#i keep thinking about the worm convo now
dragon-kazansky · 2 years
Not being able to sleep and turning over to look at your husband, Beau. You have something on your mind and it's bothering you. Poking him, you wake Beau up.
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
All you get as an answer is a pillow slap to the face.
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For my dear friends @cycbaby - @mrsjaderogers - @callsignscupcake
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xixovart · 6 days
lost trio headcanons because theyre my mini fixation for the day
for starters i’d like to remind you that the first time jason felt like a person and not a soldier was when he was with leo and piper
ok now actual headcsnons
jason’s hair grew out after a bit and ended up covering the scar (“undercut”) he has on the side of his head from that one bullet. leo likes to surprise people by putting jason’s hair up bc its funny to see their reactions
l: “and look—secret undercut!!”
j: “it’s not an undercut leo, it’s a scar”
p: “the bullet didn’t even touch your skin drama queen”
j: “might’ve. my head could’ve exploded and—“
[groaning and arguing and leo laughing]
—canon convo guys rick told me
leo knows a lot of car games which is very beneficial for long days on the argo ii
piper always has a lollipop in her mouth and no one knows where they come from
leo comes up with the oddest nicknames and piper and jason are just. so used to it? jason could be talking to like reyna or smth and leo will come up to him and say
l: “oh hey jason gracer razor blazer”
j: “hi leo”
r: “what the fuck”
leo is really bad at picking up social clues so jason does it for him
the wildnerness school had a really early curfew that piper and leo blatantly ignored
they would stay out and wander the halls and hide in classrooms whenever a teacher was nearby
leo was poor and homeless, jason was raised with no regards to currency, spending, or finances, and piper is a nepo baby. the ultimate trio dynamic. arguing for hours about whether $50 is a lot or not (it is.)
leo shares food as a love language
jason loves video games, surprisingly enough (mario kart. MARIO KART.)
piper is constantly taking leo’s and jason’s stuff. hair ties, jewelry, mostly clothes, also mostly food, leo’s homework,
the trio has a movie marathon every friday night. there’s blanket forts, gummy worms, matching pjs, and fairy lights involved. they borrow rachel’s cave, since cabin 1 is too depressing and the aphrodite and hephaestus cabins are way too packed (sometimes rachel hangs around for a bit :D)
picture me this. it’s winter, the lake is frozen over. they somehow find ice skates. utter chaos. leo fancies himself a figure skater, jason is on all fours because he keeps falling, and piper actually did figure skating as a kid
im gonna have to draw this but like
piper giving them very strict instructions on what to do and what not to do (they end up forgetting half of it)
yk that one quote from new girl?
“where are you piper?? this place is fancy and i don’t know which fork to kms with”
that’s leo
jason just hanging around quietly and not engaging in conversation and keeping everyone under close radar like the little fucking wolf he is
everyone ends up thinking he’s a bodyguard
the trio just goes along with it
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avernusreject · 10 months
Warning ya'll this is gonna be a long post. But please join my descent into insanity, as I deep dive into the vague wormhole that is the durge betrayal pre bg3 timeline.
Before we start, it’ll help if you have context around the faerun calendar. There are twelve months in total, each having exactly 30 days. Additionally, weeks don’t exist in faerun. Rather months get broken down into chunks of time called tendays, which you guessed is literally just ten days. If that was too straight forward for you, don’t worry, they add in five extra days to the calendar that fall outside of the months (ngl I still have no idea where these are located) to make the full year 365 days. 
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At the beginning of the game, the nautiloid crash occurs at 20 Eleasis. Which means, the game starts in the middle of summer. Obviously, the way you play the game is going to influence the speed of events, but for my playthrough I reached moonrise towers around 12 elient (total time being 22 days). When you get to moonrise, in Bathazar’s chamber you can find his journal that explains that Kressa (the crazy necromancer chick) managed to keep durge alive. This entry is dated “two tenday ago”. But in game, that makes no sense because we know that the nautiloid should have crashed around that point. So either Balthazar doesn’t understand how the Faerun calendar works (I mean same, my guy) or we have to change our frame of reference. I think its more likely that the implied frame of reference is the start of the game, 20 Eleasis (since the developers can’t control how fast the player goes). 
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If true, durge was saved by Kressa around 1 Eleasis. Her vivisections took place after this in the following days. However, durge is taken away before the end of the following tendays (at least before 10 Eleasis).
Now when you talk to Kressa in the basement of moonrise, she states that she found durge only hours after they had been given the tadpole.
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In the fight with Orin, she states that when she attacked durge she carved out a hole for the worm (ignore the Half-Elf part, that's just from the moment Orin turns into durge during the pre-fight convo).
The part that we're missing is when specifically the tadpole was inserted into durge. But given how the game describes just how utterly fucked durge was, there's a high likelyhood that the tadpole was given to durge moments after their fight. Which if true, places Orin's betrayal at 1 Eleasis. Giving us twenty days till the start of the game.
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The piece that threw me for a bit was this piece of the narrator's dialogue when durge examines the pod, stating that durge had no idea how much time had passed.
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But the blood in the pod is still fresh enough that Astarion is able to ID it as durge & in another dialogue choice if you examine the blood further the narrator states the blood hasn't been there long enough to rot.
I think this dialogue is more explaining that durge is actively being tortured by Kressa so time feels unending (kressa being the one who put them in the pod to begin with).
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I've seen in other posts that Gortash's draft memoir explains that Orin's betrayal occurred during or just around the crowning of the brain (I don't have a screenshot of that unfortunately). But we have to take that with a grain of salt because Gortash is the definition of an unreliable narrator.
Personally, I don't think he's lying though. Orin's betrayal occurred in moonrise and there's really no other reason that Orin and durge would be in moonrise that the game has provided. Not to mention, the warden explains the last time that durge was in moonrise, they never left.
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I don't think durge came to moonrise more then once given the fact that the warden, who had clearly been there a while, had no clue who they were. I find it hard to believe their identity would be kept under wraps had they been at moonrise multiple times. Employees have to gossip about something.
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I think its likely that Ketheric, Gortash, and Durge tamed the brain in the days leading up to 1 Eleasis (like ~20 to 30 Flamerule).
In summary, the dead three had a Phineas and Ferb summer vacation by deciding to create the cult of the absolute.
And yes if you are wondering this is how I look now.
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lakesbian · 1 year
i am actually kind of fascinated by the worm fanfiction environment because it’s like. worm is fucking massive. there are a lot of works that are hard to write fanfiction for because they kinda say everything there is to say about themselves already within the pre-existing plot, but worm is not like that. worm is fucking massive. there are so many interesting worldbuilding details & character arcs we see implied but not played out in full that would be fun to make shit up about. if you gave me twenty minutes w/ a piece of paper and pencil i could probably come up with fifty different character-driven worm fanfiction ideas. 
like here: aisha introspecting about how her big brother carried her away from one of the worst days of her life but now she can’t figure out how to do the same for him. recounting of how 13yo alec escaped from heartbreaker. what danny was thinking and doing while taylor was gone. day in the life of the travelers w/ one bit from each of their perspectives to demonstrate all the different plates they were spinning and how inevitably those plates were gonna fall. dragon & defiant character developing convo while they’re chasing after the nine. I Could Go On. i don’t even have to bring AUs into it until i get into the thirties, probably. fuck it, if you wanna get real creative, write about the day one of the civilizations the entities previously visited got kersploded. there are a million one-off lines you could develop.
and yet. 85% of the worm fanfiction out there is just like. “what if taylor. had a different power that is less cool and thematically fitting than bugs.” the tedious convoluted AUs that would be the bottom of the barrel in literally any other fandom somehow comprise The Vast Amount of worm fanfiction. people will be out there putting characters in situations you did not know it was possible to put them in. why are we making our amy and alec dolls kiss, and more importantly, why is that one of the most notable alec fanfictions. it’s like a fucking rollercoaster ride of people seeing a universe with one million billion interesting characters in it and a bunch of free compelling narratives to explore already attached and going “Hmm. No. I want to see everything that already happened except it’s written worse and Taylor has Wolverine knifehands and keeps stabbing people.”
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harrywavycurly · 6 months
Sarah I love killers love!! I love how he just drops everything to answer the phone when we call🥰🥰 I was wondering if it would be ever so possible to get some more of that? Like the conversation kinda things you do!😍😍
Hiii babes!! Awe I’m so glad you like the series!! Of course I can give you some little convos where Eddie answers the phone while he’s “busy” with something/someone as well as when he just drops anything to talk to you in general 😂 I hope you enjoy!💖
CW: Eddie is a serial killer
-find all things A Killer’s Love here✨
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“Hey baby what’s wrong?” “Why does something have to be wrong? Why can’t I just be calling my husband because I miss him?” “Sweetheart it’s…eight thirty at night on a Tuesday so normally by now you’d be tucked into bed with a book…so what’s wrong?” “I want some tea and…I can’t find my favorite mug…” “give me one minute baby I’m gonna mute you okay? I gotta talk to Rick really quick.” “Okay honey tell him I said hello and sorry for interrupting poker night.” “You don’t need to apologize sweetheart but I’ll tell him you said hi…….listen up my wife is on this phone and if you so much as breathe a little too loud and she hears you I’ll make this the most painful night of your like you got that? And I really don’t want to tape your mouth shut because it’s such a waste of tape but I will…now….just let me tell her where her mug is and then we can get back to our little chat okay? Nod your head if you understand…Good……sorry about that baby.” “It’s okay so…do you happen to know where-” “top shelf in the cabinet left of the microwave…that’s where your pink mug with the smiley faces on it is.” “Oh god you’re the best..I love you.” “I love you too Princess I’ll be home in….an hour or so depending on how much money Rick is willing to lose tonight…” “be gentle with him honey.” “I’ll try my best.”
“Why won’t you just be still? It doesn’t hurt as much when you’re not wiggling around like a worm on a hook….wait one moment my wife is calling…sorry I hate gagging people but I can’t risk you yelling or anything so…here we go….hey baby.” “Hey honey! So I’m standing in the kitchen and I have no idea what to make for dinner tonight and I also can’t find the remote to the tv.” “Okay well the remote is next to the coffee pot that’s where you left it this morning when you turned the news on while getting ready for work…now for dinner what are the options?” “You really do just keep track of everything…uhm let’s see the options are…spaghetti with meatballs…I can make meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green beans or….uhm well that’s all I’m in the mood to make so those are the options.” “Spaghetti sounds great sweetheart….one moment baby I gotta help someone with their head gear.” “Oh yeah go help them honey! Safety first!” “Yeah safety first……you were doing so good and now…now I have to use the tape and I fucking hate using the tape………don’t look at me like that I told you to just be still this is all your own fault now I’ll be right back….hey baby…so does spaghetti sound good to you?” “Yeah that sounds great I’ll make it enough so you can have leftovers for your lunch tomorrow.” “Perfect…I gotta go but I love you and I’ll be home soon.” “I love you too.”
“Hey sweetheart.” “Hi honey I’m not bothering you am I?” “Not at all I’m just uh..digging some…holes…for Henderson’s mom’s new bushes for her backyard.” “Oh that’s so nice of you to do that….” “What’s wrong? You sound upset.” “Well uhm…don’t freak out okay but I’m…lost?” “Lost?…baby how are you lost in Hawkins it’s not even that big of a city…” “I think I turned left somewhere I was meant to turn right…and now I’m on a street called sir Timothy? I haven’t ever been in this neighborhood before and it’s getting dark and my phone can’t even locate me to tell me how to get home and-” “hey hey it’s okay baby I’ll come and get you and you can just follow me home okay?” “You…you know where I’m at?” “Yes you’re in that new development over by lover’s lake…really nice houses over there…big plots of land too it’s nice.” “When have you been over here?” “On my way home once or twice…I just drove around seeing if it was maybe a place we’d wanna move to eventually.” “Oh…I mean it is…nice over here but I love our house.” “I love our house too…now just sit tight and I’ll be there in a few minutes.” “Okay…I love you…thanks for coming to rescue me.” “I love you too and you know I’ll always come and rescue you…it’s part of the job of being a husband.”
“Honey? Why are you all out of breath? Are you okay?” “Yeah baby I’m fine I just had my phone in my locker at work and had to run when I heard it going off.” “Oh I’m not bothering you during your break am I? I know how much you love your sixty minutes of silence in your truck.” “No sweetheart you’re not bothering me…are you home already?” “I am! That’s actually why I was calling…I was seeing if tonight could be our date night for the week? Since I’m off early and you don’t work tonight?” “Sure we can have date night tonight….I should be home around five.” “Oh perfect that gives me two hours to be a couch potato before I have to start getting ready….” “Baby…” “yes?” “Is that really the only reason you called?” “I might’ve just also wanted to hear your voice…it gets all rough in the middle of the day from you yelling at people to do their jobs correctly….” “Oh and you enjoy that do you?” “You yelling? No but…I do enjoy what it does to your voice…but I’ll let you get back to work.” “Oh you’ve gotten your fill then huh? I’m free to go now?” “Yes you’re free to go.” “Okay well I’ll see you when I get home…if you miss me too much feel free to call me…” “you just want an excuse to get out of working.” “No I just like hearing your voice…I love you baby I’ll see you soon.” “I love you too honey…see you when you get home.”
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bisexualcage · 7 months
hey! first off, i just wanna say i love your writing and the way you write johnny! if you’re comfortable with it, would you write a johnny x reader fic where reader is asexual (can be any gender) and tells johnny one night and thinks he’s gonna be like upset or whatever by the news but he’s actually really supportive and asks about it to learn more? and maybe at some point reader or johnny’s friend (or honestly just a random stranger would work too lol) asks how reader can be asexual but romantic at the same time?
totally not based off a convo i had with my friend lmao
- Hey! Thank you so much ahhh ❤️ Took my time with this one, hope you like it and that I hope did some sort of justice for ace rep <3, p.s changed a few things up
Shades of Black, Grey, White, & Purple /
Johnny Cage x Gender Neutral!Asexual Reader
warnings: brief dialogue about intimacy, sex ect.
An: I proofread this pretty quickly lol
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“You haven’t touched your food, honey…”
Johnny and you decided to attend a pride parade, with that came some hot greasy foods and just overall a good time. It was Johnny’s first time attending one with you, according to him he’s a “pride parade veteran” which made you laugh. But despite the laughs and the great atmosphere you couldn’t help but grow sour at what was growing inside of you and what’s been eating at you for weeks now since you’ve both been dating.
You snap out of your trance as you hear Johnny’s voice echo in your ear; “Oh- yeah- my bad.” you take a bite out of your corn dog and chuckle.
Johnny of course didn’t buy it, he shrugged it aside for the sake of having a good time but you could tell that he could tell something has been up lately. An occasional fan of his would stop him for a selfie or two as you both admired the different pride flags being waved in display and ate food, his arm around your waist as he pulled you against his side. Music blasted in the background and whistles went off as people walked down the street celebrating, it was such an inviting and welcoming atmosphere.
Johnny takes a bite out of your corn dog without much warning and grinned, “Hey, you ain’t eating it so I might as well.”
You chuckle back and lean your head against his shoulder as you both walked, but pause as soon as you spot an huge asexual flag being waved by a person. Your heart beat went fast, your skin turning warm. You’ve been doing research on asexuality for a while now, it’s been keeping you up at night and has consumed most of your days. Trying to figure out if that was missing puzzle piece you needed. Seeing another person identify the same way made you earn goosebumps and it gave you a contagious smile that Johnny quickly took notice of.
“Aw, what’s up baby? See something you like that isn’t me?” He says cockily but with a playful tone, his shades shining against the sun.
You roll your eyes and elbow him softly with a snort; “Shut up, Johnny.” You smile at him. His eyes follow yours and they see how you’re staring at the big flag a few feet away, he raises his eyebrow but doesn’t question it.
“Say, I’m not that knowledgeable about pride flags, care to tell me a few?”
You snort, “I thought you said you were a ‘Pride Veteran’.”
Johnny laughs, “And I am! I just haven’t studied up on all the flags yet. I mean, I know the rainbow one and the bisexual one.”
“I’d be concerned you being a bisexual man and not knowing those.” You snort loudly.
Johnny bites his lip at your teasing and leans in to kiss your cheek, “So you gonna tell me a few other flags?”
You hum, thinking about the asexual flag but quickly shove it aside seeming as you’re not ready to open that can of worms yet. “…oh there’s the lesbian flag, it’s all pinkish and reddish!”
Johnny’s eyes light up, “Oh yeah? I think I saw that one being flown early I was wondering what it was!”
You chuckle as you continue to tell him about a few other flags, like the trans flag and the non binary one. It was fun seeing him so engaged in queer culture, his eyes light up like a Christmas tree when he sees you explaining them. An ice cream vendor with a little cart comes in to view suddenly and Johnny almost jumps at the sight, running to the man and dragging you with him.
“What flavors you got?” Johnny said a bit too excitedly at the vendor.
“Coconut, passion fruit-“ the vendor went on.
“PASSION FRUIT?!” You interrupt, your mouth watering. “Can I have passion fruit please?!”
Johnny looked at you an unmistakable warmth in his eyes and shook his head at your enthusiasm. “I’ll have the same as this nerd over here.” He elbows you playfully.
The vendor quickly got to scooping passion fruit ice cream in to 2 cups and handing them over to you both, you begin licking the soft serve immediately.
“How much is it?” Johnny takes out his wallet like it was an automatic thing, he always refused to let you pay no matter how much you insisted to him so you just let him eventually.
“6 bucks.” The vendor said with a smile.
Johnny laughed and shook his head, “Look man, I only have 100$ dollar bills on me— I don’t have change but take it. It’s fine-“
The vendor puts up his hands, “No sir, I can’t do that-“
Johnny grabs the man’s hand and places the 100$ dollar bill in his palm, “Take it. I have too many of these anyways. Give out the rest of the ice cream if you want to the rest of the pride parade. Say it’s a gift from Johnny Cage, okay?” Johnny smiles warmly and pulls you to walk with him while you both consumed the icy treat in the warm summer weather.
“Man, you didn’t even let him refuse-“ you laugh, warmth overtaking your cheeks at his philanthropic behavior he always exhibited.
Johnny licked the creamy ice cream down, giving you a look, “You know me honey, I’m stubborn.”
“Well- not just stubborn but caring.” You give him a kiss on the cheek.
Johnny blushes, “Oh zip it.”
“I love seeing you red, sorry!”
As you both finish your ice cream the pride parade seems to settle down a bit and so you both take a seat on a park bench, enjoying each others company. Johnny kept looking at you every few seconds, not hiding his infatuation with you. At the back of your head you were struggling with how to break the news to him with your asexuality. It ate at you every day and you can no longer take it, it scared you how he’d react even though he’s never given you a reason to. Always been keen to learn more and never judged people on sexuality or identity but still.
You take a deep breath and look at him shyly, playing with your hands as birds flew over you both and the sun toasted your skins. “I gotta tell you something…” you trail off, not really making eye contact with him.
Johnny spotted your jittery behavior and placed a muscly arm around your shoulders; “Please, don’t tell me you like pineapple on pizza.” He jokes, trying to make you laugh while you were clearly struggling to look at him.
You snort loudly, his joke working in making you lighten up a bit. “Remember how I told you how I’d tell you whenever I’d be ready for…more intimidate things? I’m not sure that’s gonna happen.”
Johnny nodded, his expression growing serious and his eyebrows furrowing with worry.
“…been thinking a while on this and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m…” you continue and grow red, swallowing hard.
“It’s okay, honey. Tell me.” Johnny whispers in you ear, rubbing your shoulder tenderly.
“I’m- I’m asexual.” You blurt out, closing your eyes tightly.
Johnny stays quiet thinking deeply, going through word choices carefully in his head. But he didn’t seem at all bothered to which you let out a relieved sigh, he was filled with curiosity and a small grin on his face. “Okay, can you explain more to me, baby?”
You blush and lean your head on his shoulder lazily, sighing; “It’s when you experience little or no sexual attraction to others. That being said, it’s more of a spectrum ya know? Everyone is different. There’s asexuals who participate in sex despite not really having sexual attraction, and there’s others who’d rather not want to participate in sexual intercourse whatsoever.”
Johnny’s gears turn, trying to be careful with what he wants to say; “Oh okay. That’s cool!” He swallows deeply now, a shyness overcoming his expression; “…Do you still love me despite being asexual? Or how does it work?” The actor says with apprehension, “Sorry if it’s a stupid question-“
You hug him firmly and rub his back; “It’s not. Babe, me being asexual doesn’t negate the fact that I love you with my entire heart. There’s a difference between romantic and sexual attraction and trust me I’ve never not been romantically in love with you. Someone who lacks romantic attraction is aromantic. In fact, lots of asexuals like me seek romantic relationships.”
Johnny grows red, his nose nuzzling against your neck; “Oh that makes sense, duh!” He laughs and it’s gently dies down before he speaks again; “I love you so much, thank you for trusting me with this— I know it couldn’t be easy. But I never EVER would have denied you your own experience.” He now starts rubbing your back, not caring how public y’all were with affection.
There was a warmth that overtook you as soon as he said those words, a sense of peace; “Oh thank god- I- I was so scared to break it to you. I didn’t want to disappoint in any expectations-“
Johnny leaned back a bit and caressed your jaw with his warm hand, “Shhh, you’d never. How can I shame you for something that you are? Something you can’t help, honey? Whether you want to have sex or not any sex whatsoever that’s not the core of our relationship.”
You nod, a tear trickling down your cheek, “You’re too good for me.”
Johnny kisses your wet cheek softly; “No, quite the opposite. You’re so patient and kind to me, so willing to teach me about things when you don’t gotta do shit. The least I can do is be receptive and kind back.”
The afternoon was slowly seeping in to evening, the sky was no longer too sunny and darkness was beginning to cloud the skies. The pride festival had almost nearly died down and there was only a few people walking about.
“Can I ask you something though? Earlier, you were staring at this big purple, black and white flag…was that the asexual flag?” He quirks up an eyebrow with pure curiosity.
You chuckle, seeing how easily he always read you; “Yeah, it was, I was gonna tell ya but…I got stuck.”
“Honey, I saw it all over your face. You’ve been off all these days and now…well, we know why. Hopefully you feel better now yeah?” He rubs your back and pecks your nose.
“Completely…” you breathe out with a happy sigh, “It’s like I can breathe now.”
Johnny grins at you lovingly, his smile reaching his eyes. He then brings you up with him off the bench, “How about we head home, and we can over what you’re comfortable with and not? Maybe we’ll watch a film and snuggle up too, how’s that sound sugar?”
“Magical, just…magical.”
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reddiesworldsblog · 2 years
daily reminder day 53: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and it’s in the middle of the night when eddie flips over in richie’s arms in bed and pokes his belly until he wakes up. “mmph, yes?” richie grumbles still partly asleep. “richie wake up i have a silly question.” richie only grumbles again, his way of telling eddie to ask his question. “would you still love me as a worm?” dead silence. after a few seconds passed richie opens his eyes to see eddie already looking at him, bambi eyes wide and questioning that are seen even in the darkness of their bedroom. eddie blinks, “well? would you still love me or not?” “i- did we switch places or something? because that’s something i’d ask you and also, eds, /baby/, it’s 3 in the morning. why are you asking me this /now/?” richie’s right, this is usually something he’d ask eddie just to be silly but eddie guesses he beat him to it. only thing is that eddie is actually curious about it; he wasn’t able to sleep and he had seen someone tweet the question on twitter and for some reason eddie was thinking about it now and needed to know if richie would still love him as a worm. also apparently right now. “just answer the question! i’m aware of the time right now, thanks.” richie sighs and leans over to turn on their side lamp. “okay uh..okay well i guess it depends on the situation. like am i worm too? am i human and just keeping you as a little pet? or is it…” richie is still talking and throwing out scenarios and eddie just lays there in his arms listening and looking up at him because he honestly didn’t even think into it that far, but richie was throwing out some good points. they ended up talking a while about this worm subject and flowed into other crazy topics, something they always tend to do and eddie loves it when this happens. they can go forever until suddenly it’s an hour and a half later and they have to remember how they even got to where they are. needless to say, yes, richie would still love eddie as a worm, and at 5am when their convo is finally over he can sleep peacefully.
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rui-drawsbox · 2 years
Hello again, it’s me: the menace of your inbox 😎✨🤠✨🐊✨
for curtesies sake I’ll add a read more after I write one sentence of explanation.
I’m too busy to write a fic rn but the brain worms are so intense for Magical Girl Arashi that I will instead write an outline.
I’ll probably try to write em in an episodic fashion cuz like, magical girl anime :D:D✨✨✨
Cool so episode one should serve about three functions.
show how arashi gets her powers
establish the setting and foreshadow future characters
Get the view acquainted with the tone
so here’s how I’d go about it 🥰
Scene one:
Arashi should be in class
its a normal day
a new kid joins the class, it’s Mika
she notes that there’s something odd about him but like, in a comedic way that the audience won’t initially pick up on
he shouldn’t notice her at this point, she’s still a normal girl (still a queen, slay Fr I love her)
However he doesn’t make any friends for most of class and his introduction sounded like a robotic script, also he’s sitting alone, poor murderous baby 😭
anyways she, being the queen that she is, decides to talk to him after class and she gets a whole conversation with him
He doesn’t show it very well but he is happy to have a friend and offers her a bear charm instead of actually confirming that they’re friends (he’s real standoffish at this point so think how he acted to Anzu at first in the first game but like, a bit more tame) (cuz he ain’t allowed to really have friends, he’s just supposed to keep up appearances while Shu finds what he’s after)
School goes on, Arashi has lunch with Ritsu and Leo, we get a passing convo about them going to karaoke later, Leo laments that Izumi won’t go with them and the other two just kind of give him a sad look ig. Cuz he hasn’t gone with them in a really long time cuz he’s “busy” and “not interested in childish things right now” “too much work with ballet” (he’s lying💀✨. We’ll get to that later, I am having numerous thoughts)
School goes on once again and the day ends. Arashi walks home with her friends and they all go their separate ways.
while she is walking alone she hears this awful screeching sound, like a cat that’s super upset. So she, as any good cat mom would, follows it.
she finds a little kitty that’s being chased by these creepy looking Victorian dolls. They have golden strings attached to their feet that seem to trail on the ground as they walk. She doesn’t take much note of them tho. She’s too busy grabbing that cat and getting the hell out of there.
so she takes the cat back to her house and checks the poor baby for injuries. Thankfully the kitty is fine. However, things get a bit funky. (Magic cat.)
The cat puts a paw on her chest (like between her collar bones) and a little jewel mark appears there. Arashi is obviously very confused and concerned but the cat just purrs and meows at her.
She starts questioning the cat but like, ma’am despite the magic, that cat don’t talk. That cat meows, screams, and imitates barking noises to scare other cats. Fucking creature tbh. I love this cat.
also arashi is in her room on her bed btw, and there should be big windows by her bed, also she is on the ground floor. This is important.
so after a few minutes of questioning and getting meows for yes and shaken heads for no, the cat starts yowling and screaming and growling. So arashi is obviously very concerned.
There’s a thump on her window, the cat gets even louder.
she looks out and sees a… doll? Maybe a mannequin? It certainly looks large enough to be a mannequin. Huh, it has more of those gold strings. It’s beating on her window. Huh, wait, why is the window sliding open, FUCK!
Arashi grabs the cat and bolts while this mannequin chases her through the house. She does the smart thing and tries to call the police, there’s no response cuz the lines been cut and the service on her cell phone is out.
She tries to leave the house but each exit is being stalked by a different mannequin. So she runs to the bathroom to lock the door and hide.
(She tried to snap a photo of one of the mannequins btw, just in case she needed proof but when she looks at it later the photo will be obscured and unrecognizable so sucks to suck lmao 💀)
The cat gestures to the gem mark on her chest and tries to communicate with her to touch the mark. She does as the cat communicates and then she transforms. She gazes into the vast universe (the background from your art of her in her super magical girl form) and she sees a sword, a really pretty, majestic sword. She grasps the handle and her transformation starts.
anyways she doesn’t kickass yet, I’m sorry girlboss enjoyers, she ain’t a fighter yet, but she’s real strong and has the urge to kill to defend this kitty. So she wins, but just barely.
She also manages to avoid destroying her house in the process. So good for her. If the house was beaten up when her parents got home they would’ve had a fit.
Anyways the episode ends with her relooking all the doors and windows to her house and wondering what she got herself into with this cat. But the cat is cute so she doesn’t care. Also yes it is her cat from enstars. I love her cat so much.
That’s what I have for a possible episode one for this. I’ve got more ideas but I don’t have time rn. I’ll be back. My Izumi ideas are going crazy rn tbh. I’m gonna have a lot of fun implementing him lmao.
Also hi Rui, I hope you’re having a good day/night :D:D✨✨
my dude is your brain powered by the fukin sun or you are just a genius
anyways i can't possibly add anything to your outline. It's perfect. It was so good that even made me want to animate it and i went to search tutorials to the page i was going to use for my studies this year, and found out it was a scam HAHA
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Local high school girl adopts transferred silly man
also what do you think about Arashi, Leo and Ritsu (and sometimes Izumi?) doing dance covers every now and then, i think it would be a good excuse for when she has to outrun the dolls(?)
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fuck the twelve principles of animation, all my homies don't know what they're doing
ngl it would be a pretty horrific scenario to be in, lucky she😊!
also have you considered Arashi not knowing how the fuck a sword is used outside movies (and bc those dolls certanly look hard to break lol) and in the dispair uses it like a mf hammer? especially bc it's a real technique and it looks funny
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anyways, stars from stock wallpaper, my beloveds
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dont tell i dont know how to draw weapons i already know jsfhdkas
And Arashi just 'brushing' all that happend bc the cat is cute is the most magical-shoujo-protagonist thing that she could do lol
anyways im actually more motivated to animate than ever! my friend you just did the perfect first chapter for a series like that ajfads
good night my fellow AU enjoyer! Rui out! *explodes*
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vro0m · 4 months
Hello! Hope you're doing great!
You don't have to post this ask if you don't want to of course and encourage the tin foil hat theorists. I really don't believe (or want to) that merc is sabotaging lewis because it make no sense and we're just making assumptions without solid proof but lewis keeps saying the same pr answer and making such vague hinting comments that almost remind me of 2016 just more vague.
But while I don't think they're sabotaging HIM they are being very questionable in their management. It's always been bad I think but it's getting more and more highlighted as the weeks go by. Hell even bono now doesn't communicate with lewis properly now. For eg: telling lewis it was a normal outlap this week when it was a critical one, not warning lewis of oncoming cars in imola
Idk mercedes really need to look at themselves and figure out what's wrong with them because they fucked both their drivers with the management this week.
Now here's episode 2 of can of worms Monday.
Imo the PR upgrade comment could be that he doesn't believe in the upgrade. He didn't want it and left it to George which, his reasons for it make sense but if he thought it would really give him an edge I think he would have taken the risk, and the PR line sounds like he has nothing good to say about the upgrade package. Either it's not that good, or he doesn't believe it's that good, but he doesn't sound confident in it.
Now the outlap thing. I think people are not gonna agree with me about this but I think it was truly a misunderstanding again. And like don't get me wrong such misunderstandings still shouldn't happen but it wasn't nefarious. I read a post that transcripted the convo and Bono did tell him to push. It just wasn't clear to Lewis how much but it's not like he didn't tell him to push.
However like I said in episode 1 keep in mind that these things are compounded
1) by each other. As in, any of these things by themselves may not have gotten the reaction out of us the whole of it does. If it was only the outlap mishap, or only the upgrade PR line, we'd be shrugging it off
2) by his disappointment. He probably wouldn't have reacted the way he did about the rest if he'd qualified where he thought he could
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dangermousie · 2 years
Ep 4
1. Carolina knowing her boyfriend saw her sucking face with someone but not knowing what she wants to do (or who she wants) or what she thinks about it or how to approach it and so instead ignoring his attempts to talk and acting like nothing happened and he’s crazy to bring it up is pretty on brand. She was a genuinely bad girlfriend if heroic and brave and I found it pretty fitting that she ended up with someone who was a bad boyfriend if heroic and brave himself.
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And speaking of heroic - I do love that one or more of them keep trying to stop the runaway train of their investigation but something always interrupts that. In the latest attempt it’s Carolina, who insists on looking though even Marcos had enough. If I were a bitchier person (lie, I am plenty bitchy), I’d say that unlike a lot of the rest of them, she doesn’t have real troubles so she’s looking for them, but in addition to being bitchy, that’s not true - I think she’s just impulsive and single-minded AND sheltered so not genuinely getting the can of worms she’s opening, so hence her drive here.
We don’t know that much about Roque and Caye’s background (though Caye dies early on and Roque later brings up he has issues with his height and build and how he’s treated), but Marcos has lost his parents and has to bring up his sister, Victoria is poor and has to keep her scholarship in this snooty school as her one chance at a good future (one of the things I love btw is how Victoria’s lack of $$$ is never an issue for the rest of her friends - she’s in a group with the beautiful daughter of a famous actress and a kid whose dad half-owns the school and neither them nor anyone else bring up the social gulf ever, they are just friends). Ivan has been growing up in Abuse Central (the only way I am willing to buy he has any chance at normalcy after growing up with Noiret is because Noiret dumped him at the boarding schools for most of the year and that was a normal environment) and Julia was groomed and now sees ghosts. Carolina has a loving if scatterbrained mother, money, looks, friends etc. She really is the princess of the group. And like @theseasasleep​ I found it pretty narratively nifty that in the world of El Internado being a princess does not give you plot armor and that is not enough.
Another thing I found an interesting inversion is that Carolina is always self-absorbed on a basic level and bad at reading/caring about emotions of others - look how Vicki has to spell it out for her she is here on a stipend she can’t afford to play around and Caro’s reaction is “ok, whatever, moving on, let’s keep digging, why is she mad, oh who cares” and that’s her friend! She is not a bad person or anything, and that is a realistic level of self-absorption for a teen but it’s unusual the story lets her have it.
2. I watched Elsa complain that Hector always puts her last - after his causes and went OMG he and Marcos are def related!!! Because honestly, both are wonderful people, great siblings, heroic, with spine and ideals. But all of that makes them great causeheads and leaders, and terrible boyfriends.
3. I found the convo Maria and Hector had fascinating - when she said that her happiness is to love someone and look at them and tell them “I love you” and Hector went “but surely you want to be loved back?” her response floored me: “that is less important” and “if you want to receive, you first have to give” - if that doesn’t exemplify Maria’s whole character as a mother and as a person, I don’t know what does. (And now we know from whom Ivan inherited his capacity for loving.)
4. I forgot that the reason their investigation kept going at that point was because Carolina is hot and both Marcos and Ivan want her. Heh, the power of hormones! (Though looking the hair raising stunts she was up to early on makes me wonder how she lasted for seasons!) Also, as an older person (not just older than the characters but older than when I first saw this show), I just want to shake Ivan - if the girl cheated on you and didn’t even apologize - this is not a relationship worth holding on to unless you have five kids and a mortgage together. But of course, he’s got nothing else so there he is to help her with murder investigation and protect her (and I found it so funny that both dudes declared “we are gonna go into the well to do hard manual labor, you just get to stand here and look nice.” Ah, to be a pretty teen girl, heh.)
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5. Oooof!!! Marcos shows up, not knowing Ivan is in the well and is all “I forgot nothing of what happened in the well” (i.e., smoochies) and you know what gets me? Carolina knows her boyfriend is in the well and can hear everything and she goes “me neither.” JESUS, I FORGOT WHAT A TRULY TERRIBLE GIRLFRIEND SHE WAS!!!!!
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Ivan, stop self-injuring yourself - to inflict physical pain on yourself to distract from emotional pain is not a healthy coping mechanism, but also no matter how milk you guzzle, you are gonna break bones at some point! (A little touch - Marcos hears the noise and Caro tells him Ivan is in the well. Marcos is genuinely taken aback because he realizes that Ivan heard; does any of it bother Caro who knew from the start? Hell no.)
You know, of course Ivan forgives Caro over and over and clings to her (if I remember correctly, the reason this relationship ends is she finally calls it off) - due to his upbringing, not only does he cling to any hint of caring, he is an expert at forgiving the unforgivable. (I think that is why, later, his relationship with Julia is such a steep learning curve - a combo of someone who genuinely cares AND who won’t put up with shit is something utterly new for him.)
6. OK, boys, maybe forget Caro and make out? Too many danmeis have rotted my brain.
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7. This scene! When Ivan comes in injured and the way Maria lights up at the chance to take care of him!!! The mother-son stuff in this show always hits me in the softest place in my heart. (Though what kind of a fancy boarding school does not have a nurse’s office? One that is pretty much a portal to hell, apparently.) I do love the way she shines and the way he is so utterly puzzled at why this random cleaning lady is so nice to him. It breaks something in his brain. When he asks her what he should do so she’d hate him, it sounds so lost. (And Maria, being Maria, saying “nothing.”) Also, the little bit where she says his mom would have freaked and his replying his mother is dead - ouch.
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And then as he walks off he adds something like “my mother killed herself. That is how much she loved me” and I forgot that part of the backstory! No wonder Ivan’s issues have issues - for him the mom killed herself and left him with the monster dad. But what gets me is (1) even though he throws this piece of information like a weapon, that is something so personal and vulnerable and that kid with mile-wide shields shared this with her because subconsciously he knows it’s safe and (2) Maria’s little uncontrolled flinch - it’s one thing to have your child stolen and sold - that’s bad enough; but to know that he got stolen and sold into hell when all you wanted was to love him is - ooooh, poor Maria!
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8. Marcos and Carolina were very pretty together. And I loved that just as with the well earlier, it only looked like Ivan leaving - he instead went to get his arm fixed and to bring the rest of the gang as backup.
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9. Yeah, a video of someone murdering orphan children. Likely after experimenting. Just your normal boarding school. RUN BY NAZIS!!!!!
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food4dead · 2 months
Ive gotta say this out loud somewhere bc it's eating my brain like a worm. I had an off putting and creepy coworker at an old job of mine that i constantly butted heads with. There were rumors that our boss's boss got him the job (turned out to be true) and he was a genuine creep. Specifically to the girls. And incompetent. Like this guy sucked, no one liked him and i was like fucking batman to the other girls that worked there bc if he cornered them either literally or just into a convo, i would descend on him and tell him to fuck off.
He once offered to tie my apron for me. I told him id rather get third degree burns on my chest from steaming milk than have his hands near my ass. A few weeks later he offered to come with me, alone, to the storage room to "help" me get the stuff we needed. I looked down my nose at him and asked him in what way exactly did he think he was going to be helpful in this endeavor, when he couldn't even put away the truck in that same room in under 5 hours? He said nothing and avoided me after that. I talked shit to my partner about him constantly.
Lo and behold, bf gets a job at that same place years later but as a manager. And that guy is still there! So obviously id primed him to expect the worse of this guy and he did for a while. But then, he starts telling me about how that guy's doing at work now.
He's no longer incompetent, and is actually quite helpful. Ok, good, id sure fuckin hope so after being there for 3+ years.
He's not really a creep, he actually keeps to himself most of the time and is polite to everyone he talks to, especially the girls. ...ok, maybe i actually humbled him more than i thought. Also good.
Then, slowly, my partner starts talking about this guy as if they're friends. Telling me about something funny Guy did at work today, how Guy covered the grill so someone else could go on break and it was a huge help, stuff like that. I asked him about it finally and he was like yeah, Guy really isnt that bad. A little awkward sometimes but i guess he's changed since you've known him. I say it's probably just bc you're also a man but whatever it's not like i have to deal with him anymore.
But then. Partner gets invites to dnd with some of his other coworkers, one of them is a dm apparently and wants to set up a campaign with work friends. Partner goes a couple times, establishes that this is actually fun, and invites me to come next time to watch bc that's what i like to do. So i go. And Guy is there.
Apparently he lives here with 2 other roommates, one of them being the dm that organized this. The other being the son of the director that got him his job. (That's how i was able to confirm the rumors) It's almost incomprehensible to me that Guy is living with roomates. Peacefully. But he is. I walk in with Partner and Guy and I make eye contact. We stare at each other for a second before he approaches me. Instantly I'm ready for a fight, like i felt my face flush and got hit with an adrenaline rush.
He offers me his hand, to shake. I never broke eye contact but i took it. He welcomed me to their home. He told us goodbye when we left. And that was it. He had fun during the campaign but wasnt the abrasive and off kilter person i remembered. I was shaken bc i find it hard to believe that ppl can actually change.
I keep going with Partner to these campaigns whenever i can and it becomes increasingly obvious to me that Guy actually has changed. I obviously still make him nervous, though, as he's especially polite and courteous to me when im there. I'll usually bring my switch with me and play while listening to them run their campaign, and Guy offers me his switch charger every time i do so since the first time i accepted the offer. But he actually is polite and helpful and kind and. Not creepy anymore. And i cant wrap my head around how that happened.
I ask Partner about it eventually and he tells me it actually was the way i treated Guy + his job being threatened (for bs work politics reasons) that ironed him out. Im genuinely shocked but accept this answer. I never really think about why Guy was like that in the first place, just accepted he was a cishet man acting like they do.
I'm irritated that i didnt catch that but i have reasons to assume the worst of men that i work with. And now im trying to reconcile this new information about Guy with my previous and current image of him as a maladjusted, creepy weeb turned normal guy but still a weeb. The worst part of it all is that my dad was also a farm boy and acted odd and weird when he was a teen/young adult. He's still got weirdo tendencies as an adult. And as soon as Partner told me Guy was raised on a ranch, my brain drew up my mental image of him alongside my dad and started making comparisons.
I just. Dont know how to feel about him still. My inital gut reaction to the guy was "Creepy. Bad. Not safe. Be vigilant." and unfortunately bc of the way i am, it's extremely difficult for me to change or get past my initial read of someone. So whenever i see Guy i still get the initial gut drop feeling but then i have to scoop it out of my intestines and tell it to get a grip. It would have been so much easier if he had just stayed a creep (<- joking). But i am glad he grew as a person and no longer makes his feminine coworkers uncomfortable. But that means now i have to, too. And im just now realizing this is the first time im having to do something like this. I guess that's why i cant stop thinking about it
0 notes
That Infamous Line - "Is it right? What I did?" Yes, Jon, it is & here's your validation
So in 8x06 we have this scene (which I swear feels like one of the reshoots to me but that's just my opinion):
And Jon says those lines that make no sense: "Was it right? What I did?" Tyrion thinks he's talking about Dany's death (personally for me, I think he meant the whole thing with Dany, including his "kind manipulation") and says "What we did." And Jon says: "It doesn't feel right."
(and this is obviously a scene echo/parallel to this jail scene earlier in the episode, but Jon is now in Tyrion's place and Tyrion in Jon's, right down to the shoulder touch)
But then a funny thing happens.
As Jon makes his way down the steps, we hear the theme we heard playing earlier in the episode when Tyrion was arrested by the Unsullied & escorted away while Jon looks back to find Dany staring at him. Then we hear the tones of 'You Have A Choice' starting to play in the background as Jon sees his Night's Watch guards and then moves past them, almost sounding mournful.
The theme gets a little stronger as Jon looks down at the boats in harbor (two together but no Targaryen banners flying). He then walks through the harbor, passing two Dothraki on his way. 'You Have A Choice' continues to play but becomes a little more subtle, not as strong. Jon slows down seeing Grey Worm watching him from above. The theme changes as Jon moves closer and Grey Worm glares down at him. Jon eventually breaks eye contact, keeps his eyes down, and walks past. An Unsullied soldier comes up behind Grey Worm to let him know all of the Unsullied are on board the ship. Grey Worm tells him that they are sailing for Naath.
This moment is important because Grey Worm and Missandei have been paralleled to Jon and Sansa before. So they're making this connection not only for Dany (for Jon) but also for Sansa, in that Jon is currently questioning the decision he made (killing Dany to protect Sansa). Naturally, we didn't need to know, in this moment anyway, how Grey Worm's story ended but they purposely chose to put him in this sequence and confirm that he was going to Naath for Missandei. While Grey Worm is not banished or being punished, he is choosing to go somewhere for Missandei. A distinct parallel.
Then we have Jon making his way towards the dock to the boat he'll be leaving on. As he gets closer, he looks up and stops, seeming surprised.
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He takes a breath and then continues moving forward and we immediately see this:
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Sansa is standing in clear view, set apart a little from Bran (with Arya on his other side). Sansa then turns and continues walking in the same direction Jon is moving towards presumably to meet him, with Bran and Arya behind her. (still having space there; if Bran is King of the 7K and the one Jon bends the knee to before leaving, why is he not first? Or Arya the sister he's closest with? Or why doesn't Sansa walk with Arya and Bran? Something to think about)
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"I wish there'd been another way." (notice the editors chose to have this line play as a voiceover while she, Arya, Bran, and Jon all move to meet) The convo with Sansa is immediately first (just like she had been positioned on the dock & again as we see in the lineup of the Starks) and the editors put Sansa's closeup first. Even before we see Jon's face.
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It is no coincidence that we went from Grey Worm thinking of/mentioning Missandei to Jon seeing Sansa first and then talking to her first btw.
I also think this opening line (the voiceover) is used because this is the current point of contention right now between them, what is hanging over them. For me, I think Sansa means not only the secret she told but also about him not being able to be freed.
Then, "Can you forgive me?" While this line she says calls back to their fireplace scene in 6x04, we also see Jon struggling to actually forgive her (as is confirmed by the script). He's not even looking at her until she asks that question and when he does, we see he's struggling. Some like to say that he hates her and blames her, but that's not the case. He doesn't hate her and while he may blame her for the decision he had to make (and possibly for telling his secret), he doesn't blame her for Dany's burning down KL or breaking up this great romance bs that the GA bought. Jon is hurting. Jon never wanted to kill a woman (as was told to the audience by him not being able to kill Ygritte before falling in love with her & not being able to execute Melisandre despite her burning Shireen and Davos' desire for justice). Especially a woman that he cared about, that he was kin to, in a family he had never known he had. But sure enough, we see him take a breath, gather his thoughts, and talk about the North.
He compliments her with "The North is free now, thanks to you." He even gives her the slightest of smiles. (and this also makes me think of what he ends up doing at the end of the episode; Tormund has said that the wildlings' home is the True North which he told Jon he has in him, almost like a play on the whole 'Truth' theme for his time with Dany btw, & Jon asks Tormund to take Ghost with him since he belongs up there & we know Ghost is a representation of Jon like Drogon was for Dany - so this makes me think while Jon is banished to the Wall and we don't see him leaving yet, it's almost a play on words - he wouldn't be free if things didn't play out the way they did)
Also notice how the music subtly starts up again after he says this line.
"But they lost their King." - once again Sansa haters, it was never about getting a crown for her
Jon gives a subtle nod and then says "Ned Stark's daughter will speak for them." Ned Stark's daughter -> because it all comes back to Ned & him making the same decision Ned did for both Sansa and Jon
"She's the best they could ask for."
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And Jon sincerely means that. Which prompts Sansa to hug him. She holds on tightly, and we then see Jon struggle to not hug her back, but then he hugs her back just as tightly. After a moment, he lets her go and Sansa steps back.
He then turns his attention to Arya, and approaches, laying a hand on her shoulder. They have their conversation which is a callback to their goodbye scene in season 1.
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And then we get to Bran. This is a sort of callback to his goodbye scene with Bran in season 1 but a definite contrast because we already got the callback in 8x01, Bran is now king, and Bran isn't really Bran anymore & Jon now knows that.
Jon then bends the knee, calls him "Your Grace", and apologizes, saying he was sorry for not being there when Bran needed him.
And from Bran we get: "You were exactly where you were supposed to be."
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And we see Jon's reaction:
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This line was so important because it literally is the answer to Jon's struggle. It was the answer to that jail scene line of "It doesn't feel right." This whole goodbye scene is meant to answer it and show Jon/the audience that yes, he did do the right thing. It might not feel right (since it's technically murder) but it was necessary.
So while Jon might still not feel 100% at peace with his decision, he just literally was given the reinforcement behind his decision, not only in Bran's line, but also in seeing/speaking with Sansa (the person he was protecting by making that decision) and hearing about Arya's plans. He saw all three of his sibling cousins poised to go off into another future. He did the right thing.
Also notice how the music which has gotten a little stronger as the time has passed for these conversations, has now gotten a bit louder.
And that's then reiterated by Jon immediately looking at Sansa once he gets to his feet and Bran continues looking at him.
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He then looks at Arya which gives that vibe of looking upon them for the last time kind of thing, which makes sense. But then he looks at Sansa again:
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Then he turns and leaves. The music reaches a swell and in it we hear the Stark theme. And now we have the order of who is forward reversed:
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He doesn't need to wait 10 years to ask Tyrion. Especially since it's Tyrion. It's been proven by this turn of events that Tyrion thought he was very clever but not clever enough to not get fooled by someone promising to be everything he had hoped for. He even said it himself earlier in the episode to Jon. He's definitely not the person to ask, especially since he didn't kill Dany himself. Conspiracy, while still bad in itself, is not the actual murder. He didn't see the light go out in Dany's eyes the way Jon did. So "what we did" doesn't really work. Jon made the decision; Jon took the action.
Tyrion thought Jon was in love with Dany, just as much as he was. And while the two men were paralleled themselves and their storylines were intertwined at times, they were still very different. Tyrion thought he knew better, that he could guide Dany, he even says it himself to Jon. Jon listened when he was warned, specifically by Sansa. He did try to guide Dany, but only when it came time to protect others, especially his family.
Tyrion says that infamous line in Winterfell about Jaime loving Cersei despite knowing what she was. That was Dany for Tyrion. Tyrion only gave up on that love once he saw what happened to his family, because family was the one thing Dany couldn't come between, as is reinforced by the Starks and Jon.
So it makes perfect sense that Bran, who is the 3ER and is all-knowing now, would be the one to answer Jon's question that had been posed to Tyrion. Especially when we saw Bran's wisdom far outweighed Tyrion's a few times this season already.
It's no coincidence that they had 'You Have A Choice' playing during Jon's walk. It was his choice that was weighing down on Jon heavily the most. And it's also no coincidence that Bran is the last one to speak to him before he leaves, and he says that line.
These last two seasons were about Jon's choices (among other things). Jon's choice to tell Sansa and Arya about who he really was. Jon's choice to go to Dragonstone. Jon's choice to bend the knee to Dany. Jon's choice (or lack thereof) to honor his commitment to Dany for the Last War. Jon's choice to tell the truth to Cersei in the dragonpit (which I still think he did because he couldn't handle one more lie since he was already telling another big one aka pol!Jon & he also thought he had to because that's what Dany wanted). Jon's choice to lead the group of men once it becomes clear that Dany and Co are going along with Tyrion's proposed plan in order to attempt at a truce with Cersei. Jon's choice to retreat in 8x05. Jon's choice to turn down what Varys was offering. Jon's choice to ask Tormund to take Ghost up north with him. And of course the big one: killing Dany, which effectively came down to: Sansa vs Dany, doing the same as Ned did or not, and Stark vs Targaryen.
So Bran's line answers Jon's question. He did the right thing.
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kyoryu · 2 years
We have heard your gospel on the shitty finale. Now, dear prophet, I humbly ask for your fix-it ideas
you said FIX IT... so how would i fix it. oh in so many ways. but to make what we had WORK, its simple. ive said it before and i will say it again. 3 simple things:
- having no way back to amphibia is treated by the characters as something unfair and theyre all very broken up about it, especially anne. she's inconsolable. shes not accepting just cuz omg i changed i will just take every bad thing life keeps throwing at me here throw some more
- we get to see anne reunite with her parents when shes back (sasha and marcy with theirs too would be nice but thats another can of worms to open)
- after the trio hug in the timeskip, have an actual open end where we see a light flash when they walk off screen. like they went... Somewhere 😳 thatd be cool, like have they opened it before? is this the first time? is it even a portal? dont know, actual open end ✌️
(people keep saying what we got was an open end and the more i think about it the more i call bs. it wasnt open ended they just didnt go back to amphibia and ur in denial. cry about it ig)
anyways id be so happy with an ending like that. im not even changing much its just adding 3 things.
(also id probably skip on the trio growing apart and shit. like i keep saying, i dont think them growing apart in the situation where amphibia is closed for good works out. its just weird. like yeah we close this chapter that totally didnt mark us for life and we move on 🤟 BUT AGAIN JUST LIKE SASHARCYS PARENTS, THATS ANOTHER CONVO)
AS FOR AN ACTUAL FIX IT... to make exactly what we got work we'd have to rewrite the whole thing. not make it about saving the world, not making it so much about family, changing everything. cuz that ending just shits on everything lmao if the ending we got actually worked then amphibia would have to be a completely different story
ANYWAY a fix it would be what i said. tbh i like it when u add those 3 things. its genuinely bittersweet like that. it makes me angry about how its only 3 simple little things that couldve been added and i wouldve been content. but whatever
HOWEVER, A DELUSIONAL ENDING THAT WOULD MAKE ME HAPPY WOULD BE: annes given 3 full stones, bc i dont see why tf not if she meets god. i mean if its gonna be nonsensical then lets be nonsensical all the way and have 3 stones. each of them get one, and they can use it to travel back and forth by themselves. each time they have to charge it.
this means they dont usually Go together. they go separately, and if theyre ever in amphibia at the same time they might not even know. sasha always warps at toad tower, anne in wartwood, marcy in newtopia. they go to amphibia for their own purposes and business. and thus the trio grows apart.
it makes more fucking sense, ofc i think the trio growing apart makes sense, it just Doesnt when you add it up with closing off amphibia forever lol. but with amphibia being accessible i totally see it. theyre all doing their own stuff and making their own friends (both human and amphibians). even like this, after what they went through, sasha anne and marcy are intertwined for life. no matter how much time passes, how different they become, theyre unique to each other. they always come back to each other at one point. other than that, amphibia is open, they get to grow up in a place they love with people they love without having to sacrifice choosing one or the other bc that Sucks Ass and they've been thru enough, and have enough mental scars that will keep haunting them even after if they get to thrive in both worlds
this version is kinda. unrealistic. i get it. but the realistic ending we got was bullshit and shitted on everything, its sad and not to mention Boring. i think this ver still gets the point across (point that was already made so many times in the show anyway), sprig and anne grow up together, anne still becomes a herpetologist but now instead of fucking tragic and sad its very fun and cute, sasha has a getaway from her chaotic homelife and can be with grime who never ever EVER left her side, marcy gets to become close to olivia like shes failed to do and hence gain an actual mother figure in her life, etc etc. hehe
(and as adults sasha and marcy choose to move to amphibia. or as teenagers they just straight up stay there. but thats another convo as well)
i actually do enjoy a version where they only go back after 10 years and they have to reconnect, its fun to explore, but it never stops being Sad. i think of it and make hcs about it and comics about it but it never stops being full on sad ending to me and when i remember its not just a fun concept im exploring, its the genuine ending we got that is supposed to be Good and Satisfying, i become enraged. i continue not to see the sweet in the bitter. i wish people would at least admit its full on a very sad ending instead of pretending it was something else (people who liked it say it makes them want to d1e or say "idk i just like sad endings" so u agree. u agree it is a sad ending where characters end up sad)
anyways. kind of a stupid ramble here. i love amphibia (kicks the ending on the throat)
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thunderon · 3 years
I just finished Harrow the Ninth and Im confused what happened to Harrow at the end is she dead
aw jeez. first let me say: the entire ending of htn (including harrow’s end) is intentionally ambiguous and an ongoing point of speculation. there’s no real right or wrong answer right now.
currently my favored theory (if not necessarily the most probable theory) is that harrow made herself a revenant. ill eventually do a big fat analysis post but in the meantime enjoy these quotes that i think has implications of harrow becoming a revenant along with some very surface level analysis:
note: i typed this entire thing up in less than 15 minutes so apologies for typos and if it’s incoherent.
onto business, no foreplay, first quote i have is from a convo with harrow and god back in like chapter 4
“The difference between dying of illness and dying from murder. An enormous shock, the immediate expulsion of the soul. And just as when a soul is ripped untimely from a human being—“
“A revenant,” you said.
“Always a revenant,” he said. “Every single time, a goddamned revenant.
so. harrow was obviously murdered in the end of htn via mercymorn literally stabbing her in the back. okay, check. next quote i got: convo between augustine and ianthe:
“The card up the sleeve of the revenant... is that it can inhabit anything it’s got a connection to. Anything thanergetically connected with their death.”
Ianthe suggested, in what you saw as a low-value suck-up play: “Burial implements. Grave goods. Any possession that they kept over time, that was exposed to their thalergy and thanergy. If they were murdered, the murder weapon.”
harrow literally has all of those possibilities
“burial implements/grave goods” - enough said with harrow climbing inside the coffin.
“any possession kept overtime exposed to their thalergy and thanergy”- ... like you mean how harrow carried gideons two-hander for literally the entirety of htn? and we’ve already seen that it could be used to become a revenant via wake (who was chilling on top of the two hander in the coffin first)
“murder weapon” - harrow gets stabbed with a rapier that she was forced by god to carry around so it could arguably meet the earlier criteria.
next big hints: being a revenant and passion. we get hammered to death in Act V about the connection between revenants and passion. observe:
abigail, quote 1
“I find myself in the astonishing position of having created a revenant link through—well—sheer passion.”
in addition to magnus making his whole “you made yourself her mausoleum” speech, ianthe’s quote comes in here. now i know ianthe is being metaphorical... but we all know how tamsyn loves to play around with words
“Love is a revenant, Gideon Nav, and it accumulates love-stuff to itself, because it is homeless otherwise.”
tell me that it doesn’t match up so well with what abigail and magnus say in the bubble, and with what we see in harrows final resting place. speaking of! here’s a small little quote of harrows resting place:
Within that bed of ice and glass, on the stone-shaped pillow to prop the head, that final resting place of Harrowhark’s one true love, lay a sword.
okay, a sword. along with the broken chains from the body and the infamous Frontline Titties of the Fifth. this is important. okay now im getting ahead of myself. let’s back it up. how did harrow even get there and why is it important? first let’s look at why harrow ended up there (which i think helps us understand the how). okay, abigail, quote 2:
“Is there nothing I can do before entering the River that might mean I stay put?”
“No,” said Abigail. “It’s the River. It moves. You’d have to pick the revenant’s path and travel along a thanergetic link,”
“Is there nothing I can do before entering the River that might mean I stay put?”
now here’s where im starting to see it as the revenants path. so we see a few times harrow talking about standing in a long dark corridor, the second of those times was when harrow was visiting palamedes in his river bubble. the third and final long black corridor quote comes here:
The water sprayed through white holes, rushing in with a pounding roar: that brackish, bloodied water that only existed within the River. She was buoyed up by a spray of ice water and filth—but she wasn’t; she seemed to be walking down her long black corridor again— Then Harrow was back drowning in salt water. Gideon’s arms were around her... Harrow’s head broke the water... Above her head the rocky cathedral of the cave shone with a dismal heaven of luminescent worms, blinking softly on and off. They were all undead: revenant creatures and watchers, shifting restlessly forever on the rock of the Locked Tomb. Harrow was home.
sounds like she’s not in the river or creating a river bubble anymore imho. sounds to me like she’s traveled along a thanergetic link, which keep in mind she was able to travel through the river to find sextus (who made himself a revenant) so we know it’s possible. and she could honestly be tied to any number of items.
now here’s just one (offhand and unlikely) theory. theoretically, if gideon was rescued by BOE and is indeed the narrator in the epilogue, her sword could be with her. which could explain how harrowhark is both “home” in the Tomb and simultaneously “faraway in a land she never travelled” which is certainly a puzzling paradox. anyways this is just me completely talking out the ass of one possible theory. im not sold on my own theory so i doubt anyone else will be either, but it does offer some striking implications, doesnt it? if anybody has any thoughts or anything for me/anon feel free to share!
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joskippy · 3 years
Literally all of this is going under a read more because I have this entire au mapped out in detail but basically I find the idea of Archivist!Martin very interesting because it's just changing one detail of the entire podcast and it completely alters the story.
(Under the read more is basically my entire idea for this au from season one to season four)
What happens in this au is that Elias hires and appoints Martin as head archivist because of the fact he was already deeply alligned with the lonely and was a interests of the webs. He lacked any real connection outside of the archives and was already of interest of two entities, he's basically a perfect candidate to become archivist. Tim, Sasha, and especially Jon are hesitant to be working under someone who they don't know and hold a slight grudge against Martin at the start for being obviously unqualifed for his job. Tim and Sasha, of course, immediately become more understanding when finding out about Martin's cv and just assuming he got unlucky and winded up with the role as the head archivist. Jon, on the other hand, still doesn't know about Martin's cv and continues holding the grudge against Martin.
Which leads us to season 1
In season one, Jon's opinion on Martin is "Oh lord this man I don't know is obviously unqualifed for his job and the role of archivist should've gone to my friend Sasha. I don't like this man but he is my boss so I will keep my mouth shut." Jon though, is still very passive agressive to Martin but is less of an ass to him in this au. Martin is very open about his opinion on statements and believes alot of them but similar to jon, will only record the ones that he knows have to be real. I still think Martin get's trapped in his flat by prentiss in this au, wanting to get more info for the case but not wanting to inconvenience any of his co-workers. While trapped in his flat, Jon takes over for him and records statements for Martin (Not in a "I want to impress my boss" matter but more of an "I'll show this twerp how it's really done") and realizes how much of toll it takes on him and how difficult the job is. When Martin comes back from his little worm adventure, Jon is much more nicer and understanding of him. Martin records what happened with him and prentiss and Jon offers him to stay in the little room he made for when he overstays at work. (Martin of course, is not happy with the fact Jon stays past work hours finishing up stuff but that doesnt matter). Y'know how the rest of s1 goes with the prentiss attack (Jon and Martin still share the heart to heart, Jon loses him and Tim in the tunnels) Jon finds Gertrude's body and it sparks his paranoia finding out she was shot to death and then we get to
Season 2
Jon's immediate assumption is that Martin killed Gertrude to get his job because like, he still doesn't know Martin well and then finds out this dude's predecessor got murdered so of course mr jon sims is going to go "oh so Martin for SURE murdered this lady." For the first half of the season, Jon pretends to be buddy buddy with Martin to see if anything's off with him and somewhere along the line Jon finds the noted Martin was writing to his mom in the trash and immediately assumes its about the murder. He catches Martin in his office and immediately corners Martin like "HEY I KNOW YOU KILLED GERTRUDE AND I GOT THE PROOF" and Martin just sighs and tells him about his cv and mother and Jon's opinion of Martin goes from "incompetent murderer who killed his predecessor to get his job and might kill me." to "highschool drop out whos just trying to make a living might end up being murdered too". With the not-sasha stuff it's sorta the same but Martin let's Jon in on some details of his suspicions on her. Martin get's framed for Jurgen's death and NOW WE ARE AT
Season 3
So since Martin obviously doesn't have a place to hide it at the start of season 3 so Jon offers him to stay at his place. Jon knows that Martin didn't kill Jurgen and is willing to take the risk of giving Martin a  place to stay. Martin, of course, is hesitant but takes the offer because he's been crushing on Jon for the past forever and definitely will take his chances in staying in hot guy's flat. You know the shenanigans of s3 (Martin get's burned by Jude, kidnapped by Daisy, kipdnapped by Nikola) and FINALLY get's back into the archives to apologize to Jon for being gone from the flat for so long and apologizes again cause he's about to go off to america. Martin get's kidnapped again, comes back to london, and now it's time to stop an apocalypse! ( Before the unknowing happens, Jon and Martin share a heart to heart and confess that they both share feelings for another and get together the day before 118 happens then shit goes DOWN ). Martin of course, goes off to the unknowing and Jon stays behind at the archives to distract Elias. Elias tries and fails to use Jon's feelings for Martin against him, then switches to what happened with Georgie and the dead women walking incidents against him, pinning it on him because of his connection with the web. Martin stops the unknowing, Jon comes home to the empty apartment and gets the news that Martin is in a coma. (He immediately blames it on himself) and now it's time for
Season 4
Jon losing Martin right after realizing that they both love each other absolutely tears him apart. He moves flats and he begins to separate himself from the rest of the archives and works with peter. Martin wakes up from his coma without anyone by his side and is told the news to him about his mom right the day after. S4 basically goes the same with Martin seeing Jon again finally after the coma and goes to hug him and tell him how much he missed him but Jon just stares at him like he saw a ghost and leaves without saying a word to him. Alot of their interactions are sparse, usually with Martin trying to spark a convo with Jon resulting in usually no response or just a head shake as he scutters off.  Then Martin finally is able to actually talk to Jon and tells him that he misses him and that maybe they could catch up sometime but Jon just laughs and tells him that hes busy. Martin later on finds out about how to cut off the connection with the eye and goes to tell Jon that they could leave the archives but Jon tells him that he can't and tells Martin he doesn't want to see him anymore and kicks Martin out his office. You know what happens in 158 and 159, it's basically the same and Jon and Martin settle down at the safehouse.
I don't have much for season 5 but I really like the idea that Martin is still optimistic even after the change and that he reassures Jon that he's gonna find a way to fix it when it reality he has no clue and it terrified to think about what is going to happpen to them. They don't stay in the cabin that long soon after since Martin is very eager to go to the pannopticon and ya! Yknow how it goes.
Im so sorry I wrote a whole essay worth of shit but this au means alot to me and i get very excited when people ask me about it!!
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yesvaldemarharder · 4 years
Yandere Arcana
Ayo so um.. with 723 followers I really be expecting people for more input on things I should write (requests, ideas, convos, etc) but um.. I guess not? Lol. Anyway since I’m basically writing for like a couple people (people who actually respond to my work cause I like that. If you just like and reblog that’s fine but I still like hearing what people have to say about my work. If your shy don’t be.. I literally don’t judge..) I’ll go ahead and write scenarios for Yandere Arcana. If y’all want more of this just tell me. I was almost tempted to do nsfw lol!
I wanna say that I haven’t played the game enough to finish anyone’s route and while I want to, ya girl broke so picking choices is something I have to wait a while for as well. (The cost on those coins and I can’t even get a Valdemar route??? What type of shit-)
If any of the characters seem ooc I apologize I just really wanted to write this so um.. yeah.
I guess I’ll take the time to part a warning right here: If you don’t like yanderes or anything of the sort I suggest you don’t read this! I would do the ‘below the cut’ thing but I’m all honestly I don’t know how to.. so here ya go!
You have been warned!
Asra is a tricky yandere. He knows you well enough to get into your head.
He may take times to keep a distance from you but whenever he messages you or comes back he always makes sure to show you so much affection just so you hopefully don’t question anything.
He’ll act like something to you matters to him, and usually they do matter but if you’re talking about a love interest or something he’ll act supportive but will really be a bit annoyed on the inside.
Depending on your love interest he may get upset or simply will smile and try to ‘help you get them’. Don’t let it be Lucio or Julian.. he’ll be furious.
If he acts like he’s happy to help and your LI disappears then he probably did or didn’t send them somewhere where neither of you two can meet again. Like a portal to a dark cold place or something.
He’s like a snake.. or even a fox. He’s the magician for a reason.
Nadia probably won’t even hide how much of a yandere she is.. okay maybe just a little.
She’s the countess, what does she need to hide? She’s also meant to be with you and you’re supposed to love her no matter what. Nadia seems to be a bit of an oblivious yandere. Not aware that what she does for you is rather scary at times.
She showers you in gifts. Some of the cutest clothes just to basically play dress up with you like your some little doll. She doesn’t like it when you turn down a gift and while there’s a couple times she’ll get frustrated in the end she’ll send the gift to you late at night with a sweet not hoping you take it.
While she usually ask for your input against other’s, when it comes to someone who isn’t much use to the palace or her especially sniffing up on you she’ll usually deal with them.. whether banishing them and having them get hunted down throughout the forest like some sort of game.
She can be ruthless, and when she’s really in a bad mood it’s hard for her to listen to anyone. Don’t beg for her not to kill off someone because she most likely will act you didn’t say anything, kiss your forehead, and will proceed with the execution.
Also gets really touchy with you when her sisters are around..
Portia is usually a very carefree chick but while she can be easygoing she can be rather on guard about you.
It’s not often with you, because she doesn’t want you to know the bad things she’d do for you, but every once in a while she’ll ‘joke’ about killing for you. She’s caring and always makes sure you’re safe so you don’t question it until she actually does it when you have a suspicion that she did it..
Will cry and manipulate you into believing she’s innocent because seeing fear on your face towards her makes her scared. She was just doing what was ‘right’, of course her terminology of right is different from yours tho.. that’s why she lies about not doing it.
You’ll trust her and while you’re still a bit nervous she’ll work on that making sure to check up on you often. Once she gains your trusts back again she grows to be a lot more sneaky.
Rat poison is probably what slipped into the man’s tea after her kept messing with you but who knows?
Julian can be much like his sister but instead of growing emotional to defend himself he grows serious. It’s so different from his usually jokingly self and reminds you of the red plague times so you can’t help but apologize for accusing him.
He may not have killed Lucio but he’s definitely took a couple people out for you. Most unintentionally but still did it anyway. That guy couldn’t swim and Julian simply didn’t hear him crying for help.. it’s okay though cause you did say he had a weird vibe about him anyway, obviously Julian agreed.
He can be clingy, needy, and touchy. If you don’t know about the yandere in him you love it and you loving it just manages to feed it more. If you do know about it and you’re scared he uses his touches to try and calm you down. To have you let your guard down.
He’ll use his self hate against you for many different reasons now. While he does hate himself he found that you usually encourage him or try to make him feel better after he talks about himself too much. He’ll use it on you to stop you from running away from him because your morals are far better than his at this point and he knows you’ll stay to try and help him.
When you find out that he’s been killing people you’re terrified and even though you know you should runaway and leave.. you also can’t help but want to help him.
What if he’s actually innocent like he was with Lucio? (Definitely not.) What if the depression got so bad and he couldn’t help himself? He needed help and only you could help him.
He’ll chuckle sometimes at how cute and silly you are. With how he is he knows you won’t be going anywhere and he’s perfectly fine with that because had you did think of running away he’d just chase you down and use he’s depression against you to make you feel bad for leaving and to bring you back to him.
The coliseum was made for a reason... Lucio likes a good fight and anyone touching you, speaking with you, or even looking at you can make him want to have one.
If it isn’t a physical fight it’s a fight with words (which he isn’t that good at but his smugness makes it pay off)
He’s a hopeless romantic type of yandere and unlike his wife he actually doesn’t recognize or acknowledge the bad sides of himself. He either doesn’t to face them or actually thinks cutting that servants throat for huffing in your presence was justified.
You honestly can’t tell but hey, you’re scared. He’s a Count though... THE Count.. if he’s your yandere it’s going to be hard to get away from him without getting hunted down. He’ll make sure to keep an eye on you. (much like Nadia)
He’ll lock down the whole palace if it means keeping you in place. If you do manage to escape he’ll be highly impressed honestly before he’s goes hunting you down. When he finds you he’ll make sure the palace is locked down a lot tighter then it has been before.
He definitely starts out as a silent stalker type. Muriel isn’t really attracted to anyone before you and even though he is interested in you he makes you come to him.
I believe he’s actually one of the nicer yanderes but he does have his moments of being possessive.
He doesn’t want to hurt anyone unless it’s absolutely needed.. wouldn’t want to kill anyone for something silly.. of course not.
Ok! I’m at the courtiers! Now these ones might be sadder because I have a lot of headcanons for them. Mainly the horsemen and I do believe Valerius doesn’t have much story on him either so yeah.
Volta’s an absolute sweetheart. Tis is all.
Nah I’m fucking with y’all, it’s a yandere post.. anyway while Volta is a sweetheart she can’t help but be a bit possessive over you. Unlike the other courtiers her emotions come out a lot more and with her past she never thought she find someone like you.
Now that she has though it’s hard to separate the two of you..
She clings to you, cry for you when you’re gone for too long, feeds you if she’s really into you..
People don’t really see her as a threat and that’s only until she threatens to eat them.. when she gets like that people make sure to leave you be because the really aren’t sure if Volta will actually do it but with that bright playful but warning look in her eyes they don’t want to put it past her.
Vlastomil kinda has that same oblivious energy in him as Lucio or Nadia however it may seem like he doesn’t know what he’s doing is wrong but he really does.
He’s a demon, he knows how to play with humans but the thing is what he does is just him trying to understand himself better. Before you he only cared about his worm and now you were here.
He pretty much treats you like he treats Wriggler.. you’re very dear to him and let anything happen to you he’ll make sure everyone around knows how he feels. Whether it’s crying, shouting or simply anxiously looking for you.
He fears with other humans you’ll either get taken from him or get hurt but them and neither one of those are things he’s ok with obviously.
He’s a tricky demon, he may trick you into believing his morals verses your own.
“I love you dear! That’s why he has to go.. you don’t want him to hurt you yes?” He’ll manage to make you believe that everything he does is for you. If you have any sort of trauma he might even use that against you so be extra careful.
I can see Valerius being much like Muriel but worse. He likes to stalk and watch you from afar until he can figure what’s the best route to take and going about getting to you.
He’s almost relieved you come to him first. The relationship is rather.. bumpy. At times he’ll be grumpy for no reason and sometimes you can get tired of that but anytime you threaten to leave him he gets you into bed a second faster and distracts you.
I can see him either being a good or bad yandere.. there’s no in between. Either he knows exactly how to keep you to himself or he struggles doing so which only frustrates you. You can say he takes some of that frustration out on you but he tries not to because the last thing he needs in to tell Lucio you ran off and have a bunch of guards chase you down.
Oh that’s right, Lucio helps him when it comes to reeling you in and keeping you their. It’s scary but how are yo to go against the Count and his Consul?
Valerius might say some really cruel things to you to make you stay. He doesn’t want to even think about you leaving him. The second he saw you was the same second he fell for you. He might question his own emotions a lot but after a while of simply stalking or having other people stalk you and report back to him, he can tell it is you that he wants.
Vulgora is one of the bad ones you can get. Their aggressiveness and bluntness can be scary so when you need to escape them not many will be willing to help you. Many might even be on their side out of fear of what the war demon can do.
I feel like Vulgora is one of these two yandere types if not both.
Either the type that uses anger as a way to express themselves even if they don’t want to. Like, they care very deeply about you but they are one of the courtiers who don’t understand these emotions.. it frustrates them to not understand and it makes them angry. They try not to take that anger out on you and usually ends it with taking the life of a mortal.. or a couple considering one isn’t enough.
The other type is the yandere who can’t hold their temper and simply wants you because they can have you. It’s a possessive thing.. no one can have you but them.
They won’t hesitate in killing for you and if you ask or grow scared they would try to say they didn’t do it. They’ll be honest. What are you going to do about it.. fight them? Leave them? Oh darling they believe you’re too smart to do something stupid like either one of those..
They’ll leave their mark on you, usually biting because even if there’s very few beings with teeth like theirs in the palace everyone know the deep marks belong to someone dangerous and usually people put a distance with you.
People might be scared of you for simply being trapped and stuck with them. Poor thing..
Go ahead and just pass away sis, we ain’t making it away from this one..
In all honesty Valdemar might be the worse yandere out of this group. Vulgora following after as well as Lucio, Vlastomil, and maybe Julian..
Now it’s either they don’t care about your feelings at all and well make sure you know it or they care far too much to let you out of their sight. Valdemar might be persistent to test on you and might do it even if you don’t want to but also they might grow worried about your safety if they do do it.
You’re like their precious little specimen and no matter what you do they are always watching. You can’t even escape them after death because they are death. There’s simply no escape.
It’s been centuries since they’ve felt as strongly for someone as they did you and that person didn’t make it to where they are now.. they refuse to let that happen again..
If you try to run from them they’ll have beings chase you, they’ll make you run for your life and when you come crying for help they’ll cackle in your face. They want you to know you can’t live without them and once that’s drilled into your head they’ll never allow you to ever get away.
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