#i love them SO much god
the--firevenus · 1 year
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“I am scared to lose you, when we have finally found each other.”
-Quote from my fav fanfic ever exist, and I've applied it to all my ships ever since <3
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dozingpeach · 1 year
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hums put on your sunday clothes the whole time while drawing them
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elspeth-catton · 9 months
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localsamalicer · 1 month
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Sam and Jack sketches, that’s it
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crazy-queen-winx · 22 days
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hearted-anon · 6 months
All but a voice crack
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Words: 1.4k Notes: not a lot of tickling sorry :( just fluff, and this performance, I love them. T/w: No restraints, just fluffy tickles today.. Depressing topics Lee: Jeongin Ler: Bangchan
Jeongin hated himself. Shrouded in a pit of self-hate, Jeongin could proudly announce to his members he hated himself. Tendrils of doubt and worry tugged and pulled at his aching muscles, dragging him down into an abyss of hatred for himself that made his skin crawl and burn endlessly with scars. His throat was absolutely hoarse from the continuous practice on his vocals, but he couldn't stop practicing, he couldn't...
He couldn't let his members down again.
Another high note missed, another hit to his face. The poor maknae had covered himself in tiny bruises and cuts all over that once porcelain smooth skin of his bright smile, washed away as he shredded his voice to pieces to every note he failed to reach. If only the fox could understand that mistakes weren't his everything, that he was good enough for the team.
"Why can't I do it?! Stupid voice crack, stupid voice, stupid..." Jeongin cut himself off with a whimper, sinking to the floor. Tears of absolute agony streamed down his face, wailing like anyone would save him from the whirlpool of self-doubt that drowned him, scalding his lungs to allow no cry of help to escape him.
"We're going to get ice cream wanna- Hey hey, what's happening?" The leader waltzed into the practice room with a soft smile humming a track to a song they made, along to come face to face with the sobbing fox, who was curled up onto the floor in a feeble attempt to hide his sorrows. Bangchan rushed to Jeongin's aid in a heartbeat, and in the blink of an eye the maknae was cuddled up onto the older's lap, arms wrapping around his throbbing torso from the lack of rest, mentally and physically.
"I'm sorry hyung...I made us get last place, I'm sorry, so sorry..." The youngest sobbed into the oldest shoulder, sniffling and babbling pleas of apologies. No matter how much stays or the members themselves would try to convince the poor boy that having voice cracks were natural and nothing was his fault, that his voice going off pitch slightly only added into the emotion of the song, meant to display the amount of hard work went into it, Jeongin could never bring himself to believe it.
To make matters worse, after his mistake they were placed last by the judges, presuming the voice cracking matter was a serious issue that needed to be worked and fixed for their future performances. It just welled the hole deeper, letting the fox latch onto that idea he wasn't good enough, his vocals weren't good enough, nothing he ever did was good enough for the team, nor himself. It led to never ending practices that made his bones break, made his stomach bend inside out and caused his throat to run drier than the Sahara desert, wanting to improve himself to consider his insecurities fixed, but it never worked. If anything it only fuelled that motivation to strive for new heights, which meant more practice, which meant less time for a break till he broke.
"No, it's not your fault, don't say such mean things about yourself." Bangchan interrupted Jeongin's train to hell with the thoughts that ate up his insides, tutting at the insecurities that dare haunted his dear baby. Chan raised a hand to wipe away the tears that stained those cute cheeks now ruined with his wrong words, never should've been said, much less the maknae who worked his heart, soul and blood out for their Kingdom performance, no one would ever press on the fox's mistakes, much less one so miniscule.
The leader winced feeling the bruises and bumps of the small cuts, feeling the worry and sadness that washed over him that he himself couldn't notice and stop the maknae from spiralling into a pit of self-harm and toxic comments that he spat out as 'motivation', which really only acted on the want to further harm himself to do better. Jeongin sniffled and shuffled in Bangchan's lap when his delicate injuries were met with the warmness that was the Aussie's hand, the feeling of comfort despite the overwhelming pain that came with it that his wounds were finally being tended to after his hope that he would be saved was numbed after cruel hours of self-harm.
"Why did you do this? A pretty face ruined to your comments that will never be true..." Chan hummed softly, trying to hide his own guilt watching Jeongin be covered in scars he failed to notice, it hurt him as much as it hurt himself, if only the fox could realise it sooner.
"B-But I.." Jeongin was cut off completely when he felt fingers slip under his shirt to squeeze roughly at his side, which stuck out giving him being cradled in the leader's lap, squealing loudly. He snaps his head up to meet Bangchan's gaze as his eyes were cloudy with tears, now full of confusion on why he was suddenly tickled. Chan's eyes remained closed, as if a statue was there to take care of his baby as a smile was plastered onto his face, quiet and still.
"No, you didn't do anything wrong..." Bangchan whispered lovingly, a hand going up to undo any knots that were in the maknae's hair, soothingly working it out as his fingers weaved and played with his hair to calm the maknae's stressed nerves down slowly.
"Your voice was absolutely heavenly, it would've melted anyone's hearts, and that's why stay adored it so much, voice crack or not." Jeongin opened his mouth for a protest, but when the fingers under his shirt went to scribble at the fox's tummy, the manicured nails gliding smoothly over that soft ice cream like tummy. He burst into sweet giggles, a red hue taking over his cheeks now, not from the tears he shed, but now from the comfort that gave him a sense of closure.
"It was like a melody that serenaded us to dance along, anyone who heard it in real life would've fallen for you, and that's why I chose you." Bangchan cooed, before shifting his fingers out of his shirt to grasp the maknae’s fingers gently, feeling around the cold hands that were used to abuse his own skin, Bangchan never felt worse of how he let this happened. Which is why he wasn’t never going to let it happen again, those same fingers tracing delicate hearts into Jeongin’s palm, as if his finger was a pencil drawing masterpieces into the boy’s palm.
“Hyuhuhung! P-Plehehehease!” The maknae whined and begged under the soft tickles and hair scratching, but couldn’t help but melt under the gentle sensations. The tips of his ears burned red at the show of affection, snuggling his face into Chan’s tummy as his hands were taken up for ‘torture’, which was really just a method to cheer the boy up from his self-doubt and dread.
“Please what? Tell you how much you’re loved? Tell you how smooth your vocals are that it lifts anyone’s spirits or brings them to tears?” The leader chuckled at the youngest sweet giggles, if he could he would cherish like time would never stop, like the sands of ticking hourglasses would stop for Bangchan just to admire that smile contrasted to the scars on his face and his heart. The tips of Jeongin’s ears burned a Cherry red at the barrage of compliments that rained on him, wanting to cover his ears to evade what he thought wasn’t true, what he thought was just a fabricated lie to cover his actual poor skill.
But he couldn’t, not with the soft tracing that kept him giggling, not with the hand in his hair smoothing it out to soothe him, not with the warm smile on his hyung’s face that welcomed all the tears and sorrows that he wanted to pour out from his shattered heart. Any thoughts of him doing poorly in his kingdom performance were gone, replaced with the fluffy and soft feelings of the firm compliments that patched up the cracks in his heart.
He didn’t even notice the tickling stopped, his eyes drooping close from the tears he shed and the exhaustion that overtook him from the practice he forced upon himself, cuddling up closer into the leader’s lap to feel more comfortable. To say Bangchan’s heart melted into a puddle of goo was an understatement, biting back the want to scoop up the fox and kiss him just about a thousand times, so he wouldn’t disturb the sleep he desperately needed.
Safe to say they definitely got ice cream after that, with Jeongin having that permanent mischievous smile again, the members are now sure to baby their maknae much more after all…
That was everything but a voice crack that day.
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oxydiane · 2 years
‘Can’t sleep either?’
Sirius raises an eyebrow looking at Harry who stood by the kitchen door in his mismatched pyjamas. The water boiling inside the kettle a white noise in the silent night.
Harry shakes his head, eyes low and fists clenched.
‘Sit,’ his voice is gentle and Harry, still silent, walks straight to the dining table and pushes back a chair. ‘Want some tea?’ Harry doesn’t respond and, had it been anybody else, Sirius would have felt annoyed by now.
But nightly encounters with his godson had become way too frequent after the war, and Harry barely uttered any word when wandering about the house after waking up, after the war.
Sirius can’t help but notice a shiver pass through his body.
‘You’re shaking, Haz, want me to fetch you a warmer blanket?’
Harry shakes his head again, eyes far away as he stares at the marble of the table.
‘I’m always cold. After the… I feel so cold. All the time.’
Sirius clicks his tongue and nods. The silence hangs heavy in the air as he pours hot water into two cups. He lets the teabags steep and takes particular care to add warm milk and honey to one cup. The one he slides to Harry.
‘Drink some of this, it’ll put colour in your cheeks.’
Harry nods and Sirius runs a hand first though his hair and then over his face. He had just handled both the kettle and the cups, his hands were warm.
What he would do, to give Harry all the warmth he had inside.
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unknownarmageddon · 1 year
im actually just going to write them fighting over the toaster and have cross pull a knife on killer and get flustered into putting it away when killer acts overly interested and he just
punches him instead and they end up fist fighting in the kitchen at 2 in the morning and nightmare walks in on them scuffling on the floor and like cross has killer pinned and trying to throttle him to death (not really) and killer is just like, cackling and nightmare walks in on the EXACT moment cross decides he wants a kiss and it's like
theyre just unhinged and cross just kisses killer, then punches him and just gets up to finally cook his fucking toast like he wanted to from the beginning and nightmare is like
"what the fuck"
and killer hops up from the floor like he wasn't getting choked out like three seconds ago, rubbing his neck and cheerfully coming up to hug cross frm behind and he's like "wassup boss :]" while cross sourly puts jam on his toast and munches on it while half-heartedly trying to headbutt Killer away from where hes tryina get friendly with his neck and grumbling unflattering things
and its like
they eat and go bad to bed, where Killer proceeds to lounge on top of cross like the fuckin cat he is and cross just fuckin lets him and gives him head pets because he loves him too and yeah okay I think I'm gonna stop now weeping I can't give in to my kross ramblings every time they strike me like a seeking missile
Chair I am losing my shit and my mind /pos/pos
I’d read the absolute shit out of that and I already I am ohh my god dude
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theghostofashton · 7 months
I so loved your latest fic! Thank you for sharing it with us!
One of my favorite things that jumped out is when Carlos is talking about his meal planning and prepping and then thinks he's being too much and rambling, and yet TK is just smiling and listening to every word he says and even asking his own questions because he's Listening. *sigh* It made me emotional along with Carlos. It's one of my favorite headcanons about them, that they both worry they're being too much for the other sometimes, and yet the other one is just watching them or listening with heart eyes and heart ears because they are literally each others favorite person. 🥺😭
hi anon! this is so sweet, thank you for reading and for coming over here to send this message of what jumped out at you 💕
it's one of my favorite headcanons too, they're just so delighted by each other. as you said, literally each other's favorite person. i definitely feel like it goes both ways, i'm very attached to my headcanon that tk often lacked that person growing up, someone that was so delighted to just truly listen to him (see owen and gwyn when he tries to talk to them in 2x04, not meaning to, but making it all about themselves). he has so many huge feelings and thoughts on everything and i love the idea that carlos is so happy to sit and listen to him ramble and hang onto every word (see 2x07 and the thing with nancy).
and on the flip side, carlos sort of silencing himself, thinking what he had to say was unimportant or boring or anything of the sort, growing up just not feeling comfortable in getting to ramble about the things that interest him and nerd out (not necessarily because anyone made him feel that way, my hc for carlos is that he interprets peoples' words and actions to mean that) and with tk he's just....he's overwhelmed at first by how tk hangs onto his every word and finds the things that he thinks are dumb or boring or he would usually keep quiet about so unbelievably interesting. they are so heart eyes, fully obsessed with each other and it makes me emotional too
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My partner is so annoyingly cute and perfect like what am I meant to do when they just- say things and do things and touch me and brush against my arm or just suddenly kiss me or anything??
My gorgeous fiance just keeps flirting with me it's ruining my life
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chuckchuck228 · 6 months
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beybuniki · 2 months
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origin - rising
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egggelatin · 2 months
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cuntylestat · 3 months
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I've been a third all my life. Not saying that to fight, just saying that it's true. I feel like I get to pick one thing for myself, and it's her. A weird white lady I met by happenstance.
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xx-k1tsun3-k1d-xx · 4 months
the mobile phone museum is a online museum featuring over 2000 types of old and funky phones that’s amazing for seeing old phones and getting info about them for stuff like writing/art or just because they’re so cool and i love them look at them
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behold! some of my favourite silly creatures :3
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dyn3m1ght · 24 days
"are they lovers?"
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