#i know im a warhammer blog
valhallasoutlaw · 7 months
Let me know if I'm being a bigot but I think that the Owls of Ga'Hoole could reduce any Warrior Cat Clan to paste.
I haven't read Warrior cats so I might be talking out my ass, but as much as I love that Scourge cat with the claw collar I don't think that they can compete with like...steel? I can't begin to tell you how batshit insane it is that the birds have extracted raw iron, purified it and perfected the art of metallurgy to forge it into their weapons. Like. Boron wears GOLD. I'm not even sure OoGH and Warrior Cats are in the same league?
An elite cabal of ancient warriors with high grade metal weapons and armor that are capable of silent flight and mass combat logistics...and a bunch of (really angry) cats?
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redacted-metallum · 2 months
Rev ▪︎ over 25 ▪︎ white ▪︎ transmasc nonbinary boything ▪︎ they/them ▪︎ tme and afaik perisex ▪︎ bi/pan
Definitely autistic, probably adhd, potentially OCD, there's some other shit going on in here (gestures to my head) but I don't have the time or inclination to sort it all out.
Dm for discord!
Art blog: @tenebris-metallum
I have a lot of other sideblogs:
@h-medicinalis is my plague doc blog
@machinespirited is my warhammer 40k blog
@voidtongued is my warframe blog
I have a NSFW blog that I will dm the url to you on request
Mostly defunct kin blog url also available on request (don't really post there anymore)
There's a bunch of other semi defunct roleplay sideblogs that I'm hanging on to out of nostalgia.
Things I am going to be annoying about:
History, particularly the 1920s and into the 40s.
The Cthulhu Mythos
Video games (currently: Elden Ring)
Horror as a broader topic
Diseases and disease ecology
Comics books and superheroes in general
Bugs :]
Metal (favs are symphonic, power, and folk metal)
Im gonna do that thing where I reblog something like 12 times in a row.
If i accidentally reblog from a terf, cryptofascist, pedo/pedo apologist, zionist, please let me know so I can delete it, i don't always check URLs and may miss a dogwhistle
I no longer have a stance on "shipping discourse" I have a job and degree.
Capitalism is the root of all evil. Long live the new flesh!
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catgirl-pawbs · 1 year
though,,, I've said it a few times in a few places but I'm super enamoured with the concept of having different names for different contexts though I've been bad at actually doing it and the name I'd like to use in online spaces / for people I don't know irl is Ryuuka (I know I had another online alias/name before that i streamed under for 2yrs but due to Events I now hate being called that so all 3 of u that know it that name is dead to me now please forget) so I suppose instead I should write
LONG POST INCOMING sorry if I take up ur whole dash
so I tried to search my blog for the "hobbying" tag to see what I have and have not posted recently but lo and behold,
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tumblr is truly the functional of webbedsites, I KNOW ITS THERE I PUT IT THERE now please show me !
except it won't if course because it sucks.
so anyway I'm gonna start typing about things and hope I get everything I haven't posted and nothing I have.
something like three weeks ago, I finally got to play a match of Warhammer 40k with my older brother! this had been in the making in a way since 2014(-ish I don't remember), when this same brother introduced myself and my other brother to the concept of Warhammer and all three of us bought models. sadly both brothers quickly discovered the "building and painting" portion of the hobby and promptly dropped out, one of them giving his T'au models to me because I LOVED THIS SHIT.
anyway I think I posted about all this before and that Match In Question wherein I took 500pts of Grey Knights (Brother-Captain, Terminator Squad, Strike Squad) against my brother's 500pts Imperial Guard (Commissar, Guardsmen regiment, 3x Mortar Crew models, Sentinel, Leman Russ)or something like that I didn't read his list. Unfortunately this battle ended with my noble Grey Knights getting summarily decimated and right tabled by the mighty power of the autocannon-equipped Leman Russ if that bastard Russ wasn't already dead I'd kill him myself
again I'm fairly sure I've posted about this before so I'll stop there and not add images.
also before I continue (to explain why points counts might seem weird to other 40kplayers) I should note that I have been and will continue to be playing Fifth Edition Warhammer 40k, because those are the books that I have. New books are hellishly expensive and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to reasonably use wahapedia so anyone who is going to tell me to play a more recent edition please kindly do one of the following;
1.) shush.
2.) buy me the books urself since you can afford it
3.) go get intimate with a cactus.
Now! about a week ago, a little less, I got to play ANOTHER match of 40k! a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. this time with a friend who has an adjacent interest in similar sort of games and who helped me build the felt-and-aquariumplant terrain pieces Im certain I posted pictures of before though I can't go check >:|
This match was again 500pts and featured both my lovely new terrain and the following armies;
TYRANIDS. >Tyranid Prime (boneswords, devourer) >3xRaveners (rending claws) >5x Ymgarl Genestealers >10xHormagaunts (adrenaline glands) >10xTermagaunts (devourers)
GREY KNIGHTS. >Brother-Captain (mastercrafted storm bolter, mastercrafted nemesis force sword) >5xTerminator (mastercrafted storm bolter [justicar], mastercrafted nemesis force sword [justicar]) >5xStrike Squad (nemesis force halberds [all], mastercrafted storm bolter [justicar])
it was great! took about 4 hours because I hadn't memorized everything yet and my friend/opponent was new to 5th but we had a good time despite getting real exhausted by the end of it there are too damn many numbers to remember
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I'm still super happy with how the new terrain looks!! sure it's very Amateur Hour and doesn't look ~realistic~ but I love it and am very proud of it!
Unfortunately in this match, the Grey Knights not played by me this time again tasted bitter defeat. I begin to think that list I made just sucks. or that the army needs a larger point total to make a functional list. further experimentation needed.
First blood was taken by the Knights shooting down a few(2) Hormagaunts, which was repeated in the next turn gunning down another 5 of them. the remaining gaunts took shelter for their lives behind a small copse of trees, though the Knights' Terminators quickly closed to finish their prey.
the Nids took revenge in the Genestealers flanking and stealing the jeans off the Strike Squad, without a single loss.
Finally came the crushing melee of the Raveners charging the Terminators and Captain from the cover of the ruins, slowly inflicting death (with great difficulty and losing one of their number due to those incredible 2+saves), eventually being joined by the Tyranid Prime and Genestealers in finishing off the stragglers.
the Termagants... yeah. those guys were there. they mostly just hung around. fired off 40?-ish shots and inflicted a total of 1 wound. good job guys. worth every point, truly.
Unfortunately because I failed to teach the game and remember the rules properly, this match was unbalanced, as the Terminators were not making 2 melee attacks per turn as they should've and I'd forgot to roll for the Nids instinctive behaviour rules (though the only difference that would've really made was the already useless gants running for cover if they failed)
It was a good learning experience and we had fun though!! surely we'll have a better and more heated match next time! ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
that kaomoji looks kinda haunted,,
In other news! yesterday I finally took the time to get my printer in Operational Condition again! this means that, after being more than a month with only one arm, my Knight Armiger Warglaive proxy (model courtesy of u/johnbearross on reddit) is finally fully operational! catgirl very extremely excited about this one
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additionally, though I do need to print another warglaive and two helverins still, I've started on printing the bigger boy, a Questoris Knight Paladin proxy (model credits the same), something I've been excited to do for forever and the next step towards the biggest finalest goal; the Imperator Titan
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base and left leg printed (6h each), right leg in production (another 6h) (also I know the quality is bad because of the flash but my kitchen's lighting is awful and I promise without it looks worse) (don't mind the bag of rice in the bg, girl's gotta eat)
FINALLY, the most recent development in Ryuuka's Hobbying;
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bit of a story on this one, but first; I know that I told one of my dear friends like 6months ago that the next time I bought gunpla of get one for u too and we sat down and picked one out for u and everything and I didn't forget I swear but I shouldn't've even bought these boys since I have a lot of debt going on, the only reason I did is that on god man I need a distraction project or the depression is gonna Get To Me (not that it doesn't already but,) so like. When I actually have spare money instead of spending money I don't have I WILL get u that gunpla and we will build them together I didn't and am not gonna forget.
Okay so the deal with these boys is that I was talking to a friend recently about how I really like the appearance of Mass Production Mobile Suits over the special Gundam suits (unpopular opinion but I hate gundam suits' horns/crests, I think they look so so silly), in particular I love the look of the DaggerL and the Rgm-79 GM, but I really don't like the GM's helmet, I feel that it dramatically detracts from my man's vibes since the GM is made of angular and square segments and then the helmet is ROUND and also the visor is really large and open, giving it something of a 'friendly' (anthropromorphizing, I know) look that really doesn't suit the rest of it's design. In the same moment I was lamenting this design contradiction, a guncannon came on screen, which has a helmet with a narrower visor, and a- well I guess it's called a visor too but the shade thing some helmets have like a built-in imitation ballcap thing and anyway the Guncannon's head design gives it a much more 'serious' look that I feel would fit great on the GM, and the GM's more open and round design would fit right in with the Guncannon's rounded limbs and fuckoff huge shoulder-mounted cannon barrels.
So immediately in that conversation I had something of an epiphany of this and decided that I HAVE TO make a headswap of those guys and NOW IM DOING IT except what I need right now is a project so we're taking it a couple steps further
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I'm gonna trim these guys all out of the runners, file the nubs, label all the parts with masking tape and little baggies, swap the head parts, then going one colour/runner at a time, prime them black, paint them, panel line them, sticker them, top coat them, and ONLY THEN will I finally start assembling them
I've never painted a gunpla before but the best way to start is a headfirst dive into conkcrete babey let's get it
also I want to try weathering on my GM, nevermind that I've never tried it before and have no idea how, and each kit will be getting a different topcoat; glossy for the Guncannon because I want my boy to look like fun lil candy apple lad, and matte for my GM because I want it to be a semi-realistic Setpiece build.
also been thinking about utilizing the power of masking tape mid-painting process to add stripes of red to GM's arm&leg armour, but currently unsure if I want to follow through with the idea.
kay I think that's everything that's a lotta words I've been typing for forever it's 3am im not checking for typos I'm gonna sleep now goodnight gamers, nyan~
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Realizing how toxic my relationship with my ex in the end really has gotten to me to tonight. Not only has he stolen art supplies, magic cards, my nice duffle bag, a nice $60 shawl i bought in boston, some of my own warhammer minis, but he indirectly fatshamed me by saying that people needed to lose weight because it used medical money up treating preventable illnesses, he basically used me as a living fleshlight because ‘warming me up took too much time’ and i had to do it myself, we went months without having sex, and he stopped complimenting me when he met the person he’s dating now, who i agreed to entering a polyam relationship with because 1. i was suicidal since i wasn’t coming to terms with my new physical disability and was worried he would be alone if i passed 2. I was afraid that he would break up with me. And he would complain that i would take too long to get ready in the morning (because i have a psychically disability!) so he started going places without me and then would complain that we weren’t doing anything together anymore and im pretty sure he would have broken up with me earlier if he didn’t live at my house with my family.
I think it changed when he decided to get more confident, because when i met him he didn’t really have much of a backbone, but he just ended up mean. And he was sweet before ans complimented me and made me so happy. 8 months later and im still having a real hard time but last time i spoke with him he told me i should have moved on despite us being together for five years.
I don’t know if the person who he’s dating now is stalking this blog after blocking me but i just want to say good fucking luck. I much as i miss him I don’t want this new version of him who looked at me with pity rather than love
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hyperfloof · 5 months
My intro :3
Known by many across the internet as Hyper or Amethyst. Yall can call me Kari
Just a dumb yeen on the internet here to post sexy things
No minors please. Yall arent supposed to be looking at 18+ stuff anyways. No haters, no blanks, and no not having your age in your bio, yall will get blocked. Don't make me get the spray bottle -
I am new to blogging so we will see how this goes (yayy) here to post NSFW things, pics, bondage, be gay and do crimes, and maybe make a sandwich.
I'm a switch in every way. Top/ Bottom, Dom/ Sub. I'm pan and was raised in the pantry (it had snacks) Mostly I am a power bottom...until I'm not. I'm very easily coaxed into being a sub if you know how to push my buttons right.
I love kink, and bdsm. I love to constantly figure out more about myself with bdsm and kink. I'm always down to learn and have fun with it. I want to learn more with bondage so look out for fun pics once I learn things 👀 might also take cute pics in outfits. I'm always looking to broaden my attire for both street wear and bedroom wear, so if you have any suggestions then feel free to let me know~
I'll also post things like projects and stuff I'm working on/ finishing. So stay tuned for that!
Also love being asked questions about me. Don't be shy about asking anything, I'll try my best to answer it 💜
Also feel free to just chat with me. I'm a bit shy and slow to respond at times but I'll be doing my best!
Non sexual things about me: Trans girl waiting to be able to get on that estrogen. Im Wiccan. I am into warhammer 40k. I love to create things whether it be wood working, tech stuff, plastic model kits, 3d printing, sewing, etc. I try to be a Renaissance woman when it comes to craft. I love that grunge and punk aesthetic! Also I love nature and all that it has to offer
I'm taken by a kind, floofi, emo loverboy 💙💜
Tags I use:
For the horny and NSFW: #Hornyposting
For pics of me: #Yeenpic
Projects: #Yeencrafts
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ariamis97 · 7 months
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3
1-I am maybe one of the nerdiest dorks you can meet and have way too many hobbies (MtG, warhammer and looooots of games)
2-A pansexual ENBY who is still CONFUSED by who they are but im getting there
3-my favourite animal is a capybara cos they're the chilled lil guys, closely followed by otters cos they're SO CUTE
I am terrible and talking about myself I'm sorry these are probably awful lmao
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caffeinekarlii · 2 years
alright, took time to think with regards to previous pin. and yes, i know im talking to myself at the moment, but how tf am i gonna progress if i dont have something for people to see as a starting point eventually?
2022 was...ok. i made absolutely no progress on my mental health, and continued to lapse in and out of depression and had some pretty bad moments of it. i also made no progress on hobbies i wanted to get into. writing was a wash, couldnt even begin to think of where to start in doing art or music, and i have an unfinished lego set ive had open and partially done for a year now. gotta thank my few friends for keeping me sane. and my job? s h i t t y a s f u c k.
i want 2023 to be the year i get my stupid shit together. big step is im quitting my job and trying to find something less damaging to myself. next i gotta find a fuckin therapist and unload everything and find positive ways to work past it. and if those come in the same package? ill take it.
I also want to get into some kind of creative hobby. ive found warhammer 40k to be my latest special interest, and maybe painting minis could be a peaceful bit to get my mind at ease. also just consuming the lore of it all has been amazing to experience.
art and music are also something i want to delve in to. if i could turn this blog into some kind of art space, id be happy. being 23 and getting into this seems...daunting, though ive always been told "you're never too late/old to start", so i keep repeating that. i just want to get my ideas out of my head and onto a space. to quote frank zappa, "I don't even care whether they listen to what comes out, I'm concerned with getting it out, just giving people the option of something other than the norm...".
so yeah, that's big girl karli's funny rant to absolutely no one. but damn, it feels good to finally outline something of a plan. and even if i just keep this blog as a personal record of progress, im ok with that. thanks for reading if you cared to, hope to make you proud.
(ps a fuckin girlfriend would be dope too. cute gals hmu ♡)
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sciass · 2 years
Positivity anon is here and wishing you a Haopy New Year! Is there anything in 2023 in particular that you'd like to accomplish with your muse? Or, is there a desired plot that you'd like to do? ♡ I hope you have a very lovely weekend!
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happy new year to you and yours bud. my main goal for king (and for the other blog to come) is always just to not abandon them (again.) after like 2-3 months. my fear of people and energy levels come n go but my want to write a 29 year old scared gamer (he's just like me fr) is forever
plot-wise i guess? i would like king to formally come out (to someone besides dimple.) i know that's not a necessary thing for Anyone to do but i like the thought of king being out publicly irt his gender/sexuality while being an extremely well-known and respected hero and having it maybe inspire other people (in the universe of OPM-MP100.) other than that who really knows. im not great at planning ahead
have a good weekend everybuddy. i gotta go play WARHAMMER FANTASY: AGE OF SIGMAR: SOULBOUND in like three hours
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howtofightwrite · 3 years
The Self-Delusion of "Good in a 'Real Fight'"
Hii how are you both? I like your blog’s tips as a fan of fantasy fiction, but I thought you could answer a real-life question. I do HEMA (im not good at it but its good fun!) and something comes up every now and then that i thought you could weigh in on with more authority.
Theres a big guy who isnt the best, but whose refrain is that he would win in a real fight since he wouldnt be holding back. He says its not a gender thing, just a size thing.
Since everyone has to hold back so we dont injure each other (and we still get plenty of bruises) he’s right, it’s an artificial environment.
Does he have a point that everyone’s restraint disadvantages big guys more, or is he being a bit of a poor sport?
He’s deluding himself, in a variety of ways.
Generally speaking, size doesn’t help, especially not in armed combat. It just means you’re a larger target for your foe’s weapon. Sword combat isn’t about being bigger and stronger than your opponent, it’s about opening your foe up and filleting them.
It’s important to remember that being bigger does not make you tougher, and no theoretical biological advantage makes you tougher than steel.
The entire point of using a blade is cutting your foe, not bludgeoning them. The emphasis here is to point out that you do not mindlessly hack away with a sword, trying to brute force your way through your foe’s armor, you look for openings and either slice through them, or thrust through them.
Now, if you’re using blunted edges, it is true that he could cause some misery if he didn’t hold back. However, that’s true for pretty much anyone in your group. You’re not competing to hurt one another.
Even with blunt weapons, like warhammers, maces, or mauls, you’re not relying on your strength, you’re using the inertia of the weapon to cause harm, so being a big guy still doesn’t offer any real advantage there.
Guys like this aren’t uncommon. They’re convinced that they’d be good in “a real fight.” In actual combat they would, inevitably, go down with the first hit, and then whine about how the fight wasn’t fair (if they survive.)
This is may be a bitter pill, and I’m not judging you for this, but there isn’t a single member of your group that would be okay in a real swordfight. The defect is in HEMA, not in you. HEMA, like many martial arts, is a revived art. This means, at some point in the past, the last person who was properly trained in your combat style died without passing that knowledge on. Someone in the 20th Century found surviving training manuals and manuscripts and did their best to rebuild the martial art from scratch.
This isn’t a case where the best techniques survived and have been codified, instead the only filter on which techniques survived is which texts survived the following centuries.
More than that, we know our reconstruction is wrong (or at least, incomplete.) We know this because of Polish Crosscutting. Unlike HEMA, this is not a revived art. It was (at least partially) preserved. It does a number of things that HEMA preaches against, and it decimates HEMA practitioners in competitive bouts. To be clear, Polish Crosscutting is not some incredibly effective set of sword techniques, it’s just better preserved than HEMA.
The end result is, our understanding of Historical European Martial Arts is extremely limited, with serious gaps. Against someone who actually knew what they were doing, any one of you would be screwed. And that’s not the point of the exercise.
This is going to somewhat duplicate the previous point, but, as you said, you’re training recreationally. This is for fun, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, if you’re training recreationally, or for sport, you are not training to use your skills in, “real,” combat. Again, you’ll find guys who are studying other recreational or sports martial arts and hold that up as their ability to handle themselves in “a real fight,” and they’re also deluding themselves.
If you want to train for combat, you train to kill people, not to, “fight.” It’s not fun, it’s not recreational, you’re not doing it to prove you can fight. It’s about ending another person’s life as efficiently as possible.
The idea of, “a fair fight,” (or in this case, “a real fight,”) is an illusion. It’s actively dangerous to both participants. In a real life or death, situation you’d want to take him out in as few strikes as possible. Realistically, we’re talking about ending his life in less than a second. Ideally, before his brain even realizes he’s in combat, and can react, though that’s bit harder to do reliably. If he is aware he’s in danger, neutralize his weapon, then end him. Again, the goal is for combat to be over in under five seconds. That probably won’t happen, but it should give you an idea of just how fast this would need to be. The longer you’re in combat, the greater the risk of you taking a hit, and in real combat, that’s a risk you cannot afford to take. Any injury means you’re at a disadvantage when you’re facing your next foe.
Killing someone is an entirely different discipline from recreational martial arts (and even from competitive sport combat.) If you train to kill people, you’re ready to kill people. If you train to have fun, you are not. If you’re in a real fight with real weapons, you’re not fighting to, “win,” you’re looking to end your foe.
To be fair, he may not be a poor sport about this. He probably, genuinely believes he can take any one of you. But, if he believes it’s because, “he’s holding back,” and he’s not one of the better duelists, yeah, he would not survive.
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The Self-Delusion of “Good in a ‘Real Fight'” was originally published on How to Fight Write.
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relax-and-read-on · 3 years
A series of Very-Good-Much Appreciated-Pls-I-need-More-Fanfic-Of-Them Ship in warhammer
I love warhammer. I really, really do. And since I am a dirty multishiper, I have developed with time quite a collections of ship that I personally adore. This is just a lowkey personal archive of them all, because it's fun and it make me happy to gush about them. I ship more than those, this is just my lil list of OTP. If your not comfy with astartes shipping, primarch shipping, or generally queer content... Then im sorry but I'm not gonna be a super fun blog gor you lmao.
Jurgen/Cain + Amberley: The OG. The two bros. Those two fuck, and are not even subtle about it. Amberley like to join, because Jurgen aint so bad after he take a shower, and Cain is a cuddler. It's less of a relationship and more of a deep affection and trust between them 3. Best OT3
Gaunt/Rawne: oh those two FUCK. HARD. It's less of a relationship and more of a "fucking hell your still alive you bitch" type of deal. Very sexy.
Larkin/Bragg: I love them. So much. Surprisingly amount of good fanfic about them on ao3, because EVERYONE could see that those two were in love.
Obyron/Zahndrekh: GAY!!! ROBOTS!!! I don't take any criticisms, I will ship them until the heat death of the universe.
Sevatar/Sigismund: what is there to say here, aside from "they definitely fucked That One Time and Sevatar was the bottom?".
Polux/Dantioch: listen, this one make me cackle, because they are so clearly in love and care for one another, but their dads would be UP THE WALLS about it lmao. Very good boys.
Talos/Half the fucking night lord: I love Talos. He's my baby boy. But my god. He has such slut energy. He hit me as the kind who get lowkey frustrated and ask for a fuck instead of a fight. He's a poetic lover boy.
Thiel/Literally anyone: Listen. This baby deserve the world. He's too wild and free to be stuck surrounded by boring ultramarines. Give him a nice boyfriend.
Kharn/Argel Tal: the gay dudebros. Incredibly oblivious, the two of them. The kind that go "It's not gay if the dick don't touch right?". Would have probably adopted a ton of rescue dogs and ride motorcycle in another life, they just have that vibe.
THE PRIMARCH (there's gonna be a whole lot of those lmao I love them)
Guilliman/Yvraine: this one make me cackle so hard. Ofc mister boyscout would go for the big tidies eldar goth gf. He would bring ber to family dinner too, and only half because he wanted to see everyone loose their shit.
Leman/Lion: The only Lion ship I can tolerate. Lion must be deep in the closet and go "stupid sexy Leman I want to punch him >:(". It's a fun one.
Leman/Magnus: Toxic. Ex. The kind that burn down your shit on the front lawn and crash your car, and you still sleep with them two weeks later. I adore them. They are the best if you are in the mood for spicy stuff.
Magnus/Kitten: TTS still got me by the THROAT, and those two are just perfect. If I have to force Kitten in every warhammer media, trust me, *i fucking will.* Probably my actual fav ship on this entire list.
Magnus/Perturabo: Pert is my problematic fav, and I want him happy. Clearly, he only love and care for ONE boy and one boy only, and it's Magnus. Pert would be romantic af toward him, you can't change my mind
Perturabo/Calliphone: the only woman he ever loved, truly. She was his soul, and ngl, he should have just taken her with him when he left, life would have been BETTER for everyone.
Sevatar/Konrad: Do i need to get into this one? Really??? Yall know how much I love those two. I made an entire post about them. Just find my Konrad tag lmao.
Konrad/Vulkan: I know, that's a odd one, but I firmly believe Konrad hated our man partly because he was high key attracted to him and it was freaking him out. Vulkan would never... Unless Konrad got *all the therapy*. I will probably ramble about it more one day lmao.
Fulgrim/Ferrus Manus: They are cannonly together your honor, I swear! I snuck into gw and saw all the sexy secret art of them kissing. They are just hiding it away from us.
Horus/Sanguinius: Those two are married. That's canon. You just need to read the Horus heresy in its entirety while high af and listening to Celine Dion backward. You then acess all the secret chapter chapter where they are married.
Emperor/Valdor: SOMEONE has to keep big E company and call him a bitch ass dumbfuck for all the move he make, and Valdor can have that role!!
Guilliman/Lorgar: Almost forgot those two lmao. I love them because they are basically the Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss meme made ship. They both DEEPLY regret every interaction that brought them together. Still very entertaining for me lmao.
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chemos-factories · 3 years
pinned post time
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hi! late introduction, but hello! my name is neon, im a mid-twenties disabled trans man, and this is my warhammer blog. i mostly post art of my ocs, my vague ramblings and jokes about lore, and aus i make either myself or with my friend. my ask box is open if you want to ask about said ocs or aus! i ship primarch/primarch, primarch/astartes, and astartes/astartes. if this is something youre not comfortable with you literally do not have to follow me or interact with my posts.
links to fics and such under the cut
fics: Put the “Fun” in Funeral! (40k modern au) Entertainment (post-Clonelord, Trazyn/clone!Fulgrim, doll kink) With a Bow On Top (Continuation of Trazyn/clone!Fulgrim story, sfw) From the Ocean We Were Washed Up On the Other Shores (planetswap au, updates as the muse moves me. Mostly sfw for now) Cultural Cuisine (Fulgrim teaches Ferrus to cook a simple Chemosian dish. Sfw) I’ll Fall Forever To You (The clones of Ferrus and Fulgrim break out of Solemnace. Sfw except for briefly mentioned nudity) Eromenos (Fulgrim has found a new way to tease Perturabo. Straddles the line between safe and not safe for work, but I’d be careful anyway, and mind the tags) A Private Performance (OC x canon, my character from the Rogue Trader CRPG having a nice time with a Harlequin. nsfw) 'til Only Lust Remains (OC x canon, the beginning of Slaanesh corruption start to take root among the von Valancius retinue) Nothing Left of You (Fabius Bile/clone!Fulgrim, nsfw, lobotomy and extremely dubious consent) An Inheritance (Modern AU, Ferrus/Fulgrim. Ferrus inherits a house from the great-uncle he didn't know existed, and it comes with a very interesting bonus)
aus: godswap funeral au dolly clonegrim lobotomy au 2000s high school au transphobes/homophobes of all stripes, right wing weirdos, racists, etc all get blocked on sight. fuck off.
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treppenwitzz · 4 years
4, 16, + 19 <3
4. what muse required the most research for ?
hmmm im going to say ishtar ( @dhufeainnewedd ) for this one bc i read a ton of things while making her blog & writing her. i did research for her accent (so many stupid videos), i even read cowboy scriptures (dont ask), i did some reading for her curse, i played the witcher games, started reading the books, i did research on cassandra in greek mythology as well as research on the cassandra syndrome. i also researched her powers in warhammer to translate them into the witcher verse. anywaaaaaay def the most research i ever did for a character, but i’ve been thinking about her for like nine years so. she’s worth it <3  also to be fair i was kinda scared of just. making a blog for a female oc so i tried to Know as much as possible so i could write a good dossier, hoping it’d make ppl more willing to interact
16. do your moods affect which muse you write ?
i’d say yes ? it also has a lot to do with what kind of media i consumed before deciding to write my drafts. but yea, for the most part, if i’m feeling kinda sad or mad i’ll write fantasy ishtar / ronan / kaz. if i’m feeling happy i’ll go for magda / orla. if i watched something ~poetic i’ll go with dani / antigone / nef, etc. 
tbh i think that’s why it’s a Good thing to have a multi, even if you also have single blogs. bc u can just. write whoever when the mood strikes. on a single, you kind of have to... idk, adapt to the muse rather than the other way around, otherwise you’re just writing a self-insert (which is !! not necessarily bad but not what im aiming for personally) (most of the time eheh) (guess who my self-inserts are)
19. do you have a favourite muse ?
ok so no one is going to be surprised if i say ishtar. i’m a simp for the bog witch slash cowgirl !!! i love her would die for her she’s cursed but she’s mine. and on this multi, i’d say my all time favorite is ronan, bc ig i wrote some of my best writing with him. it’s been a while, but the simp king has lived rent free in my brain ever since i’ve read trc. and rn im really feeling kaz, jesper & dani. i just think they’re neat...
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818zombie · 4 years
I was tagged by the lovely @vivaladee
1. What do you prefer to be called. (Name wise)? 818zombie or just zombie or brian 
2. When is your birthday? November 8th 
3. Where do you live? Northridge in san Fernando valley 
4. Three things I am doing right now? 1. I’m on Tumblr and watching live streams on youtube 
5. Four fandom’s that have piqued your interest: 
doctor who 
star wars
6. How is the pandemic been treating you?  like shit
7. Song I can’t stop listening to? goosebumps theme
8. Recommend a movie: puppet master
9. How old are you? 31 years old.
10. School, University, occupation:  school
11. Do you prefer hot or cold? COLD
12. Name a fact others may not know about you? 
that im the living dead 
13. Are you shy? 
fuck yes i am 
14. Preferred pronouns? zombie 
15. Biggest pet peeve? People that don't use their turn signals and street racers that use those fucking mufflers that sound like gun shots late at night holy fuck
16. Favorite dere type? I had to google this to i don’t know wat it means =( 
17. Rate your life 1- 10: 5ish 
18. What’s your main blog? 818zombie 
19. List just say blogs and what they’re for:  horror and loving humans and music 
20. Is there anything else people should know before becoming friends with you?  hi im zombie nice to meet you do you want to be my friend 
thank youuuu so much for the tag @vivaladee i hope your doing good =) 
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sheogayrath · 4 years
thank you @dykeserana​ for tagging me :3
Rules: answer 20 questions, tag 20 bloggers (im doing ONE how could i possibly tag 20 people) you’d like to get to know better
Name: nova or rachael to irl friends
Nickname: ‘beckles’ to exactly one person. 
Zodiac sign: libra
Height: who knows im not getting up to measure myself. tall enough.
Languages spoken: english. learning... um. you know the klingon duolingo course
Nationality: is your nationality where you were born or where you live? south africa and new zealand respectively
Favorite season: mmmmmm autumn.
Favorite flower: thats a toughie. im gonna say dandelions cause you can make tea AND wine with them
Favorite scent: theres this tropical scented bubble bath i got last christmas... yeahhhhhhh
Favorite color: hhhnnnggggg im gonna go with green but evil hacker green not nature green.
Favorite animal: rat
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot choccy
Average sleep hours: its not like i time it or anything but probably less than 8. i get by
Dog or cat person: kity :)
Number of blankets you sleep with: like three or four unless its unbearably hot. that will change if slash when i get a weighted one
Dream trip: a large scale larp event, the kind where you set up tents with gimmicky decorations and just walk around chattin with people in character like fuck yeah lets play pretend
Blog established: uhhhh like 2015 or 14 maybe.
Number of followers: 717
Random fact: my middle namesake comes from a warhammer fantasy character
i’ll tag... @mindmeld​
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Heya! Im willing to study more abt different dnd races but... I have no idea how dnd works, and i dont enough cultural information abt elves, vampires, fairies etc... Is there any blog or website i can go to to find more intel abt this?
Hi @spectra-bear,
Glad you’re looking into doing some research. A good free site for Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) rules and races is https://www.dndbeyond.com/. This site has information on the latest edition of D&D. Note that there are other fantasy role playing games like Pathfinder and Warhammer.
That’s just the basic rules of D&D. The next question you want to ask is which campaign setting you want to know better. There are
official campaign settings like Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance, but not all settings apply to every edition. You can find a list of all the official campaign settings here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeons_%26_Dragons_campaign_settings. Official settings have books out there that you can find at the library or for a reasonable price in a used book store.
homebrew settings which you can create on your own or look up online. One such is Tal’Dorei which is the Critical Role homebrew setting. You can watch the Critical Role gang play D&D on their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpXBGqwsBkpvcYjsJBQ7LEQ Note that playing is separate in story telling in D&D.
Once you select your campaign or create your own, then you can start working out the characters you want. 
Good luck! Hope this helps.
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elataanarchive · 6 years
          tagged by: no one i stole it bc im a tHIEF !           tagging: do it if u haven’t xoxoxo
Tumblr media
name: jordy nickname/s: ^ height: 5′2″ ( a wee under bUT i fight for that 3/4″ ) nationality: all sorts but my most well known is polish and german but i say that loosely my mom’s maiden name was v v german and my father’s mom’s maiden name was v v polish but we’ve all been in america for a while ( pls save me ). favorite fruit: all fruit is so good. but nectarines and watermelon ! favorite season: fall and spring. favorite scents: the earth after it rains. coconut / vanilla. honey. favorite color/s: any shade of purple, but esp if its paired with silver. favorite animals: WOLVES WOLVES WOLVES WOLVES WOLVES. I have a smol obsession. tea, coffee, hot cocoa: tea !! average hours of sleep: anywhere between 6-12 lmao when my blog was created: april 30th, 2018. # of followers: a lil over 1.5k ! random fact: my muse and I are both from missouri ! also i’m left handed ! favorite tv shows: can I choose an anime? fullmeta/l alchemis.t: brotherhood. favorite movie: lotr LOTR LOTR. another unhealthy obsession lmao. favorite vine: i smell like beef. i smell like beef. i smell like beeeeeeeeeeef. or alt . . . it’s an avaaaaacadooooo thaaaaaaaanks. sexuality: asexual but romantically pan. pronouns: w/e man idc. favorite book series: anything tolkien. alt the Inheritance Cycle. favorite video game/s: oh god here we go: assassin’s creed ( esp the ezio trilogy ), any lotr centered game, overwatch, god of war, rampage ( on the N64 ! ), Donkey Kong 64, super smash bros ( on gamecube ), deceit ( it’s on steam its rly fun ), Warhammer ( I and II ), WoW, Skyrim, this game called Cat Lady ( if y’all know who Cry is, he played it and its sooo good ), i know i’m missing a lot bUT I JUST LOVE VIDEO GAMES A LOT OK. favorite subject: english or I enjoy learning abt folklore and mythology ! guys or girls: rp wise? guys. romantically? girls ! lmao. last time i cried: i cry on the daily bc im a weak bitch and always watch videos on fb that make me cry, either angry or happy tears its a toss up. anything that moves me a lot and there go the water works ! hair colour: i alternate between brown and blonde. . . . i’m a brunette rn. what i should be doing: either drafts or working on my novel oops. favorite fandoms: the tolkien fandom was the nicest fandom i’ve written in. the marvel fandom has been the nastiest, but i still love y’all.
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