#i like trains :)
downy-roses · 2 days
A little experiment.
Like this if you like trains I guess.
(In a more than neurotypically common fashion)
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unluckyshinyhunter · 4 months
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sourtomatola · 2 months
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My child wanted me to draw a jet. I had a silly idea that kids would totally do cause they're not afraid to explore possibilities.
(also credit to my middle child at writing the "to Sun")
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1863-project · 29 days
Cannot tell you how validating it is to do a tour of the archives with a bunch of autistic teenagers when you work at a railroad museum and are also autistic. When I told them all I was also an autistic railfan they started yelling "One of us!" and it made my day.
Shout out to those kids for letting me infodump about specific GG1 locomotive 4935 (Blackjack) since we have a model of her around. You all rock.
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ebonnat · 1 month
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Doodles cuz I can
Both skater au and murder au belongs to @g00bergoo
Can you tell I love their aus yet?
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dead-eyedorchid · 18 days
A COUGH friend of mine really likes madmask and I tried out medibang,
Skibidi Hashtag swag!
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kylski · 5 months
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Eddsworld in ASDFmovie!???? what???? idk man!!!! also check out the turtle mine i made he’s so cute, and he hangs out with my edd plushie so that’s super cool!!!!
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yilinsgarden · 2 years
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the joke was funnier in my head
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pep-the-artemis · 1 year
I have sat in some really nice cars and some really dingy trains but I've never once sat in a train and thought 'I wish I was in a car right now'
I'm serious, if trains were invented today by Elon Musk they would be described as the greatest invention of all time.
Trains are amazing on so many accounts,
Safer - its amazing how vehicles traveling along pre-ordained paths controlled by experienced workers is safe.
quieter - Outside of trains they're so infrequent that most of the time it's quiet. Inside of trains its jus quieter physically and also is a more consistent, its like white noise so I find it almost pleasant.
faster - trains go vroom vroom
efficient - both in fuel consumption and movement of people/goods.
smaller footprint - a train track is about 1.5m wide while. a single lane road is about 3.5m (ignoring pavements) and due to their higher efficiency you don't need as many multiple lanes. Also for every car sold its estimated 3 car parking spots are built which take up so much space.
luxurious - this is an opinion but i think its a strong one; in trains you're able to stand up do to it being safer and no need of seatbelts; you don't have to do anything except get on and off (in cars you have to do a thing called drive); trains travel at constant speeds so the journey is less jerky; access to small or sometimes large tables; more legroom; etc...
night trains - some trains which run overnight have beds which aren't the best but lying flat is luxuries when trying to sleep.
cheaper - cost of fuel, workers, maintenance is spread across all users and so is cheaper than cars which you have to pay for all of the above.
You may be thinking, trains are pretty cool but you can't just build train tracks through the middle of cities like roads; well let me introduce you to a marvellous invention, baby trains (trams). they are the inner city version of trains and full of there own advantages.
disability friendly - due to the tracks being imbedded into the ground they pose little tripping risk especially for elderly and disabled. Also less cars is just safer overall.
human friendly - due to there slow speeds and preordained paths, they're very easy for people to avoid and so can coexist in areas with people. This is a stark contrast to cars which dominate and own any surface they touch.
retake the streets - without cars streets return to the people meaning; children can play outside again, existing outside is better, more space for stuff like public markets.
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kniftsstuff · 3 months
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Rambley!!! <3
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normalperson63 · 6 months
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Does anyone remember the uhh this series?
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heartthewebz · 2 years
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He is the original autism creature change my mind 🫂🫂
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hottakehoulihan · 1 year
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Hey 196/19684! You know that fourth letter in LGBT? Tumblr apparently automatically flags that, and probably similar words, as not appropriate for all ages.
Longer version:
If you're, like me, new to Tumblr and are a reddit refugee from 196 or especially 19684, you might have your filter set to block certain types of content. ...or you might notice some of your posts about TRAINS RIGHTS or whatnot are not being liked, reblogged, or commented on. This might be because they're invisible to anyone who wants to avoid the h0rny and has their account settings set to hide that stuff.
So, er, either turn on mature and just block "h0rnyposting" and related tags or...IDK. I'm new to this. That's what I'm doing.
It is unlikely that Tumblr will fix this. Or anything. Ever. Not hating, just that's what I'm seeing in the discussions. We're just frolicking worms, playing pinochle in Tumblr's snout,
I've been careful not to add any obvious words related to this issue to this, in the hopes that you'll see it. IDK, if you see someone being under-engaged and this might be the reason, maybe give them a heads-up or share this with them or something or make a better less-rambling thingie?
Disclaimer: I could be wrong about how this all works, but the evidence is compelling.
Edit: The image above, I am informed, was not automatically flagged by Tumblr. This issue is real, but the image was flagged by the person making it to illustrate the point/joke.
tl;dr: Tumblr has decided that the existence of a swath of humans is a subject too spicy for many of its users, so you [may end up sometimes] invisible if you use [or are] certain keywords.
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paninicupcakke · 5 months
🚆BLU Train Station AU!🚆
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Locomotive driver Engie!🚂 Dell Conagher
Passenger! Medic 💼 Ludwig Humboldt
TrainStation owner Engie! 🛤️ Daryl Conagher
Diner Waiter! Scout 🥤Jasper __?__
New locomotive driver Pyro! 🪓 __?__
Diner cook! Demo 🍳 Tavish DeGroot
Includes these ships:
EngieMedic & DemoScout
Plot summary:
Ludwig gets mysteriously laid off from his old job and takes a train back to his hometown to live with his mother for the time being. After several weeks of living back home, he gets to know each of the local trains stations workers. Eventually forming a friendship with the group of unique colleagues. Ludwig is naturally drawn to one of the gruff senior locomotive drivers, Dell Conagher. Younger brother of Daryl Conagher, the owner of the BLU’s train station. Both brothers seem to have a very rocky relationship behind closed doors. Daryl eventually offers Ludwig a job as a peppy train conductor and on sight medic. Ludwig is ecstatic to start his new job with his new friends.
-Dell & Pyro are both in charge of the drivers compartment together. Dell acts as a mentor figure to Pyro and the two quickly become good friends.
-Pyro recently got hired so Tavish & Jasper relentlessly tease and pull little pranks on him at first. After getting sternly lectured by Dell the duo eventually calls a truce and they stop picking on Pyro. To make up for it they have a bonfire and share s’mores with Pyro.
-Jasper & Tavish are both in charge of the diner cab together. They both get chewed out frequently for drinking on the job. Eventually the duo get’s caught by Pyro & Dell drunkenly making out. Both of them refuse to acknowledge that it ever happened. They continue on being pals even though there is definitely something complicated going on with them.
-Dell & Ludwig both have huge crushes on one another. They’re both too afraid to make the first move. Ludwig is more bold when it comes to subtle flirting, meanwhile Dell is more oblivious and bashful. (Bro is religious & repressed)
-Daryl gets envious of all the attention his younger brother is getting from the doctor so he tries schmoozing Ludwig over with a fancy dinner and a new job offer for him.
Here’s some lazy sketches I’ve done of them so far :D
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Thx for coming to my Ted talk
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1863-project · 9 months
The New York Transit Museum runs some of their vintage fleet on Saturdays in December. It's great to take the old Arnines for a ride. You'll get knocked around more than you would on the modern cars, but that's part of the fun!
Anyway. There you go.
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cherrysmokesaconha · 7 months
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I missed drawing them so much...
Anyway, this is my first ASDFMovie fan comic! Hope u guys like it :)
(asdfmovie created by @thetomska)
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