#i love football and i just want taylor to be happy
yorktaylor · 8 months
i’m sorry but i’m genuinely baffled at how many people are calling taylor a horrible person because she’s associated with the nfl and that she’s a pushover for being roped into “such a nasty disgusting industry”, like yeah, it’s a fucking industry. industries suck, there’s some awful people in the nfl. but you know what other industry is objectively as awful if not worse? hollywood. what is taylor part of? hollywood! do you think that every person associated with or part of hollywood is a horrible person because it’s an industry that fucking sucks? no! not every nfl athlete is racist or an abuser in the same way not every hollywood star is racist or abusive. it’s the fucking entertainment industry, it houses and creates some nasty people but they’re not the majority.
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mywritersmind · 25 days
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summary : A kitten is all it takes to get two strangers in the same bed for the night. Lando likes how she doesn’t know him, Olivia likes the cat that he’s trying to take from her.
warning : Just Lando, Olivia, and Juna being adorable (again) !
word count : 1459
⋆ ˚‧。⋆
I’m in Landos clothes in the bathroom thirty minutes later. I had the best shower of my life, wiping away my club stink and snuggling into baggy sweats and a McLaren shirt.
I hype myself up in the mirror, there’s very few occasions where i’ve stayed over at a man’s house. All of those have been after sex. I am not going to have sex with Lando. It’s a weird learning curve but I was the one who wanted me to stay more.
He lets out a laugh when I walk out, slapping his hand back over his mouth he says, “I didn’t mean to laugh!”
I smile and spin around, “That’s fine. I mean… I do look sort of ridiculous.” his clothes do not fit me by any means…
He shakes his head, playing with Juna who is chasing a feather attached to a stick, “No, you look good.” His voice is a bit raspy, sounds tired.
This should not have an effect on me but the butterfly’s are definitely there.
“So Olivia.” he uses my real name, “If you don’t like F1, what sports do you like?”
I smile and sit next to him, “Soccer mostly.”
He side eyes me, “Football?”
I eye him right back, “Soccer.”
He smiles, happy with our disagreement, “Why not Formula?”
I sigh and shrug, “Sort of rough on an Americans sleep schedule. My dad loves it actually! But when I got to college I never got back into it.”
“That’s good.”
“What, that I never got back into it?” I look at him playing with Juna, a rouge curl falling into his face.
“No. You said your dad loves it. That’ll mean he likes me.” There go those damn butterfly’s, “Unless he doesn’t like McLaren.”
I smile to myself, “He’s a ferrari fan.”
He sighs, “Ah… might have to win his trust then.” I should not be thinking about how much my dad would like Lando.
I lean back against my arms, “And what makes you so sure you’re going to meet him?
He smiles softly back at me, “We have a child together now.” He grabs Juna and brings her close to his face. Something about him and this cat is just melting my heart.
“Right.” I smile and pet under her chin, “Lovely. We’re stuck together forever, I guess.”
His blue eyes meet mine, “I guess.”
“Oh my-” I take a bite of my burger that Lando and I ordered. The burger was the first thing ordered, followed by fries, two milkshakes, chicken tenders, more fries, chips, and onion rings.
Lando laughs at my groaning as he nibbles on his chicken, “Like it?”
“It even tastes rich.” I shake my head, “Wanna try?” I don’t know why I say it. I hate sharing my food, I won’t even share my water with my best friend.
He shakes his head, “Nah i’m sort of… picky.”
“Suit yourself.” I shrug and keep eating.
“Back to our game?” He asks, biting into a fry. I nod as he starts, “Favorite color?”
“Blue, Navy.” Although his eyes could be changing my mind on the navy part. “Favorite holiday?”
“Christmas. It’s always during winter break, obviously. So I get all the time I want with my family.”
“That’s really sweet.” I sip my milkshake, “Is it hard, being away all the time? Even if you do love it.”
“Not your turn yet.” He raises a brow, “What’s your favorite memory from your childhood?”
“Hm… I wasn’t exactly a child, But still. I was seventeen and had just got out of a horrible relationship.” he frowns at this, “Don’t worry I poured coffee on him- anyway my friends and I drove to the beach, absolutely blasting Taylor Swift, and we just swam in our clothes.” I shrug, “It was like midnight.”
He smiles as I tell the story, “It’s so cool you grew up by the beach.” thank you cali.
“Answer my question now, please.”
He sighs, “It’s hard. My sister has a kid so I wish I was with her a lot… but honestly my parents can make it to a lot of races and it’s not like I have a girlfriend to worry about.” I laugh at this.
I try to sound casual, “I’m assuming you have in the past?”
“Yes…” he says suspiciously, “but it’s tough. What about you, got anyone special?”
“Definitely not. Broke up with my college boyfriend a while ago…” Why am I telling him this?
He whistles, “How old are you?”
“Twenty three.”
“I’m twenty four.”
“That is good.” I laugh and he laughs with me, “You’re young.” I say.
He shakes his head, “So are you. I forget sometimes.”
“That you’re young?”
He shrugs and wipes his hands on a napkin, “Being a driver doesn’t exactly scream ‘first job!’”
“I never really thought about that. My first job was a wedding calligrapher though.” He laughs, “I’m serious!”
“I believe you! It’s just… random.”
“You’re random.” I roll my eyes as if that was any insult.
I hear scraping and see Juna join us on the bed the next second, I laugh at the tiny kitten climbing up the bed. She walks right on top of Lando, up his arm and on his neck.
“She likes me!” He whisper yells. I lay my head on the pillow, getting tired after my day.
“She has good reason to.” I say as I yawn, closing my eyes.
“Don’t fall asleep on me now, Livvy.”
“I’m not…”
She fell asleep. I look at the clock, 2:23am. I set Juna down but she keeps trying to get my attention as I clean up our food.
I’ve enjoyed this far too much. I like her company.
This girl i’ve just met. I barely know her!
Yet I feel like I've known her for years.
I shouldn’t get attached. I don’t easily. But with Olivia it feels like I've known her since I was in school.
That could be the late hours talking though. But still, we’ve been talking for hours. With this bloody cat who I've fallen completely in love with.
“Norris.” I hear her whisper.
“Yes, love?” I let it slip by accident.
“Juna peed on the couch.” she pats the bed, “Come on.”
I thank god because my back would be fucked if I slept on the floor and my trainer would not be happy. I switch the lights off and climb in next to her, Juna in between us.
“Night, love.” She whispers before promptly falling asleep.
I wake up to an arm around me and a man standing above me. I scream.
“Fuck!” Lando pulls his arm away immediately, opening his eyes quickly and looking at the man in screaming at, “Max!” he groans, “You didn’t have to scare her!”
“Sorry.” He crosses his arms, “I’m Max.”
“Hi?” I try to slow my heart rate, “God! You scared me!” I look back up at him, Lando mentioned the childhood friend but I didn’t think I’d meet him so soon.
“Sorry again. Lando scared me first! Bloke can’t figure out how to use his phone!” Max throws his phone at Lando who dodges it. I’m still trying to recall why I'm here and what is happening.
Juna reminds me when she trots over and plants herself on my lap. “I thought you’d been killed or something!” Max yells at Lando whose face is still in the pillow.
I’m suddenly very self conscious about being in this bed. Max seems to notice and shakes his head, “Well now that I know you’re alive… Plane takes off in an hour.”
He’s packed in fifteen minutes. Why couldn’t he be a slower packer?
We’re quiet up until the elevator exit, “Juna is still half mine.” He says suddenly, the blue skies coming into view as we walk outside.
“So don’t forget me, or anything.” He says, looking away from me.
The corner of my mouth lifts, “No chance.” Putting his bags down, he slides my phone out of my pocket and into his hand.
“My number.” He says before handing me my phone back, “Use it all you want.”
“Oh I should be so greatful.” I say it sarcastically but honestly, I am.
He nods, a small smile still gracing his face, “Be safe, alright? Don’t go home with any more strangers.”
My grip on Juna’s carrier tightens, “We’ll see.”
He says goodbye to Juna, sticking his finger through the wire and petting her. He stands up straight, taking his things as the valet brings his car.
“Good luck.” I say quickly, he looks almost surprised. “In your race. Maybe I’ll watch.”
His surprise turns into kindness, leaning down a bit, he places his lips softly on my cheek, “Don’t scream my name too loud, love.”
I blush as he steps back, I wave. He gets into his car and looks back through the slight tint, smiling.
note : should i do a pt.3??
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spidybaby · 6 days
Delicate | Part One
Summary: A bad reputation, one contract, a very stubborn singer and a calm footballer was the perfect mix for disaster.
Warnings: cursing.
Face claim: Madison Beer (She's just the face claim. We are using songs from other artists too)
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What are you supposed to do when the whole world is watching every single one of your movements?
What are you supposed to do when you feel like a deer in headlights?
What to do when your reputation is the worst?
That's the type of questions you make yourself everyday after what happened.
You blame yourself. "Maybe if I wasn't that stupid to trust people I shouldn't have, I would be fine."
But here you are. Trapped in a room with the people who tell you every single day that they told you, that you needed to be careful. And you are not happy but you took the I told you.
Do you deserve it? yes.
You thoughts were interrupted by the door being opened. You noticed the man that enters the room. A little tired, a little older than thirty five.
"I'm sorry about the time. Traffic was crazy." he says, hugging your manager. "Barcelona is crazy this time of the year."
"There's worst days." you manager says, laughing. "Y/n, come here."
You look at her, walking over to them. "Hi!"
"This is Hector, he's a friend of mine." she introduced you to the man. "He's the manager of two football players from Barcelona."
"That's so cool" you smile. "Nice to meet you, Mister Hector."
"Just Hector, love." he smiles. "I love your new song, so good."
You smile, thanking him.
"Where's your boy?" you manager asks. "I want to see him, so good he's better now."
"He's downstairs, some fans recognize him and asked him for pictures."
You look over at your manager, wondering what was going on. You try not to care and wait for this guy. You stay quiet while Hector and Aleek, your manager, talk very happy.
The door was open by a dark haired boy, he looks about your age. He was wearing some cargo jeans and a hoodie. "I'm sorry, more and more people were asking for pictures."
"Don't worry, love." Aleek says, hugging him. "You are so handsome, it's been a while since I've seen you."
"The last time was during my last game at Las Palmas." he smiles. "Nice to see you."
"Come here, love." she grab him by the arm. "Let me introduce you to Pedri." she says to you. "He's the number eight of the first team at the fc barcelona."
"Hola!" Pedri smiles.
You shake his hand, smiling at him. You still don't understand what are you doing there so early in the morning and what was the need for Pedri and Hector to be there.
"I know you are questioning what are we doing here." Hector says, standing up. "We are here to talk about a small," he pauses for a while. "Let's say a small feature."
You turn to see your manager, you are more confused than before, not understanding what they meant. How can you do a feature with him when you do music and he is a football player.
"In these past months we have register both of your activities on social media, press notes, work activities. Pedri, we know that you had a bit of a hard time with injures and with all of the rumors about girls." Aleek says.
You frown, why does that even matter?
"And you, Y/n." Hector says. "You had the success of a lifetime, you last singles were on the top of billboard, and you are even competing with Taylor Swift on the charts." he says, happy. "The thing is, you are known for partying, for being a not serious person to work with."
"That's no-" you try to say.
"Let me finish." he says, you nod. "You have a reputation that's not giving you the best times. Your campaign with Dior was over because of the rumors about you doing substance during Kylie Jenner party."
"What's the point?" you say. "Aleek, what is going on? I've never done any of those things, just freaking rumors." you try to defend yourself.
"I know that." she says, lifting her hands. "But they don't."
She threw a few magazines and some printed news titles. You grab them, you know you don't have the best reputation on US. Feeling weird that they are showing you this.
"Anywho, Hector and I have an amazing idea that involves the two of you." She smiles.
Pedri frowns, understanding before they even explain.
"We did a contract, a PR one." Hector says to Pedri. "The contract is that you two will pretend to have a relationship to change the rumours around. This will help how the two of you are perceived."
You shake your head no, "I'm not doing this." you laugh, standing up. "What gave you the right? We are people, what if Pedri has a girlfriend? what if I have someone? Where is our own will of choosing?"
"Pedri doesn't have a girlfriend," Hector says. "Pedri has groupies who mess up his reputation."
Pedri frowns again. "I don't have groupies."
"We," Aleek says louder. "are your managers." she smiles. "And WE will do whatever is necessary for the two of you to get back to a good reputation path."
You shake your head. "I won't sign." you say.
"I won't either." Pedri seconds you.
Hector laughs, "We don't need your signature." he explains, showing us a copy of the contract. "We have legal power over decisions regarding your brands."
"You can't do this." you say, feeling trapped. "Aleek, why?"
"Because, Pedri and you need this." she explains. "You don't want this rumors to make your album to flop. Do you?"
You shake your head, standing up. "I can't." you threw the papers on the table, walking outside of the room.
You run stairs down, feeling tired of the way people see you as a product. You don't want to feel like a normal person, being able to walk and not have a phone on your face.
You know that the rumors of you partying were creating problems. Even when you don't do any kind of drugs or anything bad. People like to pretend you are a junkie who pass the days drunk.
You slam the door of your apartment, throwing yourself on the couch. You cry the feelings out. Your phone is ringing, you ignore it, you know it was Aleek.
You try to calm yourself down. You hate to feel like a product of the industry. You hate to feel like an addict when you don't even live that life. You hate that when you asked your friends to defend you, they ignored you.
You grab your phone from your bag, answering without even looking. "Qué cojones quieres, Aleek?" you say, stern tone.
You were about to say more, until you hear the voice of Pedri.
"Soy Pedri." he says. "I just want to know if you are okay."
"I don't care who you are." you say, even more angry. "I don't need you worrying about me, Pedri." you say his name in this spiteful tone.
You were too angry to care who was it. You don't even think about the fact that Pedri was in the same problem that you are.
He doesn't answer, he knows you are mad and that you won't have the best answer to anybody calling you.
You then feel guilt, Pedri doesn't have to take the blame of what your manager and his did. "Pedri, I'm so sorry!" you cry. "I didn't meant to treat you like that. I'm not like this, I promise." you say, rambling a little.
You cry after saying this, sobbing and feeling even worse that Pedri took time to call you to check on you.
"Bonita, please don't cry." he says, softly.
"I don't want to do this." you say, crying on the phone. "I don't want to stain you with my reputation."
"You won't!" he reassures you. "I don't want to either, but I'm not letting you feel alone in this."
You smile at that, feeling a little bit better than you are less alone in this shit show.
"They actually already have something that we need to do." he scoff. "I feel like a fucking voodoo doll."
You chuckle at that. "That's a good term." you say to him. "I will check to see what's going on, thank you for reaching to me" you say softly, more calmed.
"Venga, don't stress." he jokes. "It's best for us to just do what they ask us. I know it's horrible to have to pretend and lie to everybody, however, I do believe that we can take something good out of this."
"Okay, I'll trust your words." you laugh, making him laugh. "I'm reading the text they sent us, I guess I'll see you."
You say your goodbyes to him. Promising to not keep crying.
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You feel anxiety.
You know you have to be back to the studio to record a few songs. You don't want to, not cause of the way you left last time.
Aleek tried to contact you, she texted, she email you, even sent you a message over pinterest.
But you weren't giving up. You were mad and you wanted to show that to her. Even when you know you have to talk to her because you need to approve the album cover.
"Hello." You say, walking into the recording room.
Aleek looks at you, smiling at you. She knows you were mad but at the same time she knows this is something that you needs.
"Hola, bebé." She says.
You walk over to her, hugging her from behind. You needed this more than ever. "I don't like you right now, but I love you."
"I know you are mad, but trust me on this, okay?"
You nod, separating and walking over to the table where all the options are. You two start working on picking an album cover.
"I think this one is prettier." You say.
You hear three knocks on the door. Jake, you publicist walk in, an iPad in hand. He shows Aleek something, which she smiles to.
You don't paint mind to it. Knowing that whatever she's into, you would have to say yes in the end.
"Do you have like football, Cinderella?" Jake asks you.
You roll your eyes, knowing by your best friends boyfriend insta stories that tomorrow is going to be the clasico of la liga.
"Can I say no?"
"No." Jake laughs, making you pout.
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Liked by pedri, fcbarcelona and 2,383,385
yourusername first time coming to a game and we got a victory ✌🏻✨️ can I call myself a lucky charm?
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fcbarcelona 🍀🏆😎
pedri 💪🏻🏆
barcelonafan PEDRI?
frenkietupatron wait... he's following her and have been liking her post for over a month... Pedri????
"Do you even know how much I hate you right now?" You ask Aleek over the phone. "I was thinking about getting take out and rawdog my show last season."
"Now you can go out and see the sunset." She says, happy tone.
"I was looking at information about Pedri, and Hector did not lie about him having groupies who got him a reputation."
"Really?" She asks, curious. "When I met him he was such a shy boy."
"Well, not anymore." You laugh. "His last rumor was an influencer whose boyfriend apparently found them in bed." You tell her.
"Well, that's what this is for." She says, explaining again the purpose of the contract. "For you to drop the reputation you have, look at yours. Missing junkie."
"Ughh." You buff, mad. "I will require you to order me take out later just for that comment."
"will do." she says, chuckling. "Text me when you are home and to tell me how it was."
"Yes, boss." You laugh, hanging up the call.
You finish with your touch up of makeup. You added mascara, some brow gel and your beloved blush.
You move from your bathroom to your room, packing everything that you were taking, a blanket to sit on, your sunglasses, some sunscreen.
You feel the vibration of your phone in the back of your shorts. You See Pedri's text, he was waiting for you in the parkin lot.
You texted back that you were going down, to give you a minute. You press the basement button, texting Aleek a picture of you in the elevator.
When the doors open you noticed Pedri's car parked in front of the elevator. You smile at him and wave.
He was about to get down and open your door but you knockn on the wintond. "Just open." You chuckle.
He does that, unlocking the door. "I was going to open it for you." he says.
"Not necessary."
"Joder, que bien huele tu perfume." (your perfume smells amazing) he says, turning to you.
You blush a little at the comment, you love when people tell you that you smelled good.
"Gracias." You smile at him. "It's Armani." You say, making a face that makes him laugh.
"It's good." he smiles. "You can leave the bag on the backseat." he says, pointing towards the back of his car.
You nod, turning to place your bag. You notice a black box with his name and some barca design. You can see some letters, some pictures, notes with hearts.
"Someone got a gift." You tell him.
"Sip, these girls who follows me since the begging of my barca career came to Barcelona for the clasico and I saw them today when I left the camp nou."
You pout, you love how cute his fans were. "That's so cute."
You love getting things from your fans, it was a little piece of them that you get to keep with yourself.
"I have a Playlist on." he says, referee to the music that playing. "Here's my phone for you to change it."
"I like bad bunny, it's fine." You smile.
The rest of the trip was calmed, you two were silent, just listening to the music. You feel weird, you don't really know what to ask him.
When you got to the beach you notice that he was wearing a pair of sneakers.
"Pedri, you can't wear that on the sand, you'll ruin them."
He sees his sneakers, nodding his head. "I was going to go to my house and get my sandals." he explains. "But if I got home, I was going to be late for picking you."
You nod, understanding his motives. "Let's do this." You smile at him., I'll take my shoes off and we both can be barefoot."
He nods, smiling at your suggestion. You two take your shoes off, leaving them in the car. You walk together to the beach. You ask him for help with the beach towel.
"So I brought fruit, I brought some juice in a box because Hector told Aleek you don't drink and I also got sunscreen cause I can tell you are not wearing any." You say, pointing at everything you got.
You pass him his juice box and the tupper with some fruit. "I love watermelon." He smiles, eating the fruit. "Gracias."
You two stay quiet for a while, the two of you just enjoying the food and juice. You want to ask him something but you are not sure what.
"How was your day?" You ask.
"E'tuvo bueno, I'm a little bit tired because of the game and todays training, but I'm good." He explains. "Yours?"
"Oh, it was good." You smile. "I recorded some snips for my next album."
"I like your music."
"En serio?" You raise an eyebrow
"Qué va!" He laughs. "Do you think I'm a liar?"
"Not at all." You lift both your hands. "What's your favorite song of mine?"
"Underground, I like that song so much." You nod, smiling at him. "But I don't think you beat Quevedo."
"No way!" You say happily. "I love Quevedo."
"Favorite song?'
"La playa del inglés."
"No, que va, you are kidding." He smiles. "That's my favorite song too."
"That crazyyyy." You say. "Okay, what's your favorite movie?"
"Buaf, I think creed."
"No, you are lying." You say, looking away.
Pedri took a little bit to catch up on your answer. "Dios, Y/n." He smiles. "No way."
"I love creed." You say.
You two laugh at how crazy the things were. Because you did not believe that it was possible for you two to have that much in common.
"Do you have siblings?" You ask, eating some of the fruit.
"Sip." He smiles at the thought of his brother. "His name is Fernando, he's a chef and lives with me." You smile at that, you can tell he's very family oriented. "You?"
"I have one brother." You say. "His name is Austin. He lives in Tennessee."
"A little bit far." He chuckles. "Do you live alone or with your parents?"
"I live alone." You smile. "I have an apartment, but I think of getting a house."
"A house is better." He confess. "When I moved on here, I was in an apartment with my brother, and we felt so weird. Apartment complex are small and a little bit expensive for what you get."
You nod, agreeing with what he's saying. "Your brother is a chef, so you don't cook?" You ask.
"Not really." He chuckles. "My mom knows how to and my dad too. They own a restaurant, Tasca Fernando."
You smile at that, feeling happy at that confession. "Here in Barcelona?"
"In Tegueste, Tenerife."
"Right, you are Canarian." You say, remembering what you read. "You played in Palmas?"
"Sip, Las Palmas. They were my first big team and now I'm in Barcelona."
"I want to say that I love your style of playing, but I don't know anything about football." You chuckle.
"I can teach you." He smiles. "I'm kinda good at it." He jokes, making you laugh.
You two keep talking about more of your likes, getting to know yourselves. You find it very interesting how someone so quiet and so reserved has such a reputation.
"And the next home match is this Friday." He tells you, after a large explanation of how La Liga works.
"Are your parents coming?" You ask him.
He then changed his demeanor. He got a lot more silent. "No, they are not coming."
"Oh no, why?"
"Well." He thinks if telling you is the right thing. "Hector won't allow me to because we are supposed to be our and be seen and having my family will distract me."
You frown, not sure how to react but surely mad that his manager dared to tell him such a thing.
"I'm sorry," you apologize.
"It's not your fault." He whispers. "It's fucked up, but I know it will be worth it."
You stayed quiet, enjoying the sound of the people around, the music that you can hear, the laughs, the screams of kids playing, the small talk that's not understandable.
You then got the idea.
"I can help you see your family." You smile at him.
He lifts his head quickly, turning to you. "What? How?"
"Okay, what if I ask my manager that we can use your family for our pr?"
He thinks for a few seconds, confused about how that would be beneficial for the two of you.
"Hector says that you have a reputation on having a lot of girls, but have you ever introduced one of those girls to your family?"
"That's what we can say." You smile. "If you introduce me to your parents and we are seen together in the public at a game, then that means that we are serious, it's more believable."
You smile at your idea. Feeling like a smart girl.
You can't catch the look on his face, but in his mind, he's thanking you a thousand times while lifting you in the air.
"I'll tell my manager tomorrow, I have to go to the studio." You smile at him.
"Would you really?" He asks, eyes shinning with hope.
"Si!" You smile. "I'll promise I will make everything I can to get them to be at these home game."
Pedri hugs you, thanking you for making an extra effort for him to be fine.
"Now, what if we go get an ice cream?" You suggest.
He nods happy. He would give you anything you want right now. "It's on me." He says, helping you get up.
"I'll agree just because I forgot my wallet." You laugh, making him laugh.
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Liked by 12,482 others
holacom Spain Golden Boy Pedri González was caught on a romantic beach getaway with our Favorite Pop Girl Y/n.
The two of them are rumored to be having more than just romance. Fans of the two of them on social media X are pointing how she was at the home game and wearing the emblematic number 8 from Pedri.
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pedrilover35 isn't she like a junkie?
y/nxharry no 😡 that's just rumors
ferminmipatron I think she is because she's friends with the jenners and they are junkies too
y/nfan23 love this new couple ❤️ I need to get his jersey
sugarmelon I ordered his and someone named gavi 😎
messicomeback10 get a messi one
sugarmelon @messicomeback10 who tf is messi?
"Can you lower the volume on that note?" You ask your technician. "Yes, right there."
You sing the note one more time. Trying to make it perfect for layering it into the melody of the background.
"Okay, that's amazing." He says.
"Let's do the same with the chorus."
You spend the next hours doing that with other several songs. Trying to make them sound better and more effortlessly likable.
You thank Bruno, the technician. You worked with him before and you know that he knows your moods and your vibe.
"Lunch is on me tomorrow." You smile at him. "Drive safe." You hug him goodbye, walking with him to the elevator.
You press the button of the floor where Aleek's office is. You need to talk to her about bringing Pedri's parents.
You knock three times. "Come in." You hear her. You open the door and walk inside, finding her reading some papers. "Hello, baby."
"Hola." You smile.
"Are you done?"
"Yes, we got amazing beats." You smile. "Hey, I want to talk to you about something." You sigh.
She stays quiet, signal for you to keep talking an to tell her what's on your mind. You take a deep breath.
"Pedri told me that Hector told him that he can't see his family or bring them to Barcelona because that would be a distraction for our plan." You say to her.
She frowns, not aware of that. "I didn't knew that."
"I know, I just want to know if you can help me convince him to let him bring his family."
"Oh baby, but I don't thin-"
"I have a plan." You interrupt her.
She nods, making a hand signal for you to keep talking.
"So, I was doing my research on Pedri, I found out that he never once introduced his flings to his parents." You began. "And fans always say that on x, with every girl he's rumored."
You open your phone, sending her the screenshots of people tweeting that they don't believe that Pedri is with anyone because not one of his family members follow the girls.
"And if we can get people to see us together with his family, then get bag the football girls. That means that the media would stop seeing us as a fling or a fuck thing situation."
"Okay, you got my attention."
"And if we can be seen with his parents and brother, then after, we can start to post more about each other. Things here and there, discreet."
"Something private but not secret." She says.
"Exactly." You smile. "And what better than this Friday's game."
"That's in three days." She turns to see her calendar.
"Please, I know this can work." You beg. "We are doing this, all I'm asking is for you to help me get Pedri to see his family."
She narrows her eyes. "Fine, I'll help you convince Hector." She says, making you smile. "I'll show him all of these that you have."
You feel happy. You would help feel like this is less a forced situation but more like a small trade.
"Now go home, you need to rest for your interview with Vogue." She says.
"Yes, ma'am." You smile. "Bye."
You hug her goodbye and walk outside of the building. You drive home, listening to some pop for a change.
You get home and cook something easy for dinner. Watching some of your show whole eating.
You feel your phone vibrate. You picked it and see Pedri's name displayed. "Hola, camarón sin cola." You say, happily.
"Eres una jodida genio," He says. You can tell he's happy by the tone. "Hector called me and told me that he booked my parents' tickets for them to come a day before the game."
You feel happy that your plan worked. "Oh my God!" You say, jumping happy. "It worked, that's such a good news."
"Gracias, Y/n." He says softly. "I really needed this."
You pout happy. "Don't thank me." You say. "Go tell your brother or calm your parents to tell them. We can talk later."
"Vale, but I promise I'm making it up for you." He laughs. "Adiós."
You say goodbye to him. Watching your shoe for a little while. You can't help but to have a smile on your face.
You then remember that you need to post something from fenty beauty. Opening insta to post your picture with the product.
You let it there, you were focused on your show and on finishing your third plate of food. You then feel your phone get notifications.
>Aleek: kiddo, Pedri will comment on your post. Please answer.
Aleek: Let's stick with emojis for now. <
You check insta, opening the comment section. Pedri's comment was there, freshly made. You reply with two emojis. Letting people go crazy about it.
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Liked by pedri, fentybeauty and 3,273,482 others
yourusername Nothing feels better than glowing like a star with my Fenty Killawatt Glow ✨️🌙 Don't forget to get yours at @sephora_spain #FentyPartner ❤️
View all 253,382 comments
fentybeauty you are glowing ✨️
pedri 🤩✨️
yourusername ✨️🌙
pedrixferran hard launching I see 👀😦
frenkietupatron @pedri don't engage with her because the Kardashian curse might get us 😣😣😣
🏷: @gadriezmannsgirl
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lvnleah · 1 month
002. | Rory meets AWFC
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Rory meets her Mummies teammates and gets a little anxious but soon meets a Lego loving friend.
find the Rory masterlist here
thank you to @scribblesofagoonerr for helping me write this! this may or may not feature a certain monkey…
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August 24th 2023
“You okay, Roo?” Beth asked Rory as she packed a few bits into her backpack.
Rory had now been living with Beth and Viv for two months now, both of them had been given three weeks off from Arsenal to help them adjust and settle. They’d fallen into a nice routine with Rory and she was even more comfortable with them now, her little personality had truly begun to shine.
After the three weeks, they’d returned back to training. They were doing sessions in the gym with just them and Rory as everyone was away at either the World Cup or had time off.
Despite not being related to Beth biologically, she definitely had her bubbly and loud personality with Viv's shyness sprinkled in.
Today, Rory was going to training with them and meeting their friends for the first time. She’d already met both Viv and Beth’s family after spending a few weeks in the Netherlands with them and Myle. All of their family had fallen in love with the girl and by the end of the week she had them wrapped around her little finger.
Rory nodded her head shyly as Viv brushed her hair into a smooth ponytail, “Just a bit nervous.” Rory shrugged, holding Twix tight to her.
"You know," Viv said, finishing Rory’s ponytail before sitting beside her, "when I was your age, I was really nervous about going to new places too. But I always found that if I bought something familiar with me, like your bunny, it made me feel a lot better. I still get anxious too, Mummy will tell you.”
Rory looked up at Viv with a curious expression. "Really? You get anxious too?”
"Yeah I do," Viv nodded. "But you have me and Mummy with you, too. We'll make sure you feel safe and happy."
Beth joined them at the table, “We'll be with you the whole time, Roo. You can even play football if you want."
Rory's grip on her bunny tightened, but she nodded, taking a deep breath. "Okay.
Viv chuckled, “Why don’t we pack a few of your favourite things in your backpack?”
“Look, I’ve already packed your favourite snacks and some toys. You can bring them with you." Beth said, holding the bag open.
Rory peeked inside the backpack and smiled a little. "Thanks, Mummy."
Viv leaned down and kissed the top of Rory's head. "You're so brave, Rory. We'll make sure you have a good time."
Beth smiled, “You'll get to see where Mamma and I work and meet some of our friends. It'll be fun, I promise."
“Are they nice?” Rory asked.
“Super nice!” Beth reassured her, “They’re very funny too!”
Viv smirked, “Not as funny as Mamma though!”
Rory laughed, a smile spreading on her face, “No ones as funny as you, silly Mamma!”
Viv ruffled Rory's hair gently. "That's my girl. Now, finish your breakfast so we can get going.”
Once breakfast was done and the kitchen tidied, they gathered by the door. Viv helped Rory put on her tiny sneakers, while Beth checked her bag one last time. The anticipation in the room was palpable, a mix of excitement and nervous energy.
"Ready to go, Roo?" Beth asked, her voice gentle but encouraging.
Rory nodded, and held out her hand for Viv to take. "Ready!”
The drive to the training ground was filled with chatter and the hum of the car engine. Rory sat in the back seat, singing along to Taylor Swift with Viv like she had done for the past few weeks.
As they pulled up to the training centre, Rory’s nerves increased. Beth stepped out of the car and got her backpack whilst Viv unstrapped her.
“Mamma carry me?” Rory mumbled as she stepped out.
Viv smiled before lifting the four year old up, resting her on her hip. Rory buried her head in the crook of Viv’s neck, her arms wrapped tightly around her neck.
Beth rubbed her hand up and down Rory’s back, “You’ll be okay, Roo. I promise.” She said, placing a kiss on her temple.
They walked into the training centre, Beth leading the way and holding the door open for Viv and Rory. Steph and Jen were in the lobby and when they saw the trio approaching, they both smiled warmly.
Steph gasped, “Is this little miss Rory that I've heard so much about?”
Rory peeked out from her safe spot against Viv’s shoulder, her grip on Twix tightening. Her blonde eyebrows furrowed in confusion at Steph's accent before she started to giggle.
“What’re you giggling at, Roo?” Beth asked, tickling Rory’s stomach.
“Her accent!” Rory said just above a whisper as she giggled. “She sounds funny!”
“Have you heard of a place called Australia?” Steph asked, getting a nod from Rory, “Well that’s where I’m from! I sound different from your Mamma’s don’t I?”
Rory nodded, “You do!” Her eyes flicked over to Jen as she walked closer. Rory stared at her curiously, trying to figure out why the woman was so tall.
“I’m Jen! I sound weird too, eh?” Jen smiled, Rory shyly nodding as she hugged Viv tighter, “I like you Bunny! What’s their name?”
Rory looked at Jen and then back at Viv, who nodded encouragingly. “His name is Twix,” Rory whispered,
“Oh that’s so cool!” Jen smiled, “Do you like animals?”
“I love them!” Rory nodded, starting to warm up a little bit, “I love doggies!”
“You do?” Steph gasped, matching Rory’s excitement, “Do you want to meet the team dog, Win?”
Rory's eyes widened with excitement. "There's a dog here?" she asked, looking up at Viv with a mix of astonishment and eagerness.
Beth laughed softly, her heart melting at Rory's cuteness. "Yes, there is. Win is a very friendly dog and loves meeting new people."
Steph nodded enthusiastically. "Win is the therapy dog here, she helps us when we’re feeling down sometimes! She’s the unofficial team mascot."
"Can I see her now?" Rory asked, her shyness momentarily forgotten.
"Of course," Jen smiles, "Let's go find Win. She’s usually hanging out in the canteen area."
They made their way through the training centre, passing by a few players and staff who greeted Beth and Viv warmly. Rory clung to Viv but looked around with wide eyes, taking in everything.
As they entered the canteen area, a friendly chocolate labrador bounced over, tail wagging excitedly. Rory’s eyes lit up as Win approached and Viv set her down on the floor.
"Win, meet Rory," Steph said, sitting down to pet the dog on the floor. "Rory, this is Win."
Rory hesitated for a moment, looking up at Viv for reassurance. Viv nodded, smiling. "It's okay, Roo. Win is very gentle."
Slowly, Rory extended her hand, and Win sniffed it before giving it a friendly lick. Rory giggled, her nervousness melting away. "She likes me!" she exclaimed, petting Win’s soft fur.
"Can we bring Win home?" she asked, looking up at Beth and Viv with hopeful eyes.
Beth chuckled, shaking her head. "Win has to stay here and help the team, Roo. But maybe we can think about getting a doggy soon though!”
"Okay," Rory agreed, still smiling. "Can I show her my bunny?"
"Of course," Viv said. "I'm sure Win would love to meet Twix."
Rory held out Twix to Win, who sniffed the bunny curiously before giving it a gentle lick. Rory giggled again, delighted by the interaction.
"Win likes Twix too!" she smiled, hugging her bunny tightly.
Beth knelt down beside her. "See? There’s nothing to be nervous about. You’re doing great, Roo."
“Oh wow it’s a party in here!” Lotte laughed as she entered the canteen, “Win’s enjoying the attention I see.”
Rory looked up, her smile growing once she saw Lotte, “Lot! Hi, I missed you!”
Rory abandoned Winnie and immediately ran over to the English girl, hugging her legs. Rory had already met Lotte, as well as Vic and Laura, a few weeks after she moved in with Viv and Beth due to them being close friends who were always around.
She was shy at first but once Lotte was laying on the floor with her playing and Vic and Laura were sneaking her sweets she was their best friend.
“Hello, Rory,” Lotte said gently, crouching down to Rory’s level, “I missed you too! How’re you liking the training centre so far?”
Rory smiled and nodded, “I like it! I love Win though!”
Lotte gasped playfully, “Win’s the best isn’t she!”
Viv checked the time on her phone, “C’mon Roo, me and Mummy need to go get changed.”
Rory huffed, “I’m bored, Mamma!”
“It won’t take two seconds, Roo,” Beth said, “Then we can get you set up with some colouring!”
“I don’t mind sitting with her while you get changed,” Lotte offered, “Only if Roo doesn’t mind.”
Beth looked down at Rory, “What do you think, Roo? Want to stay with Lotte while me and Mamma get changed? It’ll only be for a couple minutes.”
Rory thought for a second, her eyes wandering around the now empty room that Steph and Jen had left to go and warm up, “Yeah…you come back?”
“Oh of course we will, Roo!” Viv said, crouching down to the girls height, “Me and Mummy will be a few minutes, you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to. You can come with me.”
Rory shook her head before talking Lotte’s hand, “I colour with Lotte!”
“Okay then,” Beth laughed, “We’ll be two minutes, okay? If you need us you can always come get me and Mamma.”
“Okay, Mummy,” Rory nodded, squeezing Lotte's hand tighter.
Viv and Beth headed off to the changing rooms, leaving Rory with Lotte. Lotte led her to a nearby table and got some colouring out of Rory’s backpack. Rory quickly got to work, her tongue poking out in concentration as she colored a picture of a butterfly.
“You’re really good at coloring, Rory!” Lotte said, smiling as she watched the little girl.
“Thank you!” Rory beamed, her shyness slowly melting away.
Just then, the door to the canteen burst open, and Katie stormed in, loudly announcing her arrival, "Guess who's back, back again! Kat—"
Her voice trailed off as she noticed Rory, who had jumped at the sudden noise, clutching her crayons tightly and looking wide-eyed at Katie.
Katie's eyes widened in horror at scaring the child. "Shit, I'm so sorry, kid!" she said, rushing over but lowering her voice. “I didn’t mean to scare you, kiddo. I’m Katie.”
Rory’s lower lip began to tremble, and her eyes welled up with tears. “I-I want Mummy and Mamma,” she whimpered, looking at Lotte.
Lotte immediately wrapped an arm around Rory. “It’s okay, Rory. Mummy and Mamma will be right back. Katie didn’t mean to scare you.”
But Rory’s tears began to fall, and she clutched Twix tightly to her chest. “I want Mumma and Mummy!” she cried, the distress in her voice clear.
At that moment, Beth and Viv hurried back into the room, having heard Rory's cries. Beth quickly scooped Rory into her arms, holding her close. “It’s okay, Roo. Mummy’s here.”
Viv knelt beside them, gently stroking Rory’s back. “What happened, Mijn liefje?”
Rory sniffled, burying her face in Beth’s shoulder. “She scared me,” she mumbled.
Beth rocked Rory gently, trying to soothe her. “Katie didn’t mean to scare you, Roo. It was just a mistake.”
Katie stepped closer, her expression full of regret. “I’m really sorry, kiddo. I didn’t know you were here.”
Katie exchanged a nervous look with Viv, “Viv, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know she was in here, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay, Katie,” Beth reassured her with a nod, “She’s just a bit anxious today, that’s all.”
“I’m so sorry,” she apologised once again, “I’ll leave you too it, I’m sorry kid!”
After a few minutes of Beth and Viv calming Rory down and cuddling her, Leah came through the door. Her eyes softened at the little sniffles coming from Rory, her cheeks still tear stained.
Leah calmly walked over and crouched down beside Beth who had Rory cuddled into her chest, “Hey! I’m Leah, are you little Rory who I’ve heard all about?”
Rory nodded her head against Beth’s chest, “Well it’s nice to meet you, Rory!” Leah smiled, “I bet I know what cheers you up when you’re upset…cake!”
Rory’s eyes widened at the mention of cake, “Cake?!” She asked, lifting her head from Beth’s chest.
Beth gasped, matching Rory’s enthusiasm, “Oh cake, that sounds nice doesn’t it! Why doesn’t Leah show you where to get some?”
Rory hesitated before nodding her head and jumping off of Beth’s lap. She took Leah’s hand and walked over to the canteen kitchen, Leah helped her pick out her cake before walking back to Beth and Viv.
“Chocolate cake!” Viv smiled, “Wow Roo, isn’t that good!” Rory nodded her head, a smile spread across her face.
“Where’s Monkey?” Beth asked, “Is she off causing trouble again?”
“No she was right…behind me,” Leah trailed off, looking around for the teenager, “I bet she’s causing mischief with Kyra!”
“That isn’t a surprise at all,” Viv laughed and shook her head.
Viv carried Rory into the gym whilst Beth had a quick session with the physio’s. She sat down on the bench in the corner, Rory facing her with her head pressed against her chest.
“Viv! You’re back!” A voice shouted aloud where Viv was sitting in the gym with Rory in her lap, “I’ve missed you round here– Leah’s being bossy as ever, ruining my fun, the complete buzz-kill that she is!”
“Hi Monkey,” Viv waved in agreement with the girl, “Glad to hear that you are up to your usual chaos.” She remarked, sarcastically.
“I’m not even doing anything that bad, everyone is just making a huge big deal out of it for no reason! Oh! Maybe now you’re here you can steer Leah to be in agreement that it would be a great idea for me to try sky-diving!” Monkey continued to ramble in Viv’s ear, which Rory couldn’t help but find funny as she listened to the girl natter on, “Oh! Who’s this?” She wondered, curiously.
“Monkey, this is Rory, mine and Beth’s daughter… And Roo, this is Monkey” Viv smiled before leaning down to Rory’s ear, “she’s the biggest kid around here,” she whispered but loud enough for Monkey to hear.
Monkey gasped, “Whoa, I take offence to that, you know! It’s actually Katie– Hi, it’s nice to meet you, Rory. I’m Monkey!”
Rory lifted her head from Viv’s chest, “You’re funny!”
“Thank you very much– Whoa, I like your bunny. Does it have a special name?” Monkey asked, crouching down to Rory’s level on Viv’s lap.
Rory nodded, “Mhm, it’s Twix!” She smiled, holding out the stuffed bunny so the girl could see.
Monkey gasped once again, “No way? Twix, that’s such a cool name! Oooh, do you like Lego?”
“Uh huh!” Rory nodded, her shyness being forgotten once again.
“Cool, do you want to go and build something? I’m meant to be training, but I don’t think anyone will care if I’m there or not.” Monkey shrugged, Viv laughed at how chilled the girl was.
Rory’s smile grew as she nodded her head and slipped off Viv’s lap, “Yeah!”
“So, how old are you, Rory?” Monkey asked as they began to walk over to her Lego corner in the gym.
“I’m 4!” Rory declared proudly, holding up four fingers.
“Wow, 4? That is such a cool age– You can definitely get away with a lot at that age!”
“I thought I heard your voice,” Beth joked as she entered the gym, “Don’t be leading her astray!”
“Would I ever? She’s adorable– We’re gonna build Lego together!” Monkey replied innocently.
“You’re aware that Leah is looking for you, right?” Beth questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“I didn’t do anything I wasn't meant to do!” Monkey protested.
“That definitely means that you did then…” Viv smiled, shaking her head with a knowing smile.
“Monkey!” Leah shouted aloud, trying to find the teenager.
“Uh, damn. I’m not here– Quick, hide me under the table or somethin’.” Monkey whispered to Rory, her eyes darting around for a hiding spot.
“I like her, she’s funny, Mummy!” Rory said, turning to look at Beth with a smile.
Beth couldn't help but smile at Rory's delight. "Yes, she is funny, but we have to make sure she stays out of trouble, right?"
"Right!" Rory agreed enthusiastically.
Just then, Leah entered the gym, her eyes narrowing playfully at Monkey. "There you are! What have you been up to now?"
Monkey put on her most innocent face. "Nothing, I swear! Just showing my new friend my Lego collection!”
Leah shook her head with a laugh. “C’mon, you need to actually train and not muck about.”
Monkey groaned, “Just give me five more minutes! Please, I want to do a bit of Lego!”
“You and your bloody Lego obsession!” Leah sighed, “Fine! Half an hour and then you need to train, deal?”
“Deal!” Monkey smiled, “What do you want to build, Roo?” Monkey asked as they sat down on the floor.
“Umm, I wanna build a castle!” Rory exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
Monkey grinned, rummaging through the box of Lego bricks. “A castle?! That’s the best plan ever!”
Beth and Viv exchanged a glance, smiling at how quickly Rory had taken to Monkey. Beth knelt down beside them. “Me and Mamma need to train, we’ll just be over there okay?”
Rory nodded. “Okay, Mummy! We’re gonna make the best castle ever, right Monkey?”
“Absolutely, kid!” Monkey agreed, handing Rory a handful of colourful bricks. “So who have you met so far?”
"Um, Steph and Jen. They both have funny accents," Rory giggled, concentrating as she arranged the bricks into a small tower. "Also, Lotte and Katie… But Katie yelled loudly and it scared me!"
"She did?" Monkey replied with a sympathetic smile. "That’s just how Katie is, but I’m sorry she scared you, Roo. You met Leah as well, right?"
Rory nodded, smiling as she concentrated on building Lego, "Uh-huh! She’s nice and she helped me get chocolate cake! I like her!"
"Aw, whoa. Chocolate cake? I want some too!” Monkey gasped, “Maybe you’ll have to show me where you found it,"
"Yeah!" Rory exclaimed, her eyes lighting up.
"Want to know a secret?" Monkey whispered, leaning in. "Leah is who I live with. She is nice, but she can also be pretty bossy sometimes."
"You do? Whoa, so cool!" Rory's eyes widened in amazement.
"Yeah, her and my favourite little buddy," Monkey continued with a little laugh.
"Who’s dat?" Rory asked, handing a brick to Monkey.
"Buddy? That’s Leah’s daughter, and Jordan’s too. I don’t know if you have met her yet, but she’s cool.” Monkey smiled, “Buddy is actually a few years younger than you, but I bet when you two meet, you’ll be best friends!"
"Is she funny like you?" Rory asked, her excitement growing.
Monkey nodded, "She’s a little sweetheart, really. I can’t wait for you to meet her!"
"I want to meet her too!" Rory said, grinning widely as she bounced on her knees.
“I’m sure your Mamma and Mummy can sort something out!” Monkey suggested, “Buddy comes here sometimes so you’ll probably get to meet her!”
It wasn’t long before the castle stood tall and impressive, complete with towers. Rory looked at it with wide eyes, clearly proud of their creation.
“Look, Mummy! Look, Mamma!” Rory called out, waving them over. “We did it! We built a castle!”
Beth and Viv walked over, “Wow, that’s amazing, Roo! You and Monkey did a fantastic job,” Viv smiled.
Monkey nodded, pretending to wipe sweat from her brow. “Phew, that was hard work, but totally worth it.”
“Can we take a picture?” Rory asked, looking up at Beth with hopeful eyes.
“Of course we can,” Beth replied, pulling out her phone. “Gather around the castle!”
Monkey proudly held up the Lego castle proudly while Rory stood beside her, smiling. Beth snapped a few photos, capturing the moment.
As the day went on, Rory continued to explore the training centre, meeting more of the team and even joining in with passing the ball. By the time they were ready to leave, she was buzzing with excitement and full of stories to tell.
“Did you have fun today, Roo?” Viv asked as they buckled her into her car seat for the drive home.
Rory nodded. “Yes! I made lots of new friends, and we built a castle, and I met Win, and… and it was the best day ever!”
Beth smiled, leaning over to kiss Rory’s forehead. “I’m so glad you had fun, Roo!”
As they drove home, Rory’s chatter eventually quieted, her eyes growing heavy with sleep. By the time they pulled into their driveway, she was fast asleep, clutching Twix tightly in her arms.
Viv gently lifted her out of the car, carrying her inside and laying her down in her bed for a nap. Beth tucked her in, brushing a strand of hair from her face.
“Have a good nap, Roo,” Beth whispered, smiling softly. “We love you so much.”
Rory stirred slightly, a sleepy smile on her face. “Love you too, Mummy… Mamma…” she murmured before drifting back into a peaceful sleep.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 9 months
Soft Launch
luke hughes x actress!reader
note: please don't look up the date of kick a ginger day cause it does not line up but please let me have this
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liked by jackhughes, sabrinacarpenter, and others
tagged: @/sabrinacarpenter, @/naileadevora
y/n_l/n: spot the difference, level impossible
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july 9
max1989: you even have the twilight filter over both this is level impossible
jenna_: wtf is ethan edwards doing in y/n's comments??
SueMe_13: more importantly why are him and y/n so buddy-buddy
e.edwards.stan: isn't she dating luke?
zebra_zegras_11: WHAT?! 😲
julien.bakers_wife: i ain't never seen two pretty best friends cause i see three
naileadevora: we look so hot 😍😍
y/n liked this comment
edwards.73: what does the redhead have on her face?
y/n_l/n: ..a face mask?
edwards.73: no i know that i was talking about the other redhead
y/n_l/n: your just sour i rejected you cause i have a bf
enchanted.by.y/n: YOU HAVE A WHAT???
edwards.73: idk what you see in that kid
danelle1989: possible her and jack are dating? like are we sure it's luke
steph_43: that's what i'm saying because she's like the same age as jack
all_too.unwell: jack in the likes and ethan in the comments her and luke are not being very subtle
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liked by miagoth0, lhughes_06, and others
y/n_l/n: photo dump.. also taking new friend applications because all my 'friends'' kicked me today #keepinggingerssafe
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september 6
pheobe.86: he got her flowers 💕
emma.loves.y/n: the bar is on the floor
drysdalelove_: i still think she's dating jack 🤷‍♀️
conner_mcdavid_fan: can't believe luke picked out those gorgeous flowers
matilda_styles: someone cooked there
_inlovewith.caufield: someone = y/n
alex.turtle: looking like a date..
tswift_1213: your kinda right
marauders.fans: it could just be a friend like Sabrina or Billie or Dove
brina.and.y/n_fan: she would have tagged them if it was a friend
snow.lands.on.top_ofME: how do i apply?
billiebosanova: don't know who would want to date her
your-so-gorgeous: those flowers are y/n if she were flowers
jackhughes: i wonder who bought those flowers..👀
burrows_darling: he love causing a little chaos
bedard_lover: proof she's dating jack not luke!
hannah.montana_stan: quick y/n look out! there's a man in that car!
cold_as_youuu: chaotic y/n photo dumps are my favourite!
lacy_: luke liked!!
im_a_mirrorball: who?
lacy_: 💀
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liked by _quinnhughes, taylorswift, and others
y/n_l/n: when i get my paris by taylor swift moment>>>
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september 25
the.c0ck.22: more flowers, where do i find a man like this
loving_lhughes: that is just so obviously jack to me
nico.13.wife: its okay to be wrong 😊
laurieandamy: that cuddle position>>
kaylor.ships.13: she's so overhyped
y/n.dani_: his hands holding her thighs like that 🥵
gerwig_film_fan: that dress is so pretty
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liked by lhughes_06, dylanduke25, and others
tagged: lhughes_06
y/n_l/n: the rumours are terrible and cruel, but honey must of them are true... so this is my man, ya'll been wondering thought i should show him off and show off how much i love him
also have to address this. am i okay?? i went to a football game and a hockey game this week, someone please check on me.
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october 7
y/n.alltoowell: girl you don't have to hide his face you tagged him
carmen_lana: y/n is getting too unhinged with that last pic
trevorzegras: still don't know how you pulled this off lukey
jackhughes: it is a fucking mystery
y/n_l/n: have you seen him?
jackhughes: thats gross
hughes_love: she's so absolutely real for that
inlovewith.hughesbrothers: luke keep it pg!
loverofdogs: no clue what luke sees in her, he could do so much better
trevorzegras: could you introduce me to taylor now?
colecaufield: me too!!
_quinnhughes: so happy for you and lukey i mean he's been in love with you since he was 15
lhughes_06: dude shut up
y/n_l/n: thank you for being the only one to actually say their happy for us!!
jackhughes: you know im happy for you both i just still can't believe it
wes.and.libby: they are so hot in the last pic 😍
jackhughes: lukey! watch those hands
edwards.73: still don't know what you see in this kid
dylanduke25: it's insane he pulled her
y/n_l/n: let me say this again have you seen him?
lhughes_06: thanks gorgeous
jackhughes: 🤮
potter.wife: i don't know who i want to be more
nai_my_girl: no i know i want to be luke
wonderland_stan: his hand placement 🥵 everyday i fall more in love with this man
lhughes_06: you're so gorgeous
y/n_l/n: you're perfect 😭
never.a.god: y/n and taylor in their wag era
ethan.e.wife: luke hughes, king of manifestation
lhughes_06: i love you too
y/n_l/n: i love you more
lhughes_06: i love you most
y/n_l/n: 💗💗💗
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lonelychicago · 4 months
I've been listening to the prophecy by taylor and i have thoughts, so bare with me on this one.
some people might look at this thing like a superpower, like something cool to trick people with or scare the shit out of them.
tommy thinks of it more as a curse than anything else. a punishment from above— maybe he's done awful, terrible things in some pasts lives and now he's paying the consequences.
truth is, he doesn't know. he can guess, can try to feel his way through the dark like a lost, blind man, but he's probably never gonna know why he is the way he is, why he can see the things he sees.
it started around the time he was nine, he thinks. when he went to hug her grandma, and suddenly he had this vision— like a short movie playing in his head, of how his grandma would die.
tommy hugged her and then there it was in his mind, he could hear her heartbeat and saw her laying in bed, so calm and at peace in her sleep, when her heart slowly stops.
tommy remembers crying out, screaming, pulling away from her in fear, much to the confusion of everyone in his family. his grandma was okay! she was right there! no one believed him when he told them what he saw, what he felt.
(nana june died that very night, in her sleep. just like tommy predicted.)
tommy realized pretty quickly that this was not something he could share with anyone else. not when he ran into his teacher at the grocery store three weeks later and saw how the woman would die in a tragic car crash in just a couple of weeks. not when he kissed a boy for the very first time when he was sixteen and saw he would die from a freak accident at a football game, of all places— a fatal hit to the head would be the end of a life cut too short.
his life became a swirl of death and fear and loneliness.
he pulled away from everyone. what was the point anyway? if he knew the end of their stories? why get atta hed, get close, when he knew the specific details of their deaths and would have to bare that weight on his shoukders all on his own?
(he made the mistake once of falling in love when he was in college. with matthew— a guy who would die of old age, at ninety-five years old. at home, holding the hand of his husband... that was definitely noy tommy.
it was okay. he figured he could have some fun and enjoy whatever time he could. but it only earned him a broken heart and matthew calling him a freak when tommy explained why he couldn't say i love you to him, why he couldn't truly commit.
he has trusted matthew with his deepest secret, with this curse that tommy has no other choice but to live with it. and it ended up in tears and half the campus thinking he was a psycho.)
since then, tommy vowed to never make that mistake again. to keep his distance with people.
and he's been successful, for the most part. he has some friends, of course, but he doesn't let his relationships get too deep, keeping everyone at arm's length.
it's for the best, really.
and he's... not happy, but content. maybe. comfortable.
until evan buckley comes crashing into his life, figuratively and literally speaking.
the guy is— adorable.
tommy has no other word to describe him.
evan is energetic and enthusiastic, passionate about every single thing he says and does. he's reckless and loud and everything's tommy has soent a lifetime running away from.
when buck touches him for the first time, it sends electricity to every one of his nerves. it's intoxicating and amazing and warm, and tommy never wants it to end.
then, the curse kicks in. a little later than usual— as if mocking tommy, almost. teasing him with a tiny taste of what normal looks like and then reminding him he can never have it, not for real.
the first time buck touches him, it's at chimney's wedding— he's drunk and sweaty, cheeks pink and flushed and a boyish smile plastered on his face. he practically draps himself next to tommy's side, leans all his weight against him as he hums the lyrics of the song plahing in the background out of tune.
it's fun and heavenly for a couple of seconds, until tommy gets the vision.
buck in a month, maybe a month and a half. hanging from the firetruck ladder as the sky falls around him, lightning striking him right in the chest and making his heart stop.
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joeybsversion · 1 year
Joe Burrow x Reader
Joe dates Coach Taylors daughter
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“Morning, baby.” A familiar voice calls from behind you, causing you to jump and spill the cup of coffee you had just poured.
“Joe!” You called out in surprise, setting down the cup and grabbing a towel. “You know you’re not supposed to be here! What are you doing?” You question, nervously looking around.
“You dad was still in a meeting after practice wrapped up, so I knew I could beat him here.” He smiles and walks across the kitchen to meet you. “I wanted to see you.”
“Joey.” You hesitantly wine, locking eyes with him.
“Relax.” His smile instantly calms your nerves.
You and Joe had been seeing each other for a few months now. But your dad, who was the head coach of the Bengals, was not thrilled about it at all. He wants you to be with someone smart and successful. Joe is both of those things, and if anyone knows it, it’s your dad. Joe just has an abnormal career.
“He’s going to be home any-“
Joe presses a kiss to your temple, cutting you off. His lips trail down the side of your face and across your cheek until he was just at the corner of your lips.
You had to feel his lips on yours before it was too late. He seemed surprised when you crashed your lips together, but soon was kissing you like his life depended on it.
Your hands glide across his toned chest and abs. You couldn’t get enough of touching him, and he must have felt the same way. Within the next breath, he had picked you up, your legs wrapped around his waist, causing your ankles to connect behind his back. You didn’t realize he was walking until your back was pressed against the wall. You couldn’t get enough. You could feel his hands flex as he grabbed your thighs. It was like you were in your own little bubble.
… which burst when someone cleared their throat.
“What is going on here?”
Joe immediately sets you down, your feet hitting the ground with a loud thud.
“I’ve told you both,” your dad points between you and Joe, “that this is over.” His voice is stern.
“Dad I-“
Joe cuts you off again. “It’s my fault coach.”
“I don’t care whose fault it is. It’s done.”
You both knew it was way too late for him to try and change your minds.
“I’ll go. But let me just say one thing first.” Joe says to your dad. “I want to be the kind of man who is worthy of your daughter, if that’s even possible. She makes me so happy in a way that I don’t even want to blink just incase it all disappears.” The vulnerability of his words tug at your heartstrings. “I promise to work every damn day to make her happy and take care of her. I’ll give you anything you want as long as you give me a chance to prove it.” He clears his throat before he continues. “I’m not sure of much. But I’m so sure that I love her. That isn’t something I want to give up on. I won’t give up on this.” He looks to your dad for approval.
You noticed a tiny almost appreciative smile creep across your dads face. “I’ve never seen you so dedicated or worked up over something that wasn’t football.”
897 notes · View notes
katelynnwrites · 11 months
What Would You Do, Baby, If You Only Knew? (That I Can See You) | Felicitas Rauch
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warnings: not proof read 😅
word count: 5618
summary: you don’t think feli can see you but she can…what would you do if you only knew?
a/n: requested and based off taylor swift’s i can see you 🥰
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You’re used to hiding behind the lens of a camera.
It started as a hobby when you were growing up, a way for you to capture moments you didn’t want to forget. It allowed you to be involved in whatever was going on while still staying true to your quiet and shy personality.
Years later and that hasn’t changed even though you have managed to turn your hobby into a full time career.
Working as a professional sports photographer, you have the once in a lifetime opportunity to meet elite athletes and watch them be at the top of the game, all the while living your childhood dream.
You love it and now that you are working for VfL Wolfsburg, you’re enjoying your life even more. Germany is a fascinating country and you are privileged to be able to photograph as many parts of it as you’re able to on your off days.
The staff members of the German football club, your fellow colleagues are lovely and the players you are tasked to photograph are even more so.
They’re a funny, charismatic lot that have absolutely no hesitation in trying to draw you into their chaos.
While you do appreciate their efforts, you are happier watching them enjoy themselves than when you’re actually participating.
Though in the aftermath of a huge win against Bayern, their joy is infectious and it’s the reason why you have a soft grin on your face as you look through the viewfinder of your camera.
As you snap away, trying to catch as many smiling faces in the ongoing locker room party as you can, you revel in the satisfying clicks of your camera shutter.
A few of the players are going out of their way to pose for you, their antics making you laugh as you continue to capture their raw happiness.
Though there is one particular face that you can’t help searching for.
You know that you’re not supposed to be biased, that you are meant to be taking photos of all the players equally but you just can’t seem to help how your camera unconsciously finds one Felicitas Rauch.
It has always been that way with you, from the very first moment you arrived at a training session.
You were introduced to the team and then left alone to start your new job and take photos of them training.
Feli’s big smile, one that seems almost too big for her face at times had quickly become your favourite sight.
Through the nature of your skillset, you’ve seen a lot of pretty things but you’re certain that the word pretty doesn’t do the German fullback justice.
She’s absolutely beautiful. The kind of beautiful that steals the very air out of your lungs.
You know fullbacks are rarely recognised and appreciated for the work they do but you can see Felicitas. You are convinced that she deserves more attention and you hope your photos of her help put her in a bigger spotlight.
You can see her now, as she celebrates with Svenja, pulling the older woman into a tight hug.
Diligently, you snap away with your camera, capturing the heartfelt moment. You know that both players are close and as you glance briefly at the resulting photos on your camera’s small digital screen, you know that they will appreciate you saving the memory for them.
As you discreetly leave the locker room, along with a few other staff members who want to give the players’ their own little bubble, to celebrate as a team, you resolve to look through your photos at a later time and send them to the respective players to keep or to post on their social medias if they felt like it.
It is that thought of your work that distracts you from catching the smile on Feli’s face dim.
She wants you to stay and wonders what she has to do for you to do so.
You’re the team’s photographer and to her, staff members are just as much part of the team as the players are. In her mind, there is only one team and that means that you are entitled to celebrating the win, like any player is. You don’t have to leave early.
Felicitas wants to get to know you better, your tendency to hide behind your camera intriguing her.
She’s attracted to you because of her curiosity but also because she thinks you are too gorgeous to be constantly ducking away from attention.
It’s too bad that you’ve put away any thought of anyone, let alone someone like Feli Rauch being interested in you.
You indulge in daydreams sometimes but you’re confident in the fact that they would only ever remain as figments of your imagination because you have long since assumed that you would spend your life alone.
It is just in your nature.
From a young age, you developed the belief that you are too introverted and too much like a wallflower to be noticed.
You’ve made your peace with it and are content with the life you lead.
If only you knew that Felicitas is planning to turn all that upside down. She can see you and she’s planning on making you well aware of it.
It starts when you send her the photos you’ve taken.
In your hotel room, you send each player every photo they are in after reviewing your camera roll and editing some of its contents.
All the players respond with their thanks and this isn’t new. It gives you a warm feeling inside, knowing that they are grateful for your hard work.
You’re just beginning to turn in for the night when there is a knock on your hotel room door.
That is new and surprise is evident on your face when you open it to see Feli standing outside.
She’s clearly dressed for bed, in an old Germany hoodie and shorts. The pair of glasses she is wearing makes your thoughts go straight to how cute she looks.
There’s no camera for you to hide your blush behind and Feli smiles as she notices.
‘W-What are you doing here?’ You stammer, shuffling your feet in embarrassment.
‘I just wanted to say thank you in person.’ Felicitas shrugs easily.
‘Oh. Well you’re welcome.’
Your cheeks flush even redder and the German fullback’s smile widens.
She reaches out to tuck a few strands of hair behind your ear and you freeze at the feel of her fingertips on your skin.
It’s an unexpectedly affectionate gesture that results in your breath audibly catching.
Feli is paying close attention to you and she notes that down immediately.
As you make no move to back away, Felicitas savours how soft your hair feels against her fingers.
‘You look beautiful with your hair down and especially so when you’re blushing. Have a good night.’ She whispers and then she’s gone before you can blink.
You stare at the empty corridor for a moment, unconsciously bringing your hand up to brush against the side of your cheek, right where moments ago, Feli had touched you.
It was only for a few brief seconds and if not for the way your heart is racing, you would be sure you had imagined the whole thing.
As it is, you can hardly believe that it’s not a dream because Feli being even remotely interested in you seems far too good to be true.
Feli is intent on making you believe it.
She has been watching you for ages and spending her time trying not to feel it.
It’s nearly impossible for her though, especially when you brush past her in the hallway outside the locker room.
Your hair isn’t tied up like it usually is and it’s the knowledge that her words have clearly had an effect on you that makes her want to learn everything about you.
The tiny bit of physical contact that she had made with you the other night has made her crave more.
She knows exactly how much she sees you, how she’s always been intrigued by you but now she knows that it goes beyond that.
The German fullback wants you. She truly wants you to see yourself the way she sees you.
So what would you do if she went to touch you now?
Felicitas starts off small.
As the team is going through their cooling down exercises, Feli jogs up to you. She lightly nudges her arm against yours, startling you slightly and making you nearly drop your camera.
‘Sorry.’ The older woman mumbles sheepishly.
‘It’s okay.’
You readjust your camera and then look up at her.
‘Do you need something?’
‘Not exactly. Can I borrow your camera though? I promise I’ll be careful with it.’
You hesitate. Your camera is precious to you and if it was anyone else, you would have said no straight away.
But it’s Feli Rauch asking.
The particular piece of equipment that you are holding has been with you since your career started. It isn’t just expensive but also holds an enormous amount of meaning to you personally.
You have a number of cameras but this is the one you cherish the most.
‘I’ll stay right next to you the entire time. I just want to try being half as good as you and take photos of the team.’ Felicitas pleads.
You soften and gingerly hand your camera over, making sure that the fullback puts the camera strap on.
‘Danke.’ Feli excitedly says.
She turns towards you and takes a photo immediately.
‘Felicitas what are you doing?’
‘Taking photos of my team. Which includes you.’ She explains, continuing to snap away.
Blushing furiously, you drop your gaze down towards the ground.
‘Hey don’t do that. Your eyes are too pretty to be hidden like that.’
Feli uses her finger to gently tilt your chin upwards, allowing her gorgeous brown eyes to meet yours.
You are speechless and you don’t know if it’s because of her sincere compliment or because of the physical contact.
‘Smile for me.’ The older woman prompts and you do as she asks.
‘See? Like I told you before, you’re beautiful.’ Felicitas murmurs as she shows you the photos she’s just taken.
You shyly thank her and Feli laughs softly.
‘No problem. Want to give me some tips before I try taking photos of our other teammates?’
‘Yeah.’ You nod, always eager to talk about your passion.
You show Feli the basics and then she stands beside you as she takes her photos.
Her fellow players are more than happy to be her subjects and Felicitas has them in fits of giggles as she yells out her instructions.
You can’t help but join in, sharing their laughter.
When Feli finally returns your camera, it’s as she promised. In perfect working condition, without a single scratch on it.
She had taken the utmost care with it, correctly inferring how much the device means to you from your earlier hesitation.
‘Thank you. Really. I had a great time learning from you.’ Feli says, her eyes practically shining.
‘It’s no problem. I had fun too.’ You tell her.
‘I can see why you love photography so much. There’s just something special about looking through the lens and having the ability to capture the moment.’
Your eyes widen in surprise. Not many people get why you love photography so much let alone when they are only just beginning to know you.
‘I’m glad you understand.’ You breathe.
Now it’s the German fullback’s turn to blush, her cheeks being dusted a light pink.
You are in awe of the fact that you’ve made a woman so out of your league blush and that gives you a little burst of confidence.
Confidence that leads you to blurt out, ‘Do you want to look over the photos you’ve taken with me? I usually go over all the photos and do some editing before I send them out.’
Felicitas looks delighted.
‘Yeah. I would love that.’
That’s how you end up at Feli’s apartment.
You had planned on doing your work in your usual cafe but the Wolfsburg player insisted on inviting you over, saying that it’s the least she can do after you had so generously lent her your camera and given her an impromptu photography lesson.
No matter how many times you said that she didn’t owe you anything, Feli had refused to take no for an answer.
So you get to meet Cinnamon.
The older woman’s brown poodle is an absolute darling and you can’t resist taking a couple of photos of her.
Of course you seek Feli’s permission first and she more than happily gives you the go ahead, on the condition that you send her all the photos.
This you fulfill easily and Felicitas gushes over how cute you’ve made her dog look in them, like Cinny needs any help looking adorable.
She bends down to show Cinnamon the photos on her phone and your heart flutters at the sight.
Be professional, you chide yourself. You have absolutely no right to be thinking about how attractive Feli looks.
It’s a struggle but by the time the older woman straightens back up, you’ve succeeded a tiny bit.
Felicitas smiles, unaware of your internal struggle as she directs you over to her couch.
‘This okay?’ She checks and you nod.
You let her sit down first and cautiously ensure that there is a sufficient amount of space between the both of you before you settle down.
It’s enough of a distance to make you feel safer.
Rather self consciously, you begin the motions of a well practiced routine, taking the memory card out of your camera and inserting it into your laptop.
‘Wow that’s a lot.’ Felicitas breathes as she takes in just how many photos there are.
You chuckle and look closer, scrolling down till you find Feli’s collection of photos.
Clicking past the few she had taken of you, you turn your laptop screen towards her so that she can see her work.
They’re actually quite good.
You fix a few details, cropping some and editing the lighting in others, all the while explaining to Feli what you are doing and why you’re doing it.
Feli watches you in silence, paying rapt attention to everything you are doing.
It’s very clear that you know what you’re talking about and she is quickly becoming obsessed with the very sound of your voice.
She must be staring too obviously because you catch her.
‘Felicitas? Are you okay?’ You nervously ask.
The German player shifts closer to you and her close proximity has your heart rate increasing.
‘Felicitas.’ You breathe and something in her brown eyes changes.
It makes you anxious but all that anxiety disappears when the fullback carefully reaches out to cup your face with one hand, her thumb brushing across your cheekbone.
‘Tell me to stop and I will.’ She softly says.
You open your mouth but no words come out. You’re completely and utterly captivated by her.
‘Tell me to stop and I will.’ Feli repeats, even more quietly as she cautiously closes the distance between the both of you.
Her intentions are clear and you can’t tell her to stop.
She fervently searches your face for any sign that you don’t want this. That you don’t want her as badly as she wants you.
The brunette doesn’t find anything because you do. You want her so incredibly much, more than you’ve ever wanted anything.
When you say nothing, Feli practically brightens with hope and gently presses her lips onto yours.
You gasp into her mouth and respond eagerly.
Feli smiles against you and picks up her pace.
Enthusiastically, she slides her free hand into your hair and she lightly pushes you down, so that your back meets her couch.
Your laptop is long forgotten and you barely register the thump that it makes as it slips off your lap and onto the carpeted floor.
The older woman takes advantage of the newly created space and swings her leg over your body, so that she’s straddling you.
You moan at the feel of her hips against yours.
The soft noise further encourages Felicitas who having drawn back slightly to breathe is kissing you again. This time without holding back.
Her fingers tug none too gently on your hair eliciting a groan from you as you slip your free hands up and under Feli’s shirt.
Your heart skips a beat when you feel the goosebumps that form under your touch. It spurs you on and you continue exploring her body, trying your best to memorise the way her muscles flex as you do so.
Feli moans your name when your fingertips smooth across her abs.
If she hadn’t drawn you in before that, she has now because you’ll do anything to hear it again.
When you leave Feli’s apartment, it’s with kiss swollen lips and tangled hair.
As Felicitas sees you out, she pulls you flush against her and brings her lips down to meet yours one more time.
‘For good measure.’ She winks before gently pushing you out and closing her door, leaving you a flustered mess.
You’re barely in your car when your phone chimes with a notification.
It’s Feli tagging you in an Instagram post, featuring the photos she’d taken of you earlier. Photos that you had sent her after your impromptu makeout session.
The post is captioned, ‘I can see you.’
It is followed by a winky face emoji that causes you to blush all over again.
You wait at the end of the hallway, outside the locker room for the older woman.
When she does emerge, she saunters over to you and wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into her side.
‘Hello.’ She murmurs, kissing the top of your head just once.
‘Hi.’ You answer, with a breath of relief.
It still amazes you that Felicitas pays attention to you. That she sees you.
Then Felicitas does what she’s been thinking about since she saw you waiting down the hall.
She ducks into the first empty room she notices and tugs you in with her.
Your yelp of surprise is silenced by her lips on yours, the bruising kiss that she gifts you with making you weak in the knees.
It’s perfectly as she visualised, the shocked look on your face as she pins you up against the wall before you melt into her, completely and utterly willing to let her do as she pleases.
The way you look at her is nothing short of reverence and Felicitas knows that she will never take advantage of you. Not when she is beginning to look at you in the same manner.
Feli keeps everything professional and you try your best to do the same but something’s changed.
She can’t stop herself from showing her newfound affection towards you. She smiles at you all the time and you cannot help but capture all of those little moments through the lens of your camera.
In the back of her mind, from her spot on the training field, she is always thinking about you.
Constantly, she can feel your eyes on her and it makes her smile in your direction.
It is getting to the point where your camera roll is made up almost entirely of her. You’re simply unable to tear your eyes away from the phenomenon that is Feli Rauch.
It’s not just you that is keeping a watchful eye on Feli or just Felicitas that is keeping a watchful eye on you.
The rest of the team is too.
The older woman has picked up on this and she moves fast and quiet.
You won’t believe half of the things she sees inside her head, the things she’s hoping she’ll get to experience with you by her side.
She wants more than just stolen kisses, more than just your hands exploring her body in the dark. Felicitas desperately wants it all to be out in the light of day.
She wants to be able to kiss you whenever she can, just because she can. She wants to be able to do so in front of everyone, regardless of who they are.
The fullback simply wants to show the world how truly, madly and deeply her feelings run for you.
Felicitas hopes you stick around and wait to see these things happen.
She’s willing them to happen so badly.
There are a few things that she is wondering now though.
One, what would you do if she went to touch you now?
She is looking for a certain kind of physical touch now, not just the simple, casual touch of friends. Feli is searching for much more than that.
You’re not in her hotel room so she seeks you out. For this particular away game, the players are rooming on the floor above the staff.
When Feli makes it down to your floor and knocks on your door, she’s taken aback by how fast you open it.
‘Hey…’ You breathlessly greet her.
‘Hi. Are you going somewhere?’ Felicitas cautiously asks.
If you have plans, she doesn’t want to disrupt them despite the obvious disappointment that she is already beginning to feel at being unable to spend time with you.
It is a good thing then, that the only reason you were leaving your room was to find her.
You tell her that and the older woman can’t stop the big smile that is forming on her face.
That expression does not leave even as she rests her hands on your hips and pushes you lightly back into your room.
You offer no resistance and are in fact happily following her lead.
That’s question number one answered in the German woman’s mind.
Two, what would you do if they never found us out?
They in this case refer to her teammates and your boss.
While there aren’t any rules about players and staff fraternisation, you and Feli do not want to be the reason that there are.
Hence why the both of you are trying to keep your budding relationship on the down low.
It’s not really working, despite your’s and Felicitas’ best efforts because the two of you are far too smitten with each other.
The heart eyes, the lingering touches and most of all, the way you both just seem to gravitate towards each other.
So while no one explicitly says anything, the suggestive looks and teasing comments are all it takes to let you and Feli know that the two of you are not as subtle as you had both hoped to be.
The fullback watches you carefully for any sign that you mind when one of your teammates brings it up but she doesn’t find any.
This somewhat answers question number two for her because it wasn’t you who made the decision to draw the team’s attention to the both of you. It had simply happened, out of your control but nevertheless does not seem to be bothering you.
Felicitas can’t build up enough courage to ask you outright so this will have to be enough for now.
Three, what would you do if we never made a sound?
Felicitas’ grip on your hips is so tight that you’re sure she is going to leave bruises behind.
Not that you care because it is going to be a nice addition to the collection of marks she has already littered your body with.
You are trying your best to stay silent, knowing that the walls of this particular hotel are thin. There are players resting in the next room and you don’t want to disturb them but when Feli’s lips find a sensitive spot on your neck, you can’t help but cry out her name in pleasure.
The brunette pulls back immediately.
‘What happened to being quiet? You don’t want our friends to hear us do you?’
‘No…’ You shakily whisper.
‘Then try harder.’ Feli firmly instructs, although the teasing edge to her voice tells you that she isn’t angry at all.
It causes the tiny hope that you have been harbouring to blossom. Maybe Felicitas wouldn’t care if all this sneaking around comes to an end. Maybe she even wants the whole secret to unravel.
And when Feli is far too good at demonstrating precisely how well she has come to know your body…an impressive amount in the short time you have been playing this ‘What are we?’ game, the both of you are subjected to a relentless amount of good natured mocking at breakfast, the morning after.
In particular from Lynn and Sveindis who had been roomed next to you and Feli all night.
The Wolfsburg player knows the answer to question number three now because as the rest of the team pokes fun at the pair of you, you endure it all with a soft smile on your face.
Felicitas can’t help but slip her hand into yours under the table.
When Wolfburg qualifies for the Champions League final, you’re beyond ecstatic and so are the players.
You eagerly take photos of all their celebrations, till a certain brunette pulls you headfirst into them.
‘Feli! Feli I’m working!’ You protest but the older woman doesn’t listen.
She takes a moment to check that your camera is properly secured by its strap around your body before she easily picks you up and spins you around.
The small action makes your heart fill with even more emotion for her. You adore the fact that she cares enough about your love of photography to extend it to your equipment.
Your breathless laughter rings out across the field and your heart is light.
When Felicitas sets you down, her brown eyes are sparkling under the stadium lights and her hands are resting firmly on your waist.
You can see her in her bright green kit and messy bun, loose strands of hair falling into her face.
In that moment, you know that she couldn't care less about what anyone thinks. Not the club staff, her fellow players or even her fans.
She just wants to know what you think.
‘Are you happy?’ Feli whispers.
Her thumb strokes gently against your waist, over the material of your shirt as she speaks. She keeps her voice low, wanting you to know that her words meant just for you.
‘Incredibly so.’ You murmur, making sure that your voice is soft because you want her to know that your answer is meant only for her ears too.
‘Good.’ The fullback breathes and leans her forehead against yours lightly.
She inhales and exhales and you do the same, commiting the moment to memory.
You have your eyes closed so you depend on all your other senses. The cheers of the crowd, the warm feel of Feli’s hands, her steady breathing and how she smells.
Sweaty because she’s spent the last ninety minutes running around but also underneath all that, she smells like her lavender shampoo.
And you’re enamoured with it and her.
‘I know you’ve got to get back to work but will you wait for me after? Please?’
It’s a quiet, nearly timid request and one that you are more than happy to fulfill.
‘Of course.’ You nod your agreement and the German woman grins.
‘See you soon my shutterbug.’
She kisses your cheek quickly and then runs off towards the other Wolfsburg players before you have time to process the nickname or her public display of affection.
Your camera bag is slung around your shoulder and you anxiously fiddle with a crease in your shirt as you wait for Feli down the hall. It’s a familiar situation but you’re unusually nervous tonight.
In between a glance down at your shirt and and back at the locker room door, the brunette is right in front of you.
She doesn’t even bother saying hello, choosing to pin you up against the wall and kiss you senseless.
Her hands cradle your face and she pours all her emotion into her affectionate gestures.
Your legs give out and Felicitas presses your back harder into the solid surface behind you as she supports your weight.
‘Feli.’ You pant when she finally breaks the kiss to breathe.
It’s a single plaintive word that falls from your lips and the fullback tilts her head in a silent question.
‘We have an audience.’
Her mouth falls open in a ‘o’ shape and she turns around to see what is practically the entire team standing behind her with big cheesy grins.
‘Something you two want to share with the class?’ Svenja teases.
Feli simply rolls her eyes and despite the blush on her cheeks, kisses you soundly once more.
Lena’s and Sveindis’ cheers of, ‘Get your girl!’, fade into the background because all at once, Felicitas Rauch is not only at the forefront of your mind but is the only thing on your mind.
You won’t ever tell about how she kisses you because everyone can see the effect she has on you.
She’s your addiction.
The brunette fullback’s secret mission is not so secret.
Not to her family, her fellow players both club and national and her fans.
Especially when the first thing she does upon arriving back in Wolfsburg from national camp is to show up on your doorstep.
You end up going with Feli to pick up Cinny from her dogsitter and the older woman decides to be the photographer for a change.
The photo that she uploads onto her Instagram is one of you holding Cinnamon on your lap, in the passenger seat of her car.
It’s captioned, ‘My shutterbug and my poodle.’
Feli’s mission is to show you that you are seen and when the post blows up, it’s evident that you are
You are seen not only by Felicitas but by the world.
Leaning against the door frame of your apartment, you hear the tell tale sound of someone approaching.
You hope it’s who you have been waiting for and when a particular, one of a kind defender rounds the corner of the hallway, a smile lights up your face.
Feli’s heart just about bursts with all the affection she holds for you, when her eyes meet yours.
You’re wearing one of her sweatshirts that she must have left behind by accident.
On you, the article of clothing is too big and you have the sleeves bunched up to your elbows.
You self consciously pull at one side of it when Feli keeps staring at you, murmuring a soft, ‘What?’
‘You’re just so adorable.’ The brunette says, stepping into your space with a little smile.
Your cheeks turn pink and Felicitas gently places her hands on them.
‘I love it when you blush for me.’ She adds quietly, before she slants her lips down over yours.
Any embarrassment that you might be feeling about your reaction quickly vanishes.
Felicitas kissing you is all that matters and though she has been doing that a lot recently, you are never going to get tired of it. The butterflies that come alive in your stomach each and every time are never going to get tired of it.
As the brunette makes no effort to slow down, you correctly infer her intentions and pull her into your apartment.
Felicitas smirks when you lock the door, giving in to temptation and pushing you up against it.
‘This feels like a familiar situation.’ You breathlessly tease.
‘I don’t see you complaining.’ She cockily states.
You laugh, tugging on the collar of her jacket.
‘Off please.’
As hard as you try, your words betray just how desperate you are.
And Felicitas knows it.
That almost annoying smirk of hers is back on her face but the brunette obliges, throwing her jacket on the floor.
Your clothes and the rest of hers soon follow.
You didn’t even know it was possible but the way she is looking at you is making you want her even more.
Soft, feather-like kisses are what you are scattering all over Feli’s back.
You smile against her skin and now it’s the older woman’s turn to blush.
Idly, you move on to trace an aimless pattern onto her exposed shoulders.
Your fingers are gentle and everywhere your touch goes, Feli’s skin tingles.
‘Meine liebe.’ She breathes, completely and utterly taken by you.
‘What did you say?’ You ask, wondering if you had heard wrongly.
Your German isn’t all that good but there is no mistaking the tone of her confession.
With wide eyes, you keep looking at the woman who is lying with her head in your lap, your sheets pulled messily around her bare body.
Feli sits up, tenderly taking you into her arms.
‘Be mine.’
Her brown eyes are shining and her voice trembles slightly.
‘Felicitas, are you asking me to marry you?’
‘No! N-Not yet at least. Just be my girlfriend now and maybe in a few years I’ll be asking you to be my wife.’ She stammers.
Her hands reach out to cover yours and the reassuring weight of them, as well as the warmth they provide you are all the encouragement you need.
You lean in to kiss her ardently and Feli sighs, both in happiness and relief.
‘That’s a yes then? Please let that be a yes. I can see you. I promise I see all of you and I love each and every part.’ She asks, as soon as you two pull apart to catch your respective breaths.
The smile on your face is one you swear that only Feli can bring out in you.
‘Yes. It’s a yes because I love you too.’
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German Translations:
danke - thank you
meine liebe - my love
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talkdutchtome · 1 year
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Glitch- chapter one
pairing . . . max verstappen x reader / mason mount x reader )
summary . . . when mason mount finds out that his assistant has been harbouring feelings for him for years, he makes it clear he doesn't feel the same way. but once he sees her become closer with formula 1 world champion max verstappen, he realises he may have underestimated his feelings towards the girl he has now pushed into the arms of another )
genre . . . angst )
song . . . glitch- taylor swift )
warning . . . tbd )
series masterlist . . . available here )
a/n . . .i wanted to thank everyone for the amazing feedback i got on my teaser. i hope the first chapter isn't too much of a let down after how long i made you all wait, i promise the wait for the next chapter won't be as long. also max will be in the next chapter )
Y/N was completely and unequivocally in love, the kind of love that made you feel like you were 14 years old in your room crying to Taylor Swift’s ‘You Belong With Me’, the kind of love that hurt more than it felt good. When she moved to London, desperate to get out of her sleepy town in the English countryside, and applied for a job to be the personal assistant to somebody who was then a relatively unknown professional footballer; she could have never imagined that this is where she’d be 5 years later. Y/N had joined Mason Mount’s team just as he had joined Derby County on lone and due to the fact that the man had just moved to a brand-new city away from all of his friends and family, the pair quickly bonded and developed a relationship that became more than one of an employer and his employee; they actually became friends. So, when Mason moved back to Chelsea at the end of his loan and they gave him the chance to upgrade to an assistant with much more experience working with premier league football players, he turned it down; likewise, when Y/N was scouted by another footballer who was offering more money and better hours, she also turned it down. They were happy. They were friends, maybe even best friends. Why then did Y/N consistently feel like something was missing? For months she couldn’t put her finger on it, couldn’t understand why she wasn’t completely happy, it wasn’t until one day when they were sat having one of their infamous movie nights that she understood what it was she was feeling. Despite Mason living in a penthouse apartment in the middle of London worth millions of pounds, their movie nights always took place at her flat, a much smaller one-bedroom place in, to put it bluntly, a much rougher area of the city. They would sit together on her sofa and put on a movie, (usually a cheesy late 90’s to early 2000’s romcom). And one day, she found herself watching Mason rather than the movie; she watched him watching the movie intently, giggling at the funny bits, tearing up at the sad bits, and she realized that she loved him.  
Every so often she thought that she should maybe put some space between herself and the footballer, to try and move on from her feelings for him, but then he would do something that would reel her back in, something that would make her think that maybe she had a chance. He would fall asleep cuddling her on the couch, he would dance a little bit too close to her at a party, he would seek her out after winning a big game and hug her so tightly she couldn’t breathe. But then she would overhear him telling Ben and Reece about his latest conquest or she would get a text message from him 15 minutes before he was due to come to hers for a movie night cancelling because he had a date. To put it plainly, she simply just did not know where she stood with her best friend. Despite sometimes feeling like there could be a chance of more between them, she never said a thing to Mason, valuing their friendship too much to risk it; so instead she just went about her life, following her best friend and the man she loved around the country, always hiding how she truly felt, or attempting too at least. There had been a few times when she was spending time with Mason and his friends, that one of them would catch her looking at Mason. There was one time when Ben actually asked her about it, asked if there was anything going on between the two friends, she had told him that there wasn’t, of course, but she could tell from his facial expression that he didn’t believe her. Truth be told, a lot of their mutual friends were worried about the two of them. 
So, when Mason and Y/N walked into the club together despite living in completely different areas of the city, Ben and Reece exchanged a look, wondering how their teammate could be so clueless. The rest of the night they watched the way the pair interacted; they watched the way that Y/N would look up at Mason with such love in her eyes whilst Mason looked at her like he would look at any other friend. They were caught between a rock and a hard place, they wanted to tell Mason what they knew so that he could stop leading her on, but they didn’t want to betray Y/N by telling her secret. Even though she was Mason’s friend more than anyone else's, they both really liked her and wanted to protect her from the hurt that her situation with Mason would inevitably bring. But when they caught sight of Mason sat with his arm thrown around the shoulders of the girl, periodically leaning in and whispering in her ear, they knew that they needed to saw something; and when Y/N walked up to the bar and got chatting to somebody on the way back, Ben knew that this was his opportunity. 
“Mason why did you and Y/N come in together, aren’t your places on opposite sides of the city?” Ben asked his best friend already knowing the answer to his question. Despite the fact that Y/N worked for Mason as his assistant, the pair were close, very close; so when they arrived to the party in the same car, Ben didn’t have to wonder too hard about the reason why. “Oh, she was at mine for a movie night last night and she was too tired to go home so she stayed.” Mason told his friend matter-of-factly, not seeing what the issue was or why his friend in front of him looked so annoyed. Even if you took away the widely inappropriateness of an employer having his employee stay at his house, there was the small issue of the fact that Y/N was madly in love with Mason and had been for years now. As much as she tried her best to keep it hidden, the only person in their circle that didn’t seem to know about it was Mason himself. Ben and Reece had a conversation a few days before, discussing whether they should tell Mason as from an outside perspective, even if it was unintentional, he did seem to be leading Y/N on; they both knew their friend extremely well, so they knew that he didn’t have the same feelings that she had for him and they knew that if Mason knew the full story there are aspects of his relationship with her that he might change.  
“Look mate,” Ben started, unsure of exactly what to say but knowing he needed to say something. “I think you should know that Y/N has feelings for you” Mason’s brows furrowed, completely taken aback by his friends' blunt honesty. “What? No are you sure?” he asked him, truly hoping that he was mistaken or playing some kind of prank. “I’m 100% sure, it’s obvious to be honest with you mate. You can see it in her eyes when she looks at you, she really truly loves you. Having her stay at your place and being that close to her, it’s going to make her think that someday you two could be more than friends, so if that’s not the case then you really need to reconsider doing things like that as it isn’t fair on her. Y/N’s a good girl, you know that she deserves to be happy.” Ben’s words make Mason’s head spin. Y/N was more to him than just his employee, she was one of his closest friends, but he really didn’t see her as anything but a friend. “Oh, fuck Ben what should I do?” Mason asked with his brain completely frazzled at this point, 15 minutes ago he was feeling great, he had just had a great day with one of his best friends and then then he came to a party to blow off some steam after a very stressful week, but now it seemed like everything had come crashing down. “I think you need to speak to her, make it clear that you value her friendship but you don’t see her as anything else, let her down gently.” he told Mason who simply nodded before starting to walk towards the girl in question who was at the bar talking to one of the other players girlfriends., the second Ben realized what he was trying to do he put a hand out to stop him from going over there, causing Mason to look back at him with a puzzled expression. “Maybe telling her right this minute isn’t the best idea though mate, considering you’re in public. Not to mention the fact we’ve all got that trip planned for the Spanish Grand Prix in a few days, maybe you should wait until after that. If things don’t go well that could make the whole trip so awkward.” Ben pleaded at his friend, but he could see on Mason’s face that his words were going in one ear and out the other. “Fine go, but be nice to her and you better not ruin the race for everyone” he relented, taking his arm off of his friend and letting him walk towards the unsuspecting girl.  
“Hey Y/N, can we talk?” Mason asked with no regard for the fact that she was already deep in conversation with somebody else. His bluntness combined with the pained look on his face made her recognize instantly that whatever he wanted to talk about wasn’t likely to be lighthearted. She hesitantly followed the man as he gestured for her to come along to a quieter part of the bar. Before she could ask what was going on, Mason had already asked her a question that made her stomach sink - “Do you have feelings for me?” She had absolutely no idea how to answer his question, of course she knew the answer; she had been pining after him for years at this point, but she just wasn’t ready for him to know that yet. “Will you please just answer my question?” he almost demanded, his harsh tone making her freeze. Looking up at her best friend with tear filled eyes she muttered the last thing he wanted to hear - “Yes”. Her voice was so faint that it didn’t come out as anything more than a whisper but to Mason it was the loudest thing he had ever heard. Y/N had imagined having this conversation with Mason so many times, imagined herself finally telling him that she loved him but in all her fantasies, in all her daydreams, he had never flinched like he had done just now. “Mason I -” she started but stopped in her tracks when she saw tears forming in her best friend’s eyes. “How could you do this Y/N, why would you ruin our friendship like this?” he asked her in genuine disbelief. Mason watched the girl stood in front of him stumble over her words, clearly not expecting to be asked that question, before putting her almost full glass down on the table and running out of the bar. 
In all of the daydreams she had had where Mason found out she loved him, he didn’t react like that in any of them, even the ones where he told her he didn’t reciprocate her feelings he was never that harsh, never that heartless. Y/N was nothing if not a realist, she truly didn’t expect him to come to her and tell her that he had always loved him too but she at least thought he would try to be nice about it, try to protect her feelings as much as possible, tell her that no matter what they would always be friends. Instead, he basically told her that their friendship was over, and she was the one responsible. She didn’t even have to wonder how Mason found out about it either, she knew Ben knew and she had also seen Mason and Ben talking moments before he came storming over to her. More than anything she just felt stupid; stupid for believing that somebody like Mason would ever love somebody like her, stupid for putting one of her most beloved friendships on the line over a schoolgirl crush, stupid for running away instead of explaining herself to him.  
“Y/N, are you okay” she heard a voice come from above her, breaking her train of thought. She was sat on the floor outside the club, staring into space clearly lost in thought, looking certifiably insane. Looking up she saw Reece James stood before her. There was no question that Reece knew what had happened but even still Y/N wasn’t sure if she should talk to him about it. Whilst she was closest to Reece out of all of Mason’s friends and teammates and she would consider him to be a friend, he was still Mason’s friend before anything else. There was also a good chance that anything she does tell him would be repeated to Mason. As if he could read her mind, he spoke again “You know you can speak to me right, I’m not going to tell anyone. I’m sorry that Ben told him by the way” he sat down on the street next to her. “It’s okay I don’t blame him; I understand that he wanted to protect his friend” her words were met with Reece shaking his head, “No actually I think he wanted to protect you” he said causing her brows in confusion. “He tho- We thought that the way he acted with you was a bit unfair, doing things that were giving you hope that you could be more than friends. Mason’s not a bad guy and he wouldn’t do that stuff on purpose, so we wanted to make sure he knew what he was doing.” Y/N looked up at the man's face, his serious expression laced with sincerity; she could tell that he was telling the truth and that he and Ben truly cared about her and wanted to protect her from hurt. “Thank you, Reece, make sure to tell Ben that I’m not annoyed at him for saying anything.”  
“Of course, I will. I know we only know you though Mason but you’re our friend as well okay, remember that.” He said before he threw his arm around her pulling her into a hug. “So what do you think is going to happen now?” he asked her. “Oh I really don’t know, he seemed pretty mad at me. I think I’ll probably leave the Grand Prix this weekend though, give things a chance to cool off”  
“What no you can’t do that, you love F1 and it’s your first opportunity to go to a race, you can’t miss that because of him. Worst case scenario, go and stick with me. You can’t give up those sweet paddock passes, what if you meet a cute driver eh?” he said jabbing his fingers into her sides playfully teasing her in an attempt to get her to smile. “I’ll think about it” she said, attempting to fight the smile on her face but to no avail. “You going to come back in or are you going to head home? We probably look crazy sat out here like this” he asked her and she paused thinking about it, she thought about going back in and trying to talk to Mason, to try and fix everything. After a moment she shook her head “No I think I should give him some space” Recce nodded understanding her decision before walking over to a cab and giving them her address along with enough money in cash to cover her journey three times over. “You get home safe okay” she nodded before thanking him for being to kind to her tonight. Just before she had the chance to close the door he spoke again “Y/N wait, are you going to be okay? I could call someone if you need?” Again, she found herself smiling at the care Reece had shown her. “No, I’ll be okay, I always am” 
Tag list-
@nightlockcornucopia @jaydensluv @girlytots19 @formula1mount @alwaysclassyeagle @aundercover @sofifiia @dessxoxsworld @lpab @lorarri @thelovehypothesis @torrie421 @ironmaiden1313 @celesteblack08 @glow-ish @urfavouritef1girly
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whyanne4 · 1 year
Part: 1/?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Category: Social Media au
Summary: Follow the love story of a global pop icon and a monegasque F1 driver
Face claim: Taylor Swift (Singing) + others
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Liked by 128 037 people
The 21 year old pop icon has been spotted getting cozy with the new hot-shot Formula One rookie Charles Leclerc, driver for Sauber F1 Team. The pair was spotted at a night club in Monaco after Sundays Grand Prix.
L/N recently broke up with ex-boyfriend Neymar Jr. after rumors of the footballer cheating on her had been circling the internet. Do you think this new F1 driver could be Mr. Right or just a rebound?
view comments:
Ferrarigirlie: Con😭grat😭ula😭tions😭
y/nicon: I know I never had a chance with her but still…😔
Icemanfan: How in the world did bro manage to pull her?
- cuteasabutton: Ikr!!?? Like we all know that he has an angelic face but I did not think the whole awkward, slightly stupid flirting would work on THE y/n l/n
y/nschild: Awww I actually really ship this. Look at the way she is holding his face as she kisses him🥹 plus he seems like a nice guy, not like that N*ymar
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liked by blakelively, charles_leclerc and 8 582 194 others
Cats out of the bag I guess. Everyone meet my Lover, Charles.
Charles, stealing my heart was effortless for you. The moment I met you was was like seeing a rainbow at the end of a storm. Your presence has painted my life with the most vibrant and beautiful colors and I can't wait to explore them all. Thank you for making my life happier each day, my heart is forever entwined with yours.
Love y/n🤍
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charles_leclerc: je t'aime mon amour❤️
Ferrarigirlie: Stop I cannot handle this today!!😭😭
y/nchildrenunite: So this is our new dad? If he makes you this happy I approve mother🫶
futurewagfr: brb I'm just gonna take a bath with my toaster💀
- y/nsfavorite: just gonna go take a nap on the highway💀
leclercxxz: I want love like this one day😖
rorytheracingcar: me and who when?
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Liked by pierregasly, yourusername and 2 126 932 others
y/n, mon amour, amore mio, my love. I can speak 3 languages but there is still not a combination of words that can express just how much I love you.
You are my sun that I want to wake up to every morning and the moon that I want to fall asleep to every night. You are the waves that calms me down when life gets hard and the gravity that keeps me grounded. Without you I would forever float in a black void, looking for solid ground, looking for you, mon amour.
Je t'aime, Ti amo, I love you❤️
view comments:
pierregasly: Man you're down BAD
- charles_leclerc: Shut up, Pierre.
Icamanfan: wow he's in love LOVE
rbvettelsupremacy: where can I find myself one of these?🥹
papayanando: I'm actually crying rn.😭😭
y/nsfavorite: okay I approve of this relationship. This man is gonna treat her right.
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531 notes · View notes
leclerc-s · 6 months
paint the town red - part eleven
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series masterlist
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tony stark i expect every single one of you at the lake house for the next few weeks.
bianca stark-potts i can't. sorry dad. tony stark you can't? what do you mean you can't? you don't have work for the next few weeks. bianca stark-potts i have plans
tony stark WITH FUCKING WHO?
bianca stark-potts with my boyfriend
may parker oh how exciting! where are you going?
bianca stark-potts i'm not saying because my dad will literally track me down.
pepper potts have fun
james rhodes use protection!
harley keener and that is the sound of tony fainting. peter parker and that other sound was tony's unholy screeching.
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biancastark_potts and charles_leclerc have posted new stories
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amore mio (my love)
something about her looking at the view but i'm looking at her
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liked by harryosborn, charles_leclerc, katebishop and others
biancastark_potts ¿qué horas son, mi corazón?
comments have been restricted by user
katebishop someone tell the winch to be gone!
peterbparker listen, i'm not saying the old man is spiraling but the old man is spiraling
↳ biancastark_potts oh i know he is, harley is sending me a hour by hour update on him. happy is also complaining.
lilymhe it's 5:39 pm in new york!
↳ biancastark-potts thank you corazón!
yelenabelova i love knowing something stark doesn't.
tonystark WHERE ARE YOU?!
↳ biancastark_potts here, there, everywhere.
↳ tonystark THAT'S NOT AN ANSWER!
steverogers bianca, why is your father trying to track you down at the tower?
↳ biancastark_potts i'm on vacation and he wants to know where i am.
↳ steverogers she's a fully grown woman anthony. not everyone is harry.
america_chavez the wicked witch of the west is here? someone tell him to fuck off
wandamaximoff having fun?
↳ biancastark_potts yeah
↳ wandamaximoff good. if someone breaks into his apartment, it wasn't us.
↳ biancastark_potts he says it's all good. it's finally clean.
joaquintorres nice apartment, it's not yours.
↳ biancastark_potts shut your trap torres.
↳ joaquintorres TELL ME WHO IT IS!!!
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do you have time to talk soon?
i'm out of the country and if i was in the country, the answer would still be no.
we have nothing to talk about.
don't be like that b, i still love you.
this is exhausting. we are never ever getting back together. like ever.
did you just fucking reply with taylor swift lyrics?
i did.
and i have a boyfriend so please leave me alone.
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biancastark_potts and charles_leclerc have posted new stories
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told him the last one only gave me flowers on anniversaries and he said, "that is not acceptable. you should be given flowers all the time, for no reason."
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kate bishop where's my monegasque man to sweep me off my feet and buy me flowers for no reason??
yelena belova that is gross. who needs love? kate bishop we get it, you're allergic to love. yelena belova i just do not see the point in it. all i need is my dog and i am happy.
maria hill i have to say it, this one is so much better than the last one.
wanda maximoff have you told him about harry?
bianca stark-potts i did, we talked about. it in hungary, when he found out about him.
america chavez she's in looove. she's literally playing paddle with him
natasha romanoff who are you and what have you done to the bianca we all know? you hate sports
bianca stark-potts i don't like tennis or baseball. they're boring sports. i can enjoy soccer or football. but i hate participating in sports. bianca stark-potts he also told me, "i have to train somehow" and i knew andrea would be on my ass if this man didn't do some training
hope van dyne he bought you flowers? for no reason?
bianca stark-potts yup. he disappeared for like 20 minutes and when he came back he was holding a bouquet of tulips in his hand.
kate bishop again where's my monegasque man??
bianca stark-potts he has a brother?? kate bishop he doesn't seem like my type.
pepper potts i'm glad you're happy bianca.
bianca stark-potts thanks mom!!
bianca stark-potts by the way, he says hello!
bianca stark-potts and he said that if nat and wanda break into his apartment to knock, his brother is staying over because his apartment got flooded.
natasha romanoff but where's the fun in that?
bianca stark-potts "i'd rather not explain to my mum that my brother died of a heart attack because black widow and the scarlet witch broke into my apartment because i'm dating you" - silly vroom man
wanda maximoff we'll set off the home alarm on purpose as a warning.
bianca stark-potts "that works! thank you! and if my brother gets scared please send a picture of his face. i need new blackmail material." - silly vroom man
america chavez typical sibling move.
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george russell you dragged her into a paddle game??
charles leclerc i didn't drag her george.
alex albon he has to train somehow george. can't you see he's too busy wooing a stark-potts?
carlos sainz wrong. he's 73 points ahead of me.
max verstappen is this what you guys felt with me last year?
pierre gasly 100% yuki tsnuoda absolutely oscar piastri totally. daniel ricciardo yes. max verstappen you only drove like 6 races?? daniel ricciardo i wanted to be included maxie!
pierre gasly he's in looove!!
charles leclerc shut up?
oscar piastri he bought her flowers. i saw the instagram story.
lando norris STAND UP CHARLES!!
george russell and i thought alex was the biggest simp. turns out it was charles.
logan sargeant oh come on, this guy had the worst year of his career last year, let him have this.
charles leclerc thank you logan!
max verstappen then tell him to stop flirting with me??
yuki tsunoda that is like asking me to stop loving food. it is impossible. carlos sainz no one will ever love anything as much as yuki loves food
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tony stark hey, how y'all doin?
bianca stark-potts get off my dad's phone samuel.
tony stark WHO THE FUCK IS HE??
carlos sainz oh boy can't wait until they find out. tony stark TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW SAINZ!!
isaiah atkins oh my god, when will my nightmare end??
peter parker NEVER BITCH!!
charles leclerc you should've never taken the job then?
isaiah atkins yeah, you would like that wouldn't you? charles leclerc oh fuck you.
harley keener your girlfriend does that enough for you.
harley keener have neither of you seen his stories?? he's been with a girl all break??
tony stark bianca come home! the children (america, mj, kate and me) miss you!
bianca stark-potts i literally hate you so much samuel.
sebastian vettel i can't wait until this exact text bites all of you in the ass
ollie bearman you're included seb. we ALL know.
tony stark know what?? what am i missing? arthur leclerc ignore him. he's in summer break mode still. ollie bearman your brother is literally a better liar than you.
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scuderiaferrari posted new stories
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SPOTTED: lightning mcqueen with mater
SPOTTED: spongebob and patrick, i'll let you decide who's who.
enjoy this picture of tony because he pissed me off.
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series taglist: @burningcupcakefire @spilled-coffee-cup @evans-dejong @elliegrey2803 @bingewatche @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @ironspdy @mypage-myfandoms @be-your-coffee-pot @celesteblack08 @vellicora @enchantedthoughts @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @embrosegraves @justtprachisblog @bionic-donut @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @jamie-selwyn @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @int3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @skynel09 @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @chiliwhore @nothaqks @nataliambc @jensonsonlybutton @octopussesarecool @vroomvroommuppett @ragioniera @iamapersonwholikesunicorns @sargeantdumbass @namgification @mgmoore @moonyzsworld @loloekie
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¡leclerc-s speaks! this one's a little short, but i swear the next one will be longer. it lowkey sucks too but oh well, the next one will be better, also this serves as a reminder that yelena is canonically aroace!!!!
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
I saw b99 and idk if your requests are open but i would love a slowburn jake x reader
Where jake is kinda oblivious to reader feelings but also him and reader have a flirt war where who blushes most loses kinda :D
Hope you have a star-tastic day 💫
Wait, what? | Jake Peralta
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Jake Peralta | AO3
synopsis: Two competitive idiots in love. That's it.
warnings: None.
note: thank you for your request, i wish you a star-tastic day 🧸🪩
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• It was all Boyle's fault. If it wasn't for him, everything would had happen way faster. When you and Peralta meet for the first time, you already working as detective and Jake being a rookie to 99th precint, Boyle shouted something about marriage. It took you years to forget that.
• Jake was a detective with great instincts, it would have been so easy to work with him. Or it would be, if he didn't act like a child. Always bragging, teasing everyone around him, joking about anything that moves. Jake was fun, but was also damn annoying.
• But with time you realized he was more than that. Jake was competent. And never left nobody behind. You could count on him. Not only when you're dealing with dangerous things, but when you need someone to make you laugh on a hard day. Jake will be there, as annoying as he can be, trying his best.
• Falling in love with Jake was unheeded. So slow you didn't even notice. It start with simple things. It started with the way he makes you laugh.
• Jake can make you laugh until you're affraid to piss on your clothes. You being so loud that make other people laugh because of your reaction. But he can also make you chuckle. On these days you're mad at him, or you're in an important meeting, or it is such a bad joke that's embarrasing that you find it funny. And Jake is the best at making you giggle. When you're sad, going through a hard time, and felt like the way of the world is on your shoulders.
• You didn't noticed that you were falling in love, but Jake wasn't so oblivious. He didn't fall in love with you. He walked in love with you. He chose to love you. Jake is immature, and annoying, and childsh and dumb... but he knew what that feeling burning his chest was. Jake just never imagined you could feel the same.
• So time did what it always did: it passes.
• Everything changed when they found out that you were invited to join the Vulture team and didn't know what to do. At first the squad felt betrayed, but then the fear of losing someone important to the team became the most important feeling. Nobody wanted to lose you. Not even Gina.
• For a week, everyone went out of their way to spoil you. You'd fight with them and say it was an important choice and that treats wouldn't help you choose, but that didn't stop them. Boyle cooked your favorite dishes, Terry praised and listened to you, Holt even smiled at you. And Jake, well, Jake became the most competitive person in the world. He was trying to make you realize that no other place would make you as happy as 99th.
• Rosa took you to Shaw's Bar thinking a heart to heart conversation would help, but Jake had other plans. He knew that bar held fond memories, and a little drink would make the nostalgia take root in your heart. He just didn't expect the two of you to end up drunk talking about everything you lived together.
• If without booze you were already competitive, imagine totally drunk. You walked around New York, as loud as possible, betting on everything. About who opened the door first, about what each person on the street would do next, about the result of the football game going on at the time, about which Taylor Swift album would be re-recorded first. And at some point, they decided to see who went the longest without blinking. Jake would blow in your face whenever his eyes stung, but you forced him to keep going until there was a fair winner.
• The drunkness had already destroyed any sense of self-preservation in Jake. All he saw was your constant smile, your cheeks burning, your eyes sparkling. Jake just saw you, without even listening to his conscience. He wasn't afraid, didn't thought he wasn't enough, that you may already had someone else on your heart. Jake didn't think, he just acted. Jake kissed you.
• And you kissed him back.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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fever pitch (b.b.) - part two
previous part | series masterlist
soundtrack: lavender haze - taylor swift pairing: footballer!bradley x popstar!reader synopsis: you and Bradley go on a date. they say the wrong things --or right things-- and surprise each other as they get to know each other better. warnings: language, so much unresolved tension, mentions of character deaths, fluffy heartfelt stuff, but also like sexy stuff 👀 notes: i had so much fun writing this! special shoutout to @gretagerwigsmuse who had to deal with my annoying thots at all hours. comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated as always. happy reading! <3
✨I do not have a taglist. Please follow @ficsbygreenorangevioletgrass and turn on the notification to get the latest update on my fics✨
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Subject: Guest Attendance Confirmation From: [email protected]
Dear Madam,
Thank you for confirming your information regarding your upcoming visit to Annabel’s.
It is our pleasure to host you for your dinner reservation on the 23rd of March, 2023, as a guest of our member Mr. Bradley Bradshaw. We hope that you have a wonderful experience dining and entertaining at the Club with us.
In order to ensure your positive and memorable experience with us, we kindly ask all members and guests to be aware of a few key rules of the Club:
DRESS CODE. We encourage individuality and style in your smart attire. After 6PM, gentlemen are required to wear jackets. Read the full dress code guidelines here.
PHONE & PHOTOGRAPHY. As a Private Members’ Club, we kindly ask Members and Guests to refrain from taking photographs within the Club’s premises. Posting content to your social media from your visit to the Club is not permitted. Phones must be kept on silent at all times and are only permitted for use in limited areas of the Club.
For guidance, read the Rules & Bylaws of the Club here.
If you require further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out through this email address or by phone at +44 20 7946 0011.
Thank you and see you soon.
Best wishes, Maude Adams Floor Manager.
You’re not sure why you’re bracing for something to go wrong.
The restaurant is rife with opulence, with rich chartreuse and bronze walls and Japanese-style paintings over classic British architecture. Bradley booked a little corner booth just off the fireplace, the privacy still granting a nice view of the grandiose bar across the room. He pulled up your chair and told you that you look beautiful—a good three or four times, and it feels just as genuine as the first. With your show and his training the next day, you both had to pass on the booze and settle with some green tea to go with your food. Conversation flows effortlessly, exploring easy topics like your shared love of old movies, the Venn diagram of your music tastes, the novelty of the sport that he plays…
“Okay, but how did you get into soccer—I mean, football?” You smile sheepishly as you correct yourself. “Sorry. Wouldn’t wanna get maimed to death by the locals.”
He laughs. “Don’t worry. You’re safe with me.” And then he takes a deep breath as his finger toys with the condensation on the side of his glass. “It’s… uh, my dad, actually. He bought me a soccer ball for Christmas when I was like 2 and… it’s most of the memories I had with him, playing kickabout in the backyard.”
He smiles—diplomatically, all things considered. “He died when I was 4.”
Your face falls. Fuck. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry…”
“Nah, don’t be. It was a long time ago. And I feel like he’s with me every time I step on the pitch.” Bradley nods, ever so reassuring. He’s had enough ‘I’m sorry’s’ for every time his dad comes up in conversation, and he doesn’t want you to feel obliged to do the same.
“But hey, I think it’s wonderful… that he’s right there in spirit with you every game.” You smile back, trying to save this slip-up in conversation. “And I bet your mom’s really proud of you, right?”
To his own surprise, he chuckles. It really is true that tragedy plus time equals comedy. “I mean, I like to think so.” He notices your questioning look, and realizes he needs to let you in on the joke too. “My mom died when I was 17. Cancer. I moved out here and lived with my godfather. Got scouted for Arsenal.”
And there it is.
You’ve been so worried about all the external factors going wrong, that you didn’t consider that the faulty one might be you. 
The clinks of plates and cutleries suddenly become so loud. The subtle piano playing over the speakers sound garbled, like you’re underwater. And the salmon sashimi in your mouth tastes like lead now. How the fuck does lightning manage to strike twice?! 
“I’m sorry, I…” and now you can’t even muster up a proper apology, because what do you even say?! The only thing that comes out of your mouth is a lame excuse, “I… thought it was a good idea not to Google you.”
His heart catches at the sight of you, all wide-eyed and dumbstruck. You wouldn’t believe it if he told you, but he thinks he might have just fallen in love with you there. Foot in mouth and all.
But you… you think you must’ve looked so stupid right now. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed—”
“No, no, no. It’s alright!” Bradley quickly interjects, that twinkle of amusement in his eyes still lingers. “I appreciate it, actually. I’ll take awkward moments with you over anything else you can Google about me.”
He nods. “Of course. I mean… it’s not like you killed them, did you?”
There’s a split second of silence, when you meet his playful gaze, and his mouth pulls into a grin over your petrified look, and then… the tension simply melts away in a sigh of tentative laughs. The garbled underwater music has come up to the surface, the dining noises dissipates, and everything turns back to normal… ish.
“Anyway, what about yourself? How did you get into… all of this?”
“Oh, it’s all I’ve ever known, really. Pretty sure I sang before I knew how to talk. I was always pestering my mom about ballet and piano lessons and living room concerts… I was that kid, you know?”
The image makes him smile, and it sends butterflies to your stomach. “Your mom must’ve been thrilled.”
“Eh.” You shrug flippantly, and that non-answer is enough of an answer for Bradley. “But she knew I was stubborn as hell, and she’s better off letting me tire myself out than trying to stop me, so…”
“But you didn’t.”
You shake your head. “By 5, I was on Broadway—”
His jaw falls open, and he looks at you like grew a new head. “I’m sorry. Five years old?”
You raise your hand in defense, not wanting to oversell yourself. “To be fair, though, it was mostly luck. My mom was working in the theater company and they needed a kid, so I volunteered to stand in—I mean, naturally,” you roll your eyes at yourself, “And they liked me. So they put me on. But I didn’t have to do anything but pretend to be asleep while the adult cast carried me around.”
“Still. That’s more than most people can say. You continued doing it afterwards, right?”
“Mm-hm. Stage, commercials, TV, the occasional movies… anything I could get my hands on.”
Bradley studies you with this look of awe—not an unusual reaction, he’s sure; it’s a pretty impressive feat. But he also catches a lost sense of melancholy in the way you say it, and he can’t help but ask, “Did you have a childhood at all?”
And your heart catches. That’s something nobody ever asked you before… “What do you mean?”
He pauses, realizing he may have inadvertently touched on a sensitive subject with this line of questioning. So he tries again more carefully. “I just meant… you’ve been working most of your life. Did you ever just get to be a kid?”
“I…” you trail off, considering your answer. You want to say yes, of course you did, but the little sting in your throat makes you question yourself: did you?
And with the soft look in his eyes, you know he knows the real answer to that. Both of you do.
It’s alarming how disarming he can be, and you would hate it… except you don’t. At least not enough to make you run off. “I guess, being in that kind of environment, I didn’t really know how to be a kid…? If that makes any sense.”
Bradley nods, understanding. He’s not entirely sure how to respond, but he wants to be empathetic.
“I went to school and made friends for a while, but…” Normally this would be an uphill point in your story, but tonight… this part is tinged with distant sorrow. “I got a record deal when I was 15, and suddenly I was living in LA and working in the studio or going on tours and… I just wasn’t a kid anymore.”
It breaks his heart, the thought of a childhood lost on you like that. “Wow. You really have lived a life, haven’t you?” He can’t resist but reaches out for your hand. 
The touch makes your heart catch, and it feels overwhelming. It feels like you’re gonna burst, so you chicken out with a lame joke. “Haven’t slept in 22 years.”
Bradley can’t help but smile at that, squeezing your hand three times in comfort. And just like that, the bubble bursts and the world continues on its axis once again. He finishes his last slice of tuna tataki and washes it down with his konacha.
“You know, for how much you’ve done since you started out, I thought you’d be more… Hollywood.”
You raise an eyebrow in amusement. “Hollywood?”
“Okay, that came out wrong,” he admits bashfully. “I just… you’re very down-to-earth. And real. I guess I expected more, like, an attitude?”
“Oh? I can have an attitude…” you smirk coyly over your tea, “...if you can handle it.”
Fuck. You’re gonna be the death of him. It’s insane how easily you switch from being sweet and vulnerable, to flirty and borderline devilish. But he wasn’t born yesterday, and he knows he’s well-equipped to handle this back-and-forth.
“I think you’d be surprised by what I can handle.”
Oh, here comes the fun part. “Is that right?”
He nods, leaning into you a little bit from across the table. “I think you’d find a lot about me surprising.”
If the whiff of his Tom Ford Black Orchid catches you off-guard, you don’t show it. Instead, you mirror his body language, propping your chin on your knuckles for good measure. “Like what?”
God, he really wants to kiss you… but it’s way too soon, and he doesn’t know how you feel about public displays of affection. “Like… I’m a pretty decent cook. And I like reading.”
“An athlete who can read? My, my…” you smirk teasingly.
Bradley laughs. He walked right into that one. But he’s not ready to admit defeat yet. Instead, he makes use of that bedroom voice girls like so much to push the point further. “That’s right. I know how to use the washing machine, too.”
You bite your lower lip and sigh, shuddering a little from his low rasp but definitely playing up the dramatics. “You do? Mmh…” 
Jesus. If that’s you faking it, he can’t wait to make you all wet and needy for real. “And you wanna know the best part?”
You meet his gaze, and for a moment, the lustful tension is real. “Yeah?”
He leans in just a little closer, head tilting as if he’s moving in for a kiss. Maybe if he throws it out there… “I can put together Ikea furniture.” 
You throw your head back and feigns a quiet but dramatic moan for your one-man audience. “Oh my gosh, I think I just came in my pants a little.”
Fuck. He really wants to make you come now. With his fingers, his tongue, his cock—
Your gaze drops to his mouth, the stupid 80’s pornstache you’ve never been into before this, the soft inviting lips underneath. The ball is in your court now, and you know he would kiss you earnestly if you close the distance…
But you burst out laughing instead. Bradley releases the breath he didn’t realize he was holding, although your bright laughter doesn’t deter him from thinking dirty thoughts about you. If anything, it just makes you ten times hotter in his eyes.
“Well played. That was a good one,” Bradley concedes, his face turning just a little bit pink.
“We should probably stop before the staff kicks us out for having too much fun,” you lean back into your seat, looking around the restaurant, making sure no one is listening. Squeezing his hand three times as the next course arrives… not entirely putting the kiss off of the table either.
Bradley recommends the vanilla mille crepe to close the meal, and you come up with the idea of sharing a slice. The dessert arrives, a lush little golden brown thing with thin layers of cream in between, so simple and so intricate at the same time. He lets you take the first bite—insists upon it, actually. It’s the gentlemanly thing to do.
That, and he wants to watch your face twist in pleasure again. Eyes fluttering closed, chest falling in a sigh, lips parted ever so slightly... God, he can’t wait to be the one responsible for it.
“Amazing, right?” He beams at you, very pleased with himself.
“Mm, it truly is,” you hum in agreement, watching him take a bite. It gives you a naughty idea… “It’s so amazing, I might just hijack this whole thing.” You jokingly pull the plate a little closer to you.
Bradley playfully holds the plate back, looking faux offended. “Hey! Come on. You know I’m a little bit stronger than you, right?”
“Please. That’s never stopped me before.” 
“I have my ways…” your finger reaches out just enough to touch his, just slightly.
Between that and your eyes darkening in mischief, Bradley fights hard not to turn into goo under your slightest touch. He bites the inside of his cheek to contain himself. “You’re really making me earn this, aren’t you?”
“Why? Girls never gave you a hard time before, Mr. Big Time Football Man?”
He laughs. “No. But you’re probably the only one giving me this hard a time for a bite of dessert.”
“Is that all we’re playing for? A bite of dessert?” you smirk, egging him on.
“What else do you think we’re playing for here?” He takes a second bite, maintaining eye contact as he does so.
You take another bite and lick the cream off of your fork. “I don’t know. A bite of… something else?”
Ah. So we are interested. Bradley is unfazed as he gently warns you, “Careful. I might take you up on that.”
“Good. I was hoping you would.”
The tension rises as reality sinks in. You both want to fuck, and looking at the trajectory of the evening, there’s a good chance you will. And it sobers you the hell up, pulling you both straighter in your seats. Sharing the slice of cake in quiet civility. Keeping a completely respectable distance, as if worried you don’t trust yourself not to climb over the table and kiss him senseless. 
But the game… oh, the game is on.
“I don’t know about you, but… I was thinking maybe a few bites, though.”
“Oh, yeah. I intend to explore every part of this… dessert.”
You stop chewing for a moment. There’s something so hot about how he says it so casually. “That’s… very optimistic of you.”
“Not optimistic enough to decide if kissing you out here was a good idea,” he admits sheepishly.
“Why is that?”
Bradley shrugs. “Just a hunch.”
He’s right, of course. He didn’t choose an ultra-exclusive, members-only establishment with a no-phone policy just for kicks. He sees the security detail that follows you around, lurking at a safe distance—from back at the club. And tonight, you’re traveling light with just two bodyguards, each strategically posted near you and the exit, but it’s still more than he’s ever encountered. There’s no way you would risk a first kiss in public, no matter how discreet the place is. No matter how much you like him.
And you like him a whole lot.
“Tell you what…” you put the fork down as quietly as you can. This is the moment of truth. “I’ll let you kiss me all you want back at my hotel, hm?”
Bradley’s eyes light up instantly. He takes a moment, not so much to consider his options, but to process what’s about to happen. “I would like that very much, yes.”
“Alright, then. Shall we?” you smile brightly, flagging the waiter for the check.
“Uh, yeah. Totally. We shall,” he stammers a little, recovering fast enough to snatch the check and slips his credit card in the tab. Barely addressing the waiter as they walk back to the till.
It all happens so fast, and you whine in complaint. “Oh, come on!”
“What, was I supposed to let you pay or something?”
“You were supposed to let me pretend to fight for it, at least…” you huff.
He smiles in amusement. You are so adorable, it makes his heart fucking swell. “Okay. Next time I’ll let you pretend. I’ll even give you a little pushback for good measure, how about that?”
“Now, let’s go back to your hotel and… I don’t know, pretend you have to try really hard to resist my charms.”
“Yeah, okay.” You chuckle in agreement. This is really happening. Wow. And just as the excitement sets in, another point of concern pops up in your head, like a really annoying notification. “Did you drive here or…?”
He nods. “You wanna take my car?”
“No, I got a car waiting for me…” you smile apologetically, glancing at her bodyguard. There’s no way they’re gonna let you jump into some guy’s car. “And there’s gonna be paps out front…” Here comes the tricky part. “Would you… mind if we… go separately and meet up at my hotel?”
Oh. Bradley’s face falls a little upon realizing that he can’t just walk out the door with you. He sees how this works. You don’t want the media to jump on this first date, and it’s actually a smart move. Besides, what’s a few more minutes to a whole night of complete privacy? “Sure, no problem.”
You nod tentatively. Well, that was surprisingly easy… “And just to be clear, this has nothing to do with you. It’s just… this whole thing can be a circus, and I don’t want you to deal with anything you didn’t sign up for.”
He smiles at you. Bless you for being so thoughtful, but it does make him wonder if other people have had trouble with it. But maybe that’s a question for another time. “Hey, I totally understand. We’ll just meet up at the hotel and leave it at that.”
“I’ll text you, okay?”
You squeeze his hand gently before you get up, making your way out of the restaurant. Powering through the camera flashes as soon as you walk out of the front door. Giddy because you know something these vultures don’t.
Meanwhile, Bradley sits. Waits. For one minute, and two, and three. Looking at people walking in and out, wondering how inconspicuous he would be if he walks out now.
And then…
His phone buzzes.
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alottiegoingon · 8 months
facing your fears
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shauna shipman x fem!reader (all characters aged up)
warnings: struggling with sexuality, pre-crash (but mentions of it?), minimal usage of bad words, probably a bunch of english mistakes and bad writing (not my first language), no 18+ content just fluff
“Right, okay, Van. I think the lesbianism thing is taking over your head a little too much.” You scoff. Your lips were curled up in an expression that it was supposed to be a smile ready to mock your friend Vanessa and let her know how absurd her comment was, but it honestly seemed very unsure. Maybe been discreet wasn’t actually your thing, but liking Shauna Shipman wasn't something that you were happy to admit.
“She’s kind of right, you know. You think everyone is gay, Van.” Taissa’s eyes met her girlfriend’s. She didn’t like disagreeing with Van. Happy wife happy life, right? But maybe, just maybe, she could be wrong about it. Since Van and Tai got together and finally told the team, their favorite thing to do was spot other queer people at school and you were a great targer. Well, except for the fact that you probably weren't a lesbian.
It just wasn’t very you. As y/n Taylor, you had high expectations to be filled and a reputation to care about. Jackie Taylor was your oldest sister by a year and no matter how close you two were, ruining her reputation at school wasn’t a very nice thing to do and it could easily ruin your life. Her life. Jackie was the dream girl. The one that all the boys wanted to be with and all the girls wanted to be her. Perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect grades (almost) and perfect at soccer. Always the one that would drag all the attention to herself while walking through the school hallways and never missing a chance to attend a party with stunning clothes and the gorgeous makeup. You couldn’t complain about it though. Being related to a popular girl would usually get you stuff that most teenagers would fight to have in high school. Even if you were being known by being Jackie Taylor’s sister, it was still some sort of popularity level that many people wanted to have. Just… Not you.
You loved Jackie, of course. But the pressure of being related to the Wiskayok High School princess was too much. You were in Shauna’s car two years ago along with Jackie while she would drive you to school and you accidentaly let a thought slip away out loud; You were scared of trying for extra activities in school, frightened by the idea of not being good enough like Jackie was (which you didn’t tell her, of course). But eventually, you gave it a try when she said that you had to face your fears. She was good with pep talk. It felt like the world was ending when you tried to join the Yellowjackets team right after that and failed miserably, managing to fall right against the scratchy artificial grass on your first attempt of running after a stupid football. That’s when you realized that you saw Shauna with different eyes. When your cheek was getting squeezed against the floor and you heard the coach whistling, your eyes immediately met hers from afar. Sitting on the closest bench, Jackie made sure to scold all the girls that were laughing at you and right by her side, there was Shauna. Maybe she wanted to laugh as well but she didn’t. Probably because she was Jackie’s best friend, you thought. Her lips were pressing against each other so tightly that they were repressing even the slightest smile. She even had a threatening stare while looking at the girls who were giggling. It was a miracle that you got into the cheerleading team but at least it was better than run after a soccer ball. Besides, you looked cute in a skirt.
You knew Shauna before that, she was always at your house. But you never acknowledged her before. Not consciously at least. You remembered clear as the day when Jackie and Shauna would stay in the bedroom for the entire day; talking about everything and everyone and their stupid crushes. Jeff, Randy, James, you name it. You, too shy and scared to join them, would always politely deny Jackie’s invitations but that didn’t stop you from hearing their nonsense every time you walked through Jackie’s bedroom. Even when the door was closed, their voices, too excited to share their opinions on the world, weren’t exactly the quietest.  
“Exactly! And even if I was a lesbian, which obviously I’m not, Shauna would be the last person I would-“ You were more than desperate convicted of your own self, ready to deny Van’s crazy thought. You had no feelings for Shauna. But then, you heard a familiar voice sounding a bit too hostile now, echoing through the entire locker room. It was definitely her. You could see her narrowed brown eyes, her stiff back showing signs of tension, her folded arms and how her hair matching her eyes was stuck on a messy ponytail and took your breath away.
The muffled voice got more and more clear as the steps were sounding closer to you. You were so eager to defend yourself before that you didn’t even bother to look around and search the area for other people. A soccer team with girls only? The rumors would fly around very quickly, especially when coming straight from Jackie Taylor’s little sister. Teenagers were known for being cruel and mean for no reason and being a lesbian in 1996? That was the same as having a death wish.
“You aren’t supposed to be here. Cheerleaders are not allowed.” You were just standing up from the bench when Shauna stood there, just a few steps away from you. You took a quick glance at Van to see her with widen eyes and an ironic lurking smirk. She would always act so suspicious when Shauna was around and it made you worried every single time, thinking if Shauna would notice how their behavior changed when she stepped in and how you always seemed so nervous. You look at Shauna again and immediately remembered why Van and Taissa always assumed you had a thing for her. It was definitely probably how your pupils would dilate immediately when seeing her, the fact that your voice would get high-pitched even when saying a simple hello or how you would fix your hair awkwardly. Or maybe how you could barely say a word without stuttering and making it way too obvious that you weren’t casual about her presence.
You didn’t have enough time to say a single word. A loud metallic noise echoed through the locker room when Van practically slammed the locker door shut and gave you a very much not cautious look before leaving and practically dragging Taissa with her. In less than ten seconds, you were panicking. You were alone with Shauna all of her toughness and not a single sign of friendly thoughts inside her head. “What?” You mutter. For someone that struggled with eye contact, your eyes wouldn’t dare to leave hers. Maybe it was fear but maybe it was amusement.
“I know that you are friends with the girls but you can’t keep coming here all the time, you know? Cheerleaders shouldn’t be here and you know we only let you in cause you’re J-“
“Jackie’s sister.” You cut Shauna before she could finish her sentence. You didn’t think much before doing it. Before not only interrupting her but also giving hints that you were upset. Even if in silence.
Shauna doesn’t say anything at first but her eyebrows frowned almost instantly. It wasn’t like she didn’t know you at least a little bit to see through you, even if you had no idea, but she wasn’t expecting to hear that. Especially not now, out of the blue.
“I mean.” You sigh. It wasn’t the easiest thing for you to talk about what you felt and how all of these hidden feelings had such a deep impact on you. You couldn’t afford to maintain eye contact now and, just for a moment, you looked away. “Don’t get me wrong. I love Jackie, obviously. I just feel like…” You trail off. Maybe it was that time of the month again and you were extra sensitive or you just felt comfortable with Shauna, but something buried inside of you was begging to come out. The silence settles in for almost an entire minute. It wasn’t exactly awkwardness the thing that was hanging in the air but something very close to it. Once or twice, you would shift your eyes up from the dirty school floor to Shauna’s eyes just to make sure that she was still there.
“No, it’s okay. I get it.” She murmurs. Her eyes didn’t leave yours not even for a second. Even at different places and circumstances like at your own house or during the moments you were invited to hang out with the girls, she was always staring. Even when you weren’t aware of it, which was most of the times.
You were expecting to finally show signs of how bothered you were by the pressure of being Jackie’s sister. Of course that some of your closest friends like Van and Taissa knew that and always did their best to support you. (And by that, it meant that you would get to pick the movie for the movie night even though Van would complain about your choice as soon as the movie ended, pointing how badly written, directed or produced it was or how the actors sucked). But you weren’t expecting Shauna to understand you. She seemed to notice the surprised look in your eyes and it made the usual neutral and intimidating expression on her face softens. If you squint your eyes hard enough, you could almost see an empathetic smile.
“What do you mean? You are always glued to Jackie. You’re like her shadow. I remember going downstairs once to get some water and you were there at 2 a.m to grab Jackie a snack and I was terrified for a week. I’m surprised you don’t follow her to the bathroom.” You breath in, letting your voice show signs of vulnerability and even a playful feeling to it. And this time you weren’t crazy. Shauna was actually softening. You caught her lips twitching in a little smile and even making a sound that sounded like a laugh. When did Shauna begin to think that you were funny anyway?
“Look… All I’m saying is that I understand.” Shauna would never say anything bad about Jackie. Not explicitly. Not if she wasn’t bursting out with anger like she would do rarely or with small mean comments, which she would usually do if she felt like Jackie was being too bossy. You wouldn’t blame Jackie as well; she had her own personal problems. But somehow, Shauna was being comprehensive. She was there for you. “There’s things I can’t do because of Jackie too.”
There it was. Her words made you heart drop to your knees. You felt a cold sensation stinging on your body and now you were more focused than ever on the brown eyed girl right in front of you. Shauna had her back resting against a closed locker and her arms were still crossed, but it didn’t seem to contribute to her attempt of looking tough. You were definitely tired from cheerleading practice today and the stress from the finals combined to that probably made you imagine things when you saw Shauna’s eyes sparkling with something different when she said that looking at you. It felt like she was staring into your soul.
“I don’t… I can do whatever I want. Jackie isn’t the boss of my life.” You immediately say, clearly nervous and defensive. You feel a slight warmth in your cheeks when notice your struggle with expressing yourself and begin to overthink everything.
“Oh, really? Like when Jackie invited you to Mari’s birthday party last week but told you not to wear that dress cause yellow was her color?” Shauna smirked finally and her brown eyes were lighter. There was playfulness in her tone as well as a slight cockiness to it, she was proving a point. “Or when you had to talk to Randy Walsh once just because Jackie liked Jeff and his best friend was desperate for a date?”
The words Randy Walsh made your lips curl and your nose scrunch in disgust. That guy was awful. He even asked who invented the Pope once. He wasn’t even cute. Or charismatic. Or smart. It was safe to say that you weren’t very impressed by him. For the first time in that day, and even in weeks, you heard Shauna laugh at your reaction and half of the tension on your body faded away. You looked deeply into her eyes and you didn’t feel intimidated now. You smiled back. Well, it was still a small and sort of shy smile but it was there and it made your heart warm. You felt fuzzy while looking at her, noticing how a few hair strands would fall perfectly through the sides of her face and how her cheeks were still looking pinkish, probably from soccer practice from a few minutes ago.
“Maybe you’re right.” You finally admit. Shauna was ripping the truth out of you without even trying and you weren’t exactly opposed to it anymore. “But it’s not like I could do anything about it. Could you imagine what everyone would say if I told them that I’m into-“
“Girls?” Shauna finishes. One of her eyebrows is slightly raised. She wasn’t sounding judgy or rude, not even surprised, and you wondered why. Your body got stiff as a rock and you feel your forehead getting sweaty as a heat wave hits you. You were panicking. A lot. Enough to left you speechless.
“I went to your bedroom once last year when you were out. Jackie said that you had borrowed one of her books and she needed it to show me something and I swear I wasn’t looking for anything but you really need to hide your things better.” Shauna’s breath sounded heavy now. Was she tense? You definitely were.
Your mind was racing from thought to thought, thinking of all of the things that Shauna could’ve seen. And then it hits you. Since you were seven years old, you saw a movie from your childhood where the main character had a diary and you immediately fell in love with the idea of putting all of your feelings out with no consequences, instead of shoving them down. No one would see it anyway. At first it was just some silly little sentences about your day, about a kid stealing your favorite pen at school, about a lame day where you did nothing but stayed in your room and listening to Jackie all day or how your parents would fight over something idiotic. Then you entered high school and things changed. Suddenly losing your favorite toy wasn’t the hottest topic of your diary. Talking about how badly you hated those stupid boys from school but loved sitting close to girls in class cause it made you have butterflies on your stomach was the main thing going on. And you were lucky enough that your diary was left opened exactly on this page when Shauna entered your room. Fuck.
“You can’t tell anyone. Especially not Jackie. Do you understand how serious this is?” You immediately started to beg Shauna. Your voice was quieter now even though no one was around. Your cheeks were practically entirely covered by a bright shade of red and it was very easy to tell how nervous you were just by staring at you. Your fingers were playing with each other, fidgeting to avoid stress, your eyes were wide open and would barely blink. Your throat was tight with a feeling of having a huge lump stuck on it.
“Relax, okay? I won’t.” Shauna’s voice is quiet but soft now. Ot almost sounded like a whisper. A reassuring and genuine whisper. “It’s not like my journal isn’t full of embarrassing stuff as well.” She continues. It sounded like she was just trying to comfort you but it was actually true. You didn’t even know that she had a journal.
“Like…” Shauna takes a deep breath, taking a few steps closer to you. “Like how you look really good wearing those cheerleading skirts. And how cute your hair looks like with a blue and yellow ribbon on it.” Her breath catches on her throat when you look at her. Did she actually say those words or you were dreaming? Real or not, your heart was racing and you were feeling something different. A rush of excitement in your chest.
“You think so?” Your voice barely comes out. It sounded like a weak whisper. You couldn’t say much but the eye contact was intense and it would only get interrupted when Shauna would take a quick look at your lips. Taking another step in, her hand touched your cheek and it immediately made your body tremble. If your stomach was empty before, now it had tons of desperate butterflies.
Shauna simply nodded. Her eyes remained completely focused on yours, something shifting away and slowly tracing down to your lips. Your own eyes were doing the same, not scared to show how badly you wanted to find out how it felt to kiss her. And being quite honest, Shauna seemed to want the same thing. Finally, she begins to lean in and closes her eyes and you do the same. The next thing you feel is her soft lips pressed right against yours and it felt like the world around you had stopped. It took you a while to kiss her back. At first you just stood there like you were frozen in place. Paralyzed by the thought of trying to understand if this was actually happening, with your hands hanging in the air. But then you slowly let yourself get lost into her. When you both began to feel more comfortable, Shauna’s hands moved down to your waist firmly and your hands touched the soft and smooth skin of her cheeks. You were so close to each other that you could smell her perfume. Not too sweet but addicting and not too strong now once the day was almost over. Okay. Maybe you had feelings for Shauna.
She was the one who pulled away first. It took you some time to finally open your eyes, the idea of looking at Shauna after she kissed you was almost unbearable but in an actual good way. Now, that terrifying sensation of panic that was tightening your chest was all gone and you could only feel the warmth of your own cheeks and the one that would exhale through Shauna’s hands that remained on your waist. You finally opened your eyes, Shauna was looking at you with curious and dreamy eyes.
You were both heavy breathers now when Shauna finally broke the silence. “Am I still the last person you would kiss?” She teased you with a hoarse tone. Her lips were slightly puffy and red thanks to the kiss you two shared. You didn’t say a thing but your lips were struggling to stay still. Everything was too overwhelming and you found yourself losing the battle as the corners of your mouth got wider. You were smiling from ear to ear like a fool. That was probably what you were when it came to Shauna anyway. You were about to open your mouth to defend yourself but a masculine voice interrupted you. You both look towards the locker room entrance to see the assistant coach, Ben, with raised eyebrows and an angry stare directly at you. You immediately knew why. No cheerleaders.
“I should really go now.” You use your head to point towards the coach. Your voice was sounding thinner now and in a higher pitch than it usually was, showing signs of how dazed you were and how Shauna was the only thing going through your mind right now. Shauna slowly took her hands away from your waist. “But maybe we could, like, hang out after you come back from the nationals?” You could barely contain your smile now, walking backwards while not looking away from Shauna.
“Definitely. I can’t wait to come back.” Shauna was smirking back at you while biting her lower lip.
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pandorasprongs · 1 year
JAMIE TARTT | call it what you want.
PAIRING: jamie tartt x fem!reader
SUMMARY: reader's family comes to visit london and she ends up having to hide her relationship with jamie till the final game of the season.
WARNINGS: language, innuendos
A/N: this is technically a sequel to my comfort crowd story that was my first one about jamie, but it can be read as a standalone too! would recommend reading it first since it gives a little backstory to the garden and reader's past relationship. also, you'll probably be able to tell that i rewatched match scene in the finale for a certain scene AHAHAHA i really wanted to show jamie's more affectionate side, so there's def a few cheesy scenes in here! the title is taken from 'call it what you want' by taylor swift
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It's midnight when you hear a knock on your door. Any reasonable person would've ignored it and/or hid in case it was some axe murderer. Of course, you knew it wasn't a murderer, just your boyfriend.
"I thought I said you couldn't stay over tonight?" You say when you open the door to reveal Jamie, whose expression quickly turns into a pouty face.
"I know, but I missed you," You playfully roll your eyes, yet are unable to stop your smile. Christ, he could be annoying, but he could also be pretty sweet. Those two balanced each other out.
"Fine, come in, but you can’t sleep here," You take his hand and bring him inside your flat. He plants a kiss on your temple and the two of you settle down on the couch, which for you was a deserved reward.
The reason why you were up so late despite having to work in the morning was that you had been trying to make your place spotless before your brother and his family came to visit the next day. They had already been in England for a few days but were only coming to London now to visit you and to attend the final Richmond match of the season.
"How's the cleaning going?" Jamie asks, as he wraps one arm around you and reaches for the remote in the other one.
"Took five hours, but at least it’s done." You sigh as you settle closer to Jamie. Even if you had warned him not to come over tonight, you still appreciated his presence.
When you started dating, you never expected the football player to be so clingy, but not even a day after your first date, he was already hanging around you every chance he got.
You couldn’t even hide it from the team because the moment Sam caught the two of you arriving at the clubhouse together, that was it for you guys. They were happy for the two of you, though sometimes too happy, especially whenever you had to call Jamie for a physical and they automatically assumed it was code for something.
"How was practice?"
"Good. The team's having a hard time mastering the start though. The timing's always off," He explains about the surprise goodbye performance they were doing for Ted and Beard. 
They had been planning it from the moment they heard the news the two of them were leaving for Kansas at the end of the season. Well, right after they all finished processing — through crying, screaming, protesting, and the like — the news.
"You guys will do fine," you take the remote from his hand and start looking for a certain movie. "Plus, even if you fuck it up, I’m sure they’ll love it regardless." That gets Jamie to chuckle and you feel the vibrations from his chest.
"How about this? Let's watch the Sound of Music, so you can try and copy one of the von Trapp siblings!" You suggest as you press play on the movie. Jamie doesn't protest and simply wraps his other arm around you too.
You look up at your boyfriend and suddenly feel a pang of guilt. "I'm really sorry,"
You don't need to explain further because Jamie instantly understands. He kisses you on your forehead, "Stop saying that. I know you don't want your family to know you're dating such a talented football player because you're afraid one of them will try and steal me from you."
You remove yourself from Jamie before playfully pushing his head. "Yeah, that's exactly right." The both of you laugh as Jamie pulls you in again.
You had already explained why you were hiding it from them back when you found out they were visiting. You had already been dating Jamie for a couple of months, but not a single person back home knew. 
Most of your family knew about the disastrous way your last relationship ended and you were sure they'd be extra protective about the next guy. As much as you loved being with Jamie and knew he wasn’t that guy anymore, you knew that your football-obsessed family was aware of who he used to be.  Stories of the multiple scandals, hook-ups, and rumors of unsportsmanlike conduct throughout the years were the exact reason you were so afraid to tell them. Those were in the past and you knew that, but you weren’t so sure how to convince your family of that, too. 
Jamie, true to form as the prick he is, completely understood and never tried to pressure you to tell them. He was even the one to tell the whole team that your brother was coming to visit and they had to, in his words, shut the fuck up about your relationship.
This was probably the last night for a few days you two could comfortably spend together, so you didn't really want to force him away. The two of you just sat there watching a Julie Andrews classic where you'd occasionally hear Jamie sing along to the musical numbers.
It was around 2 am when the movie finished and now, he definitely had to go home. Even then, you had a hard time separating yourself from Jamie, but your rational brain was telling you it would be bad for a secret relationship if your family caught him in the apartment.
"See you tomorrow, yeah?" Jamie says as he opens the front door.
Instead of responding, you plant a kiss on his lips, catching him by surprise. He's quick to wrap his arms around your waist as he reciprocates it. You separate and finally, answer him. "Yup, see you tomorrow." Jamie gives you one last hug and a kiss on the cheek before he leaves your apartment. 
You look around your place for a second, seeing if there's anything you need to fix up before tomorrow. Once you assess that it's as clean as it can be, you go to your room and catch some much-needed sleep.
When you hear a knock at your door, you drag yourself out of your bed and to the living room. Before you can even twist the doorknob, you hear a voice on the other side, "You should be awake by now!"
"I am!" you respond, as you open the door. You're greeted by the sight of your older brother Frank, your sister-in-law Denise, and their son Gregory.
"Hello, family," you say drowsily, as the three of them envelope you with a hug. Once they let go, you lead them inside your apartment. "How's your vacation so far?"
"Oh, amazing. I get why you moved to Europe," Denise answers, as she looks around your flat. "They have you set up pretty nice here, huh?" She plops down on your couch and pulls Gregory down next to her.
"Yup," you head to the kitchen to make the three of them some drinks. "So, what do you two plan to do while Gregory comes to work with me?" They had already told you ages ago that Gregory wanted to visit the clubhouse badly, but you knew it was also free babysitting.
"Sightseeing mostly," your brother replies, grabbing his cup of tea from you. When you take a seat next to Denise and your nephew, the former leans into you and whispers, "And get into places where 18 and unders can't." 
You chuckle and she plants a kiss on her son's head. As they enjoy their drinks, the three of you start catching up. You steer clear of any questions about relationships and instead focus on you being a physical therapist for a football team.
"Do their feet smell?" Gregory asks and you nod your head.
"Extremely, so always remember to wash your feet, okay?" You reply and the 8-year-old gives you a thumbs up and drinks his hot chocolate.
The topic then shifts to the upcoming final game between Richmond and West Ham. You managed to get the 3 of them tickets, — thank you, Higgins, — which they said was the perfect way to end their trip.
"I'll get you some shirts today, too. Gregory's gonna help me pick them out, yeah?" You turn to your nephew who is more than excited to do so.
"Nice," your brother reacts. "I'd appreciate an Obisanya one."
"Yup, and I want a Colin Hughes one if they're available. And of course, this one here," Denise pulls Gregory into a hug, "wants the captain's jersey."
"Will do," you make a mental note, before excusing yourself to get ready for work. 
You’re freshening up in your bathroom when you hear your nephew call out to you. "Mom's asking if you have an extra blanket!" 
"Check my room!" You hear him go to the room across and as he passes you again, he shouts a quick 'Thank you!'
Once you’re done getting changed, you head back to the living room. All three of them were ready to head out, so you lock up and hail a taxi to the AFC Richmond clubhouse. On the drive there, the seatbelt was practically the only thing stopping Gregory from bouncing up and down in the car. 
When you get there, you find some members of the team along with the Director of Football Operations standing front and center near the entrance of the building. You thank the driver and grab Gregory by the hand. You say goodbye to his parents, and since they’re so excited to have some alone time, they don't even bother looking up at the scene in front of them.
"What's all this?" You say as you approach the entrance. Gregory, despite his excitement, was now walking more cautiously, lagging behind you. When they hear your voice, the team finally settles down.
"Well, a little birdie told me that you'd be bringing someone special to work today and so we decided to assemble the Richmond Welcome Committee for him." You stare at all of them in disbelief and your smile grows wider. You find Jamie in the group, whose smug expression tells you exactly who it was.
"Hello there, Gregory," Higgins turns to your nephew and sticks his hand out, who is still hiding behind you. You move to the side and crouch down next to him, so he feels more at ease.
"Hi," your nephew finally speaks up and shakes his hand. 
Higgins then bends down to the eye level of your nephew. "Welcome to AFC Richmond! We prepared a little gift for you if that's okay."
Gregory nods his head. Higgins and the rest of the team start doing a drumroll and move out of the way to reveal Isaac, with a personalized jersey. You exhale in disbelief and turn to your nephew. 
"What do you say, Greg?" Said nephew was too awestruck by his favorite player to even move. 
After a few seconds, he finally ran up to Isaac and hugged his favorite player. The team captain was now the one in shock, but slowly reciprocated it. Gregory then lets go and accepts the jersey from him. The rest of the team moves to crowd the boy and start talking with him. Almost immediately, your nephew transforms from his former terrified state to the life of the party.
You moved to the side to give them space and thank Higgins, who just shook his head. "It's no problem," he started. "Henry doesn't come here that often anymore, so it was nice to do this for another kid." You smile, before noticing Jamie going toward you.
"And here's the little birdie now," Higgins jokes before excusing himself. You see the team busy entertaining Gregory, so you take the chance to plant a kiss on Jamie's cheek.
"If only the tabloids knew how sweet the striker of AFC Richmond could be." You whisper afterward.
"I know, I'm a great not-boyfriend." He continues to show his smug smirk and before you can reply, you notice that your nephew is starting to look for you.
You put enough distance between you and Jamie to seem platonic, "Greg?" You catch his attention and see him already wearing his jersey over his shirt.
"Can we go inside now?" He asks and you nod your head.
You turn back to the "welcome committee," and thank them. "This was so great." They wave goodbye to the both of you — with Isaac giving Gregory a high-five — as they head to the field for training.
Once you're alone again, Gregory turns to you. "That was so much fun!" You laugh at the boy's reaction as you settle down in your office.
For about 2 hours, you had to deal with the boy asking you about every detail of the papers in front of you. Vitals, size charts, diagrams, he was curious about all of it. A part of you hoped that he'd want to talk about something, anything else, but you soon regret wishing that.
"Auntie (Y/N), is Jamie Tartt your favorite player?" You try and hide your shock at the question. He's 8 years old and it's probably an innocent question.
"Yes, he is." You answer honestly and turn your chair to the treatment table where Gregory was lying down. "Why do you ask?"
"Well, I saw you talking to him earlier." He observes, sitting up and looking like he's about to launch into a whole monologue. "And I saw a lot of his jerseys in your room too, so I thought you must be a fan. But you work here, so are you guys close?"
Maybe you should have closed the closet door before sending him in there. You try and keep your calm. "Kind of. I mean I'm close to all of the players, in a way."
If Gregory thinks anything is off, he doesn't show it. Instead, he nods his head and goes back to his comic book as you continue to work on some reports for the players.
Once you finish, you bring Gregory to watch the morning training. His parents were going to pick him up during lunch, so you only had to keep up the charade for just a little longer. The team was doing a few drills when you got there and Ted spots the two of you approaching. He immediately runs over and greets, "Is this the little guy? Hi, I'm Ted."
What was it with dads and shaking little kid's hands? Gregory, already getting used to meeting such famous football personnel, took his hand and shook it as firmly as an 8-year-old could. Jamie was too busy with his drills to notice you there and you’ve never been more relieved about that.
After spending the next hour watching the game from the stands, it was time for lunch and you headed to the car park to find Frank and Denise. You smile at them and hand off Gregory who started telling his parents about his brand-new personalized kit.
You feel your phone vibrate and take it out to find a message from Jamie. secret boyfriend bought secret lunch for a secret date in your office ;)
You chuckle at the message and send him a quick reply before hearing Gregory mention your name. "Auntie's friends with all the players, especially Jamie Tartt. He's her favorite and they're close."
Oh, this child is going to ruin you. You try and stop yourself from overreacting, though you instead end up letting out an exaggerated laugh. "Yeah, I mentioned him being my favorite player, but he seemed to forget that I said I'm also close with all the players, not just Jamie."
Frank seemed to buy it, but you can tell that Denise was starting to pick up on things. She could always tell when you were lying, even before you left for London. After you had broken up with Matt, it took one call before she realized what happened. So it was only a matter of time till she figured it out, but you had hoped you could delay it till after their trip. You wave to the three of them as their taxi left the car park.
You headed back to your office to find Jamie already devouring his pasta. "Hey, I thought this was supposed to be a date?" His head snaps towards you with noodles still hanging out of his mouth.
"I didn't know how long you'd take and I need my carbs." You roll your eyes as you go to the seat across from him. Jamie puts his plate down and brings out yours.
The two of you start talking about the upcoming game this Sunday, to which you bring up your usual 'night before' ritual.
"I thought your family was gonna stay at your flat that night?" Jamie asks, but you just shrug.
"I'll find a way to escape. No way you're going to the garden without me. I'm your good luck charm, Mr. Tartt." You lean towards the football player and playfully narrow your eyes at him. He breaks into a smile and takes your hand into his.
"Yeah, you are." He says softly, and your smile starts to fade. Jamie would never say it out loud, certainly not in the clubhouse where his teammates could hear him, but his nerves always reached an all-time high before a big game. Even after the Man City match and the talk with his mum, you noticed he still felt uneasy in the days leading up to this one.
He was good at hiding it from most people, but over the months, you figured out the small tells that showed he wasn't feeling his best. That's one of the reasons Dr. Sharon suggested he find a safe space, one where he could collect himself before a game, especially like the game on Sunday.
"Hey," You get him to look back at you and squeeze his hand tighter. "You and the whole team are going to dominate. You've already guaranteed a spot in the Champions League, so you’re set for next season. Plus, your beautiful and frankly, awesome girlfriend is gonna be there in the dugout cheering you on."
Jamie pulls you in for a quick kiss as a thank you before you start to fix up the table. He then suggests a rather inappropriate after-lunch activity — "Ay! Call it a motivational activity," — and you have to physically push him out the door for his afternoon practice.
It's the night before the match and you were currently arguing with your brother about the sleeping situation.
"Frank, I'll be fine. There's three of you, it's a king-sized bed, and you know I love couches." This time, he gives in. You watch him disappear into your room and after five minutes, you start heading out.
You go down to find a parked car outside, with its owner leaning on the side of it scrolling through his phone. Since you had dinner with family and he got a drink with Roy, the two of you had planned to meet up later than usual.
"Told you I still knew how to sneak out." You say to him, and the moment his eyes land on you, his expression seems to relax. You approach him and ask, "How was hanging out with Roy?"
"Weird, but good," he answered as the two of you got into the car. "Told me he was proud of me."
"That's nice of him. After all those training sessions and him barging on both our doors early morning, you deserve it." You’re reminded of when Roy came to your flat at 4 am after he realized that Jamie wasn't at his own house, which ended with you scolding the coach about it.
You didn't want to make a big deal of it, but you knew how much Jamie appreciated hearing that from someone he looked up to since childhood. Especially with their history back when Jamie first joined the team.
He continued to tell you about what went down, even mentioning how he convinced Roy to go to Keeley that night and finally ask her out again. Though, he admitted he partly did that was so they could finish earlier and he could see you.
You get to the garden and despite visiting it almost every week, you’re still amazed at its beauty. You remember the first time he brought you there before you were even dating. You had been so touched that Jamie was willing to share this place with you that you ended up kissing him right then and there. 
Ever since then, you ended up going with him before games, even if the two of you would just sit there in silence and simply take in the surroundings. That's exactly what was happening tonight, with you and Jamie sitting on a bench and just observing the garden.
After a while, you took the chance to look at Jamie without him noticing. He was always the most calm here and you could tell it from his side profile alone. His jaw was relaxed, his eyes were closed and he was breathing steadily.
You suddenly get the urge to admit something. "I'll tell Frank and Denise tomorrow." Jamie looks at you as you repeat, "I'm telling them about us tomorrow, after the game."
The football player breaks into a smile, and you can't help but mirror it. If the two of them could only get a glimpse of the Jamie you knew, who was thoughtful, enthusiastic, and truly kind-hearted, they wouldn't even care about all the dumb stories of the past. 
After a little while longer, Jamie drives you home and you give him a quick goodbye kiss before heading back to your flat. You try to be as quiet as possible, turning the knob ever so slowly. You soon realized you didn't have to, as you hear someone clear their throat. You open the door to find Denise sitting on the couch in her pajamas and you freeze. "You went out?"
"Yes," you finally managed to croak out, as you closed the door behind you and leaned on it. "Wanted some fresh air."
"Fresh air? From the car I just saw you get out of?" Denise crosses her arms and you accept defeat. You say nothing as your sister-in-law asks, "Who's the guy?"
"Jamie Tartt," you admit, and her eyes almost pop out of her head.
"Oh shit, you are dating him. I really thought Gregory was just exaggerating things." You roll your eyes and join her on the couch.
You quickly plead, "Please don't tell Frank yet. I promise I’ll tell him after the match. You know, just in case he gets an urge to do bodily harm to my boyfriend."
"Come on, you know he wouldn't actually do that." You tilt your head. She adds, "He probably wouldn't. But fine, I'll keep it from him." You sigh in relief until she starts giving you a look. "So, Jamie Tartt, huh?"
You groan. "Oh God, can we not do this right now? What's wrong with him?"
"Nothing! I just didn't think you'd go for a guy like him. You know, more laidback with a slight douchy vibe."
"He is not a douche!" You're quick to defend Jamie, but now Denise narrows her eyes at you. "Not anymore. He was the one who planned that jersey thing for Greg. Would a douche do something like that?"
"Okay, okay, I believe you. He doesn’t seem like the prick from before." Denise holds her hands up in surrender. "But, I only know that because of how you're acting now." She nudges you on the shoulder and you tilt your head. 
"Look, you just seem happier, lighter. Much better than when you were with Matt. I was never going to admit it, but you should’ve ended things after college. Nothing was too toxic about your relationship, but you always looked like you were holding something back."
It was true. It took a few months of not being with him anymore to realize just how many red flags he had. Yes, he was smart, polite, and always knew exactly what to say, but he was also the first to criticize you when you didn't live up to his “standard.” You had convinced yourself that he was only trying to make you better, but in reality, he was just an ass. 
Being with Jamie is what convinced you of that. He got you out of your comfort zone to enjoy things, without ever making it feel like he was pressuring you. You did the same for him too, and instead of pushing back like Matt always did, Jamie would actually listen to what you had to say and cared what you thought.
You explain all of that to Denise and at the end of it, you're sure she's starting to see why you fell for Jamie in the first place. "I'm glad you're happy." 
You hug your sister-in-law tightly before you both start getting tired. Everyone had to get up early tomorrow, so it was best to get some rest before then.
You're already lying down and tucked into the couch, but you grab your phone and send a quick message to Jamie.
i hope you're sleeping because this is for when you wake up tomorrow. good luck and i know you'll be the best fucking player on the field!
You hit the send button before returning your phone to the table and drifting off to sleep.
You had planned on getting to the clubhouse earlier than usual. You had to prepare for the match and your family didn’t want to push through a bunch of people to get to their seats. 
But even then, there was already a crowd around the building. Maybe it was because this was your first time working here with the team making it to the finals, but you've never seen that many AFC Richmond fans present.
You had separated from the three of them once they got their tickets and insisted they could find their seats on their own. Because of all the chaos of getting ready and setting up with the whole crowd, you hadn't gotten a chance to check if Jamie had replied or even look for him.
It was only when Will showed up at the dugout saying that Jamie was looking for you did you see him for the first time today.
"I've been waiting for my good luck kiss," is how he greets you and you can only laugh as you embrace him. He met you outside of the locker room, so you avoided all the whistles and 'oohs' from his teammates. 
You give him a quick kiss before telling him about last night. You could see his relief when he realized that your sister-in-law did approve of him, which you almost felt guilty about. 
Jamie Tartt, world-renowned football player, was nervous about what a relative of yours thought about him. 
"I'll tell Frank later. And, if you guys win the game, maybe he won't come after you and injure your other ankle." You remind him and he chuckles, but your straight face is enough for him to take it seriously.
"Shit. I guess we do have to win." 
After hearing Ted asking everyone to huddle up, you separate from Jamie and the two of you join the crowd inside the locker room. You with the rest of the physical therapists and Jamie with the players.
You had to admit, you were a bit nervous for the game. You knew the team was doing great, but after their crying session right before the match, you were worried they'd be too teary-eyed to make it through. And in the first half, you were right to be. Despite their efforts, West Ham was ahead much to every Richmond supporter’s dismay. 
But after whatever happened in the locker room, they seemed to be picking it up. After those 3 misses, you and the rest of the people in the dugout were ecstatic when Jamie finally scored. 
But then it led to a whole different issue. Now, West Ham was focused on marking Jamie. From both a personal and professional standpoint, you were worried. Jamie's ankle could still easily be injured after what happened at Man City and Richmond would lose what was called "their central cog." 
You were grasping your medical bag as the game continued, ready at any moment to rush over there. You flinched when Jamie fell to the ground, but when the referee called for a penalty, you knew this was one of his tricks and you sighed in relief. 
He looks at you with one of his signature smirks as he's pulled up by Sam. You playfully shake your head and roll your eyes, as the teams get ready for the kick.
And thank God Isaac was able to get it in the net. Well, through it? You could feel Gregory's excitement over it, even if you weren't sure where they were in the crowd.
After eavesdropping on Rupert Mannion ordering his manager to "take out" Jamie, you felt a lump forming in your throat. But at least George still had some integrity, even if you ended up seeing his balls after he gets pushed. As Rupert got heckled off the pitch, Jamie catches your eyes.
He notices your worried expression and gives you a reassuring look. It was his way of saying "Don't worry, you think they can take me out?" You not as the players head back onto the field.
Even then, the players were completely boxing Jamie in, but you watched as Ted signaled a strategy for the free kick which they seem to understand quickly. Jamie's trying everything to get Bumbercatch's attention, but the moment he sends it Sam's way, you know exactly what's going on.
"Go, go, go," You whisper, on the edge of your seat. You're squeezing Will's arm a little too tight, but even he is too immersed in the game to care.
Sam gets the ball in and the whole stadium erupts in cheers. You wait, but when the final whistle was blown, you and Will start celebrating too. The whole team starts running onto the pitch and at that point, you weren't thinking. 
The moment your eyes landed on Jamie, you were running across the pitch towards him. He catches you in his arms and pulls you into a kiss. You deepen it as if you weren't surrounded by thousands of people right then and there.
You break apart for a split second to say, "You guys absolutely smashed it. I knew you would win." 
He pulls you back for another kiss, before smiling against your lips. "You aren't worried about your brother seeing us?"
The thought hadn't occurred to you at that moment, but you try and find them in the crowd, still not removing yourself from Jamie's grasp. With all the chaos, you give up and just shrug it off, turning back to the football player. 
"I don't really care anymore." You admit as you laugh.
Jamie pulls you into a hug and spins you around in the air. You laugh and hold onto him tightly. When he puts you down, you find your family coming toward the two of you. Frank is the only one who seemed shocked by this whole ordeal, with Denise simply smirking and Gregory being distracted by all the people celebrating on the field.
"Right, hi Frank," you start and you slide your hand down from his arm to intertwine it with Jamie's hand to steady yourself. "Did I forget to tell you I have a boyfriend now?"
"Yeah, I don't think it's come up, no," He replies.
Jamie takes a step forward and stretches his other arm for a handshake. "Hello, it's nice to meet you. I'm Jamie—"
"Jamie Tartt, yes." Your brother firmly grasps his hand. "I know who you are." Jamie's legs buckle slightly at Frank's strength, but Denise puts a warning hand on her husband's shoulder.
"Not too hard, honey." which prompts Frank to finally let go of Jamie.
It's a few minutes of silence, — well, as quiet as a celebrating football stadium could be — before you finally try and escape the situation. "Maybe we should let Jamie celebrate with his team!"
"Yes, of course! Congratulations, Jamie! You guys did amazing." Denise says, causing Jamie to flash a genuine smile.
"Yes, you and your team did great," Frank adds on, notably less enthusiastic. "Especially with that last shot from Obisanya." Of course, he had to add his favorite player to this.
You try and pull Jamie away to bring him to his celebrating team, but your brother pulls him into a hug, forcing you to let go of Jamie's hand. You watch Frank whisper something in his ear, before letting go. He then says out loud, "Congratulations on making the Champions League. Can't wait to see you guys play next season."
All Jamie can do is nod in gratitude, as he seems to still be processing what happened before that. You decide to thank him on your boyfriend's behalf.
"See you guys later!" You say to your family as you bring Jamie away from them, his expression slightly worrying you. Once you put a safe amount of distance between them, you whisper, "What did he say?"
"Nothing," Jamie pursed his lips. "Just that he'd make my life a living hell and find a way to ruin my career if I broke your heart." He laughs it off, but you can hear a slight shakiness in his voice.
"Alright then," you interlock your arms with Jamie's, but neither confirm nor deny the truth in his statement.
"That was a joke, right?" Jamie tries to ask but you just shrug. His face almost turns white, but you laugh and instead, he playfully narrows his eyes at you. "That's not funny."
"Well, I’m pretty sure you aren't going to break my heart, so you'll never have to find out. You plant a kiss on his cheek and remove yourself from him. “Now go, celebrate your win!" 
You push him to the rest of his teammates, who are in the middle of celebrating, but he's quick to grab your arm and pull you close. "I know how I want to celebrate this win." He moves in for yet another kiss.
You briefly wonder if this is being televised and if it might be how all your friends and family back home find out, but you'd deal with that later. Right now, it's just you and Jamie. 
And you've always wanted that celebratory field kiss.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Dating Pedri González Would Include...
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Dating this guy is being in a roller coaster, in a good way
You met him on a clothing shop, casually walking with your girl friend when he walked behind you and tripped causing him to step on your back heel pulling your shoe out.
"Puta madre, joder, I'm so sorry"
"...They were white"
"I'll buy you new ones"
"Nah, don't worry. I'll just give them a wash and all good"
The moment you smiled at him and not yelled at his face for his mistake, he fell for you.
You knew who he was but you also knew he was just another normal human being who was really good playing your favorite sport and outside the pitch he was just Pedro.
But still commented he should always be careful, look around and not only on the pitch with a smile on
"You know me?" He asked as you laughed lightly
"But you're also funny" You laughed "Kind of forgot who you are?" He shook his head still amazed by you
"Pedro González" He shyly said as you smiled
"Y/N Y/L/N" And with that you left
He searched up for you everywhere.
TikTok, Twitter, Instagram... You name it, he searched for you and he found you.
@ pedri asked to follow you
You smiled and accepted him
And ever since that day, he texted you daily, he found ways to connect with you, a friendship was born and later on, your relationship.
The amount of love this man has for you it's not countable.
He often uses Lightyear's phrase when you ask him how much he loves you: To the infinity and beyond
He's just deeply in love with you.
Talked about you to his parents.
And when you finally met them they instantly loved you. Rosy was happy she got you as the daughter she never had. And Fernando was happy his son was happy and in good hands.
Going to his matches with the 8 on your back, supporting him.
Having inside home dates and them being the best ones ever.
He L-O-V-E-S spoiling you.
He would gift you a bracelette with P.G8 in your three months anniversary, since that day you've never taken it off.
You on the other hand give him a black bracelette too with your initial and a football ball. He only takes it off when he plays.
Your parents love him and he loves them.
Whlist driving he would definitely have his hands with yours or on your thigh
Singing at the top of your lungs while he drives. Also being the DJ, often playing Quevedo, Rosalía and Taylor Swift
Car rides towards nowhere, just driving the two of you during midnight for late night McDonald's or the ones where you go to the beach or a little 2 days vacation.
Talking about driving.
He would and would not like to teach you how to drive.
He would because you look absolutely gorgeous in, with and doing everything. And he also would want you to drive him around sometimes. And he wouldn't because he loves driving you around and also he's afraid for the three of your lives. Your, his and his cars.
Either way, after lots of begging, he would accept.
Teaching you should be both a really good and bad memory together, laughing, spending good time with each other and at the same time he's shitting himself for both of your lives
Fights like every other couple, but you both eventually calm down for a while and fix the problem.
He can get jealous, if he's feeling intimidated. Quickly showing everyone, who you belonged to. But he trusts you with his life.
You trust him too, but get jealous as well and mostly when there are some girls who ignore your existence and just shamessly flirt with him.
You can't believe their audacity.
You also know he doesn't have eyes for any other girl but you. He has let you know that and doesn't mind reminding you who he belongs to sometimes.
With sweet words, acts and you know...
He lives for making you happy.
"Pap-I mean... Pepi"
You are best friends and lovers at the same time.
Everyone loves your relationship.
You could be out with the team or family
When Fer (mostly) says something and it reminds you both to something, expect you both crying in laughter and face fully red not being able to explain yourselves.
Fer hates when that happens but secretly he loves the fact his brother found his person.
His hand is in yours all the time.
He just loves grabbing your hand in his. Playing with your fingers calms him down.
Meanwhile you, play with his ring to calm yourself down.
You also love leaning into his chest, it's just so big, perfect and strong that you wanna lay there for the rest of your lives.
He would try and help you with homework but the second he saw the amount of calculations, laws and unknown words he got up.
"You get into it, I'll make you some food amd cheer for you"
He would share his food with you, surprising everyone in his house. Especially Fer
You looked at his plate and pocked his bicep a few times making him look at you "¿Qué pasa?" "Your chips look better than mine, can I have one?" He smiled kissing you softly "Las que quieras, bonita" He grabbed two "Venga, here comes the airplane"
When Fer tried it wasn't the same result tho
"Heyheyhey, what do you think you're doing?" "Grabbing a chip?" "No"
You would be the type of private but not secret couple.
Definitely being seen around sometimes, mostly in his car.
But no one knew your private life since all of your social medias were private.
His true fans, love you and love the fact you make their golden boy happy.
The guys teasing him as they see Pedri being whipped.
But they were happy for him that he found you.
He's happy that he found you. And he wants to have you by his side forever.
And you want him forever too.
Who knew a stranger in a clothing shop who pulled your shoe out would end up being the love of your life?
Expect a relationship full of love, laughs and joy.
So, like I said in the beggining. Dating Pedri is to put roller coaster mode on, in the best way possible.
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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