#i love my internal notes of stupid shit
emeraldcreeper · 2 years
I love rereading my own half baked rough draft like the person who wrote this she’s so funny and also smart and completely correct about this man and his 20 discrete problems
0 notes
good luck, babe! [e.w x fem!reader.]
chapter one.
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author's note!<3 - this is inspired by chappell roan's unreleased song good luck, babe! i lllloooovveee chappel roan! this was originally going to be just a LONG ASS one-shot but i don't think i can write any more tonight 😭😭 . BUT I REALLY WANNA PUBLISH IT SO HOPEFULLY YOU GUYS LIKE IT!!!! also forgive me if there's any grammar/spelling errors... i'm posting this at 12:59 am🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 . reblogs and comments are SO appreciated!!! i busted my ass for y'all 🤗 .
content warnings - SLIGHT angst, reader has internalized homophobia and is outright homophobic to ellie, reader is in the closet, ellie is a lovergirl and she's going through the five stages of grief, modern!au, reader gets sexually assaulted/harrassed, LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED ANYTHING ELSE!!!!
special thanks to!!!!: @sharkfemme and @dykedearest FOR HELPING ME OUT!!!!!! and also LYNN AND MAXIM!!! ALL FOUR OF YOU ARE AMAZING BETA READERS I'M KISSING YOU ALL THROUGH THE PHONE RN!!!
it's fine, it's cool.
ellie's grip on her glass got impossibly tighter as her eyes never left your figure, your body swaying to whatever shitty mainstream pop music that was playing.
ellie williams hated secrets. she hated surprises, and she hated being in love with you.
she hated the way you would ghost her after spending a week at her apartment. she hated the way you would stop responding to her texts after you would leave. she hated the way she would let you back in when you needed her, she hated how much she loved to comfort you. she hated how gentle you were when it was just the two of you, compared to how cruel you got in public.
you can say that we ain't nothin' when you know the truth.
ellie took her hand off the glass and gripped the bar table instead, afraid that if she broke another glass she'd be banned from the bar.
you were like forbidden fruit to her, or maybe that was what she was to you.
she knew you weren't ready to come out of the closet. she understood that. so, why keep on playing this fucking game with her?
why did she even still feed into it?
i guess i'm, the fool.
the closet was made out of glass, really. you would stare at every woman's body that passed you, your eyes would scan up their short dress, she could see the curiosity and desire in your face.
but every single time after you two would hook up, there was always a new excuse.
"i'm not a fucking lesbian, ellie. i just... don't like men sometimes." sometimes?
"they're just stupid thoughts... it's not like i could ever be with a woman." but you had been. you had been with her.
"ok but... do you even count as a woman? you wear boxers, you don't even know the meaning of the term ladylike and... i don't know- look at your fuckin' hair! the closest you'd get is a transwoman." that one had hurt her. she didn't talk to you for a month after you made that comment. and then you appeared in her apartment complex hallway, sobbing hysterically.
and of course, she took you back.
like she always does.
with her arms out like an angel, through the car sun-roof.
she hated playing this fucking game with you. it was killing her.
every single time she'd see you at this bar, she imagined you dragging her onto the dancefloor. she imagined being able to walk out with your hand in her's, waking up to your groggy groans when the sun invaded the sacred space of your shared bedroom, you'd hide your face in her neck, mumbling something about, "shouldn't have drank that much last night."
every single time you pulled this shit on her, it felt like her already shattered heart broke off into impossibly tinier pieces.
"i wish you were a boy." crack.
"it's not easy for me like it is for you, els. i don't know the first thing about being proud of myself." crack.
"this hurts me more than you, baby." shattered. her heart was shattered.
it hurts you more than her?
the fucking audacity.
the nights she spent crying next to your sleeping figure.
the hours she'd spent texting you and checking her phone second after second after goddamn second.
the way she would ignore every single obligation she had to pick you up from whatever shit-hole situation you had found yourself in, immediately and happily dropping anything to make sure you were ok.
and it hurt you more than it hurt her?
you didn't know shit about hurt. about misery. about love.
i don't wanna cut it off!
her friends had told her to cut you off. her therapist said in his own professional shrink way that you would never be good for her. at least not while you weren't even good for yourself.
but she couldn't let you go. it seemed like every reason that she had to leave you, fuelled her determination to stay.
but you don't wanna call it love!
every single time you somehow broke her heart in a new way, she fell harder in love with you.
you just wanna love someone that calls you baby!-
ellie was pulled out of her internal anger when your eyes met hers. although it was only a few seconds ago, it felt like she was staring into your eyes for an eternity.
don't fuckin' wave, ellie. look away- LOOK AWAY. , she thought to herself as she was unable to look away from your beautiful irises.
you had this slight smile on your face, the dancefloor's led lights adding a shimmer to your already twinkling eyes.
it felt like her melancholy thoughts had lifted and increased all at the same time by the sight of you acknowledging her presence.
ellie went against her better judgement, her slender hand flying up to wave at you. her lips quirked upwards gently as she scanned your delighted face.
your light expression quickly turned into one of frustration, suppressing your grin with a tightening of your lips before pulling the nearest man close to you in for an unexpected kiss, opening your eyes once you knew the mystery man's were closed, locking your eyes onto ellie's before closing them once more.
the light had died in ellie's stomach after that. her happy hand that was raised in the air faltered painfully back to her side as she watched the man's hands roam down from your sides... to your waist... to your ass.
you can kiss a hundred boys in bars,
those butterflies that she had just felt in her tummy had died slowly, turning into knots of anguish.
she watched your hands cradle the man's face. those same hands that had counted each and every freckle on her face on a snowy morning that had you both stranded in her apartment.
those same hands that had a death-grip on her back as you sobbed into her shoulder every other weeknight as she tried to muffle her own cries.
those same hands that had shoved her violently as she finally tried to stand her ground one afternoon you showed up knocking on her door. "you know what... fuck you, ellie! i don't know why i keep on doing this shit with you anyways." you said, before storming off. you called her later that night. she answered. "i'm sorry, els. i'm sorry, i'll do better, i'm so sorry-" , "it's ok, baby. it's ok. i know you didn't mean it. you're ok baby, i forgive you."
shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling!
she would've stayed in that seat, stewed in her anger for a bit more before the tears inevitably came falling down if it wasn't for the way the dude's hands creeped under your skin-tight jeans and how you flinched away from his grasp, breaking the kiss immediately with a nervous giggle creeping up.
the guy obviously took it as an invitation to do more, placing his hand back on your waist and agressively pulling you closer.
you can say it's just the way you are,
ellie's head tilted as she watched this go down.
what she wanted to do was launch that creep into the nearest wall and make sure he never tainted your body again. but she didn't want to get up too soon, she wanted to be certain that you needed help, whether you wanted it or not.
your hand stopped him from coming any closer, placing it right before his chest. you said something along the lines of, "don't want to do anything." .
make a new excuse, another stupid reason-
instead of him being a decent human being and leaving you alone, his face quickly turned into one of anger. his jaw jutted out as he tried to pull you in again, leaving you thrashing against his body.
how was no one else seeing this? why was no one else doing anything?!
she didn't even have time to process what she was about to do. her feet were on the ground, marching their way towards you before she could even think about her course of action in a smart way.
"let me go, fuckin' creep!" she heard you shriek as she grew closer to you, attempting to elbow him in the chest.
ellie felt like no matter how fast she was walking, she would never make it to you in time.
he laughed tauntingly as he grinded against. "i'm the creep, bitch?! you kissed me f-"
his last word was stolen from him as ellie forcefully pushed him off you with and landed a blow against his nose.
he groaned in pain, falling to the ground as he cradled his now-broken-nose.
you gasped in shock and horror. "what the fuck, ellie?!" you scolded her. as if you would've been fine on your own.
she ignored your words though, pulling the guy's hand away as she forced another punch to his face.
now people were finally looking.
she didn't stop until she felt your hands on her stomach, pulling her away from the scene.
"she fuckin'... said... no!..." ellie's voice thundered, erratic breaths in between her words before bringing one last painful kick to his face before letting you lead her out of the bar and into the night air.
you didn't stop even after you two were at the entrance door of the establishment, you made sure the two of you were far enough away that ellie wouldn't be caught if the police were called.
she couldn't help but feel those stupid fucking butterflies again as your hand gripped hers and felt a little disappointed when you dropped it, suddenly all too aware that you were still in public.
her green eyes met your own, yours filled with anger and chaos... hers filled with love.
"hey baby." the auburnette sighed out simply, that stupid love-grin back on her face as she was finally close to you.
your eyebrows furrowed in disbelief as your hands went to massage your temples. you let out a humorless giggle. "you're so... fucking stupid, ellie!" you exclaimed, shoving her chest as if she was in the wrong.
her grin turned into a confused frown as she surrendered her hands in the air, her eyebrows mirroring your own now. "wh-wh....what-"
good luck, babe!
"god, you have this severe goddamn saviour complex or some shit!... i was fine! i was fucking fine on my own before you marched in and assaulted that guy."
well good luck, babe!
you gaslighted beautifully, defending the man you knew nothing about over the woman who was fatally in love with you, she almost believed you.
ellie's frown turned into an angry smile as she brought a hand to gently wipe over the bridge of her nose, a mannerism of her's she had developed whenever she got frustrated with you.
"assau-... ok, sure-... you wanna talk about assault, baby? that fuckin' guy would've assaulted you if i didn't step in. he was assaul-"
you shut your eyes tightly the way you do when you wanted to block something out that ellie was obviously right about. you shook your head stubbornly. "gggoddd ellie- it was my fault! i wanted it and then i didn't. i shouldn't have- i shouldn't have kissed him in the first place. i gave him mixed signals, i-"
you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling!-
your eyebrows grew dangerously closer to your face as you cradled your head in your hands.
ellie was quick to walk right back to you, caressing your arms.
"what? baby, no. no, it's not your fault... that- that fuckin' guy... hey... look at me, sweetheart." she cooed lovingly.
good luck, babe!
you slowly brought your hands away from your face, meeting her breathtaking green eyes.
you wanted to fall into her arms, you wanted to thank her for coming to your rescue and kiss her and confess to her how scared you truly were.
but you didn't. you never did.
your slightly calm expression that came over you once you met your secret lover's gaze turned into one of annoyance. ellie was, like always, taken by surprise as you thrashed against her grip, just like the way you did with that monster in the bar.
good luck, babe!
ellie's eyes blurred with tears as she watched your face turn into a grimace.
"fuck you, ellie." you said quietly as you broke free from her hands, storming off into the night. leaving her. like always.
you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling.
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canarycolemine · 8 months
The Cardinale
Pairing: Cardinal Terzo x Female Reader
Summary: Cardinal Terzo is one arragont motherfucker.
AO3 Link
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ only. hate sex. lots of it. cardinal is a little cheeky piece of shit. WC 4.4k.
Heavily inspired by @mardyart's depiction of Cardi T. Such a phenomenal artist!
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Cocky, arrogant, headstrong.
The third Emeritus brother, destined to become Papa one day, nepotism to the highest degree. His suave, angular face and his overly confident charms - how he assumes every Sister will fall into his bed.
How I despise him. How I hope to never fall under his gaze, never be subjected to his attention.
Imagine my rage when Sister Superior informed me that I, her star pupil, will be responsible for tutoring the bastard in English.
He was “reassigned” to the country-side Abbey after displaying what I can only imagine was simply inappropriate behavior for an upper clergy member. The man believes that he can seduce and bed any living thing! Perhaps it’s not a matter of belief, but a goal, rather. At his current pace, he will have had most of the Sisters in his bed before the year is up!
Watching him saunter through the halls, smoking his little cigarettes - inside! I always made a concerted effort to cough as I walked past, head held high. He would simply perish, it seems, if he did not attempt to woo a woman a day. Kissing their hands, wearing his stupid white gloves, and winking that shining white eye.
I love my Sisters, but please, have some self-respect.
Quite frankly, I’ve always been appalled by his behavior. He has never led an entire black mass by himself, needing his brothers to finish the job. There was even one instance where I could have sworn he had a sister hidden under the pulpit from where he stood, evidently having communion. No, Cardinal Terzo only ever wanted to lead the rituals - the demon and ghoul summonings (he needs new things to fuck), the mystic elements (anything he can light on fire), and of course, orgies. (duh!).
It was early fall when Sister Superior invited me to her office. I was promised tea; secretly, I had hoped she would invite me to teach a seminar or two over the semester. My lecture series on the invocation of Lilith and Samuel could rival even the Dark One’s knowledge, himself!
But, no.
“The Cardinal is in desperate need of more restraint, and he could benefit from a more rigorous understanding of the English language. He prefers to speak in his mother tongue, and truthfully, it is not accommodating to international chapters.” Superior started, my ears perked at the mention of my personal enemy. I brought the steaming cup to my mouth. “I could think of none other to teach him all of these skills rather than you, Sister.”
I could hardly register the hind notes of the tea before it went straight through my nose, burning the whole way up! I coughed and sputtered the hot liquid at the shock of my assignment.
Still catching my breath, “My apologies, Sister, but… why me?”
“Give yourself credit, Sister. You are a star pupil!” A shine in her eyes, a smirk in her mouth let me know two things - she meant what she said and there was another reason, too.
My eyes narrowed, seeking the answers in her eyes.
“And you’re the only student that the Cardinal has not gotten to know… intimately.” Her lips pursed, looking towards the ground.
“Sister Superior…” I started, not above begging.
“Sister, I will make it worth your while. I will make sure you have your lecture series as a mandatory presentation for all first-year novicates.” A smile crossed my face, but dropped; still, the deal was unsatisfactory.
I sat up a little straighter, now making a dare. “And, no kitchen duty for the entirety of his lessons.” I hated the kitchens. Everything I’ve ever made was burnt to a crispr, so I’ve always been delegated to cleaning the dishes - the worst thing in the world.
She nodded, “That can be arranged.”
I smiled, relaxing a little, but how it only lasted so long. Resigned to my fate, I was excused to prepare for my lesson with the Cardinal this Tuesday.
A pause from my duties was provided in anticipation - he needed to be assessed for his English skills - grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. From my understanding, he had a functional grasp on the language. But I did not really know.
Truth be told, I have never spoken even a word to the Cardinal - always avoiding him, always souring my face when his eyes gazed at me. I wanted to be wholly unappealing to the man. For the most part, he had taken the hint and left me alone. Although, I could have sworn he said something in Italian as I walked past, something like “how I want to be the stick up her…” I didn’t inquire further.
By Lucifer’s grace, I had successfully avoided him. Until the sunset on the second day of the week, when our paths collide.
I arrived at our designated location - one of the older classrooms, repurposed for private studying, long abandoned by the day. Thirty minutes early to the beginning of the lesson, how I tidied our space, laid the materials out and cleaned the chalkboard.
The hanging wall clock, the ever present heartbeat, kept steady. It was almost unnerving, as if keeping me in tempo with the eventual encounter with the asshole. The old bell tower clock rang out 6 times.
And the aforementioned asshole was not here. The door was unlocked, the sun firmly setting. My lips tightened to a pout. I will give him five minutes - no more.
Electing to sit in one of the old desks I rearranged, I pulled out a trusty book, as I had anticipated his tardiness.
Some twenty odd pages in, and I had lost track of time entirely - forgotten the reason I was in this dusty room. The bastard didn’t even show up, easily thirty minutes late! Quite frankly, it was embarrassing that I managed to stay this long. But now, I elected to start the process of cleaning my things.
In the morning, I planned to tell Sister Superior that I will simply not take the Cardinal as a student, he had no respect for my time. Future Papa or not, not enough breaths on this Earth could be spared for a man with little regard for others.
I managed to talk myself through this script as I cleaned up my belongings, nearly whispering her retorts back. But I would not be deterred! Lost in the monologue, I heard a hoard of boys giggling, getting closer to the door.
No, no. It could not be.
The door opened, the raven haired cardinal stumbled in - his pack of brothers falling behind him. Laughing at some lewd joke, no doubt. He turned to look at me, suddenly stiffening his posture. The smug smile falling from his face. He offered some excuse to the men behind him, closing the door to the two of us. He leaned against the old door frame, creaking under his weight. As if that would make him look cooler. The black cassock he preferred was immaculately ironed - surely not by his own hands. Maybe he was screwing the laundry girls.
I tried hard to keep my gaze away from him. My rage and my pride wouldn’t allow it.
“Scusa sorella, I, eh, lost the time.” He offered with a shrug of his shoulders. His voice was rich with his mother tongue.
“Well, Cardinal, I won’t keep you long, then. Our lesson is canceled.” I coldly retorted.
“Che cosa?”
“Canceled, cardinal.” I spat back, lifting my book and walking towards him. “You were late.”
“But I am here now, no?” That white eye twinkled - a charm that assuredly got him into many sisters’ beds.
“And I have been here, Cardinal. For thirty minutes past our scheduled time. Either your watch is broken or you have so little regard for others that time is no object to you?” I said, every syllable articulated, glaring at him.
His eyebrow quirked, a challenge, he supposed. A grin crossed his face, a chuckle that died in his throat.
“It really is you, eh sister?”
“What?” I shot back, whatever could he mean by that?
“You - you,” he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, pulling one to his lips, lighting it, and puffing the smoke away from us, “I thought my school would be with you. You are the sister that always walks with a stick up her ass.”
I made a pointed effort to cough at his smoke.
“Some of us have priorities besides fucking an entire congregation, Cardinal.”
“Am I really so evil, Sorella?” he feigned offense, the cigarette affecting his enunciation. Removing from his lips, another puff. “To celebrate our eh, how do you say, istinti?”
“Instincts.” I corrected.
“Ah, si, instincts. That is why we are here, no? Our Lord calls us to do just that.”
“You’ve got quite the head start on the sin of lust, Cardinal, I don’t think you could ever live long enough to dedicate your life to such… dedicated studies of the other sins.”
“It is my favorite.” His white gloves took the cigarette from his mouth, curling it between his fingers, before dropping it to the ground to extinguish the flame. His shoes shined brilliantly, even I could admit, but as I gazed at his shoes, I swore he winked at me through the reflection of his face.
“You really shouldn’t smoke, you know.”
“It is not good for me, this I know.” “I couldn’t care about what happens to you, the flame isn’t good for these old buildings. You’d burn down the whole abbey.”
“You say you don’t care about me sister.” He moved past me, further into the room, settling in one of the old teachers' desks. He kicked those expensive shoes onto the desk, relaxing back into the chair. “But I do not think that is so true.”
I faced him fully, still standing near the door. “I promise you, I do not.”
“Hm,” he chuckled, bringing his gloved hand to his mouth, running the fabric gently against his lower, unpainted lip. “No.” He said so sternly.
“What?” he mocked me, a voice that was far too high pitched to be an imitation of me.
I let out an exasperated sigh, to which he laughed.
“Fuck you.” I went for my bag, still at the old desk.
“Do you want to know how I know this?” He said, staring at my rage.
“I doubt you ever shut up, so it doesn’t really matter what I want.”
“Sorella,” he sat up in the chair, his feet meeting the ground and his hands coming together on the desk. “We have not spoken any words to each other. But you hate me so much?”
I huffed. “You have no respect for anyone but yourself!” I could feel an all too familiar lump in my throat.
“How do you know this?” His patience now wearing thin, I could hear it.
“You walk around the abbey like you own the place. I get it, I know you’re the future Papa, but God damn it, you are so arrogant. You’ve never had to work for anything in your life! You think you can just fuck anyone and anything that walks through these doors. You’ve had everything handed to you by a silver spoon, and I hate it.”
My eyes watered, I couldn’t look at him. Whether from my rage or some secret hopes I had, I could feel the emotion.
“I’ve worked so fucking hard to get where I am, and I will never be anything close to you, just because you’re, fucking, you! And now, I have to waste my time teaching you English because you can’t stay focused for more than five seconds!”
My fist met the school table. His face leaned into his hands, thinking too carefully about the situation. His eyebrow quirked.
“... You are jealous of me, then?” He hid a smirk behind his hands.
I glared at him, how I wish my stare could kill.
“Fuck. You.”
“That does not sound like a no.” No effort in hiding his smirk now.
“Since when does ‘no’ matter to you?” I baited.
He feigned offense, yet again, bringing his hand to his chest. “Sorella, I am offended! I can promise you all of my sexual encounters have been enthusiastic by all parties. I would not dare to violate another!”
“What a well constructed sentence, Cardinal. It seems like you have no need for any help with the English language.”
“Ah, she has gotten me off of the topic…”
“All I had to do was talk about sex, so it wasn’t too hard, was it now?”
“No, no, no, we were talking about you, si! About how you are so jealous of me.” He ran that stupid fucking gloved hand through his hair, slicked with grease.
“Even now, you cannot say you are not jealous of me. Admit it.”
I paused. “So what?”
He clapped his hands, catching me apparently.
“She is! She is very jealous of my status and my future. But, I think she is jealous of not only me, no?” His tone shifted, in a direction I was not comfortable with.
“She is also very jealous of all of the people that I get to fuck.” He punctuated the syllables far too clearly.
I huffed again, rolling my eyes. “There it is again. She does not say ‘no!’”
I hated how well he was reading me.
“Why do you even care? You fuck everything with a pulse, so why do you care?”
Fuck. I was not selling this very well. His gaze told me everything. The raised eyebrow, the smug pull of his painted lips.
He tilted his head, as if to study me further. I could feel myself recoil.
“You have done too much assuming, Sorella. About me, about yourself.”
He stood from the chair and stalked towards me. Instinctively, I crept back from him, nearing the wall for safety.
“You think I do not care about anyone but me, and that is not true. You think I abuse my future position, but that is not true either. And you think I fuck anything with a pulse.” He reached me, cornering me against the wall.
“And that,” he brought his finger to my chin, forcing my eyes to his, “is not true. I only fuck the pretty ones.”
Here is where I could be offended, he never fucked me. I thought that I was fairly pretty, so damn, that kinda hurt my feelings.
Sensing the monologue, “And you are a pretty one.” His painted lips gently touched mine.
God damn it. I hated how good that felt.
“So you see, sister, I knew you thought all of this.” His other hand reached for my waist, exploring the dip of my body. “I saw the way you scowled at me, pretending to hate me. It was all jealousy. But there is something about the way you hated me that pulled me so, so close. I needed to have you.”
“But how to get to you?” His hands reached for mine, holding them in place, behind my back.
“Who better to teach me restraint?” he purred.
“I act like an asshole for a while, speak in Italian with my friends. I get the attention of the Sister Superior, who will certainly demand I be subdued by studies.” His painted lips traveled a path along my jaw to my ear. “And who here have I not fucked?”
His teeth grazed my earlobe. “I could deceive the world for you.”
I bit my lip. His gaze returned to mine.
“Pretty good, no?”
“Pretending you’re stupid was a very believable act, apparently.” I mustered out, flustered as I was.
“Don’t deceive me now, Sorella.” His lips met mine again, pressing his forehead to mine. “There is one thing I need to hear you say.” His words left his mouth easily, but he was not unaffected. Just as flustered as I.
I huffed, pausing for only a moment.
His lips crashed to mine, with a fire that was barely restrained before. He released my hands from behind my back; his hands traveled to my hips, lifting me. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist.
We traveled through the room, locked in the heated kiss, when he sat me on the teacher’s desk.
“On the teacher’s desk?” I giggled, taking in the chosen location.
“It’s always been a fantasy.” He laughed back, then resumed his fury on my neck.
His large hands reached for my habit, pulling it off in a fell swoop. Evident of his experience, it hardly hurt. He pulled away from me, just gazing at me for a moment.
“Pretty one.” As if he didn’t know he said it.
I lead the charge back to his mouth, my hands now locking into his raven locks. The diligent work of unbuttoning that goddamn stupid black cassock. I gave it my best shot. My hands kept slipping on the buttons, struggling to unhook them. He chuckled from our kiss, removing my hands from him.
“Having trouble, darling? It’s always difficult.” His gloved hands made the show unbuttoning each cotton button - traveling down in body in quite the show.
Once to the bottom, he stepped out of the garment and removed his crisp white undershirt. I was out of my body, unaware of how I looked as I looked at him. Each new sight of his skin lit a fire in me. He was as slender as I thought he would be, well defined, certainly. A healthy patch of hair on his chest - he was certainly Italian.
A glance to his eyes knew how I enjoyed his spectacle.
Cocky, arrogant, and headstrong was the Cardinale.
“Your turn.”
He came back to my neck, teasing the delicate flesh. The first moan slipped from my lips as he sucked the skin purple.
“Good girl.” He purred. He lifted my habit from my legs, over my head, leaving me in my undergarments. Pausing his efforts to take in my form. A glance in his eyes - like my body was a feast for his soul. Another look at my undergarments, “Matching?” in reference to the black bra and panties I was sporting.
He leaned closer to me, resting an arm on the table. Teasingly, looking into me.
“Women match when they are planning to be fucked.” My eyes turned from his, embarrassing me again. His other hand came to my chin, forcing my gaze to his. “Was there someone else, Sorella?”
I opened my mouth, but the words failed me.
“No.” He answered for me, feigning sympathy. “There wasn’t, was there?”
My mouth hung open, but I couldn’t admit it.
“Say it, then.”
“Say it, pretty one, I do not have all night.” His voice nearly sang.
The fire his was stroking in me burned, “I need you to fuck me.” I whined, my eyes nearly starting to water.
His hand, holding my gaze, went to my shoulder, forcing me to lay on the old, creaking desk. Quickly, he made work removing my bra. Adoringly, he stared at the exposed skin.
Wordlessly, he painted my breasts with his lips. As his lips latched around my nipple, I whimpered, already so sensitive. His other hand toyed with the opposite breast, kneading the flesh. As his teeth grazed the delicate flesh, he nearly pinched the opposite.
Another gasp escaped.
“She likes it when it hurts?”
Obviously. I fucking hated him so much.
He mirrored his actions on the opposite breasts before trailing his kisses further down my torso. Nipping at the skin, kissing it, dragging his tongue.
He left a particularly gentle kiss below my navel, as he gazed back at me. Wordlessly asking.
I nodded.
He hooked his hands to the elastic of the lacy panties, dragging them off of my legs in a well-practiced motion.
“Spread your legs.” I obliged, as he pulled the teacher’s chair to sit in between my legs.
His gaze never left my core, which he could see how he affected me. He lifted my legs onto his shoulders, granting a better view. Biting the fingers of his gloves, removing them. Gently working the muscle of my inner thighs, unconsciously creeping higher.
Reaching my core, his uncovered hands spread me open further to him. He gazed reverently.
“Pretty, pretty girl.” He stroked my slit delicately, I shivered and whined at the feeling. “Such a pretty girl.”
He brought his face close, kissing my mound and licking the slit all the way up. He left gentle kisses onto my already sensitive clit, dying for attention. He latched his lips around the bud, suckling softly.
As his tongue flicked my clit, I bucked my hips into his mouth, firming my grip in his hair.
He unlatched to drag his tongue, flattened, up and down my core. His tongue prodded at my entrance, lapping at my slick. His fingers moved towards my center, replacing his mouth, pressing into me.
One finger - pumping slowly into me - adjusting the feeling. Adding another one, stretching slightly. His eyes studied my face for discomfort. Once I adjusted, his divine mouth returned to my clit, alternating between kissing and suckling. His fingers curled into me, searching. When they found the spongy tissue inside, the moans fell easily. Begging him. He teased the spot, expertly. Pressing into it with each pump, as he sucked on my clit.
“Cardinal-” I started. “I’m getting - close” I managed to get out.
I could feel a smile on his lips as he continued, speeding his actions.
The band in my stomach was burning, stretching, white hot. At the precipice, as my cries started to build.
When suddenly he stopped. Sitting back, removing his mouth and fingers from me.
I shuddered at the loss of sensation, being so close. I sat up slightly to look at him.
The fucker was wiping my slick from his chin, licking his fingers clean.
Apparently, my face told him how close I was, how it was moments away.
“I wanted to feel it on my cock, darling.” His eyebrow raised. “Plus, it feels better when you ruin it a little bit.”
A fight was breaking in my head, an internal debate I was having with him.
His belt jingled, his pants being slid down and discarded. Left in pristine white boxers, which he lowered. His cock sprang free, dripping with his precum.
“I could have came just from tasting you, you know?” as he began languidly stroking himself, using himself to lubricate the movements. “All of your little sounds, they sounded so sweet. And you were oh so close, weren’t you?”
His teasing was back, his hand sped up, only to build himself up more. I whined.
“Just think. Even an hour ago, you were cursing my name, wanting me dead. Look at you now - begging for my cock.”
He pressed his cock into my core, rubbing the reddened head onto my clit. A guttural noise fell from me. An animalistic cry.
“She was so jealous of me, too. And now all she wants to be is fucked by me. Maybe she’ll die if she doesn’t get it, what do you think?”
“Please, Terzo.” “Oh, using my name now? What happened to ‘asshole?’” His voice cracked, unaffected by his own need.
“Please fuck me.” I cried out, a tear falling from my eye.
“Say it again.”
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.” Tumbling out.
On command, he aligned himself and pressed into my dripping heat. Feeling every inch of my warmth, he shuddered and groaned.
“So, so good” he whispered.
He filled me exquisitely, pressing in carefully, allowing me to adjust. My nails marked his back, savoring every inch.
His hips finally met mine, I swore I could feel him in my stomach. He let out a breath, unsteadied from restraint.
“Don’t have that restraint now, Cardinal.” I teased. “Move.”
A low groan from him, as his hips rolled, moving back. “You won’t be able to walk tomorrow if I don't.”
“Try your worst.”
He slammed forward again, now setting a punishing pace. Feeling the drag of his cock on my walls, I whined. His hands tilted my hips further up, angling to my sweet spot. I gasped at the pressure. It was returning - the precipice. He couldn’t rob me a second time.
“Perhaps, sorella, it is you who needs a lesson, eh?” He nearly coughed through, maintaining his pace. “I could teach you something.”
His hand moved towards we were joined, circling my clit. It was becoming too much - the sweet pressure of him inside and now his devious fingers.
His fingers moved quickly on my clit, building the fire again. My moans telling him it all. As if in perfect rhythm, his pistoning hips and circling fingers.
“Let’s countdown, darling. In Italian.”
His other hand came to my chin, forcing my gaze. He nodded, as if to reassert his power. “It goes…dieci, nove…”
The fire was reaching a breaking point, I knew what he was doing now. His fingers still moved with a steady speed.
“Otto, sette, sei…”
“...Terzo…” I whined.
“Cinque, quattro, tre…”
“I’m gonna…”
“Due, uno.”
The waves of pleasure crashed down on me, my legs shaking. My vision blurry, white hot. His hips stuttered, as I felt him swell inside, riding out my pleasure. Milking him for all he had. The course of our cries rang in the old room. His fingers didn’t stop until I whined with oversensitivity, his spend leaking from me.
He stayed inside, pressing his full weight onto me.
We held each other in an embrace, coming down from divinity. Our breaths in sync, slowing down.
My breath nearly returned to me as I came to, laughing with what air I had.
“What’s so funny?” His smirk shined with a warmth I had not seen before.
“A countdown to my orgasm. Cheeky.”
He laughed. “It worked, eh?”
“Don’t be too full of yourself.”
“I cannot, you are full of me.”
“Ew! Don’t say it like that, dumbass.”
“There is the girl that hates me. I missed her.” He gazed at me, smiling more softly now, tucking an errant strand of hair behind my ear. Holding my face in his hand, so gently. He placed the last soft his to my lips.
“And I’ll never stop hating you, Cardinal.”
“So be it, but it has worked out well for me so far, huh?”
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beebabae · 1 year
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lovebirds - fluffy rintarou suna n fem!reader.
warnings - mentions of smoking, swearing, and lowercase lol.
words - 453.
note - idk how to feel about this tbh. but rin has been on my mind non-stop for like a week now and i just had to write for him. this is also supposed to hint at a friends to lovers typa deal. :)
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fuck. you were absolutely perfect in his eyes. 
from the way your soft eyes gleamed in adoration and excitement whenever you talked about what you’d done that day, to the way your lashes fluttered when you’d look up at him, or the way your plush cheeks ceased as you smiled so lovingly at him with glossy blush lips. 
you were a dream to him. a dream he desperately never wanted to awake from.
even now as you both laid hazed beyond recollection, eyes low and pink, laughing at complete randomness like giddy kids in love.
both friends enveloped by the surrounding clouds of smoke and the blue led lights illuminating your cluttered room in riveting hues.
he knew he wished for nothing more than for this moment to last forever.
you both did.
you gave him the loving smile that always made him melt inside as you maintained ongoing eye contact.
“we should take polaroids, rin.”
rintarou smiled lazily at his crush’s suggestion, playing with the loose ends of her hair.
“sure, princess. whatever you want.” he’d said, voice raspy and low.
it felt like you and rintarou were the only souls left in the world. no, the universe. 
he made you feel infinite. or maybe it was truly just the weed and your stupid hormones talking.
“rinnie, you look so cute, right now.” you held up the pretty pink camera to your eye.
rintarou let out a breathy laugh as he brushed a veiny hand through his apparent bedhead.
“nah, princess. that’s all you.”
you laughed at his compliment, cheeks hot when you muttered a quick shut up.
rintarou flashed a small soft smile, throwing up the middle finger on reflex. the bright flash making you both hiss in slight discomfort.
“and, now we wait.” you said, placing the newly taken polaroid onto your bedside table in order for it to develop properly.
“your turn, princess.” rintarou stated lowly as he took the polaroid from your hands. his volleyball calloused ring filled hands brushed your delicate ones momentarily.
you sat on your bed, readying yourself for the picture.
“you ready, cutie?” rintarou questioned as he angled the polaroid to be centered on you perfectly.
you nodded your head, making a noise of approval as you positioned yourself smiling sweetly with closed eyes and your hands forming a “v” under your jaw for the picture.
oh my fuck. you were so gorgeous.
“fuck.” he muttered.
“what?” you worried. had he accidentally broken something?
“oh, shit, nothing. just the flash.” rintarou lied.
he sheepishly brushed through his bangs, internally debating his next words, “can…can i get that picture, please?”
you were a dream to him. a dream he desperately couldn’t get enough of.
✩ sincerely, b. <3
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thinkingaboutjaedyn · 2 months
stupid lil headcanons about mapi
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author notes: i'm pushing out more of these dumb posts than fics but i swear fics are coming 🙏🏾 just let my mind work it's magic y'all. anyways stupid headcanons about mapi that hold no value, enjoy!
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➜ mapi probably asks ingrid to talk to the waitress when she receives the wrong order. it's not really that she's scared to say something, it's just mapi doesn't want to say anything herself
➜ she probably sends ingrid stupid memes in spanish about the most irrelevant things that ingrid is always like "wtf? where did you get these from?" (she got them from twitter)
➜ doesn't care for tiktok that much but sometimes someone sends her an edit off of that app and she giggles
➜ this woman be low-key confused when the barca coach talks about the team's game plan. afterwards she always asks alexia to explain to her in simple terms
➜ we all know she had that emo phase. during that phase she still listened to a lot of spanish music (she couldn't get with the actual emo music) and used tumblr like it was god sent
➜ mapi be giggling and kicking her legs while stalking ingrid's instagram during international break. she has like a thousand photos of ingrid in her gallery, but the instagram posts just hit different
➜ double texts everything. never writes in paragraphs and she probably have many typos in her texts because she be typing at the speed of light
➜ mapi's favorite type of kisses are cheek kisses because she finds them really cute
➜ if the word clingy had a picture in the dictionary, mapi would be the photo. this woman is attached to ingrid so bad and just likes hanging off of her. half of the time she just annoys ingrid but refuses to move away when her when ingrid tells her off
➜ clumsy at the worse moments. could be holding a plate full of food and mapi is going to slip on thin air
➜ likes piggy back rides especially from ingrid
➜ mapi is the biggest cryer when it comes to movies. it could be the happiest movie ever but let one sad thing happen and she's bawling
➜ begs ingrid to do her hair in silly lil hairstyles and always talks cute selfies after
➜ a cuddle bug. not just with ingrid but also her cat
➜ mapi shall not be trusted with knives or any sharp objects, she always end up cutting herself. ingrid has to comfort her afterwards
➜ is so annoying to play against in a fifa game. she will do anything in her power to make you lose (pushing, saying the most out of pocket stuff, screaming at the top of her lungs, anything to her opponent to lose the game)
➜ dyes her hair when stressed (but don't tell anybody that)
➜ either a fun drunk or a sad drunk. depends on the day and if ingrid is around
➜ she randomly flexes in front of ingrid to try to impress her (ingrid doesn't give a fuck but gives many compliments)
➜ speaking of impressing ingrid, this woman will stop a car with her bare hands just to have ingrid give her a compliment. what can be said? #girlfriendvalidationisthebest
➜ 100% is a pouter, a whiner, a "but babeee:("
➜ the type to get a tattoo for her girlfriend and not even tell anyone until someone just notices
➜ mapi is surprisedly flexible, don't ask how she figured that out
➜ follows ingrid around like a lost puppy. she just loves her girl so bad
➜ her favorite season is summer and her favorite thing to do during summer is to go to the beach. for one, she loves to be in the water and for two, she gets to see ingrid in a bikini. a win is a win
➜ says the most random shit that pops up in her mind like "do you think dinosaurs are related to chickens? and if they are related to chickens then when someone eats chicken, are they eating dinosaur meat?" and ingrid would just be like "please just eat your food"
➜ not the best dancer in the world but no body can tell her that
➜ mapi sometimes just gets baby fever and pesters ingrid before forgetting about it then she sees a baby & the process happens all over again
➜ overall mapi is just so silly 😝
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© thinkingaboutjaedyn
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 7 months
💖 Crazy for you 💖
After an embarrassing almost kiss under the mistletoe with your boss Eddie you're determined to move on.
You're the nanny to his adorable son and have been crazy about Eddie for months but now you know you needed to move on after the events at his Christmas party.
Except it isn't so easy and Eddies feelings aren't so platonic.
Authors note: This idea has been in my head for days and I just had to write it 💖
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Older Eddie Munson x Reader. Reader is in her late 20's. Eddie is 41.
Warnings: Angst, Dad Eddie Munson, fluff. Jealous Eddie.
Don't copy, reuse or repost my work.
Being in love with your boss wasn't exactly the best idea you had ever had.
It's just Eddie Munson was the most amazing man you had ever met and you had fallen for him over the last year you had been working with him.
Cole's mother wasn't in the picture. She and Eddie were a fling that resulted in a pregnancy.
She had left Cole with Eddie and Uncle Wayne when he was born, she wanted nothing to do with Eddie or the baby and so she left.
How anyone could leave these sweet boys you would never know.
When you were first landed the job as Cole's nanny Eddie was a little stand offish, it took him a little while to open up but once he did it was amazing. You got to know him really well and began to fall for him.
He was without a doubt the sexiest man you had ever met and you struggled to hide your feelings a lot of the time.
Coupled by the fact that Cole was the sweetest little boy and Uncle Wayne was an abosloute angel, you settled into the job quickly and being with Eddie and Cole felt like it was always meant to happen.
Tonight there was a party at Eddie's for Christmas and you were enjoying a few drinks, it wasn't often that you drank alcohol but you wanted to enjoy the night.
The only trouble was that the alcohol made you braver than normal. That wouldn't normally be a problem but tonight it was.
When you were left alone with Eddie, belly filling with butterflies as he stood close to you the feelings had for him began to get harder and harder to ignore.
Mistletoe hung from the ceiling and Eddie's eyes twinkled as he looked up at it.
"Ahh shit, it got us princess" he teases and you smile as he kisses your cheek.
It was stupid but you leaned up to kiss him and you knew it was a mistake as soon as his eyes widened and he moved away.
Mortified you stammer out and apology and his eyes pain.
"Shit, we can't. We can't do this" you nod and move away from him kicking yourself internally for thinking that he wanted to kiss you.
"I'm sorry Eddie. I should go" you suddenly feel very very sober and grab your jacket. Eddie gently tugs your arm.
"You don't have to leave. It's fine sweetheart, we can just forget it. It's okay" you shake your head.
"I really should go" you don't want to see the pity in his eyes. Know he doesn't feel that way about you.
Fuck you should have known.
Sleep comes slowly that night once you're home, everytime you wake up you remember trying to kiss Eddie and anxiety fills you.
You couldn't believe how badly you had messed up. Embarrassment floods through you, practically burning the memories from last night into your brain.
Fuck, why did you try to kiss him? he was so sweet how he let you down so gently and you're kicking yourself that you thought he felt the same, that you almost jeapordized the job you loved.
Nancy brings you aspirin and you down it quickly. She rubs your shoulder and you feel sick to your stomach as you tell her what happened.
"I haven't got drunk like that in ages but I thought I'd let loose for one night and have a few drinks and then Eddie was being all sweet and I fucked up, I tried to kiss him and I'm so stupid"
Nancy hugs you as tears run down your cheeks. The rejection feels awful too and every part of you aches.
"He let me down really gently but I'm just so mortified" Nancy soothes you.
"Well maybe it's a good thing you know how he feels. Now you can move on. Jonathan says Nick keeps asking about you, why don't you give him a chance you might really like him?"
Maybe that was exactly what you needed, you find yourself nodding and cuddle back into bed.
At least you could use your day off to get rid of this hangover and give some distance between you and Eddie. Hopefully when you went back to work you could forget this ever happened.
True to Nancy's word she did tell Jonathan to talk to Nick and that's how three days after the party you had a date.
It couldn't have come at a better time because while Eddie hadn't mentioned the kiss but there was a tension in the air between you. It made you feel even worse, you had totally screwed up.
Nick was cute and it was part of your plan to get over Eddie. It was time you stopped daydreaming about him liking you, he didn't and you had to accept that.
He went on dates with beautiful women and he had never once looked at you in any way other than a friend and his employee, you needed to stop deluding yourself.
Since you were finishing your shift before your date it was a little tight for time, however you squeezed in time to change into one of your best dresses and apply a little bit of make up.
Eddie was singing with Cole and it warmed your heart, the urge to just go and spend time with them and forget your date was overwhelming but you know you needed to do this.
With a spritz of perfume you walk out to where Eddie is and he blinks looking stunned, his response makes your heart quicken.
"You going out with friends tonight?" he asks as you grab your jacket.
"Oh um no, I have a date" you don't expect a reaction or anything so it's a suprise when he stiffens as Cole toddles up to you and beams.
"A date?" you nod.
"Yeah. It's been a while. I'm so nervous" you admit and he softens.
"Don't be... You look beautiful sweetheart" he murmurs.
The doorbell rings and you hurry to answer it feeling flustered at Eddie's eyes burning into you as you answered it.
Nick was standing outside and whistles when he sees you.
"Wow, you look good babe" his smile disappears as you feel Eddie right behind you. Chancing a glance at him you notice the way his big brown eyes are flashing and his jaw is tense as he looks Nick up and down.
"You're the date?" Eddie demands and Nick chuckles.
"Quick as a cat huh dude?" he smirks and Eddie's eyes narrow. It was a stupid comment and you're disappointed. It would be nice if Nick could make a good impression with Eddie.
"How did you meet?" Eddie's tone is low and there's a hint of something in it, venom like and you're confused at why he's pissed.
He could just feel protective you reason as Nick launches into the story of how you met through Jonathan and Nick had wanted to date you for ages.
Eddie is still tense as you grab your coat and he takes you to the side as Nick waits for you.
"The bedroom is set up for you for later. I do appreciate you coming back tonight. You know how Cole loves when you stay over. I'm really grateful sweetheart"
Nick sighs loudly and looks at his watch and you cringe as Eddie's eyes narrow.
"Call me if you need to leave early, if he's an asshole, anything happens you call me okay?" you nod and your heart melts when Cole toddles over to you and hugs your legs.
"Bye bye" he murmurs sadly and his puppy brown eyes and little pout nearly make you cancel the date all together.
"Hey sweetie. I'll see you first thing in the morning. We can watch your favourite cartons yeah?" Cole brightens and smiles happily until Nick walks over to you and him.
"Hey little guy" Cole narrows his eyes and turns away from Nick.
"Poo poo head" he points at Nick and you gape and nearly burst out laughing but control your face expression.
"Cole that's not nice" Eddie tells Cole who still doesn't look impressed. Sensing it's time to go you hug Cole one more time and head out with Nick.
Hopefully the actual date went better...
Yeah, the date was a disaster.
Nick had left you at the resteraunt and had stormed out in a huff when he kissed you. You had tried to like it, you really did but you felt nothing and when Nick tried to go further than a kiss.
His words of anger ring in your ears and the last few days catch up with you and you feel tears roll down your cheeks.
Why did you have to fall for someone so unattainable? Dejected you call a cab to take you back to Eddies.
It suprises you when you head inside that Eddie is waiting up for you. He's sitting on the couch, dressed in slacks and a tight white t shirt, his hair in a bun. He looks so effortlessly gorgeous and your heart aches with want.
"Hi, you didn't need to stay up" he shrugs and stands up as he accesses you.
"You've been crying?" Shit, you forgot how perceptive he was.
"Date didn't go like I hoped" Eddie's eyes flash with anger.
"Did that fucker upset you?" you shake your head and settle on the couch.
"No, I mean we kissed and I felt nothing and Nick wasn't happy about that. I really did try to like him but the spark wasn't there. He ranted at me and stormed off" he takes your hand and squeezes it.
"You should have called me. He sounds like a douchebag to me princess" it makes you smile a little bit.
"I guess I just wanted to meet a nice guy instead of being so into... You freeze and shake your head, cursing yourself for nearly saying how you felt about him.
"Into who?" you swallow and look away from his big brown eyes because you'll give in and tell him everything.
"It doesn't matter. It's stupid" he gently tilts your cheek so you look at him.
"Tell me"
"I want you but I know you don't feel the same and I messed up on Saturday but" You panic as the words spill out and he caresses your cheek which stops you mid sentence.
"You didn't mess up sweetheart. It took me be suprise when you tried to kiss me, I never thought you could feel that way about me, I panicked and I've been kicking myself ever since"
Eddie kisses you passionately and you respond to the kiss pulling him closer to you.
"I'm sorry I pushed you away princess. I do want you, I've never felt this way about anyone ever. I don't want you to date that fucking douchebag, that boy has no idea how to treat an angel like you"
He presses a kiss to your forehead and you rest your head and you wrap your arms around him.
"I'm going to take you out tomorrow. Uncle Wayne won't mind babysitting, he's been wanting me to admit how I feel about you for a long time" his confession makes you giddy and you agree beaming.
"I'd love to"
"I'm going to spoil you rotten princess, you're my girl and I want you to be mine, always"
Always, you liked the sound of that.
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imdead770 · 4 months
yours and soda's first argument
Sodapop Curtis x Reader - First Fight
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Authors Note - So sorry for not writing this sooner, I don't really have an excuse, I just never felt like it. Enjoy!
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• The fact the two of you even fought is crazy to me
• I think Soda is pretty good with communication
• Like he comes to you if he's hurt, you go to him, there's no secrets between either of you
• But there's one thing we all know
• Just because Sodapop has a partner doesn't mean the girls will leave him alone
• Maybe one of them go a bit too handsy while you were coincidentally at DX
• Poor Sodapop has no idea they're flirting because he's just like 'okay, they're touching my arm, weird but you do you'
• Then she gets more handsy
• And the thing that made you mad is Sodapop didn't do shit about it
• This random girl was practically feeling him up and he was just smiling and talking to her, trying to get customer service points
• I'd be mad too
• You know Soda would never cheat on you
• But still, if some random guy had his hand on your bicep you'd say something about it
• At least lean away
• But Sodapops just sitting there, all smiles.
• So eventually Soda comes back to the Curtis house where you often are, all excited to tell you about what Steve did today
• Only to be met with you
• His first thought is 'aw, she had a bad day'
• Which is so sweet holy shit
• But back to the beef
• You, obviously, confront him
"Hey.. how come you were letting that girl touch you like that?"
• He's gotta think for a second because he doesn't even remember any girl
• Then it clicks
• Shit, she was flirting??
• Aw fu-
"It ain't anythin' important"
• Right when he said it he regretted it
" What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"It's nothing."
"What, you let hot girls feel you up and then come home to me all sunshiney?"
"It's not-.."
• This idiot
• His swore his brain wasn't working
"Why ya' gotta be so jealous?"
• Oh shit
• He could've sworn he heard a snap in your nervous system
"Look, darlin', I didn't-"
"Can you shut up for one second? What the hell do you mean?"
• He can't even respond
• He's still internally slapping himself on the forehead
"Are you gonna just stand there?"
• You just rolled your eyes (understandable) and walked off
• The moment you left he slapped him in the forehead with an audible 'pow'
• After that, if you're like me, you kept your distance
• Cause, for a good reason, you're pissed
• Sodapop goes to Darry for advice
• And of course Darrys response is
"Are you stupid?"
"I dropped outta school, Dar', course I'm stupid."
"Yeah but I didn't think you were that stupid"
• He tells Soda to give you your space
• And Soda tries, he really does
• But he just can't avoid you
• He's literally head over heels for you and he's supposed to just ignore you??
• So eventually he finally manages to track you down
• This man is practically on his knees begging you to forgive him
"I'm so sorry, I ain't never do it again, it was stupid I know-"
• If I were in your shoes I'd start laughing
• Or maybe you're still mad
• Or you're smiling at the apology, depends on who you are.
• But it's practically impossible not to forgive him
• He said "I'm sorry" at least 500 times by now
• He sounds like Eminem at this point
• So either you're
A) "I forgive you, Soda"
B) To stubborn to forgive so you just kiss him
• I'm personally a B but you do you
• It's the sweetest kiss ever
• Pure wattpad fanfiction kiss
• Soft and sweet with both of you smiling into it
• Especially Soda
• He hasn't tasted you in like.. 1 day
• That's practically an eternity
• In summary
• Arguments with Soda rarely happen
• And if they do they last for 3 days max
• Normally with Sodapop knocking at your window with some roses and his award winning smile
• And no matter how big the problem is
• You always end up making out
• Gotta love Soda
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eggroll-sama · 3 months
Touchstarved Demo Review
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Played the demo of Touchstarved and I can’t get it out of my head. Refreshing tumblr every three seconds to read people’s stances on the game so I’m going to do it myself. Here’s are my current stances on the characters.
Rather secluded and to himself, initial reactions wise I was disappointed in not getting to know more about him in the demo. but at the same time, the demo set the stage for what exactly I could expect from his route. Slow-burn. Much like what I expect Mhin’s route to be like, but moreso focused on getting to know his past. He doesn’t voice his internal struggles because he has a firm barrier he sets between himself and other, probably hates getting too close to human’s because he is immortal and doesn’t like the idea of getting attached to things that are temporary.
Also, after listening to the Q and A on YouTube and how supposedly Kuras will do some messed up shit in his route, I’m really excited to see what’s up with this tight-lipped doctor. He is definitely not the nice, charitable doctor that he is known for in Lowtown.
On a positive note, his design is probably my favorite in the game! Very unique, gorgeous, and ethereal, so pretty that I know if he existed in real life he’d be out of my league and would be popular just because of how jaw-droppingly gorgeous he is. Mr Steal your girl, but he’s respectful so he won’t be a home wrecker.
(More reviews under the cut)
A character that I thought looked so suspicious and weirded out, but fell in love with when playing the game. I thought he looked like a psychopath!
Because I’m a stupid, easily manipulated dumbass, I initially didn’t really capture his red flags when playing the demo. Every time he let me touch him, my heart beat wouldn’t stop! And his blush is so adorable. He seemed like the trustworthy nice-guy that just wanted to help a poor soul out. And uh, chest. The chest really had an effect on me and his entire outfit didn’t help. Black turtle necks awaken something in me, yknow? And the belts? Hoe energy.
After replaying the demo a few times, it just stands out to me how much of a player he is. Before realizing MC was at the bar because of Kuras, he was in flirting mode and probably considering MC to be part of his escapades. The disappointment in his tone and face when he found out MC was there for business 😂😂.
We get the most information of Leander from the special conversation with the characters so I am quite pumped to know what exactly this guy is about, cuz each person has varying, colorful opinions on him. I find it so funny that Vere, the most flirtatious in the game, is weirded out by shameless Leander is. Maybe that is Leander’s flaw? The leader of the Bloodhounds, envied by many and respected by most, is the most submissive and horny bitch on the planet. Ok ok, I’m done. But I could go on and on about this man.
(Side note, Mhin and Leander definitely had a drunken one night stand. And Mhin absolutely regretted it)
Even after reading all the theories on how sus he is, his interactions were probably my favorite in the entire game. I’m just so intrigued by him.
Not the biggest fan of Vere. I’m not into animal ears and tails.
Im going to be honest in real life I would be flustered by Vere’s advances and probably feel a sort of fascination towards him echen to attraction, but he’s not really the type that I want to romance in games. Also the fact of the matter is is that sexual innuendoes just not my thing, especially when it comes to first impressions. And my first impression was getting my key stolen so nice.
Irl Vere can be acquaintances at most. I would be there just to hear the juiciest details about some drama. He would always have some snarky comment that would make me laugh. I love some dark humor. But at the same time, he’s dangerous af. I wouldn’t want to get too close to him. He has major issues and idk when he would snap, that’s the scary part! If I tease him playfully and he was not in the mood, off goes my head.
I like his relationship with Ais, adds more juiciness to the story. Love me some love triangles. Reminds me of Rime and Felix relationship in Last Legacy.
I would like the challenge of winning him over though. Because his route would probably be so unpredictable and challenging, I feel more motivated to play and invest in his story
I love his character design! Probably my second favorite in the game. Ais exudes confidence, competence, and strength. Major main character vibes from Ais. I’m guessing that’s why Leander hates him. HOW DARE YOU BE THE CENTER OF ATTENTION, LITERALLY THE CENTER OF ALL THE PROMO ART YOU FUCKIN BASTAR-
I personally do not feel that much of a love connection towards Ais as much as Leander. More like, I chill with you. I could grab a drink with you and talk about life. Yes. Maybe when I play his route they’ll prove me wrong. Im still curious about him so can’t wait to play his route. But I don’t see much of a red flag in him as the others, he just seems like a chill guy that went through hell. I’m guessing he’ll show his dark sides in his route.
It’s concerning that he’s attracted to Vere cuz Vere is…Vere. Problematic. Chaotic. An Asshole. Hmmm, is Ais technically an enabler? Yes, but Ais also starts bar fights. They’re both bad. It’s also interesting how generally people would say ethically good qualities on why they are attracted to someone but no, Ais is just like “yeah he’s an asshole, you can trust him just don’t listen to anything he says.” It’s hilarious. That also contrasts with Leander’s bio how he sees Vere as a damsel in distress cuz he’s delusional and has white knight syndrome, while Ais sees people who they are because he’s the black sheep “that have the clearest view of the world.” That’s probably why Vere loves him. Ais is the only person that sees his crappiness and still likes him. What a Chad :,)
They reminds me of a friend I have. Quiet, standoffish, takes time to open up, a MASSIVE sweet tooth. I really want to pet their heads but I know they’re going to smack it away if I even try to touch. 😭😭
Mhin, the angsty teen. Considering Mhin’s bad temperament and similar curse thing with MC, I’m going to guess it’ll have major Beauty and the Beast vibes. Tempermental Mhin and MC who would turn them into a better person and teach them how to love themselves, with or without the curse.
The friendship with Mhin and Kuras make a lot of sense. Mhin feels at peace with Kuras cuz he’s a good listener and the only introvert in the friend group. Mhin needs someone that won’t try to annoy them like Leander or Vere. But I remember listening to the stream with the developers, and they were saying how terrible Kuras is and can’t wait for people to find out about it. Will Mhin feel betrayed when they find out the truth about Kuras? Do they already know? So many questions.
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fanby-fckry · 3 months
🩸 simply-moxxie Follow
22 hr. ago
I had the weirdest dream last night?!!
I don’t even remember what happened, all I remember was this voice at the end: “You CAN’T trust him. He probably just wants you to draw his stupid horse.” What?!? I follow people who draw horses! I like horses! Why are they being attacked in this way?
🩸 simply-moxxie Follow
1 min. ago
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It was a premonition.
#sir. #i cannot draw your horse #i can’t draw at all actually #please commission an artist #id in alt text #irl source
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🪡 niffty-lady Follow
1 hr. ago
gotta love knitting needles. i can make a scarf. i can make a hat. i can stab your eyes out. i can make mittens.
🌈 hells-disney-princess Follow
1 hr. ago
What was that middle part?
🪡 niffty-lady Follow
46 min. ago
i can make a hat
#irl source
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📻 real-radio-demon Follow
1 hr. ago
Any Overlord dead after 1940 can’t make quality entertainment. All they know is WcDonalds, recycled content, planned obsolescence, be bisexual, eat voot loops, and lie.
📺 voxblr4k Follow
49 min. ago
Fight me irl you fake ass motherfucker! I can’t suspend your account but I can kick your ass!
📻 real-radio-demon Follow
49 min. ago
I don’t believe you can do either of those things, Vox :)
#real radio demon broadcasts #irl source
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🩸 simply-moxxie Follow
3 hr. ago
i can't do this anymore! i mean i can, and i will, obviously. but i can't fucking do this anymore!
🌕 m00nlight-h0wling Follow
50 min. ago
Area Man Who Has "Had Enough" Wakes Up Next Morning at 6:30 AM to Commute to Work Again
#irl source
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📺 voxblr4k Follow
52 min. ago
The fucking fake Alastor account stole my joke!!1!
📺 voxblr4k Follow
51 min. ago
Son of a bitch his post has more notes than mine!
#un-fucking-believable #he should be hiding in shame like the real alastor #but he’s out here stealing my fucking posts??? #fuck this fuck this fuck this
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🩸 simply-moxxie Follow
1 hr. ago
What should I get at international hellhouse of pancakes?
🩸 simply-moxxie Follow
1 hr. ago
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#id in alt text #irl source
( 12 notes )
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⚪️ Anonymous said
isn’t it disrespectful to write fics about someone you killed irl?
🪡 niffty-lady Follow
Jul 3
I have no respect for Adam. Hope this helps! <3
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
2 hr. ago
can’t believe Niffty managed to Kill Adam a second time
💀 be-gay-do-crym Follow
2 hr. ago
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#niffty lady #adam
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📺 voxblr4k Follow
2 hr. ago
any overlord dead before 1940 can't use modern tech… all they know is radio, make shitty dad jokes, smile, be asexual, eat people, and lie.
#shitposting in 4k #vagueposting in 4k #irl source
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💥 blitz-the-o-is-silent Follow
5 hr. ago
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Look at this shit-ass sine we found in the living world
🩸 simply-moxxie Follow
4 hr. ago
[Image Description: A sign for Lucama Global Methodist Church; Those who eat the Devil’s corn will choke on his cob! // End Image Description]
And it’s spelled, “sign,” sir.
🫀 xoxo-millie Follow
4 hr. ago
country boys make do
#thanks for the id Moxx #irl source
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⬜️ voxblr-meta Follow
5 hr. ago
Fanby’s Fake Dash Masterpost
#meta #fake tumblr dash
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agendabymooner · 10 months
she's beauty, she's grace ! sergio 'checo' p. x ofc (miss philippines!ofc)
summary: the red bull driver sergio perez has married a long-time fan - who also happened to be the miss universe 2018 winner AND the mother to his two kids, carmella 'mella' ayala.
content warning: possible use of explicit language, established relationship, miss universe!ofc, fluff, dad!checo and mom!ofc, mentions checo and his proud bf moment, video clips + tweets and posts, what is proper grammar, mentions of characters from jenson button x ofc work and seb vettel x ofc piece (no storyline involved)
note: i used this face claim because i was one of those people that were screaming "PHILIPPINES" at the tv hoping that catriona gray would win. don't ask me why i made a checo one. there's something about that man that had my internals screaming for a moment so i've been at this thing for HOURS. i should probably update my masterlist soon before i start packing my shit and going 😭🤠 enjoy xx
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[translation: mi rana pequeño = my little frog]
tagged schecoperez
liked by carlossainzjr, danielricciardo, christianhorner
user1 my little frog 😭
carmayalaprz bitzy but he's at the hotel rn 😅 he's taking a break from chiquito
user2 even froggys need a break too 😩🙌
schecoperez what do you mean mr. bitzy's at the hotel 🧐
carmayalaprz what do you mean by that love? 😄😊
schecoperez 😊
maxverstappen1 uh oh. i wouldn't play this game with carma if i were you checo 🤔
redbullracing i agree with max on this one
christianhorner i don't really mind being introduced to bopit and bitzy every time 😕 liked by carmayalaprz
carmayalaprz i hope gp's the same because there's gonna be a lot of that soon 😅
danielricciardo how much plushies does he have for the trip rn?
carmayalaprz without cece's? about seven. apparently the whole pack either come or be left at home but we all know the chances of one being left alone in the cold dark place
danielricciardo i can barely imagine ribb being left alone at home- can you just imagine that poor frog crying for his friend?
carmayalaprz i can never 😔
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tagged schecoperez, artsforyouth, artsforkids
liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, adaabbott
adaabbott ah yes! the efficient cardboard crafting camp! my favourite activities yet! liked by carmayalaprz
carmayalaprz i had my biggest proud wife and mom moment just watching serg and silas make those houses 🥰
adaabbott haha! i can imagine! poppet and jens definitely tried their best working together!
user1 silas and sergio perez are the most iconic duo since sebastian and michael 😍
user2 i love how hands-on you and checo are when it comes to your little ones!
carmayalaprz thank you so much! us parents are trying despite the busy schedules, you know? 💖
danielricciardo i hope you guys brought earplugs. god knows how much of a screamer silas is 😭
schecoperez daniel for the last time he didn't intentionally try to break your eardrums 🤠
carmayalaprz try babysitting them, you'll get used to it eventually
danielricciardo maybe next time, yes?
user3 danny would probably add more to the noise if anything ngl 😭
schecoperez am i ever glad to take your and silas' attentions away from the stupid frogs 😄 liked by carmayalaprz
carmayalaprz don't say that about those frogs 🤠 i was shedding blood and tears swiping my card after passing by that store
schecoperez maybe next time let's not go to a mall with a build a bear store 🤔
carmayalaprz i agree. we might have pavlov'd our son with the build-a-bear stores we come across to
maxverstappen1 so i should return the froggy i bought him then...?
redbullracing you know the right answer to that max.
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the perez kids
silas milo ayala perez
cecilia morgana ayala perez
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tokkiwrites · 4 months
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tokkis note : this is a short story for @iamasaddie 's mood board game/ ✏️ challenge. i was so excited to start writing for this omg. it's also my first ever angsty fic,can u believe it!?? again, thank you, @iamasaddie, for the beautiful mood board and happy reading <3
c.w : dieter bravo x reader, gn reader, angsty ?? toxic rs mentioned, dieter bravo is your superstar fuck buddy but you wish he was more than that & he wishes he wasn't.
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"shit, you know this isn't ㅡ we aren't meant to be." he covers his face with both pals, heaving out a long sigh of frustration. "I'm not cut for this shit, yeah?"
"so you think you have the right to tell me when and how to forget about you?" you scream back at him, tears already spilling. you didn't know why you were crying at this point: happiness because after months you are finally near him, so near his cologne is clogging up your sensesㅡ or out of frustration because you knew this would happen. yet you always let him in.
"I really don't wanna hurt youㅡ fuck, baby, look at me." dieter steps in closer, reaching out to wipe the tears that stain your cheeks. "you're a hypocrite. you can't fuck your way into my heart andㅡ and then tell me you don't wanna hurt me!" slapping his palm away, you turn your back, sucking in a deep breath. you hated to let him see you cry, let him see what effect this has on you.
"I thought you knew what this all was...from the beginning." he chuckles as if the situation didn't make you feel stupid enough. of course you knewㅡ deep down you hoped he'd see you as his and not a temporary somebody. people in his life come and go, the risks of a movie star you could say, but fuck wouldn't you want to be someone that stays forever.
"I knew, butㅡ"
"but what?" he interrupts. "thought you could 'change' me?" he shakes his head in disbelief, grabbing you by the shoulder and turning your body around to face him again.
"look me in the eyes and tell meㅡ tell me you don't love me." you manage to speak, through wispered sobs. "fuck you for trying to make me the bad guy in all of this!" dieter gasps, laughing as he point his index directly to your chest. "Aren't you?" mustering your voice again, you ask rhetorically.
"What is up with you and needing to point the finger at someone, huh? has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, it's both our fucking faults?" he bawls his fist in holds it up to his chest. "both of us. me, because i gave you more than I needed to give and you because you ate every crumble of it." Dieter groans, frowning as you let his words wash over you. "Aren't we both fucked up?"
and you sit in silence, unable to unravel the knots tied in your throat. no tears are willing to fall, nothing is left to be spilled ㅡ only the thoughts that maybe he is right.
Dieter's frustration simmers as he watches your internal struggle unfold. The weight of his words lingers between you, and for a moment, neither of you knows how to navigate the intricacies of your shared pain.
"I never wanted to hurt you," Dieter murmurs again, his tone softer now, a hint of remorse breaking through the intensity. "But, fuckㅡ we're stuck in this cycle, tearing each other apart. Is this really what we both deserve?"
"I don't want to hate you," you whisper, your voice barely audible. "then don't." he replies, gaze fixed onto the ground. your eyes search his, seeking answers in the depths of his turmoil. "I can't keep doing this." you admit. "I can't let you go and come back to me wheneverㅡ i can't stand to see you on that screen with anybody else, and i know-" you swallow "i know you can't control that, but please...please don't tell me this was nothingㅡ I was nothing.."
"You were never nothing," he says, his voice holding a sincerity that cuts through the tension. "I don't want you to be nothing," Dieter finally admits, his gaze softening. "and you know it."
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asiandra-dash · 1 month
Hi i saw u wanna rewrite akikasa hcs PLEASE WRITE ME SOME I BEG /nf /lh
HJKJSKDKHS AKIKASA anyways I was referring to a short story I wrote a while ago but THIS!!! IS (I think) MY FIRST AKIKASA RELATED ASK!!!! I MUST WRITE!!!!!! All I have to do is figure out which thoughts are based on canon and which ones are AUs-
I took 18 days to finally post this because I kept getting ideas and had to force myself to stop because this is way too long 888 words man this ain't fanfiction also if this is illegible I'm sorry none of my headcanon posts will ever be organized no beta or read more we die like my grades after my orchestra field trip
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Starting with basic shit Akito is SO so in denial about his feelings and when he's finally fed up with it he chucks it down to infatuation (It is not)
And Tsukasa is an oblivious idiot to everything even though he has a stupid crush on this ginger he just refuses to say anything because he still thinks Akito despises his guts
My guy every little bit of physical contact you make with carrot head makes him look like color hex #ff0000 RGB 255, 0, 0 how do you not notice this
Tsukasa fell first, and they both fell harder >:)
You know Tsukasa'a 1* card where Akito saved the poor man from a spider or something that's when it happened Tsukasa didn't know at first cause like haha who the hell falls in love with someone over something so small I barely even know the guy
If Akito confessed first, after a long moment of awkward silence and Akito wishing the floor would eat him alive, Tsukasa is suddenly hugging him and crying (That's a yes btw)
If Tsukasa confessed first, it would take a bit (probably a few days or weeks) but eventually Akito with the support of everyone finally accepts his feelings for Tsukasa (He didn't tell anyone about the confession btw it was probably Akiyama or one of Tsukasa's friends that told everyone also the threat of Rui was probably another reason he couldn't deny lmao)
Every date, and I mean EVERY SINGLE DATE, Tsukasa will always bring or buy some cheesecakes or pancakes for Akito
And if he doesn't the next time he brings lunch for Akito he'll bring him more cheesecake than he usually does to make up for it
When Tsukasa found out Akito's favorite flowers were sunflowers, he sometimes brings one for him too :D
Tsukasa probably got a pair of sunflower clip-on earrings too (Or whatever they're called)
Tsukasa loves to tackle hug Akito and it never fails to make the ginger laugh <3
Tsukasa borrows Akito's jackets a lot (At least twice a week).
Akito complains about it but let's be honest he loves it when he gets it back and all he smells on it is Tsukasa's scent
Tsukasa loves giving gifts to Akito even if there's no special occasion, usually some type of jewelry like earrings and the next day Akito's most likely wearing it
Obviously, they invite each other to their shows, and sometimes their other bandmates too
During WxS shows Akito's supportive and is internally loud but during VBS concerts Tsukasa is HOLLERING Akito's name and singing along if he knows the lyrics it's embarrassing but if you look closely enough you can tell it hypes up Akito a little more and he tries even harder (An has taken note of this and teases him nonstop about it)
Neither of them are a huge fan of PDA but if you stare long enough you'll probably miss a sneaky little kiss when you blink
That or if Tsukasa's in a really good mood he'll practically cling to Akito (Which is like 50% of the time tbh)
That one post I made on my side blog is real and so is the first tag
Yes Ena and Saki are supportive but holy shit Akito wants to fucking strangle Ena whenever she brings it up (This applies to An too)
Tsukasa helps Akito be more open with his feelings and Akito helps Tsukasa deal with negativity better
Around people, Akito still treats Tsukasa how he would (if Tsukasa isn't being clingy) but once they're alone Akito acts like he's touch starved and refuses to leave Tsukasa alone
Akito sometimes helps Tsukasa with practicing for his shows. He's obviously not as good but he's trying and Tsukasa appreciates his efforts
Tell Akito to say wonderhoy and he'll look at you like you're fucking insane but have Tsukasa tell him and he'll say it as unenthusiastically as he can manage
And then Tsukasa will look at him all :((( and Akito does it with more energy and "jesus fucking christ the things I do to make Tsukasa happy" (It's just a wonderhoy idk why you're so pissed /hj)
I do not understand Japanese and I am not caught up on that one event story with furry Akito so correct me if I'm wrong (about the italicized part) but before Akito gets over his fear of dogs Tsukasa always made sure they would steer clear of them and if one suddenly appeared this blond pink theatre kid is going to protect his pathetic fucking boyfriend with his life
Rui: Is that a hickey? | Tsukasa: No! It’s just a mosquito bite. | Akito, walking into the room: Hey, guys. | Rui: Hi, mosquito.
Whenever one of them stays up really late when staying over. the other tries to convince them to go to bed and cuddle/snuggle with them and it works.
Tsukasa practically begs meanwhile, if possible, Akito hugs Tsukasa from behind and basically just collapses onto him half asleep mumbling into his ear (Can you tell I'm tired it's 1 AM and I got 3 hours of sleep yesterday I'm running off of a power nap rn)
Obviously, Tsukasa can't do anything with Akito like that so he basically carries Akito to the room of whoever they're staying at
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Akikasa supremacy WHO'S WITH ME AKIKASA!!!!!!! (I'm dying on a hill please)
Divider / Reply Icon made by me! ( 1 | 2 )
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Forgetful - Blitzo
Pairing - Blitzo x gn!reader
Warnings - Blitzo being the pervy lil guy he is :)
Word Count - 1,135
Notes - okay, i know i haven't posted my writing in a while with it not being a request and tbh this is kinda awesome, it makes me feel kinda refreshed ngl. i am getting to my requests, but i have been busy as hecc. anyway, love you all! hope you have a great day/night and stay hydrated my loves!!! <333 (omg this fella is so cute)
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“Good morning Loona! Good morning Moxxie and Millie! Good morning… sir.” You walked in and handed everyone their lunch, giving Blitzo a cold side eye as you handed him his lunch.
“Good morning! Good to see you too, sugar!”
“Mmm…. hm…” You kept looking at him with a sideways glance as you left the room, closing the door slowly.
“Wonder what their problem is.” Blitzo’s words were muffled from the sandwich stuffed in his mouth and everyone turned to stare at him at once.
“Your… joking… right?” Moxxie’s eye twitched looking at his boss.
“Oh, Jesus Christ, what are you going on about, Moxxie?”
“No disrespect, but is your memory that bad, sir?”
Blitzo turned to Moxxie, completely offended. “What?!”
Moxxie pinched the bridge of his nose while Millie rubbed his back, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. “Sir… yesterday you-”
“Is this about me pinching their butt when they went to leave?!” Blitzo stood up, slamming his hands on the table. “Because that’s bull! They were the one who walked in here with their cute little booty out!”
“Sir! That doesn't mean you have the right to pinch their… uh… YOU KNOW!”
“God, you’re all so sensitive,” Blitzo pinched the bridge of his nose and turned towards the white board, which had nothing of importance on it. “Can we get back to work now? I have a business to run.”
“Blitzo,” you stuck your head in the room, holding a phone away from your ear. “There’s a phone call for you.”
“Who is it? We’re a little busy right now.” He put the finishing touches on a pony he began drawing on the whiteboard.
“It’s Stolas.”
Blitzo nearly choked on a piece of his sandwich and turned to you. “Tell him I'm busy. Like super busy. What does he want?”
“It's about the book.”
“Just… tell him I'll call him back, okay? I… don't want to talk to him right now.” Blitzo’s face turned bright red and he set down the marker, turning to everyone else for at least some support.
“I'll just tell him that you’re in an important meeting that will last all day.” You turned away, closing the door behind you. “Sorry Stolas, Blitzo’s super busy right now. Expect a phone call either after hours or tomorrow morning, alright? Okay. Have a great day. Yeah, you too. Buh-bye.”
Blitzo knew he was blushing, but of course he wouldn't admit that. He had that intern to thank for everything.
“Hey.” Blitzo stuck his head out of the door and threw a chocolate bar straight at you.
You caught the candy and looked down at your hands, tilting your head. “What’s this for?”
“Helping me. And let me treat you to lunch, okay?”
“Uh… okay?”
“Oh, don't sound all skeptical. I'm serious. You’re the best!” He slammed the door behind him, not caring about his blushing face.
You stood there in shock with the candy bar still in your hand. Maybe that stupid boss did have some etiquette.
“So, are we gonna forget about yesterday?” You slid your hand into Blitzo’s as you walked to go get some lunch.
“What, about me pinching your ass?”
“What? No. You do that all the time.”
“Then… uh… what?” You squeezed his hand and he couldn't help but feel his face go warm.
“It’s really nothing. I'm not that pissed about it or anything… it uh… it was our one year… yesterday. AGAIN, NOT A BIG DEAL… I just… got a little butthurt. But nothing too insane. I'm not mad and I don't want to seem like that type of-”
“Shit! Are you serious?!”
“Dammit! I thought our one year was today! That’s why I'm taking you out to get some nice lunch. Dammit!”
You giggled and cupped his face. “You don't have to play around, Blitzo. I don't care that you forgot about it. Again, it's not a big de-”
Blitzo pulled out his pocket calendar, shoving it in your face. You saw today’s date with a heart around it saying, ‘one year anniversary with my love <3’. You giggled and pulled out your own pocket calendar and Blitzo found the day before’s date with a big heart around it saying, ‘one year with my Blitzy-poo <3’.
“Well,” Blitzo grabbed your hand and continued walking. “It's either one of us fucked up or we’re both way off.”
You giggled and held him close, giving him little kisses on his cheeks and his neck. “Let’s just have a two day anniversary. I think it would be way more fun than just one boring day.”
Blitzo giggled, melting to your touch. “Y-Yeah. We should.” He couldn't help his heart shaped eyes around you.
“Well, since today’s technically our anniversary now, Blitzo, I got you something.”
“You got me something? Y-You didn't have to get me anyth-”
You pulled a small present out of your bag and handed it to him, his shiny eyes getting dilated.
“You got me wrapping paper?” He sounded like an excited child.
“No dummy,” you giggled. “Open the wrapping paper.”
“I'm not that dumb! I'm just excited that I get to rip open some wrapping paper. I haven't done this in ages.” Blitzo quickly ripped open his present and pulled out a little business card and a photo of a billboard.
“Uh… what’s this?”
You smiled a stupid giddy smile and bobbed on your heels. “What do you think it is?”
Blitzo shrugged and grabbed you by the shoulders, shaking you back and forth. “No secrets! Tell me! I wanna know!”
“Okay, okay! Stop shaking me, bub!” Blitzo stopped shaking you and looked you dead in the eyes.
“Tell me.”
“I got us business cards, that’s what that is… and uh… I got us a billboard downtown… so more people can see it. You wanted more ads for our company, so I worked really hard these past couple of months and mmf-”
Blitzo quickly pulled you forward, slamming his lips against yours. He ran his fingers over your hips and dipped you down, pressing harder against you. You sighed into the kiss, getting more comfortable and he pulled away with a bright smile. “I can't believe you.”
“You can't believe me?”
“Do you like it?”
Blitzo teared up, even though he told himself he wouldn't. “I… I love it.” He pressed his forehead to yours and placed a little kiss on your lips. “You’re the best, you know that?”
He giggled and pulled you up, grabbing your hand. “I knew you were gonna say that.”
You threw your arms around the back of his neck and played with the collar of his shirt. “I love you Blitzo.”
“Oh, god, why did you have to say it with the o.”
You chuckled and pulled him down the street to go grab some lunch.
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canirove · 5 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 6
Author's note: Since next Monday is Christmas day, I will be posting the chapter that should be up that day on Wednesday, which means that next week you will have new chapters on Wednesday and Thursday 😊 Also sorry about this chapter being a bit meh and on the short side, but I think I am making up for it on the next one 😁 Also, to those of you who are just reading this and don't follow me, happy holidays and merry christmas to those of you who celebrate! 💜
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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Good luck tonight! Hopefully it won't rain, because those clouds look so bad… (📸) Also look at the sea. Back home it doesn't get like this  (📸) The food here is just 🤤 (📸) You have fans who aren't teenagers 😱 (📸) I wonder if they'll think I'm one too (📸)
"Nothing yet" I sigh. "This was a good idea, right?"
"It was" Emma says, giving my hand an encouraging squeeze. "Traveling to the other side of the country to watch him play is so romantic!"
"I don't care if it is romantic or not. I just want to explain everything to him and for things to go back to the way they were."
"Who would have thought you would end up missing a teenager's dick, uh?" she laughs.
"I should have brought Silvia with me" I reply, rolling my eyes.
"But sadly, she's too busy with Pau finally being back, so you'll have to deal with me" she smiles.
It's been a month since that stupid engagement party, since Pedri and I had that argument, since I last saw him in person. And I've felt like shit every single day.
I should have been honest with him. I should have opened myself to him, share all my fears. But I couldn't. I was too much of a coward, and because of it, I may have lost the person who managed to finally make me close a chapter of my life. The person that gave me what I needed to finally let go. 
But I'm ready now. I'm ready to tell him everything. And that's why Emma and I are here, though her first plan was a bit stalkery.
"I just sent him a good luck message before the game and he has left me as read. Again" I sigh. 
"At least you know he hasn't blocked you."
"Yeah, I guess. But I can't keep living this, I have to do something."
"Why don't you just show up at his house and don't leave until he listens to you?"
"I can't do that, Emma. He'll end up calling the police."
"Then why don't you go watch him play at the Camp Nou? Maybe his friends can help you corner him somewhere so you can talk."
"That isn't such a bad idea, you know… Though they are going on international break after tonight's game." 
"Then let's go watch him play with Spain! You could even wear his shirt, I'm sure he would like that. You aren't allergic to that one, are you?"
"I'm not, no" I laugh. "But I don't know where they are playing and when. And there may not be tickets left."
"Then let's find out" she says, taking out her phone and starting to type.
A couple of hours after that conversation, and mostly thanks to Ferran, we had it all ready. We would be spending the weekend in La Coruña, a city in the West of Spain where the national team is playing, and where, hopefully, I will find a way to convince Pedri to let me explain myself. 
"Is it him?" Emma asks when my phone buzzes.
"Oh my God" I gasp. "It's him, he has replied!" I say, my hand shaking.
"What does he say?"
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Val, what is all that? 
Are those photos real?
Are you here? 
In La Coruña? 
And wearing my shirt? 😳
I am
Wait a second
"Emma, he's facetiming me."
"Then pick up!"
"How do I look?"
"For the love of God, Valeria. Who cares? Pick up!"
"Ok" I say, taking a deep breath. "Hello" I smile.
"Show me around."
"Show me around, Valeria."
"Don't need to be so rude, Pedro" I say, moving so he can see where I am. Emma and I had sat down on a bench not too far away from the stadium to kill time until we can go inside.
"You are here. You… Why?"
"Well, Emma and I had a free weekend and wanted to disconnect from the kids, we saw an ad about the game, we had never been to La Coruña, and we said, why not?" I shrug.
"Let's go disconnect from the kids by watching other kids play" Pedri chuckles.
"Asensio isn't a kid."
"Then why are you wearing my shirt?" he asks, arching an eyebrow.
"It was the only one left in the shop" I shrug again.
"Sure" he laughs.
"It was yours or Morata's, and you know how I feel about him."
"I do, yes" he laughs again. God, I had missed hearing him laugh. "Anyway, I gotta go, we are leaving the hotel now."
"Thank you for coming to the game."
"Of course" I smile. But he doesn't. He's gone serious again.
"Bye, Valeria."
"Bye" I say before he hangs up.
"That went well, didn't it?" Emma says.
"Did it?" I sigh.
"It did! You had a little moment there, so there still is hope."
"I guess, but he kept calling me Valeria and… Wait" I say when my phone buzzes again.
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Don't forget to send me your good luck text. 
It is the last thing I always read before warm up
I won't. I promise 😊
"See? There still is hope!" Emma says, grabbing my arm and squeezing it. She's actually hurting me, but I don't care.
Because there still is hope.
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The Terrifying Ordeal of Falling in Love with Leon Kennedy
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader (female reader)
Series Warnings: Minor injuries, Leon teases reader a lot, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Drinking, Drinking followed by driving, DO NOT DO THAT THIS IS FICTION, Anxiety, Leon S. Kennedy has PTSD, Leon has an anxiety attack, Anxiety Attacks, Swearing, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Nightmares, Leon S. Kennedy has Nightmares, Cuddling & Snuggling, Probably incorrect medical talk, Strangulation in one tiny little scene, Reader's brother was a cop who was KIA, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Grief/Mourning, Christmas Fluff, Mistletoe, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Arguing, Love Confessions, Looking for Alaska is mentioned, Inconvenient Love Confessions, Penis In Vagina Sex, Dirty Talk, Dirty Thoughts, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Leon loves eating Pussy change my mind, Shower Makeout, romantic smut, Desperate Leon S. Kennedy, They are both desperate for each other tbh, They say I love you as they come, Scar Kissing, Enthusiastic Consent, Always pee after sex, UTI PREVENTION, POV First Person, No use of Y/N
Words: 10K
Author's Note: Well! This is it! I'll be honest, I may write some epilogues, detailing the wedding and possibly kids and stuff like that cause I am legit obsessed with the dynamic Leon and the reader have and I'm not sure I'm ready for it to be over.
Thanks to anyone who read, commented, like, ANYTHING on this! It means the world to me! Also anyone from AO3 who came over to comment or anything like that! I love you!
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January 2005
Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don’t wanna do this now
There’s just inches in between us
I want you to give in, I want you to give in
There is tension in between us
I just wanna give in
And I don’t care if I’m forgiven
-Shameless, Camila Cabello
He’s late. This isn’t the ‘traffic was bad’ late. It’s ‘someone is going to show up at your door with a KIA notice’ late. The anxiety has been eating me alive for the past 3 days.
The first day was fine. He’s been that late before. The second day is when it began. The twisting in my gut as I checked my phone to see nothing. The gnawing sensation that crawled up my spine every time someone walked into the infirmary that wasn’t him. The squeeze of my heart at footsteps in the hallway that walked right past.
Then the fourth day rolled around. I felt sick, physically. Barely able to eat anything other than a mandatory protein shake that Dr. Dalton practically poured down my throat himself, soft reassurances of ‘I’m sure he’s fine, sweetheart.’ Sweetheart. The term of endearment that Leon had called me so many times made my ears twitch in confusion at hearing it in a tone that wasn’t Leon’s. Shaking hands. This is how it feels to love someon- No. This is how it feels to love Leon. I’m sure Lilian doesn’t feel this way when Jasper is late coming home. He was supposed to be home 4 days ago. He sounded exhausted when he called, saying everything was okay - that he was okay - and that he would be home the next day. That was 5 days ago.
“You alright?” Thomas, the new medical intern asks, his dark brown eyes shining with affection. He had asked me on a date a week and a half ago, the day before Leon left. I agreed, feeling guilty saying no to the first man who had asked me on a date in years. I can’t wait on Leon forever, right? Deep down, I knew it was wrong to agree to a date when I was so deeply infatuated with someone else, but he looked so excited. So proud of himself for working up the courage to ask. Maybe there was a part of me that liked the idea of someone wanting me. Wishing for me the same way I wish for a man who views me as nothing more than his best friend.
I have done plenty of dumb shit in my life. Who hasn’t? But this? This is a new level of stupid.
“Yeah, I’m good,” I mumble into my wine glass, red lipstick smudging slightly across the rim. The restaurant was lively around us, with waiters and patrons flitting around through tables of deep mahogany. The food was delicious, or at least it smelt that way as it passed by our table.
Thomas is being overly patient. He hasn’t asked why we’re our on third glasses of wine, yet still have yet to move past the toasted bread that arrived when we sat down. My tight black cocktail dress feels too scratchy on my skin despite the reason that I bought it being that it was made of soft velvet. My shoes dig into my ankles uncomfortably, forcing me to shift my feet continuously to relieve the irritating bite.
“Dr. Dalton told me about your friend.” I jerk my head to him like he slapped me, guilt and shame beginning to practically leak from my eyes in the form of tears. You’ll ruin your makeup, stop. “I get why you’re worried. Maybe we should reschedule? For when he’s home?” 
‘Sweetheart, you're making the air around you vibrate with the sheer force of your anxiety. You need to calm the fuck down.’ I can practically hear Leon’s voice in my ears. Thomas is nice. Leon would never allow me to be this anxious, he’d make fun of me until I couldn’t remember why I can feel the sweat pooling against the pits of my dress. I nod, noting how rude it is that I’m comparing a date to my best friend.
“Yeah, that’d be good.” He gets the bill, and while I offer to help, he refuses. A gentleman.
‘No way, sweetheart, I do have some manners.’
Get out of my head. Please, Leon.
The drive is short, and while I assure him that I’m alright, Thomas insists on walking me all the way to my door. I unlock it easily, turning the key and flipping on the light, muscles tense and tight with poorly contained anxiety.
“I’ll see you at work tomorrow?” He asks, almost like he doesn’t know how else to end the evening as I turn to say goodnight.
“I’m off tomorrow, but the day after, absolutely.”
“Oh okay, well then I’ll-” He stops, glancing behind me, confusion etched on his features. I whirl around, fight or flight ready to force a reaction from me. Holy fuck.
“Leon?” I practically cry, rushing into his arms and wrapping my arms around his shoulders. I barely notice the sound of the door closing, my date for the evening clearly getting the memo of ‘time to go.’ Leon’s arms come around my waist, a soft touch that isn’t like him. Preparing to be lifted like usual, but nothing like usual happens. He pulls away instead. He backs up, quickly taking notice of my clothing choice before crossing his arms across his chest. “Are you okay? You were supposed to be home 4 days ago.”
“I’m fine,” he practically huffs, turning to walk back toward his room. I reach forward, fingers landing in the crook of his elbow to catch his attention but he pulls away.
“Leon, what the hell?” I demand, frustration rising. Maybe he’s just tired?
“Don’t worry about it,” he states, pulling himself from my grip with a sigh of my name. Not Nurse Nosy. Not Sweetheart. My name. I feel anger bubble up in my chest. I spent days worrying about him, and he can’t even let me at least check him for injuries? He won’t even let me touch him. I’m aggressively reminded of a time when he shut himself off at the slightest push in a direction he didn’t like. It builds with every step he takes down the hallway, into his room.
“I was worried sick about you.” Leon stops. He’s still wearing his boots, his black cargo pants, and a tight compression shirt that is torn in multiple places. Those black fingerless gloves. His watch. His blonde hair is greasy, stringy. He hasn’t even showered yet. I hear him scoff before he turns, hands tucked into his pockets as if his face wasn’t burning with irritation as he looks at me.
“Yeah, I’m sure. You seemed so concerned.” He gestures in the direction of the front door with his eyes. Oh no. Abso-fucking-lutely not.
“I had him bring me home early because I didn’t feel right being on a date when I was practically sick with worry.” I’m gesturing wildly with my hands now, my internal temperature rising at least a few degrees with how wound up I am. Another scoff.
“Yeah, sure.” He turns away again.
“You know what, no.” Another pause was followed by a halting in his tracks. The tension in his shoulders could shatter his bones if he tried hard enough.
“No?” He hasn’t turned to look at me, but I suppose part of me is grateful for that, knowing I may lose my nerve if he looks at me like a kicked puppy.
“No. Since when do you care? I haven’t been on a date in years. Why do you suddenly care now?” I’m yelling by this point. If everyone had a threshold like a cup, mine would be overflowing with bubbling red heat. He does not get to take this shit out on me.
“I have always cared!” His tone matches mine and his eyes burn with a fury I have never seen as he whips around to face me. Nails press into his gloves, digging into the leather, presumably leaving tiny crescents in their wake.
“No, you haven’t! It was easy to not be pissed when I was always home. Always here when you got back to greet you with a hug and a smile. But now that I have things to do, suddenly now you care.” We’re gonna get a noise complaint.
“Yes I fucking have, I have always cared. You just weren’t paying enough attention to see it!” Leon points an accusatory finger at me, and it feels like a literal jab in the chest despite him being almost 6 feet away. I laugh as if this situation is amusing. As if my heart isn’t breaking.
“Please, enlighten me then Agent Kennedy, as to what exactly I’ve missed, since clearly, not everyone is as perceptive as you are.” It’s a low blow, calling him by his title, but I’m fuming so much I’m surprised steam isn’t blowing out of my ears. His slight recoil is almost enough to make me apologize. Almost.
“Don’t do that.” He sounds small. Fuck. I want to hug him, apologize for screaming at him before he has even had a chance to change his clothes and shower. But I can’t. I can’t do this anymore.
“Don’t what?” I’m riding on this wave of red, fists twisting in the soft velvet of my dress.
“Don’t Agent Kennedy me,” he utters before he brushes it off, like flipping a switch. “You know what, I’m not doing this tonight, I’m exhausted. Go makeout with whats-his-face.” That’s it.
“Excuse me? What kind of person do you think I am, dickhead?”
“Oh, you didn’t wanna shove your tongue down his throat?” He feigns surprise, a hand pressed against his chest. I have never wanted to hit someone. Ever. But right now? I want to deck him.
“I wanted to be around you! I missed you!” I’m screaming again, and I feel tears brimming in my eyes. Fuck my makeup. He clicks his tongue, and it feels more like a taunt.
“Well, you should have been home earlier then.”
“Why the hell are you punishing me? I was worried sick the entire time you were gone, especially these past few days of radio silence!” His tone is condescending as if he’s riding some high horse.
“I’m sure it was so difficult for you. Next time, I’ll send a postcard.” He has no clue how it feels. So tell him.
“Do you have any idea what it’s like?” My tone is calmer, fury burning just below the surface of my skin like some virus, ready to raise the fever. Leon’s lips part to respond, but I don’t let him. “Every knock on that door when you’re gone scares the shit outta me because I’m expecting it to be some suit, telling me that you’re dead or worse. I get that what you do isn’t easy, but don’t try to make me feel guilty when all I ever did was worry about you.” My words have an effect on him, his demeanor shifting from one of defense and attack to… almost regret, it seems.
“I never meant to worry you, but you knew what you signed up for when you asked me to move in.” Leon’s tone has shifted. We’re no longer screaming at each other but with the barely-held-together emotions running rampant in the room, I can’t tell if this is better or worse than when we were screaming.
“You’re right. I did,” I concede, and for a second, his blues show a flash of confusion. “But I didn’t sign up to be punished for trying to live my life.”
“I’m not punishing you-” His tone is rising again as he rotates his body to face away from me, not entirely turned. He’s facing my bedroom door.
“Yes, you fucking are, Leon! Why are you so mad about me going on a date? Is it cause you don’t have time to go on one of your own?” It’s the only logical reason I can think of as to why he’s so angry. We’re screaming again.
“Because I don’t want you going on dates!” The words slam into me, turning the tidal wave of rage into a puddle. Not a big one either. The kind that you can step in with sneakers on and your socks won’t even get wet. It leaves a dark pit of bewilderment in its wake. Complete and utter confusion.
“Why?” He’s silent. Leather-covered palms press into his eyes as he huffs in frustration. He wants me to leave it alone. Wants me to back off, letting him close back into himself, where he thinks no one can find him. Where no one can hurt him. “Leon. Why don’t you want me going on dates?” His hands drop to his waist as he spins on his heel once again, and I’m floored by the intensity in his eyes. There’s almost no blue left, or at least it seems that way from where I’m standing.
“Don’t make me say it.” There’s that smallness. The look of begging. Pleading.
“Leon…” I start, but he doesn’t let me finish.
“I’m asking you to drop it.” JUST FUCKING TALK TO ME. LET ME IN.
“No! I’m not dropping it! What the fuck do you mean?” He laughs, a full-blown sound that rings out almost maliciously as his whole body practically moves with it.
“Wow! The return of Nurse Nosy.” Fucking. Dickhead. “Never saw that one coming.”
“Fine,” I deadpan, moving toward him and turning into my room, attempting to close the door. His hand presses against the wood, forcing it to remain open, fuming bodies only a couple of feet apart now.
“What the hell are you doing?” Oh, so when he walks away, I’m the bitch. But when it’s me, I’m still the bitch.
“I’m going to bed, asshole.” I put every ounce of strength into shoving the door, but his arm holds steady. Easily.
“We’re not done.”
“Yes, we fucking are. You made that crystal clear.” Another attempt. Another failed attempt. The tears are blurring my vision, finally seeing an opportunity to pour in the privacy of my room. Away from his terrifyingly focused blue gaze.
“Would you just come back out here and talk to me?” He has no right to ask me that.
“Why?” My voice breaks on the word, and for the first time, it’s like he finally sees how I feel as his hardened features soften. How my heart is breaking and it’s spilling out from my eyes into his waiting palms. “So you can be pissed at me some more?” With his other hand, he runs his hands through his hair, touseling it even more in frustration, and while he’s not looking at me, it’s clear he’s at war with himself. “So you can make me feel like shit even more?”
“Because I love you, damn it!” He shouts again, and the tone causes me to flinch before it sluggishly catches up. He…
“You heard me,” he admits, cheeks stained bright crimson at the admission. “So would you please just-” The words he was saying are long forgotten as I rush forward, cold hands on either side of his face and tugging him in. I love you, the words bounce around in my skull as my lips collide with his, and for a moment, he seems surprised. It only takes that long for him to catch up. Palms find my hips, pulling me flush against his warm chest, against his hammering heart. He tastes like spearmint, his lips refusing to relent until we pull back for air, foreheads pressed together, noses brushing as labored breaths pass between our now-red lips and my cheeks are wet with tears. Those ocean eyes look at me like the light spills from them, lighting his way home. A small giggle breaks the silent air, the heavy breaths.
“I pour my heart out to you and you laugh?” He mumbles, but I can practically hear the smile in his voice as I giggle again. “What’s so funny?”
“You stink.” He laughs. The sweet kind, like cold lemonade on a hot day. The kind that makes butterflies swirl inside your stomach to the point of painting your face with an unmovable grin.
“Well, someone interrupted me as I was on my way to my post-mission shower,” he teases, planting another tender kiss across my lips like he can’t get enough of them. My hands slide over his shoulders, cupping the back of his neck as I nose along the line of his jaw.
“I’m so sorry. How can I make it up to you, Agent Kennedy?” The question is much more sultry than intended, my racing heart making me feel practically breathless. Leon’s eyes narrow at the nickname in mock irritation - especially because he specifically told me not to use it months ago - smile still evident as his arm drapes over the small of my back to hold my other hip, if only to add more points of contact. I’m expecting a ‘make me something to eat please?’ or maybe even a ‘kiss me more’. I am not, however, expecting his next words.
“Take it with me?”
“What?” I giggle through the question, wondering how the hell he manages to exude confidence even in situations like this, his finger pressing my chin up until our eyes lock.
“You heard me.” He repeats his earlier phrase like this single sentence holds all the power between us, and maybe it does. “Take my post-mission shower with me.” My face heats up again, and I finally understand the look he’d give me when he’d get a reaction out of me. The amusement. The pride. He wasn’t proud because he got a reaction. He was proud because it gave him hope. Hope that one day, he could kiss me like this. I can’t stop the way my eyes drop to the floor, only for him to clear his throat, drawing my attention back to him. To his lips. To those damn ocean eyes.
“Lead the way, Superman.”
“Oh, I will.” Chapped lips smushing back onto mine, muffling the squeal that rips from my chest. The leather of his fingerless gloves glide over my exposed thighs, gripping them before mumbling ‘jump’ right into my mouth, and who am I to argue with a government agent? My thighs wrap tightly around his trim waist, fingers pressing into the flesh there as Leon begins to walk, presumably carrying us to the bathroom, but for all I know, he could be walking us out into the snow. My mind is far too preoccupied with running my tongue along the seam of his lips, tasting the bitter tang of the nightcap he had, which now lies unfinished on the living room coffee table.
My back hits the wall, sandwiched between his warm chest and the chill of the painted sheetrock. A hand - I couldn’t tell you whose - reaches to flip on the bathroom light before he carries us in, closing the door before I feel the chilly countertop beneath my ass. Leaving one last kiss on my swollen lips, he pulls away - taking his warmth with him - chuckling at the small sound of disapproval leaves my lips.
“What are you-”
“Relax, I’m just turning on the shower, sunshine.” It’s hard not to stare, taking notice of the smattering of scratches that litter his arms as he reaches in to flip the water on.
“Sunshine?” I question teasingly, pressing my palms to the granite surface and leaning forward, head tilting to the side in curiosity.
“Yeah,” he smirks, removing his gloves and tossing them onto the tile flooring so he can check the temperature of the falling water. “You’ve always been this… Light in the dark for me. So ‘Sunshine’ seems fitting.” Leon’s not looking at me, but his cheeks are pink again. He must be satisfied with the temperature because he pulls back to finally meet my eyes again, stepping back up to where I’m perched. “Have I mentioned how sexy you look in this dress?” He mumbles, his lips skimming the skin of my throat in soft bites and kisses.
“You haven’t.” My words come out in a breathless gasp, his hands sliding up my thighs - barely grazing the bottom hem of the black velvet fabric - massaging the flesh in his grip.
“Well, I should have,” he growls. Holy fucking shit. That’s a sound I never thought I’d hear. “Maybe you wouldn’t have gone on that date if I had.”
“I definitely wouldn’t have,” I tease, fingertips moving to climb under the fabric of his compression shirt, desperate to explore his form in ways I have never been allowed to until this moment.
“Eager, are we, sunshine?” Fucker is smirking into the kiss as if he’s faring better than I am at this moment.
“Says the one who asked me to shower with him.”
“Touché.” I grip the hem of the fabric between my digits, pushing it up his chest in an effort to rid him of it. His arms come up to aid me in my own personal mission, revealing his chest to my wandering eyes before toned arms come down on the counter on either side of my hips.
“You don’t need to be this attractive, asshole,” I murmur, almost more to myself than anything before he responds with a passionate kiss, his warm hands slipping beneath my dress to shove it above my hips, revealing a pair of lacy blue panties. A light groan spills into my mouth from him as he presses himself between my legs, hands finding the backs of my knees and yanking me forward with a yelp.
“Speak for yourself,” he argues, refusing to part from my lips for more than a second. “Fuck, can I take this fucking dress off of you?” My only reply is a nod, our foreheads tapping together because of the movement. Leon doesn’t waste another second, gripping the soft fabric and pulling it over my head without hesitation, and his eyes widen at the sight of the bra, lacy and matching perfectly with the panties. “You’re trying to kill me,” he whispers, eyes raking down my figure before I begin squirming anxiously. The room is full of steam by now, the mirror behind me completely covered and his creamy skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat.
“Maybe we should actually shower instead of you just staring at me?” I suggest with a nervous giggle. He finally looks back up at me, and I notice the blues in his eyes are slowly slimming, his pupils dilating.
“I think that’s a great idea.” Hands skim across my back to easily unclip my bra, tugging it down my arms until it joins his shirt in a pile on the floor, my panties soon following, leaving me completely exposed before him. This adonis of a man is looking at me like I’m the most precious piece of art he’s ever laid his eyes on.
“Feels a little unfair, don’t you think?” My arms come up to cover my chest. No one has looked at me in this state in a long time.
“Don’t,” he coaxes, grabbing my hands to rest them against his shoulders, leaning in to nuzzle into my neck and jaw again. “Please don’t hide from me. You’re gorgeous.” I hear a clinking before feeling his shoulders shift beneath my palms, undoing his belt - I assume - and then I hear his pants hit the floor, although it’s barely audible over the pattering of the water against the shower curtain. Leon takes a slow step back, holding my hands to help me down from the countertop before practically dragging me into the warm stream of water. I can’t help as my gaze drifts down, taking in the wet ridges of his abs, to the v of his hips, and down until his voice forces my eyes back up in embarrassment. 
“My eyes are up here, baby.” He closes the shower curtain with a teasing smile.
“Sorry.” My voice is shaking.
“Sunshine,” he soothes, hands finding my hips to pull me against his body in what was supposed to be a comforting hug. It quickly dissipates into anything but as I feel his hard length against my stomach, slick practically dripping from my center by this point. “You’re fine. I’m teasing you.”
“Well, you did always say I was easy to tease,” I mumble into his chest, using his embrace as an excuse to hide my blush.
“That you are, sweetheart,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to my now-wet hair. “Although I do actually need to shower.” Reaching for his shampoo while still keeping an arm locked around me, I take a deep breath before taking it from him.
“Can I wash your hair?” I question, looking up at him through my lashes.
“How could I say no to that?” Leaning down so it’s easier for me to reach him, I pour the pine-scented shampoo into my palm, rubbing them together before lathering the soap into his scalp. The agent releases a string of curses and groans as I massage his head, knowing from experience that he really enjoys it. Shifting around so that his head is under the water, I rinse the suds from his blonde locks, a soft smile pulling at my lips.
“Maybe this should be the new tradition.” The words are said without thought, falling from my lips.
“Me taking your post-mission shower with you.” Fingers tighten around my waist as a small grunt departs from his throat, sounding more like it came from his chest.
“That sounds perfect.” He’s breathless. “Fuck, I can’t wait anymore.” Wet lips pressing to mine, hands gripping my thighs and lifting, not even prompting me to jump as I’m brought against his body, trapping his cock between us. A jolt runs through my spine like lightning at the sensation and my back hits the cold shower wall, thighs tightening around Leon’s waist.
“Impatient, are we Superman?” It’s mumbled into his mouth and I can feel his smile in response.
“Take one look at you, and tell me I shouldn’t be impatient.”
“Maybe not in the shower though?” I giggle, and the chill sets in as the water begins to run cold.
“Maybe not,” he says with his own chuckle, dropping my feet to the floor before steadying me, the floor slick as he moves to switch off the brisk water from falling on my bare shoulders. His arm comes around them to tug me close to his chest, the heat radiating off of him creating a heat wave in the middle of January. With a goofy smile, I lean out and grab a towel from where it hangs before throwing it over his head.
“I think pink is a good color for you, Superman.” Damp blonde locks emerge from the pink fabric with a cacophony of light chuckles and shy smiles filling the room.
“Yeah? I think it looks much better on you, sweetheart.” The cockiness has returned to his tone, and I roll my eyes at his shifted behavior.
“Oh really? And what makes you say that?” I sass, ready to take him on. In more ways than one.
“Cause it’s the prettiest color I could turn your cheeks.” His tone sends heat straight to my core as he steps forward, the pink towel wrapped around his neck, inches between our noses.
“We both know you can easily make me blush. This isn’t new info, Leon.” Don’t back down from this.
“You’re right. It’s really easy.” Leon brings the towel over his head to wrap it around my back. The gesture seems sweet. For a minute. Tugging on the towel, it forces my chest against his, wet skin sliding against wet skin. “I fully intend to make you turn every shade of pink tonight.” And then he’s picking me up again. Holding me is easy for him, with years of strength training proving to be useful for pleasurable purposes as well as he carries me into my - Our bedroom? - I’ll need to ask him about that, I suppose. As my mind wanders, the agent doesn’t hesitate to throw me unceremoniously onto my - our bed, a small yelp leaving my throat at the sudden drop.
“Leon you can’t just throw me around!”
“See, I think you like it.” He mutters, voice dropping into a lower octave, gravely and rough as he rests his weight onto his hands - which are on either side of my head. “I think you like how much stronger I am. I think it gets you going, baby.”
“Is that so?” I say, voice shaking with barely contained arousal, and Leon being, well Leon, knows this. With a nod, he presses his lips to the column of my throat, sucking a smattering of red marks onto the skin. My teeth clamp over my bottom lip, muffling the sounds that threaten to leave my voicebox, but clearly, Leon has other ideas. His hand presses to my jaw before his thumb caresses my chin, applying light pressure until my lip slips from between my teeth.
“Don’t hide any of those sounds from me, gorgeous,” he commands, and I’m reminded of his position in his career. The power he holds at the young age of 27. I nod in his hold, goosebumps prickling across my skin as he nips at my tender skin. His name leaves my lips in a muffled whimper; hands tracing soft patterns into my arms before his lips dance across my collarbone, his teeth pressing into the bone as a quick gasp breaks from my mouth. “Good girl.”
“Leon,” I whimper as his mouth drags lower, pressing soft kisses to my sternum, between my boobs as I lace my fingers through his blonde locks. “You can’t just say that.”
“Aww, why not, sunshine?” He teases, his hot breath teasing across my pebbled nipple, his warm hand coming down to cover the neglected breast. He looks up, as if he’s waiting for something. “Can I?” I nod, his blue eyes practically swallowed up by the dark pupil that swells in his arousal.
“Yeah.” The word is a breath released into the quickly cooling air. It’s all he needs before his warm lips close around the nub, suckling gently before his tongue swirls over it. I gasp, back arching slightly as my eyes squeeze shut, fingers tightening in his hair as he releases a small groan against my flesh.
“Fuck, you’re so sensitive,” he mumbles against my skin, almost to himself before his lips seal again, tonguing it before switching to the other nipple. “Can I taste you?” His tone is almost desperate. It takes my mind a moment to catch up to what he means before I nod with a mumbled ‘please’.
He doesn’t waste another second, planting wet kisses down my stomach, licking and suckling as he goes solely to illicit reactions from me, which leave him chuckling against my flesh.
“Shhh, sweetheart,” he hushes, pulling my thighs apart easily as he settles between them, lips and teeth grazing across my inner thigh before giving the other the same treatment until I can practically feel myself dripping onto the mattress below me. “God, you have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of this…”
“Really?” I find myself asking as my heart thumps against my chest. He’s thought about this?
“God, you have no idea what you do to me, do you, baby girl?” He sighs, nosing along the length of my thigh. I can’t stop my fingers from involuntarily twitching, giving his locks an accidental tug.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay, baby. I like knowing how good I’m making you feel.” His blue eyes focus on mine, and I almost pass out at the sight of his damp blonde hair sticking to his forehead, naked shoulders that have my thighs thrown over them haphazardly as he licks his chapped lips. “Tell me this is okay.”
“Please, Leon…” The words come out as a whimper (I didn’t even realize I could whimper), and for a split second, I doubt I have ever been this desperate for anything.
“Good girl,” he whispers, breath tickling against my core and I can barely contain my groan before a squeak rips from my throat, his tongue running a hot stripe across my sex. Well, that’s a new feeling.
“God-” I yelp, squeezing my eyes shut as shivers run up my spine. Leon chuckles against me, tongue plunging into my opening to drink straight from the source before he pulls back to speak.
“Just me, sunshine.” I roll my eyes, laughing just a bit before the agent’s lips seal around my clit, sucking enough to tug the chord in my spine taunt, my back bending as my fingers tighten. Leon groans at the gentle tightening of his damp hair, the vibration traveling straight into my core. “Fuck, you taste amazing.”
“Leon, please just… Please kiss me…” I whimper as I attempt to bring him back up, but he holds firm before dropping wet kisses to my clit, ending each kiss with a light suckle. “That’s not what I meant.”
“You didn’t clarify. I’m giving you kisses, just like you asked.” His smirk is practically audible as he plants more smooches, despite my protests and groans. Fingers gently prod at my entrance, and I can’t help but tense. “Do you wanna stop, sweetheart?”
“No!” I answer, almost too quickly, and the feeling of his smile presses against my thigh before he covers it with licks and bites.
“Then relax,” he assures, hand running soothing circles over any skin he can reach. It takes another moment of his tongue twirling around my nub before I loosen my muscles enough for a thick digit to slowly press inside my heat. “Good girl.” Fuck that should not be a turn on. “Oh you do like that,” he whispers, almost to himself as I tighten around his finger. He picks a leisurely pace to thrust his finger in, basking in each sound he pulls from my lungs before he adds a second, following the same treatment, stretching me to accommodate his length.
“Leon, fuck I can’t…”
“Don’t challenge me, sweetheart. I’m not moving from this spot until you come around my fingers,” he mumbles into my core, fingers moving faster as his mouth works double time on my clit until the white-hot heat rips through me and I come with a high-pitched squeak. My muscles relax one by one, both of his hands rubbing soothing patterns over my skin as I come down from my high with breathless pants, and I realize I barely felt him remove his fingers.
“It should be illegal for you to be that good at that,” I mumble with a breathless giggle, and he chuckles as he leans up, wiping his lips and chin with his arm before pressing his lips back to mine. I can taste myself as his tongue prods against mine for a brief second.
“I’m gonna be spending a lot of time down there, sunshine,” he whispers into my ear as he grips my thighs, pulling them tight around his waist and I gasp at the feeling of him pressing against my pubic bone. “If you want to stop, we can,” he mumbles against my mouth. I shake my head aggressively.
“No, I’m fine.” The offer warms my heart though. “I’ve waited too long for you already.”
“Me too.” He doesn’t hesitate to move toward me, rutting himself against my heat with a groan of his own. He reaches down, leaning all his weight down on one arm, pressing himself against my slick opening before stopping, looking at me with a look that screams ‘Are you sure?’ My answer comes in the form of kissing him again, and he chuckles against my mouth. I’ll never get tired of this.
With the reassurances out of the way, his hips shift, pressing himself forward and my fingers tighten in his hair at the slight intrusion. “Are you okay, sunshine?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” I whisper, breath tickling his lips.
“Are you sure you want to keep going?” He practically breathes the words, trying to halt the involuntary actions of his hips that send my brain into a spiral before I have to contain the breathy laugh that threatens to ring out.
“I swear to god, Lee, if you ask me that one more time, I’m gonna…” I say with a smile, trailing off, hoping he’ll get my point, but why would I be so lucky?
“You’re gonna what, sunshine?” He whispers into my ear with a chuckle of his own and I move my arms to press against his shoulder blades as he continues his ruthless teasing. “Tell me what you’ll do, baby.”
“Fuck you, Kennedy,” I groan, throwing my head back against the pillow in frustration.
“If you insist.” It takes a moment for my brain to catch up, but it catches up fast when Leon shifts his hips, pressing himself into my tight channel with a rumbling shudder until his hips are flush against mine. He’s trembling almost as much as I am. For a moment, neither of us moves, content in our tight embrace, as close as two people can possibly be. Breathing the same breaths, hearts practically beating in sync as his arms rest on either side of my head, surrounding me in the sweet scent of him. His name falls from my lips as a shaky breath, both of our hands roaming over the others skin without barrier. I can practically feel my walls molding around the shape of his cock, content to keep him there until the sun explodes. “You’re so soft…” He whispers, almost an afterthought. “I’m gonna move, is that okay?”
“Please.” And then he shifts his hips, pulling out before plunging back in with enough momentum to force the air from my lungs, followed by a high pitched keen from the back of my throat. The pleasure radiates from my center the same way his skin radiates heat, and the sweat slicked flesh feels almost like an anchor, grounding me to him. The only thing keeping me afloat. His name falls from my mouth in a cacophony of squeals and moans, and with each sound, Leon grows more and more bold, and after a few minutes of mingling moans and increasingly wet sounds of skin on skin, his pace slows.
“I have a confession to make.” He whispers, an almost guilty look on his face as he leans up just enough for me to see the blues of his eyes.
“Oh god,” I say, palms resting on his damp pecs, anxiety flashing through my mind. “What?”
“You know that um…” He says, pausing as his cheeks flush. He’s embarrassed. “That day I came into the infirmary? With back issues?”
“Tell me you didn’t like, actually break something and I’m hurting you,” I plead, nervous jitters spreading from the tips of my toes to my fingers.
“No, god no, you’re fine,” he exclaims, leaning up until he’s resting on his hunches, cock still pressed tightly inside my body, and I inhale at the sensation of him shifting around, pressing against spots inside me that I didn’t even know I had. “I um…”
“Oh my god, spit it out please, Superman.” He chuckles at the desperation in my tone, eyebrows raising before he continues, but not before canting forward slightly to force a moan from my lips.
“Okay okay. I lied that day. I didn’t actually have any back issues,” he admits, face flushed again.
“What?” I place my hands over his as they rest on my hips, confusion painting my features. “But then why did you…”
“I wanted to see you. I… I couldn’t stop thinking about you after that first visit.” He pauses, taking a deep breath. “You were the first one to ask about my mental state, and while I wasn’t ready to deal with it at the time, I appreciated the concern.” I reach up, my hand cupping his jaw as I break out into a fit of giggles.
“You are so cute,” I coo, and he rolls his eyes before pressing his finger down on my clit and I jerk upward as if I’m trying to escape his touch. We both know that’s not the case.
“I’ll show you just how cute I am.” The words send a wave of heat down my spine that pool around him, practically leaking out around his cock as he begins his movements back up, blue eyes looking down on me with affection and lust. I relish in his attention with a small smile.
“Please do, Agent Kennedy.” Oh how the tables have turned. He chuckles, leaning back down to cage me in between his arms again.
“You’re in for it now, sunshine.” The tender moment has faded, lips and tongues pressed together in hot kisses as sweaty bodies move in tandem. The knot in my core tightens as my fingers squeeze around the firm muscles of his shoulders, and the sounds leaving my mouth are downright pornographic. I can barely focus on anything besides the feeling of his skin against mine, the wet sounds between us, and every word he whispers directly into my ear. “Good girl.” “Taking me so well, sunshine.” “You’re fucking perfect.” “Come with me like a good girl.”  Each phrase sends a tingle across my skin, my orgasm pulled taunt until it snaps like a rubber band, and I come around him with a muffled ‘I love you’ as he follows, spilling himself inside of me with the same groaned ‘I love you’s. His weight drops for a moment before his arms tighten around me to flip us so that he doesn’t press down on me as we both try to take in much oxygen as we can with labored breaths, my cheek pressed to his rapidly rising and falling chest. “Are you okay?”
“Mhm.” I nod, eyes already drifting with the need for a rest. 
“No no no, you gotta pee, sunshine.” His hand pats gently against my ass and I sleepily laugh before getting up and rushing into the bathroom to pee, pulling on my panties on my way back. I stop in the doorway, looking at him resting in bed, having flipped over onto his stomach, arms tucked under his pillow.
The chill of the air forces me back into bed quickly though, hopping over Leon to get to my side. My side. His face pressed into the soft fabric of his pillow, and I lay down on his back - practically laying on him - before running my fingers across the raised skin on his right shoulder. This was from when I patched him up for the first time.
“Will I ever get to hear the stories behind your scars?” I find myself asking in a hushed tone as if I’ll wake up from a dream if I speak too loud. I trace what was once that gash the size of my forearm with a delicate touch. Light, soft. He shifts around, moving his face out of the pillow to speak.
“Which ones do you wanna know about?” He mumbles. He’s clearly tired, but he’s humoring me, which is just like him.
“All of them,” I admit. He shivers beneath me, my digits still tracing over marred skin. I feel him huff out a laugh from his back against my cheek.
“Nurse Nosy. That’s never gonna change is it?” He teases. I gasp in mock offense, ready to retort with someone that most definitely would have been witty and clever. “That one was from an axe.” I tilt my head, confused for a moment before I realize he’s talking about the scar.
“It was an axe?” I ask skeptically, sitting up so that I’m sitting on his lower back, legs on either side of his torso bent at the knee. He nods against the pillow.
“Guy grabbed the axe from the fire emergency kit.” I look at the skin, and suddenly it feels different. It feels raw, and intimate, and scary. Before I can think twice, I lean forward, pressing my lips to the marred flesh. Leon tenses, every muscle in his body going rigid and I begin to sit up before his arm comes out from under the pillow, catching my attention.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t hav-”
“It’s okay. It’s okay for you to do that.” He whispers, and I can faintly see the tint of a blush on his cheeks and nose. Leaning back down again, palms resting on the warm skin of his back, I press kisses along the length of the gash before I sit back up, hands not leaving his skin as I move them to the long thin scar that runs from his left shoulder diagonally over his spine, ending at the bottom of his ribs on the right side. The one I patched here, in our apartment. On our couch.
“What about this one?”
“That is from when I was dealing with one guy, another snuck up behind me with a knife. I was really lucky I moved when I did.” The idea of him almost dying isn’t a pleasant thought in the slightest, so I opt to lean down, giving this scar the same treatment as the last one, kisses tenderly placed across it. My eyes move to the small circular wound on his left shoulder. I trace the edges of it, noting how his breath catches. This was caused by a bullet.
“And this one?” I ask, hesitant. He’s never mentioned this one before, and it certainly wasn’t one myself or any of the DSOs doctors did. He takes a deep breath, my body rising slightly as his chest expands before he releases it.
“I was shot. I was trying to protect this girl, her name is Ada. I took the bullet for her. I don’t know if it was some stupid crush or a general sense of duty, but I jumped in front of her.” He tries to keep his tone impassive, but I can tell. I can always tell with him.
“Ada? You’ve never mentioned anyone named Ada before,” I question. He takes a long pause, so long that for a moment I wonder if he’s going to ignore the question altogether.
“She was a mercenary that I met in Raccoon City. Granted, I didn’t know she was a mercenary at the time. She claimed she was FBI, and young and naive as I was, I believed her. She used me to do her dirty work.” He explains, and it’s impossible to miss the sadness in his voice. The betrayal. It’s as fresh as it was the day in Raccoon City.
“What happened to her?” I ask. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Well up until last August, I thought she was dead. She fell in Umbrella’s lab when it started coming down. I couldn’t pull her up. But then she was in Spain, tried to convince me to leave Ashley behind and go with her.”
“But you said no?”
“I did.”
“Why?” He shifts his head, looking back at me before chuckling.
“I promised Ashley I’d get her home.” He says before quietly adding, “And I promised myself that I’d come home to you.” Another light kiss pressed right on the old wound. The old memory. Sitting up, I scan his back, trailing my fingers across scarred flesh before I speak up.
“Can I do the ones on your front?” It’s practically a whisper. Surprisingly, he nods, flipping beneath me so that I’m now resting on his abdomen. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” It’s a fair question, given the shining of tears I can see forming in his eyes from the moonlight shining. He nods.
“Yeah. I’m just not used to anyone being so… gentle. Not with me anyways. But I trust you.”
It’s hard not to shiver at the feeling of hard muscle under my covered core, but I ignore it in favor of poking a small cut on his bicep. He chuckles, cheeks dusted pink.
“Uh oh. What was this one?” His laugh is contagious, my own chuckle coming out at the notice of his laughter.
“It was so stupid. One of the guys I was training with decided he wanted to spar, and in the middle, one of the higher-ups walked in.” He starts, his hands resting on my thighs, the warmth just enough to keep me from needing pants. “Well being the 21-year-old that I was, I wanted to try and show off. I ended up fucking up something and caught myself with the blade.” It’s cute to see him embarrassed.
“Well, at least it’s a good story.” I giggle, before pressing a kiss on the old wound. I grip his hand, the one that had the burn, the skin completely healed, almost appearing like nothing had happened at all. A soft kiss pressed there too.
“Guy had a torch. It caught my glove.” I look up at his explanation, smiling before placing a series of kisses there, one on each knuckle before I set his hand back on my thigh. The scar in the center of his chest. I place my palm on it, the length of it longer than my hand from wrist to the tip of my middle finger.
“What about this one?” A deep breath, steadying. Calming. He’ll tell me if he’s not comfortable talking about it. I need to trust that he will.
“It happened in Spain. There were these… Parasites. It’s what they were using to control the people. They infected me. I know I should have told you soon-”
“Ashley told me. Back at the white house, at that party where you tricked me into coming with you.”
“She told you?” He questions, confusion in his voice as his eyebrows raise. “She told you what they were or…”
“She told me they were parasites. And that both of you were infected, but were cured. I didn’t wanna push you into talking about it, so I never brought up that I knew,” I admit, suddenly feeling as if I’ve hidden some vital detail from him. That feeling is washed away as his chest begins to move with his laugh.
“She would be the one to blab about that.” He chuckles again to himself lightly. “But this is the scar left from the removal.” I kiss it, right in the center before kissing my way up his chest, stopping at a scar on the left side of his jaw. It’s small, almost unnoticeable. “Before you ask, I was shaving with a razor that was dull as hell. It left this as a reminder to change my razors more often.” I giggle into his neck, nose tracing across the line of his jawbone before I place a soft kiss on it. My lips continue to press wet kisses at any exposed skin I can reach without sitting up.
“I’ll ask about more another time. We’ve got lots of time.” His arms come up to wrap around my shoulders, my naked chest pressed against his, able to feel his heartbeat under me. The silence stretches on, and I almost wonder if he has dozed off before he speaks.
“Marry me.” I press on his chest until I’m hovering over him, shock widening my eyes.
“What?” He’s not serious.
“You heard me,” he comments, eyes still shining with tears. Because no one has ever been so soft with him. No one has ever treated him like a person, they’ve only seen Leon S. Kennedy, STRATCOM’s golden boy. “Marry me.”
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“You did good.” I turn quickly toward the door at hearing his voice again.
“Sorry?” My voice is quieter than intended, almost making it sound like I’m afraid. Agent Kennedy’s head tilts, looking over his shoulder, no smile, just looking.
“You did a good job. You took good care of your first victim.” For a moment, and only a moment, I see a glimmer of a smirk flit across his mouth before he’s gone, the echo of his boots practically filling my ears as he makes his way down the hallway.
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“Really? You? A cop?” The revelation takes me by surprise, although it probably shouldn’t have. My eyebrows rise in shock.
“Yeah, believe it or not. Ended up here through sheer dumb luck.” The way he says ‘dumb luck’, it sounds like there’s more he wishes he could say but can’t.
“Well, then it sounds like you’re pretty brave yourself, Agent Kennedy.” The clipboard handed to him. Him signing it with a scratching across the paper. His hands, bruised knuckles and all, returning it to me.
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“Nurse Nosy!” I turn, irritation growing on my face as he quickly makes his way over to me.
“Can you pick a different nickname, please?” I ask, and he ignores the question in favor of his own request.
“A couple of friends and I are grabbing drinks tonight. Come with.” It takes me by surprise, him inviting me out with his friends.
“Look, if this is a pity thing, it’s fine. I’m content in my loneliness.”
“It’s not. I’m just trying t-”
“To help?” His sentence is finished by me, and for a brief second, I see a flash of embarrassment on his cheeks due to the nature of my line of questioning the first time we met.
“I’m just trying to invite you out for a drink. That’s all.”
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Looking up, I see Leon slide his arms into his own jacket, the leather practically molding to his stature, and I have to contain a groan at the sight as he zips it. I completely lose focus for a moment, only brought out of it as his fingers knock against my forehead teasingly. “Penny for your thoughts?”
“Sorry, but my thoughts cost a dollar,” I sass, taking the helmet as he hands it to me and pulling it onto my head.
“Well, remind me to start saving up.” Another godforsaken wink. Fuck. Don’t. Leon, I’m begging you. Don’t make me fall in love with you. I can’t.
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“Well apparently, it does, in fact, matter. Which sucks. I would need to find someone who could put up with not knowing when I’ll be here and when I won’t.” He glares at the ceiling as if it’s personally offended him, furrowed brows and lips curled downward. Don’t. Don’t fucking say it. Don’t.
“I could.” Had to open my fucking mouth. Leon’s eyes immediately snap to me, his frown replaced with a surprised expression.
“What?” He asks, almost in disbelief.
“I have an extra room. And I don’t mind the chaotic schedule,” I mumble, suddenly very embarrassed by my outburst. “Plus, I could keep your plant alive.” He finally cracks a smile as he laughs.
“You’re serious?”
“I mean, you’ll have to help with rent. And groceries when you’re here, but, yeah. If you want, the spare’s yours.”
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“Will you do that for a little longer?”
“What?” He gestures to his head.
“Your fingers in my hair.” Don’t.
“Of course. Come here.” I scoot back, grabbing the pillow from the floor and placing it behind me so I can rest against it, flipping the lamp off before laying down completely. Leon finds the blanket draped over the back of the couch, tugging it over his back and my legs before resting his head on the middle of my chest, and while I knew this was coming, it still took me by surprise. I settle with his head there, his face turned toward the TV I know he’s not actually watching.
“Your heart’s beating really fast,” he slurs, already on the brink of sleep as I thread my fingers through his blonde locks once more, finger combing the strands until I feel him start to snore again, a light sound that could almost be mistaken for breathing if you weren’t listening. But of course, I was listening. I’m always listening when it comes to him.
I fall asleep like this as well, his head on my chest, the smell of his citrusy shampoo in my nose, his breath warming the fabric of my thin sleep shirt, and my fingers in his hair.
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5. “What are 5 things you can see right now?”
“You.” His voice is trembling. I can practically feel my heart splintering inside my chest.
“Good. What else?”
“Yellow of your shirt.” I nod encouragingly. “Your radio has green numbers.” Good. “The red straw of the cup in your cupholder.” One more. “Your keychain has a picture of you and your sister on it.”
4. “What are 4 things you can feel right now? Physically.”
“Your hands on my jaw.” One. “The seat under me.” Two. “My hands on your legs.” Three. “The sweat on my forehead.” Four. Good.
3. “What are 3 things you can hear?”
“Your voice.”
“Mhm. Good.”
“Birds outside of the car.” One more, Leon. “The blood pounding in my ears.”
2. “What are 2 things you can smell?”
“The car’s air freshener. It’s lavender.”
“Good nose.” I whisper, trying to bring a smile to my own face in reassurance.
“Your perfume. It’s vanilla.”
“You’re doing really well, Leon.”
1. “What is 1 thing you can taste?”
“I don’t know, I can’t-” My hands find the gum in my center console, unwrapping it and offering it to him. He opens his mouth without question, refusing to break eye contact as I pop the spearmint strip into his mouth. He chews it, the familiar flavor and texture seemingly bringing him a sense of calm. 
“What is one thing you can taste, Leon?”
“My gum.”
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“You were there.” I’m not tired anymore.
“In Raccoon City. You were there in my nightmare.” He pauses, taking in a breath, his heart stuttering inside his chest. “You were hurt, and I tried so hard to fix it, but…” I run my hand in comforting circles across his shoulder blade as he pauses, taking a breath. “You turned. And I had to…” Oh.
He came in here to make sure I was still alive.
“I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, Superman.”
“Superman?” He questions the nickname, and I can hear the smile that adorns his lips.
“Yeah. You’re basically Superman.” Words mumbled into his chest, his arm underneath my head bending to run fingers through the strands that have fallen free from the messy bun at the top of my head.
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“She really cares about you, you know that?” Silence. I wish I knew if it was because of some unspoken conversation or if Leon truly just doesn’t know what to say. “She loves hard. Friendships, romance, family. Doesn’t seem to matter to her. If she loves you, she really loves you.”
“I know.” What? “God, don’t I know it. She’s one of the few things in this fucked up world that actually makes me think it’s worth it.”
“I saw you, man. I saw the way you looked at her.”
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There he is. He’s dirty, face covered in smudges of mud and what I assume is blood, and there is a bandage on his jaw. His arms are littered with cuts and his right hand is encircled in white sterile wrapping, and beneath the thigh of his black cargo pants - which have a very large hole - there is more wrapping. His eyes practically droop under the weight of the dark circles resting below the multitude of blue swirls, blonde hair stringy and clearly in need of a wash hanging down to graze his cheek.
“I sure hope you didn’t give them too hard of a time, Nurse Nosy.” Tears swell in my eyes at his tone, the final nail in the coffin that it’s him.
“Leon?” He opens his arms just like he always does, and despite the nightmare looming in my brain, I bolt toward him, uncaring of the mud seeping into my socks until my arms are around his shoulders and his are squeezing my middle, lifting my feet off the muddy ground.
“Keeping my hoodie warm for me, sweetheart?” He teases in my ear and I let myself cry, tears streaming from my closed eyelids as I sniffle, refusing to let go of him for the first time since I met him. “Wrap your legs around me, sweetheart, you’re not wearing shoes.” Given my lack of coherency, my muscles move unconsciously, winding around his waist. His nose in my hair, lips against my scalp, arms tight around my ribs. “Let’s go home, sweetheart.”
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“I never thought I’d be able to care about someone again, not after everything that happened, but then…” He pauses, just long enough for me to wonder if he had fallen asleep right here and now.
“Then what?”
“Then I found you.” We’re silent for a long moment, him because I presume he’s finished speaking, and me because I am attempting to process his words as they circle around my mind, bumping into the sides violently.
“I care about you too, Leon,” I mumble, forearms wrapping around his head in some kind of strange hug. He shakes his head, his temples pressing against my biceps in disagreement.
“It’s not the same.”
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“Well, he told me that you are a nurse and that you guys are best friends.” I visibly relax, thinking it’s nothing to make my mind short-circuit. Then she keeps going. “He said that he doesn’t feel like he’s home after a mission until he’s gotten one of your hugs. That you always smell like warm vanilla, despite your hands always being cold. Said you’re the only one who has ever made him feel safe. Like really, truly safe. He told me that you can’t choose between pink and yellow as your favorite color, and that it changes based on the day. You love lavender, but orchids hold a special place in your heart.”
“I don’t know how he remembers all that…” It’s all I can think to say, having finished off the glass of wine, my fingers tangle together, trying to resist the urge to pick at my cuticles.
“Do you remember those things about him?”
“Of course I do. But it’s different, I-” Stop. Don’t do this. Don’t say it out loud.
“I mean, he told me that he lo-”
“There you girls are.” Leon’s there. Standing in the doorway, suit jacket unbuttoned and tie loosened, and I want to beg Ashley to ‘please, just finish the sentence.’ But I don’t.
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“We don’t have to actually-” his hand slides under my chin, tilting my head up and before I can even process it, his lips press to mine. It’s short-lived, but it’s impossible to miss the subtle taste of eggnog and rum. The warmth. Spearmint. His lips are chapped, although that hardly matters at the moment, heart fluttering against my chest as he pulls back, just enough for our noses to brush again. I am never going to be able to forget this.
“Thank you.” Neither of us have opened our eyes, almost afraid to break these precious seconds.
“For what?” I whisper back.
“For everything.”
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“Leon Scott Kennedy, you are an impossible man,” I mumble breathily, dropping my head to rest against his clavicle. “You changed the one thing I thought I knew about myself.”
“And what’s that?” I feel his words roll from his chest beneath my cheek.
“I’m not content in my loneliness anymore.” The words are practically whispered by this point.
“That doesn’t exactly answer my question.”
“Technically, you didn’t ask a question. You definitely phrased it as more of a statement.” I can practically hear his eye roll, followed by a deep sigh of exasperation. “You always were my first victim.”
“And I’m gonna be your last, right?” He’s nervous now, the inquiry coming out much quieter. Anxious.
“Yeah,” I agree, and his muscles relax under me. I didn’t even feel them tense up.
“So?” Leon’s hands rub softly across the skin of my back, soothing despite the rough calluses I know he has. It reminds me of the tenderness he is capable of, never mind the hell that he has been through. I sit up again, just enough so that our noses brush, breaths mingling in the space between our kiss-swollen lips.
“Do I get to pick the flowers?” I tease, a small smile growing across my lips. Leon’s blue eyes roll as his own smile appears, a huff of a laugh puffing against my face.
“Yes or no, Nurse Nosy?”
Leon: @house-of-kolchek @bonnibuckets @athanasia-day @muffimtv Everything: @chaosandbubbles @kassiekolchek22 @akiramoon8088
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soobinzzwallet · 2 days
Be my baby ? જ⁀➴
Jake is head frat boy and you need someone to help you get rid of your ex (frat) boyfriend. Jake loves you secretly but do you? And as much as him?
What better situation to be in :D
frat boy Jake x reader
TW: violence, rumors, abuse, slutshaming
note ♡ : Enjoyyyy! I might do part 2
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♡ 8:20 PM
Summer is back, the weather is more sunnier and warm on the skin and that means bikini's out and more house parties are back. More frat house parties. Where the craziest shits happen as in dealing,stripping and whipping out you know what.
For you hell only begun now, since you broke up with your ex "k". He has been bugging you left and right about how you're missing out or you lost a diamond. A diamond? Please he was a peace of shit. Cheated on you multiple time with diff' girls. You did Not take that.
But unfortunately for you, you couldn't just be alone and weep about the heartbreak. Your friend Yunjin obviously had to drag you to another frat party that oh by the way your ex is also part of. Yeah life sucks right now for you. But you couldn't say no to Yunjin. She'll kill you if you said the simple word of two letters n and o , " no" .
She wore a black skirt witha silver top that also had diamonds on them along with glitter. She also had black boots on along with a black and silver belt around her tiny waist and silver jewelries ofc.
You wore a black short who covered enough with ripped black leggings under the shorts. You also wore a graphic black T-shirt your dad use to own and over that a black zipper with your black converse. And for jewelries you only had your silver rings and chains. They're casual.
You don't eve know how she got them to let you in. I mean you weren't the typical girl they would invite. Even when you were still in a relationship with K, He would barely bring you. You had no problem with it tho. You felt uncomfortable going there. You'd rather read your books and stay in your cozy room and sleeping in your amazing bed.
But here you are... at a frat party where your ex is a member of. God please pray for me. The booming sounds of the music was clrear from blocks away now imagine if you were actually at the house party. When you arrived before getting out of the car you let out a big ass sigh. Because tonight was really going to be a long night for you.
♡ 8:50 PM at the frat house party
When you pulled up to the house you got hitt with a wave of smoke and a song scent of alcohol and aybe even drugs. You already begun to hate the decision you made to come to the party. Why does Yunjin have such a big effect on you? You're never able to say no to her, EVER! " Hey, let's go imma introduce you to my friends " she said.
You already knew her other girl friends who were mostly girlfriends of frat boys. They didn't like you for some reason, everyone if not most people thought you were a lesbian. And just because of a stupid rumor that K spreaded after y'all broke up. To save his ass and try to make people think he was a victim. "GUYS, this is Y/N. Y/N these are my firends, heeseung,jake,sunghoon,and jay my babyyy " she said.
they all introduced themselves and you did too. After that the one called Jake, he looked like a puppy more specifically a golden retriever. He had a black T-shirt and silver chainds and rings and a grey,blue mixed colors pants. They looked good on him, he looked good too. He was a solid 10/10 not gonna lie. He pointed at you in utter excittement " Hey our favorite lesbian ". Wich by the way he said it too loudly. You closed your eyes and internally rolled them and cursed under your breath before answering.
" I'm not a lesbian, it's just some stupid rumor!" you said trying to explain, hoping they would understand your situations. But you doubt it since they're prob friend with k. I mean they're in the same fraternity so, isn't that obvious that they would rather believe their own "brother". You just sighed again for the nth time today and decided to go look around the house and find a nice spot to chill.
You grabbed yourself a bottle of coke to have some sort of company while looking around. It was the usual college parties, drunk boys and girls. Dealers dealing , drinking , alcohol. A lot of alcohol and people being freaky in front of everyone ew. After a whie you thought you found a spot it was outside in the garden on a little secluded area from the rest.
You had a chair in hand from the bar and used it to sit on it and drink your coke while waiting for Yunjin to get done with whatever she's doing right now. You started rinking and enjoying the vieuw you had it was pretty. The stars were twinkling and they were beautiful too. It was when you almost finished your coke that you felt like you were hungry so you got back in and left the chair and the coke to go grab something to eat " maybe a cake would be good " you thought.
Your rushed trough the kitchen and trough the waves of bodies of drunk college boys and girls. It was when you almost got to your destination when suddenly a hand turned you around it was him. K grabbed your wrist and turned you around to look at him.
" Let me go! What do you want? "
" What the fuck are you doing here huh? "
" That doesn't fucking matter, let me go! "
" Oh don't worry i already know, you came here to slut around right? Trying to fuck the head frats huh? With your slutty bitch ass friend Yunjin-
You slapped him. You weren't going to take his shit anymore, no not anymore! But K didn't take that well, this time he choked you and pushed you to the wall. He put a lof of pressure in his hands that were on your neck. Since he was bigger and stronger than you, the pressure was even more. You almost couldn't breathe anymore and almost gave up when-
A bat was smacked into his head, k fell down immediatly he was now unconscious big time. You looked at your savior trough hooded eyes, the ffect was still hard on you but it became better slowly.
" Are you okay? "
you didn't respond, couldn't actually...
" Y/N are you okay? " you remembered that voice. It was jake one of yunjin's friends. The one that looked like a golden retriever. He picked you up with a little grunt and set you on a table not far from where you guys justs standed. He took your face in his hands and checked for any bruises.
" Can you please send me somewhere,please? " you asked him and he let you go telling you to lead the way. And you did, you walked back to the area a little further away from the partying people. Soon you noticed that your coke bottle was now empty. " Oh uhm yeah sorry i drank that " he paused and continued " what happened back there? If you feel comfortable telling me ofcourse. " you responded.
" My ex is crazy, i caught him cheating and he was a pussy and started spreading rumors about me and harassing me. Because he thought i would tell other people about it " you said between little pauses.
There was a long pause until he responded " there might be a solution for this " you raised an eyebrow at him and then you suddenly realised how close y'all were to each other. So close that it'll seem that you were kissing each other. You just kept looking at him. When suddenly he closed the gap between y'all and kissed you hard. I'm saying hand on your waist that also wanted to travel to your butt but didn't.
" The solution is be my girl, baby " he said smirking at you.
♡ 9:20 PM
No proofread
Also it's ike 1 AM here 😭😭 my sleeping schedule is fucked up
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