#i can also see him being lovers with lucius too
jurassic-cunt · 11 months
very invested in izzy hands' potential love life but kinda bored with stede and eds on and off again relationship tbh lol
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dragonmuse · 11 months
Keep It In The Box : An Essay on OFMD Season 2 and the Failure to Heal
(here in is my season two reaction. It contains many many spoilers. It's also about 3k words long so you know what you're getting into.)
“See, I have a system for dealing with all the terrible things I've seen. There's a box in my mind, and I put the things in the box..” -Frenchie, Season 2 of Our Flag Means Death
…..and then he never opens it. Chekov’s locked box has no key in season two.
On first watch, it seemed clear to me that Frenchie’s declaration was a narrative plant. Clearly the whole season would be about that box of pain and trauma being opened, sorted through and at least the beginning of healing. The show had developed a reputation after season one of being kind and focused on queer narratives of healing from childhood. Ed and Stede’s parallels in their childhood traumas were frequently on display through season one and were repeated in flashback throughout season two. Jim’s season one arc about becoming someone who doesn’t think just of revenge and can now forge meaningful connections was profound, beautiful and often funny. Izzy is an antagonist because he doesn’t want Ed to move on or stop acting like the trauma-response version of himself. The antagonist wants to stop healing. The point is to grow, to change, to learn how to love. It’s one of the things that made season one work for me at the time, despite reservations about pacing and tone.
So naturally season two should follow suit. It’s a kind show! About healing and falling in love!
For the first several episodes, the remaining crew on the Revenge go through a gauntlet of trauma, forced to do and receive violence at Ed’s whims as he careens from self-destructive behavior to self-destructive behavior. This is the wounding setup. It was dark, but it seemed like it would have a payoff and at first it did.
Perhaps one of the most beautiful moments of the season comes in one of the small respites in those early episodes as Jim recounts Pinnochio to Fang to soothe him through his grief. That was the show that I expected. The kindness of that moment struck me very deeply. It gave me some understanding of Archie too, who seems to fall for Jim right at that moment.
That scene is the show season one promised. Season two led with packing Frenchie’s box full to bursting. Here is the fight to the death between lovers, there is a first mate who is mutilated and rotting in the very walls (the rot of the Revenge itself), and there is the storm of Ed’s rage and pain that threatens to consume all of them.
So surely these remaining episodes would concentrate on finding the humor in healing from those moments. That is the setup. Frenchie has a box. The box must eventually open.
Except time and again, all the characters who suffered are told that the only way to deal with what they’ve been through is to stick it in the box and never open it again.
Pete tells Lucius that he’s unable to move on and needs to let it go. Izzy has a story about a shark. Ed’s apology to the crew which doesn’t even contain the words ‘I’m sorry’ is just…accepted. I kept waiting and waiting for a meaningful apology to the people Ed had hurt the worst with his actions, but it seems all we get is Fang saying ‘eh, no problem, I got to hit you back so I feel better’.
The playful theme of ‘pirates are just violent sometimes’ from season one becomes a grinding horror machine in season two when every atrocity visited on someone is forgiven because the narrative needs it to be. Ed and Stede spend more time making amends with each other over the bloodless night on the beach than either of them spend trying to repent for their actions towards anyone else.
And let’s talk about Ed. Arguably this season pivots on his narrative, on his path to healing and growth. A path that starts at a very low point. His moment in the gravy basket, deciding he wants to live because there are still things to live for is so great! So one might assume that what would follow would be him pursuing those things, making amends, making connections. He and Stede have a wonderful moment, talking about being whim prone and how they’ll work to avoid that, build a relationship by going slower.
Yet, at no point do either of them stop following whims. They never heal or learn from what’s happened to them. They both keep running from thing to thing, particularly Ed. It’s a whim to sleep with Stede, it’s a whim to run off to fish, and the finale gives us just more of their whims. Ed drops fishing as fast as he picked it up. He finds those leathers in the ocean, murdering the symbolism of leaving them behind. Even the inn is a whim, one of those things Ed decided he’d be good at without evidence. And Stede joins him in that without a single on screen conversation about it ahead of the moment.
Ed needs to heal himself and to do that he needs to confront what he’s done and do the work to heal the wound. Instead, he doesn’t meaningfully apologize to anyone, besides Stede and Fang. Despite Izzy’s dying words (we’ll get to that), not only do we never see the crew caring about Ed, working to make him family in the same way they do with Fang and even Izzy, he also doesn’t choose to stay with them. So what is the point? Where is the healing? Or does even Ed, beloved main character, have to live with it all stuffed in a box?
He ends the season in the leathers he threw away, in a relationship that’s barely stabilized, going to live in a house which we are told by the narrative (in that they are very very clearly paralleling Anne and Mary with Ed and Stede or why do we even get that whole Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? episode) will only end in them setting fire to each other to stay warm.
But Vee, I hear you cry, it’s a ROM-COM. This is all meant to be ha-ha funny and you are taking it so seriously!
Cool beans. Then why the hell isn’t it funny? Healing is often filled with comedy because people deal with pain with humor. You can heal and laugh at the same time. The finale especially is almost entirely devoid of laughs, almost entirely devoid of joy until the last minute for that matter. The episode that should show off with a flourish how far everyone’s come, mostly serves to show that no one has grown.
Okay that’s Ed. I want to talk about Lucius next. Our former audience surrogate (that’s taken away in season two when he doesn’t get enough screen time to perform that role and no one takes his place) really goes through the wringer. He experiences many many terrible things, including sexual assault (which is made into a grimace-laugh line that doesn’t take away from it’s seriousness because oh hey, that can be done as it turns out). He’s nervous, he’s smoking, it’s clear he’s suffering.
There’s a beautiful moment where Pete tells him ‘hey, I was also in pain. I grieved’ and that’s great. It’s good that Pete sets a boundary about Lucius not obsessing over the past to the point of occluding their future.
We even get our comedic moment where Lucius pushes Ed off the boat (still not apology, but I’d lost hope for that by then) and that doesn’t help enough. So Izzy comes in with a shark and the advice that you just have to move on.
Just…you know. Play pretend. Forget.
Shove it in a box. Ed didn’t take my leg, a shark did. Ed didn’t kill you, a shark did. Live with the person that tried to murder you because it’s your fault you dangled your leg over the side of a boat. That is the show’s message. I thought on first watch, that surely this would also come back up and be explained that you can’t live that way, that that is no way to heal. That it would become clear that this was no way through. You cannot make everything into sharks.
Lucius can move forward and still carry pain. He can still want a meaningful apology and still want to talk to his lover about what he’s dealing with while moving forward toward a brighter future.
And what of the flirtatious promise of relationships and connections being the way to heal? Look to Oluwande and Jim, whose heartfelt romance from season one was relegated to the bins of history in favor of a narrative that made him a brother Jim once had sex with. They could have had Archie AND Oluwande, who in turn could also have Zheng, but that never seems to be an option. With a single short conversation, they are broken up with, despite a brief tease at the birthday that they still ‘dance’ together, it never actually manifests. Jim and Archie never talk about what they went through. It’s swept under the rug as fast as knives are lowered.
Lucius also no longer flirts with other people, the solution to his pain is to propose and get married (but not too married, lest we forget that they’re two men, they don’t even get to be husbands or even the more respectful mates, no. They’re mateys.) This season proposes that the only happy endings are monogamous ones, where no one talks about anything painful that went before.
To ensure that message, beyond assuring the success of Oluwande and Zheng’s relationship, Jim and Archie almost entirely disappear from the narrative. Sorry you guys were given layers of trauma and no growth and not even much to do this season, we need to make sure that everyone remembers Oluwande is the break in Zheng’s day so when he says that to her five minutes later we know exactly what he’s referencing. No time for Archie to learn what an apology is or for Jim to get one line in with Oluwande that isn’t affirming their newfound broship. Must do more flashbacks to things we just did two episodes ago!
The show even dangles the conversation of the Revenge being a safe space. Why would any of them ever feel safe when the man who tortured them is allowed to walk among them and they are expected to forgive and forget? What’s safe about that? The ship is never made safe for any of them, but that’s never addressed.
And Zheng! Amazing, hysterically funny Zheng! She loses her ships, her entire way of life, the kingdom she built for herself and then…she doesn’t even get to captain the Revenge. We don’t know what becomes of her fleet, of her plans, her ambitions. Don’t worry about it, she has a romantic partner and isn’t that what every lady wants in the end?
(But Vee, I hear you cry again, there will be a season three! Maybe it will be All About Zheng! To which I say: then why did they present us with the most series finale feeling episode ever? If there’s more, I have no idea where it’s going. BUT VEE: BUTTONS AS SEAGULL ON THE GR- Fine. It’s time.)
Let’s talk about Izzy Hands.
Izzy manages more healing than anyone else this season. He reaches his lowest point, suicidal in the bowels of a ship that’s become a prison (very much in contrast to Ed’s suicidal low). The person he loves most in the world has shredded him physically and emotionally (and if you’re in the camp that thinks Izzy deserves the abuse that Ed gave to him, I would really like you to sit quietly with yourself and ask why you think there is ever anything anyone can do to deserve that treatment). He’s low, he shoots Ed to protect everyone, and then seems to plan to drink himself to death, mourning his losses.
And then another beautiful moment! The crew move past their own pain to help him. They work together for the first time and it’s to give Izzy mobility back. He treasures it. He cries over it. He uses that kindness extended to him to reach a new understanding of Stede and help him succeed, doing the work to make real amends. He sings in drag, he’s vulnerable and beautiful, celebrating the side of himself that he must’ve loathed in the first season. He’s an elder queer man, coming into himself.
He never gets an apology though. (‘Sorry about your leg’ without eye contact is not an apology. There is no responsibility taking, no acknowledgement of the weeks of torture that came with it.) Izzy also never really has an honest conversation with anyone about what it means that the man he loves punished him so severely for the crime of trying to protect the crew (yes, lest we forget, Izzy lost his leg because he was trying to keep Ed from re-traumatizing the crew and himself).
Izzy does all this work, but even he’s not allowed to take it out of the box. It’s a shark, not Ed. Ed is just ‘complicated’ (the language of abuse here is so upsetting and I think not even intentional).
And then he dies. His last act? To apologize to the man who tortured him and shot at him. To have done all this work, to take on all the blame. And then die.
In a rom com.
This show ends in a profoundly unfunny moment of telling the audience: this is the one character that did the work, that made amends, that tried his hardest to accept the parts of himself that he had a hard time embracing and formerly embittered him. He’s fully accepted his queerness and turned it into beautiful music. He’s disabled, and he worked hard to accept that. The man he loves will never love him back, so he worked hard to make Stede able to meet Ed on an even playing field. The Giving Tree gave up its limbs and its trunk, and it’s not even allowed to be a stump to sit on.
Kill the queer elder, who has managed to figure out how to live and in his own way how to heal. Kill him before he manages to teach anyone else how to meaningfully move forward (he almost gets it with Lucius, almost, but it’s meant to be rule of three, you know. Cigarette..shark…and then…and then fuck it, Lucius doesn’t even get to say a word at his funeral).
The message of this season again and again is that there is no healing, just moving forward. Like a shark. Like a bird that never lands.
That is not a kind show.
Season two is not a kind season.
It splinters people up and jams them back together without purpose or reason. It tells everyone who experiences pain that they should shove it in a box and not deal with it. No one who really needs one gets an apology of any sincerity. No one puts in the work to gain forgiveness. (Ed wearing a onesie is not The Work. Ed fixing a door is not The Work. Ed broke people that the show wants us to care about. Ed never does the work of making those amends. He fires off a Notes app apology at best. After all, it’s what he told himself via Hornigold in the gravy basket: you move on or you blow your brains out! Good thing he took his own advice and therefore had to change nothing to get his just rewards.
I would’ve taken just fifteen minutes of Ed trying to actually make amends. It could’ve been hilarious! Imagine awkward Ed trying to dance around what he’s doing with Jim and the two of them having a knife throwing competition about it. Or him and Frenchie attempting to make music together, writing a song about the raids they went on! It’s not just the crew robbed of their healing because of this, it’s Ed himself. He never meaningfully changes or makes amends. How is he any different at the end of the finale then he is standing on the edge of that cliff with Hornigold? He hasn’t moved on, he hasn’t healed. He tried one thing (fishing) that doesn’t fucking work and then he runs right back.
No one leaves this season better than they went into it. They’ve lost an elder queer, they’ve lost their joyous and queer polyamory, they’ve lost a chance for meaningful reconciliation with Ed and Ed lost any chance of looking like he gave shit if they did. Stede grows enough to accept the crew’s beliefs as important and then leaves them behind without a care.
Izzy gets a beautiful speech about piracy being larger than yourself. Ed and Stede, within twenty minutes of that speech, leave piracy. They are incapable of giving themselves to something bigger, apparently. They haven’t learned to be a part of a community. They haven’t healed from their childhood trauma or their fresher wounds. They are still just following their own whims.
Zheng’s life work is in tatters, but it’s fine, she has love. Oluwande and Jim aren’t together, but it's fine because they both have dedicated monogamous partners. Lucius was deeply scarred by what happened, never recovers much of his first season personality, but hey he got-well it’s not married exactly- but you know good enough!
Frenchie, who has a box forever locked in his head, is captain. Because the key to success is to lock it all in a box and never open it. What a message. What a show. Conceal, don’t feel. Smile because it’s a happy ending. Don’t mourn the dead, don’t try to tell people what happened to you (they will literally run away or cry too hard to listen and really you’re just bumming them out), and any meaningful change you make is only rewarded with death.
Frenchie is now a pirate captain with a box in his head full of trauma that’s never been opened, leading a crew with more wounds than scars. Wonder how that could turn out? Wonder how many years before he might want to retire and then happen to run across a gentleman pirate. As if no one learned anything at all.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 10 months
Hello 🤗 Can you please write part 2 of bale batman with assistant reader headcanons where he was in love with her but hasn't confessed yet and gets jealous when she pays attention to someone else? Thank you ❤️
Of course, lovely anon!! <3
A/N: more Bale!Bruce!!! I love writing for him, thank you so much for requesting <3 I might have little surprise planned for all of the Bale!Bruce lovers hehe 👀
~Fi 🐝
Part 1 ♡ Part 3 ♡
Bruce secretly being in love with assistant!reader ♡
◇First of all,
◇We all know his smooth talking is immaculate, he's Gothams playboy, a flirting legend.
◇With you, though?
◇Yeah, no chance.
◇He's stumbling over his words, blushing.
◇He's a mess, basically.
◇Because he actually cares what you think. He wants to impress you, not with his money or status, but with his personality.
◇That has never happened before. It scares him a little, but he can't help but smile a bit at your influence on him.
◇Also, he cannot stop looking at you. He's admiring you every second.
◇He doesn't get any work done, he almost messed up the biggest deal Wayne Enterprises had ever gotten just because he thinks you're pretty.
◇In his mind, you're already married and have 3 kids together.
◇He probably bought the ring already.
◇Bruce regularly buys you flowers, expensive chocolates, like he does not hold back.
◇But, he is very possessive, you're his, whether you know it or not.
◇He's very convinced you love him too, why would you smile at him so sweetly, or always make sure he's okay if you weren't?
◇He would never make you uncomfortable or cross any boundaries but god, he would have you sit on his lap every single day if he could.
◇Everything's going well, he watches you from afar, his eyes are basically hearts at this point.
◇That is until he sees you talking to some guy named Jake, who apparently also works here, and he makes you laugh just a little too much for Bruce's taste.
◇He should be the one making you laugh and smile like that, not some guy who's been trying to get in your pants for months now.
◇You don't get the hint though, you just think Jake is a nice bloke who's actually interested in working here, and with you.
◇Bruce sees through that immediately and it makes him scowl.
◇Why would anyone do that to you? You're so lovely and perfect, that Jake fella doesn't appreciate you. He doesn't deserve you.
◇Bruce knows he's better in every way, he could buy you whatever you want, you'd never have to work again, but most importantly, he would love you.
◇Truly love you, like a beautiful woman like you deserves.
◇He definitely intimidates and threatens Jake behind your back. He would love to do it in front of you, but he's worried he'll scare you away.
◇Bruce makes a final statement by moving your desk into his office permanently.
◇Jake still tries to get laid, and Bruce is about to actually punch this fucker if he doesn't stop.
◇Apparently threatening to fire him didn't do the trick.
◇He calls Jake to his office once you're on your lunch break and just straight up tells him that you're his and that if he doesn't stop trying to fuck his woman, there will be unpleasant consequences.
◇"Hey Bruce, have you seen Jake lately?"
◇"Hm? Oh, he moved so he had to quit."
◇He's so in love with you it's actually insane.
◇He's so bad at hiding it too, it's like all those years of playboy experience disintegrate once he sees you smile.
◇He lays in his bed at night, thinking what it would be like of you were there with him.
◇Then, the images of you talking to other men and smiling take over his mind and his blood is boiling.
◇You're not allowed to talk to any other men besides Alfred, Lucius and Gordon.
◇Would he ever tell you or act on that?
◇Absolutely not, he know he doesn't own you.
◇He'd just preferred it if you didn't.
◇He snapped one time and kissed you in front of the whole company. It was a rough and hungry kiss, but it didn't lack gentleness.
◇Bruce disappeared into a hole of shame for a week. He definitely crossed a line, he shouldn't have done that.
◇He has to come back to work at some point, so he does but he immediately wants to sink into the ground once he sees you.
◇That's until he sees you.. smiling?
◇You're all excited to see him back and you tell him that you missed him and he caves.
◇He confesses his love to you in a 10 minute rant about how amazing and perfect you are (and how stupid Jake was) and you're just standing there dumbfounded.
◇Yeah, he kissed you, but given his past you didn't actually think that kiss meant anything to him.
◇It meant the world to him and he literally couldn't stop thinking about it. Or you, for that matter.
Some NSFW~
◇He also had this dark and twisted fantasy of fucking you in front of everyone so they'd see you're his and no one else's.
◇He's a little ashamed to think of you like that, but he can't deny that the thought gets his dick hard.
◇When a some guy checks you out on the street, you're in for something.
◇He won't ever, ever take it out on you because how is that your fault that some men are pigs?
◇He'd make you come extra hard, just so you know he's the one who made you feel that good and, come on now, those other dudes could never make you feel like this.
◇He definitely needs you to tell him that you're his, despite his confidence I believe he's a little insecure just because he never had anything real before.
◇Bruce is on his knees, eating you out until you see stars and he looks up at you and just asks "you're mine, right?"
◇low key gets kinda subby, he needs you to assure him so bad.
◇You're just nodding eagerly because that's all you can muster the way he's fucking his tongue into you.
◇It's a low vibration in his throat and all that insecurity and unsureness just evaporates.
◇He's always so loving during sex, especially after incidents, like this one.
◇You're both smiling and making each other feel good and loved, and he's definitely the one for you, as you are for him <3
I looked through the Bale!Bruce tag and.... it's so dead :( I'M SORRY FOR NOT WRITING MORE SOONER, I HAVE MORE PLANNED VERY SOON!! <33
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hadesrise · 1 year
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summary ➳ you unexpectedly defend barty from your friends.
pairings ➳ bartemius “barty” crouch jr. x hufflepuff!male reader
warnings ➳ sfw content, foul language, sunshine and sunshine protector trope, discrimination, asshole friends, friends to lovers, badassery lol, people are a lot prejudiced in this
author’s note ➳ i headcanon him as ravenclaw, sorry. also i think hufflepuffs are scary as fuck when they’re mad. I DO NOT HATE LILY OR JAMES AND SIRIUS. please don't misunderstand that 🥲
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Unpleasant whispers filled the Great Hall particularly from Gryffindor’s table as everyone watched the little-to-no-good trio take a seat on the Hufflepuff’s table and settle themselves there uncaring of the whispers, Barty sitting down right beside you while Evan and Regulus sat on the opposite side. Despite noticing the unpleasant looks being thrown at your company, you smiled at Barty after seeing how comfortable and relaxed he seemed.
“Hey, B.” You softly greeted, eyes twinkling in admiration and cheerfulness. “Nice to see you guys too, Evan and Regulus.” Greeting politely, Evan and Regulus each sent you a small smile before falling into a calm conversation with one another, which made you wonder why they’re here in the first place, but you figured it’s because Barty’s here.
“Well, (Y/n). How’s your potions class?” Barty questioned, starting off with casual conversation while beginning to eat.
The Marauders watched as you respond to Barty with a kind smile on your face and not an ounce of hatred nor distaste for being surrounded by the three most infamous persons in Hogwarts, aside from Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, and Bellatrix Black. The softness of your expression didn’t even change. No one understands how a golden boy like you could hang out with people like... them, considering you’re the most kindest, softest, brightest person Hogwarts has ever had. You’re easily approachable and has the heart of gold that is almost impossible to be tainted, treating everyone equally while plastering on that pleasant smile of yours.
You’re practically a walking safe space for everyone. Reliable, trustworthy, loyal, patient, generous, kind, humorous, ambitious, all of them combined is what you are — a perfect person.
Or at least, that’s how others perceive you. Though, it’s not their fault for seeing you like that, you figured.
The way you’ve presented yourself in public is probably why they think of you as this perfect and divine person that is always good and never evil. You’re kind of flattered by them, but it also makes you feel as if expectations are squeezing down your throat hard.
“How the fuck does he tolerate him?” Sirius Black exclaimed in genuine confusion, referring to you engaging in conversations with a guy who clearly meant bad news.
“Language,” Remus Lupin, without looking up from his book, scolded gently. “I’m sure it’s because (Y/n) has more patience than you. He also doesn’t seem to care what other people say about him.”
“But it’s not good for him to be hanging out with him, don’t you think?” Lily Evans worriedly spoke from beside Remus as Marlene Mckinnon, who sat by her side, nodded in agreement. They knew how nice you are, so seeing you carelessly talk to Barty without hesitation makes them worried, especially when Barty’s practically apart of the Slytherins that are far from pleasant from how much time he spends with them instead of his own house. They knew him, and he definitely cannot be called a good person.
“Uhm... We don’t know for sure.” Peter shrugs, “I mean, it’s really not for us to decide who he should hang out with.”
“Peter’s right,” Remus immediately agreed, “There’s not much we can do if he’s hanging out with them. It’s not our business, and even though (Y/n)’s kind, I don’t think he would appreciate anyone butting their heads into his business. After all, he has his own thoughts.”
Even then, Lily was worried while Sirius did not understand. They returned their attention to you and Barty after hearing your laughter erupt in the Great Hall amongst murmurs and talkings of other students, seeing you playfully punching Barty’s arm and him having an overly amused and proud look on his face for making you laugh. You seem to be fairly enjoying yourself in Remus’ and Peter’s perspective, but of course, those who have a childish disdain towards Slytherin and their associates would rather be blind to it than face the reality.
You’re clearly happy with having Barty as a friend and certainly doesn’t mind who he hangs out with; endlessly friendly and nice to his two best friends, even greeting them with a warm smile. As a matter of fact, it made you seem more matured than anyone else, how you never discriminate, judge, accuse and hate anyone based on their house, rumors, or impressions. You see everyone for who they are, not what people think of them as.
Resting his elbow on the table and chin on his palm, Barty simply admire you as you talk about your day while putting some meals on his plate, making sure none of the meals contained his least favorite food. “Defense against the Dark Arts is such an entertaining lesson, B. It certainly levels up my defensive spells. I’ve been practicing them where no one will get harmed and proudly, I’ve improved a lot.” You told with utter excitement as you finished putting meals on his plate, moving to put some on your plate next. “I could show you later if you want? And perhaps, you can give me feedbacks on what I should work on.”
Barty was almost too busy admiring you, though he was quick to respond. “That’s a brilliant idea, (Y/n). Maybe we could even duel once you’ve mastered it."
You winced, “Can you not go hard on me? I’m still not confident with my duelling, you know.”
“Oh well, confidence is the key!” Barty says with excitement, genuinely wanting to duel with you. “You should try being full of yourself and think, “I can fucking do this” ‘cause it works. That’s how I got pass that bloody awful Divination class.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head, as if it was the worst ever experience of his life.
A giggle erupted from your throat, which made Barty’s lips twitch up to form a smile. It may be unexpected to others, but to you, Barty always smiled and you witnessed every single one of those moments.
“Professor McGonagall will hex you if she hears that,” You joked while still laughing, leaning on him.
He wraps an arm around your shoulder to keep you on his side, grinning. “That’s just an if, you know.” Wiggling his brows, you giggled at his silliness and also wrapped an arm around his waist naturally, gaining a few raised brows and looks from other houses.
Evan and Regulus merely smiled at your interaction before scowling and exchanging eye contact, people’s reactions catching their attention despite being mild. It’s absolutely unpleasant, how they look at you and Barty as if you’re doing something criminal. They look at you with such disapproval that couldn’t help but cause Evan and Regulus to furrow their brows and narrow their eyes — it’s almost unbelievable how everyone loves you when you’re with your own house, Gryffindor, or Ravenclaw, but when you hang out with Slytherin or anyone close to them, you’re suddenly unlikable. As if you were the Public’s property, like you’re supposed to do what they tell you to do. It feels almost as if they want to control who you hang out with.
It’s more than unpleasant, the two Slytherin thought. It’s awful, how everyone seemingly wants you to act the way they expect you to.
Do you even realize the way those people who you consider friends look at you whenever you hang out with Barty? Have you ever looked around to see their eyes screaming disappointment? What would you think once you notice?
Barty seemed to be putting all his trust in you, nearly taking his heart out for you to carry it around; they don’t want their best friend to lose someone who’s literally the safe place and comfort zone. They were worried about Barty, but also worried for you.
Unfortunatelly, worrying made them miss the way you piercingly stared at someone who looked at Barty with disgust when he wasn’t looking, before plastering on an angelic smile to your best friend as soon as the bastard flinched and looked away.
I hope no one attempts to cut my patience off today, you thought with a smile while listening to him talk enthusiastically about the fun time he messed with Lucius’ potion so bad that it exploded on Snape, not knowing you’ll be in for a surprise later on.
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“What are you up to later?” Evan questioned as the three of them strolled through the hallway and ignored the obnoxious pranksters with red and gold tie, trying to find a place where peace actually exists and no judgmental look from anyone.
“Studying with (Y/n).” Barty grins, holding up a pile of books. There seems to be little unnoticeable bounces in his steps as excitement bubbles within him.
Regulus gives him a weird look, “Are you pretending to be stupid so you could study with him?”
“What’s the matter with it? It’s not like he’ll know.”
“You are literally a Ravenclaw.”
“Don’t stereotype me, Reg. It’s getting old, you’re old.”
“You’re making it seem as if he’s that stupid enough not to know you’re just pretending.”
An offended gasp was heard.
“No, I am not!”
Evan chuckled at their playful banter.
Despite Regulus seemingly making fun of Barty’s tactics to spend more time with you, Evan knew he was internally happy for their best friend. The heavy expectations from his father has been taking a toll on Barty a lot, which caused some inner doubts to appear that almost always led to mental breakdowns that lasted longer than an hour. He never had been comfortable with anyone besides them and Pandora, and they were truly happy when you accepted Barty warmly without caring about the rumors or how people viewed him. It feels quite relieving to see Barty radiate happiness now.
However, the three of them comes to a halt in the hallway when a voice filled with dislike erupts from the courtyard, asking a particular question to a person no other than you.
“How can you even hang out with people like them?”
Barty, Evan, and Regulus glanced at one another before walking silently closer and peeking at the courtyard, seeing you sat on the cemented bench while playing Wizard’s Chess with Marlene, surrounded by your friends who were mostly Gryffindors. There’s only one Ravenclaw, the same house as Barty, yet he’s the one who questioned it.
You got distracted to his question as you tilt your head, “What are you talking about?”
The trio quickly ducks when the Marauders come running out of other hallways to the courtyard with loud laughters, definitely disturbing other students, and join you by the bench. Quickly noticing the strange silence, Remus tilted his head. “Why is everyone so quiet?”
“Because Leo asked how (Y/n) can even hang out with people like them.” Marlene explains shortly with emphasis, which let everyone know exactly who they were talking about.
The werewolf sighs, covering his face and shaking his head. “We’re talking about this again?”
Barty wondered how much had he and his friends been the subject of your conversation, guts twisting negatively.
“I still don’t know who you’re referring to,” You chimed in with visible confusion, now forgetting about the chess. Silence fills all of them, the Marauders and Lily glancing at each other as Marlene also can’t help but forget the chess, while your other Gryffindor friends look at you as if it’s strange that you don’t know what they’re talking about.
The Ravenclaw — Leo gives you a look, “Are you dense? I’m talking about Barty Crouch Jr. and his little goons.” He rolled his eyes.
You frowned, “They have a name, you know. Regulus Black and Evan Rosier.”
Barty recognized the discomfort and disapproval in your tone, how you seemingly understood quickly that Leo intends to talk ill about them. He didn’t miss the way your shoulders tensed and body language displaying a defensive gesture, which rarely ever happens. You’re always accepting and welcoming of other people with that big smile plastered on your face; when your body language changes, that just means someone had overstepped your boundaries. No one else seem to realize it.
One of the Gryffindors, Beth, rolls her eyes and gives you a disgusted look. “I don’t know how you can be nice to those Death Eater freaks. Slytherins are literally evil, look at their ancestors!”
“Yeah, they also pick on almost everyone.” Karen agreed, crossing her arms. “I mean, can’t you see how much bad influence they are? Barty’s supposed to be hanging out with members from his own house yet here he is, and look how he turned out.”
“I bet his father’s really disappointed and disgusted." Leo snickered, earning laughter from the two Gryffindor girls.
Lily, Marlene, and Dorcas pulsed their lips into a thin line as Remus and Peter frowned, clearly uncomfortable with the insults and comments that crosses the line, while James and Sirius fell silent since even though they had personal dislike for Slytherin, they wouldn’t go as far as your friends were going. Regulus is also Sirius’ brother, and he doesn’t like hearing anyone talk about his little brother like that.
When Sirius opened his mouth to defend his brother, the words end up being stuck in his throat after witnessing how your warm look morphed into an emotionless and expressionless face that made his blood run cold.
“You guys are fucking pathetic,” You snarled with a low and cold yet loud tone that had made the entire courtyard fall into utter silence as everyone — including others who were just around — look at you with wide shocked eyes. Your friends visibly flinched at the piercing harsh glare you were shooting them, calm storms of rage swarming in your eyes that usually displayed warmness and light. They could easily see the way your jaw was clenching, which was definitely a sign that they dug their own graves for strong lightning to strike them until they’re nothing but bones and flesh.
Barty also stops in track, finding himself surprisingly intimidated and a bit afraid. Regulus completely went still as Evan slapped a hand over his mouth in shock. It’s already surprising that a Hufflepuff cursed at someone, but to see you, someone who’s always smiling and accepting and kind and unbelievably patient, someone who’s the Golden Boy and practically a gift from divine beings who seemed as if you don’t even know how to get mad, so enraged? It is beyond jawdropping.
“What—” Karen speaks, but you interrupt.
“Have you ever realized how annoying you all sound when you mind my business rather than your own?” You tilted your head, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. “It sounds like pathetic cunts who pretend they’re righteous when all they’ve ever been are prejudiced hypocrites who judge others solely on the houses they’re in. You’re much more horrible than the Death Eater freaks you talk about.”
“What the bloody hell is your problem!?” Beth shrieked.
“You and your goons, duh.” You retorted while shooting her a look, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Mistreating Slytherins for what their ancestors did is completely childish and immature, especially when it was out of their control. If their ancestors joined the Death Eaters, then the one to be blamed is not them but the ancestors themselves.” You shifted your cold gaze to Leo and Karen, “Yes, I’ve seen the three of them pick on others and told Bartemius to stop, which he did. James and Sirius pick on Snape and other Slytherins a lot, so why haven’t you barked about that yet? Is this that thing where it’s alright when you or other Gryffindors do it, but it’s suddenly evil and horrible when it comes to Slytherin?”
Karen swallows thickly, trying to hold her head high. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Really?” Your mocking tone implied you believed nothing as you stand up from the bench, leaning closer to her. She avoided eye contact, fearful. “What the fuck did you mean then?” The slow tone made you even more intimidating.
“Why are you mad at us?” Leo asked, intimidated. “We haven’t done anything wrong.”
You shot him a side-eye, raising your brows. “Think with your brain, Ravenclaw. Why am I mad exactly and are you certain you haven’t done anything wrong?” You plastered on a fake smile, “Honestly, I’m not actually mad, Leo. I’m enraged. My blood’s boiling within my body. I’m certain you know what enraged means as you’re a clever Ravenclaw, don’t you?”
He bit his lip and looked down in shame.
Barty’s mouth fell agape; what the fuck, he didn’t know you can be so sarcastic like this.
Sighing deeply, you stared at him from head to toe and tilted your head, the corner of your lips twisted up. “Bartemius is clearly wiser and smarter, though.” You shrugged, “At least he knows not to befriend a loser like you.”
Lily steps closer to stop you, “(Y/n)... I think that’s enough.”
“Not precisely, Evans. And don’t think I don’t know about how you think of Bartemius as well.” You look at her, unimpressed.
“We were just worried about you...” She whispered.
“What’s there to be worried of?” You snapped. “You are all treating Bartemius as if he and his friends are cold-blooded murderers. You see someone hanging out with people in green and silver tie and your first thought is they’re horrible. The reason they become evil and horrible is because of people like you. Because you can’t and refuse to believe there’s good in them, because you would rather believe they can be anything but good than actually see who they are. You can’t handle being non-judgmental.”
Remus and Peter couldn’t help but smile at the truth in your words. The others still can’t react to your unusual change.
You sneered at your former friends, “And I hope you know you’re fucking pathetic and disgusting.” Utter disdain filled your expression, “Find someone else to cling onto. I’d rather be with Bartemius than you cunts.” Barty smiles happily at that as he subconsciously slips out of the shadow and into the courtyard. Regulus and Evan follows, standing a couple of steps behind. The Marauders noticed them immediately, eyes widening.
Ignoring the tears blimming in the Gryffindors’ eyes, you turn around only to face them back again, stepping closer with a death glare. “By the way, Leo. You ever insult Bartemius like that again with that filthy mouth of yours and I’ll fucking hex you.” You threatened before stepping back and waving goodbye with a seemingly friendly smile.
Everyone watch you turn around and jump slightly after bumping into Barty, who instantly beamed with happiness and joy radiating off of him, another thing that flabbergasted everyone.
“Oh Merlin! Hey, B!” You greet with the welcoming look now back on your expression, smiling warmly. “How long have you been standing there? And Regulus and Evan too.”
“Since the beginning, although we were hiding before you defended us.” Barty chuckled, his friends smiling behind him. He was trying to seem casual, but everyone noticed how he failed to hide the smile that’s been threatening to spread fully across his face.
“Don’t mind them, B. They’re just bitter ‘cause you rejected Leo three months ago.” You giggle, feeling better and calm now that Barty’s around, shoulders relaxed and body language displaying peaceful comfortable gesture.
Barty felt his heart swell at the realization that you truly trusted him and would never change your treatment of him no matter what anyone says, finally having the confirmation that he, in fact, do like you. Who wouldn’t when you’re this amazing? He was already feeling it, but to actually realize it was the right thing to happen? He can’t fucking contain it.
He can’t help but to shake his head with the biggest smile anyone has ever seen him have, “Bloody hell, (Y/n). I really do like you a lot.”
You froze at that.
Barty widened his eyes, about to take back, when you pulled him by his nape with one hand and kissed him gently. Evan whistled as Regulus let out a chuckle and high fived each other. Barely able to kiss you back, disappointment appears in his face after you pulled away too soon.
A smirk spreads across your lips, “You’ll get more later. You’re a good boy, after all.” You lightly tugged the hair on his nape before walking away and winking at Regulus and Evan.
“What— Wait— (Y/n), come on!” Barty stutters at the praise, flustered, as he immediately rushes off to follow you. His friends both turn around to follow him with their eyes, amusement written on their faces.
Regulus smirks, “Walk him like a dog.”
Evan instantly bursts into laughter. Well, at least he now has someone who will defend him in his name.
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k-looking-glass-house · 6 months
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Happy 4th anniversary Twst!
I can't believe it's been 4 years.... I started playing it when I was Sam's age...now I am ....Vargas's age....
But trust me my interest and passion for Twisted Wonderland started around 2018... When Yana dropped such "a bomb" on her twitter with a Disney collab and a thank you 100k followers sketch with Crewel, Crowley, Trein/Lucius and the Yami no Kagami.... I was doomed when I saw "le fanart" of Malleus rising of a coffin then.... I was like....OMGGG ooohhh monnn dieeuuu....that art Yana-senseiiiii....isn't it Maleficientttt!!! I became such ....such the most platoniiic lover/fan-girl ever of Malleus *staring at him with dead fish eyes and not speaking* My kakkoi dragon fairy, Maleficient grandson!! And I literrally "harassed" my partner in crime @twiwoncrackpopcorn everyday with it, being a 90's baby Disney's fan and Yana-sensei's one too.... I was searching every infos on the internet, every little crumbs about it!! Waiting for the game release....and thanks god during covid-19 I had Animal Crossing New Horizon and...Twisted Wonderland games...(my work as a nurse was.... I can't even tell you how "interesting" it was to see and witneeeessss how humans are humans...more like sh**it as**ole tr*u du c*l de m*rde* *screaming*...... *breathing*) Anyhow I am thankful to have entered this fandom and universe, and tried my best to share my passion with people around the world!! I met such amazing persons here!!!..... I am so so so grateful... fandom can be hell....but not for me here... Thank you all!!!! Also thank my non blood sibling @twiwoncrackpopcorn..... Best person in the universe....I MEAN IT!!! ^ Don't read I am shy^..... I am happy to learn that the game is still developing and under good care !! And happy to see more fans from everywhere under this same passion!!
Yes now we only have to wait their SSR!!!!
Create your own happy anniversary celebration here!!
Also...I couldn't write Cass...because maybe a*s..... I mean it ...It was kind of cute but too bad for my nickname then....
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Also little K. Oswald Junior 101's key as they will make a remake of "Epic Disney Mickey" rebrushed!! Congrates Oswald the lucky rabbit!!! *teary*
Spoilers please be careful illustration with a twist~
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...Did I just put myself among the staff...and their wonderful groovy.......
With Crewel being done, Sam spotting everything...and Trein-sensei being the best aduuuult xD!!!
Alsooooooooo....Crowleeeyyyyy are you drinking Champagne in the rythmic game....
Gimme....Gimmmmeeeeeeee!!!!!! Too late I spotted it gimme!!!!
....Vargas....We are both 30....we are both 174 cm....and both french....I am so scarred....
I just saw the tiny space... I was like...omg let me fit ....like cat meme..... *move crooow* I love that they also added the Ghost!!! In Wasteland all those ghosts have a very important place and they even got names.... but maybe that's some spoiler.... Let's wait!!!
See you little ones very very soon!!!
I'll be back with a little surprise game for you!!
Also all the feedback and thank you for your kindness...omg you're so sweet~
Also yes...
I got the french translated manga of Heartslabyul with the artbook!!
I am glad my country has such connexion and interest (since a while by now I wasn't even born...haha) with Japan !! We can have such things here !!
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Thank you french team twst !!
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mercillery · 6 months
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♡ First of all, congratulations on touching this man’s heart. He’s literally a Zogratis—the oldest sibling, to be more specific—and he most definitely isn’t a man who’s easily swayed.
♡ But let’s say you did win him over… somehow.
♡ He holds strong beliefs, which is the whole remaking humans into their "true" forms using devil powers thing, and may expect his partner to share his views, particularly about the superiority of humans and his vision for remaking humanity.
♡ Lucius may use his charm and intelligence to influence his partner's decisions and viewpoints to match his own. Even though he can use Soul Magic to affect souls, he might not use it directly on his partner, preferring to use subtler means of convincing.
♡ I mean, could he easily change your beliefs to match his? Absolutely. But will he do it? Probably and hopefully not. After all, he wants his darling to be as “them” as possible, if that makes sense.
♡ On the bright side, Lucius is powerful and influential, which could translate into a sense of security and protection for his partner—you. Have you seen the number of clones this man has? You think he can’t just send a couple clones here and there to keep an eye on you?
♡ When you're with a man who can use Time Magic, what fear could you possibly have? He is able to see into various timelines and can use it as a form of foresight, meaning he’s able to protect you from any danger he envisions in any of your timelines.
♡ His calm and composed manner definitely adds stability to the relationship, but it can also make it challenging for his partner to understand his actual feelings.
♡ If we’re being real here, he’s pretty much always wearing that stupidly handsome smirk on his face. It’s hard for anyone to figure out what he’s feeling and thinking, even you. But don’t worry, he’ll show at least a small percentage of vulnerability to you. Only with you, though.
♡ Let’s take chapter 368, for example, when Yuno and Asta yell out loud and both declare they’ll defeat Lucius and become the Wizard King. Notice the way Lucius’ smirk falters? He’s clearly dissatisfied. 
♡ The same thing will happen when he’s alone with you. Sometimes his smirk will stay, and other times it’ll falter. Not because he’s dissatisfied with you, though.
♡ What I’m trying to say here is that when Lucius is around you and you alone, you’ll notice temporary lapses in his composed and collected demeanor, such as a slight softening of his usually aloof and distant attitude.
♡ Since you’re his lover, he’ll view you as an integral part of his vision for remaking humanity and bringing about peace. He wants his lover to be made into their “true” form too, after all.
♡ Lucius strikes me as a man who keeps his relationships private, most especially his and yours. Not secret, simply private. To be fair, it’s likely that most people don’t know about your relationship with him anyway.
♡ The only situation in which I can see him announcing your relationship to the whole world is after Judgement Day, meaning after humanity has finally been remade into its “true” forms. You’d be known as the Great Wizard Emperor’s lover.
♡ One way Lucius may show his dedication to his partner would be to include them in his future goals, letting them know they play an important part in his vision of remaking the world.
♡ Because of his self-assurance and confidence, Lucius can reassure his partner and make the relationship feel secure. No matter what you’re worried about, you’ll be met with his sweet, comforting words that make you swear he has some hypnosis spell on you.
♡ With that charming and attractive voice of his, he’s perfectly capable of easing your worries. You’re literally with a man who possesses six types of magic—powerful ones. You don’t think he’s more than capable of consoling you? His own lover?
♡ And if his words are insufficient, then his actions will speak louder.
♡ For example, his eye contact game is definitely attractive and alluring. He’s the type of man to hold such intense eye contact with you while brushing a strand of hair away from your face or while he’s caressing your cheek lovingly with that mildly amused smirk of his he always wears.
♡ Additionally, Lucius’ hugs might be the best hugs you’ve ever had. I mean, his clothes look so soft and comfy, whether he’s in Paladin form or not. Is it not hard to resist just jumping into his arms and giving him the tightest hug ever? Especially with that furry-looking robe he always wears?
♡ He genuinely believes he is acting in the best interest of his partner and their relationship. Why would you not want to be part of his plan to remake humanity? Why would you not want to witness his coming as the soon-to-be Magic Great Emperor?
♡ He'll stick to his convictions whether you like it or not. It’s in the best interest of humanity, you, and him.
♡ Unfortunately, Lucius may have a tendency to neglect his partner's feelings due to him being busy preparing for Judgement Day. Could you rely on his clones? Sure. But it’s a clone, not your actual lover.
♡ But rest certain, he will make up for all the time missed. Particularly when he at last becomes known as the Magic Great Emperor.
Sorry if this was out of character!!! I just needed to write for this man because the way there’s only 2 or 3 posts about him is driving me CRAZY😞 I need him.
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phantompanties · 1 month
Fuck it im doing it and im having fun!!!
Lucius's nsfw alphabet!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) 
He’s the sweetest, softest partner ever. He’ll get you water, carry you to the bathroom, apply soothing creams if you went rough, run you a bubble bath, and even get you snacks if you want. If he’s subbing, he’ll be a blubbering mess of “thank you, master” and “I love you” After that, whether it be top or bottom, he’s clingy and snuggling you like he’s your second skin.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For him, it’s his many tattoos, his pretty hands, and his cock (lol) boy is obviously proud of his size and body mods, and he adores it when his partners love them too.
On his partners, it's mainly their chest, ass, hips, and genitals, but also secretly their heart. If he really loves you, he’ll rest his head on your naked chest (using his magic to remove his horns, ouch) and listen to your heartbeat.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Due to his nature as a sex demon, he cums A LOT. He cums so much you’re amazed he has any left when he’s done. His favourite place to cum is inside his partners, of course. But he won’t say no to literally anywhere else. He gets a rush seeing his partner marked in any way with his demonic seed. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Because he is an eldritch demon, he secretly fantasizes about opening up your skin and eating your heart. To his kind, eating your lover’s heart is the ultimate romantic gesture in a macabre way. He knows though, that he cannot do that, so he settles for listening to your beautiful heartbeat. It brings him just as much joy.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Obviously. Boy is a sex demon who’s lived thousands of years. He’s had more partners than the number of atoms on your pinky finger.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He doesn’t particularly have a favourite when he’s domming, but if he loves you, he enjoys the mating press because of how close the two of you are, and how he can see your eyes rolling back into your head. When he’s subbing, he doesn’t have a preference. He’ll do anything you want him to do and thank you for it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
This boy LOVES being a total goober. He feeds mostly on the enjoyment of his partners, so when they’re having fun, it’s like a 5-star dessert. He likes to tease and make his lovers laugh.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Clean-shaven, totally smooth. He wants to show off that diamond on his pubic bone.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
If you’re just another one of his normal “meals”, he’s pretty romantic in a general sense. He usually gets summoned by lonely humans who crave intimacy, so he’s more than happy to give them what they want. If he’s in love with you though, he is a SAP. he’ll wrap his tail around you (if you’ll allow him), hold you so close that your skin is practically fused, whimper “I love you’s” and call you every petname he can think of.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Since he feeds off the pleasure of others, he prefers to have a partner. That being said, if you want to watch him play with himself whether it be with just his hands or with a toy up his butt, he’ll be all over it. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I don’t think there's a single kink this man wouldn’t do. If it’s what you want, he’ll do it. You want him to spank you red? He’s grabbing the paddle. You wanna lick his horns? He’s lowering his head for you. You want him to suck your toes? He’s all over them. You wanna peg him? He wants you to peg him too. ANYTHING.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
He’ll do it anywhere and everywhere. Private, public, doesn’t matter. Whatever you want, babe. Just say the word. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Since he feeds on pleasure, his need for sustenance is the biggest reason. Boy’s gotta eat, right? If he loves you though, having you be happy is added to that. He’s such a sucker for you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Although I said he’d do anything and everything, he wouldn’t do anything that’d push boundaries. He lives off his partner’s pleasure, so if you’re not having fun, or want to stop, he’ll stop. Is it ironic that a demon does the bare minimum better than some humans? Yes. but yknow, it’s my fantasy, I do what I want.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Boy fucking howdy this man loves oral. He has a six-inch long, pierced, forked tongue, and he knows how to use it. If you have a pussy, he’s IN THERE tongue fucking you until you scream. If you have a cock, he’s wrapping his tongue all around it and jacking you off with his prehensile muscle. Cum is one of his favourite foods, so he’ll jump on any chance he’ll get, baby.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I feel like his pace would rely on the mood at the time tbh. If you’re having a sweet sensual moment, he’ll be slow and sweet. If it's like a quickie or you’re getting rough, he’ll be railing you so hard and fast you’ll have a headboard-shaped dent in your wall.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Sometimes his energy will be low and he’ll require a quickie to pep up. It’s kind of like having a granola bar when you skipped breakfast for him. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Like I keep saying, he’ll do anything you want him to. He has years and years and years of experience under his belt, so there’s hardly any experimenting left for him. But for you, the vastly less experienced mortal, he’ll experiment with you all day long. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Bro’s a demon. He has enough energy to power the entirety of Russia. When he gets into it and siphons that sweet lust from you, he can go all day and all night and still have cum in his balls.
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He LOVES toys! He probably has a secret hiding place filled to the ceiling with all kinds of stuff. He loves stuffing his partner with dildos, vibrators, plugs, beads, what have you. It gives him such a thrill to see his partner’s holes filled and them shaking from the stimulation. And OF COURSE, he loves being stuffed with toys himself. He really gets off on his partner watching him fuck himself stupid on a huge dildo. Like I keep saying, your pleasure is his pleasure. Whatever you want is what you’ll get.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh, this boy loves to tease so much. To him, humans are adorable, so it makes his heart soar when his partner whines and begs for him to cut it out. It’s kind of like when you annoy your pet by blowing on their ears or something. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
BOY. IS. A. WHIMPERER. He makes the most PATHETIC moans and whines even if he’s topping. He can’t help himself, your pleasure is just so damn delicious.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I like to think he isn’t the biggest fan of shower sex. Like, yeah, he’ll do it, but the problem is the fact he’s too tall for most human showers and bumps his head and horns on damn near EVERYTHING. By the end of it, he needs an ice pack to soothe the swelling bump on his forehead from whacking it on the curtain rod too many times. Poor boy.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
7 inches (17.78 cm) hard, fades to glowing teal at the tip like his horns or tattoos, pierced with 4 frenum ladders, 3 near the tip, one near the base. Big full balls, very smooth and pretty. Oh, also his hole glows teal too lmaoooo
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He’s an incubus. He wants to fuck 24/7. That isn’t to say he can’t control himself, though. He has fantastic self-control. He’s like a well-trained dog with a treat on its head.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
As a demon, he doesn’t need to sleep. Usually after his normal “meals” have fallen asleep, he’ll hang around, maybe clean up the room until the contract ends at sunrise. If he was summoned, he’d take his partner’s soul along with him. If you’re in a pact and he’s in love with you, he’ll either watch you sleep all night with hearts in his eyes or do something to pass the time like chores or some kind of hobby he picked up. If he’s low energy though, he’ll conk out pretty fast. That hardly ever happens, though.
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sky-fire-forever · 10 months
Being a Our Flag Means Death fan whose favorite characters are Izzy AND Ed is wild. Because I'll be in the Izzy Hands tag and I'll see posts about how horrible Ed is and how you shouldn't like him and how his arc sucked and actually he's terrible and unforgivable
And then I'll be in the Edward Teach tag and I'll see posts about how Izzy is the real villain and how him dying is so good for his arc and Ed is finally free of him
I genuinely think people who try to make either Izzy or Ed into the perfect victims who never did anything wrong are kinda... boring? I dunno. Imo pretending that either of them are completely innocent is a disservice to their characters. But so is acting like either of them are terrible, unforgivable people
Ed abused Izzy. He was nasty to him and incredibly physically violent towards him as a routine. He abused not only Izzy, but the entire crew. He was beyond cruel. He struggles with understanding the severity of his own actions and disassociates to deal with his more horrific crimes. He drives Izzy to a suicide attempt after abusing him directly and mutilating him repeatedly. He gives a non-apology and is grumpy when the people he tortured don't automatically forgive him
Ed is also a survivor of his own abuse, both from his father and Hornigold. He's someone who desperately wants to be a better person, but doesn't understand how. He's someone who loves people a lot, but who also genuinely doesn't understand what love IS. He doesn't understand romance or gentleness or how to exist in a world without violence. But he tries really hard to become something that doesn't come naturally to him. He tries to learn how to become a good person and gets frustrated when he makes mistakes
Ed constantly relapses into abusive tendencies or doesn't realize that his behavior is wrong. But he very genuinely TRIES. He's someone who clearly struggles with empathy, with understanding that what's fun for him is traumatizing to others. He struggles with understanding that just because he's ready to move on, that doesn't mean everyone else has to
I don't think that's a flaw in his writing! I think that's a character flaw and it's actually something about Ed that really, really interests me!
(I do think there's some issue in the way the narrative presents it, with the crew going along with Ed's non-apology and then Lucius being shamed for still being traumatized, but that's not the point of this particular post)
And then with Izzy
Izzy is a fucking dick. He's a jerk who lashes out against people who aren't part of the group he's deemed worthy of his protection. He views people as either allies or enemies, with very little room for something in between. His allies are only the people in his crew and everyone else can get fucked. He's quite selfish in certain ways and he doesn't care who gets hurt as long as it isn't himself or the people he cares about. He holds himself and others to standards of extremely toxic masculinity. He despises change and resorts to allying with his literal worst enemies just so he can get the guy he likes to be with him again. He's cruel and abusive towards those who are lower than him in rank, constantly making other people feel insecure.
He's also someone who is fiercely loyal, even to his own detriment. He's someone who admits when he's wrong and always tries to fix his own mistakes. When he loses the duel with Stede, he asks Ed to let him stay, but he doesn't actually fight it. He goes peacefully, even if he whines about it. He holds himself accountable to his word and to his bond. He's loyal to Ed as his captain and as his friend/lover. He's loyal to his own crew first and foremost. When he has the British attack The Revenge, it appears as though he saves Ivan and Fang, not just Ed. He expresses disappointment when members of their crew die saving Stede from the Spanish. He protects the Kraken Crew from Ed and even stands up to Ed when he realizes things have gone too far. He's someone who has longed for community, but has only found it recently
Izzy as a character is loyal to a fault. Loyal to Ed to the point where he'll get Stede killed rather than let Ed go soft and betray who he is. And I do genuinely think Izzy thinks Stede dying is the best possible course of action because he's an idiot who is going to get Ed killed because he's a fucking idiot. And Ed being so soft snd not being a pirate is also super dangerous when he's like. The most wanted pirate there is. Izzy is loyal to Ed and to his crew. He's someone who cares too much, but tries to act like he doesn't care at all. He covers up his own insecurity by insulting others and he has a LOT of insecurity
They're both just.... such great characters and I love them both. But neither of them are perfect. They're both so fucked up and that's part of why I love them
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vivihar · 20 days
i have so much to say about tomerus so it’s going here
so first they’re the divorced couple who hate eachother and are mildly successful and have lives for themselves and mansions and cars and severus is eyeing young boys across the room at posh parties and tom is glaring at the back of his head daring him to even try and get anyone that is him and they’re dancing with two different people, kissing them, letting their hands trail while keeping full eye contact and smiling at each other JUST TO RUB IT IN
and they probably try and kill eachother and talk shit about each other to other party goers who are just wanting to chat abt like…rich people shit idk. and then they accidentally find each other in the bathroom and they’re like wild animals clawing and gripping and biting at each other and then walking out like it’s nothing just to go back to shit talking each other until tom gets a message that says ‘i’ll pay for your cab’ so yes he IS going to see his annoying but sexy ex husband
and they’re DEFINITELY the ‘you’re going to kill me?’ ‘i’ll do just that.’ ‘well, go ahead.’ ‘i’ll do this my own way.’ ‘you won’t do it. you can’t pull the trigger. you can’t do it because you love me. it takes a very brave and cold man to do that, sev. i don’t think you can. isn’t that true? isn’t that why you’re waiting?’ ‘that’s not true-’ ‘or is it because you want to watch your victim? you want my heart to constrict with agony, my hands to shake. you want me to plead for my life so you can make a generous gesture and spare me.’ while dressed like this
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i love a good jennifer’s body reference and especially loser sev, jennifer tom js bc of the whole plot of the film and the homoerotic friendship with a hint of ‘you’re killing people!!’ ‘no, i’m killing boys.’
tbh i LIKE tom being in charge but severus having a man that stays at home and does whatever he asks is also a very big thing for me with them…like severus makes him wear a cute dressing gown (i put below) and stay at home just being pretty and he just wants someone to bring along to his expensive parties to piss off his old ex husbands with his smile saying ‘look how cute my husband is’ with tom just nodding along to whatever he says.
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i think they definitely have each others names/initials carved into them somewhere and their bite marks tattooed (at most scarred) into their skin…btw…
(these are the fits for the first paragraph but i found of them too late)
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I was thinking about Fem Tomerus these few days and this kinda made me think about them more thanky.
Also I agree, they would be so petty and have bickerings a lot and other people just be tired of their shit😭 'go marry again leave us alone'
And I know Tom only divorced because he was like "I don't even care about you" lying to himself and now he's all pissed his ex husband is single and others could lay hand on him which comes the bathroom scene lol he would try leave marks as much as he can so other people wouldn't want to be together with Sev.
The dress are in point 😭they would wear all classy and act like toddlers fight always and do their whole dramatic talkings. They're so pathetic it's funny, I think I'm going to make few divorced Tomerus posts after this because it's so funny 😭😭.
I don't remember anything from Jen's body so I probably will rewatch it for only this,,
Btw that's literally canon. Voldemort was making plans and other things but like Lucius was the one in ministry, he makes his followers do the things while he spend time at home lol I like him being rich lover for Severus (because Sev is my fav and I need him get spoiled by someone) but this is canonish so I understand where you come from.
Ooh you're soooo right, Tom would 100% make Severus carry his initials and after being married Tom for a long time Severus would be more confident with what he wants and start to have same interests as Tom's (being obsessively and freaky). I think Tom has initials on Sev and Severus has his bite mark scared on Tom.
I love you too darling 🧡
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silvyavan · 1 year
Bada bing bada boom, I'm seeing fucken parallels over this chapter
Right off the bat, we can see that both Noelle and Yuno are paralleling Asta in two different battles of sorts.
Yuno is directly paralleling/being a foil to Asta vs Lucius, from new spell shit and weaponry to being low on time he can use against Lucius, while the foil itself comes in the fact that Yuno sliced Lucius in the same way Lucius did with Asta as a form fo revenge. The problem is that, in ass backwards way like Asta, Lucius doesn't stay dead and instead catches Yuno off guard, foreshadowing to how Asta would likely catch Lucius off guard. Whether this is a sign that Yuno's gonna get the same treatment as Asta, by being run down through sheer physical mana strain, contrast to how Asta was run down by psychological strain, this is a big flag for trouble.
Noelle is paralleling Asta vs Lucifero. Coming in with a new form and shoulder critter, with having maternal beef over the enemy but using it to become stronger regardless. Her family members and the squad present are falling apart at the seams and Noelle has to tank her opponent on her own. One big foil to this is how Noelle is seen to struggle with Acier in this case and then later the Lucius clones and other sentries are arriving, similar to how Lucifero at first is limited to fighting Asta and then LATER the captains, Yuno and then Yami and Nacht. Whether she STAYS in Lucifero's role or not is also up in the air like Yuno's position.
Even the BLOODSTAINS and FORMS are parallel to the fights.
Noelle, like Asta, grows additional horns and a more specialised armor in battle as a sign of more power, having also features that make the form more armor like but later become like a second skin. Both Asta AND Noelle fought/are fighting in a more aggressive approach as well. Hell, Noelle's horns are similar to Asta's second horns too.
Yunos form is more tame and focuses more on newer/advanced techniques and weapons, like how Asta was using multiple swords and the condensed black forms. Yuno's HELLA mad but he's doing this calculating and aware of how the people around him are affected by the fight. Similar to how Asta says to Lily to get back and yells for the civilians to evacuate, Yuno is using his abilities to up his allies and counter Lucius' time/soul magic.
Yuno has blood trails that go from jawline to cheek to eye like Asta and Liebe share and was seen when Lucius realised he can't use either magic on Asta.
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Noelle has blood trails that go AROUND the cheek, which is primarily something we first saw more prominently in Lucifero fight and a signifier of a more combined/true devil union Asta and Liebe.
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And THEN, in the second half of the chapter, we get the Witch Queen (I knew she'd be relevant eventually), Vanessa and Dorothy use their combined magic and a spacial mage (I see you Langris, you're not getting out of the Finral parallels bitch) to create the DOORS OF DESTINY.
Blood (Yuno and Asta considering each other family despite being both orphans and unrelated, Noelle and Asta coming from different social castes of nepotism, both Yuno and Noelle being of Royal blood),
Dream (both Asta and Yuno having the same dream of changing the world, Noelle achieving a new dream and hope through Asta, Noelle and Yuno both having dreams of proving their strength to people close to them).
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There's 3 more weeks left of June but by GOD, if Tabata does some foreshadowing of Noelle, Yuno and Asta all together being a poly-couple endgame, I WILL COMBUST
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lucius-morningstar · 2 months
Why He Hates It
This is not a skit but I came to an interesting realization on why Lucius absolutely hates the nickname Luci and it's similar to an argument someone made via Blitzo/Blitz argument but a little different. Children can interoperate a lot on how others talk to them and while some small part of me could say Lucius hates the nickname strictly due to not wanting to be reminded of being any way like his father. It's far deeper then that and it goes through a channel of sorts. Now I kinda want to nerd out and delve into why. I just hope it makes sense.
He uses the excuse that it's mostly because he doesn't want to be seen as a sort of replacement/clone of his father.
For as long as Lucius can remember anyone whose ever called him Luci was out of a teasing and mocking aspect. A form of disrespect.
Good examples let's start with the least worrisome one. His parents, you could say it was a playful gesture into a parent teasing their kid or a somewhat "you'll be just like him when you're older." A child can interpret nicknames differently based on how it's said.
Now let's delve a little more. Sev, someone whose been a pain in his ass since day one has constantly called him Luci as a form of mockery because it bothered Lucius, Charlie would shut it down most of the time on the excuse that Lucius didn't mind her doing it but it was just her and anyone else would get their ass kicked. You could also put Angel into this group because he'd also do it as a more form of teasing (apart from his being playful as well a trying to rile him up)
Then "older" figures would do the same.
Vox and Mammon. Would often use Luci as a form of talking down to him, letting him know "hey you're the child and I'm the adult so listen and behave." You could also put Alastor into this group too later on.
And then we get into the more kinda fucked up territories. Helsa called him Luci as a form of mockery when they'd screw around. She knew it got him a bit more flustered (And possibly more aggressive during the more fun times of their naughty activities.)
Now we get to the more fucked up version. His girlfriend/Passed lover. Lucius now views her usin that nickname in two different lights and it physically and mentally hurts. He originally saw it as a sort of playful endearing kind of teasing but once the truth is out that she quite possibly never loved him it had gone to a more mocking and "You're an idiot" type tone, thus hurting far more that she never saw him as an equal in their relationship. -----
NOW we'll get to why these specific people get to call him that.
Charlie is obvious, any time she addressed Lucius as Luci it was never to tease or mock him. It was always a term of endearment and trust. Anytime she slipped or called him Luci it was usually out of excitement and glee to see her brother or to tell him exciting news that made her happy. He never saw it as a means to mock or upset him simply just another form of love and respect.
Clara it took a bit longer and she says it even less but it's usually almost always said with love and when the two are alone. She doesn't do it in front of others to humiliate or mock him but uses it as a word just for them.
Eris has a more understanding reason. (She genuinely couldn't say Lucius, as it would always come out as Lew-sis so Luci was easier) He'd assume she grow out of it but as time went on he hoped she never did because much like Charlie it was always said as a term of love or endearment at seeing her favorite uncle.
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carmillas-girlfriend · 5 months
Hi thanks for playing my silly ask game!
Fang is my baby child who is also my father who is also my lover who is also my chill roommate.
I think what drives Fang as such an amazingly compelling character is the fucking DIALECTICS of it all, babey! Like for a lot of OFMD characters they start off as very hardened and very serious characters until later (in like s2) they end up softening the hard parts up and showing their true colors (it's the Stede Bonnet-ificaton of it all). HOWEVER. with Fang we see a moment of him being genuinely and very vulnerable and emotional. Izzy is standing in the middle of the shot while behind him, Fang and Ivan stand. They're talking to Ed about pets on the ship. Fang is so overcome with emotion that he runs and cries into Ivan's arms. The moment is played for laughs but it's so indicative of who he is as person.
Fang is a very, very skilled pirate and he is very skilled at,...killing and maiming people. He's a skilled fisherman! He can ABSOLUTELY take care of himself on a pirate ship and isn't even scared of Izzy Hands.
But he's also contemplative. He takes Ed out fishing during the Probation Sack Era and fully forgives Ed for everything that happened during Kraken Era/ during suicide-mutiny night because he did "a lot of brutal stuff to your body. A lot of crotch stuff." But also hears Ed out, gets a genuine apology from Ed for the "chasing game" they "played" (that Ed was probably on too much rhino horn to realize that he was threatening to murder like one of his Main Guys). He also very wisely observes that maybe he has difficulty with silence? And then he says something very very wise that I can't actually remember right now I'm sorry guys
Fang is also 💫forgiving as fuck💫. In s1, Izzy gets Fangs attention/punishes Fang by grabbing his beard (we know he's done this multiple times because Fang says "I hate it when he does that") and he seems to not like Izzy that much because when he's naked and being sketched by Lucius (hot) at first he's startled because he thinks Ed is about to walk in on them but when he finds out it's just Izzy, he settles back in and tells the famous Izzy the Spewer story.
In s2, directly after Ed shoots Izzy on deck, Fang is INCONSOLABLE. During clean up, Jim asks him to please stop crying and he says, "I CANT! HE SHOT IZZY!" And following Izzy's amputation, Izzy is seen often leaning on Fang. There's a gifset going around on tumblr that lives rent free in my head of all the times that Fang is helping Izzy walk, that Izzy is leaning against Fang, and one particular GIF that is actually going to kill me where Izzy SEEMS TO BE STANDING UP OUT OF FANGS LAP to go and sing La Vie En Rose where Fang is holding Izzy by the hips and thighs, worried sick over Izzy.
I don't know guys I just kind of like Kevin. ❤️💫
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lumosatnight · 1 year
Day 2: A Thorough Demonstration
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Lucius Malfoy has an intimate meeting with the head dragonologist.
@kinktober2023 day 2: Inflation, @hpkinktober day 11: Dragons
Lucius/Charlie, E, 500 words
Come Inflation, Dragon Mating Rituals, Mentions of Infidelity
Lucius Malfoy was the proud new owner of the Malfoy Foundation for Dragon Research and Recovery. He prided himself on his hands-on business strategy, so of course, he needed to travel to the Austrian Alps to see the reservation in person. And of course, he needed a guided tour of the facilities and the impressive grounds. And of course, he needed an intimate meeting with the foundation’s head dragonologist.
The meeting was being held in his private quarters. Very intimate indeed.
Charlie Weasley with his gruff beard and his weathered hands was giving Lucius a hands-on demonstration of the Norwegian Ridgeback’s specific mating practices. It was all very educational, and Charlie was making sure that they were being very thorough about it.
“How much longer?” Lucius panted, squirming as Charlie held him down, rough hands gripping his waist just a little too tightly.
“This is only the second round,” Charlie grunted. “Ridgebacks only stop when they know their seed’s taken root. Sometimes it takes days.”
“Sometimes weeks.” Charlie flipped Lucius onto his back, spreading his legs wide. Lucius wasn’t a small man by any means, but Charlie’s bulging biceps were more than capable of handling him.
“So how long will we… emulate it?”
Charlie paused, his sizable cock catching on Lucius’s stretched rim and causing him to make a truly undignified keening noise. “Until you’re all filled. You can’t actually get pregnant, but we can at least go for a few more. Make sure you get the full experience.”
“A few more?” Lucius repeated faintly.
“I know a spell for stamina.” Charlie grinned. His white teeth flashed before they disappeared around Lucius’s nipple and bit down. Lucius’s body arched, his entire back leaving the bed. Charlie roughly pressed him down, trapping him with calloused hands and persistent lips.
As Charlie moved above him, Lucius’s mind wandered. He wondered what Narcissa would think if she ever found out he had allowed his body to be used this way. But on second thought, he didn’t care what Narcissa thought. She was too busy vacationing with her younger lesbian lover to notice Lucius’s exploits these days.
Charlie’s pace faltered, and Lucius clenched down, preparing for what was to come.
He wasn’t disappointed either.
Charlie came with roaring passion, his whole body shaking and releasing into Lucius’s clenching hole. He felt his insides being painted with come. There was so much of it, viscous and hot.
And he just kept coming. More and more of it. Out it came, Lucius gasping from the fullness. Charlie kept fucking him, making obscene squelching noises whenever his dick pushed through the layers of semen.
“It’s too much,” said Lucius, wriggling even as Charlie held him down. There was so much it was creating a small bulge in his lower stomach. He pressed down gently and groaned when it sent a delicious wave of pleasure straight to his dick.
Charlie grinned. He leaned over, nearly pressing their faces together.
“Ahh, Mr Malfoy, but we’re just getting started.”
Also read it on AO3!
← Day 1 | Masterlist | Day 3 →
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lyranova · 2 years
Ship your moots and assign them a trope
Hiya anon, and Of course, and Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays~! It was a bit difficult and I took the cowards way out and chose everyones blorbo’s 😔 but I had fun choosing which tropes I think they would all fit 😁! I apologize if I forgot any of my mutuals, I tried to remember and list you all but I know sometimes things fall through the cracks, but I still love you all 🥺💕!
@thoughtfullyrainynightmare : Fuegoleon, I know it’s the obvious choice but really I can’t see you with anyone else 😆 (maybe Nozel 🤔?). As for which trope you two would fit, I think it would be forbidden/star crossed lovers or “the last to know” (I almost went with “Oblivious to love” but I think last to know is fun too!) 😁!
@eme-eleff : I was torn on who to choose for you, because I can just imagine all the people it could be but I finally settled on Gray from Fairy Tail hehe 😁! As far as tropes for you I can easily imagine it being “Oblivious to Love” and “Emotional scars”!
@loosesodamarble : Like marilú I had a tough time choosing, but I finally settled on Morgen 🥰! Maybe because the ending could either be sad and tragic, or we could use fanfic to “fix it” and keep him alive 😆. As far as tropes, it’s for sure “friends to lovers” and possibly “secret admirer” where Morgen’s had a crush on you for a while but was too nervous to say anything 🤔?
@delirious-donna : I ship you with Nanami! It could be because I see him a lot when I go to your blog, or if it’s because I can just imagine you softening up those rough edges he has tbh it’s probably both hehe 😆! As far as tropes I can totally see “Office Romance” and “Lovers in Denial” 😁!
@simpingforthisonedeer : I ship you with Julius! I can just see you two being the smartest, sassiest, and amazing power couple in Clover 😁! As far as tropes I can see it being a mixture of “Star Crossed Lovers” and “Dark Secret” (*cough* Lucius 👀 *cough*)
@hybridanafrost : I ship you with Magna! I can just see you being his biggest cheerleader and helping him gain confidence in himself, and I can see him doing the same for you 😁! As far as tropes it’d be “Good Girl, Bad Boy.” and “Everyone Can See It” 🤔?
@darkcloakedinfinitevoid : I ship you with Zora! Like I said with Donna and Camy I can see you smoothing out his rough edges and I can also see you encouraging him when he needs it most (and vice versa)! As far as tropes I can see it being “Opposites Attract” and “Lovers in Denial” 😆!
@talpup : I ship you with Yami! I was debating on whether to pick him or Aizawa but decided on the former since I felt that his personality suited you better since he isn’t always serious and has a fun side 😁! As far as tropes I see it being “Beauty and the Beast” and “Oblivious to Love” 🥰!
@bowandcurtsey : I ship you with Sukuna! It’s probably because I’ve seen him on your blog a lot and know that he’s one of your blorbo’s, but I also think you could show him that humans aren’t as “weak” as he thinks and warm his cold heart a bit 🥰! As for tropes it’s for sure “Beauty and the Beast” and “Opposites Attract”!
@acacia-may : I ship you with Finral! Like I mentioned above I can see you encouraging him when he needs it, also helping him out when he’s stressed, and trying to help him break his “curse” 😆! As far as tropes I can see it being “Friends to Lovers” and “Second Chance Romance”.
@firefutte : I ship you with Langris! Like I mentioned before you’d probably smooth out his rough edges, and I can totally see you scolding him when he does something wrong, and I can see you trying to help him mend his relationship with Finral 🥰! As far as tropes I can see it being “Loveable Rogue” and “Royal/Noble” 😁!
@clovertitan : I ship you with Levi! Like before you’d soften him, but I also can see you teasing him since it’s so easy to do, and I think you’d be a good support for him when he needs it and he would do the same 🥰! As far as tropes it’d be “Men in Uniform” and “Belated love epiphany”!
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murderbirds · 1 year
Here is my reason for shipping each of them:
Mario Falcone X Vicki Vale
Both Mario and Vicki were done incredibly dirty in season 3 of Gotham since they were just used for the awful drama that is Lee and Jim's love life. They are also girlboss X malewife which is one of my favorite ship dynamics. There are a couple of ways I can see them happening, one is where Mario doesn't die after he gets infected, and breaks up with Lee after realizing that she is still in love with Jim. I can see Vicki thinking that he is secretly a part of the mafia like his dad, only to realize he is a genuinely nice guy who wants nothing to do with the criminal lide for that sweet sweet enemies to lovers. Another way is if someone (court of owls or league of shadows) were to bring Mario back to life so he take over his father's empire since Sofia is too volatile and untrustworthy. Through her investigations, Vicki learns about this and saves him before they can mindwash him. I can also see Sofia mocking Mario for being weak only for Vicki to tell her off. That would be great.
Victor Zsasz X Lucius Fox
So, for starters, these two are opposites. Zsasz is a very carefree guy who really doesn't seem to care about much at all while Lucius is someone who cares too much, a true anxious mess. I honestly think that they could be very good for each other, with Victor helping him relax while Lucius shows Victor that somethings are worth fighting for, not for money, but because it is the right thing to do. I also love the image of Zsasz showing up all bloodied and injured in Lucius' home to then smile at him and pass out on the floor. Lucius taking care of Zsasz and Zsasz protecting Lucius from other criminals despite him being a "good guy" is ched's kiss. I actually headcamon that they were dating up until season 4 without anyone in the GCPD noticing (Oswald totally knew it though and was happy for his assassin,) up until when Zsasz betrayed Penguin. I think that Victor starting to work for Sofia would be what broke them up, because as bad as Penguin is, he at least has morals. Sofia was hunting cops down. That is too much for Lucius. They break up, but hey, who knows. Maybe now that Zsasz isn't really working for anyone they could get back together :)
Sofia Falcone X Harvey Dent
This relationship is defined by "I can make him worse." Two Face was done so dirty in Gotham and it is such a shame because he was a great character in seasons one and two. I kind of have this headcanon that he only goes for bad girls without realizing that they are bad and Sofia is the epitome of this. She is the baddest bitch of them all and Harvey, while he loves her, he is a fair and just man, albeit one who has a hard time making decisions. After being rejected by Jim, Sofia decides to go for the next hot good guy in the room, that being Dent. Dent falls in love with her almost immediately, much for Jim's horror who tries to break them up without telling Harvey the truth about his crimes and Sofia's. It doesn't work. Harvey realizes who Sofia is too late. He tries to get away, but drunk in power and her own ego, Sofia refuses to let him go and burns half of his face in acid, so that no one will ever love him again. If she can't have him, no one can. That is how Two Face is born. After that, Dent essentially becomes a vigilante, one who hunt those who had any connection with the Falcones and those who stand in his way. This one is a classic lovers to enemies that likely ends with both parties killing each other like a reverse romeo and juliet. They are so obsessed with each other and their hatred that while either of them could technically try to move on, neither is truly able to.
Gertrude Kappelput X Fish Mooney
At first, I started shipping this because I liked the idea of Oswald having two moms (which he kinda does) and them being married, but the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. Fish Mooney is a strong woman, a member of the mafia who was taught from a young age that kindness gets you killed. She loves no one besides herself and her mother, and even then it might be too much as few people know her mother is still alive. Gertrude is the opposite. This woman finds herself in the harshest, most cruel environment possible, and she still values kindness and love above all else, no matter how bad things may get. She adores her son, and she refuses to hide her love, which can cause her to be blinded by it. They just fit in so well together with Gertrude being Fish's heart and Fish being Gertrude's protector of sorts, bonus points that Gertrude is a single mother, someyhing very familiar to Fish. I can see Gertrude starting to work in Mooney's while Oswald is a child and their relationship blossoming from there. Fish and Oswald don't always see eye to eye, but she does genuinely love, even if he doesn't realize it. Fish wouldn't have been the one to order Oswald's execution here, but I can see Falcone ordering Fish to break his leg to show her loyalty. She does it out of fear he might do something worse for all three of them, but Oswald never forgives her for it. Their story is an absolute tragedy that ends with Penguin losing not one, but both of his mothers while being too late to tell them how much he loved them.
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chaoticornot · 2 years
This is my thoughts about our flag means death. This is just my brain while I watched this show, enjoy.
I adore this episode. Stede was a bad husband. Not Blackbeard sitting on Stede's bedside or in bed. They are so cute. Absolute idiots but adorable. He is not going to betray Stede. They had a picnic, for fuck sake. I am going to love the exchange of teaching each other their ways. I am also loving the Jim and Oluwande friendship/ possible relationship. To be honest, Blackbeard and Stede are the equivalents of the girl next door and the rebel in all famous high school au's. Plus, enemies to lovers who are catching feelings. Ep 4
What do you think the real reason is that Blackbeard wanted to go? Do you think it has to do with never being able to go as a kid? Or that he just wanted to forget himself for one night? Lucius and Black Pete is not the combo I was expecting, but I am here for it. Plus a daddy kink and a bit of voyeurism. What do you think Izzy's face looked like when he saw Blackbeard with bows in his beard? I love that they went in with no plan. The prince, an accountant with bows in his beard, is fantastic. Yes, Lucius calls him out and put him in his place. I love the confidence. That was so romantic. First defending him, then reassuring him, and then staring at each other under the moonlight, walking away, stopping, glancing, shy smiles, walking further, aww. Ep 5
He is seduced by that imbecile. Yes, do start stripping and show off your belly. Haha, this is just a clothed sex scene, Izzy thinks the same. Aww,  why is he so cute? The poor thing. He hid in the bathtub. Look at them comforting each other and being honest. I thought I said fuck a lot, Jesus. You have to win Stede. Concerned boyfriend check. Lucius and Pete are so cute. He made him a finger, aww. The kiss is adorable. Yeah, I get someone for that, hilarious. Of course, he goes to snitch. Ep 6
I love Olu immediately adopting nana, coming nana. Lucius's face, he is third-wheeling. Look at them banter like a fucking married couple. This whole exchange is hilarious. Lucius is like the meddling friend, but he is right. The fondness in his eyes and it was sweet. Stede you couldn't wait 2 seconds before barging in, they were about to kiss. OMG. That is such a husband thing to say. I hope to god that we get a reunion somewhere because I need to know about Jim's adventures and their relationship. Btw, Jim's story plus the oranges remind me of the book, the priory of the orange tree. I love the nana and Olu moment. Co-captains, more like husbands. They are so cute. Oh no Stede, now you have it. This is a problem. "Done something to your boss's brain" is more like your boss has a big fat crush. Ep 7
Stede is jealous, and I don't even know how to refer to Edward's state of mind. He just reverted to a teenager. The hand between his shoulder blades. God Jack is an asshole. I love this truce/ friendship moment between Jim and Jackie. Goof for Stede for standing up as a captain. Not the divorce ark. Sir, you are not allowed to leave. This is hurting me. Unacceptable. Ouch. I am going to guess that Stede cried himself to sleep that night. Not the take care, mate. The look back, those always hurt the most because you can see it is also breaking his heart. This is the I am missing my partner club. I love Julius. The acknowledgement that it is a breakup. Julius is the best friend. The bird speaks. I hate Jack even more now. Edward should apologise when he gets back to the ship. Karma is a bitch. The foot. The look. Awwwwwww. What is going to happen now? Ep 8
Oh no. Stede is a terrible liar. Really, Frenchie? Oh no. Fanfiction, I love that, and fanfiction and the fact that it exists in this world. Edward, you are such a sweetheart and so casual too. Izzy? Wise words but not the crying. This is so awkward. Thank you, Ed, he deserved that. The desperation in his eyes. Two acts of Grace, please. Why does it sound like he is ordering food? Haha. Sassy husbands. I love the horror about the beard being gone. Got to say, I have to get used to it. Stede is so concerned, and Ed is just pretending to be fine and ignoring the fact that Stede is concerned about him. The crew really got the short stick huh. Doing what makes Ed happy huh. So doing Stede, I am sorry, haha, I had to. The kissssss, awwwwww. This is so romantic. I am so afraid Stede is going to say no. Oh thank fuck, he said yes. aw, Olu as captain, I love that. Thye is so supportive. Oh, fuck no. Edward is going to think Stede abandoned him, isn't it? fuck. shit, I told you so. The shock on everyone's faces, I did not expect that one. Lucius do your job and hammer some sense into them. How long has he been away from home? Tell me she is going to knock some sense into him, please. I need a happy ending. Edward's sad face is horrible, someone do something. Ep 9
Yess Mary, girl boss. I love these ladies. Kick him out of bed, if he can't keep to his side. I love her. The kid is savage. Under the weather more like moping. Jimmmmmmmmmmmmm. That is one hell of a kiss, and I am here for it. Oh, blanket fort. He really is not doing well, is he? Seeing him cry breaks my heart, and that entire conversation felt like being stabbed, repeatedly, oh baby, you poor thing. Now Stede has to apoligise. Now he is talking to an orange. These broken-hearted fools, someone do something about it. You voyeur, you are not allowed to be mad though. You tell him, girl. Haha, I love that for them. I love how they are all freaked out by Edward singing a sad song. They are such dorks, a talent show, I love it and how excited they all are. Don't tell me you are now shit-talking your husband over something he is insecure about while he is moping and singing sad songs because you broke up. Btw, I love Ed in that robe. Love Ed for defending them, especially against Izzy, but babe you deserve a little at the moment. Stede don't you dare to ruin Mary's exhibition because I will kill you. And you have drunk. Well, at least he realises that she is allowed to hate him. First of all, I love the murder conversation. Second, Is this Stede realising that he is in love with Edward and doing something about it? Just your husband casually coming out when you're talking about love, and as the awesome human being, you are you hug him. This is tugging at my heartstrings. Oh fuck, he put his walls up again and became Blackbeard, shit. Btw, that was unnecessary. Lucius didn't deserve that, hope he gets back up. Izzy deserved that. This is breaking my heart. I love that Doug and Stede could come to an agreement/ plan. Or fake Stede's dead. They are abandoning them. Not breaking my ships, horrible people you are. That is all three now. Stede hurry the fuck up. Aww, that is so cute.  I have 6 minutes to go, and this is not going to fix itself. I love the whole play, fantastic. Aww, babe. Every time he cries my heart breaks a little. Not the windowsill/ bed. This hurts. A bit too late Stede, at least no one else from the crew is dead yet. I am believing that Lucius is not dead so everyone is alive but not well. And Eds is dying of heartbreak. Fuck, this hurts. I need a season 2 asap.
This show is so good and now I am invested. Why does that always happen to me? I was so happy to find out that Jim is non-binary. Gay pirates are the best thing ever. I was hoping for humour and a love story. We got 3 love stories, humour, and angst. So much angst. And we were heading in the right direction but then crash. Also, I live for the casual stabbing and violence. Bamf characters, whoop. Also, this show made me realise I may have a type. Gray/ salt and pepper long hair with a sword and in leather. Dammit, also in love with their newly made, a bit annoying best friend. I think I have a crush on Jim and maybe a little gender envy.
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