#micro fiction
tealeavesandtrash · 7 hours
Wolfstar Micro Fic - @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: Soulmates - Words: 560
Remus tugs at his pyjama sleeve, refusing to let it slip past his wrist. Sirius sits opposite, legs crossed as he watches with silent anticipation. The glow of the waxing moon illuminates his face - there’s less than a week until the full and Remus isn’t if that’s why his body prickles with anxiety, or if it’s apprehension about his potential soulmate mark. 
The whole ordeal feels like some sick joke - to spend your whole life knowing the last words you’ll hear from your soulmate, or not get any words and second-guess every relationship. It seems like a lose-lose situation in Remus’ eyes.
“This is all a little morbid isn’t it?” Remus mutters.
“Yeah but it's still interesting, isn’t it?” Sirius says, eyes sparkling with excitement. 
“There’s isn’t anything exciting about knowing what the love of your life's last words will be.”
Sirius huffs. “It’s not that deep. Honesty, most people just think it’s superstition.”
It doesn't make Remus feel any better. Whether the words are legitimate or not, there'll still be a lifetime of paranoia.
He can feel Sirius’ eyes on him, waiting patiently. “Can I see?” he asks tentatively, edging slightly closer. Remus refuses to meet Sirius' gaze, but he doesn’t protest when Sirius reaches forward and pushes his sleeve up to reveal his pulse point. He takes his wrist with soft fingers and gently manoeuvres Remus’ arm to catch the light, trying to make out any tiny script. 
“Oh!” Sirius gasps suddenly, “There is something!”
Remus’ eyes snap back. Sirius squints at his wrist, holding it so close to his face that Remus can feel his breath tickle his skin. “What does it say?”
“Thought you didn’t want to know?”
Remus scowls at him. “Yeah well now you know,  I may as well know what it says too.”
“Nice one, James.”
“Nice one, James,” Sirius repeats. “They’re your soulmate words.”
Remus’ brow furrows, “What does that even mean?”
Sirius shrugs, dropping Remus’ hand. “I dunno. This is why so many people don’t believe in soulmates, most people’s don’t make any sense.”
“But that’s useless, what am I even meant to do with that?”
Sirius flops down, rolling onto his back to look up at Remus. “I don’t think you’re meant to do anything. It’s like meddling with fate y’know?”
“You wouldn't want to try?”
Sirius shrugs. “Yeah but how? It’s all so ambiguous, you can’t go around trying to predict what’ll happen.”
Remus sighs and moves to lie down next to Sirius. “How do you do that?” his voice comes out quiet, barely louder than a breath.
Harry, don't! He’s gone, I'm sorry, he’s gone. Those words appeared on Sirius’ wrist on his sixteenth birthday. Remus isn’t sure he could cope with words as cutting as that.  
“Whatever happens probably won’t happen for over a hundred years. And I know it’s hard because you’re a chronic overthinker-” Remus jabs him in the ribs and Sirius huffs a laugh. “There’s isn't any point focusing on something so far away.”
They lie together in silence for a little longer. “Hey, Sirius?” Remus says suddenly. “Can you - please don’t tell Prongs about this. I don’t want him getting the wrong with his name being there.”
Sirius squeezes Remus’ hand lightly. “I won’t. And Remus?”
Remus rolls his head to the side to look at Sirius’ profile. “Yeah?”
“Happy Birthday, Moony.”
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insomniac-dot-ink · 3 months
The Language of Wolves, a Fairy Tale
There is a wolf with the voice of a person up on the hill. Travelers were sent there, both the lucky and unlucky sorts, if they could not speak the common tongue. The wolf had mastered any language he had ever heard and the people of the valley were both reasonable and warry. Send the travelers to the wolf, they said, bound by hospitality, and ask him who taught him how to speak or else whose witches throat he tore out and stitched into his own.
Many unsuspecting pilgrims, soldiers, merchants, and wayward souls, found themselves on the doorstep of a creature wearing silks and smiling in fangs. He knew their local songs though, every bit of story, and they woke in the morning with their lives intact and bags un-stolen. So the wolf remained even as borders shifted and languages died, even as scholars arrived and the wolf refused all questions on the nature of its knowledge. A humble beast it said, wearing coats of finest red only as the lords allow it.
Monks whispered of a miracle, nuns gave a pilgrimage of fresh goats and blood to the wolf at his doorstep, holy wanderers said perhaps even wolves had souls–even wolves could be saved. Others, of course, only asked more questions. 
Finally, there came a tricky man. Aged and silver, unwed, a scholar and a soldier both, coming from afar and very close all at once. The Scholar Soldier came in the downpour and the night, shed his muddy boots on the poor beast’s rug, and spoke in guttural tongues. The wolf’s eyes narrowed, and he used the voice of every person to ask where the Scholar Soldier came from. And the man spoke in tongues until the wolf’s ears laid flat against his head.
Do you not recognize it? said the Scholar Soldier, how can you not? The Scholar Soldier threw back his head and let out a howl–for he had fought in fairy wars, on the side of beasts, and knew the language of the wolves from the very first. The wolf tore off his fine red coat, tore at his beautiful cravat, and wept upon his floor. Can you take it back? he cried, can you make me whole?
Not a gift, of course, but a curse. As a mother turns away from her cub, placing a thorn in his throat that made him able to practice every language in the world but his own. Thrown out. The Scholar Soldier took pity on the old wolf and took him as a groom. They could be happy, he said, even if they were speaking with words never their own.
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italiansteebie · 10 months
steve harrington is a birthday crier (this is in light of my 22nd birthday being in about a week, the 19th, also steve is a july cancer bc i said so)
the party was in full swing, people were chatting, eating, and generally having fun. but for some reason, steve couldn't bring himself to stray out of the corner he found himself in.
"hey sunshine, you havin fun?" eddie asked gently, as he approached him, placing a hand around his waist. steve brought the plastic cup he was holding up to his lips, "mhm." he said simply, before taking a sip.
eddie looked at him, "what's wrong, baby?"
steve shrugged, letting his head fall into eddie's shoulder. "i'm having fun, it's all so nice, and i- i don't know." his breath hitched as he leaned into his boyfriend, tears stinging at his eyes. "i cry every year on my birthday, and i guess this time isn't any different. usually though it's because i'm alone..." he trails, voice going quiet. "that's okay, sunshine. let yourself feel all the emotions," eddie told him, voice gentle. steve felt the tears roll down his cheeks, "i shouldn't be crying, it's a good day!" he whined.
eddie laughed, "baby, it's okay. crying is normal. i cry all the time." he sighed, running a hand through steve's hair. "yeah?" he sniffled, relishing in the soft touch. "yeah," eddie said with finality, "and when you're done, we can go join everyone else and have cake, okay?"
"okay, thanks ed's."
"of course. happy birthday, sunshine."
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theravenmuse · 11 months
How I imagine Crowley moving into the bookshop going:
Crowley: See, the thing is, I’d been sort of just miracling the management to believe I’d been paying rent. But then I was asleep for so long the miracle must have worn off so now they’ve evicted me.
Aziraphale: And… you couldn’t just perform another miracle to convince them to let you stay?
Crowley: Well… It just… It seemed like a lot of trouble… When I could just bring my stuff over here… Since, Y’know, we’re on our own side now?
Aziraphale: . . .
Crowley: Unless I’m too much trouble for you, of course.
Aziraphale: Crowley, you are, by the definition of the word, trouble.
Crowley, crestfallen: Yeah, right. I’ll just… I’m sure it’s not too late to get my flat back.
Aziraphale: Honestly, Crowley. *hauls the confused demon inside, plants and all.*
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You’re telling me you’re into Greek Mythology ships and haven’t thought about Psyche petting Eros’s wings in the dark? Not him spreading them out and guiding her hand to feel how wide they go and how the real reason the lights are out is that he’s embarrassed and maybe that he hides his face in her shoulder as she touches him because it’s not as if he’s ever had someone of his own and then maybe she feels all the notches in his spine and takes a little breath and says, “oh— you’re a man.”
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rosewind2007 · 3 months
Hey everyone! There is a micro fest for the Murderbot Diaries running!
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“A collection for Murderbot Diaries drabbles dedicated to some form of love, either for self, for humanity/all sentient life, one special someone, or several special someones! Drabbles, drabble series, or micro-fics encouraged! There is no word limit, but we're aiming at short and quick here. Collection open until end of February, 2024.”
So here’s my first (double) drabble, inspired by:
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lackadaisicallizard · 10 months
So I love jealous Regulus as much as the next person, but there’s something about jealous James that just hits different.
So here’s a bit of jealous James for your Friday:
There’s a man talking to Regulus.
And while that fact wouldn’t normally be cause for James to grip his drink so tightly that his knuckles turn white, in this case the man in question is very much flirting with him.
James can understand why. Regulus is by far the most attractive person in the room, he always is, and tonight, in the packed club with the thumping music, tight jeans and half-unbuttoned shirt clinging to his sweat-soaked body, well- he can’t blame the number of people that have approached him.
He still does though. He blames them because Regulus is his.
He’ll always be his, and as the bold man’s hand comes up to touch Regulus’ arm, curling slightly around it with his slender fingers, James feels the internal pull forward, the guttural need to show everyone just who gets to love the man who burns with a scorching brilliance that rivals the intensity of a blazing star. The man who James loves so fiercely that he would risk burning up entirely for the chance to hold him in his hands just for a moment.
And while he trusts Regulus implicitly, knows that him not immediately removing the man’s hand is purely because he knows that James will take the bait, it works. Because while they both know no one else has a chance, the man doesn’t.
And that’s enough.
So he pushes through the crowd, towards Regulus and the man in leather pants- what is this the 90s?- whose slight smile indicates that he does in fact think he has a chance, a fact that fuels the fire coursing through James’ veins.
As soon as he’s in reach of Regulus, his own hand curls around his other arm, pulling him away from the man’s grasp and into his own before bending down to capture his lips. It’s brash and bruising and as they pull apart, James turns to the man whose expression has now dropped entirely. James smirks slightly as his arm curls around Regulus’ waist and he raises his eyebrow as if to dare the man to challenge his very obvious claim.
He doesn’t. Instead he holds up his hands before nodding and disappearing into the crowd. James can’t help but feel triumphant.
Regulus leans in to speak into James’ ear, his tone teasing. “I can’t believe you just cock-blocked me. That could have been the love of my life you know.”
“Shut up, you wanker,” James jokes back and Regulus laughs as he turns to face him. James’ hands find his waist as he looks into beautiful grey eyes glinting in triumph.
“You’re so predictable, you know.” Regulus’ voice is low in his ear as their bodies press together despite the almost stifling heat of the room. James can find his heart beat easily even as the music thumps around them.
“Tell me you don’t love me for it.”
“You’re also very arrogant,” Regulus shakes his head but he doesn’t deny James’ claim. James knows that he can’t, because he does love him.
And as he kisses Regulus again, slowly and surely, he does it like he has all the time in the world. Because he does, and they do, men in leather pants be damned.
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rj-drive-in · 2 months
We Are Not Alone Department:
“Never underestimate the healing effects of beauty.” - Florence Nightingale
ETHEREAL © 2024 by Rick Hutchins
Most of them kind of folks will tell you about the disks and the cylinders and the saucers. Them’s the kind I don’t believe. I believe the ones who don’t talk unless they’re sure about you. Or the ones like me, who leave it till after they’re dead.
That’s why I’m writing this. I’ll be gone soon and it’s important that you know.
It wasn’t long after the war and I was just back from occupied Germany. I had missed my New Mexico desert something fierce and so I went out camping, by myself, at my favorite spot. You know the one, out by the butte.
I was lying on my bedroll by my campfire, staring up at the stars, when it came down from the sky. Fluttering, like a lady’s handkerchief. It came down and it stopped, not twenty feet away from me.
It was pure white and had a light of its own. It looked like the dance of the seven veils, underwater and slow; but there was no dancer-- only veils. And the parts weren’t connected, they just swirled around one another in a dreamlike way. I had the feeling that each one was a person. A person of a sort, anyway.
It was so beautiful it made me cry.
I saw and did a lot of things back in the war, and I’m not going to tell you about any of it. All I’ll say is that I was a man full of heartache. But this thing, these people-- whatever it was, it saved me. Its beauty brought me back alive.
Now you know. That’s why I’ve gone out there so much over the years, to that spot. I’ve been wishing for them to come back.
When I’m gone, I want you to do something for me: I want you to go out there and spend the night, whenever you can. And if they do come back, if you do see them, please try to make them understand that there are still so many people who need to be saved.
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tealeavesandtrash · 24 days
Wolfstar Micro Fic - @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: Dogwalker - 421 words
[unknown number] Hi. Sorry to bother you, Pete gave me your number. I’m looking for a dog walker, he said you might know someone?  Thanks, Remus
hi remus i’ll ask around, what are the dates? sirius
This Thursday? Hopefully for 2 weeks but I’m having an op so might change I know it’s short notice but everything fell through and I'm running out ideas
sorry, just talking to pete  i’ll do it
You will? 
yeah  i work round the corner, i can take him out at lunch
Thank you so much you're a lifesaver
no probs
Thanks for today I think Padfoot likes you
good bc I like him too also no offence, when pete said knee replacement i was expecting a grandpa
None taken  And no offence, when Pete said dog groomer, I wasn’t expecting so much leather and tattoos
no offence taken ;)
[attached photo] stick maybe coming home with us
[attached photo] You've knackered him out
I have phsyio this morning Key is in flowerpot if I'm not back 
no worries
how was it?
An hour of them teaching me how to bend my knee Like I haven’t been doing that my whole life??
well… you werent doing a great job of it if they had to replace it
[attached photo] He’s waiting for you He knows your late
sorry padfoot :(( tell him ill be 5 mins x
okay so slight incident
What happened??
[attached photo] big fan of muddy puddles
Oh jesus
ill take him back to work and clean him up
You really don't have to  I can bath him
no offence ive seen you hobbling about you cant  wrangle him into a bath and kneel down to wash him 
I can handle it You’ve done enough already
its fine i had a cancellation won’t be a full pamper but youll have a squeaky clean pup back at 2
I dont think Padfoot's ever smelt so good
thats the blueberry pawfume 
The what
pawfume dog perfume blueberry scented
didn't know that was a thing 
next opening  i have hes getting the spa treatment
PT's cleared me for low-impact exercise  Aka get off my arse and start walking more
Oh congrats! I mean I’ll miss padfoot But glad ur healing good :)
Well You can still come with? Padfoot really likes you And I like talking to you
I like talking to you too
Or I coud take you out to dinner? As a thank you for everything I couldn't have coped without you
It’s a date x
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clayvessel · 5 months
"And what do you dream of? Do you even dream, do you rest?" She asked me, as she tended to me, rubbing oil on to my surface. I could feel the calluses and scabs on her hand as she did so. despite how rough the world was to her, she was gentle to me. " I can't really sleep anymore, not in this state. But I remember what it feels like" My voice resonated in her head, I still worried if that was an intrusion. " But I still dream" "And worry it seems?" She says with a chuckle. So she could feel that too. No secrets then. Not of that kind. "Yes I suppose I do." My metal vibrated slightly, like a chuckle. " I dream... Well I dream of other purposes. My blade is for killing, that is the one thing a sword is designed for. Killing and fighting. I'm too unwieldy to do anything else a blade can do. Open letters, carve, create. No I am destruction. Yet I dream to create again, paint." "So you long to be human once more?" "No....because even then I did not feel human. But I wish my purpose wasn't so singular, so destructive. She laughs and lifts me up, if had blood I would flush. The way She wielded me, I was designed for two hands, yet she moved me swiftly with just one. She admires her handiwork and my steel, and I feel nude in the moonlight. "Well then perhaps we'll find away to make you a paintbrush" "That wouldn't be so bad.. would you be an artist?" I knew whatever I was I wanted to be wielded by her... "I'd be anything for you."
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I always believed I would spend the rest of my days with you all, or like we always did, crossing path, sharing adventures, or a meal somewhere, anywhere... We always had something to share.
I would have followed you as long as my legs would have carried me. I would have sung to you as long as my voice would have hold. And then I hoped you would have visited me when I would have been too old... Because you were eternal to mere mortals like me and this was the only good way to end this story. You alive. Me dead.
But today, I am lost. That future won't exist and I don't know what to do. You left me on that bank and disappeared into the mist, when all I wished was lying with them. I understand your feelings, princess, but, if they are not alive, I don't belong with the living either... You know it.
Now, my body seems too heavy to move even if I feel empty, and my heart is too broken to feel anything but pain. I don't know how to sing, because my voice is trapped somewhere.
There is nowhere I feel home anymore. I am just a lost soul on this sphere. So please, come back... or welcome me on the other side. Don't leave me here... alone. I beg of you. This is not fair I have to stay here, in a space full of your absence.
You denied me the right to have a more peaceful end and I saw in your eyes that you will never come back. Maybe we could have mourn together. We didn't have to be alone to face this ordeal, didn't we ?
But maybe you knew that my own pain would be too much to bear and you couldn't see me never heal. Maybe you were right. Maybe that's better that way. But maybe it means that everyone understood, and I was in denial all my life. Maybe my own kind knew from my first breath in this world how unworthy of love I was, and I should have bent before that heart would know the feeling. Maybe that's why in the end, I have to face this alone...
I am sorry, princess, for my bitter words but the wound is too fresh and the fall is hard, because I thought for a short time that I was enough and worth to be part of your family, when clearly it was just a construct of my mind. Also you knew what to say, but this is not fair you used that against me to keep me alive... on this side. Because I will give myself heart and soul to the task you gave me, knowing it will never bring me real peace.
But my letter isn't for that.
Yes, I am bitter that you did that to me, but deep inside I can't blame you and never will. You had too much to endure. This is only pain speaking and I am sorry. I have to find a way to accept things as they are. I need just time. Probably.
This letter is there to enlighten what I should have said before. What I should have say many times. I have to make things right before my own end.
The poet in me wants to believe that you knew how much I love you all. But for the first time in my life I regret I never said those three little words out loud. You are gone and it is too late now. There is no second chances with those kind of things.
I will continue to tell the story of my beloved family to the world as you asked me to, if I can find my voice back, but the world doesn't deserve the words I would say to you only. I will continue to hide them to their eyes and ears, like the most extraordinary things I keep inside.
But for you, I write these words, for the first and the last time. This is a beacon in the dark and the most important thing anyone has to know. And you have to know.
Your crazy uncle Jaskier.
(Letter found in a empty wine bottle in a lake in Rivia)
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‘Yeah, it showed up last Tuesday just after lunch. Doesn’t usually get closer than about twenty feet, but it’s always floating somewhere nearby.’
‘I can’t really try and scare it off at this point. The kids have gotten attached. Even named it “Polly Pocket Dimension” and everything.’
‘Look, the biggest thing I have seen them try and feed it was a broken tablet. And they know better than to feed it anything with an active data plan.’
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asteroidtroglodyte · 11 months
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dungeonmalcontent · 15 days
Fey creature, looming in the shadows under the swaying leaves of the willow grove: your request for power is not unusual. My friends tell me that you mortal creatures crave power to attain a sense of false supremacy. Powers such as I can grant you... power over others, but not power over all. You seek this?
You: yes! Grant me power. I will give you whatever you ask in return.
The fey: indeed there is a price. My friends also tell me there are things your kind can do which we cannot here. *It lumbers closer, revealing more of its towering fey form*. My friends tell me of these things...
You: grant me a portion of your power and I will grant you what you ask. Money, my belongings, my name, my soul. Anything. I can't live another day of my life like this so what does it matter!?
The fey, almost growling in delight: my friends tell me of this thing called... "Scritches". Give this to me, and power is yours.
You, realizing that the cats you passed on the way into the willow grove were not exactly strays: 😳
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audreycritter · 1 year
For prompts: Maybe Justice Leaguers interacting with Wayne Kids/Robins? Especially if it isn't the Robins when they're little. (I really like your Diana.)
The Watchtower training room was quiet, the sounds of drills and sparring faded into the silence of a ship adrift in space-- a silence thick with the hum of a dozen different systems keeping the station habitable.
Red Robin and Red Hood sat side by side on a bench at the edge of the room, not talking, not moving, until a door slid open and they both looked up. Seeing that it was Wonder Woman, the tension that had snapped their spines rigid dissipated.
"Did training go well?" she asked, pausing at the edge of the mats. Her hands worked deftly, braiding her long hair into a single, thick rope while she eyed the two of them.
They exchanged a glance, suddenly wary, and Tim nodded. Jason's hands were braced on his knees. The League reserve members benefited from monthly training sessions with various Batkids and Tim and Jason had fallen into an effective and companionable, if not close knit, working rhythm. Superman sometimes stopped by, but Wonder Woman never had. She smiled sweetly at them now, and the only question Jason still had was whether or not Bruce had put her up to it-- Tim was already planning out his first four moves.
"I'm very glad to hear it," Diana said. "Now it's your turn to train with me. Let's fight."
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