#i know ive already rebloged this but WOW
differentpostrebel · 17 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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Chapter 22: Onward to the Colosseum 
A/N: We are back at it again with another chapter!, this one is a fun one, now we are heading off to Dressrosa! I have a few ideas for Dressrosa, and then its Whole Cake Island, and believe me when yall read the chapter I have for Whole Cake…. Thank you guys so much for liking, reblogging, interacting with my first fan fiction. I will link all chapters once Ive posted the last chapter for the day, but without further ado, lets get to it!
Word count: 5.8K
Sanji x Reader, Sanji x y/n, One piece x reader. 
Drinking is one thing, but challenging a man known to have a higher tolerance than most is another. But, I wasn’t going to lose this bet.
"Wow, I gotta say Y/N, you've grown to be a better drinker," Zoro smirked, his eyes glinting as he downed his seventh beer, no signs of slowing down.
I raised my mug, matching him drink for drink. "Well, I did learn a thing or two about drinking, thanks to king after all." My words came out with a slight slur, the warmth of the alcohol spreading through my body. I took another swig of my seventh beer, feeling the room spin just a little. But I wasn’t about to back down. 
Zoro was watching me with an amused grin, but before I could say anything more, Chopper rushed up beside me, his tiny hooves patting my arm. "That's way too much booze! Your body is still in recovery!" he squeaked, his voice laced with worry.
I giggled, waving him off with a drunken smile. "It's okay, Chopper! I’m feeling fine, see?" I raised my mug again, proving I still had enough strength to lift it.
Chopper puffed up his cheeks in frustration. "No, it’s not fine! You’re still healing from everything that happened at Punk Hazard! You need to rest, not drink yourself into a coma!" His voice was stern, though his worry was endearing.
I chuckled softly, ruffling his fur. "Aw, Chopper, you’re so sweet. But I can handle it. Just a few more, and I’ll be good as new!"
Before Chopper could protest again, Sanji chimed in his voice dripping with frustration. "Mosshead, just end this game already!" He shot Zoro a sharp glare, clearly irritated by the whole contest. "Y/N's had enough. You’re just making things worse."
Zoro smirked, leaning back in his chair with an easy shrug. "What’s the matter, curly brow? Afraid Y/N might outdrink me?" He took another swig, unfazed by Sanji’s complaints.
Sanji huffed, crossing his arms as he glared at Zoro. "No, I’m just tired of you dragging Y/N into your ridiculous contests! A gentleman knows when to call it quits." He glanced at me, concern softening his expression. "And besides, I don’t think Y/N needs to keep proving anything to the likes of you."
I giggled again, feeling a little too lightheaded to care about the bickering. "I’m fine, Sanji. Just a friendly... hiccup... competition." 
I'd listen to her if I were you, curly-brow," Zoro taunted, smirking in that infuriating way of his. "Besides, I’m not stopping anytime soon."
I was just about to take another swig, determined to keep going despite the room starting to spin, when suddenly my drink vanished from my hand. "Hey!" I protested, blinking in confusion.
"That's enough, princess," came Law's familiar, cool voice. I turned to see him standing beside me, his usual deadpan expression firmly in place. He had swiped my drink away with ease, as if my competition with Zoro was nothing more than a mild inconvenience.
Before I could argue, Zoro leaned back with a satisfied grin. "Looks like that’s my win, then. You owe me a favor."
I scowled playfully, my head still spinning. "No fair! Law cheated—"
Zoro chuckled, waving off my protest. "A win’s a win Y/N." His smirk was wider now, clearly pleased with himself.
Law, on the other hand, simply shrugged. "You’ve had enough. I don’t need you passing out and making my job harder," he said, his tone flat but with a slight edge of concern.
Sanji huffed, glaring at Zoro. "Well, if you weren’t such a brute, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place."
Zoro ignored him, leaning in closer to me. "Remember that favor. I'll be cashing it in soon."
Before I could retort, I noticed the children gathering to leave, their small faces bright with excitement and gratitude. "Bye pirate guys and gals, we'll miss you!" one of the kids called out, waving energetically.
"Thank you for saving all of us!" another chimed in, their eyes wide with admiration.
"And you know what we want to be when we grow up—pirates just like you!" the last one shouted, their voices full of enthusiasm as they waved goodbye.
I smiled warmly, waving back. "Bye guys! Take care!" I called out, my heart swelling at their sweet farewell.
Luffy, always one to embrace the spirit of adventure, let out a hearty laugh. 
As the children disappeared from view, the crew exchanged smiles and waves, the mood light and filled with warmth. “Well, I think it’s time for us to head out,” Luffy said, his excitement barely contained.
Just as I was about to take a step, Sanji swept me up into his arms. “Hey, I can walk!” I protested, though my balance was shaky and my words a bit slurred.
Sanji’s eyes were filled with a mixture of concern and affection. “I know you can, but you’ve had a bit too much to drink. I’m not letting you stumble and fall.”
I giggled, resting my head on his shoulder. “Oh, Sanji, you’re such a sweetheart! I’m perfectly fine.”
From a few paces away, Law’s expression darkened, clearly displeased. “Seriously, Sanji? You think you’re the only one who can play the knight in shining armor?”
With a flick of his wrist, Law activated his Devil Fruit power. “Room,” he said smoothly, and suddenly, I found myself in Law’s arms, Sanji’s hold replaced by his firm grip.
Sanji’s eyes widened, his frustration evident. “What the hell, Law! You just can’t let it go, can you?”
I looked up at Law, feeling a mix of amusement and confusion. “Wow, Law, you’re really making a dramatic entrance.”
Law’s gaze was steady, his smirk playful. “If you’re going to be so protective, I figured I’d step in. Can’t let Sanji have all the fun, can I?”
Zoro, leaning against the wall with an amused grin, interjected. “So, Law, what’s the deal? Why are you tagging along with us now?”
Law remained cool and composed. “We’ve formed an alliance. I’m here to ensure our collaboration goes smoothly.” 
Sanji’s jealousy flared as he glared at Law. “An alliance, huh? So now you’re just going to join in and take my place?”
Luffy, practically vibrating with enthusiasm, jumped in. “Yep! We’re allies now, and it’s going to be amazing! More friends mean more fun!”
I giggled, the alcohol making everything seem more amusing. “No one can take your place, Sanji,” I said, my words a bit wobbly but full of warmth.
Law, with his usual cool demeanor, leaned in with a grin. “Ready for a ride, princess?” Before I could respond, he activated his Devil Fruit power, and we floated up into the air, landing softly on the deck of the Sunny. He set me down gently in the grass.
Sanji’s eyes flashed with a mix of irritation and disbelief. “Law! You really need to learn your place!”
As Sanji moved towards Law, clearly ready to confront him, I turned to Sanji with a playful smile. “Sanji, is it okay if I get some water? I’m feeling a bit parched.”
Sanji’s frustration dissolved instantly, replaced by an overly affectionate look. “Oh, Y/N, of course! I’ll get you some water right away!”
Zoro, observing the whole scene, snickered. “Looks like Sanji’s not too happy about sharing the spotlight.”
“He’ll be fine,” I said, giggling and reclining on the grass. The alcohol was starting to wear off, leaving me feeling pleasantly relaxed.
Franky, working on a few adjustments to the ship, called out, “The Sunny is ready to go, Luffy!”
“Alright, guys, let’s set sail!” Luffy cheered, and with that, the crew began their departure from Punk Hazard, heading towards their next destination, Dressrosa.
As the hours passed, the effects of the alcohol continued to subside. The crew settled into their usual routines: Zoro was engaged in his strength training, Robin was engrossed in her book, and Luffy, Usopp, Kinemon, and Momo were basking in the sun, laughing and enjoying the warmth.
I lay back on the grass, feeling the gentle sway of the ship beneath me. Turning to my left, I noticed that Law was no longer around. “I wonder where he could be?” I thought aloud, curiosity piqued. As I continued to lay in the sun just a little while longer, my curiosity about Law's sudden disappearance still lingered. 
Laws POV… 
As we left Punk Hazard behind, the sight of Y/N lying peacefully in the sun caught my attention. Despite the bandages and the traces of exhaustion, there was a serenity about you that contrasted sharply with the chaos we had just endured. The way you basked in the sun’s warmth, without a care in the world, stirred something deep within me.
I found myself reminiscing about the first time I saw you at Sabaody. The fire in your eyes, the defiant attitude—you had an undeniable presence that intrigued me from the start. Your flirtatious nature and unwavering spirit had made you unforgettable. It was clear to me that you were the missing piece of my life, the one I didn’t know I needed until you were there. I often thought about how much Cora would have admired you—your kindness, your strength, and your capacity for love. I had a feeling you’d be mine soon enough. 
After a few hours of contemplating, I decided to leave my spot and head to a quieter area of the ship. I needed to use my Transponder Snail without anyone overhearing. Joker must have already arrived, and I wanted to ensure this conversation remained private. 
Law’s voice was cold and measured as he responded, “Well, color me surprised, it’s the boss. Didn’t expect you to show up in person.”
Joker’s voice came through, tinged with mockery, “Oh, Law, it’s been far too long. Such a shame you decided not to show your face earlier.”
Ignoring his taunts, I cut to the point. “I figured you’d want to know where Caesar is.” I let the sound of Caesar’s desperate pleas for help come through the line, taunting him.
“Question regarding my cohorts' bodies—where are they?” Joker’s voice took on a more serious tone.
“I couldn’t say, nor do I care. Baby 5 had it coming for her arrogance,” I responded coolly.
Suddenly, Baby 5’s voice could be heard on the line. “Arrogant! It’s not my fault! That harlot has you wrapped around her finger!” Her words were laced with bitterness, and they made me seethe with anger.
Joker’s voice turned more menacing. “Speaking of your little girl, I hear she’s quite the feisty one. I’m sure I can find a place for her here in the palace. After all, she is a ‘Princess,’ isn’t she? And according to what Vergo said, she’s quite the looker. You know how I am with women—once I see them, I can’t seem to take my hands off them.”
The mention of you in such a context filled me with a burning rage. The protective instinct I had for you flared, and I struggled to keep my voice steady. “Touch her, and you’ll find out just how dangerous it can be to cross me. This isn’t a game.”
I took a deep breath, trying to regain my composure. “Besides, we’re not here to talk about her. We’re here to discuss something else. Let’s negotiate.”
Joker’s laughter echoed on the line. “Come on, Law, get serious. Stop pretending to be an adult and let’s cut to the chase. Where are you now?”
I ignored the taunt and pressed on. “What about your business partner, Kaido? Now, I may just be a brat, but he’s someone you don’t want to piss off, right? I wonder how he might react when he finds out you can’t produce SMILE. Who knows? But he doesn’t strike me as the bargaining type.”
Joker’s tone shifted, a hint of irritation creeping in. “Alright, you’ve carried the terms long enough. Let’s discuss this like grown-ups.”
“Resign from the Seven Warlords,” I said firmly. “You have until tomorrow. If I see the headlines in tomorrow’s paper, then I’ll call you, and the deal’s on. If I don’t see it, then my offer is as good as dead.”
I didn’t wait for his response and ended the call abruptly. The line went dead, leaving me with a sense of grim satisfaction. The terms had been set, and now it was a waiting game. I turned my attention back to the main deck, my mind racing with thoughts of our next steps and the looming threat of Joker’s schemes.
“The island has vanished into the horizon,” Robin said, her gaze fixed on the receding land.
“Fire, ice, toxic gas, centaurs, and an evil vice admiral—sheesh,” Sanji added, taking a thoughtful drag of his cigarette. “Good riddance to that miserable hellhole.”
“You got that right,” I agreed, slowly getting up from the grass. My body felt a bit stiff from lying down for so long, but the fresh air was invigorating.
Sanji turned to me with a swooning look. “Y/N, how’s my angel doing?”
I giggled at his dramatic expression. “I’m doing much better, actually. I can’t wait for Chopper to help me remove these bandages. It’ll be nice to move around without feeling so restricted.”
Just then, Caesar’s voice broke through the noise. “Oww, Oww, Oww, easy!” he complained, still restrained by sea prism cuffs.
“Will you quit being a baby!” Chopper retorted. “I’d rather be kicking your ass than treating you!”
“You’re lucky I’m a medical professional. Now hold still,” Chopper said, focusing on his task. 
Caesar whimpered, “Oww, be gentle, be gentle!” His voice was a mix of pain and frustration.
I smirked at Sanji, feeling a surge of satisfaction. “Just the man I’ve been looking for,” I said, as I made my way toward Caesar.
“Chopper, can you please step aside for me? I’d like to have a little chat with Caesar,” I said, making my way forward. 
“Princess! How are you? How’s that right leg of yours? My, you look quite radiant, and I’m so happy you’re alive and well,” Caesar said, trying to back away from me with a forced cheerfulness.
“Caesar, no one’s going to help you with this one,” I said, a sickly sweet smile playing on my lips. I clenched my right hand and connected it with my left palm, activating its electrical charge.
“Y/N, what are you—” Chopper said, trying to figure out what was about to happen.
“You didn’t think I forgot everything you did to me, did you?” I said with a faux sweetness that barely masked the venom beneath. “How you had me chained not once, but twice! How you had your brokers watch me while I was chained and even comment on what a ‘looker’ I was. Oh, and who could forget you saying you couldn’t wait for me to die?”
My right hand crackled with electricity, fully charged and ready.
“Please! Have mercy!” Caesar begged.
I grabbed him with my left hand, lifting him up to face me. “Caesar, you and I both know I’m here to collect for the pain you’ve caused. Besides, I want to show you a new trick I’ve mastered. Don’t worry; it’s not the one I used on your assistant Monet. This one’s far more advanced.”
I grinned with a dark satisfaction, gripping my left arm tightly. I wrapped my right hand around it, channeling the electrical energy from one arm to the other. The current surged and glowed ominously, the air crackling with raw power.
I focused intently, my eyes narrowing as I prepared to unleash my newly mastered technique. “Now, Bolt!” I commanded, my voice resolute.
A brilliant arc of electricity shot from my hand, crashing down onto Caesar. The intense surge of power engulfed him, sending his body into violent convulsions. His screams of pain were lost in the crackle of the electricity, his movements becoming erratic and uncontrolled.
I watched with a mix of grim satisfaction and detached intensity as the electricity coursed through him. His eyes widened in terror, his pleas for mercy barely audible over the crackling energy. Finally, the surge began to subside, leaving Caesar writhing on the ground, his body twitching sporadically.
I took a step back, surveying the damage. Caesar lay there, his once-proud demeanor shattered, reduced to a pitiful heap of misery. His mumbled apologies were nothing more than a feeble echo of his past arrogance.
I crouched beside him, my expression cold and resolute. “Sorry doesn’t cut it,” I said, my voice low and dangerous. “You’re about to experience a little taste of Hell. Consider this your punishment.” 
As Caesar lay sprawled on the deck, unconscious from my electric punishment, I straightened up with a satisfied smirk. Zoro’s gaze lingered on me, his eyes gleaming with a mix of admiration and something darker.
“Well, well,” Zoro said, leaning casually against the railing with a smirk. “I have to admit, that was quite a show. I’m tempted to cash in on that favor sooner rather than later.”
I raised an eyebrow, letting a playful smile curve my lips. “Oh really? And what sort of favor are you imagining?” I asked, my voice dropping to a seductive whisper.
Zoro sauntered over, his gaze never leaving mine, a predatory glint in his eye. “I was thinking maybe a private rendezvous. Somewhere away from prying eyes where you can show me more of those ‘advanced’ tricks you were talking about. I’m curious to see if you can back up that fierce reputation of yours.”
I met his gaze with a playful smirk, letting my eyes linger on him. “A private rendezvous sounds intriguing,” I said, my tone dripping with flirtation. “But what kind of tricks are you hoping to see?”
Zoro’s lips curled into a smirk as he took another step closer, his body heat radiating toward me. “I’m thinking something that’ll leave us both breathless,” he said, his voice husky. “I want to see if you’re as captivating in private as you are in the middle of a fight.”
Sanji’s eyes flared with a mix of anger and protectiveness. “I saw that, moss head! Don’t you dare think you can make a move on Y/N. I already have enough on my plate with Law hanging around!”
Zoro raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening. “Oh? And what’s that supposed to mean? I’m just stating an idea for the favor she owes since she lost the drinking game.”
I laughed, shaking my head. “To be fair, Law took my drink away from me!”
Sanji, seizing the opportunity, wrapped his arms around me in a protective hug. “Don’t worry, Y/N. Mosshead won’t be going along with his plans, not while I’m around.”
I looked up at Sanji and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. His face flushed a deep red. “Aren’t you the sweetest?” I said with a playful grin.
Then, I slowly made my way to Zoro, leaning in to kiss his cheek as well. I whispered lowly, “Looks like you’re going to have to think harder on that favor.” I giggled, stepping back and giving them both a teasing wink.
Zoro’s smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a look of surprise and contemplation. “Alright, you’ve got me thinking. I’ll come up with something memorable, just you wait.” 
“What the hell happened here!” Law’s voice cut through, and I turned to see him eyeing Caesar, who was being patched up by Chopper. His gaze then shifted to me, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern.
“Oh, there you are! I was wondering where you went,” I said, trying to hide my amusement over Caesar’s condition.
“You should have seen it, Traffy. Y/N gave Caesar quite the shock,” Zoro said with a smirk, his eyes glinting with mischief.
Law’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What do you mean by shock?” he asked, clearly trying to get the truth out of Zoro.
Before Zoro could respond, Luffy’s voice cut through the tension. “So... Traffy, is Dressrosa cool or what?”
Law sighed, shaking his head. “We’re not going sightseeing,” he said firmly. “We have important business there.”
“Wait! THE Dressrosa?” Kin’emon suddenly exclaimed, his eyes wide.
Law glanced over at him. “What’s the matter? You know the place?”
“Yes, that’s the very destination I was heading to,” Kin’emon replied.
Before the conversation could continue, Nami interrupted, her eyes on the horizon. “Guys, we’re moving crazy fast. The current’s shifted.”
Luffy, oblivious to the mounting tension, just grinned. “Awesome! Let’s go even faster!”
Law pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration but continued explaining the directions, trying to keep things on track. Zoro, leaning casually against the railing, added in his typical sarcastic tone, “Is this guy always such a know-it-all smart ass?”
I giggled at Zoro’s comment, drawing Law’s gaze. He raised an eyebrow at me, his expression somewhere between exasperation and amusement. 
Before he could speak, Robin chimed in, her voice calm but curious. “I saw you talking with someone over the transponder snail earlier. Why don’t you tell us who it was?”
I grinned, teasing Law. “So that’s where you’ve been hiding, huh? Keeping secrets?”
Law's expression hardened, his tone serious as he answered, “It was Doflamingo.”
“DOFLAMINGO?!” Usopp shouted, his voice filled with exaggerated shock. His wide eyes and flailing arms added to the dramatics, making everyone glance at him.
“Come on, Usopp,” I said with a chuckle, playfully rolling my eyes. "No need to freak out just yet." 
Usopp, still wide-eyed, waved his arms frantically. “He’s the most evil one, Y/N! How can you be so unfazed?”
Before I could answer, Luffy chimed in, “Alright, everyone, gather around! Let’s talk about the plan!” We all gathered around as Luffy began to explain the alliance he and Law had formed.
The crew’s collective gasp filled the air. “You formed an alliance… to kill one of the Four Emperors?!” The surprise in their voices was palpable.
“This plan is pretty great!” Zoro grinned, clearly on board with the idea.
I couldn’t help but grin back at him, the energy contagious. “Oh, you bet it is!”
“It is NOT great!” Usopp exclaimed, still looking like he was one step away from a heart attack. “Wait, Luffy, can you explain this alliance again? Like… clearly?”
“Sure thing, Usopp!” Luffy laughed, completely oblivious to Usopp’s anxiety. “So, we’re joining up with the Heart Pirates to do stuff, and let’s all try to get along, okay?”
Law, standing nearby with his arms crossed, looked visibly annoyed at Luffy’s carefree explanation.
I giggled at the sight, my excitement bubbling over. “Aww, this means I get to see Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi again!” The mere thought of reuniting with them made me giddy. Law's expression softened slightly at my words, though he still maintained his usual stoic demeanor.
Sanji, however, couldn’t help but scoff under his breath, probably not too thrilled with the idea of me hanging out with Law’s crew. Zoro, of course, noticed and shot Sanji a smug look, clearly enjoying the rising tension.
“You know what happens once Luffy makes up his mind,” Sanji said, handing me a glass of water with a concerned look.
“Thanks, Sanji,” I said, taking a sip and giving him a reassuring smile.
“At least the whole kidnapping thing makes sense,” Sanji continued, pointing toward Caesar with a grimace. “Considering it’s not Luffy’s style. Usually, if he brought this weird sheep thing on board, he’d want me to cook it.”
Caesar, still feeling the sting of my previous shock, managed a pained laugh. “Shorororro! Do you simpletons honestly think you’ll get away with this madness? You’re about to have some of the most powerful names hunting you down!”
Caesar sneered, “You pea-brain savages, your stupidity will be your death… And I can’t wait for Doflamingo to kill you, princess!”
As Caesar's taunts echoed through the room, Law tensed, his hand instinctively moving toward his sword. His eyes narrowed, a cold fury evident in his gaze. “Keep pushing and you’ll find out what happens when you push me too far,” he growled, ready to strike if necessary.
Sanji, too, was on edge. He clenched his fists, his knuckles white as he glared at Caesar. “Say another word and I’ll make sure you regret it,” he warned, his voice low and dangerous.
I finished my glass of water, handing it back to Sanji with a smile of gratitude, though my eyes remained locked on Caesar. As soon as he turned away, I clenched my right hand and connected it with my left palm, activating the electrical charge once more.
“Caesar, what did I tell you about making threats?” I said, my voice cold and unwavering. “It seems you still haven’t learned your lesson.”
Without waiting for a response, I delivered a shock-filled punch directly to Caesar, electricity coursing through his body. His pained shrieks echoed, and he convulsed from the intensity of the shock.
“Not cool, Y/N!” Chopper shouted, his voice filled with frustration. “I’m still treating him! Just wait until I’m done!”
I shot Chopper a smirk. “Serves him right for not learning the first time. He’s lucky I didn’t use a second bolt this time.” I leaned in closer to Caesar, my expression icy. “Next time, maybe you’ll think twice before making threats.” 
Sanji POV..
The hours had passed since Y/N delivered that electric shock to Caesar. It served him right for making those threats about her. Speaking of Y/N, I hadn’t seen her in a few hours, and it was starting to get dark.
I approached Law, who was hunched over a map, deep in thought. “Hey Traffy, have you seen Y/N? She’s supposed to get her bandages rewrapped and take some medication for her injuries,” I said, my concern evident.
Law looked up, his expression hardening into a glare. Just as he was about to speak, Nami cut in. "Oh, Y/N? Yeah, she’s taking a bath with Momo," Nami said casually.
Law, Kinemon, and I all yelled in unison, "WHAT?!"
Without another word, we rushed to the stairs, determined to see if what Nami said was true. I didn’t care if Momo was only eight years old; there was no way he should be in the bath with Y/N.
As we reached the bath, the door swung open, revealing Y/N wrapped in a short towel, clutching it close to her chest, a towel on her head, and slippers on her feet. Momo, meanwhile, was clinging to Y/N’s hand, his head nuzzled between her chest.
Y/N looked up, noticing our presence, and smiled. “Oh, perfect timing! Kinemon, I need some clothes if you would,” she said. “Momo is holding onto the towel, and I could use some help putting on my clothes as well.”
Our attention, however, was drawn to Momo’s mischievous grin. “What are you grinning at?” we all yelled in unison, startling Momo.
Sanji was the first to react. “We can see right through that act of yours. You think you can get away with this just because you’re a kid?”
Kinemon added, “You must cut off your top, not in shame,” which only made Momo cry.
Law was about to say something when Nami intervened with a punch to our heads. “Hey! Why are you ganging up on a child like that? You jerks!”
“But... but…” I stammered, still processing the situation.
Momo, now visibly upset, ran to Nami and hugged her tightly. “You’re such a good boy,” Nami cooed. “You can sleep with Robin, and me tonight.”
Just then, Momo turned to us with an evil grin that only solidified our suspicions. It was clear that Momo had been enjoying every minute of our confusion and distress. His grin seemed to say, "Gotcha!"
Law, Kinemon, and I exchanged frustrated glances, realizing that Momo’s innocent act had been nothing more than a clever ruse.
“Hey, Y/N, you still need help with putting on your clothes?” Nami asked, her tone warm and considerate.
Y/N turned to her, holding onto her short towel. “I may need something flowy and not too tight. I still have to wrap a fresh set of bandages. I’m hoping with the ointment King gave me, I won’t need them any longer.” Nami nodded. 
“Y/N, why don’t I fetch you one of my shirts? It’s oversized and flowy.” I said.
“Why, thank you, Sanji. That would be perfect,” Y/N replied with a grateful smile.
My face flushed, quickly nodded and headed off to fetch the shirt. Law, meanwhile, observed the exchange with a hint of jealousy. He stepped forward, his voice smooth and suggestive. “Y/N, let’s get those bandages taken care of now. Wouldn’t want you catching a cold standing here, although I wouldn’t mind nursing you back to health myself.”
I felt a surge of irritation. Before I could react, Y/N responded with a playful tone, “Thank you, Law. I may need a bit of help getting down, however.”
Law smirked, “That won’t be a problem.”
With a subte, almost challenging glance at me, Law said, “Room,” and with that, he and Y/N disappeared, leaving me to stew in the cool air that now seemed to chill me more than the room.
Law teleported us to the medical ward on the Sunny. I clutched my towel, still shivering slightly as I made my way to the small bed. The cold of the room was a stark contrast to the warmth I had hoped for.
“Alright, Y/N,” Law said with a teasing smirk, his eyes glinting with a mix of affection and mischief. “Why don’t you tell the Doctor what you need? I’m all ears.”
“Well, Doctor,” I said, tilting my head and attempting to keep my voice steady, “I’m in need of some fresh bandages, a bit of assistance, and applying some ointment so my wounds heal faster.”
Law's fingers were steady and precise as he applied the ointment to my right leg, but his touch was anything but clinical. Each stroke was deliberate, lingering just a bit longer than necessary, making me squirm as the warmth spread through my skin. I bit my lip to keep any sounds at bay, but a soft sigh escaped as his hand brushed closer to the sensitive areas of my thigh.
When he moved up to my chest, his touch was more intimate. His fingers glided over my skin with a gentle, teasing pressure. I could feel his breath against my skin, and every now and then, his lips would come close, creating a mix of sensations that made me shiver. His touch was both soothing and stimulating, causing me to arch slightly under his ministrations.
“You know,” Law said with a teasing smirk, his eyes never leaving mine, “you’re making it quite difficult to stay professional.”
I looked up at him with a playful smile, my voice barely more than a whisper. “Oh, am I? I suppose that’s part of the fun.”
Law chuckled softly, his gaze darkening with an unreadable emotion. He continued applying the ointment, his touch growing more deliberate as he moved to my left arm. His fingers traced patterns on my skin, each movement slow and deliberate, as if he were savoring every second of it.
As he finished, he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a husky murmur. “I must admit, you’re quite distracting, Y/N. But in a way that makes it all the more enjoyable.”
I met his gaze with a teasing glint in my eyes. “And you’re quite the expert at keeping things interesting, Doctor.”
Law’s smirk widened, a genuine warmth in his eyes. “Well, I’m glad you think so. Because I have a feeling this isn’t over yet.” 
As he spoke, he continued applying the ointment with meticulous care, his touch lingering and gentle. He wrapped the bandages around my injuries, his fingers brushing against my skin with a tenderness that made me shiver. Each movement was deliberate, his attention focused on ensuring that I was as comfortable as possible.
Just then, the door to the medical ward swung open, and Sanji walked in, holding out a blue dress shirt. “Y/N, I got you a dress shirt instead,” he said, his cheeks flushed as he noticed me wrapped in nothing but a towel. “I didn’t know which color you wanted, so I got you blue. I hope you don’t mind.” I looked up at him, a playful smile on my lips. “Sanji, how did you know blue was my favorite color?” I giggled, taking the shirt from him.
Sanji handed me the blue dress shirt, his eyes following me as I slipped it on. The fabric fell smoothly over my body, and I took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar, comforting scent of his cologne. A soft moan escaped my lips, and I looked up at Sanji with a playful grin. “Is this the same cologne you had on Punk Hazard?” I asked, my voice laced with affection. “I’m going to be thinking about you every night now.”
Sanji’s face turned a deep crimson, his eyes widening in surprise and a hint of bashfulness. “I, uh, thought you’d like it,” he stammered, trying to keep his cool but failing as his gaze remained fixed on me.
I made my way towards him, the shirt slipping loosely over my figure. With a mischievous glint in my eye, I deliberately left two buttons undone, letting the shirt fall open slightly. “So, Sanji, do you like what you see?” I teased, my voice light and flirtatious.
Sanji’s eyes were locked on me, his usual confident demeanor faltering under the weight of my teasing. “Y-You look incredible,” he managed to say, his voice trembling with a mix of admiration and nervousness.
Leaning in, I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, the contact soft but filled with affection. “Thanks for the shirt, Sanji. I’ll be thinking of you whenever I wear it,” I said with a sweet smile.
Sanji’s face was a deep shade of red, his eyes darting away as he tried to regain his composure. “You’re welcome, Y/N,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
With one last flirtatious wink, I turned and headed toward the door. “I’ll see you boys in the morning,” I said, stepping out of the medical ward and making my way to my room.
As I settled into bed, the blue shirt felt like a warm, comforting embrace. The scent of Sanji’s cologne lingered, wrapping around me and making me smile. I drifted off to sleep, filled with thoughts of the evening’s tender moments and the warmth of Sanji’s affection, feeling like I was wrapped in a gentle embrace even in my dreams.
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mijikai12 · 8 months
hola chicos!! this is my main blog and this pinned post is also a more updated and simpler than the og!!
warning: LONG POST ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Main: @mijikai12
Vent: @kayventa
Reblogging: @mijikai12-reblogs
Ask(1): @just-ask-finn
Ask(2): @the-prismo-ask-blog
Com!/Colab/Art: @yoki-san
MusicBased: @cheryap
where you can also find me ->
details ->
i am a minor (13) and my birthday is March 2nd! 🎂
i am a aromantic lesbian
i have adhd and some autism
im an extrovert mainly around people i know. but i am literally forcing myself to interact with people (i swear it actually works omfg)
i go by Kayla
i love talking to people here.
i joined i think in september or october.
i play flute, piano, and a bit of recorder
my favorite colors are 💚🖤🤍❤️
i like weirdcore
im a big adventure time fan
im open for asks
im in seventh grade
i like to draw, animate, make music, and write!
im a Pieces
i'm hispanic
i speak english + spanish
MAIN OC'S!!!!!!:
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Mijikai Tsocka(mascot): she is a bunny hybrid bc of course. i gues she was tested on or something, i havent quite figured her lore yet. she's a she/them 16 lesbian female.
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Sarahnah Dandila(princess): She's fucking annoying anyways; she is a she/her 23 straight female. She's princess of whatever idk i dont have a name for the kingdom yet. (most parent standard hehe)
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Mattie Sercel: He's a he/it 21 bisexual trans (least parent standard haha) he's in college and majors in 3D art and animation.
okay! i really hope you enjoy my blog!! i cant wait to meet yall and to get into situations id rather die than be in!! 😊
edits below:
edit1: guys i made a Neobook account!! i dont know what shit to do there so it might be empty for a while.
edit2: im trying to make an ao3 account. i should be on by 1/30
edit3: i know ive already said this but my reblogs are slowly being deleted. so my art posts will go to Yoki while normal text/memes/etc posts will go here (≧∇≦)
edit4: i lied in that last edit. anyways, i am gonna make an insta soon (maybe tonight) and i might make a Pinterest account! 😆
edit6: i have a twitter if you didnt notice
edit8: i have a gf omggg i'll be posting a lot about it at @kayventa
edit9: yeah ao3 does NOT like me wow. anyways, so springbreaks coming up soon. i'll post about this on thursday or friday ✌🏽
edit10: ive had an c.ai account for months ive posted about it idk if yallve seen it yet 😒
edit11: i found out a few days ago that when ao3 said i'd be on by 1/30, they didnt mean 1/30/24, they meant 1/30/25. wtf
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Off Limits III | The one with Steve's crush
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PAIRING | Steve Rogers x Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Steve agreed to be your date to the party Tony was throwing, and the night went a different route than you expected. One minute you were dancing with Steve, the other he was buried deep inside you, making this night absolutely the best night of your life.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Use of Readers middle name (Lily) but Tony says Y/N when they're alone, Smut [ losing of virginity, fingering, slight nipple play, protected sex, praise kink ], swearing.
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Steve Rogers Masterlist | Series masterlist | Part II | Part IV
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The evening of the party arrives, and you decide to get ready with Nat and Wanda, so you could talk some more about everything that's going on between you and Steve, mainly your feelings about him. Since you told him last night you would love to go to your dad's party with him, you're mind has been going a mile a minute with thoughts about Steve. Today, you just couldn't talk about anything but him, and Nat and Wanda didn't mind it in the slightest. ''I still can't believe he said he wants to go to the party with me!'' you say and the girls just chuckle at it, they could believe it. Steve has been pretty obvious with his flirting, and the cuddles during movie nights haven't exactly gone unnoticed either, but no one said anything about it. ''Why wouldn't he want to go with you? You are really good friends, so it's not weird that you want to go with him,'' Nat said.
You agreed with it, but it didn't make you feel any less giddy at the thought of Steve, and dancing with him. But now, you have to focus on getting ready first, before you won't be able to get to the party to begin with. Wanda is helping you with your make-up, opting for a dark green and gold make-up look and a simple lip color. Nat is doing your hair, opting for braids and a low bun, so that it won't take away from the beautiful dress you're wearing. ''Wow, Lily, you look positively glowing right now, you're drop-dead gorgeous! Everyone at the party is going to be so jealous of you!'' the girls say and all you can do is blush, you're not used to such compliments. But most of all, you can't wait to see what you're dad thinks of your look. As if he could feel you thinking about him, he texted you to come over to his office.
''I'm so sorry that I have to leave you both for a minute, but Tony just asked me to come to his office. He needs to go over something important...'' you say, not bothering to come up with something too specific. You're not wearing your dress yet, but you're still in a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, the reveal of your dress has to wait. You knock on his door, notifying him you're there and he calls you in. ''Hi darling, are you having fun getting ready? You look gorgeous already!'' he says and he twirls you around a few times, even though you're not even wearing your dress. ''Yeah I am, Nat and Wanda are helping me, and I'm extremely grateful they are. They must know I couldn't have done it myself, and it's just fun hanging out with them,'' you say.
You're happy you're finally making some friends among the Avengers. Sure, they're all nice to you, and it's always fun to hang out with them, but it's different when you're friends with them. ''I have something for you, in honor of your first official party as an Avenger,'' he says and grabs a black, rectangular velvet box from a drawer in his desk and hands it to you. You open it and find a silver necklace with a small sun pendant hanging from it. ''You have always been the light of our lives, and you make every room you walk into a lot brighter. I was supposed to give this to you during your birthday, but since I wasn't able to see you then, I decided to wait for a special occasion,'' he says, and you're trying your hardest not to cry and ruin your make-up. ''Oh my god, Dad, it's perfect. I love it...'' you say and give him a big hug, you're incredibly grateful to have someone like Tony as your dad. You were never overly spoiled, but every time he gave you something, it felt like he hung the moon and stars for you. He would do anything for you, and you couldn't be more thankful.
''I will wear this with pride tonight dad, thank you so much,'' you say and give him a big kiss on his cheek and another hug, before you need to go back to get ready. ''Sorry Dad, I have to go before I'm late for your party! I still need to put on my dress and everything, I'll see you there. I love you!'' you ramble before running out the door. Once you're back in your room, you see Nat and Wanda have left to go put on their dresses and you're grateful, that way you don't have to explain how you got the necklace. You step into your dress and it still looks beautiful on you, even more so with the hair and make-up, which complement it just like Nat and Wanda said it would. You put on your heels and just when you put on Tony's necklace, you hear a knock on your door, notifying you that Steve is here.
You walk to the door and open it to reveal Steve in a perfectly tailored dark green suit, his hair neatly done and a bouquet of white tulips in his hands. ''Wow,'' is all he could manage to say when he saw you, he was starstruck. ''Thank you, Steve! You don't look so bad yourself,'' you say with a wink when you the tulips out of his hands and invite him in. ''You didn't have to get me flowers Steve, we're just going to a party!'' you say and you laugh, but you're still touched by the fact that he did anyways, and he got your favorites, too. ''Old habits die hard, as they say. I just think it's a gesture of appreciation for you saying yes to being my date tonight. I'm really happy you said yes,'' he said with a deep red color on his face now. ''It's okay Steve, I love being your date and I look forward to dancing with you all night,'' you say, your cheeks also turning a little bit of a darker pink shade at your confession. ''Are you ready to go?'' you ask when they're in a vase and he gets up to go to the party.
Steve extended his arm so you could hook yours in his before entering the party, but as soon as you both arrived, all eyes were on the two of you. Since your dress and his suit matched, you were pretty much the best-dressed people in the room, looking like you belonged together. ''E-Everyone's looking at us...'' you say and you turn red because of all the attention, you're not used to having this many eyes on you. ''They're looking at YOU darling, you look gorgeous right now,'' Steve said with a big smile on his face, and you could feel his warm breath across your neck when he softly said that to you. The feeling of his breath gave you goosebumps, but you felt like you wanted more of it, more of Steve, even. ''Did you want to get a drink first, or do you want to dance?'' he asked, extending his hand out to you. ''I'll take that dance now,'' you say as you grab his hand and he leads you to the dance floor.
Steve grabs your hand, and puts the other one on your shoulder, while you wrap one around his waist to pull him a little closer. With your heels, you were a lot taller than usual, and you were almost the same height as him, making the dancing a whole lot easier. There is a relatively slow song and the two of you sway back and forth on the rhythm of the music, completely forgetting everything around you. You put your head on Steve's shoulder and step closer to him until your bodies are almost touching, and you feel Steve's breath on your neck when he asks you something. ''Wanna get out of here, maybe somewhere a little more private? I have to tell you something,'' and you get goosebumps when you lift your head and nod. He guides you across the dance floor and up to the elevator leading to the sleeping quarters.
When you're in the elevator, Steve pulls you in for a hug, not wanting to be alone any longer, he needed to feel his body against yours. His body was burning with desire for you, and he was finally going to confess his feelings for you. When the elevator reached the floor where your bedroom is, the doors opened and he let you go but still held onto your hand, and it just felt right for both of you. The two of you reach the door and you unlock it, pulling him inside. ''Lily, I have to tell you something, and I can't wait any longer,'' he starts. ''I like you, like, REALLY like you, and I can't stop thinking about you. I've had feelings for you since we first met, and they've only grown stronger. I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours, if you'll have me. I want YOU, Lily, all of you,'' he said and his hands started wandering over your waist and down to your hips, pulling you closer into his body.
''I want to be yours, too, Steve. And I want you too, but...'' is all you say before you pull yourself out of his grasp and walk away from him, you couldn't look at him when you were about to tell him you're still a virgin, you couldn't look at him when he would laugh in your face and belittle you for never having sex. But that wasn't the case. ''I- I'm still a virgin Steve...'' you say with such a soft voice, you're not sure he heard you. ''Oh baby, that's perfectly fine. It would be my honor to be your first if you'll have me. I'll show you what a real gentleman is like, both inside and outside the bedroom,'' he says, and you can't believe what he just said. You looked into his deep blue eyes, and you had the overwhelming feeling to kiss him right now. He didn't run away, he didn't laugh at you, he accepted you just as you are, and because of that, you love him even more. ''Can I kiss you?'' you ask in a soft voice.
Steve slowly nods and his head sinks to yours, your lips meeting in a soft, light kiss that made you feel fireworks on the inside. When he pulled away, you both had a grin as big as the Cheshire Cat on your faces, still not quite believing it happened. Steve put his hand on the side of your face and kissed you again, this time slowly opening his mouth and sliding his tongue over your bottom lip, asking for entrance into yours. You happily provide and when you feel his tongue slide against yours, your panties are getting more and more damp, the longer you explore each other's mouths. You're standing so close to him that you can feel Steve getting hard in his pants too, and you can't wait to feel him deep inside you, fucking you like there's no tomorrow, but that would have to wait.
You move your hands and start undressing Steve, taking each layer of clothing off with more and more eagerness, until all that's left are his boxers. Now it was his turn to undress you, kissing softly down your neck and shoulders while unzipping your dress and letting it fall to the floor. His breath hitches when he sees your lingerie, in almost the same dark green color as your dress, you couldn't resist a little chuckle. ''You like what you see?'' you ask him, and his hands are wandering over your curves, exploring every inch of your skin. ''You look perfect, sweetheart,'' he says as he continues giving kisses down your collarbone and in between your breasts, which are filling your bra nicely. ''Let's lay down on the bed,'' Steve said and he guided you to lie down with your head on his pillows.
When you found your spot, Steve caressed both your breasts and your nipples instantly pebbled from his soft touch. You let out a soft moan, and Steve feels it go directly to his already impossibly hard cock, but he would have to wait just a little longer. Right now, it was all about you, he wanted your first time to be perfect. He pulled the cups of your bra down so your nipples would be exposed, and his mouth went to one, while he played with the other with his hand, getting more of those soft moans out of you. Steve is grateful your bra hooks in the front, so he quickly opens it and you take it off, letting your breasts fall perfectly into his hands, and he squeezes them softly. He sucks on your nipples for a little longer whilst playing and softly tugging on them, before moving his attention down to your soaking wet cunt.
He placed his hand over your panties, and couldn't help but comment on the fact how wet you were for him. ''You're soaking wet for me already baby,'' he says and you moan his name when he glides his fingers over the lace of your panties. ''Steve, I need you... touch me...'' you say and he happily complies. His fingers move over the fabric with a little more force, drawing more moans and whimpers from you. ''Let me take these off, so I can have better access,'' he said and you raised your hips, so Steve could remove your panties easier. He threw them to the side and his fingers went up and down between your folds, teasing your entrance a couple of times. ''Such a good girl for me,'' he said and you clenched around nothing when he said that. ''Hm, you're clenching around nothing like the good girl you are,'' he said, almost drooling.
He lined up one finger at your entrance, slowly pushing it in so you could get used to the feeling. ''S-Steve feels good,'' you say with a moan, and you arch your back a little when he starts moving in and out of you. When he finds a comfortable rhythm, he slowly adds another finger and lastly, he adds the third, making sure you're nice and stretched for when he will enter you with his thick cock later. ''Hm, feels so good around my fingers, can't wait to feel you around my cock later,'' Steve said and this quickly drove you to the edge with the pace he set. ''Steve, fuck! Gonna cum!'' you said and he never faltered his pace, whispering more praises when you cum on his fingers and he coaxes you through your orgasm. ''Fuck, such a good fucking girl for me right now, dripping your wet pussy all over my fingers, you're making me impossibly hard now,'' he said and he slid his fingers out of you, sucking them clean.
''Are you ready for me, sweetheart?'' Steve asks while he grabs a condom out of his nightstand, ripping open the packet and rolling it onto his cock after stroking himself a few times. ''Y-yes, Steve, 'm ready for you,'' you tell him a little exhausted already, you had quite an intense orgasm from just his fingers, so you wondered what it would be like to cum around his thick cock. ''I'll go slow,'' he said before lining himself up and slowly pushing in so you could get used to the burning yet pleasurable feeling. ''So good, feels amazing,'' you moan and when he slowly moves deeper, you grab his back and put your nails in him to ground yourself, but this only makes Steve go wild for you. ''That's it baby, such a good girl taking my cock right now,'' he whispered in your ear, and when he was completely in, he let you get used to the feeling.
''Please, Steve...'' you whine a little, and he understands what you want, he slowly starts moving, making you moan. ''Steve...'' is all you can say when he picks up the pace, your orgasm washes over you quickly since he's hitting all the right spots, and your nails drag all over his back, leaving long red marks. ''Fuck baby, your tight cunt feels so good around my cock, you were made for me,'' he says while riding you through your orgasm. It doesn't take long for Steve to finish after you, and he slowly pulls out when he does. ''Sorry baby,'' he says when you whine at the loss of him inside you. ''Is okay,'' you say with a smile on your lips. You grab his face and kiss him softly, making him blush a little at the softness of the kiss. ''That was amazing, thank you,'' you told him and he felt amazing right now.
He went to grab a washcloth so he could help you clean up a little, even though he used a condom, your slick was still all over your thighs and pussy, so he cleaned you up a little. When he's done, he puts on a pair of boxers and hands you a pair as well, and they fit you surprisingly well. He also hands you one of his t-shirts that is looking like a dress on you, and you almost fall asleep. ''Wanna cuddle,'' is all you say before drifting off to sleep, and he couldn't say no to you, even if he wanted to. He laid down behind you and pulled you against his chest, wrapping your arms around you and nuzzling his face into your hair. ''Sleep well, sweetheart,'' he says before drifting into a deep sleep himself.
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Omg Bexxx!!!! Been a fan for the longest time. Everything you write is just so hot! Ive been dying for an update on Through The Heart Is The Only Way.! My roomie showed me how to jailbreak ChatGPT and I fed it the whole fic and the little preview and the AI was able to finish the fic for me!! IT WAS SO GOOD!!! If you're still having trouble writing the next chapter you should def try using it to help you finish!! <3
Wow. Okay. So. Hi there Anon. 
I dunno where to even start with this. 
So you say you are a really big fan of mine, and have been for a while. So where were you when I reblogged this post? Talking in depth about people plugging fanfic into ChatGTP, and me wholeheartedly agreeing that it is fucked up. Oh! Or how about this time? Or this one? Orrr this one? This one too. I said in the tags of those posts if anyone does this to me I am going to riot, so get ready for a fucking riot. 
I have posted and reblogged several, SEVERAL TIMES, that I am not okay with and do not consent to this shit. I will repeat now, with my whole fucking chest, so the fucking nosebleed seats can hear me, like a goddamned theater kid trying to impress a broadway talent scout level of volume, straight up BELTING TO THE BACK ROW-
This is just, so far removed, I don’t know why you would think this is even remotely okay!
I write for the love of the game, for the sheer love of CREATION ITSELF! Do you understand how much my writing and love for it and the media these characters are in and those same characters themselves permeate my thoughts? My days? I pour so much care and thought and effort into my shit behind the scenes. Hours and hours of thought and parsing, re-watching, writing that you don’t see and I do it not because I am getting money, not for likes, or comments or followers but because I fucking LOVE it. The urge in me is literally uncontrollable to do this. I feel proud of what I do! Do you have the smallest conception of the time, effort, blood, sweat, hours of sleep lost to my craft and this hobby that gives me creative satisfaction? I do NOT want this discounted or tramped on or heaven forbid forgotten.
How about we really break this down so you understand it. Let’s do some math. 
Through The Heart Is The Only Way has not gotten an update innnn a little over two months, sixty four days to be exact. But. How much writing have I posted in that time since I last updated that fic, the last chapter of which was, if you remember, is twelve THOUSAND words? I have posted, in the past sixty four days, since that last update, thirty eight thousand words. 
Wow! That is a lot of words for slightly over two months! 
It is almost like I care so much about TTHITOW that I am purposefully taking my time with it, not rushing it and writing it when the inspo grabs me by the fucking ovaries and will not let go. I re-watched the entire movie franchise and the tv series for this fic, I have a doc with piles of ideas and character study, I have chapter ten plotted, outlined and had it started! But shit like this? 
It doesn’t make me want to write it Anon.
It is demoralising. 
I feel disrespected as fuck right now. 
I KNOW what I am doing with this fic, I KNOW where it is going, I have the ending already planned, we are about half way through this fic AT BEST! I have probably another over sixty thousand words in me to tell this story the way I want to but knowing me? Definitely more. The fact that you think the only reason this fic isn’t updated more frequently or isn’t done yet is through lack of thought, from not knowing where to go? Is insulting as fuck. Me taking my time with this fic doesn’t mean I don’t care, it doesn’t mean I am not obsessed with it or love it. Frankly, it means the opposite, me dragging this out is because I love it so fucking much and I want to do it right. 
I have a ton of love for lots of movies, lots of characters, I want to give them all attention, I want to follow my muse, I don’t want to FORCE myself to write something when the mood isn’t right. The readers deserve better but so DO I! This is my love, this is my hobby, I want to do it my fucking way, because I guaran-FUCKING-tee, that whatever the fuck ChatGTP pumped out for you is a weak, pale, pathetic, whisper of a God forsaken SHADOW of what I have planned to unleash for this fics ending. 
I know that a lot of people look down at sexual content which is what 99% of what I do is. Lots of people view it as base, lesser, shallow, no care or thought or heart. That is not the fucking case, certainly not for me. Sex has deep personal meaning to me dude, I CHOOSE, actively make the decision to write and do these fics in the fashion I do. I write these character explorations and studies centered around sex and sexuality and write them through that lens because that is what I want to do, that is what speaks to me, that is what is important to ME and what I want to contribute to the fandom space.
I am human. I write to an inhuman degree, (remember last week when I posted three fics, totaling over eight thousand words in one day? Crazy that still isn’t enough somehow and you felt the need to do this-) but I am still a fucking person. I am an artist, a writer, an author and I deserve the most basic respect of my supposed “FANS” patience and ability to WAIT. That is the barest minimum. I write so often, I give so much of myself to it but some days I just want to come home from work and watch a movie. I want to have a bath, I want to cook or bake or spend time with my husband and those times, those breaks, make my writing all the better. My writing, all writing that is worth a damn, is inspired and pulled from real life experiences, hence why AI writing sucks, there is no actual life experience or interpretation, no fucking soul. All it is capable of doing is vomiting back out what is put into it and the idea that my shit is in there, that you took my writing and it is contributing to that writhing mass of technological horror that is doing this to countless other artists and writers? It is genuinely fucking upsetting.
I am so unbelievably mad it is insane. 
This was so gross, never do this again, to me or anyone else. And if you ask what to do when you are having trouble waiting for a fic? How about you leave some detailed comments? Try to talk to the author? I bet that most would LOVE to be talked to and asked about their fics, they are the prime people who want to talk about this shit, they are writing the fucking fic, clearly have a lot of love for it and get it, and also if you talk to them about it and show interest it might kick start their inspo again which means you will get that real and authentic update from the artist themselves. Also. Re-read, just re-read or explore more new fic, like me for instance, I have, again posted over ONE MILLION WORDS IN THREE YEARS OF POSTING! I have so much backlog, go read some of that while you wait for the updates man fucksake. 
I don’t want to hear this is too harsh, I don’t want to hear this is too mean, I do not fucking give a singular goddamned shit at all. You fucked up here hard Anon, take a good look at yourself and do fucking better.
And in case it wasn't obvious, my writing? Isn't for you, not anymore.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 8 months
ive been thinking lately...
your analysis is so good and powerful, that it can actually be a very interesting YouTube video. more than one even. 🫣
it's just... Tumblr is a nice comfortable place, i love Tumblr so much, but also i want more people to know and hear you. what do you think about this idea? theoretically by now, of course
Hey dear 💙
Oh my goodness 😳 wow! I'm beyond flattered that you think so highly of my analyses!!
Especially because tumblr can be such a safe place is why I'm here. While, yes, youtube could potentially be a way to have more people hear me, it's also not really a safe place. I see how haters behave in the comments and I don't think I want to put up with that rn. Of course you could ignore or enable the comments but that's not my goal.
I'm already so unbelievably glad and grateful for all the support and love you guys give me, and through this, more people will eventually come by. It hasn't been my goal to get as many followers as possible to begin with. When I first came around I thought, "If at least 1 person hears and agrees with me, I'd be happy enough!" And now we are constantly growing! Us Magnifico defenders ⚔️🛡💙
Every one of you is precious! And I'm saying THANK YOU! Once more to every one of you, who sticks around here 💕 Without you guys, my blog wouldn't be what it is now and what it's becoming. I cannot even find the right words to describe how much I appreciate each nice comment, message, ask, like or reblog. You guys are the stars on this sky, it glows because you show up!
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chiiyuuvv · 8 months
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I have held back our celebration to annouce that we not only have one new milestone, but two!
Tumblr, you already know the saying, "thank you, thank you, i never expected someone to like my works" and sure while i say that a lot im not lying, or try to seem pick me or fish out compliments. Im so deadass 💀 when i first made this account, sure, i knew that some people were going to read my works (like 5 or 6 and those being my friends) but i never expected to branch out and capture more eyes of roadys, briizes, and hopefully lunes. If you noticed, i have never, not even once, said anything along the lines of "reblogs are appreciated" because idk about you but to me, that shows that i really dont care for all the attention im recieving. Which is the reason why i always say things like "i never expected anyone to like my works" because i really dont, and you guys always blow me out of the water each time a new milestone hits. So, thank you ♡
If im completely honest, wattpad, i was just under the impression that the readers read your works, vote on whatever chapters, and go on about their day. So when I've been seeing these mass follows over this past week or so (and let me tell you there was A LOTT) i am, again, shocked and surprised. Because wow! My works are so good you tune in for each chapter, voted on all the imagines you liked, added it to your reading list under the title "best things ive ever read" (im not exaggerating) AND decided to follow me?????? WHOA. so yes, your follows mean a lot to me as well, and im so happy you've enjoyed my works ♡
Happy 600/100 yall! I would post a little smth smth but im still finishing up the event, old requests, and homework so my schedules a bit full to add something to it :< but yes! Thank you. Thank you ♡
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qoldenskies · 2 days
Taking a break from homework to ask 11, 12, and 30 from that ask game you reblogged (I’m super super interested in the way other people go about writing their fics lolol 🙏)
11. Do you write scenes in order, or do you jump around?
truthfully it kind of depends! whenever i write i tend to have The Scene in mind and if i get impatient i'll usually write it, but i try to avoid doing it because i notice it messes with flow (but flow and pacing is something im just very conscious of, even though i observe that because im writing it my brain is reading it faster/skimming so its partially a me problem LOL)
in caged lungs im skipping around only because im trying to go with a draft format instead of editing as i go, since its so long itll help when i see everything connected, and there's a few scenes i plan on changing/rewriting completely when i get it all out. technically everything ive posted up to this point is a first draft, and its a habit i hope to break !!
12. Do you outline your fics? If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
i doooo yes, its mostly just a list of things/interactions i know i want. for cvd i have plans for up to chapter 9/10 or so, and just a bunch of scripts/concepts for later. with canary continuity i have a description for each scene on the google doc and i just add the content in as i go, with my actual notepad (thing i discovered i had on my laptop and have been using liberally) i mostly have quotes and passages i want to put in the story
and also for cc in particular im keeping really close track of the motifs and how i want to work them back around. already thinking about the healing part of the arc and implanting scenes/chekhovs guns that are going to loop back around WAY down the line is very funny... i actually do some of this for cvd too, i love to write intentionally like that.... i am weirdly pretentious and earnest about my turtle fanfiction. people have no idea what im going to do with that lamp and i bide my time. also the clocks. and the laundry room. and the ocean (actually that one's fine its just a parallel). and the rooftop. and the cameras oh my god the cameras. i plan on committing so many horrors
really just things i know i WANT to be consistent with is the biggest thing i keep track of (although sometimes things will just pop up AS i'm writing and i roll with the punches, like the security system being a metaphor in coming undone, and also all of the very intentional trust fall parallels and the way it conveniently worked with the chapter names. fun fact for metaphors, i REALLY planned to expand on the chess thing between leo and donnie but it messed with the pacing so im keeping it for cvd.... ive got some ideas)
OH EXCEPT FOR THAT SEP AU IVE VAGUELY TALKED ABOUT. i have EVERY SINGLE chapter plotted out, its 52 chapters long. i am NOT GOING TO WORRY ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW its a far in the future thing. but its also the only au i have that isnt like,,, specifically canon divergent, so i wanted to pay close attention to how i set things up. 4 later (currently the working name for it is where we went wrong, after the song by the hush sound, and honestly im tempted to keep it because it makes the acronym wwww which is beautifully ironic because they take NOTHING BUT LS ITS JUST ONE AFTER ANOTHER OH MY GOD)
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
OH I KIND OF ALREADY ANSWERED THIS ABOVE OOPS. im trying to break out of the habit but i mostly just grammar correct through google docs and then throw out the first draft haphazardly, and it can kinda come off polished anyway because i tend to edit as i go. sometimes it means i'll fix mistakes in fics like a month after releasing them, impatience is my Weakness
wow i yap a lot LMFAO the yapperrrr
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romana-after-dark · 10 months
You guys are SLAYING dead dove december!!!
I've gotten SEVERAL already!!! and i know more are coming!
Ive gotten not one but two William Tell's (one with art!!!)
several Joels!
A frankie and santi!
wow, just 10/10 everyone
if i havnt reblogged yours yet, i havnt read it bc finals are KICKING MY ASS RN but i promise I'll get to them! im so excited!!!
If i dont read and reblog yours by the end of december, that just means i missed it so dont be afraid to send it to me! im not excluding anyone as long as the rules are followed <3
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Oh, and even tho I know nothing about b5, Half baked B5Halo has me INTRIGUED.
(Hey @infinityactual you might find this interesting re: our conversation this morning.)
Send me WIP asks.
So. This got LONG. Sorry not sorry.
This not-story has the working title “For Such a Time As This” owing to a scene in my head where Delenn says “Perhaps the universe has brought us all together for such a time as this.”Appropriating Bible verses for the Minbari, oh yeah.
Right now this document is just a collection of ideas about how these universes might interact, and a few scenes/ideas. Such as:
- Infinity’s communications officer falls and breaks her nose when they crash out of slipspace. Lasky is shoving gauze at her when Babylon 5 makes contact. He shows up on the station with blood all over his uniform and his first conversation with Sheridan is something like “Do you have laundry around here? Also, what year is it?”
-Garibaldi and Palmer have to chase Halsey around the station. They bond over a shared love for Loony Toons. Palmer is a Roadrunner and Coyote girl, change my mind.
- Franklin is utterly furious when he finds out about the Spartan program. And that’s just the IVs. He doesn’t even know about the IIs.
- Lasky is insanely envious that B5’s computer can turn the attitude OFF and that cryo is not widely used in their world.
- Ivanova and Palmer become besties and give their respective captains a few headaches.
- Garibaldi wants to keep the Spartans because WOW are they useful for security.
- Various Halo characters grappling with the “who are you/what do you want” questions (I have ideas about this I will save for another post).
- What a fight with the Shadows might look like with Infinity in the mix. Seeing as Infinity is more powerful than anything in the B5 world. Sheridan and Lasky would make a fascinating team, too.
- How the Shadows would end up using Halsey, because even she couldn’t outwit them, and the trouble she could make in another universe.
- Lasky muses at some point how Babylon 5 gives him hope that one day humans and aliens can all work together peacefully; maybe the UEG should give something like this a shot. Palmer tells him, “You know they’d want you to run it” and Lasky is like F—- NO.
Now, all my reasons for why this epic will never make it out of my head:
Altering the B5 storyline (namely having to scrap the tensions with Earth for simplicity’s sake) would feel to me like sacking the Jerusalem temple.
I’d need to know even MORE about B5 lore than I already do, not like I’d have a problem with that research project, and a whole lot more about Halo than I do. On that last point, I am married to a walking Halopedia who would gladly tell me everything and then some.
There’s also the matter of having to make several OCs for the Halo side. Aside from Lasky, Palmer, and Roland, we don’t meet many of the Infinity crew. Does Lasky even have a first officer? I mean, he obviously does, but does he ever talk to this person? We got through all of Spartan Ops and Halo 5 with nary an XO in sight.
Finally, silly as this may sound, I’m no Straczynski and don’t trust myself with his characters and universe. I have no problem taking a sledgehammer to Halo because it’s great and fun and sometimes just mind-bogglingly stupid. But B5 is so brilliant I can’t bring myself to touch it. I would be scared of incurring the wrath of my fellow fans and also probably feel like I had to write JMS a letter of apology.
I WAS going to post a snippet from this mess of an AU but I’ll put it in a reblog later to keep this post from getting even longer.
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housewifebuck · 11 months
this fandom is so hard to get into. I was soo happy about a big blog reblogging my stuff and then they just deleted it (after people already reblogged it from them and I saw in my notes)? like nevermind, not good enough. wow. ouch.
thats so weird !! maybe it was an accident (been there). I know how u feel tho fs. ive had people reblog a post from me and then block me right after LMFAOO
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hi mikey! do you have any new art out recently? how are you doing? hows the family?
i have ADHD too btw :)
ive been feeling a bit bummed out recently lately, mental health wise, so my first thought was coming and talking to you! you dont have to worry about typing out a whole entire response, but your energy just brightens up my day instantly!
ive been struggling a lot with making friends recently. i just started my sophomore year of high school and im at a new school (same students though) and its just been really scary. i have two really good friends that ive been friends with for four years now, but i really want more friends too, y'know? im really awkward and shy and its really really hard for me to talk to people i want to be friends with. i do know other people i get along with, but they arent the kinda people i would actually hang out with, more just talk to sometimes if that makes sense?? its getting to a point where im overly concerned about people liking me. theres this group of people at my school i REALLY want to be friends with, cause theyre the kinda gay emo group that i would fit perfectly in as a gay emo... but that just makes it THIS MUCH MORE intimidating!! theyre so cool and i want them to see that! i just dont know how to talk to them without irritating them.
im just kinda clueless at this point, mike! i know that im a good and cool person once you get to know me but im so awkward around new people that it completely changes the way i act. i kinda stiffen up and talk weirdly formally and quietly and my usual confidence goes WAY down. im normally very outwardly confident (Leo kinnie heree✌) but i become just a bit less so around new people.
well i think im gonna wrap up my little ramble now, lmao. i wasnt planning on writing all this i was just thinking of a short paragraph😭
well again, have a great day mikey! you deserve it!!
I haven't done ANY art besides just chaotic painting on canvas & spraying with @emerson-the-psycho , BUT I have done some nice cooking, which counts as art?
We're doing nicely, I mean, we're still very chaotic & there's trouble here & there... But it's been fun so far!
Also, yaaaay ADHD buddies!!! 🥳
I'm glad I am able to brighten your day 🥰🧡(maaan I need to spread more positivity - I see so many sweet posts & then I'm like 'oh yeah, I should reblog this' & then I don't do it because I thought I already did but I haven't & then the post is gone because I had moved on & the opportunity is gone then too -)
You are great as you are.
If you see people & think 'WOW, they match my energy', go to them. The right people will definitely match your vibe too & you'll click.
And it's super great if you voice your fears. 'Hey, you seem nice, I want to talk to you, but I'm a biiiit anxious, hehe, but you seem so cool & we might share the same interests-'. They WILL see that you truly mean it. And it will brighten their day, believe me. And if YOU are open with your fears, it'll be easier to let your true self show. 😌
I know that society wants people to 'show off', but I think for getting in touch with possible friends it's best to be completely honest. That's what people like. Or should like at least.
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I'm rooooooting for yaaaaa!
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
hi! thus far ive been a silent reader of this night together because i run a sfw blog (i wanted to reblog everything every time SO BAD i swear), and i want to first say how amazing your writing is! ive been following the progress of this series since the inception, and i am amazed at the quality of your work every single time a new part comes out, despite knowing 100% you never fail to deliver. i knew after reading part 9 that i couldn't stay silent any longer.
this part made me sob.
like full on, tears streaming down my face, absorbing into my pillow ugly sobbing. the writing in this part was just so painfully beautiful i felt the need to send in this in honor of the emotions it made me feel.
my emotions were on the same rollercoaster as y/n, and i want to express my admiration to the dedication and level of thought you put in your works, evident in the stunning end results.
from y/n entering the studio building, to the uncomfortable sense of inevitable impending doom leading up to the conversation... everything was so meticulously thought out and written so deliberately it took my breath away.
tears were already piled up when y/n started yelling, but the waterworks didn't fully start until yunho. oh my god you write so well there aren't enough words in the english language to describe my love for your work.
i also read into the aurora a while ago and oh my gosh that was a pure work of art. everything is so well written, from the accuracy of the characters, to the dynamic between them, to the absolutely breathtaking descriptions and well thought out details that just made it flow so so well together.
wow, this ask got a bit long. all in all, i want to thank you for releasing such gorgeous and intricate pieces of writing to the world, for all to read and admire. i hope you're having the best day <33
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PLEASE this message was so nice 😭 i'm so thankful you took the time to write all that, and i'm so glad the angst and emotions in the latest chap actually hit. i appreciate you!!!!
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Hello, there! I'm Lynn, it's a pleasure to meet you. I had a small question out of curiosity.
"When did you start to become a fan of Miles Edgeworth?"
I think for me it was the end of Turnabout Samurai. 💖
Kdksks hii 😭 honestly i went pretty backwards about it. Let me explain.
First of all ive only been an ace attorney fan for a few months now? Like im not a fandom veteran by any means. It was a cold December evening (i think). A mutual of mine rebloged some edgeworth fanart (for the life of me i cannot remember what it was or why it made my brain click in such a way. Maybe it was dl6 related? It would explain why it broke me in such a dramatic way) and it caught my interest.
Before i knew it i went and read my boys miles entire fanwiki and well. You know what i found there. I was already hooked just by seeing fanart of him but there was no going back to normal after that point. I went on some insane fanart rebloging sprees like i usually do when i go insane over a character. I read a ridiculous amount of fanfic before even touching the games 😭😭 and i am not ashamed to admit it!! And god one of the first things i read had a lot of magatama fuckery and i had no idea what that was at the time but did i let that stop me? Nooooo.
In my defense (ha) it was exam season and I didn't have the time to actually play the games (but apparently had no problem with spending hours of my day reading fanfic :•] Clown behaviour). Plus i have a pretty lousy video game record (i usually drop most games before finishing them rip) but at some point three months into this latest hyperfixation of mine i caved ans finally downloaded the trilogy games on my laptop. Woohoo! You go me.
So yeah i went into the games having already bookmarked literally hundreds of aa fanfics on ao3 and 100% biased. I have almost no memory of playing the first two cases but the moment edgeworth showed up i literally started clapping. I finished turnabout goodbyes a few weeks ago (GOD what a case) and now im in the middle of rising from the ashes but i haven't really touched it in a while... might actually play a bit now. I still have a long road ahead of me 😭 hopefully i will be up to the challenge i really want to actually play the trilogy to its entirety and maybe the investigations games because as we've already established im not subtle about my favouritism <3 and wow this got real long. Thanks for the ask <3 its always a pleasure to talk about That Man.
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misswabit · 2 months
B R O ok Ive posted the same 2 pieces of art on my insta and on my art blog and the differences are so crazy For a little background I've already fully given up on insta tbh im just posting on there for artist alley juries to see my work easily (which is liberating to post on there and not care how things do at all) and I have just over 120 followers on there which is real real low, ive truly never succeeded there and each post at most gets 12 likes maybe? 20 if my face is in it which i hate posting lol (honestly not even trying to brag a little insta just loves faces more in general i am an average person) Insta also does this thing where if you share the post you just posted on your stories (a thing you MUST do if you want your followers to actually have a chance at seeing it) it shows you exactly who viewed said story, and therefore outs the friends of yours who saw it and did not like your art making you feel 10x worse lmao like just don't show me that p l e a s e. Anyway! From the 2 art posts i made during the "rush hour" on insta, and after sharing it to my stories, I got a combined total of 11 likes, 4 on one 7 on the other. Insta showed me that all my friends saw and almost no one liked it. If i wasnt just posting now for artist alleys i would have probably been really hurt by that news like i was every time before because it feels like im just left to drown and never grow on there when that happens. But now i have a different motive on there so it wasnt emotionally bad at all! I just brushed it off and i know that theres more to look at on my portfolio now! But I also recently decided to start posting on my art blog more. Mostly just for me because practically n o o n e follows it. I have 12 followers, of those most of them are friends i know arent on tumblr anymore. and what do i get from posting the same 2 things on there? 16 reblogs, 2 of which have comments telling me my art is "peak" or their "favorite" and 46 likes. Now I know that these are still low numbers, but when you think of my following on here its pretty impressive people got to see them at all! much less leave supportive comments. compare that with my supposed 120+ followers and 11 likes its really flattering. I hate meta for many reasons but wow i really genuinely like tumblr
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allylikethecat · 9 months
ally!!!!! i’ve always loved You Know Where the City Is but wow this is the best chapter by far! like i’ve gone from obsessed to mega ultra double obsessed. everyone talking about wrapping fic!matty in a bunch of blankets and feeding him some soup is so real- you always manage to make the most cozy sweetie pie characters no matter what the fic is about. (it goes without saying that fic! taylor much like the real deal is just perfect and i love her)
counting down the chapters till we meet fic!george. so intrigued to see how there relationship will play out since you said it might not be what we expect…. love a good surprise!!!!
im practically bursting with excitement to read the christmas fic and any of the prompts you have been working on but good things take time! please don’t feel rushed to give us new content you already do so much for the sickfic matty community lmao.
hope you have a happy holiday break🥹 sending love always (also don’t be alarmed if i reblog the majority of your prompts on here soon- i have such a bad habit of liking a fic and then scrolling past it once i’ve read it so i need to go back and hunt for them all and actually save them for next time)
Ahhh thank you SO MUCH for this lovely ask omg, and thank you so much for always being so lovely, and kind and supportive 🥰 I apologize this took me a few days to respond to- I usually try and respond to asks on my laptop because I find them easier to formate and alas I had not been back on desktop Tumblr until now.
I'm so, so, so happy to hear that you enjoyed the newest chapter of You Know Where the City Is! I went back and forth on that chapter a lot (an original draft included a trip to Target lol) but I'm really pleased with how it came out and am glad that other people like it as well! Fictional!Matty (and Fictional!Taylor) could REALLY use a hug oh my gosh. They are both going through it and the worst part is they don't even realize how unwell they all 🥺 Fictional!George will be making his appearance very soon! All I can say is that Fictional!Matty is an unreliable source of information 👀 I hope people end up liking how it plays out!
I'm so excited about the Holidays fics but WOW I hope I can actually finish them in time! I haven't even finished the first one yet and I feel like the holidays are getting closer and closer faster and faster 😩 one second is was the beginning of November and now suddenly it's the end of December?! Who allowed this to happen!? I'm behind on the little schedule I made for myself- but hopefully I'll get them both done! Of course my plot bunnies are like "ummm Ally we have all the inspiration for this completely unrelated project!!!" and I'm over here like "not NOW"
We will hopefully be back to our regularly scheduled prompt fulfillment and sickfic programing after the holidays! I'm sorry about the delay, I know people are looking forward an end of SATVB / IV situation fic and I promise I am working on one!! Alas I have just also been really busy with real life.
Thank you so much for the love and I hope you have the most wonderful holidays as well! If you're ever looking for all of the prompt fills I have filled - they can be found here!
Thank you so much again for your kind words, for reading my fics and for your support! You are just so lovely and I am so grateful for your kindness! I hope you are having a wonderful night / day and will hopefully have some more fic ready soon!
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iscratchdoors · 3 years
once again questioning if i should migrate my blog or just stay here
#shut up dino#i kinda want to migrate my fandom and art activities to a sideblog that already has some art on it#(url is straymore btw)#but... i dont wanna lose the fanart ive collected and all the rw posts ive made i like having the Legacy#BUT but ive had this blog for so long and a lot of it i just dont want to do anything with anymore. like i dont wanna delete it completely#just nuking a lot of old posts and a fresh start sounds nice#but also also the plan was to move art and fandom activity but i kinda like having shitposts and insp stuff and such mixed in... like its#a coherent Identity... i dont wanna be posting creature designs on a blog where i never reblog paleoart or something#so i guess i might keep this one for like. cat images and shitposts that dont Fit. whatever that means#sigh </3#decisions hard#also i know a lot of ppl followed me for like. rain world junk#and idk if i can build that presence back up...#id be posting hld and rw and hk and on top of that original stuff i think#art fandom and insp blog in one#aka whatever the fuck i want blog#idk idk idk#wow looong tag rant hehe#eehehehheheheheh#no one can stop me this is my tags i get to choose the pointlessly long monologue#maybe i can actually start text shitposting again because fuck twitter#i stg i post about liking bread or something on twitter and some fucking asshole that searches the word bread on twitter 24/7#just spontaneously manifests out of nowhere and retweets my tweet like biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!! leave me and my bread ALONE#never have i felt more like a farmer with a pitchfork chasing kids playing in my hay piles away from my Private Prahperty than on twitter#one time i tweeted that the rat from ratatouille is gay and trans and some fucking account roleplaying as him that was weirdly fixated on#hating stuart little replied to it like 'uh...'#FIRST of all SLUTFUCK i did NOT invite your rat ass SECOND of all if you dont have shit to say LEAVE ME ALONE!!!#or im inventing a poison you cant smell#you impostor#youre not even the real remy ratatoutie
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