#i loooove the quarry
vampacidic · 2 years
i need to flesh out my quarry enstars au more Sigh.... hold on. i'm going to write my thoughts down More under the cut uhhh. warning for body horror/gore/that vein of Stuff... its all Mild i think but yknow. waves
i feel like. ok. i'm playing around with character roles but the narrative largely stays the same. stupid teenagers do stupid things and then they Die. anyway. valkyrie are max + laura just because the idea of shu itsuki a) driving and b) almost hitting something in the road with his car is so funny to me. anyway. mika is the one trying to fix the car so shu's fucking around and looking while mika is like 'oshi san it's so scary out there 🥺' anywya. blah blah blah Yknow how this game goes probably
when they end up at the camp house this time it's mika who's sure about there being Something there for them to find (there's not) but he finds the storm shelter and makes shu help him open it... shu is hesitant about the whole thing ('kagehira, weren't we instructed to head to the motel?') but he's willing to humor mika...
Now about who gets werewolfed... part of me wants to go with shu just because i loooove the idea of shu's disgust with himself when he finds out. he's so completely 100% in control Always that when he yknow. turns into a bloodthirsty monster once a month. it does not exactly go well. he hates being brain dead he needs to make sure he's respectable Always. i love that contrast... also i think he deserves to get a chunk ripped out of his shoulder. from there i also like the idea of mika thinking it's his fault that shu ended up like this.. it's closer to laura's motivations concerning max. in this case mika absolutely tries to help shu out of the storm shelter and hurts himself in the process... he drops shu down the stairs again and is about to lunge for him when he gets tranquilized yknow. also mika with an eye patch fucks
but the other way around is also fun... mika's still just as freaked out as he was before but this time he gets mauled by the Thing in the shelter... the 'i'm bleeding a lot... huh...?' line goes so well with him. here shu definitely just leaves mika... he's shocked by the turn of events so much so he just Can't face it and he just bolts. mika still idolizes shu though... he’s not at all upset his oshi-san would leave a worthless doll who cant even avoid getting bitten behind <3 shu does feel a bit guilty about the abandonment though... he wont admit it but he does try and fix mika. he disguises it as “how will i function as an artist without my muse?” but there is some genuine feelings beyond that though....
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unhingedlesbear · 11 months
Going through some of my quarry related posts and giggling over how casually I just refer to the werewolves as meat dogs. I started calling them meat dogs once and I ended up forgetting that not everyone calls them that. I call them meat dogs more often than I call them werewolves.
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binch-i-might-be · 1 month
WAIT. I just remembered that there's a quarry just a ways up chicken mountain and ALSO I have free will. I could literally just go there...
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extramachine · 2 years
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look at her big grin here she’s so cute!!! 💕💕💕💕💕
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themeeplord · 8 months
So, last cryptid post you mentioned how ya boys kept growing..
At this point, Meep, just go ahead and make them Monster Hunter elder dragon sized, you know you want to c:
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This took way too long and sorry for being so cryptic about it ^^’, but now ya know why I so suddenly gained an interest in MH :>
Might post just the lineart of the design later for an unshrouded look, tho I know some things could be played around with more (proportion wise) to hit home that MH creature feel, but I’m no expert and you’re probably more familiar with that anyway <3 also they’re your boys and the design already lends itself handsomely to the MH-iffication ^^
Also also, a little Bonus doodle ;)
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Kinda falling in love with the whole idea as a possible au. A familiar, albeit slightly different hunter and monster/quarry dynamic, ey? But again, your boys, ain’t gonna step on your toes.
Hope you’re having a lovely day! <333
P.S. I’m very sorry to interrupt the Apex Polarity brainrot, I’ll be following soon ^^'
I'm going absolutely INSANE over this!! PIIXEL!!! I'M BITING THIS AND YOU SO HARD RN!!!!
I loooove the Nergigante inspired horns and how every scale, horn and spike are just so much BIGGER! It all comes together so well! Love how you drew their face as well, everything is more defined and their huge bottom canines are just MWAH!
I can't look away from those beautifully drawn HANDS!! LOOK AT THE ONES ON THE GROUND AND ON THE ROCK BEHIND THEM!! THEY'RE SO PERFECT!!!!!
And the lighting?! GOSH!!!!
I also am just in love with the concept of them being an elder dragon! Honestly they could definitely be one. Elder dragons are so diverse and weird looking so one looking like this wouldn't be so strange at all! Also the hunter and monster dynamic here is so intriguing! If you'll let me, I'd like to explore this a little more~
Thank you Piixel! I'm just completely melted over this, I'm just a puddle, I love it so much! AAAAAA!!!!
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caer-gai · 2 months
🧸 💔 🪢 😶 for gareth! <3
Thanks for the excuse to talk about my fave ask beans <3
Childhood Headcanon- When Gareth was a child he thought cheese was grown on trees and his older brothers did everything in their power to maintain this. It lasted until he was five and asked Queen Mother Morgause if they could have a cheese tree added to the garden so he could have snacks.
Angsty Headcanon- Gareth fully believed lancelot's innocence up until he saw Aggravain's body. His entire world falls apart after.
Family Headcanon- Gareth looooves to ask his family members questions, even if they're foolish or he could easily find the answer himself. His current order of question asking (and their responses ) are as follows:
Aggravain. He loves being important and trusted to provide his little brother with answers. His Intel is occasionally biased bc of his Lancelot issue tho.
Uncle Kay. Originally he was annoyed by the simple questions but he soon realized this was Gareth's way of checking in. Now he goes to Gareth if Gareth hasn't bothered him in a few days.
Gaheris. Much like Aggravain he's excited to be important, and will often take way longer than necessary with his answer so he can prise details of Gareth's life from question adjacent information
Mordred. Not only is mordred excited that his big brother needs his help, he's also likely to have the most fascinating answer.
Gawain is always down to give some brotherly advice, but once he realises what Gareth is actually doing, it becomes a game between the two where Gareth comes up with increasingly outlandish questions and Gawain tries to one up him with his answers
Uncle Arthur. Arthur looooveees to be helpful BUT asking a question at the wrong time runs the risk of starting a Quest
Aunt Morgan. Less common mostly due to distance and her solutions to most quarries involving complicated schemes that would likely benefit her if Gareth completes them. One time she just told him to bite Arthur and he doesn't know if she was joking or not.
Morgause, once again distance is a factor so Gareth tries to save important questions for his visits with her, like "where grandpa's eyes really green?" he gets in one or two questions per visit, but he knows more about mother and her family than anyone else.
Random Headcanon- ok this is a weird one but I feel like when Gareth gets slightly drunk he gets more social and is genuinely really really funny but once he hits a certain point he just wants to cuddle and like hunts down his brothers to tell them how much he loves them lol
haha sorry this took a bit but I wanted to give you good ones =)
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strifesolution · 2 years
Wait now I wanna know what RT's favourite characters were 😭😭
I KNOWWWW RIIIIGHTTTTT ARHHGHHG i’ve thought about it a little bit and here are my predictions if he did play it blind
- loves the gentle giants (sakura/nekomaru/gonta) probably sakura in particular bc given his quarry playthrough he’s very “just get these kids out alive holy fuck” and she’s the most sensible/helpful to the cast’s overall survival. 
- would DIE for chiriho. i feel i don’t need to explain this one.
- sonia/gundham shipper, however unintentional. sorry kazuichi
- i think he’d catch onto fuyuhiko’s fake hater arc easily like “oh he’s just a guy he’s not actually scary c’mon guys” and enjoy his arc
- “I’m not, guys you’re not gonna actually make me read that, right??” - about every other line of miu’s dialogue 
- thinks kaede is best protag cuz she’s the only one who “got shit done.” but also def guesses her completely by accident early ch1 like “imagine if this is the game they finally do the “the killer is the POV character” thing that’d be wild guys.
- i’m gonna be bold here. rt’s godot simp arc, yeah? that’s kaito. he’d understand the saimota-ism he knows the rituals are intricate. dislikes maki tho.
okay what i know you were really asking: byakuya > ouma > komaeda. that’s his tierlist. though it’s a very low tierlist in comparison to the whole cast, i think the imposter would still be above regular byakuya. i LOOOOVE you nagito but RT would hate him with a burning passion (ESPECIALLY in english, i actually stand by the english dub of DR very strongly (except the anime LOL) i think some of the performances are fantastic (i would go as far to say English Fuyuhiko & Gundham > OG Japanese Voice) HOWEVERRRR Komaeda (and Ouma for that matter) are weaker in English because of how it effects their personality (Ouma sounds way more like an actual child w/ that intentional fake innocence/naivety in Japanese, and Komaeda’s voice is “softer” and genuine; don’t get me wrong i love bitchy sarcastic English Komaeda, but it takes away from the likability when he sounds that much more PURPOSEFULLY evil) 
sorry i just ended up talking about danganronpa voice acting um. yes. your thoughts?
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virtual-hug · 1 year
i loooove the art of the quarry like the performance capture is so 🤌🤌🤌 and when abi comes on i love how expressy she is.. i am COZY
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taintedcigs · 1 year
Pffft those hobbies are cool actually!! Dw I’m so bad at video games even the sims but I’m addicted 🥴 I’m super stoked for the baby update coming out this month for sims 4 ahhhhhh. If you’re looking for something chill Stardew valley is great ♡ for horror I love dead by daylight but that’s more competitive. They had a stranger things chapter with scoops ahoy Steve too 🥹 also idk if you’re into anime but you should totally watch spy x family am watching it now it’s sooo good
IM SO BAD AT THEM TOO😭😭😭 wait i didnt know abt the baby update omg lemme check it out!! and yes STARDEW WALLEY!!! i wanted to play that game so badly my ex has it and he was supposed to gift it to me but i think its too late now lmao😭 omggg A ST CHAPTER I HAVE TO CHECK THAT OUT!!! i loooove anything horror in general so i love horror video games but i only managed to play until dawn and the quarry and i played those with pausing them 683626 times… but they were so good!!! <33 thank u for the recs, love💐 xx
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sunshinereddie · 3 years
👉👈 hc with eddie loving having his fingers in richie's hair, mainly cause it makes richie all blushy but also cause its so soft and tangled? 🥺 you're amazinggggg
it started off as nothing much, just eddie reaching out and brushing richie’s long hair out of his eyes whenever they kissed or cuddled
but subconsciously eddie finds himself doing it more and more, even when richies hair isn’t even covering his face
richie teases eddie about it, saying that it’s such a motherly thing for him to do, but he can’t hide the way his cheeks flush red whenever eddie’s fingers brush through his hair, and eddie definitely notices
their favourite position to cuddle in is richie laying with his head against eddie’s chest as eddie combs his hand through richies hair
eddie works through all the knots with his fingers, telling richie he needs to start brushing his hair more, to which richie replies that eddie’s fingers is the only brush he needs (eddie tells him to shut up but he can’t hide his smile)
eddie also teaches himself how to braid hair!! he practiced a lot with bev so he could get it just right and now he looooves to twist richies soft hair into braids and it’s kind of a mess but richie loves it, especially when eddie ties the braids off with rainbow coloured hair ties
when they kiss eddie’s hands are only ever in richie’s hair. eddie’s hands feel weird when they are positioned somewhere else and richie feels like something’s missing when there isn’t hands running through his hair
whenever they go swimming at the quarry eddie always brushes through richie’s wet hair to get out the tangles
whenever they fall asleep together, it’s always with eddie’s hand buried in richie’s curls, slowly and gently combing his fingers through his hair. it makes them both feel safe and comfortable :))
(this is the cutest thing i’ve ever written thank u sm for suggesting this my heart is so warm)
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junk-yard-hearts · 6 years
Bowers Boys x Short Girl
Bowers Boys x Short Girl HC’s
Request- theqwest: I'm not sure if you're still doing headcannons or not but I'd love to see your take on the Bowers gang with a short girlfriend/ crushing on a short girl :)
 ·         When you start hanging around the boys, it’s quite the site to behold
·         4 Big Bois and 1 Small Girl
·         Vic is the shortest of the boys, but he’s still taller than you which he thinks is awesome
·         He’s not the shortest anymore and he’s t h r i l l e d
·         So of course, he’s prone to teasing you
·         He’ll hold shit just out of your reach just to watch you stretch
·         Patrick l o v e s to give you shit cause he’s such a Longe Boi
·         He likes that his height is so intimidating, he uses that to his advantage against you
·         He’ll casually reach over and lean on your head, just because he knows it’ll bug you
·         He will absolutely give you an entire fuckin’ noogie when you tell him to stop
·         What a dick am I right
·         Reggie will give him the stink eye and smooth your hair back down
·         He thinks its precious how little you are, in contrast to this gang of rough boys
·         I think they all collectively, (excluding Patrick) think its super endearing that you’re so tiny in comparison to them
·         When you all went swimming at the Quarry on hot summer nights, Henry would carry you around on his shoulders, because in even the most shallow spots, you couldn’t keep above water the way the boys did
·         Reggie and Henry may share the title of most protective/ possessive of you
·         Reggie is such a loyal boy, and he will absolutely piggy back you through the hallways of Derry High to avoid you getting smushed by the crowd amen
·         That bitch Marie C from your English class had it out for you after seeing you with Henry, the boy she had a crush on since the fifth grade, passed you through the crowd between periods and shoved your short ass into your open locker
·         And now you always were escorted to your next class by whatever boy’s preceding class was closest
·         Your Reg has been known to cut out of class early to get to the other end of the senior wing and walk you to the next stop
·         He was failing Mr Heisler’s class anyway.
·         Reggie is protective over you in a very “always just watching to make things easier on you” cause this boy is suh-weet on you.
·         And as tough as he can be, he doesn’t wanna be tough to you
·         He wants you to like him
·         Henry is protective in an obviously more aggressive manner.
·         He gives you his leather jacket (affectionately nick named “the Cow”) to let people know you were part of the gang
·         And therefore NOT to be fucked with
·         And besides….
·         You looked so cute in it, with it all big on you and whatnot.
·         They all see you as very soft entity because of your contrast to their “lack of feminine influence” lives, no matter how many times you prove yourself as equally strong and capably violent.
·         Reggie teases you that you can’t sit in the front seat of the car cause he doesn’t have a toddler seat to buckle you into
·         Not your favorite of exchanges, to say the least
·         After Vic’s mom discovered the home shopping network, she went out and got herself a credit card and bought her son all new shirts and jackets and even underwear off the 1-800 number on her TV screen at 2 am.
·         You dug through the plastic trash bags of Vic’s now discarded ratty clothes, picking out the softest of the worn tees, the coziest of his overshirts, and even which of his old boxers would be comfy to sleep in, which you’d be taking home with you
·         Seeing you in the other boys’ clothes made Patrick wanna take a claim of you too and decided to pass onto you one of his thick black band rings
·         But that shit slid right off your finger
·         So he finds a silver cord and ties the ring around your neck with it
·         Patrick also looooves to exaggeratedly bend down while teasing you to emphasize how much taller he is
·         But you’re at perfect height to jab him in the sides and make him squirm for it
·         Henry will absolutely lift you up to reach things off of high shelves
·         Things he could reach on his own, but asks you to reach instead cause he knows you like when he lifts you up so your tip-toes brush against the floor while you reach for whatever it was he asked for
·         During this routine, he calls you “big tall man” which makes you laugh
·         Then he pats your head and tells you what a cute tall man you are
·         And as protective as they are of you, you’ll kick a bitch in the shin for disrespecting one of your boys, so help me god
·         Right in the shin
Tip the author 
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academicgangster · 6 years
...okay, so not actually any more feelings than 3, but certainly a lot more of a Feelings Rollercoaster. Also Brandt having the whole hidden angst thing that he bit the bullet and talked about in the end like a grown-ass adult? Hell yeah, boy, good for you! Addressing your feelings and insecurities! Whoa!
I also see why Ethan and Brandt are a popular ship - it's partly because of the aforesaid Addressing Of Brandt's Feelings, and partly because they share a couple of adrenaline-fuelled looks during the action. I don't ship them myself - at least not as a regular, sustained relationship, which is what I see shipping as - but I could see it happening. (It probably also blew up as much as it did because fandom looooves Jeremy Renner. like every Renner character will get ficced into every universe. it's a phenomenon.)
Surprisingly, Ethan and Jane are also very shippable. Hey, if Cruise and Renner make a pretty picture, you should look at Cruise and Patton at the party because holy shit. Plus I love their dynamic of mutual respect, shared grief and collaborative ass-kicking. I think I'd prefer it platonic, but like with Brandt, it could work.
(Brandt/Benji is also popular, and YEP I CAN DEFINITELY SEE THAT. Benji/Ethan also has pretty respectable numbers, which is cool, but I am a little sad at the lack of Luther/Ethan because their friendship is so cute and their romantic dynamic would be so fascinatingly weird.)
(Oh hey, you know who I really want to ship? Jane from this movie and Zhen from 3. That's who I really want to ship.)
Anyway, shipping tangent aside, I want to eat the scene where Paula Patton does her thing with the French accent. And then the scene where she takes off her heels to chase her quarry. And then every second when she's in that teal dress. Jesus H. Christ. Thank you, film gods.
H/c gods, though, need to deliver. The fight in the elevated parking lot was FUCKING INSPIRED, every bit of it - up to and including the dude walking in to find Ethan lying on top of the MacGuffin, conscious but injured-and-exhausted to the point of being unable to move. And therefore I am so pissed off at the magical healing timeskip for this one. The man fell a hundred metres in a metal cage, after taking a hit to the leg that left him limping insanely badly, and you're telling me eight weeks later he's ready to head off on another impossible mission???? THAT LEG IS BROKEN AT THE VERY LEAST PLS.
What the magical healing timeskip did provide, though, is Ethan giving a 'thanks for being my team' speech. Kid you not. Moments after he's laughed at for being enough of a nerd to say 'mission accomplished' out loud, he says 'the only thing that functioned perfectly on this mission was this team!' out loud. Favourite Hufflepuff on the planet.
Best part of this movie, though? NOT fridging Julia. I love Julia. I'm glad she's living her life and doing her thing.
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