#i like drawing random characters i don't know or not gonna keep :3
storm-driver · 2 months
hi, i have feelings about cartoon nostalgia and the audience perception of them 20 years on
this is gonna read hyper-specific, but bear with me
i refuse to credit butch hartman for the way danny phantom came out during it's first two seasons, at least outside of the initial pitch and the idea of the protagonist having white hair. i know the majority of enthusiasts for this show are more than aware of hartman's antics at this point. these anctics, i won't get into. other people are far more suited to explain that stuff vs me, a random guy on the internet. but there's very specific topics that i don't often see get brought up in detail, like the production and staff behind this show.
i'll get into it below the cut so as not to clutter your dashboard. but if you're not familiar with the actual production history of danny phantom, this might be interesting to read.
it's common knowledge these days that stephen silver is the one who developed the design for danny based on hartman's original rough sketches. the similarity between each drawing is apparent, but you can see clear as day which design was gonna be more apt for animation and overall audience allure back in 2003.
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he also did character designs for hartman's other poster child, Fairly Oddparents. the trend is similar, though far from a huge concern. character design overhauls happen all the time in media production. designs might be too complicated for animation, so they get stripped down. or maybe things aren't complex enough and more nuance needs to be added. that's normal stuff, and i am not dunking on hartman for not nailing danny's design right out the gate. i'm pointing this out in case you've ever looked at butch hartman's recent work and wondered "how are these done by the same artist?"
the answer is they weren't. hartman had to adapt to stephen silver's conceptual designs in order to work on the storyboards. take from that what you will.
onto the actual writing.
butch barely wrote a single episode for this show's first two seasons.
steve marmel helped write at least 28 episodes of the original two seasons, with writers like sib ventress and marty isenberg bringing a good amount of episodes to the table, as well.
butch hartman is credited primarily for directing and storyboarding this show. the episode pitch and writing was by other people almost entirely. the ONLY episodes in the first two seasons that hartman is credited with having written are mystery meat, one of a kind and splitting images. and he's credited with co-writing these episodes alongside steve marmel and mark banker. ie, he did not write these episodes on his own. and allegedly, butch hartman had a tendency to be credited as a writer for an episode, even if he only wrote a few lines of dialogue. again, take from that what you will.
past that in season 3, he wrote infinite realms, torrent of terror, forever phantom, urban jungle, and ofc, phantom planet. which a lot of people know, these episodes in particular weren't the most enjoyable, nor was the overall direction of them very good.
a director's job is to make sure that the overall tone, feel, and message of the show is being kept consistent with intent. that means meeting with producers, who are the ones managing the, y'know, producing part of the whole project. it may sound like the director is the one heading the project if it's their job to keep things in check. which, i will not deny, hartman must've put in a good deal of work to make the show come out as well as it did.
but pile that with some of the off things per episode. the mean-spirited way that characters tend to be taught lessons, the voice direction getting a drastic change in season 3 (you can hear it explicitly with david kaufman suddenly going for higher pitches instead of the usual one he's done so far). there's really only one consistent motif in the entire show's OST. which isn't a bash against the music producer. it's a concern that the director of the show never asked him to change things up, and ONLY stuck to this one motif.
to briefly touch on the mean-spirited thing. there's multiple instances in the show where danny or someone else is seen fighting back against whatever has given them trouble, or they're taking matters into their own hands to ensure they won't be hurt ahead of time. and repeatedly, the show likes to kick these characters back down for trying to stand up. it's a trend in all of butch hartman's shows, and it's treated more like comedy than anything else. it's up to audience perception on how to view it. but for me personally, it starts to feel like an overused gag and turns into something more malevolent after seeing it overused almost every single episode.
okay besides that, i actually wanna look at specific examples of episodes that steve marmel wrote for. again, this is the guy who's more or less responsible for the show's serialization.
the complete list of episodes is as follows:
Mystery Meat, Parental Bonding, One of a Kind, Attack of the Killer Garage Sale, Splitting Images, What You Want, Bitter Reunions, Prisoners of Love, My Brother's Keeper, Shades of Gray, Fanning the Flames, Teacher of the Year, Fright Night, 13(Thirteen), Public Enemies, Memory Blank, Reign Storm, The Ultimate Enemy, The Fright Before Christmas, Secret Weapons, Flirting with Disaster, Micro Management , Kindred Spirits, and Reality Trip.
multiple episodes listed here are from the first season, which a lot of people consider the show's best. and of the handful listed for season 2, he wrote all of the hour-long specials.
i would be here for hours talking about how steve marmel tackles all of these characters and concepts significantly better than hartman does in season 3. but that's a topic best praised elsewhere. point is, if you watched any of these episodes and thought to yourself "wow, that was actually kinda clever," steve marmel is more or less the guy responsible.
butch hartman was in charge of direction, but that does not give him exclusive credit for every single line of dialogue or plot beat. there could be a LOT we just don't know because people on production staff don't want to comment. but the writing consistency taking a dive off the board by season 3, which is the same season that steve marmel departed from the project due to conflicting direction in the story? you might deduce that butch hartman was not the prized writer and artist behind this otherwise beloved cartoon.
to dredge up an easier-to-tackle target, season 3.
my criticisms are 18-year old echoes at this point, you've heard them all. from otherwise pointless episodes that don't develop the characters or world, to completely out-of-touch writing (looking at you, phantom planet) that juxtaposes the characters with everything we've been told about them so far. it became a slog of a season that didn't have any build-up to it's finale. the occasional gem of an episode like frightmare helped in some aspects. or the promise for something later with d-stabilized. but it all gets swept under the rug thanks to a rushed finale with poor build-up, bad writing direction for the characters, and most importantly, an unlasting effect on the viewer. (or a negative lasting effect, which is arguably worse)
for a season that knew it was on its last leg before inevitably needing to give up, there's seldom few episodes dedicated to advancing an overall narrative, and thus give a slimmer of hope for a satisfying conclusion. instead, the show goes all in with villain-of-the-week stories, and even the returning villains are hardly taken seriously or given more to do besides just being there.
of course, we know the reason steve marmel had left the project was because hartman wanted the show not to taken a more story-focused drive. it almost starts to feel like spite that kept the show so horribly grounded, letting it become stagnant before eventually being forgettable.
all this is in service of letting people know, it really wasn't butch hartman that made the show, not alone. death of the author and all that nonsense aside, he pitched the concept. and it takes a lot of love and dedication to make a concept something you can physically see and adore. don't let him swath in all the credit. recognize the others who made the work you can still enjoy.
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glitter-alienz · 2 months
I'm gonna talk about this once and only once. because I really don't have the energy for arguments.
yall know when someone makes a human pinkie pie design and she's white and skinny (which is fine, do what you want) and hundreds of people in the comments are like "finally, a normal pinkie pie" or something along those line. <- (I've mainly seen this on tiktok and insta)
i keep thinking those comments have to be satire cuz there is no way people actually think that. but they do. and its so fucking funny. pinkie pie is a fictional pony. why do people get so heated up when a rando fan on the internet draws her black?? their asshole is so itchy they got worms in there they cant just sit. they HAVE to go show their racism. if you don't like when someone draws a non-human character as a black person please sit down and think why does it make you so mad? why does black pinkie fill you with so much rage? why is her being a black person a problem? why is some random stranger on the internet drawing her as black making you so upset, even tho that's just fanart and it doesn't affect canon, because she's not a human in canon. why do you feel like you have to let them know how much you hate pinkie being black? nobody wanted your opinion.
and people just loooove to hate on fat people which sucks. shocking that people have different body types. your cartoon pony being drawn chubby shouldn't make you this upset. get help please <3
anyways, this goes for like,, all the ponies and other media where the main cast isn't human (and ofc this includes tmnt, the amount of people who have a problem with the human turtles being drawn as black or blasian is so insane) why does harmless FANart / HEADcanons have so much power over people?? live your life man stop harrassing people over their fanart. its never that serious. fan works are just that, FAN works. its no big deal
I'm just ranting about this to get it off my brain, this was lowkey why I never posted my mlp humanizations anywhere (except pinkie on insta once, ended up deleting it) but im thinking that i should like.. do what i want. this is my house after all
tldr; I keep seeing people relieved to see a human design of pinkie pie that isn't black. and the fact that people care that much and get so upset over a fictional pony being drawn as black person BY A FAN is so funny and annoying at the same time.
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fanofthelamb · 2 months
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So I went dumpster diving in my tablet for the first lamb I ever drew and WOW... I found a lot of sketches I really don't plan on revisiting. I am jsut gonna dump them below the cut for people to see!! Some of it is lore related, some of it is shit I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HATE, but IDC!!! I will post it anyway for the tumblr users who I keep an eye on my notifs for. (yes, i see you guys. even if i dont always interact I see you and love you guys)
Anyway, here is the earliest drawin I have of me drawing the lamb!! I am going to write a comment under a lot of these to add context to them.
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A cute little baby <3333 but I struggled a LOT of figuring out what the lamb was wearing, I eventually figured it out though. (I hope)
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if you know, you know. (RIP VAL)
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for my BTG AU. I decided I no longer wanted chemach to make the [spoiler] for the lamb, though, so I scrapped this
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vaaaal,,,,,, i was still learning how to draw him, i wish i put pants on him but do those even exist in COTL? (yes)
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I haven't been able to do much with them because I'm putting other stuff first, but Brear has two kids, Notre and Brejul who Narinder absolutely ADORES. he is the one who babysits.
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fun fact but the lamb being touch repulsed is a projection LOL. i hate it when people touch me it feels so tickly and makes me want to bite their faces off. (but i am touch starved and i LOVE to show affection to other ppl, esp thru back rubs)
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yes, they have a hoop for personal space. no, ill never use it.
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drum corcl,,,, i love the little dancing guy that comes from the drums
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more narinder and brear. they're not romantically interested in each other, but he is absolutely head over heels for brear, their brother, and the kids. they even call him dad sometimes.
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[no context]
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kallamar and leshy before their crowns. the scene i have related to this isn't happening anymore, but it was leshy begging to be taught to swim.
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another "the one who baby sits" doodle. the bishops all came into the cult with a very good repuation thanks to narinder. he likes to tell the kids of the cult stories about how amazing his siblings were. at first, it was just to nobre and brejul with stories about leshy(he missed leshy a lot even though he was still mad at him, and the two reminded narinder of his time with leshy), but then it escalated into him hosting storytimes with larger groups after they started repeating some of the stories he'd tell them.
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unfinsihed stuff about with the lamb and thier mom. their mom wasn't afraid of the bishops at all, but knew that they were a still a threat to her and her child's life. the lamb did NOT care for anyone thier mom didn't approve of/enthusiastically liked. they were much more afraid of the bishops than their mother.
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i do not actually know if i posted this.i dont think so, but i giggle every time i scroll past it
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brear and nobre <333
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im still workong on BTG shit, and i post a little bit of the characters on here even tho the comics are going to be posted elsewhere. they have a "crownlike" beak, but a body part. there's different creatures who became gods through different ways; crowns are one way but their power is stuck with the crown and they are considered extremely weak compared to other gods. i wont blabber on about it tho.
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so many sketches has random lines through em because i work with a tablet,,, i hate it. anyway, narinder and kallamar everybody!
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sketches i made but didn't bother to finish of me and merbre,,,,,,,,, my husband #1 <3 them w/ narinder + merbre arent gonna be considered "canon" but damn it ill self-ship with them until i get a follower i can WORK with
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i come back to this every few weeks and im never happy with it, i dont know if ill finish this but i think about them........ before the divorce </3
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unused from an ask
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heartstealer. menace. you can rip my heart out anytime, leshy <3
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dreshy. he LOVES dresses and being pretty and cute and pretty. he sucks narinder into a lot and heket will sometimes join in if he demands asks her to <3
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another unused drawing from an ask i'll eventually answer. (mildly offended at being called a mutton cube.)
.... aaand WOW! I think that's everything guys!! things are still kinda wild but they're calming down a little bit. idk how much longer it's gonna last like this but I have some energy so I made a way-too-long post showing off art I wasn't supposed to post! Awesome. :D
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bird-nobody · 2 months
"Welcome to my blog loves. Fair warning I'm a unhinged nerd. Scroll down for some random reblogs, ocs, or polls"
Current fandoms I'm in: Undertale, TADC, FPE, & One piece
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This blog is an ANTI-NSFW Blog but it is a funni 18+ blog for mainly the undertale fandom however I will allow OC and Other Fandom rps as long as their not porngraphic, forced, racist, etc. If you see somebody trying to impersonate me then ask them stuff that only I know ig cause I had many people in the past keep spamming me and my friend's inbox with questions regarding the users @jaxfromthatcircu s @keykeepertm and @the-carnival-rabbi t ((sorry for the @s. Ik. It's annoying...)) PLEASE. ASK. THEM. YOUR QUESTIONS. Anyways have fun interacting...
Hnng I had to space out two of the @ s before tumblr @s em with the auto @ button. I bloody hate the automatic @ feature.
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• Only Blog/Ask Rules:
Do not send in anything involving porn, racism, homophobic topics, forced ships, or politics. Etc.
- Drawing Requests: Do not Request for me to DRAW YOUR FETISHES or KINKS or whatever. I'm an non nsfw 18+ blog.. I do nsfw jokes not nsfw content
Quote of the Week:
"I'm scared of short people"
Quote of the Day;
"Ayo Error Sans kinda fine but since i cannot touch him i will just silently simp from afar like that one lil werid bitch in the back.."
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• Bird interaction | x = RP INTERACTION
• OOC = OUT of character
• shitpost = NOT CANON just the funnis going down
• [ IN CHARACTER ] = In character
• MultiFandom RP = Literal means Multifandom RP
• UnderDungeon = My Official AU's posts
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Info dump about ut knowledge and important shit
Current Poll✨️
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punsmaster69 · 7 months
"I've always said that filling a glass to the brim is the most efficient method..."
flowey turned to me with the most shit-eating grin i think i've seen from him yet.
"But wow. I mean, really, 𝘞𝘖𝘞.
You reeaally took that to heart."
"soul, technically."
"Whatever. Point is, you've messed yourself up baadd."
"You can barely 𝘀𝗲𝗲!"
"noticed that. not why we're here though, petals."
"Do NOT call me that!"
i considered saying something like, "ok, whatever you say, petals." but didn't.
flowey's not gonna actually help me if i piss him off too bad.
helping is what i 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘦𝘥 him to do...
instead he's taken the opportunity to get out all the snide remarks he's got about my whole overflow thing going on.
pretty sure he's been biting these back real hard while the others were around.
he's still going.
what a butthead.
know he likes...
video games.
'specially that one character. a dino of some kind.
the color green.
drawing. (with frisk, usually.)
candy. loves candy.
loves anything sweet, really.
ok. any of those sound like gift ideas?
whatever. guess i'll figure it out later.
wow, he's still talking.
nevermind, he stopped.
"Why do you keep looking at me, then at the page?"
"Are you really writing ALL of this down?"
"What ARE you writing, then?"
"just random thoughts."
"Ew. Nevermind. I don't wanna hear about whatever goes on in that probably-hollow skull of yours."
"got any ideas for frisk's, yet?"
flowey's face tells me he's forgotten that's why he was here to begin with.
and his silence tells me that he really doesn't have any.
"let's come back to this."
"got ideas for tori?"
"what? can't get her gifts now?"
"You're gonna be all gross about it!"
"That's the word."
"no 'a', no 'l'."
"You get what I mean!"
"not gonna be, 'romantical' about it."
"pure-intentioned holiday gifts."
"not sure what to call it anymore."
his face shifted as he thought about it.
"or gyftmas?"
"Have you just been calling it 'holiday' this whole time?"
"been switching between the three."
"so, no ideas?"
"ok. welp. since you've apparently only agreed to come here so you could berate me.."
"i'm kicking you out."
"Fine! Good! I don't wanna be in your terrible room anymore."
so i carried him to papyrus' room.
paps looked up from his book.
with having set flowey on the end of paps' bed, that kid's decidedly no longer my problem.
"bug him for a while. i'm outta here."
"back to bed."
"gonna write the rest of the journal first, but yep."
"What time is it?"
"...I spent three hours talking to YOU?!"
he closed his book and hopped up.
flowey was being carried out the door before he could even start to say anything about it.
still blank on the present-idea front, but there's plenty of december left to think it over.
maybe i'll ask tori about frisk's.
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charcubed · 1 year
Listen. I'm going FUCKING. INSANE. because it seems like almost no one on the internet gives a shit about Shy Baldwin/Reggie Harris from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, which boggles my mind because like ???? they're in love?????? and their relationship is so compelling??
And what we see of what becomes of Shy's story is so tragic obviously but to me it also hints at potential for him and Reggie to maybe someday get out of showbiz and be together. And from what I can tell, no one in fandom TALKED ABOUT THISSSS when season 4 came out!!! What the fuck!!!!! This is maddening!!!
So. I'm making this post mostly to get this off my chest and as a yell into the void. Because maybe somewhere, someday, someone else will ALSO be searching tumblr to see even a glimpse of content about these 2 exceedingly compelling characters, and I will write this so that I save that person the despair of coming up empty-handed like I am.
I'm also gonna drag other people down with me if anyone who hasn't seen this show happens to be curious enough to read this, so in that vein, I will cover some basics to outline this. Because I want to TALK ABOUT THEM despite most of this being obvious and no one giving a shit, Goddammit!!
(Spoilers or whatever I guess but who cares)
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This is Shy Baldwin. He's a singer (clearly) and canonically a Black gay man who (obviously) has to hide his sexuality because this is set in the 60s.
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This is Reggie Harris, Shy's manager and longtime best friend.
This is how Reggie introduces himself:
Let me tell you what kind of manager I am, Susie Myerson and Associates. I've been looking after Shy since we were kids tossing rocks in vacant lots. We was running numbers for Stephanie St. Clair before we were ten. When he found his singing, I collected the money, kept him out of trouble, kept people from bumping him. I'll be at his side when he draws his last breath unless I get there first. I would lay down my life for him. That's what's going on here. You hear me?
–3x02, "It's the Sixties, Man!"
In episode 3, they casually sing "Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Baby" together just for fun.
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INSANE harmonies. And their flirty banter in this whole 1 minute long scene makes me want to eat my own arm.
Anyway... hold those thoughts.
So, Midge Maisel (the titular character) is the opener for Shy on tour with her comedy act in season 3. The show reveals in episode 3x06 that Shy is gay, in a scene where Midge finds him bruised and bleeding because he hooked up with a guy and it went sideways. Shy comes out to her as part of his explanation, and she helps cover up the bruises on his face with makeup so he can get on stage that night.
That leads to him doing a sitting "stool set" with slower songs because his ribs are fucked so he can't stand/dance, and the unsubtle song the show has him sing is "No One Has To Know."
The clip isn't even on Youtube, which is indicative of how much I'm suffering with how under-appreciated Shy's storyline is, but you can listen to the song here or on Spotify.
No one else can tell I think you're beautiful No one else can tell You're my favorite view Let the world all think what they will I'll wait until they're through 'Cause no one has to know I need you No one but you
^^^ Literally the whole song is like this / about being gay but that's a piece of it.
Shy looks at Reggie as he sings.
Thankfully Tumblr user microclown made several GIFs. Here are two.
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Clearly, obviously, this is deliberately not subtle. Everything telegraphs that Shy is in love with Reggie.
Now, considering wider context of Shy hooking up with a random man etc., one could be forgiven for thinking it's meant to be seen as unrequited love... but I really don't think that's the case. I think there's a delicious undercurrent of angst that ties into how Reggie tells Susie (Midge's manager) at various times throughout the season that their job is to make the hard decisions on behalf of their clients, and Reggie references making hard decisions on Shy's behalf or for Shy, because his job is to do what's best for Shy even at the times Shy doesn't like it. So... are they in love and Reggie tries to keep them from properly being Together to protect Shy? And/or does Shy think his love is unrequited at this point? Lots of room to play there.
So now comes the part that no one's talking about!
More explanation: season 3 ends with Midge being very straight and very white as she does a comedy routine in which she makes way too many cheeky references that out Shy as gay on stage if you know gay-related coding/lingo. There are Reasons why she sort of panics and does this, and the audience loves her jokes, but that is very much Not The Point. She's fired from the rest of the tour as a result–rightfully so.
In season 4, it's announced that Shy is suddenly getting married to his longtime girlfriend and it's totally a publicity stunt 🙃 Midge and Susie are invited to the wedding... but not by Shy; by the team of straight white dude management who stepped in to control Shy's every move in the name of "helping him to stay on the straight and narrow" to keep his career on the rails. Midge's fuck up gave them the opportunity they needed to control him. (Shy and Midge end up reuniting in a bathroom at the reception but we won't be unpacking that conversation and how I disagree with how Midge leaves things between them).
So the suits invite Midge and Susie to the wedding so they can escort them to a side room and have a meeting with them, and they try to pay them off to sign an NDA. (Midge declines for them both, saying she will keep her silence for the sake of Shy, not for the suits.) Come to find out that that management team also forced Shy to pay off / fire his entire band–who were shown to be like family to him throughout the tour in season 3–and also forced him to pay off / fire Reggie.
LOU: Look, he's a good guy, Reggie. I like him. But he's too close with Shy to control him. There's too much history.
SUSIE: Reggie got Shy to where he is now. You realize that?
LOU: Reggie's taken care of. Big severance. We threw him some publishing. He's buying a house in Westchester. Everybody's happy.
SUSIE: Oh, I bet. 'Cause when you think Reggie, you think Westchester.
–4x05, "How to Chew Quietly and Influence"
Here's the obvious thing: Shy and Reggie clearly had no choice in this matter.
There's no way in hell that Reggie would have left Shy willingly. Absolutely no Goddamn way in hell. Whether he's in love with him or not, Shy is "his boy" (his words, repeatedly) and he said "I'll be at his side when he draws his last breath unless I get there first." That was his character introduction! Holy shit!
But here's my hot take: I DO think Reggie is in love with Shy, and I do think he intends to keep that promise of being by his side as much as possible. And I'll tell you why.
At the wedding, Shy sings a short excerpt from his new single to his new wife:
Come close to me, baby Cool as the river When you're here in my arms Manhattan's getting dimmer I know it sparkles, too But city lights don't shine as bright as you
Once again the clip is not on Youtube and I am suffering.
There are a few more lines from the song in that episode referencing Paris and Rome (where Shy and Reggie and the band went on tour in season 3...), but it's a piece of a longer song. We thankfully have the song in full, here or on Spotify:
And in the episode, Shy says on stage that the song was written by Reggie.
"You just heard a little of my new single. And it's a special one because the lyrics were written by my boy Reggie Harris. Which is fitting because that man's been putting words in my mouth since we were kids begging his grandmom to buy us ice cream.
–4x05, "How to Chew Quietly and Influence"
This makes me FUCKING FERAL.
Especially because of the lyrics in the full version of the song... which, as it turns out, is all about giving up fame and the spotlight to be with the one you love.
There are hidden lyrics in the full track that are meant to actually be in between the shortened ones we hear in the episode. The lyrics from the full version that Shy doesn't sing at his wedding are as follows:
I’ve had the spotlight Been bewitched by wealth and fame But I’d give up that hot light Just to hear one special someone Call my name
I could search the world over Go as far as a man can roam But nothing I’d see Would mean nothing to me Like the vision of you when I’m coming back home Baby, you are my home
Buildings may rise And reach for the skies They twinkle and flash But they won’t ever last Like the beauty in your eyes
Whatever they may do Those city lights won’t shine as bright as you
Reggie wrote this song for Shy. He literally wrote this song for Shy. Shy says it himself! And Reggie's not in attendance at Shy's publicity stunt wedding because the suits are keeping them apart for now, but he's in Shy's heart, and Shy chooses to sing this song and share that backstory about the lyrics because they're each others' home in secret.
I can't handle it! I can't FUCKING handle it!!!!!
Like are you SERIOUS!!!! And in the episode where the suits say Reggie took his severance pay and went and bought a fancy house? BITCH. If he even actually did that (and didn't just claim he was doing it to fly under the radar), then he bought a house so Shy could one day join him there because ???? "You are my home." Ohhhh myyyy Goddddd ;___; A song about giving up the spotlight to be with the one you love........ I have connected the dots. Just wow.
So yeah I'm literally going insane. I LOVE them. I've been thinking about this for like 2 weeks and no one gives a shit but I love them! They are important to me and every part of their subplot is so compelling and makes me so emotional!
There is fic about all this that's in my brain and outlined in my google docs and if I ever write it I will post it on AO3 for the maybe 2 people who will care someday. But yeah.
WHERE is their spinoff!!!!!!!! Jk I don't want it because I don't trust they'd be handled properly. However, I am manifesting even a crumb of information about them in season 5 because Shy Baldwin is my son and I would like any kind of hint he and Reggie manage to eventually orchestrate their happiness <3
If you actually read this post, thank you so much for indulging me. I had to get this off my chest, okay, I'm losing it.
I love them and they're in love. That is all.
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venacoeurva · 8 months
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I got bills to pay! And discounted experimental N S F W comms are OPEN! Currently ONLY for users I recognize, such as followers I’ve had (positive) interactions with and seen around for a while, mutuals, and previous clients. If I don't know who you are even remotely, it's gonna be a no. You gotta be 18+ as well, of course. There are some series I will NOT draw, if you ask for it, then I'll let you know I won't do it. I'm estimating about 3 slots will be open, but if someone buys a particularly complex one, I may reduce the amount.
I can do short comics and sequences, but keep in mind those are independently quoted prices based off complexity and amount of images/pages and not the flat rate above. Kinks/fetishes are also fine! Just run them by me and make sure they're not on the will not draw list above. Don't try to stealth them past me. That will get you blacklisted.
Keep in mind these are at the end of a short but pre-existing queue!-- Estimated start time for the first one of this type is around the middle or later in the month.
You can see other examples at @wetciabatta on here and Pillowfort. I also have SFW comms open, if that's more your thing, but please use my Ko-Fi for that. 3 slots available currently on there!
Read the rules and figure out what you would like if it's something I'll do (if shading, poses, overall scene, etc.). Also please acknowledge the price is something you can/are willing to pay.
IM me including an email you can use to discuss such content (so not the family email or a work one), if you're someone I recognize and am comfortable taking such a comm from you (unlikely chance I WON'T, but y'know) I'll email you. DO NOT INCLUDE THE ACTUAL COMMISSION DESCRIPTION/ANY IMAGES OF THAT NATURE HERE. Don't accidentally get yourself flagged.
I will give you a randomized codeword in the IM so I know who is who, especially if email and username don't match. Also, so I can verify it's not some rando who saw us interact/saw that you commed me before and is trying to sneak around. (in my and others' experiences, people do weird, cringeworthy desperate things to get these types of commissions, man...)
When I email you, respond with the following info: -The codeword and who you are on Tumblr -Paypal email to invoice -What you would like drawn as well as parameters (if cropped specifically, what? If you want shading, if a comic then how many panels or pages, etc.) -Any visual references such as for OCs/Player characters or AU versions of characters. I will not draw characters that only have a written description unless I have done a commission with that for you before and I know you do written descriptions very well and are responsive with changes.
We continue from there. If I accept your commission, I will then invoice you and once paid and started, send you a sketch to be approved, and finish it once that sketch is approved. Until you approve a sketch or give feedback asking for any changes necessary and then approve the modified sketch/want any more changes, it will be counted as inactive and will not be worked on further.
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softcitrus2345 · 4 months
Hey three questions?
Are requests open besides commissions?
Do you have any female ocs?
Will requests solely be for your ocs?
Three answers!
1. Unfortunately no, I don't have requests open. I can't afford to do art for others for free, and now that I just got my first job I'm gonna be a lot busier than I used to be, so finding the time/motivation to draw is gonna be harder for me to navigate
Also I feel like it defeats the purpose of me having commissions open while also making art catered for others for free, I gotta make money somewhere yknow
And from what I've seen in this community a lot of the requests artists get are for one-off prompts or characters, which just isn't my cup of tea. I can't get invested in a character or a drawing that is just like a one-time thing, if that makes sense?
I don't want that to snowball with me getting flooded with requests from people for random prompts they wanna see drawn out
I hope that makes sense, and please don't see this as me being upset at the question, I just like to be thorough with my answers and explain why /gen
2. I do! Unfortunately not a whole lot that I draw, my main female oc is Vanessa, and I just love her to bits. Her and Damien are stuck like glue so most of my drawings of her also include her lovely hubby~
If you're wondering about me drawing female weight gain, I'm just not really into that, for a number of reasons, but the main one being my feelings towards the female weight gain community, and how it treats women mostly just as an object for pleasure. As an afab person, it just makes me really uncomfortable how I see women portrayed in the feedism community, since from what I can tell most of the people that create/seek out that kind of content are cishet men just looking to get off.
I know that's not the entire female wg community but it's unfortunately the majority of what I've encountered, and it's just turned me off from the subject completely. There are *very* few times I'll see female weight gain portrayed in a way I can appreciate, and those few are like little gold nuggets that I gotta find by sifting through all the shitty stuff, it's just not worth it for me
It just feels dehumanizing, idk
As a fat person who has always been fat, and who is (unfortunately) still perceived by the general public as female, I've seen first hand the way society treats people like me, the backhanded comments and fatshaming and diet culture, and the horrible things I've been called before.. I see it all too often in the female feedism community, it's just a big no no for me overall
Sorry, I kinda went off on a tangent there, hope I didn't derail this post too much-
3. If I were to ever open up requests, I would say yes, they would only involve my ocs. I use this blog sort of as a public sandbox, where I can just kinda play around with my ocs and share my art with you all. I want the focus to be on my ocs and my own original content, with the exception of my friends and mutuals ocs which I do enjoy drawing from time to time
TLDR, yes, if I hypothetically opened requests they would only be for my ocs, just to keep my blog clear of clutter and random prompts I'm not interested in. I don't want to add another layer of stress to my life with requests and stuff that I can't keep up with
Maybe someday TTwTT
But yeah! Thank you for your questions, anon, it's always nice to have a prompt like this so I can share my thoughts, however messy they may be TTwTT
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moon-bun-bun · 5 months
I'm gonna ramble about my creepypasta AU from like 2012-2014ish I used to rp with a friend over my flip phone bc we where GENUINELY just insane <3
Some key things to keep in mind: we didn't really watch marble hornets at this time so masky and hoodie where (unfortunately) very much old fanon the rare few times they showed up. A lot of this AU was influenced by old deviantart web comics, mainly Pasta Monsters and The Seer. And lastly, we where like 12 when we made this so don't expect high art 💀 you're allowed to laugh bc genuinely it's so awful
This AU MOSTLY was centered around our OCs (of course). Mine was Banana, a repurposed warriors OC 💖 of course in usual middle schooler fashion, she was immortal and couldn't die, and she knew every single creepypasta amd everyone knew her and she was some special proxy y'all know the deal, if I remember to draw her again I'll rb or something with her bc I still love her dearly <3
Some key things abt this AU that I can remember off the top of my head in no specific order:
- Slenderman didn't have a mansion, he instead had an entire castle?? I have no clue why we decided a castle but that's what he had
-no one but slenderman lived in this castle. Not even his proxies, everyone else has their own houses, except Banana who has a big tree that grows diamond fruit
-how do people not fond a massive castle out in the forest? Easy. It's not in the forest, there's an entirely seperate realm they all live in and you access it by a random portal in the woods
-we genuinely deligated Masky and Hoodie to just sorta babysitting this portal. Actual proxy work? Never heard of it, they just watch a portal for days on end. Expect Masky sometimes, he got to babysit Banana because she caused ✨️problems✨️ constantly. We very much characterized his as the shy uwu nervous Masky the entire time
-proxies got their special proxy names Via warriors cats naming ceremony, we had a moment with another OC that was an extended rp of this moment. I do not know how we talked abt it like it was the most serious and genius thing in class the next day
-Jeff was one of the most prominent characters, he did not like Banana what so ever and she at some point made it her life goal to be the most prominent nuisance in his life. Multiple times as some form of punishment for both of them causing some issue or just fighting in general, Slenderman would make them go live together in the human world as normal people in suburbia or some shit. This happened VERY often and I choose to still use this plot point as the set up for conversations and jokes about them to this day
-the neighborhood they lived in was completely oblivious to the fact that these where two known serial killers, EXCEPT one of their neighbors who was hell bent on exposing them. No one believed her ever.
-how do they live as normal people? Tbis is where the pasta monsters influence comes in, I believe it was called an illusion form in that comic? Whatever it was called, that's the logic we used. Jeff looked like a Normal Guy and Banana instead of being a cat, was in fact a human girl, who for whatever reason we decided kept getting mistaken for some random orphan girl named Daisy
-despite this AU taking place in (at the time) modern times, old times orphanages and asylums where still in operation and was another very prominent plot point we used (to the extent of the knowledge we had as 12 year Olds of these places) banana and Jeff ended up in the asylum in padded rooms and straight jackets a lot
-this has no bearing on the plot what so ever but I know we referred to the police as "the popo" and ONLY the popo for the entire duration of the rp. All 2 or 3 years of it.
That's all I can think of at the moment, there's. A lot more that I'm missing here and whenever it crops up I'll just rb with more details or smthn bc I genuinely rlly like just putting whatever the hell we where on into words 💀💀
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Is Victor in the cryptid college universe? What’s he like, if he is?
Victor IS in CC! In fact, he's already appeared in two pages during the prologue
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He's kinda a silly little guy but I'm going to PREFACE real quick by saying: Victor in CC is probably the MOST canon-divergent in terms of personality you're gonna get in CC, at least depending on your interpretations of the OG book characters, but he's pretty different from how either of us actually view him in the book.
CC Victor isn't an exactly an evil mad scientist trope or anything (being a mad scientist in CC is basically like being a mathletes nerd but a bunch of you keep dropping random children off at other peoples houses) but he's just a bit of a general asshole, SPECIFICALLY because placing him in a modern college where EVERYONE is a monster changes who the character is a Lot. A lot of his base traits come from the book, but amplified as a parody like we do with all the CC characters (so yes he does get tropey on purpose) + some changes based on how being in a monster college changes his and the creature's story.
While not uncommon for mad scientists in this universe, he's pretty self-centered, he believes himself to be the superior scientist of his class and can often be rude and dismissive of other students' work. (Though he IS actually incredibly good at what he does, he's top 3 in the class and would most likely be #1 if Griffin didn't have a grading bias towards experiments that can help him with world domination)
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(going to be using some LOVELY sketches from @internetwerewolf now <3 theyre the person currently drawing episode 1 of CC <3)
Also, before I forget to mention! CC victor is gay and autistic and both he AND both of the creatures have chronic illnesses that leave them with a lot of joint pain. Their illnesses are based off my own so since *I* don't have a medical diagnosis for my joint issues I can't put an exact name to what they have but ???? maybe Fibromyalgia? again, can't put a name to it but their joints are stiff and HURTY. Adam and Victor's symptoms usually manifest in more invisible ways, from time to time they will need a mobility aid of some sort but most days they get by with painkillers and compression-wear. (Mary almost always uses a crutch or a cane and from time to time will use a wheelchair)
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And oh right, the creatures! Let's talk about the creatures, I'd say they're pretty important to Victor's character, wouldn't you? (^another @internetwerewolf doodle of Adam and Mary at Victor's dissertation)
Starting with Adam, Victor made Adam in his first semester of Freshman year at CCU (if you don't know, the school Oracle acts as the head of admissions for the school and is particularly in charge of inviting new mad scientists to the school, which is why characters like Victor or Jekyll were accepted and allowed to know about monsters before having made their experiments themselves, the Oracle knew that they would make them eventually) his reasons for creating and then abandoning the creature are mostly the same as in the book, the death of his mother gave him a fascination with restoring life to the dead but once he actually gave life to the creature he was horrified an ran out on it. Adam was left in Victor's dorm room alone for about 3 weeks before being found by an RA and due to school policy on mad science experiments he was given free room and board for the course of his college degree, he was also taught english directly from classes at the school and found a copy of Paradise Lost among Victor's old things, which gave him the idea for the name Adam.
Adam never actually killed anyone in CC, but he DID ask Victor to make him a family member. He was incredibly lonely from being unable to connect with any of the other students and wanted someone like him, Victor obliged before he and Adam got into an argument which ended with him partially destroying the other creature and leaving Adam to do the rest of the reanimating work himself. (This is why Mary is not quite made right, the stitching on her limbs is very loose and she's missing an eye)
The creatures' and Victor's overall relationship is rocky at BEST, most days they can't STAND each other and squabble any time they pass each other in the halls. Though Victor's family is all still alive AND Adam got his second creature so from time to time they can get along, if a topic in interesting enough for both of them Adam and Victor can hold a conversation for a few hours, and they will sometimes help Victor out if provided a good enough reason to. Mary's less likely to talk to Victor but that's mostly because she just...doesn't like talking to people. They treat him like a shitty dad, and as seen in the prologue they DO like to rough him up a bit from time to time for fun but they wouldn't ever really want to KILL him. (Hyde would. Hyde wants to kill him. Adam has to hold him back from it.)
This was WAY longer than I expected, kinda incoherent, feel free to ask any follow up questions if you'd like! I LOVE talkin about these guys :3
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machathecat · 2 months
Warning this is going to be chaotic as fuck
First the characters themselves
((all lineart made with this picrew, I only colored it. Also ofc they got clothes in canon but I'm too lazy to edit it so y'all r gonna have to wait till I finally get the fucking energy to draw them))
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Here's Moia! He/they, 15 at the start of the story, transmasc n asexual. He's pretty far from having a good life, they're father is an asshole, they got no friends at school, his life is shit and he's very probably depressed. Only thing really keeping him going is their best friend Eden (he/she/it, white bunny with a bunch of brown splotches) one day he was walking to school and got hit with a car n got send to a liminal space world (call me cringe if you want idgaf) called the Ethereal Plane, he met a friend there and he's living a life 100x better than on earth. They miss their best friend tho
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And speaking of his new friend here's Richard! 40/45 year old, he's been stuck in the Ethereal Plane since MAAANY YEARS and lost track of time, He/him, bisexual. (Also he's supposed to be way more chubby than in the pic but I didn't though of editing it at first rip) He got cool grandpa vibes n is basically a father figure to Moia. He knows a lot about the place and guide them through the weird lands n shit. They're a cool duo
So a bit more about the Ethereal Plane itself, it's literally just those aesthetic liminal spaces pictures
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That basically
It doesn't really make sense how a place lead to another, you could open the emergency door of a market and find yourself in the middle of a never ending grassland. Sometimes you walk in a open space, zone out and when you go back to reality your in a completely different place (note that if someone fully conscious of their environment is watching you, you can't get teleported while daydreaming n shit)
A very phew creatures live there, some species from earth managed to noclip to this world a few years ago and have evolved to survive in some parts of it. For example, you can find two headed bunny pretty much everywhere. Some creature are dangerous, but they live in very specific part of the Ethereal Plane , generally in packs.
This world had a permanent feeling of peace, it's hard to describe but you know that emotion when you see a liminal space pic that hit you hard and you just feel calm for a second like if nothing else mattered? That's this feeling but constantly. It's pretty pleading actually
I don't really wanna spoil much about the plot, y'all just gonna have to wait till I post a drawing here and there until you can fullfil every pieces of the puzzle in 2/3 years ig lmao. Just know if it was a tv show, the first ep would show how crappy Moia life is, the second the first day he spend in the Plane, rest of the first season just him n Richard having cool adventures there without much plot just 95 showing characters personality and shit. It would have a season 2 that I think would be the last but I'm not done thinking about every details yet for that sooo y'all gonna have to wait and see
ALSO SORRY FOR PUTTING THIS AT THE END LMFAO BUT the name of whatever this is is "a cat who got lost in the backrooms" (technically a reference to a childhood book but I doubt anyone will get it rip)
Ok now have fun hearing me only talking about those random guys I made in my head for either the next few hours or next few months idfk byeee
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nakitengoku · 23 days
Hi I see u reblog posts all the time with 'vex' and 'vance', who are they?
I'm so glad you asked! Buckle up, this'll be a long one.
In Short, Vex is my cyberpunk 2077 self-insert turned oc through Character Development and Quirks that I don't possess! You can find all the posted drawings I've done of him here, here and here, but I can give you a rough summary bc I love talking about him and he makes me ill <3 I've even made him his own Spotify Playlist
First off, Vex's original concept came a while ago when I had first watched Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. (Original designs below) I named this self insert Ghost and he was supposed to operate as a shady BD dealer
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I wouldn't come back to this idea for a whole year, where a friend of mine who had been posting about the game convinced me to play. I decided to revamp Ghost, including his Name Change to Vex (to fit the theme of the main characters name starting with V). Through many back and forth a between me and my friend, and through playing the game, I had eventually fleshed out Vex.
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Crash course in Vex Lore, due to rough circumstances and having no other options, he signed a contract with an upstart xbd (hyper-realistic 3d experiences plugged straight into your brain. Vex's specifically was in the pleasurable kind (he's a pornstar)) producer. For Nine year, Vex worked under this Producer, slowly becoming more and more of a hit star, especially among fanatics. But he wanted to be done with it and move on with his life, and lean into his side gig of being a Merc for hire. The producer, learning that Vex was gonna quit, begged him for once last recording. During which, the Producer tried to have Vex killed by the hands of his co-actor. Vex learns this in the middle of a scene and flips it around, instead Killing his co-actor and his producer.
He then hides the body, moves and tries to make a job for himself in Atlanta, but after nearly 2 years of miss after miss, he's forced to return to Night City, thus kicking off the start of the game!
Other than his backstory, he is part of the Worlds worst polycule composed of the Canon Characters, Kerry Eurodyne, River Ward and Johnny Silverhand, and the Non Canonical (though they're both canonical in my heart) Vex and Vance.
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You may now be at the point of 'Phoenix, you've only been speaking about Vex, who the hell is Vance' Well, my dear beloved Mutual, Vance is @mail-me-a-snail's V! They're more inclined to talk about him and if you're really curious, they have an entire tag about him on their blog! Just know that I love Vance so strongly that Vex has to deal with it
(They've also recently posted one of their drawings of Vance and Vex and I'm over the moon about it)
There's also our mutual Bad Ending for Vance and Vex that you'll occasionally see me mention in Tags. That's the ending where Vex never escaped his Producer, instead continuing his work and becoming extremely popular and Vance never leaving Arasaka (a huge corporation). This ending is just for the two of them to rip each other apart in mutually assured destruction done out of love, commitment and understanding <3 (of which has its own Spotify playlist)
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General rule of thumb is if you see a Vex with short hair and a blue collar, that's normal Vex. If you see him with long hair and he's missing his collar, That's the Bad End Vex.
That's it for Major Plot Points! He's a pretty kind and caring guy, but Hates Johnny's guts and will only refer to him as Silverhand (for multiple reasons). He's main weapon is a katana. He'll eat random food off the street bc of ingrained habits and won't think twice about how nasty that it. His preferred mode of transport is a motorbike bc he can't drive a car for shit. He's my sopping wet cat of an oc that I shake around like a limp piece of prey between my teeth.
Hope you enjoyed this rant about him! Thank you so much for asking ! (And feel free to keep asking, I love talking about him)
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altheadajoysoul · 11 months
♡Intro/Info Post!♡
(No, I am not new here, I only made an intro post just now hagfhsd 💀)
Last updated: 5/30/24
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Awawa!! My name is Althea! Im 19 years old!
Im a demigirl! She/They pronouns!
This is a sfw tickle blog! With a lil hint of regular art, reblogs, and other random stuff I decide to put in here.
Normal-looking/Non-tk themed blogs, interact with caution unless I recognize who you are.
I get a little uneasy when the "normal people" interact with my stuff (due to past experiences--), so please understand. Unless I have a way of seeing that you also interact with tk stuff (ex. Likes and Following), then you might be blocked.
If you do not like what you see, please just click off my blog or even block me if you so desire, and move on with your day <3
Blogs that are 13 and below, or above 25 years of age, interact with caution as well, as im not so comfortable with those ages interacting with me on the internet.
Aside from that, basic DNI criteria is also applied, yall already know. Either way, as long as you give me bad vibes I'll just straight up hit you with the block hammer LMAO
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♡Art Info♡
I make both tickle art and normal art! I almost mainly draw my OCs because goddamn I love them all sm-
Though occasionally I will draw rare fandom art if im in the mood 9w9
Also im very sorry if you followed me expecting frequent art posts. Just letting yall know that im not only so goddamn slow at drawing, but also im like demotivated like 60-70% of the time or smth :')
I also like to make shtpost art from time to time HQKSNSJGNS
Commission Status: Closed
Here's my carrd for my commission info! (There are times when I forget to update it, sorriez :'3)
Here's a masterlist of OCs that I currently have references for! (A lot of them are old art am sorry u have to see such cringe hueueue I swear I'll make updated references soon :'D)
#my art is for all of my art in general
#tickle art is for tk-related art only
#shtpost art is for all of my shtposts HJAJFHSJ
#my animations is for all my animation stuff (very little and mainly just tweening animations, don't get your hopes up :"3)
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♡Tickle-related Info♡
Im a switch! Pretty sure im ler leaning I think since I've been getting less lee moods lately.
Tickling is entirely just pure fun for me and I love it as a playful way of bonding with someone and as a sign of trust.
If you see it as something s3xual or k1nky then good for you, just please keep me out of it. FYI, I am a s3x-repulsed asexual and most probably in the aromantic spectrum. Your views are your views, my views are my views.
I prefer fictional character tickles more than irl-related tickles. I don't mind them though, but I do definitely have a biased preference hsjghshd (Why else would I be bullying my OCs all the time? /lh /j)
I only do tk roleplays with friends I trust/feel comfortable with. And if I am gonna do rps, they're mostly gonna be OC-related. I only rp as myself towards friends im a lot closer with.
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♡Other Info♡
•I've been on tumblr since I wassss mmmaybe 14-15 years old I think? Not entirely sure but I've definitely been here for a while. However I've only started discovering/interacting with the tumblr tk community around 15-16.
•As mentioned previously, I am asexual. Im also either demiromantic or grayromantic. Idk man, finding out your own orientation is hard T-T
•Im still okay with n$fw jokes though. Infact I make a lot of them with my irl friends. Doesn't mean I don't get uncomfy from them, though.
•I am currently in college, which explains why my activity has been so on-and-off lately, so I apologize ⚰
•Im also trying to learn how to animate. So far im just learning basic tweening. But I still got a looooong way to go 💪💀
•Did I mention how much I love my OCs like omigoooosh my blorbos 💖 my honeybun sugarplums ✨🌸 my goofy sillies 🏳️‍🌈💃 I actively put them through the situations 💥💥💥💥💥 My brain is a circus and my OCs are the clowns 👺🔥
•I can be just,,,,,, a teeeeeny tiny bit chaotic sometimes 👌 :3 (Mutuals can tell you how incredibly normal I ammm <3 /j)
•I don't really reblog/interact with that much controversy sht. I used to before but now im looking after my mental health so liiiiiike, im keeping my distance to be more healthy ykkkk?
•Despite how chaotic and unhinged I may seem, im actually really shy and socially awkward towards people im not as close to. Aside from that im also introverted. I try my best to be sociable though, but when it comes to dms I get a little nervous :')
•I also got diagnosed with moderate anxiety this year (2024)!!!! That explains some things!!!!!!! 🤩💀
•Im sorry but there's no way im making a fandom list, I can barely even remember half of the stuff I like :'D Just know that 45% are animes, 45% are video games, and 10% of it is other random stuff hsjghsj
•I don't really have any other main socials aside from discord (canvas_void). I don't really join tk servers anymore though due to bad experiences with some that heavily affected my mental health, so yeaaaaaah :"D
If you read through all of this, have el gato :3
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buggykujo · 1 year
Game rant <3
I was gonna make this yesterday but decided against it for some reason?? Whatever, here I am again, ranting about about a silly little game, with my silly little brain 😍
The game I'm talking about is Killer frequency and MY GOD is it absolutely AMAZING!! The game is such a good mix between horror all while adding some assets of mystery and humor, and sometimes even just chilling because MAN, Is putting on a Record and sitting there talking to Peggy somewhat relaxing! Its such a good game with such a great concept that just keeps you wanting more of it, and oh boy do I want more! ( Little side note, I LOVE how the game can be scary without much jumpscares, since it has scary parts in other ways! )
For those who don't know, Killer frequency is a game where you play as a late night radio host / talker ( Idfk what there called?? 😭 ) named Foresst Nash ( I'll talk abt him later ❤ ) who is forced to take on the role of a 911 operator after an unexpected return of the " Whistling man " occurs. Just throughout the night you save people and solve mysteries and do other stuff all while trying to stop this killer. Isn't that such an interesting concept? Because oh boy do I think it's interesting!
AND THE CHARACTERS OH MY GOD, I LOVE THEM SM! I know some of them are side characters we never see again but I don't care, there all amazing and I love them! ESPECIALLY FORESST BRO- He by far my favorite ( very original aren't I? ) because I just love how he acts throughout this entire thing, he's calm but gets the job done. NOT TO MENTION HE IS SO BABY GIRL CODED 😍😍 / Hj...Moving on, I also love Peggy! She's an energetic person, yet so laid back as well! Plus, I love how she helps us so much even if she can't exit her area! She's honestly enjoyable so I'm so glad we have two enjoyable main character like characters ( Well, Foresst is the main character.. WHATEVER IDC )
Honsetly the game is amazing so if you can watch like one gameplay of it! There should be a no commentary version, but if not, you can just watch some random youtuber play it! It's an amazing game, and if you can play it, even better!
So uh yea..I'm obsessed 💀 Definitely drawing some of the characters soon though, I love this game sm not to!
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zoppzoop · 1 month
hihi can i ask 🌓🍀🌊🌈 for the artist art game? and ik this is not included in the questions but!! do u have any ocs!!! and if u do would u like to talk abt them bcs yay! (solar)
🌗 Is night or day better for drawing?
night for sure. too many things keep happening during the daytime. its just overall more peaceful at night
🍀 You wish your art was more..(fill in the blank)
faster, theres so many things i wanna draw but I either don't have the time or don't have the- I don't even know what . its like I want to draw but just cant. the latter I can deal with but the time?? straight up wish I was just faster sdkfs
🌊 What’s the hardest thing for you to draw? 
🌈 Do you use more warm or cold colors?
warm colours!! i've been trying to make an effort to work more with cold colours but sfgkfj warm colours are just more fun and easier to work with. a specific colour I wanna try using more is green, I don't think I've used it much unless I needed to (like drawing deku's hair or like using it for plants and stuff)
and for the extra question!! i dont really have many ocs T^T never was able to come up with like the details for them. the only ocs I have rn is a paladin aasimar character I made for a dnd oneshot and im currently working on making an autgnome but idk if that campaign is gonna happen (I'll make the character anyways because little guy <3 other than those I've got like these random characters i'd drawn in my older sketchbooks (one of which inspired the paladin I mentioned)
artist ask game!
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iloveyouemanuelmarco · 2 months
[Random William Afton/Dave Miller headcanons for my Five Nights At Freddy's Alternate Universe Fanmade-WebComic Series/Fanfiction Story because my brain cannot stop malfunctioning and making me paranoid and unironically afraid of the dark at night lol(Please note that the ver. of the purple peepaw man himself is based off of the ones from the games and/or books/graphic novels so please keep that in mind- thank you). Also please don't hate me if any of the headcanons I interpret for my comfort au seem to be out of character or something, I understand it can be annoying but if it bothers you just please be gentle about it since I can be somewhat fragile<//3. Oki doki, here I go I guess]:
I sometimes like to imagine that while Henry was more on the imaginative side of things when it came to the animatronics such as the character design and how they would act towards the kids in a party setting to give everyone the best of fun, since William would be more on the technical side of stuff involving blueprints on the construction of the animatronics, I feel like Will' was atleast once a decent artist. What I mean is that William could probably sketch up still-life related drawings in a cool fashion that maybe could of had a noticable signature style to it too even if that said style was more subtle since he would mostly focus on copying the stuff around him and how it looked...I can imagine that he could be very impressive in his talents when it came to sketching objects and animals, maybe even people but I feel like his favourite type of things to draw were probably scenery and nature type settings :3. His more cartoony or unrealistic art-style type doodles would be when he was distracted or bored and needed something to do atleast so he would doodle simple sketches on his paperwork and blueprints without realizing x3.
He prefers everything to be nice and clean, organized and neat but that preference and need for perfection wouldn't stop him from getting super lost in his work and ending up with huge messes of paperwork and other needed supplies that he'd use towards his projects all around his work space. Ofcourse this uncleanliness and unorganized mess would bother him, but it's not like it would matter. The stress would probably be more of a distraction anyway with such lingering Doom always clouding over him<3. He's probably a massive caffeine addict to the point where it's hyoerbolically debilitating, mostly in the form of coffee :P.
I feel like despite his calm and often scary, intimidating demeanor towards others when he needs control and some sort of power over others atleast, he can still be very envious/jealous of others esp his coworker Henry which said state drives him insane in the membrane. He knows his brain shouldn't malfunction in such a way, he knows he needs to stay calm and collected in order to get what he wants, so that all can go according to plan but at the same time...at the same time it's all so crushingly painful that he can't help but be of the verge, the edge of completly snapping into further madness just to destroy everything that gets into his path, to shatter every obstacle out of his way in order to finally get his revenge...revenge in what??I don't know yet, I might have forgotten in my brain's messy blurry loss of memory due to my own stress but just...revenge towards something that would be his own fault atleast. It doesn't make sense though to anyone that is not him. An unfathomable, burning, undying rage and hatred to life and yet he still canonically is scared of death in all it's uncertainty(Huh wait am I projecting again??Goddammit).
(Warning!!>:(:This one goes into the space that is my personal comfort alternate universe fan-story so please don't hate me if it doesn't make sense to you, I am probably gonna explain it more in better detail later QwQ): He has memory issues due to both stress and old age, but he still has enough storage in his brain's memory space to know that he was born somewhere around February though Rose(my self-insert for this cringeworthy tale of OCxCanon fanfiction plot atleast)always bugs him to celebrate it on Valentines Day since she likes the idea of him being born on that day and gifting him the anime drawings she attempts to make in her spare time.
By the way, that reminds me, in my Fnaf alternate universe comfort story, William, Henry and Rose are roommates in a vintage-inspired older built house that's not in Utah(Don't ask why yet, I'm still planning stuff out!!>:]). They mostly were able to get the house through the nightguards(again, they're apart of the story too but I'm gonna explain it later when I get a better chance to in the future), who live near the town they're apart of. Something something about wanting a brand new start and thinking that maybe going somewhere away from all the disasterousnes would be better for all of them, something it was mostly Henry and Rose's idea...yes.
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