the shape of a male, frozen in place leaning over the bed with something in his hands.
She let out a scream and jumped out of the bed, dodging the figure as he lunged for her.  She bolted through the bedroom door and made her way downstairs; despite her mother being an Illyrian, she never allowed weapons in the room, keeping them in a closet near the front door.  That’s where she needed to go.
She heard a crash and the figure, no, a male, came out of the room and tried to grab her but she jumped over the last few steps and rolled, bouncing to her feet.  She turned to go to the closet, when hands grabbed her and she screamed, thrashing and jabbing her elbow in the face of whoever held her.  They stumbled backwards and yelled out.  It was Cassian.
“What the fuck?”  He growled and held his nose.
“There’s somebody in the house; he’s trying to get me.”  As she explained, the male bounded down the stairs and halted, eyeing her and Cassian.  By then Rhysand and Azriel had rushed out of their rooms, weapons in hand, with only their sleeping shorts on.  
For a few moments, everyone eyed each other, crouching slightly in anticipation gauging who was going to strike first.  It was Azriel.  
Before anyone could process what was happening, he darted to the assailant and tackled him.  Celestia made a break for the closet, swinging it open and grabbing her dagger.  She turned around to see Rhysand and Cassian moving towards Azriel who, to her shock, was raining punches down on the male.  The male held his ground as he fought back, punching him so hard everyone heard a crack and Azriel stumbled, letting the male overtake him.
It was no use because Cassian and Rhysand pulled him off of Azriel and pinned him to the floor.  She tossed Rhysand her dagger and he held it to his throat.
“What do you-” he stopped and studied the face that lay underneath him.  He knew him.  He was one of the seconds for the Camp Commander and he had participated in the Blood Rite with Rhysand.  Realization washed over Rhysand's face and he looked at Celestia in shock.
The door swung open and a male, bigger than the one laying on the floor and the Camp Commander walked in.  “Enough with the theatrics, boy.  Let him go.”  The Commander said and Rhysand did just that
The bigger male that walked in with the Commander made his way towards Celestia and even though she fought and tried to get away, he locked her arms behind her back, preventing her from moving.
“You said she couldn’t do it,” Rhysand snarled.  Azriel and Cassian moved behind Rhysand, flanking his sides.
“We changed our minds.”  The Commander said casually.  “I didn’t think it was fair to exclude someone who clearly beat the trial fair and square, female or male.”  He shrugged.
“You piece of shit,”  Cassian said through gritted teeth.
The Commander simply put his hand up.  “I’m done with this.  You’re lucky I’m feeling merciful tonight and not going to kill you three for intervening.”
“We didn’t know.”  Azriel panting.  His face was lopsided and it looked like his jaw was broken and he looked at her with an exasperated look in his eyes.
“I know,” he said plainly, “which is why I’m letting it slide this one time.”
She had begun to cry.  She was going to the Rite completely unprepared.  She had no shoes and was wearing shorts and a shirt.
“At least let her dress properly.”  Azriel pleaded, gesturing to her current state.  “She wasn’t allowed the time to get ready.”
Rhysand shot him a look of pure warning.
“Fair enough.  One of you, go and grab her something, but after that we’re taking her.”
Rhysand nodded and headed towards the stairs.  He took his time going up, gripping the railing.  As he looked through her wardrobe, he fought back tears.  She was going to be killed and if she wasn’t immediately killed…he didn’t want to think about it.  He grabbed her a sweater, a thermal long sleeve, boots, a hat, and thermal leggings.
The entire time he was gone, Celestia kept looking between Azriel and Cassian, begging for them to do something but they didn’t.  Instead Cassian looked at her with pity and Azriel looked at her with rage.  He wasn’t mad at her, no, he was mad at the males standing in front of him for taking her away.
Rhysand came back and the male holding Celestia pushed her forward and she silently took the clothes and went into the bathroom to change.  None of the males spoke when she was gone, simply exchanging threatening looks. 
She found a sense of confidence as she looked in the mirror and dressed.  She was powerful and a good fighter, beating every male that challenged her.  The camp feared her when she walked through the camp with her fighting leathers on and sword strapped down the middle of her back.  She will do this and she will win.  
She exited the bathroom, her head high.  She nodded to her brother, Cassian, and Azriel and they nodded back understanding her nonverbal farewell.  She walked back to the male that had restrained her and looked him in the eyes.  He seemed to cower slightly under her stare.
He placed a cloth over her nose and mouth and she collapsed.
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She woke up wet.  Confused, she opened her eyes and saw white all around her.  Snow.  There were bodies around, all winged males.  Illyrians.
She was in the Blood Rite.  The memories from the previous night came flooding back to her and she shakily got up, trying not to make any noise, but the snow crunching under her feet started to rouse the soon to be warriors.  Before she could be noticed, she started running away, towards Ramiel.
She headed towards the thick forest to her side.  She knew everyone else would start heading towards the mountain, but if she stayed behind then she could trail after everyone, hopefully unnoticed.  She scaled a tree and sat on the highest branch that could support her weight and looked towards the mountain.  They had been placed far and she couldn’t imagine reaching it in a week; it looked like it would take a month especially in the current weather conditions.  She could see a mass of bodies spread out in the fields and trees below her and her stomach churned wondering how she was going to win this undetected.  She knew she wouldn’t, but one can hope.
As night fell, she climbed down and keeping the mountain to her left, began walking, gripping the makeshift bow she had made tightly.  She knew fae monsters would be lurking the woods but she would gladly take them on than a male so she kept her eyes peeled and ears alert for growls and footsteps.  Thankfully, she heard none.
A few hours passed, and she found a small cave.  After scouting for anybody inside or around, she made her way in, covering her tracks and the entrance with sticks, leaves, and moss.  She lit a fire and cooked the rabbit she had gotten.  Silently she ate and cried; she didn’t want to die.  After she ate, she put the fire out and covered the embers and ashes with dirt.  Then, facing the entrance of the cave with a wooden knife, she fell asleep.
She woke the next morning with the sun hitting her face through the gaps of the entrance.  She rubbed her eyes and sat up, studying the position of the sun; it was early morning.  She gathered her supplies and continued on her way to the mountain.
She didn’t see anyone and she began to grow suspicious.  There was no way they had all gotten ahead of her.  There were hundreds of males in these woods and not a single soul was around.  Yet, she kept going, stopping every new and then to stop by a stream to drink.  Night came again and with no cave in sight, she climbed a tree and sat there, looking up at the sky.
The constellations were gleaming brightly and she named each one in her mind as she looked up.  The sky was so wide and never ending and it made her feel so small.  She thought about her mother and the way she also loved the skies.  She believed that it would tell you things if you looked close enough.  She was superstitious in that sense; she claims she knew she was pregnant before the healer because she saw the shape of a hand and belly in the sky.  That’s when she decided to name her Celestia if she was a female.  A tear fell at the thought, the fact told to her throughout her childhood; a constant reminder that she was loved dearly by her mother despite what she had done.
She fell asleep to the thought of her mother and if she was cheering her on from where she rested.
Morning came and the sun didn’t wake her, but voices did.  She peeked down and could see a group of males, seven of them, were speaking in hushed, but excited voices, boasting about the males they had killed thus far.
“My father said they put Rhysand’s sister in here.  Stupid bitch thought she could show off and we wouldn’t teach her a lesson.”  She leaned over the branch and could see the one speaking.  It was the Camp Commander’s son, Stanis.
The males around him were other Lord’s sons.  She knew them all; they were cruel and brutal in the ring and made it a point to challenge her and beat her down every chance they got.  As she got stronger and better they became more aggressive.
“You think we’ll catch her?”  Another male spoke, this time it was Burke, another Lord’s son.
“She can’t hide for long.  Everyone is going to be looking for her.  She has nowhere to hide.”  Stanis replied.
“We’ll kill her?”  A soft, high pitched voice asked.  She looked at him and recognized him as the butcher’s son.  His name was Tym.  He was only 14.
“Fuck no,” smirked Stanis and the group laughed.  Tym’s face went as white as the snow.
Celestia leaned back into the tree and stared ahead.  She needed to get out of here.
She waited until the group had left and she couldn’t hear their wretched voices, or laughter, or footsteps before she climbed down the tree.  She looked around and sensing no one, she went West towards the side of the mountain.
By the time nightfall came, she was too exhausted to find a cave, so she scaled a tree and passed out.
She marched on the next morning with no incident and no sign of the group from earlier.  Night fell once more and she sighed in relief when she found a cave and without thinking, from pure exhaustion, she entered.
“Don’t move,” said a deep voice.  She held her hands up and looked around the cave.  She couldn’t see the person.
“Who are you?”  The voice echoed through the round cave and she cringed and looked behind her.  She hoped nobody could hear.
“Celestia,” she said quietly.  
The person hummed and she could hear him move.  He was to her right.  As his footsteps got closer, she edged towards her left, keeping the wall behind her.
The male stood in front of the entrance and the moonlight washed over his face, revealing his features.  It was Kristoff, the welder’s son.  She relaxed; he was kind and the only person who tolerated her in the ring.  She couldn’t say he wouldn’t kill her right now, but she could say that he would hesitate before he did it.
“I was just looking for a place to camp for the night.  I’ll leave and if anyone asks if I saw you I won’t say a word.”  She earnestly promised.
He pondered for a moment, glancing outside and looking up at the sky,
“You won’t kill me and steal my stuff?”  He looked at her.
“No.  Will you?”
She reached out her hand and he took it, giving her a firm shake.
They decided not to light a fire.  They were closer to the mountain now and there were going to be more Illyrians than before.  They talked about what they had seen so far.  He was placed with the majority of the fighters and everyone woke up at the same time and a bloodbath ensued.  He was able to get away, hiding in the bushes outside of the clearing.  Since then he found body after body and it only got worse as the days passed.  She told him she hadn’t seen or heard anyone since yesterday morning.  He shook his head when she told him of what Stanis had said.
“I’m not surprised.  He’s had it out for you since day one.  Even when you started you were still better than him.  That and he’s just a pig.”  Stanis chuckled and Celestia couldn’t help but laugh through her nose.
They slept on other ends of the cave that night, both holding their daggers to their chest.  Just in case.
She woke up, but kept her eyes closed.  Through her eyelids, she could tell it was still dark out, but she felt a dark presence looming over her.  Behind her, she could hear gurgling and she shot up and turned around.  Someone was crouching over Kristoff and she caught the gleam of a knife, a real knife.  Clutching her wooden dagger, she pounced on whoever it was and he let out a startled scream that was cut short as she dug the knife into the side of his neck.  He continued to grab at her arms that were around his shoulders, but she didn’t let go of her grip, deciding to push the blade deeper.  As he started to fall backwards, she leaped off and stepped to the side, letting the body hit the ground.  It was Burke.
She heard the gurgling sound again and rushed to Kristoff.  His throat had been slashed open and he was bleeding out.  She covered his neck with her hands, eyes brimming with tears.
“No, no, no,” she cried.  She tried keeping pressure, but the more pressure she placed, the more he couldn’t breathe.  She couldn’t save him, he was going to die.
“I’m so sorry,” she said over and over and he just looked at her.  He reached his free hand up and she let go of his throat and wrapped her hands around his, kissing his knuckles,
He looked at her, blood spilling out his mouth and she sobbed.  It wasn’t long after that he stopped choking on his blood and his head rolled to the side, eyes wide open.
She sat next to him, staring at him, then the blood on his body, and then the blood on her hands.
She got up and started to gather both of their belongings, apologizing to his dead body for taking his things.  She was focused on putting the supplies together and processing Burke’s attack and Kristoff’s death that she didn’t hear the footsteps approaching the entrance of the cave or the person that grabbed her and slammed her head into the wall.  The only thing she saw was darkness
She was being dragged.  She could feel her arms on either side of her head and the snow coating the back of her sweater.  It was smooth as she glided on top of the ground and when she opened her eyes she saw she was surrounded by trees and two males were holding her ankles as they walked forward.  In the distance she could see a fire and smoke flowing to the sky and unintelligible voices.  She closed her eyes and darkness took her once more.
She roused again to voices; they were closer and louder now and some were laughing.  She was on her stomach, her head to the side and her face burned.  She moaned and tried lifting it, but it felt heavy and she plopped it back down.  It was snow that was making her face burn; frostbite was getting to her.
The voices stopped as she tried to move around and a few announced that she had “finally” woken up.  Someone shushed them and they walked to her, kicking her side and rolling her over.  She whined in protest.  Her head was throbbing.
“About time you woke up sweetheart.”  It was Stanis.
They were in a small clearing, surrounded by forest and a few boulders that the males were using as seats.  They set her up against the trunk of a tree and tied her hands behind her with rope.  Real rope.  The males looked at her with wonder, like they had never seen a female before.
Probably haven’t even touched one either, Celestia thought.
Then the beating began.  Sat on the ground and bound, Celestia had no choice but to accept every kick Stanis threw at her; her stomach, chest, and face were plummeted by his boots and she began to cry.  The males around her encouraged his crusade of violence, saying that she deserved it and someone needed to teach her a lesson, that she was a female and would never have a place in the legion.  This was all things she heard before and it just pissed her off.  Soon after she didn’t even feel the kicks and she began to focus on the rope around her hands.  The knot was done poorly and she started to move her wrist around, making the knot unstable and loose
Stanis took a break, his chest heaving with the exertion.  With a grin he kicked snow in her face and she relished in the coolness.  Her face and head were so hot.
With the knot unstable, she silently worked on getting her hands free.  She played asleep, as the males drank and ate.  These motherfuckers had ale.  She was growing more angry.  They were hunting her, they killed her friend, they had beaten her, and they were cheating.  And for what?  For being female and daring to be part of her people?  She didn’t want to be like the other females in the camp who did chores all day, watching the festivities from their windows.  She wanted to be a fighter; she wanted to be important.
The more angry she got, the heavier her breathing became until the males noticed.
“I think she wants more,” one of the males said, laughing.
Stanis laughed and he got up and made his way over, standing in front of her.  He crouched and leaned close to her, his breath, stinking with ale, fanning her face.  
He put his mouth next to her ear, brushing it with his lips and smiled.  “You think that big bastard Cassian can fuck you good?  I’m going to show you a real good time.”
She rolled her eyes; again with the Cassian allegations.
And that’s when she bit his ear off.
Stanis screeched as she latched onto his ear.  He fell backwards and she went with him until the bottom of his ear detached and it was dangling in her mouth.  She chuckled and spit it out, leaping on top of him, punching him over and over.  She was reaching for the second wooden dagger she had in her pants when she was picked up and carried over to one of the boulders.
“Let me go!  Get the fuck off of me!”  She screamed and kicked at the two males holding her.  She spit Stanis’ blood onto them and they flinched, flinging her against the boulder.
Stanis was still screaming, clutching the side of his head looking at Celestia in horror.  All she did was give him a bloody grin.
The two males that had dragged Celestia away still stood next to her, holding her arms so she laid flat against the front of the rock.  Some of the males went to help Stanis, covering his ear with snow and bandages.  The rest sat in shocked silence, wide eyes moving between Stanis and Celestia.
After a few minutes, Stanis pushed the males surrounding him away and stalked towards her.  He slapped her and when she started to laugh he slapped her again and again and again.  She could barely feel it, she was laughing too hard.
“You fucking bitch,” he snarled, grabbing her by the throat and pulling her towards him.  
Her only response was to spit blood in his face.
That set him off.  With a look to the males standing on either side of her they let her go and he spun her around, pushing her into the rock.  She collided with it, her feet giving way under her.
“Grab her,” he commanded.
With their arms, they held her arms and shoulders down.  She struggled against them, throwing insults and threats to everyone around, but the sound of a belt unbuckling made her stop and the realization set in.
She looked over her shoulder and Stanis had his belt hanging loose and the buttons of his pants undone; she looked up at him, terror in her eyes and he just smirked.
He placed his forearm on the small of her back and with his other hand he jutted her hips out.  Celestia started to scream in protest, the sound echoing through the trees making birds caw and fly away.
“Please,” she begged.  Tears, blood and snot were covering her face and she began to hyperventilate.  She couldn't move and she felt pressure on every inch of her body; she was trapped and had nowhere to go.  He was going to defile her and she had no chance of escaping.
But still, she writhed in their grasps, screaming, pleading, and begging.
“I’ll do anything.  Please don’t do this.  I’m begging you.”  She kept crying and for some reason she thought about Azriel. 
The day she completed the trial he had pulled her to the side, his scarred hands were warm against her sweaty, wet face.
“If you get sent to the Rite,” he began, “horrible things might happen to you.”  He held her face tighter and his hazel eyes were ablaze with something she couldn’t name.  “But, that doesn’t diminish you.  You have done great things and will do great things.  Whatever happens to you does not define you.”  He let go of her face and kept looking at her, his expression unreadable.  
She just nodded, lost in his eyes.
The cold air against her bare ass shocked her and she came back to reality.  Stanis had been able to pull her pants down slightly but as he began to lower them more, she kicked backwards hitting his shin.  He yelped and grabbed her hair, yanking her head backwards.
“I’ve always wanted to do this, but you’ve always had your dogs around you.  Tell me sweetheart: what do you do in that house alone with all those males?  How many ways and times have they taken you?”  He purred in her ear.  He had his face next to her temple and she was able to swing her head to the side, slamming into his head.  
He howled in pain and held his head in his hands.  But before he could continue his assault, something plucked the male on her right up in the air and he was thrown across their makeshift camp, into a tree.  His back collided with a crack and when he fell to the ground he didn’t get up.
Everyone began screaming as the offender made themselves known, jumping from the top of the boulder.  It was a Suriel.
The Suriel went for the male on the left next who hadn’t moved and with a swipe of its bony hand, his entire neck fell out.  The male had no time to react.  Stanis was the first to run, but the Suriel ignored him, aiming for the rest of the group to its left.  The Suriel moved quickly, almost like it was winnowing to male to male, slashing throats and guts until none remained standing.
At this point Celestia had gotten dressed again and was cowering against the boulder.  She couldn’t run or hide; the Suriel would get her no matter what.  In a brave attempt, Celestia, with shaky hands, grabbed her belongings near the tree she woke up by and sneaked her way in the opposite direction of the Suriel, avoiding all the dead bodies.  The only one she looked at was Tym; the poor boy.
Before she could exit the clearing, she heard footsteps behind her.  Accepting her fate she turned around and was face to face with the Suriel.  She lifted her eyes to the Suriel whose bony teeth were now upturned into a smile.  It nodded its head.
Celestia nodded back in appreciation.  It had saved her life and was now letting her go.  With a deep breath she turned around towards Ramiel.
“Girl,” the Suriel called out to her, its voice raspy.  
Celestia stopped and turned around slowly.
“Listen to the shadows and hear their songs.  They will sing for you for the rest of your life.”  And then the Suriel vanished.
She ran through the night, only stopping once to eat and sleep.  She refused to think about what had happened and what could still happen.  She was lucky to be alive and she couldn’t even wrap her head around what the Suriel had done.  She didn’t even know they were capable of that.  The only thing she thought about was what it had said to her: listen to the shadows and hear their songs.  They will sing for you for the rest of your life.  She wasn’t sure what it meant.  She had shadows, but only when her powers weren’t suppressed.  Did the Suriel want her to express her powers all the time?  Did she have other powers she wasn’t aware of?  
She shook the questions away.  If she didn’t stop thinking she would be stuck here forever or get the courage to trap it and ask what it meant.  No, she couldn’t do that.  She needed to reach the peak so she could go home.
Night became day and she continued towards the Pass.  It was around three o’clock when she saw the bridge that connected the forest to Ramiel.  She sighed in relief, leaning her head up to the sky; thank the gods.
The unfortunate part of the bridge was its location.  There were no trees or brush to cover its location, so if she were to make her way to it she would be out in the open.  It was early afternoon which meant that the warriors had already been making their way to the mountain and most had to be close or already on it.  The Pass was the least taken route for it was difficult to climb and had no real, established path upwards.  Cassian, Azriel, and Rhysand had taken it and told her the best way to climb it.  She gripped her bow and set for the bridge.
She walked as quietly as she could, keeping her head on a swivel checking in all directions for enemies.  Even though she saw none, she was still cautious.  Her encounter with Stanis and his group were enough to never feel safe in these woods again and maybe even for the rest of her life.
No, she shook the thought away.  Azriel said it wouldn’t define her so she wasn’t going to let it.  It was a thing that happened and it was something that she survived.  She was going to win and she was going to be fine.
She reached the bridge and looked behind her at the treeline, scanning for movement.  Seeing none she turned back around and gingerly placed her foot on the bridge; it held.  So, she walked, holding both rails.  She was halfway across the bridge when an arrow whizzed past her head.  She ducked, hitting the bridge and she could hear shouting behind her.  She turned her head and saw Stanis and three males; they must’ve survived the attack.  
She scrambled up and started running across the bridge, still holding on to the rails as the bridge swayed back and forth.  Their voices were getting closer and more arrows were flying at her, but she kept running.  If she stopped, then it would be over.
She had gotten to the other side when she got hit.  She screamed as she fell forward, hitting the rocky ground.  It was embedded in her shoulder.  She got up and sat on her knees, peering behind her.  It was jutting out and blood was beginning to trickle down her back and when she tried lifting her arm but it stung so bad she dropped it immediately.  She looked at the males and they had stopped at the other side of the bridge and were watching her, grinning evilly.  They were enjoying this.  
She grunted as she snapped the bow, alleviating some of the pressure and got up.  Giving them a vulgar gesture, she started up the mountain.  
She knew they were following her and it scared her, but she didn’t stop.  There were four of them and one of her, so the odds weren’t really in her favor but she couldn't think about it.  The only advantage she had on her side was her size, but at the same time that was her biggest disadvantage.  Again, she didn’t think about it.  She was smaller than them and was a better climber, probably.  
When she couldn't hear them anymore, she wedged herself into the side of the mountain and took a deep breath, leaning her head against the rock.  She closed her eyes and swallowed.  She let herself sit there for a minute, gathering her thoughts, feelings, and strength.  She looked at her wound and blood was oozing out, but it was slow; that was good.  She had time to reach the peak and go home without the risk of losing too much blood or getting an infection; she hoped at least.
She got up and resumed her expedition.  The sun was starting to set and the wind on the mountain was picking up, bringing cold and snow.  She had begun to slow down, exhaustion starting to take over.  Her eyes were heavy and she kept stumbling, but she didn’t stop.  She couldn’t stop, really.  The four males weren’t far behind her; every now and then she could hear one of them laugh or groan at the exertion.  If she stopped to rest they would surely find her and finish what Stanis had started.  She shuddered at the thought.
Night fell and she could barely see.  The sky was covered with big, thick clouds and she could barely see the moon.  She stopped and closed her eyes, listening.  She heard nothing, not even the crunch of snow or rocks being shifted, just the wind blowing around her face.  Despite the cold, she was hot, sweating dripping down her face, sticking her thermal long sleeve to her back.  It was then she made the decision to camp for the night.
She woke again to the sun on her face.  This time it was just peeking over the horizon and she was grateful she woke up early.  She hoped the fools down below would sleep in.  But she would be wrong.
A few hours later she could hear murmurs and pants and she silently cursed, turning around.  A couple hundred feet away were Stanis and his puppets trying to figure out how to scale the small mountain wall that led to where she was.  She became frantic; they must’ve walked through the night while she was asleep.  She silently cursed herself again.  She should've kept walking.  She would’ve made it to the Pass by now and a few more hours would be the summit and onyx monolith: her ticket home.  She began to jog, careful to avoid rocks and boulders hidden under the snow.  They heard her footsteps and Stanis called out to her, promising to make her pay for what she did to his men.
She didn’t care if they could hear her.  She just needed to get to the Pass.  
Her jog came to a stop when she was faced with a mountain wall.  She groaned and looked up; it was at least 50 feet tall.  She turned around at the sound of feet stomping and saw the heads of the males as they made their way up the slope.  She had no time to lose.
Moving her weapons around, she grabbed onto a ledge and then found her footing on another and started her climb.  The ledges were small and brittle and she kept slipping and almost falling.  Her nails were cracked and her hands were bleeding, but luckily she was halfway up the wall.  The unlucky part was that the males had caught up to her and were beginning their ascendant.  They kept calling out to her, throwing insults and threats like before, but she ignored them, keeping her focus on finding the right rock to grab.
One of the males was a better climber and as she neared the top he reached up and grabbed her ankle in an attempt to yank her down.  She screeched and kicked him, trying to shake him off.  He held on and continued trying to get her to slip her grip on the rock.  She refused.  She was fed up being hunted by these bloodthirsty idiots.  With a swift kick, she hit him in his nose.  He cursed and grabbed his nose, but the blood coating his hand loosened his grip and he fell.  He fell 40 feet down, past Stanis and the remaining two males and hit a jagged rock.  Celestia cringed, but kept moving.
She reached the top and whooped, pulling herself over.  She laid in the snow for a moment, catching her breath and crying.  She was so fucking tired.  She rolled over and peered over the edge; Stanis and the three males were at least 15 feet away.  She checked her arrow supply and found she only had one, so she knocked it into her bow and sat up on her knees, leaning over the edge.
She called out and the closest male looked up and caught an arrow in the eye.  He fell 35 feet down.  
Stanis and the remaining male roared in anger and began to climb faster.  Celestia’s only response was to laugh.
She never liked killing like the other males in training, but she was saving her life.  It needed to be done.  She would grieve and reflect on her sins later.
It was late afternoon at this point and the sun was beginning to set.  She only had a few more hours to reach the peak.  She was so close.
As she kept going, she faced no more climbing adventures and she was glad for it.  The gap between Stanis and the other male was close but she tried not to let it bother her.  She was ahead and that was all that mattered.
By the time she reached the Pass the sun had set and it had begun to snow.  Her hands were numb and they were beginning to burn with frostbite.  She turned around and the males were still at her heels.  
If the sun had just set, she thought, then that would make it around 6 o’clock which means I have 6 more hours to reach the summit.  If I move fast with nobody following me I could make it in 5.
So, she pulled out her wooden dagger, and waited for Stanis and his friend.
They arrived in thirty minutes which meant Celestia had thirty minutes to kill them both and make it to the summit.
They looked winded when they saw her.  She had time to relax and set her mind to what she wanted to do, but they were surprised to see her, waiting like a predator.  
“Hello boys.”  She smiled, waving her dagger.
They exchanged a look and then they attacked her.
She knew they would be hot headed.  She either killed their friends or had them killed, so when they attacked she easily stepped to the side and took the male she didn’t know by the arm and threw him against a boulder.  He yelled in pain but dropped to the floor.  She moved quickly to push the knife into his throat  Then, she turned to face Stanis who held his metal dagger in his hand.
“You didn't think I’d come prepared did you?”  He said to her surprised expression at seeing a real weapon.
“I always knew you were a fucking cheat.”  Then she went for him.  They fought in tandem using their dagger and fists to fight one another.  The only advantage she had on him was that she used her entire body to fight, not just her hands.  She kicked and swiped at him, causing him to stumble every now and then.  She started to tire.  They had been fighting for too long and if this didn’t end soon she wasn’t going to make it to the peak.
She made the mistake of looking over her shoulder at the moon, trying to gauge what time it was, but Stanis punched her square in her jaw and she fell to the floor, the dagger sliding across the snow and over the edge of the mountain.
He pounced on her and began to hit her over and over; her face, stomach, and chest were his target practice.  The arrow was digging into her shoulder more and she yelled in pain.  
She fought back though, holding off his attacks and scratching at his face.  With one hand she grabbed his wrist, keeping his arm suspended in the air and with the other she pushed her thumb into his eye until he bellowed and fell backwards, holding his eye.
“You’re a fucking freak just like your family!”  He screamed, scooting backwards.  He kept moving until his back hit a rock and his body stiffened and he went pale in the moonlight.  By that point she had gotten up and retrieved the dagger he had dropped.  She stalked towards him, her prey, and smiled, dropping to her knees so she could straddle him, their chests touching.
“Wanna know what I think a real good time looks like?”  She purred, her lips grazing his remaining ear.
Stanis didn’t reply.  He just looked at her wide eyed, terror filling his eyes like hers had and she just smirked at him like he had.
“This,” she grunted and drove the knife into his neck and dragged it across, nearly decapitating him.
He gasped and tried to grab at his throat, but she held his arms back.  She watched as he bled to death, suffocating on his own blood.  She got up and admired her work, cleaning the blade off with her sweater before stuffing it into her pants.  
She spat on his body.  “That’s for Kristoff you piece of shit.”
It was almost 8 o’clock by the time she resumed her trek up the mountain, the Pass and her victims behind her.  She guessed she would reach the summit in the knick of time, but she was wrong.  She would reach it with an hour to spare, setting the record for not just the fastest summit on Ramiel, but the first female to do so.
She was winnowed into the Commander’s tent at Windhaven.  He was asleep when she got there, and his seconds, the ones who grabbed her a week ago, were also asleep.  She cleared her throat and they woke up, their expressions turning into one of surprise when they saw her there, beaten, bloody, bruised, with an arrow sticking out of her shoulder.
They all looked at her for a few minutes, but she kept her eyes on the Commander.  “This was your son’s.  You’ll find him at the Pass of Enalius with his neck cut open.  He put up a good fight.  You should be proud, Commander.”  Then she threw the dagger on the table and walked out of the tent to her house.
When she got back to the house, she found Rhysand, her mother, her uncle, Cassian, and Azriel passed out on the couch, the armchair, and the floor in the living room.  They jumped up at the sound of the door closing and her kicking the snow off her boots.
“Oh my sweet girl,” her mother called out and ran to her, wrapping her arms around her.  Even though the arrowhead was tearing further into her shoulder, she didn’t move.  Her mother’s embrace was warm and comforting and she smelled like home.  And as she rocked her back and forth, she began to cry.
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Celestia woke up with a start, pushing her chair back and hitting the hearth behind her.  She didn’t know where she was and she couldn't recognize the people around her.  Everyone was looking at her, some were crying, but all had the same look in their eyes: fear, despair, pity, and sympathy.
She jumped when she connected with the hearth and pulled her dagger out from her leg pointing it at everyone.  “What-” she began, but Rhysand grabbed her arm.
“It’s just us.  You’re safe.  You are not there.”  His voice was calm and soft, like velvet.  Like the blanket her mother had given her for her 12th birthday.
She looked at him, her eyes were crazed and her violet irises had been reduced to black pupils.  She kept looking at him then around the room, panting.  She was having a panic attack.
Rhysand repeated himself, trying to pull her towards him but she whimpered and shook her head, pulling back.
“Stop.  Don’t touch me,” she was crying.  “I have to go.  Please,” she was sobbing now.
He let go and she made a break for the door, bumping into the couch and side table and then Azriel, who caught her by her elbows.
They locked eyes and his gaze was unlike the ones around her.  It was soft and loving and there were hints of yearning.  She could only gape up at him, tears streaking her cheeks.
“Do you need me?”  He asked.  His voice was hushed, but sincere.  
He searched her eyes for an answer, but she gave him none.  Instead she ran out of the room and up the stairs to her bedroom, slamming the door.  
She clutched her chest and the panic continued to build.  Her room was dark with a fire lit in the hearth and all she could think about was the night with Stanis in his camp and how it looked the same: dark with a fire.
She ran to the bathroom and threw up until it was just bile and then she sobbed, wishing she was in her mother’s embrace where she was warm and safe and happy.
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angelsanarchy · 3 days
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Fever Dreams: Mike x Y/N One Shot Series PRT 13
Tagging: @icarus-star @chainsawgvtsfvck @romanroyapoligist @liquidsmoothdomme @madamemaximoff06 @drazenka@blacksoul-27 @444rockstargf @kappasbbgirl @luzclarita57 @tempt-ress @starry-eyed-wild-child
Mike walked into the garage the next day with what can only be described as a shit eating grin, coffee in his hand and strutting like he had a secret that no one else knew. Leff looked at him with disdain.
"What? You get blown or something?" He asked as Mike plopped down in the chair.
"Can't I just have a good morning?" Mike challenged making Leff narrow his gaze at him.
"This isn't the girl scouts, wipe that gay ass grin off your face. We've got drops offs to do today." Leff opened the safe that sat on the desk and started pulling out guns. The sound of the door opening made Mike look over towards it and Leff just sighed.
"You're late." He called out.
"Seriously? Send a write up to HR." Y/n rolled her eyes as she crossed the garage and took Mike's coffee out of his hand to sip. Mike made no move to complain and Leff scrunched his face.
"You thinking swapping spit with him is a good idea?" Leff pointed out and Y/n shrugged.
"I'm not tonging his balls Leff. It's a fucking coffee cup." Y/n shot back making Mike chuckle.
"I mean, if that's on the menu-" Mike started to say but before Y/n could hit his arm, Leff slammed his drawer shut.
"Hold the fuck up...you two...you haven't...you aren't fucking around are you because I specifically told you both-"
"Jesus Leff is there actual work to be done today or are you cock watching your nephew today? I've got bills to pay and I'm not trying to keep having this conversation with you." Y/n crossed her arms over her chest. They both stood at an impasse and Mike just pushed up from the chair and snatched one of the guns from the desk.
"I'll be in the car..." He said going to tuck the fun in his back and Y/n took it from him.
"Don't be stupid. The last thing either of us want to do is take you to the hospital after you shoot your dick off. I'm driving." Leff gave Y/n a nod that he agreed with her taking the gun off of Mike but he still didn't like how chummy they were being. They carried on the rest of the day like that. Leff took in the little touches they shared whenever either of them went in to do dropoffs. How they would tease one another in those ways only two people who didn't realize they were flirting would.
Leff stews in his anger the entire day until all three of them end up back at the garage, counting the money.
"Seriously, why can't I have a gun? I know how to shoot a gun." Mike argued with Y/n as she put the guns in the safe.
"You can barely handle putting your cock in leather pants. The last thing you need is a gun." Y/n teased.
"I think we both know that's not true." Mike smirked at her and Leff shook his head.
"You know, I have to say I didn't expect this from you Y/n. I really thought you had better taste..." Leff's words made them both look up.
"What?" She asked confused.
"I mean the way you're leading my nephew around like a pathetic lost dog, I thought you were more into the guys that threw you around." Leff's words were harsh. Y/n narrowed her eyes at him.
"Leff what the fuck?" Mike spoke up and Y/n leaned on the table staring down at Leff.
"I don't remember asking you what your thoughts were on who I talk to." Y/n seethed.
"How easily you forget...you work for me Y/n. I can say whatever the fuck I want to you, treat you however the fuck I want or you can go back to spinning on a pole playing Russian Roulette with some Russian prick who likes to pistol wipe you." Leff sat in his chair, leaning forward to match her stance.
"Leff you're being a-"
"Shut the fuck up." Y/n put her hand up in Mike's face and he sat down quietly.
"I've had enough of your tough cock big brother act Leff. You want to run around this city holding his hand, be my guest. It's the least you could do for his mother but don't you dare sit there and think you're going to talk to me like I'm one of those common whores you fuck in your little shithole castle." Y/n gritted her teeth.
"If I want to fuck your nephew until his plum dumb stupid, I will. If I want to stop working for you and hop back on a pole for money, I will. I'm a grown ass bitch and I refuse to be treated like I'm less than honorable...especially after all the shit I've done for you." She pointed at him and he let out a sigh. He counted the money out and laid it on the table flat.
"You gonna pick up your take or would you like my little nephew here to slip it in your tits?" Leff leaned back in his chair knowing he had won this argument.
She kicked the chair into the table making Mike jump and Leff shook his head at her.
"Go fuck yourself." She shouted throwing him the middle finger as she stormed out of the garage. Mike looked between the two of them before huffing.
"You're a real dick, you know that?" Mike grabbed her money and ran out after her. Leff didn't like how protective Mike had already gotten with Y/n.
"Y/n! Wait up!" Mike waved the cash around and she spun around snatching it.
"Why are you letting him get you all riled up? You know he's a fucking asshole." Mike said out of breath.
"He needs to get over himself before I let his ass catch a stray bullet." Y/n lit a cigarette and put it into her mouth.
"Hey, I know he's a prick but let's not get trigger happy." Mike joked but Y/n glared at him, inhaling the nicotine.
"I honestly don't know why he's being so over the top with this big brother routine. He's never given a shit about anyone I've ever dated before." Mike shook his head and Y/n snorted.
"We're not dating. I let you eat my pussy, that's hardly going steady." Y/n argued. Mike felt a bit slighted but tried to play it off.
"Hey pussy eating is a gateway drug, I hear." He joked but she rolled her eyes.
"You and Leff think of yourselves so highly. Grow up." She got into her car and peeled out of the parking lot leaving Mike standing there feeling like a complete idiot.
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darnell-la · 17 hours
can we have part 3 of the forbid threesome?
Just super rough and sweet🥴🥴
note: here's another part of y/n acting up and getting what she so deeply wants and needs. thank you for your guys support. please like, comment, reblog, and follow us!
word count: 3k
3rd person
It’s been weeks since y/n has seen the three men. She thought she could handle them, but after a few days of their rules, she realized those mature and serious they were about this “relationship”.
She wasn’t ready for a relationship. She wanted to sneak around with no strings attached, but now she got herself in a situation that was hard to pull out of. They all won’t let her go.
Y/n had to lie to get away from them. She had to tell them a girl-friend wanted to hang out for her to leave and head home.
Thank god she never had to give her home address when she came to work for Eddie and Steve. They never asked because they “desperately” needed someone. Now she sees they only made it easier for her to stay.
Emails, messages, and calls have been blowing y/n’s phone and computer. Every day and every hour a new one comes through from each of them. What will she do?
To keep her mind off of the situation and maybe ease down so she could talk with them, she dressed herself to head out and club.
She hasn’t been to a club in a while because of work, but maybe this will help ease her mind and make life and discussions easier for her.
“Is that her?” Billy asked, seeing y/n walk out of her apartment complex. “Yep,” Eddie said as he tapped Steve’s shoulder from the front seat to the back. “Can’t believe this shit,” Steve said under his breath, trying to hold himself back.
“She’s going out, and it better be to a friend like last time,” Steve said, but he knows y/n looks too good to just be going to a girl-friends house. “Nah, she’s going out,” Billy said, knowing how ladies dress for clubs, bars, or parties.
“What are we gonna do?” Eddie asked. “Oh, I’ll show you what the fuck I’m going to do-“ Steve angrily said as he ripped the seat belt off of him and went to open the car door, but Eddie leaned into the back seat to stop him.
“Hey, hey! Just wait! Give her a chance, man. Maybe she’d, like, I don’t know, going out to eat with her friend,” Eddie said, but doesn’t even believe himself. She looks too good.
“Don’t think she needs to show all of that off at a restaurant, Munson,” Billy took a hit off his cigarette as he watched y/n stroll to the car, having no clue that she was being watched.
“Let’s go. We can get her back in the house and set it straight-“ Steve tried leaving again but Eddie pulled him back. “Relax! Relax, man. Let’s just wait and if she goes somewhere where she shouldn’t be, we’ll set it straight there and then,” Eddie said.
You would think Eddie is saying this to give her a chance, but he knows himself that she’s heading somewhere she shouldn’t be.
Right now, this is a game to him. Catching her and seeing her scared look, knowing she fucked up again is something he’s dying to see. Hearing her apologize and beg doesn’t sound too bad to him.
“Public punishment doesn’t sound too bad to me,” Billy said as he started his car and whipped around as y/n passed them, still having absolutely no idea.
“Look at that,” Steve said in the back seat as the three men watched y/n fix herself up in her car. “She barely wears makeup, but all of a sudden, she’s fuckin’ caked up?” Steve said.
“Relax, she didn’t even put foundation or whatever that shit’s called,” Billy said. “Still. This shit’s unbelievable. Seriously,” Steve crossed his arms as he sat back.
“Are you guys, like, not upset!?” Steve genuinely asked. “We’re upset, but there’s no reason to freak out. We know we’re gonna teach her a lesson,” Eddie said. “Yeah, but- but that shit’s sad,” Steve said, seeming to never calm down.
“She just fuckin’ leaves us, ghosts us, doesn’t come to work, and now she’s taking her ass out to the club? What if she’s here for some random dude? What if they fuck!?” Steve said, hating the thought of y/n sharing what’s his.
“Well, they won’t even meet if she is here for someone. She won’t even make it inside the building,” Billy said as he leaned back, blood boiling now as well as the thought of y/n being here for someone else.
“Alright, she’s getting out,” Eddie said. Y/n happily looked at the building, ready for the night and hoping she’d get her mind off of the stress she’d been having.
Y/n sadly had to park in the back of the club's parking lots since it was crowded. Usually, she takes an Uber, but she didn’t care for it tonight.
Y/n walked past a few cars, still with a smile on her face until a hand slapped over her mouth and hands grabbed all over her.
Y/n didn’t get a look at the people grabbing her. She was too busy kicking, slapping, and screaming, hoping to get free but they were all strong.
“Who told you goin’ out lookin’ like this was a good idea?” Eddie asked as they all let go except for him. “Hm, princess?” Eddie asked again as y/n looked around, seeing the three men she’d been trying to avoid.
“H-How did-“ y/n went to ask. “We find you? Easy princess,” Billy said a few feet away from me. “I just can’t believe you, y/n. After everything we’ve been through? How could you leave me like that!?” Steve asked.
“What are you talking about!? I barely had a say in this relationship, so what did you expect!? For me to stay and lay back? Please,” y/n said, making Eddie tighten his grip on y/n, telling her to eat g her tone.
“I told you last time, and I’ll tell you again, y/n. You. Are. Mine. That’s rather you like it or not, so don’t fuck with me again,” Steve said. Maybe she’ll understand this time.
“Let’s go,” Steve said, about to get back into the car. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here,” y/n said like she had a choice. “Are you serious, y/n?” Steve genuinely asked.
“Yes, so let me go,” y/n tried taking her arm away from Eddie once, but she quickly noticed there was no chance of getting out of his grip.
“She’s all yours,” Steve sighed as he turned around, slapping his hands over his face in anger. “Gimme,” Billy said, and seconds later, Eddie pushed Y/n towards him, making her trip but she was caught before Billy slammed her onto his car from the hood.
“Do you like gettin’ fucked on a car or what, darlin’?” Billy chuckled as he tugged at his belt and jeans. “Don’t you dare,” y/n said, knowing this was riskier than she’d ever done or thought of.
“Who are you to tell me what to do, sweetheart?” Billy asked as he pulled y/n’s dress up. “Think ima let you walk around here dressed like this, and not stuff you?” Billy said as he pulled y/n’s panties to the side.
Hargrove groaned at the sight. He could never get tired of the view of her plumed and sweet cunt.
“Already wet?” Eddie asked as he took a look. “Yep,” Billy replied, making Steve chuckle to himself. “Of course,” Steve said under his breath, loving but hating how turned on she gets when she doesn’t listen.
“Keep this up, and he’ll break. I don’t think you wanna go through that,” Billy whispered in y/n’s ear before tugging at her hair, almost snapping her neck too hard.
“What will he possibly do?” Y/n rolled her eyes, thinking she could stay tough until Billy snapped his hips forward, making Y/n yell loudly. “Just because I’m not him, doesn’t mean you can talk about him that way,” Billy snapped his hips once again, making sure to dig deep into her.
Y/n tried her best to keep her moans in. She bit her lip, took a deep breath and maybe even laughed a bit to make it seem like Billy wasn’t doing anything to her, but she knew she couldn’t go any longer as the knot in her stomach grew already.
“Oh, you think this is funny?” Billy asked as he leaned down towards y/n’s ear after gripping her hair. “Y-You fuck like an old man,” Y/n said, making Eddie cover his mouth and Steve’s jaw drop.
“Are you fucking serious?” Billy asked, taking a full stop. “Very serious,” y/n laughed. Seconds later, Billy pulled out of y/n and pulled her up. Y/n stumbled as he went in front of his car and then pushed her on top of his hood again, but this time, on her back.
Y/n went to talk, but Billy was too quick. The older man gripped the smaller girls next tightly as he lined up then pushed in roughly.
Y/n screamed, feeling a lot of pain, but so much pleasure. “Shut the fuck up,” Billy said as he slapped his hand over y/n’s mouth, making sure she had a hard time breathing.
“Gonna call me old again? Hm? Hm!? Gonna keep fuckin’ runnin’ your mouth like shit’s sweet you fuckin’ slut!?” Billy disconnected his hand from y/n’s mouth a few times to slap her across her face.
Eddie and Steve stood on both sides of Billy’s car, watching the anger come out of him. Since high school, they’ve known Billy as the bully, but who knew they would accept and like it being brought onto y/n.
They’ve always been against his actions, but something about watching y/n struggle, cry, moan, beg, yell, scream, and look at Billy with fear, made them harder.
“Are you going to be a sweet girl from now on, princess? I really hate seeing you like this,” Steve lied. Y/n struggled to shake her head, but ended up getting a few inches from side to side, making Eddie laugh.
“Stuck up bitch, huh?” Billy looked at Eddie for a quick seconds as he shook his head. “Who raised you? How could a pretty thing like you be so bratty?” Billy asked, still snapping his hind hard against her thighs.
“Maybe we should discipline her. Show her how life is to pretty little bitches like her,” Billy said, having an idea, so he pulled out and threw y/n to the ground, causing her to whine.
“C’mon,” Billy said, wanting the other two to join in, so Eddie stepped up first. “On your knees,” Eddie demanded, but she didn’t listen. “On, your fucking. Knees,” Eddie said in a warning tone.
Instead of listening, y/n tried crawling away, but was caught in seconds. Eddie pulled y/n to her knees by her hair and pushed her face into his crotch.
“You like that? You like being close to cock?” Eddie asked, grinding his hips into her face as she tried wiggling away. “Lick it,” Eddie said. “Fuck no,” Y/n replied. “You think you have a choice? Lick it or gag,” Eddie demanded again, but she kept pulling her face away.
“You’re so hardheaded, sweetheart. It’s kinda cute,” Eddie pulled himself out of his jeans as y/n looked into his eyes, basically begging for it but without words. She refuses to tell them how much she wants this.
“I know, baby. Maybe if you were nicer, I’d be gentle. But you’re not,” Eddie said before stuffing Y/n’s mouth full of his cock, instantly making her gag. “Oh yeah,” Billy said as he came over and tugged on her clothes.
“Dirty little whores get treated how we want,” Billy said as he ripped y/n’s dress and bra down enough for her tits to fall out. “Look at these,” Billy groaned as he gripped her chest roughly, making her whine in a little pain.
“Yeah? Been keepin’ these tucked away from us?” Billy said before plopping one of her tits in his mouth to suck on. Y/n tangled her fingers in his hair as she pushed at Eddie’s lower stomach.
Steve just stared at her, watching her be treated how she should be for being the way she is. If only she’d listen. Fuck, even if she didn’t listen, he’d still want to see this.
“C’mon,” Eddie told Steve, and of course, he wasted no time pulling himself out and jerking himself over y/n’s face. “If you’d listen, you wouldn’t be on your knees in public,” Steve said.
“I hope someone walks by and sees this. Sees how good of a slut you are for men twice your age,” Eddie continued to face fuck y/n, pulling her head towards his hip to force her to take enough to satisfy him.
Y/n jumped at Billy’s hand and forced his way up her dress and into her panties. She used her hand that was tangled in his hair to grip his wrist and try pushing him away, but he was too strong.
“P-Please,” y/n begged, but muffled. “Oh, look at that. She might cum,” Eddie smirked down at her, seeing Billy’s hand rub her cunt roughly, trying to force a hard orgasm out of her.
“Hey!” Steve said as he kicked y/n’s arm. “Don’t touch him,” Steve kicked again until she kept her hands away. “Take Eddie’s cock, and let Billy touch that cunt of yours since you’ve treated them so badly,” Steve said.
“And afterward, you’re gonna let me eat that pussy until you pass out, and you dare beg me for no more. Sluts get treated like sluts,” Steve said as he gripped y/n’s hair, making Eddie let her go.
“And pick up your fuckin’ paste,” Steve began pushing her into Eddie repeatedly, making her neck ache, but there was nothing she could do, not when three men were all over her.
“Fuckin’ suck him!” Steve yelled at y/n, making Eddie and Billy chuckle. Y/n looked up at Steve, begging him with her eyes to give her a break, but one look told her that she better listen to him.
Steve let y/n’s hair go after she began to bop her head on her own. “That’s it, baby. Suck him up,” Steve continued to stroke himself, feeling his close he is just by watching her pretty face do what he can’t get overseeing.
Y/n but her eyes tightly with a whine as her body shook. “Mhm, keep it cummin’ princess,” Billy kept rubbing her harder. “I-I can’t, I can’t!” Y/n cried as she pulled away and fell back in her bottom.
“Nah, uh, get back over,” Billy said as he pulled her ankles towards him, making her upper body fall back. “N-No, no,” she begged, but Billy ignored her and continued to rub her pussy, catching back up to her orgasm.
As the poor girl shook on the ground, moaning loudly and begging for Billy to stop or at least slow down, Steve and Eddie leaned over her body, jerking off to the image.
“Look at thaaaat,” Eddie dragged as cum shot all over her. “Fuck yes, baby,” Eddie kept stroking, making sure to drop everything last load onto her. “Get up. Get up!” Steve said as he leaned down and pulled her up by her hair.
“Open up, open up!” Steve shouted, and surprisingly, she did as told. “Thaaat’s it! That’s it, baby, fuck!” Steve came hard on y/n’s face, trying to cover every inch of her.
“You better swallow that too, baby,” Steve said before sticking his cock into her mouth to give her his drops. “Fuckin’ hell,” Steve pushed y/n’s head into him and forced her to stay in place.
Y/n kicked and slapped, feeling her breath be taken away, but he had to get everything out of him, into her.
“Ssh, ssh, just a few more seconds,” Steve’s legs shook. He would love for her to suck him off for a little while, but he had to get in the car and eat her out now. He can’t wait anymore.
“Up, up,” Steve pulled y/n to her feet and dragged her to the car. “Hey, Ian cum yet,” Billy said, leaking in his pants. “You can wait,” Steve said as he opened the backseat door and pushed y/n into the car.
“Dammit,” Billy said as he got into the front seat as well as Eddie. Billy turned around to ask Steve what their next move was, but Steve was too busy diving his face into the moaning girls pussy.
“I’ll just drive back to your place,” Billy said, making Steve hum in agreement. “Steve!” Y/n moaned as she grabbed his hair, not even pulling away. Eddie shifted his body to look back and watch y/n grind up into Steve’s face.
“We’ll get her car tomorrow,” Eddie said as Billy pulled off and Steve stuck two fingers into y/n’s soaking cunt. “G-Gonna cum,” y/n’s hands went everywhere as she came all over Steve’s face.
“Hey man, that’s my car!” Billy said, knowing he didn’t really care. He was just jealous that he was Steve and that he was the only one who didn’t cum earlier.
“S-Sorry,” y/n whined, feeling bad as Steve smirked into her folds. “Don’t be, princess. Just make it up for me and ride me to the house,” Billy said. “Y-Yessir!” Y/n said, making them all groan at her choice of words.
“So you’re a respectful little cupcake now, huh?” Eddie asked as he leaned to the back seat. “Hm, baby? Talk to me,” Eddie said as he rubbed the side of y/n’s face. “Y-Yessir,” y/n said, trying to focus on him.
“Good girl,” Eddie said before connecting his lips with hers. “Maybe now you’ll stay good and not have us stalk and look for you. I’m kinda gettin’ tired of the attitude, sweetheart,” Billy said, secretly hoping she’ll do this again.
It’s kind of fun. Even for Steve, no matter how angry he gets. It only allows him to touch on her however he wants and for however long he wants.
part one
part two
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people on tiktok and twitter are the most purposely obtuse people that i have ever seen.
and with the things people keep saying about blood & cheese, it has only gotten worse. now if what people are saying is true i am going to be unhappy, but people are still using it to misconstrue the past events of driftmark when aemond lost his eye.
people have started placing blame on alicent and criston for not being there and while i do agree that the adults have a lot of blame in this incident it is not there. alicent was not there because she was in bed. where the kids were SUPPOSED TO BE. just because she is their mother does not mean that she needs to be awake 24/7 watching them. notice how viserys is not getting any of the blame there?
people are saying that since criston’s a kingsguard he should’ve been there since he is supposed to protect the whole family, and that is partially true. he is supposed to protect the whole family, but he is sworn to ALICENT, which means that when she is asleep he is supposed to keep watch over her. he cannot possibly watch every single member of the family at once, which is why there are multiple members of the kingsguard. this means that there should have been another member of the kingsguard assigned to the kids unless viserys never bothered, which i would not be surprised by.
now onto alicent asking aegon where he was. i do not agree with her here, but people are not understanding why she did this.
1. all of the children besides aegon and helaena (and joffrey) were there, so why wasn’t aegon? because he was drunk and passed out. now that doesn’t mean that he should be punished for being asleep like he was supposed to be, but when your younger son lost an eye when he got 4 v 1’d it might be a little irritating that the reason your oldest wasn’t there is because he was passed out drunk. still not his fault.
2. alicent has been trying to make aegon see the danger that he and his siblings are in and trying to make him take responsibility to protect them as the oldest and he has resisted and now he has “failed” and aemond lost an eye. agree with her actions or not, but she is trying to save her children’s lives even if it backfires.
now rhaenyra and daemon. people get upset that rhaenrya gets blame when alicent doesn’t. and while i get that since they both shouldn’t have to watch their children sleep to make sure they don’t get up to anything after they’ve been sent to bed, i do think people need to remember that their situations are a little different.
alicent sent her children to bed and wasn’t there because she also went to bed. rhaenrya sent her children to bed and wasn’t there because she went to sleep with her uncle at his wife’s funeral. let me repeat that. SHE AND DAEMON FUCKED AT HIS WIFE’S FUNERAL. THAT IS THE PROBLEM, at least for me. maybe i would be more sympathetic there if laena was cold in her damn grave before they did the horizontal tango.
now all in all i hope you all realize that this situation is a little more complicated than people act like and that if you’re going to blame anyone blame, viserys because really this is all his fault.
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