#i like the crust
hjartasalt · 4 days
Autistic hypersensitivity does suck ass like 99.9% of the time but also just now I was about to eat some toast that looked completely fine and safe to eat except as soon as it came out of the toaster I could smell the mould on one of the slices that just hadn't become all that visible yet so I guess there's that
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yeehawpim · 9 months
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yardsards · 2 months
my fav thing abt mithrun is he's a traumatized grizzled warrior in the elf equivalent of his mid-late 30s, who spends his free time doing one-armed pushups and training to kill god. but also he looks Like This
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squid2corn · 5 months
Posting part 3 soon
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"Yer tellin' me you wanna be a cook? Hah! Such a dumb dream!"
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southpauz · 7 months
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Black History Month Art Challenge
DAY 19: Brit and Tiff Crust - My Life As A Teenage Robot
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dognonsense · 1 year
help tiktok kids want to try come at you with a seam ripper at shows for wearing an anti swastika patch.
[video description: begins with a tiktok of a young person holding a seam ripper. video transcription: why would i need to bring a seam ripper to a concert? So that if you see someone with a crossed out swastika on their jacket, you can rip it off. video description: Then a stitch video of a new speaker who is using a filter that makes them look like a face on a lemon. Video transcription: TikTok is the only place that I've seen anyone saying that they don't want Anti-Swas on the scene. I have only seen this on TikTok. The majority of the people I see sharing the sentiment are young, or, they are people who are clearly not in the punk scene. Sorry! Gonna have to call you out a little bit, but you know what? Calling people out? Especially posers? Is a time-honored tradition in our community, so, get used to it!
Anti-Swas is not as commonly misunderstood to be something that came into the scene to show Jewish punks that they're safe. It came into the scene to show white "mm" (representing redaction of supremacist) and Neo-"mm" (Nazis) that they are not safe in that crowd, in that group, in that event. That is why it's worn. And the people who wear that symbology, in my scene, historically, they wear it because they are about that. Meaning that they are going to enforce. That those individuals are not welcome.
I am a punk of Jewish heritage, I wear the symbols. The Anti-Swas. I have a shirt with a huge one on the front, I love wearing it. Patches, buttons, I love it. It makes me feel proud and happy. So let me tell you if you come at me and you rip a patch off of me, or a button off of me, with that symbology I am immediately going to assume that you are a white "mm" or a Neo-"mm" and I'm gonna hand your butt to you. Very quickly. And as hard as possible. I am going to focus all of my rage on that entire subgroup onto your face. So im gonna have to break it to you to break it to you! And also if you do it with a seam ripper which is like, the fuck? A seam ripper? Don't come to a scene with a seam ripper, that is so bizarre, you can't even rip a patch off with your bare hands? And you bring a seam ripper- (laughing). But anyways, when I realize it's a seam ripper and not a small weapon, I'm going to mock you mercilessly as I beat you.
White "mm" and Neo-"mm" would like nothing more than for us to get rid of that symbology. 'Cause then they blend in better. And then they can say that they're welcome. Or they can argue that. And we don't like leaving room for them to argue. Not in my scene. Also, getting rid of the Anti-Swas symbology is a little ableist, don't you think? A lot of white "mm" and Neo-"mm" can't read. End video transcription]
i understand why people dont agree or feel comfortable with anti swastika patches, but i want to allow this jewish person to say their opinion on the matter. They personally like it and think its effective at keeping nazi fucks out of the scene and are very proud to wear it out
just the mental image of a small lil tiktok kid approaching a guy in the pit like uwu lemme seam rip off ur patch for u
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neotibicen-linnei · 1 month
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adding more to my fave jacket so she's ready for folk punk fall
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agro-alone · 2 months
no gatekeeping
here is my list of patch ideas
● there is a war on the poor
● fund the NHS
● end law. take your rights by force
● trans and intersex bodily autonomy now
● nothing about us without us
● dead men don't rape
● queers hate cops
● no child deserves to live in fear
● biology was never binary
● not every disability is visible
● people not puzzles
● From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free
● this is a patch
● vaccines don't cause autism. I do
● nd nb (ACDC style)
● I'm here I'm queer and my joint pain is moderate to severe
● United we bargain. divided we beg
● I do not think. therefore I do not am
● the poor pay tax but the rich pay politicians
● the only hope for me is you
● there is no gender only rage
● easily distracted by shiny objects
● elect a clown expect a circus
● thick thighs save lives
● stop animal testing
● Good people disobey bad laws
● don't die wondering... transgenderism could be for you
● talk to your neighbours not the police
● it's never too late to be who you might have been
● they lied. hard work has killed people
● slightly burned out but still smokin'
● no fault divorce saves lives
● no more second homes
if you like some of these quotes, you may also like @grlofswords and @sweatermuppet
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wild0moon · 4 months
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had to get this one out of my system lmao
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seeminglydark · 1 month
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Lets skip the bus, and just walk so we can spend more time together.
i know its not so easy for you right now, nothing is, I guess.
But I can help you carry the load, and we'll get there eventually.
And even if we don't, well, thats ok. Walking beside you in the early morning light is what mattered to me anyway.
Sully and Caro are from my webcomic Mil-Liminal.
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erineas · 1 year
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I want to play with Crust, he looks like my emotional stability 😩 (Maybe he'll like Medievil?)
He belongs to @mothiepixie ✨
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metamorphesque · 1 year
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Nightdress of white silk chiffon and satin, 1950s
Scott, Thea (designer), Great Britain
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bobus · 5 months
crossover goobers so far lol
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uhhhh Mei is a seawing , which was literally the first thing i thought of because yk, the whole seawing royal family drama thing and her parent issues lmao. it was just too good to skip out on.
Mks a mudwing because i think it fits great, but he could be a hybrid with something like a rainwing or even sandwing to give him more interest design wise cuz hes kinda boring rn compared to the other two bird of paradise lookin idiots ( and because i didnt want to redraw him to look more like an actual mudwing lmao )
redson is a flamescale because i thought it fit really well given the whole Samadhi fire business , and instead of the ceremony to remove it, it could be a animus touched object that contains that heat (probably the amulet they wear or the glases) that was given to his family who are the skywing royals in this i guess. hes so bright because hes a flamescale, violently saturated dragon pleases the brain worms.
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tswwwit · 1 month
i wonder what would happen if anyone called familiar! Bill, Billy? methinks anyone but maaybe Dipper loses their head or get split into a diy jigsaw puzzle
I think you're right that Dipper's the only one who could get away with it!
As for Bill's reaction to that - depends on context, really, but no matter what Dipper's going to find out that was a Big Deal.
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gorement · 2 months
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goblin destroyer is a mix of metal and crust punk, actually
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as-kind-as-summer · 1 month
I know it’s 2024 and cringe is dead but I sometimes still get a little insecure about how into LotR I am, mostly just when talking to people who don’t care that much about it. But the immense amount of joy it’s brought me in the past few days has really helped me start getting past that
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