#i love gabe with long hair
Who is Ichabod?
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guilty-pleasures21 · 3 months
@captain-liminal it took me a while, but I did it! I also have to credit @exhaslo on this for supporting me and answering my dragon questions and giving me a foundation to build on. I hope it's all right and I look forward to any future requests!
Based on this request.
Side story: Kidnapped!
Warnings: none. Just grumpy and whipped Miguel 😉.
     “Miguel!” Gabriel yelled, chasing his brother down the palace hallway. “It will be good for both our kingdoms-”
     “It will be good for her kingdom,” Miguel interrupted, refusing to slow down his unrelenting pace. “What do we need an alliance for?” Of course they didn’t need an alliance: not when he was the most powerful fire dragon to be born in five centuries!
     Gabriel rolled his eyes at the haughty implication of his brother's question. “Well, number one: you need an heir, obviously, and combined with her powers, your children would be the most powerful beings to have ever graced this earth!”
     Miguel let out a snort as he pushed open the double doors, unconvinced by his brother’s argument. “I'm only twenty-three, Gabriel. What do I need heirs for?”
     He finally stopped, arms folded across his chest and brow furrowed stubbornly as he turned around to face his brother. Gabriel clenched his jaw and took a deep breath, trying to hold onto his patience. Dios, his brother was annoying. “For when you make stupid, reckless decisions that cut your lifespan by half, hermano.” 
     “Hmph.” Miguel sniffed as he glanced away, not wanting to admit that his brother maybe possibly could have been a little bit right. But that didn’t mean that he needed kids; it just meant that he had to be a little more … thoughtful. 
     His heart thudded in his chest as his brother’s expression turned pensive and Gabriel jumped on the opportunity to change his mind. 
     “Look, just … just be a little open to the idea when you meet her tomorrow,” he suggested cautiously. “I'm not saying you have to fall head over heels in love with her immediately, but just … be nice, Miguel.”
     Miguel narrowed his eyes at the plea in his brother’s voice, but continued to avoid his gaze. “I can be nice.”
     Gabriel raised his eyebrows, fixing Miguel with a knowing look. Miguel slid his gaze over to him and huffed when he saw his expression. 
     “Whatever. I’m going to take a flight.” And before Gabe could stop him, Miguel had turned around and leapt into the air, his body lengthening into his dragon form as he flew away.
     He clenched his fists as he strolled around the edge of the village, his thoughts still focused on his earlier conversation with his brother. How dare his ministers arrange an alliance on his behalf?! Without even consulting him about it first?! Of course, if they had consulted him about it, then he'd immediately have disagreed. Which was probably why they hadn't asked him in the first place. But to marry a woman he'd never met?! To give himself over to her and have children with her?! The thought lit his insides on fire. He stopped suddenly as an unfamiliar scent wafted through the air towards him: warm, slightly spicy, like a good soup being cooked atop a strong flame. He looked up and his heart stopped when his eyes landed upon the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. Her hair was dark, the silky strands cascading down her delicate shoulders as she moved gracefully along the path; her skin was golden, like she'd been left in the fire for the perfect amount of time and would be comfortingly warm to the touch; and her eyes were round and dazzling, framed perfectly by long, curly lashes that brushed her cheeks everytime she blinked. She was perfect. Miguel rushed over to her, desperate to make her his, but he stopped abruptly when he reached her, his mind going blank as he got close enough to see the shards of gold scattered around her irises. “Hi.”
     She raised an eyebrow, amused by the handsome stranger who had approached her without a plan in mind. 
     “Hello,” she greeted him calmly, her voice as melodious as a nightingale’s. “Nice to meet you, sir. May I know your name?”
     She held a hand out to him, but he watched it carefully, hesitating. Finally, he took a step back from her, afraid that he might accidentally burn her with his flames - there were a few downsides to being the most powerful fire dragon to be born in five centuries. “Miguel.”
     “Miguel …” she repeated carefully. His heart pounded in his chest at the sound of his name in her sweet voice; at the sight of her rosy lips puckering to form the letters. Dios, she was beautiful. 
     “And yours?” Miguel asked, his features melting into a dazed smile as he continued to gaze at her. 
     “X,” she replied, her heart fluttering at the look he gave her. He really was handsome, this tall stranger, especially when he smiled like that. 
     Miguel felt his insides start to heat up at the wide grin on her pretty face and he took another step away from her for good measure. X raised an eyebrow, confused, but Miguel refused to provide her with an explanation, embarrassed by his lack of control over his own emotions and powers. 
     “I … I don't recall having ever seen you here before, my lady,” Miguel said, wanting to carry on the conversation and spend more time in the company of this exquisite creature. X’s eyes widened in surprise. 
     “Oh!” she gasped, suddenly looking a little nervous as she stammered out an explanation. “I … I have come to visit some distant relatives of mine.”
     Miguel nodded slowly, filing the information away for later: if he was able to find out which family she belonged to, then he’d have a definitive way of finding her when they eventually parted ways later that day. “And how long are you planning on staying for?”
     X pursed her lips in thought and Miguel felt the saliva begin to pool in his mouth as he wondered what they would taste like against his. “It depends.”
     “On what?”
     Her smile turned mischievous and she took a moment to let her gaze travel over his broad and muscular form. “On if I find a good enough reason to stay.”
     She glanced up at him from beneath her dark and curly lashes and Miguel reflected her thrilled expression as they two of them gazed at each other in silence, the both of them studying and admiring the other shyly. Finally, Miguel cleared his throat and straightened. 
     “Well, perhaps I can help you with that,” he suggested, gesturing to the path in front of them. “If you would join me for a tour, my lady?” A soft giggle escaped X’s lips as she took a step forward and Miguel swore his heart melted in his chest as he followed beside her. 
     Gabriel tugged on the collar of his shirt, trying to dissipate some of the heat that had gathered around his neck. His brother was furious - he could feel it in the stifling heat that radiated off of him and engulfed the entire room. But he refused to give in to his brother's temper - someone had to make sure he didn't blow up all their diplomatic relations when he became king and if Gabriel was the only one unafraid of him enough to do it, then do it he would. “Calmate, hermano.”
     Miguel continued to glare out the window, arms folded across his chest as he refused to look at his brother. He grunted in response and a puff of smoke blew out of his nose. 
     “Presenting Princess (your full name) of Risendelle,” the steward announced, stepping aside to allow their esteemed guest to make her way into the room. Miguel turned to face the princess, the irritated scowl still spread across his face: he didn’t want some spoiled princess he’d never even seen before. He wanted the lady he'd met yesterday - the most perfect treasure he'd ever laid his eyes on. But then X walked into the room and Miguel’s heart stopped in his chest.
     She paused, startled to see the handsome stranger she’d met yesterday waiting for her. He looked especially impressive in his princely outfit, his dark blue tailcoat perfectly matching the black collar and trousers he’d been fitted in. She dropped into a curtsey, then flashed him a smile when she straightened, her heart fluttering at the dazed grin stretched across his lips. 
     “Thank you for journeying all this way, Princess,” Gabriel began, sweeping into a low bow in greeting. “We are grateful to finally be able to make your acquaintance.” He straightened and slid his gaze over to Miguel, still frozen in place, stupidly wide smile fixed on his face as he gazed at the princess. Gabe frowned and elbowed his brother’s side, finally pulling him out of his reverie. 
     “Uh, yes! My lady!” Miguel exclaimed, giving a bow as well. “I mean, my princess! I mean, uh, not my, but … um … hi?” 
     X giggled at his flustered demeanour before straightening her expression once again. “Thank you for the warm welcome, Your Highnesses. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well.”
     Gabe glanced between his brother and the princess, the both of them smiling shyly at one another in silence. Then he let out a sigh of relief: thankfully, his brother seemed enamoured enough with the princess to have not tried to set her on fire immediately. Not that it would have mattered anyway considering that she was a phoenix - another reason he’d been so desperate to make this alliance work. 
     “Right! Well! Miguel?” Gabe turned to him, clapping his hands together to grab his brother’s attention. “Why don't you take the princess on a tour of the Royal Gardens?”
     “Huh? Oh! Yes! Would you like to see the gardens, princess? They are especially lovely this time of the year,” Miguel agreed, gesturing to the doors. X gave him a sweet smile as she passed him and he felt his heart start racing in his chest. They strolled together quietly for a while, the both of them flashing each other the occasional thrilled smile. Then finally, Miguel broke the silence. “So, about yesterday …”
     “Oh! Right! I came to your kingdom a day earlier so I could get a more accurate sense of what it would be like,” she explained, her expression turning sheepish for a moment. “I didn't expect to get a more accurate sense of what you would be like too.”
     Miguel let out a huff of amusement at that and X tried to take a step closer to him, but he moved away, maintaining that bit of distance between them. 
     “Miguel,” she began, stopping in her tracks so he’d be forced to turn around and face her. He fixed her with a quizzical look and she gave him a little pout. “Why won't you let me touch you?”
     His eyes widened, taken aback by her bluntness. 
     “I-I … I just …” He lowered his head, embarrassed, and his shoulders slumped in defeat. “I don't want to hurt you, princesa.”
     She swallowed hard as her heart fluttered at the nickname. “Then don't.”
     Miguel glanced up at her again, surprised by her response. “It's … not as easy as that.”
     She tilted her head, waiting for an explanation. Dios, she was cute. Miguel slid his gaze away from hers, embarrassed. “I … I tend to … lose control of my powers … when I get too … ‘emotional’.”
     She took a step closer to him causing him to panic and take a step back. 
     “Miguel …” She raised her eyebrows at him. “I'm a phoenix. We don't burn in the flame; we rise from it.” Her eyes flashed golden, fire dancing around her irises, and Miguel sucked in a breath at the captivating sight. X quickly took advantage of the distraction to step forward and place her hand on his forearm, letting him know that she wasn’t afraid. Miguel swallowed hard at the rare moment of physical contact, but didn’t pull away, allowing her instead to move even closer to him. X stretched onto her toes and leaned over to murmur in his ear. 
     “If you can become this shy from me just touching your arm, oh great and fearsome dragon prince, however are you going to make love to me on our wedding night?” She lowered herself back to the ground and grinned as he lit up in embarrassment, swallowing the both of them with his fierce and beautiful flames. 
     He clenched his fists, trying to tamp down his fire, but then she dropped her hand to his side and took hold of his, twining their fingers together. Miguel relaxed at the encouraging smile on her face and allowed his fire to take over the both of them. 
     He studied her carefully where she sat at her dresser, fully made up for the ball that night. He pointed at one of the many piles of jewellery around the room, gesturing for her lady’s maids to hurry over to it. “Put that on, too; the head thing. The one that clips into her hair and hangs over her forehead.”
     X flashed Miguel an amused look. “Querido. Any more jewellery and I won't be able to walk!”
     “I’ll carry you,” he replied immediately. X let out a soft snicker, amused by how much he doted on her: he was almost like a child sometimes, chasing after her with whatever new treasure he’d found and then insisting she carry it around for at least a week to show it off to everyone. But she’d have to draw a line eventually considering the rapidly growing hoard accumulating in their shared bedroom. 
     “That wouldn’t be a very good first impression, mi amor,” she pointed out, not wanting to let down her new people at her introductory ball that night. 
     His jaw tightened, annoyed by the knowledge that she was right. But then she flashed him one of her soft smiles and he felt some of the tension leave his body. “But … But …”
     “How about this,” X suggested calmly. “I'll wear the maang tikka if you let me remove one of these necklaces.”
     Miguel growled as she pointed to one of the many shiny necklaces layered elegantly across her neck. She was his wife - his most precious treasure of all - and he always felt a surge of pride whenever he saw her decked out in whatever finery he’d collected. Everything was just so much more beautiful when it was on her, so much shinier and so much more irresistible. But she was his wife and he never wanted her to be upset or uncomfortable.
     “Fine,” he grunted, folding his arms across his chest.
     X stood up when she saw the steam start wafting off of him. She sank down onto the bed beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing him soothingly. Miguel glanced away from her, not wanting to give in so easily, but then she pressed a kiss to the side of his head and he melted instantly. 
     She stood up and held her hands out to him, waiting for him to get up. “Vamos, querido. We’re going to be late otherwise.”
     Her husband smiled up at her as he took her hands and stood up too. He rubbed his thumbs across her skin, then guided her hands to his shoulders before sliding his around her waist. X giggled as he wrapped her up in his arms and Miguel felt his heart turn into a puddle before he leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. “Vamos, querida.”
     Her lady’s maid knocked on the door, waiting for a response before entering. But no reply came through. 
     “Ma’am? May I come in?” she called through the door. Silence. She opened the door a crack and tried again. “Ma’am? Are you a-”
     She gasped loudly when she saw a mound of blankets, pillows and hot water bottles piled on the bed. “Your majesty!”
     “I’m here!” X’s muffled voice broke through together with her hand, sticking out of the middle of the pile. “A little help, please?”
     The maid rushed over and started digging through the pile, tossing some items aside to clear a space for the queen. Finally, there was enough of a gap for her to sit up. She sucked in a deep breath of air as she stroked her swollen stomach. Then she turned to her maid with an amused smile. “I knew that dragons built nests too, but I didn’t know that they'd be this obsessive about it!”
     The maid held onto her arm as she stood up, helping her maintain her balance. “Yes, well, the King is … especially in touch with his dragon side.”
     X straightened her dress around her baby bump once she’d steadied herself. “Indeed. Well, while he is still out, perhaps I should seize the opportunity to take a turn about the gardens?”
     His claws maintained their firm grip on the crown the elves had gifted him at their meeting. He couldn’t wait to show it to his beautiful wife, his most glorious treasure of all. She’d make it look so much more dazzling, the intricately crafted golden vines sitting perfectly atop her tumbling dark curls. He spread his wings as he approached the Royal Gardens, the sudden resistance slowing him enough for him to transform back into his human form and land gracefully on his feet. He smiled smugly at the way the crown glimmered in the sunlight as he made his way towards the palace - to the nest he’d so lovingly built for his pregnant little wife. But then her smoky scent wafted through the air and into his nose and he froze in his tracks. He spun around in the direction of the scent and his eyes narrowed into reptilian slits as the fury took over him. His wings popped out of his back and he sped off towards the Royal Gardens.
     She bent over to take a whiff of one of the many exquisite roses thoughtfully planted around the gardens. Then she caught the scent of her husband and turned around to greet him with a delighted smile on her face. Miguel stormed over to her in a cloud of smoke, the air around him radiating with heat. He swept her into his arms as soon as he reached her, holding her firmly against him and refusing to let her go. 
     “What are you doing out here, mi reina?!” he exclaimed, glancing around until his gaze landed on one of the guards unlucky enough to be situated nearby. “You! How dare you let the Queen leave her nest in her current state! I should have you-”
     "Querido." X slid her fingers up her husband’s broad shoulders and into his hair, tilting his head down to hers. She glided her fingers along his scalp, calming him down until he was no longer on fire. “Calmate, mi amor. I was the one who chose to leave my nest. You can’t keep me locked up at all hours of the day, mi vida. I’m a bird, remember?”
     A plume of smoke escaped Miguel’s nostrils as he huffed in frustration. “But you need to rest, mi reina!”
     X retained the amused smile on her face: she always knew exactly how to deal with his temper. “Any more resting and I’ll forget how to walk, mi querido!”
     Miguel grunted at her response. But, as always, he ended up giving in to his wife. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, then turned to walk with her as she continued around the gardens. 
     The midwife gave a victorious smile as she held the screeching baby in her arms. “It’s a girl!” 
     She handed the baby to Miguel who gazed down at her adoringly as he cuddled her against his chest. She was so pretty with her wide eyes that roamed around the room and her rosy lips that were pursed in curiosity and her tiny fingers that reached up to her father. He held a finger out to her and she grabbed it quickly before giving a little yawn that expelled a stream of flames. Miguel laughed at the display of power, delighted, then sank down onto the bed beside his wife. “¡Mira, querida! It’s our baby! Isn’t she such a treasure?!”
     X gave him a tired smile as he carefully transferred their daughter to her arms. She stroked the little wisps of their baby’s hair, then turned to smile at her husband. Her chest filled with warmth as she watched him play with their baby, tickling her gently as he made funny faces to try to get her to laugh. Their daughter sneezed, letting out another puff of flame, and X’s heart swelled as her husband laughed again. 
     “Yes,” she agreed softly. “The most precious treasure of all.”
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daveyscheezitz · 28 days
♤My personal David HCs♤
And Angel ofc
- He's 6'7ft or 200cm
- His mother was Peruvian while Gabe was American.
- Although he looks a lot like his father, most of his physique came from his mother's side.
- His eyes are a hazel, but depending on the light, his eye color looks like it changes to either green or brown.
- When they were really young, both David and Asher thought he had super powers other than his shifting until Gabe told them the truth.
- His great grandfather (moms side) was Samoan, but his genes skipped a couple of generations until they reached David, making him turn out huge.
- He's surpassed both Asher and Gabe in height.
- He has a small scar over his lip. He fell off a tree face first.
- A lot of people try to flirt with him while on the job, but he ignores them. Asher likes stepping in and pretending he's David's boyfriend until the person leaves.
- "Another relationship saved, don't ya think David?" "Shut up, Ash."
- Him and Asher have a "Wolverine & Deadpool" friendship.
- Unironically listens to kpop girl groups from time to time. Especially Twice and Red Velvet.
- Will take it to the grave before anyone finds out, especially Asher and Angel.
-They know but they want to catch him in the act.
- He genuinely enjoys musicals. His favorites are Hairspray and Epic.
- Loves playing video games and is definitely the type to scream at a game yet continue playing it. *ahem* Overwatch & COD
- If Angel likes Legos, he'll tell them not to waste so much money on those things ... then proceeds to buy them the Colosseum ... and a set of small flowers.
- He's rich >:]
- He drives a F250 but has a 1990 corvette that him and his dad fixed up in the garage. It was his first car and a way for Gabe to teach him how to fix a car.
- Phonk & Rock>>
- Has black hair and a couple gray hairs (We love silver foxes)
- He has bright gold eyes in his wolf form, but his fur is completely black
- Although they've been together 6 years, The mall wasn't the first place they've seen each other. While Angel was in their last year of college, one of the pack members was in the cheer squad and they came to support her while Angel was in (band dance cheer wtv u want) that was the first time they saw each other but other than a comment from Asher that Angel was cute, they didn't actually talk.
- He's actually really good at dancing but doesn't like to do it. The only reason he'll dance is if Angel begs him, and even at that, it's only limited to slow dancing.
•These next Hcs are about mostly my Angel OC so if you're not interested you can skip these•
- Angel was raised in a wealthy family and owns a ranch that their father tends to. All future Solstice parties hosted by David and Angel take place there due to the large house and even bigger land area. (As long as they don't eat the animals)
- (i refuse to believe Angel and Babee are useless) Angel and Babee both are childhood friends who served in the military together. Angel is a sergeant with good sniper skills and Babee was a demolitionist.
- Angel owns quite a few dogs. Most are herding dogs for the animals in her ranch, but 2 of them are her pets. A Rottweiler and a Chihuahua that David gets jealous of sometimes.
•Okay done•
- (This 1 is quite sad. Tw: mentions of death) David is fluent in spanish because Gabe didn't want him to forget about his Peruvian heritage after his mom passed away, so while he was young, he did his best to take David to Peruvian style restaurant and events. Gabe even traveled all the way to Peru so David could visit his grandparents, who he adored.
- Loves spicy food.
- His favorite dog breed is a Caucasian Shepard or a Calupoh.
- His love languages are Acts of Service or Gift giving.
- After he proposed to Angel or after they were married, if anyone tried flirting with him, he would flash is wedding ring before silently walking away.
- Angel is not allowed to cook, and if they are, it's either to make noodles. Their ramen is so good, even beating David's.
- David's name on Angels phone is "Pookie Wookie 🐺" Angels' name of David's phone is their actual name. ex. "Alex," "Jackson," "Monica," but Angel changed it to "Beautiful Gorgeous🧍" He didn't care enough to change it.
- He got so jealous of the name Asher put for his number on Angels phone "Ashy Baby," but Angel was the one he punished (no walking for you tmr)
I got no more tysm <3
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peachhcs · 5 months
congrats on 700 followers!!! ⭐️ for your celly, a blurb with prompt #1 with gabe perreault and any girl oc!!
long day cuddles
gabe perreault x fem!reader
after a long day, all gabe wants to do is crawl into his girlfriend's bed
0.5k words
gabeeee i love him so much. i think a gabe au is on the way at some point in the future! writing him is so much fun, i hope you like this requested blurb :)
700 celly masterlist
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you were the only thing on gabe’s mind as he finished up with classes for the day. he trudged his way towards your dorm with the only thing he wanted was to crawl into your bed and fall asleep. finals drained everything out of him, especially since he had so much studying to catch up on after missing class due to being at the frozen four. he knew he needed a break though and you were the perfect pit stop before the library where he’d drown himself in his textbooks for the rest of the night. 
he typed a quick message to you to let you know he would be at your dorm in five minutes so you could let him in. you responded almost immediately saying you would head down. gabe couldn’t fight the smile creeping onto his lips knowing he got to see you in 50 steps. it was hard to find time together with your busy schedules, so the boy was grateful both of you had some free time. 
he could see you standing by the door as he got closer, your own smile painting your lips when you spotted your boyfriend coming. gabe widened his stride to cut the walk down, scooping you into his arms as soon as he was close enough. 
“hi baby,” you smiled into his shoulder. 
“hi, so good to see you,” the dark-haired boy pecked your lips before leading him inside. 
his fingers intertwined with yours while you waited for the elevator to come back down. “how was class?” your eyes found his again. 
“it was fine. just tired is all,” the boy mumbled. you squeezed his hand tighter knowing how much studying he’s been doing to make up for the days he missed last week. 
you rode up to your room in comfortable silence and as soon as you opened up the door, gabe’s backpack was on the ground, shoes off, and he climbed into your bed without much warning. he snuggled himself into the covers while you giggled as his behavior. 
“tired much?” you laughed, kicking your own shoes off to join the sleepy hockey player. 
“i told you,” gabe mumbled. he reached out for you, bringing you to lay on his chest as you got yourself comfortable beside him. 
“how’s studying?” you brushed his loose curls away from his forehead. 
“fine. feels like i missed a whole semester with how much i’m trying to teach myself,” gabe frowned. 
“i mean, you did kind of miss a lot of class for games. i can always help you too,” you grinned, always glad to help your boyfriend study (as long as he didn’t distract both of you whenever you did study together). 
“i know. i hate asking you though knowing you have a lot to study for too,” he always made sure he put you first. you rolled your eyes a bit. 
“you should know that i’m weeks ahead already. maybe we can go to the library after a bit?” you suggested. 
“sounds perfect,” gabe pulled you closer, wanting to lay in your bed for as long as he could. 
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onmyyan · 1 year
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
High fives and bear hugs, Gabe's skin may feel hot to the touch but he still demands to feel you in some way‼️ it's a need not a want to feel his baby against his chest, no matter the sweat covering you both or the fact that his brain is still melted from cumming as hard as he did, be it a hand on your stomach or his entire body draped across you like a blanket, he's on you in some way shape or form.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His arms, biceps specifically. He works so hard on himself and to him they show how strong and capable he is, how he has the power to protect what matters to him, as for you darling, our boy's a sucker for your thighs, if the endless amounts of hickeys on them didn't tell you that, the way he buries his face in them so giddily sure does.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He loves a good creampie don't get me wrong but there's something about seeing your perfect form covered in his cum that scratches this primal caveman need of his, he's especially fond of licking you clean afterwards.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Panty sniffer. And he's an absolute fiend about it, obsessed with your natural scent, so much so you periodically lose underwear throughout your relationship because he fucks himself silly, huffing the drenched fabric with a blissed out grin, and ends up ruining them beyond repair, y'all are in this endless cycle of him stealing your underwear, ruining it with his cum, and buying you more.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He has more experience than Caspian but less than Marcos, somewhere in the middle, he's incredibly observant and isn't afraid to ask if he's doing good, if you want this or that, he's attentive.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy, but the kind where he's pressed flush against your back, one strong arm wrapped tightly around your center, pressing him against you like he's trying to make you as close as physically possible, he gets to touch you, fuck into you as hard as he wants, and grunt all his praises directly in your ear.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Unintentionally goofy, he can get pretty clumsy when he's excited so it's almost guaranteed he's gonna knock into something or get trapped in his shirt in his and he's rushing to get to you, which always makes you both giggly, it creates this bubble of warmth and safety.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
His happy trail is prominent, a dark reddish hue showing his natural hair color, fun fact, he thinks he looks hot because of it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Extremely intimate, hands interlocked, searing eye contact, that is when his eyes aren't fluttering shut, that blissful little grin on his face, you can feel his love for you with every tender and heated touch, likes to rest his forehead on yours when he has you facing him, long, sloppy kisses, he stares at you with so much adoration, but also like he wants to completely devour you, it's lovely.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He was bad before y'all got together but now?? His libido is so easily set off by anything and everything you do, you could send him a sweet selfie of yourself at work or school and if he looks at your smile or gorgeous face for a second too long he will get hard, and he will have to cum or his brain is stuck in feral horny goblin mode until he sees you next.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Daddy kink, Size kink, Predator and Prey, Blood kink, Overstimulation, Public kink, and fun fact, if you feeling froggy and call him Daddy in public you will be getting pulled by your neck into the nearest dark corner and he will be rearranging your guts promptly.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He really likes the freedom and security of destroying you in your guy's home because he has full range to ruin you to his hearts content, he doesn't need to rush, he can make you cum over and over and over, however he is partial to some good ol fashioned nasty-window-fogging car sex.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Literally anything you do, good LORD he's down horrendously, but if you really wanna drive him crazy just ask for his help. Can't reach something? He'll get it for you for, sure, just be ready to feel his dick digging into your back when he reaches over you to grab it. Need him to open something? No problem, just hop on the counter real quick, yeah no it's nothing it's just his dick is jumping in his sweatpants because you said please when you asked him and now he has to fuck you against the nearest available surface.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He can't even conceptualize sharing you with someone in ANYWAY his eye will twitch at the mere echo of the thought.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
You're his favorite meal and he's always hungry. If he could live off your cunt he would, he ain't stopping till you yank him away and even then, that only encourages him to bury his tongue that much deeper.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fucks like a beast, even if he tries to go slow eventually his higher functions turn off and all he can do is pound away, very much the type to break the bed, make sure you're okay, and keep pumping into you like nothing happened, leaves you feeling sore in the best ways.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If you're down he's down, anywhere anytime, especially if there's a chance you'll get caught, he knows he's the most dangerous person in the room and if someone catches you he wishes a mf would try to interrupt or make you feel any kind of bad about it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Absolutely, he's down to try anything once, especially if you suggest it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
3-5 depending on your energy, he can go all night if he's really pent up, he just can't get enough.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't own any but he really really wants to use a vibrator on you while he's deep in your guts, any way he can turn your brain into a puddle he's game.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Huge fuckin tease, but also terrible at it lmao?? Because you never have to ask twice, at most you get a delayed yes 💀🤚🏼
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's made the neighbors call the police several times, they just stop coming to y'all's house at some point. He's very vocal, lots of grunts and growls, moans of your name, likes to growl out all the filthy things he's about to do, and the way he says it, it's said like a promise.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Randomly feels subby, once in a blue moon this Daddy Dom needs to be babied and suck on a titty or two for a good few hours, he still fucks like a menace in this state, and despite the role switching, he's somehow even more intense when he's feeling needy.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
7.5 inches and meanly thick, he has to make you cum at least once before he puts it in, because that stretch is a monster, in the best ways.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Horndog central over here. He has a high drive and it's only ever amplified by his intense, obsessive love for you, very down to go to pound town, anytime.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends on how much y'all have been fuckin tbh, if it's one of those days where he's been going at you for hours on hours, he's pretty much out seconds after he makes sure you're okay, dw when he wakes up again for real the aftercare is immaculate and loving.
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serendippertyy · 10 months
Do you have any ineffable bureaucracy headcanons that you haven’t shared yet? :)
(this might be long and the doodle is kinda wonky but I got excited seeing this ask srry lol)
oh i have PLENTY that I'm planning to slowly roll out through doodles but since u asked here's one as a little treat ^^
i like to keep in mind that angels and demons are just little weird creatures in human disguises and so I love making them behave like weird little creatures sometimes- specifically demons, seeing as they already have animalistic traits
so with that being said gabe and beez looove grooming eachother like critters do!! I've already said before beelzebub likes to preen gabriel's feathers, but beez has no feathers of their own, so gabe loves to pamper them with massages and head scratches heehee
you see beez has permanent remnants of their fall, like painful blemishes and completely damaged hair from being burned, so having that soothed is something they absolutely love! they also buzz like crazy almost like purring :P
DON'T tell anyone the former demon lord occasionally likes scratchies omg that's so embarrassing - I feel like I'm invading their privacy doodling this LMAOOO 🙈😋
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letternotekisses · 15 days
HIII May I request some Reaper headcanons pls? Idc if it's fluff or nsfw headcanons, or even both idc, choose whatever you're in the mood to write! I just need content about that man and as I love how you writee, then ....<3
i wanna fuck that old man so bad....<3 nsfw under da cut and also cw 4 stalking, kidnapping mention, free use & size kink and general yandere-ish behaviour
Reaper is all sharp edges, and its no different when he's dragging a clawed gauntlet down your cheek - reddening the soft flesh when he squeezes you harshly enough to make your lips pout. He's all growls, but for you? It's different, it's still a low, timbering rumble in his chest - but he's not trying to intimidate you, no - he's just staking his claim, you see. Once he's decided that you belong to him, there's nothing stopping him from getting what he wants.
Overwhelmingly possessive - if you work alongside him in Talon, Reaper makes it a hobby to follow you all over base, leering from a shadowed corner if you spend a little too much time talking to one of Talon's many replaceable grunts. You don't see them again, and Gabe seems a little too pleased with himself as of late. If you're a civilian, he's also not above following you home - shadow-stepping into your room to steal a few pairs of underwear souvenirs to keep him company before he decides on the right time to snatch you away.
He expects you to be ready for him at all times, materialising behind your back in a cloud of wispy smoke - his clawed gauntlets prying your soft thighs apart and tearing at the fabric covering what he wants. Gabriel will part your folds and bury his fat cock inside in one smooth motion, holding you upright by grabbing the soft fat of your hip. He's thick, pulsing hotly between your legs in a way that warms you up and makes you melt like putty against his chest. He loves to fuck you silly - wrapping an elbow around your neck so he can keep you in place as he bullies your poor hole to the point where you're begging and whimpering at him for mercy.
He seems rather harsh, but it's easy to psyche him out through his jealousy - wear a shorter skirt, or maybe even a tighter top - give Akande a good eyeful while you converse and Gabe just so happens to be in the room. Although, I must point out that when teasing the Reaper, you must be prepared for the consequences. This includes having your hair fisted in his grip as he shoves his meaty cock down your throat, tears fluttering on the ends of your lashes as you choke around him, spit dribbling down your chin messily. And he won't let you off easy, pulling you back so you can whine at him to fuck you, grinding against his boot like a needy whore.
Despite his rough and tumble demeanour - Reaper does treasure you. I like to think there is still a hint of the old Gabriel Reyes in the midst of all that hot topic clothing. When the sun goes down, he holds you like glass, as if you might melt away like sand through his fingertips. It's sweet and fleeting, but as long as he's still standing, you'll be safe under him.
Even before Moira's experiments, the SEP programme had bulked Gabe up quite a bit. As Reaper - he's a beast, all broad and bulky muscle clad in dark robes. He loves being able to overpower you a little bit too much, he loves how his hand covers the expanse of your hip almost entirely, how he can hold you up with one hand as he ploughs you into the floor...he's obsessed. He uses it to his advantage, manhandling you so he can press himself deeper into your sweet cunt, hitting that spot that makes you squeal and squeeze down on him tighter than he could ever curl his own fist. God, you're so sweet and soft under him - he'd keep you warming his cock forever, if he could.
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dancingtotuyo · 8 months
5. sleep the hours that i can't weep
Woman | Joel Miller
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Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: You have a rough day
Tags: Joel Miller X Female Reader. Age Gap (Reader is 42, Joel is 56). HBO Characters. Mostly cannon compliant for show & game. Timeline is changed.
Chapter Warnings: Grief, depression, sadness,
Notes: huge shout out to my beta readers @fhatbhabie and @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin I love you both so much! and I appreciate the time you've taken to help me with this story.
Words: 2711
Series Masterlist | Author Masterlist | Playlist
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Two Months Later 
It wakes up with you, the heavy weight that dulls your senses making you feel removed from the world. The bed feels colder, and emptier, like you’re staring into a void. You miss Gabe and his warm smile waking you up. You miss the laughter ever present in his eyes. 
Your hand reaches out, fingers spreading over the pillow, his scent long gone. You sigh, eyes closing with the few tears that escape. You pull the covers up, tucking it under your chin. The grief washes over you. 
Your bedroom door clicks open. There is a soft patter of little feet on hardwood. Carter’s small hands clutch the sheets as he pulls himself up, slipping into the vacant space. Warm palms touch your cheeks. You open your eyes to be greeted by the same eyes you miss. Only, they’re smaller. 
“Morning, Mommy!” He smacks a wet kiss on your cheek. 
“Good morning, Baby Boy,” A smile reaches your lips. Your arms wrap around his small frame, pulling him into your arms. You pepper his face with kisses as he giggles, covering his eyes with his hands. “Did you sleep well?”
Carter nods, snuggling further into you. He provides you with a warmth your body can’t seem to produce and the July morning doesn’t chase away. You inhale deeply as the grief settles in again. Double this time, as Carter’s namesake floats through your brain. You know the date well. The birthday of both your brothers. Blake and Carter. The day you spend thinking about Carter. His lifeless body flashes before your eyes. The day you were left alone in the world. 
It’s the day you spend wondering if Blake might still be out there, and your parents. Most of the time, you accept that they’re all gone. Today is the exception. It got harder when Tommy showed up. It gave you hope for maybe. 
“I think we’re gonna stay in bed for a little bit. How does that sound?” 
He doesn’t respond, but you don’t expect him to. He’s content in your arms. You don’t have to go to the clinic today. You won’t. They’ll come get you if you’re needed so the two of you stay snuggled under the covers late into the afternoon. 
Joel’s voice pulls you out of your hazy nap. Your limbs feel warm and stiff in a good way. Carter shifts beside you, sweat plastering his hair to his forehead as it always does when he sleeps. Your eyes blink open, Joel’s solid frame slowly coming into focus as he leans against the door frame. 
“Hey…” Your limbs extend as you stretch your muscles. 
He smiled softly, drawing to the edge of the bed. “You weren’t at the clinic. I was worried something happened.”
“We just needed a day in bed.” Your hand brushes over Carter’s head. 
The mattress dips with Joel’s weight. He smiles at Carter’s sleeping form. “Everything okay?” He notes your puffy eyes, red from your previous tears. 
You’re tempted to shrug it off and keep the information to yourself, but this is Joel. You’re working on opening yourself up to him. 
“It’s Blake and Carter’s birthday today. It just makes me think about my family.”
Joel nods, hand running up and down your covered calf. “We don’t have to talk about it.”
You pull yourself into a seated position. Joel smiles, running a hand over your cheek where tears had run hours earlier, though it felt like they’d hardly stopped. “I must look like a mess.” 
You wipe your nose with the back of your hand. The heaviness still rests on your shoulders, but some of the weight has lifted. It doesn’t feel as close as it did this morning. 
“Maybe just a little bit,” Joel chuckles, holding up a small space between his thumb and pointer finger. You smack his bicep. 
“Rude.” but a smile pushes its way onto your face. 
His deep chuckle fills the room. “I’d like to stay if that’s okay. Maybe make you dinner?” 
You nod. “I’d like that.”
He kisses your forehead softly, thumb caressing your cheek. The afternoon sun pours through your bedroom window flickering off floating dust particles. Carter’s head is heavy in your lap. You know he’s going to stay up all night. You have no idea how he’s stayed in bed with you all day. 
“Good.” He hums.
Your stomach rumbles, loud enough for Joel to hear. He tilts his head your way. Carter shoots up, looking at you through narrow eyes. “Hungry Mommy.”
“We might need to eat dinner at 3 pm.”
Joel chuckles. “I can make that happen.” He eases off the bed. Carter follows his lead stringing sounds together in the process. You get the impression he would like to help. “I agree, bud. Mom could definitely use a shower.” 
You scowl. 
“And her teeth brushed.” 
You cross your arms in protest but the body odor fills your nostrils. Crinkling your nose, you try to ignore it, but can’t. “That’s not very flattering of you.”
“No- but it’s honest.” Joel winks. “You take a shower. You’ll feel better, and Carter and I will make food.”
Carter nods, crossing his arms over his chest. You can’t help but giggle at your toddler. “Okay, okay.” You throw your hands up, and another wave of body odor. “But I expect dinner to be on the table when I’m done.”
“Aye, aye.” Joel salutes you. Carter copies, making you laugh more. 
The two of them leave you to prepare a meal. Your stomach growls again as you pull yourself out of bed. 
Once you’re in the shower, the tears spill again, mingling with the scalding water of your shower. It’s one of those days when you wonder, why you? Why did you get to live? Why did you have to lose so many people? Blake, Gabe, Carter, your parents, their faces all flash in your minds, some more blurry than others. There are more faces and names still. The people you’ve lost since the outbreak, the people you couldn’t save. The weight compounds, threatening to break you, yet you’re still here. You’re still standing. 
 Eventually, the hot water dries up and so do the tears. 
Joel is right. The shower helps. Despite the bloodshot eyes staring back at you in the mirror, you feel like a new person, your body scrubbed clean from all the sweat and tears. Steam still drifts through the bathroom as you pull on your clean clothes. Your breath smells like mint and your skin like lavender. 
Dinner is almost ready when you make your way downstairs, but the warm smells drift through your home. Ellie’s voice joins Joel and Carter’s as Carter shows Ellie where to find the correct dishes. It pulls a tired smile to your lips. She comes and goes these past few months, not sure where she belongs as you and Joel settle into whatever you are. You always make space at your table for her. 
“Looks like I should’ve taken longer.” You tease. 
Joel smiles, handing you a cup of water. It’s cool on your tongue, feeding your dehydrated body. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” 
You refill the cup, taking your time with the second glass. 
“Nurse Lady,” Ellie says. “I’ve got a question for you.”
“She’s got a name,” Joel glances Ellie’s way.
She looks at you with an eyebrow raised. You shake your head, winking at her. “Hopefully I’ve got an answer for you,” Joel mutters under his breath. “What’s up?”
“I was wondering…” Ellie chews on her lip, her frame showing less confidence than it did seconds ago. “Do you think- Never mind.” She shakes her head. “Forget I said anything.”
You tilt your head to the side. “Well hold on. Now you’ve got my curiosity piqued. What is it?”
Ellie’s eyes dart from you to Joel, back to you, and then to the floorboards. Her boot scuffs at the hardwood. 
“Ellie,” Joel says. 
She sighs. “I know you don’t have a lot of equipment or anything, but…” She stops for a second, seeming to weigh the words in her head. “But I was wondering if you could look at my blood. Just to see if you can find anything in it.”
“Ellie… I-” You say.
“I know it’s a long shot.”
You search for the right words. There are none. There wasn’t a cure for fungus before- and even if there were- you didn’t have the tools or even the abilities, but she looks at you with so much hope and need. 
“The fireflies said there wasn’t a cure,” Joel says, shortly. “And they had a bunch more resources than Jackson.”
“I know but-”
“There’s no cure, Ellie. Let it be.” Joel snaps. 
Ellie looks at you, her stubborn streak kicking in even as the hope in her eyes dwindles. You can’t tell her no. You won’t give her false hope, but you won’t tell her no. 
“Look…” You glance at Joel and then back to her. “There was no cure for this kind of infection before. I don’t have the tools or the knowledge or training or any of the shit you need to create any kind of cure.” Ellie’s shoulders fall as she waits for the inevitable. “But if you come to the clinic tomorrow- I’ll take some blood.”
“Really?” A spark returns to her eyes. You feel Joel’s mood shift behind you, gathering the impression that he is not a fan of this idea. 
“Yes, but please don’t expect anything. Okay? About all I can do is look at it under the microscope.”
Ellie nods, but you see the excitement growing in her small frame despite your warning. 
“Dinner’s ready,” Joel says, pulling a pan off the stove. 
You look at him, but he’s focused on transferring the food to a serving bowl.  Deep lines set in his forehead. You don’t even have to ask to know that he doesn’t like this. You just hope it won’t hurt Ellie more when it doesn’t work out.  
Joel loosens up throughout your early dinner, and by the time you finish up, he’s laughing. You feel warm and fuzzy like you’re riding a nice buzz. It’s a welcome change from this morning and the weight this day carries. In some ways, it reminds you of the family dinners growing up as you celebrated your twin brothers’ birthday, laughter and smiles filling the room until it spills into the outdoors. 
Eventually, Carter pulls Ellie off to his room, blabbering on about cars and space. Their playing echoes off the wall of your home as you help Joel with the dishes. It’s a welcome change. It reminds you of all your stolen plans. Two kids- three if biology would allow it- and a house so contagious with love and laughter it infected the whole street. The old dream is like a siren's call lulling you out further and further in until you drown. Oddly enough, you don’t care. The slight spike in your anxiety is quickly overridden by Joel’s easy presence. 
He hands you another dish to dry. “You gonna tell me why you’re upset I agreed to look at Ellie’s blood?”
“I’m not upset.” Joel bristles slightly, but you keep your eyes trained on him. You know he’ll tell you. He cares too much about Ellie not to. “Don’t want to get her hopes up is all.”
“Bull shit.”
He sighs, rinsing another plate before handing it to you. “You didn’t have to tell her last time it didn’t work.” He pauses. He won’t meet your eyes as he shifts from foot. You feel like he’s withholding something, trying to decide what he should tell you. “She looked like there wasn't a reason for her to be here anymore. She’s been off since we got back because of it, and you just ignited that spark again.”
“And what if it works, Joel?” You don’t believe it will, not for a second, but Joel’s attitude makes you defensive.
“And when I have to deal with the fallout again?”
“I set beyond reasonable expectations.”
“And she brushed them aside.” Joel’s words start to rise in volume. 
You match it. “She said It herself. She knows it’s a long shot.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“What’s this really about? This feels like a lot more than protectiveness.” You cross your arms. 
Joel sighs, rubbing his temples with sudsy hands. “I don’t remember you being this stubborn 20 years ago.”
The words set off a wildfire inside you. Heat spreads inside your chest, eyes growing wide with rage. “A lot changes in 20 years.” You throw the dish towel down. It smacks against the counter with a solid thwack.  
You storm out of the house, seeking the calming effects of the outdoors. The ups and downs of the day hit you like a semi-truck. Your knees buckle, sending you to the stairs. You don’t feel like crying, but you sit there with your head in your hands, reeling. 
You’re not sure what exactly about Joel’s words set you off. The expectation of being the same person you were before the world ended? Or the disregard for everything you’d been through in the past two decades? Or maybe it was the fact that it was just an asshole thing to say. 
After a few minutes, when your heart rate returns to normal and the angry heat has begun to seep out of your body, Joel eases next to you. You keep your eyes pinned straight ahead. 
Neither of you speak. A breeze sneaks around you, raising goosebumps. A couple of kids play in the street a few houses down. A bird chirps, hopping across the ground in search of grubs. It chirps and flits up to its nest where you know 3 baby birds lay. 
Joel inhales deeply, rubbing his hands together. “I’m sorry… for what I said.”
“I can’t live with expectations of being who I was 20 years ago, Joel.”
“I know, and that’s not fair of me.”
You nod, unsure of your next words. You’re going to forgive him, you already know that. His warm hand settles over your knee. He squeezes it softly and you can’t help but lean into him a little bit more. “I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me.”
Joel stiffens a little bit. He tries to hide it, but you’re starting to pick up on his mannerisms again. They’ve hardly changed in 20 years. 
You place a hand over his. “You don’t have to tell me what it is if you don’t want to.” You finally look at him, gathering his strong profile. 
His Adam's apple bobs slowly. He’s told you a lot these past couple of months as you lay in bed. Sometimes, you stayed quiet as he talked about what he did to survive, and things inside the QZ, sometimes you joined in, but you know there’s more to his story. There’s more to your own story. 
“One day.” He says. “Not now.”
It’s enough for now. It’s more than enough really. He’s already further than you thought you would let someone in again. 
He leans over, placing a kiss on your forehead. “Wanna go for a walk?”
You shake your head. “Not tonight.” 
He furrows his brow. You stand up, holding your hand out. Taking it, he rises to his feet following you back inside. Bare feet pad against the hardwood floor. Ellie and Carter’s conversation drifts down the stairs filling you with a sense of comfort you’ve never felt before. You turn on the old record player and a warped copy of Rumours, skipping to the second track. It was one of the few things you brought with you from your grandparent’s house when you moved into this pocket of remaining civilization. The volume is up just enough to set the atmosphere. 
Joel sits on your couch and you ease beside him, feet tucked under you with your head on his shoulder. His fingers brush along your shoulder. The grief you woke up with still lingers. Between the low hum of Dreams, Ellie and Carter’s faint noise, and Joel’s breathing, your eyes droop. For the first time next to Joel, slumber calls your name, and you answer. 
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sc0tters · 7 months
Titles and Competition | Will Smith & Ryan Leonard
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summary: when Ryan joins you guys it makes Will realise that he wants more from just his fuck buddy.
request: yes/no
warnings: p in v, oral (f & m receiving!), swearing, slight degradation.
word count: 3.07k
authors note: this was rushed but I really wanted to get it out before the weekend. also we all know the drill, welcome back to @fantillisdaylight has ideas that I write out!
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Will knew he was going to make you pay for this dangerous game you seemed to enjoy playing.
You had been in these shorts that just went over the curve of your ass and Will’s favourite spaghetti strap top that you owned. All dressed up in a look that had Will ready to have you upstairs bent over his bed on all fours. But as you stood laughing at whatever it was that Ryan whispered into your ear it made Will clench his grip around his beer bottle as he glared at you two.
Ryan had his hand pressed against the wall behind you as you nodded at whatever nonsense he had to say “you good bro?” Drew furrowed his eyebrows not knowing if he truly wanted to know what was going on.
All Will could do was grumble in response “I’m fine.” The blonde rolled his eyes as he saw Gabe laugh at him.
The Canadian native had been the one who saw you leave his housemates room one too many times and now knew that there was only so long before you were going to admit that something was going on between you and Will “fuck off dude.” As Will got up to leave neither one of the boys failed to miss how his eyes never left yours.
Sure you were playing a game tonight, but you weren’t stupid. That look meant follow me or you would be coming for the rest of the month “I’ll be back.” You mumbled into Ryan’s ear pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek before you followed Will up the stairs to his room.
The boys were hosting the party after the big win that the team had “there you are pretty girl.” Will was sat with his legs spread on his bed as he faced the door.
You couldn’t help but smile as the nickname had your stomach in knots “here I am.” You pressed the door softly as you shut it going to join the boy on his bed as he stopped you.
Will placed his hand up as he shook his head “you know that isn’t where you’re meant to sit.” He clicked his tongue as he motioned in fingers over to his lap.
It was a place you were used to sitting as he loved wrapping his arms around you but that was usually when you were riding him “enjoyed being such a naughty fucking girl tonight?” It was clear that he wasn’t impressed as his fingers harshly pulled you onto him when you took too long.
A whimper escaped your lips as your eyes went wide “you wanna answer me?” He added as he cocked his head as you shook yours.
Will smirked he tucked your hair behind your ear “liked the attention.” You confessed feeling your cheeks turn red.
The hockey player laughed as he nodded “you think that he could fuck you better than I can?” His vulgar words made your breath get caught in your throat as your thighs clenched around his leg.
Will was a great guy in bed, you would have never questioned that. But the fact that he was feeling jealous had you holding onto a whole new level of power “who knows?” You shrugged as you slept your amusement dance on your face.
Never was it a dull moment in bed with him and today was clearly going to show that “get out of these.” Will grumbled tapping at the waistband of your shorts.
You looked down to see how his hands fiddled with the button “I won’t ask again pretty girl.” Will warned as his voice oozed irritation as he swore you were doing this to get a reaction out of him.
Of course this was the day you were in his favourite pink panties that always seemed to take his breath away “wow.” He mumbled cupping your cheeks as he brought your lips down to his.
It was this hungry kiss that had you feeling sea sick as Will put up with fighting you for dominance as your tongues clashed “such a pretty girl.”within seconds Will had his fingers over your panties as he tore them apart with the thin lace fabric being no match for any kind of strength.
You gasped as you were back on his leg and he had a shit eating grin on his lips “liked that pair.” You frowned as it was very much so your favorite.
Will couldn’t help but smile as he peppered kisses along your jaw “you know I’ll buy you a new pair so don’t whine about it.” As his kisses grew heavier you couldn’t help but begin grinding your hips against his thigh as your eyes began to flutter.
The little bouts of air that pushed from your lips made him smirk “you wanna get yourself off like that?” Will asked as he let his hands go flat behind him as he propped his body up.
By that point it was too late for you to shake your head in complaint “want you Will.” He knew how much you enjoyed his fingers to start you off but tonight you weren’t getting that.
All he did was motion to you to start moving “make a mess on my thigh and then I’ll give you what you want.” Will smiled as he showed you that he was being serious “Will!” You complained letting your lips form a pout.
However it was clear he wasn’t interested as he simply motioned to you to hurry up and start “we don’t have all day doll.” The hockey player wasn’t going to budge.
You began to rock your hips back and forth as you tried to build up enough momentum to give yourself some pleasure whilst doing a shit enough job that made Will take over “nuh uh pretty girl.” Will could read you like an open book as he smiled beginning to help you.
Will had you locked in his grip as he took over “fuck Will.” You moaned resting your head on his shoulder as your body shook.
Will smirked as he kissed you “could have had my fingers tonight.” His words made you groan as you thought about how it “please.” You begged craving more from him.
But Will shook his head not wanting to make it that easy for you “nah pretty girl, you wanna go fuck Ryan and then get a reward from me?” Even saying his name made Will growl as he thought of how close you were with the boy.
It made it all much more straight forward to you that the blonde was clearly jealous “didn’t fuck him.” You shook your head and your eyes fluttered.
Will rolled his eyes as he slapped your thighs not enjoying your argument “don’t like to me pretty girl.” The blonde warned not taking kindly to your whines “‘m not!” You complained as you thrusted your hips back and forth desperate to come.
His hands grounded your hips making you almost fall over “you want to fuck him?” Will tan his fingers over your stomach as he growled.
Sure you two weren’t together but Will had grown comfortable with you “please let me come.” You begged as you shook your head wanting him to let his grip soften.
Will began to drive your hips himself “you wanted him don’t ya?” The hockey player taunted you as he let his teammate vividly sit in your mind “answer me when I ask you a question.” Your silence was finally no longer working as he flexed his thigh.
You chewed at your cheek as you gasped “wanna fuck Ry!” You blurted out letting your hand slap over your mouth as your eyes widened “that some fantasy of yours?” Will asked as he cocked his head.
All you could do was nod as you whimpered “words pretty girl, words.” He kissed your lips as you began to speed up your movements “you get all tired of me?” Will teased trying to calm his nerves as he thought about you wanting someone else.
What neither of you noticed was that Ryan was outside as he ended up listening to the conversation “I want you both.” Your voice was barely above a whisper as your eyes began to flutter “god my little slut huh?” Will smirked as your lips began to quiver.
His favourite tell tale that you were close as you nodded “make me come please.” You begged letting your eyes screw shut as he nipped at the skin of your neck “thought you would want us both for you.” As Will said that the door swung open leaving you to gasp.
Ryan took the sight of you two as Will smirked locking eyes with his teammate “either get in or shut the door.” The blonde grumbled taking control of you “Ry!” You moaned as your hands wrapped around Wills shoulders.
It made the boy shut the door behind him “I’m here gorgeous.” Ryan smiled as he cupped your cheeks forcing you to look up at him before he kissed you.
You felt hot as his tongue swiped across your lower lip “fuck!” You whimpered as you hit your orgasm as your body writhed against Will “ain’t she a fucking beaut when she comes?” Will asked as he tucked your hair behind your ear.
Ryan nodded as he felt his cock grow hard in his shorts when you hid your face in Wills shoulder as you realised the soaked patch that had formed on his shorts “hey pretty girl remember you said you wanted him.” Will’s voice was soft as he ran his fingers through your hair.
You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks grow warm “I do.” You nodded looking at Ryan who licked his lips “have me how you want me doll.” Both boys helped you off of Will and onto the bed next to him.
Their eyes practically pulled your shirt off as your thighs pressed together “you can get her mouth.” Will offered up as he knew he had to taste you.
The movements were quick as Ryan ended with his pants on the floor and you were straddling Wills face “this how you been thinking about it?” Ryan smiled as he rubbed his thumb along your jaw “wanted to taste you.” You whined as Will kissed your thigh “me too doll.” It seemed like clockwork as his lips latched onto your clit your mouth opened letting Ryan slot his cock between your lips.
You let out a breathy moan as you saw the two boys around you “is this what you wanted gorgeous?” Ryan smirked as his hands pulled your hair into a makeshift pony.
Your head nodded as you placed your hands landed on his thighs as you tried to steady yourself. This had truly been one of your biggest fantasies, since you got close to the two of them at the beginning of the season. As Ryan’s cock hit the back of your throat, Will slotted his tongue into your cunt.
Both boys grunted as they watched themselves use you “such a pretty girl.” Will mumbled sending shivers through your body.
You tried your hardest to not let your thighs crush the blondes head as you bobbed his teammates cock “think he complimented you doll.” Ryan let the pet names roll off of his tongue like it was nothing.
The room was sweaty as you swirled his cock on your tongue “uh.” Your words came out as a muffled noises “fuck I see why you keep her hidden.” Ryan groaned as he almost hunched over feeling your throat constrict over his cock.
Will’s smirk was something you felt from beneath him “my pretty girl.” The blonde cooed as he grazed his thumb over your clit.
Ryan let his grip soften on your hair as he moved his hand to your top “let me see your pretty fucking tits.” Your nipples hardened the moment that the air hit your breasts “you’ve got a little slut on your hands.” His condescending tone had you squirming as you nodded feeling his cock throb between your lips.
It was a hot moment between you both as you looked at him with batted eyelashes “you just want to come don’t you?” Ryan’s words made you whimper as tears formed in your waterline as his cock continued to hit your throat “such a cock hungry girl ain’t ya gorgeous?” His words began to push you over the edge as Will’s thumb settled on a steady pace.
You were left hollowing your cheeks as you wanted to get the boy off first but as his hand rolled your nipple between his fingers you couldn’t handle it anymore “fuck fuck fuck!” You chanted letting your hand replace your mouth as you began pumping his dick bringing him to an orgasm as you rode yours out “open your mouth f’me.” Ryan tapped his cock on your mouth letting his sticky release shoot as the ropes coated your lips.
Ryan swore he was in the middle of a porn film as he watched you take your thumb as you collected his release before you potted it into your mouth “fuck you’re such a beaut.” As you smiled he leaned your lips groaning as the taste of him was evident on his tongue.
Will reminded you that he was there as he tapped your thigh “you feeling better now doll?” Ryan asked as he helped you sit on the side of the bed.
The blonde took the moment to kiss you as the sight of your second orgasm glistening on his chin “she’s still my cock hungry little slut.” Will corrected him as he gripped his fingers on your chin.
As small as the gesture might have been it reminded Ryan that you weren’t his and you weren’t up for the taking “should we give him what he wants tonight?” The blonde added as he didn’t look at his teammate even as he spoke about him.
You nodded as you smiled looking at Ryan “he is asking if I should let you fuck me.” Both boys got the chance to let their eyes go over to you “what do you think about that?” Ryan twirled your hair through his fingers as he waited to hear what it was what you were going to say.
Your eyes traveled between them both as you smiled “want your cock like that.” You nodded pressing a kiss to Wills temple as you had a feeling that you wouldn’t get the chance to sleep with Ryan again.
It warmed the blondes heart to know that you cared about him like that “you gonna let me take your mouth then pretty girl?” As much as Will might be jealous that he’s sharing you, you were still his girl and were gonna be treated like that.
Ryan and flipped you over as he had you on your knees “god this is a sight.” He groaned running his cock over your slit “she’s my perfect little girl.” Will smiled as he kissed your lips.
Watching you make out with him as your hands cupped his cheeks it had Ryan feeling neglected “fuck!” Ryan gritted his teeth as your cunt swallowed his cock.
Both of you were still sensitive from his first orgasm and your second and it meant that you knew you weren’t going to last long as he bottomed you out “you gonna squeeze his cock like you know how to?” Will cooed as you whimpered feeling the boy settle into a quicker pace.
The sounds of thrusts echoed through the room as Ryan let his hand move to your clit “treating me like she was made for me.” He looked over your head to Wills who only responded with a glare.
Will smirked as he brought his hands over your breasts where he began teasing your nipples “she knows she’s only for me though don’t you?” His question was only met with silence “don’t you pretty girl?” Will wasn’t one for acting messy but there wasn’t anything more in that moment that he wanted than to piss Ryan off.
You cried as you nodded “I’m yours Will.” You moaned only making the boy swear he was on cloud nine as Ryan hit a spot that was deep within your cunt.
Will missed seeing your face scrunch like that to his own cock as he made the mental note that he needed to fuck you the next morning so your cunt would remember his cock last “fuck I’m gonna come.” You announced as you let your head drop.
The boys smirked as they egged you on “just go ahead pretty girl.” Will mumbled tapping your cheek as he motioned to you to come “let me feel how tight your cunt is when you come.” Ryan ordered finally feeling his cock practically burst as you came.
Your body writhed in the spot as your legs shook it triggered his own orgasm “right there!” Ryan groaned as he let his eyes screw shut until he rode his orgasm out.
As Ryan slid his cock out of you he had to keep his hands on your sides to keep you from collapsing “hey there pretty girl.” Will sighed as he kissed your forehead trying to keep you from falling asleep.
Your lips formed a smile as you blinked at him “think you need a bath.” He added as you rested against his duvet “you can go.” The blonde did little to hide his current dislike for teammate in that moment.
Ryan couldn’t go to protest as you seemed to melt in Wills arms “see you later gorgeous.” Ryan got one last chance to kiss your lips before he got his clothes on and left.
You thought you were getting a bath but instead Will just pulled you into his arms “Will?” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you looked up at him.
He ended up staring right down at you as he smiled “like you a lot.” You mumbled letting out a sigh as you rested your head on his chest.
His hands ran through your hair as you two stayed there “think I’m in love with you.” But of course as the words left his lips it had turned out that you instead were sleeping as you had dozed off when the comfort of his warmth had you feeling like you were in a blanket.
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darling-solaire · 3 months
Redacted Hair HCs ★,。・:*:・゚☆
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For David I definitely see him having roughly shoulder length hair in his younger years pre Gabes death so they could match because he always looked up to him and took pride in people saying they looked alike
However after his death I can definitely see him finding it too painful to look in the mirror and see his father staring back at him so he began to consistently cut his hair much shorter in a buzz cut style to create as much distinction as possible
After the inversion and the hectic months that followed I definitely see him being too overwhelmed to keep up with meticulously cutting his hair (he had so much else to worry about) that he didn’t even notice until one day he was cuddling with Angel after a long day drifting almost to sleep when he notices them playing with the ends of his hair and they say “your hairs gotten so long it suits you so well” and David can’t help but smile as he drifts off in their arms
+ Bonus Darlin
I think Darlin also was someone who had longer hair most their life but after leaving and going with Quinn they cut their hair short at least to jaw
When asked they’d say it’s so Quinn had easy access whenever he needed a quick fix but in reality it felt like the only thing they still had control over
I HC darlin and David as cousins so I think they would also suffer a similar issue that with their hair grown out their simply reminded too much of what they left and getting rid of it is the easiest way to dull the empty feeling but now that they’re free they definitely have started to grow it back without even realising
Sam was definitely one of those kids that were super light blond as a kid but their hair darkened with age except in Sam’s case it started reversing back to blond simply because of how often he spent days in the sun (I also think that’s how he got his freckles)
And after years of being unable to go out in the daylight those are his only reminders of how much he loved the sun
Also he definitely has a shaggy mullet
Milo has meticulously taken care of his hair since he was old enough to take care of it himself to the point that Marie had to hide her expensive oils because he would put too much on whenever he’d go out
I’d say he’s probably the most dedicated to keeping himself on top of self care (David is a solid second)
That man has naturally loose curled hair and because he doesn’t keep it very long he always makes sure to have a strategic curl hanging on his face
Milo and sweetheart definitely spend weekends piling each others hair before they shower together as a little couples activity
Babe (+Asher)
To me babe has braids and I will not let anyone fight me on that
They used to keep them in their natural colour until one day they asked Asher what colour they should do and he joked about going blond to match him and they’ve used the same colour ever since
Lasko was definitely born with black hair and maybe it was hereditary or maybe it is all stress but that man started turning grey the second he left home
He had his guest grey hair at the ripe age of thirteen and it’s been going down hill since then
At first he was probably really self conscious about it but he’s definitely embraced it fully now especially with how often dear comments how cute it is
Anton is the type of person to not care too much about his appearance like he was the type of kid who had a bowl cut growing up because who cares about what he looks like when his mind is what actually represents him right?
He wasn’t a slob but he was neglectful at times and it wasn’t until he’d first met his partner did he ever feel the need to fix up his hair to the point where it became a twitch whenever he’d think of them
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fiapartridge · 1 year
i can see you | will smith
"what would you do if they never found us out?"
a part of my will smith au!
perreault!sister x will smith
summary: you hated will smith the second you met him, too cocky & way too interested in validation, but a year later, there you were cozying up with him behind closed doors and denying anything related to secret make out seshes and hidden boyfriends because it would be bad if the whole thing got out, right? ... right?
warning(s): swearing
this is before they reveal their relationship to gabe! and before they go to bc together!
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New Year's Eve marked the time for new opportunities, new resolutions, new everything, but there you were, kissing your brother’s besy friend in a Harry-Potter-styled closet, trying your hardest not to laugh when his head would bump into the low ceiling. 
You’ve been dating Will for three months, and while they’ve been amazing, they’ve also been… quiet. You two weren’t too big on the whole PDA thing, so trying to keep your hands off him in front of your families wasn’t that much of a problem, but the one thing you hated? Not being able to tell your friends about the heated kisses and love-filled whispers between you and Will. It wasn’t like you didn’t have a choice. Will was totally fine with you telling your friends, he wanted you to be as comfortable as possible, but the only thing stopping you from spilling all the juicy details to your best friends was the fact that they were the biggest gossipers in Michigan. 
Like, last month when they found Sandy Pinelli and Morris Johnson making out underneath the bleachers, it wasn’t long after that the entire school found out, and it was barely a day later when Sandy and Morris called it quits on their secret relationship that somehow spanned for almost a whole year. So telling them about you and Will wasn’t an option, and you most definitely weren’t going to tell your brother, Gabe. You weren’t sure who he would be more mad at: you for stealing his best friend, or Will for macking on his little sister. 
So there you were, scrambling out of the tiny closet after hearing your friends scream your name amidst the loud music and chanting coming from the kitchen. You fixed your hair, trying to make it look like you weren’t just stealing secret kisses with your secret boyfriend in a secret tiny closet that made your neck hurt if you turned too fast. Everything was just secret upon secret. 
You couldn’t blame Will, though. He wasn’t the only person in the relationship that wanted to keep things under wraps. If Gabe found out, he would go crazy. His best friend dating his other best friend? And it didn’t help that he was the one that heard you rant about Will when you were still hating his guts. You told him about all of the nasty things he did, all of the annoying jokes he cracked, your pure hatred for him. To Gabe, that was just Will being Will. You hating him didn’t change anything between the two boys because Gabe always knew it was lighthearted. 
Until that one night when you came home crying after Will completely rejected you, saying that going behind Gabe’s back would be too hard; that the whole thing would just explode right in their faces. You hadn’t told Gabe the real reason, but he suspected that it had something to do with Will, so he told Will that if he ever made you cry again, he’s going through a season full of cross checks. 
And Will hated not talking to you– you were his favorite person, the only person (besides Gabe) that really understood him and liked him for him, not because he was some big shot hockey player– so later, he agreed to making this work out. 
Your friends smiled when they saw you walking over to them, already noticing the post-kiss glow on you.
“Oh my God, you were with a boy!” your friend, Emily (tall blonde) exclaimed as you reached earshot. 
Your flushed cheeks immediately began to heat up and your forehead started to sweat a little. “No, I wasn’t,” you said casually, or at least tried to say casually. You couldn’t lie for shit. You would start talking faster and your voice would raise a couple of octaves. It was so obvious. 
“Oh my gosh, you were!” Michaela (tall brunette – they all weirdly looked the same the more you looked at them) shouted as they all squealed in excitement. You haven’t liked a guy since… maybe middle school? Possibly elementary? Sure, you had crushes. Thousands of them, like the guy that held the door open for you at Chipotle, or the guy you saw on the other end of the hallway on that cruise to Alaska, but none of them were serious. They were all hallway crushes. This, you and Will, this was real. And it was fucking terrifying. 
“Spill! Who was it?” they interrogated as you spotted Will climbing out of the closet, running his hands through his hair the same way you did. He met up with some of his NTDP friends and right in the middle of that circle was Gabe, giving Will a pat on the back and telling him about some girl he met at the party. 
“Earth to Y/N!” your other friend, Dakota (tall redhead – more freckles than the rest of them) waved her hand in front of your face, capturing your attention again. “Who is it?” 
You shook your head, rolling your eyes. “No one. I just went to the bathroom.”
“Oh, a steamy makeout sesh in the bathroom. That’s hot,” Emily said, Michaela and Dakota nodding in agreement. 
“Oh, shut up,” you laughed, dragging them with you towards the kitchen. On your way, you passed by Will and his friend group. You didn’t have to be a mad scientist to realize that he was looking at you the entire time. Not in a creepy way, but in a, making sure you were okay and still there type of way. He hated that he couldn’t hold you and ask if you were okay, or if you wanted to leave early with him. All he wanted was to let everyone know. He saw all of the eyes on you tonight. You looked fucking gorgeous in the little black dress that Emily begged you to wear. Will hated that he wasn’t the only one that got to see it tonight. 
His hand ran up your arm, giving you full body chills as you walked past him, but not without feeling the note that he slipped into your hand. You read it when you made it into the kitchen and the girls were busy grabbing drinks and talking to some of the guys in there.
meet me tonight - will
When the time flashed 11:58, you made the excuse that you had to go to the bathroom upstairs. With knowing smiles on your friends lips, they nodded away, letting you get your secret midnight kiss. 
You were at the top of the stairs when you could see Will waiting down the hall for you. His suit a bit wrinkled and his necktie falling out of its knot. He looked too good to be real. 
Walking down the hallway, you grabbed his arm, pulling him into the nearest room. Luckily it was empty when you shoved him against the wall, your lips so close to his. He smelled like alcohol and expensive cologne, making you wish you could bottle it up and wear it as a perfume. 
“I could see you looking at me,” you smirked. 
He didn’t even try to hide it. He knew you were looking, trying to pay attention to what your friends were saying, but ultimately failing when your guys’ eyes would meet and he would mouth something funny, making you laugh a bit, almost getting you caught a couple of times. 
What you guys were doing was dangerous. If your friends found out, then everyone would find out. Meaning Gabe would find out. But sometimes being someone is more important than that. Sometimes risks need to be taken, and Will would jump through hoops to be with you. 
“Almost took me out with this dress,” he smiled, running his hands up and down your hips. 
“Yeah?” you laughed. “Maybe that was the point.”
Somehow, he gets closer to you, your lips grazing, but not yet touching. “New Year’s resolution? We tell everyone.”
You froze. You didn’t know if your mouth just stopped working or if your whole entire heart just stopped beating, but nothing was moving. It took a couple of seconds before you could breathe out a response. “Everyone?”
“Unless you don’t want that," he backtracked so fast you were sure that a ghost had passed through him. "I’m okay with anything you’re comfortable with.”
You loved Will for that. You knew how badly he wanted people to know. Sure, he was the one that had doubts in the first place, but at this point, he didn’t even care anymore. He wanted everyone to know who his girl was. And he was tired of girls flirting with him when you were around – it was annoying.
You smashed your lips against his, your hands reaching up towards his neck and playing with his short blonde hair. You stood on your tippy toes as his hands held you up. Your lips moved together so well as if he was some sort of missing piece in your puzzle. Everything about him was just so… perfect.
You pulled back, his lips chasing after yours as you stifled a little laugh. “New Year,” you smiled. “Let’s tell everyone.”
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guilty-pleasures21 · 2 months
Neighbour's son Miguel
Thanks for sticking along for the ride, guys! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did 😊! Please feel free to check out my other works and you're always welcome to make a request if there's something you'd like to see! Love you guys 🥰!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Warnings: explicit descriptions of sex.
Neighbour's son!Miguel who you surprise before his graduation. You’d lied to him that your last exam was next week, but secretly, you and Gabe had planned for you to take a flight there today. Conchata had meant it when she’d said she wasn’t getting on another flight ever again, so you’d made the journey alone. It wasn’t your first flight, but it was the first time you’d flown so far all on your own. You’d been nervous at first, but once you’d boarded the plane and taken off into the air, you’d settled into your seat, passing the time by taking advantage of all the in-flight entertainment. You’d landed the next morning and wandered through the airport in a blur, stumbling tiredly with your luggage towards the exit. Then you’d found Gabe, waving wildly at you as he waited on the other side of the glass doors. He’d wrapped you up into a hug when you’d met, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around excitedly, and you’d let out a tired chuckle, enjoying the way the towering O’Hara brothers would always swing you around like you were a little toy. Gabe had brought you back to his dorm after that to get some rest and you’d collapsed onto his bed immediately, zonking out for the next ten hours. 
Neighbour's son!Miguel who’s sat at a table with his friends, sipping drinks and sharing memories. He lifts his head briefly when Gabe walks in, nodding at him in greeting, then he does a double-take to confirm what he’d just seen. His eyes widen when his gaze lands on you - his pretty little girlfriend - waving at him. Your hair was neatly curled, your makeup carefully done and your outfit thoughtfully planned. But Miguel barely notices any of that as he scrambles out of his seat and dashes over to you, his hands coming around your waist to pull you against him. “¡¿Bonita?!” he exclaims, his heart thrumming in his chest at the sight of you there before him. “What are you doing here?! I thought you were supposed to come next week?!” You grin as your hands slide up his arms to his shoulders and he bends over to press his lips to yours before you can reply to his question. You take a moment to catch your breath once he straightens, but again, he leans forward and kisses you before you can get a word out. “Miguel!” You laugh and turn your head to the side when he finally pulls back again, stopping him from interrupting you with another kiss. “¡Cálmate, mi querido!” 
Neighbour's son!Miguel whose chest floods with warmth at the way you giggle the term of endearment. You were so cute, so adorable and so perfect. And you’d come all this way to surprise him? Dios, you were amazing. “Happy graduation, hermano!” Gabe exclaims, patting his brother on the back. “You like my gift?” Miguel laughs at his brother’s teasing and pulls you into his chest for another tight hug. “Yes! Yes! Best gift ever!” he agrees, loosening his hold on you and moving one hand to your cheek. “But how … When did you guys plan this?” He continues brushing his thumb across your cheek as Gabe enlightens him on your joint scheming. Then he turns you around and guides you to his table. “Guys! This is X! My girlfriend. The one I’ve been telling you guys about?” “Ah,” one of his friends says as Miguel sits you down on his thigh. “The famous X! Wow! You’re even prettier in person!” Your cheeks heat up at the kind compliment and you mumble a shy “thanks” as you lower your head in embarrassment. 
Neighbour's son!Miguel whose hands wander across your body as you join in the conversation with his friends. His long fingers travel across your waist and thighs and you squeeze your legs together as your body starts to heat up in excitement. You grab his hand and twine your fingers with his, stopping him in his tracks. He flashes you a dopey smile when you turn to give him an exasperated look and you can’t help but lean over to press a kiss to the side of his head. His friends let out a chorus of ‘aww’s at your sweet display of affection and you curl up against your boyfriend, your stomach flipping as the familiar scent of him invades your senses. 
Neighbour's son!Miguel who walks you backwards to his bed in the dark. You’d followed him back to his shared apartment after Gabe had assured you that he’d bring your luggage over tomorrow morning. You glide your hands down his torso as he kisses you, delighting in the feeling of your boyfriend’s hard muscles, then you unzip his jeans and dip your hand into his pants.
Neighbour's son!Miguel who sucks in a breath at the feeling of your fingers stroking and squeezing his cock. He lets out a groan as his entire body shudders in response to your touch, and you nip his lower lip playfully. “Bonita,” he sighs, his low voice rumbling through your very core. He rests his forehead against yours as you continue your ministrations, and you feel yourself start to get wet at the way he lets you play with him however you like. You turn him around so his back is facing his bed, then you pull his clothes off before pushing him down onto the mattress. Miguel looks up at you, dazed from the alcohol running through his system, and his pupils dilate when he sees that you’ve taken your clothes off too. You jump on top of the bed and settle yourself between his legs, then angle his cock to your mouth so you can start licking and sucking on him.
Neighbour's son!Miguel who falls in and out of consciousness as you tease and taste him. Dios, he’d missed you these past few months. It had been both worse and better than the first time he’d left; worse because now, he didn't just miss having his best friend by his side, but also the taste and touch of his sweet little girlfriend, and better because now he'd had an exact date for when he'd see you again. Never mind that you'd sped up the process and surprised him a week earlier. Dios, he loved you. 
Neighbour's son!Miguel who mumbles between satisfied groans how much he'd missed you and how cute and pretty you were and how he loved you so very much, his precious bombónita, his best friend and his girlfriend?! How did he get so lucky to have you?! You didn’t think he’d had that much to drink, but between the alcohol and the excitement of seeing you again, he was probably in no state to overcome the constant waves of arousal washing over him. You take as much of him into your mouth as you can and he lets out a grunt as the prec*m starts leaking out of him. You pull your head back, dragging him out of your mouth, then you crawl on top of him, peppering his abs and chest with little kisses. You lean over him once you reach his face, propping yourself up on your elbow so you can study his sharp features in the streetlights pouring in through the window. 
Neighbour's son!Miguel who can barely keep himself awake as you ride him. You were so f*cking beautiful, your silky curls, your long eyelashes, your rosy lips. You bite your lip as you continue moving your hips against his, taking pleasure in the feeling of his body beneath yours. And that’s the final straw for him. You collapse on top of him as he comes, your own body shuddering adorably as you reach your climax too. You lay in his arms for a little while longer, snickering softly when you hear his breathing even out, then you go get a towel to clean him up. 
Neighbour's son!Miguel who stumbles along behind you as you pull him into the kitchen. Your family and his look up from where they’re sitting around your kitchen island and you twist your head back to exchange another thrilled grin with your best friend before you hold your hand up for everyone to see. A chorus of delighted gasps fills the room as everyone takes in the sparkling - but tasteful - diamond ring on your finger. Miguel had talked to his mum and your parents about it beforehand, but that didn’t dampen their excitement at seeing it come to fruition before their very eyes. Your sister squeals together with you and immediately starts interrogating you about the date and the venue and the guest list. You respond as best as you can, your stomach flipping over and over at the feeling of your fiancé’s - your fiancé’s - warm hand gently caressing your lower back. You lean into his touch, replaying in your mind the moment he’d asked you to marry him, right there on that beach where you’d shared your first kiss all those years ago. You tilt your head back to look up at him again and your heart skips a beat at the warm grin he wears as he gazes down at you.
Neighbour's son!Miguel whose own son clings onto your leg as your new neighbour opens her door. “Hi!” you greet the frazzled redhead, holding a container of chocolate chip cookies out to her. “Welcome to the neighbourhood! I’m X and this is my son Rio. Is there anything we can help you with?” “Oh!” the lady gasps, her tired eyes falling to your baby bump as she takes the cookies from you. “Hi! Mary Jane. Please excuse the mess. We’ve still got quite a bit to unpack.” She gestures for you to enter the house and your son tightens his grip on your trousers as he follows you inside. “Ooh! I love the colours!” you exclaim, taking in the yellow and green and lavender and blue walls. “I’ve been trying to convince my husband that we need to brighten up our own house a little more.” You rest your hand on your stomach, your mind running through all the ways you could redesign Rio’s room to fit in his new sibling as well. Mary Jane laughs. “Oh, you’re too kind. These were Peter’s idea - my husband. He’s a little … creative. More than me, anyway.” She sets the cookies down in the kitchen, then bends over to hold one out to Rio. “Hello! Rio? Was it? Would you like a cookie, Rio?” Rio glances up at you, shy around strangers in the same way you’d always been as a child. You flash him a warm smile and he turns his attention back to Mary Jane. “No, thank you. I have some at home. These ones are for you.” Mary Jane laughs, delighted by your adorable little gentleman. “What a sweetheart! My Mayday would go crazy for these. I’m surprised she hasn’t managed to sniff them out already!” And as soon as the words leave her lips, a miniature version of your neighbour barrels down the hallway into the kitchen. “Cookies! I smell cookies!” Mayday screeches to a halt in front of her mother, then reaches her hands out to her, jumping up to try to snatch one away. “Mayday! Manners! Say hello to Mrs X and Rio.” “Hi, Mrs X. Hi, Rio,” she greets you hastily. Then she spins back around to her mother, her eyes wide and pleading. “Now can I have a cookie?” “Sure, sweetie,” Mary Jane laughs, finally handing the prized cookie over. “But make sure you don’t get any crumbs anywhere.” “Yes, mummy,” Mayday sighs, already too cheeky for her own good. She turns back to Rio and her eyes light up when they land on his shirt. “Spiderman?!” she exclaims, spraying crumbs everywhere. “He’s my favourite superhero! Want to see my toy? I make him play with my dolls sometimes.” Rio glances up at you, his curiosity overtaking his nerves, and you ruffle his dark curls encouragingly. “Go ahead, papito. I’ll be right here, baby. Call me if you need anything, ¿sí, mi cielo?” “Sí, mamà,” Rio responds before running off with his new friend. 
Neighbour's son!Miguel who strokes your little bump as you lie in bed together that night. “So, Rio made a new friend today?” he asks, his voice low and soft in the way it always is when you have your end-of-the-day debriefs. You smile and shuffle a little closer to him, delighting in the feeling of his hard body against yours. “Yup!” you agree, inhaling your husband’s familiar warm scent as you snuggle up against him. “The neighbour’s daughter, can you believe that? Seems like he’s more like his papi than we thought!” Miguel chuckles, the deep sound vibrating out of his chest and along your bones. “Mmm,” he hums in agreement. “Should we start saving up for the wedding now?” He wraps his arms around you as the two of you laugh, and your chest warms at how far you’ve come. You wriggle around, turning to look up at him and his eyelashes flutter against his cheeks as you run your fingers through his hair. “Mmm, maybe meet your future in-laws first, querido?” you tease, prompting another snicker out of him. He presses his lips to your forehead and the two of you settle down to go to sleep. “Night, jelly. I love you,” you murmur softly, your chest filling with warmth at the knowledge that you would wake up tomorrow morning, your best friend right by your side just as he’d always be. “Night, bombón. I love you too, mi amor,” Miguel mumbles, his body relaxing at the very same thought: it was always going be the two of you in the end. You were inevitable, after all.
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Hi Gabe! Hope you're well! This one was inspired by this art
There's a statue in the middle of the woods near the village Morpheus lives in. No one knows from where it came nor for how long it has been there, but everyone knows one thing: sometimes, if you ask and you're lucky enough, it can grant you a wish.
Some people believe the statue grants the wishes based on how worthy you are, some believe it's based on how worthy the wish itself is. Some believe it's pure luck, and some believe it's all a load of bullshit, complete coincidence. Morpheus doesn't know what to believe.
He has seen the statue a few times before, when he was still young - it's a plump man, with thick arms, thighs and chest, a belly that rests confortably on his lap, wavy hair that reaches strong shoulders and frames a face that is so beautiful and serene it has made more than one person cry. The man is sat on a boulder and a single piece of cloth wraps his body in gentle folds, and his position makes it seem like he's offering his hands and a conforting smile to whoever is kneeling before him.
He didn't see the statue for years after he left the village in pursue of a life with Nada - that is, before Nada decided she wanted nothing to do with him. Nor did he see it after Alianora, or Killala, or Thessaly. Even Calliope, the one he believed was his soulmate from the moment they locked eyes, had broken their courting.
Too clingy, they said. Always hovering, always wishing to be close, always offering food and disrupting whatever they were doing, until he himself got lost in his drawings and paintings and they couldn't get a hold of him for days, sometimes weeks. Drawings and paintings in which he poured his love for them, only for them to leave before it was finished - and then Morpheus would throw the canvases and sheets of paper in the fire.
The day after Calliope left, Morpheus came back to the village. He haunted his home for days, and then the grounds when he started feeling too empty. He started going farther and farther from the estate each night, until he happened upon the clearing and the statue. And Morpheus let himself believe, just for a single moment.
He kneled before the statue, placed his hands above the man's, looked into his eyes, and wished for someone who would let him love them, and love him back just as fiercelly.
The next day, Morpheus woke up to a man resting on the settee and smiling at him, a single piece of cloth wraping his golden, furry body in gentle folds.
(is this anything? idk lol Have a good day!)
Hmnnnggg yeH this is something. Still haven't played bg3 btw but I still get very excited when I see Gale art. Esp if he gets to have some tummy.
I absolutely love this. First the idea of Dream kneeling in supplication before the statue and just wishing for someone to love! Someone who will stay! Someone who will understand. He feels a little bit silly but it's actually rather comforting, and he stays a long time with his cheek pressed against the statue's thigh. If nothing else, he's released some pent up emotions.
But the next day his life changes forever. The statue is sitting in his house - except it isn't a statue anymore. Its a real, flesh and blood man. With dimpled cheeks and gentle eyes. Dream can't do anything except stare in complete loss and confusion.
"So sorry to barge in." The man says. "But you did make a wish, didn't you? I heard, and I thought... well, I'm sure I could love you in the way that you're looking for."
Dream sits down heavily, with his mouth still hanging open. He doesn't know what he's supposed to say! This man is too beautiful to be true, he's sure that he must be dreaming. How on earth could a statue come alive, and why would he choose to grant Dream’s wish???
"I'll make some tea. I know it's a lot to take in." The man says kindly. "I'm Hob. In case you were wondering."
And he walks off to put Dream’s kettle on the stove, carelessly allowing his fabric covering to shift over his body as it pleases. Dream gulps, staring at Hob’s soft swaying arse cheeks. If this is a dream, then he never wants to wake up!
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peachhcs · 3 months
jealousy, jealousy
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
will does a bit of stalking on his burner account
1.7k words
here's a bit of will's groveling while talking with the guys from back home. if i had a burner account, i would also stalk my ex on it, so will's kind of real for that haha
au masterlist
will's eyes glued themselves to his phone screen. he didn't mean to click into samy's account, but one thing led to another and his fingers just typed away the password to his burner account that the girl had no idea he had so he wasn't blocked there.
he just needed to look. a check-in? what sounded better than calling it plain stalking? at least gabe and ryan weren't there to peer over the boy's shoulder and chirp on him for stalking his ex.
the boy's fingers slid through her profile. he hadn't seen it in awhile, so when he saw four new posts in her feed since the last time he looked, he was immediately tapping into them. will's gaze slid over every single photo.
samy's smile was wide and bright as she stood with hannah and their other friends. even her soccer photos captured her large smile and seeing it made will smile back. he always loved seeing her love soccer as much as she did.
the blonde scrolled until he stumbled onto a photo in one of her recent posts. the fourth picture out of the ten in the set was of samy standing very close to a guy will didn't quite recognize. his arm was wrapped around her waist and something in will pinched.
that feeling—one he had so long ago he hardly remembered it—started resurfacing the longer he stared at the photo. memories of samy's senior homecoming flashed in will's mind while he compared her date to the guy in this photo.
who the fuck was this guy? luckily, he was tagged, so will went to his account. it was public.
upon further inspection, the guy was their age, a soccer player for the men's team, and worst of all he had a similar photo of him and samy on his account too. actually, the brunette was in his feed twice.
they looked really close. too close.
will scoffed. the guy wasn't even that good looking. plus, he so wasn't samy's type. the boy clicked back into her account to inspect the rest of the photos.
for some reason he couldn't believe how happy she looked as if they didn't break up. she looked like nothing even happened, but that was how will looked too. at least he tried to.
suddenly, the boy's phone buzzed in his hand. gabe's name flashed across the screen and a smile appeared on the blonde's lips as she slid to answer the call. his friend's face quickly appeared.
"hey, did i catch you at a bad time?" gabe wondered when he connected.
"no, no. i'm in my room," the blonde chuckled.
"okay, good. ry and drew are with me too. they wanted to say hi," the dark-haired boy pointed his laptop towards the other boys who waved.
"hey smitty!"
"yooo, what's up!"
will smiled widely at their hello's, "hey, it's good to see you guys again."
"we miss you a lot here. it's not the same without our other guy," drew cut in.
"i miss you guys too. it doesn't feel the same not playing on the same team anymore," the blonde hummed a bit sadly.
that was the hardest thing about all of this. on top of going through a breakup, will's best friends weren't around to help him through it. he only saw them through a screen now.
"you start soon, right? in a week?" ryan wondered as him and drew sat behind gabe in what must've been one of their rooms or something. 
"yeah, i make my debut at the game next week," will nodded, excitement filling his system at that. he's waited since he was a kid to finally take the ice as an official nhl player and knowing that day was finally a week away didn't quite feel real. 
"dude, you're gonna be awesome. i wish we could be there to see it," gabe frowned a bit which made will frown again. 
"i wish you guys were here, too. how's boston been? the same?" 
"yeah, pretty much. tailgates, parties, practice, you know. the usual," drew commented earning small eye rolls from gabe and ryan. 
"mostly practice. coach wants us working extra hard this year after last season," ryan cut in and the blonde nodded. he figured coach would get on the team harder this season after they lost the ncaa finals without scoring any points. 
"what've you been doing though? are the guys cool?" gabe changed the subject. 
"oh, they're great. they've been showing me around the area and i think i'll really like it," the boy nodded. he felt content and the people on the team seemed like good guys, so he knew he was in good hands. 
there was just a few things missing. 
"met any girls?" drew teased with a large smirk. 
will's expression faltered while gabe and ryan glared in the other boy's direction. they didn't hound will as much about the whole breakup anymore, but the subject was still touchy and they knew for a fact will wasn't ready to meet other people yet. 
"dude," ryan mumbled, but will still heard him through the call. 
"uh, no. i haven't, but it's fine," the blonde offered a tight-lipped smile. the other three studied their friend for a moment, trying to decide if he was being truthful or not. 
samy's name wasn't one that came up a lot around them anymore when will was in conversation. they knew he didn't wanna talk about her, so they tried keeping her name out of their mouths as much as possible. they never even told him she visited last weekend to see them for their first home game of the season not knowing how that'd make will feel, but gabe decided to try his luck today with the topic. 
"uh, samy was up last weekend. she came and saw us for the first home game of the season," the dark-haired boy informed. he studied his friend's face for a reaction, worried that will would get mad or something. 
"oh, she did?" was all will said. 
"yeah, it was really nice of her. she was pretty excited for us. we took her out for dinner and everything, too," gabe smiled a bit. 
"that's cool. i'm glad she..she went out," will nodded while a part of him twisted. 
he knew the guys were still her friend, he just never really thought that she'd actually fly out to see them still when he wasn't there. plus, none of them even said anything to him about it last weekend. there wasn't even a story post about her being there. will knew his friends loved him, but did they really think they needed to hide whenever they were hanging out with his ex so he didn't know? 
"she asked about you..or well..we started talking about you a bit and she asked about you," ryan hummed making the blonde's ears perk up. 
"what did she say?" 
"just asked how you were. we said you were good. settled into san jose. she said she's glad you're doing good," ryan continued. hearing all of that made will's stomach continue twisting. of course she was glad he was doing good even when he (stupidly) broke her heart. 
"i haven't talked to her. i don't think she'd wanna talk to me anyway," will laughed dryly. 
"i'm sure she does if she asked how you were doing. she's not that heartless, will," drew chuckled some. the blonde could only manage a weak smile in response. 
"do you know if she's like..talking to anyone or anything?" will tried asking casually so it wouldn't seem like he was stalking her account and so the guys didn't know he resorted to the burner account to look her up. 
"uh..not really. i think she's just going on random dates. nothing serious," gabe shrugged. 
"so she is seeing people though?" 
when gabe nodded will felt his heart sink. he figured she probably would, but hearing it aloud hurt even more than he thought. 
"why do you ask?" ryan wondered, eyebrows raised. 
"no reason. i was just curious," the blonde attempted to play off his disappointment. 
"were you stalking her account?" gabe said because he knew his best friend well, even through a screen. the boy knew about the burner account because he saw it on will's phone a few months back when he caught him stalking samy's account too. 
"okay, maybe i was," the blonde rolled his eyes. 
"i thought she blocked you?" drew raised his eyebrow. 
"she did..i was just looking on my burner account," will admitted, embarrassment coating his expression. 
"oh boy," ryan muttered like he was unimpressed, yet he knew will would do something like this. 
"oh, come on. give me a break. it's not stalking. i was just..checking in?" 
"i think you should reach out to her. see how she is?" gabe cut in before ryan began arguing with him. 
"i told you, she doesn't wanna talk to me. she said she never wanted to see me ever again, so i doubt she'd want me to randomly text her. i'm probably blocked anyway," will mumbled knowing he definitely was because he actually did try and reach out to her about a month ago. his text went green, so that was a clear indication his number was blocked on her phone. 
"well, i hope you know she does wanna see you again even if she won't say it. i know she still thinks about you because she wears her charm bracelet and she's always stroking the shark charm i'm guessing you have her?" gabe raised his eyebrow. 
will immediately thought back to his farewell party where he talked a bit with mrs. hughes. the envelope had sat in his pocket all day deciding if he should find samy and give it to her before deciding it was probably better to have her mom give it to her instead. he didn't even know if samy would want it, so hearing that it was on her charm bracelet was a surprise. 
"i wouldn't think she doesn't want to see or talk to you too fast, will. you guys have history. you're like family. we're rooting for you guys," ryan said with a soft smile. 
the hockey player hummed, swiping out of the facetime to go back to samy's instagram. after another sweep of her recent posts, he did notice the charm bracelet sitting on her wrist. all of the charms were still there, even the ones he gifted her since she's had it. a soft smile spread across will's lips when he caught sight of the shark one. 
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thewalkingthread · 11 months
I Do - R.G.
pairing: rick grimes x f!reader
summary: you and rick finally tie the knot
warnings: fluff, rick's a softie, implied smut but no actual smut
a/n: might be doing one for Daryl too if it's wanted! not proofread
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The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm and golden glow over the Alexandria Safe-Zone. It was a day unlike any other, a day filled with hope and celebration, a day that you had been waiting for a long time – your wedding day.
You never thought you'd get married in general. Then the world fell apart and the door was slammed completely shut with the key tossed into the ocean. You never could've imagined getting married in what the world has become. Especially to Rick Grimes.
As the community bustled with preparations, you stood in front of a full-length mirror in your simple yet elegant white dress. As silly as it sounds, you went on multiple runs with Maggie and Daryl to find a dress you liked. It sounds stupid really, the world is infested with walkers and you're out looking for a wedding dress. Nevertheless, everyone insisted that you find a dress that makes you feel special. Dead world or not, you're getting married and they wanted it to be perfect for you and Rick.
Your heart raced with anticipation, your hands trembling with a mix of nerves and excitement. Maggie stood behind you, combing through your hair and pinning it back.
"You really do look beautiful, hon." Maggie smiled, at you through the mirror.
In another part of Alexandria, Rick was dressed in a suit, straightening his tie with a determined expression. The weight of his responsibility as the leader of their community had never been greater, but today, it was all about the love he shared with you. Nothing else mattered.
As the time approached, you made your way to the makeshift outdoor altar, where their friends and fellow survivors had gathered. The sounds of laughter and chatter filled the air, and the atmosphere was filled with a sense of unity and joy.
You saw him before he saw you. Carl was by your side, your arm looped through his as you held a makeshift bouquet of wildflowers. The chatter died down when the crowd noticed you approaching. You let out an awkward chuckle. You've been leading this community with Rick, you've spoken to every single one of these people. Yet their gaze on you left you shifting uncomfortably in your spot.
Carl's hand lands on yours. "It's okay. If you fall, I'll make sure to fall harder." He teases, offering me some reassurance.
When Rick locks eyes with you, he is utterly captivated. You walked down the aisle with as steadily as you can, your eyes locked onto his. The love that passed between you was palpable, a connection that had survived the darkest of days. Everyone could feel it. Rick's eyes watered as you started the trek towards him. You could tell he was trying his best to fight it, but you noticed the quiver in his lips and the way he wiped his eyes as quickly as possible.
You reached the end of the aisle, Carl handing you off to his father, he kisses your cheek and shakes hands with his dad, a sight that causes the audience to chuckle amongst themselves.
Rick grasps yours hands in his, giving them a squeeze as he looks you up and down. "Absolutely stunning." He whispers, loud enough for you to hear.
As you stood before Gabe, you and Rick exchanged your vows, promises of love and support that had grown stronger through the trials and tribulations you had faced together. Your friends watched with smiles and teary eyes, grateful for this moment of happiness in a world so often plagued by despair.
The exchange of rings sealed your commitment, and Gabe smiled, "By the power vested in me and in the presence of your friends and family, I now pronounce you husband and wife."
Rick sealed your union with a passionate kiss, swooping your body close to him as his lips molded against yours. Cheers and applause erupted from the crowd.
The celebration continued well into the night, with music, dancing, and a feast prepared by the members of Alexandria. It was a day of joy, unity, and a reminder that love could still flourish in the darkest of times.
Music played through speakers as people enjoyed themselves. Couples and friends gathered on the dance floor, surrounding you and Rick as you swayed to the slow song.
You looked up at Rick with an abundance of love in your eyes. Your hand clasped onto his with his other hand holding you close on the small of your back.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight, Mrs. Grimes?" Rick's voice is low, his lips stay hovering over yours as you swayed.
"You have," You nod. "But say it again." You smile.
"You look beautiful," He hums, rubbing the tip of his nose against yours.
"The other part." You insist. Rick raises an eyebrow.
"Mrs. Grimes?" He questions. You smile, pressing your lips against his.
"Don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing it." You bite your lip.
A smile spreads on Rick's face. "Don't think I'll e'er get tired of sayin it," He agrees.
His eyes linger at the crowd, people were getting drunk. Daryl had found a bunch of alcohol on his last run. Normally we wouldn't bother to bring it back, but apparently a wedding calls for all the alcohol.
"Think they'll notice if we sneak off?" He whispers against your ear. "You look amazing in this dress but it's taking everything in me not to rip it off of you right now." He grunts.
Your thighs squeeze together at his words, glancing around. You shake your head, "Let's get out of here." Your tugging on his hand instantly, leading him off the dance floor and towards the houses.
You pass Michonne and Daryl on the way. They both raise their beer glasses up to you, knowing exactly where it is you're about to run off to.
"Better not have meh runnin for formula in 9 months!" Daryl hollers after you two. You both send him a middle finger before running off towards your house.
His hands are on you the moment the front door slams shut. He's unzipping your dress, shoving it down your body as fast as he can.
"Should-" He kisses you between words. "Pick it-" Kiss. "Up." Kiss. "Carl wi-"
"Carl and Judith's staying at Daryl's tonight. He knows better than to sleep here on our wedding night." Rick grunt's. His hands grip the back of your thighs before hoisting you up, you wrap your legs around his waist as he kisses on your chest, clumsily making his way up the stairs to your bedroom.
"Careful, cowboy." You giggle as he stumbles on a few steps. He tosses you on the bed, immediately undoing his tie as he admires your naked body.
"How'd I get so lucky?" He hums.
You smile, "Come show me how lucky you are."
Rick falls on top of you, his arms on either side of you, holding him up. "Oh I plan to. Hope you've got enough energy. You're not going to be getting much sleep tonight, darlin."
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