#i love him with frenchie
jurassic-cunt · 11 months
very invested in izzy hands' potential love life but kinda bored with stede and eds on and off again relationship tbh lol
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skulandcrossbones · 1 year
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sophsun1 · 1 year
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1.01 Pilot | 2.01 Impossible Birds
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drasin · 3 months
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Love this show so much 😌
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soupbtch · 8 months
have I ever told y’all how much I love frenchie. my babe’s got it all: he’s musical, superstitious, a fashionista. absolutely confounding energy, just straight up vibing all the time. he’s gonna captain the shit out of the revenge. the crew will scam their way across the caribbean under his leadership. he’ll lie his way out of every predicament with the law. he’ll break hearts at every port. empires will fall because he’s got his own cabin now. he’ll sew up the holes in the crew’s socks. that’s my best friend right there. #1 in the charts and #1 in my heart.
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transjudas · 2 years
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i just love the way they look at him like “how are you this gullible”
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idontcarecarebear · 9 months
If i had to pick a song that accurately represents the relationship between Butcher and Hughie from Butchers point of view it would be Change (In the House of of Flies) by Deftones
Just listen to the song and you’ll understand
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candied-cae · 1 year
I know some folks have been saying “Ed wanted to die in the same place he laid next to Stede-“ WRONG! HE WANTED TO DIE WHERE STEDE LAID NEXT TO HIM!!!
The place Auntie points out as being where his head was crushed by the cannon ball is the exact spot where Stede’s head had been during the arrest and that’s even more insane than the first option. (Anyway, I wanted to correct that assumption. It’s only a matter of like 2 feet, but I still find it an important detail, and figured a visual might help!)
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rubyroses222 · 5 months
the music, the man, the vibe
ohh aurélien the man you are 🤍
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darunyama · 1 year
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Which companion will you choose? (The Boys as BG3 characters)
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bougiebutchbinch · 9 months
God, Ouizzy is just so fucking DELICIOUS.
Frenchie is the captain, Izzy his loyal second. The two of them, over the year that follows S2, develop a far, far healthier relationship than Ed and Izzy ever managed.
Frenchie isn't the Best Captain Ever - he's still soft about the gills, and though he's... intimately familiar with the horrors of the world, with a past he likes to keep locked up in that box in his mind where all the Bad Things go, he never particularly wanted to be a pirate. He cares more about his crew than obtaining massive wealth or leaving a fearsome legacy.
Izzy is so fucking okay with that, after everything.
Sure, Frenchie is a soft touch (in comparison to Ed 'kill all pets' Teach in the pre-Bonnet era). But he also respects Izzy's opinion and is learning that sometimes, it is important to enforce orders when you live aboard a vessel whose upkeep is all that stands between you and a watery grave. He uses Izzy as an enforcer and Bad Cop when necessary (as Izzy very much likes to be used), and is intelligent enough to figure out that Izzy is a major fucking asset so long as you don't make him be literally the only one aboard doing everyone else's job, or constantly make him fear for his crew's life.
As for how he feels about him... Well, Frenchie's still shaky on that.
Like. There was that time in the Kraken era, when Izzy was feverish and dying of leg-rot and smelled really fucking gross. One day Frenchie came down to bring him water and Izzy was... crying.
He tried to cover it up, putting on his usual tough act, telling Frenchie to fuck off. But after everything he did for the crew, Frenchie couldn't not comfort him. So he crawled onto the bed behind him and just... hugged him. For ages. Until Izzy's stiff body slowly melted into pliancy, conforming to the curve of Frenchie's arms.
They lay like that half the night, one of them sweating and rotting from the inside, the other spooned up behind him like he could suck the fever-heat out of his broken, shaky little body.
Izzy was out of it, by the end of the night. Totally out of it. Frenchie can't think why else he'd rolled in his embrace and given him a sleepy, sour kiss, that felt far too much like a goodbye.
Only... Izzy lived. He's Frenchie's trusted subordinate now, the two of them running their own ship, hunting down Ricky as part of Zheng's new fleet. And that kiss stretches between them, every hour of every day, an invisible, unspoken thread.
it meant nothing. Frenchie's sure it meant nothing. Izzy was dying! Practically hallucinating! Hell, it was probably intended for Ed.
But Frenchie can't stop thinking about it. Izzy doesn't particularly like physical contact, but Frenchie is THE person on the crew who he's most comfortable with, tactilely speaking. He lets Frenchie grab his hand or sling an arm around his shoulders or rest his head on his lap whenever he wants. And he's kinda cute in a grumpy old-man sorta way. And Frenchie maybe wants to kiss him again -
But he fucking knows Izzy's still reeling from everything that happened with The Kraken, even if, like Frenchie, Izzy refuses to confront half of it. He's uncomfortably aware of their power dynamic, and Izzy's rather disturbing (i.e., kinky but entirely unexplored) relationship with authority. The last thing he wants is to push in where he's not wanted - or, worse, become a bandage slapped over a poorly healed wound.
Though Izzy was slightly sceptical of Frenchie's abilities at first, he threw himself wholeheartedly behind his captaincy for multiple reasons. Firstly... Izzy had his stint at captain. Izzy knows he doesn't particularly, uh, suit that role. He got mutinied on faster than even Jack's record (fucking embarrassing; Izzy's glad he's dead, if only because he'd never live that down).
Secondly... Well, this lackadaisical, supersititious musician kid seemed like just another of Bonnet's frails at first - but during the Kraken Era, he came into his own. He was fucked up by Ed, badly, like all of them were. But though it left him with a big fucking locked box that he refuses to talk about with anyone, it showed Frenchie that he could step up to the task, and use his skillset of trickery and guile to protect those he cares about (like, pretending he killed Izzy to keep him safe from Ed).
Now, Izzy's pretty damn sure Frenchie can walk the necessary line between Bonnet's softness and the hardship required of pirates. And, better yet, he thinks Frenchie might know it too. And he wants to be right there at Frenchie's side, protecting him, every step of the way.
Plus, y'know. There's that whole thing where Frenchie (who, for as long as Izzy knew him, looked out for number one) carried him into the hidden space within the ships' walls and tended to him against Blackbeard's orders. Risking his life for Izzy's worthless one, which was (so they all presumed at the time) pretty much over anyway.
And suuuuuure, Izzy was delirious. But, uh. He was also really fucking impressed. In that moment, Frenchie went in his mind from being another 'crewmate Izzy had to protect' to a 'crewmate who is protecting him; who thinks of Izzy as an equal, worthy of kindness and compassion'. Hell, Izzy may have had emotions about it, as they lay tangled on Izzy's damp sickbed, awaiting his death. He has distinct memories of a kiss.
But that's all in the past. They left Stede and Ed in their inn and sailed away to start a better life with the rest of the crew - a fresh break, a clean start. Izzy doesn't want to know if The Kiss actually happened, or if it was just a fever dream (HAHAHAHAA IT'S EATING HIM UP INSIDE). But he's sure as hell NOT gonna ask.
Look what happened the last time he fell in love with his Captain, after all.
Anyway: they are THEE recipe for traumatised mutual pining <3
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itswhatyougive · 11 months
He Was Their Dick (and they loved him)
It's really hitting me again how the Kraken crew saving Izzy was such an act of LOVE.
There was nothing for them to gain by saving Izzy once he'd been shot by the Kraken, nothing at all!!
Not even the possibility of Izzy protecting them from Krakbeard, since the deranged captain had already made it very clear he wanted Izzy dead.
Also, as Izzy was very badly injured at the time, it could be assumed that he would not be able to move from his hiding spot.
Since Krakbeard basically signed his death warrant, Izzy would never be able to move freely aboard the ship without facing rhe Kraken's wrath. He would have to stay sequestered in that little hidden room.
If anything, the crew keeping him alive was making their own lives harder, as well as putting said lives in danger.
It would've been much simpler and straightforward to shoot him, throw him aboard, and shrug it off as the humane way to end his life. We'd seen them waste others with little remorse, after all, and Izzy had been a dick to them in the past anyway.
And yet!!
Almost immediately after Izzy had been shot, one or perhaps all of them must have decided to take that chance to save this seriously wounded older man.
They had to quickly find a hiding place, haul his body, do their best to treat his wound, keep him sedated and quiet as best they could, then sneak him medicine and probably food and rum, help him relieve himself and clean that up.
They would have to do this for the foreseeable future, as Krakbeard told Frenchie in no uncertain terms that he had no intention of ever going back to land.
They would have to keep him alive and hidden for as long as the rest of their lives would allow on that doomed ship.
Surely that would sound like too much trouble for a crew that was focused only on living second to second? Not even Archie really understood their reasoning at the time.
All the same, the ever-opportunistic Frenchie and survivalist Jim put aside their self-preservation instincts just to hide this guy and keep him safe.
Fang had known Izzy for the longest, so it stood to reason that he would be the most inclined to help. And yet, Archie and Jim scrubbed Izzy's blood from the deck while Fang cried and Frenchie was likely tending to Izzy.
Frenchie also went to fetch medicine for him, and Jim and Archie cut off the rotten leg. While it's likely that Fang was just too traumatized to see Izzy in that state without crying and drawing attention, the fact is that the other members of Kraken crew stepped up when they really didn't have to.
Frenchie jeopardized his own position as first mate to lie multiple times to cover for Izzy.
Deranged as the captain was, first mate is considered a pretty privileged station. One would think a clever guy like Frenchie would try to get in the captain's good graces to try to ensure his own survival and not do anything that would potentially get him in big trouble.
And yet......well, you get the picture.
The Kraken crew risked it all for Izzy, and they did it for LOVE
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kingsofgaytham · 1 year
the fact ed put little white flowers in his bun and cute purple bows in his beard is not talked about enough
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wengenn · 11 months
Hi, is Frenchie called Frenchie because he is french ?
If so, he speaks french maybe ?
And La vie en rose is a french song, right ?
And he's the crew's singer/ musician, right ?
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zarophod · 3 months
okay will my boys posts be mostly about frenchie? definitely. is he scared of hurting colin? is he scared of being queer? does he have nefarious intentions?? why did he turn the photo over??? so many questions, and i need answers.
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