#i laughed when i saw they're roomies
bluestringpuppeteer · 7 months
When Legato came home, bags in hand from a small shopping trip, it was to find another white-coated figure investigating the villa, expression far from pleased. The psychic had to pause and blink at the other man, simply on the basis of how... oddly similar they looked. Besides hair and eye colors, they might as well be twins. Even their styles were extremely similar.
Legato closes the door behind him, frowning slightly at the other man in his home.
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"Either you have a key and thus are my new roommate or you are breaking and entering, which I do not appreciate. Which is it? I do not have patience for idiots who think they may go where they please with no consequences." If only he had his powers he could just be the consequences himself but alas, he was almost just as powerless as any normal human here.
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goquokka00 · 4 months
The Roomie Effect
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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Summary: You're roommates with your friend Jisung and his boyfriend, Minho. The downsides? You're attracted to both of them, and they're a fairly...active couple. Little do you know; they're also attracted to you. And they want you to be in their relationship with them.
Pairings: Jisung X Reader (F!) X Minho
Genre: Fluff, humor, non-idol au but Stray Kids still knows each other, smut (MDNI)
Warnings: Mentions of sex and alcohol, "vaping" (reader uses diffuser sticks like pure and cloudy, so no nicotine), reader is a bit of a perv! at some points, anal sex (male x male), Sub! Jisung, Hard Dom! Minho, handjob
Word Count: 4.3K
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You still remember when Jisung brought up rooming with him. It had been a pretty calm day, the two of you deciding to hang out because of that reason. You did as you both did, causing mischief, being unhinged, the works. After all, you two were really close friends. Sure, you both had your friend groups, but they weren't the same as when you two were hanging out.
Then again, both of your friend groups were more like one big friend group you two had accidentally created. But, everyone got along. And it was always fun when everyone decided to meet up.
Even so, you and Jisung still loved hanging out together, just the two of you from time to time. And that's what you two did that day, before deciding to grab some lunch. You both decided on that one cafe that you both always enjoyed, sitting down and ordering before visiting with each other.
It was your usual conversation. How classes were going, how life was going. You always asked how his relationship with his boyfriend, Minho, was going as well, mainly because you loved seeing how Jisung's face always lit up whenever he talked about him.
His face only seemed to do that for Minho.
While it stung, you always chose to ignore it. Sure, you liked Jisung, but you had accepted that he just didn't see you like that. And it's not like Minho was a bad boyfriend. No, no, no, Minho was an incredible boyfriend. Loving, considerate, loyal. It was everything you wished for in a man. Course, he was really handsome, too. Jisung deserved someone like that in his life.
But as the conversations went on, and after receiving your food, a new topic spurred on how you were looking for somewhere to live. You had previously been living in the dorms of the college you and Jisung were going to. You were a freshman then anyway, so living at the dorms was a requirement for first years. But you weren't about to live there again. No way in hell.
And the moment that you started complaining about how much you loathed the dorms and wanted to live anywhere else, but apartments were too expensive, Jisung hopped at the opportunity that he saw open right up in front of him.
"Why not just live with me and Minho?" Jisung offered. He had a bright smile on his face, eager to talk you into this idea.
"What?" You asked, raising a brow. "No, I can't do that to you two."
"You make it sound like you're going to burden us." Jisung responded, laughing a bit.
"Don't I already since I always bother you with questions on homework?" You asked again, Jisung shaking his head. While it was true you went to him a lot, since he was a year above you going for a similar major you were (He was going for Music Production, you were going for Music Performance), but it never bothered him.
"You already know I don't mind. And besides, wouldn't it make things easier since you'd have me just down the hall?" Jisung asked you, stuffing some more food into his mouth. "Just think about it. It would lower the rent payments for both Minho and I, and it would be low for you, too. You'd have your own room and bathroom, access to me who can help you with stuff right away, and you'd get to eat Minho's cooking. You'd have room to bake and people to eat what you bake, two people who could buy you alcohol, and you'd get to see me every day!"
"Oh god."
"Hey! Don't make me sound like a nuisance!"
"You kind of are though."
"No, I'm not!" That just made you laugh, Jisung just laughing with you. Once you two settled down, he continued. "In all seriousness, we'd be happy to have you. Especially if it'll make your life easier."
"I don't know..." You responded. You just didn't want to burden the two, especially since you didn't know Minho as well as you knew Jisung. "I mean, I don't want to intrude on you or Minho. Does Minho even know you're offering?"
"I can talk to him about it. I'm sure he'd be perfectly fine with it." Jisung told you, smiling proudly. "Besides, I'm pretty convincing when I want to be."
"So you're gonna let him fuck you, right?"
"You totally are."
Again, you laughed at his red face, finding how he hid it in his hands adorable. Jisung was always adorable in your eyes, though. But after he let out a sigh, he lifted his head, giving you a pleading look.
"Could you at least think about it?" Jisung asked, which made you sigh. He knew you couldn't say no to him.
"I'll think about it."
And think about it you did. You spent days deciding if it was really a good idea to move in with Jisung and Minho. Jisung had a lot of good points, but the fact of the matter was that you already secretly liked Jisung, you had for a while now. And you knew Minho was attractive too. So it would probably only be a matter of time before you caught feelings for him as well.
You also knew just how...active...the two were. Any time you and Jisung would drink together, Jisung would be a lot more open about him and Minho, which meant you heard quite a bit about their sex life. And it seemed that they did it often. And that meant that more than likely, you'd be hearing your friend whining and moaning some nights.
And you knew that would only make your little crush get worse.
But, after writing down all of the pros and cons on an index card, the pros that Jisung mentioned, as well as the ones you thought of, outweighed the cons. And so, you let Jisung know the following morning that you'd be willing to move in. So long as Minho was okay with it.
He was.
And so, you found yourself meeting with both of them a few days later to go over some paperwork, chores list, all sorts of stuff. You were actually pretty surprised when Minho asked you if there were any rules you'd like to have, as you weren't expecting that.
"Rules?" You asked, Minho nodding as he kept his arm around Jisung, who was currently scrolling through some form of social media.
"Yeah, y'know, like those terms and agreements you had to fill out at the dorms." Minho said, pulling out his and Jisung's agreement they had made. You were shocked they even had one. "Ji and I decided to write one when we first moved in together. We may be dating, but we both still have our boundaries."
With that, you took the agreement, reading over everything that was currently on it.
If you're gonna invite people over, make the other person aware and make sure it's okay first
If you make a mess anywhere, be sure to pick it up
If it's labelled with a name, don't touch it
Be sure to knock before entering
Make sure to turn lights off in the bathroom and leave the door open so others know it's available
Shoes stay at the entryway
Anytime there's finals week, apartment is to stay as quiet as possible
"I mean, I don't think there's anything I'd want to add." You tell him, smiling up at him. "It seems pretty fair."
"You sure? Nothing about privacy or needing us to tone things down?" Minho asked, pulling Jisung closer to him. He was pretty surprised that you didn't have much to say about that. "We do tend to get kinda wild."
"No, it's fine. I mean, I have noise-cancelling earbuds for a reason." You tell him, giving him a kind smile.
"She had a roommate last year that would always bring people in and would be loud, so she had to resort to that method of studying." Jisung told him, kissing his cheek. Minho then shot you a concerned look.
"Really, if you want us to dial down, we can--"
"Minho, it's fine, really. I'm the one moving in with you guys, you two don't have to change a thing. And if you get loud, I can just plug in. It's not the end of the world." You tell him. That was the end of the conversation.
And before you knew it, you were moved in and all set for the next fall semester.
Jisung could hardly wait for you to move in, so as soon as you were able, him and Minho helped you out. So you ended up moving in a few weeks before school actually started. That way, you could adjust to your new surroundings, as well as get to know Minho a bit better.
All in all, their apartment wasn't bad. Actually, you really liked the place. You had been inside of it a few times before, but usually just in the entryway to pick Jisung up before going and hanging out. But now that you'd be living there, you were really able to take in the beauty of their-well, your home.
They had a really nice sized window in the living room, which brought in a lot of natural lighting. Their kitchen was a nice size as well, having an island and two ovens. Perfect for baking. They also had a decent sized TV with a switch, a nice coffee table and coffee set up, and some greenery and blankets tossed over the couches.
Your room was really nice, too. You spent a lot of time on it, hanging fake vines on the wall of your desk, a nice whiteboard calendar just above your face so you could see the upcoming days. Pens and pencils and markers and all sorts of utensils were put into holders alongside your desk, as well as your laptop stand and a few other things to make it more home-y.
Your bed was made neatly with a few pillows with mushroom decor, an LED mushroom light hung near your own window, and a few other decorations were scattered here and there to really make the room feel like yours.
It was when you were just finishing up with getting everything on your bed figured out when Jisung knocked, getting your attention. You turned and opened the door, only to find Jisung and Minho carrying Jisung's old Clavinova keyboard.
"Hey! Thought you might want this to tie your room together!" Jisung said, carrying it in with Minho, setting it against a wall.
"Wait, are you serious?" You asked, looking at him in awe.
"Jisung bought a newer one over the summer, and he figured that since you always wanted a Clavinova, he could just give it to you for your birthday or something." Minho explained.
"But since you're moving in, I figured that it could be your move-in gift! So, do you like it?" Jisung asked as you gently scooted it up to your wall, admiring it with everything else.
"I do. I don't even know what to say." You said, smiling to Jisung before giving him a hug. "Thank you so much, Ji!"
You missed the blush that covered his face, as well as the big smile that he gave Minho, who smiled just as widely back.
"I told you that she'd love it." Jisung told Minho as they settled back onto the couch. They were waiting for you to finish up with getting settled, as Minho wanted to make sure you were done before cooking.
"I never said she wouldn't, Ji." Minho replied, pulling his boyfriend close. "I just thought that it might take up a bit of space, was all."
"But did you see the look on her face? She was so happy, Min!" Jisung told him, Minho just smiling as he moved Jisung to his lap. Jisung happily went into it, making himself comfortable.
"She was, yes." He said, kissing Jisung's forehead. "I'm still so surprised that she didn't have any rules against us messing around."
"Y/n's like that. She never really wants to make anyone mad at her, so she usually goes with what she thinks other people would like best. She's a people pleaser, I guess you could say." Jisung explained, moving Minho's hair out of his eyes. "It's why she compensated for the noise in her dorm rather than telling them to knock it off. She does voice her complaints, though."
"But I'm assuming it's to people who aren't involved?" Minho asked, Jisung nodding.
"Yeah." Jisung responded. "I heard about how much she hated her last living arrangements a lot, and when I brought up that she should ask them to tone it down, she just responded that she didn't want to make them mad, so she'd just put up with it."
"Hm." Minho turned back to look at your room, seeing that you haven't left it, yet. He turned back to Jisung, bringing his head down to kiss him lightly. "Then let's make a new rule. We can only fool around when Y/n isn't here."
"I was gonna say we should do that." Jisung smiled, kissing Minho again.
But something deep inside both of them knew that the rule wouldn't last.
It was the 2nd week of the fall semester. You were already stuffing your nose into books, listening to music to memorize it, doing Music Theory and pitch practice, everything that required your full attention. Then again, that's how college seemed to work. They bombard you with homework, drowning you so deep that it's hard to come back out on top.
But, in your time of living with Jisung and Minho, you had actually started getting more and more comfortable around them, as well as living with them. You and Jisung seemed to get impossibly closer, spending time at the counter working on homework, as well as in either of your rooms working on things for the one class you both shared that involved singing.
Your feelings also grew for him, as well as his boyfriend.
Minho, as you thought, was much more down to earth, but was kind and caring. He always made sure you had eaten, gotten good rest, and would always be willing to listen to you if you had to vent. He was also sarcastic, a little bit of a trickster, and would threaten to either stuff your mouth with tissues or stick you in an airfryer and cook you at 390° for 15 minutes.
Jisung had a setting, too. 325° for 20 minutes.
Minho was also very blunt. He said what was on his mind whenever he pleased, and he didn't care how it made others feel. Whether that be insulting certain people he went to class with or complimenting you.
It was one thing to be complimented by Jisung, since he did it so much and it was usually just as a joke-like way. Then again, you could tell when he was genuinely complimenting you, as he would always sound awe-struck, no giggles or funny looks coming from him.
Minho was a completely different story.
When Minho complimented you, it was 100% serious. How did you know that? Because it was fucking Minho, he never complimented anyone or anything unless he thought they needed to know.
And that only made your feelings grow for your friend's boyfriend.
It made you feel awful. For one, you liked your friend. And he was dating someone. You knew that, and yet you couldn't stop your feelings. You couldn't accept that he was your friend, for whatever reason. What's worse is you liked his boyfriend, too. You wanted to be with both of them. Really badly.
Sometimes, late at night, you'd think about it. What it would be like to be in a polyamorous relationship with the two of them. Sometimes, it really felt like that. But, you knew it wasn't true. They were together, you were just their roommate and friend. But most of the times, you'd table your feelings. Well, you tried to, anyway.
Such as nights like this, when you'd be working on your homework. Peacefully doing Music Theory, trying to figure out chord progressions and whether you could use a Contrary Motion or a Common Tone to change it. You were focused in, moving steadily along.
Until you could hear Jisung whining.
You knew you should've reached for your airpods, pop them in and ignore the sounds being made. They weren't for your ears. You knew it would make your feelings worsen. But...you couldn't help it. Hearing Jisung whine like he was, it made your chest tighten. He sounded so pretty, even if it was because he was whining for Minho to do something, anything to him.
You decided that you'd take a break then, just-just wanting to listen. Hear how things would play out. You wouldn't do anything, you wouldn't touch yourself, you wouldn't distract yourself with blaring music.
Jisung's whines turned into moans. A gasp, and then a long groan of satisfaction. You didn't know why he sounded so pleased, but you could assume some things. Perhaps Minho entered him? Maybe Minho was actually complying and jerking him off? You didn't know, but soon, Jisung's moans picked back up, sounding so beautiful.
You could feel yourself gushing at the sound.
God, you hated yourself. You felt like a pervert, listening to them like this. This was private, this was supposed to be intimate between the two of them. You had to stop. You needed to stop.
It was hard to, but you did.
You ripped yourself from listening, grabbed your airpods, and stuck them into your ears before playing Lofi as loud as you possibly could. You then reached for one of your diffusers, putting it into your mouth and taking a puff before breathing in and letting it out, watching the vapors leave your mouth.
It always looked so satisfying to you.
You repeated the process, leaning back on your chair and closing your eyes, taking the time to remove those dirty and perverted thoughts from your mind.
"Fuck, Min, I--mmph!" Jisung was immediately cut off by Minho's hand going right over his mouth. Jisung was folded in half, his cock being jerked off by Minho as he slammed into him, hitting right up against Jisung's prostate, making Jisung's hips buck.
"Shut it, unless you want Y/n to hear you." Minho warned. Instead of Jisung doing so, he just moaned louder. Minho could feel his cock twitch at the mention of Y/n being able to hear, his tight little hole clenching around him. "You like that idea? You want Y/n to hear how much of a slut you are for my cock?"
Once again, Jisung moaned out, tears going down his face as Minho continued to fuck into him. He practically cried out when Minho gripped his cock's head, gently applying pressure to it with his thumb. Jisung's hands shot up to Minho's hands, holding on tightly.
"God, I know you like her, but you know she's studying. You don't want her to get distracted with me fucking you so well, right?" Minho told him, removing his hand to hear Jisung. He knew full well that you could probably hear him, too. Well, unless you hadn't put your airpods in yet.
"Min--oh my god, Min, feels so-so good, you're cock...oh my GOD, your cock is so good, s' so big, it-it's...ugh it's rubbing my prostate so fucking well, Min--" Jisung's babbling was immediately cut off with a kiss from Minho. Their kiss was so sloppy, their tongues dancing as Jisung's drool dripped from the side of his mouth, but he didn't care.
Jisung liked things messy.
"P-Please, Min, y'gotta--gotta go faster...please, harder...M-Min, god, pppllleeeaaassseee!" Jisung begged, only to be met with a slap to his dripping cock, which wanted release so desperately.
"You're such a fucking brat, you know that? I'm giving you a good fuck and you can't be grateful?" Minho then gripped Jisung's cock, a tad bit roughly, but Jisung didn't seem to care. Instead, he wailed, his hips bucking as Minho kept a tight grip on him, not moving his hands. "Does Y/n know how much of a brat you are in bed? Hm? Maybe I should take a video and send it to her, see how she'd react."
"M-No, please, M-Min I--...s-sorry, please, I-I'm so sorry, just--I need it, please..." Jisung whined, Minho just smirking, slowing his pace, just barely pulling out before slamming all the way it, making Jisung cry out, a sob following when Minho didn't move.
"You're going to stay there and warm my cock while I jerk you, got it?" Minho growled. His hand slowly started to move, his thumb brushing over Jisung's cock, which made Jisung moan out loudly, his hips squirming.
"N-No, no no no, I--please...m'sorry, want you to move, p-please, Min..."
"Why should I? You've been a brat, thinking about your best friend while you're boyfriend's right here, fucking you good just like you wanted." Minho stated, pressing firmly onto Jisung's cockhead again, making Jisung cry out, bucking his hips up, only to be held down more by the weight of Minho's body. "Not to mention how you tried to order me around."
"I-I'm sorry, please, I just--"
"You just what?"
"Y-You've been think--ah...thinking about how it would be to be with her too...Oh, fucking--Min..."
He had been. Minho thought about it a lot, actually. Through the time he had gotten to know you, he couldn't help but notice how much he was attracted to you. Your laugh, your smile, your gorgeous eyes. The way you were so sweet, and while you were a people pleaser, you weren't scared to voice your opinions about certain things to those who were uninvolved.
He didn't even realize how his dick twitched at the thought of you under him until Jisung pointed it out.
"S-See? Minho Jr. agrees with me--Oh, fuck!" Before Jisung could even laugh at the joke he had made, Minho went right back to ramming himself into Jisung, which made him wail out. His hands flung to Minho's back, scratching him as Minho made sure to hit his prostate over and over, sending Jisung through the roof. "Fuck! I-I'm gonna cum, please oh please oh please, Min, gotta cum, need to--"
"Then fucking cum." Minho growled out.
And who was Jisung to disobey?
Jisung immediately wailed, his hips bucking up as his cum spurted out in thick white ropes, going onto his lower abdomen and chest as Minho rode him through it. The second Jisung's orgasm ended, Minho felt his quickly arising. He was quick to pull out, hovering his own cock over Jisung's as he pumped his hand over it, his brows furrowing.
"Oh my god, Min, please...cum on my cock, please, make it pretty just like you always do, want it so bad..." Jisung begged. And that was the last straw for Minho to blow, shooting his load onto Jisung's cock, just as he asked. And soon after, Minho fell beside Jisung, trying to catch his breath as he took Jisung into his arms.
"Don't...Don't EVER refer to my cock as Minho Jr. again. Ever." Minho growled, Jisung just smiling innocently.
"What, you didn't like me calling it that?" Jisung asked, looking down at Minho's softening cock, gently dragging his finger over it, making Minho hiss. It made Jisung smile.
"No. I didn't." Minho told him, before kissing Jisung's head. Jisung smiled at that too, going to rest his head on Minho's chest, his smile slowly falling. Minho caught that, which made him concerned. "What is it?"
"Are you mad that I thought about Y/n?" Jisung asked, looking up at Minho. Minho just sighed, pulling Jisung closer.
"I'm not mad, Ji. I'm about as guilty as you are." Minho told him. "My cock betrayed me as much as yours did for you. And if that didn't, then me constantly bringing her up sure as hell did."
"I feel bad, thinking about her while having sex with you." Jisung told him, nuzzling his plush cheek into Minho's chest. "But...she's so nice, and kind, and-and she's pretty. She's really funny, and she deserves everything that I'm getting with you."
"But you want to be the one giving it to her, right?"
"Would it make you feel better if I told you I was in that same position?" Minho asked him. Jisung lifted his head up, looking at him with wide eyes.
"Really?" Jisung asked, watching his boyfriend nod.
"I am, yeah." Minho told him, kissing his forehead. "It's like you said, Y/n is a people pleaser. And she does one hell of a good job if she caught you and I into her trap."
"So then, do we go Polyamorous?" Jisung asked. His eyes immediately shimmered with hope, wanting to do that so badly. Being able to be in a relationship with both you and Minho sounded like pure heaven to him. "I can go and ask right now, and--"
"Hey, calm down, baby." Minho laughed a bit, patting Jisung's head. "It's late. And as much as I'd love to go Poly with you and her, it's better we wait until I know her better, and we both know what she's comfortable with. We don't want to rush her into making any big decisions too quickly."
"Yeah, I guess you have a point."
"And we both know that I always give you wobble-leg whenever I fuck you like that."
"What? It's true, isn't it?"
"Well, yeah, but--"
"Then you're gonna be patient, baby." Minho concluded. He leaned down and pecked his lips, before getting up, leaving Jisung confused.
"And where are you going?"
"To start a bath for you and new sheets. You can't sleep with jizz on you, and you already got a lot of it on the bed. Hot water also helps with--"
"With soreness, yeah, yeah, yeah." Jisung mumbled. With that, Minho smiled, going over to Jisung and pressing his lips to his, making Jisung hum contentedly.
"I love you, don't forget that. Okay?" Minho asked, Jisung nodding.
"I love you too."
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
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jeridandridge · 7 months
Haaaaay, hope you're having a good day!
I had a prompt if you're feeling it! (Totally cool of you're not 😁) Ava squeezes some funds out of the superintendent for a team building weekend at a cabin in the mountains. Teacher!reader and melissa have been together for a minute (or it can be new 🤷‍♀️) but no one else knows. They get put together to share a room. They're excited (as excited as you can be for a "work trip/getaway" with your coworkers lol) until they have a huge fight either before or at the cabin. But before either of them can try to leave the situation, the group gets snowed in.
Angsty but with a happy ending maybe? Feel free to change whatever you want!
☆*~Thank yoooou ~*☆♡♡♡
I had so much fun with this! Thank you for the request 🩷 I hope you saw my media post for the day after 😉
Snow Storms
“Get ready yall! Load out is in ten minutes!”
It was far too early for Ava to be actually excited about something, but you were happy to see everyone amped up. Somehow Ava managed to get funds from the district for a team building weekend and now here you were, outside of Abbott on a Saturday morning before the sun is up.
When you see Melissa pull into the parking lot you hide a smile in your coffee cup. The relationship was still new enough where no one knew about your cozy bubble, you small smiles and hidden glances at school and all your dates and nights spent together.
“Are you ready to par-tay?!” Janine does a little dance next to you.
You let out a laugh putting your hand in your pocket. “I’ll let you know when I fully wake up.”
“Hey, hon, pipsqueak,” Melissa nods to you and Janine. Giving her a friendly smile you nod back.
“Are you ready for the trip Melissa? I hope we’re roomies!” Janine beams.
Melissa looks horrified and you can’t help but laugh.
It was going to be an interesting weekend. On the bus ride to the Poconos you sit across the aisle from Barb and Melissa, giving her an amused smile when she winks at you.
“Alright yall, I’m giving room assignments before I forget,” Ava stands up looking at the group. “There’s only one single room, so that’s mine. Janine you’re with Barb, Melissa, you’re with the young blood, and Jacob you’re with Gregory. I’d put myself with Mr Eddie but this is a school sanctioned trip” she smirks. Gregory looks terrified as usual.
Rooming with Melissa would be difficult for you on this trip, especially since you love how cute she looks in her pajamas. It’ll be hard to keep your hands to yourself. Your girlfriend must notice your blush because that’s when she decides to tease you.
“Hey hon, you better not snore.” She shoots you a look across the aisle.
“Don’t worry, Schemmenti. I’m a great roommate.”
Two hours later your eyes go wide when you see the place you’d be staying in. The cabin is a nice one and you have no idea how Ava managed to get something like it. It’s a two story perched far back off the rode just near the ski slope. There’s a fine dusting of snow on the ground, not quite enough to enjoy the area fully.
As everyone grabs their bags for the overnight stay you hang back playfully nudging Melissa’s shoulder with a smirk. “Lucky me, huh?” You tell her quietly.
“You’re lucky, girlfriend.” Barbara looks to Melissa almost exhausted already.
“I’d tell you it won’t be so bad but, I can’t do that.” You laugh watching Janine and Jacob interact.
Inside the massive cabin everyone brings their bags in and finds their room. As soon as the door shuts your back is pushed against the dark wood and sweet, glossy lips are pressed against yours.
Smirking against her lips you snake your arms around her neck running your fingers through auburn strands.
“Mmm, Mel, don’t start something you can’t finish.” You smirk meeting sparkling green eyes. Melissa playfully growls squeezing your backside.
“This giant house, no one would hear a thing, Tesoro.”
Laughing you push yourself off the door. “C’mon, rain check until later. I wanna see what Ava has in mind for team building.” You smile. “I’m a little scared actually.”
Melissa playfully swats your butt, wiping the corner of her lips with that devilish smirk you love so much.
After a few hours of get to know you activities and dinner you stand by the large window overlooking the ski hill watching the snow come down.
“Are we sure this is gonna stop sometime soon? Because this is coming down.” You worry.
“Uh yeah about that,” Jacob sits up on his phone, “That snow storm shifted and we’re getting hit.” He says holding his phone out.
Ava looks at the phone horrified. “I’m gonna be stuck here for more than 24 hours with you people?!”
“Could be worse. At least we’re all sorta friends.” He shrugs. “Why don’t we start one of the activities?”
As the snowfall gets heavier and the sun goes down you get a little nervous at how much there actually is.
“What’s wrong, hon?” Melissa asks plopping down beside you on the large sofa. Quirking a brow you look around at the group spread around the room enjoying themselves.
shoulder to shoulder with the redhead you hum. “I don’t know how long I can last snowed in up here,”
Melissa nods patting your knee. “Don’t worry, hon. I’m here.” She smiles.
“Ooo cutie alert, what’s goin on here?” Ava smirks pointing between the two of you.
“Sitting, talking. Normal human interaction.” You shoot back at your friend.
“Nah, yall are cozy.”
“Ava, they’re simply sitting together. Besides, Melissa has a dinner invitation from Gary.” Barb smiles proudly.
Hearing this bit of new information has you quirking a brow, fuming on the inside. You pretend to find a spot on the coffee table very interesting as your mind runs wild. Why would Melissa hide that from you? You knew the vending machine guy had a thing for Mel, he had eyes of course, eyes that lingered too long sometimes. You hated him.
“Barb, I already told ya, it ain’t gonna happen.”
The air in the room suddenly feels tense, the fire in the room making you sweat. You’ve already blocked about the conversation happening as you get up sliding swiftly out of the room.
At the front door you slide on your boots and the nearest coat going out to the front walkway, letting out a shaky breath as the cold hits your cheeks and the snow gets in your eyes. Letting out a breath you tip your head up watching the snowflakes come down.
“Why did she go outside?” Ava shrugs watching Melissa run for the door.
“Tesoro, get back in here!” Melissa yells down the long driveway as she jogs towards you. You can’t do anything but scoff, eyes on the
“Go inside, Melissa.”
“No. Get over here and talk to me.”
You can see her shiver in her sweater out of the corner of your eye and you almost reach over to pull her close to you.
“Why didn’t you tell me Gary asked you out?”
“Hon,” Melissa sighs with a shrug. “I didn’t think it was important.”
“Not important.” You laugh. “You know I hate the guy and how he talks to you. So yeah, it’s important to me. Is that also why you don’t wanna tell anyone we’re together? Make sure you still have back ups if this doesn’t work out?” You play dirty when you’re mad, and you feel like she deserves it.
Melissa’s nose is red and her arms are crossed as the wind whips. “That’s not it at all! You know I love you.”
Shaking your head you put your hands in your pockets. She’d never said those words before but you knew. It didn’t change the fact that she hid something like that from you.
“Yeah, well maybe if you can’t tell people we’re together and can’t turn a man down when he asks you on a date, this isn’t a good idea.”
Melissa’s shoulders deflate and her lips part. “You don’t mean that.” She lets out.
Jaw clenched, your eyes burning from a mix of tears and the wind you stand completely silent for a moment before the sound of crunching snow sounds from underneath your boots as you go.
Huffing behind you Melissa follows close by back to the cabin. “Are you really not gonna talk to me?”
“I’ll talk to you, Melissa. We’re talking right now.” You shiver looking at the front door, Barbara nearby through the glass.
“Are you breaking up with me?”
Spinning on your heels Melissa almost jumps back, looking at you with tears in her eyes.
“I don’t know.” You answer honestly. The look in her eyes is enough to make your heart ache, but you won’t back down.
Melissa looks behind you, Ava and Janine are practically pushed on the glass watching you both while Barbara tries to pull them away.
“You want them to know?” Melissa asks, confusion written on your face.
“What are you-“
Before you finish your sentence, your girlfriend wraps her arms around your neck pulling you into a soft kiss. The chill from her nose hits your skin and her soft lips warm you up instantly. Putting your hands in your pockets you grin against her lips wrapping her into your coat.
The warm bubble you two created makes you forget where you are and why you were so mad.
“I told yall! I told yall they were together!” Ava yells from the door.
Breaking the kiss you rest your forehead against hers.
“Well played, Schemmenti.” You smirk.
“I love you, Tesoro. I’m sorry.”
“I really do love you, Mel.”
Going back inside, you’re teased mercilessly by Ava and gushed over Barbara. Team building weekends aren’t so bad.
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tasteofgummies · 1 year
Living with them #1 [PB]
CW: obsession, manipulative behavior
If you're under 16 please dni
Jonathan Joestar
>Ever since you appeared on his dreams for the first time, he knew you were the one for him
>He's the one who has a hardest time adjusting to new technologies
>And don't get me started on meme culture, he'll never get it
>Please don't leave him alone if you have your card information saved, he'll forget it's not his Joestar money anymore and spend your money on trinkets
>He does his absolute best to help you out around the house, even if he's bad at it
>He's sad when he doesn't do a good job, even when you aren't mean about it
>"Oh, I need to sweep the floors" you said, something so innocent, yet he felt so sad:(( he already did that, can't you tell?
>He won't tell you, he'll just sulk around
>When you were just visions, Dio used to bully him about his crush on you
>"Huh, so you really think someone like them would pick you? Don't make me laugh Jojo, you're an idiot" —Said Dio, who also was developing a crush on you
>Thrives off your attention, whether is a brief smile, or a full on conversation, he's thinking about it all day long
>Feels so giddy when you "protect" him and tell Dio he's being too mean to him, finally! Someone who believes him over his brother! Not even his father does that
>But you're different, you truly appreciate him
>He can feel a little homesick, but then thinks it's only a matter of time before he's back, so it's fine
>Wait, it's not fine, that means it's only a matter of time before he has to leave you...
>Let's not think about that!
>Has a good relationship with your cat
>Since they don't have documentation to prove they exist in this, they can't get "real" jobs
>But he offers his clothes and jewelry to you as a mean of payment, you got enough money to buy groceries for a couple months plus two mattresses for them
>He wishes he could sleep next to you, but he would never say it
>So scandalous! You're not even betrothed to one another and he's having these thoughts...
>As a whole, he's a good roomie, doesn't overstep any boundaries, helps around, and doesn't break or steal anything, 8/10
Dio Brando
>When you appeared in visions, he believed you a deity, a saint, a powerful mage, even a demon, reaching out to him
>Definitely not a single [age]-something having a 9 to 5 job and a cat
>Unlike Jonathan, who's oblivious, he knows he wants you
>He can't figure out his feeling quite yet, but he knows you have something he wants for himself, and he can't allow that Joestar to just go and take it from his hands
>He's honestly so dangerous even outside his turf
>Let's all remember that before the stone mask and before The World, what always made Dio powerful was how charming he was
>He watches Phantom Blood behind your back to know exactly what kind of image you would have of him based on the contents
>He was not pleased
>Now he knows you won't be as easily manipulated
>He performs flawlessly around the house, but never asks for your praise
>He wants it, but he wants to appear as the most "down to earth" option, contrary to Jonathan's carelessness
>He's intending to have a "villain redemption arc" and a "roommates to lovers" situation happen, as they call it (yes, he has been researching common romance tropes, not because he likes you, it's just it's easier to have you under control if you're in love with him, that's all -liar-)
>Won't get a job, just no
>Isn't a natural at the new technologies, but it's notably better than Jonathan
>Won't pull a Danny on your cat, but he doesn't love them, they're in a constant silent war
>He was the one who saw you first, that got to feel your presence first, is only fair you would pay attention to him instead of his buffoon of a "brother"
>He will manipulate you by making you think he's slowly warming up to you, acting cold and crass at first, only to then surprise you with small acts of tenderness
>Since he knows he's defeated in his universe, he doesn't want to go back until he has learned a couple things
>Is still deciding whether or not he'll use you to increase his power and leave you, or take you with him to his world, as a living trophy
>in roomie material, a solid 7/10, as a yandere, I wish you luck
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years
Streamer!Honey Headcanons Pt.2
First Part Next Part
This one is a bit less headcanons and more of just a little compilation of times Guy has interrupted their streaming, and Chat being Honey's chaotic posse
Guy tries his best. He really does.
But when it's his day off, and Honey is streaming, he gets needy. This boy needs attention and love, and Honey leaving him all alone to play games with strangers is just too cruel. How could they just abandon him like this?
Y'know how sometimes when you're bored you'll randomly go to the fridge to look for something to eat even though you're not hungry? That's Guy. But with the door that leads to the room Honey is streaming in.
He'll be scrolling through social media and then boom suddenly he's standing outside the door.
It's like when you shut your pet out of the bathroom when they try to follow you in.
So without further ado, here are the times Guy has interrupted Honey, and made their chat go wild.
It started small. Guy would stay in the living room, and just blow up their phone with texts, begging for them to come out and just give him one little kiss to hold him over.
Of course they eventually told him to knock it off before they put their phone on silent
Then he was sitting outside the door and sliding notes under. Bonus if the camera is set up in a way that can sort of see the bottom of the door, so Chat is the first to notice and point it out to Honey.
They look over at the chat to see it blowing up like:
Bae, ur dog need u 😅🤣
Is that their roommate??
Tf is going on
AYO 😂😂😂😂
can u play minecraft
🤨 hey what the dog doin 🧐
Chat knows he's a puppy at this point
They turn around to see the little pile of notes scattered there; next to Guy's fingers which he is wiggling around under the door.
"Goddamnit, Guy-!" They shout, but there's clearly no venom in their words. A laugh had slipped out before they could stop it, and they crouched by the door.
The notes were all cute little things like,
"I ♡ u"
"come gimme kiss :("
"want smooch -3-"
"end the stream I need you >:("
So let's say from the angle the camera is set up, the stream can see about half of Honey as they're crouched by the door. They reach up to the handle and crack open the door.
Chat can't see Guy, Honey is blocking him from view.
They can't be heard speaking, but when Guy laughs, everyone in chat fucking melts because baby boy has the sweetest fucking laugh in the world holy shit
Arms can be seen wrapping around Honey, though their arms stay by their side, and it last for about 3 seconds before Honey places their hand flat on Guy's face and shoves him away (affectionately) while also calling him a dumbass.
They shut the door and return to their stream, not very happy that Chat saw that.
What did I miss??
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Okay bitch, u got 5 seconds to explain urself 🔫🔫🔫
Anyway, they beat Guy's ass later that night but in the good if ykwim ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Honey's little fan base is having a lot of fun theorizing their relationship with their faceless (yet adorable) roommate.
Chat loves bringing him up to get Honey talking about him. The way their eyes go soft are one of the top reasons most of their fans think they're dating (which they're not wrong, but Honey has yet to confirm nor deny)
Sometimes Honey will even bring Guy up on their own, but it's always the most random ass shit.
They were doing a chill stream, one where they just kinda played a slow game (like animal crossing or Stardew valley) and wouldn't really talk much, with lofi music in the background.
Not as many people watch those streams, but it's okay. Honey likes to play relaxing games from time to time, and they only really can if they're streaming it.
Off the cuff they just go, "Guy told me he wanted to start an Only Fans."
They started laughing after they realized they said it, even more when chat went from being really slow with only a few donos here and there to BLOWING UP
Honey explained that Guy was, in fact, not actually going to start an Only Fans.
They had told him that he was gaining popularity among their fan base and Guy had made the comment as a joke.
However the stream got more rowdy as more people joined only to find the current topic of conversation being whether or not Honey's faceless roommate should start an Only Fans.
Most people were like "yes, please" but Honey was (suspiciously) quick to tell them that it wasn't going to happen.
It only took about 20 minutes for the stream to go back to how it was, calm and slow.
Until Honey, once again, made a random ass comment along the lines of, "what if me and Guy started an only fans together?"
And then it was round two.
Honey loves fucking with their chat.
Guy started getting bolder as Honey living with him became the new normal. He was always finding new ways to invade their stream while keeping his face hidden.
He started watching their streams and eventually decided he wanted to see them blush
★ someone donated $1 ★
HoneysHeaven: guess who ;)))
They stared at the message for almost a minute before placing their head in their hands and going "Jesus fucking Christ"
Chat never caught on to this one until much later
Like, a few months of this "HoneysHeaven" donating just one dollar and saying things that seemed to throw the streamer off their rocker.
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HoneysHeaven: you look so cute today ^^
"Shut up."
*chat proceeds to get angry that Honey did not accept the compliment and aggressively assures them that they are very cute*
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HoneysHeaven: who is Sebastian and why are you flirting with him :(
Honey smirked, "he's a video game character."
HoneysHeaven: but why are you flirting with him :(
Gotta step up ur game HH
Bro is simping HARD
Poor thing
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HoneysHeaven: your fans are being mean to me :((
"hey, you kids play nice."
"I don't trust this ratty ass cat-"
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HoneysHeaven: can you come show me how to run the dishwasher pls (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠` ; )
"Guy, I swear to god, I've shown you how to run it a hundred times already!"
HoneysHeaven: I'm sorryyy (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)
what the heck just happened??
Honey leaves the room to show Guy how to use the dishwasher for the upteenth time, and it certainly won't be the last.
Guy snuck in a few kisses there, being incognito in chat was fun while it lasted
If we circle back to our lovely theorists within Honey's fan base, we will see that they have been having a field day.
People are 98% sure that there is/was something romantic going on between these two. It's very obvious to see how flirty Guy is, and Honey has their moments.
Most think Guy has an unrequited crush on Honey, while some think it's reciprocated but not acted upon.
Very few think they're actually dating simply because of the way Honey acts. It seems like they're not interested in anything romantic.
Another small few think they're just good friends, and they're the kind of people that get all pressed about "why can't two people with a good relationship just be friends anymore," and blah blah blah.
One time Honey was having fun messing with their chat, just kind of sitting back and watching as they discussed amongst each other who Guy was to Honey.
They had fun dangling their love life in front of their fans like bait, especially because it made them feel all warm inside when people pointed out how painfully obvious it was that Guy was head over heels for them.
Did you put a ring on it yet? Cause if you don't, I will <.<
"hey, hey, calm down. He's taken."
Honey laughs, "none of you even know what he looks like."
All the good men are taken >:(
Hold on now, it's 20XX, it's what's on the inside that counts
Mama always told me not to judge a book by its cover
My mama also said not to judge a book by its cover, and lucky for me, I can't read 🥰🥰 Hand him over 🔪 /lh /j
I simp for the invisible man from Hotel Transylvania, my powers are beyond your understanding
"All of you say that, but for all you know, he could look like a toe."
Jokes on you I'm into that shit
*people with foot fetishes have entered the chat*
"okay, I regret being born. I think that's enough internet for today."
Drama doesn't usually break out, but when it does Honey still finds ways to have fun with it.
"no, I did not show Guy how to run the dishwasher like in that scene from Ghost... Tf?"
Damn that would've been hot tho
DAMMIT Boo you missed your chance to seduce him 😩😩
I'm gonna draw that later 👀
What scene from ghost? What's ghost?
Oh God, guys, please don't make this weird
Babydoll, we can get you some flirting lessons if you want 😜
Ah yeah just gotta do the lip bite and the chin rub 😉😉 say some pickup line and he's all yours
LMAO won't be too hard he already down BAD
"how it do baby gorilla" *bites lip*
They're just friends, will you all chill out??
Honey, laughing, "who said we were just friends?"
Ayo 🤨🤨🤨
Hiiii I love you and your content 🥰🥰💕
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I will sell you my soul please tell us what that means
"does it have to mean anything?"
You... You are evil 😑
My therapist is going to hear about you.
Some people want world peace, but [Honey]... [Honey] just wants to watch the world burn.
"y'know... Guy has brought it to my attention that some of you have been drawing fanart of us. Which is sweet, but it's also weird because none of you know what he looks like..."
Oh shit we're in trouble
How are people drawing him when they don't know what he looks like??
"Now, I'm not saying that it's okay to ship real life people. Because it's not. It makes most people uncomfortable."
Now I'm uncomfortable we don't usually get serious talks
I'm deadass actually kinda scared rn
Yeah same here I think I peed a little
Wait you peed?
"I mean, I don't really mind it. The only weird thing is that some of you are drawing Guy without know what he looks like so it doesn't at all look like Guy," Honey laughs, "the fanfiction is pretty weird though, maybe cut it out with that stuff."
What is wrong with everyone here
Wattpad is going down 😈😈
★ someone donated $5 ★
So you're okay with the fanart? Is Guy okay with it too?
"yeah, I'm chill with it. Guy is too, he thinks it's cute."
Awwwww 🥺🥺🥺
I fall in love with a faceless man I don't know even more everyday
I stg if you don't date him-
Give him a kiss from all of us 😘
This isn't too much right?
"maybe I will kiss him, but it hardly seems fair to do just one for the thousands of you."
I'm going to die
This is killing me
★ someone donated $1 ★
HoneysHeaven: woah does this mean I'm gonna get thousands of kisses <.<
I am so painfully single ouch
HoneysHeaven: so can I come claim those kisses now, or...?
HoneysHeaven: :(
"oh my god- just- ugh," Honey hides their face away from the camera, clearly flustered, "just go away."
Yeah, their fan base is 99% sure they're dating.
(I'm gonna have to cut this off here, I'm real tired but I had a lot of fun writing this. The chaotic chat clearly got away from me a few times lol. I will do a part 3, because I definitely still have more 😉)
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starpoof · 1 year
Since I'm doing this head canon thing, I thought I would start with one I came up with so...
-Usually they have these at Andy's house because he has a roomy house and has a lot of cool things that they can use.
-They all have different kinds of pajamas. Andy has the classics, Melody has cute animal onesies (Because I said so), Felix has a t shirt and pajama pants, Margaret has a flannel pajama set, and Claus's are probably very silky
-You already KNOW Felix is gonna pull tons of pranks at these things. Usually he'll throw one in during a game or a movie, or do stuff to everyone while they're asleep. Sometimes they get to the point where everyone's questioning how he even managed to do these. (He has snuck into Andy's house a few times prehand for some of these)
-They do karaoke with an Alexa (Andy has one bc yes) and everyone just goes insane. One time Felix told Alexa to play Cupcakke and everyone just went fucking wild.
Margaret: Oh my god-
Alexa: Okay, playing Squidward Nose by Cupcakke
-They usually play with ghost stuff bc what else do you do on a Friday?
-Felix usually tells ghost stories to scare the shit out of everyone. (Mainly Andy) Usually after that he comes up with a prank to scare them all afterward
-One time they got Claus to do that Bloody Mary thing. After he said "Bloody Mary" Three times, Felix snuck across the floor and grabbed his foot. Bro literally screamed and jumped on top of the sink. He even cried a little (But he's not gonna admit that)
-One time they tried using an Ouija board. The board spelled out "Night night" And then the lights went out. They never used it again after that.
-Sometimes they play that game where you throw random stuff in a blender and then drink it (This game nearly KILLS Claus every time)
-They have pillow fights sometimes. Margaret nearly DESTROYS everyone.
-Claus doesn't participate usually after an accident where Melody accidentally got too rough with a pillow and cracked his face. (She apologized a bazillion times while sobbing while they fixed him)
-They watch a lot of movies. Horror movies that usually scare the shit out of Andy.
-One time Felix brought over Saw. Andy kept protesting, but they watched it anyway. Surprisingly though, Andy actually enjoyed the movie (Everyone else is a completely different story though)
-One time they did a Disney movie marathon. This absolutley DISTROYED all them (They did great until they got to Bambi)
-After the key incident, they came up with a game where one person has to run outside, knock on the door of the barn, then run back inside. (Andy doesn't like this game for obvious reasons)
-One time, Melody and Felix where left alone for five minutes. When the others came back, the two were panicking because Felix somehow got a lightbulb stuck in his mouth (the two laughed about it for about a minute before the panic settled in)
-When they finally decide to go to bed (At like 4am) It's quiet for about 30 seconds before someone starts randomly giggling which causes everyone else to laugh and stay up longer
-Melody brings a lot of plushies for herself, but is always happy to lend them to those who get too stressed out (Her main patients are Andy and Claus)
-Poor Peter, he lives really close to Andy's house so you KNOW he's not getting any sleep that night.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Trope Bingo Prompts! 19 for Julie/Carrie
When the elevator doors opened and Julie saw Carrie was the only person inside it she seriously considered taking the stairs. But it had been a long day, she was on the tenth floor and her bag was already weighing her down. So she stepped inside.
"Ground floor?" Carrie asked curtly, and Julie nodded, noting Carrie was headed to the same place. Just great.
They hadn't started out hating each other, not really. They had both been office grunts doing a summer internship, hoping to get hired on for a more permanent position. Julie was probably overly friendly while Carrie was a bit too aloof. But they were both hard workers, and come the fall they were both kept on.
That's when the competition started, always trying to do better, be better than the other in order to keep their contract in place, to advance through the ranks, and to succeed where the other failed.
It never devolved into pranks or doing anything that would negatively impact the company, but nasty barbs flew, dirty looks were exchanged, and they were unable to work well together without some sort of cattiness rearing up.
So Julie didn't relish ten floors of awkward silence or more cutting remarks. All she wanted was to get home, kick off her sensible heels that had been chafing her feet since lunch, put on her comfy sweats, order Chinese and watch a terrible Hallmark movie.
But then, as they passed between the seventh and sixth floor, the elevator gave a great shudder, the lights flickered, and they stopped.
Julie groaned, her head falling bac. "Just great."
"It might start back up in a minute," Carrie said, but there was an edge to her voice. Julie could barely make her out in the darkened elevator, only the small emergency light illuminating them.
But they waited, waited, waited, and nothing happened. Julie finally set her bag down and pressed the intercom button. "hello?" she called. "We seem to be stuck."
No answer.
Julie pressed the button again, and then again even harder, but there seemed to be no response. She took out her phone, but of course there was no reception, nor internet available trapped as they were.
"Anything?" Carrie asked.
"Okay... do you think we can like pry the doors open like they do in the movies?" Carrie asked, the tinge of panic in her voice becoming more and more evident.
Julie attempted it, but there was no real way to get a good grip, and the doors stubbornly refused to budge. "Yeah, John McClane I am not," she admitted.
That's when she looked at Carrie, she was practically curled into a ball on the floor, her breathing heavy, her eyes wide. "Hey, you okay?"
"Not really," Carrie spat out though her words lacked their usual bite. "I don't do well with small spaces."
"Oh," Julie said. The elevators in this office weren't exactly roomy, so for someone who didn't like enclosed spaces, she could see why they would be a less than ideal place to be trapped. "Well I can't help with that, but maybe we can talk, keep you distracted until the power comes back?"
"About what?"
"Whatever you want," Julie replied with a shrug. "The state of the world, the colour of the sky, gibbons..."
"Gibbons?" Carrie giggled.
"I dunno, you might like monkeys!"
"I like flamingos," Carrie admitted. "And axolotls. They're pink."
"Gotta keep up that aesthetic," Julie hummed. "I like platypuses. They're weird. And venomous."
Carrie laughed at that, and they spent the next few minutes discussing weird animals facts, then switching to useless trivia, and then little tidbits about themselves. For all their time together, they had never really gotten to know one another, and it turned out they had a lot in common.
Not just the similar career aspirations, but the fact that they loved music and even wrote their own stuff. That they both liked sweet and salty combos when it came to snacks. That they both adored Shakespeare but neither had been a fan of Salinger in school.
The fact that they had both lost their moms.
Carrie had never known hers, she had been some random groupie of her dad's, and left her with him when Carrie was less than a week old with a birth certificate and nothing else. Carrie didn't even know who she was other than the name Paige.
So Julie shared about her own mom, Rose. How she taught her to sing and play piano. Making mantecaditos together. Long afternoons drawing or just talking together. How her world fell apart when Rose died some short weeks after Julie's 15'th birthday to breast cancer.
"She sounds like a great mom," Carrie said quietly.
"She really was," Julie admitted, wiping the tear forming from the corner of her eye. "I'm sorry yours wasn't."
"Eh, it is what it is," Carrie said with a shrug. "My dad did his best, or more so hired the best. He's half the reason I'm so driven-to prove I can be somebody without his help or name."
Julie reached over and squeezed her hand. Carrie gave her a genuine smile in return. Then the elevator shuddered once more, the lights flashing on, and the elevator sank down until it opened to the ground floor.
"Sweet sweet freedom!" Julie exclaimed, gathering her things and pulling Carrie from the tiny box. Never letting go, even through every official checking on them, both being told to take the next day off to recover, as it was now verging on late.
Finally they were released, entering the fresh air of outside and Julie realized that Carrie hadn't let go of her. "Hey, I know were were just trapped for untold hours together, but do you wanna come over? Get some dumplings and watch some shitty TV?"
"God yes," Carrie moaned. "As long as I can borrow some sweats and you have wine."
"I have vodka coolers?" Julie offered.
"Even better."
So Julie's evening turned out a lot less lonely than she had anticipated, and the day when they both went back to work? They did so hand in hand.
And it turned out that Carrie had less issues with small spaces when Julie was pulling her into the janitors closet for a midday make out.
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So yeah...it's November...
We have not been given time to process the freak-ass crazy shit that happened in October, and a lotta freak-ass crazy shit went on.
Not sure why, just feelin' the need to report/vent while I sip coffee out here on the tumblr front porch with all the other old tumblr geezers.
Phase 2 of "Octember" has begun in a mix of good/weird/painful shit to work through. A lotta ghosts. Felt both Char and Kyle intensely the last few weeks: my two Gemini Ghosts. They're here but they're not here, and part of you wants them to stay and part of you wants them to leave you alone.
And yeah, money is still front and center in that assortment of emotional intensity. Much gratitude and thanks for the help that has gotten the rent and electric bill paid for yet another 30 days (you know who you are!).
My calculations this month were just a tiny (and ironic) amount off. After the dust settling, thinking I'd gotten it all considered, I ran through the numbers this morning before I left for the credit union, and saw I'd shaved it a little too close and after all was said and done, I was gonna be (drum roll please) $1.16 overdrawn. lulz.
No worries, I thought, being the resourceful hobbit I am I remembered I had a roll of quarters in the murse (what I call my patagonia shoulder bag) for laundry. Peeling off $1.25's worth of quarters, and laughing valiantly with the teller, I asked her to put that in with the roomie's half of the rent and bills.
Total came to a "lucky number" in her culture, and so I didn't think anything of it and got my rent check printed out and came home. Thought I'd (just to be sure) re-check the acct, much to my chagrin I'd mis-read the amt it was gonna be OD'd and hadn't put in quite enough quarters. So I'll head back over there tomorrow and deposit another quarter and laugh with the teller again. I don't wanna be overdrawn by ELEVEN CENTS. Handy dandy visual aid:
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Yeah, I laughed, but goddamnit I am so fuckin' tired of the stress of this. The self-inflicted big lady ringing the bell paradin' yer ass around screaming "SHAME! SHAME!"
And then you just shut up and figure out what to make for dinner with what you have left on the eve before you go to the store.
October this year was a hard month on the planet. Lots of thin-veil coincidence/hoo-do shit, lots of miscommunicated things with roomies, with people while out, communication was hard, still is, but it seems to have lightened up some. Almost like gravity is getting stronger and pulling on us all more. Collective angst, personal angst, community angst, all of it just rushing up and saying hello at once.
One big angst for me has always been my fucking TEETH. My parents both had notoriously bad choppers, I know mine have been in need of workin'-on for awhile. I hadn't been to the dentist (before this round of visits) in well over 10 years. I had no insurance for most of my adult life, so I just never thought about it, unless something broke. Had several "It's cheaper to pull than fix" decisions about 20-25 years ago, and lost several back-teeth along with root canals and crowns on what was left. In short, a hot mess.
I have had Medi-Cal since I got into a wreck 3 months after i moved here (7 1/2 years ago), and just never thought that it might cover dental, since no other "insurance" I ever had in Texas ever coverd it. So once I figured out I can get my mouth looked at and worked on for nothing, I started the appointments a few weeks ago.
All of this leading up to this past Monday the 30th, when I got both the updated Covid jab and the current-season's flu-shot, and then went and got my mouth wrenched on and drilled and vacuumed and what-notted for a solid hour. Things have definitely progressed even in the last ten years. I thought I was looking at another surgical molar removal, but no!
They were basically able to use some kind of polymer that they put on and then the assistant pulls the trigger on a UV light-pen to "cure" it, and they do that several times, and completely rebuilt a broken tooth, and frankly, I'm amazed. It feels like the original tooth before it went south, and very little to no pain. And they numbed me up better for that than the last fucking oral surgeon who cut out my lower right back molar back in Texas did.
So a mix of crazy up/down shit, and then trying so goddamn hard to get the money thing right, and then still fucking it up, but comically inept. New-old tooth rocks, they want me back in April to do something else, and I'm fine. They told me to use a "hydropick" and I just looked doc and assistant in the eye and said "there's no money for things like that, I'm "I-brush-with-baking-soda-poor", and the assistant left and came back with a toothbrush, some floss, small bottle of mouthwash, and a little plastic syringe to use with warm salt water to flush the spaces under/between the crowns.
So mouth happy but goddamn, I have been sore for the last few days. Jab site almost done hurting, tooth as well, but muscles not quite recouped from the "Dentist Chair Death Grip"...I put my whole body into it and basically seize up and close my eyes and let them have their way with my mouth.
"Just lie back and think of California, dear!"
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jackhues · 1 year
who would be the fun non-biological uncle from each of the brothers friend groups? & for aus & eventually mat?
quinn: probably elias, bcz peanut sees a lot of him. i feel like mama would ft quinn bcz p wants to talk and elias would just be there in the background and he'd be making p laugh, acting all innocent with quinn looks at him.
jack: when p was first born, it was ty bcz he and jack were roomies, so like she just saw him a lot. but it switches to trev afterwards. p always loved trev, but she saw ty more so she ty was the fun uncle at first. but with ty gone, there's no competition
luke: probably duker. the two would just randomly show up at mama's door in mich to come play with peanut, and mama just grows used to it. even after luke's gone, duker will randomly be there, and if he's not there for a while, peanut will start asking for him. duker and p get along well bcz they're on the same wavelength
aus: def mitch. willy would be a mix of mama and aus' side, but mitch is aus' best friend and the two are a whole vibe if they're watching peanut. whenever mitch babysits, p has so much fun. when mama takes p to toronto, p's just asking mama to go out and drop her off at uncle mitchys.
mat: beau would be her fav. like he's already gone before mama and mat meet, but p would absolutely adore him, and beau would adore her too.
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vicstmichael · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Rules: Answer the questions as yourself or as an OC of your choice
I was tagged by @artcoffeecats! Thank you for still tagging me in fun things even though I'm never here <3 You're the best!
My tags are: @cydneydaemon, @rachaellawrites, @ashirisu, @dewiwrites, @brieflyinfatuated, @scribe-of-stories and whoever else wants to play because that's all I can think of off the top of my head!
Okay I'm totally stealing Mary's idea of answering as two MCs (one in bold, one in italics) and having them banter back and forth (go see their original post, it's so cute) because it looks like so much fun!
I'll answer as Jamie Prowse and River Gray from my latest WIP:
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yeah, my Grandpa on my Dad's side! He was so chill. Took me to my first Seahawks game. I'm not much of a 'James,' though. Jamie is fine.
Couldn't tell you. My mother never told me, and I don't care enough to ask her.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Like, yesterday, probably? I saw a really cute dog.
The night I moved in with my brother. And Jamie, by proxy. It was a momentary lapse in control that won't happen again, trust me.
3. Do you have kids?
No, but I think I'd like to have them someday.
I'm sorry, what?
Uhh--maybe we should table this conversation, yeah?
No, no. We're having it right now.
Omg look over there, what's that? *points, runs away*
4. Do you use sarcasm?
I never used to, but I've been doing it a lot more since River moved in. I think it's contagious.
Fortunately for me, stupidity isn't contagious.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes, easy. They tell you a lot. And, uhh, I have this weird superpower where I can gauge a person's mental state pretty much instantly. Like, if they're okay or not.
He's not kidding. It's creepy. For me it's whether or not the person is a threat.
*scoffs* How often are people actually threats, though?
More often than you'd think.
6. What's your eye color?
Hazel, like my dad's! They remind me of the woods back home. I like them, they're one of my best features!
He's being modest. They're, this--like--rich, dark, midnight blue. They're gorgeous.
Jamie. *blushes*
*grins* You loved it, shut up.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Ooh, I love scary movies!
Ugh. Do I have to...?
It's fine, Riv, there's nothing wrong with liking happy endings! It's cute!
Shut up. I just think... you watch a movie or read a book to escape, right? There's enough pain in the world as it is. Why willingly put yourself through more when you could choose joy instead?
8. Any special talents?
He thinks the fact that I can speak French is a talent. I don't really see it that way, though. I don't know... photography is a talent. I'm good at that.
And writing! He's a great writer, especially poems. My talent is bass. Oh, and cooking! Those are pretty much the only things I'm really great at.
*Frowns* Not the only things.
What else, then?
Is being annoying a talent?
You're so mean. Wait, is making people laugh a talent? That counts, right? I can make pretty much anyone laugh if I really try.
Yeah, Jamie. That counts. *smiles*
9. Where were you born?
Seattle born and bred, baby!
Bordeaux, France. Didn't stay long after, though.
10. What are your hobbies?
Playing bass. Songwriting. Jamming with the roomies. Can it still be a hobby if it's also your career?
I hope so, because I was going to say photography. I also enjoy hiking and poetry--reading and writing.
And journaling. *smirks*
Hey, focus on your own hobbies.
11. Have you any pets?
Not yet, but someday we're getting a dog. Right, Riv?
Seriously? You know I'm a cat person. Having a dog is one step below having an actual child, you realize that, right? You can't even keep a fish alive.
Ye of little faith. Besides, cats are scary.
You would think that.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I played football for like five minutes in high school, but it was interfering with band stuff. Does watching football count?
Sports? Ugh. Pass.
13. How tall are you?
I dunno, 6'2? Tall enough to be constantly hitting my head on shit.
He's just a cute lil guy. Just the cutest, ittiest, bittiest--
14. Favorite subject in school?
Music class! That's a cop out, right? It's true though. I liked it. Plus, my music teacher was a total fox. *grins* Ms. Dawson. I wonder how she's doing these days.
*raises an eyebrow*
Aww. I just wanted to see if you'd get jealous. Okay, you go!
Classic lit. Took it as an elective in college. I much preferred it to my business and finance courses.
15. Dream job?
I have my dream job. Playing music for a living with my best friends.
I suppose I have mine, too. Shooting photos of my brother and Jamie playing music with their best friends for a living. Not the direction I expected my life to take, but I'll take it.
Awww. Love you, baby.
Yeah, I know. *blushes*
Cool it, Han Solo.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
i’m in a karaoke mood rn and imagining going karaoke with nilou, cyno, and tighnari. i imagine this as a college au and that they’re going karaoke to celebrate passing their exams or smth.
nilou’s definitely in it while the other two need some convincing. anyways, nilou is definitely the person to sing the most. i am most CERTAIN that she’ll dance while she sings or just stop singing and dance to the song. i just feel like she’s the one that hits the most high notes out of the four of them. i have this headcanon that nilou’s the type of person to record every moment she has with the friend group. then she gathers all the vids and edits it into a nice video for remembrance <33
tighnari occasionally sings but after awhile he loosens up and sings his heart out. he says he probably can’t hit high notes, then he hits it. after he did that he’ll probably be surprised and stop singing, then everyone will bust out laughing of amusement that he actually did it.
now for cyno, i just have this headcanon that he’s really good at rapping. I MEAN WITH THAT VOICE OOOOO. imagine him just busting out the sickest, baddest verse. then after that everyone’s hyped and jumping up and down in the small karaoke room.
anyways yea that’s all. i got this random idea after hanging with my friend group. they’re always so chaotic and full of energy then i got this idea after our annual hangouts. tighnari and cyno’s part is kinda short and i don’t have much ideas for them when it comes to this situation 🧍‍♂️hopefully you have some ideas! and definitely add on to them if you wanna hehe
sincerely, fluff anon
Just a warning, from this post forward, I am super exhausted from my five hour trip so I apologize if I missed out things:
Nilou would be the type to sing kpop songs and do the whole choreography while singing all the high notes perfectly yes! And she live posts her friends singing on social media, with one video of them all singing!! DEFINITELY her idea and the one that dragged everyone in
AND YES TO TIGHNARI, ALL OF IT, but when hitting the high note he goes "OHMYGOD-?! Wait shit-" and then go back to singing as he missed the next lyrics while the others are hollering or laughing at the mistake
And Cyno - he's the shy type who cradles the microphone while making himself small, hesitant, always looks away and puts a hand up to cover his face when he realized Nilou recording. His song choices are also those mellow classics, a bit on the somber side like he picks them because they're kind of memed on (Photograph by Nickelback off the top of my head, hey at least his gruff voice fits).
So with all three combined,
This actually reminded me of when I hang out with my friends to Karaoke before the pandemic (*sobs*) and added some things here from it, specifically Nilou (I miss my roomie) *sobs more* Wait my roomie actually did upload shit to her Insta for that, I'm gonna watch that after this lol
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cringefaildiaz · 1 year
Casual 911 watching roomie's thoughts on Performance Anxiety
right off the bat she's defensive against Pepa's blind date assault "he’s not alone he has a son and a husband!!!!"
Eddie saying "I can’t marry someone just cause you said so" - “that’s fucking gay” 
Eddie telling the 118 about not wanting to perform for a date "you don’t have to perform for your husband"
"love that not a single one of them was excited about Eddie maybe dating"
bakery call: "Girl just call osha" 
"omg starting an accidental union in the workplace??? Thats so us"
"imagine almost dying at work and going 'on my death bed I’ve decided to stan osha. I’m pro union now.'" 
fire academy baby drill: "It’s a 6 month old. Check the fucking floor"
she really believed Novak could do it right from the get go. First and biggest Novak fan
turns out the baby WAS on the floor, everyone clap for our childcare professional queen who knows where a 6 month old baby can be found in the event of an emergency
Eddies date: "Eddie you are….gay"
"is he gonna make a FRIEND! that'd be fun"
"what if they become friends and then he sets her up with buck. tumblr would go crazy" 
"WHAT ARE THESE FACES" about Ryans whole....thing
college audition panic attack call: "I wonder if JLH has singing in her contract"
"he just walked out of that stall like only a 17 year old twink can"
Eddies performance review: "I’m sorry is Eddie upset this girl he didn’t want dumped him"
"work life balance OKAY" ngl i feel like this comment was directed at me a little bit
"cap doesn’t wanna hear about how your dick doesn't work rn Eddie"
"I’m sensing the theme is safety, security, trust" when they're doing the harness exercise at the academy. was a joke but honestly....theres something there
"like seriously how many more times can chimney say secure"
"is Novak about to have a panic attack??? are we gonna get ANOTHER ONE???? is that thing i don’t know about, like are panic attacks a thing" you can imagine the face she made when I told her about the eddieana panic attacks
"I do wish his panic attack sounded less like sex grunts. but that’s just me. still love him"
bodybuilder call: "I’m sorry. is this not homoerotic? oh god its his DAD"
"this is the gayest thing I’ve ever seen"
"so dramatic of Angela Bassett to take the time to give a speech when this guy is dying. just say you'll arrest them if they cause a problem"
"oh a black woman carrying the whole place on her back what a surprise" she said respect black women
"Bobby just wants someone to say he’s doing a good job"
athena saying "that’s my husband" loudest laugh I’ve ever heard 
She hates Nathaniel. Violently.
at this point she learned the episode is called “performance anxiety." "OHHHH that's not the theme I guessed"
She’s singing a fun trauma song @ the Ravi chim convo 
"good acting Eddie. totally believable"
"the child of indeterminate age is having opinions" Jee is either the "plot device sleep schedule child" or this. she's really fixated on Jee
"She’s singing AGAIN? it HAS to be in her contract" about Maddie singing to Jee
"Novak is for sure joining the team when buddie are otherwise engaged. he's my new favorite."
She asked after if Buck has ever met Pepa ("she has to know about him right. why is she not asking about him") so I showed her Stuck and she saw Chris with Bobby and went "thats his grandpa :(" (i also had that moment earlier this week so im THRILLED she had the same thought) (although we've been talking a lot about bobby being bucks dad and buck being chris' dad the past few weeks) (yknow cuz the show won't shut up about it)
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ssawboness · 2 years
do tell about Percy and the ghost they are haunted by
GAH i'm so glad you asked!!!
tw/cw under the cut: cannibalism, murder, talk of paranoia and delusion, etc. it all reads as much edgier than i intend it to be, but i can assure you the rest of the universe that i've placed the two in is MUCH less serious than this.
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for anyone that doesn't know, this is percy! they're nineteen years old and was a medical student throughout the years leading up to their untimely but ultimately deserved death. they're my tf2 medicsona, and most of the other characters involved with them are also mercsonas to some degree, besides (most of) team bastille. the floating thing depicted as coming out of the lettering is kenneth, kenny for short, their first victim and ex-roomie turned poltergeist.
i developed a week-long hyperfixation on cannibalism and its cons, alongside associated diseases, and in that dark period of my interests, the temporary stain on god's green earth that we now all know and love to be percy emerged from the depths.
to put things simply, percy is a cannibal. they're deeply delusional, stemming from severe trauma and other unnamed mental issues, and their incessant desire to consume humane flesh and organs alike stems from a paranoia harbored deep within their brain since early childhood: as human lives are so short and the last caches of australium were emptied out just before they were born, they've deluded themself into thinking that the only way to keep themselves going... is to consume human hearts.
their paranoia festered strongly in their later teenage years, as the stress of coming of age was getting to them, and dorm life in college was just as lonely as they'd expected it to be when they entered. much to their chagrin, they and their roommate didn't get along, only exchanging a few words every morning or asking where something went, effectively isolating them even further. this drove them to their breaking point, and they finally snapped, committing their first murder; the scar on their face, accompanied by permanent nerve damage and an even more permanent ghost roomie, was the result of a fierce struggle. it was thoroughly planned; had they been caught for it, they would have been charged for first degree murder in a polite open-and-shut case. however, they weren't, for... obvious plot armor reasons.
kenneth, having been diagnosed with creutzfeldt-jakob disease only a month before being murdered, could only laugh from the grave as percy consumed his brain and as a result contracted kuru.
following the canon chronological string of events, percy doesn't live long after the symptoms start showing. maybe they die in just a month, maybe it takes five years of haunting for the illness to finally begin to fester and take control of their brain. who knows? it's all convenient for comedic timing.
backstory aside, let's talk about kenneth and percy's dynamic. before that, however, i should mention that i cannot see them being in a romantic relationship, unhealthy or not, to any degree. if you want to interpret it that way, sure! but just know they have no romantic chemistry because they genuinely hate each other and also i am smiting you where you stand.
after showing my boyfriend the concept art i'd done of my scoutsona whilst at work, his immediate thought was that of a comparison between percy and benrey from hlvrai. he's not entirely wrong, but i only realized the similarities a moment too late, so it's too late to change it i suppose. this was also before i'd decided that all my mercsonas' character roles would be correlated to each other in one way or another, for, again, comedic effect.
kenneth was also kind of fucked up, but instead of dissecting animals and eating them, he just hung out with other guys and got stoned when he didn't have to attend a lecture. he never saw much point in life, being a by-the-books historical nihilist, so he sought to enjoy himself as much as he could before it came to a close, which was much sooner than he'd have expected it to be.
this being said, what would be his motivations for staying back on an earth that never treated him kindly instead of sleeping for all of eternity, or better yet, playing checkers with whatever god was in whatever afterlife he was destined to go to?
the answer? spite.
being a ghost and all that, bystanders can't see kenneth, so he strives to make percy look as utterly insane as possible in public: yanking his hair, loudly singing in his ear, or just generally being a nuisance. he floats around being a cunt all day, but once percy dies, he'll probably be left alone. maybe not the best choice for your all-of-eternity afterlife vacay, but he'll find a way to make it work.
thank you again for the ask! i'll expand on the rest of the less gritty aspects of the team bastille universe lore if prompted.
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blog-name-idk · 2 years
Everything Falls (Into Place) | 03
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**Banner by the incredible @bangtansmauyeondan
Pairing: OT7 x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
Word Count: 1683
"I still can't believe the whole situation," Mina said in awe as you finished packing the scant belongings you had taken to her place. You would be collecting the rest of your things from your old apartment later that day, and Namjoon and Jin had kindly volunteered to go with you.
"I kind of still don't believe it either," you admitted with a laugh. "It seems like an intro to a bad porno but they're nice guys. And my brother would never even have mentioned them if he didn't also think they were good people."
"That's true, Jackson is a good judge of character," Mina agreed dreamily, before hastily adding, "and so are you!" You snorted and rolled your eyes.
"Mina. You like my brother. That's okay. I've told you this before. I legitimately don't care "
"No I don't!" She protested shrilly, turning bright red. "A-and even if I did, that would be against girl code!"
You sighed and put down your bag, and put your hands on her shoulders.
"Mina. My dude. I will only say this one more time. Go for it. Nothing would make me happier than having the two people I love most in the world make each other happy too."
"R-really?" She asked, eyes suddenly watery, and you smiled reassuringly at her before you grabbed your bag again.
"Really," you confirmed, opening the door to leave. "Besides, he thinks you're hot," you added nonchalantly before stepping outside. As the door closed behind you, you heard a shriek.
"Wait, what?"
"Hey, thanks for coming. I really appreciate this," you said gratefully as Jin pulled into the parking lot of your old apartment. He and Namjoon smiled at you before you all made to leave the car.
"No problem, roomie," Namjoon said with his horribly cute dimpled smile.
"Help me with dinner sometimes and we're even," Jin added, eyes twinkling.
"Done," you agreed with a laugh as you climbed the stairs to your unit. You cautiously unlocked the door and peered inside, and sighed in disappointment when you saw your roommate was home.
"Geez, took you long enough, you done with drama now?" You felt your eye twitch as she began spewing her bullshit before you could even step fully into the apartment.
"Not quite, actually," you replied evenly as Jin and Namjoon followed you inside with empty boxes. You watched her jaw drop as she drank in the sight of the two glorious men behind you, and a petty part of you wanted to stick out your tongue and waggle your fingers at her. Yeah, keep my ex, you asshole.
"My room's this way, guys," you said instead, regretfully letting the adult in you win out. It took less than an hour to shove your clothes, textbooks, and other knick knacks into the boxes you had brought, even with Namjoon relegated to standing in the corner after he accidentally broke one of your figurines. After taking everything to Jin's car you gave the room one final once over to make sure you hadn't forgotten anything.
"Are you sure you're fine leaving this?" Asked Namjoon, gesturing to the bed he and Jin were sitting on. You grimaced.
"Considering I have no idea how many times my roommate and ex fucked on that mattress, definitely not. And the desk was cheap, too much hassle."
Namjoon blanched at your reply, and he and Jin both quickly stood up with grossed out facial expressions. Before he could say anything else, an unwelcome guest appeared in your doorway.
"[Y/n]!" You almost facepalmed at your ex's dramatic entrance, complete with a cliche-ass bouquet of red roses. "I can explain!"
"No thank you," you said coldly, crossing your arms. "You're blocking the door."
"Please! You can't just throw away all our time together! I-I love you!" You just stared at him for a moment, complete nonplussed. Really? His thought this was the appropriate time to drop the L bomb? And that it would work? What exactly had you seen in this dumbass again? Instead of winning you back, he had instead successfully dissipated any remaining feelings you had for him. They were instead replaced by irritation and even a bit of amusement as you heard a muffled snort that had to have come from one of the guys behind you.
"I'm good, actually," you just barely managed not to laugh at how ridiculous this scene must look to Jin and Namjoon, who were conveniently hidden from view by your bedroom door. Some of your good humor must have still peeked through, however, and he took it as an invitation to step forward.
"Let me prove it to you," he insisted, reaching for you, and you recoiled in disgust.
"Hey babe, this guy bothering you?"
Apparently the change in your expression had been enough for the boys to realize it was time to step in, and Jin appeared next to you, casually draping an arm over your shoulder.
"What the fuck?" Your ex gasped, staring up at the very broad, tall, sexy man looming over him.
"Thanks for showing me that I deserve better than someone who disrespects me," you said sweetly, before turning to gaze up at Jin adoringly. The cocky smirk he was aiming at your gobsmacked ex made your brain to mouth filter temporarily malfunction.
"I deserve someone who disrespects me and has a huge dick."
You had to give credit to Jin's acting skills, as his only reaction was to smirk wider. You did notice that his ears had gone bright red, which was absolutely adorable.
Namjoon did not share the same acting chops, however, and gave away his presence by choking at your bold declaration.
"Two huge dicks, even," you said nonchalantly, doubling down and pushing the door further open to reveal Namjoon looking like a deer in the headlights. Your ex's eyes widened further and you took advantage of his shock to push past him.
"Now excuse us, we have to go. So many dicks, so little time. I'm sure you of all people understand. Let's go, boys."
Jin and Namjoon, both resembling strawberries at this point, meekly followed you as you marched out of the apartment. You said nothing as you tossed your old keys to your speechless roommate, worried that if you opened your mouth you would burst out laughing. You manage to get into the backseat before you let the dam break, and the boys weren't far after you.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," you choked out, trying to catch your breath. You were releasing unattractive snorts through your nose, but you were too full of mirth to care.
"I can't believe you said all that," Namjoon gasped from the passenger's seat, still bright red, before succumbing to boisterous laughter.
"His face," Jin wheezed with squeaky giggles. You felt your heart swell with affection for these two men you had just met.
"Guys, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship."
To celebrate your first night at the house, Jin had made dinner. And, it being a celebration, it was accompanied by copious amounts of wine "because we're being fancy" - Jimin's words.
"What the fuck," you groaned as you took a bite, the wine you had already imbibed loosening your tongue. "What is wrong with you?"
"Excuse me?" Asked Jin, mildly offended.
"There's no way you can be handsome, nice, funny, and an amazing cook. It's just not fair," you ranted before diving back into your meal. You were so focused on the delicious flavors assaulting your tongue that you missed the way the redness sped up his ears straight to the rest of his face.
"[Y/n], aren't I handsome too?" Jimin pouted at you and you snickered, marveling at how comfortable you already felt with everyone.
"Obviously," you scoffed, and he beamed.
"Honestly, you guys are like, the best looking people I've ever seen. Including girls."
Your unabashed honesty was met with mixed reactions. Yoongi just ignored everyone and took a large gulp of wine. Jimin and Tae waggled their eyebrows at you. Hobi, Jungkook, and Jin tried to hide their blushes by shoving food into their mouths. Namjoon silently prayed for deliverance from the vengeful god bearing your brother's face.
"Actually, that reminds me," you declared, steeling yourself before inevitable embarrassment. "I just want to put out there that there will be no sexual activity between myself and any member of this house."
Several of the boys began choking on either food or wine, and they all openly stared at you as you gazed determinedly at your plate, cheeks bright pink. It was borderline humiliating to be saying this so openly, but you felt that this was the best time to set boundaries - when you were buzzed enough to be blunt, but sober enough not to make a complete idiot out of yourself. Well, you did tend to manage to do that without alcohol, but still.
"I know it's unlikely anyone is or would even want to or consider it," you added quickly, suddenly insecure and realizing it was extremely presumptuous to even assume you might be in the same league as these guys. "I just wanted to get that out there just in case. Uh… sorry for making this awkward " you finished lamely, still staring at your food and determinedly not meeting the eyes of any of your new roommates.
"You're good," Namjoon assured you gently. "Honestly you're probably right. We've never lived with a girl before, so I think it's smart to address any potential complications." You looked up at him and felt reassured by his sincere smile.
"Plus," he added, clearly trying to lighten the mood. "Your brother scares the shit out of me."
You nodded sagely, knowing how overprotective he could be, but Jungkook looked unconvinced.
"Jackson-hyung? But he's so nice," he said, throwing a skeptical look at Namjoon.
"So's Hobi," Yoongi pointed out, and Jungkook shut up. You raised your eyebrows, glancing at the man in question, who was currently engaged making silly faces with Taehyung. Well, it was always the ones you'd least expect.
Tags: @singukieee
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nar-nia · 2 years
I saw this in my dash and thought it'll be interesting to ask 👀 If your moots are secretly idols lurking, who would be who? You don't have to answer though but I thought it was interesting!
hey anon! i'm sorry this took so long, but i needed some time to think about it first! i'm only doing the moots i've known for a while, maybe i'll do it again when i've gotten closer to my newer moots as well 🥰 and this is such a cool question!!
@maeum-your tempted to say heeseung because i love him and i love minnie, but i'm going to say jake. not just because of the barking 🤭 but they both get so excited about things, no matter how little, and share that excitement with everyone. i haven't heard her laugh but i'm convinced it's one you just want to join in. she's so kind and caring, always looking out for others and trying to make them feel better, and when she's in a good mood you just can't be upset. she makes sure that you know how much you mean to her every single day, no matter if it's a big or a small action. and did i mention the barking? 🤨
@sunoona sunoo, and not just because she loves him. i'm convinced they're either the same person or would be best friends (but if you're sunoo better tell me 🤨). both are so passionate about their favorite food (you guessed it, mint chocolate), and they just seem like such sweet persons - unless you start insulting mint choco. the sassy behaviour is also the same - and the fact that you can't help yourself but adore them.
@sunbokie felix. they just magically know how to cheer you up when you have a bad day, and there's not a day where she doesn't suddenly shower you with love and compliments. you see her and the sun starts shining. she's supportive, loves hugs and deserves the best 🤧 and don't get me started on her amazing, creative mind 😩
@ddeonuism bang chan. you think they're nice, and they are, but suddenly they publish songs like red lights - or fanfics called demon roomie. but just look at the way she talks about her friends and moots (and dogs!) and you know that she has a heart of gold. she also puts so much effort into everything she does, it amazes me every day.
@sjyuniverse riki. you know why 😉 the same level of chaos, blurry selfies and ready to fight everyone. but a really fun and kind person to be around.
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pod95 · 3 years
Pairing: Finn Balor X reader
Word Count: 2152
Warnings: Smutt (implied)
Description: A/n you and your best friend Becky Lynch are sharing a hotel room together, but when her boyfriend Seth Rollins sneaks in, you are left with no choice but to sleep in his room with the guy you hate, Finn Balor.
A/N This is part of a series of one shots I am doing. You can read this and the others on my Wattpad, AO3 and FanFiction pages.
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Room Swap
"Name please," the receptionist asked as you searched through your purse for your ID.
"Y/l/n. It should be a twin room."
"Ah yes, here you are," she turned to the board behind and picked out a key card. You're in room 412."
"Thanks!" you take the key card off of her and return to Becky, who was waiting with your luggage in the lobby.
"Everything all sorted, roomie?" Becky asked, thumbing through a magazine.
"Yeah I can't wait. Ever since you got with Seth we never get to bunk together. It's gonna be like old times!"
"I just hope you're ready for a wild night of stuffing our faces with room service and bingeing bad horror movies," she winked and giggled.
"Ooft sounds like a hot date," you teased her.
"Speaking of hot..." Becky gestured to the lobby entrance where her boyfriend Seth Rollins was bringing in his luggage. He made his way over to you and beamed when he saw Becky.
"Damn, you're beautiful. Can I get your number?" he teased.
"Sorry, I have a boyfriend. He's super buff and macho and could probably kick your ass," she retorted, planting a loving kiss on his cheek. Seth wrapped his arms around her waist as you smiled at how happy you were that your friend found someone who truly loved her.
"Are you sure you wanna spend the night with y/n? I mean I love Finn but we could have a LOT of fun in a room together..." Seth cooed, kissing Beckys neck.
"Hey, Rollins! Stop making moves on my woman. You get every other night with her. Go near her, and I'll chop that dick off!" you threatened playfully.
"Fine, Jeez!" he laughed, "We really need to get you a boyfriend."
You shuddered at the words. You had been secretly seeing someone, but broke it off a couple of weeks ago and you were starting to lose hope of ever finding a decent guy.
"You know, Finn is still single..." Becky prompted.
"Ugh no way!" you retched, "not even if he was the last man on Earth."
"Finn's a great guy! I really don't get why you hate him so much..." Seth shook his head.
"Where do I start? He's cocky and narcissistic, he thinks he's God's gift to women, he's always bragging about how many girls he's been with. Yeah sure, he's hot, but he knows it. Besides, he's a jerk to me whenever we're together."
"Y/n, you haven't even given him a chance. I reckon if you spent some time alone with him, you'd see all the good parts of him!" Seth enthused.
"He wears very tight trunks in the ring, I've already seen WAY more parts of him than I'm comfortable with."
"Aww, y/n, I'm flattered you spend your free time thinking about me in tight trunks!" came an Irish accent from behind you. You groaned internally.
"I wouldn't be... You missed the part where I called you cocky and narcissistic." you jeered, smirking at Finn.
"It's not cocky if you can back it up love," he winked, and you hated yourself for finding him so attractive.
"Right, sure. Guys like you are all talk."
"Oh one night alone with me, and you'd never want to leave," he went to brush a hair from your face, giggling mischievously as you swatted it away. "I could prove it to you tonight if you want."
"Oh my god, why are all the men in my life trying to ruin our night together? Go find some other woman to disappoint, Balor! She's mine tonight," Becky scolded him. "Y/n, we should go to our room before these Jackasses get in the way."
Becky stood up, kissed Seth affectionately and grabbed her luggage. You followed her leave, grabbing your things and saying goodbye to Seth.
"What no goodbye kiss for me?" Finn hollered is you set off towards the elevator, cackling at the middle finger you were now responding with.
When you got to the room, Becky kicked her shoes off and dove onto a bed. You changed into a tank top and some leggings as she looked through the room service menu.
"I'm gonna get some lobster. What do you want?"
"Ooh very fancy. I'll have the same."
You spent the evening pigging out on fancy room service and making fun of terrible movies before eventually feeling too tired to stay awake and nodding off halfway through the second movie.
Just as you'd fallen asleep, you were awoken by a noise. You weren't sure what it was at first, it sounded kind of wet. Then you heard a soft moan coming from the bed next to you and you looked over to see a huge lump under the covers of Beckys bed. Groaning, you turned your bedside lamp on.
"Really guys? I'm trying to sleep here..." you protested.
"Oh shit, sorry y/n. I'll just go." a naked Seth peeked out from under the covers, his hair messy and his voice breathless.
"No, it's fine just... Give me your key card. I'll sleep in your room."
"Really? Sure, it's in my pants. Thanks y/n, you're the best." Seth said, before retreating back under the covers, much to the delight of a giggling Becky.
You hastily retrieved the key card (room 426) from his discarded pants and made your escape.
As you stormed down the hall to where Seth and Finn were staying, you muttered under your breath. You knew that Becky and Seth were a couple, but do they have no boundaries? You arrived at room 426 and knocked on the door. Despite having the key, you didn't want to just barge into the room unannounced.
A shirtless Finn opened the door. He blinked in surprise upon seeing you, before smiling cockily.
"I see you decided to take me up on my offer earlier," he purred, leaning coolly against the doorframe.
"No chance in hell. Seth and Becky are 'getting busy', and as close as we are, I REALLY don't wanna see her O face so... Seth said I could crash here. Sorry to disappoint you," you shoved past, struggling to keep your eyes off of his impressive torso.
"Alright but I should warn you... I sleep naked," Finn beamed at you, amused by the look of horror that crossed your face.
"Whatever just... You stay in your bed, I'll stay in mine and we should get through the night without me beating you to death!" you smiled sweetly back at him.
"Oh come on. I'm just messing with you," he chuckled, grabbing a towel from the wardrobe. "I'm gonna take a shower, TV remote is there. Make yourself at home."
Finn disappeared into the bathroom and shortly after, you heard the gushing of the shower. For a moment, you imagined the water cascading down Finn's abs and trickling down his body. Disgusted with yourself for imagining such things, you shook the thought from your mind and turned on the TV.
Eventually, Finn emerged from the shower, and you were surprised to see him wearing a pair of shorts and a vest. You stared at him for a moment, still confused.
"Is there a problem?" he asks, snapping you out of your stupor.
"No! Not at all... You're just such a playboy, I'm surprised you're wearing actual clothes and not a towel that's far too small for you," you challenged him, secretly disappointed by the reality.
"Contrary to what you might think about me, I'm not a sex pest. I may be cocky and full of myself, but I'm not gonna go out of my way to make you uncomfortable." annoyed, Finn collapsed into his bed, refusing to make eye contact with you.
"Finn... I'm sorry. I'm being a jerk. Honestly, thanks for letting me stay here. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
"Well... You can buy me pizza. I like pepperoni and stuffed crust please!" He grinned cheekily and you couldn't help but smile back at him.
"Pizza, for Mr Abs? What about all those carbs?" you teased him, picking up the menu from the desk.
"Well, you really upset me and now I'm eating my feelings," Finn pouted adorably at you, giggling when you threw a pillow at him.
You and Finn went back and forth teasing each other until the pizza arrived, when Finn jumped up excitedly and rushed to the door to collect it.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Finn asked, sitting at the end of his bed and tucking into his Pizza.
"Sure," you started flicking through the movie channels. "Oooh, Toy Story!"
You lay back, occasionally eyeing up Finns pizza. Your stomach gave you away and let out a thunderous growl, as you held a pillow over it, trying to muffle the sound.
"Do you want some?" Finn tempted you, patting an empty space on the bed next to him. Nodding enthusiastically, you accepted the invitation and grabbed a slice.
The room fell quiet apart from the sound of you and Finn happily tucking in to the pizza.
"So are you feeling any better?" Finn asked, grabbing another slice.
"Better? What do you mean?"
"Well you seemed angry earlier. It must be frustrating never getting to see Becky," Finn prompted, giving you a look of genuine sympathy. You were surprised that he had picked up on it. You usually had a bad attitude around him anyway, so it was impressive that he could tell you were more upset than usual.
"I was at first, but I get it. They're a couple, they wanna spend time together. If I had a boyfriend, I'd be the same, " you confessed.
"So what happened with that guy you were seeing?" Finn asked, the hint of a smile on his lips.
"Oh that didn't go anywhere. Wait, how did you know about that?"
"Oh... I guess... Becky might have mentioned it..." Finn stammered, unusually flustered.
"Becky didn't know..." you eyed him suspiciously. Finn paused, thinking for a moment before sighing.
"OK fine..." he shuffled nervously. "A couple of weeks ago, I was outside your locker room and I heard you on the phone to him."
"And why exactly were you lurking outside my locker room, Mr Balor?" you teased him, amused by this vulnerable version of Finn.
"Well, I was planning on asking you to dinner," he quickly reverted back to his usual, charismatic self.
Speechless and somewhat embarrassed, you grabbed another slice of pizza and continued watching the movie. You're cheeks felt hot, and you could still feel Finns eyes on you. But even so, you couldn't help but feel surprised by how comfortable you were around Finn.
After several minutes, you dared to glance back at him. The glance escalated, and soon you found yourself examining his features in great detail. He really was incredibly attractive. Your attention moved from his dark hair towards his mesmerising blue eyes, twinkling with delight as he watched the movie, down his strong cheekbones to where an adorable, boyish smile perfectly complimented the rest of his face. As he turned towards you and caught you staring, every instinct told you to avert your eyes, but you just couldn't.
His eyes locked onto yours, holding your gaze as you felt your heart rate increasing. He smirked, pleased with himself for having caught you staring at him. Unblinking, he looked you up and down, licking his lips seductively. Bashful, you turned away, not wanting him to see you blush. Finn reached out a hand to stroke your reddening cheek.
Your skin tingled, as you nuzzled against his hand. Finn let out a low, victorious chuckle and cupped your other cheek in his hand, turning it to face him. You stared at his lips for just a moment before closing the distance between your face and his, stopping just before his lips. You closed your eyes, smiled to yourself, and pressed your lips to his. It was gentle and nervous at first, but as your hunger for him grew, the kiss became more passionate. You let out a small moan when he gently nibbled your lower lip. He pulled away, breathless, eyeing you intensely.
"If this goes much further... I won't be able to stop myself. Are you OK with that?" Finn asked, stroking your cheek. You nodded, never breaking eye contact. Finn smiled roguishly.
"Perfect." Finn grinned, tangling his fingers in your hair and devouring your lips, as you made a silent reminder to thank Seth and Becky
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think, and if you want a part 2 at some point in the future 😊
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