#i know it's not impressive and most of the people i grew up with graduated years ago but still
feinstone · 4 months
Congratulations on graduating! That must be an amazing feeling.
thank youuuu <3
technically i won't be graduating until the end of the year because i finished past the cut off date for my uni's mid-year graduation ceremonies, but i'm happy to have finished regardless.
it's been a really difficult and long process, and i had to delay finishing my degree by 2 years due to a long string of Life Events (Not Fun) that got in the way of me completing the last 2 courses i had left in my degree as of mid-2022, so i'm glad i finally managed to get to the end of a semester without some random bullshit stopping me for the first time in several years lmao.
i dropped out of high school after i got sick, and i thought i was gonna have to drop out of uni too, despite all the work i've put in to pull my life together. it really means a lot to me that i managed to make it through to the end this time, even though it was tough to keep my head above water sometimes.
#ask#thegrinninggametile#it feels nice to actually finish something for once#i've never really done it before#i dunno#it feels like i'm bragging and i hate talking about accomplishing anything because it feels really selfish and egotistical#but i'm really proud of myself#i know it's not impressive and most of the people i grew up with graduated years ago but still#i proved to myself that i CAN see smth like this through to the end even when it gets really tough yknow?#only vaguely related but i refuse to call myself a 'graduand' until december and act like i haven't already completed the degree#despite my encyclopedic knowledge of my uni's policy and procedure library#if they want to make me wait over 6 months after i finish before actually giving me my testamur and saying i've graduated#then i'm saying i've graduated anyway#i've got all the pieces of paper that say i'm done besides the actual testamur#so policy and procedure definitions dictionary articles 14/232PL and 14/233PL can huff my shorts :P#(i used to work at my university and part of my job was basically committing the policy and procedure library to memory)#(so i could teach other students how to navigate the school's systems and how things work)#(and also to hold members of staff/departments accountable for failing to follow university policy when interacting with disabled students)#(i really enjoyed that job sometimes)#(plus i'm just autistic and liked learning about how all the systems of a large university are developed and interface with each other)#sweet.txt
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 years
A little thing based on this post because it wouldn’t leave my brain:
“I just don’t understand why you won’t try to read it.”
Steve had heard Dustin say this exact sentence hundreds of times at this point.
“I mean, do you know how to read?”
Mike was an asshole. Steve loved him because he was part of the group and he’d been through the same things, but he was such a dick.
“Yes, I know how to read. I just don’t.”
Dustin rolled his eyes.
“If you don’t wanna read nerd shit just say so.”
Steve threw his arms up in frustration.
Steve was a nerd at heart. As a child, he would beg the nanny to take him to the library and the science museum that had real dinosaur fossils. There was something about the peace of exiting his reality and finding a new one among fantasy and history that was indescribable, even to this day.
But as he grew into his looks, he grew out of that phase. At least around others.
And with no nanny around to take him places, he settled for just being the popular guy who hung out with his friends after practice and threw parties at his forever empty house on Saturdays.
But secretly, he still found himself enjoying books late into the night. Never school books, or his grades would’ve been good enough for college, but always incredible novels that took him to other worlds with the most impressively brave people.
And then he lived a nightmare. A few times over. With concussions at every turn.
Now, anytime he tried to read, his head started pounding, his vision got blurry, and ears would start ringing. He stopped trying altogether after Starcourt, but he’d never really let go his love of books.
He occasionally let Robin read to him, but she would get distracted by a plot or character and go on a tangent, leaving Steve confused about what the actual story was. He hated being confused.
“Stevie, you got a minute?”
Eddie had been watching from his spot at the end of the table, where he’d been cleaning up the mess of D&D. He usually made the kids do it, but he’d let them off the hook tonight when they beat the monster and escaped his trap.
Steve and Eddie were friends, definitely. Maybe not close ones, but friends.
Steve had a little crush, definitely. Or a big one. Maybe.
So when Eddie shows him attention, he somewhat shamefully receives it like he’s dying of thirst in a desert.
Robin is the only one who’s noticed so far, but if he keeps acting like a dog being called by his master anytime Eddie talks to him, someone else will comment on it.
“Yeah, what’s up?” Steve asked as he made his way to Eddie.
The kids took this time to talk amongst themselves about the game and what they think will happen next week, and Steve couldn’t have been more grateful.
“You don’t have to tell me, but.” Eddie was tapping his fingers nervously against his leg. “Do you not know how to read?”
“Uh. No I do. I mean I graduated high school. I know it’s hard to believe.”
“Not judging if you can’t, man. I mean, I took three senior years. I’m the last person who can judge.”
“Yeah, but you’re smart. You just didn’t like school,” Steve replied with a pat to his shoulder.
Eddie glanced down at the contact, eyebrow raising and then falling back to normal quickly.
“Just seems like you’d have read something by now to get them off your ass.”
And that’s a really good point. Maybe he should’ve just suffered through a migraine so they’d leave him alone about it.
But migraines left him out for days sometimes, and he couldn’t exactly afford that right now.
“I guess it’s just not worth the migraine.”
He hadn’t meant to actually say it. He didn’t want Eddie to feel bad or for him to try to make him feel better about it or ask questions or talk about the concussion thing.
Actually, did he even know about the concussion thing? Things?
“You get migraines when you try to read?” Then realization hit Eddie hard. “Steve. Do you like reading?”
Something about the way Eddie was looking at him, like he was sad for him but not pitying him, made Steve want to cry.
“I used to, yeah.”
“Everyone out! Your parents are gonna have to come get you! No questions, no explanations, go!” Eddie yelled to the room.
Everyone stared blankly at him before they started protesting, Dustin loudest of all.
“Steve’s my ride!”
“Not anymore. Hitch a ride with Lucas.”
“But Lucas’ mom always squeezes my cheeks and tells me she hopes I never lose my baby fat.”
“She speaks for all of us. Get the hell out of here!”
Steve was actually impressed. Maybe a little turned on? God, he was a disaster.
As everyone cleared out of the room, Eddie patted the seat next to him. When Steve sat down, Eddie scooted his chair so close to him, his knees were touching Steve’s.
“Alright, so you’re gonna tell me about what books you like and what books you want to read and we’re gonna get started.”
Steve blinked at him. “Huh?”
“You have a list I’m sure.”
“Yeah, but…”
“Okay, then we better get started.”
“I mean, I’ve tried. I appreciate it, but even focusing on one page makes my eyes burn and my head hurt.”
“Got that. I’m not asking you to read.”
Sometimes Steve was worried the concussions had actually knocked some screws loose. He wasn’t getting it.
“I’m gonna read to you, Stevie.”
“You don’t have to do that. I’m sure a lot of them will be movies and I can just watch them.”
“It’s not the same. You know it’s not.”
He was right. Steve didn’t have much patience for movies. And sometimes even those gave him migraines if there were a lot of bright lights and explosions.
“Yeah. But still. You don’t have to do that. You might not even like the books.”
“Ah, this isn’t a completely free service, my liege.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I don’t have extra money to pay you, dude.”
“Not money. I get to pick a book to read to you when we finish the first book you pick.”
“Is it The Hobbit?”
“It is,” Eddie looked so smug.
“Well, that was my first choice,” Steve stared back, equally as smug.
“So, your house is empty.”
“And I’m assuming you own this book.”
“I do.”
“And it’s getting late.”
Steve looked out the window at the pitch black skies.
“It’s late.”
“So I could stay and read you to sleep.”
“Won’t I miss some of the book?”
“I’ll stop when you’re asleep.”
Steve’s heart was practically begging him to say yes. Eddie reading to him in his bed? Possibly falling asleep together? Maybe even waking up together? It couldn’t be a better proposition. Well. It could.
“Will you stay even if I fall asleep?”
Eddie smirked. “If that’s what you want, sweetheart.”
It wasn’t the first time he’d called Steve that, but it was the first time it felt like he meant it in a non-teasing way.
So they both changed into some of Steve’s comfy clothes, got into his bed, and Eddie started reading The Hobbit.
Just as he was during D&D and real life, Eddie was animated, providing different voices for different characters and often giving long pauses to let Steve soak in what the words meant.
Steve didn’t even have to ask him to do that. He just did.
Steve fell asleep somewhere between halfway and the end of chapter two, but Eddie stayed.
And they woke up the next day with Steve’s head resting on Eddie’s chest, Eddie’s arms wrapped around him to keep him as close as possible.
They finished the The Hobbit in a week, and because Eddie was now committed to making sure Steve was well-read, they started moving through his list rapidly, falling for each other in new ways every time Eddie turned a page.
Part 2 (Angst)  / Part 2 (Fluffy) /  Part 2 (Explicit)
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Nothing Has Changed - 9
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Summary: Returning home for peace, you're faced with your tormentor, Bucky Barnes, who is now involved in your family's business.
Character: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warning: Angst, Tragedy.
Nothing Has Changed - Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 💖💖💖
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“This town looks peaceful to an outsider, a perfect place for a pensioner to spend their free time,” Steve commented, his gaze sweeping over the quiet streets.
“I guess the Bronze Lodge is their only destination,” you replied, noting the town’s well-known resort.
He nodded. “It's a great place and helps the economy. Most locals work there.”
You glanced around, recognizing a few faces from your past. “Hmm. I see some familiar people.”
“So, you've met the homecoming queen,” Steve said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“My number one hater,” you responded dryly.
“She will hate you even more after seeing how successful you've become,” Steve chuckled.
You nodded, and the ice between you began to melt as the conversation continued. The years apart seemed to fade as you shared updates and memories.
“Don’t you realize you're talking behind her back? Isn’t she your close friend?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
Steve shrugged. “Not anymore. After graduation, all of us went our separate ways. Bucky went abroad to study business, Natasha pursued her modeling career, and others moved to different states.”
He sighed, reflecting on how time had changed their once-close group. As everyone grew older, they followed their own paths. But in the end, almost all of them returned to this town.
“What made me curious is Jake. I thought he would be the one to make it big since he won multiple competitions related to computers,” you said, recalling the prodigious talent he once displayed.
“Ah, Jake. He wanted to be popular so badly back then. Ironically, he got it in the worst way possible,” Steve replied with a hint of regret.
“What happened to him?” You leaned forward, intrigued by the unfolding story.
“Well… Jake got out of control with his IT skills and hacked the department of defense and he made a crypto scam.”
You gasped. “Really?” Would a guy like Jake do something like that?
“The government banned Jake from anything related to coding for a few years,” Steve explained, shaking his head.
“How did you know all of this?” you asked, impressed by his knowledge of the local gossip.
“His mother told her friend, and her friend told her hairdresser, and the hairdresser told everyone at the church,” Steve said with a wry smile.
Gossip travels fast. You almost spilled your hot jasmine tea, laughing at the absurdity. Steve quickly handed you a tissue, and you gratefully accepted it.
“Then… what do you think about Mayor Martin?” you asked, curious about the town's leadership.
Steve's expression turned serious. “I don’t trust him.”
A shiver ran down your spine at his words. Something was wrong if even someone as reserved as Steve didn’t trust the mayor.
You went home, Steve's words still lingering in your mind. You needed answers, so you decided to ask your dad about what had happened in the town since you left.
Tom sat in his favorite armchair, engrossed in a thick book. Without looking up, he replied, “There haven't been any significant changes, except for the new resort owned by the Barnes.”
“But,” he continued, his tone growing more somber, “I have noticed an increase in the number of funerals I've conducted for a single travelers.”
'Single travelers?' A cold shiver ran down your spine at his words. "Who paid for the funerals?" you asked, your voice tinged with unease.
“The town mayor, Martin, has been kind enough to pay for the funerals,” Tom added, finally lifting his gaze from the book to look at you.
Your instincts screamed that Martin’s kindness had a hidden agenda. “Don’t you ever wonder why so many tourists die in this town?” you asked, your voice tinged with suspicion.
Tom chuckled, dismissing your concerns with a wave of his hand. “Are you saying there’s a serial killer in this town? That’s impossible. The police have deemed all the deaths accidents.” He closed his book and patted your shoulder gently. “You should go to sleep. You've been working too much.”
As Tom headed to his room, you remained in the living room, deep in thought. Your father, accustomed to dealing with death, seemed numb to its frequency. But not you. The increasing number of deaths didn’t sit well with you, and the mayor’s supposed generosity felt more sinister than charitable.
Should you and your dad leave this town? The question gnawed at you as you pondered your next steps. Once a familiar haven, the town now felt shrouded in mystery and danger.
The next day, you returned to the hotel feeling renewed determination. As you walked into your office, you stopped abruptly. Once cluttered with documents and black binders, the table was completely empty. A wave of panic surged through you. Had someone stolen everything? The scene eerily reminded you of when the FBI raided your office and confiscated all your belongings.
You bolted out of the room and hurried to Bucky's office. As you approached, you heard raised voices from behind the closed door.
“You’re doubting me?” a woman exclaimed.
“At first, but now I have the evidence. Numbers don’t lie,” Bucky responded firmly.
“Hmph. I still can’t believe it. She’s only been here for a few days, and you trust her over your own mother?”
You couldn't take it anymore. You pushed the door open, making both Bucky and the woman flinch. “Are you doubting my skills?” you demanded, crossing your arms and standing confidently.
The woman turned to face you. She was Lydia Barnes, Bucky’s mother. At fifty years old, she exuded elegance and grandeur, her rich lifestyle evident in her designer clothing and impeccable grooming. She looked you up and down, her eyes narrowing.
Lydia remembered you. You used to be a shy girl who never met anyone's gaze. But now, you stood before her with unshakeable confidence. Your eyes, so full of determination, reminded her of someone she detested—your mother.
Lydia’s face hardened. “I see you've returned,” she said, her tone dripping with disdain.
“I have,” you replied, meeting her gaze steadily. “And I found discrepancies in the financial records. Someone has been embezzling money from this resort.”
Lydia's eyes flashed with anger. “How dare you accuse me?”
You maintained your calm demeanor, but your eyes locked onto hers with a sharp intensity. “I didn't accuse you, Mrs. Barnes. But why are you so defensive?” You let the question hang in the air, trying to bait her into revealing more. “It’s impossible for a business owner to steal from their own business, isn’t it?”
Lydia's face went pale for a moment before she recovered, her expression turning icy. She was momentarily stunned, clearly taken aback by your insinuation.
Bucky stepped in, his tone exasperated but calm. “Mom, we’ll discuss this later. Right now, we need to focus on the numbers and figure out what’s really going on.”
You took a step back, observing Lydia carefully. Her fists were clenched tightly at her sides, and her eyes were narrow slits of fury. She was clearly not used to being questioned, especially not in her own domain.
Lydia straightened up, regaining some of her composure. “Very well,” she said coolly. “But don’t think for a moment that I’ll let this go.”
As she turned to leave, you caught a glimpse of vulnerability in her eyes—a fleeting moment of fear that she quickly masked. It was enough to confirm your suspicions that there was more to this story than she was letting on.
Bucky let out a heavy sigh once she was gone, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry about that. She’s...complicated.”
You nodded, taking in the tension that still lingered in the air. Lydia was an odd woman, and you couldn't shake the feeling that she harbored a deep-seated dislike for you. The first time you saw her was at her husband’s funeral—Bucky's dad.
Even then, her eyes had fixed on you like a tiger eyeing its prey. You always wondered what you had done to her.
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littledigits · 3 months
What is your take on the current animation industry and the way its heading for AI and job hiring? Ngl its looking a little bleak and I would love to hear your insight!
HOO. This is going to be a long one, but good question. Please keep in mind I am but one person with my one opinion.
I'm going to give you a little context to what was leading up to the job bust, the shit reality, and the hopeful conclusion.
Its always been a completive industry and unfortunately it will more-so for the next little while, even compared to when I graduated. The reality is, the animation industry GREW SO MUCH over the streaming services greenlighting projects to a point where I was like . WHERE ARE ALL THESE CARTOONS GOING. It felt like we went from nothing to a ton and was amazing that so much work was going around (looking back we see why it was too good to be true) A lot of schools and studios responded to this by growing as well. This means while it may recover, I dont see a way that it could reach the highs we had in the 2015-2021 period - because that wasn't representative of a sustainable model or a model they were planning on sticking with forever.
So the streaming bubble popped, and a lot of the reason why it popped was because streaming wasn't as lucrative when everyone joins in. This is the reality of working under the umbrella of Hollywood companies. Mergers happened, projects got pulled - and it probably wouldn't have seemed as big if we didn't have THE MOST JOBS EVER like, just a year before. It was a big rug pull. With the huge growth came a steep fall and all of it because of bad investments and choices of the people with the money. aka, we all wanted to chase someone elses idea thats making money for them and it didnt pay off - which leads me to AI.
While AI is scary and will do/is doing damage, it will not last forever. The industry only looks like its heading this way because the people who like AI are desperate to make it work, so they're pushing at it from all angles despite no AI company being profitable. ( once companies see that its not going to make them money they will drop it ) Its really nothing but a glorified pattern and predictive text machine that of course looks impressive when you feed it oodles of data. People who live on linked in and drink management courses like its water think that sort of shit is impressive, but they dont actually know how it works and just buy into the tech industry hype cycle . What we're seeing is them trying to make fetch happen, and it wont. (some useful bits will stay around but it doesnt 'think', a lot of this is just pure fakery)
You can trace a lot of things that lost jobs to bad investments from people higher up, who just jump around to different jobs when they make a mistake, or just simply get a bonus.
Its a symptom of the greater issue which is the monopoly of people in media and tech, which have been merging over the years with digital streaming. Lack of regulation in industries since the 80s has lead to a lot of the shit you see all around you, and it starts to be controlled by people who only want numbers goup. Overall , I think the animation industry in north America is entirely too controlled by the major studios and broadcasters, and that's going to be a tricky thing to navigate since they're very mask off about what their intentions are at this point. Its a growth-at-all-cost mindset that leads to things like AI, so while im confidant that what we see as 'ai' will die , we do have to realize as artists that as long as these people are in charge they will always try to find a way to cut the bottom line and not invest in the industry.
Its totally reasonable to feel bleak, but that's the intent. They want people to have to settle for less, and they want them to forget a time that it was better. Demoralization is part of the tactics, and 'starving' people out of jobs so they're easier to negotiate with is extremely common and pretty much what is happening right now. And this is exactly why you're seeing more union push from lots of industries because we're ALL being taken advantage of here. While it feels hopeless, this actually puts us much more in line with the artists and storytellers before us. They were up against the same people fighting the same fight, they were just called communists haha. Different words, same tactics, but the history of moments like this in the entertainment industry is more common then the shiny package we tend to grow up idolizing . ( its good to admire but we do often put these products up on a pedestal to our detriment )
The industry will survive, and it will change into something different which is GOOD. Because what it is right now, while workable and still full of things I enjoy - is NOT sustainable. And if we want to keep the skills of 2d animation, stop motion or any sort of creative trade to continue, we NEED sustainability. This is why collective action is so important, and so is diversity in the amounts of media we have! For example
And while there are ups and downs regardless if you work in a small studio or a large one, I am hopeful that the conversations I've been seeing will spark change. Because as sucky as it is , compared to the rest of my time in the industry ( i think im on like 16 or 17 years now ) , I've never seen so much engagement or even discussion on the topic which says a lot. I think as artists we are always up for putting a lot of hard work into our skills, I think if enough of us point that passion into our community and collective action, we can start building an industry that does not have such a power imbalance, and that starts with community, education and engagement ! ( learning about the history of unions/animation/hollywood/workers rights,and then sharing that stuff! just through convo like this !) I hope this gives you some perspective, its something we're going to have to work at, but not something that is impossible. A lot of how the animation industry functions is not great, but what matters is that we work to make it better and the people who HAVE been doing that work are the ones that you want to find. They are the people with the proactive solutions to show you how to take power back. It helps fight the bleak feeling <3 tldr :
the solution is that as much as it sucks we try to make it better for those who come after us - and you can be involved in that job or not ! even just by supporting or being aware. This isnt animation is all careers, we're all effected by the same thing.
never forget.
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glutengoblin · 5 months
Too Sweet (Part 2) - Sebastian Sallow X Reader
A/N: Apologies for the delay! As a Ravenclaw dealing with finals, I spent waaaaay too long in the library this past week. Here's part 2!
This story is inspired by "Too Sweet" by Hozier, which I have been playing on repeat for days at this point.
Also, if you'd like to be friends, please reach out! I would love to get to know you!
Summary: Sebastian has a problem, and that problem is his best friend. She is simply too sweet for him, and can't get her out of his head. Will he do something about his feelings, or choose to continue to keep them a secret? (She/Her Pronouns, House Neutral)
Word Count: 1.7 K
Ominis stared at his friend with surprise, trying to determine if he was actually meant to be taken seriously. Sebastian laughed at his expression- despite the fact that his stomach felt more queasy than it ever had, he settled on his decision.
“I mean, with graduation coming up, it's now or never, correct?” With that, Sebastian downed the last of his butterbeer in one fell swoop and stood up. Thankfully, years of downing fire whiskey after quidditch games had steeled him against the effects of alcohol, so for the most part, he was stable.
He turned around and surveyed the party, which had grown exponentially in rowdiness. Poppy was toppled over with laughter at something Garreth had said, with Natty by right by her side. Imelda actually stood on a table, chanting the Holyhead Harpies main cheer (apparently, she had just been accepted to the team that day). Even Amit appeared drunk, as he tried to explain the merits of astrology to Everett, who looked surprisingly okay with the topic of conversation.
When his eyes finally fell on Y/N, he grew a bit hot under the collar. She was sitting on a table, swinging her legs back and forth in her gleeful way. What Sebastian didn’t like was the cause of that glee, which was Andrew Larson, clearly telling that most fascinating joke. He was leaned ever so close to her, in a way that was awfully suggestive- and Sebastian hated it.
Sebastian stalked over, trying to flash his most charming smile, even though his anger was beginning to seep through. Truly, he didn’t adore the idea of Y/N being with some other than him.
As he approached, Y/N flashed him the most glorious smile. “Sebastian! I was hoping you’d come join. Andrew was just telling me about a new quidditch move he’s developing. I think its a brilliant idea.”
Andrew turned to look at Sebastian, his smile falling a bit as he examined his impression. “Y/N, I’m not sure its exactly information I want a Slytherin, of all people, to be privy too.” Andrew let out a chuckle, clearly trying to play it off as a joke.
Sebastian’s smile faded to a scowl, as he took a step closer, evidently sizing Andrew up. “And what exactly is wrong with being a Slytherin?” He quirked his head to the side, giving his best lost puppy expression, fanning ignorance to the fact that he knew exactly what Andrew had met.
Y/N threw a worried look between them, scooting off the table. “Hey, guys I don’t think that-” Andrew cut her off by giving her a hand, and giving Sebastian a scowl that rivaled his own.
“Perhaps I should clarify my statement Sallow. Its not so much that you’re Slytherin, as it is the fact that you’re you-” Sebastian gritted his teeth, clearly gearing up for the altercation that as about to ensue.
“Then what about me specifically-”
“I just think you’re an untrustworthy person. I mean, constantly up in the middle of the night, the way you’ve acted since your sister left- even she seems to think that you’re not worth associating with anymore-” Though Sebastian wasn’t proud of his next move, he was even less proud of what occurred after.
Sebastian lunged, socking Andrew with a fist straight to the eye. Stumbling back, Andrew drew his wand and threw a cast that Sebastian took straight to the chest, causing him to go flying back against the tables.
A hushed silence fell over the room as every onlooker watch the bar fight unfold in front of them. Sebastian lunged and Andrew, tackling him to ground as Andrew cried out. They rolled around on the floor, trying land more hits until Y/N finally drew her wand.
In an instant, the two men were floating in mid air, tethered in what Sebastian knew to be ancient magic. As soon as the shock from being lifted wore off, he took note of her expression. Y/N looked pissed- more than he had ever seen her.
Crossing her arms across her chest, she shot them both icy glares, before finally speaking. “ENOUGH! You two need to promise to stop acting like petulant children, and then I’ll put you down.” Evidently, both of them knew what was good for them as they nodded sheepishly. Lowering them both to the ground, Y/N then approached Sebastian. “You- Come with me.” Grabbing his upper arm, she lead him out onto the streets of Hogsmeade and to the nearest floo flame, muttering all the while.
Thankfully for his sake, she waited until they had arrived at her room of requirement before she lost her mind at him. “What the hell were you thinking Sebastian! Punching Larson? You’re already on thin ice with Weasley about the time you got in a brawl with Garreth after potions, what made you think it was a good idea to try a repeat!” Sebastian scowled, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Well, I wouldn’t have punched the git if he hadn’t said those things about Anne. I mean come on Y/N, you heard what he said.” Y/N turned away, rummaging through one of her potions stations as she muttered to herself. Eventually, she returned with a cloth and deep blue potion, which she gently dabbed onto the wound on his forehead.
“I know Sebastian- Andrew was completely out of line. But still, violence is never the answer to your problems.” Sebastian snorted at that.
“That’s rich coming from you of all people. The girl who has probably killed more goblins than most aurors.” He retorted, gaining him a slap on the arm that made him yelp. She gave him a glare worth of rivaling Professor Sharp’s.
“You know what I mean Sebastian. I don’t know what I would do if you got expelled, and given your last insurrection you’re closer than ever to achieving that goal.” Sebastian let out a chuckle, pushing her hand away from his forehead.
“Has anyone ever told you that you worry too much?” That statement only earned him a shake of her head and scowl. Honestly, he found it weirdly attractive when she angry- it was so unlike her normal sweet expression.
Y/N let out a sigh of relief as his wound finally began to close up. Sebastian could have sworn that he imagined the next words out of her mouth, because that would be a more reasonable, logical explanation. However, he most certainly didn’t.
“Only about you…”
“What do you mean by that?” Their faces were rather close at this point, likely from her trying to ensure that his wound was properly tended to. Sebastian, however, let himself hope for a second that it was because she longed to close the distance as much as he did.
She let out another sigh, as she searched his eyes for the answer he was hoping to hear. “I suppose you could say… I care about you more than I really do for anyone else.” Sebastian eyebrows shot up at her admittance - could it possibly be that she returned his feelings? While still not sure, he had promised Ominis that he would finally do something about his pesky crush. Now seemed as good of a time as any.
“I-I… I care for you more than I do anyone else too… in a romantic sense-” Sebastian admitted, his hand traveling up to her cheek as he waited in quiet an anticipation. “Sorry if that was too rushed, or not romantic enough. I just don’t really know how else to say it.”
Her voice quivered a bit as the full weight of his words hit her, cause a wild blush to travel over her cheeks. “Really? You-You have feelings for me?”
“Really. Would it be alright if I-” Sebastian’s request was cut off as her lips crashed into his. Gone was the girl who had been so delicate with his injured self mere seconds ago. Instead, she was replaced with a someone that seemed to want this as desperately as him, as her hands found purchase in his hair, pulling him further into her.
Sebastian could swear his heart was exploding in his chest. The fact that after everything that had transpired, everything since 5th year, that she still wanted him- he was astounded. It was right then and there that he thanked Salazar for this chance, and swore that he would try his absolute best not to mess this up.
Her lips against his tasted sweet in a way he couldn’t quite describe- not sickening, but rather addicting. He knew right then he was screwed- falling even harder for her instantly became inevitable.
Deciding to jump head first into the intoxication, he placed his hands on her hips and pulled her ever closer, pressing her smaller frame against his. She responded with a whimper that drove him absolutely mad, as he resounded to make her make that noise again.
Much to Sebastian’s dismay, they eventually had to pull apart for air. Staring at each other in shock, he gently brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, examining her eyes for any sign of regret. He was thankful to find none. After so long of just being friends, they had entered uncharted territory. The night felt new in an odd way, the excitement in the air was palpable.
Eventually Sebastian couldn’t bare it any longer, and grasped her hand in his. Running his thumb over her knuckles, he shot her a small smile. “Would it be too forward to ask you on a date at this point?”
Y/N let out a small chuckle, shooting him a sheepish smile. “Not at all, quite honestly I’ve been waiting two years for you to ask.” Sebastian’s cheeks flushed, as he quietly damned himself for not taking action much, much sooner. She broke his contemplative silence, urging her to look back up at her. “When did you want to-”
Sebastian squeezed her hand a bit tighter, considering for a moment. “Well, how about tomorrow? Preferably after 10 though, you know how I feel about my sleep.”
“That sounds fine. But don’t worry, eventually I’ll fix you. You’ll become a morning person if its the last thing I do before we graduate.”
Sebastian’s smile was wider than the whole sky as he leaned in, pressing another kiss against her lips.
“You keep telling yourself that.”
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AITA for writing an essay and sending it to the sheriff?
This sounds so dumb but
I grew up Christian. I still believe most of it. Me and my family have always beenlaid back, don't judge, God loves all type people. I know there are some Christians who don't believe that- we aren't that kind and they give it a bad name I get it.
But my sister. I love her, I do, but she didn't know what she wanted to do when she graduated high school. She graduated the year before me and decided she would go do this "discipleship" program a woman had given a talk on.
We both were under the impression that going to this program, she would get the necessary coursework to become a pastor. Which, technically, they did do the coursework.
Except it was a cult. 100% a cult. Not every religion is a cult, but a lot of cults have religious aspects. I know without a doubt this was a cult.
Things she went through: wasnt allowed to get a job the first year she was there and was financially dependent on the leader to find them "charity" work and "fundraising" opportunities, all had to live at apartments the leader owned and pay him rent to live there, everyone was called family, was placed on restrictive diets that eventually got less restrictive the longer you stayed, got sprayed with a water hose for being unable to memorize Scripture, weekly had to thank the leader for allowing them to be there and include him in their prayers, etc.
After the first year you are there, you get more responsibility if you come back a second year. Those who didn't come back a second year are encouraged to not be talked to. Third and fourth years are invites only, but by the third year you are so indoctrinated they invite you *anyone who showed any signs of insecurity or questioning were not invited back*. After the fourth year, every single person has joined the staff or helps work for this group.
It grosses me out and I didnt even write half of what my sister went through. My sister got out after her third year because she was in a car accident and had to do extensive therapy to recover. She is fine now, but misses the group. She is convinced it isnt a cult.
I wrote down things she has said as well as things I was told by an excommunicated member. I used citations of well known cults as examples, and even cited different models and psychological papers.
I submitted it all as evidence to the local sheriff of where the cult is based. My sister and the member were not named. My sister found out and freaked out, saying they would never take her back if they found out what I did. Then she said she was scared they would harm me. She finally doubled back and claimed it wasn't a cult and I caused a ton of innocent people to lose their jobs as well as their homes if the leader gets arrested. I hadn't thought about that and felt bad about the families and innocent kids involved.
What are these acronyms?
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ejzah · 16 days
A/N: Since I’m still thinking of Neal revealing more of his past to Peter, here’s a little fic on that topic. Yes I’m, shockingly, taking a tiny detour from my usual fandom. Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.
The Conman Revealed
Peter has known for some times that Neal didn’t exactly come from a stable family. Most people didn’t end up criminals because they had a happy childhood. Plus, there were the various kernels dropped over the years, dolled out almost like strange gifts or slips of the tongue.
He’d never graduated high school, his dad was a dirty cop, and on it went. A part of Peter had wondered if some of these details were the complete truth or just another example of Neal Caffrey creating his own legend. He could usually tell when Neal was being completely earnest though; not to mention Neal didn’t reveal more than the bare minimum in those moments.
So, Peter sits at a crappy picnic table, eating his fancy takeout, and listens to Neal unravel his past. Neal’s voice is a little softer and quieter than usual, even though it’s just the two of them out here. Peter knew this would be a difficult conversation, but didn’t anticipate how vulnerable Neal woul be.
“When my dad went away, my mom just checked out. I mean, she was around, but she wasn’t around, so Ellen looked after me,” Neal says. His eyes shift from Peter to just beyond and then back again.
It takes Peter a moment to process Neal’s revelation, and another to decided it doesn’t make sense.
“Well, how could she look after you if you she was in witne—” breaks offs, and now Neal looks him in the eye, his look knowing as he lets Peter put the pieces together himself. “You grew up in witness protection,” Peter says, and Neal nods, his voice a little rougher when he confirms,
“I was three when the marshals took us away.”
Everything makes sense now: Neal’s ability to create new peronas, to live those personas so vividly, his strange mix of self-preservation and extreme recklessness. His impressive ability with firearms; Peter smiles a little when he thinks of that particular skill.
In the following weeks, Peter learns a little bit more each day about Neal’s childhood. He’s slightly more open now that the biggest secret is out in the open and Ellen shares bits and pieces with the kind of calculation that makes Peter believe she must have been an excellent cop. He even sees signs of Neal’s shrewdness in her.
One morning a couple weeks after Neal’s revelation, they’re set up in Peter’s office with a stack of fraud cases. Every so often, Neal throws often a question or observation, which Peter makes note of. It’s not the most riveting work, and Peter finds his mind wandering back to Neal, his parents, Ellen.
“What’s stumping you? You’ve been staring for the last five minutes,” Neal says, catching Peter off-guard.
He hadn’t even realized he’d been staring or that Neal had noticed. Peter briefly considers deflecting, but quickly shuts that notion down. They’re trying to be more honest with each other, even if it’s not always pleasant.
“I thinking about what you said about being on WITSEC. If your mom was dealing with her own issues and I assume Ellen was working some of the time, what did you do during the day? Who took care of you?” Peter asks as neutrally as he can.
Neal doesn’t bother looking up from his file. “You’ve been talking to Ellen,” he surmises and Peter shrugs, not denying it.
“She tells some pretty good stories.”
“What do you want to know Peter?” Closing the file, Neal sits back with his arms crossed, perturbed but not completely closed off. That’s a good sign.
Peter sets his own work to the side since it’s not like he was making any progress with his thoughts on Neal’s past.
“Between what you and Ellen have shared, it sounds like you were left to your own devices a lot,” Peter starts, approaching the topic carefully. Even so, Neal visibly bristles.
“Ellen did the best she could,” he objects emphatically. The fact his mom isn’t included in that defense doesn’t go unnoticed.
“I’m sure she did.” Peter holds up a hand to head Neal off before he gets too worked up. “I didn’t mean anything against her. I can tell she cares about you a lot.”
That seems to mollify Neal for the moment and he sighs, rubbing his forehead. “Sorry. Touchy subject.” He smiles, maybe at the understatement. “Ellen tried to take care of me as much as she could, but she did have to work and especially when my mom,” he sighs again. “Sometimes my mom could barely even brush her own hair. She wasn’t in any state to take care of an energetic little boy, so I figured out how to do things for myself when she couldn’t.”
“That had to be a lot of responsibility for a kid.”
“Well, I didn’t have a lot of options.” Neal says with a shrug, his eyes softening with a combination of fondness and melancholy. “I remember when I was seven, there was one day that Ellen had to go into work early, and mom was still asleep. There wasn’t anything ready to eat, so I pulled a chair up to the stove and started making eggs for both us. Mom came out about halfway through. I thought she’d be so proud of me, but she was furious—in restrospect I realize she was terrified I would burn myself or set the apartment on fire—and told me to never touch the stove or oven without an adult around.”
Peter feels profound sadness and a touch of disquiet as Neal finishes the story with a slight smirk, which looks somewhat genuine. He conceals his reaction, knowing that Neal will not appreciate pity or worse, horror, in this moment.
“So what did you do?”
“I learned how to use the toaster and be a lot quieter until I was about ten and she randomly decided I was old enough to handle open flames without supervision,” Neal says, like it makes perfect sense, and Peter sees a little bit more of how the conman was born.
“I imagine you got pretty good at pulling the wool over adults’ eyes wherever you went,” he observes. For once, Neal doesn’t take it as a compliment.
“I had to if I wanted to stay with mom, and Ellen. I mean, it wasn’t like I was being hurt, I just didn’t have anyone around some days or mom wouldn’t have signed the paperwork for a field trip, so I learned to do it for her. My crimes were pretty harmless back then.”
“It’s a shame it came to that ,” Peter can’t help but observe. He wonders what Neal would have been like if he had a solid parental presence in his life, if he hadn’t felt forced to lie and fight his way through his childhood. Clearly Ellen had done her best, but she had her own demons and life to deal with.
“Hey, I could have turned out worse,” Neal points out with a charming smile that lacks the sincerity of moments ago.
“That you could have,” Peter agrees, chuckling as he shakes his head. He tosses his open pen on his desk, grabbing his suit jacket off the back of his chair, and stands, gesturing to Neal. “C’mon, let’s go get a coffee. I’ll even buy.”
Neal makes a show of checking his watch. “It’s only 9:45 and I thought we had important acts of fraud to uncover.”
“Are you going to turn down a free cup of your fancy, small batch roasted coffee?”
Neal tilts head, eyeing Peter suspiciously for a few moments, then his mouth morphs into a massive, and this time genuine, grin. “Peter, are you attempting to make up for my crappy childhood with overpriced drinks and quality time?” he asks, clearly delighted.
“Hey, if you don’t want the coffee, then we can just go back to—”
“Oh no, I’ll take any excuse to leave.” Quickly pushing his file to the side, he stands and doffs his hat with an extra flourish. “If you really want to make it better, I’ve been dying for a cinnamon scone all week.”
“Don’t push your luck,” Peter warns him, though there’s no heat behind it. They walk down the stairs, through the building, and outside together, they’re halfway to Neal’s favorite cafe when he nudges Peter’s shoulder.
“Thanks, Peter.”
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distantlaughter · 1 year
Formula BMW engineer in interview: What makes Nico Rosberg tick
By Christian Nimmervoll, originally written 27 June 2015 for motorsport-total.com (x)
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Between VIVA and Keke: Peter Sieber worked with Nico Rosberg when he wasn't yet a Formula 1 star and remembers the 2002 season in Formula BMW.
Many people have the wrong impression of Nico Rosberg. He comes across as effeminate, pseudo-intellectual, aloof. But envy is something you have to fight for - and level only looks like arrogance from below (to quote some Facebook wisdom). In fact, the Wiesbaden native, who grew up as the son of Finnish Formula 1 champion Keke Rosberg and a German mother, is a well-bred, smart young man who speaks five languages, happens to be an excellent racer, and earns millions doing it.
What's still missing is the world championship title. With his victory at the Austrian Grand Prix last weekend, Rosberg proved that he shouldn't be written off even when his back is supposedly against the wall - there's life in the old dog yet. And in doing so, he gave himself an early birthday present: Today, June 27, the Mercedes driver turns 30 - and is presumably in the prime of his Formula 1 career.
Reason enough for us to talk to a man who not only knows the superstar Nico Rosberg, but also worked with the up-and-coming driver Nico Rosberg when he first came to Formula BMW from karting - and won it outright, as the very first champion of the then new series in 2002. Peter Sieber was hired as race engineer for the world champion's son - and taught him the basics of racing.
Getting to know about Arno Zensen
Question: "Mr. Sieber, how did you meet Keke and Nico Rosberg?"
Peter Sieber: "That went through Arno Zensen, now head of the Rosberg team in the DTM. Arno used to work for Walter Lechner, and we've known each other ever since. Franz Tost was also involved at the time, who is now the boss of Toro Rosso. At the time, they had a South African race engineer at Team Rosberg in Formula BMW who had to go back home. So they asked me if I would like to be Nico's race engineer."
Question: "Can you still remember the very first time you met Nico?"
Sieber: "I had seen him at tests before, when we hadn't worked together yet. My first impression was of a very likeable and well-mannered young guy. In all my years in motorsport, I've noticed one thing: Drivers who have what it takes, who have the potential to make it to the top, don't say anything loud, don't argue, but are professional even at a young age. That was the case with Nico from the very first moment."
"I was a bit scared with him: father Keke Rosberg, Formula 1 world champion, enough money. There are always these father-son stories when the father wants the career more than the son. But that wasn't the case. In terms of people skills, I learned a lot from Keke, namely from the way he dealt with his own son. Nico was always very interested, especially in technology. That's where he always wanted to know what was going on, everywhere."
Question: "They say that Nico was an intelligent student who, if racing hadn't worked out, would have studied aerodynamics or mechanical engineering. When they worked with him, he was still at school."
Sieber: "That's true. The others always said: 'Sure, that's Rosberg's boy, he can test the most and has the best material'. But in truth that wasn't quite the case, because dear Nico had just graduated from high school. So he skipped some tests, which I then had to drive with Kimmo Liimatainen, now team manager at the Rosberg team in the DTM. Because Nico didn't have time."
"Nico didn't have it easy. When he was good, everyone said, 'Sure, I can do it with these prerequisites. And when he wasn't good, they said: 'He's just Rosberg's son, he doesn't have his dad's talent. But Nico didn't want anything as a gift, he wanted to fight for everything. He worked his ass off to achieve that. I was captivated by him right from the start. I always tried to create the best conditions for him."
Spoiled millionaire's son my ass
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Question: "Lewis Hamilton said in the 2014 World Championship battle that Nico has always been a spoiled millionaire's boy, while he himself had to work hard for everything. If I'm interpreting you correctly, you don't agree with that at all?"
Sieber: "No. Keke and Nico's mother, Sina, have a very special attitude; they're not aloof people. When we had stopped working together, and Nico later won his first Formula 3 race, Sina still came up to me afterwards and gave me a hug."
"I say to her, 'Sina, I had nothing to do with that, it was Erich.' Erich Baumgärtner, a friend of mine who was Nico's race engineer in Formula 3. But Sina to me: 'No, Peter, I mean it, because you did the dirty work.' That was a statement for me! The first year is always the most difficult - that's when you have to teach a driver style, technique, work ethic. It wasn't easy, but with Nico it was really fun."
Question: "What does learning style and technique mean? You're hardly going to have ridden in front of Nico like an instructor…"
Sieber: "A young driver makes his first statements at the beginning, and as a race engineer I have to filter out the most important ones right away. Many say eight to ten problems at once, from which I then filter out the main problem. Because when the main problem is solved, the smaller problems usually dissolve as well. Then I see on the data: 'You need to brake earlier, but come out of the curve with more momentum.' Those are the first fundamentals you work on with a young driver."
"A young driver can only tell you about the car if you explain to him beforehand what's important. Nico soaked it all up like a sponge, he fought every second. From home he had the opportunity to race, car, engine, team - others may not be able to afford that. But his driving skills and assertiveness, he fought hard for all of that. Whether it was dry or wet, he was always really good."
Like Father, Like Son
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Question: "Nico's former kart team boss Dino Chiesa once said that Nico didn't get a PlayStation game from Keke that he really wanted, and that he also got relatively little pocket money. Which suggests that he felt relatively little of his family's wealth at the time, and was also just a young racer like any other."
Sieber: "I've known Keke for a long time. I can still remember that back then, as a junior driver, he always came to the race track with a trailer and bus. Keke learned to work his way up from the bottom. And he passed that on to Nico for his development."
"I remember the Formula BMW race at the Sachsenring. Officially, testing was banned, but others tested anyway. Our weekend went really poorly. The engineer was not good, the car was not good, the driver was not good. It was a pitch-black weekend, with spins and everything."
"Then Keke arrives, with a cigar in his mouth - and grins at me, who has such a blood pressure you can see my carotid artery: 'Peter, it's going to be all right.' And I: 'Were you in the wrong movie? What I saw was a disaster.' And Keke: 'What I saw is going to be fine.' Because you two are determined to make it together, and it's going to bear fruit.' At first I couldn't do anything with that, but then we improved from race to race."
"At the beginning, it was difficult to work together because I hadn't done all the official tests and first had to get to know the car and Nico. But then we worked our way up and became champions in the end. That season we had a test day at the Nürburgring before the race. I changed the gear ratio then, which is normally done by the mechanic. But there was no time for that because of the rain. And I mistakenly swapped fifth and sixth gear. In other words, where fifth gear should have been, sixth was - and vice versa."
"Nico drove out, came back to the pits very slowly and said with a smile on his face - with a smile, not kind of angry like others would be: 'Master, how do you actually count? One, two, three, four, five, six.' And I said to him: 'But you're doing your school-leaving exams right now, you'll manage that!' So he had to change gears stupidly, skip a gear with the clutch in the sequential gearbox, but he didn't care. The next morning I found a note on the transmission: 'Love from Nico, please put the gears in the right order!' That was Nico. That's the kind of person you live motorsport for."
Criticism always constructive
Question: "Were there also situations in which Nico could get loud?"
Sieber: "No, and that was the nice thing about working with him. If something wasn't okay, it was discussed, but not loudly or in an argument, but positively. He asked questions, contributed good ideas, and the collaboration got better and better. He worked hard for his success."
Question: "Nico already had the sponsor VIVA in 2002, in Formula BMW - and therefore had a lot of media presence earlier than other drivers. Was that an advantage or a disadvantage?"
Sieber: "People were already very attentive: son of Keke Rosberg, VIVA, very well-known among the youth. The hype was sometimes too much."
Question: "Girls, too?"
Sieber: "The girls raved about him anyway. But he didn't care. Nico did his stuff."
Question: "You can't tell me that Nico didn't have a girl at the start now and then…"
Sieber: "No, not at all, really! He wasn't the typical girl hero. Sometimes they are, and then they usually forget that racing should be the most important thing. That wasn't the case with Nico. He was focused and really never had a girl with him. It wasn't until the end of 2002 that I remember there being one - and I think that was his current wife Vivian."
Question: "In 2003, Nico met Lewis Hamilton again in Formula 3. Was it already foreseeable for you back then that this duel would continue into Formula 1?"
Sieber: "In Formula 3, Nico had a different race engineer, but that was a good acquaintance of mine, so I always knew what was going on with him. When we met at the race track, we always chatted. By the way, the contact hasn't completely broken off to this day."
"And yes, for me it was already foreseeable that this could go into Formula 1, because Nico simply has a very special way. He didn't have it as easy as Hamilton claims, as a spoiled boy who gets everything dumped in his lap. Our last race in Formula BMW in 2002 was at Hockenheim. Nico won, both races, in the rain and in the dry. Afterwards, there was the award ceremony for ADAC and BMW. Keke didn't go at all, but his mom, a few mechanics and I did."
Tears at Formula BMW victory ceremony 2002
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"Nico had a knitted cap on, I remember it like yesterday. Then they called him up and said they had another 'little' present for him. I wonder what that will be? A Formula 1 test drive at Williams! That's when he really broke down, sat down, put his hands in front of his eyes and cried. He was so happy at that moment because he was so disciplined, he did without so much. That's very difficult for a young lad."
"And: He himself had done it - not because he was Keke Rosberg's son, but because he was the first Formula BMW champion. That's when I realized what racing meant to him. I still remember that day today as if it were yesterday - it has stuck in my heart. He said: 'It was always my dream to drive Formula 1 one day. That's what I've worked for.' That was an honest moment. As honest as Nico is."
Question: "Do you think it sometimes hurt Nico to be reduced to Keke Rosberg's son? Did that get to him?"
Sieber: "I think it was close to him. As I said before, if he was good, then it was the good material, but if not, then he's just Rosberg's son, but not as good as Keke. But Keke always stood behind him and told him: 'Nico, you have the greatest job in the world, you are a racing driver. People are all coming here to see your race. Enjoy it and have fun.'"
"And so he took all the pressure off the kid. That was awesome. That was Keke. People were brutal to Nico sometimes. When all he ever wanted was for them to just respect that he was doing his job, that he was doing everything he could to get into Formula One, and that he had talent. The Rosberg name was very positive for Nico, but on the other hand it didn't make it easy for him either.
Question: "It doesn't sound like Keke interfered much with Nico.
Sieber: "No. He left us alone. If he saw something that the competition was doing, for example, he told me, but without interfering. He would say, 'You can worry about that.' That was it, but then he was gone again."
Always looked up to father Keke
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Question: "Nico's former karting team boss Dino Chiesa says that it was always important for Nico to once be as good as or better than Keke. Is that true in your opinion?"
Sieber: "He always looked up to his father, because Keke achieved a lot and was a driving force for Nico. But Nico was self-motivated enough to go this way and achieve something himself. He was looking in the right direction, he fought for it. Nico was an intelligent young man for his age. Of course, he sometimes took his cue from his father."
Question: "Were there ever moments when Nico cried to you about Keke?"
Sieber: "No, never. I admire the way Keke handled his boy. Keke always managed to motivate us all. In a positive sense, he was a gangster! It's okay to write that, I mean it in a positive way. Once he came to see me at the Nürburgring, Formula 1 weekend, and Nico had finished third in Formula BMW on Saturday. The conditions were difficult, race started in the rain, then it dried up."
"Keke comes up to me afterwards and is really happy about third place, but in the same breath says, 'We're not good enough, the others are better!' Inside I was boiling. That's when he lit a spark in me, so that even in the hotel I was still thinking about the car. And then we won on Sunday. Grins Keke: 'Oh, did it work?' Motivating his people, Keke always understood that."
Question: "Mr. Sieber, is there anything else you would like to add?"
Sieber: "Yes, two things. First, my son has a problem with his spine. I told Nico about it once in passing, and he said to me, 'Hey, my physio Daniel, he also had a back operation. I'll put you in touch with him, I'm sure he can recommend a good specialist. And that's what he did. He wouldn't have to do something like that - others don't."
"And another story: For the 2002 championship title, he got the Formula 1 test that Keke and Nico wanted to take me to. Unfortunately, my son was ill and I had to stay at home with a heavy heart. So they sent me a video after the test and talked to me live on the phone during the test. And Nico gave me his helmet, with which he became Formula BMW champion and tested Formula 1 for the first time, as a small consolation. That's just the way Nico is.
Question: "Will you wish him a happy 30th birthday?"
Sieber: "Yes, for sure. I'll think of something! We still see each other from time to time. Last year, for example, he invited me to the German Grand Prix."
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Absolutely anything
Platonic yandere older brother Azul with an adopted human sibling reader.............. I think that could be cool.......
Warning(s): platonic yandere, manipulation, not sure how good this will be but I hope you like it!!
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One day, a human baby was abandoned at sea.
Before the baby could succumb to hypothermia or tip over the small raft it was in and drown, A kind octopus lady found it. She fed the baby a potent water breathing potion so she can take care of it while she tries to find out who its parents are...
The parents never come forward, and seeing no other option, she adopts the baby as her own.
That baby was you, (Y/N) Ashengrotto. You're a human child who grew up under the sea...
For the longest time, you and your brother, Azul, were frequently bullied and felt like you could only rely on each other. It didn't matter that you two were bullied, as long as you had each other, you could handle anything...
Absolutely anything.
Recently, you started attending Night Raven College, the same school Azul goes to! An elite college for mages!
But... the most important part is... it's on land.
You've rarely ever gone on land... it feels so strange. Your body is built for the land, but you've lived underwater your whole life, so the situation just feels... wrong.
You were placed into Scarabia, but you still made sure to check in with your brother and give him a hug before you made your way to your new dorm...
However, the very next morning, right after orientation, you say the Headmage in your dorm room, who then told you that you were being transferred to Octavinelle. When you asked why, you were simply told that a student who wished to remain anonymous complained about you.
You were so sad. You were so excited to begin your new life on land, and had you loved how warm it was in Scarabia, it was so much nicer than the cold temperatures of the northern Coral Sea... but, it seems things just don't work out some times...
At least your brother is in Octavinelle.
...as long as you two are together, you can... you can handle anything, right...?
"Someone complained about you?" Azul asked you as he helped you set up your dorm room. "But it's the day after orientation! How did you manage to make such a bad first impression that someone wanted you gone on the first day?"
"I... I really don't know..." You said.
"Well, regardless, I'm sure you'll love it here in Octavinelle. I'll make sure you have a good time." Azul smiled and patted you on the back.
Azul simply couldn't have his precious little sibling being in a different dorm than him.
Ah, but he doesn't want you to be miserable, of course... he'll take every precaution to make sure you enjoy yourself!!
You've really enjoyed your time on land! It feels so much more... natural to you...
"Azul..." You began one day.
"Yes? What is it?"
"I've been thinking..." You paused. Do you really want this? ...yes, you do. "I've been considering staying on land after graduation."
Azul's hearts dropped the moment he heard you say that.
"Staying on land? That's absurd! Your family lives underwater! Why would you... want to leave your family...?" Azul cautiously asked.
"No, it's not like that!" You insisted. "Of course I don't want to leave my family... I love you, and mom, and dad, but I..." You sighed. "I just want to figure myself out..."
"Figure yourself out? What are you talking about?!" Azul yelled, looking almost betrayed.
"I just want to know more about myself, you know...? I want to know why I was abandoned, what life on the surface is really like, and why-"
"Your human family abandoned you, what more do you need to know?!" Azul yelled. "...you should just stay under the sea. Isn't life better down there?"
You stared at Azul for a moment.
"No. I want to learn what it really means to live on land... I want-"
"We're done discussing this."
You noticed your life slowly getting worse after that day.
People started bullying you for not knowing how things worked on land. You started getting made fun of for things you weren't before...
And it all came out of nowhere.
But it's ok... just as he always was, your brother was there for you.
As long as the two of you are together... you can handle... anything...
Can't you...?
That would be the case for the rest of your life at NRC.
You hated it, you absolutely hated it...
That completely ruined your view of the surface. You didn't want to live above the waves anymore.
You just wanted to go back home...
When you graduated and returned home to the sea, you were met once more with your lovely brother.
He looked so happy to see you...
"I'm so glad you decided to stay under the sea with your family... with me..." Azul sighed as he gave you a tight hug. "...(Y/N). I have something I want to talk to you about..."
"What is it...?" You asked, cautiously.
"Follow me."
Azul led you somewhere...
A spot only the two of you knew about... a place you would hide together when he wasn't in his octopus pot...
It gave you a nostalgic feeling... as if, for just a second, you were back in your childhood... like nothing truly mattered...
"(Y/N), I... I have a deal for you." Azul told you.
"You... y-you do...?" You were surprised and confused.
"Yes. It's all right here." He snapped his fingers and summoned a golden contract and fishbone pen. "I remember, when you were a kid... you'd talk about how you just wanted to be like all the other kids... I remember you cried to me about wishing you had a tail, or tentacles like mom and I..." He handed you the contract and pen. "If you just sign here, you'll get everything you ever wanted... you'll get to be just like the other kids."
You grabbed the contract and began to read it over, before Azul grabbed it back from you again.
"N-no no, no...! There's no need to read it over, just... sign it." Azul paused, before smiling. "You trust your brother... don't you...?"
Of course you do.
Of course you trust your brother.
After all, when you're together, you can handle anything...
Absolutely anything.
You signed your name.
"That's good." Azul said as some kind of magic bubble encased you... and the spell began to take it's effect.
The spell was painful, you could hardly stop yourself from screaming out in pain.
"I know it hurts, (Y/N), I'm sorry... but this is what's best for you..." Azul sighed. "Of course, this means you'll never be allowed to go to the surface again, but... it's not like it matters... you have everything you could ever want down here!"
He's right...
Everything you could ever want, it's here, under the sea...
Sure, Azul will make sure you never go to the surface again, but does that really matter if you're surrounded by your loving family?
No, it doesn't...
Because when you and Azul are together...
You can handle anything the world throws at you.
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calciumdeficientt · 1 month
hi if i dm you my oc for bully can u do the headcanons thing? also for characters how would you feel about doing hal from the greasers? he’s my favourite and i think he’s pretty underrated
Feel free to send your oc over! I’m am genuinely obsessed with other people’s ocs everyone puts so much thought into them, in the meantime please enjoy my Hal hcs :3333
If Hal has no fans I’m dead. They could never make me hate you Hal Esposito
Hal Esposito hcs
- one thing i alway hate hate HATED about Hal’s voice lines was how rockstar trivialised his fatness and made it the crux of his personality because haha fat = funny but i like to think what it actually stems from is an overbearing mother trying to make up for lost time
-the greasers canonically live in and around the most underdeveloped and deprived areas of bullworth, so its not a particularly bad shout to assume Hal grew up poor, maybe with very little to eat, hence now… its all he can really think about
- also in the voice lines from when jimmy has to fight to earn the greaser’s hideout, Hal offhandedly critiques lucky for not enjoying his preferred channels “what, natural disasters and war footage doesn’t do it for you?” So i also like to imagine Hal is kind of a big history buff, and in true boy fashion he’s particularly fixated on the history of war and combat
-secretly, i reckon he enjoys building model planes and tanks, its basically what he does in the shop but way cooler (at least to him) and the fumes are just minorly different. He knows everything there is to know about the models too, including their life size counterparts. He can tell you everything trom the caliber of the fixed guns, the length of the wheel tracks, the wingspans, even down to the serial numbers and the dates they were patented and discontinued. Shit’s majorly impressive.
- his jacket was his dad’s, him and his mum split when he was pretty young, right after his little sister was born but Hal didn’t really take it so badly, at least not as badly as his parents had initially expected. He was old enough to know what divorce was, and somewhat wise enough to see that it would be better for both parents if they cut ties. The jacket is very very vintage and is falling apart from dry rot. Hal used leather softener stuff on it and re-lined it countless times but it still looks freshly plucked from a dumpster. Not that he minds, he thinks it makes him look rugged
- speaking of his little sister, he really loves that little girl. It’s where most of his money goes, he’s so incredibly soft for her. If he could have it his way shed have every single penny out of his pocket to spend on whatever she liked. She’s only little, barely in grade school but its still all but confirmed she’s going to bullworth when she gets old enough(based on the little kids I’m assuming is a mixed middle school/high school but that’s a an entirely different can of worms) , and god help everyone then. If he’s not already graduated, Hal will literally knock his grades down low enough to not graduate if it means he can hang around and protect his sister for just a smidge longer.
-this kid is so fucking smooth, it comes in the greaser gauntlet, you’ve gotta woo the ladies (or gents, they’re delinquents, not bigots) to get in or you’ll make them look bad. Hal’s a real Casanova but he gets the piss taken out of him because his taste is a little… unconventional. He’s just ahead of the curve, and heavy on the curve. It’s all but confirmed he likes bigger ladies and honestly who are we to take that away from him?
- he does that dude thing where he’ll slap you on the back when he hugs you and he is STRONG. He’s got big calloused hands with crazy surface area that wind you for a good 20 minutes after a pat on the back. Best to avoid him on your birthday too, his birthday digs are LETHAL (is that a thing in the US its a thing inthe UK?)
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astralbulldragon13 · 9 months
My Most Detailed Character Profile:
The Intern from New Jersey Rats!!
Name: Skyla Ghost Bear
She/They pronouns
Black hair, blue eyes
She’s Irish/Lakota Sioux
Stands at 5 foot, 9 inches
She never met her father, he was a foreign exchange student at a local college who met her mom at a party.
Her mother wasn’t a very constant presence, having multiple boyfriends and using drugs.
Has an older half-brother, who is three years older, plus two half-younger sisters.
Their neighborhood is riddled with crime and gang violence, so she knows how best to get away from danger.
Grew up in a trailer park in western South Dakota.
Skyla’s best memories are from when she would visit her grandpa, and they would watch movies like ‘The Godfather’, and that is what made her so enamored with the mob.
She loved how it was so centered around family, and wanted to feel something like that.
The only people who encouraged her were her older siblings and her grandpa.
Was very good school, and had good grades, not that it impressed her mom, or her mom’s various boyfriends.
She got a job at 15, working at a hotel as a housekeeper, but then, started helping with the books. She got more pay for doing that.
At 16, Skyla was kicked out of the house by her mom, so she went to live with her grandpa to finish high school, as her brother had left for basic Army training after he graduated.
“Don’t become what they tried to make you. Be better than them, and most importantly, don’t be afraid.”- last thing their brother said before he went to join the army
Grandfathered died shortly after she graduated high school, so took a gap year before going to New Jersey for college.
Can speak three languages: English (fluently), French (conversationally), and Lakota (fluently)
She sometimes mutters to herself in Lakota and the boys don’t really asked what language that is (full on Lakota Code Talker here)
Always wears outfits that range from business-casual to business-professional. Really likes nice outfits, nice shoes, their sister taught her to use makeup and do their hair.
Early on in the internship, after the Pokémon Cards incident, she started to call Jean ‘Unchi-Ka’ (Pronounced OON-shih-kah, I don’t think there’s a setting for Lakota on Tumblr so I’m spelling it phonetically)
It means ‘Pitiful.’
“Come on, Unchi-Ka, we’ve got another hour to get this done.”
As they grow closer with Jean, she shortens it to ‘Unch’ (Pronounced OON-sh) which still means ‘Pitiful’ but in a more affectionate manner.
“Hey, Unch, let’s go get a coffee.”
Likes to laugh at people who get dream-catcher tattoos.
Was still able to graduate school, just had to do it online.
Is mildly lactose intolerant but would die for chocolate.
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irhabiya · 2 months
2, 4, and 58! :3
2. what would you name your future kids
i was just thinking about this the other day omg, amani and fairouz and yousef and adam i love those names. especially amani
4. what are you looking forward to
hopefully going to egypt after im done with my summer courses inshallah to attend my brother's graduation!! i really miss him </3
58. description of my best friend(s)
i'll describe multiple because i love them all. my longest lasting friendship of 16 years (technically 20 but we were in diapers) is with my palestinian childhood best friend. she's the most gorgeous girl i've ever seen in my life i can't even really describe how stunning she is, she's always been breathtaking. we don't have much in common and honestly if it weren't for the fact that we grew up together i doubt we would have been friends, but i'm endlessly glad circumstance brought us together. i know everything about her, i was there to witness most of it and vice versa. i miss her so much i hope i can visit her in jordan some time soon
my best friend from middle school is my match in many ways. we just click so well, we have similar interests, similar values. she's one of the only people i came out to (about multiple things😭) and i didn't feel any hesitation or regret about it. she's so funny, and hardworking, and sharp, like i never stop being impressed with her character despite knowing her for several years now. we were planning on studying abroad and rooming together when we were applying for university, i wouldn't have considered that with anyone but her tbh. she's in egypt rn but the distance hasn't strained our friendship one bit
a more recent friendship, though just as close to my heart as the other two, was actually one that i made on tumblr over 3 years ago. the fastest i've ever gotten close to someone like holy shit, we're so compatible, i really didn't think it was possible to be this in sync (?) with someone until i met her. i call her almost every day even though she lives across the globe. i tell her everything, with no reservations at all. funniest person i know, with the most contagious laugh ever. i just love her so much i can't wait to meet her in real life
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rainparadefromhell · 1 year
Is the Benvi love confession everything you hoped it would be?
Oh this is such a good question, I am so glad you asked this !
I've thought about this a lot since season 4 aired because I wanted to see if I loved the season just because I had my rose colored benvi glasses on.
I adored the love confession. But after watching it, I realized it was kind of short, which was.... surprising? To be honest, prior to seeing the finale I expected these monologues from both of them that would prove just how much they care for each other.
But you know what? I still stand by my first impression. I think both characters grew immensely this season. At the end of the day, an "I love you" was all they needed to hear. The only thing stopping them from being together was the fear of rejection and their own insecurities. Devi respecting Ben's actions during the whole season and Ben flying just to tell her he loves her was the confession more than the words themselves, in a way.
Other (really smart) people on here have talked about this too but this gave them both exactly what they needed.
Ben needed Devi to show him that she can be that calm person that makes him so happy. She was a great friend that gave him space but was also there when he needed it (like when she let him borrow her shirt). It's stability that he needed most from her. It's saying, okay you love me and you won't leave me for the "next best thing".
For Devi, that I love you meant everything. Like she told Nalini, she feared so much that no one would ever love her because she is too much. Ben, even though he said they needed space from each other, could never really stay away.
"Look, Devi. You are many things. A maniac, a liar, a heavy sweater, a reckless driver..."
But I'm still here. In your room. Sharing your pain.
And then he fell asleep next to her. This whole season felt like the season 1 finale to me.
"You stayed."
"I just wanted to make sure you're okay."
They've been growing up next to each other for 12 years but grew into each other only this year.
Fade into you. I think it's strange you never knew.
I feel like their whole love story involves a lot of reading in between the lines and as much as I love a good rom com love confession, I think the show really wanted this to be realistic. Just like in life, it's the small moments that touch you the most and in the end I found that to be way more meaningful that any corny speech we could have gotten.
I'm still kind of upset over the show not giving us a graduation speech because that could have also been an indirect love confession but whatever. Guess I'll just have to write a fic about it.
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irafuwas · 1 year
random unprompted ask that you do not have to answer if you don't want to, but: i see that silkali is your favorite ship and i was wondering if you had any headcanons or just general thoughts about them that you'd like to share :o
Hi hi!! Yes, I’d love to share some of my thoughts on silkali, thank you so much for the ask!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Some headcanons:
adhd x autism power couple
I really don’t think they’d get together while at NRC. Silver is so laser focused on training to become a knight, and Kalim is so preoccupied with learning to be the next head of his family’s business, that I don’t think the stars would align for them to start dating while at school. When Silver realizes he’s fallen in love, he’d hesitate to confess since he knows he wants to stay in Briar Valley and serve the royal family the rest of his life. (I really don’t think anything is going to get Silver out of BV unless he’d be accompanying his father to go live with him elsewhere.) So for that reason (and also because they’re both shy and silly), Silver wouldn’t tell Kalim how he feels before they graduate from NRC. In my mind, they don’t get together until like a good decade post-graduation.
Silver likes that Kalim does most of the talking, and he never feels pressured to speak at length if he doesn’t want to. Kalim in turn likes that Silver is level headed, a good listener, and that he’s one of the few people he can enjoy silence with.
Kalim never gets mad when Silver falls asleep on him mid-conversation and he’ll be happy to sit and wait for however long it’ll take for Silver to wake up.
I think Kalim would be the first of the two to start crushing on the other. He’d get like shoujo manga heroine vision and start seeing sparklies and rainbows and stuff whenever Silver is around dfkgjdf
If they did go out during their time at NRC, Jami would for sure get really worried and trail them on their dates. He’d stake out on top of a nearby building, and he’d watch them from the scope of a sniper rifle. Atop another nearby building, Lilia would also be watching them, but from the scope of one of those really long paparazzi cameras instead.
After they get married, they have a lot of kids (all adopted and of all different species). I’m not sure how many, but at least five. (Kalim wanted a large family because he grew up with one and he adores all his siblings, and Silver feels it’s his duty to provide a loving home to any children in need.) Kalim has tons more experience with kids than Silver does, so Silver would lean on him a lot in the beginning with their first baby, but I think Silver would get the hang of things pretty quickly and he’d be a great dad.
No matter whom you ship Silver with romantically, I think we can all agree Lilia would be his number one wingman and he’d be really annoying lol. He’d def pester Silver a lot for any updates on his courting endeavors and give him the most Awful advice ever. He’d be like, “Silver, I’ll do anything to make sure this ship sails!” and Silver would be like, “Father, what vessel are you referring to…?”
I ship them for a couple different reasons, but I guess the main one is that I love that Silver genuinely appreciates and respects Kalim for who he is, and that Kalim in turn sees past Silver’s stone faced exterior and he can see all the good he has in his heart. A lot of the other characters more or less just put up with Kalim, and they’ll be kind to him just so they can get something from him. And with Silver, most people don’t take the time to understand that just because he’s quiet and doesn’t outwardly express his emotions a lot, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care or that he’s literally emotionless. So I guess I just like that they understand each other beyond the superficial impressions the other students have of them.
They honestly remind me a lot of Soriku – with Kalim mirroring Sora's bright and sunshine-y nature and Silver being more serious and solemn like Riku. Silver said in his dorm uniform vignette that he wishes he could be more open like Kalim, and if we ever get Kalim wishing he could be more like Silver in some way I will melt into a puddle on the spot lol (‘cause it’d mirror sora and riku’s convo on the dark margin at the end of KH2).
I have a couple different songs for them in my silkali playlist, but the one I think encompasses their ship the best is mona lisa by Sam Cooke! (it’s from Kalim’s pov)
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inverdade · 17 days
HOJO - full name
the professor's original full legal name was Hugo Rojo Durán Tadeo Torrez. along the way between his multiple transfers between universities, studies, companies and departments, somewhere along the way it got shortened to "H. Rojo Torrez" which was eventually misspoken in hugo's presence when they tried to read his chicken scratch handwriting - and he thought it was the FUNNIEST thing. hojo? hojo? do people not know who he is? the person in question, of course, did not work with him for much longer.
but in truth, at that point in time people did not know who he was. a recent graduate with macabre interests and a lifetime of warning bells about his vicious nature going from company to company seeing who'd give him the most reach to chase his niche research interests. he had to make a name for himself... and he'd do it as professor hojo, as an inside joke for himself only.
this also makes trying to find his digital reports harder than it should be, as all his notes aren't actually written by "hojo" but "hrojo". also they're all sorted by date and the file names are "encrypted". and by encrypted i mean he keysmashes. it's no a problem for him as he has a near perfect memory, but good luck to anyone else trying to read through his notes.
GENESIS - basic plotline
at the start of project G in 1982 he was named 'genevieve', as initial screenings showed him to be female even if imaging at the time was unclear - or so hollander believed. another point of mockery and contention between hojo and hollander. the logs detailing the project up to his abandonment by shinra name him so which is why they spent so long unperturbed and hidden.
instead, genesis was born intersex with mostly male affects, and although he went through all the same in-vitro procedures as angeal, he was dropped from the project before it was deemed a failure for being an outlier they didn't feel like accounting for.
this left shinra with an infant to hand off, and in luck, so was a family in banora seeking fertility treatments from shinra - wealthy barons seeking to have another child after the loss of their youngest one.
the rhapsodos, the wealthiest family in banora. although the initial reception was cold, as they were at seeking to have another biological child of their own when shinra proposed his adoption, genesis' distinct looks and sharp personality as he grew up won them over.
a child of clear nepotism, he's never had to wait for anything, his every want answered and every idea catered to. there is no denying that he was a bright, idealistic child… but creating am apple juice brand at a young age is not exactly impressive in the grand scheme of things when your family owns the farms and the trees and has the money to make it happen. in truth, it was a simple overnight deal, "his" company made a subsidiary of his parent's already established brand.
and this, in part, is why he grew up so restless and dissatisfied. he was born out of mankind's entitlement to power, and so he lived by it — he thought himself better than the "simpletons" that surrounded him, the only one he tolerated being angeal who was the only one stubborn and brave enough to cut through his petty antics.
banora and it's dumbapples… were beneath him. he wanted more. he deserved more… and that's where his infatuation with sephiroth and his global fame began. because that's what HE wanted, and he's never had to wait for anything before… it was finally a challenge, something he had to work for…
until he didn't. until he reached the top and was still just under sephiroth, never on the same level. it was a resentment that settled in his bones as much as he convinced himself he cared for the man he now could call his friend…
but were they friends, really? had it been not for angeal's mediating presence, genesis' behavior easily tipped from playful rivalry to clearly antagonistic… without sephiroth even being able to acknowledge it for what it was, genesis operating on subtle social clues not innate to a man that grew up in isolation. snide backhanded compliments, playing down his achievements, doubting his struggles… all with a faux caring feel.
sephiroth had everything he wanted, and so he could not extend any sympathy towards him without angeal there to twist his arm and get him to stop being a dick.
and it all comes to a boiling point when he begins to degrade. instead of taking his diagnosis with any sort of grace genesis sees this as an offense against him specifically, instead of being a known risk of being subjected to the SOLDIER enhancement procedures he so covered in order to find fame and power, procedures he'd been warned could play badly with his imbalanced hormones.
for the first time in his life things don't go as he wants them to go, and he can't handle it - and so he makes it everyone else's problem. he lashes out at anything and anyone, he scorns the people that helped him get to where he is, he blames everyone but himself for all of his life's misfortunes… and it only gets worse the more he finds out on project G. because it gives reason to his befuddled mind, it makes it right in his eyes, what he's doing…
even as he kills the only family that he knew, that took in an infant with open arms without question of his origin. even as he brings ruin to his hometown town, set to be erased from the maps due to his actions. as he grabs the one true friend he's ever known and drags him down to hell along with him. as he selfishly burns everything in his path in the search of a cure for the world's oldest ailment - death.
to be established - how he convinced hundreds of other SOLDIERs to follow in his steps ( how long has he been festering anti-shinra sentiment vs how genuine that sentiment is vs how much of it was him taking advantage of people that trusted him with their lives ) / the actual existence of 'genesis copies' ( mental state, willingness, health ) / relationship to hollander & his adoptive parents & gillian / public opinion & his derision of it yet codependent nature and need to be relevant / etc etc
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And now I want to know everything about youuuu! :D
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
fireside - if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
jack-o-lantern - if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose?
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
crow - which school subject do you wish you had an aptitude for?
bonfire - describe your dream house.
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?
cobweb - (if you’ve graduated) do you miss high school?
cranberry - what’s one physical feature that you get complimented on?
maize - share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
quilt - how do you take your tea (or coffee)?
pumpkin - do you think that humans are inherently good or bad?
moonlit - are you a neat or messy person? Is your room / house orderly?
flannel - have you ever gone on a bad date? 
cocoa - if you could have any type of hair, what colour and cut would you have?
ghost - is there someone that you miss having in your life?
I do not have a 'best friend' as pop culture views it, per se. All my dearest friends were met online, though.
I think I would try to impart the lessons I have had to learn, a little earlier and a little more gently.
One time, visiting Mt. Vernon, there was a practical demonstration of weaving. The lady kindly let me try it and I wove about half a foot of cloth, and ever since then I have wanted to learn to weave properly and get a loom.
Ken Way is in many ways a self-insert.
A blend of Ren Faire and Edwardian Lady.
Bread-and-butter pickles.
...kay this one I can't really answer without going on a long rant and a soapbox, so I think I'll let it slide. :x
I like to think I'm fairly sensible and level-headed in a crisis, so if I could make myself useful to some warlord I'd probably be fine. I don't have the physical prowess to survive on my own along with protecting my children, however. (Per the tropes, arguably I'd be the gratuitous blonde killed at the beginning of the story for shock value and to establish the stakes, but I'm not sure I'm either curvy or promiscuous enough.)
Nil. I don't wanna look like a celebrity.
...yes, the one I grew up in for ~7 years of my life. It was... so freaking haunted.
I am DETERMINED to take my boys to the Fair later this year.
Any suburban pre-fab, at this point. Large kitchen, open floor plan, a yard and room for the boys to play, lots of windows and light. Ceiling fans. I'm rather more fond of trees than most neighborhood planners are at this point, though.
Nope. I'm good in the Internet Age.
I basically dropped out of high school and was homeschooled anyway so... not really.
If we're talking about on the street, I was one time on a ten-mile hike home after being abandoned at the store and a guy in a tow truck pulled over and demanded that I let him give me a ride home. Told me to call whoever I wanted and stay on the phone the whole time or whatever, but that it was a busy road that people flew down and I would get hit. And if I refused he'd just drive alongside me and make sure no one hit me. I did have someone on their way to pick me up, but I think about that man from time to time.
It depends on the tea. If it's spiced I put half-and-half in it, if it's not I take it black.
I tend to be very pessimistic about people but I also try to keep in mind that everyone has their own struggles and hardships and heartaches.
I prefer a certain amount of neatness in my life, but with three heathen little boys it's not as much as I'd like.
...almost all of them, if I'm being honest. 🤐
Overall I rather like my hair, recent difficulties not withstanding.
...there's a lot of people. Some of them my fault and some of them not.
Thank you for the ask! ^_^
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