#i love how dramatic they both are... they're so silly when together
yanderes-galore · 3 days
As long as I can, I will offer you something: romantique Satoru vs Suguru (cruse user) with the reader (sorcerer) who has a preference for Satoru.
Thanks to advance ~😘
Honestly, I'm down (bad) for this idea. I hope you like my silly little ideas.
Yandere! Satoru Gojo vs CU! Suguru Geto with Sorcerer! Darling
(Focuses on Suguru's feelings mostly)
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Jealousy, Violence, Possessive behavior, Overprotective behavior, Death, Blood, Attempted kidnapping, Stalking, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Well, as a Sorcerer there has to be something anchoring you to the role.
Or, in this case, someone.
Satoru Gojo is one of the many reasons you stayed a Sorcerer.
Plus, killing innocents like Suguru Geto didn't feel right.
Naturally you gained a preference for Satoru, still seeing him as a loyal friend.
The sad thing is you, Satoru, and Suguru used to be considered close friends in your student days.
It wasn't until after the Star Plasma Incident that Suguru began to drift from you both.
You saw your friend hit all new lows, looking disheveled and depressed.
You had no idea he'd snap.
Satoru had always seen you try to help Suguru.
You were closest with Satoru but Suguru was part of your trio so naturally you cared.
Suguru appreciated your concerns, but you could never convince him to enjoy this world after what happened.
No matter how much you hugged him or said you were there for him, you can't change fate.
Satoru and Suguru both had crushes on you when you were students.
Suguru appreciated the fact you cared enough to try and nudge him in the right direction, even if it was pointless.
He did love you in a way.
Satoru appreciated that you cared for your shared friend, his cheeks warming at the fact you were so attentive.
Although... things turn sour when Suguru goes rogue.
When you hear about how Suguru massacred an entire village while on a mission, that drives you to Satoru.
You feel betrayed by Suguru, which leads to Satoru pulling you closer.
This rift is what makes their crushes turn into a rivalry.
Suguru loves you and wants you on his side.
Satoru loves you and clings to you more due to losing Suguru.
I can see Suguru meeting you and Satoru one last time like in the end of that arc on the street.
He came to see you both, but Suguru's eyes kept trailing to you.
I imagine the rivalry would spark when Suguru makes one last offer to you.
Imagine if said offer was a confession, a last ditch effort to have you on his side.
Satoru is perplexed at this development, seeing Suguru give a smug look as he kisses your hand.
However, as expected, you turn Suguru down.
This makes Suguru pause, glaring at Satoru for a moment while Satoru glares back.
Suguru parts from you both, but it's clear things between them are unresolved.
Since you prefer Satoru, wouldn't it be even more dramatic if you two ended up together maybe a year or two after this event?
Either way, the whole dynamic of this rivalry would be picking sides in a war you have no idea is being started.
Suguru is working with his cult, keeping an eye on your development as a Sorcerer.
He thinks you could be a great asset... and he misses you.
Meanwhile Satoru often trains with you and comes off as more serious now.
He's even more clingy now, too.
These two are very strong with their abilities.
Suguru is probably not as strong as Satoru, but the two can put up a good fight against one another.
What irritates Suguru the most is your blatant favoritism for Satoru.
They both love you, but you're too damn oblivious to know you should join Suguru.
He hates that Satoru has such a hold on you.
It's even worse if when Suguru meets you again, you're dating Satoru.
Suguru gets so stressed about this.
They're both possessive but Satoru becomes more protective as he knows Suguru is still out there.
He just has no idea when he's going to make his move.
Satoru no doubt knows Suguru still has feelings for you and will do anything to get you by his side again.
Satoru gets a bit paranoid, imagining his old friend breaking you just to keep you to himself.
These thoughts cause Satoru to never leave you alone.
You're never off campus alone, always having Satoru follow you.
You want to be mad at him, but you can't.
You are just as aware of Suguru as he is.
You understand your old friend is a dangerous man, one willing to watch you from the shadows before pouncing when you're alone.
The fears of both you and Satoru aren't misplaced.
Suguru is indeed spying on you.
He stalks you, eyes narrowing when he sees you so close with Satoru.
Suguru often tests your abilities by sending Curses or Curse Users after you, although he's mostly testing how quick Satoru will come to your aid.
Suguru keeps trying to smother his irritation when he sees Satoru come to your aid. Every. Damn. Time.
He needs you alone... He needs you as his.
There has no doubt been attempted kidnappings by Suguru, often trying to force you away from him to take you.
But Satoru, like a protective boyfriend, always arrives to save you.
Satoru is annoyed that Suguru won't take a hint.
He isn't sure what it's going to take to get the Curse User away.
Satoru hates the idea of killing Suguru, but so help him if Suguru lays a hand on you....
Suguru doesn't mind murder, he hesitates when it comes to Satoru just a bit... but he's an obstacle now.
I like to think there's times they fight before the final confrontation.
Just as Suguru's about to wrap his arms around you, Satoru warps in and tugs you away.
Suguru hates that you won't willingly follow him... but blames it on Satoru.
Their rivalry becomes a constant game between the two.
Right up until Yuta comes into the picture.
Well, now Suguru has two reasons to attack the school.
If he can keep Satoru distracted, he can probably kill Yuta, take Rika, then take you.
It's perfect, it's tempting, and this begins their final encounter in the rivalry.
In canon, there's only one way the rivalry can end.
Suguru makes his entrance at the school, gaze immediately snapping to you with the rest of those students you and Satoru have.
He wonders what Satoru's plan is, leaving you all alone.
That's okay... Suguru's waited a long time for this...
You had been adamant on staying behind to watch Yuta, worrying for the kid due to his situation with Rika.
You're both targets... Satoru knows this.
Although Satoru wants to believe Yuta has things covered.
Suguru's main goal would be Yuta, but he certainly keeps you at bay.
He loves how good it feels to have you pinned, whispering how he's yearned for this.
If only you joined him all those years ago... you could've been perfect.
He tells you how you can't hide behind Satoru anymore.
If he has to, he'll kill him, kill him just to make sure he puts an end to this game.
But that's okay... he'll take you home once he has Rika.
Of course, his plan doesn't go as well as he thought it would.
It's only salt in the wound when Satoru shows up as Suguru bleeds on the ground.
Satoru is glaring at Suguru, recalling how scared you looked.
"I didn't hurt them badly, Satoru... but you came to rub it in, didn't you?"
Suguru would grin, blood still pooling.
"They weren't yours. Never were. I've told you that for years."
Satoru's glare is cold, his blue eyes narrowing.
Suguru merely glares back, grunting.
"You were holding them back. I could've made them great. I could've loved them more than you-"
"You're delusional from that blood loss, aren't you?"
Even as one of them is dying, the two still bicker.
Their rivalry still flares, but Suguru accepts the loss eventually.
"Fine, Satoru. You win. But... won't you let me see them one last time?"
Satoru hates the idea, jaw clenching.
"After what you did? Fat chance."
"Please, Satoru... I'll behave."
Reluctantly Satoru may call you over, you’re staring down at Suguru with an echo of disdain in your gaze.
Suguru merely gives a bloody smile, reading out to hold your hand.
Satoru keeps a tight grasp on your waist, a cold gaze never leaving Suguru.
Suguru no doubt confesses his obsession, stroking your hand quietly before kissing it.
Your skin is stained with his blood, Suguru's gaze is nothing but lovesick.
Eventually, before Suguru can kiss your face, Satoru yanks you away.
You're sent back to recover as the rivalry concludes.
It ends the same as canon, Suguru dies at Satoru's hand and Satoru claims you for himself.
Satoru feels he can relax more, knowing you're finally safe... and finally his.
Satoru would win this rivalry, holding you possessively to his chest as you two continue dating.
Satoru begins to show some red flags... but you don't notice them until later.
For the most part... he's just clingy.
Luckily he doesn't have to worry about Suguru anymore...
Although I do wonder what his reaction would be to Kenjaku feeling a similar desire later on...?
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luzho · 1 year
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(based on this post by @waterfire1848) what if: sokka and zuko befriend each other in ba sing se!! after the initial shock, they eventually trust each other and even get matching earrings! besties!!
[ID: This is a three panel comic of a conversation between Sokka in his regular outfit, and Zuko as the Blue Spirit, both drawn in warm colors during a sunset. The first panel is a panoramic view of the two sitting on top of a roof in the Ba Sing Se skyline, surrounded by artificial lights. In the second panel, Sokka attentively watches a serious Zuko saying: “Halloween is so stupid. Dressing up, pretending to be someone you’re not...”. In the third panel, Sokka grabs at Zuko’s shoulder with one hand and gestures wildly with another, telling him: “You are the Blue Spirit!”; to which, he only looks away embarrassed and softly responds: “I know...”. End ID]
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qdbs-writes · 10 months
How do you think the Cullens would act around a disinterested crush? Maybe they're fated but reader isn't having it lol
(I love your twilight writing btw thank God someone is still doing it 🤤🤤)
ah it has been many moons since I've gotten a twilight request yay!
Cullen Clan Reacting To Their Crush Being Disinterested In Them
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Carlisle Cullen
Being alive for just over 400 years tends to give one a good perspective on life and the bigger picture, and Carlisle sure has a pretty good idea of how all things pan out. So you're not interested in him? That's fine, Carlisle can wait for as long as you need to change your mind.
In the meantime, Carlisle will continue to maintain your friendship and continue to show just how hard he's worked to become the kind caring father figure he is. He knows you'll fall for him, eventually.
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Esme Cullen
Obviously, she's not going to stop caring about you just because you don't return her feelings. But she might switch up how she shows her affection.
Rather than flirty winks and suspiciously candle-lit wine tastings, she'll back up to more traditionally motherly affections. Making sure you're eating right, baking cookies, etc. And of course, giving you homemade soup when you're sick is still one of her favourite things to do, no need to stop now.
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Edward Cullen
Of course, you're not interested, how could anyone love a monster like him? Who did he think he was, thinking he was worthy of your love? Or so his inner monologue goes.
But it's really not that dramatic, it almost never is, Edward just sprung his crush on you suddenly and it caught you off guard. It was largely the excessively long preamble about how he was an irredeemable murderer that put you off first, but of course, he won't realise that until considerably later.
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Rosalie Hale
She's a little relieved actually. All her mortal and immortal life, Rosalie has been aggressively pursued by people she wasn't particularly interested in, so the fact that she can crush on someone who isn't really that interested is a wonderful change of pace.
For the first time ever, Rosalie has butterflies in her stomach, she fumbles with her words when she speaks to you, and she feels like a silly, mortal teenage girl again, begging her mother to let her go to the dance just so she can sneak away to catch a glimpse of someone just like you.
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Emmett Cullen
You and Emmett had been good friends for a while so when he casually drops a blissful "We should get married" into the conversation, you initially choke on your drink in laughter.
Emmett's a little heartbroken that you'd laugh at something like that, considering that he was being 100% serious. But since you've known him, the both of you have been constantly cracking up jokes, trying to get on each other's nerves, so no wonder you thought this was another one of his pranks. He decides to take this reaction as a blessing, you have no idea he's actually into you, now he knows he has to work out a different way to confess his feelings for you.
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Alice Cullen
She's a little confused obviously, having multiple visions of the two of you in a romantic relationship kind of gave her the impression that it might've been going to come true, but your disinterest says something else altogether.
But the worst part is that those damn visions of you and her together keep coming back, taunting her, luring her in deeper to despair with the thoughts of what might be. It's all getting so intense, so she decides to skip town for a bit, see if that changes anything, or at least helps her clear her head.
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Jasper Hale
Oh well, so you're not interested in a romantic relationship, so what? Doesn't mean you can't still be friends. Doesn't mean he can't be the charming Southern gentleman he is. Doesn't mean he can't still pull out chairs or open doors for you. Or send anonymous bouquets to your house. Or leave your favourite snacks in your locker when you're having a rough day. Of course not.
It doesn't mean he can't worry about other people who might want to date you. Doesn't mean he can't scare off people who'd be bad for you. I mean, what else are friends for?
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mcflymemes · 9 months
PROMPTS FOR PLAYFUL AFFECTION *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
wait. are you ticklish?
get back here! i'm not finished with you yet!
you've got something on your face... right here!
ohh, you are so dead!
last one there's a rotten egg!
looks like i've got the upper hand now!
stop! i surrender! i surrender!
i'm not letting you beat me this time!
that was really cute. do it again.
can i paint your nails?
did you just smear that on my face?
who hit me with a snowball?
i love it when you play with my hair.
okay, now let's take a silly picture this time.
i've never heard your laugh before. i love it.
i'm going to do everything in my power to make you laugh.
we said that at the same time.
i've never had a real pillowfight before!
tag! you're it!
i like it when you play with my fingers.
ready or not, here i come!
get back here you!
wanna arm wrestle?
was that your foot?
stop running! just let me love you!
that's not fair! you cheated!
can i braid your hair?
did you just put a flower in my hair?
will you share that with me?
look! i painted a picture of you!
if you sit on the swings, i'll push you.
on three, we jump into that pile of leaves. ready?
did you just make that noise? that was adorable.
i love how your eyes crinkle when you smile.
can i play with your hair?
you have the most wonderful smile.
let's go down the slide together.
you beat me! how did you beat me?
we don't need music to dance!
this made me think of you when i saw it.
[ sneak ] sender sneaks up behind receiver and puts their hands over their eyes to surprise them
[ tickle ] sender tickles receiver
[ chase ] sender playfully chases receiver until they're both tired
[ dance ] sender and receiver perform a silly dance together
[ snowball ] sender and receiver have an epic snowball fight
[ whipped ] sender smears a bit of whipped cream on receiver's face
[ cake ] sender smushes a piece of cake into receiver's face
[ pie ] sender smushes a pie into receiver's face
[ playground ] sender and receiver climb around on a playground together
[ swings ] sender and receiver sit on a swingset together
[ push ] sender pushes receiver on a swingset
[ smile ] sender uses their fingers to turn receiver's frown into a smile
[ win ] sender and receiver play a board game together, and sender secretly lets receiver win
[ pat ] sender playfully pats receiver's butt
[ hoist ] sender hoists receiver onto their shoulders and carries them around
[ footsie ] sender and receiver play a game of footsie under the table
[ mime ] across a crowded room, sender mimes a comical scene at receiver to try and make them laugh
[ pretend ] sender pretends to dramatically fall asleep ontop of receiver, holding in their laughter as they do so
[ rock ] sender and receiver hug, and sender rocks them side to side
[ handshake ] sender and receiver reenact their secret handshake
[ share ] sender and receiver share something from the menu at a restaurant
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icallhimjoey · 9 months
you wanna try to get back into writing? Say no more! The other day I saw a insta reel (it was in Spanish) but it was about a couple and the guy had asked his gf to shave his beard for him and that was the cutest thing ever. The delicacy of it all. So I was thinking, possibly write something like that but with joe? He needs to shave for an upcoming movie role and he asks if reader wants to do it, and it’s the most intimate thing ever!
girl... just, fuck all the way off, jesus christ Wordcount: 2.9K
Love You A Twelve
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"So, good news and bad news,"
"Uh oh," you'd only just gotten in and toed off your shoes by the front door as Joe appeared in the hallway to welcome you home.
You narrowed your eyes to gather how serious Joe was being.
Sometimes, the bad news was hardly bad news, but just some stupid silly shit like, "You've got to hang out with me all night." and you'd pretend to be so disappointed for a second.
Other times, it was the good news that was hardly good and didn't make up for the bad news at all.
Unfortunately, going by Joe's apologetic eyes, it was probably the latter.
"Bad first," you winced as you said it.
"They need me clean-shaven tomorrow,"
Your stomach dropped.
"What? But– noo," you whined, eyebrows immediately knitting, mouth pulling into a pout.
Joe copied your face and revealed he was holding a trimmer.
"Yea, sorry... it's got to go,"
"Is the good news that you're joking?"
Out of your coat, with your shoes neatly placed to the side, you didn't waste time to get your hands on his scruff.
"No, the good news is, I thought it'd be nice to let you do it," Joe said, sticking out his chin a little as your fingers curled to scratch him underneath.
You gasped a little gasp, eyes immediately twinkling.
"Yea?" Joe asked for confirmation on your sudden excitement.
"I mean, no," you let your eyes roam his jawline. "But, yes."
You loved your boyfriend either way, but there was something about Joe with a little facial hair. Made him look extra relaxed. Extra soft. And it helped that you got to see his hands more when he had a little scruff going. Joe was a fidgeter, and when there was a little bit of beard to touch, that's just what he would do.
Smooth bare-cheeked Joe was cute.
But ungroomed bristle-cheeked Joe was just... better.
Joe moved the trimmer he was holding until it hovered right in front of your face. You used your forehead to push against it, scrunching up your nose as you did. Made Joe laugh.
"Later, let me... I want to enjoy this for a bit first," you let your fingers comb through the hair underneath his chin, backcombing it and then smoothing it back down again.
"Will have to be before dinner, though," Joe said, struggling to get the words out because your thumbs were pushing his top lip down as you stroked his little moustache.
So shiny.
The light caught it just right.
"You'll have wine,"
That made you huff out a laugh.
Yea, all right. You understood wanting to avoid putting a double edge safety razor into your hands when there was alcohol in your system.
You suggested sitting down to watch a new episode of the show you were watching together, then shave Joe after, and then have dinner together. That would give you at least forty minutes to touch his face.
"It's just hair," Joe said, pretending for a second that he didn't like how dramatic you were about it. "Grows back."
"If they want you clean-shaven, they're not just going to want it for tomorrow, are they?" you reasoned, plopping down onto the sofa, reaching for him with grabby hands until he sat down next to you.
"You're judging me for loving you," you cradled his full head in your arms.
"Not judging," Joe mumbled, unable to hide his grin. "But on a scale of one to ten of loving me, right now? Ten."
"Always a ten," you argued, using both hands to scratch at his cheeks, careful to not hurt him with your nails.
"No," Joe laughed, turning his head a little to look at you. "Without this?" he pointed at his own face, looked up at the ceiling to think for a second, and then concluded, "Like a six, maybe."
You gasped through a shocked laugh and bumped your shoulder into his. "Piss off, it's always a ten, you idiot,"
Joe scrunched his nose up at you through a smile and used the remote to find the right show and right episode to turn on.
You took a moment to look at him a second.
"Maybe right now it's just a little more. Like, a twelve," you leant over to press a kiss to his cheek that Joe accepted easily. "Just a little extra."
"You love me a twelve?" Joe pretended like the extra numbers added made his heart explode in his chest as the TV launched itself into a short recap from last week's episode.
"So healthy," you mused, "For us to measure love in numbers."
It prompted Joe to whisper numbers at you all throughout the forty minutes of jaw touches and chin scratches as you stared at the TV.
You had your full attention with what was happening on the screen, but then Joe breathed, "Ooh, fifty-four," and you looked to see him with his eyes closed, relishing under your touch. You'd just started circling a fingertip in the little area underneath his ear, sort of on the edge of his hair growth.
"That's a big jump,"
"Mhmm," Joe hummed, leaning into you a little more. When you moved fingers to rake through the hair just below his jaw, where it was longest and thickest, Joe protested, said, "No, fifty-three," and used his own hand to place yours back where he wanted it. "Fifty-four."
It was so stupidly cute, it made you break into a slow smile because you just adored him so fucking much. Made you snuggle up a little more, thinking Joe's a dork and you just wanted to eat him up.
Just when Joe started considering not shaving at all, and letting hair and make-up deal with it tomorrow morning, the episode ended and you smacked his leg as you got up.
"Okay, let's do this,"
You weren't the biggest fan of Joe's bare face, not compared to what you were looking at right now, but you were the biggest fan of getting to groom him.
You loved it when Joe let you scrunch mouse into his curls. Or when you'd get to cut a weird eyebrow hair that stuck out. The big task of shaving the beard off had you excited. Nervous, but excited.
Stood in front of the mirror, Joe got all the things out that you needed and you squealed as you gripped tightly onto the trimmer you were holding. You made eye-contact with Joe in the mirror, and your wild eyes made Joe pause a second.
"Your nerves are making me nervous,"
You gasped dramatically. "You don't trust me?"
Joe carried on, found the shaving cream to place down next to the sink.
"No, I trust you. I don't trust that you trust you,"
Okay, fair. Maybe you didn't need to look at Joe's trimmer like it was a weapon of mass destruction, and maybe you didn't need to hold it like it was one either.
You placed it down next to the tub of moisturizer that Joe placed down as the last thing that was needed.
"All right," Joe turned, ready to give instructions. You directed all your attention towards him, back straight, expression open, ready to convince Joe you were an excellent student. Valedictorian top of the class sort of thing. Joe put his hands on your shoulders and smiled through a shaky exhale which told you you were overdoing it.
You softened your face and turned actual serious for a moment. You saw how it immediately relaxed Joe a little more.
"So," Joe pointed, turning your attention to the counter. "Trimmer first. We're going to get it as short as possible before we go in with the real scary stuff," his fingers moved from the trimmer to the razor.
You nodded. Sounded easy enough.
You looked up and saw Joe looking at you in the mirror, finger still pointing at the razor, and fuck, you loved this man with a beard. Just the look of him made you scrunch your features and reach for his face to hold for one last time.
"You're so cute, are you scared?"
"I'm not scared if you're not scared," Joe cooed.
You let your eyes twinkle, fingers curling to scratch, "Can I play?"
Joe's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Play?!"
You shrugged through a smile, petting his beard then, soft touches.
"Yea, cut you all up, slit your throat,"
Joe grabbed onto your wrists in a faux panic, making you laugh.
"No, like, give you a stupid moustache first, like, full Hulk Hogan, and like– no, what if... so, no moustache, get rid of that, and then leave a stupid thin line along your jaw," as you said it, you let your fingers draw a line from his chin up to his ears.
Joe pursed his lips into a smile and slow blinked at you.
You made Joe sit on the edge of the bath and stood between his legs, trimmer in hand. You turned it on, the buzz of it strong in your palm, and were about to move it over when you suddenly pulled your hand back, like you'd forgotten something.
"Sorry, sorry, bye, bye babes," you leant in and kissed Joe on each cheek a couple of times, quick little pecks. "So sorry, you've got to go or he won't make any money and we won't be able to go out to nice restaurants again,"
"Stop," Joe laughed, squeezing your sides.
"Do you need to take your T-shirt off?"
"Oh, you want it off, do you?" Joe wiggled his eyebrows, nearly making you roll your eyes.
"Because we'll get hair everywhere, won't we?"
Before you'd even been able to finish the sentence, Joe'd already pulled his T-shirt over his head and let it fall to the floor right next to you.
Clicking the trimmer back on, you got to work.
Your tactic was, clean him up first. Get the neckbeard gone and get the stray hairs up higher on his cheeks. You were concentrated on your task, brow furrowed and bottom lip bitten into your mouth, and Joe loved that he just got to look at you up close for a little while. You had him stand up to be able to get underneath his chin easier, and then sat him back down when you needed to get his sideburns. Careful fingers placed his head in the position you needed it for the easiest access.
Joe thought of flinching and scream ow really loudly to scare you, but how could he? You looked fucking precious all focussed, so close to his face. Made him think of higher numbers as his scalp tingled with the attention.
When you thought you'd cleaned Joe up enough, made him look as symmetrical as you could, you stepped back and smiled.
"Look," you said, stepping back to make room for him to stand up and see himself in the mirror. "This is what you'd look like if you put effort in," it was a half-joke, commenting on Joe's laziness in beard upkeep.
Joe smiled, turned his head to view it from all angles and then asked, "Do you think it looks better like this? Or like before?"
"Before, this is awful, sit back down," you pushed him back as Joe laughed loudly, holding onto you for leverage as he got sat back down onto the bath ledge.
Time to get most of it off.
With a little less precision, you got back to work and with a little more confidence now, you trimmed all that needed trimming and let Joe hold you by the hips.
You stopped when there were just two really long weird sideburns left, the rest all gone. You clicked the trimmer off and kissed the tips of your fingers, exclaimed, "I'm an artist," pronouncing artist the French way.
Joe touched his cheeks and grimaced. "I don't even want to see this,"
"Can I take a picture?"
"Absolutely not,"
"I'm going to take a picture," you reached for your phone in your pocket.
"No you're fucking not, give me that," a little wrestle broke out where Joe grabbed onto your arm before trying to take your phone from you. It had you shouting, "The artist's canvas isn't meant to talk back!" and "It looks so good, babe!" which was so obviously a lie, you weren't able to say that without giggling.
In the end, you didn't take a picture. Instead trimmed the sideburns down too, and then it was time to get your hands dirty.
Whilst shaking the loose hair from his body, Joe instructed you on how to apply shaving cream, gave you tips on how to hold the razor, which direction to go, how hard to press down...
"You're talking to me like I've never shaved before,"
You'd argue that you'd put far more time into shaving various body parts than he had.
"Not around an Adam's apple, no, so be careful,"
"Listen," you started, slapping shaving cream to Joe's face, slightly offended now because trimming his beard had been so easy. "This isn't a vicious attack, this is a loving shave. If I can shave around my own ankle bones and– my vagina, my literal vagina, my labia, my–"
"All right, all right, all right," Joe held onto both your wrists because you were getting shaving cream a little too close to his eyes. "Just, be careful, is all I'm asking."
He straightened his back and got a quick kiss in before you could move back, getting the white foam onto your face as well.
All right.
Time to get serious now. You wiped your own face down, made sure you had all of Joe's beard covered, left some water in the sink so you could rinse the razor in between strokes and got into the right position.
Joe wrapped his arms around you this time and you felt his thighs squeeze together on either side of your legs.
You honestly didn't understand what Joe seemed so nervous for. You had this. Joe helped by moving his mouth to the side and sticking his chin out to pull the skin tight, and it was easy. So easy. You didn't like how scratchy all of it sounded, and how Joe's arms tensed around you when you moved around his throat, but the double edge razor worked like a charm.
You were definitely going to use it on your legs in the shower later.
You spent way longer than you needed to on him. The fact that the hair wasn't very dark and a little difficult to see in some areas was a good excuse, but you didn't need it. Joe just let you work until you declared it finished and enjoyed the time it granted him to stare at your features. At everything that made you you.
He'd be unaware how he'd slowly move his face to look at you, and you had to move it back to face the side several times. He tried to hide his smile every time you did that, but it was pointless. You witnessed every single little muscle twitch in his face and loved him more for every single one of them.
"There," you finally said, patting his face with a towel and admiring your work as you moved around him to see him from all angles. "Done."
Joe smiled into the towel and before going in to touch it himself, or getting up to look at the results in the mirror, he cupped your face with both his hands and pulled you into a kiss.
"Does it look good?" Joe asked in between kisses.
"Looks amazing," you answered. "I did a great job." Joe saw how you eyed the bare skin.
"Yea? Not a six, but a ten like you said?"
You grinned and leant back down for another kiss.
"Not a ten." you whispered, fingers now sliding down the new smooth softness of his face. Not as satisfying as freshly shaved dolphin legs, but still nice. "A twelve still."
Joe was expecting you to tease and give him a stupid number, like a negative four, or whatever. Going up more made his stomach flutter. Made him pull you into him even more. Made him kiss you stupid, which was extra enjoyable, because Joe was all soft and smelled all fresh now.
"Love you a twelve too."
"Just a twelve? Was a fifty-five before..."
Joe tilted his head, squeezed an eye shut as he looked up at you and he just felt drunk with love, it was a little ridiculous.
"Fifty-six, then."
"No, I think twelve is the highest number you're allowed to love someone."
Joe let out a frustrated sigh, clearly joking. A what-the-fuck-do-you-want sort of thing that made you laugh loudly.
"All right, a twelve then." Joe stood up, kissed you once more before taking a look at himself in the mirror.
He looked normal.
Like he'd just shaved himself.
Except when he shaved himself, he didn't have a beaming girlfriend stood next to him, giddily awaiting his reaction and approval of her work.
"Looks amazing,"
"Absolutely." Joe curled an arm around your shoulder to hook your neck and pull you in to kiss you on the cheek as you each looked at each other in the mirror.
"Twelve out of ten."
The Taglisted
@a-time-for-wolvess, @adoreyouusugar, @alana4610, @ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @barfightzanddiscolightz, @bettyfrommars, @cancankiki, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @dylanmunson, @eddie-joe-munson, @eddies-puppet, @electricmunson, @emma77645, @emmamooney, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @frogers, @frootvelvet, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @harringtonfan4, @haylaansmi, @jasminearondottir, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @kellyxo1, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @miserybeans, @nadixq, @ohmeg, @paola-carter, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @roosterisdaddy36, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @thebellenouvelle, @thefemininemystiquee, @thewondernanazombie, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow, @yelyahcardella
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sweetkpopmusings · 1 year
seungcheol boyfriend headcanons <3
a/n: posting boyfriend seungcheol hcs next, as requested ! seungcheol just makes me feel so safe !! i won't lie -- it took me a while to write this because i would think about bf seungcheol and feel so warm that all i wanted to do was curl up in a comfy blanket and watch my favorite tv show :,-) pics not mine <3
content: fluff | wc: 1.3k | warnings: none! | pairing: boyfriend!seuncheol x gn!reader | requests: open
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i desperately want to be a silly billy and make seungcheol act dramatic so i can fawn over just how precious he is <333 what a goofy lil guy !!!
seungcheol is 100% boyfriend material and the bestest boy
he is SO competitive
he's actually MORE competitive with you because he loves you the most and is so very comfortable with you !!
seungcheol makes competitions out of anything and everything
carrying groceries into your place ?? whoever carries the most bags and the quickest is declared grocery royalty
watching a movie together ?? whoever can guess the plot accurately has movie-picking privileges for the rest of the year
definitely loves playing kids games with you and, if you're into it, drinking games and by that i mean the s.coups game
he gets MAJOR heart eyes if you get even just a lil competitive with him
if you get properly heated during a game/competition ?? he's losing it !!!! (his mind, not the game ofc)
if you beat him at anything, he'll complain and be a lil baby, but he's actually proud of and impressed by you and will brag about it to seventeen because "my partner is the best at everything" <333
i see him holding hands by linking pinkies
it's lowkey but also cute and it gives him all the butterflies that only you can stir up in him
loves it when you'll lean into his side when you're walking like that
it's such a lighthearted and sweet type of physical contact that it makes him absolutely weak in the knees :,-)
it makes him feel young at heart, and he cherishes puppy love as much as he cherishes more mature/grownup love
he also melts when you lean on his shoulder
seungcheol will kiss the top of your head every. single. time.
no room for negotiation on that one because he cannot resist it or you because you are simply too cute
he also loves being babied
if you hold his face in both your hands, he's looking at you with sparkling heart eyes
and he is lost in a giggling fit
he's such a laughy boy <3 he cannot contain his happiness when he's with you !!
also cannot contain the blushing that comes whenever you compliment him, especially when you call him cute
his ears are guaranteed to be pink if you call him a nickname too !
he will laugh at super sweet petnames, but his favorites are special nicknames that only you two share
they're based off an inside joke, a special moment from your relationship, and/or your favorite qualities about each other :,-)
seungcheol will never ever admit the extent to which he loves being babied, but he'll literally hold you in place if you're cuddling and you get up
his face will stay unchanged, save for a small upward turn of his lips, and he is holding on for DEAR. LIFE.
he's a teddy bear covered in super glue and it's all for you <3
he's just so cozy !!! and he thinks you're the coziest person in the whole world !!! both for his heart and for cuddling
one time he told you this when he was very sleepy and had a super blissful smile on his face <3 you will never let him live it down <3
he'll groan every time you bring it up but he won't deny that it's true
seungcheol is also a big fan of matching loungewear, specifically hoodies
he simply adores casual couple behavior
to him, it's perfect because it shows off how comfortable you are with each other, and he loves matching with you when you're alone together because it adds to the specialness of the time and space you share
also really enjoys wearing some kind of matching clothes when y'all are hanging out with friends because it's a subtle way to show off to everyone that you two are An Item
not that they need a reminder because he talks about you constantly and you two look at each other with so much love and joy in your eyes <33
if and when the members tease y'all about your couple outfits and adorable behavior, seungcheol will flat out tell them that they're jealous
and he's right LOL
definitely married couple vibes from you two because you're just so relaxed and content with each other in every way
there’s a security and a deep understanding and trusting connection you share
he is absolutely the best shoulder to cry on
literally that one verse in 기대 when he’s asking for a name of everyone/everything that made you cry is how he feels whenever something's hurting you please i want him to protect me
seungcheol gets fired up when you’re upset because he is so frustrated at the fact there are things/people in this world that dare to upset you, the love of his life
regardless of how >:-( he gets when someone or something has caused you a lot of stress, he will be so soft and tender when comforting you and caring for you in hard times
seungcheol is extremely protective of you and will constantly work to protect and support you in the ways that you need <3
he also asks you to protect and support him when things get hard or overwhelming because you’re the only person he feels he can rely on 100% of the time
he doesn’t have to be strong for you all the time because he knows you’ll love him even when he can’t be strong :-( i'm crying
he feels so safe with you, and you two will always be at each other's side, through the best and the worst of times
i do see him as someone who lowkey loves hating the people/things you hate LMAO
not in a super serious way, but he will always hype you up when you’re venting about That One Person 
in the same vein, he loves to love the people/things you like 
he gets so excited whenever you’re excited !!
he will in fact squeal if he’s celebrating good news with you or if that one couple in a show you’re watching finally get together he’s so soft and cute i’m screaming
going back to seugcheol, you, and hoodies
seungcheol loves to see you in his hoodies/shirts/hats/etc but complains about you stealing them LMAO
when you try to give them back, he acts hurt
“why do you want to give them back?? are they not high enough quality for you??”
and you’re like ??? "cheol, jeonghan told me you complained about not having your favorite hoodie for at least fifteen minutes, so i’m giving you back your favorite hoodie"
he’s blushing and trying extremely hard to keep his annoyed face when he replies, “FINE.”
secretly he’s happy he gets to wear something that smells like you, and slowly but surely there’s a rotation of his clothes in your closet, switching them out when he “needs” them back for an outfit
aka he is taking them with him on tour or when his schedules mean he won’t be able to see you very often so he can at least have something with him that reminds him of you
tbh he's pretty cheesy in this regard and in many other ways but he tries to act tsundere and it just comes out so cute <3
seungcheol is such a laughy boy
he loves to be playful with you
sometimes he mocks you in a childish voice, especially if you're having a playful argument about something dumb, but then laughs cutely right after so you’re not THAT mad
it frequently happens that you both get stuck in a loop of mocking each other's voices like children on the playground and after far too long of it going on you two burst into hysterical laughter
don't be surprised if seungcheol says, "i love you" after he catches his breath and wipes his tears once the laughing fit has passed
you're the only person who can make him laugh like that and it fills his heart with more joy than you could imagine :,-)
seungcheol is the sweetest, most solid partner in the world. he adores you, and he will never let you forget that because you are his favorite person in the world !!
brb i'm going to run as fast as i can to seungcheol so i can give him a big hug and thank him for existing :,-)
i hope everyone gets the seungcheol they deserve <3
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kedreeva · 5 months
outside preening and train displays for breeding season do peafowl show affection and bond with each other in any ways unique to them? do they ever engage in play or other activities?
They actually don't do a lot of preening each other, most of it is preening themselves in the same location. They inspect each others faces, and parasite pick (or sometimes pick loose feathers), but they don't do allopreening like parrots or some other birds do.
They don't have a lot of bonding activities, beyond just... hanging out. They loaf together, they walk around together, they talk to each other. Hens, even when they don't have babies, will sometimes pick up a "treat" and do the "good treat!!!!" call while holding it near the ground, until one of the other hens comes to get it.
The coolest thing they do for bonding is what I call playing chase. They have a stance where their chest comes down, butt comes up (but not "display" up, just raised), and their wings fold out slightly. It looks remarkably like a dog slapping their paws down into "play with me" stance, and it's much the same message- "Let's play!" They will hop/flutter in this stance, and then go bouncing and hopping around, and anyone nearby may join in chasing them or being chased. This tends to happen more when they're young, before sexual maturity, but the older hens do it when they have a close friend or two. I still see Eris and Artemis and Stella and Aris and Arcana, and OCCASIONALLY Stan doing it, just not as often/readily as the babies will do it (they do it almost every morning when I let them out of the coops and they are overcome with excitement about it).
I got a quick free-range game of it on film once!
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That's Corona up front... she never plays. She's the most Serious bird I own. But you can see how they are bouncing and have their wings out and loose, and their brother comes RACING over to join them, and they both bounce up really high and dramatically when they see him, but they aren't flying away, they're circling around to him.
And here's the difference in another gif- when Stella's sister (right side, brown lady) comes running over, Stella thinks she's instigating play, so she starts bouncing and running to her brother, but he doesn't want to play right now, so he doesn't engage.
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here's baby artemis engaged in chase with me, coming to chase me lol
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I have a few videos somewhere of my hand-raised babies playing chase with me. I want to get more videos of the outdoors ones playing, but it's so random and I don't have time to get my camera out, so it's like... if they do it while I already have my camera out and running in video. But it's my favorite thing they do, they look so silly.
They also will pick up and drop/throw around shed feathers, but I'm not sure if that's "play" behavior so much as "food testing" behavior. But, Beep had a bunch of cat toys, some of which she probably COULD have eaten (like her bluejay), but she would just pick them up and shake them/throw them, which is much the same as they do with feathers or small sticks.
Again, I don't know that I would classify it as play, and it may not be unique to them, but it is an interesting activity.
Last one I can think of off the top of my head is climbing things. They love jumping up and around on things. Games of chase that can include Being High Up are the best games. Corona, as serious as she is, still gets very happy to jump up and down on stuff. I think if I installed a fowl swing in her enclosure, she'd use it.
I'm sure there are others neat behaviors, but those are the first few I thought of.
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undead-supernova · 2 months
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Masterlist / 18+
pairings: modern!boyfriend!Eddie x bisexual!fem!reader
plot: you and Eddie are very excited to spend 4/20 together. aka just two idiots getting baked and having fun
important note: this is a silly little unserious one-off of my High Tolerance series, dedicated to the best day of the year (other than Halloween)! This could be read as a stand alone but I think my series as a whole is pretty cool and it makes me squeal and kick my feet
warnings: W E E D, just as much fluff as you'd expect, actual smutty behavior, and YES in this one they're a COUPLE now !!!!
wc: 2k
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It began the moment you woke up.
At the first indication of your eyelids opening, Eddie was putting an unlit joint in your mouth and carefully sitting a party hat on your head.
“Happy 4-20, Weirdo,” he whispered before presenting you with a cup of coffee. The mug was one of those ridiculous ones from Spencer’s, with a bowl carved in for the sole purpose of smoking while drinking coffee. 
And he packed the bowl. Packed. It.
Taking the joint from your mouth, you said, “Good morning.” It was all groggy and soft, resulting in a quick yawn and your hand lazily reaching for the lighter left on the bedside table. 
“We have a full day ahead of us,” Eddie said as you smoked. “Just you and me engaged in a state of bliss.”
“That’s what she said,” you murmured, smoke escaping your nostrils.
“God, I love you,” he said with a chuckle before taking the mug from your hands. As you got out of bed, he added, “Have I said that?”
“Not today.” 
“Well, I love you,” he said again, following you as you padded through the hallway and into your living room. 
But you stopped in your tracks when you saw a shitty banner strung up on the wall. Just a string holding green balloons with blaze it written out. Oh, and one with a shitty drawing of a weed leaf.
“Okay, I can explain that,” Eddie said, stepping in front of it.
“Yeah, so there were literally no banners at Walmart, so I made this myself.” He lifted his hands and gestures towards it as if he was presenting it at an art gallery. “Look at that impeccable handwriting.”
“I know, I can actually tell that’s an e,” you agreed, nodding.
Eddie grinned. “You flatter me.” 
“Also, I think I love you more,” you finally said. “Just saying.”
“Uh, that’s false,” he argued, quietly skipping into the kitchen to grab a bag. “Not when you see your present.”
“You got me a present? When?” you asked. The two of you had a rare moment of having both days off together. You’d spent that time in bed watching TV and fucking. A normal day for you now, to be quite honest.
Eddie ran back over. “Jailbait Hemp had an early morning Wake N’ Bake sale,” he explained, presenting you with the bag. “Ballsy move to get me out of bed by eight, but I did it.”
“The bravest soldier,” you said with fake sincerity, putting a hand over your heart and bowing. “I owe you my life, my lord.”
“If you keep talking like that, we may have to play maiden in a tower again.” Eddie took a step forward, one hand on your waist as he put his other over yours. Cleared his throat before dramatically tossing his hair over his shoulder. “It is I, good maiden, that has come to rescue you. To guide you to freedom.”
Matching his straightened posture, you let out an exaggerated sigh. “Oh, dear prince, you have gone to war for me. How can I show you my appreciation and gratitude?”
“Oh, I can think of a few ways,” he murmured with a smirk, leaning in to kiss you gently. You couldn’t help but return the smile, your palm grazing his stubble as you caressed his cheek. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the plate of cookies you’d left on the counter the night before mostly eaten. A glass sat next to it, the milk gone but a white film left behind.
Raising an eyebrow at him, you nearly moved away. But Eddie wouldn’t let you go that easily.
“Where’d the cookies and milk go, Eddie?” you asked.
“Oh, that?” he said, guilt written all over his face. “Babe, I told you Snoop Dogg would come and eat them.”
“Saw him with my own eyes,” he continued. “He told me to thank you for making them. He even left you two.”
“Two. Out of the ten that were left over.”
His cheeks tinged with pink as he tried not to laugh. “Snoop Dogg got up to pee, right? And then he saw all those cookies you left out and was like ‘Oh, wow, those look really good for a four-a-m snack. Thanks, bro.’”
But Eddie clearly knew he wasn’t getting out of it that easily. “And he was like, ‘Damn, your girlfriend is just so hot. Sooo sexy. Give her a kiss for me.’”
“Snoop Dogg said that?” you questioned, fighting a smile as you went to wrap your hands around his waist. 
You nodded, pulling him closer. “Every word of that, right?”
“Totally. And I told him to back off ‘cause I spent three years trying to date you.”
“Yeah, it ruined my five-year plan, actually,” you said with a smirk, lifting your hands to trace his collarbone. Eddie laughed, but he shivered at your touch. “Could you imagine still being just friends still? Today of all days?”
Eddie shook his head. “Considering I got painfully hard whenever I was around you—still do, obviously.” His eyes flickered down to the growing bulge in his pajama pants. “But I would not have been able to keep my hands off you. You, my dear, are the most outrageously beautiful being to walk this land.”
“Smooth,” you complimented, trying to slow your racing heart. “I may just forgive you for eating my cookies.”
“Remember when we decided to stop smoking?’ You nodded. “And we had an argument in the kitchen?” You nodded again. “I don’t know why, but I wanted to bend you over the counter so bad it was killing me.”
You couldn’t help your goofy grin despite the aching wetness pooling in your underwear. “That’s funny, ‘cause I was thinking the same thing.”
“Really?” he asked, surprised.
“We were eye-fucking each other,” you whispered, letting your hand move up to caress his face again, placing your thumb against his bottom lip. Watched as he opened his mouth willingly for you. 
Eddie’s breathing became staggered, slithering his hands down to cup your ass. “You can’t tell me that wasn’t hot, though.”
“Edging each other for, what, two of those years?”
Pressing you back against the wall dividing the living room and the kitchen, Eddie slotted his thigh between your legs. Lifted one of your thighs to sit at his hip, grinding himself against you. 
Being teased was so much more intense within the haze of your high. Every movement was another wave of pleasure, tipping you further into insanity. And you could tell Eddie felt the same from the way he swallowed, clearly trying to keep his composure.
“I do have you all to myself now, you know.”
He ground against you again, pulling a louder moan out of you. You couldn’t help but push your thumb past his lips, watching his eyes roll back as he sucked on it. Swirled his tongue around the digit..
You two were a dangerous pair.
“Eddie, if you don’t bend me over right now, I think I’ll fucking die.”
You didn’t have to tell Eddie twice.
It was almost impossible how quickly he had you pressed against the wall with his cock out and your underwear shoved down your thighs. You let out a sound of impatience, turning your head to watch him pull a condom from his pocket and roll it on.
Your eyebrows pulled tight in confusion when he pulled out another small packet, this time being lube. He messily pumped it along his length. And, before you could ask any questions, he was lining himself up at your entrance and pushing in. 
And, as he bottomed out, you gasped. 
“Oh fuck,” you whined, head falling back, feeling his wild hair against your face. “Did you have a condom and lube in your pocket the entire time?”
Eddie finally thrusted into you, a high-pitched sound leaving his mouth. “Jesus, sweetheart.” He sighed. “Considering we fuck like rabbits? Yeah. Yeah, I did.”
“Happy 4-20,” you teased, pushing back on his cock and reveling in the squelching sound and the way his cock buried even deeper inside you.
He gasped, tightening his grip on your hips. “Happy 4-20, baby.”
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It took you and Eddie about two more hours to come down from desire, the intimacy too alluring in this state. It had only been six months since you started dating, having nothing but time to make up for. And you’d tried to stop after the first round…and the second. Popped some pizza rolls in the oven and tried to put a movie on. Ended up riding him until the timer was up.
And you would never admit to immediately forgetting they were still in the oven. Though, that was Eddie’s fault for not letting you go until you finished. Always a gentleman, that one.
You ended up in a tank top and a new pair of underwear while he threw on some boxers and one of your cropped t-shirts. Cracked open your windows to air out the joint he bought this morning. Let him crank up the music on his phone as you shimmied your way around the apartment, passing the joint back and forth. It was easy to forget to pace yourselves when he was pulling you close and putting it between your lips.
And it was an easy kind of love, the kind you’d always shared. Everything felt just the same as it had, only needing to remove the tension to fully embrace it. Eddie was always touching you now, no matter where you were. Always doting on you and whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
Steve and Robin always complained that you were lovesick idiots—and they were right, of course. Eddie was always blabbering about your shared future, all the plans that were practically set in stone now. There was no room for doubt or questions. 
“I’m gonna marry you, you know,” he murmured, kissing your forehead, one hand on your exposed hip as you swayed. “Just you fucking wait.”
“Mm,” you hummed, your content smile widening. “I’d like that.”
You laughed. “Eddie, you’ve told me that, like, a million times since we became official. You already know I wanna marry you, too.”
“Well, I won’t stop,” he promised. “And we’ll have joints at the reception and everyone will dance and we’ll do karaoke and do that cake shoving thing and I’ll have the sickest vows and it’ll be ridiculously cheesy.”
“You’re gonna cry more than me,” you teased. “A big ole baby.”
He giggled. Eddie fucking giggled. It was the cutest goddamn sound you’d ever heard, knowing that he was as elated by your love as you were. Two goddamn smitten idiots. 
“It’s gonna be fucking amazing,” he said, putting the last of the joint up to your lips. Watched as you took a puff. “And we’re gonna slow dance to the Lord of the Rings theme song.”
That made you laugh which then made you cough, stepping away from him and clutching your stomach. 
“Fuck!” he exclaimed, obviously trying not to laugh. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, rushing over to chug the last of your glass of water. Just so you could exclaim, “We are not slow dancing to that.”
“Why not?” he asked, scoffing as he put his unoccupied hand on his hip. “It matches our theme.”
“Our theme?”
“Yeah, like, you’re gonna dress up like Arwen and I’ll be decked out in Aragorn’s sick outfit. It's perfect. What about that don’t you get?”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, and let me guess. You think we’re gonna get replicas of that fucking ring.”
Eddie couldn’t help his goofy laughter, tossing the burnt filter onto the counter before taking your hands in his. “Was that not already established?”
“You’re the absolute worst boyfriend to exist,” you teased, moving to brush his nose with yours. Breathing him in, all hazy and at ease.
“Yeah, but I’m a great husband,” he whispered before kissing you once more.
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another thanks to the lovely @strangergraphics for helping me with the dividers and the editing. you're the best I love you mwuah
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gachagon · 1 month
I don't think Kaiser and Ness would be good together
Which is why i think about their relationship constantly despite that, i love these freaky little soccer dudes and their obsessive codependency
If there's one ship in bllk that I absolutely adore the content for and think about constantly besides Kunigiri, it's Kainess. And it's not because I think "Oh they'd be such a wonderful couple" or "They look good together", this is one of those ships where if they ever got together I feel like they'd actively make each other worse because they have so much internal stuff to work on alone first, you know? And just thinking about that potential train wreck of a relationship is enough to keep me entertained for weeks on end.
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I've said before that Kaiser and Ness are a Bachira and Isagi parallel in that they show the toxic bad sides of a codependent relationship, but I think there's more to it than that. Like Kaiser and Ness are reliant on each other for both ego and attention, but they're also both deeply lonely people at the end of the day. Even in the scenes where it's just the two of them, they never let up the act of trying to surpass everyone and be at the top.
They have no silly banter or back and forth, even in this panel Ness looks more like Kaiser's personal servant than his friend or partner.
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Where as everyone else in the Blue Lock compound has some healthy way of destressing after a match, these two weirdos (affectionate) sit in dark rooms and watch the same matches over and over again while plotting like saturday morning cartoon villains on what to do next game. I mean, even Itoshi Rin has a destress activity he does that's NOT soccer related that helps him not morph into some soccer obsessed monolouging freak, so to see these guys just constantly always planning and thinking and practicing it really puts into perspective how much of the time that they spend together is them not having a fun time casually. And if you compare what they do on their down time with what the other "partners" in Blue Lock do, this difference becomes even more apparent.
And I don't know, I find that to be a really interesting aspect of their relationship just because even though they are so clearly missing all of the key elements meant to make a healthy partnership, it still works on the field anyways because they're both equally obsessed with the same thing. Kaiser loves football and wants to be the best. Ness want's to see Kaiser become the best because he loves football. Their devotion to the game drives them closer to one another, but it's clear only one side holds any real "affection" for the other directly outside of the game.
Now, I do NOT think Kaiser hates Ness which I think people assume if you say "Kaiser doesn't hold a lot of empathy for Ness, or cares for him" that it translates to "Kaiser hates him".
I think Kaiser keeps Ness around because deep down he knows that at the end of the day the only person who would be willing to follow him even if he couldn't become the worlds best is Ness. And I think that's because Ness loves soccer in a different way than Kaiser does. To Ness, soccer is a really magical sport and one where amazing things can happen. And Kaiser is the only character who has done the most insane feats in the manga so far. Kaiser does things on the field that seem impossible until he pulls it off, which is the whole crux of his ego anyways: Making the impossible, Possible.
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So as long as Kaiser plays that way and does all of the amazing things he's been doing, Ness would follow him literally anywhere because that's what drives him.
But Kaiser is different, it's clear that to him soccer/football is not something that is grounded in the fantastical, but something that's tangible and real to him. He takes it seriously even if he goes about it in the most dramatic and campy way possible. Looking at old chapters of Blue Lock when Kaiser was first introduced is so interesting to me because I forgot about Kaiser's whole "king" attitude where he pretty much talks and acts like some nobleman with a crown and scepter.
He even makes Ness "bow" to others or makes Ness physically lower than him like a king does with some peasant. You could chalk it up to him making Ness "apologize" in the Japanese way by also bowing, but I don't think that's why he does it just because his entire character is just so "king" coded.
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It's worth noting that he also makes Ness "bow" whenever Ness seems to lose any kind of faith in them winning. Which is why I don't think the above two times was him making Ness apologize, but that its something he does to ground himself or make Ness fall more in line with how he's thinking at the moment. Notice how he seems to only do it when Ness isn't sticking to the right "script" or seems to show the wrong reaction openly etc.
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But anyways, Kaiser and Ness love soccer but they don't love it for the same reasons and that is what ultimately conflicts with their relationship in the end. That, and they've both got their own issues to work out.
I feel like if they did ever get together, it just wouldn't work because in order for it to work, Kaiser has to first realize that he can still be an amazing player and have people regard him as the best without obsessing over where he sits in the rankings. That he can perform things nobody else can and never will and that is the thing that will separate him from the rest of the crop, not a trophy saying "Number 1" on it.
Maybe before when they first met things could've worked out well, but even still I think Kaiser was dead set on his goals of becoming number 1 long before he ever met Ness. We will definitely get to see the extent of that next week for sure I hope, when we learn more about Kaiser's past.
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alocon · 4 months
A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be [4] - Max Verstappen
written by alocon
Note: Name and Part One based on the song A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be by Jess Benko
Summary: Things seem oh so familiar between you and Max when you cook together, and it makes you realise that you are so so screwed (as if every driver except Max can't already tell that you both have at least SOME remaining feelings)
Before you read: Part social media chapter, possible use of y/n (I've already forgotten if I do in this chapter but I do in a few parts of this series)
fc: Blanca Soler
[Previous Part Here][The Masterlist]
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A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be [Part Four] - MV¹
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liked by maxverstappen1 and others
youruser: A series of very very unfortunate events
tagged: mickschumacher, estebanocon, lance_stroll
-view all comments-
maxverstappen1: What the fuck happened?
youruser: "Let Mick cook in your house" they said. "It will be fun" they said.
maxverstappen1: Ft. my girl at the end (can I have my cats back yet please?)
youruser: Sure, hurry up and come get them maxverstappen1: On my way! danielricciardo: He's only ever uses !! or anything other than dry texting if it's autocorrects fault *liked by creator* youruser: real
user1: Mick, Esteban, Y/N and Lance was a group I didn't know I needed until now.
mickschumacher: Why those photos? And why was I targeted more here?
youruser: Your fault, you face the consequences mickschumacher: fair one
estebanocon: Does the house still smell of burning?
user2: I love how dramatic she's being over how bad the smell of the burning food is
lance_stroll: She is not being dramatic. It was awful. youruser: REAL, IT WAS SO BAD, EVEN JIMMY AND SASSY RAN AWAY user2: Max's cats are over? Is he too??? 😏 youruser: Sleepover with my two besties
georgerussell63: Oh god what did he do
youruser: So so much. He ruined my favourite pan :(
lance_stroll: Today was fun
youruser: It was, we should do it again (over someone else's house next time) estebanocon: Over mine maybe?? mickschumacher: Yesss
You got out your phone when you got a notification, chuckling as you realised that you never changed Max's contact name in your phone after the break up. Not that it mattered - most of your communication happened on Instagram or in person after your break up. You quickly removed the silly little heart emojis you had put there before reading the messages.
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Maxie: Hey you, have you still got the same number?
You: Yessir I do indeed
Maxie: Great, how are my babies?
You: Great! Currently asleep together on my bed
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You: Little angels
Maxie: Awwe. I'll be over in 15 to get them, thank you for the emergency babysitting
Max: So glad they're calm with someone 🙄🙄
You: Max, I'm always the favourite, know your place
You: Okay, I'm making dinner for tonight, come over whenever. Boys aren't here yet btw
Maxie: What are you making?
You: Lasagne
Maxie: Same recipe as always?
You: Ofc, ofc
Maxie: Awesome!!
You: Alright hurry up
Maxie: Yes ma'am
"So," Max started as he made himself comfortable, having immediately started sitting on your kitchen counter once he entered your house. "They've not been too bad, no?"
You continued to chop the carrots as you shook your head. "They've been absolute treasures. As usual."
"Hm." He shrugged, sipping the drink you made him. "They're never treasures for me."
"Maybe I'm the favourite."
He chuckled sarcastically to that. "You wish."
You looked him straight in the eyes, smiling sweetly before dropping it to a monotone look. “Are you gonna make yourself useful or are you just going to continue to sit there looking pretty?”
“You think I’m pretty?”
You looked at him, watching the soft smile appear on his lips. You grinned, not missing a beat before replying, “The prettiest princess of them all.”
“Oh fuck you,” he responded, groaning and sipping more wine. He then placed his glass back on the counter before getting down. “What can I help with?”
“Can you start cooking the meat?” You asked, and he nodded, not even hesitating to question you, having seen you make this recipe many times before. You both began to cook together.
As you stood side by side in the kitchen, the familiarity of your movements was unmistakable. The way you  effortlessly passed each other ingredients, the unspoken communication as you both worked in sync - it was as if no time had passed since you and Max had last cooked together.
The clinking of pots and pans, the sizzle of ingredients hitting the hot pan, and the fragrant aroma of your ex’s favourite dish filled the air, evoking memories of the countless meals you had prepared together in the past. The only thing that was different was the fact that the soft music which used to be in the background to stop the silence was replaced with chatter and laughter from the other room.
As you chopped, stirred and seasoned, the pair of you found yourselves slipping into easy conversation, reminiscing about the times that they had spent in the kitchen together. Laughter and occasional shared jokes filled the space, creating an atmosphere of warmth and companionship which made it clear to both of you that your bond had not diminished with the end of your relationship. 
The fact that he remembered your culinary habits made it easy to fall back into the old rhythm, ensuring that you didn’t get into each other’s ways. He still acted the same whilst cooking too, placing his hand on the small of your back when he moved behind you to keep you from bumping into him, high fiving you when he remembered a step without you having to remind him, him double and triple checking that he set the timer. It all felt so… familiar.
Everyone loved your food, especially Lewis, who claimed you had just made him the best vegan lasagne he had ever tried. That cheered you up a lot. The evening was going great. You, Max, Charles, Lando, Lewis, George, and Daniel all ended the evening by playing some games, going between Mario Kart, Fifa, GTA and other video games, to board games. 
“Oh fuck you,” Max said as he landed on one of Daniel’s properties, Bond Street, which had a hotel on.
“Shh, you’ll wake the kids.”
Max looked at you weird when you said that until he noticed the two cats who had fallen asleep on your lap. “Sorry.”
It wasn’t long after that that you realised that, maybe monopoly was getting a little too heated, so you all retired to your respective bedrooms for the night, as they were all sleeping over. You were happy that these sleepover nights with the boys were becoming a more regular thing. You used to do it when you and Max were still together with you, Max, Daniel and Charles in the apartment you had together at the time. You would, obviously, both use your bedroom and Daniel and Charles would share. Times were very different now, though. 
You laid in bed for hours, attempting so desperately to sleep, but it didn’t work. No matter how hard you tried, you really couldn’t sleep. So you gave up. You sat reading for a bit before heading downstairs to grab a drink. Walking into the kitchen, you were surprised to see an oh-so-familiar man. He looked at you, noticing the look in your eyes and simply picking up the vodka he brought, pouring two glasses and sitting on the floor, tapping the space beside him. You joined him. 
He took a sip of his drink before speaking. “You look tired,” he observed. His Monegasque accent was a lot stronger when he was tired and not sober. He watched you lean your head back against the cabinet door after drinking some of the vodka in your glass. “Not sleeping well again?”
You shook your head, chuckling softly. “When do I ever?”
Charles took note of the slightly pained look on your face, stress evident in your eyes. He was silent for a few moments, before finally speaking again. “Is it about Max?”
You nodded, arms falling onto your lap as you felt a fluffy presence make himself very comfortable on your lap. “Hey little one,” you said, looking at Jimmy, who was clearly very comfortable. “Everything we do is reminding me. Everything. Every single time I look at him, every time he hugs me goodbye or smiles at me, or hell, even just looks at me. I feel like it’s killing me. It just... I don’t know. My therapist is on holiday for the next couple of weeks and I think the fact that I won’t be able to talk about this with them makes it worse and I can’t talk to anyone except you, because no-one except you knows and it’s just...” You tried to find the words to describe what you were thinking.
“Shit?” He suggested. 
“Shit.” You agreed, drinking more of your vodka, sniffling softly as you let go of your emotions. 
“Have you thought about telling him?”
You shrugged. “I want to, it’s just never a good time to get emotional. I feel weird being so open with him, you know? Like I know I need to tell him, I really do, but it’s so fucking difficult.”
You heard someone clear his throat in the doorway, head snapping around to see Lando. “Bad time? I can come back. Sorry, I just wanted to get some water quickly.”
“No no, we were finishing our conversation and Charles was about to head up to bed, right Charles?” You asked, noticing how hard he had been trying not to yawn.
“Yes.” He gave you a hug, leaning to your ear to whisper “try and get some sleep, we will continue this when you’re sober, alright?” You nodded, standing up as he left.
The kitchen was silent whilst Lando filled his cup with water. He turned, noticing your red eyes. His voice was soft when he finally spoke, comforting. “Have you been crying?”
You quickly ran your hand over your face, downing the rest of your vodka. “I’m fine, Lan. Don’t you worry about me.”
“Okay. I don’t believe you but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable by pushing it.” He leant in to give you a soft hug, before pulling away. “I hope you end up being able to tell this mystery guy whatever you need to tell him. I’m here if you ever need me.”
“Thank you, Lan,” you responded softly, placing a friendly kiss on his forehead before you left the room, returning to your bedroom and finally managing to get some sleep.
The morning came quickly and you were awoken by laughter downstairs. Sitting up, you took a moment to run your hand through your hair before getting up and going to shower, after which you headed downstairs.
“She lives,” Daniel sarcastically stated, grinning at you as you walked into the room.
“Good morning, Daniel. I'm going to get a drink,” you responded, walking straight past the group and into the kitchen, grabbing a monster from the fridge and opening it. 
“Only a few months with your new team and you're already being a traitor, I see.” 
You turned to look at Max, who was smiling softly as you stared at him, drinking the monster without breaking your eye contact. He chuckled, rolling his eyes dramatically at you. “Did you sleep alright?”
“Yeah, I slept great.” You were lying, of course, but he didn't need to know that. He would question it if you told the truth. “How about you?”
“I slept alright. Didn't fall asleep until like 3 hours after we went upstairs,” he replied, sipping his (shock horror) redbull.
You both continued to make friendly small talk for a little while. “Hey, Max. Do you think I could talk to you about something?” You asked, a little quieter than you had been speaking.
“Of course. You look serious, what is it?”
“Well,” you were quickly cut off by Daniel, who leaned his head around the doorway. 
“We're playing Fifa, are you two joining?”
You looked at Max. Max turned to Daniel. “Yeah just give us a moment and we'll be out, we're both quickly going to grab breakfast.” Daniel nodded before retreating. Max looked at you. “As you were saying?”
You shrugged. “It's nothing important. It can wait. Let's just get our food and go play fifa.”
He placed his hand on your upper arm, causing you to look into his eyes. He started speaking softly, lovingly, in Dutch. “Schat, if you want to, we can talk now. You look stressed and talking about how you feel is so much more important to me than Fifa.”
You felt your breath hitch, a spark of warmth where his finger laid on your arms. You looked at him, watching the way his eyes travelled your face, almost as if he was committing how you looked this close to memory. His eyes were dilated, and he had an expression on his face that you couldn't quite read. “Max.” Your voice was soft, almost breathless. “It's fine, seriously. It can wait.” You smiled, a genuine smile, causing him to nod, before smiling and retreating to the living room. Fuck.
-Word Count: 2.1k-
Hi All!! Another part done, hope you're all well and having a good day. I finished writing this at work this morning. As always, if you wish to be on the taglist let me know. I'm still trying to work out how to properly do a taglist as I am relatively new to using Tumblr but I'll work it out hahah. Have a lovely day xx Alocon
Taglist (pls work): @c-losur3 @itsjustkhaos @reidsworld
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
Hello. I hope you’re doing well ❤️ I had a few questions (and if you’ve already answered any of them then I’ll just continue scrolling down your blog, as I’ve been doing).
Here ya go!
1. What do you think people mainly get wrong about Usopp? Like, what is a common misconception.
2. How would you describe Usopp’s relationship with each of his crewmates, in so few words (if possible)? I feel like people forget that the Strawhats are friends too.
Just wanted to hear your take.
Kind regards,
You sound so polite, I love it 😭💖 Sending you kisses and hugs for being so sweet 🥰 (Sorry I didn't reply sooner! Busy life)
1 - I feel like the most common one I've seen around general audience/most shonen lovers (I like shonen too, but you know what I mean. You know what type of people I'm referring to) is that they take Usopp's character pretty superficially and instead of reading between the lines (very huge, separated, obvious and easy to read lines, though) they just accept what is verbally said... "He's a coward" / "He can't fight" / "He's selfish" / "He's just funny".
Most people have this misconseption about Usopp's fighting style because they assume that, because it is a long range fighting style, he isn't as powerful as others. When it is not true, by the way. They also deem Usopp to be a coward when, actually? He is just an average person? Like I KNOW the whole point is that he works on his "cowardice" but they just took an average boy with no prior experience of fighting and being a pirate to directly... Fight and being a pirate. Everybody would react like that. "He's not strong and he is a coward" first of all, wrong, second of all, you would be like that too.
And saying he is selfish? Or that he doesn't care about the crew or the people around him? I genuinely do not understand how some people can read him that way... Do you all not know how to... Analyse basic characters now? Another thing people get wrong is thinking Usopp isn't hot/wouldn't pull any girls as if he wasn't the only one with a canon girlfriend waiting for him, but alright.
2 - This is such a good question, actually 😭 I love you for this, anon. My favorite thing ever is talking about Usopp,,, I appreciate this.
Luffy: I love his dynamic with Luffy because despite being his captain, it is obvious that they are best friends. They have the same young/playful mindset and it doesn't feel, like... A job at all? Don't get me wrong, they're all a family, but their dynamic feels way more teen-like? More silly? They're stupid together. Usopp being the voice of the reason vs Luffy being extremely chaotic is my favorite thing. They feel very organic. And then there's this layer of jealousy from Usopp's side and the fact that I think Luffy will never be able to fully understand Usopp's insecurities, but somehow they will always find understanding and support on each other. Usopp is loyal to his captain and all but it feels more of a "I follow him because I consciously trust in him" than a "blind devotion" type of thing. And I adore that. Also, Luffy saw potential on Usopp from the very beginning and it melts my heart. Plus! They're both beetle/bugs lovers! The sillies <33
Zoro: They're one of the most hilarious duos because you would expect Zoro to absolutely hate being around somebody like Usopp, and yet he lets the guy do whatever he wants with him?? Zoro might be Luffy's enabler first and foremost but we forget he is even more permissive with Usopp sometimes and it is the funniest thing. I love it when they have tiny little soft scenes together because Zoro genuinely enjoys Usopp's company and I believe Usopp thinks Zoro's cool despite always being done with him being so dramatic and impulsive when fighting. I feel like Usopp feels safe around him but not only physically. I think he knows Zoro can read him like a book and after what happened in Water 7? I believe now even more than they're closer. Sometimes opening up to your captain is hard so maybe the first mate whom you have an intimate but odd relationship works even better.
Nami: My absolute beloveds. They're both on the same page when it comes to being "cowards" because their fighting styles are different from the rest and they're not built different like most of the crew. They feel so organic and genuine too! They just get each other. They're mischivious little shits together. And when they are not on the same page, it's so funny how comfortable they are around each other to just yell at the other. I think Nami gets Usopp when it comes to feeling weak and out of place but not quite, because she is always trying to make a path for herself instead of being afraid to do so? She's used to fighting on her own and standing up for herself even if it's scary but Usopp isn't, and I think she gets it but Usopp doesn't think she does because she is extremely valuable to the crew, obviously, and Usopp doesn't feel like he is. It's a dynamic with constant support and understanding and so so much fun together because they're most of the time on the same page. That's why they work so well!! They're not normal at all but the whole "we're the only normal people here" dynamic is incredible.
Sanji: If I start talking about them I think I will never finish. I think I've left pretty clear that my favorite thing about their dynamic is that, despite arguing all the time because their personalities are very different (something people often forget like. They argue A LOT. And it's SO funny. They're both the softest and the most annoying thing to each other--) they're always there for each other. Their dynamic is easy to summarize in "they joined basically at the same time, right after the romance trio" / "they do what the other can't do". They both have different types of self-hatred and insecurities that bring Sanji to understand Usopp on a deep level that I don't think others are able to share. It is obvious that Sanji has a clear preference for Usopp when it comes to the guys of the crew and he does treat him differently, not because he sees him as weak but because he sees himself in him. Their relationship is something so personal because I truly believe they're the ones that understand each other the most. I am SO angry they barely have scenes together now,,, Or that Usopp wasn't in WCI,,, Waiting for Elbaf to parallel Water 7 so fucking bad. I have more things to say about them but-- My whole blog is literally about that.
Vivi (very necessary to include her): People don't talk at all about their dynamic and it is so offensive to me because they're so funny??? Vivi's little quirk about forgetting to mention dangerous stuff and Usopp being oh so done with her is the funniest thing. Drum island was certainly incredible for these two. I truly wanted to see more of them,,, I think that if Vivi had stayed with them, she would've understood Usopp pretty well. Screaming for help when nobody can hear you? Feeling oh so weak in comparison to the world around you? She would've been on Sanji's team kicking Luffy and trying hard to keep them from saying any stupid things. More of Usopp and Vivi,,, More of Usopp and Vivi,,, I miss them :( They were so cute :(
Chopper: They're so cute and silly together,, But not only that! They support each other so so much!!! Maybe it's because they're both from the "coward trio" but I just adore how they're pretty much always together. Chopper has this whole thing at first about feeling like a monster, but Usopp finds his abilities so awesome and,, It melts my heart whenever we see them interacting. They're not only hilarious and support each other but they're always finding reassurance on the other and I love it. Not to mention the whole Sogeking thing, too! And Chopper believing Usopp's lies! They feel sooo much like brothers, imo, it's adorable. Chopper might be one of Sogeking's biggest fans but Usopp is certainly Chopper's number 1 fan too.
Robin: I think if I start talking about them I might end up crying, thanks. But. But. But I adore them. They leave the crew pretty much at the same time and yet Usopp does everything to help them save her and bring her back. I think Robin reads him pretty well and can see so much bravery in him that Usopp can't see... While Usopp, despite being a bit weirded out at first by her, sees how gentle and caring and lovely Robin is. And how cool she is, too! Also, they're both big nerds, and I love that. The fact that he did everything he could for her in Enies Lobby despite having left the crew must've meant the world for her. And it's also the whole thing about her wanting to give up on life? I think Usopp, even if it's not on the same level, can kind of relate to that? It is not Sanji/Robin type of bond (which I fucking adore, by the way) but it is pretty personal. Also, hilarious dynamic because Robin is always telling dark jokes and Usopp gets scared easily and I just adore it.
Franky: They mean so much to me. My beloveds. We don't talk enough about Franky regretting having hurt Usopp when they first met and the guilt still haunting him. We don't talk about it enough. We should. Franky was there for Usopp on his most vulnerable moment and I think Franky's personality and masculinity mixed with his pretty emotional side is SO good for Usopp. Because it teaches him to be braver and stronger and himself, and it lets himself feel freely. They have so many things in common and I am from the "Franky father figure" team because their bond looks so,,, So much like that. Usopp getting excited for every little thing Franky makes and Franky quite obviously showing off because he knows he likes it. I think Franky is the one Usopp goes to when there's any problem in his life and,,, It is just so sweet that they always trust each other SO much. It is not only admiration but a deep, close bond. Still not over Franky wanting to overcompensate for what he did to Usopp, though, but- But they're okay now, I swear.
Brook: The sillies!!!!!!! We don't have THAT much of them in comparison to the other characters but every time they interact it is always so funny. Idk how I would describe their dynamic other than it is hilarious,, But I also think we deserve more scenes of them interacting seriously. Brook spent 50 years on his own and Usopp's fear in Water 7/Enies Lobby of being left alone too is so,,, I think Usopp would want to hear more of Brook and make him feel at home because if just the thought of being alone scares him so much, he can't even imagine what it was like for Brook. Usopp is somebody who seems to want to glue the crew together as much as possible and mostly uses fun/positivity (even if fake) to do so, and Brook does the same with music. Like- The fear of being alone. Idkk. Going insane now, actually.
Jinbe: I feel like everybody's relationship with Jinbe is very gentle and silly because he is adapting to the crew's dynamic and getting used to their shenanigans. So no matter what, it is hilarious and sweet. I actually,,, Want to see Jinbe's reaction to Sogeking,,, A lot,,, It'd be SO funny. Anyway- They haven't had much of a break to be together (please please let them be silly post-egghead) (honestly I'd kill for a silly filler arc, ngl...) but Jinbe is extremely understanding and mature and imo he sees a lot of potential and bravery in Usopp. And I'd say Usopp finds comfort on Jinbe but who wouldn't? I think it'd be funny to see a bit more of teasing/playful interactions with them because I love Usopp being stupid and Jinbe being all confused at first but having fun.
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narcatsisst · 1 month
so i finally watched the devil's chord and i. AUGH!!!! UEUHGH!!!!!!! i watched space babies a couple days ago and it was good ofc but i felt like it was missing something but devil's chord was literally fucking PERFECT. it was scary and emotional and silly and weird all at the same time and i almost cried and i got so many goosebumps and i just AAHH!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE EP UNDER THE CUT. GIANT RANT. I AM AUTISM.
i already have a giant bias towards the episode cuz one of my longest interests has been music and instruments but oh my fucking GOD the way they talked about music and hearing classical songs that i knew almost sent me to tears IM NOT JOKING. ruby playing the piano was so awesome and hearing saint saen's danse macabre made me feel like i was going to ascend into the heavens. putting doctor who and classical music, two of my biggest interests, together, was the best thing imaginable. I LITERALLY CANT DESCRIBE HOW HAPPY THIS EPISODE MAKES ME.
SECONDLY, I LOVED MAESTRO. like the toymaker (who i also adore so SO incredibly much), they have this silly evilness to them that makes them so INTERESTING!!! and then finding out maestro is the child of the toymaker was EVERYTHING. BECAUSE IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. jinkx monsoon, the person that plays maestro, says some stuff about them that explains why i love them so much. "When human rules don't apply to you, you get to do whatever you want. You don't have to worry about whether your emotions make sense to people because you don't have to answer to them." and "What I love about Maestro is that, while objectively evil, they are an artist, they have a mission statement. " THESE ARE THE EXACT REASONS I LOVE THE TOYMAKER AND MAESTRO SO MUCH. both of them are other-worldly beings. they're gods of their own realms. they're dramatic and passionate and so dead-set on getting what they want. but its not just about getting what they want, its about having fun with it and turning it into a show. because what's the point in going out if you cant go out with a BANG?
something else i loved was the doctor in this episode. ncuti gatwa's doctor, like david tennant's, is so extremely emotional and passionate and it makes me want to SOB. the doctor mentioning his granddaughter? TEARS IN MY EYES. "i can only smile like this because ive lost so much" SOBBING ON THE FLOOR. the 15th doctor has already been so emotional and i know im gonna cry so so much while he's around. BUT THATS SOMETHING I LOVE ABOUT DOCTOR WHO. because it can be so silly and weird and funny and then it can turn around and be spine-chilling and emotional ALL IN THE SAME EPISODE. because when you think about it, the story of the doctor is HEARTBREAKING. and when that side of him comes out you HAVE to expect the waterworks.
AND THEN RUBY THE ENTIRE EPISODE ???? i know theres something up with her and i just OH MY GOD!!! BECAUSE THE SNOW??? THIS EPISODE AND LAST EPISODE? AND THE SOUND OF CHRISTMAS?????? im gnawing on the bars of my enclosure I NEED TO KNOW. shes so interesting I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT because its like who's her mom?? whys she able to do the snow thing?? how did she have a song in her ????? AND MAESTRO SAYING THINGS LIKE "no he couldnt be there" "the old one couldn't've been there" WHO IS THAT. WHAT DO YOU MEAN.
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hamlets-ak · 1 year
Hello! Will you write a part 2 for “it was you all along”? I really want to see reader have the happiness she deserves. Maybe timmy can make her open an instagram account for herself and and her fans would be so happy and ofc her ex would be mad. If you don’t want that that’s totally fine!! Have a good day ❤️
have a good day as well!! thank you so much for the request <3
it was you all along ༊*·˚
part i
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liked by tchalamet, florencepugh and 1,233,549 others
yninstagram: yooooo i HAD to be the first post 😗 *everyone thank me for making y/n an instagram account
tchalamet added post to his story
ynfan93: can't believe we needed timo to make our girl join instagram
timotheefan66: i love him so much <3
zendaya: does y/n know u r posting pics of yourself?
yninstagram: i'm not that sneaky... or am i 🙃
zendaya: yeah.. she has no idea
timotheefan3: can't believe he liked his own photo 🤣
ynfan58: does this mean we're going to get more y/n content?
tayrussell: where is my baby y/n?
yninstagram: getting ready for the afterparty. i'm in charge now 😈
ynfan29: i wanted them to win :(
timothee45: i was disappointed too
ynfan75: i'm so happy that y/n feels more comfortable sharing more things with us
timotheefan20: it's so clear that they make each other so happy
ynfan74: wait r they together?
timotheefan54: idk but they definitely look comfortable with each other
timotheefan35: wasn't y/n dating paolo scotti?
ynfan21: u r a few episodes behind bro. haven't u seen the video?
timothee13: video?
ynfan21: paolo cheated on y/n
ynfan21: I KNOW RIGHT?
florencepugh: favorite losers
yninstagram: too early for jokes :(
ynfan9: guys have u seen the interview? they are so sweet
timotheefan34: what interview?
ynfan9: y/n said that she'd be happier for tim to win than herself
timotheefan34: she's so cute. she deserves the world 🥹💕
timotheefan52: i really hope they're together
ynfan77: YES i love them!!
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« I swear to God, I'm never going to forgive you for making my phone ring every two seconds. » Just as you finished your sentence the Instagram notification sound was heard. Timothée grinned looking at how you took a deep breath and started biting your lips. « I'm going to kill you in your sleep, I swear, » you mumbled.
« You just need to turn off the notifications, dummy, » he chuckled taking your phone in his hands, going to the settings, and turning off your Instagram notifications. « Even my grandma knows that, » Tim murmured giving it back to you.
« I know how to turn off my notifications, » you said looking down at your phone. Timothée smiled and leaned to catch your gaze.
« Yeah, I'm sure about that.» You rolled your eyes and scoffed. Tim imitated your reaction in a more dramatic tone.
« Silly, » you shook his shoulder. He smiled while looking outside of the car. « We have to be prepared for our little performance. »
« We are naturals, we don't need to be prepared. » Your eyes stayed on him for a few seconds, a smile slowly growing on your face.
Honestly, you didn't need to put in much effort. You were both great actors and everything was coming out so naturally. Luca used to say that you two were definitely together in another life or a parallel universe because there was no way you could act so convincingly. You could still hear Timothée leaving that awkward laugh that made you always smile.
Maybe it was just the way you looked at each other. When his green orbs met yours, they would always stay there for a few seconds like electrons and protons met but were forced to separate for reasons that no human brain could apprehend. You were very magnetic for each other and that was always there even if you were acting or you were just out for coffee.
« We are here, » the driver said.
« Thanks, » you both told him. Timothée motioned his hand for you to stay at your place.
« I'm opening your door, » he said. « Darling, » he raised his brows and smiled at you cheekily. You grinned at yourself fixing your clothes. He opened the door and slightly bowed to you before giving you his hand to help.
« Too much, » you mouthed to him and raised your brows.
« Sorry I have manners, » Tim leaned closer to whisper to your ear.
« Sorry I have manners, » you mimicked him.
« Oh, shut up, » he covered your face with his hand before wrapping his hand around your waist and pressing his lips on your cheek. You laughed touching the hand that was around you.
You posed in front of the photographers, both together and separately. After that, you were still together. You were magnets after all.
« Oh man, » Timothée said his arm around your neck, his fingers falling on your collarbone. « I forgot how awful the food is here. »
« Burgers on me later, » you said. Timothée curled up his nose into a smile. « What, you saw Christian Bale and you're going to fangirl again? », you asked.
« No! », Timothée shook his head. « Though, » he moved his hand while speaking, « there is absolutely nothing wrong about fangirling over Christian Bale. »
« Look, » you replied in a more serious tone, « it's fine fangirling over Christian Bale, but if you do it more than three times, » you side-eyed him, « people will start suspecting that you're in love with him. »
« Very supportive, » he made you chuckle.
« That's me, » you forced a smile as he lightly ruffled your hair.
« Hey, you know what we should do? We should have a quick look around at the place. »
« Oh! », you smiled biting your lips. « Yes, we should definitely do that. »
You and Timothée started walking around the hotel, laughing at random comments you were both making. Timothée didn't set you free, his arm still wrapped around you. But no complaint was made by your side since you pretty much enjoyed it.
He smelled so nice. It reminded you of something so familiar, like your home. It was vanilla mixed with oranges and cloves and something warm. You couldn't stop smiling. Timothée was making you feel so serene.
« Oh my God, » he said as he tangled his fingers around your palm, pulled you by the hand, and led you to the end of the corridor where was a pianoforte. He quickly took a seat in front of it and glanced at the other way concerned.
« Play something... if you can, of course, » you raised your brow. He clenched his jaw to prevent his grin and tried to sound smooth.
« You think I can't? », he asked. You shrugged taking a seat next to him.
« I don't know, maybe your piano skills have faded over the years... »
« Wanna bet? », he bit his lips. You smiled looking into his eyes. You were so close, you've never been this close outside of work. That was probably the only time Timothée didn't stay longer in your eyes, his stare falling immediately to your lips. His mouth half-opened but then shook his head and sat better. You just smiled and looked down at your lap.
You couldn't have imagined that little moment between you, that spark jumping from his eyes to your lips.
« Bach is an amateur in front of me, » Tim said as his fingers pressed against the piano keys, playing a sweet melody. Your head slowly fell on his shoulder hearing the magic coming out of the instrument. Every now and then he turned his head in your direction, looking at the way, you couldn't stop staring at him or glaring at you when you pressed a random note and messed with his song.
« Timothée, » you said once he was over.
« What? », he smiled.
« I feel like I'm monopolizing you, » you chuckled. He unconsciously smiled back at you.
« I wish you did, » he bit his lips a little.
« Oh, come on, » you shook his shoulder. « Let's go get drinks. »
« Fine, » he said.
You returned back to the main room where almost everyone was gathered. You stopped to talk to some people. Timothée after a while tapped your back.
« I'm getting us drinks, » he told you. You nodded happily.
But your laugh slowly faded away as you noticed Paolo staring at you while talking to Steven Spielberg and his wife, who were clearly looking around trying to find a way out. Your lips were pressed together as he looked at you with a smirk and then his eyes moved to Timothée who was walking away, the smirk being replaced by a dead-face look.
You hated that after everything, he still had an effect on you. And you hated, even more, yourself for letting him under your skin. You were so fucking blinded and stupid, that didn't end things earlier. Paolo kindly excused himself and moved towards you, pulling lightly your forearm and separating you from the group of people. You didn't want to make a scene in front of them, so you let him lead you to a corner.
« Oh God, what sins am I paying for? », you looked up. Paolo froze for a moment.
« Hi, Y/N, » he said.
« Hi, » you said back and breathed heavily.
« You should've won, you deserved it, » he nodded eagerly. He had lost as well, but you didn't respond. « But you know that only being nominated it's an achievement by itself. » You smiled.
« Yes, that's funny because I was worried my career was going to be destroyed after a romance movie. »
« Y/N... », he looked at you pleadingly.
« What do you want Paolo? I thought I made it pretty clear that I want nothing to do with you. »
« You can't just do this to me, Y/N, » Paolo shook his head. « You can't destroy all these times we spent together in just one moment. »
« It was me who destroyed our relationship in just one moment? », you asked calmly. « You are a fucking asshole. »
« Okay, I-I'll take it on me. It was all my fault, but it was just one moment of weakness. I was completely pissed, I didn't know where the fuck I was or what I was doing, believe me. » You clenched your jaw in your attempt to keep a straight face. « Please, forgive me, and let's forget this ever happened. »
« I believe you and I forgive you for kissing that random girl, » you said. Paolo smiled thankfully and tried to close the distance, but your hand separated you. « But I will never forgive you for the way you treated me. From the moment this relationship started, you were nothing but a pretentious manipulative asshole that always wanted to do things his way or nothing. I spent so much time with you, I lost myself, my dignity, my career was held back... I- I don't know anymore, Paolo. »
« You are being unfair, » he shook his head. « We love each other. It was love at first sight, remember? You always said you loved me from the moment you looked at me. »
« Well, I should've looked at you twice, » you hit his shoulder walking away. « You are a fucking hypocrite, » he said then. You stopped walking and he was there, right behind you when you turned around. « It's all because of that guy that fucked a fucking peach. Posting photos and acting all happy together. I bet you had already fucked him long before I kissed that girl. »
« Don't even dare say that ever again, you asshole, » you pressed your lips shut, anger drawn in your face. « You made me so fucking miserable that even smiling felt uncomfortable, you douchebag. And keep Timothée out of your fucking mouth. He makes me happy. I am happy with him! »
« Y/N? », Timothée asked walking beside you. You gulped looking at him with two drinks in his hands.
« Well, » Paolo glanced at Tim up and down, then at you while clenching his jaw. « I guess this is it. »
«You guess? », you asked with a sarcastic smile. « You can be sure about it. »
Paolo pressed his lips and left you and Timothée alone. Tim walked closer to you giving you your drink. He then wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
« I-I'm going to get some air, » you moved away from him. You got out of the hotel, your lungs filling with oxygen again as the wind pulled your hair. You walked down the stairs, your head pounding as if someone was hitting you with a hammer, and sat down. You pulled your legs closer to your core and buried your head between your legs.
Timothée was standing still for a few seconds, his eyes in the direction where you disappeared. He wasn't sure if he should follow or not, but he knew one thing. He wanted to be with you and you had to know this.
So, he took the direction with uncertainty, going out of the hotel to find you. He saw you sitting there all alone and without speaking, sat beside you.
You tilted your head to the side until it touched his chest, tears falling down your eyes as you shook your forehead against his warmth. Timothée left his glass to the stairs next to yours and pulled you closer holding your back and caressing your hair lovingly.
« Y/N, » he held your head. Your gaze couldn't meet his but he still shoved the tears away from your cheeks and leaned his head to your side so he could catch your eyes. « It hurts seeing you cry for him. »
« I'm not crying for him, Timothée, » you shook your head pressing your lips so you didn't spread any more tears. « I wasted so much time being unhappy. »
« Don't think about that. Everything's over. » You smiled softly and nodded.
« Yes, » you said. Timothée smiled back at you.
« Can I make you a question? », he asked.
« Yes, » you laughed this time. Tim breathed out heavily and looked away.
« While I was waiting for our drinks, I watched your interview. »
« My interview? », you shook your head smiling as much as the situation let you again.
« You- », he gulped. « You said you'd be happier for me to win than you'd be for yourself. »
« I did say that, » you chuckled rubbing your eyes.
« Did you mean it or you said for I don't know. »
« Of course, I meant it Timothée, » you touched his hand that was balancing on his knee. He turned his head to you. « You always make me so happy and that, for some reason, makes me twice as happy for you. » His lips parted at your words that made and didn't make sense.
« Okay, » he pressed his eyes shut to take courage and then opened them again. "If the answer is no, let's just say I'm too drunk, okay?"
« Okay, » you said unsurely.
« Can I kiss you? » You froze for a few seconds and stayed there looking at him. « Oh fuck, » he pulled his hair back, his whole face turning red. « Y/N, I- » Without finishing his sentence you pressed his lips with yours.
Your eyes were sealed tight as you kissed slowly, lips brushing against each other, biting and licking the skin. Once you pulled back you both stared at the space between the two of you breathing.
Timothée chuckled causing you to smile too as he leaned to kiss you again, feeling like he didn't have enough of you already. He held your neck as you tangled your fingers between his curls.
You smiled against his lips as you backed away, with him trying to chase your lips. He pressed one last kiss to the side of your mouth, leaving a 'mwah' sound, and then pulled back too.
« What about that burger? », you asked.
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hella1975 · 18 days
hella if I may ask how do U feel abt the canon touya we were given vs the previous fandom perception of him🎤? apologies if youve alrdy said but I just watched dabis dance n im GNAWING on the bars of my cage over it
hiiiiiiiiii max <333 hmmm im not entirely sure what ur asking bc i am still very new to mha (sat and thought about this for a second, i caught up to mha a year ago. a YEAR. I HAVE BEEN HERE A YEAR ARE YOU KIDDING. LET ME UP) and i was never in the fandom pre-dabidance/touya reveal so i actually dont really know a lot about past fanon perceptions. i will say for current fanon perceptions i actually dont HATE how touya gets perceived. maybe i am just that good at curating my fandom spaces but from what ive seen people generally characterise him pretty well. his fanon perception is very mardy/broody with big spikes of sudden, intense emotion and he's also a massive bitch with a penchant for dramatics, and while those things get twisted sometimes/over-exaggerated they're still all canonical traits. like he has an inherent Just Some Guyness to him.
i think broadly speaking there's a considerable part of the fandom that are so blindly pro-endeavour that they insist on dying on the 'touya was always an insane irrideemable monster and endeavour did nothing wrong!' hill which is. blood boilingly ridiculous so in THAT regard the fanon characterisation of him somehow just being an inherently evil child (two words that cannot exist together) who has gone on to be a mindless, sadistic adult is a perception that GRATESSSS on my nerves. or even if people don't take the evil child route and still insist touya is sadistic/excessively cruel/senselessly violent. that bugs me bc we get no proof of that. in fact dabi as a character is a shockingly blank slate in the grand scheme of things. we get told that he killed a lot of people, burning them alive in cold blood and that they were innocent, but we dont actually know anything about the situation. for all the time he's on screen, he's quick-tempered and unable to walk away from a fight even if it's illogical, but not sadistic unless it specifically comes to his vendetta. unless something sets him off he is very uninterested in anything else (the snatch comment HOURS later always makes me laugh HES SUCH A CUNT).
if ur asking SPECIFICALLY about dabidance and how it was handled (bc it's a very Active scene and that's hard to convey through manga, so people had very different expectations for it from what i've heard) then i LOVED how it was done. in that regard i think there's very much a fanon dabi that is Very Cool And Sexy so people find it hard to reconcile that with the fact that the touya reveal was so borderline silly, because they only ever want him to be suave and attractive. but when facing off against his abuser for the first time in a decade and finally, finally crawling from the shadows after living through hell and LITERALLY stapling himself back together again, touya is manic. i fucking adore that, especially from a character with such a temper bc high-charged scenes like that usually only ever go in two directions: anger or tears. we didn't get that here. yes, he's clearly angry, but it's done in a manic way. it would be so easy with a character like dabi to have him screaming and yelling his head off in a fit of rage, but we get this instead. he's so clearly slipping and it's both uncomfortable and cathartic to watch. he can't even contain it. he DANCES. it's almost laughable but in a seriously disturbing way, and i think anyone who didn't like that about the touya reveal is seriously missing out.
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player1064 · 3 months
“It’s still just as hard to return to his own bed afterwards as it had been four years ago” has RUINED me.. pls expand on them getting together omgggg
(in reference to my drabble from the other day)
me writing parts of the wife-Gary saga where they're in a committed relationship: fun. silly. these two idiots are so insufferable and drive everyone crazy w how in love they are.
me writing parts of the wife-Gary saga BEFORE they're in a committed relationship: they are so fucking tragic. and the REASON they are so fucking tragic is bc they are stupid. and repressed. and don't know how to have normal human conversations with each other.
 June, 2016.
“God, Carragher, ‘re you stalkin’ me? How is it that you’re always here after the shit games?”
“Calm down, lad, it’s only happened twice and I know you’ve had a lot more shit games than that. ‘Sides, ‘salmost like talkin’ about football is my job.”
“They should fuckin’ fire you, then,” Gary mutters.
Jamie raises a hand to his chest with an over-dramatic gasp. “But then we’d both be out a job. Think of the children, Gaz, how’re we gonna provide for them?”
Gary chuckles, but it comes out weak and bitter, shooting down any hopes Jamie has of lightening the mood.
He looks bad, is the thing. He looks really, really bad. Each month of the last six seems to have aged him an extra year, he’s pale and unkempt and he’s gained weight since Jamie had last seen him. And he’s looking at Jamie like – like he’d rather be looking at anyone else. Like he doesn’t trust him.
“That was cruel, Jamie, what you wrote,” he says flatly.
It’s my job, Jamie could argue, the articles get more clicks if I’m mean.
Instead, he looks Gary in the eye and says “I know. But someone had to say it.”
Gary rubs a hand over his jaw, huffs a sigh. “D’you not remember what it was like?” he asks, squinting at Jamie. “To wear the badge. I mean, I know it weren’t the same as Liverpool, for you. Weren’t the same as United for me, to be fair. But you must remember. End of the day, they’re just boys. We were too, all them years ago.”
“Gary, they played like shit,” Jamie says, gentle as he can. It doesn’t even occur to him to lie, to tell some meaningless platitude about how they tried their best. It was fucking Iceland.
“Yeah,” Gary says. “Yeah, I know.”
All Jamie wants is to say something mean, to tease Gary and make him laugh and for everything to just go back to fucking normal, for him to have seen Gary more than twice in the last six months. For those two meetings to have been after some fucking wins, instead of –
They sit side by side in the hotel bar, drinking in silence and staring blankly ahead.
Feels a lot like Barcelona.
“Ha,” Gary replies when he tells him this. “Fucking Spain.”
Jamie, who has never known Spain to do anything but take, raises his glass to that. “Fuckin’ Spain.”
Gary turns his head to look at him, makes a little high-pitched humming noise before shaking his head and staring down at the counter top instead.
“Nothin’,” he says quickly. “’s stupid.”
Not like Jamie’s got anything better to do than sit and wait for Gary to get over himself, so that’s exactly what he does.
Eventually, Gary starts up again, voice unsteady. “I always wondered, um. If Spain was as shit for you as it was for me.”
“Well I never lost 7-0, lad, so I’m gonna go with no,” Jamie jokes, even though he knows that’s not what Gary means.
Because what he knows Gary means is –
“I mean Madrid, James. I guess – I’ve been thinkin’ a lot, obviously, about Spain. And how before all this –” he waves a hand vaguely in the air. “—before all this, Spain was just – it was only ever Madrid, tha’s all it meant to me. And I always wondered, ever since – d’you remember 2004? I always remember gettin’ to training camp, that year, an’ I saw you ‘n him, and I thought, I mean – I wondered, if maybe it was the same. For you, as it was for me. I remember thinkin’ that.”
2004 was… What springs to mind, when Jamie thinks of 2004, when he thinks of Gary Neville in 2004, is how much he fucking hated him. He remembers watching him at England camps, watching him with Beckham and wondering how the fuck they were able to carry on like nothing had changed, when it was taking all of Jamie’s energy to be civil to his oldest friend.
“I think…” he says carefully, ever so slightly terrified that he’s read this all wrong. “I think it was, yeah. I think it was the same.”
Gary breathes a sigh of relief.
He looks back at Jamie, unblinking, and asks quietly “what about Valencia?”
“What about it?”
“Was’at the same, for you. As Madrid. ‘Cause it felt – not the same, I s’pose, but – similar. Similar enough. For me.”
Jamie takes him in, the dark circles under his eyes, the hunched shoulders. The way he’s nervously biting his lip. Jamie takes it all in, and he thinks fucking Spain, and he thinks fucking Iceland.
“What’re you asking me, Gary?”
“Come up to my room with me?”
“Jamie,” Gary says breathlessly, eyes wide, as Jamie grinds their hips together like they’re a pair of fucking teenagers, “Jamie, Jamie, Jamie.”
“Christ, Gary,” Jamie huffs. Except it comes out softer than he’d meant it to. Christ, Gary. He splays one hand over Gary’s bare chest, scraping his fingernails over the pale skin. “You really don’t ever shut up, do ya?”
Gary flushes, brings a hand up to cover his mouth. Jamie grabs hold of his wrist and tugs it away.
“No, I didn’t mean –” he starts, painfully aware of what a fucking fool he’s about to make of himself. “I didn’t mean stop. ‘s nice. ‘s always nice, t’hear you dronin’ on.”
“Oh fuck you, Carra,” Gary says, but there’s a new twinkle in his eye. His blush has toned down to a delicious shade of pink, which makes Jamie want to do stupid things, like lean down and kiss him on the cheek, or say to him –
No. That can’t be what this is.
He smirks instead, says “think I’d rather fuck you,” delights in the way Gary’s grip on his arse tightens.
“Maybe next time, James, go easy on an old man.”
“Bit full of ourselves, are we? Thinkin’ I’ll be wantin’ a repeat performance?”
“More thinkin’ you’ll be wantin’ a rematch, ‘cause so far you’re a shit fuckin’ lay.”
“Am I fuck.”
The problem, when you really think about it, isn’t Jamie at all. He’s lying on his side, propped up with his elbow, and he’s watching Gary smile dozily at him.
The problem isn’t Gary, either. Or maybe it is, maybe the fact that he’s not the problem is causing a whole new set of problems, but Jamie can’t slow down his racing mind enough to deal with that right now.
No, the problem is fucking Spain, it's Valencia, it's Madrid, it’s David Beckham and it’s Michael Owen. The problem is this hotel in France, and it’s Iceland, and it’s Roy Hodgson, and it’s fifty years of hurt. The problem is about an hour’s drive down the M62, the problem is lying across from him, fingers lightly tracing the scars on his stomach, and the problem is saying “think I could love you, y’know,” as easily as you might say ‘it’s going to rain today’, or ‘Manchester United will never win the league again’.
And the problem, the real problem, is that Jamie can’t say it back. The problem is he’s never been able to say it, not to anyone.
So fine, maybe Jamie’s the problem.
He leans forward and brushes his lips against Gary’s, feels his pleased little hum, feels him try pull Jamie closer.
Jamie pulls away, slips out of the bed. He keeps his back to Gary when he says “I’ll see you at work when new season starts, then, yeah?”
“Oh,” he hears Gary say, voice small. “Oh, right. Yeah, I’ll – yeah.”
Jamie pulls his clothes back on and walks out the door. He’s got a flight to catch soon, anyways.
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sweetkpopmusings · 1 year
joshua best friend headcanons <3
a/n: this best friends series is giving me so much serotonin, and i love to see others enjoying it!! joshua is so cringe (said lovingly) and i am so very fond of him :,-) my break from work is over after today, so my posts will probably not be as frequent, but i promise this series will continue !! pics not mine <3
content: fluff | wc: 0.8k | warnings: none! | pairing: bestfriend!joshua x gn!reader | requests: open
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he's the type of best friend that sees you two as a team
yes, he refers to you both as "the dream team" constantly
and he says it with his whole chest each time
like when one of his members asks what he did on the break, he'll answer "oh, y'know, just got the dream team back together"
they just respond (probably preceded by an eyeroll) "how's y/n doing?"
they're so unfazed by it but they'll tease him about it if you're around. if you join them at an event or a hangout, when you walk in the room they'll cheer because "the dream team is back together again!!!"
they're so dramatic but shua is eating it up actually
unironically will ask you, "is he bothering you, queen/king/my liege?"
he thinks it's so funny like it doesn't matter if you think it's funny he will stick with that bit forever
because he actually does care if people or things are bothering you
he will ask you how you are doing all the time
and he wants genuine answers
he'd never push you or anything like that, but he isn't asking you out of politeness or routine
as your best friend, he is dedicated to your wellbeing
he's so invested in supporting you
if you're trying to overcome a problem, develop a new skill, or complete some random 30-day challenge, joshua is right behind you the whole time
he'll send you encouraging messages, look out for tips he can send your way, and sometimes he'll even take part in it himself!!
truly a great cheerleader to have in your life :,-)
creates traditions for you two
he knows that life is wild and it can be hard to get together and talk as much as you want to
so he ensures that, regardless of what's going on, you two have things that bring you together
it could be based on a shared interest! maybe you both really like this one youtube channel, so you always watch the new content together
i would not be surprised in the slightest if he signed y'all up for silly subscription boxes
like yes there's a monthly service that sends you mini science experiments and yes joshua got you both a year-long plan and yes he expects "shua & y/n's science session" to be a whole event every time
it was somewhat of a joke at first because shua loves being ridiculous but you both ended up loving it so much that you looked forward to each new box
he's very protective of you <3
he's always looking out for you, so he is pretty invested in how people treat you
whether it's in the workplace, in your friend circles, in romantic relationships, and even in your family (bio, chosen, or otherwise)
he wouldn't meddle in your relationships, but he's not afraid to speak up if someone is not treating you with the respect and care you deserve
he always respects your decisions, but he will never hold back an opinion that is for your benefit.
he won't get mad if you disagree with him either like he's the king of promoting autonomy, agency, and self-respect <333
he works hard to earn your trust, which is why you trust his judgment
and he goes to you for the same thing
he nevers wants you to beat around the bush with him
your bond is too special for superficial pleasantries like that
you both know each other so well that it only makes sense to be transparent with one another
which is why he'll come to you with some of his biggest concerns, insecurities, etc
because you're the one person who can see him for who he is without him worrying about putting on a persona or performance
and he's so grateful to you for that, more than he could ever express
so after a heart-to-heart he'll just look you directly in the eyes and say a soft yet strong "thank you"
and then make a lil joke because whoa it got real serious and he's a lighthearted guy
takes a lot of pictures of you / you two together !
he will send you the pictures where you are making a funny face and threaten to use it as blackmail <3
if you try to do the same he'll just go "good luck, i'm beautiful in everything :-)"
and you're like yes but have you considered you're also an idiot <3
runs ideas by you for weird things he can do to shock his members
he knows the water bits always kill, but he's looking to take things to the Next. Level. so he's scheduling a meeting with you to walk through his bit prototypes and maybe even doing some trial runs with you
he's taking it so seriously and you're like wow you're a dumbass and he's like "thank you so much so what was your rating on the tearaway pants trick again?"
boy has a clipboard and everything i swear
joshua is just such a funny and strange guy who wants to add value to your life because you bring so much to his!! he'll always be there for you, rain or shine, and he reminds you constantly of how special you are :,-)
joshua if you're taking applications for besties please let me know and i'll submit my resume asap!!!
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