#i know it doesn’t make sense
itsdelicate · 5 months
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is this a safe space to admit that i just realised the lyrics are not “bedroom eyes like a manatee”🧍‍♀️
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xenoanamorph · 2 months
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oh no here we go again …..
more fun with these two😤🫣
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thecalvinistkat · 7 months
Avatar: dies
The Avatar cycle:
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Everytime I drink water from a glass in the kitchen, I do what I call a "Bella"
I fill my glass with water from the tap, drink at least half of it, then look at the remaining water and pour it down the sink
Just like Bella does in that scene in Twilight
I don't exactly know when or even WHY I started doing that. It doesn't make any sense and it's quite annoying, but I can't help it
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thetempleofnyx · 2 years
i want zhongli to push his dragon eggs inside of me
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kink-tomato · 1 year
My worst I’m-old-now tech failing is I don’t use Firefox extensions bc in my head I imagine them as those early 2000s toolbars and I’m afraid they’ll take over my screen like remember this shit?
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I’ll be honest, I’m at a point where money is more important than even slightly considering to possibly entertain the notion of dating someone. And with the experiences I’ve had so far around just plain evil or stupid males, I don’t even want to.
That being said, can I have him?
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thefadingechoes · 1 year
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New stuff! For my ship that doesn’t exist! The golden gear on Etsy made this!
This may post twice because I’m like grandma on tumblr I swear.
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eightfifteen · 1 year
This is how little I care about Byler canon;
If we get Henderhop canon but not Byler I’m still cheering
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Is that a fucking Chili’s sign
It’s late at night and you're walking in the woods completely lost. You should have known taking a new path smack dab in the middle of winter was a bad idea. Night came quicker than you anticipated and at some point on the trek back you had gotten turned around putting you in your current situation. And to make things even better your phone was dead. Perfect. You let out a sigh that frosted the air around you, giving your face the quickest hint of warmth before the cold returned to nip at your nose. An owl hooted in the distance, almost mockingly. Criticizing you for getting lost so deep in its home. You almost laughed with it.
You turned around to survey your surroundings to try and back track to a familiar area, but the only thing you could see were the trees being swallowed by the darkness barely held at bay by your flashlight. A rumble sounded somewhere in the distance, signaling that you now had a time limit to figure something out. You gritted your teeth in frustration. You could only scold yourself as you continued to march forward. You didn’t have time to sit and think about your own stupidity, you had to find shelter. Maybe if you waited it out you would have a better chance of figuring out a way back in the morning. 
As you trudged through the forest a distant light peeked through the canopy of the tree line. You paused. The moon was not only behind you, but it was also waning. Meaning it wouldn’t be shining so brightly. You looked around and spotted a cliff to your right. You need to get a better look, maybe you were closer to the road than you thought. As you crested the top of the slippery cliff you were finally able to make out what was lighting up the sky. A fucking Chili’s sign. There’s a fucking Chili’s sign is sitting in the middle of a fucking forest for whatever reason. Whatever, if there’s a sign there’s a restaurant, and where’s there's a restaurant there’s help. 
You scaled back down the cliff as quickly as you could then raced towards the sign. The thought of safety putting life back into your freezing legs. It took minutes for you to reach the clearing where the sign was. However, the relief you felt immediately washed away when the only thing you saw was the tall sign you had spotted moments ago. Where was the restaurant? As you began to make your way closer to the sign you began to look around looking for anything that could help you. A smaller sign saying how far away the Chili’s was, the remains of an old deserted building, the remnants of a road, anything. But the only thing that proved people had ever been there was a small pile of old shoes.  
You stopped some ways away from the towering light and studied it. It was definitely a Chili’s sign. It was odd that there was nothing but the logo since the restaurant was nowhere in sight. No directions, no open sign, nothing. What the fuck was going on here. It was at that moment that you realized just how quiet it was. Before there had been the subtle sounds of life to remind you that you were not truly alone. The singing of an orchestra of crickets, the hoots of a great Horned owl, and the skittering of rodents somewhere in the shadows, noises that had all died under the light of the sign. As you looked back at the forest the shadows themselves appeared to cower away from the light you sheltered in.  
Now that you thought about it, the light felt somewhat brighter now that you were standing under it. You looked up at the sign only to find it staring at you. The head of the sign bent at an angle so the Chili’s logo was clear, and the ground in front of you was becoming wet with the red liquid that leaked from the glowing pepper. You felt the blood drain from your face as the blood seemed to rush to your legs. You should be running. You wanted to run. But you couldn’t look away from the sign getting closer and closer to you. At some point your legs gave out and your mind began to go numb as the light of the sign invaded your mind. You were safe here. You didn’t need to run. Stop fighting me. The world went blank around you as the light engulfed you. 
You woke up with a start at your table. Your eyes darted around frantically as you tried to figure out what was happening. You were in a Chili’s restaurant. Why were you in a Chili’s restaurant? How long have you been here? Why did this feel wrong? You felt like there was something you should be remembering, something important. You looked around to the other patrons of the establishment. They all seemed fuzzy and distant, like there was a haze separating you all from interacting. No one really seemed to notice you or your confused state, except a waitress. She walked up to your table, placing a glass of water down. Her warm smile eased your weary mind despite the lingering voice telling you that this was wrong. As she walked away the memories of your dream bleed from your mind, putting you at ease. You decided that you were just being paranoid from the bad dream, and decided to relax as you sipped your water. 
In the forest, below the Chili’s sign where you once stood, is a pair of blood well kept hiking boots with your feet still snug inside.  
Told y’all I would write this out sooner or later. Its just a silly little spook I wrote to improve my writing skill. Nothing too serious.  Feedback is appreciated. 
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dylanisdazed · 2 years
Call me Marie Antoifuckinette cuz I luuuurv me sum cake.
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alyanette-lover · 2 years
give me a starbucks vending machine for christmas and I’ll actually learn something in school
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xenoanamorph · 2 months
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more fluff I’m embarrassed to post.
I still think Tara should’ve been a final girl. ..
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ragebear · 2 months
I fuckin love the aesthetic of art of like, vintagey clowns but if I meet a clown irl it’s on sight I ain’t about that
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clarissasbakery · 11 months
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walk with me, walk with me yall….
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amimuu · 2 months
Honestly? Narilamb is probably the funniest ship out there. What do you mean it’s a cat and a sheep. What do you mean cats look at headbutts like a sign of affection but sheep look at it as an attack. What do you mean they both can purr actually. What do you mean cats love lanolin cuz it relaxes them. If they ever had a kid it would be called a shitten. A SHITTEN.
And also it’s literally the perfect ship for anyone who’s queer and/or religiously traumatized to latch onto. WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS A GOD AND HIS MOST DEVOTED BELIEVER WHO’S BOTH HIS SALVATION AND HIS DEMISE?????
Funniest ship ever.
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