crazed by how mary and john were forced together by the angels and then this is never addressed in canon? fixed it. angered that mary is obviously a lesbian and this is never explored? fixed it. frustrated by the strange absence of deanna campbell in the winchesters? fixed it. wondering why mary winchester died in a full face of makeup? fixed it. upset they never emphasised how young she was when she was resurrected? fixed it. feel there is more to mary and dean's relationship which we never saw? fixed it. fixed it all! fixed everything. in fic form for you up now on ao3 it's called i'll sing a hymn to mary it's 34k and it's the marynatural multiverse fic we deserve
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angelsdean · 2 years
i need to see deanna campbell in this finale. NEED. mary's "we're out numbered" comment makes me think they're gonna call around, try to get all hands on deck. samuel will come back into town. and then, they're either gonna call on deanna and she'll show up OR.......they can't get in touch w/ her and that. is concerning. and THEN. deanna-as-the-akrida-queen-vessel-REVEAL. that theory won't leave me alone guys. it's grown so large in my mind.
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spngirlpolls · 1 year
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kjosi · 2 years
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romanken · 11 months
Tried to go back to one of my old spn urls but someone has stolen both of my identities. It's okay you all remember milfdean and marygirl. You know
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fandom-hoarder · 1 year
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petition to start calling sam and dean 'mary's crusty sons'
i get kicked out of the fandom for proposing to the elders that we consolidate the deangirls and samgirls into a singular category of maryscrustysongirls in order to make more room for the marygirls
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eileenguy · 1 year
pls tell us ur prequelcrit opinions btw
ANON IM SO FUCKING SORRY THEY DELETED YOU OH MY GOD. anyways here's the answer under the cut that i had to rewrite in its entirety<3
so um. this must feel very weird because it was just announced that the prequel was cancelled by the CW so i rlly don't think me airing my problems with it remains fruitful but STILL. as a marygirl and johncrit/john-understander AND frequent participant of toxic tragic maryjohn """"shipping"""" i have to say (as someone who has not watched this show keep that in mind pls this is just from what i have seen on the dash). it's very weird that the writers and producers decided to focus on how dean's feelings must be hurt and on dean's need for a hashtag apple pie normal happy domestic home life and dean's closure and ignored basically everything about the actual mary and john.
i thought it was very disrespectful to mary in particular, who had to marry a man she despised (and vice-versa on his part) because of divine manipulation from heaven. one thing about mary's story was that she did not want to be a hunter in the end and that she craved safety for her and her loved ones instead of the dangers for hunting. despite this she could never get out of the hunting life because her destiny was to be used as a pawn in the celestial game leading upto the apocalypse and the end of the world which like! fucking sucks! and she loved her children and probably also her husband (how much of the latter was genuine and not the aforementioned celestial fuckery we'll never know) but that doesn't mean her life and marriage were happy or normal.
john as well. he was forced to fall in love with a person he "couldn't stand" due to higher forces orchestrating it since the beginning of humankind apparently. but unlike mary he didn't stop believing in his destiny. before her death we know that mary was considering divorce but we don't know if john felt the same. what we do know is that immediately after her death he spiralled so hard that he decided to risk him and his children's lives to seek revenge against her murderers, which unfortunately led to him discovering hunting and raising his kids up to be hunters, which is the only thing mary didn't want. infact, ending this cycle of hunting was the main reason she made sure he remained ignorant of hunting and her past life as a hunter. and we know that instead of doing any of this, john could've easily talked with mary's ghost (see 1x09) and consulted with her on how to parent their kids, or heck, even just straight up ASKED her who her killer was, but he didn't. because talking with mary would mean having to talk about their cringefail marriage and life together. he held up an ideal of her as the perfect wife and their relationship as the perfect marriage, and he sacrificed his life and his sons' lives at this fake altar. (keep in mind, it is very IMPORTANT to his character that he does not know shit about hunting before mary's death)
mary also does this, in a way, when after being brainwashed by the bmol (boooo!) she retreats into a mental fantasy where she's younger, dean is a toddler and sammy's an infant and refuses to "look at" the older dean who repeatedly asks her to see him and hear him. tellingly, john isn't a part of this fantasy.
so obviously all of this affected dean. knowing that your father would rather choose a life of danger and uncertainty over a healthy and safe childhood for you and your brother, knowing that him and your mother never "truly" loved each other, knowing that their marriage was on the verge of ending before your mother's death all fucking sucks. knowing that because you turned out leading the life you mother did not want for you to have, having your mother come back after so many years but she's about a decade younger than you and would rather go back to what's known and comforting to her (i.e. hunting) over parenting your adult ass and confronting her new reality has also got to suck. after being traumatised and put in harm's way his entire childhood and early adulthood by his father, who was acting in the interest of protecting the perfect made-up ideal of his angelic mother and their perfect life before her death, he was even denied the closure of having a mother and regaining that type of life when she was actually present for it.
this absolutely does not mean we should write and produce shows where dean's form of "closure" is travelling the multiverse (you will NEVER be spiderverse etc etc), finding a perfect reality that exists where we retcon his parents as better people who DID love each other, actually, and they ALSO had brown and queer friends and they were like, totally cool with that, and the impala is a time travelling car now. maryjohn is not a love story. it is a tragedy. it is a horror story. it can even be a fucking comedy if you think about how absurd it all is, but it is NEVER a normal happy romance.
they fundamentally cannot end up together and be happy about it. and you cannot ask me to be happy about such a story! i would've even been ok with the show if they presented us with dean who is dead in heaven, refusing to meet his similarly dead-and-in-heaven parents, completely dissatisfied with how his life was and instead of finally resting, choosing to time travel across multiverses to find a reality where his life had the potential to be happier, where his parents stayed together willingly and resolved all their conflicts, where he had a better childhood. and presented us with all of this as the insanely tragic, terrifying thing that it is instead of some nostalgic, forever 21 wardrobed, 70s scooby-doo-esque, retro funfest.
i don't fault people (especially dean fans) for liking this show. i understand how seeing dean again, and seeing him happy, seeing him finally "save" his mother, could be cathartic or even just plain enjoyable for a lot of people. but im unhealthily obsessed with a lot of the source material this show plays so fast and loose with and it's so unacceptable to me lol.
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soupernatural · 2 years
• zo • 26 • pick-a-pronoun • i love blonde women with a resurrection arc <3 • bobbycoded (joni mitchell stan) marygirl (who isn’t a girl) •           • a03 • playlist carrd • tag navigation •
fic lists :     destiel aus • destiel canon • sapphicnatural • misc.
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cockworkangels · 2 years
literally an insane episode for marygirls. she gets possessed by a ghost that keeps ghosts of children trapped in his house because he lost his child and couldn't let go. he needs to be destroyed so the children can be set free. and then in the end of the episode mary leaves.
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tiktaalic · 2 years
i thought you were a marygirl
Falls under cop out 3rd option !
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john winchester samcoded marygirl
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demonmary · 2 years
• zo • 24 • pick-a-pronoun • mary winchester defender • • bobbycoded (joni mitchell stan) marygirl (who isn’t a girl) • • a03 • playlist carrd • tag navigation •
fic masterlists : destiel aus • destiel canonverse • sapphicnatural • misc. discord - zo#5750 (pls identify yourself)
🌸👻i’m violently shadowbanned rn so i’m probably the ghost in your notifications 👻🌸
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dollhousemary · 2 years
need more marygirls to follow me where are you all
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im first and foremost a bibro and so that means samgirl fic is too mean to dean and deangirl fic is too mean to sam and casgirl fic is mean to dean and sam. the only people who can be trusted are the marygirls
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cornflowershade · 2 years
if you didn’t like Mary in spnwin, lets bond lol. I’m a sucker of a marygirl for the og. The depth. The sweetness. The badassery. (The non-cookie-cutter-ness.)
like can we take a moment to appreciate ✨ her ✨
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*sigh* I just reminded myself that I’m in love with sam smith’s mary
I never expected new mary to reach those heights but damn, I also didn’t expect her to be actively annoying and badly acted. SPN Mary, i’m sorry. You deserved so much better. ♥
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