#i love u thanatos
peachypunchh · 2 months
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i know everybody has probably already seen this but THANNY NATION WHERE YOU AT !!!
ngl bizly on the merch side of the marketing department is the gift that keeps on giving because he keeps asking what we wanna see and telling us whats in development. the pretzel plushie, the jrwi dice bag prototype, potential soda shirt and now potential thanatos shirt???
pls bizly... i need my thanny nation shirt...
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garrandia · 1 year
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begin again
listen listen this is still wip but ur girl is doing art calendar and april is MUST be done ok? mb i finish him later
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canyourlawnmowerdothis · 11 months
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rare angelstone baby post im in a mood. jubilee moment
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astrxealis · 6 months
merry christmas btw i kinda forgot to say it ere at all oopsies >_< i hope you all had/have a wonderful holiday season or week or day or month regardless of your religion and if you celebrate christmas !!!!!
i got 'the end of everything' by katie mack for xmas (i begged my parents lol) bcs i finally saw it in a bookstore after months of looking for it that i just Fell to the ground ..... i love astrophysics i love space i love science. i also love u all
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#:3 :3 :3 meow#urgh. tired! i wish to ignore my responsibilities but i should not cannot#i actually got genshin again yesterday which sounds unreal. i just want pretty blonde girl navia LMFAOOO#but also i've actually been making progress w quests and shit so yay ^_^ also playing again bcs i lov my friends. nini u will not see this#but ily. also u berry even tho we are on wholly different servers bcs i'm on na haha despite the fact i am literally asian & in asia but ok#i miss ffxiv ... :(( i meant to make my theme vincent valentine and reference hit song valentine by hit band mäneskin#but i was like i do not think i can live long w this. and then thought hard. and then. ryne/gaia... my darlings <3#also idk if i've said but i'm finally. heading and delving more into dnd finally !! tis meant to be lmfao i love my friends wow#and also my dad had his own dnd set back in the day he never used unfortunately and doesnt hav anymore but Yes <333#bg3 ocs are tasty! you have apollo erebus and thanatos there is an obvious theme in names going on!#funny there is one silly bard (my guy ever. obviously) and then the other two are durges on opposite ends#pretty boy draconic sorcerer who tries to be good but honestly he's romancing astarion too so he's kinda Yeah#and then you have than who is. what a pretty enby he/she ladyman! romancing minthara ofc <3 they are my evil girlie#evil girlies more like. Two of them yay!!! w opposite color schemes (quite intentional but also i Just Love Red)#haven't watched pjotvseries bcs i will cry throughout the whole thing (probably not an exaggeration) so i am obviously not ready#yeah. ^_^ <3
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rumiraclemi · 2 years
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don’t think i ever posted these here? just a couple of godslayers from an animatic i thought about doing back in july
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shinysora · 1 year
thagst so cute
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sharing funny tumblr posts with people who don't use tumblr is a form of love actually
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inkskinned · 1 year
oh btw one of my favorite things to do when im having writer's block is to uh. get inspiration by. trying to translate something really stupid into poetry or prose. personally i like to see if i can 1. make funny jokes to myself, 2. keep the purple prose to a minimum, and 3. not make it obvious what i'm writing about. but like, these are my rules. you don't need em. the whole point is to relax.
one of the poems i wrote about my pokemon game got published. so did a piece about thanatos & zag from hades. i was recently able to start writing again bc i watched paul blart mall cop 2 and wrote a scene about a shadow man playing piano whilist paul gets his ass kicked in by a bird. i've written about how i used to be able to eat cheese. about how i burned my popcorn. whatever.
but - this is key - set a timer. do not write more than 5-10 minutes. i say this so so lovingly: you are not trying to start another fanfiction. you're not trying to write another book. you gotta stop thinking of your words as only being important if they necessitate longevity. sure, it might be a book later. but the point of this exercise is to have fun, not to get more stressed out bc everything u write "doesn't end". don't fuckin end it. clean it up if u love it. otherwise. like. keep writing about different dumb shit. it's literally so much more fun than forcing yourself to constantly write about stuff that "matters". nothing does, so like. everything does, kids.
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levmada · 1 year
I saw your post for Zagreus and would like to request a fluff one shot of Zagreus x reader where he just collapses into his s/o’s arms after failing to escape the underworld yet again and they just comfort him? Thank you!
yesyesyesyes yes thank u!!!!!!! i was looking for an excuse to write him hehe
//blood, gn!reader
You must look odd, Thanatos and you both, side-by-side watching the bloody River Styx lap lazily at the entrance to the House. Like a welcoming committee. It’s always bothered you, the set of several steps that souls must ascend when they arrive. The recently dead.
"I don't want him to succeed or fail necessarily," Thanatos relents in a quiet tone. The goody two shoes as always. "I want him to quit this foolish quest. There is no escape."
You scoff. "Zagreus isn't exactly known for his obedience to Hades, Brother, let alone anyone else. That includes Death." You smile at the irony. "In more ways than one."
"I'm aware," he says dryly. His bright yellowish eyes flicker to you. "Yet I... I can’t help but aid him. You have more faith in him than I.”
“I know.”
“Then I'll leave you to it, Coma.”
Always so impersonal. You roll your eyes. "Death."
You don't know how likely it is, this time versus all the others. Zagreus always exudes the same determined sheen in his eyes on his way out, after a kiss goodbye. You never quit wishing him luck. All the times you can get away it, you meet him in Erebus for a trial to his strength, then a reward... But you couldn't fine the time, this time.
At last, the thick, bloody waters ripple and undulate at the arrival of a powerful soul. That fluffy tuft of dark hair, dark as night, appears first, before the rest of him wades out of the shallow Styx.
You sigh tightly at the dreadful sight of him. “Zagreus.”
“It's you,” he murmurs. He seems even paler than usual—and the blood that clings to certain wounds doesn't help.
To your surprise, he stumbles at the top step. You shoot out to brace his fall when he collapses to his knees, right into your arms.
"Agh," he grunts softly. "As... if I need one more injury. Damn... Damn Theseus."
"Oh, Zag." You throw a glance over your shoulder at the wide hall laid out behind you. Hypnos is sleeping on his seat as usual. No one is looking, much less the shivering, pathetic shades in their cloaks.
He slurs his next words severely, muffled by your neck and its nightly collar adorning it. "I’m used to it. It's... Having someone waiting on me isn’t a bad deal.”
Your heart trembles for Zagreus in his current state. You simply kneel and hold him, stroking underneath his sash, his toned back. The weakness lasts only a little while. Dying is disorienting, normally. Not that he even shows that measure of weakness.
Time passes. Too much time for your comfort.
"I shall help you," you murmur. "It's the least I could do."
Both his arms wearily rise and touch your waist, surprising you with how quick he is to allow help. In a whispered flutter, the faint shift in space, you appear on the wrinkled rug before the foot of his bed and the massive, overstuffed trunk that sits there. As before, you’re embracing on the floor.
"...That's enough shifting time and space for one day, I think," he sighs, already sounding like the usual headstrong, dry-humored Zagreus again. He leans back, and braces himself on one knee to rise back to his feet.
Although wary, you let him be. He drops to a heavy sit on the side of his bed.
"There are other ways to aid you, love," you say warmly. "Speak to me."
He gives you a lazy stare. "Theseus."
You chuckle bitterly.
"Blast…" He touches his regal sash. "It ripped. Again. That’s what I get for—”
“For not wearing armor like not only Achilles, but I advised?”
With a huff, he nudges the frayed silken cloth off his shoulder, until the blood-red sash entirely drops to his lap. He’s left more or less shirtless. What’s left holding the rest of his garb together is the skulls, fashioned into a belt above his waist.
You stare, a little longingly. Across his chest, a heavy gash you hadn’t seen before is now out in the open. “You’re too fashionable, Zag.”
“Something like that… Maybe if I dressed like a shade I could sneak my way past Theseus and his companion, you think?”
With fresh linens in your arms, you approach, and wipe away the blood dutifully. Zagreus is no simple man—no simple shade, either—but that doesn’t mean he has to bleed all over his bed. “I’m sorry. I hear he’s insufferable.”
Not one for conversation anymore, he grunts, and delicately places his crown aside. It’s hues like autumn, shared between himself and Hades. And once upon a time, his mother Persephone. It’s extraordinary to you that he continues to wear it despite him. But then again, if Zagreus cared not for family, he wouldn’t pursue his mother. Again and again and again and…
Less care is taken to sliding down the two golden rings on his arm. When he leans, he wavers precariously for a moment, as if he’s moments from falling on his knees to the floor, but he—and you, your arm slung across his chest—catch him just in time.
His one crimson eye never shines so brilliantly as the green. Both are dull now. The most lively thing about his appearance now is the dull flames seething under his feet, which doesn’t say much at all.
“Sit still,” you say firmly. You should’ve added, and that is final.
You kneel down in front of him, and click free his skeletal belt, followed shortly by the rest of his royal garb. Obediently, he raises his bottom up so you can collect the ruined clothes. Dusa will have them mended in no time.
“I suppose if there’s anyone in this world—or under it…—I’d be willing to obey, it’s you.”
You huff fondly. "The highest of compliments, coming from you."
You ease him onto his back, bundling up the thick duvet and silken sheets around him like a sort of cocoon. You're tempted to tie the ends in a sort of knot, if it meant he'd rest for once. He watches you tend to him through lidded eyes until you toss his moppy black hair off his forehead, and they finally close. He's not even at liberty to complain that you should stay, he was so exhausted.
You lean down and kiss his forehead. Luckily for him, you already planned on it.
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rui-drawsbox · 10 months
HELLO HI I SEE UR REQS ARE OPEN i just wanna say i love ur art sooo so so so so much aourgh. anyway may i request aira shiratori with bird wings ? he is so swan coded i love him,,,,
(i was debating whether or not to request thanatos from hades (game) with bird wings but thats so incredibly self indulgent and you dont have to do this at ALL but im. im crazy over bird symbolisms ok . u must understand)
ANYWAY love love love ur art sending u all the best positive vibes and CONGRATS ON 1.1K (at least i think thats the milestone i need to check but anyway CONGRATS)!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
HI HELLO THNKU ILY swan Aira straight out of the oven!
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pretty boy
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godsofhumanity · 20 days
Do you want to make Hades headcanons
okie i was thinking a bit about Hades in his youth and then Hades much later in life, and i actually thought up some new hc's for him. also i just realised i don't have a hc post for just Hades alone so hee hee this is a good opportunity to talk about him :)
this ended up being a really long post i'm sorry hahahahahaha
Hades is technically the first-born son of Kronos and Rhea, but because Zeus acts like he's the oldest, everyone sort of just accepts it, Hades included.
but i think, sometimes, Hades does have a bit of friction with Zeus. while Poseidon, for example, is more willing to just sit down and do whatever Zeus says, i think Hades might have more critical-thinking skills and he's not so willing to blindly follow Zeus.
and i actually think Zeus loves this aspect of Hades. it's important for Zeus that he can trust his siblings, that the rulers of the other domains are smart and pro-active.
personality wise, i think the idea of Hades as a bit dark and brooding just fits so well with him. i know everybody describes him like that, but it just works!
a lot like my earlier hc's for Hestia and how she's a bit quiet and always mindful of history repeating itself with how Kronos became insane and terrible, i think Hades is also always on the look for these signs in all of his siblings and himself. there's a fear that that madness is hereditary.
i don't think Hades is much of a comedian. he doesn't usually laugh or even chuckle,,, he just smiles a bit. people who have been known to appeal to his sense of humour include Zeus, Thanatos, and, of course, Persephone later on.
anyhow. after being freed from Kronos' stomach, i think that Hades was very guarded and alert. he had natural aptitude as a leader and Zeus knew that.
one myth is that the brothers rolled dice to designate the domains, but i like the idea that the domain chooses the god, not the other way, and so, they never actually cast lots-- it just happened that Hades was meant for the Underworld.
secondly, i think that Zeus wanted someone to keep an eye on the prisons in Tartarus. he needed someone strong, someone smart to watch out for Ouranos (in case he made a comeback), the Titans, and most of all, Kronos.
i like the Orphic version where Nyx keeps Kronos as her oracle, because i think that that is a true punishment for Kronos and it would've been hell for him. but i have a hc that Nyx only agrees to do this so long as Zeus assigns someone to rule in the Underworld and watch over these prisoners. because Nyx isn't a babysitter, and she has no interest in watching Kronos everyday.
Zeus knows that Hestia has a role in guarding the hearth, Demeter needs to be above the earth tending to the harvest, Poseidon doesn't have the brains to watch the Underworld and is also a sea god, and Hera, at this time, doesn't show any indication that she would be willing to perform such an important duty. but when Zeus presents the idea of someone ruling the Underworld to Hades, i think Hades is like, "yeah ok. it needs to be done."
i have a hc that Nyx tests Hades to make sure he's a good fit. to make sure that the Underworld will respond to him and respect him as its King. so she just sorta drops him in the centre and tells him to make it out of there on his own.
now, at this point, the Underworld is untamed. Nyx's kids have stayed only in a small part of the Underworld. but there are terrifying creatures roaming free all throughout.... so it's dangerous. it's not a nice place.
but, like i said, the domain chooses the god. so i think, while Hades is stuck there, he learns to move the Earth to his will, to communicate with the spirits. to control the creatures. and he makes it to the surface, passing Nyx's test, and earns the right to become King. i don't think any other god goes through a test like that because most of the other domains have already been ruled... e.g., the sea by Oceanus and Nereus, the sky by Ouranos, the earth by Gaia... but the Underworld? Tartarus has never been active. it's completely wild and untamed. there's never been a King down there. so for Hades, it's really a fresh start.
i think at first, Hades really only becomes King because he hates Kronos and wants to ensure he'll never escape. but over time, especially as Zeus creates newer versions of mortals with shorter lifespans, and the Underworld's population increases with incoming souls, Hades begins to actually enjoy it. he's always liked the quiet. he loves the little bioluminescent flowers. the sounds of the rivers rushing. and he hears all sorts of stories from the spirits who come his way....... stories from children, from young lovers, the elderly. kings, thieves, heroes, murderers, physicians, pottery makers. it really is quite a pleasant place when you get used to it.
now. we can't talk about Hades w/o talking about Persephone. so i'll leave my hades x persephone hc's here. and, assuming that you've read those, i'll continue by saying that i don't really think that the guilt of kidnapping Persephone ever truly leaves Hades. especially because Demeter is forever resentful of him, and their relationship is sort of damaged in a way that can't truly be fixed. Hades knows this, and i think he never resents Demeter the way she resents him, because she's his sister, and he does love her, and he sympathises with her pain. that's why i think Hades, who usually doesn't care too much about the affairs of Olympus, does keep an eye out for Demeter.
my hc list is too long and i'm approaching the word limit for text boxes. so quick section break hee hee. and now we continue with hc's about Hades later in life:
i want to talk about Demeter x Iasion for a second because they're important to my Hades hc.
i like the versions where Iasion isn't a son of Zeus, and i sort of imagine him to be just this unimportant, simple farm boy. not a prince, not a hero, just a guy who milks cows and tends to the crops.
Demeter is a goddess who, canonically, has relationships with Zeus and Poseidon, and neither of these relationships really end all that well. i've never really thought too much about them because they're just too sad and depressing, but i think that Demeter's history of being taken advantage of by the gods of Olympus is the reason for her keeping Persephone away from Olympus, and the reason for her extreme rage when Hades defies her.
i also think this is why Iasion has to be just a simple mortal. someone unconnected to Zeus, a god who has brought Demeter a lot of pain and betrayal, and Olympus in general. curiously, this is the exact reason that Zeus hates Iasion and is jealous of him. because Zeus thinks Demeter is worthy of more; a proper god, maybe a god of his own blood. if Demeter wants a husband, he should be a noble hero, not just Some Guy. anyways. so, as the story goes, Zeus kills Iasion out of jealousy.
now, Hades comes in because he's the god of the Underworld, and Iasion's mortal soul should enter Hades' domain. but i LOVE the idea that, through events i shall not describe here because we're talking about Hades, not Demeter!, somehow or the other, Iasion becomes an Immortal, and Hades realises that Iasion's shade doesn't pass through the Underworld. it comes through temporarily, and then fades, because Iasion been turned into a god by Demeter.
I think Hades knows that Zeus will be even more furious with Iasion because of this, and could try to destroy Iasion in his immortal form, but i have this image in my head of Demeter cradling Iasion's bleeding body, while Hades stands between her and a fuming Zeus, and Hades STANDS UP for Demeter. he defends her, and he tells Zeus to let it go. to allow Iasion to ascend to godhood and be with Demeter. and Zeus complies, begrudgingly.
this is important to me because, as the King of the Underworld, Hades is entitled to his share of subjects. Iasion should remain with Hades. but Hades lets him go anyhow because i think he wants to show Demeter that he does care for her. she's still his sister. and even though Demeter will never forgive Hades, she does appreciate it. she knows what it means.
secondly, i think, while Iasion is recovering from being struck by Zeus' lightning, i think Hades coerces Asclepius into tending to Iasion... ((this is after Hades gets Asclepius killed because he was resurrecting people with his special medical powers))
obviously Asclepius indulges Hades because he's terrified of him, given their history, and i think this too is appreciated by Demeter. Hades uses all of his power to ensure that both Demeter and Iasion are protected from Zeus' wrath... and so Iasion joins Demeter in her fields forevermore, and Zeus just has to deal with it <33
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canyourlawnmowerdothis · 11 months
Your angelstone baby is actually everything and the world to me I like how you named them Thanatos (I had them married in Tomodachi Life and I also named their baby Thanatos), this art jsut relaly means a lot to the point I send you an ask directly (But not to the point of unmasking anon sry)
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PEACE AND LOVE!! jubilee loves u <3
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burning-sol · 1 year
GUHHHH once again thinking about how hard an apotheosis vs riptide fight would go mannn. i am imagining a choreographed fight in my heeaaadddd.
apotheosis vs riptide. its set up as a gameshow so non lethal but like go off and be as deranged as u want u know what i mean. when it starts the pcs are a bit disorientated because where the fuck are they?? help??? theyre introduced to the premise of the game. differing reactions. peter "no", exandroth "YES", gillion "sounds like fun!! i accept this challenge!!!", thanatos "what is the point of this", rumi "yeah exactly thanny we dont gotta do this i dont want to fight", chip "exactly!! (going to pee his pants at the sight of thanatos)", jay "yo but i could totally take them in a fight??" but you know they cant go home if they dont play and its not LETHAL so they agree. besides, both teams are relatively confident?
les go!! count down 3 2 1 and the teams are fighting. each pc naturally splits off to face against the best fitting match. chip vs rumi, peter+exandroth vs jay, gillion vs thanatos. they start off confident but very quickly things go WRONG... the godslayers are like strong WAYY strong and the albatrio are taking hits man. this one on one is going down and it really starts dredging up all their anxieties. chip doesnt feel like he's a good leader, he's not confident, he doesn't know what he's doing, rumi is tripping him up repeatedly and doesnt even seem phased. gillion thinks he's strong but he's getting SLAMMED by thanatos and gillion is freaking out because oh god he's not strong enough, he can't protect his friends, he's going to LOSE. jay she's fuckinnngg usually a good shot like she deals DAMAGE she's grown UP being the good shot, she spent her childhood training, but it literally just doesnt phase whatever the fuck she's fighting, it's not making a good enough dent.
shit aint working so the albatrio scramble and change their matchups. gillion vs rumi, chip vs peter+exandroth, thanatos vs jay. gillion is so brute force that rumi is forced back a bit. chip is. chip. exandroth is struggling to hit this little worm. jay keeps her distance from thanatos and is able to get some good shots in. they're chipping away at the godslayers it looks like they're getting up and. well. the godslayers are getting bitter abt it they got sensitive egos so they muster up enough coordination to knock chip and jay back, and they DOWN gillion. and holy shit the albatrio are gonna LOSE but half time is called. dear god. just in time.
jay gets gillion back up but evidently, they're not winning k? like fuck it sucked so bad that the godslayers started off kicking their ass, but downing gillion?? GILLION TIDESTRIDER??? that was an emotional blow so hard they're going to need to have a big cry after this. but you know how the albatrio are, they have the brain power, they're gonna scheme on how to take down these bitches.
and if you're wondering how the godslayers are doing at half time they're feeling pretty good about themselves. exandroth takes a nap after healing up thanatos and rumi, rumi fawns over peter like "are you okay???" "yeah rumi im okay" "rumi, stop babying peter he is fine" "i love you peter" "huh???"
second half starts up again and BOOM THE COORDINATION. the godslayers work okay together but we've plucked them out at a point in the story where not everyone is on the same foot... but the albatrio?? babygirl, they've been friends for a while!!! the point is friendship is fucking magic and with the power of their teamwork they strategise so good they take down the godslayers one at a time. i dont know exactly how but it's definitely a mix of something ridiculous and actual good observation and good planning. GOD SLAYERS KNOCKED OUT BABYYY.
in the bg i like to imagine that dm condi and grizzly were like commentating the entire time btw, and dm condi was so confident in his team. then he just starts crying at the end like "NOOOO HOW DID THEY LOSE" dm grizzly laughs "MWAHAHAH I KNEW IT I KNEW THEY'D WIN anyways that's the end of the game!! thank you for playing everyone!! bye bye!!" and every1 gets sent home.
this is the narrative that's been trapped in my brain for a long time. do you see it. do you understand. *shakes you* do you get it????
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crescentfool · 11 months
HI FELIX!! thank you for the ask i am always happy to take more opportunities to talk about ryomina they are so special to me o7
it is VERY tempting for me to answer, "every fucking time ryoji showed up on screen!" ok this might be an exaggeration, i like 90% of his screentime, december 2nd ryoji should've been portrayed more like a pathetic wet dog imo but i digress. but hm... favorite moment.
while the helper's club montage has a very strong place in my heart (it permeated my braincells without my permission)!! i think my favorite part of ryomina's portrayal in the movies is the whole sentence finishing thing they got going on. i feel like that's a cop out answer but like.
there is something so so gut wrenching to me about how they start off by making it so that ryoji is the one finishing minato's sentences. always ryoji. BUT THEN!!! when they meet again at the top of tartarus to do battle on judgment day!! they turn it on it's head!! and it's minato!! who finishes the sentence!! and fuck man does it make me feel like i'm being kicked down a staircase.
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and to have the sentence finishing happen again for such an important day?? god idk im gonna tear up and someone needs to like. give me like. a chew toy or something this makes me so fucking insane (blows up) (blows up).
so basically my favorite moment is really like, january 31st, but a lot of my attachment to it is BECAUSE they have that set-up in november with ryoji being the silliest fucking guy to have ever walked at gekkoukan. and oh man oh man the fucking. THE. when. WHEN THEY FOLLOW IT UP WITH MINATO SUMMONING THANATOS AFTER THIS?? yeah man. that's the fucking shit.
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like i don't think the english language is enough to convey how much i love the artistic choice to have the flash frame of ryoji when minato summons thanatos. it's the hesitation and rebellion babey!!! the whole scene afterwards is so fucking juicy as well.
honorable mention to when ryoji jumped off the fucking roof at iwatodai station to tell minato that he has kindness in his eyes and that he doesn't like seeing him alone. what kind of guy does that. that's so fucking hilarious to me like actually. he was insane for that.
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anyway that is my answer i HOPE u enjoyed reading it, god, ryomina still makes me eyes watery (it's been almost 2 years since i've met them??? what the fuck). i feel like others have echoed this sentiment before but nevertheless i was super happy to type it out :D
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thegrimreepurr · 2 months
anyway i have a silly guy i wish to share i don't think i've talked about him much at all to anyone except for my friends but i love him and i figured i should bring him into the world because i am normal about him so. his name is basalt he's a version of murder,, and so like.
basically, in my main 'au' of sorts, murder is besties with reaper [my reaper is nicknamed thanatos so yeah :3] because after he actually managed to beat the player [the player gave up 💀💀], he was just kinda. left alone in dusttale until thanatos showed up to reap the dead of dusttale :3 now usually, normal Guys™ can't see him but sometimes, rarely, those with high LV can and murder just so happens to have very high LV so he can see thanatos he sees him just like walking around and he's kinda like 'huh. that's sus,,,' bc he killed everyone and WHY is there a dude first he just brushes it off as a hallucination because he is VERY aware that he's insane and schizophrenic but then he keeps seeing him just about everywhere so one day he decides to check it out and he goes up to thanatos and is just like 'yo. dude. who tf are you' and then thanatos is obviously surprised that he's been noticed so he's just kinda like 'oh yea so uhhh,,, im the grim reaper or something,,,' and murder's like 'wha- so like. why are u here' and thanatos is just like 'doign my job' anywya blah blah blah they talk for a while and then thanatos leaves but then he comes back occasionally and every time, murder finds him and has a conversation with them and soon enough thanatos starts coming back even after he's finished his work and he becomes besties with murder :D but also like. thanatos doesnt go back to his au anymore cuz he's been coded out of it since he's away from it so often, but thats a story for another day anyway, they soon become like therapists for each other thanatos tells murder about interwsting things that happen while on the job and also about his relationship struggles [thanatos has SO much angst and i absolutely love him for it] and murder tells thanatos about how fucked up he is also there's an alternate timeline in which murder eventually gets cursed alastor cat as a pet but that is not in this timeline [don't ask, it was a silly thought my friend and i had bc my headcanon murder had a cat named alastor {THAT WAS BEFORE I WAS EVER IN THE HH FANDOM BTW} ] and so yeah they're therapist besties but then uh. thanatos dies [i havent figured out how yet, i will eventually]
and that's when basalt exists! so basically uh. murder was just kinda handed thanatos's powers and job and thanatos TOLD him this would happen if he ever were to die, since he basically has to choose an heir to hand his power to [and he has a shit ton of kids, but all of his kids hate him so he didn't want to put that on them] which this is how basalt finds out about thanatos's death and he's just kinda shocked because how the fuck does the grim reaper die buuut he eventually uh. just accepts it and becomes rhe grim reaper he has no friends until further notice im gonna draw him but i made him in gacha [yes i am a gacha kid, cry about it] anyway
his design is under the cut
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he is a skele btw i just can't make skeles in gacha also im going to change his design bc i made it too colourful [it's a habit :,)] and too complicated in a weird way that i cant draw his outfit makes like zero sense even to me
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shinysora · 1 year
SORA I need to know since ur into the Hades game,,,, are you into greek mythology?
a little bit!!
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