#i know that sonic tails knuckles amy and eggman have been on streams before
sonknuxadow · 9 months
ive always been curious how exactly tailstube is made because the character art for those videos are vtuber models that are used for livestreams on the japanese sonic accounts . so when theyre used in tailstube are they animated by hand or do they have people acting out the character movements in real life or however vtuber stuff works. if its the second option are the people in question the actual voice actors or do the voice actors record their lines separately. actually no it doesnt matter tails himself made those videos
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catiecat1320 · 1 year
This is a continuation of Gone. (It was supposed to be a one-shot, but my brain decided to make this up in the middle of the night. There’s one part left.)
Atop Temple Mountain, there is a hollow. A hollow created by Eggman in his mad grab for the Paradox Prism. It was in that hollow that everything had started; the prism had been broken and the Shatterverse had been created from its remains.
It was in that hollow that Sonic had destroyed everything, everyone he'd ever cared for.
Sonic was there now, perched near the entrance, staring at the only remaining shard of the prism and remembering the many things had happened in this cavern.
It seemed like only yesterday when Shadow had led him here and a fight had broken out between the two of them. It seemed like only yesterday that Shadow had been okay. 
Why did things keep getting worse?
It was now that Sonic finally understood what Shadow had meant that day. Because everything Sonic had ever known had been snatched away. Because Shadow was gone now, the only thing left of him a mirage. And, spread out through the shatterspaces, three alternate, distorted versions of him.
Those versions weren’t real. They weren’t real like Shadow was— had been. They didn’t act like Shadow, they didn’t fight like Shadow. They didn’t know Green Hill like Shadow did, and they didn’t want to bring it back. 
Sonic wants Shadow back. He wants all of his friends, his real friends, back. He wants his home back, his life back.
Tears rolled down his face, dripping onto his lap. When had he started crying again? As Sonic wiped at his eyes in a futile attempt to stem his tears, the voices in his head stirred. 
 Stop crying, idiot.
 You should be fixing this mess.
(They sounded sharp; accusing.)
You should have listened to them. Tails. Amy. Knuckles. Rouge. Shadow.
 Nothing would have happened if they’d been in charge.
 This is all your fault.
(They… they sounded like his friends.)
 You took them us all for granted.
 You destroyed everything.
 Yet you call yourself a hero?
“N-no,” Sonic whispered, his voice trembling. He clamped his hands over his ears and curled up tight. “S-stop. Please. I… I’m sorry. I’m sorry!” 
Tears streamed down his cheeks. He made no attempt to stop them now. He felt like he was suffocating; unable to breathe, or think. The shadowy cave seemed to press in on him. Everything seemed to fall away.
The voices grew louder, more persistent, filled with animosity and blame.
I know, Sonic wanted to scream.
I know it’s my fault. 
And I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I did.
But sorry isn’t enough, is it?
I wish I could take it all back.
I wish I’d never known you.
Then maybe this wouldn’t have happened.
Then maybe things would be okay.
Then maybe you’d still be here.
And I would be the one to suffer.
I’m sorry.
So sorry.
Sonic had no idea how long he sat there for, panic rendering him immobile. He’d eventually cried himself to sleep, his friends’ hate-filled voices still ringing in his head. 
When he came to, Sonic felt… better, for lack of another term. The voices had receded, reduced to whispers that tugged at the back of his mind, urging him to hurry up and go. 
He felt numb, both inside and out, as he stood up and stretched. 
Sonic took one more glance at ghost prism, along with the yellow shard, before jumping out the mouth of the cavern. As he zipped down the side of the cliff, straining to build up prism energy, he whispered a promise to nothing and everything.
“I’ll fix my mistakes. I’ll bring this reality back. No matter what it takes.”
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l-sincline · 3 years
Cybernetics Chapter 17
Amy Rose is a mechanic, plain and simple. But aside from that, she feels utterly alone in a cruel world where she makes just enough to scrape by. One night she’s visited by a mysterious Cyborg that needs his arm fixed, little does she know this repair will change her life.
Flung from the confines of her normal life, Amy finds herself working with Anarchists set on creating a new life for themselves and the poor people of Mobius. The only downside? Seeing who she thought was her best friend fight against her.
AO3 Tags:  Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, Whisper the Wolf, Cream the Rabbit, Knuckles the Echidna, Badnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), E-123 Omega, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Angst, Slow Burn, Partners in Crime
AO3 Link
Amy had craned her neck to look closer at Rouge’s bindings, and Rouge had confirmed that hers and Amy’s looked to be the same. They were electric cuffs, held together by a strong magnet which was turned on by a strong stream of electricity coursing through. She could see the battery pack on the side of the cuffs and so began her and Rouge slamming their cuffs onto their chairs as hard as they could. It made a loud banging sound, obviously, but Amy determined by the thickness of the metal door and how far up his own ass the Doctor was, he wouldn’t be hearing their ruckus and bothering them. The downside was that the loud noise was causing Amy’s migraine to get even worse. Eventually, Rouge gasped.
“I got it!” She exclaimed, stretching her wings as she stood up, cuffs clattering to the ground and battery pack sparking with electricity.
The bat Android rushed over to her as soon as she saw the pain on Amy’s face, prying the battery pack open and tossing out the battery. Her cuffs fell to the floor and Amy fell forward with relief. Rouge was quickly scooping her up by the armpit.
“Focus Amy- you can rest when we get back to the base.”
The hedgehog groaned in return, holding a hand uselessly up to the back of her head as she stumbled to support herself, Rouge carefully released her and let Amy look around. When she turned to see what was behind them, she gasped.
Space, they were out in space. She’d never been to space before.
“Oh… god..” Amy breathed out in a hushed whisper, making her way to the large window and looking out it. They were headed towards Mobius, but if she turned she could see the speck of Earth in the close distance.
“I take it you’ve never flown a spaceship before either.” Rouge deadpanned.
“No…” Amy trailed off, turning to look at Rouge again. The escape plan hit her like a train, “-but you could learn!”
Rouge looked confused, and Amy hurried over to her so she wouldn’t have to shout.
“All we have to do is a find a computer and upload directions on how to fly an escape pod or something to your system- we’ll find our stuff, a computer, the escape pods, and then we’ll be on our way home.”
Home was such a broken word to Amy- she wasn’t quite sure if she meant Mobius in general or if she meant their base, she’d used to think her home was the market, but it clearly wasn’t anymore. Rouge nodded slowly as she processed Amy’s plan.
“That… that could work.” She agreed.
“Then there’s no time to waste- let’s go.”
The pair made their way to the door and it automatically slid open, sensing their bodies there. Rouge peered around either corner before gesturing Amy to follow. They went right, heading down the hall and glimpsing into any room they passed in an attempt to find anything useful. For awhile it was nothing, rooms filled with paper work one after the other, occasionally they would duck into one of these rooms to avoid the little flying drones that seemed to be patrolling the ship, but they were otherwise unbothered. They reached a crossroads and Rouge sighed, looking either way. They could go left, right, or straight.
“Which way do you think we should go?” She asked. Amy pondered for a moment.
“He stored us by a window so let’s try going right again- chances are he would’ve stored our stuff in a similar room.”
Rouge simply nodded before heading right, Amy creeping along close behind. Her body screamed at her- and she found herself annoyed to be returned to the state she was in only days before now. Rouge was and Android and Shadow was apparently some sort of ‘Ultimate Life Form’- whatever that meant- but Amy was just Amy. A regular Mobian that could get hurt easily. All the more reason to train she supposed. Amy was suddenly yanked into a room by Rouge, she heard some slight whirring before the door hissed shut.
“Now isn’t the time to daydream!” Rouge scolded angrily. A robot must’ve flown by. Amy shook her head to try and disperse some of the fogginess, but it mostly just made her headache throb more. When she looked up through squinting eyes, she pointed over Rouge’s shoulder.
“There.” Was all she could say before a wave of pain from the headache ran over her again and she held a hand to her forehead.
Rouge looked over her shoulder and saw their stuff tucked away in the back, some other unrecognized trinkets littered the room. She could only imagine the Doctor had taken them from other captives. Where those captive s were, she had no clue. Rouge hid her own weapons away before walking back over to Amy and stuffing her weapons away somewhat sloppily and slinging Amy’s bag over her own shoulder.
“We can’t keep going like this for much longer. I’m going to dash through the rooms and I’ll come back for you when I find a computer.” Rouge hurriedly shoved the blaster pistol into Amy’s hand. “Stay alert and stay quiet, do not go to sleep under any circumstances. I’ll be back soon.”
She ducked out of the room and Amy slid down the wall, unable to continue to force herself to stand any long. From where she sat next to the door she turned the blaster in her shaky hands to face it, wobbly finger ready to blast anyone who entered that wasn’t Rouge. Her head certainly overwhelmed her, but she repeated Rouge’s instructions over and over to herself, mouthing them as a way to keep herself moving even slightly.
Do not go to sleep. Do not go to sleep. Do not go to sleep.
It felt like an eternity before Rouge returned and yanked her up off the ground, slinging her arm over her shoulder and dragging her unceremoniously down the hall and into another room, setting her in front of a computer system she’d found.
“I don’t know anything about this, so I need you to do it, okay? Just tell me what you need me to do. You can do it Amy.” With that encouragement Amy turned the computer on and watched the holo screen pop up in front of them. No password, luckily, she wasn’t sure she could deal with that right now. She popped open a panel on the database container and glanced in it for a moment before looking to Rouge.
“I need you to pop off your head plate. I know it’s awkward but it’s where the wiring is.”
Rouge didn’t say anything, though she didn’t seem particularly comfortable with what she was doing. But she reached around to the back of her head and popped off a white steel plate and placed it on the counter before turning her back to Amy.
Amy placed all her remaining energy into making sure she connected Rouge to the database as carefully as possible. She had no room for error here. As soon as she was all wired up, Amy went about finding instructions and files to download from the computer- in all the process had taken a very, very long ten minutes.
“There.” She spoke wearily as she popped the head piece back into place. “I found plans for the ship as well, you should know where the escape pods are now.”
Rouge readjusted the strap of Amy’s bag before going back to how they were before with Amy’s arm slung over her shoulder to support her movement.
“Good job, we’ll be out of here soon.” Then they continued moving on.
All the walls of the ship looked the same, a bright, almost sickeningly clean white. Fluorescent lights only making the halls more unwelcoming as they traveled among them. The silence was also frightening, as the only sound was occasionally robots and then the constant footsteps that came from them. Finally they reached a set of bug double doors, and they slid open to reveal a row of six escape pods. Rouge dragged them to the one furthest from the door and unceremoniously stuffed Amy and her bag into the passenger side before jumping in to the pilot’s seat and immediately preparing the ship for takeoff. Just as Amy thought they were Scott free, the large spaceship rattled and the alarms began blaring.
“What is that?” She questioned.
“No time to think about it- we’re getting out now.” Rouge spoke through clenched teeth as she pressed button after button quickly. Soon enough, their hatch opened and they were dropped into space. Rouge flew with the skull of your typical pilot, but Amy didn’t focus on that, she stared out the window, searching for the source of the rattling.
“What the hell is that-“ she muttered.
It was a smaller spaceship, blue in color with some sort of yellow insignia. It was shooting at the Doctor’s large ship, though it didn’t appear to be getting much of anywhere.
“Whatever it is, it distracted the doctor for us.” Rouge mumbled. “Buckle in, we’re heading into the atmosphere.”
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silverisbestboy · 4 years
Sonic Boom x Reader
Requested by @blackace1993: Conversation was accidentally deleted but from what I remeber of it, they wanted hc for the Sonic Boom characters who has a partner who frequently gets into trouble and/or captured by Eggman. They didn't specify which character they wanted so I just did all of them minus Tails. Hope you enjoy!
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There's no denying it
Sonic was smitten
The moment you set foot on the island Sonic was taken aback by you
To him, you were drop dead gorgeous with a great personality so I guess you could say it was love at first sight for him
This boy is a fool for you
It's actually quite funny watching him zip across the island at the slightest remark that you need something
"Man, you what? I'm feeling kind of hungry"
"Say no more!" He'll say as he zooms away and reappears seconds later with a chili dog in hand
But, unfortunately for you, being in any sort of relationship with Sonic is not wothout complication
Eggman sees you as a new oppurtunity to best Sonic and ends up taking you hostage on a regular basis
The first time it happens, Sonic all but destroys Eggman's fortress looking for you
But after it continuously happening, it starts getting kinda old
"Greeting Sonic! I see you've come to rescue your little girlfriend"
"Yeah, yeah. Can we just we just get to the part where I clobber you?"
It gets to the point where Sonic starts teaching you how to defend yourself so you can hold your own against Eggman
Not that he doesn't mind rescuing, it's just he can't always be there to protect
With the amount of times they've had to save you, the team are already very familiar with you and consider you apart of their friend group
But as you get better is self-defence, Sonic officially announces you as part of the team and you start joining them on missions
While Sonic does tend to stick to your side more than his other teammates during battle, he's glad to have you fighting alongside them
After all, he's happy to spend as much time with you as possible, even if that means having to bash Eggman's robots to do so
You're not a bad person
So what if you have anger issues
So what if you get into fights from time to time
So what if you've been in trouble with the cops before
Doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means you've.... got some issues
One day you're not in the best mood and have already had a pretty shitty day, and you're just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode
So it's no wonder that when a big guy bumps into you and causes you to drop the tray of food you're holding, you go off on him
Unfortunately for you, this guy is huge, a tall red echidna with bulking arms that looks like he could punch you into next week
But you're not one to back down from a fight, you've beaten up guys twice your size before and you're not afraid to do it again
"Woah, hey, sorry about that, didn't see you there."
What, is he dense?! Who does this guy think he is barrelling into anyone he pleases just because he's big? You bet he was just gonna walk off without even helping you. Well, you'd show him!
Without warning, you lunged at the echidna with the intent of knocking him over the same way he almost did to you
But you underestimated his initial strength and reflexes and he caught you midair with your legs kicking and your hands clawing for his face
"Woah, dude chill! I said I was sorry!"
He just kinda holds you up in air at arms length with you kicking and screaming until you eventually tire yourself out
The echidna stares at you cautiously
"Are you good now?"
After a moment, you reluctantly nod, and he gently sets you back on your feet
He then carefully leans down without takong his eyes off you and grabs your burger which is still wrapped in foil and reaches it out to you
"How about we start over? I'm Knuckles."
You thought after that encounter, that was the last you'd see of him
But one day, you've gotten yourself into another fight, and to say you're losing would be an understatement
It's once again, a guy twice your size and he's absolutely beating the crap out of you
But by some miracle, Knuckles happens to be walking by and immediately notices you
He steps in to save you, and the guy you're fighting knows about Knuckles being part of Sonic's team and doesn't even bother attempting to fight him
Knuckles takes your half conscious body to Tails's work shop where they fix you up
After that, Knuckles refuses to leave you alone
Even if you try to leave, he always ends finding you to make sure you don't get into more trouble
He helps you find outlets for your anger by sparring and working out with him
You grow a soft spot for Knuckles that you'd never thought you'd have for anyone
He's your big goofball that somehow always manages to calm you down and get you out of whatever trouble your in
Though it's beyond you why anyone would want to put up with you, eespecially a lovable ray of sunshine like Knuckles, you're so grateful that you have someone like himin your life to keep you in check
A/N: Might make more hcs for that because I absolutely love the idea of big, strong goofball Knuckles having a little ball of pure rage as a partner.
Amy Rose:
Some would say you're a pacifist
Some would say you care too much
Some would say you're too nice
But you like to think that you're just trying to do good in the world
You're definitely the type of person that hates conflict and wants everyone to get along, and you're more often than not a bit of a pushover
You like to give people benefit of the doubt and prefer to see the good in people, although sometimes, this affects you negatively
A kindly looking (or at least in your opinion) wolf with a showman's top hat and a certain glint his eyes one day stops you in your tracks and asks you ever so politely if you would kindly lend him some money to help feed his family
Of course, you're quick to help, but little do you know that this is none other than T.W. Barker himself, and he's been watching you carefully for some time
He notices the way you jump at the oppurtunity to help someone in need, and he being a con man at heart, decides to take advantage of that
But before you can lend the man all the money you have in your pocket, a certain pink hedgehog decides to interfere
"Hey, you leave her alone Barker! Go find your own ATM machine!"
Amy Rose herself stands not far behind you, hammer in hand and ready for trouble
"N-now, now, let's not be too hasty. I was simply accepting a generous donation from this unsuspecting-- I mean self-less young lady."
"Yeah right. Beat it before I hammer you into next Tuesday, punk!"
You're in utter shock as the seeming wolf in sheep's clothing (pun intended) makes his escape
"Gotta look out for scumbags. Seems this village is getting more and more of them everyday. Anyways, I'm Amy, what's your name?"
Since then, Amy keeps a close eye on you to make sure you don't become prey to anymore scam artists
Now Amy will never admit she has anger issues, but she does get... irritated from time to time
On more than one occasion, you're there to help her calm down and have a sleepover planned or a spa day for when things get particularly rough for her
Whenever she needs help choosing which paint to redo her wall with, or which dress she should wear to a party, she calls you up, because no matter what you're interests are or how inconvenient the timing might seem, you're ready to help a friend, even with mundane things
Amy has you become a part of the Sonic family, and while you never do join them in battles, you help keep the peace between the team whenever there's an argument
And Amy always makes sure your overly caring attitude isn't being taken advantage of
No matter the time or the place, Amy knows she can always count on you, and you know she's always got your back
Well this is quite the predicament you've gotten yourself into
A lot of people would descibe you as clumsy, but you knew you just bad luck
And to prove just that, here you were dangling upside from a rope trap after deciding to take a liesure stroll through the forest
What are we, nomads? Who sets out traps in the middle of the woods anymore?!
After about 20 minutes, the blood is rushing to your head and you're starting to feel faint
But just as you think that your bad luck will finally be the end of you, figure bursts from the bushes with a fierce battle cry
It's a badger girl with a boomerang clutched in her paw, ready for a fight
But after a moment she realizes just who's gotten caught up in her trap
"Hey, what's the big idea?! Why're you in my snare?"
"Why am I in your snare? Why did you put out a snare you loon?!"
After about 5 minutes of arguing, Sticks reluctantly cuts you down, begrudgingly explaining that she set out a trap for any woodland monsters
You run into her again on another walk, crossing a small stream before tripping on one of the stepping stones and almost falling in before a furry arm wraps around your waist
"You outta be more careful out here. The wilderness is no place to be a klutz."
"Hey, I'm not a klutz. I just have bad luck is all."
And what more to gain the attention of a superstitious badger than the possibility of supernatural forces at play
"You could've been hexed by a witch. Or worse, there could be a vengeful spirit after you! We gotta get you an exorcist!"
"I'm fine, I'm just unlucky. Always have been always will be."
"We should still burn some sage in your home just to be sure."
You let Sticks do what she wants with you, after all, her superstitious perspective is a nice change from everyone just thinking your clumsy
You think her attempts to "cleanse" you are endearing, she tries something new everyday, and you end up learning a thing or two about survival and the corruptedness of politics from her
Weeks later, her attempts slowly dwindle down, and she just comes to accept she's just gonna have to keep an extra close eye on you, especially when she sets out booby traps
The time y'all have spent together, although it was somewhat motivated by Sticks not wanting to get whatever curse you exposed her to, lead to y'all having a close bond
Everyone has their quirks, she's paranoid and you're clumsy, but you two always manage to work things out
And that's the beauty of a relationship
A/N: Sorry I haven't been that active lately, so take this as an apology. Four hcs for the price of one!
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Oh prompts are back! Okay here's an interesting idea, Mephiles and Scourge both decide they want to take over the dimension and rule as king and also decide they need a queen to rule at their side and they both pick Amy. So they're fighting to rule and also make Amy their bride so Sonic has to both fight them off and protect Amy from them marrying one of them. Extra comfort for sonamy would be great please and thank you!
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I shall do my very, very best.... at the very least lolol
This is gonna be AU as heck.
PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN DO NOT SEND ANY. THE TIME TO SEND HAS ENDED. Enjoy the prompts that have already been submitted during the frame that they could be~<3
As per usual, Eggman had conducted an experiment to try and harness the power of dimensions and worlds to his bidding. The result? After a long and tedious feud between the dimensional Eggmans on who was to rule all, the original was defeated by the many Sonics that appeared, and his friends sealed up the holes in the dimensions.
Some individuals didn’t return... scourged by the humiliating ridicule of his universe, one hid to avoid capture and plan his revenge and final takeover.
Another withdrew into shadows,... lurking in wait as he found a way to keep a hole to his dimension open... traversing the timeline by acquiring this world’s Chaos Emerald and trapping his universe in a ‘frozen’ state.
Very complexed stuff, but the leaking of dimensional energy allowed him to pull his Other Half through to this dimension... but something was going horribly wrong.
“No!” Mephiles was trying to use the power the Chaos Energies to combined himself at last with Iblis, but Scourge had found the dimensional leak, and wanted in on the conquest...
He smirked as he gripped the Master Emerald, standing upon it as power radiated through him like electricity. “Woooo, snooze and you really do loose, buddy!” He held his fingers up like he was going to snap, having already seen Mephiles take out Knuckles who was lying upon the ground... “If I’m gonna be king over this pathetic universe, I’m gonna need some of that bodacious power!” he seemed to be purposefully trying to tick Mephiles off, not knowing who the being was, but seeing the flames circling the emerald and his focus in trying to blend his power with it’s own.
“You are useless, and I am not one who takes such inferior taunts!” Mephiles rose the emerald up, deciding to take care of the insect before he lost full concentration and Iblis was released into another form, which would tip off the heroes and led to a continual, strenuous chase to reach and combined first with him before Sonic and the gang defeated him yet again.
“You’re trying to seal those flames inside you, right?” Scourge pulled out a ring, but to Mephiles, he didn’t see the significance of this exchange. Scourge snapped and the ring glowed, “Then I’ll make a wish to have this power in-!”
Before all of this, Tails had been hosting Amy at his house, but the flames of Iblis leaked in streaks across Angel Island and they quickly set out to check it out.
Now, as Scourge was declaring his chaotic and powerful desires, Tails had landed the X-Tornado and Amy rushed to the scene first. “Amy, wait-!” he cried out, but she jumped down and rushed to see Knuckles slowly waking up from getting beaten down, and...
“Sonic..?” She looked horrified up at the Green Hedgehog.
“Erk-!?” He gritted his teeth, seeing another dimensional Amy. “YOU!?”
Suddenly, as though the command already issued, Iblis’s power completely broke it’s ties to Mephiles, spinning wildly out of control like a whipping hurricane of lined flames tumbling over each other to spiral down and head towards Amy.
“WHAT!? No! That’s not my-! Nooo..!!!” Scourge watched as the Ring shook his hand and finally burst, letting it’s power merge with Amy as Iblis swarmed her being.
She bent down and screamed as the flames dried up the gloss in her eyes, the tears from the pain, and then only left her with the seared ground beneath her feet as she collapsed.
“You insufferable fool..!” Mephiles dove down, pausing midway as he saw Tails rush out from the cover of the trees. “My Iblis...” He glared, slowly... down at Amy. He began to form a plan to reunite with Iblis... but it couldn’t be as of yet...
“Uhh... I have a feeling this makes that annoying pest somewhat valuable now...” Scourge bit his teeth down as he spoke, raising his head up as though also trying to figure out what to do now.
“I must reunite with... her now.” Mephiles hunched his body forward, as ghostly shadows started leaking from his being, crystalizing himself as though outwardly showing his resolve.
“Unite with... Woah! You sayin’ the only way I can get that power out of her is to-!?” Scourge looked aghast, as though that was the last person he’d want to ‘have fun’ with. He looked to the camera with a face that was clearly disgust, but also extremely agitated. “Ugh... If I have to... might as well let it burn.” a slow rising smirk spread across his face as he looked back at Amy.
Tails looked to the waking Knuckles and then the fainted Amy, before his eyes shook at the strange figures above him... One standing with his arms folding in secret delight at the prospect of conquering more than a new dimension... and the other looked ready to fight anything and everyone to secure himself to the new host of his full, undefiled power source once more...
“Sonic’s gonna hate me, which makes that a bonus, right? Taking his little wench in this dimension and killing off the rest of practically anything else with those flames will make for one heck of a wake-up call.” Scourge pulled his glasses down to cover his eyes, “So... Looks like you���re first, little cinders.” he teased, his glasses reflecting Amy in them... “Sadly, something’s gotta fit.”
After a terrible defeat from an already wounded Knuckles and an unexpecting assault that Tails didn’t plan for, having nothing but his flying-abilities to fight back with, Amy was abducted briefly before Mephiles and Scourge started playing tug-o-war and keep-away, trying to keep the ‘host of Iblis’ so they could harness it’s power by unleashing it again... Sonic had finally found them.
They didn’t get too far, the two were dueling each other as Amy was told her friends had died trying to destroy the flames inside her, and that they thought of her now as a ‘sacrificial lamb’ to save the world.
Hoping this would make Amy cry, Mephiles and Scourge were amazed to discover her resilience. She wouldn’t yield to their lies, and kept trying to flee as she was tossed back and forth between the two.
“Iblis, you must rejoin with me!” Mephiles, through the power of the Chaos Emeralds, was able to summon Shadows and large beams to strike at Scourge, who expertly dodged and weaved through them, taking out the Shadows and grabbing Amy around her waist. “Solaris is our destiny!!!”
“You’re not hot, and I can barely stomach calling you ‘Babe’, but there’s a fire in you that I just gotta taste.” Scourge tilted his head enough for her to see his eyes under the sunglasses, but she was more confused since he really did look like the spitting image of Sonic, just... different colors.
This wasn’t like her mistaking Shadow and Silver for Sonic... this really confused her.
“You... Who are you people!?” She kept pushing against him as he kept trying to bring her closer. “Let me go, you creep!”
He scaled his hand up her bare back in a weird, perverted crawl. “Now, now, the time for cute nicknames can wait, Babe. First, let me get rid of the audience...” Scourge had a wicked sense of delight at spooking her like this, but his attention soon turned to Mephiles, who didn’t realize Scourge’s error in not understanding what he meant by ‘reunite.’.
“If she doesn’t release the flames willingly... I’ll pull them out of her...” He reached out for her as Scourge threw her up on his shoulder, getting ready to fight and depart. “Along with the last breath she’ll ever take...Hahahahah!!!” Mephiles rose in the air before Sonic spin-dashed in a wild stream of light into Scourge, slamming into his gut as Amy was flung from his arms.
“What’s this?” Mephiles curled his fingers and watched as a more ‘familiar’ Sonic uncurled and raced back into the scene.
“I don’t know what you two weirdos want with Amy, but it’s not happening!”
“Sonic!” Amy cried out but some Shadows caught her and started hauling her back as Mephiles hovered down to her.
“So... this is your universe’s hero...” He glared deeply, “Another Sonic...”
Scourge was fuming with leftover hate for the other dimensional Sonic in his universe, and decided to take it out on this one. “Do me a favor, just act like you know me and don’t like me, then I can make this fight reaaaaall satisfying!”
“That shouldn’t be too hard.” Sonic smirked, charging into Scourge who speedily dodged and rammed a punch into his face. ‘What!? He has my super speed!’
“HAHAHAHA!!! You’re even more lamer than that Other Me!” Scourge adjusted his jacket and pulled out a pocket-knife. “No offense, but this is entirely personal...”
While the two were distracted, Mephiles turned to Amy and his minions held her up in the air, “Ah! H-hey! Why am I such a big deal all of a sudden!?” She tried to summon her hammer, and did in fact beat two away, but Mephiles grabbed her hammer and sent a crystalized clawed hand up to her chin.
“I can see them...” His eyes reflected her own... and like flickering flames, she gasped at her reflection. “If you won’t submit to your hopeless fate... then I shall destroy this husk that prevents me from joining into my true self!” he swiped but she bent her head back and dodged, but now... she knew what he meant.
“You’re both trying to kill me... for those flames that encircled me!?” She felt genuine fear then as Mephiles threw his energies into her shadow, causing her to cry out before he lifted her up and and held her in place. “Finally,... I shall have Iblis... And you, Amy Rose, will have some unparalleled significance... For a brief moment after your heart is burnt to a crisp, HAAHAHAH!!!!” He pulled his hand back to power up an attack, similar to the same beam he had used to once destroy Sonic, but Scourge threw his knife and it ‘tink’d off of his head.
“Now, who would be so stupidly ignorant of their own mortal ficklety?” He pivoted in the air as Scourge had gripped Sonic’s head to stop him in-battle... and clearly had thrown the knife.
“So, you lied to me?” Scourge laughed, “If I knew all I needed to do was strangle the girl, I wouldn’t have bided my time having fun with her first!” He laughed, “I’ve still promised the ugly trash a date, kinda hard to please a waiting corpse. Plus, I know that’ll just tick you off in the end anyway...” He turned back to Sonic, who kicked his hand away and looked up to Amy, shadows keeping her up in the air as she struggled and tried to use her hammer to give her some space between the ghostly vines that held her.
“Urk! What the-!? Weren’t you the ones who threw this thing at me in the first place?” Amy kicked her feet as the shadows kept crawling to reach her below. “Ah!”
“Oui, I called first!” Scourge grabbed Sonic’s raised leg and thrashed him with a mighty swing into the shadows.
Mephiles shot beams and hurriedly secured Amy to him, gripping the back of her head so she wouldn’t struggle anymore.
“Ahh!” She cried out as Sonic spun and threw Scourge to the remaining Shadows, who slowly overwhelmed him like zombies...
“No, quit it! Get your hands off the merchan-Nooo..!!!” He was enveloped by them as Sonic turned to Mephiles.
“Whatever thing you forced into Amy’s body... get it out!” Sonic pointed an accusatory hand to Mephiles, before swinging his arm out wide.
The two fought, but all the while, Mephiles was using it to get Amy to see Sonic suffering.
On the verge of crying, seeing Mephiles overtake Sonic and about to jab his sharpened crystalized hand through him, Amy cried out and the Flames encased the sky...
“At last...” Mephiles still went for the kill shot, but something strange happened, Scourge jumped to Iblis, trying to absorb the flames that would not accept him as a host.
“Darn! He’s still connected, huh!?” Guessing it was Amy, he grabbed her and the dark, ghostly flames around her released her from their hold.
Sonic shook his head away and grabbed Mephiles’s emerald, “NOO!!” the shadows all dissipated to the ground as the sound of a plane suddenly threw everyone down slightly as it passed towards the flames.
“Now, Blaze!” Tails cried out as Silver lifted Blaze into the spiraling flames.
The flames joined with her and she disappeared from his world, but the two emeralds she carried fell to Sonic, who finally had enough juice with all seven Chaos Emeralds to go Super Sonic.
“Heheh...” Scourge still knew he had the power of the Master Emerald, he could take on Super Sonic, “A kiss of death for the road?”
Amy was jabbed with a knife and fell to the ground... having Scourge’s lips still lingering on hers.
He stuck out his tongue to Sonic and then wiped his mouth as he dropped her down, “Not really my type.” He joked, as Sonic’s color turned darker and he suddenly cried out as he transformed into Dark Sonic.
Mephiles’s eyes twitched at Blaze uniting successfully with Iblis, “But... how!?” before a shadow touched his own. He flinched, turning to see Shadow, Rouge, and Omega behind him.
He slowly began to laugh at the irony... then his laughter rose as he unleashed an all out attack at them.
Silver followed Blaze’s trail, but the universe was becoming unfrozen, and soon... that time-collapse ability was being to rewrite everything back to what it was.
With a flash of light, Amy was back at Tails’s home. She touched her lips and then her side... felt shadows and flames lick at her skin... and the cold, crystalized fingers piecing into the back of her head...
She looked up from her teacup, shaking her head like nothing was wrong. She looked out the window, seeing nothing strange on Angel Island...
She felt a jab in her side and what felt like a cramp and gripped it tighter, then felt something soaring in her heart as though a beam of darkness binding her back to that timeline...
But she wouldn’t yield to it.
She wouldn’t cry.
She let the pain carry on till the leaking was done and the event... never happened...
“You seem kinda spacy.” Tails made a face and she assured him.
“Come on, you know I daydream constantly.” but she was sweating... she could feel ice tickle under her neck and chin where Mephiles had threatened her, she looked down into the reflection of the teacup... and saw his eyes reflecting flames in hers.
The teacup broke and she covered her mouth, racing out as she remembered a forced, smelly kiss and then the blood from the knife...
She remembered the black... then a dawn of light... and the flames blazing through her.
What she didn’t know... was it was the residue of the timeline that had just occurred, still lingering... almost passed...
She fell to the hill of Tails’s home and gripped the ground, shaking as she forced herself not to cry.
‘If I cry... then that other timeline will exist again!’ she felt her shadow suddenly pull from her, and with terrified eyes, saw Mephiles form out of her elongated silhouette.
“...You saved me...” He gave a low, billowing chuckle that rocked her entirely. “How unfortunate... for you...” He slowly moved towards her, and as she backed away, suddenly felt herself freezing.
“Wha...What’s happ-...” she couldn’t even form the words right, as she felt a chill still her entire being.
He rose his hand and gripped her mouth gently, but with enough force to make it feel like he was going to suffocate her, and looked deep into her eyes again.
“Shhhh... You’ll be dead soon, anyway. Struggle... cry beneath me... it won’t matter if you shout now... Your friends failed to completely remove that timeline from existence. Silver... His accomplice... Their plan has failed you.” He moved closer, a zombie-like head wobble as he looked like the spitting-image of Shadow now... but dulled colors, and she couldn’t figure out why.
That other man... looked like Sonic.
Now this man... looked like Shadow.
What on earth was going on!? Were these beings... forms of other Sonics and Shadows!? How could that possibly be!?
She couldn’t close her eyes, his power in freezing his own timeline failed, but he had joined with her own to preserve himself as a last resort.
Which meant she was the flickering flame... if he blew her out, she really would reset time and he could try all over again.
She didn’t know what to do... Time was jumbled within her core, she was the bridge to multiple timelines and intersecting universes...
“Shh... Just bend to Time’s will... I am infinite... inevitable... you cannot hope to prosper and win this time...” he slowly pulled her down, as though pushing her into the darkness of her own shadow. “I’ll steal your time-energy... take it as my own... and as Time resets, I’ll anticipate those annoying headaches you call ‘Sonics’ and become the destructive force revered as Solaris! I’ll be a God again-!” as though growing impatient for that time, he began to slam her into the darkness where she honestly couldn’t breathe now.
She struggled, swinging her hammer in pitch-blackness, grabbing his unwavering hand and arm in hopes to break free of his hold on her.
But the darkness was draining her time-energy... soon... she would disappear.
‘Sonic...’ she thought to herself, ‘He’ll destroy you... and if I’m connected to the other worlds... he’ll try and use that power to destroy you too... I can’t allow that... I can’t... breathe...’
Then the flames of Iblis burned a light into the world, and swallowed Mephiles in it’s wake.
His eyes widened, “Yes...” he cried out, “YYYEESSS!!!” but just as time was about to be conquered by Mephiles... He let go of Amy as she sunk into the darkness... and another gloved, white hand reached in and pulled her up.
Mephiles was back in his time, it unfroze and he was defeated and erased just as like the first time.
He couldn’t change fate.
But Sonic did.
Sonic pulled Amy up to him, his blackish-blue body encasing her in his own darkness.
A flickering darkness... to match her flickering flame of light.
With Iblis now out of her body, he threw her through a portal made by his uncontrolled Chaos Energy, speedily making it time for her to breathe again,... this time, back at Tails’s house again.
“Amy? You seem kinda spacy.”
Tails’s voice pulled her out as she gasped and the teacup broke again.
“Ah! Hey! Are you okay!?” Tails rushed to her but paused as she darted to the door. “Amy!” he cried out, reaching for her but she had already bolted down the hill.
“Sonnniccc!!!” she cried out, tears bursting from her eyes as the memory she had of that other timeline was quickly being erased from her.
She stopped suddenly and turned to her shadow... seeing Dark Sonic’s glowing white eyes in it.
“...Sonic...” she bent down to reach him, and he matched her action, but her shadow wasn’t of her, it was his own form...
“You’re safe now... Amy.” His eyes bent slighlty, “Time can’t hurt you now.”
“Sonic...” she dug through the earth, wanting to be with him, “What about you! You’re from that time! You’ll fade away!”
His eyes closed and his form turned from her, “That time shouldn’t exist... anything from that time shouldn’t... a world without you... is a world I choose to destroy.”
“Sonic!!!” she watched as her shadow faded in the light of the day... and her tears seemed to ripple into the dark-world she had almost fallen too...
Then Sonic’s silouette appeared coming from behind her and she turned to see Sonic holding three chilidogs. One in each hand, and one sticking out from his mouth.
“Whahh hapahpan?” he spoke with it in his mouth, blinking innocently at her tears. (What happened?)
She tried to hold it in, but dashed to him, hugging him as he struggled to not drop the food.
“I-!” a flash of light... and when she opened her eyes.... she couldn’t remember why she was crying. “I don’t know... I can’t... remember...”
The pain in her side, the fire in her soul, and the cold icy spikes on her face were... gone.
“I guess... I just missed you.” she pulled away then, “Are you okay?”
He blinked, raising an eyebrow. “Yah’re wahrd.’ He answered back, then saw Tails flying towards them. (You’re weird.)
“There you two are!” he waved, having also forgotten everything as in that flash, the teacup was still upon the table, undisturbed...
They waved back to Tails and it appeared to be another normal evening...
(I hope I did alright XD Not as evilly romantic as you may have wanted it to be, but I felt it fit their characters more this way..? and yes, Timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly logic that makes this perfectly in line with Sonic 06 logic >u>; )
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ghostmeep · 5 years
Overall, I like Sonic’s reactions to what is happening in the IDW Zombot arc. 
So i’m late to be commenting about issue 24, but like?? Looking back and seeing some peoples thoughts on it? I’m a bit confused? Mostly on all the animosity to the latest arc. I mean, some I agree with (like how Shadow and Eggman are being handled) And sure if all this angst isn’t your cup of tea that is valid. 
But one thing I can’t agree on at all is when people say Sonic is showing lack of remorse for his actions? 
I, for the most part, agree that Sonic screwed up and this Zombot infestation is pretty much due to his actions - But Sonic knows that too. And to me he also shows plenty moments of regret? And he does it in character, and full of imperfect moments that really makes him seem like a full character.
This is going to get long, just a warning. But also has lots of pictures
Letting Eggman live without supervision and especially letting Metal Sonic go was all what led to this disaster. (he’s not the only one at fault imo, but talk for another post)
But Sonic absolutely thinks it’s his fault, and is constantly showing remorse.
He’s just doing what he can to not let the situation get to him, because what the world needs right now isn’t a remorseful Sonic, it’s a Sonic that is always on his feet and able to handle all the bad guys. 
Everyone literally needs Sonic to be acting the way he is???
In the game Sonic Forces, it was outright said how Sonic was the people’s hope. And I believe that’s true for the comics as well. How demoralizing would it be for people if Sonic of all people got all down and drowned in self-pity? Sonic is an iconic figure in his world, and that means he needs to put up a front. He can’t just break down in front of people.
He can’t break down completely at all, because there is no guarantee that he’ll be able to pick himself back up in time.
He says it himself.
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Sonic not getting down on himself is half the battle. He knows this. The mental fight is huge.
And I get that people just want to see a little more remorse from Sonic and for him own up to his actions - but to me he is???? 
The only reason he keeps saying how ‘I did the right thing by giving Eggman a second chance’ is so he won’t slow himself down. I don’t think he wholly believes that he made the right choice, and I don’t think he is trying to shoulder off the blame. He’s just trying to keep his spirits up as best as he can.
You can’t tell me this isn’t remorse
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Yes, he shakes himself out of it and goes on to say how he made the right decision, but what else can he do???? He needs to snap himself out of it and get back to saving the world.
Because just look at this. This is exactly what happens when Sonic starts to doubt himself. 
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He stands there and debates and can’t take any real action.
And we know that he isn’t the type to normally doubt what to do. He would have 100% barged in and did what he could to save any potential survivors and work it out from there.
The only reason he stopped and debated there shows just how badly this whole thing is affecting him. 
“Which is ‘right’?” -- This is what he asks himself because he is starting to think that the decision of leaving Eggman free was ‘wrong’ before. And he does’t want to make another ‘wrong’ decision.
And he does blatantly admit that he is screwing up left and right. And he does it during the only time he can -- when he is by himself. 
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I mean, look at that. Look at how much of him is shiny and metal and how he is surrounded by Zombots. The colouring itself is even so bleak to show his mood too. 
He can’t say these thoughts in front of anyone. He can barely say these thoughts to himself. 
Because what happens while he is saying this? He is literally sitting there as the virus takes over and Zombots surround him.
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His eyes have even turned red like the Zombots by this point. - they were green in the panel just above. If he sat around a moment longer he probably would have been completely infected.
And he honestly looks super close to giving up here. Just look at him. He’s tired. He’s tried of running, of all things, and he’s tired of messing up. 
But giving up isn’t what heroes do, isn’t what Sonic does, so he does what he can to snap himself out of it.
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What more do people want??????????
I’m honestly curious here. This is pure Sonic regretting his actions and making up the resolve to do something about it. I don’t know how more remorseful he can be.
Let’s look at his encounter with Espio
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Sonic’s first reaction is to attempt to comfort Espio. But then Espio - completely understandably since he lost his family - loses his cool and blows up at Sonic. 
And look at the progression of Sonic’s expressions. He is worried, shocked, and then angry. His next words are said as a result of Sonic losing his own control. Because he literally only just got over his own moment of sorrow, and he just made up his mind to be strong and focus on what he can do in the here and now. And yet here is a friend throwing what Sonic already knows into his face only moments later.
So what does Sonic do? He just says what he has been chanting to himself all this time. That he wasn’t wrong to give second chances. 
Because it’s pretty much the most he can to keep himself going.
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Again, just look at his expression. This isn’t the face of someone who is acting all haughty. It’s the face of someone barely keeping it together. Yes, this is not a good reaction from Sonic. I don’t think it is meant to be. He is just reacting emotionally. Because it’s been a long long couple of days, and Sonic can only stand so much. Not to mention, Sonic has not been able to sleep or rest since he got infected.
And side note, but Sonic isn’t really wrong. Exactly how many friends and allies of Sonic started off as antagonists???? From Knuckles to Shadow. Second chances are sometimes for the better. 
And letting Metal Sonic go was ---- a lot. But we saw Gemerl, another one of Eggman’s robots, change. So why can’t Metal Sonic? At that moment Sonic believed that Eggman wouldn’t be able to influence Metal Sonic and make him dangerous, so what was the harm from that viewpoint?
But anyways, back to Sonic and Espio. 
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We get this pause where the two just looks at each other before mutually deciding to end the argument and go back to saving people.
To me it’s clear that while the argument wasn’t exactly settled (we can see Espio still angry as he poofs away) but they both realize that yelling at each other isn’t going to solve anything. 
This wasn’t a typical comic ‘I’m too cool for emotions’ moment where they disregard emotions in characters. The exact opposite really, because these two completely lost themselves for a moment due to all the stress they’ve had. They just realized that they needed to get their prioritizes in check right now and they can’t let their emotions run rampant because then nothing will get done. 
It’s going to build tension and I can see this blowing up again, but they way they reacted is just so believable to me. They are both under a lot of stress, and they are lashing out. Who wouldn’t if they were in their shoes?
Then we get Sonic seeing his friends again. And instead of the boost he usually gets from them, it’s just more sadness as Sonic has to inform them that he failed them. Again.
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Sonic can’t even bring himself to look at Tails directly. He’s so full of guilt. And look at Tail’s face. I highly doubt that Tails really believed that Sonic just had the recorder hidden. But it was his last bit of hope so he asked. 
But Sonic has to let his best bud down once again. 
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Look at this moment where they are all just silent. 
No one can say anything at the moment because they know just how bad the situation is. 
And then oh boy, Tangle.
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Sonic only moments ago said to himself how he keeps screwing up, Espio rubs salt into his wounds, he sees Cream of all people lifeless, and he let his buddy Tails down. And now this. One after another there is constant hefty reminders that Sonic screwed up.
And I want to point out - this isn’t how Sonic fights?? He doesn’t stop fighting to talk. Here he is letting a Zombot come up behind him and Tangle is the one to knock it out. But usually Sonic is moving while he is talking. Here, and with Espio, he isn’t. And I think that just adds more to how weighted down he is by all that is happening. Because again, he can’t take the actions he usually would because of all the guilt.
But Tangle is such a breath of fresh air for Sonic
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Finally Sonic gets the reassurance he needs. Tails - the wonderful friend that he is - tries, but it isn’t really believable when he has tears streaming down his face.
Sonic needed someone telling him it wasn’t his fault. I don’t think Sonic completely believes it, he is still full of guilt, but it must have been so nice to have someone show such unwavering support for him at this time. Like I said, a breath of much needed fresh air. 
For the readers too. Please tell me I wasn’t the only one who smiled when Sonic and Tangle team up. Look at them
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And Tangle is able to comfort Sonic not only mentally - but physically too. 
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When was the last time Sonic touched someone that wasn’t a robot???? 
Sonic is all about freedom - but he is all about his friends too. We saw Sonic team up with his friends one after another before this arc started. And he welcomed it. He invited each one (Tails, Amy, Knuckles) to come with him as he went to destroy more badniks, despite that meaning he wouldn’t be able to just run as fast as he wanted when going from place to place. Because he really likes teaming up with people too. 
And this whole mess is just preventing him from leaning on his friends for support like he usually could.
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Thank you Tangle for giving this poor boy a hug. 
But that breath of air Sonic got didn’t last long. Because now he has to report to the rest that he failed again. 
And then this
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Not only is he seeing another friend suffer because of his failure, but he can’t do anything to make it better. Amy is directly asking him for help - and he can’t. 
He can’t do anything in this situation that won’t make things worse - and that has to hit hard for Sonic. 
And finally we get this
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This just really hits home that despite Tangle’s upbeat attitude and how she lifted Sonic’s spirit for a bit - it didn’t magically make everything better. 
Because reality is still bleak, and Sonic still blames himself no matter what Tangle said before. We can’t see his expression, but it isn’t hard to imagine him regretting everything that happened.
He’s alone - again - with the one person that gave him that moment of refresh is a Zombot, and he can’t do anything but watch as they retreat. And it’s all his fault and he knows it. 
It’s not like he ever said ‘Yeah, you’re right Tangle. None of this is my fault.’ All he said in that conversation was ‘You aren’t going to let this go’ and ‘Yes ma’am’ in response to the less moping and more moving. That to me isn’t anywhere near Sonic feeling he is absolved from guilt.
And yeah. I really can’t read through this and see Sonic as someone brushing off responsibility and not showing remorse. Sonic has been through a lot and we see him going up and down with his thoughts. And it’s getting harder and harder to keep his positive attitude. 
I hope that this got someone to see why I feel like Sonic has shown enough remorse over what is happening. - And that is really all this post was about (though I admittedly got distracted at some parts) I wasn’t trying to say that this arc is perfect, but at the very least, Sonic absolutely feelings guilty. 
I’m just going to end with one more screenshot. Just look at Sonic’s expressions
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thatcrazysonicchick · 5 years
Come Back to Me A Fan Fiction by That Crazy Sonic Chick
Summary: It's been a year since Sonic's death, and everyone is still struggling to move on... Some more than others. So much has changed, and a new face appears, but who is he? What is he doing here, and why now? What is he hiding? So many questions, and so many answers, which can only be answered by joining this adventure.
~ Act I ~
Sonic, 20
Tails, 15
Knuckles, 22
Amy, 18
Rouge, 21
Shadow, ??
It was pure Chaos.
Everything was fine thirty minutes ago. His attack had come out of nowhere.
You saw your occasional badnik, only to be crushed by your everyday heroes. Threats being made in the air from Eggman, and snarky remarks coming down from Sonic. A few small explosions, here and there. That wasn’t where everything had turned.
More robots came from everywhere, on the ground and in the air, surrounding them.
Okay, Sonic, think. What’s the safest move here? Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Knuckles and Amy battling. And not too far from them, Tails was by the Tornado, shooting lasers at the minions, defending the two while he shot close in their direction, too close for comfort.
“Tails!” Sonic called out. “Get her out of here!” Tails acknowledged the order and hovered towards Amy, dodging flying scraps of metal. Knuckles repelled a piece of robot away from Amy and Tails' way. Amy continued to fight, but was limited to her abilities.
“Get her somewhere safe,” Knuckles said. “I’ll cover you.” And he did, as Tails led an exhausted Amy to the safety of the Tornado. He air lifted her into it, and started the plane, striking any enemies in their path.
“Go!” Sonic yelled, not looking back as the two slowly began to accelerate. “We’ll meet up later.”
“Sonic!” He looked over to Amy, with a look of exhaustion and fear.
“I’ll be okay! I’ll see you soon.” He reassured, his voice strained.
“Be careful!” Amy called out, not feeling anything but worry for her hero. “I love you!”
“I love you too! Now get to safety!” And with that, they were off.
The two were in the air, flying away from the chaos below. Amy was panting. Tails looked over his shoulder, and saw her leaning forward in her seat.
“Are you okay?” He asked, concerned.
“Yeah, just tired. I usually don’t get tired this quick in a battle.” She said, leaning back.
“I mean, we can all understand why. Have you seen yourself?” The two looked down to her belly, bigger than usual, and round. “We should’ve gotten you out of there sooner. You know that’s too risky.”
“I just feel so useless. I’m ready for it to be here.” Tails, chuckled, scanning the area with his eyes.
“Don’t worry, Amy. Only three more months to go. And just one more week until we can stop referring to it as, well, it.” Amy groaned, looking back at the battle. The two stayed silent, listening to the battle going on below.
“I’m worried, Tails.”
“Don’t be, Amy. They’ve got this. We’ve got this. So stay calm.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t be concerned for everyone’s safety.” Tails turned to give her a reassuring smile.
“That’s not what I meant. All I’m saying is, has Sonic ever let you- AMY, GET DOWN!!!” Instinctively, Amy whipped her head around, but immediately felt Tails’ hand on her shoulder and pulled her down as the plane was struck, and began to shake. She again pushed herself up straight only to be pushed back down by Tails, who then turned his attention to his plane. Amy choked on the smoke flying in the air.
“Stay down!” He yelled, flipping switches and pushing buttons.
“What’s happening!?”
“A missile hit the back right elevator! We can’t fly without it!” Tails called back, struggling to keep the plane level as it descended at an uneven rate. “We’re going down!”
“Be careful!” She said, leaning forward towards him.
“We’ll be fine. Just stay covered.” Tails ordered, looking down below.
~    ~    ~
“Sonic!” Knuckles called out. Sonic finished spin dashing a buzz bot and landed, looking over his shoulder to Knuckles. Nothing else needed to be said. Sonic saw the trail of smoke following the plane, as it was quickly declining towards the ground. It seemed Tails had it under control, but he wouldn’t be able to focus until he knew Amy and Tails were safe and unharmed.
Sonic drop kicked an egg pawn out of his way and began to speed off towards where they were about to land. Something from behind tackled him to the ground. As he rolled to a stop, he saw none other than Metal Sonic, pushing himself off the ground.
“Agh, I don’t have time for this!” Sonic said, wiping the dirt off his face. Before he could turn back towards the others, Metal swept his foot under Sonic’s, bringing him back down to the ground. He felt his back quills crunch under his back, and screamed out in pain. His metal counterpart was already on top of him, quickly bringing his arms towards Sonic’s throat. Sonic reacted quickly, locking his hands with the others, and pushed back with all of his might. Through clenched teeth, he spoke in a deep growl.
“You… are not winning this. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.” He narrowed his eyes, swinging himself around, bringing him on top of his rival. He found an opening, ripped his left hand away, and forced it through his exterior. “You stay the hell away! From me, my friends, my family!” With a loud cry, he yanked his hand back, with a fist full of wires. Before he could do enough damage, something pulled at one of his fingers. He tried again, but it only got more stuck. Metal Sonic was still functioning, but remained still, his red eyes still glowing. Sonic looked closer to his hand, to see what was stuck. He saw a wire, that had somehow managed to wrap around the small gold band on his ring finger. His eyes got even more narrow as he grit his teeth, trying to break free, whether it was to rip out his wiring, or get his wedding band to slip free.
“Commencing Self Destruct in: Sixty Seconds.” Sonic’s eyes grew wide, and began to panic, doing anything he could to free his hand and get away before he blew up... with Sonic on top of him. A loud crash sounded in the distance, and he jerked his head up to see the Tornado sliding to a stop. With one last attempt to free his hand, he knew what he had to do.
“Knuckles! Go!”
Knuckles wasn’t far, and ran in his direction, stopping when he saw his hand inside of the robot beneath him.
“What are you doing?!” Knuckles yelled, throwing a hand in the plane’s direction. “We gotta get them out of here!”
“I know! My hand’s stuck. Go help them!” Knuckles didn't understand what was happening. He drew a fist back, ready to break Sonic’s hand free. Sonic waved his free hand to stop him. “No! He’s about to self destruct! Get away and go help them!” Knuckles looked from Sonic, to his hand lodged in the metal, to Sonic again, to the plane, and back at the struggling Sonic.
“But Sonic, you-”
“Self Destruct in: Thirty Seconds.”
“There’s no time to think!” Sonic said, a pained expression in his eyes.
“Knuckles, please…” the blue hero begged, his voice heavy with agony. “Go. Protect my family.” With one last look at his friend, the red echidna blinked back tears, and ran towards the crash site, calling for Rouge and Shadow over his ear piece. Sonic looked on as he saw Rouge and Shadow appear in a flash, hopping onto the plane, reaching for Tails and Amy. As Shadow raised his emerald, his eyes met with Sonic’s. There was no time to dwell on it, but in that moment, Shadow revealed an expression of sorrow. He gave one subtle nod, and in a flash, all but Knuckles were Chaos Controlled out of sight.
“Self Destruct in: 10… 9… 8… 7…”
“SONIC!” Knuckles screamed out, running as fast as he could to his rescue.
“3… 2…” Sonic squeezed his eyes shut, tears streaming down his face. His final moment, his final breath, his final words…
“I’m sorry… I love you all.”
X     X     X     X
I really wanted to wait until this whole story was complete to start sharing it with  my readers, but I have been putting work into this whenever I have free time, like after work or on my days off. I’ve been really bad about being consistent with uploading my other stories regularly, but I have the feeling this one will be a game changer. I’m super excited to show you what I’ve been working on, and I appreciate any feedback. I decided you guys can see it before I post it to my collection on FanFiction.net.
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shedreamsofstars · 6 years
Cataclysm of the Heart - Chapter 2
Start from the beginning  |  Next Chapter
The water roared down his ears, amplifying the beating of his own heart as it hammered in his chest. Cold panic began to settle into his bones as Sonic realised he was submerged fully, the water running over his skin like a spreading fire.
It wasn't burning.
The sane and logical parts of his mind knew that, reinforced that even.
And yet his fear won him over.
No matter how much he told himself that water couldn't burn him, nothing could stop the hot searing feeling that crawled over his skin at the thought. All he wanted to do was do scratch at it, to bat every drop of water coating his fur until he was as bone dry.
If he didn't find a way out quickly then he'd probably end up driving himself mad. He needed to get out of here, to get to somewhere where just existing didn't drive him crazy. He needed to get somewhere he could breathe.
That was the only word he let through the barriers in his mind as he began to search for a way out. He was fairly surprised that even through everything going on, he could still somehow see through the water. Not completely, but enough for him to gauge that there was some sort of movement going on beyond the glass.
He wasn't so sure why he was surprised by the fact - water was clear after all. But still, it was new for him. Something moved again and Sonic tried to pin point what it was, or who. Eggman? Had he come back expecting to watch Sonic's last living moments. Surely he'd be too busy implementing the next phase of his plan - whatever the hell that was.
Sonic squinted to try and get a better look but the movement of the water as it rushed around inside the tank fractured the image behind the glass. That and the rapid stream of air bubbles that escaped his lips meant he couldn't make out much of anything except maybe a flash of...
No, surely she couldn't be here. But there was no one else that pink belonged to.
His lungs burned as he tried to push closer to the glass, the need for air growing more and more unbearable every second he refused to give in to the impulse. He kept reminding himself that all he would end up with was a lungful of water, not that his body seemed to care.
Already he could feel the light-headedness settling in and blurring the edge of his vision. His body felt heavier than ever as he pushed his nose against the glass roughly, searching for that flash he'd caught earlier. For the girl that would undoubtedly be responsible for it.
The room beyond looked exactly as it had when he had first entered. Pristine and empty.
... and full of sparkling white dots?
It took too long for him to realise what was happening and by the time he did, Sonic's vision was already blacking out as the last of the bubbles rushed from his mouth.
Still he refused to take a breath. What a way to go he thought as his eyes drifted closed and let in the darkness. Drowned in the one thing he detested more than anything in the world. It was almost funny if it wasn't so goddamned true.
He had lost the little air he had managed to capture and now it seemed he had run out of time to find a way out too. But even as his skin burned against the water, his body battled the desire to breathe - Sonic found his thoughts lingering on one thing.
Even in his semi-conscious state, Sonic couldn't help but wonder what the Doctor had hoped to achieve by ending him. He had mentioned that he would destroy the world as they knew it, but what did that mean? Sonic's world or the whole world?
Surely the man wasn’t so crazy to destroy the one thing he wanted most - Mobius. Even as the thought crossed his mind, it was seeming more and more likely that Sonic wouldn't be there to stop him if he had indeed gone insane. But his friends, he knew they could stop him with every fibre of his being.
They would never let the world fall to ruin, with or without him.
That was the last coherent thought he had before his body betrayed him and he let his lungs breathe in, slipping from consciousness as he choked on a mouthful of water
"Amy ... hey."
The girl stood before him, frozen and still as he met her gaze. He knew he'd see the hurt in those green eyes even before he'd chosen to go looking for her in the crowd but it was nothing like he had imagined. Seeing the glaze of tears, the pain he knew he was responsible for ... it was a shock to say the least, and it cut him deep.
He hadn't wanted this, for either of them.
He knew it was a bad idea to try and talk to her after the vigil, but she'd left him no choice. He'd tried everything else to get into contact with her but she had either ignored it or had made herself scarce. So much so that even Cream hadn't known where to find her the majority of the time.
If he wanted to explain himself, it would have to be now when she couldn't run and hide. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out and he closed it again, shaking his head. What was he even supposed to say?
Amy watched him struggle to find words with a cold and even gaze, but judging from the look on the girls face he doubted she had even noticed he'd tried to say something. He waved a hand to catch her attention and she startled, looking at him as if she had almost forgotten he was there.
“Good bye Sonic," she said abruptly.
Before he could have a chance to say a single word more to her, the girl turned and walked away. Sonic stood watching her with his mouth hanging open for a moment before registering that she was walking the wrong way. Her home was in the opposite direction... where he was stood.
Wherever she was headed now was only to avoid him - something she had become just as adept at as she had once been at finding him. He couldn't lose this opportunity he realised, feet spurring into motion with a single thought.
He halted beside the girl, spinning so he faced her. He heard her gasp of surprise as she almost walked into him again but managed to catch herself at the last second. “Amy,” he sighed into the wind. “Please, just hear me out.”
She blinked and shook her head. “I don’t want to hear anything more you have to say Sonic. I’ve heard everything I need to, so please …” she pleaded, trying to push past him and failing. “Please stop rubbing salt into my wounds.”
Sonic bit his lip, reaching forward to place his hands on her shoulders. “I can’t just leave Amy. I can see you’re hurting and-”
“You know the reason so why are you still here."
“Because I care about you. Do you think I like seeing you this way?”
"Stop Sonic," Amy said, voice quivering as she shrugged off his hands. "Don't you understand? You pretending to care is so much worse."
She wrapped her arms around herself as if she was cold, rubbing her arms as whatever control she had over her emotions snapped and the tears streaked her cheeks. He hated them. Hated the fact that he was responsible for making her hurt all over again. But he needed to set things straight. She had to understand that it was for her.
"Amy, I said what I did because I cared about you. If we were going to die, I didn't care about the sacrifice I was making, I just wanted you to be happy."
Something wild and livid flashed in her eyes at his words and Sonic recoiled at her seething tone.
"Well, I'm sorry Sonic. I'm sorry I'm such a sacrifice for you."
"That's not what I meant -"
“No, what you meant was worse," she said, hastily wiping away the water staining her cheeks. "But what truly hurts the most is that you knew Sonic. All this time you knew exactly how I felt about you and you did nothing. You ignored it until the one moment you felt you could use it to paint yourself as the selfless hero."
“W-what?" Sonic stammered, completely dumbfounded by her accusations. What was she talking about. All he had wanted was to make things easier - being the hero had never even crossed his mind. She had it completely wrong. "That ... that was never what it was about."
"Well you certainly didn't do it for me, otherwise you would have known that I would never want that from you. I would never want you to live a lie. If you're only talking to me now to feel better about yourself then please stop and just leave me the hell alone.
“Ames,” Sonic said before he felt a rough hand on his shoulder pull him back a few steps. He turned to see a stony faced echidna glaring off into the space between both him and Amy, trying exceedingly hard to remain neutral.
"Is everything alright here?" Knuckles said firmly, finally turning to look at Sonic.
The hedgehog hadn't had a chance to catch up with him before now but Knuckles undoubtedly already knew what had gone down between himself and Amy. There was a fiery conflict in those purple eyes that seemed like he both wanted to punch him and hug him at the same time and Sonic was grateful that he at least could partially see his reasoning.
It seemed like no one else ever would at this point. Especially not the one girl he had done it all for in the first place he thought as Amy stared him down with cold hatred in her eyes.
"Everything's fine Knux. I was just leaving and Sonic was going to stay exactly where he is. Isn’t that right?"
Sonic sighed, shaking off the red echidna’s hand and admitting defeat for now. He needed for her to know the truth, but perhaps it was best to give her a little time. Let her emotions settle enough for her to see a different facet of the truth - his truth.
“Actually, I should probably go and find Tails," he said quietly as he turned and began to walk away. "You guys take care," he called over his shoulder, nodding a goodbye at the red echidna as he seamlessly slipped into the retreating crowds around them.
Thanks for reading lovelies. Let me know your thoughts if you can. Until next time, chao :)
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Complicated Camping ~ Sonamy.
A/N -
The team go camping while Eggmans out of town.
It was a crisp morning, the sound of running water muttered gently in the near distance. Dr Eggman was out of town at a villain convention, meaning the gang could take this time to go on a much deserved camping trip.
Amy Rose was the first to waken up, stretching she looked around the tent to see if any of her comrades had risen, but all were fast asleep. She clambered out of her sleeping bag, to be greeted by the chilly morning air. Opening the tent she stepped out into the bracing weather and began lighting a fire.
"Morning Amy," sticks the badger said from behind her.           
"Hey Sticks, sleep ok?" Amy said as she stoked the fire.
"Are you kidding, with Knuckles snoring, and Sonic sleep talking? I slept like a baby." Sarcasm dripped off of her words.
Amy laughed and began cooking them both some breakfast. One by one the boys dragged themselves out of the tent, until only Sonic was left asleep. 
"Amy, do you mind waking Sonic? He never listens to me when I try, but he might listen to you." Tails asked, as he tucked into his breakfast.
"He's going to sleep his life away I swear!" Amy ground as she made her way back into the tent.
Sonic looked so cosy, he'd balled himself up inside his sleeping bag and was snoring lightly.
 "Sonic?" Amy whispered to him, nudging him slightly.
No response.
"Sonic." She repeated only a little louder this time. 
He ground and turned on to his back, he shivered slightly as the cold air hit him.
"Sonic!" Amy said louder again.
This time the half unconscious hedgehog opened one eye slowly.
"Not right now Ames, I'm trying to sleep." He mumbled.
"Yes well I'm trying to wake you up!" She responded sharply.
"Fine, five minute hug, but then you gotta let me sleep!" He muttered.
"What!?" Amy exclaimed loudly.
This made Sonic start awake, he sat bolt right up and looked over at the pink woman next to him.
"Amy?" He sounded surprised, "But I thought it was a dream!" His eyes widened.
"That what was a dream?!" Amy asked bemused by the man in front of her.
"That we...um never mind. Is uh breakfast ready? I'm starved!" He said as he hurried out of the tent.
Amy sat watching him scurry away like a frightened mouse. What the heck was his dream? Amy followed him out a few minutes after, finding him sat around the morning fire with their friends.
"So what's the plan for today?" Knuckles asked exacted for the day's possibilities.   
"I was thinking we could go on a hike!" Tails said "There's so much I wanna see here!"
"Sounds good buddy." Sonic agreed. 
Amy hadn't taken her eyes off of the blue hedgehog. But he hadn't even dared look at her.     Which she had to admit stung a little.          
The team finished their breakfast, got dressed and then they were off, enjoying each other's company as they viewed nature in all its glory. Sticks had led the way, while Tails and Knuckles ran around looking at the plants and animals. Sonic had sped off in the distance, and would pop back and forth every so often. Which left Amy to her own devices, she had studied some of the flowers they had past, but she couldn't get her mind off what had happened this morning.  
Sonic couldn't look at her, he didn't know what to do. His stupid dream had ruined everything. When Amy had come to waken him up, he'd thought it was just a continuation of the dream. Boy was he wrong. If he'd had kept his mouth shut things wouldn't be so awkward now. He could see her walking alone, and usually he would walk with her, but the idea of being alone with her at the moment set his heart into a frenzy.
 "Sonic!" Tails shouted.
"Yeah buddy?" He responded running over to the direction of the yellow fox.
"What's the matter with Amy?" He questioned as he looked over at the pink hedgehog walking alone.
"Amy? Nothing, she's fine! Look at her, same as always. Anyway what could have upset her, we're in the middle of a beautiful forest, and we..."        
"Sonic!" Tails shouted loudly, causing all their friends to look at them. "Sorry guys carry on," Tails shouted, and the team went back to their business. "Sonic, what did you do? It's been awkward between two all day!”
"I...I well I was having this um dream about well...Amy. Nothing creepy! It was just...well anyway, when she woke me up this morning, I guess I thought I was still dreaming, and may have said some stuff I shouldn't have..." Sonic explained.            
"Ah" Tails sounded. "Have you apologised?" He questioned.          
"No" Sonic replied.
“Why not!?” Tails said exasperated by his blue friend.
“I...I don't...know how.” Sonic explained quietly.
“Go and apologies now!” Tails said as he turned and walked away.
“But...but…” Sonic stuttered.
“Now!” He heard Tails repeat.
Sonic looked over at the pink woman, she had stopped and was looking at flower. Sonic took a big breath and made his way over to her.
“A...Amy.” He said from behind her.
This caused Amy to jump, turning so quickly she lost her footing. In a flash she was being held tightly, she opened her eyes and looked up to see Sonic looking down at her bashfully.
“Careful” He said softly.
Amy tried to laugh but it sounded forced, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment.
“T….thanks.” She muttered pushing away from him and fixing her quills.
“No problem,” he answered red dusting his cheeks.
The walked in silence for a while.
“I'm um sorry about this morning.” Sonic finally plucking up enough courage to apologise.
“Oh, it's fine, you were half asleep, and you didn't know what you were saying.” She said awkwardly rubbing her arm.
“Yeah,” He replied as he scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably.
The day continued but the awkwardness between the two hedgehogs lingered, the dusk approached slowly bringing back the oh so familiar cool air. After a long day of exploring the group returned to the camp, just as the evening light dimmed to a dusty orange glow. They lit the fire as a means to keep warm, and they sat talking the night away, one by one they retreated inside of the tent, until only two were left.
Sonic sat looking down at the drink of water in his hand, he quickly glimpsed at the woman sat opposite him. He felt foolish, he wanted to be able to tell her how he felt, but every time he got even remotely close to admitting to her, he’d start spouting nonsense, and end up just bolting towards the nearest exit. 
Amy sat awkwardly in front of the dwindling fire, her heart thrashing in her chest. It was only Sonic and her left awake, and he gave no sign of leaving, he seemed to be transfected on the cup of water he was holding, the orange glow of the fire bathing him in a warm romantic light, he looked so...so thoughtful, so deep inside his own mind, it was fascinating to her. Suddenly he looked up, meeting her eyes with his.
“Wanna go for a walk?” He suggested as he placed his cup on the ground.
“Uh, sure.” She agreed, grabbing a jacket as she followed the speedy hedgehog. 
They walked in silence for what seemed like an eternity, until they reached a bridge, with a quiet stream rushing underneath them. Sonic knelt against the edge and looked down over the flowing water, Amy following his actions.
“Ames…” He began.
“Yeah?” She looked up at the man next to her, the same look of concentration on his face.
“I...I would...would you…” He rubbed his face with what seemed to be frustration. “What I’m trying to ask you is...well...we’re good friends aren't we?” His eyes flicked to her face.
“Of course, I consider you one of my best friends, you know that, why?” She pushed a quill off of her face awkwardly.
“I’d never...never want to do anything that could jeopardize our friendship...but…” He’d moved so he could fully face her now.
“But…?” She repeated, eager to know what he was going to say.
“But...when we get back, I’d...um...like to take you...out...on..on...a…” He stuttered, now looking anywhere but the blushing woman stood before him. 
“On a Date?” She interrupted.
“Well...yeah…” He answered quietly.
“Sonic…” She said his name softly.
This was it, she was going to say no, his heart began frantically hammering inside of him.
“Sonic, look at me.” She said placing her hand gently on his cheek, making him jump slightly.
She smiled at him lovingly, moving slowly towards him, she placed a delicate kiss on his cheek.
“I’d love too.”
A/N -
Hello everybody!! Thank you all so much for the support i’ve been getting, i’ve just hit 100 followers and I want to thank each and everyone of you!! <3 And thank you for all being so patient for an update.
Sorry about spelling/Grammar etc... Dyslexia ain’t easy.
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sonic-meme-corner · 7 years
Good friend-Tails LET ME HELP YOU!
A few days after a successful attack on eggmans base you're going about your day heading to the hospital to see if the need any help.(For this story you have a lot of medical knowledge physical and mental plus the others consider you a jack of all trades meaning you're good at almost everything you do plus you're a very self less person who puts all there effort on others and you do your best to make sure the others don’t worry about you) But while you are heading to the hospital you get hit by two cyclists not paying attention and you get badly injured (up to you). You regain your senses shortly after and you see Tails holding your hand extremely worried. “Are you OK?!?" Tails exclaims, "I saw you get hit and I came as fast as I could!” You reassure Tails you're ok but when you try to stand up you fall back down in extreme pain from your bad injury.“I’ll help you get to the hospital!" Tails says while pulling you up. After you get examined the doctor tells you and Tails how bad the injury is and how you’ll be able to head home but it would be best to have someone stay with you due to how bad the injury is and you’ll be left weak from it. Tails looks at you with a scared expression, seeing this you reassure him that you’ll be ok. After getting checked out and head back to your home Tails helps you go to your room and gets you a drink and some food. "I’ll be right back I’ll tell Sonic that I won’t be able to go to the party we had planned."You look at Tails with a surprised expression and say "No it’s ok you don’t need to worry about me I just need to rest”, Tails responds with “you need someone to be here for you so nothing happens with your injury and I’m not gonna let a friend like you try to deal with an injury like this on there own” Tails says with a determined look on his face leaving you rather surprised, you try to bring up other things he had on his schedule but Tails says he could deal with it later or he’ll come up with an excuse.“ What about sonic,"you asked "he’ll be worried about where you are when it’s night”. Tails says “I’ll just have to lie to him if that doesn’t work then I’ll tell him that you asked me to stay cause you needed some help”. “You know that lie might not Work since I never ask for help”. ( forgot to mention you never ask anyone for help either) Tails says “well that’s because you're always doing everything on your own and when we ask if we can help you politely refuse”. You sigh exhausted from today’s events and tell Tails we could continue the conversation later and you take a nap. Meanwhile Tails is doing his best not to raise suspicion on why he can’t help or attend any events for a while because he knows you need to be away from large crowds to recover. After you wake up from a loud noise you stumble to the kitchen and see Tails tired getting some food ready for you. You wake up completely when you see this but when you try to run to see make sure Tails is ok you fall to your knees in pain from the injury. Tails immediately helps you to your bed and before he can head back you grab Tails hand and you see how tired he is. You sit up and say “Tails you need to get some sleep it’s 2am. When Tails tries to pull away saying "I’ll be fine” you nod in disagreement and pick up Tails and tell him he needs to rest. After getting settled in bed you both fall asleep. ( I could stop here but I won't😇) You wake up to here Tails opening the door with a full breakfast for the both of you,“I knew if I didn’t bring food for myself you would not be happy” Tails say nervously laughing. “ I’m glad you're taking care of yourself while looking after me I’d feel guilty if you weren’t looking after yourself for my sake” You said. “Well we let’s eat”! Tails says. After a few days your injuries are slightly getting better which worries Tails because he knows you’ll need more time to heal and the others will be a little suspicious of him when he tries to come up with an excuse and you knew it plus you still needed help to walk around. When Sonic visits Tails barely succeeds in hiding the fact you're injured badly but they started yelling at each other near the end which made you feel guilty. You decided you would try to convince Tails to go so the others especially Sonic would get suspicious and make Tails stress over them and you. When Tails comes back he apologizes for the yelling, and you look at Tails with a very serious and calm look and say “Tails I thank you for helping me but I think you should head out after today, I don’t want to risk the others getting mad at you because you're hiding my injury and you're looking after me, you’ve done a wonderful job though but with Sonic getting upset because of you hiding my injury I don’t want you to worry about me”. When you look at Tails you are surprised to see him looking at you with a very upset look on his face and with misty eyes. “Tails are you ok I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings but…” “NO!!” Tails exclaims, “I’m NOT LEAVING YOU ALONE, I’m NOT LETTING YOU DEAL WITH THIS ALL ON YOUR OWN LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO LET ME HELP YOU!! THIS TIME YOU NEED MY HELP AMD YOU KNOW IT!!!"😡 Tails yells, while he is letting his feelings out you're left in complete shock by this. "YOU'RE ALWAYS PUTTING OUR SAFETY AND OUR FEELING AHEAD OF YOURS!!” As Tails is telling you this his eyes start to water as do yours. “YOU'RE ALWAYS HELPING US CARING FOR US BUT WHENEVER YOU SEEM LIKE YOU NEED HELP YOU DENY OUR HELP WITH YOUR HEARTWARMING SMILE AND ALWAYS SAY ” “It’s ok I can handle this”, “AND WHENEVER I LOOK AT YOU WHILE YOU'RE HELPING US OR WHEN YOU'RE WORKING YOU LOOK SO TIRED AND SAD ON THE INSIDE AND WHEN WE ASK WHATS WRONG YOU TRY TO REASSURE US EVERYTHING IS OK”!! *sniff* *hic* *hic*, You immediately catch on to Tails crying with streams of tears pouring down his face, “Tails I’m so sorry”, *sniff* this display of emotion from Tails leaves you in shock. Tails continues, *sniff* “When ever you tell us you're ok when we ask what’s wrong we just get more worried about you”. Then Tails ask a question you hoped to never hear. We do you seem so sad? Upon hearing this question you see flashbacks of all of your family members and friends you grew up with dying in your arms. Which upon remembering this makes you sob your heart out and pull Tails in for a full embrace for him telling you how much he was concerned about you.(Another place to stop but for satisfaction of you readers I won’t stop till I finish 😇) Tails returns the embrace and ask “Why are you crying so much now *sniff*” you responded saying “ Tails I need you to promise me to not tell anyone not even Sonic what I’m about to tell you please, you say in a shaky voice and look at Tails in the eyes, Tails looks back at you and says "I promise”. After you hear his answer you tell Tails about your painful past which easily triumphs over how painful shadows past was since you saw all of your loved ones die in your arms. After tell Tails the full story Tails starts bawling and clings on to you in your embrace “IM *HIC* *HIC* S-SO S-SORRY FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU IM SO SORRY *SNIFF* *HIC* *HIC*”! After hearing Tails you cling on to him and tell him *sniff*“ T-There’s no need to be sorry you didn’t know and you couldn’t have done anything to save them. After awhile you and Tails finally fall asleep still embracing each other. (Next day) you both wake up with Tails asking "Do you still want me to leave”? After everything that happened yesterday you tell Tails “no you can stay until I recover I need someone to help me walk around the house and that someone should be a good friend which is you. Upon hearing this Tails exclaims "YESSS THANK YOU” while almost tackle hugging you.😝 you groan in pain but laugh a little just from seeing Tails so happy then he’s ever been the past few days. “Tails you should tell everyone about my injury and how you're taking care of me so no one is worried about us” Tails agrees with a nod but then you both hear knocking on the front door and when you both go to answer it’s ,😱Sonic and knuckles who both seem to be looking at you specifically with a mad expression on there faces along with the chaotix, Amy, Cream, Blaze, and Silver who all look either concerned or mad. After every one came in you and Tails explained the injury and how it occurred but the all said “WE KNOW THATS WHY WERE HERE” you and Tails look at each other knowing full well you're both gonna be getting lectured by everyone. After a full day of lectures and hugging and being taken care of due to how bad the injury is still everyone except Tails and Sonic leave since Tails said he will be taking care of you but Sonic wanted to stay for the night and next day so he can swap with Tails so he can rest.😇
The end.
Submission by @sagawolf710
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terryblount · 5 years
Team Sonic Racing – Review
One of my favourite things in gaming is the subliminal rivalries between protagonists. Sam Fisher has Solid Snake, Duke Nukem has Serious Sam, Nathan Drake has Lara Croft, and of course, Sonic has Mario. While they start off as a product of fandom, I like how these little feuds inevitably trickle down to a developmental level. Because whenever studios start competing, you just know someone will end up with a great game.
I therefore think Sonic has every right to star in a racing game even if ‘The Blue Blur’ could probably outrun all the karts and then some. To me, a Sonic kart racer is a salute towards the long-standing duel between Sega and Nintendo trying to one up each other. While other kart games tend to feel like a knock-off of Mario Kart, the attempts by Sega somehow always felt more like a proper challenge.
That moment when your game is just as good as Mario’s
The PC has criminally slim pickings when it comes to the selection of decent kart games at our disposal, and Team Sonic Racing represents a good choice. All the strengths that Nintendo fans have been enjoying for years can be found right here. However, I was confused by several decisions made by Sumo Digital in the aftermath of their previous game, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. When compared with its prequel, certain aspects of Team Sonic Racing just feel like a step backwards.
Sub Sonic
This is still a great Sonic racing entry, so let’s get the nasty stuff out of the way starting with this game’s biggest let-down: The plot. Indeed, here we have a kart racer where someone actually deemed it necessary to shoehorn a story into the career campaign. I have probably driven virtual karts almost as much as my actual car, and I have never felt like the experience would be enhanced by, or even needed, a story.
Perhaps this is his biggest rival.
The narrative plays out within cut scenes between races, where characters speak to each other in a speech bubble, JRPG-style. Basically, a tanuki named Dodon Pa holds a huge racing tournament for the friends and foes of Sonic. He need to examine how well groups can race together so that he can develop an engine that runs on the power of… teamwork.
That’s right, teamwork. As a surprise to no one, Doctor Robotnik/Eggman joins in on the action with the ultimate goal of stealing this extraordinary new engine. It’s up to Sonic to protect his friends, and thwart the plans of the rotund, mad scientist. Again. Though, I have no idea why Doctor Eggman wants this engine so bad because he hasn’t got friends anyway.
Not the worst example, but it is all downhill from here.
I can usually turn a deaf ear towards the cheesy dialogue in Sonic games, but the exchanges in Team Sonic Racing’s story are on the level of an explosion in a cheddar store. Which nine-year-old was tasked with writing their lines? It becomes utterly cringe-worthy at times, and this represents the final nail in a coffin for a story that should not have been told in the first place. Nothing beats a good old career mode, and I have never been this grateful for a skip button.
A prickle of hedgehogs
Despite the story made a flub out of introducing the notion of teamwork, Sonic Team Racing’s main selling point is that you can race both against and with other people on the track. Whether it be couch co-op or online, the emphasis here is racing as your only little squad in a style that reminded me a lot of Need for Speed: Carbon.
What you can therefore expect is a lot of slip-streaming, helpful shunts as well as sharing items with your team all so that your overall positions can contribute to the win. It really does not matter who crosses the finish line first since the game assigns a consistent score to each place. This was a nice feature since I found other team-based, racing games still emotionally blackmail you, player 1, to cross the line before anyone else.
Drive in the yellow trail for an extra speed boost!
This makes for an interesting dynamic not just in terms of how the game plays, but also how Sumo Digital could make one vehicle type actually feel completely different from the next. As I mentioned, karts leave behind a yellow trail for the team to slipstream in, and if anyone missed the item collection points you can toss them a rocket or a boost power-up. Players can also shunt, or be shunted by, their mates back into the race at full speed if they spin out.
Also encouraging the notion of working together is that your squad of three always consists of three different kart types. The technique cart types, driven by characters such as Tails or Silver, drift just a tad more easily around the corner, while the speed type cars of Sonic and Amy have a higher top speed. The power type vehicles of Knuckles and Big are a bit more sluggish, but they are far less affected by knocks and rough terrain.
His car is actually pretty solid on the track
You can really tell the difference between them, and each type of kart encourages a slightly different play style. Players that really want to dominate the competition in a tactful way should combine the strengths of their carts, and thankfully the AI make excellent racing partners.
Further encouraging the notion of team work is of course the Team Ultimate power-up. Like the All-Star ability in the previous game, this power-up grants you a substantial boost in speed and invulnerability. The only way to obtain this beauty is by doing all the team based activities I mentioned above. Nevertheless, let me reassure those more inclined towards playing solo that Team Sonic Racing offers every race mode in both team and single-player options.
One step forward and two steps back
It was surprisingly good relationship therapy for me and my girlfriend to play in cooperation with each other in a kart game for once, but I do miss the transformation aspect of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. The tracks felt far more vertical and dynamic with this mechanic, and considering that Mario Kart 8 has also jumped on the anti-gravity bandwagon, I have to wonder why it was omitted in the latest Sonic kart racing game. It gives Team Sonic Racing a slightly dated feeling akin to older kart games.
I also have misgivings about using wisps (remember Sonic Colours?) to symbolise power ups since it took some memorisation to learn their purpose. For example, you pick up a white wisp, but what does it mean? Is it a projectile? No it’s a boost. Okay now a blue one. Is it a shield? Nah it’s a block. Not a major issue since you instinctively remember their functions eventually, but I should note they failed to contribute to the gameplay as much as I hoped. In general, the power-ups feel a little ineffectual, and I gave mine to my team mates most of the time.
Drive through the red arch for a score multiplier, drive through the yellow for score. Do you have any idea how hard this is????
At least I can tell that Team Sonic Racing really wants me to feel rewarded in my driving skill. Rewards become substantially more generous at higher levels, but there are also single player events designed to train the player. These races are time trials in things like drifting while collecting rings, or a particular favourite of mine where you must dodge through little robots to learn evasive driving.
They are superb little distractions to sharpen your edge on the competition, but I must say that the requirements for gold medal, heck even for silver medal, are a little steep. I am the laziest achievement hunter in the world, but at one point in the career I needed a silver medal to unlock the next set of races. Not cool.
Kart racing delight
Team Sonic Racing fell short in a few areas for me mainly because I feel like Sumo Digital was really giving Mario Kart a serious run for their money at one point. Don’t get me wrong, I really love Nintendo. I just feel like this game made unnecessary sacrifices for the sake of the whole team racing dynamic, and I think Sumo Digital would be wise to reintroduce them in coming titles.
As it stands, I can still see myself returning over and over again to Team Sonic Racing for the rest of this year at least because there is still tons of sweet kart mods to unlock, and so many gold and platinum medals keeping me awake at night. This is an essential game for Sonic fans, and a lovely quantum of solace for the kart lovers that feel like their first choices are growing a bit long in the tooth.
Number of tracks
Vehicles feel unique
Selection of characters
Kart customisation
Inconsistent difficulty spikes
Awful story
Ignores strengths from previous game
          Play time: About 14 hours total. Single player campaign around 12 hours.
Computer Specs: Windows 10 64-bit computer using Nvidia GTX 1070, i5 4690K CPU, 16GB RAM – Played using an Xbox One controller
Team Sonic Racing – Review published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
0 notes
l-sincline · 4 years
Cybernetics- Cyberpunk!Sonic AU- Chapter 7
Amy Rose has been working tirelessly at her broken down booth for as long as she can imagine. Ever since Tails left their work to join forces with the revered hero of Mobius, ‘The Blue Blur’, she’s grown lonely and desperate to make her life exciting. A strange customer comes in one day asking her to fix his cyborg arm, what she didn’t know was that he would be the catalyst for a brand new life.
AO3 Tags:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, Whisper the Wolf, Cream the Rabbit, Knuckles the Echidna, Badnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), E-123 Omega, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Angst, Slow Burn, Partners in Crime
AO3 Link
After resting a while longer, Amy pushed herself up to her feet, wobbling at first as her body screamed at her to sit down again. However, she soon grew accustomed to the ache and slowly made her way over to the hole Shadow stood at, stepping gingerly as to not cause any more discomfort. He didn’t spare her a glance and instead just moved over so she could have more room. She stopped just before the edge and looked out upon the city in ruins. Buildings were either fully demolished or damaged like this one, or they were crumbling on their own. Plants and other animal life had taken over the city once more, pavement was cracked to make room for trees and weeds and grass, and vines grew up the sides of buildings and all over the large chunks of the cement buildings that lay on the ground. She was far off the ground, but she could see a small stream that ran down a sidewalk, coming from somewhere out of her sight. She’d never seen anything like this. Quite frankly, she’d always just assumed the city of Mobius went on forever, that their planet wasn’t that big to begin with, that’s what she had always been told, anyways. But this was stunning, greenery and life contrasted there dull colors and dirt and stone she was used to in the outer ring, and even though what she had seen of the middle ring was beautiful with its neon lights and steely grays, nothing compared to the lush green of the plants and the quiet chirping of wild animals.
“What is this place?” She asked. He finally looked over to her, confused.
“You don’t know?”
“No..” she shook her head with a frown, still mesmerized by the beauty of it all.
“It was part of the outer ring... it got destroyed in the war with Earth. Mobius is reclaiming it.” He said simply.
“No one ever talked about anything being destroyed...” she admitted, “I guess I should’ve known that the war took a toll on our homes but... I never could’ve imagined a whole city. This goes on for miles.”
“Thousands died here, inner ring city military and androids guard the border between the outer ring and these ruins. The people who live so close to the border are already extremely poor, even though there could be resources here for them they aren’t allowed to come near.” Shadow clicked his tongue angrily.
“Why do they guard it? Wouldn’t it be better for them if they let people camp out here and rebuild?”
“No, it’s all about control for them. This is too far for them to reach, they don’t want to have to expend valuable resources to keeping an even bigger outer ring under control. They hardly like doing it with the outer ring as it is, that’s why they let the Robotnik bots stay.”
“There’s never Robotnik bots in the inner ring...” she breathed out quietly to herself. She’d never thought of it like that before. That the government just let the bots stay where they needed them. They were rarely ever in the middle ring either, but there were a few.
“I would bargain to say that the war is what left the government corrupt. The people were so desperate to have officials who could make bold strokes that they didn’t realize the people in charge cared more about themselves.” He spat.
“You really don’t like the government.” She observed.
“It’s hard to even tolerate trash like that.” He said matter of factly before walking away.
Amy stayed put, continuing to take in the sights. She’d never realized that the government had such a strong grip over the rings, but she supposed that’s why talented folks like Whisper would never move any farther inward even if she was paid handsomely. The system was built against her, and anyone like her, that wasn’t born into the inner ring and by extension into wealth. Amy bit the inside of her cheek, she felt as if she’d learned more now than she ever had in her twenty two years of living. Another thing to add to the list of ‘things the government keeps from people in the outer ring’ she supposed. Though she had just started the list, it already seemed to be getting a bit long. She heard some swishing behind her before Shadow spoke again.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked.
She turned and saw the last moments of him clipping his cloak around his neck and allowing it to drape down to cover his body once more. Unlike how she’d previously seen him though, he kept his hood down, she hadn’t noticed she’d been studying him until he turned swiftly on his heel and picked up her collapsible hammer, gearing up to toss it to her.
“We’ll have to get you some sort of cloak too, but we’ll stay out of popular areas for now.” He tosses the hammer in its bag form to her.
She caught it by the strap and steadied it, popping it open to see just a wrench and a flat head that she had stored in it earlier before the big ‘almost arrested’ moment.
“We can get you more tools too.” He promised as she hung the bag across her chest.
“Where are we going?” She asked.
“My home base. You can meet the rest of the team.”
“There’s more than just you?” She replied, albeit a bit dumbly.
“Yes- one other and... your first project.” He nodded before turning once more and walking towards the door.
“Wait! Wouldn’t it just be easier to do that... teleport-y thingy like you did before...?” She questioned, taking a few steps forward before stopping as he looked over his shoulder.
“I think it did you more harm than good, I’ve only ever done it with inanimate objects and androids before, you’re the first flesh and bones that’s been through that ordeal.” He explained. “It’ll be useful if we ever get in a tough spot, but for now I want to give you a chance to heal.” Shadow shrugged and stepped out the door, turning left with his cape swooshing behind him.
Amy ‘hmm’ed quietly in agreement as she rushed out after him, her legs weren’t happy to be moving this fast, but she couldn’t afford to slow them down. She didn’t know where they were going, but she could bargain it would be easier to get there while it was still light out, and the sun would be going down soon. She could hear Shadow’s metal shoes clunking down the stairs and she quickly followed, just barely seeing him round the corner as he continued down more stairs. This went on for a few more flights, but soon they made it to the bottom and she halted abruptly as to not bump into him as he looked cautiously out the space where she assumed there was once a fire exit leading to the outside.
“They don’t send patrols this deep into the ruins that often, but you can never be too careful.” He explained quietly as he scanned the surroundings slowly.
She imagined his eye was looking for electromagnetic signals or heat signatures among the plants and building, but she didn’t dare break the silence that allowed her to hear the very soft whirring of the camera occasionally zooming in or out. It was quiet, barely noticeable, but it was oh so interesting to her. She’d never seen a cyborg eye before, and she imagined you’d have to have good neurological knowledge as well as mechanical to be able to make one.
“Clear.” He spoke a little louder as he stepped out of the building and into the green waste land, Amy was quick to follow.
She looked up at the buildings and trees in awe, if possible, it was even more amazing from down here. She could now get a close up view of all the flora and fauna that she couldn’t have before.
Shadows feet crunched along the over grown path he was taking, and she stopped her ogling at the area to catch up. Little bugs flitted in front of her face and she swatted them away, if there was one thing here that they had back in the outer ring, it was flies.
“So are we moving towards or away from the city?” She asked quietly as she quickened her stride to walk next to him.
“Away. I found an area that no patrols frequented years ago, it’s been being built up by me and my... teammate since then. It’s nicer than the rubble we were just in now, but it started off pretty bad.”
“Cool.” She said in a hushed breath, well aware that she wouldn’t know if a patrol was coming near them.
“We have a ways to go, but we’ll be there before the sun in completely down.” He reassured before picking up the pace.
Amy nodded silently as she trekked along behind him, her aching muscles not allowing her to go any faster. She hoped they would get there soon, though the shock of her life taking a complete one eighty hadn’t completely set in yet, she felt ready to tackle the new obstacles that had been put in front of her. For a moment, she thought of Tails, and wished she could apologize for officially becoming his enemy.
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
Sonic is gone on a mission for a lot of years that when he comes back, everyone is now adults. He tries to reconnect with everyone and it's mostly the same except with Amy because of how much her attitude has matured. Because of this, he finds its easy to hang out with her and easily finds himself falling for her but since he was gone for so many years, Amy is no longer pursuing him and now just sees him as an old friend, so Sonic does his best to reignite the old flame in her.
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(Preview image is used with permission from the amazing Sonic Artist @masked-bixch! Please support her and her amazing talents! x 
I’ve done quite a few of these before, but I’m always down for Older Sonamy~
“It really was a whirlwind,” Sonic’s now lanky arms and legs draped over the tree’s branches, closing his eyes after looping an arm around it and jumping up. He was much older now, his quills were so long that they arched from his head and drooped down towards the ground.
He placed his arm behind his head, a cushion of sorts, looking up at the stars.
“But enough about me, Tails. How are all of you doing?” He smiled as he looked over to Tails, who happily obliged to the question.
“Well, Knuckles finally took my advice and used technology to protect the island more. He even convinced G.U.N to make it a sanctuary. It’s heavily guarded now and Knuckles even has a small living making it a tourist site.”
Sonic’s eyebrows raised, amazed to hear so much had changed.
“And the others?”
“Cream is happily married. Vanilla loves her new grandchildren.”
“Yeah. I mean… they’re bunnies, Sonic.” Tails kinda gave him a funny look and Sonic just scratched his nose, embarrassed.
Tails poked some figurative fun at him before sighing, “And me? Well…” He looked up at the sky. “I’m getting married too.”
“What!?” Sonic bolted upward, turning to him before seeming to sulk back to being unexpressive again. “…You really have all changed…”
“Not really. Not in here.” Tails pointed to his heart, looking up at Sonic. But then his smile changed to concern, worrying his friend hadn’t changed, and what the future held for him. “You know… it’s rather peaceful these few years… We’ve been defeating our home pretty well. What… What do you think you’ll do?”
Sonic remained silent, looking down at the waters below him, a stream babbling over Tails’s matured voice.
He closed his eyes, “Don’t know.”
Tails once again seemed worried, “…Sonic…”
“Everyone’s moved on. I know.” Sonic sighed and hopped down from the tree. “But there’s still someone you haven’t told me about.” He dusted off his back from the tree’s bark and twigs.
“Huh? Who’s that?” Tails tilted his head.
“Heh,” Sonic chuckled, never figuring he’d be asking something like this about… her. 
“Ever since I chose to leave on that mission… Amy said she’d never forgive me.” He looked to Tails now, carefully hiding with a sturdy mask his real intention in asking this. “Where is she now?”
Tails held his breath a second, his tails wavering in their usual bending behind him and situated themselves low to the ground.
“Amy’s…” Tails’s hesitance was clearly not for Amy’s benefit… and Sonic picked up on that.
The hurt was apparent in Sonic’s eyes, thinking the worst, as the shine of the water’s moonlight hit and sparked a deeper emotion that Sonic usually never revealed upon his face.
He still didn’t.
He turned around and folded his arms, “Figures. I guess that’s how it goes though, huh?” He took a deep breath, turning his head slightly to address Tails over his shoulder, “Who’s the lucky guy?”
“No guy.” Tails walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, a light smile, “There never was.”
Sonic’s surprise was covered by the darkness of the night.
He lowered his head and smiled, “Really..?”
Tails nodded, “But I wouldn’t let that glimmer of hope sink in too deep, Sonic. She’s changed. She’s not the little girl you used to know. She’s really grown up quite a bit.” he emphasized that change, but Sonic seemed to let it pass through one ear and out the other.
In a greater spirit, Sonic strutted away, waving back to Tails. “Thanks, buddy.” He barely heard him, only thinking about how much fun it would be to surprise her by showing up again. Maybe a playful tease here and there. At least that wouldn’t change.
“Sonic! I’m serious! She’s-!” Tails finally quit. He gave up trying to shout out when Sonic took off, “He’s gonna get himself hurt… And there’s nothing I can do about it.” he sighed, flying off into the night to return to his now luxury cruiser plane, massive and expensive.
Time went by and Sonic did end up meeting Amy, however, Tails was absolutely right. She had a fine job, a great set of new friends, and was living a very independent life.
A bit too independent for Sonic’s liking…
It was like she was just polite and sweet to him, but nothing more. She would joke about the old days, and her humor bothered Sonic when she used self-depreciative jokes about how she used to act around him.
“It wasn’t that bad…”
“Haha! You were my whole world! How was that not bad?”
She wore heels and long draping dresses. Her hair was slightly up and styled. She was a high-class lady. Purses and accessories, a real uptown girl.
It made Sonic uncomfortable.
However, though that was the case, it was suddenly easy to talk with Amy and get the real scoop on everyone and how their lives had changed. Amy held no secrets, and she told Sonic everything about Eggman and the gang. The battles they had to fight while he was gone. The great successes…
“It was hard at first,” Amy admitted, nodding to the beat of a song she was listening to over the speakers of the carnival they had stopped by. “We all realized we depended on you so much… We had to really fight and push past all our insecurities. We learned to rely on each other instead of just you. That was a huge turning point for me too… It wasn’t one man who could save the world, it was all of us.” She took a bite out of her ice cream and Sonic just held the cone in front of him, looking deep in thought at the ground as he heard how much his friends suffered without him, but also picked themselves up and overcame everything after him.
“Guess I didn’t realize how much I was limiting you all.” It was a spitfire comment and Sonic’s hot-tempered ego was shown just a bit. He took a bite of the ice cream and flinched at a brain freeze.
“Ohhh, don’t be so gloomy!” Amy patted his back, having him cough and swallow the pain back as he turned back to her, pouting. “You’re so much like your old self. I can’t lie, I was hoping you’d change a little bit…” She took another lick of her ice cream, “Emm~ So yummy~”
He just watched her… She had grown so much, but she was still as kind and trusting as ever.
“…Would it be so bad?” He suddenly said, jumping down the raised parking lot where they were sitting and looking over the carnival. “If everyone started trusting me again?”
Amy paused and lowered her ice cream. “…We did miss you, Sonic… but… Heroes are everywhere now. It’s not as rare as when you were with us.”
He felt his fist tighten.
“So… No looking up to me like I’m the greatest thing in the world?” He faked a smile to her, trying to keep everything light.
She noticed this time, something he wasn’t used too. “Sonic…” She jumped down and walked up to him, placing a hand on his cheek. “You’ll always be the famous Sonic The Hedgehog. History will count you as the fastest hedgehog in the world… The one who lead the revolution towards heroes saving the world. But that doesn’t have to be all you are.”
He had never felt her touch like this before. It startled him. His heartbeat… what was wrong with it? His hands flexed like a twitch at how calming and comforting the sensation was. It was like he wanted to come closer to it, and that spooked him.
She smiled a sorrowful look, which also upset him.
She removed her hand and placed it back by her ice cream. “You know… I think love is kinda awesome. It probably…” She began to turn away from him, and he felt the urge to reach out and grab the twisting end of her dress, just to hold her there… a little bit… longer…
“Only happens once… and never comes around again.”
If eyes are the windows of the soul, then words were the breeze and sunlight that escaped into the room within.
Sonic’s eyes were deeply plagued with having seen the room, knowing it was beautiful and lavishing in wonderful, homely comfort. And yet, he also noticed he didn’t hold the key to that home anymore…
“Only comes once?” He tried to act as though he didn’t understand, faking a false comprehension.
“…That’s not what I meant.” Amy took the bait but didn’t turn around. She took another small bite of her ice cream. “I should go, it’s been fun to catch up. But I do have work tomorrow…”
“…Tomorrow…” Sonic looked down. What would await him tomorrow?
Everyone had moved on and was living their lives… No one had time for a has-been.
“…Will you be okay, Sonic? Finding a place in this world… who has itself covered?” She finally did look back at him but was jolted back at how serious his expression had turned.
He narrowed his eyes to the ground, then looked up at her. “So… The world doesn’t need me anymore… Heroes are abundant… and I’m just a name drifting on the wind?”
She shook her head, immediately regretting her words. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean it like that! Sonic! You’re still so important!” she came forward but that desire for someone had slipped out of Sonic.
He stepped back and turned his head away. “Alright… so the world doesn’t need me.” He closed his eyes, shutting her out. “But then…”
“…Do you?”
Amy’s eyes flinched back, her heart felt like a string had been pricked and dust sprayed off of it. She hadn’t felt this melody in a long time… She had forgotten so much about it.
“Sonic…” her eyes watered. “I… I have to go!” she wouldn’t cry in front of him. She had hardened herself too much for that. She bolted at lightning speeds, the ice cream dropped and abandoned in her rush to escape the past she loathed so much.
But… did she really hate that time? When she was so lovestruck and ditzy? Not a care in the world?
He bent down with a much tender look towards the fallen ice cream.
He let his own fall next to it and walked towards the side of the edge.
He scaled the rooftops and darted around the world that had no need of him… but waited. Patiently. For the time that maybe Amy’s world would.
And like usual, he didn’t have to wait long.
A car had almost hit Amy, but something blue and speedy had caught her and brought her to the other side of the street. That was the first occurrence.
Another time, someone stole Amy’s wallet. She summoned her hammer and raced behind him till he turned a corner. When she got there, he was already beaten down and the wallet left with a flower beside it. She had gripped her heart.
This kept happening… over and over again… and as it did, her heart pained to be beside him again… She couldn’t fight it. The loneliness of not being in love… The strain of taking on life without someone beside you.
When she finally did catch him, he had slowed down and turned his head back to her, wondering what she wanted…
The news had talked about a blue bullet, going around and saving people from ordinary inconveniences. But even those reports were so thankful for a guardian angel with blue light that surrounded him, saving them from a rainy day.
“Where do you think you’re going.” she stepped forward, heart pounding as she dropped her bags and charged him. “Without one of my infamous Amy Rose hugs!!!”
He smiled, having waited quite a while to hear that greeting again.
He held her close upon impact. She rubbed her head deeper into his chest and gripped him closer to her. She didn’t want to have a life without him again. It was too much to not be with the man she loved…
And Sonic?
Evil always rises when there’s greater Good to combat it.
But the Good is always better and conquers all its scheming.
Amy and Sonic were a power couple, alright. Villains rose that normal, present heroes didn’t have the skill to handle. But Tails and Knuckles would happily join in the ‘old times-sake’ fun, finding Amy and Sonic and taking them all on once again… as not a couple of snot-nose kids trying to save the world…
But as a family that would save the world, one act of love at a time.
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cutegirlmayra · 6 years
10Q for both of the meme prompts with Boom SonAmy since no one combined them yet as far as I seen :)
Boom Sonamy, eh?
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-A few years ago-
“She’s not falling behind!”
“Just move faster, Tails!”
“She’s gaining speed!”
“What!? No one can run this fast but me!”
“I-I’m keeping up…”
“You’re flying, I said running. There’s a difference.”
“And I’m gliding!”
The three best friends speedily made their way behind some cover as a young pink hedgehog with spiked hair slightly drooping in the back stopped chasing and looked around.
The three were a famous trio, Sonic the Hedgehog was the fastest hero in the world, Tails was the youngest engineer and inventor alive, while Knuckles was the last known echidna in the world.
Then there was Amy Rose.
As the young boys peeked out from their cover, a stack of nice leaves and bushes that perfectly shaped into their figures, they noted how energetic the girl looked.
Was she not even tired?
“She’s been following us since we saved that village.” Tails remarked, his eyes arching back in concern. “Do you think she’s serious about joining us?”
“Even if she was, I’d never let a girl in,” Sonic mumbled, seeming unused to such a persistent fan.
“Yeah! She’ll ruin our brotherhood!” Knuckles looked genuinely terrified. “I’m not so good with talking to girls…”
“Knuckles, you’re so not so good at any social communication.” Tails’s eyes immediately turned to his bush, since all their eyes were the only visible thing besides the figured bushes.
“You see my delama.”
“That’s what I said. Wait.. who’s Emma?”
She put her hands on her hips, looking a little lost before hearing some shouted whispers from the bush.
She sighed and turned around, “You know I can hear you, right?”
The boys flinched, “Duck!” Sonic cried out as Tails quickly obeyed, but Knuckles just looked around and stuck his hands out through the bush, covering his eyes.
“…hehehe!” Amy stared a moment but thought Knuckles was just being funny and cute, not realizing his low IQ… “What’s wrong with you three? Set me to any task! Anything at all and I’ll prove to you I belong in your team!”
She formed a fist to show her determination, but the three just popped out of the bushes and looked a bit skeptical.
“You think you can..?” Sonic rose an eyebrow.
“Oh, I know I can.” She narrowed her sights on him, smiling confidently. However, there was a slight swoon that happened in her eyes at seeing the boy, but he hardly noticed the subtly softness that came over her eyes, the gentle tilt of her head and the faint red that spread across her muzzle.
All he was thinking of was how to lose this girl.
“Alright. I’ll give you a challenge.” the young Sonic jumped out of the bush, shocking both Tails and Knuckles.
“You mean you’ll accept her if she does it!?” Tails worriedly reached out.
“Dude! What about our bro-code?”
“Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” Sonic held a hand up to block Amy’s view of him, whispering with a wink to his friends. “I’m the fastest thing alive! There’s no way she can win a race against me.”
Amy’s ears perked up, “You’ll really let me in the gang!” her eyes sparkled as her hands clasped tightly together. “Oh! This is like a dream come true! I’ve been watching you’re heroic feats and been dreaming of the day I could-!”
“Yeah, yeah. Listen, girly-”
“MY NAME-” she cut him off, not allowing anyone to treat her like that. “Is Amy Rose.”
The abruptness startled Sonic. He looked her up and down, surprised by her clearly strong sense of self.
“…Amy…” he stated, deciding to respect her stance on his behavior. He still didn’t think she’d do anything impressive, and continued in his facade. “If you can beat me in a race, I’ll let you join Team Sonic!”
Tails leaned over to Knuckles, “When did he decide that was our name?”
“I don’t know. I don’t even have the money to legally change my name to Sonic!” Knuckles shrugged while Tails groaned.
Amy once again held a strong stance, “With cars?”
“No,” Sonic smirked, folding his arms to reclaim the power of he had once lost, and wanting to create a feeling of hopelessness at the impossible task. “On foot.”
Amy’s demeanor shifted, “W-what?” she looked away, ‘No good. I just said I’ve been watching them. There’s no way I can beat Sonic’s speed! Ohhh, why can’t he just give me a break? I’m a cute girl for crying out loud!’ she stomped the ground, feeling this might be defeat.
Sonic turned around, faking a shrug, “If you’d like to save some face, I’ll just pretend you never asked.” He held up his hands to high-five his bros while they gave him a thumbs up, having all seen her upset stomp before-
Amy searched the ground, ‘I’ve been working so hard for this… I’ve looked everywhere for him… there’s no way I’m backing out now! I have to believe in myself! Believe in all those weeks of training!’ she gathered her courage, and lifted her head, nodding. 
“I’ll do it!”
The confirmation left all three men to shift from their balanced stances.’
“Wha?” Sonic turned back around, surprised to see how fierce she looked. “What’d you say? Don’t you know who I am?”
“Of course I know who you are! I’ve admired you since I first saw you fight that evil Doctor Eggman and save all those people!” She touched her heart. “There’s no way I’ll lose! I’ve worked really really hard to meet you. I want more than anything to fight alongside you. I’ll do anything…” she found herself on the verge of tears. “I’ll do anything to have you recognize my strengths! You’ll want me on the team! I only hope that one day… you’ll see me as a true friend too!” Amy looked him right in the eye, a pillar of self-worth and might.
Sonic found himself pausing a moment, processing her words. He didn’t understand why she was so determined to succeed, and immediately let out a frustrated huff from his nose at not being able to figure it out.
“Fine!” He stomped up next to her, getting ready to race. ‘She thinks she can outshine me? Bring it on! She’s just a little girl..’ he glanced back up as he moved into position, getting ready to dart.
He saw her lower herself to the same position, taking a breath in and looking focused on the path ahead.
She… she really was doing this?
“O-on my mark..” Tails stood ahead of them, also shocked by her persistence. ‘There’s no way she can win.. why is she setting herself up for disappointment?’
Even Knuckles looked a bit surprised, seeing the girl almost look excited to race.
Sonic held in another sudden spark of frustration, but seeing her sudden smile… made him get excited too.
‘Why am I getting all pumped up too?’ he thought to himself, ‘that’s weird… I know I’m going to win, it’ll be a piece of cake. So why… am I having fun?’ he gripped his bandana around his neck.
“I will show you,” She spoke suddenly, jolting him from his thoughts.
“…Get set!” Tails shouted out, hoisting his hand higher up in the air.
“…Sonic, I’ll prove I belong with you.”
His eyes widened a little.
Unsure of his feelings, he grew nervous at the effect this girl’s positivity had on him. So much so, that when Tails gave the call, she got a running start.
“Sonic? What are you doing!?” Tails flew over to him, hovering by him as he shook himself out of it.
“Just letting her get her hopes up.” He grinned, cockily rearing up his legs into a figure-eight and dashing out to her.
He caught up in seconds, looking relaxed now that he was back in his element. “First one to the waterfall.” He instructed.
“But… there’s dangerous rocks there.” Amy worriedly turned to him, already having a shaky breath.
“Heh-heh.” he rubbed his nose, “Sounds like someone’s scared they’ll lose.”
“Ah! I am not! I’ll see you at the waterfall!”
Sonic smiled, something about this girl showed him she had a spirit for adventure.
“Last one there gets to call the loser whatever they want!” he lowered his eyelid with his finger to mock her, sticking his tongue out to further agitate her.
To his surprise, she only puffed up a cheek, and then wittily replied with- “Then the winner has to tell the loser what to call them by too.”
‘Nothing ever phases this girl for long.’ Sonic swept his mouth to the side of his other cheek away from her, annoyed he couldn’t get a negative reaction out of her.
He grew bored of hanging back to try and sway her from her goals, and quickly sped up to win the race and get it over with.
“Awh!” Amy cried out, seeing him in the lead. ‘I can’t lose! I’ve done so much to try and see him. I can’t let this opportunity slip by! I can’t lose!’
She summoned her piko piko hammer, using it as a wheel to hit the ground and spin her sideways, then continuing the action to propel her forward.
She sped by Sonic’s relaxed run, yawning with one hand behind his back and the other patting his opened mouth.
When he saw her pass, he was flabbergasted.
“This girl’s something else!” a smile unknowingly spread across his face. His heart moved his feet faster, growing more and more excited by the race.
He easily caught up with her, and when she noticed this, jumped to the trees, trying to beat his momentum.
Again, his eyes lit up with a challenge. He was enjoying himself now, darting to and from the trunks of the trees to stay neck and neck with her.
“Woah! Look at her go!” Knuckles cheered, gliding through the air after the two.
“She’s amazing!” Tails also commented, “Somehow, she’s actually using enough force with that hammer of hers and agile movements to keep up with Sonic!”
“Tails, the brotherhood!”
“Don’t worry, Sonic’s still the fastest world in the world. There’s no way he could lose!”
“…Without some help, that is~” Eggman, admittedly a younger adult but he didn’t look any different besides a single strand of hair curled on his usually bald head.
He lightly twirled a finger in it to keep it curly, hoho’ing in his dastardly way.
Throughout the race, Amy and Sonic had a few obstacles that were unexpected. Robot pirana jumping out from streams, robot plants trying to ensnare them in their vines, and robot bugs shooting and trying to ram into them.
Tails and Knuckles happily dealt with Eggman, but as the two jumped to touch the edge of the waterfall’s pond, Sonic took a moment to look at the girl who had skillfully avoided Eggman’s traps and completely kept up with wicked speed.
She was… beaming.
He had never seen someone go through all those pitfalls and booby traps… with the same free wonder as he felt.
He then realized how much fun he was having, and in his heart, accepted her completely.
When he turned back to look at what they were originally reaching for, he noticed the sharp rocks all around them.
‘Oh no! Even if we reach the edge of the pool, we’ll still be knocked into those rocks!’
then, without any hesitation, he withdrew his hand from reaching out-
And grabbed Amy.
Using his quills as a cushion, he caught her and spun so his back would hit the protruding rocks, and the two fell in the shallow part of the waterfall’s decent.
“Sonic..! Sonic, please wake up!”
He blinked his eyes open, “U..Ughh… You okay?” He got up, rubbing his head.
“You… you pulled me away from the finish line…” she looked heartbroken, but Sonic just shook his head, smiling sheepishly.
“Your quills are shorter than mine. I didn’t want you getting hurt because I pushed you into going so fast.” his shyness flared another red blush on her muzzle.
Admittedly, she didn’t know how to handle the feeling and hugged him without restraint.
“W-woah!” he wasn’t used to the touch and froze as she pressed the side of her head into his chest.
“…Thank you for rescuing me. I was worried about the rocks too…”
He felt a warmth climb up his throat and swallowed it down. “Y-you knew it was dangerous? Why didn’t you slow down and hit the brakes?” he took a wild chance and peered down at her.
She smiled cutely, “Hehe! I told you! I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to be able to stay by your side-” when she leaned up, their noses touched.
There was a silence in that forest then as the two stared at one another.
The race was over, but two hearts still beat just as quickly as when they had nothing to lose, and everything to lose… all at once.
sonic is pride.
And Amy…
“I like you.” she suddenly, without much self-control, proclaimed in a light and delicate whisper.
Sonic’s face fumed up in steam, “Y-y-y-ou-yuou-youoy-oyuoyu… what?” he honestly couldn’t think at the moment, it seemed to have come out of left field.
But it was as if she had read the impulsive thought that had entered his mind aloud…
She suddenly pushed his face away and gasped, covering her own. “Oh my gosh! I’m so stupid! Ahh!!! I can’t believe I just said that!”
“W-well…” Immediately thinking it one way, Sonic got up, waving his hands out. “It-it’s okay. Girls fall for me all the time.” He tried to regain his ‘cool’ antics but Amy just turned white as snow.
‘I… I can’t let him know I’m like every other girl!’ Amy panicked, immediately laughing and rubbing her head.
“Haha…hahaha! No, no. Silly! Teehee~ I meant… uh… I like you… as in…” she put on her best actor’s smile and talked with her hands, hoping to distract him from her blushing face. “As in a how a fan likes her favorite hero!”
“..O…Oh.” He seemed disappointed for a moment, but then folded his arms and nodded, “Yeah, that makes sense. Emm-hmm.”
‘Typical. A girl like her would lie about that to keep face. But I’ll let her think I don’t know.’ He decided to let her keep her wishes, throwing a thumbs-up her way. “In that case, I like ya too.”
She about died.
He smiled.
She’ll never know the difference.
“D-does that mean I can be a part of your team?” She held her hands together and dreamily stared up at him with sparkling eyes, full of hope and promise.
“tsk, tsk. At most, we tied.” Sonic swallowed his pride, not wanting to upset her. He had fun, so he decided to reward the funny girl for her efforts.
He held a finger to her face, leaning down to her again, not realizing he had secretly wanted to recreate the intimate moment again. “You can join the team, but being my fan and being my friend are two different things. Are you sure you’re up to that task?” he knew her answer already, but expectantly waited for her cheery, bubbly voice to sound off again.
“Would I ever!” she leaped up, and he grinned at her energy.
“Great! Welcome to the squad!”
“WHAT!?” Knuckles and Tails, battered and covered in smog from the robots they took out, hung their mouths down in amazement.
Sonic looked awkwardly embarrassed at his words being found out by the other two boys and weakly waved a hello to them.
-Present day-
“So… what did you like about me back then? You never did say…” After retelling the story, Amy pulled her legs in towards her, nervous about asking him this.
Sonic was hanging by a vine like a hammock, using a branch to balance himself as he opened one sleepy eye down to her, watching the sunset together.
“Hmm… one thing… That I meant by that…” He looked away, smiling with a sweat drop on the side of his face. ‘I can’t tell her what I really meant… that’s the whole point of keeping it ambiguous…’
She tilted her head and peered up at him, resting it on her knees. “Did… Did you mean…”
He immediately cut her off, “Ir-! Irresistible!” he waved his arms out, it was the first thing to come to his mind as he started falling off the flimsy vine, snapping it when he tried to grab it before crash landing on his face tot he ground.
“Hehehe!” she giggled, moving over to him and helping him up, wiping his face off from the dirt with his bandana. “Why do you say that?”
He felt embarrassed he even said that. But he couldn’t let her get the wrong idea… even if it was the more accurate idea… wait-no. What?! UGH!
“Do you… remember what you asked for me to call you?”
-years ago, on that day-
“Oh yeah, I lost. What do I have to call you?”
“…Sonic.” Sonic tapped his toe to stop her walk, looking behind him and smiling casually. “Just call me Sonic.”
“Well,… It was technically a tie.” Amy smirked, lowering her eyes to try and be seductive, moving closer to him.
He quickly inched away, her nose dangerously close to his nose again…
He willed himself to mind it, but he really didn’t.
“Call me… Ames.”
“Ames?” He looked confused but stepped away from her in his puzzlement. “Why?”
“Because I want only you to say my nickname.” she placed her hand on her cheek, hiding her blush.
“…Is it that important?” he looked unamused, “Look, the bet was to make fun of each other, not to create a pet name… and why am I the only one who has to use it?”
She took his arms and pulled him closer, that same race of his heartbeat triggered again as she let her nose touch his.
“Teehee!” a little electricity shocked the two, scaring Sonic but exciting Amy a bit. “Because it means I won and I say so.”
He would normally argue this. He would normally wiggle himself free and say something rude back. Normally…
A girl’s eyes never had such an effect on him.
-modern day.-
Sonic stared back at the youthful eyes of his friend, and couldn’t help but smile at how unchanging and full of spirited energy they still possessed. Lingering in the moment, he leaned a little closer to her, “Because I still call you Ames.”
It took her a moment, but the context of his tender and affectionate look to her made her feel she understood.
She blushed and looked down, but it only made him curious and follow.
Once again, the two slipped up, and as Amy’s head came back up-
Their noses touched.
Embarrassed at the same folly they had made years ago, the two flailed their arms and moved away, but secretly smiled in glee behind the other’s back.
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Can you do a prompt about Blaze and Metal Sonic ?
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(x created at Sega Blog, no artist indicated.)
Blastng fire through the falling rock, Blaze strained before it finally melted down enough to gush out on her sides.
She dropped her arms, head hanging back and up as the lava cooled around her… turning to a black, molten rock with some streams that indicated the hot element underneath.
She bent down a moment… wobbling before jumping out of the circle and landing back into the ruined city’s square.
“Threat diverted. All units can continue through without fear of heavy rock slides. Though… the skyscrapers look as though their on their last leg.”
“Thanks, Blaze! You’re a life savor! I’ll alert the teams right away!” Amy’s voice flickered off and Blaze lowered her head, breathing normally again as she moved over to lean against a steel wall.
She turned and folded her arms, looking around her.
“Why does this all seem so…” she looked to the right of her, before swishing her head back to the left and then up. “…Familiar…”
She seemed in some sort of strange sorrow… and didn’t understand why.
She lowered her head, “Hmm… like something I’ve experienced… but could never remember…”
She reached a hand up to hold her head, before a loud engine noise burst forth from the eerie silence.
“Eggman’s robots?” She immediately got into a fighting stance, before looking up and seeing something streak across the reflective and unbroken skyscraper’s windows.
She immediately began pursuing it.
“I’m trailing a unidentified flying object!” She spoke out quickly, clicking on her communicator in her ear.
“A UFO? Or do you mean a bogie? Or-”
“I’m not sure… But can you locate and track it for me, Amy?” she continued to move expertly up the skyscraper flipping and twirling in amazing acrobatics to start scaling with leaps and bounds over the buildings to get in closer to it.
She was moving fast, and through Amy’s directions, was able to catch up to it no problem.
“I’m neck and neck with him.” Blaze took a closer look… “With Metal Sonic!” she gasped slightly at her surprise.
“Metal Sonic!? That’s impossible! Sonic confirmed he had destroyed him from Infinite’s control!” Amy frantically denied, but Blaze wasn’t going to question her own eyes.
“I’m not sure what this means, but…”
Metal Sonic’s eyes suddenly darted to her, the red of them glaring through the blast of jet power around him, shooting him through the city.
He suddenly hard banked right, and Blaze had to jump a long distance to keep running next to him.
“I think he’s in condition to fight, still-!” she took another jump across the way, falling behind him as he looked over his shoulder. “I’m pursuing! Alerting Sonic right away! Only he knows how to jam Infinite’s influence!”
She skidded to a halt as Metal Sonic’s blasting force stopped along with the glowing comet-light he radiated.
Now, his jetpacks were the only red and yellow light visible in the dark city, as he slowly turned himself around in the air.
But… the usual glowing red streaks that would glitch around his frame… was no where to be seen.
“BBBTTZZZ- Blaze? I’ve just gotten in touch with Sonic! Metal Sonic shouldn’t be under Infinite’s Control! He’s back to normal power, but still following the direction of Eggman!”
“He could have told us..” Blaze slowly moved back, as Metal Sonic’s eyes only intensified in their prolonged stare towards her.
“If you can, Sonic says to go ahead and take him down! For good this time!”
“That should have been his job.” she ducked her head slightly, looking around and seeing robots start hovering on the sides of the buildings… coming up to surround her.
“I think he’s got Eggman compensating for his loss of extra power.” Blaze clenched her teeth, seeing she was outnumbered…
She took a deep breath though, as Amy continued, “Blaze! Do you need backup?”
She closed her eyes and shook her head, straightening herself out and remaining calm. “No need…” she then looked up, a powerful glare to show her confidence in her own strength.
“I may have fallen into a trap… but it’s them who are going to feel the heat!” she burst her hands into flames, her eyes reflecting the light from them and matching the intimidating stare of Metal Sonic…
His glowing red eyes…
To her burning orange, firey eyes mixed with her natural yellowish gold.
They suddenly charged her as Metal Sonic swung out his arm, but they were no match as she pulled the fire closer to her… bending slightly to a knee before shouting out a battlecry and having the fire encompass the whole area.
In a massive, dome explosion, the fire knocked the other robots away and smashed their roasted metallic hides up against adjacent and taller buildings. They fell down with the debris from their impact.
Metal Sonic gestured a hand out to her, before crushing it tightly, trying to threaten her silently.
“No thanks.” she responded, and flicked with her hand the remaining fabric that was burning away on her hands.
“I’ve already chosen my side… my powers don’t merely bring destruction…” she looked below her, and gently, with a soft scuff, dusted off some ashes and dirt from the top of the skyscraper to reveal a flower growing below it.
“They also bring rejuvenation.”
Metal Sonic shrieked out in defiance, twitching himself into a slight curl, he powered himself up and went straight for her.
She looked up in a bit of shock, and dodged his attack.
But she noticed he wasn’t going for her…
“Ah!” She saw the flower sway her way in the breeze she had created through trying to dodge.
Realizing it’s danger, she tapped a foot down and pulled herself back, taking Metal Sonic head on.
The two fought as Blaze stayed close to the flower, protecting it as Metal attacked on all fronts.
She sent fire to his missiles, and would spin fire trails to help him not be able to locate where her fist was coming next.
It was beautiful in the night… but deadly up close.
When all was done, she had fired a power flare his way, and kept it coming at him till he too, like the rock, began to melt away…
Fizzing into obsolete sparks of death, she breathed a sigh of relief before looking back at her flower.
Her eyes grew compassionate…
Two petals… one side mostly burnt on the top and still being burned, while the other was only phased on the side… kept destroying the tiny, little thing.
She fell to her knees, and lightly rubbed the fire out on it.
 She held in her sorrow… before speaking lightly again, withdrawing her hands to her knees.
“Although… scarred and half withered away…” she looked up again, “You will still bring the hope this lost land needs again…” she looked out over the rising sunset…
Then she felt a sharp pain slash through her back.
“AHHHH..!!!” she fell forward, but was careful to arch herself so that she didn’t smash the fragile flower below.
She turned to see Metal Sonic had crawled all the way to her, and with melting claws, had slashed and smeared his molten metal onto her back.
She quickly felt the effects and kicked him away, trying to look for help…
She needed to peel the metal off before it seared onto her flesh… and pulling that off… would be far worse than death.
She took the last of her strength to blast herself off the building…
Metal Sonic Flickered off then… his lights faded as he at last wasn’t turning on again… anytime soon…
The arching fire blast looked like a signal, as a few units close by- the same she had helped moments ago to clear the dangerous terrain for- saw it as a fire flare and quickly thought someone was in trouble.
They came her way but she was bursting through the sky, landing within a neighboring lake in a ruined park…
“I think someone was in there!” Someone called out, “They landed in the pond!”
She was losing her consciousness, and quickly felt the metal cool on her skin… meaning…
It wasn’t coming off anytime soon…
Air escaped her mouth in bubbles… and her eyes rolled back at the pain being too great… her body too weak…
Then the units saw a explosion from the water, steaming and hitting some soldiers, making them cry out in how hot it was.
The water boiled before the men looked up to see Blaze had pushed herself out of the water through her power, and hit the land hard… rolling herself onto the dead grass.
“Call a medic!”
“Oh Chaos… She’s got metal slashed into her skin!”
“Yeah! And not shards either! This was hot metal!”
“Great scotts!”
“Was she tortured?”
“Don’t look at me like I know! But it’s going to be painful to tear off… hold her steady!”
“I think it’s Sonic’s friend!”
“If we remove the metal, it’ll peel off her skin!”
“If we don’t remove it, the toxins in the metal will poison her bloodstream!”
“We have no choice…”
Everything went black for Blaze… the disputes and feudings of the men around her faded as she saw a white figure in her vision…
‘…Silver..?’ she saw lights flicker… a sudden thought that she knew him more than she realized….
She woke up to blood stains and bandages… the Sonic team were all around her, happy to see she was alright.
She tried to get up but felt a ringing in her ears at the sharp pain that came from her back.
She laid back down and watched as a glowing aura moved around her…
Flowers were placed by and Silver’s blurry face smiled down to her.
“You’ll be okay…” she heard a his voice as if dream-like in her mind…
Sonic’s voice was next, followed by Amy’s- “Take it easy, Blaze.” “You’re a real hero, Blaze!”
Then Tails… “Metal was going to give Eggman some incredibly secret files we had stored away on our battle plans and tactical maneuvers! If you didn’t intercept him, we would have been toast!”
Well… that was good.
She could still see it… in her mind’s eye….
A half burnt flower… swaying next to a fallen threat.
How symbolic…
She closed her eyes to rest.
Of how they were going to win this war… and free this world.
At last.
“We should let her sleep. I mean, those soldiers first aid might have drowned out some pain… but she’s gotta still be pretty exhausted after taking on Metal Sonic!” Knuckles complimented by expressing that last line as an amazing fleet.
Sonic nodded in agreement, and turned back to Blaze, “Rest well, Blaze… you earned it.”
Heh,… earned it?
She liked the sound of that.
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Sonamy One shot -
A/N - 
Sonic Boom Sonamy fluff. Amy is behaving oddly, and Sonic starts freaking out. 
It was a pleasant day in Hedgehog village, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, Eggman was attacking.
“I’ll be a back you blue buffoon!” Eggman yelled as he retreated to his lair.
The team cheered happily.
“Another victory for team Sonic!” Sonic yelled as he high fived his fox friend.
“Who’s hungry?” Tails questioned, “That battle’s made me starving, anyone up for Meh Burger?”
“Sounds good buddy, I could go for a chilly dog about now.” Sonic replied as he patted his stomach.
They began walking, before one of their team mates spoke up.
“Actually guys I’ve got to…I’ve got a thing, I’ll see you later.” The pink hedgehog said quickly before running off.
“Did anyone else think that was kinda…I don’t know strange?” Sonic mused as they walked over to the restaurant.
“What?” Knuckles replied as he scratched his head in confusion.
“Amy, she just ran off. Usually we get some lecture about where she’s going and why.” Sonic commented.
He’d never admit it, but Sonic really cared for the pink hedgehog, in his own way. She was always there for him, admittedly she could be bossy at times but she meant well. He also kinda liked that about her, it made her independent, strong, he knew she was a very capable woman. He also admired her honesty, which is why he found it odd to hear her make up a pathetic attempt at an excuse and then to run off.
“Now that you mention it, I guess it was a little strange.” Tails pondered.
With that the subject was changed after Sticks screamed about Amy being taken over by aliens from another dimension. They had ordered by now and had sat at one of the empty tables. Sonic still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong with Amy, it had distracted him so much for him to completely zone out of the conversation his team mates where having.
“If you’re that worried Sonic, why don’t you go check on Amy.” Knuckles said snapping Sonic out of his daydream.
“What, me? Worried? About Amy? Nah don’t be silly, and if I was it would be in a friendly way, comrades worry about each other, it perfectly normal! It’s not romantic, who said anything about romance? Why are you all looking at me?” Sonic rambled, he could feel his cheeks heating up has he kept speaking, but couldn’t seem to stop himself.
“Just go.” Sticks said monotonally.
“Ok.”He said flatly, and with that Sonic raced over to Amy’s home.
He arrived outside the door, and knocked. “Ames?” He shouted.
He heard a clatter inside the home, and a frantic sounding Amy shouting in response. “Just a minute!”
“Amy, are you ok?” Sonic said, panic washing over him slightly.  
Suddenly the door swung open to reveal a very out of breath pink hedgehog.
“Sonic hey! What’s up?” Amy said smiling a sheepishly.
“I just came to see if you’re alright, you rushed off back there.” Sonic said as he shifted his weight from foot to foot nervously.
“Aww Sonic, that really sweet of you.” Amy said, he cheeks tinted with a rosy glow.
Sonic smiled in response, unsure of what to say or do with himself.
“But you really don’t need to worry, I’m fine.” She said leaning on the doorway a little.
“Ok…if you’re sure.” Sonic said in reply. “Can I come in?” He questioned.
He didn’t really believe what she was saying, and wanted to check everything was alright.
“NO!” Amy squealed, “I mean, now’s not really the best of times, how about you come over in say two hours from now?” She said as she looked at the watch on her wrist.
“Ok, sure.” Sonic definitely knew something was up, it was just a matter of what?
“Great, I’ll see you later then Sonic.” And with that she shut the door in his face.
“Yeah…I guess.” He said as he turned away.
He needed a second opinion on this, so he decided his fox friend would be the best person to ask. He zipped over the Tails’s workshop. Tails was working on his plain when Sonic arrived.
“Hey bud, do you mind if I ask you something?” He said as he entered.
“Sure, fire away.” Tails said in response, not even looking up at his blue friend.
“It about Amy, she’s acting super weird today, I went over there and she practically shooed me away.” He explained as he paced around the workshop.
“Ok, maybe she’s busy?” Tails said as he reached for the wrench next to him.
“Busy doing what though? Why does it have to be so secretive?” Sonic said, worry washed over him.
What if she’s got a date over? What if she’s dating someone? What if they’re in love? What would he do?
“Well, she might be writing a new screen play or in her diary or maybe she’s…” Tails rambled on with different suggestions of things Amy could be doing.
“Tails.” Sonic stopped pacing suddenly.
“Yeah?” This made him look up, Sonic sounded serious, which was a surprise to him.
“What…well what if she’s…I don’t know got a…got a date over?” Sonic said trailing off quietly.
“Look Sonic, you like Amy, don’t try and deny it, I’m your best friend I can tell.” Tails began, honesty he thought was the best policy here. 
“So I think you should…” 
“Like Amy…what no! Ok…look maybe she’s cute in a bossy sorta way. And maybe I do like her, and I mean is that really so bad? I mean she kind, she’s funny, and she’s my friend. Ok yeah SO WHAT! I like her ok, would you get off my back already geez!” Sonic gushed his words, not comprehending what he had said before they came out of his mouth.
“SONIC!” Tails shouted over his rambling friend.
Sonic snapped out of his rant, to look at the yellow fox that was now stood in front of him.
“If you’re that worried she’s on a date, go tell her how you feel now! And stop this ‘date’ in its tracks.” He said as he patted his blue friend on the shoulder. ­
“Uhh fine, but I’m only doing this to get you off my back.” Sonic replied with a sigh.
He zoomed out of the workshop, only to pop his head back through the door.
“Tails?” He said softly.
“Yeah?” Tails responded happily.
“Thanks.” He smiled shyly.
“No problem” Tails laughed and gave a thumbs up to his nerves comrade.
Sonic ran to Amy’s house, burst open the door and words poored out of him before he could even think about it.
“Amy look, I know you’re dating someone else. But I’ll be kicking myself for the rest of my life if I don’t tell you this now,” He was pacing around the room, he hadn’t even looked up to see the pink hedgehog.
“And well, what I’m trying to say, in a non-romantic way, wait no I mean in a romantic way, it…I…that is to say…I, l…whew this is harder than I thought It would be…I like you…I guess, I don’t know, maybe, a little…yeah…I do.” He stumbled over his words, but was satisfied with what he had said eventually.
What he had failed to notice was the pink woman stood In the kitchen covered in blue icing. Amy was about to scream at him when he entered her home unannounced, she’d been baking him a cake to celebrate their teams anniversary of becoming well a team. But before she could tell him to get out of the room so that he wouldn’t ruin the surprise, he began saying everything she had always wanted him to say.
He finally looked up too see her reaction, half expecting a very angry looking woman to be staring back at him. What he got was a woman with tears streaming down her face and the biggest grin smiling back at him.
“Oh Sonic!” She squealed and ran at him wrapping her arms around him.
They hit the ground with a thud, Amy looked down at the bewildered blue man underneath her.
“I like you too!” She said happily the tears making it hard for her to see his reaction.
And with that she planted her lips onto his, Sonic was having a mini heart attack under the pink hedgehog. What was happening? She liked him? Where was the date she was meant to be on! She was kissing him? Hold on she was kissing him! Their lips parted both panting breathlessly.
“I…I…wait why are you covered in blue icing?” He said reaching to some icing caught in her quills.
“Happy Anniversary Sonic!” She giggled, she sat up and pointed at the cake she had been working on all day.
“Oh…ohh, I thought you were on…actually never mind, Happy Anniversary Ames.”  He sat up laughing at the mess he’d got himself into.
A/N - 
Thanks to everyone that read this, I’m very sorry for how poorly written it is! I’m super dyslexic so I find writing kinda difficult, fun but difficult. 
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