#i love catradora but i love glitra too so no ship hate
robertdownerjunior · 2 years
listen, I love 'adorable sweetheart x a literal demon' as much as the next guy but we have to appreciate the trope that is 'a literal demon x an absolute piece of shit human'
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stanlunter · 5 months
I'm kinda curious why you don't like catradora? Is it just not your thing or do you have reasons? Just kinda curious as I almost always only see the "they were enemies! And that makes it too toxic!" But I saw you like catra/glimmer so yeah, just curious as someone who personally likes it but also hasn't watched the show in ages
Thank you for your question
Yeah, I do hate it, mb not its fans (or at least not all of them, cuz most of them are actually super annoying, but anyways) tho. Also sorry for my bad English
As for the reasons, there are actually many reasons:
Starting with, like you said
1. Being toxic. But the difference with Glitra is that in their way It's not like Catra abuses Glimmer, no, they hate each other mutually, there ia no "abuser x victim" dynamic, bc they hurt each other mutually. Also there are no manipulations, guilt-trips, gaslighting and etc, they are completely honest with each other. While with Adora, their dynamic is rather "abuser x victim" than "enemies to lovers" bc Adora never wanted to hurt Catra, she was always only ensuring what Catra's doing and saying. Adora was always holding back, never tried to kill Catra or make her feel like nothing or hate herself and all her fights were litterally either self-defense or defense of her friends or other people who were attacked by Catra. While Catra always tried to hurt Adora, both mentally and physically, tried to kill her many times, tried to make her hate herself and etc, etc. She was the reason why Adora had such a strong hero complex and always wanted to sacrafice herself. Adora litterally had panic attacks bc of Catra. And the whole "it was a war" argument doesn't work here bc being a war criminal doesn't make Catra any better and bc Catra was toxic to Adora even when they were on the same side. She was always jealous, controlling, possesive and didn't want Adora to have other friends. She wanted Adora to belong to her, which was shown many times. Also she physically hurt her many times, gaslighted her and etc. So their relationship would be much more abusive than Glitra relationship. And what makes it even worse is that Catra has learnt all her abusive traits from SW - recognized Adora's abuser. Catra litterally copies everything the main abuser who has traumatized Adora in the forefront does, which is actually creepy af too. Even she tortures Adora in s4 she says that she took the idea from SW. So she just takes the abuse she (and Adora) has been throught and intentionally uses it against Adora
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Even if you have a kink for abusive ship, you should write them well and not put them in a kid show, normalizing abuse by this. There are examples of good enemies to lovers in kid shows which aren't abusive and It's fine (like Dipper/Pacifica, Talon/Penny, Bubblegum/Marcelin kinda, Amaya and Janai (It's good and It's wlw too), even Glimmadora would work since they were enemies too and etc).
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2. The whole being "basically adoptive sisters" thing. They aren't actual sisters, but they were actually implied to be so. I won’t even mention every time the CREW referred to them this way (however, there were many times), but the main problem is that their whole relationship is fully based on the "Skapegoat & Golden child" dynamic. And SW is a mother figure who loves one child and hates the other one, who always tries to earn her love and jealous and hate the favourite child. Some people say SW was just a teacher and not a mom figure, but it would be a lie at least bc 1. The crew has stated SW as a mother figure, so It's canon anyways 2. It was said by Adora that SW was like a mother to her 3. You don't try to earn your teacher's LOVE like Catra does 4. The whole thing that SW sees herself in Catra and wanted fulfil her ambitions throught Adora. Also SW wasn't a mother figure for other cadets, it wasn't actually her duty to teach Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio and others. She was a right hand, not a teacher and she was there only for Adora bc she decided so and for Catra bc Adora wanted so. So, even if you're trying to ignore it, It's a huge part of the plot and a base of their relationship. Oddly enough, but many catradora shippers actually love to admit that "SW was a bad abusive mother", "Catra & Adora have mommy issues", "Adora is a favourite child" and etc, yet when you point it out, they start denying it. I find it strange.
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Another thing is subjective, just my personal vision, but I highly dislike all "childhood friends" ships (mb with exceptions if they always actually had feelings for each other, but in catradora case we find out about it only later, especially from Adora's perspectice). Also there is a biological theory that if kids know each other since the age under 6, they see each other as siblings anyways, especially if they grow up together in the same house, especially with the sams parent figure. So, even tho it's subjective, It's an important reason to ms. And I actually did thought of them so and thought everyone does untill I joined the fandom. So even if I don't recognize "see each other as siblings" thing when it comes to usual friends who haven't been grown up together, I do with those who have. Flr example, Renora. This ship was always weird to me and when they become canon, it didn't make me love it. I don't think It's problematic, but it absolutely does make me feel uncomfortable. Like, if you haven't developed your feelings for each other for during these 10 years you were together, where are the feelings suppose to come from later?
But yeah, childhood friends thing is my subjective reason
3. Catra's redemption arc was horrible. And redemption arc is one of the most important things when it comes to enemies-to-lovers, since It's the thing that suppose to help them become canon. Everyone immidiatly has to forgive Catra and no one calls Catra out for what she has done. Even Glimmer, who's mom was killed bc of Catra or Adora who has been abused by Catra for years. And so Catra doesn't even actually changes. She just swaps sides and immidiatly becomes Adora's gf. That's the problem. If you write enemies-to-lovers, do it well
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4. The whole way the shis was handled. It just doesn't make sense and completely ruins the whole development of almost all characters. Adora's development is getting destroyed and she just comes back to s1 Adora. Her whole arc was about stopping blaming herself for Catra's actions, separating from her abusers and getting a life. But she just ends up forgiving Catra and considering Catra a victim of herself. And starts blaming herself for "leaving" Catra again. They just forget everything they've been throught. And what about Catra? Catra was obsessed the whole time. She hated Adora and liked hurting her. Catra was litterally addictive to Adora. It wasn't love, it was possesion. And giving an addict a drug isn't a way to go. Catra should separated from Adora, learn how to live without the idea of being "either with her, or againt her". That's why I think her leaving the Horde with Scorpia and going to a Crimson waste would be the best happy ending for her. She would get a life, get what she wanted (being loved), what she needed and what she deserved and let her issues go. So they just aren't good for each other. Having Adora around was always hurting Catra, Catra never was able to fully show herself when Adora was with her in the Horde and she even saya that Adora leaving gave her a chance to fulfil her actual potential, so Adora leaving was the best thing happened to her. Even if Catra wasn't fully agree with her own words, it was basically truth, bc Catra actually did feel bad bc of Adora when they were together (it wasn't Adora's fault, but still). Catra was always blaming Adora for her problems and didn't stop even in s5. So It was bad not only for Adora, but for Catra as well
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Also Adora never even loved Catra before. If Catra's possesion can be called love at some point, it doesn't work this way with Adora. Yeah, Adora cared about Catra as a friend, but DT was right, Adora didn't need Catra. She didn't have such big problems with letting Catra go. After s1 she forgot Catra and never recalled her as a friend, only as an enemy. So her whole "I love you too" thing just came out of nowhere and was a lie. Just like "I never hated her" bc Adora did and it was shown. Adora got new friends who care about her and getting Catra was absolutely unnecessary for her. It doesn't work even as a Stockholm Syndrome or a trauma bond, bc it was never shown and Adora got a development
Actually, if it did make sense, mb I would like it, but unfortunately it really doesn't and only ruines everything the show has been building for years, which is sad, cuz I used to love both Catra and Adora
It's also strange to me how shippers compare catradora to so many actually good wlw couples like Korrasami, Harlivy, Caitvy, Lumity, Bumbleby, Chaggie and etc, while in reality their relationship is much closer to Tauradonna (which is actually hated by Bumbleby shippers, which is ironic) and Citrus and actually Shin Soukoku and Simon/Grace, or even some actual/ almost actual siblings like Vi/Jinx, Zuko/Azula, Rapunzel/Cassandra, Claudia/Soren, Qrow/Raven, Maki/Mai, Nightwing/Red hood, Thor/Loki, White queen/ Red queen and etc.
But I would prefer to compare it to Shin Soukoku tho
So, these are the main reasons. Actually I don't understand why can't catradora shippers just admit that their ship is problematic and enjoy it as it is, bc it doesn't really make sense to just make ship a full ooc and make it romantic and sweet to like it, bc it litterally goes against the whole point and everything it always has been. So I have a big respect for those shippers who do admit the problems and enjoy it without lying to themselves and gaslighting others tbh
Anyways, thanks for a question, it was actually interesting to answer it and you can feel free to asnwer, desagree or agree, Im not a hater or smth
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tippenfunkaport · 2 years
you know my thoughts on this by now but yeah. with entrapta specifically, unless it's some insane hordak fan who hates catra (the irony is not lost on me), it's not really common for people to say "entrapta did nothing wrong" and then say "catra deserves to rot"... i think theyre on the same page in a number of ways, as is glimmer.... i dont think anyone has thoughts on scorpia in general (made a thread on twitter as to why a final season is really important for an impression of a character)...
but i honestly see shipping as the number one reason people have these outraged opinions. whether it's hatred for the lgbt ships of the show and directing that hate at the flagship pairing, or if people stan a character/ship who is at odds with one of the pairing (glitra stans hating adora, glimmadora stans hating catra, entrapdak superstans shittalking catra, a lot of catradora fans hating glimmer and hordak).
It's shipping, yes, but it's also overall that there is a huge POV issue in fandom where people have their favs (which is fine! I obviously have my blorbos I love more than others too!) but get so focused on their favs they lost the ability to see the media as a whole.
And added to this is the need to justify their fav as perfect or always in the right even if they are a villain. So they retcon and twist the whole show in their mind to match that mental view of "their blorbo did nothing wrong" even though we've all seen the dang show. But you can't argue with them because they are operating off a version of the show that only exists in their head and discarding all evidence that contradicts the thesis statement of My Blorbo Is Without Flaws.
And to do this they need to flatten or vilify every other character with particular vitriol for any character that conflicts with the vision of the show in their head (or gets in the way of their ship) like you said. (I've written before about the people who hate Glimmer but adore Catra and vice versa and how that makes NO sense as they are literal narrative foils, but, nevertheless, it's all over this fandom.)
And, whatever, you do you, but, to me, flaws are what make characters interesting, why would you want to buff those out?? Evil or complicated characters are interesting! You can like complex characters without having to convince yourself they are a perfectly innocent uwu bean, we all know that, right?
Anyway, Tipsy, you and I are on the same page with this, it just makes me cranky in general.
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literaphobe · 4 years
If glimmer was skinny and catra was fat things would be VERY different in the she ra fanbase
hi anon. i was planning on ignoring this because it brought up a lot of feelings i wasn’t sure i wanted to express. but i now know you copied this word for word from a post. i know who made that post. and i know the things that they value. so i have something to say
i agree with the sentiments of this statement. yes. fatphobia is terrible and it’s widespread in fandom, because fandom is made up of people from the fatphobic society we live in. as a fat person, i’m inclined to agree with this too. if catra and glimmer’s body types on the show were swapped, there’s no doubt in my mind that glimmadora would be more popular than it currently is
but i find the intentions of this to be dubious at best and incredibly sinister at most. because like it or not do you know what this is saying? it’s saying that by default, because catra is skinny and glimmer is not, catradora shippers are fatphobic for not shipping glimmadora. which i just find so distasteful because catradora is!!! the canon ship!!! that was intended from the beginning!!! i’d agree if catradora were never intended to end up together romantically but that is simply not the case? they were? their arcs are directly intertwined? they were the main narrative?
why is there any need to make it sound like people who watched the show and felt the intended effects of the story being told.... are fatphobic? and also why is there no discussion of adora, who in the show is also depicted in a skinny body type, who’s WHITE. and maybe u will say. oh. adora is the Main™ character, and therefore the main ship is whoever she is shipped with. but honestly give me a break. we all know fandom is just white-centric as all hell. i could make a similar argument about how if glimmer and catra were both white, there’d be way more glitra shippers. but that would still be neglecting the fact that catradora was the story we were told and given on the show!!
fatphobia is simply just not the main reason why catradora is being shipped over glimmadora. by implying so you are spitting in the faces of fat lgbt+ catradora shippers who were happy seeing a facet of themselves being represented. which is possible!! liking catradora doesn’t mean i have internalized fat phobia and despise all fat people as a fat person. i’m able to enjoy things that cater to me even though it doesn’t fully represent me! it’s why lgbt+ poc can still feel joy watching straight couples of color in media. it’s why lgbt+ poc can still feel joy watching white lgbt+ couples in media. just because not every aspect of our identities are being portrayed in a piece of media we enjoy does NOT mean we hate that aspect of ourselves, and to imply that we do would be cruel
anyway. it doesn’t matter whether u like glimmadora more than catradora. it genuinely boils down to individual experiences and interpretations. but i am BEGGING some of you to stop acting like you have the moral high ground here. please just think and have compassion. stop talking about the things you hate and just focus on the things you love. it’s not going to make you happy. that goes out to all of you about anything you ship/don’t ship
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baggebythesea · 3 years
i think some people like to think that the bfs’s trauma has just sorted its self out after they got together. i honestly think that this is a very skewed perspective on how trauma brain works, (and i am no means a therapist or anything) but starting relationships during therapy or the traumatic event can often slow down the healing process.
but, after this is said, how do you think glitra/glitradora could work post canon?
I don't begrudge anyone their happy ending kisses, especially when the entire story is so focused around relationships. I mean, it's not like Catra's relationship to either Adora or Glimmer started in the end of the story. Her relationship with Glimmer started at latest in the beginning of season 5 (and I like to think it started earlier than that) and her relationship with Adora lasted the entire show in all its ups and downs.
I'm not a therapist either, but from a narrative point of view Glitra and Catradora have kinda opposite dynamics from Catra's perspective, and I think that would play into how the trauma treatment unfolded.
Adora was Catra's childhood friend (and crush) and rock and a future with Adora was pretty much the full extent of Catra's ambitions as a kid. Everything else in life was horrible, but Adora made it all worth it.
and then Adora left.
after everything that happened in the show, everything Catra did and had done to her, all character growth that was dragged out of her during duress... to finally, finally be together with Adora - for her and Adora to finally have become the people who can be together - that is such a triumph, such a mark of recognition that - yes - Catra can be worthy of love, worthy of the happy future she imagined as a child and such a middle finger to the nagging voice (sounding suspiciously like Shadow Weaver) that tells her otherwise.
But it's also a constant reminder of how much they had to work for that happy ending, how long way they both had to go from the starting point for it to happen, how far from their happy future they actually were when they were children in an abusive system.
Glimmer, on the other hand, was emotionally safe for Catra. She couldn't leave Catra for the rebels because she already was with the rebels. She wouldn't call Catra a 'bad friend' because they weren't friends. Their relationship (however you want to play it in a specific story), as it grows over the seasons is just for funsies. No demands. No sticky feelings. Just fur and spark flying.
and then they get stuck in space together and suddenly Sparkles is literately all Catra got. Oooops.
and we have that marvelous force field scene where they talk and bond and grow together as a couple (platonic or sexual or romantic, whichever you prefer), and then suddenly Catra is prepared to sacrifice her life to get Glimmer to safety and when Adora suggests going back for Catra, Glimmer hesitates for exactly zero seconds before she's fully committed to run back to the place she just escaped with the slimmest of plans for the chance saving their cat.
I feel that in addition to excellent chemistry and much needed challenge, Catra and Glimmer give each other even more needed validation. They see a large portion of themselves in the other - both parts they like and hate. When Glimmer is unsecure about being queen, she sees Catra claiming the throne of the Horde by sheer power of asskickery. When Catra cries about being a bad friend, at least she can comfort herself with Double Trouble's report about Adora and Glimmer shouting at each other. If Glimmer is a bad friend too, then it's not only Catra who's broken.
I think if you write Catra and Glimmer as a couple after the show, one possible direction would be for them to revert to their most bratty behaviour and trying to slink away from processing feelings. a bit of a "we're both trash, we can be trash together" mentality, rather than trying to improve.
With Adora, Catra wouldn't have that option. The very fact that they are together is a constant reminder of how hard they have worked - and have to work - to stay that way.
Or to put it much simpler - for Catradora to work they have to put in work in the beginning of the relationship not to get stuck in the kind of situation they were in for most of the show. For Glitra to work, they would have an easy start but would have to put in a lot of work not to get stuck in a rut. You can see their time in the space ship as them starting that process.
Adora is Catra's Betty, and Glimmer her Veronica, if you will :-)
If you add Glimmadora to the mix, Glimmer and Adora are each other's Betty with Catra as Veronica for both of them (and if you add Glimbow, Glimmer has two Betties).
Compare and contrast Catra's relationship potential with Scorpia and Double Trouble, who both offered her what she desperately needed but would never accept - a way out. Most obvious in the Crimson Waste where Scorpia straight up told Catra that she could stay there with her and be happy, but Catra's trauma wouldn't let her.
(Obviously this is not the only way to write their relationship dynamics, but this is the way I like to see them).
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glitradora-family · 4 years
If you had to pick, whitch ship do you like best: Glimmadora, Glitra, or Catradora, and you can’t say Glitradora
(I already answered this once so i’m gonna basically just copy paste ahaha)
My dude all three of those ships offer such different things… 😩😩 I was always rooting for catradora as the most likely to be canon (and I was happy that they did get confirmed!) But all of them have such different dynamics, it’s like asking me to choose a favorite food between ice cream, coffee, or fried rice - they’re all things I love and they’re completely different!
Glimmadora I love for the soft strong foundation, finding each other across impossible lines and clicking unbelievably well. Teaching each other, learning each other, quiet support in battle and off of it, breaking apart only to snap back together stronger than before, knowing what it was that needed to be fixed and fixing it because it’s important. Safety, steady hands, silent, comforting touches.
Catradora I love for the knowing each other so much better than anyone else could, for having each other’s back thru anything, everything. For fooling yourself that love was hate and kicking and growling and screaming at each other until you burn too hot and finally melt - falling back into each other where you belong. Filling the holes that have been painfully empty and finally feeling like maybe you aren’t broken anymore.
And Glitra!! For parallels, for being so alike that you understand one another without ever having had a full conversation, for trust born of familiarity - not quite with each other, but with yourself. For fighting tooth and nail for everything you’ve ever had and discovering it’s kind of nice to have someone else who knows the feeling. For finding strength in your weakness and comfort in your vulnerability. Making mistakes, nearly giving up, then standing to fight again anyways.
I’m waxing poetic but like, the answer is that I can’t choose - I never can ahah.
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jinxedcatra · 3 years
Fandom ask game: she ra or adventure time
how about she-ra AND adventure time???
this got long so it’ll go under a read more
the first character i ever fell in love with: catra my beloved
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i honestly can’t think of one
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: i had a short-lived glitra phase until i realised i preferred them as a brotp
my ultimate favorite character™: again catra my beloved
prettiest character: and here she comes again catra my beloved
my most hated character: horde prime that bitch ass hoe
my OTP: catradora
my NOTP: anything that ships catra/adora with a man
favorite episode: corridors or save the cat
saddest death: i don’t think anyone dies except shadow weaver and we were poppin bottles for that so i guess nobody?? or maybe the death of catra’s happiness in seasons 1-4
favorite season: 5 because soft catra
least favorite season: probably season 1 even though i still appreciate it, mostly just because the only episode i ever rewatch is promise
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: hmmm i find sea hawk incredibly annoying but i dont hate him and idk what the fandom feels about him
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: i’m gonna say catra again because seasons 1-4 catra is truly just a trash gremlin going through it
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: BOW!!!! my king
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: the only one i can think of for this is entrapdak but i don’t consider it wrong and nasty it’s just the weirdest ship i’ve ever been down with
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: scorfuma!! my girl scorpia deserves a soft flower gf
adventure time
the first character i ever fell in love with: marceline
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i still like her but sometimes when lsp is going on i’m like girl stfu
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: the only thing i’ve properly shipped from adventure time is bubbline so i guess no answer?
my ultimate favorite character™: it took me a while to think of who it is but at the end of the day probably simon/ice king just for the character arc
prettiest character: marceline duh
my most hated character: gumbald that bitch
my OTP: bubbline
my NOTP: finnceline/fubblegum
favorite episode: varmints!!
saddest death: fern
favorite season: 7
least favorite season: 1
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: jake kinda gets on my nerves sometimes but again i don’t hate him
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: lemongrab
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: finn!!! my dude goes through so much and he deserves his happy ending w huntress wizard
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: probably lumpygrab
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: finn/huntress wizard, jake/lady, simon/betty and fionna/marshall lee
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SPOP, and, because I have to, ITW?
The first character I fell in love with: Bow! 
A character I used to love/like but don’t anymore: Don’t particularly have one? 
A ship that I used to love/like but don’t anymore: I still love it but not as much as some others, I used to be super invested in Perfumista. 
My ultimate favorite character: Entrapta!
Prettiest character: Either Glimmer or Mara because WOW 
My most hated character: Probably Shadow Weaver because....yeah? She does make me laugh though her sarcasm is so raw. 
My OTP: I’m basic but Catradora. 
My NOTP3: ....Seahawk Perfuma Mermista love triangle. 
Favorite episode: Hero! 
Saddest death: Angella absolutely. 
Favorite season: Season 5! (Maybe season 3) 
Least favorite season: Season 2 just because it wasn’t super memorable to me. 
Character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate: I guess Light Hope? I don’t really hate her though. (Also: I love Swift Wind and I’m sad that he gets so much hate :,( doesn’t mean I won’t laugh at him for it.) 
My “you’re a piece of trash, but you’re still a fave” fave: Gotta say Double Trouble for this because I can’t say Horde Prime. 
My “beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this” fave: All of them lol
My “this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul but I still love it” ship: Don’t think I have one! 
My “they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I’m not too invested” ship: Hmmm I guess Adora/Mermista. If I were to have a Glitra or Scorptra fic I think I’d pair Adora with Mermista if I needed a love interest for her. 
Okay ITW next! 
First character I fell in love with: Either the Baker’s Wife or Little Red Riding Hood! 
A character I used to love/like but don’t anymore: I don’t think I have one for this either. I’ve started to find the Baker more annoying as time goes on though. 
A ship I used to love/like but don’t anymore: I used to think Jack and Little Red Riding Hood were absolutely meant to be but honestly now I think they’re still pretty young and they have serious trauma so they can just be friends. Also Red might want to wait a little while before pursuing a relationship consider how easily manipulated she appears...
My ultimate favorite character: The Baker’s Wife! 
Prettiest character: Cinderella! 
My most hated character: Some of my followers probably already know this but I despise the Steward with a burning passion : ) 
My OTP3: Baker-Baker’s Wife-Cinderella polyamory. 
My NOTP: Honestly don’t really have one but Cinderella’s Prince doesn’t deserve the Baker’s Wife or Cinderella.
Favorite episode: I’m choosing to believe this is “song” because it’s a musical and it’s No One Is Alone because tears. 
Saddest death: Honestly I’m gonna have to say Jack’s Mother because the way Jack reacts, his fury, his wanting to kill the Steward which is totally justified but also tragic because he’s like 12, always breaks my heart. Same with Little Red’s mom and grandmother but they aren’t as prominent characters so Jack’s Mother is probably the right answer here. 
Favorite season: Cress you turned this into scene so I’m gonna follow your example and I would say either the scene where they kill the giant or any of the Midnight scenes. 
Least favorite season scene: When Jack’s mom dies : ( because again. The Steward. 
Character that everyone in the fandom loves, but I hate: Don’t really have one but I’ll go with the Baker. I don’t hate him, I actually love him, I just. He needs to grow up a little. 
My “you’re a piece of trash, but you’re still my fave” fave: The Witch because she’s iconic. 
My “beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this” fave: Jack my son
My “they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I’m not super invested” ship: I guess the Baker/Cinderella without the Baker’s Wife involved but if it was a polyamory...yes. 
Thank you for the asks Cress! 
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paperjamz · 4 years
you reblog posts talking about how catadora shippers keep going off on people for likeing glimmadora/glitra and how it's toxic and they should stop and just let people like what they want to like (and that's true) yet you reblog a post and call catra a murderer and abuser and say how catadora it toxic cuz of it in the tags. I'm personally a glitadora shipper and would have been happy with catadora, glimmadora or glitra but that just seems hypocritical to me. (ran out out space 1/2)
Also you completely missed the point of catras arc and how a teenager who went through countless traumatic experiences and almost went insane because of it yet found the strength to try and right her wrongs and work towards becoming a better person and a literal abuser(who is someone like shadow weaver) are not the same like, at all. Not hate btw I love your blog but I just wanted to bring this up. (2/2)
Actually… wanna preface this with the fact that i used to be really big on shipping catradora. That’s taken a whole seat back because of s5 because i just was not prepared for how they handled how catra gets integrated in the group.
like i LOVE catra, she used to be my favorite character in the beginning. I liked her because she was allowed to be emotional and have evil and dark feelings, which just felt really refreshing to see on a female character. The way the show was going too, i was really rooting for her to be happy!! because she just… the world was just so against her, i wanted so bad for things to get better for her. and things did! but…. at the cost of other character’s personalities.
being able to make up for the things you’ve done in the past and becoming a better person is a really nice message to send for people who see themselves in catra but like. season 5 failed to bring the consequences of catra’s actions to her. that’s not at all how things work irl. if you treat people badly irl, theres a chance they won’t forgive you, but everyone in s5? Forgave her immediately?. Honestly if they wanted to have that message written across better, i think s4 should’ve focused more on her trying to be a good person instead of just regretting her actions. Her regret should’ve come across in actions where she does something to reflect her conscience. but it wasn’t, and we just saw Catra falling further and further to a dark path.
but to get back to topic, i really felt like the consequences of catra’s actions were really just pushed aside. catra knew the horde was evil and actively stayed with them. catra manipulated, physically attacked (in a very malicious manner), and just verbally abused adora every step of the way until s4 where they barely had interactions. that was never brought up again. Catra was the reason princess prom was a colossal disaster, literally bombing and almost straight up destroying frosta’s castle?? she got punched for that but then after that, nothing? mermista’s kingdom was destroyed and in flames the last time we saw it, and catra was second in command when that was destroyed. BIG chance she was the one who ordered it to happen. that never gets addressed. we never see the constant verbal abuse and actual coercion by catra of scorpia be addressed (i’m not counting that half-hearted sorry scene :/ ). we never see glimmer getting mad at catra for being essentially the reason why her mother was gone. we never see the consequences of catra’s actions!
so that’s why i don’t really see it as hypocritical, not liking catradora or reblogging things that criticize it. I’m criticizing the ship for all the things it failed to address.
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strawberryjamsara · 5 years
For the character thing, the super pal trio? (+ Hordak)
Favorite thing about them: One of the most interesting and well written characters I’ve ever seen! No one word can sum her up because she is that complex
Least favorite thing about them: Maybe all the war crimes committed out of pure unadulterated spite. Oh yeah and her fan base but that doesn’t count.
Favorite line: “You made me this and you get to be the good guy?”
Brotp: Her and Bow would be such cute friends guys
Otp: I’m gonna be an unpopular opinion bitch and say that Glitra is currently my favorite Catra ship. Mostly because Catradora shippers are annoying.
Notp: Theres probably Catra x Hordak shippers somewhere out there
Random headcanon: She makes sure to cough up her hair balls onto the property of people she doesn’t like
Unpopular opinion: Y’all gotta stop acting like anyone who doesn’t think she’s an unproblematic angel hates abuse victims
Song I associate with them- Otome Dissection- Rachie
Favorite picture of them-
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Favorite thing about them: She is... too precious... for this world!
Least favorite thing about them: I can’t think of anything to dislike about her! Uh... I think the other dresses she tried on before getting to the final one in Princess Prom suited her better! She should’ve worn the one with the bows!
Favorite line: “You’re a bad friend.”
Brotp: Her and Frosta are cute as hell besties
Otp: I know at this point scorptra is very unlikely to work out, but they’re so cute dammit! I want them to work it out! Please!
Notp: Hm... Entraptia seems a little iffy since Scorpia has a crush on Catra and Entrapta is a lot older than her
Random headcanon: She can’t play video games because of her claws but she loves watching people play
Unpopular opinion: The way the fandom treated Scorptra as bad to make Catradora look good, before season 3 even aired is horrible
Song I associate with them: Diary of Jane- Breaking Benjamin
Favorite picture of them:
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Favorite thing about them: I relate to Entrapta as someone who struggles to make friends with people and feels insecure in my relationships
Least favorite thing about them: Okay, legit, I really don’t like the scene where Bow is getting through to her by telling her he cares about her and Adora just gets through to her by telling her about the first ones ship.
Favorite line: “I enjoy being your friend too.”
Brotp: Her and Scorpia are bffs for life
Otp: Entrapdak is pretty cute.
Notp: Anything with her and kids, do not want.
Random headcanon: She can, has, and will tamper with her own DNA on multiple occasions
Unpopular opinion: She’s the only member of the “princesses who got episodes recruiting” that I like
Song I associate with them: Everybody’s Lonely- Jukebox the Ghost
Favorite picture of them:
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Favorite thing about them: He’s Mukuro Ikusaba. Literally. He’s just Mukuro Ikusaba. Soldier attempts to win the unwinnable love of their abusive sibling and will do whatever it takes to get it, then falls for the first person to not be scared of them. It’s Mukuro!
Least favorite thing about them: I’m not gonna touch the controversy and instead I’ll just say, maybe we should see more of his backstory?
Favorite line: Okay I love the “I am a clone” line because I saw an edit that changed it to say clown instead of clone and I can’t stop laughing
Brotp: Does this loser have any friends?
Otp: Again, Entrapdak, it’s cute okay?
Notp: Catra x Hordak again
Random headcanon: His baby thing just clung to his leg one day and he decided to keep it.
Unpopular opinion: The people saying that they won’t show She Ra to their kids if he gets a redemption arc are so fucking ridiculous
Song I associate with them- Monster- Imagine Dragons
Favorite picture of them:
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This looks like a fucking smug cat meme
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swordsareforthegays · 4 years
002 glitradora and entrapdark
Oooohhhhh good choices, thank you!!
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: probably around season 2 was when it came onto my radar
My thoughts: it’s a fun ship and I see the appeal - you get the best of catradora, glimmadora and glitra, without having to choose - but not one I actually ship. I see Glimmer more as friends with both of Catra and Adora
What makes me happy about them: the fun kind of relationship they’d have, with lots of teasing and sarcasm but always with love underneath it all. The way they would help and support each other
What makes me sad about them: nothing I can think of???
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don’t think I’ve ever actually read a glitradora fanfic
Things I look for in fanfic: see above
My wishlist: not necessarily as a ship but - Glimmer and Catra on Horde Primes ship building a friendship, Glimmer standing up for Catra to Adora when they reunite
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Catradora obviously, and Glimmer with Bow
My happily ever after for them: they make up for and heal from the hurts all three have caused each other and learn how to love each other right, they have lots of fun together after the war is over and Catra and Adora get to experience all the things they never had
When I started shipping them: I definitely saw the appeal of them post season 2 but I wasn’t sure what kind of relationship they were going to have and didn’t start really shipping them until season 3
My thoughts: my second favorite spop ship after Catradora. Who would have thought a ship with Hordak could be so healthy? I hate to say it but relationship goals (aside from the “building a portal that will destroy the whole world” part)
What makes me happy about them: the way Hordak treats Entrapta with so much respect like we haven’t seen anyone else give her. How in the short time they knew each other Entrapta showed Hordak that he had worth outside of his value to Horde Prime and made him actually reconsider if he even wanted to go back to Prime. The hilarity of Entrapta not giving a single fuck who Hordak is and not for a second being intimidated by him. The height difference - she gonna climb him like a tree
What makes me sad about them: EVERYTHING FROM “MOMENT OF TRUTH” ONWARDS. How they mutually believe they didn’t matter as much as they thought they did to the other. How Hordak said “where’s Entrapra? I need her” before opening the portal because he wanted her beside him while he faced his brother but then was brought before Horde Prime without her and completely torn apart without her support or even seeing her again. The fact that when they reunite next season he won’t remember her.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I actually haven’t seen too much bad Entrapdak fic tbh. But I will say, you can definitely tell when someone either a) doesn’t know Entrapta is autistic, b) doesn’t know how to write autistic characters, or c) doesn’t want Entrapta to be autistic and so ignores it. They write her too... neurotypical and it feels Bad. Also when people write Entrapta being either overly flirtatious and sexual or completely oblivious to relationship stuff
Things I look for in fanfic: with the above being said - well written autistic Entrapta. Hordak being kind of clueless and a fumbling mess when it comes to feelings. Ive said it before but I love love LOVE when people write Entrapta using her special interest in science to understand and initiate things with Hordak, like her knowing Hordak is attracted to her and she to him from knowing the signs of attraction and recognizing them, and then presenting them in a manner of fact way (while Hordak is completely flustered). I eat that shit up
My wishlist: ENTRAPTA COME GET YO MAN. I want Entrapta to rescue Hordak from Primes ship and bring his memories back - and then (less realistically) to beat the shit out of Horde Prime for what he did to him
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Entrapta would be good with Scorpia if she wasn’t with Hordak. I can’t picture Hordak with anyone else
My happily ever after for them: okay I would be happy with either of these options, 1. For his crimes Hordak is “exiled” to Dryl where the princesses can check in on him every so often to make sure he’s not starting shit, this would not be a punishment for him because, as Catra said in season 3, he’s a “shut in who lives in his lab” so it really wouldn’t be that different and he would get to be with Entrapta in her home doing science stuff for the rest of their lives. Or 2, and this is the preferable option - Him and Entrapta take a spaceship and explore the universe and maybe occasionally pop in to Etheria to see Entraptas friends. Either way they are together and in luv
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