#i love marble hornets SO MUCH
ijwrsmff · 8 months
Innocence Part 2-Masky x Reader
Someone on my archive asked for a part 2! So here it is. A ways late, but I have a good number of requests I'm trying to get through! Hope you enjoy it ^~^
Word Count: 1,408
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You thought about Tim a good bit after he left you home those few days ago. Wondering if he was okay, how he was healing, and just generally how he felt. Surely he was frightened, you don’t know who attacked him, and it must have hurt so much. The wound was no small matter, it required a good number of stitches just to try and stop the bleeding. All you could do was hope he was feeling better. 
It was almost time for bed, being relatively late at night now. You made sure the front door was locked, after closing and locking the window. But as you walked back from the front door, the sight of the open window caught your eye. That’s funny…you were sure you closed it. Oh well, must have been the winds outside. You didn’t even notice the wind, it must have been pretty strong! 
So you walked back over to it, and closed it a second time, staring at it confused. “How strange…” You muttered, making sure to lock it, then test the window to see if it would pop open again. You watched it for a good several seconds, almost convinced that if you looked away it would fly open again. When you were sure it wouldn’t, you took one step back and bumped into something. 
You didn’t have a chance to turn, when a voice whispered in your ear from behind you. “Miss me?” Was all the person said, as you shrieked in surprise. It made the man chuckle, but you recognized that laugh! 
You spun around with a wide smile, “TIM!” Without even thinking you hugged him carefully. He tensed under your touch, but didn’t outright prevent you from doing it. “I was so worried! I thought you were never coming back!” When you pulled away, he looked as confused as ever. “How’s the wound? I hope it’s healing well…” You were being overly cautious, not wanting to agitate it or him. 
His head was tilted, but it returned back as he chuckled once more, a smirk on his face. He lifted his shirt a bit so you could see where you left the stitches. You would have had no idea it used to be a gaping stab-like wound! It was barely even there! “Wow! You must heal super fast! You even took out the stitches!” You nearly jumped in place, knowing he wouldn’t be hurting as much now.
“Uh…” He was just so shocked that your bubbly care-free attitude was…still there. Even though it was clear he snuck into your house through the window. “Yeah. I do heal pretty fast.” His eyes were calculating, wondering if now was the chance to kill you now that you’d seen his face. He did fully intend to do so, but there was something about you that made him hesitate. 
Your smile warmed his cold heart…just slightly. Maybe he could think of another plan for you. “Don’t you want to know how I got in here?” He raised an eyebrow, with a small smirk on his face. He was trying to scare you, but it just didn’t work. Either you were confident in your abilities to survive…or so innocent it made you a complete idiot. He’d stay until he found out. 
“I must not have locked the front door right! I should get better about that…” You hummed in thought. You hadn’t run into that problem before, but that’s clearly how he got in. “Oh! And you probably came in because you thought I was sleeping and didn’t want to wake me! That’s very considerate of you!” You giggled, and didn’t even register the bewildered look on his face. “You can come over whenever you’d like! If I’m not awake or home you can either wake me up or make yourself comfortable!” 
“...” He didn’t know if it was possible to genuinely startle you at this point. “...I climbed in through the window.” He explained, and raised his eyebrow once more just anticipating your next words. But it seemed impossible, he couldn’t believe you weren’t scared. If he climbed in anyone else's window, they would be rightfully terrified. Convinced they’d be killed, which in his experience…they always would be. 
“Oh! You must be a really good climber! I live all the way on the fourth floor!” You laughed hard, and continued, “But you don’t have to climb all that way for me! You can always just knock on my door as loud as you want to and I’ll come let you in!” You giggled even more when his eyes widened. “It’s okay, you’re always welcome here, Tim!” 
Yeah. You were definitely stupid. But he felt allured by it, your innocence being appealing to him. He didn’t often (or maybe even ever) meet someone who was so unafraid by him. You gave him his own bloody knife, stitched him back up, and even didn’t care when he snuck through your window. It was pathetic…but maybe even cute. He tried to keep those thoughts at bay, but when you laughed and giggled like that, he felt compelled to protect you. If anyone was going to kill you, it’d be him. But he wasn’t even sure if he wanted that anymore…
He wasn’t good at small talk, so for the most part he let you speak. You talked about your job, and how happy you were that he wasn't hurt worse. You asked a few questions about what he did for work, but he shrugged it off momentarily, before deciding to try one last time to scare you. “I don’t do normal work…I kill people. For fun.” His look was serious, but you took it as a joke. 
“Oh so you’re like an assassin? That’s super cool!” You said as you laughed. You scooted closer to him on the couch, and looked at him in an interesting way. It made him recoil, not believing you were so clueless, if even ignorant. “Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to be some kind of assassin…but I could never bring myself to give anyone a papercut on accident, let alone kill them!” You laughed, and laughed, and even Tim found himself laughing quietly with you. 
After a while, he looked at the time. It was well past midnight. “I have to go.” He stood up, and walked back over to the window. “My…”Brothers” will be looking for me. We always check in after a while.” He placed a foot on the window frame, and looked back at you with a smile. You couldn’t tell if it was a smirk or a smile, but the closer you got to him the more you’d understand. 
“Wait! Don’t jump out the window, you could get hurt!” You ran over to him and grabbed the back of his shirt lightly. “You can walk out the front door, it’s much safer!” Your words had him turning back to you, and he looked bewildered once more. You made a mental note that he did that a lot. Maybe he wasn’t used to people being kind to him? But surely if he had brothers he cared about, he was a really caring person! And they must care about him too, if they checked in so often. 
He turned, and debated something. You could see the gears in his brain turning. “Hm…” He looked at you, deep in thought. After a few seconds of staring, a real smirk made its way onto his face. “Don’t worry. It takes a lot more than that to hurt me.” He leaned forward and gave you a small kiss on the lips. It wasn’t much, but it had you smiling wide. It made him smile too, a much more content and genuine smile that you weren’t sure you’d ever seen from him yet. 
“When will you be back?” Your smile was still there, as just the action made you extremely happy! “I’d like to see you again soon…if that's okay!” You tilted your head a bit and even closed your eyes from smiling so much. When you opened them he was gone! “Woah! Wait where’d he go!” You leaned forward to look out the window, but there wasn’t a trace of him anywhere. He sure was fast! 
But something told you he’d be visiting again very soon. That hoodie he wore looked really comfortable…maybe you’d be able to steal it sometime when he visited next. 
And maybe he’d just let you. 
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villruu · 4 months
i don't think yall truly understand how obsessed i am right now with Marble Hornets.
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theslyvoid9 · 4 months
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The beast
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m4ladapted · 3 months
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NEW ART‼️‼️,,,, what do u guys think Toby’s favorite song would be
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splattergutz · 1 month
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solazu1 · 3 months
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something something I turned them into creatures because I saw a few other people do it. I might make Alex and Brian later but I actually have more planned for Jessica and Amy. I guess this counts as an Au...? My brother helped me with Jays design so that was cool, shoutout to @rorystr 🫡
Scratches head, ig like the most I've got for this au is that most mythical creatures live amongst humans, disguised as them, and completely unaware of other creatures living amongst them. (which is too few anyway, they are mythical creatures after all not common creatures) It just turns out that by some insane coincidence, almost all of the cast of marble hornets are secretly dudes in disguise (loud vine-booms). Also the operator sickness is still a thing and the operator is still the same old entity of malice just more fantastical yk? Alright enough of my blabbering I'm sleepy… I want to rant sm about how I think angels and other types function in this au but not rn 💥💥
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spellboundcities · 2 years
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On the subject of cause and effect
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imsogayyippee · 11 months
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whatisr3alityy · 28 days
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I love them
Also Jay doodle
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wayemd · 12 days
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*papers scattering across the floor* Oh shit uhh … *stuffing hands in pockets* these aren’t mine I swear.
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 9 months
i am potentially just perhaps perchance maybe begging on my hands and knees for brian / hoodie and reader smut.... your writing is so good it scratches my brain just right
Absolutely!! I’ve been on a Tim and Brian CRAZE. And honestly a fall craze too since it’s my favorite season so I hope you don’t mind! Thank you sm for the ask 🖤🖤
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Fandom: Creepypasta/ Marble Hornets
Plot: Some sex in the woods 😊
Warnings: Fingering, nipple play, not much else
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You didn’t know if you’d be able to ever get used to the way Brian’s gloved hands ran down your body. You didn’t know if you’d ever get used to fucking in the woods! Lord knows you’d never do this if he hadn’t practically forced you into trying it. The sharp fall wind hit your skin immediately as he lifted your shirt, pushing your bra out of the way to get to your erect nipples. His mask was pushed just above his nose, giving his mouth just enough access to you. His warm tongue was a beautiful contrast to the wind that chilled you. The way he swirled around your sensitive bud was just enough to pull small moans from your lips.
Brian was more of the silent type, even when fucking he didn’t feel much of a reason to make noise. Small growls and grunts here and there but usually his hands did most of the talking. He let his gloved hand slide slowly into your pants, giving your clit the attention it so desperately needed. His free hand squeezed your breast, running up and down your side tenderly.
He liked taking it slow with you. If he wasn’t recording you, he’d be fucking you like the one true love you were. Today his pace was almost agonizingly slow.
“Bri… Come on baby…” You tried your hardest to coax him faster. You knew your words of encouragement would make his mind fuzzy, softening him so you could work him just the right way.
He pushed two gloved fingers into you, feeling your slick soak through the fabric as his thumb continued to work your clit. Your soft moans only made his pace grow quicker. He wanted his glove to be soaked with your sweet juices. He wanted to be able to smell you whenever he wore them. Fuck how he loved how sweet you were.
Your small hands clutched his broad shoulders, sharp nails digging into the fabric of his hoodie. You could feel his muscles flexing with each pump of his fingers.
The mix of his tongue on your sensitive bud and his fingers deep inside of you made your eyes roll back. Your orgasm creeping closer with each deep pump of his gloved fingers and each swipe of his tongue.
He could feel the heat radiating off of your flushed skin. No matter how cold it was out, he knew just how to get you heated. You wouldn’t ever need clothes with him around to keep you warm. You could almost feel his smirk against your skin as your moans got louder. All you could hope was that no one was close by. Heavens forbid anyone heard you…
Brian on the other hand almost hoped someone heard you and came to investigate. He wanted anyone to see how good you were for him, how you would let him do anything to you. He wanted to hear the creeps talking about how you got dirty with him in the woods. Wanted to see the blush creep up onto your cheeks when you heard their comments.
Every time he didn’t record he wished he did. He wished he pulled out his camera to capture your euphoric expression as your orgasm overcame you. He wished he had multiple angles. He took a mental picture instead. Slowly he pulled his fingers out from your pants, stuffing them in your mouth while he fixed your clothes, making sure you looked presentable.
When he was sure you had a good taste he removed his fingers, taking off his gloves and shoving them in his back pocket. He picked you up in his arms, giving you a soft kiss followed by a loving smile. Giving him a soft smile in return you pulled his mask back down, giving him a kiss on his mask’s painted frown. You listened to the leaves crunch under his heavy work boots, your head rested against his muscular chest that even under all the layers he was wearing you could still feel.
The walk back to the mansion was long but there’s no place you’d rather be than in his strong arms.
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cultofthorns · 1 year
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in the middle of nowhere, blood in my hair
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purplecatghostposts · 9 months
Thinking about how Hoody!Brian had SO many opportunities to kill Alex but hesitated and couldn’t time and time again. He had the guy captured twice and while you could argue that the Operator interrupted him once, he also HAD him at Benedict Hall. He could’ve ended it there, but he couldn’t.
Hoody!Brian could hate him all he wanted, beat him to hell and back, and mock and threaten him, but he never was quite able to pull the trigger. Even at his lowest, even full of hate and contempt for Alex (and some for everyone else alive too), he couldn’t seem to cross that particular line. Which is incredibly interesting to me.
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hxcito · 1 year
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thinking about jay
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confettifluff · 2 years
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entry #84 my beloved
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1loer · 5 months
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middle fingers UP!!! if u don't give a FUCK !!!!! (- taken with Hajime's fucked up ipod touch )
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