#i know for me it's personally really hard to ask for things that help me
the-moon-files · 3 days
Wait, quick idea! Twilight looks like the only hylian in his village because everyone else has round ears, so what if he wasn’t as surprised as the others to see their human companion so resilient, but still fairly impressed because of the fact that most if not all people in his village don’t put themselves in as drastic situations as the reader? Or is this just humans from our world?
get out of my head lmao /lh - you, me, and wayfayrr are actually the same person on diff accounts LMAO
im of the belief that (blame @wayfayrr, my beloved) that he knows of humans bc of some in his village but yeah, just not the type of human in drastic situations
(ALSO they wrote me a fun, long, glorious, male reader human space orc au fic for winning their raffle a bit ago, and it brings up their headcanon abt this and i Adore It actually, check it out here pls if u wanna know🤲)
(also if u see this wayfayrr, sorry for the ping, also should i be calling u moss? or wayfayrr?? idk which, i hope thats even ok to ask 😭 i assumed u would call my ass Moon)
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Moon: Male-Masc Reader (he/him)
Orbit: short headcanons-ish, rambling mostly
Stars: Twilight Princess Link (Twi/Twilight), mentions of other Links
Comets & Meteors: CWs: none known, & TWs: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
to reiterate what i said up there, in case u skipped it for the bullet points,
i like the headcanon he knows humans, knows some of their quirks, and how they were the first ppl the other hylian villagers called on to help stuck cows or downed wagons, lots of heavy lifting stuff
but he really hasnt seen the extent of real humans, bc the humans who were in Ordon, well, they lived in hylian society,
why would they need the adrenaline to lift a car when hylians have set up whole tools and systems in all their towns to help lift just a full bucket of water out of the well??
not to mention, i think all the humans in his village were older adults? like at least not the age theyd be doing things like parkour or going to any trampoline parks type of age,
id imagine its more like stories talked about amongst hylians how hard humans can go, and even the humans themselves talked abt things like,
“well compared to u hylians, we have stomachs made of molten lava to you guys really, but we never have to use it, bc u know hylian food works just fine”
when Twi asked they would say stuff like that, but as soon as he saw ur human ass just picking wildflowers and berries off the side of the road to snack on? even random grasses/vines at some point (kudzu)?? easily eating Wild’s Dubious Food that's DEFINITELY got monster parts in it???! gnawing on the bone of a cucco and it just breaks??!!! and you look surprised too, thank fuck finally a normal reaction from u- oh my goddesses u were just curious (damn the elders were right abt human curiosity too) **and are now sucking out the marrow and eating the bone-!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twilight’s perspective of you is actually the equivalent of like, reading stories about vampires all ur life, then this new friend you made starts to get allergic to garlic, crave blood, has crazy strength and advanced senses, etc
and he’s just watching those honest-to-Hylia human mythological feats play out in real time in front of him, like he’s the only self-aware character in the story that immediately clocks the really obvious vampire as a vampire lmao
is the first to either 1. start choking on his laugh as he theoretically knows ur about to jump on the back of a lynel/hinox to ride it around and watch as the others come to the same conclusion OR 2. try to Stop you from jumping on said big monster in an attempt to ride it around bc he gets used to ur human BS quicker than the others and can see it coming a mile away now lol
very much so this meme:
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(ur welcome i made it myself <3)
anyway id love to rant abt this dynamic
abt both Twi’s shock at you eating peppers like a god has come down from the sky to prove their immortality,
but also poor rancher esstientally humansitting you too lmao
the Chain/Time/Wars absolutely put him down as the resident human expert like: “ok he just drank like, 5? No- Four stop him from drinking more at least- (dual sighs). okay, 6 stamina potions, will that kill him??”
Twilight, saviour of Hyrule, of the Twili, Link from Twilight Princess himself,
has to keep a record book of all the new shit he’s heard/learned about humans in Ordon, what he has actively learned abt ur ass just fucking around and finding out, and the few bread crumbs of information u give him abt ur species
(that rlly just come off as kind of cryptid statements abt u/humanity, or don't apply in this scenario bc ur only comparison is Earth Rules, which honestly scare every single fucking one of them in the same way as walking on Ganon’s lawn or something, like straight up view ur home planet as enemy territory, the Amazon jungle, the Hyrule wilds if you will-)
Twilight also gets involuntarily volunteered for human-sitting duty too
tbh the only person Not allowed on human-sitting duty, when u guys go new areas esp, is Wild/Hyrule
you’d tell him you wanna get inside the guardian robot to operate it and ride it around and he’d probably be in shock you even fathomed something like that, yet also now EXTREMELY intrigued to watch it play out
(they’re both more of a “u wanna jump off a cliff?? that's actually crazy, wait for me please.” he seems to think he can somehow protect you if he joins you? its worked sometimes to be fair to him ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ just not really conveniently when the rest of the Chain are around lmao)
i live btw, ive been writing/updating fics along with life updates (moving states/new job/online class) so a few asks will hopefully be answered over here in the next 2ish weeks
no promises, my life is kinda girlbossing at the moment too close to the sun and i am Nervous abt disappointing u guys
i already feel like im disappointing my other blog bc i haven't posted in forever bc im writing a fic instead of asks during any free time i dedicate to writing for it so :/
pls excuse my super slowness like a package ur waiting for in the mail or smth type of slow
AGAIN thanks for the ask!! i hope this was at least entertaining to read as some addon to what u said, you guys have gotta check out some of wayfayrr’s stuff if ur into this, bc they're the only other place i can think of that's talked abt humans not just being the same as hylians
have a great week!!
Peace out hugs and chaos,
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agirlcandream84 · 2 days
Submitting for angsty Frankie thoughts!
We usually see Frank being very self-deprecating, thinking he's a bad person or doesn't deserve anything good, but what if it was the other way around... Maybe she's early on in a relationship with Frank, but she deals with depression/anxiety, or trust issues, or she's just never had someone love her like that, and has a hard time believing or accepting that she's good enough/pretty enough for someone like Frank Castle... 🥺 She brushes off his compliments, or thinks that he wouldn't want to "put up with" her for long (Meanwhile she's doing nothing wrong). But as usual, he is ever observant and understanding, and gently persistent in proving her wrong 😩
(I know it seems like this is a common theme, many of us here feel that way or have felt something similar at one point or another. I just really love that through writing/reading fics like these, it has actually helped some people feel better or realize they deserve good things and happiness too.) 🖤
Eeeeeepp this gets me in the heart because soooooo many women can relate. Sweet Frankie would handle it so gently 😩
Frank Castle x Emotionally Insecure Reader
It was so silly, really. It was just your little tinkering hobby and it was just the local library. Yes, they agreed to display your "abandoned miniatures" in the glass case on the main floor but that was only because you sheepishly asked if they'd be interested, having seen other local art in the case. They were so kind to agree and that was validation enough-- you couldn't fathom telling anyone, let alone Frank, that they would be there. This would be your small personal moment of pride and not a burden for others-- everyone had busy lives.
Except Frank was already quite friendly with the librarians, being an avid reader himself. It was one of the few places Frank even got "chatty" in his life, with the local librarians who were all too delighted to have big scary Frank share his thoughts on some of the great classics. He'd grown a bit of camaraderie with them and decided he was going to make a plea to get the new book by your favorite author into the library's circulation.
He stepped up to the desk in the middle of the day on Thursday looking for an update on the book, hoping to surprise you with it for the weekend and they'd proudly handed it over, adding "Oh and tell your girlfriend we're so excited for her display! I love miniatures. Remind her to bring a printed photograph of herself too." The librarian was met with a blank stare as Frank scratched the back of his head in confusion.
"Display?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.
"Yeah, the display. Of her art? The case is all ready, just cleaned it out this morning" the librarian responded, pointing to the empty case. Frank played along, determined to extract the details he needed.
"Ah yeah, yeah. Right, the display. Remind me, when is she settin' that up again?" he asks.
"Saturday at 10am I think," the librarian responds.
"Yeah that's right. Saturday. Alright, thanks again," Frank adds before heading out with the book in hand.
Later that evening Frank was itching to give you the new book and attempt to understand why you hadn't told him about your art display.
"I said close 'em doll. Come on," he urged, making you sit on the couch and close your eyes.
"Frank I hope you didn't go out of your way for something. It's not my birthday or anything," you reply, sitting reluctantly on the couch. it's not that you hated surprises you just never felt all that worthy of a grand gesture.
"It ain't gotta be your birthday for me to treat you nice sweetheart," Frank replies, filing away for later that he needed to unpack where this desire to not be a burden came from in the first place.
Frank gingerly places the fresh, crisp book in your hands and murmurs, "alright open 'em honey."
Your eyes land on the book in your hands and you feel speechless for a moment. How had he remembered this was your favorite author? And how did he manage to get the first copy from the library? It was on waitlists across the city for weeks. You were tearful at the gesture.
"Frank.... how... how did you--" you start, looking up to meet his eyes, creased in the corners from the faint smile on his face.
"Eh, those librarians like me. Got 'em to give me a couple favors," he explains.
"But.... it's just, I mentioned this author maybe once, before we even started dating. How did you know?" you ask, incredulously.
Frank's face screws up a moment, making sense of a question he thought had an obvious answer. "Sweetheart, you've got about eight dog-eared copies of the other books in your apartment and I remembered the way you talked about them like they were magic or somethin' that night on the porch," he answers.
"Oh...I didn't think you'd remember" you answer sort of incredulously, shocked by his consideration. "Why'd you go through so much trouble Frank? I feel so bad if it was a bother," you add, the guilt of being accommodated already settling in.
There was that look again. Frank furrowed his brows, considering how much effort it would take to knock the teeth out of whoever made you think you weren't worth an effort.
"I did it because you're worth doin' it for sweetheart," Frank responds gently, almost like reminding you of a long-forgotten truth. "And I like seein' you happy and bein' the one to do it," he adds, reaching his hand to cup you jaw and stroke it with his thumb. He takes the moment to inspect your face, hoping his stare could bore right into your brain and fix whatever felt broken.
"Hey listen, let's find a good coffee shop this weekend-- we'll read for hours yeah?" he asks, tugging you back from wherever your thoughts were pulling you away.
"Yeah, I'd really love that Frankie. Maybe sometime after Saturday morning?" you ask, remembering your plans to construct the display case.
"Yeah honey," Frank replies, waiting to see if you intended to mention the case, "that'll work fine. You got something you're doing Saturday mornin'?"
"Yeah it's nothing. It's just this thing at --- eh, forget it. Just a thing I have to finish," you reply, halting at inviting Frank. He had already seen your miniatures, he didn't need to see them in the case too. He'd already done so much, you felt so silly asking for more from him.
He nods and you think you notice sadness dance on his face for a moment but it's gone as fast as it came. "Alright honey, Saturday afternoon it is."
You were putting the finishes touches on the case, adjusting the accessories to a few pieces that got dislodged in travel. One of the librarians hovered nearby, nearly squealing at your work.
"Oh my god, it looks so cool. How'd you learn all this stuff??" she asks as her eyes wander over every piece.
Your cheeks burn beet red at the compliment. "Oh geez, thank you. It was a lot of trial and error. And a lot of YouTube," you add with a shrug.
"Well I love it," she says, turning back to the circulation desk. "Oh hey Frank," she adds with a wave.
You go stock still at her greeting. Had she said Frank? Your Frank? You gently place down the tweezers you held and turn slowly toward the desk, Frank's familiar silhouette only three yards away.
"Hi beautiful," he murmurs, that face-lighting grin on his face. He's holding the single largest bouquet of flowers you'd ever seen and he's stepping towards you with his eyes locked on yours.
"Frank- I'm so sorr--" you start but he's shaking his head no.
"Don't you dare apologize doll," he says with a smile, stepping in front of you and guiding your face to his with his free hand to kiss you.
"I should have told you. I just didn't think it was worth your time," you admit, "It's not like it's The Met," you joke with a timid laugh.
He only grins a moment before he's back to attempting to read your mind with his eyes alone. He pulls you a fraction closer, your front pushed against the sturdy wall of his chest, held in place by the arm anchored around your lower back. "You gotta let me in a little bit," he murmurs, bending to say it directly in your ear.
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks, Frank reading you like a book. You're conflicted at the overwhelming desire to let Frank love you the way you dreamed of being loved and the ever-present voice in your head that told you that you weren't worthy of that love.
You make the choice then and there to be vulnerable.
"But what if I let you in and you find there's nothing to love there," you answer him, a whisper in the quiet library, not even able to meet Frank's eye as you said it.
"Hey," Frank says, concern crossing his features, "hey look at me sweetheart" and you reluctantly comply, casting your eyes up while your head remains lowered. "It's not possible. Every ounce you're willin' to give me makes me love you more and more. I feel like I'm drunk on it half the time," he adds with a chuckle and you crack a smile.
"That's my girl," he adds, brushing a thumb along your jaw. "You don't have to believe it yet, but just lemme keep provin' it to ya, yeah?" he asks, requesting your permission to let him love you. You nod, scared as hell but safe in his arms.
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billluver0124 · 2 days
"i wanna fucking tear you apart."
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synopsis: bill meets an 'almost vampire-like" girl at the club, he wonders if shes the same under the sheets >.<
WARNINGS!! p in v, riding (cowgirl), blood kink!, scratching, cursing!
AUTHORS NOTE: i dont really know how to feel about this one, i love it and hate it at the same time...but i hope you guys enjoy<3
it all started at a party, y/n was a regular at this goth club called "the twilight zone". bill had been wanting to go to this place for ages but never had the motivation, but now he did... BILLS POV:
ive always wanted to go to this club, but i never had the motivation to because i get so busy with the band. but something made me come tonight, almost like i was attracted to something here. as i walk into this nightclub, im filled with the typical smell of alcohol and smoke. everyone was dancing on the floor, but they all looked different then your average party people.
these people had messy hair, wore mostly black clothes and looked like the dead. there definitely wasnt gonna be a cheetah print bra bombshell here. but there was this girl that stood out in the crowd...
she had the 'gothic look' like everyone else, but something was different about her, her hair was as dark as ebony could get. her skin was pale, almost deathly. she looked so eery, but so fucking beautiful. as she danced to the music playing. her energy was practically pulling me towards her, next thing i knew i was dancing right next to her.
y/n was dancing on the dance-floor, moving her worries out of her. she loved this place, its ethereal energy made her fall in love with this nightclub. as she was moving to the rhythm, she feels someone watching her.
she turns around and sees this boy, just admiring her in the middle of the floor. its was weird but she liked it, she went back to dancing when all of a sudden, he was right next to her.
"y-you mind if i dance w-with you?" he asked nervously, she was so hot it made him timid. "yea whatever, just stop being so nervous. im not gonna hurt you" she told him. her voice was cold to him, but so sexy at the same time. she wraps his arms around her waist as she resumes to dancing. swaying her hips on him to the song that was playing, it was spooky; but rather erotic as well.
i want to hold you close, skin pressed against me tight~
y/n turns around at face him, "c'mon" she takes his hand "wha-w-where?" y/n chuckles at his nervousness as she led him to a secret room. it was dark, cold and it had a mattress on the floor. not the best place to hook up but itll do.
y/n pushes him on the mattress. the fall shocks bill, but he cant help but feel his pants tighten by the minute. she crawls on top of him, pressing soft kisses on his neck. he, without thinking, slides his hands up her body. feeling his desire for her grow bigger and unbearable by the second.
she began to grow hungrier for him, the soft kisses turned into harsh hickeys. she wrapped her hand around his neck, bill gasps at the sudden action.
"i wanna fucking tear you apart" she told him, her words made bill moan. his hard beginning to ache, begging to be released from the confines of his pants.
she pinned his wrists over his head, entrapping their lips in a passionate and hungry kiss. bill moans against her lips, giving y/n the chance to slide her tongue in his mouth. their wet muscles swirling around each other
she lets go to take off her shirt, luckily she had no bra under. bill immediately latches his mouth onto her breast, sucking and swiring his tongue around the bud while his hand plays with the other.
"fuck.." she mumbles, palming his bulge as he sucks her nipples. he sucks harder in response, bill pulls away to take off his shirt. his nipple piercing catches y/n's eye immediately. she leans closer and licks his pierced nipple, the feeling of pleasure lingers in bills body
she goes back up to his lips, then between his chest and kisses down all the way to his bulge. bills eyes watch her do so, practically pleading for her to go further.
she then slowly unbuttons his pants, pulling them down along with his boxers. his cock springing up, a little precum gets on her face.
she kisses his tip, making small little baby licks to tease him. bill whines "d-dont tease..please" he moans, resting his fingers in her hair.
she stops the teasing, sinking her mouth down as she took his whole cock in her mouth. bills eyes roll back at the feeling, a warm, wet and pretty mouth wrapped around his dick sent waves of pleasure through him.
she swirls her tongue around his shaft, moans both loud and quiet pouring out of his mouth "mmm-fuck that feels s'good..!" bills grabs her hair, bobbing her head up and down faster as he gets closer to release
y/n takes that as cue to suck harder, her hand fondles with his balls as the other holds her steady on his thigh. "o-oh fuck im s'close!" he whimpers
he lets out one last moan before shooting his hot load down her throat. she swallows, sticking her tongue out to show him.
she goes back up to his lips, "youre so hot fuck.." she groaned, she ran her fingers along her chest, slowly digging her nails in his chest. leaving scratch marks that were bleeding. the pain bill felt bled into pleasure as she ran her tongue along each wound, the feeling was rather odd but the sight was so fucking sexy.
y/n felt herself getting soaked by the second. she grinds herself on his thigh "you gonna let me put it in?" she asked, her face in his neck. leaving soft kisses. "fuck yes.." bill nods. she slides her mini skirt and underwear off in one go, throwing it somewhere in the room.
she hovers her bare pussy over his dick, "you ready hon'?" she asks, bill nods even more, waiting more eagerly to be inside her. she finally aligns the tip to her folds before pushing it in all the way. she winced in pain as she felt his cock stretch her from the inside. "f-fuck!" she groaned as the pain slowly bled to pleasure. she began sliding herself up just to slam herself down again. she does it again and again, holding his thighs behind her to keep her steady as his tip rams into her sweet spot immediately.
bill holds onto her hips, guiding her up and down his dick. "you feel so nice miss" he moans, feeling her clench around him as she was getting closer to orgasm.
y/n bounces faster, the sound of skin slapping getting louder as well as both her and bills moans. "im gonna-ngh!-c-cum again!" he whimpered, "m-me too, hold on for me" y/ns pussy began to ache as she felt her release forming in her lower stomach.
bill watches a small bulge form on her lower stomach as she fucked herself on him. "you r-ready?" she pants. bill nods then almost immediately bucks his hips into her wildly as she bounced even harder on his cock.
bill and y/n let out a loud harmonized moan as they came on each other, y/n drops on top of bill as she tries to catch her breath.
"im bill.." he mumbled, just loud enough for y/n to hear. "im y/n" she replied back, before getting up to put her clothes back on.
bill felt a little disappointed that she didnt stay longer, but he knew that this was just gonna be a hookup. he puts his clothes on as well and goes to the public restroom in the club.
as he fixed himself in the mirror, he felt a stinging sensation on his chest, he pulls down the collar of his shirt and sees the stratch marks she left read something
"all mine ♡"
was written in red inflamed skin on bills chest. he now felt like y/ns property
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alphajocklover · 2 days
Hey 😈 I wish someone would help me become a massive gay bodybuilding whore. I’m already on my way gaining weight, but I wanna be gigantic. Think you could help?
So you want to become, in your own words, a massive gay bodybuilding whore. That shouldn’t be too hard. As I’ve already shown you through my other post, there are numerous ways that people can get transformed into different types of jocks. The fact you want to specifically be a slutty gay jock does complicate things a little, since certain methods would turn you straight, but it’s still pretty simple. Instajock comes to mind as a good method for example, although I’ve talked about that app quite a bit recently and would rather discuss something new. There are many ways people can transform that I haven’t mentioned in the slightest, and your question actually brings up one I’ve been wanting to talk about for a long time. Mainly the emoji you used. Yep, for this transformation we’re going to get some help from someone very special: the Devil.
When I say the devil, I don’t really mean ‘The Devil’. Don’t get me wrong, he is a devil, but he’s not the devil from the bible. He just… works for him. I know that sounds bad, and honestly it definitely is. I don’t know much about the religious side of the magical world, but I do know that the Devil, with a capital D, does exist. He might be a fallen angel who wants to turn humanity to sin like from religious text, or he might just be a very powerful magical being using human religion to boost his own reputation, but either way he definitely exists. And just like in the old folk stories, he makes deals with people in exchange for their souls. Strangely, as the stories had spread and grown more prevalent, the demand for a deal with the Devil has actually skyrocketed. You’d think a bunch of stories about how making a deal for your soul is a bad idea would discourage people, but surprisingly it’s only increased business. Because of that the Devil’s operation has grown. The Devil is powerful, but he’s not god, he isn’t omniscient. So, to keep up with demand, he began to delegate. Instead of doing one deal at a time and seeing to every deal personally, he has a large team of demons that make deals for him. That's where my friend Nick comes in.
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Nick isn’t his real name, but since humans can’t really pronounce his name he just lets me call him Nick. He is one of the more powerful demons working for the Devil, and specializes in making sexually explicit deals. As you can probably guess, he deals with a lot of people and has made a lot of deals. He’s not as outright evil as you might expect though, and he was actually a close friend of my Uncle. He had a sort of soft spot for my Uncle, and would often help him out with certain things. I don’t know how they met or why my Uncle seemed to be friends with a literal demon, but they got along really well. Now that my Uncle’s gone though, he helps me instead. I think he does it a bit out of guilt. He couldn’t protect my Uncle, his favorite mortal, from being turned into a jock, so now he protects me. Because of this I like to send him a willing victim now and then, as a thank you.
So, your first instinct is probably to say no. I mean, as much as you want to be a gay jock slut, you probably don’t want to sell your soul and be doomed to an eternity in hell. The thing is, these days they usually don’t ask for your soul. The Devil long figured out that there were more subtle ways to get what he wanted, so usually the contracts ask for something else. Sometimes it’s something significant, sometimes it’s almost nothing. Whatever it is usually works into his very complicated plans somehow in a way we almost can’t comprehend, but he never asks for your soul anymore. In exchange for becoming a massive gay bodybuilder jock, all Nick would require is… your car.
Yes, the devil wants your car. You’re probably wondering why, and honestly I don’t know. It’s not even a new car, and it’s kind of lame. But that's what he wants, and in exchange he’ll give you the body and mind of your dreams. I know you’re probably pretty skeptical, and If I’m being honest there probably is some sort of catch, but-
Oh! Ok, so, you’re doing it. I was expecting a bit more resistance but you seem pretty sure. Well, I do hope it works out for you. All you have to do is write your name on the contract and the deal will be sealed. Just write your name at the bottom there… and perfect! You’ve just made a deal with a devil!
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I know you feel a little confused, but give it a second, it will pass. A sudden change in your body is always disorienting, but you’ll get used to the new you pretty quickly. I mean, look at you! You’re absolutely massive! Those arms, those pecs, those shoulders! God you really got a great deal. You get to live out your fantasy life, and all you had to do was get rid of a piece of shit car. I can’t be sure why he wanted it, but my best guess was that it’s going to cause a butterfly effect where, because your car didn’t cause a traffic jam when it broke down or something, something else will never happen. But there isn’t any use in dwelling on it anymore. You’ve made the deal, so fucking enjoy it! Go out there and have hot gay sex with as many guys as you can! You made a deal with the devil, you might as well get all you can out of it!
**hey everyone! Been a little bit! I’ve been kind of distracted and busy lately but I’m still alive and kicking! Hope you guys like this story and keep tuned for more! I also wanna make clear I am not trying to offend any religious group. I just love the deal with the devil idea.**
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auroralwriting · 2 days
covered in the colors 1
tfatws! bucky barnes x fem!maximoff! reader
he was red, and he liked me because I was blue
word count: 2k | warnings: vaguely follows the mcu timeline, set during tfatws, semi-slow burn, multiple parts, bucky is pining
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Being a powered individual in today's society was tough. Being one of the Avengers to take the side of Steve Rogers during the Sokovia Accords was even harder.
It was hard not to envy Clint and Scott, both out on house arrest. You'd kill to have that. Instead, you were country-hopping with your sister, Natasha, Sam, and Steve. Sure, it wasn't so bad, but it wasn't the home you'd been searching for your whole life.
After the blip, being gone for ten years, and helping Wanda adjust to her new life without Vision was the roughest few months you'd experienced since Ultron and Pietro's death. Wanda was nearly robotic for a whole month; it took weeks to crack her. After a few more weeks, she became a whole kidnapper of an entire town, holding them all hostage. That was pretty rough, too. The hardest part, however, was finally putting yourself back out there using your powers.
You'd left that life behind after you came back, after Thanos was gone. Maybe it was time to rebuild who you were as a person rather than who you were with your powers. Even when Wanda took over Westview, you'd managed to scrape by without hardly using your powers.
That all went down the drain the second you saw Sam give up the shield, it now being held to some John Walker guy. You had a gut feeling this would come back to bite you in the ass, somehow. Of course, your intuition was right.
Sam called you in a panic, Bucky had been arrested for missing his therapy session, and he didn't know what to do. So, you were quick to make your way to where Bucky was being held in New York. You lived in the country side, so one very quickly driven car ride and you were there.
The second you burst in, you eyes found Sam immediately. Your pace was quick as you made your way over to him. "Sam," You breathed out as he enveloped you in a hug. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Sam replied, giving you a small squeeze. He pulled back, his hands still on your biceps. "I saw what happened in Westview, I'm sorry-"
Your hand came up quickly, halting him from continuing. "It's really okay. It was a whole magic thing, I couldn't see your little birdie wings helping too much, but thank you." Sam rolled his eyes at your comment, but nodded regardless. "Have you seen Bucky?" You asked, sitting in the seat next to his.
Sam shook his head, "No, they won't tell me shit. It's freakin' me out."
It was just then a women, soon to be introduced as Bucky's therapist, walked over. The second she said it wasn't her to bail out Bucky, your heart stopped when you saw John Walker in person.
When Bucky was escorted into the room, his eyes quickly fell on you. He was surprised to see you there. You'd interacted with him a couple of times, and surprisingly, Bucky was fond of you. He remembered asking Steve about you before the fight in Germany. The first time he saw your powers, well that was a whole new story. The way you held yourself, the kindness you had in your heart, despite being experimented on by Hydra, was just perplexing to him. He was just appalled at the person you were, and that isn't even mentioning the fact that you might've just been the prettiest woman he'd ever seen. The first time you saw him was the lasting impression for Bucky. Without any ounce of hesitation, you approached him, hand out for him to shake. You introduced yourself with a soft voice and kind smile to compliment. No one had done that for him in a long time. Seeing you now, after all that had happened, you had this maturity, this grown beauty to you, and Bucky felt himself becoming astounded all over again.
The first thing you thought? Damn, he looked good.
Bucky's therapist quickly pulled Sam and Bucky into a final session, now allowing them to say a word to you until it was over. You found yourself walking outside a few minutes later, tired of waiting. Your long sleeved shirt becoming too thin to keep you warm due to the chill in the air. You saw him, John, and his friend standing by a cop car.
"Maximoff," John called the moment he spotted you, "Come here, let's chat."
You begrudgingly made your way over, dread washing over you. "Walker," You greeted.
"Woah, didn't expect an American accent," John exclaimed. "Sounds good, really natural."
His words led you to stare at him blankly for a moment. "Why'd you bail out Bucky?" You wanted to get straight to the point. Chit-chat with Walker was not something that interested you.
"Look, I don't know what all Wilson told you, but we have super soldier terrorists on our hands." Walker explained, "And we need help taking them out."
Eyebrows raised, you replied, "Take them out? That's your plan?"
Walker nodded, "That's the plan so far,"
"That's the shittiest plan I've ever heard of in my life." You retorted. "Whatever you want with me? I'm with Sam and Bucky."
The look on Walker's face was honestly priceless. "They're going the roundabout way, nothing they're doing is legal."
With a small laugh, you held your hands up. "Are you kidding me? Do you even know me? I literally fought Iron Man against the Sokovia Accords, which no longer exist, by the way. Technically, we still have jurisdiction wherever the Avengers so please."
"You fought Iron Man to, what, become locked up again?" Walker taunted. Of course he would become a man-child when things didn't go his way. "It was probably for a best. You and that devil-sister of yours are nothing but a liability and danger to-" John was cut off with your fist colliding with his cheek. The loud thud of the impact made John's friend whip out a gun, to which you grabbed with your powers, holding it out of his reach.
"Hey," You whipped your head around to see Sam and Bucky making their way over to you. You dropped the gun, the blue of your powers fading into nothing as you cradled your fist in your other hand, stepping to the side as Sam and Bucky stood next to you. "Whatever you said, you probably deserved that."
John massaged the area you punched as he stood up from his kneeling position. "I was just explaining that if we divide ourselves, we don’t stand a chance, you guys know that."
"So what do you got?" Sam rolled his eyes as he spoke.
"Well, the leader’s name’s Karli Morgenthau. We’ve been targeting civilians who’ve been helping Karli move from place to place." Walker explained.
Walker's friend spoke up, "They geotagged a location, then scrambled the signal. But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe."
The second the conversation ended, you were the first to turn on your heel and walk away, Bucky and Sam right behind you.
"Well isn't he just a delight?" You remarked, a scoff following. "Is it true? They're super soldiers?"
Sam nodded, "Yeah, and they're killing innocent people for their cause."
"Okay, so what do we do now?" You asked, turning around as the two men pasued.
"You saying your getting your ass involved?" Sam asked, a small smirk on his lips.
You sighed, "As much as I loved retirement, there's just too much going on right now to sit idly by."
"Then welcome to the team," Bucky replied sarcastically, but it was companied with a smile. Sam was quick to wrap an arm around your shoulder as the three of you began to walk. "I didn't know you could punch like that." Bucky pointed out.
With a shrug, you answered, "Well, let's just say I'm very rusty with it. I'm gonna get a bruise for sure."
As the three of you walked, Bucky spoke up from a small pause of silence. "Walker doesn’t have any leads..."
Sam gave him a look, "I know where you're going with this, no."
"He knows all of Hydra's secrets. Don’t you remember Siberia?" Bucky replied as you gave him a confused look.
"So you’re just gonna go sit in a room with this guy?" Sam asked.
Bucky hesitated, "Yes,"
"Okay, then. We’re gonna go see Zemo." Sam replied.
You did a double take at his words, "Baron Zemo?" You asked. "The Sokovian guy who basically set us all up, Baron Zemo?"
"Yeah, that one." Bucky responded. "I know you may not like him, but-"
"No, no!" You cut him off quickly. "This could be good. I'm Sokovian, maybe he'll be lenient if I help."
Sam shrugged, "It isn't a bad idea."
"How are we gonna get there?" You questioned. "We can't just exaclty fly commercial."
"We have a plane," Sam said.
The moment you stepped in, you shook your head, "This isn't a plane, this is a death trap." Bucky chuckled at your words. "Who's flying this thing, anyways?"
Quickly, a young man stepped out. "Oh, hi! I didn't know we were bringing-" His eyes widened at the sight of you. "You- Oh, wow. Hi, I'm such a fan of you."
You gave a small smile, "Thank you..."
"Torres! I'm Torres," The man replied, shaking your hand quickly. "And I'll be your pilot today."
Bucky felt his chest tighten at the boy's words. He quickly stepped next to you, "Funny," Bucky commented as Torres gave a nervous look, stepping back into the cockpit.
"He do that to every Avenger he meets?" You asked Bucky, looking up at him to meet his eyes.
"Just the ones he finds pretty," Bucky chided, his voice a mutter.
You chuckled, "Glad to hear someone thinks that." Your joke didn't fully register to Bucky as he gave you a bewildered look.
"Don't say that, you're beautiful," His gruff voice spoke out.
You took a seat in one of the seats, Bucky taking the space next to you. "My powers are what people think's beautiful, or they're scared of it. Or both."
"Well they're all stupid," Bucky decided, his voice still a mere mutter. "You aren't scary, and your whole being is beautiful, they just don't know you."
The swell of your heart caught your attention at his words. "Thank you," Your voice was a mutter back, the feeling of heat creeping up your neck as Sam walked in.
"Alright, we ready for our flight?" He asked as you both nodded. He sat opposite of you both. "It's late, let's try and get some rest before we land. It's been a hell of a day."
You had to wonder what kind of a day they'd had besides the whole arresting part, but left that thought in the back of your mind. Sam leaned his head back. It was clear he was going to fall asleep really quickly.
"Thank you for coming with us," Bucky remarked as he looked over to you. "This is a shit show we've gotten ourselves into."
A small laugh found its way out of your mouth, "Trust me, I've been through much worse than just some super soldiers and a pretend Captain America."
"I heard about what happened," Bucky commented. "Are you okay?"
No one had yet to ask you that. You paused before answering, "I think I am. Somehow, I think it helped Wanda. And now, we have a rouge Vision flying around somewhere in the world. She's off searching for him as we speak."
Bucky nodded, and you wondered if he'd ask about how Vision is alive again, but with him clearly watching the news, he probably already knew. "You think she'll find him?"
"I do," You confirmed. "Love always finds its way back together."
Your head was leaned back, eyes closed. You missed the longing look in Bucky's eyes as he stared at you. "Yeah, it does."
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typicalopposite · 2 days
Ooooooo just thought of some double angst potential
Gerrard is giving Buck a really hard time… like just absolutely not letting up on him. It’s worse on him than everyone else but he does it enough in the shadows to make sure Buck is the only one to realize it. He can read Buck like an open book, he knows he won’t tell… everyone else is having to deal with Gerrard’s bullshit, too. So what if he is getting the blunt end of it. Better him than them.
Buck is left exhausted.
Tommy clocks it immediately.
He begs Buck to go to someone. Go to Frank, surely he can pull some strings. Go to the chief, he didn’t like Gerrard swooping in and stealing Bobby’s job anyway. Go to his team, they will 100% rally together with him.
Buck insists everything is fine. He can handle it; its under control. No one needs to fight his battle for him, and he doesn’t want his problem to become everyone else’s problem…
So Tommy lets it go… kind of.
He goes to Bobby.
He feels grimey going behind Bucks back but he doesn’t know what to do and Bobby is already working with the higher ups—who’s heads were all gone over in the whole scheme to keep Bobby gone—to get his family back. So that’s how Tommy ends up outside the house Bobby and Athena are renting.
“What do you mean Gerrard’s doing something to Buck…” Bobby asks, voice low and threatening in a way Tommy doesn’t think he’s ever heard it before. He’s instantly up and looking for his keys.
“Wait, stop!” Tommy blocks the door and Bobby gives him a warning look, and yeah… Tommy sees that adopted father/son feeling definitely goes both ways. “I don’t even know if I’m right about this… Buck won’t talk to me. He won’t talk to anyone.”
Flash forward and Bobby meets Buck for lunch. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Buck look so empty and distant. He just wants to hug him and tell him it is all going to get fixed—he doesn’t know if it is… he’s trying but this all seems so much bigger than just an alleged discipline deficit…
“Talk to me, kid…” Bobby finally says. “Whatever is going on… we can work through it… you don’t have to deal with it—”
“Alone?” Buck finishes for him. He turns bloodshot tired eyes up to Bobby and lets out a halfhearted laugh. “How can you even sit there and say that to me like it’s not exactly what you did…”
“Hey, that’s…”
“Don’t you dare say it’s different!” And then his eyes are tearing up and he’s shoving back from tables and storming off… but Bobby knows that the only thing he has to show for trying to keep his problems away from the people he cared about… was a slew of new problems that directly affected the very people he was trying to protect.
“Buck stop!” He yells and jumps up from the table to catch him. Buck stops walking; Bobby could swear he looks relieved when he turns back around. “You’re right, kid… I hid a big thing from you—from all of you… and I was wrong. It was stupid, and selfish… and it backfired big time,” he offers a smile… Buck gives one back. “Don’t make the same mistakes I did. If something is bothering you… speak up.”
So it turns out Gerrard singled out the one person who—in his words—had already “turned his back on his team”. He’s been trying to get information of the others, on Bobby… hell even on members from other stations (Harbor specifically included) who have helped them in the past with their brave(read: illegal) escapades. Buck won’t give in; Gerrard won’t give up. He is trying everything to get under Bucks skin from just the horrid homophobic slurs… the blatant racism he has Buck terrified to speak up on… putting far to much of a work load on his shoulders… to getting his hands on Tommy’s schedule just so he can make sure Bucks never lines up.
Bobby is LIVID… he won’t let this man—this monster—get away with this. “We’re gonna get rid of him once and for all…” he vows to Buck.
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chubypotato · 2 days
Request by @valenspuppy
𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝑺/𝑶
Since I though it was kinda repetitive I tried a new format for this one ! Tell me what's you think about it!
*✿❀ ❀✿**✿❀ ❀✿**✿❀ ❀✿*
Would try to learn your language and succeed
Suo -> I think that man would try to learn your language just to surprise you with that by directly talking to you. It doesnt matter if it's qualified as a "hard language to learn" he would still succeed. When he wants something he knows how to make it happens. Even though is accent makes it a little complicated to understand you were on a little cloud when you heard him you jump on him to give him a big hug.
Togame -> I'm sure this boy is good at learning stuff. Not only at school but in general he is a smart boy. Learning your language was still a bit complicayed but he managed to do it. The first time he spoke in your language you were shocked about how much he has a good accent. Now he judge people in your language with you in public. I mean no one understand you right?
Would try to learn and did not succeed.
Sakura -> Give him time okay? He really tries his best. It's just so hard. Your lover is not a school person the only thing he can remember well is how good and bad people can fight. You even offers your help when you noticed he was learning your language but he brush you off with his red face saying it's not what you think.
Choji -> At first it was his idea he wanted to surprise you. He couldn't stop giggling while thinking about your face the day you would discover. So he asked Togame help which he happily agreed. But he was far away from imagining that. Choji couldn't concentrate more than 10 second which make the learning process harder. At the end Togame could speak better than choji.
Would learn the cute thing.
Kiryu -> That boy could easily learn the language if he wanted to or if you asked him. But he truly wanted to learn the basic and the pet name. He thought it was cute he could tell you compliment in public or saying he loves you without anyone knowing it. It was like a secret code for him. Would call you only pet name in your language all the time.
Umemiya -> That boy could also learn if he wanted to and he plans to. But he only wants to learn with you and with kids at the key every time he gets something new. Would call you baby or my love in your language. You even spend time teaching him plants in your language. And now he can't stop asking you things about it.
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could you write a quick thing abt hoon and comfort? like the s/o and hoon had an argument and then he makes it up to her. idk if it makes sense but hoon has been running thru my mind lately (never forgetting riki ofc tho)
missed date (request) ♪ park sunghoon
warnings: fluff, comfort, angst if you squint REALLY hard, pet names (angel, babe), gender neutral reader, really bad humor (its completely me), mentions of cuddling, hoon is so sweet :(, i think thats all!
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this wasn’t the idea y/n had for the night. it was supposed to be the perfect night. sunghoon was supposed to come over and they were going to cook together and watch movies. that was until he didn’t show up. as y/n ignored the pinging phone, all from sunghoon trying to apologize and explain. the texts ended suddenly, but soon after, a thud comes from the window. what was that? they wonder. they look out the window to see their boyfriend outside, another rock in his hand ready to throw at the window. they open it and yell down at him “what the hell are you doing here sunghoon?”. “to apologize. please let me in y/n it’s really cold. i know im an ice skater and you call me elsa, but the cold does in fact bother me anyway”. they smile faintly at their boyfriends joke. “fine, i’ll be down in a second. go to the door” he smiles up at them as they close the window. they open the door and are immediately pulled into sunghoons arms. "i'm so sorry angel i didn't mean to forget. vocal practice ran late and i was just so tired that i went straight back to the dorm and fell asleep and i didn't wake up to my alarm-" he rambles on trying to explain himself for skipping their date. y/n couldn't help but smile at his adorable, apologetic state. "hey, it's okay hoon. don't worry" they say. "its not okay! you're upset and i'm such a shitty boyfriend!" they feel bad for him as he clearly felt terrible for the accident. they calmly explain to him "babe, im not upset. it was an innocent mistake. i'd much rather you get rest and accidentally miss our date, then not get rest and come tired or completely forget and we fight. its okay. i'm not mad.". "are you sure you're not mad?" he asks. "not at all" they say, smiling faintly at their worried boyfriend. he responds with a smile back, the adorable fangs that had charmed y/n peeking through. "come on, i expect serious cuddles after our missed date" y/n half jokes, "i couldn't think of a better way to make it up to you" sunghoon replies, the adoring tone clear in his voice. he loved his partner, and he couldn't think of a better way to spend his night then cuddling and watching movies with the person he loved most in this world.
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luckys note!: THROWING ROCKS AT YOUR WINDOW AT MIDNIGHTTT is what this imagine reminded me of and i LOVE it. if there's any 5sos fam reading this: hey im one of you🤭 but i hope this was good this is like my first written imagine so it might be a bit wonky LMAOO so im open to ways to improve my writing!! i hope you all enjoyed and i hope this is what you were looking for ⭐️ !!! thank you sososo much for your request i very much giggled and smiled a lot while writing this
© lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
@siya-bean @ivyannemarie
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jgracie · 1 day
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luke castellan x demeter!fem!reader
warnings (not really a warning but) pre tlt/no betrayal au whatever u prefer, luke is implied to be taller than reader
an i have awful writers block so i thought now is the time to finally write smth for mr castellan!!! and then i realised i haven’t written a demeter reader in SO long despite being a member of cabin 4 and so here we are. i also cannot stand this but i can’t tell u why so soz in advance
“petals,” you heard a voice - luke’s voice, you could recognise it anywhere - say from behind you. rolling your eyes, you chose to ignore him. he was probably here to bug and tease you like he usually does, and you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of a reaction
unfortunately for you, luke was persistent, “petals, c’mon, don’t ignore me!” he said. from the tone of his voice alone, you could imagine the look on his face: a wide smirk and mischievous eyes you knew all too well. what luke didn’t know is that you were just as persistent, so you simply continued picking strawberries and putting them in your wicker basket
luke waited for a second, then two, then three. after three, it was made pretty clear to him that you weren’t budging. however, he wasn’t a quitter
“hey! give that back!” you exclaimed, finally turning around to face him. luke had one arm behind his back and the other in the air, with your wicker basket clutched tightly in his hand. at the pout on your face, luke couldn’t help but smile. you were really cute when you were frustrated
“why hello there, ms petals! it’s nice to see you today,” luke said before taking a strawberry out of your basket and eating it, “wow, these are really good, did you plant them yourself?”
as soon as luke uttered those words, you began raving about all the hard work you’d put in with the strawberries, and he listened intently. he loved asking you questions about your plants, since the way you seemed to immediately fill to the brim with excitement as you explained every detail never failed to brighten his day
right as you were about to tell luke about how you wanted to grow other berries, you caught yourself, "wait, you're doing this just to distract me from my work, aren't you?" although that wasn't the reason why he asked, luke's grin couldn't help but widen as you crossed your arms over your chest
"just give me back my basket, luke," you said, your brows furrowing in annoyance
"fine," he began, "but first, i'm gonna give you this." luke then revealed what he'd been hiding behind his back: a potted plant. more specifically, your favourite plant in a lovely little pot
you took it from him suspiciously, your lips parted in a mix of shock and confusion. surely, this had to be some prank. luke castellan would never gift you something just for the sake of it. however, as you examined the plant, you immediately could tell it was real
"why're you giving me this?" you asked, trying to squeeze any ulterior motives out of the son of hermes
putting a hand on his chest, right above his heart, luke feigned heartbreak, "wow, petals, i'm hurt. can i not just gift you something out of the goodness of my own heart?"
when you simply raised your eyebrow at him, luke dropped the act and explained himself, "last week, i found out from travis who found out from katie that it's your birthday today, so i wanted to do something nice! y'know, petals, you shouldn't be hiding this information. i wouldn't have been able to grow this thing in time if it weren't for your sister's help."
you blinked at this, not fully believing the alternate reality you seemed to have entered. since when did luke castellan want to be nice to you? ever since you’d arrived at camp, he made it his personal mission to be a nuisance. still, you couldn’t help but feel your face heat up at his explanation - no one had ever cared about your birthday that much, which is why you never really mentioned it
looking down at the plant, then back up at luke, you mumbled, “thanks, luke; that’s really sweet of you.”
he gave you a smile - one that actually looked quite friendly - and said, “you’re welcome,” before walking away like nothing ever happened
you stayed put, unsure of how to feel as your brain conjured up new ideas of luke, ideas that involved friendship and maybe even an eventual romance? you’d never thought of him as a friend let alone a boyfriend before, but there was always a first time for everything, right?
when you set down the plant and decided to get back to work, you finally noticed that luke had taken your basket of strawberries with him
“damn you, luke castellan!” you muttered, huffing as you ran in the direction he left
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elllisaaa · 20 hours
ateez as love songs
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-> pairing : ateez x fem!reader
-> words count : 3.7k words
-> genre : fluff, hurt/comfort
-> warnings : self depreciating thoughts, mentions of panic attacks & anxiety
-> sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !
-> author's note : i'm sooo happy to get back to this serie !! i missed writing with songs a lot so i hope you'll appreciate it as much as i did !
-> masterlist | ateez masterlist | 1k event masterlist
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-> Renegades by X Ambassadors
"living wild, and running free, two kids, you and me."
→ You and Hongjoong met when you moved into his neighborhood, and you immediately got along really well. He was also the only kid of your age to be around, and you had no choice but to befriend him. And you did, spending your whole childhood by his side. You did all the stupid things you could have done : skipping classes to go to the arcade or play video games together, pulling pranks on this one professor you both couldn’t stand, living your life to the fullest. But all of that crumbled when he told you that he had to go. You were happy for him, because you knew how talented he was, how much he did to pursue his dream. But you couldn’t help crying when you were alone in your bed at night. You did everything you could think of before he left, doing all the craziest things you wouldn’t have dared to do normally, so that all you remembered from him was happy memories. 
“- Promise we’ll see each other again, even when you become the biggest idol in Korea.
- Of course, I could never forget you.”
And Hongjoong held you tight in his arms, as if he didn’t want to ever let go. And if he could, he would’ve done that. Because the only thing he didn’t do before leaving was telling you how much he loved you, because he didn’t want you to spend your whole life waiting for him, and because he knew deep down that it wasn’t the end. 
"and I say hey, hey, hey, living like we’re renegades."
→ So when the two of you finally reconnected when you had finished your studies, and when Ateez had already grown big, it felt like yesterday, like Hongjoong had never left, like you were never separated. And just like when you were only kids, you started to do all these crazy things again. You had to be more careful because of his job, but it made everything even more fun, and breaking the rules even more thrilling. That was how you ended up in a random park, late at night, like when you were still in highschool, like there was no problem at all. 
“- You know, there’s one thing I wanted to do before leaving that I never did. 
- What was it ?
- This.”
And Hongjoong leaned in to kiss you, and you let him. Because even if he didn’t ask you to wait for him, you did. Because even if you didn’t know if he loved you, you couldn’t love anyone else. And now that you found each other again, he will not let go. Because you were the only person making him feel so alive, so free, so happy. Because he was the only one for you, and you were the only one for him.
-> Say Something by Kodaline
"you can lean on me when it’s hard to breathe, you can call me anytime, so please say something to me."
→ Seonghwa knew when he started to go out with you that you had some trouble expressing your emotions, that it was not easy for you to say when you needed help. And he was okay with that, he knew that everyone couldn’t be as open about their feelings as he was. But sometimes, he wished you knew you could count on him, sometimes he wished he could do more for you. 
“- Baby, please, talk to me. I can see that you’re not doing good, I just want to be there for you.
- But I don’t want to bother you Hwa, I don’t want you to think I’m weak.
- Crying doesn’t make you weak my love, it means you’re letting go of your emotions, and it’s a good start okay ? I’m here for you, anytime.”
And that was true. Everytime you needed something, Seonghwa was there. Everytime you needed someone, Seonghwa was there. He was always there. And the feeling of being understood, of being heard was something so soothing you never wanted to let him go. 
“- You’re one of the best things that happened to me, you know.”
Seonghwa simply smiled and kissed your forehead, because you were the best thing that happened to him too, and he was glad to see you grow and open up to the world. 
"i’d do time for you, i would lie for you, i would die for you."
→ “- You’re sure I’m not crashing your plans ?
- Not at all baby, I was only going to watch a movie and I’d rather spend my night with you than alone. I’ll be over soon.”
Whenever a panic attack hit you, you had the habit of dealing with it by yourself, using techniques you had learned back when you were a teenager to calm down. But ever since you met Seonghwa, you grew familiar to his presence, to his comforting aura. And everytime you were suffering from your anxiety, the only person who was able to help you breathe more easily was him. 
“- I’m sorry to bother you again, Hwa.”
But he only shook his head at you, his soft fingers caressing your cheeks tenderly. You were never a burden to him, on the contrary. He loved to spend time with you, he loved to take care of you, and even if he wished he could magically get rid of all your pain for you, he was glad you knew that you could lean on him anytime. Because he would give up everything for you, because he loved you.
“- You’re never bothering me. Never. I only want you to feel better.
- I’m feeling good now that you’re here.”
And that was all he needed to know. 
-> Wherever You Are by Kodaline
"wherever you are, that’s where i’ll be."
→ Yunho loved going on tour, he loved being on stage, he loved these moments, and he loved meeting atinys. But there was only one thing missing - you. He wanted you to come along with them, but it was impossible because of your job. And despite both of your busy schedules, you always found a way to call each other everyday, no matter the time differences and if it was day or night. 
“- How is it going so far ?
- It’s so good. I’m so glad I didn’t give up on what I wanted because even if it’s hard sometimes, I’m truly happy.”
And that was obvious from the smile on his face every time he talked to you about a new city he visited, everytime he updated you about what happened at tonight’s concert. He was made to be on a stage, he was made to spread the same happiness he gave to you every time you were with him.
“- But I miss you, angel. I can’t wait to go home to you.”
You couldn’t wait for that too, because the apartment was so empty without him, because your home was not a place but a person. It was him.
"we get carried away in emotion, we get lost in each other’s eyes."
→ The lazy weekends you spent at home with your boyfriend might be your favorites. You didn’t need to go out every day to know that he loved you, in fact, just laying in bed while reading or watching a show you both knew by heart felt even better. Because it was another proof of how you didn't need to change yourself for him, how you knew he would always love you for you.
“- Why are you looking at me like that ?
- You’re just so beautiful, angel… Sometimes I can’t even believe you’re mine.”
You tried to control the blush spreading on your face, but Yunho could feel your warmth as he caressed your cheeks. And his smile widened at how cute you were. 
“- You’re saying that as if you’re not so damn handsome yourself.
- Well, I’ve never denied that.”
You rolled your eyes at him, but you couldn’t hold your giggles for much longer, letting him kiss you even if both of you couldn’t stop smiling like fools in love. And you were. So in love that sometimes it was overwhelming, but one look at each other was enough to remind you that it perfectly made sense in the end. 
-> Pretty Boy by The Neighborhood
"even if my heart stops beating, you’re the only thing i need, ooh, with me."
→ “- Will you be home late tonight ?
- Uh, I don’t know Yeo, I have a lot of things to do. But do you want me to come home earlier ?
- I don’t want to bother you though.”
But he was never bothering you. Ever. And it was rare for Yeosang to ask for your comfort like that. Usually, it would only show in his gestures, and you would take the hint and cuddle him until he was totally relaxed. But you knew that when he was telling you directly, he really needed your help. 
“- You’re sure you don’t want me to run you a bath ?”
Your boyfriend shook his head, nuzzling his head further in your neck and his grip around your waist tightening as if he feared that you would get up and walk away. 
“- Yes, I just need you.”
You smiled softly and started to run your fingers through his hair again. Hearing his breathing become more regular and feeling him unwind in between your arms had to be the best feeling ever. Knowing that he only wanted you, and that you only wanted him only reinforced the conviction that you could only be soulmates. 
"as long as i got you, yeah, i’m not afraid to die, i’m alright."
→ “- You’ll warn me whenever there’s a jumpscare right ?”
You nodded at your boyfriend as you settled back in his arms, wrapping the blanket around the two of you as he started the horror movie you’ve wanted to watch together for some time. Despite Yeosang knowing very well that he was not a fan of the genre, he wanted to do it for you and see if maybe he could end up liking it. 
“- Can we… stop the movie baby ?”
You immediately grabbed the remote tv and paused the film before handing it to him, pecking his lips as you smiled at him tenderly.
“- We can watch the rest of it another day, or not at all. It’s up to you. And it’s your turn to choose something to watch.”
Maybe that someone else would have made fun of him for being so sensitive to horror movies, but you didn’t, you never did. You simply accepted it, accepted him without any questions. That was one of the many reasons he loved you, because there were at least a thousand, so much that it would take days to note them down. And every time you did something like this, he added some more to the neverending list.
-> Say Yes To Heaven by Lana Del Rey
"if you dance i’ll dance, and if you don’t, i’ll dance anyway."
→ You always loved to see San dance, his moves and his flow always hypnotizing you each time. Whenever you witnessed him dancing, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him. And even after all the time you’ve been together, he still struggled to accept your compliments on his dancing, sometimes you’ll even have to beg him to let you come see him practice or perform. 
“- You did so good, baby ! I’m so proud of you.”
Despite San being all sweaty and still a little breathless from the intense exercise, you still hugged him tightly, letting only you hear his quiet “thank you”’s. He received countless praises about his skills, but yours always hit different for some reasons. Maybe because you were the person he estimated the most.
“- If only you would let me teach you one of our dances, you’ll see you’re even better than me. 
- That’s impossible, you’re the best Sannie.”
He always had to turn your nice words against you, praising you instead. But your smile every time you did so was the greatest gift he could receive. And finally convincing you to let him teach you some moves made him the happiest man alive - it was the first step to get you to dance with him the day he will marry you after all. 
"i’ve got my eye on you, say yes to heaven, say yes to me."
→ San had always been very careful, never when it came to him, but when it was you, it was a whole different story. He was the type to put his hand over the sharp edges when you could bump into them, or to notice that you had an eyelash on your cheek, just because he was always looking after you, because he was always looking at you. 
“- What is all that Sannie ?”
You looked at all the snacks covering your coffee table, your heating pads ready with your favorite blanket on the couch and your comfort movie already on the tv. And then you looked back at your boyfriend with tears in your eyes.
“- Don’t cry, love. I just noticed that you were not doing good and then I realized you were going to have your periods.
- And you did that for me ? I’m gonna marry you someday, I swear.”
San grinned at your words, only answering that he was only waiting for you to do it. But he couldn’t help thinking back to the ring hidden in his socks drawer, waiting there until he had planned everything because you deserved the best proposal ever. The only thing he was sure of was that you were going to say yes and he couldn’t wait for this moment. 
->That’s So Us by Allie X
"what i like about you baby is how you annoy me daily, but you still fucking amaze me, that’s so us."
→ Even when you were still friends, Mingi and you used to text each other non stop throughout the day. No matter if it was only to update each other on what you ate for lunch, or that you saw a kid fall on the street, it felt good to know that you were the first person you thought about all day long. And now that you were dating, it didn’t change - and it even got worse - but you didn’t mind it. 
“- Isn’t it annoying how much you’re texting all the time ?”
Mingi gave a judging look to Jongho, and you couldn’t help but laugh at it as you came back to watching the video still playing on your boyfriend’s phone.
“- No, never. It feels like she’s with me even when I don’t get to see her.”
Jongho fake gaged, as if he wasn’t the one encouraging Mingi to confess to you back then. But you didn’t mind the playful bantering, it was funny. And you totally got what your boyfriend meant. It wasn’t always easy to see him leaving for tours so often, but whenever he was sending you eight photos per hour to keep you updated on his day, it felt like you were traveling with him and it helped when you missed him too much. And you didn’t get how he could still manage to make you laugh, but he did and you never wanted him to stop. 
"and i sing in the car while you’re playing air guitar, that’s so you, that’s so me, that’s so us."
→ “- What are you doing ?”
But Mingi was already running ahead of you to reserve a place on the swings for the two of you. You couldn’t help laughing as you joined him, ignoring the bad looks you were getting from all the people and parents at seeing a 6 feet man sitting on a kids’ swings.
“- Come here, baby, push me !”
He was almost too big to sit on them, but he managed to anyway, and now you had to find a way to help him move even if you could barely push him. 
“- I can’t Mingi !
- Sit on my lap then.”
So you did, and he held you with one arm as he made the swing move by himself. Your giggles mingled and it was silly but you felt so happy you felt like your heart could burst.
“- Wanna get ice cream ?”
You had barely answered “yes”, and Mingi was already standing up, holding you bridal style and running to find the closest ice cream stand. Whenever you hang out with him, it was like you lived a second childhood and you loved it just as much as his smile when he saw you play along in his antics. 
-> Never Be The Same by Camilla Cabello
"suddenly i’m a fiend, and you’re all i need, all i need."
→ You’ve always dreamt about having a boyfriend who would be literally obsessed with you, who couldn’t get enough of you. And you didn’t think you would end up being the one getting crazy over a man. But here you were, watching Wooyoung do his skincare with hearts in your eyes. 
“- I can feel you staring at me, baby.”
His smirk was eating up his face as you looked at each other through the reflection in the mirror. He did that everytime you were simping over him, never letting go of the fact that you loved him that much.
“- And what if I was, uh ? What would you do ?”
Wooyoung turned around, with his cute, fluffy headband still holding his hair out of his face. It was difficult to take him seriously like that, but he looked adorable. He got closer to where you were sitting on top of the washing machine, cupping your face with his hands.
“- This.”
And he kissed you, love pouring from this gesture that made you melt down on the spot. He always managed to make your heart flutter and your cheeks blush without even trying. But you knew that he was equally as obsessed with you, because once he got a taste of your lips, he had to kiss you at least a hundred more times to be satisfied. 
"you’re to blame, just one hit of you i knew i’ll never, ever, ever be the same."
→ Love at first sight was never a thing that Wooyoung believed in. It was cool and romantic on a screen, but in real life, he thought that there was no way it could ever happen, especially to him. That was until he got introduced to you. When he crossed your eyes for the first time, he was hit by the realization that yes, it did in fact exist, and that it happened to him. 
“- Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe ?
- You think we’re soulmates ?”
Wooyoung wanted to kiss your cute pout away and assure you that if there was a word stronger than soulmate, it would be what he would call you.
“- Of course we’re soulmates, we’re literally a match made in heaven.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he could be sometimes, but you loved it that way. Because the first time you met him, and that he froze in front of you with his jaw hitting the floor was the day you fell for him, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
-> Chasing Cars by Sleeping At Last
"if i lay here, if i just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world."
→ Sometimes, Jongho didn’t want to talk. And sometimes, he was anxious that you would get bored when you were hanging out with him. It was not that he didn’t want to tell you all about his day, it was just that he needed some silence, or that he didn’t have the energy to do so. 
“- Do you want me to tell you what happened today ?”
Everytime, Jongho would nod and instead of talking, he would listen to your soothing voice while he ran his hand through your hair. That was all he needed to relax after a long and exhausting day. 
“- And then you won’t believe what she did, baby ! She literally ate the yogurt I had put my name on !”
You didn’t force him to react, you didn’t ask anything from him because you knew he was listening, that he was paying attention. Sometimes, you were worried about talking too much, but never when you were with Jongho. And even when the both of you needed some silence, it was never awkward. You just did your own things or cuddled, kissing each other sometimes and just enjoying each other's presence. Whenever you were together, it was like a little bubble that protected you both from the world. 
"those three words are said too much, they’re not enough."
→ Words had never been Jongho’s main way to express his emotions. Often, he struggled with it. And you never had a problem with it, appreciating every gift and gesture he offered you because you knew it was his way to say he loved you. Sometimes, he was a little envious of how easily you showed your adoration to him, and he wanted to return it in some kind of way. 
“- You really spent months on that, just for me ?”
The tears in your eyes as he made you listen to the song he had been working on for you made him want to protect you from the cruel world forever. 
“- Yes. I always feel like I don’t tell you enough how much I love you, and sometimes I feel like this is not enough to express what I feel for you.”
Without thinking about it, you threw yourself in his arms, smiling when you heard him giggling as he held you against him. 
“- You didn’t have to, but I love it so much, I’m gonna listen to it every hour of every day from now on.”
The smile on his lips was so bright that you almost had to close your eyes. But the view was so perfect that you didn’t want him to stop any time soon. And even if he didn’t say it everyday, you knew he loved you and you would never trade what you had against anything else.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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wuucchoo · 8 hours
Understanding Tsumiki and Megumi's relationship
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Hey there! It's me, Megumi's defense attorney - here once more to defend my boy.
I've been seeing A LOT of people saying they cannot sympathize with Megumi's grief because they don't know Tsumiki that well. And although I would argue that you don't need to know the person who died for you to sympathize with the one who was left behind - I do understand what these people mean, i don't agree with them! But I understand why they think this. And yes, we dont know Tsumiki.
However, we first need to understand why gege chose to present Tsumiki this way. On a surface level, she can only be seen as 'the thing that would cause Megumi's downfall' - we dont know her thoughts, her ambitions, her real personality, anything really - except for what Megumi says about her. A 'textbook good person'.
And that's because she is a character that we were only able to see through someone else's eyes. We don't know Tsumiki, because Megumi doesn't know Tsumiki.
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BUT WAIT!! What do I mean by that?
Before that though, I would like to say first! This doesn't mean that Megumi's love for her is diminished by this. Just because he doesn't know her doesn't mean he doesn't love her. Megumi cares about her more than anyone in his life, and that's a fact!
Now we can proceed! What does this mean? Let's look at this page from ch 56: origin of obedience:
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This was a case that they have been investigating, and it is pretty damn close to Megumi's and Tsumiki's old school. And yet, the thought that Tsumiki might have went to the bridge with her classmates never crossed his mind. He doesnt know that Tsumiki is someone capable of breaking the rules, going against curfew, and joining her friends to go to a haunted bridge in the dead of night. This boy Megumi thinks his sister is a damn saint.
He put Tsumiki on a pedestal, and it resulted in her turning into nothing but the mold of a good person Megumi uses to judge other people. If a person is not Tsumiki-shaped, then they're not worth saving. ((Luckily for Yuuji, he IS Tsumiki-shaped lmao. But anyway!))
Truth be told, I used to think it sucks that we never knew Tsumiki outside of what Megumi says. I never felt bad when she died, I felt bad that Megumi's sister died. I felt bad FOR Megumi.
And now that I actually think on it, THAT was the exact point. We dont NEED to know Tsumiki, we only needed to see her through Megumi's eyes - and through that, understand that Megumi doesn't really know her that well.
It is something that Megumi have to mull over. Why did he keep Tsumiki at an arm's length despite how much he cares for her? Why is it so hard for him to let people in? Why is asking someone for help so difficult for him?
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Look at the face he was making in Toji's memory. That's a kid who shows his emotions outright. My boy is pouting (つ╥﹏╥)つ. But when Gojo met him, Megumi has become a total idgafker (at least on the outside). And thats not only because Gojo was a stranger - coz thats how he looks like when he talks to Tsumiki too. It's because he became that way when Toji left.
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Anyway, my point is, due to Megumi's abandonment issues - he never let anyone in. EVER. Not even Tsumiki. Megumi put a wall between him and other people - for his own protection. The one who came a little bit close into breaking that wall is Yuuji (and we are yet to see how that goes).
And this is why, we as the readers are all detached from Tsumiki's character. Because we saw her through Megumi's eyes, who loves her and cares about her very, very much - yet despite that he never let her get too close. (っ- ‸ - ς)
If you read up to here, whats up! Thank you for reading! Feel free to counter it or anything, Im happy to discuss!
((also something to add: Megumi cares so much about Tsumiki because she's the first one who actively chose to stay - amidst all the people who left.
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this was inspired by a great megumi character analysis i found on twitter:
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read it if you have time! its really good!
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grison-in-space · 3 days
Question about dog breeding/breeds, if you’re ok with answering:
I’m a would-be dog owner, never had one before, and I really want to get a companion dog from a breeder/group that is ethical and aims to produce healthy litters, but… I also understand that healthy litter =/= healthy gene pool, and it would be great to support breeding efforts that promote the welfare of the breed as a whole rather than the specific animals they sell. How the HECK do I identify breeders that promote ethical breeding for both healthy animals and population diversity? (I live in Australia, not sure if that makes this harder to answer or not)
(I mean ideally I’d adopt a rescue but there are pros and cons to that and, as a newbie, I’m not going to take on an animal I can’t adequately care for. And also I can never find rescue dogs of the breeds that work for my lifestyle)
So I don't know Australia as well as some other folks (@farm-paws?), but I do know that the best way to figure this out is to find out where breeders are talking to one another and listen to the things they say. The second best thing to do is to just ask breeders producing dogs you like: how do you breed with an eye towards producing the dogs you want, and how do you breed with an eye towards making the whole breed better?
The thing about this question is that there's lots of ways to answer it, but how a breeder answers that question given your breed's context will help you figure out how much they're thinking about each. And it does mean thinking very clearly about things you value. Any person trying to achieve a goal with limited resources, which describes many passionate breeders, is going to have to make trade offs based on resource limits. Increase the genetic diversity of the population as a whole, or win big at a given sport?
Let me get you some examples under the cut.
Here are a couple of examples of what I think of as pretty nice kennels I would be happy to consider approaching for a dog, if they bred dogs of a type I currently want to own and I wanted another dog. (Some do, some don't, and I won't have space in the inn for several years yet anyway.) They are unfortunately American--without knowing your breed of choice it's hard to figure out how to navigate the Australian scene--but most of the tips should carry over okay. Because Dog Culture can sometimes be really black and white and mistake cultural markers for meaningful ethical distinctions, I'm going to try and share a wide range of perspectives, orientations, and viewpoints here from breeders who think about long term breed improvement.
Wayout ACDs: This post on the importance of collecting and storing semen from older, sometimes long dead dogs is a great green flag that this breeder thinks deeply about the long term future of the whole population--especially given her emphasis on these older dogs who might not have contributed heavily to the gene pool in their younger, living days. Collected semen from old dogs who aren't closely related to younger dogs can be a great way to help broaden and revitalize a larger population.
Border City Bullies, coming from a breed with a relatively low incidence of health testing and some big cultural variations, has a ton of resources available on how health testing works, what to do about it, and how to responsibly move forward even if a dog fails a test. The breeder here clearly feels very strongly about teaching and encouraging other American Bully breeders to start monitoring longer term health as a breeding goal and fostering a community of breeders who want to work with each other to make the dogs healthier. I love this approach. Especially when population bottlenecks are not a major problem but health monitoring is, building a better breed community is also a signal of someone who is thinking about their breed over the very long term.
Woodpont Beagles. I really like this breeder as an example of someone who keeps his dogs differently to mine, but who has firm standards for their comfort and care nevertheless. I also admire this breeder's ability to assess two "camps" in his breed that don't communicate much and do his best to take the best from each perspective. Finally I really like the emphasis on the successes and failures of breeders from the past: a good vision for the future often includes a deep knowledge about how we got to the present.
The Functional Dog Collective is probably a good place to check on, even if it's heavily North America based; my understanding/experience is that while there is certainly a lot of disagreement within the broader community of breeders, that's a spot where anyone with an interest in long term breeding for health in particular is going to pop up. The Institute for Canine Biology is another good place to look around for people in your breed of choice who are broadly interested in evidence-based approaches to more healthy breeding, too.
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letruyuread · 15 hours
I've decided to continue the small thoughts thing, even if I haven't done their books yet. Some might be ooc. I've tried🥲
Vil knows he's beautiful. With makeup, without, in a gorgeous outfit or simple sweats. It just means a little bit more when you tell him he's gorgeous and he wasn't even trying. He just woke up, and you're already showering him with affection. He IS gorgeous- but could you say it one more time, please?
Rook... hold on. (Rapid fire research go!) He, of course, thinks you're beautiful. He may be stalkerish, like he is with Leona and the twins, but it's all in good intentions. You're interesting! He is a hunter, after all. I think his heart softens when you pay attention to him, to. Say something to him in French, or listen to his poetry. Compliment his eyesight. He'll fall a little bit harder. (Can you tell how much I relied on the wiki-)
I already love Epel, despite not having met him yet. He wants to be reliable for you- a real man! Yes, he's adorable, don't tell him that, he'll pout. Just let him help you. Anything, really, he'll carry your books or help you fix up Ramshackle. He'll get flustered in you ask him to teach you the apple-carving thing, though.
Idia was the one who got me to play the game (just like me fr). You'll have to befriend Ortho first- not hard, just find the little guy and be nice! He'll quickly start to see you as an older sibling the more you help him (please I want to adopt this kid). And, you're the perfect person to help his brother come out of his shell! Ortho will introduce you two, help Idia overcome his shyness (on occasion) and soon Idia's comfortable around you! Mission accomplished! Idia, then, lets you into his room and plays games with you. He tries to communicate with you, though them- it's just a bit easier to play a dating sim with you than to ask you out.
(oof fae time)
Malleus is awkward in an odd way. He's not shy or nervous, he simply doesn't know how to interact with you. He's trying, forgive him if he says the wrong thing, he never ever meant to insult you. In fact, he might already think you're betrothed- you'll have to put it to him gently that you weren't even dating, and that relationships usually go much slower than that. He learns quick, at least.
Lilia is old. That is undeniable, and it's funny to think he's going to college with his sons. He plays into his silliness, loving to surprise you and prank you and such. He loves to play into his age, too. Whenever you get a bit too mad, he's suddenly complaining about his back, all hunched over and holding his spine. See through his antics. Give him the scolding he deserves, I beg you. It won't stop him at all- this is how faes court, after all! (No it's not old man-)
Sebek is intense. He does exactly as he said he would when taking an interest in someone: writing them love letters every moon, and every fifth moon, including a picture of himself. It's what Lilia taught him! Yes, he's taking it very seriously! It's up to you to tell him Lilia may have been tricking him... and/or taking over the courting yourself. You'll never get anywhere, otherwise. Just be... patient.
Silver... is tired. Yes, such a surprise. He's a sweetie, though, always trying to help you out while stifling a yawn. His animal friends give you gifts, too. Nuts and seeds and feathers. Keep them in a small box- if Silver finds out, he'll be so touched. He told his friends to give you this stuff! And you kept them! Did you even realize they were from him? Doesn't matter, as long as they made you happy.
(I hope I did well!)
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bluedew · 3 hours
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what should you do in your specific situation? 🍎
if you can't already tell i'm on summer break and i have a lot of time to analyze my own feelings, and to do my hobbies, so there might be more pac readings coming up! i hope this resonates and you feel up to it feel free to give me feedback. i cannot guarantee that this will resonate with everyone or match everyone's situation, so please forgive me if i am wrong.
hmmm....for you i'm getting mixed answers. what you really have to ask yourself is if this is what you truly want to do, whatever you're thinking of doing? if you knew that there's a better situation ahead would you be chasing after the second-best one? you don't realize your worth and that's why you try to grab at anything that gives you the slightest glance. analyze your wants, if you really want to do this, if it's going to be most beneficial to YOU. there's a thing called self-love; if you keep ignoring it because you want to make other people like you, both you and others will not like you. be yourself; you're charming, but when you try to be a people-pleaser it erases your beauty.
whatever situation this is, it's going to work out for you, but you have to release all worries and anxieties about it. it will come in time, my love, but you cannot keep chipping away at your beautiful soul while waiting for it to arrive. you don't have to try hard to get your way in this situation, because what you need is already on the way. you're probably a very anxious person, maybe a depressed one, and right now you need to focus on THAT instead of this specific situation. being detail-oriented isn't helpful in this time.
say what you mean!! that's what i'm getting for this pile. i think you're a very vocal person but sometimes you get stuck and are unable to voice your thoughts, your opinions. even if it's talking to yourself in the mirror, or talking to someone who you trust, you HAVE to talk. it'll straighten out the situation and you'll know what to do by then. sometimes we just need to let our words echo into the world and then everything becomes clear as glass. for some of you, if you're worried about being the 'villain' or 'disliked' in whatever situation you're stuck in, most people aren't idiots. everyone will not hate you, and if they do they do not know you fully and should not judge you. many people adore you already, and those are the ones you have to keep in your life.
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bellzsq · 2 days
“My biggest support.”
Gavi gets interviewed after one of his recovery sessions.
Warnings: none but talk of anxiety
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Bella’s pov
I was on the phone with pablo and he told me to go look on instagram for his latest interview he had this morning.
He was in his car on the way back home from brunch with Pedri and Fermín.
I hung up with him and the first post that popped up when I refreshed my instagram was Pablo in his white Nike long sleeve next to a 30 year old ish looking interviewer in a Barca jersey.
“So gavi, how is your day going?” The interviewer asked him.
“Bien, I got a good recovery session in this morning.” Pablo answered.
“And is that how most of your mornings go, with this ACL injury?” The interviewer asked as they turned.
“Most… either I workout and run with my partner Bella in the gym or around my neighborhood and I’ve been starting to train on grass back with my Barça squad.” -pablo
“And how’s that been? Does it feel good to be back with your team or do you rather home training with your partner?” -interviewer
“I like training with my team, it feels almost things are going back to normal but Bella pushes me to my limit.” -Pablo
“And is that in a good way that she pushes you to your limit?” -interviewer
“Yes, of course. She is my biggest supporter and I would not be at this level without her by my side.” -Pablo
“How so?” -interviewer
“She talks me through my anxiety and panic attacks. And makes sure I’m okay..” -pablo
“Would you mind sharing with us your most recent moment like that?” -interviewer
“Of course. When I got this injury And the doctor told me I wouldn’t be able to play I had one of my worst episodes of panic attacks. I couldn’t breathe at all and she comforted me through it all and she’s the one that has really been helping me push through this difficult time.” -pablo
“Seems like an amazing partner you’ve got yourself. Do you ever help her through her own episodes?” -interviewer
“Yes, that’s one of the main reasons we are together. We know exactly how to help each other through tough times and we would never leave each other in the dust alone.” -pablo
“And another personal optional question, Has there ever been a moment in this hard time you thought she would leave you in the dust to deal with this yourself?” -interviewer
“Of course not, I know she always has my back. She has seen me with plenty different injuries and I know she will stick by my side.” -Pablo
“And somewhat related to that, when did you guys start dating? We seen your first appearance as a couple in fall of 2021 when you started in Fc Barcelona as a midfielder.” -interviewer
“We met in 2020 at a music festival I was at. My first music festival without my parents and it was me and my friends Mario and Ale and I had tickets next to a beautiful brunette girl that now happens to be my partner.” -pablo
“So you have the same music taste?” -interviewer
“Not really. I like Spanish music and she likes Argentine pop like creators like Tini, Emilia and oriana.” -Pablo
“So what creators do you like that would be in your game day playlist normally?” -interviewer
“Oh, it’s been quiet some time since I’ve updated my Spotify game day playlist… Uh I mostly like creators like Rauw Alejandro or like peso pluma lately.” -Pablo
“And what are times you like to listen to that kind of music?” -interviewer
“I’ve been listening to music in my home gym running or working on my legs… and at the start of my injury the music would help me through hard times when all I could do was just cry.” -Pablo.
The interviewer nodded. “And our last question. “When will you be returning? We heard a fast recovery was going on and we would like to know.”
“We don’t know exactly but I should be back next season and I can promise all my culers I am coming back better, and stronger.” He winked.
“Thank you Gavi, have a great day.”
“No problem. Adios Culers!” Pablo waved and the video was over.
Is that really how he feels about me? He’s the sweetest ever.
I’m so happy I made him feel right and that I was pushing him.
I only wanted the best for him and him going through this horrible injury has took a huge toll on my boy.
I heard the front door open and I knew it was Pablo.
I shot up and ran downstairs to him and jumped in his arms.
“Did you watch?” He looked at me with a sparkle in his beautiful hazel eyes.
I nodded and kissed him on his plump pink lips.
How much I loved him.
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aauroraxia · 22 hours
The polar opposites the 5'0 pregnant reader who knows he deserves better and the only one who can break his wall down but very feisty when she need to be. Very scary when she hungry. Everything time he look at her . His heart just can't take it
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Armando Aretas
genre: fluff ig
warnings: none rlly
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Polar- no complete opposites
Mike needed Armando’s help on a case. You were also asked by Mike to help.
That’s where you two met.
You and Armando
He took a interest in you and your relationship grew from there. But he did soon realize something, not really a problem but instead, a fact. You two were complete opposites.
Mean and Nice
Hot and Cold
Fast and Slow
This made it hard for him to plan dates and things for you two to do, finding something that you both could enjoy. But, there were still restrictions on what you to could do, him being a wanted man and all.
So most of the time y’all spend together are at your apartment. Which led to you being 3 months pregnant. You hadn’t told Mike yet but you think he suspects it.
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Kelly still suspects that Armando is a terrible person and was going to hurt you sooner or later.
You, Armando, Kelly, Mike, Marcus, and Dorn were staying late at the agency. You and Kelly were just talking while the boys were searching places and people on Dorn’s computer.
Kelly started glaring at Armando
“I just don’t trust him. He’s a disrespectful, self-centered, arrogant criminal.”
Armando wasn’t deaf, he could obviously hear Kelly. He turned his head glancing at you, then back at the computer.
You’d had it with Kelly, “You’ve been taking shots at Armando ever since he started working with us. Well that stops now. You don’t know him enough to judge him off of past actions! So if you have something say, say it now and we will walk out the door right now and we’ll never help you with anything ever again!”
You heart was racing. You were fed up. Armando walked over to you he leaned down and whispered in your ear “Tu bebe luchadora, me gusta.” You smiled looking up at him.
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Y’all’s relationship was great. Armando is usually known as deadpanned, unemotional, or stonefaced. He would never show his true emotions, nor communicate how he felt. Everyone brushed it off and let him be him.
But that wouldn’t fly with you. You would break that wall down before it was even finished being built. You’re patient with him. But he’s also patient with you.
Pregnancy hormones and hungers are no joke. Mike, Marcus, and Kelly would describe you as scary when you’re hungry, Armando thought it was muy linda, cute. He was completely in love with you.
The way you walked, the way you talked, everything you do makes his heart do backflips. So much that his heart couldn’t take it. You had him in a trance.
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Tu bebe luchadora, me gusta - You’re feisty baby, i like it.
Hii! This story was just a little difficult for me to write for some reason and it’s definitely not the best so I’ll probably have to rewrite it. I honesty feel like my writing isn’t even good enough to be published right now but hey🤷🏽‍♀️. I think my issue is that I want my writing to be like everyone else’s and I’m very self conscious. Anywho keep the requests coming, I will be posting one more story today!
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