#i liked the beginning and end if the season but my god did the middle drag
quasi-normalcy · 10 months
The problem with adapting the "Foundation" novels was always going to be that Hollywood runs on individual heroism, whereas the thesis of the books is that history is primarily a deterministic, collective phenomenon. Having now watched the first season of David Goyer's version of the story, I would say that he's having some difficulty squaring that particular circle.
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dear-ao3 · 5 months
Sorry i tried to scroll past but, i know nothing about f1 other than max verstappen is fast, my dad doesnt like lewis hamilton, fast car goes in a loop and sometimes expodes. Could you give me a crash course in f1 drama? Im very intrigued. Whats the tea as it were?
a terribly loaded question, but i will do my best. i’ve talked about some of the drama before like the red bull second seat and the chronicles of haas but allow me to briefly try my hand at explaining the nightmare that is the upcoming silly season
under the cut we go
silly season is when the drivers go through contract renewals, extensions and switches. usually it’s confined to the first half of the season (march-july) but it has been known to extend all the way to the last race of the season and they like to switch people around at random sometimes. driver contracts are complex, there’s a lot of money involved and basically You Are The Face Of The Team so if you have a shit season then you make the team look bad. but at the same time you could have a shit season because you have a shit car. it’s sticky stuff.
so. there are only twenty seats in formula 1. 10 teams. each team gets two drivers. (there’s also reserve drivers but we’re not going to get into that). who ends up with a contract is largely up to the teams, they can pull the contract out from under people they can also cut you mid season. they’ve done it before.
of the 20 drivers on the grid, 14 of them have contracts expiring at the end of the year. yes. 14. you see how this could get complicated.
so let’s meet the teams.
red bull racing. they came first this year (and last year) in the championship. like aggressively first. like they won the championship by over 350 points. they are definitely the team to beat. but if you end up with a seat at red bull, you do have to deal with max verstappen being your teammate and he won all but three of the races last year. he’s the golden boy. red bull are also notoriously silly when it comes to contracts and famously swap people mid season who aren’t performing.
mercedes. merc is home to 7 time world champion lewis hamilton and they have won the championship a great many times, though not since 2021. they are kind of in their flop arc and their car the last 2 years has been pretty garbage, but they have still made it work because they were able to come in second last year.
ferrari. god help the poor little meow meows with a ferrari contract. ferrari is a notoriously great team and they’re trying to get back to the top again but their strategy every single time has fallen short. to the point where their drivers are the ones doing the strategy in their cars while driving. they came in third last year and have been decently consistent at getting first in qualifying and then getting beat by max verstappen on race day.
mclaren. they’ve definitely worked their way up over recent years. they ended fourth last year and have had some championship wins before but not nearly as many as say merc and ferrari. their team ceo (owner? director?) is a little interesting and their car started out a pile of flaming hot garbage at the beginning of the year but they did manage to get their shit together.
aston martin. they are owned by canadian billionaire lawrence stroll, father of lance stroll (one of the drivers for the team). they’ve undergone several name changes over the recent years (force india, racing point, etc). they positively slayed at the start of the season and then one day they sucked. they finished fifth in the championship.
alpine. the frenchest french team. they’re (i think?) still partially owned by the french government. both of their drivers are french. (their drivers also hate eachother but we’ll get to that. just know they’re in the middle of a modern french civil war). they had the opportunity to have a good rookie driver (oscar piastri) this past year but in a thrilling twitter battle, he publically flamed the shit out of them and went to mclaren instead (and slayed). they're usually solidly middle of the pack. they ended sixth in the championship.
williams. williams has been one of the back of the grid teams for the last many years but they have finally started to get their shit together and don’t quite suck as much as they used to. all of the points this year were scored by only one driver though (except one but we’ll get there). they came in seventh.
alpha tauri. they are the sister team of red bull. so technically redbull owns both teams (meaning they can swap drivers between teams. they like doing this.) they’ve just kind of been There for awhile but they did slay towards the end of the season when one of their drivers led the race for several laps. basically tho, this team is the gateway to redbull. they came in eighth.
alpha romeo. recently renamed to stake f1 team (but sometimes they are going to be called kick sauber. this is a whole other drama post and i’m not getting into it). they’re also just kind of there. generally unproblematic. seems that really great drivers who get ixed out of a contract for a younger driver end up here or young drivers who are in their early years are here before they go to a better team. they ended ninth this year.
haas. oh haas. goofy team. they suck. point blank they suck. they keep loosing sponsors because they suck, they don’t win ever (one time they came first in qualifying last year). they cursed themselves in australia in 2018 by not tightening their tires and its been downhill ever since. they came 10th. their team principle got let go (fired?) who’s to say today.
so those are the teams. it is important to note that:
-there is a cost cap. each team is allowed to spend no more than 135m per year.
-not all cars are equal. some things are standard. they all undergo the same testing. but the cars are all very different. so you can be a good driver but stuck in a shitty car. which makes it impressive if you are doing well in a shitty car.
let’s meet our drivers!!!
starting with the guys who’s contract is not ending in 2024:
max verstappen. 3 time world champion. 26 years old. general beast on the track. he dominated the whole season. he’s currently racing for red bull and has a contract with them through 2028.
lewis hamilton. 7 time world champion. 39 years old. he drives for mercedes. he will not leave mercedes until he retires. he really really wants to win an 8th world championship and is willing to stick it out a few more years as long as merc still believes in him. his contract expires in 2025.
george russell. the other merc driver. 26 years old. hes aggressively british and says thinks like blimey unironically. walking meme. got his merc seat in 2022 right when they entered their flop arc by getting his tractor of a williams to finish second in qualifying in the middle of a rainstorm. his contract expires in 2025.
lando norris. mclaren driver. 24 years old. he has notably never won a race in his five years of formula one (mostly because right when his car finally was good enough max verstappen was 20 seconds ahead of anyone) but he is regarded as Very Good. he has only ever driven for mclaren. and even though there is another year left on his contract there is mass speculation that he will not renew his contract with mclaren after it expires and he may move up to one of the top teams (red bull, merc, ferrari) (tho i think he doesnt hate himself quite enough to go to ferrari). his contract expires in 2025.
oscar piastri. the other mclaren driver. 22 years old. this was his rookie season and he positively slayed. like people compared his rookie season to lewis hamiltons rookie season. he also had the positively funniest start to his rookie year because alpine announced that he would be driving for them (he had been their reserve driver and in the alpine academy) and he posted a tweet that basically said yeah thats false i never singed anything with you and im going to race with mclaren instead (he dodged a bullet) and then alpine tried and failed to sue him for $4m USD. he signed a contract extension with mclaren this year and his contract expires in 2026.
lance stroll. aston martin driver and son of the aston martin owner. hes doing ok, tho there was conspiracy that he wanted to quit and have a tennis career awhile ago. but basically since his dad owns the team it seems that hes guaranteed a seat for as long as he wants one.
so now. moving onto the good shit. the people who have contracts expiring in 2024. hold onto your hats people.
charles leclerc. (everyones favorite slutty little soup can). 26 years old. he is currently at ferrari and he has been since 2019. notably, he was given the longest contract in the history of ferrari after a stellar rookie season at sauber (renamed to alpha romeo, renamed to stake f1) where he got the tractor of a car consistently into the points. having the longest contract in the history of ferrari was a flex at the time, but now its likely how he will introduce himself at therapy sessions. ferrari have fucked this man left right and center up the ass with a plastic lunchroom spork. hes talented, he can drive, and he can drive well. but the strategy that ferrari has absolutely sucks. either something is wrong with the car (see him blowing out his gear box on the formation lap in monaco, his car completely crapping out and spinning into the barrier in brazil before the race even started) or they fuck up his pit stops or put him on the wrong tires and honestly its just frustrating. but will he leave??? likely not. you'd have to pry ferrari out of his cold dead hands and at this rate that might be where this is headed though there has been some minor speculation of him going to another team like merc or red bull, but merc doesnt have any open seats and red bull is a whole other dumpster fire of drama. ferrari are going to have to pay him a boatload of money to make him stay.
carlos sainz. the smooth operator. 29 years old. ferrari driver. previously carlos was at toro rosso (renamed to alpha tauri), renault (renamed to alpine), and mclaren before signing with ferrari. he has been at ferrari since 2021 and has voiced that he would like to stay with them for however long he can. there is speculation that lando might replace him at ferrari (but landos contract is not up until 2025) and there is also some speculation that alex albon might replace him. while charles is clearly the golden boy at ferrari, carlos is slightly slower but also definitely consistent. he was THE ONLY non red bull driver to win a race this past year, in Singapore after max verstappedn was knocked out of qualifying by alpha tauri reserve driver liam lawson (more on him later) and because he basically came up with his own strategy in the car while he was driving.
sergio perez. aka checo. red bull driver. 33 years old. and oh boy here's where we open the can of worms. checo was previously at racing point (renamed aston martin) and it was very near the end of the 2020 (?) season and he was out of a contract. he had a bonkers race where he was knocked to the back of the grid and then overtook everyone and somehow ended up winning (there is more to that story but just trust me) and christian horner, red bull team principle, mr ginger spice and definite disney villain called him and said congrats sir you have a seat at red bull! well. fast forward. hes been causing problems. problems as in crashing a lot, generally not doing great and pissing the crap out of red bull. it is basically guaranteed at this point that he will not be getting a contract extension. there was actually talk this year of him losing his seat mid season to one of the alpha tauri drivers, because remember, red bull owns both teams and they can switch them whenever they want to (and they have!) but ultimately this did not happen. even though checo has a seat at red bull until the end of 2024, its mass speculated that he is going to get switched with an alpha tauri driver, probably daniel ricciardo (more on him shortly) mid season because there is a speculated clause in daniels contract that says that if checo isn't performing well in the first few races daniel is getting his seat.
daniel ricciardo. 34 years old. alpha tauri driver. man oh man what a guy. outside of being the prankster of the paddock, he has one of the most batshit careers of anyone currently on the grid. he started out at red bull and was showing real talent and skill and was on track to win things (and was!) and was there until the end of 2018 when max verstappen (his teammate) started getting preferential treatment and also red bull started having a lot of problems with their engines (which were being outsourced from Renault (now alpine) and another team on the grid) and well very very long story short he made the surprise move of the century and decided to sign with Renault (which makes no sense they're the one with the engine problems) and was there for 2 years before moving again to mclaren where he was reportedly not treated very well and had a hard time driving the car so they mutually ended his contract with them early and he basically retired at the end of the 2022 season and became a red bull reserve driver. then halfway through the 2023 season alpha tauri ixed one of their drivers, nyck de vries, because he wasnt doing well and promoted daniel back up to a full time driver at alpha tauri (which we know is only a step down from red bull) but then he broke his hand in a crash in zanvort (?) and then he was replaced for a few races by formula 2 driver liam lawson (who we will also talk about) and then he came back to finish out the season in alpha tauri after he was cleared. daniel has admitted openly that he never should have left red bull and he was given bad advice to do so. hes towards the end of his career at this point and its well known that he Really Really wants to finish out his career at red bull again. he and max have already been teammates before and they do work well together and daniel is great driver (see his comeback in texas (or maybe it was brazil?) this year). so. Pretty Sure that daniels going to get either an extension at alpha tauri or go up to red bull. thats what we all want. get this man in a red bull we need him there biblically.
liam lawson. now technically liam is not actually a formula 1 driver. hes a formula 2 driver, but he was daniels replacement for five races and there has been some speculation and some confirmed news about him so hes getting included. when he was racing for f1 he was at alpha tauri. hes 21 and looks like he belongs in the movie grease. no one was expecting him to slay in formula 1 and he positively knocked everyones socks off. the scene: Singapore. which, if you'll recall, is the one race that a not red bull driver won. this was largely because liam lawson slayed the absolute game in qualifying. the qualifying part of racing determines what order the cars start in on the grid for the race and theres three parts, the first two parts the bottom 5 drivers each time get knocked out and then the top 10 complete for the last 10 spots. liam lawson knocked BOTH max verstappen and checo perez out of qualifying in the second round by going very slightly faster than them, effectively fucking up red bulls race and allowing carlos to win. and he also scored points in that race, which no one was expecting. now thats all fine and dandy, but here's the speculation: hemlut marko (im pretty sure) (who is somehow decently involved in the decision making at red bull though i couldn't tell you how) said that he thinks that liam lawson will be in an f1 seat no later than 2025. meaning that he will probably get offered a contract this year. and hes already raced for alpha tauri. red bull have sunk a good amount of money into him. they clearly want him. so if he gets offered an alpha tauri seat in 2025, that means theres a good chance danny rics is going to red bull. do you SEE how the plot here is THICKENED
yuki tsunoda. age 23. currently at alpha tauri. and fun fact, the only alpha tauri driver to race there the whole year. he had three separate team mates. he is slaying and hes often slept on. he has a bit of a temper and likes to shout on the radio and also hates working out (they had to force him to move to italy or something to work out, long story) but hes been kinda killing it. he led several laps in the abu dhabi race this year and hes decently consistent. people think theres possibility that he could get moved up to red bull on account of the fact that he is younger than daniel and clearly has more years in him,, but there is also possibility that he might not because red bull like to make stupid decisions. and if he doesnt get moved up to rebel, will he stay with alpha tauri? we don't know.
alex albon. age 27. currently a williams driver. alex albon is another one with a batshit career. he started out his rookie year in 2019 at alpha tauri then got moved up to red bull halfway through the year when red bull decided that pierre gasley wasnt doing a good enough job (more on him later) and stayed with red bull for a solid year and a half until he lost his seat in 2021 to checo. he has been with williams for the last two years and is basically carrying the team. like. williams as a team scored 28 points this year. and alex albon scored 27 of those 28 points. and as we know, williams is still kind of in their shit arc (though they are doing much better. they didnt score any points for a solid 2 (?) years. so this is an improvement.) and if you can get a shit car to perform you catch the eye of bigger teams. now, alex has already been a red bull driver. and he was on the cusp of podiuming two separate times when lewis hamilton ran into him. this (among a few other things) basically killed his chances at getting resigned at red bull because he wasnt ""performing"" and red bull are bitches who love to win. but some people think that red bull should give him another shot. like daniel, hes already been max's teammate and he can definitely drive. but theres also talk he might go to ferrari because ferrari think that he might compliment charles's driving style (or something). but going to ferrari at this point is kind of suicide. so.
logan sergeant. age 23. the only american on the grid. the other williams driver. he just finished his rookie year. he scored a grand total of one single point this season, in texas, and it was because charles leclerc and lewis hamilton both got disqualified because the floor of their car had more wear (by literally less than millimeters) than it was allowed to, bumping him up from 12th to 10th. he has never done better than alex albon. he was also the very last driver to get a contract for 2024, with williams waiting until i think december of 2023 to announce his contract extension. clearly, hes on thin ice. but people have also said that he needs time to get used to formula 1 (other people have pointed out that oscar piastri slayed his rookie season this year and this statement about needing time is largely false). where logan ends up next year though will largely depend on how well the 2024 season goes for him.
fernando alonso. 42 years old. many people like to point out that oscar piastri is actually younger than fernando's racing career. he won tiktok creator of the year (somehow) and is also a 2 time world champion. he retired a few years ago, just to show back up again and slay. during the first half of the season when aston martin had a zoom zoom car he killed it, and then they had problems on top of problems and he didnt do well. except for that one race in brazil where he came in third, beating checo by literally .05 seconds. he hasn't really made any hints about retiring a second time and he is kind of carrying aston Martin right now (he scored 205 points this season, coming in 4th and tying in points with charles leclerc, lance stroll only scored 74 points this year.) and they did have their best year yet this year. (though they are relatively new).
pierre gasley. 27 years old. french. drives for alpine. the french team. previously he raced with toro rosso (now alpha tauri), then got promoted to a red bull driver in 2019, then halfway through the season they decided he wasnt doing a good enough job and he got demoted back down to alpha tauri. then he won a race with alpha tauri just to stick it to red bull. after the great oscar piastri contract twitter war, he was signed as alpines second driver, with Esteban ocon being the other driver (more on him soon). estie bestie and pierre (both french) were childhood friends and now hate each other for unknown reasons and basically feuded on the track for most of the season. french civil war at alpine. he scored 62 points in 2023 and came in 11th. not really sure where he will end up, it is possible that he will stick it out at alpine.
esteban ocon. 27 years old. also french. currently driving for alpine. another one with a silly bonkers career. he started out at force india and had a baller few seasons there but his teammate at the time was checo, and checo didnt really cooperate with him too much and caused some drama that cost estie bestie some places and some points. max verstappen also beat him up in the garage once. thats not really relevant but it did happen. anyway, after the owner of force india was arrested for .... i don't remember what maybe it was embezzlement or bankruptcy or something money related, the team was backed by lawrence stroll and became racing point. but all of that happened mid season and lawrence was basically like look ill back you guys for now but next year my son gets a seat (lance) so one of you two (checo and estie bestie) have to go. and ultimately they let estie bestie go even though he was more consistent because checo had more sponsors and they needed money. so he was out of formula 1 for a few years (but was a merc reserve driver) and then went to Renault, which then became alpine. he did come in 12th though overall this season, just behind pierre. so. will alpine keep both him and pierre and keep the civil war going? whos to say.
nico hulkenberg. 36 years old. haas driver. in his 200+ f1 races he has never been on the podium and he really really wants to be on the podium. unfortunately this will never happen in a haas because haas fucking sucks. and everyone knows it. he is getting towards the end of his career though. though! stake f1 will become the mario Andretti and audi team in 2026 (don't question it) and they have supposedly voiced interest in nico. so we will see if he hangs on that long to end up at audi. for now tough, hes definitely hating it at haas. though, haas are going to have a different team principle next year so maybe that will change things. i have a sneaky feeling through that haas will probably end up with another 2 rookie drivers because everyone else is smart enough to not race for them.
kevin magnussen. 31 years old. haas driver. hes another deeply interesting character. he has had one podium. in his rookie season. in his first race. and none since. kevin started at haas in 2017 and then left at then end of 2020 when he basically got kicked off because the team needed money and they wanted to bring in drivers with more sponsorships. these drivers were mick schumacher and nikita mazepin. so kevin basically was forced to retire after the 2020 season. this went decently well for haas. until russia invaded ukraine right before the start of the 2022 season and, well, nikita was Russian and it was never distinctly proven that his dads company (who was sponsoring the team) wasnt also funding the invasion. so nikita got fired and they were literally like 2 weeks out from the start of the season, down a driver. who are you gonna call? kevin magnussen! and hes been back ever since. but hes clearly getting annoyed with haas. there was one great clip from this year where his car caught on fire and he kind of just stared into to, clearly hoping it would burn for a long time. so the likelihood of him extending his contract is looking slim.
valtteri bottas. 34 years old. currently a driver for stake f1 (alpha romeo, kick sauber, whatever you wanna call it). previously, he was a mercedes driver and notoriously helped lewis hamilton win a great many championships, until he lost his seat to george russell in 2022. there was a rather awkward part of the 2021 season where valtteri knew that he was out of a merc seat the following year and kind of just chose violence. he slayed. then he went to alpha romeo, grew a mullet and made a calendar of his ass. quite the glow up if you ask me. hes also very interested in cycling. honestly though, i have my own personal speculation that hes going to retire at the end of this year.
zhou guanyu. 24 years old. driver for stake f1 (alpha romeo/kick sauber, etc etc). hes doing alright. he just finished his second season, in his first season he was majorly out qualified by valtteri but this past season he managed to out qualify him a good 6 times. which is decently good for the tractor of a car hes driving. its possible that he could get a contract extension, but like logan, its probably going to depend on how the 2024 season goes for him.
and thats all the drivers. theres also a few others i didnt talk about, like some other f2 drivers who want seats and mick schumacher, who is currently a merc reserve driver, all of which could be contenders for f1 seats. but one things for sure. this is going to be the silliest fucking silly season.
feel free to add on and peer review me
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muddyorbsblr · 7 months
no resistance [kinktober 2023: fingering]
See the full Kinktober 2023 Collection here! See my full list of works here!
Summary: President Loki fires his assistant for booking an interview gone horribly sideways and hires you in her place.
Pairing: President Loki x Reader
Word Count: 7.4k [prepare drinkies and snacks accordingly]
Warnings: 18+ | smut (minors & pearl clutchers, be gone. i won't ask again); fingering; dirty talk; most likely inaccurate depictions of what a day in the White House looks like; improper use of the Oval Office desk; a handful of cuss words [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: power dynamic (she's his assistant); mentions of Natasha, Bucky, Morgan, and Steve if you squint; bit of a makeover trope towards the middle of the story; Reader is mid to late 20s
Dick-tionary (aka smut guide): smut starts at "He worked his hand back under" and ends at "When he pulled his digits"
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"I uhh…I think that's all the questions I have for this interview. Thank you so much for your time, President Loki, and I wish you the best of luck with your re-election campaign."
The journalist, if she could even be called that, fidgeted the slightest in her seat, her discomfort evident from both the motion and the expression on her face. As if she knew that the god-president was now quite cross with her, and much deservedly so.
As if she knew she spoke out of turn in this interview that was so graciously granted to her.
"My security will see you off the premises. Good day, madam."
He exited the room with a slight swish of his coattails, striding down the halls with a fury now directed at his assistant rather than the would-be journalist. Once the offending individual had been located, there was a meek, fearful look on her face as well.
"Boss," her voice wavered. "Your forehead vein's making an appearance again…"
"Clear your desk. Today is your final day on my team." His voice rang out and echoed all over the floor of the campaign headquarters, most of the staff raising their heads and peering from awkward angles to have a view of the commotion.
"But Boss, you said you wanted to connect with the younger adult audience and capture their votes. Miss Lewis has an audience right smack in that demographic, her videos get millions of views, I don't understand--" She let out a frustrated huff. "An interview with her could secure you a good few million votes in your re-election. From fresh voters who've just registered and are undecided. She could bridge the gap that makes you seem so unrelatable with the digital age--"
"That woman that should never dare call herself a journalist asked me to confirm the measurements of my phallus because it appears that that is the dominating question her audience had for me," he snapped, rendering the former assistant quiet.
"I--I'm sorry, Boss. I didn't know--"
"No. No you did not. It is clear that you did not do ample research on how this Miss Lewis conducted her behavior and what type of a strategy she would likely use to bridge this so called gap of relatability. I have let a good few shortcomings of yours slide since the beginning of this campaign season in hopes that you simply needed to find your footing. But time is running short and frankly so is my patience. I no longer have leniency to spare for incompetence, especially from people that work too closely with me. Pack your belongings, I expect you out within the hour. Security will triple check for any information you may try to smuggle out of the premises, so I suggest you do not even attempt it."
She let out a sound of utter disbelief. "And how exactly do you expect to replace me on such short notice? The press will see when I'm not in your entourage at the briefing tomorrow morning."
"I assure you, it will not be such an impossible feat to replace the likes of you. Now if I were in your shoes, I'd hasten my movements. The hour will tick by before you know it."
Members of Loki's security kept a close watch on her to ensure that she only vacated her desk of her personal belongings. Checking every item she placed into her purse if there were scribbled secrets or supporters' contact information that might give the opposition some sort of an advantage over him.
Once they were positive that there was nothing she held on her person that could even remotely sabotage his re-election campaign, he had her escorted out of the building.
Now on to finding his new assistant. Preferably someone with a sensible enough head on their shoulders that they would at least do a rudimentary background check on who would be conducting the interview before writing them a gate pass and allowing them into such a private space.
Loki took a glance at the small pile of papers that his former assistant left behind. One had numerous strikethroughs and comments scratched on so harshly there were indents on the paper from whoever was wielding the bright fuchsia-inked pen.
Boring as all fuck, this isn't the aesthetic that we're going for. Try again, Y/N, the feedback read. The suggestion held the name of a creator whose content focused on documentaries centered on powerful individuals that have leveraged their platform in a negative manner. That perhaps this journalist could interview him and ask questions that touched on his past before he arrived on Earth and even some of the myths that surrounded his time on Asgard.
The president snapped his fingers at the nearest staff member, beckoning him over with an impatient flick of his fingers. "Which one of your colleagues is Y/N? Point her out to me."
The staff member raised a shaking hand, pointing in the direction of your desk. "O-Over there, Mi--Mister President, Sir," he stammered, mentioning your full name before Loki motioned for him to return to his seat. He took a good look at you, phone clipped between your ear and shoulder while you wrote something down on paper, the concentration written all over your face as you proceeded with your work.
"Yes I'll be sure to keep your contact information on file and forward your request for interview. You'll hear from us soon about schedules and logistics," you told the other person on the line with a smile stretched across your face that was so obviously strained, he could imagine your cheeks were beginning to smart from holding it.
He watched you work for a few more moments, your side of the conversation giving enough away for him to figure out you were speaking with a representative from Stark Industries. Something about a partnership to provide free sustainable energy to the impoverished communities throughout the country.
"We're very much looking forward to speaking with you in more detail about your proposals, Miss Stark. Thank you so so much for taking the time to answer my call, we'll be in touch soon." You took your little pencil and used it to twist your hair out of your face, your strained smile finally dropping. "Sorry I probably won't be able to call though because the president's PA is a complete ditz that'll reject my request because it doesn't go with the aesthetic," you grumbled, imitating his former assistant's tone toward the end and bringing an amused smile to the god's face.
"Miss Y/L/N," he called out to you, his tone uncharacteristically soft. Despite it, however, the sound of his voice still caused you to start in your seat.
Your expression morphed into a grimace, sucking in air between your teeth, looking defeated. "Good afternoon, Sir," you spoke, your words shaking with obvious fear. "You…heard me mocking your assistant, I apologize nobody was meant to hear that. I'll uhm…I'll clear my desk, it was an honor getting to work--"
"Hold on a moment there, darling, you're not in any trouble." He approached you with his hands held out and open in an attempt to tell you you had nothing to fear. "It was…quite an accurate depiction, if we're being honest. Hardly a mockery. I've erm…I've actually come here to speak with you about some of the interview requests you'd sent in prior to today."
He held up some of the scraps of paper in his hand, each of them containing your handwriting and his previous assistant's caustic feedback in the obnoxious fuchsia ink she insisted on using. "They were all rejected," you offered lamely, grimacing again as you squirmed in your seat.
"They're also quite clever. Intelligent, even." Your head snapped up at the compliment, a mixture of shock and satisfaction on your face as you looked at him. Your grimace had given way to a tiny endearing smile, a tinge of pink now in your cheeks. "Had my itinerary been comprised of these instead, today might have turned out to be more productive."
Your eyes widened to the point he worried they might pop out of your head. "The Lewis interview pushed through today?" He nodded once, a look of pity now painting your features. "I am so terribly sorry I sent over my research on her content but--"
"My former assistant likely shredded your findings," he finished, sitting slightly at the edge of your desk. "It's alright, Y/N, I don't hold you responsible for any of today's shortcomings. I see the efforts you've taken to enrich this campaign. Shamefully quite late, but I see them now. Hopefully moving forward we could work together to correct your predecessor's oversights."
"Wait, hold on…former assistant? Predecessor? Sir what--"
"I'd like to offer you a promotion of sorts. I'm in need of a new assistant, seeing as I fired the last one today for organizing an interview so brazenly invasive I might as well have taken the meeting completely nude."
"Well I'm sure Ms Lewis' audience would've loved that--" You stopped your words short, looking as if you'd bit your tongue. "Sorry I shouldn't have--"
"I'm sure they would have," he chuckled, leaning in the slightest to get a better look at you, finding himself surprisingly looking forward to what the next few days would bring, seeing your face more often as well as the potential of a better workflow considering that you seemed to be more focused on substance over appearance. "Take the rest of the day to familiarize yourself with the new workflow, as well as my itinerary. I'll defer to your judgment to rearrange or outright cancel any upcoming interviews as you see fit. I'll meet with you a half-hour before breakfast for a debrief on any changes you've decided on."
He barely gave you any time to nod your head in agreement before he reached for your hand, raising it to his lips and placing a delicate kiss on the back of your hand.
"I look forward to working with you, Y/N."
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Your first few days working for President Loki had passed in a blur, working tirelessly to rearrange his schedule and maintaining a correspondence with the content creators that your predecessor had arranged interviews for. Spinning tales of how hectic the president's schedule had become on such short notice and therefore their appointments with him would have to be rescheduled at a later date.
A later date that probably would never come, considering that most if not all of the planned interviews conducted their business similarly to the one that effectively got his former assistant fired within the hour. You made a small note in your own binder that perhaps when he'd secured his re-election, they could be granted access among the crowd of reporters during larger press conferences.
"Maybe if you're among hoards of other reporters, you can keep your thirst in check and actually act like respective, decent human beings. Not asking about dick measurements like you're asking about the weather today. Thirsty idiots…" you grumbled, writing another name into the list.
"If that list gets any longer, you may need to have a rotation schedule, sweetling." You jumped at the sound of the president's voice coming from so close behind you, peering over your shoulder to find that he stood near enough that you could almost feel the heat radiating from his body. "Are these all the ones you'd rescheduled from the prior calendar?"
You mutely nodded, swallowing your nerves before speaking. "All the ones so far," you clarified, clicking away at your computer to show him the packed and borderline overbooked schedule that was formerly planned for him. "I made sure to go for the ones planned in the next few weeks first so that they at least have enough time to reallocate their time somewhat. There's about six more weeks worth to sort out."
"Excellent work," he told you, his voice even closer to your ear now that he was leaning over your shoulder to peer at the schedule on your monitor. "And what does my schedule look like for today, Y/N?"
You clicked to this week's view, taking a cursory look at the calendar. "After the press briefing, you have a lunch meeting with the Department of Defense along with one of the directors of R & B Weaponries, a Mr Barnes, to discuss about a new ammo supplier for the Navy forces and your own personal security detail."
He nodded along with your summary, the citrusy leathery scent of him wafting into your space and making you a touch dizzy from his onslaught of your senses. You just had to smell immaculate on top of looking like sex on legs, you hissed inwardly, biting down hard at the inside of your lip to keep you from saying a word aloud.
"And will you be joining me in this luncheon?"
Your eyes widened at his question. Of course you wouldn't be. The information to be divulged in such meetings should be something heard only by the president or those he deems closest to him. You were his assistant, nothing more. All you needed to know were names, dates, and overall points of discussion.
"I uhm…no. I don't--I don't believe I will be," you stammered, your breath hitching when he turned his head to look at you and suddenly you could feel his warm breath on your cheek. "Personal assistants aren't usually included in the guest list for these events," you offered in a lame attempt at explaining a question he didn't even ask.
"You are now. We'll leave at a quarter to noon." He began to walk out of the office, only halting to look at you over his shoulder when you let out a tiny squeak like you were about to protest. "Are you opposed to this new arrangement, sweet mortal?"
"Uhh--" You took a breath, composing yourself. "No, Sir. I'll call the restaurant to update the head count."
President Loki smirked at you, jerking his head toward the door. "Excellent. Now we should get going. I believe the briefing will commence in a few moments."
While you were on your way to the briefing room, you sent a haphazard text to a stylist friend, a Hail Mary to hopefully get you looking somewhat presentable.
Tasha, massive SOS. I need an outfit to not look like a total clown show next to the President for a lunch thing.
You followed a few steps behind the president, taking a quick look at your watch when you got notified of a reply from your friend, Natasha Romanoff. Is "lunch thing" your way of downplaying "date"? He finally made his move on you after making googly eyes at you all week long?
Her text had you fighting the urge to roll your eyes as you stepped into the briefing room, cameras at the ready and reporters sitting straight and alert, waiting to pounce with their questions once President Loki was situated at his podium.
The hour went on mostly without a hitch, you taking your notes on near everything he'd mentioned in response to the reporters' queries. While your boss was speaking with a few people from Press Relations, your ears perked up at some small talk between two reporters, one of them having a few biting words to say about you.
"I mean at least his last assistant had some sense of fashion. I never thought I'd miss Little Miss looks like she got hired from the red light district, but at least she didn't look like some frumpy ass college student who just rolled out of bed. Honestly she's dragging the whole look down and that's saying so much because Mr President can make anything look hot."
"Except her, apparently," the other reporter shot back in a snippy tone. "Guarantee you he just hired her so that he has less of a distraction in the workplace. She's the kind people look at and they're doing the opposite of mentally undressing her."
"Mentally putting a paper bag over her head," the first reporter capped off with a witchy cackle.
You felt your fury bubbling just under the surface, wanting nothing more than to march over there and give them a piece of your mind for being so catty at someone that they didn't even know. To drag them over their impractical shoes that made their legs wobble if they so much as tried to stand straight or their two sizes too small shirts that had buttons fighting for their life trying to keep their tits covered.
Instead of doing any of that, however, you pulled out your phone to text Tasha. Firstly, no it's not a "date", when are you gonna drop that tin foil hat of yours. And secondly, scratch what I said earlier. You've wanted to give me a makeover since college? Now's your chance, Babes. Gimme the works.
You sidled past the president and his current company, asking one of your closer acquaintances from the staff to accompany him to any impromptu meetings until the lunch meeting later and to inform your boss that you had to attend to a personal matter, but that you would be back before he left for the restaurant.
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As the clock kept on ticking closer half past noon, Loki could feel himself getting antsy waiting for your return. He'd noticed how jittery you seemed when you passed him on your way out of the press briefing, and the staff member you'd sent to keep him apprised in your stead gave no satisfactory explanation on what caused you to step out so abruptly.
"Where are you, Y/N…" he grumbled into the empty office, looking on at your desk that he'd moved inside so that calling on you would require less effort. Instead of stepping outside or phoning you, he'd simply have to call your name from wherever he was and you were already there.
And if he was being completely honest with himself, he'd also done it so you would be closer to him and he would see you at all times throughout the day. He found your presence calmed him, the competence you'd more than proven to have over the last few days already easing his day to day.
Just as he was about to reach for his phone and call you to check if you were alright, he heard your voice outside his office, speaking with your reliever in a tone he likened to one that he heard back on Asgard. Whenever Frigga would correct him on any missteps he had throughout his magic lessons.
"I totally get how you can get lost finding the meeting rooms, it's a goddamn maze in here. But if you make any of them lose unnecessary time because of it, not everyone will come at you with understanding. Just make sure that it doesn't happen for next time. I'll draw you up a map for the rooms that are most frequently used. Study it, live it, breathe it. See if someone from security can accompany you while you familiarize yourself with the place, and don't stop until you can navigate the floor with your eyes closed."
"Yes, ma'am," your reliever confirmed, his tone audibly less jittery than when he was speaking with Loki. "Thank you so much, Y/N. Honestly getting you to be in charge of the rest of us might be one of the best things the President ever did. The one before you was so--"
"Harpy?" you finished with a chuckle, the lightness in your tone feeling like a soothing balm to the nerves Loki had had since he saw you exit the White House so hastily earlier this morning. "Remember when I tried to suggest that we should reach out to Greta Thunberg's team?"
He could almost hear the other man shudder from the other side of the door. "Gah, she nearly ripped your throat out that day. Something something not shippable and we need to get 'hot people'. Really lost the plot, that one. Anyways, I'll go work on memorizing that map. Thanks again, Boss."
"Yikes, don't call me that," you shot back, your voice growing closer to the door, prompting Loki to walk back to his desk before you stepped into the office. "That's just for our boss, no one else." Your footsteps sounded different; there was considerably more of a click in each step, and the slightest stumble to them as if you were re-familiarizing yourself with your own legs.
There was a bizarre feeling of the air becoming easier to breathe once he heard the door open. "There you are, darling. I hope your personal matter's been sorted out and you're ready to--" His words halted dead in their tracks once he turned around and got a good look at you, quickly surmising that the 'personal matter' was a complete overhaul of your appearance.
There was an ethereal glow to your face and your hair that had his hands twitching to reach out and touch you, and in place of the slightly oversized sweater and denim you'd worn this morning was a blazer designed to be worn as a dress, set in a shade of green that matched his waistcoat perfectly. To top it all off, the buckle that cinched at your waist as well as the heels that brought your height up by a few inches were set in a gold that matched the horned helmet atop his head.
You looked like the personification of his most far-fetched fantasies whenever he thought of what he wanted in someone that would stand by his side. A confidant. A partner. A lover, even.
Someone radiantly beautiful, brilliant, and completely unafraid to declare themself as his by adorning his colors.
"Too much?" you spoke up, jostling him out of his thoughts. "I-I mean if it is I still have a change of clothes in my bag I can--"
"No, no. It's not too much, little mortal. Not at all." Mentally he was stabbing himself for stumbling over his words so clumsily; he was normally so much more composed than this. "You look…ravishing." Your eyes lit up at his words, betraying the neutral expression you tried to maintain. "Come. We should head to the restaurant."
He offered out his hand to you, confusion plaguing him when the rhythm of his heart stumbled just as his words did once you'd placed your hand in his. He found you such an anomaly, looking at you with utmost curiosity, wondering how someone could simultaneously calm the chaos all around him and yet incite an entirely different type of chaos in his heart. Not to mention his loins.
"You know, darling, had we been in Asgard, your wearing of my colors could be interpreted as a declaration of your allegiance to me," he spoke once you were both situated in the back of the car. You nodded your head slowly, as if ruminating over what he'd just said. He couldn't take his eyes off of you.
"That makes sense," you answered, seeming as if you were thinking aloud. "Seeing as I am your assistant, people should see within seconds that I'm associated with you. The color thing's probably the most tasteful way of doing it rather than a t-shirt with your face printed on it…"
"May I ask you something…a touch more personal, Miss Y/L/N?"
"O-Of course," you stammered, your nodding a touch unsteady, fingers laced together tightly as if you were trying to keep your nerves at bay.
"What made you decide to work for me?"
You blinked rapidly for a moment, seeming to be genuinely taken aback by the question, before composing your answer.
"All the people who held the position before you were horrid…evil men. All they cared about was finessing a kick back. Burying their constituents in debt. You stepped into office and…I was out of debt in less than half a year. My student loans were nowhere to be found. All because you prioritized our right to have an education. Of course I was going to try working on your re-election campaign."
Hearing you talk about his predecessors, describing them the way you did as if they were so starkly different from him, somehow didn't sit right with the god. "But darling, you do know that I, too, am what others would call a…horrid, evil man?"
You shook your head stubbornly, sitting up straighter as if you were about to deliver a lecture. "No. You're not. I've seen evil men. I've worked with them, I've--" The words caught in the back of your throat, making you clear your throat before pushing on. "I've suffered at the hands of evil men."
Your eyes met his, the sincerity in them knocking the air out of his lungs. Had he been up on his feet, he was sure that your next words would have knocked him down on his ass.
"I'm not looking at an evil man."
His next query escaped from his mouth so swiftly, he couldn't have stopped the words even if he wanted to. "Y/N, what prompted all this?" He made a motion from your hair to your feet. "Why the change?" You squirmed in your seat, as if holding the answer in was making you physically uncomfortable. "It's alright, darling, you can tell me."
There was a heaviness in your tone when you answered. Like you were holding back tears from just recounting the events. "This morning…in the briefing room. There were these reporters commenting on how I looked and how it kind of…cheapened the image. Your image. Ruined the aesthetic."
"What is it with these feeble-minded mortals and their absurd fascination about aesthetics?"
"I don't know," you blurted out. "But the thing is, Sir, I don't have to know. The only thing I have to understand is that there are people, voters, who assign a high value to the aesthetic of a candidate. And it won't sit right in my conscience if I have the knowledge that my appearance can jeopardize someone's decision to vote for you, and I do nothing about it. So…I called up a friend of mine and…told her to make me a new person. A pretty one."
You were already beautiful, he thought to himself. It mattered not how you presented yourself.
Before he could suppress the urge, he was reaching over to your side of the backseat, tucking a lock of your hair that fell loose, obstructing his view of your features. "You deserve so much better than this, sweet mortal," he said softly, stroking your cheek with the backs of his fingers, his heart warming when he saw how you leaned into his touch. "You should be working for an honorable man. A decent man."
The next words to come out of your mouth had him just about ready to carve his heart out with his own dagger and serve it to you on a golden platter. "I am."
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"Babes, noooooo," Tasha whined from her end of the video call. "Why are you putting your hair up? The whole fit goes better with your hair down."
You mumbled your answer as incoherently as you could, hoping she'd chalk it off to a bad connection as you fiddled with the half of your hair that was put up in a little gold claw clip.
"What was that, Babes? I didn't quite hear you."
Dammit. "Because he told me he likes it when my hair's not blocking my face, okay?" you answered her with an exaggerated sigh. "Now please tell me my makeup meets your standards because I really don't wanna explain that I lost motion in my right arm from blending my eyeshadow."
"Okay first, your makeup's fine. I'm so proud I'm about to quote that little red cartoon dragon. And second, I can't believe you had the audacity to tell me I had a tin foil hat on, I told you the first day you walked into that briefing room with him that that man couldn't stop himself from looking at you and looking like a heart-eyed emoji. Now you're telling me this? Babes, it's time you accept it. The President has it bad for you, and give it eight to ten months, and you're gonna become First Lady Y/N Laufeyson. In fact I'm so sure of it that 'if I'm wrong, I'll dye my hair puke green. Neon, glow in the dark, puke green."
You let out a frustrated sound that echoed throughout your apartment, stepping back from the phone and showing your friend your choice of clothing for the day, just like you had every morning for the last week. Today it was a dress with puff sleeves, a high neckline with a keyhole and ribbon bow detailing, and an a-line skirt. In President Loki's signature shade of green, of course.
"Looks great, Babes. He's gonna love it."
"Doesn't matter if he likes it, Tasha. The viewers just have to not think I'm ruining his look," you grumbled, stepping out of your phone camera's view to change into the dress.
"Mm hmm, keep telling yourself that, Y/N. Have a good day at work. Try not to ride your boss until after office hours, okay?" You waved her off, ending the call and putting your phone on Silent before you headed off to the White House.
When you got to President Loki's office, he was sat at the edge of his table, hands resting on the lux hardwood surface, and legs spread.
The posture put those unfairly sensual muscular thighs on sluttish display, made worse by the way the fabric of his at least one size too tight slacks stretched and strained over his skin. You had to look away before you dared look closer because you could've sworn you also clocked some tenting between his legs.
"Good morning, sweet little mortal," he greeted you, his voice even more gravelly than usual. Your knees nearly buckled from its effect on you, already feeling the familiar pooling between your legs.
"Good morning, Sir," you answered, already feeling flushed, your breathing a bit deeper and causing an uncomfortable pinch from how bra was pinching against your breasts. "You're up early today…"
"I'm still up, darling. I couldn't sleep. Something was…plaguing my mind."
He gave you a single nod before raising his hand forward, curling his fingers in a motion that had your feet moving of their own accord toward him. Had you not known any better it was like he cast a spell that summoned you to his side.
But you did know better. He didn't need to cast a spell.
"Closer," he breathed when you were standing two feet in front of him, flicking his gaze down at the space between his legs.
Your heart caught in your throat, your pulse thundering in your ears and pounding so hard you could swear you felt it even at the tips of your toes. Regardless, you obeyed, stepping closer until you stood less than a foot away from him.
"I want you to know you're free to tell me if you wish for me to stop." His words came out strained, like it hurt to say them. "I would never hold it against you. If you do not feel the same I can drop it and we can both simply pretend this never happened."
There's no way, you kept on stubbornly repeating to yourself. Even as he placed his sinfully large hands at your sides, bringing you even closer, so close that you could feel his breath warming your face.
Even as he reached up to remove the clip holding your hair up, weaving his fingers into your hair to hold you in place while his eyes roamed your features, constantly returning to stare at your lips.
The stubborn voice in the back of your head only got silenced once he closed the remaining distance between you, soft lips pressing against your own in a kiss so delicate it was like he thought you were made of porcelain and you would crack at even the slightest touch.
"You can stop me if you feel I've overstepped," he whispered, still close enough that the movement of his lips still faintly ghosted over your own. "I just simply couldn't go another day without telling you--"
You felt the slightest thrill up your spine at the surprised sound that caught in the back of his throat, when you cut him off by giving him a fleeting kiss of your own.
You barely registered the heavy sound of his helmet hitting the tabletop before he pulled you closer, one hand tugging lightly at your hair, the other roaming down your body and working its way under your dress. He grasped at your thigh, letting out a sinful moan when you parted your lips for him and your tongues met in a frantic tangle.
"Do you trust me?" he rasped, catching his breath. He let out a sharp exhale, sounding relieved when you simply nodded your head. He wrapped his hand around the inside of your knee, his other arm wrapping around your waist to lift you up to straddle his lap, knees resting on the edge of the tabletop.
The precarious position had you grasping at his shoulders, leaning into him to keep yourself from keeling over.
He splayed his hand across your back, holding you steady. "I have you, sweet girl." He pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth, kissing his way down your neck until you let out a strangled moan once he'd reached a spot between your neck and shoulder.
You had to be dreaming. That was the only explanation for this. You slept in and you were still in your apartment and now you were about to be late for work. Yup, that was it. You tried to dig your nail into your palm, wincing at the sharp pinch you felt but nothing came of it.
"Agh--" Your nail broke skin, a tiny spot of blood blooming on your palm.
"Darling Y/N, what in the Nine are you doing?" He wrapped his hand around your wrist, running his thumb across your palm, seeing the minuscule wound.
"This is a dream," you mumbled, more to yourself. "I have to wake up."
"Little mortal," he cooed, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "You think this a dream?" You whimpered at the smirk he gave you when you nodded. "So you've dreamed of this before? Of my kiss? My touch?"
Ah what the hell I'm dreaming anyway. "I have. Every night."
"Oh my sweet little mortal." He pressed a kiss to your palm, the pinprick wound suddenly nowhere to be found when he pulled away. "I can assure you…if this is a dream, it is one we share. The things I've wanted to do to you. With you. Now that I know you've wanted this, too, there is very little that can stop me from turning those dreams into reality."
He worked his hand back under your dress, between your legs, fingertips teasingly trailing up the inside of your thigh. He let out a staggering breath when he met the fabric of your panties, drenched with your arousal.
When you began to whimper from his fingers tracing along your slit he pulled you in for another kiss, effectively muffling your moans when he began to circle your clit over your panties. You started to roll your hips into his touch in response, your body already aching for more.
"So deliciously eager," he purred, kissing his way to your ear. "But I'll be needing you to stay alert, darling." You let out a little squeak when his hold tightened around your waist, keeping you from grinding your hips and chasing your own pleasure. "Now tell me what will be on my itinerary for today."
The softly growled order had your mind scrambling, thoughts that usually easily stitched together to form whatever answer he needed suddenly becoming disjointed and lost to the recesses of your consciousness. "Wait what?"
"I'm sure you understand my need for those under my employ to be mentally sharp as a tack. Regardless of my desire and affection for you, sweet mortal, you are still among those people." You arched your back, pressing your chest against his when he moved the fabric of your panties aside, sliding a single finger inside you and moving in long, languid strokes. "However now we could perhaps make our little morning discussions a touch more…interesting."
"You have the p-press briefing at eight and--Ohh fuck!" Your grip on his shoulders tightened when he inserted a second finger and curled them upwards, brushing against a spot that had you letting out the most obscene moan that filled his office.
"Such vulgar words from your lucious lips," he panted, stealing another kiss from you, nipping at your bottom lip as he pulled away. "Like watching an angel in the midst of corruption. On her pretty little knees for her god." He brushed against the spot with firmer strokes, making you wetter and turning you into a whimpering mess. "Keep going. What comes after the briefing?"
Your mind was spinning trying to recall. You mentally smacked yourself for struggling to remember when you'd just been committing the schedule to memory on your Uber ride here.
"U-Uhm…You have a pre--a prefatory meeting with Morgan Stark at 9:30 to dis--Fucking hell--To discuss free sustainable e-energy to lower class communities." You kept on frantically combing through your memories of your ride over here to recall the rest of the schedule.
"And what else, sweetheart?" He stilled his fingers while pressed on that same spot, lightly ghosting the pad of his thumb over your clit. "You're already doing so well. Finish it so we may move on to more…pleasurable…activities."
He pressed his lips to the base of your throat, the feel of him sucking lightly on the skin driving you near incoherent. "You--You have a meeting with R & B at three. To fi--" You threw your head back and let out a howling moan, his hand tightening on your back to keep you from falling over. "To finalize the contracts for the Department of Defense. And your security detail."
"Not just my security," he grunted, starting to stroke his fingers again. "Yours, too."
That was enough to break through your pleasure-induced haze by a fraction. "Hold on. What? Sir, I don't need--Ohh!" The rest of your words died with an obscene moan when he started flicking his fingers rapidly inside you.
"You're far too valuable for me to not allocate resources to ensure your safety when I can't protect you myself," he explained, peppering kisses across your collarbone. "Is that all for my day, sweet girl?"
"Y-Yes!" you whined, trying desperately to move your hips for even the tiniest bit more friction. "That's everything."
"Excellent." He moved his hand up to hold you by the back of your neck, letting out a sinful groan when he licked into your mouth. "And you'll be joining me in all of those, won't you?"
"Do you want me to?"
"I always want you with me," he murmured against your slips, letting out a moan of his own when he kissed you again, starting to move his fingers faster and pressing his thumb firmly on your clit. "Now come for me, my sweet mortal. My corrupted little angel. Make a mess on your god's fingers."
Your orgasm overtook you as the god moved his hand to your lower back, guiding your movements as you rode out your high, coating his fingers with your release. Your mind was a haze, the sound of his raspy utterances of your name barely hitting your ears. His chest heaved against yours, lips pressing soft kisses to the side of your face while your breathing evened out.
When he pulled his digits out of you, you let out a whiney groan, already feeling the loss of him. The sight of the god placing his fingers in his mouth, his sinfully dexterous tongue lapping up every drop of your juices from his skin, had you squirming in his lap all over again.
"More already?" he teased, pulling you in for another kiss. You could faintly taste yourself on his tongue. "What a beautifully insatiable little mortal you are. It's as if the Norns had made you just for me." His hands freely roamed your back while he kissed his way down your neck, sucking a bruise onto your collarbone. "I've indulged myself in such fantasies of claiming you on every surface of this office. Of every room in this house. I want to lay you down on my desk without a stitch of clothing on you and get drunk on the taste of you."
You could only respond with a faint whimper, images of what he'd described taking up all the space in the forefront of your mind. "Please…"
"I promise you we'll have all the time to make every single one of those debauched fantasies come to life, sweet girl." He kissed you again, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you off the table, softly chuckling against your lips when you started to pout at your feet hitting the ground. "But I want our first night together somewhere more intimate. A moment that shouldn't be rushed and stolen between meetings, held in secrecy in my office."
He held your chin delicately between his fingers, keeping you from looking away at him. The mere sight of the near fully blacked out eyes shining with sincerity and held back words was enough to have your knees buckling again.
"Later tonight," he continued. "When everyone's day is over, then our night can begin. I'll bring you to my private quarters and there…" He took a deep breath, a brilliant smile stretching across his face, a real one so starkly different from the practiced smirks he gave the public. "There I will make love to you."
He guided you to take a step back from him, your heart fluttering when he placed a soft kiss to your forehead before conjuring a majestic golden mirror into the room with a flick of his wrist. The image of you visibly disheveled, paired with the smeared lipstick marks all over President Loki's face, had you biting your lip trying to hold back a smile of your own.
You held the undone ribbon of your dress between your fingers. "And here I spent a good ten minutes on this trying to look all perfect," you told him playfully, a fit of giggles finally escaping you when he took the straps from your hands and used them to pull you to him once again, capturing your lips in a tender kiss.
"Much as I appreciate the effort and having you look as if you'd gift-wrapped yourself just for me with this lovely little flourish, may I say that it matters not how you dress. You were already perfect the day I first saw you on the campaign floor."
"I was wearing a ratty old sweater from college," you shot back, finding it hard to breathe.
"The color of the sky on a stormy day." He brushed his nose against yours, pressing a soft kiss to the tip. "Turn around. Face the reflection."
When you faced the mirror again, he redid the ribbon exactly as it was when you left your apartment with a wave of his hand, kissing along the side of your face as he put your clip back in your hair.
"There you are, sweetheart," he cooed, nipping at the shell of your ear. "Not a hair out of place." Another wave of his hand and he, too, had returned to his state before you walked into the office. "I'd very much like for you to join me for breakfast."
You answered only with a nod, reaching for his hand.
As he led you down the halls toward the dining room, you sent Tasha a quick text.
About what you said earlier…fingers don't count, right?
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A/N: It's finally done! The initial 5 stories goal of Kinktober 2023 are all up and I'm finally going back to writing the series I haphazardly dropped when I decided to write these pieces over a month ago. And I finally have a President Loki story in my little library of works 😳👀
I swear I didn't expect to write such a mega chonker for the first President Loki story but I got all kinds of carried away…so much so that there are scenes that I cut from the final draft that might become drabbles somewhere down the line.
For now though…back to the blorbos of 'one look & they'll know', 'relinquish the crown', 'the final Lady Sharpe', 'let me hear you', 'rules of conduct', 'feels like mine'…and some other not-so-secret projects 😳👀
Ohh…and that bit in the end where he pulls on the ribbons of her dress? This was fully the vibe:
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'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @superficialdomina @anukulee @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog
Kinktober taglist: @azula-karai-27
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pierregazly · 9 months
tolerate it ꨄ lewis hamilton
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lewis hamilton x fem!reader
warnings: age gap (no specific age, just mentioned), angst, no hea
this is just me projecting my sadness with this song onto one of the drivers, lewis being the best option. there's a chance i may do a part 2 to this eventually, but im pretty content with how it ended for now. i hope you enjoy!
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It wasn’t always like this.  
There was a time when you didn’t wake up, clenching your eyes closed in the hopes that it would magically change the outcome once they opened.  
There was a time when you would wake up, Lewis nuzzling his chin into the space where your neck and shoulders collided, peppering the skin with little kisses in the hopes it would wake you from your slumber. 
There was a time when you didn’t have to hold your breath, when your eyes didn’t have to adjust to the lack of light in the room, just to get a small glimpse of the man you loved curled up next to you.  
It was hard to pinpoint the exact moment when it had all changed. Maybe it was at the beginning of the season, maybe it was before that. You couldn’t really be too sure. 
Now, you were lucky to catch a glimpse of him in the morning, lucky to even get the chance to move your eyes across his ink-coloured skin beside you. You were lucky to even get a kiss goodbye in the morning before he left, the sun barely up when he was leaving to go to training, or the factory, or God knows where.  
The words between the both of you were minimal nowadays, it was more like living with a roommate you saw occasionally instead of a lover that you were supposed to be sharing a life with.  
There was a time when Lewis would giggle as he read the words of his books to you in whatever animated voice he could come up with. There was a time when the art he created was a joint effort between the two of you; now, it felt like all he did was tolerate you. 
It was evident neither you, nor Lewis, wanted to touch on the topic. Both of you tiptoed around each other, not wanting to open the door that would push the storm in.  
There isn’t much time spent at the paddock anymore, your career becoming the main focus of your priorities. You still welcomed Lewis home after every Grand Prix, his favourite dinner’s packaged in the fridge, the linens cleaned, and his clothes prepped.  
A battle hero’s welcome, one could call it. 
He always politely thanked you, a gentle kiss to your forehead before he made his way to the office for the remainder of the night. There was a time when he would debrief with you after every race, watching highlight videos on the television while he explained what he did wrong, what he did right, where he could improve and where he got a little too cocky. Now he just did it alone, the door of his office tightly closed, no sound emitting from the room. 
Sugarcoating it to your friends and family was difficult. They understood Lewis’ career took center stage, but they couldn’t understand why he was never around when they came to your shared apartment, why it felt like his presence wasn’t even prominent in the home at all. 
There was no way to explain it, without sounding naïve, without sounding like you were just letting a relationship that was drowning, pull you down with it. 
Everyone suggested different reasons. The season wasn’t going in the way Lewis had hoped. Maybe his age is finally getting to him. Maybe he’s considering retirement and it’s bothering him. Maybe the age difference between the two of you is too much now.  
Maybe he’s fallen out of love. 
You knew the last one was a significant possibility. Lewis was a private person, but he showed his heart on his shoulder, especially at the beginning. Large declarations of love, obnoxious presents, at first, he wanted you to know that he was in love with you, constantly. 
There isn’t a time in the last four months that you can remember where Lewis demonstrated his love for you, quick ‘love you’s’ before the door slammed behind him, a random heart in the middle of the night when he’s halfway across the world; even those had slowly stopped. 
Nowadays he would hum silently when you told him you loved him, he would send a heart back if you sent one to him. He didn’t initiate anything, it just simply felt like he was tolerating it when you expressed your love for him. 
It wasn’t hard to remember the times when Lewis would tell you how much he loved you, how he would show it.  
He would curl up behind you in bed, the unmade sheets wrapped lazily around the two of you as he groaned into your neck, his hands resting around your middle as he eagerly cuddled up to you. 
You could always feel him mumbling words into your neck, but he would never tell you what he was saying. Lewis would just smile and press a tiny kiss to your lips, the kiss heating up as time went on, your bodies moving in sync as he demonstrated his love for you in every way he knew how. 
You weren’t a self-conscious person, you knew you had plenty to offer when it came to your relationship, and when it came to life in itself. You knew your love should be celebrated, celebrated in the way that Lewis used to celebrate it, the way he used to giggle as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, gently swaying to the music coming from his phone as you cooked together. 
You tried to push the negative thoughts away, the thoughts of leaving, of packing up your bags and leaving in the middle of the weekend while he was away. You considered it, time and time again. The suitcases staring at you from the closet, telling you to open them, pack them, and leave. 
Every weekend the temptation grew stronger and stronger. The urge to walk away, to preserve your dignity, sat heavy on your shoulders.  
Every time when you thought you had decided, thought you had made the decision to pull the dagger out and walk away; an invisible force pulled you back. Told you that the season was slowly coming to its end, that the old Lewis would come back to you when the season was up, he was just stressed out and things were hard. 
He never talked about his problems with you. He would debrief with you, sure. He would tell you about the problems in the race, but he would never tell you about his internal problems.  
It’s how you constantly justified his behaviour, and his actions... or lack thereof.  
Your mind always went back to those thoughts when you considered leaving. It always made you think about the fact that he was probably struggling, that he just wasn’t able to talk to you about it and that you leaving would probably make things worse. 
It was the invisible but obvious force, that, you knew. 
Lewis didn’t know about these thoughts. At least he never showed that he knew. The bags were always tucked away in the back of the closet when he returned home, like they were never sitting in front of the open door. Everything was back in their rightful place, as if the thought of leaving had never crossed your mind.  
One of your favourite moments with him happened just before the beginning of the season. You were cuddled up on the couch, the remnants of a ‘Game of Thrones’ episode playing on the television, Lewis’ hand gently creating shapes on the visible skin of your back.  
“Do you ever feel like you’re too old, or like... too wise for me? Like someone closer to your age would be better?” 
You felt him huff against your neck, a small laugh falling from his lips before he pressed a kiss to the spot his lips were before shaking his head. 
“Are you calling me old, my love?” 
Immediately shaking your head with a tiny laugh, you slapped his chest with a gleam in your eyes. “You know what I meant, Lew...” 
Rolling you over, he leaned over you as he pushed a lock of his own unruly hair behind his ear. “I rarely think about the fact you’re younger than me. It doesn’t affect the way in which I love you, half the time I forget that you’re younger than me. I definitely don’t think I’m wiser, that’s for sure. It’s pretty obvious who has all the wisdom between the two of us.” 
The night ended with you below him, the sheets rustling, as if all the love he had for you could be encaptured in the way his eyes connected with yours. You had never felt that kind of raw love before, had never felt like everything you had done had led to that exact moment. 
Trying to convince yourself that everything happening now was all in your mind was easy. The comments that your friends made, that maybe he didn’t love you anymore; was easy enough to ignore when you considered the fact that he did still reply to your messages, that he still came home every Sunday, that he still sometimes pressed a kiss to your forehead before leaving in the morning.  
But then sometimes you let your mind reel, and reel, and reel. Lewis was there, but was he really there? 
The conversation almost happened, after Spa. Lewis was exhausted coming into your shared apartment, his bags dropping down at the front door. You were wrapped up in one of his Mercedes sweaters, his racing number engraved on the sleeves; even if he was there physically and not mentally, you had still made him your everything, you had made him your mural, had dedicated the sky to him. 
The pictures on the walls still showed a love between the two of you that wasn’t obvious anymore. The picture of you wrapped around him after the end of the 2020 season. The pictures of the both of you cuddled around each other at his family Christmas, the collage of his nephews wrapped in your arms. There were hundreds of photos that showed how life used to be. 
Your mind came back to the present when Lewis crossed the path in front of you. 
Like always, he went to press a gentle kiss to the crown of your head, the exhaustion prevalent on his face. As he was walking towards his office, you felt the words bubble out of your mouth before you could control them. 
“Did you want to watch this with me? I feel like we haven’t really spent much time together lately.” 
The words stopped him in his tracks, you could practically see the wheels turning in his head as his body turned in your direction. It felt like his face was mocking you with its fake sympathy as he gently shook his head, his curls moving with the direction. 
“I’m just too tired. I have to go watch highlights in my office. Maybe later.” 
It was always ‘maybe later’, or ‘maybe tomorrow’, or ‘I’m sorry we can’t celebrate our anniversary this year, I just don’t have time this weekend, maybe next weekend’.  
It felt like you were begging him for a spot in his life, like you were an inconvenience that he didn’t want to put the effort into anymore. By now, you weren’t even begging for a line in the story, but a line in the footnotes of his life. A minuscule part, something that he couldn’t even try to give you.  
Lewis made it clear he felt bad after he bailed on your anniversary. He spent hundreds of dollars on you, basically begging you for forgiveness and emphasizing things would be different soon, he promised. 
He was right, things were different. Not in a good way. Maybe that was the point when things really started going downhill. It was still hard to pinpoint it. 
Making yourself scarce when Lewis was home was easy. Your friends were always looking for you to go for lunch, or dinner, or out for drinks. Spending your time at work was always an easy escape, allowing the never-ending flow of work to occupy your thoughts as you went above and beyond. 
If Lewis noticed that you were avoiding him, avoiding your home; he didn’t say anything. He never said anything. 
Spending the weekends at home was therapeutic, your arms wrapped in another one of Lewis’ oversized sweaters. The smell of his cologne wafting up your noise as you pressed the sleeve to your face, the unshed tears refusing to leave your eyes. You wouldn’t cry, not again. 
You knew you would cry, again. You always let the tears fall when you scrolled back up in your conversation with Lewis to when things first started, when he was animated, when he overshared, when he sent you photos of George, of Mick, when he forwarded you along videos of Roscoe when Roscoe was away with him.  
Back when your love was celebrated, when it didn’t feel like Lewis was just tolerating it, tolerating you, tolerating your love. 
Jealousy reared its ugly head every weekend as well. Whenever you saw an Instagram story, or a twitter post, whenever you saw that Lewis was out with his friends, or his team, or his crew. You knew it wasn’t fair to be jealous, that it wasn’t fair to compare yourself to the people that Lewis spent 5/7 days a week with, that it was hard for him to say ‘no’ to them. 
It didn’t change how much it hurt, how much it made your heart ache to know that you truly were something that could be put on the backburner. He was always out building other worlds, but where were you?  
Where were you every time he was out with his friends after a race? Where were you every time he was celebrating a win, or celebrating a pole in qualifying? Where were you every time he went live on Instagram? 
Where was his love for you when you sat looking at the suitcases in the closet, again? 
It was time to accept the truth, that his love for you was gone. That he didn’t celebrate his love for you like he once did, that he didn’t celebrate you, like he once did.  
He tolerated it, and he tolerated you. Tolerating something and celebrating it were too obviously different things. It had never been more evident. 
The bags didn’t stare at you anymore as they laid open on the bedroom floor, your clothes finding themselves folded and inside each of them, your portion of the closet emptying out as the bags grew heavier and heavier. The bags under your eyes growing darker alongside them. 
You couldn’t leave without saying anything to him, couldn’t allow him to come home to an empty home. It was obvious he didn’t deserve an explanation, and you didn’t plan on giving him one. But he deserved a goodbye.  
It was clear the presence of the suitcases registered in Lewis’ mind the moment his eyes found them as the front door closed. He immediately looked at you, the most emotion you’d seen in months shining in his eyes. 
“What’s going on?” 
The shake in his hands was visible as he asked the question, his own bags falling gently beside your own as he stared at you.  
“I can’t do this anymore. I can’t beg for a place in your life anymore, Lew. I’m sorry.” 
The resignation was evident in his eyes, but there was no fight in them as he sat on the couch opposite you. It almost hurt to know that he wasn’t going to argue, wasn’t going to ask you to stay, to not break free and leave the both of you in ruins. It almost hurt, but you knew it would be the case.  
“I’m sorry.” 
He didn’t try to stop you as you went towards your bags, he didn’t look up from his ink-stained hands as the click of the lock sounded. He didn’t try to say anything more as the suitcases rolled out the door. 
You didn’t see the tears gather in his eyes and then fall down his cheeks as the door closed behind you, the longing on his face as he debated with himself internally if he should run after you. Beg you to stay. It was so plain to see now, you were younger, and wiser, and he didn’t deserve you anymore. 
Lewis knew the truth. You deserved someone who would celebrate you, celebrate your love. Not someone who could only tolerate it when their own life was falling apart. He didn’t deserve you, not anymore.  
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i really hope you guys liked this!! im really not too sure if i'll make a part 2, but if there's a lot of demand for one i will. thank you for all the love. also i read this like 4 times so if there's any mistakes im sorry lol
tag list
@iloveyou3000morgan @leclercdream @myescapefromthislife
(if you're interested in being added to my taglist for all my works please reach out! i didnt tag anyone who only requested to be tagged for specific parts of my other work!
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actual-changeling · 5 months
Welcome to:
We need to talk about Michael
The first post can be found right here, and I do recommend reading it first because otherwise you might not know what exactly I am talking about. As previously announced, we will now have a look at Michael, Uriel, and Gabriel in season two because our Archangels might not be as loyal as the Metatron thinks.
Part 2: Common Ground
I will start with the Apocalypse #2 meeting and the trial, since chronologically it happens right before season two, and we need the conclusions I will come to for later.
The plan for the apocalypse itself is something I've already talked about in a different meta post and there's even more to discuss, but to not get too off-topic, we'll leave it at "earth gets destroyed, heaven and hell go to war" for this one.
I don't know about you, but for me the trial has always felt... off, in a way, and I couldn't put my finger on why exactly—now I have a theory: The entire conversation around Gabriel saying 'no' was orchestrated, not just by himself but by him and Michael.
Armageddon is prevented and Gabriel falls in love with Beelzebub, who is unfortunately the prince of hell and thus the Enemy tm in theory. Practically, heaven and hell work closely with each other, and which angel he knows has established direct contact with dukes of hell?
So Gabriel goes to her and together they talk to Beez to come up with a plan, because Michael wants Gabriel out of heaven just as much as he wants to leave heaven. Michael wants his job.
The solution is surprisingly simple: Find a way to make Gabriel fall, who then gets to be princess of hell and Beelzebub's sugar baby, Beelzebub gets to be with Gabriel all the time, and Michael—as duty officer and thus second in command—gets a promotion, taking the role of Supreme Archangel; they can keep working on their own plan with even more resources and influence.
Now they just need to find something grand enough to make THE Supreme Archangel falls, and nothing is better than the Great Plan, or rather, Gabriel refusing to stick to it. This is how we land in the middle of that fateful meeting.
Obviously, everything I am about to show and explain comes down to personal interpretation, but it feels pretty sound to me.
Angels can lie. Angels can lie really well, especially Archangels whose entire job description is to keep up elaborate lies and cover stories in order to keep the system running. I watched the meeting and focused on Michael, her facial expressions, and the eye contact she makes throughout.
As they are about to reach the 'everything ends, amen' part of it, Michael and Gabriel share a look:
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We get a wonderful close-up of Michael right after, and to me this looks very much like a smile, a tiny rush of excitement before they begin acting on their shared plan. Then another one when he closes his eyes. It is the timing of the looks that makes me think they're purposeful and not just casual.
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And apropos timing, I have re-watched the same two seconds at different speeds like fifty times now and Michael opens her eyes before Gabriel says 'nah'. BEFORE. Saraqael does not open theirs until after, but Michael opens them on his inhale, which sounds like the beginning of Amen, so she couldn't have known what he was going to say right there and then—unless she already did.
Which means she was expecting it, this was an intentional acting choice on Doon's part.
The entire conversation after does not feel like a fight, it doesn't feel like Michael is surprised by his decision. The looks they give each other SCREAM sibling banter, and I know that because I see my sister and me in them.
"I told you you could ask" with that teasing grin and Michael looking up afterwards like "God give me strength to deal with this idiot". No anger, no disappointment, no confusing, nothing. Just mild annoyance over his behaviour.
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Then, when Gabriel drops his "only Archangel in the Universe" line, does Michael look angry? Furious? ANYTHING?
No. She smiles. It is all going according to plan and Gabriel is being a little shit, but she cares about him.
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Once we reach the cleaning roster, there are more looks.
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Like this one before we get a close-up of Gabriel, followed by a blink and you will miss it side-eye; then the lasting look Michael gives him, not annoyed but rather checking in.
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Uriel sounds properly annoyed, she looks genuinely frustrated and upset with Gabriel, which makes Michael's behaviour seem even more out of line.
To summarize what we've got so far: Michael and Gabriel came up with a plan so he could go to hell and be with Beez while Michael would take over as Supreme Archangel in heaven. In order to do so, they had to find a fire-worthy offense, and saying 'no' to heaven's Great Plan and victory over everyone and everything certainly did the trick.
For now, it's all going according to plan. However, that won't last.
I am far from done talking about this, so with a big sigh—disappointed but not surprised—I will continue this in a third part, which will be all about the trial.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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feralforfruit · 2 years
The Garden 🪴🐝
♡︎Go read the intro here♡︎
Pairings: Tangerine and Ladybug x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, threesome, lot of cursing, daddy kink ofc
Word Count: 2.8k words.
You wake up to a loud banging on your bedroom door. You groan and open your eyes in a squint from your rude awakening. You move your comforter to the side as you get up to walk to the doorknob. You untwist the lock before opening it to see Lemon freeze his 20th knock.
“Why in the fuck are you still sleeping? God damnit, luv, you really need an alarm or something,” he says shaking his head. “Lemon, what’s going on?” you ask with a sleepy voice, rubbing your eyes.
He begins, “I lost my dvd for season 3 of Thomas and was wondering if you’ve seen it anywhere?”
“Is that really why you came to my side of the house, banging at my door like you’re dying?” you ask with a confused frown.
“Well I obviously didn't come here to look at your cute little bumblebee pajamas.” He motions to your small black tank top, with an embroidered bee on the middle below your chest line, with tiny yellow bumblebee shorts to match. He smirks, “But I’m glad I did. Best thing I’ve seen all week, honestly.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh. “No, I haven’t seen it. Have you checked your suitcase from the last job? You probably forgot it in there since you take fucking forever to unpack.”
Lemon eyes almost pop out of his head while he pratically jumps on you to engulf your face in a huge embrace. He peppers what seems like a million kisses on the top of your scalp due to your height difference before finally releasing you and sprinting towards his room. You shake your head with a smile before yelling, “Don’t run in the house!! The floors just got waxed!” You hear a thud from across the corridor that you can’t see with a “I’m okay!!” in the distance before he continues his search. 
You decide that since you’re already up, you should just head downstairs for some food. You grab your slides from the entrance of your bedroom before making your way to the kitchen. Sitting at the kitchen island are Ladybug and Tangerine having some lunch. They both turn around to see who came into the room and immediately they both start smiling widely in surprise and whistling at the sight of your new pj's. You can’t help but laugh and blush at their ridiculous reaction to your new favorite investment. “Give us a twirl, darling!” Tangerine shouts and you follow his command with a blowing of a kiss. Ladybug grabs his heart dramatically swooning at your actions while Tangerine reaches out for your hand to pull you closer to them. “Oh, BB, is this what you’ve been spending your paychecks on? Those are adorable!” Ladybug says moving his hand to touch the loose fabric on the end of the shorts. “Damn, good quality, too. Might need to get some myself.” You giggle at his comments before saying, “Thank you, lovebug. I just had it delivered, yesterday.”
“Well, you need to get a shit ton more because if I don’t wake up every day to this, I’m going to be fucking pissed off.” Tangerine states while gawking at you, rubbing his mustache as looks at you up and down. Yuichi comes into the room with his head down on his phone. “Yuichi, look at BB!” Ladybug snaps causing him to look up swiftly and he smiles softly admiring how cute you look. He walks up to you and rubs your back up and down with one hand. “These new, Hachi?” he says staring at your figure. You bite your lip and nod before asking, “You like it?” He nods slowly, “I love it.” He pecks your temple gently and moves his hand back to his pockets. “I got to go now, Wataru is waiting for me to pick him up from school. I’ll be back, later.” He makes his way out the door. “Bye, Yuichi!” everyone yells before he closes the front door.
Tangerine grabs you by the waist and pulls you into the space between his legs. “What has our BB planned out for the day, hmm?” He asks while squeezing at the ends of your hips. “Well, I wanted to grab something to eat. You guys got us some takeout for lunch?” You peek at the marble behind them, seeing huge ‘THANK YOU’ bags laid out with styrofoam takeout containers opened with pasta inside. “Yeah, we decided to let you take a break from cooking today since it is our day off.” Ladybug says while bringing his hand up to your cheek to squeeze it lightly. “Wanted our Bumblebee to relax today.”
“My favorite alfredo pasta! Aww, thank you guys!” you say grabbing Tangerine’s face and pecking his cheek, then doing the same to Ladybug immediately after, in gratitude.
You move away from them to grab yourself a plate from the cupboard, serving yourself with a fork before eating it happily in the seat between them.
When you finished, you wiped your face with a napkin before getting up and placing the plate in the dishwasher. Tangerine got up to do the same and when he looked at your top, he paused you and motioned you towards him. “Oh, gorgeous, look what you did. Got a bit of sauce on ya. Let me help you.” He wraps his large hands around your hips and pulls you up in a free space on the counter. You squeal at his sudden actions.
“Tan, what are you doing?” You giggle but he shushes you. “Got to get it off before it stains, luv.” He says, keeping his eyes on you while he moves his head down. He brings his tongue out and slowly starts licking at the bit of your top that sits right above the most sensitive part of your breasts. Your breath starts to hitch as he tries sucking out at the spot. You can’t believe the pool that is already beginning to form in your panties even though he hasn’t touched the sensitive bud that is protruding so close to his mouth. He finally pulls away and clicks his tongue in disappointment. “Ladybug, have a look at this, will ya?” Tangerine says still keeping his eyes entirely on you.
Ladybug gets up and walks to your side of the kitchen island, now he too is staring at the stain. “Man, that is pretty bad.” Ladybug then brings his thumb up and rubs at the stain, causing you to shiver at his touch. “I reckon we need to take it off, don’t we?” Tangerine’s fingers ran along the waistline of the top. “Oh yeah, definitely. We need to get it washed before it gets any worse.” Ladybug says while nodding back as if he confirmed his diagnosis. Tangerine smirks, “You heard the man, luv?”
Oh, you know exactly what they’re trying to do and man they’re good. Tangerine starts hooking his fingers and pulling your top over your head, your bare tits falling gracefully. Tangerine winks and walks off to take it in the direction of the laundry room. You’re left alone with Ladybug who immediately starts moving your thighs apart and gripping them to his sides with your body now pressed against his. “Gotta cover you up somehow, BB?” He says with his iconic wide smile while pulling you off the counter with your arms and legs wrapped all around his upper half. “Where are you taking me, lovebug?” You whisper in his ear. He responds, “You’ll see.”
He walks silently for a minute before kicking a bedroom door open. He finally places you down gently with your back still away from the scenery. He closes the door leaving it open slightly. You turn around and gasp at the beautiful setup in front of you. Ladybug starts hugging you from behind while chuckling at your reaction. In front of you is a lovely display of a dimly lit chandelier with a room full of gorgeous red furniture with white rose petals surrounding the whole carpet. In the middle is a king-sized bed, with silk black sheets that are dying to be slept in. You’ve never seen this room before since you spend most of your time in The Hivemind. You didn’t think there could be a room so relaxing and sensual in your own home.
“We were planning hard on what to do on our day off.” Ladybug states softly in your ear. You smile and ask, “We?” Then you hear the door creak and close. “Yes, we, darling.” That accent coming closer is now facing you, moving closer with every slow step. He brings his hands to your cheeks. “Got to show our girl how much we appreciate her.” He says before his lips become one with yours in an instant.
Tangerine’s mustache gives the sweetest tickles all over your mouth as Ladybug starts kissing your neck. You feel the warm hands of Ladybug moving up towards your breasts, massaging them. His index finger on each hand rubbed each nipple making you moan into Tangerine’s delicious lips. Tangerine takes this opportunity to let his tongue slide into your mouth. Even with all this contact, your body begins whimpering, begging for more. Upon hearing this, Tangerine and Ladybug open their eyes to give each other a look and both start to pull away slowly. “C’mon, BB, let's get you comfortable.” Ladybug says as he lightly spanks you.
He and Tangerine begin to guide you towards the bed. You crawl onto the biggest bed you’ve ever been on in your life. You lay your head against the softest pillows with your legs slightly bent up. You watch as each of the men undress. You are drooling at every layer they shed and need to bite your thumb to keep you contained. After they are fully stripped, Tangerine arrives on your left side and Ladybug to your right. They begin touching your body softly as they get comfortable. Before you know it, they start kissing you passionately, each taking turns on your lips, your neck, and your breasts.
“You really like this, huh? You like being our good little whore, sweetheart?” Ladybug says with a heavy, rough voice you’ve never experienced from him before. You moan and nod into Tangerine’s lips while you squeeze your thighs together, trying to gain some relief from the building excitement. Tangerine pulls away and moves his hands down to your hips. He grabs both your underwear and shorts in one swift movement, throwing them across the room. He begins to hook your thighs into his arms and pulls you towards him, roughly. You squeal loudly in surprise at the sudden action. Tangerine parts your legs wide and begins to position himself to your entrance; rubbing up and down your pussy. Looking up at you he says, “God, you look so fucking sexy all spread out for us. You’re god damn dripping. You’ve been dreaming of this, haven’t you? Fucking slut, you better be ready for me.” You nod eagerly, needy eyes staring deep into his.
He slides into you while groaning loudly, “Ugh so fucking tight, gotta give you a nice proper fuck now, don’t I?” He tightly grabs your hips, slamming his cock into you with a sheer force that has you moaning in a way that you can feel your own voice echoing back. Ladybug moves down to your tit and puts it in his mouth, sucking and flicking your nipple with his tongue. As he does so, his hand is moving down to your clit, rubbing circles exactly where you want it. “Yes! Oh, lovebug, that feels so good!” You throw your head back, experiencing a pleasure so heightened, that you can already feel your orgasm brewing at a pace that has never been achieved.
Tangerine begins to pound you faster in a perfect rhythm. “Oh fuck! Daddy, please don’t stop, just like that! YES!” you scream with heavy pants in between every word. “Fuck yeah, take my fucking cock. Beg for my cum, slut. I’m gonna spill it all inside, fucking beg for it!” he says while Ladybug spanks your clit. “Do as he says, my dear. You want to cum, too, don’t you? Do it.” Ladybug rubs your bud a bit faster which leads a huge O to appear on your face. “I’m so close! Please cum with me, daddy! Cum inside me, daddy!” you grip the sheets tightly to hold onto your climax a little more for him. His thrusts get rougher and rougher. “Ahhh fuckkkk!” His huge load begins to fill you up, but he is still hitting you with deep, hard thrusts. This sends you over the edge, giving you the biggest orgasm you’ve ever experienced in your life. All the sensations, leave your mind blank and your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Ladybug kisses your cheeks and rubs your head softly, trying to calm down your shaking body.
Tangerine starts pulling out of you slowly, groaning at the release. “Holy shit, dunno how I even lasted up to now.” He lets out a breathy chuckle and looks up at Ladybug. “Well, you’re up now, mate.” He pats his friend’s shoulder before getting up and grabbing a cig with his lighter. “I’ll be on the balcony having a smoke, call me when your done, yeah?” He walks off with his sexy bare ass on full display. Ladybug smiles and strokes your cheek with his thumb. “Don’t worry, BB, I’ll be a little more gentle. Just take a deep breath for me and enjoy.” He pecks your lips so sweetly. Your chest is still red and heaving from your last orgasm, but for some reason, you feel the knot that just went loose inside you begin to tangle again under his touch. Just the way he is looking at you have you spreading your legs wide for him, ready for his love. He positions himself, his face still hovering over yours, looking deep into your eyes. His mouth gapes slightly at the contact and your legs interlock around his hips causing him to bottom out on you. He somehow still stretches you out deliciously in this new position. He begins to thrust in a sensual and steady rhythm that makes you feel every pulse going through the both of you. With every intimate thrust, you both are moaning messes in each other’s ears. “So good for me, BB! So fucking good, oh god.” He moves his lips from your ears to your lips, kissing you passionately while moving his hips faster. Your whimpers are muffled by his tongue and you can feel yourself getting closer. Ladybug pulls away with a pant, “You think you’re ready for one more load, babygirl?” You nod, your foreheads pressing together. You grip his biceps to hang onto reality. “Yes, oh my love, please… Please give me your cum. I’m s-so close.” 
He grips onto the headboard and continues to thrust deeply into you. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna fucking blow right into you, baby! Holy shit!” He grunts as your hands move to his back, scratching at the surface. “Oh, fill me up, Daddy! Make me cum again, YES!” You moan loudly as your second orgasm washes over you along with his hot thrusts pumping you full of his cum. “Oh, fuck! Don’t. Spill. A. Fucking. Drop.” He says within his final deep thrusts. He pants and falls beside you on the bed. You both are taking a minute to catch your breath before he motions you to come closer for a cuddle. “Tangerine! Get your perky ass back here! It’s cuddle time, stop fucking up your lungs!” He shouts as Tangerine puts his cig out and walks back into the bed. “Mate, you’re gonna fuck up your lungs with how god damn loud you’re shoutin'.” He chuckles and cuddles up beside you and pecks your shoulder softly. “Not as bad as you though, luv, that’s for fucking sure.” You giggle weakly. “I love you guys.” You kiss each one of them sweetly on the lips. “Thank you for giving me the best day off ever.”
* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
A/N: AHHHHHHH, you have no fucking idea how much fun it was to write this. I am literally shaking with excitement for you guys to read this and I am even more excited to keep this series going. The next part is already sorta planned out, but I won’t spill too much about it. All I’m saying is that… it's a mission. <3
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circuitspeeder · 1 month
I did enjoy it, but this is a rant post. My opinions might change later gonna be fr.
What the fuck was that-
It peaked at the beginning..
Fuck yea I still enjoyed it but god did the time restrictions kick them in the teeth.
But that’s it? That all? Would personally rather have 50 Tex’s kick me in my non existent balls than have that be the end. 21 years and it’s over like that…
RvB zero ref made me wanna kms. Gonna be fr..
I can’t help but feel Matt purposely asked for both Sarge and Doc to get killed by the end. Still pissed me the fuck off, but at the absolute least Sarge died saving a blue.
I did enjoy grif and Simmons this season. They definitely felt way closer and carried, but having grif leave was… a choice. Didn’t we already fucking do that and he realized it was fucking stupid??
Caboose’s VA ate. Even if it wasn’t the OG he did good imo..
Carolina and Tex fighting together was sick asf. I did get unbelievably hard when her theme started playing.
Everything was solved way too fast. Again the hour 20 minutes fucked them over hard.
I did love Tex and Church (Allison and Leonard) Finally getting to fucking rest together, and for Tex to finally get to complete her goal as this one was based on the reds and blues memories.
Gonna be fr would prefer seasons 15-17 back… NOT 18. Will take 19 over 18.
God them killing sarge and doc was so fucking dumb, and donut not being there aside from 2 mentions pissed me the fuck off.
Tucker was just suddenly fine, we also have no idea how the fuck he got taken over.
This feels like it was just trying to end it. They just wanted to get it over with.
They fucked over sigma again. Was so hype to see him because his story was never given a proper end, but fuck me I guess..
I wasn’t expecting peak. My expectations were in the middle, and it mostly maintained my expectations, till you realize how they just kept running out of time and you weren’t going to get the answers you wanted.
Just what the fuck. The fact that it’s it. That’s how it ends just pisses me off. I can’t even imagine how it feels for the fans who have been here for decades.
Anyways, shit was beyond mid. Peace out, gonna go die.
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mythtakens · 12 days
here are my Eddie Diaz specific wishes for the beginning of season 8 because the only way out is through and if I think too hard about where this season as a whole ended up and that bizarre lackluster finale I’ll have an out of body experience:
have this Eddie and Chris storyline actually mean something. if you’re gonna do this drastic traumatic thing in such a rushed way you have to do something with it. Could some time apart be good? sure! maybe! but don’t just have Chris gone and offscreen not speaking to his dad and never seen at all until they arbitrarily decide Eddie has done enough penance that he can be narratively rewarded by having his son back.
as good of a dad as Eddie is and as much as he wants to give Chris the space there’s still a big difference between not breaking down the door of a bedroom and a distance of 1000+ miles for months. let him go to Texas as the PARENT. bring Chris into the narrative. he’s older and more aware now, so have his decisions matter. have him face the reality of living with the Diaz parents who historically are probably not going to give him the freedom and respect he’s used to and let it become clear how different Eddie has always been in his approach to him… show us some flashbacks of Eddie’s own childhood, let Chris come to a deeper understanding of his father! let them actually talk about Shannon and what happened with Kim in a real way… let him fully realize his dad isn’t perfect but he tries so hard and let Chris recognize him as human and the value of what Eddie gives through that. if it’s about Gavin’s availability something like this can still be achieved in an arc of a few episodes if it’s given actual time and focus
let Eddie have a real confrontation with his parents about all of this. They flew from Texas to California in the middle of the night without a word to their own adult son and acted like it was their right to let a 13 year old make the call about his own parenting while Eddie was vulnerable and panicking. Without prior knowledge of the situation, without letting anything cool down. Let him tell them that was THE WRONG THING TO DO! Don’t have him get interrupted, don’t let them talk over him about how they know better, don’t let one of them drop dead while he’s letting his emotions out. Eddie always feels like he’s being punished when he does something for himself because, well, the narrative punishes him. DON’T PUNISH HIM.
let him tell Helena how deeply it hurt him when she said he was dragging Christopher down with him all those years ago and how this felt like a second instance of that, let him feel betrayed by the way Ramon handled this situation regarding HIS fatherhood and HIS son after all the time they’ve spent working on their own relationship, let him tell them they DON’T know better than him because he makes mistakes because they did too! let him tell them he’s a good father! let him feel like a good father! he is one!
if you want to explore who Eddie is when he doesn’t have Chris and only has himself to look after then actually do it. let him look after himself. For himself. don’t have him only be miserable and still feeling like a failure months later, don’t let him keep circling the drain just idealizing what he and Shannon had. Devin is great but my god… we need to let Shannon rest. As nuts as it was I tried to roll with the doppleganger storyline because I thought well, at least this will lead somewhere and ultimately be a catharsis even if it’s wild. but like then even that wasn’t fully formed and was twisted into a punishment and fresh trauma so?? whether he finally goes to some sort of grief group or gets to heal his inner child or whatever else, let him actually get something out of also making himself a priority in his own life and quit repeatedly destroying the ground under his feet and blaming himself with no end in sight
does Eddie deserve to get to a more mentally healthy place (especially after whatever the fuck all that was)? yeah! is healing linear? absolutely not, and I do love that this show doesn’t shy away from that with everyone’s respective trauma. but mental health is also not a game of punishments and rewards where keeping his own son around is what he gets for whatever passes for model behavior as decided by his parents and an emotional teenager. nobody has to earn the right to love or happiness or to keep raising their own child by sanding down all of their jagged edges and they’re usually very good about showing that so give him that same grace
okay this isn’t Eddie but literally fucking stop… repeatedly torturing Hen and Karen and their children. Stop it. stop. Right now. Stop.
kill Gerrard in a sharknado
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usedpidemo · 6 months
the craziest christmas party ive ever attended...(storytime!)
God, the flu fucking sucks. Imagine being healthy for three straight years, working out as often as possible, and then the one time you get caught in the middle of a rain, the next day you begin falling ill. Headaches. Body aches. Cough. Dry throat. Completely zapped all my energy and three years of positive momentum just like that.
One week later, after several trips to the hospital, plenty of rest and medications in between, I was beginning to pick myself back up. If there was any silver lining, I lost weight during that time period because I couldn't eat anything. Even so, I still felt...off. I was forgetting things more often than usual, my clarity and awareness would disappear at random times, and it felt like my body was moving on its own. I felt like I had no control over myself.
This is practically the reason why I've kind of disappeared over the last month or so. The illness completely took me down and I've basically forgotten how to write :< Seriously, I feel like the main character in Memento, trying to pick up the pieces of what the hell happened. I'm getting better with each passing day, though, so hopefully this will all be behind me as we enter the holiday season.
Anyway, it's not often that this country gets to host an international entertainment event, let alone one of the premier Korean awards. No idea, I don't really watch these things at all. The idea of seeing so many K-pop acts and actors in one setting appealed to me. Not to mention the actual lineup? NewJeans! Le sserafim! Mother Eunbi! Itzy! Stayc! Kep1er! Kim Sejeong! Many of these acts are either making their stage debut or have returned numerous times. This was easily a must attend. Who knows when we'll get another opportunity like this, especially after the controversy and backlash surrounding the handling of the ceremony.
I got fortunate buying the tickets. To be fair, they were expensive by local concert standards; 50 USD at the very back to 450 for VIP, which is a significant punch up compared to a typical K-pop concert even solo held in the very same arena. Not to mention, the site automatically picks the tickets for you, rather than give buyers the freedom of choice to select specific seats. It also helps that the pricing turned plenty of people off, on top of previous negative experiences in that arena for other fans. Even better was when I actually entered the venue; since there were so many vacant seats during the beginning, we were moved up to the very front, right where the artists were all seated ahead of us.
Honestly. Shitty camera aside, the scenes were priceless.
I admit I mostly went for the female acts, especially my girlies Le sserafim and Eunbi, but I've learned to give so much respect and appreciate everyone who performed. Regardless of their status and popularity, nugu or main event, the crowd was electric and passionate: they would cheer, sing along to the songs, and interact with the performer when they would ask. There wasn't a dull moment all throughout the seven hour program.
Speaking of seven hours, I can see why I don't watch this shit live: it can be taxing to the mind and body. I had to get up during one of the longer awardings, one where they gave it to like 10 different artists just to stretch my legs. I respect what Wonyoung, Daniel, and Hanbin did to host, cause I'm pretty sure either way my legs would end up melting like jelly after everything that had transpired.
Man. NewJeans. Freaking NewJeans. I understand why they're so beloved and revered like they're the second coming: they truly love their fans. And holy shit, the pop from the audience when they entered the venue for the first time, and they were practically the main characters of the show. Every little thing they did was met with raucous applause. They waved at us like a dozen times all throughout the show and were having fun from beginning to end. Also, the crowd went fucking crazy for their performance. OMG into ETA is insanely hard.
AND THE AUDACITY TO FOLLOW UP NEWJEANS WITH MOTHERFUCKING LE SSERAFIM?! Best transition ever! Their set was even better than MAMA: Perfect Night (holy shit that choreo) into Eve, Psyche, and Bluebeard's Wife (holy shit that choreo). Their aura was through the roof! Unsurprisingly, they also had the crowd going nuclear.
I'm just gonna blitz through the section of favorite performances because if I had to describe them all this would be longer than any of my fics in recent times. Kim Jaejoong is a fucking legend and I was shook when he transitioned from balladeer to a goddamn rockstar. The opening with &Team and SB19 with Gento set the tone for the rest of the show. Kep1er's dance breaks. GOD. I wish it wasn't accompanied with flashing lights cause they were so fucking hot. Mother Kwon Eunbi proved why she's goddamn mother! ITZY had me singing fucking Cake of all songs. AKMU was quirky and fun and thats why I love K-pop. Also, the sibling dynamic reminded me of my rather strange and turbulent relationship with my sister. Just a random anecdote.
The ending was where shit was dialed up to eleven. I feel very lukewarm towards Stray Kids' newer releases post Back Door, but they absolutely brought the heat by opening with Maniac. Get Lit then Topline was when they brought everyone to their feet, including us the audience! And if that wasn't enough, here comes BooSeokSoon (BSS) to end the show on the perfect high. Like none of us were sitting down once it ended.
On top of all the performances, there's the interactions too. Oh man. I was hoping that Le sserafim, ITZY, Kep1er, or Eunbi—any combination of these—would be seated on our side, but we got NewJeans. And they kept interacting with us. So much. Every single member noticed me at least once and I somehow got Hanni on camera. Insanity. If that wasn't enough, NMIXX were also placed on our side, and Lily, Haewon, Bae, and Kyujin waved at us multiple times as well, including during the final goodbyes. STAYC's Yoon went around to wave to everyone in the audience during the intermission period, and after their initial entrance into the venue, Sumin and Seeun waved at us. I really wish I had my cameras on but I was so focused on capturing anyone's attention! It worked; I also got the attention of several other groups, from ZeroBaseOne to Tempest to SB19 to Sakurazaka46. They transferred Le sserafim over to our side late into the ceremony and I was hoping they would interact with us; it wasn't meant to be. I don't have any negative feelings cause I still got copiously blessed with so many other acts.
I don't know what's gonna happen moving forward. Considering the backlash and issues that have sprung in regards to the handling of the ceremony, there's a good likelihood an award show of this scale will ever be hosted again. Or maybe the energy shown by the crowd will inspire future ceremonies, like MAMA or Golden Disc. Who knows. What I do know is that everything about this felt like both a dream and a movie. To see many of my favorites, gain respect for groups I hadn't heard of till last week, and just attend an award show in general is a damn good way to end the year.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
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Yandere Followers x G.N God Writer Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
(Hope you don't mind I did a deity reader rather than just a monster. They're favorite and I haven't done one since a wip I need to finish)
"Hello, everyone. I want to thank you all for your support and for requesting a meet and greet. As much as I'd love to have one, there is a minor problem. I am a lesser God sent by my elders to judge humanity before they wake and decide the fate of your kind."
"...Will it take place anywhere near CA? Getting plane tickets is kinda hard during this season so I need to know if I have to drive out." 
Billions of years have gone by since the dawn of time. Once a concept by beings beyond comprehension born to a new reality. Following its creation; the gods were laid to rest as they awaited their seeds to grow. Over time, one would awake with the dawn of a new millenia; to see how their garden has flourished. The youngest of the celestials; none other than you.
You wake for the thousandth time within the ruins of an old stone built structure. It obviously looked a bit better before you went to sleep, but time can bring many changes. As you stretch, you hear rummaging through the debris. A dozen mortals surround you within a flash; all looking upon you with varying degrees of emotion. 
Some cowarded. Some pointed weapons at you. Some took pictures, but all shielded their eyes at the sight of your face. Somewhere within the small crowd, one of them stepped towards you. The leader of the group, from how he held himself and how matter-of-factly he pushed his glass up the bridge of his nose. Clearing his throat, he begins to speak. 
"Good morning. You may not know me, but you have met an ancestor of mine in the past. My team and I have been searching for you for decades, and it seems we have found you right as you've woken up. I need you no harm, and wish to help you as you did him in the past."
You vaguely piece together his little speech. Most human languages had traces of your mother tongue, but were always a bit hard to translate at first. At the end of his rambling, he gestures for you to follow him; two members of his team hesitantly walking up to you and placing a blanket over your shoulder - having to stand on their toes in the process. 
You follow along without complaint. The guns they had trained on you likely were for their own comfort, and they probably couldn't do much to you either. They could also help you begin the task at hand, since there were so many of them in one place.
They bring you on to a helicopter; you marveling at the metal bird. Society had developed alot since your last trip. That was a good sign. As you head off to the next location, the director tries to make conversation, but your eyes remain on the seat beside him - a familiar item nestled upon it. Noticing this, he smiles a bit. 
"Are you looking at my book? Do you like to read?"
Books - that's right. You often forget the exact name for smaller things. Books were very helpful to your mission. Records of humankind and their achievements. Actual historical pieces, or just scraps of a diary all had their importance. You even found interest in the fictional stories as they were a nice way to pass the time.
The man hands the book to you. It had a little boy on a planet on its cover. "It's my favorite book. Read it all the time. I can get you as many as you'd like."
True to his word, the human supplied you with hundreds. Xavier Carter, as you'd come to know. Within the little glass prison made for you, the layout of a small apartment had been built. Tapping on the thick glass was amusing, especially since you could walk straight through. A bed, table, and various activities for you to do were placed inside; your most favorite being your own little personal library. 
It was made of five ceiling shelves, positioned to circle around a chair in the middle. A large assortment of literature was laid out for you. From fairytales to books on psychics. You read through them all in record time, enjoying each more than the last. 
The fictitious tales become your favorites. You loved the creativity of the human mind, and the worlds they built. In a way, it reminded you of what you and your kin had done in the first place. As you finished the last book, you craved more, but from a different perspective. You wanted to be the one to write your own story, curious as to where your mind would go in the process. Upon your next meeting with Xavier, you asked him for a notebook.
"These are amazing, Y/n!"
Xavier sat in a folding chair across from you, your latest story in his hand. He hardly treated you like a research subject, and more like a friend. Visiting you at late hours of the day for a random chat; bring you whatever you asked. 
A group of soldiers stood at the door of the room, their weapons at their hips and uv glasses over their eyes. Everyone in the compound had the understanding you could do great harm at the snap of your fingers, but knew of your passiveness and curiosity as well.
"We should start you a blog page."
"..A blog?"
"Yea, a blog." Xavier repeats. "You know, post them online. Your stories are too great to be kept in this dreary place. I'm sure the world would love you!... In regardless to your stories of course."
A soldier speaks up. "Sir, are you sure that's a wise decision?"
"Oh, hush. I'm sure nobody will figure out a thing. This is all on you of course, Y/n."
You think for a moment; your answer already in mind. The idea of others reading what you work had you feeling like never before. You wondered if you could inspire others, like that had to you. The room rose in heat as you gave your best impression of a smile. 
You write more and more over time; Xavier taking every one and copying them online. You didn't hear much about it at first, but the thrill of finishing a new story was all you needed. One day, Xavier entered the room with a smile wider than usual. He set a few papers on your desk, pointing for you to read.
"This was really good! Excited to see what you write about in the future, Q." 
You look up at Xavier, who nearly stomped his feet in excitement. 
"This is from your first fan! I mean, you have more as you'll see, but I thought the first one might be special. I'm so happy for you!"
You sort through the pages, finding more words of praise to follow. 
"I love your usage of words." 
"I felt like I was right in the middle of the story." 
"When will you write your next post?" 
Page after page of similar adoration. You didn't know the proper word for it, but it was such a feeling of refreshment. Outside of your goal, you didn't spend much time for yourself; something you've only acknowledged as of recently. It was an exciting new world to explore, one you'd explore through the use of a paper and pen.
Xavier brings you more comments to read. You even start responding to a couple. They're all so nice; especially that Q person that pops up on occasion. A few of the guards even read your stories, and would mention them as they walked by. Eventually, Xavier decided enough is enough and brought you a laptop in protest of the head of the facility; his very own father. The old man gave in as he had a soft spot for his only son, and the deity that was the inspiration for the building in the first place all those years ago.
It's nice to be able to respond to your followers yourself; almost, more personal in a way. They're happy to hear from you, and read your stories; building a small community around it. Q and a few others even helped you make your own website as they had experience in the field. You always expected a nasty comment somewhere along the line, but never got a single one; the mortals seemingly coming together to form a peaceful space around the one they admired. 
It didn't take long before they began to ask for a meet and greet, or at least something else about you. Where you grew up; what was your favorite thing to eat. You weren't exactly born per se. One moment you didn't exist, and the next you did; a wandering star in the reality created by your elders. You also didn't have a mouth, so you couldn't answer their other question. 
With good reason, you feared telling them who you truly were. There was a possibility they wouldn't believe you and laugh, and on the rare chance they did, what would their responses be? You grew a little recluse at this time; sad you couldn't give them what they wanted when they would give you their all. As you wallowed in self doubt, you received a message from your first fan one late night. 
"Hey, I noticed you haven't been that active recently. Is everything alright? Is there anything I can do? We're all here for you, and understand if you need a break. Love you, Q."
You reread the last part of their message multiple times. Your fans had declared their love for you many times, quite often as of recently, but this one felt different; truly genuine. You knew they all were, but this was the one to make you realize that. Swallowing your fears, you make an announcement the next morning."
"Hello, everyone. You all know me as Stargazer88, or Y/n as I've mentioned in the past. I want to thank you all for the support you've given me the following months. It's come to my attention that a few of you wish for a meet and greet, and as much as I'd like to give you one - there is a small issue. I am one of the lesser gods of your realm, sent to monitor your kind as a messenger for when they wake. I'm also locked in what I think to be a government prison for extraterrestrials. I realize how odd this sounds - but it is my truth." 
You sit back in your chair, waiting for your first reply. Anxiety fills your stomach. You wonder if you should just delete the post. As you thumb the mousepad, a message pops up. 
"That's so cool." 
More flood in.
"That's okay! We love you either way!"
"That one story you wrote about a lonely comet felt personal in some way. Was it about you?"
"I fucking knew it. You're too charming to be from here."
"So will the meet and greet happen or not, but plane tickets are hard to get, and I prefer car travel anyway.' 
You're quick to respond, surprised they seem to believe you or not. 
"This is not a joke. I really am a deity." 
"Who said you were lying, lol." 
"You were always a God in my eyes anyway." 
Out of belief they were fooling with you, you turn on your webcamera to take a photo. One thing that had yet to be mentioned, was that in place of a normal face you instead had the image of a literal star. It was too hot for humans to withstand if they got too close, and looking at it without protection was the same as looking at the sun on a smaller scale. 
As one might expect, your picture came out about the same as taking one of that ball of glass. Your hand held up in a peace sign was barely visible, and the whole thing was blurry from the bright light of your face. Regardless, you posted it. 
"Do you need a better camera? I'll send you one" 
"Can't wait to see you in person." 
More love kept pouring in. Whether people believed you or not was still a question on your mind, but in the end they all still cared for you. Your loyal fans, willing to do anything for you.
Eric panted heavily within his closet hideout; hand clamped tightly over his mouth to quiet himself. His phone screen lit up with the pop up of a new notification, a panicked yelp leaving him as he swiped it away to continue reading the message on the board.
"Holy shit, did somebody actually find that guy's address - frogmagician"
"Yup. I posted it a few times in the chat already. Had some people go check his house out too. - the_little_prince"
"It's what he deserves for questioning them, but we should go too far just yet. - plaguemellow34"
"Did anyone ever ban his account by the way? - Q"
Eric let out a muffled sob. Like many would, he saw your message as a joke, and called you out on it. All he did was tell you to cut the shit, but the second he sent it, the reply had been erased. He received a few emails telling him not to question you; strange as he didn't even use his main to send the message. From that moment, he had felt that people had watching him - waiting. He couldn’t even go outside anymore without feeling like eyes were on his back, his internet life no different. It was when he went on your fanpage that he found out what was going on.
A knock on his door sent chills down his spine, and a silent prayer to the gods. 
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mediacircuspod · 11 months
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“The Magic Trick You Didn’t See” is an essay written by an author who is on Tumblr, user ariaste. I think it’s a very well put together argument for “The Book of Life Theory” that has merit. However, I think there might be too much editing going on. I will explain.
I want to start this by being completely honest. I’m not sold on any theories because in the past I was so incredibly wrong about countless theories on Game of Thrones that made complete sense, I swear. But also were me just making up reasons for how the story could go my way. I’m actually really into the concept of “wait and see” because it places me firmly in the seat of “audience” or “consumer” and those are, in my opinion, the best seats in the house. 
So I’m not really a subscriber to the coffee theory or the book of life theory or the body switch theory, NOT because I don’t think they’re true or smart or have merit, but because I would genuinely like to “wait and see”. Even if that wait is until 2027. I waited this long for season 2, I’m not afraid of a few years for a good story.
Anyway, go read the very long, but very intelligent google doc, because even if you’re not sure about the theory, it has some REALLY cool meta, and some interesting easter eggs that you might have missed upon viewing the season the first go around, the very long document is HERE.
Alright here’s some highlights. Basically the essay is about how The Metatron could be pulling strings on Season Two with the help of “The Book of Life” for a number of reasons. Corresponding evidence being the lack of God’s narration, Maggie as a character, Eccles Cakes, and a whole lot of meticulous details. I really, really love the format of the essay too, but that’s just me being a nerd about magic tricks and “The Prestige” as a concept and as a movie. 
Where I diverge on this theory is simply how liberally it is applied, as well as the use of “bad” to describe certain ways of writing. And this is where my hot take kind of lies; I don’t think Good Omens 2 was bad. On purpose or by accident. I’m not saying my opinion is right, I’m just stating that that is where my perspective comes from. Now. Let’s get into why I like this essay. 
It’s so cool. And detailed. And smart. I love reading things that connect dots and describe a persons critical thought process, and wow, this essay is incredible at doing all of that. The sheer amount of information I learned from taking the time to read it gave me a lot of insight about the things I missed on my watch of the season. I found I was a lot more distracted by the Austen-esque pacing than the author of the essay who noticed things like disappearing eccles cakes, how no one else’s power went out during Crowley’s lightning storm and a load of other things. But also, being “along for the ride” made me kind of protective of the story being told. Because Season 2 isn’t the beginning, middle, and end of a story, like season 1 was. It is the “quiet, gentle, and romantic” middle of a plot sandwhich.
In any case, the essay poses quite a few things. The only major issue I have is the idea that The Book of Life can alter will, and not just situation. I don’t think Crowley or Aziraphale are changed by the Book of Life. Their actions seem distinctly them throughout the entire season, which is exactly why the season needed to end on the note it did. Obviously from a story point, we need Aziraphale to go to heaven for what I imagine is the conflict of season 3; The Second Coming. But from an internal perspective, Aziraphale’s character demanded to make that decision. It wasn’t out of character, it was distinctly in character. And yes, he could have been influenced, or manipulated, or hiding something, but he’s been affected by all of those ideas for the entirety of his existence anyway. He’s had 6000 years of The Heavenly Host manipulating him, and he’s had exactly 4 years of being on his own side(openly) with Crowley. He’s going to still be susceptible to their tactics, especially if they say exactly what he’s been wanting to hear for his whole existence. “We were wrong, and you were right.” Metatron really pulled out every stop of the proper apology except for the little dance. We were wrong about you, We were wrong about how to run things, We were wrong about Crowley. You can come back and you can bring him and you can fix everything. Crowley refusing isn’t heaven’s fault, they still offered. It’s Crowley who rejected Aziraphale. (For good reason, but that’s not what this meta is about.) I made a post about Crowley and his relationship to forgiveness HERE, if you were interested.
So maybe things were changed by the book of life, the analysis on the opening credits is amazing, like great job. But I don’t know if they were. But that’s literally just me holding onto the plot of season 2 and shouting from the top of my lungs, “ITS ACTUALLY GOOD THOUGH BECAUSE I LIKE IT AND WHAT IT SETS UP” And who knows, we might be all wrong and what actually happened is that the whole thing was a very detailed dream that Aziraphale wrote down in one of his journals.
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ltwharfy · 9 months
Long Post of Random Thoughts on Finishing "Gravity Falls"
Are you interested in reading a really long post where a middle-aged guy talks about a children’s cartoon that ended seven years ago? If so, you are in luck! I just finished watching “Gravity Falls” y’all! And here are a bunch of totally random thoughts about it:
-“I’ll have you know Duck-tective has a big mystery element! And a lot of humor that goes over kids’ heads!”- it was nice that the kids show that I became obsessed with over the past two months or so acknowledged the reasons adults might get obsessed with it. Also, Duck-tective has to be one of my favorite show-within-a-show premises. I’d definitely check it out!
-While I do love the humor of the show so much, it is really the mystery element- the ongoing story arc- that took me by surprise and eventually led to me bingeing the last eight episodes or so in one day. I just don’t remember animated kids comedies- or really, many kids shows of any type-when I was growing up that had ongoing story arcs like that. Kids shows where the episodes could be watched in any order and everything was always “back to normal” at the beginning of the next episode was the norm.
-I’ve been a fan of Kristen Schaal since she was on The Daily Show and eventually end up watching everything she’s in. So, the main thing I knew about Gravity Falls going into it was “Kristen Schaal does the voice of that girl”. As Louise Belcher is one of my favorite TV characters, I was worried- would I be able to forget about Louise while hearing Mabel? Yes, quite easily. Their personalities are so different! It was basically never an issue. I actually tried to listen for Mabel lines that sounded like Louise might say them and really only ended up with two that stuck out to me (“I high-five hard.” and “I AM THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION!”)
-Oh, but Louise would also want a grappling hook. And, honestly, she’d get as much or more use of it than Mabel did. Like I can think of a few episodes (and the movie…) where it could’ve been helpful. But I digress.
-One final Bob’s Burgers related point, there were a few things in season two that I just couldn’t help but wonder if they were references to Bob’s Burgers. First, the Jersey Shore hometown of Stan and Ford definitely made me think of Seymour’s Bay. And the Pines briefly have a burger phone in “The Stan-Churian Candidate”! On the other hand, both Jersey Shore towns and burger phones are real things that existed well before Bob’s Burgers and not every appearance of them is a reference to it. (But when you’ve also got Kristen Schaal involved…)
-And speaking of cast members who I remembered from other things, both Dipper and Wendy were voiced by actors from short-lived early 00s shows that I loved: Joan of Arcadia’s Jason Ritter and Freaks and Geeks’s Linda Cardellini. The fact that I will associate them with those shows is another indication that I am not in the target demographic of Gravity Falls! But, honestly, if I had known Linda Cardellini was also in this show, I might have checked it out sooner.
-And speaking of Dipper and Wendy, I really loved how they handled Dipper’s crush on her in season two. Their scene together at the end of “Into the Bunker” is so sweet, it just made me feel so much affection for both the characters and the folks who make the show. It would’ve been so easy to never really make any effort to resolve that plotline and instead just always have Dipper pathetically crushing on her for the whole show. Or make it a nerdy boy wish-fulfillment thing and have her actually return his feelings (which just wouldn’t’ve been realistic given their ages). Instead, I feel like they addressed it in a realistic and sensitive way, which was nice.
-Another thing I really appreciated was how they developed some of the supporting characters in season 2, particularly Old Man McGucket and Pacifica Northwest. I enjoyed those characters in season one, but pretty much assumed they would always stay in their stock character roles- crazy old man and mean rich girl, respectively. Instead, McGucket gets what I found to be some of the most moving scenes in the show- when he gets his memories back and when he reunites with Ford.
-And Pacifica! She’s honestly the character I find myself wondering the most about what happens to them after the show. She’s realized her family has been pretty horrible for generations. She stood up to her parents. Her family lost some of their money and had to sell their mansion (her dad pledging allegiance to Bill and investing in weirdness bonds is probably one of my favorite details from the finale). She’s becoming a teenager. And she lives in Gravity Falls full time. I just think her post-series finale life is gonna be pretty fascinating!
-And maybe that life will involve her getting romantically involved with Dipper? Yeah, I started shipping that after “Northwest Mansion Mystery”, and even though the show really didn’t give them any scenes together (which is understandable, there was a lot of other stuff going on) I still like it. I checked to see if there was fic about it on AO3 and immediately got freaked out because there is so dang much of it! Seriously, the number of Dipper/Pacifica fics on there is literally ten times the number of fics for my favorite Bob’s Burgers ship! What am I supposed to do with that?!
-So if the statement, “I’m looking for the ‘Be My Thrill’/’heaven help the fool who falls in love’ of Dipper/Pacifica fics” means something to you, and you have a recommendation, let me know.
-One supporting character I wish had been introduced earlier: Tad Strange, the most normal person in town. The name, the character design, the voice, all just amused me. It would’ve been fun if there was more of him.
-Speaking of supporting character designs that I loved: Toby Determined and his hat, with the press card that says “hat” instead of “press”. That literally always made me smile. I love it so much. It is one of my favorite cartoon character design details ever.
-Possibly the most random of observations: I can now think of four fictional characters named Mabel off the top of my head, but don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with that name in real life.
-I don’t have any kids of my own, but I do have a nephew, and now I am pretty excited about the possibility that I could be a Grunkle a few decades down the road. Hopefully, I’ll have my own Mystery Shack by then.
-Even though I know how the storyline ends now, I feel like this show has a high level of rewatchability for some point in the future. I’m sure there will be tons of details that I didn’t notice the first time around, and there are definitely more layers of it to peel back (I never paid attention to the codes/puzzles in the credits. Although, had I been watching this show when I was 10 I probably would’ve obsessed about them.)
-I can probably think of more things to say about this show and probably will, but this seems like enough for now. Thanks to Alex Hirsch and everyone involved in making the show for creating such wonderfully weird, hilarious, entertaining world! And thanks to you, person who actually read to the end of this post!
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bloodyshadow1 · 4 months
my detailed thoughts on the first season of Percy jackson.
The pacing, I know everyone says this, but really the pacing of this season was all over the place. having 8 episodes while probably the only option for the writing team really hurt the series overall. Adding an additional episode would helped keep things better I think and would allow a better flow. Not to mention it would help keep things structured in a 3 act system with a beginning, middle, and end that a lot of stories, are told in which would have just fit and flowed better. I would prefer 12 eps, for each act having 4 eps, but that is greedy since they're probably going to be stuck with 8 for the rest of the series too
Lightning, the series was just too dark in a lot of scenes, I didn't have much of a problem because I watched on my smarttv, but I know a lot of people who watched on computers or phones had trouble
The beginning, there should have been more episodes in Camp Half-Blood, at least 1 more. I get that the meat of the story is in the journey, but by not establishing camp half-blood as the first place Percy felt like home it makes it feel emptier. I do like how they including flashbacks of luke training percy in the finale but I would have liked more in camp half blood before the start
There's a less wonder and magic in the series than there was in the books. I don't really know how to describe it, but the books made it feel like there were two worlds hiding within each other and there is magic everywhere. Just small things like Ares turning his lost shield into a bullet proof vest because that's the more modern take.
I'm not with a vocal part of the fandom that bitch and moan over the kids not falling into every trap, I like that Percy is smarter, but instead of just making him smarter, I think they should have just had him ask more questions, like if he was a 12 year old with ADHD who had his eyes open to a world. By making him ask questions, it would help let them explain the world more by having people answer Percy, instead of him knowing everything. Certain things I think could have been done better, like the Kronos reveal and the Luke reveal, it could be done as a reveal instead of Percy figuring it out and I think it would have worked better. like have Percy realize it when talking through the prophecy with Luke because Luke mentions the bolt and the helm, something Percy wouldn't have told him or anyone at camp.
For the most part, I like how they did the gods, with the exception with Zeus and Athena. Zeus is such a larger than life figure, as much as I love Lance Riddick's performance, he played him too epic. The Zeus from the books feels more like a powerful blowhard while the series makes him feel too cool to me. As for Athena, I'll admit I'm bias because she's my favorite god but I don't like her being made the villain in Annabeth's story especially offscreen. I get that they're playing up the gods being shit more than the books and since they made Poseidon more sympathetic, making Athena more antagonistic is a choice to make. I just don't think it fits her cold and logical, but still cares about her kids in her way that she was portrayed in the books.
Grover. I honestly like a lot of the things they added to his character, but I wish they didn't take away from his canon character moments. Not many, but I liked him being a different species than Percy and Annabeth, he isn't human, he's part goat and instead of the books stuff, he's more just a kid with different legs and short horns than another creature. Also by taking away his reed pipes and not showing him being able to do magic, it limits the character.
While people complain about the show... showing not telling, I feel like there was a lack of exposition in the show that wasn't there in the books. It kind of goes with Percy being smarter in the show than the books, but there's a lot of stuff left out of the show that is good world building. small example, no one mentions that monsters don't die for good, which is a very important plot point in heroes of olympus, even if they don't make it, it's a good thing to tell a new demi-gods. Or other plot points, like Annabeth wanting to see her father after all these years, despite how badly things broke before, which just kind of resolves offscreen.
Honestly though, it was only the fandom that ever really bothered me. Too many people focusing on uncharitable changes about the series that had to be made since there is a difference between a first person perspective book series and a tv series that they had to make. That they couldn't fit everything into an 8 ep series that's in a whole book
Honestly, one of the best adaptions I've seen despite all the cons.
The acting in the show is awesome, the actors for the kids are young but perfect for the roles they were assigned. they might not look like the books, but I genuinely think it doesn't matter if they're going to be this good. Walker, Leah, and Aryan stand out as the stars of this show and for good reason
I really like the way they portrayed Luke in the tv series, I get the twist in the books, but by bringing up stuff with him earlier I think it makes him more sympathetic. I also think by not including the scorpion to kill Percy, and instead make it clear Luke doesn't want to kill Percy makes him feel more like a kid making a dumb decision instead of someone willing to murder a 12 year old.
I like how they portrayed Sally in the show even if some people disagree. I like that she shows more flaws and character than just being the sweetest saddest woman that she was in the books. As much as Sally loves Percy, him not only being a demi-god, but a neurodivergent kid, it wears on any parent's patience, especially a single mother. Having her get angry and lose her temper, having us as the viewers know what she's been through makes her feel more real and fits better for a tv show.
I like most of the effects, I think it fits in the show and looks better than a lot of blockbuster movies. Lightning aside. I think the monsters looked good and so did the magic even if I think the latter could be better
Honestly, I think the fight scenes were great for a disney show where the main character is supposed to be 12. I know people are annoyed with how short they are, but that's how they were in the books. I think they were adapted fine.
I like that since we're not in Percy's head, we get more of Annabeth and Grover. It feels like a real proper adventuring trio than the books where it felt like it was so Percy focused with Annabeth being the secondary main and grover being a main, but kind of sidekick character. Letting Grover and Annabeth be characters, to have scenes without Percy and changing things from the books, like having Annabeth seeing the fates cut the thread, makes more sense when you're not doing a first person books
Overall I think they changed things in a very fair and pragmatic sense. There were a lot, but there were less egergious than the movie that changed the whole plot.
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alloutofgoddesses · 6 months
Percy Jackson TV Thoughts
(I’m a book reader so I know things and will reference them in this)
(all of us the moment we see a black Pegasus) BLACKJACK!! He’s looking after Percy even as he’s a baby 🥺
The actor for young(er) Percy does such a good job at being Percy
Who let an armoured Rhino loose in the city?
Every time I look at Mr. Brunner’s wheelchair I just think about how eventually he’s going to be #pranked by the campers changing his fake legs out for Rocky Horror inspired legs
Oh Percy oh my baby someone take his suffering and give it to Octavian
Mrs. Dodds is SO GOOD I desperately wish we had more of her
He doesn’t know that he can actually write with it though
Grover and Percy exchanging the stuff in their sandwiches is such a good little detail to add in there
Walker is an incredible Percy and Aryan is an incredible Grover
I LOVE the way Mrs. Dodds transforms into her Fury self (do we know which one she is? I always forget)
Is that Rick on the other side of the headmaster? Hey dude
Grover selling out Percy is WILD like I know they had a time limit for moving the plot along but I’d be mad at him too dam
Eddie yelling at Gabe was so funny… Gabe eat more fruits you don’t know how much time you have left to do so
People saying Gabe’s awfulness have been reduced aren’t necessarily wrong but… he answers Sally’s phone which suggests some stuff. I do hope they sprinkle in some of his terribleness throughout the season though
D’Angelos you say? 👀
As my mom said, his bags were already packed
what on earth is this little Kronos dude and why is he holding a lantern. I love his voice though
Did. Did they make Percy in a bunk bed? Sally. Please tell me there’s another bed in this cabin
I do appreciate Sally TV version being more forthcoming than Sally book version
My parents Did Not laugh at the Jesus joke which is unfortunate, it’s hilarious
Percy littol baby it IS okay honey
Aryan is doing an AMAZING job of acting like an adult who’s Done This Before… it was always hard for me to remember Grover being older than Percy in the books but Aryan has made it clear from the beginning
The boundary looks so far away y’all how are you gonna get there
What are we swearing on guys? Certainly not a river
Sally I love you SO MUCH all mothers, current or future should be TAKING NOTES
When is Chiron going to explain Anaklusmos if Percy kept it?
The Minotaur has such soft looking ears I cannot lie to you. I would try to pet them probably
Chiron he IS the one though. Both in the way Annabeth expects him to be and not
Oh my god these end credits??? Amazing they’re incredible! And so chalk full of spoilers
Omg a little teaser at the end!
Annabeth that’s dramatic as HELL I love you bby girl
What is that thing on the nightstand next to Percy? It looks like someone fused a hairdryer to a kettle
I WISHED that’s how this worked my dude
I have seen this clip on the internet before so I knew it was coming but it’s Very Funny
“But did you?” PERCY
The first and last time Percy will ever be respectful to a god
Mr. D is so goddamn funny, thank you to the casting director, the actor, and the actor’s friend’s child who told him how big of a deal this is (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, the actor went on a talk show for press)
I’ve never experienced a New York summer but how is Chiron wearing THREE layers
They’re ancient and they’re COWORKERS it’s amazing
Helpful little ‘gods make demigods do stuff they can’t’ sprinkle there good foreshadowing
These cabins are beautiful
Not Percy thinking he’s immediately going to get bullied 🥺
YES love that we get to see a dryad and a little of Grover talking to the Cloven Council!
They would get really squishy you’re right Grover
I can’t wait to see Mr. D do some god shit
Ope Kronos is back hey dude. Is he wearing a cloak?
Me, turning to my cat, named Hermes: You’re a FATHER?!?!
Seriously though what is Clarisse’s deal? Why bully the new kid? I have to assume it comes not only from her dad being Ares but other stuff
WHEELCHAIR!!! Disabled rep is AMAZING
Hey I’m pretty sure I won that lighter
I love that Chris is like “Yeah technically but she’s the goddess of failure” like that’s helpful but not helpful
Percy trying to talk to his mom is adorable!!! I wonder if it actually got to his mom or if someone else heard it, like Hades or Poseidon
He’s made some friends!! Oh Percy you don’t even KNOW how many friends you’re gonna make
Perseus I love you
Okay but who’s fixing the stall
Glad Annabeth got to stay dry this time
SPEAKING OF ANNABETH GOD I LOVE HER SO MUCH!! She was one of my IDOLS as a kid and now I get to experience her being a kid and watch Leah crush it
Luke you stay away from her you don’t get to call her your little sister
The forbidden kids? Different from The Big Three but I don’t hate it
Oops well I’ve been pronouncing Thalia wrong more times that I have pronounced it right
The actor for Luke, Charlie, is showing just enough subtle dislike for the gods and his life at camp that it’s only obvious if you’re looking for it. I can’t wait for people to be able to go back and see the hints being laid out
How many generations of campers did it take for the rope bridge to get full of ribbons, and do they serve any purpose
I can’t wait for the armour adjusting moment to be paralleled. Even more so, I can’t wait for the gif sets that will come out of it
I also floss if I am made to stand still. It’s a great stim, I can’t blame Percy
AND HE GETS TO PET A LITTLE CREATURE?!?! Honestly he’s living his best life
The only rule you paid attention to maybe
Sorry Clarisse but maybe you shouldn’t go after the new guy with unknown skill levels
Omg the lake, the infamous lake, the very important lake
Honestly I’m sad that 1) no hellhound 2) we don’t get to see Chiron pronounce him the Son of Poseidon? I’d like to know why they made that choice
Love that Chiron went “Congrats on the dad reveal you have to go solve his problems now”
Grover Underwood you will always be famous
Give me more immediately!! Next week I’ll be at my grandparents house with EIGHT other people, including a five year old. I’m hoping his mom will give me permission to indoctrinate him into the fandom. If not I’ll just make everyone still awake watch it after the kid goes to bed
NEXT WEEK TEASER!!! Very exciting
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fictionfixations · 9 months
where there's a will, we make a way | TMA Fic | Time Travel (Fic Rec)
its. so cool. i dont know what happens in what seasons but tags apparently say like around the middle of s5?? like. i think when hes in his coma (jon)
also oh my god the author put in a shit ton of work?? like so theres a thing where Jon's unable to say his own words, and is stuck saying things from other people's statements, (its literally in the first chapter so no actual spoil) AND THE NOTES INCLUDE WHAT EPISODES HAVE THE DIALOGUE HES USING?? like
im going to give you a part from chapter 8, partly because i really wanted to show you it compiled together instead of just strings of sentences at the beginning:
Growing frantic now, Jon shakes his head vehemently: No, no, no, no, no–
“Then what?”
“…chased me – deceit – follow me” – a skip backwards – “read it – tried to read me back–”  
“Jon, slow down,” Georgie says, sensing his onrush of panic – but he can’t.
“I’ve been tricked into–”  
“–unable to look away–”  
“–there was now a tragedy to it that flowed from the words–”  
“–nothing to do but fall into it – it felt right, like it was all I could do–”  
The words come in a halting staccato, his mind speeding through statement after statement without him like a microfiche machine caught on fast-forward.
“–even as I did so, in the back of my mind I hated myself–”  
“–I didn’t stop, though – didn’t know what to do, and my mind was swimming with – the collective horror of all the things that I had seen and felt–”  
“–I struggled and fought, but it was far stronger than I was, and I could barely keep its jagged teeth from finding my throat–”  
One hand finds his throat now. He can only distantly feel fingernails digging into his skin.
“–‘alien’ might be the best word for that presence – because what it made me feel was–”  
“–something in the back of my mind, a frantic, scuttling terror – didn’t do any good, though – no matter what I might feel about it – choice didn’t even come into it–”  
The Archive was born with a purpose, and it fulfilled its role eagerly, skillfully, instinctively. It felt good, it felt right, and even now, the instinct lingers. He misses it. He craves it. He wants it back. He –
“ –the agony of being opened and remade – to have your who torn bloody from your what, and another crudely lashed into its place–”   
There is a rushing noise in his ears, drowning everything out, and he stumbles –
“–I did what I did because it was what I was supposed to do – I’m not sure I really recognize who I became–”   
see what i mean????? its COOL. scroll down to end notes and you see (for chapter 8) "- SO, [deep breath] Jon's dialogue for Chapter 8 comes from the statements in the following episodes, in order: MAG 057; 125; 029; 138; 159; 161; 143; 143 (again); 135; 027; 088; 148; 114; 114/139; 011; 094; 063; 069; 124; 020; 067; 060; 141; 160; 147; 091; 072/009/007/004; 066/020/010; 106/059; 101; 059; 004; 102; 004; 147; 160; 020; 144; 138; 107; 048/007; 128/138; 126; 062/087/007/139/070/049; 123; 065; 092/145; 086/029; 044/012/049; 137/009/014; 091; 123; 148; 154; 154 (again); 098; 154; 129; 155; 167; 159; 057; 113; 124/057/009/143/011/017/005; 152; 152 (again); 097; 028; 023; 065; 155; 117; 117 (again); 155; 006; 113; 117 (x4); 128; 128 (again); 045/002; 016; 036/109/135; 048; 052/136/090; 124; 069; 098; 133; 058; 140; AAAAND FINALLY: 010." SO COOL???? AND OH MY GOD ALL THAT EFFORT.
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mythical-magik · 8 months
Just my 3am thoughts on loki
(Season 2 Episode 4)
I think Loki will end up back at the beginning of the tva when he was first taken in - I don’t know how else to explain the shot with him in the TVA jumpsuit and collar
I can’t see how the shot of him walking down towards the loom can fit in after that ending we’ve just had since it was left on a cliffhanger as if everything was destroyed.
I always thought he’d get caught by past mobius and that’s how he ended back up in that position again
However by the cuts and scars on his face - makes more sense for him to have just come from Avengers 2012
I don’t even know what to think. Episode 4 didn’t go how I thought it would go at all. It was a good episode but the cliff hanger
I thought it was genuinely going to be Loki to play the hero and sacrifice himself this episode - I may have been getting ready to say goodbye to him
The Lokius moments … my heart.
Miss minutes is still scary and creep af - that’s not changed.
Sad about timely. I laughed out loud not believing what I saw but he didn’t deserve that to happen to him. I was hoping it was going to be loki but there’s always a next time.
Magic back at the TVA … the possibilities.
Protect OB and Casey PLEASE!
‘We are gods’ I think that might foreshadow Sylvie and Loki taking over in the future.
So where’s the jet ski scene? I need cheering up after that episode.
Loki got a round 2 with X-5
Did I mention they got to use their magic in the tva - that was very satisfying.
Someone give b-15 a hug.
Felt like after Sylvie made the comment about mobius not having taken a look at his previous life, he became distance and standoffish towards Loki which I don’t think was fair - Loki was caught in the middle.
I don’t know where to go from the end of that episode.
Loki and Sylvie shouting down the phone.
It was OB on the phone!? Didn’t see that coming
Turns out it was Loki who pruned himself… like how that wrapped around, and Sylvie being VERY confused.
Perhaps that’s where the previous lives come into it. Mobius (or whatever his original name is) goes back to his life, but Loki end up stuck in the tva because someone wants him there?
I’m rambling. It’s 3am. I need sleep.
Im down to have a full blown convo and bounce theories back and forth about what we think is to come since there are only 2, I repeat, 2 episodes left.
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