#i keep trying to be good at messages and keeping track of interaction calls and rather than stressing myself out
tvrningout · 9 months
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with the new year comes some little bits of housekeeping, and it's mainly how i plan to approach interactions moving forward. the plain and unfortunate truth is i suck at keeping up with messages. it's easier the closer i feel to someone, but i can still get easily overwhelmed. i'm still forgetful, both with messages and interaction calls. so this year, i'm going to do my best to act in accordance to my strengths and stop pushing myself to do something that i simply don't have the mental energy to do constantly.
what does this mean? well, i won't be making plotting calls going forward; instead, i plan to make lists of plots for each muse as well as general plots/dynamics i want, and i'll approach you if you like one of these posts. this should make dynamics easier to develop since we'll already have a starting place. i will also occasionally reblog a plotting meme of some sort, so if you want a more personalized idea from me, those will be the way to go. i probably won't like plotting calls myself unless i have a pretty solid idea in mind.
when i make starter/inbox calls, i'm going to start placing a cap on them so that i don't bite off more than i can chew. if i get through that initial cap, i might raise it if i still feel good enough to do more, but if i don't, it's okay bc i guarantee i'll make another interaction call before long! i just need to start doing this bc i honestly forget what i owe within a few days if i get busy.
and i want to be honest -- the little interactions make me more comfortable around my mutuals and more likely to pursue interactions. liking my headcanons/ooc posts/etc., commenting on posts, and sending in memes ( ic or ooc ) show me you do have an interest in what i have to offer. i understand reaching out is nerve-wracking bc i get nervous, too, but reaching out can be something as small as liking a post. and this is just a general note in regards to my own comfort that i might put in my rules! i guess what i'm saying is, if you're having a hard time approaching me, just a little interaction will help me bridge the gap, if that makes sense. if both of us feel shy but at least one of us reaches out even in a small way, we can make a connection over time!
i think that's it for the time being! i promise i'll be doing my best to show my interest even when it's hard for me to talk, and i hope these changes make it easier to connect <3
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alexanderwales · 2 months
"I don't think I could have the relationship with you that you have with me," she said. She was very casual about it, and I was immediately on the defensive.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.
She put the book she'd been reading down. "It's just, the way you've described it, and the vibe that I get, I don't think I could do it how you do it."
"I still don't know what that means," I said.
"You're always doing this like ... micro calculation thing," she said. "You weigh your words. You try to time things. You have never once called me up while I was at work, or asked me for something when it was inconvenient for me, and you check and double check that you're not being a nuisance."
"And ... that's bad?" I asked.
"No, I love that about you," she said. "It's very kind and considerate. I know that if I tell you I'm not in the mood to hang out, you'll apologize and not push it. If you suggest that we get pizza and I say I'd rather have Korean BBQ, you fold instantly and we get Korean BBQ. I like that. I get the things I want. But it seems like an exhausting way to deal with people."
"I want you to be happy," I said with a small voice.
"I am happy," she replied. "You're great. You remember when we first got together I was like 'hey, look, if you want pizza, we can get pizza, it's just not what I'm in the mood for', and you kept insisting that you didn't care, that you would rather have me follow my needs? And I just thought, 'you know, maybe I should just trust that's what they actually feel'. And it is, as far as I can tell. There's not some secret part of you that wants me to break your way."
"You think I'm ... a simpering coward?" I asked. Even as I said it, it felt too accusatory, the wrong thing to say in the situation.
"Whoa, no, not at all," she laughed. "I think you do all that stuff because ... I don't know, you want to? Because otherwise why would you do it? It's how you are with every aspect of your life, you're a tryhard. I mean you said to me that you wanted to reclaim the term. Your relationship with me is that you're a tryhard (affectionate)."
"And you're ... not?" I asked.
"I'm not that way with anyone," she replied. "You know why I hang out with you so much? It's 'cause I like you. Most days, I am very much in the mood for you, and if you ask for a meetup, I'll say yes, and if you don't ask for one, then I'll ask you first. And for you ..."
"What?" I asked.
"It's like ... you're keeping track," she said. "You want to make sure that you're not sending me more messages than I'm sending you. You're balancing social micro stuff that I don't pay attention to. You're consciously monitoring how much each of us has said and making sure it's the right number of words or whatever."
"It's really not about the number of words," I replied. "It's more ... making sure that social and emotional labor is equitable, that there's a good rhythm to the conversation. I don't think you'd get good results by tracking word count."
"But see, I don't do any of that," she said. "I talk because I feel like talking. I listen when you need to vent because I like you and it feels good to give you an outlet. I mean you are undoubtedly putting in a bunch of work, and for me, there's no work. That's all I meant, really."
"You've thought about it," I said.
"Oh, I'm just reading this book, and there are two characters like us in it, and I was like 'yes, exactly', and then 'that would not work for me'." She shrugged.
"And if I stopped 'putting in the work'?" I asked. "Would we still be ... friends?"
"See, I don't know," she said. "Because that's never who you've been. You're asking me if I would still be friends with you if you changed your personality and how we interact with each other. Maybe? Probably? Who knows? Maybe we'd be better friends somehow. Maybe we're just two basically compatible people, and every time you've ever worried about anything it would actually have been completely fine."
"Or maybe it's load-bearing," I said.
"Maybe!" she replied with a smile that slowly faded. "You okay?"
"I'm thinking," I said. I didn't know if I could verbalize what I was thinking in a way that would be palatable.
"Do you not like being this way with me?" she asked. "Because I have never asked you to. I've made my preferences known, but if you've been bending yourself into knots and feeling a burden, then ..."
"No," I said, because I knew it was what she wanted to hear. "No, I like the way things are between us."
"Good," she smiled. "I do too."
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kathaynesart · 2 years
I love your storytelling! I was wondering if you’d give tips for outlining and planning a story, I adore your pacing and different arcs. I’m new to writing and I’m having trouble keeping things cohesive even with an outline and I just wanted to know if you had any perspective or tips to share. Don’t feel pressured to answer. I love your replica au and hope you are doing well!
Aw thank you so much!  Sure I can talk about that.  Mind you aside from a screen writing course I took in college I am entirely self taught.  This is just information I’ve absorbed and worked out over the past couple decades of personal writing. More below the cut.
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For starters you need to figure out what style of outlining works for you.  I’ve been told there are two types  of writers.   The Architect and the Gardener.  The Architect is someone who has the entire framework plotted out and builds off of that.  The Gardener starts with a basic setup and lets the story flow naturally and chronologically from there, basing it entirely off of their extensive knowledge of the world, characters, and how they interact within it. 
There are draw backs to both sides. Gardeners can often times write themselves into a corner or lose track of where the story should go (leading to lots of unnecessary fluff and loose ends).  While architects have a habit of ignoring a lot of the important “middle stuff” that leads to their major predetermined plot points and sometimes don’t realize how the story is naturally leaning in other directions, making it jarring when they try to force it back on track. 
I like using both methods but in different situations.  For example before I even put pen to paper I already knew what I wanted the beginning and ending of Replica to be as well as a few pivotal scenes. I had a basic framework.  However that framework has grown and changed over time as I’ve nurtured it.  So I’ve come up with my own term I like to call “the Greenhouse Method,” where you may create the basic framework but understand that things within it can change and warp the structure to something entirely new. Just make sure it doesn’t go too off course. 
That method may not work for everyone  so I recommend looking inward to see what variation of the methods work best for you.  Because if you’re not enjoying the process then there’s no point. 
With this method I tend to list out major scenes of importance and then slowly figure out how they flow or cut into each other.  Doing this involves several other factors I will state below…
One important thing is to know what is the theme or message of your story.  This doesn’t have to be obvious but every good story normally has an underlying theme.  There needs to  be a point.  For example, Sherk is about accepting yourself for who you are.  Jurassic Park is a warning about playing God.   
Replica at its core is about cherishing your self worth and holding onto hope and loved ones even in the darkest times.  Even when they’re not there anymore.  
Whatever it may be, find that theme that means something to you, and make sure that feeling stays with you and the plot, even if subtly.  
Have a strong knowledge of the characters in your story.  I achieve this by doing little exercises on how they would react to certain incidents or answering questionnaires.  By doing this it allows them talk to each other within any scene I have setup but leave void of my own input. Instead I simply take notes rather than force them to say something they’re supposed to say (very Gardener style).  Often times letting the characters be themselves allows them to say and do things I find far more entertaining than what I initially had planned. 
It’s important with characters though that you make sure you let them be themselves rather than have them act out for pure drama/plot sake.  I see that a lot in fan communities where characters will begin to cry or overreact in ways that seem out of character and it can really break my immersion. So know your characters.  Know everything about them from what their favorite cookie is to how they deal with trauma.  It’s all important to lead to the most natural of interactions. 
When plotting out scenes make sure that every one of them has a point. Every single scene.  If there is nothing new to be learned, or changed, or shared, then there is no point beyond a few brief sentences to transition it to the next important scene.  Avoid fluff that is just fluff for the sake of fluff.  You can have fluffy scenes, sure, but make sure there is something else to be gained from it.  I’ve read scenes that are literally just the same character harping over the same issue they’ve been dealing with without coming to any new conclusion or going through any sort of change, be it internal or external from the plot.  I don’t like having my time wasted as a reader and neither should you as a writer!
I don’t see many people talk about this but I think it’s important for any writer to find a space where they can zone out and let the story bloom in their mind. No judgement, no analyzing, just pure fun. For some this happens in the shower, or sitting in front of the laptop with a cup of tea, or me driving too fast down the freeway blasting music in my ears.  I come up with all my best stuff while driving.  Sometimes I will extend a drive just to finish a scene properly.  Whatever it is, find what helps you get in that zone and see if you can play something out in your head.  It helps keep me inspired for sure. If you've managed to come up with something you like, make sure to write it down and then come back to it later to look at it from a more analytical perspective. Does it work with my theme? Are the characters reacting realistically? Where does this happen in the timeline and how can it impact future store plot points? Etc.
This isn't so much about outlining, just writing in general, but when you start writing, be sure to choose a tense and stick with it.  Many writers, myself included, prefer past tense.  Though I’ve seen some people do present that can work well.  Just make sure whatever you do stays consistent. 
Example BAD: “Jane WENT to the store, hoping to find some crackers.  She  SPEAKS with the clerk to ask if he had any.” 
Example GOOD: “Jane WENT to the store, hoping to find some crackers.  She  SPOKE with the clerk to ask if he had any.”  
Know your theme/message
Know your characters
Know your genre
Every scene should have a point and be interesting in some way 
Recommend for beginners having an idea of where you want the story to conclude and see how that links up with your theme
Hope that helps.  Sorry if I went off on a tangent but I feel like a lot of the story telling process is interconnected when done correctly.  Let me know if you have any more specific issues you want addressed!
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pedrostylez · 1 year
500 Followers Reading Recommendation List
Hi there! Happy Saturday!
I just wanted to say thank you to the 500 people that are following me. I started this account back in March/April to have fun, start writing again (I was in the thick of it with One Direction fanfiction from 2012-2017 and took a massive break from that... Iykyk) and to make friends. I’ve connected with so many of you, and I love seeing us all thirsting on the feed, and just being a community? Idk if that’s cheesy, but there are plenty of things that could be improved with how this fanbase operates but this is my favorite part.
I felt like the best way to celebrate and to have fun is to bring attention to other people’s writing that I enjoy. Frothing at the mouth, or maybe just kicking my feet, whatever. I’ve been stockpiling these since the beginning (mainly so I can keep track because I will forget what I’m reading through and I don’t want to miss anything) and want to just highlight as many people as I can. 
I hope you all can give these guys some love too. If any of these are not your cup of tea and you want to make comments or say something to one of these authors I highly encourage you to read this announcement I made a while ago. I stand by this and encourage others to do the same.
I tried to not repeat an author with a character, but I will say that each of these lovely people writes for multiple characters (not always in the Pedro character universe either) and I have and continue to read from their whole masterlist. 
This is in no way the whole ongoing list that I keep for myself to find something that I enjoy, and I am positive I have missed some amazing people. I encourage everyone to reblog and interact with authors as you find things you like, “popular” or not, so as to keep us all as what I described above-a community.
Most of these recommendations are smut, which is indicated with *. If there is no *, it either has none or it does not at the time of posting this. Proceed with caution. 🙂
(If I get anyone’s name or pronouns wrong, please let me know so I can fix it. I tried to do my due diligence, however, I am prone to mistype so a quick message will get it changed!)
Joel Miller
Becca’s story Honeyed is everything my fluffy heart desires. It is so soft, and I can feel my heart ache when I read it (I mean this in a good way and idk how else to describe it.) Ellie and Sarah’s dynamic is also so interesting, and I love how she writes the different connections between them all. Becca’s descriptions and ability to immerse you into the story is top notch. 
@jrrmint- Dad’s Best Friend (Series)*
JJ’s series absolutely destroyed me, in the best way possible. The way he expresses his feelings is so very Joel, but also so very “every man I’ve ever interacted with”, and the way he is so protective of reader…oh my lord. Just brilliant. JJ is here to kill it, every fucking time. 
@darkroastjoel- A Safe Haven (series)*
Vee is extremely talented, even when she thinks otherwise. (Vee I love you so much omg). So much effort and care is put into what she writes, and I am always sitting at the edge of my seat. A Safe Haven is angsty, makes my heart flutter, and Joel is portrayed so well. Hiding a relationship while having issues in Peach’s home to help the community? Real-life anxiety. Vee’s Ellie is also one of my favorites and gives comedic relief when necessary (but also a wakeup call to Peach a lot of the time). Love love love.
@hier--soir-Back to Texas
Jessie you probably thought I was going to put your professor joel series here, and while that is so fucking good (screeching into a pillow so my husband doesn’t hear, good), this specific piece you wrote? Emotional damage. Tears, in my eyes, sniffling and trying to keep it together. It really just calls upon my daddy issues to read Joel so distraught and loving and anxious about visiting his home where he last saw Sarah. Ugh. Love you. 
@joelscruff- One Thing I’m Missing (series)*
Cat’s ability to suck you into the world she has created is insane. I highly recommend all of the things she writes, but some sweetness mixed with horniness always makes me want to just pass away. Accidentally falling asleep together? And now you BOTH can’t stop? Bye. So deliciously heart-wrenching. 
@atinylittlepain-Hungry Hearts (Series) *
Dear god this series has me crying, covering my face in embarrassment, drooling, and so much more. Summer love wrapped up with childhood crushes and bouncing back and forth between past and present? Thinking you know what’s best for the person you love and hurting them in the process? The flow of how Ginny writes keeps me on the hook no matter what she’s writing, and this is no different. I am absolutely able to lose myself in her writing and just be fully immersed, and I so so SO appreciate it.
@dev1lm4n-Porn Star Joel (series)*
Ann I swear to you, you’re the reason I am now obsessed with this “porn star” trope, specifically for Joel Miller. Joel having a secretive side job to make sure he keeps his family above water, but suddenly not able to think about anything other than reader, an exchange student living in his house? So fucking good. Sink your teeth in and just indulge. 
Frankie Morales
@pedropascalsx- Relief*
This had my gut in knots reading it. I have such a soft spot for Frankie as a character, and I remember the first time I read through this one-shot I gasped out loud at how mean you had written him. (This is a good thing, trust me). The smut is top shelf, mesmerizing.  Cristina has some of the best writing around with detail that is chef’s kiss. 
@peterhollandkait-Everthing I Know Leads Me Back to You
This is another series that I had first read when I was thinking about restarting my page, and Kait does not disappoint. The angst and heartbreak for sweet baby Frankie who is having issues is out of this world.
@javiscigarette-Just Focus on My Love*
Cami has this way about how she writes that I just consume so quickly and I don’t think I can ever stop. This one-shot called to me and calls me out at the same time for how often I will just play video games for hours. And the idea of Frankie? Coming to try and distract me? Yes please.
Javier Peña
@pascalsbby-Little Bunny*
Man, I just love Javier Peña. Whether he’s snarky and is a slut or is secretly really sweet. This one doesn’t disappoint either, with Kat having the ability to just get Javier to bring you home and on your knees…
@lokischocolatefountain -Salvation*
Married Javi and his struggles is the most insane way to get me hooked on him, but lokischocolatefountain did that. They have a whole “married javi” section of their masterlist that I find myself coming back to often!
@devilmademewriteit-Salvatore (series)*
When I was first reapproaching tumblr as a platform to write on, I came across Em’s writing. I was in the middle of watching Narcos, and it called out to me like a siren song, and I wasn’t able to stop reading it. I love a sassy Javi who is really just basically in love with you and trying to hide it, mixed in with some amazing smut. Absolutely brilliant Em!
@swiftispunk- Let Me and Use Me*
Hannah’s ability to call upon my niche needs at the moment freaks me out sometimes, because giiiirrrlllll. When I first read Let Me and the follow up Use Me, I melted into a puddle and had to be mopped up like snow being kicked off boots next to a wood stove. I will never ever EVER be over Javi P, and this two parter is reread OF-TEN. The idea that a man can read me so well, and just knows what I need? Yes please. 
Din Dijarin
@frannyzooey-Take Me To Church (Series) *
Kelli has an extensive masterlist that I have gone through a couple times (or more, ahem). Her Take Me to Church series is what made me interested in Din as a character, since I had never really watched the Star Wars saga. I have a soft spot for western AU’s that can’t be helped, so that just pushed me along as well. Kelli’s writing is always so fucking satisfying-good soup.  
@whatsnewalycat- Passenger (series) 
Aly has quite a few series that I am reading constantly. Again, never really had been interested in the Star Wars series (sue me, people) but her portrayal of Din as a truck driver and bounty hunter is so heavenly. I am typically under the covers with all the lights off reading her stuff because I get so excited and so honed in that I haven’t realized I’ve basically burrowed into my bed. 
@no-droids- Rough Day (series) *
Originally found on AO3, and I sure do loveeeeeeeee it. The wait is worth it, and the smut is spot on. I love the character growth that is shown in this series, and while I haven’t ever spoken with no-droids, I know they are insanely talented. An amazing read. 
Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels
@fuckyeahdindjarin-Palomino (series) *
Cee doesn’t need a whole introduction but IMMA GIVE HER ONE. The amount of effort, and time and love she puts into her writing is shown when you’re reading on your phone, eyes barely open at 3 in the morning, telling yourself you’ll go to sleep after this next paragraph. And then of course, you don’t because something juicy is happening or you want to see how Jack is going to look lovingly at Darlin’ and you just stay up until you complete the chapter. Cee has some amazing amazing AMAZING series, and this is just one of them! 
@psychedelic-ink-Move Me, Baby *
Sil, if you don’t already know what you do to me, then here it is. You literally destroy me. This three-part series is as delectable as they come, being angsty and fluffy but also smut city babyyyyy. Sil is extremely talented and often has me questioning if I have a new kink or what exactly my deal is. 
Ezra (Prospect)
@the-ginger-hedge-witch- Adversity Western AU (Series)*
Ren. I stg. The ideas that you have send me into orbit. This is both Frankie and Ezra, but I am putting it under Ezra because the relationship between reader and Ezra is what I tend to focus on when I am reading this. Frankie’s relationship is also fascinating (and Ezra and Frankie together is extremely hot) but Ezra is written in this way that I just know is him exactly. She completely captured what Ezra’s cadence was (in my head at least) and I am infatuated with it.  
Rue…my dear god. “Don’t stop on my account… unless of course you’d be more acquiescent to the idea of my assistance.” Like really?! I read this after I watched prospect for the first time and just about keeled over. How you captured how Ezra speaks was so spot on with the movie. So so good!
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imfinereallyy · 2 years
🧡Oh hey there!🧡
Welcome to ✨my blog✨. I'm Rae and I'm just trying my best here. My main topic here is Steddie and Stranger Things all around. I have completely spiraled and hyper fixated on it since Volume 1, and it's been consuming my brain ever since. This post is mainly to say hi!, let you know a few things and give you access to my main posts.
Let this be known as a safe space (especially for the LGBTQ+ community) and I will not tolerate hate. This is a place for kindness and creativity.
I love making friends so feel free to message me, or send me prompts! 🥰
Some of my writing does involve mature themes, so keep that in mind while scrolling. I am 24, and despite feeling like I'm stuck at 16 some days, I am an adult. So please proceed with caution when necessary. I will try my best to properly tag things.
If you want to check out my work on ao3, which has a mix of stuff from tumblr and new stuff, you can click here.
Here is the masterlist of my fics so far! *updated 7/26/23 completely, in process of update 4/26/24
Father Figures (completed and available on ao3)
pt. 1
pt. 2
I wonder if you look both ways (When you cross my mind) 🐝・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・✦ʚɞ (ongoing)
pt. 1
pt. 2
pt. 3
pt. 4
Tattooed Steve (ongoing)
pt. 1
pt. 2
The Long Con (ongoing) (available on ao3)
pt. 1
pt. 2
Sibling Adventures of El and Steve (ongoing)
(still steddie heavy, and can be read stand-alone, not majorly connected)
Dad's going to be angry
Sleep Demon
Quality Time
more el and steve
✧˖°.AO3 FICS✧˖°.
Craved Oblivion Series (Hunger Games AU) *ongoing*
A Martyr's Lullaby *completed*
Better Late than Never (Just Don't Make Me Wait Forever) 
But You'll Have This Place to Call Home, Always 
Father Figures 
The Long Con *ongoing*
Huggin' and a-kissin', dancin' and a-lovin'
One Shots:
Say "I love you" before you go
Father's Day
Good Morning
Is This Okay?
First Kiss
“You Hurt Me” (real title pending)
Take the Crisis Back
Emergency Kiss
Deja Vu
Drugs are Kicking in
Celebrate Softly
After the Beep
Track 7
Birthday Parties and Secret Signals
(these are more popular ones/or really recent ones I have too many to list! There are plenty more in my blog if you’re curious. Most should be tagged with #mywriting or #writingprompts)
I also have plenty of writing prompts, as my brain runs a mile a minute, and I adore it when people feel inspired by my writing so feel free to explore.
I hope you enjoy! Get comfy and stay awhile :)
Things I would like to note: Homophobia, Transphobia, Sexism, Racism, etc. are absolutely not tolerated here. As stated earlier the idea is to create a safe space for everyone. If I or anyone that interacts with my blog upsets you, please don't feel shy to message me. My asks (with anon) and messages are open, even if it's just to chat (also keep in mind once again I am an adult). Don't bully the children either, they are just trying their best. Please and thank you. 💖
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archiverstappen · 11 months
hiiii just asking. i’d like to start a tumblr account like you how do i begin?
hey there! im probably the worst person that you could ever ask for advice because i feel like i still have so many things that i can work on with my tumblr account 🤠 BUT i guess here are some things that you can keep in mind:
1. website/app that you can use to create your smau(s)! i use an app called ‘social maker’ for my messages, instagram, and twitter! sometimes, i also use ‘social dummy’ for facetime, homescreen, and spotify
unfortunately, i think those apps aren’t available anymore on the appstore😓 but i’ve seen some people here who use tweetgen or memi message so maybe you could try that!
2. jot down any ideas that you have, the good and the bad ones 🤭 i literally have sooooooo many ideas in my drafts, and it’s kinda embarrassing because i only update once in a blue moon. but i find it really helpful to keep track of my work!
3. the most important thing, have fun!!! before i started my account, i was so afraid of not getting any interactions for my work. but after some self reflection 🧘‍♀️, i realized that the main reason why i started this account in the first place is to make it a platform for me to express my love for f1 and writing. and to top it all off, i love being delulu 🤓
i hope this helps! please don’t hesitate to message me if you have further questions 🫶🏼
good luck!!! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚🍀
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mackeydoodledoo · 1 year
Burning Sun: Chapter 9
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Pairing: Rosalie Hale x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You've seen her in the school halls, the cafeteria, anywhere really. You, for the longest time, hoped... Wanted to be noticed by Rosalie Hale. However, you give up when you realize it was getting you nowhere... Throughout high school and just some time after the high school years, Rosalie’s true feelings come to fruition.
Chapter Warnings: Push-n-pull Relationship
Chapter Theme: War with my Mind - Crimson Apple
Key: Italics = Thought, +*+ = Time Skip, Bold/Indent = Text messaging
A/n: None
You packed your suitcase and follow Rosalie to her car, awkward silence filling the tension between the both of you...
No words were exchanged when the both of you finally reached back to your apartment. She only drove off when you exited the car with your things.
It was all bullshit... 
At one point Rosalie Hale wanted to be in your presence... Next thing you knew she wasn’t willing to go the distance with you in actually trying out a queer relationship.
Maybe it was because the cooling system in your apartment was getting repaired that day and the heat was really getting to you... 
“You do know that sometimes it's hard for her to open up about certain things?” Your friend asks, over the phone
“Doesn’t mean she has to hide them from me,” You say, “I want her to feel like she can trust me with anything...”
“Has she given you anything she felt that she can trust you with?” She asks
I found out she was a Vampire and knew about it since high school... 
“No...” You lie
“See, maybe she wasn’t ready to tell you certain things yet,” Your friend attempts to enlighten you
“Yeah, well... I have no time for waiting,” You say, “She can feel comfortable in her own time. For me, right now at least is to get this degree... I can’t afford any distractions...”
“What about after college?” She asks, “Would you come back here to mend things with Rosalie?”
Before you could leave for classes, you stop. Attempting to contemplate an answer.
“I don’t know,” You confess, “That isn’t in my plans right now... I’ll talk to you later...”
You hang up the phone and slide it into your back pocket as you sling your backpack over your shoulder; heading out to your classes of the day. 
After the day, you finish any class assignments due tomorrow. But, you lie wide awake in your bed... Thinking of your last interaction with Rosalie. Internally fighting how much you harbor your undying love for her, and the fact she’s been very one sided with you and solely thinking of herself. 
“God Rosalie...” You groan as you thrash yourself around: trying to find a good position to sleep in
Rosalie knew how to put me to sleep...
You were naturally warmer than the average person; the night wasn’t cool enough to keep you sound asleep...
It was difficult trying to get goodnight’s rest throughout the week. You didn’t tell any of your friends out of fear that they’ll judge you and encourage you to take the leap to go back to Rosalie. As well as 
As you finish the assignments for the week, you heard your phone go off for the billionth time today. 
God Rosalie enough...
However, she was persistent...
Finally, having enough hearing your own ringtone, you finally cave in and decide to pick up your phone. 
“What Rosalie?” You ask
“Wow is that how you greet your future in-laws?” Alice asks
“Oh... Sorry Alice,” You sigh, disregarding the fact Alice said ‘future in-laws’, “Rosalie has not stopped attempting to call me all day...”
“She could be in worse shape...” She says, “She's been in and out a lot.”
“Not my turn to watch her like a damn hawk Alice,” You scoff
“But, that’s not why I’m calling you,” She says
“Then.... Why are you calling?” You ask
“Since I couldn't track down your new address to send wedding invitations-” 
“Wait hold on, ‘wedding invitations’?” You ask, interrupting
“For Bella and Edward,” She clarifies, “Don’t worry, Rosalie hasn’t stopped thinking about you.”
You couldn’t help but blush as Alice gives you tea on Rosalie.
“Go on,” You clear your throat
“I’m inviting you to be Rosalie’s date,” She bluntly says
“Huh?” You ask
“Rosalie doesn’t want to ask you herself out of fear of rejection so I agreed to do it for her,” Alice explains
“Why me?” You ask
“Because you’re the only one she wants,” Alice says
“Well she’s going to be much more stubborn,” You scoff
“I know deep down in that big heart of yours you’re going to change your mind,” Alice tells you
“Try me,” You reply
You hang up your phone and lean back into the couch as the laptop sits in front of you: a half-done document on the screen. For some reason that sole phone conversation took a lot out of you. You walked into the kitchen to grab a snack and walked back to the couch.
It... Would be nice to see everyone... Especially Rosalie...
Yeah no chance buddy. She plays with our feelings how many times now?
You continuously argued with your easily loving side that Rosalie had hurt you, more times than you would have liked. But, to be Rosalie’s date at a wedding....
Would have all of the boys jealous...
You decided to play along with Alice’s little plan. Since you were aware of her “I can predict the future” gift. 
Buuuut, this essay comes first...
*Alice’s POV* You pick up your phone as it rung, smiling at the screen.
“I knew you’d change your mind,” You smile
“You didn’t even hear my question,” She says
But not long before she makes the realization of your gift. 
“Nevermind, forget that,” She says, “When is the wedding?”
“August 13th,” You answer
You hear her nearly choking on something over the phone...
“That’s literally a month away!” She yelps
“Don’t worry, I’ll have everything ready by then,” You say, in a chipper tone
You hang up after a thorough conversation with Y/n to give her all the details and you text them to her too, to make sure she doesn’t forget anything while she continues school.
*Y/n’s POV* 1 Month Later...
As you pack your medium-sized suitcase, you double-check if you have your wedding outfit: you do. You finish up packing all of the little things you need to bring. 
“Okay... Got everything,” You sigh, closing your suitcase
You bring your suitcase out from the closet room and head to the door, slipping on your shoes. 
“Time to face some old friends,” You sight to yourself, exiting your apartment
Chapter 10
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
Oooh could I please ask about Beskar Hearts? 👀💕
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it.
Beautiful Jess thank you for the ask because this one..... WHEW 😮‍💨😮‍💨
It's legit just porn with the barest semblance of plot to get us to from one spicy scene to the next. That's it, that's the tweet.
Enjoy below 🤭
Bonus: Inspo
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A monotone ping sounds from the ship's control panel, drawing Din's attention away from the blaster he's cleaning. Looking up, he sees the message alert of the comm array blinking to life, pulsing like a steady heartbeat—a holo from Boba. He probably wants to check if everything's okay, Din figures as he sets aside his task to play the message. He'd gone a week over schedule, after all.
The job had been simple enough: track down a rogue smuggler and bring him back to the palace, and be back in less than a week. Reality, however, had turned out quite different; the smuggler had proved to be smarter than he looked, leading Din on a two week chase through the jungles of some Maker-forsaken moon in the Deygobah system. Tired and ready to be back at the palace, back with you, Din starts the message.
Instead of Boba, however, he's greeted by your face, tilted back at a sharp angle, on the glowing holo-projector. There's a rough hand tangled in your hair pulling your head back, and your eyes are wild with desperation. A familiar deep voice rumbles out of frame, "Go on then, princess, tell Djarin why you begged me to call him."
"Din… Din, please," you croak out before you screw your eyes shut and a moan spills from your lips. You try to bury your face down off camera but the hand in your hair forces your face up.
Tutting in disapproval, Boba's voice crackles through the comm again. "Let him see how good you look while you're taking me… fuck… now go on and tell him."
Heat flashes through the Mandalorian like fire through brush, his cock already now half hard. The past two weeks had left no time to spare for attending to personal needs, and he missed you and Boba. Your smile, his warmth, your bodies pressed together in bed.
"Din, Din, please he won't let me come until you get back, please where are you?"
"You hear her, Djarin? Poor little thing's desperate."
You whimper pitifully as you bounce in the frame of the holo, another moan escaping you.
"Tell him how good my cock makes that sweet little pussy feel, tell him how bad you want to come."
"O-oh fuck, Din, it feels so fucking good but he won't let me-fuuuuuck-Din, please, I want to come so bad, please, please come home."
"Listen to how good she begs, Djarin. Don't keep our princess waiting, I don't know how much more she can take without breaking the rules like a good girl."
The message ends, cutting to static before the comm shuts off. Din is dizzy with want, his blood singing your name like a prayer. The image of Boba's hand in your hair, your expression dark with desire fills his head until there's nothing but the thought of you left. The softness of your skin, the sweet heat of your cunt… kark. 
He knew how Boba liked to fill you up, stuff you so full that all you could do is babble and beg. He also knew Boba was a man of his word—if he said he wouldn't let you come until he came back, well then you wouldn't be coming. Fuck. Din wanted, needed to be back at the palace now, fucking you sweet and deep until you came all over him, releasing all the pent up frustration he'd caused you to endure in his absence. 
Despite wanting to chide Boba for holding your release captive—Din never could bring himself to deny you, not when you looked so pretty coming undone for them—a small still-rational piece of his mind knows it's for the best. Boba is the firm hand that strikes while Din is the soothing palm to rub away the pain, the two ends of your pleasure's spectrum. You needed both, you wanted both.
Din huffs out a breath, coming to a decision: if you couldn't come, then he couldn't either. He would wait until he was in your arms and your own pleasure satisfied before he attended to his own desires. That decided, Din picks up his forgotten blaster and resumes his previous task with some effort; Boba's commanding timbre and your lust-blown expression dance at the edges of his mind. Despite that temptation, and the protesting stiffness of his cock, Din remains true to his promise. Shooting a glance at the controls, he checks the remaining travel time—5 standard hours, 49 minutes till sublight to Tatooine. Six hours is nothing, he tells himself, not when the reward is you.
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Taglist 💖 @agirlnamejacq@burningfieldof-clover@marierg@acatalystrising@dukeoftheblackstar@imarvelatthestars@saradika@nintendobl00d@lune-de-miel-au-paradis@historianwithaheart@andrakass2@samspenandsword@liadamerondjarin@sleepingsun501@sgt-morgan@rescuethewretched@rexxdjarin @ladytano420
some others who have interacted or might be interested (lemme know if you don't wanted to be tagged in the future) 💕 @writingwintermoon@ghostvizsla@hes-all-and-hes-more@thirsty-boba-fett-posts@erinthevampire@vorpan-yaimi @becks-things @kakashibabe02@pickleprickle
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
BTS Tutorial: Night-Streaming
Our first day of supporting Set Me Free Pt. 2 is done! For those of you in my time zone on the east coast of the US, it's time for much-needed sleep!!
AND YET. Night-streaming is something we cannot neglect.
Billboard Hot 100 tallies sales and streams by WEEK. So our work isn't "over" for this single (or the album) -- far from it. However, we do get a bit of a break, because now that the first 24 hours are up, we can employ playlists instead of manually engaging (as much).
Here's a good sleeping playlist for Spotify that covers BTS' new solo songs and goes for 8.5 hours. You'll want to log into a new free trial premium account to start fresh for the day, then click to save this playlist. (After the first 20 times each of these songs play on that account, it won't count for Billboard, but whatever you stream after that will toward the artists' overall stream count.)
If you have a Stationhead account, consider joining a streaming party, as that will ensure your connected Spotify account avoids bot behavior by streaming without interaction.
For YouTube, you might try this sleeping playlist, which also supports other BTS' solo and milestone songs.
A little note: YouTube has an auto-pause feature you need to be aware of when streaming away from your device. A “Video paused. Continue watching?” message will surface on your screen if you're around 30 minutes of uninterrupted watching on mobile, 60 minutes on web, or 180 minutes on TV.
I engage a mouse jiggler to keep my computer awake when I'm away from my keyboard, but YouTube still registers my lack of interaction. So I just downloaded this Chrome browser extension called AutoTube--YouTube Nonstop and it's supposed to override the pause function. I'll let you know if it gives me issues. (There are other extensions you might want to try to override pause, but do NOT engage any that involve looping. Avoid looping if you're trying to chart something, always.)
And when you wake up, of course continue the same as always: vote for MCountdown, trend hashtags, spread the sound on other platforms, and stream while engaging every 90 minutes or so. Use free trials for premium streams on all your devices--when the time comes, prioritize the title track. Buy as much as you can of the single and albums, physical and digital; reach out to funding accounts for help if you need. And remember--this is a marathon, not a race. Everything we do this week is leading up to working out the best strategies for FACE.
I just want to end tonight with a note of sincere appreciation for your hard work and thanks for the positive community we are creating by supporting Jimin and BTS with everything we've got. I'm proud of you, puppykitties!
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Good night.
Love, Roo
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breakerwhiskey · 1 year
Please visit breakerwhiskey.com for more information or to send a message to Whiskey's radio. Breaker Whiskey is an Atypical Artists production created by Lauren Shippen. If you'd like to support the show, please visit patreon.com/breakerwhiskey.
Transcript under the cut. For more episodes, click here.
[click, static] [beeps]
When I said I was grateful for you keeping things short, I didn’t mean you had to only send one word, but okay.
I’m assuming this is your first question. Just the word Harry and a question mark.
[click, static] Harry. What can be said about Harry... [click, static]
Well, first of all, she’s never been a huge fan of that nickname. But I’ve never been a huge fan of my full name and she never called me by anything else even though the nickname for my full name is plenty common, so...
Harriet. Her name’s Harriet. Harriet Statdler. If you happened to be really tapped into the West Village art scene, you might have actually heard of her. But I’m going to guess that...you’re not and you haven’t.
She was a painter. Is a painter. Because oil paints were deemed essential supplies that were worth going outside of our little boundary for, when trying to track down a coffee grinder so that we could actually use the whole bean coffee we found would involve “too much exploring” and be “too risky”.
[click, static]
As you might be able to guess, Harry was the more paranoid out of the two of us.
[click, staticc]
Which I guess makes sense. She lived a lot more carefully than I did. I mean, she had a legitimate—if not particularly profitable—career as a an artist under her real name. That’s how good she was at hiding what she did to actually make money. And I guess having a certain amount of paranoia is helpful for someone like that.
[click, static]
Oh what the hell, it’s probably pretty obvious by now—what Harry and I did was not exactly what you’d call “legal”. The two of us...Pete, Richie, Don, fucking Francis Lennon—we were all part of a, uh...underground art appreciation group.
[click, static] Well, Harry and Francis appreciated the art. I appreciated the money. [click, static]
There were other folks we worked with, and every job wasn’t always all of us, but that was the core group. Francis, of course, was never on the jobs, his role came...after. And sometimes before, when he had a good tip.
Harry was the art expert we would take with us. She knew everything about it, knew how to handle it, how to protect it, transport it. Would know if there was something particularly valuable that we might overlook.
[click, static]
I remember being so excited when she joined the team. The guys were never...rude or weird about working with a woman, but it was still...it was isolating, sometimes, being the only woman in my line of work. At least on all the crews I was on. So I guess I thought it might be nice to have someone around who got it, you know? Who understood what it was like to have certain people underestimate you the moment they saw you.
[click, static]
But Harry...well, Harry was not there to understand anyone. We were all gathered, planning the job, and I made one stupid joke about the piece we were targeting—I don’t even remember what the joke was, but the piece was one of those modern sculpture things that looked like it was molded by a five year old and—
[click, static]
You know, I probably said something pretty much just like that. And Harry, well, she did not care for it. She dressed me down in front of everyone, called me some kind of five dollar word like...plebeian or philistine or something and...that was that.
That was probably the friendliest interaction we had while working together.
[click, static]
So, uh, that’s Harry. She’s someone I used to work with. And she’s a total snob.
[click, static]
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
First, how are you today? I hope you have a good day so that you can answer this message without making us start animosity or problem
Secondly, I appreciate your answer, as you understand what I said, but I am afraid that we are on opposite sides here ، I was a former writer myself and my message is not directed at you What I meant by attacking or I will not follow you and I will not recommend you to anyone else (I am not a hostile person the most I can do is say that you are neglectful to your followers)
Thirdly, there is a certain category of authors, I mean they are not busy or who have jobs, etc. I did not mean that some of them log in and publish things and write other requests, and I am like Did you not receive my order or is there something wrong???So I wait weeks and it really pisses me off
I'm ready to wait years, not just months, that's okay, I may understand your situation, but the simplest thing you can do is tell me that at least you'll write it down, or tell me you can't.
Don't make me look stupid, just tell me, that's all I ask I'd be glad if my letter angered at least some of the authors (the intended category) who'd start moving their asses and work on their requests.
have a great day sweetheart
I was okay until i read ur ask.
Oh no, anon. I never start problem. The only one who started problem was u.
I will put a pict or link from your previous ask just in case some people missed it from yesterday that you started all this.
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So u came to my inbox, n ranted a paragraph about how u r running out of patience or what u think about authors and u act like u weren't the one that started the problem?
How do u expect me to react at what u said yesterday? u said that it wasnt directed to me but u literally show up out of the blue saying all that stuff. Directed to me or not, I don't like what u said, I am an author and i have a lot of other author friends n of course I wasnt gonna stay quite about it.
yes, we r totally on the opposite on this. I'm on the author sides and u sound like one ungrateful bossy follower who r upset because us authors dont write ur requests or dont notify u.
The fact that u r a former writer, it makes u sound a lot worse. U should've understand or even know better that it's not easy to write fics, write requests, all while trying to continue things on ur life.
u say that u r not a hostile person, but telling us that we r neglectful to our followers sounds pretty mentally hostile. u hv no rights to tell that to us. No offense to my lovely n sweet followers, but we owe nobody anything.
most of us write for ourself but we gladly want to share it with other n like i said, taking request from them is one of our way to appreciate them n interact with them. I write to help myself from drowning in my depression but im grateful that people like my writing enough to even send requests n i appreciate every single one of them.
u don't know how our lives is or how our days are so u have no right to judge saying that we r lazy or whatever u wanna say. I dont have a job, i'm a full time mom n it still hard to find time to write.
it's our blog n we can do whatever we want. we can NOT notify u whether we will write ur request or not. like i said, u r on anon, how r we gonna notify u where we dont even know who u r.
I don't reply or notify if im gonna write a request or not because i try not to put people hopes up if i say im gonna write it but i end up dont write it, I dont notify or answer the request until i actually post the requested fic because i like to keep the request in my inbox so i can keep it in track.
we have the right to pick n choose what we r going to write.
n you know what? the way u call ur request to some author as ur "order", i hate it because u r not our boss or leader or king or whatever who order us what to write or when or tell us what to do.
n u have the audicity to say this "I'd be glad if my letter angered at least some of the authors (the intended category) who'd start moving their asses and work on their requests." ? why don't u move ur ass out of my blog and stop sending me entitled demanding narcisstic ask.
"Dont make me look stupid.." no, anon, we didnt make u look stupid. U, urself who make u look stupid by acting like this.
How dare u to come to my blog talking shit n trying to guilt trip me, making it seems im the hostile one or cause problem.
I am asking u nicely to leave my blog n u r more than welcomed to unfollow me or im gonna block u.
P.S: yes u angered us authors n no, it wont make us writing ur request if u act like this.
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byfurries4furries · 1 year
Shelter (Fantasy Visual Novel)
Shelter, made by Rausmutt, is a complicated game. It doesn't neatly fit into any particular genre. It's a dramatic fantasy scifi action porn comedy, if I were to label it, which, as you can tell, isn't an easy task. There's a lot to like about this game and a lot of disparate elements that come together to form a tight cohesive whole, but one that's not too tight for a knot.
Shelter is about a human named Luke who helps run a shelter where canine adventurers can stay and relax at. A holiday called Skies Ablaze is coming up and for various reasons, Luke spends it alone every time, but he finally finds a way to celebrate it with his closest friends. He plans to spend that night with them, but until then, he needs to pick someone to spend the rest of the day with.
Now... I could make an entire essay about what makes Shelter so good. I'd say it's probably the first furry visual novel not mostly or entirely written by Howly, who wrote Adastra, Arches, and most of Echo, that has felt this thematically and tonally rich. But unlike a lot of games in this genre, it does not try to mimic Howly, but still manages to tap into his strengths. There's strong messages about racism, exoticism, the meaning of freedom, the harms of hero worship, the difficulties of fighting hierarchies both in practice and concept, self-care vs altruism, and the fear of mortality. There's also hints at autism allegories and anarchist principles that may be unintentional, but are so well integrated into the setting and story that they feel like natural extensions of the more prominent themes.
But this isn't to say Shelter is entirely serious. It's also an extremely silly and horny game, full of dog puns and meta humor. That fact is obvious if you play the first hour or so, especially if you manage to get a bad ending. And to that end, it's really effective. It's very funny and charming and silly. And that in itself is integrated into the more serious elements. Rune is by far the silliest and horniest of the route characters, but he got that way because he fought and sacrificed A LOT to have the freedom to be that way, and you can see that from the beginning as he's the most physically scarred character in the main cast. His hedonism and goofiness is his way of enjoying the freedom he fought for.
But if there's one thing that stands out about Shelter, it's its gameplay. I know it's weird to praise a visual novel with mostly dialogue choices, quick-time events, and one somewhat confusing minigame for its gameplay, but most furry visual novels often only have dialogue choices as opportunities for interactivity and even some really good ones like Arches and Remember the Flowers don't even have that. I'm not criticizing those games for doing that though, as focusing on story and even abandoning dialogue choices has many of its own advantages, but the fact Shelter branches as much as it does really makes it stand out a lot, especially since it's still so tightly written. Because of that, I rarely use any save slots at all. I certainly save sometimes out of a nagging feeling I should, but even then, I rarely load up a saved state ever. There's so many branching paths of events to do. A lot of side quests and unlockables and hidden scenes. My favorite thing to do is boot up the game from the beginning and do slightly different dialogue choices until I get to the part I left off at in my last session. I have nearly completed everything available in the last update (v33) and I only very recently got through enough branching dialogue to safely keep a save file of the moment right before the route split. It's truly fun to have a visual novel open ended enough that I can have unlockables and completionist challenges to do. It's really a fun game on top of being a great story, especially since diverging branches are written around each other later. There are a handful of continuity mistakes, but given how complicated that is to keep track of for a story of this nature, it's impressive there aren't way more. And that's all without sacrificing the story or the core themes. In fact, I believe those act as the anchor for the game's narrative.
Overall, Shelter is an amazing game. If it weren't for how extremely NSFW this game is, I would give it my highest recommendation. In fact, I will, at least for anyone who's 18+ and isn't squeamish about gay sex and descriptions of gore. It might be my new favorite game, at least depending on how it ends up. It's currently unfinished, but it is possible to get to Burry's and Rune's good endings and Max's route is shaping up to be my favorite one with some surprising themes of mutual aid, capitalist realism (or maybe more broadly hierarchal realism), and the meaning of justice. Both of the multi-route side quests have unfinished best endings, and there are a few more unfinished branching dialogue choices. But you can go 30 hours without running out of stuff to do as it is and it might be more if you're not like me and don't skip action and sex scenes because you just can't get yourself to enjoy them when they're written out in most media, mostly due to issues with visualization skills and not really due to any fault of the authors. And with that rant about oddly specific personal stuff out of the way, keep on yiffing.
Side Tangent: This game is so shockingly gay that the biggest twist that shook me the most is the singular instance of a feminine pronoun. There's no female characters and although even tamer characters still tend to talk about sex a lot, straight sex doesn't get mentioned at all and neither do any females, with the sole exception of this reveal. Or at least there were no other incidents that stood out. But it's safe to say Shelter fails the Bechdel test hard, so much so that it's a mystery if there are even any women in its world at all.
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emberphantom · 2 years
Your history post is so fascinating to me as a foetus fan!!! Can we get a thing going where more of the IASIP fandom here does histories based on how they've perceived it? Btw are most fandom participants rn all pandemic/post-lockdown fans of Sunny (afayk)?
Ahahaha ty! Honestly the Sunny fandom in general is so fascinating. Like you can see remnants of the even older fandom if you go back far enough in the AO3 tag. MacDennis originally wasn't even that popular of a ship. iirc, CharMac was like the main ship of the fandom. Idk when the shift happened but that was obvi before my time. I wish i had the time to study it lol.
I would love to hear from others how they experienced that same time in the fandom as me. Literally I'm like Yo someone else take the mic...anyone? Please????? Hellooo????
Honestly I started like as kind of a lurker -- just RBing gifs and posts I liked. Then I started talking in the tags and interacting more with people which is not usually how I do things. Like i was FLOORED when at one point someone was like -- oh I consider you one of the main sunny blogs and I was like you--what!? Like girl that's insane to me.
I don't want to misrepresent anything either -- like I personally had so much fun during that time-- but one of the other factors that contributing to a lot people leaving was drama amongst ourselves. I stayed on the periphery of it bc again, not my style. But once people started to speak out against RCG and the shit they didn't like about certain episodes -- again all correct and valid as far as I'm concerned, people got fucking MEAN. Like the vocal folks started getting hate in their inboxes and on their posts and it just became hostile for a lot of people -- so they left.
Honestly I've stayed pretty active in the fandom since then -- as much as once could be. I don't create much content myself beyond and text post or a screen shot of a tweet or picture of Glenn here and there, so it was pretty dry here for a while. Post-June 2020 this place was a ghost town for a bit. Sunny Twitter kinda kept poppin' off but idk for me it wasn't the same. I just use the Bird App for different shite and it felt weird trying to make it a fandom space for me.
I did start getting a lot of my Sunny Asks (what i called all my messages about Sunny/MacDennis to keep track of them -- there's a whole tag of 'em) I think late 2020? So I guess yeah, that's a good indication of when things started up again. For me at least. s15 obviously also brought through more people and brought back some inactive peeps. During when s15 was airing and basically all of this year is when I started seeing more Sunny blogs pop up. I try to follow the ones posting consistently and about stuff relative to my interests where I can. So yeah, long-winded answer to your question, as far as I know, a lot of the Sunny fandom now is mostly people post-s14 airing and post-2020/2021.
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miles-katy · 2 months
"I don't think I could have the relationship with you that you have with me," she said. She was very casual about it, and I was immediately on the defensive.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.
She put the book she'd been reading down. "It's just, the way you've described it, and the vibe that I get, I don't think I could do it how you do it."
"I still don't know what that means," I said.
"You're always doing this like ... micro calculation thing," she said. "You weigh your words. You try to time things. You have never once called me up while I was at work, or asked me for something when it was inconvenient for me, and you check and double check that you're not being a nuisance."
"And ... that's bad?" | asked.
"No, I love that about you," she said. "It's very kind and considerate. I know that if I tell you I'm not in the mood to hang out, you'll apologize and not push it. If you suggest that we get pizza and I say I'd rather have Korean BBQ, you fold instantly and we get Korean BBQ. I like that. I get the things I want. But it seems like an exhausting way to deal with people."
"I want you to be happy," I said with a small voice.
"I am happy," she replied. "You're great. You remember when we first got together I was like 'hey, look, if you want pizza, we can get pizza, it's just not what I'm in the mood for, and you kept insisting that you didn't care, that you would rather have me follow my needs? And I just thought, 'you know, maybe I should just trust that's what they actually feel. And it is, as far as I can tell. There's not some secret part of you that wants me to break vour wav."
"You think I'm ... a simpering coward?" I asked. Even as I said it, it felt too accusatory, the wrong thing to say in the situation.
"Whoa, no, not at all," she laughed. "I think you do all that stuff because ... I don't know, you want to? Because otherwise why would you do it? It's how you are with every aspect of your life, you're a tryhard. I mean you said to me that you wanted to reclaim the term. Your relationship with me is that you're a tryhard (affectionate)."
"And you're ... not?" I asked.
"I'm not that way with anyone," she replied. "You know why I hang out with you so much? It's 'cause I like you. Most days, I am very much in the mood for you, and if you ask for a meetup, I'll say yes, and if you don't ask for one, then I'll ask you first. And for you
"What?" I asked.
"It's like ... you're keeping track," she said. "You want to make sure that you're not sending me more messages than I'm sending you. You're balancing social micro stuff that I don't pay attention to. You're consciously monitoring how much each of us has said and making sure it's the right number of words or whatever."
"It's really not about the number of words," I replied. "It's more ... making sure that social and emotional labor is equitable, that there's a good rhythm to the conversation. I don't think you'd get good results by tracking word count."
"But see, I don't do any of that," she said. "I talk because I feel like talking. I listen when you need to vent because I like you………
"Oh, I'm just reading this book, and there are two characters like us in it, and I was like 'yes, exactly, and then 'that would not work for me'" She shrugged.
"And if I stopped 'putting in the work'?" I asked. "Would we still be ... friends?"
"See, I don't know," she said. "Because that's never who you've been. You're asking me if I would still be friends with you if you changed your personality and how we interact with each other. Maybe? Probably? Who knows? Maybe we'd be better friends somehow. Maybe we're just two basically compatible people, and every time you've ever worried about anything it would actually have been completely fine."
"Or maybe it's load-bearing," I said.
"Maybe!" she replied with a smile that slowly faded. "You okay?"
"I'm thinking," I said. I didn't know if I could verbalize what I was thinking in a way that would be palatable.
"Do you not like being this way with me?" she asked.
"Because I have never asked you to. I've made my preferences known, but if you've been bending yourself into knots and feeling a burden, then
"No," I said, because I knew it was what she wanted to hear.
"No, I like the way things are between us.
"Good," she smiled. "I do too."
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♡ Welcome ♡
Welcome everybody to the Amphros-Central Adoption Center, where you can adopt little critters that are in need of a loving home, my name is Deity Evie and I am the owner, though you may call me D or Evie. ^^
Some things though before you ask away-
You are allowed to adopt as many pokemon as you like but please don't ask for a lot at once. That being said there is a limit as to how many you can adopt per week.
That limit is three pokemon per week.
Anon is off because I just need to know who adopts what so I can keep track.
You are allowed to request a mon and say you don't want to adopt them. They will just be first come first serve.
For pokemon range there is no limit to what we have. Mythicals and certain legendaries though may not be available. (Limited Mews and Mewtwo's available) Shinies though I'd say are limited at the time.
Types of pokemon that can be adopted -
Regular mons
Some fusions/shines
Some legendaries
Eggs will be available though, and if you want to adopt one I'll just tell you the whole process.
You can also drop off a pokémon that you feel needs a good home. From there I will either take care of them until their health is at its best, put them up for adoption on the spot, or find a place in my heart for them but I will always try to find a home for them first before doing that.
If you do ask for a mon that has been dropped off and I have claimed they still will be up for adoption unless I say otherwise.
We now will also be having Adoption News every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00-11:00 AM or 7:00-8:00 PM, featuring any new or recent pokemon that are in desperate need of a new home, or home in general. If you would like to adopt those pokemon you will just need to contact me through here on our website through either comments on the News Letter or a Provate DM (PM, private message). From there I will have you take a questionnaire to see if you are the right fit for the mon.
If you have questions because (let's be honest I'm too fast with directions) just leave me a message.
Other rules -
This is not an interaction blog (yet)
It might be later
*Last update* July 8, 2023 - 8:13 AM
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sultansprincess · 2 years
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I posted 21 times in 2022
That's 21 more posts than 2021!
7 posts created (33%)
14 posts reblogged (67%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 16 of my posts in 2022
Only 24% of my posts had no tags
#bullet train roleplay - 14 posts
#bullet train oc - 13 posts
#amira sultan oc - 12 posts
#amira sultan - 10 posts
#amira x the son - 2 posts
#bulllet train - 1 post
#he's also the fun uncle - 1 post
#father-daughter relationship - 1 post
#she is struggling - 1 post
#// specify muse! - 1 post
Longest Tag: 28 characters
#father-daughter relationship
My Top Posts in 2022:
Out of character: roleplay starter call!
Interact with this post for a roleplay starter from this badass Muslim professor!
1 note - Posted August 18, 2022
Out of character: Hello! Welcome to my roleplay and character muse blog for my Bullet Train character! Below are my rules for roleplaying!
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1.) Be kind! That should go without saying.
2.) Do not post inappropriate messages or images.
3.) Do not spam.
4.) Please refrain from swearing or using vulgarity in any way.
5.) I do not roleplay NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content. This is strictly prohibited. I am aware that Bullet Train involves very mature topics (namely gore and course language), so I am okay with roleplaying these topics, but only if they are PG-13, though I might be okay with certain curse words. Please be understanding and respectful when discussing this with me.
6.) Because Amira is Muslim (like myself), I will not engage in any roleplay scenarios that involve her doing anything against her religion, which is Islam. This includes dating and some things that are considered normal in non-Muslim societies.
1. I am flexible but please do not try to control my character.
2. I prefer to roleplay in third person, but I also like to roleplay limited, typing as if I am the character, and I am flexible about the way that I roleplay, so I am open to discussion.
3. If you want to roleplay with me, then comment on this post or reblog it! You can also private message me, but I would prefer for you to comment or reblog!
4. I do not track my roleplays and replies, nor am I picky about the way that people organize their blog. If we begin a roleplay and you respond a week or a month later, I will still try to keep the roleplay going! If I have lost the drive or inspiration, I will let you know. All of my posts are also fully available to interact with, so don't be shy to comment or reblog! Roleplay is supposed to be fun, so don't stress yourself out! As long as you follow my rules you'll be all set!
That's it! Have fun!
1 note - Posted August 17, 2022
COPYRIGHT CLAIM: This fan-made character belongs to me @arabianflowers and is original! Any attempt to plagiarize will be met with consequences.
DISCLAIMER: I only own my characters. Any other characters mentioned as well as certain pre-existing Bullet Train lore belong to David Leitch and Zak Olkewicz.
PLEASE read my rules and preferences before interacting!
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TITLE: Dr. Sultan
ALIAS: The Princess
CURRENT AGE: 25 years
GENDER: Cisgender Female
HERITAGE: Pakistani
OCCUPATION: Published mystery/crime author under the pseudonym Sara, professional Martial Artist, English Professor at Harvard University
PLACE OF BIRTH: Massachusetts, America
PORTRAYER: Mehwish Hayat
CHARACTER ARC SUMMARY: Amira Sultan was born and raised as Muslim in Massachusetts, America. Her father was a successful Pakistani businessman named Ali Sultan and her mother was a successful Pakistani housewife named Khadijah Shaheed. Amira’s paternal great grandmother Amina was trampled to death during the Partition in Pakistan and her paternal great grandfather Amir escaped with his daughter Aisha when she was two years old. Unfortunately, Amir died due to cancer and sixteen-year-old Aisha was left to fend for herself. At the age of eighteen years old, she came under the care of Yousef, a merchant who offered her food and shelter, and they married three years later. They planned to have Khadija and she was born two years after they married. Khadija grew up and met Ali in college. After graduation, they married and moved to America one year before Amira was born in order to pursue a better life for her.
Growing up, Amira had trouble with bullies at school and took Martial Arts classes to defend herself. She also discovered that she had a natural talent for English and prose. Her parents wanted her to go into the medical field, but when she turned fifteen years old, she decided that she wanted to go into the English field. Her parents were devastated and convinced that she was going to ruin her life. They tried to make her study surgery, but when she was awarded an English scholarship to Oxford University at seventeen years old, they were ecstatic and stopped trying to sway her decision.
Amira wrote a murder mystery short story for a college assignment during her first year and it was so good that her professor suggest that she publish it professionally, but she was afraid that because she was a Pakistani woman, no one would read it. She began to publish murder mystery and crime novels under the pseudonym Sara and her books began to achieve mediocre fame when she was around twenty-three years old after she became an English Language Arts and Literature Professor at Harvard University.
Around this same time, Amira met a young American man whom anyone only knew as The Son. She became the only person besides his family to know his real name. Amira and The Son fell in love and got engaged just a year after knowing each other. Unfortunately, because of his family history, Amira’s parents were unhappy with the engagement and prevented them from seeing each other. Amira and The Son’s relationship was strained when she met his sister known as The Prince and they did not get along. This tension only worsened when The Son was arrested conveniently just before he was supposed to marry Amira. Amira was devastated and took her anger out on her parents rather than The Prince, who had been trying to sabotage her brother and his fiance from the beginning. Amira wanted to move out and leave her parents because she was so distraught.
Conveniently, she received an anonymous invitation a year later to Tokyo, Japan to promote her book and accepted it just to spite her parents. Little did she know that she would run into both The Son and The Prince on what was known as The Bullet Train that was running through Japan.
PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER ANALYSIS: Amira Sultan is strong-willed and bold. She is soft-spoken and peace-making, but she is also confident and intelligent. Many people underestimate her because of her feminine demeanor. She is judged for her skin color in non-Pakistani areas. However, she always uses these setbacks to her advantage. Her bilingualism and talent in the English Language Arts and Literature field makes her very well-rounded. That combined with her Martial Arts skills and her ability to catch people off-guard makes her a massive threat.
She is a devout Muslim which shapes many of her beliefs and how she deals with situations. She is also very calm and can talk her way out of almost any situation. Violence is a last resort for her, but even when she is forced to resort to it, she refuses to use weapons: only classic Martial Arts. Her fatal flaw is her inability to manage her emotions. She often bottles up her feelings until she can no longer handle it, which results in explosive outbursts. She also overestimates herself sometimes, which often gets her into trouble. She has a strong desire to help people and this is often reflected in her writing as well as in her actions. Her overconfidence and innate drive to help people will be her downfall. Some know her as Amira. Some know her as Sara. The Bullet Train passengers know her as The Princess.
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1 note - Posted August 17, 2022
Ladybug: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Amira: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
2 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Amira: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder?
The Prince: Stop romanticizing the past.
3 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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