#i know the flowers are never named in canon but i can't remember if they're ever shown after the fall of xianle
unforth · 1 year
For the three sentence fic: wangxian or hualian, setting: in a garden!
Ah, thank you for sending a prompt! I might ultimately do both of these but all my Wangxian ideas were sex pollen so instead...
(Hualian, post-canon, fluff)
(definitely not three sentences. unedited.)
"Open your eyes." Hua Cheng's deep voice rumbled so close to Xie Lian's ear that Xie Lian could feel it as a tremble down his spine. For the barest moment, Xie Lian still didn't obey; his other senses were on high alert and even without vision he recognize how unusual this place - wherever it was - must be, for the smell was strong, beautiful, and achingly familiar. Xie Lian couldn't put his finger on what about it he knew, but in his bones, he knew this scent.
Xie Lian opened his eyes.
A field of pristine white flowers and bright spring-green leaves stretched out before them. The light breeze stirred the blossoms as they turned their faces toward the sun. There was an instant when Xie Lian didn't understand the significance of the field, but then the flowers' rich aroma combined with what he saw, and he gasped.
Once, centuries ago, these flowers had carpeted the fields of Xianle every spring.
Once, centuries ago, a small boy had left a single, picked bloom as a modest offering to the flower-crowned god.
He didn't know what these blossoms were called; when he'd been crown prince of Xianle, such a small matter had been beneath his interest. And after Xianle fell, these flowers had fallen with the kingdom: Xie Lian hadn't seen a single one.
This flower had died with Xianle.
"How...?" Twisting in Hua Cheng's arms, Xie Lian turned to see his face, meeting Hua Cheng's smug look what I accomplished, gege expression with one of wonder. "Where...?" Thoughts crowded to the fore in Xie Lian, but he could hardly bare to examine most of them, much less express them. "You should be careful gifting me property," Xie Lian finally managed, trying to keep his tone light. "Aren't you afraid I'll set it on fire again?"
Xianle burned in the spring, flames climbing into the sky, smoke obscuring the stars and moon as they engulfed the city, the farms, the fields and forests.
The lovely floral scent turned rancid as the flowers burned.
Trying to suppress a shudder, Xie Lian forced his expression into a smile despite his instinct to grimace.
"Stop," murmured Hua Cheng. Smile and grimace both were subsumed by confusion that Xie Lian expressed with a head tilt. "If they make you unhappy, you can express that. I don't mind."
"No," Xie Lian exclaimed more forcefully than he meant to. Allowing a tremble to course through him, he shook his head and repeated, "no, that's not it. They're beautiful."
"Why aren't you afraid that I'll set them on fire again?" Xie Lian mumbled.
"Because if it burns, it burns." Hua Cheng shrugged. Xie Lian blinked at him. "And after they've burned, I'll plant them again - again and again, every time. As long as a single bulb remains, the flowers can always be regrown."
"San Lang..."
"Isn't that life, gege?" Pulling Xie Lian closer, Hua Cheng wrapped his arms around Xie Lian's waist, tucked his chin onto Xie Lian's shoulder, laid a hand flat and steady and supportive on Xie Lian's belly. "Everything burns. It's what we do after the flames have subsided that shows our character."
"By that measure, I've performed pretty dismally," said Xie Lian with an awkward chuckle.
"By that measure, by any measure, you've survived, you've endured, you've rebuilt and rebuilt over and over again," Hua Cheng countered. "And you've always done it alone. You're amazing, gege. And whatever happens, whatever burns next, I swear to you: you'll never have to sift through the ashes alone ever again."
"Oh, San Lang." Xie Lian turned just enough to smear a kiss over Hua Cheng's cheek. "I love you."
"So much, always." Hua Cheng shifted to meet a second kiss with their lips; warmth and comfort and support glowed through Xie Lian.
A breeze stirred the flowers, their rich aroma filling the air.
If it burns, it burns.
The stalks rustled against each other, making a light, pleasing, soothing sound.
What can't San Lang and I rebuild?
Sunshine dazzled over the field, rendering the white blooms incandescent, the green leaves translucent, their shared embrace hot.
As long as he's by my side, what can't we do?
And together, they bloomed.
(send me an ask with a ship and a setting/trope/kink/genre and I'll write a ficlet that will definitely not be only three sentences but will hopefully be under 1k words)
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villain-byteniwoha · 6 months
ships i like and why i ship them: a small, affectionate rant before bed
zhongchi: probably the first ship i ever interacted with. i may have started playing genshin for them. I specifically remember reading modern, non canon au fics on ao3 when i was still low AR and did not have liyue unlocked yet just to enjoy content of them without spoiling the story too much. those were good times
love the betrayal, the reciprocated manipulations, their individual bloody pasts and their juxtaposing love for humanity/family. the marriage chopsticks. god, the amount of threads I've read explaining those... and ofc you can't forget the official art with them by the harbor with the gingko leaves falling cinematically. i think that's the art that drew me to them lol
there's also something so deliciously tragic about a near-immortal being who's fated to succumb to erosion in due time, falling in love with a mortal man who's always within death's cold embrace. not to mention the subtext of their themes and principles. geo and hydro, stability and turbulence, land and sea, they crystallize when they meet in the middle, etc etc
kaeluc: another pairing I enjoyed the absolute shit out of, way back when I wasn't even playing the game yet. I remember learning about them while I was deep in my mxtx phase, specifically tgcf, and I'm pretty sure I dipped my toes in after I learned that they used to be sworn brothers. keywords here being used to. hook, line, and sinker. before I knew it, I was also reading fanfics about them, but only modern, non canon au ones because genshin terms made no sense to me and i didn't want spoilers. then I played the game. and then—we get Kaeya for free. I mained the shit out of that man for months.
and then. I fully entered the fandom, only to be immediately slapped in the face with the mistranslation issue.
and I get it, honestly, if you like ragbros good for you, I'm happy for you, but me personally, I will scorn hyv until the day I fucking die because had they not messed this up? kaeluc would've have been so powerful. KAELUC WOULD HAVE BEEN SO FUCKING POWERFUL
how could they not be? they're childhood friends but they're also forbidden romance coded, and rivals/enemies coded, but they're also soulmates. they don't just know each other, they're two halves of a whole, they know each other.
and the themes, don't even get me started on their themes. fire and ice, red and blue... paimon's line about them being similar (i.e. kaeya's a shady mf who fights in the day/diluc's a bright fire in the night) is one of the most romantic lines ever. they're sun and moon but only because they complete each other. also, lamp grass and calla lily? that's them as flowers, but they're the other person's ascension material like hello???????? fucking wild.
and ofc this kaeluc section can't end without me mentioning arundolyn and rostam. for those who don't know or have read/heard of those names but never really dug deep into it, arundolyn and rostam were knights of favonius around the same time as the cataclysm, and you can read about them in artifact sets such as brave heart, defender's will; and partially from the elegy bow
the reason they're here is because there are too many damn parallels between them and kaeluc to just be a coincidence.
arundolyn was a claymore user (see: ferrous shadow), he was the "lion of light,"; he was naturally gifted in strength but still trained hard and would later become the grand master of the knights; he'd push rostam to drink wine and tell him to have a little fun; he gives up his title and weapon after rostam dies
on the flip side, rostam was the swordsman who created the art of favonius bladework (see: favonius sword), his title was, "wolf pup,"; when he and arundolyn played as children, he was the stand-in for the champion knight of aristocracy; he "ruled the shadows," by protecting mond with ways the knights did not approve; rostam dies in an expedition to expunge the evils poured forth from the cataclysm...
I'll let you connect the dots there. I just also wanna point out, as a final note, that in the favonius sword's description, it says, "the childhood friend and spiritual counterpart of Arundolyn, the Lion of Light, whose name was Rostam, the Wolf Pup." ok. yeah. moving on
xiaoven: i very quickly realized after reading the genshin webtoon that venti was gonna be one of, if not my most favorite character. and i was curious as to who the people wanted to pair him with. keep in mind, this was around 2.0~2.2 I believe, so when I searched them up, the only canon backing I could find was the music scene
and boy, was that scene enough because holy shit, the brain rot these two gave me??? of a god who embodies freedom, and the last remaining yaksha chained to his duty????? they were so thematically opposed and beautiful, it wasn't hard to fall in love with them
by the time 3.0 came rolling in, I've already stopped playing, but that didn't mean i wasn't aware of how we were well fed by canon. from the trailer to venti full on attending the lantern rite and sitting down with the liyue gang; it was one of those interactions that transcended everything
and of course, OF COURSE, they also canonically addressed the fact that venti's music soothes xiao's soul. that's intimate. that's deep. that's so fucking romantic and nice and beautiful in the most tragic way...
also, we can't forget the depictions of god and servant here. the holy themes, the worship. the promise of immortality and foreverness, but also the threat of it. i just think xiao doomed with karmic debt and venti vowed to divine erosion is such a soulmate connection, and I'm also delusional
that's all for now but there's so much more...
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midnightmah07 · 10 months
Template can be found here.
Character info:
As a kid, Daisy's parents always read her fairytale stories, teaching her through them to be kind and courageous throughout her life; after the passing of her mother, and soon after her father, Daisy was left alone with her abusive step mother and step sister; after a particular episode where she was humiliated, Daisy remembered how her and her mother wished upon stars when she was little, and trying to comfort herself, she did exactly that and wished for an opportunity to find a happier life, with people that love her and where she can find peace. The next day she wakes up in a coffin at NRC.
Daisy is kind, quick to empathize and forgive, which makes her stand out at NRC — she's often labelled with Kalim and Silver as the odd ones out; despite that, Daisy is never really kind to herself, and because of the many deprecating words she has heard from her step family, Daisy unconsciously started believing she didn't deserve happiness nor love, she also started viewing herself as ugly and unwanted, even though all of these things couldn't be farther from the truth.
Fun facts: she has learned to make a lot of different potions because she wants to help whenever trouble comes even if she doesn't have magic; her real name is actually Eléa, but she goes by Daisy because most people can't pronounce her name correctly (with the exception of Trein, Rook and if Rollo ever got to know her real name, him as well)
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Basic info:
Height: 165cm
Age: 18 years old
Grade: freshman (1st year)
Nicknames: Mademoiselle Trickster (by Rook), Shrimpy (by Floyd), missy/missy Daisy (by Jasper and Angus), flower/pumpkin (by Ruggie)
Birthday: May 19th
Dominant hand: right
Favorite food: pumpkin pies
Best subject: alchemy/potionology
Club: pop music club
Hobbies: singing and cleaning
Homeland: France, Earth – during the 1950s decade
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Relationship dynamics:
Grim & the Ramshackle ghosts: their relationship is pretty similar to what happens in canon, though I believe that Daisy won the ghosts way sooner than in canon because the ghosts immediately feel drawn to her, she has a charisma that immediately draws (most) people in; Grim and Daisy's relationship develops as it is in canon, if not a bit faster. Daisy's only friends in her old world happened to be animals since she lost contact with most of her friends after her step mother took over, so she feels really at home with Grim. At the end of the day, Grim would give his life to protect her and she would do the same, they're a duo and cannot be separated.
Mozus Trein: Trein and Daisy's relationship began as just a normal teacher-student relationship, however it started changing towards a more dad-daughter relationship as time went on; Daisy is, as Trein says, his best student, — never let Azul nor Riddle hear this. — he recognizes how hard she works to understand magic and the new world she is in, and he admires how much she's learned and is always hungry to learn more; Daisy lost her parents at a young age, and her step mother was never really a good parental figure to her, so when Trein starts warming up to her, she feels the love of a father she hasn't felt ever since her own biological father was alive.
Ace & Deuce: putting these two into the same thing because it'll make things easier since the development of their friendship with Daisy is pretty similar. it's basically what happens in canon with a few changes here and there; Ace is always getting scolded by Daisy for messing around too much or not studying enough — Grim is with him on that — while Deuce often gets praised by Daisy for giving his all; Ace also loves pranking Daisy, which makes them fight constantly, but they always make up by the end of the day since it's never that serious. Deuce on the other hand is the "good guy", and Daisy often praises him for being so nice to her and always supporting her — think of the meme "good cat (Deuce): cuddled nicely; bad cat (Ace): bit my ass".
♡Ruggie Bucchi: since I always talk about him and Daisy I'll just say the essential: Daisy and Ruggie did not like each other at all at first, she thought he was just a selfish coward and he thought she was just a goody two shoes, but after the events of book 2 and 3 took place, they grew to understand more of each other, see each other as friends and after a while they started having feelings towards each other. They're extremely close and despite Ruggie's busy schedule they can often be found together around school.
Leona Kingscholar: I was considering whether or not I should include him but why not? Leona and Daisy started similarly with how Ruggie and Daisy started: they didn't like each other, having a wrong view of who the other was, but later got to know each other and started actually being friends; Daisy really admires Leona's intelligence and is often encouraging him to do his best and try hard. At first he thought that was annoying, still kinda does, but he appreciates that she at least cares enough to do this for him. He will never admit but he views Daisy as the younger sister he never got.
Kalim Al-Asim: different from the others Kalim was kind and friendly from the beginning, and that was very refreshing for her. During book 4 and after, Kalim quickly became one of her most important friends and someone she trusts with her eyes closed. He also helped her in book 5 with her insecurities about her appearance together with Vil and Rook.
Jasper and Angus: Daisy and the Souris brothers met when Portfest was happening; Jasper was a bit wary of Daisy at first but eventually both of them ended but falling in love — platonically duh — with her. Jasper and Angus adore Daisy as if she was part of their family, they often visit her and make small handmade gifts for her, which makes her extremely happy and welcomed in Twisted Wonderland. Their bond is really strong and loving, almost at the same level of Daisy's love for Grim and the ADeuce duo. You can often see them around Port o'Bliss proclaiming how the most beautiful woman on earth (Daisy) is among them and no one's even batting an eye!! Outrageous!!
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Character references:
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Character cards:
Dorm card (Ramshackle) [old design]
Club card (Pop/Light Music Club)
Lab wear card
Glorious Masquerade card [old design]
Platinum Jacket card
White Rabbit Fest card
Twisted Tsumderland card
Stitch's Tropical Turbulence card
Glimmering Soirée card (fan event by @starry-night-rose )
Tamashina Mina/Cloudcalling on The Savannah
Other trivia:
Daisy's (+ Ruggie and Maggie) adult design
Glorious Masquerade redesign
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amoneki-ramblings · 6 months
Also, your 'Amon stays in the CCG and works with Haise' AU is fantastic and should have been canon. Poor Amon misses Eyepatch terribly (he still has QUESTIONS damnit!) but doesn't want to get Haise (or Akira) in trouble, so he can't really say much, but he and Haise get suspicious of the CCG being corrupted. They investigate together, but they have to be discreet and they HATE IT, the CCG is supposed to represent justice! Inner!Kaneki drops hints and nags Haise in the background constantly.
In the context of my AU I think Amon would feel so let down by the emergence of the Quinx project. He's spent all this time investigating the CCG's suspicious sides and almost uncovered what they were really aiming to do and then it just gets. Announced, just like that. That they're putting ghoul organs in people to use as weapons. It feels wrong. Everything clicks terribly into place. But he can't say anything. And Eyepatch is gone already (or so he Thinks) It all feels anti-climatic, somehow.
Then he meets this new investigator, who shakes his hand and greets him cheerily. He's being mentored by Akira. They are to treat him as a human unless he loses control, to which they'll treat him as a ghoul. It's Eyepatch. It's Haise Sasaki. Amon has to stomach the thought of both working with him and potentially having to "erase" him if he remembers who he is. He likes Haise, even if he's different from Eyepatch, but Haise might not be around forever, for one reason or another. He's never had to kill a co-worker or friend before. (I think, similar to Akira in canon :re Amon would be assigned a big role in leading squads when the CCG has to keep Haise under control. It only makes sense, he's done significant damage to him before, in half-kakuja form no less, and managed to escape this guy even without a weapon. And he's also like, one of the Only Guys who has ever killed a ghoul with his bare hands before.) Still though, the thought of killing Haise, whether it be with a quinque through the heart or the snap of a neck, is nauseating.
The CCG higher-ups are suspicious, obviously, because Amon is the only one who truly knows Everything about Eyepatch, and he might screw with Haise's memories. They're keeping an eye on him and make sure they don't get too close, unless Amon needs to confront Haise, since Haise, even when losing control, just can't seem to hurt him. Not really at least (if it ever does happen he feels So Guilty) ((Also sidenote but Haise probably visibly winces when he first meets Amon. His head hurts and he's not sure why. He feels melancholic and he doesn't know why. He feels a flood of relief. But he doesn't know why. He likes Amon a lot and wants to get to know him. The white-haired ghoul in his head seems particularly fixated on him, won't stop looking at him. Haise somehow knew Amon's name before he was even told what it was. He surmises that it's just because Amon is so well-known in general. (He knows, deep down, that it might be more than just that)))
Haise has small recollections of memories, but he can't tell anyone, obviously. Sometimes he has nightmares of flower fields and battles under the rain. When he and Amon get closer he tells him a little about them. "It's probably nothing" he laughs, unsure, but Amon knows what they really mean. He sees Eyepatch in Haise and it hurts terribly. He fears the chance that he'll never get to ask the questions he had, almost as much as he fears the chance that one day he suddenly will. The answers he's wanted for so long are so close that they are literally standing right next to him, yet they're so far.
As things move forward they definitely try to investigate and figure out the CCG's corrupt system together. But they have to be careful, on the outside co-workers (including Akira) make comments about how close they are and what a good team they make but within the inner-workings of the CCG they have their careful eyes on them. Maybe Akira's a little weary about it, tells Amon as such sometime and Amon says he knows (but there are things he can't tell even her.) Maybe one time Haise and Amon talk briefly, maybe after or during Haise losing control of himself and he says something and it sounds hauntingly like Eyepatch. Haise had looked at him differently during that moment. His voice sounded different. It was pained, but not in the physical sense. Maybe it wasn't Haise at all, actually.
Haise has a dream once about a man shouting asking him if he really is just a ghoul. Somehow he doesn't feel like it's for him. (But surely it means something to Kaneki Ken). Maybe, like in that comic I drew, Kaneki is incredibly relieved that Amon is alive, but also terribly jealous that all he can do is watch from the shadows LOL
Ough sorry I got SO carried away I've just been meaning to list out some of the details of my AU thoughts for AGES this has been living rent free in my mind for MONTHS it's one of my favorite thoughts Ever
It's insane, how many parallels are setup between Kaneki/Haise and Amon, yet Haise and Amon never meet once, even though Amon is foreshadowed constantly during :re. To be fair there is so much going on in :re already but still, man. Man,
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woodblxssomcrowned · 3 months
Danzo/Kaname Headcanon suggestion:
Kaname and Danzo never actually get married. First it's because he thinks he needs to rise in the ranks, and then it's because his job/unpopularity is actually too dangerous to sustain a family on the side. At some point he decides he doesn't want kids, and becomes the canon Danzo we know.
But on the side, he maintains personal bonds. At political meetings, he sits next to her and aids her. After hours, there's the thought of taking Kaname out to eat and maybe he'll send her a message. During festival days, there's always at least one genin team spying on her to make sure she's alright. Not because she needs it, but because he does.
In the shadows, Danzo remains. She walks in the light of the village for most of her entire life, over forest roads that give a canopy of leafs the chance for sunlight to peek through and shine on her face and make her a dalmatian of light.
But her roots need darkness. And sometimes, Kaname and Danzo meet up in the dark. He has changed. She has changed. They know the limits of their 'meetings'.
Some months they're lovers, sometimes it's impersonal, and some meetings they're almost enemies. It depends on how much they just want coffee and talk, or coffee and silent companionship, or sex.
The sex is good though. Their years take their tolls on their bodies, but they remain strong. He has learnt to contain her, and learnt what she likes, and learnt to accommodate her endurance. He is above all, a persistent and thorough man.
These meetings happen, regardless of whether she remains single or has a committed relationship. Danzo has chosen her. Even if she wants to break it off, Danzo remains stable as ever. She gets the flowers on valentine's and her birthday. She gets the invitations, (fewer when she's mad, more when she's lonely). He never skips or forgets the traditions that show his appreciation for her.
He spirals, gradually becomes the monster. He isn't nice to the rest of the world, his character become terrible over time, he becomes a dictator Hokage the way Hiruzen was. But always, there remains his kneejerk reaction to Kaname.
When she enters the room or whispers his name, he briefly reacts as if he is still that nervous boy who bought her the red-bean bun pastry, and as if she's still the pretty girl who finds his stammering cute.
LADY Lady *softly* holy fuck
Meme : Send me a Hc and I'll accept or deny it ACCEPTED (Holy shit SO accepted!)
It's complicated, heartbreaking, heartwarming, tragic, and a bit dangerous and and thrilling and I LOVE IT I can't even think of anything to add to it right now, it's great and I want it! The only thing I can come up with to add is this piece I drew back in Oktober last year, never posted (don't remember why), and forgot about until now and It's feels like it kind of fits the mood of this HC so enjoy! (I am not very happy with it anymore but whatever it is what it is) It's spicy and bloody so I'll put it under a cut.
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scifrey · 2 years
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Cling Fast: Chapter Seven
By Losyark The Sandman (Netflix with some sprinkling of comics canon, and Gaiman Cinematic-Literary Universe canon) Dreamling (Hob Gadling x Dream of the Endless | Morpheus) Unfinished (tentatively 10 chapters) PG-13 (for now) Unbeta’d
Author's Note: Those of you who have been following along at home will note that Hob's co-owner of The New Inn is now named Patrick instead of Dennis. No reason for the change, except that there were too many 'D' names floating around and I was loosing track of who is who.
Hob wakes up with a splitting headache, but otherwise no other effects from his hangover. Except for the sinking feeling that comes with remembering that he screwed up his 1589 feast again.
Would it be pathetic to try a third time? Especially knowing now that Morpheus rarely eats, and when he can be persuaded to, it's never British fare.
Yeah, it would be pathetic.
Hob rolls onto his back and presses his hands to his face.
He doesn't remember drinking more when he got home, but he was definitely out of it when he hit the Dreaming. It felt more like somebody had slipped something into his water bottle, but he can't imagine that anyone on set would drug him. Besides, the fey food artist had kept an eye on it all day for him, and it wasn't until after they'd parted ways with a handshake that he really started to feel woozy.
When he turns to look at the clock, groaning and sandy-eyed, he finds a light dusting actual dream sand sprinkled on his bedside table, along with a glass of water and a bottle of paracetamol. The clock reads 4:13am, so Hob takes a pill, drinks half the bottle, and sweeps the sand onto his face.
One of these days, I'm going to scold that anthropomorphic personification of a concept for leaving his shit all over the place, Hob thinks. But not today. He sinks back into sleep, grateful for Morpheus' thoughtfulness, and spends the rest of the morning laying on his back in the grass of Fiddler's Green. He and Gilbert make shapes out of clouds, and chew on coriander stalks amid a bed of flowers that Hob calls foxgloves, but Gilbert corrects him and calls gillyflowers.
"Two very opposite things," Gilbert says gently, through the rustle of the wind through the boughs of a nearby copse of French willows. Hob is reminded what the fey food artist said, that flowers scream their secrets.
"Never got into floriography," Hob confesses to Gilbert. "You know, back when it was all the rage and people were sending each other bouquets that said 'meet me in the garden at midnight', or 'my father says I am never to see you again', or 'I want you to do me dirty seven ways from sunday.' Maybe I should."
Gilbert's laughter is in the babble of a brook. The dream doesn't elaborate though, because Hob's alarm rudely interrupts them. All thoughts of tracking down a book on flower language fly from his head as he drags himself through a quick shower, and races down the back stairs of the New Inn while the transpo van idles in the drive and honks obnoxiously.
Hob gets to wear a few different costumes today, which is nice. He was sweating to death in the black velvet. They're filming all the scenes that need to happen in the study today, which will all be woven into the ten different episodes, so Hob's in and out of the wardrobe trailer on the front drive constantly.
That's why he notices that someone's left the outside door to the solar standing open.
This is one of three doors to the solar, the one that leads directly out into the back garden, where his bench and apple tree still blessedly stand. The other two doors are off the kitchen, so the maids could bring El her afternoon indulgences directly, and another that was knocked into the outer wall of the withdrawing room.
While the door is open, the heavy curtains are still drawn to protect the fragile textiles within from sun damage.
Hob has been desperate to catch just a glimpse of the eden he'd built specifically for his wife. He's seen the photos on the postcards in the gift shop of course, but it's not the same thing. Those pictures have it dressed for the Edwardian era, to reflect the last time the house was occupied by a family.
But the set-dec team has re-dressed it according to the descriptions in El's diary, and the merchants receipts for the fabrics, flowers, and furniture. They'd even found notes on what kind of pottery and dishware El had kept in there, a screed in the loveletters between Eliza and Will as the maid raged over the ridiculousness of having special dishware that the mistress will only take her supper on when it's being served in the solar.
Hob sneaks over to the door, and cautiously pokes his face in. Nothing is moving in the cool dark of the room, and he can't hear anything, so he slips inside and closes the door behind him. Not all the way, though, in case someone has just stepped out and left it open on purpose. He doesn't want to be caught where he shouldn't be.
Shouldn't be, he snorts to himself. I built the damn place.
The cameras are all in the study, nobody is here but him, so Hob gives himself permission to react. He feels his face crumple, and bites his lips to keep in the noise trying to crawl out of his throat. The study is right on the other side of the brick wall. He doesn't want the crew to hear him, or they may make him leave, and he's not ready for that yet.
God's Wounds, thank you, Hob sends up the prayer, but he's not sure to whom. He’s not sure it matters. Thank you for letting me have this.
The glass is different. It's newer, clearer, smoother; clearly a later addition. The small diamond-shaped panes have been replaced by long, modern sheets. But the size of the frames are still the same, wide as Hob's full arm span and at least ten feet to the ceiling. The windows are separated by a single row of red brick, the frames black metal, a dark red drape pulled across each of them. And the roof, which in Hob's day was thatched, is presumably now also made of glass, as there are light canvas tarps pulled taught on a winding pulley where the solar meets the rest of the house.
The floors are piled with carpets, to dampen the echoes that the glass had created, so El could hear herself playing. The ones the production has provided are far too modern in design, but the camera isn't going to spend a lot of time pointed at the floor, so it doesn't matter. 
What does matter is that the furniture is absolutely correct, and exactly where it used to be. The little cluster of a table and chairs, where El and Robyn used to do his numbers lessons together, where they'd snack on fruit and sweets while Hob was a docks, is in the corner by the door. On Sundays, when the three of them had just returned from church, Hob would sit on the bench under the apple tree with his pipe, and watch Eleanor pull Robyn into her lap at that table, and feed him bread pudding and tell him stories that would make him giggle and clap his hands.
Beside that, under the windows sits the long, skinny sofa. It has miniscule padding and none of the springs and memory foam of the modern version, but Hob fell asleep stretched out on it's welcoming yellow damask, listening to El pluck her way through a new piece she was learning more afternoons than he's ever napped on his current sofa. It's been recovered, but it's the same piece, because, when he runs his hand along the wooden arm rest, he can feel where Robyn scratched in an 'R' with a letter knife.
The brick wall opposite the windows is bare and exposed now, but there used to be a tapestry that, like the ones in the entry hall, have likely been removed for the sake of preservation. If they weren't thrown away or repurposed by the new family. They used to portray the bounties of the first Garden, every plant, and animal, every fruit and flower woven together in intricate, tiny detail. There had been black and red snake in the apple tree, and Hob had liked the little bugger immensely because he reminded Hob of his Stranger.
A furniture chest, what Hob would call a sideboard or a dish hutch today, stands against the bare brick. It's not the same one, that one had portraits of El's parents painted on the upper doors, but the style is similar enough that it's not distracting.
And at the other end of the solar, surrounded by massive potted ferns and an array of flowers that Hob had never paid much attention to, save for appreciating their perfume, is Eleanor's chair.
It's a grand, double-wide thing, with a matching footstool and only one arm, so El could play her lute comfortably without jamming her elbow against the side. He'd commissioned it specifically for this room and this purpose, having it covered in flaxen cloth-of-gold to match El's hair, and carved all over with little cherubs and their own heavenly instruments. It had been his wedding gift to her, and had lived first in the study, beside his desk, so they could spend their evenings together as he worked. But then he'd build this addition when he'd learned she was pregnant with Robyn, a thank you and a celebration, a little private Eden for Eve carrying Hob's new beginning, and new life.
And it's… it's all perfect.
Hob presses his hands against his chest, turning in circles to take everything in, emotion that he can't name pulling on his stomach and limbs like gravity. This place should be filled with laughter, and music, and sunlight. Instead the cool dark is as quiet as a tomb.
Hob gives into the pull of the earth and sinks onto El's foot stool, burying his face in the seat of the chair. She should be here. It should be her lap he rests his head on, like had so many evenings, where he'd perched on this exact same stool, back against her knees as she warbled in her thready, soft voice. Instead it's just fabric, and empty nothingness. Because his child killed her. His love killed her.
"Eleanor," Hob weeps, throat constricted. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you… or our son. Either of them… I'm so sorry I didn't protect him…"
"Hot mic?" someone says from the corner, behind the plants.
"No, I turned it off to change," Hob murmurs, and then realizes with a start that he's not alone after all. He jolts upright, wiping at his face. Makeup is going to scold him again. "Christ! I—sorry! I didn't see you there."
"That's fine," the voice says, barely more than a whisper. "I sneak up on most people."
A short, voluptuous woman that Hob charitably would call extremely beige, steps out of the shadows. Her hair is beige, styled in a stringy, unwashed bun. Her skin is beige, the kind of milk-pale White that humans get in northern Europe. She's wearing a set of boring beige overalls. The only color comes from the handful of embroidered throw pillows she's carrying.
Set dec, Hob's mind supplies. She's probably the one who left the door open. They're staging this space to film.
"I'm sorry, I should go," Hob says. "It's just that the door was open and I—"
"You can stay," the woman says, moving to distribute the pillows on the sofa. "They don't need you on set right now."
"I must look ridiculous," Hob says, "Sitting here in a costume, mourning a—" he swallows hard. "A woman I never met. I just… you know, being here, I really feel what Sir Gadlen must have—"
"It's fine," the woman says, and steps up beside him to deposit the last throw pillow onto El's chair. "Grief gets its hooks into you in weird ways. People try to avoid despair, but it can be good for you. Helps you get it all out. So you go ahead and cry."
Hob thinks she's going to pat his shoulder, but she ends up cupping the back on his neck. Her palm is cold, and a bit uncomfortably damp to be honest, the kindness in her touch as she grants him this permission is what undoes Hob.
He tips forward, forehead pressed against the seat of the chair, arms wrapped around his middle, and howls. 
He doesn't think he's cried this hard since Eleanor died, since her labors exhausted her, and even that challenging, stubborn spark that she'd always carried in her heart was extinguished. Since taking another breath became to taxing for her poor body, and as Hob petted her sweat-dampened hair back from her face, and kissed her temple, and told him how much he loved her, and begged her to just push, to just hold on, to just stay, please El, please, don't go, don't do this, don't leave me— Since poor wee John strangled in the womb, wrapped in his cord and stuck in his mother's body, dead before his first breath, went with her.
The set dec woman just crouches on the carpet beside him, rubbing his back soothingly, and making soft, encouraging sounds. She smelled revoltingly musky, which was the only thing that kept Hob for accepting the hug she was clearly offering. She'd probably spilled something on her overalls.
Hob sniffles and pulls a prop handkerchief from his sleeve to pat at his face. His head is throbbing, and he feels hollowed out.
But…but not in a bad way.
"Thank you," Hob says at length. "I think I… I really needed that."
"It was beautiful," the woman whispers.
Something in the way she says that is familiar.  
“I know you," Hob says, looking up at the woman blearily. "How do I know you?"
"We used to drink together," the woman replies. She smiles sideways, like the expression is uncomfortable on her face and wants to flee immediately. "Years and years ago."
"Oh," Hob says, and thinks, It must have been the early 90s, when I spent most of days fucked up on coke. She looks good for her age. But then again, so do I.
"Thank you—" he says again, but then her walkie crackles to life, and Celia's voice comes through.
"Anyone got eyes on Doc Bob?"
"Got him," the woman replies into the mic. Hob jumps to his feet, patting at his face with a prop handkerchief he hastily pulls from his sleeve. The woman shoos him toward the door. "He's traveling, landing in five."
Bob squeezes her shoulder in thanks and jogs over to the door between the solar and the study, letting himself in.
It's not until after the makeup assistant has fixed his face, and they're part way through filming a scene where Glenn—now playing the part of the steward that robbed him blind—that Hob realizes he didn't get his old drinking buddy's name.
When they wrap for the day, Hob looks around for the beige woman, but she's nowhere to be found.
Tuesday rolls around again, and Hob has to beg off his usual meeting with Morpheus to sleep on camera. Hob's already been filmed tossing and turning on the narrow cot in the printer's shop (a corner of another BBC production's period drama set, while they were off for lunch), and groaning with exhaustion in a fetid boarding house bunk (a hastily slapped together set of plyboard and just-dried paint that still smelled strongly when his nose was next to it).
Now they've retrofitted the actual bed that he used to share with Eleanor with a bunch of modern supports to prevent the ancient frame from cracking under his weight, and a modern mattress disguised to look like a feather tick.
On the floors below him, Harriet is making herself comfortable on a bedroll by the bread oven, which as a kitchen maid she has to keep hot and ready at all hours; Glenn is in the servant's wing, enjoying a bed with a frame at least, but he'll still have to be up at dawn to begin his duties; and the graveyard shift skeleton crew are luxuriating in their campervans on the front drive. Robert Gadlen the Third gets to sleep until he damn well feels like it. Hob, however, has an alarm set for 8:00am so he can pop out to one of the campervans for a shower before reporting to wardrobe and makeup to begin a new day.
At least this shot is easy. All Hob has to do is stand alone in the bedroom, look into the camera mounted in the corner, remove his wrapper and cap, say a few lines, and crawl into bed. They'll then film him sleeping, and speed up the footage in post to provide a timelapse of his comfortable, cozy night's rest to juxtapose it against Harriet's and Glenn's restless one.
Hob gets the go-ahead from the crew manning the monitors outside over the walkie on the mantelpiece out of frame, claps loudly so sound can get a speed count and level on the boom mic that's mounted beside the camera, and then steps into the shot. The camera's red light blinks once, twice, three times, then glows steadily.
"For the master of the Elizabethan Manor, staggering to bed drunk and sleeping late was only for Saturdays and special occasions," he says, doffing his cap and hanging it on a peg driven into one of the posts by the head of the bed. "If he was a good god-fearing protestant, it was early to bed, and early to rise. Sunday mornings saw him, and his family, off to church or face a stiff fine. Work days for the Lord ended around sunset, no matter what time of year it was, unless he literally wanted to burn the midnight oil getting his accounts and correspondence up to date."
They had filmed that bit earlier in the afternoon, so now Hob peels off his wrapper, leaving him in only a tired old knee-length night shirt and his leather house slippers. Wardrobe had offered him a vest or pajama pants to wear under it, but Hob was quite comfortable. He'd worn something like this to bed for hundreds of years.
"But this particular lord," he gestures at himself, "has had a long day hunting, and riding, and I'd like to not waste candles needlessly. So, I'm off to count sheep. Sweet dreams."
Hob sits down on the side of the bed, swings his legs around, and pulls the blanket up to his chin. And then he screws his eyes shut because he's already had one emotional breakdown today, and he's not keen to have another by thinking too hard about how the canopy of his old bed has not changed. 
"Clean take, Doc Bob," some AD or other says over the walkie talkie. "It's in the can. We're done."
"Sweet dreams," Hob calls back as a sign off.
"Same to you, Doc," the AD says, and the walkie goes quiet.
Hob peeks at the camera, with it's red eye. It's still recording as agreed, so Hob, exhausted and genuinely sleepy, sinks into the pillows and closes his eyes.
He dozes for a bit, and comes back to awareness in an exact replica of the room his sleeping body is currently in. It takes him a second to figure out what disturbed him, and then realizes it's the sink and shift of the mattress beside him. For a second, he's terrified that he's dreaming about Eleanor. That he's going to roll over and find her laying there, dead and horrid, half-decomposed and skull-grinning on her pillow.
But a gentle voice says, "No nightmare would dare."
Hob lets out a breath of relief, and wriggles onto his side to smile at Morpheus. He is laying down over the covers, head on the pillow, face-to-face with Hob.
Incoguously, there's a single flower laid on the blankets between them, a small white-and-yellow daffodil.
"Hello, stranger."
"Hello, Hob. This is not your bedroom."
"It used to be," he whispers. "I missed you these last few nights. What brings you here?"
"You," Morpheus says plainly. "It is Tuesday."
Hob laughs. "Well, yes, I do suppose it is. But as much fun as it may be, Morpheus, I'm not spooning you in my dead wife's bed."
Hob snorts. "You know, for a god of sleep who has probably either seen or crafted every wet dream that every teenaged boy has ever rued, you are a bit of a prude, my friend." It's easier to joke about it in the Dreaming, when he is asleep and the pain is safely tucked away in the Waking world.
"I know what spooning is," Morpheus says drily. "I was simply unaware that you desired it."
"Hey, you're the one who popped up here." He gestures at the Dreamscape of his old bedroom. "You know, We used to share the bed all the time," Hob says. "Even the queen slept with her lady's maid when they were here, did you know that? This sleeping alone lark is a relatively recent phenomenon for us humans."
Morpheus gifts him with one of those ridiculous self-satisfied, haughty smirks. "I'm unsure if you've been paying attention, my friend, but I am the god of sleep—"
"Oh, shut up," Hob sasses. "I'm supposed to be resting. You know what, I've changed my mind about the spooning. Either get out or c'mere and give me a cuddle."
Morpheus looks reluctant to take Hob's invitation as a serious one, which absolutely cannot be borne. The skinny bastard is still touch starved, no matter how much pre-scheduled hand-holding they do on any given Tuesday.
Hob reaches for Morpheus' shoulders, attempting to push him onto his other side and snug up behind him. Morpheus resists, clearly deciding that as a celestial deity, it's his right to be the big spoon. The daffodil ends up above their heads on the pillow as they wrestle playfully.
Hob, who secretly has no problems at all being cradled by his Stranger, eventually lets Morpheus win.
They settle that way, Morpheus' hand played against Hob's heart, and he's suddenly quite glad that his groin isn't pressed up against his friend's arse when a puff of Morpheu's breath against his nape gives Hob some terribly naughty ideas.
And some places that they touch that Hob is pretty sure a body can’t–Morpheus seems relaxed enough to loosen his hold on on his human-shaped corporation. There are extra limbs tangling sweetly with his feet, a dark mist spilling over his shoulder like heavy incense, tangible but foggily opaque, the glow of stars in Morpheus’ eyes reflecting back at Hob from the canopy of the bed. It’s sweet, that he feels safe enough around Hob to be himself.
"Hob Gadling," Morpheus says gently, "Are you well? Only your sleep has been tumultuous."
There's no point lying to Morpheus, especially here. "It's a lot. It's—" Hob starts, before interrupting himself with an unexpected hiccough of a sob. He's cried enough for today, though, so he swallows it back. "It's just so much harder than I thought it would be."
The confession shreds his throat. Shame crawls up his face, flushing his cheeks and making his ears tingle with the heat of the horrible blush. He curls in on himself, a miserable comma. Morpheus presses himself in one long line against Hob, probably trying to comfort but instead making Hob tense and hyperaware of every place that they touch.
"Hob…" Morpheus says again, worry tinging his voice. "I did not mean to push you into an situation that would cause distress."
"And you haven't!" Hob assures him. "At least not on purpose. I just… it's a lot, is all. I had a good cry today, and they’re right, you know. It does help with the–" he does the pulling-heart-out-of-chest-squish motion. “I hate every second of it, but I’m glad of it, you know? It’s good pain. It’s… pain I’ve put off feeling for too long. A goodbye that I’ve let linger for centuries.”
“Like a nightmare whose lesson you ignore, it will only continue to plague you until you listen,” Morpheus murmurs, and Hob can feel his lips movings against the collar of his nightshirt which is absolutely unfair.
“Yeah,” Hob agrees, swallowing hard and pretending that the dryness of his mouth is from the old building, and not his situation. “And I mean, I feel like I’ve been gutted, you know. All my insides scooped out. But that’s okay, because maybe it’s time for something new to take its place.”
You, Hob lets himself think, but doesn’t dare say out loud. I wouldn’t mind if the emptiness was filled with you.
Morpheus raises his free hand, and gestures into the air. Dream sand sparks into existence in an arc, but instead of falling onto them, it hovers there, swirling and pulsing. Like a snowglobe, the sand moves in the open space beside the bed, forming figures and landscapes.
"Shall I tell you a bedtime story to soothe you to a more peaceful slumber then, Hob Gadling?"
"Bedtime story?" Hob says, sitting up. "Wait, aren't I already asleep—"
The door to his chambers pushes open. Hob's sore and swollen heart leaps into his mouth at the noise.
"Bob?" Henrietta calls into the darkness. "Are you still awake? I was doing my video diary and I could hear your voice through the chimneys and I… what," she hisses, freezing a few steps inside with her eyes the size of saucers, "the absolute fuck."
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omormoment · 1 year
Do you have any fanfic recommendations? I'm fine with any. If you have sunflower fanfics recommend that will be awesome
I haven't read anything in a while because I'm in reading slump right now but I can still give some recommendations from the top of my head. I'll try to summarize the fanfic the best I can.
Btw spoilers for OMORI below
Swim Against The Tide by tsukithewolf: Post bad ending. Hero-centric. Main ship is HeroMari but there's background Photobomb and Suntan. Hero goes back in time and is trying his best to figure out the reason Sunny had a fight with Mari and trying to prevent the accident from occuring. While doing so, he decided to spend more time with his friends and understand them. This one is my favorite.
The Bridge by 00cat00: Sunny told everyone the truth and they all need time. But Sunny can't wait that long so he decided to jump from the hospital building. When he wakes up, he realized that he went back in time where Mari is still alive. One of my favorites too. This one got me really emotional especially at the end. Made me cry.
Endless Dreaming: It's in the middle of True Ending. Sunny was about to tell everyone the truth but he suddenly faints. Everytime he's about to tell the truth, he'll pass out. Omori and headspace isn't gone. Omori drags Sunny into headspace to hang out with him. Sorry Idk how to explain more, I don't really remember anything from this fic because it's been a while. But it's a really good read.
Yurushite by @/misty-wisp : Post true ending. But the gang didn't forgive Sunny and he moved away. Sunny started to sleepwalk and wake up in the middle of the night. Later on he found out that Omori is still here and the headspace is decaying. Sunny decided to investigate headspace. (Sorry if this isn't as accurate as possible I don't remember much >~<)
Dreamscape by @/omoriboii: I'll be honest with you here, I haven't read Dreamscape yet. Best I can summarize is this AU takes place in a virtual world in a game. It uses the beginning half of the canon leading up to the 'incident' then completely diverging from then on. (Sorry Omo I didn't do this recommendation justice😔)
Deep Sea Reprieve: Sunny found a baby mermaid. His name is Omori.
Magician in the mirror by @/aria0fgold : A short fic where little Sunny met a new friend who was in the mirror. He calls himself a magician and can grant his wish. Sweet friendship between the two.
Here are some sunflower fanfics I like:
They say, flowers are meant to be sunkissed by whitheredahlia: Basil-centric. Sunny moved away and lost contact with Basil. Four years had passed and Basil managed to recover from being abandoned yet again with the support system that is his childhood friends and years of therapy. Unfortunately for the flower boy, fate seemed to have other plans for him when he's met face to face with the person he's sharing his college dorm with. This is my all time favorite sunflower fanfic.
Bloom Later by witheredahlia: Sequel to 'they say, flowers are meant to be sunkissed'. Focus more about their relationship. From the description: 'Sure, maybe the boy he developed feelings for was also the same boy he committed a crime with, therefore trauma bonding them for life. But no one ever said every relationship starts out perfect, right?'
Flower Language by @/mirror-to-the-past: Basil centric. An AU where Basil never met the group and Mari is still alive. Basically an angsty delinquent Basil story where instead of cowering away when people picks on him, he fights back. Yes, he did meet the gang soon and developing bond with them. This is one of the earliest sunflower fic I found when I was new to OMORI.
Sunflower seeds in the rearview mirror: 'Sunny and Basil decide to go on a road trip before the Summer Everything Changed ends—too bad Sunny has no idea where they're going. The only thing he knows is he feels warm around Basil.' This one is from Sunny's perspective and he's an unreliable narrator. This fic is a fucking poetry, it made me cry. The emotional roller coaster it gave me. Also one of the earliest sunflower fic I found when I was new to OMORI.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
I haven't? :(( (Yes yes!! And give him many many kisses and shower him in love <<3333)
It's the new Yuuta work I'm writing, that's why it's taking so long. I'm writing a few of the worlds so it's looking like it's gonna be a long fic.... LMAO TRUEE, it's always the systems!!! Face slapping system, hero system, second lead system, canon-fodder system, mob system, villain system, caretaker system, etc etc... Sometimes the MC being the system! I'm still a sucker for them </33 My weakness <//333 Oh? Very interested?? It sounds absolutely amazing??? omgomg????
A calf on a leash?? I've never heard that one before,,, it sounds like a green flag to me though.... hey Dove haha what the fuck ahaha <333 that scenario was so specific?? What have you been reading lately?? Hm?? /ht /hj NOO I don't mean to nullify it I promise
Oooo!! They're nice too,,, there are just so many character I wanna hug tho tbh
If he were to cling to me I'd spoil him as much as I possibly could <333 I'd love him and kiss him and bite him and hold him and coddle him and praise him and treat him like he's the most precious little thing in the whole world <<3333 HAHA ME TOO they're my kryptonite, I love 'em so much, they're so lovable,, I never want to let them go <//33
>:□ I think I'm good and sweet already. Maybe a little tangy or spicy, maybe even bitter,, but still nice nonetheless... /hj?
-panna cotta
Xie Lian loves you, that's a given. He always pays attention to your needs, your likes, dislikes, your passions, your desires, you– He's noticed the way you've been acting the past few lives, and it scares him.
He has done all of this for you to stay.
He loves you.
You've said that there's nothing wrong with him, that you love him, that you'll never leave him– But with you acting different, he still can't help but be unnerved.
You would always treat him like a flower, so delicately, as if he could break at the smallest thing despite him being a God, so when you get a bit rough, when you bite him harder, mark him deeper and darker, when you bind him, marking him up more than you ever have before, he doesn't really know how to act, but by the heavens is he happy.
He listens so well, and when you see him laying there pliantly just for you, trusting you even though his muscles are slightly tensed from not knowing what will happen next, you feel a huge rush of bliss. Excitement. Superiority. Superiority over yourself, but superiority nonetheless.
You finally beat yourself. And it feels glorious.
Xie Lian will remember this. He will never be able to forget this, because this is the first time you're doing it, and you will always have that benefit. Not you from then, and not you in the future. You, right now, have finally something new to give him, and you can't help but revel in that fact.
The way his breath hitches over the smallest movement, the way he whimpers softly, you feel like you have all the power one could have and more.
The way Xie Lian leans into you when you kiss and caress his skin, it drives you insane. He's nervous, but he trusts you. He adores you. He doesn't know what's going on, but he can't help but be happy when he thinks about what kind of joy you must be feeling because of that. You still treat him as if he is the rarest thing in the world, the most precious thing,, when you press soft kisses against him, asking if he's okay, petting his hair and telling him how good he is, how perfect he is–,,, but he can't deny that the roughness is wonderful change too.
And when he calls out your name, not the one the people of this life gave you, but your true, real name,, you can't help but slip and drown in the addictiveness of your Xie Lian.
I can't help but think of Xie Lian and Hua Cheng both being cute puppies that will follow you around, always willing to do whatever you want as long as it makes you happy, being the most loyal and the most devoted to only you,,, man I could just go on and on lmao Hua Cheng would definitely tease as much as he can when you're still a will-o'-wisp, he adores you, you would always be there to protect him when you could, but now he's finally doing that for you, "Oh, how the roles have switched!"
no🧐 you're too suspicious, I don't trust my cute pies to someone like you🫤🫤🫤 /t /j (yes!!! tell him how cute he is and how much you love him; after all, even if you're not quite sure if he's a weasel or a rabbit, you still can't help but adore and shower him with everything you can, even knowing how powerful and strong he is<///3)
I'm looking forward to it then!!! >:33333 I also have a draft, but only about the quick transmigrator Yuuta, who is constantly looking for his lover in every world, not knowing that the one he is looking for is the physical embodiment of his system, so you are always in his world</3 I love them too, it's just a light joke on the spite of the day, dear~
listen, but you, the owner of the system, whose duty it is to check the operability and proper operation of the plot without external influence, so that then other players and their systems can take advantage of this world, because due to plot inconsistencies and holes, the world can try to explain everything itself, sometimes making white lotuses lying creatures, and giving villains high missions and creating white sheep out of them, which, of course, should not be allowed. you just have to live the world and follow the plot, correcting it and letting your system record the shortcomings and what was done to make the plot right again, sometimes even directly arranging in creating chains of motivations and goals just to prevent the world from trying to break the plot itself. in fact, you have almost the least restrictions of all existing system owners - neither in characters, nor in attempts to fix the world, unless you count the fact that after leaving the world you officially confirm that the world is fixed and exists as it should.
and although the world of cultivation is most subject to a huge number of holes and inconsistencies, like fantasy, you still loved to visit them, and a popular novel was rather your way to "relax", enjoying the moment until everything becomes intense. of course, you didn't choose the smallest role to be at the top of the hierarchy and relax at the same time, and even when the world started trying to accommodate you with the original characters, considering you an important character too, you didn't resist. and even when you were in an ambiguous relationship with the main characters, finally allowing yourself to experience almost guilty pleasure from your deaths (which do not affect your essence at all and are painless due to the influence of the system) and the easy torment of characters who had ambiguous feelings for you, you were actually sure that it would not affect on the feelings of the characters themselves — and so it was, they reached the right end, even if you had to get in here and there, sometimes deliberately leaving the plot to find holes and returning to fix, finding minor mistakes here and there, sometimes more because of how few players were still in the world, and the world just doesn't understand how respond to interference. in fact, although the characters don't look at you the way they should, it's not a problem — as soon as you disappear, this tenderness will disappear, so you know what you're doing, even when you're silent on their confession or gently hugging, as if drawing a line, indulging your desire to finally be loved.
at least until you get complaints that the characters don't behave that way — and none of the systems can handle it, no matter what type it is; even a "beta reader" can't fix a plot that doesn't match the original from the very beginning, even more than it even has to match in the young a world that doesn't know how to handle "guests" yet. of course, you are immediately forced to go back to this world, starting from the very beginning, to check whether these words are justified and honest, and why the world has gone crazy — in the end, it may be intruders who are trying to break the world to destroy it, and you, as an inspector, must make sure that everything is fine and then decide what to do with the world.
just to understand that your system is functionally suppressed and just as confused as you are, before explaining that this is only possible in one case — if the main rules of the world, "Heaven", forbid such a thing, while your system only helps, not controls, and should obey these rules. of course, you are amazed, there were no words about the limitation of the system in any of the reviews (only about "characters behave strangely", "they talk about a name that is unfamiliar", "the plot is not right at all!"), otherwise you would have taken additional measures, and if at your death you would have been treated in the game space, then everything would be fine, but your death is not a reason to leave, only the end of fixing the world.
only to understand that all these reviews were absolutely true — the characters are definitely not behaving the way they should have,
especially main characters.
are you not??? let me guess, you don't even understand what that means, hwhwhwhwhw "green flag"😨😨😨 /t Specific? Dear, this is the plot of any Manhua or white lotus story🤨 then I'm very interested in what kind of work you read, since you don't regularly see this template there, because for me it has already become so native, like my child :/// "what the fuck" bad white lotus cotta, white lotuses never swear!!! 3:<<< /t /hj of course, dear, but forgetting about it also counts as nullify, and we both know what that means<///3 /t /j
attention, here is a panna cotta who did not reach the 'dark water' arc ajhshshs /t /j /nsrs yes so true😔 wanna mwah all of them😔😔😔
yes!!! fandom often considers him just a baby, but he has experienced so many dark and traumatic things and has grown so much and overgrown with traumatic experience and insecurities and continues to try to stay positive and have a strong moral,,,, I want to see him break down and cling to you because you are the only thing that continues to give him hope in the world and what keeps his mental and emotional stability, and he gives you everything he has, because he can't afford to lose you anymore :((( he looks so cute and innocent, especially considering his altruistic and gentle nature, as if he really is some kind of forest fairy or a helping spirit; this provokes even more to get under his skin and poke at painful spots until you see how deeply and abnormally obsessive and dependent he is on you<////3333 my poor little woof woof,,,, yes!!! I always want to kiss and caress them until they start feeling loved again and will not be happy and will not cry if they are emotional <33333 xie lian is just as unique as yuuta, only if yuuta wanted to corrupt, then xie lian causes a desire to corrupt him and make him even more painful until his real attitude towards you appears in the form of a burning black lump of emotions, feelings and desires,,,, hua cheng, on the other hand, only makes me want to rock him in my arms, I don't want to hurt him shsghdgshd
🤨 dear, if everyone in the world were as sweet and nice as you, kindness would be absent in our world in principle🤨🤨 meanie /t /hj
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When you are rude to him for the first time in all your lives, to the point that his legs can't help but tremble, feeling your hot lips slide over his cool skin, leaving bites and kisses, tightly wrapping around his waist, almost breaking it from the strength of hugs if you could, but Xie Lian only purrs, stroking you, encouraging you rather than trying to calm you down, allowing you to pinch and bite, feeling that your emotions become a tight ball that curls inside your body, spreading through your veins like poison, finding release only in the way his body shudders or how he breathes or moans when you find even more skin, you press even closer, bite even harder — when you try to find even more evidence that his body does not belong to "you", but to you, to you, personally to you, personally to you.
When you demand that he looks at you while touch his body, still sensitive to your touch and loving them; looking at you with darkened eyes, and you can't figure out whether it's a blush or the light from the fire on his face when your fingers slide to his stomach, drawing lines and words, which have meaning only for the two of you, like your secret symbols that belong only to you two, memories that only you of the living share. The signs by which only you can recognize each other, outlined on his soft skin, but almost leaving hot brands from which he breathes heavily, are still the same desperate mess for you that hundreds of years ago, that now — as if he is frozen in time, not even moving until you enter, entering into a chemical reaction that only has both of you, able to exist only with each other, no more than the moon and sun that you once had to become, the moon and sun of the Xianle kingdom, when you intertwine your fingers with his, letting his loose hair lie on the floor like tangled threads while his thin long fingers squeeze the fabric of your clothes, hearing there are only quiet moans and sighs around the house, as if everything around you has fallen silent, immersing you only in the sounds and rustle of each other's clothes, a quiet sweet moan when his legs tremble with excitement — just so that you catch it, kissing his hot face, even when your sticky, wet fingers slide over, leaving an imprint on his wet skin, continuing to caress, take, squeezing, touching, stroking, pinching, — and feeling how he greedily kisses your lips, as if giving up everything he has it was, pressing so tightly that it becomes difficult for you to breathe, as if he is trying to eat you, clinging in blind despair and need.
Xie Lian's eyes are dark, shining with delight and adoration, as if overflowing with feelings and sensations, and he is so hot and moist, even if he looks like a smooth white jade, — and his body is so pliable, even if unable to cope when your fingers continue to slide, caressing, touching, groping, making him gasp from the sensations, trembling, awkwardly wrapping his legs around your hips, blindly kissing your neck and face while holding your hand with his hand, refusing to let go, as if this is the only thing that leaves him on earth, not letting you give in to the impulse and be completely absorbed, even if your caresses become more and more passionate, hungry, needy,
just like you.
When he whispers your name, which no one knows anymore, making you tremble with pleasure, still knowing that he remembers it, that it is you now before his eyes, the real you, and Xie Lian loves you like no one else, just like you do him, asking him to tell you again how your name is called; quietly whining your name when your skin touches each other, catching your breath, shared by two, as if you are under the water column, where there is only you and nothing else, enveloped from all sides and locked with each other, forever locked with each other, and you gently, affectionately, as before, whisper his name, adding 'His Royal Highness' when his body warms up again, digging fingers into your skin, breathing hard, whining, searching your lips with his lips, as if trying to find air,
just like he was looking for your gaze before, bringing peaches and other fruits with him to be with you.
Somewhere there, underground, your ancient kingdom sleeps, keeping its secrets in pristine silence, which no one remembers now.
You loved each other, that's why you were saved.
And you don't think it's an accident.
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ahhh!!!! yes!!! gosh, we're really on the same wavelength, aren't we? they would be your most devoted and loving followers, ready to do anything for you and your happiness, and the fact that their adoration is ancient and unchangeable, unconditional, makes everything even better and worse at the same time, as if you are both in heaven and in a demonic reality, experiencing all the intensity that they can give and that they stored until you were able to accept it<3333 I mean??? is someone stopping you??? I don't see anyone for some reason???🤨🤨🤨 /ht /pos /gen
imagine that you were the former spouse of the crown prince, who was supposed to become your husband — so that he would then ascend, and you could live as the future monarch in his absence, simply observing celibacy, but then he returns against the rules of heaven and you are broadcast for being the spouse of a demon-god, only to have a child whom you once caught because, like a vulture, you watched the festival go well while your spouse was performing, and then you meet this child after you found out that he was born under the star of misfortune and tried to give him comfort, and then you meet him so often in all places where you can, to the point that you can't help but be gentle and affectionate to him, trying to protect him until your Prince begins to need your support and you don't have time for the child anymore — and now this 'child' takes care of you and teases you when you are fully awake from the exhausting hatred, pain and anger, having previously managed to burn people who harmed your Xie Lian. only now he has become much taller, with a blindfold over one eye, too powerful than he should be (why is he a great demon, while you still don't even have enough energy to transform into a human body? isn't he having too much luck??) and you don't even know where your lover is??? at least this kid promises to take care of him and take care of you, and you don't really have much choice in following him until you find your Xie Lian — sort of...
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krys-loves-otome · 3 months
OC Ship Chart!
It's taken me a few days and I'm probably only gonna do these three, but I've finally finished the ship meme Mo (@xxsycamore / @kissmetwicekissmedeadly) created!
Forewarning that I forgot to add in some emoji options and I can never remember MBTI types so I just put idk for all of them as I was too lazy to look them up (nor am I interested in learning them, sorry!).
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Picrew for the girlies from here!
-Suitor ages are not confirmed in ikesen (or really in many otome games) so I just gave Mitsunari a ballpark, while also making him the same age as Houki. I think it's cuter that way.
-Sexualities are also not explicitly stated, but you can pry my ace spectrum headcanons for Mitsunari from my cold, dead hands.
-I don't think IkeSen has representative animals, so I just put cat because both of them have had cats as pets at one point or another.
-I am pretty sure that IkeSen does have flowers that represent the suitors, but the only ones I can remember offhand are Hideyoshi (sunflowers), Mitsuhide (bellflowers), and Nobunaga (spider lilies, but not 100% on that one). Daisies was picked at random (and they are in that above cg, so that's why Mitsun gets daisies)
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-20cm would be about 7-8 inches (Vincent's 5'9 compared to Abby's 5'1)
-Who knows how old the ikevamp suitors are when Comte pulls them into 19th Century Paris, but I have done some light research on the Van Gogh brothers and know that there's roughly four years between Theo and Vincent, so I just did an estimate for Theo's age and added on 4 years. That's my logic and I'm sticking to it.
-For the life of me, I couldn't think of any nicknames Abby would call Vincent. Not that there's anything wrong with that, sometimes the most romantic thing is being called by name in a certain tone that's enough to get someone riled up!
-I see Vincent as not caring much about gender presentation, so long as he can paint the person he likes and they're nice, he's happy with whoever his partner is. I can also see him being at least a lil curious with Shakespeare because of this.
-Same as Mitsunari, I put his representative animal as his pet bc I didn't have any better ideas, lol
-Also can't remember specifically when the first kiss happens in his route, but Vincent's route is fairly smooth sailing in the first three quarters, so I'm putting in towards middle bc I can't remember specifically when they kiss first, so I'm putting it towards the middle as a conservative guess.
-MC didn't really get kidnapped as much in Vincent's route that I can specifically remember (save for the ending where she's time-napped (?), but this reading is fairly accurate.
-Vincent is still learning about his emotions, so allowing himself to experience romantic love is gonna take a while, like all his other emotions. For Abby, she's just got low self-esteem so sometimes doesn't feel like she's worthy of love at first.
-Abby can decently cook, that makes her the more responsible adult in the relationship, lol
-Vincent brushing Leonardo's hand off of Abby's head lives rent-free in my mind and I'll forever feel a certain way about that scene.
-Vincent defies time laws to get back to his true love, so he's rebelling against the system in that way.
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This is cheating since this was meant for Cybird's IkeSeries games, but it's Miri's birthday in a few days and I just wanted to add her and Lucifer too, and that's reason enough for me!
-Obey Me boys don't have canon heights (yet, as of this posting), but my heart is set on Lucifer being over 6 feet tall (180cm ish), so that's where I'm putting him.
-10M here stands for 10 million years. Luci is a demon (formally an angel) so he's got some eons on him. Very much an old man if there was one, lol
-All Obey Me Suitors are pansexual by default because the MC has no set gender and the suitors will love them no matter their gender presentation because of this. Still waiting on Thirteen to be dateable so that she can flirt with my girlie properly tho.
-The Peacock animal representation is canon. As is a sheep for the MC, as they are often shown with a sheep in their icons in chats.
-Debated back and forth with their representative flowers, esp with Lucifer between roses and spider lilies, and ultimately went with the spider lilies cause I liked the metaphor tied to them better for Luci.
-Lucifer is more than ready to put his loved ones before himself to make sure they are safe and happy, as he's proven time and time again.
-He's also emotionally constipated sometimes, thus why Miri realizes it's love faster than he does, lol.
-Luci is very much the responsible adult as Miri is constantly pulled into shenanigans with his younger brothers.
-Listen, the jealousy thing? He has to fight for Miri's attention between his six brothers, his boss, his boss's butler, his former angel comrades, and her a shady sorcerer. Can't he hold her for just a few moments? Sheesh..
-The whole reason Lucifer is a demon in the first place is because he rebelled against the system in the name of love and Miri would actively fight God because of what Lucifer and the others went through if she could.
-Miri literally wouldn't exist without Lucifer's rebellion. He rebelled to try and save his sister, who was an angel too, but she gets reincarnated as a human who became Miri's ancestor, so… yeah, Miri wouldn't exist if Lucifer hadn't rebelled in the name of love.
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List of fanfics
yennefer-of-rivia on AO3
Modern AUs
Somewhere along the way (Completed): Yennefer is a prosecutor, Geralt is a private detective. They meet on opposite sides, but their next cases might be even more life-changing than their first meeting. (AO3)
Plastic Cups (Completed): Senior college student Geralt finds himself at the Vengerberg Fertility Center for a donation after losing a bet against his brothers. Things do not go as he had expected. (AO3)
Knee Socks (Completed): College students Yennefer and Geralt agree to be friends with benefits, but sometimes you have a change of heart. And sometimes you don't realise what your heart wanted all along, until you can't have it anymore. (AO3)
Terms of Agreement (Completed): Contribution to the Witcher Winter Gift Exhange. Yennefer has always put her career first, but all of that might change when her friends introduce her to a new online dating app and she matches with White Wolf. Too bad he stands her up on their first date, but luckily for her, there's a familiar face working at the bar who saves the day/date. (AO3)
Dancing between darkness and dawn (Completed): Professor Geralt has a one night stand before the start of the semester and while he wishes he could see her again, he should've learnt by now that you always have to be careful what you wish for. (AO3)
the longing never bared, aches to be revealed (WIP): “Geralt, right?” she asks as they cross each other. He’s on his way back in while she seems to be heading out to the festival grounds. His stage name is different from his real one, so he assumes she must’ve either been briefed about the other artists by her agent or googled him herself to figure out his actual name. Either way, she still remembers it and it flatters him, but he tries to play it cool.
Or Geralt and Yennefer are musicians, cross paths and eventually match in an unlikely way. (AO3)
I'll take you to the moon and bring you back (Completed): He tries to apologise more than once, but she brushes him off. Going on about something like muscle memory and natural responses to erotic situations etc. and he doesn’t dare to tell her this wouldn’t have happened with just any co-star or actress. All of it happened because of her and the effect she has on him.(AO3)
Penne for your thoughts? (One-shot): When chef Yennefer of Vengerberg agrees to do an interview with a magazine because her restaurant was recently rewarded with its first Michelin Star, she didn't really know what to expect, but if she'd known the interviewer would've been such a sexist prick, she would've never gone through with this. Luckily for her the photographer makes it a bearable afternoon. (AO3)
(to) the manufacturer of my dreams (One-shot): Yennefer has had an awful day at work and she's in desperate need of some me-time. Having an intruder in her apartment isn't making it any better for her, or is it? (AO3)
Unfinished business: Series of snippets from my WIPs. (AO3)
'Canon' | Fix-it
My Dearest Friend and Enemy (WIP): On her way to Ellander, Yennefer decides to spend the night in Rinde. She meets more than one familiar face in the town that holds so much history for her and Geralt. Fix-it for episode 2x06, more or less. (AO3)
Flowers (One-shot): Post-Season 2. Yennefer, Ciri and Geralt have left Kaer Morhen. Geralt picks some wild flowers for Yennefer while they're taking a small break. (AO3)
Writing events
Yenralt Tropetember 2022
Day 1 - Domesticity: Laundry (Tumblr/AO3)
Day 2 - Bed sharing: Restless nights (Tumblr/AO3)
Day 3 + 4 - Everyone knows but them + Friends with benefits: Do I wanna know? (Tumblr/AO3)
Day 5 - Soulmates: Soup snakes (Tumblr/AO3)
Day 7 - Fake dating: Ultraviolet (Tumblr/AO3)
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underjumble · 2 years
Welcome to the world of Underjumble!
I've never really been a fan of most swap aus, because it always just felt like a retexture to me. Yes, they have a different look and name, but I like swap aus where the characters aren't just character A 2.0 but also that they're a different enough character. So here's a dumb little au of my own! Each character's personality is not only or mainly the character they replace are, and I'm hoping I made them rather in character. This does not mean that the characters will always be 100% canon compliant ofc, they're still somewhat different. idk how to describe it ;-;
Don't have any sketches at the moment, but here's some explaining! I have a lot of little bits of world building that's small things that I'd love to share :)
The backstory stays mostly the same, but some boss monsters, afraid for their life, sided with humans. They were granted in because the more the better. After that, though, they were outcasted and were seen as unequal. Although, some reproduced with humans, giving a breed. Most look like normal humans or monsters, but they have certain qualities and they're different enough for both of the races to be able to absorb their souls. Sans is like monsters, but his soul lasts for a little while. He has a very unhappy past and has some problems with emotions and lashing out. He deeply regrets a lot of his actions, but he can't fix it now. He is 12 and his au nickname is Wisp. I can't remember where I got that.
Unrelated to Wisp, but if you have any suggestions for any nicknames or changing it, feel free to shoot an ask! You can also use different nicknames for people but I'd like to know first so I can understand ^^
Papyrus takes the place of Asriel/Flowey! In present instead of a flower he is a dog plush, and the eyes were cracked by being dropped on when he was still alive. He's also color blind like an actual dog, leaving him with subpar vision. With this and the fact Frisk hunches over with their hood on, Doggo mistakes them for Sans. He has a resentment of being coddled and treated like a baby from Sans (who does have a reason, but Doggo doesn't know that. He's not mad at Sans though.) He believes Sans is upset at him for being weak for not continuing the plan. He's 9 mentally, and his au nickname is Angeco. It was originally a mix of French words, but I realized that I chose the parts that are exactly like the English version. It's a mash of ange corrompu, or corrupted angel.
Asriel takes the place of Toriel! Asriel is an adult. He is not a father to Sans and Papyrus, but is the King's past advisor. He was really good with the kids, though, leaving him their babysitter a couple of times. He doesn't hold as much hatred to Gaster as Toriel does to Asgore. Asriel tried to reason with him, but after realizing nothing would work, they went their separate ways. Asriel does not like Gaster due to his decisions, but he's not as brutal to Gaster as Toriel is to Asgore.
Xakial is his au nickname, a misspelling of Zadkiel, the angel of mercy.
Napstablook takes Sans' place! They aren't lazy or really as aware as Sans is. Instead, they're kinda jumpy and scared, which is why they're not the best person to post at a station.
They are better at keeping their promise than Sans. They try to help you throughout it but are too afraid for combat. They met Asriel through venting to the door.
They are the final boss of the genocide route, but don't like it and realizes they have to do it because of how they don't want you to hurt anyone else. You keep attacking and attacking but you don't hit them, until the final hit where Sans takes control. They blurrily know that you can go back in time, and thinks they can stop you because physical attacks can't hurt them, but know not too much other than that.
Valuar is their au nickname. It's a mash of valu pisarad, which means tears of pain
Mettaton takes Papyrus' place. He wants everyone to idolize him and doesn't really care about the royal guard in any other sense, and is less selfless than Papyrus. However, there are still moments where he shines and shows care and love for others, despite being mostly self absorbed.
Maddie takes Gaster's place. She was a mad scientist type where she just fucked around and found out. She isn't too serious of a character lol. She follows around Frisk sometimes but mostly hangs out with her cousins while making crude jokes although they can't see her. She does miss being with her family sometimes though, and would do anything to be able to interact with them. Au nickname is Madcie, based off her name and mad scientist.
Chara takes the place of Undyne! Like Sans, they are one of the very few human monster hybrids. Their soul would shatter quickly, so there's no reason for them to be slain. This brings them a bit more self hatred, that they aren't able to give their soul. They don't know what happened to Asriel, and misses him. It has katana magic, and has some muscle with some scars. In the genocide route, their eyes and mouth get gooey to show that the magic side of them is unable to handle the determination. As you defeat them, their magic becomes melted.
Au name is Lehanial (Perennial, a yellow flower, + Lehanii, a tribute to a friend)
Asgore takes the place of Maddie. He's just a sad little dude who takes care of the flowers in Waterfall. He's an optional fight, as he will only fight you if you nag him. He won't try to kill you. There are two ways to end the battle. Kill him, or wait until Napstablook finds you and gains the courage to tell him to leave you alone (He wasn't really looking to fight and thought you wanted it just as a game, but Blooky doesn't know that)
Toriel takes the place of Alphys! She and Chara are in a rocky relationship because Toriel doesn't agree with the violent approach. Chara argued it was the only way that lead Toriel to try the true lab. They miss each other but believe the other is angry, which Frisk has to make them come together again in true pacifist.
She's also why Asriel and Chara have such high rankings, because she knew Gaster and thus Gaster knew that the two were qualified from them meeting a lot.
Alphys takes the place of Napstablook. She's shy and wants to be your friend, but is scared of annoying you. She looks up to Undyne, they were once friends (well. Crushing on each other) before Undyne got famous. Undyne planned on coming back but always got caught up and was under a lot of stress. Alphys keeps watching and coming to her stuff, hoping to get her attention.
Undyne takes Mettaton's place! Toriel got her a boost in success due to her status and being well known. Undyne believes in Justice and isn't super self absorbed like Mettaton. She always planned on coming back to Alphys but she got juggled in all her work that she lost sight of what was important. She's a celebrity, but doesn't do shows like Mettaton, instead being more known for fighting.
Gaster takes Asgore's place. He isn't as heartbroken over hurting humans, but he doesn't enjoy it. To him, it's a necessary sacrifice. He holds no hate to the human children, seeing it as professional.
These aren't the only ones switched but they're the main and I've gone long enough FUGKXGIDYIDYID-
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Anyway. I don't actually know how well they could work in canon, but the idea for the fic is that Hidan has been around for a long, long time (in canon it's never said for how long he's been immortal iirc and I love potential immortality-based angst, also we never really see him use any chakra except for like, sticking to trees I think? So I like to think that he's been around from before the chakra people started to be born) and he used to be some sort of mercenary hired to kill people, and one day he was sent to take care of the army of a kingdom where Shisui (maybe I'll use some different name for this past version of him but I have yet to decide) was the ruler
Used to being unmatched in a fight, Hidan finds himself stopped by Shisui who is able to fight him somehow equally and so Hidan gets basically obsessed with Shisui and they eventually end up being lovers
One day Shisui, who knows will eventually die and leave Hidan alone, performs a ritual to link their souls together and make them soulmates, making Hidan promise he'll find him in every single one of his future lives (and I think I'll put some kind of soulmark on both of them as a result of the ritual to show that they're linked)
The main story takes place around the time the Uchiha coup should happen (with past memories sprinkled here and there once Shisui starts remembering his past lives) when Shisui meets Hidan during an ANBU mission and they fight since Hidan had been hired as a temporary mercenary/bodyguard to protect Shisui's target, however during the fight something happens (to be determined, I'm not super good with writing fights but I'll come up with something) that makes it so that Shisui's soulmark is revealed, after which Hidan refuses to fight him anymore
Shisui doesn't think much of it at first, but he starts meeting Hidan on every single mission after that first one (Hidan knows he can't exactly walk into Konoha, he's not stupid and I think I'll make him a bit less psycopath as well, so he waits until he sees Shisui leaving and then follows him, and since I'd put him as someone from before the chakra times he'd have no chakra for Shisui to sense him) and after a little while Shisui decides to confront him about it
I have a bit of a bullet point list after this (Hidan telling Shisui they're soulmates, Shisui not believing him, Shisui starting to have dreams/remember his past lives etc...) but that's as far as I got and it's, like, two chapters truly fully written? And that's it (because all the past stuff will be later on so I haven't actually written it as chapters yet)
It all started because I saw a fanart with Hidan and Shisui together (not romantically, they were just in the same picture) and my brain just couldn't stop thinking about them being actual lovers
I plan on making it a bit dark and go quite heavy on Hidan's romantic obsession with Shisui, and after Shisui will realize the truth I'll probably put in there some good Uchiha-obsession as well. Not on 'yandere' levels (I don't like the yandere cliché too much) but still enough to make it clear that their relationship isn't all roses and flowers (is that a saying in english? I just kinda translated a saying from my og language 🤣), they're both very unhinged and quite co-dependant with each other
And now that I talked about it with you I feel like I wanna go write more of it, so now I need to find the WIP...
Anon, look at me, right in the eyes: we are talking about fictional characters from the most ridiculous hair-brained series that has somehow gripped us all for donkey's years. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for how you're playing around with canon, it's all make believe anyway and we should be allowed to be as unhinged as we like haha
Have fun and screw the haters!
1) this whole idea is super cool!!! I'd love to see where you go with Hidan's religion and the morals of his human sacrifice and blood letting etc (there is a fascinating Sakura-centric fic out there where Sakura is converted to Jashinism, the author has some extremely interesting takes on the religion) and how it interlines with Shisui's own dubious morality within the bigger picture of Shinobi morals being fucked up like crazy to begin with...!
2) Shisui somehow beats Hidan and gets his interest? Ayyyy Hidan can't draw blood and kill him if he's not fast enough to catch him first~
3) toxic evil murder husbands... Nice, brings to mind-
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Hidan kills people for his homicidal religious zealousness... Shisui looks like a saint in comparison but that's just because he rewrites the minds of his opponents so no one even knows how bad he is (🙏🙏🙏 Shisui deserves to be a human monster, as a little treat 👉👈)
4) Also this has the potential for that whole "A fell first but B fell harder" dynamic because Hidan has been loving Shisui as a lifestyle for DECADES but Shisui gets bulldozed by memories and pitches headfirst into obsession after fighting Hidan's claims for a little too long... 😩
Thanks for sharing, Anon! And good luck with the WIP, if you do decide to continue!
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gaybarbiegirl · 2 years
Do you have any sexuality headcanons for DCLA characters?
Hi anon! I couldn't reply to you when you sent this because I was busy with uni, but now I figured since I'm probably going on a Violetta s2 rewatch soon this could be a good way to give everyone an updated hc list, since some of them changed quite a bit since the last time I've been really active on this blog
Vilu - ............ straight. I know, I know, 'what about Franletta' and all, but the truth is I've always instinctively seen Vilu as het, it's just the vibe I get from her. When I joined dcla tumblr I saw people shipping Franletta and it seemed like a really fun new way to interact with these characters so I decided to change my hc and give it a go too, and I mean I did have a lot of fun with it but after being away for a while my brain just went back to my first instincts (and I'm having a lot of fun with token het Vilu too)
León - bi icon, pining over his ex gf one day and eye fucking his rival the next, who does it like him
Fran - bi (with a preference for men) queen
Diego - bi (with a preference for men) king
Ludmila - I'm actually not sure? My original hc for her was bi but then as I was watching I think s2 or s3 it changed to lesbian, but the thing is I was thinking about it these days and I can't remember what made me switch (😭), so I don't know if I still agree with my past self's reasoning or not. Right now I'm leaving her as just sapphic because if there's one thing I'm sure of is that this girl kisses girls, and hopefully as I rewatch I can make up my mind
Camila - chaotic lesbian ICON like genuinely hats off to her, all of the other chaotic lesbian girlies wish their antics could come close to the red dot green dot fiasco (myself included)
Naty - THE lesbian ever nobody can compare
Marco - bi boi
Maxi - I think he's pan 
Broduey - he is indeed straight, backing up Vilu in the beloved token het gang
Andrés - he's bi and I think we as a community should talk about it more, between being so happy whe he thought he was getting flowers from Marco that one time and the whole flirting with Cardoso to try to date Emma situation I think it's safe to say he's one of the characters who said bi rights the loudest, put some respect on his name
Federico - I don't know. I don't know I have no clue. Everything related to Federico's sexuality is a whole mystery to me, I have no idea what it is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask
Angie and Jade - bi wives they're kissing as we speak
Gregorio - gay KING
Soy Luna:
Luna - she's a pan babygirl (with very hit or miss taste)
Simón - bi bi bi
Ámbar - THE bisexual icon of the show you guys won so hard with this one
Matteo - I don't wanna say it but sadly we all know the answer............. a loss for bi people everywhere, my heart is with you in these trying times
Nina - painfully straight
Gastón - he's bi but he's SO oblivious about it it actually hurts to watch, this man is full on having gay sex thinking it's just a bro moment someone save him from himself
Jim - the most oblivious lesbian of all times suffering from terminal comphet, all I have to say is get well soon girl please Yam is BEGGING
Yam - a lesbian WARRIOR fighting tooth and nail against the writers to come out, rescue her comphet afflicted gf and kiss her on the lips, I admire her perseverance
Ramiro - he's absolutely gay but tragically he was never told he can have female friends and thinks he has to date his lesbian bestie to hang out
Jazmin - I think lesbian. I flip flop a lot between lesbian and bi for her but right now this is the one I'm leaning towards, and if we just leave canon crushes aside it's also what feels the most right for the character to me. Maybe it’ll switch back to bi later but for now I'm keeping this one
Delfi - I just realised I never actually thought about this one. I mean I do ship Pelfi but I think she can kiss girls too, as a treat
Pedro - honestly I think he might be straight
Nico - yeah he's straight too
Emilia - ok ok this one is a bit of a messy one, and it's mostly because the way I see it s2 and s3 Emilia are pretty much completely different characters. In s2 she's THE goth lesbian icon of this show and I adore her, but in s3 she gets that very annoying and unnecessary crush on Matteo and the way it's done I can't even call it comphet, so that'd make her bi. I don't really acknowledge s3 Emila though since I really hate what the writers did with her character, s2 Emilia is the only one that my brain allows, so she's still THE goth lesbian icon in my heart <3
Juliana - oh she's 100% a lesbian too the energy radiates from every cell of her body and I love her for it, also she definitely had a crush on that singer she listened to as a teenager that she told Yam about
Ana and Mora - lesbian wives who I love with my whole heart
And since I'm not as into Bia as I am into the other two I never really bothered to make sexuality hcs for the characters there, so I'm ending this here. Thank you so much for the ask anon <3
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henrysglock · 2 years
Hi! Love your theories! Mine are changing and evolving, so it's good to read other people amazing analyses. It really helps.
Every day I find new things, references and parallels... Like, ST Mind Flayer is more like the Serpent in D&D, an ancient being, depicted as a serpent made of cloud and lightning, who whispers in Vecna's ear, telling him the secrets of lichdom. Also depicted wrapped around Vecna (the vines!) It's basically the very embodiment of magic/power. And imo, it's the source of all the powers in ST, from the moment Henry and his mom sensed it at the Creel House and their abilities were activated. They were like Force sensitive, lol? That's why Brenner would've never let Henry go. When El remembers her mom, for example, those strange clouds/colors she sees are the same we see a minute later, when Henry gets banished in the UD. Imo, El was remembering the very source of her powers. Then there's Will's name on Henry's grandfather clock... the damn neck tingle, the Soteria and the electric shock collars. It's always the neck!
But after all these months, I'm still not sure: why does Henry want Will? He must have some power, right? Maybe Henry needs it like he needed El's? Some space-time manipulation power Henry could use to rebuild the world? Or Will is like Bastian of the Neverending Story and can shape things permanently while Henry can only shape things temporarily or create illusions?
I'm very curious. What do you think?
It we're talking strictly supernatural, it's possible that Henry needs Will for something more creation-based, the same way El is the only one who can open gates on her own. I can also see the argument for this Serpent character, but that doesn't fit with the fact that Henry is more similar to an Ilithid mind flayer than he is to the actual Vecna character. Brenner is actually more similar to the actual Vecna character, and I talk about that in a post titled "Henry, Brenner, and DnD Lore", which is available in my pinned link library. Essentially, by absorbing the numbers, Henry boosts himself to Vecna-levels and becomes an almost-Vecna, which by your addition re: the serpent, would allow him to commune with such a creature. The contradicting fact is that the Shadow Monster couldn't reach Henry, and Henry couldn't reach it, without an open gate. Like...that's canon. No open gates, as far as we know, existed before 1979, and Henry simply isn't strong enough to reach the Shadow Monster before he's banished through that same gate in 1979.
So...It's possible that that's all there is to it if the Duffers started throwing in gotcha details, but, imo...it's not a complete fit, and it's not very narratively satisfying.
Per aemiron-main and my analyses, it's believed that Virginia knew about Henry because she knows herself. He's his mother's son. His powers had to come from somewhere, and we know the Shadow Monster can't reach into the RSU without an open gate nearby. Henry most likely got his powers from his mother, which is (among other reasons) why she was having him sent away. She, like Brenner, wanted to control him. Brenner absolutely wants Henry for his abilities, and double-crossed Virginia to get him with no strings attached. Brenner is also subtextually a pedophile, which is actually quite important narratively. There's a lot to unpack there, but if you look for the Montauk subset of MKULTRA, you'll figure out a lot of what you need to know there. I also have a collaborative post with heroesbyler linked in my pinned link library under "Mamas and Papas: Spiders, Flowers, and Bathtubs". Brenner has so many weird attachments to both Henry and El, and all of them revolve around being able to abuse them until they're brainwashed, and then harness and wield their powers vicariously. His inability to let Henry and El go centers around all these weird attachments. I talk about that more in another part of my pinned post titled "Stranger Things: Absorption, Ghosts, and Loss of Self". The source of El's powers, much like Henry's, is her mother. Now, whether Terry had latent powers that were activated by MKULTRA or her powers were already presenting before then...who knows. All we know is that for El and Henry, at least, the powers are most likely genetic. It's true, it's all in the neck, but it's not necessarily all linked to the Shadow Monster. I'd wager it's more likely that they're linked to each other via Henry. Henry has been shocked before by those collars, he had Soteria, and he was the one responsible for either giving Will his spidey-sense or awakening his spidey-sense. Now, we know that Henry canonically absorbs everyone he kills into his mind. We also know that he's very closely paralleled to Will. I'd argue that if Will didn't innately have powers (which he likely does based on ST1), then Henry inadvertently gave him powers when Will died and came back in the UD. Either way, they're so similar narratively that we can draw the conclusion that Will might at this point in time have the same regenerative/healing abilities as Henry, which is all linked to Henry's neck via the collars and Soteria. It's all the same web.
Now, why I think Henry wanted El to join him has nothing to do with her supernaturally. It's all very human, actually, and I've laid it all out in a different link on my pinned link library titled "ST4: Stories by Proxy". Essentially, it all centers around the fact that based on a lot of the canon pieces which indicate that Henry was never responsible for the Creel massacre in the first place, and that he may actually experience a fair amount of guilt over Alice's death. It continues deeper with "Stranger Things: Siblings, Love, Sacrifice, and Guilt" (also pinned!). This ties into why he's so fixated on Will. He sees his younger self in Will, which I talk about in part 3 of the last pinned post I mentioned. At first it's a twisted idea of freeing/saving as a moral disguise for his abuse of Will in search of power, and then that turns to jealousy/obsession in ST2 once he realizes Will has everything he ever wanted. We also have to hold in mind that Henry didn't display the tendencies and behavior that he does not until after the massacre has begun. His behavior shifts as he absorbs the minds of the people he kills, the same people who abused him mentally, physically, and likely sexually throughout his life. I also talk about this in "Stranger Things: Absorption, Ghosts, and Loss of Self". He's warped by the people he absorbs, so he does terrible things while hiding behind his original self's moral code of saving/freeing.
I think his desire for Will as a little to do with powers and a lot to do with his own mental state, and I think we're going to see that play out as they interact in ST5. Pre-Massacre Henry is not as bad as he and the audience have been lead to believe by Brenner, who skips months of footage to give El a certain image of Henry, and who is part of MKULTRA, which is known for breaking people's memories down and building them up "stronger" to create brainwashed soldiers (I talk about this in "MKULTRA: Man-Made Monsters", also in my pinned).
Henry's retelling is arguably less reliable than Victor's, and Victor is in an insane asylum.
Either way, I think the main reason why Will has been targeted again and again is because he's narratively identical to young Henry. This makes him stand out like a beacon to Broken, No Longer Henry in the UD. It also means he's the best shot at reaching the core of Henry and orchestrating his defeat. I talk about this in my two most recent posts, which are the bottom two links in the "main meal" section of my pinned.
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xoteajays · 11 months
Since my city, town, whatever you consider where I live... Since where I live is a small area where most people actually know each other (in a bad way), I think we might be a poor area. A lot of those subjects that you mentioned are not in my school.. Like back when my parents had been in school, they had workshop classes but our generation did not have it. Mostly for safety reasons. But my younger cousin who lives in the next town over, her classes were completely different than mine - back when she was still in school too. And she was in more advanced class too. She was more intelligent for someone of her age and grade.
All I know about the Great Gatsby was whatever parody the had in so many shows. But I've never actually read the books so I can't actually comment about that. I need to start reading manga again though.
Now I'm getting annoyed. How is it that there are so many characters in the Alice In Wonderland stories. Yet I can't seem to pick any of their characters? And I don't know why! There's a possibility that one of my characters would be a female equivalent to Alice, as opposed to Arisu being the male Alice. That could be one character. Obviously there's a dormouse character.. I'm trying to avoid using the dormouse if I could be able to, but that doesn't seem likely though. I don't know. Unless.. I recreate my own versions of characters (like Alice, Hatter, Hare, every one else who's already taken by canon characters). And obviously I do know there are the talking flowers which could be potential character. And.. There is the crow! In general, I do have a male original character whose animal motif is crows (and ravens). Worst case scenario then, I could use him for Borderlands as a character. But I can't ever imagine him being shipped with anyone romantically, maybe platonically but I can't see him in any romantic ships though. So there's that. There's all these characters. But I can't seem to choose. I know there's Lily being White Queen's daughter, but that could change to Ann's sister. But I'd say that I wouldn't know what the romantic ship would be for her (so I would say that's the same as your problem). Unless she's not shipped in a romantic relationship. Mary Ann is Alice's doppelganger. And the other characters Dodo, Lory, Eaglet, Duck do not seem appealing for any of my characters. Same with the Mock Turtle. The Gryphon could be a potential character for me. Maybe. I don't know. There is also the Lizard too, but Tettsu (was that his name) was basically the lizard, so I don't know if that could be a character for someone. Obviously. There was the Jabberwocky, the Jubjub Bird, even the other characters too. I don't know which characters I would want to create. What the fuck.
If I ever do create a mouse (or rat) character, then they could really be the smallest character. One of the smallest characters. That's what I'd do. I can't blame you for that.. And I still don't know which face claims I would use either. So that's another problem for me. What the fuck.
I had plenty of ideas before! I don't know why I'm stuck on ideas now..
Wait! Usagi's actress was shorter than Nijiro? But then again, they are only together in like three scenes. And they're not standing together... And Heiya's character would be shorter than him but they have never had scenes together either. Poor Nijiro being stuck with taller women.
Well.. I found out disgusting trivia that I wish that I never knew of, this is when I was searching about dormice. Apparently in some countries throughout the world, eating dormice is considered a delicacy. So ew. This is exactly why I'm a vegetarian. I would rather eat people, instead of animals. Seriously. That's not a joke either. I can't eat animals at all.
But yes. I knew that dormice are a combination of mice and squirrels.
There are the flying squirrels. They're adorable baby faced squirrels in my opinion. And.. I remember one of my favorite musicians had those kangaroo rats as pets. Kangaroo rats are also really adorable to me.
I was just looking at pictures of kangaroo rats. Until that experience is ruined for me.. A snake eating a baby kangaroo rat. I'm hating snakes.
That ruined my day.
Sugar gliders are adorable too. That's even another animal you should research about. Little flying baby marsupials. They have baby faces.
I've always wanted an exotic pet. But I also knew that I could never be able to give them the proper care they need though for every reasons.
I still haven't worked on the games yet. Mostly because I haven't even had the chance to work on my characters yet.. I'm really stuck on that right now. And I don't know why I'm so stuck on that either. But I am.
Joker Hearts? Oh! Jack Of Hearts. I don't know why my mind went to Joker. I just woke up though. What was Jack Of Clubs again. Because my mind is blank at the moment. Have I told you have much I'd hated The Beach? Seriously! That's a whole dictatorship. I need my privacy.
The Ten Hearts makes sense since everyone at the Beach has to keep participating in that game. Until they died, or beat the game. Which is making sense for that game. I don't know about any other games yet.
I realized that everyone who has a dormouse character always named her Nezumi. Which.. I guess makes sense. Nezumi means mouse and rat. And most Borderland characters have names with some themes.
Oh! I've noticed throughout different versions of Alice In Wonderland, the mouse always has either insomnia or narcoleptic disorders for the sleeping disorders. If you still decide to have disorders for the mouse.
Well.. True. That depends on the model. Or modelling type. Because a fashion model has different shapes and sizes to them, and an athletic model would have muscles. Unless you're those celebrities who could work in other careers like acting and modelling; or even musician and modelling; sometimes actor, model and musician all at the same time too. Depends on the celebrity though. Because everyone's different in that way. About every model have different shapes and sizes to them.
That's right! I remember reading he became a psychologist but I have remembered thinking gamer designer would have made more sense.. Because of his love towards video games. And that, like Niragi, I think he should have also became gamer designer but he never did though.
"i wish i could just plug in and put my thoughts down on paper without having to actually write it, but nope. gotta use my brain to figure out words. struggles of being a writer i suppose." Not including the stupid artificial intelligence machines taking jobs (or even careers too) away from people. Because I will never use those machines at all.
Maybe the don might make it out alive? I don't know. Because it does seem like everything could happen now.. But the don should've really been intelligent enough to have changed the routes after firing others (like the drug dealer friend). Or should've had him killed. Because this proves that his drugs and money were taken from him, his emperor is basically gone now. So if he does live, who knows what would happen to him then. And he's back to thinking with his dick again. He's stupid about things. So why does he keep trying to ruin his life by doing this.
Oh! That may be a plot twist... The two cops, the husband and wife, is distrusting of each other at the moment. Maybe one dies or gets very severely injured protecting the other but possibly ends up living, after the ending wraps up. They confess their feelings, that they'll still trust them and love them until they die. Basically. Actually.. That is not that much of a plot twist. But still. I could see that happening. But the cop is in too deep. Like I could see that he had to kill someone for anyone, like the boss, to trust him. But killing that many people is not really so much a good thing. He might need therapy if he makes it out alive.
And now the cop has to kill his boss? So that means he'd have to kill a lot of the other guys, like the knife guy, before they even tell the don.
The semi-competent cop? Wait! What. What happened? I'm confused now. I might be losing track on some things again.. I don't know now.
Hopefully the gunshot was towards the drug dealer or knife guy since the whole situation is completely fucked for both sides now. So yeah..
- 💋
that’s why i went for the easy ones in the dormouse and the talking flower. the card soldiers were technically the whole militant faction, so he’s not that difficult either. tho technically i could make him the actual knave if i’m making aguni the hare. he already has a food tie-in (with the knave being accused of stealing the queen’s tarts), is a card soldier, and i could see him getting on mira’s nerves.
i think the mock turtle and the gryphon could make good duo characters. like karube and chota as the walrus and the carpenter, and those two beach girls are the tweedles.
tettsu? wait, tatta? tettsu is the h&l character.
i’m using havana rose liu as the dormouse, she already looks very petite so i dont think it’d be too unbelievable to make her a bit shorter than she actually is. don’t have to change yuki yamada’s height for the card soldier tho. him being very slightly shorter than both niragi and karube is exactly what i want for the character.
tao tsuchiya is 5’1 and nijiro is 5’6! so a couple inches shorter. and yea, heiya’s about 5’3 iirc? hence why she also worked for hinami since she’s shorter than takeshi.
bleugh. i had the same reaction when i found out people eat guinea pigs. like i know it’s a different culture thing, like eating bugs in other countries but it’s still icky to me and i don’t think i could do it.
sugar gliders are like The squirrels of australia since we don’t have any native squirrels ourselves. i think i’ve only seen one in real life, i’ve seen more possums. australian possums are so much cuter than american possums. bushtail possums are just. lil babies. i remember feeding them bananas when they came around my auntie’s farm.
i want to figure out a water based game for my dormouse. for the whole ‘hatter and hare stuffing the dormouse in a teapot’. i know heiya got one, but i want one too. there’s aquariums and public pools in shibuya. i dont have an idea yet tho.
the jack of clubs was a brief scene in the game montage, it was a rope climbing challenge where you had to knock the jack’s team off the ropes while not falling yourself.
i liked the beach for the set-up and the characters. not the whole rules of the situation and the swimwear thing and hatter arbitrarily adding in the ‘death to traitors’ rule because he was starting to lose his mind. the characters tho. thank u beach arc for all my favs.
my first dormouse was named nezumi, then her first name was changed and her surname became yamane (which means dormouse. but was also the name of one of the characters in the distance game, which i did not realise until i rewatched the episode). now her surname’s nezuo, meaning ‘rat tail’.
fun fact! koma’s name uses the kanji for ‘chess/game piece’!
i’d never use ai for writing. like i still want it to be my own words. i just want to be able to physically pull them out of my head and slap them into a word document without having to do the actual writing part.
last episode!!!
the knife guy shot the cop’s friend and figured out the cop was the rat in their gang!! meanwhile the bossman’s ex-friend came back and they’re all turning on each other! the gang’s falling apart! the boss’ two friends betrayed him to the semi-competent cops (not the main cop’s team)!! boss’ getting arrested - by the wrong people!! - and it’s only 10 minutes in!! and the wife saw!!!!! let my man go!!
the cop crashed into the car the boss was getting transported in!! because if he gets arrested by the wrong people than the cop’s whole investigation was for nothing!! don’t think he even for a second considered the fact that he just committed another crime by using his car like a battering ram against the two other cops in the car!!!!
the cop’s team are lying to him and telling him that his friend didn’t die after getting shot!!!! but that man is hella dead!!
the boss’ friends have taken over the gang, but the cops gave arrested all of their dealers so they can’t get the drugs out to sell then. the associate’s bodyguard showed up to get their money because they haven’t been paid yet and apparently he’s just been carrying a hatchet around with him??? because he whipped it out of his jacket to threaten the boss’ friends.
the associate met with the boss’ friends and she does not give a fuck. immediately calls them out for betraying their boss, and just wants her money. she’s still working with the cop and scheming with him!
the semi-competent cop knows the cop’s real identity!! AND HE TOLD THE ASSOCIATE!! she called the cop to try and find out if he had any genuine feelings towards her and he was still nice to her and warned her to not go back to where her father’s gang is (because he knows chinese cops are laying in wait to arrest them all).
SHE STILL CARES ABOUT HIM DESPITE THE LYING AND SHE STABBED THE SEMI-COMPETENT COP IN THE NECK WITH A STEAK KNIFE!! it’s so sweet how much her bodyguard cares about her. he warns her not to go back to china because her father will kill her for ‘messing up the drug deal’ (not her fault btw) and he wants her to survive.
the boss’ friends made the drug deal and got the money. and the cop’s team got the name of the ship that the drugs are getting transported on. AND THE COP HANDCUFFED THE BOSS TO THE STEERING WHEEL OF HIS CAR!! AND FOR SOME FUCKING REASON DIDNT TAKE THE KEYS????
the boss’ sad lil face :( :( everyone stop betraying my boy pleASE :( :( :(
the cop’s team rolled in to arrest the boss’ friends and the boss was freaking out in the car. BUT THE COP LEFT THE HANDCUFF KEY IN THE CAR TOO??!!! AND THE BOSS JUST DROVE AWAY!!? WHATS HAPPENING?!!
all the gangs across china, japan and korea arrested a bunch of their respective gang members, including the leaders - BUT NOT THE BOSS OR THE ASSOCIATE. THE ACTUAL BOSS IN KOREA WASNT EVEN MENTIONED AND HIS LAND DEVELOPMENT THING GOT CANCELLED BECAUSE HE LOST ALL HIS GD MONEY WHEN HIS FRIENDS FUCKED HIM OVER!!!
the cop and the wife are back together but they’re still. awkward.
‘i may be a sinner, but you used my trust to deceive me. isn’t that a sin too?’ G O D!!! HE REALLY DID CARE ABOUT AND TRUST THEM!
the cop got his fucking promotion. whatever. was is fucking worth it, man? your cop friend is dead and your relationship with your wife is fucked. congrats.
stop. no. what the fuck. he put his LITERAL ACTUAL FUCKING WEDDING RING on the boss’ GRAVE with the NECKLACE HIS WIFE HAD GIVEN THE BOSS. what in the bisexual hell is happening here.
anyway. no season 2 ig since loverboy is dead, but wi ha joon was as excellent as expected.
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cirusthecitrus · 2 years
For the twins!
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Thank you for the ask!^^ 🏊 Can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
Ooh I love this question! Because I watched so many videos of bats being really good swimmers that I could not NOT add this as a part of spacebats' culture! They LOVE water and swimming, both as a sport and chill pastime. The twins were no exception. Public open pools used to be their favorite place to socialize and relax. But now it's not as fun, because well... people stare, and talk... and Anillis feels like he can't show skin anymore and it makes him really uncomfortable...
There's no ocean near where they live, so they don't think about it much. But I can tell that Hec-Tor doesn't want to be near any big bodies of water, especially the ocean. He naturally loves water, but he's afraid of deep waters. Basically he has bathophobia :p It wasn't always like that, but an unfortunate childhood experience planted this fear in him
💚 What things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
100% food lol No but actually, it's any gentle physical touch. Be it a hug, a kiss, a hand squeeze, a shoulder rub, ear pets, or even stroking their hair - doesn't matter. It usually helps them fight anger, sadness, anxiety and pain. And as I said a while ago, Hec-Tor is a hugger, so to him hugs are the best medicine :3
🎁 What types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
I'm just gonna say it - they're terrible at gift giving))) They always forget the dates and never bother to prepare any gifts. If they didn't have birthday on the same day there's no way they'd even remember to get a present for each other too
But OF COURSE other people must always remember their bday and other important dates and always bring them the best gifts 😤 Even if it's just a quick date the other person MUST have at least one little present for them
The boys love any type of present actually, because gift giving is first and foremost giving the twins attention, and these two crave attention all the time. But, to be more specific, I'd say that Hec-Tor loves to recieve everything unique and expensive. Something that little to no one can afford or find. Only the most special gifts for the most special boy :3 Anillis, however, has surprisingly simpler demands. I mean he would still be happy to get expensive jewelry or cool tech or a star named after him, but in his heart Anillis knows that the best gift for him is flowers and sweets* from distant planets and galaxies <3
*Horde Prime has/used to have a sweet tooth, it's canon no I don't take any criticism 😌 How do you explain all this cake then? eeeeeh get it?
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