#i know the movie theatre he drives i dont have to do anything at all i wear my mask theres nobody in there anyway most of the time
why is everything hard and nothing fun why is talking to friends an Effort why does sitting in my room for the rest of my life seem pretty peaceful when i know it's probably bad for me why is doing things so exhausting and not fun even if theyre technically fun things why am i just waiting for them to be over so i can sit in my room again alone and why does none of it get easier even though i keep doing them they say you go out of your comfort zone and your comfort zone grows it does Not and im so so tired
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falcqns · 4 years
To Be So Lonely
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader, Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Henry has a crush on you, but you’re dating someone else, and he broods about it. he confronts you about it and ruins his career.
Warnings: swearing, threats, henry is a mega asshole in this and ruins his career, dont know where this idea came from lol
A/N: Bratty!Henry makes a comeback as requested! Hope you enjoy!
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Don't blame me for falling
I was just a little boy
Don't blame the drunk calling
Wasn't ready for it all
Henry had been a fan of yours for a while. You had appeared in a few movies and TV shows, and he watched them almost religiously. You hadn’t been acting as long as him, but he firmly believed that you were way better at it than him, He had auditioned for a few of the same projects as you, but he never got the role, for one reason or another. He very vividly remembers watching the Mockingbird movie that you were in, and the feelings of jealousy he got as he watched you kiss your co star, Sebastian Stan. He almost wanted to hate Sebastian, but he had done nothing to him, so he couldn’t. Other than kiss the girl that Henry wanted for himself.
Then, one day, Anya and Freya busted into his trailer with huge smiles on their faces.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, petting Kal, and smirking at his friends. They locked eyes with each other and giggled before Freya told him what was going on.
“Y/N got a part on the show!” She squealed, and Henry felt warmth blossom in his chest in hope.
“Shut up. You’re joking!” He said, standing up, a huge smile spreading on his face. “When does she start?”
“Tomorrow!” Anya squealed, and Henry’s smile grew even bigger. He couldn’t wait.
You can't blame me, darling
Not even a little bit
I was away
And I'm just an arrogant son of a bitch
Who can't admit when he's sorry
Henry was practically shaking with excitement when he woke up the next morning. He wanted nothing more than to rush to set to meet you, but he needed to go for a run, eat, and get himself and Kal ready before he could do that.
40 minutes later, he was ready and was practically speeding to set with Kal in the passenger seat of his car. Kal had his head out the window, his mouth open, biting at the wind. Henry glanced over at him and chuckled. His stomach was feeling the same way.
He arrived moments later, and looked around the parking lot for your vehicle. He didn’t know what type of car your drive, but he noticed a black Dodge Ram 1500 that he hadn’t seen before today, so he had to assume that was yours. His eyes were darting everywhere, looking for you, while walking to his trailer. He dropped Kal off in his trailer, and filled up his food and water bowl before he left for the makeup trailer.
He walked out of his trailer, and that’s when he saw you. You were standing outside your trailer, which was opposite of his. Your hair and makeup was done, and you were talking on the phone. Suddenly, he was feeling very nervous, as you hung up the phone and your eyes landed on him. You waved at him, and the butterflies in his stomach grew as he walked over to meet you.
“Hi!” You said.
“Hi! I’ve been wanting to meet you for so long,” HEnry said as he gazed into your E/C eyes. You blushed and he opened his arms for a hug, which you willingly gave.
“Me too!” You said, and the two of you continued talking until your phone rang again. Henry glanced down briefly and his heart dropped into his stomach at what he saw. It was a picture of you and Sebastian kissing, and there was a heart next to Seb’s name.
“Sorry, that’s my boyfriend, but I’ll talk to you on set, okay?” You said, and Henry nodded with a smile, an attempt to cover what he was truly feeling.
“Of course.” You nodded, and walked away with the phone held up to your ear.
“Hey, baby...” You said into the phone, not noticing how Henry turned his back, and walked towards his trailer.
Don't call me baby again
You got your reasons
I know that you're tryna be friends
I know you mean it
Don't call me baby again
It's hard for me to go home
Be so lonely
Henry managed to hide the hurt he was feeling for a few days, but Anya and Freya first noticed something was wrong when Henry walked away from the three of you while you were telling them how Sebastian was trying to impress you once, and ended up falling down his trailer steps. Henry had made it to his trailer before breaking down. Kal bounded over to him, and pressed his body against his legs. Henry sunk to the floor, and let Kal rest his head on his shoulder. He let out a whine at Henry’s crying, and henry calmed down. He didn’t want to upset the one thing that makes him insanely happy. It was you, but you were taken. he couldn’t think about you liked that anymore, no matter how much he wanted to.
Anya came into his trailer a few minutes later, and sat next to him, her hand resting on his arm.
“What’s wrong?” She asked, and Henry lifted his head to look at Anya. “I like her. So much. But, she’s out there dating that asshole.”
Anya let out a laugh, and Henry looked at her in confusion. “What?”
“Sebastian isn’t an asshole. Just because he got her before you did, you’re going to make him look like the bad guy in this situation? First of all, there is no bad guy in the situation. She’s happy with him. He’s happy with her. If you’d sit and listen to the way she talks about him, you’d understand that. He has done things for her that I’ve never heard of anyone doing for their significant others, especially those who dont care about said significant others. When they were filming together, she really missed her best friend, so he flew her out for her birthday, and paid for them to spend the weekend at Disney World together. He’s a really nice guy, but you’re going to sit here and brood simply because he met her first. Dont blame him, and dont you dare blame her.” Anya said, before giving Kal a pet, and walking out of the trailer.
Henry glared at the wall opposite him for a few minutes, before pulling his phone out and going to instagram. He looked at his notifications, and scoffed in annoyance when he saw that Sebastian followed him. Without thinking, he clicked on the three dots, and blocked him.
You might be taken, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have to be okay with it. He stood up, wiped his eyes, and headed back to set. He made a point to keep his eyes glued to his phone so he didn’t have to talk to you.
He shouldn’t be blaming you for this, but the jealous side of him told him to, since he couldn’t blame Sebastian.
I just hope you see me in a little better light
Do you think it's easy being of the jealous kind?
'Cause I miss the shape of your lips
You'll win, it's just a trick
And this is it, so I'm sorry
You noticed Henry’s demeanour towards you go down over the course of your first week, and you were scouring your brain to figure out why while on FaceTime with Sebastian.
“I don’t know what I did to him. He barely speaks to me, he refuses to be alone with me, and if I even mention something about Marvel or our movie, he scoffs, and makes snide little remarks. He seemed like such a nice a person, and i dont know what happened.” You explained to Sebastian, while playing with your fingers.
“I don’t know, either love. I did notice that he blocked me though. I tried to follow him earlier in the week, and now I can’t even find his account, so I think he blocked me. I don’t think it has anything to do with you,” He said, giving you a sincere smile, that was full of love. You smiled at the sight of his steel blue eyes.
“Why would he hate you though? You’ve never met, and I thought he was a Marvel fan. Anya told me he was, and that he went to see Mockingbird in theatres. It doesn’t make sense.” You said. You watched as something washed over Sebastians face, and he ran his fingers through his hair.
“He might like you. I never even thought about that. He’s friends with Chris, I’ll find out for sure,” Seb said, picking up his phone and typing out a message to Chris.
“You think he like me?” You questioned, and Sebastian nodded. “Yeah, i think he does. I mean, he follows you on all your socials, comments on all your posts, he went and saw a Marvel movie by himself, and I’ve heard from a few people he’s been wanting to work with you for a while, but scheduling always got in the way. To me, its the only logical explanation right now.” He said, and you saw his face fall a little.
You smiled. “Baby, look at me,” His head lifted. “You know, even if this is true, I would never leave you, right?” He nodded.
“I know. It’s just- he’s played Superman. An actual superhero. I play a troubled 100 year old with a metal arm that he got through a debt owed to Steve by T’Challa. He’s played so many more influential roles in his career, and I haven’t even gotten the lead in a ‘superhero’ movie, I’m only a side character. And, I know you had a crush on him at one point. Plus, look at the dude! He looks like a Greek God. I don’t want to lose you.” Sebastian admitted.
You giggled slightly. “Baby, I don’t care about that. I care about you. Did you know that before I started on the Mockingbird set, I was terrified to work with you? I had the biggest crush on you, and I was terrified you wouldn’t like me back, but I was proven wrong instantly, when you came up to me and gave me the biggest hug, and told me if I needed anything, you were there for me. You waited for me on set so you could walk me to my car, even on days where you got to go before I did. You visited me when I was sick, and asked to hang out on our days off. You did that. He didn’t. I love you, not him, dragă.” You said, and he smiled. He locked eyes with you through the screen, and you saw tears welling up in his eyes.
“Te iubesc atat de mult,” He said in Romanian.
“Si eu te iubesc foarte mult.” You responded. “I’ll see you when your plane lands tomorrow, okay? It’s getting pretty late there, and your flights in a few hours.”
You and Seb said good night, and hung up. As you laid in bed a few minutes later, you thought to yourself. “Did Henry really like you, or was that just Seb’s jealousy?” You decided to confront Henry in the morning.
Don't call me baby again
You got your reasons
I know that you're tryna be friends
I know you mean it
Don't call me baby again
It's hard for me to go home
Be so lonely
You arrived at the door of Henry’s trailer less that 12 hours later, and you didn’t bother knocking. The thought of bringing Seb on set when Henry had a problem with him didn’t sit right with you, and you needed to figure out what the fuck was going on.
You walked in, and saw Henry putting food and water in Kal’s bowls. He looked up at you before returning to what he was doing.
“What’s your problem with Sebastian?” You demanded, and to your anger, you got a scoff in return.
“Who says I have a problem with him?” He said, refusing to even look at you. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket but you ignored it for the moment.
“Seb! You blocked him on Instagram when he followed you. You roll your eyes whenever I talk about him, and get all pissed when he calls me. He’s done NOTHING to you! So what is your problem with him?” You demanded, and he finally turned around to look a you.
“He calls and texts you constantly! He always has to be talking to you. You’re here to do a job, not sit around and text your little boyfriend.” He said, and you laughed.
“Are you fucking kidding me?! I do my job perfectly well, and if you’d open your fucking eyes for two seconds, you’d see that I text him first! I tell him when I’m doing a scene, and when I’m not so he knows he can call me! Being in a long distance relationship is hard, and I’m trying to make it easier on him and I. And you say I’m here to do a job. Right now, I cant think of a SINGLE reason why I even took this job in the first place! Oh wait, I TOOK IT BECAUSE I WANTED TO WORK WITH YOU! Did you know I had an offer from Tom Cruise for The Mummy sequel and I turned it down because I wanted to work with you? I could be in Egypt right now, in shorts and a t shirt with Tom Cruise and Annabelle Wallis, my favourite actress, rather than in dreary fucking England, doing a show with you where you treat me worse than the horse shit that Zeus leaves in his path!” You screamed at him. His face became red, and he retaliated.
You blinked back tears, and swallowed the lump in your throat before answering. “You don’t get to hate him because he got me before you did. That’s cruel and wrong. And I didn’t sleep with the ‘first A List celebrity i could get my hands on’. I slept with him because I love him, and he loves me. And you’re right,” You felt the tears spill over, and you did nothing to stop them. “I’m sure Tom will be happy to have me, because I quit. I cannot work with you. You are not the person I thought you were at all.” Your turned to walk out the door.
“And to think that I used to have a crush on you too,” You remarked before letting the trailer door slam.
And I'm just an arrogant son of a bitch
Who can't admit when he's sorry
You ran down the stairs and was immediately embraced by Sebastian, who had just arrived on set when he heard your and Henry’s screaming match.
“It’s okay,” He whispered into your ear, as you started sobbing. At that precise moment, Henry walked out of his trailer and opened his mouth to speak. Sebastian held up his hand before he could.
“I think you’ve done enough damage, Cavill. I’m not going to allow you to hurt her anymore. I can’t believe, that you, out of all people, would treat her like this simply because she’s dating someone else. You may play Superman, but you definitely don’t deserve it.” He remarked, and led out away. But, Henry being Henry, decided to snark back.
“You’re one to talk. You play a 106 year old Hydra assassin who somehow managed to convince everyone around him that his a good guy. You’re no worse than I am buddy.”
“Go to your trailer, I’ll see you in a second.” You nodded and headed in. While he dealt with Henry, you called Tom to let him know you could take the role after all.
“I don’t know why you think that you can treat my girlfriend like that, but it’s not okay. You should have seen the amount of research she did for this role! She read every single book, and played every single game in preparation for this role. She was so excited, and turned down the chance to work with her favourite actress to work with you. Not many people would do that. I also dont know what I did to warrant you absolutely hating my guts, other than dating her. I’ve done nothing to you, and even if I did, that doesn’t mean you can treat my girlfriend like shit for it. I’d watch your fucking back, because unlike you, she’s a Marvel actor. The majority of her friends are Marvel too, so don’t be surprised if you get a few nasty messages from certain Avengers, because I will not withhold this information.”
Sebastian walked in to your trailer and found you on the phone to Lauren, apologizing. You hung up a few seconds later and turned to Sebastian.
“She mad at you?” Sebastian asked, and you shook your head.
“No. She understands. She says that she’s sorry that he acted that way, and that she’ll be talking to him. I called Tom and I have the role. I fly to Egypt in two months.” You said, packing up your things. Seb nodded, and moved from where he was to help you.
You took off your costume, and took your hair out. Sebastian took your duffel bag with all your things, and the two of you headed out. Thankfully, you didn’t see Anya of Freya, you weren’t in the right space mentally to explain what happened. All you wanted to do right now was get as far away from Henry as possible.
Don't call me baby again
You got your reasons
I know that you're tryna be friends
I know you mean it
Don't call me baby again
It's hard for me to go home
Be so lonely
Henry sat in his car after getting yelled at by Lauren, Anya, Freya, Joey, and the director, staring at the tree just outside his windshield. He let his emotions get the best of him, and now filming was suspended until they could find a replacement for you. No one was mad at you, no one blamed you. Not even him. He’s the one that fucked up, he’s the one paying the price.
He dug his phone out of his bag, and wasn’t surprised in the slightest when he had a whole bunch of unread messages. He filtered through all the threats that your Marvel friends had sent them.
Chris: you are unbelievable. i cannot believe you treated her like that. my first impression of you being a complete and utter dickhead was true. i can’t believe i was ever friends with you.
Anthony Mackie: for Superman, you’ve done some serious damage. and that’s saying something. i’d be amazed if this didn’t ruin your career completely. you dont get to sit there all high and mighty simply because you’re ‘heart broken.’ none of us are going to keep this quiet.
Scarlett Johansson: count your days cavill. never thought you’d be the type to make a girl cry.
Elizabeth Olsen: congrats on ruining your career. if you even come near Y/N again, we’ll do much worse than ruin your career. believe me.
He threw his head back against the seat. They wouldn’t take it to social media, would they? He thought as he clicked on his instagram app.
The first thing he saw was a post from Robert Downey Jr explaining what had happened.
He’d fucked up bad, and there was nothing he could do to fix it.
To be so lonely, to be so
To be so lonely
To be so lonely, to be so
To be so lonely
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
Pairing: Jack Daniels (Agent Whiskey) x  (f) ace!reader
Wordcount: 2.2k
Warnings: discussions of sex and related topics, maybe some angst? a lot more analogies than actual descriptions 
Summary: a drive in theatre, a budding relationship, and a whole lot of mutual support
Notes: okay obviously this is a wildly personal topic - I fully understand that asexuality looks different for everyone. For full disclosure, in this story, the reader knows they are somewhere on the asexuality spectrum, but is not aromantic. They are also are on a path of self discovery and are open to learning about themselves. This IS NOT saying asexuals who are like this are growing "better" than those who are not interested. Asexuals who do know what they do and dont want are perfect and do not need to change or compromise as part of their personal growth.
There will be an optional part 2 where they have more conversations about intimacy and explore together what works for them, but again, this is not everyone's story, or the "right" way, it's just... one story.
That being said, I genuinely hope yall enjoy!
You stared at the bashful man in front of you openly, your hands stilling on the groceries you were halfway done unloading.
Even the slightest rustle of the cloth bags was painfully loud in the silence that stretched between you.
Jack had burst through your door, confident as always, but it was a thin layer over his anxious heart. With two long strides, he was pulling you into his arms, almost crushing you against his chest.
Arms winding around his middle, you held him just as tightly before you found your voice again.
“You’re back,” you said, simply amazed that he was a whole week early from the long mission. “When did you get back?”
You hadn’t realized he had picked you up until your feet were on solid ground again, and he was pulling away.
“Just a few hours ago, I had to make it back in time for opening night, right?” he grinned winningly.
You tried not to overthink, feeling a jolt of excitement that he remembered – tonight. The drive-in theatre in town was opening for the season and you had been more than excited. As one of your most consistent movie night friends, Jack had promised to take you, full of butterflies and subtext.
For as close as you’d gotten over the past few months, you weren’t sure what to make of his expression.
“If that’s okay? I should’ve double checked,” you hadn’t responded and it was apparently making him nervous.
“Yeah, Jack, that sounds great,” you reassured him, turning back to your groceries, equally nervous.
If you were being honest, you hadn’t expected him to remember because it had almost felt like an off-hand comment at the time, and you hadn’t wanted to get your hope up to much.
Something was welling in your stomach as you turned away from him fully, putting each item in its respective home in your kitchen. You liked him, of course you liked him. He was bold and kind and passionate, and more handsome than seemed reasonable for a single person. And… and when he was nearby, there was a feeling of safety, just out of reach, like water lapping at your feet at the beach.
It was more than tempting but, same as the ocean, there was also an uneasiness in the unknown. The same uneasiness was present in every relationship you’d ever had – because you had a secret.
Well, it was less of a secret and more… something you were figuring out that you hadn’t talked about much. Despite long late night talks and months of growing close and even slowly falling for each other, you hadn’t quite found the courage to talk to Jack about it yet. The more real the soft, sweet moments between you got, the more the unease filled your bones. You knew how he was with other women, and each time his hand lingered on your hip, your shoulder, your cheek, a quiet voice whispered that he deserved better.
Jack was staring at you, lost in your thoughts as you mechanically worked your way through the bags. His heart ached for you, and he wished more than anything that you trusted him with whatever you were holding back. But he was a determined man – he would do whatever he could to show you that no matter what, he wasn’t going anywhere.
After awhile, Jack coaxed you back to your normal self, telling you as much of his mission as he could and helping you cook dinner. Moving around your kitchen was wonderfully peaceful, a little bubble of intimacy. Food was great for neutralizing anxious thoughts.
The feeling continued into his truck as you excitedly packed blankets and he fought the urge to kiss your adorable face when you found the snacks he’d picked up. Even before he left, in anticipation for tonight, he cleaned the front seat thoroughly, and made sure his radio was in good condition.
The movie went well too, but as much as he wanted to pull you into his arms, press you into his side, be the warmth against the cool night air, there was a hesitation that held him at bay.
Every time he’d reach for you, cautious and gentle, your skin would twitch, almost jumping away before you’d smile at him and lean into it. You seemed happy, but part of your mind was holding you back. As friends, you two were relatively physically affectionate, so he made a mental note to tread light and watch for more cues. Jack never wanted to impose himself on anyone but with you, even less.
So he waited. He had no doubt you’d talk to him when you were ready, and heavens knows that he had plenty of things he had kept buried. It was still nice, hearing you laugh next to him - just him – and seeing the light reflecting off the movie dance across your skin. Talking with you was always easy, even more so without friends or family around and it made Jack ache with eagerness.
As he pulled up to your home, he gently took your hand.
“Darlin, it was plum delightful to take you out tonight,” he said, cursing himself internally for how nervous he sounded. You looked his, eyes catching the streetlight like magic and your gentle squeeze gave him courage.
“I really would like to take you out again, on a proper date,” he couldn’t look away from your eyes, trying to read them through the murkiness. “I really like you,” Jack added, quieter, “but you don’t have to respond right now.”
You nodded, your eyes closing tight as though you were at war with yourself.
You think you like me, but I’m not the type of girl you want to date.
“You don’t have to… tell me, if you’re not ready, but,” he offered after a long moment, his free hand flexing on the steering wheel as he forced himself to examine the bushes on the side of the parking lot. “But I’m listening.”
You felt both hot and cold at the same time. All evening you could feel it coming, knew it was going to happen, knew it had to. He deserved this conversation, and honestly, if there was anyone who made you feel like you did, too, it was Jack.
Inhale, exhale. 
Inhale -
“Okay,” - exhale. 
Remembering that neither of you had work the next day helped. Slowly you let go of your hand and unbuckled your seatbelt, shifting to get comfortable again, the actions thick with significance. He returned it, unbuckling too, and killing the engine.
Jack was so respectful you could cry, his obvious anxiety under control enough not to jump to conclusions – to wait for you.
“I like you, too, Jack, but I don’t think we can ever date,” you forced the words out and his heart nearly shattered, confusion barely holding it together.
Eyebrows so drawn in they almost looked like a solid line, he waited, unable to stop a small shake of his head.
Why not? His entire being screamed. With each second that passed, more and more determination seeped into the cracks of his heart, sticking it together. If you liked him as he liked you, it seemed impossible there was anything between you that couldn’t be overcome.
You saw the question in his eyes and the explanation tumbled out.
“It’s just, I know you – I know the girls you go after and the type of relationships most men want. And,” you were sucking in air, the vulnerability raking through your lungs. “And I don’t know if I can ever give you that.”
He started to protest before his hand covered his mouth, irritated movements over his mustache, his jaw working. What he wanted was you. But he needed to let you keep talking. If he interrupted you now, he might never understand what you meant.
You watched his movements, desperation to give him the explanation he deserved growing in you.
“I’ve had people break up with me because I wont sleep with them,” you shoved the words into the space, the most honest you’d maybe ever been.
Whatever he had been expecting, it wasn’t that. Your voice was trembling and so quiet only your moving lips confirmed the words as you continued.
“For me, it’s not something I need, or am particularly comfortable with. You,” you swallowed hard, unable to look at the man beside you. “You deserve someone you can be with, however you want.”
You took another deep breath, feeling light and surprisingly at peace with your honesty. Even the impending rejection felt less scary, now that you had said it all out loud. The trembles settled as you concluded, “I’m still figuring myself out and I just cant guarantee I’ll ever give you what you deserve.”
Of all the conversations with all the others before this, this moment felt the most freeing. It was wild to have such an intimate conversation before you even kissed, but… the foundation of trust that Jack had given you had not been lost on you. You found yourself smiling, looking at him, finally.
His expression had loosened, processing and connecting the dots, his deep eyes unfocused before they slid closed.
Now it was your turn to wait, to be patient, and listen.
Part of him wanted to yell that he wasn’t like the others, that he didn’t care and even that he would wait and work until you were ready. But that wasn’t right, and he knew it.
Inside him, deep, deep down, there was a small light. A candle of flame underneath a glacier: a touch of hope slowly warming its way through layers and layers and centuries of expectations, fear, confusion, and chaos. It was going strong, it just need more time.
“Darlin,” he looked at you, finally, meeting your eyes and feeling for the first time that they were a clear window into your soul. “You are… everything, to me. So… so let’s just take some time to process this. Would that be okay, sweetheart?”
That was the first time anyone had ever responded that way. It was the scariest thing, but it was perfect. You were overwhelmed with the rawness and a glance at the radio told you it was 2 am. Not a time to be making life altering decisions, anyway. Nodding, you pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. The movement was intimate and confident – something that shouldn’t have been possible, but it was.
Jack’s large hand grasped at your neck and jaw, pulling you into him, pressing his forehead on yours. The hairs of his mustache just ticked your lip, but he made no move, respecting one final boundary for the night.
With a squeeze, he let you go, watching with longing eyes as you hopped out of his truck and ran to your front door. The smile you gave him before you slipped inside was the seal, engraving tonight into his memories forever.
And he drove home, his thoughts louder than the wind and the crickets and his pounding heart.
Jack invited you over a few days later, a Sunday afternoon. It would be the first time you’d talked, and you were surprisingly calm. For some reason, you felt like you’d be closer to him no matter what happened.
He heard your car on the long gravel driveway and greeted you with an all-encompassing hug. You held each other, like lifelines, for long moments before he pulled you inside.
“My mama sent cookies,” he said, motioning for you to sit at the tall table he had as he set down the plate. You couldn’t help but smile, knowing their Sunday lunches and her beloved baking well. He remained standing across from you, aware of the awkwardness, but eager to get his words right.
“This is all new to me,” he said, wishing suddenly that he’d made tea so his throat wouldn’t feel so dry. “If you really don’t wanna be with me, that’s your choice,” he said, knowing it was right and hating the option, “but I really – you’re just so – I can’t let you go,” his thoughts were jumbling together on his tongue.
It was grounding, when your hands found his, reaching across the table as you sat forward on your stool.
“What if we just took it slow?” you said, and his heart stopped.
“Please,” he managed, and your own chest felt like it would burst. “Would it be alright, darlin?” Jack’s hands held yours, his expression eager.
“Could – could we figure out what works for us? Figure this all out together?” You were close to crying, you wanted that so bad.
“I can’t promise I’ll change or… or what direction I’ll grow,” you said, needing to say it again, needing to be sure.
“I can’t, either, darlin,” he said, and you realized he was right and you would support each other, no matter what.
“But all I need is you. Whatever and however much you’ll give me. That’s more than enough.”
He didn’t say for now.
And you believed him.
Since he was still standing, it made it easy for you to tug him around the table, and you leaned into his chest. It felt safe, safer than you had ever thought was possible for you.
“Okay,” you told the flannel he was wearing, “Let’s figure it out together.” And even though you couldn’t see him, you knew he was smiling, too.
@fangirl-316 @0celestialbitch0 @scribbledghost
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bionic-penis · 3 years
Since ive been dogging on it so much i will compile my thots on the new deh movie. I don't know anything about music or theatre or movies so this is coming from my perspective as just someone who enjoys things. Some other things that are relevant given the context of the movie is I grew up poor with a single mom and i suffer from depression and anxiety. Okay okay <33 bulleted bc I REFUSE to write smth well thought out this list will be SO petty maybe if the movie was enjoyable i would be nicer <33
Warning for spoilers!!
First off. They cut out almost all the songs that gave insight into how the adults thought and felt. These are SO fucking important to the story as it fleshes the adults out as more than just set pieces. "Does Anybody Have a Map?" was so important because it introduced the Heidi and Cynthia and showed how they were trying their best despite it all. Cutting this out, alongside with "Good For You" trashed any chance we had at understanding either of the mothers. The one saving grace for Heidi was the fact that they left in "So Big/So Small" but it was not enough
About Heidi... Her relationship with Evan makes me mad. It always has. He is such a dick to his mom and its not even in a believable way imo. There is NO resolution to this. Heidi just offers him advice and sings a song and thats it. They didnt even really fight!! Evan just said his stupid line about how the Murphy's treat him nicer and they part ways awkwardly. Another nitpick about this scene? It didnt have the iconic "ugliness" of the version that im used to. What I love about that version is how the actresses voice dips and sounds so shaky. I love how she doesnt sound necessarily angry, but heartbroken. She sounds devastated. And while I LOVED the actress in the movie she just didn't deliver that same emotion. It felt forced. And the whole scene felt inconclusive.
Its hard having a mom whos always working I understand and this could have been such an amazing moment to showcase that there is no guilty party in this situation. Just a mom whos trying her best and a son who just wants to connect. BUT DO THEY DO THAT? NO. THEY LIKE TO THINK THEY DID BUT THEY DIDNT. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU OH MT GOD THIS ONE PART OF THE STORY MAKES ME WANT TO EAT TWIGS IT MAKES ME SO UPSET 😭😭😭😭
Another thing is that all the songs seen so Evan centric. He sings most of them and I can only really remember two songs that he wasnt apart of
Which brings me to "Requiem"... Which I hated. And have a BIG nitpick about.
First off. Its just shot bad. Theres this moment where it goes from Zoe walking down the hall at school to Larry walking between cubicles to Cynthia walking down a grocery aisle. I felt nothing. The only good thing to come from this is when we see Larry walking down the same way just to return home to cry in Cynthias arms. This is the one moment that got me. The one moment that felt emotionally weighted.
This song could have been shot beautifully. Switching between perspectives and each Murphy's relationship with Colnnor but it doesn't. It lacks intimacy. Even when Zoe is driving her car pedal to the metal driving down an empty road it fails to connect deeply, especially when this moment is never brought up or expanded upon. Also its stupid because at the speed she was going she would have needed a LOT more time to stop than just the split second she has when the light turns red
Another thing about this car sequence?? No stakes. There are no other cars on the road. It wouldnt have even mattered if Zoe hadnt stopped in time. This is one core issue with the movie: there are no consequences for any actions the characters take. I think that id Zoe had ran the stoplight she could have gotten a ticket and opened up a moment for connection between the Murphy's
On more than one occasion we are forced to endure a montage of events that occur without context that I feel are meant to establish that at least SOMETHING happened but what this does is rush character beats AND, especially, Zoe and Evans relationship
Now I LOVE "Only Us" but one cool song does not a relationship make!!
Also the reoccuring montage of Evan falling out if the tree.... 😐
Its such a serious moment but my friend and I laughed. Yeah.... Fail moment.
The way they depict Connor is fucking disrespectful and I hate it and also its fucking awkward. The only reason i sympathised with him at all during the movie was bc he wasnt evan.
Zoe and Evans relationship have no weight
Zoes relationship with her parents have no weight
Evans relationship with Heidi has no weight
No relationship has weight
Ben Platt makes an awful teenager. I dont care how iconic his voice is as Evan. Awful decision to cast him. What was once an emotional exploration of manipulation and acceptance is now a grown man standing in the middle of the hall pissing off frosh, soph, junior, and senior alike
Also the scene with him in the locker room... What the hell... GIRL what senior has a pe class and also??? How have you lasted that long in the locker room we have been doing this for seven years get with the program
What these sequences of Evan standing around looking like That do is NOT establish his anxiety issues but rather make me more likely to shove him in a locker. Seriously. Its borderline stereotypical and makes me embarrassed to have anxiety
I have not even touched on all that upset me but that is enough talking about the bad musical movie for now. If u disagree with me no you dont amen
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wastelandcth · 4 years
No rush or anything but are you posting any cute blurbs for fathers day with cal? If you dont have any requests take this one as one!🥰🥰
hello yes! happy father’s day to all the dads and the dad’s we create in our lives! i got inspiration off of this video of pedro pascal (who i love with all my heart) and his nephews so i hope you all enjoy!
Father’s Day
Calum loved Father's day, ever since he became a day he couldn't wait for the day to roll around where he could use it to his advantage. Father's day meant that he could ask for his favorite breakfast and for all the cuddles in the world and it was illegal to tell him no. But as his family of two turned into a family of three and eventually into a family of four, father's day became a day where he was allowed to spend it with his kids and no one was allowed to take that from him. He got to spend a full day being spoiled by his family and it was all because he was a dad, it was the most amazing thing that had ever happened to him.
Getting two high energy kids into a car and ready for a day out was a struggle in itself, adding the fact that Calum was just as hyper as their two kids was an added stress factor to his wife. But once all four of them were in the car, they were set off on a Father's day adventure that she had planned for a week now.
He glanced back at his two kids who were in the backseat currently fighting over who got to sit next to Calum at the movie theatre later today. Elliot, the nine year old that had made Calum a father in the first place was debating that since he was the older he got first choice. He was a carbon copy of Calum, dark brown curls that covered his brown eyes whenever he let it grow out too long. He loved sports and music and loved to hang out with his dad. He was good at school, which is something Calum was convinced he'd gotten from his mother. The little girl who was fighting back next to him, claiming that she was the favorite was Ophelia, Ophi for short. She was five years old and obsessed with her father, she was his biggest fan and would be stuck to his side if she could. Her brown curls reached her shoulders now and she'd been obsessed with space buns ever since Calum had mentioned the special screening of Star Wars they'd be going to see today.
Pulling into his favorite breakfast spot near the beach, Calum felt his stomach rumble. His two kids had become crankier as the drive went on, their excitement of the day no longer beating their hunger. Following behind their parents as they walked into the restaurant, the smell of pastries and morning food brought all their senses to life.
"Bum bum bum!" Calum's voice echoed throughout the parking garage, the two young kids following after him as they shook their head. Calum's phone was held up above his face, recording the four of them as they made their way through the garage, "You guys! You're not excited enough!" he laughed and glanced back at his family, "We're not okay! We're not okay!" he shouted into the phone before he stopped the recording, laughing as his two songs groaned and followed him onto the elevator.
"Dad I just don't understand why you're so excited to watcha movie about space, you don't even like space." Elliot whined, shaking his head as he leaned against the wall of the elevator. "Plus, it's an old movie, who even watches Star Wars?" he whined, groaning as his mom nudged his shoulder and shook her head.
"I think it's gonna be cool!" the little one Ophi, said excitedly as she reached out to hold Calum's hand tightly, running a few steps behind him as they stepped out of the elevator. "Mommy and daddy always talk about this! Daddy was Bacca!" she giggled and shrugged, bouncing along Calum's side as they walked to the theatre.
Calum chuckled as the kids raced up to their seats, both of them shoving each other out of the way before they both left a seat inbetween them. Calum sat down in the empty seat, his lap filled with popcorn and candy that not only he enjoyed, but that his kids did as well. His wife joined them, sitting down next to Ophi, who she had never seen so excited over a movie before but she knew how excited Calum was and that meant Ophi was just as excited.
Calum's wife glanced over at her family, laughing quietly to herself as the kids expression matched Calum's as the space battle raging on the big screen. The three of them gasping as the movie ended and they all three clapped excitedly, sining along to the Star Wars theme song as they walked out of the theatre, both Elliot and Ophi holding Calum's hand tightly. His wife couldn't help but smile fondly at them, using her phone to record the three of them marching along to the car, the two kids talking over one another.
"Daddy was in the movie! He was Bacca!" Ophi said exctiedly, "That was you, right?" she giggled as she climbed into her car seat, letting Calum buckle her in.
"Of course that was me!" Calum laughed and kissed her forehead as he tightened the seatbelt. He made sure that Elliot was buckled in before he got into the driver's seat, "So I'm guessing we liked the movie, everyone?" he asked as he pulled out of the garage, laughing as the kids cheered.
As he drove them back home, the sunset making the sky an orange color that reminded Calum of the first date he had with his wife, he couldn't hel but feel lucky. He had a life he'd never imagined for himself, he had found the love of his life in the middle of chaos and they'd had the perfect family. He had two kids who he would travel to the end of the world for, he'd do anything for the two sleeping figures in the backseat, the sunlight shining against their brown skin that matched his.
Later that night, when the kids had finally gone to bed after Calum's favorite dinner had been devoured and they'd spent some time outside chasing Duke, Calum finally sat down next to his wife on the couch. His arms slinging around her shoulder and pulling her close, his lips pressing a kiss into her hair. He was surprised when a small box was placed in his lap, a small red ribbon on top.
"What's this, darling?" Calum asked softly, looking down at her and chuckling as he held the box in his hand. She simply laughed and nudged his shoulder, beckoning him to open it.
"A father's day present to the best dad I know." she chuckled and kissed his cheek, "Open it, worked really hard on it." she said with a laugh, tucking her feet under herself as she looked at him excitedly.
"You're pregnant?" he gasped, his brown eyes being met with a black and white picture. His fingers traced over the bean shape he'd seen twice before. The sonogram meant that Calum was going to be a father again, it was something Calum hadn't been expecting, they weren't really planning on having more children but now as he held a picture of his unborn child he couldn't help but feel excited.
"I thought it'd be an appropriate present for today, congrats daddy." she whispered in his ear, pressing a soft kiss to his earlobe. Calum grinned, picking her up and spining her around as he heard her laughing as she held onto him. And as Calum laid in bed next to his sleeping wife, the bedsheets covering their bodies, he couldn't help but think how this was one of the best Father's day he'd ever had.
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Can’t Fight This Feeling
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I was up on the roof of the mall with Dustin, watching the loading dock again. At least it wasn't pissing down rain this time.
"What do you think?" he asked me, with his binoculars up to his face.
I bit my lip and shrugged, "I really don't know," I admitted.
"I dont even think these guys take breaks or anything. I think it's the same guy from last night," Dustin mentioned, I nodded in agreement looking down at the guard with the large gun.
"Look!" Dustin exclaimed, "he's using a keycard to get in! We need to get a keycard!"
"How do you think we're gonna get his keycard?" I asked.
Dustin looked over to me quickly before looking back into his binoculars, "I'm not sure...we'll have to figure it out with Steve and Robin."
I sighed, "We've just got to do it the way Steve said, fast. We just have to get in the room check the boxes and get out quick," I said, turning away from the dock and leaning against the roof ledge.
Dustin turned and leaned against it too, "When did Steve say that?"
"When he was driving me home this morning," I explained.
I looked over to him and saw his little smirk, I flicked his arm but it only made him laugh.
"What?" I asked.
He shook his head, "So Steve isn't too bad all of a sudden then?"
I rolled my eyes and stood up, making sure to keep myself low, "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as I began walking to the door.
"I'm just saying that all of a sudden he's driving you home and you're talking like regular people, and don't for a second think I didn't catch you two holding hands last night," he said as we made our way down the stairs.
"I'm kinda out of options, Dust," I tried explaining it away, "we're dropped in this situation together. I dont have a choice except for being friendly with him. As far as the hand holding, I was freaked out last night," I reasoned, "he was trying to help me calm down."
I looked down at him as we walked down the hallway, he looked up at me quickly before shaking his head.
"I'm just saying that you two seem to be getting along and it's...nice," he told me.
I smirked and walked further down the hall so get to the backroom of Scoops Ahoy, "Nice?"
He smiled widely at me, "I didnt think you'd like it if I said how awesome it was that my big sister and one of my best friends was getting along so well."
I snorted and rolled my eyes as we got to the backdoor, "Whatever you say, Dusty."
I opened the door and smiled at the two sailors in front of me, sitting at the table.
Steve and Robin were sitting on the same side of the table, Steve stood up quickly and took a seat on the other side. I went to site next to Robin but Dustin slid in between me and the chair and sat down first.
"Rude," I scoffed.
He shrugged, "First come first serve."
I lightly smacked the back of my brothers head before taking the seat next to Steve.
"Alright, fill em in," I instructed my brother.
He told them the little information we gathered, the only important note was really about the keycard.
"That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately the Russian with this keycard also has a massive gun. Whatever's in this room whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anyone finding it."
Robin shook her head slightly, "There's gotta be a way in," she said, looking down at the table.
Steve blew into his sailor hat to puff the top back out before tossing it gently on the table, "Well...you know," he began as he leaned on the table, "I could just take him out."
"Take who out?" Robin and I said at the same time.
"The Russian guard," he answered looking between Robin and I.
I smiled and looked away from him, Robin was mockingly nodding her head with pursed lips.
"Steve, have you ever actually won a fight?" Dustin asked bluntly.
I looked over to Steve and saw his face drop, "Okay that was one time," he said leaning back in his chair.
"Twice. Jonathan the year prior," Dustin stated matter of factly.
My eyes widened slightly for only a moment remembering when Jonathan told me about the fight after finding what Steve wrote about Nancy at the movie theatre.
Remembering he did that made my stomach turn. Steve's eyes went from Dustin to me back to Dustin.
"I didn't," he sighed, "I didnt write that about Nancy. It was Tommy and Carole...do you think if I did write it Nancy and I would've stayed together?"
Dustin shrugged and I felt a weight being lifted off my chest. At least he says he didn't write it. I can take that off the list of why I've hated Steve for years.
"Regardless," Dustin interjected raising his hand, "Jonathan still beat the shit outta you."
Steve scoffed, "Yeah but that doesn't count."
"Yes it does," Dustin continued on.
Steve and Dustin began their debate back and forth as I rolled my eyes. I looked over to Robin and she was looking back at me and shaking her head.
The two continued their little argument and I began aimlessly looking around the room. The sharp intake of breath from Robin brought my eyes back to her.
"The vents," she mouthed to me, the second I focused back on her.
My eyes widened, "The vents," I echoed with a nod.
We both stood up and went to the front of the shop where Robin dug her hand into the tip chair, grabbing all the bills at once. We were gonna need money where we were going.
"Hey, half of that is mine!" Steve cried out from behind us.
"I don't have my bike," I told her once I saw her bike helmet with her backpack.
She sharply took a breath and began looking around, "Bus will take too long."
I looked over to Steve and smiled, "Steve?"
He looked to me, still confused over Robin taking the tips, "Lou?"
I took a step towards him, "Can I please use your car? I'll drive super slow and super carefully. I'll put gas in it! I've been driving for over two years so I'm a really care-"
"Of course, heres my keys," he said, effectively cutting me off as he held his keys out to me.
I grinned and walked towards him, I picked his abandoned Scoops hat off the counter and brought it up to his head and placed it on there before taking the keys from his hand.
"Thanks, Steve," I said quietly.
He smiled at me and nodded, "Anytime."
I grinned and turned back to Robin, dangling the keys in front of me, "Lets go!"
She smiled and we walked quickly out of the shop, "Where are you guys going?" Dustin called.
We turned to face them, "Trying to find a way in!" I explained, "A safe way!"
"Yeah so in the meantime, sling ice cream, behave, and don't get beat up! We'll be back in a jif!" she said with a salute.
"And please don't let Dusty pick up any more transmissions!" I said with a smile before running after Robin.
We ran right to his car and hopped in. As promised, I drove slowly so I wouldn't damage his car, because that all I would need added onto this insane past few days.
Robin and I got to the County Recorders office and ran up the steps, we figured out where we were going, spoke to the lady at the desk and she went to get us copies of the malls blueprints and ventilation system.
"That's was nice of Steve to let us use the car," Robin mentioned.
I looked back at her and nodded, "Yeah...at least one of us has a car."
"It was really cute the way he just melted when you thanked him," she said batting her eyelashes at me.
I chuckled and pushed her shoulder, "It wasn't like that," I told her.
"Then what was it like?" she wondered.
I rolled my eyes but kept the small smile, "He's helping out the group."
She smirked, "And how is this all helping with the sixth grade crush you had on him?"
I leaned my back against the chair I was sitting in, "It's...fine."
She barked out a laugh and leaned forward, looking at my red face, "Fine? The way you guys keep looking at each other all googly eyed I'd think you both would have at least, admitted you like each other."
"What?" I scoffed, "I'm looking at it this way, Steve and I are tossed into this situation together. We're getting to know each other on different terms other than high school. He's a completely different person. I like this Steve as a person. Doesn't mean I like him," I exagerated, "I dont think you can help getting along or even possibly flirting with people that you're thrown together with in situations like this."
"Yeah?" Robin asked as the front desk lady was walking over to us, "Well tell that to the dreamy little smile he gets on his face when you're not looking at him," she said before standing up and graciously taking the blueprints from the lady.
She began walking to the door before I even got up from my chair.
That was bullshit, I thought. I wouldnt lie, little hints of a crush had begun popping up in my head about Steve. But I knew he didn't like me. There was no way, I wasn't exactly the normal type of girl he would chase after. As much as I liked Nancy, I was no Nancy Wheeler.
If I was going to take everything Robin said to heart about Steve flirting with every girl to walk into Scoops, then I needed to think that since I was the only other girl that had been hanging around him for a long period of the summer, then obviously he would act differently around me.
Once we went back to our regular lives, it would go back to the way it was. Dustin and Steve being friends, Robin and Steve working at Scoops together and me avoiding him while I fade to a distant memory in the back of his head. And I was okay with that.
I think.
Title credit to REO Speedwagon and gif credit to owner
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my boyfriend never texts first
Remus just wants to not be the first one to send a message every once in a while. That’s not too much to ask, right?
relationship: romantic remrom, background remy and emile (also romantic)
warnings: major character death, extended mourning (secondary warnings- brief discussion of religious holidays, brief underage drinking mention, a lot of all-caps) notes: unrelated, human, hs/college au. virgil, emile, and remy are here too. If you need anything in the secondary warnings (or one of those latter three characters) edited out, please let me know and I can put that up for you!
Remus always texted him first. Always. It didn’t matter the situation, didn’t matter the time date place name face. Who what when where why. It first started when he texted hi roman :) when they first got phones; for whatever reason, Roman just never texted first. Either he’d call or they’d talk in person.
No matter. Remus could cope.
May 1:
8:37 PM tody i saw you by my locker 8:39 PM *today 8:42 PM why didnt you say hi?
May 2:
9:30 PM a teacher talked to me today 9:30 PM wanted to talk about how i’m doing after 9:52 PM well you know. he’s a sick bastard
Really, it wasn’t too much to ask for, was it? He just wanted to see him text first once in a while! May 7:
3:32 PM: by the way idk if you got this last time 3:36 PM: my class ring size is the medium 3:44 PM: hopefully you order it by the deadline :P 4:03 PM: no idea when the deadline is 4:20 PM: bLAZE IT 4:24 PM: sorry i have like 0 money so i got it from the consignment shop 4:31 PM: i hope you like synthetic rubies!! leaving them with ur dad 10:40 PM: update. i cried for four hours with your dad.
June 2:
7:30 AM: gRaDuAtIoN dAy!!! 7:32 AM: there’s cookies in the reception menu 7:35 AM: snickerdoodles your favorite [eyes] 10:02 AM: i’m getting some for u 10:05 AM: [kissy face] 7:40 PM: the announcement was Weird 7:43 PM: anyways i have the snickerdoodles (Remus couldn’t go over to where Roman was staying, so he left them in the living room. He knew Roman would appreciate them. Hopefully he’d come over (wait, probably not, given...))
Well, actually, he could understand why he never texted first. June 11:
12:14 PM: roMAN 12:16 PM: [Attachment: Remus_Picani-Kleitman_Acceptance_Letter.pdf] 12:18 PM: YEAHHHH 12:24 PM: I’m sure you got in too SEND ME YOURS WHEN YOU GET IT 12:32 PM: WE MIGHT SHARE A ROOM YEA 12:35 PM: [Attachment: celebration.jpg]
Everyone was probably saying that he ought to just move on, but to be honest, he couldn’t... Actually, to be honest, no-one had told him to move on to his face yet. In fact, everyone was surprised he was doing so well, given how bad the circumstances were! The situation was stressing him out so much, even his dads were gently advising him to rethink things. (Well, that was part of the territory with one of them being a therapist and the other being a barista.)
“I got y’all some kouign-amann from the cafe,” said Dad, putting it down on the counter. His shirt had SLEEP scrawled on it with a Sharpie; it was the one that Remus had made for him as a joke. He still wore it. Huh.
“Sweetie, what’s a queen amahn?” asked Papa.
“It’s a... er, it’s like a... this is kinda like a croissant that had dreams of a muffin tin and salted caramel. One for you, babe.... then one for Doodlebug-”
“Can I leave some for Roman?” asked Remus.
They exchanged a glance.
“Of course you can,” said Papa with a smile. “Your candle’s on the table. Also, I got the news about being accepted into university? Good job, kiddo. You know, that was your father’s alma mater.”
“Are you sure you want to go to school right away after...? No problem taking a gap year.”
Papa glared at Dad. “Be nice.”
“I’m sorry, Remus, it’s just...” Dad put down his coffee. “If you’re not ready, if you need more time-”
"I’m sure,” said Remus with a grin, trying to get rid of what he just remembered. “Trust me.”
“Please find a good way to put away the snickerdoodles, they’ve been there since last week!” shouted Papa.
June 12:
12:12 AM: its twelve twelve make a wish 12:15 AM: hey when does your phone bill go out? 12:20 AM: im just saying that would Explain some things 12:22 AM: i know your dad pays Everything like a year in advance 12:34 AM: tell him i say hi 12:34 AM: 12:34 MAKE A WISH
July 12:
3:30 PM: guess who’s a double major in bio and theatre!! 3:32 PM: marine biology babey 3:53 PM: it’s good for the SOUL 4:04 PM: this cute octopus reminded me of you by the way 4:10 PM: [Attachment: for_roman]
August 14:
6:24 PM: moving in is the Worst 6:32 PM: by the way i got a single 6:35 PM: no roommates 6:41 PM: still have the bunk tho 6:44 PM: also got ur favorite pillo
August 30:
2:12 AM: roman it is like two o’clock in the morning what the Heck are you doing here, 2:15 AM: if u see me wave Hi 2:32 AM: ok >:c 2:42 AM: dont mind Me just studyin on top of the planetarium 3:15 AM: tbh i didn’t even know we go to the same campus? haven’t seen you around or anything 3:17 AM: shit phones gonna di
September 28:
2:20 PM: i failed my test 2:22 PM: idk what to d 2:24 PM: *do
September 29: 7:30 PM: remember that octopus you gave me that eats negative emotions? 7:32 PM: it works!!
October 3:
1:10 PM:  You’d like the theatre program, really 1:15 PM: just so u know they’ve listed your name as an ‘honorary member of the class of’ 1:19 PM: that’s really nice of them. idk if your dad knows
October 23:
9:45 AM: i had to explain one of our inside jokes 8( 9:52 AM: i can’t Explain the deodorant thing that was One Time 9:55 AM: also why i’m called The Duke 9:56 AM: its bc you said it. not my fault 9:58 AM: its still cute pls call me that still 9:59 AM: pancake brunch pancake brunch pancake brunch October 31: 6:12 PM: sun’s down! joyous samhain 6:15 PM: i remember when you sewed me that octopus btw, the one that eats ucky feelings 6:19 PM: how long did it take you to get the laurel sachet into it?? 6:34 PM: also thank you thank you thank you for helping me find a friendly church to celebrate all saints day 6:47 PM: that year was a NIGHTMARE because you forgot to get your white candles and carnelian, and i forgot my holy water, so we were driving around town like Madmen 6:59 PM: it was worth it though 7:03 PM: i left you a script, i think you’ll like it.
November 9:
11:19 PM: i miss you so so much.
November 10:
12:20 AM: ignor this i drank like 12:24 AM: a lot 1:15 AM: i’m sorry i should’ve been with you 1:22 AM: i shouldve been there With You. 1:45 AM: but i wasn’t 2:20 AM: i didn’t know thered be a 4:11 PM: shit i just saw these. Sorry to bother you December 2:
10:10 AM: hey roman, been a bit. yea sorry about last time. too much of the Alcohol 10:13 AM: gonna go over to my parents’ house 1:00 PM: if you wanna come over, you can. dad’s making snickerdoodles and papa’s gonna watch atla (yes i still have that dvd you got me do not @ me it’s with your candles on your table just like everything else) 1:03 PM: that was on the dot, i’m happy.
December 21
8:34 AM: hey, it’s snowing 9:13 AM: couldn’t help leaving you some hot cocoa. and snickerdoodles of course 10:12 AM: i love you Remus went to go help his dads with making breakfast, but by the time everyone was done cleaning and they had finished watching some shitty Hallmark movie, he remembered that he had left his phone upstairs. Going upstairs and looking at it, he felt something in him break.
[2 Unread: Roman <3, bf’s dad]
10:22 AM, Roman <3: Why are you texting this number? 11:15 AM, bf’s dad: Remus, disregard that last, I’m so sorry. I just found his phone and I saw only the recent message first
The phone started ringing. Remus answered it as quickly as he could.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Sanders I didn’t know that someone was actually getting these messages I thought the line was out,” he said within a few seconds before the person on the other side sighed.
“No, it’s quite all right. And Virgil’s all right, by the way, if you prefer. I... I was just looking through his things for the first time. You know, it being a holiday and all... Memories, things like that.”
“Yeah, I understand.”
“I just turned the phone back on, I’m getting a lot of messages.”
“Oh.” Remus stared at the wall, trying to come to terms with everything. “Well, I--”
“I’m not going to stop paying for his phone. I’m sorry, I just... I still have his voicemails on it, and I can’t stand the thought of it going offline either.”
“Right, I... I listen to it too.”
“I happened upon the last one he sent to you.”
“You looked at the messages?”
“I only looked over when I stopped getting new ones, but I saw the last question he sent you. For your ring size.”
“Yeah? He asked my ring size so that he could--”
“There’s no easy way to say this, but.. I found something of his. Can you come over?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t, but can you please tell me what it was? Please?”
“I really think I should tell you this in person.”
“Please, Mr. Sanders. Please, I... I can’t manage that.”
He sighed. “All right, Remus. I found an early acceptance letter to SJAU, and... and a ringbox.”
Remus felt his grasp on the phone grow weak. It fell onto the bed, Mr. Sanders’ voice still clear.
“I think he was going to ask for you to....”
“No, we... We were just out of high school, I-- that doesn’t make sense.”
“He always was one for those romantic gestures. There’s some poems here, too. A life-plan. I’m not sure exactly what malacology is, but--”
“Mollusks. Like octopi and squids.. Sorry for cutting you off, what was that?”
“Some of it’s in your handwriting, but one of the entries is ‘ask him’, for the day after... you know.”
God, he could hear his sad smile through the phone. He knew exactly how Mr. Sanders looked right now just talking to him, probably wearing that hoodie that was too big on him, in a dusty room full of things that used to belong to the most vibrant person that Remus had ever met.
But then Roman had died.
He was the most wonderful person, and he had just died.
“I’ll come over to deliver the ring to you. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s... that’s fine. Uh, call my dads first, though. They’re still not convinced I’m doing okay.”
“I understand. I’ll talk to you later, Remus.”
“Thank you, Mr. Sanders.”
The line went dead in his hands.
Remus held himself and wept.
December 28:
12:30 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: Mr. Sanders, would you like to come over for our New Year’s party? 12:34 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: It’s a tradition we had. You don’t have to if you’d rather not. 12:45 PM, Virgil Sanders: I’d love to go.
January 1:
12:00 AM: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! 12:05 AM: [Attachment: :)] 12:07 AM: we are all smiling in this photo and for that i think we deserve a hug. 12:10 AM: this rings the most beuatifl thing i’ve ever fuckign seen. thank you,, 12:14 AM: never gonna get rid of it <3 12:16 AM: it looks Good on my finger 12:30 AM: jsyk your dad’s asking my dads for the kouign amann recipe 12:32 AM: thats a pastry, i left those for u a while back 12:39 AM: okay i’m crying a bit but honestly, i love u 12:44 AM: I love you so so so much, Roman
Somewhere out there, whether it was from some wonderful paradise or beyond the veil or even only in wishful thoughts, Remus knew that someone was saying I love you too.
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Hello, dear! In a first place - how are you these days? Do you mind to write a Bucky whose trying to flirt and constantly trying to ask Peter on a date and completely clueless Peter who thinks Bucky is just nice and friendly to him, because why would so gorgeous and handsome guy want to date him for real?!
Hello, I’m okay! How are you?? 🖤
Sure I don’t mind writing that. I hope you’ll like it. :)
“You know,” Bucky said, “If you need help with hand to hand combat...we could train together sometime.”
“Oh,” Peter said. “That’s okay, man. I appreciate it, but I don’t wanna put you out. My webs are enough to keep the bad guys at bay.”
“Sure,” Bucky tried not to act disappointed, but it was like the seventh time Peter had rejected him. “If you change your mind, let me know.”
“Hey, be a doll, and pass that would ya?” Bucky smiled at Peter and held out his hand. He could’ve easily walked across the kitchen island and grabbed his abandoned glass of water, but it was a good excuse to chat with Peter.
Peter grabbed the glass and frowned. “Dude, this is warm. You should probably get a new glass.” He dumped it out and placed the cup in the dishwasher, got Bucky a new glass, filled it, and slid it across the counter to him.
“Good call,” Bucky said, taking a sip of the cold water. “So, speaking of drinks...do you ever go out?”
Peter laughed, “Uhh, not really. I’m not 21, sooo...”
“Right, well we could open a bottle sometime. We can drink it here. Play some cards?”
“Wow, that’s nice if you. It’s all right though, I’m sure you have better things to do than sit in the kitchen with me.”
“Not really,” Bucky disagreed. “It would be fun.”
“I’m not very good at cards...you’d get annoyed.”
“No I wouldn’t.”
Peter deliberated like he wanted to say yes, but then he stopped. “That sounds fun, but I dont know... But, hey, I’ll see you later. I gotta go meet Ned.”
“Okay,” Bucky held up his hands. Another strike.
“What are you doing this weekend?” Bucky asked.
Peter looked up from his holo-pad and smiled. “Oh hey, man. Nothing really. Just working on some suit mods. Maybe do a little gaming.”
Perfect, Bucky thought. This was his chance. How could Peter say no when he didn’t have any concrete plans?
“How about you?” Peter added.
“I’m not doing anything, either. Wanna see a movie?”
Peter raised his eyebrows. “You want to see a movie? With me?”
“Yeah, pretty sure that’s what I said,” Bucky teased.
Peter scrunched his face. “Wait a minute. Did Tony put you up to this?”
“Tony? No.”
“That’s funny ‘cause I said to him I had nothing to do this weekend...now all of a sudden you’re asking me to go to the movies? I’m good, but thanks for the pity offer.”
“It’s not a pity offer...maybe for me it is since I can’t even get a teenager to hang around with me.”
Peter laughed. “If there’s anything good playing at the theatre, I’ll just pirate it for you. You don’t have to waste your time going with me.”
“Jesus Christ,” Bucky shook his head. “You’re a tough cookie to crack.”
“It’s cool of you to ask me to hang out since you know I don’t really have anyone my age around, and Tony must’ve told you, but it’s really okay. You don’t have to feel sorry for me.”
Bucky sighed. He wanted to argue and explain that Peter was being ridiculous, and oblivious, and completely impossible, but he wasn’t going to beg. If Peter wanted to say yes, he would’ve already.
“Cute shirt,” Bucky complimented.
Peter looked around as if he assumed Bucky was talking to someone else.
“Me?” Peter asked. “Thanks. It’s just something I picked up at the thrift store.”
“The thrift store?” Bucky frowned. “Stark lets you shop at the thrift store?”
Peter shrugged. “He teases me, but I told him I’m not spending a thousand dollars on a shirt no matter what my allowance is.”
Bucky nodded. “Is there a thrift store around here?”
“Oh yeah. Just a few minutes drive. I usually just swing.”
“Cool. Wanna go?”
Peter frowned. “You wanna go to a thrift store?”
“Why not?”
“Well Steve said you used to be rich when you were kids...I wouldn’t think thrift stores were your scene.”
“That was a long time ago...let’s go. You can help me pick something out.”
Bucky sighed. “Forget it.”
“No, no... I do wanna go,” Peter admitted. “I just...I don’t understand why you’d wanna go with me. It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Doesn’t make any sense? Are you kidding?”
“What? Am I missing something?”
“Peter, I’ve been trying to ask you out for months, and you reject me every time. I was this close to giving up.”
“Ask me out? Like dates? Like you want to date me?
“That was the idea...”
“But why? That’s ridiculous.”
Bucky didn’t know what to say. “You’re adorable. Smart. Funny. Stubborn. Generous...you’re an absolute sweetheart. I’d be crazy not to try my hand at bagging a doll like you.”
“Bucky... I don’t know what to say,” Peter blushed. “You’re like...super hot, gorgeous, and wayyy out of my league. I thought you were just trying to be nice to me because you’re a friendly guy—which made it even worse because that means you’re the whole package. I’m so embarrassed.”
“The last thing you should be is embarrassed.”
Peter ducked his head. “I had no idea you liked me. That makes me oblivious.”
“Well I do,” Bucky replied.
Peter shifted his weight while he considered the situation.
“So how about that date? I’ve been waiting a while to get a yes from you.”
“Are you sure? Like this isn’t some trick?”
“Trick? Of course not. How could you think that?”
“It’s like I said...you’re way out of my league. I can’t understand how someone like you would even bother—“
“Stop that,” Bucky said. “If you don’t think you’re good enough for me, I don’t know what to tell you. You’re a thousand times better than me. Your heart is so pure, Peter. You’re kind. One of the most worthy people I’ve ever met, and you better believe I want you because I do. Ask anyone around. They’ve all been teasing me about it.”
Peter ran a hand through his hair. “Geez...that’s. That’s a lot to process, but I mean...I trust your judgment since you’re the best strategist on the team.”
“Let’s start with that then,” Bucky smiled.
“Okay,” Peter agreed.
“Okay,” Bucky echoed. “Let’s go to that store then. We’ll drive instead of swing—if that’s okay with you.”
“Sure. That sounds amazing.” Peter hesitated for a moment before going on his tippy toes and kissing Bucky on the cheek.
Bucky blushed and touched his cheek. “Thank you.”
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mayquita · 5 years
Enchanted 2019 - Panel with Colin, Josh & Ginny
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if they could introduce new characters into the show: judy hopps, the frantic pig ginny actually lobbied for judy and they gave her some jokes the boys said chewbacca and colin chewed out an awful chewbacca impression (x)
Colin O'Donoghue imitating fangirl screaming for Ginnifer Goodwin (x)
colin plays guitar, mandolin, ukulele 
 josh likes to play air guitar and air piano
 ginny plays scrabble (x)
Question: what instrument do you play? Colin: Guitar, Ukulele, anything with strings, Josh: Air Guitar, Ginny: I’m good at playing Scrabble (x)
josh and ginny want their kids to learn how to play instruments since they don't know how (x)
ginny would cosplay the doctor or anyone in Harry Potter, josh spoonhead from dr who, and colin as the crow (x)
if they could keep one memory, it would be the birth of their kids (x)
"watching your wife give birth, as you do, is like watching your favourite pub burn down" in the huskiest voice ever (x)
When Ginny tells a room full of people that josh delivered both their children...his reply ‘I’ve seen things’ (x)
Josh would be an elephant, Ginny would be an owl, colin an eagle if they could be an animal (x)
colin preferred playing old fat hook to any other hook (x)
"who's sean?" -josh (x)
when josh and ginny filmed the scene in the net, she had just come back from the er bc she had just got stitches from a stunt accident so they had to cover it up with rope, etc (x)
josh keeps prying that Colin's favorite scenes to film were with him and colin said he doesn't even remember what they've filmed "they were probably with Sean (x)
colin and josh liked the potion scene they did together and they both just stood up and turned in a circle and high fived (x) 
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"I liked the cuddle" -josh about captain charming in 6x12 (x)
"what's it like being a real life fairy tale couple?" they were just lucky and it's the best not just being able to work with each other but also being able to go home with each other (x)
Josh saying Colin's character was his fav too to a little girl (x)
a fan said colin was his favorite character and josh walked tf off the stage (x)
Ginny's fave episode is the pilot "Yeah bc I wasn't in it" - colin "You OR Sean!" - josh (x)
colin was asked who his favourite character was and Josh started leaning in to him sipping his coffee and colin said "I like Robin hood" (x)
"If you weren't aware, I was in Zootopia. Much like @sean_m_maguire, I played the very integral part of the frantic pig." Josh (x)
"props to lana for making us root for her" -ginny (x)
colin was asked to fill in at youth theatre and he said no way but they managed to convince him and fell in love with acting (x)
josh: "the first time I heard applause" when asked how he got into acting (x)
when ginny was growing up, she always sought permission from characters and the characters she admired were different, not the most popular she just always wanted to be a story teller, "trying on other peoples brains" (x)
Ginny admired characters that were a little different and felt she found solace in those character so wanted to be apart of that for other people. she also liked the idea of being in other people's brains and was fascinated by what other people were going through (x)
josh dallas has denied that he is the practical joker on set but ginny said that colin always tries to make her laugh (x)
Josh was the biggest prankster on set, but Josh said he doesn't think that's true. Ginny said colin was always trying to make her laugh. Josh taking a fart machine into Neverland brought up by colin   (x)
"Farts are funny." Josh (x)
Sean was the one that came up with the prayer "dear lord please smite all the other actors so that I may be the best in the scene" (x)
ginny keeps telling stories she's not allowed to tell and josh said we can't trust her with anything (x)
at the end of s6 when captain charming went up the beanstalk - the leg of the set table was carved in such a way where it looked like "a boy's thing" (x)
Josh: and the length of it... Ginny: was just your imagination (x)
"I was the most rested and unpregnant in the first season" -ginny "me too!" -josh (x)
seasons 1 and 2 were the seasons the three were most rested since they didn't have children yet (x)
gosh's kids don't know judy is ginny (x)
Josh gets into character when driving the jeep on the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland (x)
colin liked the avatar ride at disneyworld, josh wants to go to Star Wars land and when josh is the driver on Indiana Jones he gets into character ginny likes haunted mansion (x)
ginny knew she was gonna marry josh on big thunder when he threw his hands up and said "this is the best day of my life!" (x)
Ginny “When we go to Disneyland...” Josh “Oh another one of the secrets” Colin pretending in a Ginny voice “I really shouldn’t tell this in front of the people but...” (x)
poor josh is just losing his voice and colin is losing it "I am going through puberty" (x)
Josh’s voice is going “I am going through puberty right now” Colin is in hysteric (x)
everyone cant stop laughing and Josh just hit colin and Ginny on the head with his microphone (x)
josh said he was planning on wearing eyeliner today and colin said he did wear eyeliner once in an episode "where you killed me" (x)
“Josh I am your number one fan” Josh “Thank you!! Wait no don’t cry! Come here!!” (also Ginny wiped away a tear) (x)
ginny watched every Snow White that ever existed and "tried to steal from everybody" but the show also wanted to honor those characters while also adding more to them through creative freedom (x)
colin wanted to make hook be someone who seems like they're sorry when they're killing someone but they dont quite know why (x)
is there a line from the show you still use? colin - when I jab you with my sword you'll feel it... I SAY IT ALL THE TIME josh and ginny - I WILL ALWAYS FIND YOU to their children (x)
who would play you in the movie of your life? (x)
 Colin: @sean_m_maguire 
 Josh: @sean_m_maguire 
 Ginny: @sean_m_maguire
who would you go on a double date with? (x)
 ginny - Shakespeare and Einstein
 colin - THEY'RE DATING?!
Colin's best father day gift was a chain Evan gave him that he wears everyday Josh's is a card Oliver made him (x)
ginny has her bow and arrow and they know she has that, josh has his sword, and there might be a dark one dagger in the house somewhere and josh was shocked bc he genuinely didn't know (x)
Ginny “There’s some props that you don’t even know..” (x)
 Josh ”another thing I don’t know” 
 Colin “BUT..” 
 Ginny “There might be a dark one dagger at our house” 
 Josh “It’s in our TV ROOM?! So apparently we have a dark one dagger” 
 Ginny “We also have the wedding rings”
gosh also has their wedding rings, a picture that was in Mary Margaret's apartment which is in the master toilet bc they were scared they'd get in trouble by coworkers (x)
colin puts his pirate costume on in the corner of the room with his "eyeliner streaming down" his face (x)
Colin has his full Captain Hook outfit at home.... “I put it on in the corner of the room and cry, eyeliner running down my face” (x)
Colin has a full replica of the Jolly Roger and Excalibur and Killian's storybook (x)
if they ever met their characters "My god... YOURE HANDSOME" - colin "my god you're a man" - josh (x)
(If they ever met their characters) (x)
Colin: God, you're handsome.
Josh: YOU'RE A *MAN*. 
Colin: That's gonna be on the internet tomorrow. 
Josh: That's gonna be on the internet RIGHT NOW.
high school year books (x)
 nicest - ginny (not most likely to become a successful actress)
 josh - best personality 
 colin - most likely to be best looking and ginny adds sean maguire
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hi!! Im here looking for the ships?? (I love your writing btw). Im a 16 year old female, six foot (god help me), I have red hair and blue/grey eyes.I play clarinet and also do theatre. My all-time favorite movie is the original Halloween. Im very energetic and hyper and I love really hard and really fast. I’m also very tactile and love to touch my s/o or close friends in some way at almost all times.I’m bi, so I dont really care what gender I get, but I’d prefer it from the Teen Wolf universe!!!
Omg you are so sweet, and I totally splurged for this ask. I can be sweettalked into anything flattery will get you everywhere
But babe I couldn’t decide on a ship....So I settled for three. Hope you’re not disappointed 😉, enjoy 💙
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Scott would meet you when he stumbled into the band room looking for either a class or some recently escaped beastie, and lock eyes with you....
Only to dash out of the room again, more than a little confused about why his heart sputtered upon seeing that girl with the beautiful red hair that glinted in the sun.
Allison introduces you two—you and her were friends in theatre, and Allison was intrigued by your skills of observation. You’d noticed a supernatural thing here and there, and had even covered for the Pack just because you were, well, you. So Allison decided to pull you in to the pack, and you were more than willing to join the supernatural world.
The meeting went a little something like this:
Allison politely made the intros,
“Scott, this is my friend Y/N. Scott? Your mouth is just—it’s just hanging open. Say something.”
Scott blinked, and said,
“....Hi, I’m Y/N, nice to meet you, Scott.”
Stiles face palmed, muttering,
“Close enough.”
You shook Scott’s hand, electricity firing between your fingers, and smiled.
Scott STILL didn’t understand why it felt like his stomach was doing the conga, and he couldn’t stop smiling back at you.
A few weeks later, it wasn’t until Stiles pointed out the fact that Scott was still blushing an hour after you’d complimented his handwriting or something, idk his taste in pen choices (this boi would be shook no matter what you said), that Scott clued in.
From there, he was an adorable mess.
He wouldn’t for one second be put off by your height, thinking it just one of the million things that makes you a literally goddess in his eyes. Your hair, your eyes, your smile, the way you’d drink a can of freakin’ soda would be beautiful to him. It was the way you treat people, with sweetness and energy and passion that made him fall for you.
For real though, he’d be doodling his last name tagged on to the end of yours (or vice versa) after the first date.
Scott would one hundred percent be the Supportive Boyfriend, happily carrying your textbook between classes, opening doors and giving you his jacket.
But he’d also be the fun boyfriend.
You want to see Halloween for, well, Halloween? This boy has got a private drive-in movie theatre set up. You want to see the newest play they’ve got down at the community center? Well you’re gonna go sneak in and watch from the rafters, because it’s more fun that way and way more romantic.
This boy is so touch-starved that he takes every chance to make out with you, every chance to make your heart beat quicker (and believe me, he’s listening). But he’s also Scott-captain-of-toothache-sweet-McCall, and he’s the master of hand holding, swinging his arm over your shoulders, brushing your hair back and playing with the little baby hairs at the nape of your neck. This boy will have every freckle, every scar, every eyelash memorized because he just wants to know everything about you and make you feel as loved and appreciated as you deserve ♥️
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Malia would literally die when she saw you. “She’s tall? And gorgeous? And can act? And she’s literally perfect?!”
When Stiles introduced you as the secret weapon of the group, aka the badass one that always had the best ideas, the logical decisions, the kickass attitude of positivity no matter the odds, Malia was strangely quiet, letting her hair fall in her face to hide the clumsy, blushy mess just a glance from your sea-glass eyes could make her.
Being a touchy person, you might have swung your arm around her strolling down the hall between classes, or in the parking lot after school.
Malia, being Malia, would automatically lean in to it (being a tactile person herself). Then she’d see who it was, turning her head and coming nose-to-nose with you.🙀
The look on her face was enough to send you into a fit of giggles, and just the sound of that was plenty enough to make her grin ear to ear.
“Can you do that again?” She’d ask softly as you began to stop. You’d look up, surprised.
Malia shrugged, blushy mess appearing.
“I like it when you laugh.”
Thus cue the cUTESt relationship in which Malia does any and everything to make you laugh, make you smile, make you happy. That means finding the absolute dumbest puns and delivering them with a straight face in the middle of a Bio test; that means knotting her fingers through yours every chance she gets because she just cannot get over how amazing it feels to have your skin sliding against hers. That means protecting you at every turn, and letting you protect her because Malia doesn’t believe for one second that you’re not just as capable of fighting however you choose, human or no. Malia would lay her head on your shoulder one day, smiling at the sight of your hand on hers, and kiss the back of it.
“I love you, Y/N,” she’d whisper, so soft and careful. You’d kiss her on the side of her head, smiling into her hair as you breathed in her woodsy scent.
“I love you too, Malia.”
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Derek is hella angsty, or at least goes for the aesthetic of it.😈
But like any vaguely-aged young man, he’s not impervious to cinematic perfection. He’d end up squished in line next to you for a special promotion of Halloween. You, being adorable and outgoing, would strike up conversation. Him, being a broody leather-clad hottie, would say something snippy in return.
Buuut he noticed the way your eyes lit up when you talked about loving the movie, how you were so energetic talking with your hands and he was gripped by the strange urge to hold one.
Derek left quickly after that, and only ran into you as you, and your friends Scott and Stiles, started to meddle in the affairs of the supernatural world.
He. Was. NOT. Going. To. Fall. For. You.
He told himself like eighteen times a day, and failed each time.
Lydia didn’t fail to notice it, making little jokes here and there.
“And where is your leather-wearing bodyguard, Y/N? Out slaying dragons?”
“First of all, you’re weird. Second of all, what are the chances of dragons actually being real???”
Things only began to heat up when YOU took initiative.
Tired of all the mutual pining, the longing stares, the wagging eyebrows from stiles, and the undercurrent of admittedly sexy tension, you cornered Derek.
Buuut you hardly got two words out before his mouth was on yours, his hands in your hair.
When you two finally broke apart for air, you were stunned at the look on Derek’s face.
He was grinning, actually BEAMING. He rested his forehead against yours with a special tenderness, and whispered,
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
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taziidcvil · 5 years
give me a character and i will answer
Why I like them
everything. actually everything. have you seen him? have you seen my son? this gorgeous boy. i love absolutely everything about him. i love his smile and his grumpy frowns and his legit actually pissed off glares. i love cute as fuck eyebrows. i love his ever changing eye colour. what’s his eye colour? who the heck knows, but he looks good in all. i love his buzzed hair. i love his just,,, square. i love how supportive he is of his friends and his classmates. i love how he’d do anything for them. i love that he wanted to be class president, but voted for midoriya because he believed midoriya was best  suited for it. i love how far he’ll go for his friends. i love his morals and strict following the rules. i love when he breaks those rules when he feels like he must. i love that he shows up to class early. i love how genuinely happy he is for his classmates. i love his competitive drive. i love his strive for knowledge. i love how he’s always willing to help. i love his hand gestures and how animated he is. i love his wall of glasses he’s so proud of and takes care to position the same. i love him doing the robot. i love whenever he’s on screen/panel he gets me grinning like a dork. i love how he can make you laugh. i love how he can rip out your heart because boy is complex. because he hurts and fuck i want to reach through the screen and hug him, but only if he’ll accept. i love that he looks like he gives the best hugs can you imagine? i love that he pulled a knife out of his arm like it was nothing. i love his strive for heroics and his growth. i love when he falters and goes against his own morals in anger. i love that he grows as a person constantly. i love how he’s always willing to better himself. i love how trusting he is. i love how far he takes lessons. i love when he tries to play the bad guy. i love how dramatic he is like peek theatre kid vibes. i love how he’s always there to help. when uraraka was nauseous and he rubs her back? what a good boy. i love that he keeps the others in line. i love that he curbs m/n/ta’s behaviour. i love that this boy is a feminist because come on you can’t tell me he’s not. while we’re at it iida totally said ‘trans rights’ and would respect your pronouns/name and would be the first to correct others, don’t fight me on this. i love the fact that fucking orange juice fuels his engines. i love his engines!! i love his fighting style. i love his love for tensei. i love his love for his friends. i love his love for his classmates. i love that he would include everyone and bend over backwards to make sure everyone was okay. i love him. so. fucking. much.
Why I don’t
there is,, literally nothing about tenya that i don’t absolutely adore. there’s not a single thing i’d change. i’m trying to think of something, no matter how small or petty, that i dislike about him and there’s,,, literally nothing
Favourite episode (scene if movie)
his fight against stain alongside midoriya and todoroki. just,,, the raw emotion. the hurt. the struggle. the learning. the growing. the fucking pulling a knife out of his arm with his teeth. the fucking SAVING TODOROKI’S LIFE. todoroki almost got sliced in half and iida snapped that blade in half JUST before it hit todoroki. the kick to stain’s side. everything about that fight was,, amazing. superb. 
Favourite season/movie
overall fav season of bnha is season 3, and probably always will be. but fav season of tenya content? season 2. i just,,, really love the stain fight
Favourite line
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that one time tenya told stain to ‘catch these hands’
Favorite outfit
i really,,, love tenya’s hero outfit. it’s honestly so aesthetically pleasing. 
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i ship,,, everything. well, almost everything. seriously tho put him up with almost anyone and i’ll ship that shit. but the one i put on a pedestal? shiniida. my otp man god that good shit
also works as poly-otp but also damn good platonic: iida/midoriya/uraraka/todoroki. amazing. quality. i love.
Head Canon
tenya started the lgbt+ club in UA and is very proud of it and its members. he organises multiple events and reaches out to the general public of UA to invite everyone. he’s genuinely so fucking happy when people join and welcoming. supportive leader who would do anything for his club members
Unpopular opinion
tenya can swear. it just has to tick certain boxes. time. appropriateness. company. location. a reason. there is just rarely a time when all these line up to the point he feels it’s acceptable to swear. if tenya is alone in the comfort of his own room, with the door shut, and he stubs his toe? he will absolutely say ‘fuck’. no one has had the privileged to hear him cuss but there’s been a couple times he’s been tempted to fire one at bakugou.
A wish
give me tenya vs stain part 2. give me a bigger fight with tenya’s heroics shining through. show us how much he’s grown as a person and a hero since their first fight. give me tenya catching stain and saving the day. that’s a lil sad tho too so let me do a happy wish too
give me more tenya and tensei hanging out. give me the entire iida family. he has three younger brothers, right? i can never find a source on this but apparently that’s a thing? where are they? give me the iida fam. i want to study all their eyebrows and where their engines are (assuming they have engines). but give me that iida brothers content!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
don’t you dare ever fucking kill him hori. my fear of iida dying in the stain arc is what made me read the manga. leave him alone. and DON’T!! FUCKING BULLY HIM!! don’t you dare ever hurt him by his friends.
5 words to best describe them
beautiful square boy deserves world
My nickname for them
my son. gorgeous. good boy. baby. angel. square. tenyah~. mother hen. stain remover. light of my life.
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spideyjlaw · 5 years
My Avengers Endgame World Premiere experience
this is really long, lota rambling feel free to read skim anything idc, no spoilers bc this was on Monday before I saw the movie :) 
Ok Ima start Saturday night, this is when I was packing making and painting my posters that said “Thank You Avengers”, I live in California so I didn’t have to fly to this event. At 12am we (my family) we arrive in Los Angeles around 5am. At this time I thought that the premiere was going to be at El Capitan Theatre where it was originally supposed to be. We drive by the theater and we see no one is in line which was weird bc normally there would be people here already so i search and find the location which was switched last min (smh) the drive to the next location wasnt too long but at least i knew i was at the right location bc of the small group of fans and the giant poster that said Avengers Endgame World Premiere. Apparently they changed the location bc they needed a larger screening room and they didnt want tons of fans showing up, there were these girls that were waiting at the El Capitan for 2 hours before they realized something was up. Anyway, we get in line. People who were in charge told the people who stayed over night to go home bc there wasnt going to be a fan area. No one left ofc who would hell no. Then some people went on twitter to talk about it made signs it was confusing but we ended up in a fan area after going through security. We got into the fan area at 12 ish and we had to stand there for another 4 and a half hours before anything exciting happens. Now its around 4pm people are starting to arrive. (THIS IS WHEN THE ACTION STARTS) Benedict Wong then Joe Russo. Not many came all the way down the line, I was the last one on the line before it wrapped around the corner. But I did want to get barricade and able to see action so Im grateful for my spot. Then Anthony Mackie arrives he’s walking to end of the fan area around the small corner but as hes walking right as he gets near me i scream at the top of my lungs, he stops right in front of me and i go “AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!ANTHONYYYYY MACKiE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!” he looks at me biggest smile. We had a whole moment together its hard to explain its kinda like a ‘you had to be there moment’ i was the longest person probably a good 20 seconds (which is a long ass time in these times when they are in a rush) he was at and while im screaming and fangirling he air grabs my head to fucking sign my forehead i closed my eyes and accepted it he didnt do it ofc but he was just a fun guy i love him soooo much he signs my posters while saying “There’s no black guy on here” (i did an original 6 themed avengers poster) but he signed than signed my bosslogic poster which he was in. paul rudd comes by hes just a rocking dude i love scott lang sm, he was so sweets v cool guys sm love for him. Then at around 5pm Chris freaking Hemsworth arrives I loose my shit and so does everyone else. Just like Joe, Benedict Wong & Anthony he also went around the corner to make sure they got all of the fans (thank u to all who did this). Ive loved Hemsie for the longest time, i did get teary eyed but i didnt cry (yet) he was just the sweetest I was able to take a crappy photo with him bc i wasnt able to function properly as i took the pic my dumbass was like “iLOvEyoUsOmUCh” its oka cause he has the cutest smile and the bluest eyes oh and i cant stress enough he smelled so good sooooo good normally i hate when guys coat themselves in cologne cause it smells bad, but his didnt, his smelled so good i was so shook like chris drop what cologne u used idc its for guys mama neeeddds. THEN IT hAPPENEd CHRISTOPHER ROBERT EVANS DRIVES BY. Everyone was like “omg is that chris evans?!”  I stand on the barricade to see if i can catch a peak, istg the moment the fucking moment he gets out the car i start to bawl my eyes out. This man who has meant more to me than anyone is over there i couldnt believe i was seeing my favorite human ever. I’ve only sobbed right as i saw my fave once before back in 2016 at the Passengers premiere when I met Jennifer Lawrence. People dont really understand the moment like this person has inspired me so much of course im going to cry and sure judge me for it but they helped me through so much. Anyway he looked soo hot in his blue suit and sunglasses. I kinda calm down bc i didnt know if he was going to come all the way down the line and yk my ass wanted a pic but he was cut half way though the people which was upsetting but again im extremely grateful to be able to see him. Then my main fucking man. Sebastian Stan arrives. see ive met the guy before last year at ace comic con (there was tea w my photo op being really messy and i hated it i got a refund u can read about that on my ace comic con post). anyway i see him. i dont cry im trying to wipe my tears i was more prepared cause ive seen him before it was gonna be ok. I lose my shit the man was wearing a baby blue pastel colored suit. fucking beautiful. iconic. very hot of you mr seb ty. hes walking down and hes getting close. he wasnt to smiley, he was taking pics but he was focused on the fans signing for as many fans as possible. He gets to me and he sees our pics then he looks u so we could take a pic and his smile just transforms you can just see his face just glow up it was the truly the cutest this ive ever experience. then we look up from the pic and hes smiling at me i tell him “I love you so much” i hear him chuckle but as he says something his security guy yells “thank you that enough” so ill be posting the vid of us and any lip readers can help a girl out ill love you forever. I ended up being Sebs last person from the fan area. he truly made my day, week fucking year. then other celebs such as jon favreau, benedict cumberbatch comes by. Jeremy Renner comes by. I shoot my shot and make small talk w Jeremy. I go “Hi Jermey how’s your day going?” he goes “I’m doing really good, how bout you?” he signs my things i excitingly tell him “I’m doing great thank you” then he goes “Thank you honey” and smiles at me. It made me really happy, i could tell he was a bit tired but Jeremy is such a sweetheart he doesnt get the credit he deserves i love him sm, ive always has a little part of my heart for Hawkeye. minutes go by. I see Lizzie Olsen, Danai Gurira, beautiful ofc. then i see fucking Mark Ruffalo hes just standing behind one of the SUVs and the sun is on him. He looked like a confused puppy it was so cute and soft, i love my ruffalo buffalo. I took my moment to scream “iS THat MARK ruFFALO?” i dont think he signed for many fans. Scarjo arrives she doesnt sign for many either she looked beautiful v pretty. a little while passes than the most bitching car comes by and stops where the cars stop until the drop off area clears and they can go. we all knew who ever was in that car he was important. then it was his time to go cause the drop off area was cleared. guess who was in the drivers seat. You guessed right. Robert Downey Jr rolling up in an Audi E-TRON, with his wife Susan Downey in the passenger seat. Truly the Tony Stark entrance. he doesnt sign for many ofc. at this time it was getting later near 6pm almost all celebs and guests are inside where the actual premiere set up is. then Vin Diesel comes in. He was the most fan based guy. even though he was running late he ran (literally speed walking) through the whole line of fans around the corner and everything. he had the biggest smile on. wearing his groot jacket. and if u dont know fast and furious are one of my fave franchises of all time so i was having the best time. then that was the last person and we started heading out. i didnt name all who ive seen since there was just to many and i probably missed some things but i loved my experience. i was able to see all the original avengers irl and that made me really happy. this whole cast means the world to me. ill love them forever 
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ingenves · 5 years
     hello angels ! the name’s moose ( she/her ) & i love bugs and poutine. it’s late af so im off to bed right away but ! i would love to plot with each and every single one of you so definitely feel free to HMU ( on here or u can ask for my discord if u prefer ) or LIKE THIS and i’ll come to u ! i don’t have a wc page or anything sorted out yet but we rollin. you can peep saskia’s pinterest board HERE for the aesthetic™ 
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     ⌈ sophie turner, cisfemale, she/her ⌋ hey, is it SASKIA GRAHAM that you’re looking for? you know, the TWENTY-ONE year old ACTRESS. typically i see them hanging around NEPTUNE’S DINER so you could try there! i hear they’ve been in living in KINGSTON for ONE YEAR. gristol wouldn’t be the same without them, right? anyway, whenever i see them they make me think of fresh manicures, sweet nothings whispered in french & broken champagne bottles on a tile floor. 
ok so! lil miss saskia is the only child of infamous director lloyd graham and his second wife anna, a talent agent. they split up when she was a baby and although she was born in london, she primarily grew up in paris where she lived w her father and her step mom anaïs who was just an up-and-coming designer at the time of their marriage
as u can imagine, she grew up living this extravagant and opulent lifestyle that she’s since become addicted to
it was hard to be a normal kid w the parents she had, but.....all of her friends were also a part of the same world she was. as far as her childhood goes, ofc she was super duper privileged so it wasnt HARD but it also wasnt always easy??
she started acting when she was v young. she started her career in theatre as a child actor and then occasionally making small appearances in various movies that her father was working on, but her career rly took off when she hit her teen years.
she’s got a reputation for being a scream queen, most of her filmography consisting of indie french horror and thriller movies. she’s fairly well-known in france and in europe for her work but not so much in the americas unless ur into french / foreign film ig?
her father has always had most of the control over her career. although he had no part in getting her roles, he did police what she could and couldn’t audition for and he did his best to make sure that she stayed scandal-free and out of the tabloids to avoid taking a dump on the family name u know?
which is........kind of funny bc her dad is WELL KNOWN for being horrible to work with, short-tempered, demanding, all that good stuff. he’s also just.....rude. and elitist and he thinks he’s better than everyone else even tho his movies arent even THAT good. satan himself, probably
so ofc saskia didn’t want to work w him either and it was exhausting having to be his DAUGHTER when he’s so controlling
they had this MASSIVE fight eventually, where saskia basically called him out for trying to control every aspect of her life instead of just letting her LIVE and take her career and her life in the direction she wanted to. he claimed that every single one of her accomplishments was because of HIM and because of their name and without all their money she would be nothing and that made her FURIOUS bc as much as yes, her family did help her get her foot in the door and get auditions, all of the work she’s done and every role she’s gotten was because she earned it, not because of anyone else
in an act of spite and to give her dad two big ole MIDDLE FINGERS she moved to the place her father hates the most, new york city. that’s what she told him, at least, but she settled in gristol instead, just a short drive away from the big apple
she never rly pictured herself living there since.....paris is her entire life and she’s never rly had an interest in expanding her horizons to american film but.........now that she’s tryna piss off her dad she just might :/
ditched her big fancy house for a cute lil apartment that she adores
tbqh she’s just been taking a hiatus from her career since moving, straight chillin most of the time , kind of laying low and getting her ducks in a row, letting her father stew while not knowing wtf she’s been doing for a year
but she’s bored bored BORED and she doesn’t want to go back home so she’s just getting her career going again, going to auditions and doing the whole dealio u know how it be
that abt sums it up??? let me talk abt her cancer ass now
she’s SUPER good at keeping a facade and then going home to cry herself to sleep afterwards
lowkey insecure af
riddled w trust issues
as u can tell, she is a spiteful little shit
she doesn’t like to talk abt her feelings but then.....gets offended when ppl dont realize when she’s upset or angry??? *lisa from the room vc* i don’t want to talk about it
she takes criticism very personally and will most definitely get angry at u if u criticize her in any way
wtf is a stable emotion???? she has no idea
her life is a constant cycle of overreacting to things
don’t get me WRONG she is actually quite a sweetheart but it’s when u try to call her out or break her trust that she does a fuckin flip flop and goes bananas
she out here destroying herself so no one else can :/
she gets stressed out v easily and always has to take time for herself ahdsjkfg. spa days are what keep her going
loyal af to the ppl who are loyal to her!!!!!
can be lowkey manipulative without even realizing what she’s doing. just a smooth talker rly
ok some lil extra bits for ur consideration
she rly.....had no idea how to live by herself tbqh after moving out. she was LOST. didn’t know how to do laundry or make coffee or do the dishes, she didn’t know SHIT MY GUY. for someone who is v intelligent she rly......had a hard time adjusting to Real life.
occasionally walks the runway for her step-mom but her true Passion is acting
she has to take a nap every day or else she is impossible to deal with
likes to Partay but she always texts her exes when she’s drunk :/
a sentimental BITCH!!!! keeps every letter and birthday card anyone has ever given her. she has money so like.....she prefers to receive sentimental gifts that make her lowkey soft heart Melt.
loves spontaneous trips and adventures
since moving to gristol she’s become less of a fashion bitch and more of a casual comfort hoe but.......the gal always has her nails done
she hasn’t spoken to her dad since she moved away but she talks to her step-mom almost everyday bc she adores that womaN
she absolutely.....adORES american culture. she watched a ton of american tv growing up and she idolizes that shit dude
fluent in french & english ofc!! has a lil french accent
ok that’s all i have rly thank u for reading this far if u did and if not i feel u man and i still love u 
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fredheads · 6 years
my very long list of fred & gladys headcanons
gladys did fred's makeup a lot! the only thing he did by himself was eyeliner (whenever it didnt look like a mess for once it was because gladys did it for him) but she would beat his whole face for him, sparkly eyeshadow included, and it made him so happy. 
gladys very rarely wore pink but she kept pink eyeshadow and pink nail polish in her makeup kit because fred liked to borrow it 
gladys made a lot of dads nervous but artie actually really liked her - probably because she always made him laugh! he thought she was great and fred was actually jealous of how easily they seemed to get along. 
they had so many sleepovers at gladys' house where they'd just lay on her mattress on the floor at the end of the night and put in a VHS and without fail one of them (usually fred) would fall asleep before the opening credits were over but it was the most enjoyable part of their night and theyd sleep side by side with their arms touching and the tv still on
gladys borrowed so many pairs of fred's plaid pyjama pants during these occasions that he stopped asking for them back .. they were very much comfy clothes friends they were always spending whole days in sweatpants and slept-in tshirts together 
they loved going to thrift stores and finding the weirdest shit they could... and sometimes theyd go back later and buy something that made them laugh and give it to one another for a birthday gift 
fred and gladys had a list of inside jokes longer than anything.. obviously fp was in on most of them and they had in-jokes with most of their friends but fred and gladys especially were that pair where one of them could say a word with a certain inflection and the other would bust up laughing over something that happened a month ago. 
both of them knew they were never going to college- gladys bc she didnt finish high school, fred because of artie, but they used to like to talk about how cool it would be if they went to the same college and were roomates and all the stuff they'd get up to
once they made up a whole plan where they were going to move to san francisco or new york and be a drag queen/drag king duo they even made up stage names and started choreographing their show
gladys found herself comforting fred many a time while he cried about some girl in their class that he'd decided was the one and then it didnt work out. even though it got repetitive she always treated it seriously and reassured fred that everything would work out in the end. if they really hurt his feelings she'd offer to seduce them and then break their hearts but fred never took her up on it. 
they both loved women so much... they loved talking about girls together
gladys helped write 80% of the fredheads songs and was the only reason they weren't terrible.. she's also the one who got fred hooked on joan jett. obviously. 
she once insisted fred go to a professional when he wanted yet another ear piercing and probably saved the andrews hundreds of dollars in hospital bills because fred was always getting whopping ear infections from alice shoving needles through his head
they're very tactile friends! always offering back rubs and hugs and kisses and hair combing. they were that male-female friendship in school that everyone was like "you'll fall for each other someday!" but really they were just gay... well bi in this case both of em but still..... you all know how this goes im sure. 
they always experiment with their hair together! gladys has given fred some awful haircuts and hes dyed her hair some weird colours but they always roll with it. 
they always stuck up for one another at school and neither was afraid to start a fight (gladys was the only one likely to win, however)
gladys actually taught fred how to punch after she watched him almost shatter his hand on some bullies in grade nine.. her dad taught her how to do it the right way so she passed it on :") fred decking hiram was all her doing
they both mocked hiram relentlessly... it was their thing
they went to mcdonalds drunk all the time... and often they walked through the drive-through or went through on fred's bicycle with gladys riding on the handlebars. they were dum dums. 
they tried going trick or treating together when they were both WAY too old
fred had a job at the movie theatre for about three weeks one summer (he got fired after he tried to work a shift and also have 2 dates at the same time... dont ask. also an incident with the slushie machine.) and would always sneak gladys in for free. they also liked to sneak into the projector room at the drive in when fp was working 
fred hated the smell of cigarettes and hated them double after artie died so gladys was always very good about opening windows and not smoking right in front of him but she also lent him a bunch that he could hold unlit and look cool and took pictures of him with them 
gladys took a lot of pictures!! she had a polaroid and she and fred were always goofing off with it and they both had stacks and stacks of them. fred paid for film. 
they both had big appetites (though not as big as fp) and loved to share a huge messy platter of pops biggest breakfast. fp, usually sitting across from them, could eat one all on his own. 
fred was always admiring gladys' rings and she lent them to him a lot.
he was the first person she showed her nipple piercings to... he wasnt expecting her to pull up her shirt first thing he was shook. 
they both love doing dumb roughousing  and theyre always trying to do weird gymnastics lifts and stuff with each other for no reason or theyre initiating arm wresling or playing "the floor is lava" while whoever else is in the room is just trying to watch the movie... theyre so dumb i love them
gladys has to go easy on fred with arm wrestling because his arms are so skinny... she calls him noodle. but affectionately. oH SHE HAS SO MANY NICKNAMES FOR HIM.... 
they're both impulsive hot-headed dummies in different ways so they take turns being the voice of reason... very often fred will have to talk gladys down and keep her out of trouble and then later gladys will be the one trying to keep fred from doing some dumb shit.. its a partnership. 
she's probably the only girl in fred's life that he hasn't felt any kind of romantic inclination toward which is weird for everyone and he's always getting asked if they kissed yet (for the record they did once... but it wasnt fred's idea. i think briana told me once gladys just walked up to fred at a party and kissed him to see what all the fuss was about and then said "not bad" and walked away amen bless.) 
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sporecollection · 6 years
memorable moments from the lightning thief (1-12-19, chicago)
extra bullet saying this isnt in any kind of order, just as i remember
starting off, merch line was a mess but a mood
so as u go into the theatre theyre playing thunder n shit and its really nice
the set has a big banner up covering it and during prologue/the day i got expelled annabeth and luke rip it down and fuCKING PERCY SLIDES IN
so annabeth and luke are extras for the ny museum of art and theyre basically making out
"kronos-" "KROOOONOOOOS"
prolouge is just good all together
"meet me by the sphinx" *cast turns around the sculpure. its a tiny sphinx*
grover was just so good i loved him
annabeth hitting percy in the head with a book during the "PAY ATTENTION PAY ATTENTION"
all of strong was lovely. i nearly cried. thanks
"aww, its a goat! and hes stuck in a trashcan!" jk its grover i died
the minotaur was big good. kinda scared the shit out of me admittedly
annabeth being rolled in during the weirdest dream is me
mr d sharpening an entire ass pencil down to its bottom to prove a point
"MR BRUNNER???? YOURE A HORSE????" is still my fave line u cant change my mind
their sign was also good.
on the topic of luke, he came out in the end in leather pants and half the goddamned theater swooned
clarisse was so good! her voice was lovely and put your in your place was a god damned bop
percy rolling in on the toilet during out you in your place
annabeth and luke are holding the flag on the little balcony area it was cute
the campfire song was exactly as i imagined it no joke
grover told everyone to shut up so he could sing his part and if thats not me
everyone comforting grover. annabeth was on her knees patting his hand it was pure
"uh, hes not doing it right???"
him getting mad and immediately getting claimed would totally happen to me.
also the lights they used were super nice
"is... is it a fork?"
the oracle of delphi was nice.
luke telling percy he didnt have to take the quest and percy bascially saying fuck you im gonna take the quest
"and ill be the second first!"
all of killer quest was good
"dont get eaten by monsters" "who said anything abt monsters??" CHIRON, CLAPPING A HAND OVER CLARRISES MOUTH "have a great quest"
ok act two now
the squirrel. thats all
(i got a lil squirrel plushie bc they sold them there and hes lovely)
my grand plan was so emotional it made me love annabeth 100000 times more
percy sending medusas head to the gods is petty and also mood
drive is so nice.
"hop on my tractor!" hes in a wheelchair pulling a whole ass monkey bar set with grover annabeth and percy all riding
grovers doin the steriotypical kick ur leggies in the air while layin on ur belly
he struggles to get down which is me
"... i have that effect" the entire stage goes red immediately i love ares
percy does the im flying jack pose on the motorcycle
also theres a bump and everyone jumps
"*COUGH COUGH* i think i just swallowed a bug."
"ooh look some carboard boxes!"and grover fucking SPRINTS
the entirety of the weirdest dream reprise
"you were waking people up. not annabeth." "... no mom i cant go to the movies... im on a quest... and i have homework"
all of the tree on the hill was so good, especially the stuff on the balcony
luke and annabeth hugging as thalia dies made me emotional
her dress. good shit
all of doa
also. everyone fucking rocking
hes wearing a sparkly ass shirt and me too sis
percy blowing the conch was lit
"i like the gift u sent me." poseidon was such a fuckin dad
also. all of son of poseidon was good
esp ares and percy fighting
"its a, uh, make your own sculpture kit!" sally starts opening it "NO NO NO ITS MEDUSAS HEAD"
luke avoiding percy made me sad
all of the last day of summer was wonderful. especially percy and lukes fight
"i know youll make the wise choice" "i will." AND SHE DISARMS LUKE WHAT A QUEEN
luke deadass STABS percy
all of bring on the monsters was great, especially beforehand when luke rips down the camp half blood banner
bows? good shit
stage door time!
everyone was just. so nice
the guy who played luke came out first and he was super nice even when turning down photos and stuff!
every time someone came out (even when it wasnt cast) people cheered
heres a photo i took with him:
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Once more I felt myself rising through space. It was even as the Sphere had said. The further we receded from the object we beheld, the larger became the field of vision. It's not that hard. Because one single misinformed stupid tweet from 6 years ago can surface at any point. The internet is forever, and I'm shocked by how dumb these BG seem to be. "Because we really thought: Maybe people will listen. Maybe people actually realize how detrimental this will be to our fucking country if this happens. Obviously they didn't. Today hundreds of Dance Theatre of Harlem graduates teach at ballet schools across America. Fourteen have even opened their own schools, both here and in Europe. Mitchell's ballet company tours the world, but home is still Harlem. Math is not what you think it is. It turns out to be even cooler than what you learned in high school but if you dont have a passion then I would stay away. The last thing you want to do is get a double in math and CS and get into an engineering position where you are winging it because you didnt truly study math, you just have a math major? Does that make sense?. All of that and I would imagine that you have become tolerant to that dose of kratom and now it's not holding you over as long as it used to. I used to take over 70 grams a day for years and the only reason I ever got that high up was because of tolerance. The place I work at sells it in packs as small as an ounce and up to a kilo. The most famous cautionary urban legend is the "hook hand killer" tale. In this story, a young couple on a date drive off to a remote spot to "park." Over the radio, they hear that a psychopath with a hooked hand has escaped from a local mental institution. The girl wants to leave, but her boyfriend insists there's nothing to worry about. I asked him since you always say negative things about this guy, what are some positive things about him you want us to know about? And he legitimately got SUPER angry that I asked him this. Lmao. Good riddance to that shit.Today starts 2 weeks, at a minimum, of bed rest for me. Who are we really? I can tell you we are unknowable, unnameable, seemingly infinite, timeless, unfathomable, mysterious, nothingness manifesting itself into the confusing sensory order and chaos that we call being "me". We get so caught up in being "me" that we dont even realize that there is anything outside of being "me". When we find this out for ourselves, we wake up. He picked the quarrel with the strange dog while the gang waited. And when he had overthrown the strange dog the gang went in to finish it. But it is equally true that he then withdrew, leaving the gang to receive the punishment of the outraged gods.. What we do know is that it isn't necessarily accurate and 함안출장샵 may not do much 함안출장샵 to keep your skin hydrated. So if you're thirsty, go ahead and drink a glass of water. If you're not, don't worry about it.. Id really like to see something that has a more historical supernatural maybe. And as much as i like to watch a movie with pre and post Victorian fashion, Im thinking something much farther back than that. Maybe a movie about Native Americans being hunted by skin walkers even if its set in a modern period but relies on a lot of historical and accurate lore, mythology or history on them or maybe a movie that takes place in a village setting that could be like a slasher and everyone is only looking out for themselves and that distrust in the community makes them fall faster.
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