#i love associating random songs w my ocs
elohyou420 · 5 months
was this shit written for Salem bc why else would it fit her so well
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iwakuraz · 3 days
hello can i ask you about your ocs? your art of them is so cool, i’d love to know more about them
:0 YES!!!! THANK U SM thats so nice of you!!! going on a rant under the cut hehe. hope u do not mind that super bad at explaining so its all just me saying random stuff ajshdj. sorry about that
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the one with buns is called rue and shes an oc I've had since like 2020 ,, shes kinda rude and mean but shes also pretty gay w/ the other character next to her. I think I'm gonna call the other girl paige? but I haven't reallyyyy decided on a name yet! one thing about me is that I'm pretty bad at naming characters. I named her after this one old art website I used as a kid though, the website was called 'paigeeworld'. dunno how many people remember paigeeworld but I do. and paige is def the kinda person to go on art websites like paigeeworld and deviantart. so thats why I'm thinking of using that name. also I named rue after the flower rue
I have a story for them vaguely planned out in my head but I need to flesh it out more. I have the ending planned out but uh. the other parts of the story? yeah. I only have those vaguely decided. they're pretty fucked up tho and .yeah . they make eachother worse probably.
rues birthday is 18th august, paiges birthday is 6th of june. these dates do mean something! paiges birthday is the same day that paigeeworld originally announced their closure (I think?) but rues birthday is something a bit more personal 2 me. their story isn't really connected with any of my other ocs, they're sorta just chilling. I started making a fun silly comic thing with them a bit ago but have barely gotten anything done with that cause school. :[
in my head, paige sorta reminds me of the stummy book song 'we all fall down'. thats why I gave her a cup. bc haha get it...... we're all just drinking out of cups waiting for the day when we can't get enough,,, I think her character item is gonna be a cup. always has a cup of like milkshake or something. yum I love milkshake. a song that I associate with rue is 'please tell me mr wonder' by siinamota. and rues character items is her plush of a bear and a bunny! her plushies are alive btw and talk to her sometimes. but I should probably draw her with her plushies more because right now I only have a slightly old animation of her with them. blehhh
there is another oc who is relevant to these two, her name is rini. but I haven't done a proper drawing of her in a while,, I have a drawing of her from 2022 and I am not showing that. rini is in the same class as paige and rue tho. shes the class representative
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next here is dot. shes the mascot of my neocities site but I like her quite a lot :] shes a pretty big nerd I think. nerd bunny. her main source of literature consumption is reading old instruction manuals on how to use windows 98.
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OKAY NOW TALKIGN ABOUT VIN MY FRIEND VIN!!!! definitely the oc I've posted about the most. full name is vincent but you can call him vin for short, or vinny for medium. I named him after the car seat headrest song vincent. his favourite food is salt packets (the type you get in restaurants) and his favourite beverage is vinegar. VINegar. I like him a Lot and hes basicallyyy my fursona :3 hes a lonely sad teenage cat and I love him so much!!! he doesn't talk a lot, but I think he communicates through likee his tamagotchi or something. again this is another character I have a story planned out for vaguely but I should flesh him out a lot more. I think right now I'm more just using him to represent myself. just know he is very very special to me -w-
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AND. do u see the cat on the left. I think I will name them pepper. they're meant to contrast with vin, I think they're rlly energetic and fun and yeah!!!! :3c <- basically they are that emoticon! been trying to think of a name for pepper forever. I'm thinking maybe the name pepper will work. like yeah sure. I don't think they'd enjoy spicy food so they wouldn't like peppers. thats why I think pepper is the perfect name for them. peppers favourite food is probably dip dab? or whatever those things are called? yknow those weird lollipops you can get that come in a packet full of these weird powder thing and you're meant to dip the lolly into the powder? thats what pepper would eat
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this is (tama)rini!!!! tamarini. basically the bunny version of the rini oc I mentioned earlier and then said nothing about! they collect tamagotchis and are very very very normal about tamagotchi. she looks sorta similar to dot, but thats not intentional. I just like the colour purple and I also like bunnies.
there are SOME others but these are my favourite ocs right now. holds them in my hands and shakes them.
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cosmignon · 3 months
you may have talked about this before but i'm very curious how olivia got into the mix, both in fiction and in meta :0
also do you have any animals you associate with the squad? like not necessarily fursonas but if the shoe fits 🤔
also also, do their colors have significance to their personalities/names/etc? as someone who also has a set of color coded ocs i always love to see how folks decide what colors to put with each character :3
Olivia is a fascinating facet of the Stardust Scouts story because in zer earliest iterations ze was NOT such a major character like ze is now!!
Ze used to be this minor character in a scrapped arc about the Scouts going to Mars in order to confront an opposing, alien group of martian magical girls and get them to join their side in protecting the galaxy instead of trying to fight them on their home turf. This arc doesn't exist anymore, I think the opposing alien force is further away from Earth than that & are sending basically drone/scout enemies to Earth to try to conquer/destory it.
These were the original martians' designs! They have music associated with each of them because the main 4 Stardust Scouts were originally designed based on a "randomize your playlist and design a character based on the first 3 songs" prompt, so I figured the rival magic girl team should be inspired in the same way.
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The conceit of the martian arc was that our MCs the Earth scouts would've used their magic to blend in with the martians w/disguises. Inversely, once the martians were on their side they would come visit Earth and wear their own disguises as well.
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Can you guess which of these martians eventually became Olivia as we know zer? I will give you a hint
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It's the one who's the obvious TAK from INVADER ZIM EXPY! YAAAY <3
Zer original role was the skeptic martian cleric/priest of the martian scouts, who was the most distrusting of the earth scouts having any good intentions, and I believe might've also had a toxic yuri thing going on with either the pink or blue martian.
All the other martians here never got developed much because Olivia, as the Tak Expy, meant ze had a lot of my favorite character design tropes going on and I wanted to specifically explore those more and ze became the obvious favorite haha. After that Zer role just kept increasing over time.
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I think the most major development though was definitely when I decided ze could keep the toxic yuri energy originally planned for zer, but with One Of the Main Scouts instead... Tabitha and Olivia have HISTORY BABEY!!!!
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(Fun Fact: My files say this was drawn Oct 2019, soooo... 1 month after the Steven Universe Movie came out. Spinel got her fingerprints all over this damn character, for real, she's one of my voice claims for zer)
This was the point where I decided Olivia was not an alien anymore, but a human who had been abducted BY aliens back when ze was a teenager and best friends with Tabitha. The both of them were private school goody two shoes with parents who put way too many expectations on them to get perfect grades. They would start breaking the rules a little bit by going out at night in the car Olivia got as a gift for good grades + passing zer drivers exam (important to note, Olivia used to go by she/her bc ze picked up new, alien genders while out in space)
The two sneaking out once in a while turned into most nights which culminated in the both of them being out in the woods when one of the Inciting Incident meteors with the Scouts' special magic maguffin rocks crashed nearby. Olivia was bolder than Tabitha at the time so ze investigated and got both magical girl powers and abducted by the enemy aliens who had been chasing the meteor at the same time. Tabitha was left absolutely shaken up and in the middle of a missing persons case where she couldn't tell anyone the truth of the matter bc it sounded absolutely batshit nuts.
This is information I give freely bc I don't really think it's worth hiding, but I know in the actual telling of The Story, The Stardust Scouts, this would all be information that was slowly handed out during the actual plot where Olivia initially serves as a disguised, alien general of the grunt forces being sent out to Earth. Ze's like, a hammy villain of the week that likes fucking with the Scouts because it's funny and ze Doesn't Respect Them.
Olivia doesn't recognize Tabitha at first bc he's changed so much over the years, transed her gender, stopped caring about things like school and grades. Tabitha also doesn't recognize Olivia bc ze is dressed in a full body suit, also transed zer gender, and Tabitha never thought he'd even see zer again. Spicy drama!!
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Look at those dramatic fuckers... having feelings about rivalry and lost friendship and abandonment issues!! I should redraw the fake anime screenshot/do more of those sometime, those are always fun.
Also! This is an old design, but Olivia's main power when an antagonist is that ze can copy the powers of the other scouts and counter their attacks, meaning in the moments when the gang can fight zer one on one ze has the upper hand and can get away every time. I imagine then, that Olivia's main color scheme is very steely and grey when NOT using this copy cat ability, and ze doesn't have a sense of identiy beyond what ze can do for the aliens ze considers zer superiors.
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Also! Also. Zer a jester/joker, since ze doesn't "fit" into the group's dynamic of being based on playing card suits.
EVENTUALLY, eventually, through a lot of monster of the week encounters, plot progression, and secrets revealed, Olivia's original identity would be uncovered and the team would convince zer to defect from zer alien captors, making zer a top level wanted deserter in the eyes of the big bad alien group (which I could talk abt another time).
Then Olivia gains a color of zer own, orange! Because the gang was always (in fiction) meant to be a team of 5, like the 5 points of a star! And colors of the rainbow/light spectrum, red orange green blue purple (yellow acts as a unifying accent color!).
To answer your question about the color meanings, I mostly assigned them originally based on vibes without too much through about specific symbolism. Plus I just like having characters all get one specific color, makes giving them outfits more enjoyable and fun for me. Like, you can see up above that Olivia (being Tak and all) originally had purple as zer main color. It took me a while to change that after I decided Savannah got purple instead, bc I was attached to how it looked. But orange felt like a good logical landing place. It's vibrant and fun and a little off the beaten path, again based on vibes.
Olivia starts off the story living among humans ""in disguise"" while plotting evil bad bitch things, and then after defecting ze just starts crashing at everyone's places while learning to really return to humanity in zer own way and hopefully make amends with the scouts for maybe sort of taking delight in fucking with them. Lol. Zer demeanor stays irreverent and annoying and punk throughout, even after zer turn to good/becoming the 5th ranger of the group, which makes zer a really fun character to think about and write.
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nishibai · 2 months
first 10 for a random oc of urs
I LIED IN MY OTHER POST. u all love me.
doing these for convenience store au!takeshi. putting it all under the cut :p
1 | are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
i associate him w like a dark purpleish blue.,. or a sky blue
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^like these ig. i feel like its kinda funny i associate him w that purple/blue ish color because. its from shins jacket (the one shin lent him). the other blue is from his eyes
he wears a lot of blues and whites. mostly cuz it matches his eyes
2 | what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
uhhh. i have not thought about this at all. i think hed like the song diet coke by leanna firestone. other than that idk what songs hed really like.... i wanna say cavetown but tjats kinda crazy. um. hed like vocaloid for sure thats all i know (its for gay people)
3 | weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon
bat? idk. maybe a gun or something. i feel like hed use a bat because its just.. easier to handle. also he doesnt have to really be precise when using it unlike w a gun. wait what context is this weapon being used in. i was thinking of murder
4 | how crafty/resourceful are they?
i have no clue how to answer this. probably pretty resourceful. outdoorsy guy
5 | how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
his typical fit is a loose white tank top, shins jacket over it (or around his waist), black bike shorts, silver crescent moon necklace, and whatever shoes n socks.
id say its definitely more practical.., i mean his outfit is supposed to licherally be like what he wears coming from school
6 | how do they wear their hair? do they care a lot how their hair looks
usually he just wears it down. but whenever it gets longer he puts it up in a little ponytail
7 | favorite animal? why?
fish. because bloop
8 | do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
uh. "take" was given to him by kokichi. and "keshi" his older brother (however do not call him this!!! keshi is the name of one of my other ocs!!! crazy right.)
9 | favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions
uh. he has. an eating disorder if thats considered a dietary restriction. his favorite food is any kind of candy. he hates protein. hes picky in that he will Not eat anything besides candy unless someone he loves is forcing him to
10 | if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
he wears a silver necklace w a crescent moon pendant!!1! he prefers silver and his favorite gem is opal!!!!
fun fact. i actually have his necklace irl. i bought it shortly after designing him
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floorbed · 3 years
another dnd oc ask game
ah shit here we go again . jpg
i'm sorry if these questions have already been on other ask games!! i wasn't checking what's already been done i was just making my little questions yfm!
1. what is their big three (sun moon rising)?
2. what is their relationship with their sexual orientation?
3. what is their relationship with their gender identity?
4. what was their favorite object/thing to play with as a child? and/or what is their favorite childhood memory?
5. what was their first kiss like?
6. have they ever thought they were in love? were they really?
7. what is one thing they inherited from their parents, physical or emotional?
8. design a homebrew magical item for them. it can be a wondrous item or a weapon or anything you want :)
9. what would they wear to prom?
10. pick one song to describe their external self/how they present, and then one song to describe their internal self/how they feel :)
11. what would their major be if they went to college?
12. if your character went through a corruption arc, would their class/subclass change? if it would, what would it now be? (if your character is fucked up, answer this but for a redemption arc instead!)
13. what is their primary love language? (acts of service physical touch etc)
14. if this pc could meet your first pc, how would that go? (if this Is your first pc, how would meeting your latest pc go?)
15. pick a god from any kind of real world mythology that you think your character would be favored by :-)
16. if they were a protagonist of a novel/movie, what would the genre be? (horror, romance etc etc)
17. what would the perfect character foil for your character act/be like?
18. pick a number from 1-36 using a random number generator. then answer the question that number corresponds to in the 36 questions to fall in love list for your character!
19. what type of fabric do you associate with your character? any other textures u associate?
20. if they were involved in a high school theater production, what would they be doing? (what would their typecast be? are they dance captain? are they in tech, if so what do they do in tech? wld they not be caught dead associated w any of it?)
21. if you were stuck in an elevator with your character, how wld that go?
22. how many pages is this character's lore doc?
23. if your character knew they were dying and could have one last conversation with any three alive people beforehand, who wld those three ppl be?
24. how do they cry? what does it look like?
25. what role wld they fill if they were part of the crew of a starship?
26. imagine your character is in a room with the person they hate the most (dead or alive) and aware that neither of them can be put in any physical danger. what would they say to them?
27. who was the first person your character ever trusted (outside of family)?
28. what animal do you associate with your character?
29. who was their first crush?
30. what video game would your character have the most hours on?
31. who was the first person your pc killed? how do they feel abt it? (if they havent killed anyone, what is their moral stance on taking a life? under what circumstances wld they if any?)
32. what would your character want their gravestone to look like? (if they wouldnt want to be buried with a marker, how would they want their body to be honored? what kind of memorial ceremony would they choose?)
33. what is their special interest / favorite thing to talk about?
34. what kinds of stories does your character like to read/hear?
35. describe their bedroom, if theyve had one at any point in time (if not, where do they feel safest to sleep?)
36. how did you name your character? why did you choose the name you did?
37. if you could give your character one piece of advice, what would you tell them?
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virunathestarbaby · 2 years
Day 8- Wearing each other's clothes
Day: 8- Wearing each other's clothes
Fandom: Death Note
Pairings: Matsuda Touta x Kotobuki Otoha (OC)
Warnings: none
Word count: 941
Songs I associate with this chapter: None
"Touuuuuuuutaaaaaaaa~!" Otoha sang as she entered the living room where her cuddly boyfriend was.
Looking up from his phone, Matsuda couldn't help but let out a loud laugh when he saw her attire, which consisted of his dress shirt, tie, and business suit. She would have rocked the outfit if only it was her size. She looked adorable though, "Why are you wearing that?"
"Hehe! Does it look good on me?" She asked, striking a pose.
"You look cute." He grinned.
"No, I'm not! I'm sexy!" She whined, flapping the loose sleeves of the suit.
"And cute." He laughed, sitting upright. "Why are you even wearing that?"
"No reason." She shrugged as she held the pants up as it kept falling down even with the tightened belt. "I just saw it in your part of the closet and wanted to try it on."
"What are you doing in my side of the closet—"
"Because I was looking for more shirts to steal, now hush, my love." She said and Matsuda only laughed, shaking his head before opening his arms and gesturing for her to come sit on him.
"You're too random sometimes, buns." He said, nuzzling his cheek on hers as he cuddled her.
Otoha giggled and poked at his nose, making him scrunch it in return. "But you still love me~"
"Yes, yes I do." He nodded, kissing her on the cheek as he rocked her side to side. "You should wear more of my clothes. You look adorable in them."
She snorted a bit and leaned back on him more, "Oh, definitely. I'm stealing your whole closet. They're mine now."
"At least leave me my underwear and work clothes." He laughed and she shook her head.
"Nope! I'm taking them all!"
"What will I wear then?" He quirked a brow in amusement.
She just shrugged, "I don't know. You look better without clothes anyway."
"You're unbelievable.." Matsuda laughed as he nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck more.
"Heeeeey, Toutaaaa." She called.
"Yesssss, Otoooooo?" He replied, mimicking her tone.
"What if you tried my clothes?" Matsuda almost choked on nothing at her suggestion, blushing as he remembered most of the clothing in her wardrobe.
"Because!" She insisted, looking up at him with big eyes that she knew he would have a hard time resisting to. "Please? Just once? I'm always wearing your clothes, why won't you wear mine?"
Damn it! Why does she have to look so cute?!? He wanted to say no to save himself and his dignity, but then again…he kind of also wanted to try it?
Matsuda only sighed and nodded. "Sure, okay. Only if they could fit me. Which, I know they wouldn't. Your waistline's too small compared to mine."
He had a big smile on his face, thinking he outsmarted her. He had a point after all, none of her clothes would fit him, aside from the shirts she stole from him before.
But what Matsuda didn't know….he had fallen right into her trap.
"You planned this. Didn't you?" Matsuda blankly stared at his girlfriend, which he was so tempted to throw out the window and into the outer space, especially with how loud she was laughing— practically rolling around on the floor of their bedroom. She was the literal humanized version of ROFL right now.
"HAHAHA— AND..AND YOU FELL RIGHT INTO IT!" Otoha laughed, clutching at her stomach.
His eye twitched in annoyance as he cocked his hip to the side, the skirt of the dress he was wearing riding up a bit from the action.
"You look gorgeous, hun!" She grinned, looking up at her boyfriend and pretended to ogle at him, playfully wiggling her eyebrows as well. "So sexy~"
Letting out a sigh, he took a minute to fully look at himself in the mirror. The dress he was wearing was a version of his favorite dress on her that was adjusted and made especially for him. A simple black off shoulder dress that went up to his upper thigh. It was a little tight on his sides and waist and a bit too short for his liking but otherwise it fit him perfectly.
"You know…I do look kinda good." He smiled then striked a pose, earning a loud cheer and whistle from the woman.
Matsuda laughed then struck some more poses, getting more and more confident in each cheer and praise his girlfriend gave him.
"We should take a picture!!!" Otoha squealed as she stood up from the floor, quickly grabbing her phone then proceeded to grab Matsuda by the arm and pulled him in for a side hug. "Hehe~ Smiiile~~!"
"We look so cute! Awww!" Otoha gushed as she looked at the picture, bouncing a bit on the balls of her feet. "More! More! Let's do more!"
Matsuda just smiled at her and nodded. He really couldn't resist her when she's being all adorable. "Of course, bunny."
Picture after picture, they posed for each one, goofy poses, suggestive poses, and just downright funny poses. If asked earlier, Matsuda never thought he'd say that he actually enjoyed this, but now he'll say he's having the time of his life!
"Hey, Tou-kun. You should wear my clothes more often, you look adorable in them." Otoha told him, a small smirk on her face as she repeated his words to her earlier.
He just rolled his eyes in response then smirked, "Sure, only if I get to keep them all too?"
"Sure, keep all of em. I still have your clothes after all."
"Aww man! I was about to copy what you said as well!"
"Try again next time, my love."
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panicbones · 3 years
IDW Cyclonus? :]
favorite thing about them
i am obsessed w the quiet ruthless types, not to mention he is just the robot version of my oc Domíno. so hes very special and epic to me i love him so much
least favorite thing about them
nothin hes one of a kind
favorite line
uhh i dont remember how it goes specifically but that part in mtmte where he was defending himself against accusations of being a killer and said smthn along the lines of "if i did it, i wouldve finished the job and wouldve been gone before you even figured out what happened" which, sex as hell
i think him and rodimus have a cute dynamic theyre fun. also less of a brotp more of a "wish they spoke more", but he and drift mirror each other in so many different ways that i could rly go on
CYWHIRLLLLLL oh they complete each other its epic
this isnt very serious at all, but i dont like cyg*te that much. i just think jro took too long to make them official and by the end i was over it. was i still shaken to pieces by the end of ll? of course i was
random headcanon
uh... hm... i think he would like ecology/botany a lot, if he took the time to dabble
unpopular opinion
i think his relationship w tailgate works much better as a friendship. tailgate doesnt give him the no nonsense push that he needs (like whirl does, but thats another thing) to get tf over himself sometimes.
song i associate with them
dont have one, im a fake fan i know
favorite picture of them
bonus whirl but images that wreck me
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myherokatsuki · 3 years
your favorite angry boi for the ask game
aaaaa ty for asking, mel >w<
favorite thing about them:
uhm, everything? what you do mean that's not a proper answer?
but seriously, how strong he is, and smart, and how he subverts your expectations of him, like he's so much more than some loud angry bully, he's grown so much and he's just so complex. i love him sm
least favorite thing about them:
how hard on himself he is ;__; not being perfect constantly doesn't make you weak bby
favorite line:
"If all you ever do is look down on people, you won't be able to recognize your own weaknesses."
Bakugou & Kirishima
Bakugou x Ji-ae you can tear my canon x oc ships from my cold dead hands
bkdk don't hate me;;
random headcanon:
I actually hc Bkg as demi/grey ace
unpopular opinion:
;aldfkja; idk if this is all that unpopular, but i also see bkg as a switch
edit: i’m not a big fan of bkg with an undercut >__<
song i associate with them:
zetsu - the gazette, for no real reason other than i feel like he'd listen to them lol
favorite picture of them:
how can i possibly choose??? he's perfect in every picture, even when he's making ugly faces but i am rather partial to this one what can i say? i'm a sucker for suits
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weeb-coffee · 3 years
Ahem! From the character ask...
Weather Report? >:D
hey mag thank you for sending the ask! (i apologize if i take forever) https://weeb-coffee.tumblr.com/post/675461883616247809/mushroom-cookie-bears-send-me-a-character-and
as for weather i'll try :0 he's one of my favorites from part 6 and jojo in general
favorite thing about them my favorite thing about him is probably his probably his style especially his head plus his stand is pretty cool especially when it has the same name!
least favorite thing about them hmm i don't know much about him so i can't say much lets see when the anime gives more :0
favorite line "Let's just go insane, how 'bout it?" (i've just searched it on the jojo wiki)
weather and anasui is all i think about at the moment.
any oc/self inset x weather report.
jotaro and weather for some reason especially pucci (i knew they're brothers anyway so i'm not shipping them).
random headcanon
he's the type that mediates during his free time and does yoga to calm himself down i can see him that since he's a calm person.
unpopular opinion
like i said before i don't know much about him yet, so i'd say that his stand probably now thinking about it i think its his stand its powerful.
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
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i just love his smile here :0 it makes me blushy blush blush ;w;
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furnass · 3 years
Viol my beloved for the ask thing <3
favorite thing about them: i love her music theme :3 she is classical music themed and just. I love her <3
least favorite thing about them: at least in my opinion, she feels kinda bland character/angst wise! I need to give her a dosage of trauma <3/lh
favorite line: once again I’m indecesive so here are a few “How did it go!! Are you two married yet?” || “Cordi… orange is both a color and a fruit.”
OTP: oh boy look at the time im very much not a canon x oc shipper no oh boy i am not! I am totally not! Okay but Copernica has two hands. One for Viol and one for Armilly
nOTP: uh. f/m ships b/c she is a lesbian <3 and t&t those guys are kids
random headcanon: all I say is canon. She plays a plethora of instruments :3 (also she is polish. Thanks Sarge/lh)
unpopular opinion: none b/c she is perfect /j
song i associate with them: i associate a lot of classical music w/ her b/c i themed her mostly around that :) also the songs rät by Penelope Scott & Swimming Pool by Marie Madeline
favorite picture of them: this one (thank you @motor-oil-soup for this image i love my beloved viol
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Ty for the ask <333
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chazz-anova · 3 years
John Seed
thanks nonny! 💜💜
favorite thing about them
I really love like... his dedication. He's just a very passionate man who immerses himself in whatever he's working on! Whether it be being a lawyer or torturing atoning people lolol
least favorite thing about them
The way he bows down to Joseph, I don't really know how to articulate it but I feel like their relationship could be a lot healthier lmao
favorite line
"Hold still, it's supposed to say 'wrath' not... 'rat'!" lmaooo iconic!! what do you mean king you didn't do the W in wrath first???
John and Nick Rye, or John and Jacob
John x OC <3
John x Faith
random headcanon
He definitely has a plane tattoo somewhere
unpopular opinion
Hmmmm I honestly can't think of anything!
song i associate with them
Do It For Me - Rosenfeld
favorite picture of them
no idea who posted it but it's been saved in my phone lol
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shoshiwrites · 3 years
toye for the character meme? (how could it be anyone else) 🧡
Full disclosure, this might be totally incoherent. I have had a lot of sun and also cold brew.
favorite thing about them
Everything His kindness and dedication (yes that is two but they go hand in hand). It's a quiet, steadfast thing. I rewatched ep2 recently and like. So many good moments. Sticking close to Bill and talking him down. His words to Hall. Mercy-killing the horse.
Also the fact that he has picked out a knife to kill H*tler with, we love A Man with A Plan. I connect very Jewishly with him on that.
least favorite thing about them
Agreed with you, on not knowing when to cut himself some slack. That dedication is a double-edged sword, and one that masks a lot that we don't see. I'm just going to start quoting Easy Company Soldier and crying now, so.
favorite line
"I'd really like to head back with the fellas, sir."
Guarnere, and Malarkey. I wish we could've seen more of his friendship with Malark in the series.
@onelungmcclung​'s Toye/McClung ship stole my keys and is never giving them back, as did @mercurygray's Ruth/Toye. Also, Toye/A goddamn break 2021. (is it gauche to plug my own OC ship here? i think from me they go without saying lol). 
I totally see where people see Luz/Toye in the series but I'm sorry. It just does not work for me in fic outside of maybe like, one or two.
random headcanon
Too many, but I have a soft spot for the idea that he's intuitively good at figuring out/understanding how things work, and has a good memory. Yes this is all entirely (tenuously) extrapolated from his one comment to Malark about how he studied the sand tables, alright?! in episode 2. Yes episode 2 is my favorite because it's the most we see of him outside Bastogne and what about it.
unpopular opinion
I don't think the opinion that he has a really deep gentleness to him is very unpopular, but it's always worth saying. Also if I ever meet anyone at HBO it's on sight for the moments of him that they cut. Also I saw a post once that was like, "Joe Toye is the most attractive member of Easy Company but we're not ready for that conversation" and, that.
song i associate with them
I'll Be Seeing You by Billie Holiday, and The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel. Also a lot more. I have playlists. I forget if it was originally another fanmix that used The Boxer or me but it's forever in my head w/ him.
favorite picture of them
Bold of you to assume I could pick one.
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[Send me a character and i'll answer these q's about them!]
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crescentrosemore · 3 years
I know you’ve probably gotten this one already considering. But. Yoomtah tag for the ask game.
favorite thing about them
THE HAIR best thing ever omfg, that and her aesthetic!!
least favorite thing about them
not exactly her but i hate how sexualized she is, i get she's a adult but like, cmon
favorite line
'That kid is so screwed lmao' (her only line too! haha)
her, Zora, and Moot. the sisters ever
don't have one! if my oc counted then that but, i don't have a canon ship w her
long time yoomtahzingz fans know, her and naven is the worst ship EVER. like, in all of ee and ac, so gross
random headcanon
she loves those funny slap hands and uses them on the other bliss ocean members
unpopular opinion
Her backstory should get explained more, not shadowed more
song i associate with them
dude i have SO much just take my playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6VDFQt4LYVNHBEKORj5lYR?si=fedc8bd1b65d416b
favorite picture of them
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so sillay wish this design was canon
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gibberishquestion · 4 years
auto for the ask game 🤲
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the ppl have spoken and i absolutely love auto so let’s go
favorite thing about them: there are SO many things i could say here auto is so good i love evil computers w/ all my heart. i love that he’s voiced by an actual machine that’s so cool
least favorite thing about them: WHAT ABOUT WHEN YOU ATTACKED WALLE MY FRIEND WALLE :(
favorite line: he’s a man of few words and he doesn’t have any rly standout lines but i am an enjoyer of “all communications terminated. you are confined to quarters.”
brotp: HIM AND GO-4 i know their canon dynamic is “cold, logical, just-following-orders superior and his cold, logical, just-following-orders expendable minion” but i like the idea of go4 being really excitable and firey and kinda being the red oni to auto’s blue oni.. i think they should be buddies
otp: i don’t rly ship him with anyone? i mean. i’ll be honest with you guys... i’ll be cringe on main... Self insert oc. Ok goodbye
notp: it’s not like there’s an active wall-e shipping scene to the point where i see ships and dislike them. but the idea of him and eve bothers me. idk.
random headcanon: i know his name is short for autopilot but i like to think it’s an acronym too! not sure what it would stand for...
unpopular opinion: auto’s every bit as sentient as the other robots in wall-e. the fact that he presses down harder on the holo detector button and then tases it shows that he’s not a model of logic and that he can feel and act desperate. he follows his directive just as closely as the clearly sentient robots follow theirs, his just happens to be problematic. i don’t think he’s truly evil because he’s just running as intended, but at the same time i think he’s self-aware. he just legitimately thinks humanity needs to stay in space.
song i associate with them: paradise by bear ghost
favorite picture of them: Your plant. Hand it over.
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jumptheshark · 3 years
ty for sending! sorry this is so late :(
favorite thing about them: literally their entire backstory and how interesting they are.. just the way they chose to stay in heaven despite losing their role as a healer + thinking god was dead, how they were caught between their three brothers all pulling in different directions but somehow didn’t fall apart, the way they were the only archangel who really cared about humanity (michael was kind of neutral, gabriel cared about their potential but didn’t care if they died, but raphael was upset at the events of the 20th century bc of how the humans suffered). and like, how they called out chuck for abandoning them + michael, as well as the rest of the world is so interesting from an angel who is still loyal to heaven and still has an intense faith in god
least favorite thing about them: that they didn’t just smush cas like a bug when they had the chance 😒
favorite line: every single word they say ever in free to be you and me. specifically “we’re tired. we just want it to be over, we just want paradise.”
brOTP: okay gabriel and raphael are like the perfect duo and would be so good as twins, but i also love lucifer and raphael being chaotic middle children
OTP: i don’t really ship raphael w anyone :/ i mean they mostly just interacted with cas.. but do have an oc that i ship them with in my post canon au <3
nOTP: uhhh? dean/raphael?????? it’s not a thing but i sure hate the idea
random headcanon: raphael actually laughs more than any other archangel, we just don’t see it because they only interact with cas, who they hate
unpopular opinion: lanette ware actually added a lot to raphaels character and gave them a personality a bit beyond “super scary archangel”!! and there’s no reason to put her and demore against each other or say one was better or worse
song i associate with them: she’s my winona by fall out boy
favorite picture of them: ok one of these is just demore but shhh it’s fine
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totaldramafan-lauri · 3 years
So.....I wasn’t originally gonna share this, but eh.......
On top of Eurovision, I’ve also been really into Friday Night Funkin’ recently thanks to a friend of mine introducing me to it.....and its plethora of popular mods. In particular, there was one mod that caught my attention....a-and....well.....h-hasn’t let it go yet......Mainly there’s this one really cool character that’s been on my mind a lot, so.....
S-so, I uh.....made an OC. A-and....I wrote a profile for her yesterday....
I-I guess I’ll share this, cuz I feel like there.....might be a possibility that I’ll do something with her in the future? Cuz I do have some story ideas.....I-it’s just a matter of finding the confidence to get back into writing.....I-I dunno if it’ll happen, but it might.
I-it’s kinda....embarrassing, tho....I-it’s been a while since I’ve made an OC purely to be a....well, simp, but here we are.....>//////>
(Also, the picture below is NOT drawn by me. I’m not an artist. It was drawn by the same friend.)
Name: Lina (she doesn't remember her last name...or her original first name for that matter) Height: 5'2" Quotes: "I-I'm sorry!" "Ms. Sarvente would know what to do...." "I hope I don't forget what happened today..." "D-don't look, please..." "W-were you listening? O-oh gosh- uh-" Age: In the 20s range Eye Color: White (in another art style, her eyes would be purple) Hair: Black, waist-length, pretty thick, and usually pretty messy due to her not having the energy to brush it all (she usually makes some kind of effort before going to the church, but it's not a lot) Build(Body Type/Shape/Any Scars Or Markings): Pretty thin. Not stick thin, though, as she does have curves and a pretty decent chest size (that she hides under her sweatshirt most of the time), but she's still pretty thin. She doesn't eat as much as she should. Normal Outfit(The clothes they most commonly wear): A baggy baby blue sweatshirt with a simple sleeveless pink dress underneath, and a matching pink scarf. Knee-high white socks and baby blue slip-on shoes. When it's really warm out, or when she's lounging at home, she'll take off the sweatshirt and scarf and just wear her dress, but most of the time she likes being covered. It makes her feel safe. General Personality: Lina is a very timid, shy woman who is scared of opening up and spilling her feelings out to people, not wanting to be a burden. She has really bad social anxiety, but attempts to be kind and polite to people, even with her lack of experience in social situations. She's always carrying a notebook with her, writing in it frequently. Most of the time, she's very quiet, but when she gets riled up or excited about something, she can talk more than you think. However, she has a tendency to stutter and stumble over her words a lot, especially when anxious or flustered. Her anxiety is bad enough that she hates asking people for things and is scared to draw too much attention to herself (due to awkward experiences with her roommate). She looks up to Sarvente and wishes she could be like her, and loves helping her whenever she can, liking the feeling of being useful (and, although she'll never admit it, to catch glimpses of Ruv). In her writing, she shows a more poetic, hopeless romantic side to her that she's too embarrassed to share, spilling it out into the lyrics she writes. She also uses her writing to vent the feelings she's too terrified to share with the world - her infatuation with Ruv, her feelings of jealousy towards Sarvente, her want and desire to become someone she can never be. She hates her feelings, and she's scared of her feelings.... Other random facts: -Lina is so bothered by her unknown past that she's absolutely terrified of forgetting things. This is the reason why she kept carrying around notebooks. She's been doing this for so long that if she's ever separated from her current notebook, she'll have an anxiety attack. -She's currently unemployed, but is able to continue living with her roommate as long as she takes care of the house. She's flat broke most of the time, only being leant money for her writing, so she doesn't have a phone. She only eats when her roommate does, but on the rare occasion she has extra money, she'll treat herself. -Like all FNF characters, Lina is musically talented - she writes songs (although she hasn't shared them), and she can sing decently well. She's scared of singing in front of others, but does it to herself all the time. However, she has very little experience with RAPPING specifically, making her a pretty easy opponent. -Her favorite colors are pastels, especially blues and pinks. -Besides going to the church on Sunday, she doesn't have much of a schedule, mainly just being alone in the house on most days. -She has a MAJOR weakness for cats. If she sees a cat, she'll immediately go to watch or pet it. Cats are the easiest way to make her smile. -She's normally pretty clumsy, and not physically strong at ALL. She can handle housework just fine, but not heavy lifting. She also can't cook at ALL. Please help her, the woman's a mess -Despite attending church, she's mostly agnostic. She mainly goes just to hang in the back of a side isle and watch Sarvente and Ruv. -Lina doesn't know that Sarvente is a demon, seeing her as a normal nun like the rest of the public. She's also unaware that Ruv is a criminal. -While she's talked with Sarv, she's never spoken directly to Ruv, being too nervous to. He's looked at her a few times, and that's been enough to send her into a frenzy. Likes: Music, writing, feeling useful, inspiration, being at the church, seeing Ruv, when people are nice to her, cats, pastel colors, sunny days, the rare times she's proud of something she wrote, pizza (she associates it with her roommate being nice to her, so it's her favorite food) Dislikes: Forgetting things, being put on the spot, loud noises (like thunder), large crowds, asking for things, being seen crying, when people ask to see her writing, whenever she feels jealous of Sarvente, embarrassing herself in front of Ruv, her body Powers/Skills: No powers. She's a normal human. Skills, however....she can write poetry and music, she can sing, and she's a pretty smart thinker when she's not stressed. Weapons: None Backstory: Lina was found at the site of a horrible accident by the person who would become her roommate, who felt sorry for her and took her in. She had no memory of her life before the accident, being left a scared woman with no past...a blank slate.
At first, she was a wreck, understandably. She tried desperately to remember her past, but nothing worked. Even as she settled into her new life, the fact that she couldn't remember who she was ate away at her day in and day out. Feeling sorry for her, her roommate gave her a notebook to make notes in. Lina found that that helped a lot, and discovered how much she loved writing.
Over time, her roommate started becoming apathetic toward the little "freeloader", and a deal was made so that she could continue living with them until she could somehow get a job: she was to clean and watch the tiny house while they were away at work. She didn't mind this deal since it made her feel less guilty. During her free time, Lina also discovered her love of music, and began singing to herself while alone.
She eventually accepted the fact that she may never remember her past, but at least she can try her hardest to make sure she never forgets again. She began carrying a notebook with her wherever she went, and continues to store all her old notebooks in her room. She never throws any page away.
She records everything: her thoughts, her plans, everything noteworthy that happens to her, and every lyric she thinks of. She finds it relaxing to spill her heart onto the pages, so no one will ever hear her say them....this is especially true after she meets THEM. After meeting Sarvente one day, Lina is invited to join a church. She's unsure at first, but decides to go. And that's where it all began....she met Ruv (well...more like she saw him talking to Sarv), and immediately took to him. Tall, stoic, intimidating...and yet, Lina could see a softness in him whenever he was with Sarvente. She wished she could meet someone like that....someone strong, who could protect her and keep her safe...
And over time, she realized that she couldn't get him off her mind. As if...she was fixated on him. She found herself writing about him a lot. And then she realized that she was very rapidly developing a crush on the man. Being unable to remember what a crush feels like, it was a lot to adjust to at once, but she found herself really liking the feeling....that is, until she realized that she could never hope to achieve the same closeness to him that Sarvente has. She wished she was like Sarvente....
...She realized that she had become jealous of someone who had only ever been kind to her. And she hated it. So, Lina hid her feelings away once again.
Currently, Lina visits the church every week. She's always the first to arrive, and the last to leave. Even when people come and go, she always sits in the back of one of the side isles, writing away in her notebook. She simply likes the feeling of being in the church. The safe atmosphere, Sarvente's kindness, and the possibility of seeing HIM. Sarvente has noticed how long Lina stays for, and sometimes asks her for volunteer work, which she's happy to provide. However, although Sarvente is happy to have a regular visitor, she also doesn't take Lina very seriously, talking to her as if she was a child due to her appearance (if she HAS caught on to Lina's crush on Ruv, she hasn't said anything because of this). "Oh, little Lina, you're so cute!" Lina doesn't mind the headpats and squeals, but has a hard time believing that she's "cute" in any way. Lina looks up to Sarvente, treating her with a lot of respect, calling her "Ms. Sarvente". Sarvente calls Lina "little Lina". Lina likes helping out, but...she also often feels insecure and inadequate due to constantly comparing herself to Sarvente.
One day, after the church closes and Lina is on her way out the door, she runs into someone who Sarvente had a recent tussle with...a guy with blue hair.
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(There she is, the tiny pastel nerd.....seriouslyIlovethispiceeeeeeeeebigthankstomyfriendfordesigningheroutfit)
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