#i know drag brunch can be for allies too but like
church-of-lilith · 5 months
i’m just saying deciding to go to drag brunch on mother’s day is very much giving queer people and their found family (even tho ava would never admit to being anything close to friends with any of them)
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
i'm coming out
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'pride'
rated t | 880 words | no cw | tags: coming out, bisexual king gareth, side steddie
Gareth hated to admit it, but he was jealous.
He was jealous of Steve still being able to hide under the radar enough that he could go to gay clubs and pride events without anyone batting an eye. He was jealous of Eddie being out publicly, not having to keep any part of his life a secret except for what he truly wanted to. And he was jealous of his own boyfriend, Sam, for not even having to worry about how the public would react if they knew he was gay.
"I just think it sounds like you want to come out," he said over the phone. "If Eddie can, why can't you?"
"It's not that easy!" Gareth argued, though he wasn't really sure how to back that argument up. It was that easy. Nobody in the band would care if he decided to come out, and most of the fans would be fine with it if they went off their reaction to Eddie coming out.
"Why not?" Sam asked, calm in Gareth's chaos.
"Because if people don't like Eddie, it can be for any number of reasons. He's loud, or a nerd, or too hyper. If they don't like me, it's definitely just because I like men." Gareth had never actually acknowledged that thought before, but here he was, saying it out loud on the phone to his boyfriend. "I don't want people to hate me."
"Baby..." Sam started. He sighed. "It's your choice. You know I would never pressure you to do anything you aren't ready for. But it does sound like the only person who is holding you back is you."
Gareth didn't feel like talking about it more, but Sam let him change the subject and the rest of the conversation went fine.
"Think about it, Gare," Sam said as they hung up.
That's all he did for days. He saw countless posts about pride events in the cities they were stopping in on the tour, Eddie even made an appearance at a drag brunch and left VIP tickets for the performers to come to Corroded Coffin's show that night. He thought about being able to be a part of the community in the way he knew he could be.
"Ed?" He asked right before they all went to bed.
"Yeah?" Eddie was typing out a text on his phone, probably some long and romantic and disgusting ode to Steve.
"You're going to the parade in Boston right?"
Eddie looked up from his phone, brows furrowing. "Yeah, why?"
"Mind if I come with you?"
"You're always welcome, you know that." Eddie smiled. "You coming as an ally or as the 'B' in LGBTQIA+?"
"I think I'm gonna come as me."
He didn't tell Sam what he was doing, figured he would have time between getting back to the tour bus and when news started hitting.
He forgot that Sam tracked alerts on Twitter for him.
His phone started ringing the moment he hit the end of the parade route.
"Hey, love," Gareth couldn't stop smiling. He'd never felt like he belonged here quite like he did today. "All okay?"
"I'm so fuckin' proud of you." Sam's smile was evident in his voice. "You could've given me a little warning though. Seeing 20 notifications pop up at once is a bit terrifying."
"Sorry. Wanted to surprise you. Did you like my shirt?" Gareth looked down at the shirt he was wearing.
"You mean the "ask me about my boyfriend" with a bi pride flag shirt? Yeah, I'd like a matching one as soon as possible."
They both laughed as Gareth found a small corner of the alley they'd stopped in to be alone.
"I can't wait to kiss you. This is the hottest thing you've ever done."
"What about that time I fucked you against my drum set?" Gareth asked with a smirk.
"Okay. The second hottest thing you've ever done. Still don't know how you had the strength to hold most of my weight for that long," Sam sounded like his thoughts were drifting to the memory of that day. "Anyway! I don't wanna keep you from having fun. But call me later."
"Okay, babe. Wish you were here," Gareth said softly. "Miss you."
"Miss you too. But only three weeks until you're home."
"Feels like forever."
"Dramatic." Sam laughed. "I love you, baby."
"I love you, too. If you see me getting drunk in a gay bar later, no you don't."
"I'd buy you a drink if I was there."
"Three weeks."
"21 days."
"You two are disgusting." Eddie yelled from a few feet away.
Sam laughed and said goodbye as Gareth walked over to Eddie.
"Not any more disgusting than you and Steve," he grumbled. "At least Steve comes with you for most of the tour."
"Can you imagine if he didn't? The world would end."
Gareth rolled his eyes. "Uh huh. Drinks?"
"Drinks!" Eddie threw his arms up and started running down the block, ignoring the yells of people recognizing him as he made his way to the bar they'd already chosen.
Gareth followed, unable to wipe the smile from his face. He was out, and maybe he'd have to do it more officially later on, but for now, this was enough.
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indelibleevidence · 2 years
3x07 Rambling
I love so much about this episode:
The idea that Kurt thinks Sarah might plausibly send a black-wrapped Christmas present to Bethany. For some reason, that cracks me up, especially because Sarah is the most optimistic, cheerful person on the show.
Jane has cut her hair shorter! Kurt must be really off his game if he's not commenting on that, though maybe the writers thought since they only had that exchange in 3x02, it would be too repetitive. But it goes nicely with the theme of 'the more committed to the FBI she is, the shorter her hair is' - now the team are all on the same page re: Hirst, and Reade has come into the fold, time for a haircut.
Allie is perfect, as usual. She gives no fucks about hurting people's feelings, she's ALL about the truth, including telling the team they should feel bad about involving her in their kidnapping plans, and potentially getting her dragged down with them. Then she has the amazing line 'you just lost half of your tac team to brunch' and demands to come with them to the lab. And finally, she tells Kurt that his sympathising with Van Gogh's secretiveness is 'such a Kurt Weller response' and tells him that dishonesty ruins marriages, to which I say FUCK YEAH, ALLIE, YOU TELL HIM!
It almost seems like Allie has guessed Kurt is keeping something from Jane, but I think that if she had, she'd call him on it, because Allie doesn't do subtle. Her concern and telling Kurt that he can breathe, that he's not going to lose Jane again - that's really sweet.
The scene where Van Gogh messes up Stuart's apartment to make it look like a home invasion is so close to the scene where Tasha does the same at Crawford's lawyer's place in season 4. Right down to the tears. I feel so bad for both of them.
Kurt's rat fear is just so great. Sully is fantastic from the moment the lights go on, with his eyes darting about from rat to rat. Now I'm just imagining Bethany getting pet rats. 😁
I'm also kind of impressed that they managed two and a half seasons without Kurt's rat fear being exposed - as FBI agents they've been to some pretty gross places that you'd imagine had rats in them.
Hirst's brunch with Reade and Zapata is technically a lunch, since it happens at 1pm... I love Hirst, she came across as such a warm, sympathetic person at first, especially on the wedding DVD, but she gets so cold and snake-like when she's putting on the pressure.
I love the song at the end of the episode, too. Don't know what it is, but I love it. :)
Tasha giving Reade a hard time about planning to get Meg a food processor for her birthday is great. You should feel bad, Reade. XD
And of course, the morse code/horse code line and Jane's reaction - so perfect.
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ofheroesandvillains · 5 years
Do Better 2 - Tony Stark
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
Words: 3.7k Warnings: None? Some angst - tried to make this one a little happier than the last though! It’s a rollercoaster. Summary: I was very surprised that people liked the first part as much as they did, and I got a few requests to show how Tony and Mom met, and Tony and Kid’s relationship a few months later. Hope it isn’t trash, if it is, let me know!
Going to be honest, I’m in a big writing slump. I feel like everything I write is coming out wrong and it sucks. Hoping this one is alright, but I did do most of it on a good-ish day. Thank you so much for being patient, I hope everyone is doing well!
(gif not mine!)
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There were times in his life where Tony really had to admit that he’d be nothing without Pepper Potts. She was the type of person who’d do her job and do it well regardless of the circumstances. Hell, most of the time she’d do his job too. But these were the early days, long before he’d realised her importance, and even longer before he’d realised his own feelings for her.
She’d only just started working for him and somehow she had already managed to drag him out of his workshop and into his worst nightmare. He’d never liked the theatre and he didn’t care much for dancing either. He wasn’t the type to sit still for hours on end, and he never quite understood how his mother managed to persuade his stone-cold father to always go with her. 
Howard probably just liked having an excuse to stay as far away from him as possible, but that didn’t matter anymore.
What did matter was that it had been over an hour and there was absolutely nothing that could keep him in his seat any longer. Pepper be damned, he’d kiss ass another time and in another place - preferably one with an open bar. 
Just as he started easing himself out of his seat, he saw her. Graceful, beautiful…entrancing. They all were, and if you asked him what was so special about her in particular, he wouldn’t be able to tell you. There was just something different about her. It could have been luck, or fate, or maybe even just random chance, but something had brought them together that night.
Maybe, he thought…maybe he could stick around a little longer.
What would later become the most important day of his life, ended much like any other.
“Y’know…you’re not half bad.”
She glanced over her shoulder. If his presence surprised her, she didn’t show it. Plenty of celebrities hung around to meet the performers after a show. Plenty of press, too. 
“Oh? Tony Stark: closet choreographer.” He could hear the smile in her voice as she returned to packing her bag. “They left that one out of the tabloids.”
“We all make mistakes,” he shrugged. “Speaking of, how ‘bout a drink?”
She turned around, brows arched high.
“With you?”
“Preferably. I mean-“
His dark lashes fluttered. “No…?”
She laughed at his wide-eyed look. 
“I’m starving. If dinner’s on the table then you’re on, otherwise…get out of my way, Mr Stark.”
His mouth abruptly shut and he looked far too pleased with himself. 
“Dinner it is. Dessert’s on me, literally, figuratively…any way you want.”
She rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. 
“Mr Stark! A photo for the Times?”
“Big smiles,” he murmured in her ear, an arm looping around her waist with the speed of an experienced red carpet walker. She laughed at the thought, her eyes scrunching shut before the flash could blind her. 
Pepper would remember it as the day he almost cost them a new partnership, and the tabloids would immortalise it as ‘Playboy’ Tony Stark’s latest conquest. But Tony, well, he remembered it for what it was. The day his greatest creation was unknowingly conceived.
“You got your lunch?”
“Yep. Pepper packed it.”
“It’s all there, dad.” 
Tony didn’t fail to notice her amusement as he pulled up to the school entrance. He didn’t always have the time to take her himself, but this was a special occasion. And, if he was being honest with himself, he kinda enjoyed it. Driving his kid to school…there was something extraordinarily ordinary about it, and he liked it. 
The car door slammed shut and she made her way around to his window.
“Are you going to be home when I get out?” There was a hopeful spark in her eyes.
“Not today.” The spark fizzled out. “I’m picking you up myself, birthday girl.”
She rolled her eyes but there was genuine happiness in her smile.
“See ya later, dad.”
He smiled at the spring in her step when she turned to head inside, and he just couldn’t help himself. 
“Have a good day, kiddo! Love you!”
She almost jumped at the sudden and unnecessarily loud shout - and she wasn’t the only one. Her eyes flickered over the students openly gawking at him, and Tony chuckled at the scowl she sent his way. Seeing Tony Stark was like seeing a unicorn in the wild, and whispers were already buzzing around her. 
“You let your old man know if the other kids are mean to you!” 
Teenagers, Tony thought, so self-conscious. 
“Alright, alright. Get out of here.”
He watched her rush to the front door, pointedly ignoring the stares that followed her. In time, she’d gotten used to them, as much as he wished she didn’t have to. 
School became hectic as soon as the announcement was made. Tony Stark’s long-lost daughter had returned to him, and she was attending Midtown High. Being the ‘new kid’ was bad enough, she thought, but being the famous new kid was chaos. 
She thought a sense of pride would come with the announcement - and it certainly had - but what was it they said about grass being greener on the other side? She quickly realised that her dad hadn’t really been ashamed of her...he’d been trying to protect her. From the cameras, from the fame, from everything he thought ruined him. 
The other kids were nice to her, of course they were. But she went about her business as if nothing had changed. In a way, nothing had. She’d been a Stark from the beginning, but it would be a lie to say that her newfound popularity wasn’t getting on her nerves.
She was almost envious of Parker all over again, this time for his anonymity. She didn’t realise how much she would miss just being another face in class, another mundane student. Now there was a title attached to her that she’d never be able to shake. Tony Stark’s daughter. Ironman’s daughter. 
At least Parker didn’t have to deal with Flash hounding him each day about the company and ‘what’s it like to have Tony Stark as a father?’ And ‘are you an Avenger by default?’ And ‘who’s stronger, Thor or Captain America?’ 
But if there was one good thing that came of it, it was that Peter now had a new and entirely unexpected ally.
“Hey, Parker? Parker!”
Peter shoved his textbooks into his backpack and threw it over his shoulder with a sigh. Ned gave him a sympathetic glance, but they both knew it was best to just humour Flash in these moments. And that’s exactly what Peter did when he finally turned around, anxiously clutching the strap of his bag.
“You got a date for Lucy’s party this weekend?” asked Flash.
“I’m uh, I’m not going.”
Flash’s lips curled in triumph. “What’s the matter, Parker? Not cool enough for an invite?”
“No, he’s just hanging out with Tony Stark this weekend instead,” Ned blurted out, earning a sharp glare from his best friend. 
“Dude,” Peter hissed under his breath. 
He knew Ned meant well. In his own way, Ned was trying to stand up for him, but these things always had a tendency to back-fire on them.
Flash scoffed. “Yeah, and I’m going caroling with Hulk this year.”
By now a small crowd had gathered, students bustling to their lockers in preparation for their next class. A few of them watched the exchange and laughed. It was nothing new, but they had nothing better to do.
“Just admit it, Parker,” Flash drawled. “You’re too much of a loser to-”
“Hey, Peter. You still coming over for brunch this weekend? Dad was wondering.”
The whole hall came to a sudden stop and Peter’s eyes widened along with Flash’s. Where Flash went out of his way to bother him, she did all she could to avoid him. There were times where he wondered just what he’d done to make her dislike him, and he even considered asking Mr Stark. But he thought better of it when he realised just how stupid that idea sounded. 
Flash’s eyes flickered between them, his mouth open in surprise. The rest of the student body was staring at Peter, waiting for some kind of answer. Ned gave him a not-so-subtle nudge and the silence was shattered.
“Y-yeah. Uh-huh. Definitely, this- this weekend. The brunch…” He nodded so fast he’d put a bobblehead to shame.
Another nudge from Ned had him clearing his throat.
“I’ll be there,” he smiled, all nerves and gratitude.
And she flashed him a signature Stark smile in return, full of hidden mischief and a touch of reassurance. He reminded himself to breathe.
“Great. Feel free to come along if you’re not busy, Ned.”
Ned’s brows shot up and he shared a disbelieving smile with Peter. The crowd in the hallway parted for her like the Red Sea and all anyone could do was watch as she marched away without a second glance. Maybe, just maybe, her newfound fame wasn’t all bad. 
“Can I take it off yet?”
“Fine,” she huffed, arms crossed. 
She had no doubt that beyond the blindfold, her father looked all too pleased with himself. Let it be known that Tony Stark was excellent at planning surprises, because she had absolutely no idea where they were going, or if they were even still in New York. 
He’d been fretting about her for weeks leading up to this day, and now that it had arrived, she’d been showered with all the gifts she’d refused to let him buy for her throughout the year. But she wouldn’t deny him this one chance to spoil her. It was the first birthday he got to spend with her and he had F.R.I.D.A.Y send a very strict warning to pretty much everyone with his cell number.  
If anyone so much as thought about ruining their day together, he’d make their life a living hell as only Tony Stark could. Even Pepper, who’d done her best not to laugh at the time, endured a half-hearted finger-wagging session the night before. She hadn’t taken it to heart, in fact, she thought it was one of the sweetest things Tony had ever done.
He was trying so hard to honour the words that still echoed in his mind, ones he’d never forget.
Stop letting her down…
He’d be the first to admit that maybe he’d taken it a little too far. Despite personally driving his daughter to school and trying to make it home in time for dinner each day, Tony was a bit of a mess. These were uncharted waters and he didn’t exactly have a prime example in his father to know how far was too far, but he thought it was going quite well. 
There was a happiness in her eyes that hadn’t been there when she first arrived, a newfound comfort that allowed her to spend weekends in his workshop with him, asking question after question about his latest project.
If she was happy, then he was happy. He was doing his best to be the dad she deserved, and Pepper had reassured him that he was doing a good job.
Unfortunately, and understandably, her happiness had dipped. A month after transferring to the Tower, her mother had passed. Tony had known that pain before, he’d known the loss and suffering. But seeing his child, the one person in the world he do absolutely anything for, experience that same thing…it hurt him more than he ever thought possible.   
He was mercifully thrown out of his thoughts. “Yeah?”
“Can I take it off now?”
She perked up. “Really?”
Tony smirked. 
“Okay, a little to the left…not that far left.” Tony’s hand shot out to keep her from tumbling down the stairs. 
This blindfold thing didn’t seem like such a great idea in hindsight. Getting up the stairs had taken far too long for someone as impatient as Tony Stark. 
“Now?” She asked, not even bothering to hide her exasperation. 
“Just gimme...” Keys jingled. “A sec.” A lock clicked. “Alright, just a few more seconds.” A hand wrapped itself around her elbow and steered her inside the room. 
The door slipped shut behind her, and her dad was unusually silent.
“Alright, kid. You can take it off now.”
Her eyes were moist and bleary when she finally slipped the blindfold off, but she froze. 
She knew these floors. She knew the walls and the equipment too, freshly painted and newly bought, but familiar nonetheless. Too many tears had been shed in recent months, but she couldn’t help the sting in her eyes nor the pressure at the back of her throat. She could only stare, wide-eyed as her feet unconsciously led her toward the wall of mirrors she’d looked into every weekend since she was a child.
There, right on the wall above, was a framed photo. She didn’t need to ask when it was taken, there was only one possible answer. Her mother’s smile was radiant, her eyes scrunched in a laugh as the man beside stared down at her with a smile of his own. They made for a beautiful pair, no matter how temporary their acquaintance. She’d never seen this photo before, never thought one existed. 
But in that moment, in her mind, they were right where they belonged - together.
A shuddering breath left her and she tried to steady herself. 
No more tears.
She forced her gaze away.
By the window was a desk, it wasn’t there before but the desk itself was irrelevant. The small box on top of it was wrapped in matte red wrapping paper and a shiny gold ribbon. She cracked a shaky smile and glanced over at her dad. He was lingering by the doorway, letting her have this moment to herself. 
He offered her a soft smile in return.
Her legs hadn’t felt this weak in a long time but they made it. There was a small piece of paper, folded and tucked beneath the ribbon.
The writing was unforgettable, elegantly slanted, if a little shaky. She realised then, that it must have been written near the end. Short and to the point. The sting in her eyes disappeared, the dam broke, and he was there in a flash.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
I love you so much, 
Mom xxx
“It’s alright.” A hand rubbed her back gently. “I got you.”
He’d comforted her before, and though he was more familiar with the protocol now, he’d often get chatty in situations like this - bringing up anything and everything to lessen the weight of the moment. It was usually enough to distract her until she fell asleep on rough nights. He’d joke that her old man’s ramblings could put her right to bed, and he liked to think that she appreciated his efforts. 
But this time…this time there was no avoiding the conversation that had to be had.
“She told me about this place, y’know? Said it was your favourite place in the world.”
“It is.”
Her words were muffled, by her tears or by his shirt, probably both. 
“Also said you wanted to be an instructor when you grew up.”
“I do.”
She pulled away from him then, the sleeves of her sweater pressed to her eyes as she took another shuddering breath. 
“Then you’re gonna need a studio, huh?” He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. 
Her hands finally came away from her bloodshot eyes, and he had to remind himself that there were some things he couldn’t protect her from, things that were out of his control. Loss, unfortunately, was one of those things. 
“Last one, I promise,” he said with a guilty little smile, and the small red box in hand. 
She huffed a laugh, the sound thick in her throat. Two keys twinkled at her when she removed the lid, freshly cut and in much better condition than she remembered.
“Happy birthday, kid,” he murmured softly.
A sweet and appreciative smile tugged at her lips, and she threw her arms around him again.  
“Thanks, dad. For everything.” She drew in a deep breath. “You’re the best.”
Smartest, sleaziest, cockiest…they were all titles he’d boasted in the tabloids during his younger days, but he never thought he’d earn the best. Not from anyone that mattered. 
“Come on,” he said, ignoring the slight prickling in his own eyes. “I left cake in the storeroom fridge. Don’t tell Pepper.”
The weekend had come around quickly and she’d completely forgotten the invitation she’d extended to Parker and Ned, until her dad had instructed her to send Spider-boy to him as soon as he arrived. They were okay - friendly enough and better than most of the other kids at school. But that didn’t mean she wanted them there. 
The elevator chimed. Too late. 
“H-hey, hi.”
It was Parker who spoke, Ned was too busy staring at the walls and ceilings and…literally everything, to form any words. 
“Hi?” She absentmindedly greeted, watching as Ned wandered off in some sort of trance. 
“Hi.” Parker smiled, awkward and somewhat dopey, a match for his breathy tone. He realised that she realised that he was staring, and with a flutter of lashes, that familiar look of panic crossed his features. Then he was back to the stuttering, stammering, mess she knew him to be.
“Thanks for, y’know, helping out with Flash. I really appreciate it.”
“No problem. To be honest, I didn’t think you guys would actually come.”
“We weren’t going to - not because we didn’t want to!” He quickly added, rambling on like water gushing from a cracked dam. “I did, we did. I just know we’re not exactly friends - and that’s totally fine, really - and I didn’t want to bother you, I just wanted to thank you for- for your…” He trailed off with a long, drawn-out breath, and wide-eyed mortification. “Help.” 
It sounded more like he was asking for it.
“Right…” She nodded, drawing out the word in a way that made his cheeks flood with warmth, before jerking a thumb over her shoulder. “Dad’s in his workshop, said something about an upgrade if you’re interested.”
“Oh! Great. Thank you, I um, I’ll just…” He pointed in the same direction, and wondered why a small smile had slipped onto her face. Then he realised he was staring again. Peter cleared his throat, tearing his eyes away with a sheepish smile. “Heh, sorry. Thanks again!” 
He spun around.
“It’s the…other door.”
His cheeks flushed once more and he rushed out of the room before he could embarrass himself further. 
“What’d I miss?” Ned smiled obliviously.
I have no idea, she thought with a shake of her head.
“C’mon, Ned. Let me show you around.”
When she left the house that day the fridge had been bare. The tickets were in her dad’s pocket, or in Pepper’s purse, and a smile was on her face.
As soon as the music began, she forgot about the ache in her knees and the butterflies running rampant in her stomach. She’d never been so nervous for a performance. But then again, no other performance had ever been as important to her as this one. The excitement of having her father there, watching her dance for the very first time had long since evaporated, and all that remained were her nerves and a twinge of sadness she tried her best to push down. 
It wasn’t the first recital her mother hadn’t been able to make it to, but it was the first one since she’d passed. 
The morning had been spent in tears. When she thought of dancing, she thought of weekends spent in their studio, and road trips across the States from competition to competition. The afternoon came. It forced sadness from her mind and welcomed uncertainty. 
Her whole life had been spent wondering what her father would think of her - if someone as brilliant as Tony Stark could ever be proud of someone as normal as her. She didn’t like business, and she didn’t want Stark Industries. She was certain he knew this by now, but he hadn’t mentioned anything about it. Instead, he’d bought her old dance studio and slipped into front row seats while she hyperventilated backstage. 
Her stress, it seemed, was for nothing. That was usually how things went.
“You think so?”
“Sure do. I couldn’t look away, right, Pep?” 
Pepper nodded with an indulgent smile.
“It’s the longest he’s been able to focus on a single thing since we met.” She shot Tony a pointed look that softened when she looked over at his daughter. “Congratulations, sweetie, that was an amazing performance.”
“Thanks, Pepper!” 
“So what now? You gotta go sign autographs, take some selfies with the fans?” She laughed and gave her dad a nudge. Tony smiled down at her.
“Now, I go get changed and then you buy me food.”
“Sounds like a plan.” He nodded, watching as she turned to head backstage. “Hey, kid?”
She looked back at him, and Tony couldn’t help the intense feeling of deja vu that came over him. She looked so much like her mother in that moment, and though he knew she was a whole half of him, it only really hit him then. Pepper gave his waist a reassuring squeeze, always attuned to his every thought. 
Something swelled in his chest, pure and whole and unlike anything he’d ever felt before. He always thought he hated his father, but now, as he stood there with her looking up at him like his opinion meant the world to her…he couldn’t help but feel sorry for old Howard. Had he ever felt the way Tony felt now? Had he ever looked at his own son and wondered how he ever could have gotten so lucky?
Whatever he was originally planning on saying was forgotten. 
“I’m so proud of you.” 
Her smile was blinding and that was all he needed.
“Thanks, dad.” 
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scribbles97 · 4 years
Left Behind -- Chapter 12
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13
Read On Ao3
More tissues may also be needed for this chapter... but there may also be some laughing too! 
@gumnut-logic I really really do owe you in a big way for all your help with this novel of a fic, I see virgil fic in my future as a thank you :D
Lucy pulled the duvet further over her head as the door to the bedroom creaked open. Her head ached and eyes begged for sleep, her mouth was dry and feet ached. It had been a long, alcohol fueled night but it had been worth it. 
 “Shove over,” Val uttered as the duvet was pulled back, “Pick a side.”
 She groaned in protest, blindly rolling over to her side of the bed as Val wriggled under the covers next to her. 
 “Never again,” She whispered, throat rasping, “I swear it.”
 Val snorted, sounding far too bright for whatever time it was. 
 “You said that every time we’ve gone out since college, and yet here we are.”
 Sighing, Lucy pushed the duvet back, reaching to the bedside table for her water as she ran a hand through her hair that had long since fallen out of its delicate updo. The light was still dim around the edge of the curtains. 
 “I have a question,” Val started, leaning back against the headboard with a steaming mug of what looked like tea in her hands, “Since when were you and Hugh a thing?”
Lucy turned to face her fully, frowning at the suggestion. Sure, she had spent some time with the man that night but it wasn’t anything to make anything of… unless she was forgetting something. 
 “We’re not-- what makes you say that?”
 Val sipped her tea, eyes not leaving Lucy as she shook her head. Fear clenched at her heart, yes, she got on with Hugh, yes, they had sat and had a laugh and joke the previous night. She was grieving though, missing her husbands company in a way that she couldn’t quite coherently explain. Surely, even drunk, she would remember if something had happened between them. 
 “I’m just saying the pair of you looked awfully cosy when I came and dragged you away to dance. You’d certainly got Scott and Virgil’s attention.”
 “Shit,” She winced, rubbing her face with her hands as she fell back to her pillow, “No, Val, I didn’t… we weren’t… I swear, he’s a friend is all. I’m not looking for anything like that right now.”
 Val shrugged, “All I’m saying is you looked pretty close last night.”
 Guilt twisted in her chest. That hadn’t been the intention at all. It was just, Hugh had been there, lost his wife to her work and left him grieving with a daughter to care for. He had offered a shoulder and she had taken it without thinking anything more of it. He had made her smile when the world seemed to have forgotten to stop raining. He had been one of the best friends she could have asked for in the last few weeks and that was all she had thought it was. 
 A sob broke out of her throat without permission.
 “Aww Luce,” Val sighed, shifting next to her before there was a clink of her mug on the bedside table, “It’s okay, I believe you were just being friends. I just wasn’t sure how the boys were going to see it.”
 She nodded, clutching onto the arm that wrapped around her as she sniffed, “I want Jeff back, Val. I don’t want anyone else. I want him and his company and his conversation but it’s not… I’m n-- he’s gone.”
 Val rocked her gently, murmuring nothings into her hair softly, “I know Luce, it hurts. It’ll get better though. Not every day will be a good day, but not every day will be bad either. You’ve just got to remember that Jeff would want you happy. He only ever wanted to see you happy.”
 Reaching up to wipe her eyes, Lucy shook her head, “What do I tell the boys though? They’ll be upset and--”
 Val kissed the side of her hair, “You tell them the truth, that you were drunk and Hugh was being a friend. There’s nothing wrong with that at the end of the day.”
 She was quick to wipe her eyes at the voice of her youngest, forcing a smile as he clambered up onto the bed and into her lap. Val moved back, giving her space to hug him close and kiss the top of his soft downy hair. 
 “What’s wrong?”
 She shook her head, “Just tired after last night kid.” 
 Pulling back from him she ran her fingers through his hair, smiling at his wide blue eyes. So like his father in his intelligence and aspirations. So full of love for those around him and a typical stubbornness that, yes, he would manage to keep up with them despite his younger age. 
 “Did you have fun?” Val asked, tilting her head with a smile. 
 Alan was quick to nod, “I can’t wait until it’s my turn to pass out. Do I have to wait until I’m Scott’s age though Mom? He’s old.”
 Lucy had to snort, shaking her head at him, “We will see. You’ve got to finish school before you can even start thinking about it young man.”
 The youngster sighed as he leant into her, face falling slightly in what she imagined was disappointment. 
 “That’s ages away though.”
 A small part of her hoped that it stayed ages away for a long time, her little boys were all growing up. Where had the time gone? When had Alan gone from a space mad toddler to a tween ready to join the rest of the family as a rescue operative? 
 “It’ll come faster than you think, kid,” Val told him, “Promise you that.”
 “A bit like bedtime,” Alan sighed, his mouth twisting. 
 Lucy couldn’t help a chuckle as she squeezed him tight, “Exactly like bedtime kid.”
 He grinned up at her, “Then I'll be able to fly Thunderbird Three and spend all the time I like in space.”
 The thought jolted Lucy slightly, all but one of her sons having clear set plans to fly the Thunderbirds. Too young for a few years or not, Alan would get there eventually, Lucy wasn’t sure how long it would take for her nerves to be shot and her hair to turn a full and permanent grey. 
 “You’ll be the best astronaut the world has ever known Allie, and that space has ever known too!” Val filled in for Lucy’s silence. 
 Alan giggled, “Just like Daddy was, right Mommy?”
 Swallowing hard, Lucy nodded, all any of her boys would ever want would be to make their father proud. It was what made their drive and determination so strong. 
 “Right kid.” She smiled, “Perhaps even better.”
 His face fell as he leant back into her, his arms wrapping as far around her shoulders as he could reach as he buried his face against her neck. It was those moments she cherished, the hugs where they clung on, reminding her very much that she was still their mother and they still needed her no matter what. 
 “I miss him Mommy. I miss him lots.”
 Rubbing his back, she rested her head against his, “We all do Allie, and I know it’s hard right now, but it’ll be okay.”
 He sniffed, shaking his head as much as he could whilst it was pressed against her, “What if I forget him Mommy? I don’t wanna forget Daddy.”
 Val reached out, stroking his hair as Lucy looked up to the ceiling to blink away her own tears. 
 “You won’t forget him Allie,” Val murmured softly, “Nobody is ever going to forget your Dad. He made International Rescue and the Thunderbirds. Maybe he isn’t here now, but that doesn’t mean we’ll forget him.”
 “Exactly,” Lucy cleared her throat with a breath, “We’ve still got all those photos at home, and all his things. But you know what’s best of all?”
 Alan pulled back, eyes red rimmed as he looked up to her, “What?”
 She brushed the tears from his cheeks, watching the familiar blue of his eyes as she forced a smile for him, “We’ve got our memories kid, like his aftershave, and his flamingo shirt, and all those barbecues he did.”
 Alan grinned, reaching up to wipe his nose on his sleeve, “Dad’s barbecues were the best.”
 “He’s still with us.” She nodded, “Never forget that, okay? He’s always with us all, kid.”
 Alan frowned, and something told Lucy that he didn’t quite understand the sentiment behind her words. Still he nodded though, wiping at his eyes as he smiled. 
 “Love you Mommy.”
 She hugged him again, smiling slightly more naturally as she murmured back, “Love you too baby.”
 Out of Alan’s line of sight, Val reached out and squeezed her shoulder, a tired, sympathetic smile saying so much to Lucy despite no words being exchanged. 
The boys didn’t say much to her over brunch, but she caught more than one knowing glance pass between Scott and Virgil as they picked at the fry-up Lee had been working on all morning. She had decided to give them a little bit longer, wondering if perhaps they would come to her and say something of their own accord, as the afternoon wore into evening though, she knew that was becoming less and less likely. 
 “Gordon, why don’t you take Alan to the pool for a bit?” She suggested, setting her tablet down as the teenager closed his school work book. He hadn’t done any work for the most of the day, and the sunglasses he’d been wearing despite the overcast sky suggested he was as perhaps as hungover as the rest of them. 
 Scott and Virgil both looked up at their board game at the suggestion, each frowning in her direction as Gordon stood. 
 “Only over sixteens are allowed in the pool though,” Gordon frowned, “Alan--”
 She nodded, glad that despite his tendency to ignore the rules he did at least listen to them. 
 “Stay out of the diving pool, and if anyone says anything tell them to call me. Only an hour though, I want you both back and washed before dinner.”
 When it came to swimming, the blond didn’t need to be told twice. With a quick nod he turned to the steps up to the back door, calling for the youngest brother as he went. 
 “Something tells me that wasn’t you just trying to wear them out before bed?” Scott asked softly.
 Lucy picked her tablet back up, only half returning her attention to stock prices and shares as she sighed,
 “I just thought it might give you two the space you need to say whatever’s been bothering you all day.”
 Both gaped, each trying to find words that she knew they wouldn’t have an issue with firing at each other. She was their mother though, not someone they could so easily lecture without getting into trouble themselves.
 “Mommy?” Alan asked as he crashed through the screen door with Gordon, “Can I really go to the pool with Gordy?”
 Turning back to face them in her seat, she smiled and nodded, “Sure, just don’t go too deep okay? And when Gordon says it's home time you’ve got to come straight back.”
 The youngest’s face lit up as he turned to Gordon, shouting that they had to leave immediately and dragging his big brother with him. 
 They all heard the front door of the house slam and the excited chatter of the two youngest as they headed towards the indoor pool. Lucy gave the older boys a moment more to speak before she locked her tablet and sighed.
 “Your Aunt Val said that you saw me with Hugh last night.” She started, watching the pair as they looked to each other and then back to her. 
 “Well,” Virgil started, stumbling slightly as he rubbed the back of his head, “I mean, you spent time with a lot of people last night Mom.”
 “And perhaps a bit more time with Hugh than others,” She admitted with a shrug, “I just wanted to make it clear that that didn’t mean anything.”
 Scott’s eyes had narrowed as he frowned, the groove between his eyebrows deep as he watched her, “So you’re just friends?”
 She rolled her eyes and sat forward, “Boys, I’ve been with your father for near enough thirty years now. How many men have you seen me talk to and laugh with in that time?”
 “We didn’t--” Virgil started, looking to Scott for backup as he sighed, “Mom, we just… we weren’t sure what to make of it. I think everyone was drunk last night and…”
 “And he was looking awfully friendly.” Scott finished, a sting in his voice to match the look in his eyes. 
 “Scott.” Virgil warned softly, frowning at his older brother, “We weren’t going to fall out over this you said.”
 The younger of the two looked to her, apology in his eyes, “We just didn’t want you to get hurt or wake up this morning and regret something or… y’know. We were worried about you Mom and if Aunt Val hadn’t have...”
 “Hugh is a friend that has been in the position I’m in. He lost his wife in the same mission that he lost his eye. He is a close friend that was offering me some comfort on a day that was hard for us all. Neither of us would have let anything happen.” 
 She shook her head with a shrug, “I’m not in a position where I want anything like that right now. Nobody is going to replace your father, thirty years doesn’t just vanish because he has.”
 Scott’s shoulders fell, his anger and questions dropping from his face as he nodded slightly in admission, “Sorry.”
 Tilting her head he watched him with a small smile, “I appreciate you’re both worried about where things could have gone, but I promise you, that’s not going to happen any time soon.”
 Scott smirked as he looked up to her, “You know those rules you and Dad always had when I was dating in high school?”
 She knew what he was getting at, the rule that he could date whoever he wanted as long as he was home before eleven and his parents knew who he was with. 
 “Yes,” she answered slowly, eyes narrowing on him, “what about it?”
 “Can we reinstate those rules?” He grinned cheekily, “Apart from the home before eleven bit, that might be a stretch living on an island and taking leave on the mainland.”
 She had to laugh at the suggestion, shaking her head at the simple thought of it. Not that she planned on being the one going on any dates in the future.
 “Well, seeing as you’re more likely going to be the one going out on dates, I have absolutely no problem if you want to keep me updated.”
 Scott leant back on his elbows with a grin, “Done deal.”
 Virgil shook his head as he looked between them, “I’m glad we cleared that up.”
 Picking her tablet back up, Lucy smiled and nodded in agreement, “Me too boys, me too.”
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Divide and Conquer - Alex Morgan imagine
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A/N: Where R and Alex are getting married in a week and the gang plans a bachelorette party for R. Chaos ensues. Might not be my best work. I have splitting headache but I hope you guys enjoy this fluff. Also I’ve tried writing in first POV.
(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up with Alex's weight on top of me. It was exactly a week before our wedding and today is our bachelorette parties.
As much as we want to spend all our time together, our friends had other plans.
The team decided to split themselves up among us and plan parties for the both of us separately and I'm pretty excited to be honest.
Alex starts to stir and eyes I would willingly drown myself in all day look up at me.
"Good morning beautiful" I said, kissing the top of her head. She hums her reply and snuggles closer.
"Morning" She said, her voice still filled with sleep.
"Are you excited for what our 21 idiot best friends have planned?" I asked, chucking slightly. Alex groans and rolls over so she can face me.
"I honestly just want to spend my day with you" She says with a pout. My heart skips a beat and I reach out to cup her cheek.
"Don't worry baby. After next week, you'll have me for the rest of your life whether you like it or not" I said, pecking her lips. She smiles and fakes annoyance.
"Sounds like a chore" She said.
"I promise to make it worth while" I said, pulling her closer and started kissing up her neck. Alex sighs contentedly and starts to sink into me.
My hands find purchase on her waist to pull her closer when a knock on our hotel room door. Alex and I both groan.
"(Y/N), Alex! Stop having sex we're coming in!" Kelley said, a little too loudly for my taste.
"Jesus fucking christ Kelley" Alex said as Kelley, Tobin and Allie crashed into our room.
Alex and I sat up in our bed, I wrap my arms playfully around my fiance.
"It is still way too early for you to be dragging me away from her" I said, pulling Alex closer.
The three girls visibly cringed.
"Come on, (Y/N)! It's gonna be your bachelorette party. You'll have all the time for sex once you're already married" Tobin said, her and Kelley started making their way towards the bed to pull me away from Alex.
"You make it sound like all we do is sex" Alex said.
"Isn't it though? I mean we can always hear you three doors down" Allie said. The both of us flushed red.
I was the first to recover and finally gave in to Tobin and Kelley who were trying to get me off the bed.
I stood up and shrugged my shoulders.
"Well, what can I say? My lady likes to let me hear how much she enjoys it" I said. Kelley and Tobin whooped while Allie had shock written on her face.
"(Y/N)!" Alex said, throwing a pillow at me. I laughed and shoot her a flying kiss. She rolls her eyes but still manages to give me a mega watt smile.
"I love you" I said with a cheeky grin.
Before she could reply, Tobin and Kelley are already dragging me out of the room with my suitcase in tow.
"Hey, wait. Where are we going it's like 8 in the morning!" I said, trying to plant myself on the floor of our room but failing miserably.
"We've got a whole day planned with activities, (Y/N)! So those Allie and the others with Alex!" Kelley said, still pushing me to the door.
"We'll take care of her, Alex!" Tobin called. My fiance's laugh filled the room and I couldn't help but smile through all my friends' antics.
"Enjoy, baby!" Alex said, seeing my off with Allie next to her. I groaned but flashed her a smile nonetheless.
Tobin and Kelley shove me into their room where half of the team is gathered for my party.
Ashlyn, Tierna, Emily, Alyssa, Megan, AD and Jessie were all hanging about already dressed for whatever they've got planned for me.
"There's the lucky woman!" Ashlyn called, swinging her arm around me and leading me into the middle of the room.
"Damn right, I'm lucky" I said. Megan groans.
"Yeah, yeah. We know you're so in love with Alex. You're gonna make me puke" She said playfully.
"Shut up. We know how much of a romantic you are when you're with Sue" I said. Megan huffs but nodded in approval.
"We've got a lot of surprises in plan for you" Jessie said with a wicked grin on her face.
"Should I be scared?" I asked with a laugh.
"I would" Baby T chimed in. I looked at her worriedly but she shrugged me off with a laugh.
"Don't worry. We got you" Uncle said, patting me on the back.
They let me get ready before practically dragging me out of the hotel. I managed to get a peek of Alex with the rest of our friends having brunch in the hotel restaurant.
I groaned, why did I get stuck with the chaotic frat boys?
We plowed through a list of activities all day, starting with a pick up game with local players. After all, what better way to celebrate my marriage with Alex than playing the game that brought us together.
Then, AD and Pinoe dragged me to do suit shopping for the wedding. They decided I needed their fashion advice.
"Oh please, I know for a fact that Sue keeps you slaying. You'd be hopeless on your own" I told Megan after they criticized the third suit I've tried on.
"Shut up, (Y/N)" Megan responds. AD laughs and hands me another suit.
"Try this, (Y/N). I'm sure Alex is gonna swoon the moment she sees you in this" AD said. I flashed her a grin.
"She always swoons over me" I said.
The rest of the day blows by with the frat boys dragging me around before we ended up in a pub crawl that evening.
Kelley and I engaged in a who knows Alex better game, with of course me crushing it. Kelley groans in frustration as I hold a 5-1 lead over her.
We got a private room in one of the pubs in town and Ash was on stage as the host.
"Alright. Alex's favorite sex position!" She said. The whole room whooped.
"Wouldn't you like to know" I said, chuckling. I stood up and grabbed the microphone from Ash.
"What happens in our bedroom, stays in our bedroom" I said. Collective groans could be heard around the room and I chuckled.
"Then keep the noise down too!" Emily shouted. I blushed a deep red but managed to flip her off.
The rest of the night was a blur with more soccer puns than I care to remember. Emily and Kelley also gave me a fucking lap dance I would like to erase from my memory.
I stumble out of the room determined to get to the bathroom when I see Alex and our other friends huddled up on the bar counter. She spots me and gives me the sexiest smile I've ever seen.
She excuses herself and walks towards me. I leaned on the bar and smiled at her.
"You come here often?" I said, trying to fight back a laugh. Alex plays along and slides into the bar stool next to me.
"Maybe" She said. We stare at each other for a while before bursting into laughter.
"God, I missed you baby" I said, leaning in to peck her on the lips.
"I missed you too. How has the frat boys been treating you?" Alex said, intertwining your fingers.
"It was pretty fun. But don't tell them that" I said with a chuckle.
"How about you?" I asked her, moving her hand up so I can kiss her knuckles.
"The girlies have been treating me nicely. Christen took me to yoga and it really calmed me down" Alex said. I smiled at my fiance.
"We have some pretty awesome friends, don't we?" I asked, smiling back at the room where Kelley and the others were.
They were currently hosting a dance battle between Kelley and Sonnett.
"Yeah. We do" Alex replied.
Kelley and Allie were calling for us and we both looked at each other.
"Wanna get out of here?" I said. Alex clings to me and grins.
"Yes" She said.
We dashed out of the bar hand in hand with our friends calling out in the distance.
I love them but I've gotta be with my future wife now.
The End
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Six Baudelaires AU, Part Three {AO3} {Masterlist} {Part One} {Part Two}
Chapter Twenty-Two → in which Kit cannot drive
“Hey, Kitkat?” Nick said, glancing out the window. “That was a stop sign.” 
“Don’t worry about that.” 
Kit was driving very fast down the roads of the city; all of the Baudelaires had managed to squeeze into the backseat, with Solitude sitting on Nick’s lap and Sunny on Lilac’s. 
“Why are we going so fast?” Lilac asked, gripping tight onto Sunny in order to function as a human seatbelt. 
“Oh, we’re being followed.” Kit said. 
“What?” Violet looked out the back window, indeed seeing another taxi, not too far from them. 
“We’ll be fine. Probably.” Kit waved her hand. “Now, I’m sure you have thousands of questions-” 
“Like why we’re being chased?” Klaus asked. 
“Yeah, like that. And I wish we had more time to talk, but it’s already Tuesday. As it is, you scarcely have time to eat your important brunch before getting into your concierge disguises and beginning your observations as flaneurs.” 
“Concierge?” Lilac asked. 
“Flaneurs?” Klaus asked. 
“Brunch?” Sunny asked. 
“The fuck?” Nick asked. 
Kit laughed slightly as she turned a sharp bend. “A great man once said,” she said, “That right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant. Do you know what that means?” 
Nick sighed. “It means we’re still in deep shit.” 
Klaus gave him a look, and then said, “He thinks that good people are more powerful than evil, even if evil people appear to be winning.” 
“Good job, Klaus.” Kit nodded at him, not looking at the road. “Certainly this applies to our current situation. As you know, our organization split apart some time ago, with much bitterness on both sides.” 
“Schism!” Solitude identified. 
“Yes.” Kit nodded and sighed. “I’m told that VFD was once a united group of volunteers, trying to extinguish fires- both literally and figuratively. But now there are two groups of bitter enemies. Some of us continue to extinguish fires, but others have… turned to much less noble schemes.” 
“Olaf.” Sunny spat. 
Kit hesitated, and then said, “Count Olaf is one of our enemies, but there are many, many more who are equally wicked, if not more so. If I’m not mistaken, you met two of them in the mountains. There are plenty more. A long time ago, you could spot members of VFD by the tattoos on their ankles. But now there are so many wicked people it is impossible to keep track of all our enemies- and all the while they are keeping track of us. Speaking of which-” 
She took another sudden turn, and Lilac instinctively grabbed onto Klaus, who was next to her, and pulled him in closer. He let out a cry of protest that she didn’t care to listen to. 
Violet peered behind them and said, “How do you know there are enemies in that taxi?” 
“A taxi will pick up anyone who signals for one.” Kit shrugged. “There are countless wicked people in the world, so it follows that sooner or later a taxi will pick up a wicked person.” 
“Or a noble one.” Klaus said. “Our parents told us that once they took a taxi to the opera when their car wouldn’t start.” 
Kit smiled slightly. “I remember that night. It was a performance of La Forza del Destino. Your mother was wearing a red shawl, with long feathers along the edges. During intermission, I followed them to the snack bar and slipped them a box of poison darts before Esme Squalor could catch me. It was difficult, but as one of my comrades likes to say, ‘To be daunted by no difficulty; to keep heart when all have lost it; to go through intrigue potless; to forgo even ambition when the end is gained- who can say this is not greatness?’ And speaking of greatness, please hold on, we can’t allow an enemy to follow us to brunch.” 
Kit swerved again and Nick, who already looked nervous, let out a loud cry. 
“Sorry about the rush, Nick!” Kit called, taking another turn. “And sorry about the cramped space! We’ll be out soon- hold on!” 
She jolted the wheel, and the Baudelaires suddenly felt as though they were spinning- shit, they might have bin. The car turned sharply and rocketed off the road, hitting some hedges by the side of the path. The Baudelaires shouted as they burst through the shrubbery, with Lilac and Nick clinging tight to their baby sisters, and Violet and Klaus very thankful they’d worn seatbelts. Branches hit the car window, and they felt dirt and roots pulling at the car from the side. 
Then, just as soon as it had started, it stopped. The taxi veered into a green lawn, and Kit sighed and placed her head against the steering wheel. “I probably shouldn’t do that in my condition.” 
“Condition?” Solitude asked, as a very disoriented Babbitt peered out from her pocket. 
“Are you sick?” Klaus asked. 
Kit sighed and turned to face them, giving them a careful look. “I’m distraught.” she said. And then she sighed and opened the door. “That’s my condition. I’m distraught, and I’m pregnant.” 
She stepped out of the car, and the Baudelaires saw, as she did, that her stomach did indeed have a definite curve. 
“Well.” Nick said. 
“Gather all your things, Baudelaires,” Kit said, “And if you don’t mind, I’m going to ask you to carry my things, too- just some books and papers in the front seat. One should never leave any belongings in a taxi, because you can never be sure if you’ll see them again. Please be quick about it. Our enemies are likely to turn their taxi around and find us.” 
She turned away, then, and began to walk down the sloping lawn. 
“So,” Nick said, kicking his feet and glancing down at Soli, “Are we in agreement that we are ‘fucked’, a word which here means, ‘holy shit’?” 
“I have… so many questions.” Violet said, slowly shaking her head. 
“I think we all do.” Lilac said. 
“Do we trust Kit?” Solitude asked, looking after the disappearing woman. 
They looked to each other, thinking hard. “Well,” Lilac finally said, “In the few minutes we’ve known her, Kit Snicket has broken at least nine safety laws, driven into a hedge, and seems intent on recruiting us to spy for a secret organization. 
“I like her.” Violet decided. 
“Me, too.” Klaus added. 
“Same!” Sunny said. 
Nick gave them all looks. “You guys know…” his voice broke a little, and he shut his eyes and tried to remain focused. “You know VFD isn’t…” 
Violet and Solitude each put a hand over his. “We know.” Violet said. “We know you don’t trust them. But where else can we go?” 
“Besides, if they can help us kill Olaf,” Klaus said, “I’ll ally with literally anyone.” 
“That’s a dangerous statement.” Lilac hesitantly told him. 
“Well…” Klaus glanced to the ground. “I think we deserve to be a little volatile right now.” 
Nick whimpered slightly, pulling down his sweater sleeves, and then Violet said, “Besides. She knew about La Forza del Destino. Remember when we found the poster for that?” 
“Mother said she purchased it during intermission.” Lilac said. “She said it was the most interesting time she’d ever had at the opera, and she never wanted to forget it.” 
“I’m sure it was interesting.” Nick muttered, curling up a little. Then he said, “I don’t trust her. But I’ll go with you.” 
“And we’ll protect you.” Solitude promised. 
“We’ll protect each other.” Lilac said. 
Then, slowly, they grabbed everything out of the taxi, and followed Kit across the lawn. 
“Oh, what the fuck.” Nick muttered. 
Up ahead of them, they saw a huge hotel, towering above them, behind a large reflecting pool big enough that it looked like the hotel itself was on the ground. The sign, though, was spelled backwards on the actual building, several stories high, so it could be read perfectly well reflected in the pool. 
“Hotel Denouement.” Sunny said.  
“Over here, Baudelaires!” Kit called, waving from a blanket that had been laid out on the lawn, heaped with food. 
“Oh, hell yeah.” Violet sighed; they hadn’t seen that much food in what felt like forever. 
“Picnic!” Sunny cheered. 
“Sit down, sit down!” Kit called, as they moved over, glancing over the food. “Help yourselves to anything you’d like.” 
“Who got us this food?” Nick asked suspiciously. 
“One of our associates laid it out for us.” Kit said. “It’s a policy of our organization that all picnics travel separately from the volunteers. If our enemies capture the picnic, they won’t get their clutches on us, and if our enemies capture us, they won’t get thet picnic. That’s something to remember during the next couple of days, as you participate in what one of our enemies calls the ‘perpetual struggle for room and food.’ Please try the marmalade.” 
The Baudelaires sat, feeling a bit dizzy. Violet pulled out her ribbon to tie her hair back, and Lilac started to do the same, trying to drag her long ribbon from her pocket, but before she could, Kit smiled very softly and produced one of her own. She moved behind Lilac, tying back her hair for her. 
“You look just like your father.” Kit sighed, not noticing the flinch Nick made as he reached for some food to pass to Soli. “He wore the same frown whenever he was confused, although he almost never tied his hair up in a ribbon when he solved a problem.” 
“Really?” Lilac asked, smiling a little. She’d never told that she looked like her parents. 
“Hey, Kitkat?” Nick interrupted, glancing over. “None of this is poisoned, right?” 
“If it is, I have common antidotes in my bag.” Kit assured him.  
“Are you sure?” 
Kit smiled and moved over again, putting a comforting hand on Nick’s shoulder. He flinched back, but not a whole lot. “I’m sorry about what happened to you, Nick. But I promise, at the very least, this meal is safe. You can relax for a few moments.” 
“I…” Nick hesitated, glancing to his siblings. Slowly, Violet scooted next to him and Solitude crawled onto his lap, already eating a pastry, and then he nodded. Kit moved back to her seat, smiling as she saw Klaus writing something in his commonplace book. 
The Baudelaires slowly started grabbing food, and aside from Solitude and Sunny, who stopped every now and again to toss crumbs to Babbitt, who leapt and did trick for their amusement, they were surprised at how fast they ate, and how relieved they were to finally have a decent source of food. 
“Children, have you ever been to the Hotel Denouement?” Kit asked, spreading out some cups. 
“No.” Violet said. 
“Once, our parents took us to the Hotel Preludio for the weekend.” Lilac remembered. 
“Carrots for breakfast!” Sunny grinned. 
“Well, that is a lovely place.” Kit said. “But the Hotel Denouement is very special. For years, it’s been a place where our volunteers can gather to exchange information, discuss plans to defeat our enemies, and return books we’ve borrowed from one another. Before the schism, there were countless places that served such purposes. Bookstores and banks, restaurants and stationary stores, cafes and laundromats, opium dens and geodesic domes-” 
“I’m sorry, wait, go back.” Nick said, a small smile flickering across his face. “Did you say you guys met in opium dens?” 
“Nick!” Lilac groaned, as Violet burst into laughter. 
Solitude and Sunny looked from him to a mortified Klaus, very confused. “What’s opium?” Solitude asked. 
Nick’s face fell. “Oh, I fucked up.” 
Kit laughed there, too. “Nick,” she said, “You remind me so much of your mother. One time she did something similar, accidentally got us into a very awkward conversation with Hector and Miranda.” 
Nick’s put his hand over his mother’s necklace, and he glanced down at the cups Kit was setting out. “Mom showed me how to win that cup guessing game.” he said quietly. “When you put something under the cup and mix them up. The trick is to keep your eyes on the first cup and not pay attention to the shuffling.” 
“Eyes on the prize.” Kit nodded. “Jacques taught that to your mother.” 
The Baudelaires looked a bit guilty. “We’re sorry about Jacques.” Violet said. 
“So am I.” Kit sighed. “But I wasn’t surprised. Many noble people have fallen in the last year. Our organization has been shattering ever since I was four years old, and it’s as if the word has shattered, too. One by one, our safe places have been destroyed. When the mountain headquarters was destroyed, only the Hotel Denouement was left. If we’re not careful, every place of nobility and integrity will vanish completely.” 
Violet and Nick shared a quiet look, one that their siblings didn’t quite understand, but the two of them read perfectly. “Are you sure?” Violet asked carefully. “Maybe VFD has other headquarters. Or… maybe there’s other noble people. Outside of the Volunteers.” 
“That would be nice.” Kit sighed. “But we have… well, let’s say we have a meeting here.” 
“On Thursday.” Lilac said. 
“We found a message addressed to JS.” Klaus said. “We assumed it was Jacques, but…” 
“Yes. That’s why I need your help.” Kit said. “You see, we’ve been trying to find you for some time- I only figured out where you were because of Quigley.” 
“You know Quigley?” Violet said, relieved. 
“Yes. He managed to find me after getting separated from you all.” Kit said. “He was going to be here, but he had to leave in a helicopter to answer a distress call from a self-sustaining hot air mobile home.” 
“Quigley can pilot a helicopter?” Nick asked suspiciously. 
“He’ll figure it out. I did when I was his age.” Kit shrugged. “If all goes well, you’ll see all three triplets on Thursday. That is, unless you cancel the meeting.” 
“Why would we cancel it?” Lilac asked. 
“The last safe place may not be safe after all.” Kit said sadly. “If that’s the case, you Baudelaires will need to send VFD a signal that Thursday’s gathering is cancelled.” 
“Why would it not be safe?” Solitude asked, tossing Babbitt more crumbs. 
Kit smiled at the young girl, and then opened a folder that the Baudelaires had retrieved from the cab, flipping through. “I’m sorry this is so disorganized. I haven’t had time to update my commonplace book. My brother used to say that if only one had a little more time to do some important reading, all the secrets of the world would become clear. I’ve scarcely looked at these maps, poems sand blueprints that Charles sent me, or chosen wallpaper for the baby’s room. Wait one moment, Baudelaires, I’ll find it. Help yourself to more brunch- I have tea and coffee if you want it, but it’s very bitter. Tea should be bitter as wormwood and sharp as a two-edged sword.” 
“That’s fine.” Lilac assured her, reaching for a cup. “I like my coffee bitter.” 
“That is surprising.” Kit said absent-mindedly, still looking through papers. “Ah! Here it is! Larry slipped this to me last night by hiding it inside a cookie.” 
Kit handed a paper to Klaus, who unrolled it and squinted. “JS has checked in and requested tea with sugar. My brother sends his regards. Sincerely, Frank.” 
“You can understand why this message made me so distraught, I’m sure.” Kit said. 
“Not really.” Sunny admitted. 
“Someone is posing as my brother, Baudelaires.” Kit explained to the toddler. “And he’s checked into the hotel shortly before our entire organization is expected to arrive.” 
“Count Olaf?” Violet said, putting an arm around Nick. 
“It could be,” Kit said, “But there are plenty of villains who are all too eager to be imposters. But this JS may not be a wicked person. Plenty of noble people would check into the Hotel Denouement and order sugar in their tea. Not to sweeten it, but as a signal. Our comrades and enemies are all after the same thing- the Vessel For Disaccharides.” 
“Vessel for wha?” Solitude asked. 
“Sugar Bowl.” Sunny explained. 
“Wonderful.” Nick sighed, and Klaus and Lilac moved closer to him and their other siblings. 
“Exactly.” Kit nodded. “The sugar bowl is on its way to the hotel even as we speak, and I’d hate to think what would happen if our enemies got ahold of it. I can’t imagine anything worse, except perhaps if they got ahold of the Medusoid Mycelium.” 
The Baudelaires looked very awkwardly at each other, and then Lilac said, “Um. About that.” 
Kit’s face fell. “What?” 
“Um. Count Olaf… may have managed to… uh…” Violet said. 
“Get a hold of a diving helmet full of Medusoid spores.” Klaus finished, staring very hard at a plate. 
“Active ones.” Solitude shuddered. 
Kit shut her eyes, and then said, “Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” 
“Sorry.” Soli said. 
“No, no, it’s not your fault. It’s just… nothing is going right.” Kit groaned, running her hand through a strand of hair that had fallen from her bun. “In that case, we have no time to waste. The six of you must infiltrate the Hotel Denouement and observe JS. If JS is a noble person, you must make sure the Sugar Bowl falls into their hands, but if they’re villainous, you must make sure it does not. And I’m sad to say that this won’t be as easy as it sounds.” 
“It doesn’t sound easy at all.” Klaus said. 
“That’s the spirit.” Kit said. “Of course, you won’t be alone. Showing up early is one of the signs of a noble person, so there are other volunteers already at the hotel. You may even recognize some of them. But you may also recognize some of your enemies, as they will be posing as noble people by showing up as well.” 
“How will we tell the villains from the volunteers?” Violet said. 
“Pay attention.” Kit said, unhelpfully. “Observe everyone you see, and make judgements for yourselves. You’ll have to become flaneurs.” 
“Expound?” Sunny asked, meaning, “Could you please explain that word?” 
“Flaneurs,” Kit said, “Are people who quietly observe their surroundings, intruding only when it is absolutely necessary. Children make excellent flaneurs, as so few people notice them. Also,” she lifted up a corner of the picnic blanket, revealing six carefully-wrapped packages. “The man who sent me the message about the imposter is a member of VFD. He suggested that he hire the three of you as concierges. Your uniforms are in these packets.” 
“Expound again.” Sunny said. 
“A concierge,” Klaus explained, “Is someone who performs various tasks for guests in the hotel.” 
“It’s a perfect disguise.” Kit said. “You’ll be doing everything from fetching packages to recommending restaurants. You’ll be allowed in every corner of the hotel, from the rooftop sunbathing salon to the laundry room in the basement, and no one will suspect you’re there to spy on them. Frank will help you as best he can, but be very careful. The schism has turned many brothers into enemies. Under no circumstances should you reveal your true selves to Frank’s treacherous identical brother Ernest.” 
“If they’re identical, how do we tell who is who?” Klaus asked. 
“Try to pay attention.” Kit said again. “You’ll have to observe everyone you see and make such judgements yourselves. That’s the only way to tell a villain from a volunteer. Is everything clear?” 
The Baudelaires glanced to each other, and then Violet said, “What’ll you be doing?” 
“I’m going to resolve a certain situation in the sea.” Kit said. 
Nick turned to Kit and said, “We’ll all be in danger, you know. If he finds us out… and we’re alone…” 
“That’s why you’ll be together.” Kit said, putting her hand gently over Nick’s. “I’ve received reports on your progress, Baudelaires, and while I haven’t been able to reach you, I have seen that you take care of your own.” 
Nick bit his lip, and he said, “Fine. We’ll do it. But just to keep the sugar bowl from him.” 
Violet and Klaus put their arms around him, and Soli leaned against him, and slowly, all six siblings nodded. 
Kit gave them all a reluctant and sad smile, and then repeated, almost to herself, “You Baudelaires take care of your own.”
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stanbangttan · 7 years
THE DOOR GUY // Drabble // Yoongi x Reader
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Summary: You are in Seoul, because of the job opportunity, stumbling upon your favorite producer, Yoongi in front of a restaurant.
Warning: fluff, angst, 
A/N: I hope you love this. I am a little late. But still. Happy birthday to you Nicole. You deserve the world ❤️ @nmmthings  Try to find the song. COMMENT. Requests are still open. Hop on.
Word count: 2k
We were in the foreign country and still my sister got more guys than me. She got one for now, or she accepted one, and as it goes for me I got zero, as per usual. She was gorgeous, of course, but did she have to say yes? I will dare to say I am cute too, it’s just that I am an introvert and she is an extrovert.  And the fuck, why am I the one who needs to drive her. This car is rented. If we even make a small dent, we’re doomed, and I am not so confident I ride well. I even take the metro to my studio. I am a good driver but still I am not comfortable driving in the new town. Especially where I don’t understand the signs or even what drivers are yelling at me. I love this city. I love everything about it. I couldn’t even imagine we would ever go to Seoul. Not when I was told I have a job opportunity of going, and even for a month. And with my sister. Visiting it and even get paid to live there. Did I save a country in my last life? However there were those bad sides of my trip. Not knowing the language entirely. Managing to find a translator in Korea was a plus, but getting my company to pay him as well was a long shot, that somehow worked out. I was a working on a project with SM entertainment for upcoming comeback of Red Velvet. I wrote and produced some of the songs with their producing team. I was chosen to help them to create new sound of their songs. Which I am pretty excited for. But that was not my goal. The one I would love to work with was actually Big Hit. Because I heard the idols produced their own songs which is something that blew me off. No one had that kind of freedom in Korean discography and succeeded at that. Made that money, became uprising star. So I got into it more. Starting following their work. I really am amazed how they put they all into the music. I love the actual freedom of making, artistic freedom and lyric writing they have. And they actually rock it really well. They got big. So I have entered Kpop market, hoping I will work with them one day. It’s a wish of mine to see the masterpiece in the making, live.
 I worked, while my sister enjoyed Seoul life. It’s an understatement to tell I was really jealous of her. She could enjoy life, meet boys and explore the town. Not that I couldn’t but still it was working. And I wouldn’t even hit on a guy or flirt in any way. But it would be nice to have a day off and explore the city. Namsan tower, Han river, maybe going to brunch in Gangnam. Feeling and acting boujee. Living a Kdrama? Maybe.. “You trust that tinder or whateveriscalled dating apps too much..”  I told Ana, as I drove her. She had full glam makeup, putting more lipstick in the passenger seat mirror. “Can you like chill.. It’s just for a coffee..” “Can we have a like safe word or text if you’re not feeling well or if he’s a creep or a dork so you can text me and I’ll call you to get you out and pick you up? At least do that for me, Ana. That is the least you can do.” I pleaded her. She is to naïve when it comes to internet. “Nicole, chill please.” I looked at her with piercing eyes, so she’ll understand this is no joke. I don’t really know why did I even accepted to drive her. “Okaay, listen, I will text you S.O.S. and you call me telling me something like I need to feed the cat, I don’t know..Is that okay?” She said with bored tone.
“Enough for me..” I smiled, as I put my eyes on the road. I dropped her off at this nice ass looking restaurant, and she kissed me saying goodbye. Maybe this is the last time I will see her, Korean mafia drawing her into prostitution… I watch too many kdramas, she’ll be fine. And this is too nice of a place for “just coffee”.. And she is too dressed up for “just coffee”. She lied again. I drove myself back to my studio, and worked a little more, so I won’t sit a home worrying about Ana.
 An hour passed and I lost track of time. My phone buzzed. Screen light fell onto my face, as I saw a text “S.O.S”.. I KNEW IT ANA. I TOLD YOU SO! HER BODY IS NOW BEING DRAGGED IN A ALLY, AND SHE SOMEHOW MANAGED TO TEXT ME. SNEAKY LITTLE BITCH. I dialed her number, hoping she’s not in the same room, at the same table with a serial killer. Oh please, pick up. “Hello?” , she askes like she doesn’t have my number ID. Good she’s alive and her mouth doesn’t have old sock to shut her up. “Are you in trouble, or just bored at the date? Say Oh hello if you’re in trouble.”, this isn’t the fist time she needed the way out. This is a constant routine for me and her.
“No, no, you’re not bothering. I don’t think I can. I am busy now.”, Oh, she’s just bored, she continued, “Kyungsoo, don’t you mind I take this call?” “No, not a problem.”, I heard male the voice in the background. He is quite polite. I know now why she is bored. She likes bad boys. She hates polite, mommy sons, that will hold the door for her, or tell her how beautiful she looks tonight. She will rather fall for the egoistic, full of himself guy, that will not pay attention to her whatsoever. “GET ME OUT OF HERE.” She fucking yelled, while in the bathroom, I suppose, because of the echo,” He is so boring, Nic. He talks all about his work, how beautiful I look or how he is really glad to meet me. He tells me we can explore city together and he will be my guide. Ugh.. I can’t.” “Maybe I won’t pick you up, maybe you deserve to bore yourself to death. Make him take you home. Know where you live. And bore you some more.” “Thank you so much. FUCK YOUR SAFE WORD, IF IT DOESN’T WORK.” She hissed. “It works for serious situations. Not when a guy is a gem and wanna take it slow with you. Would you rather him to take you to bed and not call you tomorrow?” “Well with his body, maybe I would like that more than this.” “Then tell him that.” I hung up. My phone buzzed again. A call. “ARE YOU INSANE? COME TO SAVE ME” “Me? New phone who dis?” “Will you please pick me up? I will do anything!” “Ok, I like this. I’m there in fifteen.” I would pick her up anyways. This is just a plus.
 I picked up my keys, well rented car keys, phone and a wallet. I don’t need anything else. I parked in front of the restaurant. I got my phone and keys with me. Ready to act out a scene. I didn’t watch all those kdramas for nothing. As I go closer to the door I inhale and exhale. I am not good in public speaking, or dealing with strangers. To be honest, I am horrible at that. And I do all of this because of Ana. I remind myself, Ana, because of Ana. You have to, Nicole. As I grab the door handle, still looking to the floor, something hit me, my phone and keys scattering to the floor. I stumble backwards, falling on my butt. I look up, and something was actually a door and someone was exiting the restaurant in a hurry. My face got even more shocked when in front of me, apologizing was Yoongi. The one that produces for Big Hit. Well for his group, and one of the producers. “Miane, miane..Shit..”, he hissed. All I understood was “SHIT”.. “What?” I said. “Oh.. I mean I am sorry, are you ok?” his gummy smile appeared when he saw me. I smiled instantly too.
He took my hands and picked me up. I cleaned my jeans while he grabbed my keys of the concrete. He took the phone and I heard that “SHIT” again. I turn quickly to look and as I thought. It broke. It still works but it’s broken. And it’s new. Dammit. I took so good care of it. When I turn my gaze back to him he has a horrendous look plastered on his face.
“Hey, look. I am so sorry, but I gotta run. My name is Yoongi.” He put his hand in front and I have shaken it. “Nicole..” I am still shocked. Fuck my phone. I met him. HIM. “Look Nicole, I am really sorry. I am willing to pay for it, or buy you a new one.” He put his hand behind his head, stroking his neck. Looking nervously for his ride, I guess. Still flashing his smile to me. “Oh noooooo, you don’t have to…” I made “no” movements with my hands. “I have to. It’s my fault. What’s your number? Do you have a Korean card or?”
He looked at me with sincere eyes. I really didn’t need him to pay for it, I will not even mention the act of buying me a new one. But will I miss an opportunity to give him my number and a possible call/texting with YOONGI!!!! Just because I don’t want my phone fixing receipt paid by him.. Well fuck it. I have nothing to lose.
“I have my card.. wait here.. “ I unlocked my car, that was parked behind me, took a my business card from my wallet. “Here you have both of my numbers, and an email.. and address to my producing studio..” he watched me closely, then started backing out. Did I overdo it? Dammit. I always do that. I get nervous. And I screw up everything. Shit.
“Okay!” he got a few meters away, still looking at me. Am I this weird or is he still shocked? And shocked by what? My card?
“I am not giving this because I want your money for the phone.. Just I would love to work with you.. or grab a coffee..” I added shouting, with a smile.  “Got it. Gotta go.” He said straight face, thumbs up. I got freaking THUMBS UP from Yoongi. Are you kidding me? Who even does that?
He’s weird. I am weird. WE’RE DESTINED.
Hmmm, I hope he didn’t misunderstood me for a fangirl. Well I am a fan, and a girl but of his work not an actual fangirl. Oh, fuck it. He totally did misunderstood.
WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? Ana mouthed when she saw me. 
Okay, MA! MA! MA! The stage is mine. “Ana...Oh hi, youu...new guy.”, I turned the to Ana, ”BUT we must go. Munchie is vomiting again!” “WHAAT? MUNCHIE? IS HE GONNA BE OKAY?” She said with real tears in her eyes.This bitch outshines me again. “I don’t know we must take him to the VET. “ I said sadly. “OH NO, NOT THE VET. HE HATES THE VET. Kyungsoo I have to go. I hope you understand..” “Y-yea..” Poor guy doesn’t know what hit him. “I’ll see you around..” Ana said when she practically run away from the date. As we got to the car, Ana was laughing. “MUNCHIE? Are you serious. I was losing it out there. Don’t you know normal pet names?” “If you make another complaint, I will leave your ass hanging next time.” She made a zipper closing meme across her mouth. Not saying a word. “I thought so.” On the red light my phone buzzed. My broken ass phone lighted up. I took it to read the text. Unknown number. What the f-
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I hope you liked it guys.  Find a song a s usual.  First one can give me a reaction/drabble idea to write. And I will.  
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queercapwriting · 7 years
Hi! I don't know if your taking prompts or not so feel free to ignore this if not but I I love this trope lol. Here we go: Sanvers' first house. Maggie watches Alex mow the lawn and gets all hot and bothered bc her sweaty, dirty wife is hot af. Fun things begin if you catch my drift :)
They’ve talked about wanting a lifetime of firsts.
Alex was the first to bring up a house, because frankly, the idea had always terrified Maggie.
She’d been so used to running for so long.
Running toward safety; running for survival; running because she didn’t know how else to exist; running because it was habit; running because she didn’t know how to stop.
But Alex made her want to stop.
Well, not stop, not exactly.
Because they would always be running, both as individuals and together.
Because with Alex?
With Alex, she wanted to both run and be stable; with Alex, freedom and security weren’t contradictory. They were complimentary. 
They were perfect.
So they buy a house, because when Alex tells her she wants that to be part of their lifetime of firsts, she cries just like she did when Alex proposed.
Because she’s shocked, because she wants it. God, she wants it.
So they drink wine on balconies and they lay in each other’s laps and they research and they make lists and they fantasize.
How many rooms, what kind of style, location, location, location, rankings of whether it’s more important to have a garage or a pool, discussions of ‘do we ever really use the kitchen anyway’ and ‘yes, babe, if J’onn permits it, we can have a separate space for your weapons.’
Buying a house involves a lot of firsts, and they both revel in each one.
But this one? This particular first?
Is going to be fun.
“Danvers, you grew up on the beach, you’ve never – “
“There’s grass in Midvale, Maggie.”
“Okay, but there’s like, only grass in Blue Springs, Danvers.”
“And why would I make my beautiful wife feel like she’s back in Nebraska, huh? Come on, babe, it’ll be fun. I don’t mind, honestly.”
Maggie tilts her head and squints and sighs. 
“You gonna wear that?” she asks, gesturing lightly at Alex’s tank top and cut offs and boots.
“Problem?” Alex asks.
Maggie tries to swallow, but her throat is too dry. “Nope. I mean… if you really don’t mind? To be honest, I always hated cutting the grass – “
Alex positively squeals with excitement. “Excellent! I’ll be outside, then!” She leans in and kisses her lips, and Maggie wants to deepen the kiss, wants to pull Alex into her body and never let go, but Alex is out the door before Maggie can even open her eyes.
“Nerd,” she mutters under her breath with a smile.
“Takes one to know one!” Alex calls over her shoulder.
“My wife has superhuman hearing,” Maggie murmurs, still grinning.
“No I don’t, you’re just predictable!” Alex shouts again, this time over the roar of the lawn mower coming to life.
Maggie chuckles and shakes her head and wanders into the kitchen – their kitchen – to do the dishes from Kara’s homemade brunch this morning.
She doesn’t expect to feel like she’s just gotten an electric shock, particle accelerator explosion style, when she looks out the window above the sink to see her wife looking… like that.
Because it’s only been ten minutes, but it’s absurdly hot outside, and Alex must have fished a bandanna out of the garage because now it’s tied around her head, stained slightly in sweat, just as Alex’s calves are getting stained slightly with dirt, with the remains of sheared blades of grass.
She has to concentrate to put the plate she’d been washing down so she doesn’t just drop it, break it. 
Because hot damn, her wife is… well, hot.
“Damn, Danvers,” she rasps to herself, watching as Alex wipes sweat away from her forehead with a shrug of her shoulder. Maggie rinses and dries her hands, eyes still transfixed on the sight out their window, and checks the weather on her phone.
Yep. Over 90 degrees.
Which has everything to do with how sweaty and dirty Alex has gotten in so short a time, but absolutely nothing to do with what she’s doing to Maggie’s body right now.
Well, maybe it has a little something to do with it. Because it’s the sweat and dirt that are driving her out of her mind.
She tries to gulp, but her throat is too dry. She grabs a glass, fills it, takes a sip or two – eyes still focused on her wife – refills it, and tears her eyes away from Alex for a moment.
She bites her lip and looks down at her own body. She checks her fly and shimmies around slightly so her shirt is positioned just so, runs her fingers through her hair so it falls around her face just so.
She clears her throat and she heads to the doorway, immediately regretting not calling Alex inside instead, because the heat compared with the house’s central air hits her hard.
“Thirsty, Danvers?” she calls, leaning on their doorway like she’s not already burning up.
Both because of the temperature and because of the sweat and dirt clinging to her wife’s body like someone painted the stains onto her skin and clothes.
She has to shout again, because Alex doesn’t hear her. But when she does, her grin is so wide, so earnest, that Maggie melts.
And it definitely has nothing to do with the sun.
Alex flips off the mower, trots over and takes the glass gratefully but hesitates before kissing Maggie.
“I’m kinda gross,” she gives a disclaimer when Maggie frowns, which makes Maggie bite her lip as she drags her eyes slowly up and down Alex’s body.
“Gross isn’t the word I’d use,” she rasps, and Alex nearly chokes on her water at the tone in her voice.
“Yeah?” she splutters, trying so hard to be smooth that Maggie lets it slide.
“Mmhmm,” Maggie takes the glass from her and kneels slowly to set it down on the porch. She runs her fingers over Alex’s lower legs, and Alex’s shivers as her fingernails scrape through the sweat on her shins, ghosting over without actually touching the dirt on her calves.
“Maggie, we’re… we’re outside,” she croaks, and Maggie stands immediately. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, I – “
“No, hey, no, it’s fine. I’m fine. This… this is literally why we got such a private back yard, I just… I was flirting, I’m sorry, I didn’t want… I didn’t want you to stop.”
Maggie tilts her head. “Babe, you sure?” she asks, and Alex backhands sweat off her face, leaving a streak of dirt there that just turns Maggie on harder, as she nods eagerly.
Maggie nods, too, as she kneels again, slower this time. “Change your mind at any point, Danvers,” she tells her, and Alex smiles.
“So uh… gross isn’t the word you’d use. What uh… what word would you use?”
“Fucking sexy,” Maggie asks with her eyes before unzipping Alex’s cut-off jeans. 
“That’s two words,” Alex wheezes as she nods before getting impatient and unzipping her cut-offs herself.
“Someone’s eager,” Maggie chuckles, and Alex tosses her head back and moans.
“Both of us, I’d say,” she hisses as Maggie tugs her jeans down and her underwear aside. 
“May I?” she asks, and they both chuckle as Alex, in her eagerness to lift one of her legs onto Maggie’s shoulder, forgets that her shorts are still sort of on, and nearly falls.
“Mmm, maybe I should go down on you later,” Maggie teases, and something flashes in Alex’s eyes, then.
Something Maggie didn’t want to ask her for, because she knows this mood of Alex’s is somewhat temperamental, but god, has seeing her like this made her want it.
“What, Danvers?” she asks breathlessly, even though she already knows.
“Stand up?” Alex asks, and her voice is already ragged, already wrecked from the sight of Maggie on her knees, wanting to go down on her.
Maggie stands.
“Turn around,” Alex demands, and Maggie hisses with pleasure because she knows Alex’s demands are always questions.
“Yes,” she whispers, “but kiss me first?”
So Alex does. Alex does, and Maggie swoons, pressing her body against the damp heat that is Alex, flush against the barely-there restraint and raw need that is her wife.
“You’re so damn hot,” she murmurs into Alex’s mouth, against Alex’s tongue, and when Alex moans, Maggie pulls back.
“You can turn me around now,” she invites, and Alex spins her around and presses her against the back wall of their house so fast they both need to pause, need to breathe each other in.
“You good?” Alex makes sure, and Maggie grinds her ass back into Alex as answer.
“Yeah. You?” she confirms, and Alex answers by bracing herself against the wall with one dirt-stained hand just above Maggie’s head, by putting her other hand on Maggie’s waist and pulling her even closer into her body.
“Fuck,” Maggie murmurs, and Alex grins into her shoulder blades.
“Exactly,” she husks, and Maggie whines and grinds back into her, finding a rough and needy rhythm that isn’t exactly a first, but is exactly perfect.
“So I can’t exactly touch you right now,” Alex tightens her grip on Maggie’s hip, on her jeans. “All that dirt and sweat that seems to turn you on so much.”
Maggie moans and Alex’s hand on her hip, Alex’s body against the back of her thighs, her ass, stabilize her more than the ground or the wall she’s pressed against ever could.
“Danvers,” she manages.
“Color?” Alex checks.
“Green as that damn grass,” Maggie chokes, and they both chuckle.
“So since I can’t touch you like I want to right now, you wanna be a good girl for me and do me a favor?”
“Fuck, Danvers.”
“Is that a yes, Sawyer?”
“Yes, fuck, Alex, yes.”
“Good girl. Can you touch yourself for me, Mags? I wanna make you come so damn hard, fucking you like this, holding you like this. The backyard of our new house… who knew lawn mowing could be so… fuck, that’s right, baby,” Alex pants as Maggie shifts so she’s braced on the wall with only one hand, slipping the other down her jeans.
“You good, Ally?” Maggie gasps, because Alex goes quiet, her breathing ragged, at the sight in front of her, in her arms.
“Perfect, Maggie, yeah. I love you so much,” she tells her, and it’s that, more than anything, that tosses Maggie over the edge.
Alex holds her steady and whispers how much she loves her as she rides out her waves.
“I love you too,” Maggie sighs, her forehead against the back of Alex’s hand, which she’d shifted to prevent Maggie from hitting her head against the wall.
“So you were saying something about fucking me yourself?” Maggie asks as Alex kisses her shoulders, her back, her hair, the nape of her neck.
Alex groans softly. “And you were saying something about going down on me,” Alex grins into Maggie’s skin, and Maggie moans like she does when she tries amazing food.
“Shower?” she turns her face to ask, her eyes still hazy from her orgasm, but glistening with excitement all the same.
“Oh yes,” Alex grins, and they’re not sure if they’re tugging each other up the stairs or racing up the stairs, but either way, their clothes come off somewhere along the way as they make out and giggle and shriek and tickle their way through their first house.
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pickalilywrites · 7 years
Day Off
Request: For a prompt, maybe try Squad Levi, either version of it. 
Word Count: 5,227
Every other week the members of his squad were allowed to visit the town and visit their families, see girls, whatever the hell they wanted to do to relax. He came with them but often returned early to scrub down the castle. It wasn't like he had much to do in town besides buy tea anyway. The first few times his squad had asked him why he didn't stick around, he shrugged them off, saying that he didn't have a very big interest in mixing with townsfolk. Petra and Eld tried to convince him to visit their families, telling him that they'd be ecstatic to meet the famous Captain Levi, but he only scoffed and said it would be best if they didn't meet him since people found his personality to be off-putting. In time they learned to just accept the fact that their captain was an antisocial bastard and didn't say anything about his short town visits, only greeting him as usual when they returned and occasionally showing off food they received from their families.
He expected this particular visit to be the same. Land in town, head to the tea store he normally frequented, buy another box of tea, and then leave. He wasn't expecting the members of his squad to linger by his side, following him at a rather awkward distance to let him know that they were joining him but far away enough for it to look like they were hesitant children who didn't know if they were supposed to follow their mother or not.
"What do you shitheads think you're doing?" he asked, stopping in his tracks and turning around to look at his sheepish subordinates.
"It was all Petra's idea!" Auruo blurted before anyone could say anything else. He pointed accusingly at the ginger and she squeaked, clearly embarrassed to be singled out. "I told her not to bother you but she insisted that we spend our day off with you!"
Levi raised an eyebrow, waiting for Petra to explain.
She looked helplessly at her comrades but they all shrugged at her and made no attempt to come to her rescue. "You guys suck," she muttered under her breath. She sighed and rubbed her arm nervously, not quite raising her eyes to meet Levi's. "Well, you're always by yourself all of the time and we're a team so I just thought…it would be nice if we all spent time together. There are some really fun things to do in town that we can't do back in the castle."
He could either tell them to get lost (which would be mean but probably something his squad would expect from him so it wouldn't be too much of a dick move) or just let them drag him around town. The first option was tempting. Telling people to fuck off was easy for him but he knew that doing so would mean Petra and Auruo would be sulking around the castle for at least three or four days and he really couldn't work with moody people. He was moody enough for five people and more gloom would make him feel twice as shitty. "Alright," he finally said. "Let me just buy this and we can get going to wherever the hell you guys want to show me."
The giddy reaction from them was a lot more than he expected. He was half sure that they were only teasing him. Petra and Auruo shared a rare high five while Gunter thanked him for allowing them to accompany him and Eld slapped him a little too roughly on the back.
He grumbled on the way to general store while the rest of the squad gossiped behind him, snickering about the military police patrolling the area. Eld proposed a prank to play on them but Petra shushed him midway, gesturing at their captain. Levi honestly couldn't care less if they ended up pissing off the military police. That branch of the military largely consisted of assholes and if their plans for today consisted of fucking with them, maybe he'd actually be looking forward to spending the day with his squad. His team would probably be way too cautious to pull a prank on their first outing with their captain but, hey, it could happen.
Despite their claims about wanting to spend time with him, everyone kept their distance from him. Petra and Eld lurked in aisles behind him trying to come up with puns for all of the products lined up in the store, guffawing when one of them produced a particularly clever one. Auruo grumbled to himself in the corner trying to look cool but only managed to make himself seem like an angst-ridden loner. And Gunter was…well, he was looking closely at the types of tea alongside him.
Gunter was a good team player but Levi had truthfully never interacted with him much. Well, he hadn't interacted with anyone on his team very much despite handpicking them. It wasn't that he disliked them, he just wasn't the kind of person to approach others and seek friendship. His personality was also rather uninviting so he wasn't surprised that his subordinates never sought him out. They were civil, which was actually far better than what most people are like to him after meeting him for the first time. And Gunter was as polite as they got. Eld cracked jokes at least and Petra always offered to make him tea in the morning. Auruo even sometimes talked to him, usually trying to make sarcastic remarks about the hypocritical military police living in Wall Sina only to fumble across his words and bite his tongue. Gunter, though, always kept his distance from the captain, so Levi was surprised when the man opened his mouth and asked, "We're running out to black tea, right?"
"Yeah," Levi answered. He watched Gunter study the boxes, peering inside and sniffing the leaves, before snatching the one out of his hand and replacing it with another one. "Get this one. The other brands taste like shit."
"Oh!" Gunter looked around nervously, checking to see if the storeowner had heard Levi's crude language. "I do trust your judgment when it comes to tea, Captain. Is there anything else I can get for you before I head to the register?"
"You don't have to buy it. I can pay for it myself," Levi said hastily but Gunter shook his head.
"Don't worry about it," Gunter said, already hurrying off to where Petra and Eld were. "Do you guys want anything? I'll pay."
"Ooh, buy a pack of cigarettes for Auruo," Petra snickered.
"Shut up, Petra!" Auruo snapped from the corner of the store, walking over to avoid a scolding from the storeowner and to talk to Petra himself. "I haven't smoked since our days in training."
"It's why he looks like he's ten years older than me even though we're the same age," she whispered to Levi.
"What are you telling the captain? Don't gossip about me when I'm standing right in front of you!" He lunged for her and she squealed, hiding behind Eld.
Gunter sighed, heading towards the register to pay for the tea since his teammates didn't seem like they needed anything else and were busy goofing off anyway.
It was strange seeing his squad so relaxed. He's seen them joke around with each other during training, but it seemed like they were really at ease in the settling of this bustling town. Perhaps being surrounded by normal everyday civilians helped them to forget the death that awaited them outside of the Walls. It was a little refreshing to see them like this although he wasn't all too sure that he belonged there with them.
Eld's hand clapped him on the shoulder, a grin on his face. "Where to next, Captain?"
Levi shrugged. "Wherever you guys want to go. I'm only here because you insisted to spend time with me," he pointed out. "If I had it my way, I'd already be heading back to the castle alone."
"You could try to sound a little like you don't hate the idea of spending the day with us," Petra sighed, but her tone isn't annoyed or angry. It's somewhat teasing and he can see that she's smiling. "Maybe we could hit a restaurant or something if you're feeling a little hungry. Auruo knows some really good places."
Levi raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said he smoked. Shouldn't his taste buds be dead by now or something?"
Auruo puffed out his chest proudly. "The grow back twice as good after you quit. That's what they don't tell you!"
"You wouldn't believe it after Auruo's cooking," Eld said while Petra bit back a laugh. "The way you try to pass off your dishes as good really says otherwise."
The sandy-haired man was about to snap back at his comrade but Gunter came, tea in his hand, and gave Eld a look. "Stop teasing Auruo, Eld" he told him. Auruo smiled and was about to thank him before Gunter added, "You know he can't handle it when people make fun of him."
Auruo scowled.
Petra hooked her arm through Gunter's as they left the general store. Levi was starting to notice that she could be rather touchy with those she was friendly with. It wasn't in a creepy way. She just tended to stick close to people if they were good enough friends with her. Her friendliness was probably why she was the one who approached him the most although he wasn't quite sure if he'd consider her more than an ally on the battlefield. "We were thinking about going someplace to eat. It's a little bit early for lunch but maybe we could snag some brunch if Auruo quits sulking."
The sullen man stuck out his tongue at them like a child. "I'm going to take you to the worst café to eat since you guys are such assholes."
Petra and Eld began to raise their voices in protest, complaining about how stupid a move that would be since he'd have to be eating with them too, but Levi interrupted. "Do that and I'll make you clean the shitter for a week."
He waited for the awkward silence to settle in since every time he told a shit joke people would just stand there not knowing what to do, so he was surprised when Petra began laughing and Eld said, "Best threat you've dished out this week, Captain." Stupid as it was, he felt the tiniest bit proud that he wasn't as socially inept as Hanji often claimed he was. Stupid goggles.
Auruo sniffed, muttering about how he was under appreciated, but nonetheless began to lead them to an eatery that he claimed would "knock your goddamn smelly socks right off." Somehow Petra and Eld managed to tease him about this too and, as expected of Auruo, Auruo scowled. He couldn't imagine how they managed to become friends with all of the training they did. He supposed good-natured joking was better than constant bickering though.
"Eld! Eld!" A gaggle of children with a beat up ball ran up to them, surrounding the tallest member of the squad excitedly. They must have been around nine or ten years old, scrawny little things but energetic. "You're late today! Come play with us!"
Eld ruffled a boy's hair and smiled. "Sorry, kiddos. I'm out with the Captain right now. I'll play with you guys next time I'm in town."
A few kids whined but others perked up after hearing that Levi was in their midst. "Captain Levi's here? Which one is he?" They looked curiously at Eld's friend. Some glanced over him, convinced that someone so short could ever be a captain.
"Hey," Petra whispered to one of them, tilting her head over at Levi.
"He's so short though!" one of them said in surprise. "How'd he get to be captain if he's so short?"
Eld, typical Eld, was snickering while Gunter and Auruo looked shocked, scandalized that a child could speak that way to a highly esteemed member of the military. He was about to open his mouth and say something rude when Petra bent down to pinch the young rascal's cheeks. "Who are you calling short, squirt?" she said while the child tried to swat away her hands. "Besides, he has the highest kill count in the Legion. That's way more important than how tall you are!"
The child managed to wriggle his way out of Petra's grasp and rubbed his cheeks, now pink from Petra's pinching. He gave Levi a suspicious look. "You can't really be that strong," he said.
"Play a game with him and see," Petra said.
"Petra," he growled. Had he known that hanging out with children was on the list of things to do today, he would have ran back to the castle as fast as he could earlier that morning.
She only gave him a mischievous grin as the kids began to flock around him saying, "Play with us! Play with us!"
"Now you've got them all riled up," Eld laughed. He grabbed the ball from a girl and spun it on his finger. "The only way to stop them is to play, Captain. Come on. One game won't kill you."
"Alright," he sighed. He thought that saying yes would make them shut up but the kids only cheered loudly, making him wince. "How do you play?"
A bunch of them began to babble all at once, their voices overlapping one another and making it so that Levi couldn't make out any of the words they were saying. Eld managed to quiet them down enough to explain. "There's a court – it's shaped like a circle with a line to split it in half – and teams kick it back and forth. You can pass it to teammate using any part of your body but you can't catch it or let it touch the ground or you lose."
That seemed simple enough and he figured he could either just lose straightaway or easily kick the ball. "Okay," Levi said. "Where's the court?"
Excited once again, the kids lead him and the rest of his squad a little ways away to a lopsided circle drawn in chalk in the middle of a plaza. Shoppers and other townspeople were walking through it, ruining the shape even more, but as soon as the children came screaming and gathering onto the court the townspeople sighed and made sure to steer clear of it. They were probably used to the children's daily ball game by now.
"So how's about all of us against Captain Levi?" Eld suggested.
"What! No way!" a young girl cried. "He's never going to win by himself!"
He was slightly touched that a child was thinking about him but also a little miffed that she didn't think he could win without anyone else's help. "It's fine," he said. He just wanted it over with.
"See? He's okay with it so we're good to go!" Eld said cheerfully, patting the girl on her head. "I'll play with you guys so we're more evenly matched in skill. Of course, you could always have anyone else from the team join you if you don't think you can handle it yourself." He flexed his muscles and all of the children oohed, glancing at Levi to see if he would react in any way. He didn't.
Levi looked back to see if Gunter, Auruo, or Petra would want to join him but Gunter shook his head, lifting up the small box of tea he was holding to indicate that he couldn't play. Auruo scoffed, calling it a child's game and that he was much too old to partake in such an activity. When he finally looked to Petra, she smiled.
"I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, Captain," she said cheerfully while he scowled at her. "Go! Fight! Win!" She pumped her fist in the air and he rolled his eyes. Figures that she wouldn't play even after getting him into this mess in the first place.
"Let's get this over with," he sighed, moving to one side of the court. "Make it snappy, Jinn. You're buying lunch after this when you lose."
"If I lose," Eld corrected, "which I won't." He handed the ball to the young girl who had it earlier and told her to toss it up for him. After she gave it a good throw, he kicked it up over to the other side, making Levi run over to it.
Levi cursed. Anything that caused him to physically exert himself when he wasn't fighting or cleaning was a pain in the ass. Still, he didn't want to lose in front of a bunch of kids and ran over to the ball and managed to send it back.
A few of the kids participated, managing to hit back balls despite Levi's powerful kicks (like he'd ever hit that filthy thing with his hands), but it soon became clear that this game would be one between Jinn and his captain. The children soon resided to the sidelines where Gunter, Auruo, and Petra were and cheered, gasping whenever it seemed like the ball would hit the ground.
"Hey, you're pretty good even though you're playing this for the first time!" Eld panted, almost missing the ball.
"Tch." Levi was truthfully a little out of breath himself but he didn't want Eld to pick up on it. He ran over to kick the ball back but miscalculated and hit it way too hard at the wrong angle, sending it soaring past the confines of the court. "Shit."
"He missed it! He missed it!" the children cried gleefully. Their smiles soon turned into looks of horror once they saw where the ball was headed.
It arched into the sky and descended towards an innocent bystander. Some innocent people strolling by were able to avoid it, hurriedly walking away to avoid the ball. Others even screamed, alerting people to stay away, but there were a few standing and staring at the ball hurtling towards them. It was as if the earth was standing still as the ball made its way closer and closer to its victim, a frozen military policeman before hitting him straight in the face with a loud bonk!
The soldier stood there, stunned, before slowly turning his gaze to the culprit. Levi had half a mind to just stand there and smirk but a hand grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him away.
"We've got to run," Petra said, dragging a surprised Levi behind her. She looked back at the wounded military policeman gleefully and bit back a laugh. "Nile said that if he got another report about us messing with one of his men again he'd have Erwin dock our pay."
"We'll see you guys next time," Eld said hurriedly, running after Petra and Levi. He gave them a distracted wave before picking up the pace.
"Run, run!" the children cheered, scattering themselves before they got a scolding. A few clapped and waved their arms as the members of the Legion ran by and Levi was surprised to hear one kid even say, "Come back and play next time, Captain Levi! It was really fun!"
"I told you guys not to bother them," Gunter muttered, following a little ways behind them.
"It's not our fault that nobody in the military police can take a joke," Eld snickered.
"Aw, who cares?" Auruo said. He was running ahead of them, leading them to who knows where. "We can't make it to the restaurant I wanted to take the Captain to because of you guys. It'd be way too easy to find us there."
"Take us to another place then," Petra said, hardly bothered that their plans had to be changed. "We could always take the Captain next time."
"Next time?" Levi said warily. This trip alone was already exhausting. He couldn't imagine doing this again with them even after a few weeks.
After running for a while and losing the angry policeman in a crowd, Petra had let go of Levi's wrist. "You could have left anytime you wanted to. We're not holding you hostage." She looked over to where Auruo is. "Did you pick somewhere to go yet? I'm starving!"
"There's a place nearby that's pretty good so you can quit nagging me to get there faster," Auruo scowled. A funny expression appeared on his face and he gave Petra a smug look. "It's like you're my wife or something."
Petra's smile vanished and was replaced by a deadly glare. "Disgusting."
"So they're like that on casual outings too," Levi mused as he watched the two bicker back and forth. He had always assumed their behavior was similar to what they were like in training but it was another thing to see it happen in real life.
"Yeah, apparently they've been like that since their trainee days," Eld said affectionately.
"I could shut them up for you if you want," Gunter said.
"It's fine." He wasn't much of a conversationalist and while he didn't care very much for noise, it was nice hearing Auruo and Petra's arguments fill up the silence with the occasional interruption by Gunter and Eld.
The restaurant Auruo led them to was a quaint family-owned store that smelled heavily of bread. ("They have a lot of bread-based dishes," Auruo explained. "They make the bread themselves. Get up super early in the morning just to make enough to satisfy all of the customers they get every day.") It was a tad crowded and waiting to get seats and have their order taken was kind of a pain in the ass. It probably would have been more so if he had to wait the entire time but Petra had convinced the restaurant owners to lend Levi and Eld their washroom in the back to clean up since they were pretty filthy playing with the children. By the time Levi and Eld had returned, the rest of the squad had already taken their seats and ordered for them.
"Eat, eat!" Petra said when she saw them, gesturing at the food. "It's super good! Auruo paid so you're going to have to pay him back Eld."
"Pretty sure Captain Levi lost that match by hitting it out of bounds-" Eld began but Petra shoved a baguette in his mouth before he could finish his sentence. He chomped of a huge chunk, chewed, and swallowed. "Hey, this is pretty good!"
"Huh." Levi looked at the bread and gingerly broke off a piece before popping it into his mouth. The outer crust was crunchy but the interior was soft and fluffy, almost melting in his mouth. He wondered if the family continuously baked the bread during the day. They must have because their bread was still warm and it was already past midday. "Not bad."
Auruo sat up. Hearing "not bad" from the Captain was the highest form of praise one could receive. "You should try the soup we got you before it gets cold. The beef is incredibly tender – it really just falls off the bone – and the broth has an intense flavor. If you prefer spice you could put some in – Petra, stop being a pig and pass the pepper to the Captain! - although I think it usually has enough heat without it. The vegetables are also a rather refreshing addition."
"Wow, Auruo, maybe you should jus tell Captain Levi your true feelings for him," Petra said, a tad miffed that Auruo had called her a pig earlier. She offered the pepper to Levi anyway but he declined. "You look like a young maiden in love blushing like that."
Levi ignored them and ate his soup, which was exactly as good as Auruo described it if not better. If he dipped the baguette in there, it was absolutely divine. It had been a while since he had eaten something that good. The members of his squad weren't exactly great chefs. Petra and Gunter were at least passable, but that was mainly because they didn't burn anything like Auruo and Eld. If he could eat more food like this, he'd definitely consider going out to town more.
"Ah, that was so filling," Petra said, stretching her legs out. "And very delicious."
They were sitting in a plaza, taking a break by the big fountain. Gunter had suggested they go there after lunch because it was so peaceful there. While there were far too many people there for Levi's taste (but then again Levi never really enjoyed anyone's presence even if they were sitting quietly in the corner), he did enjoy the quiet. Even Eld and Petra were too relaxed to take a jab at Auruo. The air was filled with the noise of gentle chatter, the whisper of the wind, and the smooth sonata of a violinist playing alone in the square.
"We should dance," Petra said suddenly. Her suggestion hung out in the air and, when no one answered it, Levi looked around to notice that everyone was looking at him.
"I'm not dancing," he said.
"How can you refuse our dear Pet?" Eld said. "She's the best dancer on our team and she doesn't dance with just anyone either. Do you know how many guys she's turned down at military balls?"
"Get Eld to dance with you then," Levi said. "Gunter or Auruo."
"Just one dance. It'll be fine," Petra promised. She stood up and held out her hand to him. "Eld steps on my toes too much and Auruo complains even though he's always the one making mistakes. And Gunter is…he's busy holding onto the tea, so you're the only one left! I'll even teach you if you don't know how."
"I know how to dance, it's just that I don't want to," he said, but he reached for her hand anyway and let her take him to where the rest of the couples were dancing. He was going to protest even more, mumble something about how it would be weird since everyone dancing seemed to be together, but Petra had already intertwined her fingers with his and had his right hand on her waist while her left one sat on his shoulder.
"Realx a little more," Petra said to him. "You're so stiff." She was leading him, her steps not as grandiose as the others around them. They were a little slower than those around them, falling behind the beat.
"This is embarrassing," he muttered. "And aren't I supposed to be leading?"
"Do you want to?" Petra asked, surprised. "I just assumed you didn't know how because you never danced at military balls. Or maybe it was because Hanji was always the one who to invite you to dance when they were too drunk."
"I know how to dance," he assured her. "I just wouldn't want to dance with Hanji ever, even if they were sober." He had danced with Isabel sometimes. Oftentimes he'd grumble enough for her to give up and just dance with Farlan but there were a few occasions where she nagged enough to get him to dance with her for just a song. To say he was good would be a generous compliment. To say he was decent would also be…somewhat generous. So he often stuck to just observing on the sidelines, content with sipping on the shitty wine they typically served during military balls while Erwin kissed up to the other military heads so they wouldn't cut funds. He could lead a dance though even if he was probably the absolute wrong partner for her.
If she thinks he's a shitty dancer, she doesn't show it. Instead she smiles like it's the best dance she's ever danced even though they're not nearly as graceful as the other couples. "You should dance with me at the military balls," she told him. "You look lonely standing there brooding in the corner all of the time."
"Maybe I like brooding," he grumbled.
"Well, you're certainly good at it," Petra said mock-seriously. "But I think you're good at dancing too."
He was sure she was joking because a child is probably better at dancing than he is but he looked over at her and she seemed earnest. For some reason that made him feel more embarrassed.
The fact that they're moving so slowly compared to the other dancers makes him want to stop even more but Petra kept talking to him, sometimes to tell him where to move his feet or twirl her and other times to gossip about the rest of her squad mates behind their back, and that made him feel a little bit more relaxed. Petra even told him at one point that he was "moving less like a machine and more like a person!" She also somehow managed to get him to promise her at least one dance at the next military ball. Maybe he'd get drunk enough so he could blame his lack of grace on inebriation instead of just his lack of skill.
"Have a nice dance?" Eld asked when the last song had ended and they finally returned to the group.
"It was okay," Levi muttered. He was surprisingly tired after all of that. Who knew that dancing could be so physically exhausting.
"So 'okay' that Captain Levi promised that he'd dance with me again at the next military ball," Petra said smugly. He half suspected her of being flirtatious or playful at the very least, but a glance told him that she was rubbing her closeness to her superior in her comrades' faces. Unsurprisingly, it worked.
Auruo was perhaps the most scandalized, half-shouting complaints about how Petra didn't deserve to be spending so much time with the Captain mixed with whining about how she always rejected dance invitations from him.
"Did you have a nice time?" Gunter asked when they had piled up into the carriage headed back to the castle. Auruo, Eld, and Petra were piled up on one side, all snoozing on each other's shoulders. Auruo was muttering something in his sleep while Petra and Eld snored.
He hadn't realized they had spent nearly the whole day in town together. He had expected it to be a lot more torturous but the time seemed to have flown by. "It wasn't bad," he finally admitted, leaning back in his seat.
For anyone else this might have been a pretty disappointing answer. Gunter, however, knew this was probably the best compliment anyone could get from the captain and nodded happily.
The next morning Petra was already in the kitchen making tea. "Would you like a cup, Captain?" she asked without looking up. "It's just about ready anyway."
"Might as well," he said, sitting down at his usual seat.
She poured him a cup and sat down beside him with her own cup of tea. "Did you have fun yesterday?" she asked, taking a sip. It seemed that the taste was to her pleasure because she hummed with delight after taking a taste.
"It was…alright," he admitted reluctantly.
She smiled. "See? I knew you'd like it."
"But don't expect me to go out with all of you guys again. It's hectic dealing with all of you guys on a daily basis already."
She traced the rim of her cup with a finger. "You don't have to spend your day in town with all of us at once. Maybe next time you could just go with Eld. Or Gunter. Or me."
"I'll go with you if you don't take me dancing again," he replied. Despite her talkative and playful behavior, he found himself getting along with her most out of the rest of his squad. She didn't mind silence during conversations and just seemed to be easygoing in general. He also just really liked her tea. "It was terrible."
"It was wonderful," she said. She sat back, happy that the Captain had chosen to spend time in town with her next instead of the rest of her comrades. "I'm going to brag about this to the rest of the guys. They're going to be so jealous. Especially Auruo. And also write my dad and tell him that I'm going to bring you along the next time we visit."
"You're going to what?"
She laughed at his shocked expression. "Relax! It's a joke, Levi. Ah, Captain Levi," she corrected herself.
"Levi's fine," he said. After knowing his team for a good month, it was a little embarrassing to be having this conversation with his subordinate. He supposed he had always been more of a captain than a comrade but yesterday's outing made him feel at least a tad more familiar with his squad and he could allow this kind of informality. "At least off of the battlefield. Hearing everyone call me 'Captain' all day gives me a headache."
He didn't know Petra could smile that wide. "Okay, Levi. But that means you should call the rest of us by our first names too." She drank the rest of her tea and, setting her cup down, stood up. "I'm going to tell the rest of the squad now."
"Tell them what?" he asked as she scurried out of the room.
"That I get the privilege of accompanying you on your next town outing," she called back. She jogged back for a bit, popping her head back in the doorway. "That makes it final, by the way. It'd be embarrassing for me if you backed out!" Petra ran away after that, leaving Levi with her dirty cup. She probably did that on purpose knowing that he wouldn't chase her down and retract his earlier deal with her when there was a dirty teacup lying around.
Well. He supposed he could tolerate another outing with the members of his squad. After all, their last one wasn't half bad.
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If it doesn't bother you, can I get a scenario in which 2p England has to deal with drunk 1p England? (I secretly ship them so hard so don't judge me)
Oliver was having a nice day. He woke up early, did some cleaning, made some cookies. He decided to go out and treat himself to some breakfast. As he was making his way to a nice brunch place, he passes an ally that full of garbage that was next to the bar.
“Hello? Who’s there?”
Oliver moves closer to the pile of garbage and he say his counterpart drunk as a skunk and smelling like one.
“Ohhhhh Artie, you are a mess. Come come, I’ll take care of you.”
He grabbed his counterpart and had him lean on him as he walked back home. Breakfast would have to wait.
Once the two arrived home, Oliver was contemplating what to do. The best for Artie would lay him down and let him rest, but he really stinks of booze and garbage.
“Well Artie, let’s go give you a bath.”
“Aghhhhh whot?”
“Whot indeed my friend. Whot indeed.”
Oliver climbed up the stairs and practically dragged Artie to the bath tub.
He sat Artie on the toilet and removed his clothes. He then filled up the tub and gently laid Arthur down in it.
Arthur started to thrash about too drunk to realize what is going on.
“Ohhh Artie, calm down. Your ship isn’t sinking. Remember, we are at an island and we found a nice hot springs?”
“..-e-h? ok then”
“YEs, everything is ok! Now then, let me clean you Captain.”
Oliver grabbed the soap and rubbed down Artie who was still out of it and daydreaming. He shampoo and conditioned the other’s hair while he was at it too. Now Artie smells like vanilla and flowers.
“Now Captain, you are all nice and clean. Yay!”
“ehhh, oh yay?”
“argg Yay!”
“There you go! Now up up!”
Artie shakely stood up. It was then Olive realized that he doesn’t have any clothes for Artie.
“Hummmmm, let me go see if I can find some clothes to cover you Artie and little Artie.”
Oliver skipped off to his room. Luckily he found some nice comfy sweatpants for the other.
“Ohhh I knew these would be good to buy! Yay sales!”
Oliver skipped back to the bathroom and Artie was gone.
“….oh dear. I lost a drunk man who is naked. Hummmm. Where did he go? If I was a drunk Artie who thought I am a pirate, where would I go? Hummmmm….OH! I KNOW! TO THE KITCHEN!
Oliver went downstairs and saw the naked man stuffing cookies down his face.
“Awwww, I just made those. Oh well. Artie! Here here!”
“Look! I found you some pants!”
“…I do-don’t need no pants!”
“But Artie, you do need them! Ummm, you see! These pants have a special treasure map inside that you can only read if you wear them!”
“Th-then gimme!”
Oliver helped Artie into the pants. 
“….I don’t see any maps?”
“You don’t? Ohhh I forgot! Once you put on the pants you have to climb into a cave and close your eyes to see the map. Come come, the cave is over here!”
Oliver lead Artie to the guest bedroom and held the blanket up so it looks like a little cozy cave.
“Go on in and close your eyes.”
Arties did and soon her was fast asleep
“Well, that was a fun adventure. I should go make something easy for him to eat when he wakes up.”
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
lost time (chapter seven)
pairing: rafe cameron x oc
warning: cursing, underage drinking
wordcount: 2.7k 
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“You’re trouble, Soph.” Rafe murmured to her, laughing at her obvious blush.
“I’m just keeping the game fun. Poor Indiana has been getting blown out since the first quarter.” She rested her head on his shoulder and he cleared his throat, reminding himself this was only because she was drunk. “Ready to go?” Sophie shivered, crossing her arms. “Yeah, fine. To the bars?” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and rubbed her arm, trying to warm her up. “I don’t know about that, I think you need some food.”
“Rafe, are you joining us for dinner?” Her mom interrupted them with a friendly smile. “Um, no, I don’t want to intrude. I really appreciate you letting me hang around for most of the day though, I had a lot of fun.” He countered quickly, moving Sophie to stand upright. She let out a quiet whine and he dug his fingers just slightly into her shoulder. “You’re welcome to join if you’d like.” Her dad replied, giving Rafe a second chance.
“No, no, it’s alright. I’m going to catch up with my friends, thank you though.” He denied the offer again. “I’ll see you in class, yeah Soph?”
She patted his cheek with a dopey smile. “See you in class, buddy.”
Rafe grinned, shaking his head before he turned away to walk home on his own. “Call me if you want a ride later. It was good to see you both!” He waved goodbye to her parents, walking away.
Later that night, around 11, Rafe’s phone went off with several messages. He was surprised to see they were from Sophie, of all people. (He shouldn’t have been that surprised, given the way she was leaning on him earlier.)  
Sophie: hiiiiii 
We need to hang 
Like for real
I don’t hate you you know that right 
Rafe: You good? 
Sophie: totally 
She sent a voice message, on accident. It was mainly 30 seconds of background noise of the party, but at the end, Rafe could just barely make out a male voice saying “you’re not talking to him again, are you? You’re drunk, be careful.” 
He texted again. 
Rafe: Whatcha up to 
Sophie: Drinking come drink drink 
Rafe: I’m not sure if that’s a good idea 
Sophie: Come hang 
*sends her location* 
After about 30 seconds of debating, Rafe let his laptop fall shut and stood, abandoning his post in the study room. Colin, the only other boy in the fraternity dedicated enough to study on a Saturday night, lifted his head from his math homework. (It wasn’t Rafe’s top choice either, but it was a solid distraction from parent’s weekend and his painfully obvious lack of family present.) “Hey, wait, where are you going?” 
Rafe was already checking over his reflection in the mirror, trying to fix his hair. “Uh...Sophie asked me to meet her at some party.” He didn’t dare make eye contact with Colin, feeling the smirk bore into the back of his head. After a few moments of unbearable silence, he spun back around. “Fine, just say it.” 
Colin laughed. “I wasn’t gonna say a thing. You’re going to change, right?” 
Rafe groaned, glancing down at his worn t-shirt and basketball shorts he had changed into after the football game. “Do I need to? I don’t want to make her think I’m like, dressing up for her or whatever. I just want to drink.” 
“Uh huh. Go change. And don’t get too drunk, you’re still coming to brunch with me and James’ parents tomorrow.” Colin waved him off and Rafe gave him a grateful nod before leaving the study room and jogging up the stairs to their room. He pulled out the clothes he had on earlier from his laundry basket, sniffing them quickly before tugging them on. He grabbed his keys, glanced over himself once in the mirror, then headed out.
Rafe double-checked her location before parking and walking up to a house with people spilling out of it, music blasting from the inside. He wasn’t sure he could handle drunk Sophie being touchy again and hoped to god she had sobered up a little bit - a naive hope, considering the way she was texting. As he made his way inside, Carter saw him right away and clapped an unfriendly hand on his shoulder, squeezing tighter than necessary. “What are you doing here, Cameron?” 
“Uh, Soph - er, Sophie invited me.” Rafe explained, shrugging Carter’s hand away and glancing around the packed living room. He placed the warning voice in Sophie’s voice message now, nodding slightly in recognition. “You seen her?” 
“Yeah.” Carter answered, completely unhelpful and stared him down as he took a sip from his cup. 
Rafe laughed, a little wary. “Right. I’ll go find her, then, nice seeing you.” 
“Watch yourself, Cameron.” Carter raised his eyebrows slightly and Rafe nodded again, rolling his eyes once his back was turned. He wove his way through the crowd til he found Sophie out in the backyard, looking bored as some guy tried talking to her.
Rafe watched from a distance for a moment with an amused smile as she briefly entertained the conversation, then made his way over. “Soph, hey!” He called out, settling his arm around her shoulders once he reached her. 
Immediately a grin grew on her face as she turned into him, reaching up on her toes to kiss his cheek. “Hi Rafe!” He turned red right away, grateful it was dark. The boy excused himself quickly, catching the hint. “Oh my god, you rescued me.” Sophie smiled, hand on Rafe’s chest.
He chuckled, taking the half-full can from her hand and setting it aside. “That bad, huh? How long have you been drinking for?” 
“I...umm…” She trailed off, trying her best to remember and shrugged. “I dunno.”
He tapped her nose, grinning when she scrunched it up in a scowl. “You here alone?” 
“Yeah, Carter dragged me here. Everyone’s, like, old.” Her face lit up and she reached up, patting his cheek. “But you’re here! Can you drive? I would, but I think I might not be sober.”
Rafe took her hand from his face, placing it back at her side and laughed. “Maybe not. Do you want to go home?” 
“Yes please.” She took off, strolling around the side of the house to the front without waiting for him.
He jogged after her, letting her lead the way - until she made it to the street, stepping out just as a car flew past. Rafe grabbed her around the waist, yanking her back out of traffic. “Jesus, Soph, careful!” 
She yelped as he grabbed her and pouted a little, crossing her arms once he set her safely back on the sidewalk. “Don’t yell at me, I’m fragile!”
He sighed softly and nudged her aside so he was walking on the side of the street. “I’m trying to not get you squished. My car’s just down here, okay?” 
She took his hand, using him for balance more than anything as she struggled to walk straight. “Okay. Deal. I think you just saved my life.” 
He laughed, tugging her a little closer. “Just want you safe.” 
“Can I stay with you?” 
If he hadn’t been concentrating so much on keeping her steady, he would have stopped dead in his tracks. “What? With me?” 
“Yeah. Allie and Jules won’t cuddle with me. They say I’m ‘a hazard to society’ when I’m drinking.” She reasoned, putting on a sarcastic tone with her last statement.
He swallowed hard, debating how terrible of an idea this was. “Uh. Yeah, you can stay with me. James is staying with his girlfriend, so. I’ll take his bed.” The last part of his response fell on deaf ears. When they made it to his car, he made sure she was safely buckled before getting in himself. 
After the fifth time of him batting her hands away from the radio volume, he gave in, letting her crank some terrible pop radio remix from the speakers. He grinned as he looked over, seeing her sing along, and thought to himself - I could get used to this - then frowned as he remembered they would never work. Not as long as she was Sophie Flint, and he was Rafe Cameron, and they fought like twin flames. 
She didn’t miss his expression fall and reached over, resting her hand on his shoulder. “S’wrong?” 
“Nothing, I’m good. You good?”
“I’m incredible.” She beamed. 
He nodded with a soft smile as he pulled into the Delt parking lot. “Yeah, you are. Ready for bed?” 
“Or more.” Sophie smirked and Rafe let out a long breath, shaking his head.
“Oookay. You’re drunk.” He got out and helped her out of the car, gently pushing her hands away as she went to grasp his hips.
“I’m hardly drunk.” She protested, leaning up to kiss him and he dodged away, laughing as she brushed her lips against his jaw.
“Sophie. C’mon, inside.” 
“Ugh, fine.” She stuck out her bottom lip slightly in an adorable pout, stomping a little as she walked into the house with Rafe. He just smiled to himself, ushering her up the stairs.
At the top of the stairs, she tried pushing him against the wall, rising up on her toes to try and kiss him again. “C’mon, let me,” she whined as he ducked away at the last second so her lips caught his cheek.
“No, you only kiss me when you’re drunk and I don’t like that.” He frowned slightly, placing his hands on her shoulders and nudging her away. 
She frowned back, reaching up to poke the corner of his frown. “You don’t like me?” 
“I never said that, Soph.” He corrected, then turned her around, steering her toward his room. She furrowed her brow but walked with his guidance, trying to figure out exactly what he meant. Once they were in his room he shut the door behind them and gestured to the corner of the room. 
“Here, you can have my bed, I promise I just washed the sheets.” Rafe offered. 
Sophie stumbled over to the only made bed as he followed close behind, trying to make sure she didn’t trip. “Are you gonna give me clothes?” 
“Clothes?” He repeated dumbly, watching as she hopped up onto the bed. 
“I don’t wanna sleep in a skirt.” She started pulling her shirt over her head and Rafe turned around quickly.
“Right! Right. Um…” He rifled through his closet then stayed facing forward, tossing a shirt of his to her.
After a couple minutes, she let out a quiet whine. “Need help.” 
“Help? Can I turn around?” He waited a moment, but when she didn’t respond, he slowly turned and laughed at the sight before him. She hadn’t even tried, the shirt collar halfway on her head and her arms weren’t pulled through the sleeves. He did his best to avert his gaze south as her skirt already crumpled to the floor. “Arm up, Soph.” 
She obliged only when he lifted her hand, pouting slightly. “Don’t laugh.” 
“I’m not laughing. Cooperate.” He grinned, tugging the shirt over her head and nudging her to pull her arms through. 
“You are laughing. I did it!” She cheered, flopping back onto the bed. 
Rafe blushed and pulled the blanket over her legs for her sake. “Good girl.” 
She sat up quickly - too quickly, grabbing the headboard for stability. “Say that again.” 
“What? No. Go to bed, Soph.” He laughed, pulling his polo over his head and tossing it in his laundry. He hesitated briefly before pulling on a pair of basketball shorts over his boxers and she frowned, reaching out.
“No, Rafe, c’mere.” 
“No, I’m sleeping in James’ bed. You stay there.” He told her, moving to the other side of the room to get in bed.
“No, come cuddle.” She insisted, patting the empty space in his bed.
He paused, knowing it was probably a bad idea, but hauled himself out of bed with a sigh. “Just until you fall asleep, okay?” 
“Deal.” Sophie grinned, pleased, as he settled into the small space next to her, trying his best to not touch her. She leaned over right away and tucked the blanket over the two of them, resting her head on his bare chest and draped her arm across his waist. 
He had never been more grateful she was drunk, as his heart was threatening to hammer straight out of his chest. He rested a careful arm around her shoulders, gently scratching her back. “Go to sleep, Sophie.” He murmured. 
Her eyes had fluttered shut the moment he started rubbing her back. “You go to sleep, Rafe.” She mumbled back.
He let out a low chuckle and she smiled to herself as she felt it rumble through his chest. “I will. Soon.” 
It didn’t take long for Rafe to fall asleep after Sophie did. Colin had crept in an hour later, and had to clap a hand over his mouth to not let out a loud laugh at the sight before him. He decided to be nice and backed out of the room, staying quiet - but not before snapping a photo and sending it to James. 
Sophie woke up around 4am, groggy and confused. She was cuddled into someone’s side, wearing someone else’s clothes that smelled oddly familiar. When she lifted her head to see who her strange suitor was, she almost gasped. “Oh my god,” she murmured to herself, resisting the strange urge to trace her fingers over his cheekbone. 
Rafe stirred just slightly, pulling her closer against his chest. She froze and he settled, still clearly asleep. Sophie let out a tiny sigh of relief and untucked herself from his side, slipping out of bed without making a sound. She turned bright red upon realizing her clothes were in a wrinkled heap on the floor, and hurriedly pulled on her skirt and balled up her shirt in her fist. “Phone, phone, where’s my phone?” She whispered in a panic to herself before snagging it off the nightstand and creeping across the room. 
After closing the door behind her, she let out a huge exhale, then escorted herself out quickly, thankful she only passed one drunk boy passed out on the couch in the living room as she left. “Fucking hell,” she mumbled, checking her dead phone. She cursed all the way back to the Theta house, shivering in the brisk morning air.
Once she was back at her sorority, she snuck upstairs back to her room, hoping to get into bed without waking her roommates. Julia woke first at the door, sitting up quickly. “Where the fuck did you go?” 
Allie rose slowly at the sound of her voice, rubbing her eyes. “Soph’s back? What time is it?” 
“Shh, shh, go back to sleep.” Sophie chided hurriedly, fumbling around in the dark for a pair of sweats before climbing into her bed. 
“Hold up, did you shack with someone?” Julia asked, flicking on the lamp to see Sophie’s shirt. 
“Jules, please,” Sophie begged, shielding her eyes. 
Allie gasped, connecting the dots first. “Did you sleep with Rafe?!” 
“Oh my god!” Julia exclaimed. 
Sophie groaned, pulling her pillow over her head and turned to face the wall. “Leave me alone, I’m sleeping!” 
“Fine, but you’re getting grilled when I get up again.” Julia threatened, but flicked off the light. 
There was a brief moment of silence in the dark before Allie giggled. “That bad you had to leave, huh?” 
“Shut up!” 
“Get up fucker, how was your night?” James greeted Rafe the next morning, letting the door slam open as he strolled into their room with Colin in tow.
Rafe groaned as he lifted his head, arm cuddled around his pillow in the space where Sophie was. “...Huh?”
Colin laughed as James launched himself onto Rafe’s bed, narrowly missing his body.
“C’mon, James, what the fuck!” Rafe exclaimed, shoving him away.
James grinned, socking Rafe in the arm. “Heard you had a guest last night.” 
“You weren’t even here last night...” Rafe frowned, then eyed Colin with an accusatory glance. “Traitor.” 
Colin raised his hands in defense, but wore a telling smirk. “You just looked so cute cuddling up with her, I thought I’d take a photo. For the memories, you know.” 
“Yeah, doubt she has any fucking memories.” Rafe grumbled as he hauled himself out of bed. “She was hammered, I picked her up, she asked to come back here and we fell asleep. That’s it.” 
“You know what they say. Drunk words are sober thoughts.” James pointed out. 
“James, last week you told me Helen Keller wasn’t real when you were drunk.” Colin argued. 
“She literally wasn’t, dude, there’s no fucking way.” 
“What the - there’s literally documented evidence!” 
“Shut up, you two!” Rafe tossed a pillow at James, effectively shutting him up mid-response. “Why did you get me up at 8am on a Sunday anyways?” 
“Right. We gotta leave in five, our parents want you at brunch.” Colin reminded him, eyeing over Rafe’s messy hair and shirtless state. “You should probably throw on a shirt. Brush your hair, maybe?” 
“Yeah, you look like shit. But we’re not done talking about this.” James added. 
“There’s literally nothing to talk about.” Rafe crossed his arms, a permanent scowl on his face as he glanced between his two friends. 
“Photos say otherwise.” Colin grinned. “Get dressed.”
“Why are you both so set on this?” Rafe frowned, tugging on a quarter zip and raking his fingers through his hair. 
Colin and James exchanged glances, quiet for a moment too long, before James shrugged. “I think you know why. Come on, we have to go.” 
Rafe finished getting dressed and followed them out the door, grumbling more to himself than anything along the way. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
taglist: @obx-saltlife​ @dontjinx-it @butgilinsky @oopsiedoopsie23 @taiter-tots @annedub​ @alexandracheers
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