#i love the idea of will being kind of a theatre nerd
acewhofellonmyface · 2 years
one of the best things in my life is that will byers is canonically a fan of Little Shop of Horrors. like, my favorite character loves one of my all time favorite musicals?? 
this should happen more often and i love that for him. Also I totally think he would get El into it and they’d sing the songs together. you can’t convince me they don’t do an incredible duet to suddenly seymour. anyway, this is my new favorite thing to think about and i’ll probably be talking about it all the time (btw i’m totally listening to somewhere that’s green as i write this)
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chaoticladyfire · 1 year
Things I screamed about in ATSV (spoilers)
-Got to rewatch the film so I’m just going to add the colours changing to warmer tones when Gwen hugs her father. Not even ten minutes in and I was already crying.
-Realised that we missed the Gwen-Vulture fight BUT got to see Jessica Drew enter the scene like a bad ass in her bad ass bike and hearing the audience collectively say ‘me too’ when Gwen asked if Jessica could adopt her. 
-Screaming OSCAR ISAAC when Miguel spoke
-Lyla. Just Lyla.
- ‘Do you say anything other than no?’ ‘No-YES!’ more of miguel and jessica pls
-The Spot’s introduction. I didn’t see any promotional stuff, teasers or even trailers before watching this film so I had no idea who or what the The Spot was which was great because he really went from villain of the week to villain of the movie. And they clearly had a great time choreographing the fight scenes with him
-Miles’ heating up the beef patty while the spot and the convenience store man argue
-Miles patting the spot’s with a ‘good cow’ text
-Gwen and Miles both having to deepen their voices to avoid being recognised by their respective cop dads
-Miles saying that he can get two cakes when the counsellor says you can’t have your cake and eat it too and then bringing two cakes for his father’s party and neither of them saying what he wanted to convey. 
-Rio and Jeff scolding an annoyed miles but instantly smiling when a relative hugs them what an universal experience 
-Gwen teasing Miles for drawing her in his notebook almost obsessively but also breaking the biggest rule to spend time with him knowing the consequences. 
-As they went to talk, my friend leaned over and said ‘yeah I bet they will talk’ and when they only talked he groaned very loudly at which point I had to remind him Miles was only 15 
-Watching Jeff talk to Spiderman about his son not knowing his son is spiderman
-The DJ increasing the volume when Miles’ parents started scolding him in the middle of the party (the real mvp of the movie actually) 
-JK Simmons cameo that no one seems to be talking about??? Embarrassingly enough I had to literally scream into my friend’s ear for most of the people to realise it was indeed JK Simmons
-Just the entire Mumbattan scene. It was so exciting to see my city be represented like that, still a bit cliched in my opinion but not like Slumdog so obviously they have updated their views. Everything from the traffic gag to Pav’s rant about chai tea had the theatre howling. Also the detail of the thought boxes (?) and sounds being written in Hindi 
-My friend and I are huge fans of the UK punk scene (her for the ideologies and myself for the music and fashion) so Hobie was a dream come true. He was already super cool with his guitar and mohawk costume but when he revealed his face it was just so amazing
-Gayatri is every indian’s dream girl with her modern shirt-flannel and jeans combo mixed with bangles and piercings I really wish we get to see more of her in the next movie. Anyway there was a lot of wolf-whistling and hooting for her and Pav
-Also Pavitr literally means pure I don’t know if they did that on purpose or not but I love it
-His pet name being Pav cured my soul
-’This is the most emotional I have seen him’ and Captain Singh has no emotions at all
-I want to see how they came up with so many spider designs because each was so unique and immediately endearing. My friend who is also a big dinosaur fan screamed DINOSAUR 
-Kind of obsessed with how detailed Ben Reilly’s arms are they did not need to go that hard with it
-Tom Holland’s Spider-Man being referred to as ‘the little nerd’ by Miguel
-When everyone was making puns about the Spot my friend leaned over and said ‘i wonder which hole the spot prefers’ it is a miracle we are still friends actually
-The Donald Grover cameo!!!
-Peter B Parker having a cute little baby with the love of his life is what he deserves
-Miguel O Hara is one step away from becoming a Batman-Spiderman 
-Hobie’s admiration for Mayday being the avatar of chaos Spider-baby
-I think they saw the appreciation for the art style in the previous film and then trebled it for this film and I cannot thank them enough for it
-Peter complaining about how Miguel breaks the Spiderman tradition of being funny and witty and Miguel being the first anomaly 
-Every scene with the Spot is very unnerving because as I said, you watch him transform from this joker to a literal void of vengeance and it is every bit of terrifying
-Miguel is a man suffering from the destruction of an entire universe because of his selfish actions and forcing that anomaly narrative on a fifteen year old boy who became a spiderman on accident and doesn’t want his father to die because of that. Unlike the Spot, who isn’t even human anymore, Miguel is drowning in grief and guilt and trying to ignore it by holding the weight of the spider-verse on his shoulder. I hated him so much for making a boy go through that but then I just couldn’t in the end. 
-Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire cameo!!! Hopefully we’ll get a fun Tom Holland one too in the next movie.
-’Let me guess, he died?’ being a therapist for Spider Men must be a fairly boring job after a few patients.
-I just loved the absolute of wrongness of the scene where Miles returns ‘home’. The rain and darkness. I didn’t really think about Rio asking Miles what happened to his hair because I thought she was referring to the rain (although of course she wouldn’t ask him why his hair was wet when it was obviously raining outside) but realised something was wrong when he didn’t know about comic con but she did because in the first film there’s a joke about Peter B Parker explaining the concept to Miles. 
- This movie is not good for my father related issues
-The glaring neon welcome sign when the gang end up in Earth 42
-How did Uncle Aaron get even scarier? 
-Miles being the Prowler is honestly a great twist I saw it coming but still felt the shock of the reveal
-Prowler Miles having an accented voice meaning his father probably died when he was young and he only had his mom growing up
-Can’t wait for the original spider team to return for the third film seeing as they brought back Spider-Man Noir and Spider Ham and Peni Parker
-Screaming WHAT when the ‘to be continued’ appeared because that cliffhanger is absolutely destructive. All that adrenaline and excitement just popped. I’m still oscillating between being impressed and being disappointed. 
I probably skipped over a lot of other scenes because these were the most memorable and I only watched the film once (unfortunate) but I can’t wait for the movie to hit streaming services and watch it again and again for all the other details I missed. Ill probably keep adding things as I remember
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hatchetings · 7 days
i honestly agree with the idea that pete wasn’t really friends with ruth or richie, and it’s not because of his reactions to their deaths or anything.
i say this because he is the most reactive to ruth’s death compared to grace & steph. also far more reactive to richie’s death compared to grace & stephanie too, but ruth on the other hand is like? majorly more anxious compared to rest of them hearing that richie was murdered, which will play into my take later but anyways.
i believe that pete isn’t really close with the two because of his reactions to the shit they do and say. like every possible moment, he is fidgeting nervously around them, spacing off, correcting them, or ridiculing them. and when he’s not doing that, he’s… trying to be nice, but good god does he seem so damn anxious about it. not to mention when he calls ruth and richie, “fucking nerds” they don’t laugh it off like… friends would? they roll their eyes and become offended. also! also also!!! gosh i love pointing out details, but pete seeming semi-confused at richie’s statements about the body-pillows. if they’ve been friends for years, pete would be used to it by now, completely ignoring it.
also, the lin manuel miranda thing, why is pete going up to richie and saying that? wouldn’t he have gotten a better reaction of ruth, the theatre kid? or is he getting ruth and richie’s interests confused?
they aren’t friends to pete, they’re just people pete decides to hang around with because he has no choice. why doesn’t have a choice? because of the system the school runs on. max, every other popular & cool kid at school, and then, the nerds.
that’s who he’s limited to.
it’s the way they talk and interact with one another that makes me think pete is just not as close to richie and ruth as we think he is.
but you know what, ruth and richie? oh, they’re incredibly close and you can tell. the jabs at one another with no reaction (ex. “who are you trying to impress…? ruth?” and ruth continuing on the joke). the overdramatic faces made toward one another?? also, the fact they tend to stand closer to one another than to pete? there are multiple scenes like that… almost every interaction these two have, you can tell they’re best friends. going back to my point with ruth’s reaction to richie’s death above, she is visibly more anxious hearing that richie is dead compared to every single one of the people being questioned. it’s heartbreaking actually, because this is a person she’s known for, likely, years and it’s just!
it’s so obvious how close they are.
they can joke around with each other because they know they’re joking when they insult one another.
there’s probably reason why pete gets somewhat defensive of richie’s comments about his outfit, or how the idea of him & steph together is ridiculous.
pete cannot tell they’re joking because they’re not as close.
but i do want to throw in. i think ruth and richie consider pete far more of a friend than he does them. they actively seek pete out, they feel like they can make jabs at him because they think they’re close enough pete can take it as joke. they worry about him, and pete just doesn’t think about them the same way (and he doesn’t realize they consider him a friend).
which is… kind of sad to think about!
anyways, that’s my ramble for today
forgive me for any misspellings and grammar mistakes
it’s like 1am rn
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gffa · 8 months
Hello! I love your posts about the Jedi, and I was wondering if I could ask you a question: What's something you would love to see explored with the Jedi?
Hi! I'm glad you're enjoying them, I love the Jedi and I hope I can help make being in the fandom around them a little more fun for people. <3 For me, my #1 wish for things I'd love to see explored with the Jedi: TELL ME ABOUT OUR FAVE JEDI'S APPRENTICESHIPS. I want to know so much more about Mace's apprenticeship, I want to know who was Shaak's Master, I want to know if Shaak and Plo were Padawans at the same time together, I want to know just exactly how Depa was a chaos gremlin for Mace, I want to know how much trouble Kit Fisto got into, I want more stories of Obi-Wan & Siri & Bolla & Pre being "a merry band of brats" as Yaddle called them, I want more stories of Yoda training Dooku and probably forcing Dooku to let Yoda ride on his shoulders! I want more stories of Luminara's time as a Padawan, I want more stories of Adi as a Padawan and what made her take the career paths she did, I want to know if Saesee was as much of a hellion as a Padawan as I suspect he was. I want to know more about various Jedi and their time as apprentices, rather than just more about Obi-Wan or Anakin's time as Padawans. I also want more worldbuilding on everything about the Jedi, I want to know what their schooling scheduling looks like, given how well-educated every Jedi we meet is, I'd love to know just how their classes are arranged, I want to know exactly what the layout of the Jedi Temple is, I want to know what special holidays the Jedi have that are unique to them, I want to know what special rites they have around their kyber crystals, given that they become extensions of the Jedi's soul. I want to know how the Force influences their art--there's statues and Force-sculpting and murals all over the place in the Jedi Temple, but the Force is more than just lifting clay or paint, at its heart is that it's your emotions that are your connection to the Force. Mace was a theatre nerd, how did the Jedi's psychic abilities work with that, did the actors project the emotions of the characters out into their Jedi audience? I want to know how emotions soaking into the walls affects the Jedi's way of doing things--when Anakin and Ahsoka get back to the Temple and can still hear the screams of the bomb that went off days ago, because it's echoing all around the space for them, how do the Jedi approach that? How do they try to mitigate leaving behind sorrow and pain and horror, especially in a hospital area where people are often sick and wounded? I want to know exactly what kind of games the Jedi babies play in the creche, especially since they would be teaching games, as the Jedi are a teaching-centric culture. I think one of the games mentioned in a book somewhere was a Jedi version of hide-and-seek, but what about cute little treasure hunt puzzles for developing psychometric skills? They have to pick up clues from the stuffed bantha toy to tell them where to find the next stuffed nexu toy, etc. each of the toys soaked through with warm, soft, comforting feelings by the creche masters to make it fun for the babies. There's so much that's under-explored (for my tastes, I've certainly cobbled a lot together to get a general idea of some things!) specifically through how the Jedi interact with the Force and to expand outside of just Obi-Wan or Anakin's time as an apprentice that I go a little gremlin-like just thinking about all I want to see explored!
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prodigal-explorer · 10 months
my tss headcanons that make my fics/ideas/profile unique!!
basically headcanons that i rarely see other people share but i love them and i talk about them on the regular!
(also most of these are gonna be about roman lol)
1. roman is dark skinned, and not even like a teeny tiny little tan either he’s like DARK dark skinned and so is remus, but remus is a tiny bit lighter than him.
2. roman has a lightning mcqueen nightlight that he uses to tackle his fear of the dark. he also regularly has nightmares.
3. in high school aus, roman is not popular. he is not the queen bee, he is not the mega powerful guy with a lot of friends. he is an OUTCAST! whether it’s because he’s a spoiled brat who was never taught social skills, or he’s a theatre nerd who never stops talking about music and art and poetry. this man is not heather chandler reincarnated, he is a high school outcast 😭
4. virgil is wayyyy way way buffer than roman 😂 he is not a weak little noodle getting carried around by the valiant prince roman, he is a tough, silent guy carrying around his whiny dramatic twink.
5. on that note, virgil is the strong and silent type, but he’s not like super shy and meek or super mean and snappy. i love my virgil to be somewhere in between. he’s got some snark, but usually, it doesn’t get expressed out loud. i would compare him most linearly to matthew cuthbert from anne of green gables.
6. logan is so protective. this man deserves a brother of the year trophy because i make him the big brother in so many aus and he is just such an amazing brother figure because he cares so much and he cares about keeping his loved ones safe.
7. on that note, logan is SO kind to the weak, harsh to the strong. and janus is the same way. enough said.
8. every single side is capable of causing damage. i see so many people who make every other side realistic and then their favorite is so innocent and special and physically incapable of doing wrong. thats not me. everybody can and has caused irreparable damage and its delicious.
9. roman has a massive sweet tooth and virgil has absolutely no spice tolerance.
10. NONE OF THE SIDES ARE SKINNY LITTLE TOOTHPICKS. WE HAVE ENOUGH SKINNY LITTLE TOOTHPICK REPRESENTATION WE DONT NEED MORE. “patton is so small and petite” NO. patton has a dad bod, logan has belly for days, virgil and remus are muscular af, janus and roman are curvy bodyodyodyody. and they’re all BEAUTIFUL. AND THATS THE LAW. like where did all the stick figure side stuff come from?? not even THOMAS is that super mainstream body type that every single popular character ever is. i can’t wait for the world to get tired of writing endless skinny characters. (AND I AM NOT BEING OFFENSIVE I AM LITERALLY 110 POUNDS MYSELF SO I CAN SAY THIS.)
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by-ethan-fox · 6 months
So I saw Gundam Seed FREEDOM...
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... and honestly it defies analysis.
I will avoid spoilers for major plot elements in this write-up.
I'm a huge Gundam fan. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who has followed my work for a long time, as I frequently bring it up, even in entirely inapplicable situations.
But even though I've been a fan since the late 90s, I'd never had a chance to see any of it in the cinema - so when AllTheAnime organised a special short run of the movie for UK theatres, I jumped at the chance.
What I saw surprised me.
To clarify, I'm not one of those Gundam fans who hates SEED. Sure, I love the UC, but I'm not gonna lie, Wing was my genesis within the fandom so I'm as likely to watch G-Gundam as 08th MS Team, though I do lean towards the grittier side of the franchise, with War in the Pocket being my favourite entry.
But most relevant to this is that while I enjoyed SEED, I've always been critical of Destiny for some really bizarre plotting that, frankly, kinda left the CE timeline in a mess. Like many fans, with the show having been off the air for nearly two decades, I gave up on the idea the movie might exist literally years ago.
With all that out of the way...
The movie does exist. Finally. And is it good? Bad?
The weird thing is I don't know what to say, and that's weird for a writer.
It's awesome. It's terrible. It's goofy. It's clever. It's idiotic. It's bizarre.
But it's over 2 hours long and, honestly, I was never bored, which I guess is a success?
Perhaps most surprisingly, the movie expends ZERO ENERGY on helping you if you haven't seen the near-100-episodes of CE anime which came before this. Like, if you haven't seen SEED and or Destiny, you are just utterly fucked. The show wheels characters and plot-beats from the prior material in-and-out in a manner I could best call aggressive. I last watched Destiny about ~7 years ago, and I'm a self-admitted Gundam nerd; but even I had to look up a few things on my phone afterwards.
Then, fan-service. Of both kinds. All sorts of things get pulled out of cold storage for the movie... But it works. Though that also stands as a testament to how this is, in the truest sense, a 2004 anime throwback. I actually heard some people in the cinema groaning at some of the Gainax Bouncing going on; but then given the jiggly silhouette in EVERY OPENING TO SEED, frankly it would've been stranger if it had been absent.
I think the movie has loads of problems. Even by CE standards, some of the storytelling was really goofy and dare-I-say-it, "cringe". It recycles probably too much and certainly doesn't stand on its own as a piece of media (though that's not so much a failing as a clear, conscious choice).
Also... It has that "anime movie" thing where the plot feels a bit filler. The first time you have this new guy on the scene with shock-white hair, being all edgelord as he talks about war and destiny and fencing or some other weird metaphor you kinda see the entire movie unfurl before you. If you're a longtime anime fan this isn't so much your first rodeo as your daily commute.
From there, the story takes numerous predictable turns, dips liberally into melodrama, sets up some great Mobile Suit fights, with relatively few surprises (note, however, I'm not saying "no surprises", as there are some, and also, I'm not suggesting it's tedious).
And yet...
It's fun.
It's really, really fun.
That's the crux of all this. That's what really matters. And honestly, when that new theme comes out of the speakers, sounding in perfect key with the types of music that ran through SEED's run, and Kira's onscreen, and he's locking onto a dozen targets and beams are spamming everywhere and everything's exploding in that weird pink way that things in SEED explode...
Have you ever tried to play a videogame from the 90s that you haven't played in years? And do you know how touch-and-go that is?
Gundam Seed FREEDOM is, if I'm to compare it to anything, like that.
But thankfully, it's one of the times when your memories might have been optimistic, but they're not wrong. That game may be a bit crude, a bit rough around the edges, and have more boob and ass jiggle than you recall... But it's good. So good that you find yourself sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of your console, grinning like an absolute loon, until it's 2am and you can no longer feel your feet.
If you have fond memories of the SEED era of the Gundam franchise, don't miss it.
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buiralplot · 12 days
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( TWENTY-FOUR. NON-BINARY. HE/THEY. ) since you aren’t aware of them yet… that’s ( BRYCE ARCHER ) wandering around in hollow creek! from what i know they’ve lived in hollow creek for ( THEIR WHOLE LIFE. ) i’m also aware of the fact that they work as a ( ASSOCIATE AT THE RECORD STORE ) in town! but if you were to ask me, what i see when i think about them are: ( WATCHING RERUNS OF GLEE AND BEING ANNOYING, GOLD STAR METAPHORS EXCEPT YOU’RE NOT CRINGE ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY DO IT – IT’S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS THOUGH, LAUGHING TOO HARD AT A JOKE NO ONE BUT YOU THOUGHT WAS FUNNY ( GUYS - IT WAS FUNNY. GUYS. GUYS???? —) . ) if anything, i feel like they could be ( CREATIVE, HARDWORKING & OVERBEARING, HYPERACTIVE . ) it’s really weird, though… because they seem to be hiding something that no one else knows. but i sure do! and that is ( REDACTED ). wild, huh? i know. they’re hoping no one will ever find out. and the very last thing that i’d say about them is that they’re mainly known to be ( THE THEATRE NERD. ) just keep a lookout! who knows if they’re putting on a facade!
FULL NAME            bryce alexander archer.
BIRTHDAY              april 1st ( 24 ) . 
BIRTHPLACE          hollowcreek , massachusetts.
GENDER                 non-binary.
OCCUPATION     record store worker / public menance.
BUILD                     slim. like a baby dear.
HAIR COLOR         brown .
EYE COLOR           brown.
HEIGHT                  6’1
PARENTS              nicholas ( fc tbd ) + faith ( fc tbd ) , step mother.
SIBLINGS        1 sibling , 1 step sibling .
PETS                    zodiac ( dog ) .
warnings for cheating, divorce, hearing loss, injury, car accident , drug dealing ( ???? ) . please note that the hearing loss portion is based off mun's own experience. i'm not a doctor, but i did try to get the technical mumbo jumbo as correct as i could ( i'm just a thirl ) so if there's any concern regarding portrayal, please reach out privately. <3 mun is autistic & takes forever to respond back to dms. don’t be alarmed by this and after a while if i haven’t gotten back to you, feel free to nudge.
beginnings  are  easy  ----  girl  meets  boy,  boy  meets  girl,  they  fall  in  love  and  do  what  all  high  school  sweethearts  think  they  have  to  do:  get  married,  have  kids,  live  a  little  picket  fence  life  after  that.  and  they  did  ..  kind  of.  nicholas  and  faith  met  in  freshman  english  and  as  luck  would  have,  at  that  point,  the  rest  was  history.  they'd  never  spent  more  than  two  weeks  apart  and  when  they  graduated,  faith  followed  him  to  a  large  school  to  play  football  —  and  by  the  time  they  graduated,  she  was  pregnant  with  their  first  child:  esme.  when  nicholas  got  an  office  job  and  spent  …  possibly  more  time  than  necessary  at  the  office,  there  wasn't  much  she  could  do.  he  was  actively  disinterested  in  her  and  their  daughter  ----  cue  bryce,  the  fix  it  baby.  kind  of  (  not  really  )  .
his  essential  purpose  was  to  save  a  dying  marriage.  and  it  worked,  for  a  time.  nicholas  was  spending  more  time  at  home  with  the  new  baby  around.  all  was  well.  until  it  wasn't  —  receipts  to  dinners  she  never  went  to,  emails  on  their  shared  computer,  hair  ties  in  his  car  that  weren't  hers.  and  faith  was  livid  ----  who  wouldn't  be,  after  all?  she  divorced  him.  and  naturally,  with  two  kids,  there's  a  custody  battle:  it's  nasty.  she's  upset,  he's  worse  because  he's  hotheaded  as  hell.  eventually,  the  idea  is  for  them  to  split  half  the  year  in  california  (  where  nicholas  lives,  his  company  is,  etc  )  and  new  york  (  where  faith  has  family  and  eventually  returns  to  )  .  it  worked,  kind  of.
the  thing  is,  faith  never  got  over  it.  eventually  it  turned  into  disinterest  into  her  own  kids,  as  bad  as  that  sounds.  by  the  time  bryce  was  4,  nicholas  was  granted  custody  full  time  after  faith  all  but  relinquished  her  rights.  he  didn’t  understand  it  at  the  time,  but  he  was  closer  to  his  father  anyway,  so  it  was  fine.  they  were  attached  at  the  hip.  bryce  would  scream  and  cry  during  kindergarten  dorp  off,  and  be  a  wreck  by  the  time  he  came  to  pick  him  up  during  the  day.  it  was  bad  lowkey.  however,  it  was  also  his  own  foreshadowing  for  the  future  …. 
all  things  considered,  their  childhood  was  great  —  thanks  to  the  wealth  nicholas’  job  brought  and  moving  up  the  ranks  within  the  company,  constant  trips  to  disney  and  doing  things.  was  spoiled,  though  his  sister  took  advantage  of  it  more  than  bryce  ever  did.  an  adhd  kid  and  diagnosed  at  age  11,  he  likes  the  way  he  can  expend  all  his  energy  into  his  after  school  programs  and  things,  and  be  able  to  fall  asleep  at  night  with  only  slight  melatonin.  was  lowkey  kind  of  a  hobby  -  hopper  -—  a  try  everything  once  kind  of  kid,  and  bryce  knows  what  he  likes,  and  they  stick  with  it.  from  little  league  baseball  to  soccer  to  pottery  to  coding,  he  literally  tried  everything  —  then  came  theatre.  the  idea  of  slipping  into  another  mindset  and  playing  essential  pretend  was  more  than  enough  for  him  to  thrive  within  their  small  community  and  then  some. 
high  school  was  …  well.  high  school.  went  to  a  charter school,  one  focused  on  the  arts  and  sciences  more  than  an  actual  curriculum.  it  was  where  bryce  thrived.  socially,  academically,  semi  -  professionally - ISH.
CAR  ACCIDENT   +  INJURY   +   HEARING  LOSS      /      bryce  was  16  when  they  finally  got  their  driver's  liscence,  and  thus,  a  car  (  thanks,  nepotism  money!  )  .  he  was  returning  home  from  a  later  than  usual  football  practice  when  he  was  t-boned  by  a  car  who  wasn't  pay  attention.  bryce's  own  car  was  flipped  onto  it's  side  and  pushed  several  feet  when  the  other  car  wouldn't  stop  —  air  bags  deployed,  though  that  didn't  stop  his  own  head  from  impact.  if  you'd  asked  him,  as  soon  as  he  was  out  of  the  car,  he  was  all  fine  and  dandy.  reality  check:  he  wasn't  —  concussion,  temporal  bone  fracture,  post  concussion  syndrome.  it  wasn't  a  fun  time. 
HEARING  LOSS      /      due  to  the  impact  and  fracture  within  his  right  ear,  bryce  was  diagnosed  with  hearing  loss  (  sudden  sensorineural  hearing  loss  in  particular,  in  his  right  ear  )  .  for  lack  of  better  words  and  ease  of  understanding,  he  has  about  40%  left  of  his  hearing  in  his  right  ear  thanks  to  the  fracture  and  damage  of  the  nerve  cells  within  the  ear  canal.  despite  this,  bryce  tries  to  continue  his  life  as  normal.  normal  school  (  or  –  as  normal  as  it  can  be  with  your  siblings  hovering  over  you  )  ,  normal  activities,  no  need  for  adjustments.  you  tell  your  family  you've  got  this,  not  to  worry,  and  don't  look  to  meet  them  in  the  eye.  tries  his  best  and  in  a  fuck  you  rachel  berry  moment  —  applies  to his  dream  school,  nyu  tisch.  it’s  a  big  jump.  less  than  a  year  and  a  half  out  from  his  accident  (  "the"  accident,  as  bryce  continues  to  refer  to  it  )  and  he’s  already  talking  like  he’s  going  to  move  states  (  and  wants to  )  .  it's  not  like  new  york  is  unfamiliar  to  him,  but  in  a  different  realm,  he'd  never  been  there  by  himself,  for  extended  periods  of  time.  bryce  argued  that  this  is  how  an  artist  grows,  this  is  how  he  becomes  who  he  is,  or  whatever  lindsay  lohan's  character  in  confession's  says.  his  parents  disagreed,  but  bryce  is  stubborn,  and  there  was  no  changing  his  mind. 
he  doesn’t  get  in  ----  but  that’s  how  legends  are  made,  after  all,  so  he  moves  to  new  york  city  anyway.  and  the  change  is  astronomical.  maybe  not  to  some,  but  for  someone  who  is  still  adjusting  to  how  he  is  now?  it  was,  indeed,  a  bad  idea.  he  had  a  year  lease,  and  within  that  time?  a  legend  dies  rather  than  is  born.  as  stubborn  as  he  is,  he  came  eventually  relented  to  his  father’s  pleas  to  return  home to hollowcreek.
as friendly as he is, he’s very afraid of … just about everything. he’s skittish and kind of like a stray cat. though, if he likes you, he truly never shuts the fuck up. genuinely a kind guy, though he tends to have foot - in - mouth disease and says the wrong thing all the fuckin’ time. doesn’t think before he speaks, and rarely thinks at all.
a bit too empathetic. tends to try not to look at one person a specific way, and is way too open minded to relationships with people who are bad news. tends to look at the world in rose colored glasses, though if you cut him just the right way, they’re going to cut you off.
definitely favors his left ear, and will turn to face whoever it is speaking in that direction, even if it is a bit odd looking. he’s not completely deaf in his right ear, but the tinnitus often wins out, and bryce doesn’t bother to fight it anymore. has been working on learning sign language and isn’t totally fluent — but he’s working on it. but the adhd demons. to be clear, bryce is open to all forms of communication, but which he prefers depends on the situation. in a crowded area, he’s going to rely more on written or sign language. i understand most muses don’t know sign, and that’s totally fine! in that case, we’ll work with what we have. when he’s signing, it will be in italics like this and have a descriptor of signage.
due to the intense focusing that having vocal conversations can have, he, unfortunately often experiences overstimulation and burnout. concentration is hard tenfold since this happened and they’re exactly great at managing emotions. lashing out and having attitudes will occur. usually apologizes, but sometimes not.
intense hyperfocus when he likes something, or is invested. can, will and has tuned everyone in a crowded room completely out until it’s done. has that adhd rage, i’m afraid. he’s come a long way to control it, but sometimes it’s just too much. tends to switch to different topics all within one conversation, and lowkey has a motor mouth.
has been doing theatre since middle school, really. both local and school productions, but mostly high school once he began attending that charter school. he excelled and tended to be quite the little show off, evne if he didn’t mean to be. was the lead in .. quite a few of his school productions. i’ll make a list eventually.
his family is .. rich. but he definitely doesn’t act like it. outside of the whole school + family trips thing, he doesn’t seem like it. will spoil his friends and loved ones anyway, bc his mom tries to shove money onto him all the time and he doesn’t know what to do with it. will jokingly buy you a new car, send you on a trip to cabos or pay for 10 packages of those fancy packaged strawberries.   speaking of money ---- bryce hasn’t spoken to his mom in years, but that doesn’t stop her from sending checks upon checks of money, thanks to her own career in the fashion industry. 
constantly on that damn zoom … wants to be an actor, so he’s been auditioning for literally everything. even things he doesn’t fit. he gets into the zoom and they’re like hello? and he’s just like hii ^.^ and they close the room or something.
a gleek and a swiftie. like pick a struggle? he’s an evermore guy but also 1989.  is the guy in the room to be like “they played this on glee..” like i’m sure! get a hobby! get a job do something!
has no filter, whatsoever. tends to say out of pocket things without meaning too, and doesn’t entirely convey when he’s joking. more often than not, he’s being entirely sincere. he’s funny, but he can be a little bit of a try hard. laugh please.
has not driven since the accident. if anyone asks, he just says he ‘prefers to support the economy by using uber’ (?????) or public transport. has nightmares about the accident, constantly, and doesn't tell anyone about them. he’s embarrassed, lowkey, and doesn’t quite remember them — so it’s like. what would i even say? he’s a tad bit afraid to admit his hearing is getting worse. he’s been asking others to repeat themselves more often , his tinnitus is getting noticeably bad , migraines are starting to occur far more often. this is going by silently on his own part and won’t admit it to anyone.
uses theatre as a way to cope with his trauma ---- he delves into other people to see new perspective and coping skills, though they're not always the healthiest nor do they make the most sense. it's what he knows, it's what he's good at, and he doesn't see a reason to stop – only a reason to adapt, even if he isn't happy about it.
wanted connections ..
sibling !! this person would be a graduate student at the very least ---- in my head they’re total opposites and it’s so funny. he was lowkey encouraged to go to golden state because they could keep an eye out on him for … many aforemented reasons above, and he tends to annoy them quite a bit. also i’d love for this to be taken up by rachel sennott or molly gordon but alas anyone wld be beloved by me.
step - sibling !! in a lore reveal, nicholas remarries around the time bryce enters high school. this person is the same age as him, and they don’t get along at all. it isn’t until recent that they’ve stopped butting heads and can be in a room without a fight breaking out. this is on the main ! this is a step sister to me.
perhaps another half sibling on his moms side? cousins?
i love dynamics that are like sunshine x grumpy so perhaps he’s the kid they “can’t stand” but like deep down? an annoyance you’d kill for.
best friends!! a cute little squad maybe? wrecking the town. can’t find one without the others type beat.
his old roommate from new york for that singular year could be cool.
maybe. a fling. or two. probably just one.
former classmates ..
people who knew / know his parents? family friends?? 
people who hate him? people who want him dead bc he’s annoying as shit? yeah
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finniestoncrane · 4 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a character pairing? (Let my date decide). This is my first time doing this kind of thing, so I'm hoping I get this right! I'm 20, 5'8", on the chubbier side and a nerd! I am a nerd of the highest degree. Anime, DND, video games, comic books, the whole lot of it. I'm a fan of all things horror movies with my favorites being evil dead, nightmare on elm Street, and anything rob zombie gets his hands on. I'm also super into theater, I've done evil dead the musical two years in a row, and my favorites are rocky horror, ride the cyclone, and phantom of the Opera. I'm a trad Goth, but I don't really ever stick to one aesthetic for long. I'm a musician and I write my own songs on my guitar. That's pretty much me, hope that's what you need!
of course my love, this was perfect!! and it was enough to give me an instant idea of who you would be perfect for! 💚🩷 🔞minors dni🔞 send a request • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie2k (to follow or to block)
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Ok, so immediately, you are a perfect accompaniment to any and all Scarecrows! There's something for any iteration in there, but any Jonathan would be more than happy to have you on his arm.
First of all, height wise, you're perfect. Tall enough that he doesn't seem ridiculously lanky, but shorter than him so he can at least retain that sense of dominance, and looming terror over you. And a chubbier partner suits so well, because let's be honest that man is so skinny that unless his partner has a bit of meat on the bones there's potential for any frisky friction to start a fire...
If there's one thing I stoically believe about Jonathan Crane it's that regardless of how pretty or charming or sinister he is, he's a HUGE nerd.
And specifically, a huge horror nerd. Literature, cinema, theatre. Anything and everything spooky, you've already got him frothing at the mouth and ready to ramble on for hours. He'd be especially happy to have someone as theatrical as he is, since while he might not be an actor, he's definitely into the role of Scarecrow.
He might not look the part of a traditional goth, but I don't think there's anyone more gothic than him. The two of you might shift wardrobes a lot, but you're still there at night sipping a long-brewed tea and reading Poe's collected words to one another.
And finally! Musician!! Guitar!! What a perfect accompaniment to a country boy who no doubt had his own stringed instrument of some sort, and the nimble, slender fingers to play it in a way that would rival the Devil if he ever met him.
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eldritchpluto · 1 year
Ghost Quartet Set Ideas
Ok, for context, I’ve been thinking about a set for Ghost Quartet for 3-4 years now . As much as I love the sparse staging of the original show, I’ve always been curious to see how the show could be translated to a different style of production! Also I’m a sucker for big complicated sets.
An important disclaimer. I’m not a set designer in ANY sense of the word, I’ve just been working in school/community theatre for the past 4 or 5 years as an ASM, an SM, or shift crew guy! I’m fully aware that most of this is very unrealistic or even impossible. I just wanna nerd out!
Alright, let’s do this.
Firstly, my idea staging would be a type of thrust stage. I think the original production (and many that came after it) saw how beneficial a more immersive staging would be. This is a very intimate story in many ways, so taking advantage of that is a great idea. However, I’m thinking of a slightly edited version because it works a bit better for my vision.
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It would be similar to this above stage, but would have a much wider back part more close to the dimensions/sizing of a smaller proscenium stage!
Then, the set itself! The set would be largely situated in that back part of the stage, and would take the form of what looks almost like a dollhouse. (Again, probably not practical at all, just let me nerd out here)
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The house would be a very typical “family home”, and I would want much of the style of furniture to match the vibe that other productions have captured. The photo below has what I’m looking for! (And this is from the London cast I believe? Idk if it was their real set or something just from this one video, but either way!)
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The set being a house is very very central to a lot of the thematic ideas I want to go for with this staging! I’m not fully set on what rooms there will be, but the rooms/set pieces that are important to my “vision” are a staircase, a bedroom, an attic, a kitchen, and to hopefully have a piano of some sort in there. Otherwise, nothing is set in stone.
Lighting would be rigged in a way that would allow for the possibility for just any one room is fully lit at a time! But also the whole house could be lit as well. Also, with the returning idea of stars in this show, I’d love to have small LEDs on the back wall of each room, which could be controlled to light up as stars, even in rooms that are currently dark!
Ok, with the basic set idea out of the way, let’s focus on WHY I want it to be staged like this. Firstly, it’s obvious one of the main themes of this show is family, or just in general, deep connections. On top of that, all of these stories and people are connected in some way! So, having it set up like this would help emphasize how all of these stories, no matter how big or small, are a part of each other. One of the main ideas is having each storyline based in only one or two rooms, allowing them to still feel separate, and to create a visual distinction for each storyline.
Now for the REALLY fun part!! Talking about how I would stage this. I’m not going to go through every single song (although I do have thoughts for all of them), but I’ll focus on the big ones!
All of the songs that take place “out of” the story (I mean not fully, but you know what I mean) are outside or the house. These would be located on the thrust part of this stage. Firstly, this is to frame our quartet as our storytellers, and kind of our framing device into this all. They’re a more introspective group, so they are outside of it a bit. On top of that, it gives them more chance to directly connect to the audience. Songs with this would be “I Don’t Know”, “Any Kind of Dead Person”, “Four Friends”, “Prayer”, and “Wind and the Rain”!
The songs involving the astronomer will take place in the attic. He’s always looking up at the stars, and is using the high vantage point to see it all. Also this is a bit of a stretch, but having him here makes sense because he’s kind of “hanging over” the story. During songs like “The Telescope” and “The Astronomer” the LEDs would be on in the other rooms to simulate the stars.
I think the Usher storyline would take place in two side by side bedrooms? Maybe just to help separate the stuff with Lady Usher/Roxy compared to stuff with the younger cast of Family Meeting. I also just have some ideas for some specific blocking that could utilize two side by side rooms!
Here’s where it gets fun! I very badly want “Starchild” to take place in a stairwell. Here, Starchild is in the house, it should be connected to everything else. But, despite being so close, she can’t enter any rooms. She’s stuck. A part of the house, but never one that any sort of family spends time in. Also because I’d love to have family pictures in the stairwell, which starchild can look at, but it’s only reminding them of the family they’re separated from.
Subway!! I see the subway storyline as our “connecting piece” of the show. It’s directly referenced in the other storylines very often, and it’s very much a turning point for Rose’s character. So, instead of having Subway be concentrated in specific rooms, I think each “archtype” in that storyline gets their own room. And as they’re mentioned in the song, the light of the room they’re in flashes. I have a very very specific mental image I’m having a hard time describing, but it’s there!
I want solider and rose to take place in the kitchen, and the kitchen has kind of a bar stool situation? Just fits the vibe. Also because I’d love to have the honey just come from a kitchen cabinet, that’s oddly funny to me.
My ideas are the least developed for the tango dancer storyline, but I’d love for the room it takes place in (likely a living room) to have a piano!
My ideas are similarly murky with the camera shop, I’ll figure it out :(
Ok!! Time for my favorite staging which is, of course, “Hero”. This is the point where Rose is reflecting on everything and sees the entirety of her lives. I think this song would start on the outside of the dollhouse, but as it goes on, she begins walking through the house. Before, during specific storylines, characters wouldn’t leave their designated rooms. But now, Rose walks through it all, finally seeing the whole picture. She can also interact with props from other storylines!! I would want this moment to be really big, and for it to shatter a lot of the norms set by the staging thus far.
Ok, I’ll stop my ramble there for now!! I understand this is super unrealistic, but I wanted to say my ideas anyway! I love this show more than anything, and I’d do anything to work on a production someday. I would just love for the set to also lend itself to the major thematic ideas, because I think it could be used in a way to strengthen the show.
If you’ve gotten this far, thanks for listening to my ramblings!! Feel free to send me any ideas if you have them, or if you have any questions/clarifications! I’d love to talk about this :D
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 6 months
Plot bunny: Glee, Austin Abrams or Gabriella Wilde, love interest Brittany?
Okay, I wasn't really sure about this idea/vibes at first so I hope he will grow on me more and more 🥺
Luka Fabray!
Quinn's baby brother
Pretty "anonymous" (he's not, but he acts like that lol) at school but doesn't get bullied bc of Quinn
On the "not really" side... he's a drama queen. And a theatre nerd. He's just trying to be invisible at first. Then he just embrace his wild side lmao
Kind of misses Quinn being Lucy (mainly for the matching names ngl) but totally understands why she wanted to have a new start
So many family issues
Don't know how him and Brittany will end up together but... vibes vibes vibes
FC: Austin Abrams
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
rating camp camp pairings
because i ran out of ideas for posts and saw someone else do this a few years ago so swoop the idea is mine now
nerriston - 10000000/10
i love them. ok. i really do theyre super cool. it make sense like. they have a perfect dynamic. theyre cute. we have magician who has anxiety, cocky loud theatre kid who does not give a shit, and short dnd nerd who would beat your ass and probably carries in all the groceries at once. LIKE. its perfect. it literally is the best
im equally as loving of presner/harriston/nerrison but nerriston is my main otp
presnurf - fuck you/10
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hacks gags dies
presmax - 1/10
personally i dont see this? and its not because they havent interacted, mostly because their personalities don't mesh well imo? not to say that opposites don't attract, thats the building ground for so many good ships, but with them its just. kind of just pure annoyance any time they interact. and unlike nerrison, it's not a continuing thing that makes it a rivalry and has layers to it (ex. background interactions, like at the lake lilac summer social), with max and preston its just general annoyance any time they bump into each other.
plus i hc preston to be 14 and max is canonically 10 and while my headcanons arent canon, that interpretation of mine makes it a very much no go for me
neil x harrison - 3/10
not for me, but i can 100% see it
again though, i hc harrison to be 14 and neil is canonically 11, so,,, another dealbreaker for my bc of this headcanon
nerikki - 3/10
definitely compatible, and if it werent for the fact i have a sturdy hc on cc campers' ages, i feel i could like it?
but 14yo x 10yo is a big nono for me
ered x nikki - 1/10
for me it feels like nikki has a crush on ered in the same way kids tend to have crushes and idolize people older than them. like how someone may like their friend's way older brother, even though hes like 6 years older, but it dies out once they mature and stop idolizing him.
ered is either 15 or 16 in my headcanons, and nikki is canonically 10, so,, nikki can have a crush on ered in the same way kids have crushes on celebrities, but for ered to act on that would be very very bad
ered x nerris - 6/10
can see it, not my favorite, but i can definitely enjoy content from it (like fanart or fics) if its not the main focus.
ered x dolph - 1/10
sir, dolph is like literally the youngest. ered is the oldest pls stop (ik the eggs benefits episode was what started a lot of ships but. but cmon)
honestly though i rlly like the idea of them as older sister younger brother type of dynamic, tho ive not seen many people hc that if any
space kid x dolph - 8/10
i like them as friends more but i can definitely see it and enjoy it!! either romantic or platonic, i really love their (imagined bc they never interact lmfao) dynamic, and theyd mesh together very well personality-wise. both are clueless (dolph because he doesnt pick up on things well/holds a very positive view on everything, and space kid because his brain is like a pinball machine), and both have no friends/are generally excluded from everyone else due to their differences.
makki - 9/10
at first didnt like it at all, i like it now though!! dont have much of a reason for this, just think it's cute. angsty boy and feral girl. max would be moping and nikki would bring him a cool rock and he would not understand why but keep it anyway
maxneil - 10/10
"mandatory gay pairing for every main characters" is what someone from a random youtube video from like 4 years ago would say
though i rlly like it. guy who doesnt care at all and guy who overexplains absolutely everything/cares too much. max would ask a retoric question and neil would go into a ramble. max annoying the absolute shit out of neil and neil just. loudly sighing
neil x nikki - 1/10
i headcanon them as stepsiblings after parents day!! before i used to like it, but the fact their parents boned and nikki discussed being siblings killed that for me
nurf x a cactus - 10/10
he deserves to be prickled
neil x tabii - 1/10
i dont like fics where they're together as adults if im honest. as much as i adore tabii, her borderline obsession with neil makes him uncomfortble and i dont think it'd really be healthy at all. hes made it clear he doesnt like her
max x sasha - 7/10
can def see it! two bitchy assholes, though i dont like the idea all too much. would need someone else in the relationship to balance it out, or else its just kind of two dicks doing back and forth
pikeman x sasha - 8/10
it would not be healthy but by fucking christ it would be hilarious
sasha would be the gold digger and pikeman wouldnt know how to speak to a woman and it would be great
nikki x sasha - 5 to 8/10
nikki was bullied by sasha a lot, also sasha is kind of a dick, but they could be cute if sasha got over herself and started to be actually decent. with care put into it, it would be cute in a storyline of "girl forced to be perfect her entire life and externalizes this onto others, learns to embrace her true self through realizing that girl who is messy and doesnt care about how she looks is happy"
or maybe i just really like mabel x pacifica. its one or the other
tabii x erin - 8/10
very cute!! i liked how they acted at the end of the lake lilac summer social, but they work more as best friends in my opinion? badass besties who would wingman each other and tell each other everything in sleepovers. but at the same time, i do love gay people.
erin x neil - 7/10
SIGH if only erin got more character development. it could have been very cute. mostly because erin deserved someone who liked her for something other than her loks, which shed been pressured to prioritize just all of the time. also neil and erin could bounce ideas off each other?? and once more, pathetic bf x badass gf
erin x snake - 2/10
there wasnt much between them outside of "omg hes cute" without much emotion put into it, yk? which is funny because i like snake x tabii which wasnt too different but whatever
snake x tabii - 8/10
forever crying about that. they would go so well together????? tabii deserves someone who thinks shes pretty i really like tabii and she and snake would be badasses together and i and i and i
pikeman x snake - 3/10
do not like it personally. mostly because pikeman's an asshole but yk
camper x counselor - wtf/10
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daniel x david - 4/10
definitely not for me!! can be cute i guess, especially in aus where daniel isnt a cultist, but i dont think david would ever fall for a child murderer
david x gwen - 20/10
i love them. i love them so much. goes into my favorite trope of badass wife x too scared to ask for katchup at a ristraunt husband
david x jasper - 10/10
pre-jasper death only. post-jasper death and thats creepy because jasper is literally still a child
pre-jasper death and in aus where jasper lives, i will gobble that shit up like a starving turkey. i literally love it so much. like??? i cant explain why. plus ive read so many good fics with it that i am unable to hate it.
gwen x jen - 3/10
jen has appeared a total of one time for exactly 5 seconds. but in aus where shes given a character and isnt a murderer then i think it could work
daniel x jen - 5/10
never interacted (as if im one to talk with my nerriston bullshit) but cultist x cultist can be made interesting
cameron x priss - 9/10
could either be 1 of 2 things
your grandparents that keep fighting all of the time but love each other
two irresponsible grandparents that teach the child how to make an explosive
they seemed to have a sort of romantic connection and it wasnt all sexual attraction, and cameron's fear of comitment was the only thing really stopping them from enjoying a presumably happy and healthy marriage
platypus x food - 10/10
a match made in heaven
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dulcewrites · 2 years
Your tgc content and ideas are so good 😭 if you ever write the modern tgc one about them being a performing arts family I support
Thank youuu. I love the idea of them getting their talent/slay gene from Alicent just like in actual f&b/hotd.
I kind of have it planned out:
- Alicent: ex dancer turned rich stay at home mom. Think donor to schools and pta mom. Not a child bride (thank god) but probably younger than the other moms. Could’ve went on to do more :/
- Aegon: ex drummer (think whiplash levels of intense) ended up having a bit of a breakdown bc of if it (coupled with the alcohol problems he won’t admit). Viserys convinced him he didn’t have it in him (meanwhile he did!) And he went to law school instead. Him and Rhaenyra are the only kids in the family business. Rhaenyra is more on the marketing side of the firm
- Helaena: tried dancing to bond with Alicent. Sort of sucked at it lmao. Voice of an ANGEL. Did chorus/choir throughout schooling. Now travels the world working with other entomologists for museum curation
- Aemond: as of now, only kid perusing the arts as a career. Bit of a piano prodigy. Trying his hand at composing as well. Wants to play in the London symphony orchestra
- daeron: he’s still in hs or whatever the English equivalent is. But he is a theatre nerd though and through. Already lead in all the productions.
- Reader/oc: is classically trained (like Alicent) but also does contemporary work. Think Alvin Ailey American dance theater. She’s not as well off as the targs of course (or the hightowers). But her parents had enough to keep her in dance classes for all her life. At the school on a dance scholarship.
Viserys’ family comes from a long line of businessmen/lawyers. He went to see the ballet one night, saw Alicent on stage and decided “yes that is the new woman whose life I will make worse”.
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rooolt · 1 year
📚📚📚!! I’d love to hear your fic ideas (if you’re still doing it obv)
ummm okay so I have this disease where I was a theatre kid in middle school and thus most of my music taste is still musicals and I sort it all by character playlists SO I end up think about a lot of musical aus with dndads characters because I’m sick in the head. None of these are really that thought out enough, more free association between characters so yeah. I present to you: a multitude of dndads teens musical aus
in the spirit of nerdy prudes cast album coming out in like a week, link and scary are so Steph and Peter coded it’s nuts. If you don’t know what nerdy prudes must die is, Peter Spankoffski is a nerd who has been ostracized for years due to an unfortunate incident and unflattering nickname and Stephanie Lauter is the cool girl who gets him to help her cheat on a test and then asks him to study with her. When he gets beat up, she sticks up for him and yeah, they’re so gothcleats it’s crazy, there’s even one song later in the musical that’s SOOOOO. Normal and Taylor would take the place of Ruth and Richie who are Peter’s nerdy friends (Richie is literally just Taylor and Normal in one character, he is an anime kid who is also the mascot) idk who would be grace and max, or where hermie would fit in but yeah!
then, rise of the pink ladies au, I mean there’s four of them and one of them has a theatre kid love interest come on. Link is the starry eyed new kid who gets humiliated on the first day and decides to start running for school president, scary is the prickly girl who is being manipulated by a teacher (Willy), Taylor is the big dreamer who’s kind of a wacko, and Normal is the one who doesn’t feel like he belongs anywhere and has an emotionally detached theatre kid love interest who he messes everything up with, and it’s the 50s! I’m most likely to actually write this one or something in this universe
last one, a while ago I had a gay teen beach movie au idea where scary and normal get transported into the movie and meet hermie and Erica who they get big crushes on, but oakworthy has been taking nothing but Ls recently and I’m honestly not super passionate about scerica so this one may not ever happen (also I thought of it right before stand and delivery, which kinda killed the vibe)
I hope you enjoyed these silly ramblings, I’m going to bed
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🥰💌💞📝 For the ask game (It could be Postal, CodZ, or Mst3k)
I did Blooming Bullets as my first ask! So, we’ll split half and half for Dempsey and Crow!
🥰: How would someone who loved you portray you?
A big ray of sunshine, I hope. I mean, Tank would insist I am anyways. I’ve been told I’m a gentle soul who helps people feel at home and it’s all I can ever hope to help the people I care about most feel. I can see most of my fan tributes be either really sweet, me being badass and slaying zombies (albeit with a scared expression) or maybe give hinted light at my own Great War inside myself. Those angsty works unfortunately is to be expected in the CoD Zombies storyline.
💌: How do people perceive your dynamic? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
Based on the friends and fans who’ve been supporting my ship these few years, I’d say they do an accurate job! The best I can describe us is a protective jock and a bubbly nerd. We are usually focused on our sweetest moments, especially between us teaching each other new things (cooking together, Tank teaching me combat practice, etc.) or the mushy gush kissy stuff. Just thinking about it has me kicking my feet right now IRJTNSNFJSJDBS 💕💕(>\\\\<)
Metallic Roses
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
Uh oh… All I can say is Dr. Forrester really is a pathetic wet cat because I kissed his mother😭
(This is legit NOT a crackship surprisingly)
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Pearl Forrester, who becomes the mad scientist during the Mike Nelson seasons. She’s nice to Crow, who she keeps calling art. By extension, I am an exception too and you know what? NO SHAME HERE! I think there’d be slight sapphic undertones and I love the idea of her being so devotedly evil she’d take over the universe and leave me a throne beside her. GOSH I honestly kind of feel curious about this. We’ll name this ship Pearls and Peonies
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
I accidentally fell into the Deep 13 underground laboratory during a hike. Dr Clayton Forrester WAS going to kill me, but I talked my way into not dying because of his Mystery Science Theatre experiment. I have experience being traumatized with Z movies at a young age, which is a huge notch above cheesy B movies. I tell him I could work as an independent variable to use in the experiment and compare the results to his test subjects. He agrees and sends me up to the Satellite of Love with my backpack and a few belongings. I become apart of the crew and ever since have been making the most of myself up there with my found family. I wonder if Dr. Forrester’s secretary will join me up on the SOL…
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onwcrds · 1 year
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                       eowyn lightfoot.
eowyn is the nicest of the lightfoot girls. she’s sweet as sugar but just as feisty as her sisters. don’t mistake her kindness for weakness. she’s very capable of giving a beat down when needed which doesn’t happen often since eowyn is also the most sought after lightfoot girl given her sweet demeanor. she’s the most similar to her father sharing an interest in comics, d&d and fully embracing the nerd she is. on the other hand, she’s her mother’s muse and often models for her. eowyn’s the sporty sister who preferred to play soccer and volleyball whereas kinsley and gwen were participating in theatre. eowyn’s never really fit in with the upper east side lifestyle despite being an it girl. she’s more than okay with faking it until she makes it for the sake of her family.
inspired by : minako aino / sailor venus ( sailor moon ) , karma by taylor swift , elle woods ( legally blonde ) , the gossip girl aesthetic ,  lindsey ( total drama island ) , someday we’ll know by mandy moore & jonathan foreman , early 2000s romcom girlies , cloe ( bratz 2007 ) , clover  ( totally spies ) , i think i’m in love with you by jessica simpson ,  doralee rhodes (  9 to 5  ) stella ( winx club )
birth name. eowyn monroe lightfoot nicknames. e, winnie date of birth.   october 22 age.    twenty-five gender.   cis female. pronouns.  she/her. species.   half elf / half human powers.   n/a sexuality.  pansexual. place of birth.    manhattan, new york. current residence.   equal time in manhattan and elias. occupation.    model 
height. 5'6" build. athletic hair colour/style. blonde eye colour. blue. piercings.  ears and belly button tattoos. ( x ) notable markings.  n/a. glasses/contacts ?  n/a. faceclaim.  lili reinhart voiceclaim.  lili reinhart
physical ailments.   none. allergies.   seasonal allergies. sleeping habits. loves her sleep she does exercise habits. volleyball, karate, boxing and pilates !! dominant hand.    right. drugs / smoke / alcohol ? no / no / socially, mostly just champagne
positive traits. bubbly, charismatic, intuitive, selfless negative traits.  ditzy, materialistic, sensitive usual mood.  happy. likes. spending time with her parents, her cat link, playing dress up, the color orange, red carpets, playing d&d with her dad, uncle ian and her siblings, old hollywood, dolly parton, volleyball, fields of flowers, illustrating comics, the idea of love, shopping trips, her cute little elf ears dislikes.  being underestimated, sweating, muffins, when people dog ear books, ugg boots, breaking her nails, being made fun of for her nerdy interests, mean girls  bad habits.  she’s bad at listening and gets distracted easily
mother.    penelope hainline father.      barley lightfoot siblings.   kinsley, guinevere & gabe lightfoot children.   who’s to say, anyways she does have a pet cat named link ( yes after link from legend of zelda ) birth order.   oldest of four. significant other.  a nice little are they or aren’t they with matteo hamato-seara closest friends. lightfoot cousins, hawkins kids, claire teague, katrina everglot, and this could be you !
zodiac sign. scorpio mbti. ESFP temperament.   sanguine. hogwarts house.    hufflepuff. moral alignment.  neutral good.
languages spoken.   english, french and bits of elvish drive ?       yes. jump start a car ?        yes !! change a flat tire ?       yes ride a bicycle ?       yes. swim ?      yes. play an instrument ?      no. play chess ?     no. braid hair ?     yes. tie a tie ?          yes. pick a lock ?          no. sew ?       yes.
compassion.         10/10.
empathy.         10/10.
creativity.          8/10.
mental flexibility.          5/10.
passion.         9/10.
luck.         8/10.
motivation.  9/10.
education.          8/10.
intelligence.         6/10.
charisma.       10/10.
reflexes.          9/10.
willpower.          8/10.
stamina.          9/10.
physical strength.         5/10.
battle skill.          7/10.
initiative.     7/10.
restraint.          8/10.
strategy.       6/10.
team work.         9/10.
(  pinterest, her tag, playlist. )
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letterstopedrito · 2 years
Hola Pedro
My L key is fucked up so I keep having to double tap it to get the Ls to show up lol.
I drank a whole bottle of wine... Barefoot Pink Moscato, because I grew up poor and I'm a sucker for the cheap shit.
I was talking to my husband about you as if we're old friends, as I usually do. He said "Damn you're really obsessed with him." I proceeded to defend myself, obviously. "I'm not obsessed with another man, babe." And he said "you don't have to defend yourself, I understand."
It's funny, because I do see myself as somewhat separate from the hordes of fans calling you daddy. Don't get me wrong, you are gorgeous. I'm a sucker for brown eyes and curly hair. My husband has beautiful brown eyes and I'd even venture to say he's more conventionally attractive than you. But there is a reason I'm so drawn to you.
It has little to do with your rugged single dad characters over the last few years, and more to do with how you appear in interviews. Due to the parasocial nature of our relationship, I have no idea what you're like in real life. But I assume, based on the fact that you can't even be mean to TMZ harassing you about your coffee order, that you are actually a super sweet, patient, kind, genuine, and humble person.
I'm drawn to that, idk. Like I literally just want to meet you, take a picture with you, and tell you how much you mean to me. It really is just extremely nice to know that there are people on this planet like you.
I tell my husband that your golden retriever energy reminds of him if he was a little more outgoing or "flamboyant." Basically if my husband was Chilean/Latino he would probably be remarkably similar to you(r public persona). I'm drawn to that gorgeous rugged man with a heart of gold energy. I really enjoy being around men who are comfortable being loud and happy and silly.
I like how you dance in public, how you take the "daddy" bullshit in stride, how you laugh a full belly laugh and wheeze like an old man. It's just endearing. It makes me love you. It's really hard to explain. Like yeah I find you attractive. If you were just a regular dude I met at my coffee shop, and I was a single woman, I'd make a move for sure. But I have this guy who I love with every fiber of my being, so instead I simply admire you.
I love that you worked really hard to get where you are. I love that you're kind of a theatre nerd. I love that you read interesting books. I love that you drink 6 shots of espresso on ice. I love that you seem genuinely surprised the internet finds you attractive. I love that you love movies. I love that your best friends are famous, but you met them in your late teens/early twenties when no one knew who you were (it shows me that you're a loyal friend). I love that you do silly little projects for charity (community table read, home move: the princess bride). I love that you're a vocal ally and support your sister Lux. I love that you seem politically conscious in a connected way, in a way that many celebrities have been too successful for too long to really grasp. I love that you're real, genuine, humble, kind, intelligent, well read, funny, sweet, whatever.
This is really parasocial brainrot of me, but I just think we could actually be friends, which is why I decided to make my journal blog letterstopedrito instead of just "my existential crises." I know we will never be friends and that you will never read these, but it's nice to pretend that I met you and we hit it off and it wasn't romantic or sexual. We just connected on a level that I could tell you all my problems and inner thoughts and work through shit and you listen and help me through it. It's a nice fantasy I guess.
Te amo (a una amigo)
P.S. I redownloaded duolingo. Determined to learn spanish goddamnit.
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