#i love her endgames
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Danny + Mindy & Ben + Devi Parallels Season 4
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xoxo-byler · 3 months
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he DEFINITELY realized something here…
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shima-draws · 8 months
Catching up on more recent FT stuff and um
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Also oh my FUCKING god look at him. He’s such a proud dad I’m going to throw up I love him so much
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And the fact that Natsu gets attached to her IMMEDIATELY and goes into overprotective Dad Mode when she’s not even his daughter, technically (and Gray too over his own Edo kid 🤧)
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Natsu: I’ve decided I’m taking her home with me. No objections
HOMIE DEADASS IS SIGNING THE ADOPTION PAPERS ALREADY. It was love at first sight. Natsu loves her so much he wants to kidnap her. Shut UP,
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ghostlycleric · 17 days
The difference in the way Mike treats El and Will is so insane when you really think about it.
Season 1: Will goes missing and Mike does everything he can to get him back. He SEES WILL’S CORPSE, mourns his loss, and the split second he hears Will’s voice on the walkie talkie he jumps back into action to find him. He convinces the entire hesistant party that he’s still out there.
Season 2: Mike SEES EL. HE SEES HER. STANDING IN THE FLESH OUTSIDE HIS WINDOW. What does he do? Elects to convince himself he’s crazy. He sticks by Will’s side and continues to mourn the loss of El. They make a point to show the cops chasing her. NOT MIKE. He never looks for her, he just walkie talkies her instead.
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Mike saw both Will and El die, and he had MORE reason to believe El was alive because there WAS NO BODY. They know Will vanished into thin air. Why doesn’t Mike go look for her? Why?
He likely walkie talkied her looking for the same moment he had with Will. Will dies, he’s heard on the walkie, hes alive. That’s what Mike was looking for: he was trying to replicate what he had with Will (*cough* like he does in the s4 monologue *cough*).
Even better… it happens again in season 3. In a much less kidnapped, dead angsty way, and more of a teenage, dramatic angsty way. El breaks up with him, he whines and needs constant help (from Lucas) to “chase after her”, and does so very late. Will fights with Mike and within MINUTES, zero prompting needed, he chases after him. Just like Max claimed Mike would for El.
I will not deny that Mike and El have an extremely strong bond, and as Mike said, they care for eachother so much… but Will consistently gets more boyfriend treatment from Mike than El does. Mike loves El, but he doesn’t *love* El.
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cerubean · 3 months
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satsuha · 3 months
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naeleen 60min challenge (took ~80min)
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i-dont-bite · 1 year
"you're basically saying disabled people can't be in relationships!! you're ableist!!!" no i'm not you dumb fuck i'm saying a girl who's been a LAB RAT and ISOLATED FROM SOCIETY since she was born until she was TWELVE shouldn't be thrown into a lifelong relationship with a kid she just met a WEEK after she escaped from the lab when she could BARELY SPEAK and didn't know what a the word "FRIEND" MEANT
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finncakes · 2 years
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you find me on the floor sobbing about them cause they mean so much to me
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skeletal-butterflyy · 1 month
Mike loves taking care of people. He loved taking of el in season one, and he loved taking care of will in season two, he loves feeling needed. He desperately wants to be the knight(paladin) that will sees him as. Mike and el love each other but not the way that mike and will do. Mike was only able to say he loves el because will told him that “el” would always need him no matter what:
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Mike even says that he knows el doesn’t need him and that’s why they’re having problems. It isn’t mikes monologue that gets her out of Vecna’s vines, it’s max. We even see it in the last scene of s4 where el is separated from the rest of the group. She’s become independent, doesn’t need just mike, as a romantic interest, she’s not a damsel in distress. What she does need is the support of her friends and family.
You know who does need mike though? Will! He makes it clear through the painting and his monologue in the van scene, and we see how happy this makes mike, to know he really is needed. That’s why byler works.
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strangelock221b · 1 month
When Sophie Beckett's casting is announced, I swear to God, the Benophie fans on this site better support her. There was a fuckton of racist bullshit when they announced Simone Ashley would be playing Kate, we don't need more of that.
Whoever she is, whatever her skin color is, you will support her. If she's not your first choice, it's okay to be disappointed but it's not okay to take that disappointment out on her.
The actress was cast because she is the best person to play Sophie.
That's all you need to know.
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stone-stars · 3 months
a while ago i saw a post by @sideblogdotjpeg about how the cycles in c3 seem a lot more personal/familial. and i kind of went insane in the tags at the time and i’ve been thinking about it a lot since because like…
you have the heroic cycles that the band of boobs parallel/break on this large scale. the idea of these broken trios of adventurers is there throughout the campaign, but they really start to engage with it towards the end— with the divine hearts, and thiala, and the wheel of suffering/wheel of joy idea. the thing hardwon says as he takes the divine heart, that no matter what anybody chooses from then on it’s with love in their hearts, i feel is very relevant to how they break the cycle. they love each other, and they choose over and over to hold each other tighter rather than be driven apart.
and on the other hand, you have duck team’s refusal of fate vs their family’s resignation to it. look at swag working with mothership, oliana’s contrition, and the stuff that is currently ongoing with gowan. you know— sol is a version of swag who fully rejected mothership and found his friends instead. callie refused to be a part of her family’s business, and her love for the wild and the serpents is giving the world a chance. calder, when he makes the deal with ultrus, telling callie and sol that he trusts them to save him. and now calder is refusing to sit back and let gowan handle things in the ice knife.
it's not that duck team aren't trying to save the world. they are. and it's not that the boobs didn't have a personal connection to the cycles they were breaking. they did. but it's like... well... how do i put this into words. right--
the song melora's boon plays when the boobs arrive at the heart of the world and speak to melora. when she talks to beverly about duty, shows him the places he faltered and how at the last second, he gets back up. (later, when they face thiala, bev doesn't go unconscious once. at one point, he's the only one standing.) for sol, this is the song that plays when he expresses his fear of going down again. when he admits to callie that he's scared of the day that she and calder are down and he's the one that needs to stand up alone. when callie says she's not afraid of that day, and sol finds himself empowered by the mushroom in his chest. the moment that sets up sol's long death monk ability, where he's able to refuse to go down and keep on fighting.
melora’s boon is also the song that plays for moonshine’s boon at the heart of the world. there are actually two songs in this scene, hardwon’s is different, and the transition back happens when melora says there’s a part of herself that moonshine hasn’t embraced. when she speaks to moonshine leading her people to a better future like an alpha wolf leading her pack. for callie, it plays when she tells hardwon and sol that she’s a liability and she needs to change— to embrace winter— in order to get calder back, even as they reassure her that she doesn’t. it also plays when callie asks the others to help her protect honeysuckle while he’s weakened. when they promise to lead honeysuckle home and free him from his connections to gromdal.
the writing on the wall plays when the boobs reach the court of gods. there's the wall of prayers there, and they hear the prayers of the people of bahumia, reaching out to them. prayers of protection-- for and by them. prayers that put the future of bahumia in their hands. for callie, this is the song that plays when she sees aryox's carving of her reaching the cave. when she realizes her mother acted the way she did because she could see what was coming in the future. when she realizes her mother was leaving the world in her hands.
the songs that the boobs first encounter at the end— when they’re basically demigods stepping up to face thiala— return for duck team in these personal moments. when sol finds the strength to refuse death. when callie talks about embracing winter, her mother’s season, something she eventually finds strength in, to save her friend. when callie asks the others to help honeysuckle, one of the serpents that she’s promised to protect partially due to the harm her family caused to the wild. and when callie realizes her mother saw the future and acted as she did because of it, pushing callie to walk the path she’s walking now.
anyway. this was a post about naddpod music.
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Y'all I admitted to my dad last night that I run this Byler blog bc unfortunately it was relevant to my OCD and trauma in a roundabout way, and he was like, "I'm not surprised honestly, I've noticed that you take their relationship extremely seriously" ??? 😭😭😭 And then he asked me if I was obsessed with Byler, or if I hyperfixate on their relationship and use it as an emotional support or a coping mechanism and I couldn't say no 💀 💀 💀
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rogersstevie · 4 months
really and truly unless it's a discussion about why peggy/steggy fans shouldn't like endgame, at this point idk why people feel the need to continually make the argument about her having a family as if that's the biggest problem about the ending especially when i figure most people are of the belief that it was another timeline or whatever idk what the current consensus on that is in the mcu and i don't care
but what about the fact that it destroyed steve's family? does that not matter because it's not the standard spouse and children but is instead a family he built for himself with sam and nat and bucky? because it's easier to decide steve is a selfish asshole and always has been instead of acknowledging that that storyline did more of a disservice to him than to anyone else? like oh maybe peggy's family was erased and that's horrible but it doesn't matter that steve's family was abandoned in the midst of the kind of trauma he knows very well?
i've said it before but it makes me so sad that so many people just turned on steve and decided a decade of movies don't matter in the face of one shitty desperate attempt of a movie to make him look like a pathetic creep just so they could justify their heterosexual nonsense ending
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ok not to be controversial but if you think that joyce byers (joyce byers!!!) would choose to stay with hopper over her boys?? i’m so sorry but you’re crazy for that
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