#i love that dresscode idea
luvjunie · 1 year
twirls my hair if you’re taking request uhhh— what about reader with tattoos like a full sleeve and piercings and maybe big hair like a fro, braids something that makes her stand out— basically she’s just real intimidating and popular too fast for her liking she just transferred school and the guys are trying to pounce on her but miles 42 is the one that catches her eye?
— a fresh start
pairing: e-42!miles x fem!reader
summary: it’s your first day at a new school, and surprisingly, making a friend isn’t as hard as you thought it’d be. wc: 1,853
a/n: changed this up a little i hope you don’t mind! 100% unintentional but when my mind wanders i follow it 😭
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Back at Brooklyn High, you were always told by teachers that school wasn’t a venue for your ‘personal fashion show’, but that it was a place for learning. And while you agreed, it wasn’t your fault that you looked the way you did… Well, that’s a lie. But you loved your look, and so did your peers.
While your hair was big and somewhat distracting to others, your dad always told you it reminded him of what your mom’s looked like the first time he met her, so you never bothered to change the way you styled it, no matter how much you dreaded putting it in bantu knots or doing a twist out every three days.
As for your face full of piercings, that was all you. It was something your dad didn’t favor at all, and he definitely didn’t understand how it was ‘a way for you to express and be true to yourself’, but that was the explanation you gave him, and eventually he accepted it. Though begrudgingly— it was still acceptance, so you took what you could get.
The first piercing was your eyebrow, and you’d done it in your bathroom when you were fourteen with a safety pin. One look at yourself in the mirror made you forget all about the throbbing pain radiating from your face, and just a week had passed before you were already thinking of another. You swore to your dad that it’d be the only one, and that you just wanted to try something new; until you wanted to try your belly button, your septum, and both of your nostrils. After that, It’s safe to say that everywhere you went, attention followed.
Expressing yourself through your clothes and accessories was just a part of who you were. And back at Brooklyn High, you were proud of the way you looked.
But you weren’t at Brooklyn High anymore.
The uniforms were drab at Visions academy. Every girl wearing the same two articles of clothing as the other; the same sad story for the boys. And to keep it a buck, if you were comparing visions to your old school, the atmosphere here sure looked a lot like a jail. And if not for the small loopholes you’d managed to locate in the dresscode, it would’ve felt like it, too.
The searing heat of curious eyes followed you the moment you entered the building, and you began to wonder if choosing to stand out on purpose was the best idea after all. It seemed at Visions, that came naturally for someone like you.
For a few reasons other than the ones you could change in five minutes, you didn’t fit in here. Not in the slightest.
With a wavered sigh and your books glued to your chest, you continued on to your first block, tuning out the whispers that were far from hushed.
It took you a little longer than the six minute passing period to discover your History class within the ginormous fluorescent halls, and when you finally stepped foot into the dimly lit room and noticed the Crash Course video playing on the projector, it dawned on you that they were already well into the lesson.
Almost everyone’s head lifted to look at you when you entered. Almost everyone’s head but a kid who was face down, drooling on his desk, and another whose gaze remained welded to a sheet of paper the graphite of his mechanical pencil was scribbling against. The familiarity of crisp parts and blue magic-sheened cornrows stood out to you first, and a small sense of comfort finally washed over you— for a moment.
The video on the projector paused abruptly, and your teacher appeared to be the exact opposite of dazzled at your late arrival. Great.
“Nice of you to join us, miss…?”
“Y/n, sorry…” You cleared your throat and smiled more like grimaced apologetically, the chain clipped to the waistband of your skirt serving as an idle fidget. “Got lost, real big school.”
Mr. Benson, as it read on your printed class schedule, adjusted his glasses when he went to jot something down onto the paper below him. “Alright, y/n. You can sit next to…”
You watched as a few kids straightened up in their seats, attempting to look uninterested enough to play it cool, yet noticeable enough for the teacher to remember they existed and place your seat next to them.
“Morales. Raise your hand.”
The boy in question quietly clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, pencil clacking against the wood of his desk when he set it down. It looked like his concentration had been broken, and instead of raising his hand, he lifted his head from where it was damn near nose deep in whatever he was doing, and just stared at you.
His slowed blinks gave you enough grounds to take a gander that he was the ‘Morales’ in question.
A stunted breath and a silent nod later, you made your way through the aisle of desks and smoothly slid into the one a pin-filled backpack had just been removed from.
You’d be crazy to not let your curiosity get the best of you, especially now that you were this close to where the brooding energy was coming from. So once your teacher unpaused the video, you stole a peek over at your new desk neighbor, and noticed that his right arm was now strategically placed over the geometric sketches on his paper.
Seeing as it was already mid-year and you were new to the huge school, you figured it’d be in your best interest to try and make at least one friend. You opened your mouth to introduce yourself to him, until a light tap on your shoulder from behind stole your attention.
“Umm, excuse me?”
You turned around to meet the freckled face of the boy who was sat behind you.
“Yeah, sorry, but I can’t see over your hair. It’s kinda… in the way.”
It wasn’t necessarily what he said that bothered you, it was how he said it, and the fact that he barely stifled a laugh when he did.
Reclined in his chair with his arms crossed, Miles fought to hide the scowl threatening to twist his lips. The desks in this class were staggered, specifically to avoid the very issue of heads blocking the line of sight, meaning there was no way your hair was actually hindering his view.
“O-oh… Sorry, it does that. Sometimes.” Flustered, you nervously tried to press your hair down a little without ruining its shape, the one that took you a whole hour to achieve just this morning.
Miles assumed you were the girl his classmate was blabbing about just before the bell rung, remembering the brief yet detailed explanation of ‘fresh face, big hair, decked out uniform and kinda cute’. Poking fun at you must have been his pitiful attempt at flirting.
Miles suddenly spoke in your defense, eyes remaining on the screen in a bored daze.
“It’s not her fault you 5’2, James. Drink some milk when you get home, maybe you’ll have a growth spurt.”
You sent an inquisitive glance his way and kept it there. You hadn’t thought about what you expected his voice to sound like, or that the first time you’d hear it would be because of him defending you, but this was definitely a pleasant surprise. His voice was so smooth it put silk to shame, and it was a bit low, too, as if he’d just woken up a few minutes ago. Yet it didn’t sound as if he’d quieted his voice on purpose; something that led you to believe he was usually this soft spoken.
“Shut up, Miles.” James grumbled.
“Ain’t my fault you can’t flirt for shit. I’m tryna help you out.”
Some surrounding students close enough to hear the retort had snickered, and a laugh managed to leave your mouth before you could prevent it, resulting in a loud “SHHHH!” from the front of the class.
“That’s funny?��� Miles’ hazel eyes floated over to you, swirling with mirth and pinning you in place.
He was joking, but his tone probably didn’t give off that vibe, seeing as you were gawking at him like a deer in headlights.
“I’m messin’ with you,” A small grin played on his face. “I’m Miles.”
“Oh,” an awkward chuckle relaxed your shoulders. “Y/n.” you responded quietly.
“Yeah… I know.” There was a hint of a chuckle beneath his voice. It seemed you’d forgotten that you revealed your identity to everyone just minutes ago.
But you couldn’t help it, you’d never seen a boy quite this pretty before, with lashes long enough to make you jealous and a smile you were certain owed its beauty to genetics, and not an expensive set of middle school braces.
He had six freshly done straightbacks with curved parts, and two clear beads hanging onto each tail that sat a little below his shoulders. It was then that you noticed the medium sized, gimmering stud he sported on his ear, and you deemed it safe to assume his other ear had the same. Cute.
Still feeling the heat of your eyes on his temple long after he’d averted his attention, Miles curiously glanced back at you, then teasingly nodded his head towards the front of the room.
“Pay attention,” he whispered, that same molten look in his eyes. “I don’t share notes.”
Class went by in a bit of a haze, to no surprise. It was extremely difficult to pay attention when the fear of your possibly-misshapen fro was on your mind. Today happened to be the one day you’d decided you didn’t need to bring your pick to school, the image of it sitting on your dresser emitting a disappointed sigh from you.
The tinny screech of chairs brought you back to the present, where class had been dismissed and students were shoving papers into their backpacks and shuffling out the doorway, all in a hurry to their next block.
Miles stood up from his seat, appearing to be in no rush.
“I like your hair, by the way.” he observed randomly. “Cool piercings, too.”
The compliment eased your nerves completely. It was genuine, as if he knew you were still thinking about what happened earlier.
“Thank you,” Tucking your notebook away, you looked up to see him sling his backpack over one shoulder. “for defending me earlier, too.”
“S’ no big deal.” he shrugged, but it was, to you.
“Cool braids, by the way.” you parroted through a lighthearted smile.
“Thanks,” Miles’ eyes panned to the floor when he felt himself grin. A habit of his you’d already managed to pick up on in your short knowing of him.
“I’ll catch you later.” He deemed with a two-fingered salute, other hand burrowing into the pocket of his pants.
Rising to your feet, you gave a small wave and watched as he headed out into the crowded hallway with the others; feeling a little less nervous to come to history class tomorrow.
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nearcie · 1 month
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✸      ϑℓ‎ ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ )ʃ     official debut     ;     the park series ───── 010124 020124 030124 @ playlist idea
the park at starnoon is the official debut album of for romance's the star at noon, released january first 2024. the album's full tracklist would be performed at their debut showcase, known popularly as the first annual garden party. streamed on youtube ( and later made unavailable ) this was the stand in for an actual stage performance and music video — a fact many fans disliked and even questioned. this era would see the debut of the noonstar uniform—both loved and hated by aoi fans who miss the style of the earlier dresscode.
▊▍ also check out ⋆ᝆ : teaser one. teaser two. teaser three. article. debut showcase.
the garden party was the source of jealousy for the newly named fanbase, oddco. only few fans got to attend such an event, and all refused to share the details as it was a special promise they made with the stars. rosing, the head of aoi's fanclub, gushed all over twitter how friendly and sweet the members had been to her as they remembered her from their aoi days. they even spent more time with her after the event, talking for hours until they eventually had to leave. though, she said they gave her something special in return, she's refused to share what this special thing is. this account would set social media on fire with fans tagging for romance in posts to explain why only some were allowed to go to the event and why they'd removed the performance from youtube.
it seemed for romance regretted the decision or at the very least felt sorry for the fans that weren't invited to the garden party as mbc would air the garden party in three parts: the performances, the interviews, and the fan interactions. but it wouldn't just stop there. on february 1, the park at midmoon would be released and the next month they'd release the park on saturn. together, these two releases mark the people's edition of the park series.
on february 14, the birthdays of 4/5 of the members, the park at starnoon would be completely free to purchase. however, the free versions contained different inclusions from the paid versions. in the paid versions, people were surprised to find they'd received special hand written letters for the members, tailored for each individual.
on marchen's birthday, march 14, the people's versions would be free, with the paid versions differing from the free version in the same way.
notably, those at the garden party were given a different version of the park at starnoon. this version included the full version of the bunny hole track: sunset/sunrise that had caused so much discourse online. the park on saturn's paid version had the bunny hole track, as well, except it wasn't sung by any of the members. it was sung by a completely new person, leading lore fanatics to theorize this was another part of for romance's newest music project. still, no one could come up with the reason why noonstar would steal a song from a nobody group. during one of the interviews, marchen told fans regarding the single: "somethings fall down a bunny hole and get lost. i was just trying to help my missing piece."
this sparked rumors that many was tied to for romance, but their fans contested this, claiming that the band has always been funded by the wealthy members not for romance.
this would spark a fanwar with oddcos as they believed many's fans were acting too high and mighty for a group nobody listened to. in defense, many's fans would point out their nobody group had a song on their fav’s album. from there, as you can imagine, it would escalate 😭😭.
all tracks were produced, penned, and composed by the staff team — cloud in a bottle, the same staff that handled all of aoi's releases when they still existed.
in the days of aoi, every track included a letter from for romance, highlighting how to navigate the story they were telling. with noonstar, for romance has abandoned this method deciding to put the story in the hands of the listener. as lore fans do, they conducted hour long streams dedicated to breaking up the story, mapping out where it started and ended, and exactly where all the members fit into it.
the park at starnoon is noonstar's official hello to the world, including a brief overview on their feelings of having to leave all those years ago. if starnoon is a hello, then midmoon is their goodbye, but this goodby isn't really a sad one. in fact, it's more of a see you soon echoing konfyt's earlier statement at the garden party: "i'll leave you a map on how to find me."
but what about the park on saturn? for fans, this is the album for the other selves of the stars that are on their own solo adventures on saturn—navigating a different space and time, far away from where they should be. it's still debated if these really are other selves or new people entirely, but the message is clear: noonstar is saying please come home. home that is officially called rosemary or maybe even the tower no one has ever seen.
 ‎ ∯.    ⟢     ᨳ᭬(੭ ˊ ˋ)੭ㅤㅤ     gift boxes     ;    the album inclusions
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the park series has three official versions: starnoon, midmoon, and saturn. the albums were intended to be viewed as a gift from a friend hence why the albums are referred to as gift boxes. the gift boxes were shaped in a yellow moon, a green saturn, and a pink star. fans could pink to include a nightlight option, meaning their boxes would be made in a way that they could be reused as a hanging light in their rooms. fans could pick a usb drive or actual CD to include in their album. only the cd included a music video for each track on the park at starnoon, but the usb had an encrypted video for the bunny hole track which is counting down to 021425.
there were eighteen versions of the posters: each member received their own as well as a group photo. the posters would vary based on the albums, signifying they were taken at different locations in relation to the album's title.
the letters were individualized per consumer as opposed to per album version. at first, it was assumed that the letters were all the same, but when fans on pinknote compared the letters they were suprised at how different they were. all the letters were handwritten by the members. to this day, no one's certain how noonstar was able to individualize such thoughtful letters, but it definitely helped rack up album sales.
the storybooks were the most interactive of the albums. on for romance's website, fans could put together a picture story based on the images they could find on pinknote and noonstar's section of the website. when they albums were received, there'd be a "sweet treat" —a colorful jar full of small items noonstar had found on their adventures outside of rosemary. based on what fans included in their storybook, the treats would reflect the story. the storybooks featured keychains based on the member's items and were stored in a six ring binder, with a waterproof cover designed with a heart emblem. the pages were interchangeable allowing fans to trade pages with other fans, create their own pages online with the generators fans were coding, or purchase more pages from for romance.
the sticker sheet had three versions: space themed, bunny themed, and one that consisted of both.
lastly, pale pink is a special mask for romance created specifically for fans. the butterfly shaped item wasn't available in every album, and no one could figure out how exactly to get one. it was theorized the company was test running the product, seeing if it was something fans even wanted.
though, the free version of the people's editions included only the photocards and the CD a few fans had mentioned receiving extras. one, in particular, received a stuffed brown bunny from rabbit and a note saying: please take care of him until we can meet again.
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mannanerz · 1 year
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part 2 of my eah vs mh modern au!!!
i knew that i wanted blondie to be a runner (running from bears) but i didn’t know how to convey that through design until i saw a friend in cross country who had a knee brace cuz their knee was hurting from running so much. i had an epiphany so now blondie has a knee brace. its also a small detail but she and cupid have matching “i <3 boobies” bracelets. i thought that since they’re roommates and best friends they would have a matching something, and that something is bracelets.
i thought giving her a more gothic look was the best so i did, just with more pink. the split hair color was also something i liked but i didn’t want it just like that, so i added some mini-streaks in her bangs to make it more interesting to look at. overall, i loved drawing her redesign the most because of the skirt and the hat.
i wanted her to seem like she has g1 clawdeen’s personality, but her style is mixed with g3 clawdeen and oml i had zero idea how to do that. i probably re did her design the most cuz of how much i struggled. this is the result. im pretty happy. while i was redesigning i def knew i wanted the dyed pinkish purple hair, even if its just a little, bc i love color. i honestly didn’t know what to do with her pants until i saw a pair of pants at the thrift store and thought “oh yeah” so that’s why clawdeen’s pants r like that lmao.
i literally just took the uniform design i did for eah students and put it on her cuz i 100% believe that she would be the only student to follow the dresscode to a t
that’s all for rn folks! will probably design some of the guys too lol. prob daring, dex, deuce, and clawd.
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princeanxious · 2 years
I dunno if anyone else feels this way but as a transmasc ftm guy/enby whatever the fuck identifier you use for 'boy but to the left'
I love skirts. I love wearing skirts. I hate wearing skirts while being perceived.
I love skirts in the same way that I love cloaks and capes. They have to be long and flowy and fun to run around and spin in. Dramatic and stimtastic.
And if I look pretty while doing it, good!! But my brain revolts at the idea of allowing me to leave, knowing it drops my ability to pass as even kinda tomboyish to absolute zero??? It makes the ppl around me question my identity even harder at the mere asking about dresscode safe skirts???
I want to scream pls tell me I'm not alone on this
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swearingcactus · 10 months
pleeeeease tell us more about jamie i already love him soso much
oagh anon you've done it now. jamie started as a joke in the distant yell discord server when we (okay, mostly me) were talking about wacky far cry 7 possibilities:
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the idea was that he's another jay-name from America (like Jason and Ajay), and Jamie could also work as a girl name so if they pulled another Dani Rojas-esque protag it'd still work. here's a few doodles I've done of him when I was figuring out how he'd look: ranging from crypto bro, to your average American backpacker, to bbno$:
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eventually I thought it'd be cool to just lean into the whole "you're not the hero you think you are" formula of Far Cry and finally have a protag that is treated as a villain of sorts. (hence why he's wearing red! which i talked about here as a theory that ubisoft sticks with the red is for villains, blue is for friends dresscode) a 'protag' who's so engrossed in having fun and causing chaos for any revolutionary local group that asks him for help, and for the real-life players to enjoy... and remains oblivious that his actions wouldn't hold up in the long run. It'd be somewhat hilariously tragic that within 20-30 years, an American called Huntley came in a failing state, wreaked havoc with his actions, and left. Truly his daddy's son.
The snake charmer nickname/inspired look is just something from a Saint Motel song. I figured he'd be a little snake-like as a character, inherently cunning and slips through cracks by nature. Also, the 'snake eyed' thing is funny because snakes (and Jamie) have poor eyesight, and my idea of FC7 would include a mission where he loses his rose-tinted glasses and the game makes it 240p mode for the duration of the mission.
some other trivia facts i dreamed up about him includes: his mom (Willis's ex-wife he mentioned in Far Cry 3) remarried, and he has twin step-sisters. He is also Down Bad, and is even hornier than Jason but that's neither here nor there, because you don't really need to manipulate him to get him to do your dirty work.
Also I made a playlist for him because of course I did. 🐍
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androidboy · 4 months
Hiii, i hope you’re doing well :) I’m celebrating my birthday for the first time in years and it is wildy anxiety inducing (in the gently pushing my own boundaries for my health way). Me and my friends love to be silly and have themed parties with dresscodes and such. And since you are cool and sexy i was wondering if you had any fun ideas for themes? I just get the vibe youd come up with fun things yknow :)
sorry i never answered this. unfortunately i suck at planning even my own birthday
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estellaestella · 2 years
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Freed from masculinity: How Timothée Chalamet made me believe in the new man
Aline Laurent Mayard. 10/12/2022.  ESSAYS AND PAPERS
Article about this Essay :
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Fascinated by the Franco-American actor Timothée Chalamet, whom she has observed closely since his performance in Call Me By Your Name , Aline Laurent-Mayard analyzes what "Chalamania" (name given to the excessive enthusiasm of a of youth for the actor) engenders new ways of looking at masculinity. From the attitude of Timothée Chalamet in an interview to his uninhibited dresscode on the red carpets, the journalist and author takes us, with Libérés de masculinité, how Timothée Chalamet made me believe in the new man , in an exciting odyssey of masculinities in the realm of pop culture. Maintenance.
How did your obsession with Timothée Chalamet come about?
I have a hard time with the term “obsession”, but let's say that I became very interested in Timothée Chalamet after seeing Call Me By Your Name . Inside, he's an excellent actor, filmed with great sensitivity, a sort of fragile, vulnerable eroticism. After the film, like many people, I started looking for information about it on the Internet. I thought he had something quite unusual. He was young, jovial, he looked humble. One of the reasons for his success, I think, is his likeability. Journalists say it's a pleasure to interview him, fans are thrilled because he always makes time for them, on the red carpet and on the street.
How does this behavior renew masculinity?
Kindness is not a valued quality in a man, because it is perceived as feminine. For women feelings, care, listening, and for men efficiency, rationality, performance. We have been inculcated with the idea that the feminine and the masculine are opposed, impervious, and that the masculine is superior to the feminine. So, if women manage to go into the realm of what is perceived as masculine, it is much less conceivable for men to go into the realm of the "feminine" - because in fact, they would go down the social ladder. . Few men are therefore ultimately built on values ​​such as kindness. Some very well-known figures did it, like Tom Hanks or Keanu Reeves, but it was not perceived as something sexy.
Until now, it was rather the bad boys who embodied the height of sexyness, as you analyze in your book...
Yes, the bad boys demonstrate how kindness is not valued, and how badness is! As I dug into the subject of bad boys, I realized how much we've learned that it's sexy for men to abuse women. However, when we accept that a guy speaks badly to us, or simply does not open up, it can lead to many other things, including violence and murder - in his latest book Reinventing Love, Mona Chollet has also conducted a rather staggering study on all these women who are passionate about murderers. Valuing kindness is for me a necessary step to reach a new phase of our society. We cannot hope that society will change and that men will be less violent if we continue to accept that they are so in our imaginations, and therefore in fiction, and if we do not put forward the men who propose reverse. It's important to open up imaginations because, after having deconstructed certain things, we now have to build new ones.
As such, is Timothée Chalamet a special case, or is he the figurehead of a new generation?
He is not the only one. Among the very well-known personalities and especially among young people, there is also Tom Holland ( Editor's note: actor, seen in Spiderman) and Harry Styles ( Editor's note: singer, ex-member of the group One Direction ), whom I quote a lot in my book . All three are part of a new approach to masculinity, kindness and vulnerability. Harry Styles is a lot into sartorial staging, he talks a lot about his mental health, he's an ally of feminist and LGBT causes. Its slogan is “ Treat people with kindness”. Tom Holland, he stages his relationship with his girlfriend Zendaya in a very egalitarian way; he laughs at being smaller than her, he supports her a lot in her work. This says something about the evolution of our society, that it is these three young men who are talking about them at the moment, to the detriment of bad boys who seem to have disappeared from the landscape.
These three representatives of a revival of masculinity are still cisgender, white, able-bodied and heterosexual men...
Yes. In the book, I am talking about all the other people like them who have not necessarily reached their level of success because they are queer or not white, but who also adopt this type of attitude. If I haven't found an equivalent of these three personalities in France, you just have to walk down the street to see that something is happening. We see it by the proliferation of skirts or nail polish on people who seem to be masculine. And then, when we speak with teenagers, we also see this evolution. We feel that the patriarchy is beginning to crack.
Freed from masculinity, how Timothée Chalamet made me believe in the new man , by Aline Laurent-Mayard (JC Lattès), 240 pages, 19 euros
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
Recently came back from a wedding after two days and all the planners' stress around me at the time really made me think - how would Silver and Espio's wedding possibly go? How big of an event do they want it to be, and how does the inclusion of the rest of the cast make things better/worse/debatable? Have you had thoughts about it before? (Would've asked this a bit sooner except I didn't have access to Tumblr during that time so heh 😅)
I hope you enjoyed the wedding!🍀
I have definitely thought about Espio and Silver's wedding before; I've even written some drafts about it! ^-^ I figure they do not want it to be very big, perhaps they even wanted to keep it very small-scale with only Vector, Charmy, and maybe Blaze and very perhaps Sonic there... and then word got out (because of Sonic and Vector) and suddenly everyone is asking them what presents they want and what the dresscode is, lol. And everyone is attending, with which I mean Rouge assures them she'll slap a bowtie on Omega and he'll come too. I think Espio and Silver quickly realise trying to escape this is fighting a losing battle, and thus they need to up the guest list and accommodation a bit. It does lead to one good thing: Amy offers them if they want help with the whole planning (I guess a bit like a maid of honour?), and a short debate leads to them accepting because neither as any idea how it works and what to do. It gives them a steady tower of strength to rely on through it all, but Amy definitely has lots of ideas to make things broader, grander, better, more memorable! The whole day gets planned to the nines, and Espio and Silver are both in awe and a little bit terrified by how seriously she takes it. But overall, it definitely upgrades their day from the small occasion they had in mind to something all their friends can share in, and they both decide they like that better after all.
For the actual day itself, I foresee the expected hecticness that always comes from Sonic and friends' antics: Charmy loses the rings, Sonic as DJ is blasting music at top volume for everyone to party to, Amy is running herself completely frantic to keep everything going smoothly, Silver asked Blaze to be the officiator because he figured being a princess just kind of gave her that power even if it might not be the case, Silver also gets cold feet before the vows happen because it's suddenly all very official and amidst DJing Sonic needs to kidnap him for a second to provide some encouragement, Espio realises that their extended guest list got extended by a lot and is feeling rather introverted now... Still, they wrap up everything to a good conclusion in the end, with epic kiss, ring exchange, bouquet toss, and everyone cheering. The chaos is what both Espio and Silver had expected, and secretly they love how devoted everyone is to making it a great and memorable day! ...And afterwards they immediately bail to go have an hour for themselves alone and recuperate, haha <3 Overall it's just a very fun and enjoyable day, with tons of pictures being taken and everyone remembering it fondly.
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meiko3323 · 6 months
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Kaeya hairstyle brainstorming
what it says on the tin pretty much 😅 for anyone that is interested in my rationale behind these decisions, allow me to elaborate. so i did some research on figure skating hairstyles and found out the Olympic dresscode calls for them to be "tidy" and that buns are fairly common. THEN i remembered that Kaeya has german roots (well, his name does), so that sent me down a rabbithole of german style braids and pretty much cemented the idea of a crown braid in my mind. plus that would tie in well w his i believe last name meaning "ruler of the forest" or sth like that. also in reference to his constellation, i thought to add a peacock element, w that little tuft of feathers they have on their head. i intend to include the peacock motif in his outfit as well (thats next on the brainstorm list) i totally coulda just stuck w his in-game hair, esp the hair from his summer skin would be perfect for this. but i wanted to flex my creative muscle too ^^
thanks to everyone that took the time to read all that, and if you didnt, hope you enjoyed the sketches of our dashing ice dancer =w=
now id love to hear from yall! which if any of those options do you think would suit our pretty boi best? or should i keep it simple for myself and refer to his in game summer hair? it even has a peacock feather weaved into his braid already. oh but im quite fond of the crown symbolism tho...
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teawiththespleen · 1 year
okay i get it feminine women find NLOG narratives grating but these video essays about NLOG characters in historical dramas are soooo obtuse. like you really think youve analysed the story critically when your point boils down to jo march/anne shirley/anne lister werent all that for going against everything that was expected of them, or when the character trope youre critiquing are REAL people
there’s nOt LiKe OtHeR giRLs, and then there’s existing in an insular or conservative culture as a woman and being unable to exist in peace in any way other than a way that ACTIVELY makes your life harder. i live in a conservative place by and large and im okay dressing in any way that doesn’t have me be a focal point, so i’ll wear something that i dont feel entirely myself in and be fine. but man it’s tough out here for decidedly masc presenting women, who, if anything, check all the conservative dresscode boxes. and that’s NOW. like present day.
what these critiques fail to take into account is that what youd consider NLOG is often performatively so? like youre not just unlike other girls, you’re unlike other girls in a way that’s appealing to men or other such women or whoever decides things are cool. so much of being NLOG is about declaring that you are not like the other girls. and then listing out the ways that you are then not.like the other girls (but you’re still thin, light skinned, have long hair, have a carefully curated wardrobe dw).
ig it’s distancing yourself from admitting you’re preoccupied with figuring out how to perform femininity or feminine appeal or maybe not wanting to be hyperfeminine but youre still straight, or maybe youre at lvl 1 NLOG and you think hyperfemininity and critical thinking is a real life dichotomy or smth
idk what to tell the ytuber but anne lister was decidedly not like other girls. i dont think she’d even call herself a girl if she were plonked into the present day. anne shirley was either born ND or was put through a traumatising system early and for long enough to never be able to look at the world the same way as the kids brought up safely and with loving, money-having parents. and both of these characters loved women too much for you to conclude that they scorned “feminine” qualities (and therefore, the other girls).
you really cant ignore the context of the time. it took so little to not be like other girls. and so many of her points kind of made my heart sink. is attention to clothing and caring about feminine coded things all that there is to being a woman? if anything a historical setting lets you see there’s more to gender and that people contain multitudes. esp w little women, jo and amy are written as foils and share many core features that make them THEM, more so than their clothing or style or the way they choose to come across and the things they scoff at. they’re two ends of the SAME spectrum
where people get the idea that existing as a masculine woman is easy i do not know. i think people too often conflate being gender non-conforming, with actively rebelling against and/or denouncing gendered expectations, with the NLOG trope/phenomenon as seen in social media/published media
you would really make a “we need to talk about…” video about these women and characters while wearing jeans and having your hair down and wearing bright lipstick..
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Worst things about subs I have encountered so far.
1. People waste time in submission by not delivering on time.
2. Disappearing for weeks on end.
3. Refusing to adhere to dresscode
4. Being involved with someone else or not able to commit.
5. Hold sex above all else
6. Love to insult or attack there dom
7. Lie about why they approach
8. Lie about there situations
9. Change half way through
10. Waste time
11. Not adhere to rules
12. Fail to figure out away to make it work
13. Won’t accept that marriage and having kids not acceptable.
14. Get mad when they have kids, dating or married because they want it all.
15. Expect you to fit their life but not fit into yours.
16. Get what they want and blame you.
17. Have no idea what they are doing
18. Don’t care to figure out what they are getting into.
19. Judgmental and superficial
20. Lack empathy
21. Do not want to change or improve
22. Can’t accept that a good surpasses human failings.
23. Never learn that all masters are different
24. No imagination
25. No willingness
26. Have no idea what it’s means to submit
27. Change the rules
28. Act dumb
29. No effort
30. Faking
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milasartblog · 2 years
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This will probably be my last art for this year, since i have nothing holiday to draw. At the same time, it's a tiny reason to tell you about one of Mirajane's new abilities.
Remember I talked about her being able to travel to other universes of creators, but under condition that she has some image of what kind of universe it is, or at least about characters, or that she has read about this universe (as a story or comics, it doesn't matter)?
So, to this ability I added the one where her outfit changes a bit during traveling to other universes, adapting to the dresscode of the world she is traveling to. This idea came to me when i drew an art with her, Antar and Mephisto as a rock band.
Also because of her redesign, as I love how i picked up a dress for her. It can be pretty simple, and yet you can add some details, that would show in which universe she is.
Well, that's all for now. Have a happy holidays, sunshines!^^ Stay safe!💙💛
Це мабуть буде остання робота за цей рік, бо святкового щось не йде. В одночас, це трішечки довід розповісти про одну з нових здібностей Міражан.
Пам'ятаєте я розповідала, що вона може мандрувати різними всесвітами творців та творчинь, але за умовою, якщо вона має якесь представлення про цей всесвіт, або хоча би про персонажей, або якщо вона прочитала про цей всесвіт (у вигляді історії чи мальопису, неважливо)?
То ж до цієї здібності додалось те, що її одяг під час мандрування всесвітами персонажів трохи змінюється, адаптуючись під дресскод того всесвіту, в який вона потрапила. Ця ідея прийшла до мене коли малювала її, Антара та Мефісто як рок-групу.
Також ще через її редизайн, бо мені дуже подобається, як я її плаття підібрала. Воно начебто не настільки складне, і водночас можна підвлаштовувати різні деталі, які б показували в якому всесвіті вона знаходиться.
Ну поки достатньо. Гарних вам свят, сонечки!^^ Бережіть себе!💙💛
Mirajane belongs to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
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castielmacleod · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering what you have in mind about Crowley's R&D department?
Like what else did they produce aside from the angel-blade bullets? Armor against Ruby's knife or angel blades? Salt neutralizer? Fire retardant for bones? New ways of torture? (If crowley made torture into waiting for long lines I don't imagine the R&D department is very active in that particular portfolio)
(and speaking of the angel-blade bullet, did Crowley invent it, they just executed it, or did they research it and go to Crowley with a proposal and Crowley was like yes why haven't you made one yet? Where did they get the angel blade(s) from?)
Was Crowley the one who started an R&D department in hell, or was it always there?
What other departments did Crowley have? Like those actor demons and production crew to create illusion for Kevin--it couldn't have just sprung up for a one shot?
So many Crowley questions... thanks for anything you'd be interested in sharing!
Certainly there seem to be accountants (I think Crowley even described himself as one)?
Did Ambriel and other angels from the birth and death statistics in heaven ever run into soul accountants from hell, and after some half-hearted attempt at battle just resort to insulting each other's statistical methods?
Hello! Thanks so much for the fun questions!
First of all I love the fact that Crowley even HAS an R&D Department. I’ve always had this headcanon that the more corporate, bureaucratic aspects of demon society came directly from Crowley’s influence and innovations and his personal idea of how hell should conduct business. Before he was king, even just king of the crossroads, hell would’ve had a firmer lean into the medieval styling but as Crowley gained power he started to shift things and reorganise…. for instance I think Crowley should have held his court somewhere like this lol. The fact that all demons gradually stop wearing normal clothes in favour of remarkably plain pantsuits could be seen as another implementation of Crowley’s if you want to look over the obvious irl creative laziness on the show’s part. Maybe he instituted a proper business attire dresscode lol
But anyway yea I love the idea of Crowley having this team of like, arcane inventors and engineers and alchemists and spellcrafters and such, working out the ideas he has or on their own, and maybe there was something similar in place before Crowley became king but it definitely feels like something he would think to instal. In either case I think he definitely has them give him tawdry Powerpoint presentations on their newest concepts or progress in some meeting room bsgsjsgsjs. It’s definitely fun thinking up all the little tools or inventions they might have or come up with….. I like your ideas a lot! Some kind of anti angel blade armour would be really cool, maybe in the style of a bulletproof vest (since I think Crowley would tend toward something sleek and modern) that doesn’t look like much on it’s own, but it’s reinforced with warding and has sigils woven into the fabric that causes angel blades to glance harmlessly off of it. Other than that…. maybe shoes that allow a demon to walk through devil’s traps? Lol
Also re: the torture methods omg it’s funny to imagine the R&D people constantly pitching torture methods to a late seasons Crowley who is actively trying to improve things in hell and he just keeps turning them down or coming up with excuses. They’re like “maybe, sir, we could periodically pour acid over them as they stand in the queue?” and Crowley is just like hm :/ and it frustrates them to no end bsgsjsgshsjs
I do like to imagine Crowley came up with the angel blade bullets himself. It’s so equally brilliant and stupid that it’s perfect. I can just see him sitting back in his s8 office chair and staring up at the ceiling thinking of possible ways to deal with angel enemies and going…... angel blades….. bullets.….. angel blade bullets……. and it seems so OBVIOUS he can’t believe no one’s done it yet, surely it must not be possible, but he rings his R&D people anyway. Besides with how proud he is of his of it I kind of want to give him that in earnest 😭
(Brief aside: I like to think Crowley is a more creative person than the fandom or even the later seasons of the show give him credit for. He’s clever, he has a quick wit, he’s extremely well read, he has creative plans and schemes, and contingencies for his contingencies. I even like to go further with the fact that he used to be a tailor, and assumedly designed coats and frocks and fabric patterns and other things from scratch. Idk I just enjoy the idea of him being a very creative person, even artistic in a mostly repressed and under-nurtured way, which is why I like giving him things like sewing and violin and fashion as hobbies. I digress though lol)
I think Crowley has many other departments for sure. That’s actually a pretty big part of the reimagined worldbuilding for s/p/n that I work on for fun. I think the king of hell’s court would be comprised of multiple minor kings (like the king of the crossroads) who serve as the heads of these departments and report directly to thee king. I’m imagining “king” as a term that here can apply to any gender by the way, it just feels most fitting somehow.
Anyway besides crossroad deals and R&D, I can imagine departments for intelligence (a demon spy network of some kind), hellhounds (manage the kennels, train the puppies, etc), PR (would cover the Kevin thing and other larger-scale deceptions I think), human resources (but they do vessel procurement and not actual HR work bsgsjsgshsjs), reaper relations (facilitating the transfer of damned souls from reapers to hell representatives, in situations not involving a hellhound), and other basic things like soul accounting as you put forward, and maybe torture program statistics….. probably dozens more minor depts that focus on extremely specific niches too. Department whose sole purpose is drycleaning all the late seasons demons’ pantsuits lmao
Ambriel and other heaven accountants meeting up with some demon accountants for a pint or something to commiserate about their jobs would be so silly but in a fun way. Heaven accountants and demon accountants getting into a mild barfight over passive aggressive soul stat comparisons would also be silly but in a fun way. This is all making me think there should have been a pub specifically for supernaturals in the show that angels and demons would both go too, amongst other beings…. at LEAST an angel pub and a demon pub right across the street from each other. Low-hanging fruit maybe but bsgsjsgshs.
Anyway sorry this got so long, but I hope you enjoy at least some of the ideas here!!
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shinraapologist · 2 years
Hey there~
I was wondering if you had any HC's regarding what a shincelty wedding may look like? What kind of decorations, flowers or music they might choose or what the dresscode may be?
I DO!!!! i think they would have a very small wedding, but almost everybody they care about is there. i think a wedding for them would come a few years post canon after all the dust of the final arc has settled and everyone involved has at the very least started healing from some of what went down. (none of these characters are ever going to like.... actually fully heal. lmao to the very idea. ) i like to hc that shinra wants to cut contact with shingen but cant figure out how to unentwine himself from his father and also is just overall too afraid to actually do it, altho we do see him slowly stand up to him more thruout the canon, so id like to think that he continues to work on that. either way, his dad is at the wedding, because theres no way in hell he realistically could be kept out of it. part of shizuos best man duties are shingen wrangling. he does a terrible job. i do like to think shinra has a relationship with kazane, i think she would be happy to be welcomed into his weird world and is thrilled by how similar they are. id like to think they get pretty close. so she's there also. ive been thinking since i got this ask about whether i think shizuo and izaya could be in the same room with each other post canon and eventually i came to the conclusion that realistically... shizuos not the only person in attendance that would have some issues with izaya at that point, and frankly im not sure izaya would want to be in ikebukuro or near anyone at all. not for a long time at least. i do think shinra and izaya would stay in contact, though- i do think izaya knows about the wedding and initially made some kind of joke at shinra and celtys expense, but deep down hes not sure if hes happy for his friend, bitterly jealous, amused by the concept of something nonhuman getting married, or any other combination of feelings.
the fact that its small does NOT mean shinra didnt drop a fortune on it, though. this is a no expenses spared event. as for decorations i think they lean hard into the black and white. also.. if we want to say cannon started in 2002, this is probably, like. 2013. its tacky. its ugly. its so disgustingly shinra and celty. honestly, i think shinra would have more opinions than celty during wedding planning (which is not helping the tacky thing). theres one thing celty puts her foot down on- she doesnt want to wear a white dress, she wants to make a dress from her regular shadow clothes. shinra whines about that for a split second before he decides that means HE can wear white and then proceeds to get a lab coat/suit jacket monstrosity made which becomes his lifelong go-to formal wear. celty would make her dress something extremely dramatic, like this. after he sees her in her dress shinra feels like an idiot for ever thinking he wanted her to wear white because shes so beautiful and so her in it. they dont give their guests a strict dress code but everyone shows up in the nicest outfit they have.
for flowers, they go all white, but they dont choose typical wedding flowers. i think they would be drawn to things like this:
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for music, i think they would play a mix of old love songs and cheesy 90s music they loved as teens. there would be SO much dancing. none of them dance well.
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ramblehour · 2 years
Oi Moki!! Did you miss me? I want to request HCs for Jimmy with a S/O who has a few piercings like him, but he has never seen them because she only wears them at home and removes them every morning for school because Dress code? and because they're a goody two shoes????
A/N:Oh Boy I haven't written anything for so long can I even still do it?😭
From the Covers I could only see his earpiercing so let's go With them
If anyone has questions/Tipps how I could improve myself feel free to tell me!
HC's about Jimmy Santos with a !fem S/O who has piercings
He never really paid much attention to your ears.Thought you wear normal earrings
He was Flabbergasted when he saw you with them
Couldn't grasp the fact that THE goody two shoes would have piercings
You Had to explain that you only don't wear them since the Dresscode says so and you don't want to get into trouble
Finds a way to tease you about it.Especially about the I-don't-want-to-get-into-trouble-part.
Will insist to have matching ones
Helping you clean them <33
Wants to come with you if you ever want new ones
Tbh I think he didn't even visit sb professional and just did them himself when he was younger-
Alex helped him
You were horriefied
He MELTS when he saw you wear ones that look like his
WILL try to get you, to get more since you.just.look.so.hot.with.them.
His words not mine
In the future both of you got way more piercings
As you lied comfortable on your bed scrolling through social media you heard your boyfriend shuffle near you trying to get comfortable.It was a relaxing night.You Just watched a movie cuddeld up and danced around to your favoriten music,there was no school to worry about and cooked for dinner something together.Jimmy even stopped trying to get you to get more piercings.The night was simply perfect
You continued looking at the diffrent Posts until Jimmy broke the silence.
"So I have been thinking.How about Nip-"
Bonus Bonus
Warning:The drawing below is VERY bright I am so sorry :,)
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An Idea for the Piercings :)
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
I finished reading Timeline 3 last Saturday and HOLY SHIT IT WAS A FAVE OMG
Staff: *exists*
Me: Incredible, amazing, talented, brilliant, gorgeous, everything I need in my life- (Also yes, I need a TikTok of Tian without a shirt, for research purposes :))
Listen, did I want Rafael to fuck some shit up and be selfish for once? ✨Yes✨
Does it still hurt? ✨Yes✨
I want to see an angel. God, he is so dramatic jddhsjkd
I want all the t-shirts he has. I mean, I would probably get kicked out of my house, but yeah...
Max is me at church honestly😂
Father Enoch, please come back. I need to know this story!!!
Amazing dresscode btw
Avengers Assemble THEM>>>>
Maybe they should all shut up. Maybe they can just cuddle up on the sofa and watch a movie. Not a bad idea honeslty...
Ok, but I really felt sad for Max in this one. He just feels so lonely and he loves them so much and wants to be with all of them for once and he was really trying his best to make it a good night🥺🥺
Note to self: Talking to people and telling them what you want really fixes a lot of problems, huh? Huh. Who would say??
Honestly. These fucking hoes. My reaction to this and that delated scene be like...
He wonders if that’s why he turned nocturnal. Because it hurt too much to wake up and eat on his own. Ah, yes. Pain :)
Thank you to Magnus for avoiding what could have been an absolute nightmare💙
“Rafe. I’m sorry,” Max says. “Tell me…Tell me how to fix it.” “Don’t bother. You don’t fix things, Max,” Rafael says, picking up his jacket. “You only ruin them.” I could quote the whole fight, but this right here fucking destroyed me!!! FUCK!
“Max. I care about you a lot. You know that,” David says seriously. “But I would never let you or anyone take advantage of me. Not after what I’ve been through.”  THIS RIGHT FUCKING HERE>>>
"But that’s not all you are. That’s now who you are. It’s just a tiny part of you. Don’t make it your personality. Because it’s not.” Where can I get his ability of saying everything right???
“Hello, Blanket Max,” David whispers. “I’m Blanket David.” I'm dead💙😭🥺
Here is a mavid tiktok for you 💛
David: the things I would do to this man
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