#i love this very muchhhhhh
skyward-floored · 1 year
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I’m here to annoy you again before I go to work
You're not annoying me in the slightest Smiles I love seeing anything you send to my inbox
AWWWWWWW HE'S SO SOFT TOWARDS KORI bandaging him all up so gently and giving him his little stuffed goat aaaabhjfdhjdg the panel with him all tucked in I'm gonna melt <333333
the last panel too lol the face he's making XD
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lucabyte · 2 months
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hi im back
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redninjaoutfit · 26 days
I LOOOOOVE Derby Harrington so I'm gonna rant about him. I feel like he sorta gets characterised as this big bad mean-spirited prep.. but honest to god I think he's much more than that.
Born into ABSURD wealth, raised to always be aware of that fact, to put lessers in their place. Sure he calls people names and degrades them but there's so much more to his character than that.
He acts like as much of a prince as Pinky does a princess. He's goofy, easily amused, kind of childish and prissy but he's no evil, quite the opposite actually.
His actions and quotes reveal loyalty not only to his class but also to his friends (whom he sees as actual friends instead of secretly plotting against them for his own benefit).
He may not act in the best interest of other cliques but then again... which leader does? His priority is to protect both the Preppie status and his family name as has been ingrained in him by his family., especially against people he's been taught to see as his inferiors trying to tear his clique down person by person (see JIMMY).
Many of the Preppies' quotes also show he does care about and engage with them which tells me despite having to remain elevated above others and maintain his superiority as leader Derby is or would like to be more down to earth and be able to display his affection freely. He doesn't confine himself to Bif's presence only "because he's the biggest, strongest, 2nd in command" but considers the rest his companions as well. Yet with the credibility of the Harrington name in the forefront of his mind he refrains and only does so away from the public eye.
Why do I think that?
He disregards his clique's voyages with Lola and other commoners, gave Tad, an upstart's son, his private number, is on good enough terms with Gord to get money off him, told Justin he was his best friend (and Justin trusts him enough to suggest alliances with other cliques). He also put his pride aside to requested help concerning Gord's wellbeing from Jimmy, the person he had every right to hate, who dethroned him despite having no such right by Prep standards.
That's no manipulative tyrant but a boy who desires connections AND I WILL STAND BY THAT. That's the beauty of Derby's character, he COULD be read as a cruel git BUT TO ME!!! He's a great friend and leader who does what he has to do for the good of them all.
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
Dishi is so pretty I'm going to cry. He's so pattern... auh,,
THANK YOU i think hes so pretty and his cat likes bread :D doodled this so that we can cry over him together
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cel sidebottom!
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moonshynecybin · 5 months
thinking about how i have to go as charles leclerc for halloween this year because i love my best friend
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so-3i3 · 4 months
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Lil dude came to visit
AOGH ITS SO CUTE !!!!! tysm for sharing the Little Beast... :]
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skznccmlee · 10 months
My ler just discovered yesterday I'm ticklish on my feet and ears and TOTALLY explored that new information
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bashfulkisser · 28 days
Lilting voice and intimate knowledge for Bashful >:3 Tell me about your favorite lil guy!!
My little guyyyyy aughhhhh... Okay yeah, I'll happily talk about him-
lilting voice ୧ ‧₊˚ how does their voice sound to u ? what does their laughter sound like to ur ears ? do their whispers sound like the most saccharine song of the nightingales ? is their tone as smooth and rich as velvet or is it scratchy, a little grating, but nonetheless charming in its own way ? is it possibly that they don’t have a voice at all ? if not, do their other ways of communication still captivate you ?
What does Bashful's voice sound like to me? Well, depends on his mood to be honest! Most of the time it's soft, quiet, and pretty unsure, almost as if he's the most timid, squeaky little mouse- But he also has his fair share of squawks, growls, hums, yelps, and even roars- All of which are adorable in my opinion 😭 He has so much fun variety to his voice and I can never get enough of it-
intimate knowledge ୧ ‧₊˚ what are some hidden features of ur fノo that not many people are privy to ? things like a secret birthmark, the fact that they are ambidextrous, the bump on their nose that is actually the result of breaking it as a child. do these small facts about them fascinate u ? do the stories behind them make u swoon for them even more, if possible ?
The most obvious one would be his fluffy golden lion's mane of hair- Canonically a really rare sight for anyone who doesn't know him super well, but I feel like he'd have a lot more to him. Lots of little scratches and scars on his hands from mining and all of his adventures, and each mark would have a story to go with it, too- If he ever told me about them, I'd trace around each scar with my finger, always so surprised that a little guy that meek has been through so many wild things-
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smallest-moon · 1 year
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Fly, fly away, like a bird in the sky. See the world on my behalf, To the heavens may you fly...
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butchdykekondraki · 2 years
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mars-ipan · 1 year
hehe my friends are cute :3
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
razzmatazz for the ask game :3
My favorite lyric: That is very difficult- But I think I'm gonna go with: "Get yourself a pseudoscientific little fiction / You can fix this / Seven, eight, nine / I'm losing count again / Maybe they don't work at all / Swallow every one of them" from Sugar Pills, which is a TWO FOR ONE!!!! I love the rhythm of "pseudoscientific little fiction", and there's something about the contradiction of the last two lines that is very fun to me X3
My favorite song: Ok if we're not talking the deluxe edition, then it's a very close tie between Clusterhug and Razzmatazz. I love them both so so much, they're both such beautiful songs <333 If we're talking the deluxe edition, then it's a lot more complicated :'3 (I have many many favorites and couldn't pick just one)
The song that makes me cry: NEED YOU HERE!!!!!! That song has gotten close to making my cry augh </3 HE LOVES HIS FAMILY HE LOVES HIS KIDSSSSSS ;_;
The song that’s a bop: This album has many a bop, if I'm being honest X3 It feels rude to just pick one cause they're all ✨️fantastic✨️. But, if I have to pick, I'll go with Sugar Pills. It's just so upbeat and energetic!! It was a really close choice between Leave Me Alone and Mad IQs as well though
The song I most dislike/least love: ...Gosh, well I love all of them. It feels really mean to say this, because it's a beautiful song, but I think I have to go with Door. I'm sad to say it, but I just don't think about it that often, it's probably the most forgettable on the album </333 Sorry Door-
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My dearest just said one of the most romantic things I've ever seen with my own two eyes, ("If I said [I love you] as much as I should, i wouldn't have time to say much else") and then immediately proceeded to talk about the music and stealth mechanics in the LotR heresy game (Shadow of Mordor) which she is playing through and telling me about so I can rant to her about how they butchered the lore and also attempt to translate Sindarin.
Tantrum astramo eam <3
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three cheers for sweet revenge is such a perfect album sfjgklejgfj just the lore behind it and the songs and the cover and everything about it there isn't one bad song on that album like helena is such an amazing song to start it out with and THE LYRICS and i love give 'em hell kid it's so silly and it's sooo jdfkllgtru and then TO THE END??? they put drugs in that one istg!!!! you know what they do to guys like us in prison is also perfect in every way shape and form and it itches my brain in all the right places and MY CELLMATE'S A KILLER HE MAKES ME DO PUSH UPS IN DRAG and then I'M NOT OKAY?!?!?!?!? the ultimate emo anthem also perfect in every way and the music video too??? and then of course there's ghost of you which makes me ascend into heaven every time i hear it, it is absolutely flawless and then there's the jetset life is gonna kill you ksjdfhkjegfkjsdgfkjewgfk how does an album have so many perfect songs i wanna eat it and then interlude?? it's the perfect way to cut an album in half and idc what anyone says interlude is my CHILD i birthed it i love it it's mine and then there's thank you for the venom the guitar is so delectable and everything about the song is delectable RAAAAAAHHH and then there's also hang 'em high??? like the lil cowboy vibe it has going on is amazing and i just refheklgj!!!! it's not a fashion statement it's a fucking deathwish is faultless, 10/10, amazing. and CEMETERY DRIVE?!?!?!? the drums, the vocals, the lyrics, consume my very being my atoms are made up of cemetery drive this one is also my child but it's my favorite child best song on the album imo AND THEN THE ALBUM ENDS WITH I NEVER TOLD YOU WHAT I DID FOR A LIVING!!!!!! best way to end an album, i want to inhale it, i WILL inhale it, i want it to lobotomize me i love it wehjfdjgfadwkbjgfehbmvjshbm and the fact that all these songs are on the SAME ALBUM?????? SOBBING I LOVE THREE CHEERS FOR REVENGE SO FUCKING MUCHHHHHH
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selfloverrrrrr · 3 months
A request as the same as the geto x reader (but u can use any character) tht u just posted but..as we were screaming for help..(any character again)was on his way to (character again😂)room..then as he got close he heard screaming and ran..the door was locked and then he kicked it open..and saw us getting raped..and etc🙃(they had a fight)and the person who came to help us got hit in the head and died/unconscious...and the body was hidden away(reader got threatened ofc)
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You should come to me first
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Warnings : smut , heavy smut, unprotected sex, Noncon, physically and emotional abuse, biting, torture, size difference, jealous Megumi....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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In college I have two female friends. Nobara and Maki. They were like my bestfriends. I shared everything with them and they shared everything with me. I loved them so much. We were BFF. But they weren't my only friends. Yuta , Inumaki, Yuji and Megumi were also my friends. They were also my close friends.
The boys of our friend circle were so famous in our college. Especially Megumi Fushiguro and Itadori Yuji. They were very well-known in our college for their charms. All girls were ready to throw their body to them. But they didn't give a fuck.
But the thing noone knew was Megumi has a crush on me. Oh no... that's not a crush that's obsession. He was obsessed with me. Always stalking me, following me everywhere, staring at me at college. But he never let anyone notice that. And one thing Megumi didn't know is.... I'm in a secret relationship with Yuji. That's bad...if he get to know...that will be ....too much bad!!!
We all lived in a flat. The flat was huge. That has five floors. Megumi and Yuji's room were in the first floor. They were roommates. Mine and Nobara's one was on the third floor and others were on the fourth floor.
It was a normal day. Yuji called me. "Hmm....Yuji" I said picking up the call. "What are you doing?" Yuji asked. "Nothing much just have breakfast" I replied. "Come here... I miss you" Yuji whined. "Have you done your breakfast?" I asked. " No.... I wanna see you... pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee" Yuji said. "First have your breakfast!!!" I said. "Come here and feed me then" he said. "God you'll never grow up... I'm coming " I said. "Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy" He said. I cackled and hanged up the call.
Time passed. I was sitting on Yuji's bed. He just done his breakfast. "I missed you" Yuji whined. "How much?" I asked. Yuji pulled me on his lap. "Toooooo muchhhhhh" he said. I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Oh...?" I asked with a smirk. Yuji flipped. Now we both were laying on the bed. Yuji was on top of me. "Is my girlfriend trying to tease me?" Yuji asked. "Maybe....who knows" I giggled.
Yuji kissed me. I kissed him back. It was a sweet kiss. We both melted in the kiss. I run my fingers through his hair. Suddenly we heard the door opened. "Itadori I'm making coffee do you wa-" it was Megumi who paused in middle of his sentence when he saw us. He clenched his jaw and clenched his fist around the doornob.
"uhh... it's okey... should I come later?" Megumi said . Me and Yuji both blushed. We got up quickly. "No no it's okey... what were you saying?" Yuji said. "I was asking if you want coffee... and y/n you're here too do you want coffee?" Megumi asked. "Uh yeah sure... Actually lemme make the coffee" I said and went out of the bedroom and went towards the kitchen.
"you go Fushiguro... I'm going toilet... coming after" Yuji said. "Ok ok" Megumi said and went out of the room. He closed the door. Then looked at me. I was preparing the coffee. Then he again looked at Yuji's door and locked it from outside. Then he walked towards me.
"how long is this going on?" Megumi asked. "Huh?" I looked at him. "The relationship" he said looking deep into my eyes. "Oh.....three months" I replied with a slight blush. Then again bring back my attention to the coffee. I didn't noticed when he came towards me. His chest touched my back. He caged me between him and the kitchen counter. "Why are you wearing this short top and this short skirt which is barely covering anything?" He whispered in my ear. "W-what" before I could react I felt his hand caressing my inner thigh.
His hand is going upwards. "Megumi what ar-" before I could finish my sentence he put his hand inside my pantie. With his other hand he hugged me tightly so I can't move. He started rubbing circles on my clit. "Megumi stop!!!!" I said loudly. "You're wearing clothes like a slut.... then you should be treated like a slut... right?" He said and started rubbing my clit with more pressure.
I looked at Yuji's room hoping he'll come here and save me. "Oh..He won't come... don't worry " Megumi whispered in my ear. I was shouting at him to stop....but he didn't. Instead of stopping he started rubbing his crotch on my butt. After few moment he stopped. He brings his finger to my pussy and rubbed there. I moan escaped my mouth.
Megumi smirked. "Baby you are telling me to stop.... then why is your pussy drooling over my fingers?" He whispered in my ear and bite it. "Heyyy... the door is locked... Megumi??? Y/n??? Please open it" we heard a scream coming from Yuji's room. "Yuji please come here help me!!!!!! Megumi's harassing me!!!!!" I screamed. "What??? Megumi????? Open the door!!!" Yuji screamed. "Not this shit again" Megumi said.
He grabbed my hair and dragged me towards his bedroom. I groaned in pain. He threw me on his bed and locked the door. Took off his shirt and threw it on the floor then started crawling towards me on the bed."please stop" I said and tried to push myself backwards but he grabbed my leg and pulled me towards him. I gasped. He was still smirking."stop?... Where's the fun then? The fun part is about to began ~" he whispered and crashed his lips on mine.
I tried to push him away but his grip was too strong. I can't even move myself. He was kissing me too roughly. I couldn't breathe. "Why do you like him...huh??? Why him!!!...am I not good for you.... can't you see that I fucking love you so much?! And you are still dating him not me?!.... Is it because everyone thinks that he's stronger than me???!!!!! I can be stronger!!! I can protect you like noone can....not even him!!!" Megumi screamed in pain. He grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. My boobs bounced out. He looked at those with lust in his eyes and didn't waste any time, crashed his mouth on my breast licking, sucking and teasing the nipple and squeezing the other one with his hand. I moaned in the sensetion. I grabbed his hair and tried to stop him by pulling it but it didn't even effect on him. "M-Megumi stopppp" I scremed but he didn't stop.
Then he took off my skirt and then took off my pantie. he looked at my pussy. He rubbed his finger on my clit. Then he licked my pussy. I couldn't help but moan loudly. He smirked at my reaction and undo his pant.
His dick sprang out. It was too big and too thick. Fear grabbed me by my neck. " M-Megumi no no no... P-please no... s-stop" I begged but didn't even listen to me and slammed his whole dick inside me in one slide. I scremed. He didn't even give me time to adjust his size and started thursting in and out roughly. I was throughig my legs with pain and begging him to stop. And he was liking it so much. His thurst became harder and harder. I clenched around him tightly and he moaned loudly " ughhhhhh....ahhh s-so...ahhhh....so f-fucking tight " he started rubbing my clit with his thumb and I bite his shoulder scratched his back to control myself. With a few more thurst I came. He was still thursting roughly. I felt his cock pulsing inside me. I tried to push him away with all of my strength." Ughh...no no no no...ahhhhhh...no please no....ahhhhhh..... n-not ahhhh.....not inside..." I moaned. He grabbed my throat and chocked me down to the bed. " Shhh.... shut up and just fucking take what I'm giving you." He screamed. Within a minute he came inside me I could feel his seed inside me. Then he pulled out.
"Megumi!!!!! Open the door.... OPEN THE DOOR!!!" We heard Yuji's scream and banging on Megumi's door. Megumi looked at me and smirked. He went up and wore his pant. Yuji still banging on the door. He walked towards the door, stand behind it and slowly unlocked it. Yuji burst into the room. He looked at me "y/n...?" He said. "YUJI BEHIND YOU!!!" I screamed. Yuji looked behind and smacked a vase on Yuji's head. Yuji fell on the floor senseless. "Tsk tsk tsk.... that's your strong boyfriend?" Megumi said looking at Yuji's body.
Megumi walked towards me. I gulped. His face inches away from mine "Look at me baby.... You see that??? I'm stronger than him right? You saw that right?" He said cupping my chin. "I'm gonna take care of him.... And you don't dare to tell anyone...or else you know I can kill him too if I want" Megumi whispered.
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Give me your requests guys....
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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