#i love animating so im real glad other people like my work too
heliosundercover · 4 months
Batboys and
how they talk about you
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Bonus fic as a thank you for allowing my jason fic to do well 💋
Dick Grayson-
, who talks about you like a goddess walking the earth, loves you more than words. The type to talk about you so much that people doubt your real
“My girlfriend is so sweet, guys. Today we went to that one library I like. Guys, have I told you even her favorite book is adorable?”
It doesn’t help that he tends to get caught up in certain details, completely ignoring other ones. No one knew your name until a week into dating.
Jason: “If you asked me before, I would’ve never believed him; weve all gone a little insane, but now that Ive seen proof, I'm happy for him. He gets to be well-dick, and she gets to smile and nod, but I swear she enjoys it. They’re weird together.”
Tim: “We love Dick. A lot, but we were looking at a wonderful facility that has an in-patient gym in the beginning. But the way he looks at her, I wouldn’t be surprised if she actually did miracles.” 
Damian: “At least I believed him at the start. He was smitten and absolutely whipped. I thought it was just like Dick. I don’t know why I, of all people, was the only one that caught it.
Bruce: Yeah, I knew she was real. Why would I ruin everyone’s fun? I mean, Dick is a bit. Aloof sometimes… I'm not exactly surprised; he’s not exactly amazing socially sometimes, but with her, he’s extra awkward, and I watched him flirt with men and women. But look, as long as he’s happy, we’re happy for him.”
Dick is a completely drunken idiot, with so much training thrown out the window. 
(Can you tell I'm not a fan of a playboy dick😞 im sorry i love a good love stuck man)
Jason Todd-
, who is extremely protective of his peace, sometimes acts as if you’re fragile. He was the type to invite you to a family game night where he called a family meeting an hour beforehand, forcing everyone to be on their best behavior. Needless to say, it was awkward, but one uno round later, he realized you fit in just fine. 
“I knew my girl would win. She's a gangster.”
boast when you absolutely dominate everyone playing in the game. You never quite beat the cheating allegations.
Dick: "I don’t know how he did it, but he found someone who brings out a side of him I haven’t seen in years. No one is that good at uno; naturally, at least, I think she’s a meta. I'm not saying that non-metas aren’t good at uno.”
Tim: "You know how in movies the girl animals just have lashes, and how the boy is always darker and the girl will be like a lighter color? It's like she was made for him. I'm glad he found his anamorphic girl, Wolf. But, can I be honest? I think Alfred was telling her our cards.”
Damian: "I'm glad Jaybird is happy. He’s definitely earned it. Even if she cheats at UNO, they’re perfect for each other. Hell, the cheating is what makes them perfect for each other.”
Bruce: "I'm glad to see Jason happy. The sparkling in his eyes, the boyish smile, is the same joy I saw after he hit me with a car iron and ran off, giggling. I like her.”
Bruce Wayne-
is proud to show you off publicly. He’s not one to spoil someone, but sometimes he can’t help but pick up trinkets for you. Sometimes you’d wake up to keychains, jewelry, or even clothes somewhere in your shared room. 
He tried so hard to be there for you and protect you from his line of work. Some nights, he wouldn’t come to bed at all to avoid waking you. Some nights, if you worried too much, he would send Dick out in the Batman costume so he could be by your side. 
"Shh, baby, its ok... Tonight, I'm staying with you, okay? I love you; do you know that? And I know sometimes the risk scares you, but I’ll always be here for you.”
Dick: "It's nice knowing Bruce isn’t constantly brooding about it. Well, I knew that fact already, but this is different. I only see a light in his eyes when he’s doing stuff he absolutely loves. Like when he talks to his parents tombs and we pretend we don’t see him.”
Jason: "i think that man would come back from the dead more dramatically than I did for this woman. And I waged like 3 wars.”
Tim: “Sometimes I see them sitting in the library together in silence. All they do is enjoy each other’s presence. Its adorable”
Damian: “Dads earned it. And when I say he’s earned it, I mean he’s earned it!”
Bruce isn’t the easiest to be with, but he always makes up for it.
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addie4ddie2005 · 6 months
THE NEW CHAPTER IS SO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVGDFCHBVKDSVBKHFBJLSVBJLSSJLVBSLJBVLS🦅🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥💥 GOOD FKN SOUP IM DEVOURING IT RN it might be my fav chapter thus far........It has elements of The horrors tm and scenes that make me kick my feet in delight GODDDDDD🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 AAAAnd as usual I have some new silly doodles that I've got (Sadly I cant draw fast enough to finish my fan art for this chapter BUTIMWORKINGONSMT). I do have the RGB reader designs that I mainly use so that other fans could (maybe....just maybe...) mold their reader/player into whatever they want but I DO have a design that caters to my fav design tropes...
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ALSOALSO- I've got a folder righttt 👉here where I'll compile some more sketches (and the animation with the right sync good gracious me-) so that I dont BOMBARD you with 50plus images.
Thank you I'm so glad you love it!! 🦅💥 (Nonsense emojis are becoming a habit I have to stoppp...)
It's so funny you said that cuz I have a Doc called "kicking my feet blushing giggleinf" that I use to jot down the "fluffy" moments when the inspiration worms hit x0
And take your time with the art gurl!! What you've already done is amazing!! The most important thing is that it's fun and engaging for you,, no pressure 🫶
Those RGB designs are a banger btw they have so much personality!! I forgot to mention I loved the color scheme of your animation. I'm a sucker for some super saturated RGB...
OKAY now I'm gonna gush abt your art >:o] I love your insert she's too spunky!! She looks so done w him LOL. Also your style is delightful and fun!! I love your habit of drawing ppl with tired eyes and no mouth. It speaks to me.
The “You look lonely” piece is gorgeous btw :) He’s so shinyyy,, Insert looks tireddd. I know it’s the meme format or whatevah but I would be too.
I hope you don’t mind me sharing screenshots? Just let me know :o) I’m abt to holler abt some sketches.
THESE!! These made me so soft oml. I know in my heart he feels like a Squishmallow or whatever those fat chibi stuffed animals are.
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DRIP KINITO 🔥🔥🔥 I giggled. Also baseball Kinito is canon now. To me. I just KNOW he picks up random human sports and tries his darndest to play them with only two people. (Reader cheering him on and also looking thoroughly depressed is so real LMAO)
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I think that's all I have in my heart for now... TY for this plethora of art you went above and beyond <3
BTW I’m gonna provide a pic of the players here for easy viewing cuz they’re cool as freak 💯🐊
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EDIT: I am so glad!! You love my fic!! I heart U!!
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myfandomrealitea · 2 months
Your post regarding specifc places for things and some places dont need a vent channel it helped me realise that the people i follow online were damaging to my health. They were constantly sharing real people who died horrifically and saying things like "if you dont share you're supporting violence " while i only joined social media to view art.
I actively speak about real life events offline with my family, we always talk about whats happening in the world once a week and mention anything new within the local and worldwide news. I didn't understand why social media was worsening my mental health around these topics since i could speak about it in real life with my family. i assumed i was horrible for simply not wanting to see it online, When your post about a safe space came up i realised why it made me feel so bad, the artists i followed no longer were posting art and were just constantly sharing news daily about horrific events. It became inescapable and i was unknownly doomscrolling for hours on social media while hoping to see art (that just made me feel bad viewing after seeing so much death) , my only escape was going offline. I already made new accounts just for art and Im so thankful for your post since i did avoid everything that was about real world events since the account is only for art and i feel so much more.. i guess happier.. but definitely more mentally healthy if that makes sense? It felt like my mind was drained or foggy when scrolling through social media, and i wasnt actually paying attention before but now its a lot more, clear, healthy and positive. Im able to think properly and actually pay attention and appreciate the good things online
I'm so glad I was able to help you on your journey to bettering your wellbeing. Its an aspect of why I run this blog and talk about the things that I do.
So very often people don't actually register or realize what parts of their lives are causing stress. They attribute it to 'working too much' or 'not sleeping enough' without realizing that there are direct causes for things like not sleeping enough. And I'm not saying every single part of life comes back to activism, but very often we don't even realize how much negativity and forced awareness we're exposing ourselves to.
I used to religiously follow accounts on Instagram which posted about animal abuse. Other than a handful of celebrities my Instagram feed would be the most graphic videos you could imagine of people hacking into live dogs with axes, boiling cats alive in huge vats of water, jockeys tearing at horse's mouths until their teeth were loose and they were leaving a trail of blood as they walked the winner's circle.
I used to think if I wasn't constantly forcing myself to acknowledge that these things were happening, if I wasn't constantly reminding myself the extent at which these things happen, I was a bad person. I wasn't a real animal lover. If I truly loved animals why wasn't I sharing these videos? Why wasn't I sitting there with thousands of other people acknowledging what animals go through while I sit comfy at home doing nothing?
It got the point where I'd be throwing up constantly, I refused to sleep because I was terrified of the nightmares and my hands would shake as I opened up the Instagram app because I dreaded what I'd see today.
It wasn't helping me. It wasn't helping the animals. I'm just as aware now of what animals go through without having to see any of it.
But now, I have the wellbeing to actually devote myself to meaningful activism. Not just tormenting myself to no outcome. Now, I have the willpower and the energy to sign petitions and do research and take steps in my own life to better the welfare of the animals in my care.
Now I can sleep at night and wake up well-rested with the energy and the motivation to do things both for myself and for other people. Now, I can scroll Instagram and leave polite, correctional comments on misguided videos about animals. Now I have the knowledge to devote my attention and my efforts to where it actually makes a difference and changes animal's lives.
It is such, such a hard thing to drag yourself out of. We're so conditioned into thinking suffering shared is suffering lessened. We're so conditioned into believing that by spamming words anywhere we can we are the direct cause of change.
Its a hell of a learning climb. A steep one. But I genuinely believe the world would be better off for learning and changing as we both had the courage to.
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n4rval · 8 months
hi I just wanted to say your tags on the gaster poll posts are so correct yessss (always enjoy your takes just in general). thank you for being one of the seemingly very few people out there who also believes there's no way the timeline works for gaster and alphys to have been colleagues. however, him haunting her benevolently is something I'm 1000% here for <3 (also I hope your finals went well and you get to have a nice relaxing break!)
HII HELLO HI im glad you like them!!! knowing you read these motivates me to keep being Absolutely Very Normal About Him on the internet
personally it's less of a believing thing and more of a come on it's written right there thing, but since we're here.
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behold! dingus timeline. (and the hottest of takes with freshly baked personal headcanons otherwise what am i doing)
Not a skeleton?
Isn't 201X too early?
Indeed, not a skeleton, but rather, some guy. Something about how monster's bodies are manifestations of their SOUL, and him oddly resembling a strange looking man does well to represent his insatiable curiosity and love for creating. (things humans are known for in a better light)
On the other hand, you will be pleased with how fascinated he is by "FLESHLINGS AND THEIR CALCIUM DEPOSITS".
And then they fucking died.
201X is the year the first human fell into the underground, and shortly after, the royal family has moved to New Home. This means some decent exploration of the cavern has already been made. Scientists could very well already have been working on optimizing life underground, with special attention to the large and ever growing new capital.
My idea? As this idiot has been aiding exploration with his antics, Gerson was the one to appoint him to Asgore. Something about his talent with turning garbage into non-garbage. With a little patience and getting familiar with his odd manerisms, it was not too long until he got to be the prince's weird godfather.
Cracking already?
And everyone was devastated, mainly the close family. Not only that, but amidst your mourning, the one couple responsible for your unrealistically high standards for romance just divorced. Is love even real anymore. You eat ants with your cereal and your work consists mainly of convenience improvements and absolutely nothing groundbreaking. What's the point of breaking that pesky barrier again? Child murder? Come on.
That's the Wingdings PATIENCE and BRAVERY encountered in their adventure. Dear god, you're lame. Aren't you some kind of genius? Get yourself together! And together he got his self, now, he has children to look after. Surely there must be some other way. He must stop coming up with new flavours for chips and find some other way.
... Dear god, the King is going to kill them.
Listen. He's old. You got your wrinkles, he's got his cracking. What? You meant to point out some major event of injury must have been responsible for his current state of deformity? Well, he's old AND heartbroken. That's a direct blow to the SOUL, okay.
Jokes aside (kind of), doing any lasting damage to a monster is quite difficult given their magic forms can easily be healed through, well, magic. They can, however, eventually "fall" (wink wink) and dust away with age - which cannot, however, be fixed with magic.
With a little determination however ...
Something about the anomaly.
He found it, the other way. It was the bones all along, the so needed sustainance for channelling such a high concentration of that power. Well, not necessarily, but a boney structure will endure much more and last much longer than a meaty one. Also, it looks so cool.
You know this guy, he gets first dibs on any and all dubious substances that might or might not deal the last hit to the nail on his coffin dust urn(?). And when it all works out (dubious), he might as well play a little. What kind of things can he make? With the material properties of these calcified remains infused with his own magic, animated with determination.
Some new, powerful magic tricks?
A new kind of monster, maybe?
There is a lot of interesting things one can do with isolated DT, aside from making bones rattle with life - for example, peeking onto the complex layers and ramifications of what composes reality. This is when the already kooky scientist grows a little mad; manic, if you will. This is the Wingdings sans was familiar with.
Time travel this, resets that, blah blah blah alpha timeline, the anomaly, the angel, the anomaly again, all things that only make sense to him and his illegible mess on the black board. The lack of detail is killing him, he needs to know what it is - what it does, why it does, how it does. Not to stop it, no, there is no stopping it.
Rather, an overwhelming need to understand it.
He falls somewhere in recent history, details of it left ambiguous. The shattering, combined with the amount of DT running in his magical... mathematical physiology, rendered all of his self but an espectator of his reality; confined to the code and unable to do anything but watch, powerless before the nature of his very being, like a corrupted program.
It is all rather frustrating, besides the burden that is coming to terms with simply not existing anymore, watching was pretty much all this research was and now ever will be. That is, until something interacts with him. It is different from the tragic prince, whom no matter how much DT he's accumulated, he is just as confined to this world's rules as other elements. Not this one, not the force from beyond. Not "YOU".
He makes it a mission to reach out, despite the limits of the code, to give away bits and pieces of him and see if you bite. But not too much, he's seen how you tend to exhaust a world for knowledge, something he can oddly sympathize with. I mean, what will you do once you find everything? One cannot fully know a person.
Maybe in another world, prophetized by a cute, little white dog. A much better world for everyone, without so much as war or disease, his greatest creation yet. And he could invite you to it, to experience bewilderment, to be reminded of wonder. If it could even help you, wherever you are, to deem your own world worth of partaking ... then the experiment was a success.
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surveillance-0011 · 28 days
got any Sweezy x Harper hcs?
It’s a very gradual thing and there’s never really a confession it’s just like. Somewhere along the lines they make it official. If there were ever a confession it’d be a major snorplo moment where it’s like “we’ve legit been dating for years now”
they're both stoked tho
I would not be surprised if it's something that happens later in the timeline honestly. if we get swarper for realzies in canon im assuming it's not happening until like. probably later in the sequel. idk if the animated series would be another interquel with all the bounties we didn't see between the game and dlc or more of a retelling of the game orrr??? idk idk??? shrug?? so idk exactly to expect but who knows
maybe they'd only consider themselves together by the time everything w/ Gurgula is said and done and they can actually kind of. truly move the fuck on from everything that's gone down.
Sweezy is actually the more outwardly affectionate one. Also a lot more flirtatious. Likes to see Harper get all mushy and flustered. Harper is a bit on a stoic+awkward side and a little hesitant to get so close to her bc she’s still getting used to being close to people without them. Yknow. (COMIC SPOILERS KIND OF FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT READ IT YET SORGY) Dying getting their memory wiped turning out to be evil etc etc etc
Sweezy too to an extent. I think even though she is very like “hiii babe hugs and kisses love youuu” she is also a bit scared what the future holds and doesn’t want to let her guard down entirely just yet. She’s not very vulnerable and it does take a while for the two to have their more serious chats on what they are how they feel anything super deep etc etc
Though of course I say this relative to their personalities. Harper is pretty sweet and sweezy is still sweezy. Sweezy does still tease her and during tougher patches she can be, well, tough. Meanwhile Harper is usually looking on the bright side and whatnot.
I don’t think they argue much but there’s playful bickering and I’m sure sometimes the tension from bounty hunting boils over a lil ..
When they do fight they take some time to themselves then talk it out and usually get a little treat. There has been one (1) tearful apology. At least
I also do feel like they'd be the sort to be more lowkey about things anyway. sometimes Harper wishes she had an easier time showing her appreciation and love but in general there's not a lot of pressure to act a certain way or whatever
Sweezy fell first for sure. harper probably fell harder but i feel like she'd not pin it for what it is at first,, "wow im so glad sweezy is such a good friend :) idk why my heart is racing rn"
Harper was from a relatively well off family, cozily middle class. Sweezy was from a working class family. there have been some "no harper not everyone can go to a ski resort every winter vacation" moments but mainly harper wishes she still had it to spoil her girl. She likes giving gifts when she can for sure.
though for real she would give sweezy like a thousand cool rocks. she will find a way to give something nice.
Harper does like cuddling but sometimes the gems are a bit pointy. it takes them both a while to get comfy. But it can be their lil ritual
The two certainly have each other's back but neither is overprotective. They're both very capable and one need not try to shield them from the world or anything like that.
I need... antics. Past midnight shenanigans. Getting into trouble havin fun making memories. Please. Please.
sleepovers :3 yes technically atm that's just sleeping on the same shelf or whatever but :3 we can make it happen we can make it work...
Sweezy has a lot of romantic experiences. Many a shitty ex. Played into some of her worries but Harper is a breath of fresh air honestly.
Meanwhile Harper has very little experience and has probably only dipped her nonexistent toes (tip of handle? Barrel? Muzzle?) into the waters of dating with either 1-2 past partners or dates that have never gotten serious. She is very excited but also very nervous and wishes that the people she would have gone to for advice were all still around. And/or of sound mind and body. Yknow. Yknow who I’m talking about :) two or three people in mind here… :) :) :))) but cest la vie
Sweezy is bi and proud bay beeee!! Harper is sapphic and otherwise unlabeled,, bicurious mayhaps,, and a lil shy on the matter... girl pretty... what else is there to say...
Neither really wants to do anything too formal for dates they like doing fun stuff. The bounty hunter has to chaperone/drive/third wheel often NOT LIKE GATLIANS CANT MOVE AROUND IT'S JUST TRICKY 8 TIMES OUTTA 10 but they like to go places like the park arcade aquarium... stuff like that i think...
maybe they'd want to be married someday but either it'd be a small ceremony or getting officiated and then just throwing a reception party and/or and/or never getting technically married but remaining life partners
harper would be into getting married but it would take a while she would be very intimidated by the prospect. sweezy doesn't know if marriage is right for her in general, successful relationship or not.
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
I think if hori wrote toga better more people would like her but he hardly gives a shit about her so her story and personality and thoughts are messy (as in badly written) and nonsensical. I wanna like her but you have to do a lot of leg work to make her interesting and worth the time and love, Hori doesnt love her enough to but a lot of effort into her, unlike the other two male villains who he wont shut up about. Togas always just been (for me personally) an underutilized, underdeveloped waste of what could have been a cool idea. The Anti-toga people are not unfounded in most of their criticisms (MOST), shes the only seemingly queer person and of course shes a lustful blood sucking pervert psycho murderer with no real depth.
(btw you are more than welcome to both ignore this and LOVE toga I am not saying for you shes not worth the time or energy, this is just me reflecting on her and how hori has treated her, i appreciate and value fanon and the effort fans will put into loving her, thats so cool and based, im glad you can find joy in something like that, for people who like her- I wish she was cared for by her writer 💕)
Uh… what I see or believe isn’t fanon broski.
Look Horikoshi has always had a problem of pushing aside the women in his series, the worst of this case has ALWAYS been ochako. Do I think that’s because he wanted to write a gay love story? Yeah, I do. Does that make it okay? Absolutely not. I will be the first person to shout from the rooftops that horikoshi does not write women as well as he should. He has fan service abundant, he makes crude jokes using women that really aren’t all that funny, he’s pushed aside his women and their moments in order to forward bkdk’s development.
But you can absolutely not come into my ask to tell me that she is an, “underdeveloped wasted idea”. Because she’s just fucking not.
People think toga is just “the blood sucking bisexual who likes animals too”, but she’s just fucking not. That’s never been her defining trait or character.
Toga is a subversion of the yandere trope. That sadly means there will always be misogynistic rhetoric because that’s what the trope is. At least BEFORE the subversion happens, which is now! Where Ochako DOESNT FIND HER CREEPY!
She’s going to be creepy and weird and have issues because she’s a villain. She’s a queer villain. Her entire story is one that defies the tragedy of carmilla and refuses to let her identity be anything but “Himiko Toga”. She has always been a character about identity. She’s never been “possessive” or “jealous” over Izuku for this purpose. It’s the reason why she’s bisexual, why she just “has an attraction to blood”. It’s a queer story wrapped in metaphor and it always has been. Why is THIS monster/villain queer story any worse than, idfk, the joker and Batman. I haven’t found a single person able to genuinely voice that to me in a way that is convincing! Horror and unconventional ways of love and ESPECIALLY blood has always always ALWAYS been a part of queer coded stories for a LONG TIME. We are the unconventional. We always have been. And that’s not me “bending over backwards” HER PARENTS LITERALLY CALL HER A DEVIANT AND SHE ASKS WHY NO ONE ELSE STRUGGLES WITH THE URGES SHE DOES.
I’ve said this before, and I’ll fucking say it again, Toga is horikoshi’s most well written and thought out female character. Ochako got kicked over and over again, same with momo, Tsu, Mina, and whoever the fuck else.
And I’m sorry, but writing a queer villain inspired by the lesbian vampire trope isn’t homophobic or bad writing.
She’s HAD depth. Idk if you read her backstory or her feelings on Ochako, twice, hawks, or even Izuku but she’s HAD depth. And I’m tired of pretending she hasn’t.
Normally I wouldn’t engage with shit like this but you reached out to me DIRECTLY. So let me make this clear: you can have whatever opinions you want on toga, and I will not get angry or express anger in any sort of way. But this account? This is not your fucking space and I will ABSOLUTELY meme on you for it.
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So I watched Elemental....
It was surprisingly good, and WAY more mature then I actually expected it to be.
Which, was par for the course. I knew a long time ago not to trust Pixar's marketing team when it comes to their movies. (cus this idiot gave Brave and Good Dinosaur and Lightyear a chance in theatres... what's one more pixar movie under my belt I'm disappointed by...)
But I was not disappointed in this one. And I'm grateful for that.
I'm not sure if it's worth it to see it in theatres. The whole thing is available to watch in 3D now, and the constant motion of the water and the fire does look impressive but I'm not sure if I would spend the extra money to see it with 3D glasses. But the visual effects and lighting was stunning!
Ember being reflected in Wade's face while he's looking at her is a nice touch and I loved those composition shots.
Although, I would NOT call it above Spiderverse this summer. lol. Not by a long shot. Like if you only have money to see one animated film this summer, make it Spiderverse, for sure.
The little short about Carl from Pixar's UP getting ready to go on a date is actually pretty cute. And I'm glad this was Ed Asner's last recorded role as Carl and I thought it was a cute send-off for the character. (I kinda wish the credits of the short acknowledged it) Also, I love that the short actually talks about finding love after your soulmate dies. It's rare it's not seen in Children's animation more, because it DOES happen. (my mom being a testament to that)
Anyway, about Elemental.
The movie is not really a "by the numbers romance" as the trailers would have you believe... just kinda showing that Disney did not fucking know how to market this thing.
Sure, it is a romance story between a fire girl and a water guy, and they do interact, solve a small crisis and get closer as time goes on and a good amount of time is done building their relationship and it's actually solid and cute. and there is a 'elements don't mix' but it's more of a saying between their people and not an actual rule or "law" as the trailers would have you think. It's a lot smaller, more intimate stakes then that. And I think for a romance story, intimate stakes work better.
But honestly, did you know that this movie is 100% a story about First World Immigrants that settled down in Element City which isn't built for them in mind so that their daughter could have a better life? And how Family Obligations and a sense of responsibility and love for your family can sometimes make you feel trapped and unable to explore different faucets of your life that you don't even know about until other people point them out to you but your terrified of pursuing something new and different with your life cause you feel like you would be too far away from your family and neglect your responsibilities and feel like a bad daughter because something that you worked for your whole life became the end goal and you didn't know what would come after because you didn't know these things about yourself until now and now you feel the priorities and goals and responsibilities you worked so hard for are now shifting into different responsibilities and priorities and you don't know what to do and feel like you let your family down
Yeah... me neither
LOL sorry that was a bit of a run-on sentence, but Ember is really relatable to me as a protagonist. So if any of that rambling run-on sounded interesting or relatable to you, I recommend you go see it when you get a chance, and I think I sold it far better then Pixar's marketing team, or Disney, or whoever did it.
The movie isn't laugh out loud funny, but there are a few sensible chuckles and puns in there. No real belly-laughs, but there were a lot of "AWWS" from the audience, which indicates everyone was loving the cute romance story. And there was a few scenes that made my sister cry (not me tho cus im dead inside. LOL)
Anyways, some spoilers under the cut and a few scenes I just thought would make the movie stronger
There is this stupid kid dirt child called Clod. He only appears a few times in the movie. Like... a total of two? Maybe three times? about a three minute scene each or so? to be annoying and flirt with Ember who is like... 10 times his age.
And it's supposed to be cute... and Ember does reject him gently... kiiiinda... like.... if rolling your eyes and groaning when he shows up counts as telling him "no" .....(it doesn't and he's like ten and some kids are bad at emotional ques cus kids are in their own head a lot. depends on the kid, but Clod is DEFINATELY one of those kids who only sees the world through HIS lens.)
but honestly...
I kinda wish Ember was more firm with this kid. And told him to stop. Just cus it's a kids movie and it is 2023. Can we stop the cliche of "far younger kid flirts with female lead" it was never funny in the 80s... and it sure isn't funny now... And I just kinda wanted a line or two from Ember, showing kids that this behavior is not okay. Rather then her just kinda rolling her eyes, and shaking him off.
I'm not expecting a full grown lecture moment to stop the movie in it's tracks, cause you can honestly write dialogue that is funny that works.
Like Ember Never tells this little casanova the words "STOP." she just kinda... burns his flowers he gives her and rolls her eyes like 'elements don't mix bud' I know she might be trying to let him down gently, but the kid isn't getting the message, cus he keeps waiting outside the shop every day to hit on her.
Just tell the little dirtclod to stop or ask him if he has school or if she has to tell his mom what he's doing. Like honestly, a small aside line like "I really need to talk to him about personal boundaries"
idk.. give me something... just tell him to stop. lol
Another scene, there's this thing, that if water touches fire, or like... a lot of water, it extinguishes part of their body, and they need to eat wood to repair it.
We got to see Ember and her mother do this to themselves on separate occasions
But Wade never got to see it. :(
Wade and Ember know the danger of dating eachother, and they are scared of touching, and a lot of times, Ember is put into terrifying situations where there is a LOT of Water.
I kinda wanted a scene to happen where.... maybe her leg gets extinguished, and Wade cries heavily, and freaks the fuck out.. and thinks that he SERIOUSLY hurt her. And Ember tells him to calm down, and she has a firestarter kit, and she just needs to eat some firewood, and she'll be okay. Or it could have happened at Wade's family's house...
Like I feel it would be a little cute bonding moment, and it will give Wade a moment of clarity at realizing the gravity of their relationship a little more early
Wade is definitely a "heart on your sleeve" "follow your heart" "be honest with your emotions" character.
Which is great, and I do love how cute their contrast is. But there are a few moments, where Wade just doesn't understand the severity of their relationship, or sometimes just doesn't understand the importance of Ember's people's culture sometimes.
And to be fair... Ember doesn't explain this to him, at least not fully, or properly. So Wade, not having all the facts... Her abandoning everything in her life to pursue an internship far away from her family makes sense to him.
I feel just... having a scene where he SEES Ember get hurt... instead of it being a possible threat of "oh they might get hurt" or just constantly telling the audience "OOOH THEY COULD GET HURT" would actually bridge some gaps in miscommunication, and have him understand the gravity of their relationship sooner.
I mean, it's not like he EVER does... he definitely does and it's not like Wade is stupid. He knows their relationship has problems. And I actually command the guy for getting mad that Ember is NOT telling him or helping him understand some things that she values. Cause he wants to help and get to know her, but if she's constantly on guard he can't do that.
Idk.. I do think that Wade finding firesticks for Ember and helping her after she got hurt would have been a cute bonding experience Maybe I'm just a Wumpy and I want to see it. eghoahef Ember got hurt plenty times by water, so it's not like they're scared to show a woman be venerable... It's just that..... Wade never gets to see that. And it was a shame.
I wanted to see him see it and his reaction to it.
Idk... those were just the things I kinda wanted to see.
Other then that, I enjoyed my time... and Wade is a class Himbo... and Ember is just... super relatable to me, and I understand her so much. I love her.
I feel the conclusion wraps up a little too cleanly????
Like... it's a super happy ending, and everyone has their cake and eats it too.
Ember's Dad gets to retire, and Ember gets to get her intership, and the Dad just lets some fireguys who are at his shop all the time who feel like family to run the shop in his retirement instead of his daughter?
Idk... it feels like it wrapped up way too cleanly and it never works that way in real life... Especially complex issues between family responsibilities and pursuing new passions in life that might take you far away from your family
I don't mind the super happy ending and having your cake and eating it too... idk I just feel their could be a better written solution that didn't involve her Dad handing over the keys to his shop to essentially some background characters we barely know....
seems off... but yeah, idk how else I would make everyone happy in the ending lol
Good solid movie
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celestie0 · 16 days
Ellie I’m gonna cry I was never into any of this stuff until kickoff like the trajectory of my brain chemicals has just been manipulated by ur writing I’m so hyper fixated and ofc the reason I was reading fanfictions in the first place was bc I was victim to the gojo girl labotomising pandemic that came with jjk season 2 like after growing up and being out of anime and all for a good year and a half and then that happened so suddenly when I was literally reluctant and cynical in watching the season on a whim and next thing I knew I was deranged in my gojo/geto/satosugu obsession but girl if I had one wish and I’m being so fr rn like if it had a time limit and I couldn’t have a family discussion to deeply contemplate what would be the most worthwhile wish that they dictate to me, if an angel came down to me and I had like 10 minutes and I had something in my system so I don’t freak tf out and I’m feeling chill and don’t think about being selfish then you’d think I’d wish for gojo to come to life and fuck me into the earth but the logistics of that are fucked so I’m pretty decided that I’d either wish for kickoff gojo to be my bf irl or to be y/n in kickoff and be written by you <3
moral of the story now I love ur fic and version of the characters more than the actual series
I’ve used my sign off too often I hope this isn’t annoying or creepy im just going into college/uni next year and I have a lot of dreams and aspirations so ig kickoff rlly resonated with me in that way
this isn’t the fat ask that’s pending hehe I just wrote this sitting on the doorstep of my house with my shoes still on cause I just got home
imma need a good relaxed night to get that down but I’m sorry I didn’t offer my support earlier I’m glad sm people did bc even though my possessive nature makes me think I’m ur biggest fan the truth is a lot of people are as taken by you and ur work as I am, I just should of typed up something on the matter as soon as I saw ur post but I rlly wanted to put thought into it and any kind of writing is a real chore for me so I’m waiting until I have that down time
ik it’s not much to anticipate but it’s important to me lol I wanna be here for u along with the many other anons
also that TikTok was random but this Olympic lovey doveyness is making me sick while im in such a state
this was never suppose to be this long I belong in yap jail
-spinster anon or wtv
AW SPINSTER ANON!! THAT'S SO SWEET PLEASE!! OF ALL THE WISHES YOU COULD HAVE!!! (yes def look out for your family first though xd...although i can't lie and say i wouldn't at least THINK about wishing for gojo to come to life and put me in a mating press)
TO SAY YOU LOVE THEM MORE THAN THE ACTUAL SERIES CHARACTERS i'll sob stop. and aww i'm so glad kickoff is resonating w you as you start your journey to college!! that's really why i started writing it. there was so many things i wish i had done differently and also so many things i think i took for granted in college, but also so much to celebrate and find joy in! it's hard especially when you don't quite know who you are or what you want and yea i think that's kind of a theme in kickoff, and will be through to the end, but anywho i'm like being very preachy rn haha i wish you best of luck in starting college <3
and aw that's sweet bb thank you, i appreciate you. honeslty the thought enough and to know you love my works is so much support enough!! :'') i appreciate you. and yes that olympic couple was sooo cute i love the way he just picked her up how cute.
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a52-i-guess · 8 months
my review of the 2007 film "ratatouille"
okay so for context, i wrote this while/after watching it on the plane. plane wifi blocks discord, so i was originally gonna dump it in my friend discord the moment i hit the ground. it's long enough that it's more suitable for tumblr anyway, so im posting it here. but it's probably in a slightly different tone than i would normally use for a tumblr post.
here goes:
it's good!!!
it's really well-animated, the story is reasonably compelling, it's funny, and i love tiny evil chef and tall evil coffin-man critic. tiny evil chef is so much fun, and ego (the critic) is compelling, and everything he owns is shaped like coffins. which is great.
the politics are a bit weird, since it tries to treat stealing food like it's the same kind of thing as breaking into people's houses and stealing tvs. like it's some objective, unpardonable crime that the universe hates. but it also judges the rats for… eating garbage??? it's very strange. either you judge them for eating bad and having no taste, or you judge them for stealing instead of eating garbage. or, ideally, you judge them for neither, because theyre doing the best they can with little alternative. the solution to poverty this movie offers is simply "become rich".
also it's a bit weird about women? like the bit where linguini is going crazy trying to explain remi, and colette pulls out a can of mace. that's both funny and Real. but then he DOES lean and in kiss her out of nowhere, and instead of macing him she… lets it fall to the ground. that was kind of uncomfortable to me. it's also a bit sad to see a character whos defining arc is that shes worked really hard to get where shes at despite her gender… end up as a much flatter Love Interest in the second half of the movie.
the whole "anyone can cook" thing is a bit weird too. throughout the movie it makes it very clear that remy CAN cook, and linguine cant. not only that, but remy's ability is not through love, dedication, and practice, but born talent and physical gifts. it contrasts pretty heavily with the supposed theme of the movie! rather than "anyone can learn to cook" (true, uplifting), the message is rather "anyone with enough talent can cook, but that talent can come from any background". which the movie pretty much says directly at the end, actually. "not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere".
that was a lot of criticism for a movie i really did enjoy quite a bit. easier to pick apart things i dont like than verbalize things i did. which is something that the movie touches on, actually.
one thing i really did like is the choice of ratatouille. obviously they chose it because it's a pun, but like colette says, it's a peasant dish. remy grew up on a farm! he raided the house of an old lady who's implied to have lived through wwi and probably was a peasant before that. this is something from his roots. i like that. and the bit with the critic eating it is parodied endlessly, but that's because… it's really really good. seeing the dour critic suddenly smile -- first in confusion, then in wonder, then in giddy eagerness -- it made me tear up. it's really really good.
despite all my qualms about the themes, and despite my stupid goof where i treat it as high cinema, im glad i downloaded this movie on a whim the other day. i enjoyed it, and it made for a good plane movie.
additional thoughts:
this rat is GAY.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Sorry honey.
I love the real shang tsung. Not tumblr tik tokker weak ass(tm) shang tsung that is mk(1)2023/mk12 shang
Sorry hon i dont do imitators 💅🏻💖🔪🔥
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We all know who the real shangs are here.
Y'all can't appreciate him older,not looking like some boyband twink(no offense but yeah it's not that i dont care for a young shang,the idea is interesting. Its just y'all really fucking gross about it. Half of these people who do this are k pop fans and anime weeb blogs 😬. Not even ones who play mk or even write stuff for mk. It's just weird.). Y'all can't appreciate him as he is?! Like he has to look uwu pretty tm for you to like him?! Like wtf?!
Not to mention the new guy is just trying too hard to imitate tagawa. And instead of like artt butler,bruce Locke,and even a few other VA adding their own flavor to the character while still keeping it feel like shang tsung. They are not imitating cary hiroyuki tagawa.
But this new guy alan lee is trying too fucking hard. He's on the same lvl of try hard as chin han. No offense to these actors im sure in other work they are fine. But....they try too fucking hard as shang tsung. You cant do that.
It feels fake,forced,and not flowing naturally.
It feels like one big fucking joke.
Sorry not sorry. Tagawa IS SHANG TSUNG. you can't hold a candle to that man.
And futhermore. To speak the cold hard truth. I hatee to break this to y'all. But.
Y'all never appreciated tagawa's performance.
And unfortunately only few people on here can appreciate the series let alone the character.
We didn't deserve tagawa coming back.
We really didn't.
NRS fucked up a good thing. Point blank.
Im glad he reprised his role. But im also sad because none of you truly appreciated it. (Maybe a few. But thats a really really small few mutuals of mine)
But hey we all can kollectively ignore canon. Because nrs threw that out the window. So my verse is canon now. So.
Nah my shang aint a weak prissy bitch baby like mk12 shang.
He will finish you flawlessly without even a sweat from his brow. He won't hesitate to correct a binch.
But that's besides the point.
Y'all once again. I will never forgive nrs. And never ever write for the new game/mk12 shang tsung. Every time in the shang tag i see anything to do with mk12 shang. Blocked. Idc.
Anyways vent over. Gonna write stuff that actually makes me happy.
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tourdion · 10 months
I just took your Leonard Cohen quiz and it was great! I got Recent Songs which I'm not familiar with at all, and I'm excited to listen to it.
I'm dying to know what your theories/ thoughts are about Famous Blue Raincoat if you're willing to share. (I myself have a ton of very specific thoughts which I put in the text box—sorry that it's so long haha)
hello hello... well first do not be sorry at all i love it when the responses are as long as possible >:) its really my favourite part of having the quiz.. i always go through and read what people put there
the other thing is im glad that you got one that was new to you... you often get people wanting to get whichever album is their favourite but my goal was to introduce people to lesser known areas of his discography.. so i am glad this has been achieved...
recent songs was one of the last ones i got into but when i finally did i was very into it.. listening just to recent songs for about a month basically and i still really like it now... the traitor was the first one i got really into and probably still my favourite song on there now though there are many great ones.. so i hope you dont hate it....
now with famous blue raincoat... so this is a question ive been hounding people with for years and the quiz was a great opportunity to spread my net much more widely... the real question i originally wanted to ask people all those years ago was "do you think famous blue raincoat is about a man or a woman" but that was too much of a leading question
i also went through a phase a few years ago of reading every article or review or biography relating to leonard cohen i could get my hands on in existence...
i even used to read through every single tweet mentioning "leonard cohen" every morning... nothing could get away from me... if you ever tweeted about leonard cohen in 2020-21 i guarantee saw it (this isnt possible now because they changed how searches work to also include alternate names.. so when you search his name tweets including his monk name "jikan" also come up so now its just flooded with anime 😕)
so anyway... the thing that i found both in my years of interrogation and in reading everything i could find was that not only was there a mixture of people referring to the famous blue raincoat wearer as a man or as a woman, but every time the stories people seemed to be envisioning were extremely vivid but also very drastically different, and not only that but theyre always presented very matter of factly.. theres often very little confusion... eg ive never encountered anyone confused about whether the song is about a man or a woman
it just fascinates me so much that theres a song which in itself is pretty vague but it induces such vivid and intricate images for people which are then also so completely different... its actually a song that leonard cohen said we wasnt satisfied with because he left it too unclear but i think thats exactly what i love about it
so the story that it inspires for me... the very first few times i heard it where i didnt pay much attention i always assumed it was just a usual hetero love song about a woman but then as i listened more i started to imagine the story as the narrator and his wife and then this mysterious woman who the narrator was originally the one to have brought into the situation but then she ended up having a much deeper and exciting and interesting relationship with jane instead... though i do also really enjoy the ambiguous male friend story too
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flamechasr · 10 months
5 (yukari) + 12 (kaveh) + 23 (ayumu) + 30 + 46 (zizel) !!
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(5) — a memory with family / those you considered family
YUKARI ; i guess this is for S.E.E.S. my feelings for them were very mixed for a while, only because i didn't really want to be in that situation and just made it an excuse to escape other problems. there was a time though that i felt like, huh, i could really treat these people as my family, and i did just that. because the fact is we were all losers and outcasts in some way, and in a twisted sense i felt as if i had found my people. sure, some of them were pretty hard to deal with, but it's times better than what i had and... hey what do you know, saving the world is a family activity! i'm glad i walked the path i did with all those guys.
(12) — a memory of home
heavy warning // KAVEH ; wow ok see, i. also had extremely mixed feelings about my home. i mean, i think i had a pretty good life there, for what it was worth. my parents loved me, and i loved them too. when dad died and mom spiraled, i was only 10. i still had my drawings of us on the walls, but i tore them down for mom's sake. she left when i was 12 because she saw her husband in me and couldn't bear it, i dyed my hair but nothing worked, so i let her go. i could deal with my own grief, but i can't bear to see her like that. the house felt so empty every time i came back to it, and, well, what's a home without the people in it? some might judge me for selling it for quick money but 'home' has always been a fond memory, not a building. if i could, i'd want mom and dad in the family room with me again, but it's a distant image at this point haha. besides, i found a new home with my person, so it's not all that bad.
(23) — first memory you can recall
AYUMU ; volunteering at the animal shelter with yuu-chan! there was this cute pair of rabbits that looked so cute but were so fierce, they nearly bit my hand off rbbdkfd... it's that orr seeing myself on tv for the first time, maybe. it's just such a surreal experience seeing yourself being aired to everyone across the country like is this real life?? i always struggled with confidence so i also saw it as a significant startup in my path as an idol! nothing would hold me back anymore !!!
(30) — someone you didn't expect to kin and/or someone you knew you would kin immediately
someone i knew i would kin immediately is kokomi. i keep saying this but i am literally the first kokomi kinner i mean it. dating all the way back to late 2020 when we knew her as mimi. therefore i am gatekeeping this identity no one else can be kokomi. jokes but not jokes ^_^ and also march 7th to a lesser degree, i knew about her only a bit before i jumped straight into hsr and went “yep, yeah, uhuh” asdhjkhd. someone i didn't expect to kin is like... ai hoshino, i eyed her for a while but didn't really see it even though i did have that “overconfident idol who's not as confident as she acts” type streak bc of rise until i found out how she struggles with love which is like. oh! (plus it's not a great source but i don't take pride in it anyway.) mmmaybe kaveh too, since i wasn't going to kin anyone in sumeru but Things Happened. highkey hate how he's a really common kin bc apparently “gnc suffering artist who struggles with self-worth, family, and belonging finds a home in another person and maybe himself too” resonated with a lot of people and i mean. ok. im fine with this (im not)
(46) — your favorite things
ZIZEL ; floral tea, ribbons, dresses, lolita fashion, satin and silk, flowers, shiny trinkets like gems but also jewelry, most things feminine, i also like “rich” things if that's any definition, but not money because it's of no use for me. and claire :)
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veganfairie · 2 years
I've been vegan for just over a year now and don't regret any second of it. In early 2021, my partner went vegetarian after watching some pig and fish documentaries, but I was one of those people who said I could never. Fast forward a few months, and the idea of eating meat is sickening to me. My partner then told me the dairy industry is pretty much worse than just meat and cut it out of his diet, and again I was like "but cheese." Around November 2021, I was preparing an entirely vegan thanksgiving meal. We now have several friends who have or are working on cutting out all animal products, but I understand how long of a process it can be. I am so grateful for my partner, because I don't think I would have even thought to try a plant based diet despite thinking I was such an animal lover. I feel so much better without all the guilt (it has really been helping my mental health) and love educating others about it :) we've been told by many non-vegans that we make some pretty killer vegan queso and baked goods too ;) I am also very lucky to live where I can easily find vegan options at most restaurants near me. I even quit my corporate job to work at a health food store with a lot of yummy vegan junk food :P
OH AMAZING !! you are a legend for real 💗 stories like this make me the happiest. when someone against the cause starts to realize that theres no justification for supporting animal exploitation when you can avoid it and they decide to go vegan despite loving the products of that exploitation... that really takes strength and gives me hope <3 im glad your mental health is better now, going vegan healed my soul a lot as well. i would love to have some of the food you make~
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1reallylongrat · 2 years
Havnt really been on here in a hot minute, not that anyone besides my bestie reads these posts. Buts lifes pretty good. not great. but good.
Ive been with the guy i pined for for 2 1/2 years for about 2 months now, and we came to the silly realization our 6 month will be on my 16th birthday. its been everything ive dreamed off tbh. He still calls me his star boy (because i looked at him with stars in my eyes), and i still call him my peach, my pretty boy. He makes me feel pretty, and confident. He knows me like the back of his hand, and i know him like mine, even if he doesnt realize it. Nothings really changed, its almost like weve been together for the entirety of our time knowing each other, but at the same time everything just feels....better. Im not sure how to explain it, but do i really even have too? I love him just as ive always loved him, but in a new way now. And its nice. peaceful. the more im able to see him in person the more im able to start to see our hours long phone calls seep into real life. The jokes, the plans we made, ever so slowly becoming reality,its everying i could have hoped for.
My job is pretty great too. they sent me on this camp in this summer for leadership, and i did some pretty cool stuff. I got to pet a rhino, and a baby okapi. i got to examine dino skeletons, and got set up with the right people to make my own conservation. Since then, i got to go back to the camp, and work with those same people and animals once more. i got to feed the rhinos, help set up and look at the diets for the carnivores, and so much more.
there are other things of course, but my hands hurt, and peaches is calling. maybe i'll write again tmr, its kind of therapeutic in a way. Life gets better though, and im so glad
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houkagokappa · 2 years
I also finished Uchi no Shishou wa Shippo ga Nai. It’s about a tanuki who takes on a human form in order to learn rakugo so she can trick people with her stories. The series takes place during the Taisho era in Osaka and combines my love for traditional Japanese arts in the form of rakugo, my obsession with traditional clothes since most characters are wearing kimono, the gem that is Taisho era fashion in particular (although we could’ve seen more of it), the amazing historical atmosphere and plenty of kansai-ben which I always find a joy to listen to.
The series looks and feels nice, but isn’t anything spectacular I’d go out of my way to watch or recommend. The story itself is pretty simple, some episodes were about the supernatural and some were about human problems, with plenty of comedy and fairly lighthearted moments. I tried my best not to compare it with Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu too much, since it’s the other rakugo anime I know of, it’s an amazing series and it made me appreciate rakugo. The comparison feels unfair since besides some similarities, the two shows have different goals and genres. At the same time Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu made me excited for more rakugo and Uchi no Shishou wa Shippo ga Nai let me down. The voice work wasn’t as good and they didn’t build up or play out the stories as well as SGRS did, although it was great to hear Akira Ishida do rakugo again as a side character in one of the episodes! I also didn’t like how simple and easy the progression was for the main character. There were a few setbacks, but you could always tell she’d get through them so there weren’t any real stakes at play ever, even though it’s supposed to be hard to become a rakugoka.
My favourite thing about the series apart from the setting was the older generation. I almost wish we could’ve gotten a series about them instead! I looooved Ayana Taketatsu as Enshi so much I picked up another seasonal anime she stars in, and like I mentioned earlier it’s always a joy to listen to Akira Ishida, even though this role had him as an old man who wouldn’t stop coughing, really doing his voice dirty.
Im glad I ended up watching this, I was a little unsure at first if I’d have the time for it. It’s not the best or most interesting anime out there, but it has a nice atmosphere and some good moments so it’s not a waste of time either.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
Ok same before BLLK I was like knee deep in JJK (do you have a fav?? I’m personally a raging Inumaki advocate LMAO) but after discovering BLLK and also seeing where the story went…..yeah….i can’t say I’m caught up on all the leaks (everything between Gojo sliced to Yuta copying kenjaku) only because I got so confused and I genuinely have no idea what happened I just know people were dropping like flies left and right…I’m hoping gege has a plan because not to be overly critical but I could not see ANY plot for awhile LMAO it was just kinda an ongoing toss someone into the Sukuna fight tag team whoops they died next person kinda vibe for me too….if I’m being honest I think I was originally captivated by the whole premise of jjk and the fighting curses thing that was most prominent in the content covered up to shibuya but I think I was slowly fading from culling games…something about it just seemed so different from what jjk had built up to be originally (or I just was too hard stuck on its original kinda theme of sorcerer vs curse strictly..simpler times…)
Also I don’t know how much you’ve seen of these but the recent exhibition content?? Where apparently gege clears up some stuff about the camellia being not a camellia and throwing people for a loop like I’m NGL I thought that was kinda ridiculous like huh??? I can’t tell if maybe it’s just a mistranslation but the never ending cycle of “DADDYS HOME”(meme ref I wouldn’t actually call gojo daddy for disclaimer’s sake LOL) to “it’s gojover” burnt me out…but LMAO I def remember reading culling games for the first time and talking to my friend being like yeah I’m just gonna wait for this to be animated because I have no idea how hakaris ct works
I love we have Otoya at one end of the disrespect spectrum yuki at the other and karasu in between LMAO
Ah yes agency my fav word fr!! Whenever I do in depth analysis I find myself gravitating towards talking about agency and will of certain characters I love how you developed this…also talk about scholar?? Pop off the amount of research/knowledge you took into account while writing this omg
And fr!! Bonafide soccer losers I’m sure they’d find their way to a field and a ball no matter what au they’re slapped in LMAO that being said cherry tree is also a personal fav of mine from your portfolio…the characterization for Rin was on point and aligned a lot with what I’ve understood to be his character LOL but yeah that tag is flooding (I could be wrong but sometimes I feel like saes is even more active??) it’s gotta be something about the Emo teal eyed dudes I’m somehow hoping at some point in bllk we see Rin get to redevelop his interests outside of soccer..(like the horror games and his personality kinda pre-sae trauma) but we’ll see how that goes LMAO
Back to research DOWN TO THE PLANTS IN HIORIS FIELD goodbye that’s some next level research I’m honestly living for it though!!! I mean I wouldn’t know which plants are native to Japan off the top of my head but I can imagine if I read something wrong about something I was familiar with I’d be a little irked the dedication you have is too real
SHHSHS GLAD TO HAVE YOU TOO HEHE I’m also hoping tabieitaken nation RISE honestly I’m sure they will I think they’re just kinda like…idk paywalled for lack of a better term behind the anime only/stuck in manga barrier I’m hoping we’ll get to see them in action from ep1!! Also yuki always almost seems like the third wheel to me LMAOA I think he’s just too dignified to stoop to their level of goofiness sometimes he’s just got that air to him….honestly I’m just excited to see all the new s2 characters in action with their dynamics and relations etc….im also kinda a nanase stan I can’t wait to see my headband boy in action…I think it’s funny how Isagi gets surrounded by people with accents and dialects I can fs see him being lost when they use region specific vocab LMAO
THANK YOUUU I know I just braindumped there so do take your time LMAO…I’m excited to read the karasu one shot and your other event works too!!! Will be back for commentary with each release o7
Also that shot of Karasu from s1 has me dying eightbit better give him compensation and do him justice s2 because that’s not Karasu that’s Kevin….like who is that man…..but no you’re blessing the Karasu tag never stop LMAOAO
-Karasu anon
i’m in pretty much the same boat!! i loveddd jjk and was p active in the fandom from like 2022-early 2024. my favs were megumi kashimo and yuta!! but i loved inumaki for a while hehe. i think some of my best fics are for jjk in terms of the kind of story i like to write 🤔 but i do agree that recently i’ve felt v lukewarm abt it
i feel like it’s a trend to hate on things that are popular which i don’t necessarily agree with but i just feel like i don’t really enjoy reading jjk anymore!! and i think a lot of its fans think popular = good which isn’t always the case. i also believe it gets a lot of praise which while some of it is merited (the things jjk does well it does VERY well) some it maybe not so much. for example i’ve seen a lot of people praising jjk for its female cast and honestly i don’t see the appeal. not a single female character is written as well as the male characters (including maki, who as much as i love her and as much as she is def above average for a shonen fc, is not really as well written as people make her out to be imo) and they all have dissatisfactory/vague endings (the way yuki tsukumo’s character was handled was a crime, same w tsumiki). i think a lot of fans think not sexualized automatically means good female character but that’s only one portion of it. jjk is kind of what i mean when i say i’m glad bllk has barely any female characters…i rather they don’t exist than get shelved for the plot/development of male characters/not even fully explored
also the way people were confused about whether nobara died for YEARS after it was shown in the manga and it was only cleared up in an interview is just. idk. i feel like i love what jjk could be (and again, i love a lot of things in it as well!! this is more me explaining why i’m not so into it anymore ig haha) and the things it set up to happen, but the execution isn’t really to my taste. different people will enjoy diff things but that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️ i keep up with it just because i feel like i have to?? i want to know how it all ends but i’m not emotionally invested like i used to be. also one thing i will say is i see a lot of analysis posts breaking down jjk and pointing out the different subtle details gege has put into it, and while i admire that level of attention i think those kinds of details should only serve to enhance a main story?? like the plot should be able to stand on its own without needing to have a very very deep understanding of many many nuanced topics. but again all of this is my personal opinion!! at the end of the day jjk is wildly popular and many people do enjoy it. gege isn’t perfect but no one is tbf so while i think criticism is good i would never bash on them for their ideas/work. at the end of the day it’s their story and the way they want to tell it is what they’re going to do!!
if soccer didn’t exist in an au they were put in the itoshi bros would simply invent it HAHAH omg i’m glad you liked cherry tree!! that’s like one of my least fav bllk fics i’ve written LMAO i feel like rin is so wiggly to write about (that makes no sense but basically he’s just hard to capture in my mind) that it was difficult despite being a relatively simple request 😫 yes i do think that sae’s tag is a bit more popular than rin’s!! maybe it’s because sae is being set up a bit like the gojo-type character who’s untouchably skilled 🤔 that kind of trope is always a winner w the fandoms i feel…i have to admire i think his haircut is weird asf 😔 i don’t think he’s UGLY but i also don’t know what everyone sees in him (i have to be careful though because the last two times I said this it was abt kaiser and otoya and. you saw how that turned out.)
PLSSS omg yes i sat there making sure white butterflies even exist in japan and everything 😭 there’s a line in hollyhock too where y/n compares reiji hiiragi to a hornet and originally the line referred to him as a vulture but apparently japan doesn’t have native vultures?? so it wouldn’t make sense coming from someone in the sengoku era to refer to a bird she would have had no chance at ever seeing. my philosophy is that it’s one of those things that people won’t care about if you forget (and sometimes artistic liberties can be taken) but the more careful you are to ensure you’re being as accurate as possible, the more the work really feels cohesive and believable ig?? 🤔 idk i think it just gives a more seamless vibe and you can def tell when an author is knowledgeable or at least did some research before writing abt a subject!! it always elevates a fic to me and i’d like to give that same experience to my own readers hehe plus i’m a bit of a perfectionist so i’d make myself do it anyways most likely
I AGREE i can sense them becoming popular they really are just fandom tropes as actual characters!! as long as their animation does them justices 😭 otoya and yuki looked okay in the last ep but karasu…they did my man a lil dirty icl 😔 omg that screenshot of him is so funny to me idek what it is he just looks so odd!! same in the epinagi movie though not to that extent 😔 i think part of it is that he’s drawn so sharply in the manga that in the anime he looks a little too soft?? for lack of a better word. also i got so used to him having black hair that i forgot his hair is technically purple-blue (karasu with black hair and purple eyes you will forever live in my heart). i was rewatching bllk a while ago and i saw him in that moment (he’s in the background i think he’s either judging shidou or judging raichi and gagamaru) and i had to rewind like HELP IS THAT KARASU?? but he’s kinda cute though…w his little 😒😕 expression…
also this is unrelated but idk how i just realized kurona was number 4 in second selection?? the way he beat literally every relevant character except rin is so funny (although tbf idrk how aryu and tokimitsu got 2nd and 3rd but then completely faded from relevancy after second selection)
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