#i love wanda and vision in the comics but don't think they work in the mcu
mrsstruggle · 3 months
The Beast of War - Chapter 1 // Teen Wolf x Marvel AU
This is the second part of the Shadow Wolf Series. Read The Lost Child First if you haven't!
Series Summary: In the aftermath of discovering her true identity and reuniting with her long-lost family, Y/N Stilinski finds herself adjusting to a new chapter of her life in Beacon Hills. With her brother and his friends in their senior year at High School, the town faces a fresh new threat. Y/N must navigate the complexities of her new life while confronting the looming threat that threatens to hurt her and the people she loves.
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Injury/Grief/Torture, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else)
Series Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader, Stiles Stilinski x Malia Tate (for now), Steve Rodgers x Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Words: 4.5k
Note: I am aware this is late! Please don't hate me!
Additional Note: While this is a Teen Wolf x Marvel AU, not everything is true to the shows/movies/comics. I had to change things for the story.
One Last Note: Y/N was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I did this so more people can see themselves in this story.
***I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.***
The Beast of War Masterlist
The Lost Child Masterlist
Previous Chapter
“Are you going to keep secretly writing notes about me or ask me that question you’ve been too afraid to ask?” Y/N questions, her eyes never leaving the computer where she is tying in the new patient information. She is currently six hours into her ten-hour shift.
The boy sitting on the exam table freezes. His thumbs stop typing in his notes app as he looks at Y/N in surprise. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, “Mhm, sure. This is the fifth time you’ve been in this week, but you always seem to leave with nothing wrong. You either have hypochondria or you’ve kept coming back until I was your nurse.”
“Maybe the previous nurses and doctors didn’t do a good job and sent me home without properly helping me.” He picks at the bottom of his shirt in a nervous habit.
“The first time you came in was for pink eye, which has been noted that you didn’t have that. The second time was for a rash on your arm that you didn’t have.” Y/N says, looking over his previous visit notes, “The third time was a bump on your knee that turned out to be your kneecap. The fourth time was for a broken wrist that turned out to be broken or even sprained. Now you’re here due to flu-like symptoms, but your vitals are all good and there is currently no indication of you being sick.”
He forces out a fake cough, “Are you sure about that?”
Y/N turns to look at him, “I’m sure. You do know this is an emergency room, right? We have actual patients that need help, and we are short staffed. We don’t need some kid coming in trying to meet the Stark girl to get a good photo for his Instagram or whatever.”
“First of all, I’m not a kid—we’re the same age. Second, this isn’t for my Instagram, this is for my criminology class.” He says, dropping his act. He knew there was no point in tripling down on his lies.
“Well, your parents must have a lot of money or some really good insurance for you to be able to show up here five different times.”
“Something like that.”
Y/N looks him up and down, contemplating what she should do. She should just send him home, but she’s worried he will keep showing up until he gets what he wants. “The school year just started, why do you need to speak with me for your criminology class now?”
“Our first assignment is to do a paper on a famous crime. What’s more famous than the kidnapping of Tony Stark’s daughter?”
“I can think of several.” Y/N lets out a sigh, turning her body to fully face him, “You get five questions. If I don’t want to answer one, then it’s still going to count as one of your questions. After that, you have to leave and also promise not to come back here unless you have an actual emergency.”
He smiles in victory, turning his phone back on, “Do you mind if I record this so I can type out your answers later?”
He opens the Voice Memos app on his phone, hits the record button, and holds it up between Y/N and himself. “Okay, first question, I am aware that the Avengers are currently relocating to a little outside of Beacon Hills, but have you been back to the other Avengers compound or the place you lived while with them?”
“No, I have not been back.”
He opens his mouth to ask her to elaborate but decides against it in case she counts that as a question. “Second question, what was your initial reaction when you discovered the truth?”
Y/N pauses as she thinks of an answer. For safety reasons, when they announced who she was, they changed the story of how it happened. Instead of telling the public she was re-kidnapped by Hydra, they told them about Bucky discovering the photo of her in Derek’s auto shop. It’s part of the reason some people like to show up there.
To the public’s knowledge, Hydra kidnapped her in hopes of raising her to be their soldier before she was able to escape on her own when they left her unattended outside. She was then found by a friend of Talia Stilinski and adopted by the Stilinski’s. To the public’s knowledge, Pepper didn’t hand her over to Hydra, she was never experimented on, she has no powers, and she didn’t know about the Avengers because she was too young—not because her memories were blocked.
“Mostly confusion. It’s not every day that someone shows up and claims to be your other family.  Now I’m just waiting for my biological family to do the same thing.” Y/N jokes.
“Third question, I know thanks to photos online that you spend some time with your brother, Peter, but have you spent any time with your sister, Morgan?”
Y/N debates on whether she wants to answer the question or not. The answer is no, she hasn’t spent any time with her sister, nor has she met her. She has nothing against Morgan, and she doesn’t blame her for Pepper’s actions, but she’s not sure if Morgan feels the same way. According to Peter, she is close with her mother, and her relationship with Tony is strained due to his shortcomings as a father to her.
Y/N is unsure if Morgan blames her for those shortcomings. It’s because of Tony’s obsession with finding her that caused him to neglect to be a good father for Morgan. It’s because of his resentment and anger toward Pepper’s nonchalance at Y/N being gone and her happiness toward the new baby that caused him to leave Pepper in the first place. It’s because of his grief of losing her that caused him to be unable to hold her until she was three years old.
It wasn’t until Morgan became a teenager did Tony start to step up as her father. He still isn’t perfect, and he can never make up for her younger years, but he is a lot better. Y/N adds Tony and Peter moving to Beacon Hills as another reason for Morgan to be justified to hate her.
Y/N knows that if Derek or Peter knew her thoughts about Morgan, they would tell her that she can’t blame herself for Tony’s mistakes. The choices Tony made were his own, not hers. Right now, she’s told Peter and Tony that the decision to meet, form a relationship, or anything is fully up to Morgan. She doesn’t want to cause any upheaval in Morgan’s life by inserting herself into it. If Morgan wants Y/N in her life, then she will be. If she doesn’t want anything to do with her, that’s okay. If she wants to meet her once and then never again, Y/N will do that too.
She does however know—thanks to Peter—that Morgan has decided that she prefers a private life away from the spotlight. While Peter attends all charity and public events in the Stark name, Morgan likes to stay home away from the crowds and paparazzi. She even keeps away from social media, so she doesn’t see anything about herself or her family.
“Um, I’m going to pass on that question. Morgan is a minor and prefers to stay out of the press. I don’t feel comfortable talking about whatever relationship I may or may not have with her. That’s private and it will stay that way.” Y/N answers. “You have two questions left.”
The guy huffs in frustration, “Fine. Fourth question, what are your thoughts on the theories and videos people were making after it was first brought to the public’s attention that you’re Y/N Stark?”
“I think the best word to describe I how felt, and still feel, about the things people were saying is disappointment. I’m disappointed in how people were, and still are, talking about my family. Honestly, I don’t really care what people say about me,” That’s a lie but she isn’t going to correct herself, “but I am disappointed in the way people talked about my family and the people I love.”
He nods his head in understanding, “Okay, last question, do you plan on changing your name back to Stark?”
No, she doesn’t. To be honest, it’s not even a thought that has crossed her mind. Scott asked her about it once when he saw her driver’s license and her only thought was that she hopes Derek proposes before Tony asks so she has an excuse that won’t hurt his feelings.
“Maybe, I guess we’ll see,” Y/N says instead. “Now, you can be on your way, and I’ll make sure to let the front desk know I refuse to see you if you come back with anything less than a life-threatening injury. Hopefully, that will keep you away and make you reconsider faking injuries and illnesses, and taking a room away from someone who actually needs it.”
He hits the stop button before turning off his phone and thanking her for answering his questions. He follows her out of the room and rushes out of the building to start working on his paper.
“What’s that about?” Melissa asks, watching the boy run out of the hospital.
Y/N rolls her eyes and sighs, “Just another person who wanted to interview me. I humored him for a few questions before I told him to not come back unless he’s dying.” She hands Melissa the boy’s file that’s in her hand. “Can you put a note in his file to let the others know I won’t see him if he comes back unless necessary?”
“That’s like the fourth one this month,” Melissa laughs in disbelief.
“What can I say, I’m famous,” Y/N winks at her. She and Melissa both know how much she hates the amount of attention she’s gotten since Kate exposed her. At one point in her life, she dreamed of being a star that everyone loved and was extremely famous. Now she wishes she could go back to being a nobody.
“When do you get off today?”
“I have about four hours left and then I’m out of here. I’ve got to go home a prepare myself for family dinner.” Y/N says, grabbing a new patient’s clipboard.
“I heard Stiles telling Scott about that. Is this the first dinner with all of you together?”
“Yep, and I’m already regretting it.”
Melissa lets out a laugh, “I’m sure it will be fine, and if it isn’t, you can tell me all about it tomorrow.”
“I actually have the next two days off, so it will be a few days until I can give you a play-by-play.” With her working so many shifts to make up for her unintended long absence, she decided she needed two days to take a break. She’s exhausted and just wants to sleep in for a day.
“I can’t wait.”
“Hey! Where’s Stiles?” Y/N asks as she greets her dad. He’s the first one to arrive for dinner and she expected Stiles to be with him.
“He said that he could drive himself here, so I drove here straight after work.” The sheriff replies, pulling Y/N into a big hug.
“Okay, well, the others should be here soon if you want to go ahead and sit at the table, or I can turn the TV on, and you can sit in the living room and wait.”
“Where’s Derek?” He questions.
“In here!” Derek calls out from the kitchen.
The sheriff follows Y/N into the kitchen to see Derek checking on the rolls in the oven. “How are you, Derek?”
“I’m good, sir. How are you?” Derek asks, shaking Noah’s hand in greeting.
“Well, I’m still here so I guess I’m good.”
“Dad, why don’t you sit down, and I’ll help Derek finish up,” Y/N says, gesturing her hand toward their dining table. She moves to help Derek when there’s a knock on the front door. “Never mind.”
Walking toward the front door, she can hear two heartbeats on the other side. Opening the door, Tony and Peter are now standing in front of her, “Hey. Thanks for coming.” She hugs them both as they enter the loft.
They had a few conversations after taking down Kate and the hunters, but they are still a little awkward around each other. Y/N and Peter not so much, but she isn’t sure how to navigate a relationship with Tony. She doesn’t want to come off as she doesn’t care about him, but she also needs time to get used to having another dad.
With Peter it’s different. They’re close in age and they have the shared trauma from Hydra. She also feels like she talking to Stiles most of the time.
Y/N shuts the door behind them, she leads them into the kitchen. She pulls out her phone to text Stiles as they greet Derek and Noah. Tony and Peter sit down at the table, and she helps Derek bring the food over.
She looks down at her phone when it vibrates in her hand, “Stiles says he’s a bit caught up and that we should start without him. He’ll be a bit late.”
“What’s he caught up with?” Derek asks, sitting at the head of the table next to Noah and Y/N.
“He didn’t say.” She hopes it’s just something to do with school and not supernatural-related.
“So, Derek, when are you going to start working on your old house?” Peter asks Derek. Y/N has told him a bit about Derek’s plans, but she hasn’t told him everything.
“Um, soon. I’m waiting until after I hire someone to help out at the shop.” Derek replies. A few people have applied to the open position, but two of them ended up being Avengers fans who faked their resumes.
“You know who would probably be interested in the position, Barnes,” Tony says. “He would know what to do and he’s been looking for a job.”
Bucky hasn’t applied to any yet, but he has a few saved. He’d been thinking about taking a step back from the Avengers for a bit. After seeing the files and the videos of what happened to Y/N, they seemed to trigger some bad memories that he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about. He’s also had several nightmares about what they could’ve possibly done to Y/N if she wasn’t rescued when she was.
Derek shares a small look with Y/N as if to ask for help with what he should say, “Yeah, I could send him the listing to see if he’s interested, or it’s on our website too. At least, that’s what Lydia told me.”
Y/N shrugs her shoulders a little when Derek looks back at her. She’s not going to tell Derek whether he should hire him or not, or even give Bucky a chance. It’s Derek’s business so that decision is completely up to him.
Tony opens his mouth to say something else, but Y/N decides to interrupt him. She’s sure Tony is about to say something that he thinks will be helpful for Derek, and she knows Derek probably doesn’t care to hear it. Derek likes doing things his way and he doesn’t always love people injecting their opinions. “So, Dad, is there anything you’d like to tell me?”
Y/N ignores the longing look in Tony’s eyes as she speaks to the other man who raised her.
“Uh, not to my knowledge, no.” Sheriff Stilinski doesn’t know what she’s talking about. The tone in her voice says he should, but he can’t think of anything.
“Really?” Y/N looks down at his left ring finger where his wedding ring used to be.
“Right, I may or may not have a date tomorrow night.”
“Good for you,” Derek says proudly, patting him on the back. They haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, but he and the sheriff have grown closer after he started dating Y/N. It was rough at first, but they started to get along after the sheriff saw how well Derek took care of Y/N after she was attacked one night by a hunter. They bonded that night as Y/N rested. It’s why Derek knows that the sheriff going on a date is a big deal for him.
“Who’s it with?” Y/N asks with a teasing smile.
“It’s with someone you know,” Noah says, keeping it vague.
“Well, it’s not with Melissa because she would’ve told me. But you also didn’t tell me until now. Oh my god, you’re date’s with Melissa.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It’s with a woman.”
“Well, who else do I know that’s at an appropriate age for you to date?” Y/N mutters mostly to herself.
Tony and Peter silently eat their food and watch the conversation with amused smiles on their faces. They like seeing Y/N with a smile on her face. It’s a lot better than what she looked like when dealing with Hydra, the hunters, and Derek getting shot with an arrow.
“It’s Lydia’s mom,” Derek states.
Noah looks at him a little shocked. He didn’t expect Derek to guess correctly or even chime in. “How’d you know?”
“I didn’t, but I do now.” Derek sends a triumph wink toward Y/N. She’s a little surprised he’s showing this side of himself with Tony and Peter here. With strangers, and sometimes the pack, he prefers to only let them see him as the tall, broody guy who doesn’t have many feelings.
“Just don’t tell Stiles. I haven’t told him I’m going on a date yet either.” He looks pointedly toward Y/N.
“Fine. My lips are sealed.” Y/N pretends to zip her lips for added effect. “What about you Peter? How’s MJ?”
The last time Peter had talked to her about MJ he wasn’t sure about the direction of their relationship. He loves her, but she’s still in college going for her master’s and he’s moving to Beacon Hills to be closer to his sister. They hadn’t decided if they wanted to try long-distance, have Peter go back and forth, or if they should call it quits for now.
Y/N told him that she shouldn’t be the reason his relationship with MJ should change. He just replies that he thought she was dead for several years and has missed out on being in her life, so he doesn’t plan on missing anymore.
“She’s good. We still haven’t decided what we’re going to do yet.” Peter replies, keeping his eyes down on the food on his plate to avoid looking at her.
“How has it been at the hospital? Are people still showing up and harassing you?” Tony asks, turning the attention away from Peter because he can feel he doesn’t want to talk about MJ.
“Yeah, we had a guy come in today asking me questions. It’s the fifth time he’s been in this week.” Y/N rolls her eyes in annoyance.
Tony frowns at her answer. He offered her a job to work with the Avengers in their medical wing to avoid the crazy press and fans and to spend more time with her, but she declined. She likes her job, and she likes that she can help her brother and friends by having her job.
“He’s been in five times?” Derek questions, his tone on the protective side.
“Yeah, he’s some college guy who wanted to interview me for some school project.”
“College guy?” “Didn’t the school year just start?” Derek and Peter question at the same time.
“He said it was for a paper for his criminology class. I let him ask me a few questions and then told the front desk not to let him back unless he’s dying.”
“What questions did he ask you?” Peter asks.
“Like ‘how did I react when I found out’ and ‘how did I feel about the videos people were making about me.’ I gave him five questions and only answered the ones I wanted to.” Y/N shrugs like it’s no big deal. “I only did it so that he’d stop wasting the staff’s time with his fake injuries and illnesses.”
“Has Stiles told you if he’s on his way?” Noah asks, changing the subject.
Y/N checks her phone and sees that Stiles hasn’t texted her, “Nope, but you know how he gets. He probably lost track of time, or he’s still caught up in whatever he’s doing.”
The table goes quiet, and everyone continues eating. No one knows what to say. This isn’t the first dinner they’ve had together, but they all typically end in silence. They do some polite small talk in the beginning—mostly everyone only speaking to Y/N—then finish their food in silence.
Derek takes his and Y/N’s empty plates to the sink when they're done. Y/N packs up some of the leftovers for her dad to take home.
“I should go. I’ve got a long shift in the morning.” Noah says. He pats Derek on the shoulder as a goodbye. He takes the leftovers from Y/N’s hands and follows her to the front door. “I’m assuming you’re going to show up to the station before my date tomorrow.”
“You know me so well.” Y/N smiles, hugging him goodbye. “See you tomorrow. Love you.”
“Love you too.” He closes the door behind himself as he leaves. Y/N turns to Tony and Peter who are ready to leave as well.
“Thanks for having us over. Dinner was good.” Tony says, putting his jacket back on that he took off while eating.
“Thanks for coming,” Y/N says, hugging them both goodbye. “My schedule is starting to slow down so I’ll let you know when I’m free for us to do something.” She notices Tony perk up at the thought of spending more time with her.
She waves at them goodbye before closing and locking the loft door. Sighing in exhaustion, she turns to see Derek standing and staring at her with a familiar lovestruck look in his eyes.
“I feel like I could sleep for a week,” Y/N says, slowly walking over to him.
Derek wraps his arms around her when she reaches him, “Well, I’ve done the dishes, so how about we go upstairs, take a nice hot bath, and then get you to bed?”
“Keep saying things like that and I’ll get on one knee right now and ask you to marry me.”
“I prefer when you get on both knees.”
Y/N scoffs at his joke, “Just take me upstairs to a bath. If you treat me right, maybe the bath could turn into something more.”
“I’m holding you to that,” Derek says. Y/N lets out a laugh when Derek wraps his arms around her thighs and picks her up, carrying her upstairs.
Y/N slowly opens her eyes to see Derek asleep next to her. She smiles a little at how cute he looks when he’s asleep. Turning to the clock on her bedside table, she notices that it’s almost midnight. She’s only been asleep for a little over an hour and she’s not sure what woke her up. As she turns back to Derek, their bedroom door flies open.
“Y/N?” Stiles calls out from the doorway.
“What the fuck Stiles?” Y/N groans, clamping her eyes shut when he flicks on the bedroom light. She can feel Derek waking up next to her. “Why the fuck are you here so late?”
Stiles walks into the room and sits on the bed next to Y/N, “I feel like I’m going crazy and you’re the only one that believes me.” Y/N can smell that he reeks of anxiety.
“Go home,” Derek groans, wraps an arm around Y/N’s waist, and pulls her in closer to him, pushing his face into the back of her neck to try and hide from the light.
Y/N sighs, using her hands to block the ceiling light, “You can tell me what’s going on after you turn off the light.”
Stiles huffs in frustration but gets up and turns off the light before sitting back on the bed, “There’s something off about Theo but no one believes me. Scott thinks I should give him the benefit of the doubt and that, even if he is bad, everyone is savable.”
“Does some of this have to do with why you didn’t show up to dinner?”
“Sorry about that. Me and Liam followed him around to see what he’d do.”
“And what did he do?”
“We may have followed him to the bridge near where his sister was found.” Stiles mumbles, fiddling with the drawstrings on his hoodie.
“He could’ve noticed you following him and put on a ‘good guy’ act,” Y/N says, trying to think of something that would support Stiles’ theory.
“Don’t encourage him,” Derek mumbles sleepily behind her.
“I broke into the administration office and found the transfer form his dad signed and compared it to a speeding ticket he signed eight years ago. The signatures are completely different.” Stiles says. He knows he’s right about Theo and he doesn’t get why Scott doesn’t believe him.
“Okay, I believe you. Look, I’m exhausted so how about we get some sleep and talk about this some more later? You’ve got school tomorrow, so you need some sleep too.” Y/N says as gently as she can. She doesn’t want him to feel like she doesn’t believe him either, but she might fall back asleep any minute now. “You know you are welcome to the guest room. It’s practically yours now anyway.”
“Can I sleep in here tonight?” Stiles asks shyly.
“No,” Derek answers quickly.
“Not like in your bed, but like can I drag the guest room’s mattress in here and sleep on it on the floor?”
Even in the dark, Y/N can see the vulnerability in his eyes, “Yes, you can sleep in here.” Stiles smiles and runs out of the room toward the guest room.
“You should’ve said no,” Derek groans.
“He’s worried about his friends and senior year has been giving him a lot of anxiety after asking Dad about his high school buddies.”
“How has that given him so much anxiety that he stinks of it?”
“Dad told him that he no longer speaks to any of his friends from high school and he’s scared him and his friends will end up the same way.”
Derek sighs, “Fine, but him staying in here is a one-time thing.”
Y/N starts to reply when Stiles comes back into the room, pulling the guest bedroom mattress behind him with one hand and his pillows and blankets in the other. He puts the mattress against the wall that faces Y/N’s side of the bed.
He puts his pillows down on the mattress before laying down and wrapping his blankets around himself, “Okay, goodnight. Don’t do anything gross since I’m here.”
Y/N rolls her eyes at his last sentence, “Goodnight Stiles.”
As she starts to drift back off to sleep, she hears Stiles speak again, “Y/N?”
“Did you notice that Dad stopped wearing his ring?”
“Yeah,” Y/N replies gently.
“Do you think he’s met someone?”
“You’d have to ask him that.” She would’ve responded with yes, but she promised her dad earlier that she wouldn’t tell Stiles because he wanted to be the one to do it.
“I just want him to be happy,” Stiles says, staring up at the ceiling.
“Me too.”
There’s a moment of silence before Stiles says, “I miss Mom.”
“Me too.”
“Okay, goodnight,” Stiles rolls over to his side to face the wall.
“Goodnight,” Y/N pushes herself back into Derek’s loose embrace. After Stiles laid out the mattress, he was out like a light. She starts to drift off again when Stiles interrupts her again.
“Hey Y/N?”
“Thanks for believing me.”
@xxemmarldxx @esposadomd @ladyjenjay @ts1mp0ne @misshale21
@n1ght5h4d3-24 @xoxoloverb
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chiefduckgarden · 2 years
The lady in red
Summary: After the events of MoM Wanda escapes from the destroyed temple and isolates herself from the world with the only person she knows will never judge her or be afraid of her: you. But the past always comes back to make people pay for their sins, and soon you'll need to accept that it's Wanda's time.
Words: 8791
A/N : Soo this is a big mashup of my imagination, the story from the Marvel Comic "Darkhold: Omega", and the final episode of Netflix Series: The haunting of Bly Manor. I took a lot of inspiration from these two works. I hope you like it! Happy reading :D
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
The night she knocked on your door you were surprised to get a visit at almost 1 pm. You hesitated for a moment to open the door but the moment you heard her voice, your blood ran cold through your veins.
- Y/N, it's me, Wanda - she simply said.
You immediately opened the door, but the person you found on the other side was not the Wanda you remembered.
- Oh Wanda, what happened? - you asked - Come in.
She walked in front you and got inside the house.
You stared at her for a moment. She seemed weak, like some who's sick and is slowly deteriorating; with remarkable bags under her eyes and a strange darkness adorning her gaze. The last time you saw her was in Stark's funeral, and her red straight hair was now replaced with messy curls.
- Thanks for opening the door - she said - It's just that, I have no other place to go.
Then she broke down crying and you ran to hold her in your arms. You allowed her to cry and vent for as long as she needed without question anything.
- It's okay, I'm here now, you're not alone - you reassured her, stroking her hair and her back, rocking her body back and forth.
- I made horrible things Y/N, so many irreparable mistakes - she said sobbing.
Your white pajama shirt was covered with her tears but you didn't care, you only wanted to help her.
- Are you harmed? Did anyone hurt you? - you asked her.
She denied shaking her head.
- It wasn't me the one who got hurt - she said.
You simply nodded and stood up from the floor with the girl in your arms.
- It's late now, we'll talk about this tomorrow, okay?
She nodded and you cleaned the tears from her cheeks with your thumb.
That night you gave her a pajama and let her stay in the guest room. But before you could leave and turn off the lights she stopped you.
- Can you stay here with me tonight - she requested in a low voice - I just don't want to be alone.
So you got in the bed with her by your side, holding her close and giving her a quick kiss on her hairline.
That was the first night in a really long time that Wanda slept peacefully.
The first that night she didn't dreamt of her children.
But you, you stayed up all night, stealing glances from time to time to the girl laying beside you. You were so confused about her sudden appearance at your door, it had been a long time since you last talked to her and yet, she was still having the same effect on you. Your heart was still beating for the girl.
You met Wanda many years ago, when she joined the Avengers after the battle with Ultron and the death of her brother. You became close friends after some weeks and many sleepovers on your room, but then Vision came back to the compound.
It only took a few days of watching them together for you to realize that you were in love with Wanda, but she was falling for the android. And the night you have decided to tell her about your real feelings for her, she told you that Vision kissed her and they were dating.
Your heart broke with the news but you congratulated her and asked her more about it. You didn't mind on feeling fire inside your chest every time she smiled thinking about the android, for the first time you saw her genuinely happy and that was the only thing that mattered.
So time went on, and when the government split your team, you and Wanda were on the same side. You fought against Tony Stark, and for some days you felt hope on having a chance with her again, Vision chose the opposite team and you were there, by her side.
But you saw them after the battle in the airport, you ran to check on Wanda but she was in Vision's arms, so you took a step back and ran to help Natasha instead. You didn't want Wanda to see the tears pooling on your eyes.
Living on the run with Wanda only made your feelings grow. You were so obvious about it that you were almost sure that she knew it, but she never made a move. After some months she told you she would go to Scotland, and when you were about to tell her you'd go with her, she told you Vision was waiting for her.
And Wanda Maximoff broke your heart again.
It only went worse from that moment on, Thanos and the lost battle didn't only take your friends away, but also the love of your life.
Five years passed slowly, and when Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers knocked on your door telling you there was a way to bring everyone back you didn't hesitate on going with them.
The next events passed to the history as the time that the Avengers saved the universe. Tony Stark sacrificed himself and the day of his funeral you talked to her for the first time in almost five years.
- How are you feeling? - you asked, she was standing by the river and her face was expressionless.
- I'm alive - she said - I just wish that he knew that everything worth at the end, that we won.
You hugged her and she cried on your shoulder.
- I'm sure he knows it Wands - you told her.
- He didn't even got a funeral.
You gulped.
- I'm sorry about that, but when you disappeared after the blip I tried to take his body with me, but the government took him - you confessed her - I wanted to keep him safe, or give him a proper bury, but they didn't let me.
She only hugged you closer. Her heart warmed at your words. That's what she loved about you, your tenderness and how you always said the right things at the right time.
- I'm sure you did your best, thank you Y/N - she said and then she kissed your cheek.
You sighed.
- Do you want to come with me? I have a house, in Italy, it's a beautiful town and you're more than welcome - you told her, maybe this was your second chance.
But she only stared at you, and words weren't needed to know her answer.
- Vision bought a house for us before passing away, i'm going to visit the town and maybe live there Y/N.
You smiled sadly and took a step back.
- I'm sorry - she said - I love you Y/N, but not in the way you've always wanted.
- Just know that if you ever feel like visiting Europe, you can always come to my house.
And that was the last time you saw her. Until that night. You knew nothing about her life and seeing her again, in that state, was shocking for you.
The next morning you made her breakfast and she thanked you with a brief smile.
- Are you feeling better now? - you asked her but she shook her head.
- No.
- That's okay, we can have breakfast and then you can take a shower if you want.
She accepted and you two ate in complete silence.
That first day she didn't say much, and you didn't pressure her. Whatever happened to her you were sure it affected her like never before, not even after Vision's death she looked that devastated.
-I'm ready to talk to you - she said on the afternoon of her second day with you.
You nodded and followed her to the living room to hear what she needed to say.
- I made bad things Y/N, really bad things - she started - I am a bad person, I was cruel.
You shook your head.
- No you're not...
- Yes I am! I know it - she interrupted you.
You heard her story, she told you about Westview, her children, Vision, Agatha... the Darkhold. She told you about America Chávez, her battle with Strange and the multiverse. You listened to her without more interruptions.
You understood the reasons behind her actions, you always knew that Wanda Maximoff wanted to have a family like the one she once lost.
It stung a bit that her dream family was with Vision by her side, but you left the selfishness behind and you focused on what she felt.
- Wanda, you're just a woman who wanted to feel loved, maybe your actions were wrong but you did the right thing at end - you told her.
- That doesn't change what I am Y/N, i opened the Darkhold, I chose to be the Scarlet Witch and now she will live forever in me. I can still feel her - she said.
- Well, I can only feel you - you said and she started to cry at your words. You never knew why but she felt like going back in time hearing that phrase.
- I'm not the Wanda you remember Y/N, i changed...
- I can still see the sweet Wanda that I met years ago, the one who taught me how to cook Paprikash and loves to watch old sitcoms on Saturday nights.
She looked at you and decided to show you the real her, the Scarlet Witch inside her. So she broke the spell that hid her black fingers and the worn red suit.
You took a step back when you first saw it, but when she fell on her knees crying you immediately ran to hug her.
- I don't care about your past, you did the right thing and now I'm here for you, I will always be here.
- I'm sorry for breaking your heart in the past, if only I had gone with you that day...
- It's fine Wanda, you don't have to say anything, you're here and that's all that matters.
She smiled genuinely for the first time after so much, and she let you hold her. Maybe you were always the answer after all.
The first months were hard for her, readjusting to the society was kind of difficult, but the town where you lived was peaceful and small, and she found a home with you.
You never mentioned your feelings for her again, she never told you she was looking for you romantically, so you just were a good friend for her.
Also, you knew she was still missing and loving her family. From time to time you  caught her drawing two boys that you assumed were Billy and Tommy. She never drew Vision, or at least you never saw her doing it.
- I miss them - she told you one afternoon when you were staring at the sunset on the backyard.
You were laying on the grass with your head resting on a tree and she was sat next to you.
- Billy and Tommy? - you asked
She nodded and then she showed you her drawing.
- They were the most amazing kids- she said smiling - Billy was like me, he had my powers, a really shy and tender boy. Tommy was more chaotic, he had Pietro's super speed and sometimes he drove me crazy.
She laughed sweetly at the memory.
- If they were like their mother, I bet they were fantastic - you said.
Wanda couldn't help to let out some tears.
- You would've loved them - she told you - Especially Billy, he was like you too.
You looked at ceiling and just a gave her a shy reassuring smile. Without saying more, she laid beside you, resting her head on your chest and wrapping an arm around your torso.
You held your breath for a second, but then you rested your arm on her back.
- But I really love living here with you.
You smiled.
- I love that you live here with me too, it's nice having company - you said.
She smiled and you stayed like that for some minutes.
- Sometimes I think about how my life would've been if I accepted your invitation to coming here - she confessed.
- It's not good for you think about the what if's, maybe you needed to meet your family - you told her.
- It would've been less painful, for me, for Billy and Tommy... They were happy with their lives in that other universe, now they probably have nightmares about their own mother being a witch, and it's all my fault.
You remained silence unsure on what to say.
- Sometimes I dream about them - she kept talking - It's nice to see them at least in my dreams.
- I'm glad, keep them in your memory is a nice way to honor them - you say.
- No, I really see them - she says looking up at you.
You looked confused at her.
- When I was studying the Darkhold I learned about the multiverse, it said that our dreams are our versions from another universe, so everytime we dream we can see another version of ourselves - she explains - That's how I found them, because every night I used to dream about them.
You listened to her and try to understand what she's saying.
- Now, everytime I dream about my children I know that it's real somewhere.
You smiled.
- They're happy, and I'm happy now - she said.
Another moment of silence remained between the two of you. Wanda was fidgeting with the buttons of your sweater.
- Do you ever dream about us? - she asked.
- What do you mean?
- Have you ever dreamed about me? About us? - she asked again.
For sure you had, not always but some nights.
- Yes, sometimes... Mostly about our time together before the Sokovia Accords and the fight and everything - you said.
- So is it like reliving the past?
You nodded.
- I dream about us, but not in the past - she told you - Sometimes I dream about us being together, like how could have been our lives if I stayed with you and not with Vision.
Your chest tightened for a moment.
- That means that in some universe we are together - she finally said.
Your eyes met and before you knew it her lips were on yours. The kiss was slow and clumsy, but you felt your heart exploding of happiness inside your chest.
When you two separate from each other she smiled and you smiled too.
- Y/N... I want you, I love you, you've always been so good to me and stayed by my side, even when I broke your heart you were a good friend. You didn't even hesitate to receive me when I knocked on your door that night... - she said.
- Wanda I have always loved you, I never stopped - you admitted.
- I know, I'm sorry I'm telling you this now - she said.
- Don't be sorry, it's never too late. I love you, every part of you and that will never change - you took her hand and kissed her palm.
She smiled and kissed you again.
Life was sweet from that moment on, Wanda was by your side now and your life couldn't be happier. During the day you would wake up next to her and after some kisses go to have breakfast. You would paint, listen to music, dance or go to walk next to her; and she was starting to take care of a little garden on the backyard. At nights you two would take a shower together and after some goofy games you go to bed and cuddle with her until she fell asleep.
She never stopped loving her family though, but you loved listening to her whenever she talked about Billy and Tommy. She would tell you about things she lived in her short time with them, or about what she saw in her dreams. However, she couldn't help but cry sometimes at the memory of her children, but this time she had you by her side to cry her heart out and feel accompanied. And she loved you for that.
Six months of happiness preceded smoothly, just you and Wanda. Until one day she decided to show up, to never leave again.
Three weeks ago Wanda was doing the dishes after a tasty pasta dinner you two had whilst you were out buying some groceries that you would use the next morning for breakfast.
A sudden hard pain on her forehead made her drop the plate she was holding and touch her head. It was something she had never felt before. Her hands were feeling shaky and when she looked at them her slender fingers were black again, something she had been avoiding to happen. When she looked through the window to see if you were home already she saw her. The ghost of her past was in front of her, it was her reflection. The Scarlet Witch was in her window.
She screamed and threw a blast of power to the window breaking it. You opened the door in a hurry after hearing her scream and ran to the kitchen, you found her lying on the floor, her hands holding herself as she looked out the window and crawled backwards, as if she was running from something.
- Wanda are okay? - you said sitting on your knees to hug her. She jumped scared when  her back hit your body, but when she saw it was you the one behind her, she clung to you and buried her face in your neck - Baby what happened? Why is the window broken?
She was only sobbing and crying so you didn't pushed any further and just waited there, rubbing her back and hugging her until she was ready to talk.
- She was here Y/N, i saw her in the window - she said after some minutes.
- Who? - you asked confused.
She looked up to meet your eyes, sniffing her noise.
- The Scarlet Witch, she was in my reflection - she finally said.
You looked at her speechless. Wanda had told you about her version corrupted by the Darkhold, but you couldn't get it yet, she was the Scarlet Witch, she lived inside your girlfriend, but Wanda had her under control somehow.
- I'm scared, It has been so long since the last time I saw her... But this time it felt different, as if I had no control over her - she said with shaky voice.
You were lost for words, so you did what you always do, give her reassurance and stand by her side.
- It's okay now, I'm here and I will never let something happen to you.
She kissed you and you stayed like that for some minutes before standing from the floor.
- Why don't you go to get ready for a bath? I'll finish the dishes and cover the broken windows with a plastic for tonight, tomorrow I'll have it fix - you said and she nodded.
- I'm sorry Y/N, i didn't want to scare you - she apologized but you shook your head.
- You don't have to apologize my love, it's fine okay?
Kissing her hands one last time she left to go to the bathroom and you picked up the plate that was broken on the floor. You sighed and looked at the window, hoping for it to be the last time that Witch haunted Wanda.
But unfortunately that was not the last encounter of your beloved with the Scarlet Witch, in fact, it was only the beginning of her hunt.
Two days later you came home after doing some errands only to find water falling down the stairs, you quickly ran upstairs to the bathroom only to find Wanda curled up in fetal position, her gaze was lost and you could notice her whole body shaking.
- Wanda what happened? - you said running to turn off the water tap and to kneel on her side - Baby, are okay?
She denied with her head without looking at you..
- Hey whatever happened it's fine, I'm here, we're gonna be fine, just talk to me...
- I saw her again Y/N, she was on the water and I tried to make her dissappear but she only stared at me, I felt like she was analyzing me - she said looking at you.
She laid her head on your chest and some tears rolled down her face.
- It felt so real, she was here with me, I know it - she sobbed - I'm scared Y/N
You sighed and closed your eyes.
- I know my love, but I really don't know what to do - you said - Just know that, whatever happens I will always be by your side, no matter what.
She nodded and kissed you.
- I'm sorry about the water, I was so lost when I saw her and I didn't realized the water was...
- Shhh it's fine, it's just water - you told her and gave her a brief smile - Let's get you dry and then I'll clean this up.
Hours later when the both of you were cuddling on your bed Wanda made a decision.
- I want to go to see someone tomorrow, someone who can tell me what is happening - she said.
- Where? Who? - you asked.
- In Westview, I want to visit Agatha Harkness.
You remained silence.
- I want you to go with me, you deserve to hear whatever she has to tell me - Wanda told you, looking up to meet your gaze - Is that okay with you?
You smiled and kissed her forehead.
- I would follow you to the end of the world - you said.
She smiled and cuddle further on your chest.
- I love you Y/N.
- I love you too Wanda Maximoff.
After some seconds she spoke again.
- Agatha is now under a spell, tomorrow she will probably recognize me but I'll have to make sure she would be powerless to talk to her peacefully - she explained - I don't want you to be scared of me.
- I would never - you said firmly - I know I'm safe with you, I trust you.
- My powers are not same since the last time you saw them, they are different and stronger now, and so am I.
- I know but I'm not scared.
You kissed her hands and she fell asleep in your arms.
The next morning you were boarding a plane to America. You were unsure on what to expect, you knew what happened thanks to Wanda's explanation but now that you were a few hours from your destination your doubts increased.
What would you do If that Agatha witch tried something against Wanda? How could you possibly protected her?
- Baby are you okay? - Wanda asked you, taking you hand in hers and cupping your face with her other hand.
- Yeah, I'm just worried - you told her - I don't know how I would protect you if that woman tries to hurt you.
- Oh honey you don't have to worry, I promise I have it under control - she stroked your cheek - Believe me, you're doing a lot by coming with me, I don't think i would be able to come alone.
You sighed.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, I'm sure - she smiled and kissed you.
Your hotel was a few minutes away from Westview, so after arriving and rest for a bit you drove to the small town.
As you were approaching to the place you noticed how Wanda tensed and as soon as you drove into the town you understood why.
The local people looked curious inside of your car as you were a clear stranger, and you saw how their expression changed the moment their eyes landed on your girlfriend.
- They're still mad at me, afraid - she said.
After driving some more minutes you parked in front of an empty lot and Wanda indicated you that the house next door was Agatha's.
- Wait here Y/N, I'll handle her first and then I'll let you know when to come in okay? - she said and you hesitate a little but nodded your head.
Some minutes passed for you until you heard her voice in your head.
- Come inside, we're at the basement - she said.
You did as you were told and walked inside the house. When you made it to the basement the air became heavier and the lighting of the room turned red.
- So this is your new puppet - you heard a woman's voice talking as you got close to Wanda - A new toy to play dollhouse.
- Silence Agatha - your girlfriend told her.
Wanda looked at you and and held her hand out for you to take it, she pulled you close to her and give you a small kiss on one side of your forehead. But you were more focused on the kneeld chained woman that was in front of you.
- I have to say it, she's more attractive than the machine that you called husband - Agatha said mocking at Wanda.
- I told you to shut up - Wanda said aggressively throwing a blast of power over the woman to put on a magical spell on her mouth - We came here for answers, not to have a chat with you.
You were still complete silence, feeling suddenly so out of place between those two powerful women.
- Did you understand? - Wanda asked her and the woman nodded slowly, rolling her eyes.
Your girlfriend took your hand to feel your presence and the touch made you remember why you were there. For her.
So you held her hand and gave her a shy brief smile.
- It's okay - you whispered.
The magic spell disappeared from the woman's mouth and she took a deep breath in.
- What do you want from me Wanda? - she asked roughly.
- I want you to tell me why am I seeing the Scarlet Witch again... - Wanda said - It's been a long time and I always had her under control, but now I feel like she's haunting me.
Agatha stared at Wanda and laughed dryly.
- You think you have her under control? Oh sweetie, you don't have the Scarlet Witch, the Scarlet Witch has you - Agatha spilled bitterly.
- What do you mean? - she asked - I am the Scarlet Witch, I can control her.
Agatha smirked.
- You're the Scarlet Witch now, but you are not the only one Wanda, there have been others before you... But you seem to be the strongest and, ironically, the weakest out of them all...
Wanda seemed confused and you were too.
- So you're saying that there have been other Wandas? - you asked.
Agatha smirked at you.
- No darling, not other "Wandas" other Scarlet Witches - she said mocking.
- Don't you dare to talk to her - Wanda told her.
- She asked...
You took a step back and kept listening.
- It's something you inherited Wanda, probably your progenitor was a Scarlet Witch too...
- That's impossible, my mom was a normal housewife, she never had powers
- Not your boring human mom that gave you your last name, I mean your biological mother, the one that gave you birth - Agatha explained.
Wanda held your hand tighter and you put your arm around her waist.
- But there's more. .. You're not only a Scarlet Witch but you also contain the chaos magic... a gift from a demon, a monster....
- What... What monster? - Wanda's voice shook.
- I told you sweetheart, your destiny was to destroy the world - Agatha said, and after some seconds of staring at Wanda she smirked - But I have the feeling that you already did that, am I right?
- I asked you one thing Agatha, what monster? What are you talking about? - Wanda screamed.
- I told you that you would need me Wanda, and you decided to keep me trapped in here, in this fake suburban hell...
- Agatha...
- Now you think you have a second chance with her - the woman points at you - You're just another heart to break honey... Another puppet to ease her pain...
- Stop talking Agatha, just answer me - Wanda demanded and she threw another blast of power.
Agatha closed her eyes in pain for some seconds.
- Chton - Agatha said catching her breath again - His name is Chton, the original owner of the magic of chaos... He gave you his powers when you were a baby, before he was banished from earth, as a way to keep a portion of his power on here.... The Darkhold, it was written by him too, it's a testament of all of his knowledge in the arcane arts, but surprise surprise sunshine... You read that too.
Wanda and you froze for a moment, what the hell was that woman saying?
- I thought your powers came from the mind stone - you said to Wanda
- No, the stone only awakened my abilities but they're different, they're magical... - Wanda explained without looking at you.
- Not only magical, destructive, the demon of chaos himself gave you his powers, you and the Darkhold are his connection to this world and now... you have seen all of it.
- That can't be true...
Agatha stared smirking at her.
- Believe what you want to believe honey... But the power is stronger, even stronger than you... Do you think you'll be able to hold all of it... Now she's just haunting, testing you, but sooner rather than later she will reach you, and there'll be no escape.... For the both of you - she said looking at you too now - It will consume you Wanda, until there's nothing of you left.
You stared at the woman scared.
- Y/N wait in the car... I'll go in a few minutes - Wanda told you firmly.
- But Wanda... - you tried to argue not wanting to let her alone with Agatha, but she didn't give you room for it.
- Y/N please...
You sighed and walked to the car.
- You will not save her Y/N, don't even try... - that was the last thing you heard from Agatha before stepping out of the basement.
You waited for a couple minutes before seeing Wanda get in the car. You were expecting her to be cold or distant after everything you heard but the moment you looked at her she broke into your arms crying.
- I always knew I was a monster - she said.
You shook your head denying.
- No my love, you're not monster... What she said, it can't be true...
- But what if she is? What If the power takes control over me... What if I hurt you?
Wanda was shaking from head to toe, her voice was thin in fear and her tears didn't stopped from falling down her cheeks.
- You would never, I know it.
She remained affected for the rest of the day. In the night when you two were in bed and in the safety of each other's arms you had and idea.
- What if we go to see Strange? Maybe he can tell us if that whole Chton thing is real and if there's any chance for what Agatha said to be true?
She lifted her face to meet your eyes.
- You know, Strange and I are not in the best terms... I don't think he would help...
- It's been a long time Wanda, I'll go with you and we both will talk with him - you said - He's the only one I would trust to tell us the truth, and he's a smart man, I bet he knows by now that you did the right thing at the end.
She hesitated for a moment but then just nodded her head.
- Okay, maybe he could help...
Next morning you took a flight to New York City and walked to the Sanctum Sanctorum to look for the Strange. When you made it to his place you were happy because you were right about him already forgiven Wanda about the whole Multiverse thing, but your smile slowly faded away as soon you ask him about Agatha and Chton.
- I'm sorry Y/N... - he said - That witch, she's telling the truth.
Wanda paled after hearing him.
- Wanda is now a human vessel for all the power of chaos magic, and Chton is no demon to play with, he's one of the strongest, part of the big leagues of the universe...
- But Wanda is not a demon... - you said
Strange sighed.
- I know, but the power and her one day will become one, and in that instant there will be nothing left from Wanda...
Wanda walked out of the room with some tars falling from her eyes and you followed her.
- Darling, come here please - you asked once you were on the receiving room.
She didn't say anything for a while, just stayed there, you only seeing her back.
- We'll solve this Wanda - you told her approaching slowly - We're gonna be fine...
She turned to look at you and only then you saw her big puffy green eyes because of her cry.
- We're in this together, I'm not gonna let you deal with this on your own.
You wrapped her in your arms and she let herself fall in them.
- I don't want to lose myself Y/N, i don't wanna be that monster... - she said in a whisper with shaky voice.
- You will not baby, we'll figure this out, I promise...
She shook her head denying.
- No, it's not fair for you to go through this hell with me, you don't have to burn...
- I will not let you burn - you said looking into her eyes - And don't even try to push me away darling, I'll always come back.
- But Y/N you heard them, there's no solution on this, I will leave someday and... I don't want you to pay for the mistakes I made... I want you to be happy, that's what you deserve.
You hold her hand to kiss it.
- You are my happiness, and I don't care of how much time we have left, I want to spend it with you.
She gave you a brief smile but you saw the doubt in her eyes.
- Are you sure? - she asked you - You don't have to, I understand if you want to take a step aside... You don't have to worry.
You also smiled giving her reassurance.
- I'm sure my love, I would never imagine a life without you...
She smiled and kissed you deeply, letting you know how much she loved you.
You came back with Strange to talk about Wanda's future.
- I'm not sure about how many time there's left for you, it's all so uncertain, it can be weeks, months or years even... - he said to her - But it's going to happen, that's for sure.
- And when she possesses me, when the Scarlet Witch takes control of my body and the power blinds me... - Wanda said with trembling lips - What is going to happen?
Strange looked through the window thinking how to explain everything.
- Once she has you Chton will be able to return to this world, his exile will end and maybe he will try to conquer the earth... He will take the power in you to be complete again - he turned to look at you, worried - We'll have to be prepared if he decides to attack...
You felt your stomach flinch in scare for what might happen to Wanda, you can't let something so terrible happen to her. On the other hand she was thinking on how to avoid such a horrible event to happen.
- Is there any way we can stop this from happening? - she asked.
Strange sighed.
- There's one way - he closed her eyes for a second before talking - If we destroy his connection to this world and close the gates he left open before leaving... Maybe he'll not be able to return
You frowned.
- But Wanda is the connection...
He looked at you with sorrow.
You denied with your head and stood from the chair you were sat in.
- No, no, no... Don't even think about it.
- There's no other way Y/N, Wanda destroyed the Darkhold but she read it, all Chton needs it's her...
- Well, I will not let you touch her...
- Y/N...
She interrupted you and you turned to look at her, when your gaze met you knew what she was thinking.
- No Wanda, I'll not let you do it.
- Baby - she walked to you - I'm the one who started all this mess, I'm the one who has to finish it.
- But you can't, you can't leave me...
You started to sob just at the thought of living without her by your side.
- We don't have to say goodbye now my love, let's enjoy this time we have left... But it's something I have to do.
She also started to cry and Strange left the room to let you two talk.
- It's not fair, we should be happy, live a long peaceful life and grow old together... This is not how it's supposed to be...
She cupped your face, caressing your cheek.
- I known, life isn't fair, but I'm the happiest because you are the one I get to live with for the rest of my days, and then if I get to stop this I will go peacefully... I'll finally rest.
You understood Wanda had to do it to feel inner peace, to forgive herself for all the things she did.
You stared at her with tears rolling down your cheeks and her face full of tears too; and breaking your heart in the process you just nodded, accepting your fate.
- I'll be honored to accompany you.
She kissed you like it was the last time and your heart hurt knowing there would actually be a last time for you.
When you left Strange that day to return home Wanda told you to wait in the car one more time to have a quick chat with Stephen.
- I wish I could help you more Wanda, I'm glad you found happiness - he said.
- Thank you Stephen, but I have the feeling this will not be the last time we see each other.
He sighed nodding.
- I know, as I said I don't know when it's going to happen but the moment you feel like it's becoming too much, if you feel like no having control over your body, come here, we'll help you go to Wundagore to close the gate...
She accepted and shook hands with the man.
- Yes, I will.
He gave her a brief smile.
- I hope you don't have to come in a really long time... I wish you more years of happiness with Y/N, you deserve it.
Wanda smiled and said goodbye before returning to you in the car.
- Are you ready my love? - you asked her and hold her hand.
- Yes, let's go home.
The whole way back you felt a hole on your stomach everytime you looked at Wanda. When she fell asleep on your shoulder on the flight you stared at her peaceful features and you couldn't help to cry. The reminder that someday the woman you loved would be lost in pain was killing you inside, and you felt it so unfair, Wanda came back to your life only one year ago, your time together have been so short and they were taking her away from you, again.
- You know, I can feel whenever you're sad - she murmured with her head still laid on your shoulder.
- I'm sorry, I'm just... I keep processing everything...
She sighed and lifted her gaze up to you.
- I know it's scary, and it's fair for you to feel sad or angry, I'm not asking you to stop feeling and pretend nothing is going to happen...
You stroked her cheek.
- Thanks for understand, I don't want to feel like this for the rest of our time together, but I can't help it...
- Detka it's fine.. I feel scared too, more than you can think... But I also want to live happy, like I was before coming here....
- Me too, I wish we could go back to a week before...
- Let's do something, I know we both feel horrible now but what If we let all of this Chton thing here, in America. We can be miserable all we want during this flight, but then, when we land in Italy and arrive home let's live our life like there's no tomorrow, like there's no time clocking for us... Let's leave it all in America.
You looked at her big green orbes and smiled.
- Okay, we'll leave it all in America.
And so you did, for the next months Wanda and you lived in the fairytale you always dreamed about, loving each other like never before. And although you wished from the bottom of your heart for it to stop, the Scarlet Witch kept haunting Wanda. It wasn't  very often but when she did, she always left Wanda shaken and affected for the rest of the day.
Three months later you prepared a nice dinner at the backyard of your house that Wanda had turned into a beautiful garden. You put lights all around the flowers and bought a nice ring to propose to Wanda.
- I know out future is uncertain, we have no clue what it's going to happen tomorrow but I am sure of one thing, I love you Wanda Maximoff, I love you like I never knew I could love someone, you make me feel like I'm the luckiest girl on the planet, I would give you the world if you ask me to... Wanda Maximoff, would you marry me?
With tears of happiness on her face she said yes.
- Of course I will marry Y/N, i love you!
She kissed you with tender and two months later she became your wife on a special ceremony between only the two of you.
Now, after two years of full happiness and love you are laying on a sun chair at your garden with Wanda on your side, you right hand holding her left hand with the bright ring on her finger. It's been hard days for her, the encounters with the Scarlet Witch had been increasing and Wanda now see her on her reflection on windows, mirrors, water or in her dreams. You only want to help her, so giving her peaceful moments like this has become your priority.
- I really gonna miss this - she says - I love watching the sunset with you.
You turn to look at her confused.
- You don't have miss it already, I know we still have plenty of sunsets left to see - you tell her but her reaction it's not the one you expected. Instead of smile sweetly and look at you, she stays with her gaze on the sunset and instead of her smile, sadness is reflected on her eyes - Darling, is everything okay? - you ask stroking your thumb on her hand.
She takes a long breath, allowing the warm air of the afternoon fill her lungs, closing her eyes.
- This loving atmosphere we created, the home we built, it's something I never thought I would deserve - she murmurs softly.
You listen to her, not wanting to interrupt.
- After Westview, when my children disappeared I promised Vision we would say hello again, maybe in another dimension. But when I studied the multiverse and found Billy and Tommy, Vision was never there, they were my kids but he wasn't by my side. And in those universes where he was with me, we never ended up together... Like in this one - she remained silence before turning to look at your eyes - But you were there, always, sometimes as a friend, sometimes as my partner. You are the love of my life Y/N, it took me so long to realize it but I'm glad that we found each other again, you bring me love, peace and happiness; you gave me the life I always dreamed of; you are real Y/N, you loved me even before I loved myself, you held me all those nights when I cried for Pietro, you held me through my grief and grieve with me. You showed me true friendship, true love, made me feel trustworthy and special. And yet, I broke your heart so many times, I chose another person above you and even then, you only smiled and accepted without any complain. You were always what I was missing, the key to finally feel complete. I'm happy and honored to be the one you hold and the one that gets to hold you, thanks for all these years of bliss and love. I'm sorry I'll have to break your heart again by leaving, but I want you to always remember that I love you, if it were up to me I would stay with you until the end of our days, but I can't.... I'm so sorry Y/N, i have to leave you behind again...
At this point you're crying and sobing with her on your arms, what she said wasn't something you were expecting to hear. You're lost for words, so you just hug her close to you, not wanting to let her go, ever.
- I'm the lucky one here darling, I would always choose you, above anything or anyone... I never resent Vision, he made you happy and I will always be grateful with him for that, but the night you knocked at my door crying my heart skipped for seeing you again. Letting you get in my house was the best decision I've ever made, you're the love of my life too Wanda Maximoff, I love so much that sometimes it hurts.... But I know we still have more time together...
Her crying intensifies with your last words, and she hides her face in the crock of your neck.
- I don't think we have that much time darling - she whispers between sobs - These last few days I have felt her, she's stronger now, sometimes I don't even recognize myself in the mirror. I'm not even afraid of her anymore, I just stare at her for minutes, waiting for her to attack... I don't feel like myself anymore...
Your heart breaks the moment she says that, your bigger fear is finally materializing and you're not prepared for it yet.
- Strange told me to go to him the moment she takes control over my body, I don't know what she's capable of doing and don't want to put you in risk - she sighs - Maybe it's time for me to go, to close the gate...
You denied.
- No Wanda, you don't have to leave on you own, I'll go with you - you tell her - I'll never let you alone again.
- Y/N, i don't want you to go through this....
You don't let her finish.
- There's no discussion on this Wanda, tomorrow we'll go with Strange and I'll go with you, okay?.
She closes her eyes and nod, smiling briefly.
- Okay - That's all she says.
As every night you fell asleep with your wife wrapped inside your arms, expecting to travel the next day. But later that night Wanda had a nightmare.
She was in your garden, wearing the Scarlet Witch dress and the sky was red, just like when Strange looked for her help on the farm. The house and the garden was all burned out, and she was dragging your body through the ground, holding you with her hand on your neck. You were dead.
She wakes up abruptly, with sweat all over her face and her heart pounding very fast. She turns to look at you, and sees how you're sleep, running a finger over your features she knows she has to leave before something terrible happened to you.
She stands from the bed and, sobbing in silence she left the house, not without giving you a peck on the lips before and leaving a letter for you to find it later.
Next morning you wake up at 8 am, searching instinctively for your wife with your hand. But when you feel nothing by your side you open your eyes and sit on the bed confused.
- Wanda? - you ask outloud for her to hear you.
You stand from the bed and look through your window to see if she's down in the garden, but she's not there. You change your pajama and go downstairs to look for her in the kitchen, but she's no where to be seen.
You have a bad feeling growing on your chest, and after some minutes of thinking you take a sit on one of the chairs of the dinner room. Just then you notice the envelope on the table, a letter that has your name written on the front. And you understand everything, Wanda wasn't gonna return.
Immediately you take the letter with you and leave running to the airport to get to New York the soonest possible.
But Wanda had arrived to New York an hour ago, in the shadow of the night.
- It's time Stephen - she said to the man.
He stared at her and nodded.
- We have to get you ready before - he told her.
So the Sorcerer and the Witch prepared themselves to go to Wundagore.
Meanwhile you were traveling all the way to America. Having a close friendship with the wealthy widow Pepper Pots, allowed you to get there faster by flying in her private jet.
In the privacy of the airplane, you unfold the letter Wanda left for you. With shaky hands and tears already falling from your eyes you start to read it.
Y/N, my love.
I'm sorry for leaving without you, but tonight I had a nightmare about the Scarlet Witch hurting you, and I couldn't handle it anymore, I would never put you in risk and I feel like now it's the right time.
I know you wanted to go with me but I can't let you go through that pain again, but please know that I'm not doing this to hurt you, I only want to protect you.
I'm writing this to say goodbye, and thank you for everything, for giving me love and happiness; although last night I told you everything I wanted you to hear.
Darling please don't let this consume you, don't let yourself drown in pain and sadness; and as I said, I'm not asking you to not feel, just don't lose yourself in sorrow.
Live baby, don't let your life end up here, it's not the end of the line for you so please don't stop just because I'm gone, you're young and beautiful, so please enjoy life, do it for me.
And I know you my love, you probably will go to see Strange (if you're not in your way already) but please don't be mad at him, he's just helping me. I'm conscious that visiting New York will make you feel angry, so cry, scream, be sad, I can't stop you from feeling, I know I would feel my world ending if you were the one leaving, so grieve. But baby, leave it all in America, when you arrive to our home I want you to fell free, to have a happy memory of me, of us.
I love you Y/N, more than anything.
                                                           -  Wanda.
You hold the letter close to your chest murmur.
- I love too Wanda.
When you land in New York you take a cab to the Sanctum Sanctorum to look for Strange. But you only find Wong in your way in, and when he looks into your eyes, the guilt on his gaze let's you know that it was too late.
- Wanda is gone - he says.
Those three words resound inside your head and you fall on your knees, crying like never before. Wanda Maximoff broke your heart for the last time.
Wanda and Strange made it to feet of the mountain Wundagore.
- I can't go further than this, Wanda - Strange told her.
- I know, thanks Stephen, for being here.
He nodded and looked at the woman.
- I'm sorry you have to do this, it's gonna be painful, you'll feel like they're burying you alive, but it's gonna finish before you can notice. In that moment the magic of chaos will die with you.
She nodded nervous.
- Tell her how much I love her - she said and the man smiled sadly - Goodbye Stephen.
- Goodbye Wanda.
So she flied to the destroyed throne she once claimed as her own, and there she gave her body to the damned souls of the Darkhold, the only ones who could claim her.  She left this world with the image of her wife never leaving her mind.
The prophecy said that the Scarlet Witch was destined to destroy the universe. But the Scarlet Witch was now also Wanda. And Wanda wouldn't. Wanda would never.
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ariel-seagull-wings · 4 months
@professorlehnsherr-almashy @choster33 @a-roguish-gambit @voxxgrimly @magnetostits @blade-liger-4ever @thealmightyemprex @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @thevulturesquadron @countesspetofi
Sometimes I think what could have been ...
I see the comics history of the character Wanda Maximoff, and how much potential it had to be an interesting commentary about assimilation:
This young woman, persecuted both for being romani, and for being a mutant, once accepted alongside her brother Pietro to briefly join the Brotherhood of (Evil) Mutants led by Magneto out of personal gratitude for him saving their lives from an angry mob.
Then, feeling the dept is payed, and wanting to be seen as a legitimate hero by american society, Wanda leaves the Brotherhood, taking Pietro with her to join, not the X-Men, whose public status as heros is under constant scrutiny by society, but the Avengers, a group that is considered more respectable, and focuses mainly in defeating super villains with the batom of the Goverment, but hasn't really a strong, consistent stance about supporting mutant rights (some of its members even spouting anti mutant bigotry).
Wanda and Pietro are "the good ones" who don't demand mutant rights and never get involved in direct activism, but rather "want to pull up themselves by their own booth straps".
The two later learn that Magneto is their biological father, and is trying to come closer to them, while also caring for the fate of mutantkind, Pietro slowly gets more involved by joining mutant team X-Force, but Wanda sees most of that from a distance.
When she falls in love and gets married to Vision, the place the two go to live after retiring from the Avengers are the suburbs, the quintessential simbol of the American Dream Family.
Then, the couple splits bitterly, the two children they had together are said to be an illusion, and this badly affects Wanda's mental health.
The characters who are part of the Avengers and the X-Men debate how to deal with her.
Encouraged by Pietro, Wanda uses her powers to create an alternate reality where the wishes of several characters are real.
But those characters soon learn that this isn't reality, including Magneto, who is among many to question Wanda about trapping people in an illusion of her making, and when she reacts angrily about it, trowing years of bitterly feeling that her father's cause is what made him an absent, flawed father for her and Pietro, she doesn't target him directly: she depowers millions of mutant kind with just saying "No More Mutants", both as a cruel way to respond against her father, but also out of a never worked internalized hatred of being a mutant, who tried to be away of politics regarding mutantkind, desperate to assimilate into a respectable, suburban american, one of the "good ones" that never protests, who, having that dream painfully taken from her, instead of focusing her anger at the sistem (and Mephisto) that caused this to happen to her, targets her own kind in a personal revenge, and will have to slowly work to find where she belongs in the world, and wheter or not she is a good person ...
This could be an interesting, meaningful arc with a logical narrative path if all the writers, editors and artists agreed to sit together in a room and work in a linear continuity since the characters creation, considering the implications of every narrative choice they make, but apparently that is to much to ask.
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scarlet--wiccan · 3 months
Would it be in-character for Wanda to be Poly?
Probably not, but that's not something that interests me, so I might be the wrong person to ask. If there's one thing I've learned from Krakoa, it's that it's hard to make open and/or polyamorous relationships work in ongoing superhero comics, especially ensemble titles. Or at least, I don't think writers have figured it out yet. Looking back on Wanda's past relationships, she's not the character I would try it out with.
The closest Wanda's ever been to a love triangle was with Vision and Simon, which was complicated and kinda messed up for a lot of reasons, not least of which was the pseudo-incest. So I wouldn't say she has a great track record when it comes to having feelings or being involved with multiple people. But I also think that Wanda is someone who really craves stability and consistency in her in personal life, to offset the chaos and fluidity that she has to navigate every day. She'd probably be good at negotiating emotional needs and boundaries with multiple partners, but I have a hard time imagining that she wants something with so many moving pieces.
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thespectralvision · 6 months
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Mr. Victor Shade, SWORD's leading expert on AI, aka The Vision's mundane alias.
More concept work for my comic plans, where after Westview Vision is found by Monica, Darcy, and Jimmy who help him build a life and remember who he is. Monica offers him a job at SWORD with Hayward out of the way, to reform it and return it to her mother's vision (pardon the pun). Vision helps out with this process, because who better to be watching and ensuring there is ethical treatement of AI and other 'sentient weapons' than the most advanced synthetic being on Earth? It will also give him an opportunity to explore who he is, and how he ended up being turned into Hayward's weapon in WandaVision.
(I have no affiliation with Marvel/the MCU - this is purely a fan project, and I know if we get Vision Quest as a series it will likely go in a very different direction. That's the joy of the Multiverse though - anything is possible, and I love telling *my* Vision's story through art and my stories.)
Breakdown of my process below the cut, as this was painted as a quick demo for a friend asking about how I do things and I enjoyed it enough to finish it:
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My process has changed a little over the years but remains roughly the same. The level of depth and detail just means more hours refining the painting down more and more with additional layers and passes of light, shadow, and texture.
Before I start a piece, even just sketches to unwind, I gather reference. Sometimes I'll just see a photo I like of Paul/Lizzie, or sometimes an unrelated image where the pose or lighting or ambience speaks to me. I also use my collection for reference - my statues and Hot Toy figuresm to get the right lighting and angles, especially for Vision and all his robot lines (though admittedly these days I don't always use a reference and just go from memory...I think I draw this silly robot too much).
Once I've got a concept and some references gathered I set up my canvas. Currently I use CSP and I love it, and I have a variety of texture files I've purchased that mimic different types of paper. I like working on these as it feels more natural with the pencil, ink, and marker brushes I use. Once I have my references set up in the file I'll do a rough sketch, blocking out proportions and basic shapes. I'll set a mid-tone grey background as well, and I almost always sketch in color. I like choosing a color that represents the character for me - bright blue for Vizh, red for Wanda. I have a Loki sketch I need to finish for my sister and I used green for him. It helps me capture the 'energy' of the character, and this sketch remains a part of the finished painting even as I refine.
Once I've got a rough sketch down I'll start working on more detail. Sometimes this will be inks, sometimes just another pass with pencil. Depends on the piece and what I'm going for. This step can happen multiple times for complicated paintings, and usually I'll cycle through steps 2-6 multiple times for a large piece.
Once I have the lines down I'll paint flats. Most of the time I'm using a big brush that emulates a marker, because I like the texture it gives, especially when layered. I'm very mess and use an eraser brush to clean up the lines, and sometimes I'll go back and tweak the line art until I like the look. During this phase I'll also lay down some details - freckles, scars, details like eyes, tattoos, jewelry as well. When painting Vizh I like getting the texture in his robotic eyes done early on, and usually refine them again towards the end.
The real fun starts here - I'll block in my lighting, usually just going with whaveter I'm feeling in the moment. I like playing with gradients and layering them in different ways to create a more dynamic image, and then I start blocking in shadows with soft brushes.
More lighting. I start adding top layers to further stretch the dynamic. I like overlays, and adding a sort of dreamlike/surreal filter through the color. I'll also start adding in highlights to contrast the shadows and work in small sections to render the details. I always start big and decrease my brush sizes for detail and work in layers and stages, checking the reference as well as the painting's lighting (which is not always the same as my reference) as I go.
Texture texture texture. I like texture. This step sometimes happens earlier, but once I'm happy with my actual *painting* of my subject(s) I'll start figuring out background elements and textures for visual appeal.
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thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avengers #42: ONE OF OUR ANDROIDS IS MISSING!
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March, 1989
Oh, comics. You and your movie references.
Scarlet Witch: "Where is my husband? Where is the VISION?!" Wonder Man: "He -- he's gone, Wanda -- vanished as if he never existed!"
God damn it, Byrne. You know I love dialogue on comic covers.
But we're kinda jumping into things here. I don't even really feel like we need to do a last times recap because the start of Byrne's run feels like its taken a time skip forward.
Tigra has rejoined the West Coast Avengers. Hank Pym has rejoined the West Coast Avengers. WASP HAS JOINED, as more than a guest star!
Despite the cover declaring OH NO VISION IS MISSING, the beginning is a slow burn, establishing the normal functioning of the West Coast Avengers.
Implying that this new status quo has lasted long enough to be comfortable.
The Byrne run is contentious, in part due to the very story arc starting here.
So lets get into it.
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Scarlet Wanda wakes up from an uneasy sleep to find that despite the early hour, her robo-husband Vision is not in bed with her.
He doesn't need to sleep but still spends his nights at her side (awww) but this morning one of her husbands is missing.
Wanda checks around the guest house that she and Vision have made their home in the West Coast Avengers Compound but no trace.
Also, while she's getting dressed the narration notes that she must practice ABSOLUTE CARE not to accidentally gesture indiscriminately and cause WACKY MAGIC SHIT to happen.
I didn't think she was still experiencing that kind of magical incontinence after her training with Agatha Harkness.
But that's one of the things I've heard about Byrne's run. He prefers a certain, classic portrayal of characters like Wanda and Vision and apparently not burning down houses by pointing the wrong way is a bridge too far.
As Wanda wanders across the compound grounds, she spots Hawkeye up early and training with some absolutely ridiculous equipment.
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It's some industrial looking robot arm that flails him around so he can practice his aim even while being flailed around.
I don't know how often that comes up but an ounce of preparation.
Wanda accidentally steps on the one twig on the otherwise immaculately groomed grounds and startles Hawkeye into shooting an arrow right at her.
Wanda just probabilities the arrow to lose all its forward momentum and fall to the ground.
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Hawkeye shuts down the flailing and asks why Wanda is up so early. She asks the same thing of him.
Hawkeye: "Er... yeah... Well, since me an' Bobbi have been on the outs there ain't been too many reasons for lying around all day."
You can just imagine Clint laying in bed, unable to sleep. Just staring at the ceiling and feeling the emptiness next to him. And then going 'fuck it, I'm going to go shoot things with arrows until I can't feel feelings anymore.'
Having had to admit how empty his own life is, Hawkeye repeats the question to Wanda. She explains the thing where he took off? Maybe? Without letting her know or leaving a sign. Its all kinds of weird and foreboding.
Hawkeye goes well this is why we have "eleventy skillion dollars" worth of the best communications technology.
You seriously didn't try calling him first, Wanda? C'mon.
Hawkeye calls for Vision over the intercom but only gets Hank Pym, who is also working early, running a systems check on the computer system.
See, because, he had a "biostatic analysis running overnight" and the results were off.
Also, what the hell are you doing here, Hank Pym?
You quit to fix your first wife's enormous head.
Well, that's not a happy story. Because when is it ever for Hank Pym?
Big brain lady who claimed to be Maria Trovaya was actually MODAM, the lady version of MODOK. Because MODOK is clearly a gendered name. Her not giant brain name was apparently Olinka Barankova.
She took Hank captive and replaced him with an android imposter that Hawkeye unmasked. Hawkeye and Black Widow (and Mockingbird independently) help Hank Pym thwart AIM's schemes until AIM hit the self-destruct and ran away.
MODAM went on to other things but eventually got killed by Red Skull and put on display like a big-headed trophy. While, apparently, Hank went on to just sheepishly rejoin the team.
Anyway, this went down in the Solo Avengers issue that has the same cover date as this West Coast Avengers issue so I'm surprised there's not a "wondering what Hank Pym is doing here? Check out this month's Solo Avengers for the full story!"
Anyway. Back to the point. The communications system blows out with a squawk. As if the transponder on Hawkeye's side was blasted! Or maybe there's a duck in the wiring! So Hank runs outside to confirm that there is indeed shit going down.
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Shit of the most Ultron-y type possible. The Ultron kind.
Really thought he'd be gone longer after Wonder Man ripped him in half.
I know Ultron always comes back but geez.
Meanwhile, inside Tigra's bunglow, she's asleep. Not everybody is awake at ungodly hours! Take a page from her book, the Avengers!
But only the sleeping in part. Not the weird fucking dream she has.
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Tigra dreams of being a tiger with a perm, hunting blue alien space deer.
But when she pounces and tears out its throat, she wakes up only to a mouthful of feathers. Having lived the punchline "and when I woke up, my pillow was gone!"
Except, I can't figure out what Tigra is sitting on. Doesn't seem like a normal bed. Maybe its a large, feather pillow and she uses it like a cat bed? Maybe its a small feather mattress and she uses it like a cat bed? Maybe don't sleep on a cat bed and you won't have cat dreams, ya dork.
I canNOT believe that I had live through the drawn-out "oh no, Tigra's cat instincts are getting the better of her!!" plotline and now we're just doing it again.
We're doing Ultron again, we're doing Tigra having cat problems again. Some fresh start.
I do hope her cat problems don't manifest as uncontrollable hypersexuality again.
Tigra is considering that maybe she should tell her teammates that she's having vivid dreams about murdering animals but a loud BOOM draws her attention and she rushes outside.
Also rushing outside is the Wasp! Hi, Jan! You definitely left so I'm wondering if we'll get an explanation for why you decided to come back and join the team.
Also also, Tigra notices that Wasp is flying out of Hank Pym's bungalow, instead of the main house where Jan's room is.
She notices it and thinks hmmmm.
A lot of writers try to put Jan and Hank back together. And a lot of writers try to more definitively break them up.
Englehart was one of the latter. He had Jan yell "divorce means divorce" at Hank when he tried to hug her. He brought back Hank's first wife and basically annulled Hank's marriage to Jan.
But, remember, Maria turned out to be a big, evil science brain so the divorced marriage is unanulled and it seems like Byrne mgiht be one of the former type of writers who want to undo undoing the marriage.
Busiek was one too. One of the creative decisions I wasn't really onboard with for his run but he tried his damndest to sell the idea, including having Hank reconcile (again) all the disparate parts of himself.
Then the following writer Geoff Johns had Wasp shoot down the idea that she'd ever marry Hank again.
It comes and goes in waves.
Less so now that Hank is turbo-dead.
Tigra and Wasp rush toward the training area, where they heard a big boom. And Wonder Man is rushing to check it out too.
Wasp: "Simon! You can fly faster than me! Get up ahead and reconnoiter!" Wonder Man: "Just what I was going to do, Wasp!"
You don't need to get snippy, Simon.
He grouses to himself that Wasp got too used to being in charge and that she's still barking orders like she's Captain America.
I guess there's always gotta be some kind of tension in the team. And Wonder Man always gotta be fighting someone. And he's stopped being the Hawkeye to Hawkeye.
Wonder Man flies up and sees Ultron. And like me, is surprised because he didn't think he'd see him again so soon.
Ultron blasts Wonder Man with "some kind of magnetic field blast." Not usually a weapon Ultron has so maybe he upgraded.
Wonder Man just gets off the tree that he broke with his butt and launches back at Ultron.
Simon William's nearly indestructible fists strike the robot's sterling hide like the clappers of a great bell... The sound that reverberates across the California hills has the ominous tones of a death knell!
Hawkeye cheers on Wonder Man but Dr Pym warns him that Ultron could turn the tables.
COMPLETELY UNPROMPTED, Scarlet Witch has an intense expository flashback about Vision's ENTIRE BACKSTORY.
Important for setting up future stuff but fucks sake, Wanda, get your head in the game.
You should know the drill.
Dr Phineas Horton created the Human Torch, no not Johnny. A lifelike robot that accidentally burst into flames whenever exposed to oxygen.
Jim Hammond Human Torch became a hero, the first Marvel hero. The company wasn't called Marvel but he was in Marvel Comics #1 so there.
Since Stan Lee rebooted Human Torch as a teenage human for Fantastic Four, there needed to be some explanation for why the robot guy wasn't around anymore.
And the answer is that his flame burned out of control and he exploded and collapsed in the desert.
Where he was found and rebuilt by the Mad Thinker who used him to fight the human Human Torch. Until robot Human Torch learned that the Mad Thinker was Evil, Actually, and turned against him.
And the Mad Thinker's failsafe made robot Human Torch explode again.
The Fantastic Four just left him in the Mad Thinker's abandoned base because Reed is an asshole and doesn't believe robots deserve due to the dead.
Where Ultron found him.
Anyway. Back in the here and now, Wanda remembers that she's actually in a life or death fight and that everyone else has been participating while she's been gazing off into the middle distance.
Again: fucks sake, Wanda. You're one of the win buttons against Ultron! Get your head in the game!
But Hank notices that Wonder Man's punches have been denting Ultron. Which should be impossible if Ultron is made of adamantium, as he usually is.
Figuring never asking forgiveness is easier than asking permission, Hank shrinks Wonder Man tiny size and insists he flies down Ultron's throat.
Wonder Man says, uh, no, I don't want to unshrink inside an indestructible chassis, that sounds like a horrible way to spend my time.
But Hank insists so Wonder Man does it but complains the whole time.
The Journey To The Center of Ultron is weird. The usual atomic flame that burns in Ultron's mouth (yes, that's apparently what his mouth glow is) is just an illusion.
Also, when the shrink wears off Wonder Man OH YEAHS right through Ultron instead of that not happening.
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Hank explains that when he noticed that Wonder Man was actually denting Ultron, he realized it couldn't be the real deal.
But the (West Coast) Avengers were kept so busy fighting Ultron that they didn't notice the discrepancies.
Until Hank did. And instead of explaining it, he decided to demonstrate it in the most dramatic and visually interesting fashion possible.
Hank, you weirdo.
Scarlet Witch wonders why someone would send a fake Ultron and Hank realizes it was probably a distraction.
Taking charge, he yells "AVENGERS DISASSEMBLE!" which is a big oof with cursed future knowledge. But what he means is everyone split up and search for clues.
If someone was distracting the (West Coast) Avengers from something, its likely to be something around the compound.
Instead of actually helping search, Scarlet Wanda wanders off to the cliffs to moodily stare off at the ocean and CONTINUE TO FLASHBACK.
Blah blah blah, Ultron found robot Human Torch's body.
He wanted to rebuild it into a cool minion but Ultron apparently sucks at robots. Ironic, since Hank Pym shoulda sucked at robots and somehow built the worst one and Ultron has Hank's brain.
Anyway, Ultron kidnapped the robot Human Torch's creator Dr. Horton and forced him to rebuild the Human Torch into Vision. Making his skin red as a private joke about the flame powers he once had.
Didn't think Ultron's sense of humor ran that subtle, honestly.
After the rebuilding was done, Ultron had to erase the Human Torch's personality because he kept trying to fight Ultron. So Ultron used some Simon Williams brain tapes that he swiped from Hank Pym's lab. And with that as a base, Vision lived!
Ultron sent him to attack the Avengers where he pretty promptly defected and switched sides. And the Avengers accepted him because the Avengers are cool like that sometimes.
And it was on the Avengers that Scarlet Witch met Vision and they fell in love and got married and then Vision dry humped two babies into her, magically.
Meanwhile, the other Avengers were actually searching.
Hank Pym contacts her on some kind of video phone that stalks her to the cliffs and tells her that they found something but they really need to discuss it face to face.
And when Wanda joins everyone who was actually doing work, Hank Pym explains that Vision is "gone."
Because A) he's nowhere in the compound. They still don't know where he physically is except 'not around.'
But things have gotten a bit weirder and more sinister.
B) Hank finished that computer scan he was doing and found a sophisticated computer virus. One that found and erased every trace of Vision from the Avengers' files. All the information they had on him, every report he's ever entered, everything.
And the virus infected the East Coast Avengers' computers as well. And SHIELD (not actually around currently, so slight continuity hiccup) and the Pentagon and the Fantastic Four.
Every system the virus infected has lost all trace of Vision.
Its like he never existed. Except for all the memories everybody has of him. And also any physical record like print-outs or photographs. But digitally its like he never existed!
Hank Pym: "For this to have happened means somebody got in through our defensive network. Somebody got past all our alarms, all our codes... Everything!" Wasp: "And to do that... They'd have to be one of us!!" Hawkeye: "One of the Avengers has turned traitor! But... WHO??" Mockingbird: "Is that really so hard to guess, Hawk?"
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Follow @essential-avengers and be very angry with me about things that are about to happen. Like, reblog, and comment maybe. I don't know about mockingbirds but my cat definitely tried to stop me from finishing this post.
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meret118 · 4 days
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More thoughts on Agatha All Along
"Really most sincerely dead" is what they say about the wicked witch in The Wizard of Oz of course.
I love all the subtext in episode one. Spoilers below:
Herb asks her if she's ready to see, and says she doesn't seem like herself. When Agnes sees the body in the opening she says, "Who are you? What happened to you?" She then wipes away a tear. We later learn this is all happening in her mind, so the comments and tears are actually about herself.
2 perps - Wanda and Vision?
"You're only lying to yourself."
She calls the teenager Edward Scissorhands. ES was created rather than born. Did Agatha create him? Is he the little kid, Nicky Scratch? And does that have anything to do with Senor Scratchy?
He sarcastically says he was looking for "the respect of your peers and a fulfilling home life" when she asks him what he was looking for in her house. Does he mean that literally? I don't know if she gave birth to him or created him with magic, but I think perhaps he's her son.
"You, of all people, should know." Textually they're talking about the Road, but subtextually that she should know who she is.
The flowers in the pictures are of the hedge Herb was working on. Shout out to him working on the hedge in WV too.
Lilia just wrote down a heart for Mrs Hart, just like Wanda and Vision did on the calendar in episode one of WV. Of course her name wasn't actually Hart. Vidal however, says she has a black heart so perhaps she's actually the green witch.
I didn't understand why they took their shoes off at first, but I guess it's because the Road is sacred ground?
ETA: The prevailing theory on the teenager's identity is different than what I thought. I'm not a comics person, so I'm not familiar with the character. I'll be interested too see what they do with it either way. :)
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brw · 2 years
Simon Williams, Marvel's Wonder Man, their first evil Superman, or why out of all the obscure characters I could have latched onto, it's fucking Wonder Man.
I'll preface; the first reason why I ever gave more than a cursory glance at a wikipedia page at Simon was because he was attached to my favourite character, The Vision, and was heavily related to my other favourite character, Wanda Maximoff. I'm not going to lie & say that it was love at first sight or anything; I was a fan of Vision & Wanda for a while, & upon discovering Vision had a whole twin brother I never knew about, but one who had also dated Wanda later, I found it weird that I could find almost jack shit about the character online.
In the fandom spaces I was in, Simon was mostly "that asshole Vision is kinda related to and was weirdly quick to start flirting with Wanda when Vision got Byrne'd". I, new to marvel comics, was curious about this mystery man, and fell into a strange world of Marvel before the MCU was really the big thing people knew about it but also still sorta... there, as this is before they got completely overshadowed by the surge of new fans coming in from an increasingly amibitious production who were not versed in comic lore & therefore did not know nor care about Simon Williams, Wonder Man.
Anyway, I made it my mission to learn more about this guy because of my involvement with Vision & because it's just generally weird when you discover your favourite has an entire twin brother who had not one, not two, but three whole solo title runs where he headlines the comic (by the way, if you're not counting Vision & the Scarlet Witch or Ultimate Vision, is more solo runs than what 616 Vision has.) and appeared in comics almost 5 years before Vision was ever a thought on Roy Thomas' mind or before the man was even fucking hired at marvel. Needless to say, I became obsessed, and as of writing this am on my second comprehensive readthrough of every issue he's appeared in since debut in Avengers Vol 1 #9.
This out of the way, here is my very long & indulgent essay on why I think Wonder Man is great, subversive & when done right, a really good commentary on comics generally, with some vague gestures that I really hope some of these aspects will live on in the fabled Wonder Man series which I'm almost convinced is a psy-op to get me to do more unpaid work analysing Simon fuckin' Williams.
First point of this; Simon is an evil Superman. We've seen this trope a lot recently but I think it's always been a concept since conceptualisation of a character like Superman. A character must have an adversary for conflict, and while villains serve that purpose well initially, eventually the Man vs Man conflict enters into play; for what is more potentially crippling than ourselves?
Now, Simon isn't actually evil (usually), which kind of knocks him out as a proper evil Superman, but he is certainly a failed one. Superman gets his powers from the sun & from birthright, being the sole (ish) survivor of a tragedy that wiped out almost all of his people. It's what he chooses to do with these powers that truly define the character; his innate compassion & kindness towards others. Simon gets his powers after getting bribed from a weird Norse goddess after getting arrested for embezzling, and then gets experimented on & subsequently empowered by a weird Nazi scientist. He does betray these guys almost immediately after realising hey, maybe the Norse goddess & Nazi scientist don't have the best outcomes in mind for the Avengers, but still, it's not a flattering start to the character.
In Superman comics, his powers are something great that he has to be careful where he applies them to do good for other people, to create the best possible outcome for others. For Simon, they're something he's quite literally bribed into, experimented on with a definite lack of strong consent, & is unfamiliar with & doesn't even really use for good when he formally joins the Avengers. They're not something he works towards through intellect like Hank Pym and Tony Stark, it's an unnatural state for him to be in that kind of informs his actions unlike Vision & Thor, and it's kind of an accident he ended up as incredibly overpowered & superman-like as he has.
At the core of the character, there's this skeevy, unearned way in which he gains his powers, and there's this element that Simon doesn't even want them in the first place which I think get's stronger after his secondary character trait becomes defined. It's interesting, in that he sort of more simiarly references Beast in his power acquistion, of making a stupid decision in a moment of panic, drinking the beaker of glowing green/allowing yourself to get bailed out by some random woman you don't know but knows you well enough to bail you out, and having to deal with powers far greater & lifechanging than what you intitially wanted. Of course, in publication dates it's more like Beast references him, but either way it's an avenue I'm suprised no writer has taken their friendship.
Simon is also an evil Superman because ultimately, there's no nobility or inherent desire to help people that Simon has. At least not in the same way. Clark Kent will throw himself in front of every danger he can to protect those without the invulnerable skin or flight or eye lazers, and even his day job is protecting free speech & informing the people. Simon has a noted anxiety disorder in almost every fight he's in when he's first in consistent Avengers publication, and was raised an entitled rich kid who embezzled everything away & tried to run with the cash when things fell apart. His nobility was only achieved in his death, giving up so the Avengers could survive, and he's rewarded for that narratively with... a near crippling fear of death & of dying that prohibits him a lot from standing up or applying himself. In all fairness, he does get over this in ways, but it still remains something worth talking about; Simon has to work way harder, in my opinion, to act as a good person, that Superman, but even in universe, than the person who's brainwaves / soul they share, Vision. You know, there's a reason why Simon has murdered people in two separate comics by two separate writers in two mainline 616 comics in cold blood, and they fit in with his character & not just edgy bait for Superman or alternate universe shit. Simon is an incredibly anxious, very privileged boy who tries to scheme his way out of bankruptcy, fails, gets powers he can't imagine, and immediately dies & stays dead for like 13 years, and when he returns is a nervous wreck. It makes sense that Simon is easy to trick emotionally or, when just having a bad day, might punch too hard & kill someone. He was doing this in 1991.
Why is Simon like this? Well now we get into the other cornerstone of many evil Supermen, and indeed many general evil comic men; bad parents. It's not fair to say this only applies to villains, as many, many heroes can attest, having bad parents is not a trait exclusive to the baby-eating genocidal manics. That said, the ratio of villains having a happy & prosperous childhood to heroes is quite staggering. Superman is always notable for his origin with Ma & Pa Kent in Smallville, to the point of which they made a very long tv show just about Smallville Superman. Superman grew up to loving parents. Simon grew up to an abusive father & to a mother, who while loved him, never seemed to be able to connect with him before Simon died in the way she'd wished possible. Clark Kent grows up in Smallville, a well-named small town in Kansas. Simon grows up wealthy, the heir to a well-off company in New Jersey. Clark Kent's background unquestionably influences him as a person, his values and his interactions, and ... Simon's can, and almost does, but obviously the bar for consistency in background isn't as high for random C-List Avenger Wonder Man than the single most archetypal hero ever, Superman.
See, Simon being a victim of abuse both at the hands of his father and at the hands of his brother have very interesting potential implications for his relationship with afterforementioned Vision. The reason why I found nothing about Simon in my standard Scarlet Witch and Vision centered fandom experience is because he's an asshole to them. Specifically, in the John Byrne WCA run, the tragic ending of the long time staple of Avengers B-plots that was Wanda Maximoff and her synthetic robot lover, the Vision. Specifically, he doesn't give Vision back their emotions & memories when Wanda asks him too, because he has a crush on her and that gives him the right to effectively ensure the death of his own sibling & Wanda's spouse, something that yeah, will definitely make her start viewing you as a potential boyfriend. I think there's a very interesting potential narrative here about cycles of abuse & how in his own relationship with Vision, Simon becomes the perpetuater of the abuse rather than the victim. He gets into a big aggressive fight with Vision during the events of Operation: Galactic Storm, and even says right there and then that he considers Vision... his child. You would think with such a big weird statement that there would be a narrative about how both Simon & his brother, Eric were abused by Sanford, and how Eric in turn and as a response abused Simon. It would say a lot about Simon's relationship to the very concept of brotherhood & fatherhood, but it's just a bizarre throwaway line in a random event nobody remembers and there's just this entire fucking decade where Simon does a completely 180 in characterisation and there is zero effort to explAIN OR EVEN TALK ABOUT THE FACT THAT IT HAPPENED, WE JUST SWEEP IT UNDER THE RUG EXCEPT FOR MULLET FLASHBACKS, I FUCKING HATE JOHN BYRNE SO GDDAMN MU--
Another element to consider; even beyond just being personally unfit for the job of Superman, Simon has other engagements. Simon has dreams of being on the silver screen, a big movie star! This is probably the second thing you know about Simon other than the relationship to Vision & Wanda; he's an actor, and trying to make it big. This is often either played as Simon just being a sellout with no artistic integrity, or Simon actually having too much integrity, and struggling in an industry that takes big action sequences over moving, heartfelt Shakespearean dramas or whatever. Whatever the case, what makes Simon feel different to other similar characters in my opinion is that the superhero gig is the day job he puts up with to support his REAL love, acting. What makes some of Simon's contemporary depictions unfulfilling is that they swap them to the more conventional way, that he's bogged down in acting work but really wants to be taking on Galactus. This is a problem we run into where Simon is given an opportunity to be a genuinely interesting character subverting very common tropes & doing it well & in a satisfying way, only for the next schmuck who just got Simon's name out of a random hat of names and did whatever they saw written on the Wonder Man tin; shit Superman.
Not only does Simon not have a heroic origin of his powers, not only is he as a person is fundamentally unsuited to superheroics because he refuses to go to therapy, but Simon doesn't even have enough committment to the superhero gig to make it his primary job, instead choosing acting, which isn't even something he has a stake in. It's a completely new field for him, and as Simon soon learns, the world of acting is not as welcome to a complete newcomer & novice with very little actual professional work to his name. Not only does he effectively give up being an Avenger to persue acting, he's not even that good an actor. Simon has powers he doesn't want, is associated with a team he doesn't really want to be in, and puts all his eggs in the acting success basket and really it's a miracle it takes Deadpool to officially bankrupt him. We open up with his first ever appearance with him getting arrested & found guilty of embezzlement, it's not like he's established to be financially safe or intelligent with his money.
Simon, I genuinely think, fits the bill as an evil Superman. I mean, he's even got a solely red & black colour scheme with a weird trademarked symbol on the chest. He is the opposite of Clark Kent in so many ways, and yet somehow... tries to be heroic? And hero Simon is way more interesting than villain Simon, I mean, that's why after the character reaches the end of his arc in Wonder Man '91 he almost immediately just fucking blows up in literal issue 1 of Force Works until Kurt Busiek, an obvious big fan of the 70s & early 80s stuff brings him back completely reimagined and firmly established as a good guy, evil Simon is just too obvious a route. What keeps me coming back to this character enough to do two comprehensive readthroughs though, is the fact that in being so much an apparent antithesis of Clark Kent, he's a subversion of most comic book hero tropes, while remaining a hero. Were this character created today, I imagine after coming back he would just stay... an antagonist. Red & black colour scheme, yup, disinterest in helping others, yup, horrible traumatic upbringing, yup, an arguably power-hungery acquistion of his abilities, yup, antagonistic relationship to a primary coloured, established heroic character, in The Vision. In fact, I think having a gothier, more evil big brother archetype in the Grim Reaper / Eric Williams is a contributing factor as to why Simon ends up a surpisingly nuanced portrayal of the conventions of the superhero genre and how a character who goes against that can still be a hero when he's given time to breathe & not given a random time travel / future plot mixed with Big Brother, thanks Peter David--
Simon Williams, Wonder Man, is to me the best case scenario when rehashing old ideas. It clearly wasn't LeeKirby who figured "yeah let's bring back the guy we created to die in issue 9 of Avengers", but as time went on & more ideas were tacked on but never really expanded upon it's created this incredible incident where we have a bunch of really good ideas in a shared soul in a gay anxious ball of ionic energy who has tricked itself into sentient thought and an android associated with Marvel's first Human Torch who is also famous for their connection to the now incredibly recognisable Scarlet Witch. Simon is the evil Superman trope, but a hero still. Simon is a failed actor who actively prefers that to being an Avenger. He doesn't like helping people and has panic attacks and stops fighting vs supervillains more than once. His best friend is furry ape mutant who he's got this bizarre sexual dynamic with. He's dating Carol Danvers & Scarlet Witch, but his position as a C-List character means he's fundamentally never going to have a real shot with them, and he seems narratively relieved whenever they break it off. He's related to an evil necromancer with a scythe hand who abused him as a kid & felt so bad about that he dedicated his life to bringing Twink Simon back without ever changing his relationship dynamics with Simon when he comes back. And yet Simon remains often a footnote, and occasionally gets some focus when people remember he was supposed to have gotten Hulk to a stalemate once. Thanks again, Peter David.
I'm not insane enough to argue that Simon was secretly Marvel's best character all along. Most of this is honestly due to Simon being too obscure to majorly fuck up because that would require insider knowledge. These are just mind-bogglingly happy accidents that resulted in an actually okay deconstruction of the evil Superman trope like 20, 30 years before that was actually the thing to do. Simon is a character honestly prime to enter the spotlight, which is exactly why it’s so terrifying it’s happening. On one hand, largely what we have heard about the production & rumours surrounding the show is positive. We have an established actor in the comic book adaptation genre, and experienced writers in comedies. On the other hand, Simon is not a major enough character to attract ire if core aspects of him are lost, and I will mourn certain things that may be lost like the evil Superman of it all, the fact that Simon was pretty much established Jewish in 2005 & has a history of queer-coding that warrants it’s own post that I may one day get brave enough to write, with certainly more panel input than this. I don’t think Simon is a character with genius writing or implementation, but I strongly believe he has potential. There are so many potential storylines just by asking the fundamental question, “What if Superman was gay and had an anxiety disorder and was also a theatre kid and actively avoided the Justice League?”. The answer, somehow, is Simon Williams, and that’s an opportunity for stories that Marvel has sat on for a while, and while this may start to change I am wary of getting my hopes up about a character who I initially was calling D List when I first started writing this.
Ultimately, Simon Williams is what most characters are; a character glued together by fan speculation & connecting the dots from various storylines to make an attempt at a linear narrative when the writers do not care and will continue to not care. Still, I found that, as fans of Vision and Scarlet Witch, but also as an Ant-Man fan, the reaching I have to do to make everything in Simon's publication make sense is me hunched over my laptop like I am right now compared to the ritualistic intensive yoga I have to do to make the 90s & 2000s make any sort of interpretation of those other characters intelligible. Simon is a character with a rare potential in comic books; to make sense. Maybe not by ordinary standards but it's easier to argue that Simon would recreate a toxic relationship with his sibling who he considers a child given his own relationship to his elder brother & father, than whatever horse shit Avengers Disassembled & House of M are supposed to be. I want to believe badly that this vision is getting seen; why else would Simon get three different solo series & an entire fucking show with an actual good actor if there wasn't some understanding that this was a potentially interesting character. I want to believe. so badly.
This is my end, I guess, & I'll say that if you're interested in any specific sources for something I've said send an ask & I'll dig out the panel somewhere. A problem with reading a character with exactly 666 appearances in like, one month like I did the first time around meant I didn't save a lot & limits of my technology that haven't translated well to where I am now. My second time around, I'm being much more methodical with posting panels, which you can see in @wonderbeast if you're interested. But I'll be happy to dig out Marvel Premiere or Avengers V1 #184 or #15 of Wonder Man (1991) for you. Really. It's fans like us who REALLY make this company go around & man I'm not letting marvel forget that. Especially with an MCU project attached.
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emixystone · 2 months
Emma Stone - Marvel Panel - Comic Con 24
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1.) Who do you play?
I played Gwen Stacey in the second reboot of Spider-Man.
2.) If you could be anyone else in the MCU, who would you be and why?
I would love to be the Scarlet Witch. Wanda Vision was one of the best things I've ever seen.
3.) How has being part of the MCU changed your life?
Oh gosh, it gave me my career. I was so thankful to be part of the movies and it led to me getting so many other opportunities. I wouldn't be where I am today without it.
4.) Is there anything about your character you wish you had more control over or would do differently from the movie?
I mean... not dying would be nice. Gotta ask Zendaya how it felt to be caught because I wouldn't know... Can you all tell that it's been a decade and I am still not over it?
5.) Is there a certain comic book or scene you want to see your character play?
I love Into the SpiderVerse and all the work that is going on there, so I would love to pop up there somewhere.
6.) Who is another MCU character you wish you could have scenes with or your character would get along best with?
The original Avengers. I have no idea why Gwen would be there with them but I loved that movie and think it would be cool to play with the original six. Also because I am still not over my crush on RDJ.
7.) What upcoming MCU project are you most excited for and why?
Thunderbolts sounds really cool. With my daughter, I feel I don't get to see much outside of her demands but being here today, it has me real excited for these projects.
8.) Would you ever consider joining the DCU and if so as who?
Maybe... if they don't kill me off.
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miraculousbohemian · 2 months
ayooooo, update on the Sokovia Project. It's been a while since I tagged anything related to it, but I have completed some things that I think are final and that's it.
Those being a passport and an ID, examples on them being everyone's favorite Sokovians (with slightly modified things because fuck the canon, Wanda was supposed to be an emo teen Marvel. you and your straight romances with a fridge (love Vision tho))
First up:
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The cover for the passport. I had a prototype that was grey because I'm using scraps left in my art supplies from 8th grade and it's ended up being shite. So I went for a red cover.
As for the build, it's not really official looking, what do i look like? A country that has access to e-passports? I tried my best but had to settle for school glue and a stapler in the end.
And then, the first page and the information page:
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Both were a tiny bit influenced by the Austrian and Bosnian passports, because those are the ones I handle the most at work and obviously, have had a lot of time to remember exactly how they look. Plus there's Google. For better quality, click on the pics (change lore at the end of the post)
And last but not least, the ID:
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quality came out shit as always when I edit pics, but whatever. Saw a bunch of ID's at work, remembered the designs, ran with it, this monstrosity came out. To be fair, it is just a beta version, the alpha version looked even worse (yes i do that style of grading stuff.)
When I get a printer, I'll probably hurry my ass up and finish the word doc where I write the general things about this Sokovia, but idk when that'll happen, so I'm just experimenting currently.
Now, I promised the lore.
So, we know that patronyms are a thing. And since I went for Sokovia to be a bit more Russian culture thing (reason will be in the finished product), I said 'Why the hell not do patronyms?' And since their Slavic surnames obviously don't have a X anywhere, their names must have been Maksimov originaly. Or at least Pietro's.
Patronyms in girls don't work the same way as they do for the boys, because they have a very distinct '-ova' to them, while the boys have '-ov'. Take it as '-son' and '-dottir' in Norse surnames basically. So we get Maksimov and Maksimova, meaning Son and Daughter of Maksim.
And that is where I lose my marbles. Because as far as I can remember, their dad's name was Oleg. Why the fuck is their surname Maksimov then? My theory is that they were left to Oleg and Irina (?) with a note that said their names and that surname. Idk anymore I stayed away from those two and focused on world building.
Now, you've probably noticed that Wanda isn't... Wanda. It's Vanda. And that's because I highly doubt that whoever raised them here (because this isn't the comics and it sure as hell isn't a minotaur-esque cow) knew of the Americanized version of the name. Plus there's a lot of people I know with the Vanda variation and only foreigners have the W.
So yeah, that would be it for this update on the Sokovia Project, stay tuned for more. Who knows, maybe I make a side blog for the Project?
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spaceorphan18 · 5 months
Marvel Movie Nights: Avengers Infinity War
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It has been a long time since I've seen this movie - mostly because I had been waiting to get here in this project. (Can you believe it's been four years since I started with Blade??) And I've been super curious to see how it holds up all these years later.
And -- I think in a lot of ways it does! And in a few way it doesn't. But - by the
I think, for me, what makes this film so brilliant is the sheer comic book-ness of it. It truly feels, in so many aspects, like I'm reading a comic book crossover event -- where a bunch of titles come together to create one big narrative. And that is such a (sorry for the pun) marvelous thing.
I can't praise the script enough. It's got a lot of great humor in it. It's got emotion. It really lets it's incredibly incredibly huge cast shine in all sorts of ways. And it ties in all of these plot threads that we've been following for so many movies now. It's an insane kind of event to do - but I think the Russos (and screenwriters) did such a good job of keeping it about character.
And really the key thing is that it all ties around Thanos and /his/ quest to get the stones. It's ultimately his story. I still remember being in the theater and thinking about how it's essentially a fetch quest to collect all the stones. Except, that person getting the stones is Thanos. And then he wins. The snap happens. And Thanos gets what he wanted.
It's a dark, dark ending. The Wanda/Vision story still got me. Spider-Man dying got me. And, god, Thanos telling Tony he hopes they remember him - god, that really got me (but for probably not Avenger reasons.) Everyone always goes back to Star Wars Empire Strikes Back -- and this does that cliffhanger-y, get everyone to their lowest point ending, and it does it extremely well.
The story is narratively satisfying even as it breaks your heart.
Alright, so some of the things that don't necessarily work for me?
This film relies on years of build up and the surprise of what happens throughout. I don't know if it necessarily has the endless rewatchability of some of the other, more individual films. Once you've seen it - some of that emotional weight is taken away since it's no longer a surprise. And being away from its context also detracts from it as well. I don't know how well this movie stands on its own.
(Ultimately, that's fine, though - like a comic book crossover, it's almost not meant to stand on its own. It's supposed to be an event. And any good event relies on what came before it.)
There are also a few, maybe smaller, film-ish nitpicky things. The action feels a little mindless at times. It doesn't help that there are a lot of nameless monsters and a few henchmen, but unless it's Thanos himself, nothing feels that tense. And outside of the Dr. Strange duel, I don't think much of it is that visually interesting, either.
The look of the film, too is... well not great? The visual style is kind of boring (which -- hey, they had a short amount of time to do a ton of work, so I don't blame them for kind of cutting corners a little). Some of the CGI stuff doesn't hold up very well. And there are times when you just can feel that it's on a soundstage somewhere.
And, of course, there are a few story related plotholes/logic issues. It's not even why Peter Quill didn't take down Thanos when he had the chance - I actually understand the emotional issue there. But things like - how did Dr. Strange not just use his powers to cut off Thanos's hand - especially when he did it earlier in the film. And it takes Gamora way to long to figure out she should just kill herself.
But I mean - it's like asking why didn't the Eagles just take the One Ring to Mt. Doom. Sometimes you sacrifice a little bit of logic for the overall story.
Final Verdict: And like I said above, the overall story -- the characters and their emotional beats -- that really works. I love how authentically comic book this film is. And I love how it feels big and bursting and yet still manages to have all of these little moments in it. It's still a great film, and it's great that I had some time between viewings because some of the emotion was really still able to shine.
It's interesting - because there are a whole lot of people who love this more than Endgame - perhaps because of the darker tone and more seriousness of it? But, omg, I'm so ready for Endgame now!
Up Next: However, we have to wait for Endgame - Deadpool 2 is next. which I should probably watch soon, because I have never seen it and Deadpool 3 is just around the corner....
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nerdwhoauthorinserts · 10 months
Copycat x Loki is a foil for Wanda x Vision
That moment when you realize your selfship is actually the perfect foil for a canon relationship.
In the Copyverse, a lot of stuff is different from the MCU. Because it's based on the MCU, but also on the comics and other branches of Marvel media as well as personal interpretations due to plot holes, retcons, and inconsistencies in world building that were present from the very beginning and got worse and worse over time. *Cough cough PHASE 4 Cough cough*
That in mind, Ultron and Vision don't happen the way they do in the MCU. Ultron is created by Hank Pym, not Tony Stark, like the comics.
However, the relationship between Wanda and Vision in the MCU is unintentionally given a foil through the Copyverse's Loki and Myself (Copycat).
(Spoilers below for Phase 3 of the MCU, and for my 'Copyverse' storyline.)
Copycat has the Soul stone, he's just always had it. It's embedded in his chest, so deep and tightly knit into his biology that it may as well be a second heart. If it is ever removed, Copycat will die. There's no getting around it.
Now, we all know that sounds similar to MCU!Vision's situation, right? When I came up with this idea, I wasn't really thinking about Vision. I was actually thinking about Jane absorbing the Aether, but eh-
Copycat and Loki have a thing, of course. So does Wanda and Vision. Just like Vision, Copycat has an infinity stone inside him, and if it's removed it will effectively kill him.
HOWEVER, there is a big difference: (Spoilers)
Vision's plan is to have Wanda destroy the stone and save the universe, sacrificing himself in the process. It's terrible, it's sad, and it doesn't work.
Copycat plans to work with Thanos to buy as much time as possible for the others to stop him. Then, give himself up to Thanos in exchange for Loki being spared. It's awful, it's sad, and it works, as Loki is spared from the snap.
A hero risks his life with the one he loves for the lives of billions, and a man risks his life, and the lives of billions, for the one he loves.
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16mmtoodeep · 2 years
art and grief
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As I had a very busy week, and it's officially October, I asked around for a spooky movie I could watch for my field report. A lot of people pointed me towards Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. They thought I, as a film major, would be interested to see a different take on what a superhero movie could be, especially from the mind of a primarily horror director. So, I took a chance on it. 
I'm not a Marvel lover or hater. I'll watch a movie if the premise interests me. With the few I've seen, the original Doctor Strange has been my favorite. I enjoyed the use of special effects sparsely and thoughtfully in order to create a few really impactful scenes using the sorcerer's reality bending powers at their full strength. Or it could've just been my love of Benedict Cumberbatch as an actor. Either way, I enjoyed it and it's character driven story as an introduction to what would soon be one of the most important character's in the MCU.  
The film was... a little disappointing. It was visually spectacular, but there was so much happening the story felt weak and rushed. Many times I wondered the motivations of character, or even the mechanics of their magic. For Wanda, her powers have been established for almost a decade; for Strange, a few years – referring to the Marvel films, of course. Powers can change and grow through many factors, but for the story to work around them they must be established. I understand the MCU is heading in a direction aligning closer to the fantasy of the comics – while I don't watch every single piece of Marvel media, I keep tabs on them, what they're doing, and how they're being formed – and that these new concepts can only be established through retcon/exposition, but I feel it could've been integrated better visually. It's the classic show, don't tell.  
Though apart from critical analysis, watching this film made me decide on a new direction to take these field reports. While watching this film, one constant was the memory of my now ex-boyfriend telling me about the movie when he first watched it. He wasn't an MCU fanatic, but enjoyed watching them with friends who were. I remember him telling me about it, how I'd enjoy it as a film major, and how we should watch it together. Sadly, that didn't come to pass. But it's inspired me to put a new framework onto my field reports. Since I was broke up with very recently and I'm still trying to process my grief, I think it would be interesting to take one piece of media that is connected to my past relationship and examine it each week. Things like continuing to watch shows that we watched together but never finished, exploring the discography of his favorite artists, reading pieces from his favorite writers. All of this to get a better grip on how this life change is affecting me, how I see art, and how I make art.  
As a person and a partner, he supported all my artistic endeavors. He watched every draft of every film, read every poem, went to every orchestra concert. He was my muse in a way, the person that pushed me to create what only I could. Now that he's gone, it's been a struggle to find my creative voice again. Infact, the sudden degradation of our relationship has changed my creative voice. I want to explore this loss in depth, so I can maybe heal myself and my art in the process. 
P.S - it just occurred to me that Multiverse of Madness is the aftermath of Wanda's process of grief in Wanda Vision, and through this film I have decided to document my process of grief and aftermath in these field reports. Interesting.  
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akajustmerry · 3 years
What are your top five favorite mcu ships? (And why)
hi! these aren’t in order because at various times i’ve also hated them. plus, mcu romances aren’t written well at all but if I had to pick five from the films i’d go with:
gamora/starlord: truly love how their damage as individuals makes this utterly dysfunctional, but in doing that also makes them kinda raw and really sweet?? love the way they sort of just steal moments together without realising. loved the slow burn of gotg 1 and 2 before infinity war/endgame ruined them.
valkyrie/thor: really just love how wholesome they are. i am just a sucker for that mutual respect and admiration as a foundation for love, even tho it arguably hasn’t happened yet. like, marvel is homophobic af so my hopes for a wlw romance for valkyrie aren’t high, but I think seeing a Black woman get to be the love interest of a main Avenger as well as a king in her own right is just as important. 
ant man/wasp: the most criminally underrated pairing in the mcu imo!! scott and hope are a great team with great chemistry with all the sass of tony and pepper, but they actually respect one another. ant man 1 does sideline hope a bit, but its more than made up for in ant-man 2
mj/peter: i’ve never made a secret of my lack of love for mcu!spiderman, but one thing i’ll give spider-man: far from home is how well peter and mj work. they nail the frienemie > bestie > crush dynamic. zendaya has great chem with tom. they’re just so wholesome i love them
t’challa/nakkia: the only pairing on this list I have no complaints about because they’re the only pairing that actually seem to function like adults and I just love them. they’re so solid and comfortable with their relationship and once again chemistry off the charts. i’ll miss them so much
honourable mentions go to magneto/prof x, and peter/gwen and daredevil/elektra in various other marvel media because I also love them. but my main marvel ships are wolverine/deadpool, wolverine/storm, storm/t’challa and ESPECIALLY bucky/natasha but all of them are sadly only romances in the comics. x
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff x Reader - The Love Slideshow
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Gif is from Pinterest, but thanks to whoever made it.
Summary: When you return to the Avengers Compound, you have the strangest news that your best friend is dating the microwave. As if that wasn't bad enough, Natasha pulls a prank and you end up with a slideshow to prove a point.
Warnings: (+16) brief angst just because they are idiots, Friends to lovers, kissing, lap sitting, teasing, heavy make out but no smut, love confessions, talk about self-value, insecurities, self-worthy, mutual pinning, bad jokes, and avengers being a big annoying family, very fluff || Words: 9.730k
A/N: This is, in many ways, a love letter to Wanda. And aside from the headcanons, it contains almost everything I really think about her relationship with Vision. I also wanted to write something smut-free at least once in a while. Soon we will return to our normal schedule because I have plans to write Professor! Wanda. Tell me what you think, if is good, if you think I should write a part two or nah. And p.s I appreciate you all.
All Works Masterlist || AO3 || Wattpad || Part Two
Usually, the road puts you in a good mood.
Beautiful landscapes and the movement of the car helped you think, but after escaping from a bunker underground, getting involved in a shootout that almost cost you your life, having to flee for four whole days, and still driving your way back, you were far from happy.
You just wanted to get to the compound soon, take a long shower and eat some warm food. Maybe answer a few questions from whoever was curious about the mission, and then fall asleep in a real bed for the first time that week.
You did this. You were wearing a comfy sweatshirt and finishing some good soup, figuring you could watch some sitcom before bed when a certain android suddenly came through the kitchen wall and almost made you knock over your plate with fright.
"Jesus, Vis, don't do that." You complained, receiving an apologetic look from the robot to which you just nodded saying it was okay.
"Forgive me for the intrusion, Miss L/N." He asked as you went back to eating. "It's good to have you back in the compound."
"Thanks." You muttered.
Vision shifted the weight of his feet half-heartedly and you raised an eyebrow at him. "Is there something you want to say to me?"
He gave a short laugh. "Actually, there is." He said, clearing his throat. "There' s a situation that I need assistance with. And well, naturally I sought out Mr. Stark at first, but he had a comical response and told me he had no way to help with it. Captain Rogers seemed uncomfortable with the subject, and I thought it best not to insist. Miss Romanoff told me to talk to you."
You swallowed before you spoke, your confused gaze on the anxious robot in front of you. "And why did she tell you that?"
"Miss Romanoff said that you participated in an infiltration mission two years ago where you retained specific knowledge of the subject." Vision retorted and you put your spoon down in the soup pot.
"You'll need to be more specific mate."
Clearing his throat again, Vis straightened his posture before continuing:
"First of all, you may not be aware of the new nature of my relationship with Miss Maximoff. In the weeks you have been away, we have officiated our romantic relationship and-"
You cut off Vis' speech with an incredulous laugh, thinking he was joking. The robot made a confused expression.
"A-are you serious?"
"Yes, Miss." He returned and you laughed again, shorter and drier. Locking your jaw, but leaving as neutral a face as you could you asked him to continue. "As I was saying, Miss Maximoff and I are in an affective romantic relationship. I have been, how can I put it, studying Wanda's reactions. She seems willing to reach a new level of physical intimacy, but as a synthesized, I don't have the same needs."
You wanted to dig a hole in the ground. You just mumbled that you were listening, and Vision kept talking.
"I have contacted the other Avengers about this occurrence, and in talking with Miss Romanoff, she mentioned that a few years ago you were working on a mission where your primary cover was as a sex educator, and that you would have the necessary knowledge to assist me." He continued. "Actually, it will be a double help. It has come to my attention that Miss Maximoff has never been in an intimate relationship, and I wouldn't want to do anything wrong."
You were going to kill Natasha. Honestly.
With a sigh, you stood up. You had lost your hunger completely.
"Vis, I..." You took a deep breath to keep from cursing at him. "I've had really tough weeks. Let's leave that conversation for tomorrow, okay?"
He hesitated, but then nodded and you forced a smile before you left the kitchen making your way back to your room in record time.
The next day you awoke to a soft weight on your bed.
"Wake, wake, sleeping beauty." Murmured a female voice in a teasing tone, and you murmured sleepily, opening your eyes to find yourself face to face with Natasha Romanoff - dressed in workout clothes - lying beside you.
"Get out of here, I want to sleep." You mumbled sleepily, closing your eyes again. Nat chuckled beside you.
"No chance, I want to know how the conversation with Vision went yesterday."
You grumbled loudly, sinking your face into the pillow. "My god I thought that was a nightmare." You commented getting another laugh as Nat moved to get out of your bed towards the wardrobe.
As you woke up, she separated a workout outfit for you. Reluctantly, you sat up in bed, yawning and rubbing your eyes.
"Why do you hate me, Natalia?" you asked and she just raised an eyebrow at you, tossing the clothes at your feet.
"Why do you say that?"
"Telling Vision to ask his sexual doubts to me? That was a really low blow. The fact that I call you my best friend." You explained as you took off your sweatshirt to put on your uniform. Nat rolled her eyes.
"Y/N, you really can't see the big picture can you?" she retorted, receiving only a confused look in return. With a sigh, she moved away to the door, "Let's run and I'll tell you why I'm brilliant and you'll be thanking me instead of whining, cry baby."
You raised your middle finger at her, but Nat just laughed, leaving the room.
After brushing your teeth, and stealing an apple, you left the silent compound - only you and Nat had woken up, and maybe Steve, but you didn't see him - and went running around the facility.
Many minutes later, when you were panting and sweating, Nat finally let you take a water break.
"Okay, feel free to explain the incredible reason you traumatized me last night." You asked as you opened the water bottle. Nat laughed, stretching her legs out beside you.
"Isn't it obvious?" She retorted smiling. "What did I tell you it was going to happen if you didn't make a move on your not at all platonic feelings towards Wanda?"
You almost choked on your water. But you pretended to be unaffected - which didn't work much because Nat could see your red cheeks - and just cleared your throat.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You grumbled, but she laughed shaking her head.
"I said you'd miss your chance." She clarified. "And what happened? Exactly what I said it would."
You rolled your eyes, sitting down on the floor and grimacing. Nat laughed at your behavior.
"If this is all about you wanting to say 'i told you so'..."
"No, Y/N." She cut in more gently. "You two are complicated, but I figured this time away would be exactly what you needed to build up your courage. The problem is that Vision made his move first."
You shifted your gaze to your own lap, your fingers tugging at the tips of the grasses on the ground.
"How the hell did that happen anyway?" You asked thoughtfully, and Nat sighed, taking a seat across from you.
"I have no idea." She said. "I was quite surprised when Tony told me. I think it started shortly after you traveled."
"No, it has to have happened before." You muttered. "Wanda is not exactly the kind of person who embarks on a relationship in such a short time. I just wish I had noticed it before..."
"And what would you have done? A pout like now?" Teases the redhead in front of you causing you to snort in irritation.
"Well, I would have said it's ridiculous to begin with!" You defend yourself. "Do we even know if he is capable of caring about her?"
Nat shrugged, thoughtful as well. "I just know it happened, and you need to pick up your game. I've tried to talk to Wanda about this, but she's not exactly willing to open up about her relationship with a machine to everyone. I get the impression that she assumed I was going to make fun of her."
"And you were."
"Absolutely, but that's not the point." Nat commented making you laugh weakly. "The point is that I realized, from these little attempts to get some information out of her, that there is an uncertainty there. I don't know why she got into a relationship with the microwave, but neither of them seems sure what they are doing. You still have a chance."
You sighed, resting your face on your knee as you hugged your legs. "I would have rather you had told me than hear Vision say that Wanda wants to sleep with him."
Nat laughed, making a cute face. "Sorry, detka, but I needed to see your reaction."
"I hate you."
"No, you don't." She retorted and you smiled, rolling your eyes. "I'm joking of course. It was just a perfect opportunity that came along for you to get more information about this."
"What do you mean?"
Natasha smiled. "It's like a spy mission, Y/N. Study it a little bit. Find out how it happened, why it happened. And if you have enough intel, you'll be able to make a decision that hurts as few people as possible."
"You are an evil genius, Romanova." You retort making her laugh. With a sigh, you straighten your posture, wiping your grass-soiled hands on your pants. "I'll think about it."
You offered your hand to help her stand, and Natasha pushed her shoulders against yours as you both started walking again.
"Don't look so sad." She commented. "The situation isn't ideal, but I know what I'm talking about. You still have a chance with her."
"I hope so, but if not, I can always leave the country." You joke, escaping Nat's pinch to go back running.
The kitchen of the compound was full when you and Natasha returned - the two of you laughing softly at the updates the redhead gave you about the past few weeks - but your laughter turned into an exclamation when two arms wrapped tightly around your shoulders.
"Wow." You exclaimed in surprise, wasting no time in wrapping your arms around the brunette's waist to keep the two of you from falling. "Someone missed me." You joked, receiving a giggle from Wanda as she pulled away only to look at you.
"You arrived and didn't even speak to me, moya lyubov." She commented almost annoyed, and you pouted.
"Forgive me, darling, it was so late I didn't want to wake you."
"I wouldn't have minded. I missed you." Wanda retorted looking at you so fondly that you felt your cheeks heat up. Her hands came down to yours intertwining your fingers together, and you could swear she was leaning in, but then a blue figure was appearing beside you the next moment, a stronger hug that almost knocked you backwards.
"Pietro, easy!" You heard Wanda complain, but you just laughed, letting go of her hands to hug your friend.
"Are all the Maximoffs gay for you?" Natasha sneered behind you before skirting around and leaving to join the others at the table.
Pietro loosened up the next moment, talking quickly about missing you, how the compound got boring without you around and how he was practicing new things with the others, and you laughed as you asked him to breathe and speak more slowly.
"You have no idea what's new, Y/N." Pietro began as he threw an arm around his sister's shoulders. "A hilarious thing has happened in the last few weeks. Wanda started-"
Wanda let out an exclamation, and a red thread of magic kept Pietro quiet as she removed his arm from around her shoulders, and cleared her throat.
"Stop spreading gossip, and let Y/N breathe." She asked quickly and was already pulling you away from the confused yet well-humored boy. "Come on, you must be hungry." She told you leading you to sit at the coffee table with the others.
You would have thought it funny that she avoided a subject you already knew about if it wasn't for the bitter feeling on the tip of your stomach. You wished the others good morning and avoided looking at Vision, imagining that he would have an anxious look about the previous evening's business, something you wanted to avoid at least at mealtimes.
Natasha seemed quite willing to do just the opposite.
She sat down in the chair opposite yours, while each of the Maximoffs took a seat next to you. You smiled in thanks to Wanda for passing you the toast without you even needing to ask, but your smile faded as you noticed the mischievous expression on your best friend's face.
"You know Pete, I updated Y/N on some things, but I left the best part out." Started the redhead, and the silver boy giggled, while his sister stood tense in the chair next to you.
"Y/N, you're going to love this one." Pietro then spoke up. "It happened a few days before you left, but Vision and Wanda are dati-
“-ing.” You complete with a forced laugh. "Yeah, I heard." Pietro was quite surprised, and you felt Wanda's gaze on you, but you didn't look at her right away. "An unusual couple, yes?" You joked feeling your stomach turn, Pietro laughed nodding.
"We're still trying to figure out exactly how that happened." Pietro continued. "Tony's bet is some kind of problem in Vision's algorithm, maybe a hacker attack and-"
"Shut up, Pietro." Wanda grumbled angrily, slamming her juice glass down hard and getting up to sit in the living room.
You sighed, ignoring the giggling of Pietro and Nat at a completely chaotic table, who hadn't even noticed that Wanda was upset, and stood up behind the brunette.
She sat down in one of the armchairs, a plate in her lap, but she was just poking at the bread without really eating anything. You put your hands in your pockets as you stopped beside her.
"What made you so grumpy, little witch?"
A small smile tried to leave Wanda's lips, but she bit them to avoid it, a move that immediately attracted your attention. If she noticed you looking, she didn't show it.
"Don't call me that." She retorted.
"But you love it."
Wanda let out a short chuckle, rolling her eyes. She mumbled something that sounded like "just because you're the one saying" but you weren't sure, and didn't insist, as you took up the armchair opposite hers.
"I wish I had been the one to tell you." She comments once you are seated, feeling your gaze on her.
"Because." She retorts, making you smile. You just stare at her for her to clarify further, and Wanda kept her gaze on her lap as she did so, "I just wanted you to hear it from me. I don't know, I didn't want you to get the impression that I was hiding things from you."
"And were you?" You inquired, and Wanda frowned, facing you again.
"No!" she said. "I mean... Damn, maybe. It wasn't like that."
You gave a sad chuckle, settling back against the armchair. "It's all right, Wands. I won't be mad at you for not telling me about your boyfriend."
"I wanted to." She defends herself. "I just...I didn't know-how. And it's something new, and I didn't know how you would react and..."
"Not so different from Pietro and Natasha, I assure you." You comment causing Wanda to become silent. She stares at you for a moment, a mixture of shock and annoyance on her face, and then swallows dryly.
"Well, if you're going to mock me too I'll eat in my room." She declared standing up. She was really upset, ears burning red, and hands clutching her plate tightly. You think she looked lovely.
You giggled, waving goodbye, which only seemed to irritate her more before she left the room.
You were thinking about finishing your coffee, when Vision approached your armchair.
"Miss L/N, perhaps we can continue our conversation from yesterday." He started but you widened your eyes, and stood up abruptly, giving an awkward little laugh.
"I have many tasks, comrade! I can't help you now. I'll talk to you later." You warned, and ran out of the room so quickly that you could have been mistaken for Pietro.
Wanda was avoiding you - and Pietro, Nat, or any avenger who wanted to torment her - and you were avoiding Vision.
After eating breakfast, and taking a shower to cleanse yourself from the run, you changed into comfortable clothes and decided to hide in Bruce's lab.
The scientist seemed well aware of the whole thing, and he chuckled when he saw you sneaking inside.
"Let me guess, running away from certain lovebirds?" he asked and you let out an annoyed huff.
"Don't call them that."
Bruce just laughed, shaking his head as he went back to his notes. You took the opportunity to circle around until you sat down on one of the stools.
"Is it okay if I stay around?" You asked, and the other Avenger shrugged, looking focused.
But you couldn't stay silent for long. "Hey, Bruce, if I had a hypothetical question involving hypothetical people would you hypothetically help me?"
The man laughed, nodding in the affirmative. "Go ahead, ask."
With a sigh, you tried, "In your professional opinion, what is love?"
Bruce frowned slightly, a little surprised by the question. You guessed he expected you to ask directly about Vision or Wanda.
Without taking his focus off the activity, he was thoughtful for a few moments. "Well, Y/N, for the field of biology, love is a chemical reaction in your brain. But you can end up having a variety of interpretations on the subject."
"What about from a robotics point of view?"
"I believe that is something you should ask Tony." He jokes, and you sigh, crossing your arms. The scientist takes off his glasses and turns toward you. "If you really want my opinion, and that is, from a biological standpoint, no Y/N. Vision is simply not capable of feeling love, or anything at all."
"And what other point of view is there if not that?" You retort, and the avenger gives a short smile.
"Well, maybe the one from the magic stone in his head." He clarifies. "Things have never been simple, and they're sure got stranger when gods and that sort of thing proved to be real. Maybe Vis can love her in a way other than the one you love her."
"I never said that-" You start to defend yourself with warm cheeks, but the look from the other Avenger makes you sigh. "Fine, you got me. B-but it's not just about my feelings. I want to understand what's going on."
Bruce nods, leaning on the countertop behind him.
"Well, despite the teasing, Tony was interested in the subject. Jarvis and Ultron were AI, unable to feel, because all a robot understands are binary numbers in its algorithms. Everything that's there was put there." He explains. "But Vision has something else."
"The stone is what causes these feelings in him, then?" You deduce received a nod. "Thank you, Bruce. I'm going to go talk to a certain God now."
Banner laughed, waving goodbye as you walked away to leave the lab.
Thor was almost always in Asgard, or off the earth, mostly to study the stones around the universe. Fortunately, last week he had come to visit his girlfriend and was in the compound for the next few days.
You found him illustrating the statue of Mjolnir in his room.
"Enjoying yourself, your highness?" You teased startling him, and the blond quickly covered the hammer, pretending not to be admiring it.
"Y/N! You're back!" He greeted with an awkward laugh, moving closer to hug you tight and consequently usher you out of the room, and close the door. "Good to see you, mortal."
You laughed, shaking your head. "Good to see you too, rain lord."
The blond rolled his eyes with amusement at the nickname but didn't correct you. "What can I do for you?"
"What makes you think I want anything?" You retorted making him chuckle.
"You have that determined look of someone who is up to something. Go ahead, say what you want."
You sighed. "I just want to know a little more about the mind stone."
Thor frowns slightly. "Oh, sure. I can help. But, why don't you ask Vision about it?"
You hesitate, but force a smile. "I'm on some kind of secret mission. I don't know if you're aware but he and Wanda are in a relationship now."
Thor grimaces then laughs. "What? That's the weirdest thing."
"I know, right?" you retort in the same tone. "But I want to understand where this came from, because it just doesn't make sense to me how this ended up happening in the first place."
"Wanda knows he's made of metal, doesn't she?" Thor tried thoughtfully, and you laughed humorlessly, nodding. "Mortals are weird."
"Very much so." You agreed. "Do you know anything about the stone that might explain how that happened?"
"Not really, other than what you all already know." Thor comments crossing his arms. "Six objects of power linked to aspects of the universe. The teachings of Asgard refer to them as superior beings, but they don't really possess a mind like my people or yours. I don't imagine that love comes from the stone, it's just a mystical rock. It doesn't feel anything."
You absorbed Thor's words in silence, and he was equally thoughtful. "But Vision can lift Mjolnir, right? I thought it was the stone that made him worthy."
The blond man laughed. "You can too and you don't have a stone on your head." He commented making you smile. "The stone is an object of immense power, greater than my hammer has ever carried. If the goddess of death can carry and destroy without being worthy, the singularity must be able to as well."
You nodded in understanding. "Thank you, Thor. I'll...try to organize my thoughts. But thank buddy, you've been very helpful."
Natasha and Pietro found you hiding on a balcony, a video on metaphysics playing as you dozed against the pillar.
"That's the saddest thing I've ever seen." Commented the redhead to the runner next to her.
"I thought you talked to her." He returned with a frown.
"I did!" Spoke the widow. "I think that's part of the plan."
"She intends to sleep and hide until my sister breaks up with toaster?" Ironized the silver one, receiving a short laugh from Nat before the widow kicked your feet lightly, waking you up.
You were startled, and your cell phone slipped from your hand to the floor below, but Pietro simply ran and picked it up at high speed, curious about the video you were watching as you rubbed your eyes.
"Are you really trying to find a logical explanation for the worst couple ever to form on the planet?" The boy asked, and you laughed humorlessly, stretching.
"I just wish I knew how to talk to the two of them about it."
"I think you're just looking for an excuse other than 'I'm in love with Wanda' to explain why you hate their relationship." Natasha retorted and you snorted softly.
"It doesn't matter." You muttered getting up and taking your cell phone back. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to tell Vision that I can't help with sexual tips."
Nat laughed at Pietro's confused expression. "You don't want to know, fast boy."
With Friday's help, you asked the new couple to meet you in the meeting room in half an hour.
"Miss Maximoff has politely asked you not to speak to her." Informed the system on the first try, but you just laughed as you arranged the slides.
"Tell her it is not a postponable appointment." You insisted, and the AI was silent for a long moment before informing you that Wanda had begrudgingly agreed to participate.
Vision arrived before she did, and you had to ignore your own embarrassment and irritation to tell him that you weren't going to start explaining until Wanda arrived.
"Please, can we join in?" Someone said from the doorway, and you laughed as you saw Pietro and Nat standing there, denying it immediately with your head as you approached to push them away into the hallway.
"Get the hell out of here, I'm warning you two!" You spoke, but Nat was pushing back, pleading about wanting to see the reaction of all of you, and Pietro was quick enough to run from your hands. "You know what? Pietro, did you know that Nat has a secret sister? Her name is Yelena, she lives in St.Petersburg with the rest of Nat's secret family, and you two would be great friends."
Nat stopped struggling immeditately, widening her eyes and Pietro also stopped running only to jump at Nat the next second with a million questions.
The widow threw you a warning look, but you just nodded in farewell as she tried to run away from the speedster down the hall. You returned to the room, and within minutes, Wanda joined you.
The witch weirded out the lack of the other Avengers right away, but you had already closed the door behind her.
"Please, Wanda, have a seat." You asked seriously, and the brunette frowned, but obeyed.
"Y/N, what are you...?"
"I think this is my fault, Wanda." Vision interrupted the witch's question, standing up as you turned on the presentation. "I asked Miss L/N last night for assistance regarding the new phase of intimacy we are reaching in our relationship and-"
"Jesus, you did what?" Wanda cut in shock and indignation, standing up. You raised an eyebrow at the interjection, Vision had a confused expression completely clueless as to what had infuriated the witch.
"Dear, I explained to Y/N that as a Sintentized I have no experience with human needs. You might recall how disastrous my attempt to cook something was and..."
"Oh my god, that's not like cooking!" Wanda retorted angrily, and you sighed, gesturing to them.
"Please, I know the situation is awkward, but I would like to bring this matter to a close as quickly as possible. For the good of my mental health, just take a seat both of you."
Wanda hesitated, but a moment after Vision obeyed, she did the same. Crossing her arms with an angry frown.
You chuckled lightly before turning on the project. "I needed to make a timeline of events to understand exactly how we got here." You began, pressing the remote to start the presentation. "I started with the emergence of Vision."
Over the next few minutes, you briefly reminisced about Ultron's conflicts, the birth - if you could call it that - of Vision, and the recruitment of Wanda and Pietro to the team.
"Despite how close I am to both of you, neither ever told me there was anything going on that was more than friendship." You commented, and Wanda looked away to the floor almost guiltily. Vision straightened up in his chair.
"The nature of our relationship changed when you left, Miss L/N." The robot clarified. "Wanda and I were friends, and then, we were more."
You cleared your throat, wanting to push that horrible feeling in your stomach. "I see." You murmured. "And h-how did you realize you wanted to be more?"
Wanda shrank back against the seat. Vision smiled almost nostalgically, "Well, from the moment I met her, I've been attracted to her. I don't know how to find the right words, forgive me, but it's feeling, almost…”
"Magnetic?" You completed and Vision looked surprised, but nodded in agreement. Wanda raised her gaze to you, but you bit the inside of your cheek as you turned to the screen again. "Forgive me if I offend you in any way in this presentation, Vis, know that it is not my intention. I was just curious to understand exactly how, not one, but two artificial intelligence systems would come to the conclusion of love in your source code."
A graph of Vision's body appeared on the screen - notes on his compositions, software stability status, that sort of thing - and although the robot let out a short exclamation with a smile saying "look, that's me.", Wanda stood tense in her chair.
You moved the image of the graphic so that the focus was on the robot's power center. "There's no kinder way to say it, so I'll just say it. From a mathematical and biological standpoint, Vision is simply incapable of having feelings." You stated, and the android looked confused but didn't interrupt. "So I tried to look for a magical explanation for the thing."
Wanda didn't interrupt you, she wasn't looking at the presentation but you knew she was listening by the way she was curled up in the armchair, her fists clenched in her lap.
"I talked to Thor, and tried to gather some Shield files on this, but the conclusions weren't that different." You continued. "My opinion is that it has a connection to Wanda's powers."
She frowned, finally looking at you. Without hesitation you continued, "The Stone retains a comic signature. It is the one who gave Wanda her powers, and now, it is part of Vision's consciousness. It is natural for him to experience a magnetic feeling towards you, Wanda, because it is the mind's stone recognizing itself in your magic."
There is a moment of silence in the room. Vision is the first to speak. "Well, that clears up a lot of things then. Since I am not able to match your biological needs, I believe our relationship should come to an end, Miss Maximoff. We can continue a working relationship, but it must be strictly-"
Wanda stood up abruptly and threw you an angry glare before marching angrily out of the room.
You sighed and turned to Vis. "Dude, this is not how you break up with a girl."
"Wow, I'm sorry. Do you think I should apologize?" He asks and you gesture in the negative, handing him the control.
"Don't worry, I'll talk to her." You say. "Pack things up for me, please? I'll try to keep Wanda from destroying the floor."
But despite your expectations, when you reached Wanda's room a few minutes later, you didn't hear the sound of anyone furious. Only low sobs that were worse than anything else.
Knocking softly on the door, you wouldn't blame her for sending you away. But, seeming willing to totally surprise you today, Wanda opened the door.
The magical string faded into the air as you closed the wood behind you, the figure lying on the mattress with her face buried in the pillows made no mention of reacting to your presence, although the crying ceased.
You walked to the end of the bed, but didn't sit down, hesitating about what to do or say. Wanda was the first to build up the courage.
"Why did you do that?" she asked low and hoarse, and you swallowed dryly, trying to look at her face more clearly, but she was staring at the wall.
"I don't know."
"Bullshit." She accused bitterly. "You were mean for no reason."
"I didn't mean to be!" You defended yourself, almost deciding to shut up, and ask for forgiveness when Wanda looked at you angrily, her eyes swollen from crying, but her irises red with her magic. "Go ahead. Read my mind, you'll know I had no intention of hurting you."
"I don't want to! I want you to talk to me!" She retorted, her eyes returning to their normal coloration. But you gave a dry laugh.
"What am I going to say, Wanda? That I was surprised you started dating without telling me? Or that you waited for me to travel to do so, and didn't think for a second to write me about it? Or who knows, maybe we can talk about how the hell you ended up dating a piece of metal?"
"Don't talk like that!" She asked angrily, and one of the pillows flew right into your belly, but you caught it quickly, shaking your head in disapproval. "He is my friend! He's not... He's almost human but he's-"
"A machine." You insisted, returning the pillow to the bed, and kneeling on the mattress to approach Wanda. She curled up against the headboard, trying to control her tears.
"There's nothing wrong with loving him, Y/N." She tried softly, and you sighed, sitting down beside her. "He's good and kind, and he treats me so well. He-
"Can't love you." You retorted almost impatiently. "He simply can't, even if you both pretend differently. Just numbers and metal in his head, Wanda."
The brunette looked away, hugging her own legs. You sighed. "I just wanted to feel loved."
"Is that what this is about then?" You questioned in a calmer tone. "It breaks my heart to see you like this, sweetheart."
"Like what?" she challenged with a dry laugh.
"Hating yourself to the point where you think the shallow affection of a machine is all you deserve."
Wanda let out a tearful laugh. "You don't know what you're saying."
"Don't I?" You retorted in defiance, moving away from the bed. You went to her wardrobe, and pulled out a few long blouses from there, throwing them on the floor.
"What are you doing?" She questioned confused and impatient.
"I don't know what I'm talking about, you said. Well, let's start with the sleeves." You clarified, lifting one of the blouses to the height of your face. "You rip them off. Before, you wore gloves. But you've been dressing differently now, as less flashy as possible right, as Natasha taught us. I noticed it the first time you did. The same night you started practicing, the way you knocked Sam down over the tatami. I saw you hiding your hands at dinner."
Wanda choked softly, shaking her head in denial. "It doesn't mean anything. I-don’t-."
"I thought you were just afraid of what you can do because it makes sense, you're the most powerful of us, and it's scary not knowing how strong you'll get and whether you'll have control. But then I realized other things." You continued, returning the blouse to pile to walk closer to her again. "I noticed the way you dig your nails in until it hurt your palm. How you don't train with others if you can avoid it, how you're getting really good at hand-to-hand combat because you just don't want to use your magic."
"Stop." She asked softly, and you sighed as you sat back down on the bed in front of her.
"I notice you, Wanda." You spoke in a lower tone. "The way you can't accept a compliment, how you're always doubting yourself. Craving attention and affection like you're starving."
A few tears fell down her face, but Wanda quickly wiped them away. "Don't make fun of me..."
"I'm not!" You quickly clarify, moving your hands to entwine theirs, and resisting when she cringed and tried to pull away. "Calm down, you're not going to hurt me."
"You don't know that!" She cried, and you sighed before releasing her hands, only to hug her tightly. Wanda sobbed against your neck, trying to break the grip just for a moment before sinking against you.
"Wanda, I can't magically teach you to love yourself." You comment as you caress her back. "It's hard, long work. I can only promise to be here for you. Until you understand that there are people who love you endlessly. And that you are worthy of all that love."
Wanda shakes her head against you, her hands around your waist. She continues to cry softly, and you move to lay you both down together, without releasing your grip.
She cries herself to sleep against your collarbone. But you don't move or complain any second.
You wake up first. Your natural instinct is to move, but a gentle weight on top of you holds you in place. The room is dark, but you don't really need to see to recognize the smell of the shampoo from Wanda's hair, which is now against your neck.
Gently, you start stroking her back in an attempt to wake her up. A few minutes pass before she shifts against you, mumbling softly before tangling your legs together and pressing you even further into her body.
"Wake up, little witch." You whisper without stopping your caresses, your face a bit flushed red from the intimacy of the moment. Wanda blinks her eyes slowly, until she realizes the position and tenses. She turns away from you with a sleepy murmur of apology, remaining lying on the bed, and though you immediately miss her warmth, you say nothing.
"Please tell me that yesterday was just a nightmare." She asked looking up at the ceiling, and you gave her a sad smile, turning your body toward her.
"I'm sorry, Wands." You retorted, feeling bad for the way she swallowed dryly and didn't look at you again. Trying to improve her mood, you added, "I also wished it had just been a nightmare to have heard Vision call you horny."
With a short, embarrassed laugh, Wanda covered her face with her hands, making you chuckle. "I can never look at you again." She murmured against her skin and you smiled tenderly, propping your elbow on the bed and moving your free hand to her wrists, gently tugging for her to stop covering herself.
"Don't do that. It would be a crime to deprive me of those beautiful green eyes of yours." You praise, smiling at the way her face reddens, the shy smile that fills her lips so suddenly inviting.
Clearing her throat, Wanda asks, "What time is it?" And tries to look beyond the window, but it is late and you can see only the moonlight outside. "I can't believe we slept all afternoon." She comments, and she is avoiding your gaze because you are simply staring at her in the dumbest way possible, and with that realization, you feel your face heat up, and you look away quickly, putting a little distance between you two as you sit down on the bed.
"I don't think we missed dinner. If you're hungry you'd better get up." You commented quickly. Wanda found your hurry strange and frowned as she saw you getting up.
"I'm not really hungry." She warns then, and you stop midway, turning to her with some hesitation. "You can go if you want."
"Okay..." You agree, shifting the weight of your feet. "Is it all right if I come back?"
Wanda smiled, looking at you in a way that made your stomach turn in nervousness. She nodded and you smiled too, gesturing awkwardly that you were going to the kitchen before leaving the room.
In the hallway, you let out a loud sigh. Something was different. You didn't know exactly what, but you had the feeling that you wouldn't be in control of yourself if you lay in bed with Wanda again.
Lost in thought, you went to the kitchen. You found the Avengers at the end of dinner, wrapped up in small talk and comments about upcoming missions. When Pietro saw you entering, he sped his body toward you.
"So, can I start calling you sister-in-law now?" He asked and you widened your eyes, laughing awkwardly.
"Excuse me?"
"Natasha told me you're in love with Wanda and" You covered Pietro's mouth with your hand so quickly you could have been mistaken for the team's speedster. The boy frowned in confusion, but you only sighed impatiently.
"First, keep your voice down." You ordered. "Second, don't talk about it. I haven't...told her yet."
"What? But you've been locked in her room with her all day." Pietro grumbles against your hand, and you grimace, motioning away as you complain about the drool. Natasha approaches you next, an empty plate of food she was carrying to the sink.
"Let me guess, she didn't make the move." Ironized the widow making you blush as Pietro laughed. "Girl, you need an intervention."
Rolling your eyes, you cross your arms as you lean on the kitchen countertop, watching Natasha wash the dishes.
"We were talking about other stuff, it wasn't the right time." You justify, but Pietro and Nat exchange glances that signal they don't agree with you one bit.
"And what will the right time be, Y/N? When Wanda gets engaged?" Nat retorts and you grimace, looking away.
Pietro sighs beside you, and softer than your friend, tells you, "You know she likes you too, right?"
Feeling your face heat up, you look at him incredulously, "Hard to believe that when she was dating someone else this morning." You sneer but sigh, not even believing your own words. Uncrossing your arms, you explain, "Wanda is going through a lot. Losing her home, the increase of her powers. She's been having a hard time accepting herself, and she needs to be able to love who she is before I do. O-or anyone."
Pietro nods in understanding, obviously aware of the situation with his sister. Unlike Wanda, who seemed to grow more insecure with every second regarding her powers, with every speed record broken, Pietro thought of himself as more incredible.
Nat finished washing her plate and wiped her hands on a cloth before turning to you. "So you haven't made a move about loving her because you think she has to love herself first?"
You nodded.
"And you didn't think that telling her how much she is loved by you might help?"
You hesitate at Nat's words. But then you argue:
"I don't want Wanda to be dependent on my love for her. I want her to see how amazing she is on her own, not let anyone tell her otherwise. I want her to know that she is worthy of the best love anyone can offer."
Nat gives a sad smile, shaking her head. "That's really sweet and all, dorogoya." She begins. "But if you don't tell Wanda how you feel, things will just look different to her."
You frown in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Nat sighs. "She cares about you. And you need to ignore the insecurity in your head and see things as they are because everyone can see how much. She likes you, looks at you as if you were the star on her horizon. She accepts every suggestion, seeks your approval and opinion, and longs for your presence. When you tell her she needs to love herself, but don't say you love her, how do you think Wanda feels?"
Stunned, you don't answer. Natasha places a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, take the advice from that book you adore so much. We should try to show people that they deserve better love. You are the best for Wanda, then show her that you are here."
Pietro gives you an encouraging smile next to Nat, and you swallow dryly before nodding.
Wanda thought it was odd that you were taking so long to get back, but she wasn't really in the mood to join the others, so she busied herself with tidying up the room while she waited.
She also decided that she could relax more easily if you did something together, so she set up the bed and the TV for a little evening of sitcoms.
But you didn't show up.
Frustrated and hesitant, she checked her watch. It was definitely past dinnertime, and the Avengers should be mostly asleep by now. So where the hell was you?
Maybe you had forgotten. Maybe you had asked her to come back there just as a joke.
Maybe you didn't even like her that much.
"Jesus!" Wanda exclaimed in surprise when the door suddenly opened. You muttered muffled apologies because you were carrying papers in your mouth. You were also carrying a box in hand and a laptop. "What are you doing?"
You mumbled something she didn't understand and closed the door with your foot. You moved to leave the box on the table and took the papers out of your mouth.
"Sorry for taking so long, I was preparing something." You say and simply walked over and kissed her cheek, smiling as stepped away for your stuff.
Wanda was too surprised to comment on how you were plugging the laptop into the television and pushing her back onto the bed until she was seated and you were back in charge of the electronics.
Clearing your throat, you stared at the confused girl in front of you with a certain frenzy.
"So, I've prepared something for you. A presentation." You start and press the power button.
In bright letters is written "Things I Love about Wanda Maximoff" and as soon as she reads it, the witch lets out a surprised laugh.
"Y/N, what is that?" She asks in a mixture of confusion and embarrassment. You are smiling confidently.
"Please, questions only at the end of the presentation." You retort with a falsely serious teacher's tone, making Wanda laugh heartily now. Clearing your throat again, you press the control again, and the presentation slide goes to a picture of two little babies. "The first fact I love about Wanda Maximoff is that she was born exactly 12 minutes after her twin brother, and that doesn't stop her one bit from acting like the oldest." You declare, and Wanda giggles, feeling her chest warm.
The slide switches again, and you don't look away from Wanda as you continue, images of twin children behind you.
"I also love how Wanda Maximoff used to wear braces because her front teeth were too big, and she needed them for three years." You recount, and Wanda can only imagine that some of this stuff came from medical records, and some her own twin must have told you. "I love that Wanda used to draw castles and princesses on the walls of her house."
The slide switched again, replacing the old photographs of her building with things that happened later. Wanda swallowed dryly as she saw the images of the civil protests in her country, but you didn't flinch.
"I love the young revolutionary you become. Angry and fearless. I love the way you started dressing, the torn clothes, the dark makeup." You retort proudly. "Oh, and I adore the rings, too."
Wanda giggles at the picture of the innumerable rings, and is surprised that you turn away from the television to return to the cardboard box you brought. After fiddling with it, you take out a small package.
You approach it, and crouch down in front of it, placing the object in your hands.
"Here are all the rings that I borrowed from you, but which you thought you had lost. There are also new ones, the ones you saw at the night market we went to with Pietro, and also from that day at the mall." You explained, opening the box and making it possible for Wanda to see the dozens of shiny little rings inside. "I also gathered the ones you accidentally marked or destroyed with your magic, but they're not here. I'm keeping them."
"They were yours." You reply with a smile. "Maybe I'll make something of them, or maybe I'll just keep it. Until you feel you can look at them again."
Wanda swallowed dryly, nodding in understanding. She made mention of hugging you, but you giggled and turned away, muttering about the presentation not being over.
The images changed again, now showing a young avenger. The title was "The cutest little witch in the world"
"I absolutely love Wanda in her superhero phase" You comment and she gives an embarrassed laugh to your expression, hiding her face in her hands. "Best era of all. The clothes, the hair. She looks incredible, don't you think?"
Wanda just laughs, shaking her head as you gesture to the images of missions on the screen.
"I almost forgot, I love Wanda's accent too." You say. "She was born in Sokovia, you know. And she's been learning from Natasha about how to sound American, but when she's moody or when she's sleepy, her accent gets thick. And I have to confess, it's the hottest thing I've ever heard."
Wanda's breathing hitched. You looked away from hers for the first time, though you continued to smile shyly.
Switching slides, you cleared your throat and added:
"Now, the personality session." You say. "It's very important for us not to be superficial in things like this, right? Well, there's a lot that I love about Wanda's personality. Some people think she is shy and innocent, but I will tell you, this girl has the most sarcastic and acidic humor I have ever seen." You tell, making her chuckle softly, all because she is still quite impacted by the last slide. "Wanda is so funny, and sometimes people don't get that, because she's busy doing her villain pose and being quiet, but that's the truth. And she's so smart. Like, really. Quick thinking, just like her brother. Everybody who underestimates her ends up impressed because Wanda is just amazing."
At this point, Wanda is surprised that she is not crying. Maybe it's your fault, that you're looking at her in a way that makes her legs go wobbly.
But the slide changes, to images of Wanda using her powers, and she tenses up, hesitating for the first time. You don't lose your composure.
"I love your powers." You confess seriously. "They are a part of you, of your history. A symbol of the sacrifice you made for Sokovia, a sample of your struggle. But they are also wonderful. They make you powerful, give you the abilities to protect the ones you love, which is exactly what you're so eager to do."
The tears finally come. Wanda sniffles softly, forcing a smile, but they fall anyway. You go back to the cardboard box. From it, you take out some kind of heavy workbook, which you bring back to the bed as you sit down next to Wanda.
"I only took ten minutes on the presentation, because it's pretty easy for me to name the hundreds of little things I love about you, Wanda." You counted softly. "What really took time, was asking Vision to use the stone and finding all the information on the internet about your magic."
You drummed your fingers on the cover for Wanda to read the title. It read "Wanda Maximoff's Magic Encyclopedia. Volume One."
"There's probably a lot missing, but we'll work on it." You say with a smile. "Vis even found a forum talking about some magician's home in China that we can investigate, but for now, thought what we could gather on the subject to help you understand yourself better would be exactly-”
Wanda pulled the book from your hands to place it on the bed, and with her free hand, she tugged at your shirt. The next second, her lips were on yours, interrupting your speech and train of thought completely. You gasped in surprise, affected by the softness of her lips.
With your shock, you did not reciprocate, and Wanda pulled away, eyes widening as if she realized what she had done, "I-I'm really sorry."
She stood up, gesturing nervously and babbling, "I'm sorry, you started saying these things, and you brought me gifts and I just thought maybe you might... but this is silly, now things are going to get awkward between us because I messed up just like I ruin everything..."
With a groan, you stood up, lunging forward against Wanda. You cut her off half a sentence as you entwined her waist and pulled her to you, one hand on the back of her neck as you kissed her hard.
You both gasped, stumbling a bit from the intensity of the kiss before you broke into a passionate rhythm. Wanda melted, grabbing your shoulders to deepen the kiss while one of your hands squeezed her waist and made her sigh. You took advantage of the action to slide your tongue towards her lower lip, asking for permission, and when Wanda granted almost immediately, you moaned softly at the sensation.
Kissing so hungrily and in such passionate ways, your bodies began to heat up. Hands grew bolder, so long-buried feelings exploding on the surface all at once. Panting against each other's mouths, Wanda instinctively began to thrust her hips into you, and couldn't control the sound that escaped her throat as your hand moved down to her ass and pressed her up against you.
You moved again until you felt the bed at the back of your knees. Wanda wasted no time in pushing you up into a sitting position and taking her place on your lap. The kiss seemed to get more frantic after that, your hands dangerously on her thigh, caressing her skin as fast as your tongue slid over hers.
When Wanda slowly began to wiggle in your lap, seeking relief from the aching in her center, you choked against her lips, steadying your hands on her hips.
"Wands." You gasped as you broke the kiss, almost in a warning tone. She opened her dark eyes to you, her lips completely swollen from kissing so hard, and you almost ignored the remnants of sanity to go back kissing her.
"What's wrong?" She asked hoarsely and breathlessly, frowning slightly.
You swallowed dryly. "Don't do that."
"Do what?" she asked in a fake confusion. Biting back a smile, she stared at you with the worst of intentions in her gaze, "You don't like it?"
"Of course I like it." You retorted hoarsely. "I like it so much I don't want to stop."
Wanda smiled, bringing your faces closer together again. "Then don't."
This time, when she kissed you and moved back on your lap, you helped her. Your hands on her waist guided her movements, and Wanda let out an affected whimper when the pressure was just right. The sound made you groan, hiding your face in her neck as the girl failed to contain her sighs while she straddled your lap.
"I need more." She confessed hoarsely, stopping moving. You felt your face get very hot because you could feel the wetness and heat coming off of her. Looking into her face with an almost pleading expression, you just stared back at her.
"A-are you sure?" You asked, and her response was to move forward against your mouth, kissing you intently as she guided your hands down along your thigh.
Breaking the kiss to move her lips to your neck, you bit back a sigh when she whispered into your skin:
"I want you to take off my clothes." She asked, her hands on top of yours entwined in your fingers. "And I want you to kiss me until you can no longer keep yours on."
"Don't you think it's too soon?" You ask, unable to keep your eyes open with Wanda's lips teasing your skin. But your sentence seems to bring her a little reason because she sighs and lifts her face back to yours.
"You think that?"
Blinking away the cloud of arousal, you lick your lips. "I've been in love with you for the last three years, Wanda. I'm ready, but I can always wait a little longer."
"Are you in love with me?" She asks unable to contain a smile.
You feel your face heat up, but you let out a short chuckle;
"Sorry, did the presentation called literally the reasons why I love Wanda Maximoff give you the wrong idea?"
She laughed, shaking her head. "It could be platonic..."
"Girl, I'm practically taking your virginity in my lap right now." You retorted, and she blushed brightly, laughing and pushing your shoulder with her hand.
All you did was look at her lovingly, and Wanda swallowed dryly, feeling several butterflies in her stomach.
"I love you, Wanda." You repeated. "In a not at all platonic way, I promise." You joked last, and she giggled, releasing your hands to intertwine her arms behind your head.
"I love you, too. Romantically speaking." She retorted in the same tone, and when she kissed you - more tenderly this time - you were both smiling.
Before the kiss could start to heat up again, you broke off, giving an apologetic chuckle at the girl's sigh of frustration.
"Sorry, it's just that I'm pretty sure half the team is in the hallway waiting to hear if everything worked out."
Wanda let out a confused giggle and then realized that she could sense the presence of the other avengers in the hallway with her magic and let out a loud sigh.
"Maybe they'll give up if we stay quiet." She whispers, but the knock on the door the next minute makes you laugh at her angry expression.
You made a mention of getting up to answer it, but Wanda forced her body against yours.
"Don't go." She pleaded and you smiled. Instead of obeying, you carried her with you.
It was Steve at the door - evidently embarrassed and most likely blackmailed to do so. But he cracked a smile at the sight of Wanda entwined with you.
"Yes, Captain." You confirmed and barely finished your sentence when Natasha and Pietro jumped in front, shoving Steve with celebrations. You rolled your eyes at the scene, seeing that Tony had set up a hologram with the message "I Knew it all along" and Thor had brought bottles of champagne. "You guys are the worst." You commented with a laugh.
"Yeah, yeah, pretend you're not happy about it all." Natasha retorted. "Hey Koala girl, did you forget that it's our mandatory movie night tonight? Come on, you two to the living room this second. You can make out later."
Nat didn't let you get away from this. But you didn't really care, because this time, Wanda sat on your lap during the entire movie.
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 years
Something that really bothers me about the popularity of M/C/U Wanda, and the success of WV & DSMOM, is that a lot of the people who really like these things are people who claim to actually get something validating, or cathartic, or empowering out of them. I'm glad that people are finding some value in all this, because I love superhero media in spite its many, many flaws, and I think there is a lot of potential in these stories.
Here's the thing you have to understand, though. Whatever resonance or representation you find in the Scarlet Witch is resonance and representation that people like me, Romani people, have been denied. That might mean nothing to you, but it's about more than just "representation." It's also about the fact that M/C/U fans mobilize to direct hate speech and harassment towards real Romani individuals whenever we speak up about this. It's about the fact that both X-Men and Avengers franchises have perpetuated Holocaust distortion and the historical erasure of Romani genocide. It's also about the fact that anti-Romani and antisemitic tropes in popular fiction do cause material harm in the real world, and these films use the Scarlet Witch character to perpetuate both.
I've seen (white) women wax poetic about how WV & DSMOM explore trauma, grief, and motherhood. I've seen a LOT of gay people relate to Wanda as someone who is ostracized and vilified by the everyone around her. LGBT comic readers (and industry pros) also flocked to Wanda*Vision to see Billy and Tommy, young characters who grow up to become gay and bisexual men in the source material.
Everybody is having a great time loving these characters, whether they connect to the pathos, or they're excited about the prospect of further LGBT representation, but WE don't get to enjoy that with you. I had a conversation last year with an illustrator who works for Marvel Comics. He was talking about how refreshing and, in a way, healing it was to see Billy and Tommy as young children, because gay people are not usually represented in that stage of life, and it often feels like our childhood is taken away from us. I had to tell this guy that I'm also gay, and I would like to be able to feel represented in this way, too, but I'm also Romani. That representation has been taken away from me. It's been taken away from LGBT Jewish people, too. Instead of getting to enjoy these characters, I just have to deal with the racist fanbase. Your enjoyment of this comes at our expense.
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