#i love u anon this has been so fun :D
pilotstreets · 2 years
So sorry I could talk to you the last few days I had so much more stuff to ask you but irl stuff got me hard 😭
It's the last day before I can give you your present!!!! I'm so excited!
But before that I just have one more thing to ask you! What's your favourite holiday tradition? It can be something lots of people do, or something or family does, or even something you like to do yourself! - 🎁
omg dont even worry about not being able to chat the last couple days !! i totally get it, don't sweat it :-)
im so excited to see your (my?) gift! i saw that you posted it already and tagged me but i feel like it's cheating since it's still the 24th for me, but the second the clock hits midnight on the 25th im gonna look hehe.
hm, my favorite tradition is really simple and i think a common one, but on christmas eve every year my parents would give my siblings and i pajamas that we open that evening and wear for all of christmas until we go to my grandmas house, but now im the only one of us who still lives at home, so i get mine on christmas eve and everyone else gets theirs the next day. oh, and we always eat handmade cinnamon rolls for breakfast every christmas, and it's just a lot of fun nostalgia even though the cinnamon rolls are always too sweet and make me sick if i eat too many. and oh x2, at my dance studio xmas party we always read the night before christmas, and in my classes my teacher gives us a santa shaped candy bar and everytime she reads the word "the" we pass the candy bar to the next person and whoever has it by the end gets to keep the candy. it's super fun, but also stressful if you miss one of the "the"s and the whole class is like "THE! THE! PASS IT! PAAASSS IT!"
omg. this is the last secret santa ask for this duo. i've had the best time, thank you for being such a swag secret santa <333 and merry christmas (eve, or for me at least)!!!
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dodgebolts · 1 year
the magical fox has returned, and this time he's brought a friend: a little star! she would like to know what your happiest memory is!
ANON :((( this is so cute
I think my favorite memory would have to be when I got into my uni because it was like. everyone was so happy then even in the midst of covid, I was on call with my best friend doing our italian hw and I was opening it to get the rejection out of the way bc everyone else I knew had gotten rejected, but then I saw the confetti and my entire family and my friend heard me crying and were so sweet about it, and even though I definitely had some rose-tinted lenses about what it would be like I wouldn't change that moment for the world
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idanceuntilidie · 14 days
i also like that you're rly friendly with requesters:DD
+ idrk how you are doing but remember to take care of your health and improve ur memory unlike me>:...
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Hi thanks! I like my anons and generally everyone so yeah :D I also like being nice
I decided to add ur request to this response so there would be a bigger chance u see that I have finally done ur request! I am sorry it took so long and well enjoy!
this person agreed to make the reader gender neutral!
warning/s; yandere behaviours and acts, stalking, mentions of kidnapping and forcing one to be dependent on the other
requests are still open
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You grimace looking at your phone. Seen. Of course it was seen, he wouldn't even try to reply. You are hurt. Naturally you try texting again and even calling. You are worried and hell you could be even mad at him but you can’t bring yourself to.
A small thought blossoms in your head.
No, he couldn’t have, right? Of course he couldn’t, he swore he wouldn’t cheat again. He stayed home as much as he could, he worked harder. He became sweet and when “those” times happened he became sweeter. You are stupid, maybe desperate but you can’t be mad forever no? That would be stupid.
You bit your thumb, that small little thought was growing roots. What would you do if he in fact did that again? You stopped, the question danced in front of you laughing in your face. Shit, what would you do? Forgive? A metallic taste fills your senses. Of course you would.
The music blasts loudly, it makes your head spin. You only came to the party since you thought he would come. He didn’t.
You were so deep in your thoughts you didn’t notice someone approaching you.
“Jesus you! What in the world are you doing?”
Someone grabbed your now bleeding hand. You are hurt, odd, you didn’t notice.
Ginger grimaced at the sight of blood. Personally you liked the color, but that is beside the point. They sighed, looked at you with disappointment and dragged you back to the loudest place on earth that currently exists; her house. That’s right, you were at a party before you decided to try and get Ciaran here.
You almost forgot.
„You can’t be so careless, what were you doing outside?”
You aren’t sure you want to answer, Ginger has a very short temper. She hates Ciaran with every fiber of her being, hell, she hated him ever since you introduced him to her. At first you didn’t understand why, then those accidents happened. That answered a lot but still you couldn’t get angry at your boyfriend, naturally you forgave him very easily. Ginger said you let him walk over you and maybe she was right.
„I thought Ciaran came since he didn’t reply”
Ginger frowned. You could feel your stomach knot, it felt sickening.
„You, listen, I know you love the guy but look how he is treating you.”
You shamefully looked at the ground as Ginger was dragging you through an overwhelming group of people that had fun. Your stop was at the bathroom where Ginger began to look through the cabinets for the first aid kit.
„I know but-„
„Oh stop it, I really had enough of that fucker. He is destroying you from the inside!”
She huffed as she tried reaching for the very thing she was looking for on the highest shelf. You helped.
„As much as I like you, I can’t just stay here and nod to whatever bullshit he is spewing. He is probably fucking some fucker right now. People who cheat once, do it again.”
She took care of your bleeding thumb. It was a little rough but you could tell she was so annoyed. Not at you of course, at Ciaran. That didn’t make you feel better.
Ginger was right, and that made you feel like shit.
You can’t sleep.
Your once cosy house felt unfamiliar, threatening. You felt like you didn’t know where you are.
Every creak, shadow and murmur made you question if you were truly alone. Were you? You hoped.
It’s been a month since you kicked Ciaran out. You dropped him, like he did you everytime he decided to sleep with some random asshole. He fucked around and found out, the irony.
You couldn’t say you have gotten rid of him completely. He was everywhere, seeing him made you physically unwell. Ginger had to take care of you.
He blew up your phone with messages, photos. He sent you gifts that were still probably rotting outside since you haven’t even tried to move them. Ginger said that they smelled like rotten meat. You didn’t want her to clean that. She has done too much for you already.
There was one time, you recall, few weeks ago when you considered murder. Would it really be that since you only wanted to protect yourself whe he was banging on the door? He was too focused on those to smash any windows luckily.
His screams fill your head now and then.
You swipe the sweat from your forehead. It’s hot.
„Come back!” he yelled, wailing. He sounded like an animal that was getting its stomach slashed. „I was so stupid, look, look! I changed! don’t you believe me?” You didn’t know what the change was, he blocked those people on his phone or told them to fuck off? Why does it matter if he would just come back to them?
You would wail, weak in the knees, your lips dried and sore. „Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone.” Like a mantra, a prayer. You weren’t really religious but would some deity take him away? If that would be the case you would kneel and pray until you fell unconscious.
You feel like you are overreacting. It’s funny. Your eyes wander to the corner of your room. There was someone sitting on the chair next to your desk. They were sprawled out on your chair, you smiled.
„Ginger?” you rasp out. „Did you seriously fall asleep while you were supposed to watch over me?” You kind of regret taking that nap, even if you felt slightly better.
Ginger didn’t reply, you can’t hear her breathe.
Despite your body yelling at you to stay in bed you get up to turn on the light. That usually woke Ginger up but when you turned it on, the silence remained. Slowly you turned around and were met with the sight of blood. It blossomed on the carpet, Gingers t-shirt. Your eyes slowly followed the source, someone slashed her throat.
You felt sick, dizzy. The fever didn’t help, ir was so fucking hard to think.
You need to get out of here.
You want to turn around but someone graps you and hugs you very close. They stink of sweat and blood.
„Sorry honey, had to do something. Why Are you up? You are burning. Here I will help.”
A scream cought in your throat, painful. Who is that? Why did he kill Ginger?
You were turned around to face the killer. Ciaran. Fucking Ciaran. You wanted to scream, to cry or run. He only smiled as he swung at you, knocking your unconscious.
You wished you died that night.
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emmyrosee · 2 years
hi emmy! congrats on the milestone!! (im sorry for being late 😔) u deserve so much more love <3!! i feel rlly proud for u, even tho i started following u not long ago :) i can feel u being sincere with everybody which is rlly cool! :D and i wanted to do 27 from your prompt list and 4 from the second list on hugs w/ tsukki :) i hope u have a great day and stay healthy and take care!! -anon :)
Honestly I want this to be a place where anyone feels welcome to poke around, so to kinda hear that you get that vibe really does mean the most. ALSOO my first Tsukki piece!! Hope I didn’t do him dirty!!
27 “I swear, I’m not scared”
4 Hugs “Comforting”
“Are you sure-”
“Yup. I am perfectly fine with this circumstance.”
Despite your quivering words and tense shoulders, your eyes never leave the screen. Seems to be mistake, as instantly, the monster portrayed in the film hides just in the background, barely in sight. Kei rolls his eyes while yours absolutely refuse to leave the monster that lingers without being noticed by the protagonists.
Next to you, an equally scared but exponentially enthralled Yachi, on the floor are the other three third years who shout at the stupidity of the characters on screen.
Movie nights have always been a tradition, especially on Halloween; like hell you were going to disrupt the fun.
Not like you were scared or anything.
“If you’re scared, I can ask Tadashi to-”
“I swear, I’m not scared,” you hiss. Your body betrays you, as your finger nails dig at your cuticles, anxiously scanning for the monster the movie finally has panned away from.
“But what if it’s real?” Hinata says, popping some gummy bears in his mouth. 
“What if what’s real?” Kageyama asks back.
“Like, what if you were killed in any rage? Do you think you would come back as one of those?” Hinata’s finger nudges at the screen, referring to the horrors as if they’re not fake.
“You keep talking and I’m gonna kill you in a fit of rage,” Kageyama snaps, and a few feet away, Tadashi snickers.
“If I come back as one of those demons, I’m gonna haunt you so bad!”
Next to him, Kei hears you whimper, and he lets out a snarl at the idea of the others making you afraid.
“That’s enough,” Kei finally snaps. “Shut the hell up, or we’re leaving.”
“What’s the matter?” Hinata teases. “You scaaaared we’re gonna haunt you?”
You look away, embarrassed. If looks could kill, Hinata would be buried by Kei’s.
“You already haunt my everyday life, that’s horrific enough.”
Finally, a quiet falls back over the group, engrossed in the rising tension. You look like you’re completely settled in rigor mortis, and you look so scared he thinks you could puke straight onto Yamaguchi’s rug.
With a deep inhale through his nose, sucking up his pride, Kei wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer to his side. You make a small, confused noise at the sudden affection, and he noses at your hairline.
“Kei? What’re you-”
“I’m scared,” he says simply, though there’s a total calm in his voice. He conceals you slightly in his frame, the flashing on screen dimmed in his hoodie fabric. “Hate this shit, but I know you want to finish it, so I’m just gonna... hold you.”
An overly wordy, but extremely soothing “I know your stubborn ass doesn’t want to leave, so I’ll keep your cover.”
You blink, surprised at the gentleness in his voice, but you decide to curl against him adoringly, melting in the comforting embrace, the friends scattered around you two being none the wiser to the chatter between you both.
You press an soft kiss to his jawline, feeling immensely better in the bulk of his arms. Your eyes gently flutter close and you take selfish inhales of his scent, mumbling a soft “thank you,” into the meat of his bicep. He nods and settles back down for his own physical comfort, the whole group gasping out as another scare plagues the air surrounding you both.
The scare fades, and you feel your breathing even out as you rest against your boyfriend, mind at ease and-
“Ohhhhh, I get it! Tsukishima wasn’t scared, but-”
There’s a sudden thump and a pained whine from Hinata, quickly then followed by “don’t kick me, Suckishima!” Your laughter gets muffled in the hoodie, mingled only with the other laughter from the other boy, Yachi quickly asking if the middle blocker was okay.
Definitely a tradition.
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jeonscatalyst · 20 days
Can we talk about Jikook spending multiple holidays together by choice. White Day, Silver Day, Valentines, Chuseok. However you view their relationship, they enjoy spending these days together for years over others, including bdays & that speaks volumes.
Now, Lets talk about how Jikook scheduled their Jeju trip during Chuseok, originally meant for the 2 of them. Jk already memorizing recipes saying Jimin will love this while in NY, to fix on their Jeju trip. I can see why they were annoyed with their "guest who insisted & only found out through group chat two days before". Not only did JK have to go straight from NY to Jeju, which he probably thought he'd be spending alone with Jimin after being away on promotions, he had to deal with an unexpected guest. Since JK was busy in NY, I'm guessing Tae insisted to Jimin & Jimin talked to JK about him coming. I can see why Jk was annoyed with them both esp Jimin, bucking up at him over nothing & locking him out the house lol. Also, Jikook's suitcases were bigger then Tae's & the phone call with JK's mom asking about Jimin & asking if Jk is coming home for the holidays, kinda paints a picture. Jikook wanted to spend the holiday together, planned this trip around Chuseok, just the two of them in Jeju & were probably gonna head home to Busan to see their families after. I know they love Tae & had fun with him, but its clear this was a holiday vacation planned for ONLY 2 from the start. I don't want to say what Tae did was selfish, but he clearly didn't read the room beforehand. Maybe he will next time.
Hi anon,
Jimin and Jungkook choosing to spend many special days together over the years is and has always been one of my favourite things about them. I love how those two value (d) spending certain moments together and that was pretty consistent for so many years. It was always one of the things that always set them apart from the rest of the members in my opinion and one of the things that showed how deep their bond and friendship is. Like you said, it speaks volumes.
You may not like this but I am not one of the people who believes that Jungkook was annoyed about Tae joining them in Jeju. I didn’t see anything about his or Jimin’s behaviour or demeanor that gave me that impression if anything, I thought Jk was indifferent about it. I don’t think he had an issue with Tae being there. Some people mentioned sensing some annoyance from him towards Tae but I honestly didn’t, was he sometimes bratty, sure but not annoyed. Yes the trip was originally planned for Jimin and Jungkook but if those two didn’t want Tae there he wouldn’t have been there. These guys have known each other for over a decade and Vminkook are really close so I don’t think Jimin and Jungkook wouldn’t have been able to tell him no, if they didn’t want him there and Tae could be a little clueless sometimes but I don’t think he would have insisted to tag along if he felt like Jikook didn’t want him there. Maybe to Jimin and Jungkook, it just felt like “the more the merrier” and even though they teased Tae alot about him being a guest and joked about how the show was meant only for two, I don’t think they would have had a problem if other members wanted to join too.
Jimin and Jungkook may have loved to spend time together alone but that doesn’t mean they cared too much if they had some company at certain times, so let’s allow Tae some grace ok. I loved that he was there because they all seemed to have a really great time with him especially on the first day. I felt like he was a little off on the other days but maybe it was because he wasn’t feeling too fine or probably had other stuff on his mind or maybe he was just bored when they weren’t actively runninf around plus, him being there also aided in showing us how different Jikook is from Taekook. I don’t know about u but Tae being there validated my thoughts Jikook’s and taekook’s dynamic and how obviously different they are. I made a post a few months ago about their dynamics and I got tkkrs fuming in my inbox so when I watched AYS and saw all my words come to life it felt good to know I had a very great understanding of the boys. Jk’s little snarky remarks and pissy attitude is just Jk. I feel like sometimes we forget about the fact that even though Jk is the most amazing little bean he could be a brat sometimes and he knows how to work his hyungs nerves. He had his bratty moments with Tae but I don’t think that had anything to do with him not wanting Tae there. He was also very welcoming and him and Jimin tried not to make sure Tae didn’t feel left out so I guess they actually loved having him around.
Maybe Jikook’s suitcases were bigger because they planned to go to Busan after or maybe they just packed more than Tae did. Who knows?
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wonwoonlight · 1 year
how do u think svt in relationship will be like?
(im sorry if you're already did drabbles for this)
hi 🎀anon!!! sorry this got late, i think the topic went a little everywhere at some point but i hope you enjoyed this anyway hehe. but also before i did this, i want to rephrase this a little and answer this as how i would write their characters in a relationship in my fics🧡
cheol: he would be the kind of boyfriend who's whiny and clingy and he's not ashamed about it!!! but despite the child like persona that he puts up, he always takes care of you and he's always always always the first person who'd apologize or remind you both to calm down when things get too heated up.
jeonghan: han would only pull all his pranks in private while he's only a little playful in front of people (unless those people are close to both of you then it doesn't matter); teasing is just his love language, anyway. he knows all the lines he needs to keep and he's secretly scared he'd push you a little too far. he's subtle about his touch too, though you can bet that he's never leaving you alone when you're in the comfort of your apartment aha.
shua: man would do everything for you and i mean everything. he'd take care of you without even thinking bc to him, it's just a given and it's second nature. he's like those people who have everything ready before you even finish the sentence. "do you have--" "here." "what about--" "here."
jun: jun, on the contrary, i feel like would be a rather serious boyfriend. sure, he'll still joke around and all that stuff, but i imagine he's the type to be more serious when it comes to this stuff. he's calm and he never pushes anything out of you, even by accident.
hoshi: hosh is the type of boyfriend who takes you anywhere and everywhere over the weekend. he wants to try every single thing he's heard from his friends and his members, so you can bet your ass he's dragging you with him lol.
wonwoo: take a walk during odd hours kind of boyfriend 😭 he's not keen on going outside, but when it comes to taking a walk during random hours after midnight, he springs up like a kid during christmas lol. he'd wrap you with the warmest clothes there is because he gets cold himself. so he needs to prevent you from being cold bc there's no way he'd be able to let you wear his jacket looooooooool
jihoon: he claims he doesn't like cuddles; and it's true. just that he doesn't like cuddles when they aren't from you. he's always subtle with his touches also, doesn't say anything when he initiates any kind of physical contact so your heartbeat is always 📈📈📈📈📈 everytime he suddenly drops down next to you and just softly grabs your hands and plays with your fingers when it's just the two of you.
seokmin: he'd be very shy at first. like he has all this energy and he just wants to hold your hand but he's too shy and it's only been like two weeks since you started dating so is it too fast to place his hand on your thigh when you're next to him??? he'd just be flustered all the time until you tell him it's ok lol
mingyu: like hoshi, he would want to try a lot of activities. but he wouldn't be hearing those from his friends, he'd look them up himself, look through the reviews, stalk instagram profiles, and when he's sure you two would have fun, he'd say he's planned the perfect date (which he really has lol) and you'll end up having a competition about who can plan the Most Fun Date Activities.
minghao: i wanna go with the cliche museum, art dates when it comes to him bc that's D: just D: how i imagine him to be D: perhaps he'd even bring you to those painting or pottery class bc he just wants to spend time with you either appreciating art or making something meaningful for the both of you (the memories and your failed attempt of a potteries left as mementos lol)
seungkwan: for a date, seungkwan would also look things up on instagram like mingyu. but he would include you in the process, asks about your preference whilst also dropping hints about what he wants to try lol. the both of you would have more fun looking through instagrams, pressed against one another on the sofa, than going on the actual dates lol. the members would sometimes ask you both about a date course bc they knew you've both seen too much date courses instagram recommendation pages
vernon: he's the follow you type of boyfriend <3 whatever you want to do, 95% of the time he'd just say and follow you. not that he doesn't have anything in mind, but what matters to him is that he's spending time with you. he'd also make a tradition of having a movie/netflix date, something you can do online when you're apart. again, it doesn't matter what you're watching bc he simply wants to spend time w you 😭
chan: NOW HIM. i think it's time that we remember that despite being the maknae in seventeen, chan is the eldest son in his family. i feel like he's a very mature boyfriend who would try to "lead" you and i mean that in the best way possible. he'd be patient even if you're indecisive about anything--menu, movies, places, activities. he'd try to get to the bottom of what you actually want 😗 "
A/N: phew it's hard to write these but it was fun and i've grown a new kind of respect for people who write headcanons sjdhfbhsdjbf
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fanofthelamb · 5 months
Hey just wanted to say about the most recent comic, I hope you dont feel bad or shame about it!! Its very lovely and I will personally fight anyone who says otherwise.
hehe ty,,,,,, this ask has been on my mind for a while tbh. it makes me feel so nice <3 so here's some sketches, new and old!!!!!!!!! ill throw it all under a cut so ppl dont drown in all the pics. enjoy anon!!!!!!! (sketch dump the squeakquel!!!!!!!!!!!!)
i made these like 3 weeks ago but i only really posted a cropped version w/ just the giant kallamr squid , featuring @aychama and @paintpaintpaintman lambs :D
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i've been sitting on them bc i wasnt entirely sure about how everyone felt about each other, and while i still am not I feel like everyone likes each other at least!!!
i also wanted to draw people's lambs reliving a bunch of my childhood memories, but i felt the idea wouldn't be accepted because i don't know how many people would related to em. these sketches are new since all i had was a jpeg of thumbnails, but they are @paintpaintpaintman , @spiderin-space , and my lambs!! the first pic is just them enjoying some honeysuckles, trying to buy some candy at the weekend market, and visiting kids in better looking neighborhoods than they lived in AHHSASHHSA i dont think i care to complete this but it is really fun drawing the lambs being lambs.
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a sketch of heket nd leshy i appearantly NEVER posted because i wasnt happy with how leshy turned out. a shame, really.
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i also wanted to draw all the cultists in different outfits, but it turns out i really was not interested in finishing it at the time. i do think valefar and narinder turned out kinda cute tho !!!!!!!
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some motherfuckers WAY too happy to see a corpse (i still think its hilarious when my whole cult gathers around a corpse and makes googoo eyes at it what is their problem LMAOOOOO)
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i ended up changing how i draw the 3 wives so the wifestack is no longer relevant (also there's 2 more that werent existing when this was drawn) but i still look at it sometimes. i think we should stack every wife on top of each other.
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and the last one is part of me figuring out how i wanted the lamb. ive always known i wanted them JACKED i just cant decide how ripped i want this lil bastard. i think the current lamb is a good fit for me personally.
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anyway that's doodlestack jr,,,,,,,,,,,,, SORRY FOR THE PINGS TO EVERYONE I PINGED I LOVE U GUYS LMFAO <33333333333 and everyone else CHECK OUT EVERYONE I PINGED THEY ALL MAKE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
OMGGG i got hakus character stories n he got me kicking my feet giggling like hes so cute im blushing n shi 🙈🙈🙈we even get an option to be shy but i chose the "i could send u a selfie of me in my pjs" options hehe
anyways how are you ;D i hope everything is doing good !
- 🐯 anon
Hello Tiger anon! Start of the week wasn't great but I managed to sort things out a lot faster than I was expecting, I thought it'd take all week I got extremely lucky. Someone in heaven has got to be watching over me fr fr
I think I saw Dani describe him as being flirty in a childhood best friend type of way? Though it might have been someone else but either way I agree with them! He reminds me of a classic flirty and friendly love interest in a shojo manga, he just wants to have a laid back lazy time with MC. I think he'd have a lot of fun flustering a shy MC before pulling them into a soothing hug and letting them hide in his arms. Though he might steal a picture or two, like he said he's got enough practice to be a great camera man.
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
Hi! Amia :D!!
So this has been on my mind for a while so can I request pjsk boys (sperate will do!) with a reader who's like yae miko from genshin impact? Also can I be 🐹 anon? If it isn't taken
HIIII ouuu this will be fun!! i.. haven't played gi in a while so i hope this is accurate </3 but ofc, welcome aboard 🐹 anon !! i hope u like this !! <3
♡ YAE MIKO - Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma and Rui Kamishiro x Reader
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Akito thought that you were a very interesting person, to say the least
Your mysterious aura was always a bit off-putting to him, but he couldn't help wanting to get to know you better. He just hoped he wouldn't regret it (He doesn't!)
The moment you reveal how mischievous you are though, he feels like sinking into the ground. He deals with too much mischief already, but...it's fine if it's you
He's always slightly surprised whenever you're blunt and cynical, he knows that he's a bit aggressive at times but he admires you for simply speaking what's on your mind
He is definitely not a reader, but he tries to pick it up for you! He fails though, and ends up hanging out with you while you read <3
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Toya was only a bit thrown off by you at first, not entirely though
He was very curious by how mysterious you were, a part of him wanted to learn all about you. He's not used to approaching people though, so he was definitely a bit awkward
Your mischief will definitely throw him off, he's not used to pranks and such. Most of the time, he ends up giving you a confused look instead of a big reaction
He's very blunt as well, so the two of you are known to come off as a very direct couple. He's not used to your cynicism though, he'll just give you looks
He loves that you love to read, and the two of you spend a lot of time reading and discussing books together <3
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Tsukasa would be lying if he said he wasn't very intimidated by you at first
You were a very mysterious individual, and while he usually loves talking to and meeting new people to gain fans, he was a bit scared to approach you
He responds to your pranks and mischief the same way he would react to Rui's; loud and chaotic. He loves you, but he feels like he'll die if he gets pranked one more time
He tries to help you not be so cynical and blunt towards certain people, but he learns he can't do that. It's fine though, he can use his charisma instead!
Whenever you're reading, he tries very hard to be quiet. If you let him though, he'll be writing and practicing scripts beside you <3
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You and Rui get along so well that it literally scares everyone around you guys!
Both of you are considered mysterious to those who don't know you, which is probably what drew you two together in the first place
He absolutely loves how mischievous you are, the two of you team up to prank others often. This is why people are scared of you two!
Your bluntness and cynicism never fails to make him grin, he loves that you simply speak your mind on things. He needs to learn how to do that too
If you also like reading books and such, he enjoys sitting with you and doing his own thing in silence <3
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wings-of-ink · 6 months
Hi!! I know you said you'll refrain from answering long asks, and this ask is pretty long but I sent it anyways cause I think the answer would be pretty short! If not, please don't feel pressured to respond! If u don't respond I'll take that the answer is longer than I thought it would be, so I've saved it on my notes app and will gladly send it again when u end chapter 3 or whenever u allow it! :)
Now to the ask,
Will it be possible to romance a RO without flirting w/ them? Is it possible to flirt w/ everyone (but this specific RO) or just like one RO and even so end up in a relationship w/ a different RO? I'm thinking of playing a mc that is really attracted physically to people like Zhan but he's been in love w/ Oswin since forever. And he thinks flirting is for when you're playing w/ someone (even tho he's probably seen his parents flirting constantly lol), but since he loves Oswin he doesn't need to play, he can just be genuine. But he still thinks he has no chance w/ Oswin, so he flirts with Zhan (without moving on 😭). But I also feel kinda sad about Zhan I don't wanna hurt their feelings😭 if we flirt w/ them and maybe hook up are they gonna be sad if we get w/ someone else?? 😞 Cause like my mc will start to genuinely care about them but won't be in love pls let's just be besties who used to have benefits🥺 Also if this whole situation is possible, how would Oswin react to it?? Poor boy must be😧🤨😳
Sorry for the long ask, the demo was gigantic and amazing!! Ty so much for your hard work <3
Hello Anon-dear! If your ask is a bit long to read-that's fine, if it's long to answer, that's where I'll need to pause for the time being. That's where I get hung up and distracted, lol. I'm still taking those too, it's still Friday somewhere, lol.
To answer your question, it will absolutely be possible to romance someone without flirting. The "flirt" options are passively tracked just so I can program certain flirty responses that will be directed back to the MC by those ROs (it's a way for me to track if it's okay with reader/MC so I'm not directing like super suggestive come-ons towards them that aren't okay).
I absolutely love how you're going to play your MC. That's part of the reason I wanted to do things this way. The way I play my MCs sometimes makes flirting almost out of character for them, but of course I'd want the romance, lol.
Your MC will be free to flirt and do some other things with Zahn (they are all kinds of okay with that, lol) and then lock-in with Oswin later - no flirting required.
Zahn will be totally fine if your MC doesn't end up with them. They and Duri are both good with physical-only and flirty relationships. Your MC will make selections as they go about how they feel about each potential suitor, and the hook-up ROs will have a selection that you can choose if this is just for fun or if it's got some feelings attached (whether your MC is fully aware or not). [Lucky for your MC, I added a light spicey scene for Zahn in chapter 3 if they so choose] :D
If Oswin is aware of relations between the MC and others, he's going to feel a little strange about it and be concerned (for MC's well-being because he cannot help himself, lol). Mainly, things like that aren't his bag, but he also knows that for many people physical and romantic relationships can be separate. He's more concerned with having his lover's heart above all else, so ultimately he will be okay with it. For MCs that have been involved with the hook-ups, particularly the ROs, Oswin may have a harder time digesting that the MC is choosing him to remain with. (He may feel that the connection between the MC and Zahn/Duri was deeper and never considered that the MC would ever go for him). It will be an interesting conversation for sure (one that the programming for is already frightening me, lol).
Thank you so much for the Ask and kind words! I really appreciate you digging into my story and having a good time with it! ^_^
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not-poignant · 5 days
Augus love letter here (1/2). He has been my favourite character in the series and across the AUs. I fell in love with him instantly from DITW. I read SAL bc i was intrigued with him as the villain too xD. I love how he struggles with Gwyn's kingship despite putting him there, or all the layers of him with Ash and TRP, I love that he mastered himself to raise Ash, and how he's so, so proud of that. I have so many thoughts about him and Ash, how he loves him so much despite being waterhorses.
(2/2) i love that Augus has so much perserverance under his grief. I love when u whump characters, but Augus is particularly crunchy to me bc of that perserverance. I like him as a dom, but its really satisfying when under that domination he really will bend so much for the people he loves, even if its bad for him. I love how distinct u portray that for Gywn/Ash/TRP. Is it possible to want to dom the dom? O.O Well anyways, I just want to let you know I love him a lot <3
This is the best :D
As for wanting to dom the dom, I don't think there's anything wrong with that! It's one of the reasons Gwyn gets to top him sometimes in Game Theory and The Court of Five Thrones, and why Ash gets to do it as much as he wants throughout Strange Sights (not without breaking his heartsong in the process though). And also why Gwyn gets to top him in The Spoils of the Spoiled too, lol.
Augus whump is really satisfying, honestly. For me I think it was at its most satisfying during The Spoils of the Spoiled, and also when Gwyn rejects him / gives him an ultimatum during The Court of Five Thrones, but it's all fun to write. There's something about seeing Augus flustered or comforted which can be very satisfying!
Ultimately I do love him as a dominant, but man, I love to put that guy in Situations (TM) as well. :D
But honestly anon, thank you so much for this, just *flails* this makes me so happy
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kairiscorner · 1 year
AWOO AWOO ANON IS BACK WITH ANOTHER GWEN PROMPT 🚨🚨🚨 (but it’s abt like parent talk and annoyances so its okay if you don’t wanna do this <33)
HELLO P!! Hehehejhee I hope ur doing well!!! I just come up with a bit of a wholesome kinda angsty idea
Details: reader comes to Gwen’s apartment to rant abt parental issues (minor inconveniences, bickering with parents, details that are pretty minor but it’s so triggering)
(Alam mo yung usual na pinapagsabihan ka like they’re scolding/annoyed kahit na minor lang yung topic 😅?)
Ex. “Ugh my mom rolled her eyes and honestly scoffed when i talked abt Barbie etc.”
(Tas pag tatay nakakatakot mag salita parang galit lagi)
Ex. Pag sinigaw pangalan to call you tas pagutos. BASICALLY ACTING LIKE HE’S BETTER GANON
(TAS LIKE YOU HAVE TO WALK ON EGGSHELLS W BOTH) ((ofc it’s different for everyone but idk why i feel like this is almost universal BKA AKO LANG HAHAHAHAH))
So! Just a deep talk with Gwen about how she deals with bickering/fights with her dad would be a cool conversation!! Especially since it’s only them too
(Doesn’t hav to be specific! You can play around with it ofc!! Loaf u and hav a splendid week <3)
(AY CLARIFY LANG suggestions r different from fanfic reqs right..? I don’t wanna be makulit sa suggestions tas yun pala bawal ehe ^^”)
HI POOOO ooo i love the idea! esp bc i'm always one to rant about my parents when we fight 😭😭😭 loaf u too platonically boo 🫶🫶and also, yes! suggestions would be kind of like an idea, but not really asking for a fic to be made, just an idea you wanna share (at least that's how it's gonna be like on my blog!) PERO OK, I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS !!
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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gwen plopped herself down on the edge of the bed next to you, her expression full of dismay and aggravation. you looked over at her with a semi-fretful gaze. "what happened, gwinny?" you asked her as she sighed and looked into your eyes. "it's my dad, again..." she muttered as she covered her face with her hands, falling back down on your bed as your eyes followed her. you lay down on your side next to her and gently asked her in a whisper if she wants to talk about it. gwen breathed in deeply removed her hands from her face and looked at you from the corner of her eye.
"oh, where to even begin?" she asked aloud to nobody in particular, smiling ever so slightly in an ironic manner as she looked up at your ceiling. she didn't speak for a few moments, until she finally found the strength to open up, even by a tiny bit. she opened up about how her father has been putting a curfew on her, after hearing her sneak back into her room after her nightly patrols. she got mad at him for enforcing that curfew, and he got mad at her for not realizing how all he wants is for her to be safe. "he just wants to feel at ease, like he's not... like he's not failing as a dad." she grumbled out as her eyebrows scrunched up a little as her gaze towards your ceiling morphed into a glare.
"i get how he wants me to be safe, bravo for you dad, but... at least i come home. you leave all the time, what difference does it make if i'm not there at home? what difference does it make when we're both on patrol, we're both concerned about the city and each other, i have your back, it's just... you don't know i'm the one doing the saving, which is good for you." gwen ranted as her voice became softer, as if her inner turmoil had simmered down and hearing her speak her thoughts out was less gratifying than she thought it'd be. gwen breathed in deeply as you moved closer to her, not tearing your eyes away from her one bit.
"i know how you feel, kinda. i sometimes feel like my parents never want me to have any fun, but at the end of the day... they do it for a reason. might not always seem like good reasons, but trust me when i say that among all those reasons," you placed a hand on her shoulder, which caused her to look at you with eyes shimmering with twinkles of shame in them, slight shame that she spoke about her father that way, but they were still gleaming with confusion and frustration, "his love for you as your dad is the biggest reason of all." you finished with a smile as gwen's expression went from agitated to remorseful.
gwen leaned over towards you and pressed her forehead against yours. she gently took your hand in hers and interlocked your fingers together. "thank you... well, i have a lot of explaining to do the minute i get home, then. can't really tell him i've been spider woman for the night again, but i can't really tell him any other made up reason. i just... i want him to stop worrying sometimes." she confessed as you squeezed her hand. you chuckled as you brushed away her hair from her forehead. "he's a dad, he's supposed to worry." you reminded her as you kissed her forehead. "and it's okay." you said as gwen wrapped her arm around your waist and hugged you.
"i guess... sorry i had to dump this all on you when you're supposed to be sleeping." "gwen, never be sorry for letting off some steam. you work so hard to save people you don't even know... and yet you're hesitant about saving yourself. let me save you, at least once for all the times you've saved me." you said as you hugged gwen back. gwen couldn't murmur a 'thank you' anymore as she felt like that wouldn't be enough to do you justice. she held on to you tighter, wishing this moment could last longer. she swore to herself, though, that by tomorrow morning, she'd say sorry to her dad. she'd say sorry and express how she doesn't want to worry him, how she wants nothing more than for him to be at ease, to trust her. and she hopes that one day, she'll be okay with him, they'll be okay with each other; and she has you to thank for helping her realize this.
tags !! @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy
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tea-and-tickles · 1 year
heyaaa it’s me again:3 you can choose whoever you’d like for the ler! (i’m the one who requested lee kasa HAHA)
*i crawl out of a flaming hole in the ground on my hands and knees. i am disheveled and holding charred pieces of paper held together with a paper clip* I FINISHED THE FIC
anon, tsukasa has never been my favorite character, but thank you so much for this request. it was a challenge to write a character that i was less familiar with and it was SO FUN! and also, fair warning... i got carried away. it's a 4k word fic. it is... honestly equally a ruikasa fic as it is a tickle fic. still! i worked really hard on this so i hope it was worth the wait! thank you SO MUCH for your patience as i worked on this!! have a lovely day! :D
"all the world's a stage (so show me how this story ends)"
a/n: i am posting this at 3:30 in the gddamn morning. i have a date at 11. i am going to bed now.
!! kink blogs please DNI. i do not fuck with ns.fw blogs interacting with me. if i see u i'm blocking on sight !!
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Summary: Alternate Title: 4 times Rui tickled Tsukasa on accident + 1 time he did it on purpose.
After Rui tickles Tsukasa while Wonderlands x Showtime is prepping for a new show, Tsukasa can't seem to get him out of his head...
Warnings: Tickling.
Kamishiro Rui x Tenma Tsukasa from Project SEKAI (Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!)
Word Count: 4.3k
“Tsukasaaaa! This is so neat!” Emu bellowed. “I love how Prince Pegasus is all like, pchoo! Pow! Bop! at The Manticore!”
“You said this is a story you made up for your little sister?” Nene asked.
“Indeed!” Tsukasa proclaimed. Recently, Wonderlands x Showtime had toyed around with performing more completely original works at the Wonder Stage. Of course, their shows always had a personal touch (this was nearly impossible to avoid with Tsukasa’s flair for the dramatic, Rui’s inventive streak, and the sheer scope of Emu’s imagination. Tsukasa sometimes wondered how Nene did it). But they were always based on something. Cinderella but with robots. A theoretical continuation of Sleeping Beauty. King Midas with audience participation. Okay, that last one was a lie, if only because Rui couldn’t make a machine to magically transmute carbon to gold. But it was definitely on brand.
“Saki and I used to play dragons when we were little. But when she got sick, she wasn’t able to play the way she used to. She talked a lot about missing the adventures of Prince Pegasus, my character, so I wrote down new adventures to read to her when I visited her in the hospital!”
Tsukasa was, admittedly, a little apprehensive about performing this. The Chronicles of Prince Pegasus were fun, even enthralling, when it was just him and Saki. But what would his troupemates think? An audience? If he allowed himself to think much more about it, he might just back out.
“Obviously this is a rewritten version, adapted for the stage and adjusted to be even more harrowing!” The others were still reading. Tsukasa couldn’t stand the silence. “But! I would love to hear your thoughts!”
“It’s really interesting, Tsukasa,” Rui said. It was the first time he had spoken since they began reading the script. “I’d like to make a few tweaks to streamline the story and to give us some wiggle room for a bit more improvisation, but I really like the premise. A classic, yet exciting hero’s journey.”
The others nodded in agreement. Phew. This might go okay after all. No, of course it will! “Tweaks? To a star’s original fiction?! How could you, Rui?!” Tsukasa joked.
Rui gently elbowed Tsukasa in the ribs, to which he yelped and jumped almost a foot in the air. It didn’t quite startle him (after all, someone as brave as him wouldn’t crumble beneath such a light touch!), but it… tickled? “I know. I’m the worst,” Rui said. “Now, let’s discuss casting. I think…”
Huh… weird. Tsukasa hadn’t anticipated that such a light touch would make him react in such a way. And why was his face a bit warmer?
Surely it’s just the summer heat.
Tsukasa cursed the fact that he was 5’7. Not because he didn’t feel masculine enough or because it somehow took away from his dramatic breadth; rather that Rui put everything too damn high up for him to reach. He was thankful, really. When the troupe actually began production on this show a few weeks ago, Tsukasa found it so surreal. He’d starred in plays, sure, but he’d never written one that got performed! This was the opportunity of a lifetime! Still, how on Earth was he supposed to get into character if he didn’t have Prince Pegasus’ sword?! His cape?! After all, the sword was arguably the focal point of the showdown scene they’d be rehearsing today. Getting up to the blasted things might as well have been a show in and of itself. Tenma Tsukasa, desperately balancing on that treacherous swivel chair—in vain. Tenma Tsukasa, clawing his way up the mountain that was the shelves backstage—only to lose his grip. Tenma Tsukasa Found Dead in Phoenix Wonderland was hardly an appealing show title. This was clearly a losing battle.
“Hey, Rui? Can you give me a hand?”
There he came, his knight in shining sweatpants. “At your service.”
“Thank goodness! I can’t seem to reach the props we need for the next scene. Can you reach?”
Rui stared up at the top shelf where Prince Pegasus’ trusty sword and cape lay. He cocked his head to the left, then to the right. Incredulous. Tsukasa knew Rui was strategic to a fault, but this was excessive. “Hm. Now how did those get all the way up there?”
“You tell me! You’re the prop master!” How strange, he thought! Perhaps this was an exercise in dramatic irony?
Rui began to chew his knuckle. “I am, aren’t I?” Okay, maybe not. That nervous tick was something Rui only did when he was actually nervous—or confused. Think, Tsukasa. Think! There must be something to be done about this predicament! Rui was doing… something. Surveying the scene, perhaps? What more was there to survey? Ground, climb, props. Beginning, middle, end. “To be honest, I don’t know how I got those up there in the first place. I can’t even reach that high. Maybe someone else moved them?”
“Who? Robo-Nene?”
“Ugh. You’re impossible,” Tsukasa groaned (with a surprising undertone of affection, he realized). “Wait, what about the ladder? Where is it?”
Rui shook his head. “Emu gave it to one of the contractors for the new splash pad they’re working on in the kids’ area.”
“Great, so what do we do now?”
Rui went back to chewing on his knuckles. Interesting technique… Tsukasa wondered if it might help him think of something.
…mm, nope. No dice. His mouth kind of just tasted like salt now. 
“Oh, how about I lift you up?” Rui suggested. “The top shelf is about eight feet off the ground. I should be able to get you up high enough to reach.”
Tsukasa internally kicked himself for not thinking of that sooner. But of course, as the brave troupe leader he was, he had to inspire confidence in his dear director. “Aha! Brilliant plan, Rui! Yes, let’s conquer this conundrum once and for all!”
Rui chuckled. “That’s our star.” Those words made Tsukasa’s stomach flutter in a way that almost… pleasant? He decided he’d unpack that later. Rui carefully positioned himself behind Tsukasa, hovering his hands just over Tsukasa’s waist. “Okay, ready?”
1, 2, and 3. Tsukasa was in the air… and suddenly fighting for his composure. Much to his chagrin, unlike the harnesses he’d used to fly in past shows, the sensation of Rui’s hands on his waist was incredibly ticklish. The fact that his fingers just wouldn’t stay still certainly didn’t help. What on Earth was this pattern? It all happened at once—his stomach fluttered. His core muscles tensed. His lips pursed in an absolutely desperate attempt to suppress a yelp. If he moved, he might give himself away. Curse my body for this betrayal!
“Tsukasa? Are you—”
“I’mfinehahathanks!!” Definitely not convincing. Still, there was time to save this. Tsukasa clambered for the props, and once they were safe in his hands, he landed safely on the ground, heart still pounding in his chest and blood rushing to his face. Turning completely away from Rui would be suspicious, but he had to cut his losses somehow.
“Th-Thanks for your help,” Tsukasa said, fastening the royal blue cape around his neck. Ah! Wait! He could pass it off with his costume! Tsukasa did a dramatic half-turn, the cape unceremoniously tangling behind him. Turns out the stale air of the shop was not exactly conducive to flowy capes.
“Of course,” Rui replied. Tsukasa imagined Rui grinning from ear-to-ear. Normally it came across as smug, but… part of him wanted to turn around, just to see if it looked different.
A beat. Neither moved and neither spoke.
“All right, want to start rehearsing the scene in fifteen?” Rui asked.
“Yeah, sounds good.”
Rui made his way back onto the Wonder Stage. Something told Tsukasa that this would stay etched into his brain for the foreseeable future.
Rui, Rui, Rui.
“Our star.”
There was a pit in Tsukasa’s stomach. It had been days since the prop incident, as he called it. He’d been thinking about Rui for much longer than he usually did. His sly, grinning face; his voice; his praise; his stupid jokes—and his hands on his waist. Tsukasa longed for Rui’s touch, and he longed for that touch in particular.
He didn’t get it.
Tsukasa had never had a real crush before. Wait—was it even a crush? Can one develop crushes that quickly? He was at least a little prepared for the butterflies and the racing thoughts. But tickling? Did people fantasize about their crushes tickling them? Was this normal? Then again, maybe it wasn’t actually about the tickling, right? No, surely he just wanted Rui’s attention. That made enough sense. But then again again, why was he so fixated on that moment in particular? Not all the other times Rui had touched him? Why was he so fixated on Rui’s fingers dancing across his skin? Of nails gliding across his stomach and hands lovingly squeezing his sides? Of gentle kisses to his cheeks? Of laughing without a care in the world as Rui showered him with compliment after compliment?
No one could ever know about this. Not the troupe, not Saki, not Toya, and especially not Rui. But Tsukasa was an actor. Surely he could put on a brave face.
Or not. Dress rehearsals were actually kind of a disaster. Sure, Prince Pegasus was victorious even without his sword, he rescued his sister, yadda yadda yadda. Tsukasa could go through the motions. But he kept finding his eyes drifting to Rui. And for the most part, Rui hadn’t noticed (thank God), until the final scene.
“Pegasus! Remember, you’re talking to your sister, not the audience!”
Damn it.
“Right! Sorry!”
So the scene dragged on. They ran through it twice. Then three times. Tsukasa’s mind was foggy with heat, frustration, and Rui. Rui’s attention. Rui watching him. Rui judging him. Rui’s disappointment in his lackluster performance. Rui’s disgust when he inevitably learned what Tsukasa had been thinking lately. The urge to cry pricked the corner of his eye.
“...and scene!” shouted Rui. “That was perfect.”
Reprieve. Tsukasa wasn’t absolutely convinced, but it would do for now.
Rui’s show notes went in one ear and out the other. There was no way for them not to. While Nene and Emu listened intently, Tsukasa just pondered whatever… that was. This was bad. Very, very bad. Tsukasa had struggled with roles before, but never for this reason. Never because he was so utterly enamored by a guy that he couldn’t focus. What did this mean for him? If he couldn’t surmount a little crush to play a simple fucking role, how could he possibly convey the hero’s journey? Tomorrow Prince Pegasus would appear just as pathetic as Tsukasa was. He needed to will this away, or at least shove it down long enough to—
Oh no.
“R-Rui! My friend! What can your star do for you?” Jesus, did he really just say that?
Rui frowned. Tsukasa drew in a sharp breath. He saw this coming from miles away, but his stomach churned all the same. “You seemed distracted today. That isn’t like you. I was worried, and… I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
…that’s it? That’s all he had to say? In just ten seconds, Tsukasa had gone through all five stages of grief and prepared a (quite beautiful, he thought) monologue explaining his “poor” performance. But Rui, ever the wildcard, threw that plan out the window. Of course, any actor can handle a little improv! Right…?
“Oh, yes! I was just…” Think, Tsukasa. Think. “…uh, the heat! Yes, that’s it. I was simply dizzy with the summer heat!” If Rui’s expression was anything to go off of, that wasn’t very convincing at all. So much for improv.
Rui’s contorted face quickly softened to a concerned one. Absolutely none of this was going to plan. “Tsukasa, are you nervous?”
Of course I am, Rui. How can I be calm when your stupid, pretty face is right in front of me? How can I be calm when all I can think about is you ti—
No. But Rui saw right through him. Lying was absolutely not an option. He could, however, conjure a different motivation—it just had to be in character. “Maybe a little. It’s just… are you sure we’re ready to perform tomorrow? I know all of our characters came easily to us, especially mine, of course, but this might be our quickest turnaround yet!” …yeah! Something like that.
Rui seemed to contemplate this answer for a moment (or, at least, that was Tsukasa’s best guess. Rui’s facial expressions were not known for their readability.) He smiled, laying a hand on Tsukasa’s shoulder. “You know I would never put on a show that I didn’t think we could perform. As your director, I have the utmost confidence in you and the others.” Then, he lay his other hand on Tsukasa’s free shoulder, just as tenderly as the first. “And I know our star won’t let us down.”
This wasn’t out of the ordinary. Rui was usually sincere, but felt recontextualized. Tsukasa knew something about Rui, or maybe himself, that he didn’t before. Impulses took over, and before he knew it, Tsukasa found his face buried into the nape of Rui’s neck and his arms wrapped tightly around his body. This was so incredibly selfish. But then Rui’s arms found their way to Tsukasa’s back. It wasn’t as if the two had never hugged before, but it might as well have been. Rui had taken on a different role in Tsukasa’s mind: of an eccentric and colorful casanova.
His soliloquy was suddenly interrupted by the sensation of Rui’s fingertips stroking the length of his back. This was getting ridiculous—could he catch a break today?! Each new spot Rui touched set Tsukasa’s nerves ablaze. Rui’s nimble fingers traveled all the way down to the small of Tsukasa’s back, then slowly back up again, tracing his spine to the valley between his shoulder blades. The higher Rui went, the harder it was for Tsukasa to stifle the giggles bubbling up from his diaphragm. He prayed to God, the universe, anyone who might hear him, that this moment would last a little while longer. But, with one final squeeze, Rui let go. 
Tsukasa now prayed that golden hour would obscure the blush on his face. “Um—thanks for… that, Rui.”
Rui smiled (if he even stopped smiling in the first place?). “Of course. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And, in true cheesy-romance-movie fashion, Tsukasa stared as Rui disappeared beyond the sunlight-bathed horizon.
This wasn’t going away, was it?
Tsukasa loved the way the Wonder Stage transformed Rui him and his friends. He’d learned this term once, social facilitation, and that described it perfectly: the crowd was the extra push the troupe needed to be the best they could be. Somehow, all the fears he’d had from the previous day had washed away. Emu’s acting demonstrated a surprising level of depth. Nene found confidence on the stage she didn’t have elsewhere.
And Rui? The Wonder Stage brought him out in his purest form.
Rui had long since moved past his days of typecasting, especially with how well-received Thorpe was—but no one would dare say he was a bad typecaster. When Rui assigned himself a role, he played it well. Case in point, today’s villain, The Manticore. 
Suspense hung in the air as the audience watched Prince Pegasus approach The Manticore. “You,” Prince Pegasus snarled (so far, so good). He sauntered over to his nemesis, hand on his sword’s hilt. “You have a lot of nerve, kidnapping my sister and thinking I wouldn’t track you down.” This wasn’t going badly after all! Rui had no idea how right he was yesterday—that even if Tsukasa was plagued by this… preoccupation… he was still more than capable. It was all such a rush.
Rui chuckled. Or was it The Manticore? Really, they may have been one and the same. Like Rui, The Manticore was charming, cunning, eccentric, and a little bit too handsome for comfort. But no matter! Like any good story, the Prince would surely emerge victorious; he would defeat his nemesis with courage and wit alone.
And then it happened; something unscripted. Rui placed a finger beneath Tsukasa’s chin, tilting it upward. Tsukasa’s cheeks burned. And as if matters couldn’t get any worse, Rui’s finger then pivoted inward, mimicking a lion’s claw. It tickled. And it drove Tsukasa crazy. This, of all times?! Rui had to know. He was testing him. His resolve. His talent. Tsukasa’s composure teetered on that claw for entirely too long. 
“My Prince,” The Manticore (Rui???) cooed. “The choice is yours. The sword, or your sister.”
Tsukasa swallowed hard. But an actor can handle a little improv. Prince Pegasus bowed, offering his sword. “As you wish.”
“Woooow!!!” Emu cheered. “That was so awesome! That must’ve been our biggest crowd yet!”
Nene nodded. “I could really feel the tension between Prince Pegasus and The Manticore. 
Tension was right. The amount of restraint it took not to kiss Rui then and there was kind of unbearable. But… Emu was right, too. It was an incredible show with an incredible turnout. So much so, in fact, that the four were already planning a rerun and new ways to make it even more incredible. (Emu and Rui’s idea of this was pyrotechnics. Tsukasa figured he could talk some sense into them another time). For now, they could ride the high of another successful show.
A few rides and a meal later, Emu and Nene began making their way home, leaving Tsukasa alone with Rui. This wasn’t unusual—the girls usually needed to get home a bit earlier—but something felt different. Not just Tsukasa’s little crush, that was hardly new. No, Rui seemed distant. Maybe a bit aloof. That pit in his stomach returned. After the stunt Rui pulled during the show, Tsukasa was convinced he had surely caught on to the thoughts plaguing his mind. And, seeing how Tsukasa just barely pushed through the scene, Rui had surely decided that Tsukasa was far too odd to be close to anymore.
…but that didn’t make sense. Rui was weird, sure. His directing methods were sometimes questionable and his inventions bordered on insane. But Rui wasn’t malicious. He was far too sincere to ever test Tsukasa like that. Plus! Rui hadn’t been distant this morning before the show!
And then it clicked. Tsukasa had made himself the villain in his own story! It wasn’t him, but his inner demons! Okay, that was probably a little heavy-handed for a tickle-crush on a boy. But his point stood! What a complex narrative!
Even with this realization, that pit remained. He wasn’t exactly certain, but there was only one way to find out. He had to know how the story would end, no matter how afraid he was. And so, putting on the bravest face he could muster, Tsukasa sauntered over to Rui.
“Hey, Rui.”
“What was… that? By the way?”
Rui chuckled. That damn chuckle. “Ah, did you like that little detail in the showdown scene? I thought a bit of improv would really add to—”
“—was it really just for the show?”
Rui’s face dropped. It was more satisfying that Tsukasa was willing to admit. “…what do you mean?”
“The way you tilted my chin,” Tsukasa said. “It was a brilliant choice! Very much in character! But… it felt like you.” If Tsukasa kept talking, he was certain his heart would burst out of his throat. “And… call me crazy, but I hope it wasn’t just for the show.”
The two stood, face-to-face, staring. Neither spoke. Neither moved. And for once, throughout this entire ordeal, Tsukasa saw Rui’s composure break. His hand covered his mouth, and his face turned a deep shade of crimson. Bashfulness looked good on him, Tsukasa thought. Rui’s piercing, yellow eyes met Tsukasa’s. It was familiar. It was the exact “cunning” way Rui had looked at him before.
Oh, wow.
“Tsukasa…” Rui mumbled. The corners of his lips quirked upward, and he laughed. Really laughed. An honest, breathless belly laugh that Tsukasa had never seen from him before. He was completely and utterly enamored by it. “I—I didn’t expect you to read me so candidly.” Rui stepped forward, taking Tsukasa’s trembling hands into his own. “You’re right. A small part of me hoped you’d notice.”
Tsukasa found himself laughing, too. “It took me longer than you know.”
This was comfortable. The both of them, equally shy and equally embarrassed. After all, if all the world was a stage, wasn’t there also a backstage? A green room? An honest moment between actors?
“Rui, can I kiss you?” Tsukasa spat the words out before he could even think about them. And, just as quickly, Rui leaned in, pressing his lips firmly against Tsukasa’s. It was awkward, and decidedly weirder than a stage kiss. But it was nice for the walls to come down. The masks were off. The audience was gone. There was only Tsukasa and Rui…
…and the familiar tickling sensation of Rui’s fingers along the contour of Tsukasa’s jaw. Tsukasa felt his lips part hopelessly into a big, goofy smile. “Wh–What are you doing?”
“Tickling you,” Rui answered. “You’re not the only perceptive one around here, my star.”
What was it called when the pit and the butterflies happened at the same time? Butterfly mosh pit?
“You noticed—AH!”
Rui’s fingers traveled down to Tsukasa’s neck, his nails dragging along either side. “Not at first, but I did notice that you never tried to stop me.” They darted wildly between the underside of his jaw and the crook of his collarbone, never staying in one place for too long. Even trying to trap Rui’s hand between his cheek and his shoulder didn’t work—his fingers could still wiggle away at his neck.
“YoHOU—! You jeheherk!!!” Tsukasa sputtered.
“Me? A jerk?” Rui feigned his best offended voice. “I thought you wanted me to do this!” Rui now had Tsukasa wrapped in his arms, trapping him between his wriggling fingers. This time, he pressed a little harder as he drilled his fingers ever-so-slightly into Tsukasa’s ribs. Tsukasa’s laugh shot up in pitch to an octave he didn’t know he could reach—and it grew even more frantic when Rui’s hands wandered to his sides instead. He couldn’t figure out what tickled more. Squeezing? Spidering? His brain was, frankly, too fuzzy to even think about it. 
“I—! D-Don’t—ahaha!!—dohon’t make me say it!”
“Say what? Say that you want me to tickle you?”
“You know what!!” 
“Do I? Surely I wouldn’t ask if I knew.” Heavens, Tsukasa wasn’t prepared for how much Rui would tease him. Each sentence seemed to be punctuated by even more tickles. No matter how Tsukasa squirmed or twisted, there was always another hand waiting for him, ready to poke at his side or claw under his arms. He could certainly say it was hell, but he’d surely be lying. The fact that Rui was giggling along with him somehow made the sensation even stronger. So, instead of trying to pull Rui’s hands away, Tsukasa simply opted to cover his own face. This seemingly only encouraged Rui to speed up. “Why are you hiding your face? Can’t I hear you giggle?”
“I—ehehe!! I’m embarrassed!”
Rui gasped. “Tsukasa? Embarrassed? What a fascinating turn of events!” Rui’s hands shot straight up to Tsukasa’s wrists as Rui just barely let his fingers graze Tsukasa’s forearms. His arms?! How was that even a spot that could be ticklish?!
Rui’s hands suddenly paused. It was quiet for a moment—much too quiet. The anticipation still wracked Tsukasa’s body. Though he didn’t quite understand why he was still twitching and giggling, he wasn’t exactly complaining. Still… he couldn’t possibly watch. As his hands rose to his eyes, Rui finally spoke.
“Hm… I wonder what happens if I—” Oh no. Tsukasa realized Rui’s were hovering over—
“DON’T YOU DARE—!” Too little, too late. Tsukasa shrieked as Rui’s fingers danced and scribbled all across his tummy.
“Oh! What an interesting discovery! I simply must know more about this spot…” At this point, Tsukasa had fully collapsed against Rui’s body. If not for being in Rui’s arms, he would have absolutely fallen to the ground. But, far too tired to fight back, Tsukasa couldn’t help but laugh away as Rui methodically mapped every bit of his torso. Knowing Rui, he’d have a nearly encyclopedic knowledge of his tickle spots after today.
And for once, Tsukasa really did feel like a star. Maybe not in the way a world-class Broadway actor would be, or a celebrity on the silver screen, but like the apple of Rui’s eye. Attention without performance felt so utterly foreign to Tsukasa—but he could get used to it, he thought.
Even as Rui lightened his touch and slowed his fingers, Tsukasa still found himself awfully ticklish at the moment. Even the slightest, unintentional movement of Rui’s hand sent him into another fit of giggles. Only after Rui removed his hands completely was Tsukasa able to really catch his breath. Though heaving, he gazed at Rui, who was wearing the dumbest grin he had ever seen. Had he not been so worn out, he would have laughed all over again. “I—I think you enjoyed doing that as much as I… um. You know.”
Rui chuckled. “I do know. As for whether I enjoyed it… open to audience interpretation,” he said with a wink.
Tsukasa sighed fondly. He gingerly took Rui’s hand in his. “Walk me home?”
“Of course, my star.”
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pampanope · 2 months
Hi!! Hello!!! Sorry for popping in for the third or fourth time now!! I know I say this every time I bother you with my asks, but I love 7-11 so much! I wanna give him a hug and some cookies and some cake 🥺 I went through your 7-11 tag again today and I saw the fanart of him hugging Flannel! Your art is absolutely gorgeous and so cute! And I love seeing all the interactions between the different Shadows! Please never stop talking about the boy!! Also! In your opinion, how easy is it to get along with him? Judging by your art, he seems well liked among Shadow Company! He seems relatively calm (when Graves isn't hurt or hasn't disappeared) and fairly friendly as well! I know he could probably kick ass if he needed to, but I love him being friendly with the other Shadows too! Does he have a family or is he on his own? Sorry for the dumb questions, I've just been obsessed with him as of late!
Either way, have a nice day!! You're awesome and I can't wait for you to post again! You posting makes me happy! Alright, that's all! Thank you! :D
Hahaa I think i know who u are, sweet anon 😗
Thanks again for the 7-11 appreciation!✨💕 (okay now I REALLY gotta get that lore dump post up soon. Ehh probably sometime this weekend; it’s…a lot of info quite frankly💀)
How easy is it to get along with him?
Pretty easy! He’s chill as his default setting, pays attention to what’s said (and unsaid) in conversations, and easily remembers little details about other people (what they like, don’t like, etc). As long as there isn’t any work to be done or anything that need his immediate attention (or cuts into his one hour of lunch/nap time) he’ll make time for other people👌
Lol i would like to think he’s liked enough among other Shadows since he’s got the advantage of having vetted and oriented most of em🤣 And he’s been in SC for quite a while, he’s well known and has a reputation among them.
(Yooooo having the boi interact with other oc is the most FUN. Stuff like that breathes life into fandom and brings pple together; it’s the BEST PERIODT)
((As for his background, actual disposition and history… I’ll add it to the lore dump ❤️🙃))
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antoncore · 4 months
no cuz same i’m at work but so bored sometimes so i just think up headcanons and scenarios and bother ppl on here😓😓
i’ve been convinced to read romance books recently?? i’m not rly one for it but from like.. a nerdy🤓 perspective i like learning about all the different tropes and cliches (even if some of them are cringey asf??) and i was wondering if u had an opinion on which riize members fit different tropes best?? like.. i’ll try to remember 7…
grumpy x sunshine
friends to lovers
enemies to lovers
fake dating
arranged marriage/dating
billionaire romance🤭🤭
second chance
idk if you’ll think this is fun or not but i thought i’d pitch it to you!! lol
- 🧸 anon
you don’t bother me at all!! you’re rlly cool and u give me rlly good ideas!! this took me abt 3 hours in total i think and i loved writing these so enjoy :D
friends to lovers is so anton coded!!! he would fall in love you over the years, from a little crush when you were kids to being teenagers and being absolutely enamoured with you. he just wanted to show his love to you so badly, throwing subtle hints e.g buying your favourite snacks for you and bringing up things he knew you liked. he would be so happy when you finally told him you liked him :( i was actually going to write a little something about this but i have so many others in my list of things to write that idk when it’ll happen (inspired by this song)
billionaire romance instantly made me think of eunseok who would always take you out for shopping sprees, buying you multiple designer items in one sitting. he would also take you to the fanciest restaurants, insisting that you order anything you want. would also take you anywhere in the world you wanted, ticking off many places on your bucket list that you had since you were young. anything you could ever ask for, you would have it as soon as possible.
grumpy x sunshine reminds me of sohee!!! when you first met, he was so intimidated by your cold persona and had no idea how to approach you. eventually, he got the courage to do so by asking you to go on a walk with him. you’d come to learn that you actually had a lot in common despite the contrast in your personalities. as you started to date, you began to see that opposites do attract as his warmth and optimism complemented your coldness and bluntness.
enemies to lovers with shotaro where you were part of rivalling dance teams in the same area. it was so extremely childish how the tension between your groups has escalated this far over the years. at school, you had been paired for the end of year showcase. this forced you to spend hours together in the school’s dance studio, figuring out the choreography and practicing. you began to see that shotaro was driven, not just by competition, but by a genuine love for dance which you shared. after you’d finished your performance, he complimented you on your skills and offered to take you for some boba (on him of course). and it was that moment that you’d finally realised that you were both falling for each other.
seunghan and fake dating goes perfectly to me. he needed to make his ex-girlfriend jealous so he asked you and of course you accepted, anything for a friend. as you did romantic things together such as holding hands and going on cute ice cream dates, he felt himself loving you more and more with each passing second. you were shocked to hear the words “i love you” as you walked home with him after classes. you said it back, wanting to say the words ever since you initially agreed to this fake dating situation. and with that, it wasn’t fake anymore; you were really together and in love, something his ex didn’t have.
i see sungchan as second chance. the breakup was nasty, both of you saying hurtful things that made each other’s heart shatter into a million pieces. sungchan would do anything to have you back, delivering flowers with handwritten messages to your doorstep every week telling you how much he loved and missed you. with time, you realised just how much you couldn’t live without him and his contagious smile. you’d walk to his house with a box of homemade cookies that you used to bake together with the words “i love you.” he swore he could’ve cried when he opened the door to see you there, instantly hugging you. he let you in and you talked for hours, finally agreeing to get back together before having makeup sex, the room filled with i love you’s as he fucked you so well.
an arranged marriage situation made me think of wonbin. it had happened because you both hadn’t found someone yet, too quiet and reserved for the chaos of the dating world. your families were desperate to see you settled so they took it upon themselves to find a match; each other. you surprisingly found peace in each other, enjoying quiet evenings in together. you found yourself slowly falling in love with him, drawn to his calm demeanour that was similar to yours. life with him was so easy and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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dropout-if · 1 year
hi hello, can we have the NSFW alphabet for Wanda as well? please? 🥺🙏
You can anon!
Statler • Jean/Jade
NSFW Below!
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A = Aftercare
Typically gets very lazy and clingy, Wanda peppers kisses all over their partner, wraps her arms around them— and then she starts rambling. Even if she and her s/o need a shower, she'd most likely say it's a problem for future Wanda to take care of.
B = Body part
Wanda's body isn't the same as it used to be four years ago, but she still loves her legs, especially her thick thighs. Her partner's mouth is one of her favorite things about them—she doesn't really like committing to just one, and so Wanda's answer would seldom be the same.
C = Cum
Loves teasing her partner by licking their cum off her fingers.
D = Dirty secret
Wanda once crashed her parents' car when she was fifteen. She didn't think twice about blaming it on her dad.
E = Experience
Wanda used to sleep around, she's had three boyfriends in the past, and Gabi's dad too. That being said, it's been a while since she's had sex with anyone. Wanda is a bit rusty, but she still knows what she's doing— and she's especially good with her hands.
F = Favorite position
69, riding her partner.
G = Goofy
Wanda doesn't think things much. She likes to have fun and tease, and she definitely doesn't take sex seriously at all.
H = Hair
Her hair is rarely a natural color nowadays. Wanda shaves her legs and pits, and she trims her pubic hair (which is naturally dark brown) to a bikini line.
I = Intimacy
Romanticism is something Wanda enjoys about sex, even if it's with her flings. She likes complimenting their looks, praising them, making them feel appreciated.
J = Jack off
Wanda is really into the idea of her partners masturbating to her nudes.
K = Kink
Having someone beg/making her beg, bondage and lingerie.
L = Location
Couches, beds, tables. Wanda loves having sex during her morning shower too.
M = Motivation
It's pretty easy to get her in the mood, Wanda can get turned on by making out and heavy petting. She's also really into her partner kissing and biting her neck and shoulders.
N = No
It feels kinda weird for her to be called mommy now. Especially during sex, she doesn't mind so much if people tease her about it, or call her a MILF as a joke.
O = Oral
Loves giving and receiving. Wanda especially likes when someone sits on her face, and sitting on someone's face herself.
P = Pace
Mixes fast and rough moments with more sensuous and slow ones. Typically goes as torturously slow as possible until her partner begs her to stop teasing.
Q = Quickie
Wanda doesn't see the point in holding back: if she and her partner are in the mood and have little time, quickies are perfection.
R = Risk
She's very open to experimenting and trying out new things. Wanda is often the one coming up with new positions and games, and she's really enthusiastic when her partner proposes their own ideas.
S = Stamina
Wanda is a mom. Her energy is definitely not what it was, but she can last a few rounds no problem (perks of being a woman).
T = Toys
She's terrified of Gabi accidentally finding something. Wanda used to own a dildo but has since discarded it. Currently, she only has a few ropes and handcuffs.
U = Unfair
Loves loves loves teasing, Wanda is a huge tease. It's the easiest way to get someone to beg, too. She enjoys being teased too.
V = Volume
Pretty loud. Her moans are breathy and slightly high-pitched, Wanda can't be quiet even if she tried.
W = Wild card
Wanda loves sending random nudes to her partner, even if she's at work—going to the bathroom and snapping one doesn't take too long.
X = X-ray
She has a D cup.
Y = Yearning
Currently, Wanda's sex drive is in a coma. She has learnt to put it to sleep and ignore the urge. When she's in a relationship though, Wanda does have a pretty high sex drive.
Z = Zzz
Falls asleep fast enough, max 30 minutes of cuddling.
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